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A Short History of PSA
A Short History of the Pasadena Society of Artists
The Pasadena Society of Artists came into being in early 1925. Benjamin C. Brown, the “dean of Pasadena painters,” sent out a notice to local painters to discuss the formation of a society for local artists. In addition to Mr. Brown, attending this meeting were Edward B. Butler, Maud Daggett, Antoinette De Forest Merwin, Louis Hovey Sharp, F. Carl Smith, Orrin A. White, Wallace LeRoy De Wolff, and Frederick A. Zimmerman. The consensus was that the Pasadena Society of Artists should be formed. Seven more artists then joined PSA to form the founding charter members. They were Herbert V. B. Acker, F. Tolles Chamberlin, Alson S. Clark, John “Jack” Frost, Jean Mannheim, Katherine B. Stetson and Marion Wachtel.
It has been suggested that PSA was formed out of the desire of the founders to exhibit their contemporary work, which was not acceptable in exhibitions of the California Art Club. The first Annual Juried Exhibition was presented in April 1925 at the Pasadena Art Institute located in Carmelita Park, now the site of the Norton Simon Art Museum. The PSA founders stated that “the standard will be high and only work of real merit will be accepted.” Every year since 1925 PSA has presented an Annual Juried Exhibition.
For more than 50 years PSA exhibited at the Pasadena Art Institute/Pasadena Art Museum in addition to presenting Annuals at various institutions throughout southern California. Besides the Annual Exhibition, the Society has always maintained a vigorous schedule of other exhibitions each year. These are usually selected by the exhibition committee, and may be juried or non-juried. They take place in schools, universities, libraries, museums, art galleries and other public buildings.
The Pasadena Society of Artists is celebrating its 96th anniversary during 2021. Five exhibitions, including the 96th Annual Juried Exhibition, are scheduled for this year. Each exhibition will be presented online and will have a printed catalog; some may also have a traditional gallery installation concurrent with the online version. With over 100 PSA members, the variety of artworks presented at exhibitions is always very interesting.
PSA continues to adhere to the guiding statement of the founders by accepting new members by juried submission.
www.PasadenaSocietyofArtists.org Facebook: PasadenaSocietyofArtists Instagram: @pasadenasocietyofartists