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Candidates Wanted for the 2021-2023 Board of Directors
Candidates Wanted for the
2021-2023 Board of Directors
The 2021-2023 NAP Board of Directors will be elected during the 2021 convention in Atlanta. All nominations are essentially self-nominations.
The requirements for declaring your candidacy are stated in the campaign policy found in the NAP Operational Policies and Procedures Manual, which is available on the NAP website in the Documents section. Candidates must submit a consent-to-serve form to NAP HQ; this form is also available at www.parliamentarians.org/documents, or by contacting HQ.
Candidates who have declared their candidacy prior to convention may submit their information, including a high-resolution photo and statement, for publication in the Spring 2021 issue of National Parliamentarian® magazine. Since members have limited opportunity to learn about the candidates before the election, it is strongly recommended for all those running to submit this information for publication.
Statements are limited to 200 words and must be submitted to TennieBee hall, npeditor@nap2.org, by February 1, 2021.
7.1.04 NAP officer Campaign Policy
NAP’s Campaign Policy shall be: A. Printed in the fourth quarter National Parliamentarian® of even-numbered years. B. Provided to any member upon request. C. Available on the NAP website in the members only section.
Under the NAP Campaign Policy, a candidate is defined as a member who has declared his or her candidacy for an office listed in Article V.1 or Article X.1 of the NAP Bylaws by submitting a signed NAP Consent Form to Serve to headquarters prior to publication in the National Parliamentarian® or to the secretary within 30 minutes of closing of nominations.
All election campaigns shall be conducted with professionalism as the fundamental guideline. This includes, but is not limited to, the following principles which apply to all members as well as districts, associations, and units: A. All campaigning shall be conducted in a spirit of fairness and honesty. B. There shall be no personal attacks or impugning of any candidate’s character.
Guidelines for distribution of candidate information: A. NAP Headquarters shall not provide membership lists, event registrations, or delegate lists or labels for the purpose of campaigning. B. No NAP funds or staff time, other than that set forth elsewhere in these guidelines, may be expended for the purpose of facilitating any campaign activities. C. A photo and statement from each candidate shall be printed in the second quarter National Parliamentarian® in the election year. Any qualified candidate who submits his or her Consent to Serve form to NAP Headquarters by the submission deadline of the second quarter National Parliamentarian® (NP) may have a statement and picture published in that issue. The NP editor may establish format requirements for the submission. (See NAP Standing Rule 7.)