Passion Islam November08

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Can Britain equal the American Dream? Issue: 08

November 2008

Two complete different contrast of opinions have been projected after the landslide victory of Barack Obama at the US presidential election, the question now is how long will it take till Britain sees a Muslim, Black or Asian to become Prime Minister. Trevor Phillips said Barack Obama would never have been elected prime minister in Britain because of “institutional racism” in the Labour Party. Trevor Phillips, chairman of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights, also said that Britons would be happy to vote for a black leader, but the incumbent political system would prevent an ethnic minority candidate getting to the top. Phillips made the comments in an interview with the Times Newspaper. “If Barack Obama had lived here I would be very Continued on page 9

inside this month issue

British Obama ‘Closer than you think’

New fingerprint scanners add to UK surveillance

Bahrain parliament unite to ban alcohol



the Passion

Passion Islam

I November 2008

0 to 60 Guesses in a minute How quick are you to judge?

We look around and notice people struggling to keep their heads above the financial water, pressure of social life and disharmony between families and friends, we see people crying out for our help but yet not willing to accept that the problem is myself but always seem to direct to someone else and say why don’t they understand. It has been narrated in Muslim from Jabir bin Abdulah; Allah’s Messenger (saw) said: ‘The food of one person suffices for two people, the food for two persons suffices for four persons and the food of four persons suffices for eight persons’ It is evident, the blessing of sharing and to be there for one and another. Islam does not practice greed or selfishness; however it promotes unity and togetherness. The teachings of Allah and his Prophet are one of unanimity. During the era prior to the Prophets arrival, people were disjointed from society. People where showing no regard to etiquettes or even logic. Islam brought about the light of Imaan which shone on to the believers a vision of truth and harmony. Islam taught the people that it is alright to be different skin and gender as we are still all Allah’s creation. The first person that the Prophet turned to was Hadhrat Khadija, who aided him. Regardless of gender the first person that he told those emotional words ‘Zammilooni Zammillooni’ (cover me) was a female whose gender at one point was a questioned one. The Prophet (SAW) connected to so many Muslims, but never did he criticise anyone by their personal attributes. The Prophet and his companions instigated a social structure built on trust and unison. A social configuration was founded on trust of fellow believers and of fellow community members. The underlining factor that binds people together is the factor of faith. The dynamics of faith is built in such a unified way that it fuses mankind irrespective of their race, nationality, and other factors which are irrelevant when it comes to bonding on an ideological creed. In a letter Malcolm X, Malik ElShabazz, wrote about his Hajj experience,

he explains what it was during this blessed journey that made him so profoundly shift his perspective on race and racism: “There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from blue-eyed blondes to black-skinned Africans. But we were all participating in the same ritual, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had led me to believe never could exist between the white and the non-white.” The Quran emphasizes the brotherhood when Allah says; “O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you, verily God is AllKnowing, All-Aware” (49:13) The Prophet (SAW) explained this in his Last Sermon; “Oh people, remember that your Lord is One. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a nonArab has any superiority over an Arab; also a black has no superiority over white, nor does a white have any superiority over black, except by piety and good action (Taqwa). Indeed the best among you is the one with the best character (Taqwa). Listen to me. Did I convey this to you properly? People responded, Yes, O messenger of God.” (Excerpt from the Prophet’s Last Sermon) It is evident from the Quran and Hadith that Islam does not pay any regard to colour, race, nationality or gender. Then why is it that we are constantly disregarding this matter. We must look at things that affect us, let us stare at how disjointed we have become in our surroundings and fellow companions. Let us try to find the faults in ourselves first before we criticize others. Jalaluddin Rumi sums this up by saying; Many of the faults you see in others, dear reader, are your own nature reflected in them. Let us ponder on how we perceive people and how we can promote unity and abbolish discrimnation of all kinds in our hearts and minds. Too many times we have petty quarrels with individuals and organizations that

have no Islamic backing and are similar to the arguments and dispute sduring the Days of Ignorance. We quarrell and bicker with people who are actively trying to achieve something for the sake of Islam. Why are we so quick to judge others with out realizing the reasoning some one may be performing that act. A story comes to mind; One man was spying on an individual, he saw him sat with a woman on the river bank, had a wine glass in his hand and he saw a boat gliding along the river. The spy was enraged on the fact that the man was sat with a strange woman, with a wine glass in his hand and there was a boat, with music and dancing etc which started to sink. The man could no longer keep his rage under control, he got up, ran up to the man in question and demanded answers. The man listened and responded respectively; “This glass is the only glass I have, all I have is water.” He emptied the contents and lo and behold it was fresh water. “This is my mother, she wasn’t feeling well so we decided to get some fresh air” The spy listened, now getting embarrassed. “Now my friend, you have questioned me and I responded, let me ask you this. You judged me by using presumptions, now how am I to judge you after you thught ill of me?” The spy thought, red faced, “I am sorry, I didn’t know” How many times are we in this situation? How many times do we presume and build false assumptions? Let us help the people that are around us, rather thancritisizing them and under mining or even spreading false rumours about them. If the Al-Mighty does not have any regard to colour and race, then why do we, mere mortals, have so much attention to the matter? May Allah give us the ability to unite together as one Ummah. May the AlMighty give us the talent and skill to find our finer fault rather than critisizing others hence creating a more universal society which will encompass all involved, one that is a replica to the social life at the time of the Prophet (SAW). Imam Zakir Yorkshire

tel: 07506 466 385 or write to us at: Textile Hall, Hick Lane, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 5HW email: - This Magazine contains Ayaat of the Qur’an and Hadith of the Prophet (SAW), please ensure you handle it with respect & care - Sukran

Terror Intelligence?

Passion Islam

I November 2008


Important anti-terrorism information has been kept from two thirds of police and council chiefs, according to an official leaked report. It contains the results of an inquiry into the £86m government Pathfinder scheme tackling extremism. The scheme provides funds to councils for specific projects designed to steer people away from militant groups. Communities secretary Hazel Blears said it was essential communication between the various authorities improved. The report, entitled Preventing Violent Extremism: Learning and Development Exercises, was commissioned by Mrs Blears earlier this year. The research was carried out by the Audit Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary. It was leaked to the Guardian and published. The document, which was due to be released on next week, suggests

the failure to share counter-terrorism intelligence is hampering the Pathfinder programme. Councils were given finds to pay for projects designed to increase contacts between different ethnic and faith communities and prevent young people from joining extremist organisations. But the report warns there is a lack of trust between the authorities. Seventy councils have received £6m in pathfinder funding since the scheme was launched in April 2007. A further £45m is expected to be spent on expanding the programme in the next three years. The report examines the progress of the scheme in 14 areas, including many that have experienced the impact of violent extremism first-hand. According to the report, just one-third of the chief executives and local police commanders who were interviewed did not have access to, or were not briefed on, terrorism data in their area. Two thirds were


not entrusted with security information which affected their ability to identify vulnerable people and communities. A spokeswoman for the Department for Communities and Local Government said the report highlighted “excellent work” and suggested local communities were becoming more confident about tackling the issue. There are lessons for all of us, central and local government, police and security services and community groups and this report will help us learn them, steps had already been taken to address some of the issues raised in the report. Passion Islam has learnt from local groups within London and West Yorkshire money given by the government to the council has not been used properly and many groups and individuals are not benefiting from the Preventing violent extremism funding, the money is not addressing the issue of extremism.

New MRI scan plan for post mortems praised A new service offering MRI scans as an alternative to post mortems is now being made available to the Muslim community in Radcliffe, Bury and elsewhere in the borough. Local religious leaders have worked closley with the Bolton Council of Mosques and local coroners to pave the way for the introduction of the MRI scans, not only in the Bury area but at several other locations in Greater Manchester. The local contact for the scheme is Mr Liaqat Ali, chairman of the Islamic Centre in Bury. He said: “In Islam, it is forbidden to have post mortems, hence the MRI. This facility has now been launched in Bury.” MRI scanning is available instead of a post mortem after death. This is a choice offered to the family of the deceased in acceptable circumstances. An MRI scan will be used to examine the body, allowing the radiologist to give the coroner the cause of death. This avoids an invasive post mortem and is in keeping with

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Islamic religious requirements. Where a post mortem is necessary, the coroner may consider the MRI option to determine the cause of death. However, the MRI scan is not acceptable in all cases and the coroner will advise accordingly. Those families or friends choosing the MRI option will be advised of the final cost, which could be as high as £950, before they choose to go ahead with the scan. Bolton Council of Mosques representatives will be responsible for making all the arrangements on behalf of those that are grieving. Mr Ali continued: “Apart from Bury this service is also available elsewhere, including Oldham, Rochdale, Tameside and Manchester. Explanatory leaflets are available from local mosques.”

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British Obama ‘closer than you think’

Passion Islam

I November 2008

The largest ever number of black and Asian MPs will be returned to parliament at the next election, new research indicates. The data, compiled by centre-left thinktank the Fabian Society, led some observers to predict a British Barack Obama is closer than people think. “The chances for a British Obama are now much more hopeful than they would have been even ten years ago,” said Fabian general secretary Sunder Katwala. “There’s a good chance of ten or more non-white MPs being returned in the next election. That would mean as much progress in one election as has been 297x210_COMBINED_PASION 14/05/2008 18:16:14 made in the previous four.”

Analysts are convinced this election will mark the point when the ‘ethnic penalty’ no longer applies in parliament. With ethnic minorities making up 7.5 per cent of the general population, analysts consider anything less than that percentage of nominations by non-whites to be continued evidence of the ‘ethnic penalty’. “This shows the British parliament is reaching a history moment as successful black and Asian candidates defeat the historic ethnic penalty,” Mr Katwala said. Labour are selecting ethnic minority candidates for ten per cent of all new candidates. Significantly, this rises to 15 per cent in seats they already hold – where candidates have the highest



chance of winning. The Conservatives are doing well from a low base level, with nine per cent of candidates being from ethnic minorities. Unfortunately, the party has a selection rate of just four per cent. The Liberal democrats select 5.6 per cent, but mostly for unwinnable seats, leading some analysts to fear the party will be all-white in parliament after the election. Sadiq Khan, Labour MP for Tooting, said: “Barack Obama’s election destroys once and for all the myth that voters of all races won’t vote for ethnic minority candidates. “Even until the day before, the media speculated that his race would cost him the election. But voters can see through skin colour.”


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Passion Islam

I November 2008

British journalist slams US for illegally detaining people in Afghanistan Yvonne Ridley, British journalist, slammed the United States for illegally detaining people in Afghanistan and dumping 150 Pakistani children in orphanages. Afghanistan’s Taliban had picked up Ridley along with her two guides close to the eastern city of Jalalabad in October 2001. She had been working for Britain’s Sunday Express newspaper when arrested by the Taliban and she later converted to Islamabad. Yvonne Ridley compared her detention by Taliban with the American detention centers in Afghanistan and said Taliban had respected her privacy but the American troops had forced Pakistani Afia Siddiqi to use male toilet at Bagram air base, north of Kabul. Speaking at a press conference in Islamabad the British human rights activist said that the American forces are holding two Pakistani women in Bagram and they have now been moved to undisclosed location after she raised the issue two months ago. Yvonne Ridley said that four or five women, including Arab and Asians, are also detained at Bagram in dark prison. She said that 150 Pakistani children are also dumped in orphanages across

Afghanistan, adding these children wonder what happened to their parents. “It is a matter of humanity. We need to find the missing persons in Afghanistan as they would never come to light if we ignore them,” she said. She also lashed out at the Pakistani security agencies for what she calling selling Muslims to the Americans as former President Musharraf has written

in his book that every al-Qaeda man was sold out at 5000 dollars. “We have to get women and children bring home, to get them out of darkness,” Yvonne Ridley said. The British rights activist condemned the US treatment of prisoners in

Afghanistan and said her detention with the Taliban was not inhuman like the Americans. She recalled that her detention with Taliban was terrified and frightening but they more civilized than the Americans. “They respected my privacy”, she said and added that US soldiers had been forcing Pakistani Afia Siddiqui to use common toilet with male prisoners at Bagram. She rejected the ‘concocted’ story by the American of Afia Siddiqui and said the US had kept her for five years in Bagram and two US soldiers had shot and injured her. “One US soldier shot her at front and another soldier shot her twice at the back,” Yvonne Ridley said. She said that Afia Siddiqui has been subjected to strip search in the presence of male investigators. “This shows the so-called civilized system in the US. She is the victim in the hands of the Americans,” she said. Yvonne Ridley said that the US forces have kept a female Pakistani prison number 650 in Bagram, asking the people and journalists to campaign for her release.

UK toughens rules on exclusions Passion Islam

I November 2008

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced new measures to prevent individuals who ‘foster extremism or hate’ entering the UK. The tougher rules make it easier for the government to exclude those who want to come to the UK to stir up what was termed as ‘religious or racial hatred’. “Through these tough new measures I will stop those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country,” Smith said. “Coming to the UK is a privilege and I refuse to extend that privilege to individuals


who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life,” she argued. Under the rules, the burden of proof is based upon banned individuals to prove that they renounced their previous extremist views or actions ‘to demonstrate this is so and that this has been publicly communicated’. But the announced was criticized by opposition parties as a publicity-stunt, given that the government implemented exclusions plans over three years ago. “It is quite right to exclude anyone whose speech is likely to prove so inflammatory as

to provoke violence or racial hatred, but these ideas add nothing since the government has already excluded 79 preachers of hate,” said Lib Dem’s shadow home secretary Chris Huhne.


By way of further publicity, Smith was also due to ‘name and shame’ a total of 230 people, which the UK has excluded since August 2005, including neo-Nazis and violent animal rights activists.

Interfaith unity on campus A cross-party group of Jewish and Muslim MPs visited English universities to promote better interfaith relations between students. The Coexistence Trust addressed tensions created on campuses by the Middle East conflict. It aimed to highlight similarities in the histories of the two communities and encourage unity in the face of the prejudice that both have suffered. The tour visited London, Birmingham, Leeds, Oxford and Cambridge. Led by Labour peer Lord Mitchell and shadow minister for community cohesion Baroness Warsi. Baroness Warsi said: “There are so many experiences that the British Jewish and British Muslim community share - from the geographical areas that they

settled in upon arriving in the UK, to facing questions about their loyalty to Britain and the challenges of anti-Semitism and antiIslamic sentiment. Jewish and Muslim people work together in all walks of life, yet we seem to live apart “Britain can learn a huge amount from exploring these shared experiences, which will help politicians and policy makers in Parliament respond to the challenges that we face today.” Lib Dem peer Baroness Falkner, who also took part in the tour, said such an effort was “long overdue”. “Jewish and Muslim people work together in all walks of life, yet we seem to live apart,” she said. “This tour gave us an opportunity to get beneath the skin and to talk of all the things that bring us together in

this country and where we might make common cause.” The Union of Jewish Students said it was “delighted” to support the initiative. Chairman Adam Pike said: “The work of the Coexistence Trust sits well with UJS’ belief in the importance of interfaith work and we look forward to the positive message from the peers. “The response from local Jewish societies has been wholly positive and they are keen to share their experiences.”

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Passion Islam

I November 2008

UK court criticizes US refusal to disclose torture evidence Two High Court judges have criticized as “deeply disturbing” the refusal by the US to disclose evidence that could prove a British resident held at Guantanamo Bay was tortured before confessing to terrorism offenses. There was “no rational basis” for the American failure to reveal the contents of documents essential to the defence of Binyam Mohamed, who faces the death penalty, Lord Justice Thomas and Justice Lloyd Jones said. Claims by Mohamed’s lawyers that the US was refusing to release the papers because “torturers do not readily hand over evidence of their conduct” could not be dismissed and required an answer, the judge said. The 30-year-old Ethiopian national, who is the only remaining British resident

held in Guantanamo Bay, is seeking evidence to be released by both US and UK authorities as part of his defence in charges brought against him. He reportedly was first held in Pakistan in 2002, when he was questioned by an MI5 officer, before he was secretly rendered to Morocco, where he says he was tortured. The US subsequently flew him to Afghanistan and later transferred him to Guantanamo in 2004. According to the Guardian, the judges said they were unaware of any precedent for such serious allegations against “the government of a foreign friendly state and our oldest and closest ally” as those made in this case.

The US had not provided any explanation for its conduct, though it had had “ample time” to do so, they said before suspending proceedings in London Wednesday pending a case in the US courts, where defence lawyers are also trying to force disclosure.

Every police force in the UK is to be equipped with mobile fingerprint scanners, increasing the surveillance of individuals in what is already the world’s most monitored country. The introduction comes after a trial of scanners used the new technology alongside automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) systems to check the identities of people in vehicles.

The devices are being designed to be able receive pictures of suspects so officers on the ground can use the images to help verify identities, the Guardian newspaper reported. In January, Security Minister Lord West revealed that Britain has a national fingerprint database of more than 7 million, some 12 per cent of the total population. Fingerprints in Britain currently can be taken by police for anyone arrested, including those who never charged with a recordable offense. The Guardian said the new technology, which ultimately may be able to receive pictures of suspects, is likely to be in widespread use within 18 months. The police claimed the scheme, called Project Midas, will transform the speed of criminal investigations, civil liberty campaigners expressed concerned about the scanners being used to increase random checks of individuals.

“Saving time with new technology could help police performance but officers must make absolutely certain they take fingerprints only when they suspect an individual of an offense and can’t establish his identity,” said Liberty director Gareth Crossman, Crossman also cautioned that the law on the use of scanners required fingerprints taken in such circumstances to be deleted after use and not added to the UK’s databases. Last year, a poll carried out by Liberty found that more than half of Britons believed the country had become a ‘surveillance society” since the advent of the so-called war on terrorism. The human rights group catalogued the numerous ways in which ordinary Britons have increasingly become “suspects” subject to intense surveillance. Amongst the findings, the UK was listed as the world leader in CCTV use with approximately 4.2 million cameras and also has the biggest national DNA database with 3.9 m samples.

New fingerprint scanners add to UK surveillance


I November 2008


Britain plans to use internet ‘black boxes’ to monitor emails

Passion Islam


Internet ‘black boxes’ will be used to collect every email and web visit in the UK under controversial government’s plans to set up a giant ‘big brother’ database, it was reported (See Passion Islam June 2008 issue) Home Office officials have told senior figures from the internet and telecommunications industries that black box technology could automatically store raw data before transferring it to a giant government-controlled database, according to the Independent. Details of the database were said to have emerged at a meeting with internet

service providers (ISPs) in London this week, when a presentation was made of what was called the government’s Interception Modernisation Programme (IMP). Plans to create a database holding information about every phone call, email and internet visit made in the UK have already provoked a huge public outcry. Richard Thomas, the Information Commissioner, described it as “step too far” and the government’s own terrorism watchdog said that as a “raw idea” it was “awful.” The Independent quoted a source close to the meeting

saying it was clarified that the government will hold all the data, but “what isn’t clear is what the Home Secretary, GCHQ (monitoring centre) and the security services intend to do with all this information.” Experts told the meeting the security and intelligence agencies wanted to use the stored data to help fight serious crime and terrorism. The controversial plans are expected to be included in the government’s Communications Data Bill early in the new year, with ministers said to be insisting that they only want to return to a position of monitoring mail before the emergence of the internet.

Record number of D-notice bans issued against UK press There has been a huge increase in the number of D-notices issued against the British press and broadcasters in the last two years to prevent the reporting of sensitive information, according to the latest official figures. Seven D-notice letters of advice were sent to all editors by the Defence Press and Broadcasting Advisory Committee (DPBAC) in 2007 and a further five so far this year, Defence Minister Kevan Jones revealed in a written parliamentary reply published. This compares with just two being issued in each of the previous three years from 2003, one in 2002, three in 2001, two in 2000, three in 1999 and none in either 1998 or 1997. The D-Notice system, which is a virtual blanket publication ban, is a voluntary code that began back in 1912 to provide guidance to the British media on the publication or broadcasting of national security information. The committee, a joint governmentmedia body, says the objective is to

“prevent inadvertent public disclosure of information that would compromise UK military and intelligence operations and methods, or put at risk the safety of those involved in such operations, or lead to attacks that would damage the critical national infrastructure and/ or endanger lives.” No details are given of the latest bans but according to the DPBAC website, five standing D-notices in April 2004 covered such areas as military operations, nuclear and non-nuclear weapons, sensitive installations and intelligence and security services. Some journalists have argued that the bans often include subjects that are merely unflattering to government, rather than a matter of national defense and thus are a form of soft censorship. Although media companies and individual journalists can opt out of cooperating with D-Notices advisories, there is always the possibility of professional disciplinary action, or legal punishment, such as fines or the suspension of privileges.

Can Britain equal the American Dream?

Continued from front page surprised if even some body as brilliant as him would have been able to break through the institutional stranglehold that there is on power within the Labour Party,” he said. Another Labour MP who did not wish to be named said “It’s quite right that just as we are feeling all cosy about Obama he gives the system a good kicking. It needs it.” Sadiq Khan, the Labour MP for Tooting however said “I fundamentally disagree with Trevor regarding his comments on institutional racism, but he is right to say that the British electorate is a lot fairer and tolerant. I predict there will be a black or Asian prime minister in my lifetime and all the evidence suggests it will be a Labour prime minister. I see no reason why that can’t happen .” Research by the Fabian Society published recently suggests that Britain could see the number of black and Asian MPs increase from 15 to about 25 at the next election.



Passion Islam

I November 2008

Falling oil output greater risk to UK than terrorism, says report Falling oil production in coming years is greater risk to the UK than from the threat posed by terrorism, according to a new report from an industry taskforce. The report from the Peak Oil group warned that the problem of declining availability of oil will hit the UK earlier than generally expected - possibly within the next five years - as producer countries start to scale down the pumping of dwindling supplies. But Peak Oil chairman Jeremy Leggett, who is also the executive chairman of alternative energy company Solarcentury, said Thursday it was not too late for politicians to make the decisions to protect the UK from the impact of reduced oil availability. “Society has become oil-dependent to its rivets. What we are warning of is a peak in production beyond which will be a fall, potentially a rapid fall, and that will

mean a global energy crisis if the analysis is correct,” Leggett said. The report comes as Britain is becoming more reliant on important energy sources as oil and gas supplies from the UK sector of the North Sea have been dwindling for the past six years. Some analysts have also suggested that global oil production has already peaked. The chairman of Peak Oil argued that the oil industry and oil institutions have been “irrationally exuberant about their ability to meet demand going forward, in much the same way that the financial institutions.” “When they fail to meet demand, many countries will experience this as an energy crisis. Some will experience it as an energy famine, as producers start to withhold exports,” he warned. “What we are saying is let’s get this

right. This crisis is being anticipated. Let’s do something about it, because we can,” Leggett said in an interview with BBC Radio Four’s flagship current affairs programme.

The British government was reported to be considering a radical new plan to counter growing Taleban propaganda in Afghanistan. The program involves using new media like mobile phones and the internet to empower ordinary Afghans to contradict the prevailing Taleban message, according to the BBC. The Daily Telegraph said that Afghans would be given handsets and access to the internet to help them gain their own

voice, by sharing video clips that was said to be popular in the country where there are an estimated 6 million mobiles and some 500,000 internet users. The plan is said to have been devised by an outside consultant, which the Foreign Office believes has some “merit” although no decision has been made. The BBC quoted government sources saying that the aim is to deprive the Taleban of its virtual monopoly on propaganda using new media.

Its security correspondent Frank Gardner was quoted saying that there was a growing realization in London and Washington that the US-led coalition had been losing the propaganda war in Afghanistan to the Taleban. The initiative comes after the coalition’s reputation in Afghanistan is said to have been particularly damaged by a film of around 90 civilians - many of them children - being killed in a US- led bombing raid in August.

UK considering new media plan to combat Taleban


Opinion - For years many of the ‘agents’ who take us for Hajj and Umrah have been taking advantage of our uncertainty and

apprehension. But now it’s time to stop them from profiteering from us. Many people have to save for years if not a lifetime to go on this once in a lifetime journey, and yet the agents just seem to want to squeeze us for more and more. This year in particular, even though the dates for Hajj fall outside the peak Christmas travel period, most operators are charging over £800 per flight. Yes, that’s over £800 of our hard earned money for flights which they have most certainly blocked off months in advance when the prices were quoted at £450 or similar for the same airline earlier in the summer. The Hajj operators know how many people they will be taking, they know when they will be taking them, and it just seems very strange that they all quote the same fares. We are not against people making a profit but what we do stand against is profiteering at the expense of poor Muslims who are in a vulnerable position. We are looking for people to support our campaign by providing details of the extortionate airfares they have been quoted together with dates of travel and airline. The information will be collated and examined and then referred for investigation by the appropriate authorities. If we do not take a stand now the prices will keep going up higher and higher until many are unable to make the Hajj. Please contact us direct to Please note this letter is the view of individual or group of individuals and not Necessarily the views of Passion Islam, we as a publication serve the wider community and try to develop healthy discussions so an amicable solution can be made.

Passion Islam

I November 2008


I 11

Islamophobia escalating in UK prisons, says human rights group The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) expressed deep concern about an ever-increasing complaints it has been receiving from Muslim prisons suffering from Islamophobia in British jails. “The problem is widespread, our caseload is not limited to Whitemoor, Belmarsh and Frankland (top security prisons),” IHRC chair Massoud Shadjareh said. Complaints ranged from the desecration of the holy Qur’an, strip searching male inmates in the presence of female guards armed with video cameras, removal of legal papers and use of dogs amongst other mistreatment. The London-based human rights group

reported that a large number of the prison cases ‘consist of people arbitrarily and without evidence labelled radical’. But Shadjareh warned that ‘fear of radicalization should not be used as an excuse for legitimizing the rise of Islamophobia and racism’. “There needs to be more cooperation with others in genuinely identifying problem areas and finding ways to resolve them,” he suggested. The IHCR is an NGO with special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. It was set

up in 1997 to work in partnership with different organisations from Muslim and non- Muslim backgrounds, to campaign for justice for all peoples regardless of their racial, confessional or political background.

Islamic finance intermediation explored in world economic crisis A landmark two-day conference in London to discuss the potential and opportunities presented by Islamic and ethical finance in the current financial crisis. The Islamic Finance and Trade Conference, the second organised by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), brought together key investors and industry figures amid a looming global recession in the face of a credit crunch and adverse developments in financial markets. “As the current financial crisis threatens to usher in a global recession, there is a growing recognition of the need to explore more robust forms of financial intermediation,” said MCB secretary general Abdul Bari. “Islamic finance, with its emphasis on asset backed transactions, offers one such prospect. The time is opportune for the UK to investigate how Islamic finance can contribute towards overcoming the many challenges posed by the current credit crunch,” Bari said. Speakers at the conference included Justice Secretary Jack Straw, Financial

Secretary at the Treasury Stephen Timms and Communities and Local Government Minister Sadiq Khan. Issues considered is whether the underlining principals of Islamic Finance have the potential to contribute to a more stable economy. Opportunities are also being examined of utilising Islamic financial models, like Sukuk bonds, as a catalyst as a model of regeneration and development due to the momentum of London staging the 2012 Olympic Games and being replicated in other inner cities. The first international conference was launched in 2006 with the support of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Islamic Development Bank and included Gordon Brown as the principal speaker, when he was Britain’s chancellor of the exchequer. The initial aim was to showcase the UK as the gateway for trade with Muslim Countries and to promote London as a key center for Islamic finance. The City of London has been at

the forefront of many developments in Shari’ah-compliant financial products and continues to account for a substantial part of the wholesale Islamic finance syndication market. According to Standard and Poor’s rating agency, the Islamic Finance industry controls a massive pnds 2.5 trillion (dlrs 4 trillion) in assets and continues to grow at the recession beating rate of around 15 percent annually.

Smears against Obama made Muslim vote: experts Passion Islam

I November 2008


False rumors that Barack Obama was secretly a Muslim or had ties to Islamic extremism angered Muslim-Americans, who overwhelming supported him in the presidential election, experts said. Unpublished polling data indicated that the Democratic President-elect got somewhere between 67 percent and 90 percent of the Muslim vote, probably nearer the higher end, Ahmed Younis of Gallup Centre for Muslim Studies, said in a telephone briefing. A “watershed” moment for U.S. Muslims occurred in mid-October, he said, when former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican who endorsed Obama, addressed the Obama-is-a-Muslim rumors which had circulated for months, and condemned the idea that this would be a slur. “Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country?” Powell asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “The answer’s no, that’s not America ... Yet I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion ‘he’s a Muslim and he might be associated with terrorists.’” Younis said that for U.S. Muslims Powell’s comment capped a decadeslong search “to become part and parcel of the nation.” Muslims make up less than 1 percent of the U.S. population of 305 million, according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, though some believe that number is low. Obama, whose father was Kenyan and

whose mother was a white woman from Kansas, has the middle name Hussein, and lived for part of his childhood in predominantly Muslim Indonesia. He is a Christian. Jen’nan Read, professor of sociology at Duke University, told the same briefing

The largest U.S. Islamic civil rights group was among the first to congratulate President-Elect Democrat Barack Obama, a man who some opponents tried to portray as a Muslim because of the childhood years he spent in Indonesia. “President-elect Obama’s victory sends the unmistakable message that America is a nation that offers equal opportunity to people of all backgrounds,” the Council on American Islamic Relations

said in a statement just minutes after Obama’s victory speech in Chicago. Nihad Awad, executive director of the group, said they hoped to offer the Obama administration some support and advice. “We look forward to having the opportunity to work with the Obama administration in protecting the civil rights of all Americans, projecting an accurate image of America in the Muslim world and playing a positive role in securing our

that not only did the whisper campaign about Obama being a closet Muslim fail, but that distribution in closely contested states of a video on Islamic extremism backfired. VIDEO BACKFIRED More than 20 million copies of a film called “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” were included as advertising supplements in newspapers, distributed by a private group unaffiliated

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with Republican John McCain’s campaign. The film features suicide bombers, children being trained with guns, and a Christian church said to have been defiled by Muslims.Read said the video was a subtle attempt to link Obama to Islamic extremists but many of the states where it was handed out “were strongholds of Muslim American voters” who were prompted to work for Obama. “It may actually have brought out voters for Obama,” she said. But beyond that issue, she added, Muslim voters looked a lot like many other American voters. They moved away from the Republican party, which they had backed heavily in 2000 but less so in 2004 -- and voted their concerns for issues such as the economy and a desire for a change in leadership. Mukit Hossain, executive director of the Muslim American Political Action Committee, said at the briefing that support for Obama among Muslims “changed dramatically” in the last three to four weeks of the campaign “when people started calling Obama a terrorist” in the crowds at Republican rallies. He also said a concern for erosion of civil liberties since the attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, has driven Muslims away from the Republican party in recent years. Although hard numbers are difficult to find, Hossain said from 2 million to 3 million Muslims were probably registered to vote in this year’s election.

American Muslims quick to congratulate Obama

nation,” Awad said. Obama, who will be the first black U.S. president and whose middle name is Hussein, is a Christian. But throughout the campaign, false rumors circulated on the Internet that he was Muslim and therefore not a suitable candidate for the White House. Son of a Kenyan father and white American mother, Obama spent part of his childhood in largely Muslim Indonesia.

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Bahrain parliament unite to ban alcohol Passion Islam

I November 2008


Mohamed Khaled, Islamist MP Islamists differed on how to implement the new policy, however, with some urging immediate action and others calling for a gradual change. Mohamed Khaled from alMenbar al-Islami bloc called for the ban to be imposed within one month. “The situation is grave. Teenagers are drinking alcohol and partying in nightclubs,” he said in an interview with Salafi MP Adel al-Moawda argued that the ban should be gradual, while Salafi independent MP Jassem alSaedi said a complete ban would be difficult to implement and suggested imposing restrictions on selling and buying alcohol. Adel al-Maasoumi, from the liberal bloc, said he supported the ban because Bahrain is an

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Islamic country. recentley authorities closed five alcohol stores in the Bahraini capital Manama. Several alcohol companies in Bahrain as well as scores of hotels and stores sell alcohol. Observes questioned the feasibility of implementing the decision for touristic reasons, especially since the complaint MPs submitted was not binding for the government. Former MP Abdul-Nabi Suleiman thought it was unlikely that the government would consider the proposal, but downplayed the negative economic a ban could have since “the economy is basically dependent on oil.” There are no official statistics of the effect of alcohol business on the national economy, but specialists have it that its annual revenue exceeds 20 million dinars ($52 million).

Liberals and Islamists in the Bahraini parliament joined forces to issue a resolution that bans the sale of alcohol and closes night clubs throughout the country. The unprecedented alliance came in the aftermath of a complaint by the Islamist bloc , which called upon the government to implement a decision taken by the former information minister last year

banning the sale of alcohol in all hotels except those with stars, but no action was taken. Liberals declared solidarity with Islamists, not only regarding the implementation of the former minister’s decision but also calling for a general ban on alcohol and the closure of nightclubs. “ The situation is grave. Teenagers are drinking alcohol and partying in nightclubs “

Hajj plan drawn up

5,200 Makkah buildings to house 1.2m pilgrims

A comprehensive plan has been drawn up to provide all facilities to a mammoth number of pilgrims, who will perform Hajj this year. The new plan envisages foolproof security, easy transportation, 24-hour water and hygiene to the pilgrims in the Holy Mosque here, said Al-Sheikh Salih Bin Abdurrahman Al-Hussein, Chief of the Presidency for the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques. The Presidency has distributed thousands of booklets in various languages to enlighten the pilgrims about the rituals of Hajj. Several renowned scholars have been engaged to lecture after Fajr (Dawn) and Asr (afternoon) prayers till Isha (night) prayers. These lectures are being delivered in Arabic, Urdu, Malay, Indonesian and English languages to educate the pilgrims about various Hajj rituals. A telecom system with over hundred telephones has also been set up to answer the pilgrims’ queries about any ‘Umrah’ or Hajj or any other matter of jurisprudence, said AlHussein.

Owners of 5,200 buildings in this Holy City have been granted permits to accommodate the expected 1.2 million pilgrims this year. The permits were awarded by a higher committee consisting of senior officials from the governorate, municipal corporation, police, Civil Defense, Ministries of Haj, Health Affairs and Water and Electricity, Osama Fadhl Al-Bar, Mayor of Makkah and member of the Central Haj Committee. New districts of Makkah have been included for accommodating the pilgrims. These are Khalidiyah, AlRusaifah, Shoqiya and AlNaseem. Arrangements have been made to transport the

pilgrims to enable them to offer five obligatory prayers, he said. The first phase of the project of Fourth Ring Road to connect Muzdalifa, and passing from Al-Batah Qureysh, will have a bridge for intersection over Leith Expressway then connecting Makkah Expressway before Shumaysi, he said. The estimated cost of this project is SR3 billion. It will have other flyovers having four track road. This Ring Road will considerably reduce the traffic on Third Ring Road and Makkah Expressway thus easing down the traffic connecting the holy sites. The Mayor said on the recommendations of the

Central Haj Committee, the Ministry of Haj have appointed 38,000 persons for security for the pilgrims in Makkah and the holy sites. This year no one – Saudis and expatriates – will be allowed to perform Haj without prior permission from the Passports Department. All routes connecting Makkah will be fully monitored, Al-Bar said. Regarding burial of residents in Jannatul Maala (Maala Graveyard), he said there was no restriction on it, provided permission is granted by the municipal authorities. The Municipal Corporation had opened another graveyard within the limits of Haram having a capacity of 20,000 graves, he said.

Pope Benedict seeks Muslim help to defend moral values



Pope Benedict XVI has urged Muslim religious leaders and scholars to join Christians in defending their common moral values and respect for human rights despite theological differences between them. In an unprecedented Vatican audience, the Pope received a 29-strong delegation of Muslims from the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Western countries who last year invited Christian churches to redouble efforts to improve interfaith relations. The meeting came two years after the Pope gave a speech hinting Islam was violent and irrational, which sparked angry protests in the Middle East. The Muslims formed their group to refute that speech and seek better mutual understanding. “There is a great and vast field in which we can act together in defending and promoting the moral values which are part of our common heritage,” the Germanborn Pope told his guests, including 29 Catholic experts who have been holding closed-door talks with the Muslims. “We should thus work together in promoting genuine respect for the dignity of the human person and fundamental human rights, even though our anthropological visions and our theologies justify this in different ways.” Benedict noted this meeting with the group linked to the dialogue invitation

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entitled A Common Word was one of several the Vatican was conducting with Muslims. The Vatican has also participated in interfaith talks launched this year by Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, who will meet at the UN in New York with other heads of state to further promote his initiative. These and other dialogues reflect a new urgency Muslim leaders have felt after

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the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US, the “clash of civilisations” theory and the pope’s 2006 speech in Regensburg showed a widening gap between the world’s two largest faiths. Benedict said the Catholic-Muslim Forum, the official name for this dialogue now set to take place every two years, was “now confidently taking its first steps”. Also addressing the meeting, Islamic philosopher Seyyed Hossein Nasr said: “We should join together in the battle

against the … anti-religious forces of the modern world, and joining effort should bring us closer together.” Nasr, an Islamic studies professor at George Washington University in the US capital, said both faiths have been violent at times and neither had a monopoly on using force. Muslims believed in religious freedom, he said, but would not allow “aggressive proselytising in our midst that would destroy our faith in the name of freedom”. Delegation head Mustafa Ceric, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia, reminded Pope Benedict that his predecessor John Paul II had prayed for him during the four-year siege of Sarajevo in the 1990s. After the speeches, the Pope walked around the ornate hall greeting each delegate and talking with them. Delegates at the closed-door talks called them frank but cordial, with participants openly discussing their differences. “The discussion is not getting derailed where it could get derailed, if someone wanted to do that,” one delegate said. Before the audience, Benedict received the new Egyptian ambassador to the Vatican, Lamia Aly Hamada Mekhemar, and told her the Vatican would like to see Catholic churches built at “the new tourist sites that have developed in recent years”. – Reuters

rulings based on Islamic law comply with the government’s moderate religious stance. “The hardest questions I am asked involve sex. I feel shame, but I have to answer the questions because it is my duty,” Mufti Abdulrahman Ammoura said. His advice counts as an official fatwa in the UAE, under new rules issued by the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments. A group of 48 Islamic scholars and Imams man the call centre telephones from morning till evening and deliver rulings in an attempt to root out extreme interpretations of Islam. Muslims from all over the world are reaching out to the helpline, with

organisers putting the number at about 3,700 calls a day. The helpline staff work in teams, with six men and two women on six-hour shifts and a skeleton staff takes calls for “religious emergencies” during the night, the report in the British daily said. Callers have a three-minute time slot and have the option of choosing service in Arabic, Urdu or English. The authorities are surprised by the overwhelming response. “We were not prepared for the popularity. Already, we get more calls than Emirates Airlines,” one official said. With growing popularity of the service, plans are being sketched to employ extra 50 muftis and open satellite centres elsewhere in the Muslim world.

UAE setup helpline to understand Islam better

Muslim clergies in the UAE have put in place the world’s first Islamic helpline in an attempt to root out extreme interpretations of Islam by extremists. The UAE, which established the call centre three months ago, ensures that the

Passion Islam

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German state legislator backs Sharia law introduction in Bavaria

A liberal lawmaker from the south German state of Bavaria has supported the introduction of the Sharia law in his conservative home state, the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Georg Barfuss of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) said the Sharia should be allowed if there areas which are “compatible with the constitution.” The MP, who is also the integration commissioner in Bavaria, added that key elements of Muslim life like prayers, fasting and the pilgrimage to Mecca should be

officially recognized in Bavaria. Barfuss voiced explicit support for building new mosques in his state. “Muslims should be allowed to build as many mosques as they want,” he stressed. Based on statistics released by IslamArchive Central Institute, headquartered in the west German town of Soest, there are presently 159 mosques throughout Germany in addition to around 2,600 prayer rooms, congregation houses as well as school mosques and Islamic prayer sites. There are also plans for the construction of around 184 mosques mostly in the western part of Germany where a sizeable Turkish Muslim community lives. The western city of Duisburg has been the home to Germany’s largest mosque. German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has repeatedly emphasized that the building of churches, synagogues and mosques should not be regarded as a “threat but as an enrichment.” “Islam has

become a part of our country,” the minister reaffirmed. There are 3.5 million Muslims living in Germany of which 2.5 million are Turks. Most of Muslims reside in what used to be traditional blue-collar cities like Cologne, Hamburg, Duisburg, Essen, Berlin, Frankfurt and Mannheim. Islam has also become one of the fastest growing religions in Germany, as some 4,000 Germans converted to Islam between July 2004 and June 2005 which is four times as many as in the prior space of time. Some 14,352 out of 3.5 million Muslims in the country are of Germanorigin, according to figures released by the Islam-Archive Central Institute in May 2005. Faced with daily verbal abuse and racial discrimination, Germany’s Muslim community is also grappling with educational problems for their children and a chronic lack of job opportunity.

Emirates Islamic Bank’s quarterly profits jump 207% Dubai-based Emirates Islamic Bank (EIB) said its third quarter profits jumped 207 per cent to Dh443 million against Dh144m for the same period last year. The Islamic bank said its income in the third quarter grew to Dh1.17 billion from Dh654m, registering a growth of 79 per cent. At the end of September, total assets increased 80 per cent to Dh25.28bn compared to Dh14bn at the third quarter of last year. Customers’ deposits grew by 81 per cent to Dh21.81bn, compared to Dh12bn in the third quarter last year. Shareholders’ equity reached Dh1.67bn at the end of the period, with an increase of 39 per cent compared

to the third quarter of 2007 when it was Dh1.2bn. Meanwhile, earnings per share has risen to Dh0.47. Ibrahim Fayez Al Shamsi, CEO of Emirates Islamic Bank, said: “These results reflect the continuous success of strategic planning and robust execution of our business plans.” “We continue to set benchmarks on all fronts. One reflection of this reality is that EIB is still highest profit distribution on customers’ investment and saving accounts for almost three consecutive years despite the adverse developments in the global financial markets. “I firmly believe we will achieve a

record breaking end of year results, Insha Allah.” The bank continued to launch innovative products and services. Among Emirates Islamic Bank’s key initiatives was the launch of Skywards credit card, chip-based credit cards, enhanced SME solutions, new technology implementation, payment windows, and launch of several new branches in the quarter.



Passion Islam

I November 2008

The population of the Muslims today is approximately over one and a half billion. Now let us ask ourselves, how many are Muslims by name? How many by action? And how many are in between? If we meditate on the situation of the present day Muslims, we come to a conclusion, that amount of people who are practising Islam the way it should be practised, are very few indeed. There are very few who live their 24-hour daily life, following the way our Holy Prophet spent his 24-hour daily life, and there are only a minority of people who strive towards the right path. There are very few who try to dress the way the Prophet dressed, keep his hair the way the Prophet did so. Walk the way he did, talk the way he did, smile the way he did, ate the way he did, and try to imitate the Prophet in every action to the best of his abilities.

If we ponder upon the root cause of all this we come to a conclusion that there’s only one answer to that, and this answer has been given to us by our beloved Prophet . He has stated that a day will come, and even though the Muslims will be great in number, they will be like the foam which is on the top of rivers. In whatever direction the river will flow, that is the direction in which the foam will flow. That is the exact situation in which the Muslims are in today. They are going in the same direction the world is going in. The world shaves its beards, so do the people who have the Kalima in their hearts. The world wears its trousers below their ankles, so do the people of the Kalima follow them. The world wants to keep funky hair styles, so the Muslims follow them. Dear fellow Muslims! Wake up. These three sins have become the most

common amongst the youth of today. We take these sins very lightly, when in fact, these are such sins which a person gets every second, that while he is involved in it, he is doing a bad deed, which he will be punished for on the Day of Judgement (Allah forbid). So as long as a person keeps his trouser under his ankles, his beard shaven or his hair uneven, he continuously gets ghunnah (sin), until he raises his trousers up, he makes intention of keeping a beard, and making his hair even. Imagine dying in this state! The Holy Prophet mentioned that the reason for this is that the hearts of the Muslims will be filled with the love of the world and hatred and fright of death. This mean that a person will do anything just so that he can earn money and buy the things that he desires, even if it means that he would have to shave his beard,

so that he may get the job he wants, or even if it means missing Salaat. No matter what it would be, he would be ready to do anything just to earn some pounds. How foolish is this person? Does he not know that he is giving up paradise for this worldly life! Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean that you shouldn’t work, but actually, working and earning money the right way, and thereafter spending it on your family is part of Islam, and a person is rewarded for doing so, if he has his intention correct. But if a person has to shave his beard, or wear his trousers under the ankles, or miss his Salaat just so that he can get a job, then that would be wrong. So what is the cause of the Love of the world and fear of Death? The answer is disconnecting from religion, by not frequenting the Masjids, by not adapting the company of the followers of the Sunnah, by not having the desire of learning the knowledge of Islam, and by sitting in front of the television set and viewing things which are not permitted to

be viewed. The typical life of a Muslim youth is that he attends school in the day, returns from school, and flicks on the television set, and this is how they are brought up. The first twelve years or so of their life is brought up amidst the culture of the ones who shave off their beards, the ones who wear such clothes, who reveal their body parts. Ones who spend day and night in the first few decades of their lives in educational establishments, the middle decades earning money, and loosing it all on the weekends in ‘pubbing, clubbing and blinging’, and in their last decade or so, they reluctantly retire from such lifestyles until they pass away. So what kind of effect will this environment have on a Muslim child whose household has also adopted the Modern way of life? Obviously, the effect will be negative. How lucky are those who have understood that they are going to die and have understood the way a day in the life of a Muslim is supposed to be spent, and how lucky are those people whose parents

have sent them to Islamic environments and have tried their best to save them from the traditions and cultures of bing drinking and moral degregation. In conclusion to this my dear respected readers, if you are also trapped in this world and have adopted the Modern style of living, then get connected to Islam, by frequenting the Masajid, getting to know the followers of the Sunnah, so that you may also begin to live your lives, the way your creator wants you too. If he is a true follower of the Sunnah, he will show kindness towards you and will open up his heart to you, as long as you are thirsty, he will try his best to quench that thirst for you. The best thing which you can do if you are a student, is try to go out in the peaceful path of Allah in the holidays for ten days or at least three days, and invite your friends along with you because your life’s journey in this tempoary World may end sooner than you think, your eternal Hearafter life may begin instantly and your provisions are limited your good deeds with Allah’s mercy. - Darul Uloom - Bury

The World or the Hereafter? You Choose

Prepare for the Journey Underground

Passion Islam

I November 2008

As one passes away, breathes his last, closes his eyes, his soul pays a visit either to the ‘illieen’, a place for the righteous people or the ‘sijeen’, where the sinners and bad people will go and his body enters through a door; a door which will lead into a room full of darkness, surrounded by four walls and that is the grave, the very first step. Once Rasullullah entered the mosque and saw that some people were laughing very loud. He said that if you had remembered death quite often, you would not have laughed like this. Not a day passes by when the grave does not proclaim, ‘I am the house of wilderness, the house of loneliness and the place of worms and insects.’ When a believer is buried, it welcomes him, saying you are welcome you have done well to have come here, of all the people walking upon the earth, you were the dearest to me and now see how I entertain you. The grave expands and a door of paradise opens and through this door comes the fragrance of Paradise. On the other hand, when a nonbeliever is buried, there is no welcome for him. The grave says, “Of all the people I hated you the most and now you will see how I treat you.” The grave then narrows down and squeezes him until his ribs collide with each other, like the fingers of two hands interlocking with each other. Ninety-nine serpents are set on him and they keep on biting him until the Day of Judgement. Whenever Hazrat Uthmaan visited a grave, he would weep so much that his beard would become wet with tears. The grave is the very first of many stages of the hereafter, he who is successful during


this stage, the latter stages become very easy upon him, while he who is unsuccessful, the later stages will be very difficult. Hazrat Uthman also says that Rasullullah had said, “I have not come across any sight more terrifying than that of the grave.” No Mercy The punishment of the grave is severe and no one can bear its pain and torture. These punishments are due to the amount of major sins we commit daily, such as the neglecting of Salaah, backbiting, the lack of precaution at the time of urinating which leaves one self and his clothes unclean. Precautions must be taken at the time of passing urine. Whilst in the grave, two angels approach the deceased. These Angels are known as ‘Munkar’ and ‘Nakir’. They come to question a person. Their eyes sparkle like the lightning of thunder and their voice like the roar of thunder. Their teeth like the horn of a bull sticking out with flames of fire coming out of their mouths, their hair long, reaching down to their feet, carrying a very big hammer. According to other narrations, they will be blind and deaf. They will ask you three questions. If you succeed, they will give you gladtidings but if you fail, they will start beating you. You will scream and cry but they will not hear you, they will have no mercy nor consider anyone. Once Hazrat Abu Zar Gaffari in excitement said to the grave, “O grave, there is some news for you; that we have come with the body of the Prophet ‘s daughter, Hazrat Fatima , the queen of Paradise .” A voice came from the grave,

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“O Abu Zar, the grave is not a place for dynasty nor people of high ranks, here, I will treat according to one’s deeds.” From this, we can clearly understand that the grave will treat us only according to our deeds. May Allah Taa’la give us the ability to do good deeds. Ameen The Good News As we have all heard, all the sins lead to severe punishment of the grave. In the same way, there are some virtuous acts which provides safeguard against it. It is stated in a Hadith that Hazrat Jaabir Radhiallaho Anhu says that Rasullullah would not go to sleep until he would read ‘Surah Sajdah’ (Chapter 21) and Surah Mulk (Chapter 29). (Bukhari, Tirmizi) Rasullullah said that whosoever reads the above two Surah’s between Maghrib and Esha, the reward will be as though he has stood awake during the night of ‘Laylatul Qadr. (Ruhul Maa’ni). O people, you have ruined your life in carelessness and laziness, Wake up and compensate over your sins. Forget the past, concentrate ahead, shed tears, turn to your Creator, Repent and ask for forgiveness. There’s still time, make an effort and do good deeds, For success and salvation relies on you to sleep in pain or to sleep in peace. Indeed the grave is a garden amongst the gardens of Paradise, or a pit among the Pits of Hell. Beloved Readers, read these two Surah’s which are mentioned above each night, Allah Taa’la will reward you in abundance and protect you from the punishment of the grave and Inshallah, it will intercede for one’s forgiveness.

To read or not to read That is the Question



Time bears witness to the advent of thousands of Prophets (upon them be peace and blessings), each being sent with the message of Allah’s oneness and divinity. These guides were sent to rear the lost sheep of mankind aided by Allah in their task with miracles as a sign of their authority. These miracles would be in line with the expertise of that specific nation. The Prophet Musa Alayhis Salaam was in a period when magic and sorcery was prevalent. Thus one of his miracles was a staff that turned into a serpent. Likewise, Esa Alayhis Salaam was able to cure the blind and heal the sick with Allah’s permission at a time when medicine was common. However these miracles only lasted during the lifetime of that Prophet and would be lifted when that Prophet passed away. Time once again bears witness that during the finest of eras, the highest of angels brought down onto the greatest of

Passion Islam

Prophets the best of words for the best of nations. This ultimate of miracles is the Holy Qur’an. Such a miracle that it has remained even after the passing away of the Prophet whom it was revealed to, time will also witness this great book maintain its presence in the world till Qiyahmah! Revealed in such an era when eloquence of speech and literature and poetry was widespread. It followed the above pattern that a literary miracle be revealed in accordance with the people’s interests. Such a time when satirical lyrics were used to cause wounds that were deeper and more painful than the external injuries inflicted during battle. At a time when the Arabs would pride themselves over their command of such a language and they would hold competitions. The best piece of work would have the honour of being hung on the wall of the Holy Kaa’ba for that year for all to see. This miracle came down and left these show pieces of speech

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and literature dumbstruck! The eloquence was unsurpassable and its composition was of a standard unreachable. Its verses had deep meanings and underlying messages when it was recited, its raw power would entrance the people. Many a time, the hearing of a single verse would be the cause for someone to enter the fold of Islam. We are also informed of many cases even in our own time when people who do not understand the meaning of the Qur’an are overcome by a mesmerising sensation upon listening to the words of Allah being recited so much so that it causes them to submit themselves and accept Islam! People knew that Prophet Muhammed was illiterate and that he could have not have produced such a masterpiece, and so it had to be from a divine entity, as all other possibilities were exhausted. As for those who out of stubbornness and arrogance still denied it to be Allah’s word and insisted that it must be man-made, the

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I November 2008

Qur’an set them a challenge of producing a chapter like that in the Qur’an, or at least ten verses. It then simplified the challenge from ten verses to at least a single verse. This challenge is still standing today, such a miracle that has been standing for over 1400 years. This challenge has remained unmet. It is also a miracle of the Qur’an, that compared to the other previous revelations, it has remained unchanged in its originate condition and is free of alterations. This is because Allah Taa’la himself has taken the responsibility of preserving the Qur’an and has done so in various ways. It is the most widely read book around the world as well as the most widely sold! ( reports record sales where they actually sold out of copies of the English translation!). Allah Taa’la has preserved its verses through the Huffaz, the millions of Hafiz who specialize in memorising the whole Quran of and checking its recital. Allah Taa’la has preserved its meaning through the Mufasireen, the people who specialize in writing the commentary of the verses. The correct recitation of the Qur’an is maintained through the ‘Qurraa’ who teach its correct pronunciation. We must bear in mind that the true Arabic recitation is an obligation and the Qur’an must be recited in the manner that it was revealed. Just as teaching the Qur’an, preaching words of wisdom and cleansing the hearts of the people were prophetic objectives, the Qur’an tells us that the primary duty of Prophethood is to recite the Qur’an in the manner it was acquired, any other way is not called the Kalaam (words) of Allah. Prononciation is paramount because without it listeners would hear different words and thus different messages. An english example would be the words Quill and Kill, if the letter Q is pronounced like the letter K then the meaning is very different. Likewise the words Coat and Quote. Some simple arabic examples, the word ‘Qaala’ which means ‘he said’, if the ‘Qaaf’ was not pronounced properly and were to be read ‘Kaala’, the meaning would totally change and translate as ‘he weighed’. If someone were to mispronounce the word ‘Qul’ and say ‘Kul’, it would change the command of ‘Say’ into ‘Eat’. Mistakes like these can nullify a person’s prayer. Another example is the word ‘Allahu-Akbar’ which means ‘Allah is the Greatest’. However, if the first letter were to be prolonged into ‘Aallahu’, it would not remain a statement but becomes a question, i.e. ‘Is Allah the greatest?’ May Allah protect us from such mistakes. Great attention has to be paid to the correct recital because this type of distortion is unacceptable. As was mentioned before, Allah Taa’la has also preserved the very script it was written in at the time of revelation. The script of ‘Bismillah’ is as it was written in the copy of the Qur’an of Hazrat Uthman .


Arabic grammar requires a ‘hamza’ to be after the letter ‘Baa’ but because the letter ‘Baa’ was joined to the letter ‘Seen’ in the Qur’an of Hazrat Uthman, this script has been preserved till now. But, the main form of preservation, a miracle in itself, is that for over 1400 years, Allah Taa’la has kept it preserved and protected it in the hearts of his servants. From the very young to the very old, men, women, and children, have memorised all 30 chapters of the Quran (i.e. all 114 Surahs). They have committed to memory a grand total of 6236 Ayah (verses) in Arabic which is not necessarily their native language. Indeed a huge proportion of Huffaz recite like nativesspeakers but are not fluent basic Arabic (i.e. they pronounce the words correctly but do not speak/converse in Arabic). The

same cannot be said about any other book in the world. This is the Miracle that was seen at the time of the Holy Prophet , and every day since; for there has always been Huffaz of the Quran since its revelation. The numbers of Huffaz have increased so that today you can count millions walking about the Earth protecting the whole Quran in their hearts and publicly reciting in Arabic the entire Quran in Tarweeh prayers in the month of Ramadhan. In this public manner the recital is reviewed by all present and memorisation and protection of the Quran is maintained. In private Huffaz routinely review their memorisation by iterating its recital in front of dedicated listners. Allah Almighty has protected the Qur’an and will therefore protect a person who recites it and memorizes it. The Holy Prophet has stated in a Hadith that if the Qur’an is placed in a skin and then put in the fire, it will not get burnt. The Muhaditheen (the scholars of Hadith) have interpreted this Prophetic saying in two ways. One is where the words ‘skin’ and ‘fire’ are taken in the literal sense where it is referring to a miracle that had taken place at the time of Prophet . The second interpretation takes the word ‘skin’ to mean human skin and ‘fire’ to mean the fire of hell. This is a general application which means that a Hafiz of the Qur’an will not be affected by the fire

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of hell were he to be thrown in due to any crime on his part. This is also backed up by another Hadith which sates, “Learn the Qur’an by heart, because Almighty Allah does not punish the heart which contains the Qur’an.” This merit is enough to prompt us to memorize and dedicate our lives for the Qur’an. The Qur’an is not a poetry book, nor does it contain prose, rather it has a style of its own, a certain style that is unmatched. Its challenge is still unanswered and will remain so. The Qur’an is not a storybook, yet it contains historic events and incidents of nations that existed in the past. Some of these places have recently been discovered for example the city of ‘Iram’ which was found in the 1970’s. These stories are not there to entertain, but to contemplate over and derive lessons from. The Holy Qur’an is not a science book, yet so many of its simple statements are confirmed in our age by scientific discoveries or rather confirmations. (Such information which could not have been attainable 1400 years ago) It made statements which referred to things that could not have been known then, but the miracle is that these have stood the test of time and have not been wrong as their truth are now being unfolded. Amongst other subjects, the Qur’an talks about embryology, water, the weather, cosmology, geology etc. A very interesting aspect of the miraculous nature of the Qur’an is its finely balanced structure where we discover some of its mathematical miracles. Allah states in Surah Ale-Imran, “The similitude of Esa Alayhis Salaam before Allah is as that of Adam Alayhis Salaam.” ( 3:59) On one level, this means that Esa Alayhis Salaam was no more than a man and a Prophet as was Adam Alayhis Salaam (opposing the managed conception of the Christians). However if this is taken to represent an equation i.e Esa = Adam. We find that both names occur exactly 25 times in the Qur’an! We also find various words having the same or opposite meaning to occur the same number of times. For example, ‘life’ and ‘death’ both occur 140 times and ‘man’ and ‘woman’ appear 24 times each. Furthermore, the word for ‘month’ occurs 12 times! May Allah Almighty grant us the ability to fulfil its rights. This article is concluded with a description of the Qur’an, and no description can surpass its own description: “Alif Laam Raa. A book which we have revealed unto you, in order that you might lead mankind out of the depths of darkness in light by the leave of their Lord – to the way of the Exalted in power, Worthy of all praise.” Darul Uloom - Bury

It’s not worth the gamble



Passion Islam

I November 2008

Part 2

CROSSWORD PUZZLES Nowadays, just like the epidemic of plague, the art of gambling too has now become so common that it has become virtually a means of trade and commerce. Under such headlines as “Solve this Puzzle”, or “Win this Lottery” of innumerable newspapers and monthly journals that are on an ever-increase. They offer prizes for solving puzzles subject to the submitting of a fee. The participants are lured into false belief that they can win substantial sums of money. Some organisers fix huge prizes for the winners due to which the poor public think that the fees is only a small amount and will not bring no harm and therefore enter trying to win a substantial amount. Because people have fallen prey to this disease, thousands of individuals are entering the lottery. It is crystal clear that when a person enters into playing this game he submits his fee on the understanding that he either loses a small amount or wins a fortune; according to the divine law of Islam this act is classified as ‘gambling’. In some monthly magazines this form of gambling has expanded very widely and the income runs into millions from which the businesspersons gain overall benefit. Even if the company tries not to indulge in any form of cheating, and distributes the prize money justly, a substantial amount of money is left over which is the blood and sweat of the poor people. The outcome of all this, is that it is the public who ends up in poverty whilst the organisers benefit from the expenses of the poor. In confirmation of the prohibition of gambling, the above mentioned evidence is sufficient; the democratic rules and curriculum of lslam and its fundamental principles forebears the public money to go in the possession of few individuals. Gambling in the form of crosswords which are prevalent today, are to be reprimanded furthermore severely since they are an aggregation of vices and sins. The sole reason for this is that the

public is being urged and exhorted to go against the commandments of Allah Ta’ala and His disobedience and the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam’. Each and every person that takes part in this vice is disobeying the commandments which are stated by Allah Ta’ala very clearly in the Holy Qur’aan. The participator becomes a doer of major sins, most of which falls upon the organisers. The people who help them in any form also become guilty of this particular major vice. Likewise, thousands and millions of Muslim brethren openly go against the clear order of Allah Ta’ala and his Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam. In addition, thousands and millions of Muslims become involved in this act of gambling with the result that it becomes an unending and everlasting vice. May Allah Ta’ala bestow the entire mankind with salvation and freedom from this disease, Aameen. THE PRIZE WINNING TICKETS OF (CAR) SHOWS AND EXHIBITIONS It has been observed throughout the years in Karachi, Lahore and many other places that various types of tickets are being sold to enter exhibitions. The organisers issue tickets with lucky numbers and then prizes are allocated to the lucky persons whose numbers appear. This form is not regarded as open gambling because the ticket owner receives the returns by entering the exhibition but now it is all depending on the intention. The person who purchases this ticket on the basis of winning a prize will be indulging in gambling. On the other hand if his intention is solely to enter the exhibition with no desire of winning a prize, and wins the prize then it will not be classified as gambling according to the rules pertaining to gambling. HORSE RACING The present day horse racing where one stakes a certain amount on a particular

horse is in fact gambling. It is exactly that form where loss and gain is based on something indistinct, where one person loses his initial amount and the other wins a substantial amount. LOTTERY In this present day each and every kind of lottery is included within gambling and is prohibited. It is found in bazaars and factories and out of which, a few wellknown forms are mentioned. The lottery business of this category has now reached an international level. The purchaser of this ticket does not buy the ticket solely with the intention of just buying it but he buys it on the basis of it being a possible winning dice by which he can win the amount of money he has aimed for. That is the reason why this is not merely trade or business venture but rather it is an act of sin to buy these or even to sell them. Because he is not merely committing a sin and transgressing but is also promoting it. Islam gives peace to the mind, body and soul, keeping the human in perfect harmony. Every iota balanced and scaled to perfection. A serene picture of bliss and joy but when a shattering and destructive vice strikes through the heart it leaves it in a weak and downtrodden state. The National Lottery, a new religion, has hit Britain. A moneymaking, exciting, nailbiting game of chance, preying on the human soul and wealth. This modern lottery system of gambling came from the crusades. The crusaders during a siege of the Islamic citadel of Azhar were forced to pass their time by developing new pass-times. One of those was called hazard and today this is the usual French word used for games of chance. Hazard developed into a state enterprise and since then it has been upgraded and reformed constantly, without any feeling of guilt. Now it has, ultimately, hit Britain with a vengeance. It seems it is here to stay for a long time to come.

Passion Islam

I November 2008

The saddening thing however is that from the constant onslaught of the Modernity on Islam, the National Lottery will contribute a great deal towards their ultimate goal, the total assimilation of the Muslims into the British society. Coming towards the main aspect of our argument that in no manner can it be justified that it is permissible to play the lottery or to take part in any form of gambling whatsoever will follow. Gambling developed and turned into a moneymaker, all in the name of charity. The Qur’aan has commanded the prohibition and total ban of any form of gambling and in no way whatsoever can it be proven permissible. Thus, any person who denies the prohibition of any form of gambling such as lottery etc. will be committing an act of sin. Gambling is prohibited with absolute proof as the Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’aan, “O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds ofalcoholic drinks), gambling, AlAnsab, and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination ofsatan, handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful.” (Qur’aan 5:90) When the Sahaabahs received the order to refrain from gambling they did not hesitate to fulfil. This is because the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam had said, “Whosoever invites a person towards gambling should give some amount of charity to the poor.” (Bukhari) Due to inviting a person towards gambling, he has committed a minor sin and created zulmat (darkness) in his heart, thus it is necessary to cleanse it and replace it with the noor (light) of Imaan by giving charity. The indication is that even uttering the word gambling is very dire and leads to bad consequences. There are sound and noble objectives behind this strict prohibition of gambling. Islamic teachings urge the Muslims to follow Allah’s directives, for earning a living, which is direct means for the attainment of His objectives. On the other hand gambling, which involves raffling or the lottery makes a person dependant on chance, luck and empty wishes taking him away from honest labour, serious work and productive effort. The gambler loses respect for the laws of caution that Allah has established for the people. In Islam an individual’s property is sacred; it may not be taken unless given willingly or by lawful exchange. The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam has said, “A person’s wealth is not halal but with his good pleasure. “ (Baihaqi, Dar-eQutni) What happens in lotteries is that people’s wealth is gathered and then one of them takes the lot (e.g. £18 million in the recent lottery draw). The money given to a certain person is not from the lottery organisers in fact it is from individuals’


pocket. If you were asked to present your money to the winning person, would you willingly do so? I am sure you would reply no. This is one of the reasons for prohibiting gambling. Gamblers develop hatred and enmity towards one another, although they may claim that losing does not trouble them. However, I would seriously question this, a loser may seem composed but behind his composure is frustration, due to disappointment, anger at the loss of money and regret for not winning the game. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam has said, “Do not harbour envy or ill-will; and neither spy nor be inquisitive for other persons ‘faults nor make bogus offers of prices to spoil a bargain, and O Allah’s servants! Be brethren to each other.” (Bukhari) Gambling has its own compulsion. The loser plays in the hope of winning and to regain his earlier losses, while the winner plays again to enjoy the pleasure of winning and the greed for more. Naturally, luck changes hands, the loser becomes the winner and the winner the loser. Thus, the gambling addiction is such that gamblers are unable to leave it. The person engaged in gambling does not stop at a point. Satan the accursed, who is our grave enemy, conquers the mind to such an extent that the gambler does not realise as to how much he has spent. If he were to sit down and think of the amount he has lost, he would then surely understand the situation. We read in the papers that a charity firm who greatly in need of cash for renovating their premises gathered a few thousand pounds and were quiet happy to take the chance and gamble it in the lottery. Had this amount been rightly used, it would have at least given some benefit. Because of this addiction, gambling takes a person away from the remembrance of Allah resulting in negligence of his duties towards his Creator. How correct is the Holy Qur’aan in mentioning drinking and gambling together in its verse, since their harmful effects are so similar. That is why usually one is not found without the other.

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To sum up on the filth of gambling, the saying of Almighty Allah is enough for a fearing Muslim:“O’ you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), gambling, Al-A nsab, and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Satan’s handiwork So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful. Satan wants only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayers. So will you not then abstain? And obey Allah and the Messenger, and beware (of even coming near to drinking, or gambling, or Al-Ansab, or Al-Azlam, etc.) and be afraid of Allah.

Then if you turn away, you should know that it is Our Messenger’s duty to convey (the Message) in the clearest way. The non-permissibility will encompass everyone taking any part, whether it be selling, buying, playing or keeping a vending machine. Muslims should refrain from it as much as possible. Because gambling is a process in which a small sum of money is deposited with the greed of possibly attaining a much greater sum, it is very much appealing to the heart and soul, hence it becomes very hard to even want to believe that it is haraam. May Almighty Allah give us all the ability to act upon His commandments and abstain from His prohibitions, Aameen.




Passion Islam

I November 2008

Lustful gazes & their cure

“Allah knows the deceit of the eyes and all that which the hearts conceal.” (50:19) Allah is aware of the surreptitious movement of the eye as it casts a lustful glance. He is also aware of the evil thoughts, ideas and images that are conjured up in the heart. The realisation that Allah is aware of these nefarious activities creates a sense of shame, regret and guilt within the heart resulting in taubah (repentance). This verse is therefore a wonderful prescription for people suffering from the malady of lustful gazes and thoughts. However, this remedy is only effective when applied practically over a period of time. Constant meditation upon the contents of this aayah, coupled with zikrullah (the remembrance of Allah) and wazaif (daily incantation), will develop the desired level of determination to abstain from this sin. The original and the only cure from

all spiritual aliments is determination and willpower. Mere zikr and meditation are not sufficient to eradicate spiritual diseases. Those treading the path of Allah’s pleasure, the Salikeen (devotees) and Muslims at large, should understand well, that the closer a person draws towards satisfying the unlawful desires of his nafs (the carnal-self), the further he draws away from Allah. Hence, this mortal enemy is to be kept under surveillance and control at all times. In short, any object whereby the nafs derives pleasure should be discarded at once. Even a little unlawful pleasure for the nafs is not free from imminent danger and calamity. A little opportunity for an enemy is surely destructive - the nafs is the greatest enemy - greater than the Satan himself. The nafs gains strength and courage from little pleasures and grows stronger

and stronger in this way, until it eventually drags the Saalik and Mu’min (believer) into major sins. Aided by the poisonous doses of satanic ideas and whispers, the nafs grows bold and rebellious and overpowers the person, leaving him helpless to resist the temptation of sin and transgression. It is for this reason that one saintly poet warns: “Place no trust upon the deadly carnal-self (nafs) even though it become as obedient as an angel; Always remain suspicious of its motives.” The first step is committed. The nafs has won the battle of wills. The eyes are the next to follow in its wake. The second step towards zina (adultery or fornication) is in progress. Do we succumb or do we abstain? This step is the one which sends us down in to the bowels of evil. Do we fall or do we persevere? It is reported in a Hadith Qudsi (a Hadith in which the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam narrates from Allah), “The (evil) gaze is a poisonous arrow from the arrows of Iblis. He that abstains from it out of my fear, I will grant him in return such Imaan (faith), the sweetness of which he will experience within his heart.” (Ibn Katheer) Hazrat Jareer radiyallahu anhu enquired from Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam regarding the accidental gaze. He replied: “Turn away your gaze (Immediately thereafter).” Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said: “To gaze at a strange (ghair mahram) women is zina of the eyes, To listen to passion-stirring words is zina of the ears, To converse with a strange women (and derive pleasure thereof) is zina of the tongue, To touch a strange women is zina of the hands, To walk towards her is zina of the feet, The heart desires and craves; The sexual organ then either testifies to these or denies them.” (Muslim) Note: It is only through protection of these organs that the heart and private parts will be protected; just as the country whose borders are unguarded is prone to attacks on its headquarters and vital installations. It is apparent from the Hadith that an accidental gaze is forgiven, but to continue staring thereafter is forbidden. The gaze should immediately be turned in another

Passion Islam

I November 2008

direction. One way for a person indulged in evil gazing is that he makes a habit of performing a particular deed for a certain amount. No matter how small that deed is, it will still show its effect. For example one should make an oath that every time my eyes fall upon a ghair mahram (one with whom marriage is permitted) with lust I shall say ‘Astaghfirullah’ ten times. Now do not decrease or increase this amount. Just practice it for a few times and see for yourself. “Tell the believing men and women to lower their gazes and protect their private parts. That is purer for them.” (24:30) In this verse Allah, has mentioned the controlling of the private parts in conjunction with the protection of the gaze, illustrating thereby that the controlling of the private parts is based upon the protection of the gaze. He who does not protect his gaze is bound to lose control over his sexual desires. Wherefore then, are we to go? Are we committed irrevocably to following up on the sins of our nafs and eyes? Or is there still hope of redeeming ourselves? The testosterone and adrenaline is pumping away, there is a beautiful woman before us, what do we do? The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam through his wisdom and the guidance of Allah shows us how to counter-parry the stealthy attack of Satan with these enlightening words: “When any of you happened to look at a beautiful woman that attracted him, he should resort to his wife and fulfill his desire with her, for they both possess the same object of fulfilling his desire.” (Mishkat) Hazrat Moulana Nanotwi rahmatullahi alaihe states, “The gaze should only be utilised to the extent of necessity and never to attain unlawful pleasure, for pleasure has no limitation and he that craves for it, will never attain satisfaction and contentment. Only the person that fulfils his desires within the limitations of necessity can attain true contentment. Thus the endowments of a strange women are no different from that of a one’s own wife, to differentiate between the two is but the deception and trickery of Satan.” (At-Tasharruf Vol.3) Hazrat Thanwi rahmatullahi alaihe advises that, an illicit love affair is in reality an affliction and calamity from Allah, as a result of which the rooh (soul) becomes greatly agitated and tormented, sleep becomes haraam, the thought of the beloved constantly haunts the mind and a state between life and death prevails over the heart - a condition that can veritably be compared to that of the people of Jahannam. Also he mentions, falling in love with a handsome lad is much more severe than an illicit love affair with a woman. It is


possible that some day he may marry the woman, but when two males are involved, no such possibility exists. When the nafs begins to take a fancy to a certain form of figure, Satan grasps the opportunity and amplifies the beauty of the desired object manifold in the imagination of the fancier. Eventually the evil deed is committed and it is only then the balloon of amplified beauty is burst. Now what seemed to be extreme beauty is nothing but an illusion. Gazing at the object now evokes feelings of contempt and nausea. Hazrat Thanwi rahmatullahi alaihe further states, “When man inclines towards a form, it becomes embedded in his mind and heart. He may thereafter, recite as many ‘La Hawla’ as he desires and blow on his chest, he will not attain salvation from this malady since his reading is bereft of sincerity and a firm resolve to abstain from this evil.” “And come not near unto adultery, verily! It is an obscenity and an evil way.” (17:32) In this verse Allah has prohibited us from even approaching zina (adultery); thus educating us to the fact that: any cause that leads up to a haraam act is also haraam, and thus is to be totally avoided. Human instinct is such that no sooner does a strange man and woman meet in privacy that a sensation of mutual attraction develops from stage to stage, from mere affection to uncontrollable passion and ultimately into the irreversible stage, where it is almost impossible to control the nafs, and finally the shameful deed of zina(adultery) is perpetrated. Thus Allah has made easy upon us the beautiful pathway to chastity, purity and piety (taqwa), by declaring unlawful all those factors that contribute to the commission of zina. The solution is simple; marriage, a fortress against all evils of the loins. Ibn Haban has narrated from Anas radiyallahu anhu and he has narrated from the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam that: “On a child’s seventh day, his aqiqah will be performed, he will be named and his hair will be removed. Then, when he reaches six years of age, he will be trained in etiquette. When he reaches the age of nine, his bedding will be separated and when he reaches the age of thirteen, he will be struck on missing salaah and saum. When he reaches the age of sixteen, the father should get him married and then should take his hand and say, ‘I have taught you etiquette, I have educated you, I have got you married. I seek refuge with Allah from your calamities in the world and your punishment in the Hereafter.”

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“Had it not been for the grace and mercy for Allah upon you, none of you would have ever been purified, but Allah purifies whomsoever he desires to.” (24:21) From this aayah it becomes apparent that together with striving to attain spiritual purification, it is also essential to attain the grace and mercy of Allah. We have to constantly entreat and implore Him for His mercy and beg Him to include us amongst those whom he has purified. Hazrat Moulana Rumi rahmatullahi alaihe writes, “O’ Allah! If a thousand chains of carnal desires and satanic deceptions have shackled our feet, we have nothing to fear if your grace is upon us.” Hazrat Ukaaf radiyallahu anhu reports that Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, “Karfas was an aabid (devout worshipper) who lived on the seashore and remained engaged in worship (ibadah) for three hundred years; fasting during the day and worshipping during the night. Once he became infatuated with a woman as a result of which he eventually became a kaafir and discarded all his ibaadah. Allah saved him from this misfortune through some of his good deeds and forgave him.” Thereafter addressing me (Ukaaf) he said: “O’ Ukaaf! Marry or else you will be at a loss.” As a result of not marrying, Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam termed Hazrat Ukaaf as ‘The brother of Satan.’ And then he said, “The greatest weapon of Satan against the pious is women.” Thereafter Hazrat Ukaaf married. (Jam’ul-Fawaid p.571) In one Hadith, he said, “The worst of you are those who are unmarried (Despite possessing the means to marry), the worst of those that die amongst you are the unmarried.” Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, “A destitute is he, who has no wife.” The Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum enquired, “Even though he may possess much wealth?” He replied in the affirmative. Thereafter he said, “A destitute is she who has no husband.” The Sahaabah radiyallahu anhum enquired, “Even though she may possess much wealth?” He replied, “Even though she may possess much wealth.” (Targheeb) Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, “The whole world is an object of use and benefit, and the best means of benefit is a pious woman.” Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said, “Do not marry women solely for their beauty or wealth, because beauty may lead her towards evil (Infidelity) and wealth will cause her to rebel and disobey. Thus make deen the criterion and marry religious (pious) women.”



Passion Islam

I November 2008

Muslims in Brazil Islam in Brazil was first practiced by African slaves. The early Brazilian Muslims led the largest slave revolt in Brazil, which then had the largest slave population of the world. The next significant migration of Muslims was by Arabs from Syria and Lebanon. The number of Muslims in Brazil according to the 2000 census was 27,239. Africans bring Islam to Brazil Capoeira or the Dance of War by Johann

Moritz Rugendas, 1835The history of Muslims in Brazil begins with the importation of African slave labor to the country. Brazil obtained 37% of all African slaves traded, and more than 3 million slaves were sent to this one country. Starting around 1550, the Portuguese began to trade African slaves to work the sugar plantations once the native Tupi people deteriorated. Scholars claim that Brazil received more enslaved Muslims than anywhere else in the Americas.

The Muslim uprising of 1835 in Bahia illustrates the condition and legacy of resistance among the community of MalĂŞs, as African Muslims were known in 19th century Bahia. Muslim African tribes are Ful, Mandinka, Yao, and Makonde. Beginning on the night of January 24, 1835, and continuing the following morning, a group of African born slaves occupied the streets of Salvador and for more than three hours they confronted soldiers and armed civilians.

Passion Islam

I November 2008

Even though it was short lived, the revolt was the largest slave revolt in Brazil and the largest urban slave revolt in the Americas. About 300 Africans took part and the estimated death toll ranges from fifty to a hundred, although exact numbers are unknown. This number increases even more if the wounded who died in prisons or hospitals are included. Many participants were sentenced to death, prison, whippings, or deportation. The rebellion had nationwide repercussions. Fearing the example might be followed, the Brazilian authorities began to watch the malês very carefully and in subsequent years intensive efforts were made to force conversions to Catholicism and erase the popular memory of and affection towards Islam. However, the African Muslim community was not erased overnight, and as late as 1910 it is estimated there were still some 100,000 African Muslims living in Brazil. Muslim immigrants in Brazil Following the forced assimilation of the Afro-Brazilian Muslim community, the next period of Islam in the country was primarily the result of Muslim immigration from the Middle East and South East Asia. Some 11 million Syrian and Lebanese (mostly Christians) immigrants live throughout Brazil. The biggest concentration of Muslims is found in the greater São Paulo region. Architecture and cuisine also bear the trademarks of the culture brought to the hemisphere by the Arabs. Not even fast food has escaped the immigrant influence, as the second largest fast food chain in Brazil is Habib’s, which serves Arab food. And the diversity of influence stretches to businesses such as the textile industry, which is dominated by Arab merchants. The São Paulo city council even has a Muslim Councillor by the name of Mohammad Murad, who is a lawyer by profession. A number of mosques dot the greater São Paulo area. The oldest and most popular of these is found on Av. Do Estado. Since its establishment over seventy years ago, the mosque has added a Quranic school, library, kitchen and meeting hall for various functions. Today Number of Muslims According to the Brazilian census of 2000 there were 27,239 Muslims living in the country, primarily concentrated in the states of São Paulo and Paraná. Muslim community leaders in Brazil estimated that there were between 700,000 and three million Muslims, with the lower figure representing those who actively practiced their religion, while the higher estimate would include also nominal members. The rise of Islam in Brazil As has been the case in many of the larger metropolitan mosques in South America,


foreign assistance and individual effort have played major roles in the sustainability of the mosques in the greater São Paulo area. For example the Imam of the Av. Do Estado Mosque is from the Middle East and often Imams are chosen jointly by the Mosques’ management committees and the Arab governments that pay for the Imam’s services. Ismail Hatia, a South African who came to Brazil in 1956, built a mosque in Campinas few years ago. Hatia, who also runs a language school, felt that the approximately 50 Muslim families in Campinas were in dire need of some community organisation to help provide cohesion and direction for the Muslims. The Campinas mosque now holds regular Friday prayers and is in the process of establishing regular night prayers on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. The mosque is currently in need of a full time Imam whose salary would be paid for by the Saudi Arabian government. A recent trend has been the increase in conversions to Islam among nonArab citizens. A recent Muslim source estimated that there are close to 10,000 Muslim converts living in Brazil. Indeed, Brazil may have become a hub for Islam in Latin America. During the past 30

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years, Islam has become increasingly noticeable in Brazilian society by building not only mosques, but also libraries, arts centres, and schools and also by funding newspapers. The growth of Islam within Brazil is demonstrated in the fact that 2 of the 3 existing Portuguese versions of the Qur’an were created by Muslim translators in São Paulo.

Urgent: Brazil Muslims Imams needed

Dr. Muhammad Hilmy Nasr, president of the Islamic Cenetr of Brazil, has said that the Muslims of Brazil are in dire need of Muslim scholars, men of jurisprudence and others, to teach in schools and universities in the country. He said that there are 73 universities in Brazil, and not one of them has instituted Islamic Studies as a subject for study. He told a leading Brazilian newspaper in Brazil that there are no Arabic schools in the country, and that Muslim children in the country do not know any Arabic which is a concern. Dr. Nasr said that there are 1.5 million Muslims in Brazil. He gave the example of Sao Paulo, one of the largest Brazilian cities, with a population of 17 million, and said that in that city there is only one Islamic school. He said there are no Islamic publications of any kind.

Football needs to connect with British Muslims I SPORT

Passion Islam

of identity amongst young British Muslims and other young people living side by side. “This can reduce the potential risk of isolation and radicalisation amongst young people.” This is a view that is supported by the minister for sport, Gerry Sutcliffe, who added: “Football is the world’s favourite game, loved by people from all cultures and backgrounds. There’s no doubt that it has a leading role to play in bringing together people from all walks of life. “But this report shows that football needs to do more to engage with the Muslim community. It is down to everyone involved in the game to do all that they can to make sure the power of sport to bring communities together is properly harnessed.” The report made five key recommendations that included promoting the England team as an inclusive brand, encourage the integration of minority groups, more innovation from professional

A national report released is urging the FA, the England team, professional clubs and the Government to do more to connect with young British Muslims. Conducted by the Ashram Housing Association, the report highlights the popularity of football amongst the Muslim community, but concludes that not enough is being done to encourage participation. The survey questioned 416 Muslims in four centres - Birmingham, Bradford, Coventry and Luton - and discovered that, despite their often close proximity to football stadia, few felt any kind of connection with their local team. Only 50 per cent of those questioned stated that, if they played professional football, they would play for England and it is argued that the apathy of those at an administrative level needs to be addressed. Jas Bains, chief executive of Ashram Housing Association, said: ‘’Our report suggests that football can be used to engage with and create a shared sense

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I November 2008


Leaving with a mission in mind, Self-endurance, tenacity and faith are the needed characters. The fears of misconduct, The excitement of observing, And the satisfaction of completion, occupy the mind, A new status is then gained. Does the status live to shine, or does it gradually die? Some return with the mission perused Some return with their souls renewed, Some... Just never return.

Teach the teacher - HISTORY LESSON What is Taught

Isaac Newton’s 17th century study of lenses, light and prisms forms the foundation of the modern science of optics.

What Should be Taught

In the 1lth century al-Haytham determined virtually everything that Newton advanced regarding optics centuries prior and is regarded by numerous authorities as the ‘founder of optics. ‘ There is little doubt that Newton was influenced by him. Al-Haytham was the most quoted physicist of the Middle Ages. His works were utilized and quoted by a greater number of European scholars during the 16th and 17th centuries than those of Newton and Galileo combined.

What is Taught

The use of decimal fractions in mathematics was first developed by a Dutchman, Simon Stevin, in 1589. He helped advance the mathematical sciences by replacing the cumbersome fractions, for instance, 1/2, with decimal fractions, for example, 0.5.

What Should be Taught

Muslim mathematicians were the first to utilize decimals instead of fractions on a large scale. Al-Kashi’s book, Key to Arithmetic, was written at the beginning of the 15th century and was the stimulus for the systematic application of decimals to whole numbers and fractions thereof. It is highly probably that Stevin imported the idea to Europe from al-Kashi’s work.

It looks like those artist have been at it again Sent in by Mohammed Batley

Passion Islam

I November 2008

Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, nor any preference to claim over another.


I 31

Below Shown Photos are of the two rivers flowing in southern part near Cape Town , South Africa. These rivers flow together and there nature came to know in the starting of 20th century where as ALLAH (SWT)mentioned the nature of these two rivers in Holy Quran around 1400years Back. These two river flow together and finally settle down in the Ocean,taste of one river is extreamly sweet whereas the taste of another river is extreamly opposite (that is bitter) but they never mix.There is nothing in between these rivers which stops them from mixing togther but its is the will & order of ALLAH (SWT)

The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr. Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers? Making peace between one another: enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.

emailbox - comments I would like to say what a fantastic magazine Passion Islam is I have used the articles in the magazine for talks I have given on Friday Jummah where I lead a prayer in of one of the Masaajids in London and the influence and change of life the magazine is having on people is something that no one but Allah SWT knows. Well done and once again keep up the good work and may Allah SWT reward you for all your efforts in serving the ummah. Imam Muhammad bin Saed London Now its even easy to contact us, see our contact us form on our website

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