Participant Guide Objective & Instructions
This participant guide aims to empower organizers to begin their journey toward establishing CLTs in Sunset Park.
Facilitator Guide

Participant Guide CLT Imaginaries Workshop Canvas

Community Land Trust Imaginaries Workshop

Name. 2. Pronouns (optional).
3. If you were going to describe Sunset Park’s housing situation today in 3 words what would they be?

1 Sunset Park Today
In the space on the right, write down three words that describe Sunset Park housing situation today.

1 Sunset Park Today
In the space on the right, write down three words that describe Sunset Park housing situation today.

Let’s add these workshop canvas words to the

2 What Sunset Park could look like...
The Community Land Act is a series of bills with the goal of creating permanent affordable housing.

The Community Opportunity to Purchase Act gives CLTs (Community Land Trust) and nonprofits priority to purchase multifamily buildings over developers when landlords decide to sell. COPA has already been put into place in Washington D.C. and San Francisco.

Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act gives tenants the priority to collectively buy their buildings. Tenants can collectively afford this through public loans or loans from nonprofits. Tenants can then pay off the loans like rent.
2 What Sunset Park couldlook like...
The Community Land Act is a series of bills with the goal of creating permanent affordable housing.

City owned land often goes to for-profit developers. This bill would give priority to CLTs and nonprofit developers to increase the amount of permanently affordable housing.

Public Land for Public Good Abolish and Replace the NYC Lien Sale

The Tax Lien Sale allows the city to transfer unpaid building owner debts to a private trust, which profits by charging high interest. This often forces homeowners into debt, undervalued sales, or cutting essential repairs, harming the community rather than improving it.
2 What Sunset Park could look like...
More on the CLA…
For more information head to the Housing Justice Lab website

2 Sunset Park with the CLA
On the canvas in the middle of the table, write down what kind of neighborhood Sunset Park would be if the CLA was passed?

Add your thoughts in the space surrounding each petal

2 Sunset Park Vision for Housing
Based on these characteristics, together write one sentence that captures this vision for Sunset Park’s housing situation.

Write collective sentence on the grey dotted line

3 How can we make this vision come true?
Introducing more Community Land Trusts in Sunset Park

The building(s):
Structures above CLTs are owned by the individuals,non-profit community based organizations or other entities.
The Land:
The CLT owns the land and ensures it’s used to benefit the community
3 Four Successful Strategies of Developing CLTs
Acquiring land that is…

Publicly owned buildings in distress
● Cooper Square CLT, Lower East Side
● El Barrio CLT, East Harlem 2

Privately owned buildings in distress
Example: A 16-unit building in Brownsville that faced foreclosure was transferred to the Interboro CLT.

Religious institutions’ building or land
Example: Former St. Brigid-St. Emeric church was sold by the Archdiocese of NY to create over 500 affordable housing units. 3
Purchase of private buildings or land
The East NY CLT acquired a 21-unit rent-stabalized building in Brooklyn’s Cypress Hills with plans to turn it into a limited-equirty co-op.
4 Let’s look at 3 locations in Sunset Park
Which strategies would work best for each of these three locations?

Parking Lot next to Fei Long Shopping Center
837 64th Street

Empty Lot, Owned by Old Holy Name
RC Church 143 Windsor Place

Residential Apts, 23rd Street
Publicly owned buildings in distress
Purchase of private buildings or land
5 Let’s pick one location and start imaging a world in which it becomes a CLT
First pick one of the previous sites as the CLT Opportunity Site. Once selected add a quick sketch of the site and its address in section 5.

6 Resident assumptions
Discuss between yourselves to identify who the residents of this CLT could be by answering the questions in section 6.

Take around
5 minutes
Don’t worry you’ll come back to this in the future!

7 Housing Type & Tenure
Discuss between yourselves to decide what kind of housing type and tenure this CLT should be by answering the questions in section 7.

For inspiration, see the following pages.
5 minutes

7 Housing Types

For inspiration, look at the following housing types and select the one that you think would work best in that area of Sunset Park.

7 Housing Types

For inspiration, look at the following housing types and select the one that you think would work best in that area of Sunset Park.

7 Housing Types
For inspiration, look at the following housing types and select the one that you think would work best in that area of Sunset Park.

7 Housing Types

For inspiration, look at the following housing types and select the one that you think would work best in that area of Sunset Park.

7 Housing Types

For inspiration, look at the following housing types and select the one that you think would work best in that area of Sunset Park.

7 Housing Types

For inspiration, look at the following housing types and select the one that you think would work best in that area of Sunset Park.

7 Housing Types

For inspiration, look at the following housing types and select the one that you think would work best in that area of Sunset Park.

Time for a 15 min break!

8 Affordability & Governance
Discuss between yourselves to decide what kind of affordability and governance structures this CLT would require by answering the questions in section 8.

9 Community Partnerships & Advocates
Discuss between yourselves on what kind of partnerships and advocate support this CLT would require by answering the questions in section 9.

10 Let’s take a step back and look at our CLT
As a group, reflect on the foundation that you have laid for this CLT. Is it solving the issues of today?
What input do you still need?

10 Next steps
As a group, discuss what actionable steps you would like to take to begin building on this CLT.
Decide where, when will you meet next, and what the agenda will be.

That’s a wrap!
Facilitator Guide: CLT IMAGINARIES

Our long-term toolkit is designed to help organizers fight for cooperative housing and community ownership in the long haul. This kit includes two workshops in English and Spanish, including a slide deck and printable facilitator and participant packets.
Taken together, these are resources to build out events which can educate the community on cooperative forms of organization, and ultimately bring community members into the campaign for a Community Land Trust in Sunset Park The important part is using this workshop as part of a broader plan to build an organizing campaign.
Run time: 2 hours
Space: Indoor or outdoor; enough sitting space for all attendees;
● Printed Facilitator and Participant guides
● x1 A1 CLT Imaginaries Workshop Canvas & push pins or blue tack
● Table or wall for the Canvas
● Markers, Pens
● [Optional] Projector and computer for slides.
● [Recommended ��] Food/snacks
● Facilitator(s) (1-2 people) - Take charge of the group and curriculum, guiding workshop participants through the curriculum
● Timekeeper/notetaker (1 person) - take notes; keep the workshop running on schedule
● Optional volunteers - run breakout groups; support facilitator(s) and timekeeper
Facilitation Goals
● Help participants begin identifying possible vacant or occupied land or buildings for a CLT in Sunset Park
● Guide participants towards identifying initial assumptions for the CLT’s potential resident, housing typology, affordability and governance structures, and partnerships
Facilitation Tips
Encourage Active Participation
● Use open-ended questions to spark dialogue.
● Create small-group discussions or pair-share activities to ensure everyone has a chance to speak, especially quieter participants
Center Participants’ Experiences
● Validate stories by listening actively and acknowledging shared struggles
● Avoid imposing solutions; instead, guide participants to identify their own sources of power and ideas for action.
Supplement with Visual Tools, But Center Live Participation
● Engage participants in available visual aids to make abstract concepts more concrete
● Avoid reading from slides. Use them as a tool for reference / visuals, but always center the conversation between participants and facilitators
Balance Reflection and Action
● Dedicate time to reflect on challenges and emotions but also guide participants toward actionable steps
● Close each section with a question or task that moves toward empowerment
Learning Objectives
1 Introduce the power of Community Land Trusts as a way to take back the land for the community and create long-lasting affordable housing
2 Identify initial planning assumptions for the development of a CLT that organizers can move forward within their organizing.
1. Welcome and Introductions (10 minutes)
Goal: Build group rapport and introduce the workshop’s purpose
● Greet participants and welcome them to the space
● Introduce the workshop’s goals
“We’re here to envision a different future for Sunset Park’s housing situation one rooted in community ownership and long-term, truly affordable homes ”
● Share ground rules:
Show respect and listen to other participants Step up to share your piece and step back to allow space for all voices to be heard.
● Icebreaker: [Call on participants; Go in order if seated in a circle; Or use a ball to pass around Participants can write their 3 words down in the participant guide ]
Share your name, pronouns if you’d like, how long you’ve lived in the neighborhood, and “What are three words you’d use to describe housing in Sunset Park?”
● Get participants to write the common words in the Today section (1) of the Workshop canvas
2. What Sunset Park could look like (10 minutes)
Goal: Introduce the Community Land Act and its package of bills so that participants are familiar with the benefits they would introduce
Format: Explanation + Exercise
● Introduce participants to the CLA
“The Community Land Act is a set of bills that give community land trusts (CLTs) and other nonprofits tools to develop and preserve permanently-affordable housing, community and commercial spaces, and other critical needs.”
● Explain COPA and TOPA, with an emphasis on the benefits they will bring:
“COPA gives nonprofits a chance to expand the supply of affordable housing
“COPA can help curb speculation in the housing market ”
“TOPA would allow tenants to buy their building and convert them into affordable, social housing.”
“Public Land for Public good would prioritize CLTs and nonprofit developers when disposing of City-owned land”
“Abolish and Replace the NYC Lien Sale would help landlords and homeowners stay out of debt so they aren’t forced into undervalued sales or to cut essentail repairs.”
● If you have a projector, play the explainer CLA video.
Exercice: CLA Benefits for Sunset Park (2 mins)
● Get the participants to add the benefits of the CLA bills to the canvas on the workshop canvas
● This should take 5 mins
Exercice: Sunset Park Vision for Housing (5 mins)
● Get the participants to write one sentence that captures this vision for Sunset Park’s housing situation on the grey dotted line
3. How can we make this vision come true? (15 minutes)
Goal: Explain how CLT can develop through 4 building and land acquisition strategie
Four Successful Strategies of Developing CLTs:
● Publicly owned building in distress
“One of the earliest strategies popularized for Community Land Trusts (CLTs) was acquiring public land that had fallen into disrepair, often as a result of neglect and financial hardship. Exemplified by the Cooper Square Community Land Trust and El Barrio CLT, vacant and distressed city-owned properties were transferred to community control, rehabilitated, and converted into permanently affordable housing, ensuring long-term stability for low- and moderate-income residents ”
● Privately owned buildings in distress
“While less common, the conversion of private buildings into community land trusts has recently gained traction through the Interboro Community Land Trust (CLT). At 2178 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn's Brownsville neighborhood, a 16-unit building faced foreclosure due to financial difficulties. In response, Habitat for Humanity New York City stepped in to assist residents in preserving their homes The building's ownership was planned to be transferred to Interboro CLT, New York City's first citywide CLT, ensuring permanent affordability and long-term community control”
● Religious institutions’ building or land
“The rise of secularism in the city has left many religious buildings vacant, with an increasing number being converted into community land trusts to address housing needs In the East Village, the former St Brigid-St Emeric church at 181 Avenue D was sold by the Archdiocese of New York to a partnership including Community Access and the Cooper Square Committee The site will be transformed into over 500 affordable housing units, ensuring long-term affordability and community benefit”
● Purchase of private buildings or land
A new pathway for CLT ownership has emerged where a CLT is created through eminent domain or through purchasing of private land Recently, tthe East New York Community Land Trust's (ENYCLT) acquired 21-unit rent-stabilized building at 248 Arlington Avenue in Brooklyn's Cypress Hills neighborhood As the first CLT in New York City to purchase property from a private landlord, ENYCLT plans to transform the building into a limited-equity cooperative, ensuring permanent affordability and empowering residents with collective ownership.
4. Let’s look at 3 locations in Sunset Park (5 minutes)
Goal: Identify one of the CLT opportunity sites and begin creating assumptions on: who the CLT would serve, what the housing type and tenure it would have, what affordability and governance structures it would have, and which community partnerships should be leveraged
● Ask the participants to consider which strategy would best suit each location
Parking Lot > The city purchase of private land through eminent domain
Empty Lot > An NGO partners with the Holy Name RC Church to convert the lot into a CLT
Residential Apts on 23rd Street > The renters come together and under TOPA, purchase the buildings and turn them into a CLT
5. Let’s pick one location and start imaging a world in which in becomes a CLT (5 mins)
● Work the participants to pick one of the previous locations as the CLT Opportunity Site
● Once selected add a quick sketch of the site and its address in section 5 of the workshop canvas
6. Resident assumptions (20 mins)
● Work with the participants to identify who the residents of this CLT could be by answering the questions in section 6 in the workshop canvas
7. Housing Type & Tenure (10 mins)
● Work with the participants to decide what kind of housing type and tenure this CLT should be by answering the questions in section 7.
● For inspiration, the participants can review the following pages in the participant guide.
[BREAK 15 mins]
8. Affordability & Governance (10 mins)
● Work with the participants to decide what kind of affordability and governance structures this CLT would require by answering the questions in section 8
9. Community Partnerships & Advocates (10 mins)
● Work with the participants to decide what kind of partnerships and advocate support this CLT would require by answering the questions in section 9
10. Let’s take a step back and look at our CLT (5)
● Ask the group to reflect on the foundation that you have laid for this CLT
● Ask them: Is it solving the issues of today? What input do you still need?
● Finally, discuss what actionable steps you would like to take to begin building on this CLT.
● Ask them to decide where, when will you meet next, and what the agenda will be