over 75,000 individuals were given the tools to build STABLE LIVES.
2012-2013 Annual Report
CONTENTS Letter How we help Partnership services Lives impacted
3 4-9 10 11
You made it happen Financial report Volunteers Investors
12 13 14 15-25
Partnership is a community impact organization whose mission is to strengthen families and individuals of all ages. Our services provide bene�its through an effective array of critical services and collaborative partnerships that continually evolve to meet community needs.
VISION Partnership is the recognized leader in providing excellent human services that meet the ever changing needs of our communities’ families and individuals of all ages.
LETTER Dear friends,
from the Chief Executive Of�icer and President of the Board
Last year when we wrote to you, friends and supporters, we knew we had some rough times ahead. Government funding cuts, sequestration looming, economic uncertainty all played a role in the decrease in �inancial support for Partnership programs. Yet the number of our Chattanooga neighbors needing help was increasing. The prospects were daunting. To prepare for the dif�icult times, Partnership leadership came together to cut expenses in every way possible without reducing the most essential services needed by clients. Unfortunately, we were not without casualties. After nearly 40 years of providing free or extremely low cost psychological counseling, funding cuts compelled us to close the Family Counseling Center program. Burgeoning costs for operating our residential home for boys, Gardner House, forced us to close it and refocus on Foster Care for Youth. Rest assured that we made certain every client was placed with other community resources. We reduced overhead, reevaluated services and made dif�icult decisions to increase the relevance and resiliency of our organization. Partnership evolved to meet the needs of our community. Our Building Stable Lives Program expanded into the Alton Park community. Family Connections Supervised Visitation Center planning began. We began the Maclellan Vocare Widows Project to address the needs of widows in our area. We provided focused job search skills to victims of domestic violence through Career Quest and a Job Club coordinated with volunteers from Unum. We continued to work collaboratively on the development of a Family Justice Center for Chattanooga. And the most wonderful thing happened - YOU STEPPED UP TO HELP! Our donors did the amazing - you contributed to our programs and reinforced how important you felt the need was in our community. You helped over 75,000 people in our area �ind stability, safety, security and, most importantly, hope. Hope for people you may never meet but your contributions let them know you care. We were thrilled with the way you supported Partnership and the community through one of the most dif�icult �inancial times we have ever faced. You Made It Happen! We recognize that the hard times are not over, but that, at the end of the day, with your support, we’re doing the important work to build and sustain our communities. We’re leaner but focused and determined to provide the best services possible. It is an honor to be part of that essential work as we celebrate our 136th year. Thank you for taking the time to review Partnership’s 2012-13 Annual Report. With greatest appreciation and admiration, Sandra Hollett and Linda Harwell
2012 Board of Directors Mrs. Linda Harwell, President Mr. Pat Neuhoff, Vice President Mr. Todd Fortner, Treasurer Mrs. Carol Mastey, Secretary Ms. Kathi Grant Willis, Past President Mr. Frank Alford Mrs. Suzanne Bird Mr. John Bode Ms. Nicole Brown Mr. Jens Christensen Mrs. Kimberly Coffey Mrs. Stefanie Crowe Mrs. Latrice Currie Mrs. Robin Derryberry Mrs. Teresa Groves Mrs. Barbara Hartman Mr. Hap Harwell Mrs. Mai Bell Hurley Dr. Debbie Ingram Mrs. Janet Jobe Ms. Ronda Kitchen Ms. Virginia Love Rev. Mitch McClure Mr. Andrew McGill Mr. Trey Powell Mr. Mike Sarvis Mrs. Jennifer Weaver
JAIME‘S story
YOUTH SERVICES Jaime grew up in a life of constant change: changing cities, changing schools and even changing parents. Ten o’clock on a Thursday night, 15-year-old Jaime was told to pack up all of her things and leave her mother’s home immediately. Her belongings included a nine-year-old sister and a six-month-old son.
Partnership’s foster care program was able to provide a safe, caring home for Jaime and her family. Jaime, her son and her sister went to live with David Porter, a former pilot and Aviation Safety Inspector for the FAA, and his wife Dea Porter, a preschool teacher. The Porters welcomed Jaime and her family into their home with love and affection. Though Jaime rejected them at �irst, David and Dea didn’t give up and it wasn’t long until Jaime opened up toward their kindness.
Providing guidance and a stable support system, David helped Jaime into her school’s ROTC program while Dea supported her studies. Jaime had new experiences like attending the Navy Ball and touring the Air Traf�ic Control Tower in Atlanta where David worked. Dea even took Jaime to buy a dress and have her hair professionally styled for the �irst time to prepare for the Ball. Jaime’s personal motivation and support from her foster parents led her to graduate high school this past May. Now, 18-year-old Jaime is independent, working two jobs to support her family while also excelling in a college nursing program. The Porters are still involved in Jaime’s life and are certain that she will continue to succeed. Thanks to our community investors, Partnership’s foster care program is able to brighten the futures of youth in need.
IDALIA‘ S story
CRISIS SERVICES Shivering in the snow, Idalia lay beaten and bruised on her front lawn. Her husband had let her have it during one of his tyrannical spells. She was locked out of her countryside home with only dresses, shoes and a hairdryer strewn about the lawn. This wasn’t the �irst time she had been tossed out after a brawl, but she knew it had to be the last. Though repeatedly told that the law could not protect her, Idalia knew she had to leave her abuser. Idalia went to the local Sheriff, who found a safe place for her to stay. She was given shelter at Partnership’s Domestic Violence Center, where she found relief in the comfort of counselors and women who shared similar experiences.
Partnership provided Idalia with legal assistance, enabling her to �ile for divorce, tell her story in front of a judge and get a restraining order against her abuser. Idalia also participated in support groups, job training and parenting classes while staying at the shelter. She is now independent and living safely with her son far from abuse. Thanks to investors in Partnership programs, Idalia not only found safety, but she also received the tools necessary to build a better life.
An intruder held a loaded gun to 78-year-old Betty’s fragile head. Her grandson had an outstanding debt to a drug dealer who threatened her for the money. Fear trembled through her body as Betty panicked not knowing what to do.
After retiring from thirty years with a Chattanooga company, Betty should have been relaxing, gardening and visiting with her family. Instead she was facing treacherous scenes from a crime novel. Not only had Betty’s grandson brought life threatening violence into her home, but he had also drained her bank accounts for the past ten years. Betty feared losing her home and was forced to �ile for bankruptcy.
Thankfully, Betty’s life was spared by the intruder and she was able to �ind support through Partnership’s Elder Services. Partnership counselors helped her overcome emotional trauma, change bank accounts and �ind safe, affordable housing. Betty also received legal support through the bankruptcy process and extensive help to prevent re-victimization. Thanks to Partnership investors, Betty has regained her independence living in a safe home and continues to �ind comfort in Partnership counselors.
partnership programs impact
the entire circle of life YOUTH SERVICES
ELDER SERVICES reclaiming independence and dignity for our elders
restoring and rebuilding family relationships to empower youth
securing personal �inancial freedom
FAMILY STRENGTHENING SERVICES helping families cope with crisis and �ind lasting stability
CRISIS SERVICES giving hope to victims of domestic violence and rape
thanks to you... 75 thousand individuals built better lives crisis services family violence center rape crisis center 24 hour hotline emergency shelter new visions transitional housing
# of people helped
elder services
care management & support
youth services
foster family placement & adoption
1416 303 10867 132 23 1916 99
Family strengthening services
# of people helped
family services counseling building stable lives East Lake, Harriet Tubman & Alton Park AccessOne EAP # of lives covered Deaf Services
Consumer credit counseling
budget counseling, debt management & support
750 1170
7529 11293 280
75,000 11
YOU MADE IT HAPPEN in 2012 7/365 / 4 2 ’s ip h s r rtne Through Palence Hotline, 10,867n Family Vio received informatio individuals nce in Rape and and assistaViolence Services. All arge. Domestic e provided free of ch services ar
Partn ershi p Rape Crisis Cent er serve d a total of 303 victim s, recei ving hotli ne supp ort; crisis coun selin g; emoti onal supp ort ; court advo cacy and safet y plann ing.
Volunteer Ombudsm made 22,000 visits an homes and assistedto nursing facilities. Over 80 fa living 10 counties were vi cilities in sited.
8 0 2 se n io rs re ce iv e a d vi ce o n sa fe ly d a cc e ss in g th e e q u it y in th e ir h o m e s.
563 in t h e fo l d i v i d u a l s re c ( s t r e s s l o w i n g c o n c ee i v e d s u p p o r a l c o h o , d e p r e s s i o n r n s : m e n t a l ti v e s e r v i c e s a n d c h l o r d r u g p ro , a nx i et y ) , d o h e a l t h i s s u e fo r ild beh s b a v i o r a l l e m s , l e a r n i nm e s ti c v i o l e n c or heal g t h p r o b d i ďŹƒ c u l ti e s e , lems.
9 6 % o f th o se d is ch fr o m th e sh e lt e r a rg e d th e y fe lt th e ir p h sa id th a t h a d in cr e a se d . ys ic a l sa fe ty
7,472 bed nights of shelter were provided to women and children.
0 0 in d iv id u a ls ,0 1 r e v o d e lp e E ld e r se rv ic e s hu b li c b e n e ďŹ ts , h e a lh se rv ic e s w it h h o u si n g , p fr o m c ri m e o ft e n p e rp e tr a te d a n d p ro te c ti o n n d fa m il y m e m b e rs . b y ca re g iv e rs a
Youth Service s provide d 56 neglect ed or abused youth and childre n with loving foster homes. Six childre n found perman ent familie s through adoptio n.
f H ea ri n g o d ar H d an f ea D 0 28 r O ve in cl u d in g cl ie n ts re ce iv ed se rv ic es en t an d em ag an m se ca g, n ti re rp in te . jo b p la ce m en t as si st an ce 12
Partnership served 75,000 men, women and children in the Chattanooga area in 2012.
Homemakers provided over 17,000 hours of service to help elders with the daily tasks of living, keeping them safe in their homes.
2, 27 5 p eo p le re ce iv ed cr ed it an d b u d ge t co 33 5 in d iv id u al s re ce ivu n se li n g. m o rt ga ge fo re cl o su re ed p re ve nti o n se rv ic es . an d
14.0 6%
25.21% 17%
OUR VOLUNTEERS made it happen. 31, 403 hours 523 volunteers
worth $695,262
*based on the Independent Sector’s value of a volunteer hour
ht ank you!
Ms. Shirley Lockett/Target-Cleveland/Abba’s House/ Alive in You/Ms. Daisy Allen/Dia Allen/Mr. Chris Awuah/Ms. Fay Bailey/Ms. Dolores Barham/Ms. Sara Barnes/Mr. Charlie Beales/Jennifer Benn/Ms. Elizabeth Bennett /Bethel Bible Village/Ms. Stevi Boling/Ms. Doris Bowen/Ms. Angela Braden/Ms. JoAnne Burch/Ms. Ashley Burgess/Ms. Sage Burris/Ms. Emily Burrus/Ms. Angela Cannon/Judi Caruthers/Ms. Rita Castillo/Christ United Methodist Ark Youth Group/CIGNA Heathcare/ Ms. Delores Coffey/Ms. Bettie G. Conley/Ms. Janelle Covington/Mr. Jim Crowder/Kellie Davis/Ms. Demetra Davis/Ms. Constance Dawes/Ms. Judith Delaney/Karen Diaz/Dawn Dickerson/Ms. Nicole Dobbs/Ms. Lisa A. Downey/Mrs. Karen Draeger/Ms. Carolyn Drew/Ms. Vicki Dunn/Ms. Brooke Elkins/Ms. Felisha Ellis/Mr. Alex Evans/Dionne Eversole/Mrs. Cathy Fleissner/Ms. Myra Gaddis/Ms. Jeanette Geeslin/Ms. Shirley Giles/ Ms. Charlene Smith Griffin/Mr. Ivan Hale/Ms. Jessica Hale/Hamilton County Medical Alliance/Ms. Patricia Hardin/Ms. Annette Harris/Ms. Patricia G. Hartje/ Trisha Harrison/Ms. Dolores Haynes/Lewisa Bieter Hazlett/Ms. Kaylee Heemsoth/Mrs. Eleni Hernandez/ Ms. Rachel Hicks/Ms. Trish Horner/Tiara Hoy/Ms. Sharon Huling/Ms. Christina Hutsell/Ms. Amy Inbody/ Ms. Dequaysha Jackson/Ms. Julie Jackson/Jacqueline Jackson/Mary James/Ms. Vanita Jefferson/Annie Jeffrey/Mrs. Janet K. Jobe/Ms. Michelle Johnson/Ms. Julia Jones/Mary Jones/Ms. Byra Jones/Ms. Jodi Jones Ms. Elizabeth Kearney/Ms. Jennifer Koch/Kohl’sHixson/Mrs. Christina Krieger /Mr. Anthony Lane/
Mrs. Rose Lucille Lawless/Ms. Vickie Lawson/Ms. Charmaine Layton/Ms. Hannah Lazar/Tenika Lee/Ms. Karen Lier/Ms. Suzie F. Long/Ms. Danielle Lyons/Ms. Stacey Maguire Mr. Matthew Marlin/Ms. Aquatta Martin/Mr. Beau Matthews/Ms. Megan Anne May/Ms. Skye Mays/Ms. K McClendon/Dr. William McGee/Ms. Kristie Meadows/Ms. Sue Miller/Ms. Mary Lynn Millsaps /Ms. Pat Cameron Mochel/Ms. Gaynelle Morris/Ms. Chelsea Moser/Mr. Patrick M. Murphy/Ms. Kate Murry/Ms. Betty Nichols/Ms. Amanda Lee Nickols/Ms. Kala Nunley/Ms. Lacey Oliver/Ms. Renee Outley/Ms. Jessica Pala/Rebecca Peck/Cora Pendergrass/Ms. Amy S. Pickett/Mr. Pedro Pons/Ms. Amber D. Pritchett/Ms. Kelly Rao/Mr. Richard/ Ladel Reed/Susan Reid/Kala Reid/Ms. Allyson Resha/Ms. Heather Robertson/Ms. Monica Roberts/Ms. Mary Rodriguez/Saundra Ross/Ms. Sheree Rucker Ms. Megan Scarbrough/Jerome Scott/Ms. Sabrina Scruggs/Senior Neighbors /Ms. Leslie Shavoshia/Ms. Libby Simons/Rev. and Mrs. John Sims/Ms. Lauren Sinz/Mr. Evan Smith/Target North/Ms. Joanne Taylor/Jeffery Teker/Miss Tanika Thomas/Ms. Erica Thomas/Ms. Sue Thomas/Mr. Charles E. Thompson/Ms. Elisabeth Townsend/Ms. Erika Turner/Mr. and Mrs. Richard Twitchell/Mrs. Debbie Vass/Emily Wagner/Ms. Cheyenne Walker/Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren/Ms. Angela Whitaker/Ms. Kim White/Ms. Mamie Willbanks/Ms. Ariel Wilson/Ms. Shimeca Witcher/Ms. Maria Malley Wright/ Ms. Marie Wright
INVESTORS JULY 1, 2012- JUNE 30, 2013
U O Y HERE‘ S TO the ones who made it happen.
Because you invest in Partnership, families have the tools to build stability and success. Thanks to you, our community is happier, safer and stronger than ever. We are grateful for your support.
Chamberlain Society $10,000+
Anonymous (1) Maclellan Foundation Comcast Foundation Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. Catholic Health Initiatives
James Society $5,000 - $9,999
Anonymous (2) BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardwick Caldwell Jr. Families, Inc. First Tennessee Estate of Mrs. Lillian Wooten
hastings Society $2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous (2) Ms. Linda Brock Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Davenport III Estate of Ms. Josephine T. Davis Jacob Best Foundation Kohl's Rev. Mitch McClure
Parkridge Health System, Inc Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church Taste of the South Unum
perkins Society $1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (4) CapitalMark Bank & Trust Mr. Andrew J. Corley III Ms. Robin Derryberry Embellish Ms. Deborah Everhart Farrow Family Foundation Mrs. Cathy Fleissner Randy and Debbie Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Heys Jr. Ms. Sandra Hollett Ron and Janet Jobe Drs. Roger and Wendy Kaiser Charles and Charlotte Landis Mr. and Mrs. James C. R. Laney Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mastey Molly Maids Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neuhoff Onelia Jewelry Phil & Susan Pollock
Michael and Lisa Revenig Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Robinson Shire Facial Plastic Surgery, PC Mrs. Margaret Patten Smith Women's Action Council Mr. and Mrs. Bo Walker
champion $500 - $999
3H Group Hotels Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Alexander Jr. Alice Blue Boutique Anonymous (4) Dr. Deborah E. Ar�ken AT&T Bi-Lo Mr. Fletcher Bright Mrs. Nancy B. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burns Mr. and Mrs. Ward Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Durand Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Todd and Rebecca Fortner Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Hap' Harwell Jr. Henderson Hutcherson & McCullough, PLLC Mr. David and Dr. Debbie Ingram Interior Care
K Boutique Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kellogg Mrs. Andrea C Kruger Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Kurtz Stephen and Laura Jane Lepley Ms. Virginia C. Love Mrs. June H. McEwen Mr. and Mrs. Olan Mills II Mirabai Bellydance Mitchell & Donna Needham OB/GYN Centre of Excellence, P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Obear Ms. Crystal Oran-Covidin Orphans Christmas Fund Thornhill-Smith LLC Mr. and Mrs. William A. Vanosdale Ware Branch Church of Christ Ms. Jo Ann Yates
investor $250 - $499
Mr. Tim Alderman Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Armor Mr. John Barrickman Mr. Herman Bell Mr. Robert Bosworth Brainerd United Methodist Church - Kingsbury Class 15
Burks United Methodist Church- Pairs and Spares Sunday School Class Chattanooga District United Methodist Women Check Into Cash Jo Coke Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin Mr. Christopher Elwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner First Tennessee Foundation Mrs. Teresa Groves Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Huffaker III Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Huffaker Jack A's Shop Saloon, Inc. Robert T. Johnston Mr. Thomas S. Kale Mr. Ralph L. Kendall Mrs. Louise H. Kimmel Mr. Carl Lonas Mr. David C. Manley May�ield Brothers Pest Control Mr. Neal A. Olmstead Dr. and Rev. Mark Parsons Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Payne Peerless Pediatrics Mrs. Helen Perkins Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Piez Mr. and Mrs. Trey Powell Presbyterian Women- Second Presbyterian Church Dr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett Ms. Linda J. Rath Mr. Harry T. Robinson III Dr. Marilyn J. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ruane Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Schatzman Stephen and Shannon Sharpe Ms. Cecile S. Shenouda Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Smith, Jr Elaine M. Duncan Smith Mr. and Mrs. James F. Steffner Jr. Yoshi and Elizabeth Sugita TAC Air Mr. Randall P. Taylor Tennessee Law Enforcement Of�icers Association Joan and Herbert Thornbury James and Mary Woods
PARTNER $100 - $249
Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Alford Mrs. Toni Anderson Mrs. Misa Ankar Mrs. Holly Ashley Mr. Gary Aslinger Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Atkinson Mr. Darwin Asycue Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bailey Mrs. Carolyn B. Ballard Dr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Banks Mrs. Phyllis Barbee Mr. Darren Barry Ms. Marilyn P. Benson Mr. Jonathan Blymiller Ms. Nicole Brown Ms. Sharon Bryant Mrs. Martha Butter�ield Mr. Thomas A. Caldwell Jr. Mrs. Gaines P. Campbell Jr. Ms. Sharon Cannon Ms. Colleen Carboni Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Carter Dr. and Mrs. Jim Catanzaro Chattanooga Center For Women, PC Mr. Jens Christensen Mary Beth and Tom Clark Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Cooper Mrs. Laurie Cooper Chip and Stefanie Crowe Margha and Joe Davis Mrs. Cydney Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ken J. DeFoor Mr. and Mrs. Andy Derryberry Dr. J. Patrick Dillworth Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Donnovin Jr. Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga Ms. Cynthia D. Fagan Falling Water CP Women's Ministry Family Resource Agency Ms. Stephanie B. Felker Mrs. Patricia Fowler Herschel and Judy Franks Ms. Deborah D. Fuller Mr. Josh Gilbert Ms. Terri Glantz Mrs. Bonnie Gover Ms. Natasha Graham Ms. Kathi Grant Willis
Ms. Ginnie L. Gray Doug and Linda Graydon Mrs. Amy B. Grif�in Mrs. Ann Gunter Guardian Wealth Management, Inc Ms. Jeanne Hagar Art and Anne Hagood Ms Claire A. Hale MLK Weed and Seed Site Hamilton County Coalition Mrs. Sara Hammon Sandra and Dan Harnsberger Donald Hayes & Susan M. Harris Ms. Patricia G Hartje Mrs. Alicia Hartley Mrs. Barbara Hartman Melissa Hartung Mr. and Mrs. Reid Henson Hixson United Methodist Church Dr. and Mrs. Herb L. Hooper Jr. Mr. Larry Horn Miss Margaret C. Hubbuch Mrs. Carmen Quezada Hutson Mr. Anthony Huskey Mr. and Mrs. Bassam and Amani Issa Ms. Ellie Johnson Mr. Andrew Jones Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kachline Ms. Ann Marie Kato Ms. Susan Kramer Mr. Cory Larabie Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lebovitz Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Little Ms. Marilyn P. Lokey Dr. Shauna Lorenzo Mrs. Bea Rutledge Lyons Maggie Bluff Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGaf�ic Dr. and Mrs. Ralph McGraw Jr. Ms. Jane McNabb Vickie and Gary Meredith Mrs. Mary Grey Moses Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy Mrs. Dot Nation Francis Neir Mrs. Kendra Nicholas Mrs. Donna Nies Honorable Jim Coppinger Ooltewah United Methodist Women Dr. Mukta Panda Mr. Jack Parks
Dr. and Mrs. John Paty Ms. Kelly Paulk Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Probasco Jr. Mrs. Mary Quick Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Raabe Joel and Paula Rind Mr. Thomas T. Rowland, Sr. Ms. Sunanda N Sadanandan Dr. Michael Seeber Mrs. Elise Severson Shelter Alliance Dr. Leroy Sherrill Ms. LaVonda Shipley Silverdale Detention Center St. Mark's United Methodist Church Mrs. Pat Starke Mrs. Lilla Statom Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Stimson Ms. Judith F. Stone Ms. Kaihan Strain Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rodney Susong Mr. Harold L. Tallant Tennessee Interventional Associates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Mrs. Miriam Thompson Three Degrees MMC Chapter No 2 Tom and Nancy Tolar Mrs. June C. Torrance Mr. and Mrs. David M. Trayer Ms. Edna Varner Ron and Bea Wade Ms. Julia Walker Ms. Teresa L. Walker Jennifer and Paul Weaver Mr. Jimmie H. Wilson Jr. Mr. John S Winesett Mrs. Norma Witherspoon Mr. and Mrs. Steve Witt Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Young
friends $1 - $99
Anonymous (3) Mrs. Sandra Affare A.I.M. Center Miss Yasmeen Abdulazeez Mr. Brandon Abney Dr. Merritt Adams Ann Allen
Amelia and Owen Allen Mrs. Jill Allen Mrs. Rebecca Ammons Miss Stefanie Anders Ms. Amy Andrews Mrs. Katie Archambault Juli Bacon Ms. Reba Bales Mrs. Angela Ballard Jim and Liz Barham Mr. Kenneth Barker Ms. Gloria A. Barr Ms. Angela Bartels Mrs. Tiffany Baugh Terra Bay Mrs. Christina Beach Ms. Leslie Becht Ms. Lisa Becht Mrs. Betsy Bedwell Ms. Tammy Beitsch Mrs. Mary H. Bell Mrs. Linda Benton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bergmann Ms. Sylvia Jeanne Berrier Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Berry Mrs. Kasey Berry Mrs. Amy Bevis Mrs. Mems Bicking Miss Meghan Bixby Ms. Jade Black John and Mary Beth Bode Ms. Susan Boehm Mrs. Sara Bolton Mr. Zack Bonine Ms. Sandra J. Bott Ms. Lisa Bowen Miss Amber Boyd Mrs. Melissa Bradham Brainerd Hills Baptist Church Mrs. Kristin Brannen Miss Cassie Brewer Ms. Jessica Bright Mrs. Lisa Brock Ms. Hilda T. Brower Mrs. Greyson Brown III Mrs. Barbara Brown Mr. Richard Brown Mrs. Winifred A Brown Ms. Pearl Brown Ms. Courtney Brunetz Edward and Lacy Buckman Rev. and Mrs. Suzanne Burch
Mrs. Arthur L. Burns Jr. Ms. Katie Bush Mrs. Lisa Bye Ms. Elizabeth Callaway Mrs. Sherri Canther Mr. Ivan Capistran Ms. Donna Capps Ms. Erin Carboni Mrs. Donna Carboni Kenneth and Charmagne Carey Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Carr Dr. Roland Carter Ms. Michele Chandler Miss Nina Christopher Ms. Dana Chumbler Miss Annea Claire Ms. Susan C. Cobb Mrs. Heather Cockerham Mrs. Catherine Coffey Mrs. Colleen Combs Mrs. Melanie Commander Mr. John Connor Mrs. Louise Cook Ms. Jodi Cooper Mr. Chris Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Copeland Mrs. Kelly Corcoran Ms. Maddin J Corey Ms. Leigh Cox Ms. Marvella Cox Ms. Debi Crabtree Dr. Elisabeth Craig Ms. Erin Elaine Creal Ms. Nancy Cromie Ms. Joanna Crooks Mr. Gary Crowe Mrs. Ann Cupo LaTrice Currie Mrs. Beth Daugherty Mrs. Liz Davidson Wayne and Betty Davis Ms. Rebecca Dean Mrs. Jennifer Deaton Ms. Juanita Del Pino Mrs. Joli DeLaughter Miss Margaret Dell Ms. Lisa Denney Ms. Kimberly DeReuter Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Derthick Mr. Jose Diaz Mrs. Nicole Distasio Mrs. Samantha Dmockowski
Mrs. Misty Dobson Mrs. Diana Dodd Ms. Julie Dodd Ms. Lauren Dominik Mrs. Kendra Donahoo Mrs. Amy Donahue Ms. Shirley Dorsey Mrs. Kathryn W. Drake Mrs. Verena Draper Dr. William Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dungan Mrs. Beth Dupuis Ms. Cassandra Dyer Mrs. Mary Earl Miss Jennifer Ehlers Mrs. Peggy Ehlers Mrs. Speaks Elise Ms. Kelly Ellis Ms. Christie Ellis Mr. Karl Epperson Mrs. Barbara Evans Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fahey Al and Suzanne Felder Mrs. Melanie Ferguson Mrs. Natalie Filar Ms. Emily Fish Mrs. Cynthia Fitzpatrick Ms. Dianne Floyd Mrs. Autumn Flynn Mrs. Kelly Fogg Dr. Colleen Forsyth Mrs. Camellia Fowler Mrs. Jennifer Francis Dr. Jeffrey Frederick Mr. Moses Freeman Mrs. Claire Frey Mrs. Patricia Frierson Mrs. Paul Frierson Ms. Mina Fugate Mrs. Emily Fuller Mrs. Dominique Gable Mr. James G. Gaines Ms. Joanna Galay Ms. Jean Gammon Ms. Treasure Garside Gary W. Starnes - Attorney at Law Mrs. Mallory Geismar Mrs. Tonya Gentry Mrs. Priscilla George Mr. Frank N. Gibson Jr. Mrs. Beverly D. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Giles
Mrs. Adele Glascock Ms. Laure Glass Mrs. Claudia Goldbach GoodSearch, LLC Mrs. Joyce Gossett Ms. Paula M. Gossett Miss Susan Gray Ms. Sandra F. Green Mr. Zach Green Joe and Amy Grif�in Mrs. Sophia Gross Mrs. Vanessa Guin Mrs. Ann Gunter Mr. Jerome Halbert Miss Jai Hall Mrs. Christine Hamill Mrs. Pattsy Hamlett Mrs. Rebecca Hardin Ms. Stephanie Hardin Ms. Lynn Harlin Ms. Jessica Harp Ms. Nancy Harr Ms. Simone Harris Mrs. Ashley Harris Mrs. Erica Hausler Mr. and Mrs. John Hay Ms. Marion G. Haynes Ms. Mary Sidney Hays HCA Caring for the Community Ms. Joan Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henbree Ms. Maggie Henderson Dr. Warren B. Henry Ms. Dorothy Henry Ms. Alyssa Henson Ms. Judith Hepplewhite Ms. Allison Hillis Ms. Lynn Hinch Mrs. Ashley Hobbs Mrs. Tara Hogue Ms. Ann Holden Mrs. Ashley Holtzhower Ms. Ashley Honeycutt Mrs. Magen Hooper Mrs. Betty Hough Mrs. Evelyn Houston Ms. Allison Howard Mrs. Caroline Huffaker Ms. Carolyn Humbard Mrs. Rachel Hunter Mrs. Kirsten Hyde Colleen Iorio-Ronok
Mrs. Marilyn Irwin Mrs. Shelley Irwin Ms. Julie Jackson Ms. Kristen Jackson Ms. Kendall Jacobs Miss Madison Jahn Mrs. Sara Jeffress Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jenkins Mrs. Lee Johnson Mrs. Kelly Johnson Mrs. Karen and Richard Johnston Mrs. Erica Jolly Mrs. Lindsey Jones Ms. Megan Justice Ms. Gabriele Kahre Ms. Jennifer A. Kammerer Mrs. Caroline Kaplan Ms. Betty Keith Mr. Jordan Keller Newell and Candace Kelley Mr. Chuck Kemp Ms. Jamie King Mr. Ron King Ms. Sherrie King Ms. Ronda Kitchen Mrs. Pat Kleehammer Mr. and Mrs. John David Kling Mr. Ryan Kohl Sandy and Mark Koss Mrs. John Kovacevich Mrs. Christina Krieger Ms. Mollie Lamb Mrs. Stephanie Land Ms. Heather Landreth Mrs. Deana Lane Mrs. Callie Fowlkes Latham Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Laughlin III Ms. Bertha Lawrence Mrs. Amber Lawson Mrs. Michelle Leavy Mrs. Tama Ledford Mrs. Emily Ledford Ms. Jennifer Lehman Mrs. Sheryl Leitner Mrs. Sara Lemons Ms. Connie Leonessa Ms. Melissa Lester Mrs. Lynda LeVan Mrs. Kristen Levi Ms. Linda Lind Mrs. Jerri Lindley
Ms. Leanne P. Lister Mrs. Amanda Litchford Ms. Jenna Littel Ms. Gloria Lloyd Joanie Love Mrs. Victoria Love Diener Ms. Jewell Mansell Mrs. Liz Marr Topping Dr. Pamela Martin David K. and Patricia L. Martin Mrs. Catherine Martin Ms. Julie Martin Ms. Christine Mashburn-Paul Mrs. Jennifer K. Matthew Mrs. Ruth Maxwell Mrs. Carol Mays Mrs. Alexa McClellan Mr. Randall McClure Mrs. Kerry McCommon Ms. Sherry McCormick Mrs. Sheryl McGaughy Andrew and Mary McGill Mrs. Merrell McGinnes Mrs. Shelly McGraw Ms. Jennifer McHenry Dr. and Mrs. J. Ed McKinney Ms. Marilyn Mercer Ms. Terry Miles Mr. Barry Miller Mrs. Gina Miller Mrs. Kathryn Miller Mrs. Leah Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ron Miller Ms. Laura Mish Ms. Lauren Mitchell Ms. Julie Mix Miss Laura Mohead Mrs. Brittany Moncrief Mrs. Kristina Montague Mr. William Montgomery Ms. Debbie Moon Mrs. Cindy Moore Mrs. Leeann Moore Mrs. Megan Moore Polly M. Moore John and Sarah Morgan O.J. & Anne Barron Morgan Ms. Jessica Motsenbocker Mrs. Beth Murphy Mrs. Kristi Murray Mrs. Margaret Mynatt
Ms. Lindsay Nash Ms. Nancy Nason Mrs. Kelly Nation Network For Good Daniel and Cassie Nice Dr. & Mrs. N.R. Nichols, III Mrs. Erin North Mrs. Theresa Norwood Miss Ashley Olinger Miss Autumn O'Sheilds Ms. Katie Packham Ms. Jessica Pala Mrs. Stevana Palombo Ms. Julie Park Mrs. Jessica Parker Mrs. Diane Parks Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Parks Miss Kara Pennington Performing Arts League Fund Miss Kelly Perkins Kimberly Pettyjohn Mrs. Tracy Phillips Ms. Susan P. Pierce Mrs. Christy Piersant Ms. Emily Piersant Mr. Reginald Pilinko Mrs. Emily Pinner Ms. Lisa Pluckebaum Mrs. Tara Poole Ms. Reneese Pope Ms. Marcy Porter Mrs. Beth Pousson Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Powers Mrs. Kristin Pratt Miss Hayden Price Miss Rachel Privett Ms. Kathie L. Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quarles Ms. Barbara Ragsdale Mrs. Cheryl Ramsey Miss Meghan Rechel Ms. Susanne L. Reed Mrs. Denise Reed Miss Rhett Reeves Mr. Tom Reifsteck Rhea County Domestic Violence Council Mrs. Sarah Richey Ms. Lindsay Rieman Ms. Natalie Roberson Miss Lindsey Robertson Mrs. Sarah Rogers
Ms. Elizabeth Roques Miss Caitlin Ross Bob and Anne Roza J. B. Rudisill Jr. Ms. Michelle Ruest Ms. Sarah Ruf Mr. and Mrs. Amy Jo Russell Mrs. Jessi Rymer Mr. Jack B. Sample Mrs. Amy Sandy Mr. Michael Sarvis Ms. Sonia Sasse Ms. Lauren Scarborough Ms. Jessi Scarborough Ms. Marjie Schleenbaker Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schriner Jr. Mrs. Rachel Schulson Mrs. Stephanie Schweiter Councilwoman Deborah Scott Dr. David Seaberg Phil & Donna Sebes Ms. Tricia Sebes Ms. Lynn Seeger Mrs. Terri Self Judge Christie Mahn Sell Ms. Carla Sewell Ms. Rachel Shapiro Mrs. Virginia Anne Sharber Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sharp Ms. Rebecca Shelton Dr. Jan D. Sherbak Ms. Meagan Shinn Mrs. Rebecca Shull Ms. Donna Slater Kathryn Vinyard Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Brian and Deborah Smith Mrs. Katie Smith Mrs. Cinnamon Smith Ms. Kelli Smith Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Smith Ms. Christie Smith Ms. Kimberly Smith Mrs. Mary Sneed Mrs. Jessica Spriggs Ms. Nicole Springer Paul and Mary Starnes Miss Anna Steere Miss Amy Stees Ms. Sarah Step Ms. Kelly Stephens
Miss Amber Stone John & Emily Straussberger Ms. Myra Strickland Miss Ashley Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Strong Mrs. Valerie Sullivan Honorable Robert M. Summitt William H. Sutton Mrs. Heather Sveadas Mrs. Alice D. Tarumianz Mrs. Julie Taylor Mrs. Tiffany Taylor Ms. Jamie Tessier Ms. Jennifer Thal The Tennessee Commission on Children & Youth Mrs. Allie Thomas Mrs. Jill Thomas Mrs. Melissa Thomas-Hopkins Ms. Marlea Thompson Ms. Paula Thompson Mr. John W. Thornbury Ms. Marie A Thornbury Ms. Lily Thorsen The Honorable Gwen Tidwell Miss Jeanie Tillman Mrs. Joey Tolbert Ms. Carolyn Towns Mrs. Meredith Trautschold Mr. and Mrs. David F. Tugman Ms. Claire Tuley Mrs. Michelle Turner Miss Jennifer Turner Mrs. Lynn Turner Mrs. Erica Van Slyke Mrs. Ruth Vangie Mrs. Dawn Ventress Mrs. Jennifer A. Von Klar Ms. Kiersten Vradenburgh Ms. Angela Wade Ms. Jeanette Walker Mrs. Eda Walldorf Ms. Martha Waller Ms. Sheilah Watson Mrs. Laura Watson Mrs. Whitney Webb Mrs. Linda J. Webster Rev. Ann Weeks Mrs. Ashley Weidlich Mrs. Rachael Welch Mrs. Ashley Welch
Mrs. Beth Wells Ms. Nicole Wengert Betty and U.K. Whaley Mrs. Baley Whary Ms. Cindy White WIFS Middle TN Mrs. Erin Wiles Mr. John Wilkerson Mrs. Tanya Wilkinson Ms. Vicki Williams Ms. Emma Williams Mrs. Mary Anne Williams Mrs. Sherri K. Willis Mrs. Tiffany Wilson Mrs. Jennifer Windberry Dr. Barbara A. Wofford Kimberly Wolfe Mrs. Joyce Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. John H. Woody Jr. Mrs. Connie Woody Ms. Mary Aleta Word Ms. Sherrie T. Workman Ms. Nicole Wrange Ms. Mary Wright Ms. Mitzi Wright Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wyatt Miss Scarlett Yancy Mrs. Ardis Zeleznak
Dancing with the stars SUPPORT
Mr. Brandon Abney Dr. Cabel Adams Ms. Carol Adams Adamson Developers LLC Advanced Foot Care, LLP Advanced Rent To Own Adventure Cars Mrs. Sandra Affare Ms. Margaret Aiken Pod Mr. Tim Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Alford Ms. Dorothy Grisham Mrs. Misty Anderson Mr. Justice Anderson Mr. James Anderson Mrs. Misty Anderson Anonymous (2) Mr. Chad Appel Dr. Deborah E. Ar�ken Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Armor
Ms. Shari Ascher Mr. Gary Aslinger Athens Distributing Company Mrs. Linda B Bailey Ms. Terry Ballinger Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Mr. Michael Baskin Jesse Batten Mrs. Rhonda Beard Mrs. Carol Beard Ms. Erica Becker Ms. Meg Beene Maria Bell Mr. Jim Bello Mrs. Linda Benton Ms. Joan Bickerstaff Mr. Chad Billingsley Mrs. Brooke Bisbee - Ribar Les Blank Beau Blank Dr. Shelly Blanton Mr. Rodney Blaylock Dr. Barry Block Blush Magazine Suzanne W. Bodie Ms. Patricia Boland Lisa Boozer Marty & Kathy Bourquin Mrs. Barbara Bowen Ms. Shelia R. Boyington Julie Branden Mrs. Magdalena Breuning Brewer Media Group Ms. Linda Brock Mrs. Kristin Brock Mr. Charlie Brock Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Brock, Jr. Mrs. Lulu Brock Mr. Louis Brody John and Ellyn Brooks Mrs. Greyson Brown, III Ms. Nicole Brown Mr. Leo Brown Cari Brown Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Bruner Bud's Sports bar Mr. David Burd Ms. Jelena Butler Mr. Justin Butler Mr. and Mrs. SH Campbell, IV Mary Frances Campbell Cansler Photography
Dr. Joseph M. Caporusso Ms. Colleen Carboni Mr. Jack Carney Jeannine Carpenter Mrs. Becky Carroll Mrs. Wiki Carter Mr. Morton Center Mr. and Mrs. Ric Chambers Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J Chapman Ms. Gabrielle Charles Charter Real Estate Corp Chattanooga Audubon Society Chattanooga Fitness & Nutrition Chili's Grill & Bar Mrs. William A. Chipley Dr. James Christina Ms. Jill Christy Mr. Won Chu Mr. George Cioe Mr. Austin Clark Ms. Dina Clontz Rick Cole Ms. Rosemary Coleman Mr. Kevin Coll Mrs. Susan G Collins Kevin and Leigh Collins Mr. John Connor Mrs. Angie Conroy Dr. Emily Cook Dr. Jeremy Cook Ms. Carolyn Cooper Ms. Jodi Cooper Ms. Maddin J Corey Ms. Candy Corneliussen David Michael Costello Mrs. Becky Creswell Ms. Beth Lupton Crimmins Mrs. Cindi Crutch�ield Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin Mr. Jay Dale Lee and Sanna Danley S. Elliott Davenport Mrs. Nini Davenport Ms. Carmen Davis Mr. Jerry Dean Derryberry Public Relations, LLC Ms. Daniella DeSantis Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Dillard Kim Dishroom Ms. Kim Dishroon Diversi�ied Companies, LLC Mrs. Corinne Doster
Michael and Lisa Drew Dr. William Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duffy Duncan & Hatcher, P. C. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Durand Mr. Charles Durham Mr. Mike Early Mrs. Pamela Edwards Ms. Mary Edwards Ms. Sheila Edwards Tom and Olga Eichenberg Ms. Sarah Elder Mrs. Melinda Ellis Mr. Chip Ellis Embellish Enzos Market EPB Epiphany Salon Mrs. Ann Epps ERMC Mr. Stephen Errico Ms. Chris Evans Mr. Jack Evans Ms. Monica Experts Dr. Eyessa Ms. Cynthia D. Fagan Families, Inc. Ira Kraus Fan Club Mrs. Rita Fanning Mrs. Ashley Farmer Mr. Jason Farmer Mrs. Donna Farmer Mrs. Linda Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner Ms. Dana Feldman Mr. Jim Ferguson Mr. Michael McGauley Ms. Deanna Filosa Steve and Amy Fine First Choice Title, Inc First Tennessee First Volunteer Bank Lisa Flint Ms. Patricia Fogarty Ms. Jennifer Foley Ms. Lisz Fortanier Ms. Deanna Fowler Ms. Grace Frank Ms. Kathleen Frazier Fred Astaire Dance Studio Dr. Jeffrey Frederick
Dr. David Freedman Mr. Steven Friedman Mrs. Paul Frierson Mr. Dennis Frisch Ms. Lisa Volk Fritschen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fugate Mrs. Emily Fuller Mr. David Fussell Ms. Lindsay Fussell G.T. Issa Construction Mrs. Carrie Gallant Mrs. Cheryl Garner Dr. Matthew Garoufalis Dr. Glen Gastwirth Mrs. Jan Gautier Mr. Chuck Gavin Mrs. Adele Glascock Mary Glascock Mr. and Mrs. lssi Goldberg Dr. Harry Goldsmith Patrick Gorman Scott Graham Dr. Melissa Gratias Ms. Marshalia Green Ms. Lucy Green Mr. Michael Grif�in Susan Grif�in Ms. Clare W Gruber Buzz Kelly Interiors, Inc. Mr. Scott Haag Jill Hale Ms. Tina Hall Hamico Foundation Ms. Shirley Hanner Mrs. Amie Hanson Mrs. Jennifer Harper Mrs. Beth Harrell Ms. Sharon Harris Ms. Lyn Harris Ms. Sharon Harris Mrs. Olivia Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Hap' Harwell, Jr. Mrs. Holly Harwell Dr. and Mrs. James R. Headrick, Jr. Miss Lauren Heatherly Mr. Kevin Heffner Paula and Carl Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hennen Moggie and Jim Henry Mr. Randall Herbert Ruthie Hereford
Mrs. Melissa Hill Ms. Kathryn Hill Bill and Susan Hillner Mr. Wade Hinton Mrs. Jennifer Hoff Mrs. Jayne F Holland Ms. Barbara Holly Hometown Marketing Inc. Ms. Lisa Honkonen Mrs. Lynda M. Hood Mr. and Ms. Jerald L Hudson, II Danny and Kathy Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Huffaker Dr. Scott Hughes Mr. David Humber Mrs. Trisha Hunt Suzie Hunt Ms. Susie Hunt Mr. James D. Hutcherson Hazel Hutcheson Mr. Gary Ignotofsky Info Systems Inc. Mr. William R. (Randy) James Ms. Amber James Mr. Charles James Mr. Stephen Janis JAT Oil & Supply Inc Ms. Shari Jenner Ms. Dionne Jennings JMD Group, LLC Jacqueline C Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Hamp L. Johnston, Jr. Dr. Jay Jolley Mrs. Peggy Jones Mr. David Jones Ms. Ramona Jordan K Boutique Ms. Sharon Kantor Beth Karr Newell and Candace Kelley Dr. Margaret N. Kelley Jake Kelley Ms. Woo Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Z. Kelly Paul and Mary Ferris Kelly Mrs. Katie Kennedy Dr. Dan Kennedy Mrs. Martha Kidwell Mrs. Donna Knowles Killian Mr. Christian Kindsvatter Dr. Michael King
Mr. Thomas Kinser Mr. Neil Kleinberg Kohl's Mr. Tom Kolb Ms. Annette Kraus Dr. Ira Kraus Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Landis, Jr. Miss Kerby Lea Dr. Anthony Leach Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lebovitz Mrs. Beverly Spears Lee Dr. Ronald Leib Dr. Chris Lesar Tim lewis Mr. Stu Lewis Life Care Centers of America Ms. Rhonda Lindsay-Muller Mr. Carl Lonas Lookout Mountain Mirror Mr. Lane Looper Mr. Gregory Love Ms. Virginia C. Love Jocelyn Loza Mrs. Bea Rutledge Lyons Mrs. Peggy Manzer Margarita Mac Beverage Mr. Jerry Market John M. Martin Dr. Jim & Mrs. Janet Martin Ms. Rose Martin Dr. Jim Martin Mrs. Linly Mason Mrs. Marty Mauldin McCoy Construction Ms. Paula McDaniel Mrs. Toni McGauley Ms. Danielle McGee Mr. Samuel W. McGinness Farell McGinness Ms. Teletha McJunkin Mr. James H. McKissic Ms. Margenia McKissic Mrs. Ashley McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Steve McNally Ms. Hope Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Jed Mescon Stephanie Meyer Ms. Andrea Meyers Harriet Miller Christie Millican Mrs. Cyndi Millican
Mirabai Bellydance Modern Way Printing & Ful�illment Co. Ms. Rosemarie Moeller Shelby Montague Mr. William Montgomery Polly M. Moore Darrell & Claudia Moore Mr. Fred Moore Andy and Brooke Moore Mrs. Pam Morris Ms. Sarah Morris Mrs. Mary Grey Moses Jennifer Mullican Katrina Murphy Mrs. Dot H. Nation Dr. Alex Nation Mary and William Nausley Mr. Samuel Nelson Margaret W. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Ward W. Nelson Mrs. Carol Newton Mrs. Suzanne Nolan Dr. Jorge Oliver Ms. Crystal Oran-Covidin Dr. Hal Ornstein Ms. Barbara Oxenhandler Mrs. Dortha Paden Mr. David Padilla Mr. Chris Palmer Mrs. Paula Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Parker Mr. James E. Patching, III Dr. Haresh Patel Ms. Natasha Pattandhetti Mr. Gil Patton Peoples Home Equity Mrs. Connie Perrin Mrs. Karen Persinger Lucile Phillips Johnny and Beth Phillips Aara Pickelsimer Mrs. Tina Player Chris and Sherri Pratt Pratt Home Builders Mr. Christopher Presley Ms. Ellen Moore Probasco Ben and Susan Probasco Ms. Alexis Probasco Jennifer Pullin Mr. Edward Putman Quality Tire Company
Mr. Harold Queen Mrs. Gregory Quick Mrs. Maureen Ragland Ms. Paula A Rainbow Mr. Mark Ramsey Miss Joy Randall Ms. Susan Raschal Ms. Linda J. Rath Mrs. Mildred S Rawlings Real Estate Partners Chattanooga LLC Regions Bank Residential Inspection Services Ms. Gretchen L. Richards Mrs. Sherry Richelson-Gilbert Ms. Carolyn Richmond Riverbend Spine, LLC Ms. Meghan Scanlon Roach Mrs. Kelly Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robertson Mr. Harry Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Kelly Robinson Mr. Jay Robinson Wig and Nancy Robinson Curtis and Martha Robinson Mrs. Ferris Robinson Mr. Robby Robinson Ms. Heather Rocco Kevin and Penny Roney Penny Ronney Julie Rose Brenda Ross & Wayne Orr Dr. and Mrs. William Rowe Mr. Alan Rubin Ms. Mary Jane Ruch J. B. Rudisill, Jr. Robert and Jamie Ryan Ms. Diane Ryder Mrs. Irma G Sakich Mr. John S Sakich Ms. Gina Sakich Salon Art Ms. Lynn Samuels Dr. David Sandberg Ms. Mary H. Sanders Ms. Gabrielle C. Sanders Lisa and Dan Nausley Dr. Lisa Sandusky Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sanford Mr. Michael Sarvis Ken and Ede Scannapiego Larry and Donna Schmidt
Dr. Andrew Schneider Mr. Frank Schriner, Jr. Mr. Barry Schulman Mrs. Jackie Schultz Ms. Judy Schwartz Mr. Chad Schwarz Janice Schwarze Ms. Apryl Scott Daw Scott Mr. Rusty Sewell Shallowford Family Dental Group Miss Ejai Sharp Ms. Beth Shaub Ms. Nancy Shaughnessy Ms. Sue W. Shaw Ms. Carol Silverman Ms. Ellen Simak Mrs. Lisa D Simmons Mrs. Priscilla Siskin Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation Dr. James A. Smith Kerry Smith Ms. Julie Smith Mr. Joseph Smith Mrs. Margaret Patten Smith Mrs. Alice Smith Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Smith, Jr Mrs. Susan Sollenberger Ms. Stacie Spector Dr. Frank Spinosa Mr. Card Steele Mr. and Mrs. James F. Steffner, Jr. Ms. June H. Stein Mr. Jimmy Stewart Sticky Fingers Restaurant Mr. Roger Stott Ms. Elizabeth Stout Nancy and Gary Summers Ms. Katharine Taff Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taliaferro, Jr. Mrs. Pam Talley Dr. Ross Taubman Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Taylor, Jr. Mrs. Denise Taylor Tennessee Valley Federal Credit Union Rabbi William S. Teper Mr. Don Thatcher The Counts Company, Inc. The Foot Doctor Ms. Shel Thomas Ms. Brandi Thompson
Margaret and Jim Thompson Ms. Jan Thompson Mrs. Cindy Todd Total Health Chiropractic Mr. Richard Towery Mrs. Mical Traynor Mrs. Elizabeth Truesdell Ms. Eileen Turner Mrs. Laura Turner Ms. Tabi R. Upton Urban League of Greater Chattanooga Rodney and Julie Van Valkenburg Ms. Edna Varner Mrs. Carlyn Voges Mrs. Caroline Von Kessler Ms. Gail Wallach Mrs. Mellanee Walls Tara and Jamie Walter Weston and Shelby Wamp Mr. Langhorne Waterhouse Mrs. Marti Wayland Robert E Weatherford Ms. Angela Weaver-Lusk Ms. Dawn Weber Dr. Chad Webster Dr. Mark Weinstock Dr. Edie Weinthal Ms. Kathy Wells Philip and Cynthia Whitaker Darlene and Chris White Mr. and Mrs. Tom White WIFS Middle TN Ms. Janet Wile Ms. Alice Williams Mr. Frank Williamson Mrs. Beth Willocks Mr. George Wilmoth John and Karen Wilson Mr. Scott A. Wilson Ms. Pamela Wilson Ms. Belinda WinslettReal Estate Partners Ms. Cynthia Wood Woodland Garden Club Elizabeth Woods Mr. Ray Wright Ms. Jo Ann Yates YMCA Dr. Johanna Youner Ms. D'Wauna Young Ms. Susan Young Ms. Amy Zeppelin
in honor of Anonymous Ms. Mary L. Clarke
Dr. Deborah Ar�ken Dr. Elisabeth Craig Mr. Christopher Elwell Susan J Butler Anonymous
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cushman O.J. & Anne Barron Morgan Colleen Elwell Mr. Christopher Elwell Jennifer Elwell Mr. Christopher Elwell
Keith Eischeid Family Bill and Hilda Horton
Ms. Charlotte Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Andy Derryberry Rev. Hunter Huckaby & Pristine Huckaby Ron and Bea Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Lowe O.J. & Anne Barron Morgan Mr. Gary Meredith Phil & Susan Pollock
Chuck and Sarah Mills Bill and Hilda Horton Mr. William H. Mills Bill and Hilda Horton
Ms. Ann Montgomery Mr. Frank N. Gibson Jr. Colleen Russell Sandy and Mark Koss
Kate Sharburger Mr. Christopher Elwell
Mrs. Joan H Thornbury Mr. John W. Thornbury Ms. Marie A Thornbury
Mary Bacon Williams Mrs. Karen and Richard Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R Yancy O.J. & Anne Barron Morgan
in memory of
Daisy Allen Mr. Barry Miller
Mr. Ron Boggs Ms. Sandra Hollett
Robyn E. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burns Mrs. Betty Hough Doris Nix Cole Ms. Sandra Hollett Bruce Curtin Ms. Sandra Hollett Allie Erwin Ms. Sandra Hollett
Mrs. Theresa Fiore Joel and Paula Rind
Mr. Phillip Fleissner Mrs. Cathy Fleissner Mrs. Gayle Gallaher Joel and Paula Rind
Mr. Warren S. Gardner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kachline Carolyn M. Glantz Ms. Terri Glantz
Mrs. Lenora A. Grif�in Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Powers Irwin C. Hanson Ms. Lisa Bowen
Mrs. Eugenia Henry Elaine M. Duncan Smith Sandra and Dan Harnsberger Doug and Linda Graydon Mrs. Dot Nation Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Smith, Jr Mr. Thomas A. Caldwell Jr. Mrs. Louise H. Kimmel Ms. Susan P. Pierce Mr. John Barrickman
Guardian Wealth Management, Inc Mrs. Andrea C Kruger Wayne and Betty Davis Judy and Ken Barker Mrs. Mary Quick Ms. Sylvia Jeanne Berrier
Audrey Russell Jones Ms. Sandra Hollett
Norma Weaver Mrs. Gina Sakich
Norma & William O. Hubbuch Joan and Herbert Thornbury
Mrs. Carlene Johnson Ms. Sandra Hollett
Mrs. Carlotta “Cotty” Kale Ms. Sandra Hollett Elaine M. Duncan Smith Mrs. Helen Perkins
Anne Ladner Second Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian Women
Mr. Richard S Martin Mr. David & Dr. Debbie Ingram Mr. Sidhom Abd El Messih Ms. Cecile S. Shenouda
Dr. Wallace McGill, Jr. Ms. Sandra Hollett Mr. David & Dr. Debbie Ingram Trisha Obear Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Obear Mr. Tommy R. Perkins Mrs. Kathryn W. Drake Mr. Ralph L. Kendall Dr. Barbara A. Wofford Elaine M. Duncan Smith Betty and U.K. Whaley Mr. Thomas S. Kale Mrs. Bonnie Gover
Michael Ramsey Joel and Paula Rind
Amarilla I Rowland Dr. Michael Seeber Chattanooga Center For Women, PC Mr. Willie Walker Jr. Dr. Roland Carter
Ms. Mary Lou Wojcik Ms. Linda Brock
in kind donors
Ms. Anna Ables Ms. Gail Abston Mark and Jan Adams Ms. Mildred Adams Mrs. Jeannine Alday Ms. Cara Alday Ms. Gail T Aliston All About Kids & Grown Ups Ms. Paulette M. Amsler Angeles of Mercy Anonymous Ms. Suzy Anthony Dr. Deborah E. Ar�ken Ms. Paula Babb Ms. Patricia Baker Bill and Karen Balsis Bayside Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. R. Alan Bazzell Mr. Ethan Bean Ms. Kyndra Bell Ms. Rebecca Bell Ms. Marcey Belve Ms. Cynthia Biggers Ms. Carol Bishop Ms. Sue Blancett Blossom Designs
BlueCross BlueShield Ms. Kristi L Bonvallet Brainerd Church Brainerd Hills Baptist Women Brainerd Kiwanis Club Mr. and Mrs. William Bravard Mr. Jordan Bray Brewer Media Group Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brook Dr. Jeanell Brown Mr. Marvin M. Brown Ms. Bonnie Brown Ms. Janice Brown Ms. Patricia Brown Brown and Brown Insurance Sgt. Elizabeth Buckley Ms. Keri Bukovitz Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cable Gail Camp Ms. Karen Cannon Ms. Sharon Cannon Ms. Janet Chaban Chattanooga Airport Police Chattanooga Human Services Program Chattem, Inc. Chickamauga Police Department Choo-Choo Barbeque Christ United Methodist Church Paul and Ann Christopher Ms. Dana Chumbler Ci Ci's Pizza Mr. D. Wayne Clark Ms. Joyce Clark Mr. John Clayton Mrs. Joan A. Clayton Ms. Kelly Clements Ms. Dawn Cobb Coca-Cola Bottling Company Mr. Mark Colbert Ms. Emma Combs Ms. Clare Conway Ms. Charlene Cook Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Cooper Ms. Helen Cooper Ms. Silvia Espinoza Cortez Mrs. Kendra Cowden Ms. Brenda Cowden Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Carol Cox Dr. Elisabeth Craig Ms. Beth Craig Ms. Stephanie Creel LaTrice Currie
Ms. Jan Cuzzort Mr. Dikran Daghlian Ms. Kathy Davis Ms. Mozelle Davis Ms. Carole Day Daylight Donuts Tisha Deal Deb's Cottage Mr. David Demott Mr. and Mrs. Andy Derryberry Ms. Carol A Dixon Ms. Gina Dixon Ms. Bev Dockery Dollar General Store Ms. Kaye M. Dorsett Karen Draeger & Greg Draeger Ms Karen Drayer Duck Duck Goose Chattanooga Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Durand Mrs. Dana Eichler Ms. April Eidson Ms. Jill M. Eischeid Ms. Cynthia Elkins Erlanger Physical Therapy Ms. Cynthia D. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fahey Family and Children's Services Ms. Cheryl Feeney Ms. Holly Flaherty Mr. Jammaal Flanagan Ms. Nancy Fletcher Mrs. Amy Hoover Frierson Ms. Brenda Fritz Ms. Lindsay Fussell Mr. Joe Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. Tim Galbreth Ms. Brittany Garner Ms. Patricia Garrison Ms. Shirley Giles Ginny Wren Garden Club Ms. Terri Glantz Ms. Glenda Goodwin Eric and Tara Gordon Gordon Lee High School John & Shannon Gorman Ms. Linda Grace Graham and Francis Grande Greenwood Baptist Church Ms. Kathryn Gregory Ms. Charlene Smith Grif�in Home Builders Association Guadalajara Mexican Restaurant
Ms. Angie Gunn Ms. Donna Haggard Miss Kristine Hale Ms. Lycethia Hale-Cooper Mr. Garry E Hall Ms. Gloria M. Hall Ms. Charlotte Hansen Ms. Lanique Hardin Ms. Carolyn A Harrigan Mr. John B. Harris Ms. Annette Harris Ms. Doris Harsman Mrs. Barbara Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Hap' Harwell Jr. Ms. Holley Harwell Ms. Virginia Hat�ield Ms. Mary Hayden Mr. Charles Hef�ington Ms. Ann He�lin Ms. Jane Helton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hencke Ms. Cheryl Henderson Mrs. Jessica Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Herrmann Ms. Clare Hetyler Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hetzler Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hildebrandt Ms. Thelma L. Hilliard Ms. Marilyn Hipp Mrs. Stephanie R. Hodges Ms. Patsy Hodges Ms. Jill Hodges Ms. Sandra F. Hogue Mr. Eugene Holder Ms. Carolyn J. Horne Ms. Darlene Horne Mr. Country Houck Ms. Julie Hue Ms. Michele Humphry Ms. Erica Hyatte Mr. David and Dr. Debbie Ingram Mrs. Shelley Irwin Ms. Dabney James Ms. Diane Jividen Ms. Eva Johnson Ms. Nancy C Johnson Doris Jones Ms. Deborah Jones Just Between Friends Chattanooga Ms. Shobha Karwan Ms. Dorothy Kaset Mr. Jeff Keasler
Ms. Ann Keown Ms. Martha Knee Christina Kneger Ms. Diana Kreider Ms. Pat Kwait-Smith Ms. Paulette Lancaster Ms. Dotty Langworthy J.C. and Reba Lanier Ms. Gigi LaPore Ms. Kelly Lasley Ms. Sandra Lepley Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lester Little Caesars Mrs. April Lloyd Ms. Suzie F. Long Los Potros Mexican Restaurant Mrs. Jane N. Lupton Mr. James Lynch Ms. Stella Madison Ms. Stacey Maguire Ms. Elizabeth Majors Ms. Martha Malone Ms. Melanie Mann Ms. Nancy Mapel Maple Acres Garden Club Ms. Betty Martin Ms. Susan Martin Ms. Ada Mason Ms. Nancy Mathis Mr. and Mrs. David Maul Ms. Amanda McCarter Mr. Keith McConnell Ms. Regina McDevitt Ms. Pat McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGrath Ms. Maxine McKenzie Mrs. Margaret Ann McMenemy Mr. Peter Metcalfe Ms. Lucinde Metcalfe Mr. Toby Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Chapin Miller Milligan-Reynolds Guaranty Title Agency, Inc. Modern Way Printing & Ful�illment Co. Ms. Jennifer Moody Ms. Stephanie J Moon Ms. Brenda Morgan Mr. Andy Morrow Ms. Gail Morrow Mr. Jim Mullenix Mr. Nick Mullins Mrs. Karen Murphy
Mr. Leonard Murray Mitchell & Donna Needham Ms. Jane C Nelson Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neuhoff Ms. Joan Newton Ms. Betty Nichols Ms. Helen Northam Northgate Trips Travel Mr. Joe Oberst Ms. Imelda Ochoa Ms. DeLaney Sue O'Daniel Ms. Christine Olphant Mrs. Jane Overbeck Ms. Barbara Owens Ms. Lori Padgett Panera Bread- Ft. O Ms. Cheryl Parker Ms. Mayone S. Parsons Ms. Marjorie Pasch Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Patterson Jr. Ms. Aprell Patterson Ms. Sybil Clarke Patterson Ms. Saundra Payne Ms. Shelby Payne Ms. Tina L. Payne Ms. Jean Payton Ms. Renesha Penn Mrs. Helen Perkins Dr. and Mrs. Richard Pesce Ms. Erna R. Peterson Ms. Gail Pinckak Ms. Julia Pollak Ms. Denise Pollard Shay Pollard Ms. Linda Poppe Ms. Beverly Preston Jeff and Kathryn Price Mr. and Mrs. Randy & Colleen Price Mr. Kevin Price Ms. Teresa Ramadan Mrs. Katherine Rankine Mr. and Mrs. Greg Rauth Resurrection Lutheran Church Ms. Cheryl J. Rich Allen Ridge Mr. George Allen Ridge, II Ms. Elaine Roberts Ms. Iris Rodger Ms. Jennifer Russell Mr. Michael Sarvis Mr. John Sawyer Ms. Karen Sawyer
Ms. Laurie Sawyer Ms. Susan Sawyer Scenic City Signs Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Schatzman Ms. Rhonda Seeber Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shavin Mr. Hobert Shelley Ms. Fern Margola Shire Ms. Chris Shirley Allen & Mia Shropshire Ms. Carol E. Simmons Ms. Carissa Simpson Ms. Becky Sims Ms. Janet Sivils Elaine M. Duncan Smith Ms. Bobbie J. Smith Ms. Debbie Smith Ms. Helen Smith Ms. Nancy Mathis Smith Mr. and Mrs. Don Sneed Southern Art & Framing Southern Coffee and Natural Spring Water St. Alban's Epsicopal Church Outreach Ms. Mary Anna Staten Ms. Myra F. Steele Ms. Missy Steiner Ms. Angela Stewart Ms. Gail Stokes Ms. Rita Sue Stone Ms. Linda Sullivan Ms. Rebecca Sullivan Ms. Shannon Swan Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taliaferro Jr. Mr. Harold L. Tallant Mr. Steve Tarver Ms. Nancy L. Templeton Mr. Sam A. Thal The Word Bible Study The Word Bible Study Group Ms. Abby Thomas Ms. Holley Thomas Alan and Roberta Thompson Ms. Marie A Thornbury Ms. Ansley M Toby Ms. Beth Tutton Two Men and a Truck Mrs. Debbie Vass Ms. Nina Vegel Ms. Ann Verble Taylor Vickers Ms. Brandy Vincent
Ms. Cindy Vincent Vincint Printing Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wade Ms. Carol F. Waffel Ms. Nancy Wahler Wal Mart LaFayette #2988 Ms. Judy Walker Ms. Diane M. Ward Ms. Roselle Warmack Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren Mrs. Leah Watson Mrs. Jennifer Weaver Mr. Mitch Wilkerson Ms. Doris Wilkinson Ms. Lisa Williams Priscilla Williams C & M Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Roland Witt Ms. Janet Wixson Dr. Barbara A. Wofford Ms. Nancy Womack Ms. Christie Wright Ms. Margaret E. Wright Mr. Zevart Yacoubian Ms. Karen York Ms. Elisabeth Zachary Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Zehnder
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