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Mariko Bird

Potato Skin Mariko Bird

High-Fire Stoneware 4" x 13" x 6" $330

Wouldn’t it be fun to open a baked potato and find the inside shiny blue? I applied red iron oxide on the skin, glazed inside with Castile Blue, and fired it to Cone 10. This can be used as a flower arrangement vase.

Which Animal Are You ? #2 Mariko Bird

High-Fire Stoneware 14" x 14" x 14" $950

The characters etched on the surface of this vase represent the twelve zodiac animals in Japanese culture. The animals are: 子 rat; 丑 ox; 寅 tiger; 卯 rabbit; 辰 dragon; 巳 snake; 午 horse; 未 sheep; 申 monkey; 酉 rooster; 戌 dog; and 亥 boar. The year you were born determines which animal you are. For example, 1984 was the year of the rat, 1985 the year of the ox, and so on. Do you know which animal you are?

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