15 minute read
Uganda Kukuchic commissions SmartPro™ single stage incubation for increased capacity
from Pas Reform Times
Sinokrot in Jordan makes Smart investment
Jordan-based Sinokrot Poultry Farms is a specialist poultry farming and production business and part of the large and regionally important, family-owned enterprise Sinokrot Group – a vertically integrated poultry company with 14 farms across the country.
Sinokrot’s hatchery has a total annual capacity of 24 million broiler hatching eggs and three-million layer hatching eggs. An additional hatchery in the Palestinian territory has the capacity to hatch a further 15 million eggs per year.
As part of a major hatchery expansion programme, Sinokrot has invested in Royal Pas Reform’s SmartPro™ integrated technologies. The new hatchery will take full advantage of Pas Reform’s position as a single-source, fully integrated supplier of incubation, climate control and hatchery automation. The installation includes 18 SmartSetPro™ setters, incorporating modular design and Pas Reform’s Vortex™ based airflow principle; Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™ (AMF™), and the Energy Saving Module™ (ESM™).
The setters will be complemented by 10 SmartHatchPro™ hatchers, each equipped with SmartWatch™ – which by CO2-sensitive automation monitors and adjusts the hatching process to optimize the hatch window for every cycle. Hatchery operations will be fully supported by Pas Reform’s SmartCenterPro™ hatchery management system, to ensure precise, consistent process control.
Founded in 1984 by one of the oldest and most famous and prestigious Palestinian families from Hebron, the Sinokrot Group, led by owner and Managing Director, Hani Sinokrot, is today the exclusive agent for Novogen breeder layers in Jordan and an important producer of table eggs in the country, with the capacity to produce 150 million annually under the brand name Taza. It is also one of the most important exporters of hatching and table eggs, exporting its products to the neighbouring countries in the Gulf region.
Avicola Yugoslavia broiler hatchery is first in Peru to adopt SmartPro™ technologies

Avicola Yugoslavia, based in Trujillo, Peru, is the first broiler hatchery in Peru to work with SmartPro™ incubation solutions from Royal Pas Reform – as it renovates its current multi-stage hatchery to a completely single-stage facility to increase capacity.
The renovation includes SmartSetPro™ NF setters, operating on an existing 54-egg flat-tray platform, and SmartHatchPro™ hatchers, featuring a surround cooling system that will be fully integrated into the walls. In addition, the HVAC system will be completely overhauled – with air-handling units, ducting, pressure and temperature control, and Royal Pas Reform’s new hatchery HVAC management control system, SmartControl™. The project will be multi-phase, allowing the hatchery to continue to operate at full capacity while renovation takes place.
Eduardo Nestorobic, Avicola Yugoslavia’s owner, says: “This project, which will take shape over the next couple of years, will bring us to the forefront of modern incubation in Peru. We had been looking for a partner to work with us on this complicated renovation. A complete HVAC overhaul and a phased machine-replacement project is not an easy task, especially during the Covid pandemic.
“We are happy that we can bring the ‘best of both worlds’ to the project with Royal Pas Reform: changing incubation technology to single stage, while also working with the best standard in hatcher hygiene.”
Oscar Buenaño, Royal Pas Reform’s local Sales Director explains that working in Peru has been very challenging over the past year because of the Covid pandemic. “Our installation supervisors were not able to visit locally,” he says. “We had to install the entire project through on-line support, which has rapidly brought our local technical team up to speed with such a situation. It has proven that we can achieve more than we think on-line and we are happy that we have succeeded.
“We see a great future with Royal Pas Reform in the Peruvian market and I am confident that this will be not just the first phase of our project with Avicola Yugoslavia, but also the catalyst for other relationships with hatcheries in Peru.”
Uganda’s Kukuchic expands with Royal Pas Reform technologies and service

When Ferenc Elshof and Jankees Sligcher from Royal Pas Reform visited the Kukuchic hatchery in Uganda to discuss expansion plans, they saw at first-hand how the poultry sector in Africa is developing and adopting the latest technologies.
Driving through Kampala, Uganda’s bustling capitol city, with Dr. Wesley Rutto, Kukuchic’s Managing Director, is no easy task. It is a sign of a developing economy straining to burst out of its present situation.
The same analysis holds true for the Kukuchic hatchery, which is situated in Nakaseke, some 75 km outside of Kampala. The journey took two hours of driving and all of this time was efficiently used by Dr. Rutto – who made a number of calls to satisfy his customers.
The first impression of the Kukuchic farm complex, a breeder farm and hatchery, is good – with breeder houses very much in the ‘African’ style and a hatchery that deserves the Royal Pas Reform ‘extra touch’.
Kukuchic had not been satisfied with the performance of their initial equipment supplier. In 2019/20 a first extension project was carried out with Royal Pas Reform incubators, including 2 SmartSetPro™ 6 setters and 2 SmartHatchPro™ hatchers. The hatchery’s subsequent performance convinced Dr.Rutto’s team that the existing production level of 250,000 chicks per week warranted a further extension of 6 more setters and 6 more hatchers, as well as HVAC.
Dr.Rutto says: “I was impressed with the pre-delivery service of Royal Pas Reform’s project management team. We are also looking forward to the further training by Pas Reform Academy as well as the continued support through our SmartCare™ Service agreement.”
Watch the movie!
Artur Schlick, director operations, Pas Reform do Brasil Bouke Hamminga, director international sales & business development, Royal Pas Reform

Embryo Soft Touch® (EST®) technology

SmartVac™ was designed to maximise the safety of the injection process, by focusing on the development level and needs of the growing embryo. The Embryo Soft Touch® EST® sensor on the injector allows automatic and individual adaptation of the injection depth to each single embryo, regardless of egg and embryo size. EST® also detects when the setter tray has an empty egg position or contains non-viable eggs (infertiles or early deads), helping to reduce wastage of valuable vaccine. Only eggs containing grown embryos are inoculated with vaccine or nutrition.
SmartVac™ is a new, patented technology that allows 100% safe, consistent and accurate in-ovo vaccination and nutrition. It delivers the injectables only into the amniotic fluid, thus preventing possible injury to the growing embryo.
SmartVac™ has major biological and commercial advantages for your hatchery:
Earlier immunity SmartVac™ provides earlier exposure to various vaccines and nutrients, supporting early development of the immune system and improving the birds’ health and disease resistance.
In-ovo feeding SmartVac™ positively affects the chick’s vitality, early growth and gut health. Adding nutrients while the chicken is still in the egg helps improve the day old chick weight, growth performance and breast muscle weight of broiler chickens.
Animal welfare SmartVac™ birds are less stressed when vaccinated in-ovo. Possible injury to the live embryo is avoided because the system only injects into the amniotic fluid. Minimal posthatch chick handling reduces stress and improves comfort. More consistency SmartVac™ reduces possible human error, with fewer people needing to be trained and monitored than with manual subcutaneous vaccination.
Reduced labour costs SmartVac™ in-ovo vaccination significantly reduces the labour required, compared to subcutaneous vaccination of day old chicks.
Uniform delivery SmartVac™ uses an automated and uniform process to deliver constant volumes and concentrations of vaccines and nutrients to each embryo, regardless of the size of the egg or embryo.
Reduced processing time SmartVac™ reduces processing time from hatcher to farm, eliminating the need for post-hatch vaccination. This means that day old chicks have faster access to food and water, which improves chick quality.

Controlled hygiene SmartVac™ ensures controlled hygienic conditions, by maintaining a sterile environment in and around the injection area.
Selective inoculation SmartVac™ applies selective inoculation by identifying non-viable eggs (infertile or early deads) and empty egg positions on the setter tray, thus reducing vaccine waste.
Royal Pas Reform has developed an advanced technological solution to deliver safe and effective in-ovo vaccination and nutrition: SmartVac™ Download the brochure in pdf format directly from Pas Reform online at www.pasreform.com/ smartvac SmartVac™ enables the poultry industry to apply a wide range of vaccines in-ovo, including Gumboro, Marek, ND and Coccidiosis vaccines. This is optionally performed in combination with nutritional components, for chickens with a healthy gut, favourable microbiota, enhanced immunity and thus improved field performance. 1 The injector head descends until the injector’s guiding cups touch the shells of each egg in the setter tray. The injectors are not yet fixed, so that their position can be adjusted to the different egg sizes.
2 Special air tubes between the injectors inflate, locking the injectors in the ideal position. The injector head then makes a second fixed, downward movement, causing the injector’s outer needles to pierce the shell collectively and precisely.
3 To allow automatic and individual adaptation of the injection depth to each single embryo (regardless of egg size and flock age), the inner needles in each injector then descend individually. 4 The inner needle pierces the membrane and makes another controlled downward movement into the amniotic fluid.
5 The Embryo Soft Touch® sensor detects the position of the embryo and the needle movement stops. Retracting slightly to avoid any injury to the embryo, the inner needle remains in the amniotic fluid. 6 100% of the injectable is delivered safely and precisely in the amniotic fluid around the embryo.
7 As the injector head retracts to the starting position, a sanitisation solution flows down the needles – disinfecting the system and maintaining a sterile environment.
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T +31 314 659 111 E info@pasreform.com I www.pasreform.com
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T +54 911 5462 1610 E g.begino@agroscrum.com
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T +387 51 535 345 F +387 51 530 016 E iradia@blic.net
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T +1 305 254 0285 M +1 305 213 0215 E lobo777@me.com
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T +56 2 2202034 / 2299902 F +56 2 2246726 E fernando@safratec.com
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T +86 138 2040 2513 E jasonwang@pasreform.com
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T +573 10 240 0271 – 571 420 06 03 F +571 420 48 27 E rpardo@rmcolombia.com Costa Rica, Central America Gosan S.A. Jaime Gómez Apartado 1301-1200 Pavas San José Costa Rica
T +50 622 324 080 T +50 688 436 777 E jgomez@gosansa.com
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T +593 99 164 3178 T +1 754 702 7170 E emaica@avepork.us
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Ethiopia XSyn Corporation Mr. Abel Girma 17532 Nutwood Dr 90746 Carson, CA USA
M +1 408-460 1771 E abel.girma@xsyncorp.com
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T +33 624 32 69 48 E adam.mj@la-nationale.com
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T/F +30 22 96 09 02 50 M +30 69 87 52 32 62 E vazaiosn@gmail.com
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T +36 309820054 E korosidr@gmail.com
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T +91 934 400 5887 E venkatesh@pasreform.com
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T +91 22 2503 5973 E info@kishorefarm.com I www.kishorefarm.com Indonesia PT. Pasreform Mulya Pratama Dusun Ancol, RT.001 RW. 001, Desa Karangpakuan, 45372 Kecamatan Darmaraja, Kab. Sumedang Jawa Barat Indonesia
T +62 87 877649971 E pebri@pasreform.com
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T +98 21 6693 2478 F +98 21 6693 2106 E info@vst-co.com
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T +96265160608 F +96265160618 M +31622999025 / +962795531388 / +962775531388 E jamil_al_khawaja@hotmail.com
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T +52 7773 176 401 M +52 1 777 327 0365 F +52 7773 134 419 E ranulfoortiz@gmail.com
Malaysia Suenfa Farming Trading Co. Jalan Kulim 1418 14000 Bukit Mertajam, Penang Malaysia
T +60 45399823 / +60 45390 076 E suenfa10@yahoo.com
Service Center Malaysia Mr. Yew Wei 1-12-22, Suntech at Penang Cybercity, Lintang Mayang Pasir 3, 11950 Bayan Baru, Penang Malaysia
T +60 1252 48597 E yewwei@pasreform.com
Mexico Evolución Tecnológica Agropecuaria SA de CV Nueva Bélgica 6 Col. Recursos Hidraulicos 66245 Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico
T +52 7773 176 401 M +52 1 777 327 0365 F +52 7773 134 419 E ranulfoortiz@gmail.com
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T +212 5 37 64 30 61 F +212 5 37 64 35 78 E agriart@agriart.ma Nigeria Terudee Farms Ltd. Km 15, New Ife Road Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria
T +234 8055 005 709 E terudee@yahoo.com
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T +92 42 35204161-3 F +92 42 3520 4164 E birdcare@brain.net.pk
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M +51 981 335 156 E obuenano@aditivoseindustria.com E recepcion@aditivoseindustria.com
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T +63 977 344 3698 E fsi@fsiph.com
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T +48 603957229 E jarmaxled@icloud.com
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T +40 256 210 946 F +40 256 223 349 E MihaiR@flextimindustry.com
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T +381 21 461 170 M +381 63 506675 F +381 21 464 113 E jasmina.atlic@gmail.com
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M +27 78 361 0385 M +27 83 251 4795 E sligcher@pasreform.com E js77@mweb.co.za
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M +34 696 382 825 E erkrespo@gmail.com
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M +94 7597 31510 E lakmo@sltnet.lk
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T +249 120 898 363 T +249 183 238 887 Ibrahim.hassabo@coralcoltd.com
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T +66 81815 6623 F +66 2497 7391 E Set_Hatch@hotmail.com
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T +21698411515 T +21698450530 E agrebi@pwc.com.tn
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T +84 438 244 627 F +84 438 244 628 E info@pejavietnam.com
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Mailing address: P.O. Box 25125 Sana’a Yemen Republic
T +967 1 211 608 F +967 1 211 609 E hap@yemen.net.ye