Paschal Key Club July 2016 Newsletter

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PASCHAL KEY CLUB July Newsletter 2016 Division 1S Volume 3 | Newsletter 4


Upcoming Events!


Why Join Key Club?


Letter From the President


Summer Service


BTS School Supplies Shopping


Contact Info


A u g u s t

S e p t e m b e r

August 17th Poster making party at PHS! 10am-1pm Come help us make some awesome posters to hang around school for key club!

August 22nd First Day of School!!

September 6th FIRST MEETING! 8:00am- be there

September 10th Cowtown Classic Bike Race 8am-1:30pm Come help us run a water stop and cheer on the bikers!

(I know it hurts me too but guys we can do this)

W e e k l y

S h e n a n i g a n s

Braille Bibles Every Wednesday from 4pm-5pm ***this is our service project of the year this year so were requiring every member goes at least once!*** 3

Why Join Key Club?! You make a difference! The fact that you can make and impact in this society means something real. Overall its super awesome! -former president Junsung Lee

“This is a club where

you make lasting memories and lifelong friends. Plus, there are donuts at the meetings;)” -Senior Reid Yanney

I’m so excited to be apart of key club because they seem to make such a difference in the school and community! I’m telling all my friends to join! - Freshman Sadie Smith


Hello Key Clubbers, We made top 25 for the first quarter!!! Yay!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication! We should keep up the good work in order to stay in top 25. Hope you guys had an amazing summer and it is coming to an end. I would like to officially say goodbye to all the graduates and wish all of you best of luck for college. Since the 2016 school year is starting, please start informing your friends about key club and tell them how amazing key club is and to join key club! We will have many activities coming up for August so keep up with key club email and facebook!

Yours in Service, Diana Lee


“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things” - Henry Miller Paschal Key Clubbers Serving the World this Summer

Our key clubbers share some of their favorite ways they impacted the world this past summer!


Abby Jones and Jacob Letterman

“This summer I was given the opportunity to go to Oak Grover, Louisiana on a mission trip with a group from church. We were split into groups and each group was given a different house to repair. The house my group was given needed a new coat of paint all over the house as well as roof repairs. This service experience was life changing because after we finished repairing the house we got to reveal the house to the family. The looks on their faces were a beautiful mix of shock and thankfulness, and it truly helped my understand the gravity of what we were doing and how much it mean. It’s a lesson I will never forget.”

“During the first five weeks of summer vacation I attended the Welch Summer Scholars program at the University of Texas in Austin. It was a chemistry research program where I go to work on my own project in a Professor’s lab with the help of a mentor. During the five weeks I met a lot of really nice people and learned a lot about chemistry and the college lifestyle. With applying to college coming up it was a great experience to visit and explore UT as well as understand how my life will change next year. While I was staying at UT, Freshman Orientation was going on and at the clubs to join I saw Circle K, which is Key Club in college. It was nice to see that after high school key clubbers can continue to participate in service and Kiwanis organizations.”

Sujata Dalal


Truly Tinsley “This past month I have had the incredible opportunity to be apart of the Youth Leadership Program with Belarus through an organization called World Learning. I have learned so much useful and relevant information to take back home with me to help me better my community. Although the days were long and packed full of sessions and workshops, I had the pleasure of spending them with 7 other Americans and 30 Belarusians who were incomparable to any other people I have ever met. I have never been surrounded by a more accepting, loving, and driven group of people. I have had one of the best experiences of my life so far, and I have made life long friendships that I will cherish forever.�


BTS Shopping at Sears!! By Audrey Taylor Walking into the back to school key club event, I had no idea what to expect because I had never been before. I thought that we would be buying school supplies to send to kids who needed them. I had no idea that we would actually be with the kids that we were helping, assisting them in picking out and trying on shoes, clothes, and anything else they needed for school. It was so nice to go before Sears opened because we had the whole store to ourselves. I helped a little girl going into the first grade and she was able to get plenty of school uniforms, a backpack, a lunch box, tennis shoes, accessories, and even a nice dress for school banquets thanks to the money provided by Kiwanis. She was so excited to get to go shopping for school and fell in love with her backpack and dress. Besides the fact that it was a really fun event to be a part of, it also felt good to help a child get ready for school and it was worth it to see how excited and grateful all the kids were. It was definitely an amazing experience and I can’t wait to go to the next back to school event in August! High key considering getting this stuff for me!!!

So much fun!!!!! 9

Contact Info Paschal Board Diana Lee- Paschal President 817-694-5124 Sujata Dalal- Paschal Vice President 817-313-0445 Morgan Dehoyos- Paschal Secretary 682-551-5175

Texas Oklahoma Board Dianna Cardenas- Governor Kennie Merbach-Secretary Nithure Rema- LTG D1S

Reid Yanney- Paschal Treasurer 682-597-9197 Sydney Smith- Paschal Editor 817-980-7654 Sign up for Remind101 for updates of all projects! Text @paschalk to 817-803-5967 Want to see more? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook- @Paschalkeyclub


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