Artists in tinplates gallery
Rodelbahn by german toymaker Distler around 1900, steam powered, varnished tinplate and hand painted lead children

1949 Bobsleigh by french toymaker CIJ,clockwork, all tin.

Donald the skier by japanese firm Linemar Around 1950, clockwork.

Snow toys collectors and enthousiasts as Jacques Milet was confirm that the most beautiful sleigh toys and winter carriages are the german models. Undoubtely, MARKLIN was the most prolific in the field, whose production was considerable around 1900. A few of these gems were made by other Nuremberg area firms like Rock and Graner, Doll, Gunthermann , Distler, Lehmann and later Technofix in the sixties (adorable snow mountains).
In France CIJ made charming models in the fifties. Early snow toy were unmotorized, only pulled along by a string or simply pushed by hand. On the Fernand Martin dogs carriage a collapsible rod onto the rear of the model moves the dogs.

Agorgeous montain winter station by Doll, (trademark D.C) german toymaker 1920–1937. Founded in 1898 in Nuremberg. This company made the most beautiful ferris wheels, carousels and mountain scenes, with fine lithography of the tinplates, all toys moved by hand or by hot steam.

Occasionaly appearing on the market, these plaything from the point of view of insvestments appear to offer good prospects for the future.
They are becoming difficult to find in mint condition and Victorian models and prices achieved in the sale room may be high.
Fernand Martin, born in 1849, a french country boy who became the leading inventor of mechanical toys in the Victorian Age, made this cute dogsdrawn « Conquest of the Pole »sleigh in 1909. It belongs to his second period of production(1874-1894). The power source is a clockwork fitted under the rear seat and it seems that this toy is the only one known depicting a winter topic in the Martin Catalogue.

Ski ride mountain by Chein (US) from 1952.

Lithographed tinplate and clockwork mechanism
Fitted with a bell ring. 16 Inches long.
Two skiers carousel from German manufacturer Meier, 19201930.

The toy can move by hand or eventually by hot steam by using the side wheel. Meier was well known for it gorgeous catalogue of PENNYTOYS
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Skier with stick, penny toy by MEIER