Meher Baba Lovers of Norther California Newsletter 1985 1999

Page 1


NEW 235 BERKELEY, CA. 94704



VOL. 14 "tly







Metier Baba




moment Divine

entered the

morning of July 10th he left the cabin silent, his physical voice not to be

heard again by his approaching the EOth memorial date.



here a feu

open bring


"The Word to


of the messages Baba gave us regarding His silence, its importance and the


breaking of it.


"God has been everlastingly working in silence, unobserved, unheard, except by those who experience His infinite silence. If my silence cannot speak, of

and indefinable


will mark the

of fulfillment of the Life. It will throw

new gates to Eternity. new hope to despairing

that I will speak



philosopher; it

from God,

will go



will go straight

with the

the Unity


what avail mould be



disciples. Ue are anniversary of this

Ue mill

its utter


cabin on the property Meherabad colony. The

at the

is to

Truth which will

pierce the mind of the world and go to its very heart. It will convey the simple Truth





this word of


to its

dawn of the realization



life, hatred

will come

to an


and There

will be unfaltering love and unfailing understanding, and men shall be united in an inviolable brotherhood realized Oneness of God.

based on


speeches made by the





by Love



This is the simple way that leads to God. "The very moment when He thinks my speaking mould be heard universally God will make me break my silence."

Not by the endless maneuvering of alluring illusions, but by loyalty to the Unchangeable Truth can ye hope to be established in Abiding Peace.

Myrtle Beach, SC April 25,1952

"When I


Divine Word; words



"Although I appear to be silent, I speak through you all. I am ever silent and everlastingly speaking, but time has

This word





apparent silence and






Be worthy


and for

"My Love and Blessings."








to receive the Divine

that be

prepared now


receive the Grace."


really am,


and not merely by the mind. It will go home to you and bring you the

Andhra Oarshan Tour

February and March, "To ask whethBr



hearkened by

then those who love



to be

only one

the Word of


will have

Nauranga, UP, India February 5, 1954


will be

the heart,

me will see my Real SBlf."



but it will be


always was,




my followers will be

time and


"I must all



February 23,




break my silence

have come


into contact

will have some glimpse Eluru,

place of


ridiculous and in itself would prove that the significance of the breaking of my silence has not been truly understood.


slave of my real lovers."

of the


of me.


with me

Some will



Continued on next page






Continued from tint page

have a


little more and some



house is

wherever there are



the bulbs are


electric bulbs and if


house, there

still more.



will be light.

the If


some of

of small candle-power, the

light will be bright. If the bulb is fused there will be no light at all. I perform no miracles, but when I break my silBnce, the first and the will be performed."

last miracle

Rajahmundry, Andhra, March 1st and 2nd,

India 1954

way is to love

our Fellow beings.

If we

feel for others in the same way as we feel for our dears ones, we love God. "If instead of seeing faults in others

we look

within ourselves

we are

loving God.

"If instead of robbing others to help ourselves we rob ourselves to help others,

we are loving God.

"If we suffer in the sufferings of others and feel happy in the happiness of others we are laving God.

"If we endure our lot with patience and contentment, accepting it as His will, we are loving God. "If we

understand and feel

that the

greatest act of devotion and worship to God is not to hurt or harm any of His beings, we are loving God. "To love God as He ought to be loved, we must live for God and die for God, knowing that the goal of all life is to love God and find Him as our own Self."

Ahmednagar, MS, India September 6, 1954

"... My Word of words will touch the hearts of all mankind and spontaneously this divine touch will





oneness of

in man the



beings. This feeling will supercede the tendency of separateness and rule over

the hearts of all, driving away hatred, jealousy and greed that breed suffering, and happiness will reign." Meherabad, MS, India September 29, 1954

"If you were to ask me why I do not speak, I would say I am not silent, and i:hat 1 speak more eloquently through gestures and the alphabet board. "If you were to ask me why I do not talk I would say, mostly for three reasons. Firstly, I feel that through you all I am talking eternally. Secondly, to relieve the boredom of talking incessantly through your farms, I keep silence in my personal physical form. And thirdly, because all talk in itself is idle talk. Lectures, messages,

statements, discourses of any kind, spiritual or otherwise, imparted through utterances or writings are Just idle talk when not acted upon or lived up to. "If you were to ask me when I will break my silence I would say, when I feel like uttering the only real Word that was spoken in the beginningless beginning, as that Word alone is worth uttering. The time for the breaking of my outward silence to utter that word is very near. "To

love God

in the

most practical

"... Unity in the midst of diversity can be made to be felt only by touching the very core of the heart. That is thB work

for which "I


have come.

have come to

sow the seed of


in your hearts so that, in spite of all superficial diversity which your life in illusion must experience and endure, the fBaling of oneness through love is brought about amongst all the nations, creeds, sects and castes of the world. "In order to bring this about, I am preparing to break my silence. When I break my silence it will not be to fill your ears with spiritual lectures. I shall speak only One Word, and this Ward will penetrate the hearts of all men and make even the


is meant

so-called sinner feel


be a





saint will know that God is in the sinner as much as He is in himself."

Meherabad, MS, India September 30, 1954




FRIDAY MEETINGS - Meher Baba meetingi ere held on Friday evenings at 7:30 pm with time for visiting before the program begins at 8:00pm sharp. Meetings are at the Friends Meeting House, 2151 Vine St. (near Shattuck Ave.) in Berkeley, or elsewhere as indicated in the meeting description.

JUNE 7th -



m will be present





AUGUST 24th &


bring your

to Meher





















Bill has been a key worker for Meher Baba in Australia for aver thirty years. Tonight he will share personal experiences of being with Baba in the '50s and '60s, and will tell of his




Bing Hackman




selections that stir and inspire you in

JUNE 2Bth -



Once again we will share favorite excerpts from published and unpublished literature poems, prayers and







Spend a Saturday afternoon with Filis. Special raffle. Watch for the details.





Cheri Dreyfuss JUNE







Here is another exciting evening of personal stories about how the Avatar has






Andhra State in India.




whose voice

will ring

on through

the centuries is Francis Brabazon, Meher Baba's bard, who died one year ago, June 24, 19B4. Tonight we will review a

little of his

extensive work

in the arts. MBher Baba has said, my lovers are poets: only some voices and some do Sue Jamison





This is thB weekend Sahavas retreat

new board

of directors

David Miotke,

and Larry Pesta.

in Southern California

President Uice President




Office Manager

be Meher Baba's Silence

in a

special evening of






Programs Finance




Service Archives

We welcome our special guBst and dear friend Filis, who has been a disciple Baba




Cheri Dreyfuss David Miotke Oavid Miotke Alan Talbot

Dan Sparks

and the following committee chair people:



The new





as officers:


JULY 19th -


of the Silence Day

hope to see you there.

Our focus will


Lovers of Northern California, Inc. was elected at the Annual General Meeting on April 12th. Elected to the Board were Soosan Adham, Jenny Califf, Cheri Dreyfuss, Bing Heckman, Sue Jamison, Board held its first meeting on April 14th and appointed the following people





insights and stories of being with Baba always prove to be an inspiration for our own relationship with the Master. Coordinator: Cheri Dreyfuss


Larry Pesta Jenny Califf Sue Jamison

Soosan Adham Louise Barrie

Bruce Ecker

Dan Sparks

The budget for the new fiscal year CApril 19B5 April 1985) was passed and a new nominating committee was elected: Louise

Barrie, Harold Jamison, Bruce Kinneburg, Ben Leet and Carol Singer.


The Avatar Meher




Baba Center of Southern

holding the


Day Sahavas

7th at Grounds

the Pilgrim in Oak Glen,


from July


3rd thru

Pines Conference CA. The special

guests this year include Bhau Kalchuri, Kitty Davy, Filis Frederick and others. Locally, call Karen Talbot (530-5242) for transportation help. This event is a very special gathering in Meher Baba's Love.

The Curry Cook-off on April 20th was a big success. All who attended had a great time, especially the children. Donations




Thank you for your support. A flea-market is planned for September. Please begin looking in your garage and attic, etc. for donations. To arrange

for delivery or pick-up of your donated items call Jenny Califf at work B64-3377 or at home 2B5-9117, or Lisa Greenstein at 525-33B4.



Our Trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Meher Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 _14th



CA- 94103.

Jenny's home phone is 2B5-9117 work phone is BB4-3377.

and her

Childcare is now

free but available only

by calling Soosan Adham (524-9159) to request a sitter for the upcoming meeting at least if

five days in advance,


Childcare is


provided in

playroom from 7:45

and only



the downstairs

- 9:45 PM.


are welcome at meetings as well.) MEHER BABA



Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from responding to requests for

( information


books and other

r projects. call





literature, and many new

If you



like to

or Gary




* 562-1101.





In order for out-of-towners to have a way to confirm their expectations before coming to meetings, a recorded message

will announce any program changes and give the location of meetings when not given in the newsletter. Only changes or important information will be added to the regular phone message. If you want a confirmation, call the day before the meeting: (415) B45-4339.


If you cannot attend meetings when the bookstore is scheduled to be there, but

would like to

see or purchase something,

contact Dan Sparks

at 33S-1090.

No mail

orders, but he can probably arrange to get something to you or let you look over


our stock.


of Northern California, Inc.



2131 University Avenue, Room 235

Berkeley, California









R 235 BERKELEY, CA. 94704

2131 UNIVERSITY AVE. RM. jf/—; t-J

VOL. 14




by Bhau






Kalchuri for of


Oh Bhau! Why do you think of your weaknesses and why


do you feel confused? If you lead your life in

r* -^•'sB

sahavas with





Annual Sahavas at Pilgrim Pines this summer, these ghazals give us a glimpse of the Real Sahavas with Meher Baba. Bhau has given us permission to reprint a few of these ghazals for those who did not have the opportunity to hear them at the Sahavas or couldn't purchase a copy of these



the Beloved






from everything.





sahavas -

should when


I am in

the sahavas

of so many wants and desires?

But as

I accepted

You I /eej. that

You will take care ~oF them* and give

ghazals at the Pilgrim Pines bookstore.

me Your sahavas!





we not

been weak


would You have come down on earth?


Your coming down on earth shows that

Meher! What can I say about Your loving sahavas? Your loving sahavas of even a moment can wipe out millions of sins!

You come


down in


order to

make us

weaknesses through



Oh Beloved! It is a fact that Your Grace descends like rain.

Oh Beloved!

What work

You have done for

us while we were sleeping.

But why don't You remove the seven colored umbrella so that we may get

You are

now waking us up

us Your sahavas

by giving

in our hearts.


Oh Oh friends!


What a



the Beloved

during His


Oh friends!






We have

been in the sahavas

of the self for ages - but what have we gained? Let us now enjoy the sahavas of the Beloved and see what happens!

while the

sahavas we ask you a vary question When are You going to give habit of hiding from us?


of wine during His Advent!

people of the world! There is no difference between you and us except



of the Beloved!

for one:



Just long for the sahavas

And I tell you - every bud of His garden will open up with the aroma

He has given us so many words of the Truth while observing silence.

The Beloved is our life, world is yours.






Oh friends!


It is

true that the Beloved


feels happy to give His sahavas when

up your

the other one (self) remains absent. Let us therefore drink a little wine

so that the other one starts dozing!

Oh brothers! Do you know why the Beloved has given us so many words of Truth through His silence? So that we may live His words and enjoy His sahavas in order to become

Oh Bhau!


Do you

know how to

enjoy the

sahavas of the Beloved?

Remain close to Him and keep away from your own self in His love! Continued on mt







Continued from tint page


Oh Meher! Your

The Program Calendar for Bhau's Uisit


We have invited You to give sahavas to us so you should


at home with us.

So now it is for You to do something so that You may feel at home with us to indicate that You have accepted our


AUGUST 23rd.


Friends Meeting Hall Walnut and Uine, Berkeley

Bhau meets with us this first evening to

talk about

Avatar Meher

Baba of


Oh Beloved!

you for


need Your

need us



of Your




So why don't You wipe out everything which comes between our

need for You

and Your need for us?

AUGUST 24th. SATURDAY 12:00-4:00 PM Alan S Karen Talbot's home

22 Woodford Dr.,

A pot

Oh religionists! There is a difference between you and us. You go after the dress of the Beloved whereas we go after the

Moraga, CA







afternoon with Bhau.

AUGUST 24th.

SATURDAY 7:00-10:00 PM

Unitarian Church

Cedar and Bonita. Berkeley, CA

Beloved Himself!


religionists! differences

Why do you create by creating different

ceremonies and rituals? Know



special guest


the ceremonies

rituals~are~the illusory dress!

Tonight we present an evening of entertainment for the Avatar, for our




Bhau Kalchuri




and for



Sue Jamison.

your AUGUST 25th.

SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 PM

Unitarian Church

Oh philosophers! Please do not tell us about the philosophy of the sahavas with the Beloved.

We do not want to make simple things complicated and miss His sahavas.

Cedar and Bonita, Berkeley, CA A public followed Avatar will




want the

sahavas of

talk by Bhau by music and a Meher


AUGUST 25th.


SUNDAY 7:00-9:00 PM

A ghazal meeting with Bhau reading some of his ghazals and discussing Ghazals

are a

the Beloved.

Avatar Mehar





Meher Baba gave him for publication, as well as a major biography









1075 Keith St., FOR WOMEN ONLY.

and the EveruthingT a substantial body of

author of


MONDAY 7:00-9:00 PM

Sue Jamison's

ask Bhau

author of The Nothing


the and

Meher Sarod and Meher Roshani.


is the

of Persian

Bhau is the


Trust compound in Ahmednagar, and works for the Trust as a lawyer and agriculturist. He is also a prolific He


poetry that speaks of relationship between the lover

We are privileged to welcome Bhau Kalchuri to the Bay Area. Meher Baba's nightwatchman since 1955, Bhau joined Baba when he was 23 years old. He lives the


Michael LePage's home. B46 Sea Uiew Dr., El Cerrito, CA


Meherazad at


be served.


Beloved the relationship of love between you and Him. Then maintain this relationship of love with Him and forget about religions, philosophy and logic!



Kalchuri film of

Berkeley, CA Here

is a chance to

any question that

comes to

mind about women, men, spirituality, children. Bhau, who is married, has two children and two grandchildren.


volumes of spiritual poetry in the ghazal tradition.

Cherie Dreyfuss is coordinating Bhau's visit to Berkeley. Please call her with any questions. 415-525-349B.

AUGUST 27th.

TUESDAY 7:00-9:00 PM

Michael LePage's home. B46 Sea Uiew Dr., El Cerrito,


FOR MEN ONLY. A frank and discussion night for men only. will field any and all questions.

open Bhau




OCTOBER 11th -

FRIDAY MEETINGS — Meher Baba meetings are held on Friday

evenings at 7:30 pm with time for visiting before the program begins at 8:00 pm sharp. Meetings are at the Friends Meeting House. 2151 vine St.

(near Shattuck Ave.) in Berkeley, or elsewhere as indicated in the meeting description.




will be present





fond Come





of certain singers listen to some of

As a special treat,




particularly and songs.



hear a tape

an old tims

Baba lover

From England who recently died, explaining the meaning of the words to

Bruce Ecker

"Begin The


Coordinator: Sue



We all worry, even though Meher Baba repeatedly states, "Don't worry, be happy. I will help you." How do we do this? Is there any escape from worry? Tonight we will discuss the problem of worry and share ways of remembering Meher


through "worrying"



Jim Meyer, longtime resident of Myrtle Beach and singer of Meher Baba songs, will share his story

and the impact it Coordinator:

of coming to Baba

has had on his life.

Jenny Califf


Coordinator: Harold Jamison SEPTEMBER 20th -

lBth -



As a child, Charles had the fortune to meet Meher Baba in 195B at the Myrtle Beach Center and in 1962 at the East

West Gathering in Poona. Tonight he will share many of those personal experiences. Coordinator: Jenny Califf

19th (Saturdau)


Jim Meyer, whose albums of Meher Baba songs have been very popular, will give a fundraising concert in honor of Meher Baba's

New Life

held at

the Friend's

Meeting Hall ^tr~BrOO—PMr-~Coordlna-tor: Jenny Califf. OCTOBER 25th Coordinator:




1st -



Bruce Ecker BABA


Charles Haynes will facilitate an all day (9 AM 4 PM) workshop at the

Brian Narelle will MC the game that was such a hit at this year's Sahavas in

Unitarian Church at Cedar and Bonita


Berkeley exploring ways another

in our

Please sign __ Jenny

life with

up for this






Halloween desserts and treats will





in costume



David Miotke.

workshop with




to support one






Jenny Califf


the superb

slide show

West," created


in commemoration

of Meher Baba's first visit to the West SEPTEMBER 22nd (Sundau)



on November 4, 1931, and first shown at our 50th Anniversary celebration of

An afternoon of fun, music, food and stories with Charles Haynes at B46

that event at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco in 19B1 will be shown.





Cerrito from



Cherie Dreyfuss.

Coordinator: Jenny Calif NOUEMBER SEPTEMBER 27th -




A remembering of the years Meher Baba spent in Hollywood from the 1930s thru the 1950s

with a special .focus

motion picture





on the



Another wonderful evening is planned with Filis, who shares her experiences with


Matchless One.




David Miotke. continued on bock page




Another group of tales of how Baba brought us to Him, by members of our group whose stories have not yet been told.


Larry Pesta

President. Cherie Dreyfuss " Vice President, David Miotke ** Secretary, David Miotke " Treasurer. Alan Talbot" Office Manager, Dan Sparks

Board of Directors: Soosan Adham, Jenny Califf, Cherie Dreyfuss, Bing Heckman. Sue Jamison, David Miotke, Larry Pesta Coordinators: Programs. Larry Pesta **Rnance, Jenny Califf **Publicity, Soosan Adham ** Community & Service, Louise Barrie " Bookstore. Dan Sparks " Archives. Bruce Ecker

Continued from prevlout page NOUEMBER 22nd -



Childcare Meher







always five Perfect Masters actively supervising, so to speak, the entire universe on all planes. He identified the five who were holding this ultimate office during His early years and described something of their roles in relation to Him. Tonight we explore the lives of these special people. Coordinator: Bing Heckman. NOUEMBER 29th - MANDALI

is now


free and

indicated by

the calendar.

nights but

available at

the teddybear


It is also available other

onlu by calling

Soosan Adham

(524-9159) to request a sitter for the upcoming meeting at least five days in advance, and only if three or more parents reserve. Childcare is provided in the downstairs playroom from 7:45 9:45



are welcome

in the

meeting room as well.) TRUSTWALLA


Come take a video mini-trip to India as various of Meher Baba's close disciples talk of the Beloved in their garden setting in Meherazad. Coordinator:

Our Trustwalla is wish to share commitments laid

David Miotke.

should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th St., San Francisco, CA 94103.



Jenny Califf. All who in fulfilling the down by Meher Baba




.".jvny's home phone is 285-9117 rk phone is B64-3377.


and her



The Rock n' Roll party at the Albany YMt was









inspiration, the children

showed us



kept pace with

their parents and the S26B.00 raised will help with the expenses of managing our group's affairs. The sweepstakes to Myrtle Beach was won Santa Barbara.


send a pilgrim to by Lesley Tejada of



Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from responding to requests for information to processing orders for books and other literature, and many new like to help, projects. If you would call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at 562-1101.

event featured Filis

Frederick as guest of honor plus the ever growing group of Baba's tots. Thank you for your support. A flea-market is planned for Saturday, September, 28th at the Sausalito flea market. Please begin looking in your

garage and attic, etc. for donations. To arrange for delivery or pick-up of your donated items call Jenny Califf at work, 864-3377, or at home, 2B5-9117, or Lisa

:'y> Love makes the Formless and Infinite

become enformed and finite as the God-Man among men. Love me more and more because for the sake, of

love I have come among you. -• Meher Baba --

Greenstein at 525-3364.


of NotraerA California, Inc.2131l!BnivffcHy 4$ftue, Room


m. VStifomJ 94704



235 BERKELEY, CA. 94704


VOL. 15


Reprinted from Bhau Kalchuri's recent book Avatar

of evolution on the straight path toward God-Realization. When he completes this first phase, the Avatar drops his

Of The Acre

Meher Baba Manifesting by per mission of the publisher: Manifestation, Inc., P. 0. Box 991, North Myrtle Beach, South

physical body. The result of the first phase of his work manifests gradually over a period of 100 to 200 years. This phase is of sanskaric

Carolina 29582

The Three Phases Of His Work

annihilation and burning.

The goal of life is to realize God and the whole of creation has come into

the second phase of

existence to fulfill

second phase

of the Avatar's work


of wine

this purpose, though

all of creation is actually non-existent. There is a straight path to God-

Realization, through





passes of

seven levels of involution.

to pass

through evolution

before it

can attain




Each soul has

and involution

the level

of God's








almost every human



misses it, because the accumulation of unnatural sanskaras is causing almost everyone to deviate from that path. Natural sanskaras propel consciousness in its evolution and are necessary for progress through the seven stages of evolving


skaras are

they halt the progress toward


accumulated in human



form and

of the human being




unnatural sanskaras are wiped out of the human mind, progress toward involution is delayed. The human being is entangled in his gross consciousness, and so wanders through the world lifetime after lifetime. The Avatar appears on earth because the whole sanskaric pattern of evolution has become unnatural. Humanity misses the



because of its



unnatural condition.


the stages of evolution have become unnatural, mainly because of mankind's scientific explorations, experimentations and exploitation of various species of evolving life forms.

After the Avatar has dropped his body his work starts.

- his


is the

divine love.

The Avatar's wineshop opens to all humanity and he first distributes wine freely to those who are already on the

straight who are

path toward

realizing God, and him in

extending their hearts to

acceptance of this wine. phase of intoxication.




A person whose mind is burdened with mostly unnatural sanskaras cannot thirst

for the divine wine Thirst


of this Avataric age. after



sanskaras are severed and burned up; only then is the straight path found. The result of the first phase of the Avatar's work is universal, as he places all the stages of evolution back on the straight path. When this happens, the evolution of the universe becomes natural once again. This is a phase of purification. During

the second phase of the Avatar works to distribute his wine freely and there are intoxication,

some individuals

and drink

who strive

their utmost

more wine; they receive

a push

to a higher plane. Some individuals who are becoming divinely intoxicated thirst

for more wine and they enter the beginning of involution. Some individuals have only a taste







temporary intoxication they do not advance beyond gross consciousness, although they are approaching the entrance to the inner path. The Avatar's wine pours through the heart of humanity as his love floods the world

purifying, to

some extent,

all of

human consciousness.

The first phase of the Avatar's universal work consists of wiping out the unnatural sanskaras in humanity and the lower evolving forms, thereby placing all


light of


through seven

Š 1986

the Avatar's

pours into


the three

His light

sun, his worlds

pours in

continued on the nuct pat*





Continued from fiat page

the gross world through the opening of the seventh door. When all stages of evolution are moving on the straight path to God-Realization and humanity is experiencing the wine of divine love, the consciousness of

each level

then focuses

toward the light of his sun as it pours through the seventh door. When this light

is the

seen everywhere third


on earth by mankind, of


Avatar's work

begins and this is his manifestation on earth.

to freely distribute wine

to all of those

who were unknowing participants in the first phase of his work. They are now en the path to him.

Another incident occurred in October, 1968, during the seclusion phase of Baba's work. I felt deeply disturbed that Baba would not reply to the correspondence from his



strict ban on



this time


correspondence for both the

east and west.

In this third

phase humanity expe





riences the full impact of the Avatar's manifestation consciously. while other stages of evolving life forms are

explained to me, "My lovers are so great, they want nothing material or spiritual.

universally affected and their progress is

I come

down to

you so


stepped up. Those human beings who are closest to the seventh door experience his

manifestation most directly and intensely. The rest of humanity experiences the manifestation in accordance to their relative distance from the seventh door.


light seen

manifestation, ness so that

by humanity,

inflames human

as his


divine intoxication is actu started the second

dropped his physical body, 31,




since January

is now distributing wine

Those people

who did not

into his physical contact,


or did not see

him physically during the first phase of his work while incarnate on earth, did not miss anything1 Meher Baba completed the first phase of his inner work for them without their awareness of him, or of his presence on earth. The first phase of his work has prepared them to receive his wine

and to participate in the second phase of his work. However, if they fail to extend

their hearts to him and accept his wine, they will actually miss the real alorv of his manifestation - divine intoxication. I remember one incident that occurred

in September, 1968,

that clearly pertains

to the second phase

of Meher Baba's work.

Baba was

discussing the forthcoming 1969

darshan program with the mandali.

Padri said to Baba, Close the shop, Baba!"

"We are old now.

work which was a pounding on his thighs.


of us

understood at

that time

what Baba meant by this. But, soon afterward he dropped the body and more people started coming into his contact, even though

they had

not met

moving stream of humanity



signifies that

he has opened his wineshop for the world -

continued, "My

work is

the real

thing which I am giving them and you will witness with your own eyes what will happen

to those physically."






Because his work is the real thing he has given to the world, people are now coming to him, even though they did not meet him in the physical form. Meher Baba has completed the first phase of his work for them, though these people have had no physical contact with


Without their

knowing it, he has bestowed a great blessing upon them, and in his own way he has

prepared them


phase of

to participate his work

- the

in the wine of



the end,

Baba's health

was in

very critical condition. During January, 1969, Baba was discussing his forthcoming darshan program in April. His suffering was terrible. His body was being crushed by the infinite burden of the universe. This was the last stroke of the first phase of his work on earth. Spasm after spasm wracked his body.


Baba immediately became annoyed and gestured, "What are you saying? close the shopl The shop will now be opened!"

with me

"If they come here, what will they see? Only this physical body! This is the real thing that I am giving them." Then Baba made the sign for his seclusion He

Avatar Meher Baba

Why are

You have been

for so many years and still you do not understand what 1 am doing for them.

ally experienced.

phase of his universal work the day he

worship them...

were breaking.

It was as if his

That memory


never leave me.






darshan, Baba said, "Once I start giving darshan to my lovers, I will never stop. It will be continuous and I will be very strong at that time."

Again we

what he meant. his body,

mandali did

not understand

But since he has dropped

I have witnessed more

people coming for his


and more I now see

continued on the back page




FRIDAY MEETINGS — Meher Baba meetings are held on Friday

evenings at 7:30 pm with time for visiting before the program begins at 6:00 pm sharp. Meetings are at the Friends Meeting House. 2151 vine St. (near Shattuck Ave.) in Berkeley, or elsewhere as indicated in the meeting description.



Recent think



To chock lor

bookstore will be present

call 41S/84S-4339.

proQrsrn chonQM


political about

disturbances make Baba's



concerning world conflict. What does the Master say about our role in the midst of international unrest?

Coordinator: Larry Pesta.




of our

course of

group will


discuss how

life has


because of their involvement with Meher Baba. Coordinator: Harold Jamison.

JULY 25th - FILMS OF AVATAR MEHER BABA05 Coordinator: Doug Ross.



sharing slides

some of our members will be personal experiences and color

of India at the new home of and Sue Jamison, 6934 Fairview El Cerrito. Coordinator: David


Drive, Miotke.





We are pleased to have Kacy with us dur ing her visit to this area where she was raised. She has lived in Meherazad for over seven years and will share her stories of her life there.




A new board

Lovers of

Meher away

Baba's disciple two years


and poet


Tonight we


of directors for

Meher Baba

Northern California,

inc. was

elected at the Annual General Meeting on April


Elected to the

Board were

savor selections from his written works and glimpses of his life. Coordinators:

Bing Heckman, Harold Jamison, Ben Leet, Michael LePage, David Miotke, Larry Pesta

Sue Jamison and Michael LePage.

and Doug



new board

held its

first meeting on April 19th and appointed the following people as officers: JULY 4th - INDEPENDENCE DAY - NO MEETING

There will be no meeting tonight due to the holiday and because many are at the L. A.

Sahavas this weekend.







in broad

slide show



Baba's Baba's


strokes the


different phases of Meher Baba's advent. It is

Jamie Dillon Alan Talbot Ben Leet

and the following committee chair people:

birthday, held at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. This slide show


Secretary Treasurer


Ancient One" a 1984

Bing Heckman Harold Jamison

Office Manager



Vice President

offered tonight to mark

the 61st

anniversary of Meher Baba's first day of silence (July 10,1925); a silence that continued unbroken for 44 years. Coordinator: Michael Lepage.

Larry Pesta


Michael LePage


Harold Jamison Harold Jamison

Publicity Service Archives Bookstore

Louise Barrie Bruce Ecker Ben Leet

The budget for the new fiscal year (April 1986 - April 1987) was passed

nominating committee was

and a new

elected: Jenny

Salif&,Hon Gree"stein, Karen Lundegaard, Fred White and David Worthen.

Continued from previous page


how he is giving darshan continuously and how he distributes his wine.

Now he is very strong. The wineshop is open and the door is remaining open. Maya cannot close it.

Wine is the second

phase and the world is receiving it, for wine is his work. He gives darshan continuously to all those who now thirst for his wine. Wine is the most important phase for this is the period of preparation for participating in the third phase of his work his manifestation to the entire world.


On the first Sunday of each month there is a gathering of children with their parents and other adults to sing Baba songs at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein (525-3364) at 11:30 AM. This is oriented to children, but is fun for all ages. The next two meetings will be on June 1 and August 3. There will not

be a gathering in July because people will be at the Sahavas. THE


The Avatar Meher



the time



wholeheartedly in the second phase of Meher Baba's work and drink deeply the wine of love. We need to avail ourselves

of the spiritual opportunity evermore




by drinking wine.



Baba Center of Southern

California is holding the 12th annual Silence Day Sahavas from July 3rd thru 6th at the Pilgrim Pines Conference Grounds in Oak Glen, CA. The special guests this year include Virginia Rudd, Naosherwan Anzar and

Ann Conlon.

In the

intoxication is his preparation. This preparation will make us ready to experience the manifestation more fully.

for transportation help.

This event is

a very special gathering

in Meher Baba's

We should become prepared to put ourselves


at his

feet and

bow to him

Bay Area call Karen Talbot (415-376-4325)

who suffered

infinitely in his work for all of us.



We regret that until further notice the use of the downstairs children's room at


the Friends Meeting Hall is discontinued. Worknights at Meher Thursdays,




Baba Information are to

from responding




to requests


books and other

projects. call Rick










in the small



will not be providing



literature, and many new

If you would like to help, Chapman or Gary Freeman at

means we



education room



Children are welcome at the

meetings if supervised by their parents.


The way of my work is the way of effacement, which is


Our Trustwalla is

Jenny Califf.

All who

wish to share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th St., San Francisco, CA 94103.

the way of strength, not weakness; and through it you become mature in love. At this stage you cannot know what real love is, but through working for me as you should work for me you will arrive at that ripeness where, in a moment, I can give you That which you have been seeking for millions of years. -- Meher Baba -


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704










235 BERKELEY, CA. 94704



VOL. 15 At the 1986 Sahavas sponsored by the Los Angeles group, Naosherwan Anzar gave a powerful Ten







love, but you have to love. If you surrender, if you love, He doesn't give a raise in pay. He is already there.

"The True

Discipleship.'• Excerpts from this talk are reprinted here,

It is to live in

with permission from Naosherwan and the LA Group.

crucifixion and He suffers for each one of us. I have seen

not a joy for Him the body, it's the

Him suffer with my So


you come


to the


line, it's not the dollar, it is love. Look


question: what





is the bottom line

in my

life, why is there confusion and conflict in my life, why is there a breakdown of

relationship, why don't I get along well with my mother, why am I estranged with my father, what's going on between me and my husband, why can't I relate to my son — and the answer is that you've put

this heavy block on your heart. You're not relating to them. You're not talking to them, we are only talking to ourselves.

1958 that

the discourses of Baba discourses from 1931 to

Baba has Every

given in


the United is



interest. And Baba time and again described the greatest problem of this country: it has tremendous spiritual energy which it can

share with the world

if it can eliminate self interest.

I see

it happening in New



York all

own eyes,


The desperateness experienced when you were you




that you seeking, when you



desperateness flag. You have found Baba, you take a sigh of relief, and you become complacent. That desperateness, that pull, that ember —

don't let it turn to

ashes. That fire of love, let it go all the way through not only this lifetime, but

many, many




desperateness that Baba talks of, let it go all the way through so you can get that glow, that feeling, that fire that be a


That sahavas

living with Him can be a continuity. The third factor, the third demand ment that you make on yourself is one of obedience, a factor that Baba time and




everything else into



the shadows when He

talked of obedience. The two aspects of obedience that Baba gave me directly — of course Baba gave

the time, but I also find that hearts are opening up. The revolution that Baba talks of, the emergence of a new


stretch that surrender all the way. It's __ not a one-time thing, it's a continuity


Go back to and read all the



me several orders —

but the ones that were very important to me were "Don't Worry" and "Be Happy". Now,








me these






humanity, is now happening.

important eliminate

What are the demands we must make on ourselves? Surrender — Baba has asked

order "not to worry" has helped me to see


for our surrender. We say, "Yes Baba, I will surrender to you." But is that an empty word? Is that just a promise that we don't intend keeping? We have to carry


the promise




of surrender

all the


that we




orders because they totally every other confusion, every



I find



sometimes been a problem,





but one has to

make a concerted effort. Baba always said, "Try to be happy. Try!" So one tries to be happy. People sometimes say, "Well, Baba

is not in the

body, so what


orders do I obey?" Don't worry, be happy is a very important order. And if you

ourselves to surrender. He isn't asking you for your surrender. But you have to surrender. He's not asking for your

were to follow this order, take my word for it, all your problems would be ironed





© 1986

continued on thenext pag*





Continued from tint page

We've already talked

is a

of love, which

very important aspect of


to Baba.

But what

our rela bothers me

constantly is that we love Baba, yet we have no love for the people around us, as if

Baba doesn't


in them.


quently there is divorce, separation, unhappiness. We are happy to love Baba, but we can't love those who we are supposed to love in our daily lives. Is

that what

Baba wants of us,

Him on a pedestal love those

that we put

and love Him and can't

who we should love?

that is something

I think

we all should consider

at some point so that the confusion can be dispelled. We love Baba and that love

must be translated Baba was

into our daily lives.

a practical Avatar.

You don't

put him on a pedestal and worship Him, you bring Him into your daily life and use what He has given you.

Another ition. The

important aspect is intu present period is a very

intimate time with the Beloved. A time will come when thousands will follow Him

and all of us will be relegated to the back. It is a very intimate time with the Beloved. Our intuition has recog nized the Beloved, but we have to strengthen it further. And the only way you can strengthen it is by loving Him more










demandment that we can

is that of recollection. back to the source



make in our lives


is going

of when you met Baba,

how you came to Him, what brought you to Him. This is your touchstone that you have to go back to and hold on to tightly because that is the gift that He has given you. The gift of Baba is love and

that is what will sustain you. And how do you recollect? By constantly repeating His name. That is the talisman He has given you, His name! There are several

stories of

terrible moments


people's lives which have been transmuted

simply by uttering His name. That is the greatest gift Meher Baba has given us, the gift of His name. Repeat it all the time,and talk to Him.

You don't need an

intermediary, you don't need a guide, a murshid, a priest, a mullah, anybody. You relate to Him directly, You don't need churches and temples. He is there, here and now. Just reach out to Him, talk to Him, tell Him your daily problems, and He will give you an answer in different ways. He may not answer

right away, but as the days go by you will discover that He will give you an answer.




always professionals the

greatest gift



you can go in

this lifetime

that he is available now.


to, but is

Isn't it great

that He is with you all the time and that

gymnastics to do.

you can never be alone? Selflessness is another area of work

with Baba. Selflessnes means letting go and giving in. I know of couples who got









brought and

their books





are mine


to Charlie



an audiotape




these books are yours 1 Selflessness is to be practiced in our daily lives as we go from day to day, letting go of I-memy-mine.



have already talked of work for developing our capabilities and

capac- ities and applying them to working for Him. He can do all the work Himself, but He makes use of your efforts and channels His work through you.



long and


with the Friends, we of the nest and need to meet.

The Friends


are being eased out to find a new place would like to make

more use of their buildings, and they have told us that after October 1st they cannot schedule our meetings on a weekly basis. As a result, the Center Search Committee is looking for a new place to meet. At the business meeting on July 25th, the membership passed a motion to

permit commitment to a permanent Center. The motion supported either a rental or a purchase, but favored a purchase. We are

still unsure if we can afford a permanent


Center and are carefully exploring all possibilities. In the meantime, we will be meeting in people's homes and other locations, so please check the schedule for each meeting. Locations are subject to change; please call sure.

and confirm to be




FRIDAY MEETINGS -- Meher Baba meetings are held on Friday evenings •at 7:30PM uith time for visiting before the program begins at 6:00 PM sharp. Meetings are as indicated in the meeting description. To check for program changes call 415/845-4339.


The September 5th -



Shaws, New Yorkers who first met Meher Baba in 1931, will be our special guest speakers as we celebrate the New Life, which "lives eternally, even if



Meher Baba



shown to welcome everyone back from the August break. Coordinator: Doug Ross. Location: Friends Meeting Hall, Walnut & Vine, Berkeley.

there is no one to live it."

Coordinator: Bing Heckman. Location: Unitarian Church, Cedar and Bonita, Berkeley. October 18th (SATURDAY)

September 11th (THURSDAY)







A chance

A fundraising dinner will be held with a favorite friend-in-Baba, Don Stevens, Don is the as our special guest. author and editor of several books about Meher Baba and was blessed to



many opportunities

with Him.


Don will share some








socialize with

from the


East coast.



bring a salad, or dessert, or drinks. Coordinator: Michael LePage. Location: 846 Sea View Dr, El Cerrito. Telephone 415-525-8416.



meet of his


October 24th -




Buggia. Location: Unitarian Cedar and Bonita, Berlekey.


Bobby Church,

A special Baba.

night of

music centered


Ron Greenstein.



Albemarle, El



Telephone: 415-525-3364. September 12th -



Here is Ann's wonderful talk on how she

came to Baba,

including her weekend in

India in 1961, color by

captured in full living

ace video

cameraman, Charlie

Morton. Coordinator: Michael LePage. Location: Friends Meeting Hall, Walnut and Vine, Berkeley.





LePage. Location: 846 Sea View Dr, El Cerrito. Telephone 415-525-8416. November 7th - BEADS ON ONE STRING work

together Living quality lives balanced between the material and spiritual is a challenge for every Baba Lover. This is Part II of our lively discussion. Coordinator: Larry Pesta. Location: Walnut & Vine, Friends Meeting Hall,


Tonight is your opportunity to see this brilliant and fiery talk by Naosherwan Anzar, from which our feature article


September 26th - BALANCE, PART II




of bringing religions "beads on one string"

encourages us to discuss and consider the true heart of religion. Where do

we fit into thi



House at Rosen

process? Coordinator: Location: The Carriage Institute, 2315 Prince,


Berkeley. November 14th -







Tonight we are pleased to have a talk by Rick Chapman, who met Baba in 1966

the theme is the same; Meher Baba comes

and has

into our lives and turns them right side up. These changes are happy and

since 1967. The topic will be caring. Coordinator: Bing Heckman. Location: The Carriage House at Rosen Institute,

sad, easy and hard, us closer to


are different,


but they all bring Coordinator:


Jamison. Location: The Carriage House at Rosen Institute, 2315 Prince, Berkeley.

headed Meher

Baba Information

2315 Prince, Berkeley, continued on the bock peg. KEHER BABA LOVERS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA

President, Bing Heckman ** Vice President, Harold Jamison ** Secretary, Jamie Dillon ** Treasurer, Alan Talbot ** Office Manager,

(Near Telegraph)

Ben Leet.

October 10th -





B0RAD OF 01RECTORS: Bing Heckman, Harold Jamison, Ben Leet, Michael LePage, David Miotke, Larry Pesta, Doug Ross.


The Carriage House at Rosen Institute, 2315 Prince, Berkeley.

COORDINATORS: Programs, Larry Pesta ** Finance, Michael LePage ** Membership, Harold Jamison ** Publicity, Harold Jamison ** Service, Louise Barrie ** Archives, Bruce Eckor ** Bookstore, Ben leet.

Continued from previous page


An evening of focusing on Baba thru song, story and personal story telling. Coordinator: Ron Greenstein.

600 Albemarle,

El Cerrito.





Everyone is invited to bring stories of gratitude to God — your own or as found in spiritual literature — on this evening after the American Thanksgiving celebration. Coordinator:



600 Albemarle, El

Telephone: 415-525-3364. TRUSTWALLA

Our Trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument

The Grand Winner of the 2nd Annual Myrtle Beach Sweepstakes will be karmically chosen at the pot luck dinner for Darwin and Jeanne Shaw at Michael LePage's home

of the

Trust should

Jenny c/o Safeguard, Francisco, CA 94103.


Saturday, the


November 28th - GIVING THANKS

Max Reif.


does not

18th of

have to



be present


win. Tickets are available from the Board Members at $1.00 each, 13 chances

for $10.00 or 75 chances for $50.00.


winner may take the trip from San Francisco or Los Angeles airports or the Tickets may equivalent amount in cash. be purchased through the mail by sending your check for the proper amount to: Meher Baba Lovers of Northern California, 2131 University Ave., RM 235, Berkeley, CA 94907. Mail in requests must be received no later than October 18, 1986 to be entered into the drawing. FUNDRAISING NOTES--


14th St.,



to the

Wittstock, the


generosity of

group was able to


hold a

very unusual and successful fundraiser on CHILDREN'S SING-ALONG

On the first Sunday of each month there is a gathering of children with their parents and other adults to sing of Ron and songs at the home

Baba Lisa

Greenstein (525-3364) at 11:30 AM. This is oriented to children, but is fun for all ages. The next three meetings will be

on September


October 5th


Worknights at Meher Thursdays,




Baba Information are to



ranges from responding to requests information to processing orders books and other

projects. call Rick 562-1101.


being given




for for

literature, and many new

If you would like to help, Chapman or Gary Freeman at



to the

shoe sales




Wright and Ron Greenstein, willingly gave of


customers fractional subjects.

November 2nd.


June 29th. Starting with an idea concocted over lunch at Larry Blake's by Ove and Billy Ward, plans were made to staff Ove's shoe store, Laytons on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, for a sale with a percentage of the sales for the





with their knowledge of fittings and other esoteric Others also helped in the

sales; although less brilliant, all agreed that to spend a day stuffing feet

into Birkenstocks probably had some important, although indefinable, spiritual value. $500.00 was raised for the group. This flippant and irreverant report was NOT submitted by the Minister for Finance.



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704






2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 17

WINTER 1988 water is now being obtained from Ahmadnagar. Through great difficulty and much bureaucratic red tape the Trust was able to obtain permission to transport water across a municipal limit.


Because the entire area around Meherabad is a

drought stricken area there are severe rules BHAU KALCHURI pertaining to water and its uses. In explaining the exceptional privledge of obtaining this OnSept. 1,1988, Chris Pearson interviewed, Bhau Kalchuri. The topics water Bhau stated "...but this is just Baba's compassion, I

should say. Baba's help that we could get the supply...Still (firstly) and the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust. more water is needed each year as more and more pilgrims The article which follows is a brief synopsis and contains quotes of come...Beloved makes the arrangements-according to the need. Bhau Kalchuri's. So water facility to a certain extent is solved." To help with~7

covered in the interview concerned the Avatar Meher Baba Trust

Bhau began his interview by giving a brief history of the Trust. He stated "Avatar Meher Baba Trust was created in the year

water retention the^secorid"objectivel6 are-forestation program,

trees are planted to~Kelp~fioid water in the land. This is an } ongoing program.

1959 by Baba Himself. But the Trust was dormat for ten years when Baba was physically present. He would not allow the thejhird objective is the facilities to house the pilgrims^ At trustees to take donations. After he dropped his body the Trust present there is fKe Pilgrim Center housing about 56 people at a started functioning. There are two Trusts: one is Avatar Meher time. Darmashala houses about 26 pilgrims, and there are Baba Trust (firstly), and the other is Avatar Meher Baba three large hostels to accommodate a large number of pilgrims. Perpetual Public Charitable Trust." Both Trusts are set at Amarthithi draws thousands of people each year with more Meherabad, India.

coming each year. In 1987 25,000 people paid homage at the

tomb of Meher. Baba, 5000^ of^which stayed in the current

In AMBT there are 41 beneficiaries named by Baba Himself. facilities for three days. Accommodations were not sufficient so Funds received for this Trust are used for the support and/ in 1988 a_new hostel was built and accommodations'were well-being of the beneficiaries so that they may continue to increased by 3,000 more. The new hostel is the lame size as concentrateon the tasks assigned tojhemby Baba. On the event previous three, buf of multi-purpose construction. There will be ofdeath, the deceased members share of funds is turned over to \ a stage built so that the facility will be utilized for plays, ffie~AMBPPCI\ Upon the death of the last beneficiary theJ skits, etc. during programs and holidays. Construction is AMBT will cease to exist.

As it stands now 50% of all funds

ongoing, with focus on bathrooms and toilets. The(fourth\

received by the AMBT currently goes to the AMBPPCT with the objective is land accurhulattorn) At present there is ehoug^rlana remaining to be divided equally by the living beneficiaries. to hold Arriarthithl programs (about 250 acres total) but each The AMBPPCT is the Trust that addresses the details of

year there are thousands more to accommodate. In India there

are very strict regulations concerning land purchasing and accommodating the pilgrims, the continuation of the spiritual development. At present there are about 35 acres purchased at work begun by Avatar Meher Baba, and the various projects the back of Baba's tomb, at least 70 more are needed for undertaken by the trust in Baba's name. Bhau is certain that no buildings and facilities. 39 have been allocated for medical other Trust in India has so many objectives. facilities and 39 acres of land have been allocated for use in

educational programs. 100 more acres are needed to The(first objective 6ÂĽ the Trust is to provide adequate water for accommodate future pilgrims coming to celebrate Amartithi lands, villages, citizens and pilgrims. Meherabad is a drought based on projections comparable to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. stricken area. Baba gave priority to all water facilities.

Currently there are 26 open wells and 12 more wells and still requirements cannot be met. Water cannot be obtained from Arangaon, the closest village, for they cannot meet their own requirements. Bhau was pleased to report that additional

!ln India regulations set the limit of owning agricultural land to 50 acres. Non-agricultural land has no limit, but it must have a

;building(s) currently in use or a home being occupied on it. To iconvert land from agricultural (land with no buildings) to

<Pi 1QRA




continued from the first page

non-agricultural (land with buildings), construction must begin] be a monumental building. So we will devote time for that, but and be completed within a specified time span. This is thel planning of course...we will not be there when the work will regulation that severely limits the Trust's ability to buy Iandj start, we will die. So the planning will be there so that when it Also, foreigners cannot buy land themselves so special is time, the work can be taken up. Ted and others are interested arrangements must be made for them.

in submitting plans so we just asked them...all right you just

[submit illustrations and prepare them. Afterwards we will

Bhau expressed his concern that in the future people will thinly jdecide." that the current Trust did not concern itself with the land

problem. That people will think that they should have purchased thousands of acres immediately. Because of legal difficulties this is impossible. To use Bhau's words"...not that we don't think about it, but we are just helpless because the law is there."

.Further objectiyesfqr the Trust are the medical and educational

facilities. The medical facilities include a dispensary, a hospital, and a veterinary clinic for animals. The dispensary is completly paid for by the Trust. It has been ongoing for many years and servesthe medical needs of Arangoanand surrounding

Chris remembered getting a circular several years back from Marti suggesting that Baba Loversdonate $10.00 per month. That thesemonieswould be sufficient to keep the Trustrunning. Bhau said that the Trust had now come to another conclusion

about funding and donations. They have decided not to ask for

-funding-from Baba lovers. He^tated that-when pilgrims came to India that they would see the many projects that were underway in Baba's name. He stressed the donations should come from people's own hearts and should not inconvenience them unduly. Bhau also recommended that donations be made

through the trustwalla because they had specific instructions villages. Dr. Alan Scott will be giving a presentation of his about how to send funds and which tax breaks could be taken experiences at the dispensary (see calendar for details). The ^advantage of, and how to allocate funds for specific projects. Meher Hospital building is continually under construction and Bhau suggested that all donations not being sent for this past month marked the first series of eye operations beneficiaries should be allocated for a specific propose (such as performed there. There was a joint effort between the educational supplies, bandages, etc.) to help with tax breaks. government of India and the Trust, in sharing the expenses for the patients needing this operation. When asked if there was anything else he wished to discuss Bhau made the following statement "You ask me...I can The educational facilities include a farmers educational center, tell...but this is true...that the Trust projects are just expanding primary and high school buildings. Plans are underway for the ""and expanding and we need.morjeyJbr_ihatL..It is not that we construction of a collegebuilding. All building and operational don't need money, but at the same time now, we think that Baba costs are paid for by the Trust. n

Lovers they_are growing,and_growmg^nd_they are7also[aware oflhat fact. So why should they_npltake~upthe initiative.

jThe farmers educational center brings experts from universities Initiative in the sense that they should give what4hey can and Jin to help the local farmers with their crops. The primary nofbe inconvenienced or uncomfortable...-WhateverJthey can school started two years ago with a kindergarten, last year a spare, and.that out.oflove^ through, their-hearts. They should /first grade_was added, this year a second grade. The high: send dnTheir own. Thex should not just think that the Trust school is fully operational. A college will be added to continue should give any instruction about it. From their hearts tfiey the education of the students currently in the high school. Both \ should donate, out of love for Baba."


^English and Marathi mediums are used. Scholarships are available to students from surrounding villages for higher educational purposes if they pass their primary school

^examinations. Aid is also given to surrounding villages for use \inupgrading their educational programs.

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CA, INC President, Bing Heckman • Vice-President. Irene Meyers • Secretary. Janice Quatrieri 'Treasurer, Karen Lundegaard • Office Manager. Fred

~"Bhau was then asked about the plans for the superstructure \ that is to be built to proctect Baba's tomb. Bhau stated "It is under the deed. This is Baba's wish that superstructure will be constructed. Sosuperstructure ofcourse, wearegoingtoconstruct, but it will take time...time in the sense of course, under income

tax law , medical and educational...these are the two objects iwhich are considered "public charitable", so we must fulfill

those objects. Afterwards when all the "public charitable" oSjectslvhich are under the Trust deed are fulfilled, then we will have full concentrationon the superstructure. And it will


Board of Directors: Louise Barrie -Lisa Greenstein • Joe Elia • Bing Heckman • Irene Meyers • Janice Quartieri• Fred White Coordinators: Program, Louise Barrie • Rnance, Lisa Greenstein •

Membership, Janice Quartieri • Publicity, Bing Heckman • Service, Janice Quartieri • Archives, Michael LePage • Bookstore, Ben Leet • Newsletter, Melissa Penn. BOARD MEETINGS

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meetings are open to all members. CallJanice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739for the date and time of upcomming meetings.







FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held at the Albany Methodist Church, Siannage Avenue andMarin inAbany. The lirsi meeting oleachmonth isonSaturday, with theremainder onFriday. AD programs begin at 8:00 PM sharp andnormally endat 9:30 PM with time for visiting before and after the meeting. To check for program changes call (415) 845-4339.


A continuation of the popular meeting from last quarter. Storytellers will share favorite tales as told by Avatar Meher Baba. Coordinators: Irene Meyers & Louise Barrie.

Amartithi program will culminate in 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 pm to 10:45 pm, simultaneous with all the lovers at the samadhi. Our Amartithi celebration will feature slides, readings, and just before the 15 minute silence time, the special film of


Beloved Baba's entombment known as "The Last Darshan" will be

Dr. Alan Scott will discuss his experiences working in the dispensary at Meher Hospital (in Meherabad). He will also talk about the need for supplies and support. Slides will be shown.

shown. Coordinators: Janice Quartieri & Ray Powell.

Coordinators: Janice Quartieri & Fred White.



Robert Dreyfus, who met Meher Baba in 1965 and spent four years living with the Mandali in India,, will give a talk about his experiences. Coordinators: Louise Barrie & Irene Meyers.



A brief talk and filmon Avatar Meher Baba's most devoted lover.

Share your favorite Mehera story over ice cream and cake!


Coordinators: Melissa Penn & Janice Quartieri.


Recently arrived from LA, Greg is re-presenting a talk he gave in southern California. This talk concerns using imagination to enter the world of mental life, making mental contact with Avatar Meher Baba to expand one's spiritual experience. Coordinators: Greg



Harland & Melissa Penn



Videos of Baba will be shown. Please call to RSVP and receive


directions (843-4417) as seating in limited. JANUARY 7TH - DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY DANCE PARTY

A multi-media introduction to Meher Baba's life, message, and, readings, and film. For those new as well as old to Meher Baba's message. Coordinators: Lisa Greenstein &


Melissa Penn.

Dance away the post-holiday blues too "DWBH" and other hits of the late kaliyuga. Suggested donation $5.00. Coordinators: Lisa


Greenstein & Janice Quartieri.

Stay tuned for further information! JANUARY 13IH-BABA BABA BABA , .

Coordinator: Joe Elia & Board Members

Larry Pesta leads atalk and discussion orfthe importance of repeating Baba's name. Coordinators: Bing Heckman 4 Louise Barrie.


JANUARY 20TH- GROWING UPWITH BABA ' A panel of Baba loverswill share theirexperiences of growing up in Baba families. Coordinators: Janice Quartieri & Fred White.


A panel of guests will speak of their personal experiences in comingto Baba. Coordinators: Ron Greenstein & Irene Meyers. JANUARY30-(MONDAY) AMARTTTHI 9:OOPM

January 31st is the 19th Amartithi, the anniversary of Beloved Baba's physical passing in 1969. At Baba's samadhi (tomb) on Meherabad Hill in India, 15 minutes of silence are observed by the throng of lovers that gather there each year on this occasion, from noon to 12:15 pm when Baba dropped the body. Our special

FRESNO : Meetings on Wednesday evenings - 7:30 • 8:30pm. For info call Sharon or Phil Scott: (209) 266-9094. SACREMENTO : Meeting is first friday of every month at 6728 Fair Oaks Blvd. #406, Carmichael. Forinfo call Marilyn Buehler: (916) 966-4740 or Marie Rhodes: (916) 723-6631. SAN FRANCISCO : Meeting/dinner first friday of every month. Enjoy an evening of wining &dining at local restaurants. Share stories, conversation &connections. RSVP a must!! Call Larry Pesta (415) 441-7008 at least two days priorto event. Guests welcome.



Sunday December 4th, 1-3pm year is this responsible posistion. Many thanks Jenny for your The Greenstein's will host a showing & sale of Ray Powell's contribution I All who wish to share on fulfilling the commitments imports. 20% of the money received from the sale will be donated

Our Trustwalla is Jenny Califf who is currently serving her fourth

laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should to the Meher Baba Center of No. California. Call for directions: contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, SF 94103 Phone : (415)525-3364. (415) 864-3377 CHRISTMAS POTLUCK!!


Janice Quartieri is interested in sharing her home for a potluck on Christmas Day. Suggested time is 4pm. If interested please give her a call ASAP to make arrangements. (415) 527-6739.

This years rummage sale rained in dollars...1800 of them to be exact!! Our heart felt appreciation to Cindy Lowe for her hard work and dedication in the making of this successful event. Let's Anyone interested in the coordinating of making sandwiches for remember to save for next years sale!! the poor over Christmas holidays should contact Janice Quartieri (4.15) 527-6739. OTHER COMMENDATIONS MEHER BABA INFORMATION - "THE BOX" It's time to say goodbye to two members who've stepped down from many years of service. Alan Talbot has turned over the Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from responding to requests for position of treasurer to Karen Lundegaard. Alan served as treasurer for 8 years. We appreciate your dedicated service of information to processing orders for books and other literature, and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick balancing the budget, Alan (which is more than we can say for Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101. some members of public service)!

Ben & Lee Wright have left the newsletter staff, turning the work over to Melissa Penn. Both Ben & Lee served long and well,

surviving deadlines and changes ingetting our newsletter out in a


timely fashion in spite of it all. Thank you Ben & Lee for your Elena Alvarado has hand-made with lovea quilt which she has

excellent service in creating the professional publication we've all donated for a raffle. The quilt can be seen and raffle tickets grown to appreciate !

bought at meetings for $1.00 per ticket. The drawing date will be announced.

iNTER^ lia, Inc^——

liy^sj^Av^ftie, Rcom-2351"





2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 17


Quest for Perfection in


Oriental Mysticism The following are excerpts from a paper pre pared by John Bussanich. Thank you John, for permission to reprint these portions.

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The subject I wish to address in this paper is one that is far removed from what we might call normal human experi ence. So I hope you will indulge my admission at the outset that I don't understand what I'm talking about, i.e. the exper iences I propose to discuss are far beyond my own and, I would add, of the vast majority of human beings. But this should not deter us from considering, sympathetically I hope, some of the most remarkable achievements of the human

spirit By the quest for perfection I mean something rather specific: the notion of deification or God-realization. I have chosen to explore this theme in the lives and writings of several Oriental mystics largely because the evidence for it is much more abundant in the Oriental traditions than it is in the West.

I would like to quote at some length from the Visionary Diary of Ruzbihan al-Baqli not only because it contains stun ning accounts of the mystic's approach to God but also be cause this text has not been published: / saw God on the roof of my house, with the qualities of might, majesty, and eternity. I saw as it were the world en tire, a resplendent light, manifold and great. And he called me from the midst of the light, seventy times: "Ruzbihan, I have chosen you for sainthood and selected you for love. You are my friend and lover. Fear not nor sorrow, for I am your God, and I see you in your every aim." I saw as it were from zenith to nadir that he was an ocean, and it was like a shining sun. My mouth opened without my willing it, and all of the ocean entered into my mouth. No drop remained without my drinking it. I saw God once again, in the most beautiful form, and I loved him for his beauty and qualities, and I was worried about nearness and union with him. And I did not stay dis tant, but humbled myself. Then he appeared to me with something in his hand. I said, "My God, what is this?" He said, "Your heart." I said, "Has my heart such a station that it lies in your hand?" He gazed at my heart, and it was like something folded up, so he spread it out. And my heart cov ered heaven and earth. I said, 'This is my heart?" He said, 'This is your heart, and it is the vastest of all things." He went as though it were still in his hand to the angelic re-


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gions, and I went with him, until I reached the office of the Hidden of the Hidden. I said, "Where are you going?" And he said, 'To the world of eternity, so that I may

look in it, and create the wonders of reality in it, and forever manifest in it with the at

tribute of divinity." And I said, "With what quality do you east in eternity?" He said, 'There is no way for you to know that." And I implored him and said, "I want that!" And the lights of greatness ap peared, and I became vanishing and annihilated. I saw one night a great ocean, and the sea was of red wine. I saw the Prophet sitting cross-legged in the midst of the deep ocean, drunk, and in his hand a cup of wine from IKUtA

that ocean, which he drank. When he saw me, he ladled out

a cup of wine and gave it to me to drink. After that someth ing was revealed to me, and I knew he was above all the rest of creation, since they die thirsty and he is drunk in the midst of the ocean of beauty. In the hidden world I saw a world illuminated with a brilliant light, and I saw God in the clothes of beauty and majesty and glory, and he gave me to drink from oceans of love, and honored me with the station of intimacy, and showed me the world of holiness. When I

passed through the air of eternity I stopped at the door of power, and I saw all the prophets present, and I saw Moses with the Torah in his hand, Jesus with the Gospel in his hand, David with the Psalms in his hand, and Muhammed

with the Quran in his hand. Adam imbued me with the Most Beautiful Divine Names, Moses nourished me with the Torah, Jesus nourished me with the gospel, David nourished me with the Psalms, and Muhammed nourished me with the Qu ran. I learned something of the elite and lordly sciences by which God possesses his saints and prophets. Now I turn to Tukaram whose accounts of searching for God, seeing God and becoming God have been discussed very little by scholars of mysticism. I begin with his painful ex perience of what many mystics have called the dark night of the soul, the state where everything is doubted: / have grown powerless to make my way. My cries are of no avail. Tuka does not know how to sacrifice himself to God and God has become indifferent to him. God's impo tence is now proved. His name has no power. My love to wards you is gradually diminishing. Enormous sin stands in the way. My mental agony increases. To me, God is dead. After this despair, Tukaram attains the mystical vision and God-realization.

/ see God's face, and the vision gives me infinite bliss. My mind is riveted on it, and my hands cling to his feet. continued onthe next page

© 1988

M continued bomDie Rnt page

As I look at Him, all my mental agony vanishes. Bliss is leading me to an ever higher bliss. I have become entirely careless of objects of sense. Di vine joy is seething through my body. My whole body has been filled by the heat of Divine passion. My tongue has become uncontrollable, and ceaselessly utters the name of God. All my emotions have been unified in God, as the riv ers in an ocean.

I cannot know the night from the day and the unceasing illumination exists at all times.




How shall I be able to de

scribe the great bliss I enjoy? I have worn the ornaments of Your names, and by Your power nothing is lacking to me. When the body is emptied, God came to inhabit U,_ By my bodily death, the unending light began to burn. At one stroke, Tuka became non-existent, and his personality came to an end.

When God comes to live in a man. He deprives him of everything except Himself. The marks of God's presence are that He allows no desires in a Saint, nor any affection. I gave birth to myself and came out of my own womb. All my desires are at an end, and my end is achieved. When I be came powerful beyond measure, I died at the very moment. Tuka looks on both sides, and sees Himself by himself. Deep has called unto deep, and all things have vanished into unity. The waves and the ocean have become one. Nothing can come, and nothing can now pass away. The Self is enveloping Himself all around. The Time of the Great End has come, and sunset and sunrise have ceased.


death-cry "I am God" emerges loudly. I will conclude this survey of dizzying experiences of be coming God with perhaps the most mind-shattering testimo ny of Bayid al-Bistami: / vanished into almightiness, and forded the seas of do minion and the veils of godhead, until I came to the Throne; and behold, it was empty. So J cast myself upon it, saying "Master, where shall I seek You?"

Then He unveiled, and I

saw that I was I, turning back into what I sought, and I my self, not other than I, was where I was going. Bistami got into serious difficulties for saying: "Glory be to Me! How Great is my Majesty!" / gazed upon My Lord with the eye of certainty, after He had turned me away from other than Him and had illumined me with His light; and He showed me marvellous things of His secret. He also showed me His Selfhood, and I gazed upon my identity with His Selfhood; and there passed away my light in His light, my power in His power. And I gazed upon Him with His Selfhood. You are the Seeker and You are the Sought. He made me unique in his Uniqueness, and one in His Oneness; and He attributed me with His attributes. Go forth

with my attributes unto my creatures, that I may see My Self hood in your selfhood. Whosoever sees you will see Me. The status and function of the perfect man is a complex topic and one that has not been discussed very much. Tuka ram speaks to this issue in these words:


In order to continue the spiritual tradition, I have been crowned king of the spiritual world. The white umbrella now unfurls itself; the banner of the super-conscious state flutters in the air; the mystic sound fills the universe. A Saint devotes himself entirely to the happiness of oth ers. He worships God in helping his fellow beings. To us there are neither friends nor foes; for wherever I look, I see the vision of God. Immense joy is derived from the feet of the Saints. It is for this reason that people live at their feet. One cannot even so much as stir from that place, as all of one's anxie ties come to an end.

The Saint is indeed a boat by which one can cross the ocean of life uncontaminated by the^stream. of existence. The Saints incarnate in this world only in order to uplift the unholy, and to increase happiness and devotion to God. Saints are truly robbers, who on coming to the house, de prive the owner of his clothes and pots. They rob him of everything in his possession, and take it way to a place from which there is no return. Sainthood can be acquired, says Tuka, only at the cost of life. He who is not prepared to sacrifice his life, should not brag of spirituality. That man alone is a great Saint who bears imperturbably the buffets of the world. This brings me to my concluding point: these great mas ters, or perfect men, have spoken to the issue of false

saints, an important consideration in the present age (Tukaram]:

Many people look like Saints, but they are not Saints. Saints are not those who go on pilgrimage, or to a forest. Saints are not those who wear garlands and white marks on their body. The true Saint can never show any miracles. He has no long list of disciples with him. He does not go instructing people who do not care fqi• hii: advice. Hejs not^aphiloso pher who can argue about trifles. He does not whirl round himself a fire-brand of ecstasy. He who can tell what is going to happen in future, or can give news of the past or present—I'm entirely weary of these fellows! Those who follow their powers, and try to make re ality square with their words—these will go to hell after their merit is exhausted.

The Perfect Man is the archetypal reality of the universe; the instrument or means by which revelation descends into the world; and the perfect model for spiritual life and the ul timate dispenser of esoteric knowledge.



FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held at theAlbany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Abany. Thefirst meeting of each month is on Saturday, with theremainder on Friday. AD programs begin at 8:00PM sharpandnormally endat 9:30 PM with time

MBA please call one of the coordinators: Ron Greenstein (415) 525-3364 or Ben Leet (415) 834-2321.

torvisiting before andafterthe meeting. To cheek for program changes call (415) 845-4339.


Herman Lowe and Jim Hastings spent two months in India, including Armartithi and Baba's birthday in 1987. They also traveled to many places around In dia where Baba did his work. Their talk will be illus

APRIL 9th (Saturday) - CONCERT FUND RAISER Tonight Cathy Haas will make a rare West Coast con cert appearance to support our fund raising efforts

for this year. Cathy's superb singing has graced many of the most popular Baba albums over the last decade. Coordinator: Michael Le Page.

trated with a complete slide collection. Coordina tor: Malinda McCulloch. MARCH 11th - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

The 1988 AGM will begin at 7:00PM. Under the by laws of Meher Baba Center of Northern California, the voting members shall 1) discuss and vote on a budget for the coming year; 2) consider other old and new business; 3) elect a new board of direc tors; 4) elect a nominating committee for next year's AGM. This year's nominating committee will present a slate of not more than three candidates for each of the seven board positions. Candidates will be announced at Friday meetings at least 30 days before the AGM. According to the bylaws you are a voting mamber if you: 1) have a sincere inter est in Avatar Meher Baba; 2) live in Northern Califor nia; and 3) have attended meetings of our group or supported it in other ways during the preceding year. If you are eligible, please notify us to add your name to the membership list by signing a sheet provided at Friday meetings, or by calling Bing Heckman at 415-494-6443. Notification of your eli gibility to vote will be mailed to you two weeks be fore the meeting along with a list of candidates. We urge you to attend this meeting. Participation in se lecting our leadership is the way to assure that our meetings and other activities will suit our needs and be in the spirit of Meher Baba's love. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.


Larry Pesta leads a discussion of Baba's call to the "mad" lifestyle of not worrying. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.


Aloba is one of Baba's Mandali who still resides at

Meherazad. He said in 1984, "If my simple pres ence can't make you laugh, then there is no pur pose for Aloba!" Come and learn more about him and help plan for his visit. Coordinator: Ben Leet. APRIL 29th - A MUSICAL EVENING

A night of music with David Miotke and guests. If you are interested in doing a song, contact David at (415) 549-1487. Coordinator: Carol Singer. MAY 7th (Saturday) - ALOBA

Here's your chance to have India come to you! Come share in this extraordinary visit with one of Baba's dear Mandali. MAY 13th - ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN

Are you curious about how non-Baba-lovers per ceive Him and His followers? Come hear a panel of those involved with His lovers for their unique per spective. Coordinator. Carol Singer. MAY 20th - FILMS OF AVATAR MEHER BABA

Coordinator: Malinda McCulloch. MARCH 18th - THE NEW HUMANITY

Max Reif and Ben Leet will lead a discussion on

Baba's description of the New Humanity and how we experience it in our own lives. Coordinator: Karen Lundegaard.


This meeting explores prayer as a means of keep ing close to Baba and doing Baba's work. What has Baba told us about prayer? How did He make use of it with His followers?


Coordinator: Louise Barrie.

APRIL 2nd (Saturday) • TREASURES OF BABA Through the years the Center has gathered many treasures related to Beloved Baba, among them His sadra and a painting by Lyn Ott. These and many other items in our archives will be on display and their history and significance will be explained. If you have any other items you would like to share,

Presentation and discussion

to be led by Malinda McCulloch and Ron Green stein. Coordinator: Malinda McCulloch.

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CAUFORNIA, INC. President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, Louise Barrie • Secretary. Malinda McCulloch • Treasurer, Alan Tabot • Office Manager, Ben Leet. Board ot Directors. Louise Barrie • Bing Heckman • RonGreenstein • Michael LePage • Karen Lunde gaard• Malinda McCudoch • Carol Singer.

Coordinators: Program, Karen Lundegaard • Rnance, Ron Greenstein • Membership, Bing Heckman • Publicity, Harold Jamison • Service, Carol Singer • Archives, Michael LePage • Bookstore, Ben Leet.


BOARD MEETINGS Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, Arti is per

meetings are open to all members. Call Karen Lundegaard at (415) 549-1736 for the date and time of upcoming meetings.

formed at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle, El Cerrito. Phone: (415) 525-3364.



We are attempting to organize a workable phone tree. If you have not been contacted and would like to be included, please mail your name, area code and phone number to the office or leave the information on the office answering machine, (415) 845-4339.

Our trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should con tact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francis co, CA 94103. Phone: (415) 864-3377.



Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thurs days, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from re sponding to requests for information to processing or ders for books and other literature, and many new projects. If you would like to help,, call Rick Chap man or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101.

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering ma chine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date in formation.


An afternoon of fun has been planned for children of all ages on Sunday, June 12th. Bring your picnic lunches and meet at noon in the picnic area at the en trance of the Zoo. The group will depart at 1 PM for a tour of the Zoo. Call Karen Talbot at (415) 3764325 for more information.

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2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 17

After one week at Meher Ashram, I


was sitting with Meher Baba and suddenly I embraced Him tightly, then I put my head on His feet. I loved

The Newsletter staffwas privileged to interview

Meher Baba so much I wanted to

Aloba on Friday morning, May 6th. We present here excerpts from our delightful conversation

become one with Him, just crush myself into His body and become one!

with him.

That was the moment.

"Aloba says, 'Meher Baba has not broken His silence yet.' Aloba says, 'Meher Baba has not manifested Himself to the world yet'. In Aloba's belief, Meher Baba soon is going to break his silence and soon Baba will manifest publicly all over the world. These are some things that have some weight in them. This is what is important. The other things are unimportant."

The Best Days of My Life What were the early days like with Baba? When we first entered Meher Ashram, we would

see Meher Baba with His woolen cloak. On first sight a great respect for Meher Baba automatically came to our hearts. I saw everyone obeyed Meher Baba, everyone. Meher Baba was the top figure, through his money the whole ashram ran. The school, hostel, hospital, everything ran only by Meher Baba's money.

Meher Baba loved us so much, more than our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. He loved

each one of us so much that we forgot all other love from this world. Slowly by passage of time, we felt so in love with Meher Baba that the hardest thing to imagine in the world would be that you would be sent away from His school. Everything was provided free to the boys at Meher Ashram - food, clothing, bedding, books, pencils, medical treatment. Having God's love added to all this - that is the charm of it!

Those were the best

days of my life, I will never forget them. I especially remember the taste of the simple breakfast of tea and bread, especially the bread, even after 50 years! Was there one moment when you came to know Baba as God?

All of the boys at Meher Ashram were like that. We would weep at the sight of Him - tears from all our eyes, not just me alone.

Invisible Strings How did you re-connect with Baba after your uncle took you away from Meher Ashram to Bombay when you were 12?

I completed my schooling in Bombay for five more years and left the school in 1934. In 1935 I engaged myself as a cashier and manager of a restaurant in Bombay. At that time the seed of love that had been sown in my heart by Meher Baba

started to grow. I seemed to feel invisible strings pulling me to Meher Baba. I started reading Hafiz and others. The memory of Meher Baba was revived in my mind so strongly I could not resist it. I had to leave Bombay to go to Meher Baba. I made secret preparations, packing a few clothes in a bundle. Having told no one, after finishing my job one night, I went to Meher Baba. I took the night bus to Poona and another to Amednagar. From Amednagar I went to Meherabad, but Meherabad was dilapidated - no school, no ashram, nothing. I found a person there that told me Baba had gone to Nasik. So I arrived in Nasik to meet Meher Baba. By this time I had been traveling four days and nights on a bus without proper food or enough sleep. I took a tonga to the Sarosh Auto Works where Baba was staying. Meher Baba was not there, a person told me that Baba had gone out and may return in one or two hours.

I was very tired. I looked around and found an old bus that had been brought in for repair and I went inside to sleep. After some time I heard a rattling on

Š 1988

continued onthe nextpage




continued Irom thefirst page

the window and I came out. A person said, "Who are you?". I said, "My name is Ali Akbar. I have come from Bombay, then to Meherabad. I want to see Meher Baba". He told me to sit down and he went into an office.

I looked around and realized there were six people standing in a line looking at me. I was asked why I had come. I said I had come for Meher Baba. One

of them was Meher Baba and I did not recognize Him at all! When I had last seen Him He had a long moustache and wore a long coat over His thin body. Eight years had passed and His moustache was short, He had gained weight, wore a hat, silken coat and trousers andliad no alphabet board. They all went inside the office for one or two


When they returned Baba brought an

alphabet board and had removed His hat. I saw the alphabet board and His hair flowing. In less than a second I was struck with His divine glory! I fell at

His feet in the dust of the street. They picked me up, but I could not bear the sight of His glory, His divine light, and I fell down again. Once again I was picked up, and once again I fell down! After the third time, Baba seriously looked at me and said, "Behave!",

then continued, "Go to Bombay and stay there one month. After one month, you come". I was taken in Baba's car to a restaurant and had a

meal, and then to the railway station where a ticket was purchased for me from Nasik to Bombay. Everything was paid with Baba's money.

In Bombay, I did not get a job, I passed the days

until I could return toJBaba. But Baba "turned the key" for me. After two weeks a letter arrived telling me not to come as planned, but to wait until I was

called. So I took the opportunity to run a small tea shop with a partner, the Iran Restaurant in the Colaba section of Bombay.

In 1937 there was a historical birthday celebration in Nasik

for Meher Baba.

American men and

women prepared food for the poor to be distributed by Baba. I went to the celebration and Baba asked about

my life in Bombay. When I told Him about the tea shop, He said "Good". Baba instructed me to come and visit Him on the first of each month .

He also

called me to Him four or five other times during the year for special occasions. Show All Your Cards to Meher Baba How do you remember Baba? What one time stands out in your memory as a most special time?



First of all, Baba was very soft, very kind. But to

those who committed mistakes, Baba would suddenly change. He would be harsh, a hard task-master to

correct us. Had not Baba corrected me, for example, I would not be a refined man. Only through mistakes and Baba being harsh and seemingly cruel to me did I change my life. Did you ever want to leave Baba?

Yes, at one point that feeling did come. Actually, it was Baba who wanted to throw me out of Guru

Prasad! One day Baba told me to go and call Dr. Donkin who was staying at the Poona Club. It was

about one mile from Guru Prasad. I went by bicycle and told Dr. Donkin that Baba wanted him, so he said to come in. A man from the hotel overheard me

and started talking to me about Meher Baba and

asking questions. I answered his questions which took very little time, only one or two minutes. On my return to Guru Prasad, I saw an old woman

sitting on the railway bridge. I had seen her whenever I went on my daily errands. She had nothing to eat or drink, sitting there in the hot Indian sun, so I decided to go and get her some food. The first shop I came to was closed, so I went on a little farther and then returned with food for her. This caused me to be about 25 minutes late to Guru Prasad.

Upon my return, Meher Baba looked at me and said, "Why are you late?". I told Baba, "I was talking about you". Now, this was true, but at the same time I was lying to Meher Baba.

Baba said, "How much did you talk?". I said, "Baba, I did not keep track of the time, but I was talking about you. Again Baba said, "You are late."

Baba was

constantly telling me I was late and asking what I had been doing. But I did not explain to Baba that I had purchased food for the old woman. Meher Baba

is God,He watches every action of everyone in every part of this world, whether it be in China or in Russia or Iran or in any part of the world. No one can hide anything from Baba's eyes or Baba's knowledge. But I still did not reveal what I had really been doing.

Baba became very angry because of my two mistakes. The first mistake was an error; the second mistake was my lying to Meher Baba. Baba wanted me to go to Dr. Donkin, call him to Guru Prasad, and return. Upon my return I could ask Baba's permission to take food to the old woman. I should have shown all my cards to Meher Baba, but I did not do that.

continued on the back page




FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Saba meetings are held at the Albany Methodist Church, Siannage Avenue and Marin in Abany. Thelirst meeting oleach month is on Saturday, with theremainder on Friday. AP programs beginat 8:00PM sharpand normally end at 930 PM with time lor visiting before and alterthe meeting. To check lor program changes call (415)8454389.

JUNE 4th (Saturday) - BABA MUSIC Local musicians will share music for the Beloved to

night. Coordinator: Ron Greenstein.


Baba often told stories to deepen understanding and illustrate spiritual points. Many of these stories are found in Baba's literature and many have been passed on to us by the Mandali. Tonight's panel will retell some of the stories the Avatar told. Coordina tor: Lisa Greenstein.



Filis' birthday was this past May 31. Tonight we will remember her life with Baba and view a wonderful

Bring a main dish or a salad. A film of Meher Baba

video of a talk she gave near the end of her life.

will be shown after dinner.

Coordinator: Ursula Van Buskirk.

Quartieri & Linda Delgado.


This is the first Bay Area showing of Irwin Luck's new film. A special donation is encouraged to help defray the costs of producing this extraordinary film. Coordinator: Malinda McCulloch.



What are they? Who wants them?

What do we do with them? A talk and discussion

led by Larry Pesta. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.


There will be no meeting tonight because so many of our members are attending the Sahavas in Southern California.

Coordinators: Janice

REMINDER: There are no meetings scheduled for the month of August. Looking forward to seeing everyone in September!


An afternoon of fun has been planned for children of all ages on Sunday, June 12th. Bring your picnic lunches and meet at noon in the picnic area at the en trance of the Zoo. The group will depart at 1 PM for a tour of the Zoo. Call Karen Talbot at (415) 3764325 for more information. WEEKLY ARTI & DISCOURSES IN SAN FRANCISCO

Tuesdays at 8 PM (beginning June 7, 1988), Larry Pesta will host a weekly performance of Arti and dis cussion of Meher Baba's Discourses. The meetings will be held at the Dolores Street Church, 208 Do


lores Street (at 15th Street) as part of Open Arms for Meher Baba outreach. Everyone is invited! Call (415) 441-7008 for more information.

Dr. Shrivastava met Baba in the 1950's. He is cur

rently in the U.S. as a visiting professor of Botany at the University of Iowa. He will share stories and talk about Baba groups at home in Madhya Pradesh, India. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.



We are attempting to organize a workable phone tree. If you have not been contacted and would like to be included, please mail your name, area code and phone number to the office or leave the information on the office answering machine, (415) 845-4339. MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC.

Larry Pesta will present a discussion on the spiritual significance of the prayers Baba composed and en couraged His Mandali and followers to say. Coordi nator: Louise Barrie.

President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, MaEnda McCulloch • Secretary, GaryCook • Treasurer. Alan Tabot • CiliceManager, Fred White. Board ol Directors: Louise Barrie • GaryCook • UndaDelgado • Lisa Greenstein • Bing Heckman • MaEnda McCulloch • Janice Quartieri.

Coordinators: Program, Louise Barrie • Rnance, LisaGreenstein • Membership, JaniceQuartieri • Pub licity, Bing Heckman • Service, Linda Delgado • Archives, Michael Le Page • Bookstore, BenLeet.

continued (ram thesecond page

When Baba asked why I was late and I lied, Baba became very, very angry. The degree of Baba's anger shot up to 99%. He was about to tell me to take my bedding and leave, which I would have done.


Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board

meetings are open to all members. Call Janice Quar

tieri at (415) 527-6739 for the date and time of up coming meetings.

What I did was to stand in front of Baba and

inwardly pray to Meher Baba to forgive me. Baba was sitting and had become very red-faced. He was very serious and very tense and very red. This was a sure sign of danger. I didn't want to leave and I didn't want Baba to throw me out, so I continuously prayed, "Baba forgive me. Baba, I will never do it again. Baba forgive me". Then slowly, slowly, slowly Meher Baba began to become normal again.


Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thurs days, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from re sponding to requests for information to processing or ders for books and other literature, and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chap man or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101. TRUSTWALLA

On the subject of bringing more of God into one's life: In India people spend millions of rupees each year to purchase flowers to offer to their Gods, past Avatars, this and that to use when they perform Arti.

In America there is no such thing. There are some photos in the house, but no one performs Arti, no one brings flowers. They are happy just to have Baba's photo in the house. Of course it is good that Baba's photo is in the house. But it is like a flower pot, it needs water or it will die. The water is in the form of our Arti to Baba, even if it is only two minutes a day.

Our trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should con tact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francis co, CA 94103. Phone: (415) 864-3377. ARTI

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, Arti is per

formed at the home of Ron and; Lisa Greenstein, j^QP Albemarle, El Cerrito. PhoneT#15) 525-39â‚Ź4i*^-~ 1 <iJÂŤ*



of Northern Califf 2131 University Avi

Berkeley, CA94|04 isi



2131 UNIVERSITY AVE, RM. 235 VOL. 16


FORGETFULNESS Excerpted from God Speaks by Meher Baba

The whole philosophy of approaching and realizing the Truth hinges on the question of what we may call forgetfulness. The word "forgctfulness" used here must not be associated with its com monly accepted meaning of forgetting to post a letter, or of a state of mind that is simply dull and blank. Forgetfulness in this special sense is an attitude of mind that develops gradu ally into spiritual experience. External renunciation is not forgetfulness, because it is mostly physical and partly men tal; but internal renunciation, when it becomes purely mental, docs assume the quality and dignity of forgetfulness. Thus one may renounce the world, but it is not so easy to forget

direct his mind towards it, and so ceases to bother about it.

This again is a partial unconsciousness brought about by purely physical means, and not true forgetfulness in its spir itual sense. Sleep is a state of unconsciousness that affords a temporary respite from the wear and tear of life; but sleep is not true forgetfulness in its spiritual sense. The whole philosophy of happiness and unhappiness there fore hinges on the question of forgctfulness of some kind or another.


Forgetfulness in this special sense thus explains the secret that lies behind all happiness, spiritual or otherwise, that hu man beings experience. The Sufi term for this forgetfulness is bikhudi, and it should not be mixed up - though it often is with bihoshi (unconsciousness). The difference between forgetfulness and unconsciousness

is important, and a few examples of types of unconsciousness will help to make it clear. To begin with, one must remem ber that forgetfulness is the partial or total detachment of the mind from the physical world, and unconsciousness the par tial or total deadening of the mind to the physical world. The former gives rise to various degrees of spiritual ecstasy and the latter to various degrees of cessation of pleasure and pain. Let us then look at one or two examples of unconscious

ness. In perfect health one does not bother about the func tioning of a vital organ like the heart. This means that one forgets that this organ is beating ceaselessly and perfectly in the human body for the maintenance of life and health. If, however, there is a disturbance in the cardiac rhythm there is immediate discomfort, and if there is a cardiac infarct there is

immediate precordial pain. In either case one is reminded that one has a heart.

But this is unconsciousness and not

forgetfulness in its spiritual sense. A sur geon by performing a prefrontal Ieucotomy can interfere with some of the nervous path ways that serve this focussing of the mind on the intractable pain of some incurable disease like cancer. After this operation the pain is still there, but the patient ceases to

Remembrance is an attachment of the mind to a

particular idea, person, thing or place, and forgctfulness is its opposite. Once it is understood that remembrance causes pain, it follows that the only cure is some kind of forgetful ness, and this forgetfulness may be either positive or nega tive. The positive forgetfulness is one in which the mind re mains aware of external stimuli, but refuses to react to them.

The negative forgetfulness is either mere unconsciousness - a stopping of the mind as in sound sleep - or an acceleration of it as in madness, which has been defined as a way of av oiding the memory of suffering. Either sleep or madness

may be artificially induced in various degrees by the use of intoxicants or drugs; but this also is a negative way of over coming remembrance.

Positive forgctfulness, then, is the cure, and its steady cul tivation develops in man that balance of mind which enables him to express such noble traits as charity, forgiveness, tol erance, selflessness, and service to others.

One who is not

equipped with this positive forgetfulness becomes a barome ter of his surroundings. His poise is disturbed by the slight est whisper of praise or flattery, and by the faintest sugges tion of slander or criticism; his mind is like a slender reed

swayed by the lightest breeze of emotion. Such a man is perpetually at war with himself and knows no peace.

The sensation of discomfort or pain,

though is arises from the heart, is felt only because of the functioning of the mind. The more the mind is directed to the heart, the more is the discomfort or pain felt. When pain reaches its climax, unconsciousness may supervene - a break in the threads of consciousness that enables one to forget the

In the exercise of this positive forgetfulness, not only is nonrcaction to adverse circumstances essential, but also non-

reaction to favourable and pleasurable circumstances.


these two the latter is the harder and is less often described,

although it matters just as much. continuedon the next page

Š 1987






continued Irom the first page

Positive forgetfulness, although it lies at the very root of happiness, is by no means easy to acquire. Once a man at tains this state of mind, however, he rises above pain and pleasure; he is master of himself. This forgetfulness, to be fully effective for the spiritual life, must become permanent, and such permanence is only acquired through constant prac tice during many lives. Some people, as a result of efforts towards forgetfulness in past lives, get spontaneous and tem porary flashes of it in a later life, and it is such people who give to the world the best in poetry, art and philosophy, and who make the greatest discoveries in science. In such moments of true forgetfulness there is a mental de tachment from all material surroundings in which the poet alr lows his imagination to soar. An artist, when he gives form to an ideal in which he completely forgets himself and all ir relevant surroundings, creates a masterpiece. The best of philosophy is uttered when a man surveys the problem of life without reference to the ups and downs of his purely personal circumstances; and some of the greatest scientific discoveries

The following letter was received by the newsletter staff in response to the last issue. The information is important and illuminating and it was felt that the letter should be brought to the attention of our readership. Thank you, Don,for clari fying the error! Dear Quarterly Newsletter Staff:

Let me first thank you for your continuing kindness in

sending regular copies of the Quarterly and compliment you on its excellent quality. I always share my copy with Neti, Neti staff, and you may have noted that on occasion they re print some of your very good articles.

In your FALL 1987 issue you reprint the Song of the New Life and in the third from last verse you give what is unfortu

nately now the classic version of "Let not despair or disap pointment..." which I believe is based on Purdom's version, and was repeated in this same version in Tales from the New Life.

have been made in this same frame of mind. Such manifesta

tions of genuine spontaneity of forgetfulness are very rare indeed, and although it is said that poets, artists and philoso phers are born and not made, these fleeting phases of real forgetfulness are the result of efforts made in past lives.

When I was writing Listen, the New Humanity, in research ing a good bit of original source material on the New Life, I noted that the Song as originally quoted in my sources was "Let despair or disappointment ravage...", with the "not" be ing omitted. After considerable reflection, I concluded that

In an attempt to make life bearable some people develop a feeble kind of stoicism - a sort of "who cares, anyway" out look - and others plunge recklessly into epicurianism. The

actually this made sense and Purdom's version seemed obscure to me. I quoted the Song as I found it in the older sources.

former is the apathetic acceptance of defeat, and the latter the effort to forget defeat in the arms of pleasure. Neither are true forgetfulness. But when a man acquires the true forget

All this created considerable interested discussion, so on an early trip to Ahmednagar I raised the point with Eruch and

fulness, he enters the spiritual kingdom and passes through different degrees of forgetfulness until the Goal is reached. Meher Baba tells us, "Forgetfulness of the world makes one a pilgrim (rahravr-sadhak); forgetfulness of the nexrrworld makes one a saint; forgetfulness of self means Realization; and forgetfulness of forgetfulness is Perfection."

Bal Natu. Bal came to me the following morning with, mi raculously, several original copies of the Song printed up on one sheet by Adi Sr. under Baba's instructions and approved by Baba. (Baba incidentally personally reviewed minutely all communications given out during^the New Life and was quite severe if some error was found in what He had instructed to be sent.) This original omitted the "not". Eruch looked

carefully at the matter, and he too concluded that omitting the "not", as originally printed, appeared consistent with the tenor established by Baba in the New Life.

Final chapter in the story. The next day Bal Natu came to

me again and said he had checked the Hindu original also,

and it too was most consistent with the original English ver sion which did not have the "not".

You might want sometime to correct this error, as it is an ex tremely interesting point in many ways, not least of all, to

illustrate how easily the Avatar's sense can be unwittingly changed in later editing. Warmest love to you all, Don Stevens

September 6, 1987






FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held at the Albany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin inAbany. The first meeting ofeach month isonSaturday, with theremainder onFriday. AD programs begin at 8*0 PM sharp andnormally endat930 PM with time forvisaing before andafterthe meeting. To check tor program changes call (415) 8454339.

DECEMBER 5th (Saturday) - PHOTO FESTIVAL AND SALE 7:00 PM - A special event to make the photos tak en by each and all available to one another. Come and view each other's collections and place your or ders for copies. Just in time for Christmas, too!

lives. Presented by Malinda McCulloch. Coordinator: Karen Lundegaard.


£Q PROGRAM January 31st is the nineteenth Amartithi, the anni

versary of Meher Baba's physical passing. Ourspe cial program begins at 9:00 PM (early arrivals are welcome as of 8:00PM) and features music, a su perb slide show on Meher Baba's Samadhi (tomb)

Please contact Ron Greenstein at (415) 525-3364 so we can share your special prints or slides. Coor dinators: Ron Greenstein and Karen Lundegaard.

and the intimate film of the Beloved's entombment. We will end with 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 to

10:45 PM, simultaneous with the traditional silence


observed by the many lovers gathered at the Sa


madhi in India (where the time is 12:00 to 12:15 PM on the 31st, the time Baba dropped the body). Co ordinator: Michael Le Page.

Constant focus on Baba seems natural when we

are in His home. Integrating the experience of be ing with Him after returning to our home is more of a challenge. Join Alexandra Conn in a panel and group discussion of ways we can keep Baba with us as we reenter our home and work lives. Coordi

nator: Carol Singer.


FEBRUARY 6th (Saturday) - MUSIC BABA LIKED "I am the song, its words and its melody, and I am the singer." - Meher Baba. Sue Jamison will repeat a wonderful review of music Baba especially en joyed. Coordinator: Louise Barrie.

£Q Coordinator: Michael Le Page. FEBRUARY 12th - AVATAR MEHER BABA TRUST UPDATE

Ed Van Buskirk will explain the significance of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust and will update us on its current status. Coordinator: Michael Le Page.



As we start another New Year, let's meet and talk


Michael Le Page will talk about his research project for his dissertation in psychology. Michael studied the psychological development of long-term Baba

about our center and its directions. Coordinator: Ron Greenstein.

lovers. Discussion follows. Coordinator: Dick An



An evening to share the impressions of several people who have recently returned from their first trip to India. Coordinator: Ron Greenstein.



5:00 AM - Arti at the home of Michael Le Page, 846

^^ Sea View, El Cerrito. Phone: (415) 525-8416. Co ordinator: Michael Le Page.


Dick Anthony will give a talk and lead a discussion on surrendering to Baba in daily life. Coordinator: Louise Barrie.

JANUARY 22nd - BABA'S SUFFERING In order to absorb the burdens of the universe, the

Avatar suffers both physically and mentally. This evening we will explore the nature of Baba's suffer ing and the meaning it holds for our day to day

7:00PM - A special Happy Birthday Celebration. Come celebrate Meher Baba's birthday at the Uni tarian Church, corner Cedar and Bonita, Berkeley. Coordinators: Louise Barrie and Bing Heckman. MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, Louise Barrie • Secretary, Malinda McCuJoch • Treasurer, Alan Tabot • Office Manager. Ben Leet Board ol Directors. Louise Barrie • Bing Heckman • RonGreenstein • Michael LePage • Karen Lunde gaard• Malinda McCuSoch • Carol Singer. Coordinators: Program, Karen Lundegaard • Rnance, RonGreenstein • Membership, Bing Heckman •

Publicity, Harold Jamison • Service, Carol Singer • Archives, Michael LePage• Bookstore, Ben Leet



Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board

meetings are open to all members.

Call Karen

Lundegaard at (415) 549-1736 for the date and time

of upcoming meetings.

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, Arti is per formed at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle, El Cerrito. Phone: (415) 525-3364.


We are attempting to organize a workable phone tree. If you have not been contacted and would like

to be included, please mail your name, area code and


Our trustwalla is Jenny Califf.

All who wish to

share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by

on the office answering machine, (415) 845-4339.

Baba through the instrument of the Trust should con tact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francis co, CA 94103. Phone: (415) 864-3377.



phone number to the office or leave the information

Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thu*

days, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from re sponding to requests for information to processing or

ders for books and other literature, and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chap

.e are sometimes last minute changes in the

.uceting schedule. Please check the answering ma chine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date in formation.

man or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101. tv#ÂŁ/?7* CHILDREN'S BBRDTHDAY PARTY

On Sunday, February 21 a party for children of all

ages will be held to celebrate Meher Baba's birthday

at the home of the Talbots, 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga, CA. The celebration will begin at 1 PM with birthday cake for everyone. Call Karen Talbot

'5 ~TV

at (415) 376-4325 for more information.


of NoraeWCalifornia,-Lic. ^

2131 University Avenue, Room-235

Berkeley^A94704 9A'




235 BERKELEY, CA. 94704



VOL. 18

The Springtide of


Wars breaks out. Humanity

grows desperate. There seems to be no possibility of stemming the tide of



At this moment the Avatar appears.

(Taken from The Discourses, Vol. 3, a part of the discourse entitled "The

Being the total manifestation of God in human form, he is like a gauge against


which man can measure what he is and

Avataric periods are like the springtide of creation. They bring a new release of power, a new awakening of consciousness, a new experience of life - not merely for a few, but for all. Qualities of energy and awareness, which had been used and enjoyed by only a few advanced souls, are made available for all humanity. Life as a whole is stepped up to a higher level of consciousness, is geared to a new rate of energy. The transition from sensation to reason was one such step; the transition from reason to intuition will be another.

This new influx of the creative impluse takes, through the medium of a divine personality, an incarnation of God in a special sense - the Avatar.

what he may become. He trues the standard of human values by interpreting them in terms of divinely human life.

He is interested in everything but not concerned about anything. The slightest mishap may command his sympathy; the greatest tragedy will not upset him. He is beyond the alternations of pain and pleasure, desire and satisfaction, rest and struggle, life and death. To him they are equally illusions which hÂŤ, has transcended, but by which others are bound, and from which he has come to free them. He uses every circumstance as a means to lead others towards Realization.

This Avatar who has ever manifested or will ever

He knows that men do not cease to exist when

manifest. Through him God first completed the journey from unconscious divinity to conscious divinity, first unconsciously became man in order consciously to become God. Through him, periodically, God consciously becomes man for the

they die, and therefore is not concerned over death. He knows that destruction must precede construction, that out of suffering is born peace and bliss, that out of struggle comes liberation from the bonds of action. He is only concerned about

liberation of mankind.


The Avatar appears in different forms, under different names, at different times, in different parts of the world. As his appearance always coincides with the spiritual birth of man, so the period immediately preceding his manifestation is always one in which humanity suffers from the pangs of the approaching birth. Man seems more than ever enslaved by desire, more than ever driven by greed, held by fear, swept by anger. The strong dominate the weak; the rich oppress the poor; large masses of people are exploited for the benefit of the few who are in power. The individual, who finds no peace or rest, seeks to forget himself in excitement. Immorality increases, crime flourishes, religion is ridiculed. Corruption spreads throughout the social

In those who contact him he awakens a love that consumes all selfish desires in the flame of the one desire to serve him. Those who consecrate their

circle. Every Sadguru [perfect master] has an intimate circle of twelve disciples who, in point of realization, are made equal to the Sadguru himself, though they differ from him in function and authority. In Avataric periods the Avatar has a circle of one hundred and twenty disciples, all of whom experience realization and work for the liberation of



Class and national hatreds are aroused and

lives to him gradually become identified with him in consciousness. Little by little, their humanity is absorbed into his divinity and they become free. Those who are closest to him are known as his

continued on tha naxt page







TO A QUIET MIND Henry Kashouty



WhatGod will standfor is love and truth. It is up to each to know this and accept this and give one's self up to the One Reality, the Only Reality, the Eternal Reality, which is and has been and will

alwaysbe God. And in this Avataric cycle is Avatar Meher Baba.

Oh yes, Jai Baba.

(In response to a request by Ben Leet, Judge Henry Kashouty sent this article for our use in this newsletter. Thank you Ben and Henry!)

continuedfromthe first page

Their work is not only for contemporary

There are timeTwTielfffie~mind is^ofe quiet. At those times, one must put one's thoughts on Baba.

of life and consciousness for the whole Avataric

When this becomes a real habit, it will be easier to

cycle, which has been mapped out in the creative

hold on to thoughts of Baba as activities increase. It is always better to have some thoughts of Baba than no thoughts of Baba. But it is best to have continuous thoughts of Baba during your conscious hours and even during sleepless hours. You will

notice that when you can do this uninterrupted, you will feel very refreshed and rested. This can only happen if you put Baba first at all times. Impatience tires the mind, frustration tires the

mind, disappointment tires the mind, anger tires the mind. Wishing numbsthe mind, wanting numbs the mind, lust numbs the mind, fanaticism numbs the

mind, money numbs the mind, drugs numb the mind, alcohol numbs the mind; and worry causes any or all of these things to take over the mind. The only way to keep worry out is to put Baba in. This

is not easy at first. That is why Baba tells you to

struggle to remember him.

Now, the real work is to make the struggleinto the habit of remembering Baba. That habit will become the real presence of Baba. That is the discipline needed to obey Baba One Hundred Percent!

If one is sincere aand honest about one's

conviction about Baba's Divinity then the struggle is real, and the result is inevitable. That result is to

consciously feel Baba's presence at all times.

Now, the world tells you, "You must worry about this, and you must worry about that." And so it is a world filled with worry and all things that worry brings. But does the world love you? Does theworld give you eternallife? Does the world give you compassion? Does the world give you the grace

humanity but for posterity as well. The unfoldmant world before the Avatar took form, is enclosed and

fixed in theformative and material worlds during the Avatar's life on earth.

TheAvatar awakens contemporary humanity toa realization of its true spiritualnature,gives liberation to those who are ready, and quickens the life of the

spirit in his time. Forposterity is leftthe stimulating power of hisdivinely human example, the nobility of a life supremely lived,of a love unmixedwithdesire, of a power unused except for others, of a peace untroubled by ambition, of a knowledge undimmed byillusion. He hasdemonstrated thepossibility of a divine life for all humanity, of a heavenly life on earth. Those who have the necessary courage and integrity can follow when they will.

Those who are spiritually awake have been aware

forsome time thatthe world is at present in themidst of a period such as always precedes^Avataric manifestations. Even unawakened men and women are becoming aware of it now. From their darkness

they are reaching out for light; in the midst of the strife into which they have found themselves plunged, they are prayingfor peace and deliverance. For the moment they must be patient. The wave of destruction must rise still higher, must spread still further. But when, from the depths of his heart, man desires something more lasting than wealth, something more real than material power, the wave

will recede. Then peace will come, joy will come,

light will come.

The breaking of my silence - the signal for my public manifestation - is not far off. I bring the greatest treasure which it is possible for man to

that sustains your being from lifetime to lifetime?

receive- a treasurewhich includes all other treasures,

annihilation except that God will not stand for that.

shared with others. Be ready to receive it.

What theworld would giveyouis total andcomplete

which will endure forever, which increases when




FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS - Meher Babameetings are held on Friday or Saturday evenings at 7:30PM with time for visiting before the program begins at 8:00PMsharp. To check for program changes calU 15/845-4339.




selecting our leadership is the way to assure that our meetings and other activities will suit our needs and be in the spirit of Meher Baba's love. A further agenda item for the AGM is the


Tonight we will hear the impressions from recent first time visitors to India.




question of a possible name change for the group. There has been some feeling among the group that a new name is desirable. The options to be considered include:

1. Retaining the current name, that is, Meher


A panel discussion with audience competition about a topic seldom discussed in relation to Meher Baba's views. Coordinators: Michael Le

Page and Harold Jamison. MARCH 20th - FILMS OF AVATAR MEHER BABA

Baba Lovers of Northern California. 2. Meher Baba Lovers.

3. Meher Baba Group. 4. Meher Baba Group of Northern California. 5. Meher Baba Center.

6. Meher Baba Center of Northern California.

If you have another suggestion that you would like to have considered tonight, please write to the office or let one of the board members know.

Coordinator: Doug Ross MARCH 27th - AMARTITHI 1987 REVISITED

Each year since Meher Baba dropped His body a pilgrim from the Bay Area has been at His side in the Samadhi. Tonight we will hear stories and see slides from this year's program. Coordinator: Harold Jamison. APRIL




The 1987 AGM will begin at 7:00PM. Under the bylaws of Meher Baba Lovers of Northern California, the voting members shall 1) discuss and vote on a budget for the coming year, 2) consider other old and new business; 3) elect a

new board of directors; 4) elect a nominating committee for next year's AGM. This year's nominating committee will present a slate of not


During the past few years Wendel Brustman has been video-taping Meher Baba's mandali and others who met Meher Baba. Tonight we will see a selection from these pre-edited tapes. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.


A Bay Area favorite, the "How I came to Baba"

stories continue to be told by members of our group. Coordinator: Ron Greenstein. APRIL





more than three candidates for each of the seven

board positions. Candidates will be announced

at Friday meetings at least 30 days before the AGM. According to the bylaws you are a voting member if you: 1) have a sincere interest in Avatar Meher Baba; 2) live in

Meher Baba is in our lives every day in ordinary and extraordinary ways. Come share your personal experiences of Meher Baba. Coordinator: Jennifer Buggia


California; and 3) have attended meetings of our group or supported it in other ways during the preceding year. If you are eligible please notify us to add your name to the membership list by

signing a sheet provided at the Friday meetings,

continuedon the nexlpage

MEHER BABA LOVERS OF NORTHERN CAUFORNIA INC President, Bing Heckman " Vice President. Harold Jamison** Secretary,Jenny Califf" Treasurer, AlanTalbot" OfficeManager, Ben Leet.

or by calling Bing Heckman at 415-494-6443. Notification of your eligibilty to vote will be

Board of Directors: Jennifer Buggia,BingHeckman, HaroldJamison, Ben Leet, MichaelLe Page, LarryPesta, Doug Ross.

mailed to you two weeks before the meeting along with a list of candidates. We urge you to attend this meeting. Participation in

COORDINATORS: Program, LarryPesta " Finance, Michael Le Page " Membership,HaroldJamison " Publicity. HaroldJamison " Service, Louise Barrie ** Archives, Bruce Ecker" Bookstore, Ben Leet.


ocntmued term the previous page

MAY 2nd (Saturday)


Tonight we will hear Donald's stories of his time with Meher Baba. Donald met Meher Baba in

1958 at Myrtle Beach and then again in 1962 at the East-West Gathering. He was one of the young men who carried Baba in his chair at Myrtle Beach. Coordinator Jenny Califf. MAY 8th - SPIRITUAL CHOICES

Dick Anthony and Bruce Ecker, authors/editors of a new book, "Spiritual Choices".will discuss their book which is being received with strong public interest Coordinator: Michael Le Page.

We are very pleased to report that we have a new place to meet on a regular basis - the Albany Methodist Church. The address is 980 Stannage Avenue in Albany. It is at the corner of Marin Avenue, just south of Solano Avenue and just east of San Pablo Avenue. Also note, the first meeting of each month is on a Saturday evening rather than on Friday. We hope this will make it easier for people coming a long distance to attend more conveniently. This is an experiment and we welcome your thoughts on meeting days and times. TRUSTWALLA

Our Trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to MAY





Robert met Meher Baba in 1965 after hitch hiking across Europe and Asia. Sent back by Baba with His initial message about drugs, Robert has been living in the Bay Area since then except for four years he spent living/working in India with Baba's mandali.

Robert will share some of his

experiences with Meher Baba.



share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. (415-864-3377). ARTI

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM Arti will be performed at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle, El Cerrito. Phone: 415-525-3364. MEHER BABA INFORMATION - "THE BOX"

Coordinator: Michael Le Page MAY 29th - GUEST SPEAKER: BRYNAR MEHL

At the East-West Gathering in 1962, Brynar met Meher Baba through his connection with Baba's long-time disciple, Margaret Craske. Brynar will share some of his Baba Coordinator: Ben Leet










Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from responding to requests for information to processing orders for books and other literature, and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at 562-1101.

MEHERJBABA LOVERS-^J^O^of N^hem^ajifornia, -Jncr—> PM ? 15 Fr=!6 ol

2131 UrflveiSflty Afofe., Room333—-~i BerkeleVJSalHornla 94704







2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 16


psychic and saw auras at all times, she was very matter of fact about it. Filis helped many other people with similar fa

FILIS By Ursula Van Buskirk

culties put their abilities into a propei spiritual perspective.

Whenever I remember Filis, I remem ber Meher Baba because Baba instructed

me to meet her. Filis was a very special Baba contact because of that fact, but she

was also a confidante and special buddy. She always had time to listen, even to the smallest nothing; she was never judgmental and she was a special friend to many, many people because of those qualities. After I settled in Santa Barbara in 1966, Meher Baba

instructed me, by letter, to meet Filis. I called and made arrangements to attend one of the weekly meetings in her home. My first impression was that she was unique she was the first 50-year-old "hippie" I had ever met. The people at the meeting were all much older. I was 21 at the time and to me they were a strange assortment of astrologer-occult types, the type of people I had not en countered before. Prominent among this group was a former








"Breatharian" and upon seeing a chart of the Ten States of God from God Speaks, informed the group that he was so advanced that he was "off the chart." This was

before the wave of younger seekers began coming to Baba, and while I liked Filis very much and was in trigued by her, I didn't spend much time at her meet ings. I left Santa Barbara in 1967 and Filis moved to New

Jersey shortly thereafter. I didn't meet her again until 1971 when I was invited to give a talk to the Los An geles group about my meeting with Baba. The group was entirely different by that time, mostly comprised of new, young followers of Baba, and Filis was the group's "Godmother."

In 1971 she innocently told me there was a "boy soul" hanging around me all the time. I had no intention of ever having children, so I never gave it much thought, but surprisingly I became pregnant in 1983. I had an amniocentesis because of my age and it revealed I was carrying a boy. I can still hear Filis' innocent voice after I told her, saying, "I could have told you that." Filis spent ten years from 1942 through 1952 living with, and in close connection to, Norma Matchabelli,

Elizabeth Patterson, Nadine Tolstoy, Margaret Craske and others of Baba's early Western disciples. She en dured many hardships and much suffering to maintain her relationship with this group. They were her connec tion and her hope of one day meeting her Beloved Baba. Apparently she was severely tested during these years and she was a virtual treasurehouse of stories about

Baba and His work in America through these great dis ciples. She seemingly had a photographic memory about all of these things and over the years we spent many hours, often until two or three o'clock in the morning, absolutely lost in the magic of these times. When questioned about the source of her quotes or stories, her stock reply would be, "It's in the Awakener." And it always was, whenever I checked. She had a large archive of materials for the Awakener, a quarter ly publication she so lovingly tended over thirty years, often with no help and usually with financial strain. A lot of the material was given to her directly by Baba and much of it remains unpublished. Probably because of the Awakener was she allowed continual mail access to

From 1971 onward a very close friendship evolved and I began to know the person behind the sweet exteri or, a very sensitive, intellectual type of person who was totally focused on her Beloved Baba through the many ups and downs of her life. Filis was very psychic from the time she was a child, and this faculty had caused her much suffering until Baba "toned down" her psychic abilities and made it much more bearable for her. While she was still very Š

Baba, even during periods while Baba was in seclusion when most othep were forbidden to write. In 1979, Filis invited me to accompany her to India both as a companion and to help her through the rigors of the journey. Naturally the friction that Baba stirs up ensued as soon as we acrived. It took the form of Filis'

almost constant snoring and my almost total lack of sleep. This drove me to the limits of my patience, but her sweetness won out as she would innocently insist, i Qoi

continued on the next page



continued from the first page

"But I can't hear myself snoring," and I just couldn't staymad. The trip was very special and I felt privileged to share in and witness her joy at being there, especially at the Samadhi and when she would visit with Mehera.

I remember so many other stories and times with Filis, including our 1981 trip to Australia where she was the guest speaker at the anniversary celebration at Avatars Abode. She was particularly happy to be with Frances Brabazon, whom she deeply admired, as she was a tal

ented poet in her own right. It was during this visit that she inadvertently stirred up a controversy among the Australian Baba lovers. Filis was a feminist and a liber

ated womanjong before it wasia vogue, and her talks to the Australian women naturally reflected her ideas about how they could be more involved in the affairs of the group there. This was quite at odds with the ideas of the Australian men as to the role of women, and some were very upset. I don't think she realized how deep were the sensibilities that she offended.

Filis had many times intimated that she remembered being my mother in past lives and somehow this seemed naturally right to me as it explained the closeness we felt with one another. A few days before she died I visited

her in the hospital. This was an unexpected visit for her and she started crying when she saw me and her lips just said, "Surprise." This was obviously a goodbye visit and we held hands and shed tears; she was in great discomfort and seemingly too weak to talk. I was im mersed in the overwhelming feeling of peace and of Baba's presence in that hospital room. After awhile, I became restless with the silence and somehow blurted

out, "Maybe you'll be my mother again." Abruptly she sat up and with a suddenly found vigor said rather sternly, "I just want Baba.'lJMqst of all, that is how I'll remember Filis.


The spark of Creation is still there In His Adam-eye I saw it fleck and flare

As I stood by As I, burned witness, stood Silent, in Meher wood. •

I saw all Bliss

In His Eyes I saw all Love In His Heart Out of His Mouth

Came the Silence of Truth. Where will He run Where will He run

God in His little gold shoes - - And may we run along? RESULTS OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

My favorite memory of Filis is when in 1977 a group

The AGM was held on April 4, 1987 at the Albany

of us took Adi K. Irani to San Francisco on BART, our local subway, and we went to a revolving restaurant on

Methodist Church. Following is the new Board of Di rectors elected from the slate presented: Louise Barrie,

top of a large hotel. The drink of the day on the menu was a Banana Nirvana and we felt this was a nice little

Baba touch to the occasion. Later as we toured me huge atrium lobby of the hotel, there was a band serenading the patrons of one of the lobby restaurants. We request ed Begin the Beguine and when they played it, Filis and Jack Small spontaneously began to waltz around the lobby even though there was no dance floor. Somehow that incident has always stuck with me as a reminder of the innocence and spontaneity she expressed in her love for her Beloved.

Bing Heckman, Ron Greenstein, Michael LePage, Karen Lundegaard, Malinda McCulloch, Carol Singer. The nominating commitee for 1988 is: Alisa Genovese, Harold Jamison, Ben Leet, David Miotke, Lee Wright. After discussion, a new name was selected for the group from the options offered. Henceforth we shall be known as: MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA.





FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS - Meher Baba meetings are held at theAlbany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenueand Marin in Albany. The first meeting of each monthis on Saturday, with the remainder on Friday. All meetings commence at 7:30 PMwith time for visiting before the program begins at 8:00 PM sharp. To check for


program changes call (415) 845-4339.

JUNE 6th (Saturday)



An evening of music and poetry dedicated to Meh er Baba. This program received great reviews when it was first presented at Shared Visions in March. Don't miss it. Coordinator: Ben Leet.

JUNE 12th - BABA, BABA, BABA... Repeating the name of God has been important in every culture. Baba has revitalized this age-old practice for us. Come share your experiences in to night's discussion. Coordinator: Larry Pesta.

Bill Le Page, who first met Baba in 1954 in India, will be with us tonight to share stories and reflections

on his contacts with Baba over succeeding dec ades. Coordinator: Michael Le Page.


Join us from 3 PM on for a pot luck barbeque at the home of Michael Le Page, 846 Seaview, El Cerrito. Phone 525-8416. Bring salads, desserts and drinks (main dishes provided - maybe even a shrimp or two!).



Herman Lowe and Jim Hastings recently returned from two months in India, including Amartithi and Baba's birthday. They also visited sites in northern India associated with Baba. They will illustrate their

Meher Baba has touched the lives of many of his lovers through dreams and visions. After present ing some of these stories, we will discuss some of Baba's own comments on such phenomena and share how they have played a part in our own lives.

talk with slides.

Coordinators: Karen Lundegaard and Ron Green stein.


Over the years Baba made many interesting com ments about sports and games. We will present these comments along with a discussion of how athletes may bring Baba into their recreation. Coor dinator: Harold Jamison.

JULY 4th - NO MEETING TONIGHT There will be no meeting tonight because so many of our members are attending the Sahavas in Southern California.

JULY 10th (Friday) - SILENCE DAY: 10 TO

JULY 25th (Saturday, 7

9 PM) - KIDS'


Puppet show, magic tricks and entertainment by kids for kids and adults. Come share the fun! Coor

dinator: Patti Lough.


Coordinator: Michael Le Page.

REMINDER: There are no meetings sched uled for the remainder of August. Looking forward to seeing everyone in September.

10 ON THE 10th

In remembrance of Baba's Silence, our meeting place will be open from 10 AM to 10 PM. Drop by during the day, then come for films from 8 to 9:30 PM. A special area will be set aside with Baba's sadra, picture and flowers. Also available: lending li brary, bookstore, tapes.

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CAUFORNIA, INC. President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, Louise Barrie • Secretary, Malinda McCulloch • Treasurer, Alan Talbot • Office Manager, Ben Leet Board of Directors: Louise Barrie • Bing Heckman • Ron Greenstein • Michael Le Page • Karen Lundegaard • Malinda McCulloch • Carol Singer. Coordinators: Program, Karen Lundegaard • Finance, Ron Greenstein • Member

ship, Bing Heckman • Publicity,Harold Jamison • Service, Carol Singer • Archives, Michael Le Page • Bookstore, BenLeet.



Weare pleasedto reportthat some goodprogresshas beenmade toward making Meher Mount habitable for Agnes Baron (a major

Several new books and other interesting items have arrived. The following is a sampling:

fire burned out her home in October, 1985).

Agnes had been living on Meher Mount in a small trailer with very limited facilities since September, 1986. A mobile home has been set up along with water, electrical and sanitary services. A water system was put in place to provide basic water pressure and avoid contamination that was a concern with the existing stagnant supply reservoir (a forty-year-old swimming pool). The new sys tem includes filtration of the high sulphur content. Hot water is also provided for the first time in several decades. The provisions for basic habitability have resulted in some ac crued debts, and any contributions large or small to help pay them off wouldbe appreciated very much. Checks can be made payable

1. Practical Spirituality with Meher Baba by John Grant The story of Baba's visits to Australia. 2. Is That So? by Bill LePage. A compilation of stories from Eruch.

3. The Silent Master edited by Irwin Luck. A collection of quotations enjoyed by Baba. The companion to the film soon to be completed by Meher Baba Archives. 4. The CompassionateOne by Meher Baba Information. A revised introductory pamphlet 5. TheRoadto Meherdoaa^y^-DlotmT^new \^'smg~ by the Jones sisters. Available from Meher Prasad. TRUSTWALLA

to "Meher Mount Fund," and all contributions can be sent to:

Agnes Baron Meher Mount

9902 Sulphur Mountain Road Ojai, CA 93023

Our Truslwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share in fulfill ing the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrumentof the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Phone: (415) 864-3377. MEHER BABA INFORMATION - "THE BOX"

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, Arti will be performed at the

Worknights at Meher Baba Information arc Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from responding to requests for informa tion to processing orders for books and other literature, and many

home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle, El Cerrito. Phone: (415) 525-3364. —

Gary Freeman at (415) 562-£l01.d


new projects. If you would like T5"help, call Rick^Ji^nan or •—



MEHER BAB of Northe: 2131 Univerl Berkeley, C







R 2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 16



As lovers of Avatar Meher Baba we know that this is a

special and unique time in the unfolding of His Divine Work to awaken humanity. This is both the time of deep intimacy with the Beloved and the universal mani festation of His love. Now, more than ever, He is most

available to all who approach Him with love. Thus there is a sense of urgency in the air as Baba calls us to take advantage of His availability by deepening our inner connection with Him, while at the same time doing our part to share in the work of His manifestation. The immediacy and significance of Baba's call to ac tion was driven home to me once again last fall with the passing of Pendu and Rano. The men and women who

learn His ways. The Beloved has given and is still giving us years of intimate contact with Him through His close com panions. He has invited us into His Homes, places where He slept and ate, worked and played, and permits us to sit with His dear ones to hear the Story. "Come," He says, "drink deep of M> love and learn of Me while I am so fully present with you." To this day, we can sit on His porch with Mehera, the beloved of the Beloved, and sit by His chair with those who lived and worked with Him daily. Such intimacy is a blessing beyond words, given to a very few. How fortunate are Beloved Baba's lovers to be allowed to in

hale the fragrance of His Divinity while hearing the Sto ry of His humanity! Now that He is taking His mandali to Him, and we are called to a greater work, we may find ourselves scrambling a bit to be sure that we have taken full advantage of this rare chance to catch hold of Him.

have served Meher Baba best, those he called His man

dali, are leaving the stage. I feel as though the Beloved is completing the dropping of His physical body now that His companions, His hands and feet in the world, are rejoining Him. As this change takes place, Baba is releasing His love more and more to waiting hearts eve rywhere. Simultaneously, He is pushing His lovers onto the stage to play a greater role in His work.

The days of intimate contact with the Beloved through His mandali are dwindling to a precious few. But even as these special days pass away, and He takes His dear ones Home, a new and exciting chapter of His Life with us begins. While we can only see the tip of the iceberg of His work, reports from everywhere signal a new surge of His love in hearts throughout the world. A record number of new people are coming to His Home in Myrtle Beach, and many Baba groups throughout the world report new activity and new energy.

Naturally, as the mandali leave, many of us ask our selves if we are ready and able to carry the torch of His love in the world. As the world experiences His love and asks about His ways, are we prepared to tell the Story? Fortunately, we can take comfort in the fact that the Avatar does His own work in spite of the limitations

Ready or not, the time has come for us to take our places on the stage of His divine love drama. We need not feel unready, because His timing is always perfect.

of his workers! At the same time, we also know that

And we should not mind our unworthiness, because He

Baba uses His lovers as instruments in His awakening, and He asks us to put our whole hearts into the work He gives us to do. "My work," He tells us, "is your oppor tunity." Why are we given such an opportunity? "I al low you to work for Me," Baba says, "so that you have the opportunity to use your talents and capacities selflessly and so draw closer to Me."

has chosen us just as we are. In fact, our very unworth iness is the precondition for sharing in His Work, ena bling us to remember that He alone does the Real Work.

Though we may not feel ready or worthy to do His work, we cannot complain that we have had no time to

Our Beloved invites us with open arms to be workers in this glorious time of His Awakening. As he has so often reminded us, this is the opportunity of many, many lifetimes: "At this stage you cannot know what real Love is, but through working for Me as you should

Š 1987

continued on the nett page






continued from the first page

work for Me, you will arrive at that ripeness where, in a moment, I can give you That which you have been seek ing for millions of years." AvatarMeher Baba ki jai! The victory is His.

Dear ones, take seriously the words of Baba. "Although now I am on the same level with you, Yet all orders from me, good, bad, or extraordinary, You should carry out immediately, leaving the result to God.

"Even if the heavens fall,

Do not let go the hand of Truth; Let not despair or disappointment ravage and destroy the garden of your life; You beautify it by contentment and self-sufficiency. "Even though your heart be cut to bits, let a smile be on your lips. Here I divulge to you a truth: Hidden in your empty hands is treasure untold; Your beggarly life is the envy of kings. SONG OF THE NEW LIFE Listen to the silent words of Meher Baba; The life of all lovers of God is in these words. You who are serious to follow the New Life

"God exists indeed, and true are the Prophets, Every cycle has an Avatar, and every moment a wali. For us, however, it is only hopelessness and helplessness, How else can I describe to you what our New Life is?"

Will renounce your ephemeral existence.

A translation of the song composed by Dr. Ghani

We have taken to this life in which we rely only upon

31 October 1949


Our will is strengthened by our oath. We merrily sing the song of hopelessness; We invite all calamities and difficulties.

We neither wail over lost hopes, nor complain about promises, Or covet honor, or shun disgrace. Back-biting is ended andw&do not fear anyone; This is the tenor of our New Life.

The New Life will be kept alive by those:

No confusion in the mind now, neither are any ties left; Pride, anger, lust and greed are sloughed off. No religion for any of us, nor care for physical and mental aims.

The Sheikh and the Brahmin are now in the same boat.

Who live the life of complete renunciation of false hood, lies, hatred, anger, greed and lust; and who to ac complish all this, do no lustful actions, do no harm to anyone, do no backbiting, do not seek material posses sions or power, who accept no homage, neither covet

All false impressionshave been purged from the mind;

honour nor shun disgrace, and fear no one and nothing; by those, who rely wholly and solely on God, and who love God purely for the sake of loving, who believe in the lovers of God and in the reality of Manifestation, and yet do not expect any spiritual and material reward; who do not let go the hand of Truth, and who, without being upset by calamities, bravely and whole-heartedly face all hardships with 100% cheerfulness, and give no importance to caste, creed and religious ceremonies. This New Life will live by itself eternally, even if there

Now we live with the active present

is no one to live it.

There is for us all no small or great.

Neither disciple, master, nor Godhood exist. Brotherliness is the link,

And our common enjoyment of suffering. This world or the next, hell or heaven, we are no longer concerned with.

Shaktis and siddhis, occultism and miracles, we are no

longer plagued with.







FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held at the Albany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany. Thefirs meeting ofeach month is on Saturday, with theremainder on Friday. A3 pngramsbegin at 8:00PM sharpandnormally endat 930 PM wim time forvisiting before and alterthe mealing. To cheek for program changes call (415) 845-4339.

SEPTEMBER 12th (Saturday)



Come savor an afternoon of films of Avatar Meher Baba. The location and times will be announced.



Coordinator: Michael LePage.



"A Meeting With Meher Baba: The Avatar of the Age". Rick first met Meher Baba in 1966 and will

An evening of songs, readings, short talks and films presented by Larry Pesta. Coordinator: Bing

share the impact of that meeting with us tonight. This program will be of interest to people who are newly acquainted with Meher Baba as well as to old timers. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.





Tonight Dick Anthony will speak on "Following

Tonight's panel and discussion promises to be a lively one! Coordinator: Louise Barrie.

Meher Baba as an Internal Master". There will be a discussion after the talk. Coordinator: Louise Bar rie.


A repeat of the internationally acclaimed multi media slide show produced by Cherie Dreyfuss, Ed Van Buskirk and Michael LePage. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.


Join in an evening of musical entertainment with a focus on Baba. Our special guest will be an nounced.

Coordinator: Malinda McCulloch.




Come share in a group discussion of the ways we commune with and remember Baba. Coordinator: Ron Greenstein.

Ursula met Meher Baba in March, 1966. Tonight she will share with us the story of that meeting and the travels that led to it. Coordinator: Louise Barrie.


A special event to make the photos taken by each OCTOBER 16th - THE NEW LIFE

A special meeting celebrating the anniversary of the beginning of Meher Baba's New Life. Present ed by Larry Pesta. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.

and all available to one another. Come and view

each other's collections and place your orders for copies. Just in time for Christmas, too! Please con tact Ron Greenstein at (415) 525-3364 so we can share your special prints or slides. Coordinators: Ron Greenstein and Karen Lundegaard.



Tonight's panel and group discussion will focus on how our relationships with family, friends and dear ones are affected by our relationship with Meher Baba. Coordinator: Carol Singer.

President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, Louise Barrie • Secretary, Malinda McCuitoch • Treasurer, Alan Talbot • Office Manager, Ben Leet. Board olDirectors: Louise Barrie -BingHeckman • RonGreenstein • Michael LePage • Karen Lunde gaard• Malinda McCulloch • Carol Singer. Coordinators: Program, Karen Lundegaard • Rnance,RonGreenstein • Membership, Bing Heckman • Publicity, Harold Jamison• Service,CarolSinger• Archives, Michael LbPage • Bookstore, BenLeel.

BOARD MEETINGS Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board

meetings are open to all members. Call Karen Lunde gaard at (415) 549-1736 for the date and time of upcom ing meetings.


EachSundaymorning at 10:00AM, Arti is performed at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle, El Cerrito. Phone: (415) 525-3364. TRUSTWALLA


Our trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share We are attempting to organize a workable phone tree. If you have not been contacted and would like to be in cluded, please mail your name, area code and phone

Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.

number to the office or leave the information on the of

Phone: (415) 864-3377.

in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Babathrough the instrument of the Trust should contact Jenny c/o

fice answering machine, (415) 845-4339. REMINDER MEHER BABA INFORMATION - "THE BOX"

Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thurs days, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from re sponding to requests for information to processing or

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meet ing schedule. Please check the answering machine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information.

ders for books and other literature, and many new pro jects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101. CHILDREN'S BARBEQUE On Saturday, September 5 a barbeque will be held at the home of the Stovalls, 954 Acalanes Road, Lafayette, CA. The festivities will begin at 11:00AM and all ages are welcome. Please bring snacks, salads or desserts to share; main course and juice will be provided. Call An nie Stovall at (415) 284-2773 for more information.

MEHER BABA of Northern 2131 Universil

Berkeley, CA





2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 18

I said, "No, no I'm sure not - I'll

A Mehera Story

look again ..." "No," she said, "you leave it to me."

Visitors to Meherazadfrequently enjoy talksby Mani,

I don't know what she must have

MeherBaba's sister in which she movingly relates the

discussed with the servant, very nicely,

experiences of life around Baba. In this narrative re corded in August 1989, she gives us a glimpse into

but whatever she said, the servant

brought the pin, and along with it she

herrelationship with Mehera, Baba'sbeloved.

I wonder if anybody has noticed this pin that I have on. One stone is missing and it has been painted so that the missing stone won't show up so much, but this has a history. It has a delightful history; some body asked me this morning and I thought that it

brought a pair of scissors that nobody had missed. She'd stolen a pair of scissors as well, you see, and then when Mehera saw that instead of one thing she's

given back two things, I heard Mehera say, "And now you must go home and get the third thing also."

I couldn't believe it. And you know, she had tak en a third thing, another brooch, and I hadn't even This is a pin that was given to me in the 1940s by missed it. I said, "Mehera, you're absolutely a marvel, Arnavaz on the occasion of her engagement to Nari- how do you do it?" So this is a very special thing for would be nice to tell it.

man. It came at a time when we didn't have even cos

tume jewelry like we have now. It was a very special thing, and I would often put it on when we went out with Baba. Whenever there was an occasion, we took

out our finery from the bottom of the trunk and we would dress up, so this pin always served. We were in

me. One stone had fallen off, and the servant girl re fused to acknowledge that she had taken it I knew it was there before, and had disappeared during the theft, but it never got resolved between us.

She has given me many lovely gifts every now and then. Specially after every time when .... Mehera Hyderabad, and I remember I put this pin on a sari to

goto a cinema with Baba. Afterwards, I couldn't find and I who were so close together all of our lives, oc the pin. I looked all over, but I'm never sure of my- casionally there would be little sparks. I could exas-

self, Inever trust my memory and Ihate to say that I P^te her, she could exasperate me, so when things

lost it, because maybe someone will think someone like that would happen... Now a long time ago, on has stolen it. Somehow it came out, Mehera missed

my pin and inquired about it.

one occasion when Baba sensed that I was impatient with Mehera over something, He told me, "Don't be

"I can't find it, Mehera," I said.

impatient with Mehera, you and Mehera have a con nection that's way back, far away back, so don't get

"Oh," she said, "The servant must have taken it,"


because we had a new servant.

I would always try, but one day, we were in

"Oh, I don't know about that," I said, "Maybe I misplaced it."

"But you just said you looked everywhere" Me hera said. You see in some ways Mehera was stronger than I was, and I didn't want to face it, that's the whole point.

Baba's room and she got exasperated with me, some thing that I wasn't doing right, I could be dumb some times, and Mehera said, "Mani, I know we have a

long past connection, an ancient connection, that's all very well, and we have it in this life, OK? But that's enough - not in the next life - enough."


I said, somewhat coolly, "That's fine with me, continued on the next page





continued from the first page

OK Mehera." So, by evening, she came with a present for me. Whenever she had said something that she thought wasn't gentle enough, she was a very gentle person, very sweet, she came and she would give me something. Usually it was a soap. She knew I liked fragrance, but sometimes some of the soaps she had were not fragrant. But they were very good. She used to say, "Read, read what's on the label, it's made of oatmeal, very good for the complexion." "I know, Mehera, I love it." I still have two or

three, but the last gift she gave me (she would give me

other things, too) was this second pin, in the shape of

much fun. It was so tenderly we were caring for Me hera, and Mehera was like a child in that. You'd some

times see a twinkle in her eye that amazed us. Mehera would be seated on the porch and there would be the

tray, all kinds of things on it, cup, spoon, saucer, and Heather would say, "Now Mehera, what's this?" And Mehera would look at the thing and I knew she knew what the thing was, but she couldn't get the word for

it. So she'd usually begin by saying, "Ba .. ba.." Heather would gently correct her, "No, Mehera" and

sometimes she would get exasperated. Once Mehera said, "It's extraordinaryrTnever seem-to get it."

a heart, which is very precious to me. This also has a "Mehera, you just said so much! This is cup!" story. She made me realize without saying it that this And then she'd say, "Ca .. ca.. cup .." and then there heart would be the last gift. would be so much joy. So once she was outside, and

Janet would come with a set of boxes, and each per son had her own thing to help Mehera. When she was seated among them, I would come away to the little cottage to do what little work I had to do, but I would keep an eye on her. I would come out now and then

and the moment she'd see me go by, they tell me that Mehera would lose interest in everythingelse, and un til I was out of sight and not seen by them, she would

lose her attention on whatever else she was doing. When I heard that, I would purposely come out every now and then from whatever else I was doing to say, "Jai Baba, Mehera." One morning when I was out of sight for a time, she said to me very clearly, "And Somehow she knew or at least in her wisdom she

where were you all morning?"

spoke of things like-that.-She called me into Baba!s

—"Mehera I was with youHtV only-after sitting

room. I sat next to her and she said, "I would like to

here on the porch with you that I had to do other things." Now this is all leading up to this little inci dent. The last morning that Mehera was seated on the

tell you something. When my time comes, see that I am in Baba's room before you carry me out. See that

only Goher and you handle my body after I go to porch in her chair, I was, again after a while, down at Baba, while making the arrangements for the funeral." the little cottage, and I would peek out now and then In the last week while she was sitting on the porch on that chair that you are used to seeing her sit

and say "Jai Baba, Mehera." Each time, she folded her

and Dolly and Rhoda, all were around her. After we,

with me - never! I went back, and after a while I came out again to say "Jai Baba" to her. In a total of three

hands to me in namaste. I was very surprised. We're in, it was a great thing. We wereall united in seeing to too close sisters for that. The gesture is used for a po Mehera, bringing her out from her bedroom to the lite way of greeting someone (used by Mehera in sa porch with the support of our arms, Heather and Janet luting Indian visitors, for example) or a good-bye, but Goher and I and Mehera had seen to her ablutions and

everything, then everyone would help Mehera and come sit down and then would begin the little lessons. Heather would teach Mehera to repeat words, so she would come up with a tray, it was a game, it was so

such tries, each time very solemnly she did it. "Oh," I said to myself, "it's just a pattern that will reoccur to day. I'll try it again tomorrow." But, she never came

out again to the porch. Little things like that, signs, convince me that Mehera knew.



MEETINGS • Meher Babameetings are held on Saturday nights at the Alba ny MethodistChurch, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany. Ail programsbe ginat 8:00 PMsharp and normally end at 9:30 PMwithtime for visiting before



and afterthe meeting. To cheek for program changes call (415) 845-4339.

A slide show produced for the 1981 event held at the Palace of Fine Arts commemorating


Baba's visits to America.

Come hear and retell stories either told by Baba or told in Baba's presence. Meeting coor


Naosherwan, the publisher of The Glow and an intimate lover of Baba is coming to speak on his experiences with Meher Baba.

dinated by Ron Greenstein. DECEMBER 9 -ON BEHALF OF THE TRUST

A production of classical/Baba/Christmas mu sic by David Miotke, Peggy Rock and Raine


A talk, presented by Ed Van Buskirk, about Meher Baba's work with the masts, along with

Eastman - Mormon. Donations for the Avatar Meher Baba Trust in India are welcomed.

some rare slides of Baba with His divine chil dren.



of St. Nick. This play, a musical satire of Amer ican presidents for kids of all ages, comes to us from Fantasy Theater, the honorary state chidren's theater. It is directed by Baba lover


An afternoon party will be held at the Albany

Tim Busfield. Show starts at 7 PM!!!

Methodist Church at 4 PM, with refreshments and entertainment.

DECEMBER 23 • No Meeting - Merry Christmas! DECEMBER 30 - No Meeting - Happy New Year!

Special Events and Notices

Meetings in Nearby Cities


A special event in the life of any Baba lover is the opportunity to see moving images of the Beloved. This month's films will be the short

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:308:30 PM. For information call Sharon or Phil Scott: (209)

films from Nasik, Rahuri, Baba's visit to Seclu


sion Hill and the East-West Gathering.

SACRAMENTO: For information call Marilyn Buehler at (916)925-4451. SAN FRANCISCO: Meeting/dinner first Friday of every month. Enjoy an evening of wining & dining at local res taurants. Share stories, conversation & connections. RSVP a must. Call Larry Pesta: (415) 441-7008 at least two days priorto event. Guests are welcome.


Bob and Jane are coming to sing up a storm for Meher Baba. Come join us on this special occasion. Suggested donation is $ 10 (adults).

continued on the next page


Shake off the 80s and rock into the 90s dance

party. Guest DJ, refreshments, $5 donation.



Bring friends or new ones to Meher Baba to this introductory meeting at which Ed Van Buskirk, Harold Jamison and Michael LePage will speak. JANUARY 31 - AMARTITHI CELEBRATION

This year, Amartiti falls on a Wednesday. The meeting will start at 9:30 so that we can have a period of silence between 10:30 and 10:45, the same time that silence is being observed in

President, Ursula Van Buskirk • Vice President, Larry Pesta • Secretary, Janice Quartieri • Treasurer, Keith Gunn • Office Manager, Fred White. Board of Directors: Marilyn Buehler • Ron Greenstein • Keith Gunn • Greg Harland • David Miotke • Larry Pesta • Ursula Van Buskirk.

Coordinators: Program, Greg Harland • Finance, Ron Green stein • Membership, Bing Heckman • Publicity, Marilyn Buehler • Service, Larry Pesta • Archives, Michael Le Page • Bookstore, Ben Leet.

continued from the previous page

Board Meetings

Discourse Meetings

Thursday Evenings, 7:15 PM. Baba's discourses are used to shed light on our daily lives with Baba. Loca tion and leader wiillchange as discussion meeting de velops. Organized by Janice Quartieri and Ben Leet. Call 527-6739 for a phone message on location and

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meet

ings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739 for the dates and times of meetings. Reminder



All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the of fice, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information.

and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle, El Cerrito each

Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415) 525-3364. ._ Trustwalla__ Our trustwalla is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share

in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O.

Meher Baba Information - "The Box"

Work nights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work includes responding to re quests for information, processing orders for literature and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101.

Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701. The Godfather

Samadhi Photographs Sought

Photographs or slides taken priorto October 1971 showing the wall paintings inside Baba's tomb are re quested by the Avatar Meher Baba Trust for their records. Materials should be sent to Pat Sumner c/o

Avatar Meher Baba Trust, Postbag 31, Kings Road Ah mednagar, MS, India 414001 or to Sheila Krynski c/o Sheriar Press, 3005 Highway 17 North Bypass, Myrtle

With a twitch of His little finger In the twinkling of His eye, While His hand seems to linger In the space between, you die.

What have you got to lose? Speaks the mock ingenuous face As His ministering hand's shake makes An offer you can't refuse.

Beach SC 29557.

Gareth Calway


of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235


Berkeley, California 94704








VOL. 18

Him slip from our grasp. He said: "So I am telling you now that you must hold on to Me. That is the most important hold on to

Surrendering to Meher Baba


Excerpts from a talk given by Charles Haynes, August 19, 1988 (with Charles' permission.)


Meher Baba says "Greater than love is obedience.





surrender." I often wonder about the mean

ing of "surrender," an important term because for Baba, it is the highest form of love. It is difficult to know what it means, and whether or not one has surrendered.

Once, some years ago, I asked Eruch about it. A group of us were sitting in Mandali Hall, in front of Baba's chair. During a lull in the conversation, Eruch looked at me and asked, "What should we talk about?" I said the first

thing that popped into my mind: "surrender." Eruch said, "Yes, it." Taken aback, I said, "That's fine to say, but what does it mean?" Eruch replied, "You people

think I just say these things, but I'm not just saying it. Do it...Do it!" I said, "Well, I am trying. But isn't surrender the ultimate goal?" He said, "No, no, just do it now. Right now." I could only say "Oh, alright." Eruch added, "Then surrender again tomorrow...then the next day, surrender again. Why should we wait?" Then I began to grasp what was being said: surrender is something one does continu ously, and each time one does it, it is a little bit more. One lets go a little bit more.

My favorite image for surrender comes from the East-West Gathering in 1962. During the darshan, Baba gave an image that has stuck with me all these years. I was thirteen at the time, and sitting on the floor next to Baba. He was on the couch and I was concentrating on inching my way closer to His knee. Baba was






touched on a topic I was most interested in as a child. Then Baba picked up the hem of His sadhra, held it in front of us and said: "Remember to hold on to My Damaan, because what will happen will make it

easy for your grasp on Me to slip away. So you must practice holding on to My Damaan." He compared our situation to that of a child in a village crowd. Unless the child holds on to the mother's hand, it will get lost. Baba then took His other hand, and held His

damaan tightly with both hands. He told us, "Don't hold on with one hand, but with both hands, so if, by chance, one hand should slip away, you will still be holding on." Remember, Baba told us, hold on with both hands.

To this day, I keep that image before me. What does it have to do with surrender? It oc

curred to me as a child (sometimes children have the best notions) that if you are holding on with both hands, you have no free hands to

hold on to anything else! To hold on to Him with both hands, then, means that we have to

let go of everything else. To even begin to grasp His damaan with both hands, we have to begin to let go of all else. How can we hold on to what we want, if we are holding on to Him with both hands?

I feel that Baba is telling us that if we hold on with both hands (the beginning and end of surrender), it is then His task to help us let go of the world. He (Meher Baba within each of

us- our Real Self) works constantly to help us

conveying something about the breaking of His

to let go of everything false, and to cling only


to what is Real.

He said that the time would come

when it might seem natural to leave Him, to let Š 1989

continued on the next page






continued from the first page

The job of the Beloved is to get the lover to let go. We cannot do it alone. We will not do it. If it were completely up to us to let go, and to hold on only to Him, we would not do it

The ego is not about to surrender the illusory clinging that is its old, old habit. The ego is not going to voluntarily let go...we cannot outsmart it. That is His job. Ours is to remem ber Him constantly with love.


The Meher Baba Center of Northern California recent

ly received a note from Mrs. Indumati Deshmukh, wife of the late Dr. CD. Deshmukh, who thanked us for sending her our newsletter and enclosed a devo

tional poem, her own composition, entitled "Pearl." There was a waiting and waiting and waiting.

So, whatever happens, we must hold on to Him...trusting always, as we see that which is false stripped from our grasp, that Baba is do ing His work of ego-elimination. As Baba has said, "To stick to Me means to keep Me pleased at the cost of your own com forts and pleasures. It means to remain

It showered at last! ' At last it showered!

It was a drop ofHis Grace— that went to a mother-o-pearl. And a pearlcame into being.

resigned to My will, whether you keep good health or bad, whether you make

The pearl knew nothing. It knew not it was some being. Knew not, it could do something.

money or lose it, and whether you gain name and fame or become the laughing stock of others."

It was all dark, dark, dark Nor could it sing as a lark!

Holding on to Him and being resigned to

His will is not easy. Fortunately, it is a gift

ButLo! theBeloved

that Baba gives us gradually in our life with Him. Everything He does in us conspires to help us to hold on...and to let go of all else. How loving of theBeloved to work in us to in spire us to be wholely resigned to His will in all things. Resigned to His will...that is the true meaning of "surrender." OTHER BABA MEETINGS

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:308:30 P.M. For information call Sharon or-Phil Scott: (209) 266-9094.

SACRAMENTO: For information call Marie Rhodes: (916) 723-6631.

SAN FRANCISCO: Meeting/dinner first Friday of every month. Enjoy an evening of wining & dining at local restau rants. Share stories, conversation & connections. RSVP a

must. Call Larry Pesta: (415) 441-7008 at least two days prior to event. Guests are welcome.

one day, piercedthrough the pearl and showed it the way To Union, Joy and Eternal Bliss.


TION FOR ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: This year's nominating committee will present a slate of candidates for each of the seven board positions. Candi dateswill be announced^t meetings"at Teast 30 dayFbe"

fore the AGM. According to the bylaws you are a voting member ifyou: 1) have a sincere interest in Avatar Meher

Baba 2) live in Northern California and 3) have attended meetings ofour group or supported it in otherways during the preceding year. If you are eligible, please add your name to the membershiplist by signing a sheet provided at the meetings or by calling Bing Heckman at (415) 4946443. Notification of your eligibility to vote will be mailedto you two weeks before the meeting along with a list of can didates.

MEHER BABA CENTER OFNORTHERN CAUFORNIA, INC. President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, Irene Meyers • Secretary, Janice Quar tieri •Treasurer, Karen Lundegaard • Office Manager, Fred White.

BoardofDirectors: Louise Barrie • Joe Elia • Lisa Greenstein • Bing Heckman • Irene Meyers • Janice Quartieri • Fred White.

Coordinators: Program, Louise Barrie • Rnance, Lisa Greenstein • Membership, Ja nice Quartieri • Publicity, Bing Heckman • Service, Janice Quartieri • Archives, Michael Le Page • Bookstore, Ben Leet




FRIDAY-SATURDAYMEETINGS• Meher Babameetings are held at theAlbany



APRIL 1 (Saturday) 6:30 PM - MEHER BABA IN

Meihodist Church, Stannage Avenueand Marin in Albany. The firstmeeting of each


month is on Saturday, with the remainder on Friday. All programs begin at 8*0 PM sharp and normally end at 920 PMwithtimeforvisiting before and after the meeting.

Come and get a taste" of the days Meher Baba





spent in Italy. Enjoy an authentic Italian dinner and

To check for program changes can (415) 845-4339.

hear stories of those wonderful times. Special At FEBRUARY 25th (Saturday)

7:30 PM • MEHER

traction: If we can obtain it, we will view a beautiful


film showing many of the places Baba visited in Italy. Suggested donation : $7.50 or quarterly donation.

*^*^ Come celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Be$**gort loved Avatar's coming among us. Music, film and p"*"

birthday cake for all! Coordinators: Joe Elia and the









Come to share your own anecdotes of lifeand times with the Avatar. Call Ron Greenstein if you want


more information at 525-3364. Coordinators: Ron Greenstein and Louise Barrie.


A special Baba birthday celebration for children of all ages, featuring the marvelous puppetry of Sandra Starr. Festivities from 2:00 - 5:00 PM, PUP






PET SHOW at 2:30 PM SHARP! Pot Luck Snacks.

Bring your favorite passage from one of Meher

At the home of: Vem and Annie Stovall (284-2773) 954 Acalanes Road, Lafayette

tors: Fred White and Janice Quartieri

MARCH 4 (Saturday) - TODDY SHOP. An informal evening featuring Indian refreshment and music. Bring your favorite Baba poems and passages to share. Coordinators: Fred White and Janice Quartieri. MARCH








Elena Alvarado has lovingly hand made a quilt which she has donated as a fund-raising item to the Meher Baba Center. Raffle tickets can be bought at meetings for $1.00 per ticket. Tonight's program will feature films of the Avatar and the drawing for the quilt. Coordinators: Irene Meyers and Joe Elia. MARCH 17th- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING.

The 1989 AGM will begin at 7:30 PM. Under the bylaws of the Meher Baba Center of Northern Cali

fornia, the voting members shall: 1) discuss and ap prove a budget for the coming year 2) consider old and new business 3) elect a new board of directors 4) elect a nominating committee for next year's AGM. We urge you to attend this meeting. Partici pation in selecting our leadership is the way tc as sure that our meetings and other activities will suit our needs and be in the spirit of Meher Baba's

Love. (See announcement p.2 for more details.)

Baba's Discourses to read and discuss. Coordina







From April to June, 1969, Baba allowed his West

ern lovers, many of whom had waited through years of His seclusion, to visit His home in India. Hun dreds from the West honored Baba's invitation to what became known as The Great Darshan." Join

those who participated in this unforgettable experi ence as they remember and celebrate this event.

Coordinators: Robert Dreyfuss and Irene Meyers. APRIL 28 - FILMS

r"Tn Films of Meher Baba will be shown tonight. Coordi-

Ww nator: Fred White. MAY 6 (Saturday) - 7-10 PM - AUCTION FUNDRAISER

Fine art by internationally acclaimed Baba artists, as well as many exceptional items and services from our local members, will be available in both live and silent auctions. Hors d'oeuvres will be served. Coor dinators: Lisa Greenstein and Janice Quartieri.


Slide show and talk hosted by Harold Jamison. Co ordinator: Louise Barrie


r^-y-. Michael Le Page will host anevening of Aussie deL4r*J votion featuring music, readings of Francis Brabazon's poetry, readings from John Grant's book Practical Spirituality and films of Baba. Coordina tors: Michael LePage and Lisa Greenstein.


continued on the next page

continued from the previous page


MAY 19, 20, 21 - OJAI CAMPOUT

We will have a camp-out and visit with Agnes Baron on Friday and Saturday nights on Meher Mount. Baba visited there in 1956. The weekend will in

clude a dhuni and some clean-up work as well as a special time here with ocean and Ojai Valley views. If you are interested in going, please call Bing Heck

Our trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Phone: (415) 864-3377.



An evening of appreciation, reminiscence and his tory of Meher Baba's home in the West. Coordina

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the of fice, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information.

tors: Allen and Karen Talbot.



Dr. and Mrs. HrP. Barucha and their daughter are ex pecting to visit the Bay Area in mid-April. As soon as we know the dates of their visit we will schedule a time

Donations of excellent quality objets d'art, Baba art, framed Baba photos and services are requested. Servic

es can be anything from cooking and serving a dinner partyto babysittingor whatever your talent and imagina tion can provide. Call Lisa Greenstein, 525-3364.

to meet them. Check our recording for details. BOARD MEETINGS Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meet


ings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739 for the dates and times of meetings.

Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work includes responding to re quests for information, processing orders for literature and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101.


of Northern California, Inj 2131 University Avenue, Roonp3* _^

Berkeley, CA 94704







2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 18



Address given by Francis Brabazon

thinking about myself all the time. Af ter all, although He is God and some times is a Man, being one's own and the world's Beloved is His main job.


Others can become as much God or as

The Mighty Beloved Guruprasad, Poona during The Great Darshan, 1969

much Man as He, but only Baba is more beloved than any other beloved. And is infinitely worth serving.


I am amazed and filled with joy to discover that the Beloved I have been serving for many years is truly a very mighty Beloved.

But now a great problem arises. How to serve that One who is All-beloved, for whatever one does with

Of course, I have known all along that He was God. But there are so many Gods. There is the God which people see in a shape of illusion such as a sunset or a mountain view or a symphony, or whose hand is seen in one's not getting caught in a rain-storm or in ob taining a good job: no doubt a very comfortable and profitable God to have—well worth a Christian candle

is done by the Beloved. And so one arrives at the painful conclusion that the Beloved alone exists—

or some Hindu incense—but not a God to whom one would offer one's life. There is the God who rules the

shining planes of consciousness: but sight of him would blind one. And the God who is beyond the planes is unknowable except by His own Grace. And He is extremely careful to whom He gives that Grace. So when beloved Baba used to tell us that He was

love is done by Him. All that is done for the Beloved

which means that oneself doesn't. And that's a terrible

predicament to find oneself in—for one is still there!

The only solution I found was to accept the position: "You alone are and I am not, but we are both here."

And having arrived at this acceptance Baba now taught me a poetical form capable of expressing all the shades of the impossible relationships of lover and Beloved. Such a form has not existed in English till now, because the lover-Beloved dilemma was not part of






course, Beloved Baba being the author of this new form was (or seemed to be) delighted with my exer

God, I used to think, "Yes, Baba, you are God all right—the One God and all the Gods— but what good is that to me?" In fact I used to get so fed up with Him being God that I wished He wasn't or I wished

cises in it.

He was a sort-of-an Old Testament God to whom I

you know why three times? Baba was memorizing them. Why memorizing them? So that He could quote

could slaughter some fat lambs or a spotless young bull in return for some added acreage. I got so tired of His being so much God that I wrote a song about it and sang it to Him. It goes something like, "If only you were a bit less God, a bit more Man, I wouldn't feel so much like someone upside down in a garbage «.« _



But Baba wasn't going to become more Man just for my sake, so I had to settle for Him as the divine Be loved—one whom I could serve sometimes, instead of

And here is a delicious piece of humor in connection with this. There was a period when Baba had me read a new poem to Him three limes every morning. Do

them next time He comes back, in seven hundred

years! That is really God-Man humor, isn't it. Then there were his extraordinary orders or commissions. His last was for thirty ghazals—ghazal is the name of the new poetical form He taught me. It happened this

way. One morning after the usual morning business was finished, Baba said He wanted me to write thirty ghazals. Could I do that? I replied promptly and brightly, "No, Baba." This reply seemed to rather


continued on the next page






continued from the first page

astonish Him. He turned to the other mandali and

said, "Well, what do you think of that? I ask this fel low to write thirty ghazals and he says, 'No, Baba.'" Then Baba turned questioningly back to me. I said, or rather groaned, "I don't know whether I can write one ghazal— and You ask for thirty. I don't think there are any more in my head." Then He says sympatheti cally and persuasively, "Try, and I will help you." So it was back to the stone-quarry again to cut and build thirty more little poem-houses, each one a bit differ ent; for the Beloved likes variety.

But still I did not know what a mighty Beloved our Beloved is. This knowledge has come to me only re cently—since Baba laid aside His body. Now, the Beloved would not be the Beloved if He

didn't have a thousand whims and moods, if He didn't

play His eternal game of divine pretence; if He was not all ears for the lover's praise and stone deaf to his complaints; if He was not All-knowledge and Allignorance at the same time. He would not be the Be loved if He did not decorate the walls of His wine

shop with pretty pictures such as "All the religions being drawn together as beads on one string" and "seven hundred years of peace"; and then invite the lover to cross deserts of heart-dryness and oceans of tears to receive the wine of His kiss; but when the lover at last staggers in at the door, the Beloved

Who but the Beloved of Beloveds could speak His Word silently in your hearts and make you come from across the world to take His darshan, to bow down to

Him in your hearts? Such a thing has never happened before. I have been at mass darshans where tens of thousands came and bowed down to His Man-form. But to come thousands of miles to bow down to Him

in one's own heart, that is of an entirely different or der of devotion.

Why has beloved Baba given you people this extraor dinary privilege? Because He required a few to do what~the many, what everyone, must eventually do: journey across the world of illusion to take darshan of Him in their hearts. What a Beloved is our Beloved; what a mighty Beloved. This Word which He has

spoken in your hearts, which will be spoken in every heart in the world, will lead you by the hand, and drive you with whips to the door of your Beloved, to the wineshop of your Master—where it will become your own pure song of praise and will cause the be

loved winemaster to open the door and bring you in and pour for you a glass of the wine of selfforgetfulness and Beloved-alone-remembrance. The very Word with which He knocked on the doors of

your hearts and aroused you to set your feet on the path to Him, the same Word will knock on His door and make Him open it to you—Himself. I bow down

spends the whole time showing him the pictures and expecting his interest and admiration.

to this mighty One in each of you.

What a Beloved our Beloved is! What a Beloved we have chosen to serve! What is it to the thirst-crazed

journey you have begun—you must not leave it all to your Beloved. For every step the lover takes to the

lover if a lot of glass beads are strung on one string? Will that make them turn into diamonds? What if

there is seven hundred years of peace? Will not war again follow? He would not be the Beloved if He did not tell the

lover to stand up and sit down at the same moment; to become footless and walk; to become headless, and think; to exert himself to the utmost, and leave every thing to Him.

Though it is not the time yet for us to know the wine of His kiss on our lips, we have received the kiss of His Word in our hearts. If it were not so, how could all you dear ones who have never seen His Man-form be here now?

But you also have your parts to play on this grand

Beloved, the Beloved takes ten to the lover. But the

lover must continually take that one step. We must practice taking beloved Baba's darshan, bowing down to Him in our hearts, every day, then every moment until we have continuous sight of Him.

Happenings will happen—even Grand Happenings. But they will not be that Happening which has to hap pen in our hearts. So do not look to these other hap penings to nourish your faith; depend only upon His Word and its song in your hearts.

Be prepared for a long, long journey to have the Be loved's real darshan. But it may only take a mere sev en hundred years to reach His door and bow down to Him for the last time and merge in Him forever.

JAI BABA! The Victory is His.




FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held at the Albany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany. The meeting schedule is going through a transition to mostly Saturday nights. In the interim, be sure to read this calendar carefully. All programs begin at 8.-00 PM sharp and normally end at 930 PM with time for visiting before and after the meet ing. To check for program changes call (41S) 845-4339.


Greg Harland is going to lead a group meeting to which people who have never heard about Meher Baba, but would like to, are cordially in vited. If you know someone who has shown an interest in Baba, please encourage them to visit. Greg will show the film "Meher Baba's Call."


David Miotke, Ron Greenstein and others will

sing, play and strum along for Baba's pleasure and amusement. Why not join us all in a mid summer night's merriment? JUNE 24 (Saturday) - AN EVENING WITH FRANCIS


\^jp* Raine Eastman, who spent many happy times in Francis' company, will present a film, slides, bookstore readings and songs. Contact Raine if you have win be a Francis piece you'd like to read or sing.



A gala affair at the home of Ed and Ursula Van Buskirk. The drawing of this year's Myrtle Beach Sweepstakes will be held at the party, which lasts

JUNE 3 (Saturday) • FILMS OF MEHER BABA A special showing of Irwin Luck's film "Meher Baba" - Avatar of the Age has been ar ranged for us. The film, which has been shown here once before, includes material complete ly new to all Baba Lovers. JUNE 10 (Saturday) - INTRODUCTION TO MEHER


from 1 to 6 PM. Adults and children welcome.

Suggested donation $ 15 per adult. Soft drinks will be there. Entertainment will be there. Hot coals will be available for those who wish to walk

on them, or even barbecue. Bring food, bring swimming suits and come for an afternoon of fun in the sun. <

JULY 29 (Saturday) - FILMS OF THE BELOVED A special event in the life of any Baba lover

_/"Y"\ is the opportunity to see moving images of the

\^lfi^ Beloved. This month's films will be of the tour around America by Baba in 1956 (all reels). REMINDER: There are no meetings scheduled for the month of August. Looking forward to seeing every one In September!

Special Events and Notices

Myrtle Beach Sweepstakes Note the flyer inserted into this calendar concern ing the Myrtle Beach Sweepstakes. This year's sweepstakes drawing will be held on July 23rd, so only a little time remains to purchase your ticket to ride! Get your chance for a visit to Baba's

home in the West by contacting your ticketwalla or Ron Greenstein at 525-3364.



In anticipation that many of us will be at the Los Angeles Sahavas, no meeting has been scheduled for this weekend.

Congratulations to David Miotke, who won the beautiful quilt made by Elena Alvarado and donated as a love gift continued on the next page

JULY 8 (Saturday) - RICK CHAPMAN Rick Chapman will give a talk entitled "Enter ing the Silence." JULY 15 (Saturday) - MEHER BABA'S SILENCE Larry Pesta will lead a discussion on the meaning and purpose of Meher Baba's si lence. Come share your ideas and Silence Day experiences.

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. President, Ursula Van Buskirk • Vice President, Larry Pesta • Secretary, Janice Quartieri • Treasurer, Keith Gunn • Office Manager, Fred White. Boardol Directors: Marilyn Buehler • Ron Greenstein • Keith Gunn • Greg Harland • David Miotke • Larry Pesta • Ursula Van Buskirk. Coordinators: Program. Greg Harland • Finance, Ron Greenstein • Membership, Bing Heckman • Publicity, Marilyn Buehler • Service, Larry Pesta • Archives. Michael Le Page • Bookstore, Ben Leet.

continued from the previous page

The Coming Rummage Sale Our annual rummage/garage sale is scheduled to be held the second weekend in September. Don't throw anything good away! This is your chance to donate it for the greater good. To find out more about what things move well, call Cindy Lowe at 339-9094 or Lisa



information call

Marie Rhodes:

(916)723-6631. SAN FRANCISCO: Meeting/dinner first Friday of every month. Enjoy an evening of wining & dining at local res taurants. Share stories, conversation & connections.

RSVP a must. Call Larry Pesta: (415) 441-7008 at least two days prior to event. Guests are welcome.

Greenstein at 525-3364.

Meher Baba Information - "The Box"

Prashada ("Necklace of Praise") Work nights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays,

Doug Stalker writes from New York City to announce a plan to share poems in praise of Baba back and forth between Baba lovers. The goal of this effort is to as

semble one long poem, composed of many short piec es by various Lovers, in praise of the Beloved. Please'

contact him at 330 W. 101th Street N.Y., N.Y. 10025 for further details.


Our faithful trustwaila for years has been Jenny Califf. Starting July 1, Jack Mormon will be taking over the re sponsibility. All who wish to share in fulfilling the com mitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of

the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14,n Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. Phone: (415) 864-

3377 through June 30, 1989. Thereafter, they should contact Jack at P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.

Meetings in Nearby Cities FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 PM. For information call Sharon or Phil

7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work includes responding to re quests for information, processing orders for literature and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101. Reminder

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the of fice, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information. ARTI

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, Arti will be performed at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle,

El Cerrito. Phone: (415) 525-3364.

Board Meetings Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meet

ings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739 for the dates and times of meetings.

Scott: (209) 266-9094.



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704






VOL. 19

WINTER 1990 to him. Chanji was the one who was always with


Baba. Wherever Baba went, even when Baba

Framroz H. Dadachanji was the paternal uncle of both Arnavaz and and her late husband Nariman Dadachanji. Arnavaz is the narrator of this story, which was pieced together from informal interviews first published in Neti-Neti, with thanks to Arnavaz who helped edit it for our newsletter.

Chanji was very, very patient and such a loving, sweet person that I loved him more than I loved my own father. He was a wonderful person. The mandali loved him so much that when he died some of the mandali also cried and the mandali asked Baba

at that time, "Baba, why did he have to die? He was so indispensable to you."

made ten trips to the West from '31 to '37, Chanji was the only one who accompanied Baba on all the trips. So he was most of the time with Baba. At that time there were no planes so Baba always used to travel by ship. It used to take thirteen to fifteen days according to which ship He would take. Once I remember He went to England, stayed for a couple of days and then returned back. So can you imagine • one month of travelling and just two or three days of being there. Baba's work was so important that He didn't even mind travelling for a month just to be in England for a couple of days.

I would like you to know about a few incidents that took place, about how humiliating situations took place many times with going to commit suicide. At that time, in 1924, the population of Baba. 1931 was die first time that Baba made the trip to the West Bombay was very sparse, one tenth of what it is today. and mere were only four of them: Baba, Chanji, Rustom and AH. Chowpatty Beach was one of Baba's favorite places. Chanji had Baba told Chanji to go and ask the captain, "Why is the ship gone to Chowpatty Beach to commit suicide, and at that time moving so slowly?" So Chanji had to go and ask him. The Baba was there with the mandali. Baba said to one of his captain gave him a very funny look. The next day Baba told mandali, "Go and find out what that man is doing all alone Chanji to go and ask the captain, "What day will it arrive at its there." And it so happened that the mandali Baba sent was destination?" A day or two later he sent Chanji to ask the Chanji's friend. He told Baba, "He is my friend; he is a very captain, "At what time of day will it arrive?" And again! He unhappy person." Baba said, "Go and bring him to me." must have gone so many times, and the last time Baba told him Chanji was sitting alone on the beach at a distance and Baba and to ask, "Why can't you speed the ship up?" Chanji was so afraid a few others were sitting on the other side. Baba sent him to to go and ask the captain and he really thought "Now the captain bring Chanji to Baba, so Chanji came. He was unhappy because will just throw me overboard." Today we laugh and it seems his wife had left him and he was in debt. He thought there was humorous but you can imagine the humiliating situation. nothing to live for, so he wanted to commit suicide. When Chanji came to Baba, Baba must have asked him some Similarly Baba would tell Chanji to go and ask the steward in questions, but the important thing was that Baba wanted Chanji the dining room, "Why is there so much salt in the food?" The to meet Him the next day where He was staying. The next day next day he would again send Chanji to ask, "Why is there less Baba did not wait. He sent one of his disciples to fetch Chanji salt?" And so on and on and one had to do what Baba told one to from his home and He asked Chanji whether he wanted to tell do and Chanji would always do it Baba something, and Chanji poured out his whole story. Then Chanji owned a cinema that Baba used to visit. Once He brought Baba said, "Will you do what I tell you?" and he said, "Yes." So Baba answered, "I saved him twice." The first time, he was

the mandali from somewhere, some travels, so the mandali were

Chanji must have had a profound experience at that time which nobody has told me. I don't know, but I feel he must have had that profound experience. When Baba said, "Will you do what I tell you?" and Chanji said, "Yes," Baba said, "Wind up your business and come and stay with me permanently." So that's how he went and stayed with Baba. Baba was severe with him and Chanji used to talk about how strict Baba was but at the same time Baba was very, very loving

unshaven and Baba made them carry big vessels of cooked food because Baba wanted to go to die cinema and have his lunch there. At the time when the film was over and thousands of

people came out of the cinema, there was this funny sighL Baba entered with this odd group of people with vessels on their heads and their clothes full of dust. Because Chanji was die owner,

people knew him. He was so embarrassed seeing all these people coming into the cinema, and naturally he took diem aside to


continued on the inner (third) page





MEETINGS - Meher Baba meetings are held on Saturday nights at the Albany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany. All programs begin at 8:00 PM sharp and normally end at 9:30 PM with time for visiting before

and after the meeting. To check for program changes call (415) 845-4339.




Robert Dreyfuss, who met Meher Baba on November 17, 1965, will tonight relate this unparalleled experience. THURSDAY JAN 17 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)


Come to perform or just to listen to songs for the Beloved's pleasure. Hosted by David Miotke.



Ron Greenstein will host this informal meeting. Come with your favorite anecdotes, music or poetry about or for Baba.

Join us each week for an evening of reading and discussing Baba's Discourses. Tea and


cookies afterward. Location: home of Louise


Barrie and Dick Anthony (524-1440). SATURDAY DEC 8 - FILMS OF THE BELOVED

Footage of 1959 darshan, Don Stevens' Stay with Meher Baba (also shot in 1959), and Meher Baba washing the feet of lepers. The production values of much of this night's footage are comparatively unsophisticated. THURSDAY DEC 13 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) ♦FRIDAY* DEC 14 - DINNER WITH JIM MEYER

A pot-luck/get together will be held in honor of Jim, who is visiting from Myrtle Beach. RSVP to Alan and Karen Talbot at 376-4325.

Raine Eastman, who often inspires us with her interpretations of songs by Francis Brabazon and others, is herself a prolific and talented composer. Her concert tonight, a wonderful pre-amartithi celebration, will showcase Raine's own compositions. WEDNESDAY JAN 30- 9-11 PM AMARTITHI MEETING

January 31st is the 21st Amartithi, the anniversary of Beloved Baba's physical passing in 1969. On Meherabad Hill, silence is observed for 15 minutes by the throng of lovers who gather there each year. Our meeting is timed to observe the silence from 10:30 to

10:45, simultaneously with Baba's lovers in India.


Jim, the composer of such songs as "I Will


Never Leave You", has been well-known in the

Baba community as a singer and songwriter for years. Join us for a return engagement of this gifted performer. Suggested donation $ 10. THURSDAY DEC 20 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)


Whether you've been there recently or not, come for a festive and authentic taste of India.

Suggested donation $ 10. SATURDAY DEC 22 - HOLIDAY POT LUCK PARTY Come celebrate the season at the home of Wendell and Mina Brustman. NO RED MEAT PLEASE. RSVP 284-5660.



The film tonight is Meher Baba, Avatar of the Age, a film by Irwin Luck.

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. President, Ursula Van Buskirk • Vice President, Ron Greenstein •


Secretary, David Miotke • Treasurer, Jack Mormon • Office Manager, Fred White.











Board of Directors: Joan Harland • Ron Greenstein • Soosan

remembrance of our Beloved's beloved,

Adham • Greg Harland • David Miotke • Darrell Rupe • Ursula


Van Buskirk

Newsletter published by Alexandra Cons and Keith Gunn






Meher Baba Information SATURDAY FEB 16 • TAKING BABA'S NAME

The repetition of God's Name is a spiritual practice common to the religions of the world. Larry Pesta leads a discussion tonight on this aspect of following the Avatar. THURSDAY FEB 21- DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) ♦SUNDAY* FEB 24 - BABA'S BIRTHDAY PARTY

Interested in helping with the Baba-work at The Box"? Call Sheryl / Rick Chapman for details (415) 562-1101. Reminder

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information. CHANJI, continued from Page 1


We will celebrate the 97th anniversary of Meher Baba's coming amongst us with entertainment and birthday cake in His honor. PLEASE






Meetings in Nearby Cities

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:308:30 PM. For information call Sharon or Phil Scott: (209) 449-0877. SACRAMENTO:

For information call Marilyn Buehler at

(916)925-4451. Trustwaila

Our trustwaila is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share in

fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O. Box

1250, Berkeley, CA 94701. Service Opportunity

For anyone interested in providing emotional, practical or spiritual support for people with HIV (AIDS), please con tact Jim Tomlinson at (415) 457-2487. Jim can put you in (ouch with a local support network group. Arti

All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein each Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415) 525-3364. Arti is also performed every Sunday at Her mann Loew's home in Petaluma. For information, call

Hermann at (707) 778-1195.

rooms and they had lunch. How many times, not once or twice, but hundreds of times,

Chanji has gone through humiliating situations. But it was so important! As I repeat, "Humiliation brings humility and humiliation brings about the chipping of the ego." Humility is so important We were surprised to find Chanji's diaries after he died. We never knew that he was writing the diary. But he always carried a typewriter with him wherever he went • a portable typewriter and an earthenware water pitcher. So later I realized that he was writing Baba's diaries. What happened was that he used to store everything at Meherabad in his trunks. He never told us and we never realized it, so when (after his death) I saw stacks of diaries, I was amazed. In the future someone will really take great pains to publish his diaries and I think it will be a wonderful thing.

Chanji used to write in Gujarati as well as in English, but some of his sentences were in his own shorthand and naturally what was his own shorthand we can't decipher. He thought that he would one day do everything clearly but he died very young. He was only fifty-two and I remember he used to say many times, "I would like to do so many things." But he didn't have any lime. He was always so busy. My God, Baba didn't give him any time. Where Baba's work was concerned he was very, very particular but he was absentminded in little ways. Suppose he had to cany his luggage to the station. He would forget one or two tilings; then he would run back and get the bag and then run to the station. I remember that once he went some place and instead of carrying his own bag he carried someone else's bag. And then the other person realized what had happened and he ran after Chanji. And sometimes he would put his specs on his head and

Board Meetings

then search and search, and naturally, knowing his nature, one

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meetings are open to all members. Call David Miotke at (415) 5491487 for the dates and times of meetings.

of the mandali would say, "Well, Chan, what are you searching for?" "Oh, I am searching for my specs."

Meher Minor Update

The first international Meher Minor Retreat (9th - 12th grades) will be held at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC on June 19 through 23,1991. Additional information will be forthcoming. Please call Margaret Bernstein at 567-2016 for more details.

Chanji himself narratedthe story of the second time Baba saved him. It was in Toka and he was drowning. Whether the current was pulling him down or what, he was drowning, and he went twice deep down and the third time he shouted at the top of his voice, "Baba, Baba." He said he shouted from the very bottom of his heart and that he felt that a hand lifted him up to the surface. It was actually one of the mandali who pulled him out but this is the experience he had.

I will tell you another thing that connects with this. My grandmother was always worriedabout him: who will look after him in his old age? Chanji was with Baba but nobody knew anything about Baba, nobody understood Baba because you see in our Zoroastrian religion we didn't know about gurus and masters, only Zoroaster. We were with Baba, without any understanding so grandmother naturally worried. She insisted on Chanji getting marriedagainand Chanji said, "Leave me alone, I don't want to get married."But being the mother she worried, so in the end she thought why not go and show Chanji's horoscope to an astrologer? When my grandmother went to the astrologer and showed him Chanji's horoscope, the astrologer said, "You aregiving me the horoscope of a dead man." My grandmothersaid, "But he is alive. He is my son, he's alive." But the astrologersaid "But there is no life." So they came back and my grandmother thought thai perhaps the astrologer was mistaken. He had not read it properly. A few months laterChanji came to our house and narrated this incident of his drowning and then my grandmother understood and left him alone. That is how he was saved twice. Baba saved him from

committing suicide, Baba saved him from drowning. So, when the mandali asked him, "Baba, why did Chanji have to die?" Baba said, "I saved him twice." Baba thought that it was the best time for him to go; his work was over. You see it was exactly twenty years of his service to Baba: 1924 to 1944. He joined Baba when He was still talking. When Chanji was in Bombay in the month of May (he died in August 1944) Baba told him that he should bring all of his luggage.whatever he had, and that he wouldn't be going back to Bombay for a very long time. So he was very sad. I realized that later, not at the time. There was no one in the house at the time

except me and he just left the house to go to the station. Sometimes I used to accompany him to go to the station but Baba told Chanji not to reveal to anyone where he was going. So I went with him to the station. He embraced me tightly, removed

his wallet and gave me a five rupee note, saying, "Keep it" I said, "But, uncle," because Chanji did not have any money, and I knew that this was a very unusual gesture. And he left, but he didn't allow me on the platfonn so that I wouldn't know where he was going. I left him at the station, but I felt that he was very sad. But before he left the house he said, "Arnavaz, I am going and not coming back for a long time, a very, very long time." For Baba and the mandali, long time, short time, had a different meaning altogether. I said, "A long, long time, yes, means six months, one year?"

"No, no, a very long time," he said. I said, "Two years?" "No." And that made me feel later on that perhaps he knew that he was never returning. I saw the sadness on his face. After all, you see, we had a human relationship and he loved us all so much that

perhaps He felt that he was notgoing to seeus again.

As I said*, I loved him more than I loved my own father, he was that close. It was such a shock when he died. Baba did not send

us a telegram that he died. He sent the telegram to Adi and Adi telegraphed to us that Chanji died of typhoid fever. We didn't know where, we knew nothing. Later Adi came to Bombay. Baba wanted him to tell us that Chanji died in Kashmir. As Baba Himself said, it was a loss to Him. We were so grieved and felt so much for Chanji that in order to remove that depression Baba said, "Why do you feel for Chanji? Who is he to you? It is a loss to Me." It is not a small thing for Baba to say that I think that I have never met such a wonderful man in my whole life. In his own way he was really so loving, with deep understanding and with a humour, too. That's why Baba said, "Chanji was not only my disciple but he was my friend." Because he was really so tolerant and he wanted to please Baba and obey Baba • surrender to His wish and will, surrender to all the whims that we think were whims, but they are not. It's Baba's training; and at the same time humiliation brings humility. It was so necessary for the chipping of the ego.



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704




N 2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 19

ADI'S LAST TOUR by Robert Dreyfuss





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On February 27, 1980, Adi K. Irani, Meher Baba's secretary and disciple since 1921, left for Guntur in Andhra

Pradesh to inaugurate a new Baba cen


ter. He was accompanied by Jack Small, Steve Berry and me.


SPRING 1990 Hamirpur and others.

On the morning of the first day, Adi drew aside a purple curtain on which was inscribed in gold lettering, "I Veil Myself From You By Your Own Cur tain Of Ignorance" (Meher Baba). Be hind the curtain was a larger than lifesized statue of Baba with His arm raised

in greeting just as He had stood at Darshan programs We journeyed by train, taking 24 hours in all. At 5 so that all could see Him. Niches in the wall enclosing a.m. on the 28th, upon arriving at Secunderabad the statue held carvings of past manifestations of the where we were to change trains, we were met by a Avatar. Everyone present sang Baba's arti, recited the group of Baba-lovers who brought flowers, tea and Master's Prayer and then passed before the statue, which had been garlanded by Adi. The entire week fruit to us, taking advantage of the opportunity of hav ing Adi in their midst. At this point we were joined by end was a great joy to us all, and everything proceed Mr. M. B. G. Shastri of Hyderabad, who had arranged ed smoothly. Adi several times expressed his happi the tour for Adi and who was to accompany us for the ness with the programs. remainder of the journey. His help and loving atten- His talks ranged in subject matter from Baba's humor tiveness, in concert with other volunteers, proved in - sprinkled with references to incidents that occurred valuable. in his long life with Baba - to his exhortations to all to Upon reaching Guntur that afternoon, we were met by stick with Meher Baba through thick and thin. He em Baba-lovers exclaiming "Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai" phasized that Baba uses both a kiss and a kick in His as we arrived. We were taken by car to the Hotel Su- working with us, that through the kiss He gives us darshan where we were to stay. The hotel is built on love and through the kick He gives us knowledge. Adi the site of a garden that Baba visited in February, spoke at length on the theme of spiritual advancement 1954. A bronze bust of Baba adorns the lobby as a being contained in self-effacement, and that it is only memorial of that visit. As Adi had been there with through effacement that one can draw closer to and fi nally merge in the Divine Beloved. He said, "To Baba, it added a measure of significance to our stay. please Him who served the whole universe is the We rested the following day, and on Saturday, March height of spirituality and the greatest of all practices," 1, were driven to the site of "Meher House, Meher Nazar" for the beginning of the weekend program. and that "Meher Baba is God, undoubtedly." He stressed to all the significance of Baba's "Last Warn Adi was scheduled as principal guest speaker to give ing" which he recently had reprinted for world-wide talks in the mornings and evenings of both days, with distribution. He felt it to be most pertinent at this time. rest periods in between. About 500 people attended, having come from all parts of Andhra for the occa The day following the weekend program was to be a sion. Many had been present when Baba visited rest day. Adi met for an hour each with a group of lovers from Vijayawada and a couple seeking advice. Andhra in 1953 and 1954. At lunch he said how pleased he was with the trip to The weekend program consisted of Baba's flag being unfurled, the unveiling of the portrait of the late N. V. Ramanaiah who had initiated and been the primary source of financial support for the building of the Guntur Center, bhajan programs, talks by Dr. T. Dhanapathi Rao, head of the Andhra Centers, K. K. Ramakrishnan of the Poona Center, P. D. Pukar of

Guntur and how much he was enjoying himself. We who were accompanying him felt that we had rarely seen him happier or perkier than on the weekend. Adi was cracking jokes and telling stories as usual, yet was careful to have his full measure of rest as well, as

befitting his 76 years.


continued on the next page




continued from the first page

On Monday evening, March 3, we went for a walk and then had a nice dinner together at a restaurant ad joining the hotel. For three other meals, we had eaten at a nearby restaurant in a private dining room which we happily noted was called "The Inner Circle." As we were due to leave the hotel the following morn ing at 5 a.m. for our train, we all went to bed early. Adi slept well, then awoke at about 3 a.m. to take his

bath, finish packing and have tea. After bathing he complained of having difficulty breathing, vomited and expressed feelings of extreme discomfort. He sat on the edge of his bed breathing strenuously. Adi thought at first that it was gastric distress. As the

and heart massage the whole time. The hospital was sadly lacking in emergency equipment. The doctor shook his head and informed us that Adi was dead

while we vainly continued pulmonary resuscitation techniques. He examined his eyes and ascertained that Adi had in fact died at the hotel. Several of the Andh

ra lovers had arrived by this time and we all stood

with folded hands around Adi's body, shouted "Ava tar Meher Baba Ki Jai" three times and recited the

Master's Prayer and the Beloved God prayer. A telegram was sent and a phone call made to Ah mednagar to inform everyone of what had transpired. It was decided that the least difficult and most direct

method of transporting Adi's body to Meherabad for burial was by car. Accompanied by Mr. Shastri and a driver, we escorted Adi back from his last tour to his

final resting place. The 650 mile journey took 22

hours. On the way, at Vijayawada, we were met by about forty people waiting for us at the entrance to the town so that they might pay their final respects; this also occurred at Hyderabad. All arrangements had been made for the funeral in the

24 hours since the telephone call giving the news of Adi's passing. About 350-400 people were present when we finally arrived. Adi's body was placed in a coffin and carried by all who could to the grave site at Lower Meherabad where many of Baba's men manda

li are buried. All the mandali were present. Mehera and the ladies garlanded Adi's coffin as those assem

bled recited the Master's Prayer, sang the Seven Names of God given by Baba and prayed to God that we might love Him more and more. As the coffin was

lowered, we stood in silence and one by one threw flowers onto the coffin and a sprinkle of earth as we payed our last respects to Adi K. Irani who, after 59 symptoms continued, however, a doctor was called

who arrived about 4:30 a.m., diagnosed his problem as lung trouble and gave Adi some medication. Know

years with the Avatar, held fast to His daaman till the very end. The last word he uttered was "Baba."

On March 4, 1980, at 5 a.m., the river of love, service

ing Adi's history as a heart patient, he decided it and devotion that was Adi K. Irani entered the Ocean would be best to take him to the hospital for more that is Meher Baba. careful treatment.

When the doctor was telephoning to make arrange ments, Adi from the depth of his being repeated "Baba!" several times. Then he began to have a heart attack. His pulse was alarmingly weak. Oxygen was brought and mouth-to-mouth breathing and heart mas sage were begun. Adi at this point had stopped breath ing. No ambulance was available, but as the car which was to take us to the train had arrived, we carried Adi

downstairs wrapped in a blanket and quickly drove to the hospital, maintaining mouth-to-mouth breathing




MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held on Saturday nights at the Alba

ny MethodistChurch, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany. All programsbe gin at 8:00 PM sharp and normally end at 9:30 PMwith time for visiting before and after the meeting. To check for program changes call (415) S45-4339.






Ursula Van Buskirk has gathered a collection of slides of India and the mandali over the 23

years since she met Meher Baba. She plans to show some of her favorites tonight, and to tell about the people and places.

This month's films will be The God Man and O



Irwin Luck's film "Meher Baba - Avatar of the MARCH 10 - STORIES OF VISITS TO INDIA

Baba lovers who have been to India reminisce

about what it was like to visit their family in the East, the Mandali, and see the Baba holy plac es.


The 1990 AGM will begin at 7:30 PM. Under the bylaws of the Meher Baba Center of North ern California, the voting members shall: 1) discuss and approve a budget for the coming year, 2) consider old and new business, 3) elect a new board of directors, and 4) elect a nominating committee for next year's AGM. This year's nominating committee will present a slate of candidates for each of the seven

board positions. Candidates will be announced at meetings at least 30 days before the AGM. According to the bylaws, you are a voting member if you have a sincere interest in Ava tar Meher Baba, live in Northern California, and have attended meetings of our group or

supported it in other ways during the preceding year. If you are eligible, please add your name to the membership list by signing a sheet pro vided at regular meetings. Notification of your eligibility to vole will be mailed to you two weeks before the meeting, along with a list of the candidates. We urge you to attend this meeting. Participation in selecting our leader ship is the way to assure that our meetings and other activities will suit our needs and be

in the spirit of Meher Baba's Love. MARCH 24 - ADI K. IRANI MEMORIAL

Robert Dreyfuss tells stories of Adi K. Irani (see article on Pages 1 and 2 of this issue for background.) Adi's life story is an inspiration for any lover of God. MARCH 31 - DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY

Larry Pesta leads a group discussing what it really means in the crazy changing world we live in today.

Age " will be shown. The film has been playing to entranced general audiences in theatres all across the country for the last six months. We're fortunate to have our own print for these showings. APRIL 21 - MEHER BABA STORIES

Come hear and retell stories either told by Baba or told in Baba's presence. Meeting coor dinated by Ron Greenstein. APRIL 2S - MEETING MEHER BABA

Mick Hamilton tells about his meeting with Meher Baba on March 7,1966. MAY 5 - A PROGRAM OF MUSIC

David Miotke is coordinating this night of musi cal entertainment for the Beloved. MAY 12 - FILMS OF AVATAR MEHER BABA

This month's films will be Meher Baba's Call

and The Ancient One. MAY 19 - MEHERA J. IRANI MEMORIAL

On this, the first anniversary of the passing of Mehera, Wendell Brustman is lending us previ ously un-displayed video footage of Mehera shot with a surrounding cast of Baba's intimate lovers - the Mandali. This material is priceless. MAY 26 - TEX HIGHTOWER COMES TO TOWN

Tex, one of Margaret Craske's dancers, who had the good fortune to carry Baba in Myrtle Beach during the 1958 Sahavas, will speak on meeting Baba and dancing for Him.

Special Events and Notices Meetings in Nearby Cities FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 PM. For information call Sharon or Phil

Scott: (209) 449-0877. SACRAMENTO: For information call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451. . _ „_ continued on the next page

continued from the previous page

SAN FRANCISCO: Meeting/dinner first Friday of every month. Enjoy an evening of wining & dining at local


restaurants. Share stories, conversation & connec

tions. RSVP a must. Call Larry Pesta: (415) 441-7008 at least two days prior to event. Guests are welcome.

All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein, 600 Albemarle, El Cerrito each Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415) 525-3364.

Discourse Meetings

Board Meetings

Thursday Evenings, 7:15 PM. Baba's discourses are used to shed light on our daily lives with Baba. Loca tion and leader wiill change as discussion meeting de velops. Organized by Janice Quartieri and Ben Leet. Call 527-6739 for a phone message on location. Trustwaila Our trustwaila is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share '

in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meetings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri at (415) 5276739 for the dates and times of meetings. Meher Minors

A group for Baba Lovers aged 12 to 17 has formed in the Bay area- Activities are tentatively scheduled for the tirst Sunday of each month. A camping trip is planned for the spring. Please call Margaret Bernstein at 567-2016 or Molly Hay at 929-7825 for further details.


President, Ursula Van Buskirk • Vice President, Larry Pesta •

Secretary, Janice Quartieri • Treasurer, Keith Gunn • Office Manager, Fred White.

Meher Baba Information - "The Box"

Work nights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work includes responding to requests for information, processing orders for literature and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101.

Board of Directors: Marilyn Buehler • Ron Greenstein • Keith Gunn • Greg Harland • David Miotke • Larry Pesta • Ursula Van Buskirk.

Coordinators: Program, Greg Harland • Finance, Ron Green

stein • Membership, Bing Heckman • Publicity, Marilyn Buehler • Service, Larry Pesta • Archives, Michael Le Page • Bookstore,



There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the of

fice, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information.

Joan Dimpfi.


of Northern California, Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704








2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 19

tacted in the West. They included Mabel Ryan, Margaret's partner in her dance school, Delia de Leon, Kitty Davy, and

Margaret Craske by Filis Frederick

Kim Tolhurst. Baba nicknamed a small

Margaret was born in Norfolk, England

group "Kimco", of which Margaret was a part. They were the "lighthearted" ones, as distinguished from those who were spiritually "serious", addicted to long hours of meditation, etc.

in 1892. Her father was owner of a

small coastal fleet. She started studying dance at an early age, and was always

very athletic. At 18 she took up ballet and progressed very quickly. She stud ied with the famous Enrico Cecchetti in the private London studio he ran from 1918 to 1923, while he

served as teacher for the Diaghilev Ballet Company.

She says of Cecchetti, "He was already old when I met him ... he was a darling ... he would bend his head and look under his eyes at you as if you were a crimi

Margaret met Baba at the home of Kitty Davy in Lon don. It was she who first opened the door for Him. At that moment, she saw Him as "a vision of gentleness,

grace and love that touched the heart immeasurably."

nal. And he did occasionally give us a tap with the stick. That's not legal now. He was a very fine teach

At the end of that momentous day, she says, "I only knew that from that moment, whatever rough treat ment He may afterwards handed out, there has never been a moment's doubt as to His being the embodi

er. One loved him."

ment of Love and life."

At the end of her study with him, the Maestro gave In 1933 Baba called a group of women to India to be her a certificate indicating she was qualified to carry with Him permanently. Margaret gave up her ballet on his teaching tradition - a rare honor. Today her school to go. But they were all sent back in a few own book, The Theory and Practice of Allegro in weeks. She reopened the school and continued teach Classical Ballet (1920), coauthored with critic Cyril ing, taking part however in Baba's many trips to Beaumont, is a classic reference on the famed Cec

theWest. She describes some of the episodes in her

chetti method.

delightful book of reminiscences, The Dance of Love.

She danced with the Diaghilev Ballet Company but her performing career ended abruptly with tuberculo sis of the Achilles tendon. Thus she took up her in

In 1939, the Master called her to India for the third

getting older... so what!" she says now.

time. Again, she gave up her ballet school. Baba's or der was to come immediately after war broke out: He had to have someone cross the sea after war began. By a series of persistent maneuvers she got on the last boat out of England and arrived in India at a time when Baba was involved in creating the first Univer sal Spiritual Center at Bangalore.

In one year she lost five people dear to her - her parents, a teacher, a friend, a sweetheart. In a depressed mood she searched for a place to get away and heard about a retreat in East Challacombe, Devonshire, run by aman named Meredith Starr. When she went down

Some young Baba iover said when you go t0 i^dia you just exchange Western maya for Eastern maya. Now Margaret became one ofthe close group around Baba _ Easterners and Westerners mingling their sanskaras together. Margaret told me that one doesn't

of Meredith's spiritual teacher, Shri Meher Baba Meredith had recently been to His ashram in India and was expecting Him to visit England. The small group of souls drawn to Starr's retreat had the privilege of being the first "aspirants" Baba con-

East. For example, she described some of the intense

credible career as a teacher. She founded her own bal let school in London in the Thirties. She is

philosophical about the loss of a stage career: "I hurt a tendon. I couldn't dance for some time, and then I was

there for a rest, she was much drawn to a photograph know how "Western" one really is until you live in the East-West battles in the kitchen over food and diet.

One Eastern, lady insisted rice was pure protein! A Westerner, an avid vegetarian found a piece of pork in the canned beans, but the others showed their sense of


continued on the last page





MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are heldon Saturday nights at the Alba ny Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin inAlbany. All programs be ginat 8:00 PM sharp and normally end at 9:30 PMwith timeforvisiting before and after the meeting. To check for program changes call (415) 845-4339.






This meeting will incorporate a showing of Mani's tape, in which she demonstrates


Baba's gestures for various people and things. SATURDAY JUNE 2 -NO MEETING (SEE JUNE 3)

THURSDAY JULY 12 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) See description under June 7.


Don Stevens visits the Bay Area after many 7 PM IJyears' absence. He'll be here to give one of his inimitabletalks on the Way and the Goal.


Janice Quartieri is holding an informal meeting for people who have been to India and want to


Baba's discourses are used to shed light oh our daily lives with Baba. Location and leader <

share the experience with others of our group. SUNDAY JULY 15 - BHAU ARRIVES

OaklandAirport at 7:15 PM, United flight 1225.

will change from time to time. Organized by Janice Quartieri and Ben Leet. Call 527-6739

Bhau is available most mornings for personal inter views. Those interested in meeting in private with

for a phone message on location. This week's discourse - "Stages of the Path."

Bhau are encouraged to call Janice Quartieri to set up their meeting times.


This month's films will be of the tour around MONDAY JULY 16 - BHAU VISITS SACRAMENTO

America by Baba in 1956 (all reels).

Bhau will speak at 2100 J St (21st and J) at the First United Methodist Church. Music at


Come to the field in Berkeley for a grand out door activity, starting at 1 PM. Bring bats,

7:30, talk starts at 8 PM. TUESDAY JULY 17 - BHAU VISITS PETALUMA For details, call Herman Lowe at

balls, gloves. Come eat or play, or both. Call (415) 845-4339 for location.


THURSDAY JUNE 14 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) See description under June 7. This week's dis course - "Arriving at Self-Knowledge."


For details call Hugh and Jean MacDonald at (415) 322-0886.


THURSDAY JULY 19 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) See description under June 7.

Ron Greenstein hosts this opportunity for all to participate in an informal format.

FRIDAY JULY 20-EVENING WITH BHAU (6:30) At Ron and Lisa Greenstein's house. RSVP,

THURSDAY JUNE 21 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) See description under June 7. This week's dis

and, for directions 525-3364.

course - "God Realization."



Bhau, a member of Baba's intimate mandali

Raine Mormon, who spent many happy times in Francis' company, will present a film, slides, readings and songs. Contact Raine if you have a Francis piece you'd like to read or sing.

since the early 1950s, will speak tonight, cli maxing a week of visiting with Bay Area Baba Lovers. See the next page for Bhau's schedule while he is in the Bay Area.


No discourse meeting.


President, Ursula Van Buskirk • Vice President, Ron Greenstein •


Secretary, David Miotke • Treasurer, Keith Gunn • Office Manag

In anticipation that many of us will be at the Los Angeles Sahavas, no meeting has been scheduled for this weekend.

er, Fred White.


Board of Directors: Joan Dimpfl • Ron Greenstein • Keith Gunn • Greg Harland• DavidMiotke • Darrell Rupe • Ursula Van Buskirk.


Second annual summer gathering at the home of Ed and Ursula Van Buskirk. The drawing of this year's Myrtle Beach Sweepstakes will be held at the party, which starts at 1 PM. Adults and children welcome. Soft drinks and hot coals will be available for those who wish to

cool off and barbecue (respectively). Bring food, bring swimming suits and come for an af




ings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739 for the dates and times of meetings. Meher Minors

A group for Baba Lovers aged 12 to 17 has formed in the Bay area. Activities are tentatively scheduled for the first Sunday of each month. A camping trip is planned for the spring. Please call Margaret Bernstein at 5672016 or Molly Hay at 929-7825 for further details.

ternoon of fun in the sun. Bhau will draw the Meher Baba Information

sweepstakes winner. MONDAY JULY 23 - MEN'S MEETING WITH BHAU

Bhau will speak to the men of the Baba group' tonight at 8 PM, at the house of Keith and Jan Gunn. Call (415) 486-1024 for directions. TUESDAY JULY 24 - BHAU LEAVES

Bhau departs on the 12:10 (noon) flight out of Oakland Airport. THURSDAY JULY 26 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)

See description under June 7. SATURDAY JULY 28 - FILMS OF MEHER BABA This month's films will be Meher Baba's Call and The Ancient One.


Meetings in Nearby Cities

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 PM. For information call Sharon or Phil Scott: (209) 449-0877.

SACRAMENTO: For information call Marilyn Buehler at (916)925-4451. Trustwaila

Our trustwaila is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share

in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701. Service Opportunity

For anyone interested in providing emotional, practical or spiritual support for people with HIV (AIDS), please contact Jim Tomlinson at (415) 457-2487. Jim can put

you intouch with a local support network group. Arti

All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein each Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415)525-3364. Board Meetings

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meet

Interested in helping with the Baba-work at "The Box?" Call Sheryl or Rick Chapman for details (415) 5621101. Reminder

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meet

ing schedule. Please check the answering machine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information.

humor - they took it out in the garden and buried it with great ceremony! Finally, the work of preparing separate menus became too tedious, and all agreed on a common menu. The same happened with relig ious holidays. There were a tremendous number and Baba insisted each should celebrate the others' holi

days. Again, it got to be too much and just a certain number were celebrated by everyone.

Anita de Caro once told Margaret she was tired of

maya and would like to get out of it. Margaret's an swer was "But I love maya." I always loved her for that answer.

The seven years of life with Baba in India had many phases. She was one of the few Western women al lowed to live intimately with the close Eastern disci ples, Mehera, Mani, Dr. Goher, Naja, Mehru. Osten sibly she joined them because of an illness that needed special care. How kindly Baba circumvented the jealousy of the other Western women! But there were also trying times; for example, when Baba or dered her to "disappear" whenever He came to visit the Eastern women - and without explanation. Sure ly a most humbling experience.

Baba had, in a playful moment, under the name of "Mr. Thomas", taken a dancing lesson from her (Santa Margherita, 1932) and acquitted Himself as gracefully as ever. "He had a perfect spine," she says, "And I know what a perfect spine is!" One test for all the Western women was the presence of His beloved Mehera. Every Avatar has His "femi nine counterpart" as part of His innermost Circle. But for some of the Western women, the privileged position of Mehera in His Circle evoked real jeal ousy, at times concealed as derogatory indifference, sometimes flaring in bad moods. It was quite a blow

to your female vanity to find yourself "in second place" and some never quite got over it. It is to Margaret's credit that she saw through Baba's game, and harmonized with His chief woman disci ple so well that Mehera was often in Margaret's care. Baba used to take Margaret's palm and trace an "M" on it, meaning "How is Mehera?"

When Baba, very abruptly in Dehra Dhun in 1946, sent her back home, and she began her career with Ballet Theatre, His significant words "Your danc ing is Mine" came true. Gradually a small group of dancers came to hear of Him through contact with her, and came to meet Him in 1952 in Myrtle Beach. Some well-known ballet stars have become

close Baba lovers. In 1956, they gave a special bal let performance for Baba in the Bam at Myrtle Beach; and you can see them in the old I9581n(> vies carrying Baba about in His special chair.

After the stint with Ballet Theatre, Margaret was a moving force behind the Metropolitan Opera Ballet for nearly 20 years. At 90 years of age she was still teaching - at the Manhattan School of Ballet. Ask ing her once for spiritual "advice," she told me, "Be like a rag doll, then Baba can work through you." It's perhaps the technique of a good dancer , to be so relaxed, so balanced, maya can't tip you over ... You may even get to love her, like Margaret. Takenfrom The Awakener, Volume 20 Number 2 Copyright 1983 by the Universal Spiritual League in America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Miss Craske passed away on February 18, 1990 in Myrtle Beach, SC. In her final days she was sur rounded by her dancers and other friends.


of Northern California, Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704






2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 19

A Meherjee Story

and fell unconscious. I was sitting there and I saw him. Though it was the month of December and very cold at that time,

Meherjee Karkaria, Baba's disciple since 1926, died on June 26,1990. Here

Baba removed His coat, the black coat

he reminisces about how he came to be

that is in the museum, and He had a nap kin around His head, He was sweating

lieve in Baba's omniscience.

in the bitter cold. He removed, and then

He asked us to remove the boy to the "hospital," a room in the Ashram kept

I taught at the Hazrat Babajan High School. In that school the boys were

studying. Later some of the boys who were attending that school were kept separately. They were called the "Prem Ashram."

I gradually learned about Baba, staying with Him, lis tening to the discourses He was dictating at that time,

with some medicines and a cot. Baba said that he was

experiencing the experiences of the 6th plane, and these are real experiences. For four days this boy re mained totally unconscious, eyes wide open. Very lit tle sleep, and food had to be thrown into his mouth -

he would not ask for it. On the fourth day, we were sitting near Baba, it was then about noon, and AbduUa particular time, two incidents happened at the ashram started crying loudly. So Baba explained to us that school that brought me nearer to Baba. Baba was in now he was coming back to his consciousness, and he seclusion at that time in the cabin that is His tomb. If thinks the bliss that he was enjoying is being taken some of you have been to India, you must have seen away from him. That's why he's crying. He asked me, that one side of the cabin has a window. Where His "Go and ask him why he is crying." So I went and body lies now, there was a pit. Baba used to sleep in asked him, and he said, "Oh no, why is Baba taking that pit without a cot, just with a mattress. He was not away what He has given me?" I brought the message coming out of the cabin, He was observing fast also, to Baba. Baba said, "Go and tell him 'you're coming and every evening the boys and the teachers were into consciousness, but at the same time the bliss that gathered together on that platform and Baba used to you are enjoying will also stay with you. You should dictate discourses. The Discourses that we have got not worry.'" That impressed me, that Baba could give now are the discourses dictated in those days. Notes such experiences. were taken by different people, some in English, some in Gujarati, some in Persian. Those notes were taken The second thing that happened in the same period afterwards and edited by Dr. Deshmukh and others, was, you know Baidul who used to go after masts for and He convinced me about His Godhood. At that

and when they found something not clear, Baba used

Baba on mast trips? Baidul was in those days one of

to correct. Somewhere that I read the statement that the Discourses were dictated to Dr. Deshmukh. It is

the supervisors to look after the needs of the boys to make them eat well and everything. So he comes run ning with a pot in his hand with some rice in it. "Baba, today the rice is not cooked properly - it is un

not correct. You should know about this - they were

given by Baba in 1927 - 1928 in His seclusion. Desh

cooked." Baba sends for Chhagan. Chhagan was in charge of the kitchen. Here I must make it clear that in Vishnu and others. Clarifications, as needed, were re Baba's ashram, somebody was working as a barber, a ceived directly from Baba. sweeper, a cook. It's not that it was their profession. One day there was a boy from the Persian Gulf, Ab Chhagan was not a cook. Baba said to Chhagan, "You duUa Pakrawan, who was later named Chota Baba. want to kill my children, you cook the rice this way?" This boy was rather a grown-up boy compared to the Chhagan was just quiet. He was a six foot tall hefty age of other boys. He never believed in Baba. He had fellow. Then Baba called Rustomji. Rustomji was come only to study free of cost. He was a staunch Adi's elder brother, the superintendent of the ashram Muslim of the Sunni sect. One day he was sitting just at that time. Under Baba's orders only, he would punlike other boys. All of a sudden he screamed aloud

mukh worked from the notes collected by Chanji,


continued on the last page





MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held on Saturday nights at the Alba ny MethodistChurch, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany. AD programs be gin at 8:00 PM sharp and normallyend at 9.-30 PMwith time forvisiting before and after the meeting. To check lor program changes call (415) 845-4339.


Jacob Marshall will perform songs from Cindy's new album - a powerful musical offer ing of love and tribute to Meher Baba and His Beloved Mehera.


This month's films will be Meher Baba's tour around America in 1956.

THURSDAY SEPT 6 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) Join us each week for an evening of reading and discussing one of Baba's discourses. Tea. and cookies afterward.

Location: home of

Louise Barry and Dick Anthony(524-1440), all thursdays except first thursday of the month at Janice Quartieri's (527-6739). This week: The Circles of the Avatar. SATURDAY SEPT 8 - SECOND ANNUAL ITALIAN FESTIVAL DINNER

Come for a taste of the days Meher Baba spent in Italy. Enjoy an authentic Italian dinner cooked by the Baba chefs. Suggested Dona tion: $10.00 per adult. THURSDAY SEPT 13 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)

THURSDAY SEPT 27 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) This week: Hell and Heaven.


A workshop to teach participants/practice the Indian and western artis, including the Gujerati and Hindi artis.

THURSDAY OCT 4 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) This week: The Existence and Memory of Past Lives


Greg Harland will lead a group meeting for people who would like to know more about Meher Baba. If you know someone who has

shown an interest in Baba, please encourage them to visit. The film" Meher Baba's Call" will be shown.

THURSDAY OCT 11 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) This week: Specific Conditions of an Incarna tion.

This week: The Travail of the New World Or der.



Help is needed from 4 to 10 PM to do pricing for the rummage sale. Baba people have first call on items during this night's pre-sale. Work is done at the Friends' Meeting Place, corner of Walnut andAfine in Berkeley. Fronr8 tolO the atmosphere is similar to a Baba meeting.

Renae Shaw and Leatrice Shaw Johnson, met Baba as young adults in 1952, and again in '56, '58 and '62. Time permitting, they will rem inisce about each of these meetings - personal experiences of the Beloved. THURSDAY OCT 18 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) This week: The Need for Male and Female In


Come help at the year's single largest fund raiser. Work off all those sanskaras you've ac cumulated since the last rummage sale! THURSDAY SEPT 20 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)


Ann Conlon, another of the Americans who met Baba in the early years, will come to tell

her story of meetings with the Beloved.

This week: Reincarnation and Karma. SATURDAY SEPT22 - "KEEP ME NEAR" CONCERT

Cindy Lowe, along with Raine Eastman, Chris

THURSDAY OCT 25 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) This week: The Operation of Karma Through Successive Lives.

tine Sanders, Karen Sterkin, Keith Gunn and SATURDAY OCT 27 - POETRY NIGHT

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CAUFORNIA, INC. President, Ursula Van Buskirk • Vice President, Ron Greenstein •

Secretary, David Miotke • Treasurer, Keith Gunn • Office Manag er, Fred White. Board of Directors: Joan DimpfI • Ron Greenstein • Keith Gunn • Greg Harland • David Miotke • Darrell Rupe • Ursula Van Buskirk.

Bring your favorite Ghazal. A night of recita tion, coordinated by Raine Eastman. THURSDAY NOV 1 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)

This week: The Destiny of the Reincarnating Individual.



tation of Francis Brabazon's "East-West Gath

ering." We will also see a short film of the gathering and hear readings from Francis' book.

A Arti


David Miotke will sing and play from his adap


All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein each Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415) 525-3364. Arti is also performed every sunday at Hermann Loew's house in Petaluma. For information,

call Hermann at (707) 778 -1195.

THURSDAY NOV 8 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) This week: Live for God and Die for God. SATURDAY NOV 10 - BENEFIT AUCTION (7 PM)!

Fine art by internationally acclaimed Baba art ists, as well as many exceptional items and services from our local members, will be avail able in both live and silent auctions. Hors d'oeuvres will be served.


This week: Work for the Spiritual Freedom of Humanity. SATURDAY NOV 17 - JAMIE NEWELL CONCERT

Second annual appearance by singer / songwriter Jamie Newell. Hors d'oeuvres will be served. Suggested donation $ 10. THURSDAY NOV 22 - NO DISCOURSE MEETING

Thanksgiving intervenes in the schedule of discourse meetings. SATURDAY NOV 24 - NO MEETING

Thanksgiving intervenes. THURSDAY NOV 29 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)

This week: Task for Spiritual Workers. SPECIAL EVENTS AND NOTICES

Meetings in Nearby Cities

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 PM. For information call Sharon or Phil Scott:

(209) 449-0877.

SACRAMENTO: For information call Marilyn Buehler at (916)925-4451. Trustwaila

Our trustwaila is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share

in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O.

Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.

Service Opportunity

For anyone interested in providing emotional, practical or spiritual support for people with HIV (AIDS), please contact Jim Tomlinson at (415) 457-2487. Jim can put

you in touch with a local support network group.

Board Meetings Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meet

ings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739 for the dates and times of meetings. Meher Minors

A group for Baba Lovers aged 12 to 17 has formed in the Bay area. Activities are tentatively scheduled for the 'first Sunday of each month. Please call Margaret Bern stein at 567-2016 or Molly Hay at 381-2927 for further details. Meher Baba Information

Interested in helping with the Baba-work at The Box"? Call Sheryl / Rick Chapman fordetails (415) 562-1101. Reminder

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meet

ing schedule. Please check the answering machine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information.

ish. Baba directed Rustomji to give four strokes of the cane to Chhagan. Rustomji administered the pun ishment. Chhagan just kept quiet Baba just said, "Now get out of here." After few minutes, Baba just asked those who were sitting near Him to go and call Chhagan. One fellow went, and then came back. He couldn't find Chhagan. I and Raosahib Afseri, the Persian teacher, were sent specially by Baba. Afseri was also a hefty man. We reached the storehouse where the goods of the ashram were kept. Chhagan was on the point of cutting his throat with a barber's razor. Afseri just caught his hand as he was about to do it, and we brought him to Baba. Baba was again wild against him, "What right do you have to take your life? You have surrendered to me, does your life after surrendering to me belong to you that you tried to take it?" Well, after a little more commotion,

This note came from Mani, Baba's sister, about Me-

herjee's passing. Our dear Meherjee Karkaria (Trustee, Avatar Meh er Baba Trust) passed away on the 26th of June, 1990 in Poona after being bed ridden for a long time. As wished by our Beloved Baba, his remains will be buried at Meherabad. The funeral will take

place on the 27th of June in the morning where lo cal Baba-lovers from Meherazad, Ahmednagar and Meherabad will join, along with some Baba-lovers from Poona, to pay their tribute to dear Meherjee's love for and service to our Lord Avatar Meher

Baba. Below is the copy of the cable that was im mediately dispatched to Meherjee's loved ones in Poona on 26th June: BELOVED MEHER BABA'S LOVE HAS RE LEASED HIS DEAR MEHERJEE FROM PRO-

Baba embraced Chhagan, and everything was as be fore. But it impressed me very much that Baba knew , LONGED SUFFERING AND PAIN STOP ME this man was committing suicide. He sent us after HERJEE AS THE TRUSTED AND DEDICATED him and saved him, too. These incidents impressed LONGTIME DISCIPLE OF THE AVATAR AND TRUSTEE AMBT LIVED FOR AND SERVED me most in those days. HIS BELOVED LORD AND MASTER TILL Bhau Kalchuri, on the subject of Meherjee, adds: THE VERY END BLESSED INDEED IS OUR When Baba would need anything, Meherjee would be there. There would be a very few persons Baba


would always ask them send so much money, but they were the persons who would never say no. They would not say, "Oh I am in difficulty Baba." And even if they would be in difficulty Baba would say, "Send this", and there would be no question. So few persons were there, just like Meherjee, Nariman,


Elizabeth, Norma. So Baba would not hesitate, and

whatever Baba would say they would send. Why? Because they would know that it was He who was giving. So what He had given, to offer at His feet they would feel happy and very fortunate.







of Northern California, Inc.

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WINTER 1991 VOL. 21

OCEAN OF LOVE This excerpt isfrom the "The Ocean ofLove" by Delia Deleon and isa portion ofanarticle that wasfirstpublished in the Meher Baba Journal ofApril1940. Herfascinating new book also contains many lettersfromBabaand is currently availablefromourbookstore.

worry" says Baba to someone and usually ifthat person is receptive he soon begins to realize what a worrier he is, even though it may have been in the depths of his subconscious self; and the measure of the new inrush of life that fills him is the measure of Baba's help.

It is a subtle and pernicious foe that we have to fight; but ifwe follow Baba's advice we soon find that troubles and

fears begin to vanish, because the things that were importantto us before" do not matter anymore.

Why shouldwe worry when we can turn to Him and love

Him and serve Him? We must try to know and under-T Why do we Worry so much? With many people it is standourselves truly; for Meher Babasays: "Everything because they feel an eternal dissatisfaction. Theywant* is within you: the secret of Life, God". things different; something eludesthem always. Small wonder that in their desperate desire to be free from worry they follow falsegods, thinking they will be ledto Utopia They are deceived bywords and grandiose "Thelifein eternity knows no bondage, decay promises, and are "let down" invariably for theyfail to dr sorrow. It is the everlating and ever renewing . realize thatthe remedy lies within themselves.'It is only a • self-affirmation of conscious, illimitable divinity. Perfect One like Meher Baba that can give them the right My mission is tohelpyouinherit thishidden answer to all that troubles them and the world today. He has Himself attained freedom and can help others to this freedom. Ifwe turn to Him, He will help us and in Himwe

can find hope and strength. The veryfact of His telling us, "Don't worry, be happy" helps us and gives us power, for it loosens up within us the causes of ourworries. To love Him and to obey Him is the next step-it is so much easier with Him behind us. For it is a spiritual

solution, and no amount of physical or mental striving can

solve our problems. Meher Baba does help us to change

treasure of the Self." Meher Baba

MEHER BABA NETWORK •To give greater scope tothe sharing ofMeher Baba's Love, Truth, and Presence, an information bank is being created to help Baba Lovers who wantto connectwith

our attitude to life; and it is not a negative attitude that Baba asKs us to cultivate, but a positive, joyful accep

others who have similar interests. The network is meant to stimulate new and old enthusiasms through facilitating

tance of experiences intheirright focus. Not to be caught-in the passing phases of illusion (maya)~"to be in •

out the Bay Area.

the world and not of it"-does not mean a shrinking from

life. We have our parts to play. And to withdraw from life to practice austerities, to sit in a cave to meditate,does notnecessarily mean spiritual advancement. Itwould not

be right for the majority. Meher Babaseems to prefer us to be active and dynamic, though He wants us to accept • whatever experience is necessary for our spiritual progress and development. ' Meher Baba helps us in so many ways not to worry or tear and to develop this right attitude toward life. It •

sounds so simple yet most of us find it so difficult. "Don't

small, informal gatherings in a variety of locations through Some examples of the kind of activity the network can promote include:

' Discourse meetings. Discussion groups, Artis,

Theaterprojects, Music composingor playing, , Poetry or prose readings, Workshops, Publishing projects, Sports teams, Game playing, Recre ational activities, etc.

Ftor more informationand to participate in the network

call Ron Greenstein at (510)525-3364or DickAnderson at (510) 930-8319.



The decimating fire in the Oakland-Berkeley hillson October 20 took the homes of two of our dedicated

newsletterwallas'. Besides theirdifficult personallosses, the Center has lost Its Quarterly feature article, updated mailing list and a variety of records that were stored on . computer discs. We are doing our best to piece together an old mailing list with pur records of address changes and new member requests so that we can still send put a schedule pf events for the Winter Quarter. Ifyou know of anyone who has not received this newsletter, please have

themcall theoffice at(510^845-4339 arid leave their_ J name, address and phone number oh ourmessage machine.



these past six months we have had an unusual wealth of special guests. Obviously Katie Irani's visit was

Ptr^ - ^yr^

rounded ignorance of many trivial details surrounding

Baba. Don't missa^imllar meeting scheduled In January' 1992, devoted less to the food and more to the game I Iwould like to mention a few other outstanding pro grams that took place, last quarter. One event was the .Dhuni Fire at Muir Beach which was blessed by Baba with a warm evening. Also the special children's program was -

adelight, thanks to Hugh Macbonald's magic and . Hermann Loew's storytelling. And one other eyent that is not to be missed, should we present Itagain, was the .Cricket game in Golden Gate Park. It became apparent. in.a few short hours why Baba liked this game so! —An event which extended well beyond our Northern • California Center was the Youth Sahavas in Myrtle Beach, which was attended by teen age Baba Lovers from across the country; This Sahavas may have the most

monumental in importance as itwasthe first time since

profound and long lasting effect on many .oftheir lives, and I knowthat/many hope it is the first pf many more

1958? that and;Eastern woman Mandali visited the West.

Youth Satiava? tp come....

We also had Bhau Kalchuri makejiimself available for

those who were unable to make the trip out to Mariposafor a festive weekend-now referred to as Bhau Stock. Mr. Esfandiar Vessali, an original and very special Prem

Ashram boy,gave a'talk with the helpof our Farsi inter preter, Soussan Adham. Although before entering the . room, he stood outside the door humbly claiming he had nothing of importance to say to lead us to God and we

would be better off spending, the evening in prayer and meditation. Fortunately Babamust havemovedhim to share his stories with us anyway.

Baba's nephew Jungoo Sukhadwala, whom we have to thank forthe various movies taken of the Avatar, gave a very entertaining talk, and Baba's sister-in-law, Franey

'. Lastly Iam happy toreport a favorable response to our. call for contributions last June and heartfelt thanks to all

who support the Center however they can. Again we enclose.our donation card as a reminder because united

we can assist in the bringing of thPse special people who

can tell us the.first-hand experience of being in the presence of the Avatarof the Age. t Iwould also liketo put out a call for help with re establishing and maintaining our membership mailing list and our future newsletters. If you have the room, either in your schedule or computer dr both; and feel a commit ment toward attempting to serve Baba through the^group, we would liketo hear from you.

Jai Baba-Darrell Rupe

Irani, who has just moved to the United States from ,-• '

Er^land, gave pemapsthe mc«t moving, heartfelt talk of '

all. >•'-'. '•••". Whatever good fortune brought so many woriderful ' peopleto visitus, we are thankful, and on many levels, \ am sure we have all benefited from their visits.

Iwould like to add that Katie Irani refusedlo draw the winningticket for our Take a Trip" Sweepstakes, noting that drawing one winning ticket would create hundreds of losing tickets and her heart would not allow her to do it.

So we enlisted the help of innocent-hearted, two-year old Mani Rose Dreyfuss, who like a good daughter, immedi ately pulled out her father's ticket forthe Grand Prize. To. those unable to RSVP in time for thelndian Summer

Dinner, wonderfully hosted by Raj and Damyantl Mehta,we apologize but preparations needed to betnade in advance. Besides the highlight of excellent, authentic

Indian food, an exciting game of BabaTrivia engaged all in a fierce yet good-hearted competition. Itwas inspiring'

tonote that all .participants commanded a healthy; weli-

"Aboveall else,be content with your lot, rich or. poor,happy or miserable. Understand that God has designatedit for your own good,, and be . resignedto his will. Remember the present in the frame of the past and the future. You eternally were and always will be. You have had innumer, able forms as man and woman, beautiful and

' ,ugly,strong and weak, healthy and sick, powerful . and helpless,and now you arehereagainin another form.

Until you gain spiritual freedom you will be invested with many such forms, so why seek . temporary relief nOwwhich will only result in further bindings later? Do not ask God for money, fame, power, health, or children, but seek His •/ graceand it will lead you to eternal bliss." Meher Baba

•A'.'" t





Margaret Bernstein performs flute and piano compo sitions from her soon to be released album featuring

- the Albany Methodist Church (onthecorner of '• Stannage1 andMarin Avenues in Albany) except for meetings held on the THE FIRSTFRIDAY OF EVERY

MONTH unless otherwise indicatedbelow. Meetings on each first Friday are in lieu of meetings on the first Saturdaynight of the month. Programs begin at 8:00

traditional Baba favorites and classical works. " ~


The time of this meeting coincides with the Celebra tion in India of-the Anniversary of Baba dropping His Body on January 31,1969. The special program will

PMsharp and normallyend at 9:30 PM, unless

otherwise notedbelow, with time for visiting before

culminate with 15'minutes of silence from 10:30 to

and after the meeting. . To check for possible program changes call (510) 845-4339.




pm, the time of Baba's physical passing.STORMING DINNER AT 7:00PM

a child, met Baba three times.

Help in the preliminary planning for Baba's 100th . Birthday in 1994. Discuss ideas whileenjoying excellent indian food. Meeting will be at Sabina

the Discpurses, on a visitfrom France, will talk about our personal relationship with Baba and the role of inner guidance.

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21 - LOV£ STREET SING ERS : The Love Street Singers will lead a sing-along follow ing a performance of old favorites and carols. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28-FILM NIGHT AND


Meherabad Hill, where the time will be Noon-12:15


the New Humanity, and co-editorof GodSpeaksand



Michael grew up in an Australian Baba family and, as SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 - DON STEVENS Don Stevens author of Listen, Humanity and Listern


10:45 pm. This silence is simultaneous with the one observed at Meher Baba's Samadhi (Tomb) on •


The soulful duo from Los Angeles, whose songs have been recorded by several popular artists, will perform an acoustic concert of original Baba songs with a gospel edge, accompanied by our own Larry .

Thrasher on tabla. Suggesteddonation at door: $ 10.00.

COOKIE CONTEST Bring your best Christmas season cookies for sharing. Afterthe screening of "Three Incredible Weeks" (1954) and "Seclusion Hill" (1955), the person with the

_besi cookies will receive a prize from the Baba




Celebrate Baba's Birthday with cake and excerpts



. Restaurant, 1628 Webster St. (at 16th), Oakland. Call (510) 273-9426 to RSVP or for information.


Hear the first-person accpunts of several Baba Lovers describing how they were snared jn the net of the Beloved's Love.


from Francis Brabazon's piay"Being is Dying by . Loving", performed by The Love Street Sinjgersand PlayerSi Please call the office in advance ifypU needa ride from-the El Cerrito Bart.



Arrangements are being made to distribute food to

Viermanh.Loew aridJimHastings accentstories ofthe

the poor oh Baba's Birthday. To participate, callJohn

' New Life with slides taken during their 1987 journey retracing the New Life travels. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 - HIGHER TRIVIAL PUR SUIT AND DINNER AT 7:30PM

Rice, dahl, and vegetable curry dinner followed by a \.

gameof BabaTrivia Dinner available for thefirst 50 ' - f persons only. Dinner cost: $ 5.0Q perperson. Chai for everyone.


Dr. Goher talks about Jife with Baba from her unique

perspectiveas a medical doctor and one of the

women Mandali. Ben Leet will supplement thevideo with a collection of Baba quotes on the role of suffer-.

V ing in theDivine Romance.

with Him, who hfcve volunteered to maketheir.-ears and.hearts",

Meetings in nearby circs

compassionatelyavailable to those who may be opening to Meher Baba with an accompanying sense of isolation, shame, or other emotionaltrauma (or the coming-to-awareness of previously

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 730 to 8:30 PM. Call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877; SACRAMENTO: Call Marilyn BuehleV at (916) 925-4451 Ami


buried trauma).


All are welcometo gather for Arti at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein each Sunday at 10:00 AM. Call (510) 525-3364. Arti is also performed every Sunday at Hermann Loew's home In Petaluma. For information, call (707) 778-1195.

"everything in Him", as He wishes.

, Board Meetings

. '" '

Those who would itke toavail themselves ofour network may.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meetings are

contactus at:: Meher Baba ^elf-Help Network, 65 Royal Drive, #

opento all members. Call Darrell Rupe for the dates andtimes

222. Piscataway. NJ 08854. USA

of meetings at (510) 527-7713. Meher Baba Information

We are a group of lay men and women, and even professional .therapists among us function as "ordinary" volunteers. We claim . no expertise,onlya desire to be "Baba's Earsand Heart" for others. Many of us have been through our own deep traumas and wish to be as present for other sufferers as we can be, knowing that we are "nothing in ourselves", but can be


^ntweste*rrrhefp1ng^with4hfrBabarWork at^e-Bex" ? Call

Sheryl or Rick Chapman for details at (510)562-1101. ' ' ' DiscounsE Meetings

Join us each Thursday-for an evening of readingand discussing Baba's Discourses at the home of Louise Barrie and Dick

Anthony. Tea and cookies afterward. Call (510)524-1440 for directions.


President, Darrell Rupe - Vice President, Alexandra'Cons Secretary, Roman Babiak - Treasurer, Jack Mormon • Office Manager, FredWhite. Board of Directors: Soussan Adham, Roman Babiak, Alexandra Cons, Harold Jamison, Raj Merita,

Darrell Rupe, Paul Williams. Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Keith


-TheJournal for Psychological arid-Spiritual Integration, a semi- -

ejjnual journal addressing clinical, theoretical and experiential

issues in psychology, and spirituality inlight of Meher Baba's . . teachings, is seeking articles from Baba Loversengaged inthe mental health, helping profession, and related fields. Contributors include professionals in the mental health field and hefping professionals (therapists, teachersrbody workers, administrators, etc.), Baba Lovers, who are clients and patients in therapy, members of the Mandali, and others. Ourgoalis to have a forum in print whereBabaLovers who have some connection with or interest jn the broad field of "mental health" can articulate

arid exchange their ideas, thoughts, insights, and experience. For further information contact Jason Saffer af 227 South

Wildwood, Hercules, CA 94547, phone (510) 724-1571. .

Gunn, Soussan Adham, Roman Babiak, Lisa Greenstein.

Trustwaila: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA94701) THE MEHER BABA-SELF-HELP NETWORK "It's notmehelping you or youhelping me, it'swehelping us" - t Meher Baba

Formerly the Meher BabaUnion for New Psychology, this is a

phone-and-pen-pa! network ofBaba Lovers andthose connected



of Northern California, Inc.

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VOL. 20


Growing Up in Baba's Family

Baba, we aren't doing anything to prevent it. But Baba said, "You must hurry to have

Mehera Kerawala Arjani

it." Baba went off to the West then in '58.

Mehera grew up in Baba's intimate family. She spent much of her childhood living with the Jessawala family. Her maternal and paternal grandmothers were sisters, from the Satha family of Ahmednagar's Akbar Press. Eruch Jessawala's mother Gaimai is her Aunt. Her story was recorded at the Pilgrim Center about 6 months ago. This talk is about being a baby in Baba's family, because Baba dropped His body when I was 10. My parents are first cousins and even in a community like ours which is known for intermarriage, first cousins don't normally get married, especially since in my mother's family, all the brothers and sisters other than my mother suffered from muscular dystrophy. Baba said He wanted Sam Kerawala, my father, to marry Roshan, Gulamasi Satha's daughter. Both the families said, "But Baba, you know what happened with muscular dystrophy - all the brothers and sisters have had this problem." But Baba said, "Do you believe that I am God? Well, as God, I guarantee that not only Roshan and the children, but for seven generations after, nobody will be bothered by muscular dystrophy. So there should be no reason for you to object to the marriage." So they were married in due course, and Baba attended the wedding, and like all Baba occasions it was a mish mash of many things. For example, somebody mixed up the salt and sugar cellars, so they had sugar in their food and salt in their ice cream. You know, things like that always happened with Baba. He personally supervised the

Mummy went to see Him off and Baba said, "By the time I come back I expect you to be carrying." Sure enough, by the time He came back, she was carrying. And I was bom and Baba waited in Guruprasad to be told just like any other father would. Eruch says He paced up and down. The next morning He came to the hospital to see me. He spent some time with mummy and me, and then mummy went home to Bhindra house where she lived with Eruch's family.

So He would come. Right from the time I was a few days old, He sort of took over. They'd be cooking in the kitchen, and He would say, "Leave her on the table in front of Me." Baba would ask for a glass of sherbet (as I've been told), and He'd be drinking from it, and then He'd dip a finger in and give it to me to suck. And very often because He did that I used to wet His sadra. He never minded, He just took it in His stride. There were little things that Baba would say, such as, "How is My kid?" So Baba would come in and spend time with me, and we'd visit in Guruprasad when He was alone. And Mehera said, "Baba, it's time." And Baba said, "Yes, it's time. Roshan should have another child." Mehera said to Baba, "Baba,

this time be sure it's a boy." And Baba would smile at her

then he went away to sea, for Sam was a sailor. When he

very sweetly, and say, "We'll see." And He said to Roshan, "Now it's time for you to have another baby." She did, and it was again a girl. Baba named me after Mehera, and He named Dolly Daulat after Mehera's mother. Mehera was very disappointed, and she said, "Baba, I asked you, I wanted a boy." Baba said, "Mehera, don't worry whether they're boys or girls. Both these girls will do my work better than any man could do, when their time comes." And yet, Mehera always wanted a third child. She said,

came back for leave Baba said, "Well what about a child?

"Baba, one more." But Baba said, "No more children." So

Why aren't you having a child? And they said, "Well,

before Sam went to sea that time, Baba said, "Go have a

wedding. And then, as He is wont to do He sort of dictates

exactly how each step of their life has to be lived out. So

when Sam got married they had a short honeymoon and


continued on the inner (third) page




MEETINGS - Meher Baba meetings are heldon Saturday nights at theAlbany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue andMarin in Albany. All programs begin at 8:00 PM sharp and normally end at 930 PMwith time (or visiting before andafterthe meeting. To check for program changes call (415) 845-4339.


Tom Riley, an artist who met Baba in '58 and

'62, will tell us about the time he spent with CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR SPRING 1991

Meher Baba. Tom's life work has been an

exploration of how art and spiritual values are SATURDAY MARCH 2 • SHARING POETRY

Bring and read your favorite spiritual poetry. Meeting coordinated by David Miotke. THURSDAY MARCH 7 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)

Join us each week for an evening of reading and discussing Baba's Discourses. Tea and cookies afterward. Location: home of Louise

Barrie and Dick Anthony (524-1440). SATURDAY MARCH 9 - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

The 1990 AGM will begin at 7:30 PM. Under the bylaws of the Meher Baba Center of

Northern California, the voting members shall: 1) discuss and approve a budget for the coming year, 2) consider old and new business, 3) elect a new board of directors, and 4) elect a nominating committee for next year's AGM. This year's nominating committee will present a slate of candidates for each of the seven board positions. You are eligible to vote if you have a sincere interest in Avatar Meher Baba, live in Northern California, and have attended meetings of our group or supported it in other ways during the preceding year. If so, please add your name to the membership list provided at regular meetings. Notification of your eligibility to vote will be mailed to you two weeks before the meeting, along with a list of the candidates. We urge you to attend this meeting. Participation in selecting our leadership is the way to assure that our meetings and other activities will suit our needs and be in the spirit of Meher Baba's Love.



Cathy, whose albums and Myrtle Beach concerts are favorites with many Baba lovers, will perform her latest songs for Beloved Baba. The suggested donation, $ 10 for adults, will

provide partial repayment for our cost to bring Cathy and Tom to the Bay area. THURSDAY APRIL 11 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) SATURDAY APRIL 13 - COMING TO BABA

Ron Greenstein leads this meeting of people telling their stories of how they came to Baba. THURSDAY APRIL 18 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) SATURDAY APRIL 20 - MEHER MOUNT MEMO

Bing Heckman will bring us up to date on the current activities and future plans for Meher Mount in Ojai. THURSDAY APRIL 25 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15) SATURDAY APRIL 27 - ADELE WOLKIN VISIT

Adele, who met Meher Baba on occasions too

numerous to list, will come to speak to us about her memories of the Beloved.



Songs dedicated to Beloved Avatar Meher Baba, the Song in our hearts. Coordinated by


Karen Sterkin.


This month's gems include two rarely-shown silent films of the East-West Gathering - one taken by Baba's brother Beheram and one taken by Annece Hassen. Music, in the manner

of silent films, to be added by David Miotke. THURSDAY MARCH 21 - DISCOURSE MEETING (7:15)


President, Ursula Van Buskirk • Vice President, Ron Greenstein • Secretary, David Miotke • Treasurer, Jack Mormon • Office Manager, Fred White. Board of Directors: Joan Harland • Ron Greenstein • Soussan


David Miotke hosts this night of singing just for the love and pleasure of the Beloved.

Adham • Greg Harland • David Miotke • Darrell Rupe • Ursula Van Buskirk

Newsletter published by Alexandra Cons, Keith Gunn and Lisa Greenstein




grades) will be held at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC on

Bea Dimpfl and her daughter Joan Dimpfl

June 19 through 23,1991. Please call Margaret Bernstein

Harland will share memories of Baba's visits to the West in 1956 and 1958.

at 721 -3727 for more details.


Meher Baba Information

Interested in helping with the Baba-work at "The Box"? Call Sheryl / Rick Chapman for details (415) 562-1101.


This month includes a Super-8 film festival of rarely shown movies, including Return to Meherabad 1948, Meherazad Memories, the short Nasik and Rahuri films and a film of the

1958 Myrtle Beach Sahavas taken by Donald Mahler.



Louise Barrie hosts a meeting of singing, film and celebration of May 20, 1989, the second anniversary of Mehera's passing. SPECIAL EVENTS AND NOTICES

Meetings in Nearby Cities FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:308:30 PM. For information call Sharon or Phil Scott: (209) 449-0877.

SACRAMENTO: For information call Marilyn Buehler at (916)925-4451. Trustwaila

Our trustwaila is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share in

fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O. Box

1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.


There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information. Continued from Page 1

vasectomy." And Sam said, "Yes Baba, I will if that's what you want." And he went away to sea, and that was a planned family, Baba planned it • two girls, mother and father.

We grew up visiting Baba as and when He called us. About the time Dolly was a year old, she got smallpox. It came about because Baba initially said, "Give her a smallpox vaccination" when she was a few days old. The doctor said, "No, she's too young," and my grandmother

and mother said, "Perhaps we should wait a little while." And so they waited a little while, and in the meantime it was too late - she had already contacted the virus. She was very sick and was unconscious for 40 days in the hospital. Every day Mehera would pray, "Baba whatever you, do save the child." Dolly was always more precious to Mehera than I was. So she prayed every day, "Baba, dont let there be anything wrong with that child. Make sure she stays." The doctor said, "Well, if she lives, she will be blind." Mehera said she couldn't stand that. And

Service Opportunity

For anyone interested in providing emotional, practical or spiritual support for people with HIV (AIDS), please con tact Jim Tomlinson at (415) 457-2487. Jim can put you in touch with a local support network group.

then Baba said, "All right, I'll pray for her." After 40 days Dolly came home. She could see, although she was still very sick. She still can see; she's perfectly healthy now. So basically, Baba wanted the two of us to do whatever work He has set out for us to do, perhaps later on.


All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein each Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415) 525-3364. Arti is also performed every Sunday at Her mann Loew's home in Petaluma. For information, call

Hermann at (707) 778-1195. Board Meetings

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meetings

are open to all members. Call David Miotke at (415) 5491487 for the dates and times of meetings.

Meher Minor Update

We used to live part of the time in Bhindra house. Baba would come and stay there before Guruprasad was available to Him. We used to go for walks with Baba in the Botanical Gardens. I still remember going along as a three year old stomping on the big black ants. One day He caught my foot, "Why do you kill those ants?" I said, "You know, they bite." He said, "No, they don't, and I order you not to kill any more of them. Never again should you kill one of those ants." That's how Baba gave us orders when He would catch us doing something. He would say, "I order you, don't do it again." So we didnt

The first international Meher Minor Retreat-(9th - 12th Continued on Page 4

do it again because Baba said no.

we knew He controlled most of our life, we prayed to Him Soon we started going to school. Baba said, if you were in and yet He was the Father above the father. He was school you had to study and you had to do as well as you always there. So really it only struck home that He was could. So, because I could remember things easily, I was actually the Avatar when He dropped His body. Until then, expected to do well. My report cards would come home we only knew the man, we didn't know the God aspect, and go to Baba. They'd come back with comments on only the man aspect of the God Man. But even there He them from Him, "Why haven't you done well in this?" I only always understood. used to have bad comments in the area of behavior - very As a child, I was terribly jealous of Baba. I hated it when talkative in class, can be obstinate and cheeky. And Baba He paid any more attention to another child, or even to His

dog Mastan. One day we were sitting in Guruprasad, and Teachers, like any other guru, have to be respected. Treat there was this girl who used to do Indian dancing them in the same way as you treat Baba, with respect. So beautifully. She always danced in front of Baba, and I was slowly but steadily I learned to be good friends with my sitting right by Baba's hand and He used to put His hand teachers. on my head. As soon as He sensed that I was starting to We had to write to Baba. The only subject I used to fail in get worked up about her dancing, He would gently try to was my hand writing. He would have Eruch read the letter work it out of me. One day He was in Meherazad, lying would tell Eruch, "Tell her - she shouldn't do that."

and would say, "Hand writing still not improved." Eruch down'on the bed - we'd all had lunch with Baba - and Baba would say, "Baba commented today that your hand writing clicked His fingers, "Bring Mastan in." I was sitting on has still not improved. You should be working on your hand Gaimai's lap, and all the others were around, and Mastan writing a little bit more." It was things like that, it was very, came in and jumped on Baba's bed, and Baba was making very personal. Baba was there for us to ask Him things. such a fuss over this dog. I pinched Gaimai and shrieked, You could go and visit Him in Guruprasad, you could sit on and shrieked. Baba said, "You don't like the dog? Send the bed and tell Him stories. He would say, "If you want to him away. Come and sit by Me." Gaimai still remembers you can massage my feet." So I would be telling Him a how I pinched her. story while massaging His feet. He would never react to Baba really excused all our little human frailties, just as your story like an adult reacts to a child's story. When the long as you were sure you were His, no ambiguities or funny bit came He would whoop with laughter. He'd be doubts in your mind, and there's never been. lying on the bed, He'd sit up, "Go on, what happened after This is part 1 of two parts. The second part will appear in that," Baba the child talking to the child that was me. So the Summer Issue.

we never actually realized. Yes, we knew Baba was God,



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704









VOL. 20

SUMMER 1991 then He said, "Can you go run somewhere

Growing Up in Baba's Family

else - go run on the other side?" But He


never said, don't do it, but instead, do it,

Mehera Kerawala Arjani

but do it somewhere else. And it was the

same with most other things.

Mehera grew up in Baba's intimate family. She spent much of her childhood living with the Jessawala family. I once foolishly commented to one of the western girl Baba lovers, "You are lucky you had the romance of Baba, Baba wooed you and courted you. With us we had an arranged marriage straight away. Born into a Baba family, no choice about it." So she went and told Eruch about it.

The next time I came to mandali hall he said, " you realize how fortunate you were that you didn't have to search for Him? He found you in the first place." I said, "Well, possibly, but it might have been a bit more

interesting to have wandered about a bit." "Don't be silly," he said, "you wouldnl have liked it if you had tasted it in the first place."

Our family, who were so much a part of Baba's life, were very protected and sort of pampered, shielded from most of the things that other people go through. Even though my dad was away at sea while we were growing up, we had Meherwan, Eruch's younger brother and he was always there, in fact he was more of a father to us than Daddy was, because he was the one we went to if we had a problem. Baba would always insist that we children should live by what He expected of us when we grew up. One had to do all of one's bits in life properly, as well as you can. But that doesn't mean you don't have fun, you can have fun as well. You know this bit about silence in the Tomb. I know

people want to be close to Baba, but I remember once He was sitting in the mandali hall in Guruprasad, and the two of us were running around and around the hall past where Baba was lying with the men, talking. We did that for quite a while, and then Baba said, "Come here. Do want a

sweet?" "Yes, please" and He gave us all prasad, and

You could ask Baba all kinds of things. Some people say not to bother Him, but I always asked Him. If he was there I would ask Him. If He wasn't there I would pray to Him for everything. When I was little I had a problem with my tooth. Instead of growing downwards like any other permanent tooth, it grew out at an angle. Every morning, first thing I would

pray is "Baba, please let me have another tooth." Because I would have to wear a false plate otherwise, and I hated that thing. So every day for two years I prayed and prayed and prayed, "Baba, please can I have another tooth." And ultimately I did get another tooth, in the sense that this little tooth over here [pointing] is a baby tooth that never fell out because the tooth that went astray never pushed it out. So, I goi what I wanted, no problem, but then, Gaimai said, "You must have spent a lot of time praying about it... hours and hours. Perhaps it was something that Baba did to keep you thinking about Him." I think that's true. In the

beginning, when you are children and you ask Baba for something, He gives it to you. As you grow up, you just think about Him because you want to think about Him. So, Baba's incentive program works every time, the carrot before the stick. I've found that now I don't ask Him for

that much; occasionally I do - I did want a child, I asked

Him, and look what I got [pointing to her son, Sheriar - lots of laughter]. There were things that were all right for some people and not for others. For instance we were sitting in Guruprasad one day. Mehernaz, Gulnar*s girl, and I were very chubby children. So, somebody gave Mehernaz a sweet and Baba said, "She's getting fat - no sweets for her," and He gave her an order, she couldn't have any more sweets. So my Banumasi said, "But Baba, my Mehera is also fat, give her


continued on the next page





an order." And Baba said, "No, no, no. She'll be like this

should we send Him for lunch? Sometimes we could take

one day" and he lifted up one finger. So I'm hoping, one day ... [lots of laughter].

food into Baba ourselves and sit with Him while He ate.

He didn't give me that order, so it was not for me.

Whereas, one day, I had this lovely black coat that my mother stitched for me, and I was dressed up in my new coat and taken to Baba, and Baba took one look at the

coat and said, "How dare you dress the child in black? She can't wear black." So, no black. And another time,

somebody gave mother a very pretty dress that had been used by their child, and mother took me to Baba, and that time Baba said, "It's a lovely dress. Where did it come from?" As if He didn't know. And Mother explained it was someone else's child's who had grown out of it. Baba said, "Not her. Donl use second hand goods for her. The only persons whose clothes she can wear are Mehera and Gaimai." That was an order specific to me. Baba allowed Dolly, my sister, to wear second hand clothes. Mummy said , "Why not, Baba?" He said, "Most people will not absorb bad impressions from things like clothing. But if you put clothes on her that someone else has worn, she will get the bad impressions." So I don't wear second-hand clothes, which would solve lots of problems with the family budget.

Baba would make sure you ate everything on your plate, and at the end of the meal if they had fruit, He'd throw it at you across the table, and you were supposed to catch it and eat it. He threw figs most of the time because it was the fruit in season.

We were sitting in Guruprasad once and Baba was giving darshan. Dolly was about a year and a half old and had just started to talk. She crawled up to Baba, and she pulled herself up onto His knees and stood up and she said, "Baba I love You. Do You love me?" That was a

beautiful thing to say to Baba. And Baba said," Yes."

I used to say the prayer for Baba. The first time He asked me to say the prayer I hadn't learned it properly. But, He had this big pile of sweets by His side. I asked, Baba if I say the prayer, can I have a sweet?" "Yes, of course you can," He said. So I treated Him to a very garbled version. I mixed up the Master's prayer and the Prayer of Repentance, and He gave me all the sweets, and I didn't eat a single one, I wanted to savor them all for myself. And He said, "Are you going to give some to Gaimama?" and I said, "No, no, I said grace, so I get to eat them all myself." So I took this whole bundle of sweets home.

Meherwan, Eruch's brother, was very protected. Until I was four, he had an order that he couldn't touch any women, not even his own mother. He was the only boy who was allowed to stay up on the hill with Baba's women mandali when they were living here, and even Gaimai

We had a picture of Baba at Bhindra house, that has come to Meherazad now, and I put my sweets at the base of the picture when I got home, and said, "I'll keep them by Baba's feet and I'll eat them tomorrow." I had this servant, and she polished them off in the night and I didn't get a

couldn't touch him. When I was born, Baba said to

single sweet. I woke up, and I went and told Baba my sweets had vanished. Baba said, "I have only one sweet today, but you can have one sweet." So that was all I was

Meherwan, "You can touch her, you can hold her, you can play with her." For a long time, no one but Meherwan was allowed to kiss me. And then slowly he was allowed to touch his mother and his sisters again. But Baba was very strict with Meherwan - Meherwan was very protected.

meant to have.

That servant is very, very special. She was the only one, when Baba was up on Meherabad hill in seclusion, who

Our family used to cook for Baba and the ladies. And

was allowed to take Baba's food into Him. Eruch's father

sometimes I would make the chutney, put in the coriander, or make the chapatis. And I would put in a little note, "Today, Baba, I made the chutney." And Baba would send back a note, "They were lovely. I enjoyed them."

always wanted to get rid of her, because she is slightly crazy. She once ate my medicine when Iwas a child. Baba made her eat a whole bar of soap because he wanted to wash out all her eating sanskaras. She did it - she ate the

We had special flowers growing at Bhindra house. I used

whole bar of soap because Baba told her to. Eruch's father

to make garlands for Baba, and send them with the food. And Eruch would send back a message, "Baba wore your garland today." Or when we went for darshan I used to make garlands for Baba myself. There used to be lots of

used to get so mad at her - he'd say, "Baba get rid of this woman she's a pain to us, she's always bothering us." And Baba would say, "No, she's meant to serve your family, she's meant to be part of your family."

discussion about the contents of Baba's meals. What

When I was born,' I was born with closed fists. And Baba

ALE would come every morning and He'd put a little oil on my fists, and He'd open them up. And then they'd curl up again. Baba said to Mehera, "I've done everything I can for her. She'll grow up tight-fisted. There's nothing I can do now."





<£ means

bookstore will be

This meeting, in loving memory of Baba's dearest disciple Mehera, will feature music she inspired and a special large screen showing of an hour-long video of Mehera produced by Wendell Brustman.


Baba wouldnl allow any of my family to lift a finger to me in anger, because Baba said, "If you hit her, you'll be hitting Me." My husband deeply regrets that order was given. He says, "If you'd been spanked a bit more when you were a child, you'd be lots better as a wife." [gales of laughter]. Because I couldn't get smacked, Dolly couldn't either, it wouldn't have been fair, but she used to get stuffed under the covers when she was bad.


An unpublished play by Francis Brabazon Location: Unitarian Church at Cedar and

Bonita, Berkeley 7:30 START

The US premiere of this collection of songs, sketches, stories and recitations. The Love Street Singers and Players, the Bay Area's new

performing group, presents this exciting evening of entertainment for the Beloved. A $10 donation is requested. Note: Because of space limitations at this facility, childcare will not be provided for this evening's performance.


Meher Baba Center does not have a regular meeting schedule during the month of August. This year, however, we are fortunate to be expecting a visit from Katie Irani, one of Baba's women mandali. Katie will be

with us the week of August 19. She will not do individual interviews but is eager to see her brothers and sisters in the Bay Area. The following events have


Come to hear personal experiences of the Divine



been scheduled. For schedule changes, call Darrell or

We are fortunate to have so many images of the Avatar on film. Tonight's films will be: The Andhra Tour, 1954, an unedited film with brief

Soussan at 527-7713.

Friday, August 23,6:00PM

but stunning shots of Baba and "Stay with God," filmed by Don Stevens in 1959. Ron Greenstein and Darrell Rupe will provide a

Potluck dinner at Alan and Karen Talbot's home.Call

376-4325 if you need directions.

musical introduction.

Saturday, August 24,8:00 PM


Katie will talk about her life and experiences with Baba She wishes us to know that she enjoys talking

informally, but does not want people to ask questions about Baba, as that is not her specialty.

Romance, as local Baba lovers tell their stories of stepping into His net.


Bring friends for an informal introduction to


Baba. There will be a short film, live music, and

a discussion between newcomers and a panel of Baba's lovers.

Sunday, August 25,1*5 PM

Poolside garden party at the Van Buskirk's (947-0495) Bring food for a pot-luck meal and suits and towels if you want to swim. Soft drinks will be provided. MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC.

President.Darrell Rupe • Vice President, Alexandra Cons • Secretary, Roman Babiak• Treasurer, Jack Mormon • Office Manager, Fred White. Board of Directors: Soussan Adham • Roman Babiak •

Alexandra Cons • Harold Jamison • Raj Mehta • Darrell Rupe • Paul Williams

Newsletter published by AlexandraCons, Keith Gunn and Lisa Greenstein


Because many of our group attend the Southern California Sahavas, no meeting is

planned for this evening. If you are interested in meeting informally in Beloved Baba's spirit, please call Darrell or Soussan at 527-7713. WEDNESDAY JULY 10- ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEGINNING OF MEHER BABA'S SILENCE SATURDAY JULY 13- SPECIAL GUEST JEHANGIR "JUNGOO" SUKHADWALLA

Baba called Jungoo one of His jewels and selected him to marry His niece Gulnar. Jungoo

Continued from Page 3

will tell us stories of living around Baba and his experience with the Beloved over the years.


Come for a showing of rare footage of Baba. SATURDAY JULY 27 - PROMOTING FELLOWSHIP

Lisa Greenstein each Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415) 525-3364. Arti is also performed every Sunday at Her mann Loew's home in Petaluma. For information, call

Hermann at (707) 778-1195. Board Meetings

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meetings are open to all members. Call Darrell Rupe for the dates and times of meetings at 527-7713.


A casual meeting at the home of Harold and Sue

Meher Minor Update

Jamison, 6934 Fairview, El Cerrito. Please call in

The first international Meher Minor Retreat (9th - 12th grades) will be held at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC on June 19 through 23, 1991. Please call Margaret Bernstein

advance if you will need to be picked up at BART. The Jamisons' number is 236-7993 or call Ron Greenstein at 525-3364.

at 721-3727 for more details.


Meher Baba Information

Meetings in Nearby Cities

Interested in helping with the Baba-work at "The Box"? Call Sheryl / Rick Chapman for details (415) 562-1101.

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:308:30 PM. Call Sharon or Phil Scott: (209) 449-0877. SACRAMENTO: Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 9254451.


There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information.

Trustwaila Bookstore

Our trustwaila is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share in

fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O. Box

1250, Berkeley, CA 94701. Service Opportunity

For anyone interested in providing emotional, practical or spiritual support for people with HIV (AIDS), please con tact Jim Tomlinson at (415) 457-2487. Jim can put you in touch with a local support network group. Arti

All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron and


•. ^ilSfc

. V.

Paul Williams, who is our new bookstore manager, needs an assistant. If you can help, please call Paul at 668-2131. Discourse Meetings Join us each thursday for an evening of reading and discussing Baba's Discourses. Tea and cookies after ward. Location: home of Louise Barrie and Dick Anthony (524-1440). MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held on Saturday nights at the Albany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany. Ail programs begin at 8:00 PM sharp and normally end at 9:30 PM with time for visiting before and after the meeting. To check for program changes call (415) 845-4339.



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704






VOL. 20

spurting up, everyone was talking about it.

A Child's Experience of Meeting Meher Baba

Then Baba beckoned to come to Him. I

remember letting go of my mother's hand, and beginning to walk towards Him, and ended up running. Baba opened His arms, saying "Come" and I ran into His arms, and


Wendy Haynes Connor Wendy first met Meher Baba in Myrtle Beach in May of 1958, when she was 6 years old. In this talk she recalls that first meeting. Our next issue will describe her meeting with Baba in 1962. In 1958, the news came to Myrtle Beach that Baba was coming to America again. I didn't grasp the full import of what this meant, but I knew that now I would get a chance to see Him. I was very excited, chiefly because Elizabeth and Kitty were so excited. Everything was focused on getting ready for Baba's coming, getting everything perfect for Baba. The most exciting thing for me, getting ready for Baba, was that my mother took me shopping for a dress to meet Baba in. We looked and looked for the perfect dress, and we found a lovely purple dress with no sleeves and a little white collar. My mother found one just like it! It was the first mother/daughter dress that we'd ever had. I was so excited that we had the same dress. My mother also got my hair cut, so I was all ready.

Baba enfolded me in the most wonderful

embrace that seemed to last forever. Then, Baba grabbed my arms, pushed me away still holding on and began to play with me. He pushed me away, and pulled me close over and over. He did it so hard that I began laughing hysterically because it was so much fun. It was just the two of us. Then He took my face in His hand and squinched my mouth and gestured for me to try to talk. I tried, but I couldn't. Nothing intelligible came out, and that just made me laugh even harder. Baba's face was getting pinker and pinker as He suppressed His laughter. We were having such fun.

Then, it was time to go inside the theater. Baba motioned for the dancers to pick Him up and take Him inside. That moment I felt panic at the thought that I would have to leave Him. I looked up and said, "Baba can I stay with you?" Baba looked so happy, big smile, and He patted the side of His chair - "Stay with Me, stay here." I was happy The day for meeting Baba dawned, my mother and I put again and my heart calmed down. They put Baba down in on our mother and daughter dresses, and I got my hair all front, and I plopped down by Baba's right foot, and my combed. I don't remember how I got to my Mother's brother Charles plopped down on the left foot. Suddenly, I theater (where He had arranged with Elizabeth the day remembered my mother for the first time. Now, that was before for me to meet Him). I just remember waiting in the quite unusual, since she was the center of my life. I turned foyer that afternoon, holding my mother's hand very tightly, around to see where she was, and at that very moment I feeling rather shy. Suddenly Baba appeared in the saw her motioning to us to move away from Baba, doorway. He was very beautiful. I remember being so because she felt we were being a little too aggressive. struck by Baba's beauty. He had on a pink coat, His hair She hadn't yet had her experience of Baba's divinity - that was back in a pigtail, and I couldn't take my eyes off Him. came later the same day. At that instant Baba swivelled The first thing He did, which touched me so much, was to around and gestured to mother saying, "Let them be, Jane gesture to our dresses, and my heart leapt that Baba - let them be." I was so happy, I had been afraid that I would notice my dress. How Baba knew the one thing that would have to leave. The film started, but I don't would touch the heart of a childl The next thing Baba remember looking at the film at all, I just remember gestured was how tall I had grown. It was true .. I was looking at Baba's feet and looking up at Baba. Every time I 1991

continued on the next page




would look at Baba, He would do something - tweak my cheek, or pat my head or pat my shoulder. That's how the afternoon passed for me. I dont remember looking at the films at all. I don't remember leaving the theater. In fact, many of the details are fuzzy for me. Rather, my memories are tike flashes of lightning. The times I remember vividly are the times with Baba Himself.

My next memory is the next day at the birthday party. I think you all have seen the films of the birthday. My mother had ordered a beautiful garland of pink carnations for

Charles and me to give to Baba. As soon as Baba came, Charles and I ran up with the garland. Baba loqked so, happy and so surprised. He leaned over so that wrcoufdgarland him. He enfolded us in a big embrace, and then went over to take His seat. They had it all set up with a picnic table in front of Baba, and His chair opposite the table. Well, of course Charles and I immediately plopped down in the best seats in the house, nearest to Baba at the end of the picnic table. First, everyone greeted Baba and went up to get a hug. Baba began serving lemonade.

Somebody was taking Polaroid photographs of Baba. They started to pile up on the table in front of me and I began looking at them. The woman who was taking the photographs said, "Would you like to take them up to Baba to show them to Him?" Delighted to have an excuse to go up to Baba, I reached over and, without thinking, took the top photograph to Baba. Baba admired it and had other people look. I went back to the table and got another photograph to show to Baba, and another and another. I must have gone up at least 10 times. Each time, Baba made a big thing about the photograph and each time I would get a pat or a kiss. All the photographs were pretty much the same, but Baba acted as though each was unique, showing them to Eruch and everyone. He made me feel very special. About the same time, I noticed that different people were

holding the umbrella over Baba. I watched the umbrella passing back and forth for a while. The more I watched, the more the longing grew inside me to hold the umbrella! Out of the blue, Baba looked over at me and gestured, "Would you like to hold the umbrella, Wendy?" "Oh yes, Baba." It never occurred to me to wonder how Baba would

know. I ran up to hold the umbrella. It felt as if time had stopped. Eventually, it must have begun to get heavy, because I remember having to hold it with two hands. I think it must have begun to drop, because Baba motioned for Jean Shaw to take the umbrella from me. Baba



thanked me for holding the umbrella. He gave me a little tweak and a kiss. It was so sweet of Baba, because I had wanted to do it so very much.

One lovely moment 1 remember - you know how Baba used to give prasad, a piece of candy or a piece of fruit. Each one went up individually. When it came my turn, Baba put it in my hand and then, with a very purposeful movement, He took my face in His hands and brought it up to kiss Him on His forehead. It was such a sweet, memorable gesture, but it happened so quickly that afterward, I wondered if I had imagined it. I later learned it had been captured on film. Another memory I have was of one day standing outside the Bam. Every day Baba would have large gatherings in the Bam. It was the one building that could hold everyone. But, children were not allowed to go to those programs. We were on the Center, and somehow I slipped away and ran to the Barn in the hope that I could see Baba. I stood by the door looking in. I knew I wasn't supposed to be there, so I didn't climb the steps. When Baba came out of the Bam, He looked so surprised but so happy to see me there, like "what are you doing here." And then Baba twinkled at me, as if to say "I know why you're here." He reached over and gave me a wonderful hug, which is what I had been hoping for. In all of this time, I never noticed Baba's silence. It seemed

so natural that Baba was using His hands. Every time He said anything to me I always understood what He was saying. I never noticed Eruch, even though he was there whenever I met Baba. I just remember Baba.

During this time, Kitty asked Baba about my mother and father's separation. Kitty said, "Baba, what about Jane and Charles (my father's name was Charles), what about the divorce?" Baba said, "The separation is final." Kitty said, "But Baba, what about the children's father?" Baba said, "Kitty, what do you mean? I am their father."

Baba left on May 30th. After He left, everything felt different, and everything was different. I don't remember what life was like before Baba, what life was like without

Him. Looking back, I realize that I didn't understand who Baba was. All I knew was that I loved Him with all my heart and that I wanted to stay with Him always. It wasn't until later that I came to realize that Baba was the Christ, and that I knew Him. And it wasnl until I became an adult

that I began to discover - I'm still discovering - what it means to love Baba and to try to live a life for Him.






BEGINNING THIS QUARTER, we are switching the scheduling of meetings Meher Baba meetings will be held on Saturday nights at the Albany Methodist



Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Albany except lorTHE FIRST FRIDAY OF

In His Song of the New Life, Meher Baba stated,

EVERY MONTH. Meetings on each first Friday will replace the otherwise scheduled Saturday night meetings. All programs begin at 8:00 PM sharp and normally end at 9:30 PM with time for visiting before and after the meeting. The Board welcomes your comments about the re-scheduling. To chock for program changes call (415) 8454339.

"Brotherliness of fellow feeling is a link that exists." Come explore ways we can establish that link in our lives. Meeting to be held at the home of Harold and Sue Jamison, 6934 Fairview, El Cerrito. Call

236-7993 for directions or to arrange for a ride from


El Cerrito BART.


bookstore will be present


An opportunity for friends and the

\ A—1

general public to make the


acquaintance of the Beloved.



\JjpA ^^

An exploration of the concept of sanskaras through Baba's words and group participation in a board game based on those words.

Meher Baba's sister-in-law Franey, the

widow of Adi K. Irani, Jr., will tell us of her experiences with Baba.


A program of silent movies of the Silent One, served with popcorn and a musical accompaniment by David Miotke.

Tonight's program is for children, with stories, songs, magic show and a film of the Beloved. Treats will be served.



Ron Greenstein and Darrell Rupe perform a concert of Baba songs - some old and familiar, some new and original. SATURDAY, SEPT 28 - INDIAN SUMMER INDIAN DINNER 7 PM!!

Come in your Indian garb, as Raj and Dee Mehta host an Indian evening at their home in Fremont. RSVP 790-7188 no later than Sept 21. Bring

Cindy will perform songs from her Keep Me Near album and other new material, offering a powerful musical tribute to


Meher Baba and His Beloved Mehera.


Paul Williams and John Nye invite all who wish to

come to a potluck dinner at their home in San Francisco. Call Paul or John at 668-2131 for directions.

beverages and please, no children. SPECIAL EVENTS AND NOTICES


More episodes in the drama of the Divine Romance, in which lovers tell how they came to love the Beloved.


Meetings in Nearby Cities

FRESNO: Meetings on Wednesday evenings from 7:308:30 PM. Call Sharon or Phil Scott: (209) 449-0877. SACRAMENTO: Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451.


Celebrate the 42nd anniversary of Meher Baba's New Life with a walk in Muir Woods, followed by a


Dhuni at Muir Beach. Meet at 3 PM at the entrance to Muir Woods. Call 668-2131 for details.

President.Darrell Rupe • Vice President, Alexandra Cons • Secretary, Roman Babiak • Treasurer, Jack Mormon • Office



^TA \f*r

Tonight's showing of the Perfect One's

images will include the 1932 Paramount newsreel, the Ancient One and Avatar.

Manager, Fred White. Board of Directors: Soussan Adham • Roman Babiak •

Alexandra Cons • Harold Jamison • Raj Mehta • Darrell Rupe • Paul Williams

Newsletter published by AlexandraCons, Keith Gunn and Lisa Greenstein


All are welcome to gather for Arti at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein each Sunday at 10 AM. Phone: (415) 525-3364. Arti is also performed every Sunday at Her mann Loew's home in Petaluma. For information, call

Hermann at (707) 778-1195. Board Meetings Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board meetings

are open to all members. Call Darrell Rupe for the dates and times of meetings at 527-7713. Meher Baba Information

Interested in helping with the Baba-work at "The Box"? Call Sheryl / Rick Chapman for details (415) 562-1101. Discourse Meetings


Join us each Thursday for an evening of reading and discussing Baba's Discourses. Tea and cookies after ward. Location: home of Louise Barrie and Dick Anthony (524-1440). Reminder

There are sometimes last minute changes in the meeting schedule. Please check the answering machine at the office, (415) 845-4339 for up-to-date information. Trustwaila

Our trustwaila is Jack Mormon. All who wish to share in

fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jack at P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.


of Northern California, Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704








VOL. 22


Hamburger or no hamburger, the "Eatand Run" drive-in was a BAD place. Forbid den. It was the only place in town we couldn't go. It was rumored that they even served horsemeat! If you ever so much as looked at it, horrible things would hap pen to you. BAD people go there. GOOD


/ think many ofus whofollow Baba butdid not know ofHim when we wereyoung, have stories ofHis touching our lives in childhood.

Here's oneofmine:

I was born in San Franciscoand spent my earlychildhood in MenloPark. One weekend, my grand mother, who lived in San Francisco, took my sister and me to her apartmentfor a visit. I was five and my sister was three. After a day there, I think our rambunctiousness gotto her, because the next day, Grandmother announced that we were going for a drive in the country. She was a real nature fanatic, and as we drove over the Golden Gate

Bridge into Marin County, she kept pointing out things like the bay, the cliffs, the gulls. "Oh look, girls, there's a redwood!" My sister and I would look for a minute and then go back to playing in the back seat. The gor geous woods and meadows of Marin were lost on us. I don't remember a bit of it. But as we drove down the

main street of a small Marin town, suddenly I spotted something fantastic. It was a huge neon sign in the shape of a hamburger with 150 written on the burger. Very realistic. Tremendously exciting. Extremely BIG! I shrieked and pulled my sister over to the window. "Look at that! It's a big hamburger!" We got so excited. We just couldn't get over it—a huge, garish neon hamburger hanging in the sky. We stared until it was out of sight and then talked about it all the rest of the weekend. Poor Grandmother.

Some time later, our family moved to Kentfield. We kids were nervous and anxious about the change. You can imagine our delight when, driving down the main street of our new town for the first time, we saw—you guessedit—the BIG HAMBURGER. Wow, what a cool place! We were suddenly thrilled about the whole thing. However, things were not as rosy as they seemed. Our parents immediately caught on to our obsession with the

Big Hamburger and the drive-in it advertised, and we were told that we were never, never to set foot there.

people only eat at Woodlands Restaurant, across the street near the grocery store (boring, believe me!).

The school board obviously felt the same way about the "Eat & Run" as our parents did. The drive-in was right next to the school, separated only by a chain-link fence, but was strictly off-limits to all the children. But how could they expect a chain-link fence to shield us from the fascination of the "Eat & Run?" At lunchtime we

kids would hang on the fence trying to get our fill of "badness." Bikers with beards and Harleys would roar in and we would stare at them and the blondes with their

beehive hairdos and tight red pants. If the bikers left, we could always gawk at the teenagers in their souped-up hot rods. They would race around the parking lot and then get out and lounge against their cars smoking ciga rettes. It was heaven-I mean, you just couldn't find anything anywhere that was badder! I knew my brother was truly out of my parents' control the day I saw him having a milkshake with his gang at the "Eat & Run." Oh how I envied him, daring to enter the Underworld, while I resisted, terrified of being metamorphosed into BAD. To my parents, it was Babylon. For me, it was the most interesting place in our little town. People actually wore black there (I was dying to wear black, just once!). And they rode around on fast, sleek shiny machines (I could only ride my blue Schwinn). And they drank milkshakesout of generous, oversized paper cups (Wood land Restaurant served their milkshakes in puny little glasses). It had such a grip on my psyche that even years later when I came back to Kentfield from college, I felt the pull of the "Eat & Run". I couldn't resist—I wentfor a milkshake. But I was so nervous I could hardly drink it. The "Forbidden Zone" was still off-limits to me. Continued on backpage

" ©1992

Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, onern r\ieison

Trustwaila: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)


Years went by. I moved to India, and one day I was in thetrustofficecompoundhangingaroundwithAdi (Adi K. Irani) in his room. Adi was tellingjokes and stories, and we were having fun, when suddenly I remembered that he was with Baba in 1958 when Baba went to Lud

Dimpfl's homein Kentfield. Babawason Hiswayfrom MyrtleBeach to Australia with the mandali. They had a one-day stopover in San Francisco, and Baba decided

tospendthenightat Lud'shouse. JoanieDimpfl-Harland can tell you all about it. Anyway, Adi and I started

talking about that visit, and I told Adi thatI grew upin Kentfield, in fact, right down the street from Lud.

"Oh," said Adi. "I'll neverforget that place. You see,

poor L^wasn^t^repared^orBaba's visit, as all the fam ilyhad gone tobe with Him inMyrtle Beach. And now" Baba was coming to his house and nothing was ready forHim. But Babawanted to go there, so we wenL Of course, there wasn't any food in the house, so Lud and I

got in thecar and went out to buy some food for Baba. But it was some holiday and all the stores were closed.

Nothing was open in town, so finally we ended up at this fast-service food place. I think we got a milkshake for Baba and some finger chips (french fries) for the mandali. That place had the funniest name. Let me see, whatwas it? 'Run & Pay?' 'Eat & Go?' 'Go & Take?'"

"Adi," I said, gasping, Icouldn't believe what was hap pening. I could hardly speak. "Adi, do you mean the 'Eat & Run?"

ening it all, redeeming

it allVgfljoyXog His milkshake

from the "Eat & Run."

Jai Baba!


Maybe some of you remember those calendars that

Richard Deane had printed up in the late 70's or early 80's. Aboveeachmonthwasa bigcolorpictureof Baba, different shots from His 1956 visit to the West. When I

moved to Meherabad I put one of those calendars on the

wallin our room, by the side of my desk.

One day I was sitting at mydeskand feeling very low. It was an old, familiar kind of "lowness" and I started

examining it, trying to figure out where it came from

andwhatit wasabout. After sometime,! hada memory of feeling just that waywhen I was six years old. This made mesad, andI began to feel sorry forthatlittle sixyear-old, so confused and lost. And all of a sudden, I

felt upset with Baba, and inmymind started asking Him, "Where wereyou whenI was so helpless andconfused? Yousayyoulove me—where wereyou whenI wassix years old?"

Justas I had this thought, I wasstartled bysome sound at my side and I looked up. It was just a bird outside, but my glance fell on that calendar. There was Baba, standing nearCoitTower, smiling. And there was the San Francisco Bay. And what was that land mass be yond thebay,behind Baba? Oh mygoodness, it'sMarin

"That's it!" Adi beamed, "It was the TEat & Run!'"

County! Where I lived! Yes, where I lived. In 1956. When I was six years old.

It wasso fantastic I couldhardly graspit ThenI started laughing. Therewasmypsyche's Denof Darkness, and

Babareached right out of thatcalendarto tell me: "See,

in the middle ofitsat Beloved Baba smiling atme, light

I was there, I was right there loving you all along."

Itwas one ofthose transcendent moments, beyond time.



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235


Berkeley, California 94704




SPRING 1992 VOL.22


group not unlike that early group Some like wavering Peter,

In remembrance ofKitty's passing at 4:50am, December 3rd 1991,vieare reprinting excerpts from "Comecmd See", anarticle she wrote for the Meher BabaJournal in

some with the weakness but the supreme loveand faithof Mary Magdalene; somefilled with the caresof the household likeMartha, some like Mary— calm and never ruffled, look ingup at her Masterwith eyes that tell howshe understands, everready to respond to His mood, everthoughtful of His hu manneeds and not worrying Him with her littlecares and troubles after a weary day'swork. HowJesus musthave loved that thoughtfulness forHishumanside, forweknowthat He

1938. M/iermmxiuctJbn to Love Afonefreti^, Kitty Davy reminisces about uniting mis article: "Baba had ashed each ofustocontribute anarticle toa new magazmemmxpressujm ofom first experiences of ashram life....when the final day amiefor handing myor' tide to Baba, alas, ldidnothaveit finished—my excuse ormood being that Iwasnota writer buta music teacher!

1was still at tiw typewriter when Baba appeared at the door

totake myattempt, which Ihad entitled "Come and See." Bobawaahedovermyshouldaun^ pleted, then with a beamingsmile He gathered the papers together and left. Later the thought occurred dm perhaps Baba was indicating a time would come when Iwould feel the responsibility toshare my writings with others — not toemphasize myownpersonal experiences butfor the unfolding ofone more aspect of Beloved Baba, one more saying ofHis, one more example from Meher Baba's aC'

tionsforusail." Come And See

"Comeand seethe Acropolis at Athens,,"writes one enthusi ast to his friend at home. "Come and see the Ellora Caves,"

writes another; "to see these alone is worth a trip to India." "Comeand secthe famous masterpieces in Florence; their beauty will leavea lastingimpression,' writesa third. Many mere arc ever readyto spend their savings, their

earnings, theirfortunes on thesedifferent quests; but how few areeverprepared to spend timeor money on die Quest ofthe spirit which seeks forthe perfection of beauty that is manifested in the human-divine form — the vision of Divine Love

some like doubting Thomas, some with the intuition ofJohn,

was indeed tired at times.

Todaycan be observed a little scenenot unlikethat of 2,000years ago. Meher Baba, our beloved Master, coming up the hill in the midday tropical sun and, before He hashad timeto enter hisroom, being besieged by one wanting a letter to be signed, another with some petty grievance, an other with somedomesticmatter of no importance, and MeherBaba patientlylistening, not turningaway, weary and tired though He be afterbathingand feeding die god-mad down below....

Up on die hill live the womenfrom the West, sharingnow in closest detail the lifeof the Eastern group, who have been heresince its foundation. The youngest memberof the group isMeherBaba's own sister, Mani. All livean activeand busy life, secluded only in the sensethat — exceptfordie Mas ter— no men enter die precincts. Outside the boundary wall is the women's hospital,a few stepsonly fromthe sacred spot where Meher Baba has gone into seclusion formonthsat a time,and whichpreviously was the siteof the PremAshram. Such are the surroundings of Meher Baba's earthyspiritual

home, the atmosphere ofwhich is beyond comparison. One speaks from experience, havingonly recently returned from a six-months tour pf India, visiting duringthat period the rec ognized spiritual places, and returningto this place—set on a holy hill— to breathe again with joyinexpressible the purenessof itsair, the freshness of its breezes and the beautyof Di vine Loveand Peacewoven into everygrain of itssoul. This

SaidOne longago,"Come and see,"in answer to Hisdis ciples' question, "wheredwellestThour They came, they followed, they forsook all and foundthe "pearlof great price."

ties; die place ofpilgrimagefor die future.

Today, nearly 2,000 years later, thissame Voice spoke to a litde group in answer to thesame question, saying: "Come

to Him through love. One whosays, "I have onlylove to

andsee." They obeyed and are here— a small groupgath ered from all partsof the world; not in Nazareth, but in a spot not very different — Meherabad — situatedon a hill looking downuponthe village of Arangaon to the south and to the northAhmednagar, the famous military fort of pastdays. A

giveand all I want is love." One who does not promise his followers earthly happiness, but who says nevertheless, "Be happy, be cheerful. Do not worry, do not brood." Thus teaching from the very beginning that self-mastery holds the golden keyto DivinePerfection. (continuedon tie tackewer)

isMeherabad, die radiating centerof allMeherBaba's activi What have weseen? One, likeJesus, who drawsfollowers





Many Baba Lovers in the Bay Area have expressed interest in finding ways to increase thesense ofcommunity, During the past year, several efforts have been made to find ways toover come feelings ofdistance among us. Two fellowship meetings were scheduled last year to discuss


Asaresult ofthefellowship meetings agroup of parents met and set in motion a scheduleof children's activitieson the

4th Sunday ofeach month. Families with children will par ticipate inactivities coordinated bythe parent(s) incharge that month. A committee was formed to work with children

ways to improve the sense of community. The success of

onskits. Also, meetings are being planned for older children.

these meetings led to asuccession of fellowship meetings.

February 23,1992 -2:00 - 4:00 PM

Participants favored engaging in goal directed activities (such

as last year's "Being IsDying ByLoving" musical) and more intimategatherings in people's homes (suchasthe Discourse

meetings). Participants also wanted an"Information Cen-

jra!" for activities and gatherings.^


In responsethe Boardestablishedthe Meher BabaNetwork. Ron Greenstein(510-525-3364) and Dick Anderson (510-930-

8319) volunteered to direct people to activities and to gather names ofpeople interested in participating innewactivities. Here are theresults todate ofthese efforts and asummary of activities already in progress innorthern California. Ifyou wantto participate, call the contaa person listed below. If you wantto start a new activity, or add your nameand inter eststo the data bank, callRon Greenstein or Dick Anderson. NEWACnviTIES

Children's Baba Birthday Party Harding ParkClub House C Street, El Cerrito

Thiswill bea potluck. Birthday cake and activities pro vided. CoordinatDn SueJamison 510-236-7993.

March 29,1992 - allday (fifthSunday o£the-m©nrh)~

If enough parents express interest, plans will also bemade to spend Saturday nightata Monterey motel. Coordination Lisa Greenstein 510-525-3364.

April 26,1992 Callfor detailsanddirections. Coordinator:UrsulaVanBuskirk 510-947-0495

May 24,1992 Callfor details and directions. Coordinators: Sue Jamison 510-236-7993 and Erniko Larson 510.526-2309.

A children's phone tree is beingformed. Tobe included coll Rome


Be apair oflegs ina"Blue Bus" entry intheMay race orhelp with theconstruction. Leave a message at415-845-4339.

Eastxnan-Gannettat (510) 649-0433 ACTTAHTIES IN PROGRESS:


Help create acalendar of important events in Baba's life, with


quotes, photos,etc Proceeds will support the Avatar Meher

Thisgroup puts on at least two performances a year - onein June and onein December for the Holidays, ContaaRaine

BabaCenter ofNorthern California Contact Roman Babiak at 510-273-9426.


-, .v..-—-.

This will bea facilitated workshop for Baba Lovers toen hance our capacity as acommunity to share and experience contact, trust, andlove.. Our goal isto become less defen sive and isolated from each other. The workshop will take place on a weekendin June (dates to be announced.). More information will be available at a later date. SAILING ON THE BAY

Renting asailboat for weekend cruising withagroup of BabaLubbers. Contact BradMandell at 510-223-4002. THEATER GROUP

Participate in creating a Baba play andbeing part ofthe pro duction. Call Debbie Tyler at 707-554-8535


Trip to Monterey Aquarium

Eastman-Gannett at 510-649-0433.


.-. ." ..-.-'.

If youwantto> help disseminate information aboutBaba to people worldwide, then youcanvolunteer time at"The Box". ContactRick orSheryl Chapman at 510-562-1101. MEN'SMEETING

A men's support group hasbeen in progress for almost two years in the Berkeley area. ContactJoe Elia at 510-236-4479. SMALL GROUP GATHERINGS

An outgrowth ofthe fellowship meetings are semi-monthly gatherings heldat homes, Flexible formats involve informal sharing,of experiences in Baba's Love. Contact Greensteins at510-525-3364. Next meeting isFebruary 28tJi«7:15 PM atthe norland's in El Cerrito. Call 510'234'9M7f6rdkections.

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. President, Darrell Rupe - Vice President, Alexandra Cons - Secretary, Roman Babiak -Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Soussan Adham, Roman Babiak, Alexandra Cons, Harold Jamison, Raj Mehta, Darrell Rupe, Paul Williams. Newsletter: Roman Babiak, Alexandra Cons, Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson, Trustwaila: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701) ©«wr^i^ Araj^MeterBa6aCenfflrrfAfc/tf»niCaaima

Ah EVENTS FOR SPRING 1992 Meher Baba events are held onSaturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERYMONTH unlessother

wise indicated below.

0 Bookstore © Childcare

TIMES- Events start at8:00PMandnormafly endby 9:30 PM unless otherwisenoted.

LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church isat the corner ofMarin and

Stannage, two blades east ofSan Pablo Avenue in Albany (Norm ofBerkeley) Take the Albany exitfrom Interstate 80. To check forprogramchanges call 510-845-4339. FBLMARCH6 SHIREEN BONNER

The daughter ofBaba's brotherAdi tells stories abouther UncleBaba and growing up in a Baba family in England. SAT. MARCH 7 - 7:00 PM POT LUCK DINNER WITH SHIREEN AND

JAYBONNER The Bonners requested thischance to visitinformally. The dinner will be held in Fremont at the Mehta's home. Call

Rajor Damyanti to RSVPand fordirections- 510-790-7188


(WTTHHORS D'OEUVRES) Exercise yourrightto vote in the newboardand approve

this year's budget Enjoy hors d' oeuvres hosted by the outgoing boardwhilehearing a recapoflastyear's accomplishments.


Join us in a tribute to her lifeof loveand service, and the spontaneous goodness that enriched, byexample, the hearts of many BabaLovers. Possible film or tapeofKitty.




Hearthe "Baba Stories" of some fellow Bay Area Baba Lovers and marvelat the intricate workings of Divine Love. FRLMAY1 FTLMNIGHT

Recover from me workweekbygazing at the Divine Be lovedin IrwinLuck's film"AvatarOf The Age."


Twodistinctvocal and guitarstyles blendand balance in loveforBeloved Baba. Darrell Rupeand Ron Greenstein givea concertoforiginal songs and Baba favorites. SAT. MAY 16 - 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM -FLEA MARKET FUNDRAISER FriendsMeetingHall Vineand Walnut in Berkeley

HELP WANTED - to collect, price andsell. Experience the joy ofdrudgery andraise funds fortheAvatar Meher Baba Center of Northern California.. To contribute items or time call Roman Babiak at 510-273-9426. SAT MAY 23

BABA, SPORTS AND SPIRITUALITY Learn aboutthe games and sports Baba played aridwhathe said aboutthe spiritual significance ofsome of them. SAT. MAY 30 - Noon to Exhaustion PICNIC WITH GAMES BABA PLAYED Cordonices Park

1301 EuclidAve. at Eunicein Berkeley

Pot Luck food and drinks - bringyourown meatforthe grills. Gameslike7 Tiles,Ati Pad, Gill Danda, Cricket, etc. Alsoa children's playground and the Berkeley Rose Garden.

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - SundayMornings -10:00 AM


Arti and singing.

The pleasure of the Beloved's presence in "The Ancient One"and "Stay With MeherBaba" - plus popcorn.

Contact the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM "Discourses" reading and discussion.

Contact Louise Barrie or DickAnthony at 510-524-1440.


An eveningfreefromparenting. Entertainmentforall of Beloved Baba's children. Young and old will enjoy thisspe cial program- sweets and refreshments served.




JAMIE NEWELL CONCERT ArUngfon Community Church 52Arlir^onAixnxieinKemingum Love forthe Beloved expressed in the country blues of this Nashville singer-songwriter. Suggested donation$10.00 SAT. APRIL 18 ATRUSTUPDATE

A look at the inner workingsof the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Trust • its accomplishments over the years.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30to 8:30 PM Arti,and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scottat 209-449-0877

Palo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Contact the MacDonalds at 415-322-0886

Petaluma- Sunday Mornings-11:00 AM

Arti, readings, arid fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Singing,readings from "LordMeher", and food. Contact die Busfields at 916-448-4264

Ifyour regulariy scheduled locdmeetmg is r^^ call 510'273-9426 togetit into the nextnewsletter.

(Continued bom front cover)


Picture Mchcr Baba with His group of men and women disciples and withouteven the spoken word notingtheirev ery frown, every anxiety,every thought and feeling, andper haps in front of all or taking one aside, spelling out on his board (His self-chosen means of communication): "What is wrong? What has upset you? Are you worrying about

anything?" There stands theSilentOne alongside you with Hisinfinitelove and knowledge,helpingto bringto the sur face andto have spoken out all the pent-up feelings, any of whicharc sanskaras from the pastas well asthe present,

some of which you arc noteven coascious of. And saying at theend:"Will you promise Me one thing? You say you love me. You say you want to pleaseMe and to see Me happy. Then remember, be happy and do not worry. I will help you. I know all, I know how deep is your love. Just do as I say. Love Me, and leave the rest to me." R^Tf«taMtmlwlHi*8A;faRUbS^

Kitty's Valentine To Baba Sent February 14,1958

Greetings and JAI BABA - Followers of Avatar Meher Baba:

Forthe past two and half years I have been the 'Trustwaila".

That is the person designated by the community and then agreed uponby Mani Irani to collectmoney to be forwarded to India. The money that you donateto The AvatarMchcr BabaTrusthelps, and is used for, thenecessary ongoing work in India. These donations go to two distinctareas: 1. Money goes to support the resident persons and Mandali that Baba designated in His Trust Deed.

2. Ongoing work on projects thatBabanamed in His Trust Deed:

• Amartithi (and associated costs for Indian and for

eign Pilgrims), • Upkeep of Meherabad and The Samadhi (Baba's Tomb), • Purchase of property bordering oh Meherabad • Schools for village children, • Scholarships for village children, • Health clinics for local villagers, • A rural health clinic,

• Animal veterinary services for local farmers, • To

Baba My Valentine of the

Unending Past the Unending Present (heUnending Future to


with the Universal Heart of

Ageless Limitless Timeless LOVE to

BABA on His Birthday,February 25 a messageof Love That springs from His Heart That dwells within His Heart


All the donations that you give, go directlyto the Trust. The Trust is upholding Baba's orders for the work He set out in His Trust Deed.

You can helpThe Trust withthiswork by regularly (or when the feeling strikes) sending checks to the 'Trustwaila". When you give a donation, I will send you a receipt and also a prc-addressed envelope for your next donation.

To be involvedin the vital Baba Work, please forward your checksto the address below, or phone510-601-0569 for

more details. Make checks payable to "Jack Mormon." Jack Mormon PO Box 1250

Berkeley, California 94701 fml<™Akmf*m&3mi*f^C<t>WIMbrUitorSrfnWCailsr



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

:•-:''• ',•* , '^'::^".-. '•'• • '"": "•'','•'








VOL. 22


/ think many ofus whofollow Baba butdid not know ofHim when we were young, have stories ofHis touching our lives in childhood.

Here's one ofmine:

I was born in San Francisco and spent my early childhood in Menlo Park. One weekend, my grand mother, who lived in San Francisco, took my sister and me to her apartment for a visit. I was five and my sister was three. After a day there, I think our rambunctiousness gotto her,becausethe next day, Grandmotherannounced that we were going for a drive in the country. She was a real nature fanatic, and as we drove over the Golden Gate

Bridge into Marin County, she kept pointing out things like the bay, the cliffs, the gulls. "Oh look, girls, there's a redwood!" My sister and I would look for a minute and then go back to playing in the back seat. The gor

geouswoods and meadows of Marin were lost on us. I don't remember a bit of it. But as we drove down the

main street of a small Marin town, suddenly I spotted something fantastic. It was a huge neon sign in the shape of a hamburger with 150 written on the burger. Very realistic. Tremendously exciting. Extremely BIG! I shriekedand pulled my sister over to the window. "Look at that! It's a big hamburger!" We got so excited. We just couldn'tget over it—a huge, garish neon hamburger hanging in the sky. We stared until it was out of sight and then talked about it all the rest of the weekend. Poor Grandmother.

Some time later, our family moved to Kentfield. We kids were nervous and anxious about the change. You

can imagine our delight when, driving down the main street of our new town for the first time, we saw—you

guessed it—theBIG HAMBURGER. Wow, what a cool place!We were suddenly thrilled about the whole thing. However, things were not as rosy as they seemed. Our parentsimmediately caught on to our obsession with the Big Hamburger and the drive-in it advertised, and we were told that we were never, never to set foot there.

Hamburger or no hamburger, the "Eat and Run" drive-in was a BAD place. Forbid den. It was the only place in town we couldn't go. It was rumored that theyeven served horsemeat! If you ever so much as looked at it, horrible things would hap pen to you. BAD people go there. GOOD people only eat at Woodlands Restaurant, across the street near the grocery store (boring, believe me!). The school board obviously felt the same way about the "Eat & Run" as our parents did. The drive-in was right next to the school, separated only by a chain-linkfence, but was strictly off-limits to all the children. But how could they expect a chain-link fence to shield us from the fascination of the "Eat & Run?" At lunchtime we

kids would hang on the fence trying to get our fill of "badness." Bikers with beards and Harleys would roar in and we would stare at them and the blondes with their

beehivehairdosand tight red pants. If the bikersleft,we could always gawk at the teenagers in their souped-up hot rods. They would race around the parking lot and then get out and lounge against their cars smoking ciga rettes. It was heaven-I mean, you just couldn't find anything anywhere that was badder! I knew my brother was truly out of my parents' control the day I saw him having a milkshake with his gang at the "Eat & Run." Oh how I envied him, daring to enter the Underworld, while I resisted, terrified of being metamorphosed into BAD. To my parents, it was Babylon. For me, it was the most interesting place in our little town. People actually wore black there (I was dying to wear black, just once!). And they rode around on fast, sleek shiny machines (I could only ride my blue Schwinn). And they drank milkshakes out of generous,oversizedpaper cups(Wood land Restaurant served their milkshakes in puny little glasses). It had such a grip on my psyche that even years later when I came back to Kentfield from college, I felt the pull of the "Eat & Run". I couldn't resist—I went for a milkshake. But I was so nervous I could hardly drink it. The "Forbidden Zone" was still off-limits to me. Continued on backpage

© 1992


Oh, Meher

Tell us how to be one heart with Yourmind.

We all know we want to grow into this some day, some lifetime, but, tell us how to do it now, today!!! Now is when we need thisgift. Now we are trying to make a new homefor You.

Now we are trying to arrive at Your will.

Now we are worrying about spiritual guidelines, members ofeach center and money. Now we are divided over words and ideas and visions.

Oh, Meher Tell us how to beone heart with Your mind andtellus quick!!! We all know wearepartof You, but why is it that the partwe are expressing is Your leela? —. to express Your harmonyt..

._ „,^^

..^_ .

We promise You; Once You have Your new home youmay play in Your mischievous way. Butnow, couldn't You give us the giftof Your clear-sightedness?

Oh, workers at the Project Mariposa Don't Worry. Justcall My name andI am there. Just call My name and I become the leader. But I like a little leela.

Much ofMy creation does not makeMe smile.

Sojustremember, itis Me being mischievous inyou and your dissenting neighbor. Ifyou remember this, then your giftofmaking Me smileis priceless. Don'tworry, you are speaking with one heart andwith Mymind.

Only I'm the ultimate ventriloquist and I speakfrom many sidesof the circle. Be reassured, you called Mynameand I became the leader.

Oh, future members ofthe Project Mariposa

My name was called andI became the leader.

Be in Mynewhome andgive methe giftof a smile. 2991,71 rebotcO ainorfilaC,asopiraM—XOBRAT A NOTE FROM DARRELL RUPE


As I was looking over our winter schedule, I realized


that many of our meetings have become individual per formances, although we have no stage. The talents of our group's performers seem to pull us together for Baba by our heartstrings. Every Baba lover is invited to join in the sharing by reading passages that have

Come celebrate Baba's birthday. Bring equipment for games of all sorts. Bring food to share.

brought inspiration, to express ideas or concerns or to contribute refreshments. I also invite all interested Baba

Lovers to come to the January 1st meeting so we may gather a broad spectrum of ideas for future programs which, do not forget, will include the 100th birthday celebration of our Beloved Meher Baba. -Jai Baba!

Coordinators: Lisa Greenstein 510-525-3364 Louise Barrie



Harding Park Corner of Ashbury & 'C St. El Cerrito a ^ 4

MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY


Everyone gets a turn to randomly select a question that was asked ofBaba, and to hear Baba's responses.

MONTH unless otherwise indicated below. TIMES- Events start

at 8:00 PMand normally end by 9:30 PMunless otherwisenoted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany MethodistChurch unless otherwise noted.

andStannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *


The church is at the corner of Marin


A reprise of last year's successful, entertaining per formances put on by the children for the adults. SAT. FEB. 20 - FUND RAISING CONCERT FOR MEHER MINORS

Margaret Bernstein in concert, playingmusic from her album "Full Circle," inspired by herjourneys to India.


An informal evening ofsharingimpressions, stories, and precious remembrances of our pilgrimages to Baba's Meharabad and Meherazad.

Children are

encouraged to participate.



All are welcome. RSVP to Pearsons (209) 966-5078.


PARTY 7:00 PM.


Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave. in Kensington. A special public gathering in memoryof the Beloved's99th birthday,complete with cake, films and entertainment


Baba's Musician's Musician gives us an evening of music inspired by the Beloved. *


Pleasebring appetizers or desserts to contribute to a festive evening. Raine Eastman-Gannettwill leadus in Christmas Carols. PROGRAM PLANNING MEETING 7:00 PM

Arti and singing. Contact the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM £ioct>wuiM reading and discussion. 510-524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

Diner and discussion about Baba Programs for the

Arti, and a varied program.

year to come. Everyone is welcome! Held at the home of Darrell Rupe and Soussan Adham, 3118 California St. Berkeley (510)549-3118.

Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877




Baba loved to have people dance for Him. Come prepared to create dances together. SAT. JAN 23 - GENERAL MEETING

Though notthe AnnualGeneral Meeting, thiswillbe ofinterest for all members. We will get an update on

the Mariposa project anddiscuss otherissues. V

El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM

Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at





On this special evening, we will gather in remem brance of Baba's dropping His body andjoin in the worldwidekeeping ofsilence from 9:30to 9:45 PM.

Los Gatos - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Contact Cherri Nelson at 415-325-2231

(The Palo Alto meeting has temporarilymoved to Los Gatos because Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald are in India!)

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Singing, readings from Lord Meher and food. Contact the Busfields at 916-448-4264.

Walnut Creek - Wednesday Evenings 8 to 9:30 PM Please call Helen Riehl 510-935-0167 or Gil

Shepard at 510-930-8670 for directions

Ifyourregularly scheduled localmeeting is not listed please call510-273-9426 to get it into thenext newsletter.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Hermann Loew• Vice President, Roman Babiak• Secretary. DebbyTyler• Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Soussan Adham. Roman Babiak, Noreen Graham, Laura Hogan, Hermann Loew, Dee Mehta, Darrell Rupe, Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, KeithGunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

Years went by. I moved to India, and one day I was in the trustoffice compound hanging around with Adi (Adi K. Irani) in his room. Adi was telling jokes and stories, and we were having fun, when suddenly I remembered that he was with Baba in 1958 when Baba went to Lud

Dimpfl's home in Kentfield. Baba was on His way from Myrtle Beach to Australia with the mandali. They had a one-day stopover in San Francisco, and Baba decided tospend the night at Lud's house. Joanie Dimpfl-Harland can tell you all about it. Anyway, Adi and I started talking about that visit, and I told Adi that I grew up in Kentfield, in fact, right down the street from Lud. "Oh," said Adi. "I'll never forget that place. You see,

poorLud wasn'tpreparedfor Baba's visit,as all the fam: iljTfiaTgone to be wlffiHimin MyrfleBeach. Andnow Baba was coming to his house and nothing was ready for Him. But Baba wanted to go there, so we went Of course, there wasn't any food in the house, so Lud and I got in the car and went out to buy some food for Baba. But it was some holiday and all the stores were closed. Nothing was open in town, so finally we ended up at

this fast-service food place. I think we got a milkshake for Baba and some finger chips (french fries) for the mandali. That place had the funniest name. Let me see, what was it? 'Run & Pay?' 'Eat & Go?' 'Go & Take?"'

"Adi," I said, gasping, I couldn't believe what was hap pening. I could hardly speak. "Adi, do you mean the 'Eat & Run?"

"That's it!" Adi beamed, "It was the "Eat & Run!'"

It was so fantastic I could hardly grasp it. Then I started laughing. There was my psyche's Den of Darkness, and in themiddleof it sat BelovedBabasmilingat me, light

ening it all, redeeming ing from the "Eat & Run

it allYgjrjoying His milkshake Jai Baba!


Maybe some of you remember those calendars that Richard Deane had printed up in the late 70's or early 80's. Above each month was a big color picture of Baba, different shots from His 1956 visit to the West When I

moved to Meherabad I put one of those calendars on the wall in our room, by the side of my desk.

One day I was sitting at my desk and feeling very low. It was an old, familiar kind of "lowness" and I started

examining it, trying to figure out where it came from and whatit was about-After some time,! had a memory

of feelingjust that way when I was six years old. This made me sad, and I began to feel sorry for that littlesixyear-old, so confused and lost. And all of a sudden, I felt upset with Baba, and in my mind started asking Him, "Where were you when I was so helpless and confused? You say you love me—where were you when I was six years old?"

Just as I had this thought, I was startled by some sound at my side and I looked up. It was just a bird outside, but my glance fell on that calendar. There was Baba, standing near Coit Tower, smiling. And there was the San Francisco Bay. And what was that land mass be yondthe bay, behind Baba? Oh my goodness, it's Marin County! Where I lived! Yes, where I lived. In 1956. When I was six years old.

It wasone of thosetranscendentmoments,beyondtime. Baba reached right out of that calendar to tell me: "See,

I was there, I was right there loving you all along."



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704









VOL. 22

shy, because there were so manypeople,


and then I realized that I would get to see Baba, to put it on Baba. So I came

by Wendy Haynes Connor

out from behind Baba and went around

The fall 1991 newsletter contains Wendy's account of her first meeting with

happy to see me. He leaned His head

the Avatar in 1958, when He came to

over so I could garland Him. And then

Myrrfe Beach. This second chapter is taken from the 1962 East'West Gathering.

He enfolded me in a wonderful embrace

to the front. Baba looked surprised and

In 1962 the news came that we had been waiting forsince 1958—that we could go to India to see Baba. This was to be the first East-West gathering. We were so thrilled, because Baba said that we would be able

to spend four days with Him. I was 11 by this time. One of the most exciting things about the trip was that I would get to miss three weeks of school. 1re member my friends and teachers thought I was very strange to go to India. Young girls didn't have mas ters in those days. By this time, I realized that I was going to see God in human form. I was feeling very in awe of seeing Baba and very

shy. The first daywe got to meet the women mandali. I couldn't believe how natural and loving they were.

They treated us like family. I was very lucky to be a child, because 1 got to spend time with the Girls in side Guruprasad. Thousands of people would be out back in the pandal, and Babawould be on the stage. I would often be behind Baba peeping out a little win dow that was inside the palace. I found out it was Mehera'slittle hiding place too. Mehera always liked to watch Baba as much as possible. She couldn't come out, of course, since she was in seclusion from men under Baba's order.

One day when I was looking out that little win dow at the back of Baba's head, Baba suddenly turned around and twinkled at me, as if to say, "What are

you doing? I know you're there!"1was so happy Baba noticed I was there. A few minutes later, Mani came

rushing up to me with a garland that somebody had brought. It was very beautiful, made out of jasmine flowers, and she asked me, "Would you like to take this to Baba, out on the platform?" At first I felt very

that seemed to last forever. Everybody disappeared, all those thousands of people. One morning, when Baba was seeing people in

small groups, the Girls dressed me up in a sari. This was my first sari, I'd never seen one up close. They wrapped it all around me and put makeup on my face, which was very exciting, and a little red dot on my forehead. They said, "goshow Baba!" I went out, and Baba was in the middle of something, but He stopped. He was so appreciative! He looked very pleased and said, "Wendy looks so beautiful, doesn't she?" And everybody had to agree, of course. I felt very happy. Another morning, Baba had arranged for a quawali singer, one of the best in India, to sing for the West erners. I tried every morning to get as close to Baba as possible. This morning I got the place of honor right next to Baba's chair on the floor. I settled in very comfortably, and then this womanbeganto sing. It was very hot in the room. As you can imagine, I began to get very drowsy. At 11 years old, I didn't appreciate this kind of music yet. It was rather "singsongy" and a little monotonous to my untrained ear, and as she went on I began to get more and more sleepy. I leaned next to Baba's chair, got comfortable, and suddenly I was out. I know I was asleep be cause suddenly I felt a nudge in my elbow. I sat up and looked at Baba and He gestured, "Don't you like the music?" with a twinkle in His eye. "Oh yes,Baba," 1 said, sitting up straight. It was so funny, when I think of Baba poking me. Of course, 1didn't go back to sleep again that day. While we were there, at one point, an image came

to my mind that has stayed with me. I felt as though we were inside a bubble, all of us, the whole East-









Enclosed in this newsletter are tickets for our Fly-toIndia Sweepstakes. Please return your ticket stubs and checks to participate in this exciting event. Your

A group of parents have set in motion a schedule of activities for children and families, generally on the 4th Sunday of each month. Meetings are also being planned for older children.

donation to the Meher Baba Center of Northern

California isgreatly appreciated and helps to support our working together in His love. The Drawingwill be held July 19 at the Garden Party for Bhau Kalchuri at the home of Keith and Jan Gunn. For further in formation, call (510) 845-4339. Additional tickets can be purchased at meetings. COMMUNITY BUILDING WORKSHOP

Saturday, June 13, 8 AM-6 PM and Sunday,June 14, 9AM-1PM Berkeley Conference Center Parlor Room, 2105 Bancroft Way Facilitator's fee and room rental cost to be divided

among the participants.

An Ad Hoc committee of people interested in doing a facilitated Community BuildingWorkshop emerged from recent fellowship meetings.The purpose, briefly, is to expand our trust and understanding of one another's hearts, become more loving and apprecia tive of our diversity, as well as experience the truth that Baba is the basis for our unity—yes, we want to warm up!

If you would like to reserve a space in the workshop (deposit required), phoneJoe Elia at 236-4479. Space islimited to 50 people (room capacity). Reserve early!

June 28 - Origami Workshop 1:00 - 3:00 PM Annie & Vem Stovall's home

Call (510) 938-2126 for directions

Come create papercritterswith EmikoLarson

July 12 * Pool Party and Potluck Lunch 10.-00-12:00 PM meet at Livorna Pool in Walnut Creek 12:00 - 2:00 PM Potluck lunch at Home ofcoordinator

Annie Stovall (510) 93^-2126

August"23r«Tun at Lafayette Reserv61r~liO0 PM Pedal boats • Rowboats** Children'sPlayground Meetat the pedal-boats and bringfood to share. Co-ordinaton Karen Talbot (510) 376-4325


Informal gatherings are held semi-monthly, in north Bay Area homes, for fellowship, sharing, singing. Flexible formats. Contact Greensteins for next time

and location (510) 525-3364. LOCAL MEETINGS

El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM Arti and singing. Contact the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM GodSpeaks reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrieor Dick Anthony at 510-524-1440

Fresno * Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti, and a variedprogram.


We want to offer space in upcoming newsletters for drawings, poetry or other writing inspired by Meher Baba. You are encouraged to submit material for the feature to: Lisa Greenstein

600 Albemarle

El Cerrito, CA 94530 We cannot guarantee inclusion in the "most next"

newsletter and publishing is at the art director's and editor' discretion.

Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

Palo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Contact the MacDonalds at 415-322-0886

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Singing, readings from"Lord Meher", and food. Contact the Busfields at 916-448-4264

Walnut Creek - Wednesday Evenings 8 to 9:30 Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepardat (510) 930-8670 for directions

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not

listed please call 510'273*9426 to get it into the next newsletter.



MEETINGS - Meher Babaevents are heldon Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

startat 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other



in order to allow for food purchasing. SAT. JUNE 27 - BRING YOUR OWN BRABAZON

wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany


Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at

Come and bring your favorite Francis Brabazon

the comer of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Al bany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339.

poem, ghazal, play, songorstory toshare aswe sample the diversity of art forms of Baba's poet. FRIDAY JULY 3


Theboard ofdirectors invites thecommunity toagutta meeting. We want to provide an opportunity for every

bodytoactivelyparticipate inthe meetingand toexpress their views about programs, meetings in general and anything else concerning the group.. The name comes from theManzil EMeem period, inJanuary 1923, when Meher Baba proposed go themandali livingattheMan zil thata nighdy meeting should be held at whichevery onecould freely express himself, regarding "domestic" matter, followed bysome entertainment The Gutta meeting will be a time when there is no 'regular program'. Everyone isencouraged to attend and to bring instruments, ideas and enthusiasm. It is an experiment and an opportunity to improve com

munications and alsoto promote a warm andfriendly atmosphere. The Gutta meeting is not a general business meeting, nor is it just a discussion group. Gutta means WINESHOP. Ideally, what will hap pen at such a meeting is that people will come together and explore things that can bring uscloser to Baba and to sip the wine of His love while weare together asa group. SAT. JUNE 13 - FILM NIGHT.

Come and join in on Meher Baba's 1956 United States tour.


Dee Mehta will teach us her authentic recipes for: Thor Ke Dal, Onion Pulao, Gobi (cauliflower), Puris

and Chai. Only those attending the class ($15 do nation) will share in the meal that follows.

Reservations must be made by Tuesday, June 16th

No meeting scheduled, as manywill be at the LA. Sahavas Program. FRIDAY JULY 10 (NOT SATURDAY!) SILENCE DAY REMEMBRANCE.

For those who wish to gather in observance of the 67th anniversary of Baba's silence, Baba's sadhra

will be on display from 4 PM to 9:30 PM for gar landing, meditation, and contemplation. Silentfilms willbe shown beginning at 8 PM. SAT. JULY 18 - BHAU SPEAKS Bhau Kalchuri has been one ofMeher Baba's mandali

since 1952. He was Baba's night watchman for many years, and has written numerous books on Baba, including the multi-volumeepic Lord Meher. Bhau has spent much of his life in the Lord's wineshop, so don't miss this opportunity to share the wine of the Beloved.


Garden Party with Bhau at the home of Keith and Jan Gunn 52 Charles Hill Rd., Orinda (TakeHwy. 24 to exit St. Stephens, go North sideof Hwy., take access road toward Walnut Creek. Turn left at

Charles Hill Rd. Watch the signscarefully. SATURDAY JULY 25

No meeting scheduled as many of us will be at Bhaustock III in Mariposa (July 24 -July 26). AUGUST

There will be no meetings during the month of August. For other meetings, see "Local Meetings".

Special Note: Ben Leet isorganizing weekend hikes during the month of August. Dust off your hiking boots and call him at (510) 834-2321 to join.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Hermann Loew • Vice President, Roman Babiak • Secretary, Debby Tyler • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Soussan Adham, Roman Babiak, Noreen Graham, Laura Hogan, Hermann Loew, Dee Mehta, DarrellRupe, Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

(Continued from page I)

West Gathering, a huge bubble floating in space and suspended in time. It came from that feeling of timelessness with Baba. Everything had stopped and it wasjust Baba. The lastofficial day, wewere offered a finalembrace from Baba. When it came my turn, I got about arm's lengthfrom Baba, when,forsome reason 1stopped and looked into Baba's eyes. At that moment,everything in the roomdisappeared. I disappeared, and there was just thisexperience of loveflowing between us in a circle of love, but I wasn't there. Just Baba was there. It was so

powerful that I felt myself starting to fall. Then sud denly thatsensation was gone. At that moment, I looked upand found that I was stillstanding in the same spot. Batawistdot^^ in His eye, asifto say"What did youthink of that?" I wentforward to embrace Baba. Later that morning when Baba said good-bye, He picked up the hem of his garment in His hands and said, "Hold fast to my damaan with both hands. Don't let go." The last thing I saw was the hem of Hisgarment flitting around the corner. It stays in my mind, just a little flickerof white. The next two days were taken up with going to Meherazad and Meherabad. When we came back to

Pune, to our amazement Baba sent word that we could goseeHim one moretime. We couldn't believeit! Baba said we could meet Him at Bund Gardens at 7:30 the

next morning. We were so thrilled to have one more glimpse. The next morning, weall assembled under the Neem tree at BundGardens,and Babasat there looking so beautiful. They had brought a chair forBabato sit in. I don't remember Babasayinganything. We simply sat

together in silence. It was as if all the noise in Pune stopped. There was not a sound.We sat forI don't know howlong. Then Babastoodup to go,and beganto make Hiswayslowly to the car. I wanted verymuch to get up close to Baba one last time, because I felt in my heart that we wouldn'tsee Baba this way again. Somehow, I found myself pushed to the back of the crowd, and I couldn't get close to Baba. The harder I tried, the more I gotpushed back.I remember feeling so panicked. Sud denlythe crowd partedand I found myselfbythe car,on the sideopposite Baba by the driver. Baba wasn'tlook ingat me. and the car was moving. I was crying bythis time.Suddenly Baba turned and looked at me. I heard Himsaywith the inner voice, "Don't be sad, Wendy, I will always be with you," and the car pulled away. I feel that Babahas always been with me. It isI who absentmyselffrom Him;I hacfrolearrrandanrstiffteam-ingwhatit means tolovcfiaba and to livea life for Him. I feel it's a daily process, an unfolding within, and that with every effort I make to please Baba, no matterhow small, that with that effort,. Baba's voicebecomes clearer and clearer. I often think of Baba's work in the New

Life, and what a miracle it is that He created through His own example this path of love. Baba has made it possible foreach of us to find Him within, and if wecan be alert to His voice within, we can please Him more and more. In essence this means putting ourselves aside more and more and putting Him first more and more, until He becomes the only focus in our lives. I've often heard people ask,"How do we love Baba now that He's gone?" Ofcourse the answer isobvious- Baba isn'tgone, but I think that part of the struggle we have is going thoughthe painof tryingto find Him within.And learn ingto live for Him alone, just for Him.



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704









FALL 1992


thensaid, "Baba loves him verymuch"was


all I ever needed to hear. All of the book


reading and all of the discussions and all of the meetingsand all of the talksare all icingon the cake. Knowing and accept ing His love was the key. 1 could never

This istranscribedfrom Andy Muir talking at the LASahavas in 1992. Andy came toBaba in the -1940s, fastmeeting Baba inthe body on May 17, 1952. In response to the question, "When did you first realize that Baba was who He said He was!" Andy gave a somewhat unexpected answer, asfollows:

love someone in the abstract. I had to

meet Him, it was necessary to have His

I didn't realize He was who He said He was until I actu

ally met Him. 1 accepted intellectually the concept of His being God, and the basis of that was that I felt that this man would never lie to me. That wasthe only proof that I had or needed, but I didn't realize that my accep

tance ofthatfact hadbeen purely intellectual until Ifound myselfembracing Him intheBarn at Myrtle Beach, look ing into His eyes. Then the fact that He was God was completely unimportant to me. It is a strange paradox that at the very moment I was totally convinced beyond all doubt that He wasGod, it didn't matter anymore. My

level ofacceptance of Him was His humanity and I was totally satisfied with His humanness. That was as far as 1

could go, because I am human and I can only respond to humans ashumanbeings. I couldn'tpossibly understand what a saint is, let alone who God is. But I said after I met Him that I didn't care if He was the garbage man, that I loved Him and that was all that mattered to me.

Baba taught me the lesson of unconditional love, the kind of love a parent will give to a child. I had never known that in my life. It was so remarkable that when I first saw this man whom I had never seen before, I just ran into His arms and grabbed Him in an embrace. He didn't allow me to think about meeting God or meeting

an important person. He took that all out of my mind before I went intothe Barn. It'squiteamazing to me that eventhen, Hewas taking careofmy thinking. My great estmoments withBaba have always been when mymind was not involved. Consciousness, yes, but no thinking

process. The feeling and remembrance of that meeting whenBaba said of me, "He loves Baba very much," and

physical presence and to see him withmy physical eyes. My love for Him would otherwise never have gone be yond a concept, an idea. Butnow, overthe years, Hehas shown me His infinite compassionand care in so many

ways. I know from the pattern of my life that I couldn't possibly have been worthy of that unconditional love. He told us one time in the Barn, "The idea of anyone

being worthy of My love is an insult to God" because the person who could say thatcould notbe aware ofthat unconditional love. At one time, prior to meeting

Him,I had written a letter to Baba in whichI said that I

hoped to become worthy of His love. I put it that way because 1 knew 1 would be doing really well to be

worthy ofany person's love, letalone God's. IntheBarn, I felt Baba was speaking directly to me.

Now you see how wonderful it was to hearHim in at our first meeting saying that I loved Him and He loved me. It solved everything. All of the doubts and worries and intellectual concerns that came to me later were mean

ingless inthe light ofthat. He also told other peopleother things thatwere just exactly what they needed to hear. As a child, obedience always meant something that 1 would avoid ifI possibly could, because it meantI hadto dosomething that I wouldn'twant to do. Butobedience with Baba is doing something out of love that brings us

joy and happiness. It's also a gift from Him. There is no way we can obey Him except by His grace. Ifwe could only see allourtrials and tribulations asa manifestation ofHislove. It sounds crazy, but it'strue. Many times, the things we work for and strive for in life areactually poi son, the toxic waste ofthe spiritual path. His love is the Continued on back page







Allare invitedfora weekend of tent camping, barbecu ing, and/or hiking. We have reservations for 30 in the Yosemite Valley for two nights (Friday and Saturday). Space is limited, so please reserve early. Cost: $6 per adult, $3 per child. Call Greg or Joan Harland for details (510) 234-9647.


Meetat the AlbanyMethodistChurch on Stannage and Marin, then caravan to the beach. Bring food for Pot-Luck dinner. Coordinator, Alisa Dreyfuss (510) 526-6078


Meher Baba Information isan information center which distributes materials about Avatar Meher Baba world

wide. If you would like to help, call Rick or Sheryl Chapman at (510) 562-1101. AUCTION TIME! WE NEED YOU!!!


Meet at the Harding School Parkon C Street in El Cerrito, one block southofFairmount and Ashbury. Bringsoftball equipment, orwhatevergames you like. Coordinator, Louise Barrie (510) 524-1440. NOVEMBER 22 - ACTIVITY TO BE ANNOUNCED

Call Carol Singer (510) 234-7230

November 14 is the date of the Auction/Fundraiser to benefit the Meher Baba Center of Northern California.

We will be auctioning art, goods and services provided by our very talented and capable Baba community. In order to make this event a success, your donations are essential. You candonateartorgoods for the auction, or be creative with your professional skills, talents, orhob

bies. Dinners, picnics, musical skills, lessons, classes, entertainment, healthcare, or whatever special skills or talents you have can help make our auction a success! Please contact Noreen Graham at (510) 601-7388 or write to 3817 Clarke St.,Oakland CA 94609 with your

donation idea, or ifyou can help coordinate and orga nize thisevent. This has been one ofour mostsuccessful

fundraisers-in-the-past, so please help out to "Make It: So" once again.

%nthe WotxCofmyLovebreadsoutof itsSilenceandspeaksinyourheart, tetting you who Ireafty am, you witf&ow that

Eruchjessawatia's mother Gaimai went home toBeloved Baba onJune 22, 1992 at Meherazad. She had been Baba's devoted servant since 1938, when He called her

entire family to leave all and follow Him.

that is the $eal'Word,you have always Been (ongituj to hear."

-Meher<BaBa Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc.

President, Hermann Loew • Vice President. Roman Babiak • Secretary, Debby Tyler • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board of Directors: Soussan Adham, Roman Babiak, Noreen Graham, Laura Hogan. Hermann Loew, Dee Mehta, Darrell Rupe, Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley; CA94701)

MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events start

at8:00 PMandnormally end by 9:30 PMunless otherwisenoted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the AlbanyMethodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marin

andStannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v


Saturday, April 24. Storytelling and Films. Bring your favorite Baba story to share and enjoy two short Baba films.

Saturday, May 1, 12 PM. A May Day Picnicl A potluckpicnicon AngelIsland. Together,onceagain, we will try to learn the games that our Beloved lovedto play. Be sure to call the office, 510-845-4339, for a re cording of the final details.

Friday, May 7. First Friday discussion of Meher Baba

Friday, March 5. Meher Baba in Our Lives. On the first Friday of each month Harold Jamison will coordinate a free and frank discussion of how Meher Baba

guides us and how we follow Him.

Saturday, March 13. Annual (general Meeting Come and vote - exercise your right to choose the new board and approve this year's budget. We'll alsohear a recapof last year's accomplishments by the outgoing board. Saturday, March 20. V Songs by Artists Baba Liked. Al Jolson sings "Swannee," Chic Hendersonsings "Begin the Beguine," and we'llalsohear PaulRobeson, Jim Reeves and Cole Porter, among others. Come and see why these

in our Lives.

(see March 5)

Saturday, May 15. Meher Baba in the Media KevinMossburger willco-ordinate a meeting which will review themany, many ways Baba usee! the media.

Saturday, May 22. *F Remembrance of Mehera's joining the Beloved. An evening of songs, poetry, reading'and rejoicing co ordinated by Raine Eastman-Gannett.

Saturday, May 29. No meeting tonight, in anticipation of another visit by Baba's mandali member Bhau Khalchuri in Mariposa. Call the office. 510-845-4339, for details.

were the Beloved's favorites

Saturday, March 27. V Margaret Bernsteinin Concert. Last month's concert was cancelled because of a sched

uling conflict at the church. This is the rescheduled performance of music from her album "Full Circle." A $6 donation,requested at the door,will go to the Youth Sahavas Committee.

Friday, April 2. First Friday discussion of Meher Baba in our Lives.


El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at 510-525-3364 El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrieor Dick Anthony at 510-524-1440 Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to8:30 PM Arti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

(see March 5)

Saturday, April 10. Phyllis Ott Talks and Exhibits Recent Work

Palo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Contact Cherri Nelson at 415-325-2231

Phyllis, a graduate of Harvard who studied with Hans Hoffman,worked with her husband and fellowartist Lyn to create the 17 beautiful murals at Meherabad, as well

as many other portrayals of the Beloved. During her darshan with Baba in 1965 Babagestured, "Phyllis sees myface perfectly."

Saturday, April 17. ^ The Love Street Singers Perform. Come for an evening of musicincluding the premiere of The Chorale and Artiin F Major, a lovely piece written especially for The Love Street Singers by L.A. Baba Lover Pris Haffenden.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11.00 AM Arti, readings,and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings -11.00 AM Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each month. For times and locations of these and Sunday morning gatherings, call Marilyn Buehlerat 916-925-4451

Walnut Creek - Wednesday Evenings 8 to9:30 PM Pleasecall Helen Riehl 510-935-0167or Gil Shepard at 510-930-8670 for directions

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call 510-273-9426 to get it into the next newsletter.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Hermann Loew • Vice President, Roman Babiak • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Boardof Directors: Soussan Adham, Roman Babiak, Noreen Graham, Laura Hogan, Hermann Loew, Dee Mehta, Darrell Rupe, Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)



Baba's beloved Deliade Leon passed away on Thursday January 21,1993. She was His'Leyla,' along with'Saroja' (Kitty Davy) and 'Zuleka' (Maragaret Craske)—His Frivolous Three. Delia met Baba in 1931 in England on His first trip to the west, and was thereafter His de voted follower, going with Him on His early travels in Europe and India. Delia was an actress by profession,

The SheriarFoundation isa non-profit, tax-exemptcor

and spent most ofher life in London. Her home near Kew Gardensbecamea center forthose wantingto learn more about the Divine Beloved.

Below is a poem that Delia sent to Baba. He loved this poem and had it translated and read aloud twice. A POEM FOR BABA FROM HIS^ BELOVED LEYLA


"If He offers thee His embrace Run His caress to meet

poration formed in 1989 to "broaden awareness and deepen the appreciation ofthe spiritual values exempli fied in the life and writings of Meher Baba."

Contributionsfrom those wishing to support the Foun

dation make possible specific publication and video productions. One book in the works, God-Brother, Sto ries ofmy life with Meher Baba, is an illustrated collection of charming stories written by Mani. Conversations with The Awakener, byBal Natu, was the Foundations' first book publication. The Foundation serves as an umbrella for the Baba-publications activities ofSheriarPress, andhas also produced, to date, six video productions. The Foundationhas accumulated hundreds ofhours ofvideo tape

ofMeher Baba's disciples and ofplaces mostdeeply con nected to His life and work, and is currently producing darshan,a multi-faceted explorationofbeingin the pre

If not His withholding is sweet.

sence of God. An extensive list of additional video

If thou hast served Him well

Thoseinterested in helping move this plan ofactionfor ward, or in receiving a brochure, maywriteor callSheila Krynski, Andy Lesnik or Ann Conlonat SheriarFounda tion, 3005 Highway 17 N. Bypass, Myrtle Beach, SC

Given Him all that was thine

Loved only the Divine He never will part from thee, Wholly in Him shalt thou dwell." Meher Baba Information

projects is under consideration.


The Trust

"The Box" sends information about Meher Baba to

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

interested people worldwide. To volunteer, call Rick

by Baba through the instrument of the trust contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, Ca. 94701

or Sheryl Chapman at (510) 562-1101.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704












VOL. 23

This is an excerpt from Professor A.K.

"Where are you all staying, Amiya?"

Hazra's bookThe Memoirs of a Zetetic. Pro

He asked.

fessor Hazra met Meher Baba in the 1950s and had many remarkable experiences with the Beloved. (A zetetic, by the way, is an intel lectual who resists acknowledging God's existence.) Professor Hazra says "In their ig norance, zetetics resist His knowledge; in their helplessness they defy his power; in their blindness they defy His light. If they could only be free of the inhibiting and corroding influ ence of their intellectual wisdom, their hearts would open up to the flow of His grace."

"At Ganeshkhind, Baba." "Why are you living so far from here? Could you not stay in a hotel near this

place?" "Baba..." I hesitatingly replied, "it's firstly because my cousinresides at Ganeshkhind." "Is that all?" He asked. I knew that I had to give the complete explanationfrom the way He looked at me. "Baba, it is also because my mother doesn't want to eat food cooked at a hotel."


In the previous chapter, I have related two incidents of physical healing done byBaba. In this chapter, I am go

ing todescribe how Baba could assuage mental suffering as well. Aftermy father's deathandthedeathofmy grand mother and uncle, mother was in such agony of mind that it was a pity that wecould do nothing to cheer her up. From time to time, thinking of her lost relatives, she used to break down and we all felt invariably gloomy. As she was a widow, she, according to BengaliBrahministic tradition, was supposed to wear a plain white sari and

wipe away the vermilion mark on her forehead that was the symbol of a woman whose husband was alive. All this and many other rules she imposed upon herself as directed by custom and it all only succeeded in remind ing herofhaving losther husband thus perpetuating the mood of unhappiness that time, the greathealer, might

"Why does she not want to eat food at a hotel?" "Baba, because she has become a widowand a widowin our caste takes food either cooked by herselfor bysome relative who should be a Brahmin."

Baba's eyes peered into mine at the statement. After a moment's pause He said, "Amiya, am I not yourFather?" With tears coming to myeyes, I replied, "Yes, Baba, you are - you are indeed my Father." "Well, how can your mother be a widow, then?" and Baba pointed His finger

at mother. "You are right Baba, she can't be a widow," I replied. Baba's face suddenly assumed tremendous bright ness and austerity. With calm but divine seriousness He further gestured with Hishand making a circlein the air. "Amiya, 1am the husband and father of the entire uni verse. Know that for sure."

have cured her ofsooner or later. Then came the darshan

I bowed my head in assent. Baba continued,"Thereis no need for your motherto shunfood prepared at hotels and

days at Poona and I insisted on her going for Baba's

feel that she is a widow." I told mother what Baba con

darshanwith the hope that it wouldact as a healing balm

veyed. I told her not to feel like a widow bereft of a husband because she had Baba's grace - the symbol of

on her deeply wounded heart. When wefinally entered the darshan hall and sat down in front ofBaba, He looked

help andprotection. Mother perhaps didnot understand

at us with great understanding and compassion. Baba's eyes rested on me: (The following storymakes moresense if one understands that Baba and Amiya's mother had no languages in common. Amiya therefore translated for hismother from English into Bengali.)

all that was meant. But after leaving Guruprasad Hall, I noticed a change coming over her, slowly but steadily,

she began to come out of her mental gloom, the sudden outbreaks of weepingceasedand although she still main tainedsome of the rules imposed on her bycustom, she continued on next page


was no longer in the throesofagony asshe oftenused to be in the past. Baba had started healing her wounded mind, her tortured heart in His imperceptible manner from that moment and now I never find mother lament

ingover the loss of her dear relatives. Another episode comesto mymindconnected with that darshan. I have already mentioned that a poor youth, the servantofa [lawyerl was withus. Hiswages were not

adequate , though, to save money for the expenses in

During the darshan period which was for about a fort nightfor meandmother,at lastthe dayofparting arrived. It was morningtime. Mother and I weregettingready to leave. Suddenly, I thought of first paying a short visit to Baba for a farewell glimpse and then go to the station. We sat in a three-wheeler.Mother said in Bengali, with a sighof longing,"I wanted to have a ride in Baba'sown car!" I was surprised beyond measure. "What are you dreaming of, Mamma? This is a child

volved in the trip to Poona forBaba's darshan. Butsuch

like expectation on your part. Who can travel by Baba's

was his love for Baba that he decided that he would save

car? It is meant for Him and a few of His Mandali. So, give up the idea." Perhaps my tone was gruffand I saw a

a few rupees every month bycurtailing some ofhisneeds to have enough money to pay the railway fare. I do not knowhow much sacrifice he had to make to do that but by the time we were ready to leave Jabalpur for Poona, this youth, 'M\ wasalsoready. At last he had his desires fulfilled. When-he sat in front of Babawith us,Babacast a lovingglance at him. "Who is he, Amiya?"

"Baba, he is'M'from Jabalpur. Heisaservant ofa lawyer's family. He loves you and, being poor, he saved a few rupees every month for aboutsixmonthsto come to you for your blessings." Baba looked at 'M' with infinitecompassion. Then He

said, "'M'isit true that you have saved rupee after rupee every month to have my darshan?" "Yes, Baba" replied 'M*. "Do you love Me so much?"

"Yes, Baba, I love You."

Baba again looked at 'M'."How much money doyou get every month?"

"I get thirty rupees every month, Baba." Baba wore a

quizzical look inHiseyes."You get thirty^rupeeTevery" month? Well, 'M', you are richer than I am! I do not evenhave a penny, just see!" Baba put His hand in his coat pockets and showed their utter emptiness to 'M'. We all looked at Him. "'M', I am very poor. I am the poorest of the poor. Yet, beingGod, I am also the rich est of the rich. Do you understand?" "Yes, Baba."

"Never consider yourself to be poor, 'M'. You love me and I love you. I amvery pleased with your love for me. Come andembrace me." 'M' rose and went upto Baba. Baba gave him such a tender embrace that we felt as if

theocean was being poured into the cup. 'M* came back to hisseatwith tears streaming downhischeeks. He no longer appeared oppressed with the sense of poverty

shade of humiliation come over mother's face. But she

saidnothing. Truly, Baba'scar wasmeant forBaba- the Godmanand not for suchordinary beings as us. So she kepTquietarid weTeach^Guruprasad Palace by the three-wheeler. Inside the gate, with its nose toward the road, stood Baba's car. It meant that Baba was in the

halland we could havea parting glimpse ofHim. Aswe wentaheadto the porch,a man from the Mandali came up to us. "Amiya, where are you going?" "Why, for Baba's darshan, before we leave Poona. Is it

not possible?Will He not give Hisdarshan?" The gentle mannodded hishead and said, "Well, Amiya, Baba left for ahouse visit afew minutes ago. Soyou can't see Him." Mother and I looked very much disappointed. Then I looked at the carandcould not helpasking - "But Baba's car is here!"

"Yes. He has gone by another car. And He instructed

me to tell you that He has left His car for your mother

and yourselftogotothePoona railway station. Soplease go in it or you would be missing your train." As we got intotheGodman's car, asweet fragrance greeted us. The

driver started the car and we were off for the railway station. I looked at my mother. Shelooked proudly back and said, "You talked as ifyou were notmy child, but my father. But see how Baba, the omniscient One has ful filled mydesire to travel byHiscar.So, remainthe child

thatyou are, OK?" Well, shewas right, andI was wrong. As the car sped toward the station, I could not help wonderingagain about Baba'somniscience and love for us. How fortunate we were indeed to be loved and taken

care ofby Onewho knew theslightest wish and thought that sparked in any mind in the world. MARIPOSA PLANNING MEETINGS

By-laws for the proposed Mariposa Centerarebeing cre ated in monthlymeetings held at the Pearsons' house in

which he had in his mind and about which he often

Mariposa. Ifyou areinterested in being partofthispro cess, call Chris Pearson at (209)966-5078, orcall Bryan

used to talk to me at Jabalpur.

Drygas, (408) 356-3512.




MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY


MONTH unless otherwise indicated below. TIMES- Events

Comecostumed asa mandali, mast, sadguru, Baba pet,or what evermoves you. 3118California St, Berkeley. (510) 549-3118.

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other

wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Al bany exit from Interstate 80.

¥ Bookstore

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339.




Patternedafter the toddyshopat die L.A. Sahavas, this isan informal evening of music, stories, and socializing. The chai shop will be open and refreshments will be availabe. Bring yourinstruments and yourjoy. This shouldbea funevening for youngand old.


A blessing of this technological age is having moving images of the God-Man on film. Come and delight in His grace and beauty. SATURDAY SEPT. 12 - DHUNI AT MUIR BEACH

Gathering and potluck will begin at 4 PM and the dhuni will be lit at sunset. Bring a blanket and musical instruments.



Once again, Raj and Dee Mehta bring us India in Fremont!

This festive feasting is available only tothefirst 50adults (only) who RSVP. Call (510) 790-7188 before September 12. SATURDAY SEPT. 26 - OPEN MIKE NIGHT -

A talent night for the Beloved. This gighas a direct line to the Beloved through highest quality heart-cord. Singers,

dancers, jugglers, poets and artists who wish to show their


Who knows what fascinating and unexpected items will be found? From die most sublimeartwork to the most mundane, but necessary, services. Come and share in the fun and fundraising this evening. SATURDAY NOV. 21 - MOVIES IN BERKELEY

In an effortto presentMeher Baba to the greaterpublic, we willshowmovies, present music, and host a discussion. Please come to share Baba with someone new to us,although cer tainly not to Baba. Trinity United Methodist Church, Bancroft Way and Dana St. Berkeley, 7:00to 9:30 PM. SATURDAY NOV. 28 - THANKSGIVING ON THE FARM

Hermann Loewwillhost a potluckat his home in Petaluma (a large turkey will be provided). Everyone isinvited. Starts at 2 PM,dinner at 4:30.RSVP by November 26. (707) 778-1195.

paintings,pleasecontactcoordinatorsRaine EastmanGannett (510) 649-0433 or Sue Jamison (510) 236-7993.



Jack Mormon hosts a panel of Baba lovers who share their tales ofstepping into the Beloved's divine net. SATURDAY OCT. 10 - GUTTA MEETING 7:00 TO 10:00 PM

The original Gutta at Manzile Meem was Baba'sidea. It was

an opportunity for everyone to express himself fron matters to dowith the Manzil. Forus, it isan opportunity to —'—exchangeviews.-idear, suggestions, criticisms, etc. regarding our meetings and the group as a whole. The goal is to clear

the air and to come a little closer to each other, thereby recognizing Baba in' each other and coming closer to Him. Gutta means wineshop,and Baba, the eternal Saki, invites

all of us to sip the wine of Hisdivine love (bring pillows if you like). Moderatedby Hermann Loew V


Eruch Jessawalla, one of Baba's long-time intimate compan ions, tells the New Life story of the Imampur Mosque and other tales oflife with the Avatar. Thishigh-quality tape has never been shown in the Bay Area SATURDAY OCT. 24 - JEWISH MYSTICISM AND FOLLOWING MEHER BABA

Meher Baba said Hewould bring theworld's religions together likepearls on a string. In thisspirit, SusanChernilowill share herexplorations intoNew Age andancientJewish mysticism. You can leave yourprayer shawls and yarmulkas at home,but

. come with open hearts, prepared toshare.

EI Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM Arti and singing. Contact the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

EI Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM GodSpeaks readingand discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or DickAnthony at 510-524-1440.

Fresno - WednesdayEvenings- 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

Palo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Contact the MacDonalds at 415-322-0886

Petaluma - SundayMornings -11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195.

Sacramento *Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Singing,readings from "LordMeher",and food. Contact the Busfields at 916-448-4264

Walnut Creek - Wednesday Evenings 8 to 9:30 Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or GilShepard at (510) 930-8670 for directions

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call 510-273-9426 to get it into the next newsletter.

were such a thing, and we had to go there to see Him

uswhat He can give us. But He isthe only one, the only source of love.There isn't any other. Loveon any level, from the mostphysical to the mostcerebral, isfrom Him. All of the attributes that the spiritual path can demand ofusareonlyobtainable byHisgrace, through love. Baba said to the mandali that they should never demean or discount anyone's love for anything, unless it is moti vatedbyselfishness. We shouldalways becareful not to criticize others for their direction or the scope of their love, because loveis a sacred thingeven whenit isbeing misdirected and misused.We should always respectit in others. We all must be verycareful not to be criticalof

and be with Him, it would be Heaven.

other people's concepts and ideas, or love ofGod. I saw

sweetwine that makes everything else wonderful. He is the catalyst that makes all nature beautiful to us. There is no life other than that which He gives us. Not only

didhe give uslife in the manifestation ofthe love ofour parents, but He formed every cell in our bodies. There is nothing that He is not. He does not demand anything ofus. He never points His finger at usand says, "You've been bad," or "You'vebeen sinful." He calls these mis takes, and that's what they are. The concept of hell is

totally foreign, because we know that He can do noth ing but love us, and love all of mankind. Even if there

"Tvelearned recentlyabouFthe concept of surrendef. r

always thought that surrender was to be avoided at all costs. Surrender always meant to me that you had to give in, to beg for mercy or something like that. But that's not it, not what He means. Surrender to Baba is

victory, not defeat. It's a paradox that we would lie at His feet in submission, that it would be a lessening of what we are, but it's not. It's the only way we can be come what we are, to realize what we are. Surrendering

totally, completely to Him, Hisguidance and Hiscareis exactly what we have looked for all of our lives. The love that we have looked for all of our lives in other

people is that love He gives us. That's why we're soof ten disappointed in our relationships, because we anticipate that the other person, throughlove, can give

a man on television one day who remarked that he had

been talking to God that morning. I sat there alone in the room and thought to myself, "Oh comeon, whatare you trying to rurt on us?" And then I thought if I went and told that man that I had physically embraced God Almighty andkissed Himhe would say exactly thesame about me. So, how do I know he didn't talk to God this morning? That's between him and Baba, so don't ever

judge diner people's relationships to Baba. It's exactly what it needs to be, whether weagreewith it or not. He nevermakes mistakes, we have nothing to worry about. How could we worry whenourcaptainisBaba whocould neverfail us, who haspromised usthat at the end ofthat longlongtrail awinding, all of our dreams and all ofour wishes and desires will be fulfilled? jai Baba!



of Northern California, Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704





VOL. 23


have been many who have remarked

Delia: A Personal Remembrance

how Delia came more and more to

by Paul Bircfmrd

It is difficult to convey in print the wonderfully lov ing, spontaneous, thoughtful and humorous qualities of our dear friend Delia de Leon, who passed away January 21st around 6:30 P.M. GMT. She was not an intellectual—she freely admitted incomprehension of God Speaks, and bafflement at the enormity of the concept of GOD actually taking on a human form. She didn't appear to be engaged in great good works; she never discussed such things. What she did possess, as Meher Baba Himself affirmed to her in more than

one letter, was love; unconditional, completely surren dering, constantly attentive love which was awakened the moment they met in a box at London's Coliseum Theatre in 1931, during an evening's performance of the operetta White Horse Inn.

Delia kept in touch all the time—sometimes several times every day—with a large circle of friends and family. After her funeral, there was a party at Barbara and Fred Freiji's home, and after a champagne toast a voice asked: "Who was Delia closest to?" In the frac

tion of a second Malcolm Harrison dryly quipped: "British Telecom!" (the phone company!) It was, for me, a wonderful privilege, to have Delia as a friend, one with whom I felt very close over the past four or five years. I came to feel that she was a tremendously powerful undercover agent for Baba, as it were, work ing silently as a channel for His work of awakening hearts to His presence, attuning those who came in her orbit in some way to Baba's rhythm and demands. Such an idea cannot be proved, I suppose, but there

embody Baba's mannerisms over these recent years, some characteristic phys ical gesture of His popping out un expectedly and completely without guile or artifice. I feel that her "cover" was her worrying and fretting, which have become legendary. Some of that was due to the disciple's drive for everything to be exactly right for the Master, and for any possible slip

up to be recognized in advance and considered in planning, the fact that, in practice, this seemed to mean fretting over "little" things ought to point us toward Baba's own statement that "it all depends upon the particular yardstick used." To me it seemed that Delia was the kind of lover whose lips were sealed by God, so that not even smoke would escape to draw attention to the fire within.

Delia was an actress. This ought not to be forgotten. She co-founded the very first "fringe" theatre in Britain, "The Q," located in Kew, near Richmond, in 1924. Though Delia wasn't particularly active in it from 1931 onwards, it flourished until 1956 and Baba attended performances there twice. It was, 1 believe, the blueprint for the wonderful flowering of British theatre which occurred in the 1960s, when new writ

ing was born in and for small theatres all over the country, and whose fruit is seen today in the British winners of our own Oscars.

Several months ago, Delia was particularly incensed at some aspect of her treatment at the Abbeyfield home where she lived. She rang down testily to the person on duty who came up immediately and began to bustle about. I didn't think this particular situation was really the fault of the person being berated, and I tried to say something to mollify things. While the person's back





was turned, Delia turned to me and gave the faintest gesture, her eyes twinkling, and I could see her acting up a storm for the benefit of the person thus bust ling! I had to ask myself if I was really seeing what

1 thought 1 was seeing, and I concluded that I was. Delia was acting, extremely convincingly, the frail, testy Grande Dame role she often assumed. It was almost as if she was doing it to keep in practice. I do not mean to suggest by the foregoing that her complaints were unfounded or trivial, or her conduct always premeditated. She was unhappy, and it was a blow to spend her final years in a home, however nice. As Matthew Price wrote of her:

"Not that Delia suffered in silence. She contrasted

her plight longingly with that of Kitty and Margaret, spending their last years 'in the lap of luxury.' But she would never contemplate leaving England. This was where Baba had put her and this was where she would stay. And though she would complain bitterly about the imperfections of people in the home, she never allowed her friends to do anything about it, or remonstrate in any way. The result was, we could do little in concrete ways. She loved flowers, fruit, the telephone, but she wasn't really interested in chang ing her situation I realize now that her gift to us was to let us share in her frustrations and worries."

In her recent translation of RUM1, entitled Look.' This

is Love! Professor Anne Maria Schimmel quotes one of Rumi's poems about Zulaykha. Even though Baba reserved the name "Leyla" for Delia, 1 feel it exactly catches her essence.

And when she said: "The wax is melting softly!" That was to say: My friend was kind to me! — And when she said: "Look how the moon is rising.'" And when she said: "The willow is now green!" And when she said: "The leaves are alla-trembling!" And when she said: "Beat firmly all the rugs"

her after a few minutes, "Well, it's sad for Mrs. Harris

but it's a tragedy for you," she came out with a bit of a chuckle!

The song "Begin the Beguine" was the bedrock of my friendship with Delia. I happened to sing it after one of her talks in Los Angeles in 1978, and it became a shared anthem. One spring day, a couple of years ago, I was in London, and Delia wanted me to take her in her wheelchair to nearby Kew Gardens, the serene and beautiful botanical gardens visited by Baba. I was

pushing her, the sun pouring down, all was per fect except for one thing. "Now, sing 'Begin the Beguine'!" commanded Delia! This was the first time I fully realized her sparking self-deprecating sense of humor. She was poking fun at herself! Delia was helpful and intuitive, but not always gentle with it. One man told me that back in the late sixties

or early seventies he was going through a very hard time in his marriage and was in turmoil as to what he ought to do—should he leave? But what about the children? What was best? Ought he to go? Delia con sidered some moments and then assured him: "Well, I'd think she'd be very much relieved!" Eventually he did leave and she was!

There have been so many wonderful, eloquent heartfelt things written about Delia lately, but I hope this gives some flavor of what it was like to spend time with her. She was natural, which made it much easier for those with her to relax and be themselves. And this

is what Baba wanted. He put people at their ease. Some time ago Delia dictated to me a short piece to commemorate Kitty Davy. It began:"Kitty was unique." The same is true of our dear Delia. There never was

anyone like her. Thank you, dear Baba, for giving us her loving companionship for so many wonderful years.

And when she said: "The bread is all unsalted!"

And when she said: "The spheres are going wrong ..." She praised something - that meant, "His sweet embracing." She blamed something - that meant, "He's far away."

One of the first people Delia befriended when she went to live at the Abbeyfield home was a Mrs. Harris. She was fine, down-to-earth lady and they got on well. Mrs. Harris passed away a couple of days before Christmas last year, and when I talked to Delia a few days later she seemed very upset and forlorn. Knowing that Delia took Baba's words about death completely to heart, I felt that deep down underneath she must be unperturbed. When 1 said to


Jal Dastur writes that the chemical plant on the road to Meherazad has had two chemical spills recently, releasing pollutants into the soil and water around Meherazad and causing sickness among the people living nearby. This condition is serious. Please help to protect Baba's home, its precious surroundings and his dear resident mandali by writing letters to the Indian officials listed in the enclosed flyer. Even if you have written before on this subject, there is an expanded list of officials who may be able to help. The situation is increasingly urgent. Make your voice heard today!



MEETINGS • MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events start

at 8:00 PMand normally end by 9:30 PMunless otherwisenoted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at the comer of Marin

and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *


Friday, June 4 Memories of Adi K. Irani Robert Dreyfus will host an evening of stories which reflect Adi's humor, wisdom and love for his master Meher Baba.

Saturday, June 12 The Alphabet Board You westerners," said Eruch, "you're always pester ing us about sex!" Tonight you'll have a chance to pester Baba with questions about what He had to say about sex, dreams, diet, America, God, Love, suffering, gossip—you name it.

Saturday, June 19 Meher Baba and Healing V Baba lovers who practice physical or psychological therapy will discuss how Baba influences their work. Scott Maloney will lead with thoughts on what a Chinese healer told him, "Never put in a needle without first offering a prayer."

Saturday June 26 Ron and Darrell Their third annual concert, featuring old and new songs to and about Meher Baba.

Friday, July 2 No Meeting No meeting because of the L.A. Sahavas.

Saturday, July 10 Silence Day 7:30-9 PM. Silent movies featuring the Silent One, "East-West Gathering" and the "Love Comes West" slide show.

Wednesday, July 14 - Sunday July 18 Mandali Visits

We once again will be honored bythe visits oftwoof



Wednesday, July 14 Pot Luck Dinner with Meheru 7 PM at Jeff and Cindy Lowe's, 1000 Woodhaven Way, Oakland. Take Route 13 (Warren Freeway) to Thornhill Exit. Take Thornhill less than one

mile to first stop sign. Turn right on Woodhaven. The first intersection is Indian Way, park there. For food coordination, call (510) 339-9094.

Thursday, July 15 Sightseeing With Meheru Meet at Muir Woods, 10:30 AM. (Food is available

there, but those on special diets should consider packing lunch.) Caravan itinerary (places Baba visited) available at Muir Woods and at Silence Day meeting. (Kevin, Mossberger is map-wallah)

Friday, July 16 Meheru's Talk 7-9:30 PM. First Unitarian Church at Berkeley, Lawson Rd., Kensington. Map available at Silence Day meeting.

Saturday, July 11 Bhau's Talk At 7:30 PM. Chapel of Albany Methodist Church.

Sunday, July 18 Pot Luck Qarden Party With Bhau 2:00 PM. Laurie Brook's address is 1213 Clover

Ln., Walnut Creek. Call 933-5846. For directions,

refer to the back page of this newsletter.

Saturday, July 24 Divine Humor V Sharing stories from Meher Baba's life which reflect His sense of humor. If you'd like to participate,

please callChristopher Maier at (415) 331-3120.

Saturday, July 31

Meher Baba and

Business "God is a businessman," said Baba. "Sinners are His

liabilities, saints are His assets. His eternal business is

turning liabilities into assets." Raj Mehta will leada discussion among Baba-loverbusiness people on how Meher Baba shapes their business practice.

Beloved Baba's Mandali. Meheru Irani will be with us

from July 14-16. Meheru, who is Mehera's niece, was also her closecompanion for many years. This will be her first visit to our group. Welcome, Meheru! Bhau Kalchuri, another of Baba'sdear ones, hardly needs an introduction, as he has so often been our guest.

August No meetings in August. See you in September. Jai Baba!

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Mary Weiss • Vice President, Kevin Mossberger• Secretary, Tom Hart• Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Ron Greenstein, Tom Hart, ChristopherMaier, Scott Maloney, Kevin Mossberger, MaryWeiss Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman. Cherri Nelson

Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES FOR BABA LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at 510-524-1440

Fresno Âť Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

The Board of Directors is currently seeking one addi tional member to fill a vacancy. Also, volunteers are

needed for Service, Fundraising and Baba's 100th Birth day Committees. If you are interested in any of these

opportunities to serve in Baba's Love, please contact Kevin Mossberger at (415) 721-0851.

Atti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

Palo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Contact the MacDonalds at 415-322-0886

Petaluma * Sunday Mornings - J1:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse meeting second' Tuesday of each month. For times and locations of these and Sunday moming

gatherings, call Marilyn Buehler at 916-925-4451

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4.00 PM

July 18 Pot Luck Directions From Berkeley Approach the 680/24 Interchange in the third lane from the left. After taking the righthand splitto 680South, immediately take the first lefthand exit labeled Walnut Creek. Take the first right onto Boulevard Way, then take the first left to Nichol son and second right to Clover Lane. Second house on the right. From Concord: Take the North Main exit and turn

Films, potluck and company.

right onNorth Main Street. Go3/4 ofa mile; turn right

Contact Bob Mckinney at 415-258-8106

on Ygnacio Valley, then left on Oakland Avenue

Walnut Creek - Wednesday Evenings 8 to 9:30 PM Please call Helen Riehl 510-935-0167 or Gil Shepard at 510-930-8670 for directions

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call 510-273-9426 toget it into the next newsletter.

(across from the West Bart Station). Take Oakland to

the end. Turn right on Mt. Diablo Blvd., then imme diately left on Boulevard Way. Take first left onto Nicholson and second right to Clover Lane. Second house on the right. THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701 Photo below: "Krishna Feast" at Meherabad, 1937. L-R, Baba,

Mehera, Norma and Delia (holding the pot).

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704






VOL. 23

FALL 1993

Masi's mind but Rustomji went to Baba and pleaded with Him to allow him and Carmen to marry, because he was getting old and frail and needed some

Mandali Memories: Carmen Masi This article, about one of Meher Baba's close ones who is little-known in theWest, is from a conversation with Amavaz Dadachangi.

one to look after him. Baba consented

About Carmen Masi, I'll just tell you in short, because to tell a whole life is impossible. She was a very sweet and gentle lady. I'll first tell you how she became a Baba lover. When she was 15 years old she was mar

ried, in Bombay, to a man who was then 45 years old. Carmen Masi felt real repulsion toward that man, and not because of his age, but in those days the girls had no say in the marriage. After she was married, her husband knew that she was very unwilling. All told, he made her bear him three children, sons, and he used to starve her and her eldest son as a way of retaliating for

her attitude toward him. She was very, very unhappy.

In the same building lived her cousin, whose husband was a Baba lover. His name was Rustomji. He said, "Come, Carmen. I will take you to a man who will give

you peace." So, on the quiet, she went and met Baba. As soon as she met Baba, she was attracted to Him. She told Him the whole sad tale of her life. Baba, for

some reason, told her to cook dal and rice for seven days, and to feed it to any female dog. Carmen Masi followed the order, but naturally she couldn't leave the house, so Rustomji collaborated by taking the food out in search of a suitable dog.

After about 20 years of marriage, when her third son was about a year old, her husband died. Her cousin, who was living in the same building, also died. Rus tomji, the Baba lover who had first taken her to Baba, was very fond of Carmen Masi, and he wanted to marry her. Marriage was the last thing in Carmen

and the upshot was that Carmen had a second marriage. Baba used to go and visit her house after she married Rustomji. Even at this time she was very poor. The second marriage lasted only about 10 years, after which Rustomji died. Rustomji didn't leave anything for her. The oldest son got married, and he had a son, but the burden on the oldest son to provide for his family was such that they could hardly make ends meet and he

couldn't help Carmen. Now her sons were older, and they were earning money for the family, but they were not educated. As a consequence, the family was very, very poor.

Around that time, Baba called Carmen Masi to join the women's ashram on Meherabad Hill, where He

kept her for quite a number of years starting in the late 1930s. At that time, for purposes of Baba's work, Mehera was never left alone. Day and night there was

always some woman in her presence. Baba made Car men Masi Mehera's roommate for this period and she and and Mani faithfully carried out Baba's order that Mehera should never be alone.

After quite a number of years spent in this manner, in 1941 Baba sent Carmen Masi back to Bombay. After she returned to Bombay, one of her sons took ill, and

so she had the responsibility of caring for him and had only one son to help her. Her love for Baba was so deep that she never complained and never asked for money. I used to ask her how she managed in the midst of this deep poverty. She told me, "I don't know how I manage it. There is a box in which I keep the money. I use it, and by the end of the month it just suffices." {continued)


Even from that, she used to save and give to Baba. Jal Dastur remembers being with Baba one time at a gathering when a man came up to him and offered Him thousands of rupees. Baba turned the man's gift down, using the special way He had of doing it without hurting the giver's feelings. This coasisted of saying, "You keep it for now. 1 don't need it at present, but if 1 need it I will call you later." Later in the same day, Carmen Masi came into the room to bow down to

Baba, carrying with her a five rupee note that she had wrapped in a silk scarf. Baba took it and pressed it to His forehead just above and between His eyes. At that time, five rupees was more than it is today, and for a poor woman in Bombay it must have taken weeks of scrimping and saving, a few annas at a time. One day

Baba said, "Why don't you keep your money. You don't have enough." From then on she had the order not to give Baba any moneyand, on the contrary, Baba used to help her. Before the New Life, Baba gave us silence for one

month in July. Then Baba wanted to go for a change of scene to Panchgani. Baba called my sister Nargish

to go away? Baba just smiled, "OK, tell her that I am here, but that I see no one and she should go away." When 1 opened the door, I said, "Carmen Masi, Baba is here but He doesn't want to see anyone." Can you imagine the expression on her face? "All right," she said, and just left. No sooner had she gone down than Baba had me call her, not for an embrace, not to say anything, but just so that she could fold her hands and see Him from a distance. She came up, she stood there looking at Baba, and Baba smiled. That was it. She said nothing. She just looked at Baba, took her dar shan, so happy, and then she left. In the end, she suffered a stroke. I knew that there was

no one to look after her, and stroke was a very expensive disease to treat, so I immediately informed Baba. Baba sent me a' message to take a bowl of water, to take His name, and to sponge her whole body. So I took the help of one Baba lover, and we went there and sponged her whole body, taking Baba's name. It really helped, very much. After we followed Baba's instructions, she could sit up, she could eat, she could

and Dina Talati and Carmen Masi. When Baba would

ease herself, the only thing she couldn't do was walk. All her movements except walking were restored.

come through Bombay on some trip, He used to let us

After a couple of years Baba dropped His body.

know that He was coming. He would drive past my sister's house, along that road. So our little group used

Carmen Masi was heartbroken, and she died after three or four years.

to be me, Nargish, Dina Talati, Carmen Masi, Dr.

Aloo Khambatta, Mehru Biltimoria, in total perhaps seven to ten women. We would gather and we would

take his hand through the car window, but only for a moment and then He would be gone. Sometimes He would come for a small gathering to our apartment or

Nargish's, and we would have a small gathering for the

Carmen Masi was a quiet, sweet, jovial person. We lived with Baba and there were many, many stories, but now it's difficult for me to say any more. Her life was coming and going all the time to be with Baba, just like us. Baba said that Carmen Masi would be His father in His next advent.

close ones.

There's a wonderful incident that happened once. Baba was in my apartment in Bombay. Baba told me


not to tell anyone, not even my family, that He was there in Bombay. One day Baba and I were at the dining table. Baba was having His lunch when the

A slide show and slide registry of visual art reflecting Meher Baba's life, message or relation ships with His lovers is being developed for Baba's

doorbell rang. I went to see who it was. It was Carmen Masi. I didn't know what to do, so I went to Baba. 1 said, "What shall I do?" Baba said, "Don't let her come

in here." But Carmen Masi was an elderly person, like a mother to me. I just looked at Baba. How to tell her


100th birthday. Send slides or videos to: Images of Love, 1538 Elm St., El Cerrito, CA. 94530. (510) 237-9257. Deadline: November 1, 1993. Include up to five identified slides or a video.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Mary Weiss • Vice President, Kevin Mossberger • Secretary, Tom Hart • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Ron Greenstein, Tom Hart, Christopher Maier, Scott Maloney, Kevin Mossberger, Mary Weiss Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)


MEETINGS - Meher Baba events areheldonSaturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events start

at8:00PMandnormally end by 9:30 PMunless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the AlbanyMethodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marin

andStannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue inAlbany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albanyexit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v




Friday, September 3 East is East and West is West, hut Tonight the Twain Shall Meet

Raine Eastman-Gannett and party will sing a selection of Mirabai bhajans, ghazals and qawaals.

Saturday, September 11 We Need YOU!! Be in on Baba's Biggest Birthday! Meher Baba's 100th birthday will be celebrated in February, 1994- The Trust has directed that each

Baba community plan for and celebrate His birth day locally. As it is a centenary celebration, ideas include a significant public presence and multiple events and gatherings, in various venues and me dia, over the period of time around His birthday. Does designing publicity inspire you? How about creating artistic or informational materials? Come and join a communal discussion and brainstorm

ing, as the time is upon us now to plan for this exciting event. We need your ideas!

Friday, September 17 Rummage Sale Preparation 6-8 PM: Set up and price items for Saturday's rummage sale, Friend's Meeting Hall, corner of Walnut and Vine Streets, Berkeley.

8-10 PM: work and preview sale for workers.

Saturday, September 18 Rummage Sale 8-10 PM: More work and preparation 10AM-3PM: Public sale. Who knows what trea sures have lurked in the closets and attics of Baba's lovers? Come to the corner of Walnut and Vine, in

Berkeley, to find Marvelous Maya's special items.

Saturday, October 9 Bunty Kelly Margaret Bernstein's mother Bunty Kelly was one of the ballet dancers introduced to Meher Baba by Margaret Craske. She met Baba in 1956, '58 and '62. Tonight she will share with us her love for the Divine Beloved.

Saturday, October 16 Meher Baba and Psychotherapy A panel of psychotherapists led by Michael LePage will discuss their work and how it is influenced by their relationship with Meher Baba.

Saturday, October 23 Bill and Peggy Stevens **'&? Join us as these visitors from Tennessee, represent ing a family of three generations of Baba's Lovers, tell us " How to Love Him More."

Saturday, October 30 That Old Time Religion That old-time Alan Talbot, and others from vari

ous religious backgrounds, will talk about what became of their old time religions after they heard about Meher Baba and discuss how they teach their children about God.

Friday, 'November 5 The East'West Qathering David Miotke will recreate this glorious event in music and song.

Saturday, Nov 13 2020 Visions In 1950 Baba led a group up Seclusion Hill and remarked that in 70 years people would have to

wait days to get up that hill. Is this because He will have broken His silence? Come share apocalyptic

and Utopian visions of the future.

Saturday, November 20 Begin the Beguine **& Baba's favorite song, which He said had great

significance, will be heard in classic recordings and glimpses of the Divine Beloved will grace the silver screen.

Saturday, Sept 25 Mandali Memories ^ Ursula Van Buskirk will host a meeting remember

ing Filis Frederick and show a lovely videotape of her. Bring your favorite Filis stories.

Friday, October 1 Tea and Poetry Come for chai and bring your favorite poems about the Beloved. Original poetry especially welcome.

Saturday, November 27 Meher Baba and the Feminine Face of Qod It is clear that Meher Baba's avataric advent has

been a time of great change for women. This evening we will consider this unique advent in which, Baba said, for the first time, that God the Mother also plays Her part.

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

EI Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at 510-524-1440

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Atti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

Palo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Contact the MacDonalds at 415-322-0886

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday MomingT"^II:00 AM Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each month. For times and locations of these and Sunday morning gatherings, call Marilyn Buehler at 916-925-4451

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM

The Falcon by Nancy Furgal


You are the Falcon

Who sweeps down to lift me You are my wings of safety Arriving in time - to take me

Through rocking waters Endless drops of thunder Into your comfort zone You are the Falcon Captain Looking out for one and all

This drowning sailor - drying her feathers To embrace your ocean of love

Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob Mckinney at 415-258-8106

Walnut Creek - Wednesday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Please call Helen Riehl 510-935-0167 or Gil Shepard at 510-930-8670 for directions

1/ your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call 510-273-9426 to get it into the next newsletter.

You are my way, you are my home Under your wings, I sing in safety Come take me.

This poem was inspired by Phyllis Ott's painting of Baba as the Falcon.

The Trust All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Baba through the instrument of the trustcontact Jack Mormon. P.O. Box 1250. Berkeley, Ca. 94701 artwork by Billy Ward.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Ino.ic-c

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704









WINTER 1993-1994

Thoughts on Loving God

God-man, is not only possible, it is extremely practical. For the Christ is all we can know of God, and all we can aspire to be. In the perfect form of the Christ, God is simultaneously both

by Bill Stephens

Bill Stephens, recently a guest speaker at our group meeting, has given uspermission to pub lish his thoughts on this ever-timely subject.

man and God. He is the bridge be tween the finite world and all eternity.

"How do we love an ocean of peace that stretches endlessly with no boundaries, no shore, no bottom and no surface?"

Meher Baba tells us that the aim of life is to love God, and the goal of life is to become One with God. (So what does that say about the ambitions and pursuits of 99% of us, 99% of the time?) If we can accept Baba's words as truth, and really believe them, our life may well be transformed. For if loving God is the only worthwhileendeavor, then all other plans and schemes, regardless of their importance in the worldly sense, are by comparison superficial and of no consequence.

Adi K. Irani, a close disciple of Avatar Meher Baba for fifty years, often said that the God-man is greater even than God, "For God as God is not man," he would say. "And God as man is not God. But God in the form of the God-man is both God and man."

Why does Almighty God descend into the world of forms? Why does the Highest of the High take on the limitations of the human form and come down to our

agony at the tip of a candle's penetrate into the essence of God's being while still performing our

level? According to Meher Baba, God does it to give the world a spiritual push. And this is accomplished by awakening the Divine in us. In us, God is bound. So, from time to time (about every 700 to 1400 years, Meher Baba says) God descends as a human being so that we can learn to love God by loving the Christ. This is the divine drama God has played for eons of time. By freeing each of us (eventually) from the endless round of births and deaths, God experiences in every person the culmination of the divine journey

duties in the world.

from unconsciousness to God-realization.

Of course, all religions tell us to love God. But how do we go about it? How do we love the Infinite, which is beyond all attributes and concepts of the mind? How

The Divine Beloved is always there in the heart.

But loving God is "no game for the weak and faint hearted," as Meher Baba also makes clear. To love God is to lose one's self in the dance in blissful

do we love an ocean of peace that stretches endlessly, with no boundaries, no shore, no bottom and no surface? It seems obvious that to love God in the abstract is be

yond us. It is like lovingdeep sleep. We need it, we crave it, and at times we would rather have it than anything else on earth. But what is it, exactly? We cannot know, for we are unconscious when we experience it. So loving the infinite aspect of God is impossible for us. But to love God in the form of the Christ, or

And how can we help God do this work? By loving God. And how do we learn to love God? We start by thinking of God, praying to God, reading about God, and spending time with persons who love God. Even

tually, we find ourselves literally falling in love. And when that happens, God reciprocates by falling in love with us. This is the divine romance that the great poets, mystics, dramatists, and composers have at tempted to illuminate since the beginning of time. But true illumination comes only from God, the object of our search. , „



When in the course of our growth, webecomeaware that God iswith us always, and is closerthan our own breath, we search for ways to keep the current flowing, to trap and fan the flame that lights our soul from time to time. We seek ways to produce that occasional surge of joy that no drug and no human pleasure can duplicate.

places along the river where people draw water," he said. "At one place, the Hindus fill their pots and call it jai. At another spot, the Christians fill their vessels

The flame comes and goes. The sense of God's pres ence may fade as pressures of life and work crowd God out of our consciousness. But the Diving Beloved is always there in the heart, and in our subconscious, and

a name of God. He told a devotee:

and call it water. But it is all the same, of course, no

matter what you call it." Ramakrishna was another advocate of the repetition of

ion. One way is to constantly repeat God's holy name. For many centuries, monks and mystics have taught that the repetition of certain holy words is a powerful

"Japa means silently repeating God's name. When - you chant this name with single-minded devo tion, you can see God's form and realize the Divine Presence. Suppose there is a piece of tim ber sunk in the water of the Ganges and fastened with a chain to the bank. You proceed link by ' link, holding to the chain. Finally you are able to

meditation that can be carried on in the midst of all activities. The word Om has been chanted in Buddhist and Hindu mantras for untold centuries. In the Middle

reach the timber. In the same way, by repeating God's name, you become absorbed in God and finally realize God."

we must seek to make this Love our constant compan

Ages, the Greek Orthodox monks developed the fa mous Jesus Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner, which was repeated constantly in the same way as a mantra. In Persia, the early Sufis chanted Allahim, lllaha. A popular mantra in India for perhaps thousands of years is Jai Ram, Sri Ram, Jai Jai Ram', and in recent years, millions of Americans have heard the mantra of the followers of

LOCAL MFJETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10.00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at 510-524-1440

the Hindu teacher Bhaktivedanta: Hari Krishna, Hari Rama, Krishna Krishna, Hari Hari.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

Mantras that include a name of God, as most do, are

Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

especially effective because the repetition of the name imprints the subconscious mind. Remembering God is a way to awaken God in the heart. God is always there, of course, but is, as Meher Baba says, fast asleep in most individuals. If we constantly call out, God will slowly awaken, and once fully awake, will never sleep again. So we must continue to call out the holy name, and God will not have time to even doze, much less

fall asleep. In 1921, when Meher Baba and a group of disciples set out to walk from Bombay to Calcutta, Baba told his followers to silently repeat, as they walked, a name of God associated with their own religion. Zoroastrians were to repeat Ahuramazda; Hindus, Parabrahma, Paramatma; Moslems, Allah lllaha, and Christians, God Almighty. Meher Baba is not the first spiritual master to have told us that all religions are basically the same because God is always the same. In the nineteenth century, the Hindu master Paramahansa Ramakrishna likened God

to the water in the River Ganges. "There are different-

Arti, and a varied program..

Los QatosfPalo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8.00 PM Arti, singing, and readings. Please call Cherri Nelson for location, 415-325-2231

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - J1.00 AM Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each month.

For times and locations of these and Sunday morning

gatherings, call Marilyn Buehler at 916-925-4451

San Fransisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Liam Mullan at 415 474-5442

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob Mckinney at 415 258-8106

Walnut Creek - Wednesday Evenings 8 to 9:30 PM Please call Helen Riehl 510-935-0167 or Gil Shepard at 510-930-8670 for directions

If your regularly scheduled focal meeting is not fcted please call 415-221-8724 to get itinto the next newsletter.

MEETINGS • Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights

except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless otherwise indicated below. TIMES- Events start

at 8:00 PMand normallyend by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at the corner of Marin

and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany

(North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v




Friday, December 3 David Miotke Sings David Miotke will be in the spotlight, singing about the eight types of lovers. Meher Baba said, "I am the song, its words and its melody, and I am the singer. I am the musical instruments and the players and the listeners, and on your level I explain to you the meaning of what I, the singer, sing."

Sunday, December 5 Qeneral Meeting 2Pjvf' Oops, at the last Annual General Meeting, we didn't approve a budget for this fiscal year, so we will do it at this special General Meeting. An important topic will be the budget for our celebration of Baba's 100th birthday. Come and give your two cents.

Saturday, December 11 Meher Baba's Name Meher Baba, the Spiritual Dust Buster, said, "the

Saturday, January 22 The Second Coming Many of the world's religions await the return of the Avatar, Christ or Messiah. Irwin Luck will lead a discussion of how this event is viewed in various

religious traditions.

January 29 —February 28 A special month of programs is in preparation to honor Meher Baba's 100th birthday. Several groups and individuals are planning events around the bay

area. The following schedule is the beginning, but expect to hear more as the time approaches.

Saturday & Sunday, January 29 & 30 The 25th Amartithi Celebration.

Saturday evening meeting: singing, reading and slide show.

Sunday evening meeting: doors open at 8 PM and • program begins at 9 PM. We will observe 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 to 10:45 PM to coordinate with

Baba's lovers observing silence on Meherabad Hill.

Saturday, February 5 Musical Concert * Your favorite Baba musicians perform songs for the Beloved.

Saturday, February 12 Images of Love #?

most fortunate of all fortunates...are those who die

Wonderful works by Baba's artists worldwide dis

taking My Name." The Reverend Larry Pesta will

played in a slide and sound collage.

come will come out of hiding and lead a discussionof the importance of Japa in our daily lives.

Saturday, December 18 Mehera A celebration of the Beloved's beloved's birthday. Raine Eastman-Gannett and Soosan Adham will

host an evening of images, stories and songs about the purest soul in the universe.

Saturday, December 25 Christmas No meeting, as people celebrate the fifth Avatar's birthday elsewhere.

Saturday, January 1 New Year's Day No meeting. Resolution: Determine to be His

Saturday, January 8 Mandali Memories * Bob Street, who knew him well, will tell us of the incomparable Padri.

Saturday, January 15 Meher Baba and Psychotherapy Last time, the doctors called in sick. But now they're

fit, and ready to discuss their work and its connection to their spiritual path.

Saturday, February 19 1894-1994: The Life of Avatar Meher Baba—A Song Cycle * 7:30 PM, First Unitarian Church, 1 Lawson

Road, Kensington. The Love Street Singers and Players perform an artistic musical and dramatic pro duction based on the events of Baba's life.

Sunday, February 20 Children's Birthday Party for Baba, 1-4 PM Games Baba played, talent show, birthday cake and more. Location: Vern & Annie Stovall's home in Walnut Creek, (510) 938-2126.

Friday, February 25 MeherBaba's 100th Birthday Celebration, & An extended party and openhouse with music, dancing, cake and fun. Location to be announced

Sunday, February 21 Jim Meyer in Concert, 7 PM *

Jim, a well-known Babasinger-songwriter, joinsusfrom

Myrtle Beach for a special performance and fundraiser.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Mary Weiss • Vice President, Kevin Mossberger • Secretary, Tom Hart • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Ron Greenstein, Tom Hart, Christopher Maier, Scott Maloney, Kevin Mossberger, Mary Weiss Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

You Sing by Ben Lett

You Sing, you sing, in tranquility of being you sing Unmoored

abandoned and lost

your song reaches all spheres-— Twirling in wisps of starpoints, prancing artfully as dancers' points lancing as light-flares into sunpoints piercing a dark millennia of stillness your voice splashes on universal heart shores crying: Awake!!

And as the soul's own soul force, lifts hearts joyously together in day song. From beneath earth's own shadow, from the deeps of cavernous self-made graves, from beneath eternity's unmovabk mantle—your voice arises and sings undaunted.

Neither distance's emptiness nor time's obtuseness

nor spirit's aloofness diminishes the warm embrace of your sound,

your loving call. The unmingled beauty of your , acceptance

beckons all to follow. Your musical overture of soul-piercing unity unites us in the bonds

that never fail, that ever last. You sing, beloved God, you sing.

THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room Berkeley, California 94704





2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 24





| «£'WfT|

Kumar and "Mister God" Amrit Irani is married to MeherBaba's nephew Dora andthey livem India near Meherazad. Amrit spoke to ourgroup in August of 1986, telling thiswonderful story:


So my father was pushed out of that place before 7:00 in the morning.

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"Everybody knows about my father Kumar and his coming to Baba and how he brought us all to Baba. He was a revolutionary or, you could say, freedom fighter. It was a time when the British were in India and India wanted its freedom. My father got in volved in all that and he was taken to prison. He spent quite a lot of time there—almost five years, then he came home and his mother convinced him

to get married. He did, but he still wouldn't give up his activities, so he was taken again, for almost another five years. This story starts when he was in prison the second time.

My father wasn't an atheist, but he was an agnostic. He was angry at God because he saw how much the Indian people were suffering. So now, while he was in prison for so long, he started missing home. He could think of no way to get out, so one evening all of a sudden he said to himself, "OK, Let's try God." There was a window in his room, so he looked'out and said to the sky "Mister God, if you exist, help me to be out of this place by 7:00 tomorrow morn ing. If I'm out of here by 7:00 tomorrow morning, I'll believe there is a God. And if you do get me out, I'll serve out the rest of my sentence in any other way that you want."

He had a feeling that it might happen, so he started packing his things that night. So what happened? In the early morning, way before 7:00, there was a knock on the door and a guard said, "Please, hurry and leave. I got the orders for you to go last night, but I forgot to bring them to you, so please leave now, and hurry so I won't get in trouble!"



He came home to his wife, his moth er and his son, now almost five years

old. They were very poor, but they bought a small piece of cheap land

near Dehra Dun and farmed it.

One day in 1950, he saw a tonga pull up the road, with an odd-looking group of people—Indians, Westerners, and a few Parsis. They were looking for land. Our neighbor's land was for sale, so my father helped them to make the deal. The people were friendly and my father liked them very much. He would work with them to fix the place up. He noticed they kept talking about "Baba"—how He wouldn't like this or that.

Now I'll go back a bit and tell you the story behind their buying this land. Baba had ordered his follow ers in northern India to look for a small piece of land so that He could stay there at the time of Kumba Mela. They took a long time finding the right piece of land, and Baba was very annoyed with

them, so He sent them a telegram saying "I want this land as soon as possible—within a few days. It should be exactly four and a half miles from a certain road. After four and a half miles, turn right

for another half-mile." That was my father's place. The time came for Baba to come. He decided not to

come to the land, but to stop at the railway station. My father asked if he could come too, and they said "Of course. We've been writing to Baba telling Him how you've been helping us." So he went. He saw this beautiful person and knew right away that it was Baba, yet he didn't believe in Him as God. Baba went into the waiting room and asked "Where

is that Kumar who has been helping you all this time?" One of the men called my father in and brought him to Baba.


Baba said " I'm very happy with you. You've helped my people to choose this land and to work on it. My father said "Thank you," and he just kind of stood in the corner and enjoyed looking at Baba. Baba asked one of his helpers from Dehra Dun if anyone had arranged for food. No one had, so Kumar offered to go to his home—a 20-minute motorcycle ride— and bring food. He said he would

bring it within an hour. Baba was happy. My father and mother quickly prepared a rice pilau, and my father brought it back. When he arrived back at the train station, Kumar

noticed that the scene had not changed. Baba was still talking to the same person He had been talking to when Kumar left. It was as if time had stopped. He did notice that there were more people there than before, and he knew his pilau wouldn't feed everybody. Baba encouraged everybody to eat well, and my father was thinking "There won't be enough!" He couldn't understand it, but there was plenty for everyone, and leftover food too!

He brought the leftovers home, and from that time on, his crops grew in abundance. It was as if Baba had sent abundance to our home.

Baba traveled north that day, and then a couple of months later, He came back. On November 12, 1950, I was born, and Baba came at that time. My mother would cook for Baba and bring the food to Him. I was almost a month old, and she hadn't named me yet—she wanted to wait until Baba came to give me a name. He let Mani and Mehera name me Amrit.

By-nowmy father loved Baba, not as God, but as somebody wonderful. Baba asked him "would you like to come to the Kumba Mela with us? He said

"Oh, yes!" Baba said he could bring his family, so I got to be in the New Life with Baba—a short trip, just two hours going and two hours coming. When we'reached there, my mother was worried because the party was to stay in a very small house—

three rooms. Baba stayed in one room, the men in another, and the women in the third. She was

worried that I would cry and bother the others. Just as she was thinking this, Baba came in and gave her two biscuits for me. My mother thought "A monthold baby, eating biscuits? But she put them aside and didn't say anything. Of course, I started crying that night, and my mother found that she couldn't

nurse me. Her milk would not come, probably be cause she was so nervous. So, she put a little warm water on the biscuits and I sucked all night long on those biscuits. That was my first time with Baba. Later, in 1953, Baba came back to Dehra Dun and gave Darshan. I was three years old and I remember Him very clearly. I stood in the queue to see Him,

took the prasad (it was delicious!) and then I went right back in line again. Baba chuckled when I came back a second time, but the third time, he gestured "Enough!" But it wasn't enough for me! The fourth time, He took hold of my face and shook it merrily in front of everybody—I was embarrassed!

Several years later, in 1958, Baba wrote to my father arid asked him iflie waited to stay with Him for one year. Of course he said yes, but Baba had him stay only for a week or two. Then, a few months later, Baba asked him to come for one week. He stayed for a week, but Baba never told him to leave, so the week's stay turned into several months. His beard grew and his clothes were becoming tat tered (he had only packed for one week). Then one day Baba called him and asked "Would you obey me if I ask you? He said "Yes, Baba." "Will you stop writing to your family if I ask you?" "Will you stay with me for longer?" "Yes, Baba." It became a year and a half. There were very few books to read and he never went outside the gates of the ashram. One day, he looked around his room, and he remem bered his promise to "Mister God"—that he would serve out his sentence in any way other than prison. Perhaps this was his way of serving out his sentence.

Kumar began to feel that Baba might be his "Mister God"—the other men believed that He was God.

But Kumar had been having dreams of a beautiful mast-like young man (not Baba) holding his hand and saying "I am your Mister God." Who was the person in his dreams? One day, Baba asked Kumar to go along on a trip. Baba had Kumar sit next to Him, then grabbed his hand and said "Kumar, you never told me how you got out of prison." Kumar told Him the whole story. Baba said "I am your Mister God. Didn't you know?"

Baba was holding his hand exactly as the man did in his dreams, but He didn't look like Him. Baba

smiled and had Eruch get out a photograph of Him in the early days. Baba was the man in his dreams. Kumar had found his Mister God.

MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAYOF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS • Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at

the comer of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue InAlbany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


Friday, December 2 - Being Close to Baba Meher Baba said "I am nearer to you than you own breath. Remember Me and I am with you and my love will guide you." Come share an evening on the theme of being close to Baba. There will be singing, some structured sharing and some hanging out at the Greenstein's home in El Cerrito. (510) 525-3364.

V Saturday, Dearber 10 - Three IncredibleWeeks

February 2 -4 - Lyn Ott Visits Renowned Baba artist Lyn Ott will be our guest. Lyn met Meher Baba in 1965, and has graced us with wonderful paintings, books and stories about Baba.

Thursday, February 2 - Discourse Meeting Lynn Ott will join the weekly discourse meeting at the Barrie-Anthony home (510) 524-1440.

V& Friday, February 3 * The Purpose Lyn will present a very special paper—his encapsu lated interpretation of Meher Baba's life, His work and His manifestation. Lyn will be joined by George Gerdes, an L.A. Baba-lover and actor/singer who will read and sing his songs for us.

Saturday, February 4 - Pot Luck Dinner A pot luck dinner and gathering for our guest Lyn Ott, at the home of the Talbot's. (510) 376-4325.

Saturday, February 11 * Qutta Night

This evening's film was made in 1954 when the

An informal gathering at the Barrie-Anthony home,

Western men were invited to be with Meher Baba for Three Incredible Weeks!

focused on the Divine Beloved. (510) 524-1440

*&Saturday, December17 * Mehera's Birthday

Saturday, February 18 * Meeting the Qod-Man Ursula Van Buskirk will recount the exciting odyssey

that brought her to the feet of her master, MeherBaba.


An evening of remembrance of Baba's Beloved Mehera, coordinated by Louise Barrie-Anthony.

Saturdays, December 24 & December 31 No meeting on these two nights. Joyous Holidays!

Friday, January 6 - Film Night Two films tonight! Meher Baba starring in The EastWest Gathering, filmed in 1962 and Stay With Meher Baia, filmed by Don Stevens in 1959.

Saturday, January 14»The Feminine Side ofQod The return of a populardiscussion meeting. If youare interested in presenting material and/or helping to

plan thismeeting, callLaura Hogan, (510) 237-9257.

Saturday, January 21*Music for the Beloved An evening of entertainment for fun and fundraising by our talented Bay Area musicians.

V# Saturday, January 28 - Amartiihi Meeting

Wednesday, February 22 - Friday, February 24 Japa to Conclude the Beloved's Centennial Year From 2 PM Wednsday to 3:30 PM Friday, we will

repeat Baba's name or a favorite name of God con tinuously in 101 half-hour sections (passed by phone). To sign up, call Emiko Larson at (510) 526-2309. Chanting sessions will end the Japa on Friday the 24th, which, in India, is the 25th, Baba's birthday.

** Saturday, February 25 - Meher Baba's 101st Birthday The Centennial Plus One for the One and Only.

Join a fun-filled 101st celebration at the Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Avenue at Rincon in Kensington. The program will begin at 2:30 PM with an informal gathering, talk and singing. Irwin Luck's movie Avatar will be shown at 4 PM.

At 7 PM, the Love Street Singers will premiere a

new musical play, Because of Love, by Bill and Raine

In remembrance of Meher Baba's Amartithi, we will

Gannett. A wonderful selection of Baba books and

present the highly acclaimed slide show Images of Love by Meher Baba's artists worldwide.

Fred White at (510) 843-4417.

Monday, January 30 - Amartithi

art will be on sale. For transportation assistance, call

Sunday, February 26 - Children's Birthday Party

Join us beginning at 8:30 PM to share in the silence

Children, come and celebrate Baba's Birthday from

at Meher Baba's tomb, which happens at 10:30 10:45 PM our time. Coordinated by Ron Greenstein.

Dreyfus, 27 Jessen Ct., Kensington. (510) 526-6078.

2PM - 5PM at the home of Robert and Alisa

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc.

President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, JanetWhite • Secretary, Leslie Baer• Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Soussan Adham-Rupe • Leslie Baer • Mehera Halllweil • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor »Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson

Trustwatla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250. Berkeley, CA 94701)


LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito • Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM Aiti and tinging at the Greensteins at (510) 525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877

Annie Stovall is compiling a cook book of recipes from the Mandali and other members of the Baba

community world-wide. This will be a delectable fund-raiser for our group. If you have a favorite

recipe, send it (typed, please) to Annie at 869 Appaloosa Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. If you'd like to help, call her at (510) 938-2126.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call 415-322-0886 or 415-328-6783

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Discourse meeting on the second Monday of each month,

7:30 P.M. Also, occasional Sunday morning gatherings. Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings '7 to 8:30 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Liam Mullan at (415) 474-5442

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings, 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or

Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please coll (415) 221-8724 to get itinto the next newsletter.


If you are not already receiving the Meherana Messen ger and would like to be on the mailing list, please send your name and address to: Marilyn Buehler, P.O. Box 191606 Sacramento, CA 95818-7606.

Dates for Meherana work parties this winter are as follows: November 5-6, November 19-20, Decem ber 3-4, December 10-11, December 31-January 1

(Happy New Year!). If you plan to come up, please call site manager Chris Pearson at (209) 966-5078 so that he can update you on weather and tools needed, and so he can plan the work accordingly. THE AWAKENER IS HEREI

Meher Baba the Awakener, a 56-minute documentary video on the life and work of Meher Baba, is finally here! It contains interviews with Bhau Kalchuri, the twins, Marguerite Poley and Don Stevens. For infor mation, call Tim Thelen (313) 393 3715.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.



MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704








VOL. 24

nication. This institute was run by Catholic, fathers. There was one father from Scandinavia, and I remember him

Stories from Sam Kerawalla's Life

asking the class whothoughttheywould get through the exams on the first try.

With Baba (Parti)

The exams were conducted by the Gov ernment of India, and were competi

Sam Kerawalla, who grew up ina Baba family inPoona, recounts pivotal events from his ear' ly adulthood, and tells how Baba guided him.

tive. Over 300 students from all over

In India you put in two years of college, after which you can go on for five years of further education in medicine. Baba told me to go in for medicine but, unfortunately, during those two years, I became friend ly with a group of Indian youngsters who came from very rich families. These people didn't study, so I didn't study either and I failed in the deciding year. Baba, at that time, was at Ahmednagar at a place called "Ice Factory Bungalow." He called me there and He said, "Well, what has happened? You have failed." Baba said, "Well, business is not in your destiny, otherwise I myself would have financed you to open up

a toy shop." Whether He was joking, 1don't know, but He appeared very serious. He said to me, "Look, elec tronics is the up and coming line, so you study that." There was a college in Bombay where they had recent ly started courses in electronics. He said, "Go to Bom bay immediately and bring the prospectus of that college back to me." So, in two or three days time I

India appeared for them at Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. The first day was receiving Morse code. The next day would be sending coded and plain messages. After that the examiner would simulate a plane, a ship or a base station, and your job would be to keep up a communications stream with him. After that, there

were tests using voice, on radio physics, on commu nication regulations, actual handling of transmitters, re

ceiver^ direction finding antennas and diagnosing and conecting equipment problems. Afterevery test your score was posted, and if you railed that test you were out. Out of 300 students, only four or five would pass, and each of them would have taken the test five or six

This was somewhere in 1947. In 1948 through 1950 1

times before passing. So, when the Father asked who thought theywould get through this ordeal on the first try, I stood up. Why? Because, just about a month before myexams, my fatherwas crushed to death under an Indian Navy truck. My family came from a lower middle class background and we were not well off. I had studied, no denying it, but I had that faith that if God had snatched away one bread earner in the family, now it was His duty to provide the next one. That was the thought in my mind when I stood up and, by His grace, I got through on the first shot. A big fanfare took place, with the fathers shaking my hand and all that, because it was a bit of prestige for the college. I started looking for a job in 1950, barely three years after India's independence. There were only two ship ping companies. One was owned by Indians, and the

completed my courses. At that time wireless telegraphy was the primary means for marine or aircraft commu-

other was British. The story was, "You get six months of sea experience and we'll give you a job." 1 wrote to

came back to Beloved Baba. He was sitting the same as three days back. He said to me, "I normally don't touch a fountain pen except to put my signature on some

important documents, but this once I'm taking this pen," and He marked out three subjects—radio engi neering, radio physics and wireless telegraphy. "Now, you go to that college, enroll yourself and study," He said. "Don't waste your time, pay attention to your studies, get through your exams, and leave the rest to Me."



Dr. Hodiwala, a Baba lover from Aden who went out

of his way to help people, that this is my problem and I don't want paybut just experience, then it would be possible for me to have a job. Dr. Hodiwala wrote back to me that Andre Besse, a friend of his has a company withshipping lines. Besse called up Captain Dwyer, an Irishman who managed the shipping lines, and Dwyer said that there was a British radio operator going home on leave for six months, so immediately arrangements were made, the passport was prepared, and in no time I was on a ship to Aden, with pay! The appointment

Then Baba asked me, "What do you take Me to be?" So, I said "I've accepted you as God," but it was like a parrot saying "You are God." It had made no impres sion on me. My whole family said He was God, so I

would say He was God. But the infinite significance never penetrated. That came much later. So I said to Him, "I am born into a Zoroastrian family, but when I

think of God I think of only You." Babasaid, "Zoroast er and I are one and the same. I'm telling you as God Himself that you'll have children and there'll be no problem with them." Baba said, "Go back to Pune

letter said that I would begin my sea job on 35 pounds

immediately and get your family to make arrangements

sterling a month. In those days, the average salary in England was 10 to 11 pounds and people making 12 to

for the marriage." Just like that, I'm in India for one

14 pounds were considered rich, so, already Baba had seen to the material welfare of the family. When I reached Aden they said that the British maritime union had fought for a raise, and now the rate was 40

Eruch become angry with Baba. Eruch says, "He's hardly 24 and Roshan is 17. Why do you want to put responsibility on such young shoulders?" So Baba says, "OK, I wanted to get you married as soon as possible, but Eruch has come in the way. So, go back to your sea

pounds. So, even before starting to work, 1got a raise. About two months later the company asked if I would like to work on a permanent basis. I needed the job and was quite happy with it. We had all British officers and Arab crew,- and during the entire thirteen years I spent in that company I never came across any British

er who had caste or color prejudices. 1 was accepted as one of them. We would go out to shore and party together. I eventually learned Arabic, but English was the language among the officers. In June of 1954 I completed my first three year con tract and came back to India. Baba was at Satara at that time and I was called there. A small incident

happened, as I saw Him. I said to myself, "Normally, I have always stood for a Captain of a ship. I should stand before the-Lord of the-Universe." So, Baba went

to the dining room, sat on a chair and said, "Sit down." 1 said, "No, I'll stand." Baba looked annoyed, but Eruch was positively angry. Eruch said, "Sit down when He tells you to sit down!" I sat down. He asked me about my sea life. He asked me about getting married and said, "What about Roshan?" Now, Roshan happens to be my first cousin. Roshan's father and my mother are brother and sister. I told Baba that I had

never thought about marrying Roshan..Moreover, in Roshan's family two brothers and one sister had pro gressive dystrophy, a very dangerous disease. I said, "This is what I've heard, that marriages of first cousins are dangerous." At this, Baba became positively angry, and turned to Eruch, "Every time your cousin comes, I start having a headache. He is crazy." Eruch interced ed, saying that I merely expressed my side of the view.

day and I'm to be betrothed.-That was one time I saw

job and when you come again we'll decide on the marriage."

Later in that visit, we were all sitting at Baba's feet. Normally I would sit at His feet with my head down because I was both ashamed and frightened to look at Him because in my heart I knew I was unworthy. I knew He knew. He snapped His fingers, "Do you know Me?" I said, "Of course I know you." "There you are,"

Baba said, turning to his mandali, "spending 30 or 40 years at my feet and you still do not know Me and here

is Sam who comes just yesterday from Pune and he knows Me." They all had a good laugh. - ed note: Sam went back to sea after this meeting with Baba, then returned m1957- Tofind out what happened then, read Pan 2 of this story inthe next edition o/thisnewsletter. UPDATE ON MEHER BABA THE AWAKENER

Tim Thelen is nearing completion of his television documentary Meher Baba the Awakener, to be shown

locally on PBS Channel 54 in the spring of 1994. Over $13,000 has been raised for this project, but an addi tional $5,000 is needed for a final on-line edit. "Bay Area Baba lovers have been very generous in support ing this project, says Tim, "and I want to express my thanks." Dina Franklin will be the narrator, and orig inal music will be provided by Karl Moeller. Anyone contributing $50 or more will receive a one-hour VHS copy of the film. Donations can be sent to: The Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California

10808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025, ATTN: Meher Baba Film Project.

MEETINGS - Meher Baba eventsareheldonSaturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTHunless otherwise indicated below. TIMES-Events start

at 8:00 PMand normallyend by 9:30 PMunless otherwise noted.

LOCATIONS • Eventsare held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin

and Stannage, two blocks east ofSan Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *




Friday, March 4 Meher Baba in Japan Emiko Larson and Mary Weiss host an evening de voted to discovering what happened when The One who moves in mysterious ways visited the Mysterious Orient.

Saturday, April 9 Mandali Memories: Elizabeth Patterson

Elizabeth, one of the most charming of Baba's western mandali, will be remembered by people who knew and loved her.

Saturday, April 16 More of That Old Time Religion Still wondering after all these years: what happens to the religion in which you were raised when you know that Meher Baba is Qod? What do you teach yourchildren? A panel of local Baba lovers will dis cuss these questions.

Saturday, April 23 Baba by the Bay In 1952, MeherBaba visited San Francisco. Hisstay

Saturday, March 12 The Star ofStars * Tonight the writer-producer-director of the uni verse appears on film. Baba said that in the future

people will become God-realized through seeing His image on film. This is the future. Could this be your lucky night?

Saturday, March 19 Meher Baba Information: A personal Perspective on Baba Work * $& Rick Chapman, who met Meher Baba in the '60s, will share stories and observations of his quartercentury of life in His service.

Saturday, March 26 Begin the Beguine, Again, Already Music, music, music—songs in praise ofthe Avatar

andsongs He loved, withmusicians David Miotke, RonGreenstein & Darrell Rupe. Friday, April 1 Son of Divine Humor Christopher Mater hosts an evening's entertain ment, recounting more stories reflecting Baba's

sublime sense ofhumor. A delightful pastime for all of us, His April fools.

willbe recalled by one who waswith Him then.

Saturday, April 30 Muir Beach Dhuni Last time, Baba provided a full moon at justthe right moment. God-willing, Hismagic will againprevail.

Friday, May 6 What is Baba's Family? A forum on a subject of wide-ranging implications, led by Ron Greenstein.

Saturday, May 14 Meher Baba and Money Christopher Maier, authorofthe yet-to-be -published sizzler, HotytoGet Poor Quicks will lead a discussion

ofthe relationship between you, God and money.

Saturday, May 21 Bhau Kalchuri's Talk* $> Bhau, Baba's globe-trotting night-watchman and an inspired extemporaneous speaker, will share love for, and stories about his Master, the God-Man.

Saturday, May 28 Memorial Day Weekend with Bhau in Mariposa Roll up the sleeping bags and gas up the car. It's that time of yearagain:"BhaustockV." This willbe

thefirst big event at Meherana, which should bring Baba's lovers from far and wide.


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba


can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, Calif.

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701


Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President. Mary Weiss • Vice President, Kevin Mossberger • Secretary, TomHart • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Ron Greenstein. Tom Hart, Christopher Maier. Scott Maloney, Kevin Mossberger, Mary Weiss Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein. Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: JackMormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

Toward the end ofher life, Filis Frederick wrote a

collection of poems about her relationship with Meher Baba called "Light on Running Water."

Previously unpublished, selections from this work are being shared withdifferent Baba groups around the world. These two were sent to us.

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10.00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at 510-525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7AS PM Discourse readingand discussion.. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at 510-524-1440

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to8:30 PM

The original

Arti, and a varied program.

Most-whimsical Comical

Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at 209-449-0877

Los QatosfPalo Alto - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti,singing, and readings. Please call Cherri Nelson for loca


tion, 415-325-2231

-ical inimitable

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11.00AM Arti, readings, and fellowship.

First-most free'form FUm-jUtm man

Contact Hermann Loew at 707-778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each' month. Fortimes and locations of these and Sunday morning gather


ings, call Marilyn Buehler at916-925-4451


San Fransisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM Discourse reading anddiscussion. Contact Liam Mullan at 415 474-5442


SanRafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM

firefaU Ofbliss

Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob Mckinney at 415 258-8106

.-'Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings 8 to 9:30 PM


Video first Monday eachmonth. Discourse reading and discussion subsequent Mondays. Please call Helen Riehl 510-935-0167 orGil Shepard at 510-930-8670 for directions


Everyman Is every otherman.

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call 41S-221S724 to get it into thenext newsletter.

© AvaWT-Me/ier Baba Public Perpetual Charitable Trust.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

^0065-5004 3i


EL CERRITO. CA; PERMIT NO. 186!i.H{!<!..i.l.ii..<il....i..!ull.ii..<i..J<i




VOL. 24


Between Baba's wedding and the Zo roastrian ceremony, we stayed sepa rate. Our whole courtship was letters between '54 and '57 plus a few months

Stories from Sam

Kerawalla's Xife.

With Baba (Part 2) Sam Kerawalla grew upina Baba family in Pune. Our lastedition featured fiie story of his career as a young sailor. Now he tells how Baba arranged hismarriage to Roshan Satha, carefully attend ingtoeventhe smallest details in their life of service to Him.

In 1957 1 came to Pune to see Baba at Guruprasad. Roshan was there. Next morning, the family got together before Baba. Eruch, his mother and his brother Meherwan were there, I was there with my mother Banumama and my brother Dadi. Roshan's papa wasn't there, but Naosherwan, an uncle of hers and mine was there. Baba said, "It is My wish that Sam and Roshan should marry, but the marriage should not take place because I say so." Then He asked Roshan and me, "Are you happy with the idea

of getting married to each other?" We both said yes. After asking us a second time, to be sure that it was not because He wanted it, Baba said, "Good." He turned to Roshan's uncle and says, "Roshan's father is not here, so you are his proxy. Are you happy?" He said he was. Baba turned to Dadi, my brother, and He said, "The son has lost his father, so you

take the place of his Dad. Are you happy?" Dadi said, "Yes, Baba." Then He called us together, joined our hands in his hands, held us for, I don't know, ten or fifteen seconds, and then He said, "Before God, the marriage is over. Now if you want to have

to talk and court between November


and March. Roshan's wedding trous seau was ready, a little jewelry was done, as I had brought some gold Aden. In February, Baba called us to Meher-

azad because Mehera wanted to see Roshan.

While we were sitting down in Mandali Hall two very important things happened that illustrate the infinite care that God had for us. The rest of the

mandali had gone for lunch, but Baba, Eruch, Banu mama and I were present. Baba was sitting in His chair and Eruch and 1 were sitting at his feet on the matting. In those days there was only matting on the floor. Yet Baba ordered me to bring a chair for Banumama, so she shouldn't sit on the floor. Sud denly, Baba started to gesture. He said "Don't look at this broken down body of mine. I am the Lord of the Universe. There is no shadow of a doubt in this.

Hold onto my damaan." After that was over, He asked me, "Have you thought of going on a honey moon?" Now, I had never been to North India and

I had heard about the Taj Mahal and Qutub Minar. So I said, "I'm going to Delhi to see the Taj Mahal." I was so ignorant, 1 did not know that the Taj Mahal was in Agra, a day's journey from Delhi. Baba smiled and told Eruch, "What a fellow - he travels all around the world and he doesn't even

know that the Taj Mahal is in Agra. He wants to

see Taj Mahal in Delhi." "Since you're going so far north, go to Kashmir also," He said to me. March is not a good time for tourism in Kashmir. This all happened in November of 1957. March 21, It's too cold. We reached Srinagar, and I elected to 1958 was decided as the wedding date, the vernal stay in a hotel rather than on a houseboat, because equinox being an important date for Zoroastrians. It it didn't seem too exciting for me to go back to sea. didn't please Baba that so much time elapsed, but The next day it was bright sunshine and a guide because the old people wanted it He gave in. ,1994 (continued on back page)

a typical Zoroastrian wedding, I want it done very, very quickly."



All who wish to share in the commitment laid

down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack





Berkeley, CA 94701. OratlrJktaUmr


By now you may have heard the good news that on

People who wish to know more about Meher

April 7th, India's Supreme Court decided to hear the case being put forward against Praveen Organics. A date for the S_upreme_ Court hearing has not yet

Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101.

been scheduled. We'll let you know as soon as we hear any news. In the mean time, we urge you to continue your leter writing campaigns and visits to embassies.

LOCAL MEETINQSr El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at (510) 525-3364

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Bnrric or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings -8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call 415-322-0886 or 415-328-6783


In addition, we have ben requested by the coordina tors in India to remind everyone that all letters

should be courteous and to the point. The coordina tors at Meherazad/Meherabad have learned from Indian officials that some of the leters have been

uncourteous and aggressive. Needless to say, this tactic will do more harm than good. Also, we want to remind you that the efforts in the courts, as well as those to gain "Non-Industrial Zone" status, are not connected to the Trust. These

efforts are being initiated by certain Mandali mem bers and residents of Meherabad and Meherazad.

Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each month. For times and locations of these and Sunday morning

Therefore, please don't make any reference to the Trust in your letters to Indian officials. Again, we'll keep you informed as events unfold. Please spread the word. Thank you for helping in thw crucial effort. If you have any qustions please call Buz and Wendy Connor at (804) 723-6259 or Charles Haynes and Christopher Wilson at (803)

gatherings, call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451


Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - J1:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

San Fransisco - Wednesday Evenings '7 to 8:30 PM

In Meher Baba's Love and Service,

Discourse reading and discussion.

The Friends of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust

Contact Liam Mullan at (415) 474-5442

8470 Brunger Street, Manassas, VA 2211, USA

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM. Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob Mckinney at (415) 258-8106

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings, 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Dis courses.

If your regularly scheduled heal meeting is not listed please call (415) 221-8724 to get it into the next newsletter.


For the benefit of Baba-Lovers/Pilgrims who ask our advice whether to invest in land offered for sale in

the vicinity of Meherabad for a housing project, 1 must make it clear that this is an independent project and neither the Avatar Meher Baba Trust

nor the Mandali are involved in any way in its financial aspects. *"**

MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San

Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call S10-84S-4339.

* Bookstore # Childcare

If you have goods or services to donate for the auction, please call Karen Talbot at (510) 376-4325.

Tuesday, June 7, 4 PM - Tea with Bhau An almost-farewell tea at the Cons residence in

Berkeley. (510) 841-1777.

Tuesday, June 7, 7:30 PM - Bhau's Farewell Bring dessert to a tea, talk and farewell greeting at the home of the Lowes, 1800 Woodhaven Way, Oakland. (510) 339-9094.

Please note that Bhau's talk, originally scheduled for May 21, will he on Friday, June 3.

Saturday, June 11 - Meher Baba on Film

Saturday, May 21 - Memories of Mehera

Saturday, June 18 * Raine in Concert

Once again, honoring the anniversary of her passing, we remember our Beloved's Beloved. Raine Eastman-

Gannett hosts an evening of reminiscence and cele bration of Mehera.

Friday, May 27 No meeting tonight, as rtteny of us will be heading up to the Meherana Spring Sahavas in Mariposa.

June 2-7 - Bhau visits the Bay Area During this week we once again have the honor of hosting Bhau Kalchuri, one of Meher Baba's manda li, as our guest. The following list of activities with Bhau enriches our summer calendar:

Thursday, June 2, 4:00 PM - Tea with Bhau Come and meet Bhau at his first Bay Area Tea. Bring teatime treats to share to the Greenstein's home, 600 Albemarle Rd., El Cerrito (510) 525-3364.

Thursday, June 2, 7:30 PM 'Evening talk Bhau will speak at the Jamison's home, 6934 Fairview Dr., El Cerrito. (510) 236-7993. Bring afterdinner snacks and desserts.

Friday, June 3, 7:30 PM - Bhau speaks at Albany Methodist Church ^ & Bhau is an inspired and tireless speaker. This will be his principal address in the Bay Area.

Sunday, June 5, 10 AM to Noon - Children's Party with Bhau Bhau will entertain the children with stories and the

children will entertain Bhau at the Talbot's, 721

Crossbrook Dr., Moraga, Ca. (510) 376-4325.

Sunday, June 5, 2:30-7 PM - A Qarden Party for Bhau and Silent Auction An afternoon pot-luck party in the Van Buskirk's garden that will also be a fundraiser for the Meher Baba Center of Northern California. The address is

304 Castle Crest, Walnut Creek, (510) 947-0495.

The Star of Stars once again graces the silver screen. A fundraiser/performance of ghazals by local vocalist Raine Eastman-Gannett. If you wish to read your favorite ghazal, call Raine (510) 649-0433.

Saturday, June 25 - Annual Qeneral Meeting <& This is an important event, as it is our opportunity to be involved in the democratic workings of the Meher Baba Center of Northern California. Next

year's new board members will be elected.

Friday, July 1 No meeting tonight, as many of our group will be at the Sahavas in southern California

Saturday, July 9 - Concert by Raphael Rudd The Berkeley Unitarian Fellowship, 1924 Cedar at Bonita in Berkeley, will be the site for a fundraiser/ concert by visiting pianist Raphael Rudd.

Saturday, July 16 * Meherana Update Bryan Drygas, who is on the board of Meherana, will talk about current and proposed developments.

Saturday, July 23 - A Reminiscence of 1969 From one who was there. Darshan Through Death's Door—a talk by Kathy Wiederhold.

Saturday, July 30 - Meher Baha in Japan Emiko Larsen and Mary Weiss tell us about this stop in the travels of the One who is always everywhere.

There will he no meetings in the month of August, hut two special events are planned: Saturday, August 6 - Canoe Trip! Fun for the whole family on the Russian River! Only $11 per person. For information and reservations, call Karen Dewald at (510) 549-1487.

Wednesday, August 24, 7:30 PM - Jane Brown in Concert at the Albany Methodist Church $ Fresh from Myrtle Beach, Jane will treat us to a special fundraiser/concert.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Mary Weiss • Vice President, Kevin Mossberger • Secretary, Tom Hart • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Ron Greenstein, Tom Hart, Christopher Maier, Scott Maloney, Kevin Mossberger, Mary Weiss Newsletter: Alexandra Cons. Editor • Keith Gunn, Lisa Greenstein, Betty Lowman. Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

(continued from page I)

came and took us around the town. Every night, we would go to the hotel dining room, and the same chap would wait on us. Every night he would say, "Oh sir, you're so very lucky." By that time we'd been in Kashmir for over a week. He said to me, "We have never seen such weather at this time of

the year for so long a period. It's unheard of that the weather should be so perfect." Then it dawned on me that orders had come from the Supreme Master that I should visit Kashmir.

After a five-week honeymoon we came back. Baba was very urgently interested in a child and was

disappointed to learn that Roshan was not preg nant. Again Eruch interceded with Baba to ask why

we should begin a family,so soon, "placing such a burden on young shoulders." Baba said, "Look at your cousin. What worry has he got? It is I who am carrying the worry of the whole universe, the cre ation. He has no worries, so quiet down."

On the 15th of May Baba went to the West. We all went to the airport to see Him off. By that time, I think, Mehera had been conceived, because the moment Baba saw Roshan He burst out smiling. He put His hand on her head, and I felt in my heart of

hearts that it had happened. He gave me His hand, I kissed it and He left for the West.

When I first went to sea as a young man, I never wrote to Baba. One day a letter arrived saying, "What has happened to Sam? Has he forgotten Beloved Baba?" I immediately wrote a letter to Baba and thereafter made a point of sending birthday greetings to Baba every year. In 1969, 1 was working for an Indian shipping company. When we docked in Norway on February 22, I sent my birthday greetings to Baba. Receiving my cable, the mandali realized that I didn't know

that Baba had dropped His body. The shipping office had received their telegram, but sent it as mail to me. When I landed 1 got a cable announc ing Baba's passing. I was absolutely broken up. I spoke to the Captain, art Indian, who said, "You say your master has dropped His body. Nobody will understand in the shipping hierarchy. Let us inform the company that your mother is seriously ill." They made arrangements for a replacement for me after that last run, which took 15 days. I arrived back in India in early March, to help the mandali prepare for the Last Darshan.


May 28-30

Saturday, June 4

Meherana Spring Sahavas in Mariposa

Bhau Roast/Meherana Fundraiser Get out the black tie and tails—this will be a gala

Bhau Kalchuri will be the special guest at this inaugu ral gathering at Meher Baba's newest center. If you have not received a registration flyer for the Meherana Spring Sahavas, call Christie Pearson (209) 966-5078.

evening extravaganza to raise funds for Meherana development. A flier will be mailed soon with all details, or call Mary Hamilton (510) 837-9650.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc. ••••iSi'fl



2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704 '










FALL 1994

VOL. 24

Agnes Baron and

in this pre-World War II era. For instance, she observed open abuse of

Meher Mount

Jews. Once, while shopping in a in Viennese store owned by a Jewish

by Bing, Jenny and Meira Heckman Agnes Baron, Meher Baba's watchdog,

proprietor, she was assailed verbally by Brown Shirt Hitler Youth who

has gone to the'feet of her beloved master. Baba's dear Agni died on July 5, 1994.

Agnes preserved the property known as MeherMount in Ojai California, which Baba placed in her trust, since the early 1950s. She was a very faithful and loving servant who asked nothing for herself and was amply sustained with very limited provisions. Service to her Beloved was most important to her. Agnes left San Francisco California after an early graduation from high school to attend Antioch College in Ohio, a school especially concerned with fresh views and making the world a better place. While there, she developed a relationship with Pro fessor Mohini M. Charter)ee, an Indian man who later referred to Agnes as his spiritual daughter. (Agnes brought Professor Chatterjee to meet Baba in 1956, during His San Francisco visit.) After college, Agnes became a correspondent for the World Press and the Vienna Herald, prominent news agencies in Europe. As she was fluent in nine

languages, she was able to cover a wide range of subjects. One, involving the economic conditions of the Balkan nations, brought her into contact with many top government officials of the 1930s.

Another project took her among the people in the hills of Albania, known to many as bandits. She

travelled along across the open countryside to seek out these people and become acquainted with their customs. A woman travelling alone was greatly per plexing to officials of the region, who could think of her only as a missionary, a prostitute or a spy. While much of what Agnes did during these years was fascinating, many aspects were also distressing

asked her what she was doing buying shoesfrom a Jew. She told them "None of your damn business!"

Ultimately, Agnes went to Portugal to help refugees She was one of a few trying to help in this monu mental, heartbreaking task. Several of the highranking officials she had met in the Balkans in 30s were among the refugees. As the war came closer, she finally had to return to the United States.

Deeply depressed over the appalling treatment of people and lack of compassion she had witnessed, she returned to her native San Francisco. There she

met and worked with Josephine Duveneck, a phi lanthropist who was helping Japanese Americans avoid internment.

Mrs. Duveneck and Agnes's old mentor Professor Chatterjee suggested that Agnes look into Vedanta. Agnes was moved by the new ideas she discovered. She had a very good rapport with the swami in San Francisco, who directed her to an ashram in south ern California where facilities for women were avail

able. Agnes found the swami in Santa Barbara to be hypocritical and told him he was a "fallen yogi." She then moved tb an ashram in Los Angeles, where she tried to continue her writing, but her typing made noise that upset the quiet of the ashram. She was told of another place in La Crescenta where she could possibly live and write without disturbing anyone. The people at the La Crescenta center were disciples of Meher Baba, an Indian master that she did not know, but she decided to

stay. A book called Avatar needed editing and the author, Jean Adriel, asked Agnes to help with the


task. While Agnes felt that many parts of the book were too sentimental for her taste, she was quite impressed by the central subject, Meher Baba. At Baba's suggestion, a group of women from the center decided to find a location further away from the city, so Agnes went along to look for other properties. Back in the hills of Ojai, Agnes asked about a property—seemingly on a whim. No one else was interested at first, and it was not listed for

sale. They got through a fence and found buildings and features that were very appealing. On inquir ing, they found that it was for sale. They purchased the property and Agnes, still uncertain about Meher Baba, moved in with the group. Margaret Craske was the final link for Agnes. She had great respect for Margaret, and it was their discussions about Baba that really touched her. Agnes finally met Baba in 1952 in Myrtle Beach. Meeting Baba in the Lagoon Cabin was a wonderful moment for Agnes. The two were alone together. Baba put her head on His shoulder, and "everything dissolved," as she put it. In a flash, she felt absolute conviction of His divinity. Baba was to have gone to Meher Mount that year, but the auto accident in Prague, Oklahoma prevented His visit. In 1956, Baba did visit Meher Mount. Filis Frederick

recounted in the Awakener, "He loved Meher Mount

and felt happy there. Baba ... said the land was very old and He had been there before." Baba had a

Agnes and Meher Baba at Meher Mount, 1956

relaxed and playful day at Meher Mount, which was a welcome respite during His whirlwind tour. Baba observed that Agnes's nickname "Agni" was the Hindi word for fire, and used that name for her

endearingly. He also called her his "watchdog," perhaps for her tenacity in guarding His- Meher Mount. Agnes held the property with very limited outside support for over forty years. Her living con ditions were spartan and she lived without hot water or good heat for many years. When Meher Mount became involved in webs of

legal and title issues, Baba ordered that the title be placed in Agnes's name and told her that whatever

shethought should be done with the land was alright withJiim. Agnes was very- active in social programs. During the 1960s and 1970s, she was involved in the

War on Poverty and her own drug abuse program. She was on the suicide hotline for many years and founded the Headstart program in her county. Agnes went to India for the first time in 1983. She

particularly enjoyed visiting Baba's dear ones there. Rumor has it that she almost talked Mansari into

coming back with her, but orders are orders. (Baba ordered Mansari never to leave the Samadhi hill.)

On October 16, 1985 the "New Life" began for Agnes. A fire swept over Meher Mount and de

stroyed all of the buildings. Agnes escaped with her beloved pets, but nothing else. She was assisted by the local community and Red Cross and returned to the mountain about a year later.

While she had a tendency to bark a bit and be frank in her discussions, Agni enjoyed visitors very much. Her only concern was serving her Beloved and she wanted all to share in such service. Baba said:

"The only reason why I call upon every individual to work for Me is to make each one share in the Divine Cause."

We will miss her deeply. The property has been deeded to Meher Mount

Corporation, an established nonprofit corpora tion which will sincerely strive to serve her wishes for Meher Mount. *

You can have an active voice in this effort. For

information on how you can become involved with the direction and support of Meher Mount, please call Bing Heckman at (415) 494-6443 or write to:

Meher Mount Corporation, MEHER MOUNT 9902 Sulphur Mountain Road, Ojai, CA 93023

(See Mam's telegram on back page).

MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church Is at

Saturday, October 1 How I Come to Meher Baba An always-popular meeting: Come to hear stories of the Divine Romance. To be held at the Jamison's in El Cerrito, (510) 236-7993.

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San

^# Friday, October 7 Adele Wolkin Reminisces

PabloAvenue In Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany

Adele, one of the fortunate ones to have met Meher

exit from Interstate 80.

Baba, joins us from LA. for an interesting evening of her memories. She will be bringing a film we have

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339.

y Bookstore <b Chlldcare

not seen before of Baba's mandali at amartithi.

* Note: We are experimenting this quarter with having more meetings in homes in the community. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be at the Albany Methodist Church.

* Friday, September 2 The Original Star Meher Baba is truly divine on the screen. Come and view Him in Myrtle Beach, 1958 and in Meher Baba's Call ...

Saturday, September 3 Labor Day Picnic, 2-5 PM Come for an afternoon of shared food and fun at

Live Oak Park in north Berkeley. We'll play Seven Tiles, Gilly Danda or whatever you bring. Live Oak Park is on Shattuck Ave. between Rose and Eunice.

Saturday, September 10, 7:30 PM Meher Baba and Community Come to the El Cerrito home of Harold and Sue

Jamison for a discussion about where our group is going. Call (510) 236-7993 if you need directions.

Friday, September 16 Rummage Sale Preparation 6-8 PM: Your help is needed to set up and price items for Saturday's rummage sale,- Friend's Meeting Hall, corner of Walnut and Vine Streets, Berkeley. 8-10 PM: work and preview sale for workers.

Saturday September 17 Rummage Sale 8-10 AM: More work and preparation 10 AM - 3 PM: Public sale. Come to help sell, to find that one-of-a-kind treasure and to raise funds

for our group's activities.

Saturday, Sept. 17 No meeting tonight because of the Lord Meher Benefit - see back page.

Saturday, September 24, 7:30 PM Qroup SingAlong Bring instruments and Baba music for a singing to the Beloved, at the home of Mary Weiss in San Fran cisco. Call Mary for directions at (415) 221-8724.

Saturday, October 8, 7 PM Qwest Pot-Luck An informal get-together with Adele and fellow Southern Californian Fred Stankus. Fred will show

two programs that he produced for L.A. Cable TV. At the Talbot's in Moraga, (510) 376-4325.

Saturday, October 15, 7:30 PM Meher Baba's New Life Join in a discussion of the New Life, with musical accompaniment by David Miotke.

Saturday, October 22, 7 PM Video Night At the home of Emiko and Roger Larson (510) 526-2309.

Saturday, October 29, 7 PM Children's Halloween Party The church social hall will become a fun-house and

a venue for a children's party and show by our very talented children's group. Come in costume!

*> Friday, "November 4 The Avatar on Film Come along as we re-visit Baba's Andra Tour of 1954 and delight in the beauty and grace of the Beloved in O Parvardigar.

Saturday, Nov 12 Remembering Baba These are fast-moving and stressful times. Come and share ideas and experiences of ways we can remem ber Him and hold on to His damaan. At the home

of Dick Anthony and Louise Barrie, (510) 524-6405.

* Saturday, 'November 19 The One Dream Away Concert, with Cindy Lowe and Friends Song-dreamer Cindy Lowe will entertain us in a fund-raising concert featuring songs from her new album. Befitting the occasion, the church hall will be transformed into a cabaret setting (Black berets optional.)

Saturday, November 26 Spend time in thanksgiving, but no meeting tonight.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, Leslie Baer• Treasurer. Jack Mormon Board ofDirectors: Soussan Adham-Rupe • Leslie Baer • Mehera Halllweil • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot • Janet White Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250,Berkeley, CA 94701)

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins at (510) 525-3364

EI Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7: J5 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440

Fresno • Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti, and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449?0877

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing, and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call 415-322-0886 or 415-328.6783

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Discourse meeting second Tuesday of each month. For times and locations of these and Sunday morning

gatherings, call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings '7 to 8:30 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Liam Mullan at (415) 474-5442



This will be an evening of fun to benefit the publication of Lord Meher. A multiple-course, fam ily-style Italian dinner, raffle and mystery musical entertainment. Come to die party and bring .your friends to the Colombo Club, 5321 Claremont Av

enue, Oakland. Donation is $30 per person. The reservation deadline has been extended to Sept. 7. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839. INDIAN SUPREME COURT UPDATE

At the Indian Supreme Court Hearing on July 11, the Central Pollution Board (a federal body) rec

ommended that Praveen Organics be relocated im mediately. Jai Baba!. However, the lesser body of the Maharashtra Pollution Board requested two more weeks to review the case. That hearing took place on July 26. Stay tuned for further developments.

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4:00 PM Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings, 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month.

Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or

Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.

If your regularly scheduled local meeting is not listed please call (415) 221-8724 tomtit into the next newsletter.

MAN! SAYS GOOD-BYE TO AGNI Our Baroness Agni now resides in the court of her King enjoying His glory and reward of her

long faithful service to Beloved Meher Baba as "Watchdog" on His Mount. Most blessed isAgnes Baron to thus serve the Ancient One and most

blessed is each one who helped her do so. May Meher Mount ever remain Meher's Mount, re

flecting Agnes's love for Beloved Baba and His Love for His Mount hallowed forever with His


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by

Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.

physical presence.


Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jail!I


from All Meherazad family.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704








VOL. 25


Sheela's Memories of

the bus was standing on its nose! I thought, "Now you have to be ready to die." I closed my eyes, and took Baba's name over and over. When 1opened my eyes, the bus was standing again on its

Meher Baba, Part 2 Last quarter we printed some of Sheeh Ferister's reminiscences of her intimate contact and guidance from Baba. Here are- some more gems from her childhood.

wheels. But now the bus driver screamed

"God, electric wire!" and he jumped out the driver's door. There was a live wire

Really, my family is not my dad's. We are Baba's family. 1 never played with my dad as a kid growing up. 1 played with Baba. Baba, for example, taught me about raising kids. Every year I used to write to Baba to ask if I could go on the annual school trip, and every year He used to refuse. I never gave up. When 1 was in eighth standard I wrote as uSual, "1 hope this time You might let me

down on the ground and the driver began running away because he thought he would get electrocuted. The

kids kept yelling at him to come back and help us.They were in tears and very frightened, but the driver re fused, "That wire is a live wire, and 1don't want to die.

I've got my children at home. Who will look after them?" Even the teacher called to him, but he wouldn't

come back. He was thinking more about his children

go," but this timeeven a sweeter letter, thinkingmaybe

than the 50 children on the bus.

1 could make Him melt. Baba wrote back, "I want you

One of the teachers got courage, got down from the bus and helped each child get off. She told one or two of us to go to the local power station and to tell them to turn offthe electricity. It was earlymorning, pitch dark and raining. It turned out that nobody got hurt, but we all had a good fright out of it. By 10 AM, some other person came and moved the bus back from the wire,

to go, Sheela. You come here and 1 will talk with you, and then you can go." 1 was so happy, 1 thought, "Oh Baba, You're so good to me, so merciful." So, 1 went to Meherazad. "I want youto go on the trip," Baba said, "but howare you going?" 1said, "By bus, Baba." He said "OK, but as you enter the bus, you must take My name three times in the mind. Don't forget. If you forget, 1 have to give you suffering. Will you remember?" 1said 1 could do it. He reminded me to take His name with

all my heart, not just like simple repetition. On the morning of the trip, when the bus left, it was about 4 AM. All the kids were queued up, but I was at the head of the queue, because 1 wanted to choose the best seat. Before getting on the bus, I had to close my eyes and say His name. Right away, all the kids behind me started pushing and teasing me, "What's the matter with you? Why are you closing your eyes? Are you scared of the bus?" As a result of my going first, everybody had to wait in line behind me while I did take His name properly. It was so dark, it started raining and the electrical

power was out over part of the route and lights were flickering. All of a sudden, our bus took a lurch, and the front side went down. The back side went up and

and our driver took over.

I wrote to Baba and told Him everything. He wrote

backand said, "1 sent youon that trip because1wanted

to save the fifty children. 1was there with you." 1said, "But Baba, I didn't see You." He said, "How did it

happen that the bus didn't turn over, but instead fell back on its wheels? I did that. I was there. I did it

because you were calling 'Baba, Baba, Baba.'" 1 hadn't told Him that I was calling out His name, because I didn't think to tell Him. He used to tell me, "You make

it difficult for Me with all the questions you ask. 1 see the future, and 1see everywhere.You just see the present.

I did not want you to fall in the ditch. That's why I said 'No' all these years." Sometimes He used to say, "No," and sometimes He even used to say, "No, and don't ask Me again."

One time Babaasked mymother, "Do yougo for moviesT "Yes, Baba" she said, because my mother loved movies.


MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights

except formeetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events' are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San PabloAvenue in Albany(North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call S10-84S-4339. v

Bookstore *

Monday, June 26, 7-30 PM-An evening with Bhau Bhau will talk at the Jamison's, 6934 Fairview Drive, El Cerrito. (510) 236-7993.

Tuesday, June 27, 7:30 PM-A farewell to Bhau A talk at the Lowes' home, 1800 Woodhaven Way, Oakland. (510) 339-9094.

Saturday, July 1 - No meeting tonight The L.A. Sahavas beckons. See you there.


Saturday, June 3, 6:30 PM - Annual Qeneral Meeting Come to participate in the democratic process of the Meher Baba Center of Northern California,

including approving the budget and the officers for next year's board of directors. It is essential that 50% of the -membership attend orsend a proxy, either to the office or with a member who will

attend the AGM. Doors will open at 6 and the meeting will commence promptly at 6:30.

Saturday, June 10 - Film Night The films Avatar and Stay with God will be shown, treating us to Meher Baba's beautiful image and His words.

Saturday, June 17 - How I came to Meher Baba

Another series of episodes in the always inspiring Divine Romance, this one hosted by Fred White.

June 23-27 & July 21-24 - Bhau's visit We will once again be honored by the presence of Bhau Khalchuri, one of Meher Baba's mandali. Events

with Bhauare listed below, but please call the office phone, (510) 845-4339, to ascertain his schedule or changes to it. All the events at people's homes are pot-luck.

Friday, July 7 - The Avatar on Film The popularfilm O Parvardigar and lovely footage of Meher Baba in Myrtle Beach, 1958 are our program tonight.

Monday, July 10 - Silence Day The Greensteins are opening their home, at 600 Albermarle, El Cerrito, from 11 AM until 5 PM for

a day of videos. CaUT5TO)" 525-3364 the day Before for directions.'

Saturday, July 15 - Raine in Concert Local songstress Raine Eastman-Gannett will perform for our Beloved, and for us as well.

Friday, July 21, 7:30 PM - Bhau Returns An evening talk at the home of the Dunns, 3112 Cranwood Court, Pleasanton. (510) 484-5483.

Saturday, July 22 - Bhau Speaks Again V * At the Albany Methodist Church.

Tuesday, July 24, 7:30 PM - A Final Evening with Bhau"

Goodbye again, Bhauji! Come for a farewell talk at Dick and Louise's, 6812 Tahoe Place, El Cerrito. (510) 527-1712.

Saturday, July 29 - Dreams of Meher Baba Have you had dreams of Baba? What have these

dreams meant to you? A meeting coordinated by

Friday, June 23, 4 PM-Tea and talk with Bhau A welcome to Bhau at the Hamilton's, 100 Winestone Court, Danville. (510) 837-9650.

Laura Hogan.

Phone and mailing list update

Saturday, June 24 - Bhau speaks at Albany

If you are not on the list or wish to change your list

Methodist Church * *

ing, please phone the information to (510) 596-8750 and leave a message on extension 777. Please call on

Bhau, our well-loved and tireless speaker, will address the group.

weekends or before 9 AM or after 7 PM. Please indi

Sunday, June 25, 4 PM - Tea with Bhau Bhau will speak at the home of the Talbots, 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. (510) 376-4325.

cate what information youwant publishedon the phone list (phone number only, address and phone, etc.), which is available to MBCNC members or whether

you just want to be on the mailing-rc>t.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, Leslie Baer• Treasurer, Jack Mormon fioard ofDirectors: Soussan Adham • Leslie Baer• Mehera Halliwell • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

"How many times do you go in a month?" He asked.

She said, "I don't count, Baba, I can not tell you." So Baba said, "You must be going a lot." "Yes, Baba. Whenever the kids have a holiday, whenever Sunday comes and we don't go to Meherazad, maybe 7, 8, 10 times." "That many times?" Baba said. "From today you can go to only two movies a month." She said, "What? Only two movies?" I got involved and said, "What if some months we don't see any movies? Can that go in next month?" You can see my mind, I'm looking for something extra. Baba said, "It might be possible to move some from one month to the next. But you must ask Adi. He will keep track." So Adi used to write the number of times we went in a month. He had a medical

chart for himself, and a movie chart for our family. One time Adi went to Bombay. That time, there was a really good movie., the film was going to go to some other city. 1 said to mother, "That movie is really, really good, and Adi isn't here — what to do?" She said, "We can't go to that movie. You study." "No, mother, we have to see that movie," 1 said. "I've got an idea. I'll write a chit to Adi ( a note), and I'll put it on his desk." She was against it, but in the end she agreed. I wrote a letter to Adi and put it on the desk. We called a tonga. Two or three minutes away from our house, the horse had a fit, the tonga fell over and we fell out of the cart onto the ground. All three of us jumped to safety. None of us got hurt, but we were very frightened, and the horse wouldn't get up. I knew it was I who had caused us to break Baba's order. I ran

all the way home, upset at myself. Mother also accused me of being responsible and was really yelling at me. Then she wrote to Baba. The next day, Adi came back from Bombay and he told us that Baba had called us to Meherazad.

My mother was very clear that it was my fault. Baba said, "This time you would have died. I gave this order to save you. If you had fully disobeyed My order, you would have died." Mymother got veryscared and began crying. "Baba, I won't do it again — pleaseforgive me." "This time 1 saved you," He said, "but next time don't do it." It was a bad idea to disobey His orders. Some

times we kept His orders for 10 years, but you didn't know what would happen if you disobeyed them. 1 used to walk to my school. 1 said to my mother,

"Mother, my school is so far away, 1have to walk twice a day, couldn't 1have a cycle? Let'sask Baba." She said "OK" and she said, "Baba, please could we have one cycle for Sheela?" Baba said, "I cannot give you per mission, Rama." "Why not, Baba?" "Just what I said, I can not give you permission." "But Baba, she gets so tired, and all the other kids can do it." Baba said, "I understand that, but if while cycling they lose their

lives in an accident, don't come to me. If you're ready for that, then I'll let you buy one." "No, no, no Baba, I'll let them walk three times a day rather than that," she said. Baba said, "Don't argue with Me. That's why I told you. You tell Me which one you can bear to part with." She got so frightened that she was quite strict with us about no cycling, no matter what. On 30th January 1969 three letters came. The letter

that came early in the morning said, "You can buy a cycle, you are free from My orders, there's no danger now and nothing will happen to you." I got so excited, I wanted to get the first cycle, before my brother. My mother had no money, but she said she would write to my uncle and see if he could give us some. Now, the order had been given 7 or 8 years before, and we had obeyed. Baba remembers everything. We thought we would never be able to ride a cycle, but here comes the removal of the order. That day, 30th January, He took back all the orders, but He said, about all those orders

He had given, "Remember those orders, and think of the spirit of them in the future." The next day was a vety, very bad day. I went to school, I came home walking on the main road, but how 1 went just in the middle of the road I don't know. Trucks were coming and going, one truck swerved and almost hit me. He came so close that part of the truck hit the school books I was carrying and knocked them out of

my arms. My mind was blank, and 1 had no idea where I was going. The truck driver was shouting at me, "You want to commit suicide, why not with someone else's truck — why my truck?" A big crowd gathered around me, maybe 100 people, but how it happened 1 don't really know. 1 was ordinarily most careful walking on the road.

When I came home, my mother was having trouble. Someone had short-changed her and she was running back and forth about that. I saw a servant crying, a

little boy who used to work for Adi. 1 asked the boy what happened. He said, "Baba dropped His body." I said, "Are you crazy, to say something like that?That's why we have given you work?" I got upset with him. "Mother, look, he's so bad, he would say anything." My mother came out and we went to see Adi, so the boy would get a reprimand for lying. Adi was just sitting

there, holding his head in his hands. My mother said, "What happened, Adi, do you have a headache?" He looked at my mother and didn't saya word, but his eyes were really red, so my mother said, "This child said Baba dropped His body. You should call him and scold him." Adi got up, put his head on my mother'sshoulder and started crying. My mother started crying. After five minutes, Adi managed to say, through his tears, "It is

true." My mother said, "1 don't believe it." I said, "No, (continued on page 4)

you guys are crazy. You just cry and say things. I have to go there and see." So, I went out, and there was one truck that was going to Meherazad, soI, mymotherand

my brother jumped in the truck. Adi was so sad, he

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

didn't appear even to notice.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM

William Donkin came to the compound just then, and he said, "Don't go to Meherazad. 1 will take you to Meherabad after I go and get the coffin." "Coffin," 1 said, "what are you talking about?" He said, "Don't

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

worry about that, just come with me, and help me with the work." He didn't want to talk so much, to make me sad. 1 was very close to William, so he didn't want to make me cry. I went there, and he gave an order for the coffin. By the time we finished our work and came to Meherabad, it was around 7 PM. Mehera was crying, Mani was crying. Baba's body was on the stretcher, just looking as though He was asleep. I couldn't believe it. Then I understood why Adi was crying.

Every day after thaH used to go with William Donkin to see if the coffin was ready. William rejected three coffins because they were not made well enough. The foutth one was almost good enough. The fifth one the coffin maker did a good job on — very smooth and nice, no nails.

Life was quite different after that. I was really sad. I felt like an orphan. Nobody was perfect, and nobody could be trusted to guide my life. For example, I was in college. There was a big strike. Should I take part? 1 asked my dad and Adi whether I should join the strike. When Adi asked me how I felt about it, I said

1 felt sympathetic. Then I remembered that Baba had said to me, "If you go to college there will be strife. You should not take part in the strife." So I didn't, in the face of pressure from other students. It was new, the

difficulty with taking decisions. Life was quite different.

Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann

Loew at (707) 778-1195". Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

Discourse meeting on the second Monday of each month, 7:30 PM. Also, occasional Sunday morning • gatherings. Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451.

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons - 4.00 PM Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106.

Walnut Creek > Monday Evenings -8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every

month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704









VOL. 25

Sheela's Memories of

the bus was standing on its nose! I

thought, "Now you have to be ready to die." I closed my eyes, and took Baba's name over and over. When I opened my eyes, the bus was standing again on its

Meher Baba, Part 2 Last quarter we printed some of §heela Funster's reminiscences of her intimate contact and guidance from Baba. Here art some more gems from her childhood.

wheels. But now the bus driver screamed

"God, electric wire!" and he jumped out the driver's door. There was a live wire

Really, my family is not my dad's. We are Baba's family. I never played with my dad as a kid growing up. I played with Baba. Baba, for example, taught me about raising kids.

Every year I used to write to Baba to ask if 1 could go on the annual school trip, and every year He used to refuse. I never gave up. When 1was in eighth standard 1 wrote as usual, "I hope this time You might let me

down on the groundand the driver began running away because he thought he would get electrocuted. The kidskept yelling at him to come backand help us.They were in tears and very frightened, but the driver re fused, "That wire is a live wire, and I don't want to die. I've got my children at home. Who will look after them?" Even the teacher called to him, but he wouldn't

come back. He was thinking more about his children

go," but this time even a sweeter letter, thinking maybe

than the 50 children on the bus.

1 could make Him melt. Baba wrote back, "I want you

to go, Sheela. You come here and 1 will talk with you, and then you can go." I was so happy, I thought, "Oh Baba, You're so good to me, so merciful." So, 1 went to Meherazad. "I want you to go on the trip," Baba said, "but how are you going?" I said, "By bus, Baba." He said "OK, but as you enter the bus, you must take My name

One of the teachers got courage, got down from the bus and helped each child get off. She told one or two of us to go to the local power station and to tell them to turn off the electricity. It was earlymorning, pitch dark and raining. It turned out that nobody got hurt, but we all had a good fright out of it. By 10 AM, some other person came and moved the bus back from the wire,

three times in the mind. Don't forget. If you forget, I

and our driver took over.

have to give you suffering. Will you remember?" I said

I wrote to Baba and told Him everything. He wrote

I could do it.-He reminded me to take His name with

back and said, "I sent you on that trip because I wanted

all my heart, not just like simple repetition. On the morning of the trip, when the bus left, it was about 4 AM. All the kids were queued up, but I was at the head of the queue, because I wanted to choose the best seat. Before getting on the bus, I had to close my eyes and say His name. Right away, all the kids behind me started pushing and teasing me, "What's the matter with you? Why are you closing yout eyes? Are you scared of the bus?" As a result of my .going first, everybody had to wait in line behind me while I did take His name ptoperly. It was so dark, it started raining and the'electrical power was out over part of the route, and lights were flickering. All of a sudden, our bus took a lurch, and the front side went down. The back side went up and

to save the fifty children. 1was there with you." 1said, "But Baba, I didn't see You." He said, "How did it

happen that the bus didn't turn over, but instead fell back on its wheels? 1 did that. I was there. I did it

because you were calling 'Baba, Baba, Baba.'" I hadn't told Him that I was calling out His name, because I didn't think to tell Him. He used to tell me, "You make

. it difficult for Me with all the questions you ask. I see the future, and 1see everywhere.You just see the present.

I did not want you to fall in the ditch. That's why 1 said 'No' all these years." Sometimes He used to say, "No," and sometimes He even used to say, "No, and don't ask Me again." One time Babaasked my mother, "Do you go formovies?" "Yes, Baba" she said, because my mother loved movies.


MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights except for meetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted.

The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany

Monday, June 26, 730 PM-An evening with Bhau Bhau will talk at the Jamison's, 6934 Fairview Drive, El Cerrito. (510) 236-7993.

Tuesday, June 27, 7:30 PM-A farewell to Bhau A talk at the Lowes' home, 1800 Woodhaven Way, Oakland. (510) 339-9094.

exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call S10-84S-4339. *

Bookstore *


Saturday, June 3, 6:30 PM - Annucd Qeneral Meeting Come to participate in the democratic process of the Meher Baba Center of Northern California, including approving the budget and the officers for next year's board of directors. It is essential that 50% of The membership attend or send a proxy, either to the office or with a member who will

attend the AGM. Doors will open at 6 and the meeting.will commence promptly at 6:30.

Saturday, June 10 - Film Night The films Avatar and Stay with God will be shown, treating us to Meher Baba's beautiful image and His words.

Saturday, June 17 - How I came to Meher Baba

Another series of episodes in the always inspiring Divine Romance, this one hosted by Fred White.

June 23-27 & July 21-24 - Bhau's visit We will once again be honored by the presence of Bhau Khalchuri, one ofMeher Baba's mandali. Events

with Bhau are listed below, but please call the office phone, (510) 845-4339, to ascertain his schedule or changes to it. All the events at people's homes are pot-luck.

Saturday, July 1 - No.meeting tonight The L.A. Sahavas beckons. See you there. Friday, July 7 - The Avatar on Film The popular film O Parvardigar and lovely footage of Meher Baba in Myrtle Beach, 1958 are our program tonight.

Monday, July 10 - SilenceDay The Greensteins areopening their home, at 600 Albermarle, El GerrTfo, from 11 AM until 5 PM for a day ofvideo'sl Call (510) 525-3364 the day before ' for directions.


Saturday, July 15 - Raine in Concert Local songstress Raine Eastman-Gannett will perform for our Beloved, and for us as well.

Friday, July 21, 7:30 PM - Bhau Returns An evening talk at the home of the Dunns, 3112 Cranwood Court, Pleasanton. (510) 484-5483.

Saturday, July 22 - Bhau Speaks Again V * At the Albany Methodist Church.

Tuesday, July 24, 7:30 PM - A Final Evening with Bhau

Goodbye again, Bhauji! Come for a farewell talk at Dick and Louise's, 6812 Tahoe Place, El Cerrito. (510) 527-1712. .

Saturday, July 29 - Dreams of Meher Baba Have you had dreams of Baba? What have these

dreams meant to you? A meeting coordinated by

Friday, June 23, 4 PM-Tea and talk with Bhau A welcome to Bhau at the Hamilton's, 100 Winestone Court, Danville. (510) 837-9650.

Laura Hogan. Phone and mailing list update

Saturday, June 24 - Bhau speaks at Albany

If you are not on the list or wish to change your list

Methodist Church ^ *

ing, please phone the information to (510) 596-8750 and leave a message on extension 777. Please call on

Bhau, ourwell-loved and tireless speaker, willaddress the group.

weekends or before 9 AM or after 7 PM. Please indi

Sunday, June 25, 4 PM - Tea with Bhau

cate what information you want published on the phone list (phone number only, address and phone, etc.),

Bhau will speak at the home of the Talbots, 721

which is available to MBCNC members or whether

Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. (510) 376-4325.

you just want to be on the mailing list.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Karen Talbot • Vice President, Janet White• Secretary, Leslie Baer • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Soussan Adham • Leslie Baer • MeheraHalliwell • Laura Hogan • Emiko Larson • Karen Talbot• Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein. Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson

Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

"How many times do you go in a month?" He asked. She said, "I don't count, Baba, I can not tell you." So Baba said, "You must be going a lot." "Yes, Baba. Whenever the kids have a holiday, whenever Sunday comes and we don't go to Meherazad, maybe 7, 8, 10 times.""That many times?" Baba said. "From today you can go to only two movies a month." She said, "What? Only two movies?" I got involved and said, "What if some months we don't see any movies? Can that go in next month?" You can see my mind, I'm looking for something extra. Baba said, "It might be possible to move some from one month to the next. But you must ask Adi. He will keep track." So Adi used to write the number of times we went in a month. He had a medical

chart for himself, and a movie chart for our family. One time Adi went t3-£—^rl>ay. That time, there was a really good movie. Next-day, the film was going to go to some other city. I said to mother, "That movie is really, really good, and Adi isn't here — what to do?" She said, "We can't go to that movie. You study." "No, mother, we have to see that movie," I said. "I've got an idea. I'll write a chit to Adi ( a note), and I'll put it on his desk." She was against it, but in the end she agreed. I wrote a letter to Adi and put it on the desk.

We called a tonga. Two or three minutes away from our house, the horse had a fit, the tonga fell over and we fell out of the cart onto the ground. All three of us jumped to safety. None of us got hurt, but we were very frightened, and the horse wouldn't get up. I knew it was I who had caused us to break Baba's order. I ran

all the way home, upset at myself. Mother also accused me of being responsible and was really yelling at me. Then she wrote to Baba. The next day, Adi came back

from Bombay and he told us that Baba had called us to Meherazad.

My mother was very clear that it was my fault. Baba said, "This time you would have died. I gave this order to save you. If you had fully disobeyed My ,order, you

would have died." My mother got very scared and began crying. "Baba, 1 won't do it again — please forgive me." "This time I saved you," He said, "but next time don't do it." It was a bad idea to disobey His orders. Some

times we kept His orders for 10 years, but you didn't know what would happen if you disobeyed them. I used to walk to my school. I said to my mother, "Mother, my school is so far away, I have to walk twice a day, couldn't I have a cycle? Let's ask Baba." She said "OK" and she said, "Baba, please could we have one cycle for Shecla?" Baba said, "I cannot give you per mission, Rama." "Why not, Baba?" "Just what I said, I can not give you permission." "But Baba, she gets so tired, and all the other kids can do it." Baba said, "I understand that, but if while cycling they lose their

lives in an accident, don't come to me. If you're ready for that, then I'll let you buy one." "No, no, no Baba, I'll let them walk three times a day rather than that," she said. Baba said, "Don't argue with Me. That's why I told you. You tell Me which one you can bear to part with." She got so frightened that she was quite strict with us about no cycling, no matter what. On 30th January 1969 three letters came. The letter that came early in the morning said, "You can buy a

cycle, you are free from My orders, there's no danger now and nothing will happen to you." I got so excited, 1 wanted to get the first cycle, before my brother. My mother had no money, but she said she would write to my uncle and see if he could give us some. Now, the order had been given 7 or 8 years before, and we had obeyed. Baba remembers everything. We thought we would never be able to ride a cycle, but here comes the removal of the order. That day, 30th January, He took back all the orders, but He said, about all those orders

He had given, "Remember those orders, and think of the spirit of them in the future." The next day was a very, very bad day. 1went to school, I came home walking on the main road, but how I went just in the middle of the road I don't know. Trucks were coming and going, one truck swerved and almost hit me. He came so close that part of the truck hit the school books I was carrying and knocked them out of my arms. My mind was blank, and I had no idea where I was going. The truck driver was shouting at me, "You want to commit suicide, why not with someone else's truck — why my truck?" A big crowd gathered around me, maybe 100 people, but how it happened I don't really know. 1 was ordinarily most careful walking on the road.

When I came home, my mother was having trouble. Someonehad short-changed her and she was running back and forth about that. I saw a servant crying, a little boy who used to work for Adi. I asked the boy what happened. He said, "Baba dropped His body." I said, "Are you crazy, to say something like that? That's why we have given you work?" I got upset with him. "Mother, look, he's so bad, he would say anything." My mother came out and we went to see Adi, so the boy would get a reprimand for lying. Adi was just sitting there, holding his head in his hands. My mother said, "What happened, Adi, do you have a headache?" He looked at my mother and didn't say a word, but his eyes were really red, so my mother said, "This child said Baba dropped His body. You should call him and scold him." Adi got up, put his head on my mother's shoulder and started crying. My mother started crying. After five minutes, Adi managed to say, through his tears, "It is true." My mother said, "I don't believe it." I said, "No, (continued on page 4)

you guys are crazy. You just cry and say things. I have to go there and see."So, I went out, and there was one truckthat was goingto Meherazad, so I, mymother and my brother jumped in the truck. Adi was so sad, he didn't appear even to notice.

William Donkin came to the compound just then, and

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10.00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

he said, "Don't go to Meherazad. I will take you to Meherabad after I go and get the coffin." "Coffin," I said, "what are you talking about?" He said, "Don't

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

worry about that, justcome with me, and helpmewith

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM

the work." He didn't want to talk so much, to make

me sad. I was very close to William, so he didn't want to make me cry. I went there, and he gave an order for the coffin. By the time we finished our work and came to Meherabad, it was around 7 PM. Mehera was crying, Mani was crying. Baba's body was on the stretcher, just

looking as though He wasasleep. 1 couldn't believe it. Then 1 understood why Adi was crying.

Every day after that-I used to go with William Donkin

Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM - Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195.'

Sacramento - SuruJay^Mornmp-11:00 AM Discourse meeting* on trw second Monday of each month, 7:30 PM. Also, occasional Sunday morning gatherings. Call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451.

to see if the coffin was ready. William rejected three

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM

coffins because they were not made well enough. The fourth one was almost good enough. The fifth one the coffin maker did a good job on — very smooth and

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons -4:00 PM

nice, no nails.

Life was quite different after that. I was really sad. I felt like an orphan. Nobody was perfect, and nobody could be trusted to guide my life. For example, I was in college. There was a big strike. Should 1 take part? I asked my dad and Adi whether I should join the strike. When Adi asked me how I felt about it, 1 said

I felt sympathetic. Then I remembered that Baba had said to me, "If yougo to college there will be strife. You should not take part in the strife." So 1didn't, in the face of pressure from other students. It was new, the difficulty with takingdecisions. Life was quite different.

Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724. Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every

month. Subsequent lyidndays will be devoted to

study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.


2131 Univjb^ity JtyejueWpom 235 BerkeleyJealifornia 947(91






VOL. 25

FALL 1995

The Story of Amrit and Dara's Wedding

later! We had to take the train that very night. We reached Ahmednagar in the evening, about 6:30. At the gate to Me herazad, my father went towatd the men's

Shortly before He dropped His body in

side and I went to the ladies' side. There

1 saw Mehera and the ladies all dressed up

January, 1969, Meher Baba arranged the marriage of his nephew Dora Irani to Amrit, the daughter of the revolutionary Kumar of "Mister God" fame. She was given her name

to greet me the way the Hindus and Parsis do with a beautiful platter of sweets and flowers and a little present. It was really quite touching that they gave me this beautiful welcome. But then Mehera said, "I'm so sorry you came late— Baba won't be able to see you until tomorrow morn

by Mehera and Mani, and grew up in afamily devoted to Baba. She told this delightful story to our group when she visited in 1986.

ing." I was so disappointed. I teally wanted to see Baba,

I was 17 and one day I came back from school, and saw on my table a beautiful big envelope. It was so beautiful and shiny there, and I thought, "No wonder, it's from Meher Baba." I quickly Opened it and several

3, and I so wanted to see Him right away. I was very

photographs fell on the ground. I looked down—they

me there all by myself holding the platter. A couple of

weren't Baba's photographs, and I thought to myself, "Hmm . . . quite good-looking." Then I looked at the letter from Baba. He said, "Read this letter carefully.

Don't take this as my order. I am just asking you.

Would you like to marry my nephew? Remember, I am just asking you, this isn't an order."

Our tricky Baba - He asked so sweetly. Then He told me everything about Dara .. . Where he was born and grew up, his education, about his eyesight—he had an eye disease and would probably become blind . . . everything. He didn't leave out anything. And so, I said to myself, "Yes, Baba." Now, Baba also said that my whole family should agree to the marriage. When he read the letter, My father was so scared that 1 wouldn't agree—that I'd say, "Of course not, I'm not going to marry him. He lives in England. And he's not Hindu." My father looked at my face with a big question mark. Then 1 said, "Yes, I'll marry him!" He gave me a big hug. He was so happy! Of course, my mother was in teats—her little babyonly 17, getting married! We sent a telegram to Baba and He wrote back imme diately, saying He would like to see us just two days

my beautiful companion. I hadn't seen Him since 1 was

disappointed, but then all of a sudden we heard a clap. And all six of them ran to see what He wanted, leaving

minutes later, Mehera came out with a big smile, say

ing, "You can see Baba just for a few minutes." I was so happy—1 hadn't seen Him for 14 years! I went into His room, and He was on His bed with His back to me. He tried to turn around to see me, but He

couldn't. I thought to myself, "This isn't my Meher Baba, it's somebody else—an old man sitting on the bed; a sick old man who can't even turn around." I was so disappointed 1started weeping. I didn't even say Jai Baba. I just stood there. I didn't know what else to do. 1 was missing my childhood friend, my beautiful Baba with the long hair and the flowing sadra. 1 wanted to leave the room.

Hewas smiling but the glow wasn't there. He looked only like a sick old man. Then He raised His arms up, and I went to Him for an embrace, and that embrace wasn't from a sick old man. It was a healthy, strong person giving

me an embrace. He put my head on His shoulder for a long time. I don't know how to say how beautiful it was. Of course, He knew what I'd been thinking, and He said, "Are you happynow?" I said "Yes Baba, very much Baba." He said "You must be very tired. You go and rest now. I'll see you tomorrow morning.'


MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights

except formeetings held on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH unless other wise indicated below. TIMES- Events

.startat 8:00 PMand normally end by 9:30 PMunless other wise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at

the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


Friday, October 6 - Film Night. Baba's 1954 Andhra tour and His 1958 U.S. visit.

Saturday October 14 - Meherana Fall Sahavas Weekend with Katie Irani - no meeting

Saturday October 21 - Poetry Night at Dreyfuss's 27Jessen Court, Kensington. (510) 526-6078. Bring favorites to share. Original poetry most welcome.

Saturday, October 28 - Halloween Party

Friday, Sept. 1 - Film Night Meher Baba's Call and The Ancient One.

Monday, Sept. 4 - Labor Day Picnic - 12 - 6 PM An afternoon of fun at Arlington Park. From Hwy 80, take the Albany Exit and go up the hill on -Marin ta-the circle. Take Arlington Avenue-north about 2-1/4 miles. The park is on the right. Pot luck. Bring meat or veggies to barbecue. Also bring Frisbees, Whiffle balls. . . Seven Tiles anyone?

Saturday, September 9 - Full Moon Dhuni at Muir Beach We'll start at 3 PM with a hike—meet at the en

trance to Muir Woods. Then we proceed to Muir Beach for a potluck supper, then dhuni on the beach. Join the group at any time. Take the Hwy. 1 Exit off 101 North; then follow signs to Muir Woods.

Saturday, September 16 - Indian Dinner at the Mehta's - Fund-Raising Festivities - 7:30 PM Raj and Dee will host an evening of feasting, games and quawwalis to replenish our coffers. Baba Trivia

and raffle for prizes $15 per person. 34471 Shenan

doah Place, Fremont. RSVP no later than Septem ber 8 (510) 790-7188. Adults only, please, and bring your own beverages. (See flier for details).

** Saturday, September 23 - Circle Dancing with Herman Loew and Tui The Albany MethodisrChurch Social Hall"will be

awhirl with dancers and music tonight. Dance to The Seven blames ofGod and The Beloved God Prayer. Tui Wilchinsky, a friend of Herman and Betty Lowman, joyously leads Dances of Universal Peace and Herman is always up for a good time! Come!

Saturday, September 30 - Rummage Sale Friends Meeting House, Walnut and Vine Streets,

Berkeley. This annual event is the single most suc cessful fund-raiser we do. Donate your goods and volunteer for a 3-hourshift, either pricing on Friday night or selling on Saturday. Call Emiko Larson, (510) 526-2309 or Cliff Mauzey (510) 372-6169.

Come in costume for an evening of masquerade and spooks. To help with refreshments or decorations, call Janet White (510) 843-4417.

^# Friday, "November 3 - Comedy Night The Best of Bobby Manonash and Ed McMaya. Two hours of those wacky guys distilled from hours of prime L.A. Sahavas vtdeorArftandiraiser: $5 gets" you a seat and all the popcorn you can eat.

*M& Saturday, November 11 - The Wine of Meher An intoxicating evening of song for the Beloved with our own Ron, Darrell and Dave.

Saturday, November 18 - Welcome to My World Bring your ideas for helping new people feel at ease at our gatherings. Roger and Emiko Larson's home, 510 Evelyn St. Albany. (510) 526-2309.

Saturday, ^November 25 - Thanksgiving at Herman and Jeanette Loew's - 3 PM

An afternoon in the Petaluma countryside. Come, give thanks to the One who blesses us with bounty. Pot luck supper. Come at 3 PM, eat at 4 PM. Loews will provide the turkey; Call Herman or Jeanette

to RSVP and get directions. (707) 778-1195. Space is limited, so call early. Bring musical instruments!

Friday, December 1 - Film Night East-West Gathering and Avatar, the Australian film.

V* Saturday December 9 - Yule Toddy & Bazaar An evening of music, poetry, chai and handmade wonderments for sale. O Come All Ye Artisans, Writers and Musicians, and participate in.the tom

foolery. Santa will come to visit the young and young-at-heart, so come early (7 PM). Call Emiko Larson if you have items to sell. (510) 526-2309.

* Saturday, December 16 - Remembering Mehera Take time from the holiday rush to remember the Beloved's Beloved. We'll see a video, listen to music, read poetry and share favorite Mehera stories. Coordinated by Betty Lowman. (415) 323-1900.

Saturdays December 23 and 30 - no meetings

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Betty Lowman • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, SteveJacobs • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Alisa Dreyfuss • Steve Jacobs • Emiko Larson • Betty Lowman • Cliff Mauzey • Dee Mehta • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn. Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701)

I didn't want to leave the room. I felt that leaving His

won't get this or that in England." And her friends

threshold would be like going out into the wotld. But

would feed me too. They all wanted to celebrate the

of course I did. When I went out, the ladies were full


of questions about my family: "How's your mother? Your grandmother? Are the roses we planted still there?

On December 10th, two weeks before the wedding, we were called to Meherabad. We went to Baba, and He said, "Hmm, have you put on a little more weight?" What could I say? Funny thing, immediately after I

How about the old servant? . . ."

Next morning, I saw Baba. with a bib around His neck, eatingHis porridge, looking like a beautiful baby. Mehera was behind Him combing His hair into a tiny little pony tail, coaxing Him to eat just a little more. It was such a sight to enjoy.

Then at 10:30 there was a meeting at Mandali Hall with Sarosh and Villoo and Adi and others to talk

about the wedding. Now Baba looked like a business man, sitting in His chair: "How many guests? What can we spend? Sarosh, you always spend too much, Villoo is right. . ." and on and on. Nobody asked me anything. I was just happy to sit in a corner and look at Baba's feet. Dara was nowhere on the scene. He was

still in London. He had been told that he was going

marry Amrit. At least I was asked. He was only told. Sitting there in front of Baba, the thought came to me to say the three prayers. What better time than right in front of Baba? So, in my mind, I said all the prayers. I couldn't fold my hands or look at Him, but the moment I was finished, Baba made the perfection sign just for an instant. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so happy! I wasn't quite sure of myself, so later 1 asked Goher, "Did you see Baba do that?" She said, "Oh yes, just for a second." I was so glad 1had taken the opportunity. I was so lucky. 1got to stay at Meherazad for six weeks that time. We had beautiful days. I'd sit quietly in Baba'sroom. I was so spoiled, I'd sneak and watch Him sleep because I loved to hear His snoring. It was soft, like a cat, very musical, very soft. I'll always remember

arrived, I came down with a flu. I was so sick! I ate

almost nothing for two weeks. 1 couldn't see anyone, not even Dara, who was told to stay away from his sick, going-to-be-wife. Our engagement was announced on Mehera's birthday, December 22. 1 still had a 103degree temperature! I went into Mehera's room and she helped me dress, then I went to see Baba in my new sari, looking pale and thin. He smiled and said, "How beautiful you look! Very nice sari!" Then, I went to Mehera's porch for our engagement party. Babacame out first, then Dara. That was myfirst glimpse of Dara. All I remember was a huge nose! Baba had us exchange rings, then we garlanded Baba and had Mehera's birthday cake with the guests and then I went sttaight back to my room and went to bed! The 23rd was our wedding day. My temperature was still high. Villoo wanted to postpone the wedding, but Baba said no. He would often say, "There's very little time" and we used to wonder what He meant. No one

wanted to believe that He would drop His body so soon.

Eruch officiated at the wedding, telling the story of

how sweet it was.

how Baba arranged our marriage. We exchanged rings, we both had champagne, then Baba called me to His right and Dara to His left, and the three of us held the knife to cut the wedding cake. And so we weremarried. Then, of course, I had to move with Dara to Villo Villa. The next morning, I created such a fuss. I wanted to go back to Meherabad to see Baba. A message was sent

Baba would always tease me, He'd say, "What are you going to say to Dara when you first see him?" One day when Arnavaz and I were going into Bombay to do my

Dara's birthday, so Sarosh suggested that we both go, and maybe Dara could get Baba's darshan.

wedding shopping, Baba said, "Are you going to buy yourself a wedding sari? What color will you buy?" I had thought maybe red with gold brocade, since that's the Hindu custom. But then, I remembered that Parsis wear white. 1said, "I don't know, Baba." He said "Hmm.


"And one more thing," Baba said. "You're a little fat." (at that time, I was pretty big) so for these three months before the wedding, try to reduce a little. "Not that you're really fat, but Dara is very thin, and you don't want to look too big next to him." I said, "OK, Baba," but I didn't take it too seriously. When I went home, my mother wanted to feed me! She'd say, "Oh, you

to Him and He said I could come. December 24 was

When we got there, the watchman said only 1 could come inside, since the message only mentioned me. I went in and said, "Baba, 1 don't want to go back with Dara, I want to stay with you." He said, "It's all right,

you can stay here if you want to. But where is Dara? Whydon't you call him?" So Dara was called, and Baba had a little birthday gift for him. Then Baba had all the ladies came, my mother too, and He said, "Do you love each other?" What to say? Of course we said yes. Baba said, "Then, kiss each other. 1 want you to be

happy, live a normal married life. You'll be going to England. . ." "But Baba, when am I coming back?" I said. He said, "Come back after one son. No, after two (continued on page 4)

sons. I'll give you twobeautiful sons." He gave metheir names. "Call your first son Meherwan," Then Mehera


said, "Baba should we call the second one Jamshed after

El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings -10:00 AM

your brother?" He said, "Yes, all right." So, marriedtwo days, wewere already told that we would have two sons

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM

and given their names.

Then, Dara was sent back to Villoo Villa, and 1stayed with Babafor a few days. For those few days, Babakind of ptepared me to be married. Before then, 1 loved doing everything for Baba. Now, 1 would live with Dara. That was what Baba wanted me to do.

I feel very strongly, and so do the mandali, that it is verysignificant that our marriage wasone of Baba's last ceremonies. Think of all the other things He did: writing books, feeding the poor, discourses, mast work, washing lepers, and all of that. Why, just before dropi -body, when He was so sick, would Baba take twc

people and have them go. through this marriage, p*^

Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364. Discourse' reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno * Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannic MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann Loew at (707) 778-1195.

Sacramento - Occasional Meetings Discourse readings and occasional gathering. Con tact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

so much attention to all the details, blessing them with children and having them live a notmal life ... It is as important as any other part of His work. We should

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM

take marriage seriously. It is very important. Jai Baba.

San Rafael - Sunday Afternoons -4:00 PM

Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

Films, potluck and company. Contact Bob McKinney at (415) 258-8106.


To assure good babysitting coverage and provide for fun projects on childcare evenings, we're asking that families give a $3.00 donation per family when drop ping children off for childcare. We hope to make this yeai's childcare fun for all of Baba's children. Thanks!

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.



We are experimenting with 4-month calendar in our newsletter, instead of a 3-month calendar. We wel

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down by Meher







Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 1250, Berkeley, CA 94701.

come your comments.



of Northern California Inc.


2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704





VOL. 26

WINTER 1996 •

Tex Hightower Meets

It*" ^ e

know anything about that kind of love. I don't know that there is preparation for /|,*W ^jgSjTff S-' wi!\ s~that kind of love, but I certainly didn't Meher Baba \T 1 have it, and I can't tell you what kind of love that is, because it is such an entity Tex Hightower, a dancer who met Meher Baba i / \ p unto itself, that there's nothing you can say through Margaret Craske, spoke toourgroup in •n to desctibe it. Words just don't touch that. the spring of1990. .. This excerptfromhis talk, Twenty-five years later, I understood some edited considerably tofitinthis newsletter, begins thing that 1 realized at that moment, that had gone into just ashe was tomeet Baba, in 1952. my subconscious for 25 years, when I was looking into Baba's eyes. I had the full realization that absolutely ev I had this tension of guilt or anxiety ... I just wasn't sure. erything in the world is exactly the way it ought to be. 1 didn't think 1 loved Him at all, I didn't think I had any It is exactly what it should be. I mean, I don't retain that feeling for Him at all, and I felt, "What the hell am I doing feeling, but I had it, and it was in my subconscious for 25 here? What's going to happen?" I did have a feeling that years, and then it came out as clear as a bell. I'll never it was very important, that you shouldn't be flippant or forget it. He absolutely bowled me over, and then He said, insincere about it. The tension built up. _3fiH|

Ha rfwHteijH



"I'm happy." He was happy. That knocked me over.

Then we had gone through all the business of not getting there on time (our plane had, been delayed in a severe

storm), but Baba left a message that saidHe'd see us at 7:30 the next morning. 1 watched three women go in to see Baba, people that 1 knew very well, and they came out in absolute shambles after seeing Baba. So when Delia came

to get me, to take me to Baba, I tripped over the pebbles in the path. When we turned up that little path to go to the Lagoon Cabin, Isaw something whitebehind the screen door, which was like a scrim, a theatrical scrim. I dropped

my eyes. It was almost a physical impossibility for me to lift my head, and I sort of stumbled up the steps. I knew that Baba was standing there. 1could have seen His feet, but I made sure that I didn't. Eventually I did lift my eyes to

Baba, and when I did, He opened His arms. A strange thing happened. It was not a psychic experience, do not misun derstand. It was like a physical sensation, as if I were in some kind of case, like a mummy case, and it cracked. It started cracking right up the middle and down the back, and it fell away, and when it fell away, I could step forward and I looked into Baba's eyes. I never had and never will see anything that beautiful. Indescribably beautiful. His eyes were... I have some perception of infinity, very small, but it's only because of Baba's eyes. Baba's eyes went on

'forever. They were a beautiful brown. I stepped into His arms, and He embraced me. That's the only thing of im portance that ever happened in my life, or ever will. I was overwhelmed with the love that He gave. 1 didn't

When I met Baba, as Miss Craske put it, He knocked me right off myperch. I had to get back, I was deep in rehears al, but I was just absolutely overwhelmed by Baba and I couldn't think of anything but Baba. 1was making a bum

job of rehearsals. I would write His name all day long. So I said to Miss Craske, "What am I going to do?" She said,

"Why don't you make Him something?" So I thought, "What shall I make Him? What great gift of the world am

I going to make Him?" I mean, I'm not Faberge. So I decided, well, I'll make Him a coat. I made Him a very beautiful white wool flannel coat. I thought about Baba all the time I wasmaking that coat. I'd come from rehears al at night, and I'd make that silly coat. 1 had no idea if I'd ever be able to give it to Him. Then He had the accident, and we were given another chance to see Him,

in Ivy Duce's apartment, on a terrible hot day. And that's the second time I saw Him. I was all piped up. I had been on cloud nine for those two months, which isn't entirely

pleasant, by the way, except it's good enough that you don't want to get off. So I was prepared to go up higher. I walked into the room, and there was this man in a cast.

His complexion was gray, He was obviously in pain, and He looked ill. I won't say He looked just like a man, but He did look like God the first time I saw Him. I went

crashing to the basement when I saw Him like that and He was rather impersonal to me that time. He took my hand, pressed it very, very hard against His chest, but He





didn't pay any attention to me at all. Baba's strength was amazing. He pressed my hand very hard and gave me a grape. I just sort of sat there, and He didn't say or do anything. Then I bit the grape. The minute I bit the grape He said "Go." So 1 left. -1 went in, and I just dropped the coat at the foot of the bed. I never knew what happened to that coat, but Mehera told me that He wore it many times. It wasn't over. 1 was still in this turmoil. I knew Baba was

going to be in America, so then I decided I'd make Him some sandals. When the time came for Baba to leave

America we were forbidden to go to the airport in New York to see Him off. So I called Miss Craske and said,

"Could I give you these sandals to give to Baba?" She called me back, and said,"If you do not expect to see Him, you may bring the sandals to the airport." I just accepted that. In those days it was called Idyllwild, not Kennedy, and it was a series of quonset huts. Well, I walked in to one end of this quonset hut, and I walked the full length of that thing, and there was nobody. Then I noticed a stairway at the end, so I went charging over there, and out came Kitty, charging head on, because the women in seclusion were there. 1said, "Oh, Kitty ..." and I blabbed

it out, and she said, "Why don't you give them to Him yourself?" I looked at her blankly, and she said, "Well,

He's calling you." I turned around, and halfway down the way was Baba, smiling. I had passed Him three times. So He called me over, and I gaye Him the sandals, and He embraced me. I wasn't terribly pleased with those sandals either. So that was the end of one episode, one coat and one pait of sandals.

Oh, before He left, when I was making the sandals early one morning, the phone rang. This was after 1had given Him the coat. The phone rang, and it was Miss Craske. She said, "I have a message for you. Baba says, Tell that



me. It was such a beautiful morning; the birds were singing and the sun had just come up, and the dew was just strung

like jewels through those trees, and it wasn't hot yet, and that brilliant diamond golden light that you have in the morning was everywhere, and Baba was so beautiful. He looked at me and said, "Isn't it beautiful here?" And I said,

"Oh, boy! It is sensational." He said, "Look at that view." It was framed like a picture, with the trees and the water and the hill, and everything like that, and I'm looking there, thinking "Boy, Baba's got good taste." All of a sudden He turned to me, and it's like His voice changed. He said, "Make the coat." Well, I jumped about 20 feet, because that was four years later and Miss Craske didn't even remember giving me that message. 1 said; "Oh. I'm not to finish the sandals?" He said, "What sandals?" By then, I knew I'd said the wrong thing, but it was too late. I said, "Well, 1 was making . . ." and He said, "Alright, finish the sandals." That was a complete disaster. I alien ated everybody on the Center. He said,"Have them ready by Thursday," but He never gave me time to work on

them. So ^1 would stay up all night, and I went to the original kitchen when everybody was asleep. I would have to tap-tap-tap, and you know sound carries over water, arid

you'd see somebody in the morning: "I heard the fairy cobbler last night. . . Oh well, as long as you're doing it for Baba." Somebody said, "I hope you're performing Japa." Everybody had something to say. Anyway, I made these sandals. I had them ready when He said, but He didn't ask

for them. I tucked them in my back pocket in a brown

paper bag. For days I walked around with those stupid sandals hanging out my pocket, and He acted like He

didn't know me.We went to the Brookgreen Gardens with Baba and suddenly it was like the parting of the Red Sea, this crowd of people sort of spread out and turned and looked, and Baba was sitting under a tree at the end of it, and He said, "Come here. Give me the sandals." And

boy he has put his head into a noose. When Baba needs

then I gave them to Him, and they fell off when He tried

a new coat, he is to make it, but he's not to work on it

to wear them.

until I tell him to."'

So 1956 came, and I said, "I'm going to make Him a good pair of sandals." The time came, and I didn't have them

finished, so Ihad to take them down to Myrtle Beach with me. I took my accoutrements, my awl, and my little hammer, and this, that, and the other. When you are with Baba, there is never any time to do anything. I was working on the sandals, and I hadn't finished them because I was

making them very elaborate. There was embroidery, there were two kinds of leather, there was black suede with red

suede underneath it, and embroidered gold around the cutout design; just what Baba would wear, right? Very early in the morning there was a knock on the door, and

somebody said, "Baba wants to see you." I went dashing out, and Baba was sitting in front of the Lagoon Cabin and He lightened up, as He was never very serious with

So then I had to start the coat. 1didn't have any fabric, and we wete forbidden to leave the Center. Baba said,

"You have to have the coat ready by the time 1leave." By then it was a short time. I had to ask permission to leave the Center to buy the fabric. When you ask Baba some thing like that, it's a mistake. He gave me permission, and

I did go, and I bought thread and scissors, but Myrtle Beach in those days was like Arangaon, there was nothing there. I bought a hunk of very good Indian Head cotton,

but cotton was not my idea of a jacket. I started it, and

then we went to Washington, Los Angeles, and finally to San Francisco. The first day Baba said, "You have the afternoon off. You can do anything you want to do." So Iwentand bought beautiful skyblue woolen flannel, English,

soft as a feather. Then I really set to work. I didn't sleep from then on. I bought silk thread, which knots in every (continued on page 4)



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events

are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise

noted. The church is at the cornerof Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call S10-84S-4339. «*

Bookstore $





Sunday, February 25 -Meher Baba's Birthday This is your chance for a personal and intimate celebra tion of the birth of The Ancient One.

Saturday, March 2 - Video Night at the Stovall's Katie Irani's talk at last fall's Meherana Sahavas will be

shownat Vern and Annie Stovall's home. 869 Apaloosa Drive, Walnut Creek. (510) 938-2126.

^* Saturday, March 9 - Cindy Lowe in Concert * Please note that Film Nights are now the first Saturdays of the month, not the first Fridays.

Saturday, January 6 - Film Night Meher Baba's 1956 U.S.A. tour.

Saturday, January 13 - Fresh Stories from India Mary Weiss and Rene O'Connor, recent visitors to Meherabad, will share stories* of their adventures.

Saturday, January 20 - Western Night Dust off your spurs and boots. Joy Mauzey will teach us western line dancing tonight.

Saturday, January 27 - Video for Amartithi In the spirit of remembrance of Baba's Amartithi, we will show a video from the L.A. video library.

Tuesday, January 30 - Amartithi, 8:30 PM Join us beginning at 8:30 PM to see the film of Meher Baba's entombment and share in the silence at His tomb,

which happens at 10:30 - 10:45 PM our time.

Saturday, February 3 - Video Night The Eternal Beloved will be shown at Steve Jacobs' home, 1535 Elm St., El Cerrito. (510) 237-9257.

Saturday, February 10 - Some Enchanted Evening An evening of David Miotke's music at the Talbot home. 721 Crossbrook Dr. Moraga. (510) 376-4325.

& Saturday, Feburary 17 - Town Meeting One of those meetings about meetings - and more. How best to evoke the atmosphere of the Beloved? Where is our group headed? Come and give your input.

Saturday, February 24, 2 - 8 PM - We Celebrate the Beloved's Birthday With His Followers in India February 24 here is February 25 in India. Come to the Unitarian Church at 1606 Bonita (corner of Bonita and

Cedar streets) in Berkeley for merriment, pot luck din ner and the Wine of Meher. We'will see two short

plays—one directed by Raine Eastman-Gannet, the other by Ron Greenstein. Bring dancing shoes, musical in struments, a dish to share, and your heart on your sleeve. If you have program ideas or can help with set-up, clean up or serving, please call Steve Jacobs (510) 237-9257.

Join Cindy and friends for a lively,exciting evening in the special ambiance she creates. Cindy will sing selections from her latest recording After All This Time (now avail able at our bookstore). A fund-raiser — $5 admission.

Saturday, March 16 - Kitty Davy Memories Bring your favorite 'Kittyisms' to share as we remember our beloved Kitty. Louise Barrie and Molly Irani will host.

* Saturday, March 23 - MeherBabaForever Young For the young and young at heart — an event for Baba put on by Peter Ravazza.

** Saturday, March 30, 7 PM - Italian Dinner and Images of Love - a Fund-Raising Evening Buon Gusto! Bring a hearty appetite to this fun-filled evening. After a scrumptious Italian dinner and raffle for prizes, we present the amazing slide show Images of Love

by Baba's artists world-wide. $10-$ 15 perperson donation. If youcan help with set-up, cooking or clean-up, please call Emiko Larson (510) 526-2309.

Saturday, April 6 - Film Night Avatar of the Age will be shown.

^& Saturday, April 13 - Scott and Prem Sing On tour from San Diego, Scott and Prem Makeig will sing to our hearts' content tonight. Don't miss this one!

Saturday, April 20 - Poetry Night at Scott Moloney's Spend an evening at Scott Maloney's reading poetry for the Beloved. 831 Sea View Dr. El Cerrito. (510) 524-8451.

^* Saturday, April 27 - Robert Dreyfuss's Story Robert Dreyfuss met Meher Baba thirty years ago. He tells us this timeless, amazing story once again. ANNOUNCEMENTS BABA WOMENS' LUNCH - Ladies are invited to lunch at

noon on the third Thursday of every month at Fat Apple's in El Cerrito. Call Alisa Dreyfuss for details (510) 526-6078. BOOKSTOREWALLA NEDED - Laura Hogan is looking for an energetic new person to take over her job as bookstorewalla. Is that you? Pleasecall Laura at (510) 237-9257. CHILDCARE REMINDER: Please pay the babysitter $3 per family on childcare nights.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Betty Lowman • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, Steve Jacobs • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Boardof Directors: KirkAllen • Alisa Dreyfuss • Steve Jacobs • Emiko Larson • Betty Lowman • CliffMauzey • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

stitch. I did the whole thing by hand, French seams, back-

stitching the whole damn thing. One funny thing was that 1didn't know how long to make the sleeves. Jean Shaw was walking by as I was talking about not knowing how long to make the sleeves and she said, "Oh, I know how

long." l.said, "So, how do you know?" andshe said, "Well, I do His laundry." I thought, "Is that a goodenough reason

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito • Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364-

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

to listen?" and I said, "Well, so how long is it?" and she took it by the underarm seam, and she went, "There." Well, I wasn't very impressed with that kind of measure ment, but I did put a pin there. And I tell you, it was exact, it was exactly where it ought to be. Baba started making jokes about "Where's the coat?" I hadn't been out of His sight, and-He would ask me in the morning, "Have

Los Qatos - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM

you finished the coat?" and I said, "You know, Baba, nnaah."

Petaluma - First Sunday of the Month - 11:00 AM

Then 1 would be with Him, and we would have lunch and

Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195.

then later He'd say, "Have you finished the coat?" in front of everybody. That happened all day long. The night before He left, I said, "I'm almost, finished." We were

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Arti, singing and readings at the home of Clint and Sharon Snyder.-Call them at (408) 395-6865 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Sacramento - Occasional Meetings Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and-Jean Rass (916) 486-2924.


forbidden to go near Baba's room aftet He retired, not even near it, we couldn't pass it, we had to go down the stairs. I asked, "May I just drop it outside Baba's door?" "OK." I did finish it about four in the morning, but I didn't

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM

have time to put pockets on it. I wrapped it up in tissue

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings -8 to 9:30 PM

paper, and I just laid it by Baba's door, and ran back to my room. I swear my head had just hit the pillow when (bang bang bang) "Baba wants to see you." I threw on some clothes, and I ran, and I ran around the corner into

Baba's room, and Baba was standing there with this huge smile. He was standing in that coat, and He looked . . . it was the perfect color, sky blue, and He said to me, "Don't I look handsome?"

He wore that coat when He left America. I never knew really what happened, and then once, when I wasat Myrtle Beach, at least 20 years later, I saw the film of Baba in Australia.

Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary .Weiss at (415) 221-8724. Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167

or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations. THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. 'Please note that this is Jack's New Address.

Baba gets out of the plane in that coat. Of course, He left


San Francisco in it, and He arrived in Australia in it. So.

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba

that's the story of the sandals and the coat. Thanks to Clint and Sharon Snyder, who transcribed this article. Permission to reprint this article anywhere in any form is withheld.

can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101. Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101.

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704



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Surrender to Meher Baba


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VOL. 26

This ispart one of.a two-pan, edited transcription ofa talk Charles Haynes gave at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein in El Cerrito, California in August 1988




Ofcourse, it was wonderful because I could

just sit there and stare the whole five days. I didn't have anything ebe to do, 1 didn't have to pay attention to any thing. That's why the things I remember that Baba said were like epiphanies be cause it was like waking up to pick up the conversation.

is what always puzzled me because it seemed to be His notion of the highest form of love. It's strange to think

Baba starting talking about what was going to happen when He broke His silence... something that nobody ever brought up because then it would be all over for us. Manifestation always meant to me that the intimacy was going to end; I just wanted it to be as far away in the future as possible. So whenever Baba statted speaking about it I paid attention, because I thought that when He broke His silence it would

about surrender because it's hard to know whether one has

be too late for me. He used to tell us, "Love me now while

surrendered or not, or what it means. I used to put it off somewhere in the distance thinking that some day I'd be

I am in your midst, because after I break My silence it will be too late." We are, I think, still in that era of people who

1 wanted to say a few things about the topic of surrender to Meher Baba, something you've all done long ago. It has always been a puzzle to me, the topic of surrender, so I keep coming back to it. Baba says that greater than love is obedience and greater than obedience is surrender. That

able to deal with it. In fact, 1 asked Eruch about it once.

are not with Him because He's the Avatar of the Age but

We were sitting in Mandali Hall on the floor in front of Baba's chair. The gnats were bad that day because it was really still. Eruch was just pooped; he had nothing left to give. He was just sitting thete and it was not anywhere near the end of the time for him, so poor Eruch had to keep going. Finally, Eruch looked at me and said, "What should I talk about?" It popped out. I said,"Surrender," waving the gnats away. He said, "Yeh, alright. Do it!" I said, "Well, Eruch, that's fine for you to say, but I don't know what it means." He said, "You people think I just say these things, I'm not just saying 'Do it.' Do it." I said, "Isn't it something you work toward, isn't it a goal of life?" He said, "No, do it now, right now. Then do it tomorrow again and then do it the next day again. Why do youwait?

because He's our Beloved, who let us see enough of Him that we want to be with Him, now and forever. New humanity, no new humanity, breaking His silence, not breaking His silence; it doesn't make much difference to the lover. But the daywillcomewhen He willshowHimselfand then the world willhave its portion of Him. Always, as a child, I was rushing

What is it?" In other words, surrender is something you do continuously. Each time you do it, it's a little bit more, you let go a little bit more. My image for it comes from 1962. Babagave an imagethat has stuck with me all these years about surrender. It came out of the blue, it probably came to. me because I wasn't

listening to what else was being pa&.The nice partabout being thirteen at that time was that! didn't have to listen to what was being said; 1gor^way^wfth-it. Ifadults didn't listen, Baba would catch them. He was wonderful at that—

"Do you know what it means?". . . "What, Baba?". . . If you were thirteen, Baba would not do that. I was sitting next to Baba on the floor and He was on the couch; I was

trying to inch my chin close to His knee; those were my priorities then, I wasn't paying any attention to the topic.

to love Baba more and more. I wish I still had some of the

same urgency that I had then, because what I gathered from Baba was that the day will come when the opportunity to

love Him in this way will not be there. It is only for a short time that the Avatar draws the lovers in that intimate way.

I used to just pray to Baba, "Don't break Your silence too soon, please. I'll workharder, I'll try harder."Baba motivated us that way too. I'm sure our understanding was severely limited, but I still feel something like that. The heart of the matter for me is that this is the time to take advantage of being with Him. Whatever else comes, I have no idea, but this is the best of times.

Baba was talking about breaking His silence and He said that for a time it would seem natural to leave Him. "I'm

telling you now that you have to hold on, the most im portant thing for you to do is to hold on to Me." I was alert at this point because this is a topic that I was very interested in as a child. I felt so unworthy to be with Baba that I thought if 1 don't hurry up and begin to love Baba as He should be loved it's going to be too late. Baba then

picked up His sadhra, held it in His hand in front of us, and said, "Remember to hold on to my daaman, because what will happen will make it easy for your grasp on me




to slip away. You have to practice holding on to My daaman." Then He took His other hand and He clenched

Hisdaaman with both hands and said,"Don't hold on just with one hand but with both hands so that if, by any chance, one hand should slip away, you are still holding on. Can you remember that, to hold on with both hands?" That's the image for surrender that I've always kept from that time on. Why surrender? Because, as a child, it oc curred to me that if you are holding on with both hands then you have no free hands to hold on to anything else. So, to hold on with both hands means you have to let go of a lot to even begin to hold on to Baba. You can't hold on to anything else. How can we hold on to anything else if we are holding on to Him with both hands - we can't, really. How can weTake too seriously whatVgoingohThT our lives if we are holding on with both hands? We can take it somewhat seriously, but it's very difficult to take

it too seriously. We have to let go. We just can't cling to things and have Baba still in our grasp in this crazy world. And Baba's prediction is correct, it is much more difficult every day to really hold on to Baba in this world.

I add to that imageanother image that Mehera gave when she showed me around Baba's bedroom and paused in front of Baba's window. It's a window that looks out on

the countryside, a beautiful scene. She turned to us, tears in her eyes and she said,"Babawould point at this window and He would say 'This is my TV, this window is Baba's

TV.'" I would lookout thereand people wete planting and there were cows. Later I thought about that and I thought that to Beloved Baba, our lives must be like watching the TV, a soap opera, exactly. But to tune in the soap operas



except what is real. That is the job of the Beloved, to get us to let go of everything else. The ego has no intention of letting go. What has habituated for millenia to cling is not going to let go, no matter what we say to it, and how much we think we are so smart that we can outsmart

out own egos. So I looked for something Baba said that encapsulated how I feel about this and I found a quote which I will share with you. Baba said, "To stick to me means to keep me pleased at the cost of your own comforts and pleasures." The first sentence seems again like we have to do something and it's up to us, but then Baba goes on to say, "It means to be resigned to My will, whether

you keep good health or bad, whether you make money or lose it, and whether you gain name and fame or become the laughing stock ofothers.w So"that's what Babadeflnes as sticking to Him. Holding on to Him means being re

signed to whatever His will is. That's an amazing thing. The first time it occurred to me that this is what Baba was

working for in my life was when my dog got very ill when I was a little boy. (Actually, not so little—I was a teen ager.) These ate things that may seem very unimportant

toeverybody else but to ayoung boy, they were. The thing was that the dog was my very best friend. I was very introverted and shy as a child and had very few friends, but Buffwas my companion, my constant companion. She was a collie. Baba had sent love to this dog many times. Never was there a message from India sending love to us where the dog and the cat were not also listed—not one message. Buff came to live with me just after Baba left in 1958.1 look back now and I feel it was Baba's comfort to

me. I was bereft when Baba left physically, and 1got this

and look at them for a few minutes makes me feel how

collie dog. She was very wise and wonderful as so many

Baba sometimes must see our lives.

dogs are. She got sick suddenly at the vet's when we were away, and she was dying.

Here are these people striving so hard to take everything so seriously and there is a crisis every moment. Sitting in your home watching this, you jire saying, "Come on now, really, how can you make such a deal out of this and how come you have a crisis every moment, this isn't real!" But the people in the soap opera are getting paid to make it look very real and we make it look very real too. Unfor tunately, we don't know that we are actots. We are acting out the script too, probably with less improvisation than they are in the soap opera. The difference is that when I watch the soap opera I mock the people in my mind, I

laugh at them, I feel supetior that my life isn't so stupid as that. Baba doesn't do that. He watches His TV and He

feels compassion, He feels involved in it. His love is such

that, in spite of how silly it mayultimatelybe, Baba helps us with it; that's why He's so sweet, that's why He's the Beloved, after all.

The notion that Baba conveys is that if we hold on with two hands, that's the beginning and the end of surrender. His task is to get us to do that. Baba, the Meher Baba that lives in us, our real Self, spends all of its time, once it's awakened a little bit, getting us to let goof everything else

Elizabeth Patterson, who loved dogs mote than people by a long shot (she loved people alot, but dogs held a special place), was there tending to my dog while I was away and when I came back she went to get me at the airport and drove me straight to the veterinarian. On the way shesaid, "Baba tells us that everything is His will and we should

behappy in His will." I knew something was coming. "Buff is very sick." Of course, it was like being told my world was coming to an end, I couldn't believe it. She added on

to a cable that she had sent to Mani (she had just received the family letter and in those days, the mid 60s, youcould not communicate for anything except work). Elizabeth never disobeyed Baba, never, but she very cleverly added onto the end of the cable "Dog Buff very sick". Buff died and I was devastated; those of you who have children or pets can probablyempathize. Baba cabled me. I had never received a cable from Baba, I had gotten messages through someone else, through Elizabeth or my mother but this was the first direct message I had ever received from Baba—it was a cable to me. Babasaid,"Your love for Me will help Buff who is also Mine. Be resigned (continued on page 4)



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events

are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church Is at the corner of Marin and Stannage,

two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339.

» Bookstore <85 Childcare



Friday June 28 - Teen Overnight Campout at Samuel P. Taylor Park in Marin A special get-togetherforBaba's youth. CallMargaretBernstein for registration forms and information. (415) 488-4791.

**8b Saturday June 29 - Know Your Arris.' Spend a musical evening getting to know the Indian Artis with the mandali on tape and Raine Eastman-Gannet.

Saturday, July 6 - L.A. Sahavas Weekend

Saturdayi May 4 - Film Night We will see Meher Baba's Call and The Ancient One.

V&Saturday May 11 -Margaret Bernsteinin Concert We'll hear flute and piano pieces fromMargaret's albumFull Circle and her upcoming releaseOn the Threshold ofChange.

*& Saturday, May 18 - A Reading and Book

Signing With Mehertfazar Resident Craig Ruff Craig is a westerner who has lived and worked at Meher Baba's Trust OfficeCompound in Ahmednagar, India since 1978. He is speaking at several Baba Centers in the U.S.,

and will read excerpts from his books Travelling Music and The Moment Within and his new book Oneness in the World.

Saturday, May 25, 3 PM - Mehera's Tea at Talbots A gathering in the garden in remembrance of the Beloved's beloved. Bring pot luck and Meheramemories, for an after noon of group singing and stories. 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. Call (510) 376-4325 for directions

** Friday, May 31, 7:30 PM - An Evening With A.K. and Leela Kasthuri

Many ofuswill be in L.A.,so there will be no meeting tonight.

Saturday, July 13 - Film Night Meher Baba's 1956 U.S.A. tour - a 40-year anniversary!

& Saturday, July 20 - Francis BrabazonRemembered Raine Eastman-Gannet and Sue Jamison will lead an evening of reminiscences of this stalwart man who was Baba's bard. Bring your favorite poem or Francis story.

*& Saturday, July 27 - Baba's Musical Musketeers Once more with feeling - Ron, Darrell & Dave in concert. Augustis traditionallya "month off' for our group. Our first event next season will be the annual Labor Day Picnic. Details in the next newsletter.

ANNOUNCEMENTS AVATAR'S NET: Interested in working on a Web Site for the MBCNC? Call Bryan Drygas (408) 356-3512.

STRAY PHONE MESSAGES: Our phone tree has not been reaching everyone on the list. Please be conscientious about callingyourdesignated people. If youwant to get on the phone

Currently residents of Lafayette, California, and formerly

tree or need information, call Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126.

from Madras, India, the Kasthuris will share stories from

NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST: To get your name on it,

their many years of following Meher Baba. A.K. Kasthuri remembers playing marbles with Baba as a little boy. He is the grandson of Sampath Aiyangar, a devoted disciple of Meher Baba in the 30s and 40s. A.K. would like to "meet

and greet" us. Come early to socialize. Talk starts at 8 PM.

leave a message on Scott Maloney's phone (510) 524-8451, or dieoffice phone (510) 845-4339, or speak to anyboard member FILMWALLA NEEDED: We need a projectionist to share responsibility forfilm nights, starting in September. Any takers? Please call Steve Jacobs (510) 237-9257

V Sunday June 9, 6 PM - Raphael Rudd in Concert at the Plymouth United Church, Oakland

MEHERANA: For info, about Meherana summer events

A benefit for MBCNC to raisefunds for an August visit with Bili Eaton and Tex Hightower. See the enclosed flyer.

MEHER MOUNT: Celebrate 50 years of preservation, 40

* Saturday, June 15 - Annual Qeneral Meeting Outreach is the theme for tonight's meeting - we will hear about a potential Web Site for the MBCNC, and about opportunities for service work through the Berkeley Boost ers. Yourvote counts. Come and help plan our future course.

Saturday June 22 - Summer Dhuni at Muir Beach Meet at Muir Woods entrance at 3 PM for a hike, then pot luck dinner at the beach, then dhuni. Take Hwy 101 north

to the Hwy. 1 Exit, then follow signs to Muir Woods.

and work weekends, call Hermann Loew (707) 778-1195.

years of sanctification. Bring a picnic lunch Saturday Aug. 3, 9:30 AM to 5 PM. Guests: Bili Eaton, Tex Hightower,

Marguerite Poley and Adele Wolkin. Call (415) 494-6443. THE LORD WEAVES HIS TAPESTRY . . . Phillip Kearse, the pastor of Albany Methodist Church, lived

in Myrtle Beach in 1973 and knew Elizabeth Patterson. They were members of the same Methodist Church. He wasdelighted

at the 'connection' and has invited our group to give a presen tation on Meher Baba to die church's Tuesday night group.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Betty Lowman• Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, Steve Jacobs • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Kirk Allen• Alisa Dreyfuss• Steve Jacobs* Emiko Larson • Betty Lowman • Cliff Mauzey • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson, Clint Snyder, Sharon Snyder Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

and happy to My will. Meher Baba." Of course, when I got the cable everything lifted; I felt genuinely happy because I felt it was Baba's will. It was the first time in

my life that I actually felt that God's will is in everything. At that moment, when I heard the cable over the phone,

I just felt this was God's will and I was actually happy about it. I cabled Baba back that I wasresigned to His will and then, because we were all so concerned about Baba's health, I addeda line that I hoped his suffering wasbetter. Later,I wondered if the Mandalireadingthis cable thought I meant that because the dog was dead that Baba's suffer ing should be eased— what was the connection there? (I knew that Baba knew what I meant.) Anyway, it was my great opportunity to say something directly to Baba. The point of that little vignette from a child's life is very simple and that is that being resigned to God's will is not easy. It's a gift that Baba gives us gradually in our lives with Him and everything He does conspires to get us to do that. I'm sure you have picked up by now that He has to work, it's loving of Baba to work for us to be resigned to His will. I don't know what I thought surrenderwasbut, the more I am with Baba, the more I realize that my notions of surrender are really misplaced unless I'm really focussed on being resigned to His will. That is the only way to let go, if you are really deeply convinced that that's the case, that all of life is the will of God, not 90%, not

95% but 100% of everything is God's will. There is no other will but, of course, that is a lesson that Baba cannot

teach us except through experience. We have to have that through the daily experiencesof having our clinging ripped away from us. That's His love for us. And the more we remember Him the more He does it. Remembrance of

God brings down the sword of God on one's neck because

LOCAL MEETINGS EI Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - First Sunday of the Month - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship! Call Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacrluhento - Occasional Meetings Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings -7 to 8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations. THE TRUST

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. 'Please note that this is Jack's New Address.

it has to, that's what love from God is—to cut off our false

self from its habit of clinging to what's unreal. That was my first lesson in the truth that everything is God's will.


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba

can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call (510) 562-1101.


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley,California 94704

Non.Profit U.S.

Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA Permit No. 186

AddressCorrection Requested

"A 90



2131 UNIVERSITY AVE. RM. 235 VOL. 26

FALL 1996

Surrender to Meher Baba

So I went back and, sure enough, I couldn't talk them out of it. The sectetary of the draft board said, "I'm sorry, you're just classified 1A, report to Columbia next week for your physical." I said, "this can't be happening to me." I arrived in Colum bia, you know how humiliating that is, you're stripped naked and herded through

This is part two of a two-part, edited transcription of a talk Charles Haynes gaveat the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein in EI Cerrito, California in August 1988

1 can't resist giving one other lesson from my life. It's not that these are very big deals', but they are illus trative what I'm trying to say. Many of us in this room tried to keep from going to Vietnam. It was not something that we believed in or wanted to do. I outright told Baba that I just wasn't going to fight this war. I just said, "Baba

room after room.

Of course, there was nothing in the world wrong with me, which was too bad. I was physically fit and had no history

fession now. I hope I would be smarter than this today but there are some things in our lives that we have to be

of health problems. 1 got into the last room and I was saying Baba's name, in desperation. The doctor came in and went down the line like they did in those days, look ing at you, stark naked, clinging to this piece of paper with your life on it. He goes down and doesn't even look at you. Everybody is hoping that he'll find something and he

honest with Baba about - "1 can't do it." It's better to tell


Him, because then we are dealing with it; that eases some of the pain. So 1 told Baba, "I just can't deal with this, I don't want to go to Vietnam." I tried to get exempt because I was going to seminary. Actually, 1 was going to seminary anyway but I wasn't

I'm standing there and I'm beginning to shift on my feet. When I stand a long time my feet hurt, because my feet are sort of flat. But, the truth is, this doctor didn't care what your feet looked like. I'd always heard of flat feet being some kind of out but in those days you had to go to some kind of specialist and wear some shoes that were

there's a limit here and this is it for me." This is a con

going to become a minister. I really didn't want to be a minister in an organized church, so they turned me down. Those of you who have been through draft board situa tions know how terribly hard-nosed they can be and this is Hotry County, South Carolina, the end of the earth as far as draft boards are concerned. They turned me flat down saying "you don't representa real religion." In Horry County you're either a Baptist, a Methodist or maybe a Presbyterian.

They turned me down when I was in India. I'd gone to India that summer and I got this cable that I had been classified 1A. I couldn't believe it. "Baba, I thought I told You, this is something I cannot do. You say You take us

only to the edge and then you pull us back. This is the time for a little pulling back." I was really upset about the idea of being 1A. Mother and Elizabeth were in Moscow,

like your grandmother's and you had to prove that you were crippled. 1hadn't done any of that. I was uncomfort able, so unconsciously I was beginning to shift on my feet. This doctor goes out of the room, having finished his job and the door opens. A guy comes in, with white hair and glasses, who I'll never forget. He walks up to me, not to anybody else in this line of naked people, and says, "Do your feet bother you?" 1 said, "If I stand for a long period of time, I have kind of flat feet." He said, "What about when you walk?" I said, "Well, 1can walk for a while, but I can't walk for long distances without feeling uncomfort able." He said, "1 see." He grabbed this paper from me, looked at it, made a note on it, gave it back to me and went out of the room.

Horry County like a^riangle.To this day 1am convinced

Then I went to the final room, got dressed and stood in long lines. I got near the front and they were stamping like this, they were not even looking at these things. Some body asked me something and I lost my place in line

Baba had some other tRtrifg'HSMvas doing that we know nothing about that had greater significance than my puny lifestory. Elizabeth thought I had to go back and face this and cut my trip to India short. I was thinking maybe of permanent residence in India. My mother sent a cable saying, "Aunt Boo says, 'Get haircut'."

line, now back further. I realized later if I had not had that conversation about Baba and religion at that point, I would have been stamped and out of there.

I was in India and the draft board was in South Carolina

so the cables flew between Moscow, Ahmednagar and

because wegot engrossed in a conversation about religion. Baba came up because the guy asked me what my beliefs were. I realized that I had lost my place, so I got back in




So, 1 was still waiting in line, having lost my place, and a side door in this room opens, the same guy walks out (white hair, glasses), comes over to me, and says, "Come with me." 1 go into this tiny little cubicle, he sits behind this desk, takes my sheet and starts asking me my whole medical history. Of course, it was fine, 1 have nothing

wrong with me. Finally, he looks at me and he says ver batim, "I think we can get you out on your feet alone." I didn't say anything. I couldn't believe this guy. He took my sheet and started writing. Then he says, "Don't get back in line. Go to the door and show them this. Don't

go back through the line." I went to the door, I showed the guy this, he read it, he looked at it, he looked around and found this stamp and stamped it 1Y. "Out, finished." What it was, was this. On the way back from India, I sat there and I said to Baba, "Baba, if you want me for Your work, if it's Your will that I go to Vietnam, then I will. I know, Baba, whateverYou want I'm goingto do it anyway. What I'm saying to You, Baba, is that I'll accept that, I'll

be happyabout that and I'll try my best to be happyabout whatever happens, whether I go to Vietnam or whether I stay home. I'll try Baba, I'll promise that I'll try, that's all I can do." Baba had wrung me dry, 1had nothing left, no fight left in me. 1realized that afterthat it was finished. After that, whether I went to Vietnam or not was totally irrelevant to Baba. He's going to have me whete He wants me. That's what Baba was interested in.

The truth is that that's all Baba is ever interested in, is

getting us to that point. Whatever it is in our lives that is most difficult to let go of, He will bring us to that point where we say to Him, "Baba, 1will be happy with whatever happens." Because, you see, at that point, He has won. That's His victory. His whole job as the Beloved, once He has awakened in our hearts, is for that victory. What is going to happen to us is already there, that's not going to change; but what Baba is interested in is using the events in our lives, the moments in our lives, the challenges in

our lives, to get us to that point of surrendering to Him, being resigned to Him, and to whatever happens. That doesn't change what is going to happen. I could have just as easily gone to Vietnam, but I would have been accept

ingof it. Baba broke something in me that got me to that point. As it happens He didn't want me to go to Vietnam but that's not the point. That was planned long long ago, whether I was going to Vietnam or not. I can't sit there and manipulate that no matter what I do. It's not my will, there is only my false idea that 1 have a will, that's all there is except for Baba. As long as that false idea persists, I'm going to try to manipulate what is happening but that doesn't help, it doesn't make any difference. Baba's work is not to get us to make the right choices it doesn't matter what choices we make, the same thing is going to happen anyway. No, His work is not to get us to make better choices, His work is to get us to be happy with whatever happens. A big, big difference. He works



overtime on that particular point as you well know. "Be resigned to My will, whatever happens." Rich, poor, if you suffer think Baba wants you to suffer, if you're happy think Baba want you to be happy because it is all His will, the will of God. There is no two wills or three, there is only one. That's why Baba can say with 100% confidence and enthusiasm, "Don't worry, be happy,"because, really speaking, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Worry is such a waste of energy because it doesn't make any difference, except that it makes us unhappy, which is a big difference personally but in the scheme of things, in terms of what is going to happen to us, there is no difference. So, Baba's constant "Don't worry," is because there is nothing, zero, to worry about. He doesn't mean it in a glib way, He tells the truth. You can worry about what is going to happen tomorrow all you want, but it is not going to change what is going to happen tomorrow. The only thing that matters is to let go and accept what is going to happen tomorrow as His will and be happy about it. If He gives us the sweet say, "Thank You, Baba;" if He gives us the bitter pill say, "Yes, thank You, Baba," and be equally happy. If you see a theme running through many stories about Baba, when He is most touched and most pleased is when the person is happy with the tough things as with the lovely things. It touches Baba because that is His victory. It is the vic tory of His love, when the person is a little bit freer of the bondage that isn't real. "Be happy" is not sort of an off

hand thing that Baba threw off, it is the very heart of His truth, thete is absolutely nothing to worry about at all. So, what is left for us is to play our part well. I know that this is hard forus asWesterners, because we want to change the script. We hate the idea that there is a script to begin with. We want to rewrite and rewrite, and we think there

is something wrong if we do not have a choice to make. But Baba will train that out of us and make us aware that

all this is zero.We think, "Oh, the future, if 1could change it, it would be this. If I could get this job, if I could marry this person, then this would happen." The truth is that it's there already. The only thing wrong in the picture is that somehow we think we can still manipulate it all, we cling to that idea. So Baba works and works to pry our fingers loose and tell us the truth that, "not a leaf falls but it's My will. Be resigned and happy to My will." Whatever hap pens say "Thank You, Baba, for this, thank You, Baba, for that," and play our part well. That we can do, because the gift that the lover of God has is not to manipulate life but to play the part with enthusiasm, with gusto, with joy. That we can do. He gives us that to do. He doesn't rewrite our script, but He gives us the scope to play our part well. It touches Him so much when we do that. Remember all

the time, "I'm playing a part and I'm put on the stage now because Baba wants me to be on the stage. This is no longer just my little ego spinning its wheels, I am here now to play my part, for Him," and even the thought of that begins to make us feel resigned to His will.



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. »







Saturday, Sept. 21 - Muir Beach Dhuni We'll meet at the picnic tables at Muir Beach at 3 PM, then we proceed to Muir Woods for a short hike then back to the beach for pot luck supper and dhuni.

Saturday Sept. 28 - Video Night at the Stovall's Tex Hightower & Bili Eaton at Meher Mount. 869 Appaloosa Dr. Walnut Creek, call (510) 938-2126 for directions.

Friday, Oct. 4 - Rummage Pricing Night

Wednesday, Aug. 28 - Beverley Smith's in Town! Cherie Longo is hosting an open house/pot luck dinner from 6-11 PM for old-time musician Beverley Smith, who leads squaredancing for Youth Sahavas.This is just a taste of her music - she'll be back to do a fund-raiser this March.

403 Santa Fe St., Pt. Richmond. (510) 232-4107.

Monday: Sept. 2,12-6 PM - Labor Day Picnic! Same day, same place as last year - Arlington Park. From Hwy 80, take the AlbanyExit and goup the hill on Marin to the circle. Take Arlington Avenue north about 2-1/4 miles. The park is on the right. Bring pot-luck salad or dessert, drinks, and meat or veggie-burgers for the barbie. Tableware will be provided. Bring Frisbees, footballs, etc.

Saturday Sept. 7 - Film Night Irwin Luck's film Avatar of the Age

Sept. 11-12 - Meherana/Yosemite with Ann Cordon Ann Conlon, who met Baba in 1961 and runs the Sheriar

Bookstore, will be our guest this week. She'll be visiting Yosemite and Meheranaon Wednesday and Thursday, Sept.

11-12. If you'd like to go along, please call Laura Hogan (510) 237-9257 BYSEPT. 3. ChristiePearson says there's room for about 20 campers at Meherana. There will be a dhuni at Meherana on Thursday Sept. 12th at 7:30 PM.

Friday, Sept. 13 - 7:30 PM, Dinner OutWith Ann We'll gather at Le Cheval, 1007 Clay St. (at 10th) in Oakland for a festive Vietnamese dinner with Ann. Call Catherine Riedel (510) 526-5562 NO LATER THAN SEPT. 7 to RSVP. Leaveyourname, numberin your party,

and specify vegetarian/non-vegetarian. Cost: about $15 per person. Bring asong, poem, or anecdote toshare. Take 12th Hwy 980, Parking on 10th St. behind theMarriott. For further directions, call the restaurant (510) 763-8957.

** Saturday, Sept. 14 - Ann's Birthday/ Ann telb wonderful storiesof her times with Meher Baba.

Come for an evening of Baba stories and birthday cake!

Sunday, Sept. IS, 2 - 5 PM - Tea With Ann More of Ann's Baba stories. Bring potluck dessert to the home ofKirk andMarlene Allen, 3459 Monroe Ave., Lafayette.

From Hwy 24, take the Central Lafayette exit. Turn right at thestop sign to Mt. Diablo Blvd. Go left to Second St., Turn right onSecond, it becomes Monroe. (510) 283-9473.

"What IS this? It's my color! I've always wanted a vintage aviator's jacket..." You never know what treasure you'll come across at the rummagesale pricing night. Don't miss

first pickings! Bring donatable items to the Friends Meeting Social Hall, corner of Walnut and Vine, Berkeley, Friday evening between 5 PM and 9 PM. For earlier drop-off locations, call Janet White (510) 843-4417.

Saturday, Oct. 5 , 9 AM - 6 PM - Rummage Sale! This rummage sale is the biggest fund-raising event wedo! Please sign up for a 2-hour shift to help! Call Bill Moldenschardt before 9 PM (510) 601-1291. Shifts start at8 AM,

V* Saturday Oct. 12 - 6: 30 PM - East Meets West - Raine in Concert - A Pot Luck Fund-raiser Founder and director of The Love Street Singers, Raine Eastman-Gannet has a musical resume that would knock

your socks off. This memorable Indian evening will be a fund-raiser - $5 per person. Wear Indian clothes, bring Indian food (optional), and bask in the ambiance! Chelo!

Saturday Oct. 19 - Home Meeting at the Larsons' Bring Your Own Baba (story, poem, song, memory, dream) to the Larsons'- 510Evelyn Ave. ElCerrito (510)526-2309.

*& Saturday, Oct. 26 - The Haffendens m Concert A real treat - visiting from L.A., Chris andPris Haffenden, will serenade us with classical guitar, oboeand clarinet pieces.

Saturday, November 2 - Film Night Meher Baba's Call and Meher Baba in Nasik

V* Saturday Nov. 9 - Baba Lover-Lovers' Night These wonderful souls have their place in Baba's commu

nity. Spouses/Significant others who are not Baba Lovers have agreed toshare their perspectives. An informative and probably humorous evening chaired by Karen DeWald.

*# Saturday, November 16-7 PM -Improv Night with L.A.'s Scott CraigJones - a Fun Fundraiser Scott led a hilarious improvisational comedy session at this summer's L.A. Sahavas. Adultsand kidsalikediscover their

inner comedian playing these games. Bring your funny bone and $5 per person. Wear comfortable clothes!

Saturday Nov. 23 - Singalong with Ronand Laura Come and sing with Ron Greenstein and Laura Hogan.

Saturday Nov. 29 - No Meeting Tonight

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc.

Board ofDirectors: Alisa Dreyfuss •Noreen Graham •Cheryl LaRosa Longo •Betty Lowman •Catherine Riedel •Karen SterWn •Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor* Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson

Trvstwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

MEHER'S ARTISTS, TAKE NOTE! Our annual Mehermas Bazaar is just around the corner -

Saturday December 14. Start now to create the wonderful wares you'll have for sale! If last year's Bazaar was any in dication, this will be a successful fund-raiser for our group and participating artists, and a fun night for all who come! Children and teenage artists are encouraged to sell too! PROGRAMS FOR BABA'S YOUTH

The teen campout at Samuel P. Taylor Park last June was

a great success! Foutteen kids and adults waded in the creek, told Baba stories by the campfire, hiked, playedgetto-know-you games and generally 'bonded' as they say at Youth Sahavas. We need energetic young volunteers to helpwithmore monthlyactivities forteenagers. Call Margaret Bernstein or Steve Jacobs at (415) 488-4503 to sign up.


El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - First Sunday of the Month - 11:00 AM Arti, readings', and fellowship. Call Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Occasional Meetings INDIA TRAVEL NEWS There is now a seven-seat air conditioned bus available

from the Bombay (Sahar) International Airport to Pune and from Pune to Sahar Airport. Travellers can book seats at the Arrival Terminal II A at Mumbai Sahar Airport to

Pune counter. The cost is Rs. 325/- per seat (about $9.50).

Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings -7 to8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study

The new Holiday Inn in Pune is offering a 5% discount to those booking advance reservations who mention their affil

of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167

iation with the Meher Baba Trust in their communications.

or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.

The room rate, with discount, runs $70-100. The Leela in Bombay also offers a discount corporate rate to Baba lovers.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

HOSTS/HOMES SOUGHT If you would like to host a visiting guest speaker, or if you would like to have a home meeting at your home, call Betty Lowman (415) 323-1900. Leave a message, please. NUMBERS TO CALL:

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 596-8755 x 777 • Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba

can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call(510) 562-1101.


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235

Berkeley, California 94704 Address Correction Requested

Non-Profit U.S.

Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA Permit No.186







VOL. 29


The Mighty Beloved by Francis Brabazon Just as January 31, 1999 marks the 30th Amartithi, the 30th anniversary of Meher Baba's dropping His body, April10-June 10,1999 is the 30th anniversary

more Man, I wouldn't feel so much like

someone upside down in a garbage can."

of what has been called The Great Darshan, when

But Baba wasn't going to become more Man just for my sake, so I had to settle

thousands of Meher Baba's lovers honored His

invitation to be in His presence at Guruprasad, Poona. One of the highlights ofthe darshan program was the opportunity to meet and to be greeted by Baba's mandali. Thisaddress, by Francis Brabazon, is especially remembered by those present .with great delight.

for Him as the Divine Beloved-one whom

JAI BABA! I am amazed and filled with joy to dis cover that the Beloved I have been serving for many

years is truly a very mighty Beloved. Of course, I have known all along that He was God. But there are so many Gods. There is the God which people see in a shape of illusion such as a sunset or a mountain view or a symphony, or whose hand is seen in one's not getting caught in a rain-storm or in obtaining a good job: no doubt a very comfortable and profitable God to have- well worth a Christian candle or some Hindu incense-but not a God to whom one would offer one's

life. There is the God who rules the shining planes of consciousness: but sight of Him would blind one. And the God who is beyond the planes is unknowable except by His own Grace. And He is extremely careful to whom He gives that Grace. So when beloved Baba used to tell us that He was God,

I used to think, "Yes, Baba, You are God all right- the One God and all the Gods-but what good is that to me?" In fact, I used to get so fed-up with Him being God that I wished He wasn't or I wished He was a sort-of an Old

Testament God for Whom I could slaughter some fat

lambs or a spotless young bull in return for some added acreage. 1 got so tired of His being so much God that 1 wrote a song about it and sang it to him. It goes something like, "if only You were a bit less God, a bit


I could serve sometimes, instead of thinking about myself all the time. After all, al though He is God, and sometimes is a Man, being one's own and the world's Beloved is His main job. Others can become as much God or as much Man

as He, but only Baba is more Beloved than any other beloved. And is infinitely worth serving.

But now a great problem arises. How to serve that One who is All-beloved, for whatever one does with love is

done by Him. All that is done for the Beloved is done by the Beloved. And so one arrives at the painful conclusion that the Beloved alone exists- which means

that oneself doesn't And that's a terrible predicament to find oneself in-for one is still there.

The only solution I found was to accept the position: "You alone are and I am not, but we are both here." And

having arrived at this acceptance Baba now taught me a poetical form capable of expressing all the shades of the impossible relationships of lover and Beloved. Such a form has not existed in English up till now, because the lover-Beloved dilemma was not part of the BritishAmerican consciousness. And, of course, beloved Baba

being the author of this new form was (or seemed to be) delighted with my exercises in it. And here is a delicious piece of humor in connection with this. There was a period when Baba had me read a new poem to him three times every morning. Do you know why three times? Baba was memorizing them. Why memorizing them? So that He could quote them


next time He comes back, in 700 years! That is really God-Man humor, isn't it. Then there were His extraor dinary orders or commissions. His last wasfor 30 ghazals-

ghazal is the name of the new poetical form He taught me. It happened this way. One morning after the usual morning business was finished, Baba said He wanted me to write 30 ghazals. Could I do that? I replied promptly and brightly, "No, Baba." This reply seemed to rather astonish Him. He turned to the other mandali and

said, "Well, what do you think of that? I ask this fellow to write 30 ghazals and he says, No, Baba." Then Baba turned questioningly back to me. 1 said, or rather I groaned, "I don't know whether I can write one ghazal-and you ask for 30. I don't think there are any more in my head." Then He says sympathetically and persuasively, "Try, and I will help you." So it was back to the stone-quarry again to cut and build 30 more little poem-houses, each one a bit different; for the Beloved likes variety.

But still I did not know what a might Beloved our Beloved is. This knowledge has come to me only recently-since Baba laid aside His body. Now, the Beloved would not be the Beloved if He didn't

have a thousand whims and moods, if He didn't play His eternal game of divine pretense; if He was not all ears for the lover's praise and stone deaf to his complaints; if He was not All-knowledge and All-ignorance at the same time. He would not be the Beloved if He did not deco rate the walls of His wine

shopwith pretty picturessuch as "All the religions being drawn together as beads on one string" and "700 years of peace," and then invite the lover to cross deserts of heart-dryness and oceans of tears to receive the wine of His kiss; but when the lover

at last staggers in at the door, the Beloved spends the whole time showing him the pictures and expecting his interest and admiration.

What a Beloved our Beloved is! What a Beloved we have chosen to serve! What is it to the thirst-crazed

lover if a lot of glass beads are strung on one string? Will that make them turn into diamonds? What if

there is 700 years of peace? Will not war again follow? He would not be the Beloved if He did not tell the

lover to stand up and sit down at the same moment; to

become footless, and walk; to become headless, and

think; to exert himself to the utmost, and leave every thing to Him. Though it its not the time yet for us to know the wine of His kiss on our lips, we have received the kiss of His Word in our hearts. If it were not so, how could all you dear ones who have never seen His Man-form be here now?

Who but the Beloved of Beloveds could speak His Word silently in your hearts and make you come from across the world to take His darshan, to bow down to

Him in your hearts? Such a thing has never happened before. 1 have been at Mass-darshans where tens of thousands came and bowed down to His Man-form. But to come thousands of miles to bow down to

Him in one's own heart, that is of an entirely different order of devotion.

Why has beloved Baba given you people this extraor dinary privilege? Because He required a few to do what the many, what everyone, must eventually do: journey across the world of illusion to take darshan of Him in

their hearts. What a Beloved is our Beloved; what a

mighty Beloved. This Word which He has spoken in your hearts, which will be spoken in every heart in the world, will lead you by the hand, and drive you with whips to the door of your Beloved, to the wineshop of your Master-where it will

become your own pure song of praise and will cause the Beloved winemaster to open the door and bring you in and pour for you a glass of the wine of self-forgetfulness and Beloved-alone-re

membrance. The veryWord with which He knocked on the doors of your hearts and aroused you to set your feet on the path to Him, the same Word will knock on His door and make Him open it to you- Himself. I bow down to this mighty One in each of you.

But you also have your parts to play on this grand journey you have begun-you must not leave it all to your Beloved. For every step the lover takes to the Beloved, the Beloved takes ten steps to the lover. But the lover must continually take that one step. We must practice taking beloved Baba's darshan, bowing down to Him in our hearts, every day, then every moment until wc have continuous sight of Him. (continued on back page)



MEETINGS - MeherBaba eventsareheldonSaturday nights. TIMES- Events startat 8:00 PMand normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the

Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church

is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east

of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley). Take the Buchanan Street exit from Interstate 80. To check for

program changes call 510-845-4339. *

Bookstore *





Saturday, April 10: An Evening of Persian Sufi Poetry BillGannett leads a group reading and discussion of Persian Sufi poetry.

Saturday, April 17: Are You Really a Baba Lover? Dick Anthony discusses the Question. Do you ever doubt that Baba is who He says He is, or question whether you are really a Baba Lover.' Eruch told

Dick that faith in Baba is more authentic if you don't

Saturday, March 6: Working with the Body Louise Barrie will host a panel (Odile Atthalin, Robert Dreyfuss, Scott Maloney, Doug Ross and Ed Van Buskirk) to discuss and explore ways in which working through the medium of the body (bodywork, body-oriented psychotherapy, chiropractic,acupuncture) expresses and reaches for our relationship with Meher Baba. Join us for a lively conversation.

Saturday, March 13: Quarterly Salon and Toddy Shop The first in a new series of meetings for the expressions of our hearts with writings, story-telling, song, performance, visual art and chai. Presenters will include Steven Barrie

Anthony, Sarah Dwyer, Mehera Halliwell, Ben Leet, Jeanne

Moje and Kathy Weiderhold. Want to be in the next pro gram? Call Lisa Greenstein (510) 525-3364

Saturday, March 20: Fundraiser Concert by David Miotke *


7:30 pm Plymouth United Church of Christ, Monte Vista at Oakland Ave., Oakland. Our very own, very talented singer/ pianist and consummate entertainer will present a lively evening of his own Baba songs and gha:al settings. Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door. They will be available at Baba meetings or by mail at C/O PJR, P.O. Box 11275, Oakland, CA., 94611 or phone (510) 466-9587. Checks payable to MBCNC. All proceeds will benefit the Meher Baba Center of Northern California.

Saturday, March 27: Margaret Bernstein and Friends This longtime Baba lover will play original compositions on both flute and piano, classical selections on flute and may even sing an original song. Please come support and celebrate the release of her new album, "On the Threshold of Change," dedicated to her son, Julian Song.

Saturday, April 3: Uppers, Downers, All Arounders In the 1960s Meher Baba issued several warnings about the

dangers of using drugs. Deborah Tyler, ^experienced in

repress your doubts. Dick will discuss what he makes of

this advice and the role that doubt plays for him, and maybe others, in following Baba. Come share your own doubts, if any, and let's try to make sense of this ques tion.

Saturday, April 24: Masts, War, Spiritual Centers and Seclusion: Meher Baba in the 1940s

Ben Leet and Peter Ravazza will host this evening's program, promising "everything you ever wanted to know" about this eventful decade in the avatar's advent.

Saturday, May 1: Raine Eastman-Gannett sings songs of Mehera An evening of songs of Beloved Baba's Mehera, with passages from her biography read by Bill Gannett.

Saturday, May 8: Meher Baba—Father, Friend, Firm Master, Constant Companion until the Very End What is it like to follow Meher Baba? What do we gain and lose.' Is He involved in my day-to-day life.' What if Baba came and went without my knowing of Him? Should

I appreciate the change His influence makes? Why is per fection so far away? Kathy Wiederhold will make it fun to consider these questions.

May 15: Darshan Revisited Come reminisce and celebrate the 30th anniversary of

the 1969 darshan. Bring pictures and other memorabil ia, if you were among those fortunate enough to have attended.

May 22: Practical Mysticism Let's come together to discuss ways to use the tools Meher Baba has given us for becoming practical mystics. Peter Rava:za invites all to join an open discussion and an

evening of good snacks, fun and a relaxing departure from the stresses of the Kali Yuga!

substance abuse counseling, will talk about the effects of

drug use and review the latest research into the biochemical impact of drugs. She will also remind us what Baba and Bhau Kalchuri have said about their spiritual impact. Families and kids, bring your questions.


Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Joan Harland • Vice President, Harold Jamison • Secretary, Ron Greenstein • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board of Directors: Odile Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn • Betty Lowman • Cherri Nelson Bookstore: Kate Mink• Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White • Program: Greg Harland Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

Happenings will happen- even Grand Happenings. But they will not be that Happening which has to happen in our hearts. So do not look to these other happenings

to nourish your faith; depend only upon His Word and its Song in your hearts.


El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis

Be prepared for a long, long journey to have the Be

Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony

loved's real darshan. But it may only take a mere 700

at (510) 524-6405.

years to reach His door and bow down to Him for the last time and merge in Him forever. JAI BABA! The Victory is His.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma • Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

Farewell Tea for Laura Hogan and Kacy Cook We wish our dedicated Bookstorewalla Laura Hogan

happy trails as she heads off to her new home in cold northern climes (Minnesota)—well suited to her Finnish heritage! At the same-time, before she leaves

for more southern climes, Kacy Cook, western resident of India for the past 20 years, will share stories from her rich experience of life at Meherazad.

Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact,

Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.


Santa Cruz - Alternate Thursdays- 7:15 PM ~- -BisLOUtse leadings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (813) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home.

All are invited to a good-bye tea Sunday March 7

Call Helen at (925) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard,

from 2 to 5 PM at the home of Alan and Karen Talbot,

(925) 930-8670 for directions.

721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. Please bring tea treats to share. Please RSVP, (925) 376-4325. THE TRUST

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact

Announcement from the Trustwalla

Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

MBCNC (Meher Baba Center of Northern California)

is in the process of being certified to receive tax deductible donations to AMBPPT (Avatar Meher Baba

Perpetual Public Trust.) If you have any questions regarding how to donate to the Trust in this way, call either: Jack Mormon, (510) 232-1894 or Peter


People who wish to know more'about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material-and;a .catalogue of available

publicaitons by writing or phohifrgMeherBaba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley,CA 94703*Qr call (510)562-1101

Ravazza, (510) 769-1839


of Northern California, Inc.

NON-PROFIT ORG. u.s. post;-t «•♦•«■


2131 University Avenue, Room 235

^Berf<ejey^aUfomia 947fJ





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VOL. 27

FALL 1997

MEHER BABA'S WARNINGS ABOUT THE OCCULT This interview with Amavaz N. Dadachanji by Nancy Wall was originally published in the Love Street Lamp Post. Itisreprinted here at the request of Amavaz and Doctor Goher.

to help extend my mother's life. I told her emphatically that whether my mother

N W: In Gift of God, Arnavaz, you wrote about the dangers of becoming involved in any way with the occult.

lived or died was completely in Baba's hands. As Baba has said, "Never beg me to save your life or the lives of your dear ones. Only beg me to accept you and permit you to lay down your life

You've also told me that an increasing

for me."

number of Baba lovers are asking you questions about this subject.

Some fifteen years later this woman came to my home for Baba'sdarshan. She looked so frail and broken that I didn't even

Arnavaz: It is true that more and more

Baba lovers have been coming to me to askwhat they can do to disentangle them selves from various kinds of occult practices, such as

seeking help from the spirit world or trying to develop psychic powers. Many have also consulted other people who are involved in the occult. For instance, a common practice today is to consult "healers," people who use psychic power to eliminate disease or pain. At first the help given through occult means may make a person feel better or happier. But there are great dangers involved. This is not to say that those who explore the occult do so simply out of the desire for power. Some people have the best of intentions and they want only to help themselves or others. For example, I mentioned in Gift of God a woman who loved Baba very much, but used occult practices to save the life of her husband. Some one guided this woman, gave her mantras to repeat and instructions to follow. Her husband's life was spared, but his whole personality changed. Whereas they had once been a very loving couple, now he stopped talking to her and lived like a stranger in the house. And she could not stop herself from becoming further involved with her practices. When'my mother was gravely ill with cancer, this woman came to our family, wanting

recognize her. She implored Baba to save her. Baba very lovingly embraced her, but He told her she had taken upon herself more than she could handle and therefore He couldn't help her. She would have to suffer the consequences of her ac tions. This woman was suffering at least in part because of the heavy sanskaric load she was carrying. So al though it is natural that we should want to eliminate our own suffering or the suffering of those we love, the elimination of pain through psychic healing may actu ally serve as a block on the spiritual path of the aspirant. N W: This brings up another question for me. To what extent should we, as Baba lovers, try to eliminate our pain and suffering?

Arnavaz: Well, certainly when we are in pain, it is reasonable to pursue whatever relief may be available through natural and practical means. Doctors, psychi atrists,chiropractors,massage therapists, those who practice Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, allopa thy, Ayurvedic medicine—all these 1 would call natural and practical. But healing through psychic powers is another matter altogether. In consulting those involved in occult practices for relief from suffering, we may actually add to our sanskaras and later bring about more suffering and pain. Baba wants to free us from suffering,





but when we seek occult help, we are interfering with His work and creating further bindings for ourselves. And if we ourselves use occult means to help others, we take on the sanskaras of those we seek to help.

N W: Arnavaz, you mentioned that the woman who used the occult to save her husband continued to use

it even after he had been saved. Once a person starts using occult powers, is it difficult to stop?

Arnavaz: Let me tell you two stories about that. Once when Baba was giving darshan in different parts of India, a guru who had practiced occult powers came to Him. Baba gave this man darshan several times, and he became Baba's disciple. Baba told him that he must give uprhts practice~as^rgunT and no lohpr use' the occult or allow people to bow down to him. He obeyed Baba for some time, but after a few years he returned to his old ways. He knew Baba was not pleased, and he ceasedall contact, never showing his face to Babaagain. The second story involves an only child who died. Naturally, the parents were devastated, and a Baba lover who was present put the dead child in his lap and sat all night, repeating Baba's name aloud. After several hours the child was revived. When Baba heard about

this incident, He sent a telegram to the man saying


would suddenly fill the room. He would give orders, and sometimes they would turn out to be the same orders

that Baba later gave us, so it is easy to see why Savak impressed my family. I have to say, though, that I myself was never attracted to him. Even though I thought he might be on a higher plane, I found him somehow repulsive. 1understand now that Baba was keeping me away from this man, keeping me from getting involved with him in any way. And even though throughout my life I have seen numerous examples of people who were

possessed by spirits and many kinds of black magic, I have always known that Baba would protect me from all of this, that 1 had nothing to fear as long as I held tightly to His damaan. Baba'_s_Last Warning, given in July of 1968, contains specific orders for His lovers concerning involvement with such masters: It is... important at this critical period of the Avataric Age to beware at all times of persons who lead others into believing that they are saintly and pious and profess to possess supernatural powers. How ever pious such persons appear to be, a Baba-lover must never mix such piety with the Divinity of the Avatar!

A true Baba-lover must remember the repeated warning given to all Baba-lovers time and again to

that He was very displeased. The man felt terrible and he came to Baba and begged for forgiveness. Baba kept the man with Him for a while in the ashram, but be cause he had been able to revive the dead child, the man believed that he must have special powers and after some time he had the urge to use his powers again. One day, without even informing Baba, he simply disappeared from the ashram. His ego had over powered him, and he hisJiomeand,estab lished his own following. His connection with Baba was broken. So you see, once a person has experienced this kind of power, he becomes entangled in it and does not

At the end of this warning Baba added the following

want to give it up.

note, originally given in February of 1966:

N W: Your family at one time had frequent contact with a man who had certain powers. Can you tell me about him?


Our contact with this man, Savak, came

about in the early 30's, when we were quite new to Baba. Later, of course, we would have had nothing to do with this man, but at the time we knew very little about spiritual matters. Although we loved Baba very much, my mother and others in the family thought that Savak must be a highly spiritual man. He could make coins or flowers appear in his hands, or a certain scent

stay away from persons who feel and assert that

they are masters and saints and possess powers to help human beings. His lovers and workers should never get involved with such persons and affairs,

much less with perverted "helpers of humanity" who have no reverence or regard for the Perfect Masters and the Avatar of the Age. Beware of them who exploit spirituality to gain their selfish ends and dupe others in the name of Sadgurus and the Avatar.

Shun those masters who are like multi-coloured electric

signs that flash on and off, brightening the dark sky of your world and leaving you in darkness again.

N W: Aren't there some peoplewho have actuallyfound Baba through occult means and come to follow Him? Arnavaz: It is true that Baba Himself has used such

means as automatic writing, ouija boards, etc. to bring people to Him, but the fact that Baba has done some

thing in no way gives us permission to do it. "Don't do what I do," He has told us. "Do what I tell you to do."

When God comes as man, He works thorough every-





thing in His creation, what we would call good and

following from Baba's Discourses: "The introduction of

what we would call bad. Baba said these were two sides

an uncertain and uncalculable factor which the free

of the same coin. In the play of Maya, God keeps a balance between them. Why? We cannot know. Given our limited understanding, we cannot fathom the ways of God. We can only do what Baba asks of us and not worry about trying to understand His work.

exercise of occult power would involve, is bound to

Baba has been very clear about what He asks of us. For instance, the rules regarding appropriate behavior at His Center in Myrtle Beach contain this statement: "By Meher Baba's directive, divining cards, ouija board, and the I Chtng are not to be used at the Center." And anyone tempted to interpret that direc tive to mean that outside the Center it is all right to use such devices should think carefully about Baba's statement given in Andhra on 1 March, 1954: "I'want my lovers and workers to know that there is no greater 'Baba's Centre' than the heart of my lover. Those who truly love me are my centres in the world. Let each 'Baba-lover,' wherever he or she

may be, be the 'Baba's Centre' personified, radiating the eternal message of Love Divine, living a life of love, sacrifice and honesty." N W: I think it's sometimes difficult for us to distin

guish between what is occult and what is not. There are so many "New Age" practices from which sincere peo ple seem to derive the same kinds of experience that we have had in our lives as Baba lovers that the whole issue

can become very confusing. How can we protect our selves from getting involved in something best left alone?

Arnavaz: Irene Coneybeare, in the introduction to her book In Quest of Truth or How I came to Meher Baba, gives a good and easy guideline to follow when she discusses the vast difference between mysticism and occultism. The mystic, she says, is simply searching for God and does not seek power, whereas the person who practices the occult is actually attempting to control the forces of nature. Occult power, she stresses, is safe only in the hands of a Master who will not misuse it— that even an advanced spiritual aspirant may incur great harm through practice of the occult, and she quotes the

create much confusion and disturbance in the ordi

nary pursuits of man, who must be left to his own limitations, resources and possibilities for the equal and uninterrupted working out of the Law of Karma." She also talks about the undue importance that people often attribute to miracles, which have nothing to do with the spiritual path, and again she quotes Baba: "AH miracles belong to the phenomenal world, which is the world of shadows. As phenomena, they are sub' ject to change; and nothing that changes can have lasting value. Realisation of the eternal Truth is an initiation into unchangeable Being which alone is the supreme Reality; and no acquaintance with the occult world or capacity to manipulate its forces can really amount to the realisation of the Truth."

On His birthday in 1965, Baba told those gathered in His love the following, also taken from His Discourses: There is nothing particularly spiritual about occult power as such. Like any other mundane power or scientific invention, it is capable of being used for good ends or bad. It gives immense scope for co-operative work on the higher planes, but this necessarily implies a spiritual preparedness to shoulder a special responsibility. The novice may seek some occult powers and, within certain limits, even succeed in having them, but this new attainment will prove to be a curse rather than a blessing if he is not spiritually prepared for the adequate fulfillment of the new responsibility implied in the acquisition of the new powers. Even the slight est misuse of occult power has a severe reaction and creates a binding for the soul. Sometimes it may retard the progress of the aspirant and may even lead to a considerable set-back. Apart from the spiritual ruin which the novice may invite upon himself through indiscrete use of occult power, he is bound to be a source of incalculable harm to others over whom he

has succeeded in wielding a formidable advantage. (continued on page 4)

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White • Vice President, Brian Drygas • Secretary, Bryan Drygas • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook • Brian Drygas • Mehera Haltiwell • Greg Harland • Clint Snyder • Janet White

Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

So when Baba lovers ask me about the occult, I tell them that whoever Baba has taken into His fold must do whatever Baba wants. Those who have not come

to know and love Baba will act according to their sanskaras and destiny. But Baba has told His lovers specifically not to get involved in the occult. It is extremely foolish for Baba lovers to dabble in matters that Baba has told us to keep away from. He has warned us of the harm we may do not only to ourselves, but to others who seek our help. And He has shown us how to please Him. That means obeying Baba wholeheart edly, leaving His wotk entirely in His hands, and stay ing away from any attempt to work in realms we are not spiritually prepared to enter.

"I do not want anything else but the gift of your

LOCAL MEETTNQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or

obedience." Meher Baba

Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM , Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510)

Results ofthe 1997 AnnualGeneral Meeting

935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meet ing locations.

The slate of candidates and the proposed budget were approved. The Mission Statement was approved and

added to ourby-laws. The guest speaker policy, limiting the subject of the speeches and discussion to Avatar Meher Baba and no other spiritual master or guide, was rejected. The co-sponsorship policy, permitting cooper ation with other groups on projects focused solely on Avatar Meher Baba, was approved. The directive to suspend weekly Saturday meetings, in favor of occasion al events and programs, was rejected. Forty people iden tified themselves as active/voting members.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writingor phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call (510) 562-1101


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

AddressCorrection Requested


U.S. Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA PERMIT NO. 186








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This ispan one of a two-pan, edited transcription ofa talk Charles Haynes gave at the home of Ron and Lisa Greenstein in El Cerrito, California m August 1988




VOL. 26

Surrender to Meher Baba



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Ofcourse, it was wonderful because I could

just sit there and stare the whole five days. I didn't have anything eke to do,

I didn't have to pay attention to any' thing. That's why the things I remember that Baba said were like epiphanies be cause it was like waking up to pick up the







I wanted to say a few things about the topic of surrender to Meher Baba, something you've all done long ago. It has always been a puzzle to me, the topic of surrender, so I keep coming back to it. Baba says that greater than love is obedience and greater than obedience is surrender. That is what always puzzled me because it seemed to be His notion of the highest form of love. It's strange to think

Baba starting talking about what wasgoing to happen when He broke Hissilence... something that nobody everbrought up because then it would be all over for us. Manifestation always meant to me that the intimacy was going to end; I just wanted it to be as far away in the future as possible. So whenever Baba started speaking about it I paid attention, because I thought that when He broke His silence it would

about surrender because it's hard to know whether one has

be too late for me. He used to tell us, "Love me now while

surrendered or not, or what it means. 1 used to put it off somewhere in the distance thinking that some day I'd be

I am in your midst, because after I break My silence it will be too late." We are, I think, still in that era of people who are not with Him because He's the Avatar of the Age but because He's our Beloved, who let ussee enoughof Him that we want to be with Him, now and forever. New humanity, no new humanity, breaking His silence, not breaking His

able to deal with it. In fact, I asked Eruch about it once.

We were sitting in Mandali Hall on the floor in front of Baba's chair. The gnats were bad that day because it was really still. Eruch was just pooped; he had nothing left to give. He was just sitting there and it was not anywhere near the end of the time for him, so poor Eruch had to keep going. Finally, Eruch looked at me and said, "What

should I talk about?" It popped out. 1 said,"Surrender," waving the gnats away. He said, "Yeh, alright. Do it!" I said, "Well, Eruch, that's fine for you to say, but I don't know what it means." He said, "You people think I just say these things, I'm not just saying 'Do it.' Do it." I said, "Isn't it something youwotk toward, isn't it a goalof life?" He said, "No, do it now, right now. Then do it tomorrow again and then do it the next dayagain. Why do you wait? What is it?" In other words, surrender is something you do continuously. Each time you do it, it's a little bit more,

silence; it doesn't make much difference to the lover. But the

day will come when He will show Himself and then the world

will have itsportionof Him. Always, asa child,I was rushing to love Baba more and more. I wish I still had some of the

same urgency that 1had then, because what I gathered from Baba was that the day will come when the opportunity to love Him in this way will not be there. It is only fora snort time that the Avatar draws the lovers in that intimate way. I used to just pray to Baba, "Don't break Your silence too soon, please. I'll workharder, I'll try harder." Babamotivated

us that way too. I'm sure our understanding was severely limited, but I still feel something like that. The heart of the

matter for me is that this is the time to take advantage of

you let go a little bit more.

being with Him. Whatever else comes, I have no idea, but

My image for it comesfrom 1962. Babagavean image that

this is the best of times.

has stuck with me all these years about surrender. It came out of the blue, it probably came to me because I wasn't

Baba was talking about breaking His silence and He said

listening to what else was being said. The nice part about

telling you now that you have to hold on, the most im portant thing for you to do is to hold on to Me." 1 was

being thirteen at that time was that I didn't have to listen

towhat was being said; I got away with it. Ifadults didn't listen, Baba would catch them. He was wonderful at that— "Do you know what it means?". . . "What, Baba?". . . If

you were thirteen, Baba would not do that. I was sitting next to Baba on the floor and He was on the couch; I was

trying to inch my chin close to His knee; those were my priorities then, I wasn't paying any attention to the topic.

that for a time it would seem natural to leave Him. "I'm

alert at this point because this is a topic that I was very interested in as a child. I felt so unworthy to be with Baba that I thought if 1don't hurry up and begin to love Baba as He should be loved it's going to be too late. Baba then picked up His sadhra, held it in His hand in front of us, and said, "Remember to hold on to my daaman, because

what will happen will make it easy for your grasp on me




to slip away. You have to practice holding on to My daaman." Then He took His other hand and He clenched



except what is real. That is the job of the Beloved, to get us to let go of everything else. The ego has no intention

His daaman with both hands and said, "Don't hold on just with one hand but with both hands so that if, by any chance, one hand should slip away, you are still holding

of letting go. What has habituated for millenia to cling is not going to let go, no matter what we say to it, and

on. Can you remember that, to hold on with both hands?"

our own egos. So I looked for something Baba said that

That's the image for surrender that I've always kept from

encapsulated how I feel about this and I found a quote which I will share with you. Baba said, "To stick to me means to keep me pleasedat the cost of yourown comforts and pleasures." The first sentence seems again like we have to do somethingand it's up to us, but then Baba goes on to say, "It means to be resigned to My will, whether you keep good health or bad, whether you make money

that time on. Why surrender? Because, as a child, it oc curred to me that if you are holding on with both hands then you have no free hands to hold on to anything else. So, to hold on with both hands means you have to let go of a lot to even begin to hold on to Baba. You can't hold on to anything else. How can we hold on to anything else if we are holding on to Him with both hands - we can't, reaHyTHow can we take too seriously what's going on in our lives if we are holding on with both hands?We can take it somewhat seriously, but it's very difficult to take it too seriously. We have to let go. We just can't cling to things and have Baba still in our grasp in this crazyworld. And Baba's prediction is correct, it is much more difficult every day to really hold on to Baba in this world. I add to that image another image that Mehera gave when she showed me around Baba's bedroom and paused in front of Baba's window. It's a window that looks out on

the countryside, a beautiful scene. She turned to us, tears in her eyes and she said, "Baba would point at this window

and He would say 'This is my TV, this window is Baba's TV.'" I would look out there and people were planting and there werecows. Later I thought about that and I thought that to Beloved Baba, our lives must be like watching the TV, a soap opera, exactly. But to tune in the soap operas and look at them for a few minutes makes me feel how Baba sometimes must see our lives.

Here are these people sttiving so hard to take everything so seriously and there is a crisis every moment. Sitting in jrour home watching this, you arejaying, "Come on now, really, how can you make such a deal out of this and how come you have a crisis every moment, this isn't real!" But the people in the soap opera are getting paid to make it look very real and we make it look very real too. Unfor tunately, we don't know that we are actors. We are acting out the script too, probably with less improvisation than they are in the soap opera. The difference is that when I watch the soap opera I mock the people in my mind, I

laugh at them, 1 feel superior that my life isn't so stupid as that. Baba doesn't do that. He watches His TV and He

feeb compassion, He feels involved in it. His love is such that, in spite of how silly it may ultimately be, Baba helps us with it; that's why He's so sweet, that's why He's the Beloved, after all.

The notion that Baba conveys is that if we hold on with two hands, that's the beginning and the end of surrender. His task is to get us to do that. Baba, the Meher Baba that lives in us, our real Self, spends all of its time, once it's awakened a little bit, getting us to let go of everything else

how much we think we are so smart that we can outsmart

orlose it, and whether you gain name and fame orbecome the laughing stock of others." Sothat's what Baba defines

as sticking to Him. Holding on to Him means being re signed to whatever His will is. That's an amazing thing. The first time it occurred to me that this is what Baba was

working for in my life was when my dog got very ill when I was a little boy. (Actually, not so little—I was a teen ager.) These are things that may seem very unimportant

toeverybody else butto a young boy, they were. The thing was that the dog was my very best friend. I was very introverted and shy as a child and had very few friends, but Buff wasmy companion, my constant companion. She was a collie. Baba had sent love to this dog many times. Never was there a message from India sending love to us where the dog and the cat were not also listed—not one message. Buff came to live with me just after Baba left in 1958. 1 look back now and I feel it was Baba's comfort to

me. I was bereft when Baba left physically, and 1 got this collie dog. She was very wise and wonderful as so many dogs are. She got sick suddenly at the vet's when we were away, and she was dying. Elizabeth Patterson, who loved dogs more than people by a long shot (she loved people a lot, but dogs held a special place), was there tending to my dog while 1was away and when I came back she went to get me at the airport and droveme straightto the veterinarian.On the wayshe said, "Baba tells us that everything is His will and we should be happy in His will." 1knew something wascoming. "Buff is very sick." Of course, it was like being told my world

was coming to an end, I couldn't believe it. She added on to a cable that she had sent to Mani (she had just received the family letter and in those days, the mid 60s, you could not communicate for anything except wotk). Elizabeth never disobeyed Baba, never, but she very cleverly added onto the end of the cable "Dog Buff very sick".

Buff died and I was devastated; those of you who have children or pets can probably empathize. Baba cabled me.

I had never received a cable from Baba, I had gotten messages through someone else, through Elizabeth or my mother but this was the first direct message 1 had ever received from Baba—it was a cable to me. Baba said, "Your

love for Me will help Buff who is also Mine. Be resigned (continued on page 4)



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise

noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. »







Friday June 28 - Teen Overnight Campout at Samuel P. Taylor Park in Marin A special get-togetherforBaba's youth.Call Margaret Bernstein for registration forms and information. (415) 488-4791.

V* Saturday June 29 - Know Your Artisl Spend a musical evening getting to know the Indian Artis with the mandali on tape and Raine Eastman-Gannet.

Saturday, July 6 - L.A. Sahavas Weekend

Saturday: May 4 - Film Night We will see Meher Baba's Call and The Ancient One.

V&Saturday May 11 -'Margaret Bernstein in Concert We'll hear flute and piano pieces from Margaret's album Full Circle and her upcoming release On the Threshold ofChange.

*# Saturday, May 18.- A Reading and Book Signing With Meher Nazar Resident Craig Ruff Craig is a westerner who has lived and worked at Meher Baba'sTrust Office Compound in Ahmednagar, India since 1978. He is speaking at several Baba Centers in the U.S.,

and will read excerpts from his books Travelling Music and The Moment Within and his new book Oneness in the World.

Saturday, May 25, 3 PM - Mehera's Tea at TaJbots A gathering in die garden in remembrance of the Beloved's

beloved. Bringpot luck and Mehera memories, for an after noon of group singing and stories. 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. Call (510) 376-4325 for directions

** Friday, May 31, 7:30 PM - An Evening With A.K. and Leela Kasthuri

Currently residents of Lafayette, California, and formerly from Madras, India, the Kasthuris will share stories from

their many years of following Meher Baba. A.K. Kasthuri remembers playing marbles with Baba as a little boy. He is the grandson of Sampath Aiyangar, a devoted disciple of Meher Baba in the 30s and 40s. A.K. would like to "meet

and greet" us. Come early to socialize. Talk starts at 8 PM.

* Sunday June 9, 6 PM - Raphael Rudd in Concert at the Plymouth United Church, Oakland A benefit for MBCNC to raisefunds for an August visit with Bili Eaton and Tex Hightower. See the enclosed flyer.

& Saturday, June 15 - Annual Qeneral Meeting Outreach is the theme for tonight's meeting - we will bear about a potential Web Site for the MBCNC, and about opportunities for service work through the Berkeley Boost ers.Yourvote counts. Come and help plan our future course.

Saturday June 22 - Summer Dhuni at Muir Beach Meet at Muir Woods entrance at 3 PM for a hike, then pot luck dinner at the beach, then dhuni. Take Hwy 101 north to the Hwy. 1 Exit, then follow signs to Muir Woods.

Many ofuswill be in L.A.,sotherewill be no meeting tonight.

Saturday, July 13 - Film Night Meher Baba's 1956 U.S.A. tour - a 40-year anniversary!

& Saturday, July 20 - Francis Brabazon Remembered Raine Eastman-Gannet and Sue Jamison will lead an evening of reminiscences of this stalwart man who was Baba's bard. Bring your favorite poem or Francis story.

^fe Saturday, July27 - Baba's Musical Musketeers Once more with feeling - Ron, Darrell & Dave in concert. Augustis traditionally a "month off forour group. Our first event next season will be the annual Labor Day Picnic. Details in the next newsletter.

ANNOUNCEMENTS AVATAR'S NET: Interested in working on a Web Site for the MBCNC? Call Bryan Drygas (408) 356-3512. STRAY PHONE MESSAGES: Our phone tree has not been reaching everyone on the list. Please be conscientious about callingyourdesignated people. If youwant to get on the phone tree or need information, call Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126.

NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST: To get your name on it, leave a message on Scott Maloney's phone (510) 524-8451, or the office phone (510) 845-4339,or speakto any boardmember

FILMWALLA NEEDED: We need a projectionist to share responsibility forfilmnights, starting in September.Any takers? Please call Steve Jacobs (510) 237-9257 MEHERANA: For info, about Meherana summer events

and work weekends, call Hermann Loew (707) 778-1195.

MEHER MOUNT: Celebrate 50 years of preservation, 40 years of sanctification. Bring a picnic lunch Saturday Aug. 3, 9:30 AM to 5 PM. Guests: Bili Eaton, Tex Hightower, Marguerite Poley and Adele Wolkin. Call (415) 494-6443. THE LORD WEAVES HIS TAPESTRY . . . Phillip Kearse, the pastor of Albany Methodist Church, lived in Myrtle Beach in 1973 and knew Elizabeth Patterson. They were membersof the same Methodist Church. He wasdelighted at the 'connection' and has invited our group to give a presen

tation on Meher Baba to the church's Tuesday night group.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Betty Lowman • Vice President, Janet White • Secretary, Steve Jacobs • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Kirk Allen • Alisa Dreyfuss * Steve Jacobs * Emiko Larson • Betty Lowman • CliffMauzey • Janet White

Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson, Clint Snyder, Sharon Snyder Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1286)

and happy to My will. Meher Baba." Of course, when I got the cable everything lifted; I felt genuinely happy because I felt it was Baba's will. It was the first time in

my life that I actually felt that God's will is in everything. At that moment, when I heard the cable over the phone, I just felt this was God's will and I was actually happy about it. I cabled Baba back that I wasresigned to His will and then, because we were all so concerned about Baba's health, I added a line that I hoped his sufferingwasbetter. Later, I wondered if the Mandali reading this cable thought I meant that because the dog was dead that Baba's suffer ing should be eased— what was the connection there? (I knew that Baba knew what I meant.) Anyway, it was my great opportunity to say something directly to Baba.

The point of that little vignette from a child's life is very simple and that is that being resigned to God's will is not easy. It's a gift that Baba gives us gradually in our lives with Him and everything He does conspires to get us to do that. I'm sure you have picked up by now that He has to work, it's loving of Baba to work for us to be resigned to His will. I don't know what I thought surrender was but, the more I am with Baba, the more I realize that my notions of surrender are really misplaced unless I'm really focussed on being resigned to His will. That is the only

way to let go, if you are really deeply convinced that that's

the case, that all of life is the will of God, not 90%, not 95% but 100% of everything is God's will. There is no other will but, of course, that is a lesson that Baba cannot

teach us except through experience. We have to have that through the daily experiences of having our clinging ripped away from us. That's His love for us. And the more we remember Him the more He does it. Remembrance of

God brings down the sword of God on one's neck because

LOCAL MEETINGS EI Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at die Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Bar rie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jean MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - First Sunday of the Montfi -11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship'. Call Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Occasional Meetings Discourse readings and occasional gatherings.

Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924. San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167

or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations. THE TRUST

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. 'Please note that this Is Jack's New Address.

it has to, that's what love from God is—to cut off our false

self from its habit of clinging to what's unreal. That was my first lesson in the truth that everything is God's will.


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba

can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101.


of Northern California, Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

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Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA Permit No.186







VOL. 26

Tex Hightower Meets

know anything about that kind of love. I don't know that there is preparation for that kind of love, but I certainly didn't have it, and I can't tell you what kind of love that is, because it is such an entity unto itself, that there's nothing you can say to describe it. Words just don't touch that. Twenty-five years later, I understood some

Meher Baba TexHightower, a dancer who metMeher Baba through Margaret Craske, spoke toourgroup in die spring of1990... This excerptfrom his talk, editedconsiderably tofitmthis newsletter, begins just as hewas tomeet Baba, in 1952.

1 had this tension of guilt or anxiety... I Just wasn't sure. 1didn't think I loved Him at all, I didn't think I- had any feeling for Him at all, and I felt, "What the hell am I doing here? What's going to happen?" I did have a feeling that it was very important, that you shouldn't be flippant or insincere about it. The tension built up. Then we had gone through all the business of not getting there on time (our plane had been delayed in a severe storm), but Baba left a message that said He'd see us at 7:30 the next morning. 1 watched three women go Tn to see Baba, people that I knew very well, and they came out in absolute shambles after seeing Baba. So when Delia came to get me, to take me to Baba, I tripped over the pebbles in the path. When we turned up that little path to go to the Lagoon Cabin, I sawsomething white behind the screen door, which was like a scrim, a theatrical scrim. I dropped my eyes. It was almost a physical impossibilityfor me to lift my head, and 1 sort of stumbled up the steps. I knew that Baba was standing there. I could have seen His feet, but I made, sure that I didn't. Eventually I did lift my eyes to Baba, and when I did, He opened His arms. A strange thing happened. It was not a psychic experience, do not misun derstand. It was like a physical sensation, as if I were in some kind of case, like a mummy case, and it cracked. It started cracking right up the middle and down the back, and it fell away, and when it fell away, I could step forward and I looked into Baba's eyes. I never had and never will see anything that beautiful. Indescribably beautiful. His

eyes were ... I have somejpe*^r^tJprmfinfinity, very small, but it's only because,pf.iiaba.'s eyes. Baba's eyes went on

forever. They wjere^'a^aii'tl^l^clrai. I stepped into His

arms, and He emDracedlrie."That's the only thing of im portance that ever happened in my life, or ever will. I was overwhelmed with the love that He gave. 1 didn't

thing that I realized at that moment, that had gone into my subconscious for 25 years, when I was looking into Baba's eyes. I had the full realization that absolutely ev erything in the world is exactly the way it ought to be. It is exactly what it should be. I mean, I don't retain that feeling, but I had it, and it was in my subconscious for 25 years, and then it came out as clear as a bell. I'll never forget it. He absolutely bowled me over, and then He said, "I'm happy." He was happy. That knocked me over. When I met Baba, as Miss Craske put it, He knocked me right off my perch. I had to get back, I was deep in rehears al, but I was just absolutely overwhelmed by Baba and I couldn't think of anything but Baba. I was making a bum job of rehearsals. I would write His name all day long. So I said to Miss Craske, "What am I going to do?" She said, "Why don't you make Him something?" So I thought, "What shall I make Him? What great gift of the wotld am. I going to make Him?" I mean, I'm not Faberge. So I

decided, well, I'll make Him a coat. I made Him a very beautiful white wool flannel coat. 1 thought about Baba all the time I was making that coat. I'd come from rehears al at night, and I'd make that silly coat. I had no idea if I'd ever be able to give it to Him. Then He had the accident, and we were given another chance to see Him, in Ivy Duce's apartment, on a terrible hot day. And that's the second time 1saw Him. I was all piped up. I had been on cloud nine for those two months, which isn't entirely pleasant, by the way, except it's good enough that you

don't want to get off. So I was prepared to go up higher. I walked into the room, and there was this man in a cast.

His complexion was gray, He was obviously in pain, and He-looked ill. I won't say He looked just like a man, but He did look like God the first time I saw Him. I went

crashing to the basement when I saw Him like that and He was rather impersonal to me that time. He took my hand, pressed it very, very hard against His chest, but He







didn't pay any attention to me at all. Baba's strength was amazing. He pressed my hand very hard and gave me a grape. I just sort of sat there, and He didn't say or do anything. Then I bit the grape. The minute I bit the grape He said "Go." So I left. I went in, and I just dropped the coat at the foot of the bed. I never knew

me. It wassuch a beautiful morning; the birds were singing and the sun had just come up, and the dew was just strung like jewels through those trees, and it wasn't hot yet, and

what happened to that coat, but Mehera told me that

"Oh, boy! It is sensational." He said, "Look at that view." It was framed like a picture, with the trees and the water and the hill, and everything like that, and I'm looking there, thinking "Boy, Baba's got good taste." All of a sudden He turned to me, and it's like His voice changed. He said, "Make the coat." Well, I jumped about 20 feet, because that was four years later and Miss Craske didn't even remember giving me that message. I said, "Oh. I'm

He wore it many times. It wasn't over. I was still in this turmoil. I knew Baba was

going to be in America, so then I decided I'd make Him some sandals. When the time came for Baba to leave

America we were forbidden to go to the airport in New York to see Him off. So I called Miss Craske and said,

"Couldl give you-these sandals-to give to Baba?" She called me back, and said, "If you do not expect to see Him, you may bring the sandals to the airport." I just accepted that. In those days it was called Idyllwild, not Kennedy,

and it was a seties of quonset huts. Well, 1 walked, in to one end of this quonset hut, and I walked the full length of that thing, and there was nobody. Then I noticed a

stairway at the end, so I went charging over there, and out came Kitty, charging head on, because the women in seclusion were there. 1said, "Oh, Kitty ..." and I blabbed it o\0, and she said, "Why don't you give them to Him youtself?" I looked at her blankly, and she said, "Well, He's calling you." I turned around, and halfway down the way was Baba, smiling. I had passed Him three times. So He called me over, and I gave Him the sandals, and He embraced me. 1 wasn't terribly pleased with those sandals either. So that was the. end of one episode, one coat and one pair of sandals.

that brilliant diamond golden light that you have in the morning was everywhere, and Baba was so beautiful. He looked at me and said, "Isn't it beautiful here?" And I said,

not to finish the sandals?" He said, "What sandals?" By then, I knew I'd said the wrong thing, but it was too late. I said, "Well, I was.making . . ." and He said, "Altight, finish the sandals." That was a complete disaster. I alien ated everybody on the Center. He said, "Have them ready by Thursday," but He never gave me time to work on them. So 1 would stay up all night, and I went to the original kitchen when everybody was asleep. 1 would have to tap-tap-tap, and you know sound carries over water, and you'd see somebody in the morning: "I heard the fairy cobbler last night. .. Oh well, as long as you're doing it for Baba." Somebody said, "I hope you're performing Japa." Everybody had something to say. Anyway, I made these sandals. I had them ready when He said, but He didn't ask for them. I tucked them in my back pocket in a brown paper bag. For days 1 walked around with those stupid sandals hanging out my pocket, and He acted like He didn't know me. We went to the Brookgreen Gardens with

Oh, before He left, when I was making the sandals early one morning, the phone rang. This was after I had given Him the coat. The phone rang, and it was Miss Craske. She said, "I have a message for you. Baba says, 'Tell that boy he has put his head into a noose. When Baba needs

Baba and suddenly it was like the parting of the Red Sea, this crowd of people sort of spread out and turned and looked, and Baba was sitting under a tree at the end of

a new coat, he is to make it, but he's not to work on it

to wear them.

until I tell him to."'

So 1956 came, and I said, "I'm going to make Him a good pair of sandals." The time came, and I didn't have them

finished, so 1had to take them down to Myrtle Beach with me. I took my accoutrements, my awl, and my little hammer, and this, that, and the other. When you are with Baba, there is never any time to do anything. I was working on the sandals, and I hadn't finished them because I was

making them very elaborate. There was embroidery, there were two kinds of leather, there was black suede with red

suede underneath it, and embroidered gold around the cutout design; just what Baba would wear, right? Very early in the morning there was a knock on the door, and somebody said, "Baba wants to see you." I went dashing out, and Baba was sitting in front of the Lagoon Cabin and He lightened up, as He was never very serious with

it, and He said, "Come here. Give me the sandals." And

then 1gave them to Him, and they fell off when He tried So then I had to start the coat. I didn't have any fabric, and we were forbidden to leave the Center. Baba said,

"You have to have the coat ready by the time I leave." By then it was a short time. I had to ask permission to leave the Center to buy the fabric. When you ask Baba some thing like that, it's a mistake. He gave me permission, and

I did go, and I bought thread and scissors, but Myrtle Beach in those days was like Arangaon, there was nothing there. I bought a hunk of very good Indian Head cotton, but cotton was not my idea of a jacket. 1 started it, and then we went to Washington, Los Angeles, and finally to San Francisco. The first day Baba said, "You have the afternoon off. You can do anything you want to do." So

Iwentand boughtbeautiful sky bluewoolen flannel, English, soft as a feather. Then I really set to work. I didn't sleep from then on. I bought silk thread, which knots in every (continued on page 4)



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events

are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise

noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *

Bookstore •Ss Childcare




Sunday, February 25 -Meher Baba's Birthday This is your chance for a personal and intimate celebra tion of the birth of The Ancient One.

Saturday, March 2 - Video Night at the Stovall's Katie Irani's talk at last fall's Meherana Sahavas will be

shown at Vernand Annie Stovall's home. 869Apaloosa Drive. Walnut Creek. (510) 938-2126.

** Saturday, March 9 - Cindy Lowe in Concert * Please note that Film Nights are now the first Saturdays of the month, not the first Fridays.

Saturday, January 6 - Film Night Meher Baba's-1956 U.S.A. tour.

Saturday, January 13 - Fresh Stories from India Mary Weiss and Rene O'Connor, recent visitors to Meherabad, will share stories of their adventures.

Saturday, January 20 - Western Night Dust off your spurs and boots. Joy Mauzey will teach us

western line dancing tonight. Saturday, January 27 - Video for Amartithi In the spirit of remembrance of Baba's Amartithi, we will show a video from the L.A. video library.

Tuesday, January 30 - Amartithi, 8:30 PM Join us beginning at 8:30 PM to see the film of Meher Baba's entombment and share in the silence at His tomb, which happens at 10:30 - 10:45 PM our time.

Saturday, February 3 - Video Night The Eternal Beloved will be shown at Steve Jacobs' home, 1535 Elm St., El Cerrito. (510) 237-9257.

Saturday, February 10 - Some Enchanted Evening An evening of David Miotke's music at the Talbot home. 721 Crossbrook Dr. Moraga. (510) 376-4325.

$} Saturday, Feburary 17 - Town Meeting One of those meetings about meetings - and more. How best to evoke the atmosphere of the Beloved? Where is our group headed? Come and give your input.

Saturday, February 24, 2-8 PM - We Celebrate the Beloved's Birthday With His Followers in India February 24 here is February 25 in India. Come to the Unitarian Church at 1606 Bonita (corner of Bonita and

Cedar streets) in Berkeley for merriment, pot luck din ner and the Wine of Meher. We will see two short

plays—one directed by Raine Eastman-Gannet, the other by Ron Greenstein. Bring dancing shoes, musical in struments, a dish to share, and your heart on your sleeve. Ifyou have program ideas or can help with set-up, clean up or serving, please call Steve Jacobs (510) 237-9257.

JoinCindyand friends for a lively, exciting evening in the special ambiance she creates. Cindy will sing selections from her latest recording After All This Time (now avail able at our bookstore). A fund-raiser — $5 admission.

Saturday, March 16- Kitty Davy Memories Bring your favorite 'Kittyisms' to share as we rememberour

beloved Kitty. Louise Barrie and Molly Irani will host.

* Saturday, March 23 - Meher BabaForever Young For the young and young at heart — an event for Baba put on by Peter Ravazza.

^* Saturday, March 30, 7 PM - Italian THnner and Images of Love - a Fund-Raising Evening Buon Gusto! Bring a hearty appetite to this fun-filled evening. After a scrumptious Italian dinner and raffle for prizes, we present the amazing slide show Images of Love

by Baba's artists world-wide. $10-$15 perperson donation. Ifyoucan help with set-up, cooking or clean-up, pleasecall Emiko Larson (510) 526-2309.

Saturday, April 6 - Film Night Avatar of the Age will be shown.

V* Saturday, April 13 - Scott and Prem Sing On tour from San Diego, Scott and Prem Makeig will sing to our hearts' content tonight. Don't miss this one!

Saturday, April 20 - Poetry Night at Scott Moloney's Spend an evening at Scott Maloney's reading poetry for the Beloved. 831 Sea View Dr. El Cerrito. (510) 524-8451.

^* Saturday, April 27 - Robert Dreyfuss's Story Robert Dreyfuss met Meher Baba thirty years ago. He tells us this timeless, amazing story once again. ANNOUNCEMENTS BABA WOMENS' LUNCH - Ladies are invited to lunch at

noon on the third Thursday of every month at Fat Apple's in El Cerrito. Call Alisa Dreyfuss for details (510) 526-6078. BOOKSTOREWALLA NEDED - Laura Hogan is looking

for an energetic new person to take over her job as bookstorewalla. Is that you? Please call Laura at (510) 237-9257. CHILDCARE REMINDER: Please pay the babysitter $3 per family on childcare nights.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Betty Lowman * Vice President, Janet.White • Secretary, Steve Jacobs • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Kirk Allen • Alisa Dreyfuss *Steve Jacobs • Emiko Larson • Betty Lowman • Cliff Mauzey • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA-94802-1288)

stitch. I did the whole thing by hand, French seams, backstitching the whole damn thing. One funny thing was that I didn't know how long to make the sleeves. Jean Shaw was walking by as I was talking about not knpwing how

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

long to make the sleeves and she said, "Oh, I know how long." I said, "So, how do you know?" and shesaid, "Well, Ido His laundry." I thought, "Is that a good enoughreason

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7-15 PM

to listen?" and I said, "Well, so how long is it?" and she took it by the underarm seam, and she went, "There." Weir, l wasn't very impressed with that kind of measurement, but I did put a pin there. And 1 tell you, it was exact, it was exactly where it ought to be. Baba started making jokes about "Where's the coat?" I hadn't been out of His sight, and He would ask me in the morning, "Have

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

you finished the coat?" and Isaid, "You know, Baba, nnaah."

Petaluma - First Sunday of the Month - 11:00 AM

Then I would be with Him, and we would have lunch and

Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. •

then later He'd say,"Have youfinished the coat?" in front of everybody. That happened all day long. The night

Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877..

Los Qatos - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Clint and Sharon Snyder. Call them at (408) 395-6865 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Sacramento - Occasional Meetings

befote He left, 1 said, "I'm almost finished." We were

Discourse readings and occasional gatherings.

forbidden to go near Baba's room after He retired, not even near it, we couldn't pass it, we had to go down the stairs. I asked, "May I just drop it outside Baba's door?" "OK." I did finish it about four in the morning, but I didn't have time to put pockets on it. I wrapped it up in tissue paper, and I just laid it by Baba's door, and ran back to my room. I swear my head had just hit the pillow when (bang bang bang) "Baba wants to see you." I threw on

Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

some clothes, and I ran, and 1 ran around the corner into

Baba's room, and Baba was standing there with this huge smile. He was standing in that coat, and He looked . . . it was the perfect color, sky blue, and He said to me, "Don't I look handsome?"

He wore that coat when He left America. I never knew really what happened, and then once, when I wasat Myrtle Beach, at least 20 years later, I saw the film of Baba in Australia. Baba gets out of the plane in that coat. Of course, He left

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings -7 to8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every

month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167

or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations. THE TRUST

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through ,the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. *Please note that this is Jack's New Address.


San Francisco in it, and He arrived in Australia in it. So

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba

that's the story of the sandals and the coat.

can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101.

Thanks to Clint and Sharon Snyder, who transcribed this article. Permission to reprint this article anywhere in any form is withheld.

MEHERJ3 of Nor 2131 Uni





VOL. 26


Mansari of Meherhad Hill This is part 2 of a conversationwith Mansari recorded in the 1970s. one's ego. One day, He came directly to me at the table and said, "Finish your break

By the 1930s I had come to feel that my life was not mine, that it belonged to Baba if He would accept it. When I had a chance to say this He said to me, "For a long time I have been waiting for you, but you have to wait. I will call you, definitely, but you have to wait

fast and come to see Me. 1

will be waiting." So I went and He said, "Let's go for a stroll." I was elated and did

until I call. Be sure that 1 will

callyou." Over and over I wrote letters to Him saying, "When will You call me?" And Baba's letters would say, "Wait, wait." Finally, in 1938, He called me. I received a letter saying, "Come with bag

and baggage." So I came. I didn't come to Meherabad directly, because the upper story of Meherabad was under construction. The whole party had moved to a bunga low in 'Nagar, called "Irrigation Bungalow." 1 took the night train, and Baba sent Jai, His brother, with a car to fetch me at the train station. When I came to the

bungalow, Baba was waiting. After embracing me, He said, "Sit down. I have waited for you for so long, but

today isthe appointedday. 1am happy. Are you?" 1said, "I was counting the days, Baba." Then He said, "Now you are with me. Whatever I say you have to obey." I said, "Everything Baba, whatever You say I am ready for, except separation." So Baba said, "Yes, but love is unconditional and you are binding Me." These words are painted in my heart. They are good fot everyone to remember. I withdrew my condition and said, "What ever You say, Baba, 1 am ready."

1 will tell you now how He nailed me down to Meher abad Hill. We moved here after the upper story was

ready. Every day Baba p;se^$A^n|ef|ieTe at 6:30 while we were having breakfast befpr^He went to serve Mohammed the mast..,. He> would ask how we slept, how was our health, what kind of dreams we had had, sometimes cracking jokes and sometimes pruning some

not realize what was going to happen. From the beginning of our stroll, Baba held my hand, and from the very first step He began repeating, "It's all Mine," gesturing that the whole world was His. "Do you like it?" I said, "Yes, Baba, it is Yours and I like it." Every step He repeated this. Then, after some time, "The whole universe is Mine, but this hill is especially Mine. Do you like it?" And I continued to teply, "It is Yours, Baba, and that

is why I like it." Our stroll stayed within the compound wall on the very top of Meherabad Hill. Eventually we stopped, facing the room that I have lived in all these years, and He said, "This is Mine too. Do you like it?" I said "Yes Baba." Baba then said, "Suppose one day I take everyone with Me, leaving you here for 12 months. Of course I will give you provisions. Will you stay?"

Hearing this, the tears rolled down from my eyes. I said, "I have not come for that, Baba." And He said, "Are

you crying? You don't like My joke? I won't joke with you about this any more." I said, "I like your jokes, Baba, but this is not a joke. This is the atom bomb for me." He said, "No, I know now that you don't like My joke so, from now on, forget what I said." I did not forget it. After that there were the bus tours, the hospitals, and various things. In March of 1944 He left for Meherazad, leaving a few of us here in Meherabad. He used to come often to see us and whenever He came,

I would ask Him, "Baba, when will You come to stay here as before?" At that time I was not ready and He used to gesture, as if to say, "wait, wait." That meant




to me that He would come back some day. Every time He came 1would ask the same question, and He would

repeat the same gesture in response. Then, in 1946, He came as usual and I asked my question, as usual. Baba said, "It would please Me if instead of that, you would say to Me, 'Baba, go anywhere You like; 1 will stay in Meherabad.'" Again I said, "I did not come for that, Baba." He shrugged His shoulders, as if to say "who knows?" So again, it was dropped. Then in '47, He sent a note that He was coming. "Be ready at 9:30, I have to talk to you all." When He came the next day He looked very stern and He said, "Whoever has the hope that-Baba-will-eome-here to-stay as before, rub hvout. When 1 like I will call you or I will come here. But, whoever has the hope that Baba will come here to stay as before, rub it out. It will never happen. Under this condition, whoever wants to stay in Meherabad, they can. If not, then by 2:30 today, let Me know. Decide

where you want to go. I will give you a ticket, I will garland you, and I will send you by train." All this by gestures, as perfect as He is. In a stern way He said, "Now you go and decide, and by 2:30 come here and tell Me what you have decided.

I began to talk to some Baba lovers from Poona and Baba came out from the meeting right behind me, but I didn't see Him. Baba came to me, put His hand on my shoulder and said, "What are you doing here?" I

said, "I am talking to this lady." Baba said, "No, go bring Me the Times of India." So I left, to go fetch the paper. He followed me, and as soon as we had left the

people He put His hand on my shoulder, saying, "What is the decision?" It was only 10 minutes and I had forgotten completely about the decision. 1 saidr^abap what kind of decision do You want?" And He said, "Forgot? "I said, "I don't remember, Baba." And then He said, "Were you here when I called?" 1 said, "Yes,

Baba." "You might have been here, but perhaps you were having a nap. Just try to think." Try as I might, I could not remember. Then He was very mild and He said, "I sent a note to be here at 9:30, and I came and

I told you to decide." Then I remembered everything and said, "Yes, Baba, what is there to decide?" 1 was

ready. Baba said, "Is it so?" I said, "Yes, Baba. For years, I have decided." Then He said, "I'm so glad." He dic tated the first line of a old song on the board that says,



He drew me near and He embraced me and said, "You

have made Me very happy today. Now you go." This was not the end of that decision — it is Baba's way that it has to be confirmed and reconfirmed. Years went

by. He called all of us one day. He looked much, much more stern, and He said, "For my work, I am starting

a new phase called the New Life, and when I start my .New Life, you won't ever see My face again until the end of your life. This time I will choose where you all will go. Now, who am I?" We all said, "You are God." "Yes," He said, "nothing but God. Bear in mind that I am God, and God never does wrong to His children. He exists just for their good. I will chobse^wriefe" you are to be sent and, for the rest of your lives, wherever you

go, even if you hear that 1 am in your place, don't try to see Me. And whatever I say, you have to obey." We all agreed. "Don't show me a weepy face when I leave for the New Life, and no correspondence." By that time we all were weeping because that idea, that we would never see Baba again in our lifetime was horrible for us. So He said, "Now you go and I will decide." At this time, He took our promise to abide by His decision, and one New Life condition was that "whatever Baba says, you have to say 'Yes' and your 'yes' is your promise. You can't rub it out. You have to stick to it."

In the month prior to the New Life,He cameto Meherabad almost every day. His first decision was that no one

could stay in Meherabad, either Upper or Lower. Then it was that Mohammed would stay and, to take care of Mohammed, Sidhu would stay. Even Padri couldn'tstay in Meherabad. During that time He looked so stern

that we did not dare to face Him. The night of 10th October, 1948, I was in my room, going to bed. All of a sudden it struck me that perhaps I could ask Baba, if it didn't violate my New Life promise, if He would permit me to stay in Meherabad? Next day, 11th of

October, Baba came, and I was struggling to get the chance to ask, because He looked so stern and there

wasn't much time. 1 was waiting in the garden, and He came past me, and asked, "Is there anything to say? Say it now." So I said, "Go anywhere you like. If my promise is intact and if You love me, shall I stay in Meherabad?" Now, without my intention, the exact words He had said to me in 1946 that would please Him

"Oh Beloved, whether I am to die or to live, I will live

just came out. Still very stern, He said, "Don't think

at your threshold, in your lane." "Are you ready for that?" He asked me. "Baba, I am ready for that, it is not a new thing for me." Very jovially, very poetically He said, "Desai has decided in das minute." Desai is my family name, and "das," in our language, means 10. So,

that I am changing things because I love you. It was My plan all along that you should stay here. You have made Me very pleased that you want to stay here. It was my plan and 1 want you to be here." He became

very mild, and He asked me, "What happened two (continued on page 4)



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church Is at the corner of Marin and Stannage,

two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *




Saturday, June 7 - Videos at the Whites' - 8 PM. Janet and Fred White will host a video evening at their home, 1811 Francisco St. #5, Berkeley. They'll show Eternal Beloved, O Parvardigar and Meher Baba's statement to America, given in 1932 in Greenwich Village. Call (510) 843-4417 for directions.

Saturday, July 26 - Qhazal Night Bring your favorite ghazals or other poetry to share and join us in a sip of the wine of the Beloved.

Greet Bhau at the Airport! We have three opportunities to greet Bhau with gusto! Below are dates and flight times. Please double-check times with the airlines. Also call our message machine (510) 845-4339, to make sure his plans haven't changed. June 10 SFO 7 PM U.S. Air flight #317

July 11 Oakland 12:51 PM United flight #2206 July 18 SFO

3:30 PM British Air flight #284

June 13, 14, 15 - Meherana Sahavas with Bhau -

no meeting this Saturday Saturday, June 21 - Annual Qeneral Meeting-7PM Tonight, the members of the Meher Baba Center of Northern California will elect a new boatd, ap prove a 1997-98 budget and vote on four initiatives. Three are additions to our bylaws, one concerns our future meeting schedule. If you have not received copies of these in the mail, send a self-addressed stamped enveloped to our office and we will mail them to you.

Saturday, June 28 - Share Stories with Mr. A.K. Kasthuri at the home of Kirk and Marlene Allen


In August, MBCNC traditionally takes a vacation. Enjoy your summer, and we'll see you in September! Labor day picnic

We will have our traditional Labor Day Picnic at Ar lington Park on Monday, Sept. 1 from 2-5 PM. Volunteers needed!

Our spirit of vounteerism needs reviving! We have several opportunities for service. Do any of them speak to you?

This promises to be a delightful evening with "A.K.,"

• Board Member - there are a few vacancies!

as he likes to be called. He wants to hear our stories,

• OfficeWalla - handle mail, etc. at our office

as well as share his own unique experiences growing

• Bookstore Walla - sell books at occasional meetings • Newsletter Mailing Coordinator - four times a year

up in a Baba family in Madras, India. The Aliens live at 3459 Monroe Avenue, Lafayette. Call (510) 283-9473 for directions.

July 4, 5, 6 Sahavas with Bhau at Pilgrim Pines no meeting this Saturday.

Many Thanks!

To Jim Quartieri and his rummage sale crew, who made over $1,000 for our group at the sale on April 19!

July 11 -16- BhauKdchuri's '97 Bay Area Tour! Not to be missed! A detailed itinerary and direc tions to all events will be mailed to all those on our

mailing list. If you have not received an itinerary by the end of June, call Betty Lowman (415) 3231900. We will also update our office message machine with changes, so call (510) 845-4339 to check on events.

Editor's Note: In our last newsletter, we credited Laura Hogan and Lisa Greenstein for creating the slide show Images of Love. Deborah Muth and Nancy Furgal were also co-creators. NUMBERS TO CALL:

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 596-8755 x 777

SaturdayJuly 19 -No meeting tonight

• Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President,Janet White, Vice President, Betty Lowman, Secretary, Catherine Riedel, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Boardof Directors: Alisa Dreyfuss • Noreen Graham • Cheryl LaRosa Longo• Betty Lowman• Catherine Riedel * Karen SterWn• Janet White Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Chem* Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

years before? Do you remember?" 1said, "No Baba." He said, "Then what is thete to remember? Life goeson and on. The only thing to remember is to think of Me all the time." His first and foremost order to me at this time

was not to cry, because I was the biggest crier (and giggler). So He said not to cry, because it would spoil my health, and His work would be affected if my health turned bad. He said, "Don't hope that Baba will come here." Then He said something that I reflected on for years, "Though I say that I am not coming, who knows? One day 1 may come. But don't cry and no correspondence. Always keep on thinking of Me and be happy. Wherever you are, 1am there, remember that I am with you." Then He embraced me. He gave me His hand to kiss and then He left for the day. He left for the New Life on the 16th of October. The idea that we would nbtTsee BaEaTor the "rest of our lives

was horrible, but after two months or so Sarosh came

to deliver a message personally from Baba. It said "If you have the hope that Baba will come one day to stay at Meherabad as before, rub it out. It won't happen." Just for a fraction of a second, I hutt very deeply. Then I told Sarosh, "It is very horrible. But still, though my hopes had been dashed, now He starts correspondence all by Himself." Then, after another two months, another Baba lover brought the same message, "Go personally to Mansari and give her the message that it will never happen." Then my hope was growing. Then, after a few months again, a long New Life circular came, and in it, there was one special line for me, "If Mansari has the hope that I will come again to Meherabad Hill, she should rub it out." Then, because it was the third time,

1 just screamed, "He is sure to come!" And He did come after the New Life was done, on the 13th of February, 1952. And that is the story of my life with Baba. .',:••


Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and >eannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Surulay-Morrdngs - H-&Q-AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings -8 to 9:30 PM -Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or

Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510)562-1101


W0.--. .

Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM

W .


LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM


• . l"


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2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 26


Mansari's Special Disease The following cable came on January 12 from the Meheratad mandali: "Beloved Baba has taken unto Himself His dear Mansari, who served as a beacon of His light on Meherabad HiU for many years and now is merged into the Sun. Avatar Meher Baba kiJai!"

obstinate, this just added to my obstinacy. I decided not to go to any more doctors and concluded that all doctors were hypocrites. From then on, whenever my aunt would suggest a doctor, I would refuse.

In 1925 my aunt died so, naturally, I had to go to my parents. My father had been following Baba for two years at that time, so my parents tried to persuade me to go to Baba. They said, "Baba will cure you." I was so dis gusted, 1said, "When all doctors fail, what will your Baba do?" I refused to go. So they wrote to Kaikobad to

This story, the first of two parts, is from a conversation intheearly 1970s, which began when she was asked, "How did you come to Baba?" Mansari, who was known for her dogs and her humor, as in," 1 have two friends D-O-G andG-O-D," began...

Sometimes I say that 1sat in the train and 1 came to 'Nagar, and I came to Baba! But now, the real thing—how I came to Baba. I was born in Bombay and lived there for 15 years. My aunt

take me to Baba because he followed

Meher Baba too. At that time, if I

would listen to anyone, 1 would listen to Kaikobad. He was very kind to us, very kind. He wrote to me to come to Bombay and go on a picnic to 'Nagar, saying that I would be

raised me because she loved me and

she had no children. My parents used to stay in Navsari.

Until the age of 5 years, I was very healthy—skinny, but still veryhealthy. ©1994 Robert Dreyfuss pleased toseeBaba. Kaikobad wrote, Then 1got an awful skin disease, on the feet and on the "I promise that I won't say anything about your dis hands. It spread from my feet up to my knees, and from ease to Baba." If it pleased Kaikobad I felt I could do my hands up to the elbows. The rest of the body and it, as long as he was not going to say anything to Baba. face was completely intact, but where the disease was Then I came here, to Ahmednagar. At 8 o'clock I saw I was scarred, I thought for life. My dear aunt took Baba for the first time. He was in the rickshaw (the utmost care to cure me, and every medicine was tried one now in the Meherabad museum), and was being but failed. When I was 12 years old, somebody suggest drawn, probably by the prem ashram boys, from ed a skin specialist, so I was taken there by Kaikobad Dastur, a close family friend and the one I liked and trusted most. When that doctojvstfw me\ he said, "Re

ally, 1 don't know why the other ddcrxws* didn't cure

Meherabad Hill to Lower Meherabad. 1 was standing in a queue when 1 saw Him. At that time there were no restrictions on visiting Meherabad, and many

her. It's a very simple case." Well, the poor doctor tried

lovers used to come for Darshan, for an interview or for

his best, for months, but he could not cure me. He tried

advice. 1 saw Baba coming out of the rickshaw. From the beginning I took Baba as a great personality, but

everything. He gave me 75 injections in one day! But it did not work at all, and at last he had to say, "I'm very sorry to say that this child has to suffer for the rest of her life, because I have never seen such an

obstinate disease." 1 heard that, and since by nature I'm

not more. I did not consider Him even a saint or a

perfect master, so the idea of His being God was very far away. I saw Baba as I saw any ordinary person but, for Kaikobad's sake, I folded my hands.

© 1997



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end




by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events

8 PM at the Jamisons. Call (510) 236-7993 for direc tions. Bring your own 70s photos and reminiscences.

are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of

Saturday AprU 19 - 9 to 4- Rummage Sale! Friends Meeting House, Walnut and Vine Streets, Berkeley

Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. •» Bookstore



V Saturday, March 1, 7 PM - Two Videos We'll see Mitchell Rose's video of Mani's interment,

and a talk by Jeff Maguire and friends about their, experiences in India at the time of Mani's passing.

$3* Saturday, March 8,7-11 PM - Square Dance with Beverley Smith and her Old -Time Musicians A livelyfund-raiser for our group! Beverley wrote the song Holdingonwith Two Hands andleads squaredancing for YouthSahavas at Myrtle Beach.Admission is $10, $5 for students. Live band, raffle, food and drink at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1606 Bonita Street at

Cedar in Berkeley. Square dance experience not nec essary! Call Cherie Longo for info. (510) 232-4107.

V Saturday, March 15 - Mission StatementMeeting Come and discuss our proposed missionstatement and policy on relationswith Sufism Reoriented. Boththese itemswill be on the agenda at our next Annual Gen eral Meeting. This is your chance for input before the AGM. For copies of the proposals, send a self-ad dressed stamped envelope to the MBCNC office. To get backgroundinformation, call Ron Greenstein (510) 525-3364, or Earl Turner (510) 937-4502.

Saturday, March 22 - KJiotv Your Artis Raine Eastman-Gannett will lead us in learning the ..Eastern Artis. Remember standing outside the Tomb, wishing you could sing along?This is your chance!

Saturday, March 29, 7:30 PM - Easter Eve Party It's a pot luck in Darrell Rupe's warehouse loft, 2200 AdelineSt. Oakland,Suite360. Bring appetizers. Darrell says there may even be some music! (510) 763-3393. ♦*

Saturday, AprU 5 - Images of Love Slide Show Laura Hogan and Lisa Greenstein created this lovely show of artists' renditions of the Avatar and His world.

Saturday, April 12 - Video Recollections of the 70s A home meeting hosted by Raine Eastman-Gannett and Sue Jamison. See the early 70s at Meherazad and Meherabad—the mandali and pilgrims in their youth!

We made such a good profit from September's rum mage sale,that we'vedecided to do it again.To donate goods or volunteer fora two-hour shiftpricing orselling, callJim Quartieri (510) 849-4318. We need yourhelp!

Saturday, April 26 - Poetry & Pot Luck Feed your body, feed your soul! Bring your favorite • poemsand prose,yoursor others, honoring the divine, and a snack or dessert to share. We'll join together at -Scott-Maloney's home inEtGerrito.-RSVP by Wed nesday April 23 to Catherine Riedel (510) 526-5562.

Saturday, May 3, 7:30 PM - Videos at StovaUs Come at 1-30 for videos of Henry Kashouty and Charles Haynes. 869Appaloosa Dr.WalnutCreek (510)938-2126

• Saturday, May 10- Mother's Day Social This will be a dessert potluck. Bring a sweet to share. Ron Greenstein will serenade mums and friends.

& Saturday, May 17 - Margaret Bernstein Concert We'll hear original compositions for flute and piano from Margaret's wonderfulnew album On Tfie Thresh old of Change. A fund raiser, $5 suggested donation.

Saturday, May 24, No meeting - Memorial Day <Ss^ Saturday, May 31, 7:30 PM - Jamie Newell in Concertl Fund raiser at Albany Methodist Church Last one to heaven is a rotten egg! Jamie plays a mean blues guitar and puts on a wonderful concert of his original songs for Baba. If youhaven't experienced his singing, you've got a treat in store. This isa fund raiser, $15 suggested donation,~$25 for two. Y'all come! • OfficeWalla Needed. We need someone to go by our Berkeley office periodically to pick up mail and check the answering machine. Call Janet White (510) 843-4417. • Host a Meeting for Baba. Call Janet White if you'd like to lead a meeting, or if you have a good topic for a meeting. • We're looking for a Video Projector, used or inexpen sive. Call Janet or Fred White if you have a lead. NUMBERS TO CALL:

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 705-8750 x 777 • Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, Vice President, Betty Lowman, Secretary, Catherine Riedel, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Boardof Directors: Alisa Dreyfuss • Noreen Graham • Cheryl LaRosa Longo• Betty Lowman• Catherine Riedel • Karen Sterkin • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor* Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)



Baba went in the room and started giving Darshan and interviews. I was just standing there, and then my turn came. Baba was in the old bungalow, with a smallwindow, and He peeked through and beckoned me to come. I was undoing the lace of my shoe and, just for half a second, I stared at Baba. To this day I don't know how or why, but I cried. I almost sobbed. 1 cried like a child, and I went to Baba with tears. Baba asked me why 1 was crying. I said "I don't know." I had Baba's Darshan and

I stood, sobbing. Then Kaikobad told Him everything about me and my disease. Baba said, "For that you are crying?" I said, "No, I don't know." Then He asked me again," "Tell Me your complaint. Tell Me what you suffered with your disease, in your own words." But I could not. Then He dictated on the board, "Don't worry, it willgopermanently." He signed the message to emphasize it - Baba. I read the board, I heard Him, but I had been

told the same by so many doctors. When the interview was finished, Baba gave me a little dhuni ash in a bottle and told me to take a pinch in the mouth before tea in the morning while saying "Baba." I said, "Yes, Baba." All my obstinacy was washed out. 1went back to Navsari and I started taking the ashes. For one month, without any hope, I just took them. Then, to my amazement, 1 was completely cured. Even my scars vanished. I was so happy to be out of the clutches of the disease that

immediately my view of Baba jumped ftom "great personality" to "God," because only God could have done that. I began to love Baba, and I had much, much respect for Him. I wrote a letter to Baba thanking Him and He got Chanji to write to me, "Baba is glad to teceive your letter, but He says He hasn't done any thing. Your faith and love has done the work." At that time He might have been aware of my faith and love,



every second, "Baba, give it back to me." I wanted to see Baba personally so I could make the matter clear,

because I was shy to write and I didn't want anyone else to read the letter.

For months I had to wait, but after some months my disease came back in a small form, and I was happy. I could not hide it. My Baba lover relatives saw it, un derstood the story, and said that they would tell Baba. 1 didn't want that, so 1 said that I would tell Baba and

no one should interfere. Then, again, I was waiting and waiting to see Baba, and one day Kaikobad's letter came, saying that Baba was coming to Bombay on His way to Iran. I immediately dropped everything and went to •Bombay. Kaikobad saw me and said, "A relapse? We will tell Baba." Again, I said that I would tell Baba and he should not.

The next day we went to Baba for Darshan, and Kaiko bad told Baba that the disease had relapsed. Baba ap peared very indifferent, and said "try some sulphur." My whole mind was on how to speak to Baba directly about it, but there were too many people and I was too shy. After Darshan, we left. That same day, at four o'clock, feeling inspired, I went the few blocks from Kaikobad's house to where Baba was staying. Baba was sitting with 25 or 30 boys, playing carom. He gestured, "Why did you come? You were already here in the morning." So I said, "Yes, Baba, I came." He said "OK, sit down. Do

you know how to play carom?"1said, "No, Baba."Then He said, "why did you come, then? Is there anything to say?" I said, "Yes, Baba." "Then say it now," He said. "No, Baba," I said, "I want to talk to You privately." He beckoned Chanji to come to the inner room with the

alphabet board. I then said, forcefully, "1 have nothing to hear from you Baba, I have things to say. And 1don't

but I felt that I had not, at that time, had such faith.

want Chanji, either!"

Then, for a few months, I was very happy, very, very happy. Kaikobad used to come to Baba often, and he wrote to me, telling me about Baba's moods, how He cracked a joke and everything. After months, he wrote a letter to me about how happy he was to be with Baba and how happy Baba appeared, but the last line in the

Baba took the alphabet board and called me. He was sitting on a couch, spinning His board. He asked me, "Say what you want to say." I said everything, and stopped. He said, "Are you mad? You are mad. Who

letter was "this time I saw on Baba the disease that you

had." That line made me completely upset, so upset that 1 could not put my mind in anything, and the very second I read that line I hated myself. I said to myself, "If I had not gone to Baba, and if I had stuck to my obstinacy this wouldn't have happened, but now it is too late." Now I began to pray in my mind,

could do that? Who could take anybody's disease on their person?" 1 said, "Baba, any ordinary human being could not, but God can and You are God." He said, "You are stark mad." I didn't say anything. He said, "Let it be as it is now." 1 said, "Baba, You know my plight. I cannot be happy at all until You just give it back to me." He didn't say anything right away. "Then what to do?" He asked. "That is up to You, " I said. Then He said, "I have one result. Would you like it?" I said, "how (continued on page 4)

do I know Baba? What is it?" He said, "Neither you nor 1 would suffer. Would you like it?" I said, "Yes, Baba, I would like it very much." I liked it, but I felt that Baba was getting rid of me, like getting rid of an obstinate child by promising it a piece of chocolate. So 1 said, "Baba I like it but it doesn't appeal to me here," and I pointed to my heart. He said, "Give your hand to me," and slapped my hand in the gesture for a promise. He looked at me and said, "Is it all right now?" I felt that it would be OK. I knew that He would keep the promise, but still I said, "Now Baba, stick to that please, OK?" Baba said, "Didn't 1 promise you?" Then He clapped, called all the boys into the room and Baba asked them, "Have you ever seen a mad woman?" They said, "No," and Baba pointed to me and said, "See, she is stark mad." I laughed over that for months. I was completely cured, and have .remained cured up till now. -

I came to live with Baba permanently in 1938. One, day He asked me, "How long did you suffer with that disease?" I said, "14 years." Baba said, "14 years? That

is the time-honored periodfor a penance. And suffering is very good. It brought you to me." Then He asked me all sorts of questions about the medical procedures and asked, "Why didn't the doctors cure you?" "I don't know,

Baba," I said. Then He said, "Science is advancing by leaps and bounds, but what did they accomplish? It was my key to draw you to me. That's why they didn't cure you. Now you are with Me, so be happy." He did this because this mulish person would not have come, perhaps, but here 1 am.

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Memo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11 :Q0 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. '

Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings - 7 to 8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at

(510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or

Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations. THE TRUST

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

Our apologies - the copyrightsymbol wasleft offof Mani's


drawings in our last issue. The Avatar Meher Baba Per

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

petual Public Trust holds the copyright for her drawings.

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writingor phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701.Or call (510)562-1101 MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California, Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley. California 94704

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Non-Profit U.S.

Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA Permit No. 186




VOL. 26

WINTER 1996-97

ftVfVTPkR. WEHER kft^A ki Tftl*??





--* © AMBPJ'T, India Ijitss-*"*"."



About the Cover:

""Many ofyou will recognize the charming stick figures that were sucha delightful aspectof Mani'scorrespondence. As we honor the uniqueness of Baba's beloved sister, struggle with our loss and rejoice in her reunion with Him, we are presenting these figures and a poem of Mani's that convey glimpses of her wit and sense of fun. The photo was taken in 1992 by Kirk Allen.



A Great Mango Dessert:

Peel and cut up two mangoes. Freeze the pieces. Put the frozen pieces in a food processor with a 1/4 cup honey. Process thor oughly and add lemon or vanilla to taste. The blending makes the mango and honey fluffy and milky looking if you freeze the fruit in whole pieces. This works with pineapple too. This


dessert has become the favorite treat of the Palo Alto Meher


Baba Group. Recipe and mango artwork by Babs Gildersleeve.



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS • Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *







Thursday January 30 - 8:30 PM - Amartithi Night Simultaneously with thousands of BabaLoversin India, we will celebrate with singing and movies. We will also observe 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 to 10:45 PM to coincide with silence at the tomb in India. Call

Ron Greenstein for possible additional Amartithi activities. (510) 525-3364.

Saturday, Feb. 1 - No Meeting Tonight

Saturday, December 7 - Video Night JeffMaguire and friends givea videotaped talk of their experiences in India at the time of Mani's passing. ^Saturday, December 14, 4PM - 8PM, Mehermas Bazaar - O Come All Ye Yuletide Shoppers! The same holiday festivities and foolishness as last

year, with new, extended hours. Snacks will be for sale, and a line-dancing Hawaiian Santa will make an

appearance at 4:30 PM. The public will be invited to attend. The artisans in our community have created

wonderments galore: jewelry, ceramics, plants, handsewn things, -and of course, our bookstore. Gome and buy truly unique presents for your loved ones. A per centage of the profits will go to our group. Bring your friends! Shop here before you shop anywhere! Wewill also collect packaged food and toys andcloth ing in good condition to distribute to the needy.

^Saturday, December 21 - Remembering Mehera We will celebrate the birthday of the Beloved's Be loved with videos, singing, poetry, and reminiscences.

Bring a Mehera story or photos to share! Again, we'll collect toys, food and clothing for the needy.

Saturday, December 28 - Nomeeting tonight Saturday, January 4 - Ring In Trie New Year.' A NewYear's Party Baba-style! We'll boogie with D.J. Dave Miotke. Shake your shoes and rattle your bones!

Saturday, January 11 - Film Night Irwin Luck's film Avatar of the Age will be shown.

Saturday, January 18 - Home Meeting at Laura Hogan's, 1835 Elm St. El Cerrito. Call Laura at (510) 237- 9257 for directions. Bring a

favorite poem or song, or idea to share. <6&*Saturday, Jan. 25 - Pre-Amartithi Qathering Amartithi commemorates the date that Meher Baba

Saturday February 8 - Video Night We will see the video Meher Baba The Awakener.

Saturday, February 15 - Meher Baba's Treasures A special treat! Come to Jack Mormon's home fbra showing ofJack'scollection of Babamemorabilia. Space islimited to the first 20 people who RSVP. Call Noreen Graham (510) 235-2742.

®*Saturday, February 22-12 PM-6 PM Happy 103rd Birthday, Baba! Join Us At The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall, Cedar & Bonita Streets, Berkeley Meher Baba's birthday is really February 25, but we'll

celebrate this Saturday. Same time, same place as last year, The afternoon will begin with a pot luck lunch, then we'll have entertainment frem our talented mu

sical and theatrical community, as well as group sing

ing and dancing, and, ofcourse, birthday cake and the Fly-to-lndia Sweepstakes! (Mail-in entry blanks en closed in this newsletter). Bring your dancing shoes! 12-2 PM - Welcome, pot luck lunch 2-5 PM - Entertainment and Baba's birthday cake

5-6 PM - Sweepstakes Drawing, Prayers and Arti We need plenty of help with this event. If you's like to perform, or can help with serving food, decorating, or clean-up, call Noreen Graham (510) 235-2742. Did You Miss It?

Were you just waiting to clean out your attic or garage, but somehow missed the rummage sale? No need to wait

until next September. A second sale is planned for April. Call Jim Quartieri at (510) 849-4318 if you have items to

donate or if you would like to help with the sale. Donated items must be in working order, clean and not too big! NUMBERS TO CALL:

dropped His body, January 31, 1969. Tonight, Cindy

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 596-8755 x 777

Lowe will sing, we'll seemovies and do circle dancing.

• Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, Vice President, Betty Lowman, Secretary, Catherine Riedel, Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board ofDirectors: Alisa Dreyfuss • Noreen Graham • Cheryl LaRosa Longo • Betty Lowman • Catherine Riedel • Karen Sterkin • Janet White Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, Editor* Lisa Greenstein, Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Tmstwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)


Throughout last year, the Board of Directors received these thoughtful thank-yous to our group from our guests: From AK and Leela Kasthuri: (now on an extended visit

in India) "...Leela and I are very grateful to you for per mitting us to share Babalove-stories with youall last May. Please convey our enquiries to all our friends..." From Scott Makeig: "Prem, Bryan and I very much en

joyed the chance to share our music (and poetry) with so many old friends at the Berkeley Baba meetings. Please thank the board for us. It was particularly touching for me to return to Berkeley—still trying to sing for Baba." From Hoshang and Havovi Dadachangi: "To all the wonderful San Francisco Group: Thank you folks for all the love and care you so sweetly showered on us and for sitting-through-our talksUHa ha! Love in Baba to you wonderful folks and always Beloved Baba's preciousJove blessings! Amen!" From Ann Conlon: "...What can I say? It was an incred ible week and 1 enjoyed every minute of it... The whole group was so warm and loving and I've carried that back, here with me. Many thanks and much love in Him."

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364-

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Los Qatos - Friday Evenings - 8.00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Clint and Sharon Snyder. Call them at (408) 395-6865 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - First Sunday of the Month - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Call Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please caUahcad.

Sacramento - Occasional Meetings Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

San Francisco - Wednesday Evenings -7 to 8:30 PM Readings and discussion. Call Peter Ravazza at (510) 769-1839 or Mary Weiss at (415) 221-8724.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM

Avatar meher Kaj^

Videos will be shown die first Monday of every month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meeting locations. THE TRUST

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288. Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba

can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information, P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call (510)562-110;L_ MEHER BABA CENTER

of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

Address Correction Requested

Non-Profit U.S.

Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA Permit No. 186




VOL. 27

FALL 1997

MEHER BABA'S WARNINGS ABOUT THE OCCULT This interview with Amavaz N. Dadachanji by Nancy Wall was originally published in the Love Street Lamp Post. It is reprinted here at the request of Amavaz and DoctorGoher.

to help extend my mother's life. I told her emphatically that whether my mother lived or died was completely in Baba's

hands. As Baba has said, "Never beg me to save your life or the lives of your dear ones. Only beg me to accept you and permit you to lay down your life

N W: In Gift of God, Arnavaz, you wrote about the dangers of becoming involved in any way with the occult.

You've also told me that an increasing number of Baba lovers are asking you

for me."

questions about this subject.

Some fifteen years later this woman came to my home for Baba'sdarshan. She looked

Arnavaz: It is true that more and more

so frail and broken that I didn't even

Baba lovers have been coming to me to askwhat they can do to disentangle them selves from various kinds of occult practices, such as seeking help from the spirit world or trying to develop psychic powers. Many have also consulted other people who are involved in the occult. For instance, a common practice today is to consult "healers," people who use psychic power to eliminate disease or pain. At first the help given through occult means may make a person feel better or happier. But there are great dangers involved. This is not to say that those who explore the occult do so simply out of the desire for power. Some people have the best of intentions and they want only to help themselves or others. For example, I mentioned in Gift of God a woman who loved Baba very much, but used occult practices to save the life of her husband. Some one guided this woman, gave her mantras to repeat and instructions to follow. Her husband's life was spared,

but his whole personality changed. Whereas they had once been a very loving couple, now he s,r$pped-jj#lking to her and lived like a stranger in the house. And she could not stop herself from becoming further involved with her practices. When my mother was gravely ill with cancer, this woman came to our family, wanting

recognize her. She implored Baba to save her. Baba very lovingly embraced her, but He told her she had taken upon herself more than she could handle and therefore He couldn't help her.

She would have to suffer the consequences of her ac tions. This woman was suffering at least in part because of the heavy sanskaric load she was carrying. So al though it is natural that we should want to eliminate our own suffering or the suffering of those we love, the elimination of pain through psychic healing may actu ally serve as a block on the spiritual path of the aspirant. N W: This brings up another question for me. To what extent should we, as Baba lovers, try to eliminate our pain and suffering? Arnavaz: Well, certainly when we are in pain, it is reasonable to pursue whatever relief may be available through natural and practical means. Doctors, psychi atrists, chiropractors, massage therapists,those whopractice Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, allopa thy, Ayurvedic medicine—all these 1 would call natural and practical. But healing through psychic powers is another matter altogether. In consulting those involved in occult practices for relief from suffering, we may actually add to our sanskaras and later bring about more suffering and pain. Baba wants to free us from suffering,




but when we seek occult help, we are interfering with His work and creating further bindings for ourselves. And if we ourselves use occult means to help others, we take on the sanskaras of those we seek to help. N W: Arnavaz, you mentioned that the woman who used the occult to save her husband continued to use

it even after he had been saved. Once a person starts using occult powers, is it difficult to stop?

Arnavaz: Let me tell you two stories about that. Once when Baba was giving darshan in different parts of India, a guru who had practiced occult powers came to Him. Baba gave this man darshan several times, and he became Baba's disciple. Baba told him that he must ^Âťive-up his^pTactlce~as~a"garaand~no longer use^ the occult or allow people to bow down to him. He obeyed Baba for some time, but after a few years he returned to his old ways. He knew Baba was not pleased, and he ceased all contact, never showing his face to Babaagain. The second story involves an only child who died. Naturally, the parents were devastated, and a Babalover who was present put the dead child in his lap and sat all night, repeating Baba's name aloud. After several hours the child was revived. When Baba heard about

this incident, He sent a telegram to the man saying that He was very displeased. The man felt terrible and he came to Baba and begged for forgiveness. Babakept the man with Him for a while in the ashram, but be cause he had been able to revive the dead child, the

man believed that he must have special powers and after some time he had the urge to use his powers again. One day, without even informing Baba, he simply disappeared from the ashram. His ego had over powered him, and he returned to his. home and estab lished his own following. His connection with Baba was broken. So you see, once a person has experienced this kind of power, he becomes entangled in it and does not want to give it up.

N W: Your family at one time had frequent contact with a man who had certain powers. Can you tell me about him?




Our contact with this man, Savak, came

about in the early 30's, when we were quite new to Baba. Later, of course, we would have had nothing to do with this man, but at the time we knew very little about spiritual matters. Although we loved Baba very much, my mother and others in the family thought that Savak must be a highly spiritual man. He could make coins or flowers appear in his hands, or a certain scent


would suddenly fill the room. He would give orders, and sometimes they would turn out to be the same orders

that Baba later gave us, so it is easy to see why Savak impressed my family. I have to say, though, that I myself was never attracted to him. Even though I thought he might be on a higher plane, I found him somehow repulsive. 1 understand now that Baba was keeping me away from this man, keeping me from getting involved with him in any way. And even though throughout my life I have seen numerous examples of people who were possessed by spirits and many kinds of black magic, 1 have always known that Baba would protect me from all of this, that 1 had nothing to fear as long as I held tightly to His damaan. Baba's Last Warning, given in July of 1968, contains specific orders for His

lovers concerning involvement with such masters: It is... important at this critical period of the Avataric Age to beware at all times of persons who lead others into believing that they are saintly and pious and profess to possess supernatural powers. How ever pious such persons appear to be, a Baba-lover must never mix such piety with the Divinity of the Avatar!

A true Baba-lover must remember the repeated warning given to all Baba-lovers time and again to stay away from persons who feel and assert that they are masters and saints and possess powers to help human beings. His lovers and workers should never get involved with such persons and affairs, much less with perverted "helpers of humanity" who have no reverence or regard for the Perfect Masters and the Avatar of the Age. Beware of them who exploit spirituality to gain their selfish ends and dupe others in the name of Sadgurus and the Avatar.

At the end of this warning Baba added the following note, originally given in February of 1966: Shun those masters who are like multi-coloured electric

signs that flash on and off, brightening the dark sky of your world and leaving you in darkness again.

N W: Aren't there some people who have actually found Baba through occult means and come to follow Him? Arnavaz: It is true that Baba Himself has used such

means as automatic writing, ouija boards, etc. to bring people to Him, but the fact that Baba has done some

thing in no way gives us permission to do it. "Don't do what I do," He has told us. "Do what I tell you to do." When God comes as man, He works thorough every-





thing in His creation, what we would call good and

following from Baba's Discourses: "The introduction of

what we would call bad. Baba said these were two sides

an uncertain and uncalculable factor which the free

of the same coin. In the play of Maya, God keeps a balance between them. Why? We cannot know. Given our limited understanding, we cannot fathom the ways of God. We can only do what Baba asks of us and not worry about trying to understand His work.

exercise of occult power would involve, is bound to

Baba has been very clear about what He asks of us. For instance, the rules regarding appropriate behavior at His Center in Myrtle Beach contain this statement: "By Meher Baba's directive, divining cards, ouija board, and the I Ching are not to be used at the Center." And anyone tempted to interpret that direc tive to mean that outside the Center it is all right to use such devices should think carefully about Baba's statement given in Andhra on 1 March, 1954: "I want my lovers and workers to know that there is no greater 'Baba's Centre' than the heart of my lover. Those who truly love me are my centres in the world. Let each 'Baba-lover,' wherever he or she

may be, be the 'Baba's Centre' personified, radiating the eternal message of Love Divine, living a life of love, sacrifice and honesty." N W: I think it's sometimes difficult for us to distin

guish between what is occult and what is not. There are so many "New Age" practices from which sincere peo ple seem to derive the same kinds of experience that we have had in our lives as Baba lovers that the whole issue

can become very confusing. How can we protect our selves from getting involved in something best left alone? Arnavaz: Irene Coneybeare, in the introduction to her book In Quest of Truth or How I came to Meher Baba, gives a good and easy guideline to follow when she discusses the vast difference between mysticism and occultism. The mystic, she says, is simply searching for God and does not seek power, whereas the person who practices the occult is actually attempting to control the forces of nature. Occult power, she stresses, is safe only in the hands of a Master who will not misuse it— that even an advanced spiritual aspirant may incur great harm through practice of the occult, and she quotes the

create much confusion and disturbance in the ordi

nary pursuits of man, who must be left to his own

limitations, resources and possibilities for the equal and uninterrupted working out of the Law of Karma." She also talks about the undue importance that people often attribute to miracles, which have nothing to do with the spiritual path, and again she quotes Baba: "All miracles belong to the phenomenal world, which is the world of shadows. As phenomena, they are sub ject to change; and nothing that changes can have lasting value. Realisation of the eternal Truth is an initiation into unchangeable Being which alone is the supreme Reality; and no acquaintance with the occult world or capacity to manipulate its forces can really amount to the realisation of the Truth."

On His birthday in 1965, Baba told those gathered in His love the following, also taken from His Discourses: There is nothing particularly spiritual about occult power as such. Like any other mundane power or scientific invention, it is capable of being used for good ends or bad. It gives immense scope for co-operative work on the higher planes, but this necessarily implies a spiritual preparedness to shoulder a special responsibility. The novice may seek some occult powers and, within certain limits, even succeed in having them, but this new attainment will prove to be a curse rather than a blessing if he is not spiritually prepared for the adequate fulfillment of the new responsibility implied in the acquisition of the new powers. Even the slight est misuse of occult power has a severe reaction and creates a binding for the soul. Sometimes it may retard the progress of the aspirant and may even lead to a considerable set-back. Apart from the spiritual ruin which the novice may invite upon himself through indiscrete use of occult power, he is bound to be a source of incalculable harm to others over whom he

has succeeded in wielding a formidable advantage. (continued on page 4)

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White • Vice President, Brian Drygas • Secretary, Bryan Drygas • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook • Brian Drygas • Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland • Clint Snyder • Janet White Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

So when Baba lovers ask me about the occult, I tell them that whoever Baba has taken into His fold must do whatever Baba wants. Those who have not come

to know and love Baba will act according to their sanskaras and destiny. But Baba has told His lovers specifically not to get involved in the occult. It is extremely foolish for Baba lovers to dabble in matters that Baba has told us to keep away from. He has warned us of the harm we may do not only to ourselves, but to others who seek our help. And He has shown us how to please Him. That means obeying Baba wholeheart edly, leaving His work entirely in His hands, and stay ing away from any attempt to work in realms we are not spiritually prepared to enter.

"I do not want anything else but the gift of your

LOCAL MEET1NQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364-

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or

obedience." Meher Baba

Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every

Results of the 1997 Annual General Meeting The slate of candidates and the proposed budget were approved. The Mission Statement was approved and added to our by-laws. The guest speaker policy, limiting the subject of the speeches and discussion to Avatar

Meher Baba and no other spiritual master or guide, was rejected. The co-sponsorship policy, permitting cooper ation with other groups on projects focused solely on Avatar Meher Baba, was approved. The directive to suspend weekly Saturdaymeetings, in favor of occasion al eventsand programs, was rejected. Forty people iden tified themselves as active/voting members.

month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meet ing locations.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writingor phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call (510) 562-1101


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

Address Correction Requested


U.S. Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA PERMIT NO. 186




m PSl









WINTER 1997 - 1998

VOL. 28

Baba's Birthday Messages February 25, 1998 will be Meher Baba's I04u\ birthday. To help us prepare for the remembrance of this


Every second in Eternity, every one of us is the same One In

occasion, we are reprinting a

selection of birthday messages that Baba dictated over the years.

divisible God who has no sec ond ever not even on the 25th.


For ages I have been giving in Silencemysilentmessage ofLove.

Statements and messages can lead us nowhere on the spiritu al path. The more you try to understand God, the less you understand Him. How can He who isbeyondexplanation, be expressed in words? Its being infinitely easy has rendered it infinitely difficult.

You ask me for a message from my Silence—but silent are the words of my Silence. Silent is Love, and the lover loves my Silence, and silently adores me in my Silence. 1960

The secret is, you have to become what you already are. Youcan know me as 1 am, as one of you and one in you, only when the veils of separateness are lifted. This can be done if you love me honestly and wholeheartedly.

The true lover is born at that moment when he dies for God.

Lose yourself in Baba and you will find that you eter nally are Baba. There can be no compromise in love. It has either to be full or not at all. I say today with Divine Authority that 1 am the Ancient One and I am the slave of those who really love me.

When one remains fully and completely resigned to the Divine Will of God, all service, sacrifice, solitude, seeking and surrender merely symbolize one's love for God. 1961

I am the One who is always lost and found among mankind. It is your love for yourself that loses me, and it is your love for me that finds me.

1954 Special Message

Love me above everything. For now while I am in your midst am I most easily found as I really am.

I am never born, 1never die. Yet every moment I take birth andundergo death.The countless illusory birthsand deaths are necessary landmarks in the progression of Man's con sciousness to Truth—a prelude to the Real Death and Real

1964 The aim of life is to love God.

Although1am presenteverywhere eternallyin myformless

The goal of life is to become one with God. The surest and quickest way to achieve this goal is to hold onto my daaman by loving me more and more. All paths are mine, and all lead to me eventually. But the shortest way to me is the no-path of self-annihi-

Infinite State, from time to time I take form, and the

lative Love.

taking of the form and leaving it is termed my physical

I have suffered much and will have to suffer much more

birth and death. In this sense I was born sixty years ago and will die when my universal work is finished.

till I break my silence. I give my Love to my lovers.

Birth. The Real Death is when one dies to self; and the

Real Birth is when dying to self one is born in God, to live forever His Eternal Life consciously.


(continued on page 2)




Be true to the Trust I repose in you and remember me wholeheartedly.



A letter, dated 1st October 1997, was received from the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust. Because of its importance to those whowishto help with various aspects of Baba's workin India, we are printing the letter here.

All talk about the Path and Goal is as a lantern carried

by a blind man. A blind man needs a staff in his hand; the seeker needs his hand in God-Man's.

The sooner you begin to love those who you cannot love, you begin to love me as I should be loved. To love those who you could not hate is natural, but to love those who you cannot love is to love me as L should~be~loved. ~^ . . ^ 1966

Be composed in the reality of my love for all confusion and despair is your own shadow which will vanish when I speak the word. 1967

Births and deaths are illusory phenomena. One really dies when one is born to live as God, The eternal who is beyond both birth and. death. It is easy to love me, because I am Love. But it is difficult to love me with that love by which I am attained. 1968

From my seclusion I send my blessings to all gathered in my Love to celebrate my seventy-fourth birthday. Love makes the Formless and Infinite become enformed

and finite as the God-Man amongst men. Love me more and more, because for the sake of love

I have come among you.


The generous response of Beloved Baba's lovers around the world to the Trust's Archive, Museum and Research "Project is much appreciated by the Trustees_of the Avatar Meher BabaTrust. Because of your care and concern for Baba's precious and irreplaceable articles, the building construction is now under way.

However, in consequence of this loving response for this project,the amount of donations received this yearforthe Beneficiaries of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" is very low.Therefore we request that forthe next 6 months— that is, up until 31st March 1998— ALL donations to the Trust (except for Archive pledges already made) be sent to the Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly." At present, 75% of what is donated to Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" isutilized for publiccharitable purposes. This 75%, which represents the share of the Beneficia ries who have passed away, is automatically utilized as Corpus Fund for Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public charitable Trust, according to the Trust Mandate. Only the remaining 25% of donations to Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" can be distributed to the surviving Ben eficiaries accordingto the percentagesdictated by Beloved Baba in the Trust Deed. Hence, by donating to Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" for the next 6 months, you will be serving the needs of both the public charitable objects and those of the Beneficiaries at the same time.

On this my apparent physical birthday I send my hom age and obeisance to my lovers who live for me and


would, if ordered, die for me.



To love me for what I may give you is not loving me at all. To sacrifice anything in my cause to gain some thing for yourself is like a blind man sacrificing his eyes for sight. 1am the Divine Beloved worthy of being loved because I am love. He who loves me because of this will

be blessed with unlimited sight and will see me as I am.



be received during these months. DECEMBER THROUGH MARCH: All donations to AV ATAR MEHER BABA PERPETUAL PUBLIC CHAR

ITABLE TRUST should be receivedduring these months. If the amount of a donation exceeds $50.00, then the

donation must be accompanied by a letter of instruction statingthat the donation is for the "CorpusFundof Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust." (continued on page 4)


• L

MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events


Friday, January 30 - 8:30 PM - Amartithi Night Simultaneously with thousands of Baba Lovers in India, we will observe Amartithi with music, the

are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise

entombment film, silence and arti. We will have 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 to 10:45 PM to co

noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley). Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. »





incide with silence at the tomb in India. Coordinat

ed by Janet White, (510) 843-4417.

Saturday, Feb. 7, 7:30 PM - An Evening with

Saturday, December 6 - Videos at the White's Fred and Janet White, recently back from a sojurn to Meherabad, will host a video evening at their home, 1811 Francisco Street, #5, Berkeley. CaU (510) 843-4417 for directions. ~

V Saturday, December 13 - Letters ofLove for Baba Tonight we will share readings from the recently published book Letters of Love for Meher Baba The Ancient One by the late Jane Barry Haynes. Hosted by Brian Drygas, (408) 927-6500. Sunday. December 21, 1 -5 PM - Mehera's

Birthday Tea at Alan and Karen Talbot's Home Come and share stories, music and tea for the birth

day of Baba's Beloved Mehera. Kacy Cook, resident at Meherabad, is visiting the Bay Area and will share some of her stories of times with Mehera.

Bring your ownstories too! Also please bring good ies to share. The Talbots live at 721 Crossbrook

Drive, Moraga. Call (510) 376-4325 for directions.

Saturday, December 27 - No MeetingTonight Saturday, January 3 - Videos at the Stovall's Come and see videos of the Beloved at the home

of Vern and Annie Stovall, 869 Appaloosa Drive, Walnut Creek. Call (510) 938-2126 for directions.

Saturday, January 10 - How I Came to Meher Baba This is the best story of them all - come and hear howyourfriends found thejr way through the world and into Baba's fold. Share your story too! Hosted by Harold Jamison, (510) 236-7993.

V Saturday, January 17 - Margaret Bernstein Come hear Margaret's beautiful flute and piano com positions. She will play excerpts from her CDs Full Circle and On The Threshold of Change. Margaret is a longtime Baba-lover whose parents met Baba.

* Saturday, January 24 - Amartithi Songs andMusic Come join a heart-filled evening of singing for the Lord. Hosted by Janet White (510) 843-4417.

Herman Alvarado at Laurie Brook's Home

Herman will tell wonderful stories of his many visits with Meher Baba in the 1950s and 60s. He was a


merchant marine, and when his ships docked in Bombay, he would get himself overland for a visit with Baba. Laurie lives at 1213 Clover Lane, Wal nut Creek. CaU (510) 933-5846 for directions.

Saturday, February 14 - Sam Ervin and Margaret Magnus "How; the L.A. Center Came About" Sam and Margaret will lead a discussion on the steps the L.A. Group took in developing a long-range plan and owninga Center. They've graciously agreed to share their experiences. Hosted by Brian Drygas.

** Saturday, February 21-12 PM - 6 PM Happy 104th Birthday, Baba! Join Us At The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall, Cedar & Bonita Streets, Berkeley Meher Baba's birthday is really February 25, but we'll celebrate this Saturday. Same time, same place as last year. We'll begin with a pot luck lunch, then we'll have entertainment from our talented musical

and theatrical community, group singing, and, of course, birthday cake and the Fly-to-India Sweep stakes. Special activities for children! 12-2 PM - Welcome, pot luck lunch 2-5 PM - Entertainment and Baba's birthday cake 5-6 PM - Sweepstakes Drawing, Prayers and Arti

We need plentyofhelp with this event. If you'd like to perform, or can help with serving food, decorat ing or clean-up, call Brian Drygas, (408) 927-6500. Saturday, February 28 - Film Night Tonight we'll see rare footage of Meher Baba. This film is unavailable on video. Hosted by Peter Ravazza. NUMBERS TO CALL:

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 705-8750 x 777 • Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, V7ce President, Brian Drygas, Secretary, Brian Drygas, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Boardof Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook • Brian Drygas • Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland • ClintSnyder • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor• Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Tmstwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

(Letter Regarding Trust Donations, continued from page 2) Please inform all in your area who would want to know that, because the amount received for Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" has been so very low, the Trust is

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins, (510) 525-3364.

now requesting that all donations up to 31st March

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM

1998should be made to Avatar Meher BabaTrust "Firstly."

Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

In Baba's Love and Service,

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

V.S. Kalchuri, chairman

Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil

Please Note: An exception to the above guidelines is: Individuals who wish to donate a large amount to the Corpus fund of Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust may send their donations at any time of the year.

Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Los Qatos - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Clint and Sharon Snyder. Call them at (408) 395-6865 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.


Be~Sure to Buy Your 1998 Meher Baba Calendar - Profits go to the Trust


Our bookstore has plenty of beautiful large-format 1998 Meher Baba calendars for sale. All calendar profits go to the Trust. Be sure to think of our bookstore when you plan holiday giving. It will be available at the meeting on December 13. You can also call bookstore-walla Laura

Hogan at (510) 237-9257 to arrange a mail order. Thanks from the Talbots

A very special thank you to our Northern California Avatar Meher Baba family for remembering our family at this time. We appreciate you sending so many Baba wishes for my recovery, the many phone calls, the cards, the visits, transportation when needed and the many lovingly prepared dinne'rs. Your thoughtfulness and overflowing Baba-ful concern will always be remem bered with sincere appreciation and gratitude. In Meher Baba's Love,

Alan, Karen, Matt, Andrew and Kate Talbot

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Richl's home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 9308670 for directions.


All who wish to shaj^injhe commitment lard-downby Meher Baba thtoygh. the Trust should rcontact Jack Mormon, P.O. BoXr2288, Richmond, CA 94802=1288.

MEHER BABA.MNFORMATION; People who wish to "fcngw-more about Metier. Bai


obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information.

P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101 MEHER BABA CENT! of Northern California

2131 University Avi Berkeley, California Address Correction



2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 17

LETTING MEHER BABA EMBRACE US IN OUR DAILY LIVES That was the theme of this year's Sahavas at Pilgrim Pines. Guest speakers were Bhau Kalchuri, Merwan

l & r l &>



is incompatible with a racing mind. You can be doing nothing and if your mind is quiet, you feel a richness inside. A quiet mind is a powerful tool. Baba is the key y ' > to a quiet mind. You only get that through that which can hold your attention with increasing tenacity - GodMan. You only get a semblance of quietness of mind when any other key is used. As soon as a little pressure is applied, your mind will become feverish again. Worry will be there again. With Baba, increasing work makes you look big problems right in the face and they gradually regain their normal size and



^S^^X \

Dubash, Bob and Jane Brownand Henry Kashouty. Thefollowing tran scriptisfrom thefinal talkgiven by Henryon Monday morning, July4th. While the written worddoes not seem to capturehis strength ofconviction or his wonderfulsense ofhumor, it does capture the essence ofthis year's theme. Thanks to the MeherBaba CenterofSouthernCaliforniaand Henry Kashoutyfor permissionto share a part oftheSahavas with you.

Stop postponing becoming the finest human being. You have the greatest help in creation, PERSONAL GOD - the only help in creation. Our journey, now that we believe in the real God, is direct. It is no more a

circuitous thing. What is circuitous is when we don't put Baba first. When we don't put Baba first, Baba is still Baba putting us direct, but we're not enjoying the trip. That's terrible. We are in a nightmare of thinking instead of putting Baba first. One says, "Ah, I'm here to see Him with increasing clearness so that what I do not see with my eyes becomes more visible than that which I do see with my eyes".

What conviction makes you know is that what you cannot see with your eyes is more real than what you do see with your eyes? We know that the most advanced physicists say that if you break matter down to its finest point, it disappears, it becomes consciousness. So this is nothing, but it sure is a heavy nothing. Fifty thousand Frenchmen may be wrong, but they're also very heavy. So we really do need to be propped up, first externally by God, and our conviction makes it possible to build that bridge. The bridge is^-simply thinking about Him as much as possible. When that does happen, Baba is always wanting to pour His love on us. His love results in increased awareness, which is incompatible with fast feverish

thinking. Remember that statement: "Mind racing is mad, mind slowed down is saint, mind working normal is man and mind stopped is God." Increased awareness

dimension. A fast, feverish mind makes any problem loom up to gigantic proportions. It is useful to have some techniques. Something I learned from Baba: if you are upset or something is bothering you, do something physical, that's constructive. Use your will to get up. Use your will to do something you don't want to do that's physical, doesn't require too much thinking - that is therapeutic. The effect of it is it simply causes the froth of the mind to come settling down a bit and the dimensions of the problem goes back to its normal size. Then the chances of you putting Baba first becomes more reasonable, more likely. It's within your capacity to do that.

Remember Baba at all times and remember to obey Baba and remember to surrender to Baba's will. Baba

will do the rest. Our journey is only as far as we imagine it. Everything in creation is illusion. Illusion is unconscious divine imagination. Baba is conscious divinity. Baba has brought conscious divinity into unconscious divine imagination. Therein duality exists, i.e., the struggle between the reality and illusion. So, holding onto Baba's damaan means we have recognized

the reality within illusion, and we know we must hang on or be lost. Baba tells us with divine authority, that if we hold fast to Baba, we will never be lost, but saved

from our own unconscious divine imagination.

Baba is in all because Baba is all. When a tragedy occurs, all say it is God's will. When a child has a temper tantrum, all say the child is being willful. When


continued onthensa page




continued (ram the first page

a good deed is done, all say, "isn't it wonderful?"

experience in illusion is to awaken each from illusion into reality. The only way this can be done is for each individual to experience every possible frustration until that individual wants to experience something else. That something else is the reality that God and only God exists. This reality can only be experienced a little at a time, lifetime after lifetime until that tiny spark becomes a raging fire that can never be extinguished and becomes

was felt very intensely. I had to resolve it truthfully. 1 had to go from this point of intense pain because of the severity of this conflict that was right in front of my eyes. I had to feel that intensity. Over here I had had these nice things from Baba. I had this conviction from the very beginning before I saw him that he was God in human form. All of a sudden life had sprung into focus. Life had the highest possible meaning which is accessable to me. I was on the "Royal Road". And the source of all of this was not paying any attention to me! So the severity of that conflict kept up and the only way I could resolve it was the true way. I said, "Baba is

one with the infinite fire of God.

God in human form.

When someone murders another, all say it is evil. But

Baba says it is all Baba's will. And what Baba means is that all in creation are at the same time in illusion. The

(On feeling closer to Baba without his physical presence.)

It's very important because certainly I didn't haveHis physical presence as much as I wanted, nor did those people living in India. I mean, Baba was off somewhere and they were there. The first thing you start off with is this:

He doesn't want to see me.

God's will should be my~will. IH3od^ioesn!t want to see me, I don't want to see Him." I got to His will. I really did get to surrender to His will and I can assure you people, I have never in my life experienced until that one time at the Tomb anything so magnificient. And then Baba called me in fifteen minutes. And He said all

kinds of things at that particular time. And it didn't make any difference what He said about me. It had no

Baba Himself said, "Isn't it

value. All that had value was I had surrendered to His

wonderful? I never leave you. I am closer to you than your own breath. I am not this body. You all have been children in my love. You must go home and find me where I really exist, in the heart of my lover." He said over and over and over again those things way back there in time. These things gradually become increasingly meaningful to each one of us and we find out that Baba is present. We have little experiences. We want to find a way to make that happen.

will and I was on the highest state of bliss. That was when I was massaging His leg over and over and over again. We were in there a long time.

Now, in terms of my own experience, I will give you this example of something that happened to me. J wrote quite a bit to Baba and I was always trying to find the words worthy to say to God. So it was my effort at praise. And the difficulty was that I really did need to be an exquisite, eloquent poet. Because that is what should be said to God. But I was not a poet, so I had to do the best I could.

In 1958 when we went down to the Center at Mytrie

Beach, Baba was the most important fact of my existence. However, it seemed as though Baba sent for everyone except me. I sat there eating my heart out as this one and that one would go to Baba. That was an absolutely severe and painful conflict for me to be experiencing. The One who was more important to me than anything or anyone wasn't paying any attention to me, as though I didn't exist. So that kind of a conflict I

just couldn't resolve. My nature is not to find a false answer or a false escape. That's never been satisfying to me. I had to face it and so consequently the difficulty

Of course afterwards all these nice things He said I wrote down when my ego came back! But then I lost it, I lost the paper. So I knew what it was like to surrender to His will. It was beautiful! Why was it beautiful? Because of that enormous need to resolve

this horrible conflict, I had to accept the truth which was whatever God's will is, is exactly what I ought to have. I can't do that every moment, but we will get to that point. And when you surrender to Baba's will it was such a magnificent feeling for me. It just burned itself in my mind. So that was in His presence, yes. But you see, surrendering to His will, I was in His presence and He was saying all these things and I was on cloud nine because I surrendered to His will and at a time when He didn't want to see me. I didn't care

whether He ever wanted to see me again. That's what 1 experience from surrendering to His will. It didn't make any difference so long as I was surrendering to His will whether He saw me or not whether He said

this was my first human incarnation, or my last, it didn't make any difference. None of those things (make any difference), that's in the imagination. If Baba said something nice to you, what do you do? You say, "God, I hope He's right!". You certainly don't feel it. He says that you are a strong follower of His, a strong lover, and you feel weak. The work is still there to do. The work is to be put in first. Every one of us is divine.

ALE FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held at the Albany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Ahany. Thefirst meeting ofeach month is on Saturday, with the remainder on Friday. Ail programs beginat 8:00PM sharpand normally end at 9:30 PM with time forvisiting before and afterthe meeting. To cheek for program changes call (415) 845-4339.









SUKHADWALLA Baba's niece and the sister of twins Rustam and

Sorab, Gulnar and her husband will give a talk this evening. Coordinator: Louise Barrie


Bhau will draw the winning ticket for the Myrtle


Beach Raffle. Gather at the home of Michael Le

Irene Billo, who spent the WW II years with Babain

Page, 846 Sea View, El Cerrito from 2 - 6 PM.

India is featured. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.



A Cold Dish Supper at the home of the Talbot's from 6 - 9:30 PM, 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. RSVP to Karen Talbot at (415) 376-4325. AUGUST 30th (Tuesday) - SPECIAL GUEST SPEAK ER:



The weekly meeting of Open Arms for Meher Baba is very pleased to welcome Bhau tonight. NOTE LOCATION: DOLORES STREET CHURCH, 208 DOLORES STREET (AT I5TH STREET), SAN FRANCISCO.




At the home of the VanBuskirk's from 6 - 9:30 PM,

304 Castle Crest Road, Walnut Creek. RSVP by August 30th to Ursula VanBuskirk at (415) 9470495. (No children, please.) SEPTEMBER BHAU

2nd -




Irwin Luck's film of Meher Baba's work with the

musts, His God-intoxicated souls.


David Graber and Louise Barrie. OCTOBER 14th - THE NEW LIFE

October 16th is the thirty-ninth anniversary of Meher Baba's New Life. Tonight's meeting will focus on this unique period with readings, music and poetry. Led by Jenny Califf. Coordinators: Janice Quartieri and Fred White. OCTOBER 21st - BEFORE THE SILENCE

"The Early Years of Meher Baba and His Disciples, Part I": a multi-media evening presented by Harold Jamison. Coordinator: Irene Meyers. OCTOBER 28th - THE EAST-WEST GATHERING

David Miotke's musical setting and selected read ings from Francis Brabazon's masterful "Song-Story of an Event Unique in History". Coordinators: Ja nice Quartieri and Gary Cook.

One of Meher Baba's mandali, Bhau will speak with

us tonight and share some of his life with Baba. Co ordinator: Irene Meyers.










Welcome back to this old friend, author of "The Be BABA

loved" and publisher of "The Glow". Naosherwan was born into a Baba family and his conviction be

Coordinator: Janice Ouartieri.

speaks his lifelong connection with the God-Man.






Coordinators: Lisa Greenstein and Ed VanBuskirk. SEPTEMBER






Come share your thoughts or personal experienc es connected with any of Baba's discourses. Coor dinator: Gary Cook. SEPTEMBER 23rd - WORK PARTY/MOONLIGHT SALE

Bring your donations to sell and yourself to work, preparing for tomorrow's sale. Early in the evening, a short devotional meeting, later a special preview buying opportunity. Coordinator: Lisa Greenstein. NOTE








Tonight's Question and Answer format will be of in terest to all. Coordinator: Bing Heckman. NOVEMBER







Coordinator: Janice Quartieri.

continued on the nextpage

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, Malinda McCidlcch • Secretary, Gary Cook • Treasurer. Alan Tabol• Office Manager, FredWhite. Board ofDirectors. Louise Barrie • GaryCook • Linda Delgado • LisaGreenstein • Bing Heckman • MalindaMcCuBxh • Janice Quartieri.

Coordinators: Program, Louise Barrie • Finance, Lisa Greenstein • Membership. Janice Quartieri • Pub licity, Bing Heckman • Service, Linda Delgado • Archives, Michael LePage • Bookstore, BenLeet.

continued from theprevious page


Tonight we will feature a video of Padre, one of Baba's early mandali. Padre shares of his life with the Master. Coordinators: Ursula VanBuskirk and Louise Barrie.


Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from responding to requests for information to processing orders for books and other literature, and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th Baba's children (and their families) gather at Arlington Park from 1 to 4 PM. All are welcome Bring


Our trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share

in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.

snacks to share.


The Sacramento Baba Group meets the first Friday of every month from 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Religious Science Creative Living Center, 6035 Main Avenue, Orangevale (betweerrGreenbackand Madison);"For more information contact Marilyn Buehler at (916) 9664740 or Marie Rhodes at (916) 723-6631.

Phone: (415) 864-3377. POT LUCK SUPPERS

There will be a Pot Luck supper the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30-PM. Bring 4,carry-out"~or "home cooking" for an evening of fellowship. Suggested themes for this quarter:


• September 7th - Italian - RSVP to Janice Quar

Tuesdays at 8 PM, Larry Pesta will host a weekly per

• October 9th - Oriental - RSVP to Karen Lunde-

tieri at (415) 527-6739.

formance of Arti and discussion of Meher Baba's Dis

gaard at (415) 549-1736.

courses. The meetings are held at the Dolores Street Church, 208 Dolores Street (at 15th Street) as part of Open Arms for Meher Baba outreach. Everyone is in

• November 2nd - Harvest Season - RSVP to

vited! Call (415) 441-7008 for more information. BOARD MEETINGS

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board

Janice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739. (F*


meetings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri

Interview times with Bhau Kalchuri are available. Call Sue Jamison at

at (415) 527-6739 for the date and time of upcoming meetings.

(415) 236-7993 to schedule.


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, CA 94704



^UJrk E







FALL, 1998

VOL. 28

Welcome Home, Nana Kher The following are two e-mails sent from Meherabad, one from James Cox, one from Gar} Kleiner, no tifying us of Nana Kher's passing

which he used to tell in the

library on top of the Hill just before Arti. He is another wicket gone in a field that now contains only

on August 5th.

a few left.

On Wednesday afternoon, about 6:30 pm, Nana Kher, Me herabad resident, longtime prasadi at Meher Baba's Samadhi, long time Baba lover, and for merly a long time hugger, went to Baba. I suppose there will be someone up there to tell him "Welcome Home," as he told so many of us over the years as we would once again return to

In His Love, Jaibaba, James

Dear Friends...

Hi! Jai Meher Baba! Nana Kher passed away tonight. His funeral pyre will belit tomor row, Thurgday the 6th of Au gust at 9:45 AM. He was the Prasad Giver at Baba's Tomb since 1969. When

Baba's Tomb.

one would come up for Baba's Darshan, he would say to them

Nana, as we all called him, had come to Baba before Baba's

New Life phase, and when Baba dropped the body, he was one of the immediate crowd that gath ered in early February, of 1969. At




when the Arti was over, he would Nana Kher


He passed out Prasad until he passed out in his room about two weeks ago. He was taken to a hos pital, where he ultimately died.

that time, it was decided that there should be someone at the Samadhi

continously while it was open, and Nana was selected to perform that role. In the early years it was only Nana, Mansari and Jangli Master who used to sit at the Samadhi, handing out prasad, with the largest share of time, by far, going to Nana. Nana had been in failing health for the last few years, his illness and old age gradually consuming more and more of his energy, but he still regularlyatten. J Evening Arti, hand ing out prasad, until the end. He will beremembered by all of us for his loving greetings and wonderful Baba stories,

When it came to be known that

Nana collapsed during the night a few weeks ago, our doctor went to see him and asked him how he was.

Nana said, "I am not this body, I am not this mind."

I just came back a couple of min utes ago from Mandali Hall at Me herabad where Nana is lying in state. He is definitely not that BODY! Hope that all is well with all of you.

With love and care, Gary. Š1998





Wake Up Portland, Wake Up! <•<£


by Betty Lowman

Nestled in the green hills of Oregon's Willamette Valley, is "Baba House," a 5-acre farm that is home to the Wilson family and, occasionally, the site of the Portland community's annual summer sahavas. This year Bhau Kalchuri was their featured guest.

and Ron Greenstein on guitars. After Jim read one of his humorous ghazals to uproariouslaughter, Ron Green stein said, "Jim, you're the only person I know who's built a stage in his backyard, and now I know why!"

On Thursday July 16, there was a morning tea at Joanna Tompkins' home, and then, in the evening, Bhau spoke to a crowd of about 165 people at the University of Portland. He w»s-very pleased at the number of new faces he saw—plenty of "public" at his public talk. His new ghazal "Wake Up Portland, Wake Up!"* was performed there by "Creator" Janice Reiman. An invitation was extended for any newcomer to come free

re-do of "The Wizard of Oz" called "The Master is

to the weekend sahavas at Baba House.

The next day, after a morning talk and pot luck at the home of David and Malini Raffo, sahavasees drove for about an hour out of Portland to the little town of

Scotts Mills, and the festivities began. At most, there were about 150 attendees, mainly from Oregon, Wash ington, California and Canada, somefromfarther away. The Wilson farm had been transformed for the oc

casion. Jim Wilson's workshop/barn housed the childrens' arts and crafts area and the bookstore. Outside, a lean-to was festooned with Christmas lights and color

ful cloths. Voila! a Toddy Shop. Proprietor Rick Scheu dispensed spicy chai and never seemed to be without customers.

A kind neighbor (an "Old Believer" in the Russian Orthodox tradition—similar to the Amish), allowed

folks to park on his adjacent back lot, and tent campers spread out on the grassy hills. Great meals were served by a crew of volunteers headed up by Jean Wilson and her sisters, Marie and Joan. Huge bowlfulls of sweet Oregon blackberries, blueberries and raspberries were an unforgettable offering at several meals.

Bhau stayed in Baba House (he had given it the name a couple of years ago), and those who weren't tent camping stayed at local bed and breakfasts. Bhau was in great spirits, giving four talks and visiting with the children and teens. We all learned at least the chorus

to "Wake Up, Portland, Wake Up," and sang it often.

Arti was held Saturday and Sunday mornings on a permanent stage built on a hill/ampitheatre in the Wilsons' backyard. The music was divine, with John Connor on the harmonium and Ward Parks, Jim Wilson, Rick Scheu

The highlight of Saturday evening was a hillarious God," written and directed by by Randel Williams of Seattle. The Seattle group had their finest hour that evening. Costumes and props, created by co-director Theresa Padvorac,werestunning, everyone remembered their lines, and producer Pete Pitcher and special props man BobJohnsson created just the right setting. Cyn thia Barrientos was a radiant good witch Glinda and

"hunchkins" John and Barbara Connor and JeffTingelstad and Caitlin Hurkett danced and sang silly routines. Lance Bonnington, a mixed-up spititual seeker, Dun can Hurkett, a scientist who wanted a heart, and Catherin

Alpert, a yogini in search of powers, accompanied Dor othy (Dalia Taylor), who was in search of her real self,

down the Path to His Door, singing "Yogis and Sadhus and Masts, Oh My, Yogis and Sadhus and Masts, Oh My."... On the way, they encountered the formidable obstacle Maya, played by Judy Robertson, but their

purity of heart and focus on their goal got them to His Door. The great "Shariat" (Randel Williams), was, of

course found to be an impostor, and Dorothy learned that her real self was as close as her own heart. Bravo

to the Seattle Group!

After the play, dhuni under the starry Oregon sky was a quiet way to wind down from the festivities. The

next morning, after Bhau's last talk, happy and tired campersrolled up their bedrollsand headed home, content after a heart-full weekend.

* The ghazal was orginaUy written for Chicago, but was later expanded to include all cities.

A Letter From the Editor Over the past 10 yearsor so, since I've been editing this newsletter, we have tried to have, for our cover stories, articles focused on Meher Baba and His mandali, mostly by the people who have met them. We are always in search of more of these articles and also for volunteers

who can help us transcribe them from tapes. If you can help in either capacity, please call Alexandra Cons at (510) 849-2464.



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights unless other wise indicated below. TIMES - Events normally start at 8:00 PM and end by 9:30 PM. LOCATIONS • Events are held at the AlbanyMethodistChurch unless otherwisenoted. The church is at the comer of Marinand Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


Saturday, September 5: Sufi Poetry: Bill Qannett Presents the First of a Two-part Series Hafiz and Rumi were among Baba's favorite poets. Bill will read from their works and others. Bring your favorite Sufi poems and come for an evening at the Lord's Wineshop.

Saturday, September 12: Sufi Poetry with Bill Qannett, Part II Still Yet More revelry at the Tavern.

Saturday, September 19: Rummage Sale at the Friends' Meeting House, 2151 Vine St., Berkeley This is the best fund-raiser our group does all year. Donate your goods, serve a two-hour pricing or selling shift, and of course, come to buy. Great stuff from good folks for a good cause. How can you go wrong? Call Janet White to sign up for Friday night pricing or Saturday selling. (510) 843-4417. We prefer that donations be brought to the Friends' Meeting House on Fridayevening, Sept. 18 from 6-9 pm. If you need to bring donations sooner than that, call the Harlands (510) 237-5348 to make special arrangements. Post the enclosed flyer in a strategic place!

^Saturday, September 26: An Evening with Bill and Peggy Stephens Bill Stephens is a lively and entertaing speaker, and author of two books: Footsteps in the Sand and Souls on Fire. The first tells about how he came to Baba in 1969

and how his whole family's life changed after that. The second tells stories of the lives of saints who lived after

Muhammad and before Baba, including Rabia of Basra, Mirabai, Milarepa, St. Francis, George Foxand Babajan.

*tSaturday, October 3: Cindy Lowe in Concert Cindy's concerts are memorable events. She transforms our social hall into a cabaret and performs with great style, singing many original compositions for the Be loved. This is a fund-raiser, suggested donation $7.




Saturday, October 10: Baba and Biological Evolution: An Evening with Joan Harland Joan has a Ph.D. in molecular biology, and she grew up in a Baba family, meeting Baba when she was four years old. She's had plenty of time to ponder this topic. Come for an enlightening evening.

Saturday, October 17: Australia Night: Report from Avatar's Abode In June of this year, Avatar's Abode in Queensland, Australia celebrated the 40th anniversary of Baba's visit there. Sue Jamison will host an evening of slides and reminiscensces of The Abode.

Saturday, October Z^f^bvie Night The film The God Man will be shown tonight.

Saturday, October 31: Music Night with Ron Ron Greenstein is a perennial favorite here in the Bay Area. Come for a guaranteed great musical evening.

Saturday, November 7: Different Styles of Follow ing Baba: Dick Anthony's Research, Week I In his work as a research psychologist and consultant on new religious movements and cults, Dick uses con temporary psychoanalytic theory to evaluate different strategies of spiritual development. In this talk and the one next week, he will transfer the insights devel oped in that context to an evaluation of different

trends among Baba Lovers, e.g. different ways of fol lowing Baba and different types of Meher Babagroups.

Saturday, Nov. 14: Recent Controversies Among Baba Lovers: Dick Anthony's Research, Week II In the second week of this two-part series, Dick will continue his presentation from last week, and will also apply his research framework to an analysis of contro versiesthat have recently developed among BabaLovers.

Saturday, November 21: Jam & Chanting Evening (Singing Baba's Name) Organized by Odille Atthalin, this will be a partici patory event, not a performance. Come and sing! Raine Eastman-Gannett will accompany us on her harmoni um, and some percussion instruments will be avail able. Bring your own, if you have them.

Saturday, November 28: Thanksgiving Weekend: No meeting this Saturday

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, 'oan Harland, Vice President, Harold Jamison, Secretary, Ron Greenstein, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directom: Odile Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Phone Tree Captain: Irene Meyers • Program: Greg Harland Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White

Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)


Last year for the first time, Ron Greenstein, Laura Hogan, Ben Leet and Greg, Gay, Leela and Aminta Dunn marched in the How Berkeley Can You Be Parade with two large photos of Baba, made with the help of Roger Larsen and Lorraine King. They passed out Baba information at the fair afterward. It was a good-humored, low-key way to spend a Sunday and share Baba's message.This year, you too can participate. The parade will be Sunday, Sep tember 27 at 11 PM and the fair will follow. Almost

5,000 people attended last year! Call Ben Leet (510) 351-8259 to brainstorm parade ideas and join up!

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-6405.

Fresno - Occasional Meetings Call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-1883.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.


If you can help with the riimmage sale Friday night September 18 and Saturday ocpttiaber 19, please sign up for a shift with Janet White (510) 843-4417. Help with coordinating the volunteers will be very much appreciated also.


Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - J1:00 AM -Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann . or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

WHERE ARE YOU? Four times a year, this newsletter is mailed out to

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays - 7:15 PM

our Baba community. We need a volunteer to co ordinate the mailing party, get the newsletters from the printer, and get mailing labelsfromScott Maloney. Call Joan Harland (510) 237-5348 if you can help.

Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

To get on the Newsletter Mailing List, call Scott Maloney (510) 705 8755 x777

Discourse readings and occasional videos.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen RiehPs home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

MEHER BABA INFORMATION THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101


of Northern California, thc\

2131 University Avenue, Rfcom 235 BerkeleyJCalifornia94764; Address Correction' Kp>fucstcd

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SUMMER, 1998

VOL. 28

Lyn Ott Remembered Lyn Ou, a painter whose palette existed only to paint the beautiful form ofhis Beloved, died ofa stroke inmid-April. A long-rime resident of the Meher Spiritual CenterinSouth Carolina, Lyn was host and lively partner mdiscussion to many Baba lovers visiting the Center. The following words are Lyn's, taken from his book In Quest

As I sat close to Baba, He treated me with great per sonal affection and intimacy so that I felt His love. Instantly He was for me not the teacher or guru, but the loving father and friend. Baba touched me often with His caresses, patting my back, stroking my face. Once more Baba gently stroked my chin and then asked me, "Did you shave today?"

of the Face of God:

My experience of meeting Meher Baba cannot be sep arated from my experience of art. The experience of meeting Him took place in one beautiful morning, while my experience of art

It was about mid-morning and 1 said, "Yes, Baba. I

shaved this morning." Baba replied, "You didn't do a very good. Feel Ba

has lasted for more than

ba's chin."

thirty years. Even so, that meeting forms the central

axis around which my life

Baba's face was very soft, and He had a splendid

in art revolves.

shave. Then I said, "While

1cannot really saythat I know anything about Meher Baba. Even the highest reaches of the artist's imagination can barely touch the hem of the garment of a Divine person ality. But I do know some thing about art, and I feel I can expresssomething about Meher Baba through what I

I was shaving I was think ing, "Does Baba shave?" Then Baba replied with surprise, "Why shouldn't I shave?"

1 could only think to say, "Well, Baba, before this

morning I had never as sociated shaving with God."

know in and about art. Art

is not simply an expression; it is expression itself. Wher ever expression is, there is art. Therefore, Meher Baba, being in Himself the most perfect expression, is necessarily the perfection of Art. I saw Meher Baba just once, and He allowed me to sit with Him for an hour and a half. That once-seeing is what is called a glimpse. That is what Baba wanted me to have. And all of the paintings that I have made of Him have come from the fire of that one glimpse.

The He looked me in the

eye quite seriously, and His response was simply this: "I am more human than you are." It is that humanness that is the basis of this book and

the major part of my life's work.

Meher Baba is the name given in this age to the Highest of the High, but for me it is the name of the man who has become the personal Friend and Sustainer.


Painting: Undoubtedly, I Am Low Š 1980 by Lyn Ou






Memorials During the past few months, Baba has continued to call

some of His lovers home to Him. This issue of the News letter is dedicated to honoring them and their love for the Eternal Beloved.

Anita Vieillard Anita Vieillard had the great good fortune of meeting Mehera Baba when she was a young woman. A close associate of Norina Matchabelli, Anita was part of the group who stayed with Baba during His visits to the West, beginning in the 1930s. She was married to the artist Roger—Vieillard, a-friend-of Pable-Picasso-and Ernest Hemmingway, and was, herself, a painter. The Vieillards had Baba meetings at their home in Paris and Anita loved to tell people about her time with Baba. She left this world to join Him last March.

Janet Luck Janet Luck was called back to Baba on April 5. She had lived with cancer for almost ten years, wanting to stay alive as long as possible so as not to leave her son when he was young. Janet was a singer whose beautiful sopra

Roman Babiak

no voice was well-known in the Baba world. She not

On Saturday, May 16 at 8:02 in the morning, three

only sang, but also composed for her Beloved, singing about Baba's life and even putting GodSpeaks to music. Mehera, who was very fond of Janet, gave her the name Meheree, and Bhau, after seeing her play the part of Mira in Mehera's birthday play in 1987, used to call her Mira. If there is, as some believe, a heavenly choir, Janet is certainly in it, entertaining Beloved Baba in glorious song. (Photo: Janet with Dunn Satha at the Pilgrim Center, Meherabad, in 1987.)

months after beingdiagnosed with cancer of the esoph agus, and just a month after his 50th birthday, Roman Babiak went home to Baba He had been constantly in the company of loving friends and family for weeks. As the news of his illness spread, more and more people called, came to visit, or just came to stay with him as long as they could. His latest week-long stay in the hospital saw an amazing and continuous procession of visitors from as far away as Australia, Chicago, Wash ington D.C., Minnesota and, of course, Los Angeles, Roman's 'real home.' He was never alone. Roman was

a dear friend to many from the Baba community and from his workplace, and was a much-loved uncle to his niece and nephew Christina and Stephan Ciepley.

Roman had been living in Palo Alto with his good friends Denise and Dan Pliskin and their boys, who dedicated themselves totally to his care in his last weeks. Denise logged onto the listserv when she learned that many of Roman's friends were inquiring about him there. (Roman Babiak was a hot listserv topic in the weeks before he died. Some great Roman stories were shared there). She posted Roman updates and also coordinated the constant comings and goings of his friends far and near, (including Bhau Kalchuri, who visited Roman at (continued on page 3)

ALE MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights unless other wise indicated below. TIMES - Events normally start at 8:00 PM and end by 9:30 PM. LOCA TIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marinand Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. »

Bookstore #


Saturday, June 6 - No Meeting Tonight Saturday, June 13 - Discussion of Qod Speaks and/or Lord Meher at Fred and Janet White's Readings and discussion from one or both of these books. The Whites live at 1811 Francisco St., #5, Berkeley, Call (510) 843-4417 for directions.

Saturday, June 20 - Annual Qeneral Meeting, 7 p.m. Come Early So We Can Start Promptly! Come and support your Center! There arc several important issues to vote on: use of the Bhau fund, next year's budget, and a new Nominating Committee and Board of Directors. Updated phone and address directories will also be available!

Sunday, June 28, 1-4 p.m. - Lyn Ott Memorial Tea at Alan and Karen Talbot's Home. Come and share Lyn Ott stories. We will celebrate

Lyn's colorful life for Baba. Bring tea treats to share. David Miotke will sing. Address: 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. Call (925) 376-4325 for directions.

Saturday, July 4 - No meeting tonight. ** Saturday, July 11 - Discussion Night Ron Greenstein will moderate a discussion of Baba's

directive to take ourselves more lightly and God more seriously.

Saturday, July 18 - Film Night We will show films from our collection.

** Saturday, July 25 - Norina Matchabelli Laurie Brook will lead readings and discussion from the latest book to be published about Norina called Norina's Gift: Messages from Meher Baba Received through Norina Matchabelli.




home about a week before he died). Denise put folks up on her living room floor and arranged rides to and from the hospital and the airport. "What blows my mind," Denise said, "is how Roman was a magnet for love."

Roman came home from the hospital on Friday after noon, May 15. His last words were "Jai Baba," spoken to his good friends Jeff Maguire and Fred Stankus, who came to visit him that afternoon. He then slipped into a coma and passed on the next morning. A memorial service, Roman-style, will be held at Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, on Sunday, June 14 from 12:30 - 5 P.M. Pot luck flowers (in con tainers) are welcome. If you would like to bring food or beverages, please call Betty Lowman (650) 323-1900. Bring your dancing shoes. Roman loved a good party! ANNOUNCEMENTS BOOKWALLA, BOOKWALLA, WHERE IS OUR NEW BOOKWALLA?

This is really it. Laura Hogan will be moving from the Bay Area next fall. We need a new bookwalla. Anyone out there interested? Call Janet White, (510) 843-4417. BHAU VIDEO TO BE ON TCI CHANNEL 3 IN THE CONTRA COSTA AREA

If you're a night owl, and get TCI Contra Costa Cable TV Channel 3, tune in to Jeff Maguire interviewing Bhau Kalchuri Wednesday, June 10 at 11 PM. SITE COMMITTEE CONTINUES TO SEARCH

Late breaking news from our Site Committee: Our po tential new site at 2300 Roosevelt Street, Berkeley is now for sale, so we have decided to discontinue nego tiations on that site and will continue our site search.

August is traditionally a vacation month for our group. Meetings will resume in September.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, Vice President, Brian Drygas, Secretary, Brian Drygas, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook • Brian Drygas • Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland • Clint Snyder • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Finance: Greg Harland, Leslie Baer, Laurie Brook, Clint Snyder Program: Laurie Brook, Brian Drygas Bookstore: Laura Hogan • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White

Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)


You May Be A Baba-lover if... • You've been to India 12 times, but you've never seen the Taj Mahal. • You see an old friend (who is not a Babalover), they give you a big hug, and you ac cidentally say "Jai Baba!" • You've spent over $6,000 dollars to take your family to India, but you still drive a 1975 AMC Gremlin.

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing ar Greensreins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Conract Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arri and a varied program. Conracr Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

• You get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever you smell cow dung, burning garbage or diesel ex haust.

• Your child is named Eruch, Mani, Mehera or

Babu Cyclewalla.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings '8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

• You are never involved with your local Baba group except to complain about how it's run. .

Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

• You think that Baba must have wanted you to eat that candy bar, that's why He put it so close to the check-out line.

• Your walls are plastered with pictures of Baba, but you still go through an entire day without re membering Him. • You're watching a football game with friends, and every time your team scores, you shout "Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jail!" • You think Baba's orders are "recommendations."

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays - 7: J5 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

- Thanks to Jamie Newell for this great checklist MEHER BABA INFORMATION THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid* down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California, l

2131 University Aw

Berkeley._Califon Address CoTrecti




VOL. 28

SPRING - 1998

Roshan's Reminiscences Roshan Kerawala, who now livesat Meherabad, has a wealth

of memories of her years of close contact with Meher Baba. She shared these stories in conversation in December, 1997.

a perfectionist and did not like any mistakes. He would just make you sing and sing, and sing more, until you were perfect. He also told a lot of stories about being with Baba. Baba had had a small number of Baba lovers

I was born in Hormusji ("Homi") Seth's house, in Bombay, just across the street from Naoroji Dadachanji's house, where Ar navaz grew up. My first meet ingwith Babawasin their house.

in Pune, in Shivajinagar, in the early days. At that time, Papa, a building general contractor, had had a contract in Pune.

While there, Papa stayed in a small jopri, a hut not unlike Baba's jopri. Papa told me that Baba used to come to that place

Baba had come to their house

("Sohrab Bharucha House") and my whole family, my mother, my brothers and my sisters who were crippled all went to see Baba at the Dadachanji's house. Every time Baba came, we used to go and see Him there. Later, when Arnavaz got married to Nariman and they stayed at Ashiana on Malabar Hill, we used to go for Baba's darshan in their house. But before that, Baba mostly used to come and stay at Naoroji's house, which was in Dadar, in Bombay.

of his in Pune with Padri, Vishnu

and Doctor Ghani in the very early times.

My father used to tell me that he met Baba in 1922, but they tell me that Baba didn't come

to Ahmednagar until 1923. I actually do not know which year it was, but my father and my uncle Naosherwan, whojustdied at age 100 this year, one of my uncles, Pilumama, and one of

my aunts, Gulamasi, met Him then. In the Ahmednagar re gion of those times there were

Baba always used to take little babies and hold them. When a

drawing by

baby wasthere, He put His hand out and you would put the baby

Lisa Greenstein

only vast, unplanted fields. One could walk from Station Road,

to Banumasi, my husband Sam's mothe<rf<#tr<Pwa's also

where the ST bus stand is today, across country to Meherabad. My father and uncles used to go for an early morning walk from their home at Akbar Press. It was their habit. So when they came to know that a Parsi saint had come to Arangaon, they walked across the

present. That, of course, I dofi^eWSrftbfe?.ak!A*ias'<told

fields and met Baba underneath a tree.

in His hand. He would sometimes take the child close

to His chest and bless the child. When my mother put me in Baba's hand, Baba took me close to Him and,

instead ofgiving me back to my motHeryWe 'gave me to me by Banumasi. Nobody ever thought then that I would later be married to Banumasi's son Sam.

They met Baba prior to 1925 when He was still speak ing. Babaasked them who they were, their family name,

I learned music from Papa Naoroji, Arnavaz's father He taught me to sing and to play the harmonium. He was

how many brothers and sisters there were and so forth. My father said, "we are five brothers and I have four


(continued on page 2)





sisters, Baba." But then Baba said, "No. From today onwards, you all have six brothers, and I am one of them." He really was a brother to them. When Baba

saw Baba coming she told Mehera and Mani, so that Baba's food could be brought to the room. Mehera and Mani greeted me and insisted, "Baba don't let this child

came to us, He was so natural that He used to make us

have the disease that her brothers and sisters have." So

forget that He was Avatar or God or anything. He would play with us, He would sit and eat with us — He was so much like one of the family members. Till Baba dropped His body, we used to almost forget, most times,

Baba gave a promise to Mehera. Afterward Baba said, "I will not only keep her healthy, I will see to her life throughout."

that He was the Great One. But in our heart of hearts

we knew, because we had such great respect for Him.

When my mother died, in 1942, we were all brought hereJxLsee_Baba. Baba was_sitting in the jlahuri cabin. We all had come in the tonga from Akbar Press, and we all greeted Baba. I sat on His lap. Baba told my father, "You have three crippled children, but I will take care of this child. I instruct you not to take her to any shrines, any saints or any physicians. She will be under my care." When I was little, my uncle Naosherwan, who was a homeopathic doctor, used to treat me if I fell ill. Even Baba used to take medication from my uncle Naosher wan. Baba always used to tell Goher, "write a note to Naosherwan about my symptoms and he will send the medication." And He used to really feel very good with these medications.

After Baba told my father how to care for me it was lunch time. Baba said to the men of our house, "you all stay at Lower Meherabad and have lunch. I am taking her (me) up the hill." At that time, Eruch's mother Gaimai, Eruch's sister Meheru, Manpur and my aunt Gulamasi were all staying at Upper Meherabad. Baba said, "you come with me, and I'll take you up," so I went with Baba. Baba used to walk so fast and, being a child, I just could not keep up with Him. By the time we reached the railway crossing I was panting, and when I saw the big top of the hill, I said to Baba, "I can not climb that mountain, Baba — it's too high for me." So He held my hand to cross the railway tracks and then He made me sit on His shoulders. With His signs He made me understand that if I should see someone of the

Upper Meherabad women, I must get down. I said, "all right Baba." So I held Him, two legs dangling on His

Baba arranged my marriage with Sam and He used to come and play with my daughters, Mehera and Dolly. We'd spread a towel on the dining room table, put the baby on that and Baba would feed them water or milk and play with them. He would come with two or three carloads of people. Nearly 15 or 20 people "would come every time. I still remember Francis Brabazon had just come from Australia at that time and he would say (mimicsexaggerated Australian accent), "Oh, lucky Baby, lucky Baby. Baba, I feel like dying right now, to come again so you can play with me like that. I'm very jealous of that baby."

We prick girl babies' ears at an early age so that they heal fast and we can put earrings on them. In my daugh ter Mehera's case, Baba said to Goher, "we must do the pricking of her ears." We were staying in Bindra house at the time. So one day Goher came and boiled the needle and the thread, and after we had sterilized them we pricked her ear. After the first ear was pricked, it hurt and the baby cried quite a lot, so Baba said, "Go her, don't prick the second ear. We'll do it next time. The baby is in pain." Goher said, "What, Baba? Have

the baby be in pain twice? In one shot we can prick the other ear also." So Baba held her while Goher pricked the other ear. Then she was crying a lot, and Baba gave her to me to calm her down.

My second daughter, Dolly, was born three years after Mehera, and she got the same treatment from Baba. Baba would dip His little finger in His sherbet and let the babies suck it. When they were older, my children loved marrow bones. On the days that He called us to Guruprasad, we used to put extra marrow in Baba's food, so that He would give it to the children. He would have some, and then pass it to the children.

shoulders. He carried me for some distance. Meanwhile,

One example of the way that Baba saw to my life was that

my tireuness went and I saw Kharmanmasi sitting under the tank near c/ie gace. / said to Baba, "Baba, there is a big fat lady sitting there," so He put me down, held my hand, and walked me up the hill. Then He took me

if I had even to leave Pune and come to Ahmednagar, first I had to write a postcard to Baba.Only when the OK was given, then we would leave from one place to the

into Mehera and Mani's room. As soon as Kharmanmasi

wherever He would be. All these memories are great.

other. We were under His instructions all the time,



MEETINGS • Meher Baba events are held on Saturday

nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley). Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *




Saturday, March 7 - Beyond Words with Ursula On her 32nd anniversary of meeting Meher Baba, Ursula Van Buskirk will introduce and provide some of the background for the newly released film Beyond Words, taken by Louis van Gasteren in 1967. He was a professional filmmaker and the quality of this film is extraordinarily clear and detailed. Ursula says that this film shows best how she remembers Baba.

Saturday, March 14 - Site Committee Discussion Tonight we'll hear from our intrepid Site Committee of one (Harold Jamison) about a possible new center for our group. It is located at 2300 Roosevelt (at Bancroft). Drive by and have look before this meet ing, then come and give your feedback. Perhaps even consider joining the Site Committee. Community input will be important in this venture.

Saturday, March 21 - Arts and Crafts Night This evening will provide some hands-on experience in the world of art. Laurie Brook, who teaches art, will

conduct this meeting. Wear clothing that can get messy and prepare for a creative good time!

V Saturday, March 28 - A Musical Evening with Ron Qreenstein Ron always delights us with his musical talents. Come and enjoy an evening of tuneful revelry. Saturday, April 4, 7:30 PM - Videos at the StovaWs Hilla and Nadjoo Kotwal gave a couple of delightful, talks at the L.A. Sahavas in 1994. They shared their childhood impressions of life at Meher Baba's ashram when their father Savak Kotwal was His night watch man. Come see the videos at the home of Vern and




Saturday, April 11 No meeting on Easter Weekend

V Saturday, AprU 18 - Joan Harland and Qay Dunn This evening, Joan will share her experiences of meeting Meher Baba in 1956, 1958 and 1962. (Yes, she was pretty young at the time!) Gay Dunn will provide a musical addition to the evening with her beautiful, melodic cello playing. Hosted by Noreen Graham.

Saturday, April 25 - Persian Poetry Come share the Persian poetry of Hafiz, Rumi and others. Bill Gannett will host an evening of this beautiful and powerful poetry dedicated to God.

Saturday, May 2 - Sunday May 10 - Bhau's Visit! Health permitting, Meher Baba's longtime disci ple Bhau Kalchuri will be visiting the San Fran cisco Bay Area from May 2 to May 10. A detailed itinerary for his talks will be mailed to all North

ern California addresses on our mailing list. If you have not received an itinerary by April 20, please call Betty Lowman (650) 323-1900. If you would like to help with preparations for Bhau's visit, please call Janet White (510) 843-4417. V Saturday, May 16' The Music and Poetry of Mira, Kabir and Tulsidas

Tonight, Raine Eastman-Gannett will transport us to the East with an evening of music and poetry by Mira, Kabir and Tulsidas.

Saturday, May 23 - Memorial Day Weekend, no meeting

Saturday, May 30 - How I Came to Meher Baba This is the best story of them all, so we're repeat ing this meeting again this quarter! Come and hear how your friends discovered they were part of Meher Baba'sfamily. Share your story too! Hosted by Harold Jamison, (510) 236-7993. NUMBERS TO CALL:

Annie Stovall, 869 Appaloosa Drive, Walnut Creek.

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 705-8750 x 777

Call (510) 938-2126 for directions.

• Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, VicePresident, Brian Drygas, Secretary, Brian Drygas, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook• Brian Drygas• Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland• ClintSnyder • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor* Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Finance Committee: Greg Harland, Leslie Baer, Laurie Brook, Clint Snyder Program Committee: Laurie Brook, Brian Drygas Bookstore: Laura Hogan • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

A Treasure from Meher Baba "I love you. Do not worry about your weaknesses. Even tually they will go; even if they linger, love will one day

consume them. Everything disappears in the Ocean of Love. Because I love you, you have a pool of love within you. When you feel wretched, when you fall in your weakness, have a dip in that pool of My love. Refresh yourself in that pool of My love. Refresh yourself in that pool of My love within you. It is always there. Even if you wash your weaknesses every day in that pool, it will remain clear. Don't worry. Baba loves you, that is what really matters. Don't Worry, Be Happy. I will help you."

LOCAL MEETINQS Et Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - J0.00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

EI Cerrito - Thursday Evenings '7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh

fromThe Turning of the Key: Meher Baba in Australia by Bill Le Page

and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Rummage Sale Treasure Our October, 1997 rummage sale garnered over $1,000 for our group, thanks to coordinator Jim Quartieri and his crew of helpers. Jim has moved to the Sacramento foothills, but made a special trip to help us out.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

We also received a surprise gift at the sale. Jon Platania, a psychologist and yoga teacher affiliated with Berkeley Friends Meeting, presented us with a lovely airbrushed painting of Meher Baba. It was done by a friend of his, Stanley Williams, in 1970. Jon had kept it in the years since, wanting to find the right home for it.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

Stanley Williams now lives in Egypt. We sent him a thank-you note, and he responded saying "I was very surprised and happy to receive your card regarding the painting of Meher Baba. It was painted at a very special spiritual time in my life. I am delighted that it has found

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM

Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call -


Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays '7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

a home with the Meher Baba Center." MEHER BABA INFORMATION THE TRUST

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.


of Northern California, Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704 Address Correction Requested

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VOL. 28

The "Post Office Days" with Meher Baba On December 22, we celebrate the birthday of Mehera Jehangtr Irani, Meher Baba's most beloved disciple. She has recorded her. reminisccnses of life with Him in her book Mehera. This is an excerpt from a chapter in that book titled "Post Office Days

or scorpion could have easily crawled into His bedding for warmth. As Baba could not sleep, He would be sitting up by

3:30 a.m. withHisblanket wrapped around Him, andat about 5 a.m. Baba would wake the mandali, however deeply they were snoring. Baba would take His sandal and throw it at one of them; He especially loved to aim for Masaji, who would wake up, see Baba's sandal, and feel very happy. Masaji would get up, kiss Baba's sandal, and give it back to Him. We girls were sleeping very comfortably on our bedding rolls inside the Post Of fice room, and here was Baba, the King of Kings, sleeping in the open with no proper bedding. Now in the night at

Near the end of 1924 Baba returned to

Meherabad, and He called us, the first women,

to join Him permanently there. We—my mother, myself, Naja, big Khorshed, and small Khorshed and from time to time

Dowla Masi—stayed in the Post Office buildingnear the railway line. This build ing was a post office during the First World war when, as I have said, what

is now Meherabad had been a military training camp built by the British. Most of the military buildings there

Meherazad I think of Baba and remember

all these details; how Baba used to give others comfort and go without it Him

were not built to last, but the Post

self. How dense we were! Here were we

Office had been. It was such a strong, well-made building, with thick walls of

girls feeling so cozy inside, while Baba was so uncomfortable outside. But we could

big, black stones. It had one good-sized

not tell Baba to use the room. We girls

room, and there were verandahs on the

could not have slept on the verandah, so

south and east sides. There were windows

Baba had to be outside with the mandali. He

only in the south and north walls, and they

went through all that discomfort. Our food was very simple. In the morning we, including Baba, of course, had only weak tea, and we

had bars on them. The British had built it

close to the railway line so that the mailbags could easilybe taken on and off trains as they passed

by. Later, as it was no longer being used as a post office, the railway authorities ordered it to be pulled down, and we felt very sad about that, but I am told that the stones from the Post Office walls were used to build Baba's Samadhi.*

How we loved the Post Office. It was there that so many

things happened for the first time with Baba: I had Baba's darshan there for the first time; 1 first heard Baba sing there

in His lovely voice; Baba had His bath there; and He had His tea and His food there. Baba has slept there, and the villagers of Arangaon first came to know of Baba and have His darshan there, too. So that place was sacred to us.

girls got up very early to get it ready. I have never liked getting up early, and when I came to stay with Baba, that was one thing that wasdifficult for me. We would be up by 5 a.m. or earlier to prepare Baba's tea, and by5:30 wecould hear Him coming to us, singing in His beautiful voice. We had a little wood fire outside on the verandah for cooking our food, but we made the tea on a kerosene stove inside our room, as Baba did not like the taste of wood smoke in His tea. The tea was very weak, made with a little fresh mint, lemon grass, and only a pinch of dried tea leaves. We had sugar in

it, but no milk; as well as no chapatis, no butter, and no bread.

These very first days were so special to us. Only three of the

This weak tea was our only breakfast.

men mandali were with Baba: Gustadji, Padri, and Masaji. And Baba slept with them on the Post Office verandah on the windowless East Side facing the road.

I would give Baba His tea on the east verandah where He would be sitting on a packing case and chatting with the mandali and Naja or my mother would give the mandali theirs. Baba's tea was served in a big aluminum mug, and this same mug Baba used for washing His face, having His bath, and for drinking water. When we served the tea it was freshly made and steaming hot, so Baba's aluminum mug would be too hot

It was now the beginningof winter, and the verandah was open to the chilly east breeze. Baba had no bed, just a think mattress on a mat on the floor, and He would feel so cold at night that

He couldnot sleep. Baba alsohad no mosquitonet, and a snake




for Him to put to His lips. My mother noticed this, and she taught us to put Baba's mug of tea in half a pail of cold water to cool it to the right temperature before serving it to Baba. We had just the dire necessities, and all our utensils were wither brass, aluminum, or enamel. Baba had told us that

everything was to be unbreakable, for we would not be able to replace anything. For lunch we had rice and spiced dal, and in the evening we had rice and plain dal. A little later on Baba let us make curry and rice, too. As a child I was very fond of meat and fish. 1

did not like vegetarian food at all, but Baba made me forget all about meat. I was very young, and with just weak tea without milk as our breakfast, I would be so hungry that I

eagerly looked forward to our rice and dal. Najacooked^heTice anddal orrthe wood fireOTi the verandah^ and 1helped her by washing pots and pans and grinding the spices. It is not so easyto grindspiceson a stone. Drycoconut and coriander seeds are particularly hard, but I would try to make them very, very fine, especially when Baba allowed us to make curry, for finely-ground spices make the curry very smooth.

Baba, Who was young then, would get very hungry after hav ing only weak tea at dawn, and then working hard with the mandali. He came for His lunch as early as 9:30, and for His evening dal and rice at 4 or 5 p.m. Naja made the fire and put the dal on early so that it would be ready for Baba, and when He came in He would call not "Naja", but "Najari," so sweetly to her. "Najari, what's the time? Is the food ready?" And Naja would say, "Baba, the dal is just ready, but the rice isn't quite."

Baba would reply, "Never mind, I don't want rice, just dal." For meals Baba sat on His little rug on the floor near the fireplace on the verandah, and 1 would serve Him His food in His brass plate. We were so new and unaccustomed to staying



I was also not to touch or speak to any men, and the food that

I prepared was given only to Baba, or later to the school children, but not to men. Gustadji was the exception to these rules. His storeroom was on one of the Post Office verandahs,

and Baba sent him to us for messages. Even Baba Himself seldom entered our room. He would take His meals and tea on the Post Office verandah.

And there were many other little orderseven in the beginning. For example,we wereto wear warmjackets in the evening and, as 1have said, keep our heads covered with white scarves.We could come onto the verandah to cook and, in these very early days, goto the well to washourclothes;otherwise, I was mostly inside our room. We did not roam about outside, and Meher-

• abad Hill in those days was completely out-of-bounds to all. -Baba was very fond of music, and as 1have said, His was a very beautiful and sweet voice. Sometimes Baba would sing in the ' early mornings, and so lovely was His voice that He could sing beautifully even before brushing His teeth and having tea. Early one morning, after we had quickly rolled up our bedding and put it aside, splashed our faces with cold water, and brushed ourteeth, we wererushing to make tea for Baba. I was pumping the kerosene stove, which is very noisy, when my mother said, "Listen! You can't hear because of the stove, but Baba is sing ing. How beautifully He is singing!' As we listened we could hear Baba's voice coming nearer and nearer. He was singing a new song, not a qawali, but an or dinary songwith a pretty tune. At first we stayed in the middle of the room, as we knew Baba would not like us to stare at Him from the windows, but we could still see out. Baba's voice came still nearer, and then around the corner of the Post Office He

came; and we saw Him. It was just at the crack of dawn, and the dawn light was on His lovely face. So beautiful He looked

in His white sadra with His hair loose. And as He sang He danced so gracefully. It was just a glimpse for a few seconds, but the sight of Baba dancing and singing in the dawn light is something I shall never forget.

with a Master that we did not have the_sense to take^our

As Baba turned towards the corner of the verandah we rushed

sandals off. We served Babastill wearingthem. Now 1remem ber these little things. Baba must have thought that we were very ignorant, but Mani says Baba wanted us to be like that; that very clever people might have argued too much and made

to the window to see more, but He had gone from our sight.

His work more difficult.

With his food Baba would sometimes ask for bread. Gulmai

would bring it for Baba from Ahmednagar when she visited Him; just a small loaf that we would try to keep fresh by wrapping in a cloth and keeping in a saucepan. The bread would become a little stale, but Baba would break it into small

piecesand put it in the dal. Babaalways broke bread. He never cut it. And seeing Baba eat, we would feel hungry, too. We girls were still a little shy with Baba. We peeped at Baba from a distance, but we were not bold enough to talk to Him unless He spoke to us. And Baba was strict with us. Baba had told me not to read or write, so I could not even take down the things that He told us. I had brought some of my favorite books with me in a trunk—David Copperfield and others —to share with the girls, but I quickly sent them back to my sistet in Ahmednagar, and I never saw those books again!

But we did see Him for those few seconds, so slim and beautiful

in a white sadra, dancing and singingspontaneously because He was happy. (Story from Mehera, Mehera J. Irani, Beloved Books, ©1989, pages 63-68. Photos ©1982 Manifestation, Inc.)

♦In the early '30s, the government ordered the post office to be torn down, as it was infringing on property legally held by the railroad's right of way. In 1938 the structure enclosing the

cryupt was demolished, and the more substantial structure that

weseetodaywas erected.The stones for this new buildingwere taken from the dismantled post office. Thus, Baba's first stay in the post office at Lower Meherabad was linked to the sa

madhi; it is asthough the Samadhi has become the divine post office of the Avatar.

(The Samadhi, Star ofIn/miry, BalNatu, Sheriar Foundation, ©1997, page 7.)



MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights unless other wise indicated below. TIMES - Events normally start at 8:00 PM and end by 9:30 PM. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks

east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (Northof Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. «

Bookstore <8s Childcare

V Saturday, December 5: Film Night We will see O Parvardigar and The Ancient One.

Saturday, December 12: Qrowing Up With Baba . Many of us came to Baba in the 1960s and now our children areapproaching the age we were when we found Him. Steven Barrie-Anthony will moderate a panel o( young Baba Lovers who will discuss how they've found a wayto make Baba their own and the adventures they've had in trying to pleasehim while connecting to a youth culture where the values, e.g. with respect to sex, drugs, and competitive materialistic pressures, may be different.

* Sunday, December20,2-5 PM: Mehera's Birthday Tea at the Talbots'



1Thursday, January 14: Don Stevens Speaks Don Stevens first met Meher Baba in 1952 and saw Him

several times since. He helped edit God Speaks at Baba's request and has written many books on the subject of fol lowingMeher Baba. This promises to be aspecialevening.

Saturday, January 23: Baba and Wild Times at the Arbor Cafe Alan Talbot will moderate as he, Fred White, Ed Van

Buskirk, Doug Ross and Harold Jamison reminisce about how working at the Arbor Cafe, a Berkeley vegetarian restaurant owned by Baba Lovers, playeda part in their and

others' early Baba experiences in the 1960s and early 1970s.

V Saturday, January 30 - 8:30 PM: Amartithi This is the 30th anniversary of Meher Baba's 'dropping ' His body.' We will have an evening of music and a film, and we'll observe 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 to

10:45 PM to coincide with silence at the tomb in India.

Saturday, February 6, Is Baba a Liberal or a Conservative?

Liberals tend to endorse governmental correction of in equality of opportunity whereas conservatives believe that limited government rewards self-reliance and the

An afternoon of tea, music and reminiscences of the one

development of good character. Come with your best

who loved Meher Baba most perfectly. We will see the

rhetoric and defend the spiritual value of the liberal or the conservative agenda. Harold Jamison moderates. Yelling or name-calling will result in getting the gong.

new video Mehera, Meher Baba's Beloved. A Mini-book store will also be available for last-minute holiday shop

ping. (Get your 1999 Baba calendar!) Bring tea treats and stories to share. The Talbots live at 721 Crossbrook

Dr. Moraga, Call (925) 376-4325 for directions.

Thursday, December 31, 7:00 - 9:30 PM. New Year's Eve Potluck at the Qreensteins' It's a pre-party party! Ring in the New Year at Ron and Lisa's early evening potluck. They live at 600 Albemarle St., El Cerrito. Call (510) 525-3364 for directions.

Saturday, January 9: Which Path are You On? Dick Anthony Discusses Baba Religion versus Baba Mysticism Baba said he did not come to establish a new religion,

but history has shown that a religion always develops around the person and teachings of the Avatar. On the other hand, an inner mystical relationship to the Avatat hasalways been available, and this is especially so during

the 100-200 years after He r^as dropped His body. How

can we tell the difference between the external "Shariat"

and the inner mystical path, e.g. what is the role of rituals and ceremonies in the development of the Baba

religion? Dick will discuss the several ways available to Baba lovers for answering such questions.

Saturday, February 13: Coming to Baba Stories Harold Jamison will moderate a panel of people telling the intriguing stories of how they came to Meher Baba.

Feb. 20th: Dick Anthony on Materialism, The New Humanity, and our Baba Community. Baba has said that wars are merely a more explicit form

of the war of all against all that dominates our modern economic and cultural life. Dick Anthony uses his syn thesis of sociology and psychoanalysis to aid in interpret ing Baba's teachings and to suggest how we can begin to achieve the New Humanity right now in our own Baba community. If not now, when?

* Saturday, February 27: We Celebrate Beloved Baba's Birthday, 4:30 PM to 8 PM Join us at the Berkeley Fellowship Unitarian-Universalist Church, 1924 Cedar Street at Bonita, Berkeley for an

evening of merriment in honor of Baba's birthday. Pot luck dinner begins at 5 PM, followed by performances and films, then Arti, and cake. If you can perform, dec

orate, help with set-up or clean-up, or help with public ity, we need you! Contact JoanHarland, (510) 237-5348.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Joan Harland, Vice President, Harold Jamison, Secretary, Ron Greenstein, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Odile Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White • Program: Greg Harland Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

Divine Humor from the Internet


Thanks to Barbara Roberts of Dolores, Colorado for sharing these jokes from her inspired collection.

El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM

• What isgreater than God, worse than the devil, the dead eat it, and if we eat it, we die? answer: nothing.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM

• What breaks when you say its name? answer: Silence

• A dog sees that his master feeds him, pets him, throws a stick once" in a while, and thinks, "He must be God."

A cat sees that her owner feeds her, pets her, rolls a ball once in a while, and thinks, "I must be God!" • The Man Who Interviewed God:

Man: "What is a billion years to you?" God: "A SPLIT SECOND!" Man: "Well, how much is a BILLION dollars to you?" God: "A MERE PENNY!" Man: "In that case, Lord, how about giving me ONE penny ?»

God: "SURE. JUST A SECOND." "Family Circus" comic strip by B. Keane, 5-17-98

• One puppet to another, "1 don't know...sometimes I question whether there really is a HAND." "HAGAR THE HORRIBLE" by Dik Browne, 5-3-95

• Have you heard about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac? He would stay up all night wondering if there was a Dog. • Do you know that God's name is Andy?

Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick

Anthony at (510) 524-6405.

Los Qatos - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Clint and Sharon Snyder. Call them at (408) 3956865 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11 ;00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays - 7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call

Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

"And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own..."


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact 1999 MEHER BABA CALENDARS ARE HERE! They will be available at the bookstore. Katie Mink will also

take phone orders. You can pick them up at her home, or have them mailed to you. Call Katie at (510) '849-1809.

To get on our Newsletter Mailing List, call Scott Maloney (510) 705 8755 x777

Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call (510) 562-1101


of Northern California, Inc.

2I31 L^versitv^niTrmsJ^ooni'^S?" Berkeley, Address G

Mehera and Meher Babain Benares, J939







VOL. 29


The Mighty Beloved by Francis Brabazon Just as January 31, 1999 marks the 30th Amartithi,

more Man, I wouldn't feel so much like

the 30th anniversary of Meher Baba's dropping His body, April 10-June 10,1999 is the 30th anniversary

someone upside down in a garbage can."

of what has been called The Great Darshan. when

But Baba wasn't going to become more Man just for my sake, so I had to settle

thousands of Meher Baba's lovers honored His

invitation to be in His presence at Guruprasad, Poona. One of the highlights of the darshan program was the opportunity to meet and to be greeted by Baba's mandali. Thisaddress, by Francis Brabazon. is especially remembered by those present, with great delight.

for Him as the Divine Beloved-one whom

1could serve sometimes, instead of thinking about myself all the time. After all, al though He is God, and sometimes is a

JAI BABA! I am amazed and filled with joy to dis cover that the Beloved 1 have been serving for many years is truly a very mighty Beloved.

Of course, I have known all along that He was God. But there are so many Gods. There is the God which people see in a shape of illusion such as a sunset or a mountain viewor a symphony, or whose hand is seen in one's not

getting caught in a rain-storm or in obtaining a good job: no doubt a very comfortable and profitable God to have- well worth a Christian candle or some Hindu incense-but not a God to whom one would offer one's

life. There is the God who rules the shining planes of consciousness: but sight of Him would blind one. And the God who is beyond the planes is unknowable except

by His own Grace. And He is extremely careful to whom He gives that Grace. So when beloved Baba used to tell us that He was God,

I used to think, "Yes, Baba, You are God all right- the One God and all the Gods-but what good is that to me?"

In fact, I used to get so fed-up with Him being God that I wished He wasn't or I wished He was a sort-of an Old

Testament God for Whom I could slaughter some fat

lambs or a spotless young bull in return for some added acreage. I got so tired of His being so much God that I wrote a song about it and sang it to him. It goes something like, "if only You were a bit less God, a bit

Man, being one's own and the world's Beloved is His main job. Others can become as much God or as much Man

as He, but only Baba is more Beloved than any other beloved. And is infinitely worth serving.

But now a great problem arises. How to serve that One who is All-beloved, for whatever one does with love is

done by Him. All that is done for the Beloved is done

by the Beloved. And so one arrives at the painful conclusion that the Beloved alone exists- which means

that oneself doesn't And that's a terrible predicament to find oneself in-for one is still there.

The only solution I found was to accept the position: "You alone are and I am not, but we are both here." And

having arrived at this acceptance Baba now taught me a poetical form capable of expressing all the shades of the impossible relationshipsof lover and Beloved. Such a form has not existed in English up till now, because the lover-Beloved dilemma was not part of the BritishAmerican consciousness. And, of course, beloved Baba

being the author of this new form was (or seemed to be) delighted with my exercises in it.

And here is a delicious piece of humor in connection with this. There was a period when Baba had me read a new poem to him three times every morning. Do you know why three times? Baba was memorizing them.

Why memorizing them? So that He could quote them


next time He comes back, in 700 years! That is really God-Man humor, isn't it. Then there were His extraor

dinary orders or commissions. His last was for 30 ghazalsghazal is the name of the new poetical form He taught me. It happened this way. One morning after the usual morning business was finished, Baba said He wanted me to write 30 ghazals. Could I do that? I replied promptly and brightly, "No, Baba." This reply seemed to rather astonish Him. He turned to t he other mandali and

said, "Well, what do you think of that? I ask this fellow

to write 30 ghazals and he says, No, Baba." Then Baba turned questioningly back to me. 1 said, or rather I groaned, "I don't know whether I can write one ghazal-and you ask for 30. I don't think there are any more in my head." Then He says sympathetically and persuasively, "Try, and I will help you." So it was back to the stone-quarry again to cut and build 30 more little poem-houses, each one a bit different; for the Beloved likes variety.

But still I did not know what a might Beloved our Beloved is. This knowledge has come to me only recently-since Baba laid aside His body. Now, the Beloved would not be the Beloved if He didn't

have a thousand whims and moods, if He didn't play His eternal game of divine pretense; if He was not all ears for the lover's praise and stone deaf to his complaints; if He was not All-knowledge and All-ignoranceat the same

become footless, and walk; to become headless, and think; to exert himself to the utmost, and leave evetything to Him.

Though it its not the time yet for us to know the wine of His kiss on our lips, we have received the kiss of His Word in our hearts. If it were not so, how could all

you dear ones who have never seen His Man-form be lere now

Who but the Beloved of Beloveds could speak His Word silently in your hearts and make you come from across the world to take His darshan, to bow down to

Him in your hearts? Such a thing has never happened before. I have been at Mass-darshans where tens of thousands came and bowed down to His Man-form. But to come thousands of miles to bow down to

Him in one's own heart, that is of an entirely different order of devotion.

Why has beloved Baba given you people this extraor dinary privilege? Because He required a few to do what the many, what everyone, must eventually do: journey across the world of illusion to take darshan of Him in

their hearts. What a Beloved is our Beloved; what a

mighty Beloved. This Word which He has spoken in your hearts, which will be spoken in every heart in the world, will lead you by the hand, and drive you with whips to the door of your Beloved, to the wineshop of your Master-where it will

become yourown puresong

time. He would not be the Beloved if He did not deco rate the walls of His wine

of praise and will cause the Beloved winemaster to open the door and bring you in and pour for you a glass of the wine of self-forgetful-

shop with pretty pictures such

as "All the religions being drawn together as beads on one string" and "700 yeats of peace," and then invite the lover to cross deserts of heart-dryness and oceans of tears to receive the wine of His kiss; but when the lover

at last staggers in at the door, the Beloved spends the whole time showing him the pictures and expecting his interest and admiration.

What a Beloved our Beloved is! What a Beloved we have chosen to serve! What is it to the thirst-crazed

ness and Beloved-alone-re

membrance. The very Word with which He knocked on the doors of your hearts and aroused you to set your feet on the path to Him, the same Word will knock on His door and make Himopen it to you- Himself. I bow down to this mighty One in each of you.

But you also have your parts to play on this grand journey you have begun-you must not leave it all to

He would not be the Beloved if He did not tell the

your Beloved. For every step the lover takes to the Beloved, the Beloved takes ten steps to the lovet. But the lover must continually take that one step. We must practice taking beloved Baba's darshan, bowing down to Him in our hearts, every day, then every moment

lover to stand up and sit down at the same moment; to

until we have continuous sight of Him.

lover if a lot of glass beads are strung on one string? Will that make them turn into diamonds? What if

there is 700 years of peace? Will not war again follow?

(continued on back page)





MEETINGS - MeherBabaevents are held on Saturday nights.

Saturday, April 10: An Evening of Persian Sufi

TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM


unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the

Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley). Take the Buchanan Street exit from Interstate 80. To check for

program changes call 510-845-4339. »

Bookstore & Childcare

Saturday, March 6: Working with the Body Louise Barrie will host a panel (Odile Atthalin, Robert Dreyfuss, Scott Maloney, Doug Ross and Ed Van Buskirk)

to discuss and explore ways in which working through the medium of the body (bodywork, body-oriented psychotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture) expresses and reaches for our relationship with Meher Baba. Join us for a lively

Saturday, April 17: Are You Really a Baba Lover? Dick Anthony discusses the Question. Do you ever doubt that Baba is who He says He is. or question whether you are really a Baba Lover? Eruch told Dick that faith in Baba is more authentic if you don't repress your doubts. Dick will discuss what he makes of

this advice and the role that doubt plays for him, and maybe others, in following Baba. Come share your own doubts, if any, and let's try to make sense of this ques tion.

Saturday, April 24: Masts, War, Spiritual Centers and Seclusion: Meher Baba in the 1940s Ben Leet and Peter Ravazza will host this evening's program,


Saturday, March 13: Quarterly Salon and Toddy Shop The first in a new series of meetings for the expressions of our hearts with writings, story-telling, song, performance, visual art and chai. Presenters will include Steven Barrie

Anthony, Sarah Dwyer, Mehera Halliwell, Ben Leet, Jeanne Moje and Kathy Weiderhold. Want to be in the next pro gram? Call Lisa Greenstein (510) 525-3364

Saturday, March 20: Fundraiser Concert by David Miotke *

Bill Gannett leads a group reading and discussion of Persian Sufi poetry.


7:30pm Plymouth United Church of Christ, Monte Vista at Oakland Ave., Oakland. Our very own, very talented singer/ pianist and consummate entertainer will present a lively evening of his own Baba songs and ghazal settings. Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door. They will be available at Baba meetings or by mail at C/O PJR, P.O. Box 11275, Oakland, CA., 94611 or phone (510) 466-9587. Checks payable to MBCNC. All proceeds will benefit the Meher Baba Center of Northern California.

Saturday, March 27: Margaret Bernstein and Friends This longtime Baba lover will play original compositions on both flute and piano, classical selections on flute and may evensingan originalsong.Please come support and celebrate the release of her new album, "On the Threshold of Change." dedicated to her son, Julian Song.

Saturday, April 3: Uppers, Downers, All Arounders In the 1960s Meher Baba issued several warnings about the

dangers of using drugs. Deborah Tyler, experienced in substance abuse counseling, will talk about the effects of drug use and review the latest research into the biochemical impact of drugs. She will also remind us what Baba and Bhau Kalchuri have said about their spiritual

" promising "everything you ever wanted to know" about this eventful decade in the avatar's advent.

Saturday, May 1: Raine Eastman-Gannett sings songs of Mehera An evening of songs of Beloved Baba's Mehera, with passages from her biography read by Bill Gannett.

Saturday, May 8: Meher Baba—Father, Friend, Firm Master, Constant Companion until the Very End What is it like to follow Meher Baba? What do we gain and lose? Is He involved in my day-to-day life? What if Baba came and went without my knowing of Him? Should

I appreciate the change His influence makes? Why is per fection so far away? Kathy Wiederhold will make it fun to consider these questions.

May 15: Darshan Revisited Come reminisce and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the 1969 darshan. Bring pictures and other memorabil ia, if you were among those fortunate enough to have attended.

May 22: Practical Mysticism Let's come together to discuss ways to use the tools Meher Baba has given us for becoming practical mystics.

Peter Ravazza invites all to join an open discussion and an evening of good snacks, fun and a relaxing departure from the stresses of the Kali Yuga!


impact. Families and kids, bring your questions.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Joan Harland • Vice President, Harold Jamison • Secretary. Ron Greenstein • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board of Directors: Odile Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn • Betty Lowman • Cherri Nelson

Bookstore: Kate Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White • Program: Greg Harland Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

Happenings will happen- even Grand Happenings. But they will not be that Happening which has to happen in our hearts. So do not look to these other happenings

to nourish your faith; depend only upon His Word and its Song in your hearts.


EI Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis

Be prepared for a long, long journey to have the Be

Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony

loved's real darshan. But it may only take a mere 700

at (510) 524-6405.

years to reach His door and bow down to Him for the last time and merge in Him forever. JAI BABA! The Victory is His.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

Farewell Tea for Laura Hogan and Kacy Cook We wish our dedicated Bookstorewalla Laura Hogan

happy trails as she heads off to her new home in cold northern climes (Minnesota)—well suited to her

Finnish heritage! At the same^ tra^rbefore she leaves for more southern climes, Kacy Cook, western resident of India for the past 20 years, will share stories frorn her rich experience of life at Meherazad.

Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924-

Santa Cruz - Alternate Thursdays- 7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (813) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM

All are invited to a good-bye tea Sunday March 7

Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call Helen at (925) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard,

from 2 to 5 PM at the home of Alan and Karen Talbot,

(925) 930-8670 for directions.

721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. Please bring tea treats to share. Please RSVP, (925) 376-4325. THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact

Announcement from the Trustwalla MBCNC (Meher Baba Center of Northern California)

Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

is in the process of being certified- to receive tax deductible donations to AMBPPT (Avatar Meher Baba

Perpetual Public Trust.) If you have any questions regarding how to donate to the Trust in this way, call either: Jack Mormon, (510) 232-1894 or Peter


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of .available publicaitons by.writing or phoning Meher BabaJnformation. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510)562-1101

Ravazza, (510) 769-1839


of Northern California, Inc.


2131 Uni

Ity Avenue, Room 235 rnia 9470




yrii T 2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235




VOL. 29

SUMMER - 1999

Bernice Ivory Many Baba lovers have heard of Beryl Williams, a Jamai' can-American woman who heard about Meher Baba from Norina Matchabelli and spent time with Him when He vis/ted the U.S in the 1950s. Bemice Ivory, her sister, who passed away last Febru ary, gave the talk from which this article was excerpted at the Los Angeles Sahavas in July, 1983:

thing but I didn't pay any attention and as time went on, I had the children and there was nothing for Beryl to do but come and tell me about Baba. I'm home from

the hospital, three children. Beryl would come, "boom, boom, boom" on the door. I'd look

through the peephole. "Oh, God, not again!"

The Nothingness of All Things, The Oneness of Everything

She'd come in and sit on the stool in the kitchen and she'd read. She'd read about the "DIS COURSE ON LOVE" and Baba.

Now, Norina told them about Baba,

I didn't know it was Baba then.

I'd say, "Maybe she's hungry." "You want to eat, Beryl?" "Oh, yes. 1 didn't have any breakfast." I'd have to stop what I'm doing—diapers,

this Master in the East and how He was

expected to make a return visit to the West and, oh, was she (Beryl) ready! Was she ready! In the mean time, I am perfectly happy. Baba had me get preg nant. I had not one baby,but two babies. So, when I would think about it, I would do my chanting and I was happy with

bottles, you know—and give her some breakfast. Well, to make a

long story short, Beryl wouldcome and she knew, she knew that 1

didn't like her coming, and she told me after, she said she would get up in the morning and Baba told her to go up to Bernice and she would come up to Bernice, and I began to notice this! I said, "Now, this isn't Beryl." Berylhad

where 1 was.

Well, when Beryl heard Baba was com ing in 1952, she came and told me and asked me if I wanted to go down to Myrtle Beach to meet Baba. I'm grum

bling to myself, "How does she know?" Oh, she told me, "He's a Master" and

a fuse this, this long, yousee, and if you didn't say something the

I'm grumbling, "How can she know He's

Bernice and Harry Ivory a Master?" You know, "I'm not goin' way she liked, she was finished. as they'd like to be remembered. down there in the South. She can go She'd snap you up and that's it. down there if she wants to. I'm not going there." I didn't hide the fact that she annoyed me, you know,

So Beryl went and she met Baba. She came back. Now, in the meantime I'm pregnant again. It was my early pregnancy. Well, you know Baba had the accident and all and she was taken up, going back and forth with Baba, and when she did come to see me, the minute I

saw Beryl, the minute I saw her, I felt there was some

thing different about her. You know, I felt that some-

to the point where I told her, "You telling me all these things, it's like you're telling me, 'You need a Master. Youneed a Master. You cannot do this by yourself.'"One day I got so exasperated, I said, "I can't understand what you're telling me, Beryl. It's like a person with a broken leg and you take the crutch and you give them nothing to walk with, you know. I can't understand this."


(continued on page 2)



So she left this book with me, the "DISCOURSES ON

LOVE", and I'm grumbling and say, "Love! She needs to get married and have some children!" Okay, so, she left me the book and when she wasgoing out of the door she said, "This is for you." I took it and we said goodbye. When I closed the door and locked it, I wondered what it was. Instead of looking at it, I just held it. When I looked at what she had given me, it was this picture of Baba. And as I did, inside me, my heart inside me was

"perrumpadump"! I got so scared, I ran into myhusband Harry's room, and I ran to put it in his dresser drawer. My sakes! I didn't know what had happened to me! What is this? Okay, I gotjdl involved in the things 1 had to do and she didn't come back for a while. In the

meantime, I took this DISCOURSE that she'd given me. I was getting into bed and opened the book and I tried to read it and my head started spinnin'. I got such a headache. I said, "What in the world?" I said, "You went to high school. You can't read it?"I got so mad, I slammed the book shut. I said, "Well, if this man Baba is all she said, He'll show me," and I put the book in the drawer.

One day I said to myself, "I ought to take that picture out of the drawer because she may think I don't want it." Instantly, Baba says, "Don't take it out until you're ready." Just like that, "Don't take it out before you're ready."A month or so after, I thought about the picture. So I went to open my Harry's dresser drawer and I eased it out and I looked at it and nothing happened, you know. So I put it up on his dresser. I was still making looks at it, whenever I was in the room, I would look to see if anything would happen, and nothing happened again. So, eventually, I eased the picture over, dusted it and put it on my night table.

Well, It wasSeptember. I had played the Numbers. You go in and you buy three numbers and you put a quarter on the game and come out. I bought this number. I said, "Oh, Harry, I know what the number's going to be." He says, "Yeah?" "I'm going to run over to Doris's"—that's my friend. Her husband works in the hospital and he can get it in for me. And so I run over to her house and I put it in. "Now, don't lock the door, Harry. I'm coming right back 'cause I've put the children to bed. Don't

lock the door. I'm coming right back." He said, "Okay." I went over to Doris's and I remembered that Johnny wasn't going to work the next day. So now, we sat and talked. 1 put on the coffee pot and we talked. I said, "I have to go home, you know. The door is open and Harry wants to go on to bed" and "blah, blah, blah" and "1 have to go home. Yes.well, and "blah, blah, blah."

Four A.M.! I jumped up. I said, "Doris, look at the time! Four! I can't believe it! What happened? What were we doing?" Four o'clock! 1 flew across the corridor and up the stairs, opened the door real quietly, you know, and went in. Everything's quiet. Everybody's sleeping, so now 1 said, "Well, I won't put the light on in my bed room because 1 might wake Harry and he'll know what time I came in!" So I put the light on in the hall. I went and got my nightgown and washed up and was just getting ready to come out of the bedroom to turn off the hall light and Baba said,"Why don't you meditate?" "Meditate? Meditate on what?" But that's what Baba

said^"Why don't you meditate?" The children had a little chair, but a small one, for theirs. So I took the chair and sat down in front of the

night table, in front of Baba's picture. My bottom didn't hit the chair good before the picture started glowing. The picture started with this light. 1 was sitting there and now the light is getting SO beautiful, SO radiant, and it's just ebbing and flowing, and ebbing and flow ing,and ebbingand flowing, and justdancing, but outlining Baba, just Baba, and He looks so, so serene, so beautiful. All of a sudden, the light lifted up, lifted from the picture like this, and it came up, boom, and it struck me here, and it hit me and with such force, I almost

fell off the chair. O, yes, I believe! Yes, I believe! I was on fire! I didn't know where to go. I didn't know what to do with myself. I was on fire from head to toe. I ran to the window. I threw open the window. I wanted to scream to the world. I wanted to tell everybody. Noth ing wouldcome out. I came back. I went to my husband. (I forgot he was sleeping.) I ran into the children's room. I went to the phone to call Betyl, then 1 realized what time it was and I hung up. I said,~"Oh, Lord, what is this?" Oh. I was on fire. Then I calmed down. I said, "I wonder if that'll happen again?" Back I went and sat in front of Baba's picture. As soon as I sits down, the picture started to glow again. Now, this is a golden light and permeating the whole picture, so beautiful. It came around Baba's face, you know, and it outlined His whole face, His whole face, His whole face. Then it came

across His forehead and then it crossed each eye, His nose, His mouth, then it came across His neck and onto

the table, slowly,you know, beautiful golden light, across the table.

On the table, I had pencil and a lot of little things you would have on a night table, and everything that the light touched dissolved into the light across the table, spread onto it, and everything became One. Then it started to recede back to the picture, with all the things (continued on page 4)

MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCA TIONS - Events are held at the

Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marin and Stannage Streets, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (north of Berkeley) Take the Buchanan Street exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore & Childcare

Saturday, May 29: An evening with Jai and Dolly Dastur Those of you who have made the journey to Meher Baba's tomb and the Pilgrim Centre have met Jai and Dolly, longtime lovers of the Avatar who live in the shadow of Baba's samadhi. Their

decades of contact with Beloved Baba provide for many an evening's wonderful stories. Come to hear some of their gems.

Thursday, June 3, 7-9 PM: Sweets and Treats with Jai and Dolly at the Talbot's Come to the Talbot's with desserts to share. 721

Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. If you need directions call (925) 376-4325.

Saturday, June 26: Meher Baba's Silence As the 74th anniversary of the beginning of Baba's silence approaches, Janet White will lead a discus sion about His silence, begun on July 10, 1925.

Saturday, July 3: No meeting, as many will be attending the L.A. Sahavas Saturday, July 10, 2 PM: Silence Day Walk Meet at Inspiration Point in Tilden Park for a walk in silence. Call Joan Harland, (510) 237-5348 for directions (before July 10th, please!)

Saturday, July 17: QuarterlySalon and Toddy Shop The second in a series of meetings for the expression of our hearts through writing, story-telling, song,

performance, visual art and chai. We plan on hav ingsix or seven presenters in differentmedia; please call Lisa Greenstein (510) 525-3364 if you'd like to be part of the program.

Saturday, July 31: Sufism Reoriented and Meher Baba Lovers of Northern California: History and Future Prospects Our group originally had a close relationship with Sufism but, at a certain point in the late 70s, it

Saturday, June 5, 2 PM: Potluck Picnic with Jai and Dolly at Anil and Vijay Nori's home Bring picnic fare, blankets and sun hats to the Noris' in South San Jose. Paper goods and utensils provid ed. For directions, e-mail Anil at

or call (w) 650-480-6077 or (h) 408-223-0153.

Saturday, June 12, 7PM: AQM Come early so we can start our Annual General Meeting promptly! This is your chance to voice your opinions, vote on next year's budget, elect a new boatd of directors and volunteer for one of the

sanskara-burning positions currently empty. We'd like to see all Bay Area Baba lovers there!

Saturday, June 19: Are You Really a Baba Lover? Dick Anthony Discusses the Question.

seemed appropriate for us to establish a clearer boundary between the twogroups. Currently some ofourmembers prefer a closer relationship with Sufism and some prefer that wemaintain a firm boundary. Greg Harland will facilitate discussion of this topic. A panel or

other presentation may precede the discussion.

Saturday, August 21: Souls on Fire with Bill and Peggy Stephens. Bill and Peggy, long-time Baba lovers and openhearted hosts to many, will be in town to visit. Bill, an author, poet, lawyer, marine biologist and Baba enthusiast will speak on the theme of his latest book, Souls on Fire.

Weare pleased to announce that BhauKhalchuri, member of Meher Baba's mandali and the Trust, will be visitig

Do you ever doubt that Baba is who He says He is, or

the Bay Area from Thursday, September 9 - Tuesday, September 14. Many programs are being planned and

told Dick that faith in Baba is more authentic if you makes of this advice and the role that doubt plays for

a full schedule of these events will appear in the next newsletter. All are invited to join in preparation for this specialvisit. Please note the enclosed information about

him, and maybe others, in following Baba. Come share your owndoubts, and let's makesense of this question.

fundraisers. For more information and to volunteer call Karen Talbot at (925) 376-4325.

question whether you are really a Baba Lo^r? Eruch

don't repress your doubts. Dick will discuss what he

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Joan Harland, Vice President, Harold Jamison, Secretary, Ron Greenstein, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Odille Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson

Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White • Program: Greg Harland Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

removed from the dresser, in the light. Then, as it went

back to Baba's picture, it became like the funnel, and all these things poured into Baba, into Baba, and when the last part of the light went into the photo, went into the picture, Baba said, "Opposite the Nothingness of all things, the Oneness of everything." With that they came out. The light came out of the picture again, across Baba, down onto the dresser, and each thing took its form again. Well! I wasn't the same for months. I tell you, I was suspended like, I was between. Baba did everything for me. As I said, I had the children, you know, little babies, and they had different formulas and all, and one day, I was making the formulas and I remembered get ting all these bottles, and this was the time you made the formula with the bottles—you know, eight bottles',

and you put them in the sterilizer and you had to^cour the brushes and put them in the bottle, so I was sitting thete, making the formula, and the next thing I knew, I heard Baba—I started out with the washing of the bottles and I heard Baba saying,"What time is it?"in my head. "What time is it?" What time is it? What? So with

that, I moved over to the refrigerator, 'cause the clock is over the refrigerator, to see what time it was, and in moving over to the refrigerator and focusing on time, I became aware of my surroudings. I became aware I was in the kitchen and what I was doing, and the formula was all made and waiting there for me, and that's the way I functioned for several months, with Baba telling

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings '8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 3220886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 1J :00 AM Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional garherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Thursdays -7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (831) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call

Helen at (925) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (925) 930-8670 for directions.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

me what to cook and what to fix and what. I used to

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact

say, "Oh, Baba, don't let anybody come" I just

Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

wanted to be with Him. Jusfwanted to stiyrj$h tfiatstate, but gradually He brought me down, you know,-to where' I could function. (To be continued.) "-•'."" Ed. Note: Our thanks to Harry Ivory for lending us the photo on page I, and to Barbara Roberts for transcribing this article.

MEHER BABA INFORMATION. . ' People who wish to know more about Meher~Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California, Inc.

213 l^UniversitprAvenue, Room 235 Califoini; rrectioi





VOL. 29

FALL 1999

The Interplay of the Lover and the Beloved - Bernice Ivory, Part 2 Bernice Ivory, a longtime disciple of Meher Baba, passed awaylast February. Shegave the talk from which this article was excerpted at the Los Angeles Sahavas in July, 1983.

Ah, such jealousy! I got so mad! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! 1 was trying to control myself. Well! "Baba said not to

expect anything and it's up to Baba if He wants to send somebody a cable. What's the matter?" So I came home seething. I got ready for bed, and I sat on the bed and I cried. 1 cried and I cried to Baba. Baba said, very patiently, "You don't know how lucky you are."

In 1954 the men went over to India to

the "Three Incredible Weeks." Beryl had told me that while they were there, Baba wanted us to meditate four different times:

on arising, at 12 in the afternoon, at 5 in the evening, and before retiring, so I said, "Good!" and I started doing that. It was at this time that Baba drew me to India.

I saw Baba for the first time in India, when the men were there. I saw Him

going up the hill in His white sadra. I'd never seen Baba in His sadra. I didn't

know what Baba wore. He had on His white sadra, and

the men were following Him. Then He'd stop, and I didn't know what He was picking up, and He'd throw it, you know, and 1 told Beryl. She said that the men had said that Baba picked up and held a stone. I de scribed Him and she said, "You saw Baba!"

It was a period of learning, a period of Baba opening my heart, of cleaning it out as He wanted to. It wassuch a beautiful time, and it was then that Baba showed mc that I was His child and He was my father. There were times that 1 would feel like 1 was a little puppy whim

pering. I'd want to get inside Baba's pocket and just disappear, and stay close to Him and be with Him all the time. It was a time of such joy, such serenity, such a peace, such peace. At that time, I could ask Baba anything, but I didn't have sense enough to do it! We used to go to the Monday night meeting, and after the meeting we'd stop in a restaurant. We'd have a good talk about Baba and Beryl would tell us Baba stories. At this time Baba had asked us to write Him, but not

to expect an answer. So we were sitting at the table and I happened to look up. I saw Beryl mouthing to some body, "1 got an answer from Baba. Got a cable from Baba. " 1 read her lips.

When He said that I shuddered. I jumped in the bed, covered up my head—I'm fa mous for jumping in the bed! And I don't know how much later Baba brought back the memory and made me face what had happened. He said, "That was God shud dering at the depths of His own ignorance." Did you get that? Even God has to shudder at the depths of His own ignorance. We're so blind, so far away, and it's God's own ignorance. He had to shudder Himself!

Baba would tell me stories. Instead of my reading the DISCOURSES He would tell me stories, like a father would tell a child stories. This is one He told me about

the inverted ego. He was always telling me about me, about what was keeping me from bringing it up and clearing it out. So, He told me this story. He said that once a lover heard that his Master was coming to visit

his town and his joy knew no bounds. So, what did he do? He said he would go to the market place and he would get a fruit, you know, to present to Him. So he went to the market place and he found the most beau tiful apple, the most delicious red apple, and he went to see the Master. The Master saw him coming, and He stood up and welcomed him with open arms and the lover gave the Master the apple. The Master took the apple, put the apple on the table and told him to go home and come back the next day. The next day the Master was sitting in the same spot and again He reached out and welcomed him with open arms. But the lover thought, "I gave Him the apple yesterday, and He didn't 1999

(continued on page 2)





even eat it." He went back the next day, and oh, He was so happy to see him and the apple was still sitting

"Thank You, Baba"

there. He was told to come back a fourth time. That

I saw Baba in 1956 when He came. I had a chance,

night, he could not go to sleep. He thought, "What is it? He accepted the apple. He was so happy to have it. He's so happy to see me. He's greeted me so warmly and so lovingly. Why doesn't He eat the apple?" So this fourth day, the disciple's running to meet Him, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the Master gets a knife, and the apple falls open and there are worm holes! Worm holes, all inside this delicious apple. And just as

remember, in '52, as 1said, but I wasn't going then, and

the horrified lover wanted to dash his head on the

ground in front ofJ:he Master. He smiled,Jook the knife

and He started flicking out all the worm holes, making the apple now fit for the Master to eat. You get it? That is the individual. We have come to Him with all these worm holes, and that was me. I thought I was a wonderful person! I really did. I used to meditate and I thought I was spiritual When I went

to meet Baba, I really thought I was a wonderful person. In telling me this story, He was showing me the invert ed ego that thinks that it's wonderful, it does good, it's leading a spiritual life, and all the time, it's pushing the garbage under and before the Master can use that dis

ciple, He has to clean him out! He has to get rid of all these sanskaras and make him fit to receive this love.

To receive. The eating of the apple is receiving you. See? To be fit to eat, you know, for Him! It's not what

you think, what I thought I was, but what I really was.

Baba showed me this, and I tell you, we laughed. Both of us laughed! He said it was from the beginningless

Baba came again in 1956. Baba would have us meditate.

I would meditate in the morning when I would awaken, and at 12:00 and then 5:00 and so on.

So at 12:00, I was meditating one day. I used to sub scribe to magazines and the man used to come once a

month to get paid for the magazines. I had done my budgetand decided I wasn't going to pay him this month, I'll pay him next month. I didn't like him anyway. He was so bigand fat and sloppy. He used to come with

all his stomach out, and he'd be dripping perspiration, and anyway I said, "I'm not going to pay him this month, I'll pay him next month." So I'm meditating on Baba, and oh, wow! Such bliss,

such beauty, oh, so wonderful, Baba, so wonderful being with You. Baba says, "Somebody's gonna knock at the door." It was so blissful, and when Baba said, "Some body's going to knock at the door," He brought me down, more aware ofwhat was going on, andsure enough, "Knock, knock, knock." With the first knock, pins and needles just shot through me because I hadn't fully become settled, and so I went to the door, and looked

through the peephole. There's this magzine man! I felt I wanted to get inside the man. I could feel this pull! Ooo! I want to—I ran in the room, and went in the

drawer, got the rent money, and got the payment out of it. Then Baba says, "Will you stay beind the .door?" I did all my business behind the door with my head

beginning, from the time of evolution. There was alwaysThis desire torshowThe^good front, and wharwas available to hide the dirt under but another piece of

sticking out. I wanted to unite, I could see what was

dirt. So I took this piece of dust and put the first piece of dirt under the dust, hiding. So this is my habit,

wonderful! But see, that's the way Baba showed me things, not by talk, and no reading. He made me ex perience it, you know. It actually happened, so I know

pushing the dirt. So here He comes to me, and here's

this big mountain of dirt, and a little piece of dirt on top, from all the lifetimes! Do you understand?! You see, this little piece that I think is hiding this pyramid! A pyramid, on top of that! A mountain! This little bit on top of that! When I saw the point, we started laugh ing, both of us. We just laughed and laughed. Baba says, "It would be a simple thing for Me to just stick it away, but the fun is in the sharing it! See? This is the interplay of the lover and the Beloved."

These are the kind of stories that Baba would tell me, and we would have fun together. It wasn't alwaysfunny. He would have to box my ears a couple of times when I didn't listen to Him, but oh, what a wonderful time!

behind him, and what was behind-me wanted to unite

with That. I loved him. Baba showed me. It was just

what it is to feel that Love, that pull. It was delight, you know, to become One. The outer has nothing to do with it, nothing at all. It's beautiful—and can you imagine when all others feel a little of it?

I'll tell you another little thing that Baba said when He was here in Myrtle Beach in 1958. We were in the Lagoon Cabin. Three sisters went to see Baba. Baba had

us three sisters come into the Cabin. He was sitting in His chair and we were sitting in front of Him. Beryl was in the middle. I was on her left and Benita was on her

right. Baba asked us how were we enjoying the Center, if everything was all right? And we all said, "Yes, Baba, everything was all right." And Beryl said, "Baba we're




so fortunate to be here with You, the three of us at this time." And Baba said, "It is no small matter to look on

the face of the Ancient One." And He said, "Ages ago, I ordained this." Then He said, "Any problems? Any problems with the prejudice?" 'Cause we stayed at the Colored motel, off the Center. Beryl got to sleep on the Center. Other people stayed at other motels 'cause everyone couldn't stay on the Center. We happened to be at the Black motel. So we said, "No, Baba. We're not



know really how to give thanks or the meaning of the thanks, but I thanked Him.

Questioner: How was your husband taking all of this? Bernice: Oh, that's a good question! On the whole, Hatry was very good. Let's see. I had the children in 1953. I had caesarean section. It

was a difficult birth. So in 1953, 1954, I wasn't well, After the children, we didn't have much sex. So here comes the order from

having any difficulty, any prob

Baba: We have to be celibate for

lems." So then, Baba looked at

six months. Six months! I said,

me and He said, "You are very old." He says, "You have been this. You have been that. Very-

"Oh Baba, how am I going to tell Harry?!" I mean, Harry would say "yes yes" to things, but I didn't know if He was gonna "yes yes"

old...You don't remember. The

Soulneverchanges." He said,"But, this one! But Baba told me ex Bernice and Harry on their50th anniversay perhaps, at one time, let's say you actly how to talk to him, what were very beautiful, perhaps a blond, very beautiful, and to say, and it was difficult. I give Harry a great deal of let's say you ignored a Colored person." He said, "So, credit because it was all new to him. He had respect for you had to take on a Colored body so that you can feel Baba, but he hadn't met Him yet. He met Him in 1956, what it's like to be Colored." but this was before he met Baba, and for him to go along with me was really something. I give him a great deal I sat there like a dummy, looking at Baba. I didn't know of credit. Baba helped. Baba helped a great deal. Harry what He's talking about, but don't think I didn't find never opposed me. In fact, he was always suppottive out! I had bad karma. Very bad karma. I dreaded the with things I wanted to do. South. My parents were born in the West Indies— Questioner: When did you start noticing the change in Trinidad. We didn't know anything about the South. him though, because he's [now] a Baba-lover? Mother had a friend who used to tell my mother all the things that went on down there, and I would sit near Bernice: Well, he was never outside of Baba, you know the door and listen. I would be trembling and shaking what I mean? There was no change in him when he met and I didn't know why I was doing that. I had an inborn Baba, you see. Baba loved him. In fact, when his young dread of the South. 1 had bad karma. One night, Baba er sister Elizabeth died in childbirth, he was really bro let me experience a lynching. I was lynched. I know ken up. We sent a cable to Baba, and Baba sent a cable what the rope feels like. I know what it is to be lynched. to Harry. He said, "Elizabeth is blessed in My love for Babagot rid of that for me. I had something coming for you." So, you see, Baba loves Harry. He's a good person, me in the South, and when Baba brought that business

of color up, it wasn't for nothing. So, Thank You, Beloved. Thank You. That's all I can say.

In fact, in 1956, when we were at Longchamps, Baba

stood up after different ones had come to the table and had greeted Him, He stood up and started coming around to the different tables to greet His guests and His lovers. When Baba stood up, I said, "Oh, Baba, I don't know what to say to you. What can I tell you? I don't know..." 1 had nothing to ask. So Baba said, "You just give thanks. Just give thanks." So when He came to our table, He took my sister's hand and my hand and He looked from one to the other and He smiled. I said,

"Thank You, Baba." And that's what I always do. 1don't

a very, very good person. He doesn't talk about Baba or read Baba's books, but he lives a good life. Why, he took his vacation so I could be here. He's with the

children, four children. When I went to India, it was the same thing.

Our children range in age from 33 to 7. We have three children naturally of our own. The oldest is 33 and the twins are 30, and then we have three adopted children: 12, 10 and 7, and we're raising our granddaughter.who is 11. And in between, we've had at least fourteen chil dren because we've had foster children.

As 1 explained, we had our three children and 1 was anxious for them to grow up so I could be free. 1 went




back to school and took courses in bookkeeping and switchboard operatingand all. I was getting ready, honey! 1was getting restless at home. So Baba said—Baba was very helpful, "Why don't you go for volunteer work?

So I went to the hospital and they put me up in the preemie nursery, and I found it too distressing to see the little tiny babies and their struggle and the incubators. So, I left that. Then I heard about a rescue hospital for children. In the earlier days, if you couldn't raise your

baby, you would put the baby in a basket and leave it there, at front of the door and they would take the baby and take care of it.

So, I went to the New York Foundling Hospital was a Catholic hospital. In those days if you were not a Catholic, they wouldn't accept you. I went and filled out the application. I put down "Protestant" and there I am, a volunteer. When we used to sit down for lunch, some of the other volunteers asked me about this and

that, and when they found out I was Protestant, they said, "How did you become a volunteer? They don't, as a rule, take non-Catholics." But I was there! So, up on the ward that I worked on with the children, the Sister said to me, "Bernice, why don't you consider foster care? There are so many children who need homes and you would be more help to them in the home." That sound ed nice, and I'd forgotten that I couldn't wait to get rid

of these children of myown. I'd forgotten all about that. I put in the application for interim care, taking care of the child until its mother's able to take care of it, two weeks, three weeks at the most.

I got this call, "Oh, Mrs. Ivory, we have an emergency. We have this little girl in Long Island, and she's been very badly abused.1' A young" couple had had Ker Tn foster care. The mother was 15 and she had the baby at the Foundling Home and she left it there. The child hated the nursery. She used to SCREAM, SCREAM, SCREAM. So they had put her in foster care with this young couple. When the husband left the foster mother she was using the money that she was getting for the care of the child to pay her mortgage, and she used to give her nothing but milk. When she came to me, she was just covered with diaper rash, she was a mess. They called me and asked would I take this baby? 17 months old, right?



fell down and away. You understand what I'm saying? Okay. The minute the child saw me, she was so happy. They said, "It looks like she's taken to you." I said, "Yeah." I still hadn't remembered that I wasn't supposed to be having any more children! So, anyway, the child grew nicely. We got her at 17 months, and she went home to her mother when she was 7 years old, but in the meantime, she was around 4 years old. Now I have to go back to my childhood to bring this up to date with what I'm going to tell you now. I was about 7-8-9-something like that. My mother used to send us to Sunday School. I had a younger brother and sister, and the family upstairs had two sons. One was an older boy, and the younger boy was around our ages. So we used to go to Sunday School together, and

where we had to go, it was dangerous, but the older brother was old enough to take care of all of us. But he was full of foolishness, and he would chase his brother

Ralph up the stoop. He chased Ralph up the stoop. Ralph ran down, out into the street and Bam! A taxi cab hit him, killed him instantly.

I felt so bad! This was my first encounter with death, and to see the child just running, and now there he is,

all smashed up there. Ooooh..! Well, anyway, the fam ily eventually moved away, and we moved away, and I grew up, and here I am, a grown woman. I've had my children. Now, I come into foster care. One day, I'd say Tishawn was about 4 years old. I don't know what I was doing, but all of a sudden, the entire scene of this accident that happened when I was 7 or 8 yearsold, just like a screen opened, and there was the whole thing, and I said, "What am I thinking about this for at this late-date? Why is this coming into my..head.qo.wJ!ll.s,aid> "Oh Baba, I'm not thinking any more about it," another pushing behind me, under the little piece of dirt. That's how I used to put things out. I didn't want to be both ered with it. So, anyway, here I hadn't thought about it anymore. Now, this child was a very poor eater, and I used to have to coax her to eat, singing and almost stand on my head to get her to eat, and this day, she was at the table with me in the afternoon. She was

having her lunch, and I'm feeding her and talking to her. All of a sudden, she leans over to me, and she says to me, "Mommy, do you remember the time when I ran out into the street, and that taxi cab hit me and I died?"

Now, we had four rooms. I had three children, a hus

I said, "Yes, Tishawn, I remember."...she never said

band, and myself. That's five people in four rooms. The

another word about that incident. &f^3a^&

rule for foster care is that it should have at least a room

for the child. Where am I gonna put this child? In my bedroom? With my husband and I? No! I had no crib, nothing. I got everything, the crib—all the barriers just

Ed. Note: Bernice'sfamily was from Trinidad, not Jamaica, as we had said in Part I of her story (last newsletter). Our thanks to Harry Ivory for the photo on page 3, and to Barbara Roberts for transcribing this article.



MEETINGS - MeherBabaevents areheldon Saturday nights. TIMES- Eventsstartat 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the

Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage Streets, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany(north of Berkeley) Take the Buchanan Street exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


V Saturday, September 18, 7 PM: Jane Brown and Raphael Rudd in Concert This dynamic duo is not to be missed! Their heartfelt

music for the Beloved is as powerful as it is melodic.' •TVrey'tt raise the roof tonight — be sure to come! This is a fundraiser. Suggested donation is $15. Note the7 PM starting time.

September 19, 20 and 25: Large'Screen Video Showings in San Jose and Albany. Five years in the making, Tim Thelen's video Meher Baba The Awakener is an hour-long documentary about Meher Baba. It chronologically explores all the major phases of Baba's work, highlighting Baba's explana tion of the Divine Theme. This would make a good introduction for interested friends!



Saturday, October 9, 9AM: Rummage Sale at the Friends' Meeting House, 2151 Vine St., Berkeley This is the best fund-raiser our group does all year. Donate your goods, serve a two-hourpricingor selling shift, and of course, come to buy. Great stuff from good folks for a good cause. How can you go wrong? Call Janet White to sign up for Friday night pricing, Saturday selling, or to help with hauling or cleanup (510)843-4417. Bringdonations to the Friends' Meeting House on Friday evening, Oct. 8 between 5-9 pm.

October 16: No Meeting • Meherana Sahavas Sunday, October 24, 2>5 PM Bob Brown in Song, A Commemorative Concert at the Talbot's

. Bob Brown was a dear friend and contemporary of many of us, and he has left us the treasure of his music. Ron Greenstein and Dave Miotke will organize this musical afternoon of his songs.

Saturday, October 30: Video of Irene BUlo Irene Billo was a Swiss woman who met Meher Baba in 1937 and lived in the women's ashram in India for

eight years. To be shown at Fred and Janet White's, 1811 Francisco Street, #5, Berkeley. (510) 843-4417.

Saturday, November 6: Quarterly Toddy Shop A meeting to express our hearts through writing, story

There will be two showings of this video on large screen at San Jose State College, Department of En gineering, Room 189. From Hwy. 280 North, take the 7th Street Exit and turn right. If you are entering the campus as a visitor, park in the 7th Street Garage on

Saturday, November 13: Baba's '52 visit to America

the corner of 7th and San Salvador. Park on the 3rd

Greg Harland will give us an in-depth look at the

floor and deposit $2 exact change, bills or coins. Leav ing the garage, go north along 7th, across the campus to the comer of San Fernando. The Engineering Building

Avatar's visit to America in 1952.

telling, song, performance, visual art and chai. Please call Lisa Greenstein (510) 525-3364 to participate.

V Saturday, November 20: Movie Night

is on the right. On Monday, the 7th Street Garage

Peter Ravazza will show films of Meher Baba, several

might be full. Pay $1 in exact change to park in the

of which are not on video.

South Campus lot at 7th and Humboldt and take the free shuttle. For information call (510) 965-1969.

November 27: No Meeting - Thanksgiving

• Sunday, September 19, 2-3 PM

* To arrange other bookstore times, call Katie Mink, (510) 849-1809

• Monday, September 20, 11 AM-12 PM

V Saturday September 25: Final Video Showing The final large-screen showingof Meher Baba the Awakener will be at 8 PM at the Albany Methodist Church.

Saturday, October 2: Saint Theresa ofAvila Janet White will discuss the life and writings of St. Thetesa of Avila, one of Baba's "Four Real Saints."

Please note that the contact people for the Santa Cruz meeting are now Buzz and Ginger Glasky (831) 457-0444. Meetings are held every other Wednesday or Thursday. Call for meeting days.

To get on our Newsletter Mailing List, call Scott Maloney (5109 705 8755 x777

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White. Vice President, Fred White, Secretary, Joan Harland, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Boardof Directors: Odille Atthalin • Joan Harland • Howard Jee • Molly Jones • Eruch Morton • Fred White • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Howard Jee Trustwaila: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

Khorshed Goes Home to Baba At 7:10 AM on 4th August 1999, dearest Khorshed, old mandali and close companion of early years went to Baba her Beloved Lord and Master whom she served and

adored throughout her life. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai! — Meherazad Family

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - J0:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

An Internet Note About Khorshed

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM

A little after 7 AM this morning, India time, Khorshed

Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh

Irani went to Baba. She had been ill over the weekend,

and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 3220886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

but seemed to improve on Monday, when she suffered what was apparently a heart attack. Even though she was in a great deal of pain, at one point she laughed, and her doctor and those that were around her said it

was as though she-had been tipped off to some special

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - ! 1:00 AM


Discourse readings and occasional gatherings.

After that, she lapsed into a coma for a bit over a day, and finally breathed her last this morning. Khorshed had first met Baba around 1920 in Sakori, when she was a little girl, and is the last person of whom I know that had actually heard Baba speak. Khorshed lived in the Trust compound for the last part of her life, and many Baba lovers would go to visit her there, hearing won derful stories of Baba and learning songs from her. She was also unique, I believe among the Mandali in want

Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Thursdays - 7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (831) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call

Helen at (925) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (925) 930-8670 for directions.

ing to live a long life, which she did. She will be greatly missed. — James Cox


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down


"There is a u/ineshop of which few know, where a vintner debonair sells for a good song, act or story, a vintage most rare." — Francis Brabazon. Sufi-inspired poetry and song at Raine and Bill Gannet's 7 - 9 PM, fourth Friday of each month: August 27, September 24, October 22, November 26. No December meeting. (510) 649-0433.

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California, Inc.

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