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W Fi SURVIVAL GUIDE How to Stay Connected All Year Long Featuring Tips & Advice From 7 of the Internet’s Most Connected Women BROUGHT TO YOU BY:


Dawn Sandomeno and Elizabeth Mascali are the co-founders of Party Bluprints Inc. and the Party Bluprints Blog and are coauthors of Plan to Party . They have worked with Fortune 100 companies and iconic brands as digital strategists, content providers and social media marketers.


Party Bluprints Inc.


Elizabeth Mascali & Dawn Sandomeno



t’s the beginning of a new year, a time when we assess what routines and “systems” are working for us and what’s not. There tends to be a lot discussion about how we can improve various aspects of our lives ranging from beauty and exercise regimes and our daily nutrition to our organizational habits. However, one of the most important “systems” we’ve all come to rely upon tremendously is quite often overlooked – electrical power + internet = connectivity. We were recently discussing how dependent we’ve become on being “connected.” You may ask, what does “being connected” really mean? Well, if you’ve fallen victim to a power outage you very quickly realize just how “disconnected” you can become in a very short time. We live in a digital age wherein our daily habits and functions are dependent on “connectivity.” It’s interesting that cell phones have replaced many landlines, while texting and emailing have become a primary means of communicating and the internet has become an artery for delivering the information we need to our fingertips. Our fast paced daily routines rely upon being powered up and a strong WiFi signal to communicate, get

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information, conduct business, check in with our children and so much more. So what happens when it all goes black - no power, no connection, no backup plan? Panic sets in when you realize that you so heavily rely upon this system (power and WiFi) to communicate with your children, your family, your workplace and clients, and the world at large and you never put a backup plan in place. Our goal is to help you to develop your own action plan so you’ll be prepared during the next power outage. You can’t prevent it, but you can prepare for it, and we have some tips and advice to help you do just that. In addition to our tips and advice, we’ve gathered some of the most connected women on the internet to share their stories about why it’s so important to have a backup plan in place when the power goes out. After experiencing the effect it had on us, we all put plans in place in order to be better prepared for the next power outage. We all agree that #NoWifi presents a danger or hazard for a variety of reasons (safety, to coordinate with family and friends in the event of severe weather, to comfort and provide for the children and to continue running our businesses) and chose not to be so vulnerable next time around. We’re happy to share our experiences, tips and advice so you can put together your own plan so you’re prepared to stay connected in the next power outage.


-Elizabeth & Dawn

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7 OF THE INTERNET’S MOST CONNECTED WOMEN We’re proud to introduce you to our Power House Panel. These successful women power up their own digital based businesses, while also providing the life force for their homes and families. There is no question that they know how to harness power so they have a little extra in reserve when they need it!

g h th e u o r h t Flip nd see a s e g pa stories l a n o s per perts x e r u f ro m o

Sharon Couto

Nicole Feliciano

Co-owner MomGenerations.com CEO MomTrends Media | Spokesperson | Blogger

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C li c k o n li n k ic o n s t o re a d e a c h e x p e r t ’s #NoWifi st ory. Leticia Barr

Founder TechSavvyMama.com | Digital Strategist & Freelance Writer

Audrey McClelland

Co-owner MomGenerations.com | Brand Advocate & Digital Mom

Carol Cain

Founder GirlGoneTravel.com | Travel & Food Blogger and Photographer

Danielle Elliott Smith

Founder ExtraordinaryMommy. com | Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Digital Correspondent, Speaker & Author

Tonya Staab

Founder www.tonyastaab.com | Freelance Writer, Photographer & Blogger

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POWER’S OUT – NOW WHAT? When bad weather is predicted, most people think to stock up on food and water, however, don’t forget to fuel up your cars and tech too! Our panel was in agreement on the top five items on our list, which they all considered essential items. HERE ARE OUR TOP PICKS FOR OUR KIT:


APC Back-UPS Connect – keep it charged, so it’s all powered up and ready to go when the power goes out. Plug in your router, modem and computer and you’ve got WiFi to keep up with online weather reports, community news and your business. Plug in your phone and tablet to the USB ports to keep your lines of communication up and running.

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Flashlights - one for every member of the family and one for every bathroom.

Battery operated candles - don’t keep these stored away, use them as part of your décor throughout your home and when the lights go out, they’re easily accessible. Batteries - make sure to keep an ample stock to power flashlights and candles.

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Bottled water - purchase 5 gallon jugs/estimate 1 gallon per person/day.

Non-perishable snacks – cereal, peanut butter, jelly, bread, salsa and chips, protein bars, dried fruit, non-perishable milk, juice, crackers, nuts. If you have a gas cooktop, keep canned soups and other canned items that can be heated over your cooktop or grill.


Cash – if the power’s out for a period of time, you may not have access to ATM machines and/or be able to use your credit card.


List of emergency numbers – in the event of an emergency during a power outage, you want to have easy and quick access to the telephone numbers you need. Stash a list in your emergency kit, so you don’t panic if your numbers are stored in your phone and your phone dies and you have no access to the internet.

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Board games - power outages are the perfect opportunity to have some good old-fashioned family fun. Dawn’s pick. Coffee – coffee is my lifeblood -when the power’s out, make stovetop coffee over gas cooktop. Elizabeth’s


For more information on food safety during a power outage go to:

Ready.gov Foodsafety.gov

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WHEN DISASTER STRIKES! The powerful forces of Mother Nature can strike quickly leaving us out of touch with weather forecasts, family, friends and neighbors. Without access to information and a means to easily communicate with our family and community, it’s challenging to coordinate and make a plan. Carol Cain, Danielle Elliott Smith and Nicole Feliciano share their experiences dealing with Mother Nature (Carol and Nicole were affected by Hurricane Sandy and Danielle lives under the threat of tornadoes.)

[Living] In the middle of the country (Missouri) means wondering if there is a tornado or other bad storms nearb y as they are often the cause for sending us offline. Being online allows me to do the one thing th at is most important to me – keep my family, my kids, safe in a tough situation. I can track a storm’s progress and make sure we are aware of any potential danger. Additionally, I think it is crucial th at we stay in touch with friends and family when a natural disaster occurs. They need to know we are safe – W i F i connectivity allows for th at.

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BEING “DISCONNECTED” (AKA #NOWIFI) MAKES ME FEEL? In a word, panicked. I know, I know – I should be able to take advantage of the down time, take a deep breath and relax into the ‘peace’ of a disconnected world. But, I don’t. It isn’t only that my work is heavily based on online communication, but that I can also stay abreast of what is happening in the world and maintain an instant connection to the people who are important to me if need be.

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WHEN DISASTER STRIKES! (CONT...) During Hurricane Sand y my husband and I ventured to the local businesses who were providing power from a generator. We were fortunate in th at we never h ad to walk too far, but we h ad to be out with other locals, sitting on the floor, try to rech arge so th at we could at least read the news, or let family members know we were OK. It isn’t until you lose power and are completely disconnected th at you suddenly realize how dependent we h ave become on both power and W i F i. The most ch allenging aspect to h aving no power is communication. We invested in a landline phone th at is not dependent on electricity to work, because this was one thing we immediately missed when we last h ad a power outage. Also, not h aving access to information keeps us in the dark as to wh at is h appening in our community. Make a plan to stay connected to loved ones COURTESY OF GIRLGONETRAVEL.COM

WHY DO YOU CONSIDER BEING DISCONNECTED (#NOWIFI) A DANGER/HAZARD? Not having access to information, especially during a storm, or not being able to connect with others, especially with three kids, is always something that makes me nervous. We don’t have any need for life support in our home, but there are many families who depend on constant power for these medical services.

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We were traveling in the storm from T N to NYC because we were so worried about our property and friends. When we got to Brooklyn we just beat the storm. After it hit we saw friends and family disconnected, it was so h ard to find out who needed wh at supplies and assistance. It was all word of mouth. We could h ave helped friends with resources h ad we been better connected.

Superstorm Sandy waterline

BEING “DISCONNECTED” (AKA #NOWIFI) MAKES ME FEEL? Vulnerable. When you’ve got a family and a small business it’s all about feeling connected. You want to be able to reach family first and then you want to be able to run your business. When you’re disconnected everything is vulnerable.


NOW THAT YOU HAVE AN APC BACK-UPS CONNECT HOW VALUABLE IS YOUR PEACE OF MIND? It’s so great to know that Momtrends can keep on going no matter the power situation. This small business has been running for 7 years. Our growth has been reliant upon quick response to customer demand. If we stop responding, the clients notice. Having APC Back-UPS Connect means we are never missing business or opportunities.

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Being a parent requires thinking (and planning) ahead. When going on a trip, parents pack items that will provide comfort and care for the children while away from their normal routine. When the power goes out, there can be little to no warning. As parents, our first concern is the children, who can become scared and unsettled by the change in their habits, especially at night when there are no lights. Children take power for granted; they can become easily paralyzed and panicked when the power goes out. But, when mom comes to the rescue with a plan because she’s prepared instead of panicked, it’s comforting. Tonya Staab shares her fun plan for turning a potentially scary situation into a snuggly, secure indoor campout along with a lesson learned when a very scary situation was exacerbated by a power outage.

Still smiling despite the storms and rides being closed at Universal Orlando. PHOTO COURTESY OF TONYA STAAB

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The most difficult thing during a power outage is the not knowing, especially with children. They want reassurance th at the power will be on quickly, they become bored and easily upset about the situation you are in, and unless you h ave connection to W i F i you can’t access news reports to get up-to-date information on how much longer the outage will go for, wh at caused it, how widespread it is and if there are any added precautions you should be taking.

In 2011 we experienced the largest power failure in California history. Not knowing there was going to be a power failure I h adn’t thought to ch arge anyone’s phones and of course it was during this time th at my youngest son was attacked b y a nei ghbor’s dog and required emergency crews to be called for immediate medical attention. I, of course, h ad to go to the hospital with him, leaving my oldest son in ch arge of my daughter, and at the time their father was a 9-hour drive away. Th ankfully the firemen who came to our rescue were able to ch arge my cell phone during the ride to the hospital so th at I could keep in touch with my children at home during the power outage to not only update them, but ensure they were okay. During the course of the evening, phone batteries died and I wished so much at the time th at there h ad been a way to rech arge them so we could keep in constant contact. Th ankfully, at the time the nei ghbors kept an eye on them and brought them much needed supplies, but ever since then I’ve kept a kit on h and so th at we can always stay in contact if there is a power outage in the future and we aren’t all together.


Backup power fo Light (candles,


for s (backup power d ki e th r fo t en Entertainm books) , board games, es on h iP d n a s their iPad get scared - the kids tend to g in d ed b p m a C perfect tage, so it’s the ou er ow p a g n ri du e room, out together in on p m ca to se cu ex ories and sleepover, tell st ig b a ’s it d n te re p play games Non-perishable

food items

LESSON LEARNED The APC Back-UPS Connect has been placed with our other emergency items including first aid kits, a fire extinguisher, candles, flashlights, batteries, and glowsticks so that we now have quick access to the most important items we need to ensure that we can continue with our routines and ease the kids’ minds as much as possible during a power outage.

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he connection between mother and child is vital. As caregivers and emergency contacts, digital communication has become a standard means of contact and exchange of information when you are physically separated from loved ones. It’s comforting as a child (and as an adult) to know you have an “emergency contact” who will move heaven and earth to get to you when you need them as long as they know you need them. This fundamental system of communication requires a backup plan for when the power or WiFi goes out, especially when you’re the point person in the event of emergency. Mothers (and grandmothers) need to have a plan to stay connected to their children (most often times you’re the central point of contact for the family as well) even when mother nature gets in the way.

Sharon pictured here with her mother and two daughters. PHOTO COURTESY OF SHARON COUTO

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Being disconnected is a h azard to me as I’m a Caregiver to my elderly Mom and I need constant contact with her, including email. I’m also the #1 contact person for each of my 9 school-aged grandchildren. Their schools h ave my cell phone, email, text capability information. During a power outage, the most ch allenging thing to me is limited or no contact with my family and/or capability to reach emergency services, if necessary. Professionally, I find it ch allenging to fulfill business obli gations without internet access. During a severe blizzard during the winter of 2012, we lost electricity, cable, and internet for two days. We ch arged our phones in our cars until we were worried about gas reserves. My children could not contact me to check on my husband and me or my Mom, their grandmother, and we h ad no way to contact them. Had I h ad access to a backup system at th at time for my phone and my laptop, great stress and anxiety could h ave been avoided. Now th at I h ave an APC Back-UPS Connect, there is no word invented to describe my peace of mind.


Having W i F i allows you to be connected to the world. You can call people. You can text people. You can email people. Without the ability to do all of this, in the case of an emergency, you could be in bi g trouble. Imagine h aving something h appen and you couldn’t get help to you and your family. Th at scares me. I need to be able to be connected to even just check on the people in my life th at I love - my parents, my Grandma, my siblings, etc. It’s too dangerous not to h ave the ability to be in touch with people. It’s all about the safety factor for me. It’s amazing how powerful peace of mind can be. To know th at I can be connected to the ones I love with the APC Back-UPS Connect, you can’t put a price on th at kind of feeling. I love knowing th at I will be safe and secure with my APC Back-UPS Connect. As a mom of 5, and someone who is super close with my family, this feeling in my heart to know all is safe and well, it’s priceless.

Mom’s the central point, Audrey pictured here surrounded by her five children COURTESY OF AUDREY MCCLELLAND

For more information on making a family communication plan, visit www.ready.gov/family-communications

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WORK THROUGH NO WIFI OUTAGES Just because the power’s out doesn’t mean you have to miss deadlines and work commitments, which can affect your business and income. A power outage can be especially crippling for small business owners who work from home. When you’re the IT department, you’re responsible for the backup plan when the power and WiFi goes out.

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As a di gital strategist and freelance writer, I rely on WiFi for work. Being disconnected makes it difficult to connect to my clients, stay social on my networks, collaborate on projects, and do necessary research for my writing. Not h aving access to WiFi is different from making a conscious decision to unplug. I’m great at unplugging on my own terms, but when I h ave a bad WiFi connection or it isn’t working, I feel like a lifeline h as been cut because it h ampers my productivity.

WIFI DEPENDENCY METER On a scale of 1-10, I am dependent on WiFi at a 10! WiFi is critical for the work I do! It’s necessary because I rely on it to:

It has been estimated that severe weatherrelated power outages cost the American economy over $300 BILLION between 2003 and 2012. ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - HTTP://WWW.ROCKINST. ORG/OBSERVATIONS/ FOSSETTJ/2014-10-02MAKE_GRID_RESILIENT. ASPX

Connect to clients Stay social on my networks Collaborate on projects Complete necessary research for my writing assignments Stay in touch with my family Having an APC Back-UPS Connect is incredibly valuable for my peace of mind because it not only ensures that I have an opportunity to backup what I’m working on before the power goes out but it provides 3-5 hours of power for my router and modem to keep me connected for a little bit longer during an emergency.

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If you want to stay connected throughout the year, follow along #NoWifi


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