LOVE STREET LAMP POST 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Qtr 1994

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There is one central fact of creation: The most important event that ever happens,for ~11 ...:_~





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FROM THE EDITOR Avatar Meher Baba, you are the giver of all things, the receiver of all things, and you are that which is given and received. We are blessed to dedicate this issue, in connnemoration and loving celebration, to the centenary of your birth on this earth. It is with great honor that this issue of the LoveStreet LampPost remembers Meher Baba's lOOth birthday. This time will never come again. As much as possible, given our limitations, we have addressed the Centennial. Bal Natu's message (see p"5) to the Southern California group gives insight into remembrance of God, and Margaret Magnus' report (see p.3) on the planned Centennial events confIrms this group's commitment to that remembrance. In remembrance of things past, we thank LampPost founders Greg and Gay Dunn for their years of dedicated love and service editing this newsletter. What began as an idea in graphic designer Gay's mind (initially suggested at the group's annual baseball game) was finally realized with the first issue in 1988. The name "LoveStreet LampPost" was arrived at after dozens of title ideas. (It's name could as easily have been "Dust Dwellers Wine Cup," among other interesting possibilities.) Glad you two made the choice you did! It certainly has been a "lamppost" for the Southern California group, and many more. Through the Dunn's efforts in meeting a real need, the LSLP has become an invaluable resource for the Meher Baba connnunity, eagerly anticipated every season. We wish Gay and Greg the best of luck in their future and in their involvement with Meherana (see p .25). At a recent meeting to discuss the end of the Dunn's telm as editors, the cunent board of directors described the ways in which the LSLP serves its readers. These functions cannot be ranked-as with love of God, there is for each person a different aspect which touches the hemt more deeply. Though the majOllty of its readers m"e not members of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, the LampPost certainly blingS the LA/Southern California group together as a connnunity; its readers are largely based here. It also helps connect those who do not attend meetings-locally, nationally and internationally. It is seen by many to carryon the tradition of Fibs Frederick's Awakener, which was mandated by Meher Baba. But it is unique in that it lets the

local community know about the administrative functioning of the Center. It is also invaluable for mail order of AMBCSC Bookstore items, and, perhaps more importantly, it is often a fIrst contact for newcomers to Meher Baba. Editorially, the LampPost is a venue fgr people to express their thoughts and feelings regarding Meher Baba. Whether we want it to be or not, the LSLP is about our lives as Baba-lovers now. In an effort to involve more people with the editorial aspects, we have decided to divide the LSLP into depmtments, each headed by a "conu"ibuting editor." As you will see, the department editors have solicited and received some remarkable writing and aItwork from around the counu)'. Their love for Meher Baba and the desire to share that love flows from page to page. Regarding sharing... as mentioned above, the bom"d of directors has a commitment to keeping the LSLP free of charge to any that ask to receive it, even though the annual budget of the AMBCSC is finite. Since the Center's mailing list has been constantly growing, without a subscription fee we can only urge readers to realize that production, printing, distribution and postage costs m"e barely covered by the $5/ yem" (su"ongly) suggested donation. Every aspect of this publication is volunteer, given to Meher Baba that others may share in His love. Be a pmt of this loving, Connnunity effort. How can we encourage you? If guilt works, then shame on you! Send $5/yem" and feel guilty no more! If pride works, then know that your (su"ongly) suggested donation of $5/yem" may be the fuel that powers the vehicle for someone to hem" about Meher Baba for the fIrst time! (Would those then be natural or unnatural sanskaras, Bhau?) For whatever reason, even simply kindness or generosity, please contribute. Lastly, but certainly not the least impOltant, we encourage submissions. This newsletter wouldn't be as interesting as it is without writing from you, yes you/ Ideas for aIticles, suggestions for interviews, mtwork, poetry, announcements, opinions, cmtoons, reviews-your love and remembrance of Avatm" Meher Baba, in print, can only make the LSLP more vital. What a wondeIful opportunity He has given us to gather and share our love-His love. Thank you Meher Baba, and Happy l00th Birthday! Christina M" Riley

THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quarterly publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90025

(310) 474-9454 This newsletter keeps the Southern California Avatar Meher Baba community and friends abreast of Center activities, and provides a forum for contemporary accounts of life with Meher Baba as Guide. The LoveStree LampPost is free, given in the spirit of spreading Meher Baba's message of Love and Truth. Editor: Christina M. Riley Current Events Editor: Caroline McDonald Announcements Editor: Mehrnoush Lorkalantari Arts Editor: Will David Children's Corner Editor: Lynn Maguire Calendar Editor (program Chairperson): Debra Ash Contributors: Ann Conlin, Greg Dunn, Larry Fletcher, Dina Snow Franklin, Bing Heckman, Ray Lee, Margaret Magnus, Michael Mathias, Lyn Ott, John Page, Mike Ramsden, Jinl Rutherford, Fred Stankus, Adele Wotkin, Linda Zavala Distribution: Chris and Pris Haffenden Please share you artwork, photos, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. For those of you with access to a computer, it is a great help to us if you can submit your copy on disk, along with a paper copy. We can handle virtually all disk formats, IBM-compatible or Macintosh. Save the fileas plain, unfoffilatted text, or just send the disk and we'll do our best to figure it out. If you have a modem, you can submit copy via the One World BBS at (310) 372-0987. Set your modem to 8-N-I, use BABA for your initial password and upload to the LampPost file area. LoveStreet LampPost submission deadlines arc: November 15 (January -March issue); February 15 (April-June issue); May 15 (July-September issue); August 15 (October-December issue) Please send all submissions to: LoveStreet LampPost, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. (31O) 474-9454 Please send address changes/subscription requests to: Pris Haffenden, 3616 1/2 S. Centinela Avenue u Los Angeles, CA 90066 (3 I0) 390-2779 Published quarterly (January, April, July, October) All contents Š1994 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, except where noted. WEST COAST MEETINGS In Orange County call Lynne or Steve Berry at (714) 966-1262. In the Inland Empire call Jay Mohler at (619) 366-9330. In Ojai call Peter Justin at (805) 646-4159. (Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.) In Santa Barbara call Donna Karpeles at (805) 682-1877. In San Diego call Scott or Arme Makeig at (619) 436-7155. (monthly) In Fresno call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877. (every first, second, and third Wednesday of each month) In Northern California call (510) 845-4339. In Portland, meetings are every Friday night. Discourses meeting are held every other Sunday afternoon, and amonUllymeeting is held every month at the Wilson's house in Scotts Mill, (503) 873-2048. In Sacramento call Marilyn BueWer at (916) 925-4451. InSeattlecall Joyce Geoffroy or Tom at (206) 283-7027. (Fridays, 8 pm.)

Centenary or Centennial? Celebrate Meher Baba's 100th Birthday! by Margaret Magnus "I am the Ancient Olle. the One residing ill eve,y heart. The Divine Beloved is always with you." Avatar Meher Baba

The Avatar comes only every 700-1400 years, and His 100th birthday only comes once for us in this lifetime. We are blessed to be here to celebrate and remember Meher Baba-the Avatar of the Age-on His birthday, February 25,1994. The theme, "I am the Ancient One, the One residing in every heart. The Divine Beloved is always with you," reminds us that Meher Baba is within each of us and is always with us. His Centennial celebration is our opportunity to remember Him. The celebration will actually spread over three days, February 24-26, and is designed for both the ardent lover familiar with Meher Baba and the unknown seeker waiting for Him to turn the key. The Centennial Celebration will start Thursday evening, February 24th with Arti at 3:30 pm, to coincide with Baba's actual India birthday and birth time of 5:00 am on February 25th. The Arti will be at the Center as well as specific locations (to be determined) around Southern California, and, of course, at your workplace. The following day, Friday, the festivities begin at Occidental College near Pasadena and continue through Saturday. Two very special out-of-town guests are coming to celebrate with us. Naosherwan Anzar, editor and publisher of Glow International magazine and author of several books about Meher Baba, is the featured speaker. He will talk several times during the two days as well as answer questions abou~ the life and work of Baba. A featured performer is Jim Meyer of Myrtle Beach whose most recent album, Journeys of the Heart, is comprised of devotional songs to Meher Baba. In addition, an array of musical and dramatic talent will perfornl in tribute to and celebration of Meher Baba's centenary during the two days. A partial list of other performers who will be on the program include: Pris and Chris Haffenden, Scott continued on page 24


by John Page

There is a myriad of other important events that million souls had direct contact. Yet of those million occur at one time or another. These events may be how many came to love Him and take Him as their crucial to someone or a group of people. However, by Master? A very small number, indeed. Of course He their very nature they are limited by the person or had His own work with them all and gave each an people to whom they are of service and they are limincomparable spiritual boost, but He certainly preited by the time in which they take place. In other ferred that the masses think of something or someone words, they have no universal and eternal meaning. else. Unfortunately, that is never a hard task for us. Yet the reverse of that is equally interHowever, the creation is God's esting. While it is fascinating that when He hobby, His plaything, His "shadow," as was embodied, Beloved Baba met so many Baba has called it. And what is its fundapeople and so comparatively few came to mental nature? Well, it's totally and comconsciously love Him, after He dropped pletely false. That's right-lOO% illusion. And even though it is governed by laws the body countless thousands have come to that He Himself designed and implelove Him. Yet this occurred often tl1rough mented, He still intervenes in its operation. nothing more than sight of His photo, hearing His name or reading a passage from a No, not interferes, intervenes. And it is this message He gave. intervention, this Divine Intervention, that THE PRICELESS Such is one of the mysteries of His apis what His Birth is all about-that His TREASURE: This lapel Life is all about, for as it says in the Bible, pin was touched and pearance among us, that in His own words: blessed by Meher "I am that same Ancient One who alone is "For He so loved the world that He gave Baba and was reHis only begotten son." And that, in a remembered and forgotten. I am that Ancently offered at the Silent Auction cient One whose past is worshipped and nutshell, is what creation and God's Apfundraiser (see p.22J. remembered, whose present is ignored and in creation are all about. pearance forgotten and whose future (Advent) is anticipated This time, in this age, God took birth on February 25, 1894, in Poona, India. The child, born with great fervor and longing," Merwan Sheriar Irani, awoke to His Divine Mission So, what meaning may we find now in His at the age of 19. He was kissed between the eyes by Centennial? It's been 100 years since He incarnated. Hazrat Babajan, one of the five Perfect Masters of And 25 years have passed since He removed His the time. This kiss rended the veil that had covered lovely form from our midst. His most dear and beautiful form-the form that yogis and saints Him since birth. The next 55 years, until His death in 1969, were marked by His relentless and unstintspend lifetimes longing to see-the form that is the ing work to right the mess we've made of things. most exquisite sight in all creation. It is ironic that while He's here, few pay attenFor God's own unfathomable reason, He has given us the decimal system with its units, tens, tion to Him. Why? The reason is creation has behundreds and thousands. We measure time and come so unbalanced into focusing on illusion, that space with the decimal system. We also measure we don't even recognize Him. But it seems that's events with intrinsic emotional meaning in annual the way He likes it-"like a thief in the night" He's terms, whether it be birthdays or anniversaries. gone before we know it. Certainly His insistence on These all have an inner meaning as well as an outer traveling incognito demonstrated this as did His meaning. Therefore, when we celebrate the 100th holding Himself away from the availability of huanniversary of the Avatar's birth, we are merely man contact through His many seclusions in the last aligning ourselves with what all The rest of creation fifteen years of His life. acknowledges and celebrates, that the Avatar was It has always fascinated me that Avatar Meher Baba must have met, in person, at least one million born 100 years ago! His lovers know this for sure: His presence and people. Think 1,000,000 is hyperbole? A close study guidance have only increased since He dropped the of His various tours and darshan progran1s (100,000 body. The first 100 years since he was born may be met Him in 1954 in Walia Park alone) reveals a 4

divided into fourths. The first three-fourths were with Baba alive and embodied among us. The last 25 years have shown us how alive He is unembodied. Truly, we have all come to love Him more and more. This will only increase as we enter the next 100 years. Baba said tllat His work was more important than He was and His work in this incarnation was going to accomplish something that had never happened before and would not take place again for billions of years. He emphasized over and over what a crucial time this is in creation. Therefore, as time stretches out toward the next centennial, we must offer ourselves to Him as never before. I feel that Beloved Baba's Centennial is a unique opportunity to take stock of our relationship with Him. We have an ongoing obligation to keep Him pleased with our thoughts, words and deeds. If we are attentive to it, His voice from deep Witllin keeps us on the right "Pleasing Meher Track" witll Him. Nevertheless, periodically certain key opportunities present themselves. Such opportunities are births, deaths, marriage, divorce, losing and obtaining jobs, etc. All of these key life experiences jostle OUf sanskaras loose and before they easily re-f0l111 into their old, familiar patterns, we have a chance to help them re-fonn into new patterns. At these times our subconscious minds are unusually open and available to us. We are afforded a penetrating opportunity to change and enter a renewed and deepened relationship with Him - a thorough stock-taking, change and rededication. We each get a fair number of those opportunities in our lifetime. But once every 100 years! WOW! This is a once every couple of births opportunity. Therefore, at this crucial tinle in the Avataric Advent we have a matchless opportunity to jettison old encumbering ways of thinking, old restrictive ways of feeling and old self defeating ways of acting. With His help, let us do "Houdini-like" escape acts from maya's many tentacles into His ever loving, ever welcoming arms. I feel personally fortlmate and blessed to be alive now. Each one's relationship with Him is the gold mine of gold mines-for He is the true alchemy that enables every thing <md everyone we encounter to be an encounter with Him. If we seize these opportunities it means He has indeed become

our constant companion-our eternal most close Friend, Lover and Guide. Let us all make the most of this priceless opportunity. Beloved Baba gave everything for us. He sacrificed Himself continually for us. And it is up to us to live up to His gift of Love to us. We owe Him everything! We owe Him our bodies, minds and hearts. Let us face the next 100 years with our faces turned unequivocally toward the sun! Let us keep OUf minds and hearts in His service and His service alone! Through our unswerving faith in Him. let om love for Him (born of His Love for us) grow and grow, ever wider and ever deeper until it culminates in love that is truly pleasing to Him.

The Open Secret The following was written by Bal Natu in October 1993 expressly for sharing at a meeting of the Southern California Baba group. Infinite Consciousness, imbued with Love and Compassion, periodically assumes a human form to function as the Avatar of the Age The Avatar Himself chooses the name by which He will be addressed by humanity. for whose sake He has descended into Illusion. So, the name of the Avatar has a unique position and significance in the world of Sound. It guides and leads anyone who takes His Name to the original Word. Whether the Avatar's name IS taken wholeheartedly, half-heartedly, quarter-heartedly or no-heartedly, uttering it still has this matchless sanctifying effect. It shakes the bonds of Illusion and awakens the individual to the Reality of God residing in his or her heart If this remembrance becomes a continual part of any day-to-day activity, it is surprisingly beneficial. Therefore, it is helpful to set aside a period of time, however small, every day, during which to say His Name We do so many things as a matter of routine. Why should we not routinely repeat the Name of the Avatar and focus our minds and hearts on Him? Please, make no excuses, Try repeating His Name and you will feel Him guiding you through life and leading you closer to Him. His Name will gradually become like sweetest music to you, the password to guide you through the maze of Illusion, to the Avatar-the only Reality. In HIS Name is centered all spiritual wisdom Remember Him. Repeat His Name Avatar Meher Baba KI Jail c;

PRESIDENT'S REPORT Greetings! As this year draws to a close it is possible to reflect on the intense activity that has taken place in the Center and around the Los Angeles area. There have been, through Meher Baba' s Grace, many wonderful events with Baba-lovers sharing their love and experience with us, both well known and less so-Meheru Irani, Bhau Kalchuri, Dara and Amrit Irani, Phyllis Ott, Bob & Jane Brown, Diana & Bill LePage, Charles Haynes, Raine Eastman-Gannett, Adele Wolkin. Much thanks to our Program-walla, Debbie Ashe, for the new and innovative programs held this year. Not only did we receive such love gifts but also Meher Baba gave us the opportunity to work and serve. He defmitely had all His workers stretched to their capacity as he ground away our husks that hide Him from us. Many are exhausted and need a shon break from volunteer work. As the Center enters the next year, we will need more volunteers for some key jobs! Don't be surprised if you receive a phone call for your services in the near future. As this year's President, it has been brought to my attention throughout this year that here in the Southern California group there are those who have not spoken to others for years as a result of a variety of stress-related and/or interpersonal problems encountered during their work for Meher Baba. There are others who will not attend the Center despite its ability to continue to give opportunities for service and the spreading of Meher Baba' s message of Love and Truth. Working in a Center for Avatar Meher Baba is not for everyone-that is not the point. Leaving problems unresolved for years, whether because of anger, vengeance, fear, distrust, exhaustion or whatever is unfortunate and probably not what Meher Baba would wish for you. If this happened to you, please take care of it soon-the Center is for everyone. There are many at the Center who would like to assist if you need assistance. It seems from stories of the Mandali's life of following and working with Meher Baba that it is a life of wonderful joy and grueling hardship, all for their benefit. They did not give up. "It is I who loves you. Remember, in the future, that when anyone hurts you, it is I who hurt you; when anyone loves you, it is I who loves you; when anyone laughs at you, it is I who am laughing; when

by Mike Ramsden

you love anyone it is I whom you love. I am in all things. How can you realize My Infinite Presence if you shrink from Me in those who hun you and welcome Me only in those who please you?" Weare coming up to another Annual General Meeting (anticipated with great fervor and longing)! ATTENTION!!! It has come to our attention that California State Law now supersedes our own Bylaws relative to voting requirements and quorums of meetings of members, etc. A 50% quorum of all voting members is now required! The Center must now adhere to this new law on voting (see # 13 below). We were hoping to have the details ready in time for the AGM, January 22, 1994. Our Long Range Planning Committee's efforts continue to slowly bear fruit. There have been multiple meetings and input from a large variety of members over the last ten months. The committee, after realizing that there may be between ten and twenty thousand new Baba-lovers in Southern California in the next twenty years, reviewed the Center's current services and functions in depth. Comparing them to the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws it became clear that the Center would have great difficulty functioning then as it does now. UpOIl writing this report. here are the changes that the members will be asked to review and vote upon at the AGM (and later ill the year, durillg special meetings and mail-in votings): 1) Rework the Articles of Incorporation and statement of Purpose; 2) ~ if Board members should serve two year terms elected in staggered terms of four and five directors, or alternate years; 3) Redefine the role of the President of the board; 4) Redefine the number of Standing committees, their role and relationship to the board of directors and Center; 5) Clearly define the role of the Sub-committee (adhoc committees) and the relationship to the Standing committee of which they will be a part; 6) Establish policies and procedures regarding expectations, roles and boundaries for all committees, and membership; 7) Election of Director and Officers to be changed to November of the current year to allow appropri-

ate hand-over time for new Officers and Director; 8) Provide training for new volunteers prior to starting work; 9) Develop policies and procedures for the administration and running of the different functions of the Center, e.g., Caretaker, Bookstore, meetings, etc.; 10) Redevelop the budgetary and daily financial operation procedures to permit greater accuracy in reviewing the Center's financial affairs; 11) Review the nominating procedure for Board of directors and Nominating committee membership, including a review of the membership requirements; 12) Develop annual plans related to longer range plans with appropriate budget constraints; 13) Rewrite the voting quorWll Bylaws to meet California legal standards. In some ways the new voting requirement of a quorwn being 50% of the entire membership appears onerous. Voting by mail is the obvious way to handle this as long as the membership returns their vote by the time stated! A simple majority of the votes received is required by law for members to enact changes (see above list), as long as 50% or more of the members DO return their votes or vote in person at the meeting. Voting by mail also means that all issues must be properly communicated to the membership prior to the meeting at which the votes are caste. We wallt you to allelld the upcomillg AGM. It will be far more informative. Recent developments at the Center include the joint venture, with the Northern Califomia Group and Meherana, to hold a West Coast Sallavas in Mariposa in 1995 with Meher Baba's sister, Mani, as the invited guest. Invitation signatures have been collected from as many West Coast Baba-Iovers as time could allow and have been sent to Mani by hand. STOP THE PRESS: As of November 30, per letter received by Christie Pearson to the West Coast Sahavas Committee, Mani regrets that due to considerations of her health and because she feels that Meher Baba wishes her to remain in India she is unable to accept the invitation. Jai Baba! It will now be up to the individual Centers to consider continuing their cooperation for a West Coast Sahavas at Meherana in Mariposa. Our Service Committee-walli, Mehrnoush Lorkalantari, has taken over the responsibility for

Hospitality for out-of-town Baba lovers. She is compiling a list of local Baba lovers who would be willing to host "out-of-towners" for overnight or short stays, especially during visits to the Center for special occasions. It has been the custom to allow the Center facilities to be used for these guests, but the board of directors feels that this is no longer appropriate. If you are willing to be on the list of possible hosts for guests' overnight and short stays (3 days max.), please contact Mehmoush. Similarly, if you are in town for short term stays only. contact her to see if she can arrange something for you-no promises! Welcome to our new LoveStreet LanlpPost editor, Christina Riley. Through the newly formed Editorial committee, we are hoping to slowly expand the function of the LampPost over the next few years by inviting participation from all other groups who may wish to share their news and views. Looking ahead to 1994 we have a wide variety of opportunities for active participation in events and meetings. Planning of events, hosting events, helping at events and activities, and many opportunities for passive participation all year long: Bhau Kalchuri will be visiting the West Coast again this year with a meeting in Mariposa. Contact Chris or Christie Pearson for his Mariposa activities and Debbie Ashefor his Southern California activities. The Centennial Committee is in full flight planning for Avatar Meher Baba's birthday celebration and will need both donations and workers. Contact Linda Zavala for any and all involvement. The Sahavas committee is now foimed and running, preparing for its 20th anniversary (1994), planned, once again, to be held at Pilgrim Pines with Naju as our principle guest. Contact Lois Jones or David McNeely if you want to be involved in any way before or at the event. There will be many other regular programs, including the 25th AmartitJli, held either at the Center or other venues. To request to host or perform at meetings, or to help plan or run meetings, contact Debbie Ashe. We are also coming up on the twentieth anniversary of the Center's incorporation (6/21(74). Contact Bob Dearborn for participation in this and many other "fwl"-draising events currently in the planning stages.

continued on page 9

ABOUT THIS TIME, A CENTURY AGO. At the end of the 19th century, European colonizations had concretely changed the world. The great technological advances of railway, ship and telegraph mode for thriving trade, constant wars and general political/economic upheavals. While we are today still in this era of dramatic technological advance and political change, Menvan Sheriar Irani was born in a world passing from one age into another more rapidly than ever before in recorded history. We can't know how the world fell at that time, but afew facts might help place a moment one hundred years ago. In the early 1890s, China's first railway was completed, Dunlop invented the airfilled tire, Van Gogh painted the majority of his paintings, and died, England's Independent Labor Party was created, and the Pope finally opened the Vatican archives to scholars. Thefive years after 1894 would see the Klondike Gold Rush, Madame Curie's discovely of radium, Freud's theories of psychoanalysis, and the founding of the New York Public Library. Yet, in a small Zoroastrian community in Poona, away from crashing world changeswith IW television or radios-a family and neighbors anxiously awaited the birth of a second child. There were no reporters; the events here went unnoticed by world leaders and historians. But a great change, a great momelll was aboUlto happen. A new Age was dawning! God Himself was incam.ating! The most wondelful even/... was about to occur! From the day of conception, the young woman was convinced that this child would be extraordinary and remarkable. Sheriar could sense his young wife's expectation. He would read beautiful ghazals to her from the Divan ofHafiz, explaining the poetry's hidden meaning. Sheriar was a poet and he would occasionally compose monajats-Zoroastrian prayers or spiritual songs in honor of this child's birth. In the early morning of Sunday, February 25th, 1894, the long-awaited moment of our Age arrived. Shireen was lying asleep in bed at the David Sassoon Hospital; her mother, Golandoon, was by her side. The midnight gong sounded twelve times in the distance. Nurses canle frequently to look in on her; the expectant mother was relaxed in a deep sleep. Suddenly Shireen awoke and told her mother she had had a vision-a dream. 8

Golandoon anxiously inquired, "A vision? What did you see in the dream, my dear?" Shireen answered, "I saw a glorious person like the sun sitting in a chariot and his cool brilliance pervaded the atmosphere. A few people were pulling his chariot, while thousands of people were leading this man in a procession. Tens of thousands of eyes were gazing at him, consoled by his divine radiance ... ÂŁ, too, was in the procession and marveled at the luster of his face. His light fell on the whole procession and people's eyes were fixed on him; they could not look away." Hearing this, tears of joy came to Golandoon's eyes and she said, "Shireen, my daughter, a very auspicious son will be born to you. His nanle will be spread all over tlle world. He will be among tllOusands of people one day and will be carried in grand processions as you dreamt. He will be given special reverence and honoL" Her mother's interpretation comforted Shireen and she soon fell fast asleep again. The hospital was quiet. A change in the atmosphere of the planet was about to occur. However much our Age anticipated what was about to take place, it would take many years for mankind to interpret what this change would mean... Daily, hWldreds of thousands of hwnan beings are born in the world, but there is no discernible change in the atmosphere of the planet at tlleir birth. That Sunday morning the weather was neither hot nor cold; the breeze that was blowing through Poona had a different significance. Shireen's labor pains started and a Catholic nWl was sununoned from her morning prayers. Golandoon sat near her daughter, watching anxiously. Sheriar waited outside the room, continuously repeating god's name, "Yesdan... Yesdan .. ." The hospital night watchman made his rounds; as he struck the gong five times, the crying of a baby was heard. How innocent-how pleasant-was the sound of the newborn! Golandoon emerged from the room with joy, She smiled at Sheriar and lovingly exclaimed, "A son... a son!" Sheriar was filled with happiness and immediately rushed into the room to see his newborn son. Poona was just starting to awaken. Was it because of the baby's first cry: It was as if he had proclaimed, "Arise now, I am the Awakener!" although people were awakening at the time of his birth, little

Excerptedfrom Bhau Kalchuri's book, Lord Meher, Volume Olle, (1894-1922). did they know that a day would come when he would awaken them from their life of sleep! At that holy moment, by taking birth in the early hours of dawn, the child had signaled his arrival as the Awakener-The Avatar of the Age. The relatives and neighbors soon came to the hospital to see the newborn child. They were overjoyed and admired the baby's beauty. Indeed, a sun was shining in the house of Sheriar and Shireen. Joy abounded in Sheriar's and Shireen's hearts and in their relatives' and friends' hearts also. The joy of that day will last for ages to come! The atmosphere was filled with a wonderful freshness and spontaneity of goodness; only the father knew that the source of it was the child. this child brought a new freshness and goodness to the whole world. With the infant in her arms, Shireen returned to Bhopla House in a horse-drawn tonga. The news of Shireen's newborn son spread throughout the neighborhood, and those who went to see the infant would come away wonderfully contented. When their eyes gazed upon the infant boy they felt peaceful. A peace befell them, mysteriously making them forget their cares and woes. A name befitting this child had to be chosen and the Persian name "Menvan" was selected since he was born in the month of Meher-the Sun or Light-according to the Zoroastrian calendar. However, his parents and relatives always affectionately called the child "Merog." Shireen loved Merwan fervently and always thought of him as her firstborn. At that time, she could not understand her intense love for Merwan, nor her feeling of rejection for [her first child] Jamshed. The infant nursed well and the bond between child and mother was strong. Life was happy in Bhopla House for Sheriar and Shireen with the presence of their son. A few months passed of uninterrupted happiness and then Shireen had a dream which she narrated to Sheriar: "I dreamt I was standing at the doorway of our home, holding Merog in my am1S. Nearby was a well and out of it rose the figure of a small but striking woman-a splendorous deva, like a Hindu goddess. She was rising out of the center of the well and I admired her lavish green sari and the many green bangles adorning her an11S. On her forehead was

painted multi-colored bright jasmines. In her hands she held an arli worship tray containing flowers, burning camphor, incense and oils. I stood motionless and quiet in fascination of her until she beckoned me to hand over Merog. The goddess implored me, 'Give me your son... give hin1 to me.' Frightened, I held on to Merog all the more tightly and awakened from the dream. I was relieved when I saw Merog sleeping by my side." After this drean1, Shireen would have thoughts of her son as having an exceptional calling in life.

PRESIDENT'S continued from page 7 A big THANK YOU to the Silent Auction fundraising event organizers: Karina, Pat, Sam, Margaret and Diana. It was a wonderful evening enjoyed by all. And a big THANK YOU also to yard sale-wallas-Adele, Bobby and Rose for one of our most successful ever. (see reviews inside.) Finally, THANK YOU to all who have donated to the Center. Your heart gifts have helped make possible all that has been accomplished this year. Naturally we would like more, but only by Meher Baba's Grace! There are many financial facts to repon, but basically the Center's financial position is growing stronger-cash reserve and operating fW1ds-and the New Center fund is looking stronger, too. When the administrative side is strengthened, we are certain the New Center will become a reality! A full fmancial repon will the accompany the AGM report. "A Real Lover of God is as a thirsty man under the scorching sun in the desen who values water more than pearls, tlesh, diamonds. So also a Real Lover of God only thirsts for Him and considers everything else as dust before Him. A Real Lover of God is not after fame, name, wealth. He only yearns for God, his Beloved, He who does not possess this attitude is full of selfishness." Telephone nun1bers for any of the people mentioned above are available by calling the AMBCSC at (310) 474-9454.


BABA, BOOKS & BELIEF Recently I paid my first visit to the Downtown Library since its reopening. I've always appreciated the size of this building, its towering walls, panoramic murals, vaulted ceilings. There's a sense that more than just books and words are contained here, something larger; a truth perhaps, definitely an excitement, and for myself anyway, a special joy. You need a big building to hold such things. As a boy of eight I remember sitting in the Children's Room looking at picture books of dinosaurs and volcanos and spaceships. In my teens there was the Fiction Room where Bradbury, Faulkner, O'Ccirmor and many others shared their stories with me. As an adult, I discovered the History Room and its unhappy truths about Vietnam and much of what I had been taught in school about America. Now, at thirty-eight, perhaps its only fitting I've finally found the Religion Room. While searching for a book with a picture of a Zoroastrian fire urn symbol (a friend had asked me to look for one), I came across a shelf of books by Meher Baba. Up until a year ago, what little I knew about Meher Baba (and it amounted to just about nothing), lowed to a professor at UCLA. The film 路'Tommy"' was screening and as part of his introduction, the professor mentioned that Pete Townsend was, "a follower of Baba." However, the only insight provided as to who Baba might be and why someone would choose to follow him, was that, "He laughed a lot." Unfortunately, my knowledge of Meher Baba, his words and teachings, has not increased much since that screening of "Tommy," but in a roundabout way, I would like to路 think my understanding has grown. During '93 I was lucky enough to attend a number of Meher Baba functions, and to my eye, what I saw reflected favorably upon everyone involved. In a world where existence itself has become mediated, either presented as a colossal caricature in 70mm or reduced to the Lilliputian dimensions of a TV sound-bite, the Baba functions took place on a refreshingly hunlan scale. Events occurred in a kind of happy confusion, allowing time for a shy child to gather her courage, a confused adult to collect his thoughts, an audience to leisurely assemble. The idea of participation was more important than the rigid requirements of ritual 10

by Jim Rutherford and there was an openness to the moment that incorporated the spontaneous. Children displayed artwork, sang, read poetry or performed on the piano, a respectful audience of adults providing the simplest and greatest gift any child can be given: undivided attention and approval. One by one, the children presented unique visions and interpretations, expressing in their own words and images, basic, important feelings about Meher Baba and what he meant to them. I remember one young girl in particular. She sang a song and I found myself moved almost to tears. Sung with a bit of natural talent and a great deal of sincere emotion, it was a moment so real, simple, and pure, I was completely disarmed by its directness. I was touched and moved in a way I rarely am by today's calculated, technically perfect but spiritually empty entertainment. Later the same day, I heard Meheru speak. This is an honor I am probably unable to fully appreciate, but I do feel lucky and fortunate in having had the chance to hear her. She struck me as a woman of quiet, no nonsense faith, spiritually grounded in the everyday, the here and now. I was located at the back of the room near a side door when she spoke, and my line of vision did not include her. What I could see were the faces focused on Meheru, watching, waiting, listening. With nothing but the force of her words, she commanded and held the attention of every person in that room. Through anecdote and narrative, witl1 hunlor and candor, she told of her experiences, shared memories, and answered questions. Listening to her, I felL a private thrill as she gave new life to that most devalued of modem currencies: the word. How can words possibly mean anything anymore? They are spoken endlessly on more than fifty cable channels, recycled over and over on the radio, and fill books, magazines, and printed material in numbers impossible to comprehend. Yet hearing Meheru, her every thought imprinted with a fierce integrity, her stories told simply and honestly, tl1ere can be no doubt the most powerful form of communication remains the spoken word. At each Baba function I attended, I met a number of people and my memory of them takes the

collective shape of a mosaic, forming not a visual representation, but instead an emotional one. Mike and his sons, Rosalie, Dina, John, Reggie, Pat, Rocky, Glen, Fred, Caroline, San1, Bob, and many others. All of them, it seems to me, people engaged in the hard, honorable task of working at their faith. Many people turn to God not for enlightenment or growth but as a way to escape a world of competing and contradictory truths. They simply want someone to say, "Yes, this is so and this is not so," and be free of making these decisions themselves. But I do not believe this is the case in the Baba community. Here is a faith that asks to be made sense of in individual and personal terms. It is surprisingly free of the middlemen normally required to interpret and pass along God's word, middlemen who usually reduce the message to a formalized pronouncement or unbending piece of dogma. In terms of personal commitment, thought and understanding, a great deal is asked of those who follow Meher Saba. This expectation and active involvement, however, is profoundly right and rewarding. For myself, faith and belief have not played a large part in my life. Instead, it has been defined and shaped by words. But the intellect can only take one so far. To crossover into the realm of the spirit, to truly deal with matters of the soul, something else is required, something beyond words. My search through the stacks in the Religion Room never did tum up a picture of a Zoroastrian fire urn symbol. There were any number of books on religious symbols in general and at least 60 or more on the Zoroastrian faith. One book was even promisingly titled, "Symbols and Values in Zoroastrianism." It contained 300 pages of text and not a single photo or representation, Zoroastrian or otherwise. In spite of this, I did not come away empty handed. I decided to check out one of the books I had come across completely by chance: the "Discourses," by Meher Baba, three volumes collected in one book. Since it is not always possible to know what we truly need, it's not important that we always find what we are looking for. The important thing is simply to be looking, to be ready when whatever it is we need, finds us.

High School Students Ask About Avatar Meher Baba by Fred Stankus Erin, a student at Peninsula High School in Palos Verdes called me and asked if I would come and address the 9 am - 10 am, 10 am - 11 am, and 11 am - 12 pm Comparative Religion classes on Thursday, October 21 was quite pleased to know that teacher extraordinaire, Jim Maechling at Peninsula High School was at it again, inviting me for the third year in a row to come and introduce Avatar Meher Baba to his classes with a film, talk and most important, a question and answer period l Students flock to Mr. Maechling's classes because, he says, "he is still learning." Each quarter he sets aside a few weeks for guest speakers from Vedanta, Buddhist, Ba'hai, Hindu, Islamic and other traditions, and certain "new age" groups. Three years ago, through the LA Times' Saturday religious directory, The Avatar Meher Baba Center (listed under "New Thought") was asked for representation at a Comparative Religion class by a student from Jim's class who was "searching" for something "new and differenfl" And, thus, on six different occasions over the past three years I, along with Jeff Maguire, have presented a brief sketch and answered questions about Avatar Meher Baba. Jeff wasn't available for the October 21 st date, so I asked Adele Wolkin and Glenn Russ to join me. Mr. Maechling was very touched by the presence of Adele In his classes. He had Adele repeat "how she felt when she first met Avatar Meher Baba" to each of the classes. To paraphrase Adele, "He was so familiar. Baba was like my mother and father rolled into One!" The youthful Glenn Russ, told of his growing up in a "Baba family," and I tried my best to explain that the "evil/suffering in the world today" is relative to all-good in the world, and the "soul" is latently pure, but with "free-will" gets caught up on this illusory stage, and the Law of Karma balances both good and evil. After the bell rang at noon, ending the class, two students stayed for a while asking Glenn questions about Baba. Over in the other part of the classroom, a friendship was blossoming, Adele and Jim discovered they lived only 3 blocks from each other in Redondo Beach and that he and his wife would love to have Adele over for dinner sometime! What a sweet Thursday it was, over 90 students viewed the film of Baba, were touched by Adele's account of meeting Him, and asked questions about Avatar Meher Baba! Jim said he looks forward to haVing us come back In March '94.


A Poem by Michael Mathias

Author/composer Michael Mathias creates poems, music and art celebrating the advent of Avatar Meher Baba. Bhau Kalchuri said: "Lyn Ott called me into his studio at Myrtle Beach where I heard Michael Mathias read his "Song of the Advent of Meher Baba." A sublime voice for Baba's Advent." Filis Frederick said: "Michael Mathias, you sound like Walt Whitman and Saint Paul come back to the twentieth century to write about Meher Baba. Send me your best shots to publish in The Awakener." "Einstein Meets Meher Baba" is part of an epic poem entitled "Manifestation." The LampPost is pleased to be the first publisher of this piece.

But spiraling dimensions bearing witness To Atomic Kingdoms within the Whim, The molecular movements of our thoughts Not separate from the God-Head But as a Serpent swallowing Its Tail We eat up God's Inventions Exploding Nuclear Kingdoms within Kingdoms To reveal that Mind transcends The limitations of Heaven and Hell, The Universe is like a Bell Our souls, the clappers, Strike Harmonies Continual Against His Breast of Avataric Consciousness.

Space-Time continuum Is the Serpent swallowing its Tail Einstein weaving space and time together Revolutionized geography of thought Newton gave us linearity of Time, Past, present and future in a Time Line But Einstein showed us By curving space we give birth to Time The particle and the wave no longer separate entities Light behaves as particle and wave, Promethean Universe, our little minds Vibrate in Universal Consciousness Cubism danced from the collision of dimensions Meher Baba announces that Seven Planes Are interwoven in the soul's continuum Meher, Music Master, conducts Our Universal Symphony, Every mind revealed as linked not separated into you or "Me" But vibrating, rotating, and spinning In the sky of God Interior within Right and left centers of the brain, The astronauts of Thought Travel inward to Four-Dimensional Circular Canvases Meher Baba reveals that while standing we are moving on His Train. New Circular Cosmic Man Hums Infinitely To climb in Cycles up and down the Seven Planes of Consciousness. God is not skyward Being, but Infinite Unfolding Within our flowering minds, no longer limited By Newton's separation of time and space

Awake, 0 Bird and Sing No separation between The Serpent and His Wing Sing of the Interior Eagle's Ascent Continual Revelations every moment We breathe within seven dimensions Everywhere His Silence breaks Within and without the Universal Bell To hoard and covet God is Hell Spirit breaks forth as Waters into every mind His Silence breaks in simultaneous Waves And every mind is flying Blind to the Tone of His Voice Within us Whirling to be born each moment With the lightning flash of Seven Planes at once We travel neither up nor down For time and space are l1lusion Of the Real Eternal Voice Of Love within us always The Sky and Planetary Galaxies of Interior Space Arise and Sing the New Life of His Grace!

Awake, 0 bird of God, And sing of breaking silence. The Word breaks open Light With Einstein's flash of Lightning from a moving train

Listen, Humanity, His silence speaks and breaks Continually within the tomb Of our surrendering breath We never die, we always die, For every moment like the chamelion We change our forms like melodies Our musics are like Masks Which move from space to Space Within the contours of His Face. He is not flesh but Fire Beyond the consummation of desire.

THE SHIFT What is a hundred years-a century? Well, yes, but it is more than that. Meher Saba tells us that one hundred years is the approximate average time span of an age witlUn the eleven ages of an Avataric cycle. A century is an age, more or less, and an age might best be defined as a change, a shift in the progression of hun1an affairs. It is a bridge from one ideology or way of life to another. To understand thIS, we only need look back to the way life was in the year of Meher Baba' birth to see the astow1ding shift that has taken place in the environment of human consciousness. We see that what has taken place within that stretch of one hundred years has produced a tremendous explosion in material awareness and an expansion of the U1inking and feeling context of U1e mind of man. Over U1ese pa t one hundred years, we have borne witness to an astounding change, all U1at human ingenuity has conjured into material manifestation. This one century, since 1894, has seen an unparalleled revolution in the history of man. But the great question remains, have we witnessed a comparable revolution in the growth and development of human consciousness? That becomes the question we need seriously to confront. Now we are about to enter a whole new millenniwn, but if a century can produce all that much change, what can we expect to see in a millenniwn? One hW1dred years is a stretch of time that the mind can at least contend with. But one thousand years! My, God! Anything might happen in a millenniwn. Already we have here far more than a mere doodle of Uunking. It is quite someU1ing to contemplate-that we are about to enter a new age, a new consciousness, a new cycle, in fact a cycle of cycles, encompassing a new hwnanity, all by the grace and design of Avatar Meher Saba. He is for us the personificati on of Truth itself. Yes, indeed! When we think of it that way, we start to feel that a millenniw11 is virtually beyond imagination. And U1at prepares u to feel U1at we are actually being prepared to shift openly and consciously in the glory of the life of the Lord. We understand that soul is U1e essence of everything, but the problem is we talk and act as if time, not soul, was of the essence, almost as if everything real were made of time, of years, decades, centuries

by LYI/ Ott

and millennia. I might be inclined to believe more in such time divisions if Meher Saba him elf had not told me that, "Time never existed at all." Therefore, time, if it is to be felt as purposeful, need to be invested properly, for time is, in truth, only subjective. It produces the phenomenal play of relativity. In fact, it is not even U1at, U1e play of relativity. If Baba declared, as he did, "Time never existed at all," then what i everybody waiting for? Are we waiting for the manifestation to come to fruition in still another hundred years? If God' manifestation is, a I believe, most likely a process of shifting consciousness to a higher dimension of awarene s, U1en we need not to wait but rather to engage ourselves in its vital forces. We need to participate if we are to become U1e products of the Avatar's awakening push. If we want to receive the boost of U1at push He can1e to give, we must seize upon the moment, the Now, remembering that one moment in the magnetic flow of His Presence, his Grace, is truly worth one hundred years of sincere prayer and repentance. We have to find this reality within ourselves for that Grace to be ours.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS ...:{:():::::-


All programs al/d ellel/ts, ul/less otherwise I/oted, take place at the Cel/ter, 10808 Sal/ta MOl/ica Boulellard, Los AI/geles, (310) 474-9454. Ifyou have prog:am suggestiol/s or are il/terested iI/ presel/til/g a program, artwork, or mUSIC, please cOl/lllet Debra Ash at (818) 683-8885.

January 15, Saturday, 8 p.m. GUTTA NIGHT WITH FREDEE (FULL OF BABA MADNESS) STANKUS Experience an evening you will never forget and always remember, in an atmosphereoffellowship, food, conversation, revelation and inspiration focusing on Meher Baba. January 17, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

"IN THE SPIRIT OF FILlS FREDRICK" MONDA Y NIGHT MEETINGS Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. This new weekly event was quite a success last quarter and always entertaining, featuring a different host each week. Glenn Russ and Stan Mathews (just back from India) will host this evening.

AMARTITHI 1994 Schedule Program

8:30 - 10:30 p.m. Silence coordinated with our Meherazad Baba Family in India 10:30 p.m. - 10:45 p.m. (noon to 12:15 p.m. on January 31st)

January 31, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Rocky Rodgers will host this evening.

January 22, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Here's your chance to give your views. vote for a new board ofDirectors (or vote for the old one), consider new motions, and maybe change the course of modern events. California State Law now requires a 50% quorum of all voting members. PLEASE ATTEND!!! January 24, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

MONDA Y NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Mike Ramsden will host this evening. January 29, Saturday 8:00 p.m.

THE LIFE DIVINE - FILM NIGHT Come and partake in the glorious visage of the GodMan and enjoy readings of Baba's words. poetry and more! Our special host this evening is the one and only Marc Brutus. January 30, Sunday, 8:00 p.m.

AMARTITHI 1994 Tonight we come together in joyful remembrance and reverence of the Beloved's dropping His physical form. While the song, "Begin the Beguine" was played, as the sun was selling and the moon was rising and Baba's body was placed in the tomb for His lovers to take Darshan. Mani recalled. "the song seemed to convey to us His message that this was not an end but a beginning -the beginning of His completed work bearing fruit." Coordinated by Lois Jones (310) 473-1584 "IT'S EASY TO KNOW GOD'S WILL. IT'S WHA T HAPPENS." Mother Theresa 1<1

February 5, Saturday, 6:00 p.m.

FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. February 5, Saturday 8:00 p.m.

HAPPy 100TH YEAR BIRTHDAY MONTH BELOVED BABA! Tonight our Baba Young People, Meher Miniatures and Youngsters ages 10 - I I share their experiences and feelings of love for U1eir compassionate father, Meher Baba. Coordinated by Deborah Ash and Jonathan Ramsden. February 7, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Rosalie Dunphy will host this evening. February 12, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

PEOPLE WHO MET MEHER BABA THIS LIFETIME Among those who will share their memories and reflect on their lives in His love are Adele Wolkin, Joyce Stermer. Marguerite Poley and Diana Snow. Dina Snow Franklin. our Bookstore-walla will moderate the panel discussion. Music performed by Greg and Gay Dunn. February 14, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Ginger Hughes will host this evening.


February 19, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

March 5, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

CHAOS IN OUR LIVES Remember to remember Meher Baba. Meheru spoke lovingly of the time Mehera would spend obeying Baba's orders: attending to every action with time, incredible accuracy and attention to every detail to please her Beloved. Our lives tend to be so hectic and chaotic that it seems every opportunity to focus on Baba is lost. Discussion lead by Mike Ramsden. Music provided by the fabulous twosome, Pris and Chris Haffenden.

MEHER BABA IS MY PERSONAL MENTOR Barbara McReynolds shares her personal experience and partnership with Meher Baba. Barbara is the owner of the very popular and successful L.A. Eyeworks, and is also a CEO and a designer. Hosted by Deborah Ash. March 7, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Mike Ramsden will host this evening.

February 21, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Dr. Ajang will host this evening. February 24, Thursday, 6:30 p.m.

HAPPy MEHER BABA BIRTHDAY ARTI With special guest, Jim Meyer. This evening's Arti will coincide with Baba's actual birth time of 5:00 a.m. in Poona, India. Coordinated by Lois Jones and Deborah Ash.

February 25 & 26, Friday & Saturday, all day

MEHER BABA'S BIRTHDAY: A FESTIV AL OF HEARTS "lam the Ancient One, the One residing in every heart." -100 Years of Meher Baba Join the celebration of Beloved Baba's lOOth Birthday. A most special two-day event is planned at the beautiful campus of Occidental College (near Pasadena). Look for your invil.1tion in the mail! Would you like to serve the Beloved through your creativity, behind the scenes, preparation ahead of time, etc.? Call Linda Zavala, Chairman, at (818) 795-8322. (see ar/ide on page 22)

March 12, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

ART IS THE LOVE OF GOD " ...stay with God, in whatever shape He shapes you and work your work within the boundaries of that shape." Tonight your hosts, Will David and Jurgis Sapkis, will talk about their lives as artists focused on the divine MRB. Quote: Francis Brabazon, Slay Wi/It God March 12, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

THE CHILDREN'S HOURS Bring your children and let them have a blast sculpting with clay, painting, drawing and talking. Hosted by Deborah Ash and Adele Wollin. March 14, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Richard Stermer will host this evening. March 19, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

LET'S CELEBRATE THE PERSIAN NEW YEAR Mehrnoush and Roxi will host this fun-filled evening of music, poetry and dance. Bring your favorite couplets [Tom the works ofRumi and Hafiz to share. March 21, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

February 28, Monday, 7:30 p.m.


MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Pris and Chris Haffenden will host this evelllng.


MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Billy Goodrum will host this evening. March 26, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

FAVORITE FILM AND VIDEO NIGHT Join us as we have the opportunity to review old favorites as well as surprise videos of Beloved Baba. Hosted by our venerable film aficionado, Charlie Morton. March 28, Monday, 7:30 p.m.

March 5, Saturday, 6:00 p.m.

FARSl LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

MONDAY NIGHT MEETING Come and explore, explore, explore the heart of Meher Baba's teachings. Deborah Ash will host this evening.


by Dilla SIIOW Frallklill

Happy New Year! And what a marvellous 100th year celebration it is going to be allover the world. Just think, by the year 2000 the name of Meher Baba may be so well known that we are calling the year 106 A.D! Those of you who are unfamiliar with the mighty biography of Meher Baba, may have been suprised to read of the great detail with which His life, from the earliest days, has been docwnented. One of our feature stories (see p.8) is taken from Volume 1 of Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri. Bhau has written all 21 volumes, but as of this date only five have been printed. Volume 1 is completely out of print, but we have plenty of Volwnes 2-5. We are expecting Volume 6 to be released towards the end of ti,e year. They are still available at ~.:,~. $30 for one volwne & $25 for each additional one. Still no word on the Richard Lockwood tape I mentioned last issue, but there is something I am velY excited about. I was in Myrtle Beach last weekend & visited the studio of Wodin. If you are not lucky enough to own one of his pictures, look again at the cover of your copy of GodBrother....Wodin is the artist. What's that? You don't have a copy of GodBrother??!! I thought every Baba-Iover owned one by now! Write to me, for $121'11 rectify your oversight. Steve Jameson, the man behind the pen name (brush name?) Wodin, has founded "Pair 0' Ducks Animation Studio", who's purpose is to produce animated film & video projects about Meher Baba. The first project, nearing completion, is a two-volwne set of videos entitled "Life is a Pair 0' Ducks" (try saying that 3 times, very fa t!). Each 45 minute video consists of eight vignettes, stories that Steve has woven around his very popular pastel drawings. Photomation technique has been used, witi, brilliant cinematography by Chris Riger. The stories are narrated by various personalities in ti,e Baba community, including Mani Irani & Jane Barry Haynes. All new. original music has been recorded by professional Hollywood scorewriter Kim Kraft. woven in with some great sound effects. Included is an exciting new variation of "Begin the Beguine." Each vignette is about five minutes long, & with the con-




tantiy changing visuals it is hard to believe that. through the use of extreme close up on various details of the picture, it is just one single drawing, the complete shot of which we see at the end of ti,e story. The concept is unique, the color is brilliant, I think its fabulous, & I can't wait for it to be available to you! Even as you read, Chris Riger is finishing the final sound editing & it should be available in a month or so. Expected selling price will be $29.95 per tape. Our latest best eller, released two year after ti,e supri ing & oh-so-popular Conversations With The Awakener by Bal Natu, is ...... More Conversations With The Awakener. See Ann's review on ti,e next page. Another new book is The Turning of the Key by Bill LePage. Reviewed in our last issue, it is about Meher Baba 'Down Under.' Having been but a child there at the time, I an, finding it very interesting reading; $12. A littie book that has been around since 1969. but has never gotten any publicity, might be worti, mentioning here. It is an extremely detailed accounting of the events surrounding the last months of our Beloved.... a lot of the medical information, conversations with the Mandali .... then leading up to & detailing the final interment. It is told with such immediacy & detail, you feel you are taking part in it all. It is just a 48-page booklet, but written with such love by Dr. Bharucha, entitled Meher Baba' s Last Sahavas. It sells for $2.50. Andhra 1954. Important place, important time. It is the place & time where Baba gave His famous Call: "Come all unto me....." In ti,e many public Darshans He gave there. He was publicly declaring Himself to be the Avatar, the Highest of tile High. Francis Brabazon wrote a small book about it.... Journey With God. The first half is his wonderful poetic rendering of the time spent witi, the Godman & the second half is a reporting of Baba's messages from that time. So many of them are the famous quotes we are so familiar with: "1 belong to no religion. Every religion belongs to me路'.... "1 am the one so many seek & ----

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Baba, Eruch wrote back saying, "Baba was very happy to hear the


More Conversations by A.C., Sheriar Press The word most frequently used by readers in response to Bal Natu's Conversations With The Awakener, published in October 1991, was "More!" And-appropriately titled More Conversations With The Awakener-Bal has responded with a new volume of intimate, one-on-one talks with the Awakener. I could expend many words trying to capture the feeling of these new conversations for you, but I think it's more appropriate, and certainly more telling, just to share one-and one laced with Bal's quiet humor. So here's "Drops of Your Presence" from More Conversations With The Awakener. I approached You and asked "Do You know what they say about Conversations?" "What? I am omniscient, yet I do not know anything about this!" And You chuckled. "When anyone likes any of the conversations, the person comes to me with a look of surprise and suspicion and whispers to me, 'Did you write that? Who wrote it?" "So what's your reply?" "Simple. 'Not me!'" "Then who?" "I do not know." "Why do you say that?" "What else should I answer?" "Well, you have to figure it oul." And Your omniscient eyes pierced me. "Oh, now I know. The moment You wished it, I got il." "Amazing l " And You ask eagerly, "What's the answer?" "It's not me; it's not anyone else; it's not You l " "Strange l " "Yes, it's strange, rare, but certainly true." "What do you mean by this?" "Well, whenever You graciously pull me into the ocean of Your being, the moment I come out. drops of Your presence falling on the beach form these conversations. so they are mine, yet not mine." Your eyes sparkled merrily, and You pinched my ear. "Clever l " And the ripples of Your lively laughter engulfed us and drowned me in Your wordless presence. "... mine, yet not mine." Judging from the response to the first volume of Conversations, one has to expect that these Conversations With The Awakener are a part of us all. More Conversations With The Awakener is $10.00, plus shipping. The first volume, Conversations With The Awakener, is now in its second printing and is available for $1000, plus shipping.

continuedfrom previous page contents of the whole draft & desires that it must be printed & circulated by you to all interested. Baba said the whole thing is excellent from the first page of the draft to the last word. All the mandali & the women's group also liked it very much because, as Baba says, ""It is appealing to the mind & also to the heart, it is so simple & yet so deep. It is full of love." (Excerpt from The Turning of the Key by Bill LePage.) The book is $5. We also have a video:

Scenes From Meher Baba's Tour of Andhra 1954. In February of '54 Meher Baba responded to the call of His lovers in Amihra Pradesh. He agreed to tour & receive His lovers in more than 20 villages & cities. A film was made to document that tour. The original footage of the film has been processed & edited using specialized techniques allowing you to see the Beloved more fully & completely than was possible in the original film. A soundtrack of original music has been added to these beautiful scenes of Meher Baba with His Indian lovers. It is 25 minutes, $35. Jamie Newell seems to have replaced Bob & Jane Brown as the most prolific producer of music tapes! Jamie has 2 new ones: Zen in the Art of Blues. a follow up to his very popular release last year, Blues is my Business, and Second Coming. The latter is all his own music except "Seven Names of God." Jamie's clear, articulate voice rings out in an old-time-religion style on such wonderful compositions as "Returning," "Can't You See Who He Is," "Dance To Your Tune" & "I Have A Friend." Of the ten original songs on Zen ill the Art of the Blues, several are adapted from the words of Buddha in The Dhammapada. And one, 'The Tao of the Blues" is loosely adapted from Jamie's favorite passages in the Tao-te-Ching. My favorite track is one I have heard him perform in concert, a roaring success & very funny, it's called "Pranayama Mama" & is dedicated to Jamie's wife, who must be a very understanding woman! This is one of the very creative things about Jamie, he can make a serious subject funny, but without lessening the importance of the matter, and his top-

continued on next page

continuedfrom previous page notch professional, backed by Nashville session players. These are both great tapes, priced at $10 each, plus shipping. Two new video tapes to mention: actually one has been around for a long while, but we have never sold it before. It is called "Love Personified," & if the title sounds familiar, you're right. It is a collection of all the photos in the "coffee table" picture book by the same name, shown in great detail, beautifully presented with slow dissolves from one picture to another & backed by some beautiful music. If I had to choose between the two, I think I would opt for the video, you can get lost in the beauty of it all without the mundane necessity of turning the pages! Besides, the video won't go out of print, as the book has done, altho' we do have three more copies left. Both are $50. The video tape is 50 minutes long. The other, brand new video, has been put together by Naosherwan Anzar, incorporating some hitherto unseen footage of Meher Baba taken by Universal Newsreel in May 1932, covering the arrival of Baba in Anlerica by ship. He is shown emerging from His cabin onto the deck & being interviewed. It is just a short news clip, but Baba looks so bowlCy & happy, it's a delight to see. The second 'dug out from the archives' clip is taken from a 1973 cable TV show in New York, & features an interview with Jean & Darwin Shaw talking about the life & work of Meher Baba. & their involvment with Him. The Beloved One is $25 & 35 minutes in duration. A few issues ago I told you of the service provided to Baba lovers arriving in Bombay, which, we feel, is very necessary, not only for first time pilgrims (for them it is a must!) but for old timers as well. So many times have we heard the sad tale..."but I only turned my back a second and my luggage was gone!!" You will be met at the airport & shepherded through the whole process, getting to your hotel, or the train to Poona without anything untoward happening to you or your belongings. They are very polite, helpfull, Baba-Ioving, English




speaking people who are there to welcome you to India, & make everything go smoothly for you. Rustom Vazifdar, who runs the Meet & Greet service has asked me to let you know they have a new address at which you can contact him to arrange the service for yourself. Meet & Greet, CI- Viloo Villa, I,B Hunter Rd., Camp, Ahmednagar 414001. Or you may telephone them at 0241-26951, or 024128243. The Vazifdars are definitely the entrepreneurial family in Ahrnednagar: they run Joy Meher. the little shop in the Trust Compound, constantly coming up with new & beautiful trinkets & mementoes of our Beloved. The L.A. Bookstore is but a dim reflection of the splendor that is Joy Meher! As if tllat wasn't enough, they opened The White Horse Inn last year. Undoubtably the best resturant in Ahrnednagar, maybe even this side of Bombay! It is located just outside the Trust Compound. For the children & teenagers who can't quite cotton on to the delicious vegetarian meals served at the Pilgrim Center & who are suffering withdrawal symptoms from McDonaids et aI, they will be delighted to find

Wonderful World of Glimpses Goes On by A.C., Sheriar Press Glimpses of the God-Man, Meher Baba, Volume VI (March 1954 to April 1955): Bal Natu continues his wide-ranging, minutely detailed chronicle of Meher Baba's life in Volume VI of Glimpses of the God-Man, due for publication in midwinter. The fourteen months covered in this 360-page volume were among the most momentous in the Avatar's life, and in the lives of His lovers. For it was during this period, which included "The Three Incredible Weeks," that He gave up the use of the alphabet board. Bal Natu, as usual, is meticulous in the accuracy of his details about the Avatar's life. But the real pleasures in these books are the personal stories of individuals pulled out of the midst of huge crowds, bringing to life for us people we have never known, but wish we had. Family stories, as it were, to be handed down from one generation of Baba lovers to another. Precious tales of Meher Baba's love for His lovers and theirs for Him. $12 plus shipping.

that, quite beside the top class Indian & Western food served at the Inn, hamburgers, hot dogs & pizzas are also on the menu! Well lastly, a little about myself, not, heaven forbid, for The Ego, but to facilitate the smooth running of the Bookstore, Mail Order Division. You see, 17 years ago Baba found me a wonderful job as an outside sales rep for a paper company, (that's how come all the printed things I send you are on such beautiful & interesting paper,) & so from 8 am - 5 pm I am supposed to be pounding the pavement for them. However in the past year or two, 1 have found 1 or 2 days a week are spent in my Baba office at home, writing up orders, packing them up, taking them to the post office & UPS, or shopping for more items to sell in the Store, etc. Our Center is only open Saturday night, so I am there then, but the rest of the week I am to be found in my Baba office at home, working from 7 pm or 8 pm 'til midnight. This is only a volunteer job, but when Baba gives you the nudge, makes you put up your hand & say casually "oh, I'll do it," you end up giving Him your body, heart & soul, especially the body! Saturday & Sunday is usually spent in front of my newly purchased Mac, writing this article, or designing the little things I send you with your orders. Up until this tinle Christina Riley has been the kind creative soul who has designed those lovely mail outs you all enthuse over. All of you who place orders i.e! Not knowing any of this, I feel most of you think this is my full time paying job, because many days when I come home there are a lot of interstate messages on my answering machine.... my phone bill is getting stratospheric! I would really appreciate it if you could call any week night before midnight, then if I have happened to play hooky that night, & am not chained to my desk, I will be most happy to get back to you. Sometimes I anl deluged with orders, especially just after the LampPost comes out, & it may take a week or two to get all the orders packed up. If there is an urgency, you want something for a time important gift, please mark the envelope URGENT & then put on the order form by what day you need to receive the package, & rest assured, I will do my utmost to get it there on time. Remember we will be happy to direct mail a gift item & include aBaba card with a note saying who it is from.

We received lots of orders for the beautiful Baba calendar, but everyone only sent $6, the cost of the calendar. My fault, I should have mentioned there is a minimum $2 shipping charge, or if it is an order for more than one item it is 10% of the total. If you live in California, please include 8 '/4% tax. I don't know if there will be any calendars left by the time you read this, but if you didn't get one already, if I were you I would certainly try my best. They are simply beautiful, with many photos. thanks to Hernles, & photos of paintings by Charlie Mills, all sorts of important Baba dates & a myriad of the beautiful sayings of our Beloved. If you didn't buy one, & weren't lucky enough to get one for Christmas, call me at (310) 837-6419 & ask if there are any left. Remember there is so much more in the Bookstore than I can write about here, so if you have never ordered from us before, make a New Year's resolution to treat yourself to something from Meher Baba every month or so. Write for a complete listing of all we carry. Do enjoy the myriad of celebrations across the country expressing our joy at 100 years of the Avatar's presence here on earth. And remember, if you want to give Baba an extra special 100tll Birthday present.... resolve to truly love someone you have been hitherto unable to......

See you, at the Bookstore.


This year's Thanksgiving "Feed the Needy Project" was a success thanks to all who helped and donated. All the contributions were given to "The Seedling," a non-profit emergency food pantry located in South Central LA. The organization provides food, the basic necessities of life, clothing, rent and utilities assistance, prenatal care, infant nutrition, transportation and shelter vouchers for those in need. The Center is looking forward to also sending cash contributions and life necessities such as foods and clothing throughout the year. If you would like to send a check or money order please issue it to 'The Seedling" and mail it to the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025, ATTN: Service Committee. BEYOND, BEYOND THANKS

This is a love note: It is about Baba's love... and ... His Love-Grace at work in His lover's hearts. That is why this is also a tl1ank you note to all you dear ones (known or not) to me who conspired and contributed toward the purchase of a portable telephone for my use. What a wonderful, so useful gift idea. I love you all. In His Love, Marguerite Poley. P. S. Please share this witl1 all the volunteers of Project Telephone, and also thanks to AMBCSC for making possible my attendance at '93 Sahavas and for various yard work by tl1e Service committee. Baba loves you all! Marguerite Poley BURNING SANSKARAS

Last Fall's devastating fire throughout Southern California burned acres of land. Four Baba families in Malibu and Topanga Canyon had to evacuate their homes. But thanks to Baba, who protected the lives and homes of all four families. With His grace, life will come back again in the burned canyons. CONDOLENCES Christina Nichol and the friends and family of her step-sister Polley Hannah Klaas, age 12 yrs., who was kidnapped from bel' home on 10/1/93. We give our heartfelt support that Meher Baba is with you all at this time. 20


by Will David, 1993


The audio cassette lending library contains talks by guest speakers from Sahavas gatherings and Center meetings in Southern California. There is a $2.25 fee for each talk, which includes round-trip postage and return envelope. For information about the audio cassette library write to: AMBC-CL, P.O. Box 3233, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-1233. A complete "packet" of information is also available via computer and modem 24 hours/day at (310) 372-0987; use "BABA" for your initial password and then proceed to the AMB Misc. file area. VIDEO CASSETTE LENDING LIBRARY

The video cassette lending library also contains talks by guest speakers from Sahavas gatherings and Center meetings in Southern California. In addition to the listing printed in the Fall 1993 issue of the LampPost, the video library now has available a complete selection of 1993 Sahavas guest speakers for borrowing! Please take the opportunity to revisit some of your favorite people and borrow from the library. It costs only a small shipping and handling charge to deliver these VHS tapes to your door. For information about tl1e video cassette library, write to its new address: AMBCSC-Video Library, c/o Raymond Lee, P.O. Box 3247, South Pasadena, CA 91031-6247.

IJyou would like to donate a talk to the Audio and/ or Video Casseue Lending Library (from India travels, etc.) just send it to the correct "LibrGly-walla's" address above and include the name oJ the speaker and the date and place where the talk was recorded.



I would like to thank everybody in the Baba commW1ity for their support and financial contributions to Meher Baba, The Awakener, a documentary for PBS. Over $13,000 has been raised since March 1993. The film is still in the editing stages and the new projected release date is February 25, 1994! Dina Franklin has been selected as the narrator, and original music will be provided by Karl Moeller. Existing music by Hariprasad Chaurasia and Krishnamurti Sridhar will also accompany the film. Some Baba-lovers have requested a clarification of KTEH's role in the project. KTEH is a PBS affiliate station in San Jose, CA which has taken an interest in tl1e project since 1990. They will act as a "presenting station" when the film is offered to PBS for broadcast on a national level. However, KTEH is not keeping a percentage of the donations, nor will they retain ownership of the film. The funds donated thu far have helped the project along tremendously, but an additional $5,000 needs to be raised to cover costs for tl1e final on-line edit. This process will ensure that all audio and visual elements technically meet current broadcast standards. Anyone contributing $50 or more will receive a YHS copy of the onehour documentary. Donations can be sent directly to the AMBCSC. ATTN: Meher Baba Film Project. For more information, I can be reached at (310) 393-3715./n His Love, Tim The/an

I thought those of you who are communIcating and sharing Meher Baba's most beautiful love with Cedric and/or Paul would like to know that 1 have set up a checking! savings account for Cedric so that between now and when he is released, possibly in December. there will be some money built up for him to start a new life. This is not ta deductible but is a . . . love gift from heart to hean. Please make your check or money order to: Linda Zavala-A Trust account for Cedric Willian1s, and send it to 195 So. Oak Ave.. Pa adena. CA 91107. Due to bank regulations, my name has to be on the check since it's not going through a nonprofit group. Hope you are enjoying his writing as much as I am. If you have any questions about tl1is please feel free to write me. Jai Baba! The photo is of Cedric in 1985. Linda Zavala



Diana S. Rodriguez announces tl1e birth of her granddaughter, Harrison Colette Cooper, born November 14, 1993 to proud parents, David Cooper and Colette D. Rodriguez.

Meherazad will be closed from February 15. 1994 until July 2,1994 and pilgrims will not be able to visit there and tl1e Mandali will not be available. Accommodation at Meherabad will not be available from February 15. 1994 to JW1e 14, 1994. From June 14 onwards, the usual accommodations at Meherabad will be available for stay of Meher Baba pilgrims.


Former LoveStreet LampPost co-editor Gay DUlm is now devoting more time toward her musical performance witl1 tl1e Beach Cities Symphony as principal cellist. She performs seasonall y in the South Bay area.


Meherabad/Meherazad Environmental Alert! As most of you are no doubt aware, the ominous, daily threat of the chemical plant, "Praveen Organics," located on Meherazad Road, still continues despite the best efforts of the AMB Trust staff. While some headway has been made both environmentally and legally, further teps need to be taken to keep the pressure on government officials to grant "non-industrial zone" status to bOt1l Meherazad and Meherabad. This effort must continue! We are writing to ask t1lat you or another person in your group form a local committee to work on this continuing challenge. Suggested strategies (delegations, letters and letter canlpaigns, solicitations for environmental groups' participation, contact with officials, etc.) have been developed in consultation with Jal Dastur and ot1ler Trust staff working on this i sue. It is important to remember that our goal is to have Indian officials take immediate action to mandate that t1le factory be relocated (at this point we are not demanding that the factory be closed down), that the surrounding environment be cleaned up, and, most importantly, that both Meherazad and Meherabad be granted "non-industrial zone" status. Please note: those at the center of activity request that t1le media not be brought in at this point. We have a video about the chemical factory crisis shot by some Australian Baba-lovers which may soon be available. If you have any questions please call Buz and Wendy Connor at (804) 723-6259, 'or Charles Haynes or Christopher Wilson at (703) 2571652. Thank you for helping in this inlportant and crucial work. As we approach Beloved Baba's 100th Birthday, what more appropriate gift could He give His lovers t1lan to allow us to serve the Master of Servitude in such a direct and immediate way!

Avawr Meher Baba Ki Jail In Baba's love and service,

The Friends staff



Saba's Meher Mount Home Nearly Ready by Bing Heckman After years of plarming and building, Baba's new home in Meher Mount is 95 percent complete.

The new center is about 1,650 square feet and includes a large living room, two bedrooms or offices, a large kitchen and two bat11rooms. While amazing progress has been made, there is still work to be finished and materials needed such as door knobs, door weather stripping, inside doors for bedrooms and bathrooms, bathroom cabinets and sinks and a kitchen counter and sink. The house also needs painting, both inside and out. Roor covering and furnishings are also needed. Meher Mount has been preserved for Meher Baba for more than 40 years. Meher Baba was on his way to stay there with his Mandali in 1952 when the accident in Prague, OK occurred. Baba did visit Meher Mount in 1956, however, and has said the property has a "spiritual atmosphere." The property has views of the ocean to the southwest, the Ojai Valley and Topa Topa range to the north and other mountain ranges to the south. There are more than 160 acres suited for hiking and camping. But most important, Meher Mount is dedicated to Meher Baba. The fire that burned portions of Southern California in October included one that burned portions of Meher Mount, but it did not result in any serious damage. During the evening of Oct. 27, from midnight to 4 a.m., the fire burned across the east side of the property, coming close to t1le new building. Fortwlately the winds were mild and firefighters

continued on page 24

"The Way of My Work is the Way of Effacement" by Adele Wolkin

Annual Silent Auction Biggest Yet by Caroline McDonald

What is meant by successful work for Meher Baba and his Los Angeles Center? I am intent on describing the spirit that prevailed among participants of the yard sale-Oct. 16 and 17 in Redondo Beach-and not the final revenue earned, which is relatively unimportant in comparison. The spiritual gratification and joy was the true earning. All the Avatars have always taught "Leave the result to Me." Beloved Meher Baba provided us with a precious opportunity to work a a Baba family. "My work is your opportunity... When you put my work before yourself, the work will go right, although not necessarily smoothly." Meher Baba said. "The more you work for Me, the less important you feel in yourself. I alone do my work." That weekend, the anniversary of the New Life, was a most pleasant and refreshing reminder of harmonious oneness among His workers. To remember Him constantly is the remedy for all of our problems. I woke up the morning of the yard sale repeating His divine name, and trying to forget the forecast of rain. The words from the "Song of the New Life" came to mind: "Even if the heavens fall, do not let go the hand of Truth." Mehmoush and I were committed to see this project tllIough. We said our morning prayer and peered at the heavy rain clouds and the soft drizzle. Before long rain was falling but it lasted a relatively short time. Other volunteers soon arrived. Bob Dearborn, recovering from a bad whiplash, was among the first. Rosalie Dunphy arrived and quickly donned her happy clown clothes, adding to the fun and harmony. Such humor and good cheer quickly caught on to tl1e children of our yard sale patrons as well as to adults and passing motorists. Virginia Hughes, Afsanah Azhang and Patricia Shannon must have decided to be initiated into that part of the New Life where possessions are divested and gladly offered for the work of the Compassionate Beloved. Fred and Gisella helped to spread a tarpaulin on the damp ground to protect clothes, books, linens and houseware .

There were books autographed by members of Meher Baba's mandali, articles of clothing and jewelry from India, a framed and autographed movie poster, and photographs of Meher Baba touched by Him. These were just a few of the many items donated for the fourth annual auction organized by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. Although fewer attended this year's auction, proceeds were the highest yet, around $6,000 (not including expenses of over $1 ,500)! Last year's total was approxin1ately $3,500. Half of the evening's proceeds are traditionally used for the Center's General fund and the rest goes to the New Site fund. This year 49 adults and five children attended the auction compared to 51 adults and 10 children last year. The highlight of the auction was six photos of Meher Baba, all touched by Him. The photos, generously donated by Adele Wolkin, were a surprise to those present, and brought $1,165, the single largest an10unt-if you missed a chance to bid for these

continued on page 24

continued on page 24

Special thanks to organizers (I - r) Karina Page, Margantt Magnus, Pat Griffin, Diana Goodheart, Sam Ervin and Clea Sucoff (not pictured) for a fun, loving and successfulevent!

photos, Adele still has a few for next years auction. Also of interest were a bronze medallion featuring a profile of Baba, which sold for $85, a copy of GodBrother, written and autographed by Mani, and a copy of Tales of the New Life, written and autographed by Eruch Jessawala. Jeff Maguire donated an autographed script from "In the Line of Fire." and also a framed poster from the movie signed by himself and the movie's top star. Tickets to Laker and Clipper games, donated by Fred StankllS, went quickly, as well as a myriad of services such a rna sages, chiropractic essions, acupuncture. a portrait and makeover, and busines


CENTENARY continued from page 3

MEHER MOUNT continuedfrom page 22

Makeig, Jeremy Wilson, Mehmoush Lorkalantari, Mahmoud Ajang and Radha Delamarter. There will also be films, poems and slides featuring Beloved Baba. The events will be in the Herrick chapel at Occidental College, near Pasadena. All performances, talks and other events will be free. There will be an Indian dinner on Saturday, February 26th, with a suggested donation to cover expenses of $10 per adult and $5 per child. Reservations are requested and every donation made by the reservation deadline will enter the registrant in the drawing of a free 1994 Sahavas registration. There is still an opportunity to perform, to volunteer for planning activities and to participate behind-the-scenes during the event. Meher Baba's Centennial needs and deserves the help of everyone in the Baba community. There are many jobs to be done to celebrate the Divine Beloved. Call Linda Zavala at (818) 795-8322 or Fred Stankus at (213) 257-8371 to volunteer. And mark your calendars now for February 24, 25 and 26 for Meher Baba's 100th Birthday Party.

were on the scene, but the flames were alarming, nevertheless. Meher Mount has a fire hydrant line backed by more than 25,000 gallons of water in the old swimming pool for such emergencies. The new Center also is equipped with fire sprinklers inside and is constructed of a fire resistant cement stucco. More than ever, Meher Mount needs every available helping hand, not only to complete it's new Center, but to clear burned out brush. If you are able to help, please call David McNeely at 213(258-9887, or Bobby Hazard at 805/968-8406, who are coordinating work parties. Donations are also needed and much thanks to those who have already contributed. Your suggestions or ideas are always appreciated. To send contributions or request a map. write: Meher Mount. 9902 Sulphur Mountain Road, Ojai, CA 93023. To contribute to a separate furniture fund. send donations to: Caroline McDonald. 1734 Silver Lake Blvd.. L.A .. CA 90026.213/661-4432.

AUCTION continuedfrompage 23 card and stationery design. Jeff Maguire jokingly suggested that dozens of pottery items handmade by Charlie Morton be sold for "$10 if you take half the box and $5 if you take the whole box." John Page surprised all by giving a stunning speech about the intrinsic value of any item touched by Meher Baba. He then produced a small button touched by Him, and started the bidding at $2,000. Needless to say, the button is still in Page's possession. Now's the time to start saving up for next year! The lucky winner of the grand prize drawing-a round trip ticket to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and five nights at the Meher Baba Center-was Leila Hage, daughter of Mary Kay Shubat-Hage. The theme of the buffet dinner this year was Mexican, catered by Marguerita's in Pasadena. The auction took place in Temple City at the home of Pat Griffin and John Echeveste. The fifth annual Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California auction has been scheduled for Oct. 1994. If you have items to donate, call Margaret Magnus at (310) 498-0883.

EFFACEMENT continuedfrom page 23 There was a splendid array of different colors and textures from the fine fabrics sent by Connie Crawford, writer and designer of apparel. The vital task of sorting and pricing the items before the sale was done with the help of Rose Choi and Nasreen Ajang. Also helpful were Alissa and Glen Russ, Stan Matthews, Owrang Ajang, Joyce Grinuk and Trish. Three of our yard sale seekers had previously heard of or read the writings of Meher Baba. My two photos of The Beloved, which I had placed quite visibly helped them to identify who we were. They took address cards of our meeting place. We also sold two donated books about Meher Baba, written by Him. Our reward in working for the Avatar is to acknowledge with increasing conviction the Truth He awakens in us. "I allow you to work for Me so that you have the opportunity to use your talents and capacities selflessly and draw close to Me," Meher Baba said. "You are not benefiting others, just yourself. I alone do my work. The way of My work is the way of effacement." The relatively unimportant final revenue came to $750, which goes to the General fund of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California.

MEHER MOUNT REPORT The Meherana Board has completed the corporate Bylaws and has filed for Non-Profit status with both the State of California and the Internal Revenue Service. With the help of Ray Lee, Karen Drygas, Margaret Bernstein, and many others, the board has produced a lovely fourteen-minute video which introduces Meherana and features many different individuals expressing their own hopes, dreams. wishes, and intentions for the project. The video includes nWllerous excerpts from an interview with Bhau Kalchuri on the subject. The video is being sent to group heads across tile United States and abroad and a limited number of copies are available directly from Meherana. If interested please contact Meherana at tile address or phones shown below. Marilyn Buehler of Sacramento was recently appointed by the board to fill a vacancy created when Jack Mormon of Oakland found it necessary for personal reasons to step down. Marilyn has also accepted the office of Membership Chairperson and, as mandated by the Bylaws, will be tile sole board representative on that five-person conmlittee. Marilyn is enthusiastically welcomed by fellow board members Brian Drygas, Greg Dwm, Noreen Grahanl, Bruce Kinneberg, Chris Pearson, Christine Pearson, Michael Ranlsden, and Georgene Tarbox. Bhall Kalchuri has conmlitted to a fifth "Bhaustock" gathering in Mariposa targeted for late Spring/early Swnmer 1994. Meherana is also partnering with the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Soutllern California and the Meher Baba Center of Northern California to invite Mani S. Irani to be the guest of honor at a West Coast Sahavas to be held in Mariposa in 1995. Should Mani find herself able to accept, this would undoubtedly be the largest Meher Saba gathering ever held in the United States. The benefits of holding these and other Baba gatherings on our own property are too numerous and compelling to revisit here. It suffices to say that the Meherana Board is looking at numerous financing options which would allow the purchase of land in the near term. Contact Brian Drygas, Fund-Raising Director, for details. The premier issue of the Meherana Messenger may already be out by the time you read this. It features a beautiful piece by Meheru Irani, an India

by Greg DUIlIl

report by Ward Parks, an essay by Tennessee attorney Willianl Stephens, and of course, up to the minute news on Meherana. If you are not already on the Meherana mailing list (distinct from the AMBCSC list) and wish to receive the Messenger, please contact Marilyn Buehler, 22335 Woodside Lane, Sacramento CA 95825. There are many ways in which you can become involved in the inspiring effort to establish a West Coast home for Meher Saba in Mariposa. To leam more, write to: Meherana, 5311 Italian Creek Road, Mariposa, CA 95338. In Southern California call Greg Dunn at (310) 371-6321; in Nortilern California call Brian Drygas at (408) 356-3512. Meherana Makes Offer on iSS-Acre Plot!

Chris and Christine Pearson, acting for the Meherana Board of Directors, on November 23 placed $1,000 earnest money on a 188-acre plot in Mariposa County. If the purchase goes through, Meherana will enter into possession of the land before you read this. At its November board meeting, the board decided to step up efforts to locate land and to explore financing options for near-term purchase. No one expected events to unfold as quickly as they did, but in the course of a renewed land search a potentially extraordinary deal turned up. The plot is located on Highway 140, about five miles from downtown Mariposa, in tlle direction of Merced. It features a river, a panoramic view of the surrounding foothills, large areas of already graded land, a mobile home with electricity and other utility services already in place, and a price well below market value. (The original asking price for this particular plot was $275,000, but it appeared at press time that a much lower offer would be considered.) It also appeared that a down payment in the vicinity of $20,000-almost exactly the anlount in the corporation's bank account after eight months of fundraising-would also be satisfactory. Meherana has already been qualified for the loan, and payments would also be within Meherana's projected means. Purchase of tile land would make it possible, Baba willing, to hold this year's Bhaustock at the new site. What more can we say? The power of the Ancient One is indeed a wonder to experience!

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Danny Maguire age 8 1/2 (19931




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Josh Lee age 8 (19931

At the last rrwment, we received the following poem (© Avatar Meher Baba Public Perpetual Charitable Trust) written by Filis Fredrick towards the end of her life. A boo, ofher poetry is being considered for publication. If you art interested, contact Mary lloyd Dugan at (803) 272-4570.

We are the awakeners We carry the Word. Tossing His word We start brushflres everywhere, Leaving behind The light on the mountain The burning town.

Alii.. Brelnllel qe6(1993)

Baba's love is like a rose, A rose is like your heart. Your heart is what He listens to When you feel apart, Even though you feel apart, With you He'll always be. uB" is for Baba He loves you and me. Happy Birthday, Dear Baba.

..ananll•• KMI.AUms age 12 (1993)

age6 (1993)

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AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PA I D Redondo Beach, CA Permit No. 196




AMBCSC 20th Anniversary... June 21 !



Thank you to all members for your participation in the Center's A.G.M. (Annual continued on page 8 General Meeting) voting process! It was very successful!

FROM THE EDITOR "The most practical thing to do in the world is to be spiritually minded. It need no special time, place or circumstance. It is not necessarily concerned with anything out of the way in anyone's daily life and day-today routine. It is never too late or too early to be spiritual." (Meher Saba, Glimpses of the God Man, Vol. I, pp. 217-8)

What a wonderful few months it's been. So many special events and gatherings to celebrate Avatar Meher Baba's lOath birthday. He has given us such a wonderful opportunity to remember Him with others and share in His love. The two reviews that open this issue of the LSLP indicate the effort and care taken to entertain and please Baba through music, dance, plays and talks-all done for love of the Master. Advance press on some of these events brought long-time Baba lovers back into association with their areas group(s) after long hiatus' from contact, as well as bringing Meher Baba's name to others for the first time. There were doubtless many, many group celebrations throughout the world and we would have liked to have covered. Please let us know about celebrations in your area this year for possible inclusion in an upcoming issue. In addition to reviews, this Spring issue addresses the very alarming situation which has developed near Meherazad. Please participate in the action plan outlined (see page 10). You'll also find art, opinion, interviews, announcements, quotes and more. Thanks to all the current contributors! It is our hope that the LSLP brings you closer to the Baba community and stimulates your mind and heart to remember Meher Baba. We encourage you to participate. Also, inside is a return envelope. Your contributions, both in print and in funds, will help the Southern California Center produce the LampPost and for the LSLP to continue to be a forum for the heartfelt, mindful expressions of Baba lovers everywhere. We'd very much like to receive artwork from you as well---child, youth, adult. If you wish it returned, let us know and include a few stamps to cover return postage. Read, and love God, Jai Baba!

Christina M. Riley 2

THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quarterly publication of the Avatar Meher Saba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90025 (310) 474-9454

Tltis newsletter keeps the Southern California Avatar Meher Baba community and friends abreast of Center activities, and provides a forum for contemporary accounts of Ii fe with Meher Baba as Guide. The LoveStree LampPost is free, given in the spirit of spreading Meher Baba's Message. Editor: Christina M. Riley Current Events Editor: Caroline McDonald Announcements Editor: Mehrnoush Lorkalantari Arts Editor: Will David Children's Corner Editor: Lynn Maguire Calendar Editor (Program Chairperson): Debra Ash Contributors: Naosherwan Anzar, Ann Conlon, Dina Snow Franklin, Goher R. Irani, Mani Irani, Jim Meyer, Lyn Ott, Charles Overbeck, John Page, Mike Ramsden, Tom Riley, Raphael Rudd, Vicky Warner Proofreading: Leah Florence Distribution: Chris and Pris Haffenden Please share you artwork, photos, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. For those of you with access to a computer, it is a great help to us if you can submit your copy on disk, along with a paper copy. We can handle virtually all disk formats, ffiM-<:ompatible or Macintosh. Save the file in your word processing software's default format, or as plain, unformatted text. LoveStreet LampPost submission deadlines are: November 15 (January -March issue); February 15 (April-June issue); May 15 (July-September issue); August 15 (October-December issue) Please send all submissions (and donations) to: LoveStreet LampPost, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. (310) 474-9454 Please send address changes/subscription requests to: Pris Haffenden, 3616 '/, S. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 390-2779 Published quarterly (January, April, July, October) All contents Š 1994 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, except where noted. WEST COAST MEETINGS In Orange County call Lynne or Steve Berry at (714) 966-1262. In the Inland Empire call Jay Mohler at (619) 366-9330. In Ojai call Peter Justin at (805) 646-4159 (Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.). In Santa Barbara call Donna Karpeles at (805) 682-1877. In San Diego call Scott or Anne Makeig at (619) 436-7155 (monthly). In Fresno call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877 (every first, second, and third Wednesday of each month). In San Francisco, Discourses meetings are Wednesdays at 7p. Call Liam Mullen at (415) 474-5442 In Northern California call (510) 845-4339 for full schedule. In Portland, meetings Friday nights. Discourses meetings every other Sunday afternoon; monthly meetings at the Wilson's (503) 873-2048. In Sacramento call Marilyn BueWer at (916) 925-4451. In Seattle call Joyce Geoffroy orTom (206) 283-7027. (Fridays, 8 pm.).

' '



In 1972 Gail Rudy wore a Baba button. She didn't really know who Meher Baba was, or why she was wearing the button, but she liked his kind expression, and she liked the saying, "Don't worry, be happy," on the bottom of the button. Gail first heard about Baba at a talk given by Adi K. Irani at Los Angeles City College, though she didn't really understand who Adi was, or who Baba was either, for that matter. When Rudy, an airbrush artist, learned of Baba's 100th anniversary birthday celebration from a client, Tom Kitrell, she was eager to attend because she wanted to know more about the man whose smiling face once made her feel so happy. "I didn't expect this," Rudy said after spending Saturday evening being entertained with an Indian dinner, a film about Baba's teachings, and one inspirational concert after another. "It all fits in with what I already feel about the universe. I agree with it all. There was a very positive force in the room-everybody was together and very supportive of each other. There was a warmth and a closeness. It felt like a nice room to be in. "I loved the way the different musicians sang praise to Him. It was as if He was singing through them." And singing through them Baba was. The enthusiasm was contagious. By the end of the evening the audience was dancing and singing and

by Caroline McDonald

no one wanted the serendipity to end. But the last song was finally sung and musical instruments, sound and video equipment, and sleepy children were packed up and taken home. The culmination of Baba's centennial left those present with a deep affirmation of His ever-burning flame for His lovers. "I have never heard 'Happy Birthday' sung with so much love," said Rebecca Smith, another newcomer to Baba, referring to the spontaneous outburst which concluded Friday night's program. "I found out about Baba after the earthquake," she said. "I was pretty upset so I went to Hawaii to calm down. I happened to go to an art shop in Kawaii and saw a large wooden carving that I was interested in. When I went around to the back, I saw a shrine to Meher Baba with pictures and handouts. When I saw his picture, I knew he was someone special. After she returned to Los Angeles, Smith looked up the Center and found out about Baba's upcoming birthday. "I feel like Baba has pretty much got me now," she continued. "He constantly does miracles for me, like in Hawaii. He's here to catch me when I fall." The celebration was pulled together by members of the Los Angeles Meher Baba community. Pieces of the puzzle began magically falling into place. The location-Herrick Memorial Chapel and Interfaith Center at Occidental College in Eagle Rock-was obtained by alumni Lynn Berry; the adaptation of a welldesigned and informative booklet published by the Northern California Baba group to include a schedule of Southern California events was made possible by Fred and Gigi Stankus and Sam Ervin and Margaret Magnus; and an article about Meher Baba was printed in the Los Angeles Times. The event was a natural for newcomers. Mike Ramsden, president of the AMBCSC, speculated that at least 20 of those who attended did so as a result of the Times' article. "There were people who had known

continued on next page

of Baba in the 60s who were able to make contact again. They were thrilled when they saw the article about Baba in the paper," Ramsden said. "It was an absolutely marvelous event, one of the most outstanding I've ever been to." More than 300 attended the two-day event, Ramsden added. The program included two slide shows, a film, and, in a separate part of Herrick Hall, continuous videos of Baba and His mandali. There was also supervised child care coordinated by Dana Lee and Mary Kay Hage, a snack bar managed on Friday by Gigi Stankus and a free literature table, overseen by Dina Franklin. Both Friday and Saturday programs included personal tributes to Baba by His lovers. Their homage included singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, reading or relating favorite stories, and recalling precious moments spent with Meher Baba and His mandali. Guest speaker, Naosherwan Anzar, recounted memories of Meher Baba, one of the most poignant occurring after Baba had dropped his body: "I reached the Tomb at 11 p.m. that nightwith one thought repeating itself in my mind and heart, 'How will I live without him,' Anzar recalled. "At the entrance of the Tomb I met Eruch, Meher Baba's disciple and close companion, who suggested I sit in the Tomb with my Beloved before the crowds came to pay homage. I closed the door of the Tomb, directed a flashlight on his face and sat staring at his form. It was then that it happened. He opened his eyes and looked straight at me. I thought I was imagining 4

things. I said to myself, 'Meher Baba is alive.' "I turned the flashlight away and focused it again on his face. His eyes were closed. But in that brief moment he was telling me, "I am always with you and I am not away from you." Guest artists Jim Meyer and Jeremy Wilson each gave several heart-felt performances. Meyer began his Saturday night concert with an emotional recognition of the love expressed to Baba by his Southern California lovers. Special thanks go to Linda Zavala, event chairperson and program co-chair, who donated about three weeks of her time to bring everything together. Though contributors to the Centennial program are too numerous to list, other event organizers were Richard Stermer, program co-chair and stage director; Billy Goodrum and Tim Thelen, sound; Kenneth Stermer, lighting; and Steve Berry, newcomers meet and greet. Special thanks also to Dr. Michael A. Kerze, director of the Chapel, who so readily approved the use of the facilities.

Caroline McDonald- a freelance writer and a member ofthe So. Cal. Meher Saba community-served as stage manager for the Celebration.

Naosherwan Anzar at Occidental College, Los Angeles, February 25

1958, The Lagoon Cabin

Brothers and Sisters in Meher Baba's Love,

Two days before, in the morning, I had been introduced to Meher Saba in the Lagoon Cabin. Without any process of thinking I had knelt in front of Him as He sat in the caned French chair with the painted panel. Now, again, in the afternoon Saba was inside the cabin. Everyone present at the Sahavas waited outside ' each in his or her own way feeling His presence. In those days the driveways of the inner part of the Center were bordered on either side by large logs quite close to th~././J:ound. I was talking to a 1.))~.~riend who sat on one of those -::;)f ~ logs fairly close

This afternoon, I would like to approach Meher Saba not as he is accepted by thousands of people of different religious traditions-as the Avatar, or as God in human form, or as the Ancient One-but through his humanity, for it is through his taking birth as man that he awakens mankind. Meher Saba is not a Teacher, he is the Awakener. And in this advent he has made it possible for each one of us to approach him directly. For in this time and in this age, he is available to us directly, without any intermediaries, without any priests or mullas or pandits telling us who he is and how we can approach him. Those of us who have recognized the fact that we are not free have tried every conceivable method to experience true freedom. Today we face a different set of conditions, a different environment, a different situation. And that is why, when Meher Saba promises that he will free us from the bondage of illusion that grips us, we heed his call. When the individual becomes desperate, when all attempts at seeking freedom fail, when one is satiated with the ephemeral nature of beings and things, it is "the timeless moment," the moment of such divine desperateness that one makes a decision to discover and realize the aim of life. Meher Saba has said that divine desperateness is the beginning of spiritual awakening because it gives rise to aspiration for God realization. In 1954 Meher Saba gave a last message on his alphabet board that gives the ultimate answer to how we can feel his presence all the time, everywhere. It was in response of his hints to his lovers that he would drop his body:

"There's no reason at all for any of you to worry. Saba was, Saba is, and Saba will also be eternally existent. Severance of external relations does not mean the termination of internal links. It was only for establishing the internal connection that the external contacts have been maintained til now. The time has now come for being bound in the chain of internal connections. Hence, external contact is no longer necessary. It is possible to establish the internal link by obeying Saba's orders. I give you all my blessings for strengthening these internal links."

by Tom Riley


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Suddenly someone was calling my name. >2 -.o~. _. . Margaret Craske appeared from behind the cabin on the lakeside. She looked intense. She said, "Meher Saba wants to see Tom Riley now!" I broke off my conversation in an instant and in that instant I was seized with the immensity of the moment. I made my way to the lakeside door. Margaret left. I was alone by the steps and removed my shoes. I stepped up and opened the door. I sensed something right away, a stillness. I became poised. On my left as I entered I took notice of a small photo of Saba as a student sitting on the ground. He was twelve. I saw the poignancy and the longing in His eyes. I thought, "What a wonderful child." The stillness and the poise now became an experience of sacredness. It went through my whole body and my mind. He was smiling, but not only smiling. He was filled up with joyfulness, with gladness. He was beside Himself with this joy and it seemed to me it was my being there which gave Him this joy. He looked at me and at the same time beyond me and I knew that He was not entirely there. It seemed to me that He was floating there, and a very subtle glow of fine light rays surrounded Him. He was looking at me and through me and beyond me. His eyes shone like glistening silver. He was holding forward his right hand, the fingers bent slightly downward. I approached Him taking His hand in both of mine and kissed it. I left the room then, taking with me a small portion of His holiness. {,\



TEN DAYS IN MYRTLE BEACH "The constellations spell out your name!" was one of the lines in the entertainment extravaganza staged on February 25, 1994, in Myrtle Beach, SC, for Meher Baba's 100th birthday. When the Angel Gabriel spoke it, the audience could almost see Baba in his chair giving his okay sign, his very good sign, his Just Right sign with his finger and thumb in a circle. You could almost see it again when blueskinned Krishna took off his jeweled crown and laid it at Baba's feet. And when the Coconut Dancers ashayed hilariously in front of the chair. The audience felt Baba was there. You could feel them feeling that. The place was packed and pulsating; Baba had brought these people to him, and they knew it. Appropriately, the moon was bursting full; the evening had lowered and the air was not cold, but crisp when about 300 gathered at Meher Spiritual Center in a large, white, three-steepled circus tent which was perched dramatically atop a knoll in the orchard. It was festooned with Baba's all-colors flag at the entrance, balloons everywhere, and decorated inside with brilliantly colored draperies escalloped around the walls and gathered with gold and glitter. Large framed and garlanded pictures of Meher Baba were set about and suspended from the main pole which was wrapped in colored stripes. The tent was flamboyantly beautiful. The place was so sensate, each entering had to respond. The common experience made us an instant group, a polarized audience that responded as one being

by Vicki Warner rather than various individualities. Or, so it seemed. We hardly need the actors or the play, we thought as we entered. The tent is a show, itself, we thought. It was like a highly charged dream of being inside an elaborately frosted birthday cake, happy and bright and thrilling. Flute and guitar music began, and Marshall Hay welcomed us. Then, in blackout, sweet and lonely notes from the flute lulled us until, dramatically, one spotlight cut to Upasni Maharaj clad in his gunny sack. He rose to fulJ height, describing meeting Merwan, then ending with a shout, "He is the Avatar-Adi Shakti-the Primal Force!" It split the air and stunned us all. The spotlight moved to Babajan, huddled and covered in her shawls. "Oh, my beloved son," she said, " beloved son will shake the world!" We believed her. Sai Baba with the magnetic eyes shouted, "Parvardigar!" The audience hardly breathed. Narayan Maharaj in a bejeweled fez and brocaded jacket described how he crowned Merwan king, and Tajuddin Baba, chained and manacled, declaimed, "My Rose, My Heavenly Rose." We believed them all and knew this night was serious, important, significant and that it was a privilege to witness it. Then the curtains opened and rosy warm lights carne up on an incredible 40-foot backdrop of Meherazad with companions around Baba's chair receiving angels who came to pay respects. One by one, group by group, various others from around the world in elaborate, colorful costumes came to celebrate the 100th birthday with music, comedy, dance, poetry and love. Lindsay Reiter and Louise Trask wrote the script; Mary Sutton directed; Mary Lloyd Dugan and Dana Ferry were the producers and made vital contributions to the staging. About 150 others were thanked in the program for their efforts. It was definitely an extravaganza. February 26 and 27 The final two days of the ten day celebration in Myrtle Beach began with Happy Club's regular Saturday meeting turned into a birthday party. At 5:30 in the afternoon, the entire community was invited to the circus tent for an authentic Indian dinner of the obligatory rice and dal. About 200

(lOp to bottom) The huge tent containing the festivities; players pay homage to their master, each In their way; actors perform songs reported to have amused Baba (coconuts!); an African king honors the king of kings; Krishna dances with his gopls.

attended to eat the type food Baba had eaten, and then to visit in a convivial atmosphere until the evening program. At 8 pm, the variety entertainment mu ic show began followed by a new video about Baba called "Together in Love." On Sunday, a square dance in the tent was the final celebratory hurrah to the Avatar. February 18 through 25 Meher Baba, though everywhere, said the Center at Myrtle Beach was his home in the West. The homefolks staged and attended 10 days of programs and celebrations of his lOOth anniversary beginning on February 18 with an encompassing talk by Charles Haynes. Following daily were special films of Baba, then a children's play, "Majnun & Layla," then discourses elaborated on by Darwin Shaw. On Tuesday there was a special music program at the Meeting Place, and on Wednesday Berniece Ivory lovingly and touchingly told her extraordinary story of meeting Baba in the 1950s after being captivated by his picture. Thursday, the eve of Baba's birthday, films were shown highlighted by two newly discovered sequences of Meher Baba, himself. One was 7 minutes of footage shot in 1932 by Movietone News. Baba looks weetly amused as he an wers que tion on the alphabet board. The second was about two minutes of sequence filmed by Paramount at Harmon-

on-the-Hudson during the same general time period. Friday morning, February 25, devotees gathered at 4:45 a.m. at Baba's Compound at the Center to say prayers and sing arti to experience the celebration of the 5:00 a.m. moment of his birth. Never before has the Meher Spiritual Center hosted such an extensive program. Never before has a 100th anniversary occurred when his name was Meher Baba. Jai Baba!

Vicki Warner resides in Myrtle Beach and has written for numerous regional publications and television. She first heard of Meher Baba in /968.



(continued from cover)

Pressing on, the Center's Business Reorganization is utmost on your current board's schedule for this year. A tremendous effort by a wide variety of Center members has culminated in a series of significant changes already approved by the Center membership and/or by last year's board: Reworking our Mission Statement; Extending Director terms of office to 2 years, effective for 1995; Changing the date of the A.G.M. to November of the preceding year; Reorganizing Director responsibilities to equalize the work load and to stimulate participation by Center members in Center activities without risking overcommitment in time, effort or money; Reorganization of the budgetary management system to coordinate and plan spending and fundraising in a more timely and accurate manner. Now we have to make it work-through Baba's grace. There are several loose ends that will also require action and further membership votes throughout this year, i.e.: Nominating committee terms to 2 years; Board nomination qualifications and requirements; Voting membership qualifications and requirements; Non-voting membership qualification; Volunteer organization support; 2-year board election process; Policy and procedure manual development and indexing; Voting & quorum requirements. I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Board member, Chris Haffenden, who will be taking on the new responsibility of fiscal asset management. This includes Center maintenance and repair and the Center archives. I also want to say Jai Baba and thank you to our only departing director, Fred Stankus, after 5 years of service. Everyone at the Center appreciates your love and hard work for Baba. Fred remains very active on the Sahavas and Centennial committees and also in hosting the Avatar Meher Baba program on local cable TV. He says copies of these shows can be made available for other cable TV companies and areas. If you would like to contact him through

by Mike Ramsden

the Center, he will give you more information. Fred, you have always put so much heart into what you do, thank you. The new year brings its own attendant problems and this year like most past years we anticipate a cash flow problem in April. You can help solve this by mailing a donation earlier this year. We do have a small operating reserve in our saving annuity which will only cover two months of minimal operations. We would rather save this for dire emergencies and increase the reserve for at least 3 months operating expenses. Telephone Tree Wallahs... A big thank you for all your effort last year. You really do make a big, loving difference in how our Center operates when plans change or information needs to be shared rapidly. The Long Range Planning Committee (L.R.P.C.) has made follow-up recommendations to the board concerning our Center's future move. I do note that there is a degree of skepticism present whenever the subject of the "New Center" is broached! After all, it has been planned for and talked about since early 1977! There have been several sites that have generated enthusiasm and not been accepted. Many committee hours have been spent discussing where it should be, etc. The L.R.P.c. has suggested that a decision be based more on affordability and the choice of area. It is probable that a move will take place this year. There are enough funds for a reasonable down payment with enough left for a 6-month payment cushion. There is no doubt that the current Center building has grown too small for us. Projecting ahead another 10 years it is probable that we will need to accommodate many, many more Lovers' needs. Bearing that in mind, and reviewing our needs in greater depth, the committee recommends commencing a search for a new Center with the intent to buy as soon as the board approves these recommendations. "REMEMBERING BABA MAY BE DIFFICULT, BUT FORGETTING HIM IS IMPOSSIBLE!"



The Center should: I) be easily accessible from public transport, especially trains, and from freeways, 2) require minimal travel time from all geographic areas in and around Los Angeles, 3) have adequate parking for most usual and customary functions, 4) be earthquake resistant, 5) have a minimum of 11,000 to 22,000 square feet of land, 6) have at least 7,000 square feet of building that may be added to, if necessary, 7) have an appropriate ambiance, such as a church, 8) be priced up to $500,000, 9) be in one of the following areas: Santa Monical Westwood, Central L.A., GlendalelPasadena, South Bay, which are more readily accessible to most of our members. Other sites are to be considered on an individual basis. However, in order to lessen the demand on individual Center members, realtors are to be utilized for the majority of the search functions • and results funneled through to Mike Ramsden via the Center for fOllow-up. The board will develop a financial plan that may include limited partnerships, major fundraising for early complete buyout, and/or non-profit bonds issued in denominations that all members may purchase. SO WE SHALL SEE WHAT MEHER BABA HAS IN STORE FOR US THIS YEAR. In the meantime we will continue to run the Center as is! A brief note concerning the President's function. Our bylaws define the President's role as Chair of the Board of Directors responsible for ensuring that the board functions according to bylaw rules. As such, the President is not president of the Center and has no executive power to order anything unless the board authorizes it beforehand. Meher Baba is the head of the Center! Interpersonal problems between members serving administrative roles at the Center have to be solved by the members themselves. In Meher Baba's Last Warning to the West he ordered, "do not get intimately involved with the family affairs of one another. .." What more needs be said?

New Board Members The recent Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California Annual General Meeting and election has given us eight returning board members and one freshman. Our new crew includes: Michael Ramsden as Board President and Director of Planning, Glenn Russ as Board Vice President and Director of Personnel, Donna Sanders as Board Treasurer and Director of Finance, Pris Haffenden as Board Secretary and Director of Legal Affairs, Debra Ashe as Director of Programming, Dina Franklin as Director of Publications and Communication, Mehrnoush Lorkalantari as Director of Service and Outreach, Bobby Dearborn as Director of Fundraising, and finally our newest member of the team Director of Fixed Asset Management, Chris Haffenden-welcome aboard. All the proposed changes to the bylaws and the articles of incorporation passed by an overwhelming margin. Specifically, elections will now be held in November and board directors will now serve two year staggered terms. Five director positions will be filled in one year and the other four director positions will be filled in the following year. This pattern will continue such that five positions, then four, and then five again will be filled in each successive year. These changes should ease the transition between each year's Board Administration as well as provide more continuity for long-range planning.



CALL TO ACTION continuedfrom back cover This is the last chance! If we lose, there is no appeal; we're stuck with the chemical plant! The Trust has come up with a concerted plan of action. They are asking that we begin the letter writing, again, to the eight officials and one minister listed below. They are also requesting people to visit emba ies and consulates in their area. When letters are sent, send them either as a cable or as Urgent Priority Mail or UPS or Federal Express. All efforts must be made NOW! Efforts are being made to focus more attention on the chemical plant in the international press, in hopes of putting pressure on legislators to withdraw support. The plant hasn't operated recently due to lack of funds, but the owner is resourceful and has now purchased a chemical reactor. If all you can do is write one letter, write to the Prime Minister. (We're urged to write to all eight officials and the minister below.) Others working closely with the Trust on this effort say that this type of action-total support from an entire community-has forced the closure of other chemical plants around India. Please take part in this campaign!

PLease send a Letter (see sampLe J) to the eight officaLs Listed beLow. Letters to the first four officiaLs can be maiLed c/o the nearest embassy or consuLate to you.

(sample 1} The Prime Minister of India, New Delhi The President of India, Mr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, New Delhi The Lok Sabha Speaker, new Delhi The Minister of Environment and Forests, New Delhi The Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Bombay The Secretary of Energy and Environment, Bombay The Charman, Central Pollution control board, Delhi The District Collector, Ahmednagar

Subject: Pollution from Praveen Organics Chemial Plant, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra

Dear Honorable and Distinguished Official: A most critical and distressing mailer alerts me to request your assistance. I urge you to take full action to establish Meherazad and Meherabad in Maharashtra as the nonindustrial zones that they should be Each year tens of thousands of pilgrims visit the sacred areas of Meherazad, Avatar Meher Baa's Seclusion Hill, the Samadhi of Perfect Master Goroakhnath, the Temple of Khandoba, the Tomb-Shrine of Mirawali, the Temple of Baijabai and Ram-Sita's place of exile in Happy Valley (known as Sita Kund). Many of these sacred places allract pilgrims from all over the world! Unhappily, the路toxic emissions from the Praveen Organics Chemical Plant pollute the air, soil, water and crops for miles around. It makes the area unsuitable for visiting due to health hazards created by this noxious plant. Chlorine and other poisonous gasses destroy health and well-being. I strongly believe that the only responsible action you can take is to relocate the offending plant to an industrial zone that has proper facilities for controlling toxic wastes Thank you for your efforts to relocate the plant and to establish Meherazad and Meherabad as non-industrial zones. Sincerely,

In addition, the following single letter should be sent to the Minister of Tourism. This is a total of nine letters.

(sample2J The Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister 22 Akbar Road New Delhi INDIA

Dear Minister of Tourism, As often as possible, Itravel to India for the purpose of making a pilgrimage to Meherabad and Meherazad. These holy places are located in the state of Maharashtra. Unfortunately the Praveen Organics chemical plant is also located in this area, and it spews toxic chemicals into the air, soil and water. Thsi factory is a health hazard and a deterrent for thousands of visitors to India who come solely to Ahmednagar for pilgrimage to Meherabad and Meherazad. Can you please help by exercising your influence to have the chemical plant relocated to an industrial zone. Thank you in advance for your support. Sincerely,

1. The Prime Minister of India 152, South Block, New Delhi, INDIA 2. The President of India, Mr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, INDIA 3.

The Lok Sabha Speaker, 20 Akbar Road, New Delhi, INDIA

4. The Minister of Environment and Forests Attention: Secretary Rajmani Paryavaran Bhavan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi 11003 INDIA 5. The Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mantralaya

Madam Cama Road, Bombay 400 021 INDIA

6. The Secretary of Energy and Environment

Mr. U.K. Mukhopadya, Mantralaya Madam Cama Road, Bombay 400 021 INDIA

7. The Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board

Pariwesh Bhavan, East Arjun Nagar, Shahdra, Delhi

8. The District Collector, Mr. Ajay Mehta

District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra



Here are suggested instructions: Neatly print or type the date and your address at the top of each letter. Neatly print or type the letter. Neatly print or type your name and occupation below the signature line. Sign each letter; this is important. Place a check mark (II) in front of the name of the designated official. (In India, this format alJows the same letter to be sent to each official.) Place each letter in aseparate envelope to the individual official. Write your return address on each envelope. You may then put all envelopes with the same address into a single, larger envelope. MAIL IMMEDIATELY!!! Suggestions for mailing: Rel:Ular air mail postage to India is $.50/half ounce. A one page letter in most envelopes will be less than half an ounce. This service takes up to three weeks. Express Mail adds importance. Up to 8 ounces costs $14.00. Federal Express delivers to Bombay and New Delhi in 4-5 days. Ahmednagar and Delhi are not available for this service. Cost may vary slightly, depending on the origin of the letter. (From Southern California the cost is $41.50 for 8 ounces or less.) United Parcel Service (UPS): up to 8 ounces costs $39.00. The letter will arrive in three business days, barring no customs delay. Service to Delhi, New Delhi and Bombay. UPS phone number: (800) 742-5877. A Western Union Cable is sent immediately. Call (800) 325-6000. The charge can be placed on your credit card. Cost is $9.00 surcharge plus $.61/word. You may want to do this for the letters to the Prime Minister. A brief message, such as "Urging you to relocate Praveen Organics Chemical Plant, Maharashtra, to industrial zone. Establish Meherazad and Meherabad as nonindustrial zones. Sincerely, xxx" would cost about $34.00. It is also requested that copies of all letters be sent to Jal Dastur c/o Avatar Meher Baba Trust, King's Road, Post Bag #31, Ahmednagar, M.S. 414 001, INDIA. For further information contact Lynne Berry at (714) 966- J 262 or Adele Wolkin at (3 J 0) 540-8404.


EARLY HISTORY OF THE AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Southern California has a rich history of activity associated with Avatar Meher Baba dating back to the 1930s and His much publicized visits to Hollywood. In the 1940s and 1950s Malcolm Schloss held periodic meetings. In the 1960s, Filis Frederick energized the group with her Monday Night Meetings. By the end of 1968, shortly before Beloved Baba left His body, there were two Meher Baba Centers-in those days they were called Bookstores. One was in Redondo Beach and the other was in Venice Beach. That was the era of hippies and flower children and that was the background of most of those attracted to Baba. Although I had known about Baba for some time and had accepted Him as mine (He, of course, had already accepted me as His), I was entirely unaware of the existence of any other Baba lovers in Southern California. It wasn't until I heard Meher Baba's name on a radio program shortly before He dropped the body that I became aware of aBaba group in Southern California. They announced that there was a Meher Baba Bookstore at 2700 Pacific Ave. in Venice Beach, and gave meeting times. I will always be thankful to Baba for the opportunity of hearing Allan Cohen and Jack Small on the radio that day. I was very excited to find that there were other Baba lovers in Los Angeles and I attended the next meeting, where I met Filis Frederick and many others. In the meantime Beloved Baba had dropped the body. I remember that the main concern of those present was to decide whether to go to India for the Last Darshan. Baba had called all who loved Him to come, but when He had dropped the body it posed a quandary for those who had signed up to go, reserved a chartered airplane, etc. How could it be the same going to see where Baba lived instead of seeing Baba Himself! At any rate, as I was buying some books and literature at the meeting, I asked Alan Saviskas, who was behind the sales counter, if there were any other sources of Baba books and literature closer to where I lived in the Pasadena area. He said thatthere weren't and I remember saying to him, "Well, maybe there should be." Incidentally, Alan Saviskas 12

by John F. Page

and Judy Stephens started the Center in Venice in October 1968. Within a week or two I rented a storefront at 31 W. Union SI. in Pasadena's Old Town section. Then I drove to San Francisco where I purchased thousands of dollars worth of books, posters, jewelry, etc., from Sufism Reoriented and Meher Baba Information. An interesting aside is that our first Center was in a dilapidated part of town that was being taken over by hippie sorts of businesses. Anyone remember "head shops" and the like? Shortly after our Center was established there, the landlord rented the storefront next door to a motorcycle gang named, "The Chosen Few." The landlord became so scared of them that when they refused to pay the rent he wouldn't confront them to collect! The Center in Pasadena flourished and in 1972 moved into a larger building in a better part of town. By that time the other Centers had faded; other than Filis Frederick's Monday Night Meetings, the Center in Pasadena became the Meher Baba headquarters for Southern California. We hosted many Baba disciples, such as Adi, Meherjee, Sarosh Irani, Murshida Duce, and many others. The legal structure of the Center had been a sole proprietorship and very much needed to change. Being a sole proprietorship, the whole legal structure was around my neck, although the operating structure had been run by committees for some time. We had an overall steering committee that made all the major decisions, such as which meetings to have, and many people were active in the Center. We researched various models of non-profit corporations and finally developed our own. Our first Board of Directors was composed of Neva Bethel, Filis Frederick, John Connor, Jack Small, and myself. On June 21, 1974, five and a half years after the Pasadena Center was founded, it legally became the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. Although that date is not at all the beginning of our Center, it is the date of the beginning of our status as a non-profit corporation. JAI BABA!

LOVE, THE ONE TRUE VALUE Someone said to me recently, "You and I don't share the same values." This surprised me, because I had thought all lovers of Meher Baba held most real values in common. The statement made me appreciate that I don't necessarily understand the values of those who live in the world, for the world. I began thinking about values, wondering what my values actually were. What could I say they were? Living here on the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach, what could I describe as the ground of my values? I had to think about it. I believe that my own values are connected almost entirely with the human side of God, and I believe as well that to be in the world one is inevitably challenged by the non-human, even inhuman

by Lyn Ott values of mankind. For example, I have spent most of my life learning to respect and revere women in such a way as does not frequently occur in the active and reactive world. Long ago, Elizabeth Patterson taught me to respect the fact that all the men and women entering through the Meher Center gate have already come a great distance in quest of truth. Being drawn into Meher Baba's atmosphere, they are enabled to experience more vividly what we term "the presence of God." To be drawn to the Avatar is fundamentally the one value I can say I know about. It seems but natural that my one value should be love, love for those things and beings in the world which reflect the pure and the beautiful. I recall how I used to love with breathless awe the beauty of a landscape, a flower, a dazzling sunset, a bird on the wing, a beautiful womaneven now, in fact, a beautiful woman. There were times when I thought I loved art far too much, fearing that it kept me away from God. It was, of course, an ungrounded fear. How is it possible for humans to respond to the splendor of God but through the beauty revealed in art? Value was primarily what I perceived as reflected in art. Art becomes for the seeker a pathway of fire endeavoring to forge in the inner eye the sight of the Beloved's Face as it really is. This seems for me the only important value, to glimpse what He promised me, and be able to express it, to see His true Face, the Face of the Divine Beloved. And, yes, to serve, to serve Him, not by talking nor by writing, not by action of any kind, nor by diligent efforts at spiritual progress, but to serve simply by being, existing as I am, where I am, entirely for His sake. To go on being in this limited form is now the one way I know to serve Him. That, I conclude, becomes the path of the lover in quest of love. Lyn Ott lives at Meher Center, Sc.

by sally Amft Haviland

CALENDAR OF EVENTS APRIL 1994 April 1, Friday, 7:30 p.m.

All programs and events, unless otherwise noted, take place at the Center, 10808 Santa Monka Boulevard, Los Angeles, (310) 474-9454. Wednesday evening J2-Step meetings will be held at the home ofBobby Dearborn. Ifyou have program.suggestions or are interested in presenting a program, artwork, or musk, please contact Debra Ash at (818) 683-8885.

LET'S CELEBRATE THE LOVELINESS OF GOD Embodied in our Local Baba Artist's Works of Art. Tonight we will feature an exhibition of visual art and an opportunity to talk with our artists. Coordinated by Debra Ashe.

April 2, Saturday, 6:00 p.m.

FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

April 23, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

AVATAR MEHER BABA'S FIRST ANNUALGLOBAL BOOK PLACEMENT WEEK BEGINS TONIGHT Adele Wolkin and Kathy O'Quinn began the library project in the mid-l 970s. Come and find out what you can do to assist and participate in spreading Baba's message of love and truth by making this a successful annual event. Coordinated by Adele Wolkin and Billy Goodrum.

April 2, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

FEAST YOUR HEART AND SOULS on Music Divine at this musical celebration. This second evening of celebrating and acknowledging the beauty of Meher Baba in the talents ofhis lovers will be full offun,joy and surprises. Hosted and coordinated by Kevin Conner, and Debra Ashe 818-683-8885.

April 3, Sunday, 4:00 p.m.

April 23, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR Bring your children and let them have a blast sculpting clay, painting, drawing and talking. Debra Ashe and Dana Lee will guide the fun.

April 30, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.



A once-a-month Sunday afternoon focused on Avatar of the Age. Meller Baba Manifesting by Bhau Kalchuri, which will include readings, sharing insights and life experiences reflective of Baba's divine manifestation in every aspect of our lives. Hosted by Adele Wolkin.

Come share a Baba film followed by the adventures of five men (Billy Goodrum, Glenn Russ, Jay Dittersdorf, Kevin Conner, Stan Mathews) who just returned from India. Don't miss music, slides, stories, and photographs from a misfit crew of God-crazy travelers. Coordinated by Glenn Russ.

April 4, Monday 7:30 p.m.

MAY 1994

OH COME LET US ENJOY HIM! Join Rosalie at the Center on Monday nights in viewing the videos that time after time have swept the academy of the heart awards.

April 6, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.

ALL 12 STEP GROUPS WELCOME Tonight Bob Dearborn hosts a weekly 12 step meeting with the orientation of Meher Baba as our Higher Power. Contact Bob at 818-700-5686.

April 9, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

May 1, Sunday, 4:00 p.m.

BABA'S MANIFESTATION A once-a-month Sunday afternoon focused on Avatar of tile Age by Bhau Kalchuri, which will include readings, sharing insights and life experiences reflective of Baba's divine manifestation in every aspect of our lives. Hosted by Adele Wolkin.

May 7, Saturday, 6:00 p.m.



This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

Experience fellowship, food, conversation, revelation, and inspiration in this fun-filled evening of focusing on Meher Baba. Come and share.


April 16, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. CHAOS IN OUR LIVES

Come and enjoy these beautiful intimate conversations with our Mandali family videoed relentlessly by the very enthusiastic Owrang Ajang with some outstanding results.

Remember to remember Meher Baba. Meheru spoke lovingly of the time Mehera would spend obeying Baba's orders: attending to every action with incredible accuracy and attention to every detail to please her Beloved. Our lives tend to be so hectic and chaotic that it seems every opportunity to focus on Baba is lost. Discussion led by Mike Ramsden. Music provided by the fabulous twosome, Pris and Chris Haffenden.

May 7, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

May 13, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.

GETIING STRAIGHT WlTH GOD, OURSELVES AND OTHERS Terry Lucas, a psychologist and cohort of Filis Fredrick, invites one and all to join in the fun of playful group interaction and discussion centered on creating a better relationship with Meher Baba, oWlielves and the world.

May 20, Friday, 8:00 p.m. TO THE GLORY OF LOVE, BELOVED AND BELOVED NOW ARE ONE Baba's spiritual female counterpart, Mehera, "the purest soul in the universe" dropped her body on May 20, 1989 to rejoin her beloved Baba. Come and share your loving memories and stories. All are welcome. Coordinated by Adele Wolkin and Lynn Maguire. Music by Debra Ashe and others.

May 21, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. MEHER BABA SHAPES THE DIVINE DESTINY OF AMERICA Baba's accident in Prague, Oklahoma, May 24th, 1952, was foretold by him and deemed absolutely necessary. "The raw energy of America needs to be released in order for it to be transmuted in higher spiritual energy and this could only be accomplished by the shedding of the Avatar's blood on America's soil ... " Coordinated by Adele Wolkin and Lynn Berry.

May 28, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. CAN'T MAKE IT TO BHAUSTOCK? Don't Worry Be Happy! Come to video night; you pick out the videos you want to see.

Friday路Monday, May 27路30 Bhaustock.At路Meherana!Memorial Day Weekend MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERV ATIONS NOW! For hotel information contact Fred Stankus at (213)-257-8371. (Room rates range from $50.00 to $100.00 per day.)

July 25 - August 1 Bhau Will Come To The Lunatic Asylum (LA) JUNE 1994 June 4, Saturday, 6:00 p.m. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

June 4, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. SPECIAL GUEST, HARDIP CHOWDHARI Born into a Baba family in Uganda, East Africa, his father, Tarlok Chowdhari, met Baba four times in India in the 1950's and kept up correspondence with Baba for years. Dr. Daughiet Singh (of the New Life fame) was actually Tarlok's uncle! Come and enjoy a wonderful evening of family stories and Hardip's archival surprises. Hosted by Debra Ashe.

June 5, Sunday, 4:00 p.m. BABA'S MANIFESTATION A once-a-month Sunday afternoon focusedonAvataroftheAge by Bhau Kalchuri, which will include readings, sharing insights and life experiences reflective of Baba's divine manifestation in every aspect of our lives. Hosted by Adele Wolkin.

June 11, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALIS!

Tonight we honor Filis Fredrick, one of our Center's co-founders and Baba's chosen editor of The Awakener Journal, 1953-1986. A video of our fabulous Filis' 'infamous' talks will be shown. Come and share your memories on a favorite selection. Your hostess with the mostest, Rosalie Dunphy.

June 18, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. JAI BAllA! LET'S CELEBRATE THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER!!! Original co-founder John Page will take us on ajoumey of the heart as he guides us through the history of the Center. Old timers, longrange planners and newcomers, come and share the vision of what has been and what is yet to be. Special musical guest, Gabriella Tal.

June 25, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. BABA IS THE STAR AND THE AVATAR. Come watch him shine. Film night fun with master of ceremonies, Charlie Morton. Newcomers welcome!

June 26, Sunday, 3:00 p.m. WELCOME SPECIAL SAHAVAS GUESTS-NAJOO AND HILLA! Come to Jacko's for a barbecue potluck, fun and fanfare. Contact Jacko (213)-462-7602.

June 27, Monday, 7:30 p.m. WELCOME RECEPTION AT THE CENTER FOR NAJOO AND HILLA. These two sisters will share stories of growing up at Meherabad with "Big Daddy," beloved Baba as their true father. Hosted by Patty Stout, Dave McNeely.

June 28, Tuesday, 11 :30 a.m. HUNTINGTON GARDENS FORMAL TEA WITH NAJOO AND HILLA. Contact Debra Ashe for reservations.

June 29, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. SURPRISE ACTIVITIES TO BE DETERMINED. Keep in touch with the Center Hotline 310-474-9454.

ADDRESS FOR JACKO'S: Jaeko Cameo, 2243 E. Live Oak (Los Feliz area), Los Angeles. (213) 462-7602.


by Dina Snow Franklin

Jai Baba & Welcome to The Bookstore! It's so nice to have exciting new things to tell you about in each issue. It's also nice to know that you really do read this column, and I have proof!: each time I mention something that is upcoming, it seems to spur the person mentioned on to greater activity! Two issues ago you were told about Richard Lockwood, the Australian singer of Baba songs. Well, he has been nurturing this tape for years and finally has it ready. Richard calls it Highest of the High, dedicated, of course, to our Beloved. Of th' nine songs, sevenare his own compostions, the other two are by OIl < Francis Brabazon, one of which is C the beautiful Blacksmith's Song, or Take This Heart, as it is called here on the tape. Richard accompanies himself on guitar, and saxaphone and give his songs a heavily dramatic reading. $10. Cindy Lowe, a prolific singer and songwriter from the Berkeley area, has just released her second album, One Dream A way. It is a collection of 11 poignant love songs composed by Cindy with the very accomplished backing of Berkeley musicians Ernie Brady on guitar, Larry Thrasher on tablas (who, incidentally, has his own CD Soulcraft available, $15 ), Margaret Bernstein on flute, and the wonderfully ubiquitous Raine Eastman Gannett on


o. adi';' •




A Gift of Love A little book that is well worth your attention is called, very appropriately, A Gift of Love. I say appropriately because Perin Jasumani from the Toronto Baba Lover's Group has put together a collection of Baba's sayings and messages along with 30 or so photos in an attractively bound paperback book and is forwarding all proceeds from the sale of this book to the Trust in India as a 'gift of love.' At 100 pages it is chock full of Baba's wisdom, some old, wonderfully familiar words, some I had never heard before. Afavorite that stood out is "Anger is a whirlwind which blows out the lamp of the mind." It is a handy book to have when you want to pass on some "Baba Pearls" to an 'uninitiated' friend; at just $5 you can have a few on hand. 1/i

tamboura and background vocals. One Dream Away is available on tape and CD, $10 and $15, respectively. Speaking of Margaret Bernstein, of the beautiful flute, she also has her own tape and CD, $10 and $15. Her compositions for flute, piano and synthesizers, Full Circle, will spread peace and gentleness through your sound system. Not to mention superb musicianship. A couple of favorites: "Approaching Amartithi" and "Rahuri Sunset." For a full listing of the 50 or so tapes we have, write for our catalogue. Those of you who were present at the 1993 L.A. Sahavas will remember the very emotional concert given by Bob and Jane Brown. (See the note on page 20.) One of the songs, "Meher Baba's Love," with those words sung by the audience along with Bob and Jane, rose to such a crescendo, with such an incredible outpouring of love that at the end there was not a dry eye in the house! The idea was then presented that we make the tape of that concert available to all. Proceeds from the sale will go to a fund for Jane. $10 plus $1 shipping. We have great news on the video front! Two wonderful new releases, totally dissimilar, but equally terrific. The first one we told you about in the last issue: a 2-volume set entitled Life is a Pair 0' Ducks. This is the first in what we hope is a long line of films from the Pair 0' Ducks Animation Studios, the brainchild of Steve Jameson. Each 45 minute video, at $29.95, consists of 8 vignettes, stories that Steve has woven around his very popular pastel drawings. The stories are narrated by various personalities in the Baba community, including Jane Barry Haynes & Mani. Add to this some sound effects and great new music composed especially for the film and the sum total is: you have to have it! The other must have video has quite a story behind it: Sheriar Foundation found out that the old MovieTone News had donated all their newsreel footage to the film archives at the University of South Carolina at Columbia. They were asked to check if, by some miracle, they had footage of Avatar Meher Baba. To Sheriar's amazement, they were told yes, we do have something, taken in 1932!

Filmed when Baba first arrived in America, it is an interview with Meredith Star asking the questions and interpreting the alphabet board responses of Baba. Taken at the home of Graham Phelps Stokes in Greenwich Village, New York, in May 1932, it includes 3 takes of Baba answering the questions about His mission in America. Baba comes walking out of the house, His long hair flowing in the breeze, followed by Kaka Baria, Quentin Tod, Behram S. Irani, Dr. Abdul Ghani Munsiff, F.H. (Chanji) Dadachanji, and Adi, Jr. On the third take of the interview, the camera is shooting over His shoulder focused right on the alphabet board so you get a really good chance to see just how it was done! There are some simply stunning close ups of Baba, far clearer than you have ever seen Him before, with a wonderful smile on His face, looking directly at the camera. Titled Meher Baba 's Message to America 1932, it runs for just 7 minutes and is only $15 ($2 ship• ping). Naosherwan Anzar, the man responsible for that great magazine The Glow, has printed up a simply beautiful bookmark. Measuring 2 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches, it has a full color reproduction of a beautiful painting of Baba by Tony Davis, under which is printed the Prayer of Repentance; on the other side is The Master's Prayer. Just SOc each. Charles Haynes' excellent book Meher Baba The Awakener has been out of print for a while. We now have it back in stock for $6.95. For friends curious to know more about "this Indian fellow" you follow, this, along with Much Silence by Dorothy Hopkinson,is a very good book to start them off on the path. (Only Baba knows where it may lead them ....we can only scatter the seeds, whether they fall on fallow or fertile ground is totally up to Him..) We have numerous small, unintimidating books you can give or loan to interested friends, some priced at only $1. Many people order dozens of


continued on next page

A Special Selection of Malcolm Schloss' Poetry We have a surprise for those among you who frequently ask for older publications, only to be disappointed because so many of the titles are outof-print. Herewith, three books of poetry dedicated to Meher Baba and first published in 1945, 1946 and 1952 by Malcolm Schloss, one of the first westerners to meet Baba in the United States in 1931. Only one hundred or so copies of each book remain: The Infinite Glory (1945); Processional ofJoy (1946); and Ways To Attain the Supreme Reality (second printing 1970). Malcolm Schloss and his wife, Jean Adriel, ran the North Node Bookshop in Manhattan in 1931 when Milo Shattuck, who had met Meher Baba in England, arrived in New York and told the Schloss' and others about the Avatar. Malcolm and Jean were among the group who met Baba at the boat upon his arrival in the States on May 19,1931, and went on with him to Harmon-on-Hudson and to Hollywood. They were at Nasik in 1937 and accompanied Baba on his visit to Cannes later that year. Already a published poet (Songs to Celebrate the Sun, 1930), Schloss went on to publish the two books dedicated to Meher Baba, The Infinite Reality and Processional of Joy. In 1952, Malcolm joined Meher Baba at the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach. There, Baba asked Malcolm to translate into verse various statements Baba made at this sahavas. The result was Ways to Attain the Supreme Reality, first published in 1952 and reprinted in 1970. Perhaps the most familiar of the poems in this volume to Baba lovers is the one that begins, "If the sun did not shine, To whom would the flower turn, How would the mango grow," put to music by Jim Meyer and recorded on his "Journeys of the Heart" album. • Schloss was also co-author with Charles Purdom \' of The Three Incredible Weeks, the account of the 1954 men's sahavas in India. He died a few days after his return to New York from that sahavas. While they last, Ways to Attain the Supreme Reality, The Inifinite Reality, and Processional ofJoy are available at·$5.00 each plus shipping. -AC.

BOOKSTORE continued from previous page these to have on hand for just that right moment. We have just completed a new catalogue of books, tapes, tee shirts and other goodies from our Bookstore so you can drop me a line, or give me a call between 8pm and midnight, and I'll be happy to get one out to you. (310) 837路6419 Bhaustock V will be held on our new property at Meherana this year. Scheduled date is the Memorial Day weekend (check the Calendar for exact dates). Rest assured, the Bookstore will be there in full force! I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can. It's so much nicer to be able to put a face to the name. One last point-when you send a check in payment for an order just received, it would be very helpful if you could mark your envelope, "Attn: Bookstore," and on the check put the invoice number (otherwise the Treasurer thinks it is a donation for the Center!) and I'm left wondering where the payment is! Thanks ever so... See you, at the Bookstore,

~~ from "Meher Baba's Message to Youth" Youth loves freedom and therefore has a natural impulse to rebel against all authority. This is well and good, but you should make a real effort to keep free of the many illusions to which youth is particularly susceptible. True self-expression need not include irreverence for others. True criticism need not involve snobbishness or cynicism. True freedom need not manifest hostility or separateness. Freedom without responsibility is a doubtful boon. Freedom is worth having only where there is self-restraint and willingness to cooperate with others. Youth is always willing to act and take risks. It should be allowed to yield freely to this fearless and imperative urge of life within. Sut while engaged in action, youth must take every care that it is creative, and not destructive. Let your watchwords always be LOVE and SERVICE.

-Avatar Meher Baba (Listen Hunumiry, pages 179-80)

It's Still One of Our Favorite Books In 1980, Kitty Davy put together her diaries and all her wonderful memories and gave to us an extraordinary account of a long life lived for Saba. Then 89, Kitty could look back on almost 50 years of devotion-and adventure-with the Avatar of the Age. The 726 pages of Love Alone Prevails is rich in the minutest detail of those years, allowing us to see through Kitty's eyes what it was like to know, to travel with, to live with Meher Saba. There are only about 250 copies left of the first edition of Love Alone Prevails. If you don't have it or you want an extra copy for your children or a friend, this is the time to take care of that. This hardcover book, liberally illustrated with photographs, is $25.00 plus shipping.

New Notecards We have some fantastic new notecards for all occasions and a new postcard, all in full color. From the brush of Dot Lesnik comes three notecards: "Meherabad Hill" which includes Saba's Samadhi; "Landscape: also of Meherabad Hill; and "The Slue Chair: Saba's chair in Mandali Hall at Meherazad. All three in the brilliant colors you associate with Dot's work. Her cards are sold in packs of 10 with envelopes for $15.00; or individually at $2.00 each. A stunning notecard and a postcard commemorate the recent restoration of Saba's Samadhi. The notecard has a full-color photograph of one of the restored wall murals ($15.00 for a pack of 10 with envelopes, or $2.00 each). The postcard has a full-color, close-up photograph of the dome mural in the Samadhi ($1.00 each).


TALKING BOOK DISCOURSES The Florida Division of the Blind Service of the Bureau of Library Services, Daytona Beach, FL 32198-000 I, now has the entire recent edition of Baba's Discourses in a standard Talking Books package (which, along with braille, is the major means sightless people have of satisfying their literary needs). A copy of the Talking Book Discourses, may be borrowed by any sightless person in the United States, through his or her local Library for the Blind, via an interlibrary loan arrangement. Baba-lover Alan Goldman dreamed and worked for many years to make this recording of the Discourses a reality. When did this project first occur to you? It goes back to 1973. I was with Ruth Ringer, and we were talking about how we could serve Meher Baba. Dr. Harry Kenmore's name came up, and we got the idea that we could reach blind people with Baba's Message by putting the Discourses on tape. Ironically, I myself had normal vision at that time, but I have since developed a cornea condition that - has left me with about 40% of "normal" vision. What happened next with the tape project? At the time, I felt like it'd be really hard to do. You had to get permission from the publisher, which at that time was Sufism Reoriented, and I didn't know how to go about that. In 1987 or '88, when I started losing my own eyesight, I began to be aware of more organizations for the blind, and the idea of taping the Discourses came back. Finally I contacted the Library of Congress, in Washington, DC. I mailed them the Discourses, and kept writing follOW-Up letters, but never got an answer. I decided to phone them, and since I have a speech impairment, I asked Cathy Riley, and she said she'd be happy to do it. Cathy finally got in touch with a woman at the Library of Congress, who said, "Yeah, I've had this book on my desk, and I didn't know what to do with it." The letter I'd sent along with the book had gotten lost. For some reason, though, the lady agreed to do the project; it couldn't be done in Washington, so she carried the book down to Florida, and they did it there. A committee had to approve it, and then they still didn't have anybody to do the recording. For about the past seven months we called them about once a month. Recently, they contacted us and told

us it was done, but they didn't know what to do with it So Cathy gave them the information, and they sent the copy to me. I received it just before Amartithi. How is the quality of the tape? It's pretty good. They had a little trouble with some of the Indian words and names. Is there anything else? Yes. To play these tapes, a person needs a fourtrack, variable speed tape player, such as many blind people have. It won't fit in your car's cassette player. Also, I don't know whether the machines for playing talking books are the same in other countries. Do you have plans for any more of Meher Saba's books? Next week, we intend to ask the people in Florida if they'll record God Speaks. Then we'll have to ask the Sufis for permission.

Close-up of Charlie Morton's painting from Inside Baba's samadhi. Full reproductions are available through the LA Bookstore (see page 23).


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BOB BROWN REMEMBERED Singer, songwriter, musician, Bob Brown died recentLy. His songs for and about Meher Baba span oller 20 years and numerous aLbums. Two of his coLLabo;ators and good friends remember him here.

BOB BROWN, BOY DO I MISS HIM. I MISS him for so many reason. Where should I begin? I first met Bob in 1979. I remember the day, he just about flew in the door of my parents house with such an assured burst of energy. I thought to myself, "What a beautiful innocent soul with such a creative imaginative spirit." Bob had one of the purest consciences ever embodied. I was proud and overjoyed to have such an intimate friendship with a man so loyal and trustworthy. Bob was also a card, with a great wacky, unconventional sense of humor. He saw the world through the eyes of a child; he was childlike in his perception but a skilled mature man in his actions. He was an "ideal man." When Bob got an idea (and there were a multitude of them!) that idea immediately became an action, one that usually caused some kind of monumental reaction. He inspired so many others, so many felt his essence, his singular focus of pure, unabashed love and Bob really could love. He genuinely and sincerely loved Meher Baba. Through his music he expressed both the bliss and the suffering to be shared by all for the glory of the Beloved. He so sweetly loved his wife Jane Viscardi Brown. I'll never forget how on his death bed his main concern was how Jane would be when he was gone. I'll never forget looking into his eyes as he spoke with such compassion of how he wanted me to always be there for her. You see, Bob and Jane were a team, an inseparable one at that. They had a highly unusual, very special relationship in which, above all else, they were truly great friends. When Mehera passed away, Jane went to India immediately. I recall how concerned Bob was about Jane's well being and safety and waiting to hear from her. The poor boy couldn't sleep. He came over to my parents' house, where I was visiting at the time. He said, "Raphie, can I sleep in the bed with you? It will make me feel more relaxed til I hear from Jane!" So there I was, lying in bed stroking his hand while he waited for that singular ring. His sensitivity moved me.

I was always happy to help produce or give an extra pair of ears or hands to one of his many projects. He composed such a vast amount of music, a really prolific writer and poet. He threw himself into every performance as if it were his first and his last. Right up to the final major concert at the LA Sahavas (summer '93) in which, although he was quite sick, he still put on a masterful show with Bob's one-of-a-kind spirit. Oh, Bob, I miss you, because I love you. I also am selfish in my love. Why? Because I feel that void in my life without you here and I miss the attention and the amount of love and support you've given me since the day we met. You've given so much to so many. I only hope that so many, especially myself, have given something back to you. What an honor that has been bestowed on you to have proclaimed Meher Baba's name through your artistry. What a lucky individual to have such a significant and profound karma that you, Bob, have come to fulfill. You have played a very important role in the evolution and involution of this present Avataric cycle. What more can I say than if you come here again, I hope we have the closeness once again that we had this go around. Victory is unto thee. RaphaeL Rudd

Bob & Jane Brown... The One Song Concert A live recording from the 1993 LA Sahavas is now available! Bob and Jane Brown, musical guests at the Sahavas, give you their hearts and songs for their Beloved Baba. Bob's health wasn't good and he didn't know if he could go on with the concert... but, he was encouraged by Meheru, "to start with a one song concert, and then two, three, etc .. " And so Bob and Jane went on, and the packed hall joined in and experienced those precious minutes of sharing in song, banter and laughter for the last time. The unedited audio cassette tape is about 45 minutes long and can be ordered for $10 plus $1 shipping. In memory of Bob Borwn, proceeds from the sales will go to Jane Brown.

ANNOUNCEMENTS MEHER BABA SEEMS TO APPRECIATE and cultivate the heartfelt expressions of those people the world terms "unique and unusual": just look around at the next Baba gathering you attend to confirm this observation. In my years of foIlowing Meher Baba, I have come in close contact with many such singular lovers of the Lord; but without a doubt, my dear friend Bob Brown heads the list. For those who wiIl know Bob Brown only through his wonderful and timeless music, I say, enjoy this extraordinary gift he shares with us all, but regret you couldn't experience the true music of his personality and love for Baba. Because of Bob's complex nature, being his friend could often be challenging. But far above all the myriad qualities of his creative nature stood his unswerving, one-pointed devotion to Meher Baba. He filled rooms with this love, and it cut through alJ layers of superficiality. Watching Bob face his impending death with great courage and superb resignation, and experiencing his deep, unshakable conviction and obedi• ence to his Beloved's will, not only enriched the lives of all of us who stood beside him at the end, but also helps all of us to understand the true essence of Meher Baba's Beloved God Prayer: "And help us all to hold fast to Baba's Daarnan 'til the very end." Bobby-you taught me many things in this life: how to play guitar and sing from the heart for our Beloved; how to make strange animal sounds amidst the tranquillity of Meher Center; how to kiss bumblebees without being stung; etc., etc., etc. But the biggest lesson you taught me was how to live the life of honest devotion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I miss you.




The foIlowing note from Mani Irani to our Trustwalla, Lynn Berry, was sent in response to our group's recent donation. The cheerful message is for all our Baba family. Ahmednager, 4 January, 1994 Dear Lynn (TrustwaIla), Sending a garland of Jai Baba greetings from your Meherazad family, with the enclosed Trust receipt. Wishing all our LA friends a very happy New Year bountiful with Baba's love. Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai, -Mani 20TH ANNUAL SILENCE DAY SAHAVAS

Come celebrate our 20th Annual Silence Day Sahavas! Join us along with special guest speakers Najoo Kotwal and Hilla Talwar. Najoo and Hilla are sistes who moved, with their family, to Meherabad in 1940. They have many stories to tell of their years with Meher Baba, whom they came to calJ, "Big Daddy." This year, we are pleased to welcome Raphael Rudd as our special musical guest. He will from Skydancer, as weIl as his other works, on piano and harp. We are also very happy to welcome Jane Brown back to the L.A. Sahavas this year. She will join Raphael in concert, and will give a solo concert as well. In celebration of our 20th Sahavas, we will be showing a rarely seen film of the 1977 Sahavas, featuring Adi K. Irani! Videos of talks by past Sahavas guests will also be available for viewing. Plus..... all of the fun activities that make the L.A. Sahavas THE L.A. SAHAVAS!! Don't miss it! If you have not received a Sahavas flyer/registration form, call David McNeely at (213) 258-9887. Our theme this year: "Never Cease Remembering Me" -Avatar Meher Baba CENTENARY SUMMER SCHEDULE-INDIA

Meherazad will be closed from February IS, 1994 until July 2, 1994. Pilgrims will not be able to visit there and the Mandali will not be available. Accommodations at Meherabad will not be available from February IS, 1994 to June 14, 1994. From June 14 onwards, the usual accommodations at Meherabad will be available for stay of Meher Baba pilgrims.


There has been a genuine outcry from Baba's lovers in response to Manifestation, Inc.'s most recent mailing regarding the publishing of future volumes of Bhau Kalchuri 's autobiography, Lord Meher. Many feel that photographs should not be excluded from the text in future Biography volumes. Therefore, there will not be a final decision of design to include or exclude the photographs of Meher Baba until there is a final evaluation of the responses-in mid to late April. However, it is definitely decided, for economic reasons, that the future volumes will be much thicker books-800 to 1000 pages-with or without photos. If you have a feeling about the design of future books in this series, let it be known by writing: Lawrence Reiter at PO Box 7335, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. AUDIO CASSETTE LENDING LIBRARY

The audio cassette lending library contains talks by gue t 'peakers from Sahavas gatherings and Center meetings in Southern California. There is a $2.50 fee for each talk, which includes round-trip postage and return envelope. For information about the audio cassette library write to: AMBC-CL, P.O. Box 3233, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-1233. A complete "packet" of information is also available via computer and modem 24 hours/day at (310) 372-0987; use "BABA" for your initial password and then proceed to the AMB Misc. file area. VIDEO CASSETTE LENDING LIBRARY

The video cassette lending library also contains talks by guest speakers from Sahavas gatherings and Center meetings in Southern California. In addition to the listing printed in the Fall 1993 issue of the LampPost, the video library now has available a complete selection of 1993 Sahavas guest speakers for borrowing! Please take the opportunity to revisit some of your favorite people and borrow from the library. It costs only a small shipping and handling charge to deliver these VHS tapes to your door. For information about the video cassette library, write to its new address: AMBCSC-Video Library, c/o Raymond Lee, P.O. Box 3247, South Pasadena, CA 91031-6247. 22

If you would like to donate a talk to the Audio and/ or Video Cassette Lending Library (from India travels, etc.) just send it to the correct "Librarywalla's" address above and include the name ofthe speaker and the date and place where the talk was recorded. BABA'S DOCUMENTARY

Tim Thelan's documentary of Avatar Meher Baba is nearing completion! He says, "I apologize for not having the documentary done by Baba's birthday; but it has taken longer than I expected. It should be finished around the beginning of May. I'm currently working on the music and sound effects editing process. I'm short of the money needed to finish the film; and I'm still acceptiong donations. Donors will receive a VHS copy of the finished film. Looking ahead, if anyone has connections with foreign! oveseas television markets or stations, I'd be very interested in talking with them. Call me at (310) 3933715. Thanks again for all your support to date." AVATAR MEHER BABA TRUST

Baba has given us an extraordinary privilege to allow us to participate in His very special Trust work. Meher Baba tells us that He is the Personage by whom serving we serve the whole universe! Baba Himself established the Trust to carry out His wishes once He dropped the body. The Trust supports beneficiaries named by Baba, as well as funding the many charitable operations at Meherabad. If you wish to contribute a love donation to this most worthy of causes-Baba's Trust-please make your check payable to, "Friends of the Meher Baba Trust," and send to: Lynne Berry, Trustwalla, 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626


CENTRAL JEWEL IN THE CROWN Dear LampPost Editor, lai Baba! Enclosed is an excerpt from Mani's letter to a Baba-lover regarding the new painting in Baba's Samadhi at Meherabad. Please include this in the next issue ofyour newsletter if you can. Thanks! In His Love, Heather Nadel. 22 November, 1993 Re: Charlie Morton's painting placed in the Central window of Beloved Baba's Samadhi, Meherabad, in March 1993. ... I'm sad that the new painting in the Samadhi window has disturbed you. But in a way I'm glad you wrote because it has made me realize that you and others who agree with you could surely not know the full story behind our decision to place this painting (or any painting) in the Samadhi central window! So let me explain with a quiz: Did you know that in 1938, when Helen Dahm • painted the murals on the ceiling and walls inside the Samadhi, she also painted a portrait of Beloved Baba (on wood board) which was placed in the central win• dow (where Charlie's painting is now)? This portrait of Him was painted by Helen as the centerpiece of all the murals, the central jewel in the crown of her creation, the natural focal point for all the adoration being offered by the figures on the surrounding walls. And did you know that when Helen left India for Switzerland, Baba Himself had this portrait removed, leaving us facing a blank space in the central window, just as it has remained all these years! As the empty place looked very odd, Rano asked Baba if He wanted another painting to be created for the blank space. And I was there when Baba told her, "No, not now, later on."

by Mani Irani And did you know that Baba then gave Helen's painting to Rano with instructions that she paint another picture of Him over Helen's? In her total obedience to Baba, Rano did so, and that is the Baba-portrait you see today in Rahuri Cabin, before which Baba performed Arti in the I950s. The reason you probably have never heard this story is that Rano felt very embarrassed to have painted over another artist's work, and did not want to let it be known. So you see how natural it was for Rano to be totally involved in the Samadhi window project when we first initiated it with Charlie over twenty years ago . But did you know how much dearest Mehera was also involved in this project? It was Mehera who selected the photograph of her Beloved for Charlie to reproduce*, and now we marvel as to how she happened to pick a picture of Beloved Baba from the same period as all His other images in the Samadhi! The preliminary object of a stained-glass window proved impractical and so the model-painting itself gradually evolved into the desirable choice for the window setting. And did you know that over the years, Charlie brought his Baba painting to India a number of times for Mehera and Rano to "critique," and every time he faithfully incorporated each of Mehera's suggestions (as well as those given by Rano and myself and other mandali in later years)? So this portrait by Charlie, 22 years in the making, was approved for the Samadhi by Mehera herself, and was given her personal input and attention at each stage until she went to Baba. When this portrait was finally installed in the Samadhi's central window in March of this year, remembering Beloved Baba's words of 55 years ago I felt that the Samadhi murals at last were complete, with the figures on the walls moving toward the figure of The Beloved before them! So my dear, while I do not claim that this is the best ever Baba painting, or that no other artist could have done better, I do know that it is the right one for His Samadhi, and the one which Mehera has blessed with her approval. Please feel free to share this with any Baba-friends. It comes with lots of love from all your Meherazad family, and our united AVATAR MEHER BABA ki JAI ! ! ! *picture taken by Elizabeth Patterson, Portofino, /933

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To pilgrims with serious illnesses who plan to travel to India Dear Friends, Since Beloved Avatar Meher Baba dropped His Body in 1969, an increasing number of pilgrims have been coming to Meher Baba's Home in India. Just as the number of pilgrims keeps increasing, so do the number of Baba-Iovers who have some serious medical problems when they arrive at Baba's Home-that is, a serious condition suffered by the individual before coming to India. Over the years, a number of medical emergencies involving pilgrims have arisen. The medical facilities at Meherabad are very limited, and we have learned that the medical facilities in Ahmednagar are inadequate and not fully equipped to manage serious illnesses. When a pilgrim is seriously ill (whether a foreigner or Indian) he or she very often has to go to a hospital in a larger city for specialized medical treatment and tests. The nearest large city, Pune (poona), is at a distance of several bumpy hours drive by car, and it is difficult to find suitable and comfortable transport for the patient. In most Indian hospitals the patient's personal attendants, food, drinking water, and special care are all provided by the patient's relatives or friends. Making arrangements for these puts a great strain on the pilgrim, the resident staff, the mandali and often the pilgrim's family. We therefore request that any Baba-Iover with a serious illness please consult their doctor before undertaking a trip to the Beloved's Home. A serious illness has a high chance of worsening here, leading to a hospitalization in Pune or Bombay. So if you have a serious illness and plan to come to India you should first get the approval of your physician and the assurance that your condition is stable. Then when you write to Pilgrim Reservations for accommodations at Meherabad, please openly state your medical problem in your letter. Among the illnesses considered serious are: cancer, AIDS, heart disease, severe asthma or other serious respiratory diseases, unstable neurological disorder (such as M.S.), unstable diabetes, psychiatric disorders (especially those managed by medication), handicaps such as paraplegia, etc. If a pilgrim comes with a serious illness that is stable and we are prepared ahead of time, then it may not present serious problems. On the other 24

hand, when a visitor has a serious illness and we have not been informed about it and are not prepared for it, any resulting emergency places a great burden on the mandali, the resident staff and other pilgrims. It is best that any Baba-Iover with a serious illness in an unstable condition wait until the condition stabilizes before considering a visit to India. If a Baba-Iover is suffering from AIDS and has active infection, or if the white blood cell count is very low, or the immune system is down (T-cells under 4(0), then a visit to India would place the individual at great risk. We are not medically equipped to handle any life threatening situation that might arise. If the pilgrim has to go to the hospital then a serious problem arises because, under Indian Government regulations, private hospitals are not allowed to accept patients with AIDS or even those testing positive for the HN virus. The only alternative would be the government welfare hospitals in Pune, which are an experience few people would want to go through. We are prompted to send out this important information to our Baba family by our deep concern for you in your deep love for the Beloved. Avatar Meher Saba ki Jail!! In Avatar Meher Baba's Service Dr. Goher R. Irani Medical Officer in the Meher Free Dispensary on the Trust Estate at Meherabad Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


Weather Service Radar Tower Constructed Next to Meher Mount The U.S. Department of Commerce (weather service) has recently built a radar tower 136 feet high next to Meher Mount property. The tower is part of a weather monitoring system. The project has been built in a most offensive manner including using 24 hour construction crews and other tactics to push the development through and avoid consideration of its impacts. A major loss of property value will certainly result from the presence of this tower, which the Federal government may not need to repay. The project has resulted in an incensed outcry from all of the neighbors, and this outrage is supported by formal statements from the U. S. Congressman for the district, the U. S. senators, the two cities nearby, and other governing bodies and civic leaders. The project is also senseless, as alternative sites appear to exist that would be vastly less disruptive, one of which is about five miles down the road. What can we do? For those wanting to help, a handwritten letter to Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce), Senator Feinstein, and Senator Boxer would be a great influence! There is hope of being able to remove the tower if enough people express concern. Letters and other expressions of support from the two senators have already been obtained. However, in order to obtain the effective level of support needed to relocate the tower, the Senators and the Secretary of Commerce need to know that people are really concerned about this issue. A sample letter and the addresses follow. Dear Secretary Brown: Dear Senator Feinstein: Dear Senator Boxer: Very recently the U. S. Department of Commerce built a Nexrad WSR BBD radar tower in Ojai, California as part of a weather monitoring system. The project was built with tactics to ram rod the development through and avoid consideration of its impacts. A number of major impacts exist that are of great concern to the many residents living near this project. Alternative sites appear to exist that would be vastly less disruptive. Please help direct that this project be relocated.

Thank you for your help on this important issue. Bing Heckman

Using Copyrighted Material Relating to Meher Baba This information is intended to make life easier for those of you who would like to use quotes of Meher Baba and other Baba-related material for projects (print, music, video, computer disc, photos and artwork). It is also intended to keep this material from falling into the public domain and thereby losing its legal protection. Once a copyright is lost, it can never be regained. The steps to obtaining permission are easy: 1. Look at the copyright page of the book, magazine or pamphlet for the name of the copyright holder, or on the back of photographs or artwork. Write to the listed copyright holder or publisher and be specific about your intentions, giving the quotes you want to use and the page numbers, or a description of the photograph or artwork. 2. Sheriar Press acts as the USA copyright permissions agent for itself, for Avatar Meher Baba Trust and the Universal Spiritual League in America. Older material copyrighted by the Circle Editorial Committee is now the property of the Universal Spiritual League. Material once copyrighted in the name of Adi K. Irani is now the property of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust. Sheriar Press can handle any permission you need for that material. If you have doubts about who owns any copyright (there are 26 such copyright holders at last count) just give us a call or write; we can probably steer you in the eight direction. 3. Once given permission, please follow the instructions you will receive. It is extremely important to use the proper notice when using copyrighted material so it does not lose its legal protection. The Avatar Meher Baba Trust's main focus is the facilitate the spreading of Meher Baba' s message, with accuracy, but it needs to protect its copyrights in order to prevent distortion of that message or improper use by persons who might claim the quotes as their own. Please help in this effort by following these few simple rules. We are happy to help answer any questions you might have, so please feel free to get in touch with us. In His love and service, Ann Conlon Sheriar Press, 3005 Highway 17 N. Bypass Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 (803) 448-1107 2

The Library Project The Library Project of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California is entering another cycle of activity placing books by and about Avatar Meher Baba in libraries across the country. Begun in 1978, the library project has placed over 400 books in more than 175 libraries throughout the U.S. and Canada. The Library Project invites your participation in anyone or more of the following ways:

1) Make a donation to the Library Project care of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California; 2) Check your local public libraries for current holdings of books by or about Avatar Meher Baba and addresses of the libraries, to the Project Coordinator; 3) Personally receive and then place the book(s) in your local area libraries, serving as a 'go-between' for the Library Project. We encourage people to serve as 'gobetweens'. We have found that personally delivering the book(s) into the hands of the librarian(s) helps assure that the book(s) will be incorporated into the library's holdings. If you would like to participate in the Library Project in any of the ways mentioned above, or would like more information on the Library Project, please contact us via mail or telephone. Please tell others about the Library Project and encourage their participation. The Library Project has been and continues to be a beautiful opportunity to spread Beloved Avatar Meher Baba's Message of Love and Truth. Sincerely, Brian Drygas, Project Coordinator P.O. Box 490039 Mountain View, CA 94039 (408) 356-3512 Adele Wolkin, Project Board Liaison 714-A South Pacific Coast Hwy. Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 540-8404 26

Finding Meher Baba in Your Library There are many stories of valiant lovers of Meher Saba who have'taken the initiative to place His books or books about Him in libraries. Think of the fruits we would harvest if every Saba lover either donated or placed a book or tape in a library! Did you hear the story of the Saba lover who learned about Him when a copy of Listen Humanity fell from a library shelf straight on his crown? And what about the thousands who first learned of The Avatar by reading a book about Him. The Library Project of the Avatar Meher Saba Center of Southern California is entering another cycle of activity. The Project began in 1978. was inspired by the generous. far-sighted commitment of a Californian couple who wish to remain anonymous. Thanks to the cooperation of people like you, we have placed hundreds and hundreds of Saba books in libraries throughout the English-speaking world. We invite your participation in anyone or more of the following ways: 1) Check your local public libraries for current holdings of books by or about Avatar Meher Saba and forward this information. including the names and addresses of the libraries, to the Project Coordinator of his Liaison. University or college libraries are in-eluded. We place books in some prison libraries. too, 2) Personally receive and then place the book(s) in your local area libraries, serving as a 'go-between' for the Library Project. 3) Contribute money and/or new books to the Project in care of The Avatar Meher Saba Center of Southern California. 4) Tell others about the Library Project through your newsletters, circulars and meeting announcements.

While we encourage people to serve as 'gobetweens' for actual book placement (the individual personally receives books and makes sure they are placed into the circulating material of the library). nevertheless, we will mail books directly to the library if we receive signed assurance that the book(s) will go directly into circulation. Please write for our forms or for more information if you would like to participate. These books are free for libraries and available for the asking. Help us spread Avatar Meher Saba's Message of Love and Truth! Please contact us via mail or telephone.

AVATAR MEHER BABA'S Last Warning to those who love Him, obey Him, and all who would want to do so (This message was sent to the West by Adi K. Irani at Baba's dictation in July '68) Baba wants all His lovers to know that: This is a very critical period of the Avataric Age and all His lovers must strive their utmost to hold His daaman very fmnly so that it does not slip out of their hands under any circumstances. It is very important for all His lovers, especially in this critical period. not to succumb to lust. Temptations are and will be great. but your love for Him should be greater. Remember Him wholeheartedly and rise swiftly from where you have fallen to march ahead in His love and service. It is equally important to beware at all times of persons who lead others into believing that they are saintly and pious and profess to possess supernatural powers. However pious such persons appear to be, a Baba lover must never mix such piety with the Divinity of the Avatar! A true Baba lover must remember the repeated warning given to all Baba lovers time and again to stay away from persons who feel and assert that they are masters and saints and posses powers to help human beings. His lovers and workers should never get involved with such persons and affairs, much less with perverted "helpers of humanity" who have no reverence and regard for the Perfect Masters and the Avatar of the Age. Beware of them who exploit spirituality to gain their selfish ends and dupe others in the name of Sadgurus and the Avatar. His lovers and workers should not get intimately involved with the family affairs of one another, and they should not be emotionally upset by the personal affairs concerning any of their families. They should NOT let any personal affairs vitiate their relationships with one another, or affect their efforts in the work they do for the cause of Truth. He wants His lovers and workers who are spreading His message of Love to others. to share His love among themselves and to uphold the spirit of harmony and understanding in His name. He wants them to be less aggressive towards others and less tolerant towards themselves. Above all. He wants them to love Him wholeheartedly for He is the Ancient One who loves them more than they can ever love themselves. The preceding was the text of the letter as sent to the West by Adi, but on reading an issue of the magazine Divya Vani, wherein the letter was published many years ago. we find that he omitted the frrst paragraph. We print it here now for its pertinence and usefulness to us all. It was sent to a group of Baba workers in India when some misunderstanding had caused a rift among them. Dear Brothers and Sisters of Meher-parivar, ". I am extremely pained to find that there is a rift in Meher-parivar This fact has been brought to Beloved Baba's notice with utmost reluctance. And, Baba wants me to let all His dear lovers know that: Whatever be the cause of the rift, He wants each one to try best to narrow it down and mend it by forgetting one another's trespasses. This is possible if one resolves to be very sincere. very humble and very loving. Hypocrisy, arrogance and hatred widen the rift and breed contempt. The letter then finishes .....'路Please note the above points carefully as they are fTom Beloved Baba. They are for all His lovers and workers everywhere."

Copyright Avatar Meher Baba Trust Ahmednagar India.

(emphasis added)



The case of the Praveen Organics Chemical Plant in Ahmednagar has now moved up to the Supreme Court of India. ALL BABA LOVERS are urged to write letters to Indian officials. This is our last chance to act.

, , ACTION • • Most of you may not have a picture in your mind as to where the Praveen Organics Chemical Plant actually is in Ahmednagar. Let me tell you, exactly. As your dusty bus is going towards Meherazad, you turn left off of the "main" road from Ahmednagar and onto the smaller, tree-lined, entrance drive leading to the Meherazad buildings. After you have gone one-third of the way and can just see Mandali Hall, look to your left. THERE IT IS! A one-acre facility WITHIN A HOLLER OF MEHERA'S PORCH!

(For further details and action plan, see page /0.)

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025

Non·Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PA I D Redondo Beach, CA Permit No. 196





New Centers, large events, it's getting big...



By the time this Summer issue of the LampPost arrives in your mail, the LA Sahavas will be over and Bhau Kalchuri will have left Myrtle Beach, on his way across the country to visit Los Angeles. There are so many groups and centers, we wonder if he'll ever be able to get home! Bhau's recent help to develop west coast centers is chronicled inside (see the articles on pages 5 and 7) as is another celebration of Avatar Meher Baba's centennial.

continued on Daf!e 2


(continued from cover)

The next hundred years has begun, and with it many changes and growth within the greater "Baba community." New centers, larger events, facilities and administrationsplans and planning for a big future! Though this future, and the fundraising it requires, is inevitable, I am heartened to know that small, regular meetings take place nationwide where, in their own homes, individual people talk, read and share their thoughts and feelings about Meher Baba. Ultimately, as aspirants, we are alone with our Master; and our inner life develops as a result of our own searching. I hope that, though we live in a culture based on materialism and competition, we do not seek to put those desires into action by quantifying Meher Baba's presence on Earth, in particular by encouraging bidding on items marked or touched by His hand, or by political activism. Possession of love for God is infinitely more valuable than any material treasure or legal right; and that love is, without exception, the most important thing necessary in building or maintaining centers in His name or changing the values held by others. It is true that Baba loves us all, but freedom to live your chosen lifestyle is wholly different from spiritual freedom. What are we about if, when Meher Baba has given us an understanding of the highest truth of the unity of all life in God, we use Him to justify our ambitions and lusts? In order to win people from separative thinking and feeling one must conquer one's own separative identifications and one's lower desires. Perhaps as more and more centers are built, and more and more people find their way to know that nothing is real but God, it will challenge us all to love and remember Meher Baba more. Thank you to all those who have donated funds and . submitted contributions to the LampPost. Your gifts from the heart remind us that Meher Baba is alive in His lovers, and that each one feels Him deeply, in their own way. In every way, it matters that you love God; we are grateful that you show it to us by giving your support. In trying to cut costs (and eliminate the need for aggressive fundraising), we are reducing the size of this issue of the LampPost; you will notice it has only 16 pages. Every department will be reduced in length. It is a very hard job to keep it to these few pages as we get so many wonderful submissions. We'd still like to hear from you (articles, suggestions, compliments, letters to the editor...); would you prefer a larger issue? regularly? The LampPost is committed to being a forum for contemporary accounts of life with Meher Baba as Master and guide--:-reportage, interviews, proposals, opi nion, creative works, etc. Parents! We are especially seeking current artwork and writing from children about Meher Baba and their life. Again, thank you for your contributions. Read and love God. Jai Baba! 2

Christina M. Riley


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A quarterly publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90025 (310) 474-9454

This newsletter keeps the Southern California Avatar Meher Baba community and friends abreast of Center activities, and provides a forum for contemporary accounts of life with Meher Baba as Guide. The LoveStree lampPost is free, given in the spirit of spreading Meher Baba's Message of Love and Truth. Editor: Christina M. Riley Current Events Editor: Caroline McDonald Announcements Editor: Mehmoush Lorkalantari Arts Editor: Will David Children's Corner Editor. Lynn Maguire Calendar Editor (Program Chairperson): Debra Ashe Contributors: Roger Blewett, Larry Fletcher, Leah Florence, Dina Snow Franklin, fllis frederick, Goher R. Irani, Mani Irani, Najoo Kotwal, Jeanette Loew, Heather Nadel, Lyn Ott, Mike Ramsden, Eric Solibakke, Fred Schwager, Adele Wolkin Distribution: Chris and Pris Haffenden Please share you artwork, photos, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. It is a great help if you can submit your type-wrUten work on computer disk, along with a paper copy. We can handle virtually all disk formats, IBM-compatible or Macintosh. Save the file in your word processing software's default format, or as plain, unformatted tex!. If you wish to contact the editor directly, call (919) 933-4120. LoveStreet LampPost submission deadlines are: November 15 (January -March issue); February 15 (April-June issue); May 15 (July-September issue); August 15 (October-December issue) Please send all submissions (and donations) to: LoveStreet LampPost, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. (310) 474-9454 Please send address changes/subscription requests to: Pris Haffenden, 3616 1/2 S. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 390-2779 Published quarterly (January, April, July, October) All contents Š1994 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, except where noted. WEST COAST MEETINGS In Orange County call Lynne or Steve Berry at (714) 966-1262. In the Inland Empire call Jay Mohler at (619) 366-9330. In Ojai call Peter Justin at (805) 646-4159 (Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.). In Santa Barbara call Donna Karpeles at (80S) 682-1877. In San Diego call Scott or Anne Makeig at (619) 436-7155 (monthly). In Fresno call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877 (every frrst, second, and third Wednesday of each month). In San Francisco, Discourses meetings are Wednesdays at 7p. Call Liam Mullen at (415) 474-5442 In Northern California call (510) 845-4339 for full schedule. In Portland, meetings Friday nights. Discourses meetings every other Sunday afternoon; monthly meetings at the Wilson's (503) 873-2048. In Sacramento call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451. In Seattle callJoyceGeoffroyorTom (206) 283-7027 (Fridays, 8 pm.).

A BOMBAY CENTENARY PROCESSION Meherazad 24/3/94 Dearest Adele, Jai Meher Baba! Enclosed is a description ofthe procession taken out on beloved Baba's 100th birthday. You may share it with others. It is written by Najoo Kotwal. In one town in Andhra they took out a procession of 50 bullock carts with Baba 's photo and 50 trucks decorated... Love, Goher Dearest Sweet Sister Mani, Here is a vivid description of Avatar Meher Baba Bombay Centre's "Procession to Manzil-EMeem," which I want you to know about and to feel so proud of your dearest 'God-Brother.' Participants came from all over the world: From USA (1); from London (2); lovers from Nizamabad (43, Andhra); lovers from Pune (50); lovers from Bombay (354). All Baba lovers collected at the Centre at Lamington Road at 6:30-6:45 a.m. At 4 a.m. we sang Baba's artis and prayers and then we organized ourselves into the procession on the road. The distance to Manzil-E-Meem was ten kilometers (",6.5 miles) and we had seven private vehicles including our dear Merwan-Adi-Freny's "Maruti Van," which our friend and neighbor (who is not a Baba lover, but is a lovely person) obliged us by driving the van throughout. These cars were for the specific use of senior citizens, handicapped and children. At 7 a.m. the procession followed as stated below: A beautiful picture of Meher Baba with the quote,"Real happiness lies in making others happy," was carried by a lover from Andhra. Behind him was someone carrying a big four-colored Baba flag, followed by two people carrying a big banner with the words,"Avatar Meher Baba Birth Centenary Celebration - 25-2-1894 to 25-2-1994- Avatar Meher Baba Comes To Awaken Us." Next, a regular hired band, with musical instruments playing Baba's various dhooms [sic], persons in attractive white and red uniforms, "all in style!" All children of Beloved Baba's cosmic family followed holding small seven-colored Baba flags and dancing to the tune of the dhoom. School girls dancing "Lezam" were also specially hired for the occasion by the Centre. Ladies old and young, mostly Parsis and Hindus in Panjabi dresses, saris or frooks sang

by Najoo Kotwal,from Dr. Goher

Baba's dhoom and danced to rejoice God-Man's advent and the Centenary Celebration. All the men, young and old, led a very beautifully decorated hired truck with an emblem of Baba on the top ("Mastery in Servitude") with big writing, "I have come not to teach but to awaken," and in front of it, Beloved Baba's beautiful sitting pose picture in which he looks like the "King of Kings." Lastly, seven private vehicles followed with Baba flags and Baba pictures on the sides. Our Maruti was at the tail and the police van with police to protect us. The police were walking on the sides along with the procession as per rules of procession in the city of greater Bombay. The young boys went round distributing pamphlets in different languages, as Bombay is a cosmopolitan city. It was so interesting to observe young teenagers-the New Humanity (?)--getting into groups on Bombay's footpath and interestedly reading Beloved Baba's message of Love, Truth, Peace and Harmony. It was indeed a "Festival of Joy" and we were all elated and loudly proclaimed the Avatar's Jai-Jaikar-all men, women and children. In the history of Bombay, this was the only day when well-groomed, sophisticated-looking Parsi and Hindu ladies danced and sang and loudly said His Jai-Jaikar on the winding, crowded streets of this metropolis. The public looked dazed and gazed at the procession with reverence or with inquiring looks and others with astonishment, but not a single individual dared to jeer or be cynical, for He was there constantly protecting us with a smile. We also carried posters in Hindi and English with Beloved Baba's different appropriate sayings-about 20 in all-as we marched along to Manzil-E-Meem. At a distance of about five kilometers, at Bombay Corner, we halted to answer Nature's Call, drink water and eat bananas to replenish our spent energies. It was 9:30 a.m. We then continued with our procession and at 10:30 a.m. we made another quick halt at Parel, opposite K.E.M. Hospital, for a nice hot cup of tea and a packet of wafers each provided by Cyrus Irani to all Baba procession participants. We then immediately proceeded on to Dadar-Manzil-E-Meem.

continued on next page 3

continued from previous page We arrived at the doorstep of our Lord's spiritual workplace at 11 :30 a.m., in the compound which was well decorated with a pandal erected to cut out the blazing sun. The entire atmosphere seemed charged with our God-Man's divine presence, as if He had come to welcome us! We had put up a poster saying "All Baba-Lovers Welcome to Manzil-E-Meem," but is was He who really welcomed us and He seemed to say, "Shabaash my children, I bless you with My presence, for the love you have expressed so joyfully, proclaiming My Avatarhood and My Advent." Then followed a talk by K.K. RamaKrishnan of Pune on Beloved Baba and His spiritual work at Manzil-E-Meem. We then bowed to Baba and collected at a nearby hired hall, just five minutes walking distance, where we had a lovely lunch at 2:30 p.m. after another speech by RamaKrishnan and a session of Baba bhajans. We all then departed praising the Lord for making His Festival of Joy a really joyous one and we thanked Him for making us His instruments in doing so. We thank Him for this opportunity which came just once in our lifetimes-the Centenary of the God-Man-as He walked with us. Jai Meher Baba!

CORRECTION The April-June 1994 issue of the LoveStreet LampPost stated that Avatar Meher Baba's Perpetual Public Charitable Trust (the Trust) had come up with a plan of action to grant "non-industrial zone" status to Meherazad and Meherabad and was ~equestin~ involvement to move the Praveen OrganICS Cheffilcal Plan off the land neighboring Meherazad. More exact information has now been sent by the Friends of The Avatar Meher Baba Trust in Manassas, VA, to correct what may have been a lack of clarity in previous mailings. Please see page 9 for details and clarification (in bold) of this very important issue.

continued on page 9 4

HAS THE TIME YET COME? by Lyn Ott I have heard it said by some lovers of Meher Baba that it is now time for us, His Lovers, to take action by initiating a new way of life for all. They tell me that because Baba said He has finished His work 100%, the rest is up to us. But as for me, I cannot see that Baba has given authority or knowledge to anyone to begin to structure anything so bold as a new world order. We, as Lovers of Avatar Meher Baba, do not appear to have the knowledge, either individually or collectively, to initiate at this time any sort of movements that would lead to the coming New Humanity of which Baba so eloquently spoke. Therefore, it is up to Meher Baba, not us, to bring about in the world the great shift of consciousness so necessary for the New Age which is to come. Then will His lovers be able to move appropriately so as to lead others toward His light. We believe we understand Baba's directives, Baba's wish, and we might think we can act on that understanding, but actually we have to await the right time, the real awakening before we can properly move. All we can do now in this difficult time of waiting is love Him more and more, and hold fast to His damaan until the very end.

The following poems were written by filia fredrick. You behaved like an elephant Trampling a flower That was my heartI had a good time though, -I colored your heel.

There are much faster ways to die Than His bright glance, but why Not choose the pain? So I will look His way again,

continued from previous page We arrived at the doorstep of our Lord's spiritual workplace at 11 :30 a.m., in the compound which was well decorated with a pandal erected to cut out the blazing sun. The entire atmosphere seemed charged with our God-Man's divine presence, as if He had come to welcome us! We had put up a poster saying "All Baba-Lovers Welcome to Manzil-E-Meem," but is was He who really welcomed us and He seemed to say, "Shabaash my children, I bless you with My presence, for the love you have expressed so joyfully, proclaiming My Avatarhood and My Advent." Then followed a talk by K.K. RamaKrishnan of Pune on Beloved Baba and His spiritual work at Manzil-E-Meem. We then bowed to Baba and collected at a nearby hired hall, just five minutes walking distance, where we had a lovely lunch at 2:30 p.m. after another speech by RamaKrishnan and a session of Baba bhajans. We all then departed praising the Lord for making His Festival of Joy a really joyous one and we thanked Him for making us His instruments in doing so. We thank Him for this opportunity which came just once in our lifetimes-the Centenary of the God-Man-as He walked with us. Jai Meher Baba!

CORRECTION The April-June 1994 issue of the LoveStreet LampPost stated that Avatar Meher Baba's Perpetual Public Charitable Trust (the Trust) had come up with a plan of action to grant "non-industrial zone" status to Meherazad and Meherabad and was ~equestin~ involvement to move the Praveen OrganICS Cheffilcal Plan off the land neighboring Meherazad. More exact information has now been sent by the Friends of The Avatar Meher Baba Trust in Manassas, VA, to correct what may have been a lack of cl~ty in previous mailings. Please see page for detal~s and clarification (in bold) of this very lffiportant Issue.


continued on page 9 4

HAS THE TIME YET COME? by Lyn Ott I have heard it said by some lovers of Meher Baba that it is now time for us, His Lovers, to take action by initiating a new way of life for all. They tell me that because Baba said He has finished His work 100%, the rest is up to us. But as for me, I cannot see that Baba has given authority or knowledge to anyone to begin to structure anything so bold as a new world order. We, as Lovers of Avatar Meher Baba, do not appear to have the knowledge, either individually or collectively, to initiate at this time any sort of movements that would lead to the coming New Humanity of which Baba so eloquently spoke. Therefore, it is up to Meher Baba, not us, to bring about in the world the great shift of consciousness so necessary for the New Age which is to come. Then will His lovers be able to move appropriately so as to lead others toward His light. We believe we understand Baba's directives, Baba's wish, and we might think we can act on that understanding, but actually we have to await the right time, the real awakening before we can properly move. All we can do now in this difficult time of waiting is love Him more and more, and hold fast to His damaan until the very end.

The following poems were written by filis fredrick. You behaved like an elephant Trampling a flower That was my heartI had a good time though, -I colored your heel.

There are much faster ways to die Than His bright glance, but why Not choose the pain? So I will look His way again.

BHAU ROASTED, MEHERANA TOASTED The new Meherana Avatar Meher Baba retreat center in Northern California received a huge financial boost when approximately 100 Baba-lovers gathered in San Francisco on Saturday, June 4, to lovingly roast Bhau Kalchuri and raise over $55,000 in the first phase of a six-month, worldwide capital campaign. Conceived and organized by Mile and Mary Hamilton of Berkeley, California, the campaign is expected to continue until Meherana is fully funded, fully built and fully equipped. The June 4th evening began with a tour of a temporary Baba art gallery installed in the lobby of the Westin Hotel at the San Francisco Airport. Thirteen pieces were on display ranging in size from a 6x8 inch oil canvas to a huge 72x77 inch, unframed acrylic canvas mural. Artists, owners, collectors and archivists donated works by Dianne "3B" Cobb, Will David, Dale Draeger, Sarah Dwyer, Bob Frederick, Mira Hocking, Jon Meyer, Bob Street and Jurgis Sapkus. A special, inscribed author's edition copy of the book Avatar, by Jean Adriel, was also donated for the auction. Bob Street's photograph, Post Office Coat, sold ten times; after this compelling and intriguing framed color photo of one of Baba's old, worn coats sold for $900, nine more people committed to purchase identical, unframed prints for $500 each! (A few copies are still available; contact Mik Hamilton at 510-837-9650 for informo.tion.) Though filled with many suspenseful and breathless moments, the most dramatic one occurred when the world's only known available autographed copy of God Speaks, by Meher Baba (copy #41 of a special edition limited to 498 copies), went on the auction block and sold for a record price. The entertainment high point of the evening came once coffee, dessert and the "roast" of Bhau got underway. Non-stop laughter ensued as Jacko Caraco, Vesta Clinton, Master of Ceremonies Jeff Maguire (alkJa Bobby Manonash), Fred Stankus (a/ kJa Ed McMaya), Bob Street and Ursula Van Buskirk arose, one at a time to help "bum off his remaining crusty sanskaras"-roasting the smiling Bhau with anecdotal stories of his always-amusing blind spots, gaffes and social blunders. The six ended their sweet torture by wrapping Bhau from neck to ankles in aluminum foil and placing a gar-

by Roger Blewett

land of carrots, onions, herbs and spices around his neck, giving new meaning to the term, "Bhaustock." Surprisingly, Bhau agreed to return for another fundraising roast within a year. Funds raised to date have come from: $125-aplate donations at the campaign kick-off banquet "roast" attended by 80 people; the after-banquet auction of Baba art and rare books; recurring monthly pledges; and lump-sum contributions from another 20 Baba-lovers in the US and other countries who could not attend the kickoff event. The theme for Meherana's 1994 capital Bhau Kalchurl campaign is "Building the Basics," and the goal is set at $100,000. With over 55% of the 1994 goal raised by the end of the June 4th banquet and auction, the remainder is targeted between now and the end of the year from monthly pledges, lump-sum contributions and several local fundraising events sponsored by Baba groups around the world. Monies will be used for construction of the infrastructure systems required to transform Meherana (the word means "Meher, come!") from a virgin mountain wilderness to a full-service retreat facility. Before it can be fully operational, the beautiful 188-acre site requires a water system, a restroom and shower complex, a sewage disposal/ septic tank system, an electrical system, a temporary kitchen and a simple road system. Construction will begin soon, now that funds are in the bank. Completion is targeted for early Winter 1995. Meherana's long-range Master Plan calls for family cabins and dormitories, meeting and workshop rooms, a large meeting/dining hall and kitchen facilities to accommodate 500 people, a trail system, expanded campingfBBQ facilities, recreation facilities, a library and archive center, meditation areas, a children's play area, and orchard and gardens. According to Christine and Chris Pearson, members of

continued on next page 5


ous page :, Meherana will eventually ople for large-scale Baba ear-round. lothills of the Sierra-Nevada l40 near the town of Mariposa, EI Portal entrance to Yosemite purchased with donations in committee of Baba-Iovers from )UPS who wanted a permanent 'etreat center in the western not meant to replace or substi:eher Spiritual Center by the sea Ith Carolina (declared by Ava,"My home in the West"), iles away-will serve a similar 3aba mountain retreat facility. naged by the board of directors ltion, a non-profit, tax-exempt, :haritable [501 (c) (3)] organi~rana, please call Christine or 1) 966-5078, or write to: an Creek Road, Mariposa, rk crews are busy on certain eer workers are welcome. (Call ) make work arrangements.)

David Miotke sings his Master's praises at this year's "Bhau路stock." (see review on facing page) David will be performing at the LA Center with Ron Greenstien on September 17 & 18. (see Calendar p. 9)


~. Bhau talks with some of the children

at the first Baba-group event held at

the new retreat center In Mariposa. Ambitious future plans Include faclll路 ties to support large group functions.

Jai Baba and welcome When out-of-town for the first time, they a Baba-related 'objets d'a tunate1y, most of it has I other words, books can but not so many of our I Sheriar Bookstore j room in which to displa lovers. When the Los A new and larger home, tI showcase the many tale nationwide. Until such' able to see and enjoy sc in the pages of the Lam) With this issue we one we hope will help c far-flung outposts of thl will devote a page to "I a painting, sculpture, je that is made to honor aJ that you would like to s We will ask you to quality black and white tion of the item, and pe how it came about. Let would like to sell it for, price to be given as a d to help with the costs 0 now print 1500 copies I mailed all over the worl( and subscription/donatic Some of the items obviously, you would I store; they would be sh buyer. We will act as a ested parties can call m 6419, to get all the del< buying anything offere the artist. We realize th tiality could be a consil best to accommodate b that what is offered be created; it could be SOl the past and now, for \1 with. So let's hear fron first work of art for sal

SPRING SAHAVAS: HEAT, DUST AND BABA'S FIRE It all seemed too good to be true. There I sat, beneath an enormous blue pandal purchased in India especially for the Spring Sahavas. I listened as Bhau Kalchuri, one of Baba's Mandali, reminisced about times spent with his Lord, Avatar Meher Baba. Three delicious meals a day were prepared and served by an experienced kitchen staff. There were India-style baths with wood-heated water, and an ample supply of portable potties. The enjoyment was complete because of the beautiful terrain, cool nights, clear skies studded with millions of blazing stars, and, during the day, India-style dust and heat What more could a Baba-Iover ask for? After finally seeing Meherana, I found myself mulling over some of Baba's requirements for a new center during the days when Elizabeth Patterson was tirelessly searching for a site. I recalled that Baba specified virgin forest and fresh water. Hiking around Meherana, I noticed very old stands of trees and a stream running through the property. Later I asked Bhau if Baba had any other requests for his Center. "He wanted a place convenient to the people," Bhau recalled. "When Baba sent Elizabeth [to find a suitable site] he also said, 'Not too cold or too hot '" Meherana seems to fit those requirements, and most of us fortunate enough to have taken part in the Spring Sahavas agree. Kevin Dockerty, visiting from Myrtle Beach, compared Meherana to India: "It feels more like India than Myrtle Beach because of the dust, the heat, the feeling, the ambiance, the break with convenience," he said. Kevin was surprised when he saw the abundance of trees and greenery at Meherana. "Since this is central California, I expected rolling, rocky hills with scrub oak, but this is lush. There is even a stream." But more important than the beauty of Meherana is the blessing of Baba's presence, which many felt throughout the weekend. One particularly powerful moment for me was during one of Bhau's stories about Baba's efforts to help middle-class people who had become newly poor and were not accustomed to begging for food. At Baba's orders, his mandali organized a darshan; they requested the use of a man's land and home. Even though he did not know who would be staying there, the man graciously agreed to let Baba use his property. He even

by Caroline McDonald

allowed Baba to reside in his house while he slept in the servant quarters. The man also agreed not to look at Baba during his stay there. When the darshan program was over, Baba sent word to the man that he could view Baba from a distance. When he looked at Baba, Bhau continued, the man wept. As Bhau related this, I, too, experienced what the man must have felt when his gaze fell upon Baba-the stunning electricity of Baba's presence. Some other observations of those attending the Meherana Spring Sahavas: "I was bowled over by people's love for Baba. I was able to see Baba more in others here than [elsewhere]." - Clea Sucoff "When I first got here I felt the wonderful presence of Baba. There's a fantastic energy bowing down at Baba's chair." - Bob Dearborn "It's uplifting. Baba's vibration is very evident."Rose Choi "I arrived and the rubber band inside snapped and I relaxed." - Jacko Caraco "It reminded me of [what I imagine] the old atmosphere [was like] preparing for Baba's Darshan. It was so perfect that Baba even sent Indian heat." Vesta Clinton "It was great. Our view [of the mountains] from the back of the kitchen was the best in the house." RozTaubman "It was excellent, especially for the first time. Tim [Buck's brother] really enjoyed it. Baba is so accessible." - Buck Busfield Not everyone was so exuberant with praise. Roman Babiak expressed uneasiness: "I haven't really had the feeling here others say they have," he said. "I'd like to see Baba groups more involved with the outside world." Christine Pearson said future plans for development of Meherana include, in this order: toilets and showers; a house for Baba by the river, built of stone; a community kitchen; a meeting hall for productions and plays; a permanent dining hall with a kitchen; a library and archive center; cabins. LOVE HIM, NEVER FORGET HIM FOR A MOMENTI HE LOVED TO BE LOVEDI -MEHERA IRANI


.JULY 1994

All programs and events, unless otherwise noted, take place at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (310) 474-9454.1/ you have program suggestions or are interested in presenting a program, artwork, or music, please contact Debra Ashe at (818) 683-8885.

July 1~uly 4, Friday-Monday. SILENCE DAY SAHAVAS AT PILGRIM PINES July 2, Saturday L.A. BABA CENTER CLOSED FOR SILENCE DAY SAHAVAS July 9, Saturday, 6 p.m. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

July 9, saturday, 8 p.m. MAN! EXPLAINS BABA'S SILENCE Dina Snow Franklin takes us on ajourney with Mani Irani, Baba's sister, in the ever popular video ofMani explaining Baba's Silence. Music provided by Greg and Gay Dunn.

July 16, saturday, 8 p.m. PRIS AND CHRIS'S HAPPy HOUR

July 28, Thursday MANIFESTATION CELEBRATION WITH BHAU Graciously held at the Ervin-Magnus residence. (31Q-498---{)883)

Tea, 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Potluck and Talk, 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. The Ervin-Magnus' is at 384 Winslow Avenue, Long Beach

July 29, Friday 7-10 p.m. BHAU GIVES A PUBLIC TALK at the PHll-OSOPIDCAL RESEARCH SOCIETY (Marguerite and Adele give it two thumbs up!) Fred Stankus and Jeff Maguire will be Masters of Ceremony with special musical entertainment presented by DebraAshe, Billy Goodrum,Pris and Chris Haffenden. The Meher Baba Manifestation Art Exhibition will take place this evening featuring art from local Baba artists. Corne and enjoy this expression ofBaba's Beauty! Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Felis, Los Angeles (comer of Griffith Park Blvd. & Los Feliz Blvd.); contact Fred at 213-257-8371.

promises an evening of inspired song, revelry, laughter and room for group participation. Don't miss these mad-for-Baba musicians.


July 23, saturday, 8 p.m. OH! THE VISION OF YOU MAKES MY HEART SING

Bhau Kalchuri, night watchman to Beloved Meher Baba, will tell us this evening why we must drown ourselves in Baba's Ocean of love NOW! Hosted by Adele Wolkin.

The Beloved appears on film tonight, brought to you by our very own Charlie Morton.

July 24, Sunday, 2 p.m. BHAU'S COMING! Let's decorate Jacko's to welcome Bhau with fun and fanfare! 2243 E. Live Oak (Los Feliz area), Los Angeles; call Jacko (213462-7602) or Debra (818-683-8885) for details.

July 26, Tuesday, 2 p.m.-4 p.m. WELCOME BHAU BACK to the Lunatic Asylum! Corne for tea and talk at Jacko's.

July 26, Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. WELCOME RECEPTION at the Center for Brother Bhau Kalchuri. Whether you want it or you don't want it ,you will have it! Bhau continues to explain why this is so. Hosted by Mike Ramsden.

July 27, Wednesday 2 p.m.-4 p.m. COME MEET BHAU at Dr. Mahmoud and Nazarine Ajang's tea party. Call 310-5442878 for directions.

July 31, Sunday, 1:30 p.m. JACKO'S BARBECUE, POOL & POTLUCK FAREWELL PARTY FOR BROTHER BHAU Children's perfonnance-4:30 p.m. Talk-5:00 p.m. Children who want to participate, please call Debra at 818-6838885. Hosted by Debra Ashe.


August 1, Monday AIRPORT PARTY-KHODAI HAFEZ! CIAO! BHAU! Many blessings! We'll see you in India! Happy trails to you!!! (Come back soon!) Delta Airlines flight #58 to Frankfurt departs 2:15 p.m. from LAX airport.

August 6, saturday, 6 p.m. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

August 6, saturday, 8 p.m. LEARNING TO LIVE WITH BABA using the recorded experiences ofthe mandali as a guide. Come and share your favorite mandali story. Hosted by Michael Ramsden.


CHEMICAL FACTORY UPDATE August 13, Saturday, 8 p.m.

"GIVE HAPPINESS TO OTHERS, YOU WILL THEN INDEED PLAY THE PART OF THE LOVER OF GOD, BECAUSE GOD IS IN ALL" Debra Ashe leads us in the evening of sharing readings, thoughts, opinions, feelings and one's intuition as we try to be responsible for ourselves and at the same time give to others. (Quote: Avatar MeherBaba)

August 20, Saturday, 8 p.m.

BABA BY THE BORDER: ISOLATION, CACTUS AND BABA-THE SOLO WAY Jay Dittersdof talks about coming to love and understand Meher Baba while blasting his way toward Baba on a big wheelie with nothing but the light of a truck stop and a bad cup of coffee.

August 27, Saturday, 8 p.m.

OWRANG'S FABULOUS INDIA VIDEOS will be presented tonight after many requests for his striking, rather illuminating interviews with some of the members of Baba's close Mandali-Mani, Eruch, and Meheru-including a startling dialogue with Mohanuned, the Mast of Meherabad.



September 3, Saturday, 8 p.m.

A NIGHT DEDICATED TO BAL NATU, one of Baba's living mandali members. Roxy Sayahzadeh hosts this evening focused on BaI's book "Conversations," with readings, songs, and music. Come prepared to share!

September 10, Saturday, 8 p.m.

SPECIAL MUSICAL GUEST MAUREEN HAZARD touches our hearts with her soulful singing dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba Hosted by Debra Ashe.

September 17, Saturday 8 p.m.

SPECIAL MUSICAL GUESTS FROM SAN FRANCISCO Ron Greenstein and David Miyatke will perform in concert featuring Francis Brabazon's "Eight Sorts of Lovers," from his book "The East-West Gateway." Hosted by Lois Jones.

September 18, SUnday 2 p.m.-5 p.m.

SWING YOUR BLUES AWAY at this Swing Dance fundraiserfor our new site. David Miyatke and Ron Greenstein lead a band of musicians in this afternoon of song and dance and joy. Contact Bob Deerborn at 818-799-5686 for details.

September 24, Saturday, 8 p.m.

GUTTA NIGHT WITH FREDEE STANKUS Experience fellowship, food, conversation, revelation, and inspiration in this fun-filled evening offocusing on Avatar Meher Baba

continuedfrom CORRECTION, on page 4 By now you may have heard the good news that on April 7th India's Supreme Court decided to hear the case being put forward against Praveen Organics. A date for the Supreme Court hearing has not yet been scheduled. We'll let you know as soon as we hear any news. In the meantime, we urge you to continue your letter-writing campaigns and visits to Embassies. The letter-writing campaign needs to be continued with great vigor. If you haven't already begun your campaign, please do so as soon as possible. Also, we want to remind you that the efforts in the courts, as well as those to gain "nonindustrial zone" status, are not connected to the Trust. These efforts are being initiated by certain Mandali members and residents of Meherabad and Meherazad. Therefore, please don't make any reference to the Trust in your letters to Indian officials. In addition, we have been requested by the coordinators in India to remind everyone that all letters should be courteous and to the point. The coordinators at MeherazadlMeherabad have learned from Indian officials that some of the letters have been uncourteous and aggressive. Needless to say, this tactic will do more harm than good. To quote Mani, "What we say and how we say it should clearly reflect the flavor of Baba." Various appeals can be made to appropriate Indian government officials to grant "non-industrial zone" status to Meherazad and Meherabad, or to deny the chemical plant the right to operate on Meherazad road. See the last issue of the LSLP for a list of officials, their addresses, and sample copies of letters which you are urged to send. Though urgent, letters will suffice sent regular air mail delivery as well as Express Mail, Federal Express, United Parcel Service or a Western Union cable. Again, we'll keep you informed as events unfold. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. Thank you again for helping in this crucial effort. If you have any questions, please call Buz and Wendy Connor at (804) 723-6259, Adele Wollin at (310) 540-8404, Charles Haynes at (703) 257-1652 or Lynne Berry at (714) 966-1262. 9

CENTER REPORT The Center board continues to work slowly on the changes recommended by the Long Range Planning Committee as well as on day-to-day administration. Time available to do the work is in short supply during this last quarter, but we are moving. We did spend significant time attempting to purchase a new building. This went nowhere, primarily due to what appeared to us to be an unrealistic price. However, the experience was valuable and we formed the template for future follow-up action after an offer is accepted. This particular offer was the sixth attempt by the AMBCSC in the past five years! We have also learned that our New Center funds, when compared to our actual projected needs and the financial requirements of lenders, are still woefully short. In order to address that issue we will be attempting to determine what funds will be given! pledged should an offer on appropriate space be accepted and approved by our members. Naturally, we would desire an outright purchase using funds donated from the heart, as was the case with Meher Center in Myrtle Beach. If, however, no commitments can be made in advance, then we remain committed to continuing fundraising efforts for some time to come. Please do not be surprised when you are personally approached by a board member. Once more we must ask for a few more members to volunteer some of their precious time and energy. Glen Russ is the director in charge of Personnel Planning, which includes Volunteer Coordination. Please contact him... or he may contact you! To those members who are continuously active for Avatar Meher Baba on one or more of the AMBCSC projects, THANK YOU. Your work is most helpful to us also! Meherana has had its first Sahavas on its new land with great success and with a lot of helping hands. Our congratulations, love, and hopes for its continued growth and development go to all involved. lai Baba. 20 years of our own Sahavas this year! By the time you read this it will be taking place or over! I remember the first Sahavas quite clearly, with perhaps 60 eager Baba lovers present. What a joy! And still a great joy every year since. So much opportunity has been afforded all those who have worked 10

by Mike Ramsden on them for service to Meher Baba. So much love and joy brought to the Sahavas by those who come as honored speakers and as attendees. Our heartfelt thanks to all, especially to those who have worked every one of the 20, and to those lovers who have attended every Sahavas. What a blessing. Keep it going. 20 years a federally and state recognized nonprofit religious foundation and 25 years a bookstore and Baba Center. Bhau called the Los Angeles group the "L.A."-Lunatic Asylum! Lunatics for Avatar Meher Baba. So much love shared and work done. Keep it going. Here's to the next 20 years. The second 20 years of Meher Baba' s manifestation. So much to anticipate: opportunities for work for those He is calling; a new building soon; relocation of the Sahavas to Meherana (now there's a thought for discussion); Bookstore growth; LoveStreet LampPost development and growth; community service project growth; and many more opportunities for everyone to take advantage of Avatar Meher Baba's gift to us of work for Him. The labor phase of the New Life.

Trust Office Ahmednager, India 3rd March, 1994


Dear Baba-friends at th lamPPost, please inclUde LoveStreet from Mani I'n th s message e next editi f on 0 your Baba newsletter. lai Baba! In His Love, Heather Nadel . . For the benefit of Bab -L gnms Who ask our ad. a OverslPdin land offered for sal;~ce; invest Meherabad for a hous' n e. VIClruty of make it clear that this ~g p~oJect, I must project and neither th I~an mdependent e Trust nor the Mandali v~tar Meh~r Baba way in its [mancI'al are Involved m any aspect.


AT THE BOOKSTORE Jai Baba and welcome to the Bookstore! When out-of-town visitors come to our Center for the first time, they are always happy to see the Baba-related 'objets d'art' we have for sale. Unfortunately, most of it has to be seen to be desired; in other words, books can handily be ordered by mail, but not so many of our other items. Sheriar Bookstore is lucky to have a separate room in which to display artwork by our local Baba lovers. When the Los Angeles Center fmally gets a new and larger home, the Bookstore can expand to showcase the many talents of our fellow Baba lovers nationwide. Until such time, our readers will only be able to see and enjoy some of these handicrafts here in the pages of the LampPost. With this issue we are starting a new feature, one we hope will help our readers who live in the far-flung outposts of the Empire (so to speak!). We will devote a page to "Baba Art For Sale." It can be a painting, sculpture, jewelry, pottery... anything that is made to honor and praise our Beloved, and that you would like to sell. We will ask you to provide us with a good quality black and white photo (no color), a description of the item, and perhaps a few words describing how it came about. Let us know how much you would like to sell it for. We will request 20% of that price to be given as a donation to our Center, mainly to help with the costs of printing the LampPost. We now print 1500 copies (costs are rising); these are mailed all over the world (an expensive proposition!), and subscription/donations do not begin to cover costs. Some of the items may be large paintings that, obviously, you would not want to send to the bookstore; they would be shipped by you directly to the buyer. We will act as a clearing house for you. Interested parties can call me, evenings, at (310) 8376419, to get all the details. If you are interested in buying anything offered, I will put you in touch with the artist. We realize there are times when confidentiality could be a consideration, so we will do our best to accommodate both sides. It is not a requisite that what is offered be an item you yourself have created; it could be something you have bought in, the past and now, for whatever reason, must part with. So let's hear from you! See page 12 for our first work of art for sale.

by Dina Snow Franklin Richard Peikoff, guitarist extraordinaire, has just released a new tape, and it is exquisite! It was recorded in the Meher Baba Study Hall at Upper Meherabad, December 1993. The natural acoustics in this room are excellent, but Richard said it was much more than the technical aspects that made the music sound so good: there was such a feeling of Baba there that he was truly moved and inspired. The tape is wholly instrumental, with Richard playing acoustic and °1l8</i "", C bottleneck guitar. The latter creates the effect of a sitar, very un.t.-i·-;·.. - .•. . . . . usual. Accompanying him on some of the numbers is a local Baba lover, Parsuram Sherla, playing tabla and tambura. This is no amateur home production, but an excellently produced, extremely enjoyable, hour's worth of music; all are Richard's compositions, dedicated to the memory of Bob Brown. $10. In case you missed the little piece that was in the last issue, let me remind you: friends of Bob and Jane Brown made a tape (from an excellent quality recording) of the July '93 LA Sahavas. This was the last concert given by this wonderful duo who, at all times, sang their hearts out in praise and devotion to our Beloved. Along with the singing, it has the banter and storytelling that accompanied all their performances. The cost is $10 and all profits go to a fund for Jane. It's a beautiful memorial to Bob. Remember also The Gift ofLove, a little treasure of a book put together for Baba's Centennial, with all profits going to the Trust, in India. It contains many of Baba's sayings, short, pithy, and to the point, or long and detailed stories. It makes a wonderful gift for a friend expressing interest in Meher Baba for the first time, and is also good to have around yourself for those moments when you have only five minutes to read (happens to me a lot). Next, we have some good news and some bad news: the good news is that we finally have the new "Mischievous (pronounced mis' chi YUS••• not mis

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continued on next page 11

continued from previous page


chee' vee us) Chicken" mugs! We had long since sold out of the Chickens and people kept asking when we were going to get some more. Well, they are now in; the cost is $6 each. If ordered by themselves the shipping charge will be $3; if ordered with other things, the regular charges will apply. We sent three dozen to Sheriar Press, so if you live in Myrtle Beach, pop in and see Ann Conlon there; she will be happy to sell you one (or 2 or 4). In case some of our readers are fairly new to Meher Baba and are wondering just what is this mischievous chicken, read The Nothing and the Everything, by Bhau Kalchuri. Meher Baba told Bhau he would have to write this book, and that it would contain 10% of "The Book" that Baba wrote in 1925 and 1926 (the mysterious book whose whereabouts are still unknown). Printed in The Nothing and the Everything is a childlike picture Meher Baba drew on July 30th, 1953, indicating that this was Himself as the "mischievous chicken" ("The journey of the first drop of Nothing, out of the Ocean of Nothing through the worlds of Illusion, to know Itself as Everything is the journey of the Mischievous Chicken"). Read the book to get the whole picture. $25. Now for the bad news: for the third time we have been told there have been "technical difficulties" in the final stages of the editing of Steve Jameson's fabulous video, Life is a Pair 0' Ducks. We believe Chris Riger is only hours away from completing the project, so I do apologize profusely to all of you who have sent in your money and are still waiting patiently. I have seen the video (it was almost completed a year ago!) so I know it is well worth waiting for; hopefully it will be available next month. I look forward to seeing a great many of our readers (and buyers) at our two West Coast Sahavas' , both of which will be over by the time you read this. Until next time...

One of the thirteen "Mountain Series" paintings done by Lyn Ott. This one was done in 1977 and is described by Lyn as, "Saba stopping the universe for a moment." The wonderfully colorful acrylic on canvas painting is 48x54 inches. If you are interested. please call Dina at (310)837-6419.



See you, at the Bookstore. 12


Beloved, breathe on me that I may breatheTalk in me that I may finally know human knowledge & speech; let my sweat be the entry by which I may gain knowledge of Your own human sweat Uasmine and Roses)and the beautiful exhalations You have created. in silence, love, let Your breath embrace mine and hold me as I embrace You in a fond and flowing kiss... curled up in You, in deepest intimacy, Baba darling - find within me the never-tiring, ever-unfurling Rose of beauty: perfect Resignation to You in Your will.

by Fred Schwager

Looking Back: Excerpts From A Diary of Baba's from The Awakener, Visit to Meher Mount on August 2, 1956 A Journal Devoted to Meher Baba (Winter-Spring, 1958) by flUs frederiJ:k

The steep hill of Meher Mount was shrouded in large chair and was in a jolly mood... "I want you all mist as our bus climbed tortuously upward and to close your eyes for five minutes. Do not think of anything, just think of Baba." Obediently we all sat when we stepped out we saw, instead ofthe still and closed our eyes in meditation. Then we celebrated view over the Ojai valley, only a rolling distinctly heard Baba's tummy rumbling. We all sea of fog. Baba called us all in to the "Baba Room" of the guest house, very charmingly furnished in burst out laughing... early American style. He told us that next to Myrtle Baba, with a delighted smile, said through Beach He liked this place the best. He then asked Eruch: "This afternoon you all have a chance to several of us how we liked it. One said it had laugh and feel relaxed. Baba also has a chance to relax here for five minutes. You had no chance in spiritual atmosphere, another compared it to Meherabad Hill, a third commented on the lovely New York; at Myrtle Beach, little chance; in Los fragrance. Another said it had instant appeal. I said Angeles, none. But here today we feel relaxed, happy. it reminded one of the hills of Assisi. Baba nodded "I come down to your level so that we can and said the land was very old and He had been here laugh and be free together, but don't forget at the before. He said He would have liked to spend a same time that I am the Highest of the High..." Gesturing towards the outdoors, Baba said, "Now go night here but there was no time. As we fIled out of the room, Baba, in a playful mood, "pushed out" Dr. out and see the view and try to love Baba through Hayman and Margaret Craske. A short while later, nature. This is all due to My love... this whole while we were all exploring the lovely rose garden, creation, this nature, all the beauty you see, all came herb garden, the sulfur-water swimming pool, the out of Me..." enormous red oaks dotting the hilly golden fields, We all tumbled outside and 10, the whole sky Baba appeared on the vine-covered porch with began rapidly to clear and one could see for Elizabeth's red scarf wound round His head like a hundreds of miles the beautiful rolling hills below. Sikh turban. We were all amused, and Baba seemed Each one meditated in his own way on the relaxed and happy. He began to call for this one and incredible view and Baba's last words ... that one for private "darshan." When our turn came, He told us how lucky we were to be with Him so closely, for in India, those who are ready to give up their lives for Him have to fIle past Him to see him, and the crowds are so immense that they have time only for a glance or a touch from Him before someone pushed them from behind. He called each of us to Him, saying, "This is the last embrace for a long time." I thought "700 years..." Out under the trees we ate a delicious buffet lunch... Several new people arrived, but no press-which pleased Baba. Once again we were all called in Avatar Meher Baba, some of His men mandaI! and a few guests are being shown the together. Baba was seated in a grounds of "Meher Mount" In Ojal, Callfomla by Agnes Baron In 1956.


Have an announcement? Call Mehernoush Lorka at (818) 890-2025.


ONE WORLD is a free computer Bulletin Board System (BBS) for Baba Lovers. This BBS is connected to the three largest wide-area networks in the world: FIDONET, INTERNET and USENET. It can be accessed directly from anywhere in the world via computer and modem by calling 310-372-0987. The BBS presently has a conference called "Meher Baba chat" that can be used to carry on public conversations with Baba Lovers locally or world wide. Private conferences for various committees are another option. There is also a me area with a few mes that are related to Avatar Meher Baba and hopefully we will eventually be able to store some of the older, but still relevant, articles from the LoveStreet LampPost. New articles for the LSLP can be submitted by calling ONE WORLD directly and upolading an ASCII text me to the "LampPost Submissions" fJJ.e area, or they can be sent from almost any network in the world including Compuserve, Prodigy, America Online, etc. by addressing an Internet message to "" and I'll make sure that it gets to Christina. On your rust call to ONE WORLD the system will ask for a NEW USER INSTANT ACCESS password; just enter "BABA" without the quotes and you will be given access to the Meher Baba areas. If for some reason you didn't enter the password correctly you can try again with the adjust access option, or you can "L)eave a comment" to me and I will upgrade your access within 24 hours. If the Baba community would like to make use of this system, just let me know and I will do anything I can to be of assistance. JAI BABA! Larry Fletcher, PO Box 3233, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-1233; Voice: 310-3721848; Internet: •••AND, IT JUST SO HAPPENS•••

Hi Larry; thank you for sending the report on progress in our action to protect Meherabad and Meherazad from the likes of Praveen Chemicals. We are Meher Baba Kilden in Oslo, Norway. In Norwegian "kilden" means "spring, source or resource." We have regular meetings, a reasonably wide selection of Baba books for sale at cost, and a newsletter that we send out to about 200 addressees 14

in Norway, Sweden and Denmark (these three countries can read each other's languages). We're busy with translation and we do our best to anchor Baba's energy in Scandinavia. We've been on the Internet for about three months and have connected with several Baba lovers here and there, which is always a great thrill. It's a pleasure to "meet" you and make this connection (Big Baba hug). You are probably the very person who can answer my questions about Baba material online. I see in the LoveStreet LampPost that the AMBCSC has some materials on a BBS. I feel like I really can't afford to call and collect them with my dinky 2400 modem. Can you send them to me as e-mail? Also are there other sites with Baba materials? I would love to have any GIFs of Baba that are available. Do you know of any? Anyhow, you get the drift of my inquiry. Any information you can supply would be greatly appreciated. Please keep us posted with any Baba news you have to share. In the blessings of His embrace, Om, Eric Solibakke. ( FOOD FOR SILENCE

In celebration of Beloved Baba's Silence Day, the AMBCSC will distribute foods to homeless and needy in the Los Angeles area on Saturday, July 9. Volunteers are welcome and needed. Please call Mehernoush at (818) 368-3800 or Will David at (310) 548-1931. SPREAD YOUR WINGS NOW, DUCKS

New in the Baba-world, "Pair 0' Ducks Animation Studio" has recently been established by Myrtle Beach, SC, by artist Steve Jameson (known as "Wodin"). The goal of this studio is to produce animated and semi-animated film and video projects about Avatar Meher Baba. Wodin's popularity began when he rust started creating colorful pastel drawings of Meher Baba. He also illustrated Mani S. Irani's book, God-Brother. Now he has lavished enchanting tales around his artwork. The rust animation project is a two-volume set of semi-animated videos containing sixteen stories, entitled Life is a Pair 0' Ducks and featuring Wodin's artwork with narration by Jane Barry Haynes and Meher Baba's sister, Mani. Videography is by Chris Riger (Meher Baba's Call) and the score is by several musicians,

including Kim Kraft. If you would like to be included on their mailing list, write to: Pair 0' Ducks Animation Studio, 1811 Highway 17 South, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 USA

tion about the video cassette library, write to its new address: AMBCSC-Video Library, c/o Raymond Lee, P.O. Box 3247, South Pasadena, CA 910316247.



On Sunday, August 14, Southern California Baba lovers will visit our dear, long-time Baba-friend and -lover, Mr. Dana Field at Beverly Manor Convalescent Home. For information contact the LA Center at (310) 474-9454.

The mail order audio cassette library contains talks by guest speakers from Sahavas gatherings and Center meetings in Southern California. There is a $2.50 fee for each talk, which includes round-trip postage and return envelope. For information about the mail order library write to: AMBC-CL, PO Box 3233, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-1233. Information is also available on Internet; just send e-mail to "flleserv@la.socal. com" with "get aclflles" on the fIrst line. JAI BABA!


The Journalfor Psychological and Spiritual Integration (IPSI) has been in publication since 1985. Originally it was a vehicle for Baba lovers in the mental health and healing professions, but its scope has expanded well beyond that now. The current subscribed readership is 147, with additional issues being sent to Baba groups, the Mandali, Sheriar Press, Saroja Library at Myrtle Beach, Meher Baba Foundation in Austraila, and more. The Journal currently (and always) seeks to expand its readership and circulation. Hopefully, the LampPost readership will want to know more about and support this very unique publication; its aim is to further Baba's cause, and to provide a medium for the continued development of the Baba community. If you would like information about JPSI, contact Eric Anderson at PO Box 488, Cape Neddick, ME 03902. TAKING THE PLUNGE

It is with greatjoy that Dina Snow Franklin announces the engagement of her daughter, Teresa, to Michael Mendoza. The wedding is set for September 24, 1994. Our congratulations to Teresa and Michael! VIDEO CASSETTE LENDING LIBRARY

The video cassette lending library contains talks by guest speakers from Sahavas gatherings and Center. meetings in Southern California. In addition to the listing printed in the Fall 1993 issue of the LampPost, the video library now has available a complete路 selection of 1993 Sahavas guest speakers! Please take the opportunity to revisit some of your favorite people by borrowing from the library. It costs only a small shipping and handling charge to deliver these VHS tapes to your door. For informa-

If you would like to donate a talk made on India travels, etc. to the Audio or Video Cassette Lending Library, just send it to the correct "Librarywalla" address above and include the name of the speaker and the date and place where the talk was recorded. SURPRISING NEWS

For the fIrst time, our LA Trust-walla, Lynne Berry, announces that the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust received no donations this past month or so. Have our Southern California Baba lovers forgotten that though the AMB Trust runs on Love "its wheels are kept moving only by the donations given from the hearts of His lovers" (quote from Mani S. Irani)? AVATAR MEHER BABA TRUST

Baba has given us an extraordinary privilege of allowing us to participate in His very special Trust work. Meher Baba tells us that He is the Person by whom serving we serve the whole universe! Baba Himself established the Trust to carry out His wishes once He dropped the body. The Trust supports benefIciaries named by Baba, and funds the many charitable operations at Meherabad. If you wish to contribute a love donation to this most worthy of causes-Baba's Trust-please make your check payable to, "Friends of the Meher Baba Trust," and send to: Lynne Berry, Trustwalla, 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. 15

The Library Project

The Library Project invites your participation in anyone or more of the following ways:

The Library Project of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California continues to place books by and about Avatar Meher Baba in libraries across the country. Begun in 1978 (inspired by the generous, farsighted commitment of a California couple who wish to remain anonymous), The Library Project has placed over 400 books in more than 175 libraries throughout the U.S. and Canada. There are many stories of valiant lovers of Meher Baba who have taken the initiative to place His books or books about Him in libraries. Think of the fruits we would harvest if every Baba lover either donated or placed a book or tape in a library! Did you hear the story of the Baba lover who learned about Him when a copy of Listen Humanity fell from a library shelf straight on his crown? And what about the thousands who first learned of the Avatar by reading a book about Him? Brian Drygas, Project Coordinator, P.O. Box 490039, Mountain View, CA 94039; (408) 356-3512 Adele Wolkin, Project Board Liaison, 714-A South Pacific Coast Hwy., Redondo Beach, CA 90277; (310) 540-8404 WHEN I SPEAK, " WILL BE ONL Y ONE DIVINE WORD; BUT IT WILL BE THE WORD OF WORDS OR THE MANIFESTATION OF TRUTH. THIS WORD WILL HAVE TO BE HEARKENED BY THE HEART, AND NOT MEREL Y BY THE MIND. IT WLL GO HOME TO YOU AND BRING YOU THE AWAKENING. -AVATAR MEHER BABA

1) Check your local public libraries for current holdings of books by or about Avatar Meher Baba and forward this information, including the names and addresses of the libraries, to the Project Coordinator. University or college libraries are included. We place books in some prison libraries, too. 2) Make a donation (funds and/or new books) to The Library Project, care of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California; 3) Personally receive and then place the book(s) in your local area libraries, serving as the 'go-between' for The Library Project. We encourage people to serve as 'go-betweens'. We have found that personally delivering the book(s) into the hands of the librarian(s) helps assure that the book(s) will be placed into the circulating material of the library. 4) Tell others about The Library Project through your newsletters, circulars and meeting announcements and encourage their participation. These books are free for libraries and available for the asking. Please call or write if you would like to participate in The Library Project in any of the ways mentioned above. If you would like more information or to participate please contact us via mail or telephone for our form(s). Thanks to the cooperation of people like yourself, The Library Project has been and continues to be a beautiful opportunity to spread Beloved Avatar Meher Baba's Message of Love and Truth.

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, Califomia 90025

PAID Redondo Beach, CA Pennit No. 196







• .&.,


Obeying Baba; Our responsibility at His Centers; Then and now..~




"The incapacity of men to deal with their problems constructively and creatively reveals a tragic defi· ciency in the right understanding of the basic nature of man and the true purpose of life... On the one hand there are selfish persons who seek their happiness blindly through lust for power, unbridled greed and unrelieved hatred. Ignorant of the real purpose of life, they have sunk down to the lowest level of culture. They bury their higher selves in the wreckage of crumbling forms which linger on from the dead past. They have lost their way••• On the other hand there are persons who unveil their inherent higher selves through the endurance of pain and deprivation and through noble acts of bravery and self·sacri· fice... Real peace and happiness will dawn spontaneously when there is a purging of selfishness••• The peace and happiness which come from love are permanent." AVATAR MEHER BABA, Discourses

FROM THE EDITOR Thanks to requests from readers, and Meher Baba's grace, this issue of the LampPost is 28 pages. There are many wonderful submissions this issue, including reviews of the L.A. Sahavas (page 11) and this year's Youth Sahavas (page 6). New Centers, and "old," are making news, thus a reprint of L.A. Center co-founder filis frederick's memories of the beginnings of the American meetings' seems timely (page 5), as does the interview with Eruch (page 3). Agnes Baron, Baba's "Watchdog" at Meher Mount, in Ojai, California, died this summer. You may read a remembrance of her by Meher Mount's current caretakers (page 18) and share in a Thanksgiving celebration there this year as well (page 15). The Center Report (page 4) announces the L.A. Center's Annual General Meeting, to be held on November 26th at the Center. All Center members are urged to attend, as the voting of new board members will take place at that time. Being on various committees is an invaluable opportunity for service in remembrance of Meher Baba. We encourage your participation making the Center more vital! This issue's Bookstore section-Dina Franklin's domain (pages 20-23)-seems to be taking a new direction! The L.A. Center has come to look to the Bookstore for the better part of its budget, and Baba-lovers' various creations are part of that effort. If you're interested in contacting Dina to promote/sell your work through the Bookstore, contact her directly. If you are interested in contributing to the LampPost, send submissions ~ to the editor (see address in the masthead to the right. Submissions sent to the L.A. Center often do not reach the editor's desk!) We welcome your comments, suggestions, accolades, criticisms, art, poetry, humor, and praise of Meher Baba. One of the functions of the LampPost is to be a forum for a wide ranging, widely dispersed community, wanting to share love of the Master. The rest of the community wants to hear from you! We have had a changeover in some of the editor positions. Just-confirmed: a new Arts Editor and a new Poetry Editor. Their efforts will appear in the next issue! We still have an opportunity for someone to assume the Children's Comer Editor responsibilities. There are so many children who's art and writing-naturally and innocently perceiving God's pure love-would be greatly welcome if shared with the larger Baba-family. Read and love God. Jai Baba! Christina M. Riley The views and opinions expressed In the editorial do not represent the Center board; editorial reflects the constituency directly, The board serves the constituency and the constituency represents Itself In letters to the editor. 2

A quarterly publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90025 (310) 474-9454 This newsletter keeps the Southern California Avatar Meher Baba community and friends abreast of Center activities, represents an historical context, and provides a forum for contemporary accounts of Ii fe with Meher Baba as Guide. The LoveStreet lampPost is free, given in the spirit of spreading Meher Baba's Message of Love and Truth. Executive and Managing Editor: Christina M. Riley Current Events Editor: Caroline McDonald Bookstore Editor: Dina Snow Franklin Announcements Editor: Mehrnoush Lorkalantari Calendar Editor (Program Chairperson): Debra Ashe Contributors: Lynne Berry, Buz Connor, Jal Dastoor, Larry Fletcher, Leah Aorence. DinaSnow Franklin, filis frederick, John Gunn, Goher R. Irani, Mani Irani. Eruch Jessawala, Najoo Kotwal, Diana LePage. Bill LePage, Bing, Jennie and Meira Heckman. Jonathan Ramsden, Mike Ramsden, Pam Rubenstein, Fred Stankus, Hilla Talwar, Adele Wolkin DIstribution: Chris and Pris Haffenden Please send all submissions (articles, comments, poetry, art) to: LoveStreet LampPost Editor, Christina M. Riley. P.O. Box 4762, Chapel Hill. NC 27515. (919) 933-4120 Please share your artwork. photos. poetry, letters, articles, humor and ideas with us. II isa greal help ifyoll can sllbmit YOllrtype路wrillell work 011 COli/pliler disk alotlg with a paper copy. We can handle all disk formats. including IBM-compatible or Macintosh. LoveStreet LampPost submission deadlines are: November 15 (January -March issue); February 15 (April-June issue); May 15 (July-September issue); August 15 (October-December issue) Please send all donations to: LoveStreet LampPost, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles. CA 90025. (310) 474-9454 Please send address chaDl:eslsubscription requests to: Pris Haffenden, 3616 '/, S. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 390-2779 Published quarterly (January, April, July, October) All contents 漏1994 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, except where noted.

WEST COAST MEETINGS In Orange County call Lynne or Steve Berry (714) 966-1262. In the Inland Empire call Jay Mohler (619) 366-9330. In Ojai call Peter Justin (805) 646-4159. (Wednesdays, 7:30pm) In Santa Barbara call Donna Karpeles (805) 682-1877. In San Diego call Scott or Anne Makeig (619) 436-7155. (monthly) In Fresno call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877. (every first, second, and third Wednesday of the month) In San Francisco, call Liam Mullen (415) 474-5442. (Discourses meetings heldWednesdays, 7pm) In Northern California call (510) 845-4339 for full schedule. In Portland. call the Wilson's (503) 873-2048. (every friday night; Discollrses meetings every other Sunday afternoon) In Sacramento call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451. In Seatlle call Joyce Geoffroy or Tom (206) 283-7027. (Fridays, 8pm)


Eruch Jessawala and Bill LePage,

Mandali Hall, Meherazad, Nov. 1, 1982

Eruch, I'd like to talk about Avatar's Abode which Baba described as both the Spiritual Center for Australia and as a place of world pilgrimage. Avatar's Abode means here the Avatar resides, has His headquarters, His Place, His House. So it is the Center. How blessed are you people who created this Place, and which Baba Himself named as Avatar's Abode. It becomes a Place of pilgrimage now that Baba has physically passed away from our midst, a Place of pilgrimage for people from all

People get drawn by His love, by His Universal work, which means to shower His love upon His creatures and creation, and which helps eventually to draw hearts towards Him. Hearts do get drawn towards His Places where He stayed and which have His atmosphere. So Places like Avatar's Abode, Meherabad, Meherazad, Myrtle Beach become the center of focus of humanity, and naturally people from all parts wish to converge to these places, and so they become Places of pilgrimage. Places of pilgrimage are sanctified because of the Lord's Presence. How great is the responsibility for the persons concerned to keep it sanctified, not to def1le it or pollute it, to keep the Place clean by manual labor, and to keep the Place clean by allowing good thoughts, good words and good deeds to permeate the area. That is how you keep the Place clean, not just by cleaning the leaves out, or weeding, or mowing the lawns, but by good, thoughts good words and good deeds. But man is apt to be weak, and in his weakness many things happen in spite of good intentions. This is the experience of us all. We are weak, but we should also be mindful Eruch J ....w.1a with Av.t.r M.h.r B.b••t • g.thering in Indi•. of His Compassion. In His Compassion He forgives us, and He wants us to forget our parts of the world. Avatar's Abode has been sanctiweaknesses totally, and to brace ourselves in our fied by His visit, and by His living Presence, and determination to maintain the atmosphere through blessed are they who have associated themselves good words, good thoughts and good deeds. This with Avatar's Abode as they should. will keep the Place sanctified as a Place of pilgrimBut with that blessing is the greater responsibilage, because it has become the center of focus of ity to maintain the atmosphere, to see that the Lord humanity. Himself is made comfortable and is pleased through the efforts of all who wish and endeavor to keep the What niles should be laid down for a place of pil· atmosphere of the Place. It is bound to attract people grimage, and who should they be laid down by? from all parts of the world and locally from AustraListen, rules are inherent in us. When a place belia. There is no doubt about it, in time to come it comes public, naturally rules come into force. But will be so, because nobody does His work, as He Avatar's Abode is not just public, it is a Place of says, He alone does His own. But some trust is repilgrimage, and pilgrims are expected to be autoposed in the ones who were directly involved with matically disciplined. Pilgrims are guided, drawn, the inception of it, and who are involved with it now, and it is their duty to help in the cause of continued on page 8 Avatar's Abode.



by Michael Ramsden

The 20th Sahavas was held July 1st through July 4th with approximately 175 attendees. What a wonderful Baba bonus our guest Hilla Talwar and Najoo Kotwal were! It was wonderful to hear their stories of Baba that allowed us to see quite clearly part of the private side of the mandali' s life with Baba. To have been with Baba so much as a child growing up was undoubtedly a divine blessing. They brought such wonderful songs and humor and Baba's love with them. Our heartfelt gratitude to them both. Thanks also to Jane Brown and Raphael Rudd for their wonderful gifts of song, music and shared stories. Let's have one more refrain of "I Like My Women Big & Round." (You would've had to have been there to understand the context-such Baba humor!) Later in July we were showered with love from Bhau. We were treated to a round of "divine elimination" thanks to Jeff Maguire and inadvertently to Merwan Ramsden. Bhau, who was on the last leg of his U.S. tour, which had started at the first Meherana Sahavas, gave us much wine for our hearts intoxication and fire to bum our egos. Thank you Bhau, every year for the last ten years you have brought such joy and love. Would that you may come again. In Los Angeles we fmd changes occurring. Sadly for us, Greg, Gay and Leela Dunn have left for their new home in northern California with a new job opportunity and easier access to Meherana (Greg serves on the Meherana board). Good luck! We'll see you there. We will miss you all and your delightful music. Congratulations to Terry Franklin and Michael Mendoza, married on September 24th. Baba's love to you both. Congratulations also and thank you to Dr. Mahmoud Ajang and Rocky Rodgers who agreed to join the Center's board to serve the remaining terms of Chris and Pris Haffenden. Rocky will serve as board secretary and Mahmoud will serve as director in charge of fIXed assets. Pris Haffenden will continue to assist the secretary with the job of maintaining the telephone tree member-

ship files and mailing list (thank you Pris). Clea Succoff and Linda Zavala are joining Mahmoud's team, caring for the Center building and archives, respectively. Thank you also to Adele Wolkinfor agreeing to help Pris with the telephone tree. Regretfully Pris and Chris Haffenden were unable to sustain the level of work required on the board due to a change in their personal circumstances. Our heartfelt thanks to them both, especially to Pris for her many years of hard work on the board. Good luck with the Still Yet More Players' career. Also thank you to Rose Choi who is now assisting Dina with the accounting side of the bookstore operations. Dina and Glenn Russ are working on a wonderful new project putting together a bookstore catalog. We hope this will be ready for orders these coming holidays. The bookstore continues to be the major source of funding for Center operations. However, we still need your heartfelt gifts for daily operations and New Site funds. Once again, thank you all who have so generously given. Concerning the new center, there is a temporary hold on the search for it, purely for the practical reasons that we do not have time and energy to do it and because there is insufficient funds to make the appropriate move. This next quarter however, there will be a move to reopen the search in collaboration with a new fundraising drive. Sam Ervin and Margaret Magnus have joined with Bobby Dearborn (your fundraising director) to plan a new approach that will help us realize our goals. ATTENTION!! On November 26th the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held to elect 4 two-year term directors and 5 one-year term directors for the board. This means that next year we will only elect five two-year term directors. The Center's reorganization is going well. A diagram (page 26) shows each director's responsibilities. There are many opportunities for work at varying levels of commitment with this new structure. Please don't hesitate to come forward and volunteer.

"On November 26th the... Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held..."


continued on page 19

THE MEHER BABA GROUP: A Sociological Study New groups and centers devoted to Meher Baba are being created all over the country; and existing centers are developing in surprising ways. As Baba has His "community" grow, so does He give ample opportunity to address problems. make decisions and resolve conflicts. The following twopart article is from The Awakener, written by its editor, fiUs frederick. who later became instrumental in helping to create the Avatar Meher Baba Center ofSouthern California-currently the largest democratically run non-profit organization devoted to Meher Baba. It is interesting to see here that the same type ofquestions regarding leadership. purpose and method-currently concerning Baba groups across the country--are not new and seem almost inevitable and necessary in the development of each group dedicating itselfto Mehe~ Baba. (Editor)

Looking back at our early struggles, amusing as they seem now, I see a pattern for a New Age defi, nitely emerging with Baba's insistence on democratic procedure. As my favorite Baba quote states, "Humility is at least as important as utility." In this world of less-than-perfect egos, the not-yet-perfect democratic structure is still the best answer-,not only for religious groups, but many other types of groups: political, intellectual, scientific, philanthropic-to the constant problem of how to get work done without the stranglehold of the one versus the many. On the religious side there is always the struggle between the inner-directed and outer-directed devotees, the Protestant versus the Catholic, the mystic who listens to the inner voice, and the pragmatist fills frederick who serves an outer hierarchy. Both have their place and both have their dangers. The danger of the inner voice is that it can become egomaniacal and self-deluded; the danger of the outer order is that it can become a crusading, crushing power structure. It is the old, eternal struggle

Excerpted and reprinted

from The Awakener, Volume 21, No.1, 1956

between the love of power and the power of love. Atthe present time, there is no society, church or organization devoted to Meher Baba. He himself does not wish it and all such efforts have failed. Only one organization, a legal corporation called the Universal Spiritual League in America, Inc., with a branch in England, has been formed with his approval. It is purely a legal device, at present, to make his world travel possible, as the government

"The danger of the inner voice is that it can become egomaniacal and self-deluded..." of the U.S. demands sponsorship of all foreign visitors to these shores, Avatar or not. The League was notable in bringing him with twelve disciples to this country in 1952. He also owns no property at the present time. There do exist however an unknown number of nuclei or groups of disciples and devotees throughout the world, particularly in the large centers of population such as Zurich, Paris, London, Athens, Los Angeles, New York, St. Petersburg and San Francisco, most of them cities which the Master has visited at different times. The evolution of our little group, such as it is, is typical of many devoted to Meher Baba. When he first came to the West, in 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1936, for the express purpose of contacting his "Circle" disciples especially, those who had met him and been profoundly moved by this spiritual contact, voluntarily decided to get together regularly and meditate on the Master and study his life and teachings. The first meetings were held fairly regularly at the home of the Buddhist scholar and philanthropist,

continued on page 16 5

REFLECTIONS: A Youth Sahavas Review for 1994 Eighty-nine young people from all over the world came for five days, July 19th through the 23rd, to have a time oftheir own at Meher Baba's Home in the West-to come and be with Baba and share in Baba's love at His Center. This year's Youth Sahavas was the largest to date, with attendees coming from as far as England and Puerto Rico. The 25 staffand organizers were mostly from the local Myrtle Beach community, but some came from distant parts ofthe country to help with this unique annual event. (Editor) This being only my second in its four years of existence, I was honored to be asked to share with you, the reading Baba community, my truly invaluable week with Baba and youth from all over the country, and even some from all over the world. It's so awesome-as I've been told by many adults, parents and grandparents-that the youth in the Baba community have the opportunity to leave everything behind and gather in his name to develop life-long friendships, relationships and trusts, all under his blanket of Magic that any Sahavasee will attest to being present, and almost commonplace, at every Sahavas. I'd like to start out by just saying how much fun the whole week was. Everybody had the opportunity to go to the beach and swim, play volleyball or soccer, or just chill in the sun. We played pingpong and chess and basketball. And the competition was about as fierce as a neWborn kitten's-everyone played just simply to play. Along with the playing came some of the best food ever eaten over the course of a week. Homemade, gourmet food, which alone was reason enough to be depressed about going home. Then there were all of the activi6

by Jonathan Ramsden

ties and the workshops and the discussion groups that everyone had the opportunity to participate in. Those were great. And of course the multi-named talent show, which entertained with singers and dancers and musicians and all of the other Sahavasees with their own unique gifts and talents, and the now-infamous annual play put on by guys only. All of that stuff is just plain fun. But that is not what really goes on. In fact, all of the fun is really like an added bonus to the magic that unfolds over the course of the week. You see, Baba definitely has a plan for this annual Youth Sahavas. And that is to give all involved in the event just a touch, just a taste, of divine bliss. And that taste is so sweet, so real that you crave for more. I figure the way in which he "hooks" us is through the awesome, just completely overwhelming sense of love that is generated through all who attend. The love and care I developed for so many people during that week is thousands of times stronger than the love and care of some people I've known my whole life. And believe me, Baba shines through from every smiling face at the Sahavas. At any point during the day it's impossible to miss him. Then there's that magic I talked about. On one occasion we were having a drumming workshop (this occurred in '93 during my frrst Youth Sahavas). There were about eight of us just banging on all these different kind of bongo drums. We were just getting a beat going and some of the girls were dancing to the beat. We went for about ten minutes and then kind of died out. Then, someone in the drumming group said very innocently, "Let's do a rain dance." So we all started groovin'

again. Well, a few minutes into the groove we all really picked up and there was this really deep sense of rhythm going. And the girls were really getting into their dance. And we were going and pounding on the drums and everyone was groovin' and I could feel such a spiritual effect (as I'm sure everybody else could). And a few more minutes into the session it started to rain... but the thing is, it only rained on us and only for the duration of the song. Magic. I'm sure many of you have heard the accounts of at least five Sahavasees this year who all, on the same night, saw an inexplicable display of lights in the sky with things moving and dashing and extraordinary rings of light around the moon, and then from the lake they saw a huge glowing object rise up and simply disappear... Magic. All of these extraordinary Baba stories we hear about seem so wonderful, but unless someone actually experiences something with Baba magic in it, they are just great stories. But man, let me tell you something, this stuff is real. It's so incredibly real. Not just all of those inexplicable events, but the absolute love and affection that just stampedes into everyone's heart and breaks down all of the walls of defense that we all tend to put up in life. "God alone is reaL" Someone

really knew what he was talking about. Now, we all come for different reasons. Some come because they live down the street, others come for a vacation, especially us Californians. But we all come to be with Baba. Or so I thought. During one group meeting, Charles Haynes, someone who I've developed a great deal of respect and love for, said something that really opened my eyes and my heart. We were discussing how wondenul it is that everyone could be at the Sahavas. And he said something along the lines of how many people come to be with Baba, but that is not the case. Each and every one of us brings Baba with him or her. And that is so true. We don't fmd Baba at the Sahavas, we rediscover Baba within our own hearts. I often forget the very basic fact that he is always there. Which simply means that I or anyone else can have my own personal Sahavas anytime I please, because Baba didn't stay there when I left, he's always with me. As a matter offact he's sitting on my shoulder right now as I write. And to all of the people to whom I am so close and yet so far away, Ijust wanted to say that there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you.

Especially Debbie H., Eruch A., Johanna G., and Erica H. I love you all and look forward to seeing you next year. .. 7

ER UCH, continued from page 3 by their love for Baba and His Place, to come there on pilgrimage. Rules are meant for discipline, meant for guiding. Yes, rules are inherent in a pilgrim, and when a pilgrim comes for the first time he comes with reverence, and real seriousness, and is genuine

"Places of pilgrimage are sanctified because of the Lord's Presence." about his pilgrimage. Then he begins to feel at home, and he takes the atmosphere into himself in such a way that he feel that the Place belongs to him and that he belongs to the Place. It is his Place, because he is drawn by the love of the Lord, and he has come there to place his head at Baba's feet. It should be so, that the pilgrim has that feeling that the Place belongs to him and that he belongs to the Place. But I am telling the pilgrims that while they should not lose sight of their belonging to this Place and the Place belonging to them, they should also not lose sight of the trust that the Lord reposes in each pilgrim when the pilgrim comes to the Place of pilgrimage. When the pilgrims come to pay their respects and while they are paying their respects and homage to Him, that respect and homage should not be vitiated by extraneous thoughts. I have found here at Meherabad and at Meherazad also that the pilgrims do come with great love, with reverence, with the sole motive of paying their homage to Baba. But somehow or other it seems that the Western mind has not been trained to regard the sanctifted places as permanently sanctified. They do have a vague idea of the sanctity of the place. Yet the Western mind would light a cigarette and create smoke in the sanctum sanctorum; the Western mind would not mind hugging and kissing the woman of his heart who is not his wife. All this is fine for the Western mind because it is regarded as being all done in love. But love is not that. Inherent in love is great respect and regard and reverence, and this latitude that the pilgrims tend to 8

take is not respectful, and so naturally here also we have the necessity of formUlating certain rules-to leave your shoes outside the hall, not to smoke nearby, to behave properly, to observe silence, that these are the regular times of visit, and so forth and so on-all this is necessary. Rules should be made in order to guide the pilgrims to the Beloved at the Place of pilgrimage, and during their stay at the Place of pilgrimage, rather than for regimentation or discipline or anything of that sort. The pilgrims should not be made to feel that this is the order or this is the law, but it should be made very clear that it is for their benefit that the rules have been formulated. So in a way it is necessary for the ones who come on pilgrimage to have set rules as guidance. Eventually these rules become the very life of the pilgrims, and they do not think or feel that these have been forced upon them. The rules become a part of their life, and they naturally know how they should express themselves, how they should present themselves to Baba. Now who should make the rules? Naturally, those who are responsible for the upkeep of the Place, the people who have shouldered the responsibility. It is a great responsibility, it is a great headache, it is not a happy thing for those who make the rules, for diose who have accepted the responsibility of maintaining the Place. It is a blessedness, no doubt about it, but it is not a happy thing, because from all sides the persons concerned will be blamed.

"Inherent in love is great respect and regard and reverence..." Suppose you make a rule that you shouldn't smoke here. Naturally the smoker will feel, "What sort of thing is this? Why can't we smoke?" And they ask, "Where should we smoke, then?" So a board is placed: Here smoking is allowed, and Here smoking

continued on page 10

NO PROBLEM WITH SEX? "Sex ia decidedly one of the moat important problema with which the human mind is con路 fronted in the domain of duality." AVATAR MEHER BABA

The chapter ofThe Discourses beginning with this sentence is arguably the most turned through. and turned to. in Meher Baba's practical "guidebook" for the spiritual aspirant. Indulgence and repression. craving and renunciation, freedom and restraint, celibacy and marriage... it's all there. He illuminates the path ofinner life-freeing the limited mind through active discrimination between the higher and lower values-in this case within the universal human experience ofsexual desire. sexual interaction, and the consequences. Some people are promiscuous; some people are celibate; most people get married. And. "When married life is thus brought into direct line with the Divine Planfor the evolution of the individual. it becomes a pure blessing for the children who are the fruit ofthe marriage..... (Discourses, Vol. 1. p. 150) This is an intriguing subject; one every Babalover I know feels is very important; and thus one with which almost anyone of them can be drawn into an intense conversation. Taking the opportunity to do so. I found widely disparate opinions on this section of the Master's opus. Some are here: "About His written word: He speaks the Truth and you deal with it in whatever way you can deal with it. I used to avoid reading Baba's discourse because I was afraid of the Truth. It's scary. As far as The Discourses go... it's there. He said it; that's that. You either obey or you don't. I'm not making a judgment on that. There may be reasons why we do or we don't, but the fact of the matter is, you're either obeying or you're not. There's no in-between; that's what can be scary. I can't judge others and what they do. Everyone has an interpretation. But there's a bottom line. It's not like somebody is quoting somebody who's quoting somebody who quoted Jesus. Baba said what He said. I think it's very black and white. It's not black and white once you decide to start interpreting." (female. mid-forties. single) "Baba has said that all love goes to Him. He also said any kind of promiscuity is bad because it tightens binding, karmically. However, we're human beings. I feel that Baba gives us a doctrine to live by, such as in "My Wish," and that's our goal-

to please Him to the best of our abilities by following His wish. Now, at the same time, each one of us has different sanskaras-impressions that need to, have to, be expressed. Don Stevens, in Listen. the New Himanity, says: "Meher Baba states that each person has within himself the natural good taste and judgement which are inherent principles of the drop soul. Given a chance, they will assert themselves and as they do, the individual finds a natural sense of joyous fulfillment in his pursuits. Baba hints that, for the novice, 'beginners' sublimation is available: after carefully avoiding plunging into unrestrained expression of a desire, and taking due precaution and observing the natural rights of others, go ahead with action to fulfill the desire. Then, honestly observe the results and ask yourself if you are satisfied. The catch-one almost never is. Here, Meher Baba's point above is active, that a sense ofreal satisfaction is controlled by the touchstone of the drop soul. An action must be very enlightened indeed to get approval from one's own highest inner self." I feel if a person needs even to go through a promiscuous stage, that's what they have to go through. Personally, I don't feel I need to do that: I'd like to be in a partnership, but I'm going to be lead by my heart; and I feel that whoever I end up being close with is part of His plan. The soul of each person is divine, right now! Being on the spiritual path, in Meher Baba, the awakening of that in everyday action is a concrete thing to depend upon. Baba is working in us; we're not separate from Him; to think that we are is illusion. Every act of our being is dictated by Him. He wants us closer to Him so He's going to help us." (female. mid-thirties. separated parent) "I understand, with birth control, that to use an artificial means to separate one from the natural consequence of sex would have to be deleterious to spiritual progress. Any sensible idea of how nature, and the world, works would dictate that altering any natural process in that way is going to have some negative consequence down the line. You can figure that out philosophically; you don't have to be a Baba-lover or a Catholic to figure that one out. We used birth control at one point, but we never had any super-craving-run-away-lust problem which birth control served and allowed full expression of with-

continued on next page 9

ER UCH, continued from page 8 is not allowed. So the pilgrim may ask, "What is this? Is Meher Baba not there where smoking is allowed?" There are many people who would have such thoughts. So what I am saying is that those who are responsible for making the rules cannot expect to remain happy. There are bound to be such criticisms. But the responsible ones should rise above

"...those who are responsible for making the rules cannot expect to remain happy." these things; they should not brood and feel hurt about the remarks that are passed against them. That is why they are meant to sit on the seat of responsibility, because they are above criticism. But this does not mean that those who sit on the seat of responsibility are above criticism and that no one should criticize them. What I mean is that criticism should not affect them. So when a person is responsible and true, and out of love for the Cause of Beloved Baba formulates rules as guidance to the pilgrim, he should expect a lot of criticism but he should not be affected by this criticism. He should make himself above criticism. (Part-two of this interview will appear in the next issue ofthe LoveStreet LampPost)

IIFor the celibate as well as for the married person the path of inner life is the same. When the aspirant is drawn by the Truth he longs for nothing else, and as the Truth increasingly comes within his ken, he gradually disburdens himself of craving." AVATAR MEHER BABA 10

PROBLEM?, continuedfrom page 9 out having the consequences. That's a rationalization, but I don't say Baba approved of that. There's a difference between trying to obey Baba, and disobeying Baba and saying, "That's okay with Baba," or, "To disobey is okay with Baba because what He said is just a goal, but I'm not going to obey Him, I'm going to do this other thing. And I'm not going to say I'm failing. I'm going to say 'this is okay, too!' or, 'Baba approves of this because He loves me.'" That's not right! It's one thing to say, "I'm disobeying Baba, and I don't care." It doesn't please Baba to disobey Him. That's a personal point in your relationship with God-whether you care to please Him... how far you're willing to go to please Him. But often this stuff is the first step in eventually phasing out all of His requirements that we live in a certain way. And before you know it, we're just living like everyone else in the world; and we're doing what everyone else is doing; and we're just as nonchalant as everyone else; and then you look down and there's no more daaman in your hands. There's a few threads under your nails, but the daaman is gone. Baba's gone. It's rough. But these rationalizations about Baba approving of sex outside of marriage, or approving of birth control is absolutely... That's not why Baba came down here. He came to uplift everybody as human beings; and to move us away from our desires, our cravings, away from acting out our lower selves. Not to approve of it on a worldly level." (male. mid-fifties, married) "I'm willing to be celibate for the rest of my life. I really don't know what women want these days. I have a great diffIculty with relationships. Celibacy is less complicated. The marriage thing has been burnt out of me. You'd better do what Baba says to do, or you're playing with fire. And you will get burnt, either with AIDS, or a child out of wedlock, or amazingly difficult personal relationships. Baba's not fooling; He's not somebody to play with or to rationalize with. We've had our day of asserting ourselves, of saying, "Oh, that's for Easterners to live up to; us Westerners can't do it." Like it or not, one way or another, you're going to be forced to deal with it. Baba says sex is a "given" in duality, one of the things in life that has to be dealt with." (male, mid-forties, single parent in custody hanleY

* * *

CHILDREN IN BABA'S LOVE: The L.A. Sahavas "If you carry a big container, you get a big dip from the ocean. If you carry a teacup, you get only a little bit. We had God on a golden platter."

Meher Baba, King of the Universe, cheated at cards. Was he really so eager to win? Were the ~tak~s that high? Or was he simply exercising his mflmte sense of humor? From the perspective of a little child, it was probably all of the above, and no small matter, at that. "Baba, you're cheating," little Hilla Kamal exclaimed during a card game with Baba when she was a small child. She had witnessed Baba tucking a card onto the back of his hand. "I am the Master of the Universe and you call me a cheat?," Baba asked, his eyes twinkling. "Then who put that card there" she continued, unrelenting. Just then, Baba flicked

by Caroline McDonald

drous stories-a new look at Baba. Another glimpse into the sparkling clear waters of the bottomless ocean. Najoo and Hilla and their brother Adi went to li~e with Baba and the mandali when Najoo was 11, Hilla, 7 and Adi, 2, with their mother Nargis, and father, Shavak. Shavak had "lost all interest in life in the world, in the family and in his work," Hilla explained, "He only wanted to be with Baba." Finally, Baba consented. Shavak was given six months seclusion in a small room. Mter that he traveled with Baba in search of the masts. Hilla and Najoo were sent to a "first class" boarding school, "where we studied with the children of the Nizam (king) of Hyderabad. When we came home for our holidays we used to go and stay with Beloved Baba wherever He happened to be with the female mandali on tour." As a child, Hilla said, she was very mischievous, and "used to lead the nuns in the convent a merry dance with my terrible behavior." Najoo, being the dutiful older sister, wrote lengthy letters to their mother detailing Hilla's pranks. "Mummy would go with the letter to Beloved Baba and read it out to Him," she said. "Instead of looking cross, He would smile so mischievously and His eyes twinkled. He would then ask my mother as to what rank I stood in class, and mother would say, 'Well, she stood first as usual,' and Baba would tell her, with a mischievous look, 'What on earth are you complaining about then?''' Najoo, a poor eater at school, looked "quite ~elicate on our return to the ashram. Beloved Baba would look at her thoughtfully and then daily bring a spoon of butter on a plate and feed her with his own hands during the holidays. "He cared for us so tenderly," Hilla said. For those who never met Baba, Najoo's description of nearly every facet of Baba's form and personality provided a fresh look. Of Baba' s person-

Najoo and Hilla enjoy answering questions and talting about life with Meher Baba, here at Jacko Caraco'. home, overlooking Lo. Angele..

his hand behind the little girl's ear and pulled out a card. "Then where did this come from?," he asked the perplexed little girl. And that was a typical card game with the Avatar. sister ,Hilla Kamal Talwar and her . , Naioo :J , this year s Sahavas guests, shared such stories of the innocence and wonder of life with the Avatar, seen through the eyes of small children. These were won-

continued on next page 11

SABA VAS, continuedfrom page 11 ality she said, "It was so rich, so beautiful. Anyone who beheld Him was attracted, like a magnet. He drew people. All avatars come down as somebody beautiful," she continued. "Why? Because if people don't become attracted spiritually, they are attracted to the Beauty. His eyes were gentle and sometimes fiery," Najoo said. During arti, she described his face as radiant, "like the sun, His rays spread to everybody. Charlie's picture in the Samadhi has caught Baba's expression. When I went in and saw [the picture] my heart skipped a beat. The expression, and His eyes-many times they move. I don't think [Charlie] knows what trick he has done." Baba's features, she continued, were gentle and calm "like the moon, giving joy and peace when you behold it in the sky." His eyes twinkled and were sometimes mischievous, sometimes fiery. "If He was fiery we couldn't look into His eyes. We would put our heads down. Baba was extremely humorous. He was the most humorous Avatar.

10 l\-1t L.k rfl.MIL'{ 1994 . II 101 all \M \O~ . . \0 \\\anK ~ou a . ones gave Jai Baba\ 1\\\S \S and 1M \\\Iee deaf oU s\\OWand coml ol \ ~ou s" and all \M lo~e '~\e" \0 \M \\ 路Sanava. \ be \nv\ u US a\ \ e . 1\ was \ovel~ 0 \ share efed us W,~\~~; we lel\ \\\a\ we .mu\~e west and 路sahavas . . \\ \-lis c\\i\dfen In. \0 do so. Baba's love ~~\s golden oPpol\Un\~~s invitation. \-Ie gave US Lfl.. gloUP'S gene l Mar\s wel e \\\IOUg\\ ~OU{ P;s and ~OU{ 10v\n~1 we could do 1M LA glOU \-lis Love, and a, Love wi\\\ oveillowlng W\\~U{ Beau\ilUI Baba s \0 walK wi\\\ was 10 ~ e \M 10{\unale one~ I \-lim glOW ~ou, lor we wei Ma~ OUI love 0' \M King 01 K\ngs'~'nd mote eac\\ day. and glOW, mote

nnd Jul~.

In \-lis Love. Kolwal Na\OO SowaK l\-lilla) Kamal lalwat .

Million l\\anKS


lot evel~\\\\ng


& Jai Baba.路



Perhaps to offset the cafeteria food, some new items were available at the Toddy Shop this year-NUTS!

"He loved jokes. Baba had big strides like a deer. He looked as though His feet did not touch the earth. He was floating, like Jesus walking on water. He was especially beautiful during the early morning walk when the sun's rays would pass through His hair. It looked golden. His face had the aura of gold around it. He had lovely skin, lovely hair and pink cheeks. When the golden rays of the sun fell on His face, He looked not of this earth. It has to be experienced. How much He looked like Christ with His sadra flowing, and His hands and arms moving very majestically. We all had to run after Him, even the disciples. Padre even had to run after Him," Najoo continued. "His hands were the most beautiful, gentle hands. They were soft like cotton. They were eloquent and artistic with long fmgers, like a pianist. They were constantly moving." Of Baba's feet she said, "When we touched them to our forehead, everything in our heads was gone. We felt light, in spite of all suffering. The touch was so purifying, it purified our thoughts, words and deeds. Baba's pink coat reflected the color of His cheeks. When He laughed His cheeks became red, and they also reddened when He was angry." Baba wanted obedience; he also was very particular about duty, Najoo explained. "Duty to the family, neighbors and life partners Baba was

Some observations by those present for this year's Sahavas: also honest to the core. He didn't want a grain of dishonesty. He always believed in honesty and sanctity in the marriage ties." The 20th L.A. Sahavas was intimate and special. Guest Raphael Rudd's stories about his father, the late Harold Rudd, were both hilarious and poignant, and the music created by Raphael and Jane Brown-Jane's frrst major performance since the death of her husband, singer/songwriter Bob Brown-was exquisite. Those present felt privileged to be part of the special magic taking place.

"I've come almost every year since the begin. ning. I felt it was an excellent, low·key event. People were allowed to have personal time with friends and guests, which created a family feel· ing. People were impressed with Hilla and Najoo. I liked Raphael's talk about his father." (Fred Stankus) "I enjoyed the more relaxed abnosphere, particu· larly since I'm always rehearsing. The child care was great. Leela, my daughter, just wanted to go down there. It was more focused this year. lac· tually had time to relax this year." (Gay Dunn) "The talks were more intense. The other music is getting louder. Since there were fewer people, hanging around is sweeter." (Doug Cox) "It was different. I enjoyed it. There were fewer people, more intimate. It was different in a way I appreciated. I enjoyed everything. There was a homogeneous, loving quality to everything. It was a nice, loving flow. The commitment and responsibility that people have taken to put this on year after year shows. It gets better and better, and deeper. I appreciate it more and more." (Dan Sparks)

Preparing for a ohildrena theater event was, for some smaller attendees, a dubious privilege.

"I loved it. It was smaller than usual, more com· fortable and cozy. I loved the programs and the guests and everything Najoo and Hilla had to say, and I can't recall a musical performance that had me on the verge of tears like last night [Raphael Rudd and Jane Brown]." (Ron Greenstein) "I thought it was wonderful. I liked the music. It's a real charge of energy, abnosphere, the environ· ment is beautiful. I usually go to the Northeast Gathering but I decided to do this one. I came two years ago, it was small then, also. It feels about the same this year." (Larry Traub) "I've been to all but one. This one was extra ex· citing because of the content. They were all new stories no one had heard, and all new music. A surprise. None of us knew how Jane and Raphael would be as a team, also the back-up musicians. The programs were perfect and the speakers phenomenal." (Charlie Morton)

Quiet time, for reading about Baba, between programs and wortlshops, rounds out this ye"'s four-day retreat.

"I slept through most of it. It was a well·needed mini·vacation." (Terry Lucas) 13



September 31, Friday, 8:00 p.m. SPECIAL MUSICAL GUESTS: DAVID MIOTKE AND RON GREENSTEIN These two favorites are back! and will perfonn in concert featuring Francis Brabazon's "Eight Sorts of Lovers," from his book, 'The East-West Gathering." Host: Lois Jones.


October 1, Saturday, 8:00 p.m.-12 midnight HOLLYWOOD ROOSEVELT NEW LIFE FUN-FUNDRAISER SWING DANCE Come and dance into the New Life! Dress to impress, readings, raffles, special surprise guests perfonn. David Miotke, Ron Greenstein, Maureen Hazard, George Gerdes, Debra Ashe, Michael Campagna, Billy Goodrum and Steve Sanders are the Jujuqawali Baba All-star Swing Band. SUPPORT YOUR CENTER!

Tickets: $15 per person, $5 forcbildren under 12 years of age. Contact: Debra Ashe (818) 683-8885 and Billy Goodrum (213) 466-8233. We'll see you at the Ball at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, where Beloved Meher Baba visited in 1956!! OH LORD MAKE THIS NEW UFE FOR ALL OF US A SUCCESS AND JOY ETERNAL -Avatar Meher Baba

October 8, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. WORLD PREMIERE OF THE NEW Fll..M, "MEHER BABA, THE AWAKENER" Don't miss this opportunity to view the beautiful ftIm that we've all been waiting for! Host: Filmmaker Tim Theland; Music: Rob Thornbum.

October 9, Sunday 12 p.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m. "MEHER BABA, THEAWAKENER" Additional showings of this documentary will be presented today at the Center.

October is, Saturday, 8 p.m. MEHER BABA'S NEW LIFE "MEHER BABA' S NEW LIFE was a blueprint for our life for we can fmd examples in it to help us in every incident; to be cheerful under all circumstances, to try and curb our anger, and never to worry about the future but depend solely on the Lord's will." Bruch Jesswalla. Host: Billy Goodrum.

October 22, Saturday, 9 a.m.·4 p.m. ADELE'S ANNUAL AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER YARD SALE We need your donations and help to make this event as successful as last year's! Held at Adele Wotkin' s house at 714-A Pacific Coast Highway, Redondo Beach. Your yardsale pieces need to be donated early for us to sort and price. Call Adele Wotkin (310) 5408404 or Bob Dearborn (818) 799-5686.


October 22, Saturday, 8 p.m• TRUST NIGHT Trust your night to L.A. Trust-walla Lynn Berry. Lynn will give us an update on the chemical plant as well as share the many charitable ongoings of the AVATAR MEHER BABA TRUST in Ahmednagar, India, set up by Baba in 1959. Owrang will end the evening with one of bis classic videos of Meherazad and the Mandali.

October 29, Saturday The Center will be closed tonight because everyone will be attending the SILENT AUCTION-EXTRAVAGANZAFUNDRAISER. Details will be forthcoming! Stay tuned to the SILENT AUCTION HOT UNE: Pat Griffin (818) 309-9006 and Katrina Page (213) 255-3910


November 5, Saturday, 6 p.m. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

November 5, Saturday, 8 p.m. "IF YOU HAVE THAT LOVE FOR ME THAT ST. FRANCIS HAD FOR JESUS, THEN NOT ONLY WILL YOU REALIZE ME, BUT YOU WILL PLEASE ME." George Gerdes hosts an evening devoted to Francis of Assisi featuring Franco Zefferelli's ftIm biography ofthe Saint ("Brother Sun, Sister Moon"). Quote: Avatar Meher Baba.

November 12, Saturday, 8 p.m. AWARENESS AND FUN THROUGH ART This is a night for all the young and young-at-heart to focus on Meher Baba in creative artistic activities that stimulate awareness and expression in the moment. Hosted by local Baba-artists.

November 19, Saturday, 8 p.m. " ...IUS FACE IS A BRiGHI' TRANSCENDENTAL SUN..."

Come and view Baba's beauty and face and fonn on FILM NIGHT with projector-walla, Charlie (Iotsa fun) Morton.

November 24, Thursday, 1 p.m. THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER AT MEHERMOUNT Come and celebrate and give thanks to Beloved Babain this day of sharing and caring. Fred and Gigi Stankus coordinate this event. A yummy turkey and vegetarian main course will be provided, you bring the salads, breads, yams, deserts, etc. Call Fredee and Gigee (213) 257-8371.

November 26, Saturday, 8 p.m. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Our president, Mike Ramsden will preside with current board members to count votes for the next year's new board of directors. PLEASE BE PRESENT IF YOU ARE A CENTER MEMBER; California law requires a majority number of votes. Ballots will be mailed for absentee voters.

Programs and "ellts tau place at the Baba Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boukmrd, Los Angeks, (310) 474-9454. Program suggestions? Interested in presenting a program, arlwork, or music? Contact Debra Ashe at (818) 683-8885. •


December 3, Saturday, 6 p.m.

FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. December 3, Saturday, 8 p.m.

BABA LOOKED GLORIOUS! Bob Dearborn returns to host this evening which is focused on MeherBaba's second caraceidentwhich took place in Satara,India in 1956. Discussion is encouraged. December 10, Saturday, 8 p.m.

HOW DO YOU RENEW YOURSELFINMEHER BABA EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE IN HIS ILLUSION? Mike Ramsden leads a panel discussion tonite. Music provided by Michael Campagna. December ii, Sunday, 2 p.m.

PARALLELS IN THE TEACHINGS OF AVATARS JESUS CHRIST AND MEHER BABA Adele Wotkin and Billy Woodrum focus on the surviving "teachings" of these two manifestations of the Avatar. Open Discussion. December 17, Saturday, 8 p.m.

CELEBRATE BELOVED MEHERA'S BIRTHDAY Come and share an evening celebrating the birth of Baba's female counterpart ("the purest soul in the universe") as we discuss the significantrole she plays in respect to the world and one's personal life. Host: Lynn Maguire. December 21,, 7:30 p.m.

CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS JUBILATION Come and experience the longing for the Beloved and thejoy ofRis coming with readings and song. Please bring canned food and clothing which will be distributed by the Service Committee to those in need. The traditional LA Baba-group-gift-exchange will take place. Bringan ornamentfor the tree. AND PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring lots of goodies to share. HO! HOI HOI Hosted by Debra Ashe and Rosalie Dunphy. Music provided by Pris and Chris Haffenden. December 25, Saturday

THE CENTER IS CLOSED TONIGHT Merry Chrlstmasl Beloved Meher Baba Ble&mtgs to all. December 31, Saturday, 8 p.m.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! IN BABA'S LOVE! Celebrate the new year at your Baba Center in remembrance of IDM with your Center caretaker, Rosalie Dunphy as she takes you through a Baba wonderland of video marvels.

WHAT'S UP AT MEHER MOUNT? Plenty! A breath-taking, 3600 view of the Ojai Valley, "the little Himalayas," the Pacific Ocean, and the "Topa, Topa" mountain range greet the visitor to this "sacred" place visited by Avatar Meher Baba in 1956! Just after sunset we walked to "Baba's tree" (where He sat during His visit) and the glow of the tangerine-colored sky transformed the dry grass along the path into a warm pink carpet as the halfmoon and evening stars began to light the sky in a silence that was in perfect harmony with the electric sounds of the singing crickets. Beloved Baba' s Presence is very strong at Meher Mount, and the majesty of this place and the entire Ojai Valley is legend, with the Chumash Indians and other groups, who have given thanks to the Lord to live in these sacred parts, where the body merges with the spirit of the land and rejuvenates the soul. Meher Mount is now open to visitors! Simply call (805) 646-4266 and inform the caretaker of the date and time of arrival; a message machine is available for your convenience. The new main building, with kitchen, bathrooms and a meeting room with library is open during the final stages of construction; and you are welcome to participate to facilitate the completion or just relax and enjoy the atmosphere and the view. One can't say thanks enough, that Meher Mount was preserved all these years by dear "Agni," as the mandali affectionately called Agnes Baron-Baba's "Watchdog"-who passed away on July 5, 1994, at the age of 87. And to celebrate and give thanks. a special event!!! THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER AT MEHER MOUNT

Coordinated by Fred and Gigi Stankus, the Stankus' traditional dinner will take place here this year, on November 24th beginning at Ip.m. The main courses-lots of turkey and a vegetarian dishwill be provided. All the other trimmings will be "potluck," such as appetizers, salads, side dishes, drinks and desserts. So, if you are attending, please call Fred and Gigi at (213) 257-8371 for food coordination. Dinner will be served about 2p.m. From the top of Meher Mount, AVATARMEHERBABAKIJAI!! ! 15

GROUP, continued from page 5 Phelps Stokes, in his old home at 88 Grove Street, New York City, where the Master had been his guest for two weeks. Some of those who came to these early meetings were John Bass, Agnes Bourne, Countess Nadine Tolstoy, Mrs. E.C. Patterson, Darwin Shaw, and Princess Norina Matchabelli. Meetings went on for several years, but soon the Master called many of this early group to his ashram in India. In 1940, after five years with Meher Baba in India, three

"...the old, eternal struggle between the love of power and the power of love." women, Countess Nadine Tolstoy, Princess Matchabelli and Mrs. Patterson, were sent back to the U.S. with Baba's definite instructions to carry on his work, Le., to contact new people for him. It was always Norina who gave the discourses at Carnegie Hall or Steinway Hall to capacity audiences of 350 or 400, usually on a Sunday evening, during the winter season. On Thursday evenings, at their home on East 67th Street, she gave more intimate talks to smaller audiences that filled the large duplex studio. To supplement these public talks, and the private interviews, very informal Sunday afternoon teas were held, where discussion was general but inevitably on spiritual subjects, and to which those were asked who had shown more interest. As is typical of all religious work in a great metropolis like New York, those who came represented a tremendous but typical cross-section of "spiritual seekers,"-those who are not satisfied with the orthodox religions, nor with the current agnostic, intellectual materialism of our day. Just as varied were their opinions and reactions to Meher Baba, from outright abuse to a firm and living faith that endured and transformed their lives. This Meher Baba group, which was not yet called "The Group" in those days, differed, of Ifi

course, in one vital respect from all the other esoteric religious groups in New York, whom one might facetiously call our "rivals" and many of whose members did indeed, join us. We had a living Master to offer. Most of these groups either teach "metaphysics" (an odd and special perversion of the term to mean "mental science"), or various forms of occultism, often with rituals and ceremonies dating back to the occult societies of the past, especially . the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons. Some, like the Sufis, Theosophists, Vedantist and Arcane societies, offer a Westernized version of Eastern thinking; others are devoted to a Master or Adept of the recent past, such as the Ouspensky group, the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda group and the Self-Realization group, devoted to Swami Yogananda. Inevitably, we became familiar with them all, and often attended their lectures and meetings, to learn what they were offering and perhaps to meet a new "soul." Many were the long and lively philosophical discussions one had on such points with the "newcomers," and one's knowledge of the metaphysics of all the major religions came in handy, in refuting an argument. Another distinctive feature of the group at this time, one not so apparent to the outsider, but interesting from the psychological point of view, was its complete dominance by one person-Princess Matchabelli. Not only was her personality more forceful than the other two women, but she was in virtually' absolute control of many "internal" situations for another, unusual reason. She was able, as she claimed, to get in rapport with the Master in India and receive ''thought-orders'' or "intuitionorders" directly from him, relevant to day-to-day occurrences on this side of the globe. At such times she seemed to lose or "drop" her external personality and sink into some inner state. The pronoun "f' henceforth referred only to '"Meher Baba," and the tone of the discourses was on a much higher plane and devoted to spiritual themes. These were usually taken down verbatim by someone else, were often long and exhausting, and when she "came out," she had little or no recollection of what she had said. Her two companions accepted this in whole or in part, and many of the "intimate few" who came regularly to the smaller meetings often sought and accepted her advice on their personal affairs as that of the Master himself.

Others, equally devoted to the Master, rejected the whole situation completely, particularly those who had met him previously. The Master neither affirmed or denied this intuition order of the Princess, though he always encouraged her public work, except in the "famous" telegram of the summer of 1944, in which he briefly touched on the different capacities of each of his disciples and stated: "Norina has my intuition-order." Though this identification with the Master and subsequent "ordering" of the lives and affairs of those around her definitely antagonized many and drove them away, it attracted many more, who found in her a strong spiritual link with the Master in absentia. Records of unusual spiritual experiences, visions and illuminations in connection with her exist. She was undoubtedly at times in an exalted state of consciousness or as St. Theresa calls it, "the light of contemplation," so that she was unconscious of her surroundings; and simple physical contact with her often produced the same exalted state in others. In any case, as a fascinating and most complex personality, a true heroine of the Path, she had a great effect on many hundreds of people and stimulated their spiritual search. Of the hundreds of souls who fmally came to meet the Master in his 1952 visit, at least two-thirds, I would say, came through her work during the years 1941 to 1945, when her

"...we began to have our troubles as we changed over from the exclusively one-person dominated group..." frail body and exhausted nerves broke under the strain. Mter one year of severe illness, in which the doctors gave her only a few months to live, the Master called her and Mrs. Patterson back to India, where, in his own un-sudden, but loving way, he healed her. However, in 1946, her good right hand, Countess Nadine Tolstoy, or "Nadja," had already passed away after a lingering illness At this time the three

women were living in another home, the old Chandler mansion of charming Dutch design on 19th Street. Mrs. Patterson had bought it, but alas, the illness of these two women prevented much public work from the winter of 1945 on to 1946, when the house was sold. Another friend, Mrs. Mildred Kyle, stayed with them all of 1945. She was then 83 years of age, and had been for over 40 years the leader of the Theosophical group on the West Coast. As students of this group know, they teach of the coming Avatar, but, except for the flurry over Krishnamurti in the early part of this century, have never announced who he is. Mrs. Kyle, however, accepted Baba as the Avatar and brought some of her group with her. The rest "divided away," as one might say. To this remarkable woman we owe the formation of our little "Monday Night Group." With the other two women too ill to see anyone, this most lovable old soul started a Monday-night reading and discussion group in the ground-floor parlor of the house on 19th St. She read one of Baba's discourses and followed it with a question and answer period and a short meditation-the form we still follow today. She was a clever and able leader of such discussions, though weighing her interpretations heavily with Theosophical meanings. To this meeting, all the old "regulars" came, plus the "comersand-goers" as usual. Agnes Bourne, John Bass, Darwin Shaw were still there, myself (who had become interested in 1943) and my friend Adele Wolkin, by then living in the house with the women, Dr. Honora Bozka (our "metaphysician"), Gladys Smith, Frances Barnvard, Mrs. Bahjahjian, and a few others. With the sale of the house and the return to India of Norina Matchabelli and Mrs. Patterson, our little "family" was scattered, our meeting place gone. This created a problem: how was the group to continue? We all agreed that we should. Fortunately, a Mr. Alexander Markey offered his New York office for our use after business hours, on Mondays, and it was there we continued to meet. It was also there we began to have our troubles, as we changed over from the exclusively one-person dominated group we had previously been. Mrs. Kyle, however capable had, after all, conducted the meetings in the home of the Princess and with her guidance. Now we were on our own. (Part-two ofthis article will continue in the next issue ofthe LoveStreet LampPost) 17

AGNES BARON AND MEHER MOUNT Agnes Baron, Meher Baba's watchdog, has gone to the feet of her beloved master. Agni died July 5, 1994. There was a memorial gathering at Meher Mount-around the huge red oak called "Baba's tree"-on Silence Day, July 10, at 12 noon. Agnes preserved the property known as Meher Mount in Ojai, California, which Baba placed in her trust, since the early 1950s. She was a very faithful and loving servant. Her spirit of honesty, direct dealing, and maintaining through many difficulties is inspirational. She asked nothing for herself. Service to her Beloved was most important to her. Agni left San Francisco, California, after an early graduation from high school to attend Antioch College in Ohio. An important aspect of her time at college was her relationship with Prof. Chatterjee, an Indian professor who later referred to Agnes as his spiritual daughter. After college Agnes became a correspondent for the World Press and the Vienna Herald, prominent news agencies in Europe. Fluent in nine languages, she was able to cover a wide range of subjects-meeting with many top government officials of the day (the 1930s)---often traveling alone across the open countryside of remote regions, researching obscure communities and their customs. While much of what Agnes did during these years was fascinating, she also witnessed much distress in this the pre-World War II era. Many of the high ranking officials that she had met were reduced to helpless refugees. As the war came closer she finally had to return to the United States. Depressed over the appalling treatment of people and lack of compassion she had witnessed, she spent some time on the East Coast, then returned to her native San Francisco, California. She worked in Los Altos Hills with Josephine Duveneck who was helping Japanese Americans avoid internment. Josephine, along with Agni's dear mentor and friend Prof. Chatterjee, suggested that she look into some new interests such as Vedanta. The Swami in San Francisco directed Agnes to Southern California where facilities for women were available. After moving to Los Angeles, Agnes wanted to continue her writing but was informed that her typing made noise that upset the quiet of the ashram. She was told of another place that she might go in 18

By Bing, Jennie, and Meira Heckman La Cresenta where she could possibly live and write. Though the Center recommended was devoted to Meher Baba, an Indian master she did not know, she decided to go. A book called Avatar needed editing and the author, Jean Adriel, asked Agnes to help with the task. Agnes felt that many parts of the book were more sentimental than she liked and she made some changes. Although Agnes did not like some aspects of the book, she was quite moved by the central subject, Meher Baba. The group wanted to find a new location further away from Los Angeles. Agnes went along on an exploratory drive to look for properties. Back in the hills of Ojai, Agnes asked about a property, seemingly on a whim. No one else was interested at first. They got through a fence and found buildings and features that were very appealing, and it was for sale. Agnes still had not been moved by Baba; she had regard for Him, but was uncertain. Margaret Craske was the final link. She had great respect for Miss Craske and it was their discussions about Baba and other things that really touched Agnes. Agnes fmally met Baba in 1952 during his visit to Myrtle Beach. Meeting Baba was a magic moment for Agni. She came to meet Baba in Lagoon Cabin. The two were alone together. Baba put Agni's head on His shoulder. Everything dissolved for Agnes. In a flash she felt her absolute conviction

Ahmednagar 7 July 1994 Our Baroness Agni now resides in the court of her King enjoying His glory and reward of her long faithful service to Beloved Meher Baba as "Watchdog" on His Mount. Most blessed is Agnes Baron to thus serve the Ancient One and most blessed is each one who helped her do so. May Meher Mount ever remain Meher's Mount reflecting Agnes's love for Beloved Baba and His Love for His Mount hallowed forever with His physical presence. Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai!!! from all Meherazad family Mani

CENTER, continuedfrom page 4


of His divinity. Baba was to go to Meher Mount that year, but had the auto accident in Prague, Oklahoma, on the way. Meher Mount became involved in webs of legal and title issues. Finally, Baba ordered that the title be placed in Agnes's name. He also told her that whatever she thought should be done with the land was alright with Him. In 1956 Baba visited Meher Mount. In filis frederick's diary of His visit she states, "He loved Meher Mount very much and felt happy there." "Baba ... said the land was very old and He had been here before." Baba had a relaxed and playful day at Meher Mount, which was a welcome respite during his whirlwind world tour. Agnes held the property with very limited outside support for over forty years. Her living conditions were spartan. During the 1960s and 1970s, Agnes was involved in the War on Poverty program and her own drug abuse assistance program. She worked on the suicide hotline for many years. She founded, then led, the Headstart Program in the county. Agnes went to India for the first time in September 1983. She particularly enjoyed visiting with Baba's dear ones there. On October 16, 1985, the "New Life" began for Agnes. A fire swept over the property and destroyed all of the buildings. Agnes got off the property with her pets, but nothing else. She was moved by the assistance provided by the local community and Red Cross. She returned to the mountain about a year later. While she had a tendency to bark a bit and be frank in her discussions, she enjoyed visitors very much. Her only concern was serving her Beloved. She wanted all to share in the opportunity for such service. Baba said: ''The only reason why I call upon every individual to work for Me is to make each one share in the Divine Cause." The property has been deeded to Meher Mount Corporation, which is an established non-profit corporation. We will sincerely try to serve her wishes for Meher Mount. We will miss her deeply. You can have an active voice in this effort also. For infomuztion on how you can become involved with the directWn and support ofMeher Mount, please caU Bing Heckman at 415 494-6443, or write to: Meher Mount Corporatron, MEHER MOUNT, 9902 Sulphur Mountain Road, Ojai, CA 93023

Ballot by mail is permissible for this AGM if you cannot attend the meeting. Following the AGM election, the new directors will then meet with the "old" board, exchange responsibilities and help set the budget for their term next year. This is a form of on-the-job training and planning to prevent some of the haphazard "handovers." We have planned that the new board responsibility structure will allow committee workers to eventually become directors. The budget process is working better with the basic rule that at the end of the current quarter we can only plan to spend funds that are currently in the bank for the following quarter's activities (as long as it does not exceed the yearly budget). This means that all funds collected in the current quarter are saved for the next quarter. If funds are scarce, we then have time to do something about it. So far this year, we are within budget. Next year in January, we will have a follow-up, special general meeting to approve the 1995 budget. It will take another year to complete the restructuring that was started nearly two years ago. Program director Deborah Ashe and the board have also completed the template for a master calendar which we hope will be used by all future boards. It will be published... soon! Debbie has done a wonderful job these past two years as program director despite numerous difficulties. She is reportedly stepping down as director at the end of this year (we still hope not) and is hoping that Billy Goodrum will be elected to fill her position. Billy has already been helping on the program committee. Thank you Debbie and Billy. There are still many unfmished issues that the board will be working on, i.e., new site membership criteria, nominating committee terms of office, policy and procedure manual, nomination of director criteria, mailing list use and development, Sahavas development, etc. These will require additional volunteers. Check the chart, step up and tell your director you want to help! Also, if you wish to serve as a director for the coming year or two, tell the nominating committee-walas-Diana Goodheart, Adele Wolkin, Lynne Berry.


AT THE BOOKSTORE Jai Baba and Welcome to the Bookstore! May and July saw the two West Coast Sahavas at which our Bookstore was represented: Memorial Day weekend was the wonderfully successful Meherana Sahavas, held on the new property at Mariposa, and the 4th of July weekend was our own L.A. Silence Day Sahavas. Both a very happy time for me in that I got to meet and re-greet many of you "mail order customer/friends." It was great to see the Hawaii Contingent, even if it was only 2 about the rest of you making it out next year? Judging by the orders I get from the various islands, there are a great many Baba lovers over there, and growing by the month! We have three new tapes to tell you about, all of them Premier Albums! Buz Connor, who has had singles on numerous other tapes, has given a beautiful solo album that seems more like a private devotional meeting than a concert. There are 13 songs, besides which Buz reads for us a letter written by Mehera to Baba's Western lovers. Mani, Baba's sister, wrote a song about Mehera' s devotion to her Beloved entitled The Glory ofLove. She then sent it out to all the Baba Centers asking that the musicians each compose a melody for it. The composition Buz wrote is particularly beautiful, and that is the title track of the album. Mehera herself wrote a song of love called Meher Baba, Lord and Friend, and Buz gives it a beautiful rendering here. His voice has a special quality to it that I heard Mehera said sounded most like Baba's. The Glory ofLove, Buz Connor, $10. The next is a ftrst for us: Mary Lloyd Dugan, an ex-Los Angeleno, has found fame as a Traveling Troubadour of sorts. She is a storyteller, traveling from city to city, performing her one-woman show in schools, hospitals, libraries, etc. From her press packet of reviews and letters, she puts on one heck of a show! Luckily for those of us who do not live on the East Coast and cannot catch a live performance, Mary Lloyd has made a tape that is a delightful collection of stories and music called, "baBA-BOOM." The tales showcase such characters as a pixie, a crab with magic eyes, a sorceress, a wolf, and a man who steals the stars out of the sky. Mary Lloyd says it's for children 3-9 (or 90) and is great for long car rides, or a cozy family evening at home; $10.

by Dina Franklin

Our third new tape is entitled Another World and has captivated me so much that I put the CD on repeat and have it play for hours at a time! The demo tape arrived out of the blue and I was immediately taken by the beauty of it, wanting to know "who, why, how, etc...." Pam and Danny Rubenstein of Tampa, FL, were happy to tell me the story. You may read all about it in the sidebar on page 22. I cannot imagine anyone not liking this tape; it has something for everyone, whether you like rock, ballads, folk songs or anything in-between. They get my vote for the musical guests at our next Sahavas (but then, that's not up to me). The tape is $10; the CD is $15. On the Bookstore pages you w~ll see some of the T-shirts we have for sale. Previously I've been limited in this column to simply telling you about the things we have for sale, but all that is about to change. We are growing up, getting like the "big guys," and will shortly have a catalogue with many photos of the books, pictures, jewelry, tapes-both audio and video, incense, license plate holders, stationery, etc. We are hoping to have it in your hands in time for your CbristmaslMeher-mas shopping. I will be in India from November 1-21, so orders will not be shipped during those weeks, but it still leaves you plenty of time, and there's always UPS 2nd day air! For those kind souls who donated to Tim Thelen's mighty undertaking, the documentary, Meher Baba. the Awakener, you will be very happy to know it is ftnally ftnished. We are offering it for sale at $40 a tape; the total running time is 56 min. For those of you who don't know about it, Tim, a ftlmmaker here in Los Angeles, conceived the idea some 5 years ago of making a documentary to be shown on television, that would explain clearly and objectively exactly who Meher Baba is. We are hoping for it to go nationwide on PBS very soon. Wouldn't that be fabulous?! On our Art For Sale pages this month we are featuring two very unusual and exquisite works. The ftrst is by Diana LePage, an ex-Los Angeleno now living in Queensland, Australia. It is such a shame that we have to reproduce it in black & white, as the colors are superb. I ftrst saw "Baba's Silence" from Diana in the form of black & white pencil sketches of the individual gestures around the outside. We


R.m.mb.r... ord.r your b••u.ifuI1995 B.b. Calend."1'7). Th.y will be .hipped in I••• Novemb.r. If you're in••re•••d in ••lIin.

still have them for sale: they are each about II"xI7" in size, for an incredible $15 per print. So perfectly have they been printed, you would swear you are looking at the original sketch, not a reproduction. The original of Diana's painting is 5'x?' and is hanging in Baba's House, Avatar's Abode, Queensland. But you can have your own copy-a beautiful, full-color photograph, 20"x30," for just $50. To understand just how truly amazing this painting is, read the sidebar on page 23. The other item is most unusual, and you cannot realize how evocative it is until you see it in full color. It is a color photo of a quilt made by Janet Luck and Lindsey Reiter out of the pieces of material that were left over after Mehera had her skirts and blouses made! Those of you who spent time with Mehera will "see" her in this photo. You'll recognize the various pieces of material, and remember having seen her in that blouse or skirt. Janet tells us:

The T-shirt pictures here and on the following pages were taken by putting them on a copy machine, so the artwork is nowhere as detailed as the originals. All shirts are excellent quality, 100% cotton.


This T路shirt is an original artwork, beautifully rendered in black and White and grays, with Baba's face shaded on the right. White: L, XL


"As so often we have heard stories about life with Baba, here were two very unlikely candidates taking on a task without any knowledge or skill to carry it out. Not only did we not know anything about quilting, neither of us had much skill or experience in sewing. Yet, with Beloved Baba and Mehera's love and grace we were able to complete this quill. With every step in the process of designing and sewing, we saw and felt Baba and Mehera somehow guiding us. The design fell together in three hours one afternoon. Our "quilt mentor," Steve Jamison, was invaluable with his knowledge and skill. As we began to make the quilt, we were so often reminded of Baba's life and work, Le., how He would establish or have something built, and then have it taken apart, just when everyone had gotten senJed and adjusted to it. Many times when we were satisfied that a block was completed-after the work of many hours of fining the given materials into the chosen design-<m our next day of work we would both rea1ize we were back to ground zero. Something just wasn't right. So we would take the block apart and start over. This happened time and time again until the day we both knew it was fmished. Only after completing this first stage did we rea1ize that there are seven diamonds on this quilt, seven being Baba's number and diamonds being the Western symbol of love and union in marriage. We have experienced hidden symbols in this quilt, emerging slowly and magically before our eyes. Symbols reminding us of one thing-Mehera lived only for Baba, and He was hers. That is why Reunion is part of the name of this quilt, and Mehera's Garden because it is a garden of prints which gives the fragrance of Mehera to our eyes and hearts."

The 20"x30" photograph sells for $30. Happy shopping to you all!

See you at the Bookstore, )'ourproduct or art through the Booknore, contact Dina Franklin directly at 13101837路6419. evenlnas on Iv. al.......


He is THE ONE, the same Ancient ONE Danny and I have been very happily married for many years. We both left our original denominations when we turned 18, but I always retained my faith in, and love for, Jesus Christ. I became a professional musician in 1979. All my songs, I told everyone, were given to me by God. At one of our gigs, we ran into our old friend Charley Decker, and he said he' djust returned from India, visiting the tomb of Meher Baba. Sometime later, we met Charley for pizza, and he gave us a check with a picture of Meher Baba attached. He said to use the money to start recording our music. We used the check for our first recording session, and we were amazed at how very smoothly everything went. I thought, "Hmm, maybe Meher Baba helped us." In June '93, Charley asked us to go see Baba's disciple, Bhau Kalchuri, at the Unitarian Church hall. On the way there I thought to myself, "I know this Meher Baba must be someone special, because Charley is crazy about Him, but is He THE ONE?" Funny, but that's the phrase Bhau kept repeating all evening: "Oh, He is THE ONE, the same Ancient ONE." Danny and I were impressed by Bhau's selfless love for Baba. I found his stories fulftlled my

by Pam Rubenstein

life-long wish to hear about the Christ and His life first-hand, from someone who'd actually lived with Him. Danny and I both felt a love growing for Baba that filled our eyes with tears whenever we talked about Him. (Divine Wine was flowing!) I started going to meetings at Tom Decker's on Tuesday nights. We started a Sunday morning brunch and a monthly "pot-LOVE" dinner for all those who couldn't make the Tuesday meetings. The group needed music, they said, so I began writing songs for and about Baba. The songs that were not too overtly "religious" are the ones we used on our CD/cassette. (This is "practical spirituality!") The CD is now receiving much air-play and praise from our local alternative radio station. Baba-lovers and non-Baba-lovers seem to like it equally well. "The Kiss," a song I wrote in the Far Cabin at Baba's Center at Myrtle Beach last fall, is about the irony of Baba' s life, when he received Hazarat Babajan' s kiss that changed Him from being totally uninterested in spiritual things to realizing He was the Avatar of the Age! And if people take the time to read the liner notes, they will find our note of thanks to Meher Baba. After all, He does it all!

KBABA IN A TURBAN" This painting of Saba is royal blue, black, white & gray on a white T-shirt.

Whit8l M, L, XL $11




BABA'S SILENCE by Diana LePage I have always loved drawing. My professional training was in sculpture, but for years I had wanted to paint Meher Saba in oil paints. I chose that media because I particularly admired the depth of color in oil paints, and I had a real yearning to paint Saba in colors. I was born with a visual impairment which includes total color-blindness. (Diana is now also legally blind.-Dina) Yet I love colors and strangely, I ~ them, so I decided to base my painting of Saba on those feelings. (Baba was definitely guiding her because the colors are superb, His skin tones translucent, and the large swirls of color that flow into each other with such subtle gradations are nothing short of amazing/-Dina) The subject of Saba's Silence is for me one of haunting beauty and unfathomable mystery. So I chose the image of Saba making the silence gesture as the central focus. Then I placed eighteen of Saba's gestures around the border of the painting because I wanted to convey the feeling that Saba's Silence includes all His moods. After starting with the pencil sketches, I moved on to a series of little paintings of the same gestures to help introduce myself to oil painting. Finally I began painting on the five foot by seven foot canvas. I re-worked the painting four times until I felt it was expressing what I wanted to the best of my ability. REAL HAPPINESS LIES...

Our bestselling T-shlrtl Saba's signature: M S I,an; _ _-",--

L: white, gray, sky blue. peach M: white, peach $6


DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY L: black, white, pale yellow, sky blue XL: black, yellow, blue



_MM" M: navy, white, teal green, red pepper L: teal, black, red pepper XL: white, black, teal, aqua, sky blue, red pepper XXL: white, black, red pepper $10

[4.1, j ,1.1

We also have many L&XL of the hmK!.: ~T-shlrts

(by Andrea). For subject maller, color and l5?ices call Dina, at (310) 837-0419, evenings.

,'.i,' ,£ i S., ,i"'" j :I.. ,'.i" .£ i 5.' ,in, J ,g ,j,U.; .f. s., .is.; , J.I.; .I.U,; .£ JS.I.ISh J.I.:.I.•.:.lL



Have an announcement? Call Mehrnoush Lor/en at (818) 890-2025



Since the article on the libmry Project appeared in the last issue of the lampPost, Adele Wollin reports that six volumes of Baba's writings have been placed in California libmries! Anyone wishing to help with the placement of books locally or nationally through the library Project please contact Brian Drygas at (408) 356-3512 or Adele at (310) 540-8404.

Currently, at the L.A. Center, there is a deposit box for donations of food and clothing to help the needy and homeless. The Center gives through a non-profit corpomtion in South Central L.A. called "Seedling." This independent organization provides and distributes foods, clothing, toys, etc. The Center has been working in conjunction with Seedling for well over a year now. The next food/clothing drive will be in November, for Thanksgiving; but you can donate early!


For the fmal quarter of this year, Mehemna will be making progress on use permit and building permit applications, as well as developing building plans for further retreats/sahavas functions. There will be wonderful weekend and weekday opportunities for service, including land development, road improvement, brush clearance, planting and eventually... building! Fundraising activities will continue, so don't forget that tax-deductible, year-end, heart-felt gift which will be most welcome. Plans to refinance the mortgage are well underway and we hope to have that fmished by the end of the year. Call Chris or Christine Pearson at (209) 966-5078 for all details offuture activities. MEHER BABA SEEN ON THE 'NET?

Internet use is increasing as more and more people, world-wide, use their computers to talk to far-away friends and associates. H you have an Internet address and would like to send/receive messages with other Baba-lovers on the 'net, let us know. We'll be printing a listing here soon. [Sorry, theLampPost's address is still carried by the US Postal Service; find it in the LSLP masthead on page 3.] HIS SILENCE, FOOD FOR THE HEART

In recognition of Beloved Meher Baba's Silence Day, July 10th, a group of L.A. Baba Center members went to Saint Paul Methodist Church in Los Angeles to help with prepamtion of foods for distribution among those people in need who are diagnosed with AIDS. Many thanks to Will David for organizing the event. THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY

A Croatian Baba-lover would very much like to correspond with Baba-lovers here who have the time and the desire to write him about Baba. He has lots of questions for you. Ivan Latkovic, Logoriste 29,47 000 Karlovac, CROATIA 24


July 4th, 1994: Yesterday and the day before marked the first Pilgrim Season days at Mehemzad and we received over 200 pilgrims! Hoshang Bharucha brought an entire village of people who have come to Baba and who are so poor that they barely have enough money to buy food. The Navsari Baba-lovers made it possible for them to tmvel here and stay at Mehembad so that they could make what may be a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to Beloved Baba's Home at Mehemzad and Mehembad.

August 10th, 1994: The pace of this Pilgrim Season has been very unique. It began with over 400 pilgrims staying at Mehembad for Baba's Silence Day and though we felt concerned about accommodating so many at Mehemzad, everything went smoothly. Then a few days later dear Mani came down with the flu and was in bed for at least a week. Our focus of course turned to taking care of her. She is fully recovered but has relaxed her pace which has helped us all to relax a little more. This month is quieter than the previous one so we have more time to spend with each pilgrim who comes. Right now there is a group from Norway-Baba seems to be spreading His Name throughout the world at a very fast pace. A few years ago there were only two Baba-lovers in Norway, now there are at least 30! I hope you are well dear Adele. We all think of you and send much, much love to you in Baba's dear Love. A hug & a kiss. AVATAR MEHER BABA TRUST

At the start of the New Life, Meher Baba had all His belongings and properties sold or given away. The one exception was His Tomb, which He said He could not dispose of because it belonged to the whole world! The preservation of Baba's Tomb and the

many charitable activities which flow from this place of world pilgrimage, are overseen by the Avatar Meher Baba Trust. This Perpetual Trust was established by Meher Baba Himself. It is a special part of His Work which He allows all of us to share in! Baba's only requirement is that love-donations be given freely from the heart. All who wish to participate may contact our trust-walla for further information or to make a love-donation: Lynne Berry. 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626; (714) 9661262. Please make checks payable to "FRIENDS OF TIIE MEllER BABA TRUST." NEW FILM ON AVATAR MEHER BABA!!

Meher Baba, The Awakener is a comprehensive, 56minute documentary for television on the life and work of the Avatar of the Age. Produced and directed by Tim Thelen, the film combines footage and stills of Baba as well as interviews with Bhau Kalchuri, the twins, Marguerite Poley and Don Stevens.Meher Baba, The Awakener will shortly be offered to PBS for national broadcast, but is available now as a home video! Copies can be ordered from the bookstore at $40.00 (+ $2 shipping & handling) each, or directly from Divine Sport Productions at the same price. (California residents add 8.25% sales tax.) Divine Sport Productions, 1102 11th St., #103, Santa Monica, CA 90403; (310) 393-3715. THE INCREDIBLE VISIT

One ofthe highlights ofthis quarter's Service Committee events was visiting Dana Field on August 14th. Dana-one of the few men from America to attend the "three incredible weeks" with Meher Baba in 1954-is now staying at the Beverly Manor Nursing Home in West Covina. The visit's program consisted of entertainment, live music, dance and a beautiful Baba video. It was a very happy and cheerful occasion for everyone present. The L.A. Center's Service committee is looking forward to another group visit to Dana on Sunday, December 11th. Everyone is invited; contact Mehernoush for directions and time. AUDIO & VIDEO CASSETTE LENDING LIBRARIES

The audio and video cassette lending libraries contain talks by guest speakers from Sahavas gatherings and Center meetings in Southern California. Video cassette library: AMBCSC-Video library, do Raymond Lee, P.O. Box 3247, South Pasadena, CA 91031-6247. Audio cassette library:AMBC-CL, PO Box 3233, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-1233.Jai Baba!

BHAU RETURNS TO CHAPEL HILL by John Gunn Bhau came to Chapel Hill after Washington and before Myrtle Beach. He could bypass this stop on the grounds that it's close to the Meher Centermany of us could see him there. But we're really glad he agrees to stop, because the atmosphere is very intimate here during his visits and the Wine really flows. As is often the case, Bhau came during the week. The evening crowds were huge, 70-90 people crammed into Beth and Nick Principe's screened porch. Daytime visits were really sweet and relaxed personal times for those of us who could sneak out of the Labor Phase for a while. Bhau brought a mix of the old and the new this time. Of course someone always asks about the difference between unnatural and non-natural sanskaras. And we all nod sagely as Bhau explains it yet again. And although we all feel we understand it, none of us can reproduce the explanation convincingly the next week. Bhau told his famous story "Bhau Eats Like a Giant;" he pronounced this the "Age of Bills"; he discussed the New Life; he reminded us to be natural and honest rather than modest. There were stories upon stories. Although we loved it, we didn't get Bhau' s visit exactly right. We are all so reverent and sincere. We listen with rapt attention. There were sighs and not a few tears. It was really sweet and poignant. Many of Bhau's stories make us laugh, but overall we are a pretty solemn bunch. Now the time is overdue for us to give a good laugh back to Bhau. He loves humor; he's a connoisseur of silliness. I don't know what we'll do, but Bhau, you must find time to come back one more time (and please ask Christine to schedule an extra day). We'll do something really silly next time, so we can give you back some of the joy you have brought us, with a laugh.






Bookstore LoveStreet LampPost Library Project Telephone Tree Publicity (extemal) Advertising Posters Public Announcements

Internal: Meet & Greet Hospitality Emergency Assistance Extemal: Community Assistance Food/Clothing Program

DEBORAH ASHE Center Activities Weekly Program Guests Networking Quarterly Master Programs Child & Youth Programs sahavas David McNeely Lois Jones Billy Goodrum Adele Wolkin Chris Pearson Ray Lee Glenn Russ Bobby Dearborn Caroline McDonald Dana Lee Fred Stankus Donna sanders Rosalie Dunphy (many others)

RoseChoi Christina Riley Adele Wolkin Pris Haffenden Mehmoush Lorkalantari Caroline McDonald Glenn Russ Fred Stankus (many others)

FUNDRAISING LEGAL ROCKY ROGERS Secretary Articles of Incorporation By-laws Contracts Copyrights Minutes Attorney Center Database: Membership Non-members Mailings Pris Haffenden (NEED HELP!)


BOBBY DEARBORN India Sweepstakes Dinner Auctions Yard Sales Pledges Donation Drives Special Events Cash-flow Coordination year-found sam Ervin Margaret Magnus Pat Griffin Karina Page Linda zavala Glenn Russ (others)

Lois Jones Adele Wolkin Will David Steve Berry (others)

PERSONNEL GLENN RUSS Volunteer Coordination Conflict Resolution Guideline Development: Paid Employees Volunteers Staff Training: Employees Volunteers (NEED HELP!)


FIXED ASSET MANAGEMENT MAHMOUD AJANG Building & Caretaker Archives Audio Library Video Library Equipment Maintenance Storage: Treasures Artifacts Other Items Larry Retcher Clea Sucoff Linda zavala Ray Lee Donna sanders Diana Good heart Bobby Dearbom David McNeely (others)

Treasurer Budget Accounting Tax Investments Insurance Purchasing Budget Projections (NEED HELP!)

PRESIDENT MIKE RAMSDEN Long-Range Planning New Center Acquisition Board Chairman Plan Implementation (many others)


ACROSS *2 7 9 10 11

inherent (bas~, sanskar~, kannil;...) industrious, social insect without wings "Whether you want it __ don't want it, you will get it." (Bhau Kalchuri) ratio of parts in a circle; like Baba's infmile love, its computation is impossible. Meher Baba is: "Buddha" in Buddhist, "Christ" in Christian, "Krislma" in Hindu, "Mohammed" .

*15 Jeevalma extract *16 why Baba lovers' train doesn't stop at the station 17 Persian for"rose;'or Baba's doctor: er. 18 QUnese distance unit, or Love Infinite (abbr.) 19 Lunatic Asylum (abbr.) 20 this won't do for a karmic debt. (abbr.) 22 "Po~er" gone awry (at its center) makes no sense at all. 23 to free from burden, suffering and worry *26 spiritual advice (sounds like-but isn'tand all-male boogie) 28 largest democratically run Baba center in the world is located here. (abbr.) 29 the ego says, "I __;" in the morning. 30 a lump, or the point of a story *31 heaven scent

DOWN *I 2 3

The puzzle has a theme! All the clues with an asterisk (*) are for words that can be found in Meher Baba's quote below. "To penetrate into the essence of all being and signifi. cance, and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the guidance and benefit of others, by expressing in the world of forms, truth, love, purity and beauty-this is the sole game which has any intrinsic and absolute worth. All other happenings, incidents and attainments can, in themselves, have no lasting importance." AVATAR MEHER BABA

The answers to this puzzle's clues can befound in the next issue ofthe LampPost, along with a new puzzle!


*5 6 8 11 12 13 *14 15 *19 21 22 24 *25 27 28 30

a '60s gross-plane party in the Addams Family, cousin "__" past, present or future in a language; uptight found in old churches and new computers; often mistaken for God God's sandal-play anger; wrath "in," from the other direction JA_ _ _ _ MEHER BABAI (pre-avatar) clutter, disarray, or military dining hall Baba's home in the West is in such a state. the Mischievous Chicken singular of "e pluribus" (7) along with truth, purity and beauty, it is the greatest Law of God. natural aptitude, style; Charlie Morton's wardrobe and shoe collection has this. Southern nut and pie famous talking horse: "Mr. --" __trinsic and absolute worth. Universal Abstinence Republic (abbr.) with zinc in bronze (abbr.) "born," in French 27

Chemical Factory Near Meherazad Almost every day Baba-Iovers from India and abroad inquire anxiously about the latest status of the legal proceedings against the chemical factory. Uppermost in all of our thoughts is the health of our Beloved Baba's precious mandali, which has been exposed to hazard, as the factory is located at such a short distance from Meherazad. Happily, recent developments have given us hope that the end of this chapter is drawing near. Of course, we also are greatly concerned about the health hazards to locals and visitors, and violations, including: toxic chemicals, improper handling of hazardous chemicals, threat to agricultural area and international pilgrimage area, fires, Indian EPA Act of 1986, Hazardous Chemical Rules of 1989, emergency plans, hazardous smoke, noxious smells, leaks, accidents, local wells and water source pollution, etc.

The court reconvened, after an adjournment, to hear testimony from the State Pollution Board. The Federal Pollution Board has already said they felt the factory should be closed down. During the路 testimony of the State Pollution Board, because it .. appeared the verdict would go against the chemical factory, the factory's attorney made a motion as follows: the chemical factory would move out of the area, entirely, but, since the plaintifs (Dr. Goher, Jal Dastur and others) had offered money

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Loa Angelea, California 90025

Excerptedfrom contributions by lal Dastur, Lynne Berry and Buz Connor. for that purpose at some time in the past, the factory is requesting that money be offered not only by them, but by the State as well, to help in the move. The judge ruled that in another three weeks, they should come back with what they would llke to offer the owners for the move and at that time a final ruling wUl be made. It looks positive that the court will rule against the chemical factory, but we will see how it tums out. By way of clarification, we would like you all to know that the Trust is in no way involved in this campaign, and not a single rupee of Avatar Meher Baba Trust funds is being spent for this purpose. The matter has been undertaken solely by private individuals. We hope that you will inform all concerned accordingly. .. In any case, we feel that this confrontation is Baba's game; His name is now known to Central and State Governments, the Judiciary and the public at large through the press. We were really very happy to receive the beautiful response from you all and highly appreciate it. It has definitely had an impact. Baba willing, we shall all rise to the occasion of preserving the precious lives of His Mandali, His loving legacy to us all. For more late-breaking news the contact people we have are Lynne Berry at (714) 966-1262 or Adele Wolkin at (310) 540-8404.

* * * Non.profit Org. U.S. Poatage

PA I D Redondo Beach, CA Pennlt No. 196




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