Parlour Issue 2 Volume 1

Page 1




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On Cover: Martina Sorbara from Dragonette Photography by Ashley Armstrong Make up: Nicola Gavins of Cherry Blossom Hair: Lauren Hughes from Mousy Brown’s Salon & Spa Dress from Bamboo Ballroom Jewelry Betsey Johnson from Holt Renfrew

11 Eden Lilly

A little oasis on Whyte Avenue

13 The Muse

Calgary jewellery designer is inspired to express

15 Anime

Playwrite Kieth Wyatt shows us that art is ment to be lived

17 Dragonette

Martina Sorbara tells us how it is

21 A Midsummer Night’s Fling

This season’s lustful fashions

24 Beauty Parlour

Picture perfect summer looks

32 A Piece of The Big Apple

Our Joyce Yu takes a bite out of NYC

35 Parlour’s Prized Posessions

Staff favorites to add to you collection

38 The Promenade

La créme de la créme

When I grow up, I wanna be... Publisher/Editor-in-Chief - Shelly Solarz............................SHELLY@PARLOURLIFE.COM

“a wandering poet spending my days drinking

Editor - Andrea Dorrans...................................................... ANDREA@PARLOURLIFE.COM

“an Apiarist.”

Art Director - Peter Nguyen.....................................................PETE@PARLOURLIFE.COM

“the first paleontologist to invent a time machine.”

Marketing Director - Caylee Kreller.................................... CAYLEE@PARLOURLIFE.COM

“an heiress to the extraordinaire.”

Photograher - Ashley Armstrong...................................... ASHLEY@KINETICSTUDIOS.CA

“where the people are, I wanna see, wanna see ‘em dancin’, walkin’ around in those, whadya call ‘em? Oh, feet.“

..................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................

..................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................

Contributors - Joyce Yu, Nicola Gavins, Tim Fung

expresso and smoking cigarettes. My nights, dancing into the hearts of men. Or a rockstar.”

Hazel Brown

edmonton . 8222 gateway boulevard . 780 988 1637 vancouver . 2203 west 4th avenue . 604 731 7647


Here it is our second issue, I can finally breathe. I’ve been holding my breath since I left my first handful of Parlour magazines at Foosh on Whyte Avenue. It was at that moment that I realized I was showing the world my dream, and it was scary. There it is, I thought, 10 000 copies making their way around the city. I sure hope people like it. And somehow my little magazine made its way to Newfoundland and New York City. I kept thinking – ready or not here we go, hopefully people believe in it so we can grow and create a second issue. It’s one thing to have this dream, but will other people believe in it? Since the first issue came out, I’ve been asked the same question, “How did you come up with the idea for Parlour?” I’ve thought about it a lot, and what I’ve come up with is this – I’m inspired by people, by the art they produce, and the stories they tell. When I discover someone or something I love, I want to share it with the world. Parlour is my way of sharing all the new things that excite and colour my life with you. When I first heard Dragonette ( page 17 ), I fell absolutely in love with their sexy sound and no-hold-back attitude. I played Galore, their debut album, everywhere – in the car, at the office, in my living room. I was fanatical. And when they came to Edmonton to play a show at the Starlite room, the first thing I said when I met them was, “I’m like your biggest fan!” I was a total groupie, in the most unoriginal way. I was that starry eyed, giddy, slightly tipsy girl gushing all over the band. I may have appeared foolish, but I walked away with their phone number. And sometimes it’s the little things people say and do, an off-hand remark that reminds me why we work so hard to produce our magazine. Like the conversation I had with Keith Wyatt, playwright of Anime ( page 15 ), over a cappuccino at Leva on a sunny afternoon, we were talking about what motivates us and he busted out this gem, “inspired to express; express to inspire”. I left our date refreshed and with a sense of purpose. I was confident that I was in the right place at the right time, doing exactly what I was meant to be doing. Our summer issue is about being inspired. All around us things are growing, blossoming, and blooming. Summer is the ultimate work of art. It’s the time for all of us to shine. So, do what you’ve always wanted to do, express yourself, and share yourself with the world. Be inspired. And inspire.

Shelly Solarz

Words by Andrea Dorrans Photos by Ashley Armstrong

Rosalind Christian, the lovely propietress of Eden Lilly Flower and Gift on Whyte Avenue and 104th Street, wants you to know she really cares about what she’s doing, she’s trying really hard, and she’s doing something really special. If you don’t believe her, look at the tattoo on her forearm – the old English letters C A R E. Really. Rosalind and her husband (then boyfriend) Patrick Michalok opened Eden Lilly in October of last year. The couple met in Detroit where Rosalind played keys in Patrick’s band, The Silent Years (Spin magazine’s Underground Band of the Year 2007). They toured across the States for three months, an experience

“Fashion influences floral design in the same sense that

could spend three months in a van

it influences interior design.” And like

together and still be happy to see

fashion, floral design at Eden Lilly is

eachother at the end of the day,

dynamic, “We want to keep it fresh.”

they could probably live happily ever

Each design is a lush, artistic arrange-

after. They became engaged, and one month after Eden

ment created by Rosalind and her team, designers Mary

Lilly’s opening, they closed the shop for half an hour and

Hudson and Julie Roskin.

got married.

The “gift” part of Eden Lilly Flower and Gift is an

So why flowers? “I’ve always been really excited about

eclectic mix of design-related items, a blend of ornate,

design, and what I love about flowers is that they’re

minimal, modern, and vintage trinkets. Rosalind finds

symbolic of life, it’s their fleeting beauty; the fact that they

items in New York, and locally, “People in Edmonton are

die is what makes them so lovely.”

doing incredible things.”

Rosalind feels floral design is an extension of the culture

So whom is Rosalind trying to reach? “Hip people who

around us. She travels to New York twice a year to check

are interested in design, interested in fashion, interested in

out the local scene. She finds inspiration in everything

art, interested in pretty things ...” Sound like you?

from architecture to street style.


Rosalind calls “absurdly romantic.” They figured if they


Words by Andrea Dorrans Photos by Ashley Armstrong

“I wish we lived in a world where all we had was jewellery to adorn our bodies..”

What strikes me most about Melyssa

sophisticated, and it’s graceful.

Nielsen, creator of the jewellery line

Her current collection, The Muse,

A self-described modern renais-

Melncoly, is her joie de vivre; the girl

contains 12 perfect pieces. Her

sance woman, she believes in “being

is inspired.

styles at

unique style of chain adornment

open to creation in different forms,

She’s a bottomless well of enthu-

sympathizes with the body, draping

not setting limits, and following your

siasm, the source of which is, well,

the back, neck and collarbone. Inter-

own heart, voice, and vision.” Being

life. Currently she finds inspiration in

secting chains, black onyx, and white

independent has its difficulties, “you

the art of Japanese rope bondage,

pearl embrace the skin, accentuating

really have to be self motivated and



the body’s shape. “I do not want to

there is a whole lot of responsibil-

Lander, the diaries of Anaïs Nin and


take away from the natural beauty of

ity.” But for Melncoly the little things

Surrealist films. But it’s her friends,

the human form. I wish we lived in a

make it worthwhile, “like getting a

an eclectic mix of jet-set artists, to

world where all we had was jewellery

letter in my mailbox from a friend

whom she credits her lust for life.

to adorn our bodies. I think Melncoly

(customer) in Japan saying how

She tells me, in a low, thrilling voice,

looks best on a blank canvas.”

much she loves the piece she just

“My studio is like a gallery, I have all

And Melyssa isn’t just a jewellery

ordered, or having the sunlight shine

of their posters and art all over my



through my windows and wake me in

walls. I think I’m gonna have to start

garde songstress. Under the name

the morning, or staying up in the wee

hanging posters on my ceiling.”




Missmeln, she has collaborated with

hours of the night because I just can’t

You might think the art coming out of

Japan’s Satanicpornocultshop, and

stop creating.”

her wildly-crowded studio, and from

Brooklyn’s Mixel Pixel. Plus, later this

this effervescent artist, might be loud,

year she plans to direct a music video

You can feast your eyes on The Muse

even gaudy, but it’s not. It’s elegant,

for Portland’s E*rock (Audio Dregs


it’s delicate, it’s subtle, it’s sexy, it’s

Recordings). You can check out her



When Butterflies Dream words by caylee kreller | illustration by pete nguyen The dream. The inspiration. The final act. Anime, a play,

Wyatt did not want to put on another play; he wanted

is the soul child of Kieth Wyatt, a world traveler, martial

to build a community. By integrating theatre, nightlife,

artist, and playwright. This play, developed over five

cultural fusion, and multimedia, Wyatt is making use

years, this play, acted out in New City Suburbs, this play,

of the best of what Edmontonians have to offer. He

interactive, live action, and Japanese anime.

calls it “a multinational, multimedia extravaganza”.

Every summer Edmonton is proud host to the Fringe

Wyatt made a call out to anyone who wanted to be

festival and this year Anime is a must-see addition.

involved, inviting everyone to participate. His desire is

Beginning his career in the 90’s, Wyatt wrote a rendition

to bring together a diverse group of people and unite

of Irving Welsh’s novel, Ecstasy. Staged in Edmonton

them through art, “In the creation of the production we

at the Rev downtown, and in Calgary at the Republik,

are practicing harmony.” The goal is to create an in-

the production was a success. They took the show on

teractive production the audience experiences rather

the road travelling across Canada and even to Ireland

than passively observes.

to present the piece in front of Welsh himself. It was

The collaboration brings together unimaginable

momentous because the themes introduced were

ingenuity, talent, skill, and most of all a unified sense

relevant to the audience at that time.

of heart. “In this world people are stoked about the

sex, and drugs. Those involved in rave culture at the

idea of working together for something that means something.” So far, 140 are involved.

time readily identified with the play. When the

Wyatt received a grant from

party scene began to dissipate, when throwing

the Canada Council to write

gatherings became too expensive and difficult,

the play, and another from

there were those that chose to take something

the Alberta Foundation to

from the communal vibe they experienced, and

produce it. He wrote Anime

turn it into something new. They wondered

with a vast audience in mind.

what could be done next that would arouse

His desire is to reach as many






emotion rampant at the core of the culture. As

people as possible, especially those who have never experienced theatre before.

Wyatt tells me, “There were those people that

Anime helps people realize they are creators of life,

learned something from the movement, they

not just along for the ride. It is a conduit for people to

took the best of what it had to offer and asked questions

display their talents and gifts. A play based on sim-

like, ‘What can we do with it? How can we re-create

plicity, diversity, and unity.

coming together in this type of essence?” This questioning and subsequent self-discovery motivated Wyatt to write Anime.

When Butterflies Dream. Oneness is the goal. Harmony. Collaboration. Unity.


Ecstasy delved into controversial topics like nightlife,

photos by ashley armstrong | words by andrea dorrans

Canadian/British electro-pop sensation Dragonette, otherwise known as Martina, Dan, Joel, and Will, exude a playful-sort-of-sexuality that is oh-so-irresistible. Seducing audiences with their unique brand of eroticdance floor-electro-pop, they released their debut album ‘Galore’ in 2007, and earned a Juno nomination for Best New Group of 2008. We had the pleasure of doing a little Q and A with the lascivious front-woman, Toronto born and raised Martina Sorbara … Hair by Lauren Hughes from Mousy Brown’s | Make up by Nicola Gavins | Styling by Kelty Pelechytik Joel’s outfit provided by Henry | Dan’s outfit provided by Derks| Martina’s dress is from Gravity Pope Tailored Goods, Betsey Johnson earrings from Holt Renfrew | Will’s outfit provided by Henry

Who are you? What is the group motto? How does Dragonette plan to take over the world? What are you doing right now? Who are your style icons? What are your influences? If you could compose a soundtrack of your life which songs would it contain? Proudest moment... What is your fashion pet peeve? Early bird or night owl? Favorite vice? Who do you consider to be a quintessential sex symbol? Heels or flats? If you weren’t a musician, what might you be? The bartender asks ‘what’ll it be?’ You say... What advice would you give to a budding artist, ripe and ready to take on the world?

Mode Models: Hailey Poole, Kalen McNair, and Charlton Diaz Hair: Jessica Lam and Larissa West from Avanti Salon & Spa Make up: Nicola Gavins of Cherry Blossom Photography by Ashley Armstrong Styling by Shelly Solarz

On Charlton: sunglasses from Women with Vision shirt and jeans from Henry shoes from Gravity Pope On Hailey: top and skirt from Bamboo Ballroom jewelry from Elegant Expressions belt and shoes from Gravity Pope


the lure

On Kalen: dress from Foosh jewelry from Elegant Expressions

the boy

On Charlton: shirt from Gravity Pope Tailored Goods necklace from Elegant Expressions

stranded On Kalen: dress from Henry

On Hailey: sunglasses from Women with Vision necklaces Shakti by Sarah Bowker bracelets from Elegant Expressions tank from Bamboo Ballroom On Charlton: shirt from Gravity Pope Tailorer Goods

stood up

On Kalen: tank and shorts from Henry necklace from Elegant Expressions

mischievious girls

On Kalen: dress Sessa by Tressa Heckbert id bracelet from Elegant Expressions headband is Model’s own

On Hailey: dress from Gravity Pope Tailorer Goods jewelry from Elegant Expressions

on the fence

On Kalen: dress from Herny jewelry from Elegant Expressions shoes from Gravity Pope On Hailey: dress,hat and belt from Gravity Pope Tailorer Goods jewelry from Elegant Expressions boots from Gravity Pope On Charlton: shirt and jeans from Henry

Kink, curl or wave. Let summer inspire your hair. Whatever your hair does naturally, let it. The key this season is to look like you just got out of bed, washed your hair, let it air dry, and it’s perfect. Sound impossible? All you have to do is help your waves come to life. Toss your head upside down and scrunch your heart out using a touch of light hold hairspray. Throw it up in a loose pony or pin it at random. Organized chaos is the main ingredient in looking great this summer. Bumble and bumble Surf Spray and Spray de Mode are essentials to create your effortless look with versatile hold.

Words by Lauren Hughes/ Editorial Stylist

Photography by Ashley Armstrong | Model Ravenne White from Mode Model Hair by Lauren Hughes from Mousy Brown’s | Make up by Nicola Gavins

Gone are the gilded bronzes of last summer. This season’s makeup is subtle, sun-kissed, and sexy.

Words by Andrea Dorrans


Beauty guru Nicola Gavins of Cherry Blossom Makeup Artistry tells us that, “it’s like you spent a day at the beach, not a month.” You don’t have to ditch your bronzers, just use them with a lighter touch. Picture a lazy day at the beach, lovers squinting at each other through veils of lashes, freckled noses, salty kisses, and flushed cheeks. It’s a virtual flight of whimsy featuring shell pink, moonlit platinum, sun-washed gold, and pebble grey. And to translate this daydream into an evening out, glam it up with a flash of colour, be bold with a splash of electric blue on the eyes, or an acrid orange lip. The ethereal colour palette of the day is the perfect canvas for a hit of high drama. Nicola recommends MAC Face and Body Foundation to keep skin looking flawless and hydrated morning to night. And this seasons must-have, don’t-leave-home-without item? Sunscreen, And lots of it.

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live the life you’ve imagined







I N C .


from joyce yu

There are few cities more recognizable than New York. Its energy promotes thought, deviation, culture, belief, interest, and choice. The city pulses with an excitement you cannot help but become infected with.

While New York City consists of five

suites with private kitchens and

urban jungle – mean streets, filled

boroughs, each with its own identity,

bathrooms. The building is located

with danger, assaults, and gangs.

Manhattan is its core because of

conveniently between two subway

However, neither of these stereotypes

its unique attractions, restaurants,

stations, and is only a ten-minute

are true – New York is not dangerous

shops, and sheer unapologetic indi-

ride to central Manhattan.

or bourgeoisie. It is diverse, and


New York has many different

that is the best word to describe my

Before leaving on my trip to New

personalities, and my neighbour-

favourite neighbourhood in the city

York, I diligently scoured travel

hood was no exception. Located

– SoHo (South of Houston).

guides and took notes on




supposed to see. Then I



writer Bill Bryson’s philosophy – travel and life are more fun if you can treat them as

on Lexington Avenue, it is the most

The feeling of belonging I found

a series of impulses. I gave up on my

multicultural. On one block I saw a

in SoHo was not because I discov-

list and decided to pretend I was a

Japanese, Moroccan, Afghan, and

ered a niche particular to me; it is

local living in New York City.

Indian restaurant.

because SoHo boasts a diverse and

On arrival, in lieu of a hotel, my

People have many different as-

eclectic style. Everyone feels at home.

home for the week was an apartment

sumptions about New York City.

Cast iron facades create distinction

within walking distance from Central

Some think of it as an upper class

between this neighbourhood and

Park. It is a twin guesthouse in

city where everyone shops and lives

others. There is a mix of art galleries,

Manhattan with 12 apartments and

on Park Avenue. Others imagine an

restaurants, designer name and inde-

pated. But I love exploring new cities

food had more flavours than any

was The Strand Bookstore - 18 miles

by walking and taking public transit,

meal I remember. I savoured every

of new, used, and rare books. My

so I purchased a week long pass that

bite of my ricotta stuffed zucchini

highlight was following local tradition

cost 24 dollars. The commute was

lasagna with basil-pistachio pesto

and buying a Strand tote bag to carry

incomparable to the one at home

and sun-dried tomato sauce. I stole

my new books.

because of the efficiency of the

bites of my boyfriend’s lime tortilla

At Manhattans core is Midtown,

transit system, the proximity of each

wraps with avocado, pico de gallo,

the largest central business district

destination, and the layout of the

and cashew sour cream, and we

in the United States. It is bustling

city. Emerging from the train was an

could not resist the dark chocolate

and full of energy. This neighbour-

experience in itself – the moment I

mint ice cream for dessert.

hood has the most recognizable at-

stepped onto the street the energy of

Walking down Broadway, watching

tractions – the Empire State Building,

hundreds of people rushing around

the graffiti of lights in Times Square

Fifth Avenue, Grand Central Station,

enveloped me.

reflecting against the rain soaked

and my favourite, the Museum

My last stop on my big city

pavement, I was overwhelmed with

of Modern Art. Not only does the

adventure was a “raw” restaurant

the promise of a new experience

museum have art exhibits and instal-

in Union Square. Although I had my

around every corner. The energy

lations, it also features film exhibits

initial reservations about the cuisine,

of the city transformed me and an

to celebrate and study cinema. My

Pure Food and Wine is now one of

unspoken camaraderie developed

favourite was the mirror installations

my all time favourite restaurants. The

between myself and the other pe-

where I watched my reflection distort

definition of “raw” varies, but at Pure

destrians. I arrived in New York City

and multiply.

Food and Wine, their dishes are dairy,

without assumption or expectation;

Sometimes getting from one place

wheat, soy, and animal-product free.

I departed in love.

to another took more time than antici-

The experience was sensual – the


pendent boutiques. My favourite stop
















1. Edmonton based Kerstin’s Chocolates, mmmm...chocolate caviar... 2. We all have a diamond encrusted dollar symbol necklace now you need a gold retainer necklace from Brooklyn-based designer Kiel Mead found at 29 Armstrong. 3. Edmonton’s DJ Jenny Grey is a diamond in the rough. 4. “This is the story about a bus driver who would never open the door of the bus for people who were late” 5. Lykke Li’s Little Bit is a shoulder shaker at the office. 6. We make all our major life choices this way. 7. Imagine if you could take a camera into your dreamworld. The plastic cult-classic Diana camera captures ethereal lo-fi pics. 8. Fancy Asian pops! A little fizzle fo yo dizzle. 9. Chicken Reuben!!! whyte ave & 100st 10. The blog that caters to the style voyeur. 11. Remember the Warhol Factory? Neither do we. But check out Ideal Art Space in Calgary 12. In downtown Calgary even the utility boxes receive makeovers. Pretty. 13. Whoever said being environmental had to be detrimental to your wardrobe. 14. Cool sickscreened art by Seripop.

media & marketing

turning knots into bows {see diagram 1a}







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Meese (noun) 1. plural of moose 2. Banner for all things Canadian 3. Clothing boutique located beside the Sturgeon River in St.Albert, 31-D Perron street. Whenever your next dance party comes around the corner, arrive in good manners wearing your best Meese’s pieces. Meese Clothing houses over 40 Canadian designed and manufactured labels spanning coast to coast, along with two house labels produced in-store; “Meese” for men, “Sessa” for women. Featuring national sensations and local wonders;


iClothing, Kitchen Orange, Nokomis, Second Clothing, Cinder and Smoke, Magdilene, Chong Wang, Kiko, Intiluz, Preloved, Narcissist, Dagg & Stacey, Suka, Brave belts, Chula, Refurbished, and many more!

MEESECLOTHING.COM (780) 418-1388 31-D Perron st. St.Albert

ELEGANT EXPRESSIONS 628 RIVERBEND SQUARE Located in Riverbend, this charming space entices you by carrying many hand creafted items from all over the world. Elegant, unusual home assecories along with award winning jewelry make this


location ideal for finding the perfect gift.


FOUND AT BAMBOO BALLROOM, FOOSH Fun & Simple. Amor Jewelry calls out to all styles! Incorporating a range of materials such as semi-precious stones, woods, and metals, Amor Jewelry is designed to add flavor to your look with a touch of class and a little funk. Individualistic and unique, this collection is something you shouldn’t be without.


Design & Apparel. Home of the Millwoods Hero Apparel Line. T6L to the T6K. Winter Studios founder, Kaylan Winter Berry recently traveled to Bali, Indonesia for some artistic & cultural inspiration. The new Balinese line is based from the “mythical birds” of the Island of the Gods, which are hand carved or painted onto every available surface. The Garuda & Phoenix are heavily worshipped and revered for their folklore and magical characteristics! New Mens & Womens Tees and Military Gunner Hats!



WWW.BAMBOOBALLROOM.COM Spring, *J Brand, Room to Grow, *Fidelity, Curls, Wallpaper, *Numph, *Covet, Chandeliers, *Kersh, Floral, Prints, *Free People, *Suka, *Soia & Kyo, *Matt & Nat, Bright Colors, *Sessun, Sundresses, High High Heels, High Waists, Wasted Nights, Halo, Trenchcoats, *Rock & Republic, *OBEY, Our Posse, *Dittos, Parez Hilton, Lunch Dates, Spanx, *Seven Jeans, *Erica Weiner, Airplane Necklaces, *Amor, You.



This spring suka re-visits a more classic look with a twist! Always edgy and not overly girly, the bold mix of patterns, styles, soft silhouettes and loud colors is what makes this spring’s line strong enough for the individual yet appealing to more than just the trend setters.

*Our Lovely Labels

SOMA CLOTHING Soma clothing is a brave new label that rebels against the monotony of fashion. Mix it up with graphic tees and bandanas, and be the change you wanna see on the street.





Indy shopping in a mall!  Located in Southgate Centre, this locally owned boutique prides itself on bringing the mall shopper an alternative to typical. Featuring a fabulous selection of unique jewellery, handbags and accessories, Groove Stone offers leading fashions while supporting Canadian designers and manufacturers of quality merchandise.  Lines include:  Matt & Nat, Pyrrha,  Bauxo, Mimi & Marge, and Foxy Originals.

Showcase your local endeavor and let your ingenuity shine. Benefit from exposure on the rue de elegance.



photo by hanson ng

Village Landing 140st St Albert

Edmonton 10515 109st

#25 993 Fir st Sherwood Park

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