1 minute read
The woodworking hand tools are a highly flexible set of analogue and power tools, with a combination of battery and 240v pieces. They can be used in situ within a woodwork area, or used on location. This set constitutes everything from measuring tools, handsaws, chisels, clamps etc. It is also complemented by a suite of Festool machines with dedicated extraction and electric drills, impacts and other standard battery tools commonly used in woodwork.
Power requirements
Additional functionality needed to complete None - compliments other areas well
Number of inducted people 48
Users desiring continued access Various individual residents Approximate value £25,000
The current area where these tools are housed is in conjunction with the hand fixed machines and CNC machine. The tools themselves require relatively minimal storage space and requirements, although fixed workbenches and space for storage and movement of wood are key for the tools to be functional

N.b some of these tools are required to complete the functionality of the Woodwork Fixed Machines area, although there are many duplicates so these could be separated to create two functional units.
List of Machines in the Space
For a full list of items, follow the link to the Woodwork Hand Tools Database