Paschal Key Club May 2015 Newsletter

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Paschal Key Club Volume 4 | Issue 2

May Fun Facts:  May was named for Maia, the Greek goddess of fertility  The priests of Vulcan in Ancient Rome used to sacrifice a pregnant sow on the first of May  According to Cornish superstition, it is bad luck to buy a broom in May  In response to May 1 being Labor Day, the first World Tramps Congress in Argentina named May 2 as the International Day of Idleness in 1900

ICON 2015 is coming up in Indianapolis!

May 2015 Newsletter Division 1S | Texas-Oklahoma District


What's Inside: Upcoming Events!

Page 2

Page 3

Eliminate Project

A Note from Your President and Editor

Page 4

Pages 5 - 6

Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

Mayfest Funfest

Page 7

Page 8

Farewell Address

Food for All

Page 9 - 10

Page 11

Meet the Board!


Upcoming Events! June 2015 Sunday


Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2




14 DCON!!!!!






Ice Cream Social for Teachers (12:30pm)



6 Ridglea Christian Church Mobile Food Pantry (9am12:30pm)














Agape RC

BB Lake House Party (2-6pm) 16

Friday 4






ICON! Agape Park/Bench Clean-Up (8:3011:30am)


ICON! UCC Mobile Food Pantry (8-11am)



BB - Braille Bibles (4-5pm) Agape - Agape Feeding the Homeless (5:30pm) GCG - George C. Clarke Elementary School Library (4-5pm) RC - Recycling Club at Paschal (3:40pm)

Agendas will be emailed weekly during summer!

3 A Note from Your President and Editor Hey Key Clubbers, I am looking forward to a summer full of service projects, fundraisers, and socials, and I hope you are, too! Continuing with our usual agenda, items throughout the summer are important for ensuring a strong club when school starts, and I know we will be successful in recruiting as many people as possible next year. I will be sending agendas via the email list, in addition to posting them on Facebook, almost every Tuesday so keep a lookout for new information. Bring your friends to everything we have planned, and let’s continue to promote what we love most: service! Yours in service, Page Trotter

Hi guys! We have had a GREAT kick-off to our new year of Key Club, and the second month was even better than the first! Thank you all so much for continuing to serve with a passionate heart of service, and not slacking off, even as summer fast approaches, and finals dump loads of studying material on us, and the downpour of rain we've had the past month. But we are Key Clubbers! And it takes more than a few tests and weather misbehavior to stop us from serving our community and positively impacting the world around us. Also, thank you to all who took pictures and wrote articles on various events. This newsletter is a result of all of your hard work and dedication to Key Club. Yours truly, Sue Youn Oh


What is maternal/neonatal tetanus (MNT)? MNT is a deadly disease that kill one baby every eleven minutes, when tetanus spores found in soil come into contact with open cuts during birth. How long did it take you to eat lunch? 20 minutes? 30 minutes? BOOM. 2-3 babies died of MNT, just while you were eating your meal. They suffered repeated, painful convulsions while being super sensitive to light and touch. There was hardly any hope of survival, and the mother could also have died from tetanus.

What will it take to eliminate MNT? Thankfully, MNT is highly preventable, despite its fatality. Just three doses of 60-cent immunization protects mothers, who then pass on the immunity to their babies. MNT is still prevalent in 23 countries with little or no access to health care, and more than 100 million mothers and their future babies must immunized. This will require vaccines, syringes, thousands of skilled staff, safe transportation and storage, and much more. It will take about US$110 million and deep rooted dedication to eliminate MNT. Eliminate information taken from


Mayfest Funfest by Diana Lee

On Friday May 1st, Paschal Key Clubbers decided to volunteer at Mayfest, which is one of the largest, most vivacious, and most extravagant parties in Fort Worth! As soon as the 3:35 bell rang, dismissing hundreds of high school students at Paschal to spend their weekend however they please, the Key Clubbers of Paschal High School rushed to jumpstart their weekend with some quality service at Mayfest. You all probably know what Mayfest is, since it's such a celebrated event, but for those of you who don’t, Mayfest is one of the most beloved festival in Fort Worth, with a valiant goal of raising funds for community nonprofit programs and for continued improvement and awareness of the Trinity River and surrounding parks through a combination of volunteerism and community resources. Mayfest juggles a variety of acts and attractions, offering live music, scrumptious festival food, exhilarating carnival rides, wonderful performing arts, pet adoptions, a whole bunch of fun races such as the 1K fun run, more than 60 Arts and Gift Market vendors, and free children's activities!

6 Out of all of these stations and booths, our Key Club group was chosen to volunteer at the children’s activities center! We were given responsibility for the puppet making table. It was my very first time volunteering at Mayfest; in past years, I simply attended Mayfest for fun, and in the beginning, I was really worried that nobody would show up because there weren't any signs around that indicated our presence or our amazing puppet booth. However, eventually kids started to show up one after another, and we ended up frantically flying about trying to help every child make his or her own puppet! We showed the kids how to make puppets out of paper bags, and it was extremely gratifying to see everyone having so much fun! Parents also helped their children make puppets, which I thought was adorable. Through puppet making, many families were able to spend quality time with each other. Nowadays, so many families are too busy to go out and have fun, or don't place importance on leisure time and loved ones nearly as much as they need to. It was rewarding to see so many families taking a day off, and coming to Mayfest to simply enjoy themselves. I’m definitely glad that I volunteered this year and I’m hoping to volunteer next year, with even more Paschal Key Clubbers!

Photos taken by Diana Lee


Follow the Yellow Brick Road! 2015 Spring Training Conference by Chloe Underwood

I had the opportunity to attend our region's Spring Training Conference this past month. The theme of the conference this year was the Wizard of Oz. Lots of people at the conference were in costume to go with the theme, including our own Paschal Key Clubbers. Members from our club dressed up as Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Witches, a flying monkey, the Lion, and Toto. This was my first time to ever attend the training conference, and I was able to have a great experience, thanks to the wonderful leaders and fellow Key Club Members. We were able to attend various forums, such as one for recruiting members and learning how to amp and spice up our club to greater lengths. We saw members from our division (1S), as well as other divisions. We played games to get to know each other, and shared ideas about what different clubs do, what works best, and what doesn't usually work, all to help each other improve our clubs. We also shared fundraising ideas, which were really helpful because it can be tricky to come up with ideas for raising funds. Other people in our club also went to a forum on how to better the newsletter, and how we can utilize the Internet to help us spread the name of Key Club all over our communities and schools. It was really a great opportunity to get to know people who we will be serving alongside this year. Another benefit of the conference was having a divisional meeting over what we will be doing this summer, and trying to plan opportunities to serve with other clubs to increase communication and fellowship with all Key Clubs.


Food for All by Noah Keller

The UCC Mobile Food Pantry was a great experience. The event was at a small church in the northern part of Fort Worth. When we arrived at the parking lot, there were setups with multiple kinds of vegetables and fruits. Once we signed in, we spoke with one of the heads of the program and were assigned a task. We were told to gather boxes and transport them to trucks so they could be reused. There were various kinds of boxes, each from a different brand of bananas. It was like solving a small puzzle when we were told to find the correct lid for each bottom. Don't get me wrong - it wasn't hard, it was an easy (but fun) puzzle. Once we were done helping out with the boxes, we were assigned yet another task. This new task was even more fun, since we got to interact with the people who came to receive food. We handed out apples, dried cranberries, and turnips; it was all very cool. It was a great experience handing out food to people who needed it. I made sure that the people got the amount of apples that they desired, since I wanted to make sure they were happy with what they got. It was great to see them smile and their gratefulness for our service. Once we were done, we thanked the heads of the event and told them that we had a bunch of fun. The UCC Mobile Food Pantry was a ten out of ten experience, if I do say so myself. Photos taken by Page Trotter


Farewell Address by Junsung Lee

Dear Paschal Key Club Members, So this is it: my last message to you as a Key Clubber. How do I even describe to you the feelings I feel right now? Actually it feels kinda weird. In these past few years, I've managed to go from a shy little boy in the corner of general meetings to the loud and proud president of Paschal Key Club. I can't begin to explain how lucky I am to have joined Key Club. It has given me everything and more - memories, character, friendship, love, family.... I've spent countless hours and given up many other things for Key Club but it was all worth it.

10 We've been through a lot together, and I've asked for a lot from you guys. As we close off the school year in a few days, I have one last request as your former president. Take advantage of the opportunities put in front of you. Whether you're continuing your years in Key Club as a general member or as a board member, don't hold back. If Key Club hasn't affected you at all, then I'm sorry, but you're doing it wrong. Who knows? Maybe you, the shy little freshman, will one day become the president of Key Club. Take a chance, that's all I ask of you. I'd like to thank everyone for being my family, for helping me accomplish our goals, for giving me some of the best memories in my life, and for letting me serve as the 2014-15 Key Club President. Thank you 2014-15 Key Club Board -Janet Diaz, Page Trotter, Sarika Sabnis, Diana Lee, Moni Gunderson, Jillian Daugherty, Ashlie Devenney. Thank you Paschal Key Clubbers. Thank Heather Denton, James Bretthauer, Ms. Holland. Keep Calm and care on, Panthers, I love and will miss you all. It has been an honor. Thank you, In Service, Junsung Lee 2014-2015 PHS Key Club President


Meet the Board! Page Trotter, President

Diana Lee, Vice President 817-946-8718

Reid Yanney, Secretary 682-597-9197

Sue Youn Oh, Editor


Sujata Dalal, Treasurer 817-313-0445 Members-at-Large Parliamentarian: Carter Dickson (817-781-5909) Historian: Jillian Daugherty Social Chair: Chloe Underwood Advertising Chair: Moni Gunderson Attendance Manager: Andrea Rios Lieutenant Governor: Vanessa Castaneda <>

Region 7 Advisor: Ms. Newsham <> District Officers: Rachel Iselin (Governor), Crystal Loh (Secretary), Emily Zhao (Treasurer), Matthew Riley (Editor) <>

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