NAP Connections
Kansas State Association of Parliamentarians Resolution Honors Late Member
Marjorie Vogel, 1920-2020 Whereas, The parliamentarians of the Kansas State Association of Parliamentarians are meeting as a body in Leavenworth, Kansas, on April 10, 2021; Whereas, The parliamentarians recognize Marjorie Vogel’s service, that began when she joined KSAP in 1979; Whereas, Marjorie served as association president from 1987-1989; Whereas, Marjorie was particularly known for association work as bylaws chairman, directory chairman, and treasurer over many years, her last term as treasurer ending when she was age 99, at the close of the 2017-2019 biennium; Whereas, The parliamentarians recognize Marjorie’s service with the local Kansas units Leger and Theta of the National Association of Parliamentarians®, both of which she joined in 1979 and served in every office and most committee positions; Whereas, Marjorie was very knowledgeable about parliamentary procedure and shared this knowledge with many others, and always, always, did her homework; Whereas, Wit, genuine zeal for learning, and snappy professional attire were hallmarks; Whereas, Marjorie celebrated her 100th birthday on September 8, 2020, and died October 20, 2020; and Whereas, We, the members and provisionals of KSAP, will miss our fellow parliamentarian, friend, and colleague; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Kansas State Association of Parliamentarians, hereby officially honors and memorializes Marjorie Vogel; and Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to each of Marjorie Vogel’s children, to the Marysville Advocate newspaper, and to the National Association of Parliamentarians®. 22
National Parliamentarian • Fall 2021