Passion8 Magazine - Issue 6

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It probably happens once a week. I’ll be at an event, casually talking with somebody about my tech start-up company, POET. The conversation is pretty interesting… I can learn a bit about their story and projects they’re working on, and visaversa. Then, the question: “So, are you in engineering, or computer science?” they ask. “Actually, I’m in an English program.” I respond. “Actually?” They chuckle, smugly. I usually respond with a coy “Ha ha, yeah. It’s a bit different”, or a “yeah, but I enjoy it”, awkwardly laughing along in false agreement as if I’m wasting my life studying Aristotle and Shakespeare. They can’t believe an English major is working in the tech space, because every Arts student works as a Barista or librarian after graduating… right? The more I faced this exact situation, the more I started to really think about how to express the value of such a dynamic program, and realized that the usefulness of an Arts degree is of a different kind of value than a degree from any other faculty. For example, if we consider a study in computer science, the assumed goal is quite straightforward: understand how to

code, get a job in software development. However, a program like English, History, or Psychology doesn’t share the notion of this type of ‘universal attitude’, and so it is underestimated and sometimes even mocked. I looked into it a bit further, and found a 2013 article in the Washington Post that reports “only 27% of US college students have a career related to their degree.” The article seems to take the stance of a tragic observation, using this statistic to materialize a problem in the relationship between the post-secondary degree programs and the workforce. However – even the author admits – this isn’t necessarily an issue, as landing a job unrelated to your major “isn’t the end of the world”. Lesson #1: data does not necessarily translate to insight. This brings me to my first point: the purpose of the Arts degree. To refer to my previous example, what is the goal of getting a degree in the Arts? It is arguable that a very small percentage of English literature students desperately seek a job at the local library, yet (as we understand from the Washington Post article) it is the popular misconception that upon graduating you must find a career strictly ‘related’ to your field of study.

Unlike programs where students are trained on a very specific set of skills, the Arts take the more liberal approach and teach a variety of skills… completely transferrable and a great asset to any employer. It is underestimated how valuable a transferrable skill set really is, mostly because the understood definition of ‘success’ is out-dated and craving disruption. When I say “craving disruption”, I mean that the concept of success urgently needs to be redefined in how people measure it. It’s unfortunate that we live in a world where success is defined by the number of zeros in your salary rather than the skills and determination that got you there in the first place. I believe that success is measured by the balance of three things: (1) being good at something, (2) liking what you do, and (3) getting paid to do it. Note that all three are not mutually exclusive, and often times the elements influence one another. The first element - although fairly broad - means exactly what it sounds like: being good at a particular subject. This could be anything from a specific software development language

to an incredible comprehension of Shakespeare’s sonnets. The second refers to overall happiness, motivation, and passion, and the third is obvious. These components influence each other in the sense that there is no particular order to them; money very rarely comes before being good at a particular skill… however, it can absolutely influence whether the job is enjoyed. Unlike other faculties, the Arts faculty thrives off passion - encouraging their students to discover and learn about what interests them. This is obvious when we look at the undergraduate course calendar for a program like Psychology, which offers dozens of different courses on a wide variety of specific subjects within the department. This creates a vast amount of options and possibilities for anybody to find the topics that interest them. It is the perfect faculty for the self-motivated individual, determined to study what they like and ‘make it theirs’. In comparison to other faculties, the Arts facilitate success by nurturing the thirst for knowledge and desire to learn. In regard to the previously mentioned ‘measurements of success’, it begins by making sure the participants enjoy what

they do; the accompanying skill set is built on top of this foundation. By “making it theirs”, I mean that the passionate Arts student will extract the transferable skills from their studies on their own. This is one reason why marketing the Arts can be such a challenge - the expertise that can come out of an Arts degree is completely subjective and so vast. In comparison to other fields of study, it is extremely difficult to attach a label to the value of every single graduate’s degree – it is intangible and tremendously diverse. So, as for finding a job “related to your field”, the Washington Post does not have the authority to declare what is or what is not related. It is up to the students: the ones whose passion and determination has put them through post-secondary, and the ones who have assembled a skill set from these interests. It is Arts students that will be successful and find (or make) a job in whichever field they like, getting paid to do what they love. And the next time somebody laughs at my degree, I’ll be sure to let them know why earning an Arts degree is the best decision I’ve ever made.


I recently watched part of a video series called “What’s Underneath Project”. I watched the video about Meredith Graves, a lead singer of Perfect Pussy. In this video she said many things that related to me, but the very last thing she said resonated with me the most. What she said was this: " body is a good place to be because functionally speaking, I know that at the end of the day that it's the only home I'll ever have, and it's the only home I ever will have. So no matter how much I argue with it, at the end of the day I have to treat it like my home. And home is where you are supposed to feel the safest, and home is where love happens, and home is where you feel best about yourself, and uh, welcome home!" After watching this video I felt a lump in my throat. I think most women of this century can agree that if your body isn't a certain shape or a certain weight, people look at you oddly and judge you from your appearance. When I walk down the street, I am constantly looking at my shadow, or a reflection from a window, and see how I come across in other people's eyes. I'm not conceited — I just grew up to care a lot about how I dress and how I appear to other people.

I remember when my mother would come home, she’d look at me and call me fat. She would often tell me to eat less to stay skinny because, according to her, becoming “fat” was easier than losing weight. (This eventually lead me to wear baggy clothes and repel tight fitting clothes.) It's been a long time coming but even after 19 years, I am still not fully comfortable in my own home. I constantly look in the mirror and wonder what it would be like to be thin, or at least thinner than I am now. I think about what it would be like to wear tight dresses without my belly showing. I suck my tummy in for three seconds and wish hard that what I see for those three seconds is what my body actually looks like. But after my face gets all red and my heart rate increases dramatically, I let go and my belly comes back out. My dream is only a dream, I realize. I have friends who say to my face that they are gaining weight. They complain about being “fat” when they wear a size 2 and I wear a size 10. I look at them like they are crazy, and then I realize that they aren’t crazy. They just live in the society that thinks a size 2 means you’re a size 4.

Beautiful We Are All

Written by Sophia Liu

But despite all that, I can safely say that I am slowly becoming more comfortable in my own home than a year or two ago because of the people that I surround myself with. They know who I am and I really appreciate the amount of positive influence they have had in my life to make myself believe that I am beautiful, despite my weight. Two years ago I could never look at my reflection for a brief second, but now I stare at my reflection and tell myself every day that I am who I am. I can wish to be skinny my whole life, but it doesn’t mean it will happen and I shouldn’t get hung up on something that is only a wish. However, I just want you let you all know that I am not defined by the thickness of my thighs or the belly that pops when I'm wearing tight fitting clothes. I'm going to define myself as the person I chose to be and the way I grow up to be. I hope that you will all do that too. I have had too many instances since being a kid where I was chastised for being too tall, too fat, too much hair, too much of this and too little

of that. I will no longer tolerate people who judge me for that and still judge me for that. If you judge, please stop. Even for me, I have to stop myself from judging someone from the way they look or the way they dress because I know that there is a lot more to their story then the way they show themselves to others. So next time you look at a person and go "what are they wearing?!" please remember that they have their own story and they are who they are. We can only accept their uniqueness and their beauty and love them for that. Your body is the body you were born with and the body that will be yours unless you actively try to change it. But if you do not actively try to change it, that’s ok. Just know that you are beautiful and that there will always be people out in the world that will judge you for the thickness of your thighs or how much of a belly you have. But just like how there will be people that judge you for the way you look, there will also be people who love you for the way you look and love you despite all that. Remember that the next time you look at yourself in the mirror. You are a beautiful person, no matter what you look like on the outside.

That One Time I Realized

Rayi Christian Wicaksono

Hi, my name is Vanessa and I’m a job-hunter. It’s been twenty-something days since I was last employed and I can’t stop my eye from twitching or my heart from pounding. The toughest part about my job-hunt so far has not been a lack in drive or dedication to finding a job, it’s been my experience. More specifically my lack of experience or the “right kind” of experience. Everyone who knows me, knows my desire to work in publishing, the trouble is that jobs in publishing are few and far between. To get into publishing - the best way to go is internships (or so I’ve been made to believe). The problem is that you’re working full-time for free or for an extremely low wage — and sometimes even if everyone likes you AND you work your butt off, there just isn’t a job opening for you at the end of your internship. Finding the career of your dreams takes hard work, the right education, a lot of luck and having all three at the same time. I can’t help but wonder if I went to school for the wrong thing? Is a BA in English and a Publishing Certificate not enough? Would it have been easier for me to find a job if I took business or law? Maybe, but that doesn’t mean that my entire education is useless, it just means that it isn’t going to be easy for me to find a job. Which is completely okay because dreams aren’t supposed to be easily attained, are they?

applying for, which means that for publishing jobs there is no need for me to list a pizza place (where I worked for nine years). You might need to make a few different resumes and always, always write a personal cover letter, one that shows the hiring manager that you actually care and know a thing or two about the company. “ A hiring manager spends about 6 seconds on first look at a resume. They’re looking at Title, Length of Employment & Company Name. I recommend using for a great resume format. You just have to type in your info and it makes the resume for you (Carly-Anne Fairlie, Recruitment Consultant)”. After the resume comes months and months - hopefully not that long but it happens - of applying to jobs. While you’re applying to “real jobs” search for volunteer opportunities within your field. Everyone loves free help and you never know what could come from a few hours of free labour. To find jobs and internship positions I’ve used Indeed, Monster, Workopolis, and Work in Culture but I also keep an eye on my Twitter newsfeed just in case. The key here is to not get discouraged and apply to jobs that you’re interested in. It’s not a race to get hired, it’s about finding a company you’d love to work for and a job you know you would kick-ass at.

d… This Sh*t Isn’t Easy by Vanessa Grillone

No matter what field you’re going into it’s important to acquire a network of likeminded people. Exist on the internet and be smart about it. If you have Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Insta-gram be careful about what you post. Let your personality shine through but remember that you could be connecting with a potential employer. Be well written and polite. I have all kinds of so-cial media accounts where I follow fellow bloggers, publishers, book-worms and publishing peo-ple alike whom I’ve met thanks to my internships and my blog. I now have 1300 followers on Twitter and it’s taken me four years to gain that kind of following. You never know who you’ll e-meet — maybe you’re 140 characters away from finding your dream job. So, you have a great network? What’s next? How do you land an interview? You need a kick-ass cover letter and resume. I sent my resume over to a recruiter where she very politely told me that it is all over the place. She recommended that I first write a profile, just 3-4 sentences to share a bit about me and what I could bring to the table. Next she told me to have my education or experience listed — you don’t need both apparently. Finally she told me to take out anything that doesn’t relate to the job I am

Network - check. Resume and Cover Letter - check. Send in applications on a daily basis - check. Now, it’s time to be patient and don’t forget about all of the contacts you’ve made recent-ly. See if they know anyone who is hiring or if they could give you a referral. Maybe they have some freelance work for you, maybe they know a guy who knows a girl who can help. Many people are happy to help, all you have to do is ask for it. If that doesn’t work I urge you not to give up. You’re doing everything right and not getting results, I totally understand the frustration. You have to remember that there are so many people out there looking for work, everyone has the same amount of school and a similar amount of experience. It’s the luck-of-the-draw and a lot of perseverance. Hopefully next time you read a job-hunting post from me, it’ll be filled with tips on how to ‘Rock An Interview’. Hopefully it’s from first-hand experience. Hopefully I’ll have a job by then because I’m getting a little sad thinking about the face that my dad gives me every single morning before he leaves for work — a concoction of pity, hope, and desperation. I’m tired of feeling like a disappointment and it’s frustrating to have to put plans on hold because I don’t have a steady paycheque… woe is me, this s**t isn’t easy.

Meditation is the Mind’s Favourite Hobby By Nadia Rukavina

Sitting still for a long period of time sounds painful, unpleasant and boring. It is, but only for those who do not truly understand meditation, its benefits and the level of happiness you can achieve. With an open mind, the act of meditation in its present moment, brings feeling of ecstasy, joy, calmness, relaxation and a natural high. Meditation is the greatest gift you can give to your mind. I am an incredibly antsy person. I like to move around and dance to music. Sitting still normally causes me to fidget, to start going through alphabet and naming animals to pass time, to draw on myself or to braid my hair until I run out of strands. The thought of meditation used to horrify me. How could somebody possibly sit with their own thoughts for an hour (or for some, an entire day) and not move? Nothing to hear but your thoughts. Nothing to do but listen and feel the movement of air in and out of your body. Meditation always intrigued me because I had a gut feeling my mind was missing out on something — and it wasn’t until I started trying it, that I realized my mind really was missing out. Most of us lead daily lives; balancing school, work, hobbies and a social life. An abundance of to-do’s and things on our agenda can overwhelm our thoughts and cause stress. Meditation may not sound like the ideal way for you to ease your stress or sort out your thoughts, but I assure you if you give it a chance, you’ll notice a difference in the way you think. When I meditate, since the practice is still very new to me, I find myself trying to concentrate on “not thinking.” Your brain will never stop thinking. You are not silencing your mind by not thinking during meditation, but by organizing and sorting your thoughts. It’s a tough mindset to get into because you’re trying to get ahead of where you actually are. I have this problem right now. I’m thinking: I should be able to sit here and be calm, my thoughts shouldn’t be running wild and I shouldn’t be thinking of what I have to get done tomorrow. In the beginning, this is supposed to happen. Your mind

is a desk full of papers and files and these thoughts have to be sorted through - over time these piles will lessen and soon… there’s nothing. By nothing, I mean stillness. There is a calm, a positive light and your energy is focused on good thinking rather than stresses. I’ve practiced meditation on my own and I’ve recently tried mantra meditation with a group and a leader. Translated, mantra means, “that which when reflected upon gives liberation.” Mantra meditation is wonderful because if you find your thoughts drifting away from your practice, you can focus them back on the words being spoken. During mantra meditation, words are spoken or sang aloud and your thoughts are focused on the sounds of the words, not necessarily the words themselves. During the sessions I’ve been attending, I’ve been introduced to three types of mantra which include breath, beads and music. I was hesitant to speak aloud and sing in front of others during the first few minutes of each new mantra, but soon you realize nobody in the room is there to judge you. In fact, nobody is really listening to anything but themselves - but the sounds they are creating. It’s an incredible experience. I come out of each class more confident in myself than I started with. Though it may seem a bit weird singing random chants in a language you don’t understand, it’s not really for you to understand; the words are there to provide a focus for your thoughts. Still hesitant? Let me share with you what I have gained so far through meditation. Firstly, I am better able to control my thoughts. The minute I sense them falling into a negative direction, I think of something positive. I change my thoughts and my perspective. Do I really have it that bad? No, I don’t. Second - I understand the way my mind works better than I did a month ago, and I haven’t even been practicing very long! I know triggers that set my mind into an overwhelming hurricane. I know why I think a certain way in certain situations and around certain people. Number three: I am happier. I don’t have a lot, but I don’t need to. Sorting through my thoughts and focusing on good energy and being around good 1

energy has opened a new door of acceptance and a new mindset. I am happy where I am and with what I have. You should be too. If you are having trouble accepting who you are and where you are in life, try meditation. I have anxiety and it doesn’t even exist in the room with me during the session. Magic. You have nothing to lose if you try. In fact, you will gain, gain, and gain. Long practitioners and beginners are welcome at the sessions I go to. It’s free and you are provided with everything you need. If you live in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, visit to learn more. I hope to see you at a class in the near future and we can sing our hearts out together. (I also think I am a better singer because of this, which is probably not a good thing!)

from Passion8 contributors

Photos by: Alejandro Escamilla, Jessica Copeland, and Victoria Stacey

Christmas Gift Ideas


Ideas from Vanessa Grillone

GONE GIRL BY GILLIAN FLYNN I’d be extremely surprised if you hadn’t heard of this book, or the film based on it. Gone Girl is one of the most creepy, jarring, and fascinating novels I have ever read. It begins on the fifth wedding anniversary of Nick and Amy Dune. As presents are wrapped and reservations are made, Amy disappears. Through a series of flashbacks from his wife’s diary the reader becomes engrossed in Amy’s perfectionism and the troubles in their marriage. The question is, did Nick kill his wife? If he didn’t, where is she? Get ready to for a freaky novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

THE STORIED LIFE OF A.J. FIKRY BY GABRIELLE ZEVIN I reviewed this novel on my blog in May of this year and screeched to anyone who would listen that it’s the best book I’ve ever read!!!!! A.J. Fikry lost everything, his wife, sales at the bookstore he and his wife owned, and his rare collection of Poe’s poems *which was stolen from his house. He is alone, isolated, and drinks to have visions of his dead wife and then black out. Just when he’s about to sink lower than he ever has before, this bitter bookstore owner gets a package. A package that will change the life he lived and the life he thought he’d have. I can’t say much more about this book (plot-wise) because I don’t want to ruin your experience with it. This novel has the ability to remind every avid reader and book lover why they love books so much. It says so much about life and love and basic human needs. I’ll be the first to admit that it brought me to tears.

US CONDUCTORS BY SEAN MICHAELS WINNER 2014 – SCOTIABANK GILLER PRIZE Although I have yet to read this book, it is definitely on my Christmas Wish-List. Us Conductors is a Literary Fiction novel inspired by the true life of Lev Termen — Russian Scientist, spy, and create of the theremin. Written in a series of letters and flashbacks, the reader follows Lev Termen from New York in the 30’s to the scientific camps of the Soviet Union. Lev is a prisoner aboard a ship headed to the Soviet and is writing a letter to his one true love. And so the book goes on questioning unrequited love and how it can keep a person alive.


Ideas from Jacquelyn Mayo

GRAPEFRUIT RADLER - THE WATERLOO BREWING COMPANY This small-batch brewed beer is a mix of real Grapefruit juice and beer. This beer is originally from Germany and is brewed to its traditional style. At 3.1% alcohol, this beer has the aroma of grapefruit and has a citrusy taste. The beer compliments the grapefruit juice for it calms down the strong flavor of the grapefruit, making a nice refreshing beer!

CLASSIC PILSNER - THE WATERLOO BREWING COMPANY This Pilsner is a mildly hopped classic style pilsner at 5% alcohol. This beer is known for its hoppy taste, but sweet finish. The Pilsner gives a stronger taste then most beers without the bitter-hoppy finish. This beer is smooth and great to drink with any foods.


from Nicole Papp

We all know that Christmas comes at a time that is usually rather stressful. Some of us may not have the budgets to buy elaborate things or we may value handmade gifts over bought ones. Whatever the reason may be, here are three quick ideas for handmade gifts that have substance:

HAND DRAWN MUG Items Required: - Mug and saucer (Dollarstore- $1) - Sharpie (Dollarstore-$1) - Oven Draw your desired design on the mug and saucer. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees in the oven. Make sure you leave the mug to cool. NOTE: Only handwash these mugs. It would be cute to try to make a set of them, each with a nice quote written on cardstock with string tied to the ear of the mug. This is a perfect gift for any coffee or tea lover in your life!

ADULT HOT CHOCOLATE SET Items needed: - Mason Jar (Dollarstore $1) - Hot chocolate (Food Basics- pack of 6 $2) - Mini Marshmallows (Food basics- $2) - Small bottle of Baileys Cream Liqueur (LCBO- $3) Add the hot chocolate and marshmallows into the jar. Attach the Baileys to the mason jar. Create a small card explaining the need to just add water or milk with a nice quote or meaningful saying. This gift idea is great for anyone who likes hot chocolate with a kick! Feel free to substitute the hot chocolate with coffee.

INSTAGRAM COASTERS Items needed: - Tiles (Home depot - $2) - Printer - Photo paper - Mod-podge - Paintbrush - Sealer Choose the images you would like on your tile. Print out the appropriate size. Cut each image out so it will fit onto the tile. Cover the tile with mod-podge, apply your image, and cover with mod-podge again. Wait for this to dry and cover the image with a layer of sealer. Let this dry and continue making as many coasters as you would like. The personalized aspect of this gift will really mean a lot to whom ever you give it to.

There is something to be said about the transformation of food. Over the last few decades there has been an influx of celebrity chefs, fad diets, cooking shows, competitions, and foodie culture. There has also been an increase in the amount of education on the various methods in which food is processed, harvested, and the channels it takes to reach your dinner plate. Food brings people together. While your grandma may not know the business models of twitter or Facebook, food can act as the vehicle that transcends age differences and cultivates a bonding relationship across generations with just a pair of utensils. Food has become less about survival and more about expression; it has become an art form. One that has taken on many shapes — from modernist cuisine, steakhouses, all you can eat buffets, to family and specialty restaurants. With each bite, taste buds send signals directly to regions in the brain that generate emotions and lock in long term memories, sending you back in time to your mother’s favourite bowl of pasta or your father’s meanest hamburger. Each dish has the ability to represent more than what your eyes can see. With a conscious palate the culinary arts can excite all of your senses, but only if you pay attention. The sight of a meal lets us eat with our eyes. The aroma can trigger our memory centres. The taste, texture and feel add to the experience by giving us something tangible, grounding us in reality. Sound is often overlooked, as the sounds of the environment can be the difference between something authentic, soothing, sealing in the culture versus another that leaves you feeling like something wasn’t quite right.

the art of

food Written by: Benny Hua

Food is the epitome of novel experience. Foreign or familiar, food can cater to your adventurous spirit, or it has the ability to warm you up from the inside. From raw fish to chicken breast, sea urchins to shrimp cocktails, the continuum extends beyond our plates, and for some, beyond their locales. Some dedicate their lives searching around the world, others shimmy into alleyways of neighbouring boroughs looking for hidden gems. The most fundamental thing about food is that it’s not about the price, the location, the décor, or the prestige of the one who made it. It’s about emotions, memories and timing. It’s these 3 key ingredients that make a home cooked meal far superior to even the most exotic and expensive dishes.

a taste of

ICELAND When you think of Iceland, you think of this beautiful country with majestic landscapes filled with icebergs, waterfalls, and glacial lagoons. The culinary aspect of the island completely escapes your mind. However, if you went to Taste of Iceland Toronto at Oliver & Bonacini’s restaurant Luma, it will never escape your mind again. A long weekend event in the middle of November, famous chef Viktor Örn Andrésson from Iceland’s beautiful LAVA restaurant at the Blue Lagoon resort spoiled all attendees with the freshest set of Icelandic dishes. After tasting his wonderfully crafted dishes, you understand why he was awarded the title of Nordic Chef of the Year for 2014.

Taste of Iceland was a fourcourse meal with a variety of delights for your palette. The first plate had melt-in-your-mouth Arctic char with Icelandic barley, horseradish, and cucumber. To add the final touch, Chef Andrésson came out and added his flair with the help of liquid nitrogen to finish the dish. Round two featured fresh, Icelandic Cod with söl (also known as red dulse, somewhat similar in consistency to seaweed) from the lovely seaside town of Stykkishólmur, accompanied by a lightly smoked langoustine (large prawn) salad with apple, black salsify (root plant), and pickled onions. The third and final main dish featured deliciously tender Icelandic Lamb – said to be so tender due to their grazing in the highlands. All I can say is

keep on wandering little lambs. Paired with marinated carrots, mushroom, and sunchokes, this dish was hearty and warmed you from the inside out. To finish off the evening, patrons were spoiled with a delicious dessert of chocolate crémeux with a delicious lemon marzipan cake and wild blueberries, paired with an Icelandic delicassy called Skyr (pronounce it as if you’re saying skiier with a Scottish accent). If the breathtaking expanses of Iceland didn’t make you want to visit the country, the culinary prowess will definitely entice you. I know where my first stop is when I return to this beautiful country. See you again at your restaurant Viktor! Lindsay Davies

The Reading Nook sharing the novels of young authors across the globe

milk and honey rupi kaur i do not want to have you to fill the empty parts of me i want to be full on my own i want to be so complete i could light a whole city and then i want to have you cause the two of us combined could set it on fire - rupi kaur

about milk & honey 'milk and honey' is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. About the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. It is split into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. 'milk and honey' takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.

about rupi Rupi Kaur is a writer based in Toronto, Canada. She studied Rhetoric and Professional Writing at the University of Waterloo. She travels globally to speak and teach workshops on topics such as trauma and healing while also performing her spoken word poetry. Rupi devours words, art, metaphors, bodies of water, and storytelling. She shares her writing with the world as a means to create a safe space for progressive healing and forward movement. You can find more of her work at

how to purchase milk and honey is available to purchase online and ship worldwide from:

REDEFINED WASTE DESIGNER:MICHELLE SIN I'm passionate about the environment. And our consumption of landfills and resources made me realize that something had to change. So I held a "trashion" show (fashion made from trash) to inspire people to see waste differently.

victorian secret

newspaper, cups, plates, foam packaging, and fruit netting.

BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY scraps of old linen, torn clothing, curtain ends, and other pieceS of fabric

Montreal’s Entrepreneur Princess Kimberly Beattie


oesn’t every little girl at one point or another dream of becoming a princess? We all want to snap our fingers and make the impossible happen: find our prince, live in a castle and kiss a frog (ok maybe not that one…) The Broadway musical Cinderella contains a beautiful sentiment about that dream: “Impossible things are happening every day.” No one embodies this more than the fabulously talented Kimberly Beattie, who has literally made the impossible happen: At 27 she has dreamed up two companies, and is now the owner of both – and they are doing

great! Based out of Montreal, Kimberly is the clever head behind Mes Trois Soeurs Clothing & Accessories, which she founded in 2009, as well as Montreal Princess Parties in Quebec, and Valley Princess Parties in Ontario. Kimberly is a very hands-on artist, frequently modeling her designs for Mes Trois Soeurs and performing as various popular princesses at parties and charity events. She makes most of the costumes herself (Halloween has been a very busy season for her!) I had the chance to chat with Kimberly about her work, in the hope that she might

Shot by James Andrew Rosen of James Andrew Rosen Photography

share her secrets on how to be that successful at such a young age: What projects are you working on right now? One of the most exciting things about my life is that I’m constantly working on something new - it changes day to day. I’m really excited about what I have on the go right now! I’m doing a small collection of sweaters and tops for a local shop, Arterie Boutique & Friperie (176 Bernard Ouest in Montreal). They’re all vibrant, vintage-inspired prints with a sense of humour… like food patterns! I love boutiques that give me creative freedom

and who trust me to do something a bit unusual. Do you have any favourite project that you worked on in the past, if so, why that particular one? I love doing bridal! Designing for wedding parties is always so personal and unique. I designed these beautiful, textured, sunshine yellow dresses for a bridal party. Looking at them, I just couldn’t help smiling. Can you tell me more about your recent Princess Parties work for charity? I feel incredibly blessed to be making a living combining my passions; singing, acting, designing and dressmaking. It’s a bit of an odd combination, but I’ve made it work. Since these also happen to be skills that can make a lot of children happy, I feel compelled to “pay it forward” and send some good into the universe. I’m beyond lucky to have had the chance on multiple occasions to work with the Make a Wish Foundation. I love my job, of course - I love being a princess; performing for these unbelievably strong, special children is a gift that has changed my life. “For the world is full of zanies and fools who don't believe in sensible rules, and don't believe what sensible people say, and because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes keep-building-up-impossible-hopes, impossible, things are happening everyday and so Cinderella goes to the ball.”

What (or who) inspired you to start your two companies? Both of my businesses grew out of hobbies. I started sewing my own clothing because, as a poor university student, I coveted dresses that I couldn’t afford. Even as I graduated and worked other jobs, I often envisioned clothing that just didn’t exist, and something inside me would nag and pester me until I created those garments. I named my label for my three sisters; they’re the best women I know, and they are a constant source of strength and

Shot by Alanna Mason of Absolute Photography inspiration for me. And as for princess parties - I’ve just always wanted to be a princess! I’ve adored fairytales my entire life, I love the pure innocence and joy of children, and I’ve always been driven to perform. Put me in a pink tulle skirt and on a stage and I’ll be happy! So, when I realized that I could actually “be a princess” in real life, I was sold. My fiancé has been the catalyst that brought these hobbies and talents to the business level. He saw the potential I had, the ability to do something special, and encouraged me even when everyone else had their doubts. Having someone who trusts my skills and shares my vision is the reason I’m doing what I do. What’s in the near future for both Mes Trois Soeurs and Princess Parties? I’m about to start what will be, without a doubt, the most intimidating challenge I’ve ever faced as a dressmaker: I’m making my own wedding dress! I am treating this with caution and I’ve found a safety net. I have a

“backup” dress in case I don’t have the time to craft my own, but I’m itching to start on it and see what happens. Many of my designs unfold organically; it’s a magical process, seeing where a dress takes you! Now that I’m a brideto-be, I’m connecting with bridal like I never have before, and I’m definitely thinking about focusing more on bridal rather than ready-towear everyday clothing. And regarding being a princess, I’m constantly working on expanding our client base and really getting the word out there. It’s still a fairly new business, and I’m looking forward to growing with it! You can find Kimberly’s work on Facebook: Mes Trois Soeurs Clothing & Accessories Montreal Princess Party Valley Princess Parties …and on Etsy: Mes Trois Soeurs Clothing & Accessories Etsy Shop Written By Julia Selch


Melissa Johns

MELISSA JOHNS IS THE WINNER OF THE PASSION8 COVER ART CONTEST FOR THE DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE WITH HER PIECE SHATTER. WE SPOKE WITH MELISSA TO LEARN MORE ABOUT SHATTER, MELISSA AND MOREJOHNS ABOUTIS THE WINNER OF THE PASSION8 IS YOUR FAVOURITE COVER ART CONTEST FORWHAT THE DECEMBER 2014 ISSUE MEDIUM TO WORK WITH? HER AS AN ARTIST. I've spent the last few years experimenting with every medium I WITH HER PIECE SHATTER. WE SPOKE WITH MELISSA can get my hands on, which has been easy to do while I'm in TO LEARN MORE ABOUT school. SHATTER, AND MORE ABOUT WHAT INSPIRED SHATTER? For a while I was worried since the success of many HER AS AN ARTIST. Shatter started as a school art project where the only professional artists hinges on their ability to find a niche style,

requirement was to "stick two different materials and I'm sort of a jack-of-all-trades. Lately though, I've really together". I love fragmentation in aesthetics, and I hadSHATTER? WHAT INSPIRED fallen in love with digital media, enough to feel comfortable with this mental image of a fashion model thea school Shatterwearing started as art project where devoting myself to it.theI'monly especially fond of digital painting, mask--combining this conventionally beautiful was body to "stick requirement two different materials video art, glitch art, and design. Digital painting especially with an unnerving, distorted face. Itogether". wanted toI explore love fragmentation I had and emulate any kind of style I allows inmeaesthetics, to flex myand creativity how we project ourselves and this our mental desires image onto of a like, fashion whichmodel really wearing suits my the changing tastes. I don't think I'll ever idealized images, and the bitter mask--combining truth when we'rethis conventionally beautiful body really stop exploring other types of media, but I'm glad to have confronted with our actual selves. with an unnerving, distorted face. I wanted to explore found a discipline that allows me so much flexibility and how we project ourselves and our desires onto passionate expression. idealized images, and the bitter truth when we're WHEN DID YOU FIRST GET INTO ART? confronted with ourI actualASselves. I was hooked on art pretty much from the moment A DESIGNER BY PROFESSION, HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN was given some finger paints as a toddler. I was ART AS A PASSION AND NOT AS A JOB? obsessed... one of my earliest memories artmaking WHENofDID YOU FIRST GET INTO projects, ART? personal projects, personal projects. I'm Personal was making crayon rip-offs of Calvin and Hobbes I was hooked on art pretty much from the moment I constantly juggling a huge workload of art and design projects, comics. I'd draw the speech bubblewas before the words given some finger most paints as a toddler. wasown. I've never hurt for inspiration of which tend to beI my and have to make like 4 of them to fitobsessed... one sentence. one The of my earliest of artmaking and ammemories always wanting to try new things, so I've found ways to rest is history. was making crayon rip-offs of Calvin and into Hobbes cram my own work every little nook and cranny of my comics. I'd draw the speech bubbleDoing beforegraphic the words schedule. design is fun and challenging, but in and have to make like 4 ofbetween them to those fit onejobs sentence. Theuse my own art as a liberating way I like to rest is history. of unwinding. If I'm at school, my timetable is this insane rollercoaster of squeezing artmaking in between classes, essays, and working as Graphics Editor for Imprint. I'll be in a painting class thinking about how I can't wait to go home and start a 20 page comic for fun. If I'm on co-op, I usually make my own art before work, on lunches, or after work when I get home. It never stops, but it means I'm constantly improving.

TAKE US THROUGH THE NEXT YEAR OF YOUR LIFE, WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH? WHERE WILL YOU BE? I'm about to leave on my last co-op for 8 months, doing marketing and graphic design for Humber college. It's a really great environment and I love the people there, so I'm really excited to go back. I'm planning on using the fixed schedule to really improve my digital painting skills, and try to shop my work around for solo and group exhibitions in galleries. I want to come back for fourth year better than ever, and I'm always trying to get ahead of the game!

WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’LL DO AFTER GRADUATION? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO? I'm hoping to backpack Europe for a month or two, and then enter graduate studies for interdisciplinary fine arts. I love being in an environment that's geared towards learning, so I hope to stay in that dynamic culture as long as possible. I'm crossing my fingers to get into a school in Toronto, the contemporary art scene is really well developed and I'm eager to become a part of it.



Audrey D’Astous



WHAT INSPIRED EQUALLY STRONG OPPOSITION AND ANGER? The inspiration comes from a combination of working with these materials and then filling them with meaning and personal stories. For this piece I wanted to create something that was big and bold but that played with expectations of what is suppose to be soft. I was also experimenting with the material by stretching half of the knit wool and compressing the other half (at the bottom) to see at what point two identical parts can become completely different.

WHEN DID YOU FIRST GET INTO ART? I was always into art; as a kid I loved to draw, paint, cut and glue things together. I just really liked making things without worrying about their functionality. My mom would take us to art museums and I got really excited about the possibilities of art making when I discovered modern and abstract art. It completely blew my mind that art did not have to be representational.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MEDIUM TO WORK WITH? I love working in all mediums (drawing, painting, photography, collage, clay) but I feel more involved with what I am making if I am physically shaping it with my hands. Soft sculpture really allows for maximum manipulation of the materials and to work in the most hands-on ways possible: sewing, knitting, braiding, weaving or applying and layering different substances to create a different texture.

TAKE US THROUGH THE NEXT YEAR OF YOUR LIFE, WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH? WHERE WILL YOU BE? Right now I am taking a year off from school and pursuing art as much as I can. I hope to create art, exhibit in new places, meet and exchange ideas with other artists, learn to weave and I am hoping to get accepted to do an artist residency next summer! I will be going to Ryerson next fall to do a masters in Arts Administration and Public Policy in hopes of getting a job with an organization passionate about the arts and women’s rights.

YOU GRADUATED EARLIER THIS YEAR, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO? HOW HAS ART PLAYED A ROLE IN YOUR LIFE? I have been making a lot of art and have had multiple exhibitions as well! I spend a lot of time applying to various art shows and residencies, Iam just trying to find opportunities to exhibit my work. I moved to Toronto to be a part of the art scene and it has provided me with a lot of opportunities! I met a professional weaver and artist (Liz Pead) who offered to teach me how to weave at her studio which has been amazing! I just finished my first scarf and already have 10 more projects I can’t wait to start! Art is something that just I always felt pulled to be a part of. When choosing to pursue art in my studies (in high school, CEGEP, and university), it was always the choice I knew that I would not regret. Art keeps me going, it get’s me curious and excited about the world. Most of all, it just makes me happy; to create it, to share it with others and see what others have created.


Always have bobby pins, USB keys and pens on hand.

You’ll never know when your hair is going to piss you off, when someone will need to transfer important files on the fly (like drake’s sophmore album) and pens are easier to write brilliant ideas with than lipstick.

Friendships will come and go.

And maintaining a healthy balance of school, boyfriends/girlfriends, work and friends will become one of the hardest things you do. The friends who are still there through it all and understand the hard times, are the ones you keep around to celebrate the next chapter of your life.

Things will change.

The older you get the more conversations shift from the fucked up things you did on Friday night to the ambitions and goals of your future (although those fucked up Friday nights still happen once and a while… Ok maybe more than once in a while…) It’s good to set your sites high and surround your self with the people who inspire you the most. There’s nothing like leaving a conversation fresh filled with ideas and ready to conquer the world.

Everyone will have their own opinions. On what to do when you graduate, when to get married, when to have kids, what car you should drive, where and when to buy your first house, where to go for dinner, what to eat for dinner, what to have for breakfast, what to name your car/dog/kids/Goldfish. Take a breath and listen to yourself. Only you truly know when and what is best for you.

Learn as much as you can.

Even (and especially) if it’s not through formal education. Teach yourself to code. Explore the world and learn from experience. Grab a coffee with a friend (or random person) and gain a new perspective.

Never stop challenging yourself.

See no boundaries. Set your goals high and don’t stop til you’ve reach them. Apply for jobs you never thought you’d get. Start your own business. Take over the world.

Take a break from digital media.

Just do it. You don’t NEED to document everything in your life. As much as you want to. Explore other ways to be creative and give yourself a breather. GOAL: go to an event or activity digital free and come home and document everything by hand in a journal like you used to. Draw. Sketch. Scribble.

Don’t feel obligated to splurge.

On those expensive pieces just because buzzfeed tells you that’s what it means to grow up. But also don’t spend your entire wallet on cheaply made Forever21 pieces either. Find a balance. Make your own clothes, thrift shop and save up for those one of a kind staples that will make you happy. Whether that’s clothes, a new technology (new camera please!) or a beauty tattoo. Don’t forget to treat yourself.

You’ll be surprised how relevant school can actually be to your career.

Whether or not it was directly because of your program, there is value in a post-secondary education that will help you down the road. Whether it’s the lifelong friendships you make, meeting the partner of your dreams, chatting with some of the most influential minds of our time or sitting down for coffee with a new friend. These experiences have helped shape your life and who you’re becoming.

Drink tea.

Whether you’re down, hungry, thirsty, sleepy, bored, happy, stressed, or inspired. You’ll never regret a good cup of tea.

Pursue your dreams.

Life’s too short not to love what you do and enjoy every minute of it.

Treat your body right.

It’s not about the six pack, or how much you can lift. It’s about how health you are, and what you are doing to maintain that. It’s a lifestyle choice, not a fad.

Your family means a lot to you.

Make as much as an effort as possible to see them, as much as possible. It’s a hard time right now, but it’s also a beautiful time. Welcoming so many exciting new additions on both sides of the family. In such a time of heartache, we are also in a time of heart warming excitement. Be supportive, be excited!

Don’t regret spending an afternoon in bed, eating chips and watching tv, alone.

We all need our alone time and it doesn’t always have to be productive. If it matters to you, you’ll get to it when you need to. Just do you.

Play charades with your friends more often.

You’ll never learn more about each other then when you’re yelling obscene things at one another.

Don’t let anyone push you in a direction you don’t want to go in.

What you’re doing now, may not (and hopefully won’t be) where you are in 10 years. And that’s ok. Figure out your own path. Don’t let anyone assume the path you’ll take. Surprise them. Shock them.

The little details make all the difference.

Send thank you/hello cards to your friends and family through snail mail, bake a batch of cupcakes for your roommates, surprise a friend (or a stranger) with a cup of coffee. It’s the little details that people will remember the most.


Whether it is a new cooking style, a trip to another continent or conversatory down the road, take in every opportunity to explore around you.

It takes two.

Don’t put yourself through relationships (romantic, friendships, work, etc.) that are one sided. The other party (or parties) need to realize their responsibilites as well. If they aren’t putting the effort in, reflect on if the effort you’re making is really worth it.

It’s ok to say no.

You can say no to projects you don’t feel strongly about, say no to the low wage jobs, say no to the friends who want you to make something for ‘free’ because its good exposure (its another thing if you offer). At some point, no is a word that needs to become a strong part of your vocabulary.

Don’t let yourself get caught up in finances.

If you work hard, and remain true to yourself, the money will come. Treat yourself to those special trips, fancy coffees and expensive gifts. Just do so sparingly. It’s ok to enjoy your hard work once in a while.

Be true to yourself. As cliche as it sounds, no one knows you better than you. Make your own mistakes, and celebrate your successes. Those who truly believe in you will support you along the way.


#InstaAngst I wake up with a start. My head is dripping with sweat, my heart pounding in my ears. I can’t remember what I was dreaming about, but it couldn’t have been rainbows or butterflies. I turn over and reach for my phone to check the time, because I haven’t looked at my actual clock since 2003. 2:35 A.M. I’ve already been sleeping for five and a half hours. My plan to read the new ARC I received has obviously failed. I fell asleep two pages in - no wonder I feel so awake. Now what? I have zero iMessages, no Facebook or Twitter notifications, and I haven't posted a photo to Instagram in three days, so the odds that someone liked a photo are slim to none. Then again there are those new followers who could have gone through my 1300 photos and liked a few, or those creepers who might have liked an old photo of mine by accident while I was asleep. Maybe I’ll just give it a quick glance. I flip onto my back, press the home button again, and then slide to unlock. There it is, the bright colour orange and white heart I’ve been yearning to see. A smile appears on my face. I reach for the too-large-formy-face square rimmed glasses on my night table and put them on. There’s a number 5 beside the sweet, huggable white heart. I press my favourite icon at the bottom of the screen, the word bubble with a heart in the middle.

hgrillone liked your photo hgrillone liked your photo hgrillone liked your photo hgrillone liked your photo hgrillone liked your photo

My smiles fades and depression seeps in. Looks like Mom went to bed later than I did last night. I quickly press the home icon, desperate to see anything but my mom’s approval over and over again. I’m convinced that she doesn’t actually look at my photos. She just likes them all willy-nilly, like there isn’t a point to the quote I spent hours searching for to caption a photo of my outfit. You’d think she’d be more considerate. I prop myself up a little higher on my pillow, getting comfortable so that I can catch up on the 5 hours worth of photos I missed. I wiggle my toes under my comforter, noticing that I’d lost my left sock during my restless sleep… I’ll find it later. Photos of people in costumes take over my feed. Sexy, slutty, and sassy costumes, gory costumes, cute costumes, babies in costumes, old people in costumes, everyone is reminding me that I did not wear a costume for Halloween this year. There are #outfitsofthenight that I missed, photos of pets doing cute things, and photos of couples taking selfies at some sports game or another. Then I see it. A RING. A bright, beautiful white gold ring on the wedding finger of a hand I don’t recognize. I said YES! the caption reads, with 67 comments and 145 likes. I have never gotten over 80 likes in my entire InstaCareer. This is the fifth engagement I’ve discovered this month. What is it about the cold and dreary weather that makes people confess their undying love for one another?! Suddenly the cool darkness of my bedroom closes in on me, claustrophobia grabs hold of my throat and doesn’t let go. I can’t breathe. My heart isn’t just beating, marching in a synchronized rhythm - it’s thrashing my insides leaving my body paralyzed with fear.

aAngst The only light coming off the screen of my iPhone is not enough to soothe me, so I reach over to turn on my nightlight. I decide to look for my missing sock, throwing off my covers in search of the little bastard that went missing. Five minutes later it’s back on my left foot and equilibrium has returned, but I still don’t feel right. I repeat mantras in my head to steady my breathing. Trust the timing of your life, everything happens for a reason - but they’re not working. Everyone I know is getting engaged, excelling in their careers, or travelling, and after six years of school I can’t even find a full-time job. How is this possible? Where have I gone wrong? When is it my turn?I let those thoughts consume me. The time on my phone reads 3:35 A.M. I can’t go back to sleep. Not now. I tap the profile icon on Instagram and look over my own photos from the last few months. Photos of advanced reading copies I received from publishing houses make an appearance, coffee and notebooks expertly placed and filtered to perfection, beautiful

snapshots of my adorable niece garnering the most likes, abstract photos of shoes or trees with inspirational quotes as the captions, a photo of my favourite author signing my book (no one knows that the photo was taken by my mother), selfies with my boyfriend with light in our eyes and big goofy smiles that show how happy we are together, and a few collages encompassing events I felt privileged enough to attend. I have a fun life, I have a good life. Look, it’s all right here on Instagram. With satisfaction finally settling in my stomach, I turn off my phone and place it on my night table. As I reach over I notice the book that I started reading on the floor beside my bed. I pick it up and begin reading where I left off. At 6:45 A.M., my alarm goes off but there’s no need. I’m still awake, engrossed in the characters and plot of the book. I grab my phone and slide my alarm off. Maybe I’ll just give Instagram a quick glance before I start my day… Written by Vanessa Grillon



Writt en

t Sho


by: N icole Papp

TYPES OF THRIFT STORES: 1) Community Driven 2) Conisgnment shop 3) Vintage Clothing



These items are perfect for costumes, or It seems as though the famous

Another type of thrift store is a

“Thrift Shop” song by Macklemore has

consignment shop that offers handpic-

set a trend of making thrift cool. With the

ked items that fall into a specific style.

recent recession, most people are trying

These stores offer savvy pricing on clo-

Whether you need a new outfit

to save as much money as they can and

thing, footwear, and accessories. The best

for a party and do not want to spend a

thrift stores are where they can do it.

part about these stores is that you will

lot, or if you just need to spruce up your

Whether you are shopping for a costume

feel and look like you went shopping at

wardrobe and want something one of

for a theme party, need props for a pho-

the mall, yet secretly your wallet will be

a kind, a thrift store is the perfect place.

to-shoot set, or are moving into a new

thanking you. The “acceptance” standards

Our comprehensive listing of thrift shops

home and need supplies, thrift stores can

at consignment shops are high and re-

on the next page can get you started in

be a great alternative to the traditional

quire the item to be in pristine condition

the right directi In a shopping world that

big department stores such as Wal-Mart.

and to fit into a specific style category.

is high in consumerism and excessive

This provides you, the customer, the pea-

purchasing, choosing to shop at a thrift

There are several types of thrift

ce of mind that you are purchasing good

store is a green choice- you save the en-

stores to choose from when deciding

quality items. An additional benefit these

vironment from the excess and you don’t

where you will make your next purchase.

stores offer is the ability to sell your own

give into the capitalist production houses

Among them are the traditional commu-

clothing through their storefront. If your

(department stores). A thrift store provi-

nity driven stores like Goodwill, Talize,

item is purchased by someone, you recei-

des you with the ability to support local

and Value Village. These stores offer the

ve a percentage of the sale price.

charities if you purchase at stores like

a classy look for work, or going out on a dinner date.

Goodwill or Value Villiage, or the ability to

same type of customer experience as a Wal-Mart would, with a variety of items

The third type of thrift store is a vintage

support a local entrepreneur in consign-

separated by departments.

The diffe-

clothing store. These storefronts usually

ment shops. Aside from being a good Sa-

rences large community thrift stores and

specialize in items that date back to a

maritan, you can find brand name items

Wal-Mart are the variety of items, the

specific era. Most tend to be between the

for less; you just have to allow yourself to

amount of each item in stock, and price.

1940s and 1980s. When shopping at the-

go on a shopping adventure.

You are more than likely to find a one-of-

se venues, you have the ability to purcha-

a-kind piece for a very low cost.

se some very unique) pieces that allow you to travel back in time.

Waterloo Region Thrift Shops Name




2nd Time Around Re-Sale Childrens Store


417 King Street West

Kitchener, ON, N2G1C2

And Venus Smiled


24-55 Wyndham Street North

Guelph, ON, N1H7T8

As We Grow


181 St Andrew Street East

Fergus, ON, N1M1P9

Attic The


35 Harvard Road

Guelph, ON, N1G3A2

Attic Treasures


381 Woolwich Street

Guelph, ON, N1H3W8

Bibles For Mission Thrift Store


228 Victoria Road South

Guelph, ON, N1E5R1

Bibles For Missions Thrift Store


200 Highland Road Wes

Kitchener, ON, N2M3C2

Busters Buy & Sell


591 Lancaster Street West

Kitchener, ON, N2K1M5

Carousel Clothing


72 St Leger Street

Kitchener, ON, N2H6R4

Chameleon Clothing And Accessories


432 St Andrew Street West

Fergus, ON, N1M1P3

Chat Noir


32A Wilson Street

Guelph, ON, N1H4G5

CornerStone Bible Institute Thrift Store


15 Water Street North

Cambridge, ON, N1R3B2

Cream Of The Crop Children's Shoppe


83B Arthur Street South

Elmira, ON, N3B2M8

Elora General Store


15 East Mill

Elora, ON, N0B1S0

Fabulous Finds Boutique


421 Greenbrook Drive

Kitchener, ON, N2M4K1

Family Thrift Store


152 Wyndham Street North

Guelph, ON, N1H4E8



21 William Street

Paris, ON, N3L1K9

Furniture & More MCC Thrift Shop


41 Heritage Drive

New Hamburg, ON, N3A2J3

Goodwill Attended Donation Centre


925 Erb Street West

Waterloo, ON, N2J3Z4

Goodwill Donation Centre


130 Cedar Street

Cambridge, ON, N1S5A5

Goodwill Retail Store & Donation Centre


1348 Weber Street East

Kitchener, ON, N2A1C4

Halstead's Used Appliances


47 Cedar Street

Cambridge, ON, N1S1V4

Hand Me Downs


324 Highland Road West

Kitchener, ON, N2M5G2

In Orbit Thrift Boutique


213 King Street West

Kitchener, ON, N2G1B1

Marley And Me


123 Waterloo Street South

Stratford, ON, N5A4B3

May Court Nearly New Shop


714 Belmont Avenue West

Kitchener, ON, N2M1P2

MCC Thrift Centre


41 Heritage Drive

New Hamburg, ON, N3A2J3

Mennonite Central Commitee Ontario Thrift 519-886-6226 Shops

50 Bridgeport Road East

Waterloo, ON, N2J2J6

Mennonite Central Committee Ontario Thrift Shops


59 Church Street West

, Elmira, ON, N3B1M8



10 Carden Street

Guelph, ON, N1H3A2

The Thrifty Squirrel

519-729- 0508

Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo Stratford

Tri-cities, Stratford

M C C Thrift & Gift


59 Church Street West

Elmira, ON, N3B1M8

More thrift stores can be found at:


Many of us use our social media accounts as a great way to connect with friends, family, and our peers from all around the world. I agree that this is a great way to stay in touch with those around us, but have we considered using our social media accounts (like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) as a way to market ourselves? I’m not referring to taking a bunch of ‘selfies’, but engaging in online activity that will raise our social worth, or in more technical terms, our social capital. Social capital is the social status that we have created and are maintaining for ourselves that other’s associate us with. Having a high social status is associated with leisure and travel. Even though social capital ‘can’ be also tied to your class position (upper, middle, lower class), this is not always the case. For instance, University students aren’t expected to have high paying jobs, but being involved in extra-curricular activities while going to school raises their social capital for they are doing more then what is expected of them. People with high social capital are labelled as ambitious and most likely to be successful in whichever field they strive to be in. For this article, I have outlined 4 methods that will raise one’s social capital through their social media accounts. Below are a few tips:

Tip 1: Take Pictures! Take pictures with all your groups of friends, whether it is your friends from High School, University, your job, an event committee, sports team etc. This shows that you are in high demand and have strong communication skills in order to maintain your membership within these groups. Your social status can also increase when you take pictures travelling, participating in an event or production, volunteer work, and even taking part in an activity most people would not expect you to participate in such as boating or scuba diving. This not only indicates that you are an active person, but a person with diverse talents.

Tip 2: Avoid Creating Statuses Where You Are ‘Venting’ About An Issue This not only makes you look immature, but shows that you are passive aggressive. Employers want to hire someone who is proactive and can make rationally informed decisions. Complaining to your social network shows that you are avoiding the problem and have no desire to fix the outcome that better suits your interests.

Tip 3: Assume That Everyone In Your Social Network Are Valuable Connections If you were to ask me to find a professional photographer, graphic designer, video developer, model, designer etc. I would be able to draw on various people from my social networks who are pursuing these areas as a career. Figure out what defines you and constantly post your work on your accounts. For instance, if you are a graphic designer, post your work and state what your latest projects are. Maintain a portfolio of your work so viewers can easily refer to you. Always make sure your contact information is up-to-date so your soon-to-be clients can easily message you for your service inquiries.

Tip 4: Always let people know of your successes I understand that modesty comes into play for this tip, but don’t be ashamed to let people know if you have received an award or got an outcome that you have been striving to achieve. This shows that you are a person with drive and of diverse life experiences. Employers will admire your endurance and would want someone like you on their team. I hope you find these tips useful to you as they have been to me. Always pursue your passions and work towards creating a unique identity for your social media accounts.

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