Love Street Lamp Post 1999

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Editor’s Corner Jai Baba and a Happy New Year to all our readers!


he first quarter ofthe year means two Amartithi and things to Baba lovers the Beloved’s Birthday. Unfortunately, this magazine has to be written almost three months in advance so it does not allow us to be veiy timelywith our coverage ofevents. However this year, your editor will be so a first for her present at Amartithi the in coverage very complete will get you April issue. I’m sure we can count on the usual full reporting ofthe Birthday celebra tions by Heather Nadel or Irene Holt, both on the spot from start to finish. Ifany of our readers plan on being there for the Birthday celebrations and would like to submit their account, we would love to read it. Do lots of photos! Please re take photos member at any time, when submitting pho tos, to always put your name and address on the back ifyou wish them returned. Speaking ofphotos, you will note we have a photographic essay The Steps t o His Feet as our centerfold. We would like to encourage you to send in any photos that you have taken in India that particularly move you, and you feel will have the same affect on our readers. Please, send only good clear well lit pictures, preferably in black and white. Often what looks wonderful in color does not have the same effect when printed in black and white. Be sure to give us full information as to where and when it was taken. Ifthere are people in the photo, you must first obtain their permission in case it is published. We are constantly striving to improve the LampPost. It is a learn-as-you-go perience for all ofus involved in its produc tion. None ofus have done anything like this before, and we would love nothing more than to be able to do it full time. Alas, it is all volunteer work done after our regular jobs are finished for the day. For 6-8 weeks every quarter we are all burning the midnight oil to get it out to you almost on time. —

The letters we receive make it all worthwhile. The one Bree Rael sent from Canada pretty much sums it up for a great many of you: “Itruly cherish receiving the LampPost. It is a masterpiece ofcollective love in Babac name andllookforwardto each issue. It keeps mefromfeeling so lonely and isolated up here in the British Columbian woods...” We are glad you feel that way, because it makes it easier to tell you “Its that time of year again. We need your donations in order to keep publishing. The actual cost of producing and domestic mailing of the magazine is $10 per person for the year. Because ofthe extremely high cost of postage overseas, we must ask for $20 for maga zines going to foreign countries. We have almost 1000 on our mailing list but only 425 have ever sent in a donation. This to strains our finances to the maximum the point ofhaving to dip into other funds to cover costs. Luckily there are some very generous people to whom Baba has given the abilityto donate far above the $10 necessary. These kind souls are allowing the majority ofyou to continue receiving your LampPost. We do not have the commercial magazine’s ability to track when you paid and have that expiration date printed on your label. (Ifwe charged $30 a subscrip tion we probably could!) So we leave it up to you, send in what you can when you can, and for those ofyou who are really finan cially stressed (and doesn’t that seem to go with being a Baba lover?!) not to worry we’ve got you covered. Ifyou would prefer not to receive the magazine, please let us know so we can save the costs. For our overseas subscribers, you may find it easiest to put your donation on a credit card, but for those with an American checking account, we would prefer checks. Please make them out to The Love Street LampPost. We have many new subscribers who have sent in . .“

£ozeStreet £zmI2bst’

donations over the past few months, please don’t feel you have to send in more now! And ifyou cannot rememberjust when you sent it in, neither can we! Don’t worry be happy. We function only by Baba’s Grace. It is all up to Him. Remember this is your magazine, it is only as good as the material we receive so keep on sending! But please, no handwritten submissions. No one has the time to type out 8 handwritten pages such as we recently received! Ifyou can’t email it to us, or send it on a disk, then it must be clearly with no corrections in the typewritten margins! We love to receive your submis but please have mercy on the sions slaves at this end! Our cover photo is courtesy of Jal Dastoor who had it beautifully reproduced and made available for sale in the Love Street Bookstore. They are approximately 12 x 12, in full color, and are actually a com posite, created by the incredibly talented photographer Homyar Mistry, of3 different photos. Manypeople have photographed the inside ofthe Samadhi, but the tiny photo of Baba that is on the wall high above the tomb, and also the writing on the marble have never been as clearly captured as they are here. In the photo we have for sale, the brass studded doors are visible also. It is printed on quality card stock and included in the package are 3 small 2 x 3 colored reproduc tions ofCharlie Mills’ portraits ofBaba that have the 3 main artis printed on the back. Also in the packet is a strip of4 more col ored reproductions ofCharlie’s paintings. These are scored so that each photo can be folded along the crease and stand alone as a series ofBaba pictures for your desk or dresser. The entire package is extremely high quality and is available for only $12. Thank you Jal! —

In His love and service, Dma

A publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California

£ove&eet Lamgosr welcome The £ovcStrcetJ.amJJPosr is dedicated with love to Avatar Meher Baba. Its primary purpose is to contribute to a sense of community among all His lovers by providing a place for sharing His remembrance. All the members ofthe Baba family are invited to contribute to thisfeast ofLove. Your stories, photos, art work, poetry, letters, articles, and humor are all actively solicited. We seek expressions of Baba’s message of Love and Truth. Please submit your text on computer disks ifpossible (in any software format); typewritten copy on white paper is also acceptable. Be sure to clearly identif5 all submissions and credit every quote or reference.

submissions, subscriptions, donations: Love Street LampPost Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 1214 South Van Ness Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520 213-731-3737 or —

deadlines: for the January March April June July September October December -




issue: issue: issue:

November 8th February 8th May 8th


August 8th

7he Love Street EBookstore: Dma Snow (at the addresses above) 310-837-6419 between 7 and 11pm

310-839-BABA (2222) 24 hour fax

credits: editor: Dma Snow design and layout: Betty Lowman, Cherie Plumlee, Thomas Hart distribution: Chris Lyttle, Harry Thomas, Don Douglas, Marc Brutus

The £oveStreetJ..am1JPost’ is published quarterly, in January,Apriljuly, and October. All contents © 1996 Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. All quotations, photos or books, ofAvatar Meher Baba,


Follow His Footsteps Around the World! God’s Signature God Speaks in 10 ½ hours Debra Aslie TRUsT UNVEILS EXPANDED DEvEt.OpMErrr Pi FOR MEHEiisu EsotTE A Note from Our Trustwalli Lynne Berry A Letter from Pratap Ahir ‘fimsgfiui ‘TrppingOver5ey

The Divine Power House Surrenderance A Zoroastñan Wedding at Meher Mount Step Over the Obtacles That’s How You Should Live in the World Unity The Turning of the Key It Was He Who Kissed Meheth Hand The ‘Turkey Swing Dance’ 1$aw.ou 3ancing



6 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 I2 14 I4 I4 I6 I7 19 I9 20 22 24 24 24 24 2 26 .

poetry by Hafiz poetry by Hafix Bid Nato


Meher Baba Wendy Ward Mani S. Irani Meher Baba Meher Baba Sarah McNeill Mani S. Irani


poetry by Hafiz

iTh St€ps to Ris 3:ed The Filming of The Witness Series Videos

photo spread Wendell C. Brustman Memories from Past Lives Meher Baba Message tn Disciples Meher Baba Snuff Margaret Craske A Magical Thanksgiving Day at Meher Mount Fred Stankus ‘ro.5cnytl;ing(-rI;at.k4Yd poetry by Hafiz The Darbar Pose Picture of Meher Baba Bal Natu How SL Franth, Walking One Day With Brother Leo, Explained To Him What ThingsAre PerfrctJoy by Brother Ugolmno The Making oftlie Film Meher Baba in Italy David Carter Sheriar in the Desert Ward Parks The Most Precious Thing MI K. Irani A Letter from Bhau to Our Readers Ward Parks Letter to the Editor Desmond O’brien Meherana Sahavas from A Kids Point ofView jamie Dillon An Update fromJay Ram It is a Divine Art to LookAiways Cheerful Meher Baba Old indian. Teaching Story ‘Don’t Werr Be Happy!” “The Truth Shall Make Ye Free” Do.n Stevens The Language ofthe Heart MeherBaba Be Cøntent With Your Lot MeherBaba The Ocean OfLove Waiting On This Hill The Story ofBaba BalSa



27 28 31 31 32 32 35 36 38 38 39 39 39

reviewed by Kendra Crossen Burroughs reviewed byjini Wilson Debra Ashe

8 8 9

Editors Corner

Dma Snow t T he Love &re4 ¶3ookstore Dma Snow Children’s Page (Living in His World) Cynthia Barrientos The President’s Report Lois Jones Center and Facailities Report Linda Zavala Announcements (The LampPost Needs Your Help) (Congratulations) Notes from the Internet various contributors Prayers, Prose,. and Poetry various contributors Humor for Huma (Godc Quality Control Questionaire)

4 5

2 I0 I5 I8 18 25 29 33 37


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Illlq.tjorijs zniaes an4r iphics in thsspithlzcatzon arepioperty ofthe vpyrççhthollers and/orthe contributors. Messageoimdphotosofll4eherThtha tAvatarA’leherBalm PerpetualPublic

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You are invited to join us in the two biggest fundraisers for Meherabode in Los Angeles. AU monies raised will go towards ongoing renovations of the Center. The first fundraiser is a raffle to win airfare around the world (to Meher Baba’s home in India, Avatar’s Abode in Australia, Assisi in Italy, East Challacombe in Devon, England, and Centers Meher Baba established in the United States (as well as a chance to visit us here at Meherabode in Los Angeles). There will also be second and third prizes! Flyers with more information about the around the world pilgrimage will be mailed in January.

Second Prize F:

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A complete set comprising all ofAvatar Meher Baba’s video tapes from the LoveStreet Bookstore (Meherabode). Videos will include Beyond Words, Love Personfled, 0 Parvardigai and other movies ofBaba that you and your family will treasure for generations. .




Third Prize

A $250 gift certificate from the LoveStreet Bookstore with which you can purchase books, music tapes, videos, t-shirts, jewelry, and much more.

Tickets are $25 each or 7 ticketsfor $100. The second fundraiser is an auction for a copy ofGod Speaks signed by Meher Baba. (See next page.)


God’s Signaturet: A

vatar Meher Baba has inscribed each of our hearts with His Divine Love. This Love propels us on the path home to Him. To help us understand this journeywe must all make through creation and involution, He wrote God Speaks, a most precious gift to humanity! Never before in recorded history has there been a book written and signed by God Himsefl

GOD SPEAKS The Theme qf Creation and Its Piupose

At Meherabode as the wind dances with Baba’s flag and the sun caresses the shining dome, we continue major construc tion on the Center. In the comingyear, the center needs to raise another $85,000 so that we may obtain our occupancy permit and complete renovations. As a fund-raiser for our ongoingprojects we will be offering for auction this incomparable book signed by the Avatar of the Age. There are only 498 copies signed byHim in existence, the copy which we are selling is number 397. Ann Forbes, a long time Baba Lover from Miami, was fortunate to receive this gift oflove directly from the Avatar. She bequeathed herlIbrary including this copy ofGodSp&ths to Earl Starcher the architect ofthe “Shrine to the Perfect Man” (a rep-

kv Meher Baba tAdUr P1





lica of Meher Baba’s Tomb) in New Mexico.* He in turn left his treasures to his family and they are kindly sharing them with the Los Angeles Center. Waves ofnew Baba lovers are coming to Meherabode as His message oflove and

Dodd, Mead & Company EW YØj


truth circulates rapidly. To accommodate all who wish to come, this construction is our Mghestpriority Therefore, the Center is reaching out to have this auction via interne4 mail, telephone, andfaxfbrworld wideparticpation! Thelast auctioned copy of God Speaks inscribed by Baba sold for $14,000. Sealed bids will be accepted any time before March 1st. More information will be mailed by mid-Januarç 1999. *See Love Street LampPost, October, 1997

God Speaks in 10 1/2 Hours! by Debra Ashe, Los Angeles


he Marathon Reading of God Speaks, hosted by Lunatic Asylum member, Debra Ashe and of course inspired by Meher Baba the Beloved, took place on Sunday, Novem ber 15th in the main meeting room at Meherabode. The reading of God Speaks consist ed of 190 pages ofwritings by Meher Baba, which minutely detail thejourney ofthe soul.




ebra conceived this zany approach to reading God Speaks in an effort to uti lize the heartfelt lunatic energy of the L.A. group to focus on Meher Baba. Create the event and they will come! And come they did! Twenty-nine people participated in the reading outloud and recording of God Speaks. Each person approached the reading of Baba’s words with a sense of commitment, determination, wonder, andjoy. Each person who read had their own style and read at their own pace. Tamara Mark commented that the reading of God Speaks was surprisingly easy and effortless. Once the presence of Meher Baba was strongly felt it was as if Baba was there reading His words Himself Wendy Ward felt a sense ofawe and so much power in what was happening she read at 2 pm and stayed with Debra until the verylast page was read. While Dana Lee was working on the grounds and watering the flowers, she could hear the voice ofBaba’s words over the P.A. system and it gave her a feeling of calm and serenity. Shireen Lorkalantari read God Speaks in Persian, after which her daughter Golnaz translated the passages into English. Adele Wolkin read with clarity and strength. Fred Stankus made every line sound as if he were reading a children’s bedtime story George Gerdes and Michael Campagna acted out the words as ifit were a performance at a theater. Regarding Baba’s words, the following quote was given by Meher Baba Himself, —

4s Baba works on these words that He

gives out, He attaches to each word a spiritual energy ofgreat quantity, greatproportion, and the individualwho takes the trouble, even without understanding, to read Baba words, taps into thisgjft ofspiritualenergy which theAva tar has attached to His own words.”

Debra Ashe* began the reading at 9 am with: “All Souls (atmas) were, are and will be in the over-soul (Paramatma).” At 7:30 pm Marc Brutus completed the reading with “Therefore, the Goal is to realize the Reality and attain the “I am God” state in human form.” GodSpeaks— 190 pages —read in ten and a half hours! *1 heard the words of our Beloved roll one into another for 10 ½ hours spellbound, listening to a seamless work of love by His loved ones. I am still intoxicated by the experience!




TRUST UNVEILS EXPANDED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR MEHEiBAD ESTATE U.S. Residents Can Now Make Tax-Deductible Contributions To Development Plan he premier issue of Avatar Meher Baba P.PC.Trust News1etter In His Ser vice, was published this month. It stated that “The Avatar Meher Baba Trust has estab lished a master plan for the large-scale devel opment ofits estate over the next five years. This plan envisions the creation ofa parklike environment on Meherabad Hill space with tree plantations, gardens, and permanent pavilions for pilgrims’ use during Amartithi and other gatherings. The plan also projects the development ofa new site for Pilgrim accom— modation in a quiet section oftheTrust estate approximately one kilometer to the west of the Tomb. Construction ofroads, water reser volTs, and pipelines has already begun, and the laying offoundations for new Amartithi and pilgrim facilities should start within the year.” The Trust also reported that the mandali and the trustees have long been aware of the need to prepare for the large crowds and continuous streams of pilgrims in the decades ahead which will be the manifestation of Meher Baba’s words “Meherabad will eventually become the greatest center ofpilgrimage in the World”. Even now the facilities are frequently overcrowded. An added stimulus involves the Indian land use ordinances, which require that the Trust now begin to utilize its properties for appropriate nonagricultural pur poses. The estimated cost ofthe Five Year De velopment Plan is $1,890,000 of which $235,000 is needed in the first year. While U.K. citizens have been able to take tax-de ductions for love gifts to the Trust, U.S. citi zens have not in the past generally been able to do so. Since a very large sum is needed for the Plan, the Trust has set in place a structure where U.S. citizens can now make tax-deductible love gifts to the Trust for the Five Year Development Plan. With the help of U.S. counsel the Trust prepared an Affidavit ofits Equivalence to a U.S. public charity with supporting documentation. While the Affidavit does not permit U.S. citizens to donate to the Trust directly in a tax-advantage way, it does makes it easier for qualified U.S. tax-exempt Baba organizations to make grants to the Trust. Individuals can receive a tax-deduction by making alove gift to one ofthe qualified U.S.


Baba tax-exempt organizations with the re quest that the money be used for the Five Year Development Plan. To date, six Baba tax-exempt organizations have signed grants with the Trust and contributions can be made to them. These six are:

Please note, however, that donations to Avatar Meher BabaTrust (for the support of the mandali and other beneficiaries) cannot be made through U.S. or U.K. tax-exempt organizations. As in the past, these donations can be sent directly to the AvatarMeher Baba Trust office in Ahmednagar, or your local Trustwalla.

Avatar Meher Baba Center ofSouthem California c/o Kanji Miyao. Treasurer 1214 S. Van Ness Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520 (213) 731-3737

Meherana, Inc.

A Note from Our Trustwaffi

Christine Pearson 5311 Italian Creek Road Mariposa, CA 95338 (209) 966-5078 do

Sheriar Foundation do Andy Lesnik 3005 Highway 17 North Bypass Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 (843) 448-1106

Meher Baba House c/o Keith Sheridan 236 West 27th Street New York, NY 10001 (212) 645-6400

Meher Prasad Inc. Steve Edelman 4364 Glengary Drive Atlanta, GA 30342 (404) 261-3563 do

Meher Baba Washington Gathering, Inc. Pam Butler-Stone 1127 Dewey Court Kensington, MD 20895 (301) 946-0236


Tax-deductible contributions to the Trust’s Five Year Development Plan of $250 or greater should be made directly to one of the above organizations who will provide the individual with an acknowledgment of their gift for IRS purposes.Tax-deductible contri

butions for the Five Year Development plan of less than $250 can be collected by Trustwallas who will give them to the quali

fled Baba tax-exempt organizations with a letter detailing the contributors and amounts. The Trust plans to workwith the Trustwallas to institutionalize this system.

by Lynne Berry


fyou’ve been thinking that sometime

you’d like to make a love-donation to the Trust, today maybe the perfect time. The Avatar Meher Baba Trust runs a first-rate school, provides medical care for villagers and maintains Baba’s tombshrine andTrust properties. There are also beneficiaries ofthe trustwhose living cxpenses are covered by donations from Baba-lovers. All ofthese worthy projects were specified by Baba Himself, in the Trust Deed. Many of the Trust’s chari table projects and outreach projects are carried out by Eastern and Western vol unteers. Some projects, however, require the assistance ofpaid Indian workers, and as India raises its standard of living, the cost of materials and labor is on the rise

also. Now this new opportunity presents itseW Love donations are also needed for

the archives project; preservation of the precious articles used and touched by Baba that mean so much to all of us. If this appeals to you, please make your check payable to Friends of Meher BabaTrust, and send it to: Lynne Berry, 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.


‘Street £amUbst-






A Letter from Pratap Ahir [The following is excerpts from a letter written to Shireen Lorkalantarifrom Pratap Ahir who was a verypopularguest at the LA. Sahavas lastJuly. D Goher had recommended that we ask him, and as it was hisfirst time in America, he was very excited to be here. Since so many ofyou were really touched by him and his lovefor Baba, Shireen graciously agreedto share her letter withyou all. It carries theflavor ofhis talks, andfor those ofyou who met him, it will bring backfond memories.]

ear Sister Shirin and dear Mehernoush, Jai Meher Baba. It is more than a month now since I returned to Mumbai after enjoying a months’ stay with you all. Mywriting to you was postponed for one reason or another. It was only during the third week of this month that I could go to Nagar. It was a nice meeting with all the mandali The feelings ofsatisfaction and happiness which many ofyou expressed through your letters to the mandali about the L.A. Sahavas and other programmes showed on the faces of all of them, and they all very warmly greeted me. Baba lovers in Mumbai and Pune were very keen to hear from me the full account of my trip to U.S.A., and in Mumbai, I spoke on two weekly meetings giv ing to the Baba lovers there a feeling of participation in the Sahavas in L.A. and all those moments I enjoyed at Myrtle Beach. I gave a talk in Poona Center and also in ‘Nagar Cen ter. Baba lovers at these centers could enjoy and feel the love of all ofyou who arranged these programmes. The happiest person in Meherazad was obviously Dr. Goher and through her hand shake with me I could feel the warmth ofher feeling ofsatisfaction. My trip to U.S.A. still appears to me like a dream. It was as ifsome one was pushing me through these events of my life and I was following just as an automaton. Even though I have a strong beliefand a firm conviction that Baba has an eye over every moment ofmy life, that is a conviction without evidence, or so to say, a one way traffic. But indeed there are certain times when Baba gave positive assertion and made me feel that He has His grip over the driving wheel ofmy life. I cannot express in words the blissful moments I spent with you all. I never knew that the Iranians are such




good hosts! Shirin must have fed me with so much butter and cheese in a short period of about three weeks that I might never have eaten in three years! You recall I had told you that Baba had instructed me to eat milk and butter during my early days because according to Him I was anaemic. Baba must have been very happywith Shirin because she fed me with lots ofbutter and cheese! When I narrated all this to mywife and children, they were excited and all ofthem asked me to convey thanks to all ofyou for all that you have verylovingly done for me. Before I started for L.A., dear Havovi, Hoshang and Naju Kotwal who had earlier visited L.A. had told me so much about Baba lovers ofL.A. that I had to tell them that iftheyused all the superlatives themselves then I would be left with no words to express my feelings. Really, there is something special in the people of Los Angeles, something which cannot be expressed in words but which can only be felt in hearts. Baba had opened several Mast Ashrams in Meherabad,Toka, Rahuri, and Bangalore, and I cannot help feeling that Los Angeles is a similar ashram in the West. In Indian language, we call such people Mast Ram, meaning people living in ‘Mast’ or a state of intoxication. All the programmes in Los Angeles and the Sahavas programmes in Pilgrim Pines were heart touching and I enjoyed every bit ofthem. In the stillness ofthat night, the si lent march towards Dhuni and lighting of the dhuni, reciting prayers and taking darshan and singers singing on guitars all was touching to the core ofmy heart. An experience which I can never forget in my life. The very atmo sphere of Pilgrim Pines is so very enjoying that even a stone-like heart will start singing. Hats offto the high taste ofthe lovers of the Highest ofthe High for making an excellent choice ofsuch a beautifial place. Sister Havovi had told me that sister Lois is a very good organizer. Indeed, she is. A common interest that I share with her is the liking to work with children (I consider all those below the age of 16 as children) I remember Dr. Gani telling us that Baba had said to them that it will be the third generation which will do His work in the real sense. Dr. Gani & Co. was the first generation, ours is the second and our chil dren are the third generation who will do the realworkfor Baba. I find the signs in the chil dren ofBaba families. They do not cling on to the old traditions and faiths as the people of our generation do. We seek some measuring rods from the old scriptures to measure the -



greatness of Baba. I remember a couple of Baba people had contacted some high priests ofthe Hindu school ofthought to confirm the periods ofAvataric advents on the background ofBaba’s statements in that respect. But the boys and girls of the 3rd generation accept Baba’s declarations as the absolute Truth and in relation to this Truth, they decide whether what is stated in the old scriptures is authen tic or not. We reallylearn so many things from the children. And what to say ofthe programme staged byjeffMaguirc and Fred Stankus and others during the Sahavas?Jeff&Co. deserve great appreciation for their novel and creative ideas. Both the guests, Robert, by his talk frill of emotion andjamie byhis enchanting singing, made a deep impression on my heart and it was my privilege to share with them the honour ofbeing one ofthe invited guests. Thank you in our beloved Baba’s love to all who helped make myjourney so wonderful. Jai Meher Baba!

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:Reviews The Ocean ofLove by Kendra Crossen-Burroughs Meher Mount, Ojai, CA ‘m pleased to announce the release of a cassette single featuring Bob Holdt (1944-1997) singing his song “The Ocean ofLove.” Most Baba-lovers have heard and sung this beautiftil, timeless song—at the Samadhi, around the dhuni fire, and at vanous Baba gatherings around the world. Dolly Dastoor ofMeherabad has characterized it as an Anti in its own right. In 1996 a benefac tor brought Bob into a studio in Cambridge, Mass., where he recorded versions ofthe song in three tempos, accompanying himselfon his autohanp. Although Bob was quite ill with


THE OCEAN ()1:: LOVE BOB i—ic)iI)T


? ‘




Waiting on This Hill byjim Wilson, Oregon and Parks has once again created a new CD with an offering ofsongs for the Beloved, songs that probe into the es sence of “the only game of intrinsic worth.” Ward has collected together a group ofBaba’s lovers who perform for Baba’s pleasure. Their efforts seem to unfold the love, truth, and beauty ofour Beloved’s broken silence in each heart. The title song of the CD, Waiting on this Hill, vocalizes several themes that emerge from the composer’s inner moments with his Beloved. These themes enchant us even frtr ther in the song Sleep Like the Night that Made You. The melody, by Giamaco Puccini, sung so beautifully by Debbie Nordeen, merges soulftillywithWard’s poem, a lullaby of trust and union and gratitude to the Beloved, a gem ofmusicality reflecting deep personal awakening. Unlike many contemporary songs where the singer/composer is processing personal “dreaming and awakening” in a language of everyday idiom, Ward’s songs seem to tran scend that focus. Perhaps the CD package should include a copy of the lyrics. These compositions are more demanding in the lis tening, perhaps that is whythe melodies catch so easily in the recesses ofyour memory and you find yourself singing along. The com pressed language ofhis poems, when released




in the consciousness of the heart, explodes with light andjoy and pleasure. The choral singing on many ofthe songs is reminiscent ofWestern sacred music, but the embodi ment ofBaba’s presence and beauty cannot be mistaken. The harmonies are uplifting. The rhymes, so anchored in symbols and metaphors, blossom into fragrant garlands to give from our hearts and place at His feet. Our brother, Ward, has been writing poems and melodies for many more than the 20 years I’ve known him. As time passes I see a volume of work growing in quantity, perhaps several hundred songs now. The depth, beauty and polish of his poetry and music have earned a place in the arts that surround Meher Baba and express His incarnation.The level ofhis craftsmanship has to be admired and appreciated for its excellence, as indeed such quality is demanded when the object of its attention is Meher Baba. So, too, with the precision and profun dity ofthe music; one will find it resonating in the inner spaces ofthe heart. The compositions he creates for the Meherabad celebrations ofBaba’s birthday spring from a deep reservoir of experience, notjust in music and poetry, but also in the searching for and experiencing ofBaba’s place and significance in the worlds of literature and music. The first person voice, the “I” of his songs, is the lover smitten by the Divine Beloved. The awareness focuses on the longing for and distance from the Beloved while at the same time glorying in His advent and manifestation.The songWaiting onThis Hill sums up the lover’s search for his Beloved:

By an interesting coincidence, in both songs, Baba speaks to the listener in the first person. People have their own way of singing their favorite songs. I produced this tape because I wanted Bob’s own version to be known and remembered. Bob had a rich, deep baritone voice thatl always thought ofas an ideal coun try-music voice (I loved to hear him sing “Wel come to My World”). Barbara Schultz, a professional graphic designer volunteered to design thej-card, which features the lyrics on the inside ofthe card.The front, with a lovely photo ofBaba, is a gorgeous ocean blue. Even though Bob was blind since early childhood, he did have a favorite color blue. (People had told him he looked good in it, and hejust felt it must be his color.) Another Baba lover of Southern California kindly donated the printing ofthe card. Anyprofit from the sale ofthis tape goes to the Trust in India. $4.


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the cancer to which he eventually succumbed, his voice was strong. With Bob’s permission I took the recording from his bedside and put it into safekeeping. We would have produced the cassette earlier, but Bob couldn’t quite make up his mind which tempo of “The Ocean of Love” to use. Now a little over a year after Bob’s death, I have chosen the one I think is best and produced the cassette. On side B, Bob is singing one ofhis favorite Baba songs, “Look on Me” by the late JeffMylett.

:4cross the worldYourfootsteps here I’vefollowed, ‘ti/I reached this hill, the ending ofrny road; and what ofyon has died in me has hollowed an aching space to serve as Your abode. 0, why weep, then,for the emptiness I seer Meher Baba, Meher Baba will come to me.”

We are fortunate to have such a trou badour, and in the busy life he lives in India where precious few moments are spent waiting on that hill, we hope Ward will continue.$12.

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The Story of Baba Bob by Debra Ashe, Los Angeles


February 7th, 1981 Michael Campagna and I left our Hollywood apartment and followed our hearts to India. Using royalties earned from our songNothingi Gonna Thke You Away which had been re corded on Chaka Khan’s, “Naughty” album for Warner Brothers,we left the world behind to keep our date with the Master. We had the great fortune to perform our Rythym and Blues, Gospel style songs for Baba’s Mandali in Mandali Hall. Mehera and Mani gave Baba’s sign ofperfection after each song was performed straight from the heart. Mani, Baba’s sister, was so inspired by our Hollywood Arti, that she made time to meet with us to teach us the Qwali song Baba Bob written by the Hamirpur Baba group. Every February 25th at 5 a.m., the day and time of Baba’s birth, this group ofBaba lovers weave their way through the streets ofthe city sing-

said “Two days ago, on my Sony-Walkman (with headphones on) I listened to the AshCampagna song-tape Baba Boho.The intoxi cating singing and music thrilled me. Along with you, I feel drunk with the wine of our Beloved’s name!!” Due to the enthusiasm of many at the 1998 L.A. Sahavas, we decided to reissue the Baba Bob tape. Besides the eponymous title, it features The HollywoodArti, Loving You, Run to Him, Giving It Up, In the Night of Dreams, Rickshaw, and the very popular Jeff Mylett song House ofthe Lord. This new digitally-mastered release is now available for all to enjoy. fl2. —

‘frpjiing Over (fIflz


those visiting the Samadhi; these reflect the active presence ofthe Avatar’s omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, responding to the faintestlonging ofan individual’s heart. He is infinitely benevolent! 7Have ComeNotto Teach But toAwaken” these words were spoken by Baba in July 1925, a few days before beginning His si lence, and they are now inscribed on the marble slab in the Samadhi, clearly revealing the purpose of the Avatar’s Advent. They show us the right approach to have when vis itmg Baba’s Samadhi, the center of infinite Power, Knowledge, and Bliss, “Sat-ChitAnand.” Meher Baba, the source of all Blessedness, once conveyed, “The Powerhouse will never fail, provided the wires take care of their connection with It.” The Powerhouse is God as Avatar the God-Man. When formless God takes form as the God-Man, that form becomes the vehicle through which Creation receives a spiritual push. Meher Baba as the Avatar ofthe Age personally chose the place where His form should be covered, so it is inevitable that this place be regarded as the divine Powerhouse. Ifone’s connection with this Powerhouse is intact, then one can feel His presence wher ever one happens to be.This connection is love and trust in Baba as the Ancient One. As the Powerhouse has infinite resources at its disposal, Baba can transmit His love to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Those receiving Baba’s love should take care oftheir linkwith the Powerhouse to be more receptive to His guidance. But even where the connection seems to be nonexistent, a visit to the Samadhi still delivers a wonderful, unexpected charge, as itvibrates with the infin ity ofthe Avatar’s Dixinity Anyone who visits the Samadhi receives an indelible impression of unconditional love from the Source whether one is conscious ofit at the time or not. —




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The Divine Powerhouse


The Samadhi, Star oflnfinity, by Bal Natu, © 1997 Sheriar Foundation.

byBalNatu ing “Baba Bollo” to awaken the hearts of the sleeping city to Beloved Baba’s name. With the support ofFilis Frederick and Gai Geherardi, the Baba Bollo album project was completed in 1987. The tape of songs was sent to Mani. And in a letter to me she 1


hroughout my association with Baba, I have gathered that the only real miracle is the awakening in one’s heart oflonging for the love ofGod. And it is this real miracle that continues to happen within the Avatar’s Samadhi. There are many touching, marvelous, and humorous incidents associated with



urn to God in complete surrenderance and receive the divine love. You are equally a part ofthe one indivisible divine life. There is not a single atom that does not vibrate with this divine life. Meher Baba, Echoes, The Glow Pub., July 1969



Step inside...

71w Love Street BooIcstore by Dma Snow For appy New Year! And thank you all of those for making it the busiest Christmas with have you ever. Ofcourse a lot ofit might well computers, been the inordinate number ofnew releases you can we had available. Judging by your orders, his put there was a lot ofvery happy Baba lovers home page come Christmas morning. Remember, ev up and see cry cent ofprofit from our Bookstore goes to the Center to help with all the necessary his paintin ings repairs, renovations and improvements. So their full you not only get some beautiful Baba trea color. Each sures for yourselfbut you are contributing w e e k to Meherabode in a very tangible way. Charlie Musicallywe have 3 new additions to Mehera by Charlie Mills gives an ourline.Waiting onThis Hill— $15, Baba update on the current painting. It is fasci $4, all $12 and Ocean ofLove Boflo nating to watch it come to life in front of three ofwhich have a write up following your eyes. The on-line address is this article. In the October issue we featured one Charlie tells me he ofthe most popular ofthe Baba artists Wodin (Steve Jameson). This month we Charlie Mills. turn to another favorite As we sell the photographic prints of Wodin’s original artwork, so too do we sell the 15x20 fine quality lithographs of Charlie’s paintings. He has also made four ofhis most popular paintings into greeting cards. Shown here are two, both of which we have in the large print size ready for $25, and in a 10 card pack (with framing envelopes) for $15.



Charlie Mills painting Maui

Charlie Millspainting Babac Face

Meher Baba by Charlie Mills



is now doing something very new! He will take commissions to paint a portrait ofBaba or your favorite Mandali. I’m very excited about that! There are at least eight photos ofMani I would like him to paint! You can consult with him by phone at 843 272 5613 or email to His studio is in his home in North Myrtle Beach. Ifyou are visiting the Meher Spiritual Cen ter, give Charlie a call and drop by to see his beautiful work. (Admittedly, I’m biased

LoveStreet £nm2st

I have one ofhis portraits ofBaba in my living room and donated one ofMehera to Meherabode.) Cherie Plumlee has released three new cards for your pleasure. Cherie starts with a black and white photo of Meher Baba, and proceeds to take out all the smudges, spots, cracks, and lines outs fade (many of the negatives of most the beautiful photos of Baba are in bad condi tion). When as they’re clean as pos she sible, sharpens Lord of Tran.ftrmation blurred edges, adds by Cherie Plumlee






work, the $3 cost is extremely reasonable. She also has enlargements ofher artwork available that are suitable for framing. Don’t youjust love the King of Hearts?

Kitchen Choir 1974 presents a vanety of songs from the late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s. Be Mine is the second tape Bob and J ane Brown released. And boy, have I been asked for this one! It has 24 songs on it including the very beautiful Seven Names ofGod. Sweet Wine ofLove is the first solo release by Kathy Haas Rileywith 15 songs along with the most requested song of all Bob Holdt’s Ocean ofLove.Jim Meyer’s 1976 album featuring The Tavern and I WiliNeverLeave You is entitled One Real Friend. The Tavern is such a powerful and beautiful song kind ofa signature song ofJim’s, but Ted Judson plays it at the Samadhi so beautifully too. For those of you who have long since worn these tapes out, I know how happy you will be to see them back on the market again! Ifyou have never heard any ofthem, well they all come highly recommended. Steve certainly chose the best ofthe best to re-release. They all sell for $10 each. We still have plenty ofthe most beauThe original painting is by Maggie Bevan tiful 1999 Baba calendars a work of ant and it has been made into postcards that in themselves.These are 8 apiece or 7if sell for $1 each. (The high cost is because you buy 5 or more. The last book by Mani, they are made in England and we have to Dreaming ofthe Beloved, was the runaway import them.) They are, of course, in full best seller at Christmas. But ifyou looked brilliant color and would look beautiful for it in vain under your Christmas tree, framed. An eye-catching conversation relax, we have plenty more. Hardbound, 80 starter to be sure. pages, 24 full color illustrations of these Hermes tells me Manifestation will be dreams, it is a steal at $22. releasing Volume 13/14 of the Lord MeThe very finely crafted Witness Series her series early this year. Baring holdups at videos, the ones with interviews with Methe printers, it should be out before sumhera, Mani, Agnes Baron and Irene Billo mer. We do carry all the others, but since (see the article on page 22) were originally volume 3 and 4 are almost completely out released only in NTSC. But that has been of print, we are keeping them for people rectified and for you folks overseas, you can who are going to buy the entire set. And now buy them in PAL. Australians should we do allowyou to buythem one at a time. contact: Rod Tyson P. 0. Box 991 Byron Ifyou wish to build on the collection you Bay, 2481 NSW Australia E-mail already have, that is fine too. After volume Europeans should 5 Hermes released them in a double vol write or call Ralph Lewis, “Kelmscott” ume, so 6/7, 7 (part 2)/8, 9/10, and 11/12, Church End, Hampton Green, Stroud, plus a re-release of 1/2 are all priced at Gloucester GL6 9AD UK. Ralph’s Fax and $80 per double volume. They contain an phone: 01 453 886179 E-mail enormous collection ofphotos, never seen anywhere else, and some absolutely fasci Ifyou wish to place an order, or would nating glimpses into the life ofthe Avatar. like us to send you a catalogue, (alas we only Some good news about some old have the one created for us over 5 years ago!) friends! Many ofyou have asked over the you can e-mail to, phone years for these next four tapes that have me weeknights from 7-11 pm at 310 837 been completelyout ofstock, but now Steve 6419, fax 24 hours a day to 310 839 BABA Edelman ofMeher Prasad tells me he has (2222)orwnite. them available. Ancient One the Original In his love, Dma —

details where necessary, and then colors the photo using a variety of tools to tweak the flesh, hair and clothing tones. When that is done, she adds a suitable background. On some art pieces, the background is made of 4-5 different photographs, these are combined in a way Moondreams that conby Cherie Plum/ce solidates the entire composition and “feels right” to her. All ofthis, ofcourse, is accomplished on the computer in PhotoShop and may take weeks to “fine tune.” You think they look beautiful here? Well tune your com puter to cplumlee/mbartpage.htm and check out her website where you can see them in full color. When she has completed work on a photo, Cherie has a negative made and then makes photographic prints which she mounts on fine quality linen card stock, adds a matching envelope, and encloses them both in a cellophane bag. For all this










k Zoroastrian Wedding at Meher Mount by Wendy Ward, Los Angeles here is nothing beyond God and there is nothing without God yet God can al— vays be captured with love. These words of “

aba graced the cover page of the wedding nvitation announcing the marriage of Vlehernoush Lorkalantari from Los Angeles nd KerryMcPherson from Victoria, Canada )n September 12, 1998 at 4:00 pm at Meher Vlount, California. Kerry and Mehernoush wanted the wedhng to be held at a place that had been graced ) Baba’s Presence. Meher Mount was perect since Baba had actually visited there. Viuch of the property remains in a natural ;tate, just as it had been when Baba visited. fhe area chosen for the wedding was where :he house that Baba slept in used to be beFore itwas destroyedbyfire in 1985.The origi rial chimney from that house still stands and was beautifully decorated with flowers &pho tos ofthe Beloved. One hundred and thirtyguests from both the Zoroastrian and Meher Baba communi ties attended the wedding. The Zoroastrian marriage ceremony was used to unite Mehernoush and Kerry in matrimony. When all the guests had gathered, Mehernoush and Kerry entered the wedding site walking arm in arm. The bride and groom were seated at a table upon which were placed many symbolic items. Most noticeable was a picture of Zoroaster in front of Kerry’s seat, and a pic ture ofJesus in front ofMehernoush’s seat. In the center ofthe table sat a slightlylarger pho tograph ofBeloved Avatar Meher Baba. Jeff Maguire, the MC, introduced the Mobed (the officiator ofthe ceremony) and announced that parts ofthe ceremony would be spoken in both English and Farsi. The Mobed began: “In the name ofAhura Mazda, the great, wise creator, we have come here to bring Mehernoush and Kerry together who have resolved to share their lives as husband and wife in accordance with the law and cus tom ofZarathustra.” He then asked the bride ifshe accepted the bridegroom as her physi cal and spiritual partner. After an affirmative answer from the bride, he turned to the bridegroom and asked him the same question. ATter his assent, the benediction began. “To the


auspiciousness ofall the people assembled here, I pray to Ahura Mazda that this wedding be blessed with durability solidarity love, joy, and happiness. May you be blessed with good chil dren possessed of innate strength of body and mind.” The Mobed contin ued by counseling the couple. “Here are some spiritual directives, listen MobedBabrarn Shahzadi with Mehernoush and Kerry. and practice them so that they are pleased. Hold memorial services in they bring you to divine pleasure and happi ness. Pray and praise God, Ahura-Mazda the honor ofyour departed souls. It is necessary Creator, for he has granted us every blessing, to select one wise person as your guide in life, to consult him or her, because knowledge is and know God as the all knowing Creator. Turn to truth and righteousness. Live alife of vast and it requires the guidance of a wise person in order to obtain a good result. Omni good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. scient God who has created man above all Help the poor as best as you can. Perform the Najote (initiation) ofyour children, so that they other worldly creations, and endowed him with the knowledge ofspeech, loves philanthropy; may stand praising Ahura-Mazda. Be grateful to your parents and teachers and hold therefore do not hurt people with your them in reverence, for God is pleased when thoughts, words, and deeds. Be kind to your



( juniors and respect your superiors.” The Mobed continued by charging the bride and groom to follow the six attributes of God (Amesh Splendam) and to strive towards

ofShahrivar Ameshaspand is spiritual power and self-restraint. Work for leadership and power. Be obedient and respectful to the just leaders. Be diligent and self-reliant. Do not covet other’s riches.Donotbe jealous. 4) The principle of Spent Armaz is humility and kindness. Be meek and modest in life. Be good I and kind to each other. Do not be selfish and arro gant. Be gracious. Do not regard your poor rela tives as a disgrace to your position. Help them finan cially. Establish schools, hospitals and other benefi cial institutes. Be well, yielding and forbearinglike the earth. Keep the earth clean and prosperous. Do r. not pollute her. 5) The principle of Khordad is happiness and prosperity. Have a happy heart and clean body. Cleanliness is in fact purity of soul. Do not be ungrateful. Do not be sad. Look at the world with clear eyes. Be glad and grateful for what God has granted you. Bring prosperity and create happiness. Keep water, the agent ofprosperity and happiness, clean and do not pollute it. 6)The principle ofAmeritat is health and prosperity and longevity. Keep your body healthy and strong. Avoid evil and pollution. Have your home and clothes clean. Drain stagnant water and create farms. Increase trees and plantations. Treat the wor thywith medicine and care.Take care ofthose in trouble. The Mobed then solemnized the marriage and the Tandorsoty was recited. “In the name ofAhura Mazda, I declare you as husband and wife. I wish Ahura Mazda will look afteryou, guide you and help you in your great adventure. Mayyou always remember Asho Zarathushtra’s advice to his daughter





spiritual perfection. 1) The prin ciple ofVohu Manah is peace and good thinking. Be benevolent and well wishing. Acquire knowledge, be wise, and spread knowledge. Be just to your enemies. Be kind to your friends. 2) The principle of Ardibeshesht is truth and righteousness. Always keep yourselves mentally and physically clean. Be united with one another in heart and soul. May you bear each other’s joy and sor row. Give help and receive help. Try to be law abiding and useful citizens. 3) The principle


® Pouruchistra and her husband Jamasya at their wedding ceremony: He said “Dear children, bear in mind that to be truthful to each other is the best way to live together. May you strive lovingly to excel each other. “Dear Ahura Mazda, we commend these young people to your care and attention. two them; guide them in their endeav Look after Mazda, I ask for your Ahura ors. Amen. Dear the union of these two blessing to sanctif5i hearts, so that their wedded life be blessed with your Love. Amen.” JeffMaguire then described what was to follow and told Kerry “Adi K. Irani said that a man without a woman is incomplete; but once he is married, he is finished.” Light or fire is to the Zoroastrians symbol oflove, divine illumi nation, enlightenment, warmth, and energy It is a reminder ofthe Divine Light, purity, and love of God, much as the Dhuni fire is for Baba Lovers. It is the custom for the Mobed to lead the bride and groom, hand-in-hand, around a fire seven times. Each circle sym bolically brings the couple closer and closer to the element of Divine Love, increasing the warmth and love in their own hearts. In this manner the marriage is sealed. The families of the couplejoin in the circle oflight and loire. Tradition was broken when many Baba byersjoined in the circle. And at the end of this beautiftil circle, a resounding cry ofAvatar Meher Baba kiJai rang out. Then a beautiful song was sung in Farsi, followed by Debra Ashe singing “The Rose”, Pris and Chris Haffenden playing “Begin the Beguine”, and Billy Goodrum singing “Deep is the Ocean.” During the songs a feeling of love andjoyfilled the air. A Persianlady standing next to me commented on the presence of love she felt. An incredible Persian feast and hours of exhuberant dancing followed the wedding. The four-tier cake decorated with lacework icing and fresh flowers was cut by the bride and groom, and enjoyed by all. At one point some friends and I decided to walk to Baba’s tree. As I walked up the hill towards the tree, I found that there were many people doing the same thing. Alarge group of Baba lovers were gathered at the tree and we joined them just as they began saying the Zoroastrian Parvardigar Prayer. Many guests quietly walked by while listening to the prayer; othersjoined the back ofthe group and listened respectfully. There seemed to be such total acceptance and mutual respect for






3@ That’s HowYou Should Live in the World Meher Baba


azrat Nizamuddin Awliya, the Perfect Master ofDelhi, was once asked by a visitor how one should live in the world. At that moment so happened that a fewwomen were passing by with pitchers of water bal anced on their heads, and, as they walked, they gossiped and gesticulated. Pointing to them Nizamuddin said, “Look at those women that’s howyou should live in the world.” Asked to explain this cryptic remark, the Master continued, “These women returning from the well with pitchers balanced on their heads seem to be thinking ofnothing else but exchanging tidbits ofgossip with each other; and yet they are all the time concentrating on something far more important, on balancing the pitchers on their heads. Thus, whatever your body, your senses or the purely surface part ofyour mind may be occupied with, see that the root ofyour mind is constantly fo cused on God.” —

each group’s spiritual practices. I thought it wonderftil that there were so many members ofthe Zoroastrian community present at Meher Mount (which is dedicated to serving all communities.) Mehernoush and Kerr you have cho sen to wed on a Dhuni day. Mayyour love for each other be like the Dhuni, so that as you each sacrifice your own individual wants and desires for one another, you find more and more room in your hearts for an ever deeper, self-giving and expansive love for each other and for Beloved God. Avatar Metier Baba kijai!

Step Over the Obstacles byMani S. Irani


t’s good to remember life isn’t a make it or break it affair; while taking the deep happiness a union of two beings in love can bring, one should not close one’s eyes to the constant little demands marriage is bound to make. When understood in that right give and take it will bring you ever closer together and to Him. So because Baba is happy and has approved ofyour marriage it does not mean everythingwill be blanklysmooth, or that there can never be problems and no hurts. Baba does not sweep our paths for us, He teaches us to step over the obstacles to higher giving and loving.

GodSpeaks, p. 208 ©1973 Sufism Reoriented, Inc.

Unity Meher Baba


ove is the reflection of God’s unity in the world of duality As love gathers it generates creative restlessness and becomes the spiritual dynamic which ultimately suc— ceeds in restoring to consciousness the origi nal unity ofbeing. Meher Baba, Echoes, The GlowPub.,July, 1969

Lettersfrorn the Mandali, II, p. 80 © 1983, AMBPPCT

“There is nothing beyond God and there is nothing without God, yet God can always be captured with Love. Avatar Meher Baba “


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Children’s ¶Page

Living in His World From Cynthia Barrientos, Seattle, WA

“Jack 0 Lantern...” to check things out.There he stands, tall and MeI say “Avatar me as at very alert, looking “Meher Baba, Meher Baba her Baba kiJai!”A KODAK moment! NeedYou have such a loving heart less to say, each time I move to reach for him, As you look out in the window behind the couch he zips.Mumble, grrrrrr, sigh, At the people who hug. harumph and an occasional “Oh, Baba”. Meher Baba, Meher Baba It’s 6:50 I’m beginning to lose my pawho loves our everyone One next cabinet, file tience. Now he’s behind the time you come to see us Next check I can to our computer. This is convenient. Sing a song about ME!” back come my emailwhile waiting for him to this out. Hmmmm, haven’t done prayers yet .As Lee sang, I dashed to get a piece of morning. Believe it or not, I fold my hands paper tojot this down and had him sing it a and begin, “0 Parvardigar, the preserver and few times so I could get all the words just protector of all... “You guessed it! Out he right. I asked him ifhe’d like to send this off comes, stands up VERY tall (well, as tall as a to the LoveStreet LampPost and he agreed gerbil possibly can) holds his little paws way with a smile and a nod. He also agreed to up close, under his chin, and LOOKS at me draw a picture of Baba to accompany it. as I continue with prayers. Distracted by his Handing him a pen and paper, we sat tocuteness, I pause. He crouches down and gether on our steps. He spoke while drawquicklywalks back into the dark space behind ing: the cabinet. “Meher Baba is wearing a Mexico hat drTh’: 7:00 strikes, I give up trying and let him a sombrero. See those lines right called set we easy, ) be. He (ofcourse) then saunters out through I there? (Connecting his legs like rungs of a his cage in the kitchen. I am able to corner him near a ladder) Those are all the future people that there with book shelfand FINALLY have him! Thank died. (Is that a fascinating sentence or for wait and door room food, close the utility You, Baba! That means they are dead on His what?) on check to I go Each time him to crawl in. Now, what about the one under the uses people’s LOVE for the NEW legs. He and seeds sunflower some him, he’s snatched dryer? He has food, water and his cage to hop love other people. His feet kind to people Hmmmmmm... the dryer. dashed backunder in and out. It’s time to wake my son and get but that’s OK. I can’t make as big, oflook Maybe not so easy. ready for school. Believe I’ll leave him there that hair right here? (Atop leg. See big ofa tamer the spots At 6:15, our dog finally until my husband gets home this afternoon. I is when He was a little This head.) Baba’s couch. the under ofthe two, peeking out from may try”O Parvardigar” and Baba’s name with boy.That’sit!” will and He’s escaped before, is pretty friendly him. But, really.. what are the chances of two approach ifwe talk in a sweet soft voice while Baba loving gerbils in the one house? offering food! So, offand on, for about a half As Halloween approached, my 5an hour--he comes right up to me, we stare at son Lee was learning fun each other I speak sweetly, offer the sunflower year-old little songs at school. One was: seeds. He EVEN lets me stroke his tiny little “Jack o’ lantern,jack o’ lantern paws. The moment my hand opens to reach You are such a funny sight [Ah, those Baba babies! for him, away he dashes! As you sit there in the window Anyone else have stories In a moment ofdesperation, I say Baba’s like thisi Please let its Looking out at the night name outloud, notvery sweetly. BOINK! Out hearfrom you.] pops his pointy little face. *IDEA* J’ say You were once a yellow pumpkin Baba’s name again. Sure enough, he comes Growing on a sturdy vine completely out from behind the couch and Now you sit there in the window stands up on his hind legs. For those of you See the candles that shine.” new to gerbil nature, this is what they do when One day I heard him sing to the tune of they are curious and feel comfortable enough

ere’s a true story oflife in a Baba home. My son has two sweet little black and white gerbils. This morning, at 5:20 am, my husband calls upstairs to me as he’s getting ready to head off to work, “Honey! JAILBREAK!The gerbils are loose!” We do let them out every few days, though they roll around in these clever little, clear plastic, but VERYeasyto catch. So, picture this, 5:30 am, flashlight in hand, scanning all eo 5 t__ cranmes ofour kitchen and 1’ living room, calling for our fL4;: •: r? ( little friends. We finally ft discover one is hiding out \


. .












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The Turning ofThe Key by Sarah McNeil, Sussex, England


he question back in October ‘88 was “How?”Two students of theol )gy had put the question to Eruch. It was :ourageous ofthem. Most ofthe people I met )n that first visit to Meherabad had no prob em with this question at all, recounting with hining eyes and real feeling their personal xperience ofloving the Avatar. For me it did iot connect. I seemed to be able to present :learly thought out rea ;ons why I needed to blow this path, but vhen it came to the question of love I isked myself how do :hey do it, how do they reel that, what kind of ffort should I be mak ng to get to that point :f actually feeling ;omething? Shining yeswould be nice as well. So I was glad when the theology duo put this important (to nie) question to Eruch in Mandali Hall. He Lold us Baba said we are given an example of how to love God in the way lovers behave towards each other; the Loved one is constantly in their thoughts and in the songs and poems theywrite to celebrate their love; a picture ofthe loved one is worn as a locket and another might be placed under the pillow at night. “Right,” I thought,”I’ll give it a try.” For the next two weeks I slept with Baba’s picture under my pillow but nothing happened. No ecstatic dreams. No feelings of bliss. No shining eyes. Sure I knew what love meant! I loved my children and I loved my husband like no one else in the world. I loved my parents, fondly and dutifully; my friends, my home, mywork, myself, yes,yes! But that’s not what people were talking about, not what they meant. I spent a considerable time thinking about this, even feeling guilty on the days we went to Meherazad because I found that the anticipation of seeing Eruch again was stronger than the love


for the Avatar I wanted to be able to tune into and share. That first visit to India was also the first step ofajourney round the world. I had three months leave and a travel grant. My husband had urged me to take this chance to visit all the Meher Baba locations (India, Australia and the United States) in the caring hope that maybe I’d find whatever it was I seemed to be

looking for. So after India, when I went on to Australia to spend time at Avatar’s Abode, the same question was still uppermost in my mind. The orchestration of the events of that week on Kiel Mountain was simply brilliant though I did not see the pattern emerge until much later. First, was Mrs. Love. She was a white-haired elderlyladywho was staying at the pilgrim house on the Avatar’s Abode es tate. She did not want to be there, but her son was helping her move at the time and this was the only place she could stay until things were settled. For Mrs. Love, the arrival of a wandering Brit who moved in to share her temporary bedroom was not exactlywhat she might have wished for. But as it was, I could not use the other bedroom because two young lovers had arrived with theirlove-child, a beautifril 3 year old cherub. They would be marned at Avatar’s Abode the following Saturday (my last day there).

In those days there was a key to Baba’s Cabin hanging on a special hook in the Pil grim House. It could be taken and returned whenever pilgrims wished to visit the Cabin. I went there very early each morning. I can still hear the chucklinglaughter ofa kookaburra that greeted my appearance as I swished up through dew-laden grass at sunrise in a stillness broken only by these sounds. I took it personally and felt he was laughing at me! I left my shoes at the door ofthe Cabin, crept inside letting myself into Baba’s room and quietly sat on the floor by the bed. What I felt I had to do was say “I love you Baba” loudly and clearly in that room over and over, as if repeating a magic formula could make it happen! Outside, the kookaburra laughed again. But I was thousands of miles from home. No one would hear me, see me, or ever know. So over and over an hour each day, the sound of my voice speaking those words echoed in a room with a polished resonance like the inte nor ofa perfectly made musical instrument. A room which for me became a force field of energy and power. I could not honestly say in the time I spent there I registered any feelings oflove for the Avatar. But I loved sitting in His room and it was important to me to keep on trying. I really felt this was something I had to do and that my lack of feeling was because ofsomething I was failing to do. Meanwhile, the days passed and the weddingloomed. Earlyon the Saturday moming, afterleaving Baba’s Cabin, I went in search of a house where I could make a telephone call to the UK. Peter and Leigh Rowan were at home and invited me in. It was my wedding anniversary and I talked at length with my darling husband in far off England. Then, backup to the Pilgrim House where my busy

st-’ tovestreetcani a 1 .




now. Everything at Avatar’s Abode that week “doing” persona popped up and I assisted was showing me the same thing. wherever I could. On returning to the house to get my “The love I was lookingfor lunch, I found the whole place taken over by a team ofparents and helpers who had arrived was not to be accessed by my to organize the entire wedding. “Never mind,” doing or making efforts to do I remember thinking to myselfrather piously, anything at all. All around “I don’t mind going without lunch.” “Where’s Sarah?” called a voice. It was me, like meteor showers in the an Australian ladyl’d met in India, who lived Australian night sky, were nearby. She had heard I was staying up at Avatar’s Abode. “Thought you might like to examples ofthat love.” come for a picnic lunch,” she said, brandishing a well-stocked picnic basket. We ate fruit and All around me were people open to re sandwiches on the grass underneath the trees. ceiving it, expressing in their lives the fbllness It was delightftil.The wedding tookplace that ofits dynamism. It is ofcourse contagious in afternoon at the top ofthe hill where bbseffect. som-scent and music intermingled till you That is not all.There was another time at could smell the music and hear the flowers. Avatar’s Abode. Sixyears later. Bythen (1994) Summer dresses, fancy hats and laughter it was no longer possible to wander up to adorned the occasion. Mrs. Love was there, Baba’s cabin at will. Visits were prearranged; her hat in bloom and a smile ofenjoyment on mybonged-for early morning time withheld; her face. another step to be made. It happened on the When Peter and Leigh then invited me day. last out for the evening (“We gather it’s your wedout soon after sunrise for an early Venturing ding anniversary”) I explained that I had that the Cabin was open. realized I walk, nothing suitable to wear as I was travelling inside doing some cleaning was Rouse Lorna light. “No worries,” said Leigh “I’ll lend you Baba’s room while she into me let She work. something.” That evening at her house, she For me, it was minutes. few for a finished.Just invited me to choose something from her wardmight be al if I asked I enough! long not robe. She added shoes, beads, earrings and she left and lock after awhile on stay to lowed bangles to the colourful array ofdresses and up the place myself. She declined quite firmly left me to select whatever I liked. So I decked and looking me straight in the eye said, myselfout in celebratory style and we all went out for a meal. Back at midnight for mylast night at the “Baba is in your heart. Thatc Pilgrim House I quietly crept into the bedwhere you’llfind him.” room so as not to disturb Mrs. Love. She switched the light on and I wished her good Now I did actually have a “secret” key night saying, “It’s mylast night. Tomorrow I lent to me by another friend I’d trust, on Sydney.” to back go I did not want to betray that recently. off at me see met to came Bruford oanna J anyone know. So I could two letting her by trust and Alice as well as re Maroochydo Lorna had gone back to until waited my from have friends all Karim, and Alicia children let myself back into then and ill house her seriously been had Joanna India. weeks in have. It was my last could I room. that Oc Baba’s Centre Pilgrim the at while she was about the something was there But I’d day. Abode Avatar’s at time my tober. During something me. to spoke Rouse what Lorna way about all heard and her spent a daywith about what she said and the way she looked had happened. As well as being very ill she the at me which made that option wither incausing about upset very had also been so stantly. Part ofme felt rebellious. But I re pilgrims other and Meherabad residents get better turned there and then down the hill to make to started “I only much trouble. their love,” arrangements for my “secret” key to be receive to able when I learned to be this safely back to its owner. The real key given probably it was end, the she told me. In and Lorna had turned it. Avatar’s in mine a things was see me to helped statement that the place. And the whole prowas out come Abode could doubts newlight.The nagging



cess from my initial question to its eventual answer was completed in Baba’s perfect time. I didn’t have to do anything. *Thjs is also the title of a book on Meher Baba in Australia by Bill LePage.

It Was He Who Kissed Mehera’s Hand by Mani S. Irani he absolutely clear mirror ofMehera’s immaculate heart, which Baba took great pains to keep unclouded by the dust ofthe world, reflects Baba’s image, the im age ofthe Divine Beloved, as none other can. From the beginning, and throughout her life with Baba, Mehera’s status as His Beloved grew obvious to us in manyways. Her place was foremost in all things concerning Baba. All personal privileges in attending to Babas Form were hers combing His hair, trimmIng His moustache, cutting His nails, seeing to His clothes, and all things concerning His precious person. Let me give you an example ofBaba’s relationship with Mehera that clearly mdlcates her special position in the kingdom of His Love. When we would be seated at the dining table, itwould be Mehera who had the prIvilege of serving Baba. And, when Mehera would offer Him something from her plate something she knew Baba was partial to, like a piece ofcheese or some such delicacy- Babawould taste it to please Mehera and return it to her saying, “No, Mehera, you eat it; it will bejust the same as ifl am eating it.” Another example ofMehera’s No. 1 position among us; while on occasion Baba would offer His hand to us to kiss, it was He who kissed Mehera’s hand. We witnessed this natural gesture many a time, at Meherazad and Guruprasad, and happily it is captured on one ofthe films for you all to share.



Mtherti, by Mehera S. Irani, Foreword by Mani S. Irani, (c) 1989 Avatar Meher Baha Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahrnednagar, India, Published by Naosherwan Anzar, Beloved Books.


The President’s Report by Lois Jones 4ll those who love Me and want to share My work can do so.” —Avatar Meher Baba hat a busy year we’ve had here at Meherabode. We were able to observe kmartithi and celebrate Beloved Baba’s Birthday in our beautiftdhome. Many guests visited us, including Baba’s niece Shireen Bonner and her mother, Freny. A highlight was Bhau Kaichuri’s return to Meherabode. Mieher Baba’s flag, a gift from the Mandali, flow graces our meeting hail and is flown outloors on special occasions. Bhau, guest 3peaker Pratap Ahir from Mumbai, Robert Dreyftis and singerJamie Newell, along with a]l who attended, helped to create a wonderftil 1998 L.A. Sahavas! Attendance at the Farsi language meetings continues to grow. Thanks to the work of this group, a Persian God Speaks is now availablethe first publication from our own Love Street Press. The Service Committee has reactivated public Community Outreach, and proceeds from the “Turkey Swing” dance will be used to make Thanksgiving baskets for families in need. Meanwhile, efforts to provide opportu rnties for the L.A. Baba community to spend a relaxing time together have resulted in a fun-filled Sunday pancake breakfast as well as a group marathon reading ofGod Speaks. This year we paid our second mortgage in frill. Before the end ofthe year we will have a fhlly functional center! The three storage bays are being converted to an office and an archives & bookstore storage room. We will finally have all of our archival treasures on site.The far shed is presentlybeing converted to a teen room, and the garden shed will soon be a kitchen with a small dining area adjoining the green house. When the office is moved to its newlocation, the former office space will be converted to a room for the younger chil dren. Since so many Baba babies are being brought into the world from our Center’s membership, we are converting the old children’s room to a mother and baby facility with changing table and rocking chair. After much planning, next year we will begin the -


renovations necessary to obtain our Certifi cate of Occupancy. This year’s Board ofDirectors had lots of work to do, which required many long meetings. Thank you, Mahoo Ghorbani, Mehernoush Lorkalantari-McPherson, Lynn Maguire, Golnaz Manouchehrpour, Nancy Merwan, Dma Snow, and Linda Zavala for your time, hard work, and many talents. Thank you also to all ofyou in the com munity who volunteered at the Center or helped in other ways. And to those around the country who consistently send in your love donations a thousand thanks. It warms our heart to know there are so many people who care so very much that the Center be here for allwho visit L.A.. Meherabode is such a lovely place! Come often and bring your friends.

tion on the main meeting hallwill probably start just after Silence Day and continue for the duration ofthe year. Minor renovations are being done to the Babies and Children’s roomsjust adja cent to it. For years people have longed for children and teens to be able to have their



Roberto he/ping bui/d the new storage shed behind the garden shed.

Center and Facilities Report by Linda Zavala Construction Activities n November we were able to move the office into one ofthe back storage sheds, which was renovated from top to bottom walls, windows and ceilings were added. Another one ofthe sheds has now become the Teen space and the garden shed (adja cent to the Green House) has been converted into a small kitchen. This will help the Center function during the renovation ofthe main building this year. We plan to build the handicap bathrooms (mandated by law) as soon as we obtain the Building Permit, perhaps by April or May. Construc


•: .

The old ‘log kennels” being made into the new bookstore and archives storage.


own space for special activities and programs, and now that is becoming a reality. A member has bartered services for beautiful imported wood furniture, which has really spiced up the front porch and Bookstore. After 20 years ofkeeping Baba’s Sadra in a small box, lovingly made by Chris Pearson in the early 70’s, a new archival display case has been purchased. Now ev eryone will be able to see Baba’s Sadra beautifully displayed and feel confident that it will be preserved properly for years to come under the plexiglas and security housing. Mahogany wood was chosen for the frame and a silver “Mastery in Servi tude” emblem made by Randall Williams has been set into the casing at the front of the cabinet. A tortoise shell barrette, beautifully decorated by Mehera with Baba’s fingernail clippings, has been placed above Baba’s Sadra, at the top ofthe display case. Mehera had given it to Hedi Merten as a birthday present in 1938 while she was in India. Unfortunately, we do not have a photo ofthe cabinet as ofthis printing. Many small things have been accom plished to spruce up the Center. A little pruning here and there, more flowers and trees planted, a little painting and of course, there are always the ongoing repairs. Step by step, the Center is improving and all the loving care is going into enhancing that feeling ofBaba’s loving Presence and Grace.

.:: .,..





The ‘Turkey Swing Dance’ have heard of a Turkey Trot, well this year organizer Lynn Maguire de cided to have a Swing Dance to raise funds, hence the title. It was a wonderful night, well attended, with most people out on the floor dancing their legs off. Professional dancer Mitchell Rose taught some of the basic steps for those who had never attempted to swing dance, and then we were off and dancing up a storm to Glen Miller and other great bands of the ‘40’s. Itwas also a that night brought out all the new mothers and their babies, although they sat out the dances! Dance Instructor Almost MitchellRose 500 was raised and with this money it has



‘LSaw7°ou Dancing


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been the Center’s tradition to buyThanksgiv ing Baskets for the poor. Shopping for the bas kets isgreat fun! Agroup sweeps into the grocery store, and like an army with a well-organized plan, proceeds to fill over a dozen shopping carts with turkeys and all the trimmings necessary for a family of 4-6 people. We Alexandra Rouchon gets vary which dancing tipsfrom churches we Mia Compagna and give it to. This Glenn Russ year we are tak rng them, when they are all packed up, to St. Joseph’s Church in Santa Monica. They have at least 200 families on their needy list, so will be able to place them where they are most needed. Of course we slip a Baba card in with each basket, so the families get to fill their tummies and allow a little of His Divine Love to slip in too.


Lame, come! tome aance ” Anon. 1 with the Beloved








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In the mood!

Lynn Maguire andMitchell





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The Filming of The Witness Series Videos by Wendell C. Brustman, Ph.D. Myrtle Beach or three months in the Fall of 1986 our sion-obscured path to God. I knew from my film crew encamped at Meherazad. Not Christian upbringing, and identification with since Louis van the Apostles, Gasteren had that, short of come 20 years having been earlier had there able to live with been this serious J esus, next best a collaboration was to have over filming. Life been one of was intensified, these disciple’s particularly for companions. the resident manIn 1983, dali, as we the question videoed them occurred to me, professionally for “With highthe bfficial media re 5 olutio n archives ofMeher Left to rightBillHaviland, David Walkenhauer, Roman video, can we in Babiak, Thm Brustman. August, 1 986, Hong Kong Baba’s Mandali. some sense Airport. Photos by Wendell Brustrnan Residents and ‘freeze’ the livpilgrims alike ing mandali joined in the spirit of turning Mandali hall, and close ones ofMeher Baba, only to restore Mehera’s porch and yard, and Baba’s room them to life in perpetuitywith a VCR?” The upside down and into film sets. Meherazad simple, “yes” answer I gave myselfset in mo coped with our demand for output on off-days; tion a video project that came eventually, with Eruch with trekking to Imampur in the dark the India portion, to be uniquely under early morning hours; arti-goers with our filmMehera’s direct guidance. How this ‘cryogening Mehera inside the Samadhi. We lived at ics’ work could be done, was a more difficult the Pilgrim Center coming and go- ing in a question to answer. Liveliness in Baba on beat-up green van Sudam had comman video, demanded the camera be the interdeered for us at a good price. Consumed with viewer, and the viewer’s exchange with the our work, we kept late hours and took fibersubject on camera be a speaking heart-toties, often putting the tolerance of Ted and heart. Done well, the balance of head and others to the testwith such trouble as starting heart could be there, and Baba’s real presence the only room fire in PC history when Bill could emerge through the impressions made. Haviland’s immersion heater caught the winWhen a few months later I met Bill Haviland dow curtain on fire in M-1O. at the Pilgrim Center, my abstract conceptwas Myvideo work for Meher Baba did not joined to practical technique, and a partnerbegin with an inherent interest in the field. ship was born. Behind the scenes, Barbara Actually, I usually disliked watching televi Brustman also became a partner and gave her sion and movies, preferring real life. Rather, it active support. began because ofmy deep personal interests The resuitwas the initiation of“The Witin theology, psychology and esthetics which ness Series” ofvideos, personal meetings with had also guided my business and professional mandali and Westerners alike. It began with life. Years ago, they combined to lead me to a trip by Bill, myselfand my 14 year old son, work on the problem ofhow to discern Reality Tommy, to Heiden, Switzerland in 1984 to in illusion. I came to focus on ordinary life film Irene Bib, and then the next year to with the God-man as the place to discern supFrance and England for Anita and Roger port for a walk offaith andlove along our fflu Vieillard, Don Stevens and others. Even



thoughMani atflrst demurred, citing time constraints and the condition of the mandali as “broken-down ftirniture,” after a meeting I had with Bhau Kalchuri in 1985 in California, the following year our crew was able to pack off 14 cases of gear and go to India. We were finally at the high point ofthe project: sitting squarely in front of Mehera, Mani, Eruch and the other mandali. By 1987 we had accu mulated all together several hundred hours of high-quality 3/4” video. Five years later, the original tapes became Sheila Krynski’s initial collection with which to begin Sheriar Foundation’s permanent archives. During video sessions, holding the subject’s attention to the camera was key. Bill Haviland or Ken Petrie behind the camera could safely draw it; likewise Roman Babiak or Tom Brustman working the sound with shotgun mike and headphones; but mostly it was intended to go to our crew member sittingjust under the camera’s lens. As director, I was most often this one standing in for future video viewers. Mina B rus tm an Paul and Morris still re— call their fre quent duties as my alternate. Mina 50metime5 needed to discr:tely give ‘



Meherazad, October 1 986 Porch ofMandaliHall, BillandRornan

first to this leg, then to that, to eyes keep open in order to do her job of holding the speaker’s gaze. But even glancing away to the left or right at pilgrims, the speaker’s heart seemed always to remain attuned, even though for the inside shoot, mandali hall had been turned topsyturvy Wall colors had been toned down with




stopped. Furniture was moved, lights were set up, cables run. We built a film set. Even Eruch on the porch was effectively kept from working. Yet all were excited by what was happening. And Rano tried. Mani went over the lines with her again and again. As soon as she could re peat them correctly twice, we’d switch on the camera. In that short time, Rano would forget, hesitate, or Mani Irani with BiliHaviland in Mandali Hall, scramble the sentence. Meherazad, September 1 986 We’d tryagain,Mani, chief of the endeavor with Bal quietly. Suddenly, watching Eruch and Natu dulling spray; film lights had cranked up the burst a new pu doorway, outside the through October heat almost unbearably thick orange to the tenreacting hysterically arrival, grim onthe under tucked power cords, even when killing the “You’re screaming, air, in the non ev running seen be could rugs, ental throw mandali,Wendell! Stop, now!” and so on, with erywhene across the floor, then snaking out a a litany I’d heard so often before, but now door or windo backpast Pendu’s room to the both maddening and humorous, because, had control center in Bal Natu’s office. this pilgrim known, she should have screamed There were manypoignant, but also dif this time at Mani, not at me. Mani rose to the ficult and tense moments during our video occasion with grace, and eventuallywe got our shoot which Baba would resolve, and use to Rano clip. har call attention to the spirit ofsacnifice and Under the direction of Mehera and capable had become mony that these mandali but with fill cooperation from Eruch Mani, I example, For oftraining. ofunder His years and the other men mandali, these stellar lights remember that after a few weeks, Mani got into the swing ofit, and was spending most of in Meher Baba’s close circle worked tirelessly on their video assignment, even while they her limited free time preparing for her own continued to perform their other duties. I re stints before the camera. A paucity of matemember Mani telling me early on, the mandali nial from memories and ideas had now betired and good for at most five hours were came a cornucopia ofriches hard to select from. and not to expect more. She even ex each, her in One day, while discussing filming her a promise from me not to ask for more tracted introMani office at the Trust compound, had done that much. But, within a we once until Up Rano. including duced the idea of as we moved ahead, not counting fewweeks, de her because Rano excluded had we then, the hours recorded, nothing more was ever mentia was so advanced, it would have been said about limits until several months had undignified to record her in this condition and passed by. Only then, did Mani tell me that also skew history’s perception ofthis once ex ceptionally sharp mandali. Mani knew all of Mehera had instructed her and the rest ofthe mandali to cooperate fully with whatever I this, of course, yet she was determined and to do. wanted in presented this plan: “We will include Rano herselfspent hours combing files Mani her fa on the office filming by having her sit and letters to jog her memory and notes for am I While desk. ofmy mthar chair to the side with time sequences, as she her help and Rano to will turn I the camera, to talking piled a very long list ofstories and commen ask her a question. We will coach her in adtary. Eventually she edited that list down. vance. She’ll only have to remember a very We shot almost 20 hours ofMani, practically short reply. Rano will do it ifl ask her.” I was all of which was already self-edited by this happily surprised by the planned adventure careful preparation and selection process she and readily agreed. To me, Rano was still followed. Our first Mani video, 4ll This and enough “present” for us to capture some sense Too”, required practicallyno additional Heaven equipment ofher persona1itc We moved our as a result. The rest ofher tapes in the editing work all and the Trust at into Mani’s office

Witness Series will have the same stamp. Mani and Eruch, as well as Bal Natu and Aloba, were shot almost exclusively in mandali hall at Meherazad.The result oftheir ef forts before taping has produced a most natural flow ofmaterial for the viewer. That flow, leading to limited editing, makes pos sible the verisimilitude many experience with these programs while viewing them in a theater setting, namely, that it is like sitting with the mandali again in India. That experience, ofcourse, is what we had sought. Our interest was not in producing documentaries. We wanted to make it possible to return to India again and again, and for those new to Meher Baba over the next 700 years to be able to go, and also to be with the mandali, whenever theychose to do so. I met Mani at Meherazad for the final time in earlyDecember of1995. She had re cently returned from the hospital in Poona and had asked to see me. I gladly extended my stay to do so. We sat together facing each otherjust inside the outer living room doorway of her quarters. Kacy was nearby, as I recall, but I saw no one except Mani, and felt nothing except Baba’s sublime love. It wa a moment oftransport in which we both were surrounded by white light. Though she was quite laudatory in her comments, all was in Baba alone, and I could then listen to her tell me how important this video project had become to her in spite ofearly doubts. I should now take it as from Baba that it was impor tant for me to carry the work forward, even after she was gone. By Baba’s grace, I will do mybest to honor her wish.


WendellandAloba inAloba Room at Meherazad, October 1 986 Photograph by Mina Brustman

5et £nni

Message to Disciples

Memories from Past Lives

Meher Baba


Meher Baba .




ifewould be infinitelymore complicated if one who is not spiritually advanced were burdened by the conscious memory of numberless past lives. He would be dazed and unsettled by the diversity of settings in which persons would appear to him in the lightofhis memory. He is not called upon to face such conftt sion, however, because he is shielded from the resurrection of the memory of past lives. Things and persons come to him in a limited and definite context and setting, with the re sult that he finds it easy to determine his ac tions and responses in the light ofwhat he knows from the present life. This does not mean that his actions and responses are “en— tirely” determined bywhathe knows from his preoent life. All that has happened in past lives also has its ()Wfl unconscious but effec tive share in determining his actions and re sponses. In spite of the actual influence of past lives, the fact remains that since he is shielded from the resurrection ofconscious memórç his consciousness is not subject to the confusion thatwould result ifthe conscious memoryof past lives were among the data he had to consider for the purpose ofdetermining his ac tions and responses. The resurrection ofthe memory of past lives can be faced without confusion or loss of balance only when the person has become desireless and has lost all feeling of”mine” and “thine.”Those whom he once looked upon as belonging to him might be seen in the present life belonging to someone else. And ifhe were to continue his attachments and supposed claims, he would create untold complications, misery, and confusion for himselfand others. Possessiveness ofall types has to be purged from the mind if the aspirant is to be spiritually prepared to withstand the disturbing influence ofmemories from pastlives. .

Discourses, Pub. Sheriar Press, p. 315-316


he present world crisis, chaos and uni versal suffering are absolutely necessary for the eventual spiritual upliftment and for a new world wherein peace, love and Divine aspirations will reign supreme. None should therefore feel scared and dismayed, bearing in mind the certainty ofthis bright future. From the spiritual point of reality the words national and foreign, killed and killer, war and peace, success and defeat, have no existence and are imaginary dreams; and the present urnversal chaos isjust a universal nightmare necessary for the universal awakening. Body-forms and minds are innumerable and ofinfinite variety but souls are all origi nally and eternally One. In fact, only One infinite reality exists and that is God. So this apparent world catastrophe is, by Divine will, essential for a Divine manifestation in the near future oflove and real peace, in which I have to play the greatest part. Men and women all over the world who care to share in My work can do so by trying their utmost to maintain a pure character; and to avoid strictly, feelings oflust and enmity in any form. To try not to be the victims of fears nor ofthe weaknesses oflying and backbiting; in personal quarrels never to attack anyone save in defending the weak, but to do even that absolutelywithout hatred; to medi tate on Divine Love for any period every day, according to individual circumstances. . .

Treasures, ed. Jane B. Haynes, pp. 213-214, © 1980 AMBPPCT

Snuff by Margaret Craske


his is another short story which shows how Baba used very simple means to teach us not to criticize the built-in habits ofothers which were objectionable to the rest ofus. For a time upon the Hill at Meherabad practically every evening Baba gave us the happiness ofgathering around His gadi.We placed our mats on the floor and sat there while He gave us perhaps a short talk, made jokes with us, or told us a story illustrating some aspect ofthe spiritual path. Usually these were times of happiness, unless as sometimes happened some poor

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wretch was getting a reprimand. There was living with the group an old person by the name ofBanubai. It is said that ifa Mastervery much wants to take a disciple awayfrom his worldly family duties in order to serve Him closely, He will take into His ashram the members of the family for whom this disciple is responsible to feed or clothe or educate. Baba Himself takes this responsibility. Barnubai was one such person. She had an irritating habit at crucial mo ments during Baba’s wonderful evenings with us oftaking alarge pinch ofsnuffwhich brought on a loud and enjoyable-to-her fit of sneezing. Norma was particularly annoyed by this, and to show it, gave out shudders ofjudgmen tal annoyance. Baba always looked sur prised but said nothing to either culprit. One evening, however, with a loving smile He produced a large box ofBanubai’s fa vorite snuffand gave it to her. This lesson was seen and digested by all ofus,just as it had been when in earlier days at Nasik He hadlovinglyhanded Ruano a box of cigars.This action ofHis was not to show ap proval ofeither cigar smoking or snuff taking but to remind us to leave these things to Baba. At the right moment when the time was ripe He easily swept aside these minor things. StiliDancing with Love, Margaret Craske, © 1990 Sheriar Press, pp. 65-66.

A MagicalThanksgiving Day at Meher Mount! by Fred Stankus, Los Angeles ith an open invitation to all, a delicious Thanksgiving meal was served to over 70 on a bright, magical day at Meher Mount in Ojai, California. The dependable caretakersJonathan and Kendra Burroughs, only 4 days back from a trip to Meherabad/ Meherazad, India, were the congenial hosts. Tables and chairs were rented and arranged withwhite doth, flowers, and candles, alongwith the plates and utensils were awaiting the rival of the guests who were asked to bring a dish to complement the meal. And from delicious turkey to vegetarian stuffing, candied yams, delicious mashed potatoes, homemade cran berry sauce, and homemade lemon, apple, and pumpkin pies, the arraywas trulyfit for a King or Qiieen! After the meal Gigi Driessenled off

r 1 t with “her” thanks, and around the room one would stand and give thanks for “family being together,” or “a newjob” or as Charlie Morton so movingly conveyed, “I am happy to be born at this time so as to experience this feeling of being one family with you all, thank you Beloved Baba” or Debra Ashe giving thanks with a soul-stirnng rendition of”Precious Lord!” Alter dinner a walk to Baba’s tree for Prayers and Arti,while the golden light ofthelate afternoon sun embraced all with a mystical glow. Desscrtwas like Prasad on this magical day, and togethemesswasverystrong feelingoflove the remained well into the early guests 20 about and doing theater games orand singingoldies night alongwith remem Rose, Mitchell chestratedby andgames. One stones Babawith beringMeher rBaba.” itingforMehe ascalled”Wa ofthegamesw west the on outside sitting playingwere Those perfirst the and silence in house porch ofthe corner the around from view into son to come would be Baba disguised as that person... so we waited and waited and suddenlyTerry Adams arrived and said, “Where is the Gravy?” .we all burst out into laughter but Lois Jones re plied, “Baba is the Real Gravy and He has poured His Love all over us today!” What a Magical Day at Meher Mount! ..

Announcements Congratulations!


Regi and her son Steve Sadano. They both graduated in June 1998. Regi earned her Doctorate from the Theater De partment at UCLA, and is now teaching part time at Cal State L.A. in the Department of Theater and Dance. Steve graduated from the City of Angels Independent School and earned a scholarship in music at Cal State Northridge,where he is majoring in piano! We have been treated to Steve’s piano recitals since he was a young boy great to see him carrying his talents on to higher levels. —

Heidi and GabrielRouchon on the birth oftheir second daughter Natasha Chey enne, born November 11, ‘98 at 11:33 pm weighing 7.8 ibs, and 20” long.


Billyand Pamela Goodrum on the birth oftheir first child Annabelle Rose, born September, 26, ‘98 at 5:55 pm weighing 4.11 lbs, and 17.5” long.


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The LampPost Needs Your Help!

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by Dma Snow t’s time again to ask you for your dona tions to help keep the LampPost shining on your street. The actual cost of producing and domestic mailing of each magazine is $10 per year. Because of the extremely high cost ofpostage overseas, we must ask for 2O US from all foreign coun tries. We have over 1000 on our mailing list but only 425 have ever sent in a dona tion.This strains our finances to the maxi to the point ofhaving to dip into mum other funds to cover costs. Luckily there are some very generous people to whom Baba has given the ability to donate above the 1o necessary.These kind souls are allowing the majority ofyou to continue receiv ing your LampPost. Since everything to do with the Love StreetLampPost and Bookstore is all done by volunteer labor, after regular daytime jobs, we do not have the commercial magazine’s ability to track when you paid and have that expiration date printed on your label. (Ifwe charged $30 a subscrip tion we probably could!) So we leave it up to you, send in what you can when you can, and for those ofyou who are really finan cially stressed ( and doesn’t that seem to go with being a Baba lover?!) not to worry we’ve got you covered. Ifyou would prefer not to receive the magazine, please let us know so we can save the costs. For our overseas subscrib ers, you may find it easiest to put your donation on a credit card, but for those with an American checking account, we would prefer checks. Please make them out to the Love Street LampPost. And remember this is your magazine, it is only as good as so please keep the material we receive on sending!


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The Darbar Pose Picture ofMeher Baba by Bal Natu, Meherazad


his is one of the favorite pictures ofBaba, loved by His dear ones, and dis tributed widely. It has also appeared in the special issue of Deeplaxrni, which was published in 1970-71. Here I wish to share a story connected with this picture, which was taken by Shri Regay of Pune. Since 1958, Baba began staying in Guruprasad, Pune, for about three months with his close men and women mandali. Dur ing my six weeks summer vacation from school, Baba had graciouslypermitted me to staywith him. One ofmy duties during this time was to read out Marathi letters to Baba, and reply according to His directions. I think it was in 1960 that one day I re ceived a postcard from Regay addressed to Baba. In it he mentioned that he had taken pictures ofgreat dignitaries, and he requested Baba to give a special sitting so that he could take His portrait. In those days, Baba had given me discre tiori about which letters to read to Him. I personally reacted against the demands Regay was making of Baba, especially in seeking a special sitting. I regarded this as being imper tinent on his part. So I kept this postcard at the bottom ofthe pile. Baba would generally attend to three or four letters each day, and then askme to stop. I thought this way the letter would never be read out to Him. However, the next day Eruch, who used to read out English corre spondence to Baba, had verylittle to read. And so Baba signed me to continue with the re mainingMarathi letters. I would tell Him the gist ofeach letter, and, through gestures, He would convey His response. That day He was in a mood to listen to more of these letters than usual, and at last I came to Shri Regay’s letter. Instead ofreading out the letter, I told Baba the gist ofit, and made some disparag ing remarks to the effect that Baba would not like the tone ofthe letter. I assumed that Baba would feel myjudgement about it was correct. However, Baba showed interest in the contents, and asked me to read the entire letter to Him. Bythe time I finished reading it, to my surprise, Baba looked at me and said, “That’s fine! When should we call him?” He also asked me to set a definite date for

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in the proper manner, and the photographer stepped forward and rearranged them. In all, four pictures were taken of Baba, and, in addition, the photographer had his own picture taken with Him. A week later, he came with all the pictures and one enlarged coloured print, as a present. This is the same one that is now in the Blue Bus at Meherazad. As I say, this was a great lesson for me. Not only should I neverjudge others, I should never assume I knew how Baba would react to them. This picture has a special significance for me, because Baba, without any prompting, was willing to have it taken. In this particular picture, Baba’s frill form is visible, including His feet. He looks veryregal, like the King of Kings, and that is why this is known as the “Darbar Pose Picture.”—13 February 1994

the sitting, and instructed me to receive him and arrange to help him set up his equipment. In those days it was not easy to take pic tures; there was a great deal of paraphernalia involved for such a special photo. I received a mild shock, but obeyed Baba, and wrote a reply to Shri Regay. On the appointed day, the photographer came, and with a meek smile, I greeted him, and helped him to arrange his things in the mandali’s room, where Baba was shortly ex pected. Baba appeared in a happy mood and took His seat. I had never seen Baba making a special effort for any other photographer before. That day He looked very pleased and radiant. Looking at the photographer, He asked him, “How should I pose? What side of My face should I show? What angle?” While asking these questions, Baba would also look at me, which served as a les son to me that I should notjudge the inten tions ofothers. At one point, He even asked the photographer ifHe was folding His hands

w have learned through Babac example that there is no creature too small or insignficant to be the recipient ofHis loving glance andattention that nothing is left unattended or is overlooked by the God-Man. —

God takes Mancform and becomes the living expression ofPerfrction as man. —MeheraJ. Irani, from Baba Loved Us Tho


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I How St. Francis, Walking One DayWith Brother Leo, Explained To Him What Things Are Perfect Joy ne day in winter, St. Francis was going with Brother Leo from Perugia to St. Mary of the Angels, and was suffering greatly from the cold. He called to Brother Leo, who was walking on before him, and said to him, “Brother Leo, ifit were to please God that the Friars Minor should give, in all lands, a great example of holiness and edification, write down, and note carefully, that this would not be perfectjoy.” A little further on, St. Francis called to him a second time, “0 Brother Leo, ifthe Fri ars Minor were to make the lame to walk, if they should make straight the crooked, chase away demons, give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, and, what is even a far greater work, if they should raise the dead after four days, write that this would not be perfectjoy.” Shortly after, he cried out again, “0 Brother Leo, ifthe Friars Minor knew all languages; if they were versed in all science; if they could explain all Scripture; if they had the gift ofprophecy, and could reveal not only all future things, butlikewise the secrets of all consciences and all souls, write that this would not be perfectjoy.” After proceeding a few steps farther, he cried out again with a loud voice, “0 Brother Leo, thou little lamb ofGod! ifthe Friars Minor could speakwith the tongues ofangels; if they could explain the course ofthe stars; if they knew the virtues of all plants; if all the treasures ofthe earth were revealed to them; iftheywere acquainted with the various quailties ofall birds, ofall fish, ofall animals, of men, oftrees, ofstones, ofroots, and ofwa ters—write that this would not be perfectjoy.” Shortly after, he cried out again, “0 Brother Leo, ifthe Friars Minor had the gift ofpreaching so as to convert all infidels to the faith of Christ, write that this would not be perfect joy.” Now when this manner ofdiscourse had lasted for the space oftwo miles, Brother Leo wondered much within himself; and, ques tioning the saint, he said. “Father, I pray thee teach me wherein is perfectjoy.” St. Francis answered: “If, when we shall arrive at St. Mary ofthe Angels, all drenched with rain and trembling with cold, all covered


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with mud and exhausted from hunger; if, when we knock at convent-gate, the porter should come angrily and ask us who we are; if, after we have told him, ‘We are two ofthe breth ren’, he should answer angrily, ‘What ye say is not the truth; ye are but two impostors going about to deceive the world, and take away the alms of the poor; begone I say’; if then he refuse to open to us, and leave us outside, exposed to the snow and rain, suffering from cold and hunger till nightfall—then, ifwe ac cept such injustice, such cruelty and such contemptwith patience, withoutbeing ruffled and without murmuring; believing with humility and charity that the porter really knows us, and that it is God who maketh him to speak thus against us, write down, 0 Brother Leo, that this is perfect joy. And ifwe knock again, and the porter come out in anger to drive us away with oaths and blows, as ifwe were vile impos tors, saying, ‘Begone, miserable robbers! to the hospital, for here you shall neither eat nor sleep!’; and if we accept all this with patience, withjoy and with charity, 0 Brother Leo, write that this indeed is perfect joy. And if, urged by cold and hunger, we knock again, calling to the porter and entreating him with many tears to open to us and give us shelter, for the love ofGod, and ifhe come out more angry than before, exclaiming, ‘These are but importunate ras cals, I will dealwith them as they deserve’; and taking a knotted stick, he seize us by the hood, throwing us on the ground, rolling us in the snow, and shall beat and wound us with the knots in the stick—ifwe bear all these injuries with patience and joy, thinking ofthe sufferings of our Blessed Lord, which we would share out oflove for him, write, 0 Brother Leo, that here, finally, is perfect joy. And now, brother listen to the conclusion. Above all the

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graces and all the gifts ofthe Holy Spiritwhich Christ grants to his friends, is the grace ofovercoming oneself, and accepting wiffingly out of love for Christ, all suffering, injury discomfort and contempt; for in all other gifts ofGod we cannot glory seeing theyproceed not from ourselves but from God, according to the words ofthe Apostle, ‘What hast thou that thou hast not received from God? And ifthou hast re ceived it, why dost thou glory as ifthou hadst not received it?’ But in the cross of tribulation and affliction we may glory, because, as the Apostle says again, ‘I will not glory save in the cross ofour LordJesus Christ.’ Amen.” From: The Little Flowers ofSt Francis ofAssisi by Brother Ugolino.

Photo composite ofSt. Francis’ cave in which Baba meditated. © 1 998 Cherie Plumlee


The Making ofthe Film Meher Baba in Italy by David Carter, New York


ver the years I have come to see how Baba not onlyplants the seed for a major event long before the event takes place, but does it in a way so that we cannot foresee the eventual fruit, nor the long twists and turns the stalkwill take before blossoming. So it is that Baba laid the foundation for the making ofthe film Meher Baba in Italy. And while I treasure Francis Brabazon’s insight that Baba “loves variety,” I think it is equally true that He enjoys surprising us as He writes the plots ofour life stories. I always had an interest in history and an instinct for preserving the past, no doubt the result of having parents who recorded and treasured bits and pieces of bygone times. When I started following Meher Baba my freshman year ofcollege, I felt compelled to document His life. But how could I make a living doing this? The only possible solution seemed to be to become a professor of cornparative religion and write books about Him. The inspiration for the film began some months before I started following Baba. Charles Haynes was my resident advisor dur ing my freshman year at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (1970-1971). I stopped by his room one day to find him sorting and ar ranging post cards on his floor. He said that he was making a collage ofplaces he had visited in Europe. He explained that he had gone for a special purpose—to visit places Meher Baba had traveled to in Europe. It impressed me deeply that Charles would go all the way to Europe to visit places associated with Baba. When I started following Baba I also wanted to visit the places He had traveled to in Europe. But how could I get to Europe? Again, Baba provided a way, this time with a seed planted long before I had even heard His name. When I was in junior high, my older brother Bill won a Fulbright scholarship to France. His letters home had filled me with the desire to see Europe and had inspired me to learn French in high school. I decided to get a second major in French in order to study at the Sorbonne for twelve months in 1972 and 1973. I carefully planned every school break so that I could visit the countries Baba had visited. Italy excited me most of all. While researching Baba places in Eu.

MeherBaba in Portofino, Italy,July, 1933

rope, I wrote to Naosherwan Anzar the editor of The Glow. I asked him for a back issue on Cannes and explained myproject in passing. He wrote back suggesting that I write an ac count ofmy research and travels, and I happilyundertook the assignment. A year later on myway to graduate school in Wisconsin, I visited the Meher Spiritual Center. As I signed in I was told that Pete Townshend was staying at the Center and was looking for me. I was told it had something to do with making films about Meher Baba and His disciples. That sounded ex tremely exciting. However, when we met, Pete simply asked me ifl had more documentation about Baba in Europe beyond what I had put in the Glow article. I answered “No,” and he said, “Oh,” and that was pretty much the extent ofthe conversation. But I did meet Pete’s cinematographer, ohn J Annunziato, and later I asked him what help they needed. John shot back, “I tell you, what we really need are scripts.” That planted an idea in my head: a film about Baba’s stays in Italy. Not long after I arrived in Wisconsin, I

met a film student who was also a Baba lover. I told him ofmyidea for a script and he agreed to help. I wrote to Pete and he wrote back excitedly, saying that ifwe wrote the film, he would make it. I spent the next summer at my parents’ house poring over The God-Man, back issues of The Awakener and my own notes and photographs to piece together a script. I had no script writing or film experi ence, and the film student had dropped out of the project. At the end ofthe summer I mailed the script to Pete. Many months later, a slim envelope rived in the mail from Pete. I opened it with trepidation, assuming from its slender size that it could be nothing other than a rejection letter. I was wrong. Pete wanted to make the film and when could I come to England? I went to London the summer of 1977. Pete Townsend had established the company Meher Oceanic to make films about Meher Baba and His mandali. The company was housed in a building Pete had built by theThames River and christened the Boathouse in honor ofthe building that had previously stood on the site. Pete, accompanied byJohn Annunziato, gave me a tour ofthe Boathouse, excitedly showing me the equipment he had bought, explaining how the place was set up, and introducing me to the film professionals he had hired. The three ofus ended up at the kitchen table, and I asked Pete what part I was to play in all ofthis. I assumed my role was to be on hand as a kind ofadvisor and imagined myself doing such things as making sure they filmed the right cave. Pete looked at me a bit wonderingly, and replied, “Well, we thought you were going to direct the film.” I, with no film experience, was to direct a bunch of professionals using state of the art 16-mm film equipment I knew absolutely nothing about?! The only thing I could do was to try to rise to the great opportunity Baba had handed me. I told Pete that I would do my best, but that ifhe or the others ever felt I was going wrong, to speak up. Pete, always very direct, gave me a pointed look and said, with some feeling, “Look, ifwe didn’t think you were capable ofthis, you wouldn’t be sitting here!” All those who worked on the film continued on page 34




tz Notes from the Internet



October 10, 1998 and a somewhat reliable fellow, who was nev ertheless approached with questions like, “Are ometime last night Meherabad must have you sure it was a tiger?” and “I know you crossed the 40 inches ofrainfall mark since thought it was a tiger, but don’t you think it June 1, and it is raining as I type this. could have been a ?“ Reportedly (notice I returned to Meherabad from Europe on this is all 3rd party), the fellow replied, “Of September 16, and it has rained every day course it was a tiger, don’t you think I can tell a since then with the exception ofmaybe two. tiger when I see one?” We are well beyond a record as far as anyone As a precautionary measure, Seclusion living can remember, and there aren’t any other Hill has been closed to pilgrims and others sources. Mini lakes are everywhere, with wa wanting to climb it, but as far as I know, there ter buffalo happily standing in the ponds next have been no further sightings. I really don’t to the road munching plentiftil vegetation. It’s know what to make of this story, or what to a good life ifyou’re a water buffalo, but the advise potential travellers to Meherazad. humans are starting to say “baaas” (enough). maybe carry mace? Life is never boring here Most ofthe early crops in this area have been for anyprolonged stretch oftime. In defense destroyed. ofthe veracity ofthis shepherd I can say that However thanks to the contributions by so many Baba lovers, today the roof slab of there have been a few reported sightings of tigers across Maharashtra in these last couple the ground floor ofthe Archive Building was ofmonths. finally finished. I think it took about a week With 42.5 inches ofrain, this place is ac to pour, one gamela (steel bowl) ofconcrete at tually beginning to looklike thejungle it once a time, and itlooks like it came out quite well. was, and the weather is still cloudy. The string The building is starting to take shape, and of holidays that constitute Diwali are now there will be one more floor added to what is drawing to a close, and there hasn’t been any currently on the ground. The trees have grown rain since they started, which is a welcome so much this monsoon that there is a small break. There are actual streams flowing in forest coming up around what will soon be front ofthe Pilgrim Center and it hasnt rained the repository ofmost ofthe physical objects in a week. Some wells are actually above connected with Meher Baba’s life. ground level, and there is a rather large lake Diwali, the Hindu Festival ofLights, will and several smaller ponds to the west and start next week, and most oflndia will shut northwest ofthe Samadhi. It is rather an un down for 4 or 5 days while people celebrate usual experience to view the Samadhi across with fireworks and Christmas-type lights. a body ofwater. Formerly, Hindus used small oil lamps, and All ofthe Mandali are more or less OK well l, as verybeautifti be can still some meaning “about the same,” and healthwise, city. in a be to happen ifyou as quite noisy to be in critical condition, so seems else one no of end the as is seen Diwali Traditionally about normal, except for are things I guess in ancient that say some and the monsoon, Don’t know when ofvegetation. surfeit the practical a lamps had ofoil times, the burning again. this see we’ll rainis it as long As religious. origin as well as ing, the mosquitoes don’t come out much, but October 30, 1998 when it stops, they attack with a vengeance; lamp oil small that the has been nearly 7 years in the making, and I have been told bugs the burned and but the first 18 persons ofnon-Indian onflames also attracted cithere I guess gin have just been granted official approval that the monsoon fostered. more a lot or bugs from the Reserve Bank of India to buy lots ther used to be a lot fewer and build houses or buy condominiums in flames than they have now. their own names at Meherabad. Although it is raining as I write this on October 23, 1998 Meherabad Hill, it is really a glorious day for at Meherazad?! About 10 days ago all ofthose who have yearned over the years ,figers a goat herder watching his goats in the to have their own place at Meherabad. to be vicinity ofSeclusion Hill, Meherazad, claims close to the Sun, and Baba has now, finally, to have seen a tiger. .you know, the big cat turned the key to make that possible. I can’t with stripes and a nasty reputation for eating begin to tell you about all of the interim ap non-vegetarian fare. proval problems, legal fights, frustrations and Evidently the goat herder was an adult


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Our Man in Meherabad, J ames Cox September 16, 1998 couple of days ago I returned to Meherabad after nearly 6 weeks in Europe, and it has been quite an adjustment. In Bombay it is raining almost constantly, and in ‘Nagar, not only is everything fantastically green and overgrown, but mold is also sprouting on almost every unused surface. We are at just over 30 inches for the year, and it is still raining, with at least 6 weeks of the season left to go. The wells are so full that you can draw water standing at the top with a bucket and no rope. Our watertable is almost ground level. Ofcourse, besides the omnipresent mold, side ofso much rain is what it does down the In manyplaces, they are horrible roads. to the of and some the potholes are big enough to swallow a small car, but on the bright side, the government has just cleaned out all the stalls and hawkers from the side ofStation Road in Ahmednagar, near the ST Stand, and now traffic actually moves somewhat smoothly through that morass. In preparation for the new afforestation scheme on Meherabad Hill, tree pits are being dug in all ofthe fields, and the new devel opment work to the west and northwest of the Samadhi, both Trust and private, is proceeding. A few months ago, I was preparing a map for the master plan ofthe whole Meherabad area, and the town planner with whom we were working had asked us to show substanital water bodies behind the large earthen dams in the valley to the west ofthe Samadhi. As these are almost always completely dry, I was amused, but complied. The funny thing now is that these same dams have even more wa ter in them that what we have shown on the map, and I thinkyou could wind surf! The Mandali are more or less “linger ing,” as Eruch puts it, but at least none are in critical shape at the moment, and Aloba has a new, blue, 3-Star General Cap, which he loves to wear about as he blows his whistle and gesticulates emphatically. Things are pretty much the same at Meherazad, except that there is no water shortage anymore.





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vexations we have waded through in this long, long battle, but it is now done. Ijust phoned Eruch as he was leaving the Trust Office for Meherazad, and both he and Bhau were very happy, saying that this is really good news indeed. I told Eruch that he would have more problems as more people would now surely come, and he said with a smile, “We are put here to face those problems, congratulations, Jai Baba!” At this moment, there are about 60 other persons who have committed for lots or condos at Meherabad, and their applications will be presented in due course, as will those that follow. After years ofcontinuous delays, dis appointments and inertia, I can finally say the logjam appears to have been broken. Of course it is all His game, still I can’t help but feel that He is also in a happy mood today. October 31st couple days ago, the Department of Telecommunications started the firstlo cal Internet access number for Ahmednagar, but ofcourse there is always garlic ice cream with Baba, and it hasn’t been turned on from Arangaon yet, as it requires some reprogramming at the local exchange. But we have high hopes for Monday. The charge for Internet calls is now cheaper than a local call, and I think there will be a surge of Internet subscriptions from Meherabad, and since most everyone here is on a Mac, configuring the same will fall on us, as the helpdesk regularly refers any Mac customer with questions to me. Oh joy! Well, Erico should be back within a month, andJerryCool is here now so we should be able to bumble through all ofthe different computer and modem combinations in this rather eccentric environment. However, I suppose there will be one more downside to this encouraging development, and that is that it will surely tie up more ofour phone circuits which link ‘Nagar with Arangaon, and which are already overloaded at peak times. The only short-term solution for the overloaded Arangaon exchange seems to be a temporary microwave tower about 130’ tall, which the telephone company is propos ing to install on the Arangaon side ofthe Farmers’ Educational Center until they finish their new exchange in the village, and which would then be shifted there. Understandably, there is quite a bit of





t opposition from various residents and some trustees to this tower from an aesthetic point of view, and this is shaping up as a classic trade offdecision: What are we willing to sacrifice in appearances to ensure that Meherabad stays connected with the outside world, including Ahmednagar, via the tele phone lines? Whenever I write something like the above, I feel I should also add the usual re joinder not to write to the Trustees or the Mandali about this issue, because they are very busy, and ulitmately Baba will solve the problem in His own way. November 18 know that most ofyou will find this hard to believe, especially ifyou have ever fed the mosquitoes at the Pilgrim Center, but after all the rain we have received this year, and with all the water still standing, there are hardly any mozzies. And other than perhaps a feeding frenzy ofthe ubiquitous fat toads that al ways seem to jump just before you inadvertantly step on one, I am at a loss to explain this pleasant lack ofinsect irritation. The other day, as I went to put on a shoe left outside, I was prepared to see a swarm of mosquitoes fly out ofthe darkness as I stuck in my foot, but instead, my foot was obstructed from entering my shoe. On closer examina tion I found a giant toad sitting inside the toe, but not a mosquito in sight. This connection had never really dawned on me before. It’s still cloudy, vegetation plush, sunsets spectacular, nights dropping into the 60s (Fahrenheit), and the volleyball games are well-attended. Ifyou can get a plane reserva tion, it is a beautiful time ofyear to come to Meherabad.


J ames Cox Post Meherabad Ahmednagar Dist. M.S. 414005, India Ph. 241-58728, 241-58744 Cellular 9822024128

From Jerry Edwards


arrived 10 Oct. Just got myINDIA e-mail setup and a subscription to the listserv! It took a bit ofwork, but thanks to James Cox, we were saved some grief.


The setup in Jal’s office continues well. I brought an upgrade for the 4th Dimension program which is used for the Amartithi work. Ramesh and Kishore do much programming with Excel (Spread sheet) and Filemaker Pro (DataBase) on their own. I help them when they get stuck. Continuing last year’s new setup in the trust office in ‘Nagar, the training for the ac countants has paid off. They have developed several accounting programs on their own in Excel and Filemaker Pro. We are now looking at expansion using FoxPro (Which was included in their cornputer course at APTEC, Ahrnednagar). (I brought FoxPro software and manuals with me.) We are investigating the possibility of expanding the Trust office Computer facility Due to many power failures, the possibility of adding a backup generator is seriously being considered. I will try to issue monthly reports.

A Note from Prashant Ahir

IPratap Ahir was a guest at our last Sahavas, andhis son, Prashant, is on line with the Baba list serv. Heposts.]


attend the Murnbai Centre regularly for the weekly meetings, Sundays 5:30 pm ‘til 7:15 pm.The center is otherwise open on all days between 6 pm and 7:30 pm. It is located in avery central place in Mumbai called Grant Road in Navyug Nivas Building, opposite Minerva Cinema. It does not have a phone number. It is an apartment converted into a meeting place and there is no on-site caretaker. Weekly meetings at the Pune Center are on Monday between 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm. The secretary of the Center, Mr. KK Rarnkrishnan lives on the premises. Pilgrims are welcome to stay overnight while visiting all the Baba places in Pune. There are beds and shower facilities there. A donation is all that is asked. My phone number is 009 1-2192-50201 and my father, Pratap Ahir, also lives in Mumbai. His number is 009 1-22-4156954. He first met Baba in his younger days in 1950 has been around Baba ever since. Please get in touch with me ifyou need any help here. Prashant_Ahir_PG@RIL.COM




Sheriar in the Desert byWard Parks, Ahmednagar reat treasures can sometimes be found in unlikelyplaces. In a small room that is hardly more than a hole in the wall at the north end ofthe compound at Meher Nazar in Ahmednagar Khorshed Irani, now in her upper eighties, might seem, on first glance, like a simple old Zoroastrian woman and no more. Yet the memories that inhabit her waking hours are the stuffthat grand legends are made of, and the life that she has lived is one that queens and emperors could envy. Khorshed is an extraordinary fund ofrec ollections particularly from the early years of Beloved Baba’s ministry when only a few had found their way into His fold. But the story that is my subject here concerns not Baba Himselfbut His father, Sheriar Irani. It is a narrative detail that I first heard from Korshed a year or two ago; and since it does not seem to have gained wide circula tion, this seems like a good opporunity to re late it. The episode dates back almost eighty years to a time when Khorshed was living with her mother and father in their flat at Bombay. Her father, Kaikhushru, was a friend of


Sheriar, and the two men used to enjoy conversing together. Once it happened that Sheriar was in Bombay to visit a doctor. That evening, at Khorshed’s family residence, Sheriar began to tell his friend about the years when he had wandered through the deserts of Iran as a dervish in search of God. A young girl in her early teens, Khorshed, ofcourse, had no part in the conversation; but the subject intrigued her. Sitting quietly behind a chair, she listened in on the discourse of her elders, and this is some of what she heard: It seems that at certain times Sheriar was residing in desolate places that provided him with nothing to eat or drink. But remarkable things began to happen when he was hungry—out ofthin air a tablecloth would spread itself on the ground before him and a tray laden with food would appear. When he had finished eating, the cloth and traywould vanish again. On other occasions, when Sheriar was thirsty he would cup his hands, and, to ac companying glugging sounds as from an un seenjug, water would fill them until his thirst was quenched. One day in his wanderings, Sheriar’s road was blocked by a river which he had no means ofcrossing, but as he stood on the bank, the waters parted, providing him with a narrow path. When he had crossed, the Waters closed again. The beauty in these little stories, or vignettes, is that Sheriar was a genuine seeker without any interest in the mi raculous or the occult. But God takes care ofHis own; and in Sheriar’s case, God’s providence was there to ensure that the man destined to become the father ofthe Avatar ofthe age would not perish in the desert for lack offood and water or drown in a river for lack of a boat. Good reminders for all ofus as we wander through this desert of a world in our individual quests for Him. —

The Most Precious Thing Adi K. Irani


ne-pointed devotion to Meher Baba or His work does not imply that one should give up all other work and respon sibilities oflife. On the other hand, it means that one should be practical and devoted to doing all the things that one is required to do, including looking afterhis possessions and all those dependent on him. From the indications Meher Baba has given, it means that one should be attached to all things and beings conducive to a normal life ofhelpfiilness, happiness and honesty Let these attachments be skin-deep and attachment to Meher Baba heart-deep. All attach: ments, except to Meher Baba, one day or another are tobe given up, whether one wants them or not. But the attachment to Mehei Baba will outlive man’s life and help him to cross the ocean oflife and gain eternal bliss for himself Meher Baba places alternatives before you as a novice. His is a game oflove with no cer emony ofinitiation, no lure ofproselytizing, no coercion, no foisting, no forcing ofideas or injunctions. Hejust appeals to your heart and lets His words sinkinto yourlogical head—if it is loghal and not prejudicial. The pillars of all His messages and dis courses, His behests and His advice, are love ofGod and love ofman, obedience, service and charity. Love is the most common possession ofeveryman. Itis the mostprecious thing ofhis life. All feel this lovewithin themselves, but very few can rightly direct it toward their release from illusion. On the other hand, it is used, misused and abused in pursuit of sex and greed. 8 5 Just ThLove Him, p. ©1985 AMBPPCT

Sheriar Mundegar Irani, early 1 900s





A Letter from Bhau to Our Readers by Ward Parks (for Bhau Kaichuri) 5th October 1998

and will not take to heart, the decision which circumstances have forced upon him. From now on he will have to dis continue all personal correspondence. He requests, therefore, that old friends ear Brothers and Sisters in Baba: D Bhau has asked me to convey the and new refrain from sending him perfollowing message to all Baba’s dear sonal letters. This ban extends even to ones in the West, and particularly to letters in which correspondents append those withwhom Bhau has maintained the note, “Bhau, please do not write a correspondence in the past. back.” It is too difficult to refrain from As many ofyou know, Bhau’s prac answering the cry ofthe heart in such tice until now has always been to re cases, and therefore, we have to ask that spond, promptly and frilly, to virtually you desist from writing to Bhau altoeveryletter that he receives. Since this gether. correspondence has very much become Ofcourse, Bhau continues to visit a medium for the flow oflove, and since with pilgrims and give talks at the Pu Bhau’s tours and travels have brought grim Centre at Meherabad, and we all him into contact with many Baba byhope that he will be able to travel to ers around the world, it is not surprising the West next summer as in previous that the volume of mail which Bhau years. Perhaps there will be further op receives and responds to on a dailyba Bhauc visits to the 14/est are his chance to spendtime withfriends portunities for “chats” on the internet oldand new. Hecpicturedhere with the children at last summeri sis has been growing by leaps and and other channels for contact. Portland, Oregon Sahavas. Left to right: Michelle Rustan’zi, bounds. But in the meantime, we know Mitra and Mehra Namiranian, Jordan Raffo, Mehrzad At the same time, the Trust has Namiranian, Bhau, Margot Draegei, Lee Barrientos and that Bhau’s friends and contacts will been entering into a new phase in which ElUah Raffo. Photo by Malani Raffo. honour his request not to write him perlong-term concerns and large-scale sonalletters. In doing so, by maintainprojects are demanding more and more of creased in a dramatic way the responsibility ing this silence, theywill be giving their love and workload which he has to bear. Bhau’s time. This has most markedly been tangible expression and assisting in the Trust In view ofthis state ofaffairs, Bhau hopes work to which Bhau must now devote more the case since 1996 when Bhau assumed the that his friends in the West will understand, and more ofhis time. chairmanship, a change which in itselfhas in.

Letter to the Editor [This impassioned letter was in response to an articlefeatured in our April ‘98 issue, but was mislaidtill now.]

From Desmond O’Brien, Tempe, Arizona ear Editor: As usual the Love Street LampPostbrought a bright ray ofBaba Bhakta into myhome.Thankyou. I write because ofconcerns raised by the article written by Don Stevens regarding Meher Baba’s own words. I was stunned to read that there are Lovers who truly think that the reading of Baba’s books may be a philosophical sidetrack from the path ofthe spiritual heart.To me this idea is sheer madness and an egotistical folly ofhuge magnitude. I mean no insult to anyone when I declare this and do ask others who do not share my opinion to allow me to explain why I feel the way I do. Even the most cursory study of religious historyworld-wide reveals that enormous suf



fering has been inflicted by men upon other men due to the misunderstanding ofvarious scriptures. This is true in all the cultures of religious theologies. From Islam to Christianity; from Buddhists to Kabbalists there have been schisms, jihads, persecutions, burning stakes and pure bloodbaths over questions ofphilosophical and theological interpreta tions ofsastras ofall sorts. In our own culture the controversy started with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and is a clear example of the battles that serious and well meaning scholars are prone to over matters oftranslation, historical accuracy ofauthorship and so on, ad infini turn, regarding matters ofscriptural purity Our generation of spiritual seekers has been given the greatest gifts that the Avatar has ever given to mankind in all of His advents. Never before, as far as we know, have we hadphotos, film, pictures, etc. etc. thatwith

out doubt record the life ofGod on earth with absolute historical veracity Never before has the Avatar, except for the eight prayers of Caitanya MahaPrabhu, given to mankind the words by His own Hand!. Even the Holy Koran was transmitted through the medium ofthe Archangel Gabriel to the Prophet. Never before has He picked up the pen to compose by His own will in such a plain and factual manner that leaves no doubt as to authorship. This is a prize of incalculable value to all Lovers of God. I would not even dare to think that I have the insight, wisdom or intelligence to knowwhat is ofvalue or isn’t on the marvebousjourney to myMaker. Anyone who does so dare, is a far braver man than I. It would seem to me that to dismiss the Avatar’s own words due to the smug notion that true gnosis is beyond words reveals more about the inflated ego than it does about real continued onpage 34

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Poetry A Poem By Gary Nedzweck Oh, Baba, one sees Your Mandali, old now, Tired, broken: by hard life gladly given In service to You. Now, their voices, their eyes, their whole being Seem to emanate unbearable longingjust to return to those days lived In service to You. How can I, Oh Beloved ofthose whom all the world reveres, Ever match that matchless, terrible beauty of a live lived In service to You. What are You asking? What? Those stories, messages, circulars Those lives of love and service stamped on glorious faces ofthose who lived In service to You.

In service to You. Oh, Gary, learn patience. It is not yet your time. (Oh, it is always your time.) Walk the middle line. Remember Me and Repeat in all you do: In service to You.

The Beyond Beyond Hotel byjim Migdoll (July, ‘93) Let me be like the dog chained outside the pub his attention doesn’t waver when strangers pat him, his eyes and ears remain alert for the One. His Master fills his instinct/mind sniffs the air for a whiff ofthe One he loves, his bark is every lover’s sigh make me like the dog Baba to wait and long for Your return from the pub ofthe Beyond Beyond —

Oh God, Oh, Baba, Oh Nameless, Formless, Beyond Beyond, Oh Comforter, Dearest of the Dear: How can so weak, ever be worthy ofthe Blessing to live In service to You. How can I, Beloved Baba, ever hope for the hard-as-steel-soft-as-butter, Yet living oh-so-simply and oh-so-worldly, YET.. In service to You. I listen again and again to Your dear Francis’ voice, rolling like distant thunder, rough yet soothing, with so much longing: to be nothing but all In service to You. How can You have done it? How can You have been so Infinitely Cruel, so Infinitely Kind, And always just when each one needed that dose ofworldly-life-cleansing medicine to help live more and still yet more

My chain is short, strain and pull as I may I can’t reach Your Abode So Beloved when You’ve drunk Your fill ofmy tears ofseparation You must come to me and unchain this mangy self outside The Beyond Beyond Hotel

Open House by Ron Greenstein, 1998 Put out the welcome mat Throwwide the doors. Send out the notice today Of the great open house Going on in your heart Do it right now don’t delay!

Clean up—Dust somethingTake out the trash. They could drop in any old time So be ready to greet The Lord and His Friends. Theywon’t call first—they ain’t got a dime! And those strangers—oh my— Who long made their homes In your heart—well they’re in for a shock Once you’ve made it quite clear Who’s invited today And repeated the name ofWho’s coming to stay They’ll quickly start packing. And slipping away, Before they hear the Lord’s knock.

A Poem By Francis Brabazon I sang a song in early spring, a song each lover sings. Then summer came with its hot flame and burnt myyoung song’s wings. I sang again—a smoldering tune in a new key and fashion Till summer’s heat changed to winter’s sleet, and with it died my passion. -

And from the ashes ofmy song arose a Phoenix singing A song of flame ofMeher’s Name: to you this song I’m bringing. -

A song offlame, yet very cool, as is an evening sky: A song that leaps, yet love’s seal keeps imprisoned in a sigh. A song offlame? No, a few drops from His Flood of compassion That have over-spilled and my cup filled and drowned me in its ocean. So listen kindly to my song it’s all I have to give you: These drops offlame ofMeher’s Name when I have done I’ll leave you. -






This poem appears in Steve Klein’s bookPraisein Complaint, © 1978: Let us make one thing clear about this God-realization business from the very start— There are those on the path towards it, and there are those with God, and the two are worlds apart. The former are spiritual, austere, selfdis ciplined men who from their goal have never shrunk; The latter’s onlyvirtue seems to be their ability to stay sober even when overwhelmingly drunk. Those on the path are engaged in an epic struggle, slaying dragons, rescuing maidens, receiving great wealth; Those with God lead an ordinary life whose daily grind graduallywears away little bits ofthe self. The knights ofthe path are armed with weapons oftechnique, and have glory etched upon their faces; God’s companions are simple farmers who never carry swords, but are pretty good shots with dung at twenty paces. Those on the path get wisdom, power visions and a peace ofmind that never lacks; Those with God get old, deaf, blind, and suffer from bad knees, teeth and backs. But ifyou have the choice, let the hero ride offinto the sunset on his charger pride, Turn your back on the path itself, but never, ever leave the Beloved’s side.

Tricia Migdoll, Queensland Australia tells us this spontaneous prayer that came to mind at theTomb, while visiting the gravesites of His women mandali:

Prayer For Women Bless me Baba. Let me love you like Mehera loved you. Give me the wit and humour, and the love for humanity like that ofsister Mani. Let me serve you... with the selflessness of Soona Masi. Give me the culinary talents ofNaja and the artistic eye of Rano. Give me the spontaneous goodness that you granted to Kitty And Baba, bless me also with the patience and obedience ofMansari.


MeherBabaln Italy’ continuedfrom page 34

Letter to the Editor continuedfrom page 32

were patient with me and worked very hard. The film turned out better than I could ever have imagined. I have always felt that the film works only because it was made by people who love Meher Baba. Because oftheir love for Meher Baba, the professionals who worked on the film submerged their egos to the goal ofmaking the best film they could. I was also inspired by the lesson Charles Haynes passed on to me from Kitty Davy and Elizabeth Patterson: When one works for Baba one must take it as seriously as possible and pay attention to every small detail. Without the benefit ofElizabeth’s and Kitty’s ex ample and how I saw Charles work for Baba, I do not think the film would work nearly as well as it does. So even there, Baba had provided the help I would need before I ever knew I would need it. Although I still think it is worthwhile to document Baba’s advent, I also see how the unparalleled collection ofthe Avatar’s words does not necessarily mean that we love or truly understand Him any more in thisadvent than in past ones. I am now less interested in col lecting facts about Baba’s life than I am in trying to incorporate what I feel about Baba into mylife.The most powerftul lesson I learned from making “Meher Baba in Italy” is one I need to live by more: Baba has our lives all planned out with loving care for He loves us so much that He wants to give us what we reallywant in our heart ofhearts, but not necessarily when or as we want. How could I know that aiming at writing a book, I’d end up making a film and enjoy that more than any book I’d ever planned? When I think of all the minute and subtle twists and turns that were necessary in my life to be able to have an experience as re warding as making a film about the Avatar, I realize that truly He is compassionate beyond our comprehension.

spiritual knowledge. If I offend with such a view then so be it. It has been declared often and with emphasis by the Master that even the most ca sual ofHis actions has universal scope. The historical record ofBaba’s life reports that Baba spent countless hours in what must have been for Him most tedious and exacting work to insure that His words were faithftilly given to mankind. How can any intelligent person dismiss as unimportant the effort ofthe Lord in this regard? It is absurd in the extreme to entertam the notion that Baba’s books need not be read. To the contrary, Baba’s own books are treasures of incalculable value, beauty and knowledge that mankind can onlyglimpse as does an ant gaze upon a nebulae. It saddens and amazes me that any person wishing to know and love Baba could be so foolish to think that this treasure can be ignored. Ofcoursc it can be so but only at the greatest ofloss to the fool who does. Baba’s words, even if never understood NOW, are like seeds planted in the soil ofthe soul that will fructify in His own time and by His own sweet will. If one does not even bother to prepare that soil with careful and devoted attention then that garden will remain fallow and not bloom as it is intended to do, by His Grace. I urge, no I beg allwould-be Baba Lovers to at once purchase and pore over each of Baba’s wonderful books.They are nectar! Nothing in all the literature ofthe human race even com pares to them in importance.

Discourses, p. 367, Meher Baba, ©1987

The only place that can hold Me is the Heart. Keep me close with you. I am always there. LoveAlonePrevails, p. 302, KittyDavy© 1981

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True faith is a form of sight and not ofblindness. It need not be afraid of the free functioning ofcritical reason.











Meherana Sahavas from A Kid’s Point of View


byjamie Dillon, Salinas, CA lam, now 7, and I went to our third gathering at Meherana last spring and have become attached to the place. Dma asked for impressions, and I’ve been wanting to give a sidelong view ofwhat it’s like for the kids there. We’re backpackers, Liam incipient and me longtime, and there’s an open feel to Meherana that’s satisfying. Central for Liam is the Kids’ Tent (referred to by the grownups as the Children’s Pandal). There’s an mazing range ofcreative fun stuffto do, plus a great bunch ofkids. The child care folks—Betty Lowman and Anne and Mehera Makeig can only guess at the immense effect they have on their world, cultivating a rich sense offtin in a generation ofkids, in their work and in their play. As a backcountry person, it never ceases to astound me that dozens ofpeople can come into wild hills, then spend their days sitting under a tent listening to someone talk. The claustrophobia would kill me. So I’ve missed the adult part ofthe festivities and hung with the kids when not poking around the trails. This time it was green, as those foothills just west ofYosemite are for a short time each year. Those who knew said there were 30 kinds of wildflowers out, and Liam counted 20. There were even fairy lanterns, a rare treat. It feltvery different for me this time, more like Myrtle Beach, with Baba’s presence ev erywhere in layers. Liam and I had a long hike up the ridge toThe Bench,looking down the slope at green meadows wending their way thru the trees downhill. Lovely. The weather on Saturday morning just plain sucked until afternoon, hailed at least twice. We very nearly bailed after lunch, then the sun came out and my toes finally thawed. The atmosphere among the people there is low-key and cordial. The food’sjust great, and the teenagers and little kids generate a loose sense ofjollity (the teenagers never ac tually slept). We’ve both made new friends from far places. I’ve gotten to cement a couple of virtual friendships as well. And oh the Bookstore, out there in the wild hills. There’s a big fire risk, there are rattlers, bears, rough country, especially in the sum-






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Priya Bufield, Betty Lowman andLiam Dillon at the Chi/drens’ Panda!

LI The Meherana kitchen crew. Roz Taubman, Brian Do/an, Bill Pearson, Herrnann Loew, Mary Hamilton, Mo//ic Irani, Meherose Hami/ton andA/an Wagnei

mer, so anybody who wants urban comforts might make other plans. But for those who are falling in love with this place, there’s a sense of community al ready building. Christie Pearson and I were talking about this, and she expressed what had been creeping into my head, that the ones for whom this will be most important are the little

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guys, who are forming their own friendships and associations now. This is their own Baba retreat here on the West Coast. Thanks, Baba, for making this wild, dangerous ridge your own, 700-Year Bridge and all. Dangerous as with cobras at Meherabad and alligators at Myrtle Beach.




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An Update from Jay Ram 1998 Hawaii

[Editorc note. When wefirst wrote about Jay Ram in the late 1980s it was about the 18 boys he had adopted and was raising on a largeproperty on the big islandofHawaii. He was also experimenting ag’iculturaliv with easilygrownfoodsfor Third World countries. Now that most ofthe boys are grown, Jay can devote himse(ffiull time to the Neem ]‘Vlission, as th property is called They have been featured on television, hadthe Ministers ofAgriculturefor many different countries come to visit his farm, and are now commercially producing health supplements from the wondeifiul pharnsacv in a tree” as the mdi— ans call the Neem tree.]


ma Snow’s gracious tormenting over the past years has finally paid offin getting me to write a sequel about “the guy raising nil those boys in Hawaii.”To summarize the two long-past Love StreetLampPost articles on the subject—A common schmoe in Hawaii, Jay Ram, becomes infested for seventeen years with innumerable boys from adoptions, foster care, and private situations. Meher Baba intervenes, providing everything for the task, and preventingJay from going insane during continuous preteen and adolescent episodes cornrnon in American culture. Now, all these boys are grown up and mostly on their own, ages ranging from 20 to 31, and there are an increasing number of grandkids, with one five year old already asking me when he can go with me to Baba’s home. There are many incredible stories to tell. Stories ofwatching so manylives passing through times ofsanskaric turmoil, stories of



trials and tribulations, stories ofBaba’s Nazar, and the touch of His gracefrul hand always upon us. Hellish stories ofthe meshes ofMaya, and breathtaking stories ofDivine interven tion. Suffice it to say that we all watched in awe as Baba would smooth over, make good, and otherwise fix up the many daily situa tions which came up in this house full of diverse energies. Not once, out ofinnumerable hard times, did He leave us hanging by a thread ofMaya; one crisis after another would be resolved. Most importantly, because Baba clearly provided so much for us in really every respect, the boys were able to understand His ways in a very natural manner each according to their own needs and capacities. Those boys who were able to remember Baba in their daily lives, also were fortunate to be able to remember him in times of ur gency. There is many a surfing story where yet another head was about to be smashed smack in the middle ofa rock, save for shouting Baba’s name at the last moment and getting away with a scratch. And one story especially stands out regarding Baba’s protection, even when He is not directly called upon: One ofmyboysjoined the navy and was in boot camp where he was having a very dif ficult time. This particular boy was one that had a close relationship with Baba. One night during marching practice, the Drill Sergeant was tormenting him to the point where he could take it no longer. Anger built up, and he

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was ready to punch him out, which of course, would have resulted in a court martial. At that moment, a vivid vision ofBaba appeared to him while marching. It was Baba as He ap peared in the 1920’s, wearing a long flowing white sadra, and it was as if He were really present. Immediately, the anger left, a great feeling of peace came about, and the whole situation with the Drill Sergeant was forgotten. Like everyone else, they go on with their lives and daily struggles. For those boys who still have a connection with Baba, His hand is very apparent in their lives. For those who do not, His hand is very apparent in their lives, for is it not an unconditional hand, after all? Most of the boys now are doing well, strug gling to make it in a culture which is not too understanding ofthe past it has infficted upon them. Some have managed to stay clear ofthe negative impressions oftheir biological roots, and for some it is a routine conffict. Some have made a positive connection back with their natural families, and as adults, the healing process has more easily manifest. If you are in a difficult position with a child, or know ofone who needs a living situation, I would like to hear from you. You may call me at (808) 963-6823, or e-mail to Jai Meher Baba!




6. Are you currentlyusing any other source ofinspiration in

addition to God? Please check all that apply. Lottery Tarot —

h hb h



God’s Quality Control Questionaire

Tea Leaves —

God would like to thankyou for your beliefand patronage. In order to better serve your needs, He asks that you take a few moments to answer the following questions. Please keep in mind that your re sponses will be kept completely confidential, and that you need not disclose your name or address unless you prefer a direct response to comments or suggestions. 1. How did you find out about God? —

Bhagavad Gita Divine Inspiration Near Death Experience Communist Manifesto Burning Shrubbery Other sources (specify):

Newspaper Television

Television Ann Landers Dianetics


Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll Burning Shrubbery Crystals Insurance policies Other None

7. God employs a limited degree ofDivine Intervention to preserve the balanced level offelt presence and blind faith. Which would you prefer (circle one)? a. More Divine Intervention b. Less Divine Intervention C. Current level ofDivine Intervention isjust right d. Don’t know. what’s Divine Intervention? . .

8. God also attempts to maintain a balanced level of disasters

and miracles. Please rate on a scale of 1 5 His handling of the following: (1=unsatisfactory 5=excellent): -

2. Which model God did you acquire? Father, Son & Holy Ghost Trinity Yaweh _Jesus _Jehovah _Satan Allah None ofthe above, I was taken God in by a false god —

Pyramids Enneagrams Feng Shui

Word of mouth Koran Tabloid Bible Torah

Astrology Fortune cookies Psychic Friends Network Palmistry Self-help books Mantras Biorythms

3. Did your God come to you undamaged, with all parts in good working order and with no obvious breakage or missing attributes? _No Yes Ifno, please describe the problems you initially encountered here:

4. What factors were relevent in your decision to acquire a god? Please check all that apply. Like organ music Indoctrinated by parents Needed a reason to live Indoctrinated by society Fear of murder by a missionary Imaginary friend grew up Need to feel Morally Superior Desperate need for certainty My shrubbery caught fire and told me to do it.

a. Disasters flood famine earthquake

war pestilence plague

AOL Windows 98

12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345

b. Miracles rescues spontaneous remissions stars hovering over towns crying statues water changing to wine walking on water talking flaming shrubbery

VCR that sets its own clock

12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345

9. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for improv ing the quality ofGod’s services? (Attach an additional sheet if necessary)

5 Have you ever worshipped a God before? If so, which false god .

were you fooled by? Please check all that apply. _Cthulhu _Odin _The Almighty Dollar Zeus _The Great Pumpkin Appollo A burning cabbage Ra The Bomb The Great Spirit Other: _The Sun _The Moon —

; 37rJ





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Old Indian Teaching Story


day, the Lordwas sitting in His courtyard,looking deeply

Qnedejected, with eyes downcast, resting His chin on His hand.

Devotees whispered quietly among themselves, wondering what to do never having seen Him looking so disconsolate. “Is there something You would like; something we could bringYou?” tentatively asked a devotee. The Lord’s response was to sigh deeply, turn, and rest His chin on His other hand. Another devotee asked hesitantly, “Perhaps there is something You would like us to do? We are all concerned about You and would do anything to please You!” A flicker ofinterest, then more sighs! “No! No! It’s ofno use to ask! You would never do it! Over and over again, you say you will, but then you don’t! Why continue asking?” “Oh! Please tell us what it is? We would do anything to please! Anything You wish!” “Really? Anything?” “Yes! Yes! Anything!” “Well! There is only one thing that would please Me! I want you all to BE HAPPY!” “Oh!” said the devotee. “Is that all? We thought it was somethng important!” —

I .:




Photo taken at Avatarc Abode in 1 958 by 13 year old Co/in Adams.

It is a Divine Art to LookAiways Cheerful Meher Baba you don’t want to be old before you really ought to

I become old, be cheerfhl in deed, thought, word and in

appearance—most of all in appearance. Maybe you are not happy. I always find half of you garlic-faced. When you eat garlic it is a smell passed on to all; so when you appear garlic-faced, that too is catching— it is contagious. It is a divine art to look always cheerful. It is a divine quality It helps others. When you are garlicfaced it makes others unhappy. If you take me as God, God’s word must be your everything. You must follow myword with all your heart. Ifnot, it is just an “everyday topic.” You take me as God, but you do not follow me as God. HowAMaster Works, Ivy 0. Duce, p. 625., ©1975 Sufism Reoriented, Inc.

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“Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” “The Truth Shall iir G iviae re rree I



Meher Baba

od does not listen to the language of the tongue, or ofthe mind, but He re sponds to the language ofthe heart. The language ofthe heart is the song oflove for the Beloved.


by Don Stevens, France e all know how many times Meher Baba repeated and repeated the first. It has even become folkioric in our day. It is not so often that we focus on the constant return He made to the necessity for honesty in life. Ofall the things that He asked me on successive visits to embrace and be embraced by Him, was whether mywork allowed me to be completely honest. At one gathering of the Sufis in Murshida Duce’s apartment in NewYorkin 1952 He spent almost an hour verylong for Baba, even for the most abstruse of subjects, clarif5iing ‘what Baba means by absolute honesty.’ There has also been the growing recogmtion ofhow many times in His writings He brought in the key role of hon estyin thejourney ofthe aspirant. But then, what about the second banner line above, ‘and the truth shall make ye free?’ As I read this today in an editorial in the HeraldTribune, it had a familiar ring, and I caught myselfin a déjà vu circumstance. I needed to reflect, and I needed to tie things together that were important. Excuse me, Baba, you said to steer clear ofpolitics, but on this occasion the political considerations led to something far more ba sic. An editorial writer in The Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong Kong) was com menting on team ofdiplomats who had been accorded the right to visit Tibet, and was mulling over what theywere likely to report to the public. ‘If they say (what they saw) were only small problems, then they are no better than (many other apologists in similar position in the past). But ifthey say that they were unfortunately limited in what they saw, but that (the situation) appears to be moving from a bad situation to one with more poten tial for improvement, the real real test will be what is done to exploit these opportunities. As far as we can recall, the truth is supposed to setye free.’

The Language ofthe Heart

This is where I woke up with a start and thought, this is a fundamental spiritual prin ciple, and Baba insisted on it constantly, but in the deepest sense of setting us free from our inner bindings. our sanskaras, our habit patterns. What is the connection between the two? Would it be surprising to find that a ftm damental truth for the spiritual path should also be an equally fundamental truth for the progress ofhumanity caught in the complexi ties ofviolent and complex storms of ambition and ancient animosities? Haven’t we recently witnessed two or three marvelous examples ofindividuals who have gone through sheer hell in prison and under torture, to emerge with a sense of truth and what must be the road to follow to reconcile one human to another, regardless ofthe inheritance by each of cyclonic antagonisms? My own experience of the truth, since that day in the 1950s when Baba insisted that one ofthe conditions for following him on the Path must be a pledge to try to observe the truth 100%, has been that this has been one ofthe most incredible adventures of my life. I would never have attempted some of the decisions that had to be made in the light ofthat vow to the Beloved, ifl had not made it, and with trembling at the possible conse quences. But the immediate chapters that fol lowed were not just crisis and catastrophe, although they did occur. Rather the incredible fact was a totally unexpected succession of events that I could never have dreamed of. So many times, the results were inspiring, not only to me, but to the one with whom I had been honest. What a man is this our Avatar!


When the heart weeps for the Beloved’s union and the mind suffers the pangs of sepa ration, then the Beloved’s response is the final embrace into Oneness. This means to love God one has to keep Him present and never be absent from Him. This means while doing all duties, doing all deeds, while thinking all thoughts and speaking all words, we have always to have His remembrance, remembering Him as the background to everyone and everything. This means in everylittle thing, good or bad both, we should remember Him and then all responsibility rests with Him. LordMeher, Vol. Eleven and Twelve, © 1979, Manifestation, Inc.

Be Content With Your Lot Meher Baba


bove all else, be content with your lot, rich or poor happy or miserable. Understand that God has designed it for your own good, and be resigned to His will. Remember the present in the frame of the past and the friture. You eternally were and always will be. You have had innumerable forms as man or woman, beautiful and ugly, strong and weak, healthy and sickly, powerful and helpless, and now you are here again in another form. Untilyou gain spiritual freedom you will be invested with many such forms, so why seek temporary reliefnow which will only re sult in future bindings later? Do not ask God for money, fame, power, health or children, but seek His grace and it will lead you to eternal bliss. Not 14k, But One, p. 52, © 1977, Meher Baba Foundation

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4vatarMeherBaba” by Charles Mills Fullcolorlitho reproduction, approximately 12x15 inches. Available through The LoveStreet Bookstore, $25.




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Editor’s Corner Jai Baba folks!


et me offer my humble apolo gies for the lateness of this issue. One thing thatMeher Babawould nottolerate was unpunctua1itThis is always uppermostin my mind as I strive to get the magazine together and out to you on time. Alas, that it not al ways possible. My Mother just turned 90, wanted to go to India one last time. She has been many times before 1961 the first and 1994 the last. She lives by Avatar’s Abode in Queensland, Australia, so I told her to meet me in Mumbai and we would go to Amar tithi together. It was a first for both ofus, and what an experience! It would seem there are Amar tithi Junkies those who go back year after year to get what it has to offer. Others, like myself prefer their communion with the Beloved to be a quieter, more private affair, and so go when the crowds are at their lowest ebb. However this is becoming more and more difficult. The crowd of eager lovers grows each year. Why, Upper Meherabad is now on the route of a tour bus to various spfritual sites in India! But I feel Amartithi is to be experienced at least once in your pu grimage years. Itwas unlike anything I could have imagined. And that is why this April issue comes to you in May! I was over there covering it for you instead of here in Los ngeles gathering all the other stories together. One of our LampPost staff Betty Lowman, was also there. We were seldom without camera in hand, so we do hope you enjoythe large section on Amartithi.You will not find much writing, as we felt it to be best experienced by the heart and the eyes. Hopefully some small measure of what we all felt and saw this 30th Amartithi will be imparted from these pages. A very special moment for me was when we got the message that Meheru would like my Mother to sit with the Mandali on the Mandap (the stage across from the Sa —

madhi in front ofBaba’s Room) during the 15 minute silence. A great honor indeed. Prior to myleaving for India,Tom Hart, another staff member, suggested that since this May marked 10 years since Baba took His Beloved from us, it would be a good thing to create a spe cial tribute to her. Many of our readers have expressed their appreciation for the memorial issue we did on the passing of His sister, but sorrow that we were not able to do the same for Mehera. In this issue we try to make amends for that omission. While in India I asked Meheru if she would be able to write about something Mehera for us. We are deeply appreciative that, as busy as she is, she was able to make the time for a really beautiful article for us. Meheru, as most of you may know, is Mehera’s niece, and at Baba’s request, served her beloved aunt for most ofher life. While I was in India, Kacy Cook, who has lived since 1972 in Meherabad, visited “Meherabode” and spoke at our Center about the ‘old days’ with

Mehera. I was disappointed to have missed the talk, but very happy to learn that Marc Brutus had recorded it in its entiret Advertising on the Baba List Serv for a tran scriber, Michael Ivey eagerly offered to do it, typing 18 pages in all! It was then edited down to the fascinating account you can read herein. The response to our request in the January issue for your yearly donations to support this maga zine was most gratifying. Wendy Ward, one ofthe volun teers who helps handle the mail, had the heart warming task of reading all your letters and turning the checks over to her hubby Rob, who entered them in our data base. The majority of those who did respond, did so with a check over and above the $ 10 that would just cover the bare cost of a year’s issue per person. But almost more than the money enclosed, were the letters you were moved to write, telling us just what the LampPost meant to you. IfI had the time I would respond to each and every one of you who wrote your letters were so beautiftil. Alas, that is not possible, so please, you know who you are know that you are thanked from the bottom ofour hearts. A spe cial thank you to Sufism Reoriented for your very generous donation. “Without the LampPost, how would we find Love Street?!” wrote Mark Trichka and Lisa Brande songwriting husband and wife duo. —


In His love and service, Dma




a A publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern Ca4fornia


£ovetStreet fsmj2osr


Cw-cti-*t& F

The £ova5trecLCamjPosr is dedicated with love to Avatar Meher Baba. Its primary purpose is to contribute to a sense ofcommunity among all His lovers by providing a place for sharing His remembrance. All the members ofthe Babafamily are invited to contribute to thisfeast ofLove. Your stories, photos, art work, poetry, letters, articles, and humor are all actively solicited. We seek expressions of Baba’s message of Love and Truth. Please submit your text on computer disks if possible (in any software format); typewritten copy on white paper is also acceptable. Be sure to clearly identify all submissions and credit every quote or reference.



th 30



Amartithi Impressions




Don Stevens


Barbara Roberts


Bili Eaton


Various contributors


A Love So Amazing: Rocky Mt. Sahavas

The LastJudgement

Transformations at Meherabode


Progress on the Archives Building, Meherabad


Remembering Mehera Meheru Irani


Kacy Cook


Vesta Clinton


Anne Ross


The Ivory family and Tony Paternini


Jamie and Zo Newell


Josephine Ross Bernice Ivory


deadlines: -


Jim Auster

Passing On



Dint Pane (The French God Speaks)

Baba’s Beloved

for the January March issue: April June issue: July September issue: October December issue:


Irene Holt

ATrashyAmartithi Story

The Day ofBeloved Baba’s Birth

Dma Snow

Betty Lowman

Blue Moon Amartithi, 1999

Mehera and Meherazad

Love Street LampPost Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southem California 1214 South Van Ness Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520 323-731-3737 or



Remembering Mehera

submissions, subscriptions, donations:

-“ -

November 8th February 8th May 8th August 8th




J oe Harmon

Charles Harmon


Kendra C. Burroughs





On theThresholcl ofChange

Ron Sehiegel


Robert Thornburn


Dma Snow


The AndraTour ofMeher Mount

Love Street Bookstore: Dma Snow (at the addresses above) 310-837-6419 between 7 and 11pm 310-839-BABA (2222) 24 hour fax

Monsoon Seasons

credits: editor: Dma Snow design and layout: Cherie Plumlee, Betty Lowman, Dma Snow, Thomas Hart distribution: Chris Lyttle cover: Cherie Plumlee, photo composition. Carolyn Parker photo composite of Mehera with flowers. Photos ofBaba and Mehera © Hermes.

Editor’s Corner

The _Cova5freetLimflbsr i published ah% quarterly, inJanuaryç April,July, and October. tAr All contents © 1996 Avatar Meher Baba Center of $iJ t Southern California. $Rz4 All quotations, photos, or books, ofAvatar Melter Baba, © AMBPPCt India


various contributors



various contributors


Notes From The Internet

various contributors


Humor for Fluma

various contributors


Dma Snow


t5tep Dnside... TheJ.ove Street Uiookstore

•. GiaEcz=z:L Allwords, images, andgraphics in thispublication areproperey sfthe cspyright holders and/sr the contribu tors. Messages andphotos ofMeher Baba © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagaelndia, and © Lawrence Reiter Unautharizedduplieation isprohibitedby law.







The 3Ot Amartithi, Meherabad January 31st 1999 By Dma Snow, Los Angeles They say that things that are rare happen nce in a blue moon.’

e have since discovered that the term simply describes the second full moon in one month. But attendees at this very special Amartithi were not ready to write it off as mere coincidence that it was a Blue Moon the day our Beloved was laid st to rest in His Eternal Peace January 31 th 1969, and it was again on this 30 Anniver sary. Meherabad was lit up like a carnival ground, but the glorious full moon in a sparkling star filled sky provided an aura of magic.




After all the hoopla had subsided, the last bus departed, the pandals all taken down, with just a hundred or so still in residence, Upper Meherabad once again became an area of tranquility. After Arti, during the quiet walk down the hill back to the Pilgrim Center, deep in contemplation of His Divine Love, it was heavenly to be bathed in the radiance ofthis blue moon that shone so brightly for over a week. But Ijump ahead... Although we had both been to India many times, it was the first Amartithi for both my Mother and mc. A complete de scription of the events of the week would fill this entire magazine, so I shall limit myself to the bare essentials and let you enjoy the photos taken by LampPost staff mem ber Betty Lowman and myself. Except for the aged and infirm, the Pilgrim Center is cleared out and all are moved to the hostels, hospital, nurse’s quar ters and quarantine rooms waybehind the P.C. A special ‘dining room’ pandal was set up there and the amazing Alan Wagncr who daily cooked for nearly 10,000 people (both up on the hill and here), provided us with the usual excellent fare.



3 Blue Moon

Blue moon, You saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart, without a love fmy own Blue moon, you knew Just whatl was therefir

You heard me saying aprayerfor Someone I really could carefàr And then sudden& appearedBefore me, the only one My arms could ever hold I heard somebody whisper please adore me’ But when Ilooked, that moon Had turned to gold -

Blue moon, Now rm no longer alone Without a dream in my hear4 Without a love ofmy own Without a love ofmy own.

Rogers and Hart The hilarious painting ofBaba is by Jim Frisino. Compared to the figure in the foreground, you can see just how big this was! The tent had the table laid for 500 guests, but as soon as one had finished eating, the banana leaves were cleared away, a fresh ‘plate’ laid down and newcomers took their place. In this fashion, around 8000 were fed here each day! Betty Lowman is seated in front of a standard place setting.





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A question we are often asked is “Just how manypeople were there at Amartithi?” The answer is it is very hard to give the definitive answer. There were 124 Westerners registered, but I could have sworn I saw at least 200! Around 10,000 Indians were billeted at lower Meherabad, with 400 in the theater, around 2000 in a huge pandal set up with mats side by side on the floo; and the rest scattered in every nook and cranny possible. The New Site,just pastJal and Dolly’s place and up towards the Samadhi accom modated another 5000.This is where 20 or more busses from all over India were parked. We found out the busses had to pay a heavy tax as they crossed the border of Maharashtra State coming down to Meherabad on the 29tI and 3OtI. If they did not cross back over the border before midnight on Sundaythe 31st, they would have to pay all over again. Consequently, the entire New Site emptied out shortly after the 15 minute st silence at noon on the 31

Watching the pandals go up was a treat in itseffi It took days, & literally miles of cloth were used. The stage was beautiful, with an exquisite backdrop of Baba and a rainbow painted by Catherine Cox. Once the show started, it was not empty for even a minute over the 48 hour period actually it was al most three solid days of performances. Hugh andJeannie Macdonald put in some heavy hours at the side ofthe stage on microphone and technical sound support. The metal guardrails weretaken down at the train crossing, and the spaces filled in by the tracks to make it a level crossing. What a time saver! Prior to this the rickshaws had to go through Arangaon village to get up the hill! There was a continuous stream of cars, bikes and people crossing back and forth as most of the commercial stands for food and Baba trinkets were on the PC side ofthc railroad tracks.








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When you got tired ofthe musical offerings on stage, there was always shopping! The stalls from many of the Baba Centers across the country were set up opposite the wall in front ofthe water tower compound Happily shopping for Tee shirts (which are now available in the Love Street Bookstore for only $8 each.) are Meghan Wylde (right) and friends. Taking a break on the steps of the Mandap after the festivities had drawn to a close are (left to right): Teresa Nugent, John Adams, Dieter and Ursula Lange and Max Siebert. -




The trains made a special stop here as they did in the old days. Hundreds climbed down with their possessions in bundles and made their way up the hill. In these bundles were their food supplies, (al though plenty was always available to buy in the many food stalls set up,) and their clothes. As they arrived at the Samadhi area they staked out their little family space on the tarpaulin. The area between the Samadhi, Baba’s Room, the Mandap and then stretching all the way down to the AmpMtheater was completely covered overhead with brightly colored material. This had pieces oflight cloth hanging from the ‘roof’ mak ing it look like waves in the ocean as it was stirred by the breezes. (The weather was perfect! Not too hot, nor too cold.) The ground over all this area was covered with a tarp of 10,000 or st so square feet. Empty it looked enormous!The morning ofthe 31 it was sardine-to-sardine not a single place to put one more body! Since the program was continuous for over 48 hours, many slept and waited the old and the young.















t rifice and a difficult pilgrimage for us to make. Granted, the journey could never be called ‘a piece ofcake’ by any standards! However, it is nothing to the sacrifices and hardships that countless thousands of the Indians made to be there to wait for hours to bow down at His feet for 4 seconds to touch His stretcher His photo. To observe their love, was for me, the most moving moment ofthe entire Amartithi experience. Although I must admit, sitting on the Mandap with the Mandali st at the stroke ofnoon on the 31 and hearing the silence descend on us as though a blanket had been thrown over the crowd effectively shutting out all sound, was a pretty awesome event. After thel5 minutes ofSilence had ended with a mighty roar from 30,000 throats of”Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai!”, the rest of the day and night seemed rather anti-climactic. Things wound down in a hurry especially after the 5000 or so left in the busses for all parts north. The pandals were cleared out and gradually the miles of cloth were rolled and stored for the next year. One lonely dog, ‘Old Faithful’ perhaps, guarded the deserted hill. —









Volunteers were called to sign up for duty as crowd control persons. I arrived too late to request Samadhi duty but did manage to secure a spot on the roster for Baba’s Room which is just opposite. Baba did much seclusion work in this room this tin shed on the hill and when His body was laid in the Samadhi, the stretcher that had carried Him was placed in this room. To protect it from over-enthusiastic lovers, it is now covered by a glass case so it will not further deteriorate as the elderly lean on it when rising from their knees. The volunteer’s duty was, for 2 hours, to keep the masses flowing smoothly, allowing 3 to bow at the one time at different positions of the stretcher, then to stop at all the photos in the room, namaste, or kiss the fingers and place on Baba’s visage. For the entire 2 hours it was a continuous stream of humanity. It was an extremely poweriful thing for me to be witness to the incredible love and devotion ofthese people. We think because we flew 18,000 miles and paid $1,500 it was a major sac—



on the

th 4

of February we were all allowed to move back into the Pilgrim Center. It was now all very quiet, with plenty oftime for a relaxing read on the walkway outside the women’s rooms.

The Teen Corner

Pretty tidyfor a teen dorm, even without mom looking over their shoulders!


Henna was all the rage. One youngftllow even had intricate designspainted all over his recently shavedheacL 1’ry attractive.

When I finally returned home, I said to my friends “It was an amazing experience, one every pilgrim should do at least once; however I don’t think I wiil choose to go back at that time again.” But now, from the distance of a month, and in writing about it I can’t wait for the next one! —



here was a large group of teens and twenty-somethings at Amartithi this year. Their enthusiasm for Baba was conta th, the night before Amartithi, the usual gious! On January 30 evening curfew as lifted and the teens energetically put on a disco night in the westerners’ food tent everyone was invited. Meanwhile, down the street in the hostels, the easterners soulfully sang bajans into the wee hours. Baba poured the Amartithi wine early for His lovers, young and old, western and eastern.



and everyone was ch thing seemed to stop tou d han a ly inct dist te qui felt I i. Samadh g together. no watching and listenin was re The . ind beh from er uld my sho I be Baba. Iraj Namiranian, Seattle, WA, USA: person touching me. I knew it to I ht. nig with our stayed up on the hill all night one We come to Him, reaching to Him the at to us and asked if I could help with duty hearts, and He also reaches out nce for Samadhi, and luckily there was a cha know He is here. us lets ut 2:30 at this me to do itbetween midnight and abo It’s hese reminisinces were collected A: US SC, r, Rive le Litt s, nce yon erie SandyL thi” at a.m. I was surprised to find that exp e, year’s 30th Anniversary Amarti tim cial spe a is it rse cou (Of init. but t’s not feel tired at the Trust over. Tha ing of very refreshing; I did feel the Pilgrim Registration Office The ’t. wasn it if e t ugh com ’t I wouldn stead very refreshed. I would have tho Compound in Ahmednagar. .) day, cial g love is spe , it’s I would feel exhausted from the lon “Amartithi is Amartithi. It’s hot a y: man Ger adt, from mst s Dar Thi ge, ple. Lan the dust everywhere. But not at all! It was Dieter dusty there’s a million peo t ap righ es us overheard in good experience. Afterward I had a nap Amartithi is a special time: it mak a 26-year veteran ofthe event, nd es! ednagar in preciate being able to be here at other tim on the hiIl for a couple ofhours. My frie the Registration Office in Ahm ian spot Ind y man so usee tho to le, ful eop der ofp Mohammad sat all night long in one But it was won early February Thousands I t see. Amartithi. near the Samadhi. lovers ofBaba, which we usually don sands ofthings to be said about the side out r; ng eve sitti than an ple wom saw an old This year there were more peo John Migliorisi, St. Petersburg, FL, e flowing down her face. y do they wer Wh . rs tyet h the Tea ties i. dus adh the Sam as itw y ainl cert USA: I helped Flint and Hughie wit silence, in bliss it seemed. lling night in ave k, ng oftr wor t sitti rs stan rigo was con ly the She g fair vin was It bra . e, com sound system any n see er ill nev had ing I fall , g; vin und It was very mo and day, sleeping on the gro the 28th installing wiring, setting up ng in had a kind of beauty from wdi She cro , . tion that with aus like exh g or thin flu s, cold with speakers on the 29th and continuing a ath, bre e. a , crib pse m. We you cannot des amongst so many for a glim maintenance throughout the progra while we in ten Lis ia: meals, i? tral sing adh Aus mis Sam es ne, sba the etim in Bri t som momen J ohn Adams, hill for two or three worked all day, ld to wor the the und me aro For ld. from cou ers we lov n a the whe ask Bab catching a nap Standing up on i 1999. tith umar just I tho ofA felt and I ds nce dre that erie hun was exp g t r par chin thei share really wonderful nights running wat dow of A: n, it occurred to me US , sha OH dar , for at.ti in ncin file Cin might be getting a tiny taste, or a sha ds t, san ber Sei Max tdali plan man n, the sha hat Dar Sisal ofw s, ver the day Uni few ing a taste, in these that Baba is giving The high point for me was dur of thai a nds Bab usa ing tho in y serv in dut lity on ears itua was went through fory ing the seed of spir lence at noon onjanuary 31st. I ething had die and be reincar I will and i ls adh sou se Sam The the constant activity with no let up, som e rts. osit hea opp in at the cab e was a ther thi ally arti ntu eve Am il to my unt wd So be cro e. the always to be don nated around the glo a wonderfiil view down across yI who bus h so eart I was the st. of of t mo sea for par a ry stage. I saw little different than will be souls in eve Baba’s picture on the for link n, sha that y dar carr for i of adh and i et adh Sam carp didn’t go in the have been in the Sam h Baba behind it all. A people, wit quietude dur and there will be a universal instance. But I really felt that the feeling of e tar, yth Ava ckb stru the to was I humanity. s the globe. dren settled being in the Samadhi was for those day flowering of spirituality around ing that time. Even the chil d aba her Me of le was who thi the arti A: The panded to include down after a few minutes. Am James Corbett, Cocoa, FL, US ng goi I’m e. tim le the who ns, dow ticked me hillso I was in it the like a lifespan it had its ups and babies crying during the Silence . the ugly ing Dur the to try to come every year now. and p. good, the bad off. Also people fell aslee , a group of USA: Kathy Williams, Los Angeles, CA night, at about 3:00 am. when Boba Anderson, Chicago, IL, to t the wen on ul ing Ma n play ly whe and I felt real USA: I felt it so much musicians were singing This is my first time here and I got up on Baba, and I thought, now Mani is gone, and , the cing en dan giv like was I felt . t pate Ijus tici e, par stag very honored to od, now thousands i for a time, Baba’s blood is gone, His family blo the stage and danced in front of chance to be inside the Samadh ed year lov this I nd d. fou I s goo d up. Thi it won’t be the same. But of Baba lovers. That felt removing the flowers as they pile her athig gre e a , ofth ion one re stat to me. The there is more Manife Amartithi, LOVED it. It’s felt like an incredible privilege of ing feel The rs. n’t ers who did Amartithi than past yea est experiences of my life. were so many Indian Baba lov on, tati ifes man totally hon , USA: Baba, of the people, of get that chance that I did. I was Armin Kraemer Sunnyvale, CA a thoue Som de. insi i love adh ing Sam high...High...HIGH!!! Only I miss elm the s walking toward ored. I felt overwh lady a saw I h to take wit was in a sand times Maui. people would ask for a flower waving her arms in the air, like she I rts. hea r thei I the all h then wit But us them and thank For me, being on Meherabad Hill all trance. It was amazing to see. e wer re The . ’s dilove Baba the the h at like y is wit i was overwhlemed nights and days ofAmartith think she threw up. I had dut The ul. utif bea The the so ht. of t nig was par d it so many people, vine Wineshop on a really goo in and I felt fortunate to be surprised it cab are on ers could oth that so gs thin of energy is amazing. I also was n atio doors are flung wide and the drinks organiz ed. aniz org l I e. wel ther and , ted was so calm, orderly the house! come in and do what they wan night, e ofth a dle had mid I the ia: in Ind sic ai, mu mb Mu the loved Beheram Raja, Irene Holt in correspondence for thc favorite my And this . ce sitar sen the pre ’s ms, aba dru ofB vy the hea Baba Trust. very clear experience n every- Avatar Meher time I was thing was the films of Baba, whe Amartithi. During the silence in near His sitting behind Baba’s cab

Amartithi Impressions


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Blue Moon Amartithi, 1999 They came by bullock cart, bus and jeep. They came by plane, by train, by automobile. “We’re here, We’re here!” Shouting, they found places to sleep, old friends to greet. They washed, they ate, Then walked up the long hill for their time with the Master once more. They set up a village on the path to His door. Meher tea, Meher flowers, Meher sweets,


Meher’s wine, Meher’s wine, free for all.


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e to leave... And then it was tim down, ared, the pandal came The village was cle town. cks drove back into The jeeps, the bullo ains. iet, His presence rem The Hill is now qu again! me co r, ithi. Next yea So, that was Amart

i Story A Trashy Amartith wport Beach, CA

Auster, Ne by “Trashwalla” Jim .12 them, since the Rs i, Meherabad ith art Am d g hir rin e-t du on ar is very ye price of a bag with has gotten completely covered . of of a days wage m the New Site west With a small group trash everywhere fro st of the Hos ea lds fie ked the to i the Samadh of volunteers we pic ndously with me tre sed pro rea inc the s in tels. This ha up litter and, plastic packag le sab the bags ‘were for. po at dis wh of ted n the explosio cess, demonstra ian Ind an d an nsciousness chang nwrappers, ing; bags, cups, pa It was an interesting co on ng thi ery ev to leave tried to corrirnunicate culture conditioned ing experience. We re to als im an eds to be respected und for sweepers or t all ofMeherabad ne tha t bu , the gro ore and ym an sweepers i, not just the T’ouul move. There are no as Baba’s Samadh . er srg ers ter us1 d many lit w down” to t1much more litter an that we all get to “bo the er we aft t as jus es row usands of tim For two years in a Samadhi many tho tnessed a big wi I ll Hi it clean. the ep t ke lef crowds had pick up trash to mess up to the all h os wo do Pilgrims Trash Torna sibly, to the surroundd to me Trash Heaven (or, pos see ed d this always happen on. tch ing fields). I was tol ca the ry year and realized n ga be ey at the same time eve Th up. wanted this cleaned the ing obvious, that Baba us David and I, with The next year, Will bags and ap rs sulky women worke the help of 1 0 very preciated the g o consider trash pickin from the village wh improvement sh picked up all the tra beneath their caste, to the general trash



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viously, most of the in three days. Pre

t to the winds. cleanup was lef to keep ill and I decided W Last year , so we thi rti an during Arna the grounds cle ks and ac ys ite plastic gunn purchased 400 wh s ridi wa a where. The ide hung them every letely mp co o considered it culed by many wh

yone to know what the impossible to get an them, and not to steal bags were for, to use

same thing with a This year we did the rking volunteers and larger group of hard wo m the pilgrims. It great cooperation fro volunteers were com seemed at times that aining bits of trash! peting over the few rem , caught the spirit— The stall vendors, too sh bag! ir own white tra each one wanted the

or what? Is this the New Age


of Amartithi, with grounds

being almost litter-free. There was no

trash tornado that year.

sian Jim AustrwitJi thePer

hi 1999 trash crew.

contingent oftheAmartft


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DieuParle (The French God Spea ks)


hile translating and proofing Meher Baba’s works is never a cup of tea, God Speaks manages to cha llenge all of ones resources. The French transla tion had been in preparation first by José Chelkoff ofAntibes for several years, and then her work in turn was revie wed and modified mostly from a styling stan dpoint by several persons from the French groups. The copyright of God Speaks hav ing been given to the Sufis years ago when Murshida Duce took on the prim ary re sponsibiity for the final editing and publication, the right to translate and publish remains in the hands ofthe Sufis. They in turn have their own stable oflangu age spe cialists, so after an original translat ion has been made, it in turn must pass mu ster by the Sufi experts. This can be very exacting, and the French translation was no exception. This resulted in long hours of head scratching and detailed disc ussions of many points, to the extent of rewriting totally the Supplement. But the translation is only the beg inning of the story. The publishing is per haps even more challenging, as it becomes clear very rapidly that it is of no great value in a public sense to have translated and prin ted a book if the means to get it into the publ ic market place is lacking. There is a good deal of stor age space in the world devoted to wel l-meaning projects of publishing various philosophical works that have grea t merit no ioubt, but which lack this essen tial public ink. The works devoted to Me her Baba, lespite the love and care that goes into all of hem, are often consigned to a hop efully dry torage point, and left to the wave of devo ion of the future that an avataric advent invitably arouses. The effort to find and solidify a strong ublishing and distributing contact in France oes way back into the early 70s when a iendly relationship of Claude Lon guet in aris turned up the first solid lead, in this ise to a well-known translator and mystic [5 own right, Jacques Weiss. Despite his putation and literary connections, the pubhing end did not flourish, and at his death, ompanion Books decided to pub lish pri tely the French translation of Liste n, Hu anitywhich Weiss had preferred as a first


By Don Stevens, Cagnes Sur Mer, France

sponsibiity, acted under an intu itive jab from Don and made a personal call at the offices where the “tentative” was being pursued. Instead of the boss-man, she ran into his wife. You know of course what can happen when two women get together, and it happened again on this occasion. The wife thought the husband would be really interested in Babas charts if he just sat down and concentrated on them. The inevitable happend of course. When Baba turns the key ever so slightly, not even the most hide bound publisher can resist. He accepted, and the negotia tion was clear and short-lived , the only question then really being the date of ap pearance and the binding, whi ch also meant the translation ofthe title . If you’ve never had to face up to what God Speaks sounds like in a foreign lang uage, you should try it out one day. The resu lt is not obvious. In English it is not exac tly an easy home run. In fact, the French introductory effort for Baba in Fran gro up ce. involved in the translation and pol ishing, had Nevertheless, immediate wor k was warned that in French, it sounds a good bit started on the translation of the Disc ourses, tougher than in English . with Francois Lemétais eventually turning Claude Longuet gave a lunch out a generally admired and competen for the t work. publisher and the translating team in his However, this was not until the usua l amount Paris apartment. All was silence when, after of difference of viewpoint on how and what cheese, Mr. Trédaniel opened up his briefto translate had let a considerable amount case and took out the English copy of the of blood onto the surrounding landscape. work and looked long at the title. God This work, when completed, was also pubSpeaks, “he read out. A pause. Eve ryone held lished by Companion Books. his breath. Then, ‘Dieu Pan e. Another You would think that about this point pause. Still no one breathe d. “Why not?” Ev the Avatar would turn the key and the next eryone let out his bre ath in incredulous step would happen miraculously. Not at all! amazement and relief. He can be very tough on occasion before he Do you think that was the end turns that opener even a very little of the bit. Anstory? Baba rarely lets one off that easily and other two years elapsed with a very fine pubdefinitively. Only a few days late r Trédaniel lisher deeply interested, but afte r many realized that with that title, if he put Baba’s months of deliberation, and incidental ly the photo directly undern eath, he would have development of a fast friendship that looks an impossible problem in the pre sent atmo as if it will be a forever one, the publisher sphere in France con cerning sects. decided that his Islamic clientele would be Several highly publicized allegati very deceived if he printed a book ons of in which mishandling of funds and human beings, the writer is mentioned as being TH E Ava culminating in a small mass suic ide/murder tar of the age. tragedy involving predictions of the end of The search started anew. Another year the world, had set France s public attitude of tentatives, and the tentative was about to literally on edge. Tré daniel was not about to be abandoned when one day Francoise risk putting his head into that lion’s mouth. Lemétais, again carrying a full load of re The hunt was on to find a new cover design. “







This time Baba had already set up the ball game. Years ago we had had to get a variety of photos and designs from the Trust when the German translation of the Discourseswas about to be published. Included in that was a copy of the painting Rano had done under Babas intimate guidance, a design somewhat in the form of a cone with a ramp leading up it with many people sitting on the pathway. Baba never explained the meaning of the painting, but it has always commanded deep interest and admiration. Don woke up at three in the morning and was suddenly struck by the thought of sug gesting this. But next morning, the photo was nowhere to be found. Again the same routine, and he had the thought of a pile of unsorted papers under the new computer. At eight the following morning, after a few fumbles in the pile, the photo emerged, after six years of not being seen. Of course, Trédaniel liked it, and everyone else seems to be of the same opin ion. When the Avatar wants something, he manages to get the message through. We hope you will all learn French in order to read this latest translation of the Beloved’s master work, Dieu Pane.

Freeing Up Emotional Energy hen Meher Baba reoriented the Sufis in 1952 He made each mureed again take a vow which included among other things a provision for trying to achieve strict honesty. This was the most troublesome of the components of the new commitment, as each aspirant began to recognize the frequency of deception and dissimulation in his daily life. Neverthe less, we all accepted it, took the new engagement with the murshida and promised ourselves to try to fulfill it. The first weeks were sheer hell. Imagine contemplating telling your wife you think she is a terrible cook because she burns the breakfast toast regularly; or your boss that he is incompetent because he hasn’t even a beginning grasp of accountancy. And if you are a doctor, what do you say when the pretty young housewife sitting before you with a baby on her lap has inoperable cancer? Worse still for me, a new experimen tal roofing product I had just developed had flopped miserably on the Orange County Fair Grounds reroof ing project. Did I tell the cus tomer the truth and offer to pay the $ 100,000 for labor and materials already used? In fact I did, and we experi


mented and found a way to solve the worst of the appearance problem. The customer was so astounded by such honesty that he only asked us to furnish free of charge the extra material he used to cover over the first botched application. Incidentally, when I told my superior originally that I wanted to tell the customer the truth, he looked long and hard at me. I thought he was going to fire me. Finally, slowly, he said, “Don, I support you.” After the first weeks of battering, life began to settle down again. All of us had gone through some pretty shaking episodes, but we were still alive and no blood had been shed. We began to congratulate ourselves on surviving the first round. Then I began to note an unexpected internal shift. I felt light, alive. What was going on? A miracle? During the ensuing weeks the answer became clear. None of us realize how much time and energy we use up nor how much uncon scious tension we generate in fabricating and then remembering all the big and little stories and white lies we tell in our daily lives. Once these are eliminated, a truly startling simplifi cation of the details ofliving occurs and a star— thing amount of emotional energy is freed up. I would never have expected it. The Inner Path in the New Life, pp. 49© 1989, D. E. Stevens. 50,

Companion Books Now Listed at ver the years Compari ion Books has published a number of transla tions of Meher BabWs works, as well as books by Bhau, Don Stevens and Mirek. These are now out there for the world to see at on the World Wide Web. These books are stocked in Denver and sent out promptly to supply orders placed through Amazon. The Love Street Bookstore in Los Angeles, Sheriar Press in Myrtle Beach and Compan


80th While on his book tour with Dieu Pane, Don celebrated his groups. California Southern and Northern the both birthday with Here, he shares birthday cake with Linda Zavala at Meherabode.



ion Books at 228 Hammersmith Grove, London W6 7HG have stocks of several of these works, and major groups in the U.S.A. often have supplies as well. You should be aware that the efforts of 30 years in translating Baba principal works into French, German and Spanish have now largely come to fruition, and God Speaks, Discourses and Listen, Humanity are for the most part now available in these three Ianguages. But these are not the only ones. Other titles arid other languages are also in print, so ifyou have a friend who is dying to read Babas words or a book about Baba in his own language, put in a query to Dina or to Companion Books and ask what is available in that language.

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Photo by Ada McDiIl

Left to rqht.Peg Clover-Stipeic MithaelSt4xJc Karen Ireianct Judi Schoeck), Bill Eaton, Mark Jamieson (directJybehindBiii, RussFreister Kathryn Harris andKeva Harris (with puppet!). -

he sixth ‘1’ _1_

annual Rocky Mountain Sahavas for Beloved Avatar Meher Baba was held February 12-15, celebrating Valentine’s Day with the King of Hearts. This year’s Sahavas (which is the give and take of His Love) was held at a spendid lo cation, La Foret, in the Black Forest region of Colorado Springs, Colorado. La Foret is a church camp, with the stately pines and a columbine blue sky framing snow-capped Pike’s Peak. The grounds, cabins, main lodge and sweet atmosphere reminded many of the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach. The Spanish style adobe chapel, a duplicate of the one in Rancho De Taos, New Mexico, and dedi cated to Saint Francis, provided a place to enjoy His Silence. Friday evening’s program began with Arti around the massive fireplace, with Baba and Mr. Moosehead smiling down on us, dear Ms. Deer beaming behind us and carved wooden cougers guarding the doors. .a truly Western Sahavas! Next, we participated in heart-felt round robin sharing of our first encounters with Meher Baba, and the ways we experience and .



express His Presence now. Each tale was a unique and beautiful expression ofHis Love. After Arti and a delicious breakfast, Satur day morning brought us the first of three sparkling talks given by Bii Eaton. From the Sahavas flier, “Bii was drawn to Meher Baba in the early 1950s andjoined in Sahavas with Him while He was in America in 1952, 1956 and 1958. She also attended the East-West Gathering at Guruprasad in 1962. Bill was the U.S. contact for OperationTopsy (19551956), distributing copies of letters from Mani, Mehera and Baba to group heads in the United States (before Xerox!).” In her talk, Bii pointed out that everyone can contact Baba inwardly, and that meeting Baba within is almost more impor tant than having had the rare privilege of meeting Him physically. “Take Me with you—I’m within” was His much repeated instruction. When He said this to Bili, He seemed to be small enough to fit into her heart, even though He was sitting quite close. Bill said that in following Baba, the heart and mind have to be balanced. “We

think we know everything, but with Baba, we find we know nothing!” She continued, “All we are is a bunch of sanskaras, so Baba has us clash together. He wants our love; without our love, He can’t do anything. We’ve got to give Him love in order for Him to help us. Baba is addicted to His creation. He comes back for love, over and over again. Baba gives so much love to us, but we cannot receive from Him without later having to give. The first and only thing He really wants us to tell others about is Divine Love. He is within us and everything is within us. All is nothing but God.” Baba said it’s so simple. To follow Him, remember these three rules: “Just love Me. J ust love Me. Just love Me.” When Bili first met Baba in 1952, His love for her was so abundant, it brought up this wonderful image: she once had a much adored dog, who, when she came home at the end of the day, would be so very happy to see her that the dog’s wagging tail would cause her whole body to shake in pure ec stacy. The dog would be rooted to the spot in her eagerness to see Bili. Such was the totaljoy that Baba had at Bils return to Him at the end of a very long ‘day’ of separation. There were workshops on “Don’t Worry” (don’t!), “Faith and Belief” (have conviction and thenjust love Him) and “Intuition” (byingly surrender to Him within, talk to Him, and then listen to Him). The Beloved’s wine shop was opened, wherein flowed beautiful poetry, story and song. We concluded with Arti and Dhuni fIre, consuming all worries and doubts, chased away by the light and warmth of His Being. We departed the next morning, secure in His eternal embrace, minds empty and hearts full, ready to once again be His agents of love in the world. \\


Editors Note: Bili means “cat” in Hindi, and Mani often drew little cats on her letters to Bii. Several of these charmingly illustrated letters appear in Bils book A Love SoAmaz ing, Memories ofMeherBaba.

Photo by Russ Preister

The Last Judgement by Bill Eaton

You shouldnt go swimming when you have the Avatar.” “But I didn’t go swimming,” I said. “I was typing for Baba.” Still farther on toward the Guest House, we met Eruch. “Bili,” he said, “the whole Center is mad at you. Baba threatens to go back to India because nobody loves Him when they go to the beach while He is here. You went to the beach, and Baba has everyone looking for you.” Again, I explained to Eruch that I had been typing and hadn’t gone anywhere. Still, I wasn’t upset because I knew I had done what Baba wanted. He was creating a situa tion to get everybody in a turmoil. I was just dying to know why. At last we arrived at the Guest House and there was Baba all in white sitting on the sofa in the living room with the whole encampment sitting around looking like the Last Judgement. But Baba was smiling and happy not at all angry looking as cheerful as a birthday cake. I stood in the doorway and smiled at Him, and He smiled back at me. I looked around at the assemblage and saw Margaret Craske among them. He followed my eyes and looked at her, too, with that quick, flashing look that those who have been with Baba know so well. Then He looked back at me -

loved sunbathing and swimming, and I was tempted by the lovely white beach and lusciously warm water at the Center. One morning, Baba dismissed us until lunchtime, and I took this to mean we would not see Him until after lunch. Having nothing to do, not even the usual editing, I decided to go to the beach, and mentioned the fact to Adele and some others, for I was ignorant then of Baba’s ways and expectations of us. However, before I could start for the beach, I was given some typing to do for Baba, and Kitty told me there was a small cabin in the woods with a typewriter that I could use. I suppose I must have typed for an hour or so and when I had finished I started looking for Eruch. I hadrit gone far when I met Meherjee. When he saw me, his face became very red and he yelled, “Where have you been? Baba is angry with everyone because you went swimming. He sent people to the beach with the station wagon looking for you.” “No, I didn’t go swimming,” I replied. “I’ve been doing some typing for Baba.” I kept on walking, with Meherjee grumbling away at my heels. I wasnt in the least dis turbed, however, because I had begun to be a little wiser by now about Baba ways and had an inkling ofwhat was going on. I knew He knew where I was, so He had to be up to something. A little farther on, we met Adi, who said, “Bill, Baba is furious. Where have you been?




Photo by Russ Preister

Micki and GabeKeycs enjoying theRockyMountain Sahavas with Barbara Roberts.

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and patted the sofa beside Him, gesturing for me to come and sit next to Him. With great delight, I did, trying not to look like the cat who swallowed the canary. He said not a word about my going to the beach. He had known all along, of course, that I hadn’t gone, and I knew He knew it. And He knew that I knew that He knew it. It was a game, arid He held all the cards. Why He had gotten everyone into such a stew He never revealed to me. But I did learn something from it and I think everyone else did, too. He was saying in effect, “Don’t even think of doing anything else other than to think of Me and be with Me as long as I am around. Even if I say I won’t be around, wait for Me anyway. Take advantage of your op portunity.” It reminds me of the parable in the Bible containing the words, “No one knows when the bridegroom cometh. I spent a beautiful afternoon bathed in His love. From A Love So Amazing Memories of MeherBaba, by Bill Eaton, Copyright 1984 Meghan Blakemore Eaton, Printed in the U.S.A. by Sheriar Press, Inc.





The Day of Beloved Baba’s Birth February 25, 1894 “

n the early morning of Sunday, Febru ary 25th, 1894, the long-awaited mo ment of our Age arrived. Shireen was lying asleep in bed at the David Sassoon Hospi tal; her mother, Golandoon, was by her side. Then the midnight gong sounded twelve times u-i the distance. Nurses came frequently to look in on her; the expectant mother was relaxed in a deep sleep. Suddenly, Shireen awoke and told her mother she had had a vision a dream. Golandoon anxiously inquired, ‘A vision? What did you see in the dream, my dear?’ Shireen answered: ‘I saw a glorious person like the sun sitting in a chariot, and his cool brilliance pervaded the atmosphere. A few people were pulling his chariot, while thousands were gazing at him, consoled by his divine radiance. I too was in the procession and marveled at the luster of his face. His light fell on the whole procession and people’s eyes were fixed on him; they could not look away.’ Hearing this, tears of joy come to Golandoons eyes, and she said, ‘Shireen, my daughter, a very auspicious son will be born to you. His name will be spread all over the world. He will be among thousands of people one day and will be carried in grand proces sions, as you dreamt. He will be given spe cial reverence and honor.’ Her mother’s interpretation com fortedShireen and she soon fell fast asleep again. The hospital was quiet. A change in the atmosphere of the planet was about to occur. However much our Age anticipated what was about to take place, it would take many years for mankind to interpret what this change would mean. A gentle sweetness filled the air. In the silence, an unimaginable joy pervaded the hospital. He who pervades was coming! Daily, hundreds of thousands of human beings are born in the world, but there is no discernible change in the atmosphere of the planet at their birth. That Sunday morning the weather was neither hot nor cold; the —

breeze that was blowing through Poona had a different significance. While people slept, the cool breeze gently wafted over them, soothing them in their slumber. Stillness came; the quietude blanketed the city and it seemed as if all the din and hubbub of the world had been absorbed in a state of soundlessness. How our Age must wish that this peace would be ever-present; how happy life would be. Then the birds started singing, piercing the stillness with their songs. There was dis tinct merriment in their voices. How sweet were their songs how healing the effect of their chirping in the stillness of the com ing dawn. If only lffes noises were subsided in their melodies, then truly the soul of man would blossom forth. Shireen’s labor pains started and a Catholic nun was summoned from her morning prayers. Golandoon sat near her daughter, watching anxiously. Sheriar waited outside the hospital room, continuously re peating God’s name, ‘Yezdan. Yezdan... Yezdan. —

. .


A gentle sweetness filled the air In the silence an unimaginablejoy pervaded the hospital. He who pervades was coming!

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The hospital’s night watchman made his rounds; as he struck the gong five times, the crying of a baby was heard. How innocent how pleasant was the sound of the newborn. The birds increased theirjoyous notes, and even the sun seemed excited, eager to rise over the horizon. Golandoon emerged from the room with joy. She smiled at Sheriar and lovingly ex claimed, ‘A son. .a son!’ Sheriar was filled with happiness and immediately rushed into the room to see his new born son. Poona wasjust starting to awaken. Was it because of the baby first cry? It was as if he had proclaimed, ‘Arise now, I am the Awak ener!’ Although people were awakening at the time of his birth, little did they know that a day would come when he would awaken them from their life ofsleep. At that holy moment, by taking birth in the early hours ofdawn, the child had signaled his arrival as the Awakener the Avatar of the Age.” LordMeher Bhau Kaichuri, © 1980 AMBPPCT, pg. 145. -



• -————


February “

n Sunday, February 2 1st, Shireen fell and suffered a brain hemor rhage. She was rushed to the hospital, but the doctors said they could not save her and that she would not survive. Baba arrived at the men mandalis quar ters at eight o’clock on the morning of Feb ruary 23rd and instructed Chanji to leave for Poona to help his brothers Jal, Beheram and Adijr. deal with the crisis. Baba also warned, ‘My mother might pass on, so inform all concerned in Bombay, Ahmednagar, and elsewhere, to be ready at any moment for the news.’ Chanji left on the afternoon bus and arrived in Poona at seven in the evening. Baba’s three brothers were at the hospital, watching over their mother. Shireen was brought back home on Thursday, February 25th, but she was still unconscious. Yet she had a pleasant smile on her face, as if she were watching something magnificent. That night at 9:40 PM, Shireen passed away, forever merging in the Ocean of bliss, at the age of sixty-five. Baba received a telegram that night and came directly to Poona from Mahabaleshwar. It was late at night when he arrived, but he did not enter the house to see Shireens last remains, but instead stood outside at a dis tance in the lane. Shortly thereafter, he went to Bindra House with Eruch, who had ac companied him. Shireen’s funeral was held the following day, and her body taken to the Tower of Silence. At Bindra House, Baba remarked to Gaimai, ‘It is good Memo died before I came. Had she not died, I would not have allowed her to die, and shewould have suffered greatly.’ Gaimai related to Baba that when Shireen had breathed her last, she (Gaimai) had seen many tiny, shimmering, golden hands emerge from Shireen’s nostrils and hover over her before floating away. Baba’s final remark was: ‘She is now freed.’ Shireenmai! Our Age will always re member you! How blessed you were to have given birth to the Avatar! Words cannot sufficiently praise your fortune. You are the Mother of the Age! 0 Shireenmai, our supreme salutations to you! You will be remembered with Him forever!” Lord Mehei Bhau Kalchuri, © 1980 AMBPPCT, pg. 2851.

LavaStreet £am icthsr 1 —————


25, 1943


Your Lighthouse

His Loving Heart

MayyourLihthouse oflove, LordMehei

H]sgentle all embracing all forgiving all Joving heart

guide mylittie boat

that consumes allhearts that come near Flim

through the stormy sea

like teardrops in the ocean ofHis Jove

ofworidiy desires

that is whyit is said ‘Meher Baba is Jove”

negativity and sorrow toyour heart

AndI— one ofthe teardrops in His ocean oflove

where there is onlypeace

and unbounded Jo ye


so Idon get Jostin the chaos ofthe world


but am athome in your luminous light ofpure Jove. —

. .,


Jack McTanney, 1997 Silent snow secret snow Is melting in my room But I’m still alive

You’re the one who holds the key You are everything to me Februarys Child

The indoor shag begins to grow The floral walls in bloom

You are beautiful to me And to all with eyes to see

Now you’ve arrived

I wish it could be Forever February

Starry night crescent moon Reflect the golden street When you appear

Lonely heart empty glass The water turns to wine An Ocean with no shore I kiss the ground where you pass You say that you are mine But its I who am yours You’re the reason that I live There is nothing I can give Februarys Child

March April May and June Surrender at your feet With grateful tears You’re the reason that I live There is nothing I can give Februarys Child


—gretchen Blumegough


Birthdaycakefor the BeJovedatBaba J05th birthdayparty Mtherabode, LosAngeles.

Februarys Child

You’re the one who holds the key You are everything to me Februarys Child

for Ilove Him more than anyone or anything


gretchen Blumegough

You’re the reason that I live There is nothing I can give Februarys Child


weep silently over the beauty offrlis being

You’re the one who holds the key You are everything to me Februarys Child, Februarys Child...



Barbara Roberts, February 25, 1977 A fair day sun sets as the cool night rises with a moon so pale. Its ending was just the beginning, like a serpent eating its tail. It is the Birthday for a Man for Whom time is never reckoned, Whose Birthday comes in the spaces between the seconds. He is the One Without A Second, without a second to spare, But He has time to show each minute drop of creation He does care. The nightcap sky sparkled starry fantasies, Accompanied by bright dancing galaxies, Yet even if the Milky Wayjoined in a pas de deux with the Pleiades, Its naught next to His still, Silent Dance, sitting under a neem tree. The sun rises on another day turning from night. Time is running out for people running without His Light. At the heart of this hum stands the One Whose Party it is anyway. But only a few take the time to stop and look up from the fray. Hes always beaming Smiles even if none pays Him any mind. Someday, everyone will see Him, far away from easy reach. Today, He’s winking from the corner shop, a sweet surprise, a rare peach. If you catch a glimpse of that Special Forever-Born Shopkeeper, Go pay Him a call; Give Him your all, And in gaining His All, Ye finders-keepers, Then go tell the losers-weepers, “Please, no more gnashing and wailing.

Instead, start ‘Happy Birthday, Avatar Meher Baba’ All-Hailing!”

thsr £ovestreetJ:am c 1



Baba’s 105th Birthday at Meherabode, Los Angeles

RitharclPeikoffplays while NancyMerwan tells the storyofBaba birth.



Goodrum and Chuck Campagna play Billy songfrom Something About Mary.


Special Guestfeff Wolverton.

Thmara Mark reads a ghazal byBhau.



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Mahoo Chorbani doing a Persian cance.

Callinglndia!LoisJones, MitthellRose, and the rest ofthegroup (on speakerphone) that with the mandali. .-

Qosr rra






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onthe Archives Building at 4&TT upper ivieneraaci K



Your love-donations put to work.


Meherabad will be thegreatestpilgrimage center in the world “—A vatarMther Baba






Transformations at Meherabode Baba’s Room Baba treasures are now archivay treated and displayed in Babas room at Meherabode.






Our copy ofa signed


‘Build it and they will come...

Babasadhra underspethii UV glass with a silver Mastery in Servitude emblem embeddedin the mahogany box.

We never had babies at the center until we converted the little sun room into a fully— fledged nursery with rocking chair, crib/playpen and changing table.

I Tamara Mark withlan Short (8months) andPamela Coodrum with Annabelle Rose (3 months).

LeftAlexandni Routhon on couth with Sophia Stermei Foregrouno Nicolas. Juliana. and theirmotherAnna Stermei




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Fat Griffin, Debra Ash, andDana Lee take a well deserved break.

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The Teens beautifuiroom was ori’hia1Jy an even grungier stomge shed! Work on the oklDogKenneis (above) resuitsin the beautifulnew office andbookstore-arthives storage room (below left,).

Exterior view ofthenew office.



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name was imprinted on her heart Baba was with heE Baba was in heE Baba was her lifc, and thephoto that captured this secret shows Baba’c image shining in her eyes.

Photograph of Mehera by Win Coates


7 ? ememerthy JJ(eA’era




by Meheru Irani, Meherazad


he 30th Amartithi ofour Beloved Baba is behind us, and as May 20th ap proaches, it will be the 10th anni versary of His Beloved Mehera’s reunion with Him. How deeply her heart longed for that day of reunion, yet twenty long years went by that she continued to live with us, smil ing through the pain. Bravely she faced this life, striving ever to please her Beloved in every way she could. In life with Baba, it was such a privilege to see the closeness and love Baba and Mehera had for each other. Any service for Baba, such as combing His hair or clipping His nails, was for Mehera a great joy. Daily when she combed His hair she did it with such gentleness, with her complete concentration on Him. And when at times Baba was in a hurry, she would do it with the same caring and deliberation. And last of all when the braid was cornpleted, she had to tie the little ribbon either blue or pink just so, giving reign to her artistic touch, while Baba, though tapping His fingers impatiently, never tried to hurry her. Witnessing each day Mehera attentiveness to Baba in her service to Him was for me a continuous revelation of her love for Him. But what we witnessed more and more over the years was Baba’s love for Mehera, and the attention He gave to everything concerning her. And how affected He would be if anything troubled her, whether it be her mood or her health. Baba often took us out for walks. In fact, in Mahabaleshwar, with its scenic beauty and bracing mountain air, it was a daily outing. And even when Baba was in seclusion for periods of time, He would encourage us to continue. —

Baba also played badminton with us dur ing one period, and when it was windy and

bumped into Mehera rather forcefully and knocked her down. Mehera hurt her knee, and naturally the game ended when Mehera could not continue. Not to have Kitty feeling worried about I it, Mehera made light of it. But that knee kept bothering her every now and then. A year later when we were in ‘Nagar, staying at Goher’s parents’ house while Meherazad was being rebuilt, I re member that Mehera had a marked limp and, when Baba questioned her, she said that the knee bothered her a little. Baba insisted on Mehera allowing Him to massage her knee, which He did with a lib eral amount of lodex every afternoon. I still have that picture in my mind of the scene of Mehera very shyly and hesitatingly allowing Him to do so, which He did with gentle hands and complete conceri tration for quite a while until the black ointment was totally ab sorbed and the skin the natural colour. This continued daily for a number ofdays till Babaleft ‘Nagar in the heat ofsummer for His mast work. By the time He returned, Mehera’s knee was completely well and never bothered her again, even when we walked all those miles ev ery day in the New Life. This 30th year 1 999 will also be the completion, on October 16, of 50 years since we went on the New Life with Beloved Baba. In F Archive, Sufism Reoriented the months and days of prepara MtherBaba andMehera at the 1952 Saha vas tion leading up to the momentous in MyrtleBeach, South Carolina. day that we would be leaving we could not play, He introduced us to vol Meherazad, so much happened our world. leyball. He would play for a while and then This upheaval was exciting for some and dis go to the men mandali’s side and tell us to turbing to others, but I observed how calmly continue whatever game we were playing. Mehera accepted it all. It was not that she One time during a volley ball game, Kitty was a stoic by nature and did not allow anyand Mehera and others were on one side, thing to affect her equanimity, but I had al and in their enthusiasm to hit the ball, Kitty ways seen at such times when Baba asked 2i

j: anything of Mehera, she showed how unhesitatingly, how graciously she was there for Him. In this period leading to the New Life, He asked for a fme sari to give to someone in the ashram. She immediately agreed and took out more than one for Baba to choose from. Baba took two saris, one for the person and one for another. Mehera happily acquiesced, “Whatever you wish, Baba.” In such instances as this, I have witnessed the unquestioning acceptance of Mehera to Babas wishes, however strange or varied they might be. We all know that Baba was in two auto accidents in the ‘50s. In 1952, though Baba was so badly injured, with facial bruises and fracture of the left arm and left leg (both the tibia and fibula), it was Mehera He thought of, asking that she be attended to first. Baba was so concerned for her, and each day asked after her progress in the hospital. When Baba had His second accident in ‘56, though Mehera was deeply affected, she tried to be as courageous and helpful as pos sible. It was to her that Baba turned for His every personal need, a drink of water or a cup of tea. And she who had never taken care of a sick person would so gently wait on Baha, feed Him and wash His face, pour the water for Him and sponge Him and try to fulfill His personal needs. The pain and suffering He went through affected her deeply. And from then on we felt that for Baba too this was a New Life, a life of extra binding and constant suffering. It naturally affected all His close ones, espe cially Mehera. Often I felt that when we in turn were both massaging Baba in the morning to try and help counteract the pain in His hip, Mehera would get restless and feel the heat. Though Baba was lying with His head on the pillow He would immediately sense her discomfort and ask Mehera to go out in the cool air until she felt all right. I felt it was not just the warmth of the room but also that His pain and suffering bothered her so much. When Baba was doing His work in se clusion, the pressure on Him was always greater. Because of Mehera’s closeness to Baba, it was important that she remain in a good mood. But we noticed that at such times, one thing or another would affect her and disturb her mood, and we felt that Maya, rather than the incident, was the cause. Mehera in her childlike way felt dis

turbed by her own hasty nature. She wanted so much to help and to be perfect for Baba in every way worthy of Him. I remember also how sweetly -

Mehera would tell Baba how she wouldhave liked to have had a beautIful voice to sing/or Him. Baba wouldlook at her with such depth in His eyes and tell her He lovedher exactly the way she was. and this meant so much to Mehera.

•:•. •.

One of the many memorable moments of Baba and Mehera together, was captured in time for me around the end of His last year with us. Visibly we could see the toll His work had taken on His body, yet there were moments when His divinity showed through the coat that He had assumed. At this time there was another glimpse of His infinite love for Mehera that tran scended the frailty of His health. In Baba’s room, Mani had put on, at His request, a favorite long playing record of qawali singing. Baba was enjoying both the voice of the woman singer and the depth of the meaning of the song. It was a description of the intensity of the love that the mast has for the Beloved, caring not for himselfbut buming in love for God. I was about to enter


Babas room but stopped at the door so as not to interrupt the mood. Baba was seated and looking down at Mehera with such concentration, interpreting through gesture the depth oflove the song portrayed. And there was Mehera looking up at Baba in complete absorption with the sweetest expression, and a smile on her face. I cannot describe the scene: it was the feeling I got. They were by themselves, complete in their own world, with Baba’s love pouring on her and filling the room. I waited for the record to end, the moment to pass, before entering. To see them together was something so indescribably touching, so beautiful to behold, it was an unforgettable moment captured in time. We felt that the deep pain Baba was going through in those last years was the anguish He knew that Mehera would suffer when He dropped His body. Together with Mehera, we all went through this deep sor row of separation when Baba left His form. How she survived and came out of it could only have been possible by Baba’s sustaining presence and help. Even in that agonizing pain of her love for Baba, like a lost child groping in the dark, Mehera tried to please and obey Him. His last message to Mehera, sent through Mani, was uppermost in her mind: to be courageous and not to worry. This year 1999, on our Beloved’s 30th Amartithi, there was a full moon in a clear sky, a blue moon, which added to that magi cal atmosphere that Babas presence creates. And gazing at the moon brought back memories which could never be forgotten or dimmed by time, of another full moon, in January 1969, when our Beloved dropped His body, and was laid in state in the crypt for those seven days before the interment. Even in that state He was giving, as He had done all His life, giving darshan to all who came. While Meherabad had been practically asleep those many years when Baba lived in Meherazad, now this momentous event shook it awake as thousands from all over India flocked here. Heartbroken Baba byers coming for this last darshan, many with their entire families, often arriving at night and not knowing where to go, what to do. The place was absolutely unprepared to handle this influx; among other inadequa cies, there was no electricity, just a few dim kerosene lanterns, so different from the lights you see everywhere now. Everybody was in


a daze, only knowing that they had to come, joined as in prayer, unconscious of the time spending the entire morning with the pil that they must come. And in that darkest slipping by. Mehera felt the hours in the grims talking of Baba! period of our lives, the moon rose shining day she spent remembering Baba were not I could not help remonstrating with her. bright and full for those seven days. The sufficient, and she would keep awake as long I knew how much she needed her sleep. moonshine was Gods light of hope for ev When she would finally fall into a deep eryone, and showed that even at such a time sleep, it was so difficult to face the task of everything was in Baba hands, and He was awakening her, but time stops for no one, watching over all. For Mehera and for all and she needed to be up for the next day of us in that state of shock, stunned as we and the next. were, the light of the moon penetrated that So this period after Baba dropped His darkness in ourselves and helped us also as body was another new life that Mehera had only Nature can. to face, a life that for her was the most dif Remembering all this and looking back ficult ofall. But her desire even then to obey even further, I cannot help but recall the Baba and to please Him was what helped presence of the moon with us when we set her to hold on to life, and sanity, and to out on the first walk of the New Life, at 4 survive nay, to fulfill with glowing in the morning, walking from Supa to Sirur. colours this last role that Baba asked of her. How beautifully the moon glowed, and how In this new phase, our daily lives were wonderful it felt in the cool, balmy air to greatly changed. What a cloistered life we be walking with the Avatar. Memories of had lived with Baba and now, how great such moments helped us to look back on was the challenge we had to face! the New Life as being special, and to re Not to be living in the physical prox member that sense of adventure and freeimity of our Beloved, but to be simply talkdom ofjust being with Baba. frigofthose days. Where the focus of people In ‘69 and the early ‘70s, the anguish had been on Baba, it turned now to His of separation from her Beloved was mandali, to hear them talk and tell of His overwhelming for human ways. Mehera. During the Naturally day she tried to oc Mehera had to phy cupy herself with .J a leading role, one work related to which she could :ir I Baba, taking care of never have imagineli His room, His pér for herself. When sonal things, etc. pilgrims began to And we visited come to Meherazad, Meherabad fre l .. .;. at first a few and quently for darshan then in larger groups, and would stay to she felt she had to look over Baba’s receive them, but things that had been when talking of stored in the East Baba, she could not Room. Involvement do so without breakin all this helped, ing down. Try as she but the moment she did, the tears could was by herself, much not be stemmed Lf as she tried not to, whenever she menMehera would tioned Babas name. Photograph by Dave Lowman break down. What a Photographs top and lower right Yet when she was consolation it was by Laurie Brooke able, the times that Baba’s image appeared on the Umar tree as possible in the night after everyone was Mehera spent talking of Baba were happy outside her window. Time would be forgotasleep to think of Him. She would often go ones. Her face would light up withjoy when ten as she would sit by the window sill conto bed in the early hours of the morning, she remembered a certain story or incident, templating His face, with the changing sometimes at 5 am when we used to start and you saw she was with Him still, and the expressions caused by the play of light arid waking up. When we tried to dissuade her, listener felt how present Baba was for her. shadow on it. Even in the night, Mehera Mehera would say, “But when can I think of As one Baba lover wrote of Mehera after she would stand before the window with hands Baba and be with Him?” And this after had gone to Baba: “Mehera’s radiant love —















for Baba has been like a warm fire on a long, needed to sleep a lot, as though her body cold night. Being with her and hearing of was trying to make up in that short time for her love and devotion gave me a very perall the years of sleep she had not allowed sonal and precious glimpse of the Beloved.” herself. She seemed to forget names of Through Mehera, so many Westerners people, notjust the short-time pilgrims, but and Easterners have felt Babas love and lis people she had known well, who had come tened enthralled to her stories of Baba. often. And we saw she had a problem in When she would sit with Baba lovers, looktrying to convey properly in speech what she ii-ig back in time on those early years with meant. Him, she would glow with pleasure, as she Our last time spent with her in Poona in would describe Baba beauty, or the way He the summer of 1989 was so special. To be looked at her, as though He was standing with her in close proximity, to be able to there before watch over her with her as she re greater attention, was counted the Baba’s gift to Mani, story. Goher and myself. And Mehera when she slept for a always had a while in the morning or very close af afternoon, we could see finity to the how her face seemed to moon. From relax completely and all her window, the lines of strain melt whenever she away. saw the full Mehera was so moon rising ready to say the arti above the morning and evening, nearby hill, sil and before any words of houetting the His prayer which she terple on top, would unfalteringly re she would call cite Baba’s name us, wanting us would come to her lips. to ‘share in the In fact, at other times joy and admire too, Baba’s name would the scene too. slip out before she said We often what she had intended gazed at the to. Photo Archive, , Reoriented full moon and His name was im Mthera on theporch atMeherazaa 1973. tried to see printed on her heart. Baba’s face in Baba was with her, it. In the right conditions we saw Babas proBaba was in her, Baba was her life, and the file looking northwards, and it was so excit photo that captured this secret shows Babas ing to watch. And she always remembered image shining in her eyes. how one late evening Baba called us all to On the last Tuesday evening, when I His room and pointed to His ‘T.V. window’ woke her for arti, to which she always re for us to look at the moon the beautiful sponded no matter how deep her slumber, colored orb of the harvest moon. That day she tried to rise, but was unable to sit up. watching it with Baba, the moon seemed She had gone closer than ever to Baba, and more beautiful than usual, and Mehera al after that evening she remained unconscious ways remembered the episode. to the world, with her eyes closed until the Then came 1989 and that last period last. when Mehera was ill. How could we have On Saturday morning when Goher said known how short the time would be? For the end was near, we all gathered around her, Baba in His compassion for Mehera did not holding Baba photo before her, with Mani let her suffer long. Mehera then became leading the chant of Baba’s name. The men much gentler, sweeter, as the day to day re mandali were also called into the room and sponsibiities had been lifted from her. She joined in the singing. I was fighting inside .



with Baba to let her remain, but I felt Him not giving way. Suddenly after all those days Mehera opened her eyes. Mani and I held the photo for her to see.

Meheragaze was strong and direcL beyond anything in the room, beyond our vision. Something she was seeing, something sopowerfuL which none ofus cou1dsee, heldhergaze. For those few seconds that seemed like eternity, she looked on with unwavering gaze and then shut her eyes. There was no weakness here, but the strength of the soul reaching the end of itsjourney seeing the Beloved in all His Glory. When she finally went to Baba almost 10 years ago, that night was Buddha Purnima, the full moon, the day of Buddh&s birth, the day of the full moon of BuddhWs enlightenment, and the day ofHis dropping His human form. And this, too, was Mehera’s day of attainment, her Day of Reunion with Her Beloved.




Photo Archive, SufIsm Reoriented

Mehera, MeherabadHilL 1972

Radiantgolden glow

Through Mehera’s Eyes

Oh Baba You tell us that we cannot see You As You really are But in my ignorance, Ilong to see Thu Only through Mehera eyes

By Lynne Douglas, Walnut Creek


aba inspired me to go to India for the first time in 1992. Although I had been a Baba Lover since 1979, I had never felt a pull to go there prior to that time. Everyone told me I would be sorry that I had never met Mehera. When I got there, I knew that they were right. I felt very drawn to her. The women mandali seemed to sense this and gave me things and told me stories about her. I remember being struck but the cornment that Mehera followed Baba everywhere with her eyes. One afternoon, kneeling by Mehera’s tomb, tears flowing, thinking about this phrase, a poem began to come to me. I got up to get pencil and paper to capture it and the words just poured out one of those things that seems to write itselfand you don’t even think about it. Then you read what you’ve written and you find its brand new to you too like you’re reading it for the first time! You don’t even need to change a thing. I always felt that Mehera gave me this poem. Mani loved it, and I had the pleasure of reading it to her several times. Heather Nadal told me that Mani had remarked to her that she was surprised that I had so captured Mehera’s description of Baba without having ever known her. Mani later asked me to read this poem at the Meherazad Christmas performance of 1995.

Oh Lynne Doyou knowfor whatyou ask? Mehera were the eyes ofcomplete devotion Doyou think she didnot see Flim As He truly was? Such love comes only by His grace Long onlyfor His grace




Through Meherac Eyes Oh sweet Baba Mehera followed You everywhere With her eyes But You are gone from me Andlhave only the eyes ofmy heart With whith to envision Yourlovely being: Strength ofbrow Gentling face Curllnghaii twinkling eye Fiercingglance ofJoye Laughing theek Compassionate smile Flowingsadhra, grace ofstep Gesture, slender fingers Shininglotus feet

My Dream of Mehera by Kendra Crossen Burroughs, Meher Mount Ojai -


n September 1991 I had this dream while sleeping in the Tree Room at Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach: I feel pain and irritation in my back over my right shoulder and try desperately to brush it away, but I can’t quite reach it or feel what is caus ing it. I turn my head and realize with astonishment that the sensation is being created by Mehera, who is standing behind me, patiently working at removing a long shaft that pierces through my back, protrud ing out my chest near my heart. The memory of this dream continues to be a comfort whenever I am suffering. It seems to say: Trust the process!


Tea With Mehera By Nancy Shev, Phoenix, AZ


hen I was at the Pilgrim Center, February 1988, I had the good fortune to be seated right next to Mehera when we had tea at the table in her house. We were all served tea and some crunchy stuff that also had peanuts in it. All of us were speaking, mostly lingering on every story Mehera shared. After a while, I noticed that she had been placing all her peanuts over to the side of her plate. I don’t know what possessed me, but I asked her, “are you going to be eating those?” She laughed and smiled and put some on my plate. It was so sweet and made me laugh. I was somewhat embarrassed too, but everyone at the table sort of sighed and a few people said, “can I have a peanut of yours too?” She passed out all her peanuts and we all had a laugh. She didn’t skip any beats really, just went right on telling stories. That is such an enduring and sweet memory of her. A little later on the porch, she noticed my camera and szid something like, “would you like to have a picture with me?” I said of course, and here is one of my most treasured photos.

JKeJera anJJKeJerazaJ by Kacy Cook (from a talk given at Meherabode, February 7, 1999)



et me tell you a little bit about my life at Meherazad with Mehera, and try to show you a glimpse of what it was like on the quiet days when the pilgrims weren’t there, because we all know how Mehera would come out on Baba’s porch and would shine for us, but it wasn’t easy for her it was a struggle, because she was a very pri vate person. But the pilgrims would come, and something would happen, Baba would take over and there would just be that magic. But Mehera liked to be alone perhaps because she liked to think about Baba in her own way. You might find her reading a book, orjust doing things around the house, but you always felt she was alone with him, was finding new ways to be with him or something to do for him; thinking about the flowers she was going to offer, or thinking about how she wanted to give Baba’s prasad to somebody nonstop thinking of Him. The house was quiet; there was the most magnificent stillness in the air. It was a vibrant stillness! You didn’t move quickly through the house the way people tend to now. She was always focused, and I felt it that amazing focus, that stillness, that quiet, it was just that concentration on Baba. She would stay up late in the night; Goher would find her standing in Baba’s room talking to Him. Regardless of what she had done all day long she never felt she had given Him enough. Goher would say “Mehera please, it’s time to go to bed!” and even when she went to bed she had to say some prayers Baba had given her. She could not put her head on the pillow, so Goher would very sweetly get some nice warm heating blankets and prepare the bed and make it nice and warm. So after all these hours and hours of standing and thinking about Baba and talking about Baba, finally at 2 or so in the morning she would rest. Mehera felt she could never give enough to Him once she told me she was trying to give back to Him all he had given her. I thought to myself, I have a few sincere moments in a day when I feel that I am with Him or thinking about Him, but this was a twenty four-hour a day thing for



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ful tapestry effect created by Baba’s gadhi, the sofa, and the reddish carpet. The walls were also a specific color her concept of beauty was so magnificent it had a real wholeness to it. Also in Baba room, everything was so carefully done. Perhaps she did it like this to create a feeling of wholeness, of harmony, a oneness of beauty with no dis— tractions. For instance in her own room, there was a certain picture of Baba that she liked, but there was a man’s head showing behind Baba, so she carefully took a little piece of tissue, tore it and wrapped it over the plcture gently covering the man’s face so she could see only Baba. Anything that we ever did for Him, she knew it, she felt it, and she was supportive 100%. It seemed that that is all she wanted for herseW that was all she wanted for us. She saw in all of us there is a little bit of God and she was trying to get that out. Now, she was also a bit of a mischiefmaker and I remember one time I had a bee sting on my knee. Since I am very allergic to bees my knee was very swollen. She knew I was suffering; so she said, “Come on, let’s take a walk. Of course I wanted to take a walk with Mehera, who wouldn’t? So I found myselfgimping along with her. It was funny. I thought, she just wants me to forget my“

Mehera. She would be out in the garden working because that’s what He wanted her to do, or talking with the pilgrims or she would be giving us work I was very lucky in —






that she gave me all kinds

self, forget

of little house repair things. Most of the pictures in Baba’s house were from Baba’s time. If f she wanted me to change : the color of a frame she would have me open it and repaint it. I’d be

my knee, forget the pain, walk on. We had a beautiful walk out b e h I n d Meherazad.



working for hours trying

She found


to find the color she wanted, then she would come out and say “No not that” and she would go dab dab dab i hat s the color i wants Her idea ofbeautywas out ofthis world. In the sitting room in Meherazad she never liked any piece of white to show because she said it would break the mosaic -the beauti-

me a wonderful stone that they

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Photo by Jamie Newell

use to bathe

with, to scrub off the old skin. I still have that rock. She did that with my scooter too. I had ridden a bicycle to Meherazad every day for about a year, and one day she said “When

are you going to get a scooter?” She knew I erything. I was very lucky to have all those was exhausted. And so I said I’d get a scooter. times, so many memories! I found an inexpensive one, it was orange. Mehera never liked to have a picture of And I bought it and I took it to show to her Baba look toojowly, so you’ll see a lot of the and I thought shes going to be so happy I pictures at Meherazad have a little pencil line got a scooter, I can now here and there, making come to Meherazad on Him look a little more a scooter. But she slender. His feet were al looked at it and she ways beautiful and slen said, “Its orange.” And der, and He was still I replied “Iis the only beautiful, but when she’d one I could get.” And see a photograph that she told me, “You have was not so flattering she to have it painted.” Sur couldn’t bear it, so out prised, I asked her what would come the pencil! she meant by that. “It’s She was so adorable. I a Rajneesh color, she feel very fortunate that I replied. In those days had that time. Every af there were a lot of ternoon about 2:30 Rajneesh people flying Mehera would call me in around in maroons and after she’d had her lunch oranges and she dis and she would say, liked the way her beau“Bring Adele to me, I tiful Poona was need to see Adele, or changing, with all the Kendra, or Reggie, or orange and maroon Photograph by Win Coates Lynn.” I would go to get robes hanging in the them and I would invari trees. And she didn’t like us, representing ably find that the person she wanted to see Baba, wearing or having anything that was was sitting all alone feeling a little lost or orange. So I paid another 500 rupees to have whatever. Day after day, she doesn’t know my scooter painted blue. I couldn’t afford it, what’s going on, I thought, she’s just sitting but I did it! She helped us understand that there. But it opened my eyes to understand you do it for Baba. Her reasoning was none how she was so available to Baba in every other than to glorify Baba. moment. When she would be telling a story Then there was the day when she de about Baba, and she knew it was the best cided she wanted to teach me how to eat thing for us to hear, if a visitor came up and chana raw garbanzo beans. So we took she was in the middle of a beautiful story, this nice big hunk ofraw chana straight from she would drop the story, meet the new perthe field, beautiful little green pea pods, and son, make them feel welcome, the whole she sat me down and said “Now this is how thing, then settle down and resume the story. you eat it,” and she showed me just how to She could be sharing a very beautiful Baba open up the pod and have that little chana story and yet she could let it go in a flash, and delight in it. I would think, “I’m sitting then pick it right up as though there had here eating chana with Mehera,” and it was been no interruption at all. It stunned me so ordinary yet so wonderful, everything was how she could do that. just so simple and natural. Mehera would always say how appreciation was so impor Question from the audience: “Baba called tant in life for loving Baba. Appreciating the Mehera the only person who loved Him as smallest things, because if you appreciate He should be loved, but did you ever see her Him, you appreciate what He does, and it’s struggling herself to be a better Baba lover, all His. That means that everything that hapto love Him more, feeling that she wasnt pens is His, the smallest thing that you noloving Him enough?” tice if you attribute it to Him it glorifies Baba, the smallest thing. And she would do I think she was always striving to please that. No matter what was happening she Him more. I mean always and in everything! would always give it to Baba. Always ev I think that she felt that she was trying to “


give back the love that He had given her. That is an impossible task, so she always felt that she wasn’t loving Him enough. It was something that was of extreme importance to her. I remember an amusing incident at Adi’s funeral, which was held in lower Meherabad. We had said the prayers by His body and all the formality was over. Mehera and I were in saris and I was holding an umbrella next to her. She looked at me and said “How fast can you run in a sari?” “Very fast,” I replied. “Let’s go!” she exclaimed, and we took off! She wanted to go over to Baba’s Table House because this was in the summer, and she didn’t get to Meherabad very often. I think it was May and it was hot, and the wind was blowing, and she’s in this beautiful sari and we get over there and she climbs over that thing in her sari. She gets in and all of a sud den just presses her face against the screen at the table. I’m looking at this scene and she is just lost in the moment lost in her memories ofBaba there and it wasjust wonderful. Just wonderful. But I don’t think she ever felt that she loved Him enough. That’s the thing. He may have said it, but she never felt it. That’s what kept her going. -

ber one time she was gathering hollyhock seeds in the garden. She loved gardening and Baba wanted her to do it, so she gardened for both of those reasons. The hollyhocks had all gone to seed and when you are col lecting seeds you can either collect them all, or you can select only the healthiest ones so the next crop will be strong and healthy too. It was after lunch, all was very quiet; she was by herself and as I came out I noticed her there. All I can say is that it was one of the most divine moments I’ve ever seen in a hu man being. She must have been focused on Baba with such intense concentration! I Question:”Baba mentioned that Mehera looked over and thought “Everything that was the purest soul in the universe. Do you she does, she’s surrounded by Baba. It was have a story of your time with Mehera that such a divine moment and there she was reflects her purity?” collecting hollyhock seeds. She didn’t know I was looking, she wasn’t doing it for anyI don’t know how I can answer that. body. She was simply looking for the best What comes to mind is her eyes, the clarity seeds to grow in Baba’s garden for the nicest and beauty of her eyes. The atmosphere hollyhocks for the next season. what she created. I remem around her Or sometimes you’d catch a glimpse of her offering little flowers at Baba’s image on the tree. These were sublime moments. Mani used to say “Whenever Mehera looked at a photo ofBaba it was a meeting!” Mani, of course, was quite different from Mehera. In my years with Mani, I knew her to be totally adorable and wonderful. But she didn’t have that same quiet divinity sur rounding her. However one morning in May of 1996 a very lovely thing happened. Let me set the stage: In the early days when Mehera would talk about the first time she saw Baba, one of the things that struck her was how thin and gaunt He was; and she would always talk about “His curly, curly, matted hair.” She’d always say that. And the way that she described it made you want to see it so much. I would always anticipate her telling this story and think, Photograph of Mehera by Win Coates “She’s coming to that part,

“You come here for what Baba givesyou now, don bring other stufiyoue here for this, you come for this. Ifyou don want to be here, you don ha ye to be here, but ifyou’re coming for this, be here now. Take advantage ofthe time.” -



she’s going talk to about His hair. You just knew she that loved that so much. So now here we are in 1996, just a couple of months beeoriented i fore Mani 0 Archive, Sufism passed 1970, Meherazad away. Even though she wasnt well at the end, she would still offer the flowers in Baba’s room for the evening arti. I would collect them and put them in the room. Now lets go to May 23rd. Maui, with Heather’s help, hadjust finished the writing 23 stories complete, for her Dream Book and we celebrated because it was May 23rd! But inside, Meheru and many of us thought “Twenty three? Why twenty three, where’s the twenty fourth?” That evening I had the flowers ready for Mani to offer to Baba in His room, but she came up to the door and leaned against it. She said, “I won’t be offering the flowers tonight, I’ll be forcing myself if I do. So I’m going to go lie down in my room.” I was devastated, I thought, “Oh, God, if she can’t do that, if she doesn’t have energy for that, this is very sad,” (because it was something that she loved to do so much). So I offered the flowers in Baba’s room, then I took a plateful of flowers to Mani’s room, because she would always offer flowers on Mehera’s bed after Mehera went to Baba. So Maui offered the flowers, and I watched and thought, “This is not good, she has so little energy,” I was very concerned. Then we finished the arti and I said goodnight and I went over to my quarters. The next morning I was walking from my little place over to the house because I would come in and start to do work around 7:00. At that time Mani would always be inside having her breakfast. But this day I saw her sitting on the porch. I thought to myself, “This is very odd.” As I’m walking over, I had this experience of an ocean of as if love just rolling off Mehera’s porch in like stories the telling there was Mehera me. overwhelmed feeling This days. early the Usually this kind of stuff just doesn’t hap“

pen to me, but I was overwhelmed with the love just rolling off the porch! So I walked up to Mani and suddenly I looked at her hair. Her hair was matted, matted, and curly, curly, curly. I said, “Have you done something to your hair?” “Well, I put a little water on it” she replied, “and I just pressed it down.” “Mani,” I said, “I can’t help but tell you that it feels like Mehera is sitting here on the porch and your hair looks exactly the way Baba’s must have when she used to describe Him. And it feels like Mehera is sitting right here!” She looked startled and said, “Oh, I wasn’t going to tell anybody. What do you mean?” I asked, and she replied, “I had the twenty fourth dream last night!” She had dreamed, you will read in her book, that last dream, where Baba came into her room. And I thought, “Isn’t that beautiful, she couldn’t go into His room the night before, so in her dream, He comes into hers” Ah me, those were the days. But life goes on. We try to go with the flow, and live in the present. We all sorely miss the old days the days of Mehera and Mani, but we have our memories, and they are so very very precious. We will never let them go. “

so SWEET TO HEAR HIM by Mehera J. Irani


nDecember 1924 Babatook us to Bombay on the night train. In those days there was no direct train, so we had to change trains at Dhond in the middle ofthe night. Baba told be ready to leave by five o’clock and, as it December and would be chilly on the way, He told us to take our warm things and not to catch colds, We got our things ready. and I had my warm, pink knitted coat lying on my packed bedding. My mother loved to crochet and knit, and she had knitted it for me while I was still at school. It was veryloose and came almost to my knees, but it was warm, so I always kept it with me.The pmnkwas a pretty colour, nottoo bright, andithad awhite band knitted into the border. Baba came into our room with a bundle oflightpinkish-mauvecloth inHishand and, to our surprise. He threw this bundle onto the big cotton carpet on our floor still hold-

us to was

ing one end in His hand. Baba then started to wrap the cloth around His head very, very quickly,looking so beautifuiwith a slight turn of His head this way, then that way, until His hair was hidden inside a turban! Baba did not want His hair to be seen while we were trayelling. Then He asked us, “Are you all packed and ready? We have to leave in fifteen mmutes. Have you left your warm things out?” Baba saw my pink coat lying on my bedding and picked it up asking, “Whose is this?” “It’s mine, Baba,” I said. He put the coat on and, because it was knitted, it fitted Him. “This is a nice, warm coat,” Baba said. “Remember to wear it if you feel cold on the


Babalooked so lovely in the pink coat and pink turban, but before we got into the tonga to go to the station, He took the coat off. Now at night when I think of Baba and remember every little thing that we did with Him, I realize that this was the first pink coat that Baba had worn. Baba always wore white or almond-coloured or very pale-blue coats, not pink ones, but at Guruprasad Baba wore


a pink coat at darshan time. Someone had. given it to Him, and it suited Him, so we

said, “Baba, why don you wear it?” But the

very first pink coat Babawore had been knit-

ted for me by my mother! We went by tonga from the Post Office to the station. In those days there were very few people at the train station. It was twi light when we arrived, and Baba told us to sit on a bench as we waited for the train, while He began walking from one end of the platform to the other looking so beauti ful in the Kamli coat, sandals, sadhra and turban. As Baba walked He began to sing quite loudly at each end of the platform where there were no people, and softly as He passedus and the others waiting for the train. Babawentback and forth singingloudly and then softly. It was so sweet to hear Him. and it showed He loved music and and how much He suffered in keeping silence for all those years. Mhem, pp. 71-72, © 189 AMBPPCT



Why the Beloved Has a Beloved by Heather Nadel, Meherabad


aba said Mehera was His beloved, that He loved her most, that her love for Him was matchless and childlike in its purity and simplicity—and that she was the one chosen to be His beloved in this Advent. He would treasure her expressions of love for Him, and see that she was pleased always. He would tell her, “If you are happy, I am happy. The worldlyminded, who do not know the meaning of divine Love and cannot understand a loving that is not expressed physically, misconstrue the role of a beloved in the Avataric Advent, and wonder if the Ava tar, too, has need for a partner like any other man. Down through the ages, hu manity has witnessed each time the Ava tar comes, He has a beloved: as Ram He had His Sita, as Krishna He had His beloved Radha, as Jesus He had His dear Mary Magdalene. But down through the ages people have wondered, and it’s no wonder that they continue to wonder in this Advent: “Why does the Lord have a beloved when He Himself is the Beloved Lord of all!” Something most insignificant throws light on this most significant question. Baba always went to such an extent to please Mehera and to keep her happy that one day Mani, in exasperation, said to Him, “Baba, if Mehera were to tell you that the earth is square, I guess you would say, yes it is, wouldn’t you?” Baba looked at Mani, and very seriously nodded His head, “Yes, I would.” As Mani recalls, it wasn’t until later that it dawned on her— that Baba loved Mehera in the way that he wanted His lovers to love Him! The Avatar sets the guidelines for humanity in His life, and becomes the gauge by which humanity can measure itself. In bying His beloved, the Avatar perfectly plays the role of the lover, and sets the guideline for all His lovers to love Him, the Divine Beloved.





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Sketch by Diane Cobb, from the archive of SufIsm Reoriented.

A Vision by Jenny O.T. Markoe, Maryland


was May of 1989, the day after Mehera had gone to Baba. A friend and I were walking barefoot along the beach. We knew of Mehera’s passing and so we were talking about it when I suddenly stopped and cried out, “Wait! You won’t believe what Ijust saw!” She gave me a puzzled look. “What do you mean? Tell me...” In the blink of an eye I had had a vision ofBaba and Mehera together, both infinitely happy to be in each others company. Mehera was quiet, sitting still but smiling, sending out rays oflove. Baba was doing a lively dance


around her, laughing. And then He started showing her various “toys” from His creation: “Look at this, look at that.” It was as though He were showing off, like a school boy with a crush. Suddenly, He stopped and pointed upwards to the sky. There was the little planet Earth, beautiful, blue and green. On all the land masses were tiny pinpricks of light glowing brightly. Clearly, He had saved the best for last. As He pointed to it, Baba laughed and cabled out proudly: “Look, Mehera See those lights? Those are My lovers!” -

Reprinted from Friends ofthe A vatar Meher Baba Trust Newsletter,”

January 1982.





In the Company of the Beloved

Meheri, Mehera Mani. and Goher -Mtherazaa 194& Januar) L948duringMurchida Duceandher daughter Charmiaith Ik:t visit to Mtherazed tomeetMtherBaba.

During the I952Sahavasin MyrtleBeath. SC (eft to right) MinL Mthem and Gobei

I9212 on theporth atMtherazad (left torighç) Gohei Mebera, Mani Meheri, and Naja.


Photographs abüve are from the Photo Archive Sufism Reoriented


Baga’s 73efooec/ by Vesta Clinton, Santa Barbara, CA


was blessed to be in India when our Beloved Meher Baba came to have the last waltz with Mehera. The Ava tar whisked His Beloved from the dance floor as they danced to the music of His Love. It’s resonance and heavenly notes felt to me like Baba’s glorious Opus, echoing the sound of the original whim of God. I heard in my heart a magical combination of the elements of this Love, befitting the end of all cycles. Baba’s Beloved Mehera was the most finely tuned instrument of His Glory, His Godhood, and most of all, His Love. She was His Symphony, Hi Choir. It is Mehera who reached the high notes with definite, perfect pitch. It was she who Had the unblemished sound to sing His true praise. Her lyrical voice was the sym phony of His divinity; she was Baba’s illuminated songbird. Mehera was Meher Baba’s sun reflected so luminously in the full moon. So powerful was her reflection it appeared to control the tide of His expansive Ocean of Love. Mehera Jehangir Irani’s melodious call drew Baba byers to her porch. It was divine, with chords unmatched in the universe- your very soul sensed its’ simplicity as you heard the essence of God’s Love. Her voice af forded complete communion with God. Mehera was the Beloved of the Beloved. 1974 was the year Meher Baba brought me to India. Baba’s Godhood was unques tionable to me, my faith young, and my love for Baba so great, or so I thought! (I was an eager pilgrim, one of those whom Padri re ferred to as a “Lunatic from Baba’s Asylum.”) It was during Amartithi that I received my

fIrst glimpse of Mehera. Approaching for a hug, I was deeply moved. It was, and still remains, a most exquisite moment for me. I treasure my connection, (by Baba’s Grace) with Mehera. My daydreams are filled with memories, experiences, and les sons. Just as we all develop our relationship with Baba, we all have our own relationship with Mehera. It matters not whether we have seen either with our eyes, for it is our heart and soul that cultivates this exquisite, personal familiarity with God and His Beloved. 3j,

This ‘knowing’ ofGod, and the resulting trust and faith in Him, is what Adi calls, “God realization in disguise.” Adi shared with me many wonderful times of his life with God. Adi Kaikushroo Irani, in 1974, told me of an experience he had with Meher Baba and Mehera that explained to me the significance of Mehera’s position with the Avatar: On one of the many walking trips throughout India, Baba gave Mehera the pleasure and company of a horse she named Sheeba. Also, Meher Baba’s Wish and Will for Mehera to be protected from the outside world was strictly enforced, so she was not privy to its demands. She was truly innocent in the ways of the world. One afternoon Mehera sweetly expressed to Baba how much Sheeba would enjoy a special grass to chew. Baba loved Mehera so much, and saw how lovingly she cared for Sheeba that He sent for Adi and asked him to obtain this grass. Adi told us he was stunned by this seemingly whimsical request. He told us Baba knew how little money was at hand, and that the cost of procuring this grass would be prohibitive. As Adi stood before his elder brother’, he became a little upset, explaining to Baba that the grass was only available in a particular region of southern India. He told Baba the three day round trip by train, meals, and the cost of the special grass would deplete their financial resources and waste precious time. Warming to the subject, Adi told Baba one man would have to go and it would leave the ashram shorthanded, delaying much needed work scheduled for completion. Adi became very exasperated. At this point, Adi’s raised voice and disre

spectful tone became too offensive to us— ten to. Baba became very stern with Adi, teuling him it was an order to obtain the grass and to do it immediately! Baba turned arid strode away, leaving Adi staring in disbelief, his anger continuing to rise. What a waste of time and money he thought, and how unnecessary when there was real work to be done. He told me it had crossed his mind that Mehera caused prob lems for him and I made Baba spend money needlessly. He believed Mehera made him, Adi, look like a fool to the oth ers for allocating time and money for ‘silly horse grass!’ Adi kept stuffing his feelings and thoughts for days. His mind whirled like a tornado and he told us he had become trapped in the ‘eye of the storm’ By the time the man re turned with the grass, Adi was fit to be tied. He was given the bundle to take to Baba, who, upon its presentation, asked Adi what was in the bundle. Adi responded, with great irritation in his voice, “The stu pid grass has come, and at more expense than just money!” Baba rose with fire in His eyes! He told Adi he was an ignorant fool and had learned nothing! The look He gave Adi pierced his heart. His shame grew as Baba said, .

“You fool! Don you know that Ilove you foryour sake, but I love Mehera for mine! As Adi finished the story, we sat in si lence, stunned. Tears welled in his eyes, and as one rolled down his cheek, I felt as if I was sitting underneath a great, healing waterfall. A few more moments passed in silence, then Adi told us this was a great humbling for him, and that it had never left him. It was indelibly scorched on his

mind. Adi looked so downcast, I could not break the lengthening silence. As his story swept through me, I could literally feel each cell in my body recognize the mas tery of the experience Baba gave Adi. This knowledge resounded deep within me. The moment of clarity I had while ustening to Adi had become a cornerstone of my faith in Avatar Meher Baba, changing

Baba at her side. She lived every moment for Him. Every morsel of food that entered her mouth was for Him, every song for His ear only. Mehera, through her stories and love of Meher Baba, taught me the wonderful lesson of living in His Presence. I trained myself to be conscious of Baba’s Presence by my side, at all times. At first, I needed to fine-tune the instrument of my imagination, based on His Love! I started with drivingmycar.To be a more careful driver, I always imagine Meher Baba sitting in the car with me. It is a great respon sibility, so I must use caution and great care! When I am riding in someone else’s car, it is Baba who is behind the wheel. When I care for someone, it is Baba or Mehera I imagine I am caring for. When I go to the dentist, it is Baba behind the mask. When I walk alone in the dark to reach my car, I Photograph of Meher Baba and Mehera © Lawrence Reiter imagine I am on my my perception of the world. Through this, way to Darshan, or tea with Mehera. If a my association with Mehera had become an man is encountered along the way, it is al odd mixture ofdiverse elements. She was my ways Meher Baba. When the wind blows favorite aunt, my best friend, and the most deep in the night, and I can ‘hear’ something loving and tender person I had ever met. Yet or someone entering through a broken door, I was so in awe to have had the privilege of I imagine it is Baba coming in from the her person in my daily life. She was wise, storm. deep, and also a very strong person, inno The moon is evidence that a reflection cent and pure. of light is proof of His Love. A beautiful God in Mehera is revealed as she smiles symphony is testament to His Glory. A pre in the embrace and beauty of Divine Love. cious gem can only be illuminated by the It was the musical poetry of His Songbird twinkle in His eye. (Mehera described so elo that was so capturing, yet so freeing. From quently how this twinkle was beyond mea Mehera’s individual notes and pleasing sure.) I make myself remember there is melody I received my lessons. Sharing some nothing without Meher Baba. Nothing can of my lessons with you, on this 20th day of exist without him. That means you and me! May 1999, seems appropriate. It marks the Mehera said so. first decade since Baba and Mehera waltzed away to Paradise together. When I began my relationship with Mehera over twenty-five years ago, I never once felt her to be without


Our Last Letter from Mehera

Song for Mehera’s Anniversary by Heather Nadel

by Mehera

By the Gate

(Editor. note: The following message from Mehera wasgiven by her to Gulnar Sukhadwalla for reading to Baba frstern lovers as she visited us during herrecentjourneyhere. It was read out to ourgroup by Gulnarat the LosAngelesMeherBaba Center on April22 1989)


eloved Baba’s dear children gathered here today, I am happy to wish you all through Gulnar amostlovthgJai Meher Baba. it is so heart warming to know ofyourlove for Baba who, as Avatar of the Age, came on earth to awaken all hearts in love for God. Beloved Baba loved us all very dearly and now we must love Him with all our hearts. In so many dif ferent ways you can show your love for Meher Baba who is omniscient and omnipresent. Remember him in all you do and He wifi guide you to do what is right. It may not always be what you want, but in your love for Him you must ask yourself, “What would Baba want me to do?” and the answer from within you is always forthcoming. Baba says, “The voice of intuition is My voice.” There are so many guidelines to help you do what would please Baba. When you are loving and helping other people you are bying and serving God. And when you love Meher Baba pleasing Him and obeying Him are most important and dear to Him and should be dear to you. When each ofyou tries 100 percent to do as Baba wants He is surely near you helping you. to do so is often not easy, but with Babas help it is not impossible. Beloved Avatar Meher Baba coming on earth as man was to help us on our spirituabjoumey. Know that he does help and guide us on the path to the Goal, which is to Himself. And each one of us, sooner or later, knowingly or unknowingly, must undertake thisjourney. It is our journey to God. And by offering us His Daaman to hold Beloved Baba is making thejourney so much easier for us. So hold on fast to Mehers Daaman with both hands and love Him more and more. You are all so fortunate to love Beloved Baba for it is His love that you reflect in your hearts. Much love to you each and all our dear family, ever in Beloved Baba’s eternal love.

Mehera, He said ‘Z’e brave,” What agift to us thatyou obeyed Andstepped awayfromyour own heartpain to live for Him, to smile again, for us who came so late. For twentyyears He paused by the gate; He was alive in you for us who came so late. Mehera ofthe sparkling eyes, You meant much more than we could realize. Alwaysyoung with an ancient calm, Th be with you was His healing balm for us who came so late. For twentyyears Hepausedby the gate for us who came so late.

Th care for us wholnot been there! You were so naturaL but we became aware He was alive in you for us who came so late. -

For twentyyears Hepausedby the gate for us who came so late. Mehera, a livingprayei You talked to R]m and we feltHim there. Nowyou’re gone butyourgarden fair; Your love for Him itstillblooms there for us who came so late. He paused by twentyyears For the gate and thrived in you and sighed in you and was alive in you for those ofus who came so late.... He was alive in you for us who came so late.

Mehera, the loveyou shared The teayoupoureci the time you spared

Cable from Meherazad


cable dated 20th May, 1989 came with the following message:



;d; : .






MANI AND ALL MEHERAZAD FAMILY Photograph of Mehera, Gary Demo 40

7sit ...andlthink ofdarlingBaba andHis Lovefor us alL andhowHesufferedfor us. Andlremember all the little details ofHis beautifulForm, andlthink ofall the little incidents wfth Him... ofmyfirstglimpse off—Jim at Sakori... ofBaba dancing and singing in the dawn liqht on the Post Office verandah... Andnow it is time for us to return His love. “You must keep JovingBaba more andmore, andmake Baba happy withyour love by rememberingHim always. Think ofHim andsayHis Name, andHe wilaiways helpyou. You love Him because He lovesyou, so be happyin His Love. Know thatBaba is withyou, andknow thatHe lovesyou. Andso be happy. He is the God-Man, and to be lovedby the God-Man is so beautifuL How veryfortunateyou are.” Quotations from Mehera by Mehera Jehangir Irani, Beloved Books © 1989 AMBPPCT Photographs of Mehera on the porch at Meherazad, top 1973, bottom 1976, Photo Archive, Sufism Reoriented


Passing On J osephine Ross By Anne Ross, Averil Park, NY How can you adequately describe in words the life of another person? Even a person you think you know well your mother. Especially a mother who was not what anyone would describe as typical. Instead of breakfast, she fed us on poetry; instead of housework, we were treated to the smell of lilacs and walks in the woods... J osephine Esther Ross was born on November 21, 1907 in New York City, the daughter ofDr. Amadeus William Graubau, Professor of Geology and Paleontology at Columbia University, later at the University of Peking China, and Mary Antin, author ofThe Promised Land and lecturer on prob lems of immigration and related subjects. Later in life, she would tell us that it was difficult being the child of two “geniuses.” Although she learned the Hebrew prayers from her Jewish mother (her father came from a Lutheran family) and they kept the Sabbath, she attended a Christian boarding school and there developed a love for Christ which later reflects in her poetry. When she was a young girl, her mother took her to a palm reader who told her “this is the hand of a born mystic.” In November of 1931 at the age of 23, she met Meher Baba at Harmon, New York on His first visit to America.* This experi ence was to have a profound effect on her and she said that she immediately recognized Baba as the living Christ and she became a lifelong devotee. Up until then, she had never written po etry, but after meeting Baba, she said the words just flowed. She describes how He appeared to her: -

Thybeauty, Loro Ic like a thousand blossoms thatlift their fragrantpetals to the night, andali the myriadjewels ofthe stars arepale beside the radiance of Thy light.

She was one of the fortunate few who stayed for the month that Baba was at Harmon. She said that she was given the honor of bringing Baba’s meals from the kitchen to his room and would catch a *

glimpse of Him through the open door. She was thrilled that Baba asked her to stay at Harmon to help with typing until he re turned in the spring, as the house was permeated with His presence. After He left, she expressed her deep longing:

Margarita. He also accepted Baba as his Master and became a life-long disciple. (He is the one who played the bagpipes for Baba subsequent visit to Challa-combe in 1932, mentioned in the English newspaper ac counts.) A few years later Josephine and Kenneth met in NYC through mutual friends who were interested in Baba, and they were innmediately drawn to one another, as she so beautifully writes in her poem: Out ofeternity You come to me; hook intoyour eyes And there Isee Myselfreflected! Oh, in what dim past frf4re we two partec/ Now to meet at last Under these newer skies, In this strangeplace? What destiny now brings us Face to face?

4 v....


Istand on a balcony neargentlyswaying tree tops, And a golden summer moon floods the world with her light. Crickets andkatydids fill the night with theirshrill cries; And myheartis lonely. Where is He whom hove more than all eartith beauty? IlookforHim in the stars Andfindhim not.

Prior to this, on His way to America, Baba had visited England and spent 10 days at the retreat at East Challacombe in Coombe Martin, established by Meredith Starr. One of the early English group gath ered there to meet Baba was Mother’s fu ture husband, Charles Kenneth Ross, who was the brother of Meredith’s wife,

See page 1586, Volume V, LordMeher

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Even though she felt a deep soul connection with him and he told her shortly af ter they met “that he would like her to be the mother of his children,” she told him she wasn’t ready for marriage. He went off for a year to the Northwest Territories of Canada and when he came back and visited her, she said “I’ll marry you now ifyou stiiwant me.” (I often think how near my sisters and I came to not having them as parents, though I’m sure Baba planned for them to be married long before they met each other.) Mother said that she asked Baba if she could go to India with Him and He answered in His own inhnitable way, “If you were a boy, I would take you!” In June of 1937 they were married fri NYC and moved to a five-acre uncleared plot of land in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey, about 1 7 miles inland from Atlantic City. Their new home consisted of a one room cabin along with a large tent, no indoor plumbing and a hand pump for water. Daddy started clearing the land (with an axe and a shovel) and started building another room onto the cabin,which was not yet com



pleted when their first child, (Margarita Esther) was born in April of the following year. Though Mother had been used to all the fmer things in life, she said that she was very happy during these early years. They were quite isolated from other Baba followers (the closest being in NYC 150 miles away) though they both kept in touch writing letters. Following is an excerpt from a letter Mother wrote in July of 1939 to one of the early Baba group about their plans for a retreat for Baba: to help in the work of a retreat, I have proposed to others who love Baba, that you consider the idea of joining us here. Our plan is to build individual cabins for those who come here to stay and we have worked out a plan for a large community house where guests will eat if they choose and where a large library will be available for study and for meetings, as well as a meditation room in which will hang a portrait of Baba to inspire those who wish to use it. The cabins will also be equipped for housekeeping so that people can cook and eat alone if they so desire.” Though their plans for a retreat for Baba never materialized, they maintained a small farm growing organic food, along with freerange chickens and for a time, a goat herd. The following verses from her poem called “Homemaker” were written during those early years and expresses her contentment A woman’c life is little things, A babjth cry, a childhurt knee; The way thegrassesgrow along Thepath beneath the maple tree. Dayin, day out, oflittle things She weaves apattern, to and fro Th make a home: a woman life Ispeace, ifshe willkeep #50. She would send copies of her poems to Baba in India and some of them were published in the early copies of the Meher Baba Journal. Baba told her that her poems were “the Songs of His Heart.” Mother had tremendous courage and great faith in Baba. She never appeared to



be afraid of the unknown, as she showed when leaving city life to live as a 20th cen tury pioneer woman. And when her hus band died after 17 years of marriage, she picked up the pieces of her life and started over, even though it was heartbreaking for her, as she expresses in these verses from an unpublished poem written in 1955:

lishing company in NYC as a young woman, and even though she was advised that she would never be able to get a job at her age and after such a long time out of the bustness world, she started her life over again in a city strange to her by getting a job and a small apartment and gathering her family together. Life was never smooth for :-: Mother, and as with others who follow Baba, it seemed as though she was burning up Sanskaras from many lifetimes. She lost all ofher household belongings twice, and suffered much physical distress toward the last part of her life. For much of her adult life, she suffered from extreme mood swings. She never complained even when in obvious pain. She was the epitome of the sign of Scorpio, “the Phoenix rising from the ashes.” About five years ago, while in the nursing home, she com pletely stopped taking in nour ishment and my sisters and I decided not to interfere as it J — appeared that she had decided Photo submitted by Anne Ross that it was time for her to leave her physical body. (She told me that she saw a bright light and heard lb One Who Knows beautiful singing.) Butjust to be sure, I asked her, “Mother, do you want to die, is that why Icannotlook back you’re not eating?” When she answered Font breaks my heart, “No,” I realized that she had not made the Now that we are forever decision and still wanted to live, that she was Apart. not eating because of depression. We started The things we dici her on an antidepressant and she began tak Andthepath we troct ing small amounts of orange juice and then Aregone from me now gradually Rice Crispies and milk, which diet By the W’ll of God she stuck to for months until finally getting His was the wisdom back to her normal diet and coming back to In allyou said life. How could Ithink Though she was living in a nursing home, Thatyou were dead? there were some bright spots in her life. Each ofyour children Once I took her outside behind her buildLike shining fib wers, ing where there were two giant willow trees, Proves to the world a favorite spot of hers. It had been a long God’c Creative Powers. day and I was feeling exhausted from prob And in all ofour hearts lems at work and Ijust sat back and listened The flame ofourlove to her talk. She started telling the story of Willbeguardedand watched her stay at Harmon with Baba and it was ByHis angels above. the most beautiful rendition of that part of She had worked as a secretary for a pub- her life that I had ever heard. I wished that



t ‘ other Baba lovers could have been there (or that I had a tape recorder with me). When she fmished, I got up out of the chair and found that I was completely relaxed and re freshed, as if I had been there with her at Harmon... on other occasions when she was feeling sociable, she would immediately ask for Bill Cliff to come and sing Baba songs for her. She had her favorites and would severely critique his rendition if he didn’t get it just the way she thought it should be sung. The highest praise she gave him was that he fi nally got The Tavernjust right! She particu larlylikedjeanne ShawFink Coat Songand Manes Open Up the Door Lord and would sing along and harmonize with Bill. Many of the nurses and aides at the nurs ing home asked for copies of her book and would look at Babas picture on her bedside table and ask about it. We felt that Baba had His own reasons for having her there and perhaps worked through her to benefit the staff who provided personal services. Last year in January, while my sister, Rose, was reading the latest edition of Lord Mehoi she said it suddenly came to her that she should take Mother home and care for her. She is a nurse and she was at a stage in her life when this would be possible for her. Three weeks before this, Mother had fallen out of her chair from a propped-up position and landed on the top of her head. She was very bruised and shaken but X-rays did not indicate a break or concussion, though her back bothered her for a long time. We felt that this fall was a wake-up call for us to get her out ofthe nursing home; we are convinced that angels were present to help break her fall or she would not have lived through it. Onjanuary 31st the whole family gath ered and escorted her to the ambulance that would take her to her daughter’s home in Lake Luzerne. Mother was not an easy person to care for and did not like to be moved, fed or changed most of the time. It took a lot of patience and determination for Rose to put her life on hold and devote herself to taking care of Mother for the ten months she lived with her. We had talked it over and we knew when Mother left the nursing home that she might not have much time left, but we wanted her to be in a loving atmosphere surrounded by family for as long as possible, and not to be alone in her last .

hours. She was able to get to know her grandchildren and great grandchildren, and her last hours were spent with Rose and her husband and daughter. Baba’s name was repeated for her and she went peacefully home to Him.

All thatlam Igive to Him. Oftalents andgifts ofart Tiiallaregone andlrost at last, Wfthin J-Jis Sacred Heart.


and need to care for other children. She became a mother to many including eleven foster children, three ofwhom she adoptedValerie, John and Frederick; and a granddaughter, Yonnette, all ofwhom she lovingly took into her home. Bernice leaves to cherish her loving memory her husband Harrison; three sons Carlton, Frederick and John; a son-in-law Victor; three daughters Janice, Carlene and Valerie; four grandchildren Yonnette, Eurydice, Isaiah and Myron; a grandson-inlaw Jan; three great-grandchildren -Jada, Jhan and Jave; a brother, Kelton, Sr.; a sis ter-in-law, Audrey; a sister, Benita; a brotherin-law, George; and a host of nieces, nephews, in-laws, other relatives and friends. -



Note: all of the verses quoted are from poems published ill Songs ofa Modern Dis cile by Josephine Esther Ross © 1989, ex cept for the verses from Th One Who is Gone.

Bernice Carmen Williams Ivory


ernice Carmen Williams Ivory was born on October 6, 1926 at Lying In Hospital (now New York Hospital) to the late Harold and Helena Williams, Sr.; she was the fifth of seven children. Bernice was raised in Harlem, New York, attended public schools and graduated from Center Needle Trade High School, where she studied sewing and home economics.She worked as seamstress for many years after her graduation; she also worked as a nurses’ aide for years until her retirement. Bernice was a very spiritual person and it came to the forefront in 1956 when her sister Beryl introduced her to The Avatar, Meher Baba. Meher Baba was a Perfect Master who lived in India and was visiting the United States at the time. Bernice became very de voted to Baba and lived according to His teachings until her passing on February 7, 1999. She was not only a very spiritual person, but also a very caring and nurturing woman. Her love touched many lives here and abroad. Bernice met Harrison Ivory when she was 12 years old and hewas 14. OnJune 15, 1947 they werejoined in Holy Matrimony. To this union three children were born Janice, Carlton and Carlene. On June 14, 1997, Bernice and Harrison renewed their vows for their 50th wedding anniversary in front of family and friends. They were married for 51 beautiful years of happiness and love. Bernice volunteered at New York Foundling Hospital where she developed her love -

Lovingly submitted by her family


ike Bernice, her funeral was a loving and

beautiful experience. It had a mostly Christian flavor a rich Christian flavor including a reading from scriptures and the singing of WhataFriend kHaveinJesus (which never sounded so heart-stirring to me before). It also included Babas favorites Pre c/otis Lord and Begin the Beguine and a reci tation of The Master Prayer in which all not just present were able to participate the “Baba lovers.” The stories of Bernice told by her family were the most touching. I was particularly moved by the heartfelt tribute ofher adopted daughter Valerie, who spoke of all she is still learning from Bernice, and of Bernice’s strong support when children taunted her about being adopted. Most of all, Baba’s love, in the uniquely nurturing aspect with which it always flowed through Bernice, held that funeral in the palm of His hand. God bless you Bernice... —

by Tony Paterniti, New York.

Scott Tycer by Jamie and Zo Newell, Nashville


ongtimeBaba-lover, trustwalla for the Nashville area, and dear friend of many, Scott Tycer died at his home at 1:30pm Nashville time, Saturday February 27th. He loved Meher Baba and served him with all of his heart. He will be greatly missed by those of us who knew and loved him. Scott had been battling cancer for several years.

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To: Viola Farber@MeherBaba.luv

From: Regina Sadono

Re: Dancing with God in the Wings


iola Farber, on the other hand, was phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, a page, a esting, she says. Interesting because they quixotically quirkier like silly putty chapter, an indelible volume in the aren’t mistakes, but something that hapwith sure fire hyperplex instincts, and with Cunningham saga. She is never rewrit pens in spite of what we intend, revela an angular, wiry; and sinuously off-centered ten, only replaced. “For instance, if Merce tions. flexibility” (Kenneth King). was working with Viola’s quality in an area From 1968-1985, she directs the Viola “Her body often had the look of one of a dance and I was in that part, I was Farber Dance Company. “Her work is like part being in balance and the rest ex then supposed to deal with her quality Abstract Expressionist Painting. You follow tremely off” (that was Merce). somehow” (Steve Paxton). it (as you follow all dancing) for the act of “In the quintessentially creation, not for the sake of some dis Farberesque ‘Legacy,’ which she cho embodied product that creation leaves ?ji’** : reographed in 1968 to a Chopin :: behind...” (Arlene Croce). Her dances étude, Ms. Farber moved like a are a response to the way everything is dreaming, elegant giraffe (a New mixed up in this world, “people and mi 1: YorkTimes obimary byjennifer Duncrobes and elephants and cassowary ning). birds.” w r : Jeff Slayton says Viola met Baba In 1971, she and Jeff Slayton win : sometime, he doesn’t know when. In gold a medal in the Ninth Interna 4 * the Fifties? When did Baba come to tional Dance Festival in Paris. She t . the United States? It was in New 4 becomes artistic director of the Centre York. “As soon as I saw Baba,” she National de Danse Contemporaine and says, “I knew He was God.” establishes an institute for the trainIn 1958 she dances for Baba, in ing of dance teachers. In the 1990s, the Barn at Myrtle Beach, a dance is named Officier de l’Ordre des Arts made by Paul Taylor. What is it like et des Lettres in France. to dance for Baba? Are you scared? Vwla Farber was born in Heidelberg, Baba smiles, an inscrutable smile, sa Germany. She came with herfamily to the’ voring a silent, happy secret. “Now US at the age of7, and became a US citi and again it was like two persons, anzen when she was 13. In 1952, she met other just ahead or behind the first” Merce Cunningham andJohn Cage at (Merce). Baba smiles at them both. Black Mountain Colllege, where she was And in this picture she embraces studyzngdan andmuszc ce Viola became one the space that embraces her, arms ofCunningha cprincial m dancersfor 12 both straight and curved, holding years creating many roles in his early something invisible, like love. She beworks After leaving Cunningham she :! comes the painting, which becomes •: formed her own company and became •: her. Still life. world-renow nedfor her contribution both ‘*4 In another picture (Crises 1960) as an artist anda teacher shejumps into Merce’s arms. They are An edge oflazity subversive wit lay young. Her hair flies up, curling upbeneath her plain-spoken ess in conversa Photo by Richard Rutledge wards like her smile. Merce looks up tion and in her dancinp Thatcfrom the Viola Farber in Summerspace (1958). at her, holding her against him like a New York Times obituary. ViolaFarber Slayton Choreography by Merce Cunningham, child. He peers up at her, beyond her mys died in New York Stage ofa Design cerebral by Robert hemorrhage Rauschenberg, on teriously at his own vision, which she emDecember 24, 1998. She was 67. bodies, which she represents. Her feet curl “I never thought I was a very good adupward, too, behind her, as he grasps her vertisement for Baba,” she says at Pilgrim Viola’s good friend Bunty Kelly reminds waist, her arm around his shoulder. They Pines in 1990. But how do we advertise us that Viola shared Baba’s birthday, Febru share a center, leaning away from it, tryBaba? Knowing, as she did, all of herself, ary 25. Bunty remembered a recent phone ing to escape. She is happy. They are knowing herself, as we all do, twenty-four conversation with Viola: “The last time I bound together, producing unity and au hours a day, how do we advertise Baba? spoke to Viola we were discussing the diffi tonomy. Better than an unselfconscious study culties of life and she said she hoped that She dances with Merce Cunningham in quiet unpredictability?” With more hu when she went to Baba she would get a great from 1952-1965, becoming a word, a mility? More grace? Mistakes are interbig hug from Him. I’m sure that she did!” —


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Passing On


(continued) J oe Harmon

On the Threshold of Change by Margaret Bernstein

by Charles Harmon


ormerly of Atlanta and more recently of Myrtle Beach, Joe Harmon passed away December 29th after a nine year battle with leukemia. He was born in Front Royal, VA in 1927. Joe led a very active life. During WW II he volunteered as a marine, and was at Bikini Atoll for 2 atomic tests. He also received many awards from Marine Veterans organizations. AfterWWII he received both his undergradu ate and law degrees from Emory University He lived for many years in Atlanta and became a lawyer, and founded the very suc— cessftul law firm of Harmon, Smith, Bridges & Wilbanks. One of their many clients was the Martin Luther King Foundation and he was also personal friends with Coretta Scott King. He was very active in volunteer work of many different natures, including volunteer legal work representing the poor. He was also involved with the Peace Through Law orga nization. While he lived in Atlanta, he was an early member ofthe local Meher Baba cornmunity started by Charles Haynes at Emory University Joe came to know Baba through Tom Caudle in 1969. For 25 years,Joe was on the Board ofDirectors ofthe Meher Center in Myrtle Beach and served as their legal counsel. He was an expert negotiator and was known for his abil ity to look at the bright side ofthings during great difficulties. Even while enduring exten sive suffering, he continued to ftMiil his role on the Board. He amazed those around him with his continued dedication to the work of the Beloved. He also had a great interest in the caretaking ofthe center and was a volun teer caretaker for a number ofyears. He was buried in Senoia, Georgia, a small rural community south ofAtlanta on January 3. The bagpipes played, while a small group of Marines led the way. Along with his wife Ellen, he left 6 children. There was a memorial for Joe in Myrtle Beach at “Dilruba” at the Meher Center onJanuary 10. Those who knewJoe will miss him. Donations may be given in Joe’s name to the Meher Center.






by Ron Schiegel, New York


he gentle melodic strains offlute famil iar to Baba Lovers all over the world are featured on Margaret Bernstein’s new CD On the Threshold ofChange. The album, which is a perfect follow up to her debut CD Full Circle, consists of ten original instru mental compositions. Like Full Circle, Margaret’s virtuoso flute playing is often doubled up in exquisite harmony tracks and is also accompanied by herselfon piano and keyboards. In addition, BayArea Baba Lover Gay Dunn graces three ofthe compositions with her beautiftil cello playing, andjazz guitarist Mimi Fox (courtesy of Monarch Records) adds upbeat Brazilian flavor to “Breaking Through.” Margaret has a unique talent in bringing out an awareness of our connectedness to nature through her music. She manages this partlyby incorporating authentic nature sounds (such as babbling brook, buoyant birds and buzzy bumblebees in “Living in Lagunitas”) into the fabric ofher music, in-

Monsoon Season by Richard Peikoff by Robert Thornburn, Los Angeles CA


plendid acoustic playing combining cutting-edge fingerstyle technique with a raga-inflected slide style. In this reviewer’s opinion, this 1995 Guitar Player magazine accolade is an understatement. Many will know this as Richard’s “Made in India?’ cas sette, originallyreleased in 1994; however this DAT recording has been remastered for CD release. This instrumental offering has been beautifully presented in two suites. The Western Suite is quite diverse. “One Hand Clapping” and “100 Mile House” move with propulsive and confident rhythms; while “Waterlilies” and “Gondar Gardens” reveal

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terweaving her flute motifs with bird calls. Her music also evokes powerful images of Nature and Baba since her compositions have been inspired by the forests and hills of Northern California and upstate New York (where she has lived during the last few years), and her pilgrimages to Meher Cen ter (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) and Meherabad, India. Some musical highlights on the album include “Awakening Hearts and Souls Dance,” a waltz-like ballad dedi cated to her horse, Rosie, and “In the Direc tion of Home,” which won honorable mention in the International UNISONG competition. The music on On the ThresholdofChange reflects Margaret’s ongoing spiritual quest for union with the Beloved as well as the changes and transformations that she has dergone during the last few years, most notably giving birth to her son, Julian Song, who additionally helped to inspire the re cording process from utero. There is a pu rity and honesty that comes through in Margaret’s flute playing and in her musical compositions that transports the listener to an altered state where one cannot help but feel Beloved BabaJGod’s presence. There is continuity between the musical numbers yet enough contrast from meditative, peaceful pieces to upbeat, dance-type melodies to keep the listener engaged. This album is rec ommended for everyone! an elegant and sensitive side to the artist. The Eastern Suite is comprised of four selections and features Peikoff’s provocative slide guitar. His variations on the Gujarati Arti are fresh and heartfelt. Unique to the album is his collaboration with Parsuram Sherla, who plays tabla and tambura. In the words of the artist: “It was a meeting of two musical brothers from cultures thousands of miles as well as thousands of years apart. Music is sacred to me, as it is to Parsuram. For us, music is God.” Recorded by Hugh Macdonald in the study hail on Meherbad Hill, the live ses sions capture not only the beautiflil acoustic ambiance ofthe room, but a deep apprecia tion of the silence of Baba’s love. We are fortunate to have such devoted and talented musicians in the global Meher Baba community I highly recommend that you include Richard Peikoff’s Monsoon Season as part ofyour musical library.

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Announcements Avatar’s Abode You are invited to Avataii Abode From 11th to 14th June, 1999 to the 41st Celebration of Meher Baba’s 1958 visit to His Abode in Australia.


his Sahavas in 1958 was Meher Baba’s last outside India. It was during this time that He named the property Avatar’s Abode and said that it will become one of the great places ofpilgrimage in the world. The Anniversary of Meher Baba’s visit to Avatar’s Abode is a special time for all Australian Baba lovers and this is enhanced when the time is shared with Baba lovers from the international community. Our special guest this year is Bhau Kalchuri, one of Meher Baba’s closest dis ciples and Chairman of the AMBPPC Trust.For further information, registration, accommodation and costs contact: Phone: Bernard Bruford, 61-7-5442 1487 Fax: Gärd Saunders, 61-7-5441 3123 Email: Avatar’s Abode by visiting the website at http :/ avatar/index.htm Please share this invitation with your local Baba group and friends.

Avata?s Abode New Library


vatar’s Abode now has a new re ception center, which also includes a IibraryThis is accessed by pilgrims and visi tors and the Trust is in the process of adding copies ofbooks relating to Baba. Ifyou are an author or publisher we would love to place a signed copy ofyour book in the library for visitors to the Abode to read. Please donate a signed copy and send it to: Avata?s Abode PtyLtd. P0 Box 184 Woombye, Qjd.4559 Australia. If you have any queries, please email positive@’ orfax (ISD) 617 38465009 Michael Rohan.


Correspondence to Bhau

A Note from Our Trustwafli Lynne Berry

26th November 1998 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Baba,


month ago Bhau had asked me to Post a note on the Baba Listserv and various Baba web sites conveying that, owing to the greatlyincreased pressure ofTrust work, it is no longer possible for him to continue his personal correspondence. This was not at all a step that Bhauwanted to take, and he delayed long before taking it; but the force ofcircum stances has left him with no alternative. Since then, many dear friends and close ones throughout the world have, as requested, desisted from their personal correspondence with Bhau. Bhau has been deeply touched by this; indeed, the silent consideration they have shown attests to their love more than any letter could do. At the same time, a fair amount of personal mail continues to flow in. Those of us around Bhau know how virtually impossible he finds it to keep from replyingin these cases, keenly conscious as he is ofthe feelings ofthe persons concerned. Unfortunately, a trickle of such correspondence will inevitably increase to a stream and a river, as has happened in the past: and this will interfere withTrust work at a particularly critical juncture. Therefore, Bhauji has asked me to reiter ate his heartfeltrequest to all Babais dear ones to refrain from sending him personal letters (as distinct from letters concerning necessary Trust work). He continues to give talks at the Pilgrim Centre at Meherabad, for those who come here on pilgrimage, and he is currently planning another visit to the West next year. By Baba’s grace, there will be many further such occasions in the future for the free flow and sharingin ourOne Beloved’s Divine Love. —

In Film, Ward Parks



you’ve been thinking that some time you’d like to make a love-dona tion to theTrust, today may be the perfect time. The Avatar Meher Baba Trust runs a first-rate school, provides medical care for villagers and maintains Baba’s tombshrine and Trust properties. There are also beneficiaries ofthe trust whose living expenses are covered by donations from Baba-lov ers. All ofthese worthyprojects were spedfled by Baba Himself in the Trust Deed. Many oftheTrust’s charitable projects and outreach projects are carried out by Eastem and Western volunteers. Some projects, however, require the assistance ofpaid Indian workers, and as India raises its standard of living, the cost of materials and labor is on the rise also. Now this new opportunity presents itself Love donations are also needed for the archives project preservation of the pre cious articles used and touched by Baba that mean so much to all of us. Ifthis appeals to you, please make your check payable to Friends ofMeher Baba Tmst, and send it to: Lynne Berry 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626


arguerite Poley wishes to send thanks to her dear Baba friends for all the cards and letters. And especially for your love and prayers that are keenly felt. She’s sorry she can’t answer her mail. Her current address is: Beverly Manor, Room 17, 7940 Topanga Canyon Bi. Canoga Park, CA 91304 Marguerite shares with us one of her memories ofBaba at Myrtle Beach: One ofMargaret Craske’s dancers did a solo performance with Baba in attendance. At the end amidst resounding applause, she ran up to Baba and kissed Him directly on the mouth! Baba was visably startled. Ev eryone paused astonished, then He smiled and made a sweet hand gesture Marguerite tookto mean “She’s trying to steal myheart!”





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Young Adult Sahavas at Meh Mount, 1999 c

Come to share Avatar Meher Rain’s love in our lives through music, poetry, discussion groups, films, art activities, work/service projects, shared meals, daneing and more. The young Adult Sahavas will take place at the beautifid hilltop re treat center, Meher Mount in Ojai, Callfornia, which was visited by Meher Raba in 1956 and cared for by Agnes Baron until her death in 1994. Meher Mount now serves as a universal center, and is located two hours from Los Angeles by cat Dates: Friday afternoon, June 25 noon Tuesday, June 29. Ages: 20 39 (Parents maybring cullthen under S years old.) Background: Many young adult fol lowers ofMeher Baba have discussed the idea of holding a sahavas (which means “living with God”) for young adults sirni lar to the much loved sahavas programs for all ages and theYouth Sahavas forhigh school students. Last year, a few young .aduhs met informally in Los Angeles at one ofBhau’s talks and discussed the idea of beginning a sahavas for young adults. Bhau then joined in and told us, “There has been enough talk, talk, talk! Now is time to do, do, do!” So we de cided to do. with less than 2 weeks of -



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preparation, about 35 young adults from sevParents must provide their own eral parts ofthe country gathered and shared childcare a beautifullong weekend at Meher Mount W A few scholarships will be available The gathering was honored with a letter for people who would otherwise not be from Eruch, encouraging us to, “Uphold the able to attend. Trust He has reposed in you, by ever striv- :::: • Iflinyone would like to donate extra ing in all circumstances and endeavors, to money to help someone else attend, your live a life of love, sacrifice and honesty so gift would be very welcome. We are also that your very being becomes a beacon of looking for the donation of a refrigera light for the New Humanity, pointingthe tor for Meher Mount. way to His Pleasure.” • Please contact: Allyoung adult followers ofMeher Baba and those who would like to know more Julann Lodge about Him are invited to attend the second flli 2846 Juniper Street Young Adult Sahavas. Please share this inWY SanDiego,CA 92104 vitation with others who mightbe interested (619)231-4950 in attending. email: Meher Mount can only accommodate 100 people, and the number ofpeople who For more sahavas information and reg want to attend is already overwhelming. istration forms come visit our Web Page: Please register as soon as possible. httpi/pantheon.yale.edubfad8/sahavas Cost: $150 per person Write check to YoungAdult Sahavas.This charge will cover the cost of food and facilities. If there are left over funds, they will be donated to the Meher Mount Corporation. . We will be camping out. . Parents may bring children under five years old at no extra cost. Please notify _1 us in advance ifyouwiilbe bringing dillthen. .



Young Adult Sahavas, 1999 Registration Form (Please fill out one per participant.) Send with payment of $150 to:



*Do you have any special needs that we should know about?__________________ *Any special requests for discussion groups/workshops?


How did you hear about the Young Adult

Julann Lodge 2846 Juniper Street SanDiego,Ca 92104 (619) 231-4950 Please write checks to: Young Adult Sahavas.

E-mail: Age:

will you be bringing any children? No


Ifyes, what are their ages?


Please check offall the days that you will be attending: Sun


Fri Mon


Detailed information about the sahavas will be mailed to you. See you there!

B aba, B aba Everywhere: Cailing all of B aba’s Young Artists by Rob Narke


aba, Baba Everywhere wants to be a

book, a book with lots of colorful pic tures of Baba painted by His lovers, by His children, children of all ages. If you would like to paint or draw one or more pictures of Baba in the places or circumstances we find Him in this poem, and you would like your art to be included in this Baba book, please send it to me at the address below. I intend to publish the book within the coming year and to use as many ofyour paintings/drawings as possible. Please do them on standard 81/2 x II” white paper and be sure to include your name, address and telephone number. Please, send all Baba artwork to: Rob Narke, 510 Woodgate Drive, Marietta, CA 30066. I’ll let you knowwhen I receive it, and I’ll keep you posted on the book’s progress. Meanwhile, if you like, you can hear me reading the poem by tuning into Baba’s Home Page. htmllmusic.html I’ll be looking for your loving submissions. Meanwhile, Jai Baba, Baba Everywhere!





Baba, Baba Everywhere (Ode to Meher Baba) Baba, Baba in my soup. Baba, Baba on my stoop. Baba, Baba in my hair. Baba, Baba everywhere! Baba, Baba in the sky Baba in my piece of pie. Meher Baba is the man Sifting through my garbage can!




Baba, wearing funny hats. Baba taming tiger cats. Baba dancing with the stars. Baba, strumming wild guitars!

Baba, Baba, Baba who? Baba one, and Baba two, Baba three and Baba four; Baba more, and more and more. Meher Baba up a tree; Meher Baba, just like me. Baba in the ocean too, And in an ocean-drop like you.

Baba coming, Baba going, Baba laughing, Baba knowing. Baba riding on a train. Baba, running in the rain!

Baba-balloons high above; Baba-balloons filled with love. Baba, flowing in the breeze. Baba in a real tight squeeze...

Meher Baba in the sun, Kissing, hugging everyone. Honey for the bumblebee; Sweetly loving you and me.

Baba why? and Baba how? Baba then, and Baba now! Meher Baba on the wall. Listen! Can you hear His call?

Baba, skipping up the walk. Baba signing Baba-talk. Baba tumbling at the fair. Meher Baba, everywhere!

Baba, lighter than a feather. Baba in all kinds of weather. Baba, all at once forever. Baba rolling in the heather.

Can you find him? can you peek? Baba’s hiding... Will you seek? Baba morning, noon and night, Beaming love with love’s delight.

Baba short and Baba tall. Baba bouncing like a ball; Bouncing, bouncing down the hill. Baba on my windowsill!

Baba’s mustache! Baba’s eyes! Baba’s got a big surprise! Can you guess what Baba wants? Can you guess what Baba hunts?

Baba riding on a fly, Smiling as He’s riding by. Baba in a blue canoe; Wave to Baba, “Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!”

Baba-lovers, quite a few; Baba-lovers,just like you! Baba bobbing in the pink bubbles ofyour kitchen sinlç

Baba, just about to start. Baba with a great big heart. Meher Baba all day long, Baba sings a happy song.

Waving, calling with a wink, “Come on in! What do you think?” Follow, follow ifyou dare, Baba, Baba everywhere...



Baba playing with a goat. Baba in a rainbow coat. Baba, sailing like a kite, Seeing everything in sight. Baba big and Baba small; Inside, inside, inside all. Baba up and Baba down, Baba lost, and Baba found.






e::!t Groundbreaking at Meherabad Properties, Inc. byjames Cox


nThursday, October 10, 1998, at about 5:30 pm, Bhau Kuichuri swung the pick (“tickau” in Marathi) to break the first ground for construction on the first 24 condominium units to be built at Meherabad. J ames Cox broke the ceremonial coconut. More pictures of the event are available at the Meherabad Properties Web Site: http:// After seven long years ofendless frustra tions and delays due to innumerable ob stacles, this marks the actual beginning ofthe first private development at Meherabad where foreigners have been permitted to pur chase land and to hold the same in their own names. These buildings will belocated a little less than one mile due west ofMeher Baba’s Samadhi, across an ideal, small windsurfing lake which will probably dry up soon. The design ofthese townhouse-like condominiums has been inspired and helped along byTedjudson, while the actual building is being done by Meherabad Construc tions Pvt. Ltd., Ahmednagar. Model photographs of the buildings going up are also currently available at the above mentioned Web Site. Since I havebeen involvedwiththis project from the beginning, quite a few people have now come up to me to offer congratulations and to tell me that I must feel excited and happy, but for some reason I don’t, it is almost anticlimactic. I suppose I have become numbed by the process and the many, many disappointments, but I am reminded of Baba’s promise to ultimatelygivepeoplewhateverthey askfo; although by the time they get it, it no longer matters. For me, the work itself has become the thing, and I hope by running fast enough, I’ll be able to keep up. Just now at Meherabad, there is a lot of talk and interest regarding future planning and zoning ofthe lands adjacent to the Trust

lands, as well as other nearby lands, the main focus being on how to preserve the special atmosphere here as much as possible. While some persons feel that most ofthe land within a one or two mile radius ofBaba’s Samadhi should be preserved as a green area, and development should be severely re stricted or prohibited by anyone other than the Trust, this is not what Baba had said would happen. On various different occassions, and to various different persons, He had indicated that a city would spring up from the southwest to the northwest of the Samadhi, and building that city is not really one of the objects of the Trust Deed, set forth by Baba. Also most of this land is not now owned bytheTrust, nor does it have an available opening in it’s land ceiling to purchase the same. TheTrustwill, no doubt, provide many public and charitable facilities to the nearby commu nitybuttheTrust cannot bylawbe in the busi ness ofproviding private housing, nor does it have the framework or desire to do so. On the contrary as the charitable activities oftheTrust increase, it will be the private households of Baba Lovers that will provide much ofthe la bor force to sustain the activities of the Trust, just as they do today. However, the form of development that this upcoming city takes is definitely a matter ofconcern for all Baba Lovers, and I feel that virtually everyone would agree that it should be done in the very best manner of which we are collectively capable, even ifwe don’t all agree on what that “very best manner” might be. In my opinion, that simple act of trying to do one’s best to please Baba is the thing that each ofus can do which is the most contributory to maintaining His special atmo sphere at Meherabad, so, while it may be very easy and tempting to sit back and say someone else should do this and not do that, it has been my experience in life, that to influ ence a process by example is far more effec live than to try and regulate that process by some form oflegislation, especially in India. If anyone is interested in more informa lion on this subject, feel free to contact me.

J ames Cox, Post Meherabad, Ahmednagar Dist. M.S. 414005, India Ph. 241-58728, 241-58744 Web site:

Notes from the Internet J ames Cox December 5th


his morning was crisp, cool and very bright with the low golden sun of early morning clipping the brown high grasses that stand and swaywhere plowed fields used

to be. Birds fluttered from tree to tree, and for a moment I thought I saw a deer leaping through the grass as I have seen on so many similar chilly mornings in Texas, but it was just my imagination, although it could eas ily have been real. Last month, while driving through some fieldsjust west ofthe Samadhi, I almost ran over a spotted fawn crouched in the abun dant tall grass. This one was the size of a baby goat, but had big ears that stuck straight out as it ran first one way, then another much faster than any kid, almost comical looking. We see deer very often now, not too far from the Samadhi, near the small lakes to the northwest. Wildlife in general has prospered with the thick vegetation of an exceptional mon soon, and last week as I was looking out of my office window one afternoon, a large hare hopped out of the grass onto my driveway, sat in the warm sunshine for few minutes, then hopped off My dogs must have been asleep, because they don’t let much get by. About 10 days ago they caught a stray mother cat and killed her in front of the house, but my servant found the 3-week-old kittens and we are raising the three of them on our back verandah. They have been named the Mews, and are rather vociferous with their primary interests. Food. The first morning they were here, I had the idea to take one to the Samadhi, so at Arti time I popped her into my shirt pocket with the head sticking out and took her for a walk, mew mew, mew! She was making so much noise, that I thought people would complain, but hardly anyone noticed unless they saw this small head sticking out over the edge of my shirt pocket with two little paws holding on. When I bowed down, her head also touched the cloth covering the slab. The mewing seemed to have stopped for a minute. I don’t suppose there is any rule against taking kittens for Darshan...yet.





f: December 25th

January 11th


astTuesday saw Baba’s Samadhi draped in three colored flower buntings for the celebration ofMehera’s birthday, with most ofthe Women Mandali visiting Meherabad on that cool, bright, late winter morning. Since Christmas is also a national holiday in India, many people stretch their vacation to also cover December 22, and the crowd was fairly large this year, only superseded by Christmas, today. ...this dusty, holy Indian hilltop in the Central Deccan, quite evocative ofanother time in Bethlehem, 2000years ago.

Last night we sang mostly Christmas carols at Arti and it was, as it always has been, a unique blend of a tropical, crisp, Christmas nip in the air with traditional western carols transplanted onto this dust holy Indian hilltop in the Central Deccan, quite evocative of another time in Bethlehem, 2000 years ago. One new touch this year was that some people made cellular Chrismas phone calls to their friends and relatives all over the world, directly from Evening Arti at Baba’s Samadhi, as the singing continued in the background. This morning four bussloads of His byers left the Pilgrim Center for the traditional Christmas program at Meherazad, although one bus didn’t quite make it, it’s passegers haying to be ferried over the last 2 mile stretch. The crowd at Mehera’s garden was 5everal hundred, definitely more than last year. For the occasion, a richly colored pandal (flat-topped tent), had been erected and a stage was assembled on one end. The performance was a wonderful collection ofmusic, singing, skits, magic tricks and two of Mani’s jokes told by Heather Nadel. After the performances were over everyone joined a long queue for darshan at Baba’s chair in Mandali Hall as Aboba gave out the Christmas present packages, then came “board the bus,” and we all headed back to Meherabad. Words can never adequately describe the atmosphere on such occasions, but it ap proaches “sublime,” and one gets the feeling that everything really will be OK one day as our individual differences and petty sufferings get washed out in His waves that keep breaking on the shores.



his has been about the coldest winter at Meherabad that I can remember. For the last few weeks the thermometer has hov eredjust below 500F in the early mornings, and some people staying in Hostel D and C have been making blanket tents over their mosquito nets. For an open place with no heat, this can be quite chilly, but the days warm up to about 700, and there is no shortage ofsun. It seems the locals blame the cold on the heavy monsoon this year. The green ofthe rains has now given way to a more familiar dusty dried yellow color of land, and last week there was a grass fire ofsuspicious origin that burned most of the Nagar side of Seclusion Hill, the wind pre venting it from also consuming the Meherazad side, so from the north, the hill looks relatively normal, and Pimpalgaon Lake, easily visible, remains quite full. Computerizing of Meherazad and the Trust Office continues, and the new exten sion to the Meher Health Center, Arangaon, was opened by Dr. Goher on Saturday. Last Wednesday also saw a hugely successful first Parents’ Night program at the Meher English School with performances by students and some residents. Bhauji gave what may have been his shortest “talk’ ever (about 5 minutes.) The Women Mandali came, refreshments were served, and an appreciative time was had by all. This school, which goes through the 10th standard, had 0 pupils pass its first im portant 10th standardbenchmarkexam 2 years ago, but with the help ofa new principal and the active participation ofa few trustees, a new spirit has been created resulting in 48% pas sage results last year with hopes for better this year. People have worked hard, the results show and I cannot help but feel Baba must be pleased with the effort. Congratulations are due on ajob well done. Planning and construction, both private andTrust, continue in the areawest ofBaba’s Samadhi, and as the legal and political re strictions on the Trust purchasing more land evidence themselves, it becomes increasingly clear that private Baba lovers will assume an ever more important role in the development and acquisition of land in the vicinity of Baba’s Samadhi. In a country as crowded as India, and especially at a location which Baba said would become the main center ofworld pil

grimage, there can be no question of large pieces of non-Trust land remaining unde veboped, there is only the question of how they are developed. Here, development rules have also been largely ineffective in accomplishing what they set out to do due to massive circum venting by way of “regularizing” irregulari ties. The only really successful method of controffing local development is by way of example and by cooperating to make it in the interest of the persons actually living there to look after the other adjoining lands, whether Trust or private. Forestation, maintenance, development ofgardens, security, protection from livestock and access control can only be accomplished effectively by the constant presence ofsomeone who cares. However, at the same time it is impor tant to provide opportunities so that persons ofa wide range offinancial abilities, nationalities and cultures, etc., can participate. And while the main focus ofcreating a harmoni ous environment dictates that there be mostly low density development, the need to make housing available to all income groups will necessitate some limited devia tion from that norm, and flexibility in planning for that eventuality needs to be considered. The various private Baba lover developers and landowners at Meherabad are already working together to develop consensual guidelines to this end, and we hope by this means to achieve a quality and standard of development which is almost nonexistent in India today, and which we hope would be pleasing to Baba. .

..we are still constantly reminded of the wildnature ofthisplace.

And while the building has started, we are still constantly reminded ofthe wild na ture ofthis place. Last night one ofmy construction supervisors came to the house at about 9 pm to tell me that he hadjust been on a round to see that all was well at the construction site, and found the watchman very concerned that their hut be finished the next day with corrugated metal sheets sur rounding the bottom. Theywere afraid that the wolves might try to carry offone oftheir small children in the night.




what they call Him in church. You know the prayer we say, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, Harold be Thy Name.”

Humor for Huma!


four-year-old prayed: “...And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.”


uring the minister’s prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Gary’s mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence, and after church asked: “Gary whatever made you do such a thing?” Gary answered soberly: “I asked God to teach me to whistle... and Hejust then did!”


ho were those five children at the sweltering summer Sahavas program who went around squirting people? The Five Perfect Misters


mother was preparing pancakes for her son Kevin, and his younger brother Ryan. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake (because they’re boys), and the mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. She taught them, “IfJesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.” Kevin’s eyes got really big, then he turned to his younger brother and said, “Ryan, you be Jesus!”


ne Sunday in a Midwest city a young child was acting up during the morning worship hour. The parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle. Finally the father picked the little fellow up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out. Just before reaching the safety ofthe foyer the little one called loudly to the congregation, “Pray for me! Pray for me!”


dad was listening as his child began saying his prayers: “Dear Harold. At this, dad interrupted and said, “Wait a minute -how come you called God ‘Harold’?” The little boy looked up and said, “That’s


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ne night Mike’s parents overheard this prayer: “Now I lay me down to rest, and hope to pass tomorrow’s test, If I should die before I wake,that’s one less test I have to take.”


five-year-old said grace at family dinner one night. “Dear God, thank you for these pancakes. When he concluded, his parents asked him why he thanked God for pancakes when they were having chicken. He smiled and said, “I thought I’d see if He was paying attention tonight.” . .“


little boy’s prayer: “Dear God, please take care ofmy daddy and my mommy and my sister and mybrother and my doggy and me. Oh, please take care of yourself God. If anything happens to you, we’re gonna be in a big mess.”


rabbi said to a precocious six-yearold boy: “So your mother says your prayers for you each night Very commendable. What does she say?” The little boy re plied, “Thank God he’s in bed!”.


woman had a dinner party. At the table, she turned to her six-year-old daughter and said, “Will you say the blessing?” “I don’t know what to say,” the little girlreplied. “Just saywhat you hear Mommy say,” the mother said. The little girl bowed her head and said, “Dear Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”



preacher dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket and jeans. “Who are you,” Saint Peter asks the man, “so that I may know whether to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven.” “I’mJoe Brown,” the guy says, “taxi driver, Noo Yawk City.” Saint Peter consults his list. He smiles and says to the man, “Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Next it’s the minister’s turn. “I am Joseph Snow, preacher for the last 43 years.” Saint Peter consults his list. “Take this cotton robe,” he says, “and this wooden staff and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” “Just a minute,” says the preacher. “That man was a taxi driver and he gets a silken robe and golden staff. How can this be?” “Up here, we work by results,” Saint Pe ter says. “While you preached, people slept. While he drove, people prayed!”


ne day, Eve was walking in the garden with the Lord. She said, “Lord, the garden is wonderful, and the animals and birds provide such joy, but I am still lonely sometimes.” “No problem!” the Lord replied. “I will make you a man for a companion. He will desire to please you and to be with you. But I have to warn you, he won’t be perfect. He’ll have a difficult time understanding your feelings, and he will tend to think only of himself “That’s OK. I think I can handle this ‘man’,” Eve replied. “Great, I’ll get right to it!” God said, and started grabbing some mud and shaping it. Suddenly, the Lord stopped and said to Eve, “Oh, there’s one other thing about this man I’m making for you.” “What’s that?” asked Eve. “You’ll have to tell him he was here first.”

A Prayer


ear Lord, so far today, I’ve done afl right. I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost my temper, haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty or over-indulgent. I’m very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I’m going to get out of bed. And, from then on, I’m going to need a lot more help! Amen.

Siep inside...



he Bookstore at Meherabode is bursting at the seams! I brought back three huge suitcases ftillofgoodiespurchased at all the different stalls that sprang up over night forAmartithi. What fun I had shopping for you, it’s such a shame you cant see everythingdisphyed.Actuallythelitderoom that is presentlyour Bookstorewifl,we hope, give way to a 700 square feet room adjoining the present meeting hail sometime next year depending on donations received. Only then will there be room for all our treasures to be seen. But since words are all % we have on these pages, let me try: We have just a few black cotton backpacks with a wonder&il large elephant embroidered in very colorful threads $12. Hand paintedpictures of Krishna and his gopis on siikfor framing various sizes and prices from $12 to $20.We have 6-foot-longby3-foot-wide chiffon scarves in almost every imaginable color -




Keychainholders, about 2” longinthe shape ofa guitar with a photo ofBaba on it $2. Nu merous heart shapedpendants, bright shiny col ored backgrounds with photos of Baba in the center ofthe heart $1. ‘Gold’ rings with photo, some adjustable in size $3. Incense. Lots of it! I went to the Incense wallah in the ‘Nagar Bazaar and bought dozens of each perfume that I had smelled at the Samadhi.Wrapped in brightly colored faux vel vet are 24 sticks in the scents of Lilly, Mogra, Gulab and Chandan. Each pack sells for $3. Manypeoplehavebeen askingforBaba’s flag, containing stripes ofthe seven colors. We finally have them in.They are made out ofcotton, mea sure 19” x 34” and sell for $8. I boughtjust twelve ofthe beautiflil goodqualityquartzwatches that have the “Masteryin Servitude” emblem with those words along the top and Meher Baba around the bottom. They have blackleather bands. The women’s are $18 and the men’s are $20. Both are with round gold face and black Roman numerals. I had been asked to bring back tapes by Madhusudan. He is the gentleman responsible for most of the Indian songs sung at the Sarna?ila.MeherGeetDharnisMadhumdan sing-



ing his own songs to great musical accompani ment. They come in a two-volume set, but since I was only able to buy twelve sets, it is fairer to everyone to sell them separately unless, that is, you are a rabid Madhusudan fan! $8 each. Kusum Singh, the lovely ladywho, with the help ofher husband Mokham, runs the Delhi Center, is also awonderfiil singer. I managedtobuyoutherentirestock One tape is ofBhajans, the other Qwwalis. Specify which one you would prefer. $8 each. Last but not least is the set of three tapes I had brought back on my previous trip, advertised on the Baba listserve, and sold them all within the day! The late Dr. Barucha went through God Speaks chapterbychapter explainingit all. He also added some anecdotes of what Baba had said to him on cer tam subjects covered in the book For those of us who have found reading God Speaks a very daunting prospect, this is the painless way to get the information into your brain. I have always felt Stay With Godby Francis Brabazon (whichBaba saidwas the second-most important book next to GodSpeaks), was for the heart and God Speak for the brain. Needless to say, we sell Francis’ beautiful book, $14 paperback). The set of God Speaks tapes sell for $18. Buturilessyou are quickoffthe markin ordering


these, I fear we will be sold out! Mentionedintheeditoriallastissue,but certainly worth a mention again herein, is the superb quality 12” x 12” color photo of the Samadhi. It is the scene that lays before you as you stand on the threshold of the Beloved’s Tomb, th everything in crystal dearfocus.Itis printed on heavystock, ready for framing, and indudes three beautiful cards that each have one ofthe three Artis onthebackandtwophotos ofCharlieMills paintings and a small one ofthe Samadhi on the other side. Not content with these treasures, Jal Dastoor, who created this gift pals also added a 12” x 4” strip offour more reproductions of Charlie’s paintings. This strip, also on cardstock,canbe foldedin four places to stand alone on your desk or table. The whole pack is only $12. Speaking ofCharlie lVIills, we made a typographical error in our last issue when giving you Charlie’s e-mail address. It is address is httpJ/ Logon here and you can check out his latest paintings, gettingweeklyreports on the progress ofhis current work This ultra-close up photo of Baba is taken from a frame of the film Louis Van Gasteren made in 1967 titled Beyond Words. The photo is printed on card stock in full color with a black

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Photograph by Louis Van Gasteren

border and measures 14” x 18” and sells for $15. The film itself quite breathtaking in its imme diacy and superb quality is also available for $52 and runs for almost an hoot Ifyouhaven’t heard ofitbefore,itwas takenbyaworldfamous docu mentarian withprofessional35mm cameras, and is the only record we have ofEruch translating Baba’s gestures as He ‘speaks’. We have 4 new C Ds: On the Threshold fChangebyMargaret Berstein,Monsoon Season


3i t by Richard Piekoff both of which are re viewed in this issue, Through the Light of it A14 by Wayne Galler and Your Lfè is Not Your Own by Robert Een. This last is the most unusual musical offeringwe have yet had.The CD tells us it is “music for solo voice and cello.” The cello is a beautiflil instrument all byitseWas any one who has heard Gay Dunn play the Gujerati Arti, or seen the filmHilla,yandJackiecan attest. Robert certainly plays it beautifblly, but what sets this cello apart from other playing is the solo voice that accom panies it. Robert uses his voice as an instrument to very unusual effect. He gave a performance at Meherabode that left many members ofthe audience (this reporter among them) with their mouths hanging open in amazement “How can he do that?!”Hewould be sinngwhat sounded like onelong note, but suddenly we could hear many other tones, the mostincrediblebellhike notes, allthewhile maintaming the one note. I have never heard anything like it before, it certainlywas fascinating! This effect is most prominent in TheAwak enei: My favorite is the verybeautiful title num ber YourLfè isNotYour Own. This is not casual background music, but for people who like the unusual, who like to really concentrate and ‘be th’ the music they are hearing, this CD is for you. All four CDs sell for $15 each. Wayne Galler told me he created his album Through theLihtjitAiin response to many of thepilgrimswho were so happyto hearbim sing his songs atthe Samadhi, andusedto exhort him to get them down on tape. He went one better than that &th a group ofmusician friends re corded twelve ofhis songs in a NewYork studio. These love songs to Baba are available on tape for $10 or CD for $15. The Hafiz renderings by Danny Ladinsky are still selling briskly IHeard God Laughing and The Subject Thnzht is Love. In fact they are selling so well all over the country in the mercial bookstores that Penguin, the huge paperback publishers, has picked up the third of the books Dannyhas written.This next one The Gjftwill be released this summer. Read about it intheJulyissue.We are allveryexcitedforDanny and his success. Aude Gotto, a Babaloverlivingin England, was in India for the 1998 Amartithi andwas inspiredbyBhau Kaichuri’s bookofghazals Ocean Waves to write some herself The name Namo was given to herbyBhau for the purpose ofthese poems. (It is a Sanskrit word meaning “worship ofthe Dhnethid’).Merreadingthe firstfew -

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Bhau wrote: “I felt you were inspired to write these ghazals. I like them very much. I feel very touched.” Aude says she takes no credit for the book She feels that the poems were a gift from Babato help her alongherwa”Theymaystrike a chord of recognition in others, since all journeys are the same in essence.” Odes to the King fHearts can be seen as a travel diary on the spiritual path: God, (Baba, the King of Hearts, the Beloved, the Lord) is both the Goal and the Constant Companion. The landscapes are varied; there are tears and laughte; fears and worries, many battles and a few glimpsesofpeaceful havens. The one quoted here is but one ofmany I loved. Paperback, 70 pages, $8.



The King of Hearts pictured here is a postcard I showed you last issue, but now we have it as a tee shirt. I wore one to India and took orders for many of them, so thought I would give you the opportunity to do so here. It is very colorful, printed on white 100% cotton tee shirts and sells for $14. Medium, large and extra large.

Au Can Offer You isMy Wllingnesto Try Oh Meher, Iface the impossible task offorgetting mysef I didn know how impossible it was untill tried. It soundedsimple enough when You said “Think ofMe more thanyou think ofyourse’f” Oh Beloved, all can offer You is my willingness to try and fail again and again. Alllhave is my determination not to give up, regardless ofsuccess orfailure. Ohpeople ofthe world sometimes I envy you; you wholeheartedly pursue your desires and live in the comforts ofIllusion while Istumble and groan on the harsh road to Reality. But I know it is too late to turn back: the Divine Fisherman has got His hook embedded in my heart and He draws me on. Ohfriends, the world does not likefailure andgives no marksfor ejjorts without results. But the Beloved asks only that we do our best howeverpoor that might be. He is easy to please, provided we do not mind makingfools ofourselves. -

Oh Namo, don lose your sense ofhumour: just laugh atyourse pick upyourpack, and take the next step.


Last time I was at the Vedanta Book Press, I saw a number ofbooks I thought our younger readers might enjoy. They are very nicely printed with covers made of heavy cardstock, 8 1/2 x 1 1 with many col ored pictures throughout. We have The Story ofKrishna, 1 and 2, The Ramayanafor Chil dren, and Stories ofDivine Children some of whom include Vamana, Nachiketa, and Dhruva, altogether eight different holy chil dren in there. All of the books are $4 each. -

From the smallest to the biggest we finish up this month with the news that Vol ume 13/14 ofthe great LordMeher biogra phy series is on the shelf. This $80 book covers in great detail the years 1954 through 1956 many Sahavases in India and His trip to America and Australia. -


Hermes is now hard at work readying volume 15/16. Till next time, I’ll see you in the Bookstore Dma





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Where Are They? by Mani S. Irani have naturally revered and loved the Per- seemed to cover the whole sky but made no fect Masters ofBeloved Baba’s time, more sound. Right after the clap,there appeared a so the ones with whom I have had a special range of mighty mountains before us, showing connection: Upasni Maharaj whom I would clearly that the habitat of one of the Perfect visit with my family when I was little; Masters was in the Himalayas, in India. Narayan Maharaj whom I met just once Baba looked very pleased with the revela when I was 11 years old but who has been, lions He was making, and now and then cast a during His lifetime and later in my dreams, glance at me to see ill was properly impressed. a guardian angel over me; and especially the I was indeed much impressed as the second place adorable Babajan whom I met many times revealed Egypt, theland ofthe Pharaohs.There under Her old neem tree in the Canton- before me stood the pyramids where Baba had ment. I also met Her a few times under the stood when He visited Egypt. large mango tree in Bund Garden, where The seat ofthe third Perfect Master was a sur years later Baba used to stop to give darshan prise for me. As Baba pointed towards the sky I to His saw Mt. lovers Fuji with when de its snowparting bound f r o m peak, and Guru I knew prasad to thatone of Meher thePerfect azad after Masters our yearw h o m B ab a ly visit to Poona. spoke ofas AsI being in said, itwas d e e p natural to monas revere and tery” was love the placed in f Perfect Japan. Dreaming ofthe Beloved is availablefrom the Love Street Bookstorefor $22. Masters of To show me the habitat ofthe fourth Perour Beloved’s Advent. But, unlike some Baba-lovers, I was never eager to know the fect Master, Baba and I had to walk over some whereabouts ofother Perfect Masters. So it rough terrain till we stood before a towering was really quite ftinny that some time after wall of sheer rock. We had to bend our necks Baba dropped His body, He should come way back to be able to see some apertures in into my dream and ask me if I knew where the rock which I understood were used for bringing in domestic supplies. This place had the present five Perfect Masters were! He stood facing me, His eyes bright th a profound effect on me, and I knew without excitement, sang dearlyin Gujerati, “Do you a doubt that this was Greece. By now I was pretty much caught up in know where the five Perfect Masters are?” I said, “No, Baba, I don’t.” this drama of our Beloved, and was eager to He said,”Come,I’llshowyou.”Andsttode know of the fifth Perfect Master. Suddenly over to my side. I could no longer see His face. feeling ro movement beside me, I looked up I couldseeonlythewide sweepingmovements at Him as if to say, “Where do we go from ofHisbeautifulhands as He dlisphyed this tre here?” and found that Baba was striding away, mendous drama before my cyes. far ahead. Try as I did, I could not catch up Baba said, “The Perfect masters are in with Him, and woke up. deep monasteries, which is why you cannot see Them. I’ll show you where They are.” Dreaming ofthe Beloved pp. 28-30, He clapped His hands, a clap which © 1998 AMBPPCT


Baba Tree at Meher Mount by Kathryn Wiederhold

The “Andhra Tour” of Meher Mount by Kendra Crossen Burroughs, Meher Mount


November 25, the Wednesday be fore Thanksgiving, we were delightfilly surprised by ten visitors from the state ofAndhra Pradesh, India. Four members of the group are California residents: Ram and Uma Ivatury and their little boy, Akshay, from Davis, and Jyoti Raju, a student from Santa Cruz. The Indian guests they were hosting were P. Veera Raju and his wife, C. P. Papayi, from Mandapeta, who met Baba; A. N. Raju with his wife, A. Syamala, and his mother, A. Saraswathi, from Hyderabad; and N. Narasimharao Babu from Chittoor. Ram told us that the visitors from India were eager to come here because “they know the importance of Meher Mount.” Imagine that! Andhra State is where Meher Baba made two important tours (in 1953 and 1954) and a significant public declaration of his Avatarhood (see the video Journey with and yet here were these people rec God) ognizing the importance ofMeher Mount, where Baba came for one day in 1956. We were so touched. They loved the Baba Tree, where we re cited Baba’s prayers in English and they in Telugu. They sang the Hindi arti, and Mr. Narasimharao Babu sang some bhajans. The group took darshan at the Sanctuary too the fireplace remaining from the guesthouse (whichbumed down in 1985)where Baba met with His lovers. Back at the house, our set of Lord Meher volumes was examined and admired, and we gave out some pictures of Beloved Baba from the box ofphotographs that Agnes used to keep on hand to offer to guests. Then the Andhra folks shared their delicious home-cooked lunch of rice, dal, and veggie dishes with us. What a great afternoon! —

I :











“She is my very breath without which I cannot live. Meher Baba “






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Editor’s Page Dma Snow

Jai Baba Folks,

ture versus Nurture versus Karma. In the light of what Baba has told us about the winding and unwinding of Sanskaras, how much of how a child turns out, is due to the “


e are preparing this issue in April and as I write, the bombs are falling all over Kosovo in Yugoslavia and the bul lets are flying in High Schools all over the United States. This in addition to the usual murder, mayhem and terror the world over! We have only five months to go till the year 2000. Renowned psychic Edgar Cayce said the earth will tip on its axis, California fall into the ocean, and major earthquakes will hit New York. Prognosticator Nostradamus, I believe, said much the same. Closer to home, what did our Beloved say would happen? Three quar ters of the world will be destroyed.” From the information many of us have gleaned as we pumped the Mandali for the literal meaning of these words, “whici I speak in My language, it would seem not to be a physical de struction, but perhaps the wiping out of Sanskaras, or who knows what! However He did leave us many of His thoughts on war and how it was a necessary thing. People do have to un wind their Sanskaras created in many previous lifetimes. We felt it an appro priate time to include a section on war. The Love Street Bookstore sells a pa-


perback entitled MeherBaba on Warif you want to follow it up in greater de tail. Ethnic cleansing (what an innocuous term for such a hideous thing!) could be seen to be the cause of the Columbine High School massacre disaffected teens thinking they were the Supreme Beings and wanting to exterminate the rest of the school. The deranged teenagers only lack the scope and influence of Milosovec, but what they are all accomplishing has the same goal. The decades old argument between psy chologists and psychiatrists has always been “Nature versus Nurture. Perhaps it is time to throw a third agenda into the ring “Na—





can manage to emulate Him forjust one day a year! We recently received a notice from Meherazad with the request that it be posted on our bulletin board. Upon reading it I found it to be a gentle reminder from Eruch as to the meaning of our pilgrimage to the Beloved’s Samadhi and His home at Meherazad. This pil grimage is not something to be taken lightly; we are not there on vacation (even if that’s what we told them back at the office or school). We need to behave differently with respect, with awareness ofwhere we are, and the ef fect our presence has on those around us. In 1987 I was there with my col lege age daughter who had insisted on wearing shorts (albeit knee length and very wide) to the Samadhi where she was scolded by an Indian woman for showing great disrespect. Tearfully my daughter told Mani that she was sure Baba didn’t mind how she was dressed! Mani replied in her infinite wisdom and sweetness, “No my dearest, Baba doesn’t mind, but He wants you to consider the older, more conservative people who do mind and are upset by such things. Fashions have changed much in the past 12 years the clothI ing worn by the young ones has become even skimpier. Please remember that baring your midriff to sun bake out side the Pilgrim Center (and pretty much anything you wouldn’t catch your grandmother doing) is not appropri ate behavior. Remember also how incredibly lucky we are to be some of the very few people in the whole wide world who actually know God! Not as some Biblical character, but a flesh and blood Man who walked among us in our time. In exchange for the Grace He bestowed on us (for He has stated it is only by His Grace that we love Him) let us try to love and obey Him, but most of all to please Him. —


circumstances chosen by the soul prior to incarnation in the particular body needed to accomplish what has to be unwound or wound? I asked Jamie Newell Baba lover, J ungian, and very talented musician to ex plore this theory for us. Silence Day —July 10th. Will you be able to make it through the day without uttering a word? Read some of the Beloved’s many (unspoken) words on this subject, and gather your strength and determination. After all, if it was important enough to Him to maintain silence for 25 years, surely we —

çamir .



A publication of the A vatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California

LoveStreet Lamgosr welcome The £ovc$trcct £amLLbsr is dedicated with love to A vatar Meher Baba. Its primary purpose is to contribute to a sense of community among all His Jo vers by pro viding a place for sharing His remembrance. All the members of the Baba family are invited to contribute to this feast ofLove. Your stories, photos, art work, poetry, letters, articles, and humor are all actively solicited. We seek expressions of Baba’s message of Love and Truth. Please submit your text on computer disks if possible (in any software format) ; typewritten copy on white paper is also acceptable. Be sure to clearly identify all submissions and credit every quote or reference.

Consciousness and Chaos

Jamie Newell


Eric Solibakke


Cherie Plumlee


Larry Green


Various Artists


Robert Fredericks


Various Contributors


Barrett, Watson, Stevens


Meher Baba on War and Oneness Billboards We Have Seen.

. .

Boy Scouts Accept Meher Baba Religious Study Program Gallery of the Heart The Midwest Gathering

Silence The Southeast Gathering


Avatar Meher Baba’s Natal Horoscope

Sculptor of the Beloved Vivian Agostini -

Ebb and Flow

The Awakener


Kendra Crossen


Michael da Costa


submissions, subscriptions, donations: Love Street LampPost Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 1 2 1 4 South Van Ness Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520 323-731-3737 or —


Intimate Conversations

I_______.. I

Sarah McNeil


Robert Kinnery


Melani Jones


Dma Snow



various contributors



various contributors


Luke Jamison and Betty Lowman


various contributors


Dma Snow


TechnoBaba Don’t Worry Be Happy and Souls On Fire

deadlines: for the January March issue: April June issue: July September issue: October December issue: -




November 8th February 8th May 8th August 8th

Love Street Bookstore: Dma Snow (at the addresses above) 310-837-6419 between 7 and 11pm 310-839-BABA (2222) 24 hour fax

Editor’s Page

Children’s Corner Humor for Huma

The Love Street Bookstore

credits: editor: design and layout: digital preflight: distribution: cover:

Dma Snow Cherie Plumlee, Betty Lowman Tom Hart Chris Lyttle Baba Silence

Oil painting by Diane LePage

The J.ove5trectJanq1thst’ is published quarterly, in January, April, July, and October. All contents © 1996 Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. All quotations, photos, or books, of Avatar Meher Baba, © AMBPPCT India


We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the individuals and organizations that own the copyrights to the Meher Baba pictures we have used throughout this issue to bringjoy and love to the hearts ofall LoveStreet LampPost readers. All words, images, and graphics in this publication are property of the copyright holders and/or the contributors. Messages and photos of Meher Baba © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, AhmednagarJndia, and © Lawrence Reiter. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited by law.


Consciousness and Chaos Jamie Newell, Nashville, TN


nd I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe to the inhabiters of earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels Rev 8:13 which are yet to sound!” —

“The time has come for the pre-ordained destruction of mu1tiJe separateness which keeps man from experiencing the feeling ofunity and brotherhoocL This destruction, which will take place very soon, will cause three-fourths of the world to be destroyed The remaining one-fourth will be brought together to live a life ofconcord and mutual understandin& thus establishing a feeling of oneness in all fello w beings, leading them towards lasting happiness. —

Meher Baba, Final Declaration

Any attempt to talk about Meher Baba and his work, in almost any context, ends up sounding reductive. If we could un derstand and explain God in a few words, we would have no questions to begin with. Baba himself has chosen to use metaphors and similes in many of his most impor tant explanations, because the final truth cannot be understood directly. As he says in God Speaks To understand the infinite eternal re ality is not the GOAL of individualized beings in the Illusion of Creation, because the Reality can never be understood; it is to be realized by conscious experience.” Even so, we seek answers to the confus ing questions that perplex the mind. ‘Why “


must the world be plunged into chaos?’ ‘Why war in Kosovo and Iraq and else-

It’s Termination: II, when he discusses the

necessity that


..all of the constituents of

the ego pass through the fire of intelligent consciousness.” (p. 169) He explains that the conscious (explicit) ego forms a barrier that prevents the contents of the uncon quest by the editors of The Love Street scious (implicit) ego from entering consciousness. When the unconscious contents LampPost. finally do enter consciousness there can be For answers to the broad questions, we many problems. “This release of inhibited can only go to Meher Baba himself. Why tendencies naturally brings about additional war? confusion and conflict in the explicit ego.” The basic causes of social turmoil that often precipitates into war may be found in ( p. 169) Even more so when someone with a very poorly developed explicit ego is inthe individual, the social whole, the func vaded by these “inhibited tendencies.” tioning of maya and in the very intent of For those with a bent toward psychoGod’s Will. Inasmuch as these are essen logical exploration, the Analytical Psychol tially one in the final analysis, this means ogy of C.G. Jung parallels Meher Baba’s no more than that war is a part of the diexplanations of these phenomena in many vine pattern.” MeherBaba on War p. 6. But areas. Jung felt that the center of the psyche why should war be part of the divine patwas not the ego but a preexisting structure, tern? “During times of war, great forces of destruction are afoot which at times might which he called the Self, which was essen tially identical with what is generally re seem to be dominant. But constructive ferred to as God. In his discourse on God forces for the redemption of humanity are and the Individual, Meher Baba says: also released through various channels. “We have seen that the possible field of Though the working of these latter forces consciousness is limited by the sanskaras. is largely silent, eventually they are bound This limitation creates a division of the hu to bring about the transformations that will man psyche into two parts. One part falls render safe and steady the further spiritual within the range of consciousness, and the progress of humanity. Meher Baba on Wai other part falls beyond it. The unconscious p. 10. part, in its full extent, is identical with the unsatis feel sometimes answers Such power that is behind matter. It is referred consciousness. of gross us of fying to those it as God by the orthodox religions. The isn’t to and madness, such like It all seems reality, which is symbolically repultimate bombs build to children madness that causes through such concepts, can be this resented does Why classmates? and shoot their only by bringing the uncon fully known happen? consciousness.” (p. 19). into scious aber persons, mad or “In feebleminded cases of madextreme in felt that, ung of responses rations from the average pattern J in war is often demonstrated as such ness, mental their and actions are the result of Colorado the (like violence of in acts and of ways incapacity to adhere to the ordinary school killings), there is an overwhelming the world... They lose their balance of mind of the ego by aspects of this preexisting form due either to insufficient mental develophe calls the Self. The weak ego struc which ment or to the operation of physiological or explicit ego) is unable to maintain (or, ture psychic forces of disruption.” Meher Baba, in the face of the ‘Godhead’ (or ar balance The Wayfarers p. 4. OK, I understand “inas it were, and becomes inflated chetype) sufficient mental development, and by it through identification with it. In other “Physiological...forces,” but what are “psy words, the individual identifies with the chic forces of disruption?” Baba seems to Godhead (archetype) to such an extent that be referring to related phenomena in his he or she, sometimes only briefly, feels that Discourse on The Nature of the Ego and

where, why terrorism, why children killing their classmates?’ and on and on. While I claim no expertise on this subject, I am happy to share my thoughts in response to a re





they are the Godhead (archetype), and are swamped with the overwhelming power that such an experience represents. This would be something like putting 100,000 volts of electricity through an ordinary light bulb. The bulb, as does the individual ego, burns out with a great flash. But, if it is our goal to “make the uncon scious conscious, then don’t we all have to withstand that 100,000 volts at some time, too? There are at least two ways that imme diately come to mind that will help us in this endeavor. First, to continue with our light bulb metaphor, we can use Meher Baba as our transformer, to help us manage the voltage that we receive. In another context, Baba describes this as developing a “provi sional ego” (see the discourse on The Dynamics of Spiritual Advancement (p. 254)). Another way of managing the high voltage of contact with God is to strengthen the ego through the development ofwhat Baba calls “Some Divine Qualities” (yes, it must be strengthened before it can be eliminated, see The Nature of the Ego and It’s Termina tion I (p. 161)). These qualities include: patience, persistence, acceptance, forbearance, moral courage and confidence, freedom from worry, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, equipoise and one pointedness (see the dis course on The Qualifications of the Aspir ant: II for details on these “divine qualities.”) These techniques can help us with our individual striving for balance, while still maintaining contact with God, but what about the social and cultural madness of war? This brings us back to Baba’s statement that all of this is part of “the divine pattern,” and his statement that through war constructive forces for the redemption of hu manity are also released through various channels. What can this mean? Jung has some interesting ways of looking at mankind’s historical relationship with God that might suggest some interesting theo ries in this area. J ung generally saw the human relationship with God as an inner experience, a re lationship with the Self, which has historically been projected outwardly. In his book, Answer to Job, Jung asserts that, as human consciousness developed, so did the widely accepted God-image. In Western culture, a clear development of the accepted God-image can be seen from Job, where God is quite barbaric in his treatment of Job, “

“ . .

through to the prophets, where God is seen as much less destructive and indifferent, and up to the incarnation of God in human form as Jesus, where God is described as the good father who is wholly benevolent. Leaving aside for the moment the question of the role of the other Avatars, one can imagine that a similar change in consciousness must accompany the advent of Meher Baba. In Answer to Job, Jung goes on to say that the book of Revelation describes the necessary influx into consciousness of the “dark side” of God that has been pushed out of consciousness by the world view that God is wholly benevolent. Thus, on the eve of the new millennium we have hoards of apocalyptic visionaries (Jim Jones, David Koresh, Paul Brunton, et al) who await the horrible destruction of the world. Jung says that this is the natural outcome of the hu man psyche’s attempt to compensate for the one-sided view that God is exclusively good. Meher Baba has many times pointed out that he is in the so-called good as well as the so-called bad. He tirelessly pointed out the unity behind all things, lest those around him break things up into opposites and cre ate separateness. In Bhau Kalchuri’s biog raphy LordMeherBaba says: “In a virtuous life, evil is suppressed and good surfaces; but the evil is still there. The bad sanskaras re main and have to be worked out, if not in this life, then in the next or the one after. In the spiritual life, both good and bad sanskaras express themselves, and both get nullified. A spiritual life leads one toward naturalness, whereas a virtuous life, in the guise of humility, inflates the ego and perpetuates it!” (p. 4591). If we put all of these ideas together, a picture begins to emerge. First, we have Meher Baba’s statement that war is part of “the divine pattern,” along with his statement that through war “constructive forces for the redemption of humanity are also re leased through various channels. Then we consider Jung’s theory of madness as often being precipitated by the incursion of an un conscious God-image (archetype) along with his theory of the compensatory nature of the unconscious. Putting all of this together, we might surmise that, as a result of Meher Baba’s manifestation, and the influx of divine energy that has flooded the world since His advent over one hundred years ago, more and more people are being flooded by “


this unconscious God-energy, which is now becoming conscious. It may also be that, as more and more people have this experience, more and more ‘light bulbs’ will eventually blow out as well. These ideas are nothing more than a brief overview of one approach to understanding the apparent chaos in the world today. I cannot say whether these mental meanderings are close to, or far offthe mark. I do, however, share the concern of many others who are saddened to see so many souls who are unable to withstand the pace of this most troubling and glorious of ages. In the end we can only hold tighter to his daaman, and to his words. For as He has said in His Universal Message:

4ll this world confusion and chaos was inevitable and no one is to blame. What had to happen has happeneo and what has to happen will happen. There was andis no way out except through my coming inyour midst. Ihad to come andlhave come. Jam the Ancient One.” -

Meher Baba




Meher Baba on War and Oneness Excerpted and arranged from Listen Humanityby Eric Solibakke, Oslo, Norway


ar cannot create any real cleavage, even between the people who are fighting against one another. These people seem to be different from one another because they have different minds and bodies, but when judged from the point of view of their souls, all differences are not only secondary but simply false. The spiritual unity ofall souls remains inviolable fri spite ofallwars, and from the point of view ofultimate reality, no soul is really at war with any other soul. There can be a war between ideologies, which may extend to and involve the minds and even the bodies of the people, but the undivided arid indivisible Soul remains One in Its unimpeachable, integral unity.

The basic causes ofthe social turmoil that often precipitates into war may be foundin thekidividua1 the social whole, the functionfrig ofmaya andki the very intent ofGod, will Inasmuch as these are essentially one in the final analysis, this means no more than that war is a part ofthe divine pattern. Insofar as war affects the individual, however, it must be understood at all the levels within illusion from which it is precipitated. The first is the level ofthe individual himself. It may readily be seen that most persons are immersed in their own egos and selfish viewpoints. This is the life of illusory values in which men are caught. If man were to face the truth he would understand that all life is one, and in this understanding, forget the lim iting self (Listen Humanity, p. 128). But man does not face the truth, regarding himself as separate from and competing with the rest of mankind. This attitude often breeds a concept of personal happiness that creates lust for power, unbridled greed and unrelieved hatred. The second level from which wars are bred is that of the social whole. Here, economic pressures are often cited as a major cause. Also, resistance to aggression seems a reasonable


cause. It would be an illusion within illusion, however, to claim that wars arise merely to secure material adjustment. They are more often the product of uncritical identification with narrow interests which, through associa tion, finally come to be regarded as ones sole right. To profess that humanity’s problem is merely that of bread is to reduce humanity to the level of animality. The third is that of maya.

When truly understooc/ all conflicts and wars are seen to be a part of the Divine Game They are thus a result ofthe divine will, which finds expression in the world of manifestation, the cosmic through the medium of maya power that cause the illusory world of duality to appear as real. The purpose served by maya is twofold: (1) it can be instrumental in trapping the mind in the duality of illusion, and (2) it can also be instrumental in freeing the mind from the grip of spiritual ignorance and bondage. Maya should not be ignored; it must be handled with detachment and understanding. Wars are the work of maya, and are either spiritually disas trous or beneficial depending on whether they are based on attachment to or detachment from the hold of maya. The final level from which the causes of war spring is no level at all. —

ft 1 a part of the Divftie Plan of God to give to a hungry and weary world a fresh dispensation of the Eternal and only Truth. During war great forces of destruction are afoot which at times might seem to be domi nant. But constructive forces for the redemp tion of humanity are also released through various channels. Though the working of these latter forces is largely silent, eventually they are bound to bring about the transformations

LweSeeiZamiE “U

that will render safe and steady the further spiritual progress of humanity. During war there are persons who unveil their inherent higher self through the endur ance of pain, and by acts of bravery and selfsacrifice. It is better that such unselfish action be released under the stimulus of danger than not released at all. It is better that men better that men forget their petty selves under the pressure of collective calamity, if need be, than remain permanently absorbed in fear and greed.

Great sufferftig awakensgreat understandingfti man. Supreme suffering fulfills its purpose when it awakens him finally to genuine longing for real understanding.

Unprecedented suffering leads to unprecedented spfritualresults. It contributes to the basing of life on an un shakable foundation of truth. J ust as war is not an unmixed evil for the individual, so it may have certain forward-propelling effects on humanity as a whole. The destructiveness of war tends to bring humanity to a spiritual crisis born of the physical nightmare. Inevitably suffering and misery pose the question ofwhat it alhleads to, how it will all end. Gradually people become sick of want and sick of fighting. Greed and hatred finally reach such an intensity that everyone becomes weary of them. Then mankind begins to suspect that the only way out is through selflessness.

The only afternative to war and its suffering is seen to be to stop hatkig and to love to stop wanting and togive, to stop domkiatkig and to serve.

Wars require the exercise of cooperative functioning, and in this resides one positive result. Still, the value ofthis cooperation should not be overestimated, for too often it is artifi cially restricted by identification with a lim ited group or ideal. Often war is carried on by a form of love, but a love that has not been properly understood. In order that love may come into its own it must be free, untram meled and unlimited. Love exists in all phases of human life, but usually it is latent; or it is limited and poisoned by personal ambition, racial pride, narrow loyalties and rivalries, and attachment to sex, nationality, sect, caste or religion.

For the resurrection of humanity, the heart ofman must be unlockedso that unadul teratedlove may be manifested lii it a Jove uncorruptedand free from “and ithie.” —

People who make unlimited sacrifices for the sake of their country or political ideology are also capable of the same sacrifices for God and the truth. As war teaches that even the man in the street can rise to the greatest heights of sacrifice for a selfless cause, it also teaches that all the mundane things of the world wealth, possessions, power, fame, family and even the very tenor oflife on earth are tran sitory and devoid oflasting value. In this manner the incidents of war also win man over for God through the lessons they bring. It is now high time that universal suffering should hasten humanity to the turning point in its spiritual history. It is now high time that the very agonies of our times should become a means for the bringing of real understanding of human re lationship. It is now high time for humanity to face squarely the true causes of the catas trophe of war. It is now high time to seek a new experience of reality. —

ft is high time that men have a fresh vision that aiJlife ±c one in Go who alone Is’ reaJ and all thatmatters. GodL worth livkg

4%; fr•

foi andHe i worth dythgfor All

else i’ a vafti and emptypursuit ofifiusory value. War is a necessary evil that is in God plan to awaken humanity to its destiny as the new humanity. The time is now ripe. Men are ar dently seeking to contact the embodiment of the truth in the form of a God-man, through whom they can be inspired and lifted into spiritual understanding. In this critical time ofuniversal suffering men are becoming ready to turn towards their higher self and to fulfill the will of God. They will accept the divine guidance and love, which alone can bring about spiritual awakening. Divine love will perform the su preme miracle ofbringirig God into the hearts of the new humanity and of establishing in them a true, and therefore lasting, happiness. Divine love will satisfy the greatest longings ofmankind, make men selfless and helpful in their mutual relations, and ultimately resolve all problems.

The new brotherhood on earth will be a fulfilled facl and nations will be united in the fraternityoflove and truth. Ailthose who must undergo the rigors of war have great need for equanimity. It will be profitable to remember that the soul remains unscathed by the destruction of material things, and death itself is only a gateway to further life. Therefore those who would play their part well in the divine game should re main unmoved by bereavement and loss, im parting to others a spirit ofcheerful resignation to the divine will. Due to lack ofspiritual insight, sufferings of war inevitably embitter many persons, and they need to be helped to recover a sense of the unspoilable sweetness of life. Those who have been initiated into the eternal value of inner life must assume the responsibility of driving away unwarranted gloom and depres sion and cheering those who are in deep sor row. When crisis is upon one, let one thoughts not be for self but for others for the claims of the divine Self which exists equally in all. War cannot be justified merely because it brings certain spiritual qualities as by-prod—

ucts, for these qualities can also be developed in time of peace. It is time now for humanity to develop a spontaneous spirit of love and service, rather than require the stimulus provided by danger to precipitate unselfish ac tion. All should face the crisis of war with patience, fortitude and self- sacrifice, never forgetting that the redemption of a distracted humanity through divine love is much closer than one dreams at such a time. Listen Humanity edited by D. E. Stevens Copyright 1982 AMBPPCT.

Nothing To Worry About Meher Baba


et Me tell you this fact: there is noth ing to worry about, nothing to be dis heartened about. We are all, each of’ us, meant to be happy. God, who is within us all, is to be experienced as infinite happi ness, and it can be done only through love for Him. To find the Truth, one not only has to depend upon analysis and intellectS but on the heart. Intellectual understanding is not as important as experience through the heart. God is the only Reality, and He cannot be analyzed. Reason cannot reach Him. When one, through love, finds Him, one finds Him in everyone. We must seek God in everyday life. Look for God; God loves those who seek Him, and when we seek Him with all our heart, we find Him in ourselves. The goal of life is to know God, the Infinite one, in everyday life. Baba gives you His love, that love which will eventually help you to find God. Don’t worry. My love will give you that strength and conviction which makes you feel that you belong to God. Seek Truth with all your heart, and Baba will help I am in this world to help people to love God, to find Him, and to see Him. Do your work selflessly, and you will be doing it for God. I will help you with my Love, that you can do this perfectly. LordMthez Vol II pg. 3887. —




Billboards We Have Seen

. .

.and Billboards We Would Liketo See


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Boy Scouts of America Accept Meher Baba Religious Study Program by Larry Green, Myrtle Beach, SC


ecalling my youth, the experiences I had as a Boy Scout were positive, educational, rich, and rewarding (to say nothing of fun). Because of these memories, I encouraged my son Timothy to join the Scouts, and I have since become active as an adult volunteer. There are currently many young Baba byers who are of Cub Scout or Boy Scout age, and quite a few who are presently registered in the Boy Scouts of America. The bargest youth organization in the world, Scouting is a worldwide brotherhood with members in over 150 countries and territories. With focuses on personal fitness and helping other people, Scouting also places great emphasis on duty to God. In the Boy Scouts of America, the final point of the Scout Law is, “A Scout is reverent,” and members are encouraged to complete a special religious study program given by their faith. Those who complete their faith’s program are entitled to wear the Boy Scouts of America’s religious emblem. Each faith also provides a medal, and pictures of these dif ferent awards, displayed in various Scout books, are regularly seen by the boys and their families. As a follower ofAvatar Meher Baba, what study program could my son Timothy com plete? For several years, there had been twentysix religious organizations recognized by the Boy Scouts of America, each providing study programs for their members. These included Zoroastrian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Mos lem, Bah’ai, and several Christian programs. As followers of Meher Baba, we investigated the wide array of programs available. Naturally, each was found to be connected with the doctrine, dogma, and religious prac tices oftheir particular faith. After true delib eration, it was determined with conviction that the time had come to implement a new program for those boys whose “religion” is based on a Meher Baba program that would embrace Baba message of Love and Truth and life as the Avatar of the Age. The boys from Meher Baba families in our immediate circle of Scouts in the Myrtle Beach area received the news of the devel opment of such a program with enthusiasm. Reactions varied from, “Yeah, I’d like to do


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it,” to, “That would be awesome!” As Scouts and their parents from different locations around the U.S. heard about the creation of the program, the responses were always filled with eagerness and excitement. Some expressed how they had wished for such a program, and others commented how they were wondering when one was going to be established. The need for a Meher Baba study program in the Boy Scouts was obvious. It was also clear that as more and more Meher Baba kids reach scouting age, the need would steadily grow. In order to develop the program, a steering committee was formed in July of 1992, made up of myself Charles Haynes, Anne Gibes, and Naosherwan Anzar. Following the Boy Scouts of America’s official procedures for establishing a religious emblem study program and award, we secured Manes approval as chairman of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust. After eight months of concerted effort, two study programs were de veloped and written, one for Cub Scouts, grades 2 through 5 entitled “Love For God,” and another for older scouts ages 1 1 through 20, entitled “Compassionate Father.” Jamshed Mistry, of Matamoras, PA, a member of Cub Scout Pack 77, was the first boy to participate in the required nationwide

field testing of the programs. After complet ing the “Love For God” study program he wrote, “I think this program is very good for

boys; it tells you all about Baba and I like it. I

I served as his counselor. Going through the program together gave us several wonderful opportunities to discuss stories about Meher Baba, think together about the meaning of some of Baba sayings, and converse together about the seven ways to love God as given by Baba in the message “Love and God.” Timothy also completed a service project by helping Jeff Wolverton in Baba’s garden on the Center. The whole program was rel evant to him and I could see it made him feel good. For completing the religious study program provided by his faith, on April 22, 1994, during a Friday evening meeting at the Meher Spiritual Center, my son received his recognition as a member of the Boy Scouts of America, and as a follower of Ava tar Meher Baba. For further information about these study programs, please contact the Committee for Meher Baba and Scouting, 843-272-3498.

Previously published in The Glow InternationaZ February, 1995.

The Shock of Their Lives Meher Baba


merica now leads the material side ofthe world and yet has such poten tial that she can lead the world spiritually, if awakened. Awakening is love for God in the form of Jesus God crucified. And God will do it. He can do it. And now the time is near, very near when the spiritual —

loved the stories and the sayings and also learning ‘How to Love God.”

Once the field testing was completed, the programs were submitted to the Religious Relationships Committee of the Boy Scouts

of America for approval. Finally, after going through all the required channels, on Febru ary 8, 1994, the Religious Emblem Study Programs provided by the “Meher Baba Faith” were fully accepted and given official approval by the Boy Scouts of America for use by its members nationwide.

Now Timothy, a member of Cub Scout Pack 840 in North Myrtle Beach, could be given an opportunity to complete a religious study program for his faith. There was no question of which program would be appropriate for him. As his parent,

upliftment has to take place. America is

destined to lead the world spiritually. Truth never fails, and lovers of God will soon triumph. In this country at present, unfortunately, the youth is not taught spintuality. Youth is not even given ethical edu cation. But be sure that these very youths who know not of God, but know only to

eat, drink, be merry and do lustful actions, will soon get the shock of their lives and know that loving God is life, real life. the Goal of life. —

Gllnipsesofthe GodMan, Vol. III, p. 42,

Bal Natu, Copyright 1982 AMBPPCT.



@ Going to India?



extra batteries. !V[odestclothes— no shorts for women, long ones for men. Teengirlsplease note: no bare midriffs or bare shoulders, no low-cut blouses or tight tank tops. Loose pants no tight clothing of any kind. Remember you are here to commune with God not drive the local guys crazy!

sect bites, sunburn, and other itches Addressesof friends to send postcards to. Large mug for your tea or coffee. Packets of hot apple cider, or special hot chocolate for the hot water supplied. Blankbookto write your experiences in

some great non-stinky moisturizing lotion). Hat— a must. Sunscreen— a must. Toiletpa per likewise. Bath towel and face cloth. Rubber thongi no bare feet germs and worms! Plenty of film for your camera, and

Some not-so-obvious ones: Soappowderfor the few things you may wish to hand wash. Clothes pins (pegs) to hang clothes. Softpillow or neck roll. Nail brushand manicure kit. Calculator(for those bazaar forays) Aloe I/era Gelis great for in-

An Important Letter from Eruch Jessawalla Regarding Pilgrimage

Here’s a check list for you. First the obvious things:

1ashhht (torch), small and large extra batteries. Hairdryer(ifyou simply have to have one) that is 240 volts. Adapterto fit the Indian sockets. Insectrepeilant(Avon has


An Imperfect Pot Author Unknown


water bearer in India had two large pots; each hung on each end of a pole, which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at th end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot ar rived only half full. For a full two 1 years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a halfpots full of water in his master’s house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you.” “Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you ashamed of?” The pot said, “I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your masters house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work and .





you don’t get full value from your efforts.” The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, “As we return to the masters house, I want you to no:: % tice the beautiful J•’’ flowers along the r path.” Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the wild beautiful flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end ofthe trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again the pot apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side ofyour path, but not on the other pots side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage ofit. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you’ve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my masters table. Without you beingjust the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.” Each of us has our own unique flaws. We are all crackpots. Submitted by Charles Harmon. .




e His lovers must not forget why we come to Meherabad in the first place. Meherabad is a place of Holy Pilgrimage. It is not a vacation spot, resort or retreat. It behooves each pilgrim blessed to cross His Threshold, to accept all conditions of their pilgrimage as the prasad given to them by their Beloved Lord. To have one’s pilgrimage accepted by the Lord is no easy task, for it means more than to merely bow down at His Samadhi. We must accept wholeheart edly any and all trials and tribulations that may beset us during our pilgrimage, knowing full well, that these very difficulties when happily accepted without reservation or ex pectation, mark His acceptance of our pil grimage. Doubly blessed is the pilgrim who, in spite of all hardships, remains cheerfully resigned to the conditions ofhis pilgrimage. And yet, Beloved Avatar Meher Baba, in His Infinite Compassion and Benevo lence, has made our pilgrimage so comfortable and easy that we have forgotten all that He Himself, as Man amongst men, suffered throughout His Ministry to awaken His love in our hearts. Dear brothers and sisters, we have been blessed to receive His gift of love, now it is time for us to return that love by dissolving all expectations, reservations and desires in total gratitude and resignation to His Will. With warm regards in Love and Service of our Beloved Lord Avatar Meher Baba. Yours lovingly, Eruch

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Gallery ofThe Heart

Children’s Corner

hope you enjoyed looking \ethrough our Gallery of the Heart. Below are listed the artists and names of their paintings according to the number in which it is shown in the gallery.

Baba’s Bee Betty Lowman, Palo Alto, GA


the Meherana gathering in October, 1997, the children made a beautiful garland out of marigolds, grown by the Pearsons from seeds from the Meherazad garden. The twins Sohrab and Rustom garlanded Baba sandals at Dhuni, then after Dhuni, we were given the garland back,todecoratethechildren’spandalfor the twins’ visit the next morning. We put itaroundaniceBabaphoto,andputitright up front on the table, where the twins would see it first thing. When they came up to visit, they went straight to the photo and lovingly paid their respects, then they looked at all the kids’ artwork and joked with everybody there. Later that day, as some of us (Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson, Armin Kraemer and Jennifer Grilli) were packing up the pandal, we started to take the garland off the photo, when we found a big beautiful black and yellow bumble bee nestled in the flowers, intently gathering all the nectar he could. We decided to leave him alone, figuring he’d fly away in a while, but he never did. We finally decided to carefully take the garland I , and hang it up, so that we could pack the photo and he could have his nectar, but the bee didnlike that at all. He flew around angrily and wouldnt settle on the garland. “He must want to be there with Baba’s photo,” we reasoned, so, carefully, we put the garland back around the photo, and, sure enough, he flew back onto it, and proceeded to intently gather every last bit of sweetness from those flowers, and that photo, until it was literally time for us to drive away. By then, he was gone. ..




# 1 Meh er B ab a at D awn and #3 Meher Baba at Sunrise on page 20; #7 Baba in the Poppies and #9 Infi nite Ocean on page 2 1 ; # 1 1 Baba on the Fence and #1 5 Camelia Baba on page 22 are by Margo Watson. Her greeting cards are 4’x6” photos on 5’x7” cards with matching envelopes $3 and 8”xlO” prints for $30 each. #5 Kalki and His Master on page 20; #6 Baba Clouds, #8 The Ancient One, #10 Lord of Transformation on page 21; #12 Beloved, #14 Meher Sunrise on page 22; and #16 MoonDreams and #17 Merwan on page 23 are by Cherie Plumlee. Her artwork sells as 4”x6” greeting cards ith a single gold or silver matte and matching envelopes for $3 each, 5”x7” prints for $5 each and 8”xlO” prints for $30 each.

Jakes Dream Jake Jamison, El Cerrito, CA Jhe whole family was at Meherana Luke, Mommy, and Daddy. Then a miracle happened. All the different animals intheworldstartedtodance,thedeerstarted to dance andjump around, then the rabbits andeventhesticksonthegroundwouklpop and down in time to the music. Even the clouds began to dance. The sun would dance bybecoming bright and then getting darker. Then I saw a statue of Meher Baba and it came alive and began to move. I saw Baba face in all the trees and Baba began to sing and it was so lovely, and the music could be heard around the world. It filled the whole world.Then when Baba stopped singing, all the animals went back to the forest. At the end a shooting star that was Baba flew across the whole world.

Both articles reprinted from TheMeheranaMessenger Left, Issue 2, 1998; right, Issue 1, 1996.

#2 Baba at Zurich and #4 Mehera on pg 2 0 ; # 1 3 Moon and Stars on page 22; #18 Meher Baba, 1930s on page 23 and the painting on the cover are by Diana LePage. Full-color prints of her oil paintings are available thanks to a revolutionary new process which enables high-quality pho tographic prints of the paintings to be transferred permanently to artist’s canvas. You can order: a small c anvas (8 x 1 2 “) for $50 a medium canvas (1 2 x 1 8 “) for $75 a large canvas (20”x30”) for $ 1 50. “

ii you are fond of Diana’s oil paint-

ings, they are also available as color photos on cards with envelopes. We have a large selection of her cards, at least 20 more than are displayed here. They are $3 each.



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empowers lives, profound knowledge, wild generosity, and a sweet playful genius un paralleled in world literature. Need I say more? Again all this for only $14. Next up is an intriguingly titled video Three Quarters of the World. Released by Meher Baba House in New York, this 30minute video was designed to be broadcast on community access/cable TV, and is now made available for individual viewing. A major portion of the tape consists of a video conversation with Alexandra Marks, Senior Correspondent with The Christian Science Monitor, interviewing Bhau about Meher Baba. Among the topics: Religions, rituals, and ceremonies, The Dream of Illusion, and Meher Baba and His Manifestation. This portion of the tape has English subtitles, which is very helpful for people who have difficulty with Bhau’s accent. As an added bonus, also included is a music video of images of Baba set to Bhau’s original song, “Wake Up, 0 People, You Wake Up.” This video is priced at an unbelievable $15. You read that right $15x! At that price, you can be very generous in your gift giving. It is also excellent to have on hand for your friends who want to know who that man in all your photos is. Diana LePage, originally from Los Angles and now residing by Avatar’s Abode in Australia, painted the magnifi cent portraits of Baba on our cover. The original painting in oils, over 7 feet high, hangs in Baba’s room at the Abode. Diana specializes in painting huge portraits of Baba, and as such, they are priced out of the average person’s means. However, she has found a way to make her paintings available for everyone at very reasonable prices. They are reproduced on a canvas textured medium, much smaller of course, and look very beautiful. Besides the cover, we sell a number of her other portraits, some of which are featured in our Gallery of the Heart on pages 20-23. Sizes and prices will be listed in the Gallery order form. Danny Ladinsky’s book IHeard God Laughingwas so popular that a group of musicians got together and set many of the poems to music. Sufism Reoriented hasjust released 3 different CDs and tapes with 30 or more of Danny’s poems. Two “

Jai Baba folks,


nce again, many new items we lay before you to help you drink more and still yet more of His love. Each quar— ter, as I tell you about new books, photo cards and audio tapes, realize it is not just a new product on the market, but the cul— mination of, at times, years of work and the outpouring of a Lover’s praise to his Beloved. So it is with the first of our offerings. It has been quite a few years since Jim Meyer gave us the impassioned musical Our Danny, author of the two absolutely tape called Relentless Love which still delightful renderings of Hafiz The Subsells well, and if you don’t have it you ject ThnightisLoveand IHeardGodLaugh should! ($12.) But this time Jim has given us his tour ing. The Baba bookstores around the country weren’t the only ones selling his de force a 75-minute CD entitled Ways they also found their way into books toAttain theSupremeReality. Title sounds BordersTM and other commercial familiar, you muse? bookshops. In 1952 Baba commissioned the Their success made the literary world lover Malcolm Baba and poet American and take notice the huge publishsit up inspired of poetry create a book Schloss to of Penguin/Putnam is now selling house realiza the “on writings by the Master’s The Gift. By far the largest latest his ing com of attainment the tion of Truth and The Giftcontains 250 po books, the 3 of with Union plete, constant, conscious from two very famous praise High ems. God.” own right is printed their in translators book his was The extraordinary result from Andrew jacket book on the Reality. Ways to Attain the Supreme should do for translations “These Harvey: lly and Baba praised it enthusiastica translations Barks’ Coleman Hafiz what of compared Malcolm’s poems with those on all paths Seekers Rumi. for done have Perthe incomparable Hafiz and also the they emit.” the radiance from benefit will fect Master Shankaracharya. He asked himself: Barks Coleman from And that it be published. Nearly 50 years has a lin Hafiz, inside universes are There passed since this rare gem of Western follows Ladinsky Daniel masters. of eage its 36 mystical poetry was completed the playfulness: the rascal moves well.” poems with accompanying commentary Sylvia Boorstein adds These remarkby Meher Baba has long been out of print. able short poems are magic tricks ver But Jim has set all 36 poems to music bal sleights of hand that cause the mind he has composed especially for this col to blink and that replace the imagined lection. The recording was engineered, perception of grief and woe with the realmixed and co-produced by Grammy ity of joy.” award-winner Bill Szymczyk (the Eagles, Again, quoting from a review, “With The Who, Joe Walsh etc.) so we know it this stunning collection of 250 of Hafiz’ is going to be of superb quality. most intimate poems, Daniel Ladinsky As if all that wasn’t enough, the entire has succeeded brilliantly in capturing the text of the original book is included as a essence of one of Islam’s greatest poetic 24-page booklet! All this, for only $18. and religious voices. Each line of The Gift Another of our very talented artists has imparts the wonderful qualities of this gained major recognition in the world spiritual teacher: an audacious love that outside of Baba lovers: Daniel Ladinsky. —


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of the CDs are by a very talented Mischa Rutenberg, who has composed the music and sings the songs. One is called Dance Dervish Dance and the other Come to My House. The third CD WhisperlLove You is many of the same poems, but sung by different musicians, each of whom has composed their own music so they are quite different to Mischa’s. A very talented and musical group indeed! Sufism Reoriented wants as many people as possible to be able to enjoy this beautiful music and to absorb the wonderful words the great love for God that flows to you in Hafiz/Danny’s original words and then passed on to the listener with an extra dollop of love from Mischa and the other singers. To this end, they have set the purchase price at an unbelievable $9! That’s right both CDs and tapes are $9 each! Since they only arrived this morning, I have not had time to listen to them all we will review them in the next issue but I think by then many of you will have bought them for your self. But at the mo ment I am listening to and absolutely bying the Dance Dervish Dance CD. These, as are the other two, are love poems from the East presented in popular song styles



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T-shirt createdby Lance Faladino

XXL, and XXXL. The first 3 sizes are $12 each and the last 2 are $14. Better order immediately if you want the XXL and XXXL as we have very few in this size.

Till next time see you, In the Bookstore, Dma —

Three New Sortg Albums WhIsperirtg”l Love You” :





InspIred by Meher Babas Love for RaFIz Whisper 1 Love You 15 new songs composed and performed by Antoinette Davis, Randy Hammon, Hank Mindlin, Mischa Rutenberg, Victor Seckeler, Julia Skiff. lJartce Dervish 1Jarce 14 new songs composed and sung by Mischa Rutenberg. 2 -shirt created by Bob Fredericks

Come To tvty

from the West, such as Bossa Nova, rock, pop, ballads, blues, cabaret, and others. We have two beautiful new tee shirts to tempt you. As always, printed in color on 100% cotton and available in M, L, XL,



We used to sell car license plate holders made of metal that have “Don’t Worry Be Happy Avatar Meher Baba” engraved top and bottom on them, bought about 10 years ago. We were able to sell them for $10. I can’t get them made in that qual ity for less than $18 now, so I decided to downgrade to a flexible plastic that they tell me has an expected life of 5 years. These sell for only $4. Finally we were able to buy some of Baba’s 7 color flags in India. They mea sure 19”x 34” are brightly colored cotton and sell for $8. We also have the shoulder bags, quite roomy for tucking books etc. in, made from the same material for the same price. To order anything from the Bookstore you may phone, write, or email me. All information is on the table of contents page.




14 more new songs composed and sung by Mischa Rutenberg. Hafiz Love Poems from the East presented in song styles of the West: rock, pop, ballads, blues, cabaret, bossa nova and more. All lyrics adapted from IHeard God Laughing Renderings ofHafiz by Daniel Ladinsky. Each album contains more than an hour of music.

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Announcements And the winner is... was a other’s Day May the grand day for celebrating and not just for the usual reasons! At our weekly meeting at Meherabode three very lucky winners were drawn out of the hat ( read -“chosen by Baba” ). This was the drawing of the fabulous Around theWorid, Follow in His Footsteps Sweepstakes that we had told you about in the J anuary issue. The Grand Prizewinner was our own Sam Ervin, a long time member of our Centei and major contributor to all our efforts. Sometime the ways of our Beloved are difficult to fathom we must realize that nothings happens by chance; as He has said, “Not a leaf falls but by My will,” and as Mother Teresa so succinctly put it, “It’s easy to tell what is God’s Will it’s what happens!” Many thousands of us would have loved to have gone thousands for whom an around the world trip is totally beyond our financial reach. Sam is one of the few people who could have afforded to go un der his own steam but would he ever? Probably not, as he is a very busy execu tive. However Baba obviously thought he shouldgo and this is His message to Sam and family! So many of the Baba Centers around the country are running these Fly to India sweepstakes to raise the much needed funds for their respective Centers, so if you win one do not everthink it is by chance, and so generously give your ticket to someone else you feel may need it more than you. That is, in effect, saying “Thanks. but no thanks Baba!” Consider it your very personal message from Him. The second prize of every video we sell in the Love Street Bookstore went to an overjoyed Ossian Stoddard ofKershaw SC. “It was truly a kiss on the cheek from our Beloved Baba. What more can one say!” There will be a Baba feast at the Stoddard home for a long while to come! Connie Crawford, currently residing in AZ, but previously a member of the Center here won the third prize of a $250 gift certifi cate to The Love Street Bookstore. h, 9 t


A Note from Our Trust-walli

Entries came from around the world, including Australia, India, Canada and England. Congratulations to our three winners and many thanks to the hundreds of you who participated. Unfortunately we raised only sufficient to cover all the costs, so on a realistic fundraising basis it was a bit of a disappointment, but it was certainly fun trying, and I know we have brought a lot ofpleasure to the winners. Perhaps we should not be quite so ambitious next time as we were hoping for $30-40,000 on that one. Baba gave u’s this magnificent Center, but it is definitely a ‘fixer-upper’ and needs a lot of work before we can get our permit from the City, so we will definitely be holding many more fundraisers in which we hope you willjoin to help us achieve our goals.

A/litchellRose reports on the following headline in an Indian newspaper:

Rocket Fires India Into Commercial Orbit



By Suresh Seshadri

you’ve been thinking that some time you’d like to make a love-donation to the Trust, today may be the perfect time. The Avatar Meher Baba Trust runs a first-rate school, provides medical care for villagers and maintains Baba’sTomb Shrine and Trust properties. There are also benefi ciaries ofthe trust whose living expenses are covered by donations from Baba-lovers. All of these worthy projects were specified by Baba Himself, in the Trust Deed. Many of the Trust’s charitable projects arid outreach projects are carried outbyEastern and Westem volunteers. Some projects, however, require the assistance of paid Indian workers, and as India raises its standard of living, the cost of materials and labor is on the rise also. Morelove-donations are also needed for the ongoing archives project; preservation of the precious articles used and touched by Baba that mean so much to all of us. If this appeals to you, please make your check payable to Friends of Meher Baba Trust, and send it to: Lynne Berry, 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Audio Tape Lending Library

(Reuters)... Mitchell comments Tho bad “

fused to like India where it was.”

you ever find yourselfin a ‘dry spell’ spiritually? Are you bored listening to the same old negative news, weather and traffic reports on your way to work? Would you rather have something inspiring to usten to? Do you need an interesting theme for your Baba meetings. . .? Well, the au dio library has many interesting and intellectually stimulating discourses on life with Baba. We have over 150 titlesjust waiting to be delved into by inquiring minds. What unsuspecting treasures to behold! Don’t waste your time on this tired old world any longer. Make your choice to move into the cosmic Baba linkup. Lynne Berry (official tape walli) is ready to assist you. For cata log or info write to: AMB Lending Audio Library do Lynne Berry, 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626-6 173.



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Lynne Berry






Dinner Auction at Meherabode O

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Annual Fund Raising Dinner Auction was a wonderful success. The committee, headed up by a very creative Cookie Reindeau, transformed Meherabode into a Persian Night Under the Stars. The decor was simply fantas tic! No one had ever seen our Center looking this glamorous! It took Cookie and her he’pers 3 days just to transform the Center, and many weeks before that in preparation. The catered Persian Dinner was sumptuous and the entertainment and donated auction items were all top notch. Rick Flynn was flown in from Atlanta GA to be our MC and chief auc

tioneer. He kept the evening gothg at a lively pace and helped us to raise $29,000! Our main item was a signed copy of God Speaks that went for a very loving donation to the Center of $ 1 1,000. And it was all ac complished by cell phone! We had a caller from Northern California who was having a wonderful time bidding blind going only by the auctioneers descriptions. Elias ended the evening with some wonderful Baba trea sures, and in the process, moved us closer to getting that new roof we so badly need. Some of the other treasures that were donated for auction were some ivory prayer beads that belonged to Princess Norma —

Matchabelli they fetched $660, a signed beautifully framed photo of Maui $700, $ 1000 for a photo of Upasni Maharaj that had been touched by Baba, and $2,200 for a framed button and locket, also touched by Baba. These evenings are so much fun, and do so much good! We had an enor mous amount of treasures for Silent Auc tion, some as low as $5. so no one left empty handed. Everyone went home happy and the Center can now breathe a little easier in the financial department. A very big thank you to everyone who helped make this night such a success! —

Searching for cherishabies amongst silent auction treasures.

A selection ofiterns for the live auction.

Rick Flynn. Linda Zavala, Wendy Warci Cookie Reindeau andFred Stankus, the hard- working committee! Cookie takliig bids by phone for God Speaks




Book Reviews Intimate Conversations Sarah McNeill, Sussex, England


hen I finished reading Bal Natu’s book, Intlinate Conversations with the A wakenez I turned back to the start and read it again,just for the another chance to visualize what goes on in the mind of one who is solely focused on Meher Baba. The book is a unique work. Inner landscapes of great beauty are revealed. Baba strides easily into view or appears quietly beside the author and is re ceived with a natural and spontaneous delight so that the reader feels privileged to share the encounter. The range of Bal Natus personal ques tions to his Beloved Baba fill the pages of the book in patterns that intertwine like ara besques in a Kashmiri shawl. The reader can follow any one ofthe designs along a thoughtful thread of question and answer. My personal starting point at the time ofreading was this question: “How can the individual expe rience God as an inner presence when the body functions as a perceptual apparatus that constantly directs attention to the outer world?” The thread I chose to follow through formed, in the end, a perfect circle, though at the start I could not see where it was leading. But after I’d copied out carefully selected passages from some of the answers Bal Natu received in re sponse to his questions, here what I found in answer to mine: “The purpose of ha ving a human body is to understano feel and realize the blissfu] formles Infinite spirit ever residing in you, that I am. Understanding the paramount im portance and function of the human body must become a longing of the heart an intensepassion. Yourmindis ‘7iydra-headed soyou are unable to make anyLirm decision that is dose to your original nature. This impedes the biossomingofhf Blossoming is a very natural and delicate process ofgradually becoming a ware of ftis an art ofabid Mypresence withinyou ingjoyfufly, withouthinerresistance to thenum beriess laws ofnature that are operatthg in and throughyour life. Just start to witness whatever it is that is -


happening withinyou andaroundyou, whith is oniy theperihery oflife, andreturn to the Cen tre which Jam. Thi is the way to grow in my presence. Let thli beyour deep passion, your sole focus. Ifin your life you allow the insignificant to become significant, you will find that even ordinary chores and duties become channels to feel my loving presence. Start to remem ber me at the beginning and also at the end of every major activity ofyour daily routine. The you will notice that I am also particiat ing with you. Occasionally my intimate re sponse will flood your being. Subtler than space, finer than time, My presence is ever accessible, though not necessarily easy to reach. Silent dialogue with me is one of the ways of feeling my pres ence. Ifyour inner attention is focused on Me you will sense a delicate tug within you, regardless of the activity you are engaged in, andyou will become aware that I am caring for you, anxious to help you. No activity is insignificant. Th be practical, start with any ordinary activity, like sl4oping into your clothes, liftJam ing a spoon orputtingpen to paper verypleased whenyou rememberme during very ordinary actions. Because your ‘i-ness is most deepfrandfirmlyrootedin ordinary thihgs. Call on mein the little nayin thelittlest things that youdo. Fortheythen sprout tinyyet mighty wings which wilgracefully transportyou to the higher andsubtlerrealms ofMypresence within you. Wash the dishes, dean anddry them softly as ifyou were offeringyourprayers toMe. Attendto your bills and memoranda as though you were doing all that buskiess for Me. Don divide life into the temporaland the spfritual. Jam the Indivisible One. Calling on Me helps shed unwanted bur dens gathered during the initial pursuit of external goals. One begins to feel light in heart and mind. Gradually the burden of thoughts and feelings falls away, the douds of confusion disperse. This marks the auspi cious moment when one perspective shifts from outer to inner It is only when you slow down that the secrets of life can begin to reveal themselves to you. But you have to understand that going slow isn the same as moving slowly To go slow means to stay centred in my remem brance. It means honoring every activity by giving each its full measure of attention. Perhapsyou may wonder how this is done? “


Bybringingbody, mindandheartinto harmony Once this harmony is establisheo then even the most rapid movements ofa dancer or an athlete are clow”because they are totally centered lii the movement. What Ic harmony? When there is no conflictbetween thoughts, feelings and activities, they express themselves in one resonance. That Ic harmony. Moments ofharmony are precious offerings to Me. W]th this harmonyyou will find that life takes on a subtiei more precise rhythm. You become aware ofthe sheer immensity oflife, withits diversityandinterconnected-ness. A time wilcome whenyou wiigo so slow thatyou won be concernedabout what wiihappen even in the next moment. Th ctay low”is toperceive myglory in ev eryone andeverythingand to honourit with all respect. ft is to be conscious that Myglory Ic the source andfoundation ofFerception itself” That statement brought me back to the question I’d had in mind at the outset and I felt this completed the answer. A great deal has been left out in selecting these particular quotes. To fill in all the gaps, you will have to read the book! All I have done here is to pur sue one line of thought through the pages of this book. Just one thread in the pattern Bal Natu weaves through his narrative. The overall design is rich enough for each reader to find and follow a different line of thought, guided by the signposts ofBal’s questions and answers in this third volume of his Con versations with theA wakener Published by Sheriar Press, available at The Love Street Bookstore, paperback $12.

Music Reviews TechnoBaba Robert Fredericks’ New CD by Robert Kinnery, Meeker, AK


echno Baba is an interesting mix of neurotic visionary ambition and acoustic inner-achievement. It has entered the left field of Meher Baba musical cul ture and will leave it’s mark on it somewhere. Never before has the Baba-culture been injected with 648 megabytes of elec tronic music that pretends to be solemn, sober, sagacious and danceable at the same time.


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The mix master of TB has taken soundbytes from Meher Baba’s mandali (and also a Meherabad volleyball game) and has mixed them into electronic music to, as he puts it, “reframe them” so the result is a collage of sound and speech to help the listener into a meditative mode of absorbing the content of the talk. What to say about these 73 minutes of insolent yet innocuous yet for some rea son, satisfying sounds, except to say “May Baba’s Nazar be on the conflicted soul who created it!” I would recommend Techno Baba to all those who are ready to hear something different. You can hear samples of this CD on the www by going to: http://westwood. fo r t u n e c i t y. c o m I m c q u e e n I 6 8 4 I technobaba.html Following are some of the comments from folks who have heard this most un usual work: “





TechnoBaba tracks finally knock my Baba music world out of the 70 s framework. “Baba can use any means” as Mani says (in TechnoBaba)” Ken Neunzig —

“The TechnoBaba is great. .it is a great thing for the youth to hear Mani’s and Eruch’s voice. It is a great thing you did. Baba gave you a good idea.” —Rustom and Sohrab Irani to Robert Fredericks. .

“Cool Man! Radical! Like wow! Awesome, dude!” .overheard by a gaggle of unidentified older teenagers. —

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\3 @ IThokltasa Sign

Someone sent a band to my house, Andit startedplaying At five in the morning Itook this as a sign God wantedme to sing! Then the moonjoined in And a few ofthe tenor- voiced stars, And the earth offeredits lovely belly As a drum. Before Iknew it, Irealized Aflhuman beings could be happy Iftheyjusthada few music lessons From a Sweet Old Maestro Like Hafiz. IHeard GodLaughing, Renderings ofHafi by Daniel Ladinsky, Dharma Publishing, 1996.

This CD is totally awesome! the







Video Reviews Don WorryBeHappy and Souls On Fire by Melani Jones

Don WorryBe Happy. Cindy Paulson interviews Dr. Meredith Moon and Bill Stephens on Hawaii Public Television, March 17, 1999, 60 minutes, VHS.


this heartwarming video, Meredith Moon, Ph.D, tells for the first time the story of her search for God, and the excitement of coming to Meher Baba. Throughout her life, until 1970, Meredith sought God without finding any evidence of God’s reality. Everywhere she went, she asked people, “How do you know that God is real?” No one ever gave her a satisfactory answer to that ques tion. On the morning of December 7, 1970, without warning, Meredith Moon saw a bril liant white light streaming into her room. Her attention became focused on an oval-shaped aura at the foot ofher bed. Suddenly the reality of God Presence filled her entire being, and she began to weep uncontrollably. “You’re real. You’re real! You’re really real!” she cried. A kind of sweet energy came from the aura and wrapped around her like a cocoon. From that moment on, her heart was filled with un conditional love and she knew that God is Love. At the same time, she realized that no learning had led to that experience. It was a gift, pure and simple—a gift of God’s precious grace. The sense of God immediate Presence stayed with Meredith for about a month. Then, to her dismay, it left her, and she began to experience her own personal “dark night of the soul.” During that long and difficult pe nod, she traveled widely, going to ashrams, visiting spiritual groups, seeking contact of some kind with that Presence of God she had known. But nothing helped. Nothing seemed to bring her closer to that Reality she knew existed. Once she happened to open a Meher Baba book and read the words, “I am God in human form,” and she threw the book down in disgust. She was led to study psychology and psy chotherapy. Attracted to Carl Jung, she took some of her training at the Carl Jung Insti tute in Switzerland. But still she could not


find the peace and bliss she had known for that precious month in 1970. But then, while living in Virginia, she met Charles Haynes, who had met Meher Baba and who was then teaching college religion classes. Charles’ knowledge, sincerity and humility won her ovei and she somehow knew that Meher Baba was a truly great Master. Subsequently Meredith Moon and Charles Haynes taught a course together. Finally Meredith went to the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, where she recognized Meher Baba as the Godman, and as her personal Master. Soon after, she made her first of many pilgrimages to India, where she immersed herself in Baba and became close to Baba’s intimate disciples. Meredith lives on the island of Maui, where she does her Baba-centered psychotherapy and dreamwork with her patients, and is ac tive in the Meher Baba community.. This highly recommended video features a spirited discussion by Cindy Paulos and Bill Stephens. along with Meredith, about Meher Baba’s life and work, His Samadhi and mandali in India, and the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC. It also contains sparkling footage of Meher Baba from Pete Townshend’s great video OParvardigar along with Pete himself singing his rousing version ofthe Parvardigar Prayer, $20, one hour long.

Souls OnFire. Cindy Paulson interviews William M. Stephens on Hawaii Public Television,March 3, 1999, 60 minutes, VHS Whether you’ve read Bill Stephenss lat est book Souls On Fireor not, you’ll enjoy this interview of Bill by popular TV host Cindy Paulos. Stephens tells some of the stories behind the stories featured in his book, Souls On Fire, which profiles some of Meher Baba’s fa vorite saints, mystics and masters, such as Mirabai, Hafiz, Rumi, Teresa of Avila, the immortal Babajan, Ramakrishna and many more great souls. Get this video and learn why the great sadguru and immortal poet, Kabir, is buried in two separate tombs. One ofthe tombs is in a mosque, and the other is in a Hindu temple. Learn, too, why Kabir, when death was near, insisted on traveling to Magar (despite the ancient belief that persons who die in Magar reincarnate as monkeys) instead of dropping his body in the holy city of Benares (where tradition held that dying in Benares would assure a high birth in the next incarnation). Learn, too, how a great sorcerer who had murdered dozens of innocent people became, through the grace of God, the most famous saint in all of Tibet.


One story of Bill’s that touched my heart is his account (first related by Meher Baba) of Rabia of Basra, reputed to be the most beautiful woman in the world. As a child, Rabia was sold into slavery after her parents died in a famine. Growing up under harsh, even bru tal, conditions, Rabia was sustained by inner strength, and she radiated serenity and purity. Toiling day and night as a slave, she would pray to God in the early hours before dawn. One morning her owner, a merchant, observed her in prayer and saw a great light over her head. Convinced she was a saint, he released her from bondage. For a time she lived in a cave and earned money as a musician. Later she actually lived in a brothel. But this was a cover for her real work of saving souls, for her only lover was God. Rabia, of course, was one of Meher Baba favorite saints. And Baba told us that Rabia later reincarnated (for her last birth) as Babajan, the great Master who lifted the veil from the consciousness ofAvatar Meher Baba. Another wonderful story is about Mirabai, a sixteenth century Hindu queen whose heart was aflame with love for God. After her hus band, the king, was killed in battle, the new king and queen were embarrassed by Mfrabas religious fervor, her consorting with sadhus and dervishes, and her ecstatic dancing. Time after time, they tried to murder her but the Lord Krishna always protected and saved her. Mirabai’s songs are still sung all over India. There’s all this, and much, much more in this hour-long video, including Bill Stephenss own personal story ofcoming to Baba through a near-death experience that changed him from an agnostic to a lover ofGod, and erased his addiction to alcohol in the bargain! This outstanding video should be in every Baba love?s library. $ 15 1 hour playing time. —






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Three- Quarters ofthe WorlcL’A Chat with Bhau Kaichuri This is a 30-minute video with subtitles. Interview conducted by Alexandra Marks. Directed and Edited by David Hammer. Produced by ‘Destroyer’ (Lynwood Sawyer).

Most significant, I believe, is Bhaus emphasis that the mind must go and the heart must come. This is a strange assertion to make to a television audience (for whom the video was

designed)—the “average” people who, as Alex

keeps reminding Bhau, are out there wondering what on earth he talking about. But Bhau makes the assertion with confidence. This is a man who was trained by Baba to withstand ridicule and humiliation. He is not worried about what people think; he is determined Review by Kendra Crossen Burroughs, simply to deliver to them the Name of Meher Meher Mount, Ojai, CA Baba and the message that they must stop eated in front of a formal backdrop of thinking and start feeling. I watch the video black drapes, the little man stuttering in a again, to practice and learn to hear with the heavy Indian accent seems slightly awkward. heart what he is saying, because it is very im The beautiful, poised, articulate American portant, and it does not make sense when journalist is asking him a logical question— heard with the mind. “Who is Meher It strikes me that Baba?”—and she the interview is actually wants a logical ana conversation between swer. She wants him the mind and the heart. to explain that Baba is But don’t worry about a spiritual master, that Alex having to play the he was born in India, part of the bad guy. It that he calls himself only an act her lips the Avatar. But Bhau when she pronounces Kalchuri won’t play the lovely name of the game. His reply is Baba betray her. simple: “He says, ‘I am I think this is an you.” important video. I It’s a promising imagine it being beginning to this watched hungrily by unique video with its people in the not-tooprovocative title. The distant future June 1998 interview people who have just came about by auspi realized who Baba is. I Bhau Kaichuri with MeherBaba. cious coincidence af savor the thought of ter Bhau’s scheduled talk on peace at the what they will experience when they get to United Nations was canceled owing to strict the end, with that incredible image of a little security around a conference on drugs attended girl’s face dissolving into Baba’s, and that dy by world leaders. namite bit of eye contact with the Beloved. Alexandra Marks, a Baba lover who is SeIncidentally, Baba did say that someone would nior Correspondent for the Christian Science get Realization through watching Him on a Monitor, is the interviewer. In addition to stills film (see G1owInternationa August 1998, and film clips of Baba, there is a song with page. 19). Love Street Bookstore. $10.


lyrics by Bhau, “Wake Up, 0 People, You Wake Up,” beautifully performed by Betsy Greene and others. The excitement of the folks who put this video together seemed somehow tangible as I looked at the box, read the accompanying flyer, and viewed the tape. They know it is good, and that it is all Baba’s doing. The conversation touches on several vital themes—world peace, drug abuse, religion.


Dios Habla by Don Stevens, Nice, France


ne of the first projects discussed be-

tween Baba and Don Stevens to be

carried out was the start of translating the Discourses into French, Spanish and Ger man. The French and Spanish translations

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were made and published some years ago, but it soon became clear that unless such works were brought to the market by a

well-established publisher, they tended to remain in storage unsold and not in the hands of devouring aspirants. Finding and interesting the publisher link then became the goal of much of Don’s and Compan ion Books’ efforts. Not long ago Don’s last boss, the Sec retary for Energy for some time in the

Spanish government, upbraided Don for not having used their friendship earlier to solve the problem in Spain, and promptly turned up the personal introduction to Spain’s most respected publisher in the esoteric field, Editorial Kairos, owned by the Paniker family, which is half Spanish and half Kerala Indian, a wonderful com bination thatjust has to have been set up by Baba. Paniker father and son immediately became enamored of God Speaks, but de cided that its publishing would have to be preceded by the appearance of a biogra phy of Baba half on his life story, and half outlining his philosophy. After a few adventures, they set the specifications for this book and told Don to write it for them. After a few more adventures’ Don did just that, and Heather Nadel and Meherwan Jessawala spent a month with him going over the final draft. Meanwhile, that great adventurer José Henriques, residing in Argentina, discov ered the man waiting in the wings for the translating of God Speaks, which was yet to be done. Hector Morel promptly turned out stunning translations of both God Speaks and the Baba biography. Kairos have now given a firm release date for the Spanish biography of 0cmber, and Sheriar expect to complete Meher Baba, the Awakener of the Age this summer. Kairos have set a realistic sales goal for the biography, and will then publish Bios Habla. All three books will be available throughout the Americas and Europe. If you don’t know Spanish you’d better start learning it right away to enjoy the artistry of Morel’s translation, which had the Sufis’ Spanish language expert lost in a sort of continuing ecstasy. Do you have a favorite bookstore which you can persuade to stock these treasures?



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( What of the Warm-Housed Ones?

Meher Baba on Love WhatisLove?

Francis Brabazon

To give and never to ask. Whatleads to thisLove?





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Whatleads to this Grace?




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What of the warm-housed ones, and us on this trackless journey? How great the distance between us we are bound and they are free. —

Grace is not cheaply bought. It is gained by being always ready to serve and reluctant to be served. There are many points which lead to this Grace: Wishing welifor others at the cost ofonei’ selE Never bathbftin Tolerance supreme. Tryingnat to worry.

I would return to the hills of my youth and work in the fields But what woman would I now lead out at the harvest festivals? —


so try! Trying not to worry is almost impossible others Thinking more of the good points in and less of their bad points —

Whatleads to this Grace? <

Doing all of the above. If you do one of these things perfectly, the rest must follow. Then Grace descends. Have Love — and when you have Love, the union with the Beloved is certain. When Christ said, Thove your neighbor,”


he did not mean fall in love with your neighbor. When you love, you give: when you fall in love, you want. Love me in any way you like, but love me. It is all the same.

To partner me could only be one whom all other men scorn Yet to match my spirit’s step no goddess has yet been born. —

Following the melodies and rhythms of your glance Has made me an expert in every type of dance.

Love me

I am pure, the Source of purity, so I consume all weaknesses in my fire of Love. Give your sins, weaknesses, virtues, all to me — but give. I would not mind even one falling in love with me — I can purify; but when you fall in love with anybody else, you cannot call it love. Love is pure as God. It gives and never asks; that needs Grace. ThePath ofLove, ed. Filis Frederick, pp. 98-99

Copyright 1986 AMBPPCT.

I have been dancing since you sent the stars out on your breath Dancing with my pretty shadow in a Dance of Death. —

Lately, bushman-eyed (so I thought) I have been tracking your footprints to your dwelling-place Only now to discover that all along I have been in love with my shadow’s charming face! —

Baba Our Hearts Are Broken by Ron Greenstein Baba, our hearts are broken into by You everyday! Breaking and entering is the charge. Now, what do You have to say?

Still the evidence is mounting that You are the Master Thief, And that You’ll be found guilty, well, we have full belief.

Larceny, too, for we have found some worries have disappeared. If You offer up an alibi from these charges You can be cleared.

But we’re prepared to bargain as regards Your plea. J ust promise to keep on breaking in, and we’ll happily set You free!

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Walled on one side by desert and on the other by sea, There is nothing for it now but to await your whim’s mercy. From The BelovedisAiin All

© 1988 Avatar’s Abode Trust, Australia, Published in the U.S. by Beloved Books.

Humor for Huma Limericks


all began when Jamie Newell and his wife Zo were discussing some Baba re lated topics and she began reading a quote from Lord Meher (page 4169) in which Meher Babasays: Ynlranliveda wall named Sabir. Jamie began to laugh, and Zo stopped reading to ask why he was laughing. He re plied: ‘in Iran liveda Wall Sabir who went around quoting Kabir He said “Thereyou are though Godseems so fai he actually is very near!” “

They had a good chuckle, and he put it out on the Baba List serv, suggesting that we could all have fun making Baba limer icks. Following are some of the better efforts. If any of our readers want to join the game we would love to hear from you. —

From Frank Bloise There once was a disciple who thought That in his Master’s web he was caught So he tried his best To pass every test And treasured what his Master taught There was once a sweet child born in Poona An event for the world per fortuna He came and He went Leaving most to repent The missed chance to dive deep in Varuna From Jamie Newell A great master named Babajan sat with a boy named Merwan twixt his eyebrows her kiss brought the young man such bliss his consciousness of the gross world was gone From Ron Greenstein There was once a disciple named Mani With a disposition so sunny She’s passed and we’ve missed her The Beloved’s kid sister Her stories were charming Her smile quite disarming And her jokes were well-told and funny


Dog and Cat

From Anne Fahy As He walked in Mahabaleshwar Few knew He was Parameshwar He took in the sights Booked a room for the night Havingjust arrived for Alwar. An actress by the name of Tallulah had interests that ran to peculiar She told the Avatar: “You are the Real Star, BABA Dahlirig I never could fool ya” As Annie I make my confession Before Baba, my life was depression. He yanked me by the mane, Said “you’re missing the best part of my game.” Now my blues are only impression. As He rode up to Harmon on Hudson Baba dreamed up the man named Ted Judson An architect will he be he will sing hymms to me I’ll make him taller than Elmer Fudd’s son. From Sarah McNeill A Delhi djinn in a djellaba Was corked in a flask in the harbour; And he tried to get free With ten thousand and three Shouts of “Jai Avatar Meher Baba!” A flower-loving lady from Saaba, Decided to make a nice arbour. When her friends went in there And beheld a fine chair, They said, “Hey! Its an arbour for Baba!” Said a foot-weary pilgrim from Pune, Overcome by the heat of mid-June, “If I say Baba’s Name Again and again I’ll eventually reach Dehra Dun”. Then he cried, as the fierce heat of noon Was dispelled by a sudden monsoon, “If I’d done that before He’d have helped even more And I could’ve reached Dehra Dun sooner.” A Westerner offered prasad Said “I can’t eat that stuff. Suga?s bad!” Though, reclining at ease In her salwar kameez, Her Real Self was feeling real bad. A Thai teacher teaching Tai Chi While drinking a cup of chal tea, Said, “I think I can see That my future should be Teaching I Ching instead ofTai Chi.”


newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis has provided the answer to Where do pets come from?” Adam said, “Lord, when I was in the garden, you walked with me every day. Now I do not see you anymore. I am lonesome here and it is diffi cult for me to remember how much you love me.” And God said, “No problem! I will create a companion for you that will be with you forever and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me. Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are & will love you as I do, in spite of yourself.” And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam. And it was a good ani mal. And God was pleased. And the new ani mal was pleased to be with Adam and he wagged his tail. And Adam said, “Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal.” And God said, “No problem! Because I have created this new animal to be a reflec tion of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG.” And Doglived with Adam and was a cornpanion to him and loved him. And Adam was comforted. And God was pleased. And Dog was content and wagged his tail. After a while, it came to pass that Adam’s guardian angel came to the Lord and said, “Lord, Adam has become filled with pride. He struts and preens like a peacock and he believes he is worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught him that he is loved, but perhaps too well.” And the Lord said, “No problem! I will create for him a companion who will be with him forever and who will see him as he is. The companion will remind him ofhis limitations, so he will know that he is not always worthy of adoration.” And God created CAT to be a compan ion to Adam. And Cat would not obey Adam. And when Adam gazed into Cat’s eyes, he was reminded that he was not the supreme being. And Adam learned humility. And God was pleased. And Adam was greatly improved. And Dog was happy. And the cat didn’t give a fig one way or the other. “

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The Midwest Gathering by Robert Fredericks, Chicago, IL

At Rockford, Illinois, May 22-24th


eher Baba’s twin nephews, Rustom and Sohrab Irani, Jal and Dolly Dastur and musical guest Jane Brown directed our focus for the weekend to our Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. This was the tenth anniversary of the Midwest gath ering under the organizational efforts of Carol and Miron Kovalevych, Helen Keuller, and Louie Fladger who put their heart and soul into the work of providing the 80 attendees with a wonderful weekend of worry free accommodations, an abundance of guests, and all you can eat meals. Rene, Miron and Loule spent hours in the kitchen sacrificing their time to create the best tasting homemade Iasagna, salads, fruit and vegetable dishes, veg and non-veg meals arid desserts west of Bombay! But Saturday morning found Jal Dastur in the kitchen pre paring dessert, a special treat of watermelon juice enjoyedby all! The attendees of the Midwest Gathering hail from Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, and a few other places around the U.S. The opportunity to renew friendships made from many years of Gath erings andjourneys to Myrtle Beach and India, created the warmth that so many value and which draws people from miles away to attend. This weekend of love and sharing began with home cooking created and organized by Renee Keuler, then a musical performance by Jane Brown and guitarist John Poeg, fol lowed by Rustom and Sohrab delivering their famous foot-stomping, hand-clapping ghazals, and humorous and poignant sto ries of their life with their Uncle Baba and Aunt Mani. These two can lift even the most world-weary spirits with their music and patter in a matter of moments. Dolly Dastur led the 7 am Arti with music from Ten Veras, Michelle Shaffer, Bob



tionship to the Mandali Mani, Eruch, Mehera, Padri and the others, and their feelings and thoughts on how to live with Meher Baba today. Though Jal and Dolly are travelling across the U.S. this year, this was the only Sahavas program they are attending and the Midwesterners were very fortunate to hear their stories in the expanded format that the Sahavas provides. After lunch, a musical dessert was enjoyed by all as Jane Brown sang, accom panied on viola by Mira Lutgendorf. Then the twins launched once again into their treasure trove of Baba, Mehera, and Mani, stories, musical favorites, and concluded with the rousing Gaate Chelo. The Saturday night program began sol emnly when Kyle Morrison offered up a few thoughts on what the tenth anniversary of the Midwest gathering meant to him, and then moved into a lighter arena with songs and poetry presented by the youngest sahavasees. The evening concluded with a dance featuring music from Techno Baba, the wildly different Avataric Trance Dance CD. It started with the track, A.M.B.K.J. which features Rustom and Sohrab speaking over electronic dance music. People were torn between listening to the words or danc ing up a storm to the music. Either way it was a big hit! Sunday morning began again with Arti at 7 am, and then following breakfast we -


JalandDollyspeaking to all.

Fredericks, Lisa Nelson, Linda J ones and others. A breakfast of salad, fruit homemade bread and croissants, and then back to the meeting hall for more Baba stories. Jal and Dolly told us of their timeless mo ments spent with Baba, their rela



Brown brought her warm charm and sweet voice to the Midwest for L the first time and she moved deftly between poignant Indian ghazals to ‘60s rock and roll. We hope she will 4 return as our guest singer soon. But most of all, the reason for f F ; the Sahavas was to receive and share Beloved Baba’s love and warmth and family and His tender hug to ‘ last us all another year. Baba’s pres ence was felt by all as they departed r for only a short separation as the Bob Fredricks andMarvin Shaeffer entertaining us. iviidwest will have a second gath August 27-29th with guest speaker on ering gathered for the last story telling session with u B h a Jal and Dolly. Jal speaks slowly and deliberKalchuri. ately, retelling stories that he lived through For infor with a weight that underlines their signifimation on cance to him. Dolly speaks more brightly and attending freely with a lightness that reveals her peace the August andjoy in living with her Beloved. Together gathering they make the perfect couple, complementcall Carol ing each other and filling in each others stoat (312) ries when necessary. They are a treasure of 6330696. the Baba community and the Midwest



Gathering thanks them sincerely for the time they spent with us. Sohrab speaks and sings boldly, Rustom relaxes and waits for the next song. They are Beloved Baba’s incomparable twins, who have so enriched us and will continue to do so for many years. They are a favorite of the Midwest and we look forward once again to welcoming them with a Baba embrace. Jane


Iane Brown dancing Saturday niqht.

A Wio Holy Band Hafiz Your breath is a sacred clock, my dear— Why not use it to keep time with God’s Name? And if your feet are ever mobile Upon this ancient drum, the earth, 0 do not let your precious movements Come to naught. Let your steps dance silently to the rhythm of the Beloved’s Name! My fIngers and my hands Never move through empty space, For there are Invisible golden lute strings all around, Sending Resplendent Chords Throughout the Universe. I hear the voice

of every creature and plant, Every world and sun and galaxy— Singing the Beloved’s Name! I have awakened to find violin and cello, Flute, harp and trumpet, Cymbal, bell and drum— All within me! From head to toe, every part of my body Is chanting and clapping!

Hafiz, The Beloved has made you Such a Luminous Man! For with constant remembrance of God, One’s whole body will become A Wonderful and Wild Holy Band! IHeard GodLaughing, Renderings ofHafiz by Daniel Ladinsky Dharma Printing, 1996.

The Midwest Gathering. Jai Baba!Allphotos byJohn Poag.



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Silence Day Quotes














Meher Baba (from various sources) od has been everlastingly working in silence, unobserved unheard, except by those who experience His infinite silence. If my silence cannot speak, of what avail would be speeches made by the tongue? The very moment when He thinks my speaking should be heard universally, God will make me break my silence. Through endless time Gods greatest gift is continuously given in silence. But when mankind becomes completely deaf to the thunder of His silence, God incarnates as man. The Unlimited assumes the limited, to shake Maya-drugged humanity to a consciousness of its true destiny and to give a spiritual push to the world by His physical presence on earth. He uses the body for His universal work, to be discarded in final sacrifice as soon as it has served its purpose. God has come again and again in vanous forms, has spoken again an again in dif ferent onds and different languages the same one Truth but how many are there that live up to it? Instead of making Truth the vita! breath of his life, man compromises by making over and oven again a mechanical religion of it as a handy staff to lean on in times of adversity, as a soothing balm for his conscience or as a tradition to be followed in the footsteps of the past. Man’s inability to live God’s words makes them a mockery. How many Christians follow Chris’s teaching to ‘turn the other cheek’ or ‘love thy neighbor as thyself’? How many Muslims follow Mohammed’s precept to ‘hold God above everything else’? How many Hindus ‘bear the torch of righteousness at all cost’? How many Buddhists live the ‘life of pure compassion’ expounded by Buddha? How many Zoroastnians ‘think truly, speak truly, act truly’? God’s Truth cannot be ignored; and thus by mankind’s ignorance and weakness a tremendous adverse reaction is proand the world finds itself in a duced cauldron of suffering through wars, hate, conflicting ideologies and nature’s rebellion in the forms offloods, famines, earthquakes, and other disasters. Ultimately when the apex is reached, God manifests in human form to guide mankind to the destruction of its self-created evil, that it may be rees tablished in the Divine Truth.













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ijltCflCC Ifyou were to ask me why I do not speak,

I would say I am not silent, and that I speak more eloquently through gestures and the alphabet board. Ifyou were to ask me why I do not talk, I would say, mostly for three rea sons. Firstly, I feel that through you all I am talking eternally. Secondly, to relieve the boredom of talking incessantly through your forms, I keep silence in my personal physi cal form. And thirdly, because all talk in itself is idle talk. Lectures, messages, statements, discourses of any kind, spiritual or otherwise, imparted through utterances or writings, arejust idle talk when not acted upon or lived up to. I am never silent. I speak eternally. The voice that is heard deep within the soul is my voice. the voice of inspiration, of intu ition, of guidance. To those who are recep tive to this voice, I speak. .

Baba Keeps Silence IvyO.Duce


here are as many theories about why Baba kept silence as there are people to propound them. One thing is certain, and that is that Babas silence had no resemblance whatever to that held by religiouses who undertake it for the sake of undisturbed meditation or contemplation. Watching Baba handling three or four aspects of communication at once, on different


levels and perhaps over vast distances, convinced me that it was absolutely necessary for him to conserve every second in order to get his universal work done. He always came directly to the pofrit and never wasted a word when dictating to us. Of course he often re minded us that when he did finally break his silence, his word would have the effect of an atom bomb and that if he did not observe si lence, how then could he break it and make it that effective? He also said, “The Avatar always goes through some special crucifixion. Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness. Baba keeps si lence.” In 1965 he had been silent for forty years! Howa Master Works, p. 6 8 Copyright 1975 Sufism Reoriented, Inc.

Meher Baba’s Deafening Silence by Sky Emerson Wiseman, Billings, MT


eher Baba’s Silence is perhaps the most remarkable and intriguing aspect of His Advent as Avatar of the Age. I have spent considerable time contemplating His Silence and reflecting on its meaning. Mystical concepts such as “Speaking the Word” and “The Soundless Sound” present challenges to mylimited mind but penetrate to a deep heart level beyond the realm ofthought. The physi cal difficulty of maintaining silence for even one day in my routine worldly existence causes me to view Baba’s incredible silence with awe. For Baba intensely active life as The Avatar to have been carried out in silence is beyond comprehension. Beloved Baba has given us many esoteric statements regarding His Silence, and each of these statements is in itself a multifacetedjewel capable oftaking us where we have never been. Yet finally, no matter how much I draw my attention to Baba’s Silence, the beauty and power ofits exquisite meaning lies far beyond the arena of my limited expe rience and my limited power of expression. There is one particular experience for me in this lifetime that stands out as one in which I felt, if only briefly, something of the essence of Baba Silence. It was a Silence that neverberated in my inner being out ofthe depths of His Ocean. To this day the experience remains powerfully etched in my consciousness. In Meherabad on Silence Day morning 1988, I






had the privilege of entering the Jhopdi Hut where Baba had retired that night of July 9, 1925 to begin His Silence. The Jhopdi had been opened especially for all to visit on Silence Day, and yet I remained in the hut for what seemed liked an eternity. While I sat quietly in that simple sacred space Baba’s Silence became tangible. His Silence emanated from every corner of the room, and my perception was that it was not only deafening but blinding. Never have I experienced an atmo sphere more light and ethereal. The impact of Beloved Babas Silence was so intense that for weeks after returning to America I could deepen into a feeling ofbeing in its midst. Even today, I can sometimes feel the Silence of the Beloved pouring forth that morning in His Jhopdi. Later that Silence Day afternoon I was present when Mehera, Mani, and the other women Mandali walked to Baba Samadhi. His Silence once again came raining down as the women moved majestically up Mehera bad Hill. Mehera caught my eye and nodded almost imperceptibly as She passed by. It was as if She spoke to me inwardly saying, “This is His Silence. Do you hear it? Do you feel it?” The events of that Silence Day often come flooding back to me. I experienced only the merest sense of Baba’s deafening Silence that


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“Do you know where he lives?” Baba asked

at small and large gatherings. He had com posed many Baba songs and Baba would en-


joy hearing them. The lively tunes made the words ofpraise that much more appealing and

“I don’t have his address,” I replied, “but I know he is living somewhere on the Deccan

Baba would often have Madhusudan, accom panied by others, sing for Him and the assembled group. One of his songs which was well received

College campus.”

was “Meher Ekam.” One interesting feature of this song was that all of the lines, as far as I

remember, ended with the letter “m.” This struck Baba fancy. So much so, that for a while He took to adding an “m” to the names of those residing with Him at Guruprasad. For ex ample, Pendu became Penduem (not the same as in the earlier years, Baba had nicknamed him as Pendulum) Vishnum, Meherjeem, etc. One weekend, in the group of lovers who had assembled was a judge, a Mr. Mukarjee, from Calcutta, along with his wife. When he returned home after the darshan, he wrote Baba aletter in which he said that he had been so taken with the song “Meher Ekam” that he and his wife now sang it to themselves every ,

day. When Baba heard this, he suddenly looked

Baba seemed pleased. Go and ask his opinion ofthis song,” Baba gestured. I accepted this command, but perhaps I didn’t seem ea ger enough, for Baba gestured, “Don’t wait until tomorrow. Go today.” So, after getting a copy of the song, I took a rickshaw to Deccan College and found Shastri Pandurang’s quarters. He was surprised to see me, and we made casual conversation for a while before I came to the point of my visit. I showed him the song and explained Baba’s concerns about the un grammatical use of Marathi, Hindi and Sanskrit words in the song. Shastri Pandurang replied that he also liked the song and thought it was a good one. “Yes,” I agreed, “but what about the Ianguage?’ “It is written in the language ofthe heart,” he replied, “so ordinary rules ofgrammar don’t “


I was happy to receive a verdict I tould

Guruprasad. This was a mansion on Bund Garden Road, given for His use by the Maharani of Baroda. Through the early 60s He compassionately allowed His lovers to come for His darshan on some weekends. Frequently

concerned. “What kind of impression will people get,” Baba wondered, “if they hear this song being sung? It is a mixture of languages,” Baba gestured, “Marathi, Sanskrit, and Hindi. When people hear this song with these Unusualwords, what will they think of Me? Will it give them the wrong impression?” Baba turned to me and asked me what I thought. I said, “Personally, I like the song Baba. It has a nice tune and the words seem heartfelt and I think people will understand that it’s only a song.” “Is it grammatically correct?” Baba asked. “Baba, it seems okay to me,” I replied again, but Baba was not satisfied. “Do you know Shastri Pandurang?” He asked me. Of course I knew of him. He was a well-known Sanskrit scholar working at the Deccan College Research Institute of Languages. In addition, he would come himself to have Baba’s darshan whenever he could, since he lived nearby. (Late Shastri Pandurang translated all of Shankaracharya hymns from the Sanskrit into Marathi. Baba even gave a briefmessage to be included in the book when it was printed. When he came to Guruprasad, Baba would sometimes have him, or his son,

Madhusudan of Pune, who was regarded by

recite the famous hymn of Shankaracharya,

the Beloved. The Beloved can only be found

Baba lovers in India as their song writer lau reate, would visit Guruprasad to sing for Baba

“Shivoham,” which contains the essence of Vedanta.)

within you, for His abode is the heart.”

day, but it penetrated deep into the core of my

being. He filled my cup with Silence that day and I was incapable of receiving any more. When the question of the meaning of

Baba Silence is posed, the closest I can come to answering is to silently reflect on the ex quisite light of the Jhopdi illuminating my heart in great waves of His Divine Love His Jhopdi and a glance from the One who loves Him as He “should be loved.” Silence Deafening Silence. —

Language of the Heart Bal Natu, Meherabad, India


tarting in 1959, Meher Baba began spending the summer months in Pune at


2 I


relay to Baba. I stayed for a short time, as

Shastri Pandurang offered me some refreshment. Then, as soon as I could politely take my leave, I hurried back to Guruprasad. It was

as ifBaba had been waiting for my return. As soon as He saw me, He gestured, “Well, what did he say?” “Baba,” I replied, “he says it is written in the language of the heart awakened by Your Love, and ordinary rules of grammar don’t apply.”

Baba appeared to be very relieved to hear this. He smiled and gestured, “Then it okay if the judge and his wife continue to sing the song. He seemed pleased with the end result and gestured for me to come closer. He gave me a fresh sumptuous grape, His divine “


The language ofthe heart inspired by love is truly beyond all rules. This reminds me of a time Beloved Baba conveyed to His lovers, “The prayer God hears is the prayer from the heart...God does notlisten to the language

ofthe tongue, nor to the language ofthe mind, He responds to the language ofthe heart. The language of the heart is the song of love for

Jai Baba!



The Southeast Gathering ‘99 He knew that Baba was God, because Baba had responded to his thoughts in the midst of hundreds of people. From that day forward, K.K.

by Winnie Barrett, Jim Watson, and Bill Stephens; Photographs by Rusty Rust


he twenty-second Southeast Gathering

Ramakrishnan dedicated himself to the task

was the best one yet!’ exclaimed Lela Stephens, who went to her first gathering in 1982, when she was seven months old, and

of spreading Baba’s message of love and truth to the world—by speaking, writing, publishing and working tirelessly with the Pune Meher Baba Center. Ramakrishnan was accompanied on his trip to Georgia by Pascal Kaplan, who shared information about Sufism Reoriented, and in a presentation titled “Prac tical Spirituality: Is There Any Other Kind?”

has been to every one since except the one in 1998, when she was in Australia on a scholarship. “Every year I see good friends I havent seen for ages. There’s nothing like it! Next to

the Youth Sahavas, it’s the top event of the year!” Lela was echoing the sentiments of more thai-i a hundred teenagers who attended

showed beautiful videos from the Consortium

the latest South East Gathering.

of the Arts.

As always at the Gathering, held in the foothills of the mountains of North Georgia, there was lively and memorable music, and

A wonderful surprise at this yea?s Gath ering was the unscheduled visit—a “bonus gift” for all--of an endearing Baba-lover who met his Beloved in 1930. A. K. Kasthuri and his lovely wife Leela have lived in California for a number ofyears, but only a relatively few Baba lovers from the Southeast had known of them. Thanks to Meher Baba’s perfect

there were skits, games, hikes, focus groups and square-dancing. There were warm and wonderful speakers who have spent the best days of their lives with Meher Baba, who is the inspiration for the Gathering and the fo cal point of all the joy

timing, all those who attended this year’s

and play and discussions. On the stage, be-

Southeast Gathering had the rare opportu

hind the speakers and entertainers, were ex quisite paintings of Baba done by Roger

nity to meet AK., who has been with Baba for

an incredible sixtynine years, having first met Baba when AK.

Stephens. This year, for the first time, we were fortunate to have as a spe cial guest K.K. Ramakrishnan, truly a

was five years old! AK.

was the grandson of one of Meher Baba’s early disciples, Mr.

Sanpath Aeyangar of

beacon of Baba love and service. He told of a “chance” encounter with Kaikobad in the early 1950s, which led

to his meeting Adi K. Irani, who told him he

Madras. During formal and informal sessions at the gathering, A. K.

Kasthuri shared marvelous stories, diaries,

The multi-talentec/Annalena Phihi,s sings at the ciosingmusical session. Paintings in background by Roger Stephens.

might see Meher Baba at the Pune railway sta tion as He departed for Andhra. Ramakrishnan perched on a bridge for an hour, gazing at Baba while He sat in a railway car, waving to His devotees and wait-

letters from Baba and

other memorabilia of the Ancient One info-

Then, as Baba took a he seat,


herabad for two days at the end of the Three

thought, “And He sat on the

Incredible Weeks. Having completed a Bible

mount and

correspondence course, he was familiar with

the multitude sat around Him.” Suddenly he thought, “So Baba must be the Christ!” At

lug for the train to depart. Later Ramakrishnan was invited to Me-

stories of Jesus. As Baba walked up the hill, he thought of the verse, “He went up the mountain and the multitudes followed Him.”


Meher Baba peers out from behind thispyramid ofbeautifui and talentedyoungsters.

that instant, Baba looked directly at him, and he feltlike a piece ofice had touched his chest.

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cus groups and casual conversations. Wher ever he went, people gathered around him. As important as the

stories he told was the

atmosphere created in the telling. His loving, humble, eloquent and lively presence created a splendid exchange of Babas love from heart to heart.

Another fascinating guest was Bili Eaton, ‘


r1iK ( $ 31 i


so Amazing,” which is the title of her lively talk. At the same time Frank was gasping who came to Baba in 1952 after trying to push book of memories of Meher Baba. Buy it. and clutching his stomach. Not knowing God away for many years. An atheist at age You’ll love it. Just as everyone at the Gath what to do, they went to a bar and drank whis thirteen, she became curious about various re ering loved Bill Eaton and her unique Smligions years later while work(/ ries of her Divine Beloved. as a dance instructor for A real show-stopper was the heart-stirArthur Murray’s Studio in ring music of Cathy Riley. Cathy has a natu New York. But none of the ral way of involving others in her music (as paths she studied satisfied shown by the choir she pulled together in her, and she was quite happy only two days) and also in helping children with her life of dancing, tap into their own creativity to compose nightclubbing and partying. original pieces that were shared with At one point, when she was sahavasees. Cathy’s songs are always a joy out of work and trying to to ear, head and heart, as she gathers words, choose between two job ofideas and symbols from such great souls as fers, a friend suggested she Rumi, Bhau, Tagore, and of course Meher pray about it—a novel idea to Bili. However, after thinking Musicalguest Cathy Riley helps both children and about it, she decided to test adults create their own music. God (ifHe existed). She said: “Ifyou’re real, give me a sign. If by tomorrow at nine o’clock, the studio agrees to %/ ø Irrepressible auctioneers EdLegum the salary and terms I proanclRoger Stephens. posed, then I’ll believe in you.” Next morning at ten minutes before nine, key sours while watching basethe studio agreed to her terms. Bili was aston ball on televi ished, but surely it was only a coincidence, she sion. Suddenly decided. God had nothing to do with it. Years went by and Bili became interested Bill began sobin Religious Science—using the mind to bing uncontrol lably and they heal—and she and others met regularly to dis left in embar cuss mental powers and such. A man named rassment. Mr. Frederick began meeting with the group. That was One night Mr. Frederick suggested they might Bill Eaton’s inlike to invite his daughter Fills, who had met troduction to a spiritual master named Meher Baba. So Fills what she now Frederick told the group about her experi calls “A Love ences with Meher Baba. Not long after that, ,“ 4 Bili Eaton, while walkBaba. Along with her own ing down the street, rich singing voice, Cathy had an intense experi forth a bounty of brought utter bliss. ence of Baba-full sounds from oth Soon she was attenders of all ages during the ing meetings at Fred three-day sahavas.. and Ella Winterfeldt’s. # And then there was the Then onjuly 20, 1952, auction an annual fundafter Baba was injured in a collision in Okla :? 4 raising event. Roger Stephens and Ed Legum homa, Bill met Baba in were dynamic, entertaining New York. That first and most successful auc meeting was overtioneers who succeeded in whelming, and then raising over $4,000 for the she and her friend Avatar Meher Baba Trust Frank went out on the in India. Paintings and tem the streets, where photographs with links to perature was 104 de Baba or to His close ones grees. Bill broke out Ourguest speakers express final thoughts andfeelings at the closthgpanel discussion on Sunday morning. were in great demand, and into a cold sweat and Left to right: A. K KasthurL Bii Eaton, K K Ramakrishnan, Pascal Kaplan. an exhilarating time was started shivering all had by all. over, her teeth chattering so she could hardly irig

























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Avatar Meher Baba’s Natal Horoscope The Awakener

(Meher Baba horoscope was cast by an astrologer named Zoltan Mason, who owned a metaphysicalbookstore in New York City.)


r. Z. S. Mason, a well-known New York astrologer (at 789 Lexington Avenue, N.Y.C.) was given Meher Baba’s birth date, without his name or other iden tifying material, from which he cast the chart and gave this remarkable interpretation of Baba’s life and mission for the upliftment of humanity in the New Awakening. He is, indeed, the “Aquarian Avatar,” so long pre dicted by the Magi of our times. “This is the horoscope of a practicing occultist. Aquarius, the sign of metaphysics, is rising; it is the eleventh Sign of the Zo diac, showing the advanced state of his reincarnation. This sign is ruled by Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is in the 10th House, that of the profession and of destiny. Saturn is in the 9th House, that of God, ofhigher thinking, religion and philosophy. Both these Planets are retrograde, showing that material and worldly interests are not desired, but that the mind and spirituality, will be the destiny for this life: the Sun and the Moon are in Watery Signs in Trine to each other (harmony between his first and second na ture, or between his soul and will of realiza tion). The Sun is in Pisces, the Twelfth Sign, the ultimate of the possibility of reincarna tion. The Moon is in the 9th House, where Saturn is also placed. The old astrologers said that a destiny can be powerful only if, by birth, the Planets are either in their own Signs or in Exaltation. Here, in this chart, we have Saturn exalted (pure) and Mars, which rules the destiny in this horoscope, is in exaltation also, the latter is the dispositor of the Moon and Uranus. “The cusp of the Tenth House (the destiny) is in Scorpio, the strongest Sign, called the sign of the Magician, but not the magi cian ofthe hands; it is the Sign ofthe Magi cian of the Soul, or that of somebody who makes Magic with the soul of others. We have a confirmation ofthis in our horoscope; it is given by the Moon in Scorpio, the Sign ,


where the Moon is in the fall. It is hard to

understand the meaning of the Moon in Scorpio, but it seems that this Planet here is much more important for the realization of psychic phenomena, and, very often, we find the same in charts of psychiatrists, occultists, and, in general, by people having a magic power over others. “Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is in the 12th House, called the Occult House. People who have the ruler of destiny in the 1 2th House will have seclusion in their destiny—willingly or forced. In this chart, Mars is very well aspected by the Sun and the Moon; also Mars is in exaltation (purity) showing that it will be his free choice that he lives sometimes in seclusion. Mars in Capricorn is the strongest expression of the will for realiza tion. This combination shows that the se clusion has a purpose: that of practicing the occult. This is not the chart of a dreamer, but of one who has the power of occult realization. There is another indication of the very high standing ofthis personality: in the first House, Venus is rising in the Sign of Aquarius, as so often is found in the chart of occultists. Venus here is retrograde: this person is not interested in the love of only some people, he is not interested in physical love, as indicated by Venus in Aquarius (ruled by ,

Saturn) and Saturn in Libra is ruled by Ve ,

nus; each in the House of the other, called a

“reciprocal reception” in terms of astrology. Venus and Saturn are in Trine, the best pos sible aspect. This Venus is not a “low” Ve

nus. The native is not a man who goes for little things; he is not a charlatan; according to this chart he has a very high spiritual standing. “This horoscope gives the following information about his financial possibilities. It shows that he will have money, mostly re ceived from others, which often comes in the form of important gifts, as the Sun is in the House of Money. The Sun rules the 7th House, the House of Followers. He has im portant followers. Pisces is very prolific, showing a great number of followers, but Pisces also shows that they are occult fol lowers, and not followers of worldly inter-

£oveSfreet £ambsr


ests. The ruler of Pisces, Neptune, in the House ofLove, shows that the gifts are given with love. There we have another “recipro cal reception” between Neptune and Mer cury; Mercury in the House of Money confirms that he gets his money not only from his followers but from the sale of spintual works. Once more Pisces shows that the works are more than one, and that the subject must be of occult and spiritual love. People read these writings with great pleasure. “It would be possible that he heals people—that is, masses rather than one; in general, he must have magical power and is using it for unusual attainments. The whole horoscope is unusual in its beauty, seriousness, by his exaltation for God and by the exaltation of his will to realize God. Saturn

rules Mars here; he has an unusual destiny and it is not a simple one—it is extraordi nary. He must eventually be important not only abroad, but in his own country. Jupiter partly rules the Sign of Pisces, meaning that he will not only be unusual in the outer world, but also in his own home. The end of life will be in important surroundings, as Jupiter is in the 4th House, the House of the End. In general, it seems to me the horo scope is too important to be that of a healer only; this man thinks about himself as an occultist. As a soul he is much superior to the av erage, and an unusual reincarnation. This is shown by the Sun and Moon in this chart. This person has a mystic soul, but he would not go in for simple healing. “In general, he must be a tall man, not very big, but strong, with sharp eyes, deep voice. I would say, dark eyes, maybe dark brown. “The health is good, although Uranus and Mars in this chart could show some ac cidents or operation. Didn’t he die already? Did he have an accident and die in it? Was the accident in line with his profession? Were his feet or legs hurt? He was not by himself when he had the accident; others were involved. “Children of Saturn have a long life. Venus rising also denotes something favorable. He dies under Mercury. Mercury is very bad in this horoscope, good for the occult

and bad for the health. Mercury is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Neptune gives mostly unusual death causes which cannot be clearly diagnosed. No physician will find the clear

ii: cause of this man’s death. Could he be mur dered? No. The planet of death, Mercury, is in a very good aspect with Jupiter, from the fourth House, showing that he dies a natu ral death in his home, but as already said, the true cause will not be found. His open enemies cannot cause his death, unknown enemies also cannot come into consideration. It would be an unknown sickness. “I see no bad traces of character. He must have an absolutely pure life. He is living a sexless life and is absolutely perfect as horo scope, from the occult standpoint. His soul and will are pure, in perfect harmony.” From TheA wakenez vol. 2, no, 1 (Summer 1954), pp. 9-12. [So do you still think astrology is all nonsense?! Ed.]

Meher Baba:

The FBI Files SUBJECT: Merwan Sheriar Irani

Would it cause a big scandal in “Baba-Land?” Well, here is the information in the FBI files: It begins with a letter dated Oct. 24, 1958 forwarded to the Norfolk office of the FBI from the state department by a woman in Williamsburg, VA. Her name is “blacked out” as are many names and locations (to protect their privacy) She was concerned over the ac tivities of Him because both of her daughters became interested in Baba. She suspected that Baba was “an American who lived on the west coast.” She went to a meeting in Myrtle Beach and was concerned because Baba said that .

“Russia would bomb the United States in October of 1957.” She called the group in Myrtle Beach a religious cult and after attend-

ing the meeting she was definitely convinced that they were Communist. She mentioned that Baba communicated to his followers by “mental telepathy.” This woman had also contacted the Norfolk, Va. and New York City Police Dept. about her concerns telling them she believed there was something subversive about the organization. Finally there is a closing paragraph that stated “the discussion group meetings were

FILE NUMBER: 105-73696

small and unobtrusive and no further inves tigation is being conducted in the Norfolk


Division (of the FBI) and this matter is be-

Brad Mandel, Annapolis, MD

Well, there it is, some of the high points of Meher Baba’s FBI files. I can see a smile on Baba’s face at the thought of it.


y hands shook slightly as I noticed the return address on the envelope:

The Department ofJustice, FederalBureau of Investigation. After 2 and a half years, I finally had the requested file. I opened the envelope...

(Let me back track a little. About three years ago, Ihad subscribed to the Baba listserv and enjoyed the Baba talk on the Internet. Someone asked a question about whether Baba had an FBI/lie. Idecidedto write to theFBlunder the freedom ofinformation act, (‘FOIPA) to see if there actually was a file on Baba. Iga ye them the name of Meher Baba, also known as Merwan Sheriar Irani. About 6months later Igota letter backsaying there wouldbe a delay as the FBI had so many requests under the FOIFA. It eventually took two moreyears.) my hands. My mind spun at the thought of it. What would be in this file? Should I make it available to other Baba Lovers?

ing considered closed.”

Ceremony Discarded But Arti Will Continue Sam Kerawala, Meherabad, India


udwig Dimpfl: ‘Sam, you were telling us this evening about a conver sation you had which led to Baba ex pounding on the future of world religions. Would you tell this to our friends here?’ Sam Kerawala: ‘I don’t remember ex actly what year it was, but it was dur ing one of my short stays in India—just got home on leave after my three-year contract. In Meherazad I was talking to one Baba lover named Shatagan Kumar from Dehra Dun, and I told him that one thing I liked very much about Baba’s statement was that after his Advent, this religious ceremony and all that, would be mostly discarded. I said thank God, at least this will happen, because ceremony seems to be a big burden of mankind today. But Shatagan Kumar said that he didn’t feel it in the same manner, because right in Iaba’s own living presence such things as singing Baba’s arti, performing certain prayers and all, were allowed by Baba himself, with the result that even after his Advent, things like artis and performing pujas will be adhered to. This conversation was slowly taken up to Eruch and thence to Baba, and Baba then said that yes, things like arti and puja will continue, but there will be one difference. There will be no such thing as sectarianism about it. Each and every individual willjoin in this perfor mance of arti and puja. He may be Christian or Zoroastrian or Hindu or Muslim. Religion will not matter at all. They will all join in and sing the praises of the Lord from the bottom of their hearts, irrespective of what religion they belong to.’ —Sam Kerawala in conversation with Ludwig Dimpfl, 1964, from How a Master Works, by Ivy Oneita Duce, Copyright 1975 by Sufism Reoriented, Inc. Walnut Creek, California. ,


t :4



Spiritual Freedom of Humanity Meher Baba


over the world the spirit of man is crying out for freedom. Love of freedom and the search for freedom are the prin cipal characteristics of humanity. In all races and in all climes, in all countries and at all times, the watchword for groping and strug gling humanity has always been freedom! There are very few persons, however, who really understand the full implications of true and unqualified freedom. And there are many who, in their partial understanding of the real conditions of freedom, strive only for the attainment of that kind of existence which gives them a sense of relative freedom. Thus different persons long for dif ferent kinds of freedom according to the different things they have come to value. Freedom to live as one wishes is sought in all spheres oflife. This imperative demand for freedom usually expresses itself by fas tening upon some external conditions of the kind ofexistence people wish to lead. Hence those who identify their being with their country. seek national or political freedom. Those who are animated by economic pur poses seek economic freedom. Those who are inspired by religious aspirations seek freedom of religion. Those who are enthusiastic about sociological or cultural ideology seek freedom of movement and freedom to ex press the ideals that they cherish and wish to propagate. But there are few who realize that the basic freedom, which alone gives the stamp of true value to any of these different kinds of relative freedom, is spiritual freedom. Even if all the external conditions of a free life were completely fulfilled and guar anteed, the soul of man would still remain in woeful bondage if it failed to realize spintual freedom. All the different types of freedom that fasten upon some external conditions must, in their very nature, exist within certain lim its. For the freedom that an individual or community or state seeks must be consis tent with a similar freedom for other mdividuals, communities, or states. National economic, religious, or cultural freedom ex presses itself in and by means of the duality of existence. It lives on duality and is sus





tamed by duality; therefore it has to be rela tive and limited and cannot be infinite. It exists in varying degrees. Even when it is won through persistent effort, it cannot be a permanent attainment, since the external conditions having once been secured are not secured forever but are capable of detenio rating in the course of time. Only spiritual freedom is absolute and unlimited. When it is won through persis tent effort, it is secured forever. Though spintual freedom can and does express itself in and through the duality of existence, it is grounded in the realization of the inviolable unity of all life and is sustained by it. One important condition of spiritual freedom is freedom from all wanting. It is want that fetters life through attachment to conditions that would fulfill that want; if there is no want, there is no dependence or limitation. The soul is enslaved through wanting. When the soul breaks asunder the shackles of wanting, it emancipates itself from its bondage to the bodies gross, subtle, and mental. This is the spiritual freedom that brings with it the final realization ofthe unity of all life and puts an end to all doubts and worries. From Discourses, by Meher Baba, copyright 1987 AMBPPCT, Ahmednagar, India, Printed by Sheriar Press, 1995. —

What is Spirituality? Meher Baba


is the undoing of what you have been doing since ages. You always thought of selfish motives of eating, preserving your life and attending to every need with zeal. All these lives you have made a habit oflooking to yourself. If the slightest thing goes against your habit you are upset. Now, to undo all these selfish bindings, you have to do what you have not been doing, or not do what you have been doing. What you have been doing always is thinking ofyounself; so now you must not think ofyourself but think of others. This is what is called LOVE. But it needs character, poise, perseverance. POISE what is POISE? That state of mind where nothing excites you, noth ing upsets you; then only can you help others, then only can you make others happy. That means LOVE. Thinking NOT OF YOURSELF BUT OF OTHERS. If you are in the Sahara and for four days you have no water to drink and all of a sudden -


one bottle of water appears, how do you re act? If you have poise, you will let your com panion drink and not mind dying and letting her live. But, if you fight and grab for it, you lack poise and spirituality. It is this poise that makes you sacrifice and makes others happy. For example, I always say: Make the best of everything. Here you have food, swimming, boating. Make the most of it and feel happy. Do not say it is not spiritual to enjoy innocent pleasures. But when we are driving on tour and there is dust and we feel hunger, thirst and feel sick, then feel as happy as you do now. This is poise. Ifyou do not feel happy when it is not easy to feel happy, then (under these conditions); you are not spiritual in enjoying this swimming, boating etc; is this clear? I do not mean making a show of being happy, but to really FEEL HAPPY. For you, My circle, it is all right. You live with Me, leave all for Me, so you are serving the Universe. But for those who are not living near Me, this Poise is 100% essential for spintuality. Again, what is spirituality? POISE, PERFECT POISE. MAKE THE MOST OF EVERY SITUATION. HE WHO UPSETS NO ONE IS A GOOD MAN. HE WHO IS UPSET BY NO ONE IS A GOD-MAN. From Gift ofLove, Sayftigs andMessages ofA vatar

MeherBaba, Copyright 1994 AMBPPCT.

Prime Minister Vajpayee Pays Tribute to Shivaji Frank Bloise, Vineland, NJ The followingnotice is ofinterest to Baba lovers because Baba told us that Shivaji was one of His ‘ninor incarnatIons. Excerpted from Indian Express Ne wspapers Bombay March 31st. ‘


umbai (Bombay) and Raigad: Prime Minister Atal Behani Vajpayee paid a day long visit to Maharashtra during which he named Mumbai airport after Chhatnapati Shivaji on the 319th anniversary of his death atop the historic Raigad Fort. The Prime Minister paid rich tributes to the State’s warrior king Chhatrapati Shivaji Mahanaj and urged fellow countrymen to draw inspiration from the life of the great Maratha. He described Shivaji as the greatest ever war-strategist, a ruler par ex

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cellence and a champion of social and cul tural uplift. Not everybody possesses such a mix of a war-strategist, a qualities like Shivaji ruler and a strict disciplinarian who understood the problems of his subjects and followers. .and was a champion of peace,” the Prime Minister said. Vajpayee spoke from a dais which was erected right below the spot Shivaji used to address his subjects and followers. “If Shivaji were still alive, he would have completed his task, but now his followers would have to take the lead and take the country ahead,” he said. This is the unconquered fort, from where Shivaji laid the foundation of Hindavi Swarajya and later was coronated, the Prime Minister reminded the gathered au dience.

The Habit of Ninda Meher Baba


he three most important things to be eliminated before attaining God Realization are greed, lust, and ninda; the last, meaning “back-biting,” is the worst and most disastrous. One can overcome greed, or even lust, though both of these are very hard to get over; but the worst and most difficult of all to eliminate is the habit of ninda: speaking ill and trying to find faults or flaws in oth ers, because this particular act or vice incurs the burden of sins or what is technically termed as sanskaras of others. Treasures, ed. Jane B. Haynes, pp. 128-129 copyright, 1980 AMBPPCT.


IfYou Were to Get an E-mail from GOD... Dear One,




got up this morning, I watched you and hoped you would talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for something good that happened in your life yesterday—but I noticed you were too busy trying to find the right outfit to put on and wear to work. I waited again. When you ran around the house getting ready I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy. At one point you had to wait fIfteen minutes with noth ing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring toyourfeet. I thought youwanted to talk to me but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip. I watched as you went to work and I waited patiently all day long. With all your activities I guess you were too busy to say anything to me. I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt too embarrassed to talkto me, that is whyyou didn’t bow your head. You glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some of your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didnt. That’s okay.There is still more time left, and I have hope that you will talk to me, yet

you went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done you turned on the TV. I don’t know ifyou like TV or not, just about anything goes there and you spent a lot of time each day in front of it, not thinking about anythingjust enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you watched the TV and ate your meal, but again you didn’t talk to me. Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. Af ter you said goodnight to your family you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. Thali okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you. I’ve got patience more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as well. I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation. Well, you are getting up again and once again I will wait with nothing but love for you hoping that today you will give me sometime. Have a nice day! Your friend, GOD

After That, Ruano Smoked in Peace Margaret Craske


ver and over again, Baba emphasized His wish that we should not criticize one another, especially with that form of criticism known as backbiting. Here is an instance in which He did not give a straightforward correction but without a word showed us what we were doing. Living with us in the ashram in Nasik was a most charming woman by the name of Ruano. She loved Baba and, not having been told by Him that she should not do so, continued as she had done for some years to smoke cigars. Well, this roused the critical ire of some of the group, those who had de cided ideas of what should or should not be done in the ashram of a great spiritual teacher. Baba said nothing and, seemingly un aware of it, allowed the affair to go on for some little time. He waited until one day while we were sitting around Him, then He produced a large box of cigars and with a loving smile and gesture presented it to Ruano. The gentle correction was perfectly clear, and after that Ruano smoked in peace. And on that particular issue at least, we were re leased from the sin of “backbiting.” TheDanceofLove, p. 58 © AMBPPCT. ,,,.




11 A Letter from Bhau Dear Brothers and Sisters in Baba,


his fall Bhau had asked me to post a note on the Baba Listserv and various Baba web sites conveying that, owing to the greatly increased pressure of Trust work, it is no longer possible for him to continue his personal correspondence. We fmd we must post this letter again as Bhau is still getting mail. This was not at all a step that Bhau wanted to take, and he delayed long before taking it; but the force of circumstances has left him with no alternative. Since then, many dear friends and close ones throughout the world have, as requested, desisted from their personal correspondence with Bhau. Bhau has been deeply touched by this; indeed, the silent consideration they have shown attests to their love more than any letter could do.

At the same time, a fair amount of personal mail condnues to flow in. Those of us

around Bhau know how virtually impossible he finds it to keep from replying in these cases, keenly conscious as he is of the feelings of the persons concerned. Unfortunately, a trickle of

such correspondence will inevitably increase to a stream and a river, as has happened in the past: and this will interfere with Trust work at

a particularly critical juncture.

Lust, Greed, and Anger

ThePath ofLove Needs Reprinting!

Meher Baba

Adele Wolkin, Los Angeles, CA


was through the medium of “The Awakener” journal that Meher Baba chose to have many of His original mes sages first circulated in the English language. It is never to be forgotten what

Baba told Don Stevens about His own words, “My spiritual charge is in those words.” Fills Frederick founded and ed

ited TheAwakenerfrom 1953 to 1986. I was present at the time when Filis personally presented to Baba her long cher ished dream to publish ajournal dedicated

to Him. Baba’s response to Fills was of full approval along with a few conditions, which she fully obeyed. Thus, with Babas

blessing and direction, Filis nurtured her “baby,” TheAwakenei for 33 years. In the 1970’s she made an exquisite selection from articles that she was so privileged to receive from Meher Baba directly. That unique selection Filis col lected in a soft cover book entitled The Path OfLove. For many years this price-

less treasure has been out of print despite requests for reprints from Baba Lovers throughout the world. Now, Sheriar Press

Therefore, Bhauji has asked me to reiter

has determined that $5,000 is required to

ate his heartfelt request to all Baba’s dear ones

reprint 1500 copies, bound with Perfect Bind and featuring a newly designed cover. As we are first and foremost rais ing funds for the County mandated upgradings to Meherabode, we do not happen to have a spare $5000. We need your help! All wishing to contribute towards this undertaking please contact the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 1214 South Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520, Attn:

to refrain from sending him personal letters

( as distinct from letters concerning necessary Trust work). He continues to give talks at the Pilgrim Centre at Meherabad, for those who come here on pilgrimage, and he is currently planning another visit to the West next year. By Baba’s grace, there will be many fur-

ther such occasions in the future for the free flow and sharing in our One Beloved Divine Love. In Him, Ward Parks


he chief forms in which the frustrated

ego finds expression are lust, greed, and


Lust is very much like greed in many re spects; but it differs in the manner of its ful

fillment, which is directly related to the gross sphere. Lust finds its expression through the medium ofthe physical body and is concerned with the flesh. It is a form of entanglement with the gross sphere. Greed is a state of restlessness of the heart, and it consists mainly of craving for power and

possessions. Possessions and power are sought for the fulfillment of desires. Man is only partially satisfied in his at-

tempt to have the fulfillment of his desires, and this partial satisfaction fans and increases the flame of craving instead of extinguishing it. Thus greed always finds an endless field of

conquest and leaves the individual endlessly dissatisfied. The chief expressions of greed are related to the emotional part of man. It is a form of entanglement with the subtle sphere.

Anger is the fume of an irritated mind. It is caused by the thwarting of desires. It feeds the limited ego and is used for domination and aggression. It aims at removing the ob stacles existing in the fulfillment of desires.

The frenzy of anger nourishes egoism and conceit, and it is the greatest benefactor of the limited ego. Mind is the seat of anger, and its expressions are mostly through activities of the mind. Anger is a form of entanglement with

the menta!sphere. Lust, greed, and anger respectively have body, heart, and mind as their vehicles of ex pression. Discourses, p. 1 1 © 191 1 AMBPPCT.

Treasurer. And please mark your dona

The Weaver


one knows the secret of the weaver who spread his warp through the uni verse. He dug two ditches, sky and earth, made two spools, sun and moon, filled his shuttle with a thousand threads, and weaves

till today: a difficult length! Kabir says, they’rejoined by actions. Good threads and

bad, that fellow weaves both. TheBgjakofKabfr Translated by Linda Hess and Shukdev Singh.


tion Path of Love. Donations of $50 or more will naturally net you a free copy, hot offthe press! We appreciate so very much all help you can give

this book must be made

available again. For further information contact: Adele Wolkin 714A Pacific Coast Highway Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 540-8414


•“6 •

The Lesson


hen Jesus took His disciples up the mountain and gathering them around Him, He taught them, saying, ‘Blessedare thepoorin spiritfor theirs is the kingdom ofheaven. Blessed are the meek Blessed are they that mourn. Blessed are the merciful. Blessedare they who thirst forjustice.







Blessed areyou whenyou suffer Be glad and rejoice for your re ward isgreatin heaven...” Then. Simon Peter said, ‘Do we have to write this down?” and Andrew said, 4re we supposed to know this?” and James said, “Will we have a test on . .

and Phillip said, “Whatifwe dothknow



Meherazad Mind and body in New York Spiritualiy eating Baba physically, steak andpork I will missyou, You will miss Me But one day, we will be One and departing happy, smiling knowyour task here is done.

Dear Chappy Answer snappy; Areyou happy?

and Bartholomew said, ‘Do we have to and John said, “The other disciples didn

And Kenmore shot back:

have to learn this.”

Chappy Happy!

and Mark said, Yfwe donfinish this, can

we take it home?” and Matthew said, “When do weget out of

Another piece goes like this: Baba wrote:

It the law ofLove Divine thatyou must withei you mustpine thatyoumustsuffei butnot whine speak no word and write no line ifyou longfor lentine.

here?” and Judas said, “Whatdoes thishave to do

with real life?” Then one of the Pharisees present asked to see Jesus’ lesson plans and inquired of Jesus his terminal objectives in the cognitive domain... And Jesus wept...

hadn’t thought of it. So then Tricia says we should go back and do it. He was still there in the check-in line. I argued that it would be imposing and stars were exposed to enough of that stuff; but Tricia insisted it would be for Baba (and Mel of course!)! “O.K. you do it.” “No, you.” “Come on Jim you’re better at this sort of thing, I’ll feel too embarrassed.” “Yeah, but it will be less threatening from a woman.” Well Tricia won out. I got the “Don’t Worry Be Happy” card from my wallet and started back across the terminal. I felt very apprehensive about how Mel might react. How could I present Baba via this card without being pushy or intrusive? Suddenly the perfect line popped into my mind. “I’d like to give you this... it’s in appreciation of your work.” After I said my line and handed him the card I expected to make a clean, quick getaway! But it was not to be. Again he looked directly at me with a big smile and said thanks. Then he held the card up, focused all of his attention on it, and said very clearly and powerfully, —

A brief exchange went something like this: Note from Baba:

turn this in?”






Mel Gibson Meets Baba!

“Don’t Worry... Be Happy... Meher Baba.”

By Jim Migdoll, N.S.W. Australia

Incredibly he pronounced Bab&s name perfectly. Like the way Mandali say Meher! Well mission accomplished now I could be off. Nope. After a second or two of staring


Baba?” I answered roughly, “Well... you know how there are all these so-called gurus

A Happy Chappy This interesting exchange was posted on the listserv


n September, 1987 my wife Tricia and I were at the Sydney, Australia airport. Tricia was off to India on pilgrimage. there’s Suddenly she exclaimed, “Look Mel Gibson, let’s go talk to him.” As we ap proached he was squatting down looking through his carry on bag and the first thing I noticed was how completely ordinary the and it’s contents were! The same bag jumbled mess anyone would have in their carry on bag. Next I noticed his clothing. Even if one tried to ‘dress down’ it couldn’t be that au thentic. As Tricia gripped my arm, trembling nervously, we mumbled something really stu pid and embarrassing like, “Hi. We really like your movies. I expected an exasperated, halthearted “thanks”. Instead he looked up directly at us with a big smile and genuine energy (a ‘real’ person!) and intensely re sponded with an Australianism like, “Good on ya’...thanks a lot appreciate that” Not a note of phoniness in it. So we wandered away. Several minutes passed and Tricia said, we should have given him a Baba “Hey card.” I agreed and felt frustrated that we . . .


he following is one of a number of poems that Baba wrote to Harry Kenmore in an exchange of poetry between the two of them:

Harry dear, you arefine yetyou need celestial wine wine that makes God out ofswine and in one case out ofnine makes one Qutub who does shine over the world ofmine and thine. Here’s another from that series when Kenmore was staying with Baba for an ex tended period while treating Him as a doc tor (chiropractor) following His accident at Satara (I believe) Baba wrote this for him just before the end of Harry’s stay: ,

Harry dear, do obey Me as did Peter, as didJohn Keeping in your heart Your Daddy you willgo as not gone Leaveyour mindin dear


. . .

at the card, he looked at me and in a very clear and direct manner said, “Who is Meher

around nowadays who ask people for money, or collect lots of cars? Well, Meher Baba is a genuine Spiritual Master” Again he smiled well and said something like, “O.K. we Tricia de back to I got When thanks.” —

cided to keep watching him to see what he did with the card! We could see it clutched in his hand as he waited in line. Then after

check in as he walked to the escalator... still held in his hand. Up the escalator and out of sight still holding on to Baba! P.S. Tricia and I both decided that he was much more handsome in person than any photo or movie we’d ever seen! Incredible eyes. P.S. #2 The Baba card was one we had printed in Sydney and it had the Sydney —

Meher Baba Information P0. Box address on it. For weeks afterwards I had an ongoing fantasy of getting a request for more informa

tion and then we’d casually invite Mel over for a cup of tea! Several years later when the Don WorryBeHappysong swept the world I would wonder if he still had the card. —


r3 ®


truths we have received from the Beloved.

Sculptor of the Beloved

Though at home the fits of crying come at times, I know that reason will prevail eventu ally and what will remain uppermost in my mind is ‘her gain,’ and that ‘myloss’will evapo rate entirely.” Louis Agostini is at 5 14 West Mango, Lantana, FL 33462.

Vivian Agostini (1902-1999) by Kendra Crossen Burroughs, Ojai, CA


ivian Agostini, a gifted sculptor who captured the living beauty ofBaba likeness in a commemorative bronze medallion, died on March 24, 1999. Vivian was staying with her husband, Louis Agostini, at an assisted living facility in Florida until she had an aneurysm that sent her to a nursing home. Louis visited almost daily. Although Vivian appeared to be unaware of her surroundings, she surprised him by saying, “Thank you, thank you!” after he had twice recited Baba’s prayers and twice sung her favorite hymn, “The Ocean of Love. He writes: “I also poured out into her ear exhortations to re member Baba, and I feel sure she must have done so two days later when she died some minutes before I arrived.” Vivian was born Ida Losh in Russia in 1902. While Louis describes himselfas a “Sunday painter, Vivian was a professional sculp tor specializing in portraiture; she was also gifted in oil painting and drawing. 1mong her works is the masterful bronze bust of Elizabeth Patterson that sits in the Pine Lodge at Meher Center in Myrtle Beach. Louis told me how Elizabeth had sought Baba’s OK for the inscription at the base of the sculp ture, “Elizabeth, Disciple of Baba”; Baba corrected it to read: “Elizabeth, Disciple of Meher Baba.” Louis Agostini was a secretary to Paul Brunton, the mystic who wrote negatively about Baba in his book A Search fri Secret India, so Louis was initially skeptical about Baba. But after visiting Meher Center and reading Listen, Humanity and The Wayfarers, both he and Vivian were drawn into the Beloved orbit. When the 1962 East-West Gathering was announced, Louis was ready to go to India, but Vivian insisted she could not bow down to any man who called himself God. She changed her mind after Louis received a mes

Viv, Viv, Viv-Viv-Viv, I Love Thine A love poem in the “Merz” style by Louis Agostini

Bas-Reliefscuipture ofMeher Baba





sage from Baba saying he was happy that “at least one of you” was coming yet they had not told Baba there were two of them! Vivian first meeting with Baba upset her because Baba had barely looked at her (she thought at least he would compliment her on her bust of Elizabeth!) ; she wanted to go back to New York, but Louis helped her calm down. At the next gathering it was announced that I there would be no more introductions or pri vate meetings with Baba. But then Rano brought the I message that Baba wanted to see Vivian Agostini! Baba indicated that he wanted to give Vivian a spe cial embrace, but she could not accept it. She sank to her knees, telling Baba in tears how much she loved him. (And he did embrace her after all.) After returning to New York, Vivian decided to sculpt the medallion in com memoration ofthis experience.The design was approved by Baba, and the medal was struck in 1964. It was reissued in 1994 in honor of Baba’s 100th birthday and is available from the Love Street Bookstore. “I can hardly believe that my soul-mate of 52 years is no longer here, Louis wrote in a recent letter, “but I am consoled by the many —


(‘Dada&artistshke Schwitters were looking fornewforms ofexpression. Their experimental work led to much of what today is regarded as modern art. Inhis orithal verse, on which Loui poem is baseo Schwittersintendedapenetrating satire oflove poems.)


h thou, beloved of all the senses, I love thine! Thou thee thee thine. I thine, thou mine. We? That belongs on the side not here. Who are thou, many-gifted woman? Thou art art thou art? —

Some may say, thou they don’t know let them say. They don’t know how the church tower

stands. They don’t know how the Avatar comes.

Thou wearest thy scarf on thy feet, or never at all; Or never at all. Hallo thy dark blouse, clashed in light folds. Dark I love Vh light I love thine! Thou thee Thee thine, I thine, thou mine We? That belongs on the side in the cold glow. —

Viv-Viv-Viv, how say those who don’t know?

Prize question: 1. Viv has hands directed from above. 2. Viv is dark and light, light and dark.

3. Then what color are the folds. Thou other-worldly soul fri everyday dress, thou dear Baba child, I love thine! thou thee thee thine, I thine, thou mine We? That belongs to the glowbox of time. Viv, Viv, Viv-Viv-Viv, I trickle thy name. Thy name drips as softly as the rain. Dost thou know Viv, dost thou already know it? Thy name reads from behind as from the

front, Thus dearest one, thou belongs to all time.

Honor strikes all who gather here now To admire thee wholly for earths task you have done.





Ebb and Flow By Michael da Costa, Norwich, England


am sure that most of us have experienced the ebb and flow of Baba’s presence; the closeness that feels so good, that enlivens everything; then the apparent absence which makes everything feel empty and meaningless and back again, etc. Well, this is an ac count of an experience of ebb and ebb! A few years ago the tide went out for me in a way it had never done before; in fact it nearly disappeared over the horizon! Haying lived with the ebb and flow of Baba’s presence for so many years, I did not at first worry about it, being fairly confident that the tide of His love would soon enough flow back in to give me the life-nourishment that I needed. However, time went by and the ebb continued to such an extent that it seemed as if a plug had been pulled on the ocean bed. When, after a trip to India failed to stem the tide, a note of desperation began to creep up on me and gave rise to this piece:

Slippery Fingers The Crisis of a Faltering Baba Lover —

It has been going on for far too long! Many separations I have experienced, but each one brief in duration, painful and lonely, but brief, until soon, with a sigh, I would find myself back, clearer and stronger in the warm glow of your pres ence. But this one has been going on for far too long. What is its meaning, its pur pose? What is the lesson to be learned? Is it you, in your compassion, who withdraw yourself in order to create greater longing in me? Or could it be me, who, blindly self-absorbed, turn my back on you? Or both? or neither? And why so long, such an absence? Why so strong the separation? I look at your picture, and feel nothing; I hear your words, and understand nothing; films which once enthralled me leave me cold; your lovers’ utterances irritate; I travel half way round the globe, sit with your most beloved ones, and their love and wisdom float right by me; I place my head on your blessed Tomb, hoping for just a whisper which will tell me that my

r3; heart has still a glimmer of life in it. But nothing, nothing! and it has been so long; so long that a darkness is beginfeelings of fling to grow in me ... of helplessness. hopelessness. . ..feelings unless. . Could it be that somewhere concealed within despair lies the seed of hope? Somewhere in the darkness, a thin shaft of light? for if I did in fact feel nothing, would I not indeed feel nothing? For what would it matter? What would I care? But it does matter, and I do care, for without the felt presence of your love, there is nothing, flothing which matters, nothifig which makes sense of the whole crazy mess of things. Is that the paradox ofthe New Life? that in hopelessness lies true hope ? that in helplessness, help ul timately comes? So here I am, desperately hanging on to your damaan, for I know, somehow, that You are here, standing right beside me, as once you stood, silently, over the sleeping figure of your beloved Jean Adriel, tortured by your apparent aban donment. She did not know then that you were there, but now surely knows, being. as she is, with you, at peace, forever. So yes I am holding on, for I know also that you are here, deep within me, waiting patiently for the moment of my awakening. I too am waiting, but impa tiently, to be shaken awake once more by your love. So I beg you my Lord, please hurry, my grip on your robe is slipping! please hurry, hurry, my fingers are slipping Another year went by and still my fingers continued to slip and my desperation grew as I felt no sign of return. Once the wine of Love has been tasted, two years or more in the wilderness without even water to drink is hard to bear. I planned another trip to India, hoping that this time my heart may be reclaimed, even though I know that it was foolish to go to that blessed place with any kind of expectation other than to be open to receive whatever Baba offered. In fact whilst there, things got even worse! I felt distant from everyone and everything; my emotional landscape be-

came more barren; I went through the motions, attended Arti, said the prayers like an automaton, bowed down to furni ture! I felt totally alone. There seemed to be no point in standing in long lines for Mandali hugs. I think I grew as removed from Baba as it is possible to be without actually letting go of His damaan. I could not have been more unhappy. This continued for nine days. On the tenth day I went up for morning Arti as usual. As I listened to the words of Begin the Beguine I felt a faint stirring in my heart. Could it be. . .? No. As flat as ever. I went into the Tomb for darshan, and re ceived my prasad. As I began to move away I found someone was blocking my way. She smiled, opened her arms wide, and enfolded me in the warmest of warm embraces. Then she whispered in my ear, “I have a message for you from Baba!” I can barely remember now what the message something about how much He was but whatever it was, it came loves me crashing through my defenses, with full orchestral and choral accompanirrent penetrating to my very core. Overwhelmed, I collapsed in a flood of tears. Later, over breakfast, I asked her how she had received the message. She told me that whenever she goes into the Tomb, she opens herself to receive whatever Baba may give to her. On the previous evening this message had come through loud and clear with the instruction to pass it on to me. However, she forgot to do so, and when she had gone for darshan that morning, Baba scolded her for not doing as He had ordered, and He insisted that she do so immediately. On hearing this I hurried back up the hill and was blessed to have the Tomb to myself. ‘So why,’ I complained to Baba, ‘did you have to send a messenger? Why did you not tell me Yourself?’ I swear He chuckled as He replied ‘I have been trying to get through to you since ages but you have been so self-absorbed that you could not hear. And even ifyou had heard, you would have doubted that it was Me. So this was the only way I could be sure you would receive my message, my love.’ He was right of course is He ever wrong? I came out of the Tomb into the sunlight. The prodigal son had returned home. —





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Silence A day ofSilence Can be a pilgrimage in itself A day ofSilence Can helpyou listen Th the Soulplay It marvelous flute and drum.


Is notmost talking A crazed defence ofa crumbling fort?


Ithought we came here To surrender in Silence,


Toyield to Light and Happiness, Th Dance within In celebration of Love Victory! IHeard GodLaughing Renderings ofHafiz by Daniel Ladinsky, Dharma Printing, 1996.



A vatar Meher Baba T-shirt art created by Lance Paladino.

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Avatar Meher Baba in Quetta, 1925






Editor’s Page Dma Snow


et another of the Beloved’s Mandali happily heeds His call and goes home. Korshed Irani, born in 19 10, grew up with Baba and was called to His ashram in 1925. Dr. Anne and others give us an accounting of her life. Korshed’s passing, following closely on Mansari & Nana Kher’s, reminds us very forcefully of Bhauji’s words: “The Wineshop is closing, make haste to get there.” Those who did not get the chance to meet the Beloved in the flesh, have been so lucky to share the closeness of His Mandali, who could bring Him to life so vividly with their sto ries, their hugs; just their very essence im parts a glimpse ofwhat it was like to be with Him. Don’t let the chance to meet these very special men and women slip by. Make every effort to get to Meherabad and Meherazad as soon as you can. It really is very impor tant! I have taken all 3 of my children to India Teresa got to meet Mehera and Mani, Christopher went after Mehera had passed, and Michael missed them both, but derived so much from just being with the other Mandali. emember aba has said, the children being born —

ing us hourly updates. Finally came the news that the storm had, once again, passed over the Center and done very little damage there. Other places close by were not so lucky! But this seems to happen every hurricane season. I remember hearing one year how the raging storm parted as it approached the Center blew destruction to the north and south of it, but again little damage to Baba home as it passed over. Maybe in the de cades to come when Babaism has regretta bly become a fully fledged religion, we too can celebrate our own Passover! Whatever happens in this world of ours, happens at His whim. He always has His Nazar on us. Remember Mother Teresa’s words, “It is easy to tell what is God’s will it is what happens!” I felt the dream Mani had that is ex cerpted from her divine book Dreaming of theBelovedis very apropos at this time: —

Flooding Waters Mani S. Irani


had this dream when we were going through a very stressful time at the Ava tar Meher Baba Trust, when all of us old mandali whom Baba had nominated as trust-





to Baba lovers the world




Adi K. Irani squatting by the edge of a field, frantically trying to put together two ends of a burst pipeline which was flooding the whole area. Water was gushing out at a tre mendous rate, no matter how hard Adi tried to fix the pipes. Soon I saw that the matter was getting totally out of hand and Adi could not save the situation. There were none of the mandali around to help him. So I ran, calling out to Eruch. I was running alongside a public trans port bus calling out Eruch’s name, while the people seated in the bus looked down at me. At last one of the passengers put his hand out of the window and silently pointed to a little hill in the distance. I understood him to mean “the person you’re calling is over there.” I found the hill he was pointing at; it was right out of a fairytale, with a little crystal castle on the hilltop. There were small steps going up, and I hurriedly went up the steps and entered the castle. I went from room to room but could not find Eruch. At last I found him sitting at a table in the central room of the castle busily writing. In a very agitated voice I called out, “Eruch, Eruch, you have to help Adi! He can’t control the water which is gushing out from the broken pipes. It won’t stop! It will cause a flood and everything will be drowned!” Very calmly Eruch looked up from what he was writing and said, “It will stop when Baba turns it off at the mains.” I woke up and said to myself, “Yes, Baba is at the mains, and in control of every situa tion.” And so it was with the court case. It ended suddenly when the person who had initiated it passed away at his home town shortly after the Irani dream.







over are ones that have

been with Him. These are the 6 month old ba bies that will grab a photo of Baba and kiss it! They know who He is take them to India while His -

closest ones are still with us. We have just had the devastation caused by Hurricane Floyd, who created the largest peace time evacuation in America. Two million people on the East Coast had to leave their homes Wodinpaintingfrom Dreamingofthe Belovec’ byMani S and flee to higher ground. on the Baba Listserv we kept track of how ees of His Trust were drawn into a court case. it was affecting South Carolina and the In the dream I was walking along a coun Meher Spiritual Center, with residents giv try road in Ahmednagar, and came across




From Dreamingofthe Be1ovea by Mani S. Irani, Copyright 1998 AMBPPCT, Ahmednagar, India Published by Sheriar Press, Inc.


rn California A publication of the A vatar Meher Baba Center of Southe

£ove&eet JCamj2osr welcome various contributors


Irene Holt


Brian Jones


Barbara Robertsand Steven Berrie


Meherana Sahavas

Cheryl Johnson


McNeely Nuptuals

Dma Snow




James Cox


Steve Koren


Khorshed Joins Her Beloved

The £oveStreetfamEPosr is dedicated with love to A vatar Meher Baba. Its primary purpose is to contribute to a sense of community among all His lo vers by pro viding a place for sharing His remembrance. All the members of the Baba family are invited to contribute to this feast ofLove.

Third Anniversary of Manis Passing Finding God Los Angeles Sahavas

BhauToast Your stories, photos, art work, poetry, letters, articles, and humor are all actively solicited. We seek expressions of Baba’s message of Love and Truth.

Our Man in Meherabad

Please submit your text on computer disks if possible (in any software format) ; typewritten copy on white paper is also acceptable. Be sure to clearly identify all submissions and credit every quote or reference.

Palace Chats with Bhau

Kendra Burroughs and Gary Nedzweck


Is That Baba with You?

Eruch Jessawala


Avatar’s Abode Sahavas

Brad Kunin


T.K. Ramanujam


Bhau Kalchuri


Book and Music Reviews

various contributors


Kudos to the Gift

various contributors




various contributors




various contributors




various contributors


Mani Kunin and Gavin Davenport


NorthEast Gathering

Live on Earth... Adi Shakti

submissions, subscriptions, donations: Love Street LampPost Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 1214 South Van Ness Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520 323-731-3737 or —



for the January March issue: April June issue: -

September issue: October December issue: July



November 8th February 8th

Editor’s Page Announcements

May 8th August 8th

The Love Street Bookstore

Love Street Bookstore:

Notes from the Internet

Dma Snow (at the addresses above) 310-837-6419 between 7 and 11pm 310-839-BABA (2222) 24 hour fax

Huma: a Letter from God Poetry Children’s Corner


credits: editor: Dma Snow design and layout: Cherie Plumlee, Nancy Purham

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the individuals and s organizations that own the copyrights to the Meher Baba picture the to love and joy bring to issue we have used throughout this hearts of all Love Street LampPost readers.

digital preflight: Tom Hart

distribution: Chris Lyttle cover:

AvatarMeherBaba in Quetta, 1925

Painting by Dma Snow

The £oveStreetJ.amjLbsr s published quarterly in January April July and October 1996 Avatar Meher Baba Center of All contents ri


All quotihons otos or books ofAvatar Meher Baba i t AM1PCt Indit;, .




ty of All words, images, and graphics in this publication are proper photos and ges the copyright holders and/or the contributors. Messa ble of Meher Baba © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charita Trust, Ahmednagar, India, and © Lawrence Reiter.

Unauthorizedduplication isprohibitedby la w.

e:’ w 1 ’


Khorshed Irani Joins Her Beloved A

little after 7 am this morning, India time, Khorshed Irani went to Baba. She had been ill over the weedend, but seemed to improve on Monday, when she suffered what was apparently a heart attack. Even thought she was in a great deal of pain, at one point she laughed, and her doctor and those who were around her said it was as though she had been tipped off to some spe cial information. After that, she lapsed into a coma for a bit over a day, and finally breathed her last this morning. Khorshed had first met Baba around 1920 in Sakori, when she was a little girl, and is the last person ofwhom I know that had actually heard Baba speak. Khorshed lived in the Trust compound for the last part of her life, and many Baba lovers would go to visit her there, hearing wonderful stories of Baba and learning songs from her. She was also unique, I believe, among the Mandali in wanting to live a long life, which she did. She will be greatly missed. J ames Cox, Post Meherabad, Ahmednagar, India

Memories of Khorshed by Anne Moreigne, India

At7lOaiii on4thAt, 1999 dearest Khorshed o1d man1! close companion or early ?twent to Baba her Beloved J.rd and Master whom; adored through-


horshed Kaikhushru Irani left us on 4th August 1999 to be reunited with her Lord, Avatar Meher Baba. She had been with Him since her childhood, and her life encompasses most of Babas history. What a life she had! She was born on 2nd

May 19 10. Her parents, Soona Masi and Kaikhushru Masa Beheram Irani, were spintual seekers. Her childhood memories were ofSheniarji coming to visit her father and talking about his wanderings in the desert in search of God; of going to Sakoni with hen mother

and meeting Upasni Maharaj; ofbeing treated by Hazrat Giloni Shah for a stomach ache; of having visions of Laxmi Devi asking her not to marry her’s was no ordinary childhood! Khonshed was also present at Sakoni in May 1922, when Upasni —

I Maharaj announced to his followers gathered for his birthday that he had

“given his key to Merwan’. She would recall how Maharaj had asked Shireenmai, Gulmai and Soonamasi to prepare bajias with neem leaves to

[Posted by Liselotte Scheu on the BabaListServ as soon as it was re ceived from her husband Rick posted from the Cyber Cafe in Y\/agerJ

distribute as pnasad for this occasion. Later, when Baba was staying in Manzil-e-meem, He instructed Khorshed to stop by and visit every


have just come from Khorshed. She is in the process of dropping her body. Her pulse stopped at 7:15 am Wednesday. I came in on the ricshaw and have been sitting with her since lOam. She has the sweetest smile on her face. She is on her bed. She has on a very pretty pink scarf, lined with gold thread. Her head lies on 2 pink pillows embroi dered with white flowers. A white cloth coyers her. Two garlands of tuber roses and marigolds lie on her chest in a circle with a golden marigold in the middle. Rose petals are sprinkled all around with about 2 dozen roses lying on top of her feet. Music is playing, songs sung at the Sahmadhi: GataChelo, Babas arti, You Are the Ocean. Incense is burning. The room is lit and her favorite songs sung. All through the night a vigilwillbe kept. Larry and Mehera and Bif and myself and I alT’ sure others will stay through the night. •:

day before going to school. In 1925 Baba called her, along

with her mother, to stay at Meherabad to be a friend to Mehera. They lived in the Post Office building, cooking,

stitching clothes for Baba to distrib Mehera,


Guitars and tablas and hanmoniums will be

there. Bifsaid that the fine will burn for 2 days. Then her ashes will be interned next to Mehera and the women Mandali that are on the Hill.

Telegram from AMBCSC: We rejoice that Baba’s beloved Khorshed is reunited with her eternal Beloved. With our love in Meher Baba, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California.

‘“‘z : i L •“““


ute to the poor, doing whatever Baba ordered them to do. The only daugh

ten of rich Bombayjewelers accepted this aus tere life because of her immense love for Baba. Later, Mehena, Khonshed and the other women moved to Nasik, while Baba spent most ofhis time traveling. In November 1933, they returned to Mehenabad. Khorshed loved to tell the story of Baba walking the women up the Hill and surprising them with the key to the East room, where Mehena, Mani,

Konshed and Soonamasi stayed for some years with Naja and Valu. It was Baba order that

Mani on Khonshed should always be with


@ t Mehera, who was never to be alone. I remember Khorshed saying: “When there were only the six ofus, we were so happy. No dispute, no complaining. Sometimes it was cold, and we would have to drink tea without milk, yet we would still feel happy. These were very good times.” Very good times indeed. ‘Small’ Khorshed was on the Blue Bus tours and went to France with Baba in 1936. Baba gave her the duty of looking after various children. At one time she took care of a baby whose mother had died. “Baba knew I loved children, so He gave me some,” Khorshed would say. She lived on Meherabad Hill till Baba disbanded the ashram for the New Life and told her to go back to Bombay with her mother Soonamasi. There, they continued to live under Baba’s direct orders. Khorshed was often called to join the women in Meherazad or Guruprasad ev ery summer, even during the last summer in 1968, when Baba was in strict seclusion. After her mother passed away, Khorshed returned to Nagar in the mid-seventies, to be near Mehera as per Baba’s wish. They re rnained close friends till the end. Khorshed had an independent, adven turous spirit, andwas always ready to go to Goa, or Hamirpur, or to lunch in a restau rant in Nagar. And when she was unable to walk more than a few steps, she still loved company; loved the opportunity to tell the stories of the beautiful good old days with Meher Baba. She was very hospitable, and also very perceptive. She would know im mediately if something was wron, or if you were not in a good mood. She was a real friend to so many of us. She would often dream of Baba and Mehera, and these dreams made her very happy. Awake or asleep, she was always centered in Baba, and that made her very strong. Looking at pic tures of her with her thick white curly hair, I can understand why Adi Senior would call her “Babajan”. Khorshed’s life with Baba was not all roses. She had a good share of suffering, starting early with her father’s death in 1931. Baba had told her not to cry then, and so Khorshed endured all the other troubles down the years without shedding a tear. Her -


( them the fragrance of those early years when Khorshed was among the select few who had earned the honor of being a companion to the Avatar of the Age. Khorshed was probably the last person alive to have heard Baba’s voice, to have heard Him sing. What a witness she was. When her body was brought to Beloved Baba’s feet in Meherabad’s Mandali Hall, I felt as if it was Christmas. The hall seemed unusu ally bright, alive, vibrant. And Khorshed had such a smile on her face that it left no doubt that she was with her Beloved. All men and women mandali came from Meherazad. We sang “Ishtiake” “Deva maza mi deva cha” and also “Swanee” the English song that Baba had learned from Mehera... Sudam lit the pyre and the wind whipped the flames. It burned beautifully. The Christ’s Cradle cactus in the Pilgrim Center had bloomed that night, as it had for Mehera, and for Mani. The smoke from the pyre was blue. By Baba’s order she is one of the women mandali whose ashes are to be interred on Meherabad Hill next to Baba’s Samadhi. Yes, dear Khorshed, you really had a great life. An incomparable life. We will miss your company. We will remember you as we continue the singing of God’s songs. Thank you Khorshed! Thank you Baba!Jai Meher Baba! ...

. . .


old age was plagued with numerous health problems and broken bones, and she ac cepted it without complaining. “Now I cannot walk, but before this I roamed so much, traveled so much, how can I complain?” About a year ago, after she had been quite ill, I remember her telling Don Stevens: “Those were good times with Baba. I had a good life, I am very happy with my life.” Khorshed never doubted that Baba loved her, and this gave her an unusual strength. This was even more obvious during her last days, when she seemed to know what was in store, and was radiantly happy, yet very calm. After she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Sunday and then had a heart attack on Monday, there was an incredibly peaceful atmosphere in her room. She slipped into unconsciousness, surrounded at all times with a lot offriends and music, and faithfully cared for by Asha, Sudam and family. The children who live in the Meher Nazar Compound came every morning to sing her the songs she had taught them over the years, and rushed back to her side the moment they returned from school. At night we played the tapes of the Songs of Huma, and the beauty and power of these words from Baba were astounding. Khorshed had grown up with these songs, had sung them to Beloved Baba, had taught them to many Eastern and Western Baba lovers. And now the songs were coming back to accompany her in her last moments, bringing back with -

:‘ :4

Khorshed with IvyBoyen (top right) and Miranda Kentf!eid (lower I7ght), byLynn Douglas, 1999.





Collected Stories


Excerpts taken from Lives ofLove by Judith Garbett and LordMeherby Bhau Kalchuri, AMBCPPT Meditation, Writing God’s Name, taught them to play cricket in their com the Hill to visit Him. Baba sent back a mes pound which they enjoyed for an hour ev sage that He had put them on, and that He and Sewing


fter returning to Meherabad Baba called many for darshan. He asked the girls how they occupied themselves, and then gave them orders. Baba told Khorshed to get up at 6:00 AM and take a bath, medi tate on Baba’s photo for an hour, write for one hour the name of Yezdan in tiny writing, cut off each name of Yesdan for one hour, and to sew on the machine three sizes of shirts. These they made on Baba’s instruc tions for Him to give as prasad to the poor villagers of Arangaon. They sewed the shirts after lunch and tea, but after 15 days only 100 were sewn. When a much larger num ber were done Baba said that was enough, and the shirts were sent to Meherabad.

Khorshed Called to Stay Permanently at Meherabad

ery day.

was happy with their loving thoughts for

Baba had by now started the Meher Free

Dispensary and the Babajan School for vil



lage boys. Naja, helped by Mehera, Khorshed, Dolly and others, cooked for all the children in the makeshift kitchen which had also been built in the compound, and

A white donkey named Champa was brought to Meherabad for Baba to ride,

they were kept very busy.

the first time. Dr. Ghani was specially

Making Oleander Garlands


for Baba 1927 The girls were still living in the Post Office, but as Baba did not come down from the Hill they had not seen Him for some months. So one day they decided to make a garland to send to Him with Masa. They could not leave their compound, or send to the bazaar, so how to obtain the flowers? Then they thought of asking Valu to try to find some growing nearby and bring them back to the Post Office Valu was a wealthy landowner of Arangaon. She had married when a girl and

and on July 8th, 1936, Baba sat on it for called from Lonavlajust to hold the reins. It was a matter of amusement for all the mandali and provided them an occasion of merriment.

Gustadji was fond of riding, and Baba once directed him to ride the donkey. No sooner had Gustadji climbed onto its back than the donkey, instead of moving for-

ward, went backwards! Gustadji did his best to bring it round, but it stubbornly kept going backwards and then threw Gustadji off. Laughing all the other men ran to help him to his feet. One day in July, Mani took photo-

graphs of Baba on the donkey.

was widowed while still very young. When Baba came to Arangaon she

was very drawn to Him and wished

it 4’: f


Seated: Mani andSoona, Standing: Khorshect

to be with Him and serve Him. In those early days she would work hard all day at Meherabad carrying water from the well to the Post Office compound, sweeping and do-

ing other duties, returning to her home in the evening.

At this time when Mehera and the girls wanted to make a garland for Baba, Valu finished her work,

walked some distance to a creek bed At the end of 1924 Baba called Mehera, Daulatmai, Naja, Khorshed, and big Khorshed to stay with Him permanently at Meherabad. They lived in the Post Office building. The two Khorsheds had good singing voices, and Baba one day taught them a beautiful Krishna song. He was still singing and speaking at that time. His Silence began on 10th July 1925. During these two years the women re mained in the Post Office. Baba had a bam boo-matting fence built round it for privacy to screen them from the outside world and they did not go beyond it. For exercise Baba

near the village and gathered many flowers from the oleander bushes

which grew there. Although it was getting rather late, she went straight back to the Post Office carefully

carrying the flowers in her sari and gave them to the delighted girls.

Mehera anciNaja.

There were so many flowers that

they sat down straight away, happily able to make a garland, bracelets, and small crown

which they wrapped in a damp cloth to keep fresh until they could send them to Baba. In the morning the girls asked Kaikhushru

Masa to take them to Baba when going up



Cannes And then followed in mid-1937 the wonderful time when Baba took Mehera, Mani, Naja, Khorshed, Soonamasi and Valu to Cannes for a few months. Some



ii stand there, marveling at the delicate design and fine stitches done with such love for Him. Baba wore the robe at the time of His birthday celebration at Meherabad in 1938. ! Hanging in the East Room, which is at the : ;‘:. ‘4 opposite end of the fr ,, building from the MuVilla Caledona, Cannes, 1937 SoonamasL Anita de Caro, Naja, Mani, seum, there is a lovely Mehera next to MeherBaba, KittyDavy Rano Gayley, Irene Bib, large photograph taken unidentifle Debia DeLeon, Khorsheci unidentifiea and Vbu Pa war

: c.


Poona—being in the ashram they could not go and get anything themselves. They made use of what they had on hand there, and cut up another silk sari to make the flowers for the garland—small pink roses and buds with touches of green for leaves, each flower so carefully fashioned. Truly these were gifts fit to adorn their King.

Blue Bus Thurs



of the Western women traveled with them, and various Eastern and Western men were called at different times by Baba, but the Eastern women mandali remained se cluded throughout the stay. Even so, when traveling to Paris for the World’s Fair, driven by Elizabeth Patterson in her car, and also on their returnjourney to Cannes, they were able to enjoy picnics with Baba. Various group photographs show Khorshed amongst them looking happy and relaxed during that period.

The Krishna Robe Whenever I went into the Museum on Meherabad Hill I always enjoyed looking at the richly embroidered cream silk Krishna robe and crown, and the garland of hand-made roses displayed in one of glass the cabinets. had They been made for Baba dur the ing 1930’s while He was away on one of His trips to the West. The embroidery is magnifi cent—it coyers the full length of the front of the robe and the wide cuffs, as well as the entire crown. I used to





After the upstairs dormitory was added to the water-tank building on Meherabad Hill during the summer of 1938, a number of the Western women and some Easterners were permitted to join the In De ashram. cember 1938 Bababegan the flrstofthe Blue ‘ Bus tours which for the three next took years them all over md Ia. Khorshed naturally went on these tours, and at some of the stopping she places helped Mehera cook Baba’s meals.


Mther Baba with Khorhsect Mani andMehera at a picnicin Ahmednagai 1938

on this occasion—Baba is sitting on a bed in the East Room with Mehera standing beside Him. I asked Khorshed about the embroi dery. The robe, crown and garland were designed by Mehera, and she and Khorshed, as well as Naja and Mani, did the embroidery. The silver thread came from Khorshed’s kusti (the long cord wound round the waist, given to Zoroas trian children at their Confirmation or Thread ceremony) which was very thick with many strands. The small fine sequins came from an elaborate sari, and embroi dery threads were also carefully reused. Khorshed said that some of the embroi dery silks were brought for them from ,






The Third Anniversary of Mani’s Reunion with Baba By Irene Holt, Ahmednagar


hursday August 19th was a beauti ful day on Meherabad Hill as we gathered together to remember Mani and honor her reunion with Baba three years ago. All the Meherazad mandali, both men and women, came for this occasion and it was a somewhat unusual treat to have everyone together near Baba’s Samadhi. People began to congregate around the Samadhi well before the scheduled 10:00 am. arti. The men mandali arrived from Meherazad early for their own individual darshan and time on the hill. Eruch, Aloba and Bal Natu all spent time strolling and chatting with Baba lovers. The women arrived in two cars by about 10:00. They werejoined by Baba’s lovers from East and West, both old and newer lovers. The atmosphere was very familylike, though the crowd was fairly large. After arti and prayers, we sat together in the portico and offered songs to Baba, many of them especially chosen for Mani’s day her favorites, or those she had composed for Him. Katie sang Baba Nu Nam” in Gujarati, a song com posed by Mani which playfully enjoins the lover to take Baba’s name in all daily activities such as sitting and rising, eating and drinking, dancing and playing, etc. It’s a bit of a Gujarati tonguetwister, but we all did our best to sing along with her. Neeladevi led the Meher Raj arti, the oldest arti composed for Baba. It was written in 1927 by Rustom, Meheru’s father, and put to music and sung to Baba by Mani who was just a child at the time. Meheru narrated this history for us and Katie finished it by saying Rustom was quite a poet, and Meheru takes after him! Garlands, flowers and rose petals were all offered at Mehera’s and Mani’s shrines where we silently bow to their love for Baba which inspires our hearts even now. Meheru charmed us with a little inspiration of her own. She said that one day while dusting a few things on her bureau this thought came to her:


nounced the world just before she was going to be married, because of her great love for God and the urge to be One with God. It was at Poona, with one kiss on my forehead, that Babajan made me know that I am the Ancient One. She was then about one hundred years old, sitting under a tree like a true faquir. Every one of you, man or woman, of any caste, creed, or colour, has an equal right to attain Divinity. It has been possible for man to become God through love of God. Exter nal renunciation is not at all necessary. Each and all, man or woman, whilst attending to all duties in the everyday walk of life, can attain to Divine Fatherhood and Universal Motherhood through honest love for God. To ex press your love for God, you must live a life of love, honesty and self-sacrifice. Merely to chant the arti, to perform the puja [Hindu prayer ceremonies ed.] to offer flowers, fruits and sweets and to bow down, can never mean that you love God as He ought to be loved. Similarly, merely giving darshan to masses, having crowds flocking around, de livering messages to multitudes, and performing so-called miracles may be conventionally accepted attributes of a Divine Personage in your midst, but I say with Divine Honesty that all this is not necessarily the sign of true Divinity. God is not to belured, but is to be loved. God is not to be preached, but is to be lived. Only those who live the life of love, honesty and self-sacrifice, can know me as the Ancient One. I can say with Divine Authority that I ex perience eternally, consciously and continually, being One with you all, and One in you all. Any worship or obedience to any deity ani mate or inanimate to any saint, master, advanced soul, or yogi, eventually comes to Me. By offering pure unadulterated love to anyone and to anything you will be loving Me, as I am in every one and in everything, and also beyond everything. I want you all to know that whatever you do, good or bad, the one thing not forgiven by God is to pose as that which you really are not. With Divine Authority I repeat that we are all One. Being rich or poor, literate or illiterate, of high caste or low caste, need not interfere with your loving God the Supreme Beloved. I give you all my blessings for the understanding that loving God, in any form, in any way, will make you eter nally FREE.

Mani sparkles. . . . .Mehera glows. . . . .Baba shines! AnditisHishht thatshines on them. May their light ever shine on us to help us see thepath to Him.” ...



Only One


HERE IS ONLY ONE Meher Baba in the Beyond-State of God, sex does not exist. There, only the One, Indivisible Existence prevails. It is in the realm of the illusory phenomenon called the universe, that sex asserts itself. Babajan, the Perfect Master, who in less than an instant, made me experience my Ancient Infinite State, had the Muslim-form of a woman. Upasni Maharaj, who brought me down to normal consciousness, had the Hindu-form of a man. As a young and beautiful girl, Babajan, who was of a noble and rich family, re


Finding God by Brian Jones, Palo Alto,


was agnostic until I went into a trance. I was at the Meher Baba Youth Sahavas in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, an interna tional gathering of high school students who belong to the same spiritual cornrnunity. The word Sahavas means corning to Baba’s love. There I fell in love with i (: ‘ God. The reason I went was my mother is a follower of Meher Baba, and she bribed me with a full year of car insurance. I had thought that Meher Baba was some odd ball that my mother believed in, but six days of hell would certainly be worth a year of car in•

Meher Baba said, “I have come to sow the seed of love in your hearts so that the feeling of oneness through love is brought about amongst all nations, creeds, sects, and castes of the world. His general message is to love God through loving humanity. He also has specific directives which he would like us all to follow. Meher is against the use of hallucinogenic drugs including marijuana. Baba once said, “Drugs harm you mentally, physically, and spiritually.” I was nervous about going to the Youth Sahavas because I didn’t know anyone there. I was afraid that I wouldn’t make any friends with the kids there because I wasn’t a Baba-Lover (follower of Baba).I am generally shy and quiet among new people, and I have been like that since about fifth grade when my parents were divorced. Another thing which contrib uted to my shyness was my stuttering. I stutter when I’m nervous, stressed out, or for no apparent reason. Stuttering is ex tremely embarrassing. Sometimes I would rather not talk if I feel like I am going to stutter, so I can avoid ridicule or laughter from my peers. At Youth Sahavas I felt the love that was there for Baba, from Baba, and for each other. I was having a great time mak ing new friends, being open with people, “





and singing. This is the op posite of the way I usually am. I don’t sing because I am 4 usually afraid of being off key, but at Youth Sahavas I knew nobody would care. When I was there I felt a great weight lifted off me, and I didn’t stutter once. $l The atmosphere there was open and understanding. I felt free to talk without hay ing to worry about what other people would think. At Sahavas I lost a large portion of my self consciousness, which I had gained from middle school and my first two years of high school. On the last afternoon I went to Arti, which is worshipping by saying prayers and singing songs about Baba. There were about seventy students in Baba’s house where Arti is taken. I went to the bedroom where people pray in silence. I was sitting down looking at various objects on the walls. Suddenly my eyes became locked on a painting of Him above the bed. I don’t know why but I couldn’t, nor did I want to, take my eyes off of the pic ture. Then before my eyes His face changed into another man’s face. Baba’s nose shrank, mustache disappeared, glasses appeared, and His head was now bald. I was utterly confused and couldn’t believe my eyes. I didn’t tell anyone about my experience because I didn’t know what to make of it. At night everyone went to the barn. Some people say that you can feel His presence the strongest at the barn. The barn is an immensely emotional place. There is lots of crying, singing, hugging, talking, whispering, praying, and musical instruments playing. There was a guest speaker, Tex Hightower, who knew Baba when He was still in His physical body. Tex said he was with Baba one day when Baba asked a room full of people if they were ready to follow His commands. Ev erybody in the room except Tex raised

. I


. . “• •









their hand. Baba looked at Tex with a very grave face. Then Baba put on a radiant smile and said to Tex that it was okay that he was not ready yet, but he would come around. Seconds after he said this, I realized why I recognized Tex, though I had never met him. It was his small nose, glasses, and bald head that Baba’s face had merged with in the photo I was looking at earlier this afternoon. I felt like Tex’s words were meant for me. The message that Baba loved me and eventually I would come to love Baba is engraved in my heart forever. Back then I wasn’t ready to fol low His teachings, but now I am doing my best. I quit smoking marijuana for Him and for myself. I always try to re member to respect everyone, no matter how much I dislike them or their ways, because respecting them is loving God. I have become more honest and less selfish. Through good times and bad times I will always know that God is watching and helping me.

Audio Tape Lending Library


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An Ocean ofJoy The Los Angeles Silence Day Sahavas


he rose of the 25th Sahavas, July 2-5, 1999, came to full bloom after four days of sharing in Meher Baba’s love. Each of the nearly 300 participants left enveloped in a pink cloud of His divine fragrance. At beautiful Pilgrim Pines, Mr. Esfandiyar Vessali began the Sahavas with Meher Baba by speaking of How Baba pulled me toward Himself.” Esfandiyar, who radiates the Beloved’s Presence, was part of the Prem Ashram. In 1927 as a boy of 14 in Yazd, Iran, he heard that Meher Baba was provid ing a free education in India. Esfandiyar Esfandiyars father was against his going, but the boy convinced his mother who, in turn, convinced his father that he should be allowed to go. So, after a twoweek delay at Iran’s border, he arrived, eager to see Baba; but for the first 10 days, Baba ignored him. He thought he must be a bad boy, and that was why Baba would not look at him. Upon hearing that man becomes God, he became intoxicated by the idea. After that, he just wanted to meditate on how to find God. While in class, unable to concentrate on his studies, Baba came to him and drew out of him that he only wanted to find God. For the next 10 minutes, Baba held him in His arms. Later, they walked up Meherabad Hill together, and Baba had Esfandiyar hold on to Him. Baba said the spiritual path is like that, “You have to hold on to Me or you will fall down.” Esfandiyar repeated, “I want to find God.” (He did not know at that time that Baba was God.) Baba replied, “To find God, you have to hold on to Me.” Esfandiyar remained in the Prem Ashram for 1 year and 1 1 months, of which ten days were spent in school, and the rest swimming in Baba’s Ocean of Love. He said, “In meditation, the bliss was so strong and so tremendous, I would become breathless, because I saw Baba as God.” After his return to Iran, in the middle of



by Barbara Roberts, Colorado

Later he said, “If you can control your mind, you will get all the expe riences, see the sights, hear music, fragrance, but the most important thing is Love. Baba will take you all the way. You should not be concerned with experiences. The person on the spiritual path comes across lots of danger, but if one has a Perfect Master, there will not be any danger.” When asked how he knew Baba was God, he explained that you have a gross body, a subtle body, a mental body and a soul. The soul has to fall in love with Baba; if your soul can 1ssa1i, Virginia Rudci Bhau KaichurL andRadha Delamarter fall in love with Meher Baba, winter, he had to go from his village to pur then you can know Baba is God. chase medicine for his sister. It was intensely In 1963, Esfandiyar wanted to see Baba cold, but he bundled up and headed out on again, at the Hindu Darshan. He wrote to a donkey, thinking, “I’m young. I can do this.” Baba, “Due to the uncertainty of our cherry After three or four kilometers, a freez crop, I usually do not have enough income, ing wind came up and blew into his face so but I am writing You for permission to come that ice formed. He thought he might freeze to the Hindu Darshan. Baba wrote back to death and no one would find him. He inthat Nature does not have permission to ruin wardly berated Baba, “You promised me you the crop, and so Esfandiyar was to go to each would come, and it’s been two years. I’m very tree in the orchard and tell it not to ruin the disappointed, and now I’m going to die.” Just crop and to say to each, “I want to see Baba”! then, he felt hot water being poured on his That year, they had a bumper crop of cher head. He was able to continue to Yazd, 12 ries. His brother lent him the air fare, and kilometers more. He said it was like riding he was able to attend 2-3 days of the through a garden in spring. He heard beauDarshan. tiful music. Bhau Kalchuri talked that evening on the Esfandiyar was mediating once, and he topic, “Revelation ofan Amazing Secret,” the fell into a blissful Ocean of Joy. He was full story of which he does not want pubdrowning, but because Baba had warned him lished yet! However he did tell us that a to be careful of too much joy, with great ef few pages ofwriting in Baba’s own hand had fort he was able to swim to the surface and been found. A xerox copy had been made of pull himself to shore where he threw himthese pages, but greatly enlarged, (see pho self at Baba’s feet. He told us: “A Perfect tographs) and Bhau explained the words to Master knows these things and saves us from us. Most were in English, but some of it was danger.” in Hindi. It was very reminiscent of God He emphasized that spiritual experiences Speaks esoteric, to say the least. Bhau told are not Reality, and that nothing matters but us, from Baba, “God is with everyone, God being in love with Baba and being loved by is indivisible, God is part of everyone, and Baba. Without His love, experiences become everything is happening in a dream.” (Baba obstacles on our way to get to Baba. “I don’t is here to lovingly shake us awake.) have anything except from Him; it’s all beBhau first met Baba in 1952. At that cause of Baba that I was able to go to Baba.” meeting, he took the banana that Baba gave “






t him as prasad and ate it, skin and all. Ever since, Bhau has, in his words, “starved my false self in service to my Beloved.” And what a service! In addition to writing superb ghazals and the multi-volume biography, LordMeher, he was Baba’s night watchman from 1953. One night, while Bhau was on duty as usual, Baba awoke. Of course, He did not speak, so when He opened His arms, Bhau though He wanted embracing, and he tried to hug Him. Later, Baba was telling the story to the other Mandali and said, with His customary humor, “I wanted a blanket and this man kept embracing Me. He is a very dangerous man!” Bhau, safe in Baba’s love, conveyed what Baba had said of His Silence, this being His Silence Day Sahavas: “If I really became si lent, the Creation would cease to exist. I speak My language of Soundless Sound— this language can only be experienced, and is not learned nor understood.” Bhau reminded us that we are all in Para dise [God-Realizationi all the time—no one leaves Paradise even for one moment. We are eternally in His Ocean, bubbles on the surface. We have bubble consciousness. He has come to burst our bubble, so that we may know we are One with the Sea of God. While in the Ocean, we must tend to the Fire of Love within. Meher Baba says, “Please Me by following My Wish.” The next day, Virginia Rudd spoke of darkness to Light.” In 1952, “From going Harold Rudd, had heard of husband, her and he wanted his wife to ac Baba, Meher Meher Center in Myrtle him the company to



lead the life of Riley.”) We laughed until Baba nearly broke His Silence. (Does Meherazad really have voice mail, Mitchell Rose? Charlie Morton, does Bhau really have a spiritual chart featuring “dirty, stinking gar bage; talk and talk and talk; and “Ifyou want it or you don’t want it, you will have it” as stages on the Path? Billy Goodrum, is there really a “J. Baba” fund-raising catalog? Maybe not, to all ofthe above, but with Him, there is definitely fun-raising!)

Beach, South Carolina, to see Baba. She went very reluctantly and openly skeptical. While in line at the Lagoon Cabin, she heard that each person was to have just five mmutes alone with Baba. She turned to Harold and told him to take herfive minutes! Margaret Craske overheard her and said, You are going in. You belong to Baba!” Virginia JeffMaguire as Johnny Manonash thought, “I don’t belong to anybody. I belong to me,” and then, in Virginia’s words, The musical entertainment flowed I went in, and the universe disappeared. through the many creative and talented perThey say He was glad to see me. I didn’t see formers from the City of Angels. We were For three hours, I lost Him. I was in love Meher-mesmerized by the likes of Rob and consciousness, but I was divinely happy. I was Kathy Thornburn (Love is Everything and in love with Someone I hadn’t seen and This Heart’c Your Home); the amazing grace hadn’t talked with. They say I sat on His lap, of Robert Een, cello, and Tibetan overtone and He hugged and kissed me. I don’t re singing (“I’m going to soak up all that rain member anything. I was the Sky.” until I drown in a sea of fire—of love and Baba later told her, True love requires devotion” ; “Repeat My Name constantly so courage. I do not know how you should love I become awake for all time in your hearts; Me. It is foryouto show how you love Me.” repeat My Name and awaken Me in your To please the Beloved and to participate hearts so you awaken for all time. “—Meher in His Divine humor, a part of the Sahavas entertainment was the 13th edi tion of the “Bobby Manonash Show,” with Ed McMaya as sidekick (Jeff Fred and Maguire Stankus) and sponsored by Sanskara Lite (“Feels great—less binding! While your soul leads the life of L_ Z Gandhi, your body will nhaujis hitherto undiscoveredmusical talents brought forth. “












Baba) ; sweet and gentle Harry Thomas (HymnsforHim); lively Billy Goodrum ( 14 k1/ll Always Be Thgethei) ; angelic and energetic Raphael Rudd (Coming Home) ; the sparkling Still Yet More Players, Chris & Pris Haffenden; clever mischievous George Gerdes (Zen Bluegrass Trance and Some Enchanted’ Evening); and soulful Michael Campagna and Deborah Ash (You are my Sun, my Only One and I wake up singing Your Name,). We all danced to His Tune with the Lord of the Dance. On the last day, Ron Greenstein conveyed these words of Baba, as told to Sam Kerawalla: Chi/dren Talent Show

“Everything that exists, that is God. Everything that does not exist, that too is God. And ifby chance, anything is left over, that too is God.”

Karmak the Magnificent knows ‘the answers and tells us before ‘he reads the questions (with some hilarious results,,). ,

Bhau declared, “Fortunate are those who come in His contact, and as Baba said in the FamilyLetter “Be true to the trust reposed in you. and “I will see My lovers sometime, somewhere, somehow.” In giving parting thoughts on the subject ofselfless service, Bhau told the story ofa man, his son and a donkey: One day, they set out for town, the man riding on the donkey. People criticized him, saying “Why make the son walk?” So the son rode on the donkey. Then the passers-by asked “Why make the donkey carry?” So the man, the son and the donkey walked. Then they were asked “Why make the donkey walk?” So they entered the town with the man and the son carrying the donkey. If we try to please God, we will ride the donkey. Baba is the easiest, fastest way. With Him, we are transported in style. In serving others, think: “I am serving the Beloved in these people,” and then we are free. Ifwe think, “Lam doing good,” then we are bound. If someone is needy and we think, “Oh, my Beloved wants something and my Beloved is suf fering in this person, then we are free to serve; if not, we are bound. Baba has said: “

Harry Thomas



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Robert Een and cello (not to mention the Tibetan Overtones!

The LoveStreet Bookstore atPilgrim Fines ,((l(;!!




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“Ifyou serve Me with love and without expectation, you are serving the whole of creation.” And so, afterjoiriing in Beloved Meher Baba Arti, it was time to departwith Baba in our Heart, our tears at the thought of separation for the year like drops from His Ocean of Joy. They serve as a reminder on what we sail, until we again may be together as pilgrims who pine for more and more and more and more and still yet more Meher.

Steven I

r —-

What is that gleam in youi Where in the world are we all t, When will we all eventual What is that feeling I get in That warmth and that glow



Mia Compagna andDannyMaguire, KicLi Talent Show

to him, that loving Baba is all that really matters. I believe that Baba at one point

by Steven Barrie, age 18, CA

:; ‘-


just returned from the LA Sahavas, and must say that I feel wonderful. I love

nothing more than being around other Baba-lovers focussing on Him. The love

was almost tangible. My mind gets so cleared up when I go to these Sahavases.

Previously, my mind felt so incredibly cluttered with “dirty stinking garbage, as Bhau would say. Now I can’t say that I feel perfectly centered, but I do feel like “

my priorities are much clearer and more intact, and there is a greater love in my heart and a buzz even in my veins. The Sahavas guests were just incred ible. Esfandiyar Vessali, who attended the Prem Ashram, and led a Baba group in Iran for many years, was there, along with Bhau, Virginia Rudd, and the LA musi cians (Raphael Rudd, Billy Goodrum, Michael Compagna and Debby Ash, among others.) Esfandiyar was amazing. He spoke through an interpreter, and people kept asking him complicated ques tions regarding the mechanics of spiritu ality and Baba’s spiritual philosophy—but he wonderfully answered many questions by taking the focus away from the mind and guiding it towards the heart, by ex plaining that none of that really pertained


: “:‘


But who is the end, and the I can answer all questions, Ai•. all queries and cries two silent words from my soul Sc spilled they will always be with you !ndwiI lead two blind eyes to our goal: Meher Babal Meher Baba! Meher Baba! Our souL our beginning. our savior; The welcoming hand from the womb, and back to ashes and sand, It is Héin our every behavior. It is Baba when we are kind and forgiving; It is Baba when we forget tube kind; -4 It is Baba in our smiling ai1 crying; I’ It is beloved Babvho prompts r when we forur line When we are hajways know , thatits1 whos hapwho wants us to be 3S aba 4 we arshen we cry When :and : Know that it’s Baba crying, do it that you wjb-flm. With every smile, withevery tear; With every fall, with every next year; i With everykiss, with every kind deed; With every sad scene, every person in need; No matter the person, how rich or how poor How charming and handsome, or ugly and scarred ‘ ‘ For each one ofus, He will open love’s door; Ad out ofthepantry and into the yard! iiAnd out of the yard, all together we’ll run!: And down to the sea and into its depths! iji frnmersing ourselves in what we ye .

L.A. Sahavas


Whoisthatv Who is that noi

said that Esfandiar is on the planes. Dur ing Esfandiyar’s talks, however, whenever

someone would ask him a question regarding the planes, he would dodge the ques

tion. Finally someone asked him point-blank: Will you explain to us your experience of the planes?” After the ques “

tion was translated, Esfandiyar smiled and laughed and laughed. The whole audience started laughing. Finally he said, “Your question has no answer. Perhaps you had to be there, but that just seemed like the perfect answer, and the question was fi nally put to rest. Saturday night was the big concert— “

and you can imagine how all those fantastic musicians just rocked the house everyone just moved away the chairs and started to dance. Altogether it was a fabu bus time. J ai Baba everyone! I just can’t wait for Youth Sahavas—my heart’s all filled up,

but it can never be too full. Love, Steven P.S. I talked to Billy about the Sahavas situation, and he says that he could have gone this year, but he didn’t get the invite, and it may be too late at this point. However, he’ll definitely go next year, provided he is invited. Oh, and he has the

cutest baby girl!!






alwayslonged to be

Taking and loving those final steps; -A kingb,s a bear and bear a peasant A wiema a fool all warring clans cease

ind ofeverything felt helpings most pleasant w vnd love blooms unfurled in the

bureonm peace “






Meherana Sahavas Northern California, June 18-20 by Cheryl Johnson, CA


eherana’s Fifth Spring Sahavas was characterized by the music and the spirit of togetherness that filled the hearts of everyone. The moon was low, a silver sickle on a field of blue, when Imetyou, andlovedyou with a love that hadno fear-

Francis Brabazon. Evocative poetry, Bhau Kaichuri ghazals, and Cole Porter songs, came alive through David Miotke’s powerfully resonant voice. David was Meherana’s Special Musical Guest, and delighted all with his beautiful renditions of songs, poems, and ghazals. Bhau Kalchuri, our Special Guest, piqued the curiosity of all Sahavasees, right from his opening words on Friday evening, with promises that he had momentous rev-

Photo by Evie Lindemann

elations to make during the Sahavas. Jeff formed by the teens and children. The play re-enacted the time Baba’s twin nephews Maguire, Master of Ceremonies, fanned the impersonated Ann Conlon just before her flames of intrigue with his witty repartee. first visit to Meherazad. The cast included On Saturday morning, to our delight, Bhauji Betty Lowman, Luke and Jake Jamison, unfurled enlarged copies of six hand writDaniel Comerford, Danny Maguire, Brian ten pages by Meher Baba in the 1920’s, re Dolan, Brad Feldman, Anna Cooper, Julia cently come to light. The content was Pearson, and Reid Pearson. The play was fascinating, as we struggled to make the leap directed by Brian West and Anna Cooper. from Unnatural Light and Unnatural Darkness to Natural Light. In the evening, Bhauji called ; ;: on Jeff Maguire to read out the material and summarize the fine points. And Bhauji, in his own unique way, balanced the new information with his heartfelt stories about re membering and loving Meher Baba. The amazingly mobile LoveStreet Bookstore came to Meherana de lighting all with a wide ar- Photo by Evie Lindemann Meherana Flay--Left to Right, Daniel Comerforci Brad Feldman, ray of videos, CDs, tapes, andLukejamison tee shirts, photos, jewelry, All those involved deserve kudos for their and books. The shop stayed open until late whole-hearted and very humorous perfor Saturday evening so last minute shoppers mances. could purchase additional treasures. In spite of the hot weather and cold wa In other areas, Daniel ter hosings to prevent heat exhaustion, there Comerford staffed the Toddy was an incredible and overwhelming outShop, with soft-serve ice pouring of love whenever we requested vol cream and other snacks. I oanna Tompkin (aka Pre unteers for various duties. The most heavily demanding and heavily staffed area was the server) was available to answer kitchen, due to the exquisite meals prepared questions about Meherana’s by Roz Taubman, Bobby Buggia, Bill on-going development and to Pearson and company. Hermann and sell Fly-to-India Sweepstakes tickets and Meherana teeJ eannette Loew once again headed up the kitchen clean-up crews. The entire kitchen shirts. staff and volunteers received a much-de The tradition of afternoon served standing ovation! workshops continued this year The Dhuni by moonlight was something with a variety of options, inno one wanted to miss. Bhauji provided an cluding a musical sharing with explanation of the origin of the dhuni tra David Miotke, an art demondition and then lit the fire. As the wood stration by Jeannie Moje, a burst into flame, everyone stood for prayers movement activity led by Sue J amison, a discussion of the and arti. In the stillness of the beautifully clear Sierra Nevada night, songs to and for Bhagavad Gita with Hugh the Beloved rose up, creating an avenue for Flick, and a discussion of all Sahavasees to share their mutual love for Meher Baba as our Compas Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. sionate Father facilitated by Katie Mink. An added feature to this year’s Sahavas was a play per..




First ofthe 6pages Bhaupresented to us. Denagh Patrick and Christi Pearson holdthe enlargedcopy, as Bhauji explains.





Transcription of 4 Pages of Meher Baba’s Handwritten Pages, Shared by Bhau by Barbara Roberts, CO Natural Light


God Realization

Natural Darkness



Unnatural light i.e. The whole universe (i.e.) The whole maya i.e. Light where only Self is, only nothingness (i.e. natural sanskaras) is. From this natural darkness (i.e. nothingness) unnatural darkness (i.e. mind working) (the false I, egoism) is produced. —(darkness written by Baba and then crossed out and egoism written above it) From the unnatural darkness i.e. egoism, unnatural light i.e. body + universe, the universe is produced—the mind is unnatural darkness. page 2 This mind stopped is Light, God, Self (permanantly) mind working is false I (Urdu word, banda” pronounced bunduh”, written in, I believe, Marathi script & meaning “slave”) ,



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In the sound sleep, the natural darkness (spirit) sees natural Light (Self) & in the awake state, the same natural darkness (i.e. spirit) becomes the unnatural darkness (i.e. mind) So to say in the awake state—the spirit & mind are linked & the body & the universe exist/because the mind is merged in the spirit, then the universe & the body exist, but mind does not exist. We have seen before that when the mind exists the body & the universe exist. That is when the universe and the body exist, the mind exists. But here (when in the awake state the mind is merged in the spirit), the universe & the body exist—but the mind does not exist i.e. the mind & spirit unlimited & this is realization.


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now natural darkness sees natural light every second and natural darkness sees unnatural light every second. (i.e. The spirit sees the Self & the mind sees the body & universe.)



Thus in everyone of you there is natural light (i.e. your real Self) & natural darkness (i.e. the ashtito=Hindi, “existence”)(i.e. spirit) & unnatural darkness (i.e. mind) & unnatural darkness (i.e. universe & body) the whole universe. page 3 So Kabir says (the following Baba wrote in Hindi [?1 script, translated thus:) (1) One Ram swings in the cradle at the Palace of Dasrat (i) (body) (2) (mind) (Dasrat is Ram’s father, the King.) (body) (3) (2) One Ram speaks (boli) in every heart, (spirit)=energy (4) (Self) i.e. Infinite Mind. (mind) (3) One Ram has created this Universe (everything) (spirit) (4) One Ram is aloof from 3 worlds (i.e. everywhere God is) or beyond everything. (Self)




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Meher Baba’s handwriting Copyright 1999, AMBPPCT






Mani Lee


Baba’s Pearl Tom Hart, Santa Rosa, CA


n Thursday morning at 7:26 am, June 10th, 1999, Wasitee Isabelle Hart, aka “Pearl” was born, weighing in at 6 lbs., 2.6 oz., and 18 inches long. An hour or so after the birth, as my wife Jai and Pearl were sleeping, I went down to the hospital’s gift shop to get some flowers for my wife and a little toy for my beautiful new daughter. I chose a nice bouquet and wrote “Th Mommy, From Daddy’ on the card. I then grabbed the first toy that caught my eye, it was a purple lamb with a yellow face and ribbon and a heart-shaped tag. It seemed wholly appropriate since I love the purple and yellow color combination and my wife’s favorite color is purple, and we are all three “Harts.” I paid for everything and took it up to our room. I put the flowers on my wife’s bedside table and placed my baby’s first toy next to Pearl in her little cradle. It was then that I decided to read the heartshaped tag on its ear. Along with the manufacturer’s information it stated that the creature’s name was “Baba. Surprise! “

I felt then that my heartfelt prayer im mediately after Pearl’s birth that ‘Baba would please watch over and protect her al ways’ was being fulfilled by Him. Jai Baba little Pearl and welcome to His world! —


FeariHart at two anda halfmonths with the purple Beanie Babylamb named ‘Baba.” “I,,


John Talmo

e say a hearty Congratulations to first time mother Christina Arasmo, on the birth ofher daughter Mani Lee Arasmo Gmelin born on 7/27/99 at 9:23 am, weighing 7.777 lbs. (love those sevens!), and 19.5 inches long. It took determination and ingenuity on Christina’s part to have a baby, yet still find time to create the Millennium Baba Calen dars for us. You go girl!

Mitchell Alan


ongratulations also to Roger and Maria Bird of Colorado Springs on the birth of their second child, a boy. Mitchell Alan Canete Bird was born on March 16, weighing in at 6 lbs. and 10 oz.


Passings 0


fter a long battle with cancer, Chris Marie (also known as Arlene Bolitsky) passed away onJuly 24, 1999 at age 50. Chris heard of Baba in 1967 and her heart became His in 1968, while His beautiful form still graced this earth. Over the years, Chris made her home in Myrtle Beach, New York, and lastly, Los Angeles. Although she had no natural family, Chris considered her Baba group her family. She received the support of four Baba lovers during the last few difficult months of her life. On her last night with us “Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai” was sung to her for about 15 minutes until she fell asleep. She died in her sleep the next morning at 08:30 am. Chris left the disposal of her estate to Wendy Ward and Steve Berry. Any proceeds from the sale of her home and furnishings will benefit the Trust, the LA Baba Center, Meherana, and the republishing of The Path ofLoveby Fiis Fredrick. Chris also left a beautiful painting by Diane Cobb to the LA Cen ter. Happy trails Chris onyour onwardjourney to our Beloved.

Reporth ‘Baba Baba Everywhere


Chris Marie



al Baba to John Talmo of Lewes, Dela ware a good friend and a wonderful soul, who amidst the sometime dreariness of this old world, spread to many the glow and warmth and sparkle of Baba’s love, and who passed into Baba’s waiting arms after a long illness, last night Sept. 6, at 1 1 : 1 3 pm. He died at home, peacefully, surrounded by his family and friends, including his devoted wife Shelly. Jai Baba, John you brightened up my life, and a big hug for you as you journey forth to Baba, with Baba always by your side. -David Silverman

previous issues we have told you about the poem Rob Narke wrote entitled Baba Baba Everywhere. He has asked that chil dren (or adults) submit drawings to illustrate this book. Rob sent us this update from the Bhopal newsletter: “The Meher Baba Bhopal (India) Cen tre organized a painting session on the 12th September 1999 on Rob Narke’s Poem ‘Baba Baba Everywher The session started at 10.00 a.m. with the Parvardigar Prayer. The translation of Rob Narke’s poem in Hindi was the read out to the group and the idea behind Rob’s project was explained. Chil dren and adults were given paper sheets and all started painting which continued till 12.00 noon with Baba’s Bhajan’s playing in the background. The group had children from the age of 3 years to 67 years (all are Baba’s children) The atmosphere was fes tive and all thoroughly enjoyed the session bringing out their creative best. The meeting ended with recitation of the Australian, American and Gujarati Artis. The paintings will be sent to Rob Narke.” Rob tells us: “I’mjoyfully grateful for this outpouring of Baba’s loving creativeness, and I hope that it will inspire Baba lovers everywhere to let the creative juices flow for this .






1_ (

loving project. May Baba continue to bless us with his grace.” To read the poem, hear it, or learn more about the book project, please log on to the Bhopal Newsletter: http : //members tr ipod. corn! rneherbhopal!index.html

and the Zoning Administrator’s sign-off. Continue fund raising. Start construction when all the money is raised or at the end of the 1 year extension. This leaves a further 2 years to complete construction and to raise additional funds if necessary. The mortgage would continue to be paid down. Full repayment is due by February 2004.






C. Finance a second mortgage now to: 1 Complete all renovations, includ ing the library!bookstore; OR. 2. Complete Phase 1 only (no library! bookstore)

The Avatar Meher Baba Trust



he Trust is continuing to move forward with the development of the Five Year Plan which includes the building of a new pilgrim center, funding for the museum!ar chives building and other developments at Meherabad. As I’m sure you’re aware, lovedonations for this project are tax-deductible and can be forwarded to our Southern Cali fornia Center c!o Kanji Miyao, Treasurer. As Trustwalla, I am still collecting lovedonations for the Beneficiaries. While not tax-deductible, these donations are still needed and very appreciated. If you’d like to support the Beneficiaries, please make your check payable to: “Friends of the Meher BabaTrust” and mail to:Lynne Berry, 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Premsay Bhiksha Dijye (Give Donations with Love) Jai Baba!

D. Refinance a new mortgage to: 1 Complete Phases 1 & 2 and include the balance of the original mortgage in the new one; OR 2. Complete Phase 1 and include the balance of the original mortgage in the new one. .

At a Special General Meeting held on September 12, 1999, a majority ofthe mem bership voted in favor of Option B. If you would like a copy of the 8-page Progress Report, we would be happy to send you one. Please contact the L.A. Center.

And the Winners are...

Center’s Main Building by Lois Jones. President


ecently, the voting membership re viewed an extensive Progress Report on the financial and structural planning for the Los Angeles Center’s renovation. All of the steps we have taken up until that time were outlined and the membership was asked to make a decision regarding the next steps. The Center does not yet have all the funds necessary to completely renovate the main building and add the new library!bookstore at this time so, in short, we were asked to consider the following four options: A. Commence renovation to the main hail and replace the roof by the end of the year with funds we have in hand. B. Temporarily fix the roof. Take up to a 1 -year extension to file for building permits



he winners of the Fly to India Sweep stakes were drawn out of the hat at the July Sahavas. This year was the first time in our long history that not only was the winner an LA member and present to boot, but the 2nd and 3rd runners up were even on the Sahavas Committee! And no! It wasn’t fixed! We were all stunned when those 3 names were drawn and also very happy. It is so rewarding to see the joy on the face of a person who has just been told Baba has decided that they, above all others, are most deserving of a free trip to India. It was also a very rare event when we all felt that yes indeed, Baba had chosen right this time in other words, His choice would also have been our choice. Vesta Clinton was the very deserving and ecstatic winner. Second prize was a copy of Lord Meher that Bhauji had very sweetly inscribed for Lynne Berry, and Cathy Broadley got to take home a CD of her choice from The Love Street Bookstore. Our very sincere thanks to all who contributed to Meherabode and its renovations by trying your luck at the Sweepstakes.


YES! was a surprise!

r ;

First-i They met for coffee

(for 4 years. .



Plan for Renovating the



4 ‘3_ (

They had a romance

(for 3 weeks. go figure). .


FinallyJuly 2, 1999 The intractable bachelor Daniel Sparks


married the incorrigible bachelorette





Come see us at

3321 N. Walker Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73118

(405) 521-9349

The McNeely wedding follows onpage 18


£oveLSfreet La,







3::H @

Baba Showers His Blessings on McNeely Nuptuals! Dma Snow, Los Angeles, CA style over the shoulders and draped to the


ndicative of the guests love for the couple, they came from around the world and all across the country to attend the marriage that some thought they would never see. David McNeely, a 46 year old confirmed bachelor —wed?! I guess when Baba sees two people that are supposed to be together, Hejust makes it hap-


J im Wilson welcomed .

us all, David’s

brother John read from Corinthians 13 and then we all said the three prayers The Masterc Frayei Prayer of Repentance and Beloved God Just as we finished the last prayer Baba showered down His bless—

pen. They met in Los Angeles where

ings! Not enough to ruin fancy hairdos or

David had been one of the backbones of the Center since the early 1980s. Clea was working at the RAND Corporation. One of Clea’s sisters lives in Panama and she and her husband and child flew in, as did one of David’s brothers who lives with his wife and family in Switzerland. Clea’s friends from grade school and college were bridesmaids along with her two sis ters. They were partnered by David’s two brothers and Jim Wil son and Steve Slemenda, both Baba lovers from Oregon. Leatrice Johnson, with her husband John,

beautiful dresses, butjust enough to let us

flew in to conduct the ceremony, which was a very Baba-full event.

know His Nazar was on the lucky couple. All the Baba lovers looked at each other, realising the significance of it, and let out a great “Avatar Meher Baba kiJai!” We then moved indoors and the ceremony continued with Lois J ones reading from Francis

Brabazon’s words on


The wedding was held in an outdoor garden next to the Govenor’s mansion. The day before, about

record in four years, but as the guests started

50 family and friends gathered at a sum-

arriving, the weather presented a beautiful

mer cottage by the lake for boating, swimming, eating and all round good fun. The weather in Minnesota is a hot topic, and

face and Saturday was gorgeous. Sunday looked a little overcast by midmorning, so just in case the rains did start, a back up plan

Friday turned out to be the hottest day on

of chairs arranged in the fireplace room indoors was readied. By 1 1 a.m. the guests were

all seated in their outdoor chairs, a huge photo of Baba was hanging under the rose entwined arch, and David Miotke was en-

tertaining us with some of his wonderful love So In Love and Stay 1/1/2th God He songs —

then changed to the Bridal march from Lohengrin and Clea, on the arm of her fa

ther Ed, walked up the grassy aisle and stood beside the waiting Groom. David in a tux

Clea, DavicL and Dma

edo was quite a sight to see! As Clea later remarked, looking ever so fondly at her new husband: “Isn’t he handsome?!” As for the bride, it’s very hard not to look terrific when you are a slender 5 foot 9 inches tall! But she did indeed look gorgeous in a very simple, extremely elegant, straight ivory dress, with a matching scarf worn Indian


You Who

Marry Today” Before starting reading though, she explained to the other guests that among Baba byers, rain on a significant event was considered a sign of His blessing. “Ah, that explains it” one person was heard to say, “I couldn’t imag me why they were all so happy when it started to rain!” Clea and David will spend their Honeymoon in Alaska. We wish

them all much love and the very best for their future life together. May they always have Baba foremost in

their hearts.



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Bhau Toast




Renovation Fundraiser for Meherabode T

was Bhau Ka1churis wish to par

We liked the format ofa Roast, but not for Bhauji, we wanted to Thasthirn! So Jeff Maguire, as our MC, came up :i with some delightfully funny toasting& that kept the Honaree and the audience in stitches. Billy Goodrum cer tainly showed us what a BhauToastwas all about as he cooked up a batch in his

I ticipate in a Renovadon Fundraiser for Meherabode when he came to visit this year. We decided to hold it in the afternoon so we could enjoy the beautiful gardens and sunshine at our Cen-. ter. A delicious lunch of Parsi food (thanks to Korshed Pasricha) was served under the Indian pine tree.





7b;; andleft: the Bhau TOast Garden Party, R4hcBehnaz Bhrnijt an



veryearlyphoto oflibtamily with Babe.







After the Toastings came the Auc tion.That is always very exciting. both to watch and to participate in. We had some wonderful items up for bid, very generously donated by our members. We raised $ 12,SQO to put towards the necessary renovations. Thank you to all who attended and helped us. It was a great afternoon.

LeftAdele Walk/n and VfrginiaRudd with Bhaa R1qhcBhaafiandBaby.itBhau Toast.




Left Thrnara slugs. Center:iternsforauction. RzghcBiliy Goodrumi ‘Bhau Thast’


J1oveStreetfsmjlbsr -

4Js. h ————--


51ep 3nside.

Meher Spiritual Center at Myrtle Beach. Norina Giftis a re-publication of the long


out ofprint FragmentsFromA Spiritual Diary and Forty Spiritual Messages. Charles


hink Christmas! It will be here sooner than you know it and Chanukah is just around the corner. Now is the time to start thinking of all the Baba lovers to whom you would like to give a special Baba gift. And this is the right place to choose those gifts! For the past few years we have been making it even easier for you to gift that dear friend or relative who lives miles away from you: for an extra $3 we will gift wrap your purchases in very special Christmas or Chanukah paper. Cherie Plumlee designed a Baba gift card, which for $3.50 we can add to your gift. You can also purchase them outright to send to your very best Baba friends. (See page 22.) So here follows the top all time favorites. I’m sure you will be able to find something for everyone on your list amongst the following selections! The best selling poetry book in the coun try, notjust the Baba world, is the third book by our own Danny Ladinsky, The Gift. If you don’t already have it, see page 24 for Kudos to The Gift. Paperback,333 pages, $14. Bal Natu has written the third in the tril ogy of his ever-popular Conversations with the Awakener. This one is titled Intimate Conversationsand is in the same format as the previous two. People tell me they love giving these books to non Baba loving friends, but ones who have a spiritual leaning. Ifyou have not read Bal’s previous two, they consist of very loving conversations between Bal and his Beloved. The name Baba is never mentioned —just “You”. $12. Lives ofLove, the stories about all the women mandali, is written by Australian Judith Garbett from over 30 (accumulative) years spent in their company. It was hugely popular when I brought it back with me from Avatar’s Abode and sold out almost immediately. We have a recently arrived supply. The book is in a large format $17 Ifyou, along with Baba, feel that Francis Brabazon is one great poet, you will really enjoy The Water Carrier. It is written by Robert Rouse, who was one of the original -



builders of Avatar’s Abode, & whom Baba asked, along with his wife Lorna, to stay on the property as caretaker. He has spent many years in the company of Francis. Robert calls it a mosaic of Francis, and it is a fascinating insight into the workings of the mind of Francis Brabazon. Paperback, 86 pages $12 The third book from Australia is a col oring book for older children & adults who still love to pick up the colored pencils and color in especially when it is The Beloved’s face you are working on. These are excellent 9 x 12 portraits of Baba that Claire Mataira has done for the cover of the Aussie newsletter Meher Baba Australia. Sur rounding the portrait are all sorts of flowers, trees, animals etc. that make it a delightful pastime to color in. They are in a writing pad format, 15 in all, so after coloring each picture you can tear it off & put on the refrigerator, laminate it, frame it, or what ever. $5.50 each. DreamingoftheBelov&L Mani’s book of her most profound dreams given her by Baba, is very popular. When you add to her words, the full color art creations by Wodin, you have a treasure of a book. It has 80 pages with 24 full color paintings, hard bound, measures 8.5 x 10.5 and has a very low price of $22. Two books released last year to great ac claim were from EliNor publications— Letters ofLove and Norina Gift. Both are hardbound, the former, $25 and the latter $20. LettersofLoveare notjust the letters to and from Jane Haynes, Baba and the Mandali, but also a lot of information about Elizabeth Patterson and the founding of —



L .



Haynes and Christopher Wilson uncovered some great archival photographs of Princess Norma Matchabelli and combined them with a comprehensive biography, tracing the development of her life and work, from world-renowned actress and film star, to co founder ofthe famous perfumery, to disciple of Meher Baba. A must for every artist is the wonderful book In QuestoftheFaceofGod It is written by Lyn Ott and is filled with full color reproductions of many of his finest works, with many stories about his time with Baba Large format, hard cover, $30. Also for artists and those who appreci ate art is Rano Gayley’s book Because of Love. Not only does this have dozens of pages of her gorgeous portraits of Baba and the paintings that Baba directed her to do, down to the last touch of paint, but also many wonderful stories of her life in the Ashram with Baba from the early years. Large format, hard cover, $35. Gift of God, the autobiography of Arnavaz Dadachanji, is a very intimate ac counting of her life with Baba and her struggles to abide by His wishes at all times. A really beautiful book, very heartwarming. Paperback, 242 pages, with numerous pho tographs $18. Another ‘must have’ is that wonderful collection of Baba stories from Eruch. If a trip to India is not on your horizon, pur chase ThatcHowit Wasand be transported to Mandali Hall, while sitting comfortably at home, listening to Eruch speak of his life in the service of the Beloved. This book is a compilation of 2 other long-out-of-print books plus a whole new set of tales of adventures with the Master. Hardbound $25, paperback $15, 412 pages. Listen Humanity written at Baba’s re quest by Don Stevens, has recently been re printed and is now available paperback $15 and hardbound $20. An excellent book to give to ‘seekers’ or to have in your own Iibrary. It should go without saying of course, that God Speaks (also recently reprinted) hardbound, $27, and Discourses, paperback $15 and hardbound $25 also make good gifts.


Companion Books, under the auspices of Don Stevens recently completed God Speaks in Spanish Dios I-labia. It will be on the market across the country soon. The publishers wanted a biography of Baba to be released at the same time, so Don turned —

to and wrote MeherBaba, TheA wakener of theAge. It will be available in Spanish soon, but currently we have on our shelves the English version. As it arrived only a few days prior to this writing, I cannot tell you any— thing about it except that it has 314 pages, a beautiful color photo of Baba on the cover and sells for $ 1 5. There will be a review in the January issue. Don has very sweetly offered to help us out at “Meherabode” with a little fundraising. He has promised to sign your book for you for an extra $15, which goes directly to help support our Center. Don will be here in November, so he can sign your book then, and I can still send it off to you in time for the holidays. For the past year or so, Rumi has been the best selling poet in America, and al though Hafiz and Danny Ladinsky knocked him off that perch with The Gift, we still thought you would like a very beautiful book titled The Illuminated Rumi. It is hardbound, 9 x 1 2 and exquisitely produced with wonderful and varied illustrations on each page. The way in which it is laid out is truly a work of art. I was expecting Persian miniatures and so was very surprised to see the artwork that accompanied it most eclectic. $30 Another item that has to be on everybody’s list is the Meher Baba Calen darfortheyear200li It is something everyone wants and needs to start the Century offright and keep it going allyear long. Each time you look at it, you see the beautiful face of Baba looking back at you, read His inspiring words and seejust what in the Baba world transpired on what particular day, es pecially your birthday! A hanging calendar, it measures eight and a half by fully ex tended eighteen. Christina Arasmo, the very talented Floridian who creates these works of art for us each year has kept the price to a low $8.25. If you buy 5 or more, you get them for $7 each. Any profit from the production of these calendars goes to the Trust. A book that is only available in India or The Love Street Bookstore is Much Love by T.K. Ramanujam. If you can only afford —

one book about Meher Baba this is the one to get. It is incredibly comprehensive: the index alone covers eight pages. Part 1 contains a chronological listing of the events in the life of the Avatar from birth to death; Parts 2-7 cover all His important messages and declarations, prayers, songs and on and on. Apart from making good reading, haying it all under one cover makes it an excellent reference book. It is hardbound, 6 x 9 with 606 pages, and sells for $20. Delving into the musical realm we have the incredibly popular, runaway best-selling CD by Marc DeMatteis -HowManyLife times?Words, music, melodies, instrumen tations, it has it all ballads, gentle sweet numbers, poignant songs, rousing rock and roll everything, for a special holiday price of $12 Relentless Love is a tape by the incom parable Jim Meyer. It has been around for a few years now, so if you don’t already own it, this tape comes highly recommended at the reduced price of $9. We told you about his new CD Ways to Attain theSupremeRealityin our last issue. We did not have it at the time, but this fabu bus piece of work words (Malcolm Schloss’) music, arrangements, production values all go to make it one of the best that has ever been released! Better yet it is now in stock. $18. There is also the double CD from Raphael Rudd TheA wakening. One of the CD’s is a re release of Skydancerwhich contains the exquisitely sung Gujerati Arti by J ane Brown. The other disc in the set is a selection of songs and instrumentals Raphael recorded in the late ‘70’s with Pete Townshend and a pick up drummer name of Phil Collins! $20 is a fabulous deal for two CD’s! SongofHuma, Volume2is another best seller. For those of you unfamiliar with this beautiful tape, it was produced by Elaine Cox who took top recording equipment to India and recorded the women Mandali singing the ghazals that Baba had written under the pen name of Huma in the early ‘20’s. As the women were singing a cappella, Elaine then had the recordings beautifully accompanied by some very Indian sounding flutes, tablas and synthesizers. Before each song Elaine reads the English transla tion so we get the full beauty of the piece. The words are all written on the inside of —


the jay card, and at over an hour of superb Baba music, $12 is a very reasonable price. The tape MyHeartis Calling Juis also very popular. This is a collection of the songs Mani wrote for her Beloved Brother. She is singing and accompanying herself on sitar on a number of them. The others are sung by people in India at the time including the Twins singing the song Be Be Be With Baba that Mani wrote specifically for them. $10 —

We have so many new CDs, the Baba musicians have been hard at work, but it is impossible to list them all here. See your back issues for more ideas.

We stock over 40 different videos. There should definitely be something for everyone. The latest release from Meher Prasad ( the company responsible for most of our Baba videos) was entitled Mebera, Meher BabacBelovect It gets rave reviews from all who see it. This tape runs 42 minutes and sells for $40 Also a beautiful video on Mehera and her life is MeherBabaLordandFrien This is part of the Witness Series Wendell Brustman is producing that are very infor mative, yet personal, interviews with the Mandali. It is as though you are sitting with

Mehera in a personal interview. It runs for an hour and is $55. In the same series is one on Mani, Agnes Baron and Irene Billo. As more are edited (from footage taken in the ‘80s), they will be released. Then there is Beyond Words, produced

by Sheriar Foundation from the 1967 docu mentary shot by professional filmmaker Louis Van Gasteren. It is breathtaking (and indeed, beyond words!) in the immediacy of the footage. Short of being in His pres ence, this is the next best thing! The quality ofthe 35mm film is unlike anything we have

ever previously seen of Baba. Worth buying a VCRjust to view it! 28 minutes $52

A video that has been out for a few years now but is still one of our best sellers is Eter nalBeloved Produced by Meher Prasad, it has a run time of 40 minutes and some fabu bus footage of Baba that has been color cor rected and sharpened to the point where the

quality is just about equal with the recently filmed interviews with Mani, Goher, and the other mandali who tell us what Baba was

doing and where He was in the preceding frames. Very well worth the $50! An excellent video to enjoy yourself and

..‘ .

I show your friends is an interview with Bhau made in New York for Public Television. It even has Bhaus words in subtitles for those that have difficulty with his accent. He is

Christmas Card available at the Love Street Bookstore.

speaking on Three-Quartersofthe Worldand what Baba meant when He said it would be destroyed. Also has some great footage of Baba. $12. If you are looking for an inexpensive gift that will please enormously, I suggest the x1 colored photo in brilliant clarity of the 1 2 view that greets you as you stand on the threshold of the Samadhi. Along with this photo comes four 4” square reproductions of Charlie Mills beautiful portraits, as well as 3 cards, also in beautiful color that have the artis printed on the back. All of these items are excellently printed and the whole pak sells for only $12. How many would you like? Also in our last issue we showed in The Gallery of the Heart just a few of the many very beautiful cards with our Beloved’s photo on them. Ifyou think the cards featured on this page, TheAncient One, and Belovedcreated by Cherie Plumlee are as beautiful as we do, better buy them now, because the license of copyright permission given by the copyright holder of the original black and white photos of Baba will expire in December of this year and they will no longer be available for sale. Check out her web page at in

December as she hopes to have several new Baba art cards/paintings on display at that time. You may also want to check out Charlie Mills web site at We sell the lithographs of many of his paintings for $25 each and we also stock the cards with envelopes. For many years we have been selling the large photographs of the whimsical drawings of Wodin the artist who illustrated the very popular book of Mani’s dreams entitled Dreamkigofthe Beloved But with the start up of his own web site Steve Jameson has de cided he would rather sell direct to the general public. So you can visit his virtual art gallery at So that it from the Bookstore. I hope we have helped you decide what youwould like to put on your holiday wish list and given you plenty of ideas to bring joy to your friends. And that is what I wish for you all. In His love, Dma —

The inside poem reads:

Meher Babas Gift to Us Earth Out ofinihions ofworldsin this vast universe. Kiii have chosen this one earti. hir, You haveadornedtbeiand with beauty I-fore alone Thu take birth and walk among us On thispredous soiJ asa man, To fulfill the mdiant mystery of Yourplan. HawBlesseditic to be born heir! To serve the earth is to serve )4;, here Your love takes root. Here air lives airport ofYours h!re, Yourlove bears fruit. Th walk the earth Ic to walk holy ground To tooth the earthis to touth GodMystery Toknowthe earth is to know God To serve the earth is tojoin Rfrbeauty Tojoth Ths beauty. “The Elements, An Oratorio in Praise of Meher Baba.” ©Searchligbt, 1984 The Christmas greeting on the facing page reads:

During this 1-JoliclaySeasan and throughout the Pv’w Year mayyour hearts be filled with A’liS Boundless Love.



22 j_


.. ..





Out ofthe Source Gabriella Tal’s new CD by Mary Weiss, San Francisco, CA

Through the Heart, Lightly


hen I was asked to write a review of Gabriella Tal’s new CD and cassette, OutoftheSource, I was very pleased, as I have been a long-time admirer of Gabriella’s music and its lyrical quality. And I was not dis appointed in this new offering. Out of the Source contains an eclectic variety of songs pertaining to the elements either, air, fire, water and earth in the tradition of Polarity Therapy. Each piece is full of poignant and memorable harmonies and woven in, over, and through it all that pure, un adorned, and soulful voice. The lyrics (a written version is part of the package) are most interesting as well, containing Sanskrit, Native American, and even African songs or poems, they celebrate our connection to the Source of Love and Life. Or, as one stanza proclaims: From the Source, all ofus come Meetftig the spring ofJif Here on earth i our special chance Th love, to live, to dance.

Wayne Gallers’ new CD

by Jessica Willis


nce in a great while, an album of re corded music enters our lives that has the capacity to remind us ofwhat is good and sweet in all the worlds, seen and unseen. Wayne Galle?s Through The Light ofitAli is one of those albums. In an age of super-advanced music technology, muffed lyrics and special effects as a replacement for emotion, Galler never lost faith in the beauty ofthe un affected voice and the acoustic guitar. He has mastered both of these instruments. His songs-whether it be the tender vocal harmo nies of “Whais the Purpose” or the urgent plea of “Heal Me Tonight-are a new take on the call and response style ofgospel song struc ture. In every track on the album, Galler asks the oldest question: where we are going? and God responds: straight into My heart. “I Remember” should be a staple on every choir and coffee bar troubadou?s song list, and “Wake Up Baba”, with its swampy, slick Southem rock tempo, breaks the quietude and offers one of the best lines in recent memory when Galler nicks a few lines from the Lord and wails: “fly by me, I’m the Ancient One.” God in Through the Light of It All visits poolhalls as well as more traditional places of worship. This al bum is a clarionjoy, icicle and sunshine pure, and a perfect soundtrack for wherever the heart may go.

But my all-time favorite is the harmonic magic that Gabriella creates with Meher Baba quote: “True love is no game for the fainthearted and weak. It is born from strength and understanding. This song takes on spe cial meaning when we consider that the com positions and recording cover a period of time when Gabriella was going through incredible life challenges in healing after a serious acci dent. The music has a transformative quality. It is as if somehow, from the pain of a grain of sand in the oyster, Our Beloved has produced a shining pearl of musical devotion. “


Book Rie ws *tp

Shore Th Shoreless A Vyage Across the Ocean of Existence with Meher Baba by Professor J.S. Rathore individuals

Mary, Mika, Ram, tormented by their own personal problems meet accidently. Mary, an English lady, is a physicist: Mika, a -

hive Rahim, and Professor







J apanese, was a Buddhist monk and now a spiritual pilgrim; Ram, an Indian, is a scholar of Hindu philosophy; Rahim, a Muslim, is a biologist from an American university; and, Professor, an Indian, is a university teacher. All of them are in great mental agony, and are seriously in search of the ultimate Reality in order to discover man’s real position in the cosmos. They arejoined by Merwan who tells them about the existence of two oceans the Ocean of Nothing and the Ocean of Everything. He assures them that all their problems will be solved once they reach the Ocean of Everything, where alone they can find real joy and happiness. Howevei in order to reach the Ocean of Everything, they would have to sail across the Ocean of Nothing with Avatar Meher Baba as their companion and guide. All of them agree to undertake this voy age across the Ocean of Nothing with Meher Baba as the Captain of their ship. Together they traverse the macro and micro realms of the gross universe and the inner subtle and mental worlds to reach the Shoreless the Supreme Divine Being, in whom they discover lasting happiness and peace. Shore to Shoreless presents an integrated Cosmic SpiritualPhysical Overview in the light of Avatar Meher Baba’s “thought.” The book endeavors to integrate the worldview emanating out of the physical and biological sciences with that of the spiritual wisdom as revealed by the Su preme Divine Being, the Ancient One and the Highest of the High, descending as the Avatar or Buddha or Rasool or Christ. In addition to acknowledgments, preface, bibliography and an index of quotations, the book has twelve chapters, which are : We Launch Ourselves; Not One Universe; Fire Without and Fire Within; Stairway to Big Bang; Chasing the Desire to its Source; Shadows of Shadows; The Hall of Mirrors; Beginthe Beginning; Sugar Doll’s On a Diving Mission; Mary Magic Mirror; Shores Shoreless; and Splashing Joy, Swimming in Eternity. Professor J.S.Rathore, the author, an ar dent devotee of Avatar Meher Baba, is a formerVice-Chancellor and Professor of Environmental Science. He is the first recipient ofthe coveted Katju Award for Science, insti tuted by the Government ofMadhya Pradesh, India, from HE. Giani Zail Singh, the then President of India. Professor Rathore is also a Medal of Honor from the American Biographical Institute. -


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recipient ofCommemorative



I. Kudos to The Gift

Daniel Ladinsky’s translations of Hafiz


“Daniel Ladinsky brilliantly captures the es sence of one of Islam’s greatest poetic and re ligious voices. Ladinsky spent five years compiling and translating the 250 poems col lected here, drawing on rare 19th Century translations of the work from Farsi (the language of Hafiis Persia-now Iran) as well as several thousand pages of material about the life of Hafiz. The result is a brilliant collec tion ofHafiz’s most intimate poems, comple mented by an overview ofthe lifejourney that brought about this body of work. Shams-ud-d-dim Muhammad Hafiz, though relatively little known in the Western world, is often considered one of the most beloved poets of Persia, along with Rumi and Kabir. Born in Shiraz, in southern Persia, he lived about the same time as Chaucer in England, and about one hundred years after Rumi. When he died at the age of 70, he was thought to have produced an estimated 5,000 poems, 500-700 ofwhich have survived. More than any other Persian poet, it is perhaps Hafiz who accesses the mystical, healing dimensions of poetry. Because his poems were often ec static love songs from God to his beloved world, many have called Hafiz “Tongue of the Invisible.” His Divan (collected poems) is a classic in the literature of Sufism.” In The Gift, DanielLadinsky continues the venerable work of bringing the wisdom, pas sion and beauty of Hafiz’s work to the West, which began largely through the efforts of Goethe, who wrote “In his poetry Hafiz has inscribed undeniable truth indelibly.... Hafiz has no peer. Goethe enthusiasm infected Ralph Waldo Emerson, who translated his work in the nineteenth century, and called it “the model of lyric grace and felicity.” Even Sherlock Holmes quotes Hafiz in one of the stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. Hafiz, a secret Sufi, came to prominence in his day as a writer of love poems. That love transformed into an all-consuming passion for union with the divine. In The Gift, Daniel Ladinsky bestows on us the impassioned yet whimsical strains of Hafiz’s ecstasy. Never forced or awkward, Ladinsky Hafiz whispers in your ear and pounds in your chest, naming God in a hundred metaphors. I once asked a bird, “How is it that you fly in this gravity Of darkness?” She responded, “Love lifts Me.” Like Fitzgerald’s version of Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, the language of The Gift strikes a

an expert cadence that invites and surprises.

contemporary chord, resonating in the reader

simple beauty of Sufi poetry in the West (witness thejust-released CD “A GiftofLove,” fea turing celebrities like Madonna, Martin Sheen




here may not be many Baba lovers alive who have not heard of Danny Ladinsky’s wonderful renderings of the divine work of Hafiz. His first two books, I Heard GodLaughingand The Subject Thnight is Love were extremely popular amongst the Baba community. But when word of the beauty of these two books leaked out to the world in general they soon were selling in Borders, Waldenbooks and other commer cial bookstores. Such was their success, a bidding war evolved over the publishing rights to his third The Gift. Penguin Putnam won and to their delight (and ours) it sold over 10,000 in the first month —August- and is now in its third printing. For August, The Gift was the top selling poetry book in America and perhaps the whole world. It is expected to be one of the top ten selling po etry books in America, and the English speaking countries, for several years. -

With this stunning collection of 250 ofHafizs most intimate poems, Ladinsky has succeeded brilliantly in translating the essence ofone ofIslam’s greatest poetic and religious voices. “This deliriously enchanting collection of 250 poems is one of the best books of 1999.” from the opening line of the 3 para graph review in the magazine connected with the Trinity Church in New York City., the most popular on line book seller has published these reviews:


mind and then in the heart. Ladinsky’s language is plain, fresh, playful—dancing with

.. ..



Ifit is true, as Haflz says, that a poet is someone who can pour light into a cup, reading Ladinsky’s Hafiz is like gulping down the sun. Brian Bruya From Booklist August 19, 1999. Less well known in the U.S. than his Sufi predecessor, Rumi, Hafiz (Shams-ud-din Muhammad) is also worthy of attention, and Ladinsky’s free translations should help see that he gets it. Hafiz is so beloved in Iran that —


he outsells the Koran. Many know his verses by heart and recite them with gusto. And gusto

is appropriate to this passionate, earthy poet who melds mind, spirit, and body in each of

his usually brief pensees. Ladinsky has delib erately chosen a loose and colloquial tone for

this collection, which might grate on the nerves of purists but makes Hafiz come viv idly alive for the average reader. “You carry I All the ingredients I To turn your life into a nightmare—I Don’t mix them!” he advises,

and “Bottom line: I Do not stop playing I These beautiful I Love I Games.” Nothing is too human for Hafiz to celebrate, for in hu manity he finds the prospect of God. In ev erything from housework to lovemaking, he

celebrates the spiritual possibilities of life. A fine and stirring new presentation of one of the world’s great poets. Patricia Monaghan Copyright© 1999, American Library Asso ciation. The Gift is an extraordinary new transla tion of the world-renowned mystic poet Hafiz. More than any other Persian poet—even Rumi—Hafiz expanded the mystical, healing

dimensions of poetry. Indeed, Daniel Ladinsky, the accomplished translator of this

volume, has said that his work with Hafiz is an attempt to do the impossible: to translate Light into words—to make the Luminous Resonance of God tangible to our finite senses. Each lfrne of The Gift imparts the won-

derful qualities of this master Sufi poet and spiritual teacher: encouragement, an audacious love that touches lives, profound knowledge, generosity, and a sweet, playful genius unpar alleled in world literature. With a growing awareness ofthe grace and



4t and Demi Moore reading their favorite Rumi poems) The Gift is certain to find an evergrowing and passionate audience. Ladinsky says “My goal is to bring across, right into your lap, the wondrous spirit of Hafiz that lifts the corners of the mouth.” In just a few pages, it becomes clear that he has achieved his goal. He tells us “You are God sweetheart. One of the great wonders of Hafiz is that one cannot seriously read him without then knowing you are Gods sweetheart. And the range ofthis poet-saint dazzles; he says, ‘1 ,

Noçes from $1 tlL I the Internet

begin to function as rfwe azehappiness not that we should close our eyes to what is , difficult or disturbing in life If an •A L:tb we are more present more aware of suffering But beneath it all we are rooted4joy 4b$t Se C4 buoyed up from within by our veféhist r4enYossen Burroughs wrote I ence as conscious Spirit confident tkjat all jes tell people that Don t & °°“ (real) needs will be met We are not Be Happf is notjust a snappy little w .. . —it’s actually a profound spiritual in- upset by factors that re cannot change or control or have; not fearful of what might ::N:./ ction S next; not derendent bn any parMichael Key answered: Ye 1 inthat same ticular response from life to make us feel vein, an unknown Baba-Lover wrote the folOTC And thus we look with a full heart at lowing piece on the phrase: Dont Worry, Be others around and co9sider how we us Happy” a few yearsago which I always liked might serve as an instrumnt ofthis awak alot I tried to find out who wrote it without ening, 50 that it ht become a little more succes& If anyone knows, please let us knoy accessible to evJfrie A’ ‘ This then is jactice the choice 1* Don’t Worry Be Happy of struggle It ta And people without knowledgSt is a 4 . . is the very struggle that leads to the Coal. c • aba interpret this wimgly, I think. Moreover, we find that to do any less than . d, “Take it easy, be cool, yoiire not this when facing the crush of events and p 0 to struggle Just ignore what is circumstances is to allow worry to ch5ose oubit you and stay amused somehow”. us, so to speak. And it will! It will catch us *Lt that is not it at all, really. :f up in endless complications, rhairitaining A better interpretation would be someits control over us by a kind of mental inthing like this: the praâice to which we are until at last we realize that the prob called is to choose happiness; to deliberately ertia lems are never solved, Circumstances will and intelligentlvefbravely,throughah act never be made perfect. Life will never be of internal wil, erélse the innate power of T4 all fixed up. ‘ our spirit to return, right now and in eveiji Rather, then, we choose happiness in moment to a state ofcomplete sufficiency. b each moment, and by this already happy. even when confronted practice gradually build ourselves a new life, with every apparent reason why we shoáld right here, in this happy place that outretract from that happiness into doubt and shines the old and dissolves the illusion of self-concern. separation perfectly It is a process of con‘4




amahoiein aflute that the Ghristflireathmoves through listen to this musk. “And, ‘YZook at thesmie on the eartMhs thismornilig she iaid agahi with me iast night.”


ThereisawilddMnepartygoing on in this bookthatwlll lift the corners ofyour soufs mouth,


probably comfort, inspire and free


you as few books ever have. To again quote from The Gift, Hafiz says, “Dear ones,leñ anoint this earth with dance!” Indeed.


A Note from Our Trust-walli by Lynne Berry



you’ve been thinking that some time you’d like to make a love-donation to the Trust, today may be the perfect time. The Avatar Meher Baba Trust runs a firstrate school, provides medical care for villagers and maintains Baba’s tombshrine and Trust properties. There are also beneficiaries of the trust whose living expenses are covered by donations from Baba-lovers. All ofthese wor thy projects were specified by Baba Himself, in the Trust Deed. Many of the Truss chari table projects and outreach projects are carned out by Eastern and Western volunteers. Some projects, however, require the assis tance of paid Indian workers, and as India raises its standard ofliving, the cost of materi als and labor is on the rise also. More love-donations are also needed for the ongoing archives project; preservation of the precious articles used and touched by Baba that mean so much to all of us. If this appeals to you, please make your check payable to Friends ofMeher BabaTrust, and send it to: Lynne Berry, 267 Hanover Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626




. ...


t 1 It is to stand fret: L 1 the midst —

ofalithe misery in the ocJd, -


¶ I!& ..;.;:.. mpr


deathinte:ven::bethretheproces coin plete. so what?! . . . .



$nrmng our tSJ1Fits tws yremem eringour ‘ inherent being in God _t a



This remembrance is possible through having the Grid-Man to relate to. We should always do this, but especiallywhen negative experiences arise, We should remember at those times that which is cause for celebra ltlljflur knowing that God actually exists Pd that He has begun, somehow, to awaken us toHis Reality. We mujestablish this ofrememy$jm this state a • .

tQ%C .


Our Man in Meherabad by James Cox, India Reporting on events June through September


eherabad is off on another pilgrim sea son, and the openfrig of Meherazad is quickly approaching. Ifyou want to be at Meherabad when it isn’t crowded, this is the time to come. Sunset palettes through the mon soon clouds are incredibly sharp and clear due to the total absence of dust, and the land is lush green from our early May rains, now about 10 inches cumulative over the last 6 weeks. If you never went into Ahmednagar, you might forget where you were. Last Friday morning, Eruch and the men Mandali pulled a surprise visit to the Sama dhi, and I think only two other people happened to be there. Must have been nice for them to go for darshan without a crowd. Af ter staying for about 10 minutes they buzzed off. And as the crowds increase, this year finds probably the most construction activity ever taking place at Meherabad, both private and Trust. The final roofslab on the Archive building was just completed, and new Amartithi gathering sites are underway, plus about 30 private residences. The Arangaon telephone exchange continues to grow, but not without pains. The lines into and out of Meherabad are usuaflyjammed during the day due to overloaded capacity, and the telephone company is looking for space for a new building which would be connected with underground fiber optic cable. A local internet node is also sched uled by November, so streaming video from the Samadhi would become a technical pos sibility once that happens. As usual, some people want it and some don’t. Since more development in and around Meherabad is taking place, the conveniences of life become a bit more accessable, but Baba always manages to put a bone in the egg. One of the constant problems we face daily here is adulteration in many forms, not the least of which is milk. There are numerous small (two buffaloes, three buffaloes) dairies in Arangaon, and the dudhwallas make their rounds in the morning, bringing milk to your doorstep. The only problem is that almost all ofthem mix in various amounts of water out of concern for


our cholesterol, no doubt. Sometimes people become so frustrated that they threaten to get their own cow, and Dadi Kerawala, in charge ofagriculture at Meherabad, didjust that. But since Dadi is getting a bit old to milk his own cow, he hired a helper to get up early in the morning and again at 6 pm to milk. And since a cow produces more milk than one person can drink, he started distributing part of it. Soon he came to notice that his milk was getdng thinner and thinner, until he became sus picious and had her milked right in front of him. Sure enough, upholding an old tradition, his helper was helping himself... and village life goes on. I guess in some things you really can’t win.

Silence Day July 10th I woke up this morning and thought that I ought to start off writing a piece about the day since I presumed it was going to be slow and relaxthg, a semi-holiday even though I was working. But I should have known you can only tell about something after it is over, and long gone are those peaceful, relaxing days at Meherabad, at least for me. Since there is no Arti on Silence Day, I slept in til’ about 7: 1 5, got up leisurely and thought I’d catch the Samadhi about 8 am, when most people would have gone down for breakfast. Wrong. Today, about 1000 people are staying at Meherabad, and a big chunk of those were still in line after 8:00. As the years pass by at Meherabad, procedures and rules go on evolving, and one such policy has to do with how people are ushered through Baba Samadhi at crowded times. We have seen the gamut of just folding our hands and saying “Jai Baba,” to actually pushing them to bow down 3 and 4 at a time, and physically pulling them out of the Samadhi if they lingered too long. Both ways have their advantages, but today it was the former, and a line of about 100 people took nearly 2 hours to clear beneath a monsoon sky with a crystal sun occa sionally peeking out through huge dark clouds, which for some reason, never turned into rain. Of course, in between, Goher and Arnavaz came for darshan, but that didn’t stop the queue for more than a couple of minutes. It was obviously a great effort for Goher to walk that short distance, but she took time to greet all who were there, stopping to make eye contact with almost everyone. The other women Mandali arrived about 1 1/2 hours later, and this was the only occasion on which I have

seen them come at different times. I remember now a time that doesn’t seem so long ago, maybe 1975, whenJimmy Mistry and I sat silently under the tin shed opposite Mansari’s room and played chess on the hill all day. There were maybe 2 or 3 other people around, and Jimmy won most of the games. Nobody had cars and there were no tele phones, maybe not even electric lights, I can’t remember now, but as my friend from Nizamabad told me this morning, those days are gone.

Reports 9-9-99: Rain Report: Iis raining again in Mehera bad after a 2 month hiatus. The southwest monsoon hits in early June and then usually dwindles down to nothing by early August, except this year it wound up by early July, and the countryside was looking the usual crispy Meherabad shade ofyellow brown by the time the northeast monsoon started falling 5 days ago. Our temperature has plummeted, and some of the locals look dressed for frost, al though the thermometer is holding at 210 (70°F). We have had over 3” since Monday, the yearly Meherabad total now standing at just over 17,” less than last year, but a bit better than normal. We could very well get another 10 inches by early November, Diwali, and the traditional end of rain for the year. Road Report: I have just returned from Bombay yesterday, and while there was no complete halt of traffic in the ghats, the pace was extremely slow and the difficulty of driv ing magnified by the complete deterioration of the uphill bound pavement. The road has become so washboarded that the horizontal ruts are 6 to 8 inches deep, and I saw almost no small cars attempting it. For my Landrover typeTata Sumo it was very difficult, as at many points broken down and waiting trucks closed off 3/4 of the ascent, leaving only one steep lane on the inside of the curve which many vehicles could not make. It was so steep and so slow that a few trucks had someone running along behind with stones to arrest their downward slide should they have to stop, not a very comforting proposition for anyone forced into following them up the hill with maybe a 2 foot interval between vehicles. I rec ommend the plane or the train until they fIx the road, which will take months. Note that this problem only faces Bombay to Pune traf fic, and the reverse direction is not bad, unless you get caught in a landslide.

I Eruch Report: He looks a bit tired, the memory and hearing have small lapses, but he is still talking in Mandali Hall 2 or 3 days a week, still attends the Trust Office work, doesn’tlike to be “mothered,” and still touches the hearts of those who come in his contact. Eruch birthday is October 13, and we all wish him Happy Lingering, well at least as happy as one can expect without sugar, without salt, without oil, without carbs, and without cake. Mosquito Report: There aren’t many. Some say it is due to the vigilant septic tank and soak pit inspection work carried out by one Rustom Falahati, arid some say it is just the cycle down time, but whatever the cause, you are definitely not in danger of being carned off by ravenous swarms at the Samadhi. Live Netcast from the Samadhi Report: Since Nagar will probably have its own node by December, and we will be getting Optical Fiber Cable lines laid to Arangaon by March, it will then be technically possible to have a continuous live Netcast from the Samadhi onto the Web. Some of us are interested in preparing a proposal for this and any one wishing to provide technical consultancy would be welcome to add their 2 cents, especially if they have any related experience.

Man Must Think But He Must Not Worry Meher Baba


yen a great soul like Gandhi worries, because he wants results. One must sincerely to do his duties, but the results must always be left with God. Worrying about the results is no good and of no use. If a person wishes to do anything for others, he must do it sincerely. And having done it, he should not worry about the results, for results are not in human hands. It is for humans to do, but for God to ordain. To remain aloof from results is not diffi cult, but men do not try. Because it is human nature to think of the results of ones actions, however, it does not mean one should worry! Man must think, but he must not worry. Try to attribute all your acts to God and let results be His. Gandhi says he does everything for God and attributes it to Him, but he still worries because he cares about the results. LordMehei Vol. Five, Bhau Kalchuri, p. 1866 Copyright 1986 AMBPPCT try


The Northeast Gathering

L The Path of Lo

Needs Reprinting

Adele Wolkm Los Angeles Ca

September 3-5 by Steve Koren, New York


he Sahavas was held over Labor Day weekend at Camp Lennox situated in the Berkshire Mountains, Massachusetts. The featured guests were Tex Hightower and Donald Mahlei two ofMargaret CraskWs dancers who met Baba in the 1950s. Wendy Haynes Connor, Elizabeth Sachalis and Vir ginia Sadowsky spoke of their experiences in the physical presence of Baba. Wendy’s hus band, Buz Connor, was the musical guest. Tex told us that when he met Baba in the lagoon cabin in 1952, Baba hair was long and flowing. Tex wept as he described the beauty of Baba face and the Love that emanated from Him. He said he misses Baba dearly, but feels his presence is actually stronger since He dropped the body. Don told us that while Ms. Craske was an indomitable woman, she changed when she was around Baba. She was so devoted to Baba and so focused on Him, that she got lost in Him. Both Don and Tex said that her devo tion to Baba was passionate, and beyond com prehension. Wendy Connor spoke about meeting Baba when she was 6 and how she felt Baba love even at such a young age. She was moved to tears as she spoke about the im pact of meeting Baba the first time and the feeling of love and security He gave her. She also told us about Manis statement, that as we proceed on the spiritual path, we have to be ever vigilant because Maya actually becomes more insidious. However, our best protection is to remember Baba constantly. Elizabeth and Virginia, who are sisters, both met Baba at the Delmonico hotel in New York in 1956. They both said that when they met Baba, it was as if time stood still and they got lost in Baba love. There was a fine talent show on Saturday night, which consisted of music, poetry, and a puppet show. The guests, scenery, weather and food were perfect. Volleyball, swimming and kayaking in the cool lake were enjoyed by many. We ate communally, reminiscent of the pilgrim center in India. Over 120 people came from all over the U.S. All in all, a loving good Baba time was had by all. We closed with the “Ocean of Love” played by Bill Cliff. Kudos’ to all who helped make this a wonderful Sahavas! We’re looking forward to next year!

;L /ran thhttYeJa our lastissue and arehappytorepatsofar wehaverai44 $1200 JustarDJ:4000ana’ e can get. itprintedandll..eagain. cdl



tJs thmughthe jium of TheA wakenerjournal that.::her Baba chose to have many of Hisigmal messages fir Icircujated m the Eiiglish language It is I4be forgotten whatBaba told Don ns about His own words, “My spin tual charge is in those words.” Filis ijederickfounded and edited “The Awak” from 1953 to 1986. 1 was present at time when Fihs personally presented Baba herlong cherished dream to pubh:. ajournal dedicated to Him. Baba’sre sponse to Ellis was of full approval along with a few conditions, which she fully obeyeiThus. with Baba’s blessing and direction, Fiis nurtured her ‘baby’ “The Awakener”, for33yearsThenin the 197Qs she made an exquisite selection from ar tides that shewas so privileged to receive from Meher Baba directly That unique selection Filiscoflected In asoft cover boo entitled ThePath OfLove. For many years this priceless treasure has been out of print despite requests for reprints from Baba Lovers throughoutthewonldNawShenia Press has determined thaOOO is required to ound with Perfect Bind I4lt!newly de signed cover. Asv?tirst and foremost raising funds for the County mandated to “Meherabode, we do not to have a spare $5000. We need your help! All wishing to contribite towards this undertaking please contact the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 1214 South Van Ness Ave.. Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520, Attn:Treasurer. And please mark your çonation Path of Love. We appreciate so very much all help you can give this book must be made available again. Donations of $50 or more will naturally net you a free copy. hot off the press! For further information contAct; Adele Wolkm 714A Pacific Coast Highway j$i Redondo Beach CA 90277 (310) 540-8414 —‘









4t (Excerpts from the Chat with Bhau at, Sunday, l5August 1999.)





Spiritual Bomb by Kendra Crossen-Burroughs, Ojai CA

(Thefoiowthgian excerptfrom thefune 5/ 6lnternetchatin theFalace withBhau, edited to incorporate subsequent explanations that Bhau sent me.)


uestioner Could you elaborate on Baba’s remarks about three-quarters of the world being destroyed? Bhau: What I feel is that everyone will lose three-quarters of their unnatural impres sions. But why, then, will there be physical destruction? People have innumerable impres sions; but those who come in contact with God and love God wholeheartedly begin to lose their impressions. Suppose Steven has thirty billion impressions, David has thirty-five bil lion impressions, Mehera Milen has forty bil lion impressions, and likewise others have sixty or seventy billion, and the rest have innumer able impressions. So when Meher Baba uni versal manifestation takes place, Steve will lose three-quarters out ofthirty billion impressions, David will lose three-quarters out of thirtyfive, and in the same way others will lose threequarters of their impressions. But those who have innumerable impressions will receive a great shock when they lose three-quarters of their unnatural impressions, and they will not be able to retain their physical bodies. When they come back, they will come back with awareness of Divinity. But this awareness will differ from person to person. The one-quar ter who retain the physical body will also lose three-quarters of their impressions. But because of their love for God, they have already been losing their impressions. And out of the leftover impressions, they will lose three-quar ters and will maintain the body, with awareness of Divinity. But this awareness will also differ from person to person. It will be like throwing a spiritual bomb when Baba mani fests universally. And though three-quarters of the world will be destroyed, it will be for a constructive purpose. They will come back again with awakening, and their low desires will be minimized to a great extent. And they will not only accept God but also follow Him. This will be the universal manifestation of Meher Baba.

uestion What was Baba’s opinion about abortion? au: Of course abortion is not a good thing. But I can tell you that the soul enters the fetus at five months. Ifan abortion is done at that time, when the soul enters, that is very, very bad. It is like murder. Even before that, an abortion is also bad, but it is not as bad as it is later. Q uestion: Our hearts must become empty of desires. Is everyone’s way of becoming empty different? Bhau: Youjust depend upon Him, and He will take care of it. Just remember him, love him, and think about him. But don’t think about your desires, otherwise you will remem ber the desires and forget Him. So remember Him, and forget the desires. And the desires will be wiped out. Question: Did Baba give any tips for daily living that are conducive to remembrance of Him? Bhau: He has said, when you get up in the morning, before starting any work, just remember Him. Tell him that you are starting your days work, and He should guide you. Then start your work honestly and sincerely. And when you go to bed, offer at His feet whatever you did during the day, whatever you thought, and whatever you spoke. And then sleep well. Don’t worry. Comment: “Don’t worry” is so difficult! Bhau: You wantyour desires to be fulfilled, and that’s why you worry. Beloved Avatar Meher Baba has said: My remembrance is the solution of all the problems in life and in the world. So if you want to worry, worry to re member Him. And that will please Him. Question: Is there any spiritual signifi cance to whether we heard about Baba before or after he dropped his body? Bhau: If you heard about Him after He dropped his body, do not feel that you did not see Him. He is always active in His infinite form. He is active infinite consciousness, and therefore He knows everything; He has been with you all the time. He is thousands of times closer than your very breath. It is good that now you have come to know about Him. This is the period of His advent. He is infinitely active during this time of His advent, because He has to manifest, and therefore you should feel happy that you have come to know about Him, when He has started His cleaning process. Because you are undergoing this process, you are blessed.

Q uestion: Bhauji, were you there when Begum Akhtar came to Baba? Bhau: Begum Akhtar was a very popular ghazal singer in India; she was called the Q ueen of Ghazals. Baba wanted her to come in 1930 to sing at Meherabad. And at that time, she demanded 100 rupees per day. That was too much at that time, so Baba said forget about her. But in 1960 Begum Akhtar herself came to Ahmednagar specially to see Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. She met Baba secretary, Adi K. Irani, and he told her that Baba was in seclusion and would not see anyone. She wept and wept, and she said, please send the mes sage to Baba, and Adi did. Baba replied that He was in seclusion and not seeing anyone— but since she wanted to see Him, she would be allowed to come for five minutes. However, she should not sing before him. I was there when Begum Akhtar came to Meherazad to see Baba. She caught hold of His feet, she bowed down to Him and she wept. That was against Islam, but she did it. And then she said, Baba, please allow me to sing a ghazal. Baba said: I told you that I am in seclusion and that you should not sing at present, but on one condition I will allow you. Ifyou can come to Pune when I am there and sing before my lovers, I will allow you to sing one ghazal. So according to the promise she had given, she came to Guruprasad in Pune, and she sang before Baba when His lovers were there, and she did not charge anything. She wept and wept, and Baba dried her tears, and He gave the hanky to her as His prasad. Af terwards, she would go to different centers es tablished for Beloved Avatar Meher Baba, and she would sing there without any charge. She came again to Ahmednagar during Beloved Baba birthday, and she sang before a big gath ering, and the next day she came to Meherazad to see Beloved Baba. There were many ghazal singers who would sing for Baba. One particular party of singers came when Baba was in Khulabad, near Aurangabad. Baba was in very strict seclusion, and one day He said to the mandali that He had taken on a great burden. In order to lessen this burden, He wanted a good qwaali party to come and sing before Him, so Eruch and Pendu went to Aurangabad to find a good party of singers. The next day, three singers came, and they were very tired. Every night they would give a program, but they were very sleepy, so Eruch and Pendu wondered what Baba would think about them. But then Baba called those three persons and gave them tea with His own hand. They drank the tea and sang from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Baba was so ,



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Q uestion: Remembering Baba is so im portant. When we remember Him, what is it we should remember? Bhau: Just remember Meher Baba; there is nothing (else) to remember. If you remem ber that Meher Baba is infinite knowledge, infinite power, infinite bliss, then you’ll feel tempted to get infinite knowledge, power and bliss. Sojust remember Meher Baba, and that is enough, so that there should not be any ex pectation When the Avatar, or the Christ, starts a war, know well that He helps all mankind through His act. And this is His Compas sion. Suppose the king of a country wages war against another country for his own selfish motive, he does not know how he will suffer. He gets the impressions of all those who are killed and all those who suffer. When Beloved Baba met Gandhi he was fighting for the independence of India, and had started the movement of non-coopera tion. Because of that, so many people went to jail; so many families were suffering; that is why Beloved Baba was very, very anxious to see Gandhi. He was a very sincere, honest and God loving person. And, because of his instructions, many people were sent tojail; and the families were suffering and Gandhi was responsible for that. So Baba released him from the sanskaras, which he had taken upon himself without knowing. He was doing good work, but it was not selfless work. Nobody knows this secret. Only God knows, and God helps. After the assassination of Gandhi, Baba declared that Gandhi would be a Perfect Mas ter after 3 more births. It was Baba compas sion. He loved Gandhi very much. Question: Did Baba break His silence with the dropping of His body? Bhau: Baba released His Universal Work while dropping the body and His breaking of silence is gradual. He speaks in every heart. Once I said to Baba “Why do you not give darshan to your lovers, when you are in seclu sion?” And Baba said to me “You have no idea what I am doing for them. If they come to see Me, what will they see? This physical body? I am stretching My bow, and when I release My arrow, it will touch heart by heart to the end of the whole world and people will get the awareness ofMy divinity.” And, therefore, when Baba Universal Manifestation will take place, the new humanity will emerge and 3/4 of the world will be destroyed. And what is that destruction? 3/4 of unnatural impres sions will be wiped out. And there will be awareness of the divinity; but this awareness will differ from person to person, and it will

happy, and they also felt amazed. How could they sing for so many hours when they were so tired? Baba told them that He would call them again four times. So when there was a Sahavas program at Meherabad, that party was called. And they requested that Baba give them tea, because they thought thatwhen Baba gives tea, they will get strength. So Baba had to give tea to them. And they sang and sang. But this time, a very amazing thing happened. Dur ing the singing program, Aloba would jump and hit his head against the wall, and I had to take him to some other bungalow and keep watch. This time, Baba told one strong person from Pune to take care of Aloba. He was six feet, four inches tall—Baidul’s son-in-law, his name was Pasi—and he was very strong. When the program started, Aloha was very quiet, and Pasi startedjumping. Baba laughed and laughed. To control him, ten persons tried to take him out, and the qwaali singers thought that it was because ofBabas tea that they could sing, and because of Baba’s love they were jumping. Baba did call them three more times, so they sang before Baba five times in all.

(Excerpts from the Chat with Bhau at, Sunday, 12 September 199)


uestion: Bhau, why does Baba need a beloved, Mehera? What was her pur pose to Him? Bhau: Mehera was like Eve, representing thewhole creation. And, through His beloved, He works for the whole of creation. There are other circle members who represent only one opposite attribute of God. For example, God is infinite knowledge, so there must be someone in the circle to represent infinite ignorance; God is infinite light, so someone must repre sent infinite darkness; and through those circle members He works for the whole universe. Babawould always call Gustadji His dark side, he represented infinite darkness. Each circle member represents some opposite attribute of God, and Mehera was the one who was representing all opposite attributes of God, representing the whole creation; and that’s why she was the beloved of the Beloved. Question: Did Baba tell you that you would be God-realized in your next lifetime? Or if not, when? And what attribute do you represent in the circle? Bhau: He did not give me any attribute and He did not say that I would get God realization. So take it for granted that I am quite ignorant. And the only hope is that I follow His wish so I don’t worry about God Realiza tion. I worry how to follow His Wish.

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be considered as the breaking of His Silence. He had observed Silence for His Univer sal Work. When He was in the original state of God, (that is, Beyond Beyond}, He got the Whim and His Silence was broken, and the Word was given. And where is that Word? God is Indivisible, God is Infinite and God is One. And it means that Word is in everyone. And what is that Word? “Who am I”. And, because this Word was in everything and ev eryone, there is progress in consciousness from gas to stone, stone to vegetable, vegetable to worm, worm to fish, fish to bird, bird to ani mal, and animal to human beings. But a time comes when unnatural process begins. In human form, the gross consciousness is full, so one should turn towards the subtle world; but, because of gross impressions, one goes on reincarnating again and again. This is also in dream because the Soul does not take birth and it does not die. Mind takes birth, but mind does not die. Even ifhydrogen bomb is thrown, mind does not die. Mind dies only through Love divine. And when mind dies then one knows who he is. But at present what do we see? All the kingdoms of evolution of consciousness are exploited right from stone to animal kingdom; and human beings are re sponsible for exploitation: breeding, crossbreeding and so many unnatural processes are there. So Beloved Baba observed silence to wipe out the unnatural impressions, which are created, not only in human beings, but also in lower kingdoms. And it is only the Avatar, or the Christ, who can do it; and it is called Uni versal Push. So when He gives Universal Push it will be considered as if He broke His si lence which was the medium for His Univer sal Work. Q uestion: Bhau, Is homosexuality an un natural impression? What did Baba say? Bhau: Forget about such things! As soon as one gets human form, one must turn towards subtle world; and when one has only gross consciousness, and does not try to have subtle consciousness, all his deeds are unnatu ral. So please don’t think about this. Think about the Beloved and know that He is the Ocean of Compassion. He forgives all those who are not thinking about Him, but think about the world. So why do you worry? You think about Him and ask His forgiveness. And He will forgive you. He embraces the saints and He embraces the sinners. He says, “the sinners are my liability and the saints are my asset and My business is to turn the liability to asset. And He does this business; so why should we think about homosexuality, or het erosexuality?







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Today, I heard, people were saying that this president was sexually addicted. Other presi dents will be drug addicted. So this goes on. We should become addicted to His Love and His remembrance. Then there is no problem. Otherwise life itself is a problem. Nobody thinks about it. People think about different problems; but if one realizes that life itself is a problem, all the problems are automatically solved. So, my dear friend, forget about all this and become addicted to His Love. Rather His Wine; and you will get such an intoxication that your mind will not work. Then your heart will start working; and I will be very happy to bow down to you. Q uestion: What is the best memory that you have living with Baba? Bhau: Memory of course: every day, ev ery moment, every hour was memorable. So what to say? Only thing I can say, that sometimes when Baba would become indifferent I would feel that I must die. But then, after months, He would change His mood, and I would realize how much compassion He had, and how much He was suffering for me; so every moment is really memorable. But I can tell you of an incident: one day He called me for watch at 3:00 pm and He said to me, “I’m very tired today, so you just sit quietly. Don’t move and dont make any noise.” He was ly ing on the bed. After some time, I felt a coughing sensation and I was wondering how to stop it. I closed my mouth but I would get more and more sensation. And then I put a hankie in my mouth to stop it and yet the sensation came. So a noise came out, “OHH!” Baba got so upset. He said, “I asked you not to make any noise and you did so. Now I’m getting palpitations! Call the women mandali, and you be here just near the wall, don’t go out.” So I rang the bell, and Goher came and all the women mandali came in Baba room. I waited outside. Baba tells them, “this boy has not come to serve me but to kill me. I had asked him not to make any noise and he made noise.” And I was listening. And Mani says, “Baba, he would not have done that knowingly.” “Knowingly or unknowingly what do I have to do with that? He made a loud noise and now I have palpitations. Goher, take my blood pressure. Goher was taking His blood pres sure and she was examining Him and so, what can I do? I am feeling so restless. Half and hour passes. He was complaining against me, and I was listening. And then after a while He asked the women Mandali to go, and He called me. And then He said, “Tell me why you made a noise?” And I told Him I was gettfrig a coughing sensation and fri order to check “






it, I went to the extent of putting a hankie in my mouth and closed my mouth; I would have died rather than disturb you!” And Baba said, “Is that so? I did not know that. Come, come.” And He embraced me and He kissed me and I forgot everything. So there are numerous such incidents and every incident is memorable. But one thing is there: my life now is nothing but the life of repentance. I remem ber all those ththgs, which happened when Beloved Baba was physically present. So the life I am leading now is the life ofrepentance. And this is most memorable for me now. Question: I have alot of Christian friends who asked me that if Baba did not speak against what Jesus said, how do you reconcile the idea of reincarnation? How would you answer them? Bhau: There is no question of reconcilia tion; theTruth isTruth. And it is not that Lord J esus did not say anything about reincarna tion; He did not use that term. But He also did not say that reincarnation is not true. And in fact, there is no reincarnation. Because Soul does not take birth and Soul does not die. It is eternal. Only mind takes birth, but it does not die. When it dies then of course, the goal is achieved. So mind creates a dream, and we are dreaming. And the dream is false. So reincarnation is also false. It is not the Truth. And that’s why in the Bible it is not mentioned because it is false; it is a dream. Baba has also said that there is no reincarnation. And if there is reincarnation it is only in a dream. We see the dream of creation and in this dream we pass through different kingdoms of evolution of consciousness: gas, stone, vegetable fish, bird, animal, and human being. And why has this creation taken place? In order to know that only God exists. Nothing exists besides God. And, therefore, whatever we see, it is nothing but illusion. It exists in non-existence, and for that purpose, in order to know that everyone is not everyone but the Reality, indivisible, we are in creation. And only when we wake up from this creation, we find that we never took birth and we never died: it was just a dream. Clear? Question: Baba has said that without His Grace, none can love Him as He ought to be loved. What can we do to inspire Him to give that Grace? Bhau: You cannot inspire Beloved Meher Baba. You have to obey Him. Ifyou want His Grace, follow His Wish and remember Him, and one day you will get His Grace. Question: We often ask friends visiting India to remember us with flowers & prayers at Baba’s Samadhi, as we like to remember our


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friends and loved ones when we are there as well. Is there special value in these prayers & remembrances at Baba’s Samadhi, more so than at any other time or place? Bhau: It depends upon the love. And because we don’t have that love, it is better to visit His tomb, because there He distributes wine to His lovers. He has opened the Wine Shop, and now His work is to distribute wthe. So, when it is possible, go there. When it is not possible, think about going there, and col lect the provision for going there; and this will be as if you are there. So wine will come to you.

Ajewel in His Hand feeling mightbe this: comparab1e imagine you are in an old garden that once belonged to the czar. You are strolling along the pleasure paths, which are quiet flow, lovely. a park for the public. And tak g 1 / a turn in the garden, you come upon a Fabergejeweled egg, relic of a royal Easteregghuntlong ago amazingly beautiful Step€thg closer yàu see hidden just beyond it. deep within the bushes, another one, far exquisite than’ihefirst, priceless. How wrnd you Jref&ofcoe4EJ’ tothe corning to light” offlve volj of discourses given by Belovedà mjlate 1920s e corded m an ulhn ses hand ind to the priceless jewel thirty’-nme pages Babas own handwriting. spiritual truths in pencil on separate sheets of small notepaper. The first, the discourses, had been in Eruch’s care; the second, Baba’s handwriting, was in MiIfli1:ollection of personal papers. Much of the (Qj3r history of each is unknown. eytfrat present both being prepared for ATh•ition. $JVho could haveguessed thatthirtyyears afterHe dropped Hisbody and seventy-two years after He gave up writing. wewouki all be treated to this: the beauty ofBaba’s handwriting page after page. and the great wonder of seeing spiritual truthswrftten in His ownhand! But then it’s easy to imagine that you turn the corner and HE is there, under the neem tr, writing in a notebook or on aslate, or pointing toletters on a board. doing what seeding the future He did all life long withjewels from God. .c Heather Nadel, Sept. 1999 in correspondence for Avatar Metier Baba Trust ,







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An Impatient Letter From God by Bo Lozoff /Bo wrote the following artide for the Hu nianKindnessFoundationNewsietterat Christinas time, 1989. k felt Baba wouldget a kick out ofthis otally 90s’letterJ Date: Eternity From: GOD To: My Children on Earth Re: Idiotic Religious Rivalries


y Dear Children (and believe me, that all of you), I consider myself a pretty patient Guy. I mean, look at the Grand Canyon. It took millions ofyears to get it right. And how about evolution? Boy, nothing is slower than designing that whole Darwinian thing to take place, cell by cell and gene by gene. I’ve even been patient through your fash

powerful, but not more so than the least of You. They were only meant to steer you in the

or Nirvana? Do you think I care which of My

right direction, not to keep you arguing with each other, and certainly not to keep you from trusting your own personal connection with Me. Which brings Me to My next point about your nonsense: You act like I need you and your religions to stick up for Me or “win souls” for My Sake. Please, don’t do Me any favors. I

Mary, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed or any of the others? You can call Me and My Spe cial Ones any name you choose, if only you

can stand quite well on my own, thank you. I don’t need you to defend Me! I just want you to be good to each other. And another thing: I don’t get all worked up over money or politics, so stop dragging My name into your dramas. For example, I

swear to Me that I never threatened Oral Roberts. I never rode in any ofRajneesh Rolls

Royces. I never told Pat Robertson to run for

you get yourselves into big trouble again and again. But on this occasion ofMy Son’s birthday, I want to let you know about some things

president, and I’ve never ever had a conversa tion withJim Bakker, Jerry Falwell, or Jimmy Swaggart! Of course, come Judgment Day, I certainly intend to... The thing is, I want you to stop thinking of religion as some sort of loyalty pledge to

that are starting to tick me off. First ofall, your religious rivalries are driv ing Me up a wall. Enough already! Let’s get one thing straight: These are your religions, not Mine. I’m the Whole Enchilada; I’m be-

that you can become more aware of Me, not the other way around. Believe Me, I know you already. I know what in each of your hearts, and I love you with no strings attached.

ions, civilizations, wars and schemes, and the countless ways you take Me for granted until

yond them all. Every one of your religions

Me. The true purpose of your religions is so

Special Children you feel closest to


would go about My business of loving one

another as I love you. How can you keep ne glecting something so simple? I’m not telling

you to abandon your religions. Enjoy your re ligions, honor them, learn from them, just as

you should enjoy, honor, and learn from your parents. But do you walk around telling ev

eryone that your parents are better than theirs? Your religion, like your parents, may always have the most special place in your heart; I don’t mind that at all. But My Special Children the ones your religions revolve around all live in the same place (My Heart) and they get along perfectly, I assure you. The clergy must stop creating a myth of sibling rivalry where there is none. —

My Blessed Children of Earth, the world has grown too small for your pervasive religious bigotry and confusion. The whole planet is connected by air travel, satellite dishes, tele phones, fax machines, rock concerts, diseases, and mutual needs and concerns. Get with the program! If you really want to help Me cel ebrate the birthday of My Son Jesus, then commit yourselves to figuring out how to feed

claims there only one of Me (which, by the

Lighten up and enjoy Me. That’s what reli gion is best for. What you seem to forget is

your hungry, clothe your naked, protect your

way, is absolutely true). But in the very next breath, each religion claims is My favorite

how mysterious I Am. You look at the petty little differences in your scriptures and say,

importantly, make your own everyday life a

one. And each claims its bible was written

“Well, if this is the Truth, then that can’t be!”

personally by me, and that all the other bibles

So why not open your hearts to the simple common threads in every religion? You know

are man-made. Oh, Me. How do I even begin to put a stop to such complicated nonsense?

Okay, listen up now: I’m your Father and Mother, and I don’t play favorites among My Children. Also, I hate to break it to you, but I dont write. My longhand is awful, and I’ve

always been more of a “doer” anyway. So all your books, including the bibles, were written by men and women. They were inspired, re markable people, but they also made mistakes here and there. I made sure of that, so that

you would never trust a written word more than your own living Heart. You see, one Human Being to me even a bum on the street is worth more than all the holy books in the world. Thasjust the kind of Guy I am. —

Holy books and religious rites are sacred and

what I’m talking about: Love and respect ev eryone. Be kind. Even when life is scary or confusing, take courage and be of good cheer, for I Am always with you. Learn how to be quiet, so you can hear My Still, SmallVoice (I don’t like to shout). Leave the world a better place bylivingyourlife with dignity and gracefulness, foryou are My Own Child. Hold back nothing from life, for the parts ofyou that can die will surely die, and the parts that can’t, won’t. So don’t worry, be happy (I stole that last line from Bobby McFarren, but he stole it from Meher Baba in the first place.) I’m very tired of being your main excuse for all your upsets. Do you think I care whether you call

me Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Wakantonka, Brahma, Father Mother, or even The Void

abused, and shelter your poor. And just as shining example of kindness and good hu mor. I’ve given you all the resources you need, if only you abandon your fear of each other and begin living,loving, and laughing together.

Finally, My Children everywhere, remember whose birth is honored on December 25th, and the fearlessness with which He chose to

live and die. As I love Him, so do I love each one of you. I’m not really ticked off, I just

wanted to grab your attention because I hate to see you suffer. But I gave you Free Will, so what can I do now other than to try to influ ence you through reason, persuasion, and a little old-fashioned guilt and manipulation?

After all, I Am the original Jewish Mother. I just want you to be happy, and I’ll sit in The Dark. I really Am, indeed, I swear, with you

always. Always. Trust In Me. YourOneandOnly, GOD


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Is that Baba with you? Eruch Jessawala


aba went to great lengths to see that no one recognized him. He would tuck his hair up under a hat and wear glasses and disguise himself. For years and years. decades actually, Meher Baba traveled throughout India, covering thousands of miles by train and car and bus and bullock cart, and yet never disclosing his identity. So those of us who traveled with him knew that he preferred to remain incognito. But even so, sometimes people would recognize Baba in spite of the precau tions he took. We might be sitting in a train compartment and someone else on the train would nudge me and say, “Is that Meher Baba?’ Now what could we do? On the one hand we couiddt simplylie and say, ‘No,” because Baba would not like that. But on the other hand, if we said, “Yes,” that too would displease Baba because it interfered with his work when people recognized him. So what we would do in that situation was to look at the person quizzically and say, “What?” as if we were hard of hearing. “Is that Meher Baba with you?” “Who?’ “MeherBaba.” “What’s that you’re saying? and so on and the person would condude that if we didn’t recognize the name Meher Baba then we cer— tainly couldrft be traveling with him_and so they would stop asking questions and wouldilt try and approach Baba. Is That SoZ ci Bill Le Page, p. 70 ©Copyright 1985, Bill Le Page





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Waves ofLove


by Beth MacWhirter

by Owen Cooper

Waves of love lap on the shores of Your SamadhiLike the playful chatter and chase of Your chipmunks-Like the birds calling out and the dogs sleeping next to the cabin wall of the CreatorLike the lizards and bugs that scurry across and over this place of living love.

Tender flame, I declare a tattered love.

I come in weakness to your strength Faithless to your knowing

Praying kneeling hoping to your stillness. Oh that I could rise up and go to you! How can I shake the bonds oflethargy and


Constant negotiations for dark treasures dragon booty. Oh Flame where are you! I am blind distracted I carry so much baggage I cannot move So distant from the Sun So cold.

Waves of love lap on the shores of Your SamadhiLike the train calling from its tracks-Like whistles and chanting beckoning Your lovers to awaken in the early morning time-Like the trucks, cars and rickshaws weaving a path close, close, close to Your way up. Waves of love lap on the shore of Your Samadhi Like the stars and moon shining out to You through the night-Like the sun beaming with its fiery delight-Like the clouds that shadow and sprinkle kisses on the earth that holds Your Samadhi. Waves of love lap on the shore of your SamadhiLike the footsteps of your lovers coming up the hill-Like the silent whispering hearts that sing Your name on this path of love-like the joyful children with eyes alight with your sweet smile.

Love is a Rare Bird Nancy Eaton-Shev Love is a rare bird that I am willing to lodge and feed. I will abide by its unclipped wings and dance along as it sings. So, come, Love-bird, and stay. I will work for you! I will slave for you! I will play with you! Your magnificent flight is my soul’s Real Dream, where I soar with you! When I wake unnoticed millennia will have passed and One of us will be God-Realized.


How can I become naked when only you have the courage To strip away my clothes? Oh for the courage to die in love To pour myself as oil into the flame of now-loving. Again I beg unable to be brave.

ThisBeingHuman is a GuestHouse

I am restless


A flip-flopping

This being human is a guest house. Ev ery morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unex pected visitor. Welcome and attend them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the mal ice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. Welcome difficulty. Learn the alchemy True Human Beings know: the moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door opens. Welcome difficulty as a familiar comrade. Joke with torment brought by the Friend. Sorrows are the rags of old clothes and jackets that serve to cover, and then are taken off. That undressing, and the beautiful na ked body underneath, is the sweetness that comes after grief. From The Illuminated Rumi, Translations & Commentary by Coleman Barks, © 1997 Coleman Barks & Michael Green, Pub. by Broadway Books, New York

Fish out of water

All the while strangely happy. I will lose you! I will lose you!

My fear fragrant with Healing worshipping grief Tearless cleansing weeping Deep drinking in precious longing. Be still. The flame is silent. Be Silent.

No! Move! Draw His arrows! When can I dare How can I contrive to draw closer? Contrive not to contrive My contriving your prey I pray. —

On, on and on you lead us Exhaustion feeding energy

Restlessness supporting peace Banishment leading us home Disintegration releasing confidence Quietly revealing infinite power.. Be still my heart. Settle your restless longing in quiet tasks And the art of His remembrance

Listen to His silence Delight in the gentle joy Found in every moment Praise the love that pervades Every home and hearth. Then you will feel the Eternal warming flame.


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Avatar’s Abode Revisited by Brad Kunin, Swanson, New Zealand, June, 1999


he Random House Dictionary defines the word “abode” as “a place in which one resides.” What meaning and significance are we able to understand and attach to that wonderful word. This question was floating around somewhere in my conscious mind as the date of our departure from Auckland, New Zealand neared. I have been fortunate to have visited Avata?s Abode twice before, first in 1970 and then eighteen years later in 1988 for the 30th Anniversary Celebrations ofBaba’s stay. Now a further eleven years had somehow passed and the idea of revisiting Avata?s Abode began to grow in my thoughts soon after my 50th birthday in April of this year. The realization that I had spent 50 years on this planet in my present lifetime precipitated a state of mental uneasiness and questions about my life to date, and more pressingly how to live the remainder of the finite life span still allotted to me. These thoughts and questions I knew, of course, had an answer—the same everchanging yet changeless answer that I have been slowly learning more about for 30 years—Meher Baba! I briefly considered a pilgrimage to India, but that wasn’t practical and Baba always re minded us to be practical and not to “shirk our responsibilities.” My attention then shifted across the Tasman Sea. It is only three hours flying time from Auckland and I could orga nize a week away from work commitments to be in Queensland for the 4 1st Anniversary of His stay. After some family discussions it was decided that my ten-year-old daughter Manija would accompany me to Australia. (Some of her impressions are contained in a separate “interview.”) Now back in N.Z. I’ve got hours of as yet unedited video tapes and my mind is still filled with many wonderful kaleidoscopic images and memories of our trip. Recalling Mani and me walking hand-inhand to morning Arti in the cold, clear morning along the gumtree-lined path past the simple grave of Baba’s poet, Francis Braba zon, with the winter sun rising above the sea and shooting golden rays oflight and warmth through the trees as kookaburras and butcher birds greet another day at the Beloved Abode fills my heart with gladness and thankfulness for the natural bounties He has given us. Over the course of the four days a marvelously varied array of poets, ghazal readers, singers, musicians, actors, inspired artists and


joke tellers entertained the Beloved each day and evening with their talents and heart-inspired offerings. The delicious, wholesome meals expertly and lovingly prepared by a tirelessly working crew was, according to some long-time anni versary attendees, a minor miracle in itself! The smoothness of the entire event is a fine tribute to all those who obviously worked so well to plan arid coordinate times, activities and venues. Good on ya! I remembered visiting Avatar Abode in November 1970 and being very impressed by the obvious simplicity in which Francis Brabazon lived, right down to the sawdust dunny!* I couldn’t help wondering what he would have made of the scene this year as I ordered another cappachino from the on-site espresso coffee house! Meeting and re-meeting of our Aussie brothers and sisters, some of whom I hadn’t seen for 29 years, was great fun (strange how much older they all looked). Many of those whom I recalled as children now have chil dren of their own! And speaking of children, there were children everywhere! From literally babes in arms to the youth with their own space in which to do their own thing. And part of “that thing” was to make an outstanding contribution to the entertainment and general atmosphere and energy of the entire gathering. From what I could see and hear Baba seems to be assembling a very special group of young people, like moths around His eternal love flame. And oh yes, there was someone named Bhau Kalchuri at the anniversary this year. And like the Beloved he so faithfully serves, Bhauji was “very, very active.” My daughter Mani was amazed that once he got started he could talk for more than two hours while hardly seeming to draw a breath. What was even more amazing to me was Mani’s ability and clear wish to attend more and more, (and stillyet more!) ofBhauji talks. Natural and Unnatural Sanskaras; False Imagi nation; Baba’s Manifestation; Ghosts; The Mischievous Chicken; New Life Phases; Gandhs Disciple; stories of cobras, donkeys, yogis and swamis; Adam and Eve; Divine Will; Mahapralaya; Banana—wallas. All this and then who could believe it? Pages from The Book!? Hopefully a good portion is on video so oth ers can also soak up some of the flavor and scent of the love that emanates so readily from Bhau.




Then there is Baba’s Room itself. Many homes have a special place, a center. Often it is the kitchen or where meals are shared. (Perhaps in this age it has become the computer or TV room.) Like the Samadhi on Meherabad Hill or Baba’s Bedroom at Meherazad, the heart ofAvatar Abode is Baba’s Room. It is a simple room constructed of dark Australian hardwood. There is a bed, some pillows and bed coverings, fresh flowers, a few chairs, a simple table, a window with curtains, photographs above the doorway, both inside and out, a glass and wooden case with a pair of sandals placed on the bed. Thas what my eyes saw, but oh, how much more is in that room! One day, alone in His Room, I had the thought that it is also His Operating Theatre where, when the patient is ready, He is always performing delicate, exacting “open heart sur gery.” Baba has said many times that He resides in our hearts, in each and every heart. Francis Brabazon has written, “Avatar’s Abode is a stopping place on the road to the Beloved, for He stopped here on the road to our hearts ...

No stopping place can be a destination except that place where mind stops forever and one knows that one is God. Your destination is your own heart in which the Eternal Ancient One eternally lives, but because Avatar Meher Baba, the all-loving one stayed here, the perfume of His Love may refresh and strengthen you on the way to His Feet.” Indeed, this is my state— refreshed in His love, and strengthened in my determination to be His. So fellow Kiwis, (and you Aussies, too) here is my prescription for a dose of the winter ills and chills. Hop on a plane to Avatar Abode and take the largest dose of “B” (for Baba!) vitamin that you can swallow. For here is one of those unique spots on earth where we can get the scent of the Master Thief and still meet and talk with those who were actually at the “scene of the crime.” And also know with certainty, fellow Baba

Family members, that He resides there because He named the place! (I just checked my dictionary and it says

reside means “to make on&s home fora consid erabie time.” About 700 years I reckon!) Meher Baba has said about Avatar Abode, “It will become one of the great places of pil grimage in the world.”

As far as my “spiritual geography” is concerned, it already is. *hUsIl

toilet !!!!





Children’s Corner Interview with Mani Kunin the morals, things like that have happened to me. Brad: In particular? Mani: That donkey one when they were riding it. It says no matter what you do people are going to make remarks and stuff. Not everyone’s going to like it. Sojust carry on, don’t try to impress people by not being

by Brad Kunin, New Zealand, June 1999

he following interview was conducted high above the Tasman Sea as my tenyear old daughter, Manija and I were returning to New Zealand after participating in the 4 1st Anniversary Celebrations at Avatar’s Abode, Queensland, Australia, June 11-14, 1999. Brad: What are some of \ \ your favourite memories \\ from Avatar’s Abode? Mani: Listening to Bhau \\ . speak because I learnt a lot and got answers to some • questions that I had. . 7 Brad: Questions? Mani: For everything, animals, every living thing He comes as that for them. To a sparrow He’s a sparrow. I learnt heaps more about Baba. Why He came. What He does and who He is. Ivan the comedian was funny and J that ghazal Peter Milne wrote and Steve Hem deliv: ered had everyone in stitches : including, Bhauji! \ Brad: Many adults I’ve noticed find it hard to sit and listen to Bhau for one to two hours. How were you able to yourself. sit and listen so long? Brad: Sounds like good advice to me! Mani: Because I enjoy it. I like it. It isn’t boring for me, also I’ve had a lot of practice What about Baba’s Room? Mani: Before I came I didn’t know what at sitting for long times and it makes sense and I understand him. Some of the stories, was there. Baba’s House, Baba Room. Itjust





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felt familiar though I’d never seen it before, but I’d seen a lot ofstufflike it at other places, Myrtle Beach and India. His Room was like the Lagoon Cabin at Myrtle Beach. Brad: What did you see? Mani: In the cabinet there were moulds of His feet, hair, toe nail clippings, prasad lollie wrappers that Francis Brabason saved while in India. In another case was a pink coat and two sadras. I was amazed they were not tattered. They’re kept in really nice condition. It’s really neat cause it’s like bowing down to His feet because His sandals are on the bed. To me it’s like He’s really there because of the painting that Diana Le Page / did of Baba sitting on the bed. Brad: What about the other kids there? Mani: Before I got there I only knew Lizzie, then I met Aleshia, Kendra, Montana and heaps of kids, some really little ones. It was good being with all the kids because at most of the other Baba places I’ve been to there haven’t been many other kids my age. Brad: What would you say to other New Zealand kids and young people who are not able to go to India because of the dis tance or the money? Mani: I would encourage them to go (to Avatar’s Abode) because I learned heaps there that I didn’t know anything about. Brad: Thank you Mani, Jai BABA! -



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/Perhaps inspiredbyourlengthyartides on warm thepreviousissu Mr Ramanujam sent us this compilation ofBaba words. TK Ramanujam the author ofthe verypopular bookMuch Love, also WorryNot, Be Happy EdJ is

Live on Earth as the Children ofthe One Father: A Message from Avatar Meher Baba by T.K. Ramanujam, Mangalore


buds are hovering around the world indicating that a World War may begin at any time. We are also seeing smaller wars going on at many locations. Almost all na tions posses destructive weapons and as such we are all sitting on the top of a mountain of destruction. If there is war it means nothing short of racial suicide and total destruction. Mere propaganda against war or an appeal for world peace by various world organizations would not stop it. To avoid wars and to bring peace, humanity would have to have Spiritual understanding. On 1st November 1962, while addressing His Lovers from the East and the West, Meher Baba said, “All religions of the world proclaim that there is but One God the Fa ther of all in creation—I am that Father.” Meher Baba has come to remind humanity that all should live on this earth as the chil dren of One Father until His grace awakens them to the realization that they are all one without a second, and all the divisions and conflicts and hatred are but a shadow-play of their own ignorance. Humanity has ignored the simplicity and beauty of this Truth by indulging in hatreds, conflicts and wars that divide them in enmity, instead of living as one family in their Fathe?s House, e.g., on this planet Earth. It is time humanitylistens to Meher Baba Silent words and acts in a responsible way before it is too late, and prepares itself for receiv ing the Word ofWords, forwhich Meher Baba has come. In October of 1967, Meher Baba said that, “The fate of the Universe hangs on My Seclusion and the redemption of mankind depends upon My Manifestation.” Meher Baba observed silence for 44 years and His Manifestation is directly linked with the breaking of His Divine Silence, giving the Word of Words. Meher Baba has said, “The time has come when I shall break My Silence. The whole world will get a spiritual push and the hearts of My intimate lovers shall be opened then. Such a time will not come again and has not come in the past. When I break My Silence the world will be shaken into the realization of Who I Am. When I break My Silence, the impact will jolt the world out of

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its spiritual lethargy and will push open the hearts of all who love Me and who are connected with Me. What will happen when I break My Silence has never happened before.” On another occasion, He also said that “Something great will happen that has never happened before and which will not happen for billions and billions of years to come. It will not happen in developing stages but will come suddenly. People will be going about their daily duties until the moment ofits happening. In the world today, there is pain, suf fering and a gloomy depressive atmosphere everywhere. This depressive atmosphere will begin to increase. Just as a pregnant woman has to undergo all sorts of troubles during her pregnancy which become worse during labor, so there will be suffering before—and it will

concord and mutual understanding, thus es tablishing a feeling of oneness in all fellow-

reach its zenith when I break My Silence.”

spective of their nationality, religion, caste,

Every great change must be carefully timed. How else would it be with the greatest revo

creed, sects, sex, societies or cults. Meher Baba assured that “I shallbreak My Silence and with

lution in the history of the world—the revo lution in the mind ofman? The time to preach in the market place will come—only after the world has been humbled and purified by a car-

My Word of Words arouse My children to

nage, greater than the world has yet seen.”

So many prophecies have been made by

beings, leading them towards lasting

happiness. Before I break My Silence, or im mediately after it, three-fourths of the world will be destroyed.”

On 9th of July 1925, as Meher Baba re tired for the night He dictated that “From tomorrow I will be observing silence” and He

also said that, “Until the world cries out for God I will not give up My Silence.” On another occasion He said that, “Of My own, I shall not break My Silence; Universal crises will make Me do so. When the crisis will reach its absolute culmination, it will make Me ut

ter the Word.” Till then, humanity should behave in a responsible way, becoming aware

of the presence of God in their midst, irre

realize in their lives, the indivisible existence which is God.”

The spiritual enlightenment ofman is es sential for a solution to the individual and social factors underlying the war. When one gets

prophecies have proved wrong. But the world moves on day by day becoming more en-

enlightened to the truth, when one begins to appreciate that all humanity, nay, all creation is one, the problem of wars will begin to dis appear. Meher Baba explains that “Wars must be so clearly seen by all to be both unneces

tangled in the atmosphere of fear and uncer

sary and unreasonable; that an immediate

tainties. Meher Baba’s words give soothing assurances for a bright future. In 1945 Meher Baba underwent a seclu sion in the dense forests of Angiras Rishi Mountain. When He came out of seclusion He dictated to Adi K. Irani that a gigantic disaster would overwhelm the world which would wipe out three-quarters ofmankind. In His Final Declaration on 30th September 1954, Meher Baba dictated, “The time has come for the pre-ordained destruction of mul tiple separateness which keeps man from ex periencing the feeling of unity and brotherhood. This destruction, which will take place very soon, will cause three-fourths of the world to be destroyed. The remaining onefourth will be brought together to live a life of

problem will not be to stop wars but to wage

Nostradamus, astrologers, clairvoyants, etc.

regarding the destruction ofthe world, but no one is very sure about Doomsday. So many

them spiritually against the attitude of mind which generates them.” Ignorant humanity gets involved in war in the name ofGod. There

is no justification in saying that God favors one side and not the other. God does not scale

His grace to suit man temporal quarrels and prejudices. His favor knows no discrimination; His Love is all embracing. While giving a discourse on World Peace, Meher Baba said “Humanity is not going to be saved by material power, nuclear or otherwise. It can be saved only through divine intervention. God has never failed humanity in its dark and critical periods. The greatest danger to man today is not from any natural ca tastrophe, but from himself. It is not possible

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to realize human brotherhood merely by ap pealing to high ideals or to a sense of duty. Something more than that is essential to re lease human consciousness from the clutches ofselfishness and greed. Today the urgent need ofmankind is not sects or organized religions, but Love. Divine love will conquer hate and fear. It will not depend upon other justifica tions, but will justify itself. I have come to awaken in man this divine love. It will restore to him the unfathomable richness of his own eternal being and will solve all his problems.” The reader ofthis article may have doubts about the breaking of Meher Baba’s silence when He has already dropped the body. If you go through Meher Babas literature in full, your doubts will be erased. Before Baba dropped the body, He summoned His secretary Adi K. Irani to Meherazad in December 1968, permitting him to have His Darshan for a short while. Baba asked Adi—”Do you really believe that I am the Avatar of the Age?” Adi was astonished, being a disciple of 40 years standing. He said “Yes Baba, I believe you are the Avatar of the Age.” Again Baba asked “Under all circumstances?” “Yes Baba, under all circumstances. “Even if I go into a coma?” Adi replied, “Yes Baba, you are the Avatar even ifyou go into a coma.” Then finally Baba told Adi “I will go into a coma but I will come back.” When Mohamed, the 5th Plane mast (who still lives at Meherabad) was informed that Baba dropped the body he said “Dada gele; paratyeyeel” which means Dada (he used to call Meher Baba Dada) has gone and he will come back.” Today followers of Christianity, Moham medanism, Buddhism and Hinduism are awaiting the arrival ofthe second Christ, Imam Mehdi, Maitreya and the Kalki Avatar. So also lovers of Meher Baba are expecting the breaking of His silence. It is time for humanity to become aware ofHis divinity and His authority. They may visit Meher Baba tomb shrine and get enlightened and feel blessed and take Him into their hearts, awakening to His watch words—Love and Service. Above the entrance to the Tomb are the words “Mastery in Servi tude. On all four corners of the roof are sym bols ofthe four major religions: Christianity cross, Hinduism temple, Mohammedanism Mosque and Zorastrianism Fire; a physical reminder of Baba statement that He would bring together allreligions like beads upon one string. Perhaps, in His Loving Grace, He will bring all of us together — one humanity, letting us experience within our hearts the frui tion of His manifestation and the breaking of His silence.


nvitation and Registration Forr who would like to be on the mai Borthwick Phone (from US.) 01 1 612 95.57 .

2Q38 N S W Australia

Email AussieYS@onE ,

Love Annihilates Illusion ofSeparateness Meher Baba


omplete identification of the Master with the spiritual ideal is responsible for removing such barriers as might exist between the aspirant and the Master. This gives rise to the release of unrestrained love for the Master and leads to the meditation ofthe heart, which consists in constant thinking about the Mas ter with an uninterrupted flow oflimitless love. Such love annihilates the illusion of separateness, which seems to divide the aspirant from the Master; and it has in it a spontaneity that is virtually without parallel in other forms of meditation. In its final stages, meditation of the heart is accompanied by unbounded joy and utter forgetfulness of self. Love for the Master leads to increasing identification with the Master, so that the aspirant desires to live in and for the Master and not for his own narrow self. From Discourses, by Meher Baba, Copyright 1987 AMBPPCT Ahmednagar, India, Third Printing 1995, Printed by Sheriar Press, Inc. iiCL






No Smoke Visible by Eruch Jessawala


eher Baba would often tell us that there was no smoke visible with the fire of real love. “The flame of love within does not even give out smoke for others to see, He would tell us. “When you love Me, you burn within yourself and yet appear cheerful with a broad smile. You bear the pangs ofseparation calmly and quietly. Even the sigh of the pang of separation is an insult to love.” Baba, would tell us to, “Attend to all your duties and you can still love Baba by dedi cating all good and bad to Me. Just as you dress your body with clothes and then forget all about the dress you wear during the day, similarly dress your soul with thoughts of Baba, and Baba will then be with you all the time, even without your paying any further attention.” From That HowIt Was, Stories ofLife With MeherBaba, by Eruch Jessawala, Copyright 1995 AMBPPCT, Ahmednagar, MS., India “




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Adi Shakti

ometime in July, 1921 when Baba was 27 years old a multi-part summary of his decent from God-Realization into gross Offered by Ron Festine, creator of consciousness: “...the prohibition movement started in In- BabaDaze from LordMeher by Bhau Kalchuri, AMBCPPT dia and protests against liquor and toddy shops arose. The liquor shops were picketed and busi ness drastically fell off. On this pretext, one day in July 1921, Meher Baba told his parents, ‘I am going to Sakori to see Upasni Maharaj and request him to put a stop to this prohibition. I will come back in about a week.’ With these words, Baba left Poona alone; however, he did not return for six months. During this period with Upasni at Sakori, Meher Babacompletelyregained his normal human consciousness of the world to begin his divine mission as the AVATAR OF THE AGE. To understand what Merwan Sheriar Trani had undergone during those eight years (from January 1914 to January 1922) is to understand the process of Realization and Perfection. After Babajans kiss, Merwan had attained God-Consciousness; his inner state was that of a MAJZOOB one drowned in infinity For al most two years, creation did not exist for him in his indMdual mind inanymannerorformwhat him into creation also, but indirect roles in bringsoever. Merwan consciousness was divine itwas ing him down after he was God-Realized. One infInite it was perfect, but he had no mastery of may conclude that Narayan Maharaj and all-knowledge, all-power, and all-bliss. Merwan Tajuddin Baba brought Merwan down through was conscious of infInite light, and was Light It- the mental planes, and Sal Baba brought him sell but totally unconscious of Its shadow (the across the fourth plane of infinite power and divine powers, and then through the three planes creation) his own self and the world. As the Avatar, the direct descent of God into ofthe subfleworld.WhenUpasnistruckMerwan a male human body, God had descended into the with the stone at their initial encountei it was the first time in nearly two years that he experi body ofMerwan from His state ofthe Absolute Beyond-God.This man, M. S. Irani, never passed enced an iota of gross consciousness. All five Perfect Masters play a direct or indi through the process of evolution, reincarnation and involution prior to his birth. The five Perfect rect role in bringing the Avatar into creation, Masters of our Age brought him down into the forming a veil of vidnyani sanskaras through a form ofMerwan from his formless state of God. blending of their individual personalities, then But from 1894 to 1913, the five Perfect Masters giving back his God-Consciousness and bringveiled him from his own divinity, his own identity ing him back down to function perfectly on all as Original God. Babajan gentle kiss in January planes and all levels of consciousness. Upasni 1914, tore away that protective veil of vidnyani Maharaj played the most direct role in bringing sariskaras, and within minutes he became once Merwan back down to function on every level more infInitely aware of his Real Self as Infinite and plane of existence. It was during this sevenExistence. However, after Babajans kiss, sirnulta year contact with Upasni Maharaj that Merwan neously with the attainment of the ‘I Am God’ fully regained his individual human consciousstate, Merwan lost every tinge of normal human nesswhilesimultaneouslybeing God-Conscious. A worldly person has consciousness of only consciousness. He had a human body that automatically acted, but he had no awareness of that the grossworld, and knows nothing about Godbody; he was only conscious of being infInite in Consciousness. Such a person does not have even ashadow ofan idea ofthe reality ofGod. A spinknowledge, infinite in powei infInite in bliss. Itwas through Babajan that Merwan attained tually advanced person on one ofthe three planes infinite bliss, through Sal Baba that he attained of the subtle world knows of the powers of God, infInite powei and through Upasni Maharaj that and on the fourth plane (KUBER) one knows he attained infInite knowledge. Narayan Maharaj the full, infInite power of God. An advanced andTajuddin Babaplayed direct roles in bringing WALT on the fifth plane of the mental world -









knows the infinite mind of God, while a PIR (saint) on the sixth plane of the mental world sees the infInite existence ofGod. Only a Perfect

Soul (SH1V-ATMA) on the seventh plane re aflyknows God, because he isfully, infinitely conscious of actually being God himself Once God-Realizationis attained, itbecomes and remains everlasting. God-Consciousness is never affectedby anything in the three spheres or byanycircumstances. Itis continually experienced

as an ‘infinite self-contained phenomenodwithin ones own infinity. Howevei in order for a person with God-Consciousness to do universal work in the three spheres, consciousness of those spheres is required. Such is the functioning state ofthe Perfect Masters and the avatar. To regain gross consciousness, seven stages have to be passed through. A description in de tail of each stage is not possible. After Realiza tion, a person must pass from the seventh plane to the sixth mental plane maintaining seventh plane God-Consciousness; from the sixth plane to the fIfth maintaining seventh and sixth plane mental consciousness; from the fifth plane to the fourthmaintainingseventh, sixth, andflfth mental plane consciousness; from the fourth to the third plane maintainingseventh, sixth, fifth and fourth plane subtle consciousness; and so forth, maintainingthehighersixplanes of consciousness, until the Perfect Being crosses the fIrst plane into the gross world maintaining consciousness ofall seven planes. To regain normal human consciousness is to come down through these seven planes from the very heights of divinity from Infinity itself This is the blessed state of Perfect Masters. Diving to the bottom of the ocean of divine life to obtain the pearl of Realization and to re surface to show the pearl to others comprises the lives ofthe Perfect Masters. But the Avatar does not have to dive to the depths of the ocean because he eternally possesses the pearl of divine life. Yet to show it to the world, Merwan S. Irani had to regain his worldly awareness to function as Avatar Meher Baba. Side by side with the divine consciousness of Units the Avatar has the -

consciousness of the interplay of duality.

The difference in coming down through the seven planes between the Perfect Masters and the Avatar vastly differs. When a Perfect Master comes down, he becomes conscious of everything

and everyone in creation; he becomes one with everything and everyone, but he does not become those very things and beings. Whereas, the Ava tar actually becomes everything and everyone, and he alone suffers everything that everyone suffers. Therefore, in his coming down, there is infinite agony. For example, when the children threw

stones atTajuddin Baba, although they appeared to have hurthim, he neverfelt the pain.Tajuddin



only acted as if he had felt the pain. Whereas, when Merwan was hit on the forehead by the stone thrown by Upasni Maharaj, he actually felt the pain of the stone striking his flesh and skull bone. From 1915 through 1921, while regaining his gross consciousness in Poona, Merwan very slowly became aware ofhis immediate surroundings. His name changed as the light ofhis inner divinity became radiant to others and as his awareness of the world increased from Merwan to Merwan Seth, to Meher Baba. He experienced all things comingoutofhisbeing, emerging from an innermostpointinhimself- the OM POINT He was God-Conscious and as a human being he would be active, but his actions were automatic, without premeditation. His human acts were similar to that of a robotic mechanism that functions when started. From 1915, when he would do a certain action he would do the same thing continuously until he was stopped by someone. Yeshwant Rao Boravke, Upasni Maharaj close disciple, was given the order diring Meher Babas six-month stay at Sakori to prepare paan and betal leaffor Baba every night. Another disciple of Upasni Maharaj, named Trimbak, was given the same duty during the day. Once Baba started chewing paan, he would do it continuously asking for one paan after another. Both Yeshwant Rao and Trimbak had to work like a machine on a fast assembly line to keep up with Meher Babas requests, for he would consume hundreds of the paan leaves in one evening. Meher Baba would chew more paan at night then during the day. Once Yeshwant became so exhausted preparing the leaves that he collapsed andfell asleep exhaustedforafewminutes. Upasni Maharaj happened to come by and caught him resting. Kicking him, Upasni scolded, ‘Dort you ever let me catch you asleep again! Consider it your sacred duty to prepare paan for Merwan. Have you any idea how fortunate you are to serve Merwan? In the future, youa better not be so negligent.’ Duningonestageofhiscomingdown, Meher Babafelt that hewas all alone in the universe. He experienced the whole universe existing for him alone. Whatever happened in the universe happened solelyforhim. His experiencewas not that he felt it to be so but he actually saw it to be so. For instance, if he saw a man walking, eating or talking, he saw himself and knew that it was he who waswalking, eating or talking. He saw himself become everyone and became conscious of being everyone. It is impossible to delve into and reveal the details ofMeher Babas experiences orto describe the experiences ofthe descent ofone who is God-







Realized and emerges back into the universal cre ation. What is essential is to comprehend that God-Consciousness is totally separate for the iranscendent ofall the varied aspects ofconsciousness mental, subtle, or gross. God-Realization is the experience of the very Consciousness of God and of Him alone. It is Absolute Existence -infinite and eternal. In reality, nothing ex isis besides It. Meher Babas experiences during the major stages of his descent that he alone as God ex isted, that the universe was only functioning for him alone, thateverythingexisted because ofhim, that he was everything, that he was everyone, that he was responsible for everything and everyone, that by his very existence he was meant to help everything and everyone were distinct stages of higher consciousness involved with his descent through the seven planes into the gross world. He was then, over a period ofseven years, gradu ally becoming more and more conscious of the world, and the purpose ofhis actual actual being and identity his Avatarhood. In God-Consciousness there is absolutely nothing that pertains to the universe there is no consciousness of the existence of the universe, or anything, or anyone else. To the Avatar or Perfect Mastei even after completely recovering normal consciousness, the whole universe, which he sees and is in charge of looks like a mere shadow” “During another stage of his regaining worldly consciousness, Meher Baba began expe riencing the thoughts ofall human beings in the universe. The individual thoughts of those persons in the gross world, irrespective of whether they were near (on earth) or far (in another galaxy),would instantaneouslypour into his univer sal mind at the moment they were created (thought). The numerous thought-waves were so forceful and so tremendously rapid, it is innpossible to describe their effect. The very process of infInite thinking was rushing through Meher Baba individual mind; hecouldwithstand it only because his mind had become universal. Thought-waves vibrate faster than any speed known to man; thus, all thought-waves of all of humanity on earth would stream into and permeate MeherBaba universal mind in afewmin utes. At the beginning of this particular stage of Babas coming down, when his universal mind was starting to function, he was sitting alone by a water canal at Sakori. Within a few minutes, the force ofthe thoughts ofthousands and thousands of persons on earth entered his universal mind. The impact of it was so tremendous that he became extremely agonized, as ifhis mind was beingpulled apartbyaflthe contradictory thoughts. He became extremely uneasy and restless, and at that time, he had to submerge his head under-






water in the canal to try to break the shock. He heldhis head underwaterfor several minutes untll his indMdual mind found relief. During another stage ofhis coming down at Sakori, Meher Baba had another experience which he later described: ‘Iexperiencedcircles and circles oflights com ing out of my heart. My heart was open: there were countless circles within circles bursting. All the infmite number ofuniverses were coming out of me my heart each containing an infInite number ofplanets, moons and suns!’ MeherBaba’s physical labor inthe toddyshop at Kasba Peth helped him tremendously in the process of coming down. While he labored in the toddy shop, he was near the fInal stage of regaining worldly consciousness. During this stage he felt the impulse to work continuously and exert himself physically. This impulse to be physically active came from Upasni Maharaj, for Upasni was directing Meher Baba descent. This stage ofregaining normal human consciousness required the accomplishment of deeds of the purest virtue, done with the deepest hu miity. To attain this pure humility, Meher Baba worked like a menial laborer in the toddy shop for three years, in spite of the fact that he was actually a divine man, completely full of the divine consciousness of infinite knowledge, power and bliss. During this phase ofthree years, Baba would clean the toilets, sweep the shop floors and surrounding areas, wash the dirty glasses, cups and dishes of the customers and do all kinds of menial tasks. On one occasion Behramji recounted: ‘Once Merwan Seth started fIlling empty bottles with toddy,hewould continue doingthe taskfor hours until everybottle was fIlled.Though this taskwas squalid, he would show an interest in doing it. The majority of the customers were poor, crude people; mostwere ffliterate, attired indirty clothes and used obscene language to express themselves. They would spit on the floor of the shop wher ever they were sitting, and Merwan would mop the floors clean every day. Most were alcoholics, and when drunk they would find comfort lying on the floor or in the street. Merwan, howevei wouldservethese alcoholics and treatthem kindly, ifnot lovingly.’ The toddy shop was a ‘front’ which enabled Meher Baba to do humble, lowly physical labor. No sooner was its purpose served than the prohibitionprotests started in Poona.Theliquor and toddy shops were picketed and people protested against alcohol in any form.” LordMehez Bhau Kaichuri, Vol. 1, pg. 315-317 Copyright (c) by AMBPPCT, Bhau Kaichuri, Lawrence Reiter, Mountain Data Works -











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