QA Meet Our New Partnership Chair, Randy Resnick COO: Resnick Energy, The Sullivan Events Center, Rez-Wear Facemasks President: Penguin Energy, RezBear Propane, Liberty Market, Bernie’s Holiday Restaurant, BHR Caterers
Q. How long have you lived in Sullivan County?
out, but the energy businesses remain strong as they are
A. “I was born and raised in Sullivan County.”
kind of recession proof. You need the product that we sell. The Northeast uses more heating oil than any other
Q. We know that you are involved with many businesses - how do you manage them all right now? A. “Right now, I’m running 8 businesses. I don’t sleep. I get up early and I go to work, and I go home and I go to sleep. It’s a tight balance, but the key for me is having really good people in each location.” Q. Which one of your businesses are you most focused on today? A. “Definitely my energy businesses. I have the restaurants, obviously which are being affected by the pandemic. The catering business has been eliminated by the pandemic, the supermarket business has leveled 30
region in the world so we’re supplying that, but I also do a lot of commercial and government accounts as well.” Q. How long have you been affiliated with the Sullivan County Partnership and what made you initially want to get involved? A. “I’ve been a member of the Partnership for 10 years and have always admired the Partnership board. I’ve been in business in Sullivan County pretty much my whole life but there was a time where I used to see all these people on the board and they were all business people that I looked up to and admired. I never really imagined myself in a board setting; I’m more of a
Sullivan County Par tnership for Economic Development In the Know
FALL 2020