3 minute read
Goodbye 2020: Looking forward to 2021 and Beyond
Sign onto any social media platform and you will be barraged with memes and posts about the endless havoc occurring in 2020. My personal favorite is, “So far, 2020 has been like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane.”
Most of us are eagerly waiting for the conclusion of 2020 and hoping for the demise of social distancing, mask-wearing, toilet paper shortages, and murder hornets—but not so fast.
It would be amazing if the challenges of 2020 could be wiped away at midnight on December 31, but that is not realistic. Wide-spread production and distribution of vaccines will not happen immediately, and sadly, COVID-19 cases and deaths will continue. In the meantime, people will be asked to do their part by masking up and social distancing for quite some time. Virus mitigation efforts will continue to challenge businesses and employment levels across many industries.
It is easy to get mired down in the challenges and obstacles that COVID has heaved upon our industry and each of us personally. Fortunately, SMACNA and SMART have forwardthinking members who work together to resolve problems and identify opportunities amidst the many challenges. Partners in Progress magazine exists to feature these success stories so that others may be inspired to take similar actions to adapt and excel under any circumstances.
Innovative partnerships are featured in our year-end edition. Our lead article (page 4) demonstrates how the largest employer of sheet metal workers on the west coast worked with their Local partner to revolutionize their safety culture from one that focused on compliance to a culture of care. That employer had always dedicated significant resources to safety, but adding the union philosophy of looking out for member brothers and sisters complemented the building of an environment where each employee is a safety champion.
SMART and SMACNA had the foresight decades ago to promote the value of hiring testing, adjusting, and balancing companies that employ highly skilled and certified technicians and supervisors. On page 8, industry leaders explain why hiring contractors who employ TABB (Testing, Adjusting & Balancing Bureau) certified employees assures customers that their HVAC systems will operate at the highest standards for energy efficiency, ventilation, indoor air quality, and comfort. When COVID came onto the scene, TABB-certified contractors seized the opportunity to educate customers and the public on why HVAC systems are not simply about comfort, but also life safety.
Looking for creative ways to build your local labormanagement partnership? SMACNA of San Diego and Local 206 rose to the Partners in Progress Strive to Succeed Challenge and earned $2,000 to add to union and chapter funds to purchase gifts and much needed supplies for a charity dedicated to the safety and well-being of children in foster care (page 10).
Good leadership is key to identifying opportunities and problem-solving during difficult times. A growing number of companies have recognized that people skills or emotional intelligence (EI) may be the most important skill someone can bring to your organization. Learn how to measure EI and how to use the results to foster better team collaboration on (page 12.)
“My Journey” (page 14) highlights what aspects of a sheet metal career enticed a former Army Ranger to complete the SMART Heroes Accelerated Training Program.
During 2020, SMACNA and SMART’s solid partnership foundation and resilience positioned labor and management to quickly adapt to changes, innovate, and pursue new market opportunities. A partnership of this magnitude will grow and serve us long into the future.
If your New Year’s plans include watching Times Square festivities, watch with pride knowing that the people behind the design, fabrication, installation, and operation of the Times Square Ball are none other than your brothers and sisters from Local 137. SMACNA and SMART and Partners in Progress wish all our members a happy holiday and a healthy and prosperous 2021. ▪
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