“That’s What She Said” A R eview of T he C ult o f R O N R By Jonathan M. Jacobs, PRP
When a serious student of parliamentary procedure sees a link to a series of videos titled, The Cult of RONR, on YouTube, the Internet site hosting millions of videos, he may be curious, but might be put off. It sounds like a site that is antiparliamentary procedure, or at least anti-RONR. When he (or she) starts watching one of these videos and is greeted by a woman with bright pink hair, and a man wearing tie-dyed clothing, he may assume that this is some type of parody of parliamentary procedure, and watch it for the humor. While humor is subjective, this reviewer finds it outrageously funny, and something else as well. The Cult of RONR, is an exceptionally good series of educational videos, especially for people studying for the NAP registration examination, or for people who want an in-depth education in RONR.i These videos are co-hosted by Caryn Ann Harlos, with the bright pink hair, and Mike Seebeck, with 20
National Parliamentarian • Summer 2021
the ubiquitous tie-dyed clothing. Ms. Harlos is the national secretary of the Libertarian Party; Mr. Seebeck has served on several bylaw committees of various state Libertarian Party organizations. Ms. Harlos is an aspiring parliamentarian, studying for the NAP registration exam. Perhaps the best way to describe the site is to use its own description, which gives the flavor of the humor as well: “Welcome to The Cult of RONR you heathen you. Each day we plumb the depths of the Most Holy RONR to gain the esoteric wisdom so that we do not get our a**** kicked by High Priests of Robert’s at future meetings, and to bring the Good Word to the unwashed masses. We are practically Martin Luther!” The hosts approved of the 12th Edition of RONR new citation system, noting that, “…so it looks like a Bible,” and is “perfect for the cult.”ii