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SEAT POLITICS Will Rahul Gandhi’s likely win from Wayanad spell a change in Congress strategy? p2 saturday, april 27, 2019

The medium has changed, as have the message and the messenger. Ahead of World Press Freedom Day, a look at how election reporting has evolved over the years p7-11


VACCINE GODMOTHER Meet Gagandeep Kang, the first woman fellow from India in Royal Society p4

ROLE FOR LIVER Organ transplant is the new villain in Hindi films and web shows p14

know explore

BL 22 2 BL

saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019

Southern No forest comfort for self-exile



Will Rahul Gandhi’s electoral entry in Kerala mark a shift in the Grand Old Party’s political When the time comes to retire from the material world, we won’t have a place to go strategy?

sumana roy

candidature an opportunity for the party to choice and necessity, not finding a home in set things “People seeabout Rahul’s entryasasana either. Theright. narrator writes them art school. panacea to many of theofmaladies Wayanad has artist draws sketches models in There suffering is a reasonfrom I make thisthe analogy like the been over years—and, to painterthem in art school, the narrator an approve right, he must keep the is constituprentice ofRajesh, life. Moving through the three secency,” says a Dalit taxi driver from Sultions, in this“Igenre that has comethe to Left, be quite tan Bathery. generally support but unimaginatively calledI ‘autofiction’, I sense this time I back Rahul. am not satisfied witha movement that comes to mehandled from the the way the state government thetitle. disThe youngofnarrator and his young lovers of tribution post-flood relief. My family is yet to our compensation,” he says.Bada Babu of theget first section, the middle-aged the second, the retired father of the third — a picture-postcard there isayanad, an arc there that keeps comingland backof to mountains and passes in thethe Western me long after I’ve finished reading novel. Ghats, alsothat has I’ve tribal communities accountIt’s an arc encountered before, but I ing for over 18 per cent of the The cannot remember where. Notpopulation. until I return to district links been Kerala to bedside its neighbours, a poem that’s on my table for Karnataka Tamil Nadu, and is known The for some timeand — Subhash Mukhopadhyay’s the agitation for land in the Son’sMuthanga Gone to thetribal Forest, about Rama’s vanvaas, 1990s spearheaded by activists suchpoet as CK his going to the forest. The Bengali reJanu, allied with the BJP, andparM mindswho us oflater the curse of young Shravana’s Geethanandan. Gandhi’s candidature is ents on Dasharatha for killing their son, and viewed with curiosity by in thethe tribal communitrelates it to Rama’s exile forest. iesItand is read a change inconcept the Congress’s struck me as then how the of vantraditional stances. Janu —now vaas — literally ‘livingThough in the forest’ was supalso ports the other local tribal leaders back related to Left, vanaprastha, ‘going to, or retiring in Gandhi. They his stage presence could help the forest’. It isbelieve the third in the Vedic orhighlight plight of the tribal(bachelor/stucommunities der of life,the after brahmacharya Look who’s here Rahul Gandhi’s Wayanad candidature will help banish the long-held notion that the Congress neglected consecutive state governments. dent) andby grihastha (married householder). is a North-based party getty images/atul loke “Wayanad lacks healthcare transThe structure of good Shekhar’s novel,and with its port facilities. People expectliving Rahul’shis presence young medical student brahayanad has voted. But certain make a life, difference,” a usedmacharya followedsays by KM the Shaji, householder Wayanad offers Gandhi and the Congress an to images from the campaign opportunity to shed their North India-centric vehicles dealereventually from the district. leading us to the Bada Babu’s, have endured, while others character and identify more with the South, father Wayanad be the quintessential Gandhi in hiscan garden, a garden of his creation, have morphed into memes. says Shiju Joseph, psychologist and political constituency, saysaa retirement senior journalist bethe vanaprastha, from who worldly One such meme started doing the rounds commentator in Thiruvananthapuram. longs to the The Wayanad Lok Sabhaa life. What Shekhar giving us is, therefore, hours after Congress president Rahul Gandhi, Sultan sketch of the includes relocationthe of Kalpetta, the structure of The constituency went to polls on April 23 constituency with sister Priyanka Vadra, kick-started his and there is a general consensus that Gandhi Bathery assembly seats its in Vedic lifeand to Mananthavady a complex modern life, with will win from Wayanad. “When it comes to Wayanad, campaign in the district. Thiruvambady in Kozhikode and flab of distractions and complexities. The meme combines two photographs of Rahul’s win, it is just a question of the margin Nilambur, Wandoor and Eranad MuslimVanaprastha demanded a vana, in a forest, as Vadra. In one, she addresses an election rally, of victory,” says Namitha Thomas, a 28-year- dominated district. did vanvaas.Malappuram But where are the forests today? ostensibly in Amethi — Gandhi’s traditional old bank employee from Mananthavady. “Itnarrator’s is quite unlike Amethi.was Lookthe at the demoThe grandfather headman included forests, grazing Wayanad, of course, is traditionally a Con- graphics: constituency in Uttar Pradesh — and the other the ‘which Wayanad seat has a significant of his village, areas and paddy fields’. “In Kessorepur, theItjais from a campaign in Wayanad, Kerala. She is gress stronghold. But this time, she believes, share of Christians, Muslims and Hindus. is her was a plot of the land, common tohas everyone, clad in a red sari in both, but the accessories politically neutral voters and even sympath- truly secular and constituency always where farming was not allowed. cutting of are strikingly different. In the picture from isers of the Left may have voted for Gandhi. shunned communal politics,” heThe says. was many forbidden andWayanad they flourished Amethi, she wears a rudraksha neckpiece, a “Even when I tell people that nothing much trees But not think the moment there.” Afterinbeing betrayed by is the social tilak on the forehead and sacred threads has happened in Amethi, Congress’s history epochal. world, the father “bought plot shows of landthe in around her wrist. In the image from Wayanad, Rahul’s sitting constituency in “Rahul’s entry aonly Ghatsila on which he would build our house, the neckpiece and tilak are missing, while a UP, and show instances of underCongress is confused about its and the garden that would become his refuge development there, they are not black-strap watch adorns her wrist. political strategy, especially after If he winsand both escape”. having “My father had a vision for the The meme, made presumably for propa- convinced ,” adds Thomas. been beaten by the BJP jain Loss of habitat The concept of vanvaas — literally ‘living in the forest’ — was also related to vanaprastha, Amethi and Wayanad, her. He wanted it to return to its original form, Her husband Hari V Menon ganda, reflects a turn that Gandhi and his the game of communal politics ‘going to, or retiring in the forest’ people expect Rahulorderly a dense, forest...such No jaher is complete agrees that there is a belief party may have taken. in places as UP,” argues ansda Sowvendra Shekhar’s new among without flowering and so some writer of the peoplethe that Gandhi can ner, through narrator’s adult life.toAskeep per Wayanad “The party Gandhi and Priyanka represent Rahul shrubs Padman, a freelance My Father’s Garden comes to make bushes were uprooted and rea difference by improving the demands of such a form, minutes and wild lantanafrom in Kerala isnovel different from the one they have Wayanad. three sections: are tourism, and other In a give way, infrastructure and months and years must be condensed into a placed by hibiscus inherited,” us saysinMuneer Valappil, aThese commuWayanad may,plants... however, called ‘Lover’, ‘Friend’,sympathiser and ‘Father’. medical this was the first garden that he in Wayanad. phrase orfacilities half a sentence, and nications expert and Congress Gandhi opportunity to tell It is perhaps not “Kerala, a surprise that in this novel Menon, created.” works in theofnearby becausewho of the process selecfrom Kozhikode. especially Wayanad, voters in the South of his prioritabout the a young looking backto at look his adult When thecomprises narrator people asks his of Kalpetta is ahas critic tion and omission,and much to of Congress ies. The constituency offers partyman an opportunity and town — life, different, these three sections are devoted men, policies, fathercommunities, where they could grow a sal adds, heitswins both be left out. Art “If and sense of Amethi and peasants, tribal feel and Rahul seems to havetounderminorities — The curse of youngthat,” and ageing, areout. in the process of Wayanad, tree in their garden, he says that Rahul— to keep Way- whose causes time allowpeople these expect falsehoods stood Valappilwho points he espouses, points out Valappil. individualism evolution ‘garden’ of the title thenot soiloffer needed grow itchances is to be They the want Wayanad toasbea the constitu- “Amethi does years from narrator’s life Gandhi’sthemselves. decision toThe fight the ongoing Lok anad. this.toHence, necessitates that comes polls to us only the final section, for a ency foundWayanad.” only in “our jaher”. My Fathof India’s future Primehave Minister.” young medical student Sabha fromin both Wayanad andand Amethi are he will retain we create our If that happens, it will herald a new Conreader such aas shift myself, title acts a bit like a been er’s Garden, at that point, becomes He condensed points out into thatthe Gandhi’s first 62presence has underlines inthe the party’s political own gardens aligns with “progressive” eleteaser — IPolitical wait for observers the arrivalin ofthe thestate garden. The woken a parable for the damaged ecoup the Democratic pages. But willLeft nature and its Front, which gress, one that strategy. believe focusses on “real” suchthe as waitmove is almost akin the to waiting forand a garden of our world,issues and how upsense its campaign particular of time after allowthe Congress ments and logy the will help Congress, maketo it stepped unemployment,necessitrather grow — as if the writer has planted a seed in president’s curseand of individualism namethe was announced. that? And hence two kinds of The Left, in the farm crisis more popular down South. Doing so would ones as our nationalism, the title that will grow intotoour only by nothe turn, ates that wesuch create own garhopes will choose time — timeGandhi in art and time inhis long-time than “rhetorical” also mean bidding adieu theeye long-held And no really be surtimethat we come to the book. In this is the cre- UP dens,Joseph. recreations of one the should primeval forest. For over Wayanad if he wins both. The Left says theseat garden. tion the Congress is a North-based party. Gandhi offers to Vadra and ation of aitnew kind time, hesit- believes we shallif all need to take Amethi vanaprastha. can win a by-election by making This is ita novel about a man looking at men prised Further, could beofseen asthough GandhiI am weaning ant to call it of narrative decisionand to ‘father’ surrender Wayanad ap- makes Wayanad his base, he adds. — ‘lover’, ‘friend’, are used as shorthimself out a legacy,time. for Amethi is a pocket Gandhi’s Let me earlier explain.represented The novel, by written in first pear act of betrayal. handlike for an titles sections, but they are actu- sumana roy is the author of How I Became A Tree; borough his mother, jose p t@SumanaSiliguri person,and takes us, almost in a picaresque man- ally Voters BLink to, however, consider his jinoy studies of spoke men taking on roles, fighting father uncle.






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saturday, april 27, 2019

Flying Hanumans and vote bank politics The ruling party in West Bengal is trying to woo back sections of voters with Hindu festivals and symbols and Hanuman Jayanti?” she asks. “Is there something wrong? I love watching Ganapati Bappa Morya celebrations in Mumbai on TV — so why can’t we also have some fun?” I make my way through the bazaar to Vicky Book Centre, a tiny hole-in-the wall stationery shop run by Vikas, whose father, Shambhunath Shaw, is an RSS leader. “We are all from the RSS, and I have been attending shakhas since I was a child,” says Vikas. The local authorities gave his father and Ashok Shaw permission for the Bajrangbali procession as they are both members of the Bajrang Bali Sewa Samity, he says. Mishra was present at the festivities as a guest, he adds. I pose the same question that I’d asked Ashok Shaw’s son. How is it that Hanuman is being worshipped with such vigour in Bengal now? “Earlier, Bengalis just dismissed him but now they are worshipping him, and they are shouting ‘Jai Sri Ram’ along with BJP workers. Narendra Modi has brought deshbhakti back,” Vikas says. Two doors away, another Shambhunath Shaw runs a small tailoring shop. He is furiously stitching saffron pennants and flags inscribed with ‘Jai Sri Ram’ and ‘Bajrangbali’. Earlier, he says, he used to sell clothes but now finds the religious market a lot more lucrative. Curious camaraderie The Bajrangbali procession this month was organised by supporters of the Bharatiya He is critical of Trinamool leader Mamata Janata Party (BJP) and the ruling Trinamool Congress afp/diptendu dutta Banerjee, who, he says, turned the atmosphere “communal” by imposing restrictions on igns of revelry litter the streets of as local youth centres. The residents of the Durga Puja festivities, postponing the idol’s Champdani. A day after a Hindu reli- town are largely descendents of immigrants immersion to accommodate a Moharram gious procession snaked its way from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar who came to procession. through the town in West Bengal’s Bengal during the last century in search of “She is campaigning for Modi, helping Hooghly district, the roads are flanked by saf- jobs in the jute mills and other factories, most him,” he says. fron festoons and enormous cutouts of a fly- of which have since closed. The Trinamool, which had in its early years ing Hanuman. I enquire about the local organisers of the focussed on capturing the Muslim vote, which Arch-enemies came together for the April 17 procession, and am directed to the electrical stands at 30 per cent in the state, now finds Bajrangbali (another name for Hanuman, the goods shop of Trinamool activist Ashok Shaw, that the BJP has successfully polarised Bengal. monkey god) procession and the Ram Navami an immigrant from Bihar. He is out, but his Clearly, the ruling party realises that if it does festivities that preceded it. The rally and celeb- son, in his early 20s, is there — and not do something to retain rations were organised by supporters of the vocal about the festivities. some of its Hindu support base, The young man declines to disBharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the ruling Triit will be in trouble. The soluclose his name but stresses that, namool Congress. tion, it believes, lies in panderFirst religion, then There was a time when Bengal knew little as a Trinamool activist, he has ing to those being swayed by comes the party about Ram Navami and few saw Hanuman as a been asked “to back the Pujas vigthe BJP. deity. But after the BJP came to power at the orously”. In West Bengal, Durga, At Champdani, the TrinCentre, and its party units and many Rashtriya Kali and Saraswati are the most amool Congress MP from Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) affiliates got a boost worshipped deities — when did Serampore Kalyan Bannerjee, in West Bengal, the state has been witnessing Ram and Hanuman enter the Bengali pan- who is also the party’s candidate this time, — and revelling in — Ram Navami and Hanu- theon of gods, I ask. shares space with Hanuman on an enormous His voice drops. “There is a lot of jagrukta hoarding. Ratna De Nag, the Trinamool MP man Jayanti festivities. The Champdani processions mark the turn (awakening) now. There is Hindutva inside all who represents the neighbouring Hooghly it has taken in recent times. The rallies are of us,” he says, tapping his chest solemnly. seat, also made it a point to attend the festivitmarked by a display of arms, with the young — “First religion, then comes the party,” he adds. ies, locals point out. The party’s official line, His father is a member of the local puja however, is that these religious celebrations largely unemployed youth — wearing saffron bandanas and dancing on the streets to the committee that organised the procession, but have nothing to do with the elections. the driving spirit was the Champdani munistrains of techno music. So, who is winning from Serampore, I ask “It was the biggest procession I have seen in cipality chairman and Trinamool leader the unnamed Trinamool activist. It’s a contest my life,” gushes Vikas Shaw, the local Bharatiya Suresh Mishra, who is “very religious” and “be- between his party and the BJP, he says. The Left Janata Yuva Morcha secretary. “I guess since lieves in Hindutva”. But Mishra, he hastens to and the Congress have clearly been wiped out. add, also organises Ramzan and promotes it’s election time, the mood was hot.” What about his own vote? He looks mysteriIn front of the busy Champdani Bazaar on Hindu-Muslim unity. ous and says, “I hope you got my drift.” The young man’s mother is sitting next to the Grand Trunk Road are two roadside temples, Jai Bharat Club and Jai Mahabir us and closely following the conversation. smita gupta is senior fellow, The Hindu Centre for Sangh — suggesting that they do double duty “Why are you so interested in Ram Navami Politics and Public Policy



takeaway meet

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saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019


The road not taken ‘Stick it out and make good friends’ A nature lover rides off to a remote part of Himachal Pradesh

Royal Society fellow Gagandeep Kang on work, sexism and speeding up drug testing in India leadership roles in science? You get to the top by sticking it out. I cannot conceive of myself without work. It is what drives your definition of who you want to be. The one thing valuable to have is flexibility. If I know what my goals are, give me the time and space to achieve them when I can, and not between 9 and 5. Create the opportunities for me — childcare on site, flexible working hours and so on — to fulfil all my varied responsibilities. Is it a lot harder for women to earn trust in their capabilities? I was in a really empowering place — the Christian Medical College in Vellore. But when it came to a reimbursement-based grant that a male colleague and I had been selected for, he was given the grant and I was asked to go find a guarantor who would lend me ₹25 lakh to show as safety deposit. I came crying out of that meeting... They did not ask this of the guy Acing the game Gagandeep Kang is known as the “vaccine godmother” of India who had exactly the same grant and qualifications. agandeep Kang, the first woman Tell us a bit about your growing-up years. There are other daily discriminations. I from India to be made a fellow of My father was in the Railways, my mother a would be talking in a meeting and a man the Royal Society of London, has of- teacher. We moved around a lot, mostly across would just start talking like I hadn’t started. ten been described as the country’s north and east India. I changed schools 10 Now I’ve gotten to a point where if I’m speakSmall wonder In Chindi, one is away from tourist hordes and the grey of concrete jungles images: sharma “vaccine godmother”. Lauded forpartha herpratim work in times. When I was 12, my father and I built our ing nobody else will speak up. It’s taken a long building national rotavirus and typhoid sur- own lab at home. We’d buy test tubes and time to get here. welve yearsthe ago,56-year-old my daughters, wife chemicals veillance networks, scientist Kolkata. I made tiful walksfrom in the midst Once of woods andhydroorch- the splendid landscape. After riding up a few and I went to Shimla on Health a vacation. currently heads the Translational Sci- gen, blasting our roof.your Exploring the Tell kilometres, stopped gaze at the Sutlej, us about Iyour humantoimmunology ards.nearly The place rejuvenates body and give sense of research. Shimla wasInstitute, nice, butFaridabad. by the second natural ence and Technology environment, having a the microscope, which had entered a narrow valley. From my soul, and the thick forests calmness a city-dweller is them was I’ve been studying were bored of doing the cutting Excerptsevening from anwe interview: upthat leaves and observing vantage pointimmunology up on the hill, it human using oftenIin search of. same thing over and over again. Back then, what did for fun. formidable — but I vaccines as adidn’t tool. seem We started with studies therehard were noitGoogle-guided I had my How was for you to get here, that During summers we used to visit our grand- based on oralsuppose was raging thatand revaccinesit rotavirus andin polio o getand back to the beginning, guide placed books, inmaps and ranks a notebook where I parents you’re the same as Newton everybody there read. My uncle we do a deep stricted space. of the immune characterisation I crossed the Sutlej River on usedDarwin, to jot down the names lesser-known collected and also Royal Societyof Fellows? illustrated classics, giving us our response. The area higher I climbed, the is CHIMs (Controlled I reached Chindi The other a new concrete bridge that pages has carried places that think I wanted tothe travel to.platform But today One, I don’t I’m on same as summer’s delight. The back ca-11 hours denser the forest became. I rode human infection models) which isn’t that difafter replaced theI once old wooden sus-calling of most ofand those once-offbeat places on reer Newton Darwin or anybody else.are Thisall is readvice. saw an ad formotorcycling air ferent from clinical into a research. large tract virgin land. It’sofabout having pension bridge, but get ontoslow destinationthat maps. cognition you’ve done good work. It hostesses, who would travel the world. There were few paddy a controlled infection thataallows you to fields charfrom Delhi speed. This is abeen routeon I am famil-before, I was acterise disease That holiday in Shimla that has been egging me Having doesn’t mean necessarily you are among never a plane down along riverandthe test hills whether an the intervenis an iar with. few This yearsisago I had vis- to do!’ But tion works orside on ever lookAbout for unheard-of the best since of thetobest. being theplaces. first In-It like, ‘Oh Aboy! what I want and orchards upabout the hills, not. What I’m talking approach thata ited didn’t Tattapani on the border of was this desire forwomen the unknown thatbeen pushed dian woman, well have only ad- that happen (laughs). but houses to and research people were shortens path stop to getting to Shimla and Mandi districts. The me towards Chindi, a little townover in Himachal mitted as Royal society fellows the last rare sight.the I would now and human than theI Sutlej marks a natural border between the then for a break Pradesh that very seem to knowLalita of. Ra- Any 60-70 years. And few microbiologist career advice for women and testing a cup ofrather tea, whenever stagedand process involving districts. Many have spoken A few weeksofago, I rodeorigin, on mywas Royal Enfield scientists? makrishnan, Indian awarded found a shopcurrent by the road, talk to the few Science anypresentpre-clinical studies, immunoTraffic Naldehra on the road isn’t motorcycle fromThe Delhi to Chindi thedoesn’t Karsog about the FRS in 2018. only thing isinshe howthinned difficultafter it was for locals to know more about the place. different from genicity in humans and, finally, from to Shimla. a while, I practically had Valley Mandi live andofwork in district. India. The town is about 90 them returnAfter to their I reached Chindi after 11 hours of motorcycefficacy number of the road toafter myself. What slowed me downother was fields km from Shimla and 470 km the from Delhi. You profession For me the big thing is that importance a break. ling from Delhi. It wastests. 4 pmThe when I reached. people involved is larger in each can go to Chindi viais Shimla, Mashobra, FunNal- I never took a break. I had an of medical research being recognised. stage. It allows you to make dedehra anddiscoveries Tattapani (SH-13). damental in mathematics, physics eight-week maternity leave for cisions about failed products This hilltop are town, surrounded and chemistry often treated asby realapple sci- both my children while I was doearlier and that way you put orchards, pine trees and deodars, is one on of Hience, benefiting many more people a ing my PhD. There was a time machaltimeline. Pradesh’s best-kept secrets. Youtowill longer Medical research tends be when I was pregnant and my husband was in fewer people at risk of being involved in testnot find anyimmediate. tourists there. Yet, sense, it has recogsome- hospital. We had a friend staying at home with ing futile interventions. much more In that thing for — picturesque forests for her daughter, whose husband was also in hosnising theeverybody quality of what we do on an internathe nature lover, aisblanket of calm for those pital and much sicker. I called my mother. She How can India lower its infant mortality rate? tional platform tremendously valued. seeking research solitude, is and several old temples for came and took away my older son and said, Promoting safer births and good antenatal Medical also all about teams. For the religious or was the history me, the big win that we lover. were able to build “Call me when you’re ready to have him back”. care will address a large component of the Among the manyin temples that kind of a team India. in the vicinity are With that kind of support system you can mortality rate. Other causes include vaccine the Mamleshwara Mahadev, Kamakhya Mata, manage. I have a friend who stayed up nights preventable diseases and acute diseases. AntiMahunag, Ardhnarishwara, Aledi Mahadev, with me to type out my PhD on her computer. biotics used appropriately and vaccines for Is this recognition for your work on the rotavirus vaccine or aand bodyChurag of work?temple. LePalinag at Nalagali My career advice for women is to have really diarrhoea and pneumonia have a role to play. It is for a body work.ofI’d to tellgo people gend has it thatofsome thelike temples back good friends. Science isn’t any different from The rest is access to healthcare. If you can get to theI time thethings Pandavas. that workofon apart from rotavirus other fields. Whatever you choose to do, you children to facilities there’s no reason why we can’t reduce the mortality even further. (laughs). I work onthe gutsense infections. More The silence and of peace thatspeyou have to commit to it. in a child, their cifically, gut infections get in Chindi are something thatinyou arefamnot shriya mohan Holy do beginnings Chindifew owes its name the Chandika Temple we see such women into top ily, in their environment. likely to find in other hill towns. It offers beau- Why




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saturday, april 27, 2019

Return gift In the current election landscape, each party is trying to outbid the other in terms of giveaways for voters afp/manjunath kiran


The award for populism goes to...

populism was secured by the Telugu Desam Party of N Chandrababu Naidu, which promised monetary benefits to the extent of ₹2 lakh a year to each family in perpetuity. These benefits, the party emphasised, would extend all the way “from the womb to the tomb”. That an erstwhile reformist-minded chief minister, who had projected himself as the State’s CEO who could deliver superior governance on the bedrock of fiscal prudence, feels compelled to go over the top with cradleto-grave giveaways, tells its own story. In effect, what such competitive populism has done is to shift the fulcrum of the discourse on the economy far to the left of the might see performed in village fairs, but as centre. Theory suggests that this opens up the much as it validated theoretical scientific con- politico-economic space on the right of the cepts, it also allegorically demonstrated the centre for any party to profit from. As a suppolitical premise that stability is optimised at posed ‘right-wing’ party, the BJP may seem best placed to fill this vacuum, but the reality the centre of any platform. Under these principles, a lurch to one ex- is somewhat different. Other than a few of the BJP’s market-oritreme position by one political party or formation would effectively create a vacuum at the ented policy interventions, such as the Ayushother end of the spectrum, which a rival could man Bharat health insurance scheme, the party’s core economic philoprofitably hope to fill, even if it is sophy doesn’t differ vastly from acting on an opportunistic instinct. That consideration would the Nehruvian socialist model effectively serve as a counterbalthat characterises much of the Congress has been ancing force on the first party, political flock. Its appetite for a nimble about seizing which would then be commodicum of reforms, manifest pelled, for reasons of its own sur- the business-friendly soon after it came to power in turf vacated by BJP vival, to move away from the 2014, vanished ever since it was fringe — and towards the centre. targeted by the Congress with As the players negotiate the the ‘suit-boot sarkar’ jibe, ostensspaces thus, the political system ibly for placing a premium on as a whole would typically find a balance close the sensibilities of corporate tycoons. That efto the centre. fectively represents a lost opportunity. However, a survey of the election landscape Ironically, the Congress has been nimble across the country, and a clinical study of the about seizing this piece of business-friendly parties’ manifesto promises in respect of the turf vacated by the BJP. economy, makes a mockery of these political For all of Congress President Rahul theories. Virtually every party’s economic Gandhi’s continuing jibes — much of which manifesto, such as it is, is centred around com- rests on a foundation of mind-numbing menpetitive welfarism, with each looking to ‘out- dacity — about Prime Minister Narendra bid’ the others in respect of promised Modi’s proximity to prominent businessmen, giveaways for voters. The Congress came up it is a Congress candidate who has secured an with the pledge of a ₹72,000-a-year direct be- on-tape endorsement from India’s richest tynefit transfer to 20 per cent of the poorest coon. Evidently, sartorial preferences are tendhouseholds in India, which received much ing towards the suit-boot yet again. media attention and acclaim. That set off a bidding war of sorts, in which regional parties venky vembu is Associate Editor, BusinessLine; too joined in. In the end, the award for reckless

Indian polity rests on a dangerous seesaw of competitive welfarism, which downgrades the discourse on economy

venky vembu


n this season of extended election campaigning, with opinion polls pointing to a less-than-clear mandate for any one party, it’s fair to say that the political manoeuvring skills of key players will be on stern test — first, in forming a government, and later in ensuring its stability. Established political theory would suggest that parties that position themselves close to the centre of the political stage — and steer clear of the fringes — stand the best chance of attracting allies and new adherents. There is something about centrism that political formations, particularly those that are not bound by ideological orthodoxy of one persuasion or another, ought to find comforting: It provides them the flexibility to be all things to all people, and to fashion opportunistic alliances based on post-election outcomes. A graphic audiovisual clip, which went viral on social media platforms last week, provided a metaphor of sorts for the kind of skills that will be required in the next few weeks as parties scramble to read the tea leaves of the electoral verdict and ponder over whether “auld acquaintances” should “be forgot” and “never brought to mind”. The clip, which gained traction after business tycoon Anand Mahindra drew attention to it, was of a thrilling automobile daredevilry, with two jeeps being artfully manoeuvred on a scarily see-sawing mechanical platform. After teetering one way and then the other in order to counter-balance the other vehicle’s lurch to one extreme, the two automobiles find the right equilibrium and the right balance — at the centre. It’s the kind of stunt that you


know read

BL 18 6 BL

saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019


Game of soldiers Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s suggestion that those loyal to the army vote for him has caused disquiet pti


A fine balance Being in a park involved being communal, in a public space, but also being on one’s own sushil kumar verma

He said, she said Through a park, hand in hand PAPERWALLAH

dren gathered at the swings and seesaws. It felt like something coming back to life. My favourites were the aunties — in their saris and salwars and sneakers, who walked around and then spent the rest of their evening chatting in a circle. Sometimes, there were corporate workers, out of place in their shiny shoes and suits. or language”. Alongside, the “use of, or appeal tions In time, I also glimpsed a man his dogs of Indian democracy as aand process of to, religious and national symbols, such as, dispensing who lookedpatronage. exactly as I’d envisioned one of my the national flag and the national emblem” characters in a orthodoxy story from on Boats on Land, the The judicial these matters for campaign advantage, would be a corrupt was unnamed narrator in rulings The Keeper of Souls. How set in 1995 in two by the Supreme practice. strange and wondrous. I’m touched also by Court (SC) involving Shiv Sena legislators from By these criteria, Prime Minister Narendra Maharashtra, the sight of anYeshwant elderly gentleman helped on Prabhoo and Manoby the Modi has himself served up a sufficient num- har Joshi. by Both disqualified his stroll hishad son,been and another septuagenarian in High swanky shades and a dashing silverCourt — Prabhoo after winning ber tropes toapp keep the ECI busy. Andof so,rhetorical with the help of an called “Map my Bombay topped walking stick. These days I regularly seat in a 1987 by-election and Joshi after the When main competitor, Rahul Gandhi of his Walk”,his I walked. Those were winter days, with election — on grounds of acorrupt pass general an earnestly running dude in t-shirt the Congress, chose toand hedge betswas by conshort, swift evenings, cold,his which why 1990 that proclaims EVERYDAY IS Athe GOOD DAY practices. By the(sic) time matter testing seat from Kerala perhapsthe theWayanad park was mostly quiet. This,aside I had electoral FOR A RIDE a young girl Joshi who wears sweattheand Supreme Court, had won refrom his customary Modi suggested to admit, wasn’t too Amethi, bad. It was pretty under reached the was flower beds,by marigolds ers on her saying hello to my in run. 1995I’ve andstarted assumed office as Mahathat the choice dictated the “ma- election the trees, and of in seat were beginning to bloom. I listened to music, rashtra’s characterchief fromminister. my story.Prabhoo I smile athad theretired nanny, jority being in minority” there. thought about myvisit book. If I found running retaining hisshe’s seat in 1990I’ve anddodged serving dog out and ask her how doing. On a campaign to Kerala, Modi swore after unsustainable, walking definitely less so. apoo, full term in themulberries, state assembly. squashed picked up fallen to protect the faith of thewas people, in an evident First, I began to recognise out flowers, In twofound judgements thatofstill confound the a bouquet seed sleeves, and reference to divisions overthe thedogs, entrytaken of menfor a walkwomen by the in help. couple efforts at parsing, thelight SC turned at the way filters struating theASabarimala shrine. In most patient marvelled of eager beagles, a fluffy chow appeal while Sometimes upholdingI through the leaves. between, he condemned the Congress for down Prabhoo’s chow, a flat-faced Joshi’s. Far from estab-/ sing Blur’s song,seeking ‘All theto people smearing Hindus bulldog, with the and acthe usual parade of Delhi favourlish a consistent standard, So many people / And they allthe go cusation of terrorism, and I hadn’t before ites, Labradors Golden court’s main concern seemed to hand-in-hand / Hand-in-hand urged people ofand that faith Reto realised how parks trievers.the Mingling, was happy avoid being drawn into It’s electoral through their parklife.’ true. avenge collectiveI insult. PM Modi werehas for himself the toModi’s see, with the friendly colony politics. It is sense the author Here was a rhythm of life all of of repeated suggestions served up a number vulnerable desi strays, andmen gang. two It judgements, Justice JS its own. involved being comthat loyaltyJulie to the in uni- of rhetorical tropes to the Then, I began to recognise the Varma, otherbut judgemunal,expressed in a publicin space, also form could be expressed by votkeep the ECI busy human ments too,one’s notably the landmark being on own. The curious ing for regulars. him, has caused great Twin sisters, with bouncy 1994 caseofofinside SR Bommai position and outversus at the disquiet, not least among recurly armed hair, walking, always on their phones. A same time. Here the Union Indiaemerging (over thefrom miswe allof were, tired forces personnel. If young girl, with useend of Article 356, which allows of day, from our vastly difthe usespecially-abled of the national flag orher nanny. An our caves at the old couple sat on a bench the trees. imposition of President’s rule in states). ferent lives, sharing a patch of open land in a emblem aswho a campaign prop under is defined as a the A hippiepractice, in his flared cottonforces pyjamas andspecol- vast Hearing a plea for theabout Joshi-Praband teeming city.revisiting Something it felt corrupt the armed are not ourful kurtas. An inexplicably well-dressed judgements in 2017, the SC observed that precious. cifically mentioned, perhaps because of a hoo elderlyrespected gentlemanconsensus with a beret, diligently campaign appeals couched in reliI hadn’t before realised how parks were for widely thatalso they will not election doing rounds. pawns. Over the weeks, I too, for gious identity are “evil”, but to take the vulnerable — the aged, thedeclined young, the spebe usedthe as political them, must have become a regular. theabled. petition. And that essentially is where it cially That amidst harsh urbanity they Union minister Maneka Gandhi, mean- up As winter receded, out came the with couples. rest politics comes up with a camcould beuntil gentle, accepting spaces. Regardless while, muddied the waters further, her will Snugglingthat at the bandstand on benches, idiom that stressesor hope and inclusion, of receding waistlines weighing scales, warning people of theorMuslim faith paign sneaking Students, than rancour andinexclusion. here we could all share a bit of soul. would gaininnosurreptitious favours if theykisses. declined voting rather probably from thestepping coaching centres inclose nearby for her. This was perilously to muralidharan at the school of janice pariat is the authorteaches of The Nine-Chambered Kaluline Sarai, the lawn, with sukumar the as alounged corruptaround practice,onwhile also lendOP Jindal Global University, Sonipat Heart; @janicepariat their guitarsto and joints. Chil- journalism, ing strength thestrong-smelling most unflattering descrip-

Despite bans and other warnings from the Election Commission, campaign rhetoric this poll season remains divisive and inflammatory

sukumar muralidharan

janice pariat


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ack on the campaign trail after a twoday ban, Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati was not holding back. The penalty imposed on her by the Election Commission of India (ECI), she declared, was an explicit affront to the Dalit identity. Considering it was an appeal based on reliver since started workon onher a new gious identity that Ihad brought the book earlier this year, I’ve been ECI’s sanction, Mayawati’s invocation ofwonthe dering: How do writers keep fit? All Dalit theme immediately afterwards might that reckless. sitting, Itbeing sedentary, for have seemed turned out though, hours, can’t healthy. How that sheyears, was on saferpossibly ground be there. does one keep in at abay dreaded writer’s Campaigning partthe of Uttar Pradesh (UP) bum?aItsignificant doesn’t help that gyms disquiet me — with Muslim presence, seldom all those in mirrors and space-agepeople exercise reflected the representation of mathe chines — andMayawati that I vowed I wasa done with runfaith secure, urged tactical use of ning after years of waking upcommunity’s at dawn to voting power. A division of the prance field inonly boarding vote, shearound warned,a would benefitschool. the rul-I wasn’t about to spend a thousand ing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). dollars on a treadmill — there such a thing, In whatwriting seemeddesk an effort atiseven-handedI swear — or a hundred onMayawati, a balance ball ness, the ECI, alongside alsochair imto encourage “active sitting”. ban And on while happosed a three-day campaign UP Ichief pily partake of at-home yoga for sessions (almost) minister Yogi Adityanath, his play on every — morning, found this —wasn’t quite words Ali versusI Bajrangbali that sought enough. time then to doportraying the very Delhi to exploitItawas growing schism, one thing of going park and to walk. religious faith to as aalien the Admittedly, other as in-I found the thought trinsic to the land. of joining legions of uncles and aunties their determined evening It could be on asked if the ECI has not estabmarchaa false little equivalence. embarrassing. lished On one side was a Hadn’t Iurging vowedthe at some point never to do politician creation of an electoral this based too? No lived in a house with bloc onmatter. faith asWe a tactical means to halt a three parks near us. There was no excuse. On community’s political marginalisation. chosewas thealargest. DDA (Delhi DeveloptheI other sense ofAcultural animosity bement Authority) a corner ing fostered with park, intentsequestered to assemblein a majoritof Sarvapriya Ring faith. Road, arian bloc that Vihar, would edging isolate athe minority though buffered by trees against The ECIthankfully clearly is uncomfortable playing refthe traffic. eree in matters of campaign rhetoric in an On oneseason side anthat openhas lawn with a children’s election brought multiple play area, inSection the middle a bandstand, and lush challenges. 123(3) of the Representatropical-esque treeAct cover, on the sideora tion of the People barsand appeals “tofarvote clearingfrom with voting worn grass andperson benches. cerefrain for any onAthe caste, community, ment track snaked its way around the park. ground of his religion, race,all

It is in its lung spaces that a sprawling and crowded city is at its most gentle, accepting self





saturday, april 27, 2019

In those days, there was no email As World Press Freedom Day highlights the turbulent state of contemporary journalism, senior reporters recall what it was like to chase stories without fear or favour or, for that matter, tech support


n a spacious office at the Press Trust of India in New Delhi, editor-in-chief Vijay Joshi stands over his desk, phone in hand. “Just check if there is anybody who will be able to explain how the Creed machine works,” he asks, brows furrowed. He distractedly watches the news from a TV mounted on the wall. The screen is cluttered with the frenetic visuals of poll metrics, and it cuts to a reporter travelling alongside a political candidate on a campaign truck. Even as the camera shakily focuses on the reporter, he turns away from the frame to film his surroundings with a phone, talking animatedly

and occasionally addressing the camera. working of the reperforator and the tape “The Creed machine,” Joshi repeats. “Yaar, printer, the “ungodly racket” the teleprinter Creed machine — jo teleprinter ke saath aate made as it spewed the incoming stories filed thhe (which used to come with the tele- by reporters from around the country. The TV printer). Is there anybody on the [editorial] screen now shows a reporter engaged in a dedesk who remembers operating this? No? All bate with a studio audience, who appear to be right then.” He hangs up with a sigh and stares shouting in unison at the camera. It’s hard not at two mechanical contraptions placed in a to see how some things — few though they may be — remain the same and, wooden frame next to his desk. yet, how far the process of newsA year ago, Joshi had pulled gathering has advanced over the out the machines from a pile of last four decades. trash in the PTI building baseTechnology rarely This is especially stark during ment. It was a reperforator and a escapes its own elections, when political parties tape printer — manufactured by obsolescence are relying on media outlets to British company Creed & Comreach an increasingly participatpany — which together made up ive public through effective sigthe teleprinter, a device that was nalling and perception once the cutting-edge of telemanagement. Campaigning and road shows communication technology. It was a sobering sight — the teleprinter sus- play second fiddle to a media blitzkrieg. The fourth phase of polling for the 16th Lok pended in time and memory like a museum curiosity, in a modern newsroom full of com- Sabha elections is around the corner, and with puters and smartphones. For reporters of an three more rounds to go, speculation is rife older generation, to “go to the post office and about the impending results. Reporters rush cut a tape on the teleprinter” was the equival- to file election copies from their phones, send story updates over WhatsApp, and break storent of “hey, just mailed you the copy”. ies on Twitter. Technology rarely escapes its own As another World Press Freedom Day — May obsolescence. Joshi describes what he can recall about the 3 — approaches us, it begs the thought — if the


partha pratim sharma

cover watch

BL BL 16 8

saturday, saturday,april april27,27,2019 2019


Old hand The teleprinter at the PTI office rihan najib

was the only way to get the stories across.” Dayal agrees. Getting the story was not a problem, getting it out was. Until the ’80s, teleprinters were available only in post offices of bigger districts, which made it difficult for reporters covering rural the hindu archives areas. “You had to keep three cards with you — the press card, the telegraph card and your telephone card,” he recalls. “You would go to Life comes a circle Manavwhat Kaul with Nandita Das in a filmhistory still from of theirthe latest film Albert PIntothe ko Gussa Kyun Aata the Hai post office with your story and a quarter of medium has changed, happened to the region, know socio-ecomessage? And what about the messenger? nomic background of the population. It was rum. There you would type out your story on very systematic.” Editors would instruct re- the teleprinter, or an operator would do it for t the crowded, noisy dining area of the In- porters to write their stories with rich de- you.” But then there were invariably other redian Women’s Press Corps (IWPC) in scriptive detail, to make readers feel as though porters, too, anxiously waiting their turn. Delhi, journalist John Dayal speaks to BLink in they were travelling with the reporter. “Noth- “That is where the rum came in,” he explains. Editors were focused on the full context of low, strained tones, occasionally wincing in ing was instant, nothing would happen till pain — he has three broken ribs from a recent the results were released. And there were only the story — not its immediacy. Vipul Mudgal, the director of Common Cause, a fall. But as he recalls his days of covering elec- so many times you could cover a Delhi-based NGO, recalls that as a tions, his face lights up. politician’s speech, so we foreporter for India Today in Chand“I’m well past 70 but you can see how ex- cused on how people were reactigarh in the ’80s, he often sent a cited I am to talk about the mad rush of those ing to the candidate,” says a Getting the story was and girleditor who go looking he last I saw hegoing was playcopychallenging of his articlework,” and the days,” he says. “It time wasn’t just him about out retired who wishesfor nottheir to absconding dom to produce heaccomargues. not a problem, father in the mountains. ingelectoral a complex army officer the be panying photo roll tothat the he head to cover an constituency — itinwas named. He is also appreciative of the fact has getting it out was “For Hansa, I went withthe mydetheatre group to not been stereotyped horror series Ghoul. It is difficult to office through the pilot of as a about everything around it as well, the day of What mattered were as an actor. His role the Uttarakhand 20 days connect affable man sitting in tails Delhi-bound “Journalists voting, the day ofthe counting, the pregnant and contexthills to for give the and shot the Vidya Balan’s husband inflight. Tumhari Sulu was entire film there. Wewhole just went front of me with Colonel Dacunha. But then reader wereherespected those days,” pause in between.” a reasonably pic- there with a greatly relatable, says. “They’re familiar as a bhscript.ofIt was rather impulsive, that’s Manavto Kaul, a versatile whose new saysanyone’s with a bhaiyya laugh. “So Referring reporters of actor his vintage as ture an ongoing election.but we had the couple, theyMudgal could be abhi,” he Butto Dacunha story. best time. Thereporting film has got acclaim so they’d films Albert Pinto Gussa Kyun Aata Hai and beadds. willing take it was withanother them when “word artists”, he ko discusses the challenges of Such detailed wascritical possible despite, “Ghoul was claustrophobic shoot, because of I’mperhaps happy,” because he says. of, the lack of technolo- told Netflix original Music Teacherofhave just elecbeen or I was anaIndia Today correspondent.” conveying the complexities Indian conditions wewas werecovering shootingAmritsar, in, as wellhe as Kaul grew up reading all he could in the released. When Mudgal tions solely through words: “You couldn’t just gical accoutrements. the role. Working Radhika was former is not todone be confused with the Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh. Though he would send his copyagainst to Delhi throughApte the TTE sayThe ‘Watch’ the way it is now”. That necesn the preface to her book The Marigold Story: great, sinceticket if the examiner) person opposite you istrain. good, born in Kashmir, he has little memory of (travelling Saeed Mirza-Naseeruddin Shah classic. “This is was of a night sitated a dexterity with language, an increasIndira & Others, journalist Kumkum it ups owndrop game.” state.Gandhi “But I feel at home when the smell of The actually a completely different film. The dir- the TTEyour would off the package at a bookingly uncommon virtue in contemporary describes how ac- shop Now Delhirailway for a series that and he says he canis in the mountains thejournalists air,” he says,would and then ector of the he film, Soumitra Ranade, had was nar- Chadha inin Delhi station, someone newsrooms, feels. “A friend of mine for “post when reporting not talk Kaulwould adds that likes to roam adds, “I’ve felt atoffice hometime” everywhere I’ve been from rated thethe script to us,UP andchief whenminister we heard it, count theabout, magazine pickhe it up. “This was covering former HN remoteisareas: a post office, around one the of city’s during his to. A person always“Without seeking familiarity, but actually we said, ‘Thiselection is Albertcampaign Pinto!’ Theincharacters’ thetree-lined faster waysroads you could send Bahuguna’s (what is from scoop was meaningless that out freeyour time. He likes to watch shows on platwhena you travel, it makes youbecause much more perspective and names similar, but it story,” he says. now) Uttarakhand, andare the first line ofhas hisa even forms such as Netflix in his free time. “You detolerant.” new plot line andin script.” copy is still stuck my head for the sheer poSomeone who was weaned on a diet of velop a relationship with these shows, and made quitewalks a name himself as etryKaul of has it: ‘Bahuguna tallfor among the an actor who canrecalls. play disparate roles. Another Czech literature — thanks largely to his “fa- want to watch one episode after the other,” he Deodars’,” Dayal says. He enjoyed watching a serivourite writer” Nirmal Verma ofWriting his Netflix films Maroon, a psychological for various publications, including alised version of the Coen Broththriller, is it not an easy50th watch. plays a pro- who translated the works of The Patriot, is Dayal’s yearHe in journalism. ers’ classic Fargo, as well as the fessor creative falls many Czech authors into Hindi The firstofelection he writing covered who was atslowly the muniBritish comedy Sex Education. apartlevel afterin his wife goes missing. “The film was — Kaul’s love for literature cipal 1973-74. Since then, he maintains, He is also impressed by Delhi made a low budget years. Now trumps all his other passions. “I “I have a lot of people the wayonpeople vote hasover not many changed. “Local, inside me, and I can’t Crime — based largely on the 2012 Netflix has acquired Good scripts don’tand go used to read to impress girls, and personal issues aboutit. identity, education tell which bit about rape and murder of a young to waste,” he says. see himselfover as a at that time, you could buy all water supply will Kaul still likes take to precedence me I enjoy playing physiotherapy trainee in Delhi.. man not to besuch tied down to a singular identity these translations at a nominal macro issues as terrorism and national the most” “I think it has raised the bar on or a profession, security,” he says.for that matter. A chance en- price, about ₹10 a book.” Verma how shows have to be made — on counter with theatre at Bhopal Bhawan, and a introduced him to Russian literWhat about the way reporters approach everything, from the plot to the ature, too, and the books later mentor in a well-known elections? “SoAlok muchChaterjee, has changed,” he replies acting.” Gung ho about the protheatre professional from Bhopal, inspired led him to theatre. with a sigh. liferation of small budget films The play Red Sparrow directed the 37-year-old actor to turn to theatre. He has, Geeta Seshu,plays whosuch began sinceedia then,observer acted and directed as by him, according to him, is “...totally indul- releasing on digital platforms, Kaul believes her ke journalism the ’80s Shakkar Paanch career Daane inand Bali and and gent, with references from Dostoevsky to this is the time for talent to shine. “Where else covered in the Konkan region, Shambhu.elections His first breakthrough in film was Nirmal Verma. The audience might not have would Shefali Shah’s talent get the space othvividly recalls theJeran briefinshe begot it in bits, but a creator’s job is to make erwise,” he asks. when he played thewould Javed receive Jaffrey film fore setting Mamantaram out to cover an His own fans are happy to see that Kaul has them think.” Jajantaram inelection. 2003. “You were andand youdirector, studiedapart it in assigned a constituency Kaul says he is not greatly bothered that got the space to display his considerable He is also a screenwriter as minute detail as possible. You from being a theatre person. “I had havetoa know lot of theatre no longer has a large following. prowess. From a complicated conniver to a itpeople like the backme, of your she which says. “We inside and Ihand,” can’t tell bit “People don’t give a s**t about theatre, and man-next-door, he has a role for all occasions. had to me make threeplaying or fourthe trips to visit the while you might think that’s a bad thing, it about I enjoy most.” Hisall directGovernment officials coverage prashant nakwe payel majumdar upreti main candidates, outisthe entire electoral giveseye theatre artistes a lotinofMumbai spacemonitoring and free-election orial debut Hansafind (2012) about a young boy Keen Back then A 1969 photo showing how election news was received in the Telephone Exchange from Delhi every half-anhour by teleprinter

Man of parts


Bollywood actor and theatre personality Manav Kaul opens up about his life beyond the silver screen







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saturday, april 27, 2019

“You could use telephones, as well — book a trunk call or ‘lightning call’, as we called them — and dictate your stories to the sub-editor in the office, but these calls were frightfully expensive,” he says. This meant that the queue for the teleprinter grew longer, especially for certain operators known for their competence. Mudgal remembers one of them — Paijwant Singh in Amritsar. “He was a strapping, goodnatured Sardar. We used to call him ‘Page-One’ Singh, because he would type out our copies on the teleprinter with minimal mistakes,” Mudgal says. “I would go to the post office well in advance just to find out when Paijwant would be on duty. I’d land up exactly then. You had to make your friends in the business.” Many erstwhile teleprinter operators are still friends with him on Facebook, he says. Fax machines came in towards the late ’80s, along with early versions of laptops — clunky machines that threatened to break down ever so often in the middle of transmitting a copy. There were also the pagers, which “you could strap on to your belt and give a huge inferiority complex to anyone who didn’t have one,” Mudgal says. Despite the galloping advancements in technology, the greatest asset for a reporter still remains “the power of observation and memory,” says Dayal. “Technology was meant to refresh the reporter’s memory, not replace it.”


t the Nizamuddin residence of BBC’s former Delhi bureau chief Mark Tully, ornate paintings adorn the walls. An affectionate Labrador insists on being a part of the conversation but promptly falls asleep. Tully, now retired, narrates his memories of seeing The Times and The Guardian foreign correspondents get into a fight over a teleprinter. Yet it wasn’t a time of intense competition as it is now. “We were a select company because there were far fewer of us,” says Tully. “Now I feel that most reporters have to act like news agency reporters, in the sense that they have to get the story out first. This increases competition between journalists tremendously.” Such competition is largely attributed to TV news, rather than print, since a significant chunk of advertising revenue is directed to television outlets. After a modest entry in September 1959, television in India under the monopoly of the state-owned Doordarshan channel remained a staid, bureaucratic affair till the ’90s. Post liberalisation, foreign players such as media baron Rupert Murdoch’s Star N etwork entered the fray, followed by domestic players such as Zee and Sun. The number of privately owned channels exploded, currently pegged at 904, of which over 350 are news channels. When Prannoy and Radhika Roy set up NDTV in 1988 and, a year later, tracked former PM Rajiv Gandhi’s defeat in the general elections, the stage was set for the contemporary Indian TV newsroom. This new face of election coverage was a marked, and lasting, departure from the mere announcement of results that formed election reporting on TV until then.


ot all the changes were for the good, though. In journalist Sandeep Bhushan’s recently released book The Indian Newsroom: Studio, Stars and the Unmaking of Reporters, there is a telling remark that captures today’s changed face of TV news coverage from what it was in its heyday. “Even as the clout and reach of the media has increased over the years, it has become more susceptible to the government of the day,” he writes. The imperative in contemporary newsrooms is not to inform, but to incite viewers to participate in a cycle of

Prime mover Prannoy Roy, co-founder of NDTV, set the stage for the contemporary Indian TV newsroom

rajeev bhatt

picked up from the ’90s. It’s become an epiescalating outrage. In an earlier interview to this reporter, Pran- demic especially over the last three general noy Roy noted the partisan nature of media elections.” In 2009-10, Guha Thakurta was part of a subtoday and how it was a “disturbing trend” for committee of the Press Council of India that democracy. Seshu says, “Where are the reporters on the investigated the rampant instances of paid ground? If they do exist, they don’t get the re- news in Indian journalism. He cites the exsources to cover the field in detail. The picture ample of a regional publication that carried that the public gets is really about the big on the same page two reports, with one pretrends, as opposed to the local issues that or- dicting a landslide win for one candidate and dinary people face. This is affecting the way the other projecting the opponent as the elections are perceived.” likely winner. “It’s alarming how money has This, she adds, has led to giving priority to corrupted the way elections are covered,” flashpoint situations — where the impetus is Guha Thakurta says. to be the first one to break a story, or comment DTV’s senior executive editor Ravish Kuon an ongoing debate. “This leads to marginal mar, who helms the popular segments voices getting further marginalised.” Moreover, social media outlets such as Twit- Prime Time and Ravish Ki Report, is categorical ter and WhatsApp have increased the speed about the steep decline in the quality of elecand reach of information dissemination, of- tion coverage. “There is no reporting in televiten bypassing traditional media outlets. “The sion now... very few reporters are even sent out entire narrative is being dictated on social me- into the field,” he says. “Debates and talk dia,” PTI’s Joshi says. Seshu agrees that elec- shows have taken over the space of field reporting.” tions yield a lot of stories from He compares the current covsocial media reports from citerage of constituencies by TV izens and a veritable army of crews to a circus going from freelancers. “But I’m not sure if The anchor is always town to town. “Just look at the we have only generated noise or snatching the mic camera movement — they move actually made an impact on the in such a way as to indicate some minds of the voters,” she says. great earthquake is happening. iscussing the drop in qualThen the anchor adds to the ity in much of the reporting today, Tully chaos by mouthing the same propaganda that recalls how when he filed a story, it didn’t go he would say in the studio. He won’t let anyon air immediately. “It would be passed on to one finish their sentence, and then he’ll many competent sub-editors, who would snatch their mic away because he presumes then check the copy for errors and improve it. he already knows what they’re going to say. I see much less sub-editing today. Perhaps it’s The anchor is always snatching the mic.” He because reporters are under pressure to get rues the lack of independence in media outthe story out as quickly as possible.” lets and their reliance on the powers-that-be Looking back at his three-decade-long ca- for survival. “Television can’t afford to be antireer with the BBC, he remarks that journalists establishment. So it survives by manufacturare far more insecure now. He touches on the ing biases, influencing perception and reproextensive retrenchments in both print and di- ducing this cycle ad nauseam. Reporting has gital newsrooms across the country. This, in been replaced by debate, so that media outlets turn, has undermined the confidence of can play it safe.” journalists, many believe. ack at the IWPC, Dayal flips through a Election coverage, in particular, has been small notebook — his “trusty companion impacted by a few other factors too. “There always has been a certain amount of corruption of many years”. Scribbles and notations surin the media. Journalists have been paid to round dates, names and phone numbers. write along particular lines, to praise a party What was the best part about those days when or trash a party or write against a candidate. there was no email and when teleprinters This is as old as journalism itself,” says journal- were in post offices and not in showcases? “We were paid peanuts, but we worked with ist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta. “The large-scale expenditure under the table — what we call giants,” he says. paid news, wherein what appears to be a news item is actually a paid-for advertisement — has rihan najib





watch cover

saturday, april 27, 2019


10 14


Is there a doctor in the hall? Blood transfusion is a hero, new technologies are fun and life-changing, while organ transplant is always criminal. The doctor, however, is missing in action in Hindi films today

War time Beyond the flood of misinformation the bigger worry is voter targeting through fake news

Vote for lies

Congress party for “co-ordinated inauthentic behaviour” or, to put it simply, spam. Pro-BJP pages — around 200 — were Arcs and angles Amitabh Bachchan, who played a disillusioned young physician in Anand (with Rajesh Khanna in theFacebook image below), is a hypochondriac who trusts onlyalso the family doctor, a homeopath, in Piku (with Deepika Padukone) taken down. Beyond just the flood of misinformation, ndustrialist Harsh Goenka recently in 2018, from 1,684 in 2017, while there was a the bigger worry is the unethical 20 lakh. Even a kidney transplantvoter (₹3-7targetlakh), tweeted a photograph of a young woman 160 per cent jump in the number of liver trans- ing namely, the use ofiscustomised mesnow—considered routine, more expensive and her father baring their midriffs to re- plants — from 708 in 2017 to 1,130 in 2018. saging afterreplacement dissecting the voter(₹2-3.5 population than a knee surgery lakh), veal a large red scar resembling an inververy specific segments on the of which is fairly common among thebasis mostly One clear indicator that organ transplant into ted L. The woman had donated her liver to her has arrived, so to speak, is its entry as a caste, religion, otherIndians. factors. Yet, sedentaryideology, class of and affluent father and the two had posed for a picture plot point in several recent Hindi Earlier this thea Election Commishowmonth, often has knee replacement after the surgery. The April 18 tweet went viral, films. Some of these films, such sion of Indiafeatured (ECI) received a note titled in Hindi films? Do‘Safeyou true or false photograph for the following as Andhadhun (2018), telling are mainfor it was anark extraordinary that For from digital platforms’, most lay users, truth from fake guarding democracy ever remember a gall bladder statements: stream others such as took most people by surprise. Women do not news which had 167 signatories, including canwhile be near-impossible. removal — among theformer comblast-accused usually display a) scarsMalegaon on their bodies, possibly Ship of Theseus (2012) are acelection commissioners Quraishi and Gomonest SYsurgeries — N menSadhvi Pragya wasprospects. acquittedBut of Targeting claimed art-house projects, because it diminishes marriage palaswami, the tioned Delhi-based NGO Common users in a Hindi film? and some such Breathe are is going to be Cause, which is dedicated to championing all charges of unlawful before being what was more strikingactivities was the mention of or- “We believe theas next election nominated by the BJP to fight electionseveryfrom fought masalaon web-series witha Bollygan transplant, a topic that is seemingly WhatsApp,” member of the Bhar- public issues, Internet Blood inFreedom the veins Foundation Bhopal. woodJanata actors.Party’s In the(BJP) 2019IT film where all of a sudden. atiya cell, the party’s so- and others. What’s interesting is that the Gullymedia Boy, it wing, appears as ajournalists boast. “If earlier this b) Eighty Muslim houses If you take a longish taxiwere ride demolished in Mumbai, cial Among thetransplant concerns raised the likeli-a told alwayswasinvolves for thenotice construction of PM Modi’s ambitious things go right, then I can do you’ll three types of billboards — selling year. hood of a dimension significant swing in Around 9 lakh ‘cell phone criminal in these Kashi Vishwanath corridor your liver or transplant one day,” real estate, web TV showsproject. and organ trans- pramukhs’ results about through social media foot films — brought organ sales, organ theft, c) Google came all the soldiers the heroine Alia plants. The CEO firstSundar two Pichai are commonplace manipulation of electoral news— one forBhatt every mouths polling murder or intent to murder. On way to India to cast his vote. One hospital booth off when a suitor’s asks enough, but transplants? feeds and voter Pointin India — aremother reported to the other hand,targeting. blood transfud) Wing Abhinandan if she knows cook. It is claimed in its adCommander that it was so good at trans- be ing the “extent cooperation driving thehow BJP’stoWhatsAppsiontoalways has a of positive associDobelieve you ever We that Varthaman openly come out one. in support of based just ancampaigns aside, but afor pointer, nevplants thathas it was giving itself Another between Facebook andtogether, the BJP the ongoation, bringing people remember a gallis the next election the ertheless, to the fact that organ saidBJP. it had 10 years of experience in trans- ing campaign”, including key perparliamentary elections. as the American anthropologist bladder removal going to be fought If youwhile answered ‘true’ to any of these, sorry has entered public plants, a third tom-tommed its count of transplant sonnel who worked in both or-a “We are capable of delivering Lawrence Cohen pointed out in mentioned in a on WhatsApp to break it to you, you’re a victim of fake news. consciousness. heart transplants. Not just on billboards, the any ganisations, theSujata dedicated message we want to the pub2001 book. In (1959),apps the Hindi film? It’s timeon and voters aremiddle in the lic,The incredible inadselection pop up even theIndian internet. In the of various heroine parties that are rewhether sweetgenerosity or sour, true low-caste played by eye of a misinformation storm. sandwiched or volved organ to of scrolling through Facebook, portedly indulging in data gathfake. in Wethe cangift do of thisanwork only Nutan saves her high-caste adAs Internet in India — because another we person combetween “tips penetration for abs in 10surges days” and “seven ering voter by profiling havemakes 32 lakhfor people optive for mother giving and her Akbar Anthony from users inis2012 to soli627 in pelling stories, ofgroups,” course. That’s quick137 eggmillion recipesinternet for breakfast”, a post letter called for regulatory overour WhatsApp BJP president Amit targeting, theblood. In Amar media (1977),bythe million, or nearly for 50 per cent oftransplant the populaone reason. But the Hindi alsovolunteers has a keen sight citing donations an organ to Shah thethree ECI. brothers donate blood to the told the party’s socialfilm September. off capacity a chain of events may that tion 2019 — more and more people are rely- last sense of market forces, largely what the afflu- mother, save in a child. “Partiessetting with the to spend Incan February, WhatsApp’s head even brings together. In Business both films, ingThere on have online such as the ent afford.Carl Just Woong, as you see a lot of photobeen platforms kidney transplants in India use,the for family example, WhatsApp Apcommunications, political parties in plication blood is a Program metaphorInterfaces for the modern Indian namessaging service forcomplex news. Attransover of graphers and chefs assaid Hindi film protagonists since the 1970s, butWhatsApp other more to deliver meshad that beeninvolve seen misusing app ahead tion —tothe tie specific that binds everyone together is 230 million users, the largest market and plots extensivethe European loc- sages plants — such asIndia liverisand heart — have India very demographics, further the 2019 general elections. Woong warned not castethe or faith, but citizenship, which is as for the Facebook-owned app. The Reuters In- of ations, there are plot points involving organ dividing achieved a decent rate of success from the electorate,” the letter said. parties against using it as a are bulkamong mesintrinsic as the blood that courses through stitute’s 2019According report onto digital news has found& the transplants. Transplant surgeries mid-2000s. the National Organ or broadcasting platform. On April in 1, The people’s veins. that 52 Transplant per cent ofOrganisation, the internet users it sur- saging the most expensive medical procedures Tissue the number vulnerables 687 pages linked to ₹15the “Today, In Sultan (2016),the a blood donation camp orveyed in India got theirnearly news from WhatsApp. general — aremoved liver or heart transplant costs of kidney transplants trebled to 4,805 Facebook we realise potency of misinforma-


Hot on the campaign trail, fake news is the weapon of choice in the pitched battles fought through WhatsApp forwards and Facebook posts


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ganised Anushka Sharma’s character is the tion andby how it can create lasting narratives,” start her relationship Salman Khan’s PratikofSinha, founder of with Alt News, a website title character. Laterfake in the film,tells the BLink dreamover for seeking to combat news, phone from Ahmedabad. citesrare the swirl athe blood donation centre thatHe stocks negof fake newsgroups that followed airative blood brings the recent estranged strikes back by thetogether, Indian Air Force onthe terror couple and helps herocamps clean (2012), blood stated donaup his life. Even in Kahaani at Balakot in Pakistan. The government tion blood banking help locate an assasthereand were 200-300 casualties, as evidence of sin. Blood donation forteam the managed national the airstrike’s Sinha’s good — a that terrorist is identified andofkilled. to prove a purported image the attack Consider the transplant, onfact, the other hand. circulating online was, in related to Andhadhun is a The most amoral character deaths from a heat wave ininPakistan 10 years doctor who steals organs forthe transplantation. ago. Despite the debunking, image continThe informs the Ayushues doctor to be circulated andhero, findsplayed many by takers. mann Khurrana, thatin he2017, didn’t kid-a “When we started weextract wouldhis post neys because Khurrana hadfew saved from fake news story once every days;him today we death. Heup also harvests heroine’s liver for a publish to six storiesthe a day,” says Sinha. sheikh him $5 billion.fake news Whywho do sopromises many people forward Ship ofany Theseus is a triageLast of stories braided without verification? year, BBC India around organ transplantation. Two identity, of the examined this issue in its report Duty, credibility: ‘Fake and the ordinary stories show theNews’ life-changing gift that citizen an orIt found that certaingains conditions were gan can be: A photographer sight, and a in India. Word of WhatsApp A file image ofShip Tarun Sengupta, ITof cell secretary in Asansol, being necessary the spreadand of fake news: Namely, monk full for of fortitude conviction wastes Handover The critically acclaimed of Theseus is aBJP’s triage stories braided around West organBengal, transplantation the blurring of lines between all types of produced in court for releasing a fake video in 2017 pti away to near-death before receiving a liver news; scepticism motivations of the transplant. Yet theabout thirdthe story is about an ora role in shaping opinions and deepening pre- their phones. If anything, they only see the newsselling media;racket the flood digital information; gan — aofkind-looking man in positives of social media.” becoming and, the Sweden getssource-agnostic; a kidney transplant in finally, India and a judices, he adds. Rural India is seeing a flood of fake news in broken link between consumption and sharstick-thin man in Mumbai, bent crooked, dising — meaning, sharing first reading/ regional languages, targeting the religious Finding solutions covers he has a scar to thewithout left of his abdomen. viewing/hearing news. Even a film that isthe about the lifesaving power identities of a large swathe of illiterate voters. There is a growing clamour for enforceable There donation were various motiveswithout behinda refthe Anti-Muslim messages promoting the checks and balances to stem the tide of fake of organ is incomplete sharingto of the fakewidespread news, the report found. Some concept of a Hindu nation and manipulated news. In the aftermath of the Cambridge Anaerence menace of organ did it across to verify the news within their networks videos of people who appear to be Muslim are lytica scandal — the revelation that the British trade the world. Saheb shared (1985), hero Kapoor to some of the usual tropes used to target voters political consulting firm had harvested the and it as Anil a civic duty decides or nationIn some sell his kidney to get his sister building exercise. Such news married. was also Selling shared along religious lines, says Shalini Joshi, co- personal data of millions of Facebook users aaskidney, howeverofheroic a sacrifice, is itself a founder of Khabar Lahariya, a grassroots me- without their consent for political purposes — an expression sociopolitical identity. The criminal act.nation-building The Transplant of Human Organs digital social media monopolies and governmotives of and identity usu- dia organisation in Uttar Pradesh. Act, living organ During an election, the specific targets of ments are attempting to regulate ad spendally which peak permitted during elections, with donation political only expressly non-commercial reasons, such fake news are the swing voters, who have ing. In India, the ECI’s consultations with parties vying tofor seize the day. was passed in 1994. Still, the Minister buying and Many forwards about Prime Nar- no allegiance to any particular party and form digital platforms resulted in the adoption of a selling of organs was never legal activity innarIn- 20 per cent of the voter base, says Dubbudu. Voluntary Code of Ethics, effective from March endra Modi, for instance, have a common dia. Thereofmay“the have Great been no Man law prohibiting Among the groups most sus20. It entails ensuring transparrative who is law permitting it either. it, but there was no ency in political ads, a mechansingle-handedly leading a nation into a glori- ceptible to fake news are those Traffic Even in a film ism for handling complaints of ous future”, howsuch he isas “the first(2016), leadercelebratto get re- aged below 20 and above 50, acing theand orchestral coordination required to famisuse, and enforcing the 48spect recognition in the west”, how he cording to the findings of the Does the saviour country transplant, safe from terrorism” or is IAMAI-Factly report. For both cilitate successful the transplant hour silence on social media be“keeps athe complex suggest that “saving Hinduism perishing”,his the report surgeon himself from is planning wife’s Looking these age it the is web usually a constituency to polls. for agroups, lifeline In series Breathe, anxiety of waiting forfore a lung transplant for hisgoes son drives a fake the news is backed murder prospective and donors said. A barrage usually data—and murder. Everyoneofelse in thesuspect ambulance the father their to first smartphone, the Many, like Apar Gupta from the by good intentions? statistics driving, typicallythe accompanies such for- excitement of sharing, that too constable senior cop coordinatInternet Freedom Foundation, Shipsuch of Theseus, released lessly beeping wards, lend them sheen authenticity. ing the to quickest routea for theof retrieved heart — cidentally, machines. is the doctor for free onperhaps, a platform as call this too Itlittle, too late. who “The was produced by Aamir Khan’s seems to shiftCode year after,proves Yet another in February by the is focused on report saving —a released life. In the web series something in theconsulting hero Dan and WhatsApp, irresistible. was drafted no Breathe, which premièred last year, the anxi- company. the Internet and Mobile Association of India bring his restlessness to an end. and, importIronically, there is an undercurexpert advisers, ety of waiting for a lung transplant for his son rent of trust, too. “The logic is, this message is antly, (IAMAI) and Factly, a fact-checking organisaBut itthis is alegally small binding. role, andThis an is exception is not why you of aplastic IVF drives Madhavan to murder all motivations prospective Adventures tion — Rfound that one of the key The doctor as a herorunning has receded froma coming from friendsurgery I trust.and Why would he/ really. see Namo TV (a channel without Munnabhai sophisticated new medical technolodonors with fake the matching blood group. for sharing news wasABthe belief that it Other Hindi licence film, particularly after she send me something untrue,” says the broadcast since March 31, featuring the Thereafter, almost always have invoked happy impressions, even if MBBS. In their widely citedand works, might benefit others keepanthropologists them safe. Does gies Dubbudu. PM’s speeches anddoctors contenthave related to the BJP) as negative despite the involve behaviour thattoiswhich arguably illegal. Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Veena have this suggest that the spread of fakeDas news is they Underlining the extent most Indi- appeared still influencing voterscharacters, on poll days,” he says. to the of fake success of English-language medKapooroblivious is an affable IVFperils specialist in enduring (separately) noted how the success and spread Annu backed by good intentions? ans remain WhatsApp’s CheckPoint, a ‘fact-checking (2012). Butobserved, what he “To does his ical and Grey’s Ananews,Donor the BBC report beinabsoshows such as of transplant technology have its wake cre“For the 1,200-odd people wein reached out to Vicky service’ released onHouse April MD 2, appears to barely A new film“Do called Kabir Singh — selling oneatman’s sperm toare all not his tomy. lutely clear, Indians this moment ated thesurvey, notionyes. of aMost global scarcity of organs for the victims of fake news practice graze the surface. you suspect it to bestars misKhoon Bhari Shahid Kapur as a brilliant, university-topping — cannot be legal. themselves articulating any In kind of anxiety (and purported scarcity has credon’ttissue). know This it’s fake,” Rakesh Dubbudu of patients information related to the Indian General (1988), with a plastic surgeon ButinWhatsApp forwards have Maang surgeon, whoplease snorts coke and about dealing the flood of information in Elections 2019? ated markets organ trade in several Factlyblack tells BLink. To say ‘yes’ reply with ‘1’. drinks straight from bottle. parts of the world, with India and the Philip- gives a fabulous makeover to a Any other response will end ourthe conversaHis examyou results pines being nodal points. American Scheper- woman who was mauled by a tion,” is the response get onnotwithstandforwarding a this is exactly the sort ofhours porHughes and Das, who taught in Delhi Univer- crocodile and enables her to news link foring, verification. Twenty-four Doctors have been trayal leadsthat to doctors being sity, primarily blame transplant doctors for take revenge on the man who later, all you get is athat message your request negative characters, situations. upAinday real-life this cannibalistic market. Their qualification had pushed her into the jaws of could not bebeaten resolved. after the service’s despite the success of The arcissued of theaHindi film docand expertise make it difficult for patient fam- the reptile. The avenging wolaunch, the company statement that English-language tor purely is perhaps best seenand in Amitilies to question whether a transplant is really man, played by Rekha, commits the service was for research there medical shows to queries from users. Bachchan’s filmography. In required. It is unclear whether Hindi film- a series of extrajudicial attacks would be no abh responses Anand, as Dr isBhaskor Banerjee, Dubbudu believes there no easy answer to makers read medical anthropology but they with her surgically-enhanced already bored of his wealthy the epidemicheofisfake news. “Fact-checkers, dihold the same disturbing view of the trans- confidence. gital companies, media, government civil patients complaining of and imaginThe sophisticated trauma care plant industry. diseases andinspends his evenings society are all this together,” he writing says. A On May 27, 2012, in the fourth episode of his given to Banita Sandhu’s character after she ary handful of people create misinformation, drinking. As Bhaskor Banerjee in Piku, he show Satyamev Jayate, Aamir Khan featured slips and falls from a building in October and the case of a woman who died after a trans- (2018) is exorbitant but impressive. The young is a hypochondriac himselfspreads and hisitconfidante while the vast majority unknowplant surgery by an unnamed nephrologist. woman called Shiuli regains consciousness is a homeopath. In a way, is apublic reflection of ingly, with no intent to this cause harm. The woman’s husband alleged that she was after a prolonged coma and progresses to ba- what medicine is be today. As medical techno“Our focus should on bringing about behasuffering from renal failure, and a pancreas sic motor skills such as moving her eyeballs. logy becomes more sophisticated, and This healthvioural changes in the latter,” he says. inwas transplanted needlessly along with the re- The neurologist who leads her treatment care more the doctor the seems less cludes massexpensive, outreach to inculcate habit of quired kidney transplant. This caused her speaks of the consciousness of the soul that central, and certainly heroic. Yet medical fact checking, reverseless image checking, and death. The show received pushback from doc- exists beyond what science can know. In a film technologies and their possibilities make for other verification techniques before hitting tors’ bodies, and the unnamed doctor effect- that is set, for the most part, in the anxious fascinating, even if frightening, stories. that ‘share’ button. All alert, in short. ively outed himself by complaining publicly white light of intensive care, he is like a fairy sohini is a journalist and writer shriyacmohan In the firing zone of Alt News, up to six fake news itemsofevery day vijay amid soneji ceasespeaking rainbows against Khan andPratik his Sinha, show.founder Not entirely coin-bustsgodfather

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watch cover

saturday, april 27, 2019




15 11 BL


saturday, april 27, 2019


Colour my world Kumartuli, the Kolkata potters’ colony where Durga Puja idols are sculpted, was all decked up for the Bengali New Year and World Art Day

Faces of change An installation of masks as part of the Kumartuli art carnival


ew Year’s Day was celebrated with vibrant works of art in Kolkata’s potter colony, Kumartuli. Poila Boishakh, or the Bengali New Year, was ushered in on April 15, which is also recognised as World Art Day. To mark the two occasions, the Rang Matir Panchali art carnival was held on April 14-15 in the locality where Durga Puja idols are created. The neighbourhood was decked up with installations, sculptures, murals, street art and photographs. Old buildings were given a fresh coat of paint . Brightly coloured taxis were a part of the carnival, too. Sabyasachi Chatterjee, who runs Kolkatabased creative agency Creocraft, had ap-

State of the art An artisan of the potters’ community rests in front of a painted storefront

proached the idol makers of Kumartuli with the idea for the carnival a month ago. The potters agreed, and the area’s three unions of idol makers came together for the festival. Sushant Pal and Partha Dasgupta, known for their expertise in designing pandals, were mentors to the 30 artists (including three women) who worked on the exhibits. Three patients of the Pavlov Institute (of mental health) worked on the installations together with artisans Nabakumar Pal and Jiten Pal. The atmosphere remained cheerful long after the festival wound up. The organisers plan to make the carnival an annual affair. jeet sengupta is a Kolkata-based photographer




saturday, april 27, 2019

Meeting ground Through the carnival, Kumartuli witnessed a dialogue between traditional idol-making and newer forms of art

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Value addition An old building lined with art installations is surrounded by scaffolding wrapped in coloured fabric


Touch up Several buildings in this north Kolkata neighbourhood were painted anew

Home turf Potters’ workshops line Kumartuli

Creative block Thirty artisans worked on the murals and installations

watch cover

saturday, saturday, april april 27, 27, 2019 2019


10 14


Is there a doctor in the hall? Blood transfusion is a hero, new technologies are fun and life-changing, while organ transplant is always criminal. The doctor, however, is missing in action in Hindi films today

War time Beyond the flood of misinformation the bigger worry is voter targeting through fake news

Vote for lies

Congress party for “co-ordinated inauthentic behaviour” or, to put it simply, spam. Pro-BJP pages — around 200 — were Arcs and angles Amitabh Bachchan, who played a disillusioned young physician in Anand (with Rajesh Khanna in theFacebook image below), is a hypochondriac who trusts onlyalso the family doctor, a homeopath, in Piku (with Deepika Padukone) taken down. Beyond just the flood of misinformation, ndustrialist Harsh Goenka recently in 2018, from 1,684 in 2017, while there was a the bigger worry is the unethical 20 lakh. Even a kidney transplantvoter (₹3-7targetlakh), tweeted a photograph of a young woman 160 per cent jump in the number of liver trans- ing namely, the use of iscustomised mesnow—considered routine, more expensive and her father baring their midriffs to re- plants — from 708 in 2017 to 1,130 in 2018. saging afterreplacement dissecting the voter(₹2-3.5 population than a knee surgery lakh), veal a large red scar resembling an inververy specific segments on the of which is fairly common among thebasis mostly One clear indicator that organ transplant into ted L. The woman had donated her liver to her has arrived, so to speak, is its entry as a caste, religion, otherIndians. factors. Yet, sedentaryideology, class of and affluent father and the two had posed for a picture plot point in several recent Hindi Earlier this thea Election Commishowmonth, often has knee replacement after the surgery. The April 18 tweet went viral, films. Some of these films, such sion of India featured (ECI) received a note titled in Hindi films? Do‘Safeyou true or false photograph for the following as Andhadhun (2018), telling are mainfor it was anark extraordinary that For from digital platforms’, most lay users, truth from fake guarding democracy ever remember a gall bladder statements: stream others such as took most people by surprise. Women do not news which had 167 signatories, canwhile be near-impossible. removal — including among theformer comblast-accused usually displaya) scarsMalegaon on their bodies, possibly Ship of Theseus (2012) are acelection commissioners Quraishi and Gomonest SYsurgeries — NmenSadhvi Pragya wasprospects. acquittedBut of Targeting claimed users art-house projects, because it diminishes marriage palaswami, the tioned Delhi-based NGOfilm? Common in a Hindi and believe some such Breathe are is going to be Cause, which is dedicated to championing all charges of unlawful before being what was more strikingactivities was the mention of or- “We theas next election nominated by the BJP to fight elections everyfrom fought masalaon web-series witha Bollygan transplant, a topic that is seemingly WhatsApp,” member of the Bhar- public issues, Internet Blood inFreedom the veins Foundation Bhopal. woodJanata actors. In the(BJP) 2019 where all of a sudden. atiya Party’s IT film cell, the party’s so- and others. What’s interesting is that the Gullymedia Boy, it wing, appears as ajournalists boast. “If earlier this b) Eighty Muslim houses If you take a longish taxiwere ride demolished in Mumbai, cial Among thetransplant concerns raised the likeli-a told alwayswasinvolves for thenotice construction of PM Modi’s ambitious things go right, then I can do you’ll three types of billboards — selling year. hood of a dimension significant swing in Around 9 lakh ‘cell phone criminal in these Kashi Vishwanath corridor your liver or transplant one day,” real estate, web TV showsproject. and organ trans- pramukhs’ results about through social media foot films — brought organ sales, organ theft, c) Google came all the soldiers the heroine plants. The CEO firstSundar two Pichai are commonplace manipulation of electoral news— oneAlia forBhatt every mouths polling murder or intent to murder. On way to India to cast his vote. One hospital booth off when a suitor’s asks enough, but transplants? feeds and voter Pointin India — aremother reported to the other hand,targeting. blood transfud) Wing Abhinandan if she knows cook. It is claimed in its adCommander that it was so good at trans- be ing the “extent cooperation driving thehow BJP’stoWhatsAppsiontoalways has a of positive associyou ever WeDo believe that Varthaman openly come out one. in support of based just ancampaigns aside, but afor pointer, nevplants thathas it was giving itself Another between Facebook andtogether, the BJP the ongoation, bringing people remember a gallis the next election the ertheless, to the fact that organ saidBJP. it had 10 years of experience in trans- ing campaign”, including key perparliamentary elections. as the American anthropologist bladder removal going to be fought If youwhile answered ‘true’ to any of these, sorry has entered public plants, a third tom-tommed its count of transplant sonnel who worked in both or-a “We are capable of delivering Lawrence Cohen pointed out in mentioned in a on WhatsApp to break it to you, you’re a victim of fake news. consciousness. heart transplants. Not just on billboards, the any ganisations, theSujata dedicated message we want to the pub2001 book. In (1959),apps the Hindi film? It’s timeon and voters aremiddle in the lic,The incredible inadselection pop up even theIndian internet. In the of various heroine parties that are rewhether sweetgenerosity or sour, true low-caste played by eye of a misinformation storm. sandwiched or volved of anwork organ to of scrolling through Facebook, portedly indulging in data gathfake. in Wethe cangift do this only Nutan saves her high-caste adAs Internet in India — because another we person combetween “tips penetration for abs in 10surges days” and “seven ering voter by profiling havemakes 32 lakhfor people optive for mother giving and her Akbar Anthony from million users inis2012 to soli627 in pelling stories, ofgroups,” course. That’s quick137 egg recipesinternet for breakfast”, a post letter called for regulatory overour WhatsApp BJP president Amit targeting, theblood. In Amar media (1977),bythe million, or nearly for 50 per cent oftransplant the populaone reason. But the Hindi alsovolunteers has a keen sight citing donations an organ to Shah thethree ECI. brothers donate blood to the told the party’s socialfilm September. off capacity a chain to of spend events may that tion 2019 — more and more people are rely- last sense of market forces, largely what the afflu- mother, savein a child. “Partiessetting with the Incan February, WhatsApp’s head even brings together. In Business both films, ingThere on have online such as the ent afford.Carl Just Woong, as you see a lot of photobeenplatforms kidney transplants in India use,the for family example, WhatsApp Apcommunications, political parties in plication blood is a Program metaphorInterfaces for the modern Indian namessaging service forcomplex news. Attransover of graphers and chefs assaid Hindi film protagonists since the 1970s, butWhatsApp other more to deliver meshad that beeninvolve seen misusing app ahead tion —tothe tie specific that binds everyone together is 230 million users,asIndia the largest market and plots extensivethe European loc- sages plants — such liveris and heart — have India very demographics, further the 2019 general elections. Woong warned not castethe or electorate,” faith, but citizenship, which is as for the Facebook-owned app. The Reuters In- of ations, there are plot points involving organ dividing achieved a decent rate of success from the the letter said. parties against using it as a are bulkamong mesintrinsic as the blood that courses through stitute’s 2019According report onto digital news hasOrgan found& the transplants. Transplant surgeries mid-2000s. the National or broadcasting platform. On April in 1, The people’s veins. that 52 Transplant per cent ofOrganisation, the internet users it sur- saging the most expensive medical procedures Tissue the number vulnerables 687 pages linked to ₹15the “Today, In Sultan (2016),the a blood donation camp orveyed in India got theirnearly news from WhatsApp. general — removed a liver or heart transplant costs of kidney transplants trebled to 4,805 Facebook we realise potency of misinforma-


Hot on the campaign trail, fake news is the weapon of choice in the pitched battles fought through WhatsApp forwards and Facebook posts


ND-X _ A

ganised Anushka Sharma’s character is the tion andby how it can create lasting narratives,” start her relationship Salman Khan’s PratikofSinha, founder of with Alt News, a website title character. Laterfake in the film,tells the BLink dreamover for seeking to combat news, phone from Ahmedabad. citesrare the swirl athe blood donation centre that He stocks negof fake newsgroups that followed airative blood brings the recent estranged strikes back by the Indian Air Force onthe terror couple together, and helps herocamps clean blood stated donaup his life. Even in Kahaani at Balakot in Pakistan. The (2012), government tion blood banking help locate an assasthereand were 200-300 casualties, as evidence of sin. Blood donation forteam the managed national the airstrike’s Sinha’s good — a terrorist is identified andofkilled. to prove that a purported image the attack Consider the transplant, onfact, the other hand. circulating online was, in related to Andhadhun is a The most amoral character deaths from a heat wave ininPakistan 10 years doctor who steals organs forthe transplantation. ago. Despite the debunking, image continThe informs the Ayushues doctor to be circulated andhero, findsplayed many by takers. mann Khurrana, that in he2017, didn’t extract kid-a “When we started we wouldhis post neys because Khurrana hadfew saved from fake news story once every days;him today we death. Heup also the heroine’s liver for a publish to harvests six stories a day,” says Sinha. sheikh promises him $5forward billion.fake news Whywho do so many people Ship ofany Theseus is a triageLast of stories braided without verification? year, BBC India around organ transplantation. Two identity, of the examined this issue in its report Duty, credibility: ‘Fake and the ordinary stories show the News’ life-changing gift that citizen an orIt found that certaingains conditions were gan can be: A photographer sight, and a in India. Word of WhatsApp A file image of Tarun Sengupta, cell secretary in Asansol, being necessary the spread of fake news: Namely, monk full for of fortitude and conviction wastes Handover The critically acclaimed Ship of Theseus is aBJP’s triageITof stories braided around West organBengal, transplantation the blurring of lines between all types of produced in court for releasing a fake video in 2017 pti away to near-death before receiving a liver news; scepticism motivations of the transplant. Yet theabout thirdthe story is about an ora role in shaping opinions and deepening pre- their phones. If anything, they only see the newsselling media;racket the flood digital information; gan — a of kind-looking man in judices, he adds. positives of social media.” becoming and, finally,and the Sweden getssource-agnostic; a kidney transplant in India a Rural India is seeing a flood of fake news in broken link between consumption and sharstick-thin man in Mumbai, bent crooked, dising — meaning, sharing first reading/ regional languages, targeting the religious Finding solutions covers he has a scar to thewithout left of his abdomen. identities of a large swathe of illiterate voters. There is a growing clamour for enforceable viewing/hearing news. Even a film that isthe about the lifesaving power There donation were various motiveswithout behinda refthe Anti-Muslim messages promoting the checks and balances to stem the tide of fake of organ is incomplete sharingtoofthe fakewidespread news, the report found. Some concept of a Hindu nation and manipulated news. In the aftermath of the Cambridge Anaerence menace of organ did it across to verify news within their networks videos of people who appear to be Muslim are lytica scandal — the revelation that the British trade thethe world. (1985), hero Kapoor to some of the usual tropes used to target voters political consulting firm had harvested the and some shared it as Anil a civic duty decides or nationIn Saheb sell his kidney to get his sister building exercise. Such news married. was also Selling shared along religious lines, says Shalini Joshi, co- personal data of millions of Facebook users aaskidney, howeverofheroic a sacrifice, is itself a founder of Khabar Lahariya, a grassroots me- without their consent for political purposes — an expression sociopolitical identity. The criminal The Transplant of Human Organs digital social media monopolies and governmotives act. of nation-building and identity usu- dia organisation in Uttar Pradesh. Act, living organ During an election, the specific targets of ments are attempting to regulate ad spendally which peak permitted during elections, with donation political only expressly non-commercial reasons, such fake news are the swing voters, who have ing. In India, the ECI’s consultations with parties vying tofor seize the day. wasMany passed in 1994. Still, the Minister buying and forwards about Prime Nar- no allegiance to any particular party and form digital platforms resulted in the adoption of a selling of organs was never legal activity innarIn20 per cent of the voter base, says Dubbudu. Voluntary Code of Ethics, effective from March endra Modi, for instance, have a common dia. Thereofmay“the have been law prohibiting Among the groups most sus20. It entails ensuring transparrative Greatno Man who is law permitting it either. it, but there was no ency in political ads, a mechansingle-handedly leading a nation into a glori- ceptible to fake news are those Traffic Even in a film ism for handling complaints of ous future”, howsuch he isas “the first(2016), leadercelebratto get re- aged below 20 and above 50, acing theand orchestral coordination required to famisuse, and enforcing the 48spect recognition in the west”, how he cording to the findings of the Does the saviour country transplant, safe from terrorism” or is IAMAI-Factly report. For both cilitate successful the transplant hour silence on social media be“keeps athe complex suggest that “saving Hinduism perishing”,his the report surgeon himself from is planning wife’s Looking these age itthe is web usually a transplant constituency to polls. for agroups, lifeline In series Breathe, anxiety of waiting forfore a lung for hisgoes son drives a fakethe news is backed murder prospective and donors said. A barrage usually data— and murder. Everyoneofelse in thesuspect ambulance the father their to first smartphone, the Many, like Apar Gupta from the by good intentions? statistics driving, typicallythe accompanies such for- excitement of sharing, that too constable senior cop coordinatInternet Freedom Foundation, Shipsuch of Theseus, released lessly beepingcall wards, to lend them sheen authenticity. ing the quickest routea for the of retrieved heart — cidentally, machines. is thetoo doctor for free onperhaps, a platform as this too Itlittle, late. who “The was produced by Aamir Khan’s seems to shiftCode year after,proves Yet another report —a released in February by the is focused on saving life. In the web series something in the consulting hero Dan and WhatsApp, irresistible. was drafted no Breathe, which premièred last year, the anxi- company. the Internet and Mobile Association of India bring his restlessness to an end. and, importIronically, there is an undercurexpert advisers, ety of waiting for a lung transplant for his son (IAMAI) and Factly, a fact-checking organisaBut itthis is alegally small binding. role, andThis an is exception rent of trust, too. “The logic is, this message is antly, is not why you of plastic IVF drives Madhavan to murder all motivations prospective Adventures tion —Rfound that one of the key The doctor as a herorunning has receded froma coming from a friendsurgery I trust.and Why would he/ really. see Namo TV (a channel without Munnabhai sophisticated new medical technolodonors with the blood group. for sharing fakematching news wasABthe belief that it Other Hindi film, particularly after she send me something untrue,” says the broadcast licence since March 31, featuring the Thereafter, have almost always have invoked happy impressions, even if MBBS. In their widely citedand works, might benefit others keepanthropologists them safe. Does gies Dubbudu. PM’s speeches anddoctors content related to the BJP) as negative despite the involve behaviour thattoiswhich arguably illegal. Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Veena Das have this suggest that the spread of fake news is they Underlining the extent most Indi- appeared still influencing voterscharacters, on poll days,” he says. to the of fake success of English-language medKapooroblivious is an affable IVFperils specialist in enduring (separately) noted how the success and spread Annu backed by good intentions? ans remain WhatsApp’s CheckPoint, a ‘fact-checking (2012). Butobserved, what he “To does his ical and Grey’s Ananews,Donor the BBC report beinabsoshows such as of transplant technology have its wake cre“For the 1,200-odd people wein reached out to Vicky service’ released onHouse April MD 2, appears to barely A new film“Do called Kabir Singh — selling oneatman’s sperm toare all not his tomy. lutely clear, Indians this moment ated thesurvey, notionyes. of aMost global scarcity organs for the victims of of fake news practice graze the surface. you suspect it to bestars misKhoon Bhari Shahid Kapur as a brilliant, university-topping — cannot be legal. themselves articulating any In kind of anxiety (and purported scarcity has credon’ttissue). know This it’s fake,” Rakesh Dubbudu of patients information related to the Indian General (1988), with a plastic surgeon ButinWhatsApp forwards have Maang surgeon, whoplease snorts coke and about dealing the flood of information in Elections 2019? ated markets organ trade in several Factlyblack tells BLink. To say ‘yes’ reply with ‘1’. drinks straight from bottle. parts of the world, with India and the Philip- gives a fabulous makeover to a Any other response will end ourthe conversaHis examyou results pines being nodal points. American Scheper- woman who was mauled by a tion,” is the response get onnotwithstandforwarding a this is exactly the sort ofhours porHughes and Das, who taught in Delhi Univer- crocodile and enables her to news link foring, verification. Twenty-four Doctors have been trayal leadsthat to doctors being sity, primarily blame transplant doctors for take revenge on the man who later, all you get is athat message your request negative characters, situations. upAinday real-life this cannibalistic market. Their qualification had pushed her into the jaws of could not bebeaten resolved. after the service’s despite the success of The arcissued of theaHindi film docand expertise make it difficult for patient fam- the reptile. The avenging wolaunch, the company statement that English-language tor purely is perhaps best seenand in Amitilies to question whether a transplant is really man, played by Rekha, commits the service was for research there medical shows to queries from users. Bachchan’s filmography. In required. It is unclear whether Hindi film- a series of extrajudicial attacks would be noabh responses Anand, as Dr isBhaskor Dubbudu believes there no easy Banerjee, answer to makers read medical anthropology but they with her surgically-enhanced already bored of his wealthy the epidemicheofisfake news. “Fact-checkers, dihold the same disturbing view of the trans- confidence. gital companies, media, government civil patients complaining of and imaginThe sophisticated trauma care plant industry. diseases andinspends his evenings society are all this together,” he writing says. A On May 27, 2012, in the fourth episode of his given to Banita Sandhu’s character after she ary handful of people create misinformation, drinking. As Bhaskor Banerjee in Piku, he show Satyamev Jayate, Aamir Khan featured slips and falls from a building in October and the case of a woman who died after a trans- (2018) is exorbitant but impressive. The young is a hypochondriac himselfspreads and hisit confidante while the vast majority unknowplant surgery by an unnamed nephrologist. woman called Shiuli regains consciousness is a homeopath. In a way, is apublic reflection of ingly, with no intent to this cause harm. The woman’s husband alleged that she was after a prolonged coma and progresses to ba- what medicine is be today. As medical techno“Our focus should on bringing about behasuffering from renal failure, and a pancreas sic motor skills such as moving her eyeballs. logy becomes more sophisticated, and healthvioural changes in the latter,” he says. This inwas transplanted needlessly along with the re- The neurologist who leads her treatment care more the doctor the seems less cludes massexpensive, outreach to inculcate habit of quired kidney transplant. This caused her speaks of the consciousness of the soul that central, and certainly heroic. Yet medical fact checking, reverseless image checking, and death. The show received pushback from doc- exists beyond what science can know. In a film technologies and their possibilities make for other verification techniques before hitting tors’ bodies, and the unnamed doctor effect- that is set, for the most part, in the anxious fascinating, even if frightening, stories. that ‘share’ button. All alert, in short. ively outed himself by complaining publicly white light of intensive care, he is like a fairy sohini is a journalist and writer shriyacmohan In the firing zone Sinha, founder of Alt News, up to six fake news items day vijayamid soneji ceasespeaking ofevery rainbows against Khan andPratik his show. Not entirely coin-bustsgodfather

ND-X _ A

watch cover

saturday, saturday, april april 27, 27, 2019 2019




15 11 BL

cover watch

BL BL 16 8

saturday, april 27,27, 2019 saturday, april 2019


Old hand The teleprinter at the PTI office rihan najib

was the only way to get the stories across.” Dayal agrees. Getting the story was not a problem, getting it out was. Until the ’80s, teleprinters were available only in post offices of bigger districts, which made it difficult for reporters covering rural the hindu archives areas. “You had to keep three cards with you — the press card, the telegraph card and your telephone card,” he recalls. “You would go to Life comes a circle Manavwhat Kaul with Nandita Das in a filmhistory still from of theirthe latest film Albert PIntothe ko Gussa Kyun Aata the Hai post office with your story and a quarter of medium has changed, happened to the region, know socio-ecomessage? And what about the messenger? nomic background of the population. It was rum. There you would type out your story on very systematic.” Editors would instruct re- the teleprinter, or an operator would do it for t the crowded, noisy dining area of the In- porters to write their stories with rich de- you.” But then there were invariably other redian Women’s Press Corps (IWPC) in scriptive detail, to make readers feel as though porters, too, anxiously waiting their turn. Delhi, journalist John Dayal speaks to BLink in they were travelling with the reporter. “Noth- “That is where the rum came in,” he explains. Editors were focused on the full context of low, strained tones, occasionally wincing in ing was instant, nothing would happen till pain — he has three broken ribs from a recent the results were released. And there were only the story — not its immediacy. Vipul Mudgal, the director of Common Cause, a fall. But as he recalls his days of covering elec- so many times you could cover a Delhi-based NGO, recalls that as a tions, his face lights up. politician’s speech, so we foreporter for India Today in Chand“I’m well past 70 but you can see how ex- cused on how people were reactigarh in the ’80s, he often sent a cited I am to talk about the mad rush of those ing to the candidate,” says a Getting the story was and girleditor who go looking he last I saw hegoing was playcopychallenging of his article and the days,” he says. “It time wasn’t justhim about out retired who wishesfor nottheir to absconding dom to produce work,” he accomargues. not a problem, father in the mountains. ingelectoral a complex army officer the be panying photo roll tothat thehe head to cover an constituency — itinwas named. He is also appreciative of the fact has getting it out was “For Hansa, I went withthe mydetheatre group to not been stereotyped horror series Ghoul. It is difficult to office through the pilot of as a about everything around it as well, the day of What mattered were as an actor. His role the Uttarakhand 20 days connect affable man sitting in tails “Journalists voting, the day ofthe counting, the pregnant and contexthills to for give the and shot the Vidya Balan’sDelhi-bound husband inflight. Tumhari Sulu was entire film there. Wewhole just went front of me with Colonel Dacunha. But then reader wereherespected those days,” pause in between.” a reasonably pic- there with a greatly relatable, says. “They’re familiar as a bhscript.ofIt was rather impulsive, that’s Manavto Kaul, a versatile whose new says with a bhaiyya laugh. “So Referring reporters of actor his vintage as ture an ongoing election.but we had the couple, theyMudgal could be anyone’s abhi,” he Butto Dacunha story. best time. Thereporting film has got acclaim so they’d films Albert Pinto Gussa Kyun Aata Hai and beadds. willing take it was withanother them when “word artists”, he ko discusses the challenges of Such detailed wascritical possible despite, “Ghoul was claustrophobic shoot, because of I’mperhaps happy,” because he says. of, the lack of technolo- told Netflix original Music Teacherofhave just elecbeen or I was ana India Today correspondent.” conveying the complexities Indian conditions wewas werecovering shootingAmritsar, in, as wellhe as Kaul grew up reading all he could in the released. When Mudgal tions solely through words: “You couldn’t just gical accoutrements. the role. Working Radhika was former not todone be confused with the Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh. Though he would send his copyagainst to Delhi throughApte the TTE sayThe ‘Watch’ the is way it is now”. That necesn the preface to her book The Marigold Story: great, sinceticket if the person opposite you is train. good, born in Kashmir, he has little memory of (travelling Saeed Mirza-Naseeruddin Shah classic. “This is was examiner) of a night sitated a dexterity with language, an increasIndira & Others, journalist Kumkum it ups your owndrop game.” state.Gandhi “But I feel at home when the smell of The actually a completely different film. The dir- the TTE would off the package at a bookingly uncommon virtue in contemporary describes how ac- shop Now Delhirailway for a series that he he canis in the mountains the journalists air,” he says,would and then ector of the he film, Soumitra Ranade, had was nar- Chadha ininDelhi station, andsays someone newsrooms, feels. “A friend of mine for “post when reporting not talk Kaulwould adds that likes to roam adds, “I’ve felt atoffice hometime” everywhere I’ve been from rated the the script to us,UP andchief whenminister we heardHN it, count theabout, magazine pickhe it up. “This was covering former remoteisareas: a post office, around one the city’s during his to. A person always“Without seeking familiarity, but actually we said, ‘Thiselection is Albertcampaign Pinto!’ Theincharacters’ of thetree-lined faster waysroads you could send Bahuguna’s (what is from scoop was it meaningless that out freeyour time. He likes to watch shows on platwhena you travel, makes youbecause much more perspective and names similar, but itofhas story,” he says. now) Uttarakhand, andare the first line hisa even forms such as Netflix in his free time. “You detolerant.” new plot line andin script.” copy is still stuck my head for the sheer poSomeone who was weaned on a diet of velop a relationship with these shows, and Kaul made quitewalks a name himselfthe as etry of has it: ‘Bahuguna tallforamong an actor who canrecalls. play disparate roles. Another Czech literature — thanks largely to his “fa- want to watch one episode after the other,” he Deodars’,” Dayal says. He enjoyed watching a serivourite writer” Nirmal Verma ofWriting his Netflix films Maroon, a psychological for various publications, including alised version of the Coen Broththriller, is it not an easy50th watch. plays a pro- who translated the works of The Patriot, is Dayal’s yearHe in journalism. ers’ classic Fargo, as well as the fessor creative falls many Czech authors into Hindi The firstofelection hewriting covered who was atslowly the muniBritish comedy Sex Education. apartlevel afterin his wife goes missing. “The film was — Kaul’s love for literature cipal 1973-74. Since then, he maintains, He is also impressed by Delhi made onpeople a low budget years. Now trumps all his other passions. “I “I have a lot of people the way vote hasover not many changed. “Local, inside me, and I can’t Crime — based largely on the 2012 Netflix has acquired Good scripts don’tand go used to read to impress girls, and personal issues aboutit.identity, education tell which bit about rape and murder of a young to waste,” he says. see himselfover as a at that time, you could buy all water supply will Kaul still likes take to precedence me I enjoy playing physiotherapy trainee in Delhi.. man not to besuch tied down to a singular identity these translations at a nominal macro issues as terrorism and national the most” “I think it has raised the bar on or a profession, security,” he says.for that matter. A chance en- price, about ₹10 a book.” Verma how shows have to be made — on counter at Bhopal Bhawan, and a introduced him to Russian literWhat with abouttheatre the way reporters approach everything, from the plot to the ature, too, and the books later mentor in“SoAlok a well-known elections? muchChaterjee, has changed,” he replies acting.” Gung ho about the protheatre professional from Bhopal, inspired led him to theatre. with a sigh. liferation of small budget films The play Red Sparrow directed the 37-year-old actor to turn to theatre. He has, Geeta Seshu,plays whosuch began sinceedia then,observer acted and directed as by him, according to him, is “...totally indul- releasing on digital platforms, Kaul believes her ke journalism the ’80s Shakkar Paanch career Daane inand Bali and and gent, with references from Dostoevsky to this is the time for talent to shine. “Where else covered in the Konkan region, Shambhu.elections His first breakthrough in film was Nirmal Verma. The audience might not have would Shefali Shah’s talent get the space othvividly recalls theJeran briefinshe receivefilm begot it in bits, but a creator’s job is to make erwise,” he asks. when he played thewould Javed Jaffrey fore settingMamantaram out to cover an His own fans are happy to see that Kaul has them think.” Jajantaram inelection. 2003. “You were andand youdirector, studiedapart it in assigned a constituency Kaul says he is not greatly bothered that got the space to display his considerable He is also a screenwriter as minute detail as possible. You from being a theatre person. “I had havetoa know lot of theatre no longer has a large following. prowess. From a complicated conniver to a itpeople like the backme, of your she which says. “We inside and Ihand,” can’t tell bit “People don’t give a s**t about theatre, and man-next-door, he has a role for all occasions. had to me make threeplaying or fourthe trips to visit the while you might think that’s a bad thing, it about I enjoy most.” His all directGovernment officials coverage prashant nakwe payel majumdar upreti main candidates, outisthe entire electoral giveseye theatre artistes a lotinofMumbai spacemonitoring and free-election orial debut Hansafind (2012) about a young boy Keen Back then A 1969 photo showing how election news was received in the Telephone Exchange from Delhi every half-anhour by teleprinter

Man of parts


Bollywood actor and theatre personality Manav Kaul opens up about his life beyond the silver screen







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“You could use telephones, as well — book a trunk call or ‘lightning call’, as we called them — and dictate your stories to the sub-editor in the office, but these calls were frightfully expensive,” he says. This meant that the queue for the teleprinter grew longer, especially for certain operators known for their competence. Mudgal remembers one of them — Paijwant Singh in Amritsar. “He was a strapping, goodnatured Sardar. We used to call him ‘Page-One’ Singh, because he would type out our copies on the teleprinter with minimal mistakes,” Mudgal says. “I would go to the post office well in advance just to find out when Paijwant would be on duty. I’d land up exactly then. You had to make your friends in the business.” Many erstwhile teleprinter operators are still friends with him on Facebook, he says. Fax machines came in towards the late ’80s, along with early versions of laptops — clunky machines that threatened to break down ever so often in the middle of transmitting a copy. There were also the pagers, which “you could strap on to your belt and give a huge inferiority complex to anyone who didn’t have one,” Mudgal says. Despite the galloping advancements in technology, the greatest asset for a reporter still remains “the power of observation and memory,” says Dayal. “Technology was meant to refresh the reporter’s memory, not replace it.”

ND-X _ A

cover watch

saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019

Prime mover Prannoy Roy, co-founder of NDTV, set the stage for the contemporary Indian TV newsroom Rhythm divine The church was a platform for the young Aretha She was picked up from the ’90s. Franklin. It’s become anonly epiescalating outrage. when she three general In an earlier interview to this reporter, Pran- demic especially over the10last performed her first noy Roy noted the partisan nature of media elections.” solo at church

rajeev bhatt

ap/carlos In 2009-10, Guha Thakurta wasosorio part of a subtoday and how it was a “disturbing trend” for committee of the Press Council of India that democracy. Seshu says, “Where are the reporters on the investigated the rampant instances of paid ground? If they do exist, they don’t get the re- news in Indian journalism. He cites the exsources to cover the field in detail. The picture ample of a regional publication that carried that the public gets is really about the big on the same page two reports, with one pretrends, as opposed to the local issues that or- dicting a landslide win for one candidate and dinary people face. This is affecting the way the other projecting the opponent as the elections are perceived.” likely winner. “It’s alarming how money has This, she adds, has led to giving priority to corrupted the way elections are covered,” flashpoint situations — where the impetus is Guha Thakurta says. to be the first one to break a story, or comment DTV’s senior Ravish Kuon an ongoing debate. “This leads to marginal lin was exposed to revolutionary political her origins. In 1972,executive she gaveeditor a gospel concert helms the popular voices getting further thought at an early age.marginalised.” at themar, New who Temple Missionary Baptistsegments Church. a musical James Prime Time andthe Ravish Report, is categorical Moreover, media outlets such Twit- Amazing The churchsocial was also Grace, live Ki album produced from Cleveland, the pioneering gospel musician, aboutremains the steep in the quality of electer and WhatsApp have increased the speed that, thedecline bestselling gospel album of was organist and the church regularly hostion coverage. “There is no reporting in as televiandits reach of information dissemination, of- all time. “Church is as much a part of me the ted great gospel singersmedia of the outlets. time. She re- air sion now... very few reporters tenthe bypassing traditional “The I breathe,” Franklin wrote.are even sent out called her book gospelon singer Clara the field,” he says. “Debates talk entirein narrative is how beingthe dictated social me- into Franklin also never abandoned herand politics. Ward performed at theSeshu church one day. shows have taken overto the space field dia,” PTI’s Joshi says. agrees that elec- In 1971, she even offered pay bail forofAngela Panther revolutionary who “I was only a small child,from but after hearing Davis, the Black reporting.” tions yield a lot of stories for her communist He compares the currentsymcovClara... no question in my mind that had been arrested social there mediawas reports from citfather’s disapproval, one I would be a singer,” wrote. pathies. Despite erageher of constituencies by TV izensday and a veritable army Franklin of going going to seefrom her When she was 10, Franklin performed her first Franklin declared, crews “I to am a circus freelancers. “But I’m not sure if The anchor is always (Davis) not because believe in at comsolo at only church. She then touring to town.I “Just look the we have generated noisebegan or snatching mic but camera munism becausemovement she is a Black woman churches with an herimpact father,on sharing stage the — they move actually made the the and she wantsinfreedom for as Black people.”some with established gospel such a way to indicate minds of the voters,” sheartistes. says. Franklin performed at three presidential inDespite the tensions of the times, her childgreat earthquake is happening. thePeach, drop plum in qualof Jimmy Carter, adds Bill Clinton, hoodiscussing was idyllic. and crab apple augurations — Then the anchor to the in much of the reporting today,night Tully and Barack Obama. At 2009 inaugurtreesity lined her backyard, and Saturday chaos by mouthing theObama’s same propaganda that recalls how when he filed aham, story, it didn’t go he would sayation shestudio. sang My of dinners promised baked in the He Country, won’t let‘Tis anyon aircorn immediately. would be passed on to one finish their Thee atsentence, the Capitol It fried and rolls. “It Her house, andBuilding. then he’ll many competent sub-editors, simply a concert, but a she wrote, was always bursting who would snatch theirwas micnot away because he presumes then music: check the copy for errors and improve it. he already knows recollection of the past. with “The piano, the rawhat they’re going to say. Franklin defined the I seethe much less player sub-editing In 1939,snatching Marian Anderson, a the mic.” He dio, record mighttoday. all Perhaps it’s The anchor is always personal lives and because reporters opera singer, in had not been be going at once.” are under pressure to get rues the lackblack of independence media outpolitical image of the story out as quickly as possible.” allowed toon sing the Constitulets and their reliance theatpowers-that-be American culture nLooking the late back1960s, at his Franklin three-decade-long ca- for survival. “Television tion Hall incan’t Washington DCantibeafford to be began into the reer withtransitioning the BBC, he remarks that journalists establishment. cause her by race. Eleanor So it of survives manufacturworld secular music, are far of more insecure now.while He touches on the ing biases, influencing Roosevelt, perception the then First Lady and reproalso participating in theincivil extensive retrenchments both print and di- ducing this cycle and also an opponent of segregaad nauseam. Reporting has rights movement. across She sang King’s rallies, gital newsrooms theatcountry. This, to in tionist policies,by invited Anderson to singoutlets in an been replaced debate, so that media raise for the cause. song that turn, money has undermined the The confidence of open-air concert can play it safe.” on the steps of Lincoln Medefined Franklin’s career — Otis Redding’s Re- morial instead. Anderson performed to an injournalists, many believe. ack at the of IWPC, Dayal flipspeople, through spect — was released this time. It was, she tegrated Election coverage,atin particular, hasasbeen crowd around 75,000 witha smalllistening notebook — his companion said, “a battle civilfactors rights.too. “There al- millions impacted by acry” fewfor other over the “trusty radio. She sang My of many’Tis years”. Scribbles and notations surThehas words Findofout what it Country, ways been—a‘R-E-S-P-E-C-T. certain amount corruption of Thee. dates, namessang andthe phone means me’ —Journalists were historically transformatin the to media. have been paid to round So when Franklin samenumbers. song 70 What later, was the about those when ive. Franklin spelt the word in thea song, write along particular lines, out to praise party years at best the part inauguration of days the countherefirst was no president, email andher when underlining its strength. was the need of a try’s or trash a party or write “It against a candidate. black voiceteleprinters addressed were ingenerations. post offices and not in showcases? nation,” wrote in her book, “the need many This is asFranklin old as journalism itself,” says journalIt marked a momentous “The large-scale “We were paid peanuts, butpaid we worked of averageGuha man Thakurta. and woman in the street... change istthe Paranjoy in history, but also tributewith to expenditure underrespect.” the table — what we call those giants,” hehad says.made her history before her. — everyone wanted who paid news, wherein what appears to the be amore news As successful as she became, and swami is a writer based in Bengaluru rihan najib item is actually a paid-for advertisement — has poorna secular music she sang, Franklin never forgot

Life and soul A t the Nizamuddin residence of BBC’s former Delhi bureau chief Mark Tully, ornate paintings adorn the walls. An affectionate Labrador insists on being a part of the conversation but promptly falls asleep. Tully, now retired, narrates his memories of seeing The Times and The Guardian foreign correspondents get into a fight over a teleprinter. Yet wanted to be a part it wasn’t aretha timeFranklin of intense competition as itof is history; of the histories of people’s now. lives. “People were growing to “We were a select company becauseup there of us,” says Tully. “Now I feel that my music, getting married, having were far fewer most reporters have to act like news rebabies, defining their youth andagency making porters, in that the sense have to Iget the memories wouldthat lastthey a lifetime. loved story part out of first. This increases competition being all those memories,” she wrote between journalists Aretha: tremendously.” Such in her autobiography From the Roots. competition is largely attributed to Franklin TV news, Widely hailed as the Queen of Soul, rather since2018 a significant chunk of — who than died print, in August — was posthumadvertising revenue isPrize’s directed to television ously awarded Pulitzer Special Citation outlets. on April 15 for “her indelible contribution to After a music modest entry in September 1959, American and culture”. The citation is television in India underdefined the monopoly of the fitting, because Franklin the personal state-owned Doordarshan channel remained lives and political image of American culture. a staid, affair the first ’90s. inclinaPost libSomebureaucratic discovered love ortill their eralisation, players such as media tions towardforeign feminism with her songs. Many baron Murdoch’s Star and N etwork can sing Rupert along with Natural Woman Say a entered theeven fray, iffollowed by domestic Little Prayer they don’t know whoplayers those such Zeeriveting and Sun. The has number of privately are by.asHer voice inspired generaowned exploded, currently pegged tions of channels musicians, from Whitney Houston to at 904, of which over 350 are newshas channels. Alicia Keys. And though her music been of When significance Prannoy andtoRadhika sethisup personal many, it Roy is also NDTVinina 1988 and, a year later, tracked former toric larger sense. PMThroughout Rajiv Gandhi’s defeat she in the elecher career, wasgeneral a politically tions, the stage set forin the contemporary aware artist. Shewas believed the potential of Indian TV newsroom. Thisaspirations new face ofofelection her music to voice the black coverage was aand marked, and “A lasting, departure communities women. woman’s only from theShe’s mere flesh announcement results human.. and bloodofjust like that her formed election on TV until then. man,” she sang inreporting 1967.

Aretha Franklin, posthumously awarded the Pulitzer on April 15, was the only singer to have performed at three presidential inaugurations in the US



ranklin in 1942 in Memphis, Tenot all was the born changes were for the good, nessee. Her Barbara wasBhushan’s a gospel though. Inmother journalist Sandeep singer her father, Clarence LaVaughn recentlyand released book The Indian Newsroom: Franklin, an important figure in the Studio, Stars and the Unmaking of American Reporters, civil movement of that the 1960s. When she thererights is a telling remark captures today’s changed face of TVher news coverage from what was six years old, parents separated andit was in itsmoved heyday.with “Evenher as the clouttoand reach Franklin father Detroit, of the media hashe increased overpastor the years, it Michigan, where became the of the has become more Church. susceptible the governNew Bethel Baptist The to church was at ment of the day,”rights he writes. The imperative in the heart of civil activities, bringing in contemporary is not to inform, figures such asnewsrooms Martin Luther King Jr and but toClayton incite viewers in a cycle of Adam Powell.toItparticipate was there that Frank-






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know read

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saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019


Game of soldiers Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s suggestion that those loyal to the army vote for him has caused disquiet pti


A fine balance Being in a park involved being communal, in a public space, but also being on one’s own sushil kumar verma

He said, she said Through a park, hand in hand PAPERWALLAH

dren gathered at the swings and seesaws. It felt like something coming back to life. My favourites were the aunties — in their saris and salwars and sneakers, who walked around and then spent the rest of their evening chatting in a circle. Sometimes, there were corporate workers, out of place in their shiny shoes and suits. or language”. Alongside, the “use of, or appeal tions In time, I also glimpsed a man his dogs of Indian democracy as aand process of to, religious and national symbols, such as, dispensing who lookedpatronage. exactly as I’d envisioned one of my the national flag and the national emblem” characters in a orthodoxy story from on Boats on Land, the The judicial these matters for campaign advantage, would be a corrupt was unnamed narrator in rulings The Keeper of Souls. How set in 1995 in two by the Supreme practice. strange and wondrous. I’m touched also by Court (SC) involving Shiv Sena legislators from By these criteria, Prime Minister Narendra Maharashtra, the sight of an elderly gentleman helped on Yeshwant Prabhoo and Manoby the Modi has himself served up a sufficient num- har Joshi. by Both disqualified his stroll hishad son,been and another septuagenarian in High swanky shades and a dashing silverCourt — Prabhoo after winning ber tropes to app keepcalled the ECI busy. Andof so,rhetorical with the help of an “Map my Bombay topped walking stick. These days I regularly seat in a 1987 by-election and Joshi after the When main competitor, Rahul Gandhi of his Walk”,his I walked. Those were winter days, with election — on grounds of acorrupt pass general an earnestly running dude in t-shirt the Congress, chose toand hedge betswas by conshort, swift evenings, cold,his which why 1990 that proclaims EVERYDAY IS Athe GOOD DAY practices. By the(sic) time matter testing seat from Kerala perhapsthe theWayanad park was mostly quiet. This,aside I had electoral FOR A RIDE a young girl Joshi who wears sweattheand Supreme Court, had won refrom his customary Modi suggested to admit, wasn’t tooAmethi, bad. It was pretty under reached the was flower beds,by marigolds ers on her saying hello to my in run. 1995I’ve andstarted assumed office as Mahathat choice dictated the “ma- election the the trees, and of inseat were beginning to bloom. I listened to music, rashtra’s characterchief fromminister. my story.Prabhoo I smile athad theretired nanny, jority being in minority” there. thought about myvisit book. If I found running retaining hisshe’s seat in 1990 I’ve anddodged serving dog out and ask her how doing. On a campaign to Kerala, Modi swore after unsustainable, walking definitely less so. apoo, full term in themulberries, state assembly. squashed picked up fallen to protect the faith of thewas people, in an evident First, I began to recognise out flowers, In twofound judgements thatofstill confound the a bouquet seed sleeves, and reference to divisions overthe thedogs, entrytaken of menfor a walkwomen by the in help. couple efforts at parsing, thelight SC turned at the way filters struating theASabarimala shrine. In most patient marvelled of eager beagles, a fluffy chow appeal while Sometimes upholdingI through the leaves. between, he condemned the Congress for down Prabhoo’s chow, a flat-faced bulldog, Joshi’s. Far from estab-/ sing Blur’s song,seeking ‘All theto people smearing Hindus with the and acthe usual parade of Delhi favourlish a consistent standard, So many people / And they allthe go cusation of terrorism, and I hadn’t before ites, Labradors Golden court’s main concern seemed to hand-in-hand / Hand-in-hand urged people ofand that faith Reto realised how parks trievers.the Mingling, was happy PM Modi has himself avoid being drawn into It’s electoral through their parklife.’ true. avenge collectiveI insult. were for the toModi’s see, with the friendly colony politics. It is sense the author Here was a rhythm of life allof of repeated suggestions served up a number vulnerable desi strays, andmen gang. two judgements, Justice JS its own. It involved being comthat loyaltyJulie to the in uni- of rhetorical tropes to the Then, I began to recognise the Varma, otherbut judgemunal,expressed in a publicin space, also form could be expressed by votkeep the ECI busy human ments too,one’s notably the landmark being on own. The curious ing for regulars. him, has caused great Twin sisters, with bouncy 1994 caseofofinside SR Bommai position and outversus at the disquiet, not least among recurlyarmed hair, walking, always on their phones. A same time. Here the Union Indiaemerging (over thefrom miswe allofwere, tired forces personnel. If young girl, with useend of Article 356, which allows of day, from our vastly difthe usespecially-abled of the national flag or her nanny. An our caves at the old couple sat on a bench the trees. imposition of President’s rule in states). ferent lives, sharing a patch of open land in a emblem aswho a campaign prop under is defined as a the A hippiepractice, in his flared cottonforces pyjamas andspecol- vast Hearing a plea for theabout Joshi-Praband teeming city.revisiting Something it felt corrupt the armed are not ourful kurtas. An inexplicably well-dressed judgements in 2017, the SC observed that precious. cifically mentioned, perhaps because of a hoo elderlyrespected gentleman with a beret, campaign appeals couched in reliI hadn’t before realised how parks were for widely consensus thatalso theydiligently will not election doing rounds. pawns. Over the weeks, I too, for gious identity are “evil”, but declined to take the vulnerable — the aged, the young, the spebe usedthe as political them, must have become a regular. theabled. petition. And that essentially is where it cially That amidst harsh urbanity they Union minister Maneka Gandhi, mean- up As winter receded, out came thewith couples. rest politics comes up with a camcould beuntil gentle, accepting spaces. Regardless while, muddied the waters further, her will Snugglingthat at the bandstand on benches, idiom that stressesor hope and inclusion, of receding waistlines weighing scales, warning people of the orMuslim faith paign sneaking Students, than rancour andinexclusion. here we could all share a bit of soul. would gaininnosurreptitious favours if theykisses. declined voting rather probably from the coaching centres inclose nearby for her. This was stepping perilously to muralidharan the school of janice pariat is the authorteaches of The at Nine-Chambered Kaluline Sarai, the lawn, with sukumar the as alounged corrupt around practice,onwhile also lendOP Jindal Global University, Sonipat Heart; @janicepariat their guitarsto and joints. Chil- journalism, ing strength thestrong-smelling most unflattering descrip-

Despite bans and other warnings from the Election Commission, campaign rhetoric this poll season remains divisive and inflammatory

sukumar muralidharan

janice pariat


ND-X _ A

ack on the campaign trail after a twoday ban, Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati was not holding back. The penalty imposed on her by the Election Commission of India (ECI), she declared, was an explicit affront to the Dalit identity. Considering it was an appeal based on reliver since started workon onher a new gious identity that Ihad brought the book earlier this year, I’ve been ECI’s sanction, Mayawati’s invocation ofwonthe dering: How do writers keep might fit? All Dalit theme immediately afterwards that reckless. sitting, Itbeing sedentary, for have seemed turned out though, hours, healthy. How that sheyears, was oncan’t saferpossibly ground be there. does one keep in at abay dreaded writer’s Campaigning partthe of Uttar Pradesh (UP) bum?aItsignificant doesn’t help that gyms disquiet me — with Muslim presence, seldom all those in mirrors and space-agepeople exercise reflected the representation of mathe chines — andMayawati that I vowed I wasa done with runfaith secure, urged tactical use of ning after years of waking upcommunity’s at dawn to voting power. A division of the prance field inonly boarding vote, shearound warned,a would benefitschool. the rul-I wasn’t about to spend a thousand ing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). dollars on a treadmill — there such a thing, In whatwriting seemeddesk an effort atiseven-handedI swear — or a hundred onMayawati, a balance ball ness, the ECI, alongside alsochair imto encourage “active sitting”.ban Andon while happosed a three-day campaign UP Ichief pily partake of at-home yogafor sessions (almost) minister Yogi Adityanath, his play on every — morning, found this —wasn’t quite words Ali versusI Bajrangbali that sought enough. time then to do the very Delhi to exploitItawas growing schism, portraying one thing of going park and to walk. religious faith to as aalien the Admittedly, other as in-I found the thought trinsic to the land. of joining legions of uncles and aunties on their determined It could be asked if the ECI has notevening estabmarchaafalse little equivalence. embarrassing. lished On one side was a Hadn’t Iurging vowedthe at some point never to do politician creation of an electoral this based too? No lived in a house with bloc onmatter. faith asWe a tactical means to halt a three parks near us. There was no excuse. On community’s political marginalisation. chosewas thealargest. DDA (Delhi DeveloptheI other sense ofAcultural animosity bement Authority) a corner ing fostered with park, intentsequestered to assemblein a majoritof Sarvapriya Vihar, isolate edgingathe Ring faith. Road, arian bloc that would minority though buffered by trees against The ECIthankfully clearly is uncomfortable playing refthe traffic. eree in matters of campaign rhetoric in an On oneseason side anthat openhas lawn with a children’s election brought multiple play area, inSection the middle a bandstand, and lush challenges. 123(3) of the Representatropical-esque treeAct cover, on the sideora tion of the People barsand appeals “tofar vote clearingfrom withvoting worn grass andperson benches. cerefrain for any onAthe caste, community, ment track snaked its way around the park. ground of his religion, race,all

It is in its lung spaces that a sprawling and crowded city is at its most gentle, accepting self


ND-X _ A

read cover

saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019

The many meanings Mumbai Inofthose days,

there was no email

Amrita Mahale’s debut novel reveals her eye for detail and ear for dialogue as it spins an engaging tale of little people in a big, bad city

ing upheaval in the lives of many. Caught in the turmoil are the tenants of Asha Nivas, a crumbling, rent-controlled building facing in the middle-class suburb of Maand occasionally addressing the camera. working of demolition the reperforator and the tape tunga, because itsthe landlord has no alternative “The Creed machine,” Joshi repeats. “Yaar, printer, the “ungodly racket” teleprinter but to the cut incoming his lossesstories and erect Creed machine — jo teleprinter ke saath aate made as it spewed fileda brand new in its place that The willTV bring him dithhe (which used to come with the tele- by reporters building from around the country. vidends. Amongengaged those beleaguered tenants printer). Is there anybody on the [editorial] screen now shows a reporter in a deaudience, appear to be Ira, a feisty are the Kamats,who whose daughter desk who remembers operating this? No? All bate with a studio at the It’s hard not “reporter oncamera. the municipal beat for a city right then.” He hangs up with a sigh and stares shouting in unison things binds — fewthe though newspaper”, manythey stories together, at two mechanical contraptions placed in a to see how some may be — remain the Kartik, same and, including those of the childhood wooden frame next to his desk. yet, how theonce process of newsfriend shefar had idolised and would redisA year ago, Joshi had pulled gathering advanced overthe theman she concover as anhas adult, and Kaiz, out the machines from a pile of last four tinues todecades. love and lust for, long after he has trash in the PTI building baseTechnology rarely This is especially stark during chosen a life away from her. ment. It was a reperforator and a escapes its own elections, when political parties Mahale has clearly worked on the plot line, tape printer — manufactured by obsolescence arewhich relying media outlets to backdrop to theon novel’s well-researched British company Creed & Comn a spacious office at the Press Trust of In- pany — which together made up reach gravitas. an increasingly lends Her eyeparticipatfor detail, ear for diadia in New Delhi, editor-in-chief Vijay the teleprinter, a device that was ive public through effective sig- way with logue, sense of irony and unusual Joshi stands over his desk, phone in once the cutting-edge of telenalling(she describes and perception words goosebumps as “poetry hand. “Just check if there is anybody who communication technology. management. and road shows inCampaigning Braille”) are unmistakable. But her trump will be able to explain how the Creed machine a media blitzkrieg. card is,toundoubtedly, her characterisation. It was a sobering sight — the teleprinter sus- play second fiddle works,” he asks, brows furrowed. The fourth phase polling for crafted the 16thwith Lok insight and Evenof her cameos, pended in time and memory like a museum He distractedly watches the news from a TV curiosity, in a modern newsroom full of com- Sabha elections is around the corner,leave and with unflinching honesty, an impression, mounted on the wall. The screen is cluttered puters and smartphones. For reporters of an three more rounds go,tospeculation is rife driving the lendingto heft the developments with the frenetic visuals of poll metrics, and it older generation, to “go to the post office and about the impending Reporters rush is her delinnarrative. results. Particularly memorable cuts to a reporter travelling alongside a polit- cut a tape on the teleprinter” was the equival- to file election copies their phones, send eation offrom Kaiz’s friend Ananya Rajaram, misical candidate on a campaign truck. Even as ent of “hey, just mailed you the copy”. story updatestress overofWhatsApp, break the veiledand barb and storsubtle putdown. the camera shakily focuses on the reporter, he ies on Twitter.You come away feeling you’ve known her Technology rarely escapes its own turns away from the frame to film his sur- obsolescence. As anotherforever. World Press Freedommain Day —protagonists, May Of Mahale’s Kaiz roundings with a phone, talking animatedly us, itacross begs the thought — even if thelikeable, descomes as believable, Joshi describes what he can recall about the 3 — approaches pite his self-centredness and commitment phobia. The portrayal of Kartik, inspired, perhaps, by the author’s own brother, must have been quite challenging because of his sexual orientation, especially as his story belongs to a time when Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code was not decriminalised. Despite the painstaking effort made, the segment devoted Between the lines Mahale’s book is set in a rent-controlled building in a middle-class suburb of a rapidly to this character seems less engaging. evolving city vivek bendre Mahale’s touch is far more assured and her ittle did a management consultant clashed, cultural norms collided, financial dis- emotional investment evident in her depicwho had trained as an aeronautical parities and class divisions reared their ugly tion of Ira, who switches roles in the epilogue engineer at IIT and Stanford know head and one’s very sense of self was to become the first-person narrator, carrying what was in store for her when she threatened. All you needed was a crisis to cata- the story through to its denouement. Warts switched careers and took up writing: Rejec- lyse it. and all, this earnest, sensitive, middle-class tions from 13 agents for her very first literary Set against this canvas enriched with inter- girl endears herself to us. We fear for her when effort. “I stayed up all night crying,” author connecting vignettes, Milk Teeth traces the her impulse throttles her good sense. Our Amrita Mahale confesses, but the initial set- evolving fortunes of Ira, Kartik and Kaiz, three heart goes out to her when she falters and back merely strengthened her resolve to at- young people who enter each other’s lives fails. And we find ourselves rooting for her tempt “one more rewrite”. when she emerges more resilient only to learn that love isn’t neThe outcome is Milk Teeth, a debut novel cessarily reciprocal and friendfrom the betrayals life has which has all the features the writer says she ship can be betrayed. It is also handed her, shaken, yet unlooks for in a work of fiction — a good story the tale of a fast-changing metdefeated, making a hard choice Anger was always told well, offering a mix of psychological in- ropolis — so vividly depicted and when a compromise would’ve waiting to be sight and cultural commentary, and involving integral to the narrative that it been the easy way out. ignited wherever characters you care about, however flawed could well be another protagonIra is special, because she beinterests clashed they may be. lieves in herself, reminding us of ist — with a heterogeneous miAt first glance, it may appear to be a tale of grant population ready to close her creator, another young wolittle people and their unexceptional lives, but ranks against the vulnerable. man who dared to choose the the novel’s explosive prologue, laced with the The Babri Masjid-related commore difficult path and has come threat of danger, is a premonition of other munal riots are a thing of the past and life has up, despite the odds, with a work of fiction forms of violence lurking beneath the surface returned to normal. But it is a tentative, un- that makes an impact. If this is what Mahale of a city — Mumbai of the ’90s, where “there settled normal, with the city still feeling its can offer on her very first attempt, her tears was plenty of anger on offer”. It could erupt in way around the new identity — Mumbai — were surely not shed in vain. public or just as easily manifest at home in a thrust upon it. Meanwhile, the race for reflash of domestic violence. Anger was always development is on, inexorably transforming mita ghose is a Kolkata-based freelance writer and partha pratim sharma waiting to be ignited wherever interests more than just architectural contours, caus- editor

As World Press Freedom Day highlights the turbulent state of contemporary journalism, senior reporters recall what it was like to chase stories without fear or favour or, for that matter, tech support




Milk Teeth Amrita Mahale Westland/Contxt Fiction ₹599



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takeaway meet

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saturday,april april27,27,2019 2019 saturday,


The road not taken ‘Stick it out and make good friends’ A nature lover rides off to a remote part of Himachal Pradesh

Royal Society fellow Gagandeep Kang on work, sexism and speeding up drug testing in India leadership roles in science? You get to the top by sticking it out. I cannot conceive of myself without work. It is what drives your definition of who you want to be. The one thing valuable to have is flexibility. If I know what my goals are, give me the time and space to achieve them when I can, and not between 9 and 5. Create the opportunities for me — childcare on site, flexible working hours and so on — to fulfil all my varied responsibilities. Is it a lot harder for women to earn trust in their capabilities? I was in a really empowering place — the Christian Medical College in Vellore. But when it came to a reimbursement-based grant that a male colleague and I had been selected for, he was given the grant and I was asked to go find a guarantor who would lend me ₹25 lakh to show as safety deposit. I came crying out of that meeting... They did not ask this of the guy Acing the game Gagandeep Kang is known as the “vaccine godmother” of India who had exactly the same grant and qualifications. agandeep Kang, the first woman Tell us a bit about your growing-up years. There are other daily discriminations. I from India to be made a fellow of My father was in the Railways, my mother a would be talking in a meeting and a man the Royal Society of London, has of- teacher. We moved around a lot, mostly across would just start talking like I hadn’t started. ten been described as the country’s north and east India. I changed schools 10 Now I’ve gotten to a point where if I’m speakSmall wonder In Chindi, one is away from tourist hordes “vaccine and the grey of concrete jungles images: sharma godmother”. Lauded forpartha herpratim work in times. When I was 12, my father and I built our ing nobody else will speak up. It’s taken a long building national rotavirus and typhoid sur- own lab at home. We’d buy test tubes and time to get here. welve yearsthe ago,56-year-old my daughters, wife chemicals veillance networks, scientist Kolkata. I made tiful walksfrom in the midst Once of woods andhydroorch- the splendid landscape. After riding up a few and I went to Shimla on Health a vacation. currently heads the Translational Sci- gen, blasting our roof.your Exploring the Tell kilometres, stopped gaze at the Sutlej, us about Iyour humantoimmunology ards.nearly The place rejuvenates body and give the sense of research. Shimla wasInstitute, nice, butFaridabad. by the second natural ence and Technology environment, having a microscope, which had entered a narrow valley. From my soul, and the thick forests calmness a city-dweller is them was I’ve been studying were bored of doing the cutting Excerptsevening from anwe interview: upthat leaves and observing vantage point up on the hill, it human immunology using oftenIin search of. same thing over and over again. Back then, what did for fun. formidable — but I vaccines as adidn’t tool. seem We started with studies therehard were noitGoogle-guided I had my How was for you to get here, that During summers we used to visit our grand- based on oralsuppose was raging thatand revaccines it rotavirus and in polio o getand back to the beginning, guide placed books,inmaps and ranks a notebook where I parents you’re the same as Newton everybody there read. My uncle we do a deep stricted space. of the immune characterisation I crossed the Sutlej River on usedDarwin, to jot down the names lesser-known collected and also Royal Societyof Fellows? illustrated classics, giving us our response. The area higher I climbed, the is CHIMs (Controlled I reached Chindi The other a new concrete bridge that pages has carried places that think I wanted tothe travel to.platform But today One, I don’t I’m on same as summer’s delight. The back ca- 11 hours denser the forest became. I rode human infection models) which isn’t that difafter replaced theI once old wooden susmost ofand those once-offbeat places on reer Newton Darwin or anybody else.are Thisall is readvice. saw an ad calling of formotorcycling air ferent from clinical into a research. large tract virgin land. It’sofabout having pension bridge, but get ontoslow destinationthat maps. cognition you’ve done good work. It hostesses, who would travel the world. There were few paddy a controlled infection thataallows you to fields charfrom Delhi speed. This is abeen routeon I am famil-before, I was acterise disease That holiday in Shimla that has been egging me Having doesn’t mean necessarily you are among never a plane down along riverand the test hills whether an the intervenis an iar with. few This yearsisago I had vis- to do!’ But tion works orside on ever lookAbout for unheard-of the best since of thetobest. being theplaces. first In-It like, ‘Oh A boy! what I want and orchards upabout the hills, not. What I’m talking approach thata ited didn’t Tattapani on the border of was this desire forwomen the unknown thatbeen pushed dian woman, well have only ad- that happen (laughs). but houses to and research people were shortens path stop to getting to Shimla and Mandi districts. The me towards Chindi, a little townover in Himachal mitted as Royal society fellows the last rare sight.the I would now and human than theI Sutlej marks a natural border between the then for a break Pradesh that very seem to knowLalita of. Ra- Any 60-70 years. And few microbiologist career advice for women and testing a cup ofrather tea, whenever process involving districts. Many have spoken A few weeksofago, I rode on mywas Royal Enfield scientists? makrishnan, Indian origin, awarded found a shopcurrent by the staged road, and talk to the few Science anypresentpre-clinical studies, immunoTraffic on the road isn’t motorcycle fromThe Delhi to thing Chindiisinshe thedoesn’t Karsog about the FRS in 2018. only howthinned difficultafter it wasNaldehra for locals to know more about the place. different from genicity in humans and, finally, from to Shimla. a while, I practically had Valley Mandi district. The town is about 90 them live andofwork in India. return After to their I reached Chindi after 11 hours of motorcycefficacy number of the road toafter myself. What slowed me downother was fields km from Shimla and 470 km the from Delhi. You profession For me the big thing is that importance a break. ling from Delhi. It wastests. 4 pmThe when I reached. people involved is larger in each can go to Chindi viais Shimla, Mashobra,FunNal- I never took a break. I had an of medical research being recognised. stage. It allows you to make dedehra anddiscoveries Tattapani (SH-13). damental in mathematics, physics eight-week maternity leave for cisions about failed products hilltop are town, surrounded andThis chemistry often treated asby realapple sci- both my children while I was doearlier and that way you put orchards, pine trees and deodars, is one on of Hience, benefiting many more people a ing my PhD. There was a time machaltimeline. Pradesh’s best-kept secrets. Youtowill longer Medical research tends be when I was pregnant and my husband was in fewer people at risk of being involved in testnot find anyimmediate. tourists there. Yet,sense, it has recogsome- hospital. We had a friend staying at home with ing futile interventions. much more In that thing for — picturesque forests for her daughter, whose husband was also in hosnising theeverybody quality of what we do on an internathe nature lover, aisblanket of calm for those pital and much sicker. I called my mother. She How can India lower its infant mortality rate? tional platform tremendously valued. seeking research solitude, is and several old temples for came and took away my older son and said, Promoting safer births and good antenatal Medical also all about teams. For the the religious orwas the history me, big win that we lover. were able to build “Call me when you’re ready to have him back”. care will address a large component of the Among manyintemples that kind ofthe a team India. in the vicinity are With that kind of support system you can mortality rate. Other causes include vaccine the Mamleshwara Mahadev, Kamakhya Mata, manage. I have a friend who stayed up nights preventable diseases and acute diseases. AntiMahunag, Ardhnarishwara, Aledi Mahadev, with me to type out my PhD on her computer. biotics used appropriately and vaccines for Is this recognition for your work on the rotavirus vaccine or aand bodyChurag of work?temple. LePalinag at Nalagali My career advice for women is to have really diarrhoea and pneumonia have a role to play. Itgend is for a body work.ofI’d like to tell go people has it thatofsome the temples back good friends. Science isn’t any different from The rest is access to healthcare. If you can get to theI time Pandavas. that workofonthethings apart from rotavirus other fields. Whatever you choose to do, you children to facilities there’s no reason why we can’t reduce the mortality even further. (laughs). I work onthe gutsense infections. More The silence and of peace thatspeyou have to commit to it. in a child, their cifically, gut infections get in Chindi are something thatinyou arefamnot shriya mohan Holy do beginnings Chindifew owes its name the Chandika Temple we see such women into top ily, in their environment. likely to find in other hill towns. It offers beau- Why




ND-X _ A

ND-X _ A

takeaway know

saturday,april april27,27,2019 2019 saturday,

Storytellers Relics in stone at the Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple

Slice of heaven A view of the vast green expanse of Karsog Valley

Travel log Getting there


The award for populism goes to...

Delhi to Chindi via Shimla is 470 km by road. Take an overnight bus to In the Shimla, followed byReturn a bus gift to Chindi, current election which is 90 km away. The bus goes landscape, each party up to Karsog, whichis trying is about 10 to outbidkm the from Chindi. other in terms of voters You can also drive giveaways or fly to for Shimla afp/manjunath kiran from Delhi and take a taxi to Chindi (₹2,000 approx.) Stay

populism was secured by the Telugu Desam There are only two places to stay in Party of N Chandrababu Naidu, which promChindi; the PWD rest house and the ised monetary benefits to the extent of ₹2 lakh HPTDC Hotel Mamleshwar (http:// a year to each family in perpetuity. These beneHouse of faith Mamleshwar Mahadev temple, an ancient Shiva shrine outside the village of Mumail fits, the party emphasised, would extend all book PWDtorest the wayTo “from thethe womb the house, tomb”. call the PWD engineer office, Karsog chief There were only two places one can stay in — a I went back to the hotel and got ready for an That an erstwhile reformist-minded Division on 01907-222229 or mail government rest house or Hotel Mamleshwar, early dinner. The food was the usual fare that minister, who had projected himself as the run by Himachal Pradesh Tourism Develop- you get in HPTDC hotels — no-frills and fresh, State’s CEO who could deliver superior govchoose homestay in ment Corporation. The rest house was being but they taste the same all over Himachal. I ernanceYou on can the also bedrock of afiscal prudence, Karsog. renovated, so I checked into the hotel — and was very hungry by then, so I enjoyed my dinfeels compelled to go over the top with cradlethen stepped out for a walk towards the vil- ner (roti, stir-fried mushroom and rajma). By to-graveTip giveaways, tells its own story. lage. The hotel manager suggested a trail the evening, the temperature had dropped to In effect, what such have competitive populism Chindi doesn’t shops selling 400m from the hotel, beyond the Chindi 10 degrees Celsius and there was a chilly wind has done is toorshift the fulcrum of the snacks medicines. You have to distemple. I stayed inside the woods till sunset, blowing. course on the economy far to the left of the travel at least 10 km for supplies. n thisin season of extended enveloped the lovely golden election colours camthat I heard sounds aroundfairs, me asbut dusk might seestrange performed in village as centre. Theory suggests that this opens up the Pack accordingly. paigning, with opinion polls pointing to fell. spread below the misty mountains and the It turned out there were flying foxes and much as it validated theoretical scientific con- politico-economic space on the right of the a less-than-clear mandate for any one monkeys cold wind. around. I spotteddemonstrated a flying fox onthe a cepts, it also allegorically centre for any party to profit from. As a supparty, it’s fair to say that the political tree in thepremise hotel complex. political that stability is optimised at posed ‘right-wing’ party, the BJP may seem best placed to fill were this vacuum, but the realityI manoeuvring skills of key players will be on the centre of any platform. religious figures easily recognisable. arly next I set out for Karsog is somewhat different. Hanuman, Vishnu’s stern test — first, in forming a government, Ganesha, Under thesemorning, principles, a lurch to one ex- spotted town. The road went past party the Chandika Other than a few the BJP’s market-oriand later in ensuring its stability. Established treme avatar, theof nine-headed Durga and position by one political or forma- Narasimha from which Chindi its name. ented policy interventions, as the Ayushpolitical theory would suggest that parties temple, This wooden temple such had recently been tion would effectively create agets vacuum at the others. 2 kmoffrom Chindi, the roadaforked into restored, man Bharat insurance the that position themselves close to the centre of About but I health was sorry to see thatscheme, some parts other end the spectrum, which rival could at Bakhrote. road goes to Mandi of the old wooden party’s core philothe political stage — and steer clear of the two floor had economic been replaced by profitably hope toThe fill,left even if it is opportunistic in-Rampur Bush- glossy marble the on right to Karsog and sophy differ from fringes — stand the best chance of attracting and slabs.doesn’t Attached to vastly this main acting anone stinct. Thatthe consideration would I took right turn, and minutes later, I temple was the Nehruvian socialist model allies and new adherents. There is something ahr. a spectacular old stone-andeffectively serveofasthe a counterbala clear view valley — a wide green ex- wooden tower. that characterises much of the about centrism that political formations, par- had Congress been ancinglush force onpaddy. the first with Theparty, 10-odd km down- hasThe politicalMahadev flock. Its temple appetitehad for aa ticularly those that are not bound by ideolo- panse Mamleshwar about seizing which comridewould did notthen takebe long, and I nimble reached modicum of reforms, manifest gical orthodoxy of one persuasion or another, hill similar story to relate. Parts of the temple had pelled, for reasons of its sur- the business-friendly village in just 25own minutes. afterwood it came to power in ought to find comforting: It provides them Mumail been restored,soon but old had given way to turf outvacatedconcrete. by BJP What toismove away Shiva from temple the There an ancient just 2014, vanished everwas since it was the flexibility to be all things to all people, and vival, caught my eye a havan fringe — and towards centre. Mumail. Called the Mamleshtargeted the Congress to fashion opportunistic alliances based on side kund withby a burning log inwith the As Mahadev, the players negotiate the war it lends the village the ‘suit-boot sarkar’said jibe,the ostenspost-election outcomes. temple. The priests fire spaces thus, the political system name. I decided to stop here ibly placing a premium A graphic audiovisual clip, which went viral its in thefor kund was never allowed on to as athe whole typically find a balance close the sensibilities waywould back, and continued of corporate tycoons. efon social media platforms last week, provided on die out. Intricately carvedThat stones Kaow seemed to the centre. Kaow, which has a fectively represents lost opportunity. a metaphor of sorts for the kind of skills that towards framed a parts of the original to move on However, a survey Devi. of the election landscape of Kamaksha Ironically, temple; the Congress has been will be required in the next few weeks as temple some other partsnimble of the women power andwas a clinical The the ridecountry, to Kaow en- study of the about seizing this piece business-friendly parties scramble to read the tea leaves of the across temple were of showcased in a muvalley parties’ manifesto promises in respect of the turf vacated seum-like The huge by the BJP. room in the complex. electoral verdict and ponder over whether thralling. between the many economy, makes a mockery of these political For all of “auld acquaintances” should “be forgot” and stretched The Congress interiorsPresident had Rahul been all around it, and the Amlatheories. Virtually every party’s economic Gandhi’s continuing — much of “never brought to mind”. The clip, which hills blackenedjibes by centuries of which lamp stream along on rockscomin oil manifesto, suchbounced as it is, is centred around rests onincense a foundation mind-numbing gained traction after business tycoon Anand Bimla and fumes,ofbut the beauty ofmenthe I could seewith women in‘outthe carvings petitive welfarism, each working looking to dacity —was about Prime Minister Narendra Mahindra drew attention to it, was of a thrill- between. undiminished. and others some walked on the their bid’ the in respect of road, promised Modi’s toride prominent ing automobile daredevilry, with two jeeps be- fields, After proximity Mumail, the back to businessmen, Chindi didn’t bent for under loads of Congress hay. Kaowcame seemed giveaways voters. The up take it is along. Congress who secured an ing artfully manoeuvred on a scarily backs I hadcandidate a nice cup ofhas coffee at the move women with theon pledge of apower! ₹72,000-a-year direct be- hotel. on-tape endorsement from India’s tysee-sawing mechanical platform. After teeter- to Sitting on the terrace outsiderichest the resThetransfer Kamaksha by the road, at taurant, to temple 20 per stood cent of poorest coon. Evidently, sartorial preferences areagain, tending one way and then the other in order to nefit I watched the clouds gather edge of the temple was an im- and households in village. India, The which received much ing towards the suit-boot again. counter-balance the other vehicle’s lurch to the the sky transform intoyet a red streak. I was sight. It was only large alsoa once again embraced by a blanket of solitude. media attention and not acclaim. That but set off one extreme, the two automobiles find the pressive venky vembu is Associate Editor, BusinessLine; carved allsorts, over.inThe wooden wallparties had a bidding war of which regional right equilibrium and the right balance — at richly pratim sharma of carved at the eye award level. Many of the partha too joined in. Inpanels the end, for reckless the centre. It’s the kind of stunt that you series

Indian polity rests on a dangerous seesaw of competitive welfarism, which downgrades the discourse on economy

venky vembu





21 BL 5 BL

know explore

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saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019

Southern No forest comfort for self-exile



Will Rahul Gandhi’s electoral entry in Kerala mark a shift in the Grand Old Party’s political When the time comes to retire from the material world, we won’t have a place to go strategy?

sumana roy

candidature an opportunity for the party to choice and necessity, not finding a home in set things “People see about Rahul’sthem entryasasan a either. Theright. narrator writes in art school. panacea to many of theofmaladies has artist draws sketches models Wayanad Theresuffering is a reasonfrom I make thisthe analogy like the been over years—and, to painter in art school, the keep narrator is an approve them right, he must the constituprentice life. Moving the from threeSulsecency,” saysofRajesh, a Dalitthrough taxi driver tions, in this“Igenre that support has comethe to Left, be quite tan Bathery. generally but unimaginatively calledI ‘autofiction’, I sense this time I back Rahul. am not satisfied witha movement that government comes to mehandled from the the way the state thetitle. disThe young and his My young lovers of tribution of narrator post-flood relief. family is yet to our compensation,” he says.Bada Babu of theget first section, the middle-aged the second, the retired father of the third — a picture-postcard land there isayanad, an arc there that keeps coming backof to mountains and passes in thethe Western me long after I’ve finished reading novel. Ghats, has I’ve tribal communities accountIt’s an also arc that encountered before, but I ing for over 18 per cent of the The cannot remember where. Notpopulation. until I return to district links been Kerala to bedside its neighbours, a poem that’s on my table for Karnataka Tamil Nadu, and is known for some timeand — Subhash Mukhopadhyay’s The the Muthanga tribal agitation for land in the Son’s Gone to the Forest, about Rama’s vanvaas, 1990s spearheaded by activists suchpoet as CK his going to the forest. The Bengali reJanu, alliedof with BJP, andparM mindswho us oflater the curse youngthe Shravana’s Geethanandan. Gandhi’s candidature is ents on Dasharatha for killing their son, and viewed curiosity by the tribal communitrelates with it to Rama’s exile in the forest. iesItand is read a change in concept the Congress’s struck me as then how the of vantraditional stances. Janu — now vaas — literally ‘livingThough in the forest’ wassupalso ports the other local tribal back related toLeft, vanaprastha, ‘going to, leaders or retiring in Gandhi. They believe his presence could help the forest’. It is the third stage in the Vedic orhighlight the plight of the tribal (bachelor/stucommunities der of life, after brahmacharya Look who’s here Rahul Gandhi’s Wayanad candidature will help banish the long-held notion that the Congress neglected consecutive state governments. dent) andbygrihastha (married householder). is a North-based party getty images/atul loke “Wayanad lacks healthcare transThe structure of good Shekhar’s novel,and with its port facilities. People expectliving Rahul’shis presence young medical student brahayanad has voted. But certain make a life, difference,” a usedmacharya followedsays by KM theShaji, householder Wayanad offers Gandhi and the Congress an to images from the campaign opportunity to shed their North India-centric vehicles dealer eventually from the district. leading us to the Bada Babu’s, have endured, while others character and identify more with the South, Wayanad be thea garden quintessential Gandhi father in hiscan garden, of his creation, have morphed into memes. says Shiju Joseph, psychologist and political constituency, says aa retirement senior journalist bethe vanaprastha, from who worldly One such meme started doing the rounds commentator in Thiruvananthapuram. longs to the region.isThe Wayanad Lok Sabhaa life. What Shekhar giving us is, therefore, hours after Congress president Rahul Gandhi, Sultan sketch of the includes relocationthe of Kalpetta, the structure of The constituency went to polls on April 23 constituency with sister Priyanka Vadra, kick-started his and there is a general consensus that Gandhi Bathery and assembly in Vedic life to Mananthavady a complex modern life, seats with its will win from Wayanad. “When it comes to Wayanad, campaign in the district. Thiruvambady in Kozhikode and flab of distractions and complexities. The meme combines two photographs of Rahul’s win, it is just a question of the margin Nilambur, Wandoor and Eranad MuslimVanaprastha demanded a vana,in a forest, as Vadra. In one, she addresses an election rally, of victory,” says Namitha Thomas, a 28-year- dominated district. did vanvaas.Malappuram But where are the forests today? ostensibly in Amethi — Gandhi’s traditional old bank employee from Mananthavady. “Itnarrator’s is quite unlike Amethi. was Lookthe at the demoThe grandfather headman included forests, grazing Wayanad, of course, is traditionally a Con- graphics: constituency in Uttar Pradesh — and the other the ‘which Wayanad seat has a significant of his village, areas of and paddy fields’. “In Kessorepur, the is from a campaign in Wayanad, Kerala. She is gress stronghold. But this time, she believes, share Christians, Muslims and Hindus. It jais her was a plot of the land, common tohas everyone, clad in a red sari in both, but the accessories politically neutral voters and even sympath- truly secular and constituency always where farming was not allowed. cutting of are strikingly different. In the picture from isers of the Left may have voted for Gandhi. shunned communal politics,” heThe says. trees wasmany forbidden andWayanad they flourished Amethi, she wears a rudraksha neckpiece, a “Even when I tell people that nothing much But not think the moment there.” Afterinbeing betrayed by isthe social tilak on the forehead and sacred threads has happened in Amethi, Congress’s history epochal. world, the father “bought plot shows of landthe in around her wrist. In the image from Wayanad, Rahul’s sitting constituency in “Rahul’s entry aonly Ghatsila on which he would build our house, the neckpiece and tilak are missing, while a UP, and show instances of underCongress is confused about its and the garden that would become his refuge development there, they are not black-strap watch adorns her wrist. political strategy, especially after If he winsand bothescape”.having “My father a vision for BJP the in jaThe meme, made presumably for propa- convinced ,” adds Thomas. beenhad beaten by the Loss of habitat The concept of vanvaas — literally ‘living in the forest’ — was also related to vanaprastha, Amethi and Wayanad, her. He wanted it to return to its original form, Her husband Hari V Menon ganda, reflects a turn that Gandhi and his the game of communal politics ‘going to, or retiring in the forest’ people expect Rahul orderly a dense, forest...such No jaher is complete agrees that there is a belief party may have taken. in places as UP,” argues keep ansda Sowvendra Shekhar’s new among without flowering shrubs and so somewriter of the peoplethe that Gandhi can ner, through narrator’s adult life.toAs per Wayanad “The party Gandhi and Priyanka represent Rahul Padman, a freelance My Father’s Garden comes to make bushes were uprooted and rea difference by improving the demands of such a form, minutes and wild lantanafrom in Kerala is novel different from the one they have Wayanad. us inMuneer three Valappil, sections: aThese are tourism, and other In agive way, infrastructure months and years must be and condensed into a placed by hibiscus inherited,” says commuWayanad may,plants... however, called and ‘Lover’, ‘Friend’,sympathiser and ‘Father’. medical this was the first garden that he in Wayanad. phrase orfacilities half a sentence, and nications expert Congress Gandhi opportunity to tell It is perhaps not “Kerala, a surprise that in this novel Menon, created.” works in theofnearby becausewho of the process selecfrom Kozhikode. especially Wayanad, voters in the South of his prioritabout the a young looking backtoatlook his adult When the narrator people asks his of Kalpetta and is ahas critic tion and omission, much to of Congress ies. The constituency offers partyman an opportunity and town comprises — life,different, these three are devoted men, policies, father where they could grow a sal adds, heits wins both be left out. Art“If and sense of Amethi and peasants, tribal feel andsections Rahul seems to haveto undercommunities, minorities — The curse of youngthat,” and ageing, areout. in the process of Wayanad, in their garden, he Valappil. says that Rahul—to keep Way- whose causestree time allowpeople these expect falsehoods stood Valappilwho points he espouses, points out individualism evolution ‘garden’ of the title thenot soiloffer needed grow itchances is to be They the want Wayanadlife toas bea the constitu- “Amethi does years from narrator’s Gandhi’sthemselves. decision toThe fight the ongoing Lok anad. this.toHence, necessitates that comespolls to us from only in the Wayanad final section, for a ency foundWayanad.” only in “our jaher”. My Fathof India’s future Prime have Minister.” young medical student Sabha both andand Amethi are he will retain we create our If that happens, it will herald a new Conreader such aas shift myself, acts a political bit like a been er’s Garden, at that point, becomes He condensed points out into that the Gandhi’s first 62presence has underlines inthe thetitle party’s own gardens aligns with “progressive” eleteaser — IPolitical wait forobservers the arrivalinofthe thestate garden. The woken a parable for the damaged ecoDemocratic pages. up Butthe willLeft nature and itsFront, which gress, one that strategy. believe on “real” suchthe as waitmove is almost akinthe to waiting forand a garden logy of our world,issues and how upsense its campaign particular of time after allowthe Congress ments and focusses the will help Congress, make to it stepped rather grow — as if the writer has planted a seed in president’s curseand of unemployment, individualism necessitnamethe was announced. that? And hence two kinds of The Left, in the farm crisis more popular down South. Doing so would oneswesuch as our nationalism, the title that will grow into only bynothe turn, ates that create own gartime hopes — timeGandhi in art will and choose time inhis long-time than “rhetorical” also mean bidding adieu toour theeye long-held And no really be surtimethat we come to the book. In this is the cre- UP dens,Joseph. recreations ofone theshould primeval forest. For over Wayanad if he wins both. The Left says theseat garden. tion the Congress is a North-based party. if all Gandhi offers to Vadra and ation of aitnew kind time, am hesit- believes we shall need to takeAmethi vanaprastha. can win a by-election by making This isita novel about a man looking at men prised Further, could beof seen asthough GandhiI weaning ant to call narrative decisionand to ‘father’ surrender Wayanad ap- makes Wayanad his base, he adds. — ‘lover’, ‘friend’, are used as shorthimself outitof a legacy,time. for Amethi is a pocket Gandhi’s Let meearlier explain. The novel, by written in first pear act of betrayal. handlike foran titles sections, but they are actu- sumana roy is the author of How I Became A Tree; borough represented his mother, jose p t@SumanaSiliguri person, takes us, almost in a picaresque man- ally Voters BLink to, however, consider his jinoy studies ofspoke men taking on roles, fighting father and uncle.






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scan know

saturday, april 2019 saturday, april 27,27, 2019

ND-X _ A

23 BL 3 BL

Flying Hanumans and vote bank politics The ruling party in West Bengal is trying to woo back sections of voters with Hindu festivals and symbols

Newly-weds fall into water during a riverside photo shoot


ll Tijin and Silpa wanted was a wedding photo that would let them remember their big day in all its beauty. But their wedding planner had other plans. As the happy couple struck a pose for the camera while seated in a boat on a river in Kerala, the craft rocked suddenly and the two tumbled into the water. The wedding organiser said the rocking was planned, but had been kept a secret from the newly-weds. The video of the incident went viral but we wonder if the planner was paid at the end of that stunt.

No laughing matter Ukraine elects comic as new President


kraine has a new president. A comic. Volodymyr Zelensky defeated the incumbent Petro Poroshenko by an overwhelming majority to win the election. ‘Ze’, as he is popularly called, played Ukraine’s head of state for years on a popular comedy show on television. Now that he makes the transition from reel to real, it remains to be seen if he will be able to bring cheer to the lives of the people. As Ukrainians struggle with poverty, graft and unstable political leaderships, they could do with a few laughs.

Je’taime, Notre-Dame

Yoga tails

Lake District hotel offers yoga with lemurs in the park


France falls back on Victor Hugo novel to deal with the trauma of devastating fire



Show of hands

Canadian company seeks to set Guinness World Record for most high fives




Making a splash

and Hanuman Jayanti?” she asks. “Is there something wrong? I love watching Ganapati Bappa Morya celebrations in Mumbai on TV — so why can’t we also have some fun?” I make my way through the bazaar to Vicky Book Centre, a tiny hole-in-the wall stationery shop run by Vikas, whose father, Shambhunath Shaw, is an RSS leader. “We are all from the RSS, and I have been attending shakhas since I was a child,” says Vikas. The local authorities gave his father and Ashok Shaw permission for the Bajrangbali procession as they are both members of the Bajrang Bali Sewa Samity, he says. Mishra was present at the festivities as a guest, he adds. rnest Hemingway’s of his the I pose the samememoir question thattime I’d in asked bars and cafés son. of Paris 1920s — A MoveAshok Shaw’s Howinisthe it that Hanuman is ove over goat yoga (doing yoga able Feast helped the with city cope theinhorrors being—worshipped suchwith vigour Bengal with kids) and beer yoga (yoga of terror November 2015. Afterhim a fire now?attacks “Earlier,in Bengalis just dismissed but while guzzling ale). The latest to hit ragednow through Paris’s Notre-Dame on they are worshipping him,Cathedral and they are Ram’back along BJP workers. Lake District, UK, is a form of yoga that Aprilshouting 15, France‘Jai is Sri falling onwith another literary Narendra brought deshbhakti back,” classic to comeModi out has of depression. The classic in has participants practising their Vikasissays. chakrasana while lemurs walk around question Victor Hugo’s 19th-century novel, NotreTwo doors them. Armathwaite Hall, a luxury hotel Dame de Paris — theaway, Frenchanother originalShambhunath of The Hunchruns a small tailoring shop. Hefire, is furiback Shaw of Notre-Dame. Within 48 hours of the difnext to the Lake District wildlife park, ously stitching pennants flags inis offering its guests lemoga, or yoga ferent editions of thesaffron book were on theand first, third, ‘Jai Srislots Ram’inand ‘Bajrangbali’. with ring-tailed lemurs, in the park as a fifth,scribed seventhwith and eights Amazon France’s Earlier, heLast says, he used sell clothes bonding exercise with the animals. It’s bestseller list. heard, theto publishers ofbut thenow edireligious a lot more lucrative. not clear if the lemurs have to bring tionsfinds werethe being askedmarket to contribute to funds for Curious camaraderie The Bajrangbali procession this month was organised by supporters of the Bharatiya the restoration He is critical of cathedral. Trinamool leader Mamata of the their own mats. Janata Party (BJP) and the ruling Trinamool Congress afp/diptendu dutta Banerjee, who, he says, turned the atmosphere “communal” by imposing restrictions on igns of revelry litter the streets of as local youth centres. The residents of the Durga Puja festivities, postponing the idol’s Champdani. A day after a Hindu reli- town are largely descendents of immigrants immersion to accommodate a Moharram gious procession snaked its way from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar who came to procession. through the town in West Bengal’s Bengal during the last century in search of “She is campaigning for Modi, helping Hooghly district, the roads are flanked by saf- jobs in the jute mills and other factories, most him,” he says. fron festoons and enormous cutouts of a fly- of which have since closed. The Trinamool, which had in its early years ing Hanuman. I enquire about the local organisers of the focussed on capturing the Muslim vote, which Arch-enemies came together for the April 17 procession, and am directed to the electrical stands at 30 per cent in the state, now finds Bajrangbali (another name for Hanuman, the goods shop of Trinamool activist Ashok Shaw, that the BJP has successfully polarised Bengal. monkey god) procession and the Ram Navami an immigrant from Bihar. He is out, but his Clearly, the ruling party realises that if it does festivities that preceded it. The rally and celeb- son, in his early 20s, is there — and not do something to retain rations were organised by supporters of the vocal about the festivities. some of its Hindu support base, The young man declines to disBharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the ruling Triit will be in trouble. The soluclose his name but stresses that, namool Congress. tion, it believes, lies in panderFirst religion, then There was a time when Bengal knew little as a Trinamool activist, he has ing to those being swayed by comes the party about Ram Navami and few saw Hanuman as a been asked “to back the Pujas vigthe BJP. deity. But after the BJP came to power at the orously”. In West Bengal, Durga, At Champdani, the TrinCentre, and its party units and many Rashtriya Kali and Saraswati are the most amool Congress MP from Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) affiliates got a boost worshipped deities — when did Serampore Kalyan Bannerjee, in West Bengal, the state has been witnessing Ram and Hanuman enter the Bengali pan- who is also the party’s candidate this time, — and revelling in — Ram Navami and Hanu- theon of gods, I ask. shares space with Hanuman on an enormous His voice drops. “There is a lot of jagrukta hoarding. Ratna De Nag, the Trinamool MP man Jayanti festivities. The Champdani processions mark the turn (awakening) now. There is Hindutva inside all who represents the neighbouring Hooghly it has taken in recent times. The rallies are of us,” he says, tapping his chest solemnly. seat, also made it a point to attend the festivitmarked by a display of arms, with the young — “First religion, then comes the party,” he adds. ies, locals point out. The party’s official line, o you knowyouth that there is a National There His Day? father is ais,member of the local puja however, is that these religious celebrations largely unemployed — wearing saffronHigh Five countries thistoday own — celebratcommittee that organised the procession, but have nothing to do with the elections. bandanas and andmany dancing on theclaim streets theas their ing with high fives across cities, towns andthe villages. A group driving spiritofwas the Champdani munistrains ofittechno music. So, who is winning from Serampore, I ask 33 Canadians decided to make this year’s Five Day — April and Trinamool leader the unnamed Trinamool activist. It’s a contest cipality chairman “It was the biggest procession I have seen in High 18 — its ticket the Guinness World Records. They practised Suresh Mishra, who is “very religious” and “be- between his party and the BJP, he says. The Left my life,” gushes VikastoShaw, the local Bharatiya hit the most number high in fives in 180 But Mishra, he hastens to and the Congress have clearly been wiped out. Hindutva”. Janataover Yuvamonths Morchatosecretary. “I guess since oflieves seconds. Thethe team from thehot.” Johnston Groupadd, in Winnipeg made Ramzan and promotes also organises it’s election time, mood was What about his own vote? He looks mysterithreeof attempts the day, and endedonup with 509 high fives. Hindu-Muslim unity. In front the busyonChampdani Bazaar ous and says, “I hope you got my drift.” They are awaiting Guinness office beforeman’s they mother is sitting next to The young the Grand Trunk Roadword are from two the roadside can Jai celebrate TheJaicurrent record, July 2017, us set andinclosely following the conversation. smita gupta is senior fellow, The Hindu Centre for temples, Bharatofficially. Club and Mahabir at 492. Speak of being high-handed. Sanghstands — suggesting that they do double duty “Why are you so interested in Ram Navami Politics and Public Policy


saturday, april 27, 2019




in-faq by joy bhattacharjya


n April 27, 1981, Xerox PARC introduced the computer mouse, just one of the many inventions from their Palo Alto research lab. This week’s quiz is all about inventions.

here,there & elsewhere

Micro infernal



An 18th-century pioneer from Berkshire, he invented a horse-drawn seed drill that revolutionised farming in the UK in the era. However, his name is far more associated with a set of people who got together in Lancashire in 1967. Identify the man.

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In 1938, what did American architect Alfred Butts invent, with a frequency analysis based primarily on The New York Times newspaper? What was invented as early as 1952 and used in the railroad and motor industry, but really became popular only after being used in supermarkets from 1974, the first time on a pack of Wrigley’s chewing gum?


Despite estimates of some 100 million of his inventions circulating worldwide, this man claimed that he had not profited from any of them and that he lived on a state pension. He did, however, own 30 per cent of a German company, Marken Marketing International (MMI), that revamps trademarks and produces merchandise carrying his name, including pen knives and other tools. Who is he?


“Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?” “Certainly, monsieur.” The barman seemed pleased with the idea. Which literary character, inventing a legendary cocktail?


The mass production of which personal health item was developed by William Addis around 1780, based on an invention he came up with whilst in prison?


In 1942, Helmut Schenk, a German test pilot, first test flew the first German jet fighter, Heinkel He 280. On the same aircraft, he also became the first to test an invention that is still used by fighter planes around the world. What was it?


George G Blaisdell invented this in 1932 in Bradford, Pennsylvania. He gave its name as a derivative of another invention that had been patented in nearby Meadville, Pennsylvania. The basic concept of this product has remained unchanged for over 70 years. It has sold over 400 million units, all with lifetime guarantees. What is it?


t’s the morning of Bins’s birthday. As per normal, this fact must never be mentioned in his presence nor any effort made to mark the day. “It’s totally pagan,” he says, his French accent expressing itself with special force, “and my parents were proud, practising atheists. We did not believe in these superficial displays! We did not give gifts. We did not take gifts. We were pure and abstract.” I, meanwhile, am wholly pagan in this respect: I love birthday celebrations. So every year, I manage to destroy Bins’s celebrated purity by doing something, however minor and meaningless, to sabotage the austerity of his ways. This year, my sisters enter the fray by conspiring to ordering a piece of kitchen hardware on Amazon. I am sworn to secrecy a couple of days in advance. So on the morning of the sacred day, there’s a knock on the door. “It’s for you,” I say. “Why?” says Bins, his hackles rising. “Did you order something for my ... uhhh ... completely ordinary day?” “Of course not,” I say, “but I’m not expecting anything, so it must be for you.” He slouches off then, towards the door. When he opens it, I hear him gasp. “Whaooo!” he says, making the sound

that Asterix makes when he sees the Roman army advancing upon a Gaulish village that need defending. “For me? No! It cannot be — but — okay, I must sign here? You’re sure it is for me? Whaoo. Thank you. Goodbye.” The door slams. Scraping sounds. “She has sent me an elephant!” huffs Bins, as he pushes an enormous carton into the room. Deep within its styrofoam womb is a gleaming little microwave oven. Courtesy of my sisters. Bins looks at it with poison darts coming out of his eyes. “Bah!” he snorts. “Microwave ovens are agents of the Devil!!” When I remind him that he’s

an atheist he says, “Yah, but when I see the Devil, I believe in him!” Microwave ovens are unnatural, he says. “They cause abortions in mice.” “But we’re not pregnant mice!” I protest. “We’re just coffee drinkers and popcorn eaters who like to heat things up quickly!” “Popcorn is bad for soon-to-bediabetics like you,” he reminds me. “I can use it for heating up my quinoa sprouts,” I say, doggedly. “I can zap my zoodles in it and nuke my cauli-rice.” “See?” he says. “Microwave emissions are frying your brain — you’re talking gibberubbish — and we’ve not even plugged the thing in!!” I roll my eyes at him. “Zoodles are noodles made from zucchini and cauli-rice is made by whizzing cauliflower florets in a food processor!” “Pure mumbo mixed with jumbo,” he says firmly. I try my last shot. “If you plug it in, I’ll make us some tea.” He gives me a withering look and plugs in The Beast. As the fragrant scent of fresh Darjeeling tea wafts across the room, peace descends upon the Gaulish village. “Ahh,” says Bins. “The Devil has his uses.” manjula padmanabhan, author and artist, writes of her life in the fictional town of Elsewhere, US, in this weekly column



In 1874, French inventor Gustave Trouvé developed a device for locating metal objects. In 1881, Alexander Graham Bell invented a similar device for a very specific purpose. Why did Graham Bell invent his metal detector?


In 1959, car manufacturer Volvo made a specific invention, and instead of patenting it, allowed it to be copied free by every car manufacturer in the world. What did they invent and share? Answers 1. Jethro Tull; the music band took his name 2. Scrabble, derived from an earlier version, Lexiko. He decided the frequency of letters from the newspaper. 3. The barcode 4. Mikhail Kalashnikov, remembered for the iconic AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle 5. James Bond, inventing the Vesper martini in Casino Royale 6. The toothbrush 7. The ejection seat 8. The Zippo lighter (the other invention was the zipper) 9. To find a bullet lodged in the chest of US President James Garfield. Unfortunately, the metal bed springs confused the detector 10. The three-point safety belt ND-X _ A

joy bhattacharjya is a quizmaster; t@joybhattacharj

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