Paschal Key Club November 2014 Newsletter

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Newsletter | November 2014

Key Club

Paschal High School Volume 3, Issue 8 | PHS | Key Club

Division 1S | Texas-Oklahoma District

November 2014

Table of Contents President's Note

page 5

Honored Hero Run page 6 Senior Day of Service



page 10 page 11

Colors: Blue, Gold, White

Location: 31 countries around the world


Established: 1925

~December 2014~ Sun









Fri 5




Sundane Santa - 2 shifts!

10 Jose's Birthday




Kids Winter Clothing Drive



17 Braille Bibles 4:00pm


24 Braille Bibles 4:00pm












AGAPE 6:00pm



George Clark Elem Library event


AGAPE 6:00pm

25 X-mas woohoo

31 Braille Bibles 4:00pm

AGAPE 6:00pm



President's Note Hey Key Clubbers!

Gobble gobble! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving break. As you're about to see, we worked all through break, because service never stops! December is going to be filled with goodies in service, and in treats from the guy who lives on the North Pole. Ho-ho-ho! We wish you a very happy holiday season. Yours in service, Junsung Lee

Editor's Note Hey guys! Thanksgiving was terrific, but the Black Friday deals were even better, am I right? It's time to give a huge shoutout to everyone who took part in service this November. You guys, we did pretty awesomely. We hope you have a safe and exciting Holiday season, Don't forget that the service never stops! Yours in service, Sarika Sabnis


Band of Roses by Page Trotter Immediately struck by the display of lights hung from the ceiling and the upbeat country music coming from the adjacent room, Chloe, Moni and I arrived to volunteer at the Kids Korner at the Band of Roses. This event is a fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in which bands come to play during a Bar-B-Que dinner and items such as guitars are auctioned off. Attendees include those affected by the disease, those with a family member affected, and those who just generally hope to make a difference in raising hope for treatment. Most showed up in cowboy boots to match the western theme of the location, River Ranch in the Historic Stockyards.

Cookie-decorating gave kids the opportunity to choose between a turkey shaped cookie and a pumpkin shaped cookie, perfectly appropriate for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Orange and brown icing, along with M&Ms and other candy embellishments were available for all creation needs. We found that an immense mountain of sprinkles was a popular addition to the cookie ensemble. Though messy, we had fun with it, and there’s no doubt the kids appreciated the chance to have a little dessert before their dinners. And if anyone asks, no Key Club volunteers indulged on the sweet options that covered the table we were stationed at for three hours.


Paschal Key Club’s duty was to take charge of the cookie-decorating table and craft table. As kids were dropped in this area while their parents headed to the larger room, we were sure to make the environment as enjoyable as possible. The three of us sat with the kids and helped them with whatever creation they had in mind. At the craft table, felt door hangers were laid out to decorate with stickers and color on. The project was enjoyed by many, and one girl even wrote “No boys allowed” though she claimed she had no brothers in her family. We were easily entertained by what each child came up with, and found many of them to be amazingly creative.

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Junior Ali Thorburn discusses three serv I have been going to Braille for two years now and it is by far my favorite service project. It is really fun. I have the most physically stimulating job and I love it. I basically toss the Braille papers out of a heavy pair of boards and place said boards onto a block of wood. Where another person puts another Braille paper into them and we do it again. My arms are always sore the day afterwards. My first time the boards felt really heavy but now it is much easier. Sometimes we forget to produce quality over quantity but we try our best. Ice we made a whole book in less than five minutes. We put the radio on and listen to Spanish music because we didn't know how to change the channels. It is a really fun time and you get to bond with your fellow key clubbers. I would suggest that everyone come to Braille bibles (there is free candy) I went to the service project at cooks children and I must be honest, the work that we did was boring. We stuffed papers into plastic bags and attached them to the think you attach keys to. I broke a couple of nails in the process. Even though the work itself was tedious and mundane, it was fun getting to hang out with my friends. During the process we got to talk a lot and I learned plenty about my fellow key clubbers that I wouldn't have otherwise.


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vice projects, and what they mean to her. I would suggest that people go to this project (if we have another one) not because we are doing something so great to help the whole world but simply to hang out with friends.


I went to the friends of the river service project and it was a blast. I got there early so they let us go play on the playground. We went on the swings and the jungle gym for about half an hour before we went to work. We helped set up our water station by filling up plastic cups. We got free purple t-shirts that we put on that said "friends of the river". They were left over from last year. First a small group of us went over to the beginning to cheer on some of the racers. Many of them had their puppies or children with them. Then once some people were circling back around we went to the water station and passed out water. It became a mini competition between us to see who could hand out the most cups of water. There was one old woman running with an American flag. We passed out water to Betsy price, the mayor of Fort Worth. It was a plethora of people from many different walks of life coming together for a good cause. Afterwards we got free entrance to party at the plaza in Montgomery plaza. We went around and ate one of everything at each station. Free food, live music, and friends. in all it was a great night.










Gobbling Up the Service by Katie Balderston The Turkey Trot was a fun event where people could go running in marathon on Thanksgiving morning. Lots of people came and tons wore turkey hats or cloths that participated in the run to support it. My job was to hand out healthy snacks and drinks to runners after they finished the marathon. We gave out health bars, protein drinks, yogurt, and fresh fruit, but soon run out by the happy hunger-some runners. There were two things that were my favorite at the run: one was the silly turkey hats that the people wore, and the second being the smiles the tried runners got after I handed them there snack and drink. The turkey trot was a successful event that many people participated in and enjoyed.

Botanical Gardens Fun by Rafael Madrigal All Key Club community service projects are exceptionally great opportunities to help out the community in a fun way. On Saturday November 8, Key Club volunteered at the Botanical Gardens of our very lovely Fort Worth, to plant some beautiful snapdragons and yellow pansies. It is exciting to be joined by many other Key Clubbers in the morning, when the sun is warm and the wind is fresh, who share such great fervor. The instructors are nice and make you feel comfortable enough to know that you aren’t going to mess up there garden. Even though planting flowers isn’t a laborious task, it does leave you with a sense of satisfaction, as do all Key Club projects. It is never too late to join, as is really worth your time!







Key Club is an international organzation with a mission to serve others. By being a part of Key Club at Paschal, you are given the opportunity to participate in service projects with friends and make a difference in your community. What could be better than helping others while having fun?

District Convention (DCON) is an event for the Tex-O-Key (Texas-Oklahoma District) to convene and learn more about Key Club, share experiences from the past year, and make more memories. From forums to banquets to caucuses and voting, DCON is an unforgettable experience.

For more info, visit

Junior Moni Gunderson revisits DCON from her freshman year, "DCON was an action-packed incredibly fun, unforgettable weekend experience. I had somuch fun learning more about Key Club and meeting new people. I am so happy that I went and I am planning on going every year!"

WHAT IS KIWANIS? Designed for adults, Kwianis is an organization made up of service leaders in communities all over the world. With several goals in mind, Kiwanis partners with other organizations to provide help to those in need. Go to kiwanis/about-kiwanis to learn more about the club. Kiwanis in Fort Worth helps support us in our endeavors, both financially and verbally. Be sure to attend one of their meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month. More info can be found in our meeting agendas!

MAJOR EMPHASIS PROGRAM The Major Emphasis Program we have chosen at Paschal is "It's Not Okay", a program with a goal to end bullying of all kinds. Teaming up with Paschal's very own Link Crew, we have worked to ensure that everyone knows the true meaning of It's Not Okay.



Vice President

Janet Diaz

Diana Lee



Sarika Sabnis

Jillian Daugherty


Members-At-Large Moni Gunderson, Sue Youn Oh, Ali Thorburn, Ashlie Devenney, Isheta Kumar, Zach Cristol


Junsung Lee

Parliamentarian jillian.daugherty111@gma

Advisors Faculty: Mr. Bretthauer Ms. Denton Ms. Holland Kiwanis: Mrs. Naff


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