A Chip off the Old Block Sean Yang
Cast Bronze, Wood, Gesso, Gold Leaf, Acrylic, Mineral Oil 5' x 5" x 5" $5000 each A “chip off the old block” means someone is just like one of their parents in character or behavior, making each individual unique and special. Prominent educator Erik Erikson’s view on identity development and understanding different stages of human development was helpful for me to reflect myself on multilayered lenses and thought filters of others. Having flexibility in one’s perspective and being able to take others’ perspectives is challenging to any human being because we come from different backgrounds. The key is to keep adding more conscious effort to improve myself as a true adult and to lift each other up. That’s what democracy is really about. However, our reality is different because people in power choose to hoard it all, although the universe and earth provide enough resources for every man, woman, and child to live comfortably. It’s not just about saving money and living better. It’s about “We The People.”
Contact information for this artist can be found on page 33.