3 minute read
Put Your Money Where your mouth is
Put Your Money Where your mouth is
Talk is not enough. Planning is not enough. Intention is not enough. They are all important parts of progress, but when it comes to making a difference—meaningful change—you have to roll up your sleeves, do the hard work, and be accountable. Do you hold labor-management cooperation meetings but go back to your office and reset to business as usual? Do you refuse to talk at all except at the bargaining table? Or do you set measurable goals—together—and then act upon them to increase market share or explore new market opportunities or whatever your Local and contractors and training center need to thrive?
Members of the joint Best Practices Market Expansion Task Force have never claimed that labor-management cooperation partnership or market expansion was easy. From the beginning of its formation, however, they have witnessed again and again the value in building a future together—where craftspersons make a living wage and contractors have the cash flow to bid the next job, the playing field is leveled, and training and certification in safety and the latest technologies put us headand-shoulders above the competition.
Are you shaking your head that we are delusional or nodding your head that you’ve seen it happen in your area? That’s all the more reason to read Partners in Progress (on paper, on your computer, or even on your phone); register for an account on pinp.org in order to take advantage of marketing resources available for free; follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram; incorporate one or more Expertise logos into your branding programs; apply for a grant from the committee to kick-start a program locally; and—vitally—attend the 2020 Partners in Progress Conference with your labor or management partner and maybe even someone who has never heard of Partners in Progress before.
Even though the early bird deadline has passed, you will find it worth the time and expense to join us at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas on Feb. 25-26, 2020, for two days jam-packed with sessions that specifically address the best practices that labor and management partnerships around North America are using ensure that the signatory sheet metal industry will flourish into the future. (You will also have the opportunity to rub shoulders with members of labor and management who are dealing with issues similar to yours but who may have different solutions. The most valuable take-home might be found in a conversation over breakfast or in a hallway between sessions.) Visit pinp.org/conferences/pinp20/ to register or for a look at the schedule and keep an eye on social media for news about the conference using #pinp20. ▪
Partners in Progress has launched the Strive to Succeed Challenge in advance of the 2020 conference to help Locals, chapters, and contractors build a stronger and more collaborative labor-management relationship, even before they get to Las Vegas. The Challenge involves completing simple, low intensity tasks to earn up to $3,000 for use towards marketing in your local area. We’ll even maintain a leaderboard to encourage friendly competition between areas. Participating areas will be featured at the conference and recognized for their efforts.
The Strive to Succeed Challenge is divided into two distinct phases. Phase 1 involves connecting with Partners in Progress— which can be completed at any time. In addition, before the conference, you will need to select our tasks that will help us understand your urgent, specific, and detailed concerns. That means you need to get started soon! The final tasks are meant to be completed during and after the conference. Areas who complete the required number of tasks in each of these areas will receive $1,000 to use towards future marketing. Phase 2 requires each area to develop the goals they started in the first phase and create a longer-term action plan.
Local areas will only be required to complete a single task and provide proof of completion to Partners in Progress to receive an additional $2,000. (Check out the full list of tasks at bit. ly/2EtSW9H.) ▪