Meher Gazette Vol One Number Two Alt

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Regi1tered Ne. 54.




[ '' Meher Asramam": Saidapet, (Madras). ] A quarterly devoted to the propagation of Universal Brotherhood through ' Meher League '. V. T. Lakshmi B.A., L. T.



Vol. l

No. 2

"Lokam Prina: Make the whole world perfect:" Ya.jur Veda. 12¡54. "Where is ignorance: Where sorrow for him, who has seen the One in Many ? " Yajur Veda. 40'7, "The aim of Life should be to realise one's own self as the Universal Self." Shi:'i Meher Baba. Crow's Nest. Our June quarterly was very well received by friends-brothers and sisters-. We are glad to note " Meher I1eague " has now 250 members. Many of them are taking active interest in promoting the social and spiritual welfare of the whole World. May Babaji shower His blessings on them all. By the grace of our dear Babaji, we hope to remove the social barriers and spiritual torpor in our dear Motherland-for these are surely the causes of the down fall of nations. We have the privilege of living in a wonderful age, in which wonderful events are happening. Our Motherland has now many spiritual giants, who have been working for her uplift. Sri Meher

Babaji is the greatest of them all. He will lead humanity 'from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality.' Let us all follow the simple true religion of Love. Let us not waste a way our precious span of this life in adopting and following irreconcilable, profitless beliefs and practices in the pathless jungle of our socalled religions, where we find only dangerous rank vegetation-many non-essentials. Let us all walk in His simple garden of spiritual fragrance, and cull the charming flowers of essentials. Dear Babaji has been in seclusion from the 15th of May for obvious reasons. May His blessings be wafted throughout the spheres and peace be restored in troubled waters.


(AUGUST 1930).

What a pregnant worn an •hould rerneDJ.ber.

X'8~~~ -e~~§""~;$e.;>~:$ ~dS)~. 1.

She must have a liberal amount of nourishing food.• (~&Y-e:~ ~/\~o6 'l.>Vo5~~~~ e:saS-f~~oS'V~)


She should sleep in a well-ventilated room. (e&» OSx>..OA ~ o:>~~K~ ~leo~o.S v~)


She must take some muscular exercise daily. (~:n::~ los~e~o:»> <iS~ose~DS:> ~~~;sv~)


She should drink several pints of pure water daily. (~t)~ L0S~8i'S.W ~v~~-o~ L~Xo:>v~)


She should take a bath every day. <~~ l~aB~~ ~~~:i» -:actS:>o:>v~)


Sexual intercourse should not be indulged in during pregnarncy.. (K6v~~·~~ os.,.-y~ ~o~K~~~)


Sbe sfiould avoid liquors, tobacco and betel-nut. (e_,~ tO" 0 °o.»1 ~]"\'"9~"', ~!(~!( lr- dS»oS~J\o{S~~)

. 8. She should pray to God every da.y. c~~ l~~ei'Sc;:n, 1!~~ -~Po-\So$""8~)


Pr.-. Kurnool.


Let everyone of His bhaktas be a Karma Yogin working selflessly for huma.nity. Tha.t iii His command. The Meher Free ~eading Room has beeome very popular. During the 3

months, 2500 used it· and the Library a~tached to it. 'l'he Library now contains 332 spiritual books in different langua.ge1. Om Tat Sat.

Editorial: Our Master and Simplicity. Simplicity is an attribute of God, while

Him remain to pray, and those who come to defy Him stop there to ob(:ly Him. His mere magnetic look is enough to metamorphose malefactors into good men, materialists into theosophists. He comes, He sees, and He conquers, not the bodies of hosts of soldiers but the hearts of ardent bhaktas. Such a ~piritual Guide is rare to be found and rarer to be got. He is undoubtedly the greatest Kutub. vVe ha,ve shown Him as the greatest man, because He is the simplest. Sayings of our Master. 1. "Remember Me as often as you can because it is I everywhere". lVIehel'lVIessage. 2. ''Although you find Me moving about amongst you, plrtying with you and, in fa.ct, doing all that a supposed living man does, I am really dead. I am living because I am dead." Moher l\ 3. "Caste-System must go. And then I will go." Babaji to His sishyas at S<1idapet.

complexity is the characteristic of the Devil. We can therefore never conceive of spirituality without simplicity. Our dear Master, Moher Babaji, is no longer a mere personality. He embodies a lofty idea which is simplicity and purity combined. ' Simple-living and high thinking ' is His watch word. He leads a simple-divine life. His habits are simple. He eats simple vegetable food ; at times, He lives on pure milk or water. He wears simple white clothes. When going by train, he travels, along with his disciples, in the third class often. He himself serves food to His boydisciples, cleanses their plates and also Even the grand sweeps their rooms. truths He gives to the world are not only clothed in the most fine and lucid style but also presented in the most simple method that even one who runs may read and appreciate them with profit. · He does not A Few important Lessons from the merely preach a few words of wisdom on Immortal Bhagavat Gita. the platform and then vanish suddenly to enjoy leisure or to play fiddle in a remote by C. V. Sampath Aiyangar. (1) Who is a brahmin ? country, when His own Home is on the fire of nescience. He- lives what He preaches; "Of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and and even trains His disciples to live as He Vaishyas ~1s also of Sudras, oh Parantapa, does. He is not, however; surrounded by the duties (Kannani) are distributed accorda. posse of disciples, who guard Him as a ing to the gunas emanated from their own rose is protected by thorns ; neither is nature". (18·41). The expression '' Swathere any hiera.rchy of official-disciples to bhava Prabhavirgunihi " is very important keep Him far beyond the ken of ordinary and must be clearly understood. In my people. He is not at all the spiritual opinion 'Swabhwam' means 'nature and monopoly of a selected few . He is the culture of a person.' It is true, nature is guide for all those who have eyes to see past culture. Culture is what a person and minds to believe Him to be the Saviour acquires from environments and by die~­ of Humanity. And His teachings are for crimination, which is the outcome of free all those who have ears to heOlr, hearts to will. The . effects of past culture may be feel and wisdom to appreciate. So much unavoidable. But, the present is in the so, He is hailed as the Incarnate of simpli- hands of the individual. '!'he effect of past - city. Even those who come to scoff at culture is that one is born under certain '' Serve Huma.nity."

8 circumsta.nces. But, the present, which makes the future, can be moulded by <!me'a effort. This is the true Law of Karma. The next sloka says: " Control of mind (, control of the senses (Dama), austerity (Tapa), Purity (Sawcham), forbearance (Shanti), uprightness (Arjavam), realisation (Gnanam), worldly knowledge (Vignanam), belief in God (Astikyam), are the duties of brahmins, born of their na.ture and culture." "With this must be read the sloka: " The fourfold varna was created by Me by the differentiation of Guna and Karma. Though I am the 'Karta ' (author) thereof, know Me as the nondoer and imperishable." ('i·l8) 'l'he words 'Guna' and ' Karma ' are significant. ' Guna ' connotes 'nature': Karma connotes 'culture'. It is therefore clear that the cause of one's birth under certain circumstances may be due to ' Gunas,' which are ingrained in a person. But, those conditions, though favourable to the individual, may be changed by ' Karmas' (actions), which are the outcome of environments. God places you under certain circumstances. But, if you do not use your discrimination (free will) and act, He will not h elp you. You may be a brahmin by birth, bHt, if you do not cultivat e the qualities mentioned in the

1loka. (18·42), you wilt not be called a brahmin. Says Manu 11 A bra.hmin is entitled to distinction according to the extent of his knowledge." (Vipra.nam gnanato gaish· tam). ('L'o be continued.) Sayings of Sages. 1. Let women be always honoured. Manu 3: 59. 2. Pray only to Him who is One. Rig Veda 6 : 45 : 16 3. Abstain from flesh diet (mamsa.) and intoxicants (ioa.dhu). Manu 1 : 1'77. 4. It is better that men and women should remain single rather than marry unsuitables. Manu 9 : 89. 5. Mind in its own place can make a. heaven of hell and a hell of heaven. Milton, Paradise Lost: 6 . There should be no sexual union before 16 for a girl and 25 for a man. Sushruta Sutra Sthana 10 ~ 47-48. 7. May our mind aspire for purity and shun wickedness. Yajur Veda 34: 3. 8. Whoso would be a man must be a. non-conformist. Emerson. 9. There should be free compulsory education for boys and girls. Manu 7 : 152. ] 0. <OGII6llrr61»JJ8; a;rr<Elilnu.ffJJLD m641 .!!JI; ~6l1Cl(!!l L9-tNI11ID(!!j/6 §}}. wm..N /1)1· ~OlJtT G <fiT ;D C3 a;C..u.ffJJ u'}<» rvdlr gp

The following presents were made to "Meher Asramam" for the benefit of the 'Meher Free Re~ding Boom : The Oarnatic Studio : Enlarged photo of Baba.. C.V.S. & C.V.R.-Time piece and Furniture. Sister Venkatasubbamma: 3 magazines and 50 flower-pots. Sister V. Rajamma 100 empty flowerpots. K S. Srinivasan. 15 spiritual books. K. G. Ohellam Iyengar. 1 bench. V. Parthasarathy. 1 petromax light. Sister C. V. Kamalamma. 4 benches. Sister J anaky. 20 photos. (To be continued)

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[To meet and associate with virtuous people is good, but to follow them is better. Rural]. Opening Ceremony of the Moher Free Reading Room. Upon the earnest requests of His devoted Bhaktas of Madras, when His Holiness Sri Sadguru Meher Babaji condescended to grace Saidapet with His holy presence on the 1st of March 1930, they requested Him to open the '' Meher Aaramam" at, so that it could be a centre, where work for the realisation of U niversa.l Brotherhood could be done. An Apostle of social and religious equality a.nd an Advo· ca.te of Spiritual unanimity, Sa.dguru Sri Meher approved of the formation

' Maher Gazette' : Nea.:rl:y 1000 choula.tion:

4 of a. League, called "Meher Lea.gue," to spread, first and foremost, Universal Brotherhood, secondly, to promote social welfare of all people and eradicate some of the most glaring and detestable social evils, and thirdly, to promote tolerance, good feeling and a spirit of 'esprit de corps' among the members of all communities. The only condition for becoming its member is that he or she should uudertake in writing to promote universal brotherhood in thought, word and deed. It was resolved that 'Meher Gazette' should be the official organ of the League. It w~s also proposed and approved that a l!,ree Reading Room and a Library in Sri Meher Babaji's name should be opened in "Meher Asramam" for the use of the Public of Saidapet and its neighbourhood. The sole object of starting it is to bind together all people of Saidapet and neighbourhood in Spiritual brotherhood. At 8 a.m. on the 21st. of April, about 100 'Depressed class' children were fed. That noon a business meeting was duly held at "Meher Asramam" when Messrs C.V. Sampath Aiyangar, M. Vadivelu Mudaliar, K. S. Srinivasan, C.V. Ramanuja Charlu, K. Narasinga Pillai, Lokaiah Naidu, R. Parameswara Iyer and the Editor of this magazine were present and under the presidentship of Mr. C. V. Sampath Aiyangar the Meher League was officially formed: The Office-bearers were duly appointed for this year 1930-31 (vide last These and ¡ Messrs. R. Parameswaralyer, LokaiahNaidu and K. Narasinga Pillai were proposed to serve on the managing committee for the year 1930-31. It was also decided that the balance of Rs. 38-4-0 of the Meher Babaji's Reception Fund should be transferred to the Funds of the League and the Treasurer of the League should be authorised to invest it in the Co-operative Bank, Triplicane, Sa.idapet branch. At 5-30 p.m. the Meher Free Reading Room was formally opened by the local Municipal Chairman, Khan Bahadur S. K. Abdul Razack Sahib Bahadur, M.L.C., when a good number of people were present. The meeting opened with a.

prayer by Mr. C. V. Ramanuja. Cha.rlu a.nd with a short speech made by Mr. C. V. Sampath Aiyangar. After saying a few words regarding the origin of "Meher Asramam" and "Maher League" and explaining the objects of the same, he solicited the co-operation of the public and sympathetic support of the Chairman. 'l'he Secretary, then, in her report succinctly explained the origin and objects of "Mt her League" and rules of the Meher Free Reading Room. She exhorted the audience to join the League and promote Universal Brotherhood in God's creation. She said that the regeneration of Mother India depended solely on Her spiritual progress. She said "Unless we now atleast understand the true state of affairs in the onward march of Evolution, Phoenix-like, we will bury ourselves in our ashes. Mr. C. V. Ramanuja Charlu then planted a commemoration tree in the place in the Asramam where Sri Babaji, during His visit to the same, mixed freely with children and diciples and distributed sweets. The Chairman, in his learned speech, said that the need for a Reading Room was keenly felt in Saidapet ; that he was thankful to the originators for giving people a chance "to meet and improve their mental outlook under the serene atmosphere of Reading Room;" that he hoped "the saintly person in whose name this Reading Room was started would always shepherd over people and help them to attain moral and spiritual improvement." Concluding, he said: "I feel that in his numerous devotees all over the world no more enlightened and noble disciples could be found than our friend Mr. Sampath Iyengar and his talented daughter, V. •r. Lakshmi, to whose sole efforts we owe this Reading Room." After the distribution of fl-uits and pansupari the meeting dispersed. The day's happy function was wound up by a Kalakshepam, performed by Brahma Sri Subram!'l.nya Sastrigal, that night. May our divine Lord Babaji bless the Meher Free Reading Room, which is becoming very

"Speak the truth and shame the Devil."

popular at Saidapet and the Maher League, which has now 250 members : Meh'r Asramam is His Abode: [knot : The Meher League is the binding The Reading Room will be sought By all to take off Maya-load." By: V. T. Lakshmi. [N.B. Any donation for propaganda work by 'Meher League' may be sent to the Treasurer, Mr, C. V. Ramanuja Charlu, ''Maher Asramam, " Saidapet (Madras), the re,ceipt of which will be gratefully acknowledged in the 'Meher Gazette." Ed.] ·--




We think it now unnecessary to publish the entire explanation of Sri Babaji here. Ed. Poems I '' ON SRI MEHER BAI3AJI " The glorious Heaven the Lol'd doth gl'eet, The lovely bird doth sing in the sky. This little world makes good man cry,My resting Place is Master's feet. [By C. V. Aiyangar] II 'SRI SADGURU MEHER BABA' ( 1)

Oh Embodiment of the Supreme Lord, Come to the Earth as an Embassy, 'ro spread the message of God And establish spiritual frater.aity.

(2) Oh my Meh~r Baba, Divine Lord I Of your leaving Panchavati On a Six months' solitude, I am told, To pray for the spiritual push of theworld. (3) My heart is full to over fl.owing With love for 'J.lheE, of Love Divine. I ever and anon, unceasing · Mutter Thy name, holy, sublime.

JOIN " MEDER LEAGUE " blessed by the Gratest Master · and Spread ' Universal Brotherhood ' (See last page)

(4) I long for Thee, to kiss Thy feet, And learn Thy lessons spiritua.l. I yearn to see Thy face divine And feel content a.nd joyful. [By A Devotee] III CRAVINGS IN SOLITUDE. Though a mortal weak and poor, I strive to see Thee all the more. Why many a heart doth long to ga.ze 'Thy form pure of faultless rays. Baba dear, I am but young To meditate on The One ; I seeK Thy help with bending knee 'l'o see¥ the Light, enlighten me. Oh Meher Baba I Oh great Sain~ .l My soul Thou art, Oh Holy Saint I To Thee I bow and Thee I ponder ; Why very oft in dreams I wander With feelings keen of God a.nd Man That make one's life a happy span. My Revered Guru I lift my soul; Push me, push me to find the goal. [By Bro. C. V. Ramanuja Cha.rlu, a devoted disciple of His Divine Majesty Meher Baba.ji]. Articles. [N .B. -Short articles, not exceeding 150 words, on social and spiritual subject& earnestly invited: Ed.] 'Haths Y oge '. [Contd.] By Maher (a) Antar Dhouti. Antar dhouti is divided into four subdivisions:- Va.tasar (wind purification) Varisar (water purification), Vabnisar (:fire

Please Subscribe for

"The Meher Message" The greatest Spiritual, (monthly) In India: Suba: R& 3 per year. K. J. Dastur i M.A., LL.B., Editor : " Maher Message Offi.cej Nea.r Sarosh Motor Worka,"

Nasik: W. India. G. I. P. Ry.

"Meher ·League" .ja ~60• auong.

6 purification) and Bahiskrita-dhouti (washing the long intestines). (i) V atasara Dhouti. The mouth should be contracted like the bea.k of a. crow (Kaka. Chanchavata) and air ahould be inhaled slowly. Fill the stomach with it slowly. Let the air move therein and then slowly force it out through the passage below. The dhouti purifies the body, destroys all diseases and increases the stomach-fire (Dehanala Viva.rdhakam). (ii) V arisara Dhouti. Fill the mouth with water up to ilhe . throat and then drink it slowly. Move it in the stomach and force it downwards expelling it outside through the rectum. This. dhouti purifies the body. It makes the body shining. (iii) Agnisara Dhouti; This is fire purification. Press in the navel knot (Nabhi Grandhim) towards the spine (Meru Prishte) one hundred times. This dhouti is necessary for Yoga. It cures all diseases of the stomach and increases its fire. The body then becomes shining. (iv) Bahiskt<ita Dhouti. By Kaka Chancha (crow-bill) mudra fill the stomach with air. Hold it there for ope and half hours. Then down to the intestines. You should then stand in water, navel-deep, draw out the long intest~es (Saktinadim), wash it with hand till the filth therein is all washed, J81nd then draw it in. As long as a person has not the power of retaining the breath for one and half hours or retaining the air in the stomach, so long this dhouti is not possible. [To be continued].

Emperor Baber'li Will. Tht? following is a true translation of the Will left by the first Moghul Emperm· Baber to his son : q.CJ&trf6D .rFCi&rr,.tfl<tCJ• 1 16tiLDji)tLJrrwi.J

"Ciw~tf ~ 6fi6.J"

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" Oh my son : People of diverse rtlligions inhabit India.. It is a matter of thanksgiving to God that the King of Kings ha.s entrusted the Government of this country to you. It, therefore, behoves you that : ( 1) You should not allow religious prejudices to influence your mind. You should administer impartial justice having due regard to the · religious susceptibilities and customs of the people. (2) In particular, refrain from the slaughter of cows which will help you to obtain a hold on the hearts of the people o( India. (3) You should never destroy the places of worship of any community. Be always justice-loving. (4) '!'he propagation of Islam · will be better carried on with the sword of Love than with the sword of oppression. (5) Ignore the mutual dissensions of shiahs and sunnis; otherwise, they will lead to -the weakness of Islam. (6) Treat the different peculiarities of your subjects as the different seasons of the year, so that the body-politic may remain· free from disease." [N.B.-We request the earnest attention of our Hindu and Moslem brothers and sisters and all others to this remarkable Will of the great founder of the Moghul dynasty in India. Ed.].

'Animal Sacrifice • by, Sister K J anaki. The very idea of Animal Sacrifice is really heart-rending and shocking to those who believe that the One God is in all beings, even in animals. But, the cruel custom of animal sacrifice . is still going on in all p:Ll.'ts of the world. Some people, in the name of God, kill goats, hens a.nd cows and foolishly think that by doing so they Him. They are not conscious of the most heinous sin that they are committing by so doing. Lord Sri Krishna Himself says in the Gita that He is in all beings; and tha.t tbe'only wa.y for us to love Him is to love

Join" Maher LOO.gue" a.nd apply for "Meher Gazette.''

7 all His creation in whom He is. When ftom now, without further proGod Himself says so, how ignorant it is 'o crastination; get intense vairagyam and think that He will be pleased by our killing firmly resolye to give up everything for the these innocent crea.tures. When ' Love' is sake of the Lord, and work unattached in one of the most important qualities which the new world around us. Soon after bath, a person must possess to become one with let us every-day fix our mind devoutly on Him, how can a person attain the same, if God and whenever we have leisure pray for he is cruel to these poor and dumb ''l'hrida' Bakti, Viveka and vairagya and animala-God's creatures.··-some mercilessly say in deep prayer mentally and internu.lly and wantonly do harm to t_hese creatures to ourselves: Oh Paramatman t Gnana by beating them and enjoy when these Dhey! Vairagya Dhey! Santha Dhey! poor things are suffering. Again; some kill 'l'hrida Bakti Dhey, instead o'f saying• them to satisfy their own devilish hunger. Ashta Aiswarya Dhey and Arogya Dhey, as . When we wil'h that others should treat us' evel'ything else will follow, if the first feur kindly, must we not also treat these poor · conditions are fulfilled. Let us look to our creatures in the same way? Will God be captain, Meher Babaji, to lead us safe to pleased if we show such cruelty to these the Divine Harbour, . the safe Pilot that animals? No; So, one should never think He is! of doing or do any harm to any being. U nThe Meher League in Kngland. less .our love extends equally to all beings, [by Bro. Raphael Hurst (of London)] knowing that God a bides in all beings, and until we · stop this most heart-rending The first British Group of followers of custom of animal sacrifice, we ~tan never Meher Bab~ has now been formed into a near Him. Again, until we abolish this cruel "Meher League" in England. It is · a custom of animal sacrifice, our Mother living and standing proof of His Holiness's !Ldia-the land of great Sadgurus-will, power to discern the future, for, when he ere long, ce~se to be the Spiritual Mistress sent out "The Mission to the west" in the of the world ! person of Mr. Hustam Irani i .n 1928, he directed this disciple to call on the Editor 'S9dguru. of the Occult Review in London. To-day [by Bro. M. R. Srinivasa Rao, the Editor; Mr. Strutton, . is a foremqst mem her of the Meher League ! B.A., B.L.] 'rhere are only a few of us so far who . Holyme:b, . ·who are unattached to the have placed our complete faith in our be-.. things of the world, see things in their true loved Master, but, there are several people light and _can judge better than ordinal'y who are becoming interested in Him and His men. We must have faith in the words of , teachings; and now that the League ha~ those whp meditate on God always, as we con:le to birth, we shall all do our utmost to would trust experts, and seek self-realisation pt•epare a loyal group in England who will . through their support. May Meher Babaji, be ready to welcome Him and His disciples; · who. has seen the Blessed Vision of the when He shall one day honour this country Lord, tell the members of this League the ·with His presence. . nature of God, make them all intoxicated The west is slipping fast down into the with His Love, and awake the dormant depths of a more degrading materialism spirit within them that it might realise the than ever; in this crude and cruel state of Universal Spirit, the bead string, the One in Society, the people merely exist; they have All, the Divine Beauty. yet to Live. But, there are - a small Though for a time some of us might number of distracted seekers for Truth have walked along a wrong path, let us here, and we shall make it our privilege u

Out of debt, out of danger I "

and duty to acquaint them with the personality and message of Sri Meher Baba. We firmly believe that He alone can save the West, or indeed the whol13 world; our · hearts are with every one of you, who are serving the Master's cause in India. Brotherly greetings to every Meher devotee I [It is, indeed, with the greatest pleasure that we learn that Meher devotees in England have recently founded a League called 'Meher League' . [formerly known as 'Meher Group '] there to spread Sri Meher Baba.ji's exalted Message in the west; and that they are willing to work in harmony with us-members of Meher League in India. May success richly attend their worthy endeavour to work for our beloved Master's noble cause. Ed].

that you publish ' Meher Gazette 'quarterly. Please be so kind as to put me on your mailing list for a copy, as I do so want to know how you are carrying on the work in India ; it helps and strengthens the few of us here who are devoted to Meher Baba to get such news from the East .... If there is any service I can render you in any way, here in England, please let me know at any time ; and it will be a pleasure to do it for you ... F aith in and Love towards our beloved Master has given a new meaning to life for me and made me very happy." A beloved Sistm·-me1nber of ' M ehet Leagtle ', from Madra s, writes:-" I received your 'Meher Gazette.' I went through the whole journal. It is very simple and understandable. The sayings in it are very true and praiseworthy. The purpose of the journal is so grand and, at the same -time, so simple to be followed by people that it captures the hearts of its readers. May God and Sri Ba.baji bless the jcurnal. May it spread Sri Babaji's message far and wide."

Opinions regarding Meher League and Gazette. Br·o. Khan Bahadur B. D. Pudnmjee from Bombay writes:-" Please enlist my daughter and myself as members of "Meher League". Do let me know the membership fee. I wish your worthy Dr. K. M. Rai, M. B. B.S. from Nara safather and your good self every success in your efforts to propagate the spiritual . raopet, . writes:-" Both the book-post teachings of our beloved .Master Sri Meher and your letter to hand. I am very glad·to Baba." hear about the Ashram and its activities Sistet· Mary Tt·eumann from Esthonia under the Great Master. You know, I writes:-" Let me express my hearty thanks always hold the ide_a and subscribe as far as for the 'Meher Gazette', which you sent I could for the promotion of the ideal of me. I am very glad to know that now the teachings of our dear Mu.ster are 'spread ''At the feet of My Sadguru" broadcast through the two organs: 'Meher Message' and 'Meher Gazette'. May the His Holiness Sri Meher Baba Meher Gazette be a blessing to many. I by wish to join the 'Meher League." Bt·o. Raphael Hurst from London C. V. Ramanuja, 1\Ieher Asramam, writes:-" I admire the work you are doing Said a pet-Madras. for Sri Meher Ba,ba in Madras. I observe It is a booklet of -iO verses. Price 2 As. The back number of 'Meher Gazette' is a copy; Postage free, in India. The Sale pro· ceeds go to the Meher Lea.gue, Saidapet, of not available. Ed. which His Holiness is the Patron. Our Exchange. apply for copies to the author en· (1) Divye Sakshu closing 2 As postage stamps. (2) Scholar (3) The Indian Insurance "Meher Gazette": Nearly 1000 circulation I

Universal Brotherhood ; as such, you need not hav-e written me a separate letter, but could have straight away S'3nt the membership-forms." Mr. M. G. Guntswami Iyer, M.A., L. T. Pleader from Sivaganga writes :-"It was with a thrill of pleasure that I got your fine journal. 'rhe objects of the Meher League are really grand and the ideals underlying them are lofty and ennobling. Kindly write to me more about the League, its membership etc., and let me have the rate of subscription for the journal. On hearing from you, I shall remit the amount." J{han Bahadttr A. R. Mehta, Esq., from Bangalot·e writes:-" We have read the Gazette and pleased to note the contents thereof. Please register the name of my Brother-in-law, D. Manekjee, who also wishes to join the J-'eague." Mr. P.M. Harihara Iyer from Palghat writes:-" I shall be thankful to you if you will kindly send me your "Meher Gazette" and bulletins regularly. I am much beholden to Babaji and his noble cause. I shall gladly serve the League." ·Mr. R. N. F. Tamboli from Navsari writes :-"I am in receipt of the ' Meher Gazette'. I am willing to join this League and want to be a brother of unseen satsangees in promoting Universal Brotherhood. May God help you. May Sadguru Meher Baba Saheb bless this League.'' Mr. A. Richard Francis Fernando from Ceylon writes:-'' I hope you will send me copies of- your ' Meher Gazette ' every . quarter until subscription is due. Also be sending me your free bulletins ... I am your brother by the Grace of God and His Enlightened One-Meher Baba.'' Mr. K. Parida from Jajpur writes:" Please send me ' Meher Gazette ' regu- larly ... Please note that I regard Sri Meher Baba as my Spiritual Master .. . ! meditate on Him regularly. Sri Meher Baba is regarded by one and alli.\IS the incarnation of God. I ha,;ve achieved wonderful effects by attending ,to meditation on Him.''

V ernttcular Articles etc. Sri Sadguru Meher Baba's Sayings: Translated into · Tamil by Mr. T. ·M. ARUMUGAM. ' Gu11 WWJ6lllll' @(!5 CiLD%1fDff UITUIT~ ~QJff<EQr "CiLD~ff GwdvGfit!!fg" 676ilr~w wrriS G01J6fflu946tl 67(!:9$1 ILj 6ir rDYT G urr(!5@ 6/DJT a; 6ffIT fil UJ GUIT6ilr ~ QS>JJ &'&Tr 41ail 6hvjfoJ~6iJT .!J)JW ISuSJt}/i.i GwiTt}JuGuu.~ITj.§J @.i ,M"6'Jut.516ilr ¥1 ~ 6T@ji/ OlJ(!50llG/f~.i GllEIT~®Ci6f1'11W. ~llilCIJI'LDITlE 6T@§JOIJj}J6.J Cir&(!!jfiloN f!J U6'JOIJ61»&.i @ fo piila;'&friLjW ~6ilr uiT lE~Yr Gu1T(!5~U® j jilT.§! 6Yu6lJ!TuS1~ ~&J,i<E6ffl6iJT Gurrdsr,fJH6lDJJ lEW fo <EQJ61JT j 6/D/f~ Gl<F.FJlljj}!u y~61111Fiu.~w Gu(!!jOlJrriTr!Sflfrr&:(1) 'lL~QDWUJIT·OiJT .ffjJJJiiJ9UJITQJW 676ifA6.J <Eirf1i 'lL6lDL..6lDUJILjW, '5/(!!j . 6/S).$ u516v IELD~~6'J .i6lDISILjW, wfoGC!f(5 6lD&u.96v - CiUJ11$#~~,i6lD,61Ljriil Gr!611ear Uf-(!5UUCi#rr® w~® uS1(!5uUQJ~6v61J; ~QDOlJe;'&fr.i G a;,.;, ~!!JISl1 .ffiJ §1 f!J <if} u51<isr (!fJ .i fO UJ @6'J aa.fJ UJ(!fJLD 6v6'J. t.516iJT ~ ri' 'iir .§j1 .ffiJ f!J <if} u516iJT C!fJ.i fiJ UJ @6'Jaa.f,J UJ Gw 6lrR 6v, 'lL 6'J fiJ 6isr <E iliar61J wiT ar iE r;rr ~ u/1' <Friv 6 '86tr ILjW ur61Sriu&'&Yr1LJw ~ gp .i.ffil ~@Ollei ISUJrr@w· .11.6 far .i Ga; IT~UJ- (5 .i ~ 6iJr f!JOll (i ~ 'lL -fi/DWUJIT ~ .§1 f!J fill UJ.'TourrG61Jr~ .i




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uThere js a skeleton .in every oupboa.rd."



His Holiness Sri Meher Ba.baji is the Pat1¡on of 1 Meher League.' Tho following office bearers were appointed for the year June 1930-31.

Presidents:-K. J. Dastur Esq., M.A., LL.B. C. V. Sampath Aiyangar. Vice-President :-M. Vadivelu Mudaliar Esq. Secretm¡ies :-K. S. Srinivasan Esq., V. T. Lakshmi, B.A., L.T. Treasurer:-C. V. Ra.manuja Charlu Esq. In charge of the M eher Free Reading Room :-C. V. Ramanuja Charlu Esq. _ Editor of 1 M eher Gazette.'

V. T. Lakshmi,

B.A., L.T.

(N.B :-Those who wish to join 'Meher League' should appply to : C. V. Sampath Aiyangar. Sub-Judge, Kurnool (Madras Presidency), India. or V. T. Lakshmi, n.A., L.T. Editor,: " Meher Gazette," 1 ' Meher Asramam," Sa.idapet, (Madras), India.]

Members of ' Meher League.' [N.B. All members are requested to inform the Editor of their change of addresses, if any. Ed.] 31 Sister S. Venkatasubbamma, Madras. 3~ Mr. R. Par!).meswaran, Saidapet. 33 ,, P. G. Sivasankara Sastry, Thasildar, Namakkal. 34


L. R. Sundareswara Iyer, Saidapet.

35 Mr. A. Muhd. Omar Sahib Bahadur, Saidapet. 36 , K. Narasinga Pillai, Saidapet. 37 , A. Kuppuswami Chetty, Saidapet. 38 , R. Chakrapani Rao, Saidapet. 39 , K. V enkataswami, 40 , G. Sundara Raja Iyengar, 41 ,, W. Doraiswami Iyengar, Saidapet. 42 , Khan Bahadur S. K. Abdul Razack Sahib Bahadur, M.L.C., Saidapet. 43 , P. K. Subramanya Iyer, Saidapet. 44 , T. Srinivasa Varada Chary, Saidapet. 45 ,, G. V. Chary, Ponneri. 46 , M. K. Gopala Krishnan, Saidapet. 47 , K. Manika Mudaliar, G.T., Madras. 48 , Narayanaswami Naidu, Choolai, Madras. E. Masilamony, Mannady, Madras. 49 " 50 , B. G. Kulasekaram, Arni. 51 , T. G. Subramanyam, G.T., Madras. 52 " Vt'lnkatarangam Naidu, Sanitary Inspector, Madras_. 53 , Srinivasa Mudaliar, Madras. 54 " T. M. Arumugam Pillai, Choolai, Madras. 55 , M. Rajamanikam Mudaliar, do. 56 , P. Latchalinga Mudaliar, G. T. M. _ 57 , Venugopal Pillai, G.T. _Madras. 58 ,, M. Varadarajam. do. 59 , C. Kalyana Sundra Mudaliar, do. 60 ,, Perumal Naidu, Mylapore, Madras. 61 , M. Sundara Raju, do. 62 ,, T. V. Manika Mudaliar, G.T. do. 63 , Dattatray, Y. Mehendaye, Meher Asramam, Nasik. 64 ,, Chabbu, S. Kamble, do. 65 , Hormasji Shapurji, do. 66 , N. Rama Rao, Teacher, Saidapet. 67 , K. Ranganatha Chary, Saidapet. 68 , M. Jayaram Raju, Guindy, Saidapet. 69 , S. Narasimaha Chary, Shankarpore, Bangalore city. 70 Sister S. Vijayalakshmi Ammal, . Cjo S. Nara.simha Chary, Bangalore. [To be continued] 1

The League is now 250 strong.

[PrinJed at the American Advent Mission Press, Saidapet, and published from 1 Meher Asramam', Saidapet, Madras, by the Proprietor and Edito~: V. T. Lakshmi, B.A., J....T.].

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