1 minute read
Sameness and Difference
Another thing that I realized reflecting on the construction of identity and the dynamics around it, is that we have to start celebrating the sameness and the difference that exist between all of us.
We use sameness to affiliate to groups, and avoid difference at all cost. Some of us want to deny it. They want to pretend that we are all the same and that we shouldn’t advocate for any particular group. Others, use it a tool for discrimination, not wanting to understand how this world is build on difference.
I want to be part of the group that acknowledges both the sameness and difference, because the truth is, we can find alkdsflaksd sameness and difference in every relationship we have and in every person we know.
It’s only when we start playing with these, and celebrating them, that we’ll get to that common ground for understanding I mentioned before. And I firmly believe that is the path to create a more inclusive, just, amazing world.
I believe it because it has helped me, I have changed, and today I can say I’m a more happy, creative, resilient, inspired, connected, driven person. I believe it because I’ve heard other people’s stories about change. I believe it because in the conversations that I have it keeps coming up. 21