Divya Vani September-November 1964 - Raw

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10th Sept 1964 & 10th Nov. 1964

5th Issue 6th Issue



“In the spiritual life there is;o room for compromise.” —Meher Baba, Editorial Office at: Phone:


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CONTENTS page Beloved Baba’s 71st Birthday Celebrations Someone By Francis Brabazon Messages from Beloved Baba Appeal to Subscribers Editorial Latest News from Meherazad Meherazad News Memoirs of Meher Baba By Jal S. Irani The spiritual significance of Baba’s suffering By Adi K. Irani You Baba, Becoming Dust By Dana Field, U. S. A. The Divine Leela of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba By Dr. C D. Deshmukh, M.A., Ph.D. (London) On the Way By Dana Field, U.S.A. The Spiritual Search-light By Dr. 0. S. N. Moorty, M. A., Ph. D. Awaken Humanity By Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, M.A., Ph. D. Meher Baba and miracles By Mrs. Amy A. Arjani One and only way By P. G. Nandi What is worthwhile in the eyes of Meher Baba By Amiya Kanti Das Baba Blessed us with Rain News and Notes News from Abroad The 61 days Baba Programme in Hyd. & Sec’bad Greetings (Deevali) By Dr. G. S. N. Moorty, M.A., Ph.D. Excerpt from a reply By Adi K. lrarii ...


















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Beloved Baba’s 71st Birthday celebrations October 15th, 1964 Dear Brother I Sister, In response to queries from lovers of Avatar Meher Baba regarding the celebration of His seventy-first birthday (25th Feb.. ruary 1965), beloved Baba wishes me to inform all concerned that He has no objection to His lovers celebrating His birthday as desired by them and in the manner they wish according to their means. Kindly pass on this information to the lovers of beloved Baba in your vicinity.

King’s Road, AHMEDNAGAR.

Yours brotherly, Sd. ADI K. IRANI,



*SOMEONE By Francis Brabazon eo, Listen now, and I’ll tell you of Sornorie, Soni Someone, Someone, Listen carefully, I’ll tell you of Someone and he is the best one of all. —


rises, rises, For him every day the sun rises, rises, , rises Every day the sun gladly and to him the birds sing and call. , often, He comes only every so often, often, often often so He comes only every and he comes, for both big and small. —

g, loving, Oh, he is so very loving, loving, lovin g, lovin arily So extraordin that he bears the burden of all. ning, For him oft I lie awake listening, liste , ning , liste ning liste Many nights I lie awake listening, in my heart for his footfall. Baba, His name is Meher Baba, Baba, Baba, His name is Meher Baba God-Man and the Friend of us all. Us The People Sing”. By kind courtesy of the author, “Let —






MESSAGES FROM BELOVED BABA Beloved Baba Blesses Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen mme and all others who took part in the 61 days progra Love in spreading Baba’s Name and His Message of rabad, Secund & bad & Truth in the twin cities of Hydera from 7th September to 6th November 1964. *



Ahmednagar, 7—9—64 MY





Meher Baba















Meher Baba



Meherazad, 5—11—64 My dear Swami Satya Priikashji, The above is the copy of a Telegramme sent to you this evening. Soon after the above was ready for despatch, I have received your telegramme Hope the above message from Beloved Baba must have reached you in time for the conclusion of the chain of strenuous programmes in His Cause. beloved Baba directs me to inform you that He is pleased with your efforts and your deep love for Him. He also wants you to convey His dear ones who have been con stantly helping you to conclude this programme so success fully. Baba wants you to tell them that their love’s labour to yield rich harvest of was not in vain, for it is bound 1 are they who toil blessed and come to time in hearts loving the Ancient One of Love of Cause the in sweat and Beloved Baba sends His Love and Blessing to you. i

With all good wishes, Yours lovingly, Sd. Eruch, vi


DIVYA VANI (An English Bi-monthly devoted to Avatar Meher Baba and His Work ) “MEHER




At the outset, we offer our unconditional regret for the inordinate delay caused in the press in completing the Septem ber issue of “DIVYA VANI”, however unavoidable may be the causes therefor, and hope that our dear readers will appreciate this combined issue, for the months of September and Novem ber made at this juncture, so as to include the latest news from “MEHERAZAD” announcing Beloved Baba’s consent for giving His darshan to all His lovers in 1965 and also to avoid further delay that may be caused, if the November issue is made separately. We wish to draw the attention of our subscribers in this connection, that the year for the Bi-Monthly is from January to November and therefore this combined issue (Nos. 5 & 6) wils be the last one for the year. It may also be noted that the 1st issue for the next year i.e., Vol. II. No. 1, will be done on the 10th January 1965, as usual. It will be proper, we hope, to make mention here that our Journal “DIVYA VANI” completes its 3rd year with this issue and it may not be out of place to add that all these three years had passed away, by the Grace of Beloved Baba without any break in its issue, whatever may be the circumstances that existed till now. It is a matter of great satisfaction that till now, the publication of the journal was carried on without demanding the pre-payment of the subscription for the year. We may even mention for your information that subscriptions are still due from about 60 persons for 3 years; vii,

efrom 10 persons for 2 years and from 115 for one year and ther is an amount of about Rs. 2000/— total dues, from our subscrib ers as yet. We earnestly solicit ‘he kind co-operation of all our subscribers, in this matter and hence we draw their attention to this fact. Further we regret to state that we had to decide reluctantly to stop sending further issues of our journal to those from whom the subscription was due for three years. We humb ly make our earnest appeal to them from whom the subscrip tions are due for one year and more, to be pleased to remit the same immediately and oblige. We also take this opportunity to inform our readers that hereafter the annual subscription for the new year i. e., starting from January 1965, is payable in advance to us, so as to reach us before the 1st of January 1965. We earnestly hope that all our subscribers being Baba-lovers, and as such our own brothers and sisters in Baba-love, will surely render their help by obliging us in this respect, while on our part we re-assure them all, of our immediate attentionT and prompt action, in our future publication and issue of the journal CCDIVYA VANI”, in time. We offer our loving and fraternal greetings most heartily for the happy occasions of ensuing X-mas and New Year Day, in advance, since our next issue will be published on the 10th JaTluary ‘65 only. May Beloved Baba’s Love-Blessings be showered on all our esteemed readers of “DIYYk VANS” and may “DIVYA VANS’? be Beloved Baba’s instrument for echoing His Name and Message of Love and Truth, in every nook and corner of the universe May our esteemed readers make this humble instru ment in Baba’s Cause, as their own, in every way and be pleased to share our joy and bliss in His Service as ever JAI

BABA!! —,


Editor & Publisher.


WHY MEHER BABA? This question is often raised not only by those who oppose vehemently Beloved Baba and His Avatar-hood, but alco is generally found in the concealed hearts of many a so-called Baba-lover, who may be reticent to be frank in this matter. This is a natural and common doubt that poses in a man, whose normal way of thinking revolts against such an idea,since it could not be comprehended because its o own limitations of under standing or for want of an experience of the real life and its varied aspects of consciousness. Very rarely will it be the fortune of a common man to be favoured with a real understandin of g the ways and expressions of the Divinity which seldom bestows its Grace by way of a blissful experience in life, which gives the correct conception of the only Reality, called God and leads one to have a firm conviction even in the midst of the stormy weather in human life and its berifting circumstances. This doubt needs to be answered to carry conviction to those who have developed love and admiration for the bewitching person a lity of Beloved Baba, so as to make them go nearer and nearer to Him. But it is still more needed by one who struggles in himself for want of an experience that sustains the feeling and the inner desire as a genuine aspirant so as to protect him from the onslaughts of the so-called rationalisUc mind of the present day, which is shrouded with less of real knowledge but more of self-pride and conceitful egotism. It is true that many of those who had the good fortune of having Beloved Baba’s personal contact by way of DARSHAN (Seeiflg),SPARSHAN (touch), and CNUM EANA

(bilssful kiss), got such a conviction without much of

struggle out of His Grace. But for others, the lingering thougt s about His Avatarhood haunting around one’s own mind even create doubt about the divine personality and often make one to drift off from Him. The predicament of such people is too unfortunate. Lord Krishna says that those who drift from

their faith in God would be destr3yed. Beloved Baba wirns His lovers thus: “If you are not convinced, leave me. Seek some one else. If you try to stick to me with a wavering mind, without being convinced of My divinty, you would be just like a nut caught in the crusher.” It is therefore essential for one, who approaches Beloved Baba to know who He is and also to know why He alone has to be approached and that too HERE and NOW. It is to be clearly understood, without mincing matters, that Baba is none other than the Ancient One and God in human form, who has come to redeem the modern world. This fact has been corroborated by the declarations of the five Perfect Masters of this Age, Viz., Sai l3aba, Upasani Maharaj, Hazrat Babajan, Tajuddin Baba, and Narayan Maharaj. Beloved Baba Himself has clarified these declarations and asserted with His divine authority no more than ever before, It is therefore for us all now, either to take it or leave it. If we waver in our minds and hesitate to accept Baba as the Avatar of the Age, and yet would think that we follow Him, it is betraying our selves and it will be an act of cowardice born out of ignorance. But the path of spirituality is for men of courage, where there cannot be any compromise in one’s own life and its adherance to its principles. At this stage, we hope that our esteemed readers would do well to refiesh their memories with regards to their own under standing of the terms called Siddhapurusha or a Perfect Master and the avatar of the age. Unless one has a clear idea in hismi’id about the relative stages in the spiritual realms and their unique states of experiences, it will not be easy to have proper guidance and understanding, so as to avoid distractions or set-backs and have assured progress in spiritual life. It is to be understood beyond doubt,that the stage and status of the Perfect Master is far above all other mortals of the ordinary world in its evolution of spiritual consciousness; for he is Man-God, i.e., one who has attained Godhood and hence placed in charge of the execution of the divine plan. As the Adhikara-purusla, he has to function at that level and shall according to the Divine Will help the evolution of the whole creation, having himself attained that perfection. 2

It is not usual for the Avatar to proclaim Himself His divine authority; for, it behoves the Sadgurus who have been responsible for His advent, to remove the veil of maya and make it known to the world the Stature & the spiritual status of the Avatar at the proper and opportune moment. It is their privilege to be associated and revered by One, for whose stepp ing down from His absolute state of “Sat-Chit Ananda” Paramatma to the present state of God in human form, for which they were responsible. It has been clearly stated that the cause for the Absolute Divinity to take human form and be one among us, is His Supreme Compassion for the suffering humanity and to give a push in the evolution of the whole creation in general. -

It is also a known fact that the Avatar takes the form that suits Him most, under the circumstances in which His advent had been effected, so that the purpose for which He comes is best served, If we study the history of previous advents of similar nature ani the varied aspects of “Loka Sangraha” (the activities of an Avatar that were performed in His period in order to help the entire creation under the set circumstances) it will be proved beyond doubt that they vary from one in carnation to another. If this outlook can be imbibed without prejudice to our personal likes and dislikes or attachments of reverence or otherwise towards any of the previous form or forms of the Divine Incarnation, which we may have due to our previous association or sanskaras, it will certainly help us to have correct perception of the realities that help us to go nearer the Goal. In this respect, it is to be fully understood that one has to be open-minded and also have the initiative to break through the incrustation and dogmas, so as to gain a clear er perception of the Avatar of the day and His manifestation which takes place simultaneously along with the growth and prog ress of human experience and awakening. To take the best advan tage of such an opportunity, one must completely surrender in all humility to his master and to the Divine form that has come to help him; for in reality and essence both are identical. It is therefore absolutely essential that one who aspires for the privi lege of the Divine company when the Avatar is amongst us, one should completely surrender unto Him as the pre-requisite 3

for taking such a help or have any advantage of the advent which of course, in its turn is absolutely dependent upon the Divine Grace that is to be bestowed out of His Compassionate Love for the individual concerned and this again is entirely dependent upon the individual’s “Poorvapunya” (accumulated effect of his good sanskaras in his previous births). But it is wise and proper to assume that the Divine Grace is always there; for it is already in its operation as and when 1-us Divine Call “Come all unto Me”, reaches the ears of the aspirant. And others who are deaf to such a call, the Avatar has to leave them to their fate, since He knows that they too will one day come to Him, when the time is ripe for them, Though God has descended in human form to help everyone in creation, it is only those that strive and seek Him, giving first priority for it in their lives, brushing aside all other frailities are drawn into His fold and they become the recipients of His loving grace, so spontaneously and lavishly showered by Him out of His infinite Compassion and in recognition of the earnest efforts made by them to receive it. Therefore, the easiest, the simplest and the surest way for the realization of Self is when the Avatar of the Age functions as such and gives us the clarion call with His Divine authority. At the present age, the divine personality in the enchanting form and name of “Meher Baba”, our Compassionate Father gives us this call so lovingly, bestowing on us all His divine grace so as to help us here and now to have that supreme experience of Self-Realization. It is therefore necessary for us, who seek His divine grace to follow His instructions in letter and spirit, to love Him more and more, without losing the opportunity, so lovingly bestowed on us by the Divine Personality, now functioning through this form of our Beloved Baba; for He says that He is easily found when He is in human form amongst us than ever, It is also equally important, if not more, that we search our own hearts at this juncture and find out for ourselves, whether we really desire that union with Him, or just crave in our heart of hearts anything else like worldly pleasures or riches or power of this ephemeral world as a result of our ignorance and accumu lated sauskaras prevailing in us. Then, it would be essential for us to brush aside such cravings and with repentant’ 4

mind and purified heart pray unto Him for pardon and to save us from the clutches of the ever-growing desires,and to lead us on the right path. Since He is all knowing, it is not for us to ask Him what we want, but to do what He wants us to, do, leaving everything else including even the desire for ‘Moksha’ and to lov Him as He wants us to love Him. This is certainly the simplest, surest and the nearest way. as He says, for befitting ourselves to receive His Divine Grace, better than any thing else in this present age. And now, a word about the Avatars and other Masters whom we think, we adore or worship, prior to this advent If we really love them so dearly, as we should, then the surest and simplest way snail be to take Baba as the same; for, He declares with His Divine authority that He is one with every Sadguru or Perfect Master or any of the previous Avatars, like Lord Krishna, Rama, Christ, Mohammed, Zoroaster, Buddha and others. In reality there cannot be two Gods, but the One may manifest in many and it is He that shall give us the true experience of His unity in this diversity, if we earnestly seek Him in whatever form we may worship Him and He shall be no other than Baba Himself, our Beloved too if we so ear nestly desire Him to be so and it shall not be difficult for such a seeker of real faith to have his Istadaiva (the God he wor ships) to give such positive proof, if and when he deserves it. -


On the other hand, if we want to satisfy our own desires or to stick to our own Ista devatas, so called, inspite of the affirmative assertions of the Avatar of the age, nothing pre vents us to do so, but only we will be among those, who lose sight of the real Divinity that has come to help us. Because of our own actions and our own projections of our minds, we shall stand self- condemned to the extent, that we may lose this golden opportunity so graciously offered to us b the Divine personality, who has come to help us in this critical juncture, when the whole world has been awakened as it were and is drawn by the Dawn of gorgeous rays of the Effulgent Sun of suns, the Avatar of the age, now called “Meher Baba.” Never the less, as Baba says, such a one too will one day, in due course of evolution shall reach Him, as and when it is so ordained by Him. -



It is proved beyond doubt, that who so ever predestined by the Divine Will, will be after Him and will be hatched under His Divine wings into a free bird of Love Divine to fly and soar high into the skies of His eternal and Blissful home, direct like a swan. It will be for others to shun the rays of the Sun like an owl which always tries it luck in shrowds of darkness, until such time the divine takes pity and saves such a one too, out of His Compassionate Love. Hence it may not be possible for all to respond to the Divine call All the same, when the Avatar’s manifestation will be at its zenith by Divine ordinance, every particle in creation is bound to receive the help and the spiritual push to the extent one deserves and Meher Baba is no exception to such mass miracle; for, it is inherent in the advent of Avatarhood itself. -

The attention of our esteemed readers and their supremt indulgence must have been tested by now and so we wish to con clude and sum up our explanation, as to why Meher Baba has to be accepted by us, not only as our redeemer from the clut ches of Maya, but also as the Divine Beloved with whom we knowingly or unknowingly aspire for union and why this apparent form of the formless Divine shall have to be loved in the way it ought to be loved. It is also to be remembered that through His help and graceful blessings alone one could do so and that His blissful blessing is available for us knock ing at the doors of our innermost hearts, where He eternally dwells. May it be our good fortune to take this rare opportue nity and bt blessed to have the divine experience of Self Realization and Supreme “Anand” by having His name and form enthroned in our hearts, keeping Him as our constan companion in our lives, in thought, word and deed and leav ing all else to Him; for, He alone knows as to when and how to bless us and to bestow on us His Divine Grace in the way in which we deserve most. May Beloved Baba, the Avatar of the age, be pleased to bless us all with His Divine love and may we strive as ever to hold fast unto His “daaman” to the last breath of our lives and also strive our utmost to deserve His Grace. -

Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai!


Latest News from Meherazad Beloved Baba gives Darshan to His Eastern lovers from May 1st to 15th in 1965 at Poona and to His Western lovers during last week of December of 1965 at Bombay. As a rule I like to reserve the best of anything for the last, including meals, when the spinach is gobbled first and the favourite dish left to be savoured at the end. But when it comes to giving ou good news, 1 have neither the right nor the patience to hold it back till the end of the letter. So here I go Beloved Baba has announced

that (health permitting) 1965: TO HIS EASTERN





From 1st to 15th May 1965, while Baba is in Poona, He will be available for darshan to His Eastern lovers only, for not more than two hours every day. On May lst, Baba will give darshan at the Avatar Meher Baba POONA Centre, and there after (till 15th May) at Guruprasad His lovers in the East (India, Pakistan & TraIl) who wish to and can afford to avail ti emselves of this opportunity, may see Him in Poona during the fifteen days of May permitted by Him, within the. time limit of two hours as will be fixed by Him NOTE

Although all that is stated above clearly indicates beloved Baba’s wish to give His ‘darshan’ to His lovers in 1965, please remember that it is subject to the condition of His health. Final confirmation of it will reach you through a circular next year.


To His lovers in the West. Beloved Baba will be available for seven days during the end of December 1965, in BOMBAY. This sahavas of seven days in Bombay at the end of December, 1965, will be reserved ONLY for His Western lovers from over seas (U. S. A., U. K., Europe, Australia, Newzealand, Israel, Africa, etc.,)-.i. e. those who wish to and can afford to come. One of the apparent factors for Baba selecting Bombay for the congregation of His Western lovers is the lack of suitable accommodation for their stay in Poona, now that Napier Hotel is taken over by the military authorities, Poona Hotel sold to some private concern for residential purpose, and another hotel rumoured to follow the same fate. Also, very few of His dear ones from the West would be able to withstand the heat of Poona or Bombay in May. However, important as these factors are, to us they seem incidental to Baba’s own reasons for wishing to hold the 1965 Western sahavas in Bombay. Baba wishes all those who will come, the Easterners coming to Peona in May as well as the Westerners coming to Bombay in December, 1965, to know and to keep in mind that none should seek or expect from Him any spiritual discourse or private interview. Come only with the thought of being in His presence when He allows, being happy in seeking His pleasure, binding yourself to His wishes, so that He is free to give from the silence of His compassion what He wants you to receive. Going through the notes in Bal Natu’s diary of the 1960 ‘darshan’ in Poona, one sees how Baba has always been stress_ log this. Here is an instance Bal records in his diary: When someone from a group of His lovers seated before Him asked Baba’s clarification on a spiritual point that puzzled him, Baba said “When love draws you to me, don’t ask for anything. When you are in my presence, be a silent recipient. Ask and you lose. Love has no questions and hence expects no answers. Love itself is the answer to all questions. The more you love me, the less you question. Love is eager to respond to the (continued on page 8!) 8

MEHERAZAD NEWS ( From one of the Mandali) 20th August 1964 The calendar reminds me that it is time for another news letter, and it seems incredible that eight weeks have gone by since the last one. Although we frequently remark, “how time flies!”, Wa never fail to be astonished at the amount of time that has flown by, particularly when such reminders as un-attended letters, anniversaries, and birthdays come round. Despite the quiet summer we spent in Poona this year, we felt we had hardly settled down at Guruprasad before we were packing again for Meherazad. Perhaps this ‘speeding’ of time felt universally today, is a reflection of the quickening of the spiritual awakening aaiting mankind in this great Avataric age. Beloved Baba left for Meherazad on 1st July, and His lovers in Poona were over-joyed to know that they could gather at the Bund Gardens for the usual farewell. Moreover, as many of them no doubt had prayed, the weather took a hand in making an improvement on this unexpected blessing. The monsoon broke early, and for a week before our departure it kept raining day & night, so that the idea of stopping at the Bund was dropped, and at daybreak of July 1st, the members of His big Poona family had assembled in Guruprasad for their Beloved’s darshan, before He left. To those of us who sat in the car with 9

tary meeting Baba, the most touching glimpse of this momen out of Guru way & parting was, when the car was wending its His darshan of share prasad grounds. After having their hurried g in a line standin in the Mandali’s hail, men & women were Baba’s car as and gate; along the driveway upto and beyond the d to forwar surged slowly passed by them, each one in turn Baba”, “My , “Baba” quickly touch or kiss His hand, crying out was promp “Meher Baba”, “My Father”, as the heart of each , smiling window the by ted to exclaim. Baba, who was sitting it easier make to further His Love on them, put His hand out fleeting This Him. s toward out for the eager hands reaching love, with aglow equally all panorama of faces, dark & fair, and gate the round corner the flashed past us till we turned Poona. remained with us long after we left we Baba looked so tired during and after the journey, that the nd couldn’t help wondering how His health would withsta in a even And . activity ated anticip r’s strain of next summe li writes letter of recent date, one of the Meherazad manda mes someti ; r-cock weathe the like is “Beloved Baba’s health down pulled very a to times other at pointing to radiant health, suddenly condition. It is like the sun in a clear sky becoming ‘health His of ion indicat If the . over-shadowed by clouds the how see cannot I t, presen is at it weather’ continues as possi made be can r summe next darshan programmes in Poona t us for ble! But please do not let this prompt you to reques lar particu in g nothin is there for further health news of Baba, t presen His of picture l genera a you to report I am really giving divine mood -

nagar As we crossed the boundary from Poona into Abmed of exion District, the countryside took on the anaemic compl found rain-starved earth, and I’m sure even a goat could not have were a green blade of grass in all that miles of space. We again, looking forward to breathing the air of Meherazad once on our but we hadn’t bargained for the quantity that greeted us y all home-coming! There was a giant wind blowing fiercel round the house, roaring through the trees and turning the garden into an agitated mob of leaves. For days it was all wind and no rain. It was exasperating to watch the succulent rain


clouds race across the skies continually, their oniy answer to our plea being a growl of thunder. Then one afternoon, the clouds broke down, and it poured so profusely that within half an hour Meherazad was looking like a duck pond. With Beloved Baba, we watched from the window of His room the saturated fields, and the nullahs overflowing with the torrent of water rushing down them. But if Meherazad has had a good rainfall so far this year, Meherabad (only a few miles away) has had no more than few skimpy showers that helps the present crop but can do nothing to bring water to the wells dried up from years of drought. As Padri so aptly described it in his report from Meherabad, these sprinkles have served as oxygen to the dying earth, but not as the blood transfusion it needs to recover. For the 39th anniversary of His silence, Beloved Baba’s Message was No message about Love and Truth can draw the seeker even nearer to the real experience of them; but the breaking of My silence will shatter the seeker’s hard crust of ignorance and reveal to him their true meaning. The united observance of the 10th July, by His lovers round the world, is not so much a drop-offering to the Ocean of His silence, as the receiving of His blessing that we might hear His silence. Baba once said: “Hear me while Tam silent, for when I break my silence there will be nothing left for you to hear.” The Avatar Meher Baba Centres everywhere honoured the occasion with celebrations on different days and in different ways, with the common aim of making it one more channel for the flowing of His Love to others. While working to spread His Message to the people, those who love Baba are bound to come up against questiQns regarding the breaking of His silence and His repeated postponement of it; and the replies must surely be as varied as there are ways of trying to understand it. But “God cannot be understood, He can only be loved”, as Baba has told us; whereas Kabir has said, “There may be thousands of pundits and crores of intellectuals, but God’s business God alone knows”. Baba alone knows the reason for His setting & declaring a time for the breaking of His silence and then just 11

But not doing it, at least in the sense we understand it to mean. dous tremen the reason is undoubtedly there, serving in His se, spiritual work, for when the Avatar is the Pivot of the univer who Those His every action must have universal significance. time have known or been with Baba for many years, have His g of breakin & again been through the postponemnt of the It it. of silence, and I recall with delight my first experience I came when and ; was as far back as 1931, when I was at school i to know that Baba intended to break His silence soon, I frant holi school my cally wrote to Him, begging Him to put it off till t. days began, so that I could he with Him at the great momen He would that ed In His reply, darling Baba solemnly promis holidays! put it off, till the time I could be with Him during my In conclusion, I feel, I must tell you of this year’s slip-ofd the-tongue (among the “silencers” on 10th July) that amuse bet place took It most. folk the Beloved and the Meherazad observing ween two members of a family in Poona, who were looking other, The silence. One said something to the other. talk!” to ed aghast, said aloud: “But you are not suppos “We are filled with wonder at the miracles of Baba’s speaking for all Love.” So writes our Jane from New York, message of Baba’s d the dear ones who help to spread Belove Fair. She ’s World Love & Truth from His little corner at the says in her report to Adi mind about “The most vital thing standing out in one’s , powerful loving , Baba’s beautiful space is the strong, radiant one enters as soon Presence that is felt by all who serve. As gly, one strikin so lit the circular space, all white and soft and d’s pre Belove the begins to feel the warmth and sweetness of .’’ always you with sence. He tells us: “I am with you; I am living a e becom it to We do not always believe this or allow such a reality that we it makes He corner little truth; in Baba’s ever-present omniscient are newly aware of the miracle of His hearts are meant to be Self. As dear Mani wrote, ‘Those whose is. How can one account touched will be touched.’ And so it (printed folder) with for the girls who go by, take the Message back again saying: “we a smile, pass on and in two seconds are man who drives the would like to know more!” Or the young 12

little Greyhound car that takes people round the Fair, who found himself upstairs standing in Baba’s space, asking so many questions, taking happily the things on the desk that tell of Baba’s Love; and when we asked him how he came to the building this day, said in wide-eyed amazement, ‘Oh, my machine stopped dead right in front of your building!’ Or the two children who walked boldly right into the little corner, which few do at first, took the ‘Seven Realities’ and beaming with joy bounced out again! Or the man interested in Theosophy, who bought a copy of “God Speaks” and left, further along his goal. One soul comes fbrward gratefully, almost with hands out, and leaves with shining eyes for the gift of Love received; while another will pass, only a few feet away, and not look at all! How can one account for all those who come, who linger, who sometimes hardly know how they came—Only one answer can be given. There is never a coincidence or accident or fluke; it is all a part of Baba’s exquisite planning. How fascinating to watch and know with confident faith that those whom He will send will come; those He wishes to stay will stay; those who will go further, He will help them to do so. We need only to be there as His servants and sentinels. Each passing day proves from moment to moment the truth of this.” The revelation of Baba’s Love as witnessed by the volun teers through many individual instances at His corner in the World’s Fair, has come to us through letters; and we hope all will be able to share it through the Baba-magazines later on. For statistical information, I quote here another passage from Jane’s report: “We had a directive from the firm in charge of public rela tions stating that the gate at the building (‘American Interiors’ which holds the Baba-space) has clocked 438,000 admissions up to July 15th. Of this number, we judge that at least half have made their way to His little corner on the third floor since opening.” This is indeed a substantial number by any standard, even though it might not seem so much, when compared to the mil ling crowds swarming the other pavillions that present free exhibits of scientific wonders, religion and art, and where 13

amusement and entertainment is afforded. But then one won ders, is the result of any Baba-work to be measured in the scale of mathematics? Is actual numbers to be proof of the amount of struggle & work put into carrying out any project in His cause? For the Beloved, the only yardstick that can measure our efforts is our love for Him. And, as dear Kitty (Davy) says, ‘Baba shows His Love for us in allowing us to work in some way, with the ability we have.’ Moreover, in allowing us to work, Baba works in His own way, not only through us but within us; for if we are a means for the doing of His work, the work is often His means for the undoing of our ego. While the people are given His message of Love & Truth, His lovers are given the opportunity to live His msssage by developing more tolerance, charity, understanding and love for those with whom we are harnessed in the labour of love. And if with every step we take and every stumble we make, some of our ego is worn down we should rejoice, for then His work is really being done. -

Now that the time has come, when Baba wishes us to let as many as possible know of Him and His ministry on earth, it is strange to look back on the early years of His work, when 1-le travelled incognito and the disciples travelling with Him were not allowed to reveal His identity under any circumstances. This concealment of His name was not always so simple or un eventful as might be thought. It has given rise to all sorts of situations during those incredible journeys that Baba undertook with a few of His mandali in search of ‘masts’ (the God-intoxi cated souls) all over India, Pakistan & Ceylon situations that were humorous, ironical, embarrassing, and exasperating. I heard Eruch relating some of them to Pukar this summer at Guruprasad, experiences of Baba’s “leela” (divine play) as different from “miracles”; and most fascinating was the ironi cal one, where a complete stranger severely rebuked the mandali for not knowing Meber Baba! But let me recount it from the beginning. -

It was in 1942, during the second world war. Baba was travelling with 3 of His mandali in one of the third-class com partments of a train so packed with humanity, that even the door steps were crowded with people hanging on to the handle 14

ate was bars; while the only means of entry left to the desper their after tired were men His & through the windows. Baba moda accom ed cramm this even and strenuous hunt for masts, After tion secured in the train meant some relaxation for then-i. g flowin white a with , medan Moham old a station or two, an , rtment compa their of window a to beard, was seen to rush d -packe sardine the g beggin boy, old holding aloft a 5 year passen passengers to take him in. With voluble protests, the tely absolu was it saying away, boy gers kept pushing the old the signal, starting its d whistle train impossible, and as the child the take sake God’s “For g shoutin man got desperate, ne and take in!” At this, Baba ordered the mandali to interve sengers, co-pas their with ents argum loud t the boy inside. Amids just in was man old the and inside; child the mandali pulled the started. time to run off to some perch next door, as the train well was all if see to stop every at ng However, he kept returni c patheti his Seeing Baba. beside sitting with the boy, who was an affinity anxiety, and (as Eruch said) Baba has always had the old get also to li manda the told for bearded old men, Baba s, of protest storm a after and work, to man in! The mandali set h in throug hauled was man old the ces, arguments and assuran next to offered space the into f himsel ed the window he squeez ised” in Baba and seated the child on his lap. Baba was “disgu . glasses dark and type), iri (Kashm ordinary clothes, fur hat -

li In the course of conversation with the old man, the manda of one for s famou town (a ga learned that he was from Gulbar asked, if the biggest shrines, of a Perfect Master, in India) and of men search in were they as outs, he knew of any masts thereab asked ly shrewd man the absorbed in love for God. In reply, Ahmed from were where they came from, and learning they nagar, he expressed great astonishment that they should go in search of saintly persons. He asked if they had heard of Meher Baba, and when the mandali casually admitted they had, he laughed derisively at them and said that being Zoroastrains and living in Ahmednagar, they should be ashamed to go in search of men absorbed in love of God, when there was One in their own community and town, who could give them God Himself! What an irony of fate it was, he said, that they who lived in


Ahmednagar did not care to visit Meher Baba; while he being in Gulbarga had journeyed twice to visit Him at Meherabad and could not see Him once because Meher Baba was away to a foreign country, and once because He was in seclusion. “But”, he added, “I am determined to pay my respects to Him before I die, and I will go to Meherabad with my whole family.” When the train stopped at Gulbarga, the old Mohammedan thanked the gracious passenger by his side for having taken such pains to accommodate him & his boy, and got down. -

Shortly after, Baba told Eruch to run after the old man and present him with Baba’s picture (which was in a copy of the ‘Meher Baba Journal’ that Eruch had with him), reveal to him Who his companion in the train was, tell him that Meher Baba blessed him & his family and that now there was no need for him to visit Meherabad. Eruch caught the old man just outside the station getting into a tonga (a two-wheeled horse carriage), and delivered the picture and message. When the old man learned of Baba’s identity, he exploded with anger at Eruch, roundly abusing him for having kept it a secret during all those hours when he had been sitting right next to Baba not failing to include the entire “younger generation” in his abuse! As Eruch ran back to catch his train, the old man ran after him for all he was worth, reaching Baba’s compartment just as the train was moving out of the station. Baba was ready at the window, wearing a happy smile, without hat or glasses, and leaning out He placed His hand on the old man’s head in blessing -

To you each dear one of His family, Beloved Baba sends His Love.



MEMOIRS OF MEHERBABA By Jal S. Irani (Baba’s brother) Truth is stranger than fiction, as exemplified by some mys terious occurrences, which have taken place when Beloved Baba was himself in the company of His disciples. Some of them have been frankly and trudy stated below: It was in 1920, that our Beloved Baba with His ardent disciples journeyed from Poona to Bombay on foot. Carrying a few bags and baggages over our shoulders, we walked about ten miles a day, sometimes resting under the trees. At times we walked under an azure blue sky by the light of the silvery moon. Baba bade us to partake of one frugal meal a day,”Rice & Dal”, which used to be tastefully prepared by Gustadji, a staunch and true lover of Baba. Although Baba partook very little food andvater, He walked so briskly that we were unable to keep pace with him. After nearly two weeks our journey ended at Dadar, a fast growing beautiful suburb of Bombay. Here we put down our belongings, washed ourselves, and rested, as we w tired, in “Manzil-e-Meem”, a one storeyed bunglow with spacious compound. Two of us shared a simple partitioned room on the ground floor and Beloved Baba occupied the first floor, which was a single big room. .


After a short rest, we were called by Baba in the Hall and instructed to obey Him implicitly, and carry out all His instruc tions, however strict they may be, and to remain with Him till the very end. A few of us by Baba’s order drew some blood with a sharp blade from the tip of the thumb and pressed it on His palm; took a vow to obey and to stay with Him till the end of our lives. 1, for one, will never forget those wonderful days, when Baba used to instruct us in His resonate and charming voice. He was amongst us, like a shining Sun, bright and full of radiant love. And how fortunate we considered ourselves when Baba would “scold” us or even “slap” us for reasons of His own; but we knew He was blessing us. Alasl among the original “band” of ardent disciples, some are no more, as they have left for their heavenly homes. How implicitly we obeyed Beloved Baba and carried out His wishes I am one of the few left out of that devoted and gallant “band”. I will try to be very frank and explain some incidents that happened during my long association with our Beloved Baba. On one occasion, when we all assembled together in the Hall of ‘Manzil-e-Meem’, Baba came down the stairs and to our astonishment suddenly lifted Arjun master, who was a wrestler and a true Baba-lover. Arjun master himself seemed amazed at Baba’ divine strength, and when he recovered from his daze, he realized that Beloved Baba knew that he had broken some order. Arjun confessed his guilt and begged for His forgiveness. Baba embraced and forgave him, and told us all to be happy, but to never forget our solemn promise to obey all His instructions. ‘We returned to our rooms still dazed by the divine strength of Beloved Baba in lifting Arjun master so easily. The sins and sufferings of the world taken over by Beloved Baba on Himself, thus amazed us of His being in the human body and manifesting the power of God. On another occasion, Baba called us in the Hall where He was sitting alone. He ordered us to sit around Him in a circle and try our strength to push Him from where He was sitting. To us (His lovers), it was a herculean task and the resulting is

exertion left us all panting; but Baba seemed as fresh as ever. We retired to our rooms to offer thanks once again for obliging us to Witness His “divine” strength. There is another incident which will always remain fresh in my unfading memory. One morning, Beloved Baba, Rustomji (Adi K. Irani’s brother), Gustadji, F. Dadachanji and myself were on our way to Bombay from Nasik. Rustom was driving the car and Baba was sitting beside him. Gustadji, F. Dada chanji and myself were in the rear seat. As the car approached a high hill midway enroute, the brakes of the car, for no account able reason, suddenly failed. Rustom lost control and the car began to roll back. As there was no protecting embankment, we all, with the exception of Beloved Baba, were scared at the thought of the ghastly tragedy awaiting us imagining the car plunging to the bottom of the hill. I and another member of the party, jumped out of the moving car, with the result I faint ed on touching the ground. On recovering consciousness, ny first thought was about our Beloved Baba in the car, but to my pro found joy, I saw that the car had miraculously came to a stand still at the edge of the road. Beloved Baba and the others were standing nearby and Rustomji was crying like a child, embrac ing Baba and thanking Him profusely for saving us. Rustom later explained that as the car started rolling backwards rapidly, he uttered Beloved Baba’s name loudly and constantly. Imme diately Baba laid His “hand” on the wheel, and the car stopped at the very edge of the road. His “divine” love had averted the ghastly tragedy and perhaps death for some of us. Once Dr. Abdul Ghani, a classmate friend of Beloved Baba since childhood (now deceased) requested Baba to allow him to accompany Baba on a tour to Bombay just to have Be loved Baba’s company. Baha declined at first but after repeat ed requests, He agreed. However Baba warned him that the train would net reach Bombay and it would return from Kalyan Station, some seventy miles from Poona. Dr. Ghani treated this warning very lightly. When the train reached Kalyan the next day, it made a halt fer about half an hour and then procee. ded back to Poona. It was announced by the Station Master that due to heavy rains, the line was completely under water and the train could not proceed further, and so it was sent back to Poona. -


Dr. Ghani remembered Baba’s warning. This had such a profound effect that tears of joy rolled down from his eyes, and amazement gripped him like a magnet. Dr. Ghani stayed with Beloved Baba till the end of his life. He implicitly obeyed and loved Beloved Baba and for his intelligence and company, he was a sort of a joy to Baba Himself. 1 always remember the love and devotion and implicit faith, Baba’s own parents and brother Jamshed had for Him. And now we, His living brothers and sisters in our unique love for Him, are always eager to spread His message of Peace, Love and Truth till the end of our lives Amen. -

Again in 1921, Beloved Baba was touring in Gujarat on foot with some ardent disciples. When He reached Navsari, Baba entered for the first time the house of Sorabji Desai, a great lover of Beloved Baba. The family was overjoyed on Baba’s coming to their house. Sorabji had a widowed sister, who was crippled and bed-ridden for twentyflve years. She had consulted numerous doctors and tried various treatments, but all failed. When she heard about Baba’s arrival, she was over joyed, and to the surprise of all, she arose from her bed and seemed cured. At that moment Baba was sitting in the hail, giving darshan to the family. She entered the hail walking to our amazement and begged Beloved Baba for His blessings. Baba ordered her to repeat His name constantly. To this date the family pray Beloved Baba for His grace. Tn 1959, my brother Behram’s daughter Gulnar was to be married in Bombay. All preparations for the wedding were completed. But exactly twelve days before the wedding day, my brother Behram took seriously ill with agonizing pains in the stomach, due to ulcer. He was rushed to the hospital. Being in a critical condition, he underwent an emergency operation for his duodenal ulcer. His condition was grave. As the doctor informed us that it would he impossible for Behrani to attend his daughter’s wedding. We sent cables to Beloved Baba. Baba wired : “Go ahead with wedding preparations. (Stop.) Tell Behram not to worry. (Stop.) I am with him.” Baba also stated that the marriage would not be postponed. He ordered Behram to repeat His name constantly. Though critically ill he was; 20

he constantly repeated Beloved Baba’s name, and to the asto nishment of everybody concerned, the patient (Behram) not only recovered, but was able to attend his daughter’s wedding too. Those who have sincere and implicit faith in Him and always take His name, their prayers of love are always heard by our Beloved Baba. Sometime ago, a relative of mine residing on the fourth floor of a house in Bombay, one day saw clouds of smoke and fire coming from the kitchen. They suspected the gas cylinder to burst. As escape was not considered possible, he began repeating Baba’s name loudly for His help at this moment of distress. Seeing him repeating Baba’s name loudly, all the mem bers of the family also prayed for Baba’s help, saying, “Beloved Baba, save us”. Soon the fire extinguished. While we were at Manzil-e-Meem, Kashinath, a washerman and a devotee of Beloved Baba, was allotted the work of washing our cloths. One morning Baha called us all in the ball and told us that a certain order was broken by a particular per-. son. We wondered as to who the guilty one was. Then Baba suddenly looked at the washerman who was present at that moment and told him that he was guilty. The man kneeled down and wept like a child confessing his guilt and begging Baba’s forgiveness. I don’t remember if Baba forgave him, but we came to know that poor Kashinath was inflicted with leprosy. Later he came again to Beloved Baba to seek His mercy. Now I know that he is no more in this world. -

On a very auspicious day, many villagers from the surroun ding villages had come to pay homage and take darshan of our Beloved Baba, whose fame and teachings had already spread far and wide. On this occasion they were also to partake of the simp le food, rice and dal, which was prepared only for a certain num ber of people. But the number of persons present was beyond our expectation. As they sat to partake the meal, it was rather confusing to think that supply of food would run far short, before all were served. Realizing this predicament, we turned to Beloved Baba to explain the situation. So Baba Himself started distributing dat 21

and rice with His own hands from the big chatties, in which it was being cooked. And to the utter surprise of all, not only did all have a hearty meal but there was sufficient food left over. d Thus there was no doubt left that this was due to Belove Baba’s grace and love. On another occasion, some of the ardent disciples of Beloved Baba, who were coming to see Him at Meherabad, were suddenly caught in heavy rains, while trying to cross a stream midway on the road leading to Meherabad. Due to es heavy rains the stream was overflowing. But the ardent discipl began and stream this of water the of depth underestimated the to cross it. The rough current and depth of the water, almost actually carried them away. Seeing no hope of rescue, they started shouting Baba’s name for His help, and to their great surprise they were able to land on the ground safely with tears y csf joy running through their eyes. For Baba’s grace, they heartil thanked Him. -

Here is another incident. There was one person by name Vibhuti, who was an ardent disciple of Beloved Baba and to d whom Baba had allotted certain duties at Nasik. As Belove broken had ti That Vibhu found ing, Baba knows and sees everyth the order given by Him. When questioned by Baba as to why for he broke the order, he confessed his guilt and begged for with d inflicte was he ards afterw giveness and mercy. Shortly leprosy. After some days Baba ordered him that he should His wander from village to village for a year and also spread g. beggin by only love and message, taking food But this time Vibhuti fully realizing his previous guilt carried out Baba’s orders faithfully and returned to Meherabad after a year CURED. Seeing this, Baba happily embraced him. We were all astonished and dazed to see him again in his former health. When I remember those happy days with Beloved Baba, I feel how fortunate we were! At that time there was no place in our hearts for jealousy, slander or back-biting, because we knew we were staying with God Himself. We carried out His orders strictly. His wish was our wish. His words were our joy. How I remember those happy days in His company because -


at that time Baba was speaking and personally giving orders, instructions and discourses but when He voluntarily undertook “MOUN” (SILENCE) everything seemed changed and rather con flusing to us, because at first it was difficult for us to follow the alphabetic board through which He conveyed what He wan ted to say. So one morning, Beloved Baba called us (His brothers) and “warned” that under no circumstances should we forsake Him, because we were His own blood brothers and “water of the same spring”. We were surprised because Baba KNOWS that even if the whole World turned against Him, we his brothers would never even think of it. -

We will place Him in our hearts our Beloved Baba, “the Amen. Avatar of the age”, till the end. J A I B A B Al -


The Spiritual Significance of Baba’s suffering (Bro. Shri Adi. K. Irani’s clarification) In reply to a letter from Shri N, Bhirnasankararn, Editor, “Divyajnana Deepika”, Hyderabad, Brother Shri Adi K. Irani, writes: “As you may be aware, though revered Baba is in seclu sion, 1 had an occasion to have your letter brought to His notice. Baba was pleased to hear its contents and I want to assure you that although His physical frame has become weak and frail, there is no reason to become alarmed; for, all things personally connected with Him have a spiritual signilicance for a universal purpose. In spite of it all, He lovingly allows His close ones to attend on Him medically and they undoubetdly take loving care of his diet and physical need to the best of their effort.—” “I am really gratified to know that you are doing your bit... Whatever you do in this direction is service in the Divine Cause which Baba personifies. Whosoever is lucky enough to do what he can to further God’s work with a rock-like faith and love for Him, comes closer to Him. I wish you all joy and success in your labour towards this end”. 23

YOU BABA By Dana Field, U. S. A. Ihroughout the ages You are theOne Whom the Divine Masters have known, Who the prophets have heard and seen, Of whose glory the saints speak, Of whom yogis try to get a glimpse, About whom theologians ponder, On whom the bibles of the world dwell, Whom ordmary fear and,worship, About whom childrefl inquire and wonder, Whom seekers of Truth try to understand, Whom lovers of God praise and long for, Now all the world can rejoice; He is here! He is here! He is here! *

LECOMING DUST The Pearl of Realization, Where shall one seek it Not on the earth’s surface, Not in the ocean’s depth, Not in the gross world, Not in the subtle heavens. The Pearl of Realization, Is not a natural pearl, Nor is it a cultural pearl, Much less an imitation pearl. Where then can one find This Pearl of Truth Divine Baba has given us the clue In the dust, at the Master’s feet.



THE DIVINE LEELA OF BELOVED AVATAR MEHER BABA By Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, M.A., Ph. D. (London) After my recent retirement, my retrospect takes me back to the most critical year of my life 1932, when I was a Research student of Philosophy for my doctorate, in the University of London. My soul was struggling for Light I was not quite happy with book—knowledge. Nor was I happy with myself, surrounded as I was with spiritual darkness, that seemed im penetrable. There seemed only one possible source of LightAvatar Meher Baba, who was hailed by London papers as ‘The Meesiah’. Baba’s photo in the “Daily Herald”, had quietly passed on to me an assurance, which was well worth trying. -

The mysterious destiny seemed to pursue me. When I was in the Lake Districts, I again confronted, in another paper, another group-photo, of which Baba was the central figure. This time I felt an inexplicable but irresistible inner call to contact l3aba. So, all further tour was summarily cancelled and I rushed back to London. Baba’s where-abouts were not available even from the paper, which released the photo. Baba had scrupulously avoided publicity. But I managed to get my letter forwarded to Him through this paper. Baba replied that He would see me in His next visit to England and left for U.S.A. 25




However, I felt inwardly drawn to Him. In one of the vacations, I went to a quiet place for deeper search of the Truth. The goal of life had to be established. I wanted to escape from myself. I read some Baba-Literature and found it interesting. But I was critical and full of irresistances. How ever, the Light HAD to come; and it did come, as a sudden and unexpected surprise. Truth is stranger than fiction. That unforgettable night is still fresh in my mind. 29th of July 1932, had just started. Now practically one third yester only ed happen it is, if it as But on century has rolled day. I was fast asleep in my bed. I do not know how it all happened; but it did happen. The domain of unconsciousness, a in which [ was merged in deep sleep, came toa sudden termin bdy r anothe I in me. was tion; and a new vista opened itself to been and in another world, different from the gross. I had ve effecti new and a body separated from my gross physical c psychi higher in d the sensitivity and receptivity was release of nment enviro mental vehicle, made of light and colour. The Baba that plane was charged with the expectation that Meher usly contac previo had 1 not would be shortly coming there. As ted Baba, my eagerness to meet him was great. d I did not have to wait for long for that moment of Blesse inner ness, when the Divine Beloved first contacted me on this steady With e way. omabl unfath owit His in psychic plane, stood steps, Avatar Meher Baba came by my right side and right infront of me. During the period of waiting, I had been wondering how Him I should best receive the Great One. Should I just greet the in ated habitu with a ‘Good Morning’, to which I had been in the ary custom West or should I bow down at His feet, as is come had Baba Meher , East? Before I had been able to decide Him! He in His resplendent body. And I was FACE TO FACE with mean and sweet itely exquis stood infront of me and through the me. INTO looked ingful eyes of His effulgent body, He silently Here was before me the Incarnation Divinity, unchallen in geable in the clear expressiveness of the mental form, steady ion. perfect its outline. I did not have to infer Baba’s divine 26

I SAW Him as personification of perfection in a happy blending of light and colour. As I looked at Him,l just lost myself in adoration forgetting myself as well as the problem of the manner of greeting, which had, only short-while ago, agitated my mind. But the problem solyed itself spontaneously. From my body of light and colour, there sprang up a beautiful and rippling rosy cloud of devotion. I could SEE my devotion actually reaching out towards Beloved Baba from my heart. Obviously there was no need for formal greetings or words or ritualistic expressions, that are charac teristic of the social exchanges in the gross world. The offering of devotion was free from any sense of deliberate act. It was spontanepus. It happened; and I could see it happening. And just for a split-second I was oblivious of myself and my environ ment, while I was enveloped in my own feeling of rising devo lion. But when the expression of the heart had completed itself, my mind and my vibrant psychic body got settled down, with the result that I could again discern with full clarity the resplendent and effulgent being of the Beloved Avatar infront of me. My adoration had found its expression, not in words, but in light colour vibrations. And my commun ion with the Beloved was an accomplished fact. -


Then for the first time, in His exquisitely sweet voice of the inner plane, Avatar Meher Baba spoke to me in clear un mistakable words, “You are closely connected with me. You are a good man.” There was in me a clear hesitancy in accep ting this comment; but then Baba again asked, “Are you not?” And my response was a prayer. I mentally prayed to the Beloved in all earnestness, “Good or bad, please take me up into you!” No one had taught this form of prayer to me. With great ardour, it just issued out of my heart spontaneously. And the response of the Beloved Master was quick. From the inexpressible spiritual beauty of Baba’s radiant bodily presence on that inner plane, there poured out on me, in deep sky-blue colour-vibrations, His divine Love and Blessings, enveloping and engulfing my entire being. What a great Peace, speech-surpassing! What ineffable ecstasy of deep fulfilment! It was like bathing in cool clear moon-light. And then, with 27

ess, otit any break or diminution of the intensity of my awaren joined and world gross the to rred transfe slowly I found myself to my usual physical gross body, lying in bed. It was ptst midnight. I looked into my watch, which h showed 1-5 a. m. 29th July of 1932, had just started. Thoug Beloved Avatar lvteher Baba was at this time miles away, He the traversed the oceans and the skies and contacted me in inner world to bestow on me His most precious blessings. I was far more intensel3 aware on that inner plane than is ever possi ble on the gross plane. It was indeed Beloved Baba’s Grace. in the God revealed Himself in His divine Glory and Splendour, shadow form of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. There was not a lapse of doubt. There is not a shadow of doubt even after the is that fact a ty, certain eternal an is It years. wo of thirty-t divine indelible from the annals of cosmic history. Indeed the Leela of the Beloved is beyond intellect

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ON THE WAY By Dana Field, U. S. A. It is sheer madness to be proud, Stubborn and disobedient, After meeting you, Beloved. But it is too big an event For the mind to grasp, Except after years of Thy Grace. But now my ego has been cornered By repentance, obedience, Gratitude and love of Thee, And is getting its just dues. My coarsened feelings and mind, Attached through passion To the material world, Failed to appreciate Thy Love And the values of spirituality. But now contemplation on Thee Has purified my l’eart and thoughts. How else can one find Thee, Beloved, But by following the thread of Thy Love? Still the ego claims to be I Who am to Baba faithfully sworn, But it shall unfailingly die When Baba’s Love in me is born. Why identify with self And become a prisoner of fate, When freedom is so near to hand In identity with my soul


Maya had turned my life Into an insignificant heap of ashes; Chasing after illusory pleasure, Distinction and powers, I had become ensnared in Maya, But now with the lantern of Thy Word And the staff of Thy Blessing I tread thL homeward Path. In surrendering wholly to Thee, What little I may possess, How can I be a loser ‘: While Thyself art mine? The river of ihy Lose Suffuses the lovers’ hearts; It breaks out in ecstatic song From the mouths of Thy lovers. I came to Thee as a wreck of a man, But you remarked, “Fine Man!” Mentally and emotionally immature Not to say spiritually ignorant Neurotic, frustrated and strange As I was when I came to Thee, You saw me as I ought to have been And as your magic touch would make me. I am grateful. I am grateful. —‘

You have descended to this earth As Meher Baba, the Compassionate, To awaken all mankind From its homeostasis in the gross. For man remains quiescent Till prodded in his consciousness By the love of the living God-Man.




By Dr. G. S. N. Moorthy, M.A., Ph.D. To be at the Sacred Feet of our Silent Master, is to be at the Source of Peace. To come in contact with such a Lord of Mercy is to cut-short the long distance of God-Realisation and to close the current chapter of worries; and to be admitted into the Divine Folds of His Embrace, is to receive the direct Grace of God.



Such is the wonderous Omni-potency of Avatar Meher Baba, the very Lord Incarnate of Love, who, despite innumerable sufferings that He has taken upon Himself, for the sake of humanity, to redeem the modern woild, spiritually ‘awakens’ the sleeping souls on the globe, by silently switching on the Light of God, with frequent flashes of lightening smiles, break ing through the clouds of calamity, and thus dispelling the dark ness of ignorance from the minds of one and all. He inspires courage and confidence, in the heart of a seeker of self-realisa tion, by His most powerful silence, which is ever-Eloquent. Still more marvellous is His quite unparalleled Instance of Incarnation of the Ancient One, unprecedented in the annals of human history as the matchless manner of meeting the spirit ual need of the day by His own distinguished ‘way’ & ‘say’ is highly characterised by the gestures of God, the vibrational range of which reaches the Inmost Realm of heart, where one is made ‘aware’ of the Supreme Fact, by knowing which, all 31

the mysteries of ‘Life and Death’ are unlocked. Under the eternal sun-shine of His Grace, one can easily locale the Destiny of destinies. The Sweet Fragrance of His Love makes one feel His immediate Presence. Baba holds the Crown of happiness in His hands and invites all the lovers of God to wear it and asks them to be cheerful. Never before did we come across such a Grand Figure of Living Importance, siniul at CORONATION & CRUCIFIXION’ taneously depicting both Him reflects one stretch. How queer is the fact that God self, in the Universal Mirror, as Baba, at all levels and in all planes of consciousness, at one and the same time ‘

Here is a unique example of our Silent Master, who is brea thlessly busy in His Avataric work from morn till night. As the rising sun appears on the Eastern horizon, so does, the Lord of love, Meher Baba, appears before His lovers and devotees, who come for His Darshan from even far off corners of the conti nents, at 7 in the morning, giving embrace to each onç of them, issuing instructions while attending correspondence and above all, internally carrying on His Real Avataric Mission. Out of His infinite Mercy, He is pleased to probe into the minutest details of daily activities of all those who come to find solace in the Master’s Silence, and without omitting the smallest things of life, Baba makes them all feel ‘at home’ with Him,from their respective levels. May that person be a male or female, young or old,Baba solves all their problenis through a strange spi ritual insight, in a twinkling of an eye, with a magnificient sense of humour. Baba is such a kind Doctor of humanity that even while He performs the major operation of the Cancer of Doubt, the Touch is felt so soft and gentle that the patient smiles even under the pain of operation! Due to His unbounded love and compassion, for His lovers, Baba takes sufficient care to see that the most abstract topics of esoteric significance are also explained in a very simple style giving easy examples and ordi nary tit-bits of ‘home-truths’ to be properly understood by all. For this purpose, He first creates a congenial climate of calm ness and prepares a favourable back-ground to minimise the difficulty of understanding ‘Higher Things of Life’ by inaugurat ing intuitive silence. 32

For instance, when Baba wanted to tefl about ‘TRUE DEDICATION’, He pointed out his finger towards one of His lovers present, and asked him to detail his d3 ily routine. This particular person who had promised to work and dedicate his ife for Baba and His Cause, just a few months back, happened 1 joined a ‘socio-political to state, that, very recently, he had movement’, for which he devotes 4 hours daily. Baba did appreciate the best intentions of the person who joined the movement; but, at the same time, the latter was asked to pause and ponder over the point, by reminding him about the previous In a most HIS LIFE TO BAnA. TO DEDICATE PLEDGE “Look words: emphatic manner, Baba gave out these instructive here and know what ‘TRUE DEDICATION’ means. It demands total surrender and complete obedience of implicit type. What right have you got to commit yourself to any other party or movement, howsoever nice and noble it might be, when you have already once dedicated your whole life to Baba and His Cause. Once dedicated to Baba, the Highest of the High, you cease to have any claim upon yourself and your time, which became HIS. Otherwise, it cannot be called ‘TRUE DEDICATION’. Certainly, it should be never partial.” Baba went on telling, that the motive might be good and the intentions honest; still, keeping in view the real spirit of one’s Original Dedication of Life to Baba, which calls for a complete sacrifice of the whole to ‘ME & MINE’ at the Altar of Baba’s wish, if one manages and forget his previous PLEDGE and allows his whims to twist turn his original intention and determination to a different direction, it is absolute negation of the real spirit of ‘SELF If it is genuine DEDICATION, it must be d.ep DEDICATION’. rooted in one’s unflinching faith in ONE AND THE ONLY ONE unshakable and un MASTER. It must be unalterable, daunted. It must be free from all frailties. It must not stoop to tempting changes for temporal benefits. Under no circum stances, one should break the FIRST PLEDGE of DEDICATION, as otherwise, the results of any such subsequent com mitments, are bound to recoil and return to. BABA, to whom -


is made.

Mottos and motives, intentions and inclinations must be uniformly blended to beautifully match with the exact colour of

the Original Dedication and it must be carefully seen that the paint of perfection applied on ‘determination’ may not peel off before varnishing the vow of DEDICATION TO BABA. Further, all precautionary measures must be taken, in order that the main steel-frame of Faith does not get rusted and corroded, when exposed to the ever-changing weather condi tion of life or subjected to the moisture of moods. It must be stainless. It is therefore essential and inescapable that implict obedience must be sincerely cultivated, from the depth of one’s heart, right from the start, to produce a bumper crop of beautiful virtues and not ‘soft-virtues’ in the field of ‘self-dedication’ and that depends on the firmness of one’s own CONVICTION. A mighty mansion of faith can be built only on the strongest foundation of ‘firm conviction’, so that it may withstand the onslaughts of Opposite-Forces and remain unaffected by aIy number of devastating storms of destruction. After thus arranging the suitable background of profound faith, in the mind of the disciple. Baha has presented the through His MESSAGE OF LOVE, CREAM OF ALL KNOWLEDGE which is ever radiated from the Avataric Personality of Baba. But, immediately, He strikes a note of warning to all His lovers and devotees that any distraction at the time of DISCOURSE, will make them loose the opportunity given and they wilt miss the bus. Now, started the discourse by Baba on ‘Blissful Agony’. It -was a deep subject selected for that morning. The chief item of the subject was inter-twined with ‘Intense longing of Love for the Beloved’. He said with Divine Authority that ‘Love for the Beloved must be as natural as breathing’. Our longing of love must naturally correspond with the continuous breathing that we do. In fact, our love for the Beloved must be the very life-breath of our existence. When this finest Flower of Love blossoms in the garden of God, during the season of silence, the pain of separation from the Divine Beloved, though severe, It is RARE EXPERIENCE OF ‘BLISSFUL AGONY.’ a engenders to of words vocabulary beyond the limited scope of any -describe the psychic-condition of that ‘ECSTATIC--PAIN’, it To make OF LIFE. PERSISTING IN THE PROVINCE 34

easier for understanding, Baba gave a fitting example to unfold the secret of Bliss. It is like this. Suppose, one scorpion stings a person on part of his body. We know the effect, that instantaneously, any he begins to feel the burning-sensation, from head to foot. Under the torture of pain, he cannot concentrate on anything else. He is caught in the currents of killing-pain. The pain is felt throughout the body of the person rendering him utterly restless. Even if an Angel appears before him at that time, that person is not at all attracted, however glamour ously she may look at him. At that moment of extreme agony, it is quite unthinkable that the person can cast a single glance of gladness at her, because, there is a burning sensation being circulated throughout the system of his body, as a result of scorpion bite. The sense of enjoyment is reduced to ashes. To him, for the time being, there is only one reality and that happens to be the scorpion-sting and its shooting pain shatter ing the whole nervous-system. When such is the effect, of only one sting of the scorpion, that even the queen of beauty cannot attract him, at the time of suffering, how much more shall be the unbearable burning sensation when bitten by billions and billions of scorpions at the same time. Surely, it will be a fierce form of pain to an unimaginable extent. He will, at that time, feel as if, his entire physical frame is being blown up to bits on account of intolera ble burning-sensation within. So much so, that all his con sciousness, gets submerged in the maximum intensity of pain and agony. But, the agony of longing of love for the Beloved, in the pangs of separation, is still much more than this, as it surpasses the climax, and yet, this agony of longing of love for the Beloved is known as ‘BLISSFUL AGONY’. It is then that a funeral of all wordly attractions and earthly charms is per formed in this state of ‘BLISSFUL AGONY’. There is a Fountain of inexpressible-ecstasy at the bottom of ‘the longing of Love for the Beloved’ in the pangs of separation, which Drowned in this ‘BLISSFUL AGONY’, is never exhausted. one becomes indifferent to all illusions of the world. No 35

more does he turn his face to false appearances. All his attention and mind gets inwardly drawn and centred at He remains un ONE FIXED POINT i.e , THE DIVINE DESTINY. conscious of any external beauty of this globe. In this way, as Baba was explaining the subject seriously, a lover of Baba was noticed by Him to be repeatedly looking behind. The matter was taken up, in all gravity, and it was impressed upon him that Baba does not tolerate the least distraction during the course of spiritual discourses, because the attention is split up shattering the interest of others and ultimately defeating the very object and purpose of the In this regard, Baba does not spare even ‘DISCOURSE’ His nearest disciple, if he becomes the cause of slightest distraction. Evidently, Baba also does not allow any inter ference from others while the discussion is in process, as otherwise, it would mean a ruthless assassination of attention and interest of others who are absorbed in listening to such a Spiritual Discourse. This act of disturbance therefore, is termed as ‘TRAGEDY OF LOVE’, among the lovers of Baba. At this juncture, Baba has recalled to memory a similar incident that occured previously. While he was discoursing on a serious subject, some one came in the middle, to remind Baba about grains for the hen, thus bringing Him down to the lowest level of earth, from the highest peak of spiritual explanation. Such was the ‘TRAGEDY’. But Baha never terminates the Truth at ‘TRAGEDY’. He has not incarnated to encourage the sad sentiments of pessimism in a war-worried world, already groaning under the terrible torture of materialism. But, the Lord of Mercy, has definitely come, to lift us and pick up from the pitfalls of pride and prejudice, who arms and equips His followers to fight out the furious foe of frustration, born of ‘tragedies’. He is so gracious to lead His disciples to the Home of Happi ness. He carries with Him a Heaven of Hope for mankind. also the FUTURE HOPE OF HUMANITY, BABA, But, gave the picture of ‘COMEDY OF LOVE’ as well. Baba mentioned that on a previous occasion, when an ardent lover of Baba from Andhra came for His darshan, along with 36

his party. All of them knew only their mother tongue Telugu and no other language. After Darshan and embrace, Baba wanted to convey something through usual gestures being interpreted in English, which could not be understood by any one of them. A funny situation was created. A local person knowing Telugu and English was brought to interpret Baba, who also failed. Finally, Baba repeated His gestures in silence to the lover without the aid of any interpreter. Quite surpri singly, this could be understood by them and they all felt happy. Baba also nodded His head as having understood the language of their Heart. This was really a ‘COMEDY OF LOVE’.

This language of hearts is an extraordinary means of com munication of thoughts and ideas, It is neither derived from the Faculty of Reason nor developed on the basis of intellectual support. It is complete and self-explanatory. Its potentiality is unquestionable. It penetrates deep into the heart and illumines the entire region of ‘Inner World’. For a while, Baba sat motionless, after finishing with ‘the comedy of love’. It then seemed that He was on the summits of “I am God” State; He soon came down to the human level, and said, that the Highest Truth is beyond all tragedies amid comedies. Tragedy and Comedy are the twins of the Same Truth. Baba indicates the balance of power between the ‘tra gedy & comedy’ of love: it may be said, that these are like parallel rails on which the train of thoughts about life and love moves on. The highest state of spiritual bliss, is the most perfect state of tranquility, transcending all limitations of duality. From that Non-dualistic-divine-Plane, Baba tickles the soul con sciousness of His lovers and makes them realise that ‘BABA IS THE SAME ANCIENT ONE’, having emerged from the Portals of Infinite Truth, Infinite Knowledge and Infinite Bliss. This Godly proclamation that Baba is ‘The Ancient One’, is made by Him from time to time, whenever He descends from God to man, without in any way, abrogating the fundamentals of the -


while undergoing the unbroken and uninterrupted state of BLISSFUL AGONY ifl the Womb of Eternity. 37

Standing on the shore of Baba’s Oceanic Love, let us all therefore, enjoy the pleasant Sun-bath of Soul-consciousness in Silence, on the sands of time and not merely waste our life like the little children trying to build sand-castles on sea-beach, which are bound to be destroyed by a single kick. Sitting in the laps of God-The Mother, let us all taste from the Cup of that pure and unadulterated Love of Baba, which is sweeter than honey, but bearing in mind that it is not a joke to love Baba. It must be fully realised that when we go to embrace THE DIVINE BELOVED, we must be like the insect rushing to embrace THE FLAME, and let the whole ‘EGOS be consumed by its FIRE.

Let us all feel the Touch of Immortality in the Kiss of God and let us sweetly pine for such a Living Lord of Love, in the pangs of His separation and let us smilingly suffer in the increa_. sing intensity of ‘longing of love for the beloved’ as that alone can help to shape the Universal outlook of modern man and let, this conStitLte “THE BE- ALL & END ALL” of human civilization, which is infested with multitudes of miseries. Let the lovers of Baba, issue an appeaL to their own ‘minds’ melting in the marvels of modern-science, saying that, there is not an iota of doubt that if they endeavour to come more closely to Meher Baba and care to listen to the Mysterious Voice of Silence, that speaks in the language of thrills and thunders, cent-percent-success will be achieved in establishing a New Paradise of Peace, on this very planet of ours. Such is the great Historic Advent of Meher Baba, whose coming into the midst of man-kind, earmarks the Dawn of a New Era of Divine Humanity, in which there will be free flow of fresh currents of fraternity, when the tide of truth is released. Let us all love Baba more and more, and let none make the mischief of measuring His Unfathomable depth, for, it is not untrue that one may meet a ‘WATERY GRAVE’ in the whirlpool of intellectual-arguments to understand GOD. How fortunate are those who are ready to receive the gold en-rays of Baba’s Grace in the Silent Focus of His Spiritual. Search-light -


IJp —4—.---.





(Poetic interpretations of the profound and divine Silence of Avatar Meher Baba.) By Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, M.A., Ph.D. (London), Nagpur.

Whether in seclusion er not, Avatar Meher Baba is ceaselessly giving His Divine Call through His Silence. The call of our Beloved Baba, “AWAKEN through the measureless depths of His Silence, is HUMANITY”. —

Enticing and inviting, His Silence also gives a rude awakening to the spirit. Declaring and announcing His advent, bringing to the bsr of HLS impeachment the erring learned ones, the high-browed priests, and the struggling, toiling, groping, hydra-headed multitude, chiding them, consoling them, inviting them, and drawing them by His invisible Love into the folds—His all-encompassing Peace and Bliss the undivided Life Eternal.

1. Come Unto Me “Is there a soul but hungers for peace eternal Wbatever the surface-reactions, what you desire for yourself, you also desire for all others. You have to be at Peace with yourself and all others. Your peace cannot spring from fear or inertia. It cannot be the peace of the grave-yard. Know that you are one with Me and one with each other and be free. Inherit the Life Eternal and be happy. Love Me and Me in all; and be free from the strife that shatters peace. *

By kind permission of Bro. Adi. K, Irani.


Ye Children of Light! Come unto Me with faith. Ye shall all be established in the unfathomable profundity of My Peace Eternal. *



2. The Fleeting The Way of the Wise Ohes is free from all superficiality. As long as the mind delights in the fleeting, it will be shallow. Heaping up of the fleeting can never yield the Eternal. To be bound to the fleeting is to be bound to the illusion. Though the fleeting is only for a moment, the mind gets enticed with it. Entrapment in the fleeting is not itself fleeting. Life after life, it gathers strength and binds the soul in the persistent fetters of delusion. The multi-coloured delusions of the worldly-wise keep you inevitably to the surface of life. *



3. Gate way of Eternity The ramblings on the surface of life, though endless, lead you no-where. They tickle and feed the ego. But, at every step, they are haunted by boredom, emptiness and frustration. The tenure of the deluded one is a procession of masks. The very show of beauty, love and truth takes you away from all the three. Be natural, simple and effortless, free from freeting and all artificiality. *





Looking Behind

Your actions small or great are all tainted by the ‘I’. Like a bridled horse, the mind and the heart are restrained by their own creations. The bridled horse can never go full speed So is consciousness, labouring under separative fantasies, Limited in its’ flights, in numberless ways. The freest of your flights has the tag of the ‘I’ In love and in hate, in joy and in sorrow, in feeling and in action, you are tethered by this invisible tag. Even the greatest of your sacrifices has on it a claim, a desire for some return. The fastest of runners can but traverse small distances, if he is constantly looking behind. The boom-rang hits the enemy and comss back for fresh use So are your actions that have an eye on some gain for yourself. In the deepest of your love, you are held back by the fear of getting lost. Nc wonder, you cannot reach yourself. —





War for Peace

Get rid of all fear; and surrender yourself to the new love, which I bring. I will help you to rise above all duality. The New Love will set you free from the bridle of the ‘I’ It will set you free from all rivalries. You are all talking hoarse about peace. But you want your efforts to be recognised as unrivalled and unparalleled. You carry on your war even in establishing peace and for establishing it. You will find your peace in the Truth, which I bring. You will find it in yourself, when you taste of My untethered Love. *




The Calumny of Separateness

Behold! You are none other than God YOU are the one you seek. Know that you are one with Me; and be free. Let there be no breaks on your joy. The Divine Beloved is so near you, that it is a calumny to ay that He is near by. Love and be merged in the Divine Beloved.


MEHER BABA and MIRACLES By Mrs. Amy A. Arjani One of our most frequent crutches in estimating the proba ble spiritual caliber of a man is to look for miracles accredited to him. “What miracles has Metier Baba done to corroborate es His stature?” You asic. There are many stories of such miracl my startled , which events sed witnes and I have personally such staid notions of the normalcy of events. Out of many in faith and love ete where compl one, d stories, I have selecte ed the so-call ed ” perform and “Maya over hed the Master triump . miracle. Such is the story of Subhadra, a young girl of Poona s gave doctor the and T. B. of case ed She was a very advanc her at the most a month or two to survive. ly Subhadra and her brother had both accepted whole-hearted her knew that dra Subha when and , Master their as Meher Baba “I knew that days were numbered to quote her own words an intense me in grew there and live to I had not many days After Baba. Meher , Master my of n longing to have the darsha , parents her ed in confid she When that I could die in peace” the that fearing r, brothe Her tion. they ridiculed the sugges darshan might trip from Poona to Ahmednagar to have Baba’s ion even condit fit no in was She . refused prove fatal to her, anyone having Not trip. the alone leave to step out of bed, put faith, ete compl with and silently dra else to turn to, Subha when the whole herself in Meher Baba’s care. So, one night, of the house, out slipped quietly she asleep, household was fast —



determined to go to Ahmednagar and have Meher Baba’s last darshan, come what may. But, even the small exertion in getting up from bed and opening the door proved too much, so that when she came out of the house, she was on all fours. There, sitting all alone in the street, in the middle of the night, once again Subhadra sent a silent prayer to her Be loved Master to guide and watch over her. Soon a tonga passed by and she requested the tonga—man to take her to the bus stop, where she could catch the bus for Abmednagar. The tonga-man seeing her condition, at first refused, but she begged of him and finally he had to lift her and put her in the tonga, as she was unable to climb herself. At the bus stop, the conductor refused to take her as a passenger, saying that she was not in a fit condition to travel and surely she would die on the way. Subhadra answered, “If I die on the way, I give you full permission to throw my body out, so that you may not be hindered in any way; but it is my dying wish that I should have the darshan of my Master, Meher Baba and that is why I have undertaken this trip. The other passengers hearing her story also pleaded with the conductor and so, in the end, she was helped into the bus. Subhadra reached Ahmednagar early in the morning and after resting and refreshing herself, she went to the office of Adi K. Irani-Baba’s Secretary. Adi informed her that Meher Baba had just arrived from his trip to the West. Now here, I must digress a little to tell you, what we witnessed in Karachi. Exactly one night previous to Subhadra’s leaving her house for Ahmednagar, Meher Baba landed at Karachi Airport from his trip to the West. Normally, as we know, one does not have to pass through Karachi, whilst travelling from Europe to Bombay. But this was due to the fact, that there was a strike in all the European Airlines. This in itself became a very significant fact, because one of Baba’s most devoted disciple had at that time been dragged into a crisis, and had an intense desire to have the physical presence of Baba in Karachi. To prove this, ho was the only disciple who was specifically asked by Baba to receive Him and to remain with him throughout the night on night watch duty. The Airways Company now informed Baba that there was least possibility of His or any members of His party leaving 43

Karachi by Air to Bombay for a couple of days. In reply to this, Baba emphatically stated that His presence was vitally required at Meherazad and therefore He must leave anyhow, that day, for Bombay by Air. How Baba eventually did leave for Bombay that same afternoon is another story. Suffice it to say, that He did and on reaching Bombay airport, He went straight by car, reaching Meherazad early in the morning. To come back to Subhadra, from Adi’s Office, she went to Meherazad. There, she quickly scribbled a few lines on a piece of paper and gave it to one of the resident mandali, to give it to Baba. When the note was handed over to Him, He did not have it read out to Him, as is His practice, but called her in. When Subhadra came face to face with her Beloved Baba, she just prostrated herself at His feet, and burst into uncontrollable tears. After a few minutes, when the weeping had subsided, Baba asked what ailed her. She told Him everything and ended by saying that now she could die in peace, as she had met Him in person. To that Baba said, “Who says that you are going to die now ? You have still to do a lot of My work in this world. But before you can do that, you must do exactly as I tell you. Go back to Poona, re-enter another hospital, do exactly as the doctors tell you and 1 tell you with Divine authority, that even if anyone were to take you and literally bang you against a stone like the dhobies do to their clothes you will not die.” Today, Subhadra absolutely cured of this terrible disease of T. 13., is happily married and is a mother of two healthy children. In their spare time, she and her husband go from village to village, singing devotional songs in praise of God and spreading Baba’s message of Love and Truth among despairing humanity. -


To see Meher Baba’s life of Love and Divine perfection is the greatest assurance and strength, and to watch the change in character in oneselfand in others is the surest proof of His work. Such is the story of Shatrugna Kumar, a violent revolutionary and an atheist. The year 1945 saw Shatrugna in a jail, in Bareilly in Northern India, for his revolutionary activities. For five years, he was imprisoned there, and it looked as though he would never be set free. Though many of his friends were released; 44

in the case of Shatrugna, strict enforcement of the sentence was insisted upon, as he was considered rather dangerous. Five years thus passed. One day, a thought came to him that people in times of adversity pray to God, their Creator. Suppose he, Shatrugna were to pray to God, but here he stopped. Would God listen to his prayer, he being an atheist? After much deliberation, he gathered enough confidence and began his prayer, addressing God thus : “Mr. God, if there is such a One as God, as You claim to be, then 0, Mr. God, I request You to release me from jail early in the morning, as soon as the jail gates are opened. Please remember, 0! Mr. God, my request as it stands, early in the morning. And if I am not released in the morning but later in the day, I will take my release as mere chance or coincidence and not as an answer to my request made to you in the night.” Again another thought struck him that religious-minded persons say that all that one encounters in life, is the fruit of one’s past sanskaras and thus his prayer of release may be of no avail. But, simultaneously another thought struck him that there is an exception to everything, and to quote Shatrugna again, “I at once drew the attention of Mr. God to that and loudly contracted and bargained with Him that I was ready to undergo any bindings however harsh they may be, even harsher than what they were in jail if I was released in the morning, soon after the opening of the jail gates. And Mr. God, remember, I want my release, as I said, early in the morning then only I will know that it is in answer to my prayer.” After this, Shatrugna quietly started packing his few belongings. I say ‘quietly packing’, as the prisoners were in the habit of looting the belongings of the prisoner to be released, saying that he did not need anything, now that he was going out into the world. Thus, the whole night passed. Now, before I proceed further, let me tell you about the regulations in that jail. A prisoner gets his release orders 3 atleast 48 hours before the fixed day, and as the Superintendant of the jail comes on duty everyday at 11 a. m., finally checkes through the release papers, fixes the travel allowance etc., no prisoner in the history of the jail had ever been released before noon. Even noon was too early; it almost used to be late afternoon or evening. -




When dawn filtered in the sky, Shatrugna saw on the opening of the jail gates a jail official stepping into his cell and handing him a slip, ordering Shatrugna to be ready, with his belongings. Shttrugna and his cell mates were astonished and many refused to believe that the note was genuine. How ever a jailor with six other officers stepped inside and asked him if he was ready, As Shatrugna replied in the affirmative, he was led to the Office of the Superintendant, and to his great surprise and wonder, the Superintendant, who never came to the office before 11 a. m. was already there. The Superinten dant told Shatrugna that he had received orders for his release and that he was free to go. And as the first rays of the sun peep ed out, Shatrugna stood outside the jail gate a free man. As he had no money with him, he did not know what to do and where to go. He waited outside the jail-gate for three hours wondering what to do, when one of the wardens from the jail office rushed out to him, handed him his travel allowance and helped him in getting a tonga to take him to the railway station, from where he proceeded to Dehradun, his home town. -



Years have passed and it so happened that M.eher Baba came to Deliradun, when the first physical contact of Shatrugna with Meher Baba was established. After his fairly long and deep association with Meher Baba, one day to his great surprise, Baba, all on his own, asked Shatrugna to put his hand on His palm and remember well the promise, which he had given to Mr. God in the jail, on the night prior to his release. Meher Baba made him repeat his promise to undergo any bindings, however harsh they may be and said, “Shatrugna, I am the Avatar of the Age. I am He, to whom your promise was given and therefore I am once again reminding you to stand by your pledge.� Foremost in Shatrugna’s mind, today, is his pledge given to God and which he is consciously endeavouring to stand by, in life. To know Shatrugna today, is an education in itself-the way he leads his life-selfless, natural, happy and filled only with the desire to serve his Master Meher Baba, whom he loves, and all those with whom he comes in contact. His days are spent in loving active service. -


The above are just two of the many, almost daily occur ances in the lives of those, dear and near to Meher Baba. When such instances are brought to the physical notice of Meher Baba, He repeatedly emphasises that in His present advent, He has come as the Awakener and that it does not befit His lovers to attribute such individual miraculous experiences to His state of the Highest of the High. He says: “If I am the Highest of the High, I am above these illusory plays of Maya in the course of the Divine Law. Therefore, whatever miraculous experiences are experienced by my lovers who recog nise me as such, or by those who love me unknowingly through other channels, they are but the outcome of their own firm faith in me.” Besides, on one occasion Meher Baba said “The moment I break My silence and utter that Original Word, I will perform a miracle as I never have performed. When I perform that miracle, I won’t raise the dead, but I will make those who live for the world, dead to the world and live in God. I won’t give sight to the blind, but will make people blind to illusion and make them see God as Reality. The breaking of My silence, the signal of My public manifestation is not far off. I bring the greatest treasure which it is possible for man to receive a treasure which includes all other treasures, which will endure for ever, which increases when shared by others. Be ready to receive it.” -

“DIVYA VANI” To Our Inland Subscribers: Please note that the annual subscription for “Divya Vani” Bi-Monthly is Rs. 8/— inclusive of postage and the year of issue is from January to December end. Those who have paid subscription for the Quarterly “Divya Vani” for the previous year, may be pleased to send the addition al amount of Rs. 6/. at an early date, if they have not done so by now. Thus kindly make up the full payment of annual subscription of Rs. 8/—for the Bi-monthly for the current year, as it is already too late and oblige us please. —EDITOR 47

ONE AND ONLY WAY By P. G. Nandi Do you wish, 0 my Self! His Love Divine on you pour There’s but one and only way Love the God more and more





A drop you are, 0 my Self How to gulp the Ocean whole There’s but one and only way Selfless Love for every Soul —




You are born with Ego-centre How to attain the Egoless State There’s but one and only way Love all and do not Hate —




You are bound by Law of ‘Karma’ How to transcend the realm of Death There’s but one and only way Serve the Master in complete Faith —




You are bound by endless Desires How to break the Maya’s fold There’s but one and only way Baba’s ‘Daaman’ tightly hold !!! —


WHAT IS WORTHWHILE IN THE EYES OF MEHER BABA by Amiya Kanti Das, Barrister-at-law, Calcutta. Some time back**, I wrote about things worthwhile in the eyes of Avatar Meher Baba, in reality an inexhaustible topic. This is only a continuation the second instalment of that theme. Baba has given us a PRAYER to ask Parabrahma-Para matma, Ya Yazdan, Ya Allah, Father in Heaven, for forgive ness for our sins and false, unclean, unjust, selfish thoughts and hateful slanderous acts, lies, hypocrisy, unfulfilled words and broken promises. —

Why does Baba want us to repent and confess our sins? Because, to many of us, it does not occur that we have to forgive those who have wronged us before we can qualify for the Divine dispensation to descend upon us. To forgive is heavenly, they say, but it is none the less the mot difficult thing to do. Yet, forgiveness is essential for a Baba-lover, Baba admirer, Baba-follower on the path of life chalked out or in dicated by Baba. But, why should we forgive? Some one asks: Why should a person, who without provocation has seriously injured us, be forgiven?— Some one who has caused us, by his cruelty, to lose **

Volume I Number 2, dated 10th Octr. 1961, of the Quarterly DIVYA VANI’ pages 24 to 27.


something, which is so very dear to us, or some worthwhile opportunity for which we have waited for such a long time, and just when it comes, it is snatched away by some cruel act, or some one makes us lose money by treachery, deceit and low cunning, or some one else by slandering us before our neighbour, has caused us so much pain and anguish by taking away our good name, our prestige and position? All this is tres pass. Can we forgive them, ever ? The answer is simple: we are forgiven our trespasses to the extent we forgive the tres passes against us. Before the eyes of the Father, there is one as we do unto inexorable demand, that of the Golden Rule, to be forgiven in is forgive to us unto done others, so it is and are we trespassing life our of turn. For every moment Nature. of here or So, transgressing against the laws of God, is a condition precedent in the language of law, which must be fulfilled, before we can qualify ourselves to receive His mercy, His forgiveness. Forgiveness sweetens the soul, and increases the inner Light by preventing the negative conditions to envelop the soul. In a world of imperfection, forgiveness keeps the balance between salvation and damnation of the soul. As long as we are not perfect, we require to be forgiven our misdeeds, but we cannot claim it, or even hope for it, unless we qualify for .it and are prepared to maintain the balance in life, upset by hatred, bitterness and antipathy by forgiving those who bave wronged us, that is, practising loving kindness towards the wrong-doer. —


If we reflect for a moment, we will realize without difficulty that twentyfour hours of our existence, we are probably trying. to destroy by our thoughts some of us might not do anything openly, which is a trespass or transgression against the Laws of God or Nature. How many times have we, by our indiscretion, not hurt some one’s feeling and have helped the creation in that person a strong antipathy against us!! Probably, we have felt sorry for our indiscreet action, but the mischief has been created already. It has to be undone, there must be a restitu tion, a restoration of the former position, before we can qualify ourselves before the Creator and deserve to be forgiven. Have we forgiven those with whom we are not in speaking terms, have we asked the forgiveness of those whom we have insulted? -



Forgiveness, it is said, is divine. It is divine, because it is a part of LOVE, a manifestation of LOVE a change of heart, a transformation of the vibratory rate of the mind. When Love comes or descends upon us, it falls like an avalanche destroy ing the old vibratory rate of cruelty and unkindness; forgiveness is a change of movement. We cannot forgive, unless there is a perceptible movement in us from inertness of isolation and stu pidity, finding expression in our minds by creating icebergs of static conditions, identifiable with hatred. Before we can forgive, there is a motion from hatred to sympathy, love, compassion, all these are stages of the movement, which from inertness becomes rapid, the frequency of the vibratory rate has changed. At each stage, the frequency has become more rapid and at last we cannot sit still any more, we must do some thing; so the flood-gates of Love have burst asunder our inactivity, our pentup feelings have been submerged, and at last, it has become “KARtJNA” loving actions. Kindness which has become active, manifest not merely in thought but materialised into action. And the heart goes out, reaches the person who offends, inflicts pain and injures, and surrenders to him or her. Forgiveness is then a motion or movement, a change of the vibratory rate of the mind and heart. -



This forgiveness is a constant quality of the Creator, whose ever-present Mercy “Anukampa” never fails us. And has He not to wait for an unknown time for us to be redeemed, to be a shining one on the Path that eventually leads to HIM, shorn of all our transgresses, our trespasses against His Laws ? But this is a programme for long suffering and patience. Long suffering is the secret of forgiveness. St. Peter in the Bible asked Jesus Christ: “Lord, how oft’ shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him until seven times ?“ But, he had not even touched the fringe of patience required to be exercised in dealing with the follies and failings of men. And Jesus then answers : I say not unto thee until seven times, but until seventy times seven” (st. Mathew : XVIII, 21 & 22). “If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him ; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day and seven times in a day turn again to thee saying ‘1 repent’, thou shalt forgive him” (St. Luke: XVII, 3 & 4). If -


we remember the need of the long suffering of the Father, the Creator Almighty, then we will understand the need of our long suffering with our fellowmen. And in this universe, where the loving kindness of God is ever pouring on us, in an inexhausti ble stream of Forgiveness, to wipe out our transgresses every moment of our life, who will be safe who does not in turn practise the same forgiveness, extend the same loving kindness towards those who have poisoned our minds, wounded our hearts, and who refuses to show mercy in the presence of that Generous Divine Mercy and Forgiveness ? And Christ then goes to illustrate his emphasis on the practice of forgiveness and its need in our lives, with the example of the unmerciful servant, who having been forgiven by his master a huge debt of ten thousands talents (coins then currents) and on the very shadow of the master’s palace refuses to show mercy to a fellow servant, who owes him a paltry sum of hundred perce, by casting him to prison!! Forgiveness, if practised, is likely to take away the hard crust of meanness and harshness, which slowly covers the soul with its poisonous film. So, Meher Baba exhorts us to repent for our misdeeds, both of the mind and the overt acts, and throw ourselves before the mercy of the PARAMATMA, because mean and harsh do we appear, having day by day, year after year, nay, from moment to moment, received the outpourings of the Divine mercy and forgiveness, which is showered on us like gentle rain; neverthe less, refuse to extend the cup of mercy and forgiveness and con donation to our fellowmen, who have stepped on our toes, in ificted injuries on our minds and bodies. But this is one of the hardest lessons set before us by Baba to learn. We have always wanted to believe that, perhaps, Baba meant something far less than what he said. But, if I am not mistaken, it is as plain as the air we breathe. What be means can be put in the words of St. Paul: “Be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you” (Ephisian IV, 32) Then, what is the secret of forgiveness? ‘To be tender-hearted” we must have tender hearts. So, Baba says: “Have a tender heart before you come before me.” Baba’s words may be stern, but can we doubt the truth in those words? Baba constantly reminds us: “Wanted a tender heart” —


a tender heart will forgive, it will forget, it will repair, it will restore, it will put back what has been lost. And if the heart is lost, what else remains in a man? A man without a heart is like a clock without hands it does not mark the time of life. Ultimately, our exercise of long suffering and patience is the only guarantee of our receiving the Forgiveness of God. “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you trespasses” (St. Mark XI, 26). —

And, behind forgiveness, is the like-mindedness which is the basis of the golden rule in life Do unto others as you would like to be done unto you. We have to be like-m inded towards all, from whom we expect any good turn. “The God of Patience grant you to be like-minded, one toward another”, said St. Paul to the Romans (Rom. XV,5). But we cannot be likeminded unless we are “renewed in our minds” . People often say not to suffer fools gladly. To them, the world, at any rate, a large part of it seems to consist of fools!! And what a judgment we have passed on ourselves, as if in a jungle full of the shrubs of fools, we are the only tall trees of knowledge and wisdom!! This self-opinion, which appropriates all the wisdom and knowledge to oneself in exclusion of others, is the hardest crust on the soul. For such souls and probably ninetynine per cent of the people on earth belong to this type in various degrees it is necessary to be renewed in mind before the gentle touch of forgiveness dissolves this crust of hard-heartedness. The unconverted human nature the old man have to be put off and the nature of the new man, the renewed man, the regene rated God-Consciousness have to be put on. To this new man the regenerated man, who has made his heart tender and is becoming God-like—there are no longer any barrier , any limi tation, because he has become all, and all has becom e one in him. He is now all in all. He is now an elect of Baba, and can “put on therefore as the elect of Baba, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, long suffer ing; forbearing one another and forgiving one anothe r, if any man has a quarrel against any.” And even as God forgave us, so also do we. And let us ever pray to Baba: “Renew -






our mind in Thy Mercy, so that we may have a tender heart, to repent and forgive. Let Thy Love be shed abroad in our hearts, so that we may glory in our tribulations which worketh patience, and patience experience, and experience, hope; and hope maketh nor ashamed, because Thy Love is shed abroad in our hearts. Direct our hearts into the Love of God—the liv ing Love of God—and teach us to repent and forgive, to dis solve our hatred, our bitterness with the alchemy of LOVE.” Let us not then parrot like merely repeat the Prayer, but put the Prayer into practice. Let us also take the active step by prac tising forgiveness ourselves and not merely doing lip-service to Baba. Let us then make a beginning this very moment now. If forgiveness is a change of heart, a movement, then, let us get a move on and accomplish that change by beginning to for give those, who have hurt us during the day. -

Probably, it may be worth our while, before we retire in the night daily, to practise this loving kindness which we call forgiveness. A habit may be formed slowly to forgive in our minds all those, who have caused us pain, injured our feelings, deprived us of our just rights, and made us sore in our hearts, and pray to God to make us dear unto all, as we have forgiven our trespassers. In this way, the ego ceases to be bloated with pride and selfishness, and may expand to encompass not only those who have come across our way, but the wjiole world; and the bitterness and tension which the psychosomatists are so busy in telling us, which cause so much disease and suffering may be a thing of the past, and trouble us no more. Forgiveness thus ennobles the soul, and enriches the mind. It re-creates within us the “SUN” that we are, and in the warm glow of that Sun, the hard crusts of the soul soon melt away, and all feelings of hatred, jealousy, revenge and retribution and all bitterness of the soul are melted away and in their place, is established once again the Throne of LOVE, even if that LOVE be no more than a “rice-grain” to borrow an expression from our esteemed brother and excellent poet Francis Brabazon, who never tires of singing the glory of BABA’S LOVE for us, like Mardana of old, who sang atthebidding of his Master Guru Nanak, the Eternal Verities of Life; and LOVE is and has been that very verity of verities. And, in Meher Baba’s vocabulary, tO LOVE has been devoted the largest number of pages. —

So, let us practise loving kindness “karuna” Forgiveness and bring back into our lives some of that Peace with which Baba is blessing each and every one of us. —


BABA BLESSED US WITH RAINS [Based on a letter in Marathi from some devotees of Baba from Arangon Trcinslared into English by Bro ther Ba! Natu of Kurduwadi] We, the Baba-lovers from Arangaon, had been to Mehera

zai. on September 6, 1964 with an ardent desire to have Baba’s ‘darshan’. Since a week, we had been thinking over this visit, but we were doubtful whether we would be able to have Baba’s ‘darshan’ or not, as He was and still is in Seclusion, We were at a loss to know what to do precisely. The All-loving God-Baba kindled the flame of divine-eager ness in our little hearts and we yearned for His ‘darshan’. In due course, we started on our visit to Meherazad to see Baba, who is ‘Sakshat Paramatma’. What was the reason of this visit? Since the last two years, th famine had played a havoc in our part. There were practi cally no rains, hence no fodder for the animals and no water for us to drink. We had to suffer a great deal owing to the scarcity of food-grains. It was all unbearable and this led us to Bçloved Baba, our Compassionate Father. ‘Sat-Chit-Anand’ Avatar Meher Baba is the G’)d in human form. He is Omnipresent in all things and beings. Baba’s light of love shines within the hearts of us all. He is All-Know ledge, Power and Bliss. He is the same One God who descends on the earth and assumes human form. He was Rama, Krishna., -


and Buddha-the Ancient One. Avatar’s work in the previous advents was indeed great, but in the present advent, as Meher Baba, it is the greatest. His ancient state and work are beyond the capacity of human understanding. He has not come to establish a new religion or to perform miracles, but He has come to awaken mankind to its spiritual heritage. It is, therefore, essential that everyone of us should re-dedicate our lives at His holy feet, whole-heartedly. Avatar Meher Baba sanctified Arangaon Meherabad in Here He established Meher Ashram At that time we 1922 were just teen-agers. We, the Harijan boys of Arangaon were admitted to the Meher Ashram. It was the time when we were not only denied education and the primary necessities of life but also were treated as ‘untouchables’ the low in caste. But indeed we were very fortunate for Baba personally looked after our needs and education. He uplifted the Harijans in all respects. Since then, in His unbounded Compassion, He has ever been favouring us with His divine blessings in all the ways of life. He is indeed the Saviour of the ‘low and the down trodden’. -



To come to the point On 6th Sept. 1964, we left Arangaon late in the morning and reached Pimpalgaon Meherazad at noon, to offer our prayers for rains. We stopped near the gate. There we met Shri Pendubhai one of Baba’s oldest Mandali members and a very near and dear disciple of Baba. -



Avatar Baba had granted our request and we were allowed to see Him at 3 p. m. Baba’s face appeared radiant and cheer ful. He greeted us with a loving and smiling face. All of us were touched to behold the radiance of His divine personality and tears of gratitude and love were seen on the faces of some of us. Baba enquired about the purpose of our visit to Him. We said, “The famine is threatening us and we have come to you, to pray for rains.” Thereupon, Baba smiled and asFured us to look into the matter. He permitted us to be with Him for about ten minutes. He distributed ‘prasad’ and then we left for Arangaon. On our way home we had some showers of rain, but again till the noon of 9th Sept. 1964 no signs of rains were seen•

However, suddenly it started raining in the evening. The beauti ful rains continued for the next three days. This delighted us all, including the farmers, who could now sow the seeds. We all felt happy. How great and grand is the Glory of the Avatar! He is indeed unfathomable This reminds us about the incident in Lord Krishna’s life. Lord Krishna lifted the Govard ban with one of His fingers, gathered His lovers under it and saved them from the predica ment caused by rains. Now Baba, the Avatar of the age, in response to our prayers had blessed us all by showering plenty of rains everywhere. Hallowed be His Name We humbly request all Baba lovers to love Baba more and more from the bottom of their hearts and to hold fast to His ‘daaman’ till the very end. This alone will make life worth living. JAI BABA!

(Signed by: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6> (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

Kamble Sadashiv Vithoba Kamble Lala Bajajee Kamble Shankar Arjun Kamble Gopinath Dada Kamble Raniajee Rewajee Kamble Janku Moghajee Kamble Kanhu Dhondiba Kamble Bansi Malwe Rangnath Deoram Kamble Yadav Tulsiram Kamble Bhau Chimajee


NEWS and NOTES Thirty-ninth Anniversary Celebrations of Avatar Meher Baba’s Silence: Delhi:

In Delhi the 39th anniversary celebrations of Avatar publication Meher Baba commenced with the issue of a Hindi Day Silence Baba’s d Belove ‘64. July on 9th . ‘MEHER BABA LILA’ of ance observ the ing regard tions instruc Message and also overs. Baba-l the all to sent Silence Day were Shri On 11th July, a meeting was held at the residence of a spoke on T. N. Dhar. Shri W. D Kain and Srimathi Krishn . Shri the life of Meher Baba and the significance of His silence in praise Kain also recited a poem composed for the occasion of Beloved Baba. ent’s On 12th morning, a meeting was held at 16, Presid and of Baba ge Messa e Estate. The printed copies of Silenc Day those all to uted distrib also the booklet ‘Meher Baba Lila’ were r meet who assembled on the occasion. In the evening, anothe Tek Shri Delhi. New ing was arranged at Sarojini Nagar, others few and Kusum hi Chand, Shri Jhompi Ram, Srimat N. entertained the audience with devotional music. Shri T. ex Dhar Shri ng. Dhar and Shri. Kain addressed the gatheri plained how persons who have Baba’s darshan get real peace and happiness, which they had never experienced before. Shri Kain, while explaining the significance of Baba’S Silence, expressed that in the present day world, scientists would have invented all sorts of weapons of war, which if used in his Man race. only lead to total annihilation of the human 58

greed for power and peif is not ashamed to use such weapons of destruction. Such tendencies all over the world create a shock in the cosmos, which the Silence of Avatar Meher Baba bears. In His physical frame, the Avatar silently absorbs the shock of all this chaos for the sake of humanity. The Silence Day celebrations by the Delhi Centre ended with Guru Poornima Sammelan held in the President’s Estate, on 23rd July, 1964. After the recitation of Prayers, commenced a musical programme in which All India Radio artist Shri Pannalal Chaurasia and other Baba lovers viz. Shri. Tek Chand, Shrimati Kusurn, Prabha, Krishna and Pushpa participated. This was followed by a Quawali programme presented by Shri. Dev Raj Aggarwal, who had earlier recorded a special pro gramme for the occasion. Then came the poetical symposium in which Rashtra Kavi Gambhlr Sahib, Shri Kain, Shri. Gane shilal and Srimathi Shakuntala Ojha recited a number of poems composed in praise of the glory of Avatar Meher Baba. -

Later, Shri Kain explained the significance of observance of Guru Poornima and narrated how twenty years back, Baba had appeared to him in Kashmir in response to his heart’s pra yer and made it possible for him to offer his pooja to Baba on the occasion of Poornima. As the full moon peeped through the verandah and lightened the glorious face of Baba in the beautiful photo, a radiance emanated from His picture, which filled the entire room, and touched the hearts of all the devotees, who had come from far and near to place their flowers of love and devotion at the feet of the Master, the Avatar of the Age. -

Nagpur: To celebrate the 39th anniversary of Baba’s Silence, Avatar Meher Baba Nagpur Centre arranged a meeting under the presidentship of Shri. Eknathrao Patwardhan of the “Tarun Bharat” in the University Convocation Hall on 9—7—64. Shri Patwardhan speaking about the effectiveness of Silence in every-day life, exhorted the audience to bring Baba’s sayings into practice. Shri P. D. Nigam of Hamirpur, who was the main speaker, told the audience about the significance of Baba’s Silence and 59

also His presence amongst us. When Bhagwan Krishna came, what the gopis of Brindavan could get so easily, was to be gained afterwards with great penance and considerable ordeal by Mira Bai and other saints. As Baba has been awakening the mankind, he exhorted one and all to approach Baba, the Avatar of the Age, without hesitation, surrender oneself to Him, by loving Him as He should be loved and become dust at His feet. On 15th July, a meeting was held at ‘Vihar-N4eher’, Gokul peth, the residence of Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, M.A., Ph.D. The function started with Meher Bhajans by Shri Bhave, Kumari Jaishree and Pradnya Deshmukh. Smt. Indumathi Deshmukh and Dr. C. D. Deshmukh spoke on the significance of Baba’s Silence. The All India Radio, Nagpur Station tape-recorded some portions of this function to be relayed in their Local News.

Jabalpur: Avatar Meher Baba Jabalpur Centre celebrated the 39th anniversary of Baba’s Silence from 17th July to 30th July, 1964. In this connection, Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, M.A., Ph. D. was specially invited to participate in the celebrations and help in spreading Baba’s message of Love and Truth. On 17th July, a meeting was held in the local Mahila Utkarsha Mandal, which was attended by more than 50 ladies. Dr. Deshmukh addressed the gathering in Marathi. The next day i. e. 18th July, in the morning Dr. Deshmukh addressed the students and staff of the local Engineering College on “The need for spiritual awakening and role of Avatar Meher Baba”. He said, “Baba has come not to teach but to awaken. We have too many teachings but we need to be awakened from the despondency to the higher values of life. Baba awakens us towards our God-hood, which is the only pur pose of creation.” Earlier Shri A. Laxmanaswamy, Principal of the College introduced the speaker to the audience. In the end, Baba’s film was shown. In the evening; a public meeting was held in the Model High School Hall, which was attended by about 600 persons. Barrister Y. P. Varma, presided over the function. Dr. Desh


mukh said in his remarkable speech that Baba is the most in spiring world—personality of irresistible spiritual dynamism, inspite of His unbroken silence for the last 39 years. God has never failed humanity in its darkest hours. He is with us again Baba asserts with in the personality of Meher Baba. divine authority that He is the same Ancient One. He has re peatedly said, “1 belong to no religion. My religion is Love. Speaking about Baba’s Silence, Every heart is My temple.” Dr. Deshmukh further said that His Silence illumines the mind without stifling it, nourishes the soul without stupifying it and enlivens the heart without overpowering it. Sarvashri Muniraj, Rajnikant Upadhyaya and Pankhraj along with Dr. Deshmukh left Jabalpur for Burhar and Anup pur and returned again on 21st night. On 22nd evening, a talk on “The teachings of Gita” was arranged by the local United Theosophist Lodge at the residence of Major A. P. Sivapraka Sam. Dr. Deshmukli said that he had been a student of ‘Gita’ from his school days. He was also good at sanskrit. Yet, it was after his meeting with Meher Baba in London for the first time in 1932—33, that the same verses of ‘Gita’ revealed to him the depth of the words used by Baba as Lord Krishna. Dr. Deshmukh further said, “The reason why the majority of the people during the days of the Avatar fail to recognise Him and accept Him is, as Baba says, He veils Himself from the masses through their own ignorance. Yet, He reveals to those who are ready to receive the Truth. Bhagwan Krishna also has said the same in ‘Gita’. In the end, he said that it is necessary to love God than the books which speak of Him, as any amount of learning, discussions and intellectual knowledge, thus gained would not take us far on the path of Realization. As Baba is beyond intellect, we have to open our hearts to receive Him as the same Ancient One, who was Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed. A group of Baba lovers from Jabalpur left for Mandla on 23rd to inaugurate a Centre there. During the functions held on 24th, 25th and 26th July, at different places in Jabalpur “Meher Sankirtan” was performed by Dr. Deshmukh to bring -


home to the audience Avatar Meher Baba’s message of Love and Truth and also the absolute necessity to surrender at His feet to know the Truth. On 27th instant, Dr. Deshmukh addressed the students and the staff of Hitkarni City College. He said, “Human being is the crown of creation. But unfortunately every one of us is 1 ignorant about our true Self. It is the worst tragedy, when we know everything else in the world, but we do not know about ourselves...” About Baba’s Silence, he remarked, “Truth can neither be imparted nor received except in the tranquility of silence and in the profoundness of pure love”. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Shri Deshpande, Principal of the College. In the evening, a group meeting of intellectuals was arran ged at the residence of Dr. C. D. Sharma, Head of the Philoso phy Dept. Jabalpur University. While recalling the different Western philosophical trends, Dr. Deshmukh said, “All of them are incomplete in themselves, as they do not have direct know ledge of Truth, and have their own say about Reality. Avatar Meher Baba does not tell us of Truth based on intellectual knowledge of Truth viewed through intuition, but He has direct knowledge of that integral Truth. He is one with it and there fore His discourses carry the utmost spiritual force and besides they are rational too.” On 28th, Dr. Deshmukh addressed a huge gathering of about 800 students and staff in Navin Vidya Bhavan, about He also addressed Avatar Meher Baba and His message. another meeting held in the M.P. Electricity Board Employees’, Club Hall, arranged by the Rampur Branch of the Jabalpur Centre. Shri A. K. Hazra, M. A., presided over the meeting. Shri R. K. Upadhyaya also spoke, about the Avatarhood of Baba and urged the audience to approach Him with sincerity and faith. At the instance of Dr. Dani, Principal, Dr. Deshmukh addressed the students and staff of the College of Educational Psychology, on 29th. While Dr. Dani, presided Dr. Deshmukh in his brilliant speech dealt with the evolution of consciousness, the continuity of life on account of the varied impressions gathered by the individual soul and the ultimate realisation of the Self. The meeting ended after the screening of Baba’s film. 62

On 30th July, the function was arranged in the local Sai Baba Mandir. Dr. Deshmukh said that Sai Baba was one of the five Perfect Masters who were responsible to precipitate God, in the Beyond Beyond State, to take human form in the gross world. He further said, “Let us not confuse between Perfect ‘Masters and the Avatar. Both are one so far as the experience 5 of God-realisation is concerned, but Avatar’s field of action i Master’s field whereas Perfect is to universe, limited the entire some spheres alone.” In the end, he exhorted one and all to love Meher Baba, who is the God-Man and prepare oneself to be in tuiie with Him to listern to the Word of Words, He is going to utter very shortly by keeping our hearts pure and open, and establish oneself in Life DiVINE. Thus ended the two weeks long celebrations by the Jabal pur Centre. Sarvashri R. P. Pankhraj, Secretary of the Centre, R. K. Upadhyaya, A. K. Hazra and Ramanujan had done their best in making the functions successful. Burhar (M. P.): Shri Krishna Pal Singh, M. L. A., arranged a meeting on 19th July to celebrate Baba’s Silence day anniversary. At his invitation, Sarvashri Muniraj, R. Upadhyaya, Pankhraj and Dr. Deshrnukh from Jabalpur and Sardar Amar Singh Saigal The “ from Bilaspur arrived to participate in the celebrations. Bhavan. - meeting was held in the Jam Anuppur (M. P.) The group of Baba-lovers from Jabalpur arrived here on 20th July. Shri Om Prakash Arsey arranged a public meeting in the local Govt. High School. While Shri Jam, principal of the school presided, Dr. Deshmukh and Shri Upadhyaya en lightened the audience about Beloved Baba and His message of Love and Truth. Dr. Deshmukh also declared open Avatar Meher Baba Centre at Anuppur, with Sri Arsey as its Secretary. At the request of Shri Jam, Principal, Dr. Deshrnukh and Shri Upadhyaya also addressed a special meeting of the students and the staff of the High School on 21st morning. Mandla (M. P.): Shri Pankhraj accompanied by Dr. C. D. Deshmukh and a few other Baba-lovers reached Mandla on 23rd July at the in ,t’ stance of Shri Surendralal Jha, to participate in a public meet-


ing arranged by him in the local School building. Principal C. S. Raghawan of Rani Durgawati Degree College presided on the occasion. Shri Hazra and Shri Upadhyaya entertained the audience with a few devotional songs. Dr. Deshmukh in his eloquent speech said, “Meher Baba 1 not only the Avatar of our times, but the eternal Avatar s bringing His eternal Love and Truth again and again, to the suffering humanity. He gives a new life impulse to humanity in His own unfathomable ways. He will save us from the grips of fear and chaos prevailing all over the world. Shri Upadhya ya spoke on Baba’s life and His activities. Dr. Deshmukh also declared open Baba Centre at Mandla. Karachi (Pakistan) Most of the Baba—lovers in Karachi observed Silence on 10th July. The next day, a meeting was held at Hotel Metropole to celebrate the anniversary. The hall was well decorated with photos of Baba. After the singing of bhajans by Miss Pericher Irani, followed the Prayer by Master Faridoon Arjani. Brother Minoo Kharas delivered a beautiful speech on Baba’s Unique Silence. He said, “Baba does not need to speak. It is sufficient for us to be in His presence to know the Truth. He has the power of Truth in Him. His work is done in silence, inwardly and is concerned with awakening people to the unity of spiritual knowledge and love of God.” He further said, “Baba’s Silence is not silence of just one man against the meaningless voices of the multitude. It is the Silence of the Avatar, whose life, in its universal aspect, pulsates through all beings, in all kingdoms and worlds.” Then followed a speech by Mrs. Amy, A. Arjani, (reported elsewhere in the issue). Both the speeches were well received by the audience. Copies of the book “The Everything and the Nothing” were distributed to those who were present. Light refreshments were also served. Kakinada (A. P.) On the eve of Silence Day anniversary, a special gathering of lovers of Baba was arranged on 9th July, at the premises of the A. M. B. Andhra Centre. Dr. T. Dhanapathi Rao read out the special letter sent by Bro. Adi K. Irani and also translated it into Telugu. Copies of Baba’s message were also distributed. 64

Vishakhapatnam: To commemorate Baba’s Silence Day anniversary, A.M.B. Vishakhapatnam Centre arranged a meeting in Gandhi Prachara Kendram on 12th July. About 100 people attended the meeting. Shri Diwakarla Ramamurty and Shri R. Lakshmj narayana, lecturers in Mrs. A. V. N. College, spoke on Baba and His Silence. Sri K. Veeraswarny, Telugu Pandit recited poems in praise of Baba composed for the occasion. Srikakulam: Baba—lovers in this place had observed Silence Day on 10th July for the first time. It is reported that even small kids had observed silence. -

Palakol (A. P.) After observing silence or fast as the case may be, lovers of Baba gathered in the Centre on 10th midnight and offered their prayers to Beloved Baba. Macbilipatnam (Ak. P.) Baba lovers of this place commenced Silence-day anniver sary celebrations with a huge procession through the streets of the city, performing bhajans in praise of Baba and appealing to the public to observe Silence-day. On 9th July, there was a public meeting held in Sri Kanyakaparameswari Temple. Shri G. V. Brahinayya NaidU, Public Prosecutor and a prominent lover of Baba presided. Messrs. P.V. Nageswara Sarma, P. Vish wanatham and T. Basvaiah addressed the gathering. -

Reports have been received from Khammam, Warangal, Nidadavole, Narsaraopeta of Andhra, Modipara of Orissa, and several other places. Baba lovers throughout the country have celebrated the anniversary with enthusiasm, faith and devotion. Badagara (Kerala): -


On 12th July, a meeting wes held at the Theosophical Society’s Mahadev Lodge in Badagara. Dr M. Anandan, gave a talk on “Avatar Meher Baba and His Message’s. A few copies of Beloved Baba’s life in Malayalam were distributed. Dharmadam (Kerala) While presiding at a function celebrating 78th Birth-day 0. Swami Sivananda, Dr. M. Anandan of Calicut, utilised the 65

occasion and dwelt upon the lite and teachings of Beloved Baba, as the Avatar of the Age. He told the audience that He is God in human form, living amongst us to awaken the divinity lying dormant in man. Copies of Baba’s Universal and other messages translated in Malayalam were distributed by Dr. Anandan. Chanda (M. P.): On 13th July, Avatar Meher Baba Centre was inaugurated at Chanda by Dr. C. D. Deshmukh. The meeting was held in thelocal Janata College premises. Shri S. N, Rehpade is the Secretary of the Centre. Hyderabad (A. P.): A prominent lover of Beloved Baba from U. S. A, and editor of “God Speaks” and “Listen Humanity”, arrived here in the course of his business tour. He spent a couple of hours in the evening, on 10th August with Baba—lovers gathered here in ‘Meher Vihar’. He not only gave a most heartiest embrace to those who were present on the occasion but impressed all of them with his simplicity, sincerity, serenity and dedicated love for Beloved Baba. As one of our brothers remarked, Bro. Don Stevens actually took us as it were, to the immediate presence of Beloved Baba, by his sweet and inspiring talk for over 45 minutes. It appeared as though Baba has specially sent him to Hyderabad, to bring home the fact that Baba—lovers, whe ther in the East or West are in reality children of the Beloved Father, Meher Baba. As he had Baba’s darshan earlier, he expressed deep concern about Baba’s physical condition and exhorted the brothers and sisters to love Baba more and more and deserve His Grace. *




Under the auspices of ‘Meher Vihar’, Shri M. Buchiling appa Sastry, a Sanskrit scholar and Telugu poet from Vadali (W. Godavari Dt.), delivered lectures at various places in the A special function for city, from 9—8—64 to 18—8—64. ladies was arranged in Sri Sachhidanandashram, Musheerabad (Hyd). The last meeting was held in ‘Meher Vihar’ on 18—8—64, under the presideniship of Shri M. R. Appa Rao, Minister for Excise and Cultural Affairs, Govt. of Andhra. Sri Sastry’s speeches regarding the Avatar-hood of Baba and 66

His message of Love and Truth, interspersed with quotations -from Upanishads, Gita and Bhagavata Puranas and melodious poems and songs impressed one and all. In the end, Sri Sastry was offered Rs. 116/— as Baba’s prasad as a token of love and regard of Baba—lovers of the place. Poornima Sammelans: Reports are being received from Kakinada, Bapatla, Ram chandrapuram of Andhra Pradesh and several other places, where Baba-lovers are holding Poornima Sammelans in addi tion to their usual weekly gatherings, to offer their prayers to ‘Baba and invoke His Love ond Grace. FIRST ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS OF “MEHER VIHAR” ‘MEIIER VIHAR”, the abode of workers dedicated to Avatar Meher aba and His Cause has completed one eventful year. By the Grace of Beloved Baba, we had the greatest opportunity it’ having Sardar Amar Singh Saigal, M.P. from Bilaspur in our midst in Andhra for ten days. Sardar Saigal is an ardent and prominent devotee of Baba, who has done commendable work and is ;till doing in the Cause of Baba. He is a prominent Member of the Lok Sabha for the -last 13 years. being a Congress-man for the last 44 years, a member of the A. I. C. C. for nearly 24 years. Besides he holds very impor tant positions in different co-operative organisations in the State of Madhya Pradesh. With Baba’s blessings, the anniversary celebrations commenced on 24th August in the City of Hyderabad, and concluded with the last meeting held in Kovvur on 1st Sept. ‘64.

Nyderabad: The first anniversary celebrations of “Meher Vihar”, commenced with a special gathering of Baba—lovers of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad on 24th August, in the -morning at ‘Meher Vihar.’ Sardar Amar Singh Saigal address ed the Baba-lovers and Shri M. R. Appa Rao presided on the -occasion. Shri Saigal expressed His firm and unshakable con viction and faith in the Avatarhood of Baba and every word of his carried his conviction. His sincere appeal touched the hearts of one and all who gathered there. In the evening, a public meeting was held in the local Theosophical Society Hall, -under the presidentship of Sri M. R. Appa Rao. Shri Amar Singh Saigal inaugurated the function. Shri Saigal said that Meher Baba is undoubtedly the Avatar of the Age. He re counted his own experiences in the past and also the experien 67

ces of other seekers like Shri Kishan Singh, brother of Sardar Tara Singh, Shri Niranjan Singh, and also that of Mahamaho padhyaya Shri Gopinath, Principal of the Sanskrit College, Benares, who had the good fortune of personal experience which gave them conviction, that Baba is none other than the Ancient One. As one of the Baba—lovers remarked, Bro. Saigal’s utterances which came from the bottom of his heart, ‘left the B aba—lovers much impressed by his dedication and zeal. Bro. Saigal’s speech in Hindi was kindly rendered into Telugu by Shri N. Bhimasankram, Editor, ‘Divyajnana Deepika’. Swamy Sathya Prakash Udaseen also addressed the gathering. The function came to a close after the screening of Baba’s film. .On 25th morning, there was a gathering of’ Baba—lovers at the Secunderabad Centre at the residence of Shri N. S. Pra kasa Rao. In the evening a public meeting was held at Sikh Gurudwara in Hyderabad. Shri Surjit Singhji, President of the Gurudwara presided on the occasion. Shri Saigal explained the concept of Avatarhood, the significance of Baba’s Silence and the close similarity of Baba’s teachings and Guru Nanak’s teachings and also those of the other 10 Sikh Gurus and also explained why he firmly believed that Guru Nanak and Baba are the same Ancient One. He exhorted the audience to search their hearts sincerely and decide for themselves how far they are following the teachings of their Masters. After Shri Appa Rao and Swamy Satya Prakash addressed the gathering, Shri Surjit Singhji, the president summed up the proceedings in a most loving and cordial manner. On 26th, Bro. Saigal visited the houses of some of the Baba—lovers and in the evening addressed a gathering of Baba— lovers in “Meher Vihar” and exhorted’ them to work whole heartedlyin the cause of Baba, to deserve His’ Blessings’ arid Love. In the end.a group--photo was taken. ,

Vijayawada (A P) On 27th August, Sardar Saigal addressed a Baba—1over gathering in the morning. A public meeting was held in the evening in the Rice Miller’s Association Hall under the presi dent—ship of Shri M. B. G. Sastri, B.E., A.M.T.E, Executive 68

Engineer, Zilla Parishad, Guntur. Shri Majety Ramamohan Rao introduced the President and the chief guest, Shri Amar Singh Saigal to the audience. Sardar Saigal spoke at length on the Avatarhood of Baba and the significance of His Unique Silence and exhorted the audience to have faith in Baba as the Avatar of the Age and receive His love—blessing. The Presi dent, BrO. Shastri explained Baba’s Message of Love and Truth and Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen also spoke about “Meher Vihar”and its 1st inauguration that took place just an year ago in the same Hall, when Dr. G. S. N. Mobrty and Yogi Suddha nand Bharati addressed them and Bro. Jal Bhai (Baba’s Bro ther)’ graced the occasiOn. Heexplained the work undertaken by “Meher Vihar” now established at Hyderabad (A. P.) per manently with Beloved Baba’s kind permission and love—bless ings and appealed for the kind co-operation and hearty co-ordi nation of all Baba—lovers of Andhra, in their endeavour to spread the messages and name of our Beloved Baba in every nook and corner of Andhra. Shri Kakaraparti Bhavanarayana Shresti most heartily, proposed vote of thanks at the termina tion of the meeting. On 28th morning a special meeting was arranged in the local Gurudwara under the presidentship of Sardar Sangat Singhji, Vice—president of the Gurudwara. Sardar Harban Singh welcomed the chief guest Sardar Amar Singh Saigal on behalf of the GurudWara and expressed their appreciation for his miion of spreading Baba’s Message of Love and Truth. Shri Amar Singh Saigal spoke about the messages of the Sikh Gurus and compared them with those of Beloved Baba and also narrated the experiences of ShrijutsKishan Singhji and Niranjan Singhji of Delhi and. exhorted the audience to have faith in Baba’s Avatarhood, who is none other than Guru Nanakji in this new form, as the Avatar of the age. Again on the 2nd of September ‘64, Shri Saigal visited this place on his return journey to Delhi, when he visitedseveral houses of Baba-lovers in Vijayawada and also held groups talks with them. lie appealed them to give first priority to Baba’s cause and work whole-heartedlyin its,pursuit. Machiipatnam: Srijuts Tadepalli Basavayya and Pulavarti Viswanadham 69

met Shri Amar Singh Saigal at Vijayawada on the 28th Septem ber ‘64 and took him in their car to Machilipatnam by 11 a.m. Swamy Satya Prakashji also accompanied them. Shri Kuralla Pullayya, the president of the A. M. B. Centre played the host and Sardar Saigal addressed a worker’s gathering held there immediately on his arrival. In the evening a special meeting of the ladies was arranged in “Meher Villa”, the residence of Bro. T. Basavayya and Bro. Saigal inaugurated a Ladies Section of Baba-lovers and Shri Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen presided. Srimati Suseela Devi has been elected as the convener. In the evening, a huge mass gathering was held in premiFes of Sri Kan yalca Parameswari Temple where Mr. Gopalarao, the chairman of the Municipality presided Bro. Saigal’s speceh was translated into telugu by Shri Brahmayya Naidu, Public Prosecutor and former Secretary of A. M. B. Andhra Centre. Shri Saigal gave out an elaborate explanation about the Avatarhood of Baba hand the experiences of personages like Kishan Singhji, Niranjan Singhji and Pandit Gopinathji of Benares City,and exhorted the public to have the good fortune of being the recipients of Baba’s Love and His Blessings by loving Him with whole hearted faith and complete surrender at the holy feet of the Avatar of the Age, Meher Baba. Eluru: On the 29th Messrs. K. Narayanarao and Y. Rangarao, Mote Subbarao received Sardar Aniar Singh Saigal and Swami Satya Prakash at Mr. Subbarao’s house who played the host, Messrs. K. Pullayya and P. Viswanadham also accompanied Bro. Sáia1 in their car to Eluru. A public meeting was held in the evening -in the Y. M. H. A. Hall and Dr. S. Ramarao presided. Shri K. Narayanarao translated Bro. Saigal’s speach into Telugu. The dance drama, “Meher Leela” was enacted by the child-levers of Baba, which was much appreciated. The hall was packed to the full on this occasion. iCakinada: Baba-lovers of Kakinada accorded a grand reception to Sardar Amar Singh Saigal, on the iOth of Aug. ‘64 at the Office of the A. M. B. Andhra Centre and Dr. T. Dhanapatirao, its President played the host. Shri M. V. Subbarao, Co-operative


Sub-Registrar, has arranged a tea-party, where Sardarji addressed the gathering of Baba lovers and appealed to them togive fist priority in their lives to Baba—work and take up His Cause in right earnest and whole heartedly. In the evening a public meeting was arranged at Surya Kala anandir and Sri Pyda Venkatanarayana, M. L. C. presided. The beautiful hail which could hold more than 1500 people was packed to the full out of whom were more than 500 ladies. The elite of the city participated in the function and Dr. Dha napati Rao introduced Bro. Saigal to the audience. Bro. Saigal spoke at length in English and Swami Satya Prakashji translat ed the same into fluent and idiomatic Telugu. Sardar Saigal narrated the experiences of personages like M/s. Kishan Singhji, Niranjan Singhji and Pandit Gopinadhji and emphatically declared his faith in Meher Baba, as the Avatar of the Age and his belief that he is none other than Guru Nankji himself in this new form. His forceful deliver and faithful reasoning impressed the huge gathering and dispelled the doubts in many of their minds in this regard. Shri I. V. Seshagiri Rao Naidu proposed the vote of thanks and in the end Baba’s film on His American Sahavas was scrseened. -


Sardar Amar Singh Saigal, accompanied by Dr. Dhana pathi Rao and Swami Satya Prakash visited Ramachandrapuram on their way to Rajahrnundry on the morning of the 31st Aug. ‘64 and addressed Baba—lovers gathering at the newly constructed “Baba’s Mandir” and explained the universal nature of Baba’s work at present, as the Avatar of the Age. Dhowleswaram:

On their way Sardar Saigal and party visited Dowleswaram and addressed a gathering of Baba-lovers at Dr. Subba photo rayudu’s House on this morning at about 1030 a. m. A group was also taken, 31St August during his visiting Dr. Subbarayudu’s Hospital. Sardar Saigal and party visited the “GURUKLJL” of Shri Bulliah Choudary, where Baba has given Mass Darshan in 1954 Shri Builiah received them very cordially. Rajahmudry: On 31—8—64, a public meeting was held at the Municipal 71

Flail on the occasion of Sardar Saigal’s visit to this place; át 6 p. m. and Sri D. Balarama Raju, M. P., presided, Sardar Saigal spoke about the Avatarhood of Baba and His Unique Silence. He also narrated instances when Baba gave experiencei:. to several of His lovers in- the form of their own Gods, like. Lord Krishna, Guru Nanak etc., Swami Satya Prakash. rende red his English speach into Telugu. After the close of the meeting, Baba’s Film was also -screened. Earlier at about 4 p. m. Shri Saigal and party visited Bro. N. Dharma Rao’s House “Meher Manzil” where tea was served. -:



Sardar Saigal accompanied by Swami Satya Prakash, Bros. N. Dharma Rao, Kaki Satyanarayana and others arrived at Kovvur at 7-45 a. m. by train on 1-9—64 Shri Prasad, son of Shri Koduri Krishna Rao received them at the RailwayStation, and took them in his car to his house where Bro. Koduri, gave them a warm welcome. In the evening at 4 p. m. Babalovers from Kaleru, Dowleswararn, Rajahmundry, Munarnarru, Palakol, Srirangapatnam, Malkipurarn, -Yadavol.e, Nidadavole, Narsaraopet Kotikeswaram’ etc., have gathered in large numbers and Bro. Saigaiji addressed them at “Mehersthan”. He exhorted them to have a firm conviction and unshakable faith in the Avatarhood of Beloved Baba and to devote.themselves vho1e heartediy.: to: His work. Sh.i-i T.S. Kutumba Sütriof Nidadavole translated;his speach in.lo Teiugu. :-







A public meeting was also held in the evening at “Meher stan” at 6-30 p. m and Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen presided. on the occasion. Sardar Saigal once again addressed the large gathering of about 1000 people on the Avatarhood of Baba and His Message of Love and Truth. Shri K. V. N. Apparao M. A., Principal of the local Sanskrit College translated his speech into Telugu with utmost correctness and promptness which gave the audience a good appreciation of the subject spoken and every one felt the presence of Beloved Baba on this happy occasion. Sardar Saigal’s firm faith in Baba and his forceful expression carried conviction to the hearts of the listeners and captivated them to the utmost.


NEWS FROM ABROAD It is reported that in New South Wales (Australia), the Government contemplated a new approach to religious instruc tion in the State-schools. An out-line of and tolerance for religions other than Christianity wa proposed to be include d in the syllabus. As the Church opposed the move, the idea was dropped. Seeing this, sister Grace Swan, one of the ardent lovers of Beloved Baba in Australia, considered it as a golden opport unity to introduce Baba at this juncture. She forwarded selecte d printed material both to the Premier and the Minister for Education, together with her personal letters. Copies of “East West Gathering”, Baba’s Discourse “The Divine Truths ”, and the Universal Message have been included. Intimation has been received from the Premier’s Dept., stating that the matter is receiving careful consideration. It is most fervently hoped that with Beloved Baba’s Grace sister Grace Swan’s efforts in this direction will prove successful. —


Miraculous escape of brother Kuralla Pullayya from the jaws of death: Machilipatnam: Shri Kuralla Pullayya, President of A. M. B. Mac hili patnam Centre came to Hyclerabad on the 14th of July ‘64 and visited “Meher Vihar”. After paying his homage to Beloved Baba and taking Arti in the evening, he left the “Vihar ”. He left Hyderabad for Machilipatnam in the early hours of the next day i.e., on 15—5—64. After a journey for 62 miles in his spaci ous car, along with two other friends, Bro. Pullayya met with a sudden accident. The brakes of the car suddenly failed and the car fell down into a stream from about 25 feet height. It is a miracle how brother Pullayya and the other three including the driver escaped from being hurt, by Baba’s Grace ful Blessings. Shri Pullayya lost his consci ousness and was speechless for some time, but regained it soon. He tells us how he was repeating Baba’s name silently within himsel f since the 73

starting of the journey and that it was His Grace alone that saved him, just in the way in which it was explained by Bro. Adi K. Irani, in his circular letter. An Officer who was going in his car by that road came to their rescue and with the help of some of the passers by, they were all pulled out. They were given a lift by that officer till they reached Vijayawada and they were sent home safely to Machilipatnam. However the car was fully damaged in the accident. By the Grace of Baba, Bro. Pullayya is hale and healthy now and has given hearty reception to Sardar Saigal when he went to Machilipatnam in last August ‘64. May Beloved Baba bless Bro. Pullayya with long life and prosperity to serve His Cause more ardently than ever! —


The 61 days Baba-programme in Hyderabad: After the 1st anniversary of ‘Meher Vihar’ on the 24th&25th of August 1964, which was inaugurated by Sardar Arnar Singh Saigal and his Andhra tour for one week there after under the auspices of the “Vihar”, a new idea was beholden that a61 days programme having a meeting of Baba-lovers every day at a new place within the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad will be a fitting augury of self dedication for the 61st birth day of Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen, the founder-Secre tary of “Meher Vihar”. This being an idea inspired by Bro. Saigal at “Mehersthan”, it was duly intimated to Beloved Baba, and after obtaining His Graceful Blessings, the 61 days prog ramme was commenced on 7th September 1964. Bro. T. S. Kutumba Sastri inaugurated the function, while Bro. M. R. Apparao presided. A life size portrait of Beloved Baba, specially drawn and presented by the artist Brother Y. Rangarao of Eluru, was also unveiled by Bro. M. R. Apparao. The function commenced with the reading of Message of Beloved Baba sent by Brother Eruch for the occasion. Shri T S. Kutumba Sastri spoke most eloquently about the intellectual approach to the spiritual problems and the easiest way shown by Beloved Baba, which is in absolute confirmity with the pro74

found Truth contained in the various scriptures. Shri M. R. Apparao also spoke with intense feeling and devotion and the in spiring presence of Beloved Baba was felt by one and all present on the occasion. Swami Satya Prakashji speaking in response to the tributes paid to him regarding his services in Baba’s Cause, expressed his deep sense of gratitude towards Beloved Baba for the opportunity given by Him. He also expressed his feelings of unconditional and absolute surrender at His Lotus Feet and his re-dedication on this happy occasion of his 61st birthday and prayed to Beloved Baba to bless him with love and strength to hold fast to His ‘daaman’ unto the last breath of his life. In pursuance of the 61 days programme, meetings have been held every evening at different places in the twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, so as to carry on the message of Love and Truth of Beloved Baba and His Sweet Name to every nook and corner. Beloved Baba’s presence has been felt continuously on It is most encouraging to find every day during the functions. that new lowers of intense devotion are being added most miraculously, by Baba’s Grace and every gathering was indeed serving the Divine purpose. Sri M. R. Apparao, Sri R. S. Prakasa Rao, Sri V. V. Nara yana Rao, Sri N. S. Prakasa Rao and Sri L. Venkayya have done their best to help Swamiji in this work. Bro. R.S. Prakasa Rao and Swaniiji addressed the gatherings every day and Bro. B. Bapiraju joined them iii addressing the gatherings when ever he could spare time. Bros. N. S. Prakasa Rao and R. B. Rao entertained the audience every day with music and Sankeertan. Srimatbi Seetha Devi (Mrs. N. Rajeswara Rao and sister of Late M. S. R. Sastri of Masulipatam) has been doing wonderful work and has organised a ladies section of Baba lovers in Hyderabad which was inaugurated by Bro. Saigal on the afternoon of the 6th November ‘64. Bro. Saigal has been kind enough to be here from 6th to 7th of November ‘64 and preside over the functions of’Meher Vihar’ on conipletión of the 61 days programme. Special mention is also to be made regard ing the help rendered by Bros. N. S. Prakasa Rao and R. B. Rao in fixing up the programmes and also the co-operation given by Bro. M.V. Subba Rao in this respect. 75

The 61 days Programmes of Hyderabad and Secunderabad in the Twin cities from the 7th of September 1964 to the 6th of November 1964 No. 1.





Place and Address, where the gathering was held Time 6-30 P. M. 7— 9—1964 “Meher Vihar” 3—6—417; Himayatnagar, Hyderabad-29. Shri M. R. Apparao presi ded and Shri T. S Kutumba Sastri inaugurated the function. 8— 9—1964 at the residences of: Shri N. Bhimasankaram, Retd. Income-Tax Officer, 1—1-230/3/1, Vivekanagar, Hyd-20. 9— 9—1964 Shri L. Venkayya, B.Sc., LL.B., Labour lnspector.5-9-22/20, Adarsanagar Colony, Shapurvadi, Hyd. 10— 9—1964 Shri M. P. Anantabuchanna, 14 Jeera Sec’ bad. ...



11— 9—1964



12— 9—1964



13— 9—1964


14— 9—1964



15— 9—1964



16— 9—1964



Shri B. Lakhminarayana, A d v o c a t e 3—6—756, Himayatnagar, Hyd-22. Shri N. Rajeswara Rao, A d v o c a t e 10-3-295 / A; Humayun Nagar, Hyd-28. Shri A. S. N. Moorty, 3-3-835 “T. Swami Vilas”, Kutbigucla, Hyd. ShriK. Rangarao, lAS., Joint Secretary, Board of Revenue, 3-4-633; Narayanguda, Hyderabad. Shri D. Sangameswara Rao, Dy. General Manager, Hindustan Ideal Insurance Co., Kachiguda, Hyd. Shri G. Narayanarao, No. 1, Ghasmandi Audiahnagar, Opp: G. B. C., Sec’bad. 76

The 61 days Programmes of Hyderabad and Secunderabad in the Twin cities from the 7th of September 1964 to the 6th of November 1964 No.




4. 5. 6. 7. 8.




Place and Address, where the gathering was held Time 6-30 P. M.

7— 9—1964

“Meher Vihar” 3—6—417; Himayatnagar, Hyderabad-29. Shri M. R. Apparao presi ded and Shri T. S Kutumba Sastri inaugurated the function. 8— 9—1964 at the residences of: Shri N. Bhimasankararn, Retd. Income-Tax Officer, 1-1-230/3/1, Vivekanagar, Hyd-20. 9— 9—1964 Shri L. Venkayya, B.Sc,, LL.B., Labour Inspector.5-9-22/ 20, Adarsanagar Colony, Shapurvadi, Hyd. 10— 9—1964 Shri M. P. Anantabuchanna, 14 Jeera Sec’bad. 11— 9—1964 Shri B. Lakhminarayana, A d v o c ate 3—6—756, Himayatnagar, Hyd-22. 12— 9—1964 Shri N. Rajeswara Rao, A d v o c a t e 10-3-295/A; Humayun Nagar, Hyd-28. 13— 9—1964 Shri A. S. N. Moorty, 3-3-835 “T. Swami Vilas”, Kutbiguda, Hyd. 14— 9—1964 ShriK. Rangarao, I.A.S., Joint Secretary, Board of Revenue, 3-4-633; Narayanguda, Hyderabad. 15— 9—1964 Shri D. Sangameswara Rao, Dy. General Manager, Hindustan Ideal Insurance Co., Kachiguda, Hyd. 16— 9—1964 Shri 0. Narayanarao, No. 1, Ghasmandj Audiahnagar, app: G. B. C., Sec’bad. ...










17— 9-1964


18— 9—1964


19- 9—1964


20- 9—1964



21— 9—1964





Shni K. Markandeswara Rao, Padmarao Nagar, 6-6.283; Ssc’bad.


23— 9—1964

18. 19.

24— 9-1964 25— 9—1964

Theosophical Society Reading Room, Bansilalpet; Sec’bad. Shri Lakshminatayana Temple, Sec’bad. Shri M. Venkateswarulu, Asst. Engineer, P.W.D., 6-4-481/8, Krishnanagar, Opp: Jail, Sec’bad.


26— 9—1964



27— 91964



28— 9—1964



29— 9—1964



30— 9—1364




















Shri Ealal<rishna Mudaliyar, P. W. D Supervisor, 104 New Bhoiguda, Hyd. Shri M. V. Subbarao, Advocate 15-3-90; Gowliguda Chaman, Hyd. Shri J. C. Hanumantha Reddi, Advocate 3-4-13; Barkatpura, Hyderabad-27. Shri T. Venkataratnam, B 15-F 2 Vignan pun, Hyd. Shri Balakrishna Reddi, Asst. Engineer, Padmarao Nagar; Sec’bad.

Shri B. Sahadev Singh, Opp : Old Jail, Sec’bad. Shri G. Venkata Sastri, M. Sc., (Agr.) Marketing Officer, Govt. of India, 1-8-44, Chikkadpalli, Hyd. Community Hall, Yerram Manzil Colony, Hyderabad. The Reading Room, Yerram Manzil Co lony, Hyderabad. Shri K. Purushottam, C-109, Addagutta Teachers’ Colony, East Maredupalli, See’ bad. Shri Koteswaran, Tagore Home, Paramjyoti St., Near New Clock Tower, See’ bad. Shri Gautamji, 55/3 Meadows Barracks, Trimalgiri, Sec’bad. Shri Ch. Visweswara Rao, 62/2. R. T. Prakasamnagar, Sec’bad. Shri B. Rajanee Kantrao ,M.A., (A.1.R.) Hardikarbagh, Himayatnagar, Hyd-29. 77






















































Shri Anantabuchariria, M. p., Jeera-14; See’bad. Shri Gora Sastri, Editor ‘Andhra Bhoo mi’ Daily, 49-Jeera, Sec’bad. Shri Chitrapu Narasirnliarao, Advocate 1-10-114, Ashoknagar, Hyd-20. Shri T. R. Satyanarayana, 4942-Bandimet, Sec’bad. Shri P.Nagabhushanarao, 58-B, Sabastian Road, Opp: S. P. G. P. Girls School, Sec’bad. Shri P. V. Pat.narao, Tatachari’s Com pound, Sec’bad. Shri R. C. N/bali, 6529, Near Jamshed Hall, Sec’bad. Shri P. Anjayya, PA., to the Chief Mini ster, Andhra Pradesh, 1-3-45, Yarram Manzil Colony, Hyd. Shri N. S. Prakasarao, A. N’l. B.Sec’bad Centre, T/ 1 Mudfort, Sec’bad. Shri D. N. Reddy, Res: 106, New N4.L.A Quarters, Hyd. Shri R. B. Rao, (C. C. Paul’s House) 44-Sarojinidevi Road, Near Leela Bhavan, Sec’bad. Shri B. Atchuta Raju, F-5; Santinagar Colony, Mashiguda, (Via Tarnaka) Sec’ bad. Shri K. Sundaresarn, B/76 Opp : Co operative Store, Malakpeta Colony, Hyd. Dr. R. T. Kakade, Station Road, Kachi guda, Hyd. Shrj Burgula Harinath, 7-393; Park Lane, Sec’bad. Shri G. Narasirnhamurti, (3-T-T Blocks) Near Maredupalli Bus terminus, Sec’bad. Shri J. Lakshmayya, 145, Consarry Bazar, Bowenpet, Sec’bad. Shri N Kanaka Sabhapathi, 63-3, New Bhoiguda, Sec’bad. 78



Shri T. Narasimharao, 9-3-414; R, B. Road, Regimental Bazar, Sec’bad.





Shri N. V. Subbarayudu, B.A.,B.Ed., 47 Jee ra, Sec’bad. Shri M. Kamalakararao Naidu, Retd. En gineer, Mettugudda Extensions, Sec’bad.









54. 55.

30-10-1964 31—10—1964















Shri J. Narayanarao, 178/3; R. T. Vijaya nagar Colony, Hyd. Shri R. S. Prakasarao, I.A.S., (Retd.) 3-4-576; Barkatpura, Hyd-27. Shri J. S. Ramamohanrao, Executive Engineer, P. W. D. 3-4-174; 2nd Floor, Barkatpura, Hyd. Shri Ramanujam, Contractors M. E. S., Near Soap Factory Lane. Bhoiguda See’bad. Shri T. Sadanandam, Picquet, Sec’bad. Shri Bhaskara Rao, Rly. Quarters, See’ bad. Sri. M. V. Subba Rao, Advocate, Gouli gizda-Chaman, Hyd. Shri M. R. Apparao, Minister for Excise, Jubilee Hills, Hyd. Shri K. Srimannarayana, Station Master, Nampalli Station, Hyd. Shri D. V. Krishna Sastri, Telugu Poet, A-10-21/ 1, Basheerbagh Road, Himayat nagar. Hyd. Shri V. V. Narayanarao, I. A. S., Retd 3-4-874; 1st Floor Barkatpura, Hyd-29. i) 8 A. M. to 9—30 A. M. Baba-lover. Gathering; at “Meher Vihar”. ii)


3 p.m. to 5 p.m. At Mahila Mandali Mallepalli, Inauguration of the ladies section of Baba-lovers of the twin cities of Hyd. & Sec’bad, by Sardar Amar Singh Saigal, M. P. Public Function: at Y. M. C. At Hall, Hyderabad Narayanaguda, a. 6—00 P. M., under the president ship Sardar Amar Singh Saigal. 79

NO TE: Our readers will be happy to note that the 61 days Programme thus stated above has been finally completed on 6th November 1964. The special message of blessings sent for the occasion by Beloved Baba has been already published in the front page of this issue. The morning function on 6th instant at Meher Vihar was attended by all prominent Baba lovers of the twin cities and the evening Public meeting at Y.M.C.A auditorium was a grand success by Beloved Baba’s Grace. In his Presi dential speech Bro. Sardar Amarsingh Saigal gave out in a nutshell Baba’s Message of love and truth and elaborately explained about Beloved Baba’s Unique Silence and His Avatarhood of the Present age. He exhorted the audience to love Baba and be the recipients of His loving Grace. Swa mi Satya Prakash explained the objects of Meher Vihar and its dedicated work in the cause of Beloved Baba and exhorted the audience to take the best advantage of the services of this abo3rd of Beloved Baba and be pleased to have the good fortune of being the recipients of Divine love through the grace of our Silent Master, Meher Baba, the Avatar of the age and to hold on to his Daaman to the very end of their lives. Sri R. S. Prakasa Rao offered the vote of thanks to all concerned and to all those that have exteoded their helping hand for the success of the Mr. Jagannatha Rao & Party of Masulipatam Programme althrough. and Sri B. Rajanikanta Rao of A.I.R entertained the audience with their It is a matter of additional joy musical songs and ‘Sankeerthan’. Saigal has connection that Bro. to be added here in this inaugurated a ladies section of Baba lovers of the twin cities at Mahila Samaj of Vijayanagar colony at 3.00 p.m. this afternoon. Our special thanks to Smt. N. Seetha Devi whose earnest efforts are mostly respon sible for this unique organisation of ladies in this city. Smt. V. Radha Subrahmanyam and Smt. N. Seetha Dcvi are elected as President and convener, respectively and Smt. G. Hanumayamma and Srnt, N. Sundari Devi as joint Secretaries for this organisation.


Bro. Saigal left for Nagpur on 7th night by G.T. The Sunday gathe ring of Baba lovers met on 8th morning at Meher Vihar from 9 am, to 11 a.m. All special messages of Beloved Baba sent for the 61 days Programme and its final function on 6th instant were read. It is unanimously agreed after due deliberations that Beloved Babas 71st. Birth day shall be celebrated in twin cities from 16th December 1964 to 25th February 1965 (both the days inclusive) for 71 days and Swami Satya Prakash was duly authorised to proceed with the celebration. On the 8th evening a special function was arranged at the residence of Sri K. Rama Krishnaiah Chetty, Deputy Commissioner of Police at 6-30 p.m. and all the prominent Bba lovers of the twin cities have kindly responded to his kind invitation. MIs. R. S. Prakasa Rao, Kotis waran and Swami Satya Prakash addressed the gathering. Mr. Jagannath Rao of Masulipatam entertained them with his musical concert. He was honoured on behalf of Meher Vihar with a purse of Rs. 58f- as Baba’s Prasad. Sri Chtty has cordially distributed Prasad and his loving hospi tality is much appreciated by all brothers and sisters assembled. In fact this occasion proved to be the reil culmination of 61 days programme of Beloved Baba in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad for everyone present felt the Divine presence of Beloved Baba on this happy occasion and greeted each other with fraternal love worthy of Beloved Baba’s family. JAI BABA —F. 0. C.

Message from The Mother (Pondichecry) “ The future of the earth depends on a Change of Consciousness. The only hope for the future is in a change of man’s consciousness and the change is bound to come. But it is left to men to decide if they will collaborate for this. change, or it wi!l have to be enforced upon them by he power of crash ing circumstances. So, wake up and collaborate ii Blessings.”

THE MOTHER (Pardicherry)


LATEST NEWS FROM MEHERAZAD (Continued from page 8) slightest wish of the Beloved, arid there is no scope for why and wherefore while obeying the Master. When in my sahavas (company) be attentive and receptive to what I may say, but do not question. Pampering of the intellect brings forth innume-’ rable questions. All these questions can be answered but that is not spiritually indispensable. Mere intellectual explanations will not take you out of the muddle of your mind but will puzzle you all the more. Try to grasp what I have already said. To demand anything from the Beloved is an insult to Love. Love only gives and goes on giving till the will of the Beloved alone manifests through the lover.” Among Bal’s notes I came across this delightful passage Some from among the gathering expressed their thought that they have been seeing Baba all the time in a pink coat at ‘darshan’ time, and that they desired to see Him wear some other colours. Baba smiled and said, “If I started changing the colour of my clothes to suit the taste of all my lovers, can you imagine what a variety of colours would be introduced for my wear?! 1 am the slave of your love, but not of your whims.” Just as beauty finds the need to express itself in the form of and art other outlets, it is inevitable that love should seek expression in some tangible gesture. It is therefore natural that when the lovers come for Beloved Baba’s ‘darshan’ ttley bring garlands, sweets, fruits and other offerings. What Baba had to say on this was: “Why do you bring these baskets of fruit and tins of sweets? Better that you come with empty hands, but not of course with empty hearts! As you sit in my presence, there is a possibility that your thoughts are diverted toward3 your offerings you are here but your mind may be running after the garlands and bas kets. So I give the signal ‘Garland Baba, and let us be free o it’. Besides, I do not taste the many things you so lovingly bring as your offering. You know of my simple diet. So I have to distribute these sweets & fruits to the mandali and others.” With a twinkle in His eyes, Baba added, “And when they have -



done full justice to the things, I get the stomach-ache!” But then He also says, “I am the Ocean of Love, so whatever you do with love pleases me”. At the last such darshan (1963), we noticed that although Baba accepted the garlands with love, He usually touched the offerings in blessing and returned them to the giver as His prasad. Thinking of the many dear ones in the U.S.A., who long to see the Beloved, and how comparatively few of them can afford to make the repeated journeys to India, we offered the sugges tion that this time Baba should once again give His sahavas to His Western lovers at His Centre in Myrtle Beach, U.S.A., as He had done three times before. But, Baba tells us that at present this is out of the question. Looking deeper under the practical layer of our suggestion, we find our prompting was largely mingled with our hope to visit once again that inexpres sibly beautiful place, which Baba has chosen for His spiritual Centre in the U.S.A., and which indeed He has said will one day become His Universal Centre!. The “Meher Spiritual Centre” at Myrtle Beach is the sweet fruit of Elizabeth Patter son’s love for Baba. The seed was sown by Baba, and it grew under His direct guidance. The Beloved denies performing miracles, but the Meher Spiritual Center is undeniably a miracle of His Love. I wonder how many of those who visit the place and bask in the beauty of His Presence that is ever present there, know of its unique history; or realize the boundless perseverance & hard work, faith & love, struggle & expense that have been poured into the making of it. Baba sent dearest Elizabeth & Norma (Princess Matcha belli) to the United States from India in 1941, to locate a site for [us spiritual Centre somewhere in the United States one which would comply with the five conditions that He laid down. Two af the five conditions were that “it should be on virgin soil” and that “it should be given from the heart”. After a considerable search for the ideal site, the property now known as Meher Spiritual Centre, * comprising of over 500 acres and two fresh water lakes adjacent o the Ocean, came into through her dear father, Mr. Elizabeth’s possession -


Seven miles north of the resort town of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (U. S. A.)


Simeon Chapin. A perfect setting for the establishment’ of the Centre as wished by Baba, it met all the condi ‘ions He had set down. This property, a virgin forest, was undeveloped and uncultivated by man, vith only a narrow road or trail running through t which was used by travellers on horse-back (including George Washington and Lafayette while enroute from Charles ton to New York.) The breath-taking transformation we beheld on our visit to the completed Center with Baba in !952, can never be adequately expressed in words, much less so in a letter Kitty Davy, our dear companion of many years with Baba in India, who is entrusted by Him to help look after the Center in Myrtle Beach, has compiled a wealth of notes (largely from Elizabeth’s letters to Baba and to her father) on the history of the place thus preserving the many details that might otherwise be lost to posterity. I hope Elizabeth will some day find the time to edit the notes and put the account in book form, to preserve the precious history of a place, precious to the heart of the Avatar of the age. -

To us October is a foretaste of the long summer to come, but more so it is a pleasant reminder of the all too short winter that it heralds. At dawn, in the first rays of the drowsy sun, we would see the cobwebs glisten across the bougenvalia and jasmine bowers, perfect discs of gossamer that spring up over night. We watched October’s harvest moon rising in its glory, soon after the sun made its exit behind a gaudy curtain of flaming clouds. At night we would stand entranced before the huge white flowers with wax-like petals, resembling a lotus and chrysanthemum combined, known as Christ’s cradle because the heart of the flower is shaped like a cradle with a ‘star’ over it. The flowers grow on a vine with leaves that are similar to the cactus and blossom only for a night, opening to their fullest at midnight when they dazzle the sight with their awesome beauty. The suspense of our êrra tic monsoon is over, but the sum total of the rain’s blessings is offset by the trail of misery it left in many places where there was either too much of rain or too little. Devastating floods and acute drought ften made headlines in the papers. Translated into human suffering, in a land where hundreds of millions live in abject 84

poverty for whom to lose one’s little is to lose one’s all, it is staggering. India is like the old woman in the nursery rhyme, “she has so many children she doesn’t know what to do !“ Never before has the national food crisis been so heart-rending as it has this year, and with all the drastic measures taken by the Government and the most generous shipment of grains from the United States of America and other countries, we have barely turned the corner. We think of Arangaon as Baba’s village, for it was in Arangaon that “Meher-abad” (Baba’s first permanent settlement with His disciples) was established. Many of the villagers were children at the time, growing up under the piritual and material care of beloved Baba, their love for Him growing along with them. The village has been in the grip of drought for the third year running, and we heard sad reports of the desperate shortage of water ánl of the farmers being compelled to get rid of their indispensable cattle and sheep for lack of fodder. Et was natural therefore that when their endurance and hopes were exhausted, the villagers should turn to their Compassionate Father, Meher Baba. One Sunday in September, a group of them came over to Meher-azad, laying bare their plight before Him and begging for His mercy of rain. Baba gave them His blessing and told them not to worry. The following sunday they were back again, many more of them, young & old, men, women & children. They came walking, in bullock carts, by bus, on bicycles. They came with garlands in their hands, and with gratitude in their hearts, for the rains had come to Arangaon! In that week it had rained till the fields were submerged in water and the river was resurrected again. Every downpour was as a whip-lash to the demon of famine, each shower a balm to the chapped & shri velled features of the earth. The sound of waters rushing through the barren river-bed was sweeter than music to them. The long dried-up springs that feed the wells started coming to life again, and water began flowing from the taps of Meherabad. It was truly a thanksgiving day for the villagers, as they gathered before their Beloved in Meherazad. While the older men looked picturesque in theirred and orange turbans, and the younger ones wore the modern white caps, the women’s


saris lent the most colour to this rural gathering of Baba-lovers For them it was a rare opportunity of His darshan, for me a rare opportunity to use the movie camera. Baba accepted He their garlands and gave them each His prasad of sweets. activities their of speak asked some of them to sing, others to at the Arangaon Baba-Centre. This naturally brought up the points of dispute and disagreements that had been rising among them in the doing of His work. Baba encouraged the different Him, and cleared up the workers to air their grievances before fog of their misunderstandings with the sunshine of His presence, making them realize the unimportance of such differences in the way He alone can. He told them to love one another, and the simple reply was, “It is so easy to love you Baba, but diffi cult to love one another!”. Baba said, “I know, but if you do that it will be a miracle greater than the blessing of rain that has brought you here today.” He added, “Try your best and I will help you.” A written statement in the form of a letter and signed by a number of the villagers, was presented at Meherazad a few days later. There is not room for me to give it all here, so I must be content with giving a fw passages translated into English: “Avatar Meher Baba sanctified Arangaon Meherabad in 1923. Here he established Meher Ashram. At that time we were just teenagers. We, the Harijan boys of Arangaon, were admitted to the Meher Ashram. It was the time when we wete not only denied education and the primary necessities of life but were treated as ‘untouchable’ the low in caste. But indeed we were very fortunate, for Baba personally looked after our needs and education. He uplifted the Harijans in all respects. Since then, in His unbounded compassion, He has been favour ing us with His divine blessings in all ways of life. He is indeed the Saviour of the ‘low and down-trodden’. -



“Sat-Chit-Anand Avatar Meher Baba is God in human form. He is omnipresent in all things and beings. Baba’s light of love shines within the hearts of us all. He is the same One who descends on the earth and assumes human form. He was Rama, Krishna and Buddha the Ancient One. The Avatar’s work in previous Advents was great, but in the present -




saris lent the most colour to this rural gathering of Baba-lovers’ For them it was a rare opportunity of His darshan, for me a rare opportunity to use the movie camera. Baba accepted their garlands and gave them each His prasad of sweets. He asked some of them to sing, others to speak of their activities at the Arangaon Baba-Centre. This naturally brought up the points of dispute and disagreements that had been rising among them in the doing of His work. Baba encouraged the different workers to air their grievances before Him, and cleared up the “ fog of their misunderstandings with the sunshine of His presence, making them realize the unimportance of such differences in the way He alone can. He told them to love one another, and the simple reply was, “It is so easy to love you Baba, but diffi cult to love one another!”. Baba said, “I know, but if you do that it will be a miracle greater than the blessing of rain that has brought you here today.” He added, “Try your best and I will help you.” A written statement in the form of a letter and signed by a number of the villagers, was presen Led at Meherazad a few days later. There is not room for me to give it all here, so I must be content with giving a few passages translated into English “Avatar Meher Baba sanctified Arangaon Meherabad in 1923. Here he established Meher Ashram. At that time we were just teenagers. We, the Harijan boys of Arangaon, were admitted to the Meher Ashram. It was the time when we wete not only denied education and the primary necessities of life but were treated as ‘untouchable’ the low in caste. But indeed we were very fortunate, for Baba personally looked after our needs and education. He uplifted the Harijans in all respects. Since then, in His unbounded compassion, He has been favour ing us with His divine blessings in all ways of life. He is indeed the Saviour of the ‘low and down-trodden’. “Sat-Chit-Anand Avatar Meher Baba is God in human form. He is omnipresent in all things and beings. Baba’s light of love shines within the hearts of us all. He is the same One who descends on the earth and assumes human form. He was Rama, Krishna and Buddha the Ancient One. The Avatar’s work in previous Advents was great, but in the present -






Advent, as Meher Baba, it is greatest. His ancient state and work are beyond the capacity of our understanding. He has not come to establish a new religion or to perform miracles, but He has come to awaken mankind to its spiritual heritage. It is therefore essential that every one of us should re-dedicate our lives at His holy feet, whole heartedly.” Speaking of the blessing of rain they received, they decla red: “It reminds us of the incident in Lord-Krishna’s life. Lord-Krishna lifted the Govardhan (mountain) with one finger, gathered His lovers under it and saved them from the disaster that was caused by the rains. Now Meher Baba, the Avatar of the age, in response to our prayer has blessed us by shower ing plenty of rainfall. Hallowed be His Name!” —

Unlike the rains, Baba’s blessing is daily showered unseen in the lives of His lovers everywhere, as we gather from the reports coming in. We hear from them of the endless miracles of His compassion, of the ever growing number of men & women reaching out to the light of His Love, of the many little instances that reveal His omnipresence, and of the trials & afflictions in their personal lives that are but a ‘seventh sha dow’ of the suffering borne by Him for the love that He bears for His creation. All this we hear, and we know that the Beloved’s work goes on, seen & unseen, through His awakened ones wherever they are. With each succeeding letter, for lack of space, it becomes more difficult for me to be able to report the continually increasing activities launched by His lovers who toil so that others may share in the knowledge that God walks the earih again. Happily, you are kept faithfully informed of these activities through the different Baba-magazines. I find that the best part of the letter has been saved for the end after all! On having heard the contents of this letter (which was read out to Him at His wish), Beloved Baba tells me to add that He sends His Love to you each dear one (From one of the %andali)


GREETINGS (With Flashes on the Festival of Lights)

the Source of all lights ! Dear “Silent Light” How to feel happy and find soul’s delight When the ‘Heart of Humanity’ is still bleeding and, —

the Cruel Time is telling with an Iron Tongue, on this very dark night that the Ship of Civilization is slowly sinking while the ‘hot’ l-linsalayas are fast melting. Therefore, With a storm of tears, raging in blazing eyes, Concealing countless volcanoes in trembling voice. I pray: Let the Cosmic Candle of Conscience, burn brighter & brighter in the Inner Being of man, and produce the Light of peace on planet Let the Fire of Faith in Fellowship be free from the flames of passions and prejudices Let it release the Radiant Life of LOVE consuming all horrors of war and worries, transforming noise into Wonderful Silence, swallowing bombs and digesting even ‘death’ Finally, Let the destiny of the whole world be calmly directed to a New Heaven of Hope I DEEPAVALI (1964)



Our New Patrons and Life Members Sri Amar Singh Saigal, M.P., Azad Nagar, Bilaspur (M.P.)

Our old Patrons anti Life Members (Who donated additional amount of Rs. 100/-) Sri Chinta Sarva Rao, Cloth Merchant, Vijayawada (A. P.) 88

Excerpt from a reply by Adi K. Irani to a letter of query from the U. S. A. October 10th, 1964. “Meher Baba directs me to send you His blessing and love and to inform you that He is happy you have been remembering Him in the course of your studies. Meher Baba wants you to study the book “God Speaks”, for it will help you to under stand the mystery of life ephemeral and the Truth of Existence Eternal. “The book “God Speaks” is a very important text book for all students, who are keen to understand the fundamental purpose and mechanics of life and the Universe. “God Speaks” reveals to us that all the experiences even of spiritual aspirants on the Path to God-realization (gotten in the natural course of involution of Consciousness) are of the domain of Illusion and are ephemeral and absolutely unimportant; how much more illusory and distracting can be the experience of a layman in a laboratory who experiments with drugs to induce experiences with the semblance of those of an aspirant on the Spirituae Path! Meher Baba has said that the one and only true experiencl is the experience of the Truth, the Reality, for once the realiza tion of God is attained it remains a continual and never ending experience. “The all-pervading effulgence of God, the Reality can only be experienced by an aspirant, who keeps himself scrupulously above all illusory experimentations and humbly takes refuge in love of God. “God can only be realized by loving Him with all the love at one’s command pure, simple and unadulterated love. When his love for God, and God alone, is at its zenith, true longing for union with God is greatest, and the aspirant’s ego assertion is then at its lowest point. “The aspirant at this stageis in the sixth Plane of Conscious. ness (Vide “God Speaks”) and “sees” God face to face in all His Glory. This aspirint experiences God’s effulgence con sciously and continually without a break. He experiences this -


without any fears of fluctuation in his continual and never ending experiencing of “seeing” the Glory of God. Even this most sublime experience of “seeing” God face to face falls short of the only true experience Union with God the Reality. “It is absolutely essential for spiritual aspirant who genuinely longs for union with God the Reality, to shun false practices of yogic postures and exercises, meditation on other than God the Beloved, experiments with the effects of certain drugs and fads for types of food. These things do not uplift the aspirant nor draw him out of the rut of illusion. Experiences born of these practices wear off no sooner the “aspirant” with draws from or is thrown out of the orbit of the effect produced by the technique employed. “All so-called spiritual experiences generated by taking “mind changing” drugs (such as LSD, Mescaline and Psilocybin, mentioned in your letter) are superficial and they add enor mously to one’s addiction to the deceptions of illusion which is but the Shadow of Reality. “The experience of a semblance of “freedom” that these drugs may temporarily give to one is in actuality a millstone round the aspirant’s neck in his efforts towards EMANCIPATION from the rounds of birth and death “It is good to know that there are drugs that alleviate human suffering, it is better to have a knowledge of a specific drug for a particular ailment and it is best to put to use the benefit of a human body. “But there is no drug that can promote the aspirant’s prog ress nor ever alleviate the sufferings of separation from His beloved God. LOVE is the only propeller and the only reme dy. The aspirant should love God with alL his heart till he forgets himself and recognises his Beloved God in himself and others. “When you study the book “God Speaks” you will under stand how very impossible it is for an aspirant to realize God without the Grace of the Perfect Master and therefore it is of paramount importance for a genuine spiritual aspirant to surrender himself to the Perfect Master who has Himself reali zed God. Wishing you all the best, -



Yours sincerely, (Sd.) ADI. K. IRANI 90

Meher Publications (Revised & Exhaustive Price-Lis’)

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Listen Humanity by Meher Baba (Published in U. S. A.)


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(Contd. on next page)


Meher Baba in the Great Seclusion by Ramju Abdulla & Dr. C. D. Deshmukh., M.A, ph.n, An Introductory sketch on The Life and Work of Avatar Meher Baba and His Expositions by Shri A. C. S. Chari The Quest by Francis Brabazon (Published in Australia)


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Shri & Srimalhi I. R. Apparao at the loins feet of Beloved Baha when they had the privilege of washing His Feet with ‘‘Panchainrit’’. Mrs. C. D. Deshmukh can be seen in their corn anv. Bro. Eruch is just removing the plate, etc.



Shri M. R. Appa Rao at the lotus feet of Beloved Baha.

“Divya Vani” Bi-Monthly

10th Sept. 1964

The “Jhanhi” arranged at the Delhi Celebrations of the Great Silence of Avatar Meher Baba. Srimali PRABHA KAIN is seen sitting before Beloved Baba’s picture in devotion.

Edited, Printed and Published by Swami Satya Prakash Udaseen, Hyderabad-29 Printed at Pragati Art Printers, Hyderabad (A. P.)

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