Northern California Baba Center NewsLetter 1997-1999

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VOL. 27

FALL 1997

MEHER BABA'S WARNINGS ABOUT THE OCCULT This interview with Amavaz N. Dadachanji by Nancy Wall was originally published in the Love Street Lamp Post. It is reprinted here at the request of Amavaz and DoctorGoher.

to help extend my mother's life. I told her emphatically that whether my mother lived or died was completely in Baba's

hands. As Baba has said, "Never beg me to save your life or the lives of your dear ones. Only beg me to accept you and permit you to lay down your life

N W: In Gift of God, Arnavaz, you wrote about the dangers of becoming involved in any way with the occult.

You've also told me that an increasing number of Baba lovers are asking you

for me."

questions about this subject.

Some fifteen years later this woman came to my home for Baba'sdarshan. She looked

Arnavaz: It is true that more and more

so frail and broken that I didn't even

Baba lovers have been coming to me to askwhat they can do to disentangle them selves from various kinds of occult practices, such as seeking help from the spirit world or trying to develop psychic powers. Many have also consulted other people who are involved in the occult. For instance, a common practice today is to consult "healers," people who use psychic power to eliminate disease or pain. At first the help given through occult means may make a person feel better or happier. But there are great dangers involved. This is not to say that those who explore the occult do so simply out of the desire for power. Some people have the best of intentions and they want only to help themselves or others. For example, I mentioned in Gift of God a woman who loved Baba very much, but used occult practices to save the life of her husband. Some one guided this woman, gave her mantras to repeat and instructions to follow. Her husband's life was spared,

but his whole personality changed. Whereas they had once been a very loving couple, now he s,r$pped-jj#lking to her and lived like a stranger in the house. And she could not stop herself from becoming further involved with her practices. When my mother was gravely ill with cancer, this woman came to our family, wanting

recognize her. She implored Baba to save her. Baba very lovingly embraced her, but He told her she had taken upon herself more than she could handle and therefore He couldn't help her.

She would have to suffer the consequences of her ac tions. This woman was suffering at least in part because of the heavy sanskaric load she was carrying. So al though it is natural that we should want to eliminate our own suffering or the suffering of those we love, the elimination of pain through psychic healing may actu ally serve as a block on the spiritual path of the aspirant. N W: This brings up another question for me. To what extent should we, as Baba lovers, try to eliminate our pain and suffering? Arnavaz: Well, certainly when we are in pain, it is reasonable to pursue whatever relief may be available through natural and practical means. Doctors, psychi atrists, chiropractors, massage therapists,those whopractice Chinese medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, allopa thy, Ayurvedic medicine—all these 1 would call natural and practical. But healing through psychic powers is another matter altogether. In consulting those involved in occult practices for relief from suffering, we may actually add to our sanskaras and later bring about more suffering and pain. Baba wants to free us from suffering,




but when we seek occult help, we are interfering with His work and creating further bindings for ourselves. And if we ourselves use occult means to help others, we take on the sanskaras of those we seek to help. N W: Arnavaz, you mentioned that the woman who used the occult to save her husband continued to use

it even after he had been saved. Once a person starts using occult powers, is it difficult to stop?

Arnavaz: Let me tell you two stories about that. Once when Baba was giving darshan in different parts of India, a guru who had practiced occult powers came to Him. Baba gave this man darshan several times, and he became Baba's disciple. Baba told him that he must ^Âťive-up his^pTactlce~as~a"garaand~no longer use^ the occult or allow people to bow down to him. He obeyed Baba for some time, but after a few years he returned to his old ways. He knew Baba was not pleased, and he ceased all contact, never showing his face to Babaagain. The second story involves an only child who died. Naturally, the parents were devastated, and a Babalover who was present put the dead child in his lap and sat all night, repeating Baba's name aloud. After several hours the child was revived. When Baba heard about

this incident, He sent a telegram to the man saying that He was very displeased. The man felt terrible and he came to Baba and begged for forgiveness. Babakept the man with Him for a while in the ashram, but be cause he had been able to revive the dead child, the

man believed that he must have special powers and after some time he had the urge to use his powers again. One day, without even informing Baba, he simply disappeared from the ashram. His ego had over powered him, and he returned to his. home and estab lished his own following. His connection with Baba was broken. So you see, once a person has experienced this kind of power, he becomes entangled in it and does not want to give it up.

N W: Your family at one time had frequent contact with a man who had certain powers. Can you tell me about him?




Our contact with this man, Savak, came

about in the early 30's, when we were quite new to Baba. Later, of course, we would have had nothing to do with this man, but at the time we knew very little about spiritual matters. Although we loved Baba very much, my mother and others in the family thought that Savak must be a highly spiritual man. He could make coins or flowers appear in his hands, or a certain scent


would suddenly fill the room. He would give orders, and sometimes they would turn out to be the same orders

that Baba later gave us, so it is easy to see why Savak impressed my family. I have to say, though, that I myself was never attracted to him. Even though I thought he might be on a higher plane, I found him somehow repulsive. 1 understand now that Baba was keeping me away from this man, keeping me from getting involved with him in any way. And even though throughout my life I have seen numerous examples of people who were possessed by spirits and many kinds of black magic, 1 have always known that Baba would protect me from all of this, that 1 had nothing to fear as long as I held tightly to His damaan. Baba's Last Warning, given in July of 1968, contains specific orders for His

lovers concerning involvement with such masters: It is... important at this critical period of the Avataric Age to beware at all times of persons who lead others into believing that they are saintly and pious and profess to possess supernatural powers. How ever pious such persons appear to be, a Baba-lover must never mix such piety with the Divinity of the Avatar!

A true Baba-lover must remember the repeated warning given to all Baba-lovers time and again to stay away from persons who feel and assert that they are masters and saints and possess powers to help human beings. His lovers and workers should never get involved with such persons and affairs, much less with perverted "helpers of humanity" who have no reverence or regard for the Perfect Masters and the Avatar of the Age. Beware of them who exploit spirituality to gain their selfish ends and dupe others in the name of Sadgurus and the Avatar.

At the end of this warning Baba added the following note, originally given in February of 1966: Shun those masters who are like multi-coloured electric

signs that flash on and off, brightening the dark sky of your world and leaving you in darkness again.

N W: Aren't there some people who have actually found Baba through occult means and come to follow Him? Arnavaz: It is true that Baba Himself has used such

means as automatic writing, ouija boards, etc. to bring people to Him, but the fact that Baba has done some

thing in no way gives us permission to do it. "Don't do what I do," He has told us. "Do what I tell you to do." When God comes as man, He works thorough every-





thing in His creation, what we would call good and

following from Baba's Discourses: "The introduction of

what we would call bad. Baba said these were two sides

an uncertain and uncalculable factor which the free

of the same coin. In the play of Maya, God keeps a balance between them. Why? We cannot know. Given our limited understanding, we cannot fathom the ways of God. We can only do what Baba asks of us and not worry about trying to understand His work.

exercise of occult power would involve, is bound to

Baba has been very clear about what He asks of us. For instance, the rules regarding appropriate behavior at His Center in Myrtle Beach contain this statement: "By Meher Baba's directive, divining cards, ouija board, and the I Ching are not to be used at the Center." And anyone tempted to interpret that direc tive to mean that outside the Center it is all right to use such devices should think carefully about Baba's statement given in Andhra on 1 March, 1954: "I want my lovers and workers to know that there is no greater 'Baba's Centre' than the heart of my lover. Those who truly love me are my centres in the world. Let each 'Baba-lover,' wherever he or she

may be, be the 'Baba's Centre' personified, radiating the eternal message of Love Divine, living a life of love, sacrifice and honesty." N W: I think it's sometimes difficult for us to distin

guish between what is occult and what is not. There are so many "New Age" practices from which sincere peo ple seem to derive the same kinds of experience that we have had in our lives as Baba lovers that the whole issue

can become very confusing. How can we protect our selves from getting involved in something best left alone? Arnavaz: Irene Coneybeare, in the introduction to her book In Quest of Truth or How I came to Meher Baba, gives a good and easy guideline to follow when she discusses the vast difference between mysticism and occultism. The mystic, she says, is simply searching for God and does not seek power, whereas the person who practices the occult is actually attempting to control the forces of nature. Occult power, she stresses, is safe only in the hands of a Master who will not misuse it— that even an advanced spiritual aspirant may incur great harm through practice of the occult, and she quotes the

create much confusion and disturbance in the ordi

nary pursuits of man, who must be left to his own

limitations, resources and possibilities for the equal and uninterrupted working out of the Law of Karma." She also talks about the undue importance that people often attribute to miracles, which have nothing to do with the spiritual path, and again she quotes Baba: "All miracles belong to the phenomenal world, which is the world of shadows. As phenomena, they are sub ject to change; and nothing that changes can have lasting value. Realisation of the eternal Truth is an initiation into unchangeable Being which alone is the supreme Reality; and no acquaintance with the occult world or capacity to manipulate its forces can really amount to the realisation of the Truth."

On His birthday in 1965, Baba told those gathered in His love the following, also taken from His Discourses: There is nothing particularly spiritual about occult power as such. Like any other mundane power or scientific invention, it is capable of being used for good ends or bad. It gives immense scope for co-operative work on the higher planes, but this necessarily implies a spiritual preparedness to shoulder a special responsibility. The novice may seek some occult powers and, within certain limits, even succeed in having them, but this new attainment will prove to be a curse rather than a blessing if he is not spiritually prepared for the adequate fulfillment of the new responsibility implied in the acquisition of the new powers. Even the slight est misuse of occult power has a severe reaction and creates a binding for the soul. Sometimes it may retard the progress of the aspirant and may even lead to a considerable set-back. Apart from the spiritual ruin which the novice may invite upon himself through indiscrete use of occult power, he is bound to be a source of incalculable harm to others over whom he

has succeeded in wielding a formidable advantage. (continued on page 4)

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White • Vice President, Brian Drygas • Secretary, Bryan Drygas • Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook • Brian Drygas • Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland • Clint Snyder • Janet White Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

So when Baba lovers ask me about the occult, I tell them that whoever Baba has taken into His fold must do whatever Baba wants. Those who have not come

to know and love Baba will act according to their sanskaras and destiny. But Baba has told His lovers specifically not to get involved in the occult. It is extremely foolish for Baba lovers to dabble in matters that Baba has told us to keep away from. He has warned us of the harm we may do not only to ourselves, but to others who seek our help. And He has shown us how to please Him. That means obeying Baba wholeheart edly, leaving His work entirely in His hands, and stay ing away from any attempt to work in realms we are not spiritually prepared to enter.

"I do not want anything else but the gift of your

LOCAL MEET1NQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins (510) 525-3364-

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (415) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (415) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or

obedience." Meher Baba

Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross (916) 486-2924.

Walnut Creek - Monday Evenings - 8 to 9:30 PM Videos will be shown the first Monday of every

Results of the 1997 Annual General Meeting The slate of candidates and the proposed budget were approved. The Mission Statement was approved and added to our by-laws. The guest speaker policy, limiting the subject of the speeches and discussion to Avatar

Meher Baba and no other spiritual master or guide, was rejected. The co-sponsorship policy, permitting cooper ation with other groups on projects focused solely on Avatar Meher Baba, was approved. The directive to suspend weekly Saturdaymeetings, in favor of occasion al eventsand programs, was rejected. Forty people iden tified themselves as active/voting members.

month. Subsequent Mondays will be devoted to study of Discourses. Please call Helen Riehl (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard (510) 930-8670 for meet ing locations.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publications by writingor phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call (510) 562-1101


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704

Address Correction Requested


U.S. Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA PERMIT NO. 186




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WINTER 1997 - 1998

VOL. 28

Baba's Birthday Messages February 25, 1998 will be Meher Baba's I04u\ birthday. To help us prepare for the remembrance of this


Every second in Eternity, every one of us is the same One In

occasion, we are reprinting a

selection of birthday messages that Baba dictated over the years.

divisible God who has no sec ond ever not even on the 25th.


For ages I have been giving in Silencemysilentmessage ofLove.

Statements and messages can lead us nowhere on the spiritu al path. The more you try to understand God, the less you understand Him. How can He who isbeyondexplanation, be expressed in words? Its being infinitely easy has rendered it infinitely difficult.

You ask me for a message from my Silence—but silent are the words of my Silence. Silent is Love, and the lover loves my Silence, and silently adores me in my Silence. 1960

The secret is, you have to become what you already are. Youcan know me as 1 am, as one of you and one in you, only when the veils of separateness are lifted. This can be done if you love me honestly and wholeheartedly.

The true lover is born at that moment when he dies for God.

Lose yourself in Baba and you will find that you eter nally are Baba. There can be no compromise in love. It has either to be full or not at all. I say today with Divine Authority that 1 am the Ancient One and I am the slave of those who really love me.

When one remains fully and completely resigned to the Divine Will of God, all service, sacrifice, solitude, seeking and surrender merely symbolize one's love for God. 1961

I am the One who is always lost and found among mankind. It is your love for yourself that loses me, and it is your love for me that finds me.

1954 Special Message

Love me above everything. For now while I am in your midst am I most easily found as I really am.

I am never born, 1never die. Yet every moment I take birth andundergo death.The countless illusory birthsand deaths are necessary landmarks in the progression of Man's con sciousness to Truth—a prelude to the Real Death and Real

1964 The aim of life is to love God.

Although1am presenteverywhere eternallyin myformless

The goal of life is to become one with God. The surest and quickest way to achieve this goal is to hold onto my daaman by loving me more and more. All paths are mine, and all lead to me eventually. But the shortest way to me is the no-path of self-annihi-

Infinite State, from time to time I take form, and the

lative Love.

taking of the form and leaving it is termed my physical

I have suffered much and will have to suffer much more

birth and death. In this sense I was born sixty years ago and will die when my universal work is finished.

till I break my silence. I give my Love to my lovers.

Birth. The Real Death is when one dies to self; and the

Real Birth is when dying to self one is born in God, to live forever His Eternal Life consciously.


(continued on page 2)




Be true to the Trust I repose in you and remember me wholeheartedly.



A letter, dated 1st October 1997, was received from the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust. Because of its importance to those whowishto help with various aspects of Baba's workin India, we are printing the letter here.

All talk about the Path and Goal is as a lantern carried

by a blind man. A blind man needs a staff in his hand; the seeker needs his hand in God-Man's.

The sooner you begin to love those who you cannot love, you begin to love me as I should be loved. To love those who you could not hate is natural, but to love those who you cannot love is to love me as L should~be~loved. ~^ . . ^ 1966

Be composed in the reality of my love for all confusion and despair is your own shadow which will vanish when I speak the word. 1967

Births and deaths are illusory phenomena. One really dies when one is born to live as God, The eternal who is beyond both birth and. death. It is easy to love me, because I am Love. But it is difficult to love me with that love by which I am attained. 1968

From my seclusion I send my blessings to all gathered in my Love to celebrate my seventy-fourth birthday. Love makes the Formless and Infinite become enformed

and finite as the God-Man amongst men. Love me more and more, because for the sake of love

I have come among you.


The generous response of Beloved Baba's lovers around the world to the Trust's Archive, Museum and Research "Project is much appreciated by the Trustees_of the Avatar Meher BabaTrust. Because of your care and concern for Baba's precious and irreplaceable articles, the building construction is now under way.

However, in consequence of this loving response for this project,the amount of donations received this yearforthe Beneficiaries of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" is very low.Therefore we request that forthe next 6 months— that is, up until 31st March 1998— ALL donations to the Trust (except for Archive pledges already made) be sent to the Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly." At present, 75% of what is donated to Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" isutilized for publiccharitable purposes. This 75%, which represents the share of the Beneficia ries who have passed away, is automatically utilized as Corpus Fund for Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public charitable Trust, according to the Trust Mandate. Only the remaining 25% of donations to Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" can be distributed to the surviving Ben eficiaries accordingto the percentagesdictated by Beloved Baba in the Trust Deed. Hence, by donating to Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" for the next 6 months, you will be serving the needs of both the public charitable objects and those of the Beneficiaries at the same time.

On this my apparent physical birthday I send my hom age and obeisance to my lovers who live for me and


would, if ordered, die for me.



To love me for what I may give you is not loving me at all. To sacrifice anything in my cause to gain some thing for yourself is like a blind man sacrificing his eyes for sight. 1am the Divine Beloved worthy of being loved because I am love. He who loves me because of this will

be blessed with unlimited sight and will see me as I am.



be received during these months. DECEMBER THROUGH MARCH: All donations to AV ATAR MEHER BABA PERPETUAL PUBLIC CHAR

ITABLE TRUST should be receivedduring these months. If the amount of a donation exceeds $50.00, then the

donation must be accompanied by a letter of instruction statingthat the donation is for the "CorpusFundof Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust." (continued on page 4)


• L

MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events


Friday, January 30 - 8:30 PM - Amartithi Night Simultaneously with thousands of Baba Lovers in India, we will observe Amartithi with music, the

are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise

entombment film, silence and arti. We will have 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 to 10:45 PM to co

noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley). Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. »





incide with silence at the tomb in India. Coordinat

ed by Janet White, (510) 843-4417.

Saturday, Feb. 7, 7:30 PM - An Evening with

Saturday, December 6 - Videos at the White's Fred and Janet White, recently back from a sojurn to Meherabad, will host a video evening at their home, 1811 Francisco Street, #5, Berkeley. CaU (510) 843-4417 for directions. ~

V Saturday, December 13 - Letters ofLove for Baba Tonight we will share readings from the recently published book Letters of Love for Meher Baba The Ancient One by the late Jane Barry Haynes. Hosted by Brian Drygas, (408) 927-6500. Sunday. December 21, 1 -5 PM - Mehera's

Birthday Tea at Alan and Karen Talbot's Home Come and share stories, music and tea for the birth

day of Baba's Beloved Mehera. Kacy Cook, resident at Meherabad, is visiting the Bay Area and will share some of her stories of times with Mehera.

Bring your ownstories too! Also please bring good ies to share. The Talbots live at 721 Crossbrook

Drive, Moraga. Call (510) 376-4325 for directions.

Saturday, December 27 - No MeetingTonight Saturday, January 3 - Videos at the Stovall's Come and see videos of the Beloved at the home

of Vern and Annie Stovall, 869 Appaloosa Drive, Walnut Creek. Call (510) 938-2126 for directions.

Saturday, January 10 - How I Came to Meher Baba This is the best story of them all - come and hear howyourfriends found thejr way through the world and into Baba's fold. Share your story too! Hosted by Harold Jamison, (510) 236-7993.

V Saturday, January 17 - Margaret Bernstein Come hear Margaret's beautiful flute and piano com positions. She will play excerpts from her CDs Full Circle and On The Threshold of Change. Margaret is a longtime Baba-lover whose parents met Baba.

* Saturday, January 24 - Amartithi Songs andMusic Come join a heart-filled evening of singing for the Lord. Hosted by Janet White (510) 843-4417.

Herman Alvarado at Laurie Brook's Home

Herman will tell wonderful stories of his many visits with Meher Baba in the 1950s and 60s. He was a


merchant marine, and when his ships docked in Bombay, he would get himself overland for a visit with Baba. Laurie lives at 1213 Clover Lane, Wal nut Creek. CaU (510) 933-5846 for directions.

Saturday, February 14 - Sam Ervin and Margaret Magnus "How; the L.A. Center Came About" Sam and Margaret will lead a discussion on the steps the L.A. Group took in developing a long-range plan and owninga Center. They've graciously agreed to share their experiences. Hosted by Brian Drygas.

** Saturday, February 21-12 PM - 6 PM Happy 104th Birthday, Baba! Join Us At The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall, Cedar & Bonita Streets, Berkeley Meher Baba's birthday is really February 25, but we'll celebrate this Saturday. Same time, same place as last year. We'll begin with a pot luck lunch, then we'll have entertainment from our talented musical

and theatrical community, group singing, and, of course, birthday cake and the Fly-to-India Sweep stakes. Special activities for children! 12-2 PM - Welcome, pot luck lunch 2-5 PM - Entertainment and Baba's birthday cake 5-6 PM - Sweepstakes Drawing, Prayers and Arti

We need plentyofhelp with this event. If you'd like to perform, or can help with serving food, decorat ing or clean-up, call Brian Drygas, (408) 927-6500. Saturday, February 28 - Film Night Tonight we'll see rare footage of Meher Baba. This film is unavailable on video. Hosted by Peter Ravazza. NUMBERS TO CALL:

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 705-8750 x 777 • Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, V7ce President, Brian Drygas, Secretary, Brian Drygas, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Boardof Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook • Brian Drygas • Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland • ClintSnyder • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor• Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Tmstwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

(Letter Regarding Trust Donations, continued from page 2) Please inform all in your area who would want to know that, because the amount received for Avatar Meher Baba Trust "Firstly" has been so very low, the Trust is

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at the Greensteins, (510) 525-3364.

now requesting that all donations up to 31st March

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM

1998should be made to Avatar Meher BabaTrust "Firstly."

Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

In Baba's Love and Service,

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM

V.S. Kalchuri, chairman

Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil

Please Note: An exception to the above guidelines is: Individuals who wish to donate a large amount to the Corpus fund of Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust may send their donations at any time of the year.

Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Los Qatos - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Clint and Sharon Snyder. Call them at (408) 395-6865 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.


Be~Sure to Buy Your 1998 Meher Baba Calendar - Profits go to the Trust


Our bookstore has plenty of beautiful large-format 1998 Meher Baba calendars for sale. All calendar profits go to the Trust. Be sure to think of our bookstore when you plan holiday giving. It will be available at the meeting on December 13. You can also call bookstore-walla Laura

Hogan at (510) 237-9257 to arrange a mail order. Thanks from the Talbots

A very special thank you to our Northern California Avatar Meher Baba family for remembering our family at this time. We appreciate you sending so many Baba wishes for my recovery, the many phone calls, the cards, the visits, transportation when needed and the many lovingly prepared dinne'rs. Your thoughtfulness and overflowing Baba-ful concern will always be remem bered with sincere appreciation and gratitude. In Meher Baba's Love,

Alan, Karen, Matt, Andrew and Kate Talbot

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings -11:00 AM Arti, readings, and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Richl's home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 9308670 for directions.


All who wish to shaj^injhe commitment lard-downby Meher Baba thtoygh. the Trust should rcontact Jack Mormon, P.O. BoXr2288, Richmond, CA 94802=1288.

MEHER BABA.MNFORMATION; People who wish to "fcngw-more about Metier. Bai


obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information.

P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101 MEHER BABA CENT! of Northern California

2131 University Avi Berkeley, California Address Correction



2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235 VOL. 17

LETTING MEHER BABA EMBRACE US IN OUR DAILY LIVES That was the theme of this year's Sahavas at Pilgrim Pines. Guest speakers were Bhau Kalchuri, Merwan

l & r l &>



is incompatible with a racing mind. You can be doing nothing and if your mind is quiet, you feel a richness inside. A quiet mind is a powerful tool. Baba is the key y ' > to a quiet mind. You only get that through that which can hold your attention with increasing tenacity - GodMan. You only get a semblance of quietness of mind when any other key is used. As soon as a little pressure is applied, your mind will become feverish again. Worry will be there again. With Baba, increasing work makes you look big problems right in the face and they gradually regain their normal size and



^S^^X \

Dubash, Bob and Jane Brownand Henry Kashouty. Thefollowing tran scriptisfrom thefinal talkgiven by Henryon Monday morning, July4th. While the written worddoes not seem to capturehis strength ofconviction or his wonderfulsense ofhumor, it does capture the essence ofthis year's theme. Thanks to the MeherBaba CenterofSouthernCaliforniaand Henry Kashoutyfor permissionto share a part oftheSahavas with you.

Stop postponing becoming the finest human being. You have the greatest help in creation, PERSONAL GOD - the only help in creation. Our journey, now that we believe in the real God, is direct. It is no more a

circuitous thing. What is circuitous is when we don't put Baba first. When we don't put Baba first, Baba is still Baba putting us direct, but we're not enjoying the trip. That's terrible. We are in a nightmare of thinking instead of putting Baba first. One says, "Ah, I'm here to see Him with increasing clearness so that what I do not see with my eyes becomes more visible than that which I do see with my eyes".

What conviction makes you know is that what you cannot see with your eyes is more real than what you do see with your eyes? We know that the most advanced physicists say that if you break matter down to its finest point, it disappears, it becomes consciousness. So this is nothing, but it sure is a heavy nothing. Fifty thousand Frenchmen may be wrong, but they're also very heavy. So we really do need to be propped up, first externally by God, and our conviction makes it possible to build that bridge. The bridge is^-simply thinking about Him as much as possible. When that does happen, Baba is always wanting to pour His love on us. His love results in increased awareness, which is incompatible with fast feverish

thinking. Remember that statement: "Mind racing is mad, mind slowed down is saint, mind working normal is man and mind stopped is God." Increased awareness

dimension. A fast, feverish mind makes any problem loom up to gigantic proportions. It is useful to have some techniques. Something I learned from Baba: if you are upset or something is bothering you, do something physical, that's constructive. Use your will to get up. Use your will to do something you don't want to do that's physical, doesn't require too much thinking - that is therapeutic. The effect of it is it simply causes the froth of the mind to come settling down a bit and the dimensions of the problem goes back to its normal size. Then the chances of you putting Baba first becomes more reasonable, more likely. It's within your capacity to do that.

Remember Baba at all times and remember to obey Baba and remember to surrender to Baba's will. Baba

will do the rest. Our journey is only as far as we imagine it. Everything in creation is illusion. Illusion is unconscious divine imagination. Baba is conscious divinity. Baba has brought conscious divinity into unconscious divine imagination. Therein duality exists, i.e., the struggle between the reality and illusion. So, holding onto Baba's damaan means we have recognized

the reality within illusion, and we know we must hang on or be lost. Baba tells us with divine authority, that if we hold fast to Baba, we will never be lost, but saved

from our own unconscious divine imagination.

Baba is in all because Baba is all. When a tragedy occurs, all say it is God's will. When a child has a temper tantrum, all say the child is being willful. When


continued onthensa page




continued (ram the first page

a good deed is done, all say, "isn't it wonderful?"

experience in illusion is to awaken each from illusion into reality. The only way this can be done is for each individual to experience every possible frustration until that individual wants to experience something else. That something else is the reality that God and only God exists. This reality can only be experienced a little at a time, lifetime after lifetime until that tiny spark becomes a raging fire that can never be extinguished and becomes

was felt very intensely. I had to resolve it truthfully. 1 had to go from this point of intense pain because of the severity of this conflict that was right in front of my eyes. I had to feel that intensity. Over here I had had these nice things from Baba. I had this conviction from the very beginning before I saw him that he was God in human form. All of a sudden life had sprung into focus. Life had the highest possible meaning which is accessable to me. I was on the "Royal Road". And the source of all of this was not paying any attention to me! So the severity of that conflict kept up and the only way I could resolve it was the true way. I said, "Baba is

one with the infinite fire of God.

God in human form.

When someone murders another, all say it is evil. But

Baba says it is all Baba's will. And what Baba means is that all in creation are at the same time in illusion. The

(On feeling closer to Baba without his physical presence.)

It's very important because certainly I didn't haveHis physical presence as much as I wanted, nor did those people living in India. I mean, Baba was off somewhere and they were there. The first thing you start off with is this:

He doesn't want to see me.

God's will should be my~will. IH3od^ioesn!t want to see me, I don't want to see Him." I got to His will. I really did get to surrender to His will and I can assure you people, I have never in my life experienced until that one time at the Tomb anything so magnificient. And then Baba called me in fifteen minutes. And He said all

kinds of things at that particular time. And it didn't make any difference what He said about me. It had no

Baba Himself said, "Isn't it

value. All that had value was I had surrendered to His

wonderful? I never leave you. I am closer to you than your own breath. I am not this body. You all have been children in my love. You must go home and find me where I really exist, in the heart of my lover." He said over and over and over again those things way back there in time. These things gradually become increasingly meaningful to each one of us and we find out that Baba is present. We have little experiences. We want to find a way to make that happen.

will and I was on the highest state of bliss. That was when I was massaging His leg over and over and over again. We were in there a long time.

Now, in terms of my own experience, I will give you this example of something that happened to me. J wrote quite a bit to Baba and I was always trying to find the words worthy to say to God. So it was my effort at praise. And the difficulty was that I really did need to be an exquisite, eloquent poet. Because that is what should be said to God. But I was not a poet, so I had to do the best I could.

In 1958 when we went down to the Center at Mytrie

Beach, Baba was the most important fact of my existence. However, it seemed as though Baba sent for everyone except me. I sat there eating my heart out as this one and that one would go to Baba. That was an absolutely severe and painful conflict for me to be experiencing. The One who was more important to me than anything or anyone wasn't paying any attention to me, as though I didn't exist. So that kind of a conflict I

just couldn't resolve. My nature is not to find a false answer or a false escape. That's never been satisfying to me. I had to face it and so consequently the difficulty

Of course afterwards all these nice things He said I wrote down when my ego came back! But then I lost it, I lost the paper. So I knew what it was like to surrender to His will. It was beautiful! Why was it beautiful? Because of that enormous need to resolve

this horrible conflict, I had to accept the truth which was whatever God's will is, is exactly what I ought to have. I can't do that every moment, but we will get to that point. And when you surrender to Baba's will it was such a magnificent feeling for me. It just burned itself in my mind. So that was in His presence, yes. But you see, surrendering to His will, I was in His presence and He was saying all these things and I was on cloud nine because I surrendered to His will and at a time when He didn't want to see me. I didn't care

whether He ever wanted to see me again. That's what 1 experience from surrendering to His will. It didn't make any difference so long as I was surrendering to His will whether He saw me or not whether He said

this was my first human incarnation, or my last, it didn't make any difference. None of those things (make any difference), that's in the imagination. If Baba said something nice to you, what do you do? You say, "God, I hope He's right!". You certainly don't feel it. He says that you are a strong follower of His, a strong lover, and you feel weak. The work is still there to do. The work is to be put in first. Every one of us is divine.

ALE FRIDAY-SATURDAY MEETINGS • Meher Baba meetings are held at the Albany Methodist Church, Stannage Avenue and Marin in Ahany. Thefirst meeting ofeach month is on Saturday, with the remainder on Friday. Ail programs beginat 8:00PM sharpand normally end at 9:30 PM with time forvisiting before and afterthe meeting. To cheek for program changes call (415) 845-4339.









SUKHADWALLA Baba's niece and the sister of twins Rustam and

Sorab, Gulnar and her husband will give a talk this evening. Coordinator: Louise Barrie


Bhau will draw the winning ticket for the Myrtle


Beach Raffle. Gather at the home of Michael Le

Irene Billo, who spent the WW II years with Babain

Page, 846 Sea View, El Cerrito from 2 - 6 PM.

India is featured. Coordinator: Bing Heckman.



A Cold Dish Supper at the home of the Talbot's from 6 - 9:30 PM, 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. RSVP to Karen Talbot at (415) 376-4325. AUGUST 30th (Tuesday) - SPECIAL GUEST SPEAK ER:



The weekly meeting of Open Arms for Meher Baba is very pleased to welcome Bhau tonight. NOTE LOCATION: DOLORES STREET CHURCH, 208 DOLORES STREET (AT I5TH STREET), SAN FRANCISCO.




At the home of the VanBuskirk's from 6 - 9:30 PM,

304 Castle Crest Road, Walnut Creek. RSVP by August 30th to Ursula VanBuskirk at (415) 9470495. (No children, please.) SEPTEMBER BHAU

2nd -




Irwin Luck's film of Meher Baba's work with the

musts, His God-intoxicated souls.


David Graber and Louise Barrie. OCTOBER 14th - THE NEW LIFE

October 16th is the thirty-ninth anniversary of Meher Baba's New Life. Tonight's meeting will focus on this unique period with readings, music and poetry. Led by Jenny Califf. Coordinators: Janice Quartieri and Fred White. OCTOBER 21st - BEFORE THE SILENCE

"The Early Years of Meher Baba and His Disciples, Part I": a multi-media evening presented by Harold Jamison. Coordinator: Irene Meyers. OCTOBER 28th - THE EAST-WEST GATHERING

David Miotke's musical setting and selected read ings from Francis Brabazon's masterful "Song-Story of an Event Unique in History". Coordinators: Ja nice Quartieri and Gary Cook.

One of Meher Baba's mandali, Bhau will speak with

us tonight and share some of his life with Baba. Co ordinator: Irene Meyers.










Welcome back to this old friend, author of "The Be BABA

loved" and publisher of "The Glow". Naosherwan was born into a Baba family and his conviction be

Coordinator: Janice Ouartieri.

speaks his lifelong connection with the God-Man.






Coordinators: Lisa Greenstein and Ed VanBuskirk. SEPTEMBER






Come share your thoughts or personal experienc es connected with any of Baba's discourses. Coor dinator: Gary Cook. SEPTEMBER 23rd - WORK PARTY/MOONLIGHT SALE

Bring your donations to sell and yourself to work, preparing for tomorrow's sale. Early in the evening, a short devotional meeting, later a special preview buying opportunity. Coordinator: Lisa Greenstein. NOTE








Tonight's Question and Answer format will be of in terest to all. Coordinator: Bing Heckman. NOVEMBER







Coordinator: Janice Quartieri.

continued on the nextpage

MEHER BABA CENTER OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. President, Bing Heckman • Vice President, Malinda McCidlcch • Secretary, Gary Cook • Treasurer. Alan Tabol• Office Manager, FredWhite. Board ofDirectors. Louise Barrie • GaryCook • Linda Delgado • LisaGreenstein • Bing Heckman • MalindaMcCuBxh • Janice Quartieri.

Coordinators: Program, Louise Barrie • Finance, Lisa Greenstein • Membership. Janice Quartieri • Pub licity, Bing Heckman • Service, Linda Delgado • Archives, Michael LePage • Bookstore, BenLeet.

continued from theprevious page


Tonight we will feature a video of Padre, one of Baba's early mandali. Padre shares of his life with the Master. Coordinators: Ursula VanBuskirk and Louise Barrie.


Worknights at Meher Baba Information are Thursdays, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Work ranges from responding to requests for information to processing orders for books and other literature, and many new projects. If you would like to help, call Rick Chapman or Gary Freeman at (415) 562-1101.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th Baba's children (and their families) gather at Arlington Park from 1 to 4 PM. All are welcome Bring


Our trustwalla is Jenny Califf. All who wish to share

in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Baba through the instrument of the Trust should contact Jenny c/o Safeguard, 74 14th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103.

snacks to share.


The Sacramento Baba Group meets the first Friday of every month from 7:30 to 9:30 PM at the Religious Science Creative Living Center, 6035 Main Avenue, Orangevale (betweerrGreenbackand Madison);"For more information contact Marilyn Buehler at (916) 9664740 or Marie Rhodes at (916) 723-6631.

Phone: (415) 864-3377. POT LUCK SUPPERS

There will be a Pot Luck supper the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30-PM. Bring 4,carry-out"~or "home cooking" for an evening of fellowship. Suggested themes for this quarter:


• September 7th - Italian - RSVP to Janice Quar

Tuesdays at 8 PM, Larry Pesta will host a weekly per

• October 9th - Oriental - RSVP to Karen Lunde-

tieri at (415) 527-6739.

formance of Arti and discussion of Meher Baba's Dis

gaard at (415) 549-1736.

courses. The meetings are held at the Dolores Street Church, 208 Dolores Street (at 15th Street) as part of Open Arms for Meher Baba outreach. Everyone is in

• November 2nd - Harvest Season - RSVP to

vited! Call (415) 441-7008 for more information. BOARD MEETINGS

Meher Baba Center of Northern California Board

Janice Quartieri at (415) 527-6739. (F*


meetings are open to all members. Call Janice Quartieri

Interview times with Bhau Kalchuri are available. Call Sue Jamison at

at (415) 527-6739 for the date and time of upcoming meetings.

(415) 236-7993 to schedule.


of Northern California, Inc. 2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, CA 94704



^UJrk E







FALL, 1998

VOL. 28

Welcome Home, Nana Kher The following are two e-mails sent from Meherabad, one from James Cox, one from Gar} Kleiner, no tifying us of Nana Kher's passing

which he used to tell in the

library on top of the Hill just before Arti. He is another wicket gone in a field that now contains only

on August 5th.

a few left.

On Wednesday afternoon, about 6:30 pm, Nana Kher, Me herabad resident, longtime prasadi at Meher Baba's Samadhi, long time Baba lover, and for merly a long time hugger, went to Baba. I suppose there will be someone up there to tell him "Welcome Home," as he told so many of us over the years as we would once again return to

In His Love, Jaibaba, James

Dear Friends...

Hi! Jai Meher Baba! Nana Kher passed away tonight. His funeral pyre will belit tomor row, Thurgday the 6th of Au gust at 9:45 AM. He was the Prasad Giver at Baba's Tomb since 1969. When

Baba's Tomb.

one would come up for Baba's Darshan, he would say to them

Nana, as we all called him, had come to Baba before Baba's

New Life phase, and when Baba dropped the body, he was one of the immediate crowd that gath ered in early February, of 1969. At




when the Arti was over, he would Nana Kher


He passed out Prasad until he passed out in his room about two weeks ago. He was taken to a hos pital, where he ultimately died.

that time, it was decided that there should be someone at the Samadhi

continously while it was open, and Nana was selected to perform that role. In the early years it was only Nana, Mansari and Jangli Master who used to sit at the Samadhi, handing out prasad, with the largest share of time, by far, going to Nana. Nana had been in failing health for the last few years, his illness and old age gradually consuming more and more of his energy, but he still regularlyatten. J Evening Arti, hand ing out prasad, until the end. He will beremembered by all of us for his loving greetings and wonderful Baba stories,

When it came to be known that

Nana collapsed during the night a few weeks ago, our doctor went to see him and asked him how he was.

Nana said, "I am not this body, I am not this mind."

I just came back a couple of min utes ago from Mandali Hall at Me herabad where Nana is lying in state. He is definitely not that BODY! Hope that all is well with all of you.

With love and care, Gary. Š1998





Wake Up Portland, Wake Up! <•<£


by Betty Lowman

Nestled in the green hills of Oregon's Willamette Valley, is "Baba House," a 5-acre farm that is home to the Wilson family and, occasionally, the site of the Portland community's annual summer sahavas. This year Bhau Kalchuri was their featured guest.

and Ron Greenstein on guitars. After Jim read one of his humorous ghazals to uproariouslaughter, Ron Green stein said, "Jim, you're the only person I know who's built a stage in his backyard, and now I know why!"

On Thursday July 16, there was a morning tea at Joanna Tompkins' home, and then, in the evening, Bhau spoke to a crowd of about 165 people at the University of Portland. He w»s-very pleased at the number of new faces he saw—plenty of "public" at his public talk. His new ghazal "Wake Up Portland, Wake Up!"* was performed there by "Creator" Janice Reiman. An invitation was extended for any newcomer to come free

re-do of "The Wizard of Oz" called "The Master is

to the weekend sahavas at Baba House.

The next day, after a morning talk and pot luck at the home of David and Malini Raffo, sahavasees drove for about an hour out of Portland to the little town of

Scotts Mills, and the festivities began. At most, there were about 150 attendees, mainly from Oregon, Wash ington, California and Canada, somefromfarther away. The Wilson farm had been transformed for the oc

casion. Jim Wilson's workshop/barn housed the childrens' arts and crafts area and the bookstore. Outside, a lean-to was festooned with Christmas lights and color

ful cloths. Voila! a Toddy Shop. Proprietor Rick Scheu dispensed spicy chai and never seemed to be without customers.

A kind neighbor (an "Old Believer" in the Russian Orthodox tradition—similar to the Amish), allowed

folks to park on his adjacent back lot, and tent campers spread out on the grassy hills. Great meals were served by a crew of volunteers headed up by Jean Wilson and her sisters, Marie and Joan. Huge bowlfulls of sweet Oregon blackberries, blueberries and raspberries were an unforgettable offering at several meals.

Bhau stayed in Baba House (he had given it the name a couple of years ago), and those who weren't tent camping stayed at local bed and breakfasts. Bhau was in great spirits, giving four talks and visiting with the children and teens. We all learned at least the chorus

to "Wake Up, Portland, Wake Up," and sang it often.

Arti was held Saturday and Sunday mornings on a permanent stage built on a hill/ampitheatre in the Wilsons' backyard. The music was divine, with John Connor on the harmonium and Ward Parks, Jim Wilson, Rick Scheu

The highlight of Saturday evening was a hillarious God," written and directed by by Randel Williams of Seattle. The Seattle group had their finest hour that evening. Costumes and props, created by co-director Theresa Padvorac,werestunning, everyone remembered their lines, and producer Pete Pitcher and special props man BobJohnsson created just the right setting. Cyn thia Barrientos was a radiant good witch Glinda and

"hunchkins" John and Barbara Connor and JeffTingelstad and Caitlin Hurkett danced and sang silly routines. Lance Bonnington, a mixed-up spititual seeker, Dun can Hurkett, a scientist who wanted a heart, and Catherin

Alpert, a yogini in search of powers, accompanied Dor othy (Dalia Taylor), who was in search of her real self,

down the Path to His Door, singing "Yogis and Sadhus and Masts, Oh My, Yogis and Sadhus and Masts, Oh My."... On the way, they encountered the formidable obstacle Maya, played by Judy Robertson, but their

purity of heart and focus on their goal got them to His Door. The great "Shariat" (Randel Williams), was, of

course found to be an impostor, and Dorothy learned that her real self was as close as her own heart. Bravo

to the Seattle Group!

After the play, dhuni under the starry Oregon sky was a quiet way to wind down from the festivities. The

next morning, after Bhau's last talk, happy and tired campersrolled up their bedrollsand headed home, content after a heart-full weekend.

* The ghazal was orginaUy written for Chicago, but was later expanded to include all cities.

A Letter From the Editor Over the past 10 yearsor so, since I've been editing this newsletter, we have tried to have, for our cover stories, articles focused on Meher Baba and His mandali, mostly by the people who have met them. We are always in search of more of these articles and also for volunteers

who can help us transcribe them from tapes. If you can help in either capacity, please call Alexandra Cons at (510) 849-2464.



MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights unless other wise indicated below. TIMES - Events normally start at 8:00 PM and end by 9:30 PM. LOCATIONS • Events are held at the AlbanyMethodistChurch unless otherwisenoted. The church is at the comer of Marinand Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


Saturday, September 5: Sufi Poetry: Bill Qannett Presents the First of a Two-part Series Hafiz and Rumi were among Baba's favorite poets. Bill will read from their works and others. Bring your favorite Sufi poems and come for an evening at the Lord's Wineshop.

Saturday, September 12: Sufi Poetry with Bill Qannett, Part II Still Yet More revelry at the Tavern.

Saturday, September 19: Rummage Sale at the Friends' Meeting House, 2151 Vine St., Berkeley This is the best fund-raiser our group does all year. Donate your goods, serve a two-hour pricing or selling shift, and of course, come to buy. Great stuff from good folks for a good cause. How can you go wrong? Call Janet White to sign up for Friday night pricing or Saturday selling. (510) 843-4417. We prefer that donations be brought to the Friends' Meeting House on Fridayevening, Sept. 18 from 6-9 pm. If you need to bring donations sooner than that, call the Harlands (510) 237-5348 to make special arrangements. Post the enclosed flyer in a strategic place!

^Saturday, September 26: An Evening with Bill and Peggy Stephens Bill Stephens is a lively and entertaing speaker, and author of two books: Footsteps in the Sand and Souls on Fire. The first tells about how he came to Baba in 1969

and how his whole family's life changed after that. The second tells stories of the lives of saints who lived after

Muhammad and before Baba, including Rabia of Basra, Mirabai, Milarepa, St. Francis, George Foxand Babajan.

*tSaturday, October 3: Cindy Lowe in Concert Cindy's concerts are memorable events. She transforms our social hall into a cabaret and performs with great style, singing many original compositions for the Be loved. This is a fund-raiser, suggested donation $7.




Saturday, October 10: Baba and Biological Evolution: An Evening with Joan Harland Joan has a Ph.D. in molecular biology, and she grew up in a Baba family, meeting Baba when she was four years old. She's had plenty of time to ponder this topic. Come for an enlightening evening.

Saturday, October 17: Australia Night: Report from Avatar's Abode In June of this year, Avatar's Abode in Queensland, Australia celebrated the 40th anniversary of Baba's visit there. Sue Jamison will host an evening of slides and reminiscensces of The Abode.

Saturday, October Z^f^bvie Night The film The God Man will be shown tonight.

Saturday, October 31: Music Night with Ron Ron Greenstein is a perennial favorite here in the Bay Area. Come for a guaranteed great musical evening.

Saturday, November 7: Different Styles of Follow ing Baba: Dick Anthony's Research, Week I In his work as a research psychologist and consultant on new religious movements and cults, Dick uses con temporary psychoanalytic theory to evaluate different strategies of spiritual development. In this talk and the one next week, he will transfer the insights devel oped in that context to an evaluation of different

trends among Baba Lovers, e.g. different ways of fol lowing Baba and different types of Meher Babagroups.

Saturday, Nov. 14: Recent Controversies Among Baba Lovers: Dick Anthony's Research, Week II In the second week of this two-part series, Dick will continue his presentation from last week, and will also apply his research framework to an analysis of contro versiesthat have recently developed among BabaLovers.

Saturday, November 21: Jam & Chanting Evening (Singing Baba's Name) Organized by Odille Atthalin, this will be a partici patory event, not a performance. Come and sing! Raine Eastman-Gannett will accompany us on her harmoni um, and some percussion instruments will be avail able. Bring your own, if you have them.

Saturday, November 28: Thanksgiving Weekend: No meeting this Saturday

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, 'oan Harland, Vice President, Harold Jamison, Secretary, Ron Greenstein, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directom: Odile Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Phone Tree Captain: Irene Meyers • Program: Greg Harland Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White

Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)


Last year for the first time, Ron Greenstein, Laura Hogan, Ben Leet and Greg, Gay, Leela and Aminta Dunn marched in the How Berkeley Can You Be Parade with two large photos of Baba, made with the help of Roger Larsen and Lorraine King. They passed out Baba information at the fair afterward. It was a good-humored, low-key way to spend a Sunday and share Baba's message.This year, you too can participate. The parade will be Sunday, Sep tember 27 at 11 PM and the fair will follow. Almost

5,000 people attended last year! Call Ben Leet (510) 351-8259 to brainstorm parade ideas and join up!

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-6405.

Fresno - Occasional Meetings Call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-1883.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.


If you can help with the riimmage sale Friday night September 18 and Saturday ocpttiaber 19, please sign up for a shift with Janet White (510) 843-4417. Help with coordinating the volunteers will be very much appreciated also.


Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - J1:00 AM -Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann . or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

WHERE ARE YOU? Four times a year, this newsletter is mailed out to

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays - 7:15 PM

our Baba community. We need a volunteer to co ordinate the mailing party, get the newsletters from the printer, and get mailing labelsfromScott Maloney. Call Joan Harland (510) 237-5348 if you can help.

Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

To get on the Newsletter Mailing List, call Scott Maloney (510) 705 8755 x777

Discourse readings and occasional videos.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen RiehPs home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

MEHER BABA INFORMATION THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101


of Northern California, thc\

2131 University Avenue, Rfcom 235 BerkeleyJCalifornia94764; Address Correction' Kp>fucstcd

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SUMMER, 1998

VOL. 28

Lyn Ott Remembered Lyn Ou, a painter whose palette existed only to paint the beautiful form ofhis Beloved, died ofa stroke inmid-April. A long-rime resident of the Meher Spiritual CenterinSouth Carolina, Lyn was host and lively partner mdiscussion to many Baba lovers visiting the Center. The following words are Lyn's, taken from his book In Quest

As I sat close to Baba, He treated me with great per sonal affection and intimacy so that I felt His love. Instantly He was for me not the teacher or guru, but the loving father and friend. Baba touched me often with His caresses, patting my back, stroking my face. Once more Baba gently stroked my chin and then asked me, "Did you shave today?"

of the Face of God:

My experience of meeting Meher Baba cannot be sep arated from my experience of art. The experience of meeting Him took place in one beautiful morning, while my experience of art

It was about mid-morning and 1 said, "Yes, Baba. I

shaved this morning." Baba replied, "You didn't do a very good. Feel Ba

has lasted for more than

ba's chin."

thirty years. Even so, that meeting forms the central

axis around which my life

Baba's face was very soft, and He had a splendid

in art revolves.

shave. Then I said, "While

1cannot really saythat I know anything about Meher Baba. Even the highest reaches of the artist's imagination can barely touch the hem of the garment of a Divine person ality. But I do know some thing about art, and I feel I can expresssomething about Meher Baba through what I

I was shaving I was think ing, "Does Baba shave?" Then Baba replied with surprise, "Why shouldn't I shave?"

1 could only think to say, "Well, Baba, before this

morning I had never as sociated shaving with God."

know in and about art. Art

is not simply an expression; it is expression itself. Wher ever expression is, there is art. Therefore, Meher Baba, being in Himself the most perfect expression, is necessarily the perfection of Art. I saw Meher Baba just once, and He allowed me to sit with Him for an hour and a half. That once-seeing is what is called a glimpse. That is what Baba wanted me to have. And all of the paintings that I have made of Him have come from the fire of that one glimpse.

The He looked me in the

eye quite seriously, and His response was simply this: "I am more human than you are." It is that humanness that is the basis of this book and

the major part of my life's work.

Meher Baba is the name given in this age to the Highest of the High, but for me it is the name of the man who has become the personal Friend and Sustainer.


Painting: Undoubtedly, I Am Low Š 1980 by Lyn Ou






Memorials During the past few months, Baba has continued to call

some of His lovers home to Him. This issue of the News letter is dedicated to honoring them and their love for the Eternal Beloved.

Anita Vieillard Anita Vieillard had the great good fortune of meeting Mehera Baba when she was a young woman. A close associate of Norina Matchabelli, Anita was part of the group who stayed with Baba during His visits to the West, beginning in the 1930s. She was married to the artist Roger—Vieillard, a-friend-of Pable-Picasso-and Ernest Hemmingway, and was, herself, a painter. The Vieillards had Baba meetings at their home in Paris and Anita loved to tell people about her time with Baba. She left this world to join Him last March.

Janet Luck Janet Luck was called back to Baba on April 5. She had lived with cancer for almost ten years, wanting to stay alive as long as possible so as not to leave her son when he was young. Janet was a singer whose beautiful sopra

Roman Babiak

no voice was well-known in the Baba world. She not

On Saturday, May 16 at 8:02 in the morning, three

only sang, but also composed for her Beloved, singing about Baba's life and even putting GodSpeaks to music. Mehera, who was very fond of Janet, gave her the name Meheree, and Bhau, after seeing her play the part of Mira in Mehera's birthday play in 1987, used to call her Mira. If there is, as some believe, a heavenly choir, Janet is certainly in it, entertaining Beloved Baba in glorious song. (Photo: Janet with Dunn Satha at the Pilgrim Center, Meherabad, in 1987.)

months after beingdiagnosed with cancer of the esoph agus, and just a month after his 50th birthday, Roman Babiak went home to Baba He had been constantly in the company of loving friends and family for weeks. As the news of his illness spread, more and more people called, came to visit, or just came to stay with him as long as they could. His latest week-long stay in the hospital saw an amazing and continuous procession of visitors from as far away as Australia, Chicago, Wash ington D.C., Minnesota and, of course, Los Angeles, Roman's 'real home.' He was never alone. Roman was

a dear friend to many from the Baba community and from his workplace, and was a much-loved uncle to his niece and nephew Christina and Stephan Ciepley.

Roman had been living in Palo Alto with his good friends Denise and Dan Pliskin and their boys, who dedicated themselves totally to his care in his last weeks. Denise logged onto the listserv when she learned that many of Roman's friends were inquiring about him there. (Roman Babiak was a hot listserv topic in the weeks before he died. Some great Roman stories were shared there). She posted Roman updates and also coordinated the constant comings and goings of his friends far and near, (including Bhau Kalchuri, who visited Roman at (continued on page 3)

ALE MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights unless other wise indicated below. TIMES - Events normally start at 8:00 PM and end by 9:30 PM. LOCA TIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marinand Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. »

Bookstore #


Saturday, June 6 - No Meeting Tonight Saturday, June 13 - Discussion of Qod Speaks and/or Lord Meher at Fred and Janet White's Readings and discussion from one or both of these books. The Whites live at 1811 Francisco St., #5, Berkeley, Call (510) 843-4417 for directions.

Saturday, June 20 - Annual Qeneral Meeting, 7 p.m. Come Early So We Can Start Promptly! Come and support your Center! There arc several important issues to vote on: use of the Bhau fund, next year's budget, and a new Nominating Committee and Board of Directors. Updated phone and address directories will also be available!

Sunday, June 28, 1-4 p.m. - Lyn Ott Memorial Tea at Alan and Karen Talbot's Home. Come and share Lyn Ott stories. We will celebrate

Lyn's colorful life for Baba. Bring tea treats to share. David Miotke will sing. Address: 721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. Call (925) 376-4325 for directions.

Saturday, July 4 - No meeting tonight. ** Saturday, July 11 - Discussion Night Ron Greenstein will moderate a discussion of Baba's

directive to take ourselves more lightly and God more seriously.

Saturday, July 18 - Film Night We will show films from our collection.

** Saturday, July 25 - Norina Matchabelli Laurie Brook will lead readings and discussion from the latest book to be published about Norina called Norina's Gift: Messages from Meher Baba Received through Norina Matchabelli.




home about a week before he died). Denise put folks up on her living room floor and arranged rides to and from the hospital and the airport. "What blows my mind," Denise said, "is how Roman was a magnet for love."

Roman came home from the hospital on Friday after noon, May 15. His last words were "Jai Baba," spoken to his good friends Jeff Maguire and Fred Stankus, who came to visit him that afternoon. He then slipped into a coma and passed on the next morning. A memorial service, Roman-style, will be held at Ashkenaz, 1317 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley, on Sunday, June 14 from 12:30 - 5 P.M. Pot luck flowers (in con tainers) are welcome. If you would like to bring food or beverages, please call Betty Lowman (650) 323-1900. Bring your dancing shoes. Roman loved a good party! ANNOUNCEMENTS BOOKWALLA, BOOKWALLA, WHERE IS OUR NEW BOOKWALLA?

This is really it. Laura Hogan will be moving from the Bay Area next fall. We need a new bookwalla. Anyone out there interested? Call Janet White, (510) 843-4417. BHAU VIDEO TO BE ON TCI CHANNEL 3 IN THE CONTRA COSTA AREA

If you're a night owl, and get TCI Contra Costa Cable TV Channel 3, tune in to Jeff Maguire interviewing Bhau Kalchuri Wednesday, June 10 at 11 PM. SITE COMMITTEE CONTINUES TO SEARCH

Late breaking news from our Site Committee: Our po tential new site at 2300 Roosevelt Street, Berkeley is now for sale, so we have decided to discontinue nego tiations on that site and will continue our site search.

August is traditionally a vacation month for our group. Meetings will resume in September.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, Vice President, Brian Drygas, Secretary, Brian Drygas, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook • Brian Drygas • Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland • Clint Snyder • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Finance: Greg Harland, Leslie Baer, Laurie Brook, Clint Snyder Program: Laurie Brook, Brian Drygas Bookstore: Laura Hogan • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White

Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)


You May Be A Baba-lover if... • You've been to India 12 times, but you've never seen the Taj Mahal. • You see an old friend (who is not a Babalover), they give you a big hug, and you ac cidentally say "Jai Baba!" • You've spent over $6,000 dollars to take your family to India, but you still drive a 1975 AMC Gremlin.

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing ar Greensreins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Conract Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arri and a varied program. Conracr Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

• You get a warm fuzzy feeling whenever you smell cow dung, burning garbage or diesel ex haust.

• Your child is named Eruch, Mani, Mehera or

Babu Cyclewalla.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings '8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

• You are never involved with your local Baba group except to complain about how it's run. .

Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

• You think that Baba must have wanted you to eat that candy bar, that's why He put it so close to the check-out line.

• Your walls are plastered with pictures of Baba, but you still go through an entire day without re membering Him. • You're watching a football game with friends, and every time your team scores, you shout "Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jail!" • You think Baba's orders are "recommendations."

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays - 7: J5 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

- Thanks to Jamie Newell for this great checklist MEHER BABA INFORMATION THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid* down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California, l

2131 University Aw

Berkeley._Califon Address CoTrecti




VOL. 28

SPRING - 1998

Roshan's Reminiscences Roshan Kerawala, who now livesat Meherabad, has a wealth

of memories of her years of close contact with Meher Baba. She shared these stories in conversation in December, 1997.

a perfectionist and did not like any mistakes. He would just make you sing and sing, and sing more, until you were perfect. He also told a lot of stories about being with Baba. Baba had had a small number of Baba lovers

I was born in Hormusji ("Homi") Seth's house, in Bombay, just across the street from Naoroji Dadachanji's house, where Ar navaz grew up. My first meet ingwith Babawasin their house.

in Pune, in Shivajinagar, in the early days. At that time, Papa, a building general contractor, had had a contract in Pune.

While there, Papa stayed in a small jopri, a hut not unlike Baba's jopri. Papa told me that Baba used to come to that place

Baba had come to their house

("Sohrab Bharucha House") and my whole family, my mother, my brothers and my sisters who were crippled all went to see Baba at the Dadachanji's house. Every time Baba came, we used to go and see Him there. Later, when Arnavaz got married to Nariman and they stayed at Ashiana on Malabar Hill, we used to go for Baba's darshan in their house. But before that, Baba mostly used to come and stay at Naoroji's house, which was in Dadar, in Bombay.

of his in Pune with Padri, Vishnu

and Doctor Ghani in the very early times.

My father used to tell me that he met Baba in 1922, but they tell me that Baba didn't come

to Ahmednagar until 1923. I actually do not know which year it was, but my father and my uncle Naosherwan, whojustdied at age 100 this year, one of my uncles, Pilumama, and one of

my aunts, Gulamasi, met Him then. In the Ahmednagar re gion of those times there were

Baba always used to take little babies and hold them. When a

drawing by

baby wasthere, He put His hand out and you would put the baby

Lisa Greenstein

only vast, unplanted fields. One could walk from Station Road,

to Banumasi, my husband Sam's mothe<rf<#tr<Pwa's also

where the ST bus stand is today, across country to Meherabad. My father and uncles used to go for an early morning walk from their home at Akbar Press. It was their habit. So when they came to know that a Parsi saint had come to Arangaon, they walked across the

present. That, of course, I dofi^eWSrftbfe?.ak!A*ias'<told

fields and met Baba underneath a tree.

in His hand. He would sometimes take the child close

to His chest and bless the child. When my mother put me in Baba's hand, Baba took me close to Him and,

instead ofgiving me back to my motHeryWe 'gave me to me by Banumasi. Nobody ever thought then that I would later be married to Banumasi's son Sam.

They met Baba prior to 1925 when He was still speak ing. Babaasked them who they were, their family name,

I learned music from Papa Naoroji, Arnavaz's father He taught me to sing and to play the harmonium. He was

how many brothers and sisters there were and so forth. My father said, "we are five brothers and I have four


(continued on page 2)





sisters, Baba." But then Baba said, "No. From today onwards, you all have six brothers, and I am one of them." He really was a brother to them. When Baba

saw Baba coming she told Mehera and Mani, so that Baba's food could be brought to the room. Mehera and Mani greeted me and insisted, "Baba don't let this child

came to us, He was so natural that He used to make us

have the disease that her brothers and sisters have." So

forget that He was Avatar or God or anything. He would play with us, He would sit and eat with us — He was so much like one of the family members. Till Baba dropped His body, we used to almost forget, most times,

Baba gave a promise to Mehera. Afterward Baba said, "I will not only keep her healthy, I will see to her life throughout."

that He was the Great One. But in our heart of hearts

we knew, because we had such great respect for Him.

When my mother died, in 1942, we were all brought hereJxLsee_Baba. Baba was_sitting in the jlahuri cabin. We all had come in the tonga from Akbar Press, and we all greeted Baba. I sat on His lap. Baba told my father, "You have three crippled children, but I will take care of this child. I instruct you not to take her to any shrines, any saints or any physicians. She will be under my care." When I was little, my uncle Naosherwan, who was a homeopathic doctor, used to treat me if I fell ill. Even Baba used to take medication from my uncle Naosher wan. Baba always used to tell Goher, "write a note to Naosherwan about my symptoms and he will send the medication." And He used to really feel very good with these medications.

After Baba told my father how to care for me it was lunch time. Baba said to the men of our house, "you all stay at Lower Meherabad and have lunch. I am taking her (me) up the hill." At that time, Eruch's mother Gaimai, Eruch's sister Meheru, Manpur and my aunt Gulamasi were all staying at Upper Meherabad. Baba said, "you come with me, and I'll take you up," so I went with Baba. Baba used to walk so fast and, being a child, I just could not keep up with Him. By the time we reached the railway crossing I was panting, and when I saw the big top of the hill, I said to Baba, "I can not climb that mountain, Baba — it's too high for me." So He held my hand to cross the railway tracks and then He made me sit on His shoulders. With His signs He made me understand that if I should see someone of the

Upper Meherabad women, I must get down. I said, "all right Baba." So I held Him, two legs dangling on His

Baba arranged my marriage with Sam and He used to come and play with my daughters, Mehera and Dolly. We'd spread a towel on the dining room table, put the baby on that and Baba would feed them water or milk and play with them. He would come with two or three carloads of people. Nearly 15 or 20 people "would come every time. I still remember Francis Brabazon had just come from Australia at that time and he would say (mimicsexaggerated Australian accent), "Oh, lucky Baby, lucky Baby. Baba, I feel like dying right now, to come again so you can play with me like that. I'm very jealous of that baby."

We prick girl babies' ears at an early age so that they heal fast and we can put earrings on them. In my daugh ter Mehera's case, Baba said to Goher, "we must do the pricking of her ears." We were staying in Bindra house at the time. So one day Goher came and boiled the needle and the thread, and after we had sterilized them we pricked her ear. After the first ear was pricked, it hurt and the baby cried quite a lot, so Baba said, "Go her, don't prick the second ear. We'll do it next time. The baby is in pain." Goher said, "What, Baba? Have

the baby be in pain twice? In one shot we can prick the other ear also." So Baba held her while Goher pricked the other ear. Then she was crying a lot, and Baba gave her to me to calm her down.

My second daughter, Dolly, was born three years after Mehera, and she got the same treatment from Baba. Baba would dip His little finger in His sherbet and let the babies suck it. When they were older, my children loved marrow bones. On the days that He called us to Guruprasad, we used to put extra marrow in Baba's food, so that He would give it to the children. He would have some, and then pass it to the children.

shoulders. He carried me for some distance. Meanwhile,

One example of the way that Baba saw to my life was that

my tireuness went and I saw Kharmanmasi sitting under the tank near c/ie gace. / said to Baba, "Baba, there is a big fat lady sitting there," so He put me down, held my hand, and walked me up the hill. Then He took me

if I had even to leave Pune and come to Ahmednagar, first I had to write a postcard to Baba.Only when the OK was given, then we would leave from one place to the

into Mehera and Mani's room. As soon as Kharmanmasi

wherever He would be. All these memories are great.

other. We were under His instructions all the time,



MEETINGS • Meher Baba events are held on Saturday

nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley). Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. *




Saturday, March 7 - Beyond Words with Ursula On her 32nd anniversary of meeting Meher Baba, Ursula Van Buskirk will introduce and provide some of the background for the newly released film Beyond Words, taken by Louis van Gasteren in 1967. He was a professional filmmaker and the quality of this film is extraordinarily clear and detailed. Ursula says that this film shows best how she remembers Baba.

Saturday, March 14 - Site Committee Discussion Tonight we'll hear from our intrepid Site Committee of one (Harold Jamison) about a possible new center for our group. It is located at 2300 Roosevelt (at Bancroft). Drive by and have look before this meet ing, then come and give your feedback. Perhaps even consider joining the Site Committee. Community input will be important in this venture.

Saturday, March 21 - Arts and Crafts Night This evening will provide some hands-on experience in the world of art. Laurie Brook, who teaches art, will

conduct this meeting. Wear clothing that can get messy and prepare for a creative good time!

V Saturday, March 28 - A Musical Evening with Ron Qreenstein Ron always delights us with his musical talents. Come and enjoy an evening of tuneful revelry. Saturday, April 4, 7:30 PM - Videos at the StovaWs Hilla and Nadjoo Kotwal gave a couple of delightful, talks at the L.A. Sahavas in 1994. They shared their childhood impressions of life at Meher Baba's ashram when their father Savak Kotwal was His night watch man. Come see the videos at the home of Vern and




Saturday, April 11 No meeting on Easter Weekend

V Saturday, AprU 18 - Joan Harland and Qay Dunn This evening, Joan will share her experiences of meeting Meher Baba in 1956, 1958 and 1962. (Yes, she was pretty young at the time!) Gay Dunn will provide a musical addition to the evening with her beautiful, melodic cello playing. Hosted by Noreen Graham.

Saturday, April 25 - Persian Poetry Come share the Persian poetry of Hafiz, Rumi and others. Bill Gannett will host an evening of this beautiful and powerful poetry dedicated to God.

Saturday, May 2 - Sunday May 10 - Bhau's Visit! Health permitting, Meher Baba's longtime disci ple Bhau Kalchuri will be visiting the San Fran cisco Bay Area from May 2 to May 10. A detailed itinerary for his talks will be mailed to all North

ern California addresses on our mailing list. If you have not received an itinerary by April 20, please call Betty Lowman (650) 323-1900. If you would like to help with preparations for Bhau's visit, please call Janet White (510) 843-4417. V Saturday, May 16' The Music and Poetry of Mira, Kabir and Tulsidas

Tonight, Raine Eastman-Gannett will transport us to the East with an evening of music and poetry by Mira, Kabir and Tulsidas.

Saturday, May 23 - Memorial Day Weekend, no meeting

Saturday, May 30 - How I Came to Meher Baba This is the best story of them all, so we're repeat ing this meeting again this quarter! Come and hear how your friends discovered they were part of Meher Baba'sfamily. Share your story too! Hosted by Harold Jamison, (510) 236-7993. NUMBERS TO CALL:

Annie Stovall, 869 Appaloosa Drive, Walnut Creek.

• Mailing List: Scott Maloney (510) 705-8750 x 777

Call (510) 938-2126 for directions.

• Phone Tree: Annie Stovall (510) 938-2126

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White, VicePresident, Brian Drygas, Secretary, Brian Drygas, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Leslie Baer • Laurie Brook• Brian Drygas• Mehera Halliwell • Greg Harland• ClintSnyder • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor* Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Finance Committee: Greg Harland, Leslie Baer, Laurie Brook, Clint Snyder Program Committee: Laurie Brook, Brian Drygas Bookstore: Laura Hogan • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

A Treasure from Meher Baba "I love you. Do not worry about your weaknesses. Even tually they will go; even if they linger, love will one day

consume them. Everything disappears in the Ocean of Love. Because I love you, you have a pool of love within you. When you feel wretched, when you fall in your weakness, have a dip in that pool of My love. Refresh yourself in that pool of My love. Refresh yourself in that pool of My love within you. It is always there. Even if you wash your weaknesses every day in that pool, it will remain clear. Don't worry. Baba loves you, that is what really matters. Don't Worry, Be Happy. I will help you."

LOCAL MEETINQS Et Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - J0.00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

EI Cerrito - Thursday Evenings '7:15 PM Discourse reading and discussion. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Fresno - Wednesday Evenings - 7:30 to 8:30 PM Arti and a varied program. Contact Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh

fromThe Turning of the Key: Meher Baba in Australia by Bill Le Page

and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Rummage Sale Treasure Our October, 1997 rummage sale garnered over $1,000 for our group, thanks to coordinator Jim Quartieri and his crew of helpers. Jim has moved to the Sacramento foothills, but made a special trip to help us out.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

We also received a surprise gift at the sale. Jon Platania, a psychologist and yoga teacher affiliated with Berkeley Friends Meeting, presented us with a lovely airbrushed painting of Meher Baba. It was done by a friend of his, Stanley Williams, in 1970. Jon had kept it in the years since, wanting to find the right home for it.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

Stanley Williams now lives in Egypt. We sent him a thank-you note, and he responded saying "I was very surprised and happy to receive your card regarding the painting of Meher Baba. It was painted at a very special spiritual time in my life. I am delighted that it has found

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM

Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call -


Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays '7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

a home with the Meher Baba Center." MEHER BABA INFORMATION THE TRUST

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.


of Northern California, Inc.

2131 University Avenue, Room 235 Berkeley, California 94704 Address Correction Requested

Non-Profit U.S.

Postage Paid El Cerrito, CA Permit No. 186




VOL. 28

The "Post Office Days" with Meher Baba On December 22, we celebrate the birthday of Mehera Jehangtr Irani, Meher Baba's most beloved disciple. She has recorded her. reminisccnses of life with Him in her book Mehera. This is an excerpt from a chapter in that book titled "Post Office Days

or scorpion could have easily crawled into His bedding for warmth. As Baba could not sleep, He would be sitting up by

3:30 a.m. withHisblanket wrapped around Him, andat about 5 a.m. Baba would wake the mandali, however deeply they were snoring. Baba would take His sandal and throw it at one of them; He especially loved to aim for Masaji, who would wake up, see Baba's sandal, and feel very happy. Masaji would get up, kiss Baba's sandal, and give it back to Him. We girls were sleeping very comfortably on our bedding rolls inside the Post Of fice room, and here was Baba, the King of Kings, sleeping in the open with no proper bedding. Now in the night at

Near the end of 1924 Baba returned to

Meherabad, and He called us, the first women,

to join Him permanently there. We—my mother, myself, Naja, big Khorshed, and small Khorshed and from time to time

Dowla Masi—stayed in the Post Office buildingnear the railway line. This build ing was a post office during the First World war when, as I have said, what

is now Meherabad had been a military training camp built by the British. Most of the military buildings there

Meherazad I think of Baba and remember

all these details; how Baba used to give others comfort and go without it Him

were not built to last, but the Post

self. How dense we were! Here were we

Office had been. It was such a strong, well-made building, with thick walls of

girls feeling so cozy inside, while Baba was so uncomfortable outside. But we could

big, black stones. It had one good-sized

not tell Baba to use the room. We girls

room, and there were verandahs on the

could not have slept on the verandah, so

south and east sides. There were windows

Baba had to be outside with the mandali. He

only in the south and north walls, and they

went through all that discomfort. Our food was very simple. In the morning we, including Baba, of course, had only weak tea, and we

had bars on them. The British had built it

close to the railway line so that the mailbags could easilybe taken on and off trains as they passed

by. Later, as it was no longer being used as a post office, the railway authorities ordered it to be pulled down, and we felt very sad about that, but I am told that the stones from the Post Office walls were used to build Baba's Samadhi.*

How we loved the Post Office. It was there that so many

things happened for the first time with Baba: I had Baba's darshan there for the first time; 1 first heard Baba sing there

in His lovely voice; Baba had His bath there; and He had His tea and His food there. Baba has slept there, and the villagers of Arangaon first came to know of Baba and have His darshan there, too. So that place was sacred to us.

girls got up very early to get it ready. I have never liked getting up early, and when I came to stay with Baba, that was one thing that wasdifficult for me. We would be up by 5 a.m. or earlier to prepare Baba's tea, and by5:30 wecould hear Him coming to us, singing in His beautiful voice. We had a little wood fire outside on the verandah for cooking our food, but we made the tea on a kerosene stove inside our room, as Baba did not like the taste of wood smoke in His tea. The tea was very weak, made with a little fresh mint, lemon grass, and only a pinch of dried tea leaves. We had sugar in

it, but no milk; as well as no chapatis, no butter, and no bread.

These very first days were so special to us. Only three of the

This weak tea was our only breakfast.

men mandali were with Baba: Gustadji, Padri, and Masaji. And Baba slept with them on the Post Office verandah on the windowless East Side facing the road.

I would give Baba His tea on the east verandah where He would be sitting on a packing case and chatting with the mandali and Naja or my mother would give the mandali theirs. Baba's tea was served in a big aluminum mug, and this same mug Baba used for washing His face, having His bath, and for drinking water. When we served the tea it was freshly made and steaming hot, so Baba's aluminum mug would be too hot

It was now the beginningof winter, and the verandah was open to the chilly east breeze. Baba had no bed, just a think mattress on a mat on the floor, and He would feel so cold at night that

He couldnot sleep. Baba alsohad no mosquitonet, and a snake




for Him to put to His lips. My mother noticed this, and she taught us to put Baba's mug of tea in half a pail of cold water to cool it to the right temperature before serving it to Baba. We had just the dire necessities, and all our utensils were wither brass, aluminum, or enamel. Baba had told us that

everything was to be unbreakable, for we would not be able to replace anything. For lunch we had rice and spiced dal, and in the evening we had rice and plain dal. A little later on Baba let us make curry and rice, too. As a child I was very fond of meat and fish. 1

did not like vegetarian food at all, but Baba made me forget all about meat. I was very young, and with just weak tea without milk as our breakfast, I would be so hungry that I

eagerly looked forward to our rice and dal. Najacooked^heTice anddal orrthe wood fireOTi the verandah^ and 1helped her by washing pots and pans and grinding the spices. It is not so easyto grindspiceson a stone. Drycoconut and coriander seeds are particularly hard, but I would try to make them very, very fine, especially when Baba allowed us to make curry, for finely-ground spices make the curry very smooth.

Baba, Who was young then, would get very hungry after hav ing only weak tea at dawn, and then working hard with the mandali. He came for His lunch as early as 9:30, and for His evening dal and rice at 4 or 5 p.m. Naja made the fire and put the dal on early so that it would be ready for Baba, and when He came in He would call not "Naja", but "Najari," so sweetly to her. "Najari, what's the time? Is the food ready?" And Naja would say, "Baba, the dal is just ready, but the rice isn't quite."

Baba would reply, "Never mind, I don't want rice, just dal." For meals Baba sat on His little rug on the floor near the fireplace on the verandah, and 1 would serve Him His food in His brass plate. We were so new and unaccustomed to staying



I was also not to touch or speak to any men, and the food that

I prepared was given only to Baba, or later to the school children, but not to men. Gustadji was the exception to these rules. His storeroom was on one of the Post Office verandahs,

and Baba sent him to us for messages. Even Baba Himself seldom entered our room. He would take His meals and tea on the Post Office verandah.

And there were many other little orderseven in the beginning. For example,we wereto wear warmjackets in the evening and, as 1have said, keep our heads covered with white scarves.We could come onto the verandah to cook and, in these very early days, goto the well to washourclothes;otherwise, I was mostly inside our room. We did not roam about outside, and Meher-

• abad Hill in those days was completely out-of-bounds to all. -Baba was very fond of music, and as 1have said, His was a very beautiful and sweet voice. Sometimes Baba would sing in the ' early mornings, and so lovely was His voice that He could sing beautifully even before brushing His teeth and having tea. Early one morning, after we had quickly rolled up our bedding and put it aside, splashed our faces with cold water, and brushed ourteeth, we wererushing to make tea for Baba. I was pumping the kerosene stove, which is very noisy, when my mother said, "Listen! You can't hear because of the stove, but Baba is sing ing. How beautifully He is singing!' As we listened we could hear Baba's voice coming nearer and nearer. He was singing a new song, not a qawali, but an or dinary songwith a pretty tune. At first we stayed in the middle of the room, as we knew Baba would not like us to stare at Him from the windows, but we could still see out. Baba's voice came still nearer, and then around the corner of the Post Office He

came; and we saw Him. It was just at the crack of dawn, and the dawn light was on His lovely face. So beautiful He looked

in His white sadra with His hair loose. And as He sang He danced so gracefully. It was just a glimpse for a few seconds, but the sight of Baba dancing and singing in the dawn light is something I shall never forget.

with a Master that we did not have the_sense to take^our

As Baba turned towards the corner of the verandah we rushed

sandals off. We served Babastill wearingthem. Now 1remem ber these little things. Baba must have thought that we were very ignorant, but Mani says Baba wanted us to be like that; that very clever people might have argued too much and made

to the window to see more, but He had gone from our sight.

His work more difficult.

With his food Baba would sometimes ask for bread. Gulmai

would bring it for Baba from Ahmednagar when she visited Him; just a small loaf that we would try to keep fresh by wrapping in a cloth and keeping in a saucepan. The bread would become a little stale, but Baba would break it into small

piecesand put it in the dal. Babaalways broke bread. He never cut it. And seeing Baba eat, we would feel hungry, too. We girls were still a little shy with Baba. We peeped at Baba from a distance, but we were not bold enough to talk to Him unless He spoke to us. And Baba was strict with us. Baba had told me not to read or write, so I could not even take down the things that He told us. I had brought some of my favorite books with me in a trunk—David Copperfield and others —to share with the girls, but I quickly sent them back to my sistet in Ahmednagar, and I never saw those books again!

But we did see Him for those few seconds, so slim and beautiful

in a white sadra, dancing and singingspontaneously because He was happy. (Story from Mehera, Mehera J. Irani, Beloved Books, ©1989, pages 63-68. Photos ©1982 Manifestation, Inc.)

♦In the early '30s, the government ordered the post office to be torn down, as it was infringing on property legally held by the railroad's right of way. In 1938 the structure enclosing the

cryupt was demolished, and the more substantial structure that

weseetodaywas erected.The stones for this new buildingwere taken from the dismantled post office. Thus, Baba's first stay in the post office at Lower Meherabad was linked to the sa

madhi; it is asthough the Samadhi has become the divine post office of the Avatar.

(The Samadhi, Star ofIn/miry, BalNatu, Sheriar Foundation, ©1997, page 7.)



MEETINGS - MeherBaba events are held on Saturdaynights unless other wise indicated below. TIMES - Events normally start at 8:00 PM and end by 9:30 PM. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage, two blocks

east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (Northof Berkeley) Take the Albany exit from Interstate 80. To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. «

Bookstore <8s Childcare

V Saturday, December 5: Film Night We will see O Parvardigar and The Ancient One.

Saturday, December 12: Qrowing Up With Baba . Many of us came to Baba in the 1960s and now our children areapproaching the age we were when we found Him. Steven Barrie-Anthony will moderate a panel o( young Baba Lovers who will discuss how they've found a wayto make Baba their own and the adventures they've had in trying to pleasehim while connecting to a youth culture where the values, e.g. with respect to sex, drugs, and competitive materialistic pressures, may be different.

* Sunday, December20,2-5 PM: Mehera's Birthday Tea at the Talbots'



1Thursday, January 14: Don Stevens Speaks Don Stevens first met Meher Baba in 1952 and saw Him

several times since. He helped edit God Speaks at Baba's request and has written many books on the subject of fol lowingMeher Baba. This promises to be aspecialevening.

Saturday, January 23: Baba and Wild Times at the Arbor Cafe Alan Talbot will moderate as he, Fred White, Ed Van

Buskirk, Doug Ross and Harold Jamison reminisce about how working at the Arbor Cafe, a Berkeley vegetarian restaurant owned by Baba Lovers, playeda part in their and

others' early Baba experiences in the 1960s and early 1970s.

V Saturday, January 30 - 8:30 PM: Amartithi This is the 30th anniversary of Meher Baba's 'dropping ' His body.' We will have an evening of music and a film, and we'll observe 15 minutes of silence from 10:30 to

10:45 PM to coincide with silence at the tomb in India.

Saturday, February 6, Is Baba a Liberal or a Conservative?

Liberals tend to endorse governmental correction of in equality of opportunity whereas conservatives believe that limited government rewards self-reliance and the

An afternoon of tea, music and reminiscences of the one

development of good character. Come with your best

who loved Meher Baba most perfectly. We will see the

rhetoric and defend the spiritual value of the liberal or the conservative agenda. Harold Jamison moderates. Yelling or name-calling will result in getting the gong.

new video Mehera, Meher Baba's Beloved. A Mini-book store will also be available for last-minute holiday shop

ping. (Get your 1999 Baba calendar!) Bring tea treats and stories to share. The Talbots live at 721 Crossbrook

Dr. Moraga, Call (925) 376-4325 for directions.

Thursday, December 31, 7:00 - 9:30 PM. New Year's Eve Potluck at the Qreensteins' It's a pre-party party! Ring in the New Year at Ron and Lisa's early evening potluck. They live at 600 Albemarle St., El Cerrito. Call (510) 525-3364 for directions.

Saturday, January 9: Which Path are You On? Dick Anthony Discusses Baba Religion versus Baba Mysticism Baba said he did not come to establish a new religion,

but history has shown that a religion always develops around the person and teachings of the Avatar. On the other hand, an inner mystical relationship to the Avatat hasalways been available, and this is especially so during

the 100-200 years after He r^as dropped His body. How

can we tell the difference between the external "Shariat"

and the inner mystical path, e.g. what is the role of rituals and ceremonies in the development of the Baba

religion? Dick will discuss the several ways available to Baba lovers for answering such questions.

Saturday, February 13: Coming to Baba Stories Harold Jamison will moderate a panel of people telling the intriguing stories of how they came to Meher Baba.

Feb. 20th: Dick Anthony on Materialism, The New Humanity, and our Baba Community. Baba has said that wars are merely a more explicit form

of the war of all against all that dominates our modern economic and cultural life. Dick Anthony uses his syn thesis of sociology and psychoanalysis to aid in interpret ing Baba's teachings and to suggest how we can begin to achieve the New Humanity right now in our own Baba community. If not now, when?

* Saturday, February 27: We Celebrate Beloved Baba's Birthday, 4:30 PM to 8 PM Join us at the Berkeley Fellowship Unitarian-Universalist Church, 1924 Cedar Street at Bonita, Berkeley for an

evening of merriment in honor of Baba's birthday. Pot luck dinner begins at 5 PM, followed by performances and films, then Arti, and cake. If you can perform, dec

orate, help with set-up or clean-up, or help with public ity, we need you! Contact JoanHarland, (510) 237-5348.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Joan Harland, Vice President, Harold Jamison, Secretary, Ron Greenstein, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Odile Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White • Program: Greg Harland Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

Divine Humor from the Internet


Thanks to Barbara Roberts of Dolores, Colorado for sharing these jokes from her inspired collection.

El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM

• What isgreater than God, worse than the devil, the dead eat it, and if we eat it, we die? answer: nothing.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings -7:15 PM

• What breaks when you say its name? answer: Silence

• A dog sees that his master feeds him, pets him, throws a stick once" in a while, and thinks, "He must be God."

A cat sees that her owner feeds her, pets her, rolls a ball once in a while, and thinks, "I must be God!" • The Man Who Interviewed God:

Man: "What is a billion years to you?" God: "A SPLIT SECOND!" Man: "Well, how much is a BILLION dollars to you?" God: "A MERE PENNY!" Man: "In that case, Lord, how about giving me ONE penny ?»

God: "SURE. JUST A SECOND." "Family Circus" comic strip by B. Keane, 5-17-98

• One puppet to another, "1 don't know...sometimes I question whether there really is a HAND." "HAGAR THE HORRIBLE" by Dik Browne, 5-3-95

• Have you heard about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac? He would stay up all night wondering if there was a Dog. • Do you know that God's name is Andy?

Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick

Anthony at (510) 524-6405.

Los Qatos - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Clint and Sharon Snyder. Call them at (408) 3956865 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11 ;00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Tuesdays - 7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (408) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call

Helen at (510) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (510) 930-8670 for directions.

"And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own..."


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact 1999 MEHER BABA CALENDARS ARE HERE! They will be available at the bookstore. Katie Mink will also

take phone orders. You can pick them up at her home, or have them mailed to you. Call Katie at (510) '849-1809.

To get on our Newsletter Mailing List, call Scott Maloney (510) 705 8755 x777

Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box1101, Berkeley, CA94701. Or call (510) 562-1101


of Northern California, Inc.

2I31 L^versitv^niTrmsJ^ooni'^S?" Berkeley, Address G

Mehera and Meher Babain Benares, J939







VOL. 29


The Mighty Beloved by Francis Brabazon Just as January 31, 1999 marks the 30th Amartithi,

more Man, I wouldn't feel so much like

the 30th anniversary of Meher Baba's dropping His body, April 10-June 10,1999 is the 30th anniversary

someone upside down in a garbage can."

of what has been called The Great Darshan. when

But Baba wasn't going to become more Man just for my sake, so I had to settle

thousands of Meher Baba's lovers honored His

invitation to be in His presence at Guruprasad, Poona. One of the highlights of the darshan program was the opportunity to meet and to be greeted by Baba's mandali. Thisaddress, by Francis Brabazon. is especially remembered by those present, with great delight.

for Him as the Divine Beloved-one whom

1could serve sometimes, instead of thinking about myself all the time. After all, al though He is God, and sometimes is a

JAI BABA! I am amazed and filled with joy to dis cover that the Beloved 1 have been serving for many years is truly a very mighty Beloved.

Of course, I have known all along that He was God. But there are so many Gods. There is the God which people see in a shape of illusion such as a sunset or a mountain viewor a symphony, or whose hand is seen in one's not

getting caught in a rain-storm or in obtaining a good job: no doubt a very comfortable and profitable God to have- well worth a Christian candle or some Hindu incense-but not a God to whom one would offer one's

life. There is the God who rules the shining planes of consciousness: but sight of Him would blind one. And the God who is beyond the planes is unknowable except

by His own Grace. And He is extremely careful to whom He gives that Grace. So when beloved Baba used to tell us that He was God,

I used to think, "Yes, Baba, You are God all right- the One God and all the Gods-but what good is that to me?"

In fact, I used to get so fed-up with Him being God that I wished He wasn't or I wished He was a sort-of an Old

Testament God for Whom I could slaughter some fat

lambs or a spotless young bull in return for some added acreage. I got so tired of His being so much God that I wrote a song about it and sang it to him. It goes something like, "if only You were a bit less God, a bit

Man, being one's own and the world's Beloved is His main job. Others can become as much God or as much Man

as He, but only Baba is more Beloved than any other beloved. And is infinitely worth serving.

But now a great problem arises. How to serve that One who is All-beloved, for whatever one does with love is

done by Him. All that is done for the Beloved is done

by the Beloved. And so one arrives at the painful conclusion that the Beloved alone exists- which means

that oneself doesn't And that's a terrible predicament to find oneself in-for one is still there.

The only solution I found was to accept the position: "You alone are and I am not, but we are both here." And

having arrived at this acceptance Baba now taught me a poetical form capable of expressing all the shades of the impossible relationshipsof lover and Beloved. Such a form has not existed in English up till now, because the lover-Beloved dilemma was not part of the BritishAmerican consciousness. And, of course, beloved Baba

being the author of this new form was (or seemed to be) delighted with my exercises in it.

And here is a delicious piece of humor in connection with this. There was a period when Baba had me read a new poem to him three times every morning. Do you know why three times? Baba was memorizing them.

Why memorizing them? So that He could quote them


next time He comes back, in 700 years! That is really God-Man humor, isn't it. Then there were His extraor

dinary orders or commissions. His last was for 30 ghazalsghazal is the name of the new poetical form He taught me. It happened this way. One morning after the usual morning business was finished, Baba said He wanted me to write 30 ghazals. Could I do that? I replied promptly and brightly, "No, Baba." This reply seemed to rather astonish Him. He turned to t he other mandali and

said, "Well, what do you think of that? I ask this fellow

to write 30 ghazals and he says, No, Baba." Then Baba turned questioningly back to me. 1 said, or rather I groaned, "I don't know whether I can write one ghazal-and you ask for 30. I don't think there are any more in my head." Then He says sympathetically and persuasively, "Try, and I will help you." So it was back to the stone-quarry again to cut and build 30 more little poem-houses, each one a bit different; for the Beloved likes variety.

But still I did not know what a might Beloved our Beloved is. This knowledge has come to me only recently-since Baba laid aside His body. Now, the Beloved would not be the Beloved if He didn't

have a thousand whims and moods, if He didn't play His eternal game of divine pretense; if He was not all ears for the lover's praise and stone deaf to his complaints; if He was not All-knowledge and All-ignoranceat the same

become footless, and walk; to become headless, and think; to exert himself to the utmost, and leave evetything to Him.

Though it its not the time yet for us to know the wine of His kiss on our lips, we have received the kiss of His Word in our hearts. If it were not so, how could all

you dear ones who have never seen His Man-form be lere now

Who but the Beloved of Beloveds could speak His Word silently in your hearts and make you come from across the world to take His darshan, to bow down to

Him in your hearts? Such a thing has never happened before. I have been at Mass-darshans where tens of thousands came and bowed down to His Man-form. But to come thousands of miles to bow down to

Him in one's own heart, that is of an entirely different order of devotion.

Why has beloved Baba given you people this extraor dinary privilege? Because He required a few to do what the many, what everyone, must eventually do: journey across the world of illusion to take darshan of Him in

their hearts. What a Beloved is our Beloved; what a

mighty Beloved. This Word which He has spoken in your hearts, which will be spoken in every heart in the world, will lead you by the hand, and drive you with whips to the door of your Beloved, to the wineshop of your Master-where it will

become yourown puresong

time. He would not be the Beloved if He did not deco rate the walls of His wine

of praise and will cause the Beloved winemaster to open the door and bring you in and pour for you a glass of the wine of self-forgetful-

shop with pretty pictures such

as "All the religions being drawn together as beads on one string" and "700 yeats of peace," and then invite the lover to cross deserts of heart-dryness and oceans of tears to receive the wine of His kiss; but when the lover

at last staggers in at the door, the Beloved spends the whole time showing him the pictures and expecting his interest and admiration.

What a Beloved our Beloved is! What a Beloved we have chosen to serve! What is it to the thirst-crazed

ness and Beloved-alone-re

membrance. The very Word with which He knocked on the doors of your hearts and aroused you to set your feet on the path to Him, the same Word will knock on His door and make Himopen it to you- Himself. I bow down to this mighty One in each of you.

But you also have your parts to play on this grand journey you have begun-you must not leave it all to

He would not be the Beloved if He did not tell the

your Beloved. For every step the lover takes to the Beloved, the Beloved takes ten steps to the lovet. But the lover must continually take that one step. We must practice taking beloved Baba's darshan, bowing down to Him in our hearts, every day, then every moment

lover to stand up and sit down at the same moment; to

until we have continuous sight of Him.

lover if a lot of glass beads are strung on one string? Will that make them turn into diamonds? What if

there is 700 years of peace? Will not war again follow?

(continued on back page)





MEETINGS - MeherBabaevents are held on Saturday nights.

Saturday, April 10: An Evening of Persian Sufi

TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM


unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the

Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marin and Stannage, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (North of Berkeley). Take the Buchanan Street exit from Interstate 80. To check for

program changes call 510-845-4339. »

Bookstore & Childcare

Saturday, March 6: Working with the Body Louise Barrie will host a panel (Odile Atthalin, Robert Dreyfuss, Scott Maloney, Doug Ross and Ed Van Buskirk)

to discuss and explore ways in which working through the medium of the body (bodywork, body-oriented psychotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture) expresses and reaches for our relationship with Meher Baba. Join us for a lively

Saturday, April 17: Are You Really a Baba Lover? Dick Anthony discusses the Question. Do you ever doubt that Baba is who He says He is. or question whether you are really a Baba Lover? Eruch told Dick that faith in Baba is more authentic if you don't repress your doubts. Dick will discuss what he makes of

this advice and the role that doubt plays for him, and maybe others, in following Baba. Come share your own doubts, if any, and let's try to make sense of this ques tion.

Saturday, April 24: Masts, War, Spiritual Centers and Seclusion: Meher Baba in the 1940s Ben Leet and Peter Ravazza will host this evening's program,


Saturday, March 13: Quarterly Salon and Toddy Shop The first in a new series of meetings for the expressions of our hearts with writings, story-telling, song, performance, visual art and chai. Presenters will include Steven Barrie

Anthony, Sarah Dwyer, Mehera Halliwell, Ben Leet, Jeanne Moje and Kathy Weiderhold. Want to be in the next pro gram? Call Lisa Greenstein (510) 525-3364

Saturday, March 20: Fundraiser Concert by David Miotke *

Bill Gannett leads a group reading and discussion of Persian Sufi poetry.


7:30pm Plymouth United Church of Christ, Monte Vista at Oakland Ave., Oakland. Our very own, very talented singer/ pianist and consummate entertainer will present a lively evening of his own Baba songs and ghazal settings. Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door. They will be available at Baba meetings or by mail at C/O PJR, P.O. Box 11275, Oakland, CA., 94611 or phone (510) 466-9587. Checks payable to MBCNC. All proceeds will benefit the Meher Baba Center of Northern California.

Saturday, March 27: Margaret Bernstein and Friends This longtime Baba lover will play original compositions on both flute and piano, classical selections on flute and may evensingan originalsong.Please come support and celebrate the release of her new album, "On the Threshold of Change." dedicated to her son, Julian Song.

Saturday, April 3: Uppers, Downers, All Arounders In the 1960s Meher Baba issued several warnings about the

dangers of using drugs. Deborah Tyler, experienced in substance abuse counseling, will talk about the effects of drug use and review the latest research into the biochemical impact of drugs. She will also remind us what Baba and Bhau Kalchuri have said about their spiritual

" promising "everything you ever wanted to know" about this eventful decade in the avatar's advent.

Saturday, May 1: Raine Eastman-Gannett sings songs of Mehera An evening of songs of Beloved Baba's Mehera, with passages from her biography read by Bill Gannett.

Saturday, May 8: Meher Baba—Father, Friend, Firm Master, Constant Companion until the Very End What is it like to follow Meher Baba? What do we gain and lose? Is He involved in my day-to-day life? What if Baba came and went without my knowing of Him? Should

I appreciate the change His influence makes? Why is per fection so far away? Kathy Wiederhold will make it fun to consider these questions.

May 15: Darshan Revisited Come reminisce and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the 1969 darshan. Bring pictures and other memorabil ia, if you were among those fortunate enough to have attended.

May 22: Practical Mysticism Let's come together to discuss ways to use the tools Meher Baba has given us for becoming practical mystics.

Peter Ravazza invites all to join an open discussion and an evening of good snacks, fun and a relaxing departure from the stresses of the Kali Yuga!


impact. Families and kids, bring your questions.

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Joan Harland • Vice President, Harold Jamison • Secretary. Ron Greenstein • Treasurer, Jack Mormon

Board of Directors: Odile Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter. Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn • Betty Lowman • Cherri Nelson

Bookstore: Kate Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White • Program: Greg Harland Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

Happenings will happen- even Grand Happenings. But they will not be that Happening which has to happen in our hearts. So do not look to these other happenings

to nourish your faith; depend only upon His Word and its Song in your hearts.


EI Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis

Be prepared for a long, long journey to have the Be

Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony

loved's real darshan. But it may only take a mere 700

at (510) 524-6405.

years to reach His door and bow down to Him for the last time and merge in Him forever. JAI BABA! The Victory is His.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 322-0886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM

Farewell Tea for Laura Hogan and Kacy Cook We wish our dedicated Bookstorewalla Laura Hogan

happy trails as she heads off to her new home in cold northern climes (Minnesota)—well suited to her

Finnish heritage! At the same^ tra^rbefore she leaves for more southern climes, Kacy Cook, western resident of India for the past 20 years, will share stories frorn her rich experience of life at Meherazad.

Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional gatherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924-

Santa Cruz - Alternate Thursdays- 7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (813) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM

All are invited to a good-bye tea Sunday March 7

Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call Helen at (925) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard,

from 2 to 5 PM at the home of Alan and Karen Talbot,

(925) 930-8670 for directions.

721 Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. Please bring tea treats to share. Please RSVP, (925) 376-4325. THE TRUST All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact

Announcement from the Trustwalla MBCNC (Meher Baba Center of Northern California)

Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

is in the process of being certified- to receive tax deductible donations to AMBPPT (Avatar Meher Baba

Perpetual Public Trust.) If you have any questions regarding how to donate to the Trust in this way, call either: Jack Mormon, (510) 232-1894 or Peter


People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of .available publicaitons by.writing or phoning Meher BabaJnformation. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510)562-1101

Ravazza, (510) 769-1839


of Northern California, Inc.


2131 Uni

Ity Avenue, Room 235 rnia 9470




yrii T 2131 UNIVERSITY AVE., RM. 235




VOL. 29

SUMMER - 1999

Bernice Ivory Many Baba lovers have heard of Beryl Williams, a Jamai' can-American woman who heard about Meher Baba from Norina Matchabelli and spent time with Him when He vis/ted the U.S in the 1950s. Bemice Ivory, her sister, who passed away last Febru ary, gave the talk from which this article was excerpted at the Los Angeles Sahavas in July, 1983:

thing but I didn't pay any attention and as time went on, I had the children and there was nothing for Beryl to do but come and tell me about Baba. I'm home from

the hospital, three children. Beryl would come, "boom, boom, boom" on the door. I'd look

through the peephole. "Oh, God, not again!"

The Nothingness of All Things, The Oneness of Everything

She'd come in and sit on the stool in the kitchen and she'd read. She'd read about the "DIS COURSE ON LOVE" and Baba.

Now, Norina told them about Baba,

I didn't know it was Baba then.

I'd say, "Maybe she's hungry." "You want to eat, Beryl?" "Oh, yes. 1 didn't have any breakfast." I'd have to stop what I'm doing—diapers,

this Master in the East and how He was

expected to make a return visit to the West and, oh, was she (Beryl) ready! Was she ready! In the mean time, I am perfectly happy. Baba had me get preg nant. I had not one baby,but two babies. So, when I would think about it, I would do my chanting and I was happy with

bottles, you know—and give her some breakfast. Well, to make a

long story short, Beryl wouldcome and she knew, she knew that 1

didn't like her coming, and she told me after, she said she would get up in the morning and Baba told her to go up to Bernice and she would come up to Bernice, and I began to notice this! I said, "Now, this isn't Beryl." Berylhad

where 1 was.

Well, when Beryl heard Baba was com ing in 1952, she came and told me and asked me if I wanted to go down to Myrtle Beach to meet Baba. I'm grum

bling to myself, "How does she know?" Oh, she told me, "He's a Master" and

a fuse this, this long, yousee, and if you didn't say something the

I'm grumbling, "How can she know He's

Bernice and Harry Ivory a Master?" You know, "I'm not goin' way she liked, she was finished. as they'd like to be remembered. down there in the South. She can go She'd snap you up and that's it. down there if she wants to. I'm not going there." I didn't hide the fact that she annoyed me, you know,

So Beryl went and she met Baba. She came back. Now, in the meantime I'm pregnant again. It was my early pregnancy. Well, you know Baba had the accident and all and she was taken up, going back and forth with Baba, and when she did come to see me, the minute I

saw Beryl, the minute I saw her, I felt there was some

thing different about her. You know, I felt that some-

to the point where I told her, "You telling me all these things, it's like you're telling me, 'You need a Master. Youneed a Master. You cannot do this by yourself.'"One day I got so exasperated, I said, "I can't understand what you're telling me, Beryl. It's like a person with a broken leg and you take the crutch and you give them nothing to walk with, you know. I can't understand this."


(continued on page 2)



So she left this book with me, the "DISCOURSES ON

LOVE", and I'm grumbling and say, "Love! She needs to get married and have some children!" Okay, so, she left me the book and when she wasgoing out of the door she said, "This is for you." I took it and we said goodbye. When I closed the door and locked it, I wondered what it was. Instead of looking at it, I just held it. When I looked at what she had given me, it was this picture of Baba. And as I did, inside me, my heart inside me was

"perrumpadump"! I got so scared, I ran into myhusband Harry's room, and I ran to put it in his dresser drawer. My sakes! I didn't know what had happened to me! What is this? Okay, I gotjdl involved in the things 1 had to do and she didn't come back for a while. In the

meantime, I took this DISCOURSE that she'd given me. I was getting into bed and opened the book and I tried to read it and my head started spinnin'. I got such a headache. I said, "What in the world?" I said, "You went to high school. You can't read it?"I got so mad, I slammed the book shut. I said, "Well, if this man Baba is all she said, He'll show me," and I put the book in the drawer.

One day I said to myself, "I ought to take that picture out of the drawer because she may think I don't want it." Instantly, Baba says, "Don't take it out until you're ready." Just like that, "Don't take it out before you're ready."A month or so after, I thought about the picture. So I went to open my Harry's dresser drawer and I eased it out and I looked at it and nothing happened, you know. So I put it up on his dresser. I was still making looks at it, whenever I was in the room, I would look to see if anything would happen, and nothing happened again. So, eventually, I eased the picture over, dusted it and put it on my night table.

Well, It wasSeptember. I had played the Numbers. You go in and you buy three numbers and you put a quarter on the game and come out. I bought this number. I said, "Oh, Harry, I know what the number's going to be." He says, "Yeah?" "I'm going to run over to Doris's"—that's my friend. Her husband works in the hospital and he can get it in for me. And so I run over to her house and I put it in. "Now, don't lock the door, Harry. I'm coming right back 'cause I've put the children to bed. Don't

lock the door. I'm coming right back." He said, "Okay." I went over to Doris's and I remembered that Johnny wasn't going to work the next day. So now, we sat and talked. 1 put on the coffee pot and we talked. I said, "I have to go home, you know. The door is open and Harry wants to go on to bed" and "blah, blah, blah" and "1 have to go home. Yes.well, and "blah, blah, blah."

Four A.M.! I jumped up. I said, "Doris, look at the time! Four! I can't believe it! What happened? What were we doing?" Four o'clock! 1 flew across the corridor and up the stairs, opened the door real quietly, you know, and went in. Everything's quiet. Everybody's sleeping, so now 1 said, "Well, I won't put the light on in my bed room because 1 might wake Harry and he'll know what time I came in!" So I put the light on in the hall. I went and got my nightgown and washed up and was just getting ready to come out of the bedroom to turn off the hall light and Baba said,"Why don't you meditate?" "Meditate? Meditate on what?" But that's what Baba

said^"Why don't you meditate?" The children had a little chair, but a small one, for theirs. So I took the chair and sat down in front of the

night table, in front of Baba's picture. My bottom didn't hit the chair good before the picture started glowing. The picture started with this light. 1 was sitting there and now the light is getting SO beautiful, SO radiant, and it's just ebbing and flowing, and ebbing and flow ing,and ebbingand flowing, and justdancing, but outlining Baba, just Baba, and He looks so, so serene, so beautiful. All of a sudden, the light lifted up, lifted from the picture like this, and it came up, boom, and it struck me here, and it hit me and with such force, I almost

fell off the chair. O, yes, I believe! Yes, I believe! I was on fire! I didn't know where to go. I didn't know what to do with myself. I was on fire from head to toe. I ran to the window. I threw open the window. I wanted to scream to the world. I wanted to tell everybody. Noth ing wouldcome out. I came back. I went to my husband. (I forgot he was sleeping.) I ran into the children's room. I went to the phone to call Betyl, then 1 realized what time it was and I hung up. I said,~"Oh, Lord, what is this?" Oh. I was on fire. Then I calmed down. I said, "I wonder if that'll happen again?" Back I went and sat in front of Baba's picture. As soon as I sits down, the picture started to glow again. Now, this is a golden light and permeating the whole picture, so beautiful. It came around Baba's face, you know, and it outlined His whole face, His whole face, His whole face. Then it came

across His forehead and then it crossed each eye, His nose, His mouth, then it came across His neck and onto

the table, slowly,you know, beautiful golden light, across the table.

On the table, I had pencil and a lot of little things you would have on a night table, and everything that the light touched dissolved into the light across the table, spread onto it, and everything became One. Then it started to recede back to the picture, with all the things (continued on page 4)

MEETINGS - Meher Baba events are held on Saturday nights. TIMES- Events start at 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCA TIONS - Events are held at the

Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the comer of Marin and Stannage Streets, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany (north of Berkeley) Take the Buchanan Street exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore & Childcare

Saturday, May 29: An evening with Jai and Dolly Dastur Those of you who have made the journey to Meher Baba's tomb and the Pilgrim Centre have met Jai and Dolly, longtime lovers of the Avatar who live in the shadow of Baba's samadhi. Their

decades of contact with Beloved Baba provide for many an evening's wonderful stories. Come to hear some of their gems.

Thursday, June 3, 7-9 PM: Sweets and Treats with Jai and Dolly at the Talbot's Come to the Talbot's with desserts to share. 721

Crossbrook Drive, Moraga. If you need directions call (925) 376-4325.

Saturday, June 26: Meher Baba's Silence As the 74th anniversary of the beginning of Baba's silence approaches, Janet White will lead a discus sion about His silence, begun on July 10, 1925.

Saturday, July 3: No meeting, as many will be attending the L.A. Sahavas Saturday, July 10, 2 PM: Silence Day Walk Meet at Inspiration Point in Tilden Park for a walk in silence. Call Joan Harland, (510) 237-5348 for directions (before July 10th, please!)

Saturday, July 17: QuarterlySalon and Toddy Shop The second in a series of meetings for the expression of our hearts through writing, story-telling, song,

performance, visual art and chai. We plan on hav ingsix or seven presenters in differentmedia; please call Lisa Greenstein (510) 525-3364 if you'd like to be part of the program.

Saturday, July 31: Sufism Reoriented and Meher Baba Lovers of Northern California: History and Future Prospects Our group originally had a close relationship with Sufism but, at a certain point in the late 70s, it

Saturday, June 5, 2 PM: Potluck Picnic with Jai and Dolly at Anil and Vijay Nori's home Bring picnic fare, blankets and sun hats to the Noris' in South San Jose. Paper goods and utensils provid ed. For directions, e-mail Anil at

or call (w) 650-480-6077 or (h) 408-223-0153.

Saturday, June 12, 7PM: AQM Come early so we can start our Annual General Meeting promptly! This is your chance to voice your opinions, vote on next year's budget, elect a new boatd of directors and volunteer for one of the

sanskara-burning positions currently empty. We'd like to see all Bay Area Baba lovers there!

Saturday, June 19: Are You Really a Baba Lover? Dick Anthony Discusses the Question.

seemed appropriate for us to establish a clearer boundary between the twogroups. Currently some ofourmembers prefer a closer relationship with Sufism and some prefer that wemaintain a firm boundary. Greg Harland will facilitate discussion of this topic. A panel or

other presentation may precede the discussion.

Saturday, August 21: Souls on Fire with Bill and Peggy Stephens. Bill and Peggy, long-time Baba lovers and openhearted hosts to many, will be in town to visit. Bill, an author, poet, lawyer, marine biologist and Baba enthusiast will speak on the theme of his latest book, Souls on Fire.

Weare pleased to announce that BhauKhalchuri, member of Meher Baba's mandali and the Trust, will be visitig

Do you ever doubt that Baba is who He says He is, or

the Bay Area from Thursday, September 9 - Tuesday, September 14. Many programs are being planned and

told Dick that faith in Baba is more authentic if you makes of this advice and the role that doubt plays for

a full schedule of these events will appear in the next newsletter. All are invited to join in preparation for this specialvisit. Please note the enclosed information about

him, and maybe others, in following Baba. Come share your owndoubts, and let's makesense of this question.

fundraisers. For more information and to volunteer call Karen Talbot at (925) 376-4325.

question whether you are really a Baba Lo^r? Eruch

don't repress your doubts. Dick will discuss what he

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Joan Harland, Vice President, Harold Jamison, Secretary, Ron Greenstein, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Board of Directors: Odille Atthalin • Laurie Brook • Ron Greenstein • Greg Harland • Joan Harland • Harold Jamison • Janet White Newsletter: Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson

Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Fred White • Program: Greg Harland Trustwalla: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

removed from the dresser, in the light. Then, as it went

back to Baba's picture, it became like the funnel, and all these things poured into Baba, into Baba, and when the last part of the light went into the photo, went into the picture, Baba said, "Opposite the Nothingness of all things, the Oneness of everything." With that they came out. The light came out of the picture again, across Baba, down onto the dresser, and each thing took its form again. Well! I wasn't the same for months. I tell you, I was suspended like, I was between. Baba did everything for me. As I said, I had the children, you know, little babies, and they had different formulas and all, and one day, I was making the formulas and I remembered get ting all these bottles, and this was the time you made the formula with the bottles—you know, eight bottles',

and you put them in the sterilizer and you had to^cour the brushes and put them in the bottle, so I was sitting thete, making the formula, and the next thing I knew, I heard Baba—I started out with the washing of the bottles and I heard Baba saying,"What time is it?"in my head. "What time is it?" What time is it? What? So with

that, I moved over to the refrigerator, 'cause the clock is over the refrigerator, to see what time it was, and in moving over to the refrigerator and focusing on time, I became aware of my surroudings. I became aware I was in the kitchen and what I was doing, and the formula was all made and waiting there for me, and that's the way I functioned for several months, with Baba telling

LOCAL MEETINGS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - 10:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings '8:00 PM Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 3220886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings - 1J :00 AM Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - 11:00 AM Discourse readings and occasional garherings. Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Thursdays -7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (831) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call

Helen at (925) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (925) 930-8670 for directions.


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down

me what to cook and what to fix and what. I used to

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact

say, "Oh, Baba, don't let anybody come" I just

Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288.

wanted to be with Him. Jusfwanted to stiyrj$h tfiatstate, but gradually He brought me down, you know,-to where' I could function. (To be continued.) "-•'."" Ed. Note: Our thanks to Harry Ivory for lending us the photo on page I, and to Barbara Roberts for transcribing this article.

MEHER BABA INFORMATION. . ' People who wish to know more about Meher~Baba can obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California, Inc.

213 l^UniversitprAvenue, Room 235 Califoini; rrectioi





VOL. 29

FALL 1999

The Interplay of the Lover and the Beloved - Bernice Ivory, Part 2 Bernice Ivory, a longtime disciple of Meher Baba, passed awaylast February. Shegave the talk from which this article was excerpted at the Los Angeles Sahavas in July, 1983.

Ah, such jealousy! I got so mad! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! 1 was trying to control myself. Well! "Baba said not to

expect anything and it's up to Baba if He wants to send somebody a cable. What's the matter?" So I came home seething. I got ready for bed, and I sat on the bed and I cried. 1 cried and I cried to Baba. Baba said, very patiently, "You don't know how lucky you are."

In 1954 the men went over to India to

the "Three Incredible Weeks." Beryl had told me that while they were there, Baba wanted us to meditate four different times:

on arising, at 12 in the afternoon, at 5 in the evening, and before retiring, so I said, "Good!" and I started doing that. It was at this time that Baba drew me to India.

I saw Baba for the first time in India, when the men were there. I saw Him

going up the hill in His white sadra. I'd never seen Baba in His sadra. I didn't

know what Baba wore. He had on His white sadra, and

the men were following Him. Then He'd stop, and I didn't know what He was picking up, and He'd throw it, you know, and 1 told Beryl. She said that the men had said that Baba picked up and held a stone. I de scribed Him and she said, "You saw Baba!"

It was a period of learning, a period of Baba opening my heart, of cleaning it out as He wanted to. It wassuch a beautiful time, and it was then that Baba showed mc that I was His child and He was my father. There were times that 1 would feel like 1 was a little puppy whim

pering. I'd want to get inside Baba's pocket and just disappear, and stay close to Him and be with Him all the time. It was a time of such joy, such serenity, such a peace, such peace. At that time, I could ask Baba anything, but I didn't have sense enough to do it! We used to go to the Monday night meeting, and after the meeting we'd stop in a restaurant. We'd have a good talk about Baba and Beryl would tell us Baba stories. At this time Baba had asked us to write Him, but not

to expect an answer. So we were sitting at the table and I happened to look up. I saw Beryl mouthing to some body, "1 got an answer from Baba. Got a cable from Baba. " 1 read her lips.

When He said that I shuddered. I jumped in the bed, covered up my head—I'm fa mous for jumping in the bed! And I don't know how much later Baba brought back the memory and made me face what had happened. He said, "That was God shud dering at the depths of His own ignorance." Did you get that? Even God has to shudder at the depths of His own ignorance. We're so blind, so far away, and it's God's own ignorance. He had to shudder Himself!

Baba would tell me stories. Instead of my reading the DISCOURSES He would tell me stories, like a father would tell a child stories. This is one He told me about

the inverted ego. He was always telling me about me, about what was keeping me from bringing it up and clearing it out. So, He told me this story. He said that once a lover heard that his Master was coming to visit

his town and his joy knew no bounds. So, what did he do? He said he would go to the market place and he would get a fruit, you know, to present to Him. So he went to the market place and he found the most beau tiful apple, the most delicious red apple, and he went to see the Master. The Master saw him coming, and He stood up and welcomed him with open arms and the lover gave the Master the apple. The Master took the apple, put the apple on the table and told him to go home and come back the next day. The next day the Master was sitting in the same spot and again He reached out and welcomed him with open arms. But the lover thought, "I gave Him the apple yesterday, and He didn't 1999

(continued on page 2)





even eat it." He went back the next day, and oh, He was so happy to see him and the apple was still sitting

"Thank You, Baba"

there. He was told to come back a fourth time. That

I saw Baba in 1956 when He came. I had a chance,

night, he could not go to sleep. He thought, "What is it? He accepted the apple. He was so happy to have it. He's so happy to see me. He's greeted me so warmly and so lovingly. Why doesn't He eat the apple?" So this fourth day, the disciple's running to meet Him, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the Master gets a knife, and the apple falls open and there are worm holes! Worm holes, all inside this delicious apple. And just as

remember, in '52, as 1said, but I wasn't going then, and

the horrified lover wanted to dash his head on the

ground in front ofJ:he Master. He smiled,Jook the knife

and He started flicking out all the worm holes, making the apple now fit for the Master to eat. You get it? That is the individual. We have come to Him with all these worm holes, and that was me. I thought I was a wonderful person! I really did. I used to meditate and I thought I was spiritual When I went

to meet Baba, I really thought I was a wonderful person. In telling me this story, He was showing me the invert ed ego that thinks that it's wonderful, it does good, it's leading a spiritual life, and all the time, it's pushing the garbage under and before the Master can use that dis

ciple, He has to clean him out! He has to get rid of all these sanskaras and make him fit to receive this love.

To receive. The eating of the apple is receiving you. See? To be fit to eat, you know, for Him! It's not what

you think, what I thought I was, but what I really was.

Baba showed me this, and I tell you, we laughed. Both of us laughed! He said it was from the beginningless

Baba came again in 1956. Baba would have us meditate.

I would meditate in the morning when I would awaken, and at 12:00 and then 5:00 and so on.

So at 12:00, I was meditating one day. I used to sub scribe to magazines and the man used to come once a

month to get paid for the magazines. I had done my budgetand decided I wasn't going to pay him this month, I'll pay him next month. I didn't like him anyway. He was so bigand fat and sloppy. He used to come with

all his stomach out, and he'd be dripping perspiration, and anyway I said, "I'm not going to pay him this month, I'll pay him next month." So I'm meditating on Baba, and oh, wow! Such bliss,

such beauty, oh, so wonderful, Baba, so wonderful being with You. Baba says, "Somebody's gonna knock at the door." It was so blissful, and when Baba said, "Some body's going to knock at the door," He brought me down, more aware ofwhat was going on, andsure enough, "Knock, knock, knock." With the first knock, pins and needles just shot through me because I hadn't fully become settled, and so I went to the door, and looked

through the peephole. There's this magzine man! I felt I wanted to get inside the man. I could feel this pull! Ooo! I want to—I ran in the room, and went in the

drawer, got the rent money, and got the payment out of it. Then Baba says, "Will you stay beind the .door?" I did all my business behind the door with my head

beginning, from the time of evolution. There was alwaysThis desire torshowThe^good front, and wharwas available to hide the dirt under but another piece of

sticking out. I wanted to unite, I could see what was

dirt. So I took this piece of dust and put the first piece of dirt under the dust, hiding. So this is my habit,

wonderful! But see, that's the way Baba showed me things, not by talk, and no reading. He made me ex perience it, you know. It actually happened, so I know

pushing the dirt. So here He comes to me, and here's

this big mountain of dirt, and a little piece of dirt on top, from all the lifetimes! Do you understand?! You see, this little piece that I think is hiding this pyramid! A pyramid, on top of that! A mountain! This little bit on top of that! When I saw the point, we started laugh ing, both of us. We just laughed and laughed. Baba says, "It would be a simple thing for Me to just stick it away, but the fun is in the sharing it! See? This is the interplay of the lover and the Beloved."

These are the kind of stories that Baba would tell me, and we would have fun together. It wasn't alwaysfunny. He would have to box my ears a couple of times when I didn't listen to Him, but oh, what a wonderful time!

behind him, and what was behind-me wanted to unite

with That. I loved him. Baba showed me. It was just

what it is to feel that Love, that pull. It was delight, you know, to become One. The outer has nothing to do with it, nothing at all. It's beautiful—and can you imagine when all others feel a little of it?

I'll tell you another little thing that Baba said when He was here in Myrtle Beach in 1958. We were in the Lagoon Cabin. Three sisters went to see Baba. Baba had

us three sisters come into the Cabin. He was sitting in His chair and we were sitting in front of Him. Beryl was in the middle. I was on her left and Benita was on her

right. Baba asked us how were we enjoying the Center, if everything was all right? And we all said, "Yes, Baba, everything was all right." And Beryl said, "Baba we're




so fortunate to be here with You, the three of us at this time." And Baba said, "It is no small matter to look on

the face of the Ancient One." And He said, "Ages ago, I ordained this." Then He said, "Any problems? Any problems with the prejudice?" 'Cause we stayed at the Colored motel, off the Center. Beryl got to sleep on the Center. Other people stayed at other motels 'cause everyone couldn't stay on the Center. We happened to be at the Black motel. So we said, "No, Baba. We're not



know really how to give thanks or the meaning of the thanks, but I thanked Him.

Questioner: How was your husband taking all of this? Bernice: Oh, that's a good question! On the whole, Hatry was very good. Let's see. I had the children in 1953. I had caesarean section. It

was a difficult birth. So in 1953, 1954, I wasn't well, After the children, we didn't have much sex. So here comes the order from

having any difficulty, any prob

Baba: We have to be celibate for

lems." So then, Baba looked at

six months. Six months! I said,

me and He said, "You are very old." He says, "You have been this. You have been that. Very-

"Oh Baba, how am I going to tell Harry?!" I mean, Harry would say "yes yes" to things, but I didn't know if He was gonna "yes yes"

old...You don't remember. The

Soulneverchanges." He said,"But, this one! But Baba told me ex Bernice and Harry on their50th anniversay perhaps, at one time, let's say you actly how to talk to him, what were very beautiful, perhaps a blond, very beautiful, and to say, and it was difficult. I give Harry a great deal of let's say you ignored a Colored person." He said, "So, credit because it was all new to him. He had respect for you had to take on a Colored body so that you can feel Baba, but he hadn't met Him yet. He met Him in 1956, what it's like to be Colored." but this was before he met Baba, and for him to go along with me was really something. I give him a great deal I sat there like a dummy, looking at Baba. I didn't know of credit. Baba helped. Baba helped a great deal. Harry what He's talking about, but don't think I didn't find never opposed me. In fact, he was always suppottive out! I had bad karma. Very bad karma. I dreaded the with things I wanted to do. South. My parents were born in the West Indies— Questioner: When did you start noticing the change in Trinidad. We didn't know anything about the South. him though, because he's [now] a Baba-lover? Mother had a friend who used to tell my mother all the things that went on down there, and I would sit near Bernice: Well, he was never outside of Baba, you know the door and listen. I would be trembling and shaking what I mean? There was no change in him when he met and I didn't know why I was doing that. I had an inborn Baba, you see. Baba loved him. In fact, when his young dread of the South. 1 had bad karma. One night, Baba er sister Elizabeth died in childbirth, he was really bro let me experience a lynching. I was lynched. I know ken up. We sent a cable to Baba, and Baba sent a cable what the rope feels like. I know what it is to be lynched. to Harry. He said, "Elizabeth is blessed in My love for Babagot rid of that for me. I had something coming for you." So, you see, Baba loves Harry. He's a good person, me in the South, and when Baba brought that business

of color up, it wasn't for nothing. So, Thank You, Beloved. Thank You. That's all I can say.

In fact, in 1956, when we were at Longchamps, Baba

stood up after different ones had come to the table and had greeted Him, He stood up and started coming around to the different tables to greet His guests and His lovers. When Baba stood up, I said, "Oh, Baba, I don't know what to say to you. What can I tell you? I don't know..." 1 had nothing to ask. So Baba said, "You just give thanks. Just give thanks." So when He came to our table, He took my sister's hand and my hand and He looked from one to the other and He smiled. I said,

"Thank You, Baba." And that's what I always do. 1don't

a very, very good person. He doesn't talk about Baba or read Baba's books, but he lives a good life. Why, he took his vacation so I could be here. He's with the

children, four children. When I went to India, it was the same thing.

Our children range in age from 33 to 7. We have three children naturally of our own. The oldest is 33 and the twins are 30, and then we have three adopted children: 12, 10 and 7, and we're raising our granddaughter.who is 11. And in between, we've had at least fourteen chil dren because we've had foster children.

As 1 explained, we had our three children and 1 was anxious for them to grow up so I could be free. 1 went




back to school and took courses in bookkeeping and switchboard operatingand all. I was getting ready, honey! 1was getting restless at home. So Baba said—Baba was very helpful, "Why don't you go for volunteer work?

So I went to the hospital and they put me up in the preemie nursery, and I found it too distressing to see the little tiny babies and their struggle and the incubators. So, I left that. Then I heard about a rescue hospital for children. In the earlier days, if you couldn't raise your

baby, you would put the baby in a basket and leave it there, at front of the door and they would take the baby and take care of it.

So, I went to the New York Foundling Hospital was a Catholic hospital. In those days if you were not a Catholic, they wouldn't accept you. I went and filled out the application. I put down "Protestant" and there I am, a volunteer. When we used to sit down for lunch, some of the other volunteers asked me about this and

that, and when they found out I was Protestant, they said, "How did you become a volunteer? They don't, as a rule, take non-Catholics." But I was there! So, up on the ward that I worked on with the children, the Sister said to me, "Bernice, why don't you consider foster care? There are so many children who need homes and you would be more help to them in the home." That sound ed nice, and I'd forgotten that I couldn't wait to get rid

of these children of myown. I'd forgotten all about that. I put in the application for interim care, taking care of the child until its mother's able to take care of it, two weeks, three weeks at the most.

I got this call, "Oh, Mrs. Ivory, we have an emergency. We have this little girl in Long Island, and she's been very badly abused.1' A young" couple had had Ker Tn foster care. The mother was 15 and she had the baby at the Foundling Home and she left it there. The child hated the nursery. She used to SCREAM, SCREAM, SCREAM. So they had put her in foster care with this young couple. When the husband left the foster mother she was using the money that she was getting for the care of the child to pay her mortgage, and she used to give her nothing but milk. When she came to me, she was just covered with diaper rash, she was a mess. They called me and asked would I take this baby? 17 months old, right?



fell down and away. You understand what I'm saying? Okay. The minute the child saw me, she was so happy. They said, "It looks like she's taken to you." I said, "Yeah." I still hadn't remembered that I wasn't supposed to be having any more children! So, anyway, the child grew nicely. We got her at 17 months, and she went home to her mother when she was 7 years old, but in the meantime, she was around 4 years old. Now I have to go back to my childhood to bring this up to date with what I'm going to tell you now. I was about 7-8-9-something like that. My mother used to send us to Sunday School. I had a younger brother and sister, and the family upstairs had two sons. One was an older boy, and the younger boy was around our ages. So we used to go to Sunday School together, and

where we had to go, it was dangerous, but the older brother was old enough to take care of all of us. But he was full of foolishness, and he would chase his brother

Ralph up the stoop. He chased Ralph up the stoop. Ralph ran down, out into the street and Bam! A taxi cab hit him, killed him instantly.

I felt so bad! This was my first encounter with death, and to see the child just running, and now there he is,

all smashed up there. Ooooh..! Well, anyway, the fam ily eventually moved away, and we moved away, and I grew up, and here I am, a grown woman. I've had my children. Now, I come into foster care. One day, I'd say Tishawn was about 4 years old. I don't know what I was doing, but all of a sudden, the entire scene of this accident that happened when I was 7 or 8 yearsold, just like a screen opened, and there was the whole thing, and I said, "What am I thinking about this for at this late-date? Why is this coming into my..head.qo.wJ!ll.s,aid> "Oh Baba, I'm not thinking any more about it," another pushing behind me, under the little piece of dirt. That's how I used to put things out. I didn't want to be both ered with it. So, anyway, here I hadn't thought about it anymore. Now, this child was a very poor eater, and I used to have to coax her to eat, singing and almost stand on my head to get her to eat, and this day, she was at the table with me in the afternoon. She was

having her lunch, and I'm feeding her and talking to her. All of a sudden, she leans over to me, and she says to me, "Mommy, do you remember the time when I ran out into the street, and that taxi cab hit me and I died?"

Now, we had four rooms. I had three children, a hus

I said, "Yes, Tishawn, I remember."...she never said

band, and myself. That's five people in four rooms. The

another word about that incident. &f^3a^&

rule for foster care is that it should have at least a room

for the child. Where am I gonna put this child? In my bedroom? With my husband and I? No! I had no crib, nothing. I got everything, the crib—all the barriers just

Ed. Note: Bernice'sfamily was from Trinidad, not Jamaica, as we had said in Part I of her story (last newsletter). Our thanks to Harry Ivory for the photo on page 3, and to Barbara Roberts for transcribing this article.



MEETINGS - MeherBabaevents areheldon Saturday nights. TIMES- Eventsstartat 8:00 PM and normally end by 9:30 PM unless otherwise noted. LOCATIONS - Events are held at the

Albany Methodist Church unless otherwise noted. The church is at the corner of Marin and Stannage Streets, two blocks east of San Pablo Avenue in Albany(north of Berkeley) Take the Buchanan Street exit from Interstate 80.

To check for program changes call 510-845-4339. v

Bookstore *


V Saturday, September 18, 7 PM: Jane Brown and Raphael Rudd in Concert This dynamic duo is not to be missed! Their heartfelt

music for the Beloved is as powerful as it is melodic.' •TVrey'tt raise the roof tonight — be sure to come! This is a fundraiser. Suggested donation is $15. Note the7 PM starting time.

September 19, 20 and 25: Large'Screen Video Showings in San Jose and Albany. Five years in the making, Tim Thelen's video Meher Baba The Awakener is an hour-long documentary about Meher Baba. It chronologically explores all the major phases of Baba's work, highlighting Baba's explana tion of the Divine Theme. This would make a good introduction for interested friends!



Saturday, October 9, 9AM: Rummage Sale at the Friends' Meeting House, 2151 Vine St., Berkeley This is the best fund-raiser our group does all year. Donate your goods, serve a two-hourpricingor selling shift, and of course, come to buy. Great stuff from good folks for a good cause. How can you go wrong? Call Janet White to sign up for Friday night pricing, Saturday selling, or to help with hauling or cleanup (510)843-4417. Bringdonations to the Friends' Meeting House on Friday evening, Oct. 8 between 5-9 pm.

October 16: No Meeting • Meherana Sahavas Sunday, October 24, 2>5 PM Bob Brown in Song, A Commemorative Concert at the Talbot's

. Bob Brown was a dear friend and contemporary of many of us, and he has left us the treasure of his music. Ron Greenstein and Dave Miotke will organize this musical afternoon of his songs.

Saturday, October 30: Video of Irene BUlo Irene Billo was a Swiss woman who met Meher Baba in 1937 and lived in the women's ashram in India for

eight years. To be shown at Fred and Janet White's, 1811 Francisco Street, #5, Berkeley. (510) 843-4417.

Saturday, November 6: Quarterly Toddy Shop A meeting to express our hearts through writing, story

There will be two showings of this video on large screen at San Jose State College, Department of En gineering, Room 189. From Hwy. 280 North, take the 7th Street Exit and turn right. If you are entering the campus as a visitor, park in the 7th Street Garage on

Saturday, November 13: Baba's '52 visit to America

the corner of 7th and San Salvador. Park on the 3rd

Greg Harland will give us an in-depth look at the

floor and deposit $2 exact change, bills or coins. Leav ing the garage, go north along 7th, across the campus to the comer of San Fernando. The Engineering Building

Avatar's visit to America in 1952.

telling, song, performance, visual art and chai. Please call Lisa Greenstein (510) 525-3364 to participate.

V Saturday, November 20: Movie Night

is on the right. On Monday, the 7th Street Garage

Peter Ravazza will show films of Meher Baba, several

might be full. Pay $1 in exact change to park in the

of which are not on video.

South Campus lot at 7th and Humboldt and take the free shuttle. For information call (510) 965-1969.

November 27: No Meeting - Thanksgiving

• Sunday, September 19, 2-3 PM

* To arrange other bookstore times, call Katie Mink, (510) 849-1809

• Monday, September 20, 11 AM-12 PM

V Saturday September 25: Final Video Showing The final large-screen showingof Meher Baba the Awakener will be at 8 PM at the Albany Methodist Church.

Saturday, October 2: Saint Theresa ofAvila Janet White will discuss the life and writings of St. Thetesa of Avila, one of Baba's "Four Real Saints."

Please note that the contact people for the Santa Cruz meeting are now Buzz and Ginger Glasky (831) 457-0444. Meetings are held every other Wednesday or Thursday. Call for meeting days.

To get on our Newsletter Mailing List, call Scott Maloney (5109 705 8755 x777

Meher Baba Center of Northern California, Inc. President, Janet White. Vice President, Fred White, Secretary, Joan Harland, Treasurer, Jack Mormon Boardof Directors: Odille Atthalin • Joan Harland • Howard Jee • Molly Jones • Eruch Morton • Fred White • Janet White Newsletter Alexandra Cons, Editor • Keith Gunn, Betty Lowman, Cherri Nelson Bookstore: Katie Mink • Library: Alexandra Cons • Officewalla: Howard Jee Trustwaila: Jack Mormon (P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288)

Khorshed Goes Home to Baba At 7:10 AM on 4th August 1999, dearest Khorshed, old mandali and close companion of early years went to Baba her Beloved Lord and Master whom she served and

adored throughout her life. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai! — Meherazad Family

LOCAL MEETINQS El Cerrito - Sunday Mornings - J0:00 AM Arti and singing at Greensteins' (510) 525-3364.

El Cerrito - Thursday Evenings - 7:15 PM Reading and discussion of Stay With God by Francis Brabazon. Contact Louise Barrie or Dick Anthony at (510) 524-1440.

An Internet Note About Khorshed

Menlo Park - Friday Evenings - 8:00 PM

A little after 7 AM this morning, India time, Khorshed

Arti, singing and readings at the home of Hugh

Irani went to Baba. She had been ill over the weekend,

and Jeannie MacDonald. Call them at (650) 3220886 or Betty Lowman at (650) 323-1900.

but seemed to improve on Monday, when she suffered what was apparently a heart attack. Even though she was in a great deal of pain, at one point she laughed, and her doctor and those that were around her said it

was as though she-had been tipped off to some special

Petaluma - Sunday Mornings '11:00 AM Arti, readings and fellowship. Contact Hermann or Jeanette Loew at (707) 778-1195. Please call ahead.

Sacramento - Sunday Mornings - ! 1:00 AM


Discourse readings and occasional gatherings.

After that, she lapsed into a coma for a bit over a day, and finally breathed her last this morning. Khorshed had first met Baba around 1920 in Sakori, when she was a little girl, and is the last person of whom I know that had actually heard Baba speak. Khorshed lived in the Trust compound for the last part of her life, and many Baba lovers would go to visit her there, hearing won derful stories of Baba and learning songs from her. She was also unique, I believe among the Mandali in want

Contact Mike and Jean Ross, (916) 486-2924.

Santa Cruz - Alternate Thursdays - 7:15 PM Discourse readings and occasional videos. Contact Deborah Muth (831) 479-7089.

Walnut Creek - Second and Fourth Sunday Evenings Every Month - 7:30 to 9:30 PM Meetings are held at Helen Riehl's home. Call

Helen at (925) 935-0167 or Gil Shepard, (925) 930-8670 for directions.

ing to live a long life, which she did. She will be greatly missed. — James Cox


All who wish to share in the commitment laid down


"There is a u/ineshop of which few know, where a vintner debonair sells for a good song, act or story, a vintage most rare." — Francis Brabazon. Sufi-inspired poetry and song at Raine and Bill Gannet's 7 - 9 PM, fourth Friday of each month: August 27, September 24, October 22, November 26. No December meeting. (510) 649-0433.

by Meher Baba through the Trust should contact Jack Mormon, P.O. Box 2288, Richmond, CA 94802-1288. MEHER BABA INFORMATION

People who wish to know more about Meher Baba can

obtain introductory material and a catalogue of available publicaitons by writing or phoning Meher Baba Information. P.O. Box 1101, Berkeley, CA 94701. Or call (510) 562-1101

MEHER BABA CENTER of Northern California, Inc.

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