Paschal Key Club August Newsletter

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TABLE OF CONTENTS The Official newsletter of Pascal High School Key Club Volume 1, Issue 2 August 2012 1……Summer Page 1…… Summer Social

Summer Social While Key Club’s main mission is to serve the home, school, and community, one of the organization’s other objects is to “provide experience in living and working together” through things such as socials and fun events. The Paschal Key Club officers and members-atlarge upheld both objects of this organization this past month as they had a board meeting and social to plan for the new year and celebrate the last week of summer. With our faculty advisers there, as well as our Kiwanis adviser, we accomplished a lot and mapped out various changes for our club that we hope to implement during the upcoming term. Afterwards, the board members enjoyed eating pizza while hanging out and making posters to

2……Paschal Page 2…… Paschal Freshman Camp

advertise our club. Overall, it was a not only a lot of fun, but also very productive. With all the ideas and projects initiated during the meeting, we have high expectations for this year to be the best yet for our club and hope that ALL of our members will get involved and excited about Key Club by bonding together, working together, and serving together at future service and social events!

Page 3……Paschal 3……Paschal Freshman Camp 4……Photo Page 4…… Photo Recap ……New Page 5…… New Year 6……Back Page 6…… Back To School Evaluation


September : • First Meeting 9/11/12 • Fall Training Conference 9/15/12 • Trinity Trash Bash 9/15/12 • Cycle for Life 9/22/12 • Fall Rally 9/29/12

October : • Lily B. Clayton Family Spirit Night 10/5/12 • Fort Worth Great Outdoors Event 10/13/12

KEY CLUB PLEDGE Paschal Freshman Camp Key Club kicked off the new school year by trying to pull in new members. At Freshmen Camp this year, we set up an informative poster and talked about what the Paschal Key Club is. It was a really great way to let freshmen know that our awesome club exists at our school. I personally enjoyed seeing new faces and meeting some underclassmen.

Don't know the Key Club pledge? No worries. Just follow along below: I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

KEY CLUB MISSION Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

I really hope that those who showed interest will become active members and be a part of our Key Club family.

Paschal Panthers Freshman Table Last Thursday afternoon, the

many students sign up, both

freshmen of Paschal High School

freshmen AND upperclassmen Link

were introduced to the many

Crew members, and they received

organizations and activities going

informational flyers about our first

on at our school through the

meeting. Overall, the group

“Panther Camp”. Each club set up

showed interest in being involved

tables with posters, candy, sign-up

with Key Club and many ad heard

sheets, and more to entice the

of different projects or events we

incoming students to join their

have had in the past, making them

group. This was an excellent

keen to participate. Our first

opportunity for Key Club to recruit

meeting next week should be very

new members, especially

exciting, and very full, with so many

underclassmen, who are crucial to sure

prospective members so make

our club’s posterity. Despite the

to get there on time! This club fair

chaos with 800+ freshmen and

really set the tone for an excellent

Link Crew Leaders in the hallway, very successful for us. We had

year ahead of the Paschal Key Club!

Photo Recap of Recent Projects

New Year With the new school year just starting and the ensuing schedule changes, “class meetings”, dress

WEEKLY EVENTS service events for the year so start talking up our club in the hallways and in class to all the people around

code checks, and more taking place,

you, whether they are

Key Club might have taken a

underclassmen, upperclassmen,

backseat in many of your minds. However, despite the chaos that IS Paschal High School right now,

girls, guys, students, teachers, wearing a hat, or not. And, be sure to start serving too-

make sure to spread the word about with NHS, graduation, and college our organization to all of your

volunteer hour requirements

friends and classmates. Also, if you

possibly looming ahead, you don’t

know of any service projects that

want to get behind so start

you’d like to see implemented

attending service projects early.

during this year, be sure to bring

Hope to see you all there at our

those with you to the first meeting or discuss them with the officers and advisers. Now is the best time to recruit members and plan our

first meeting!

Braille Bibles : Wednesdays from 3:45-5:00 pm St. Paul Lutheran Church

Agape Meal : Thursdays 5:30-7:00 pm Broadway Baptist Church

Back To School Evaluation Now that we are back to school, it is no longer the quiet and free days of summer anymore. I find the going back to school fact very distressing. However, there is service out in the world that is yet to complete. So, although going back to school may be stressing, remind yourself that there are others in the world doing service that is much more stressing than our deeds and yet they don’t feel it because of the joy that they have for service.

CLUB LEADERSHIP President: Aashna Bhatia

Vice President: Sean Hwang

Secretary: Abrahim Sharaf

Treasurer: Ryan Yanney

Editor: Taeho Kim

Faculty Advisers: Mr.Bretthauer



Kiwanis Adviser: Mrs.Naff

“The happiest people I have

known have been those who gave

Members-at-Large: Gladys Guevara, Nickie Harris, Will Hyry, Sindy Mata, Mollie Murray, Amy Nguyen, Remington Schugart, Julia Torres, Nicci Watson

themselves no concern about their own souls, but did their uttermost to mitigate the miseries of others.” – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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