Meher Gazette Volume One Numbers Five & Six Alt

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Registered No. 54.]







Sister :


Vol. 1. JUNE & SEPTEMBER, 1931. No. 5 & 6. "Lokam Prina :Make the whole world perfect路" Yajur Veda. 12路54 "Where is ignorance: Where sorrow for him, who has seen the One in Many?" Yajur Veda. 40路7. "The aim of Life should be to realise one's own seif as the Universal Self." Sri Meher Baba.

Crow's Nest. We offer our humble prayers to the One Parabrahmam and invoke the blessing of our dear Master His Divine Majesty Sri Sadguru Babaji. We are ever loyal to Him who is the embodiment of contentment, courtesy, and compassion. May we strive to acquire those divine qualities. Sri Babaji is now in Karachi with his devoted disciple Bro. ]'. H. Dadachanji. The Master's recent message to us is ' 'Go on with your noble mission ... ! am everywhere and in everyone and love all-those that worship Me and those who abuse Me." It may be our good fortune that He may condescend to stay sometime in His Saidapet Asramam in the near future. We will let the brothers of the Meher League know of this .when He does so.

H e asks us to convey His Blessings to all the brothers of the Meher L eague. Meher Free R eading Room and the Free Library in Meher Asramam, Saidapet, which is under the able supervision of our devoted brother C. v. Ramanujacharlu, continu e to be very popular. New books were added to the Library. Meditation classes at the Asr anmm are regularly held on Sundays. We sincerely request our brothers of Meher League to send their present addresses to the Treasurer, Meher Asramam, Saidapet , Madras. Bro. Meredith Starr of England, a devoted disciple of Sri Babaji, recently published a book of charming poems called "Arrows of Flame" containing spiritual poems of a very high order, written in states of illumination. It has a very instructive - introduction by Mr. E. Merrill

M eher ..._-\. srarn~m: S;AIDAPE.r (MADRAS.) BULLETINS' lQ-11..:-12 & 13 ( MARCH-APRlL--MAY'-JUNE' ) .



1 Because Qf the activity -of his innate intelligence . the developed man is able to see the great signinea~ce ef e.v en small things; but the undeveloped mind is full of ou~iosity. -It · is constantly eager for novelty, because, not being-good at thinking, it soon' ex~austs the. obv!ous signi~cance of com1nonplace things. This ni·hid is the one that craves miracles in connection with i ts reli~i~US . e:ltp~rience; as it is blind to the Countless lllil'a~les that surround it ~11 the time. '· · (Talks on the Path of Occultism) 2. Miracles, whether per.ft>rmed' py perfect Masters or by Yogis are. mere illusions in comparison with.the everlasting Truth, and are no more substantial than the shadow of ~this world.

· ( S.adgU:ru BabaJ:L ).


Have no depire for . psychic powe'f:s: .They will come when the Master k_11ow~ that i~ is be~t for you-to have thern. · {At. the --feet : of ·the Master). 4. perform miracles unse'lfishly when a spiritual push to humanity is neceJ;sary. ( sa.ctguru· Babaj~ ).

Kurno9l. -Victoria Press, . - .· . ·'

2 Sadguru Babaji. Since writing these lines, we had the good fortune of having our Divine Master in our midst at Kurnool. It was purely a private tour. The Master was here for three days· Bro. C. v. Ramanujacharlu of U eher Asramam, came from Said a pet to pay his respects to the Master. The i'viaster left Kurnool in the afternoon of the 6th inst::mt. ~.'[any of us had the privilege of basking in the sunshine of the l\Taster' s Love. May He bless the worlJ.

Our Master and Equilibrium. (By THE MADBA~ PBE:lliDENT.)

' Equilibrium' is the vi1·t·zw we mernbet·s of Meher League rneditate ttpon in Febmary as we rned·i tate on 'Devotion' in Jan·ua1·y· Babaji, Lorc1, My Master dear, Rare Equilibrium Art Thou. It is in Heav'nly 0~-1. \Vh ich will ever keep us all in gear.

Equilibrium is one of t.he chr,racteristic features of a Sthitha Prgnya. Sloka 65, Chap II of the immortal Git::t says, " One's sorrows vanish in tranquillity or equilibrium Master's sayings. of mind. For the intellect of the person who has this equilibrium of mind is soon (Special for the Gazette.) established in firmness. A greu,t Master 1. It is better to abuse one to his face said ''It does not n'atter in the least what than to flatter him n,nd then speak happens to a man from the outside: sorrows against him behind his bttck . troubles, sicknesses, losses.-rtll these 2. To speak out what is in the heart is must be as nothing to him. and must not akin to saintliness. be allowed to affect the caln~ness of his The following poem was submitted to the mind. They are the result of past actions, Master by His loyal disciples before leaving and when they come yon must bear them Kurnool. (1) cheerfully, ren1embering that all evil is Dear Master, dearest Babaji, transitory, and that your duty is to· remain Dear father, Mother dear, deo,r friend, The like of you w he Fe can I see ? (2) I, like birds that fly from one end In Thine sweet Presence I am nil; To another, at night, and ren,ch Mine, where is it? All th::tt is Thine. Their lovely native land at dawn, Thou art, my Lord, on that high Hill; Upward led, drinking what You to::tch But through Thy grace I know the sign· To radirmt Heav'nly ~ight, was dro,wn. Through lives I served Thy Lotus Feet, And so did serve humanity. Root, a leading American roet. It is dedi- May I approach Thy lofty Seat, cated to Shri Sadguru iVIeller Daba "BeAnd serve my Lord for all time, free. loved Master and Perfect Friend." The (3) price is 7-o or Rs. 5. -vv e shall review this Chameleons their colours change,spiritual book of poems in our next issue. Then, why not senseless haughty It is amusing to read th::tt some Euro- There are in our dear Guru's range pean Judges of an Indian High Court think Such children-their names I won't pen. that attempting to have sexual embrace Loyal to Thee, dear Lord, arc ' we,with a helpless lady is not a serious crime. That word is sealed with our heart's The culprit-a responsible doctor-was let blood. off with a fine of a few rupees ! ! ! vV e are very sorry that responsible judicial officers We live with Thee, shall die with Thee, For we know that is for our good. give expression to such an unspiritual idea. C. y. SAMPATH AIYANGAR. It is shocking to Indian minds· 1. (o K_urnoo od v , RAMANUJACHARLU· _ .) C. We will publish some sayings of the 6 8 31 { . ' F · H. DADACHANJI. Master from our next issue. Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds.

3 Sayings of Sages. 1. The simplest truth can only be attain-



4. 5. 6.


ed through vast experience, can only come through ecstasy of love, through immense. devotion. (Krishnaji). To be alone is better than to have a bad companion: and a good companion is better than being alone (Prophet Muhammad.) L et thy dealings with all be regulated · by love and justice in accordance with the dictates of Dharma. (Swami Dayananda Saraswati.) Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace one with another. (!." Jord Jesus Christ). Know God, Love God, and serve God. (Acharya Sri Ramannja). Forgive and ye shall be forgiven· (The Bible)· Love pure and holy is a deathless fire. (Madame Guyon).

always joyous and serene ... you cannot alter them so it is useless to trouble about them." They are the result of your prarabdha Karma. Think rather of what you are doing now, which will make the events of your next life, for that you can alter. It is Agami Karma. It is also true that by discrimination we can modify the effect of prarabdha karma on us. Suppose we have to suffer a blow: That suffer we must. But by our effort we may change the effect of a direct blow into that of a glancing blow. Babaj i says " Do not get disheartened and alarmed when adversity, calamity or misfortunes pour in upon you. Thank God, for He has thereby given you the opportunity of acquiring forbearance and fortitude. One who has acquired-the power of bearing with adversities can easily enter upon the spiritual path." He is equilibrium personified: He is free fro·m · attr. action and aversion. Let us theref.o re not only meditate on equilibrium but by living it make our Budhi firm· Thus shall we be the true disciples of dear Babaji.

Poems etc., Like the Lord of Gokul, With Radha, Rukmani, on either side, Was our Master at Kurnool, With my brother and me on each side. Like the Goddess of Justice Wit~ the balance in hand H eld our Master in His embrace His two earnest suppliants. 0! my guide, the beacon Light ! 0! the Divinity personified! T each us how to pray and meqitate; Guide us in the higher planes to pervade. 0 Sri Baba, my heart's delight, Pour upon us Thy Love and Thy Light That we may wipe off all our follies And be unto Thee second Alis.

C. V.


8. The am1 of life should be to realize one's own self as the universal self. (Sadguru Babaji). · 9. lFITI@J j;.!fjl<i(!!jw C2w6lJIT<iN FFW6lJIT~~UJ UITWIT% w rr c?J/ If) 6!.{ ~ 6ff ~ iJJGI@JIT (5 fil (5 t:.. '9- uS! 6I1RL.. j; $J j)l.)ln I@I fil ,$ filfir (!!lff. ( u a; 6lJ j; ~ GID /».) 10· Adore Allah as if thou sawest Him


for if thou seest Him not, He seeth thee. (The Quran).

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The greatest Spiritual Magazine (monthly) In India: Subs:

Rs. 3 8 0 per year. K. J. DASTUR, Esq.,

M.A., LL.B.,_

Editor : Meher Message Office, Agra Road.

Nasik: West India. G 1p R

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The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Y.l isdom.


Editorial: "Indian Women of To-day."

Children's Page. (P1·ize page.) The prize for competition (1) Rs. 2 books (vide page 3 of December 30 issue was awarded toM. Govindarajulu.) (Age 16-Kilpauk Filter beds-Foreman quarters , Kilpauk, Madras·} His Six sentences are these ; Meher is a Sadguru. He turns His Sishyas into Saints. Babaji promotes Universal brotherhood. He uplifts 'depressed-classes.' " forbids 'caste-system.' Meher and He established institutions leagues.' The prize for the essay <?n ''the evils of drinking tea and coffee" was awarded to v. C. Subbiah (age 16, Vth Form, Municipal High School, Kurnool.) Rs. 2 books . The essay is this :

It is indeed to be regretted that Indian women of to-day are not shown by our brothers that amount.of respect, love, consideration and sympathy, which they richly deserve· There is no denying the fact that the work of a mother in bringing up of a family of children is harder and more responsible than any ordinary work done ·by a man. We ought, especially, to respect and admire all ideal wives and good mothers, whom we come across in our daily life· Men's selfishness and brutality towards their lack of consideration and commisseration for and their unreasonable superiority and stern authority over their wives and mothers is an abhorrent wrong. Such a beastly attitude should arouse the heartiest scorn and righteous indignation in every . God.Ioving and upright soul. Theref01·e, ye brothers l Love and respect your sisters, whom Providence sends you . Do treat them honourably by giving them their due rights The Evils of drinking Tea & Coffee. and privileges. Do give them the right kind of educ:ttion and true Indian culture and look upon them as your equals. In the Tea and coffee are, in a hot countr-y as name of all that is sacred, please do not ours, unnecessary and expensive luxuries. forget that you have a pious duty to dis- Those who are addicted to this habit become charge towards your sisters ; and before a helpless prey to it. They cannot get on God, you have the most tremendous their work if they do not have their coffee responsibility, which a human being can in time. A middle class family having ever think of. If you spurn and scorn at · about six members is sure to grow poorer day them and treat them as your slaves, they by day for this habit. Some sickly people will, in their ignorance and despair, become take tea and coffee as substitutes for nourishcareless, negligent and dejected wives and ing food. But they are not exactly food. mothers; and they will also neglect to Though it produces activity,- after some understand the "gravity and l'-anctity" of time one becomes dull. Besides, there is their children's educational and spiritual nothing in all these drinks that improves mission, which would ultimately result in the blood, except a poison which produces the coming of an appallingly irreligious, ill- the activity and burns our food faster, thus disciplined and wayward · future generation weakening the digestive organs. Hence, of India. Would you, my brother, be a ·· indigestion is caused which spoils one's party to such a disgraceful degeneration? complexion. It weakens the body by Nay ·; It is up to you, true sons of India, to destroying the vital fluid and by making prove worthy of our ancient great heritage the blood as thin as water. So the evil and hand it down not only intact but also practice of drinking tea and coffee must be enhanced, to our descendants. emphatically condemned.

God is near at the birth of every child.


' Me her League.' Information for Enq.uire'I'S. The work of the League. (con cluded.) BROTHERHOOD IN ACTION·

' Hatha Yoga'-(contd.) BY


BASTI PRAKARANAM. We all speak Brotherhood, but few live Brotherhood. Let us all be loving and Bastis are of two kinds : helpful every moment of our lives, and thus 1. Jala (water) basti. try to rea.lize the Oneness of. the family of u. Sukshma (dry) basti. humanity. By joining the league one will (i) Jala Basti. come ih contact with true brothers and sisters. There all can learn to be brothers Get into water and stand with water up to and sisters and to eliminate all personal navel. Take the posture called Utkata· feelings. There they will have the grace sanam and dilate the Akunchanam of a LiYing Master. Their duty is to make (Sphincter muscle of the anus). This is . the League a worldwide organisation. Jala Basti. FINANCIAL HELP. This will cure prameha (urinary comIt need not·be often said that no good plaints), Gudavartam (disorders of wind), work can be done in these days without and Krura Vayu -Therby one's body becomes money. If the members wish to have a pure and as beautiful as that of Kamadeva· good library, a big free reading room and (ii) Sthala Basti. other things, they must contribute some Assuming,the posture of Pashimatana, money. .Nobody will foxce them to do so. one · should move his intestines sl~wly They know that there is :a small library downwards, and then contract and dilate the and a free reading room in Meher Asramam, Saidapet· Let me,mbers .of the league spincter muscle of the anus with Aswini· mudra. contribute what they can to make this By the practi ce of this Yoga there will be Oq~anisation a sucGess. Make sa.crifice·s in no constipation· It will increase gastric such a work. fire. It will remove flatulence. Now and then articles on our League activities will be published in this journal. End. of Bastis. We should all try to work under the banner PART Ill. of our Sadguru. We should not ask Him · Neti . . to give this and that. Work-honest work· Insert into the nostrils a thin thread is ours: the result is His. He is Life and measuring half a cubit. Pass it through let us all live that Life. and draw it out from the mouth. This is " At the feet of My Sadguru " what is called Neti Kriya. His Holiness Sri Meher Baba by . JOIN 0; V. Ramanuja, ' Meher Asramam ', Saidapet, Madras. " MEHER LEAGUE." It is a booklet of 40 vers~S · Price 2 as. blessed by the Greatest Master and a copy. · Postage free (Inland). The sale proceeds go to ' Me her League ' , Sa.ida pet, SPREAD of which His Holiness is the. Patron. 'Universal Brotherhood' Please apply for copies to the author enclosing 2 annas postage stamps. (See last page)

Where law ends tyranny begins.

II. The Aryan conception of Womanhood. [C. v. s.J Under the c.aption "A few important lessons from the immortal Bhagavat Gita." I wrote a few articles on ''who is a brahmin?" ':'e shall now see what is the Aryan co.nceptwn of V{ omanhood according to the Gita. In one word the Gita says in Chap rx Slokas 32 and 33, that women, V aishyas, · Sudras, Kshatryas and Brahmans, taking . refuge in Him attain the supreme . goal. And the Lord says "I am the same to all beings: to Me there is none hateful nor dear." (Sloka ~9). He says "He who judges pleasure or pam everywhere, by the same ~tandard a?, he applies to himself, that Yogi 1s the best (Ch. VI· Sloka 32). That is why the great lawgiver Manu says: "Women are to be honoured and adorned by fathers and brothers, by husbands; as also by brothers-in-law, who desire much prosperity." ''Where women are honoured, there the Hods rejoice: but where they are not honoured, there everything will be fruitless." ''W~ere women grieve, that family quickly penshes; but where they do not, that family ever prospers." ''Houses which women, not honoured, curse, those, as if blighted by magic, perish utterly." " If the husband do not please his wife, she being unhappy, the whole family is un.happy and miserable ; but if the wife be co~tented with her husband,the whole family enJoys felicity·" "Let a woman attend to her household work ~ost cheerfully aud cleverly, keep everythmg clean, and never be lavish in expenditure. Let lier keep a proper account, and treat her servants properly."

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Chakras or Force Centres. (2) (By Discipulus.) ~hese chakras are points in the body at 'Yhwh energy flow. The physical body is liable to perpetual change, and divine energy is required to make it live. Divine energy flows through these c);lakras· There is a portion of our body called the etheric double· It is not visible to our eyes . To the clairvoyant it is visible ''as a ~nass of fai_ntl y-luminous violet-grey mist, Impenetratmg the denser part of the body, ~nd. exte?ding very slightly beyond it." It IS m this etheric-double the chakras are situated, "where they show themselves as saucer-like depressions or votices in its surface."

Girls, just as boys, should observe Brahmacharya and receive education. Atharva Veda sanctions this (Brahma Charyena Kanya Yuvanam Vindate pathim) A Shrauta sutra says ''(In the Yagna) let the wife recite this mantra." It is therefore clear that both boys and girls should be properly educated. .A~ Dr. Besa_nt says ''Both sexes are equally Divme, each 1s one half of God; both sexes have their part to play in human evolution and . in the evolution of the world as ~ whole ...... The two great sides of the manifested God in Nature are found in the s~x;es ...... These two are inseparable, indivunble ; the dual manifestation of one life of one Being.'' The old Aryans neve~ tho~~ht man and woman as two separate entities-there was then no rivalry between the two. Both worked together for the evolution of humanity. Intellect and heart are necessary for the formation of Character. Intellect is the domineering feature in Man, Heart (Emotion) in woman. Perfect marriage is possible only when these blend harmoniously : That perfect union is the Aryan ideal of Marriage. f,[ave we not forgotten this? . (To be continued.)

Liberty and Equality are magical (spiritual) words . .

7 '' The centres are in operation in every one although in the undeveloped person the~ are usually in comparatively sluggish motion, just forming the necessary vortex for the force, and no more. In a more evolved man they may be glowing and pulsating with living light, so that an enormously greater amount of energy passes through them, with the result tha.t . t~~re . are additional faculties and postnb1ht1es open to the man.'' MULADHARA . .

(The Root chaMa.) This Chakra is at the base of the spine (called by Indian writers Brahmadanda). Brahmadanda means the stick of Brahma. It looks like a cross. and the cross:symbolizes this centre. The serpent-fire (Kundalini) resides in it. This chakra is red and orange in hue· THE SPLEEN CHAKRA. In Indian books the second chakra . is called Swadhishthana. Both are said to have 6 petals of different colours-streams of vitality-which are red, orange, yello':", green, blue and violet. Swadhishthana 1s situated near the generative organs, and the arousing of it is said to be very dangerous. THE NAVEL 0HAKRA·

(Manipum.) It is at the navel or solar plexus. It radiates in such a way that it divides itself into undulations, which are called petals. The colours are red and gr_een. This chakra is connected with the feelmgs and emotions of a person. [To be continued.]

Correspondence. CHILD-lYIARRIAGE. To The Editor, 'Meher Gazette', Saidapet.


DEAR EDITOR, I wrote to you about the homa or marri· age sacrifice. I shall now say a few words on the "Pravesa homa" or 'entry-sacrifice.' He must keep the nupti11l fire blazing, by putting therein fuel whenever necessary. The bride takes hold of him, and he makes four oblations of ghee into the fire , uttering the following four mantras. (i) May Prajapati bring forth children to us: May Aryaman bless us till we become old. Auspiciously enter thy husband's house, bring happiness to cattle, and men. (Offering to s~wya Savitri.) (ii) 'Without an evil eye, bring happiness to cattle, joyful and kind, loving Gods, bearing heroes, bring joy to cattle and men. (Offering to Surya Savitri.) (iii) Oh Indra, bless this bride with sons and make her fortunate, give her ten sons and make her has band the eleventh man (Patim Ekadasam Kridhi). (Offering to Surya Savitri·) (iv) Protect well like a queen thy husband's father and thy husband's mother (Samranghe Swasuray bhava. Samranghe swasrwam bhava), the sister of thy lord and his brothers. (Offering to Surya Savitri·) Then there is uniting of the hearts. HRIDAYA V AMARSANAM. With the remaining ghee the husband besmears the heart region of his wife and himself uttering the following mantra : lYiay Visvedevas and Waters join our hearts. May lYiatavisva, Dhata and Deshtri bind us close. This is the true Aryan marriage· In my next letter I shall write a fewwords about the Upasamha.ram (conclusion) and Garbhadhanam (consummation of marriage. Yours Sincerely. C. V. SAMPATH AIYANGAR· [To be continued.]

The burden which is well borne becomes light.

8 Vernacular articles etc. u$~.

(rrrr. urralll6iu6lJ.rr 6irr.) w 8:6'!1 IT =rr ~ rfJ ~-/l) G w J!)l@J,$ ;i;05 cfJ!a 15 a; <F rr 15 1/Jllrrm a; 6Tf) (!5 t.5J i@)J w WE jJ a UJ fFJ IE~ jli .@/ w a;- 61) w (!PW ~6llT.@!. wfod;(Ja;rrt.:urr(f;)a; 6Tf/w <biT ITWJJ wrra; cfJ! jp®f, llf-.$ IIi a 6ll1ilhr '-9- UJ .,{) j/ a; 'furr- fo fo 6ll IT IT lLJ 6.J G<FtiJ;{Div, ~61!u;wtflwrrQ, jiiuu; ao-,j,ITfo rT<F6lffw, ~IT rr fo?tarr a; irr C!:P /56& UJ6llT ~ d; a; j;.@! L Girr G <F tiJ 15 6v w.$%/ t&61!10rowuS/fir C!:P fotD W'-9-UJIT (!Ijw . 6TuGwrr(!56Tfl L j jJ ~ w ffo tF Girr [$,) (5 d; fil (!JG 6llT 6iJr w .@/ '/!__ ri- ~ .!5I 5Jril1Gwrr(!!j a;rrri- UJj;IOaJ;{DlL{W W.!!i6lJITrr ri-uw ~"lfiJT Qwfir J!)l a;(!5 jJ arUJ~61!w .$(!5foiT .f5J, 6ruGwrr (!:9.@1 w a fo6ll 15rrwrriOaJw ~8:o=rfij jiJ..i;Qa;rrliilim(f;) jhfir ~61!a;wrr Y-8; QJ)a;QJ)UJ 15Lfo.f516ll.ffj! C!:Pfo6&~w fFI,tDIF% @JJiiilim Lrrw UIJf-UJIT(!IjW. f!:!Jfir(!J'6llfoiT.$ ~61! !Dfo!Orofo UlfD~.!Jjf, 9 (!!j Gurr(!!j 6Tfl6v %Ju;rr6llT j10aJ15 !Oro@Jfo.§J 6Tu Gw iT(!P .!5I w w o= fir a; (!!j b IOaJUJ d; a; J!)l %J j UJ tr 6llT w G.9' tiJ .!5I a w rRfir u .ffi10aJ,$UJ!OroL6lla15 f!fJiiiN C!J®'.f51 w '-9- UJIT 6llT fFI;n~/E w§j/UJIT(!!jW.




aw~if- o=rma; j;jiiv Gw(!!ji GfotiJ6J;,.$p;GilriOaJw G w rr (!!j $%1 UJ td!f a lLJ 'ftM!JrT wIT wIT !Oro @I 6tv ;i 0!5 (!!j 6T IOilr J!)l .$(!5j/ cfJ!6llrT ~firy d (!lju urr ;j;fi!JJrT<E6ff tU5 ~a; .,{)(!5 wy W a:rm a; fo j/6N rT wt.:(f;)w t.5JJJ fjJ (§ iT uS/ ,dJJ!)l.$ fi!tpiOaJw IJiiT'&iv 7!-w~ (!P%6v 9-u:~ 6J,IOaJITu!i6v <iiJ)tf' foiTU(Jut.:IOaJL aw'ftMJ)ff ~,5: ITLD/i j/6.J e;,_'-9-, a fJjWfollJITfXff w Ga:tiJfi!(5ri- a;irr. @J[Fd; e;.__L_IT f56lirT a;irr .$J6llIT wffa; irr ~ t.: '-9- (2 61! ~ tia 15 IT .if; jJ 6v (!!j (!!j fo UJIT fXff W Go=tiJfi)(!Jri-a;irr, ~uGw1T(!:g.f51 15 L .$(!1jw c-?;f.ffi~LIT 611rrm1Ii'furr-LL{w Ga:ITiv~w L.Si;rrrri- ,&f;b?tarra;'furr- ILJw ~ji,tb fFI6l! .f5Ja;6Tf/!OiJr Gwrr(!5'furr-LL{w t.SI!OiJr6'!t(!!jwtrJJ)I e;,_ .m w (f;) fE) fD §1 • @ i ,s; ill i1J IT 6TV% ,ii! IOiJr a 151T d; a;G w !OiJr6llTQ6llfir e56v @~ 15 ww~ jilf/IOaJa;IOaJ UJu w'-9-.$(!5w 5J®JG6l!IT(!!j 15cirrw(!5w ~wJJwri a;6Tf/ (!!j<i 0!5uS!uiJ<D6Tfi6v t.5J IT jJ (§IT u5J ,tb J!)l .$ fi/ [;G!Oro w a; IT '&NuS/ g)J1 W {fj) WWIT j/ rfia UJ .$f jp®f, L1f- j .f5J , ;illJ IT 611f wG wJ!)l .$ (!!j fiiJ ,tbwL. (f;) wrrwrrdl!OiJr ~firt.SI ;i;(!!) u wrr jj!IT ri-a;6ff,T<bC2®Jiiilfm(f;) Gwfirw.f5J fJjiTfir· (!? /D 61SJ6v WIT WIT .,{) 6iir WL ,.5 jJ p (!!j A; ,i; kJ, IT 'ftM!JffrTjiji Ga:tiJ.f51 , t.SI;n(!!j '· g;w" rorfir fD a!D IT ! .§1 Lfir ,@fir J!)l ffo o=?tarr 6ll'iil51Jr/Eu a; wfililfr '-9- UJ gJ. w d;% ria;6Tf/6v ~(!56ll!OroiT foiT ILj wiT611r arwiTuSJa;~rr j/(fJUWITLiv a;6Tf/6v j}(!5w(5..1r dl61!1TtFu w JJfiJ6'!J 6'!1ii/J/ffd;a;jj}6ilr (!fl fo6v WITL61!1Tfi/u; <; ~irJfi/r5J Qa;~/DWIJf- QUJIID(!!jW WIT<DIT<FwiTtiJ" ror!OiJr fD WITL~W <; Gw1T(!2irr 6ll c7!1JT.$ a;,d;jifir a;~ (1) t&j;jJUJwiTtiJ t&ri-w61!wiT tiJ t@L._a;"'"' WIT UJ rfJ JJ ff £iJ UJ UJIT UJ ( 2) UJ IT .f5J UJ6llT r@ ?taJr ILj £il ~ fo





t&'?ar6Jjd;(!!j r@'?ar®IITfi) (3) Gw(!!jGw6Tfi!LJII t.U ffiWtJ,fo W t.5J .mut.SILwiT t.U ( 4) [fj) IIi wiT C!:P C!:PuS!ri- .$ (!!; uS!anJJ UJ rr G6llT err /b ,tb ;nw (!5 fD!Oro6ll ( 5) o= IT fiji 05 61! w t.SI fD u t.SJ,a;uyw u$15 (!P foj/ (6) @,)f5fiJiF B'IT61!rma;6llT®f a;IT6llT61Sifir !5 G JJ6llT®f 61!a;w ( 7) Gulf (56ffrr a;.$a;«k~.­ Gurr(!5G6ff!Oro@l.$ (!!; (!P/E;i; G u1T(!26ff1Tfi! (8) .,!!){(15 UJIOaJ fD u5J fir fFJ IT wGu IT (56fT IT t.U <i!9 'iii!Jr ii/J/ff 6lJ ri- WIT C!:P 6i5f/ @!If ( 9 ) dl m e!J jJ k:bfFG w 6v 61!1T r5 /b 6irr 6llT a; fii 61) L -i fil (10) dl<.ilrr~151J),!!Jr5j5 G Q6Tf/UJITG UJ!OiJr werrG6'!16Tfiu9;D a;61!r5f5p!}6lJITW gfir ,m Ufo.§JUUITLiva;eJW g61i!Jr flri-.i;a;tfl G1511f-61!1TfFifiUJ <illi(!Jfo/E~j/6.! '' ~jiu;r5foril .$1TLLIT fD (!fl fo6l!IT GUJWIOaJW" "~.$IT 6lju57GIT@fo fo '?ar fo§I WITfil" rorfir,!!! @ITiiilim(f;)u!TLiva;eJW ~fi/UJ ufirGirfiJJ61ifrr(f;} ji(!JUUITLiva;futr ITIT.$WT6llfo,@JL@W u.$ fi!IT61Ufo§! Li!J! W uiTL-8: Q.g:IT6.J6& ror6va61!1T(5i' !Oroa; (!!jd) fo §l ~~W L6li'2Glrr W~ rE (!!j/56.!, {fj)fofirt.SJ6iff u IT w !§IT GJrfi UJ IT 6llT {fj) 6llT UJ fo a; IT 6iJr cfJ/ 6lJ rT a; ifr ~ r5J fi) 61! ~- jjJ 6.J @;; UJ ,iJ;/) UJ a; IT UJ fir ~ 6v 61! §I a; <.15/!T 15 IT 15 j %J fir jp Lw iii a; irr 6T 6i5r ,!!! .f5lT ~ 6v a; IT UJ fo %J rR roT 6iJr fD ~ fo fiJ UJ IT UJ :i j/ 6lfi (5 f5 .§! " J IT to " " di-IT6\J j; " <; <!I>ITffiW l l ror!OiJr ,!!J j/(!5uUITLiv a;'furr-u U .Tilf- ~(J[;G cfJ/ £iJ rT W .f5J • fo IT 1Lj wIT 6llT Si- 6'!1 IT uSJ a; 6Tf/ 6iJr a W ,iJ Go= IT 6v 6& UJ u IT L 6v CE irr ror 6Tfl fo IT a; 6J 6va 61! IT (5 .i (!!j r5 GfD rR ~ jJ (!!j d; (!!j WIT raJ) a; UJ IT 6v cfJ!Iii fir G u IT (!2 'furr- [fj) riil (!5 ~!Oro IT ,9; a; (!? UJ 61) .,{) 6v '&;u' ~ ~ 6v {fj) 6llT UJ fo a; IT GiJr <§IT GJrfi UJ IT rT fii (!2 6lJ IT tiJ w 61) rT f5 fo (!!j 6'fl'7UJ U IT L 6v a; 'furrd'){(2M w a uri~;/) r5 j}(!2d;a; C!:P /Jf-UJIT IDfiJeJ6v ~(51r) @}a; 6Tf) Girr G u IT (5 'furr- tF riil$ I' a; WIT a; ,j}6iJr @I(!!j WIT !J1l 67(!:9 fowuL.Qirr6ff @J. ~=w.g;ifr ~tpfil g)Jiw C2 wGilr !Oro wuSI g)J1 w G fo t.Uw .$/ (!2 6Tf) g)J1 w 6lJ rr .9' IT £i) a a; IT <F JT WIT c;; u!i(!5uufiie:;6v <FrfiUJITerr Gwrr tfG u UJri- uy GB' tiJ6'!J.§J 6T fir aU IT 6v .$f ;f} ~ 6llT rT a; eJ .$ (!!j .!91 <FIT j fiJ UJ WIT 6llT a;rrrfiUJwiT(!!jW· '' y a; ~8:fFJ ror6v61!1Tw ~-err d;aa;. roT 6v 61) IT @J ,tb p!i g)J} W a W61) IT 6llT ffo o=C16llT , tF rT @I W Gv 61JQJ)UJ lL{ irf' 6fT wa fXff .9' rT 6lJ .,{) UJ IT t.SJa UJ roT riil (!!j W r5J IOaJ fD f5 ,<5 wa 6llT fiiJa;uGurr(5a6ff. Gu;i;a(5(5 d (!!5rRUJf51T6llT ~err .!P <DITrma;6Tf/6v ror rma;'&Yr fjJ ;i!JJI$ Qa;ITirreJ6'!11TUJ, ~6V.$ fo fii G 15 G a;.$ ;i%J 6& (5 ri .!5I 6T riil {.5 futr .$raJ) ,m fiii ,tb J!)l 6JJITt.U. ~611T .ffi1 cfJ!!:P~a;aUJ 151T rm5irr 6W.§lj} a;@a& w. ~6llT d;a5 tJ,rTii/J/ff werr §ILGilr rorriil<'Dfutr ~ri-uu=§ QB'tiJ@!OiJra(!J w. t£!.$5$ o!D(!!j~T 6'!11TtiJri,<D &L 6lja6ff <FrT6ll~6lliTIT fFJa;e3$ (!!jW a; ,riJLSifJj WITfXff Gw(!!j w GuiT(!5a61T, p_IOiJT~aUJ f51T IID<D irr auiT ,ri;.f!)lfila(5w • ~fir ?tanw L- ® w ~ IOIJJL6ll ID ,m a CD 15 IT rm a; irr ~IOaJ<FuwQfWaC!Jw· iLIOiJT cfJ![;G!Oroa; cfJ!P~fo;i;(!!; Gr rma;irr ~(5 fo UJriil a; futr fiJ ,mB; a;CJwliilimQw. ~Girr jJ (!2 <JI9 6fT .9; a; IT 6.J !Or r5J a; ifr ~ fo WIT ,$ a; 'furr- t5J IT <'511' fF} ,9; .f.5 ~ Go:t.U uiTI§a<FIT fo!a UJ. ~!OiJrtS!g)Jiw w@JJJ6WwJTjij! ~w ~~fil g)Jiw urfitJ,ri-<C11117aw. <Fti'w w6v61!10aJw




It is circumstances which show what men are.

"&rrffiu". r5(JILI c!!J!6irl-t..Sid5r 6tVWfd,rf<iiir111'W. rorr fouiT'fi,m 1Lfroil61r fii0®J,1.9- a; IT Ji/lirrCZw. ®JfiJi/iluuwCZIT. 6Ttiu<»roir LD W, d!Jf f:Y fiJ 6iJr tOT Sv 'P.6lJ. {fj) a; (g 61! ff a; U IT(] 6l) IT a; fo fiJ fiirr /liut..SI/fitiu<»"C.6fr rSii61f!JTu51,.i .§1 ~fuiLiw Ga;rr(J;).i fil ,m®ll IT. ~/ 1.9-$ a; liJ- (@) (!!j W fiJ ~$ (!!) CZ w ;iJ 05 $1 6I5J a= a; e;.i 05 .g){ fiJ u jJ ILl rr 6IJT FF a=CZ !0/Jr. d!Jf fi?J U fiJ. !Ii LD 61! ,$ Cb Gii5T 8i rorfi61S10 ,i; .{91 lil t)ICZwilJ ~61J<Dtiua;e;.i C!!5 a;/r ;i /lirrCZwy61JuuLrr %.§1 w ~ !0/Jr .§1 10 IT f5 ;/i eJJ fo $ (g a; L 05 WIT /!)/ 6T tiiJ a; ifr 'tim (!!j ,o!P ILirisJs;'2F.rr,<i %J,muuiTtiJ. 6Ttiua;irr ~fiirrwj;eDfo rordJr-05 y61JuuihJfi!w fD!O/Jrliiifwrrfi!IJ.J w6fv.§J.ia;6ff/6irr ~1%Jufii .!J,If;lil,i;lfil 'l!_~Mr0LDIT(!!j 6TrisJa;ifr ~foW!Tdia;rorflilJ U.§JtiiJ@ (gILl. '8f rdJr .g){ 6irr G/5) u fL/ w <5 rr 6/JT% G/5) pi fL/ w 6T tiu a; $05 u5l (!!5 $ 05 w a.. 6i5r CZ @:5 IT fiJw ILl 6T risJ CE e; 8; @5 Gw rorfl u ®JirejJuurrtiJ. ,;rti;;a;roir a:l ITtiua;e;.i05w 'fim0fo1L1tiu u®j;~J®Iff/LIIT<E, a=ir®la;(!!J'&iwfL!t.D foeDILIILfW Gurr05$ a;e;.i 05 w ~jwrr.i{Ee;.i05w ~ /JjrriT;i;G~D/fi$ Gi'!irrihJu u rr tiJ • ~ rdJr CZ w 61J rr 6/JT <5" 6/JT w 6T tiu a; "C.6rr 67 ~ 15 %JILl <5L-Iiiif(g6lr. @....W §!;l!W LILI c!!J!rAUJGurAUJ 05~tiu $ "C.6fr ..1 rEsl !li (!!!5 $ 05 .g)j rorfl U WIT ILl IT a;. '{!__ W d!JI tOlrr t..S/ e;i~J ®Jt/)u516!J ~uCZILirra;uuihJ.cif56lJrrG!w6irr /!)/ <»0.§1 fi1 ,m CZ fo rr d!Jf ~ ,!5 ®It/)$ a; rr CE 6T ri1 !E "$rr• 6T ;i; !P' $ G! !E 1r irr. t..SI,mr6,& a;~uSI.i05w (!!Jc~,,i<i15!fo 6Ttiua;e3.$05w ya;L...(J;) wrrtiJ. w6i5fl,lbira;'8srr ®;05$05w c!!J!L5lu(!!JIJ.J liSl5l,.ifii 9L 6irr (g w 1ii11 rr 6/JT !E (!!j '&iw u5l rdJr u rr GID ,w t.1SICZ 6lJ CZ ILl ,;, tiu a; "C.6fr t.Urr <Friil ili.i rr, (]} u ·"' rEs11E rorA~ (!!5 ric jfi1 gfi,a;'furr a;w _mCZILI ;iJ /!)/ fL/ w .g)fGID ~ §; .§JBo G! a= iv. 67 risJ a; .;rfL;i fiil iv vxrr CZw61!rr61JT ~0'&iw: Gu0615Jw, <5rr61JTw, a=rrr6pw wrrUJrr<n. _@....6irr Q 1;>tU£JJ ~/iwrr<JJS/@r a=ITiJ!jj;<i15!% 6Ttiua;. eJj :£ 05 d!Jfrorfl% .§1 6T riu.E'&i,r 'l!_6irr a= w kJ,rT~ a= ri; ro %J u.S/ ilJ C!f'%6&1J.JeJJ(@J t..SIIT$1 t..Sit.Dt..SI.i'".q, Ga:ti.lfil ,m (jj)jfi15)f{u5/~t.D w.i fiJ IJ.J wrr 05 LOU 1.9- d»,(!!jroir Lf rA(@Jrr ILiff$. 6TrisJ.q;ifr ~IL!irr mrrL_.q;6ff/i•: ryivG®1rr 0 a;=,&$!§2!w ~ rdJr C2 w 61! rr 6/JT .g){ (5 fil 6&0 $ 05 w u 1.9- ffjJ(!f> ,d• .§1 d G! a; rr irr · @GI5)@J . :z;"C.6fr,~uiT/.9- t..SI,m05 ''C2w%WJir , Gw6WCZ6fVig" <if IT GX' ~. w ;MJ" CE (5 '&iw (y!IT (i $1 (gILl 6tV fo 05 (8 (]}!@.! 6T 6i5r ,m u ,d> fiJ rA r;;w a; u.S/ 6& 05 ,i; .§1 !dJ5 6fV ,& @5 05 u rr u rr <JJS/ 6T8i-lliff/.J,(]}IT , wrr6irAL (Za;rr/.9-eDILI . {ffj)ITmfJuu®tCJi Jr . e;i~J dJ!0<iifl' uwLL d!Jf (!!jirrG! LDIT rf' a;.;,rA ilJ ryGisreJJ pu ~<iJr '2<= C21J.J uS!.$ !E !@.! <ii51JT .$ CE j; .§1 ,_r;i;r CZ u rr ;iJ JP! fil <1 (!!l w • u L5f- ii a; ir.G! <F rr ilJ 6& d!Jf fiJ 6isr ldi G w rr 05'2.6fr a; 6iJr 05 rWIJ.J 6W0®J,L.Sf- 6W$J%J 61JIJ.J (y!rTfofii· 15CJii!.J uff@ .~CJi61!rrfil;i.§J L.5l,tr05 ~·~ urrurr<JJS/eJ61!(!!j<iffuuL...L CJi<Frr$1. 15CZILI . • r;ilJ®J f:Ra rrL...ihJw tSIIT rr ~wr6irr, ..ff,fi/IL! WIJ.J IT 6fl!rEs!& GfAGi6'1JIT6iJT eJJ ;c u u 1.9-,d> .§1 fil IT®Je!f}!O/Jr r1; fo w wrii,<b(!f'W r5CJiiJ.J. ~6irr ryrorfl 6TSv61!rr ~(5@1rila;rorfi <FrAUJrr<E 8-w61Zfl (!f'foGv S?z-w<iilrlff:®JeJJIT G!u /!)l'ii>J.!fi!. §21 tJl (5 .i fil 6irr ,m .§1· ~dJr .g){ 6irr y 6T ilJ 61! rr ef/; ;i w rr .$. ef/; ~W L!EJi~ rfi,j,I.F ~ ,IbLDITa; ,;i; j!UJIT6Uf1uuifi1. d!Jfu CE rorfl ,_); ,fil §21 uS! 0.$ fil w ,m .§1 . d!Jf 6irr u rr !0/Jr 15 rr u5161rAL% GJ U If (IS jfi1 ~ ~W L-!@J G<YfJ -oiJT d!J/ Ff1 ILl GJ L.J rA ILL (!!)~ tiiJ a; ifr .§JW a:!A, t..SiiAIJ.JWfT!O/Jr fo~G/5),$u516lrAL;i.§Jw <FiR , .g){(g 10 !Ii uSJ (!!j ut..S/ WJ W fl !)Ia; ~ L (!f' $ fil ILl (!!) e!f} fiJ I.F ILl fiv ,f,' ITwiTrr $1u.Jrr!ii1Jr 05/:Pri;w fo u5/6lff1,_j; §I w a= !A, ~uCErr IT a;'!;m .g)f$fo,i;j5 LDfT,#i p~,!iJ;b 05 (!f'd;fiiiJ.JLDfT<E.iQa;JT~(J;} fil ri; /5 ZerrtL{ roir ~ fil (]} rr; @,80 6irA L /j; §/ W 1.F Ff1, !E Sv sS/ fii/1L11T61JTW Ga:i.UILJa<iJioiirr®t.D. .g)ffliiTWjfi! ~!OIJrw!A LJCELihJcD 056 wS'6irALJ,g~w <FiR, ITfTWrT @ 0 ~~7511rrT, wiT pw u.£fol. t..Siu fN'ilJrA-a=wrfieJJ,m wrr!T.;i;ar-=..ia;w fil®16irr, Lf~j.bri, ,;;;6irf ,m kJ,~di!E;{ifo$a; tOTilJ6Vrr GuiLirT 6Tt~ f! 6!J-6fl!!F .f91®J,L!f-. Gw-wJRUJrr<i15!f1i . m-®w- @.u.ia; t.D a;e;w 'll_C!J'om&a;e;t.D &CZILI 6Tw !f)J ·ryuy.iG!a;rrirr@fT 1J5-® 'fuv-G! u rr (!!5 eJJLD ~a; <iivL...-(]} u 8o eDlF d!J!L.i (!!) ,<5 ilJ. d!Jf JPJW/iJJ QiErr ihJuu "ILiff Cli· If' rrfi,,g;ifr 'll_dJr'&wr ~U G6tVuLwulr-<i15!forAILI'D· d!Jf$(Z,_rrwr'r-<JJSJC2wa;t.D. n;®Jw IT a;,T w, I.Fff6llw6iff, 6tVIT .§J®J,L~Tff, (g wrr6tV6'fu, ~6fl!W, uir-6fV@j;p;ilJ. LSf-6tVwurr-!'LfoiTIT05=w. t..Sif!J(!!) I!!J W%lf!JW% 6T6irr JP!W @WWJW 'l!_61!t!i,&fiJilJ Gf5!Arii.§JW UITUITiiSl5!6irr ULfo %1 P® a; P'dJIT'fY!JfTrT; %JGa=tiJ.f5! Q fo!AILirr w~uSI(!!jdi filw ,m d!Jf(g ro t!i rorr wtiua;(l!!!!jw @.. (!!5 ya'}.u &5! kJ,fi/ u iT6tVITforhl<Dirr Gu,iJ.f!)J u.if5rra;irr a;~ ®lrilt!i@W 16CJiiLI 6Tw /!)lw Cii(!!)fo(Zw~(J;)U;. ~6irr ®J.§J . @uulJf-CJiUJ {fj)$pu u;i$1rAeJJa;<OwUJ wrrfil.i05w fd>rT®I,d>·eJJ"'7j ' fd,g§i.ifi!CZCJ''D· '{!__ 6irr 6tV~&.acrr!OIJrw 6Trila;irr ro61fmuira;irr IJ.JfT!EJJ(8W ~l.ffi!~/.9-fo.§l ,lb<'i5rw$%J $161! d!CJi®JCE,.i·w fo ro6irr 05 G!wrorfi.;i;a:wrr li;@j fi} ;ng;~. ®!(!5ril fi15!LD615JILJuGJu/!)l$@ C2u.lffT61JT,i;f5j;eDpi .g)fWLfL/Wil gJ/ a;rr61! fo $1 P05 ~6irr d!Jf0eJi 05 6T jliruff.ri .ifi!CZ ('J'W· (Za;rr IJuu®fil ,m.§l. ~' cJ,QiW.ffirr pCJi61JT, @m::e;iv .=(2!EJ! rot..SICZILI !'T'a=CZ61JT \;;I .::9" ' ' ' ' wr CJi 61! rr a; ;9; w ,& 6T ilJ 6lJ rr 0$ 05 w ~ eJJ L.i@ w ,m 'fim 05 fo Our Exchange. ILl fo eD fo ~615) L IJ.J!EJ/ (]} 6/JT • @....61) Si j; fiJ ilJ forT W W &$ 61Zf/ $ fii 6i5r ,m G u rr (!:£> .§1 CZ fo ®JCJi 6lJ rr a; j; %J 6&0 ri; g1 y (5'(]} u rr ilJ (1) Scholar. @lri; .§1 @)6fT wt..S/w fD I.F.i; fiJITWJ.i 05 Q!EJ;W.;i;a=riJQa;IT(J;)u (2) The Indian Insurance. u .§1 CJi u rr ilJ ro ilJ ®; rr If; @5 d!Jf rorfl $ 05 w fY!rT j;fiJ (]}ILl. '{!__ 6irr fiJ1/i/0,QiiLij;fiJilJ rys&.i 05 w CZmrrfiJIJ.Jrrfi/,m ro!Tm1>fo$1ITw (3) Divyachakshu· !'LGN wi 15 rra;irr fiJi/ii(IJ~D1L1Ji%J~w t..SIITfii!t..Siwt..S/.ia;.i · ('1) Vidhyananda. · a;0'&iw Ga=tiJ®Jrr tiJ. a;Liiiifrorfiw Gw0eJJw 'l!_6l!a;Gwtiu (5) My Magazine. 05w <JJS/IJ.Jrrt..S/$a;L_(J;)t.D, <EL!iiif"C.6rr t..S/,QiiT®Jrra;8;Qa;rr~(J;) ­ (6) Indian Educator. a=a;61! ~!@IITITfila;e;w 6T a;a=CZa;IT foiT j;ww uff &5/.ia;L...ihJw. -



The soul never grows old.


' Meher League.' When His Holiness Sri Sadguru Meher Babaji graced Saidapet with His Pr~senc~, the following resolutions were passed m H1s immediate presence : (i) That a League called, ". Mehe ~ L eague," be formed with the object promoting Univer sal Brotherhood. (ii) That all persons, who are aged 15 and above might become members of the League. (iii) That the only condition for becoming a m ember is that he or she should undertake in writing t o pro mot e U niver so,l Brotherhood in t h ought, word and deed. (iv) That the League should_ ~pread far and wide the message of our DIVme Lord M eher Babaji: viz., "Universal Brotherhood and Lo ve." (v) That 'Meher G azette,' published quarterly' be conducted by the r_.eo,gue. (vi) That members, who are bhaktas of Baba ji might have their meditation at leastonce a w eek (on Snndo,ys) at 'Meher Asram a m ', Saidapet . (vii) That a free R en.ding Room and Library in B abaji's name, be open ed in • Meher Asramam ', Saidapet.


[N.B.-Those who wish to join • Meher L eague' may apply to:C. V. Sampat h Aiyan gar, Sub-Judge, Kurnool (Madras Presidency), o1· [India· Sister v. T. Lakshmi, M.A., L.T. Editor: "Meher Gazette," " lVI ehor A sr a1narn ," ~ aidapet, M adras, (I n dia). -------~--------

Members of ' Meher League.'

IN.B.--All members are requested to info im tho Editor of their chan ge of addr esses : if any. Ed.] 131 B r o. Ard eshir S. B aris, Nasik , 132 , Noshir N . Satha, Ahmednagar. 133 , Peiroz N. Satha, Ahmednagar. 134, , Aspen R. Irani, (Pendu) do. 135 ,, Ac1i S . Irani, N asik . 13G ,, Sar osh K . Irani, Ah mednagar. 137 , Khan S ah eb K aikushru Sar osh [Irani , Ahmednagar. 138 M iss. K. K Irani, N as ik. 130 Mrs. Naja K S. Ira ni, N asik, 140 Bro. K. S. Iran i, N asik . 141 ,, Beramji N- Desai, Navsari. 142 , Meherji A. Karkaria. P ersia. 143 , , Jamshed N. R. Mehta, Karachi. 144 Mi ss Mani Irani, 145 Mrs. B eb G hUl'tasp Iran i , His Holiness Sri M eher B abaji is the 146 B ro . Homi R. K er man i, 147 Miss. Perin Mehta B om bay . Patron of 'Meher L eague.' 148 Mrs· Bachubai N. H- Dadachanji , The followin g office bearers were appoint[Bombay. ed for the year June 1930-3 1. 149 Bro. Rustom C. Joshi, Bombay. Presidents:-K. J. D a.stur Esq.,M.A.,LL.B·. 150 Mrs. M eher ;1 R. Joshi , Bombay. - 151 ,, Frien ey E- H. Dada.chanji, Bombay. C. V . S ampath Aiyangar. 152 Dr. K. M. Rai, Puthoor , s. Canara. Vice-Presid ent :- M. Vadivelu Mudaliar 154 B ro. V. Duraiswami Ayya , Sa ida pet. E sq. · 155 ,, Dinshah Manekji, (deceased) S ec1·etaries :-K. S. Sr inivasan, Esq. 156 Subeclar B. Hanumantha, V. T. L a kshmi, M.A., L.T. [B angal ore. 157 Miss Hanumantha, B angalore. Tre as~we1· :-C. V. Ramanuja Charlu Esq. In charg e of the 111 eher Free Reading 158 Bro. l\1. G . Guruswami Aiyo,r, Sivaganga , Ramnad Dt. · Room :-C. V. Ramanuja Charlu, Esq. 159 B· K. Shiwala , Ahmednagar. Editor of' llfehe1· Gazette.' 160 :, K. S eshag iri Nayudu, Egmore, V. T. Lakshm i, M.A., L·T. [To be continued.] Madras. Printed at the Saroj:1 Press, (Meher & Co.), 19, Avadanam Papier 2nd Lane, Ch_oolai, Madras and published from "Meher Asramain.", Saidapet, Madras, by the Propnetor and Edi t or: Sister V. T. L:itkshmi, B.A., L.T.

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