Answer Key Use Your INDEX Finger! from page 15
The following terms may be found as main headings in the Index, and these terms appear on specific pages in RONR in the Preface and Introduction (pages xxiii - xlviii), or in the text (pages 1-633): B. “Old business” is referred to in a footnote that indicates it is a phrase that should be avoided. C. “So moved” is also referred to in the text as another statement that should be avoided. H. “Breakout groups” (a fairly new term) is explained in §52. I. “Chat room” is identified as a non-recommended procedure for a deliberative assembly. J. “Point of Information” still exists as a main heading, but only to tell the reader to see “Request for Information,” the better terminology for this procedure (although “Point of Information” still even appears in the text of the 12th edition). L. “Keypad voting” is recognized as a method of electronic voting. N. “Consensus” is referred to, but appears only in the pages of the Introduction, never in the text. The following terms may be found as main headings in the Index BUT with some intriguing addenda: A. “Prayer” is listed with references to 3 citations, but two of those paragraphs [41:30 and 59:50] do not actually contain the word “prayer.” Instead, “invocation” is used in both cases. D. “Supermajority” is a heading that has just been added to the 12th edition’s Index. It refers to voting instances that require a greater threshold than an original vote (such as two-thirds or a majority of the entire membership). Although this term is in the Index, it actually does not appear in the pages of text. “Supermajority” does appear, though, in one of the Appendix Scenarios as a footnote on page 648, but the Appendix itself is not referenced in the Index.
National Parliamentarian • Spring 2021