Paschal Key Club January 2015 Newsletter

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Newsletter | January 2015

Key Club

Paschal High School Volume 3, Issue 10 | PHS | Key Club

Division 1S | Texas-Oklahoma District

January 2015

Table of Contents President's Note

page 5

Fort Worth Stock Show

page 5

DCON: The Quintessential W's page 6 Shutterbug

page 8


MathCounts (And So Can You!) page 10

Colors: Blue, Gold, White

Location: 31 countries around the world


Established: 1925

~February 2015~ Sun









Fri 5




Sundane Santa - 2 shifts!

10 Braille Bibles 4:00pm




Kids Winter Clothing Drive



17 Braille Bibles 4:00pm


24 Braille Bibles 4:00pm












AGAPE 6:00pm



George Clark Elem Library event


AGAPE 6:00pm

25 X-mas woohoo

31 Braille Bibles 4:00pm

AGAPE 6:00pm



President's Note Hello Paschal Key Clubbers!! I hope the beginning of your second semester has treated you well. When the going gets tough, just remember that DCON is just around the corner! There will be fun service projects coming this month, don't forget that you're required to do 10 hours of service by late March. I hope you enjoyed the first month of 2015 and are excited for this year. Stay cool, stay funky. #YEET Yours in service, Junsung Lee

Editor's Note New semester is here! Hope everyone is excited for the new semester. Remember, it's a time to start fresh. Get into better study habits, sleeping schedules, even physical activity levels! This semester is your chance to be the best Key Clubber you have ever been. So even if you've missed out on some fun service projects in the past, now is your opportunity to get more involved (don't forget about those articles)! You can start by getting pumped about DCON, coming up in a couple of months!! Read on to get the 411. Yours in service, Sarika Sabnis


MathCounts (And So Can You!)

by Janet Diaz The Paschal Key Club ended their January month of service by helping at the Fort Worth MATHCOUNTS Chapter Competition held at TCU. The Key Clubbers in attendance arrived and received training on how to grade tests that middle school students from the Fort Worth area would be taking. Volunteers were assigned a middle school to grade tests; Diana Lee and I graded McLean Middle School's tests, they made the top 5, congrats to them!


As former MATHCOUNTS competitors Diana and I thought we'd test our math skills by attempting to solve a question that all kids had missed. We were able to answer the question because we worked backwards (we probably wouldn't have gotten it right if we were taking the test). This was a fun activity, I helped with MATHCOUNTS two years ago, and so I was eager to volunteer when I heard about this volunteering opportunity. I hope that many Key Clubbers volunteer next year! (The lunch served afterwards was fantastic, by the way!)

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Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo


by Sarika Sabnis & Jillian Daugherty If you’re a Fort Worth native, you know the city is synonymous with the liveliest of livestock-related terms: the Cowtown! Every year, Fort Worth hosts the Stock Show in its Historic District (known as the Stockyards), during which visitors get a taste of what this cattle drive capital was in its day. They get to see the longstanding traditions of the Cowtown, including the Rodeo, the preserved brick roads, the nowhere-is-better Tex-Mex, and of course, the quintessential cowboy hat shop. On January 18th, Key Clubs from around the metroplex volunteered at the Stock Show, assisting visitors around the area and making sure the experience was enjoyable for all. Both Paschal and Burleson Key Clubs were in attendance! Sophomore Jillian Daugherty describes her time at the FW Stock Show and Rodeo event. Jillian— On January 18th, I helped greet people that were entering and leaving the FW Stock Show and Rodeo. At first, we walked around the show and got familiar with the area so we could direct people when necessary. There were lots of fun activities that people of every age could enjoy. After that, we got assigned a gate where we greeted people that were entering and leaving, and I got to witness many people from different cultures experiencing the “Best of Mexico” Celebration event. In general, everyone was having a blast. While there, I was able to meet people from the Burleson Key Club. It was a really fun experience to meet new people, and see their perspective on Key Club, and other events that they take part in.


Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo by Jessica Torres Although it may be my first year joining Paschal’s Key Club it’s definitely been by far, one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. It’s a fun and wonderful thing to volunteer for so many service events! One of my favorite parts by far was greeting people and helping them out at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo this past month!


Even if the weather was a little bipolar, it was great to see so many bright faces show up anyway to the Stock Show! A small but very enthusiastic group of 9 of us was able to come out and help the people who were in charge of the Stock Show on a pretty breezy yet mildly warm Saturday. We showed up at around 10 in the morning for a shift that didn’t start until 12 so we had plenty of time looking around and eating the various types of food being sold (it was all pretty delicious, really). At last, at around 12:15 we came back to the main spot that our “instructors” had advised us to return to. We took a lot of pictures, not just with our own Key Club, but with many other schools who showed up to do what we had signed up to do! We met a very enthusiastic member of the Kiwanis International Key Club who was all smiles and jokes with everyone. Even though we had fun, I think I had much more fun later as I finished my shift. As greeters, it was our job to welcome the people arriving to the Stock Show and help answer any questions they had about their locations and where the nearest restroom was, you get the picture. We were all split into groups and sent to different entrances. I was sent to the first entrance gate where I met other friendly Key Clubbers from many different schools! As it was a technically a 6 hour shift it didn’t take too long for my feet to start hurting pretty bad. I realized that being bilingual came in handy pretty well, as there were some people who needed a Spanish speaker to assist them. I had a great time welcoming people and knowing I’d actually helped them, but I think what I enjoyed the most of all about volunteering at the Stock Show and Rodeo was meeting a special dancing and musical organization from Zacatecas, Mexico. They had come on a bus all the way from Mexico! I was able to personally talk to them and they really were a friendly group of people I really enjoyed talking to. I was really interested with what they were doing, which was dancing and playing music from where they were from. They had a few children with them and I talked to them about their visit. They really were a group of grateful and friendly people even though they were completely foreign. Volunteering at the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo is definitely something I plan to do in my later years with Key Club and even on my own when I’m older. It’s a great way to meet new people, make new friends, learn about different customs, and see tons of adorable animals. Volunteering for the Stock Show isn’t just for anyone in Key Club, it’s for anyone who’s interested, and take it from me, it’s a good 6 hours spent.


DCON: The Quintessential W's


by Sarika Sabnis It’s been two years since my first DCON, and it is still one of the coolest conventions I’ve ever attended for an organization. Getting to meet people and see other clubs from our Texas-Oklahoma district made me realize the intense scale of Key Club. Yet I, like many of you new Key Clubbers, didn’t initially understand a lot of these aspects of the organization. My decision to come was primarily because of my upperclassmen friends who said, with sparkle in their eyes and elation in their voices, “Sarika, are you coming to DCON or not? That’s what I thought!” And so, for those of you still deciding whether or not you should attend a convention for one of the largest studentlead organizations out there, here’s a rundown of what you should know. The four W’s of DCON: Who are we supporting? Good ol’ PHS Key Club itself, as well as the “TexO-Key”, our Texas-Oklahoma Key Club district. Key Club is an international ordeal; you’ve got the international regions, the state districts, the divisions within the districts, the regions, and finally the local clubs. We are Division 1S! What? DCON stands for the District Convention. It’s almost entirely studentorganized and student-run. Pretty impressive when you realize that everyone is in the same age group! When is DCON? DCON will be April 9-12, held at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Dallas.


Why should I go? You will benefit from a number of things. 1) You will get to see the degrees of Key Club – and it’s a big deal! I remember first realizing just how impressive it is that this organization is run by students all the way up to the international level. We can do anything! 2) You get to skip two days of school, and come now, we’re all in need of that.


Key Club is an international organzation with a mission to serve others. By being a part of Key Club at Paschal, you are given the opportunity to participate in service projects with friends and make a difference in your community. What could be better than helping others while having fun?

District Convention (DCON) is an event for the Tex-O-Key (Texas-Oklahoma District) to convene and learn more about Key Club, share experiences from the past year, and make more memories. From forums to banquets to caucuses and voting, DCON is an unforgettable experience.

For more info, visit

Junior Moni Gunderson revisits DCON from her freshman year, "DCON was an action-packed incredibly fun, unforgettable weekend experience. I had somuch fun learning more about Key Club and meeting new people. I am so happy that I went and I am planning on going every year!"

WHAT IS KIWANIS? Designed for adults, Kwianis is an organization made up of service leaders in communities all over the world. With several goals in mind, Kiwanis partners with other organizations to provide help to those in need. Go to kiwanis/about-kiwanis to learn more about the club. Kiwanis in Fort Worth helps support us in our endeavors, both financially and verbally. Be sure to attend one of their meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month. More info can be found in our meeting agendas!



MAJOR EMPHASIS PROGRAM The Major Emphasis Program we have chosen at Paschal is "It's Not Okay", a program with a goal to end bullying of all kinds. Teaming up with Paschal's very own Link Crew, we have worked to ensure that everyone knows the true meaning of It's Not Okay.




Vice President

Janet Diaz

Diana Lee



Sarika Sabnis

Jillian Daugherty


Members-At-Large Moni Gunderson, Sue Youn Oh, Ali Thorburn, Ashlie Devenney, Isheta Kumar, Zach Cristol


Junsung Lee

Parliamentarian jillian.daugherty111@gma

Advisors Faculty: Mr. Bretthauer Ms. Denton Ms. Holland Kiwanis: Mrs. Naff


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