43rd Biennial Convention Souvenir Journal

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Biennial Convention

Souvenir Journal

Table of Contents Message from the President ............................................................................................. 3 Message from the Convention Coordinators ..................................................................... 4 Welcome from the Governor of Georgia ............................................................................ 5 Welcome from the Mayor of Atlanta .................................................................................. 6 Schedule of Events ........................................................................................................... 7 Bylaws Forum ................................................................................................................... 8 Convention Committee...................................................................................................... 9 Convention Program and Agenda ..................................................................................... 10-12 Past Presidents Luncheon ................................................................................................ 13-15 Awards Luncheon ............................................................................................................. 16 Credentials and Registration Report ................................................................................. 17 Standing Rules.................................................................................................................. 18-22 Election of Officers ............................................................................................................ 23 Election of Directors-at-Large............................................................................................ 24 Election of District Directors .............................................................................................. 25 Election of Commission Members ..................................................................................... 26 National Youth Partners .................................................................................................... 27 Workshop Schedule .......................................................................................................... 28-31 Program Ads ..................................................................................................................... 32

Message from the President Welcome to NAP’s 43rd Biennial Convention. It is hard to believe that two years have passed. We have indeed come full circle —albeit virtually. This biennium challenged us as human beings, as parliamentarians, and as an organization. We learned a great deal about ourselves. We anticipated, we responded, and, ultimately, we made changes and improvements that are serving us well now and will be of benefit long into the future. This year’s convention is an excellent example of that flexibility. At this writing, more than 830 of our members have registered to attend our firstever electronic biennial convention. Conducting our business meetings with Zoom and a thirdparty election application required the Convention Standing Rules Committee to bring their experiences with virtual meetings to bear. I would like to thank Donald Garrett, Chair, Burke Balch, CJ Cavin, Greg Goodwiller, and Tim Wynn for their work. As with an in-person event, successfully producing this year’s convention is a major team effort. A special thank you to the convention and workshop coordinators, the various convention committees, the headquarters staff, and our third-party technology partners for helping to make this convention what I am sure will be an excellent experience for all in attendance. Thank you all for supporting our association throughout the last two years and enjoy the 43rd Biennial Convention!

Darlene T. Allen, PRP NAP President, 2019-2021


From the Convention Coordinators From the Convention Coordinators Greetings and welcome to the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) 43rd Virtual Biennial Convention. The theme for this convention is NAP-Keepers of the Democratic Process. The convention also marks the 91st Anniversary of NAP 1930-2021.

Corliss Baker, RP

This is the first virtual biennial convention in the history of NAP, only because we are confronting a time of many changes. I know we all had Georgia on our minds, and perhaps some may have wanted to take the midnight train to Georgia, however, as we balance work, life, and self-care, our main concern is that the members remain healthy and safe. The workshop coordinators Henry Lawton, Jr., PRP and Leonora Branca, PRP have planned great workshops. They have selected outstanding presenters, who will provide topics based on the Body of Knowledge.

Carol Davis, PRP

We express our gratitude to the convention committees for their hard work and dedication and you, members for supporting the convention journal. The coordinators express their sincere gratitude to Jacquelwyn Anthony, RP of Georgia, for her attention to detail in recording the minutes of the planning meetings. Also, a special thank you to NAP President Darlene Allen, PRP for her leadership. The convention coordinators and committees hope that you will have a memorable virtual experience. Corliss Baker, RP Convention Coordinator Carol Johnson Davis, PRP Assistant Coordinator

Henry Lawton, PRP

Leonora Branca, PRP


Welcome from the State of Georgia


Welcome from the City of Atlanta


September 8, 2021 Greetings: As the 60th Mayor of the City of Atlanta, it is my pleasure to welcome the attendees of the National Association of Parliamentarians 43rd Biennial Convention. Since its inception, the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) has been a society dedicated to educating leaders throughout the world on the use of parliamentary procedure, which represents the will of the majority through accepted rules, ethics, and customs. As the NAP celebrates its 91st anniversary at this year’s convention, I commend your tremendous efforts to uphold the rules of democracy. At a time when democracy has seemed under attack and its procedures in peril, I am grateful to professionals like you for ensuring that society’s most important decisions are made in a fair, consistent manner. Although this year’s convention is being held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I hope you will visit Atlanta to explore our city’s rich, diverse culture and world-class attractions such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change and the Georgia Aquarium. On behalf of the people of Atlanta, thank you for being “Keepers of the Democratic Process.” I offer best wishes for a successful event. Sincerely,


Keisha Lance Bottoms

Schedule of Events This schedule is subject to change. Please check www.napconvention.com for updates. Tuesday, September 7, 2021 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

First Timer & New Member Orientation

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

NAP Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, September 8, 2021 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Opening Ceremonies

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Bylaws Forum

5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

NAPEF Annual Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2021

10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Business Meeting Session

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Past Presidents Luncheon

3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Business Meeting Session Friday, September 10, 2021

10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Business Meeting Session

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Awards Luncheon

3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Business Meeting Session Saturday, September 11, 2021

10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Concurrent Workshops

11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Concurrent Workshops

1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

Concurrent Workshops

3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Concurrent Workshops

5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Installation of Officers Sunday, September 12, 2021

10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

2021-2023 Board of Directors Meeting


Bylaws Forum Wednesday, September 8, 2021 • 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Ground Rules for the Bylaws Forum •

The total length of the Forum is 90 minutes. There are thirteen amendments that are being proposed. Discussion on any one amendment will be limited so that all amendments can be discussed. If, after all thirteen amendments have been discussed and there is time remaining, earlier-discussed amendments that need further clarification may be brought up again.

The purpose of the forum is for participants to better understand and to clarify the proposed bylaw amendments. It is NOT to debate. Debate will take place during the business meeting.

The forum will be conducted in webinar mode—no audio or video except for presenters. Because time for the forum is limited, it will expedite the forum by having questions submitted in advance of the forum. To that end, questions about any of the bylaws amendments should be submitted by September 3 to bylaws@nap2.org. Questions that were submitted by the September 3 deadline will be considered first. Further questions posted in the Q & A will be addressed if time permits.

The Chat will be directed only to the hosts. NOTE: Participants will need to register for this event.


Convention Committees Convention Coordinator Corliss Baker, RP

Protocol Committee Susan Eads Role, PRP – Chairman Carolyn Hart, RP Kimberly Newsome, RP

Assistant Convention Coordinator Carol Johnson Davis, PRP

Resolutions Committee Carrie Dickson, PRP - Chairman Joyce Brown-Watkins, PRP

Workshop Coordinator Henry Lawton, PRP Assistant Workshop Coordinator Leonora Branca, PRP

Program Guide Advertising Tanya Johnson

Convention Standing Rules Donald Garret, PRP – Chairman Thomas “Burke” Balch, PRP - Consultant C.J. Cavin, PRP Greg Goodwiller, PRP Timothy Wynn, PRP – Parliamentarian Darlene T. Allen, PRP – Ex-officio

Screen Share/Capture/Hot Edits/Motions Table Kay Crews, PRP – Head Eula Moore - Assistant Tellers Committee Larry Martin, PRP – Chairman Tamara Harris Latisha Corey

Credentials Committee Theljewa Garrett, PRP – Chairman Cathy Blakeney Donna Salmon, RP Robert Schuck, PRP Mona Calhoun, PRP - Consultant

Timekeeping Steven Cook, PRP – Speaker Time Adam Hathaway, PRP – Total time C.J Cavin, PRP

Membership Luncheon Wanda Sims, PRP

Real-Time Communications C.J. Cavin, PRP

Minutes Approval Kevin Connelly, PRP – Convention Secretary Martha Rollins, PRP – Chairman Marsha Chandler, RP Johnine Clark, PRP

Chat Monitors Gretchen Denton, PRP Verifiers Carl Nohr, PRP Valerie Martin, RP Headquarters Staff

Past Presidents’ Luncheon Wanda Sims, PRP Lavdena Orr, RP

Webinar and Meeting Support Leah Nolan Tamara Harris, PRP Henry Lawton, PRP David Whitaker, PRP

Photography Jeanette Williams, PRP Robert Williams 9

Convention Program and Agenda Wednesday, September 8, 2021 — Opening Ceremony Welcome

Darlene T. Allen, PRP, NAP President

National Anthems Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Kimberly Newsome, RP


Larry D. Martin, PRP, District Five Director

Greetings from Associated Organizations Introductions of Guests and Dignitaries Silent Gavels Memorial

Cynthia Bell, RP

Service Announcements

Corliss Baker, RP, Convention Coordinator Henry Lawton, PRP, Workshop Coordinator


Thursday, September 9, 2021 — Business Meeting 1 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Call to Order

Darlene T. Allen, PRP, President


Yvette Gray, RP

Greetings from the RONR Authorship Team

Shmuel Gerber, PRP

Voting Demonstration

CJ Cavin, PRP

Adoption of Credential Report

Theljewa Garrett, PRP

Adoption of Convention Standing Rules

Donald Garrett, PRP

Adoption of Convention Program

Corliss Baker, RP

Appointment of Convention Committees Adjourn 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Wanda M. Sims, PRP

Past President’s Luncheon


Business Meeting 2 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Call to Order

Darlene T. Allen, PRP, President

Adoption of Credentials Report

Theljewa Garrett, PRP

Voting Demonstration

CJ Cavin, PRP

Nominations for Officers Candidate Speeches for Officers Election of Officers Nominations for Directors-at-Large Candidate Speeches for Directors-at-Large Election of Directors-at-Large Darlene T. Allen PRP

Nominations for District Representatives Candidate Speeches for District Representatives Election of District of Representatives Nominations for Commissioners Candidate Speeches for Commissioners Election of Commissioners Announcements Adjourn

Friday, September 10, 2021 — Business Meeting 3 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Call to Order

Darlene T. Allen, PRP, President


Vernon Gray, PRP

Adoption of the Credentials Report

Theljewa Garrett, PRP

Notice of 90% Bylaw Amendments Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Steven Britton, PRP

Adjourn 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Awards Luncheon

Wanda M. Sims, PRP 11

Business Meeting 4 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Call to Order

Darlene T. Allen, PRP, President

Adoption of Credentials Report

Theljewa Garrett, PRP

Continuation of Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Steve Britton, PRP

Report of the Treasurer

Carrie Dickson, PRP

Report of the Executive Director

Cyndy Launchbaugh

Report of the President

Darlene T. Allen, PRP

Courtesy Resolutions

Carrie Dickson, PRP

New Business Workshop Information

Henry Lawton, PRP


Corliss Baker, RP

Adjourn Sine Die

Darlene T. Allen, PRP

Friday, September 11, 2021 — Closing Ceremony 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 911 Remembrance

CJ Cavin, PRP

2022 Invitation to Albuquerque

Tanya Johnson, PRP Barbara Posler, RP

Installation of Officers and District Directors

Ann Rempel, PRP

Remarks from New President Adjourn


Past Presidents’ Luncheon

Past Presidents’ Luncheon Thursday, September 9, 2021 1:00pm-2:30pm

Keepers of the Democratic Process Darlene T. Allen, PRP National President


Past Presidents’ Luncheon Program Lavdena Adams Orr, RP Presiding Welcome Lavdena Adams Orr, RP Invocation and Inspiration Henry Lawton, PRP Tribute to Unit Presidents Robin Sherrod, PRP Tribute to State Presidents Lori Lukinuk, PRP Embracing a Legacy of Leadership: Remembering our Past National Presidents A Pictorial of Past National Association of Parliamentarians Leadership Honoring Excellence in Leadership Saluting our Past National Presidents Presenters: Rollie Cox, PRP (1991 – 1993) Sally LaMacchia, PRP

Maurice Henderson, PRP (2011 – 2013) Gretchen Denton, PRP

Leonard Young, PRP (1999 – 2001) Bobby Balentine, PRP

Ann Guiberson, PRP (2013 – 2015) Carol Austin, PRP

Jeanette Williams, PRP (2005 – 2007) Miriam Simmons, PRP

Mary Randolph, PRP (2015 – 2017) Paul McClintock, PRP

Connie Deford, PRP (2007 – 2009) Gretchen Denton, PRP

James Jones, PRP (2017 – 2019) Sadie Boles, PRP

Ronald Stinson, PRP (2009 – 2011) William Friedrich, PRP Tribute to Leadership Gloria Cofer, PRP Introduction of the NAP President Wanda Sims, PRP, NAP Vice-President Remarks Darlene T. Allen, PRP, NAP President Acknowledgements Lavdena Adams Orr, RP 13

James Jones 2017-2019

Mary Randolph 2015-2017

Ann Guiberson 2013-2015

Maurice Henderson 2011-2013

Ronald Stinson 2009-2011

Connie Deford 2007-2009

Jeanette Williams 2005-2007

Leonard Young 1999-2001

Rollie Cox 1991-1993

Luncheon Committee Lavdena Adams Orr, RP, District of Columbia Chairman Sally LaMacchia, PRP, California Bobby Balentine, PRP, Missouri Miriam Simmons, PRP, Minnesota Gretchen Denton, PRP, Michigan William Friedrich, PRP, Texas

Carol Austin, PRP, Florida Paul McClintock, PRP, Washington Sadie Boles, PRP, Illinois David Whitaker, PRP, North Carolina Technology Resource Wanda Sims, PRP, Florida NAP Vice-President, Resource 14

Awards Luncheon Awards Luncheon Program Friday, September 10, 2021 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Welcome Valoree Althoff, PRP Inspiration Beatrice Squire, RP Occasion Tannis Nelson, PRP District Awards Robert Robinson, PRP – District One Director Cynthia Mayo, PRP – District Two Director Carol J. Davis, PRP – District Three Director Robert Schuck, PRP – District Four Director Valoree Althoff, PRP – District Six Director Yvette Keesee, PRP – District Seven Director Honor Roll of Teachers Michael Peck, PRP, District Eight Director Fifty-Year Memberships Larry D. Martin, PRP, District Five Director Acknowledgements Valoree Althoff, PRP


Credentials and Registration Report

Credentials Report

Board of Directors District Directors NP Editor Standing Committee Chairmen

NAP Past Presidents All Other Delegates Number of Delegates Entitled to Vote


1st Date

2nd Date

3rd Date

4th Date

5th Date

6th Date







Standing Rules These are the proposed Standing Rules for the 2021 NAP Convention and are subject to change prior to the start of the business meeting.


USERNAMES. Each participant’s full name, with any NAP credential, shall be displayed as that participant’s username. Individuals using aliases shall be renamed or removed from the electronic meeting but may reenter using their correct full names. 1.1.

VERIFICATION OF IDENTITY. The Credentials Committee Chairman, and individuals working under the direction of the Credentials Committee Chairman, shall be responsible for verifying that each delegate, alternate, and guest username and email address matches an entry on the list of registered delegates, alternates, or guests, respectively.


CONVENTION TITLES. Officers and staff members of the convention may have their titles displayed, such as “NAP President William J. Evans, PRP” or “NAP Secretary Margaret Duffy, PRP.”


CONVENTION COMMITTEES. The president shall appoint all committees for the functioning of the convention.


INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT. Individuals participating in the electronic meeting shall be responsible for the functionality of their own equipment (e.g., computer, tablet, phone, speakers, microphone, camera, Internet connection, etc.). 3.1.

If a participant’s equipment causes a hinderance to the meeting (e.g., audio feedback, glitchy images, excessive background noise, etc.), the chair, or an individual acting under the direction of the chair, shall disable or disconnect the distracting component.


A member’s inability to participate in the meeting, if caused by the member’s equipment or connection (even an inability to attend or to vote), shall not invalidate the meeting or any of its proceedings.


Recording of any business meeting, presentation, training, or event of the convention shall be prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the president.


Nothing in this provision shall be construed to authorize the transaction of business without a quorum.



SEEKING THE FLOOR. To seek the floor, a participant shall activate the RAISE HAND button (or similar feature as directed by the chair). Participants may only seek the floor when prompted to do so by the chair, such as by the chair’s asking, “Are you ready for the question,” or “Is there any debate?” Whenever a participant has been recognized, the list of those who raised hands will be cleared. 4.1.



Microphone icons will not be visible to participants until such time as they are assigned the floor. Once they are assigned the floor, participants will be promoted to panelist status and allowed to turn on their microphone to speak and enable their webcam.


To make a motion listed in RONR (12th ed.) 42:18-19, while another has the floor and when it is in order, or to claim preference in recognition in one of the cases provided in 42:14(4), a delegate who does not then have the floor must type in the Q and A field either the motion, the name of the motion, or the basis for seeking preference in recognition, whichever is most appropriate. However, typing into the Q and A field will not interrupt the speaker, as rulings on these matters shall be made when no member is speaking.


To second a motion, a delegate must type “Second” or “2nd” in the Q and A.


To object to a unanimous consent request, a delegate must type “Object” in the Q and A.


To make a nomination from the floor under Rule 14.3, a delegate must type the name of the nominee and the position for which nominated in the Q & A. To make a suggestion to fill a blank that has been created, a delegate must type the suggestion in the Q & A.


When posts are no longer applicable, they shall be dismissed.


The Q and A may be used only for the purposes described in Rule 5. Side comments in the Q and A area shall not be allowed and shall be erased.

INTERRUPTIONS. The presiding officer may interrupt a delegate who has the floor to enforce the rules, including rules regarding decorum and germaneness in debate, or for technical reasons. Otherwise, such a speaker may not be interrupted, even by a motion otherwise in order when another has the floor under the parliamentary authority.



STATING NAME AND DELEGATE STATUS. Upon recognition by the presiding officer, a delegate shall state name and delegate status (for example, Shawna Douglas, Delegate of the Alabama State Association; or Reginald Blake, Delegate from the Alpha Zeta Unit of Michigan; or Miranda Del Gato, State Delegate for Arizona).


SUBMISSION OF MOTIONS. Prior to seeking recognition to make a main motion or amendment, such motion shall be submitted in writing by using the electronic motions form available at: http://www.parliamentarians.org/motions/. Other motions, though not required to be submitted, may be submitted in the same manner for convenience. Submission of the text of a motion under this rule does not constitute making the motion. Motions submitted in writing will not be considered until a delegate obtains the floor and makes the motion.


NEW BUSINESS. Unless otherwise ordered by the assembly, by a two-thirds vote without debate, an original main motion, whether in the form of a resolution or not, shall only be in order if submitted in writing by 9:00 a.m. (CDT) on Friday, September 10, 2021, by using the electronic motions form available at: www.parliamentarians.org/motions/. This rule cannot be suspended.


LIMIT ON DEBATE. Debate shall be limited to two speeches of two minutes each, per delegate, per debatable motion, unless otherwise ordered by the assembly by a twothirds vote without debate. Consideration of each main motion shall be limited to fifteen minutes (which shall include the consideration of any secondary motions), unless otherwise ordered by the assembly by a two-thirds vote without debate. This rule cannot be suspended.


CHAT BOXES. Chat boxes shall be for official meeting use, as directed by the chair. Side comments in chat boxes shall not be allowed and shall be erased.


VOTING. Voting shall be conducted electronically by Election Buddy. If technical issues hinder the performance of the electronic voting, a different electronic method may be used, as directed by the chair.


APPLICABILITY OF REGULAR RULES. The rules that would apply to an in-person meeting shall apply to this meeting except as superseded by these convention standing rules.



NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS NOT DEBATABLE. Nominations and elections shall not be debatable, except for speeches from the nominees as outlined in the standing rules.





SUBMISSION OF CONSENT TO SERVE FORM. Consent to Serve forms (affirming qualification for office and agreement to serve if elected) shall be filled out online through the NAP website at http://www.parliamentarians.org/consentto-serve/.


MAKING AND STATING NOMINATIONS. Prior to an election, the presiding officer shall announce the names of those who have, by the time of the announcement, submitted Consent to Serve Forms for the position, and they shall be deemed thereby to have been nominated. The presiding officer shall then call for any additional nominations for the position from the floor and any delegate may then make a nomination by typing the name of the nominee in the Q and A.

SEQUENCE OF NOMINATIONS, CANDIDATE SPEECHES, AND ELECTIONS. Nominations and elections shall be conducted in the following sequence: 15.1.

Nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, followed by candidate speeches for each of those offices in turn, followed by one ballot containing segments for each of those offices, followed by any additional ballots needed for any of those offices for which no candidate is elected on that ballot.


Nominations for the three Directors-at-Large, followed by candidate speeches for those positions, after which the positions shall be elected one at a time, and nominees who are not elected shall remain as nominees for subsequent ballots for the rest of the identical positions.


Nominations for the two District Director Representatives, followed by candidate speeches for those positions, after which the positions shall be elected one at a time, and nominees who are not elected shall remain as nominees for subsequent ballots for the rest of the identical positions.


Nominations for the four positions on the Commission on Credentialing, followed by candidate speeches, followed by one ballot on which each delegate may vote for up to four candidates, followed by any additional ballots needed if any position remains unfilled or to identify which elected candidate receives the lowest majority so as to serve the remainder of the one unexpired term.

CANDIDATE SPEECHES. Nominees for the office of president shall have five minutes to address the assembly. Nominees for all other offices shall have three minutes to address the assembly. If there is only one nominee for an office, that nominee shall have two minutes to address the assembly.



NAME PLACEMENT ON BALLOT AND ORDER OF CANDIDATE SPEECHES. The order of candidates’ names on the election ballot shall be determined by the use of the random list generator https://www.random.org/lists/. The order of candidate speeches shall be the same as the order on the election ballot. If repeated balloting is necessary for any position, the originally determined name order shall be retained; however, the nominee who receives the fewest votes shall be dropped from the succeeding ballot except as provided in Rules 15.2 and 15.3.


CORRECTIONS. The Bylaws Committee shall be authorized to correct article and section designations, punctuation, and cross-references and to make such other technical and conforming changes as may be necessary to reflect the intent of the membership in connection with the bylaw amendments adopted at the Biennial Convention.


MINUTES APPROVAL. A Minutes Approval Committee appointed by the chair shall be authorized to approve the minutes of the convention.


SUBMISSION OF ANNOUNCEMENTS. All announcements from the floor shall be submitted to the Convention Coordinator at http://www.parliamentarians.org/announcements/.


ALTERNATES ASSUMING DELEGATE STATUS. An alternate can only be promoted to be a delegate before the first business meeting or in between business meetings, and this shall be done by contacting the Credentials Committee at http://www.parliamentarians.org/alternate/.


Election of Officers CANDIDATES


PRESIDENT 1. 2. 3. VICE-PRESIDENT 1. 2. 3. SECRETARY 1. 2. 3. TREASURER 1. 2. 3. Second Ballot 1. 2. 3. Subsequent Ballot 1. 2. 3.





Election of Directors-at-Large CANDIDATES


DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Second Ballot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Third Ballot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.





Election of District Directors CANDIDATES


DISTRICT DIRECTOR BOARD REPRESENTATIVE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Second Ballot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Third Ballot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.





Election of Commission Members CANDIDATES


COMMISSION ON CREDENTIALING MEMBER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Second Ballot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Third Ballot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.





National Youth Partners The National Association of Parliamentarians enters into an agreement with six youth groups, each biennium. NAP contributes $1,500 worth of our educational materials to each organization. The youth groups may use the educational material to resale to their members to distribute it to a wider audience. NAP also pays expenses connected with representation at national parliamentary competitive events. NAP also helps with other parliamentary assistance: • Securing judges and reviewing event • Writing articles • Presenting workshops • Administering the membership exam

guidelines for parliamentary competitions

The youth groups provide space in their publications for advertisements and articles on parliamentary procedure. They also use our referral service to find parliamentarians to assist them. A special thank you to the NAP Educational Foundation for its financial support of Youth Day.


Workshop Schedule Saturday, September 11, 2021 • 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Virtual Deliberative Participation Adrian Stratton, PRP This session will provide a comprehensive overview of virtual deliberative participation for parliamentarians. It will focus on how to expand parliamentary participation within virtual environments for parliamentarians. Rethinking Revisions Colette Trohan, PRP Revisions are risky business - months of work can be undone in a single vote. The process outlined in RONR takes away all of the protections of notice and scope of notice and makes adopting a revision a free-for-all. This workshop will offer another way to handle a revision that minimizes risk and maximizes reward. Economic Outlook of Parliamentarian Services Jason Morgan, PRP, and Donald Garrett, PRP Hear and discuss the results of NAP's recent economic survey to broadly study the market for parliamentary services and related non-parliamentary services. This study, based on anonymous data volunteered by NAP members, paints the most complete picture to date of the business environment in which parliamentarians operate. This information can help parliamentarians acquire the tools they need to market themselves effectively so that potential clients everywhere can hold better meetings. ParliPro On Point Theljewa Garrett, PRP, and members of the NAP Youth Committee Parliamentary procedure is one of the most popular leadership development events in many of the National Association of Parliamentarians partner organizations. However, when it comes to coaching parlipro teams and working with student groups, you must be ON POINT! Do you want to develop a strong foundation for in-person and virtual teams to compete better? Do you need a few new learning activities to keep your students actively involved in learning parliamentary procedure? Learn a few tips (and share your ideas) on coaching parlipro teams and teaching student groups then, try your hand at the YC’s Game of ParliPro Scattegories! Dispelling Parliamentary Myths Tim Wynn, PRP This workshop examines principles and techniques for providing clear and accurate responses to parliamentary questions. Participants will review common and seemingly simple parliamentary questions from different points of view. The workshop will also analyze the components of drafting a written parliamentary opinion and provide practical tips for a smooth and efficient workflow.


Saturday, September 11, 2021 • 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Two Sides to the Coin Alison Wallis, PRP This workshop is designed to help practicing professional parliamentarians develop clear fee structures to cover a wide range of parliamentary services so that the client understands what will be billed and the PRP is compensated as desired. The workshop will show how to achieve smooth billing practices that are pain-free to the client and the parliamentarian. Parliamentarian as Opinion Writer Michael Malamut, PRP This workshop will focus on the nuts and bolts of parliamentary opinions: When are they needed? How should they be written? What should they include? What types of opinions are there (oral, simple email, informal, formal)? What resources should the parliamentarian use? How to communicate with the client about the opinion? Designing Better Meetings Steven Bolen, PRP Sometimes parliamentary procedure alone is not enough to assure a great meeting. The intentional design of meetings based on behavioral science is a skill that parliamentarians can offer their clients above and beyond the knowledge of the rules themselves. Robert’s shows us how to encourage debate and communication but it doesn’t show us how room arrangements and visual tools can maximize the debate and retention of knowledge. Even the best meetings can be made better when they are executed with intention. Understanding Step Two of the New RP Credentialing Process Thomas Joseph Balch, PRP Step Two of the new RP credentialing process focuses on the skills parliamentarians need outside of meetings (including preparing to serve meetings). It is composed of a variety of writing assignments from drafting resolutions, bylaw amendments, and scripts to preparing a lesson plan and handouts for a workshop, as well as a teaching demonstration. This workshop will familiarize RP candidates and prospective candidates with the expectations for successful completion, the structure of the assessments, and the methods of evaluation. Motions from Memory Valoree Althoff, PRP Can you recite the standard descriptive characteristics (SDC) of the 13 ranking motions? If you are serving clients, you have to! By the end of this session, you will know what the SDC chart is and be able to fill it out from memory!


Saturday, September 11, 2021 • 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Better Safe Than Sorry: Preparing for Contingencies Daniel Seabold, PRP A rogue board, a dead-locked election, a president incapacitated by stroke—organizations face many risks. Because organizations differ in their circumstances and in their tolerance for risk, they often need to supplement the rules in RONR with custom provisions, drafted by parliamentarians. Through guided group exercises, we’ll practice reviewing governing rules in light of an organization’s specific concerns, proposing and helping the organization to choose between alternate ways to address those concerns, and drafting concise and unambiguous rules to protect an organization from its worst fears. "And the Winner Is..." David Mezzera, PRP You might be amazed at how many different methods of determining voting results are listed in RONR (well beyond just majority, plurality and two thirds). This workshop will cover them all. You will be able to show off your own knowledge of voting results and gain even more mastery of the methods found in RONR for declaring victors and for adopting motions. A Deep Dive into Limiting Debate Donald Garrett, PRP Come take a deep dive into motions that limit debate under Robert's. This workshop will address every hypothetical situation you can imagine. Donald Garrett, PRP, is an engaging instructor who uses real-world examples to highlight concepts taught in the book. This workshop is perfect for beginner and intermediate learners of parliamentary procedure. Drafting Clear and Logical Bylaws and Rules Kirk Overbey, PRP The techniques for legal writing are also valid for bylaws and rules, as are the recommendations in the NAP Pathways to Proficiency Series book What Does It Say in the Bylaws? Participants will apply these techniques to examples of poorly written bylaws. Learn why "and/or" and "shall" should be avoided. How to Deal with an Abusive Presiding Officer Richard Hayes, PRP From time to time and for one reason or another, an organization will be faced with an abuse of authority by the Chair during a meeting. When that happens, members have many tools at their disposal including the right to make Points of Order, Appeal the Decision of the Chair, temporary replacement of the Chair and, if serious enough, removal of the Chair. Share your experiences and help explore the best alternatives to deal with various situations.


Saturday, September 11, 2021 • 3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Quorum Quandaries Adam Hathaway, PRP An understanding of the intricacies surrounding the creation and calculation of quorum requirements is critical to a society's ability to conduct business in a proportionally representative fashion. This session will explore best practices in determining whether a quorum is present and how it should be established within governing documents. Challenges regarding the creation and enforcement of quorum requirements for virtual meetings will also be addressed. Where Were the Directors? Carl Nohr, PRP Parliamentarian consultants must be able to advise clients regarding the rights and responsibilities of individual officers and of a board. After this session, you will be better able to fulfill this role and possibly save your association or company from governance failures that cause people to ask, “Where were the directors?” Dealing with COVID and Electronic Meeting Threats to Members’ Rights John Berg, RP The credo “Never let a good crisis go to waste” can allow for infringement of members’ rights. While adjusting to COVID and electronic meetings, modifications and limitations to procedures and formats must still protect all member’s rights. Interactive discussion rather than lecture will allow participants to pose real-life questions and discuss various solutions. Covered will be how to accomplish electronic meetings when an in-person meeting is not practical to amend the bylaws to allow electronic meetings, how various electronic meeting formats impact members ability to freely debate and raise points of order, and effectively voting electronically. The Presiding Officer's Whisperer Lorenzo Cuesta, PRP The greatest challenge in serving as a meeting parliamentarian is how to advise the chair on the pitfalls of debate during debate. This assistance needs to be precise, immediate, and unobstructive to the chair’s control of debate. This workshop will cover an approach which can best be described as the “Presiding Officer’s Whisperer.” Avoiding Professional Responsibility Pitfalls Weldon Merritt, PRP; Denise Irminger, PRP; Jason Morgan, PRP; and Tannis Nelson, PRP This workshop, presented by NAP's Professional Standards Committee, will explore ideas for how a parliamentarian may reduce the chances of becoming the target of a professional responsibility complaint. Participants are encouraged to share their own 'war stories' and best practice ideas. 30

Visit the NAP Bookstore NAP's Educational Resources Committee has finished reviewing and updating NAP's parliamentary resources to the 12th edition of RONR. Several brand-new publications have also been added. Browse the NAP Bookstore and make sure your parliamentary library is up-to-date!


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