“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.”
- John Maynard Keynes. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. 1926
Thank you for taking a look at the presentation slides of my Master’s thesis. Feel free to open and read along the presenter notes down below to get a better understanding of the project. (-:
You can always reach out to me at glenn@lokaltbyraa.no for any questions or comments Best, Glenn Sæstad
An alternative strategic vision for central bank digital currencies and sustainable transitions
CBDCs for SDGs
Diploma project
Glenn Sæstad, Lokalt Byrå
for SDGs/ 00 / Introduction /
Sæstad / CBDCs
How might central bank digital currencies become a new platform for public sector innovation and sustainable development?
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger
Alt. strategic principles
1. Financial efficiency
1. Platform for public innovation
2. One central bank digital currency
2. Diversity of CBDCs
3. Ownership and development in silo
3. Collaboration and roles
4. Technological determinism
4. Cultural innovation
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale
Design examples
sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 00 / Introduction /
Context & insight I
Expert network
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): Electronic money issued by a central bank that is available for use by the general public.
Source: Norges Bank. 2018. Digitale sentralbankpenger
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
Central bank digital currency as digital alternative to cash
Central bank digital currency as public alternatice to bank account money
Central bank digital currency as national smart currency
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
Source: Kosse, A., & Mattei, I. (2022). Gaining momentum –Results of the 2021 BIS survey on central bank digital currencies
The central banks
90% of the world’s central banks are exploring CBDC
The Norwegian central bank has investigated CBDC for five years and published four reports.
China and Sweden are in technical test phases. Nigeria and Bahamas has launched.
01 / Context and insight /
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/
Cash makes up under 2% of Norwegian krones and under 10% of transactions in Norway.
New payment services have and are emerging.
Promote more stability, competition, innovation and efficiency in the financial system
Glenn Sæstad /
for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
Source: Norges Bank. 2018. Digitale sentralbankpenger
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight
What future issues could digital central bank currencies solve?
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger
Norges Bank: Private sector needs
Diploma project: Public sector needs
Glenn Sæstad /
for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
Private sector needs
Public sector needs CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
cf. § 1-3, except in extraordinary situations.
– The Central Bank Act § 1-4. The Central Bank’s Independence
“Norges Bank can not be instructed in its activities according to the law,
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
CBDCs for the public sector
01 / Context and insight /
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn
Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/
Sustainable Development Goals Economy Society Biosphere
SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
Source: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. ‘SDG Wedding Cake’
«Increased innovation in the public sector is one of the government’s main strategies to solve society’s chellenges in the coming years.»
Meld. St. 40. 2020. Goals with meaning – Norway’s plan for reaching the sustainable development goals by 2030
Meld. St. 30. 2019. One innovative public sector – Culture, management and competence
«Modernization and innovation could create needs for new forms of work and collaboration.»
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight
Norwegian presentation of the UN IPCC Sixth Assessment Report – Working Group II. 28.2.22 Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
central bank digital currencies / digitale
sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
«If it turns out that climate risk indeed poses a significant threat to financial stability, handling this risk would fall within the mandate of the oversight bodies and the central bank.»
NOU 2016:17 Climate risk and the Norwegian Economy
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight
01 /
insight /
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/
Context and
Each «coin» could be unique
Money could be traced
Money could be programmed to perform behaviour
A coin could represent something (token)
Data could be fed into machine learning algorithms
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 01 / Context and insight /
Each «coin» could be unique
A coin could represent something (token)
Money could be traced Data could be fed into machine learning algorithms
Money could be programmed to perform behaviour
01 / Context
insight /
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for
- Levy Economics Institute, formerly Norges Bank, formerly International Monetary Fund
Thorvald Grung Moe
currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn
01 / Context and insight /
«If the central bank were to develop something as big as CBDC, it should do something more than just support the current system.»
central bank digital
Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/
Scope & approach II
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 02 / Scope and approach /
How might central bank digital currencies become a new platform for public sector innovation and sustainable development?
Platform: A project or an activity acting as a spring-board for many other prosjects og activities.
for SDGs/ 02 / Scope and approach /
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn
Sæstad / CBDCs
Socio-economic smoothing
Childrens’ sports
Gender equality
Public health
Healthy food after school
Fair Play
Help with home work before play
02 / Scope
Figure: Adapted from Hill. 2022 / Photo: Stavanger City Archive Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for
and approach
Socio-economic smoothing
Gender equality
Public health
Childrens’ sports
Healthy food after school
Help with home work before play Fair Play
Childrens’ sports
Play matches
Figure: Adapted from Hill. 2022 / Photo: Stavanger City Archive
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 02 / Scope and approach /
Financial stability Emergency system Public innovation Sustainable development goals ???? ??? Central bank digital currency
Glenn Sæstad
CBDCs for SDGs/ 02 / Scope and approach /
Photo: The National Library
Strategic design
Strategic design develops services and interfaces informed by policy and society
Interface and user experience
Service and organization
Strategic design researches poliy through interfaces and services
Policy and society
Adapted from: Hill, D. 2019. The city is my home screen
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/
/ Scope and approach
Choice of futures methodology
Transition pathways
Scenario axees
A g e n c y
1 2 3
Adapted from Sharpe, B., Hodgson, A., Leicester, G., Lyon, A., & Fazey, I. (2016)
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 02 / Scope and approach /
Choice of futures methodology
Transition pathways
Scenario axees Prognoses
1 2 3
A g e n c y
Adapted from Sharpe, B., Hodgson, A., Leicester, G., Lyon, A., & Fazey, I. (2016)
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 02 / Scope and approach /
Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/ 02 / Scope and approach /
Responsible and fair consumption
Industrial and commercial policy
Local communities and economies
Volunteering as sustainability strategy
«They are interesting ideas, but we would like to have seen you present it more analytically and schematically»
Describe the strategy
«Its not entirely clear to us how the concepts are financed and the money is created.»
Detail user stories
«I don’t really understand the underlying technology.»
Explain back end technology
Expert panel 24. februar
02 / Scope and approach /
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs/
Design delivery III
1. Financial efficiency
1. Platform for public innovation
2. One central bank digital currency
2. Diversity of CBDCs
3. Ownership and development in silo
3. Collaboration and roles
4. Technological determinism
4. Cultural innovation
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
DSP: Digitale sentralbankpenger
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale
Alt. strategic principles
1. Financial efficiency
1. Platform for public innovation
Design examples
2. One central bank digital currency
2. Diversity of CBDCs
3. Ownership and development in silo
3. Collaboration and roles
4. Technological determinism
4. Cultural innovation
sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
Design examples
1. Future scenario
2. User story
CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
Fair consumption
term economics Lokal commercial development Public-volunteer collaboration Examples CBDC: central bank digital currencies / digitale sentralbankpenger Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
Example I: Fair consumption /Carbon rations
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
“Flight miles per capita is declining. But the richest 10% flies more than ever.”
Future scenario
“The jump in carbon taxes is coming soon.”
“- People despair over the price of letting their kids see grandma.”
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
→ Carbon rations are integrated in all payment systems.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
→ Carbon rations are integrated in all payment systems.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
→ Carbon rations are integrated in all payment systems.
→ Carbon rations are managed through mobile banking apps.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
→ Carbon rations are integrated in all payment systems.
→ Carbon rations are managed through mobile banking apps.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
→ Carbon rations are integrated in all payment systems.
→ Carbon rations are managed through mobile banking apps.
→ Giving up carbon rations to the government generates a financial reward for voluntarily reducing Norway’s carbon footprint.
/ CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Glenn Sæstad
Carbon rations
→ Carbon rations are transferred equally to all citizens each month
→ Carbon rations are a parallel currency used in addition to regular money
→ Carbon rations disappear once used. They do not circulate.
→ Carbon rations are integrated in all payment systems.
→ Carbon rations are managed through mobile banking apps.
→ Giving up carbon rations to the government generates a financial reward for voluntarily reducing Norway’s carbon footprint.
Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Future scenario
“New trend report on the carbon neutral luxury market.”
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Fair consumption /
Example II: Long term economy /Long term contracts
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
Future scenario
“Digital contracts for sustainable business models.”
“Long-term contracts gives society better and more sustainable products and services. Here governmental bodies can find examples, guides and everything to get started.”
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Long term economy /
Long term contracts
→ Procurer, supplier and related accounts are connected in a digital contract.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Long term economy /
Long term contracts
→ Procurer, supplier and related accounts are connected in a digital contract.
→ Terms are programmed into the money, locking them in procurer’s account and freeing them for suppliers on set milestones.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Long term economy /
Long term contracts
→ Procurer, supplier and related accounts are connected in a digital contract.
→ Terms are programmed into the money, locking them in procurer’s account and freeing them for suppliers on set milestones.
→ If the building stops producing value, the contract does not free the rest of the money for the suppliers
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Long term economy /
Future scenario
“We will make money on this building through 60 years.”
“Security in long-term contracts – this is what your bank needs to know to offer you financing.”
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Long term economy /
Example III: Local development /Local currency
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Local development
“Value creation on your local community.”
Local currency
→ Local currencies use geo data to limit use outside a given area.
Glenn Sæstad /
for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Local development
Local currency
→ Local currencies use geo data to limit use outside a given area.
→ Regular money is exchanged in and works as security for local currency (tokens) on the CDBC platform.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Local development
Local currency
→ Local currencies use geo data to limit use outside a given area.
→ Regular money is exchanged in and works as security for local currency (tokens) on the CDBC platform.
→ 5% exchange-in bonus and 10% exchange-out fee incentivizes keeping the currency local.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Local development
Local currency
→ Local currencies use geo data to limit use outside a given area.
→ Regular money is exchanged in and works as security for local currency (tokens) on the CDBC platform.
→ 5% exchange-in bonus and 10% exchange-out fee incentivizes keeping the currency local.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Local development
Local currency
→ Local currencies use geo data to limit use outside a given area.
→ Regular money is exchanged in and works as security for local currency (tokens) on the CDBC platform.
→ 5% exchange-in bonus and 10% exchange-out fee incentivizes keeping the currency local.
→ Option to pay local taxes in local currency provides a trustworthy use for recieving local currency.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Local development
“Success with local orders”
“Our city, our shops, our money!”
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Local development
Example IV: Public-volunteer collaboration /Volunteer kroner
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery /
Future scenario
“The Ministry of Culture and Equity launches a new currency for volunteering”
“Register your organization for volunteer coins.”
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Volunteer kroner
→ Reward for participating in organized volunteering
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Volunteer kroner
→ Reward for participating in organized volunteering
→ The register documents who did what and for who for verification
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Volunteer kroner
→ Reward for participating in organized volunteering
→ The register documents who did what and for who for verification
→ Volunteer Krones are accepted by payment systems of public services. The service provider exchanges received volunteer Krones for regular kroner from the municipality’s community budget.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Volunteer kroner
→ Reward for participating in organized volunteering
→ The register documents who did what and for who for verification
→ Volunteer Krones are accepted by payment systems of public services. The service provider exchanges received volunteer Krones for regular kroner from the municipality’s community budget.
→ Financing of public projects with volunteer kroner releases funding from local development budgets.
→ The municipality can trust that they are funding something many in the community wants.
/ CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Volunteer kroner
→ Reward for participating in organized volunteering
→ The register documents who did what and for who for verification
→ Volunteer Krones are accepted by payment systems of public services. The service provider exchanges received volunteer Krones for regular kroner from the municipality’s community budget.
→ Financing of public projects with volunteer kroner releases funding from local development budgets.
→ The municipality can trust that they are funding something many in the community wants.
/ CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Volunteer kroner
→ Reward for participating in organized volunteering
→ The register documents who did what and for who for verification
→ Volunteer Krones are accepted by payment systems of public services. The service provider exchanges received volunteer Krones for regular kroner from the municipality’s community budget.
→ Financing of public projects with volunteer kroner releases funding from local development budgets.
→ The municipality can trust that they are funding something many in the community wants.
→ The municipality gets an overview of active community members they can invite as representatives in planning processes.
for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs
“Reducing their hours to volunteer –More important to make a difference than having another jacket.”
“Easing their budget by volunteering.”
/ 03 / Design delivery / Public-volunteer collaboration
Glenn Sæstad
CBDCs for SDGs
/ 03 /
CBDCs for SDGs
Design delivery
Carbon rations
Long term contracts
Local currency
→ CBDC would need to adress several needs to be worth the investement
→ Complex challenges are costly to solve one by one, while public sector budgets will have to shrink
Volunteer kroner
→ Future big public projects should adress several strategic dimensions.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Strategy /
→ CBDC does not have to be one thin: One digital infrastructure could support several variants of central bank digital currency.
→ Programmability and smart contracts enable variants of CBDC on the same platform.
→ None of the examples replaces «normal money»
Carbon rations
Parallel currency for carbon footprint that disappear through transactions.
Long term contracts
Money programmed to follow terms of a contract with a 60 to 100 year horizon.
Local currency
Money with local variation depending on local needs.
Volunteer kroner
Separate money system between public and volunteer sectors.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Strategy /
→ Collaboration with clear roles is the key to move past discussions about central bank independence or not
→ The central bank could own the platform, but let other parts of government decide what to use it for
→ Opening up the platform for other parts of the public sector would generate more value from a CBDC project
Carbon rations
Long term contracts
Ministry of finance
Ministry of commerce and fishery
Private sector collaborators
Lokale valuta
Ministry of municipalities and rural areas
Local business associations
Ministry of culture and equality
Frivillighet Norge / Volunteering
Municipalities og KS
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Strategy /
→ Central bank digital currencies are more than just a technology with determined outcomes. The outcome of CBDCs depends on the culture and political choices surrounding what society wants money to be.
→ CBDC could drive a public discussion about money and innovation and lower the threshold for change: Multiple currencies might be hard to imagine now, but would be easier to imagine after introducing a general CBDC.
Carbon rations
From «richest gets to pollute» to «no one gets to pollute more than others»
Long term contracts
A sustainable economy needs a long term profit motive
Long term contracts
All kroner are not the same, some have restrictions and advantages.
Volunteer kroner
A more feminist economy valuing volunteer contribution through access to public services.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Strategy /
Deliver on expectations to contribute to sustainable development without loosing integrity to central bank independence.
Stronger argument for launching CBDC as an emergency system.
Platform for new sustainable development policies
A more innovative public sector meeting the needs of citizens
Stable local communities shielded from the worst effects of climate change.
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 03 / Design delivery / Strategy /
Reception & relevance I V
«This has to be an A»
«I commend you for now going too far out in the [existing] radical direction»
«I think this is new and exciting, but it requires a thorough analysis of how it would effect financial stability, an effective payment system and so on.»
Glenn Sæstad /
for SDGs / 04 / Reception and relevance /
«Volunteer kroner in particular is an examples of a more feminist economy that values work outside of what is paid.»
«This is more a tool for systems change than something incremental.».
Glenn Sæstad / CBDCs for SDGs / 04 / Reception and relevance /
Conclusion & reflections V
The project has introduced design into a new context, central banking, and proposed new ideas in the field.
Working broadly in the design phase was needed, but limited detail.
The project proposes a general direction for CBDC that requires further work before deciding on realization.
Alt. strategic prinsiples
Design examples
1. Financial efficiency
1. Platform for public innovation
2. One central bank digital currency
2. Diversity of CBDCs
3. Ownership and development in silo
3. Collaboration and roles
4. Technological determinism
4. Cultural innovation