United for Housing: Reclaiming Local Cooperativism in Sunset Park

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— Unidos por la vivienda: Reclamando el cooperativismo local en Sunset Park —United for housing Reclaiming local cooperativism in Sunset Park MS Design and Urban Ecologies Program, Parsons School of Design, The New School — New York, USA Participants : Fall 2019: Emily Bowe, Jason Brown, Daniela Castillo, Daniel Chu, Rachel Crist, Amron Lee, Ashley Lehrer, Ana Prada Uribe. Fall 2018: Ana Correa Do Lago, Mariana Kiwi Barros, Alfonso Supetran, Obianozo Chukwuma, Callan Hajosy, Aditi Nadir, Sana Akram, Akiera Charles, Maanasa Sivashankar, Jacqueline Castañeda Nuñez, Ameera Issa, Steven Davis, Courtney Sprigg, and Regis Kijnekamp. Fall 2017: Daniel Bieckmann, Kevin Capuno, Gillian Chisholm, Isaac Diebboll, Gemma Duffe, Julianna Galvao, Maha Khalid Al Khater, Alie Kilts, Sarah Kontos, Khadija Munir, Grace Paik, Kevin Rogan, Claudia Rot, Abby Schwarz, Rosella Soravia, Manon Vergenio. Coordinator : Gabriela Rendón, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Community Development Editors : Jason Brown, Daniela Castillo, Daniel Chu, Ana Milena Prada Uribe. Acknowledgements : Parsons School of Design Strategies, Parsons Graduate Urban Programs, Center for Family Life, Center for NYC Neighborhooods, New Economy Project, Cooperative Alliance of NYC, Friends of Sunset Park, Sunset Park Community Garden, Urban Homesteading Assistance Board, Riseboro Community Partnership, Community Development Finance Lab, Fifth Avenue Committee, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative, members of Finnish Housing Cooperatives, and all the community members that contributed to this project. Partners : United Families of Sunset Park

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