Digital Responsibility http://responsibility.Digital Contact : Pascal @CloudReady_ch +41793092886
What An OPEN LABEL project, to restore trust and confidence in any digital services.
See what you sign! because You are what you sign!
Nobodies read all the Terms of Services, and not everything is written. The consequence is a down of trust about web services and less confidence regarding digital providers, particularly. The growing of Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data, will increase the problem.
Restore the balance for a fair WIN-WIN users/customers and providers. Reduce abuse usage our data for more respectful digital services. Educate & engage users, to deeper understand risks and abuse. Lower time to choose a digital service, for users or enterprises. Improve the choice quality. Display clearly the “limits” of service provided, so providers stop deceiving their users/customers. Give a better chance for smaller digital service providers, if more respectful humans. Gradual: It is not “black or white”, providers can sign for partly principles. Adaptive: The 15 principles can evolve. Crowd can introduce new. We think it inclusive. Trust: With the Blockchain and the crowdsourcing, we can believe in it. Cost-less: The Label is not an additional costly, and not always trust-able, “certificated label”…
Step 1 – Service provider engage for his intention regarding the DIGITAL RESPONSIBILITY open LABEL: about 15 principles, grouped in 5 main categories. They will be free to granularly agree & engage its services, or not. Step 2 – We validate and “ENGRAVE” provider’s engagements into Blockchain (Ethereum) [Write once, Read many] Step 3 – Crowdsourced control: The customers, users, including “freemium” or “free” services, are able to validate “how is compliant” (answering factual qualified questions, from a web browser plugin, similar WOT). Notice: if the provider does not engage into, we are able to graph the “Digital Responsibility” all the same. Step 4 – Providers can measure how “trusted” his services are. Customer’s expectations into the Terms of Services never red, is matching, not full circle. Users are easier to switch other solutions e.g. using http://Alternativeto.Net