DEVELOPING CUSTOMIZED COURSE MATERIALS THE MATERIALS WE DEVELOP FOR YOU Our approach to adult education is based on the idea of action (hands‐on practice) as well as reflection (dialogue). Our trainees ‐ rather than just listening ‐ are always engaged in doing something (whether practicing the skills with peers, reflecting about a topic at their table or filling out a form with questions), so our course materials might be different from what you have experienced with other training companies. When ParticipAction designs course materials for a workshop, we create a Resource Manual with the content to be learned, a Workbook with the actual exercises/learning tasks necessary to do so, and additional materials as needed. The Resource Manual is the actual content for the trainees to learn ("what" people will learn) The Workbook gives instructions to the trainees about the actual tasks that they will be performing to learn the content ("How" people will learn the content, that is, what they will actually be doing in the class) Additional materials (like job aids, resource links, etc.) are any other collateral materials given to the trainees to maximize learning and ensure the application of the content learned in class. As we work closely with you providing options and recommendations for the course content, ParticipAction continues to develop a shared understanding of the trainee population’s needs and of the overall goal/results of the training initiative. Ultimately our training design aims at creating a rich and interactive experience for our trainees. As such, we count on guidance from our client during the process of defining the content of the course materials, with feedback and observations on our work, especially for the draft of the Workbook. We know from our experience that when we bring to this process the perspective of the trainees, their supervisors and of the stakeholders of the training initiatives, we are able to boost the relevance of what is taught. This ultimately increases the effectiveness of the training investment.
OUTLINE OF OUR RAPID-DEVELOPMENT PROCESS ParticipAction envisions several steps to develop custom course materials for you: An initial one‐hour meeting between ParticipAction Consulting and client representatives to determine the general vision for the final products (needs analysis phase) 2. Collection and analysis of materials 3. A two‐hour session with client representatives to: capture information for the Content Outline collect information for the Learning Objectives/Requirements document 4. Creation of Content Outline (deliverable 1) 5. Creation of Learning Objectives/Requirements document (deliverable 2) 6. Development of draft Lesson Plan with outline of workshop learning tasks (deliverable 3) for review and approval 7. Creation of draft Resource Manual (deliverable 4) for review and approval 8. Creation of Workbook (deliverable 5) for review and approval 9. Creation of pilot materials and final review/approval by client 10. Creation of additional materials (deliverable 6) and final review/approval by client 11. Final deployment of all pilot course materials (deliverable 7) 12. A two‐hour “Lessons learned” session after the first instance of the workshop 13. Final course materials (deliverable 8) 1.
Workshop Content Outline
Learning Objectives/Requirements Document
Draft Lesson Plan
Draft Resource Manual
Draft Workbook
Draft Additional Materials
Pilot Resource Manual, Workbook, Additional Materials
Final Resource Manual, Workbook, Additional Materials
All Documents
Start-up Meeting
1-hour MEETING
Content/Learning Objectives/Requirements Meeting
2-hour MEETING
Lessons Learned Session
2-hour MEETING