4 minute read
7 Essentials for Training & Developing a Happy Workforce
By / Joel Garfinkle
Leaders can use their training—both internal and external— to develop a happy workforce with people who are motivated and want to build up their companies and the industry. When everyone is onboard working for the common good, great things happen.
So what steps can leaders take in developing motivated, productive workers? One key lies with effective training. Here are seven keys to training and developing employees.
1. Train workers in jobs they like.
Transfer responsibilities from your worker that he or she finds boring, dull, or uninteresting. There are others for whom routine gives security. This frees up your worker to take on new and more interesting work. When your staff finds their jobs exciting and challenging, they will be happier and more productive.
2. Give workers room to develop more control.
Help workers self-manage. For some you can simply let them loose. You may set the deadlines but allow them to choose how they meet those deadlines.
Others may need some training to develop the schedules and habits of independent work. You may offer systems, calendaring methods, prioritizing, and other ways to assist them to be more effective and in control. And for even greater impact, consider sponsoring leadership or productivity training to speed their progress. As they feel the freedom and control over their lives and decisions, they will be more willing to perform at a higher level. They will be happier employees.
3. Let workers establish goals, priorities and measurements.
Your workers understand the on-the-ground issues. They can see what realistic goals and measurements should be. When you give them this freedom, you train them in valuable skills and develop trust and teamwork.
4. Teach with upscale contacts.
You can begin developing your employees by giving them access to key information. Invite them to important and desirable meetings. They will want to use the knowledge they gain for the company good. Include your employees on key mailing lists or company briefings. By following the executive’s thoughts and planning, you guide them to grow those leadership skills.
5. More face time.
Give workers more time with leadership. As someone works with supervisors, there are mentoring opportunities. They see successful skills in action. They recognize what’s important to the team and company and why. This subtle training leads to more informed and productive workers.
6. Offer in-house training and development.
Make the workforce happy by teaching them on the job. They don’t need to leave or travel. They miss less time from their jobs. If they need more guidance than you can provide, enlist the help of a coach to instill executive presence skills.
At the same time, company and industry training is ideally specific. The terminology and culture are already in place. It’s easy to see how the training fits within the environment of the workplace.
Company training gives them highly specific knowledge related to their role, too. It’s easy to see how the training fits within the framework of the job and workplace. For aspiring leaders, learning how to command executive presence is one of the most valuable trainings for retention and engagement.
7. Ask employees to train others.
When workers attend trainings or have a skill set, let them share with others. Sometimes co-workers can explain things more effectively. Because it’s peer-to-peer it may allow more open discussions and questions. It also gives leadership opportunities and prestige to the presenter.
Every organization needs to be aware of workers’ desire to excel and then get proactive about retention opportunities. When workers are given chances to develop and train, they will become a more productive and satisfied workforce. The organization will attract top talent and gain a reputation for happy workers. ▪
Joel Garfinkle is recognized as one of the top 50 coaches in the United States and the author of seven books, including Getting Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your Career to the Next Level. Visit Joel online at garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com. Subscribe to his Fulfillment@Work Newsletter and receive the free e-book, 41 Proven Strategies to Get Promoted Now! copyright ©2005-2023 Joel Garfinkle, All Rights Reserved. Reprint permission granted.