Meher Gazette Volume Six Number Six Raw

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1Bangalore Ci ty .

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A Bi-monthly review devoted to the Propagation of Sri Babaji's Message and of Universal Brotherhood


Through Meber League· Vol. VI


January- February 1938


No. 6


\Vhere is ignorance : v"Vhere sorrow for him who has seen the One in Many ?- Yajnr Veda.


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Th at is real s€r vice \ Vhere there is no thought of self at all .

[ Sri Baba : Born Febru uy 25 ,



1894 : became Sadguru before 1921. ]

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OO~~=======~ICI~~===---==~-~~ Subscription: Annual, Inland Re I . Foreign 2 sh . or 50 cents with postage.

Single copy 3 as. or 6 cents.


N ews About the Master



11 2

Yoga by Swam i S ivanandj i

11 2

E ducation for world Peace


B its from Sri Baba' s Talks


Bits from S ri Vas wani 's Talk

11 8

E ditorial

11 8

Meher Asramam

11 8

Meher League

11 9

Our exchange



C. V. Sampath Aiyangar,

(Late of Jli/ adras Ju dicial S ervice)

RATES OF ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION Inl and : R e. 1 (inclusive of postage) Foreign :

Two shill ings ( inclusive of postage) Single Copy 3 as .

Subscri ptions should be remitted in advall ce to

C. V . SAMPATH' AIYANGAR , 6, Meher A sramam, Brah-min S tree t ,

SA IDA PE T , (Madras ·)

@ "';'HE

MEHER GAZETTE A Bi-monthly revaew devoted to the Prop,a gation of Sri Babaji's Message and of Universal Brotherhood Through Meher League. Vol. VI


January -

F ebruary

[ . N o- 6

NEWS ABOUT THE MASTER. Sri Babaji, with twenty- five disciples, including fi ,¡e Wes terners, has been ~taying at Panchgani (Sa tara District, Bombay P residen cy) since march 15, and May sta,y there till th_e middle of June. Bra Dadachanji writes : " The Ashram at Meherabad for th e Mandali there, the Free Dispensary, and the Special Ashram for the G od-mad are all conducted by the staff of the mandali staying there, each with di ffe ren t duties assigned. There is only one, Mahomed - th e pr incipal amongst the inmates of the Ashram for the God -mad-who is brought here to stay with Babaji, who gives him his daily bath and food et c. , as usual. So that he alone from amongst the G od --mad . has the personal treatment and touch of the Master, who probably works through h im for all the others of the type, as He explained when ¡Mahomed was taken to F rance in September l'ast.' ~

. MASTER' S :WARNING. The Master once said "Just 'lS the diver' s uniform enabl es him to be left un-touched by water, Divine Love enables the as pira nt to dive deep into the see of Maya, and yet be left un-touched by it. " And so He warns us "The chief props and agents of Maya are Kama , Krod h, and lobh Oust, anger and greed). Unless and until you subjugate them it is impossible for you to enter upon the path that leads to union with G od."

Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world. (Carlyle)

112 AVATAR Questioned about 'A vatar' the Master said:God-reali zed Masters always do exist on the physical as well as on oth er planes, but are not always . known and seen physically. After cycles of years w hen spirituality reaches its lowest ebb, and materi· ali~m is at its highest points and at those critical periods when there is chaos and mi se ry everywhere, the impersonal aspect of Divinity assume» perso ~a li t y , and the world sees the phys ical manifestation of an Avatar, or Prophet· It is the same Divine personality who manifested as an Avatar in the past times in the different physical bodies and under different names· These Avatars and Prophets, after completing their mis3ion of giving a great sp iritual push to humanity, gi v,e up the physical body, and as ~ ume once more the original, impersonal aspect of divinity. B ut eve n in thei r imperson al aspect, they always remain self.conscious of their divi nity.

YOGA (S wam i S iva nan dji ) Yoga is the di sc ipline of the mind, . senses and the physical body . Yoga helps in the coordination and control of the subtle forces within the body. Yog'l brings in Perfection, peace and everlasting Happiness. Yoga can help you in your business and in your daily life· You can have calmness of mind at all times by the practice of Yoga. You can have restful slee p. You can have increased energy, vigour, vitality, longevity' a nd a high sta:1dard of health. You can have success in e very walk of life . Yoga will infuse in you new strength, confidence and se] T hrough Yoga you can have compl ete mastery over the mind, passion s, The body and mind emotions, im pulses, tem per, tongue, and so forth, will be e ver at your be ck and call. God·consciousneJs or communion with the Lord is the acme of the ethi co-reli gious discipline of Yoga. This is attended by a remarkable senses of freedom and moral elevation on account of the crumbling down of the false• illusory , little ' I'. Th e Yogi is in possession of all Divine P ower now. He en joys unalloyed eternal B liss. Po wer of enduran ce is a virtue to be possessed by a Yogi, a Jnani, and a B hakt;~.. Many hard ships an d pri vations ha ve to b e faced A wise ma·n alters his opinion, a fool ne ver.



by the aspirant in the successful performance of Yoga, Titiksha develops will-power. That is the reason why Lord Krishna sa ys to Arjuna: "The contacts of matter, 0 son of Kunti, giving cold and heat, pleasure and pain, they come and go, impermanent; endure them bravelv, 0 Bharata! The man whom these torment not, 0 chi ef of rTlf~ n I balanced in pain and pleasure, steadfast, he is fitted for immortality," ( B haga\·ad Gita : Ch . II--14, 15.) Moral excellence or ethical perfection is not, however, th e fi na l goal of the Yogi. It is only a means to the attainment of the end of Ethical development is more difficult than the attainment of life. intellectual eminencf', because the truths can only be grasped by the Yogi who possesses a pure or untainted heart. The essentials of moral life are straightforwardness, hone5ty, mercy, humility, respect for life or tender regard for every creature that breathes absolute unselfishness, truthfulness, celibacy, non -covetou snes!:', absence of vanity and hypocrisy, and co!; mic love · The student of Yoga should not possess much wealth as it will drag him to the worldly temptations. He can keep a little money to get the wants of the body· Economical independence will relieve the mind from anxieties and will enable him to continue, hi s Sadhana uninterrupted! y· The student of Yoga should be abstemious in hi s diet. H e s hould a\·oid laziness, ease, habitual languor, and ·e xcess of sleep. He sh ould observe silence and occasional_ mild fasts to ensure a good tone to his constitution. He should develop correct habits. He should check a\[ sorts of ambitions and the counter -c urrents of worldly desires by enquiry• thinking and discrimination· He should say unto the decei ving mind· "0 mind! I know your tricks . I have got dispassion and discrimination now. Do not wag your tail now. I wi!.l clip it off ruthlessly. I have learnt many lessons. It is only ignorance that makes man prefer a transient gain to permanent benefits. I do not want again these sensual enjoyments· They are like vomitted matter for me. I have resolved to attain the free, everlasting fruits of Yoga vi z·, EVERLASTING PEACE, IN F INITE BLISS AN D SUPREME JO Y." Yoga advocates complete detachment from secular interests for the sake of practising uninterrupted medit<~.tion. It recommend ,; meditation It on the inner Light of the heart or anything that is pleasing to you. prescribes that one should withdraw oneself from the ordina~y affairs of In all things rea:;on !:hould preYail.



life for the purpose of practising constant meditation · be practised at home by having a well-regulated life·

Yoga can also

A Yogi claims that he can attain extraordinary powers and knowledge by subduing the passions and appetites and by practising Yama, Niyama and Samyama (or the practice of concentration, meditation and Samadhi at one and the same time)Patanjali Maharishi, author of Y OGA-SUTRAS clearly warns the students that they should not be carried away by the temptations of powers . The gods themselves tempt the unwary Yogi by offering him a position similar to theirs· Students seek more after Siddhis than after Truth and spiritual attainment despite the clear note of warning· Desire for power acts like puffs of air which may blow out the lamp of Yoga that is being carefully t ended . Any slackness in feeding it du e to .care lessness or sel fis hn ess for S iddhis will blow out the little spiritual li.gbt that the Yogi has kindled after so much struggle and will He cannot rise up hurl him down into the deep abyss of ignorance. again to the original height to which be bas ascended in the Hill of Yoga. Temptations are simply waiting like vultures to overwhelm the unwary student, Temptations of the astral, mental and Gandharva worlds are more powerful than the earthly temptations· Success' in Yoga is possible only if the aspirant practises profound and constant meditation. He must pmctise self-restraint at all times, because all on a sudden the senses may become turbulent. That is the reason why Lord Krishna advises Arjuna : 0 son of Kunti ! The excited senses of even a wise man, though he be stri ving impetuously, carry away his mind, Such of the roving s en ses ~s the mind yieldeth to, that hurries away the understanding, just as the gale hurries ~way the ship upon the waters·" (Bhagavad· Gita: Ch · II-60, 67·) Very often various sorts of obstacles come in the way of the Yogi. Disappointment, despair, sickness, depression, doubt, indecision, lack of physical and mental energy, slothfulness, unsteadines3, craving for He should not be sensual objects, blunder, act as stumbling bloc.ks. discourag~d· Patanjali Maharshi prescribes E KA- TATTWA BHYASA i.e ·, practice of concentration on one subject to overcome them - This wil( gi ve him steadiness and strength· He further advocates the practice of friendship · between equals, mercy towards inferiors. complacency towards superiors and indifferance towarcls wicked people· This practice will generate peace of mind or composure and will destroy hatred, jealousy, etc. A new life will dawn in him when · he practises these To choose time is to save time.



virtues· \Vhat is needed is perse verance. It is the key-note of Yoga, The Yogi is amply rewarded, when he gets full centro! over the mind. He enjoys the highest bli ss of Asamprajnata Samadhi •

EDUCATION FOR WORLD PEACE. "Education for World Peace" was the subject of a lecture given in Pachaippa College, Georgetown, by Miss Martha L. Root a ,N ew York magazine writer and Mrs. Shirin Fozdar of Bombay. Both are well known in1ernational speakers. Miss Root said the catastrophe is that we come to a new universal age but we are still trying to carry on with the old, out-used education, the national competiti"'e methods and these would not work. vVe need new international thinking, we must have a world plan or we perish . Similarly, she said that in economics we are making the fatal mistake of trying to rectify the present civilization instead of realiz ing that it must be spiritually and socially transformed· 'W e must have new education, we must become internationally minded, we must study homoculture• we must establish a new world order viewing the would as an organism. She added : '' It is just this new world plan, this new international education to peace that I have come to speak to you about today. Baba 'u'llah, the great world educator, taught certain principles for peace- N o one princ iple will establish universal peace, bnt all these principles of which l am going to tell you will r.reate such a spiritual brotherhood and understanding that war will pass !rom th e earth·" She stressed the new solution of the economic problem, taught by Baba'u'llah, by which every child in the world can have the proper education to earn his li ving and by which there can be the great interchange of students. This economic solution begins with the farmers, for the agricultural industry is the most important and the most useful in the national life. It provides that every village community, as well as every city. would have a central storehouse into which funds would come to be used for education and the better help of the poor. " The turning point of civili zation", Miss Root said, "Is when all nations and particularly those of E urope and the Far East will realize that economic and political laws are only aspects of the universal laws which control the development of humanity. So to obtain economic Our opportunities to do good are our talents.



relief there must be world economics ; to obtain political stability there must be a world order ; and to remedy the bitter strife of classes there must be universal religion. "She explained the new teachings about a universal League of Nations with every country a member and all countries laying down their arms simultaneously ; and she gave the function of an international peace force. Another of Baba'u'Jlah's teachings, she advocated, wa!; the equal education of the girl and the boy, as the girl is the potential mother : He said ,that man and woman are as the two wings of the bird of humanity and the bird cannot attain its perfect flight until those two wings are equally strong and equally balanced- She told the audience that when she visited the Argentine, South America, the men were helping the women in the suffrage work and were keen to work for the higher education of girls. Universal education was well taught by Baba'u'llah. The lecturer said, one must teach social studies, not alone subjects that begin in words and end in words, but practical" studies to teach us how to live together as individuals and as nations. A universal system of culture must eventually encompass the world, a common curriculum, a common aim, a common purpose underlying the d;stinctive educational expression of each nation. This new cosmic education, Miss Root said, should be based upon one culture-that means the scientific culture oi man and woman ¡ to their most complete susceptibilities. The chief function of universal education is to aid the child to develop to the utmost his spiritual qualities while subordinating and sublimating his animal tendencies. "There is a time in the development of character," said Sir 'Abdu'l Baba Abbas son of Baba'u'llah " when nobi lity of expression becomes habitual. Then we hardly have to try to be good¡ "But it is a long, long step from the weak and ignorant child, full of careless and selfish tendencies, to the mature man or woman clothed in the wisdom and power of a spiritua character." The speaker also stressed the education for a universal auxiliary language, for the doing away of all prejadices racial, political, national and religious; for the harmony 'of science and religion as edncation to make us world citizens in the fullest meaning of the word, capable of sharing in and directing world civili zation for which people must be prepared. "The Baha'i Faith" said Miss Root, "is like a Universal League of Religions which seeks for the unity of mankind." She closed her Miss not the occasion.


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BABA1S tAtits

address with the words of Sir 'Abdu'l Baha' Abba's as to the kind of education our colleges and universities should teach: "The universities and colleges of the world must hold fast to three cardinal principles of First, whole-hearted service to the cause of education, the education. unfolding of the mysteries of nature, the extensio~ of the boundaries of science, the elimination of the causes of ignorance and social evils, a standard universal system of instruction, and the diffusion of the lights of knowledge and reality. Second, service to the cause of morality, raising the moral tone of the students, inspiring them with the sublimest ethical ideas, teaching them altruism, inculcating in their lives the beauty of holiness and the excellency of virtue, and animating them with the graces and perfections of the religion of God. "Third, service to the oneness of the world of humanity: so that each student may consciously realize that he is a brother to all mankind, irrespective of religion or race. The thoughts of universal peace must be instilled in the minds of all the scholars, in order that they may become the armies of peace, the real servants of the whole world. God is the Father of all, Mankind are His children. This globe is one home. Nations are members of one family. The mothers in the homes. tht! teachers in the schools, the professors in the colleges, the presidents in the universities, must teach these ideals to the young from the cradle to maturity."


Divine Love You yourself are the cause of your separation from the Beloved. Annihilate that which is called self, and you will thereby gain union with Him. The highest divine knowledge is attained through love. follows hatred and forgiveness follows love.


The Perfect Master He who loves his spiritual Master for the sake of love, ever intent on giving it and never desirous of receiving it, is a true lover¡ Surrender yourself to a Sadguru if you want God-realization.

The May of life blooms only once.




The root and the Fruit The root of love is the illuminated heart. joy that passeth understanding.

! be fruit of love is the

The modern world moves fast, but like a burdened motor-car· The modern world doth not know that the only riches are Love . . May ye bear witness to the Ancient VV'isdom that to live is to drink in, the Light of Love ! (From '.Mira' ) EDITORIAL A word about 'Service·' Please meditate for two months on 'Karma, Yoga and Service.' There is always one thought in the mind of our dear Master -that of Service ; and if we wish to be his genuine disciples, we must be one with Him. And we can be one with Him only when our thoughts become identi fied with SE<rvice• Reading the immortal Gita a thousand times is no good, but the reading will be useful only when it makes us true Karma yogins. We must try our best to become good instruments of service. Service and Love go togetherA great Master says, "It is indeed the will to be one with God, not in order that you may escape from weariness and suffering, but in order that because of your deep love for H;im you may act with Him and as He does. Because He is Love, you, if you would become one with Him, must be filled with perfect unselfishness and love also·" Those who stand as candidates for becoming members of municipalities and Local boards must be saturated with perfect unselfishness and Jove. It is only then they can be useful to their country. · In the words of a daily ' ' we must confess that the Congress record in the field of local self-government ba s not been as satisfactory as in the field of provincial Government· " D isinterested ser v ice alone will solve this problem.

MEHER ASRAMAM (Saidapet, Madras) 1. Members of Meher League assemble here and spend some time in meditation• They meditate and practise the virtues of 'Devotion' in January and 'Equilibrium' in F ebruary.

- - - - - - -

Order is Heaven 's first law.



2· Earnest spiritual aspirants may go there and spend some time in the queit place under the tree planted by the Master· 3. At present the Saidapet Rate Payer's associafion and the 'Civic association' are located here· Members take physical exercise and read news papers.


When His Holiness Sri Sadguru Meher Babaji graced Saidapet with His Presence the following resolutions• among others, were passed in His immediate presence:1· That a League called "Meher League" be formed with the object of promoting Universal Brotherhood ·

u. That all persons, who are aged 15 and above might become members of the League. m. That the only condition for becoming a member is that he ' or she should undertake in writing to promote U oi versal Brotherhood in thought, word and deed· 1v. That the League sho.uld spread the message of our Di vine Lord Me her Babaji viz, U uiversal Brotherhood · His Holiness Sri Meher Babaji is the patron of the League. President: C · V. Sampath Iyengar, Vice-President: Vadivelu Mudaliar, Treasurer: C. v. Sampath Iyengar, Secretaries : V. T· Lakshmi, M,A. L.T., M. R. A. s, K- S · Srinivasan. [N· B·-Those who wish to join Meher League may apply to·-C· v. Sampath Aiyangar, (Madras)- India·





[N· B·-All members are requested to inform the Editor of their change of address, if any· Ed·) Order is the sanity of the mind.

MEHER: .G.!\:ZE:tT.E. : .


OUR EXCHANGES 1 The Indian Insurance 2 · Federated India 3 The Sun Beam 4 The Message 5 The Cele:;tial Messenger 6 Peace ·· 7 Kalpah 8 The Chirdre'ii's N ews 9 Saraswathi 10 The Young B uilder 11 The Indian Educator

12 The Dayalbagh Herald 13 The Scholar 14 Commercial E d u'ca.tlOJ;l 15 B harata Dharma 16 T he Mira 17 V isva Prema 18 The Vision 19 The New Dawn 20 The Light 21 The East and West 22 New times and Ethiopia news


The paper for all interested ih internatio 0 al rjustice · . . . \ Editor : E . SYLVIA PANKHURST. 3., Charteris Road, Address:·woodford Green, Essex,- E~GLAND·

THE PERFEC-T' MASTER ··· (The life of Sri Meber Bab~)




CHARLES B. PURDOM . (Late Editor of "Everyman") with a fore-word BY

DR. FREDE RICK KETTN:ER (Foun der of Biosophy and Director of the Biosophi ;:;al Institute of N ew York) .

330 Pages with 12 Photos of the· Master Published by : WILLIAMS & NORG:ATE LTD., OF 'LONDON,

Special Price Jor India-R s. 5/For "\i\Thaj others Say" about the book, please see pp. 67 & 68. Cart be had of THE NEW BOOK Co. The Manager, Circle pnblic'ltion s, Kitab Mabal OR MEHER RETREAT, 188-90, Hornby Road, FORT- BOMBAY. 'NA~ r l{~..(G_. I. P. __Ry.)

______ ____ ,





'THE VISION' An int~rnational monthly devoted to the religion of Lo_v e and Service based on the spiritual experiences of Sages and Saints of the world-modern and ancient ; stands for the U niversal concept of God and the harmony of all Faiths. A NNU AL S liBSCRIPTION :

Rs· 2/· (Post free) Foreign .. . 4 sh· or 1 Dollar. Single Copy ... As· 3/. The Manager, Anandashram, Ramnagar, P . 0. Kanhangad, s. I. Ry. Inland


THE MESSAGE . . A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE N EW A GE · Contains in spiring articles by the Editor, S wami Ramdas, T· L , Vasvani and others; soul stirring poems by H erbert Porter ; Ycga by Swami Sivananda ; Religion of the ancient world by Miss Boon Clark etc. Special Feature : Sri Aurobindo Ghose's commentary on the Gita (a unique opportunity.) Annual Subscription . .. Rs. 1 8 0 Apply to , The Manager, " Message", Gorakhpur,

Peace of mind. H ave you found Peace of mind or Lasting Happiness? If not, read the work of Gurumaharaja Swami Bhola Nath, who calls himself Servant of the Earth, but is Avatar of modern times. Founder of Divine Love Society and Author of Rays of Light (English or Hindi . R s. 1/8,) Payam-i -Mohabhat (Urdu, Rs. 2) Zahur-i -Haqiquat (Urdu Rs. 3) wonderful for Peace of Mind, Priceless 1ewels for spiritual progress. Available from Mr. R . R . Khanna, Registrar, Lucknow U niversity, Lucknow.


SRI MEHER BABA His philosophy and Teachings . (1 20 pages with a Charming Art illustration By A. K Abdulla Price 12 annas only, postage extra II

SRI MEHER BABA The perfect Master Q uestions and Answers (Published by the Circle Editorial Committee, London Price 6 pence: (6 annas ,) postage extra


THE SAYINGS OF SRI ME ER BABA (With notes and a glossary) Publi_shed by the Ci;rcle Editoritll Camm'iKee,..London Price 3 pence'(:itann«S) postage extra Apply toR- K· S. Irani, Meber Asramam , Meherabad, Ahmednagar, Indi a. or ·Meher Asramam, Sa£dapet, Madras, India.

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PRINCESS NORINA MATCHABELLI · Apply to -The Editor, 27, Brahmin street, Saidapet, (Madras) F. H. Dadachanji, Boman Lodge, Vincent Road, Dadar, Bombay.

----More ancien~ than the Masonic, Ro;icru<;:i~o a~d other Mystic Orders-In the Land of the Yogis.. If interested and . dra~n to us please apply 'to



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~~$~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Printed by Mr. B . C. Hanumaiya at the Vokkaligara Sangha .Press, B. Cit y. Edited and Published by Mr. C. V . Sampath Aiyengar, the President of Meher League, 27, Brahmin Street, Saidapet, Madras.

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