June 2020 PI Magazine

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Youngest head school Tennis stars help What the rated ‘outstanding’ Pakistan’s relief efforts Hell !

News and Sport

Issue: 146


June 2020

A Muslim woman has become the first hijab-wearing judge in the western world and hopes to be an inspiration to young Muslims.

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By Liberty

Human Rights Organisation

Rights groups demand change to fix unfair policing of lockdown

* Unclear rules and conflicting guidance lead to patchy approach to sweeping police powers * People of colour most at risk and have been left overpoliced and under-protected in the pandemic * Calls strengthened by report showing BAME people more than 56 per cent more likely to be fined than white people under lockdown powers * Liberty, StopWatch and 17 other organisations, have urged the Government to fix unfair lockdown police powers ahead of the next changes to lockdown rules. Evidence shows the confused, broad powers given to police at the start of the pandemic have been disproportionately used against people of colour. Recent events at the top of Government have created even more confusion and with lockdown soon to be eased the groups are calling for greater clarity. In a letter the coalition of human rights, racial equality, community, faith and health groups set out

clear steps for Health Secretary Matt Hancock to follow to prevent continued discrimination in the use of police powers to enforce the lockdown. The joint action follows reports from Liberty Investigates, working with the Guardian, which revealed BAME people are 56 percent more likely to be fined under new lockdown police powers than white people. Continued confusion around the lockdown rules, combined with increased fines, could make the discriminatory impact of lockdown policing even worse, the groups warned. Rosalind Comyn, policy and campaigns officer at Liberty, said: “Such broad police powers and vague Government guidance were bound to create a recipe for arbitrary policing and injustice. It’s only now becoming clear how uneven that enforcement has been. “The Government may think it’s one rule for them and another for the rest of us, but this reflects the unjust reality that entire communities are subject to different levels of police hostility every day. The Government

needs to pare back the powers and create a right to appeal, review every fine issued under these powers and start listening to people most affected by overbearing policing.” Katrina Ffrench, Chief Executive StopWatch, said: “This pandemic provided an opportunity for the police to demonstrate that it serves all communities fairly. Unfortunately rather than adopt a public health approach to the issue, police forces across the country have displayed troubling over-zealousness in targeting BAME communities in an unjust and unsafe manner. We urge MPs to ensure that policing remains by consent and that officers are held accountable for discriminatory conduct.” The Health Protection Regulations were introduced on 25 March and established broad new criminal offences, handing the police expansive powers to enforce the lockdown. This created, “a recipe for arbitrary use” and a pattern of discrimination that was “entirely foreseeable”, the letter says. The groups emphasise that this discrimination is in the context of a public health crisis that has already had a disproportionate impact on communities of colour, both in terms of its health and economic impacts, leaving these communities “overpoliced and under-protected”. The coalition of groups, many of whom provide frontline support services in minority communities, are demanding that the Government act ahead of the start of the next phase of easing the lockdown. The Government must pare back and fix the police powers to reduce arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement, and provide more detailed data, the groups say. www.pi-media.co.uk

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Raising the bar


I June 2020

Continued from front page

A woman in Britain who has become the first judge in the western world to wear a hijab hopes to be an inspiration to young Muslims. Raffia Arshad, 40, who grew up in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, North England, has wanted to work in law since she was 11. Ms Arshad, a barrister, was last month appointed a deputy district judge on the Midlands circuit. She said her promotion was great news for diversity in the world’s most respected legal system. Ms Arshad said the judicial office was looking to promote diversity, but when they appointed her they did not know that she wore the hijab. “It’s definitely bigger than me,” she told Metro newspaper. “I know this is not about me. It’s important for all women, not just Muslim women, but it is particularly important for Muslim women.”

Ms Arshad, a mother of three, has been practising private law dealing with children, forced marriage, female genital mutilation and other cases involving Islamic law for the past 17 years. She was the first in her family to go to university and has also written a leading text on Islamic family law. Although the promotion by the Lord Chief Justice was welcome news for her, Ms Arshad said the happiness from other people sharing the news was “far greater”. “I’ve had so many emails from people, men and women,” she said. “It’s the ones from women that stand out, saying that they wear a hijab and thought they wouldn’t even be able to become a barrister, let alone a judge.” Ms Arshad is regularly the subject of discrimination in the courtroom

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because of her choice to wear the hijab. She is sometimes mistaken for a court worker or a client. Ms Arshad said that recently she was asked by an usher whether she was a client, an interpreter, and even if she were on work experience. “I have nothing against the usher who said that but it reflects that as a society, even for somebody who works in the courts, there is still this prejudicial view that professionals at the top end don’t look like me,” she said. A family member once advised her to not wear a hijab at an interview for a scholarship at the Inns of Court School of Law in 2001, warning that it would affect her chances of landing the role. “I decided that I was going to wear my headscarf because for me it’s so important to accept the person for who they are,” Ms Arshad said. “And if I had to become a different person to pursue my profession, it’s not something I wanted.” The joint heads of St Mary’s Family Law Chambers said they were “delighted” to hear the news of her appointment. “Raffia has led the way for Muslim women to succeed in the law and at the bar, and has worked tirelessly to promote equality and diversity in the profession,” Vickie Hodges and Judy Claxton said. “It is an appointment richly deserved and entirely on merit, and all at St Mary’s are proud of her and wish her every success.” www.pi-media.co.uk




I June 2020

32 year old head youngest to have school rated ‘outstanding’

A 32 year old head teacher is believed to be the youngest in the country to have her school rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted. Thahmina Begum is head of east London’s Forest Gate School a secondary with GCSE results in the country’s top 50. What is even more remarkable is that Ofsted inspectors arrived just three weeks before lockdown when

the school as busy preparing for its inevitable closure. Despite managing self-isolating staff and students, planning for remote learning as well as how to support vulnerable students during lockdown, the school still came out with the top rating. Inspectors described teachers as having a “strong sense of social justice” and giving extra support to

disadvantaged students. The school, which has been ranked in the top 50 for GCSE results in the country four years in a row, hit the headlines last year when it announced they would move to a four and half day week. It was a decision which has been vindicated by Ofsted who praised leaders for providing support to staff and easing workloads. Head of School Thahmina said: “The inspection could not have come at a more difficult time. “We knew a lockdown was looming so were planning for school closures. We had staff and students at home self-isolating. “We also had to plan for remote learning and how to support our most vulnerable students. “As this report rightly points out, these are teachers who would run through brick walls for both their colleagues and for the students at this school. “They are incredibly passionate, hardworking and caring people but also very, very tough. They are fantastic role models for our students.”

100 year old Muslim man raises £150k for Covid19 relief In Case You Missed It

A 100-year-old man has raised more than £150,000 for coronavirus relief by walking while fasting for Ramadan. Dabirul Islam Choudhury, from St Albans, challenged himself to walk 100 laps of his garden during the Islamic holy month. Mr Choudhury wants the donations to help people affected by coronavirus in the UK and Bangladesh. He was inspired by World War Two veteran Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised nearly £33m for charity. Capt Tom, who is now 100, began walking 100 laps of his 80-metre garden on 26 April to raise

money for NHS Charities Together. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer praised Mr Choudhury’s effort as “incredible” in a Tweet and added he was “an inspiration to us all”. Mr Choudhury’s initial aim was to raise £1,000, which he hit within hours. Since then Mr Choudhury’s JustGiving page has raised more than £150,000 for the Ramadan Family Commitment Covid-19 crisis initiative, run by British-Bangladeshi television broadcaster Channel S. “Thank you for your generous donations,” Mr Choudhury said. “We have proved that we can stand hand to hand and shoulder to shoulder during the most unprecedented time

of our lives. “I would like to congratulate Captain Sir Thomas Moore for being knighted for his exemplary efforts to raise funds for our NHS.” Mr Choudhury has been fundraising for the entire month of Ramadan, which this year is from 23 April to 23 May, while continuing to observe religious fasting. Born on 1 January 1920 in British Assam, now modern-day Bangladesh, Mr Choudhury moved to London to study English literature in 1957. The St Albans community leader is also an accomplished poet.



I June 2020




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British air strikes continue to hit Islamic State targets


I June 2020

British Typhoon and Reaper aircraft have conducted four separate air strikes against Daesh this month, say the Royal Air Force. The RAF say that the strikes, which were conducted over northern Iraq, successfully hit their targets. “Since liberating the last territory held by Daesh, in March 2019, the RAF has continued to fly daily armed reconnaissance patrols to prevent Daesh from re-establishing control of territory in Iraq or Syria. The current round of strike

operations is the result of the gathering of intelligence, and the thorough surveillance of the target and surrounding area for any signs of civilians, to ensure they are not placed at risk.” Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said in a release: “These strikes are another example of how the UK Armed Forces protect our nation and allies, every single day, from all those who seek to do us harm.” The RAF say that the strikes last month began when a Reaper



remotely piloted aircraft destroyed a bunker containing Daesh fighters, west of Tuz Khurmatu, in northern Iraq. Two days later a pair of Typhoons, supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, flew an armed reconnaissance patrol over northern Iraq. “During this flight and as a result of Coalition surveillance aircraft locating a cave system occupied by Daesh terrorists, the Typhoons were able to identify targets at three of the cave entrances, all of which were successfully bombed and destroyed. The caves were southeast of Hatra, on the banks of the Tharthar River. On 13 May, Reapers again saw action west of Tuz Khurmatu, when two of the RAF’s aircraft destroyed two more Daesh-occupied bunkers. Ten days later after locating a group of Daesh fighters hiding in woods, a Reaper dropped one bomb. The impact was seen to cause secondary explosions, indicating the likely presence of a significant stockpile of munitions.” www.pi-media.co.uk

Terror legislation criticised by rights groups Latest UK ‘terrorism’ legislation criticised by rights groups Civil liberties groups have criticised the British government’s latest overhaul of the United Kingdom’s “terrorism” legislation, highlighting the potential for indefinite restrictions placed against those suspected - but not convicted - of terrorism. The burden of proof would be lowered for officials considering placing “terrorism prevention and investigation measures” (TPIMs) against suspects, while the current two-year limit on their use would be removed, under legislation unveiled. Under the proposed law, courts would be able to limit a suspect’s movements, enforcing curfews and electronic tagging for an indefinite period, subject to review. Minimum sentences would rise and the most serious offenders, if released, would

remain on licence for the rest of their lives and could be taken back into custody. But campaigners said the proposals were a fundamental threat to justice. “It was never right to drastically curtail people’s liberty on the basis of secret, untested evidence using control orders or TPIMs - and we seem to be diving headlong into that territory, where the standard of proof is extremely flimsy and people’s liberties can be curtailed on an indefinite basis,” said Rachel Logan, Amnesty International UK’s legal expert. Human rights experts said the government’s counterterrorism strategy was failing. “This legislation not only authorises people being locked up indefinitely, it also poses a threat to fundamental pillars of our justice

system. By reintroducing, in all but name, the widely condemned Control Orders, a fundamental principle of justice - the presumption of innocence - hangs in the balance,” said Rosalind Comyn, policy and campaigns officer of human rights group Liberty. “Control Orders allow people to be placed on indefinite house arrest without trial - and this can happen based on suspicion rather than charges, evidence and proof. ” The timing of the government’s move has also caused concern. The fact this bill is being issued during a pandemic, when Parliament is not operating at full capacity or able to deliver normal levels of scrutiny, should be a cause of concern for all who care about the future of our democracy and justice. www.pi-media.co.uk




I June 2020


I June 2020



Ethnic minority nurses ‘less protected’ as PPE shortages persist In Case You Missed It

was “deeply concerned” by the survey, adding: “All health and care professionals, no matter their background, should have access to the PPE they need to keep themselves and those they care for safe. Commenting on the RCN poll, Baroness Doreen Lawrence, Labour’s race relations adviser, said: “These findings are deeply concerning and shed further light on the experiences of BAME workers on the front line. PA

Black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) nurses are more likely to have problems accessing protective equipment, according to a new poll. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) identified a “stark and deeply worrying” contrast over PPE provision for staff from different backgrounds. The union said it is “unacceptable” that BAME nurses “are less protected than other nursing staff”. Data has emerged suggesting that people from BAME backgrounds are being disproportionately adversely affected by Covid-19. A significant proportion of NHS workers who have died after being diagnosed with Covid-19 have BAME heritage. The RCN conducted a poll on more than 5,000 nurses about the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), including more than 700 from BAME backgrounds. The union said that although there were some improvements from April, “there are still shortages of essential PPE in all settings, and health and care staff are still reliant on PPE items being donated or home-made in some cases”. Its report states that it is “unacceptable for health and care staff to be exposed to avoidable risk to their own safety”.

“Our findings also highlighted a stark and deeply worrying contrast in the experience and safety of BAME respondents,” the report adds. The findings include: - 29% of white British nurses who responded to the poll felt pressure to care for confirmed or possible Covid-19 patients without adequate PPE - this rose to 56% for BAME nurses. - Less than half (43%) of BAME nurses said they had enough eye protection compared with 66% of white British nurses. - 37% of BAME nurses who took part in the survey said they did not have enough fluid-repellent gowns to use during their shift, with only 19% white British staff reporting the same concerns. - More than half of BAME respondents (53%) also said they had been asked to re-use single-use PPE in a “high risk environment”, compared with 42% of white British respondents to the survey, which was conducted between May 7-11. RCN chief executive and general secretary Dame Donna Kinnair said: “It is simply unacceptable that we are in a situation where BAME nursing staff are less protected than other nursing staff. Andrea Sutcliffe, chief executive and registrar of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, said she

Bradford teen wins award A Bradford teenager has won the Rotary Young Citizen Peacemaker Award 2020 for her community efforts. Iqra Khan, 16, was nominated for the award by Bradford Rotary. Growing up in Bradford has been difficult for 16-year-old Iqra Khan who experienced a racist attack and racial abuse as a child with her family. “That was the defining moment in my life and I have always wanted to be at the helm of the fight to bring my community together,” Iqra said. “I did not want to be known as the British Pakistani girl in the Hijab. I wanted to be known as the girl who fought for others.” The teenager is a founding member of Team Theology, set up in her school Bradford Academy, as a faith discussion group. Iqra organised and led whole year group assemblies on the true meaning of Ramadan but also took Team Theology to a community Iftar evening, speaking to parents and religious leaders. Iqra also delivered a message of peace at the local cathedral, looking at key readings from all faiths and how everyone can unite with their hopes of peace.





I June 2020

Sri Lanka decision to cremate bodies of Muslims outrageous: Malaysia

A Malaysian Muslim organization has called on Sri Lanka to allow the bodies of Muslims who died of COVID-19 to be buried according to the Islamic practice. The Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (MAPIM) said that the current religious slur on the minority group of Muslims does not augur well to the pluralistic make-up and harmonious co-existence of the Sri Lanka nation. In a letter published on the New Straits Times, MAPIM President Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said that

allowing religious prejudice to dominate the minds of people will not resolve the health crisis that has besieged the world. “We regret that some choose to use the outbreak to target a certain religion’s followers while dividing the community according to religion. Religious communal hatred should not be condoned,” he said. He expressed concerns over news that in Sri Lanka, Muslims are cremated by the government itself instead of the Muslim way of burial. Cremating the bodies is against

Pakistan’s premier Imran Khan formed a committee to study and investigate the plight of thousands of women prisoners across the country. The committee, headed by Minister of Human Rights Shireen Mazari and includes inspector general of prisons of all the four provinces, and northern GilgitBaltistan region, will submit its findings within next four months. “The committee has been constituted taking into account the plight of the female prisoners, whether convicted or awaiting trial, in overall context of gender biasness prevalent in the society

at large and issues associated therewith,” said a statement from the Prime Minister Office. The purview of the committee includes: to review, and assess the incumbent prison rules, governance, legal aid, and international best practices are being adhered to with respect to women prisoners, especially their protection, rights, health, security, and well-being. It will also review individual cases of human rights violations and victimization of women inmates and suggest measures for institutional accountability, according to the statement. Another task assigned to the

Islamic values. “This has not been a practice worldwide on bodies of deceased from the Covid-19 contraction. We are saddened by this insensitivity. The decision to cremate bodies of Muslims without due respect to their religious rights is most outrageous,” he said. Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said that the right of Muslims to attend to the dead by observing all the obligations that need to be performed according to Islamic rituals is being denied. He said that Muslims consider this as not only against religious freedom, but also the violation of International Human Rights. “We regret concerns expressed by the All Sri Lanka Jamiyathul Ulama organization and other Sri Lankan political parties were ignored. The authorities must consider science-based facts rather than assumptions that virus would spread from dead bodies to others. This has been refuted by internationally renowned medical experts and biological scientists,” he said. MAPIM called on the Sri Lankan authorities to submit to the religious rights of the minority Muslims.

Pakistan: Committee to probe plight of women inmates

committee is to review situation of children accompanying women in jails and work to help mainstream such children, especially with regard to their education and social integration, it said. It will also suggest comprehensive and workable system of governance of prisons in Pakistan with a view to ameliorating the plight of women in prison, the statement added. Currently, there are over 2,500 female inmates in the country, of them more than 1,200 are juveniles, whereas 33 are on death row, according to the local media. www.pi-media.co.uk


I June 2020


I 11

Afghanistan to free more Taliban prisoners



Afghan authorities plan to release 900 more Taliban prisoners, as calls grew to for the militants to extend a ceasefire on its third and final day. The pause in fighting -- which came into effect last month to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr -- was, for the most part, holding across the country, officials said. The government responded to the Taliban’s three-day ceasefire offer by announcing plans to release up to 2,000 Taliban prisoners. Last month they freed 100, and will release another 900, the government said -- the biggest group of Taliban prisoners to be freed so


The exact number could vary subject to legal procedures, National Security Council spokesman Javid Faisal told AFP. The National Security Council, in a statement on Twitter, said the release of prisoners was to “advance the cause of peace, including the continuation of the bilateral ceasefire and the immediate start of direct negotiations”. The ceasefire, only the second of its kind in the 19-year-old conflict, has raised hopes of an extended truce that could pave the way for long-awaited peace talks between


I June 2020

the Taliban and Afghan government. “Extend the ceasefire. Save lives,” Shaharzad Akbar, head of Afghan Human Rights Commission, said on Twitter. A Taliban source indicated the group could extend the ceasefire by seven days if the government speeds up the release of prisoners. Another source said the group plans to release about 200 Afghan security force members they hold. The Taliban have insisted that they want some 5,000 members held by the government released as agreed in a deal with the United States. The US-Taliban deal signed in February paves the way for all foreign forces to leave the country by next year. It also stipulates that the Afghan government would release up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners and the Taliban would free about 1,000 national security personnel. Prior to last month releases, Kabul had already freed about 1,000 Taliban inmates, while the Taliban had let go about 300 Afghan security forces captives. President Ashraf Ghani has said his administration is ready to begin the peace negotiations, seen as key to ending the war in the impoverished country.

India court overrules ban on Islamic call to prayer

A court in northern India allowed Mosques to ban the Islamic call to prayer, known as the Adhan, determining that it did not violate lockdown rules. Ruling that the Adhan was an integral part of the Islamic religion, the Allahabad High Court urged authorities against hindering its practice under the pretext of COVID-19 guideline violations. The Adhan is recited by attendants called Muezzins, usually

from a minaret adjoining a mosque and often with loudspeakers to ensure it is heard by Muslims in its vicinity. However, the court only allowed muezzins to call the Adhan without using loudspeakers, holding that amplifying devices were not protected under the country’s constitution. The court was responding to Public Interest Litigations (PIL) and letter petitions challenging an

order by the local Ghazipur district administration restricting the Adhan during the COVID-19 lockdown. Former Union Law Minister Salman Khurshid, Advocate S Wasim A Qadri and Member of Parliament Afzal Ansari had approached the court seeking permission for the Adhan via loudspeakers. Muslim clerics welcomed the court’s decision, but may approach a higher court for permission to use loudspeakers.

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I June 2020


I 13

Palestinian authority ends all agreements with Israel, US

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared an end to all agreements with Israel and the United States in response to an Israeli regime’s plan to annex parts of the occupied West Bank. Abbas announced in a statement that he intends not to abide by security agreements and understandings signed between Tel Aviv and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as well as cooperation with the United States. “The Palestine Liberation Organization and the state of Palestine are absolved, as of today, of all the agreements and understandings with the American and Israeli governments and of all the commitments based on these understandings and agreements, including the security ones,” Abbas said in the statement. The Palestinian president stressed that the move was in reaction to the Israeli regime’s plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank and the Jordan Valley, which had been envisaged in US President Donald Trump’s so-called Deal of the Century unveiled earlier this year. “We place full responsibility on the US administration for the occupation of the Palestinian people, and consider it a key partner in Israel’s actions and decisions against the rights of the Palestinian people,” Abbas underlined, according to Press TV.

Earlier Germany and the Palestinian Authority released a joint statement expressing “grave concern” over Israel’s declared intention to proceed with the annexation plan. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing a number of criminal indictments, has time and again announced that he would start plans for annexing more areas in the occupied West Bank on July 1, in accordance with Trump’s peace scheme, further infuriating Palestinians. The American president officially unveiled his scheme, the so-called deal of the century, in January at the White House with Netanyahu on his side, while Palestinian representatives were not invited. The proposal gives in to Israel’s demands while creating a Palestinian state with limited control over its own security and borders, enshrining the occupied Jerusalem al-Quds as “Israel’s undivided capital” and allowing the regime to annex settlements in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley. Trump’s highly provocative scheme, which further denies the right of return for Palestinian refugees to their homeland, is also in complete disregard of UN Security Council resolutions and rejected by the vast majority of the international community. Palestinians want the West Bank

as part of a future independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital. But Israel’s aggressive settlement expansion and annexation plans have dealt a serious blow to any prospects of peace. The last round of IsraeliPalestinian talks collapsed in 2014. Among the major sticking points in those negotiations was Israel’s continued settlement expansion on Palestinian territories. More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds.

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Real News





I June 2020


I June 2020


I 15

Pakistan slams construction of Hindu temple at Babri Mosque site

Pakistan condemned the commencement of construction of a Hindu temple at the site of the 16th century Babri Mosque in neighboring India following a controversial ruling by the Indian Supreme Court in November. The government of India’s Uttar Pradesh state announced the construction of the Ram temple at the site of the historic Babri Mosque. The development came at a time when the two nucleararmed neighbors are struggling to contain the surging coronavirus pandemic. “While the world is grappling with the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the RSS-BJP combine in India is busy unabashedly advancing the ‘Hindutva’ agenda. The commencement of construction of a Mandir [temple] at the site of the historic Babri Masjid in Ayodhya on May 26 is another step in this direction and the government and people of Pakistan condemn it in the strongest terms,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The commencement of the temple’s construction, the statement said, was a sequel to the Indian top court’s “controversial” decision, which completely failed to uphold the demands of justice. The Babri Mosque was demolished by hardline Hindu mobs in 1992. Then Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao had pledged to rebuild the mosque in a televised address to the nation. However, the Indian Supreme Court last November handed the site of the historic mosque to Hindus for the construction of a temple following a prolonged legal battle. The court also ruled that a “suitable” 20,234-square-meter (five-acre) plot of land would be allotted to the Sunni Waqf Board either by the central government or provincial government to build a new mosque. “The [Indian] Supreme Court’s verdict shredded the veneer of socalled secularism of India by making clear that the minorities are not safe in India and that they have to fear

for their lives, beliefs and places of worship,” the ministry said. “The developments relating to the Babri Masjid (mosque), the discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), initiation of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) process, and the targeted killings of Muslims in Delhi in February 2020 are vivid illustrations of how Muslims in India are being marginalized, dispossessed, demonized and subjected to senseless violence,” it added. The frequent mob lynchings by cow vigilantes and sinister schemes like “ghar wapsi” (back home), “love jihad” and “Corona jihad” are part of this mindset, it went on to say. The right-wing “Hindutva” agenda, it charged, which appeared to have permeated the state institutions as well, is moving fast towards turning India into a “Hindu Rashtra [state].” “As Pakistan has been sensitizing the world community, today’s India under the RSS-BJP sway is driven by the toxic mix of an extremist ideology and hegemonic ambitions. The result is a growing threat to the safety and well-being of minorities in India and to peace and security in the region and beyond,” the ministry said. The rising tide of religious bigotry in India, it opined, was well-documented by international human rights organizations, regularly highlighted by the international media and raised in a number of world parliaments. “The international community must hold India to account for the continuous violations of human rights of minorities and urge the Indian government to take immediate steps to ensure that the rights of all minorities are fully protected and promoted as per India’s obligations under international instruments to which it is a party,” it concluded

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Campaign for Makkah, Medina Mosques affairs 16



A non-governmental organization has launched a campaign and petition to establish an international administration to manage the affairs of the two holy mosques of Makkah and Medina. The campaign by the International Commission to Monitor Saudi Administration of the Two Holy Mosques – otherwise known as Al Haramain Watch, has already resulted in the support of around 100 Muslim scholars and human rights activists. It aims to target Muslim-majority and Arab countries, as well as Muslim communities in Europe and the United States, in order to raise awareness of the policies recently enacted by Saudi Arabia with regards to the cities’ administration and pilgrimage. According to Al Haramain Watch, the kingdom is violating both international law and the morals

of its founders by failing to protect the unequivocal rights of Muslims’ access to the holy sites. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has enforced a number of limitations on certain groups and nations in making the Hajj pilgrimage and from visiting the country, with examples being the ongoing ban of Qatari nationals from making the pilgrimage and the ban of Iranian nationals until it was lifted in 2017. According to the Middle East Monitor, the petition by the organization states: “Due to the permanent failure of Saudi Arabia to manage the two holy mosques and the feelings and permanent politicization and the absence of strategic development, we call on Islamic countries and governments to take the initiative and the media to form an interim framework that sets the first building blocks for a long-term plan for the process of


I June 2020

managing the two holy sites.” It urged the international Muslim community to establish “an Islamic administration that takes upon itself the administration of the Two Holy Places and the Holy Bekaa, whose membership consists of all Muslim countries.” The way in which this would work, it claims, would be for the states to “choose a high committee to be elected for a period of 4 years and subject to periodic review by a working association supervised by all member states.” Al Haramain Watch was established in 2018 for the purpose of ensuring that Saudi Arabia maintains good management of the Islamic holy sites by preserving Islamic historic and preventing the politicization of the religious pilgrimages. A key figure in this petition is the Malaysian scholar Azmi Abdul Hamid, who claimed that he had obtained an important historical document written personally by the kingdom’s founder King Abdulaziz Bin Saud, which reportedly states that all Muslims – both the people of the Hijaz region and the Muslim world – have the right to administer the affairs of the holy mosques. Among the other demands made by the petition was the call for the establishment of a sovereign fund managed by Muslim countries, which would consist primarily of the income made from the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. The petition released by Al Haramain Watch comes amid similar calls by other figures in recent years, including a Turkish politician in 2014 and a Turkish think-tank’s call for an “Islamic Vatican”.


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I June 2020


I 17

Hate Crime Investigation into Indianapolis Mosque Shooting

Muslim leaders in the US state of Indiana are calling for a hate crime investigation into a drive-by shooting at an Indianapolis mosque on Eid alFitr while congregants were inside. While there were no casualties in the attack at Masjid-E-Noor, a modest, low-slung building on the city’s northwest side, one bullet pierced a window and nearly struck the few worshippers inside. “Given that it was one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar, and given that none of the churches

nearby, thankfully, experienced the same thing we did, we think it is clear that our mosque was targeted because it represents the Islamic faith,” said Shamaas Hassan Nyazee, president of the mosque’s board. An Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department representative said the shooting is under active investigation. The shots appear to have been fired from a red sports car captured on Masjid-E-Noor’s surveillance

camera, mosque leaders said at a news conference Thursday morning. Hiba Alami, executive director of the Indiana Muslim Advocacy Network, called on local law enforcement to investigate a possible motive of anti-Muslim hate and to increase patrols outside local mosques, religionnews.com reported. Local faith communities and politicians offered their support to Indianapolis Muslims. “I’m horrified by the recent shooting that appeared to target Masjid-E-Noor Mosque in Indianapolis on Eid — one of the holiest days in Islam,” said US Rep. André Carson, whose district includes most of Indianapolis and who was the second Muslim elected to Congress, in a statement. “I urge local authorities to thoroughly investigate this act of violence. We won’t tolerate bigotry in our community or anywhere else.” More than 150 families attend the northwest Indianapolis mosque, which was founded in 2013. It also hosts the Al Hussnain Institute of Learning and Teaching, a full-time madrassa producing Islamic scholars and imams. www.pi-media.co.uk

Church in Germany hosts Muslims for friday prayers A Berlin church is hosting Muslims who are unable to fit into their mosque for Friday prayers because of social distancing guidelines. The Dar Assalam mosque in the Neukölln district normally welcomes hundreds of Muslims to its Friday services. But it can currently only accommodate 50 people at a time under Germany’s coronavirus restrictions. During the holy fasting month of Ramadan, the nearby Martha Lutheran church stepped in to help, hosting Muslim prayers in Arabic and German. “It is a great sign and it brings joy in Ramadan and joy amid this crisis,” said Mohamed Taha Sabry, the mosque’s imam, who led his congregation in prayer watched over

by a stained-glass window depicting the Virgin Mary, Reuters reported. “This pandemic has made us a community. Crises bring people together.” Places of worship reopened in Germany on May 4 after being shut for weeks under a coronavirus lockdown, but worshippers must maintain a minimum distance from one another of 1.5 meters (about 5 feet). The church, a red-brick neorenaissance building in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district could hardly offer a sharper contrast to the cultural center in Neukoelln where the Muslim congregation is accustomed to gathering. “It was a strange feeling because of the musical instruments, the

pictures,” said worshipper Samer Hamdoun. “But when you look, when you forget the small details, this is the House of God in the end...” The Islamic Council, an umbrella group of 400 mosques, said in April that many face bankruptcy because the closures stretched into the holy fasting month of Ramadan, usually a vital period for donations. The church’s pastor, Monika Matthias, said she had felt moved by the Muslim call to prayer. “I took part in the prayer,” she said. “I gave a speech in German. And during prayer, I could only say yes, yes, yes, because we have the same concerns and we want to learn from you. And it is beautiful to feel that way about each other.”



www.pi-media.co.uk I June 2020

Leading tennis stars help serve Pakistan’s covid19 relief efforts

Some of the world’s leading tennis stars, including men’s number one Novak Djokovic, have rallied behind relief efforts led by Pakistan’s top tennis player to help feed people affected by the coronavirus pandemic.Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Maria Sharapova and Indian ace Sania Mirza are among a star-studded lineup of present and

former athletes who have donated their signed memorabilia to the Stars Against Hunger auction. The initiative was launched by doubles specialist Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi, who has been raising funds and delivering door-to-door ration packs to poor families in Pakistan suffering due to the country’s partial lockdown.

“This COVID-19 has affected every single one of us, in every country, so I’m just trying to play my part in the best way I can and trying to help the needy, the poor and the daily wagers during this pandemic,” Qureshi, world-ranked 50, told Al Jazeera. His foundation Stop War Start Tennis in collaboration with Rizq, a non-profit organisation, has so far helped feed more than 2,500 families in underprivileged areas of the country’s most populous province of Punjab. “I feel like tennis has given me this opportunity and platform to help these people out right now and it’s a need of the hour as well,” the 40-year old said. “The most important thing is compassion towards humanity.” British-Pakistani boxer Amir Khan, Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik, former fast bowlers Wasim Akram and Shoaib Akhtar, and international squash legend Jahangir Khan have also pitched in with autographed gloves, shirt, ball, helmet and racket respectively.

Manchester City parent company buys Belgian second-tier side Lommel SK

Manchester City’s parent company has added a ninth club to its global portfolio with the purchase of Belgian second-tier side Lommel SK. It has been reported that Lommel’s debts of £1.75 million ($2.1m) will be wiped out by the City Football Group (CFG) as part of the deal. CFG has full or part-ownership of clubs in three European countries, and in four other continents. In addition to Lommel and Premier League champions Manchester City, they have stakes in

New York City FC, Melbourne City, Yokohama F. Marinos, Montevideo City Torque, Girona, Sichuan Jiuniu and Mumbai City CFG chief executive Ferran Soriano said the deal would improve the chances of unearthing Belgian talent such as current and former Manchester City stars Kevin De Bruyne and Vincent Kompany. “We are excited to welcome Lommel SK to City Football Group and to work together with the fans and the city to develop the club,” Soriano said in a statement. “Belgium is one of Europe’s best

football countries as demonstrated by the success of the national team and the development of world-class players, some of whom we know very well, like Kevin De Bruyne and Vincent Kompany. “This investment is part of our long-term strategy to be present in key football countries, play beautiful football and develop talent.” City’s owners, Abu Dhabi United Group, have the majority stake in CFG, while American and Chinese organisations have also invested in the company. www.pi-media.co.uk

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I June 2020


Moroccan football player launches fundraiser to build Mosque in Netherlands

Moroccan football player Nordin Amrabat has launched a fundraiser in order to build a mosque in the city of Naarden, Netherlands, where he was born. The international player announced the initiative in a live Instagram video with an imam from an Islamic charitable society in Naarden. “Let’s bring some money to build

the mosque,” said Amrabat in the video, showing the building’s design. According to the imam in the video, the initiative is set to build a mosque of 600 square meters. As of 2019, the Netherlands counted approximately 500 mosques. Amrabat played with the Moroccan National team in World Cup 2018 in Russia, and rallied a large fan base after his performance

in the three matches of the first round. His fans praised his performance in Morocco’s match against Portugal, where he took to the pitch despite having suffered a concussion in an earlier match against Iran. While the decision to allow him to play drew criticism from FIFA, his success in the match earned him the title of “warrior” from fans. Amrabat is among many Moroccan players who have shined in the Netherlands with local teams, and later with the Moroccan national team, such as Hakim Ziyech. Dutch football club AFC Ajax named Ziyech best player for the third consecutive year on May 14, referring to Ziyech as the “Wizard of AMS” when announcing his title. Former Dutch professional football player Mario Been said in November 2019 that Ziyech has nothing “more to learn” in the Eredivisie, the highest championship in the Netherlands. “He is so far the best player we have here,” Been added.

Qatar pledges to offer ‘affordable’ World Cup 2022 While there are concerns coronavirus may cause a global recession, organisers of the World Cup in Qatar said they are optimistic that the pandemic will be beaten and promised an “affordable” experience for fans. Many countries around the world are expected to suffer historically deep recessions as a result of the virus and the associated lockdown restrictions. Major sporting events have already been postponed, including the Summer Olympic Games in Japan and football’s European Championship that was due to start next month but has also been moved until 2021. “By 2022, I’m optimistic that we

would overcome this pandemic as a human race collectively,” World Cup organising committee SecretaryGeneral Hassan al-Thawadi said. “It will be one of the early opportunities for all of us to celebrate together, to engage together, to bring people together.” Qatar still hopes six of its eight stadiums will be completed by the end of this year despite the COVID-19 disruption. The World Cup is scheduled to be played in November-December 2022 rather than its usual June-July slot, which provides more time for the resumption of international travel. Qatar has promised the World Cup will be affordable for fans, but the tiny gas-rich nation has

been affected by the decrease in economic activity around the globe. “There’s always the concern about the global economy and the ability of fans to be able to afford travelling and afford coming and participating and celebrating the World Cup,” al-Thawadi said on a Leaders in Sport live stream. “We are still committed to ensuring that we create a balance between an affordable World Cup ... and a price range that is affordable for fans and a price range that is workable, functional for the industry, for service providers, for the supply chain that is responsible for delivering the World Cup.” www.pi-media.co.uk

Passion Islam

I June 2020


I 20


Introduction to

Islam & Muslim Culture What is Islam? Who is Muhammad? Why do Muslims pray five times a day? Why is Islam the fastest growing religion in the world? This course will look how Islam came to Arabian Pennisula and its relationship with Judaism and Christianity. We shall also examine key Islamic doctrines such as monotheism, prophethood and eschatology. The Sunni-Shia sectarian dynamic shall be explored in light of the current developments in the modern age. Furthermore, the course shall explore the significance of the Qur’an as the sacred text and what impact it has on Muslims today. The evolution of the Shariah shall be explored along with its connection to the Prophetic tradition. This introductory course on Islam will be of particular interest to professional practitioners who wish to gain a better understanding of this much talked about faith.


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What the Hell ! 22


By Moulana Khalid Dhorat

Hellfire is indeed something no one wants to experience even in a nightmare. No one can be completely fearless of it unless he safely crosses over it. The Qur’an and Sunnah are full of the blood-curdling and terrible descriptions of hellfire – their purpose is not to scare us or make us despondent, but to make us aware of them. The more we know about the fire, the more we will prepare to distance ourselves from it. These hair-rising descriptions are not meant for us to say, “Look how cruel our Almighty is. He is scaring His own servants!!” No, the reason for their presence is for people to connect evil deeds with their punishment. If a murderer knows he will be hanged, he will not commit murder. Likewise, if people know the consequence of their evil, they will not commit any evil. I discussed paradise in my previous article, but there is a need to also discuss its opposite. There are those stubborn people who do not respond to rewards, only to threats. For such people, the following

saying applies: “If the carrot doesn’t work, use the stick!” The fear of the Almighty, unlike the fear of worldly people, brings us closer to Him, whilst fear for worldly people drives us away from them. So, speaking about hellfire is actually a mercy. It is not depressing, it is refreshing. Let us taste the acid of these words in this world before actually experiencing it in the next. Why is hellfire mentioned in the Qur’an? In the Qur’an, the description of paradise is usually followed by the threats of hellfire. None have been spared from these threats: even the sinless Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (Al-Isra:39) and the illuminated angels (Al-Anbiya:29) were warned about the fire for the sin of associating partners with Him. Sayyadina ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan, a Sahabi who was already promised paradise in this world, once remarked that he had so much fear of hellfire that if he were placed between paradise and hell in order to await his final judgement, he would prefer to


I June 2020

be turned to ashes before receiving it. Sayyadina ‘Umar was once patrolling the streets of Madinah when he passed by a person reciting the following words of the Qur’an in his tent: “Verily the punishment of your Lord is sure to happen. There is none to stop it.” (at-Tur:8) These words had such a profound effect on him that he immediately developed a high fever, and he had to go home. This fever lasted for a full month, and people would come in crowds to visit him, not knowing that the reason for his fever was actually fear. A mother will threaten her child with a spanking even before he is naughty; likewise our Almighty threatens His servants with hellfire even before we can taste it. This is a sign of mercy, not cruelty. As a mother will scold her child: “Ismail, if you curse your brother, I will put chillies in your mouth,” likewise our Merciful Lord tells us: “O my servant, if you sleep before performing your Isha prayers, your head will be repeatedly crushed with a huge rock and your minced brains will be splattered all over hell. So don’t do it. If you disobey your parents, your one tooth will be made as big as Mount Uhud and the fire will reach even beneath your teeth, so don’t do it. If you have pride, you will be transformed into an ant in hellfire, to be trampled upon by everyone. You will then be thrown in to a river of fire called “Bolis” in which you will be fed with the blood and pus of all the other inhabitants. So don’t have pride. If you do not practice what you preach, your stomach will be sliced open and your intestines will be spilled about. You will then be made to endlessly parade around your own intestines, further grinding it and crushing it. So practice what you preach. If you did not pay your zakaat, an extremely poisonous bald snake will coil itself around you, repeatedly biting you. Be careful. Those who fornicated will be dumped in a narrow oven and the fire will rise and drop them, just like water. Such a stench will

www.pi-media.co.uk I June 2020 emanate from their private parts that in any position you are found in. all the other inhabitants of hellfire will Meals are meant to humiliate you, complain of them. So, be chaste.” not nourish you. These hellish foods Thus, there is no need to jump under are thorny branches (daree’ and the blanket whenever you hear the zaqqum) and suffocating matter word “jahannum.” Just take note and (dha ghussah). When these will reform yourself!! choke one to the point of death, he Then there are those foolish will ask for water in order to push people who think that they will enjoy down his food. Instead of refreshing a life of sin and pleasure in this Tropika or Sparberry, boiling water world, and then just have a dip in (hameem) will be brought to him in a hellfire for a few days to be cleansed mug of steel. The steam of this water by a conveniently “Merciful Almighty”. alone will disfigure one’s entire face, Such people are not only gambling causing one’s lips and jaws to stretch with the quality of “Al-Qahhar” and until their naval. When the food will “Al-Jabbar” (The All-Powerful, the eventually reach his stomach, it will Almighty) of their Lord, but should tear up his stomach and intestines. ponder this fact: the lowest form of Still dying of hunger, they will see a punishment in hellfire will be for a river of putrid blood and pus which person who will be made to wear would’ve gathered from the flesh shoes of steel. The laces only of of the other inmates, and they will these shoes will be so hot that it scamper to drink this before the fire will cause his brains to boil, just evaporates this too. like a boiling kettle. Indeed, the fire Science has proven that nerve of hellfire is 70 times more intense ends are only to be found in our skin, than the fire of this world. Practice and so in hellfire, a disbeliever’s skin placing your hand on a hot stove for will be considerably thickened – a only ten seconds. If you can manage journey of three days according to a that, place your foot in the oil fryer narration in Sahih Muslim. His thigh at your local KFC outlet; if you feel will be as huge as a mountain and you can also manage that, try diving he will be dragging his 100-meter into a volcano the next time it erupts tongue behind him, just to maximise in Hawaii. If you can’t play with fire the pain. Whenever his skin and in this world, how dare you think you body will be completely burnt out, can play with it in the next world? another will be given to him just before death. This process will The Description of Hellfire continue till eternity, 70 000 times On the day of Judgment, a day. To add salt to the wound, everyone will be made to cross everyone will be punished in full the bridge over hellfire. Those view of each other. This depressing unfortunate enough to fall therein, sight, together with their desperate either due to lack of spiritual light or screams that will resemble the having being nicked by a fork-like barking of dogs, as well as the tongue of fire, will find themselves obnoxious odour of body liquids from in such ghastly surroundings that their charred bodies, will only add to will make him forget all his years of their misery. pleasures in this world in an instant. When continuous screaming will Everyone will be shackled by the cause their throats to collapse, they neck, and will be made to wear a will resort to crying in order to attract coat of fire and molten lead that will attention. They will cry until their cover their face. Does anyone wear tears will dry up. They will continue a fur jacket in the heat of summer? crying until blood will flow freely As the fire will start eating away at from their eyes, until their blood their skin, then their organs, until too, will dry up. By this time, their it reaches their heart, they will, in tears would’ve engraved pathways unbearable pain, wish for death. But on their cheeks. However, hellfire in response it will be said to them: itself, in response will increase its “Don’t ask for death once, ask for it clamour to drown out their voices. No many times.” (Al-Furqan: 14) permission will be granted to them to In this world, even prisoners are address their Lord. They will then try fed at a table with edible food, but in to have patience, then they will try to the murky dungeons of the Almighty, plead with Angel Malik, the keeper the food is stuffed down your throat of hellfire, to give them a second

FEATURED I 23 chance in the world so that they can work good deeds. When this too will not work, they will heave with heavy sighs of regret at the conclusion that no matter what they do, there is just no escape. (Ibrahim: 21) After a while, the people of hellfire will learn of a more “comfortable” place in hellfire called “zamhareer.” They will run towards it, but it will be so cold that the coldness will cause their flesh to fall off. The freezing temperature will crack their bones with loud noises. Unable to bear this, they will opt for the fire instead. Enroute, they will then try to break out of their cells, but there will be 70 000 guards at each of the seven doors of hellfire. The task of these angels is to fan the flames with fans of poisonous fire in the shape of scorpions and other fearsome elements. Some of these guards will also be armed with clubs of steel, and they will smite those who attempt to escape with such force that they will tumble downwards for 70 years. There are seven doors of hellfire – jahannum, hutamah, laza, sa’eer, saqar, hawiyah and jaheem – and the distance between each is 1000 years journey. The people of hellfire will try to escape from each door, but they will always fail.

Save yourself In this terrible cycle of desperation, will the people of hell spend their time. The hypocrites will be right at the bottom, whilst those believers who will be saved will be in the first level. May we all be spared from such a fate. Lastly, the punishment of hell is not actually a punishment, it is pure justice. It is severe because of the greatness against Whom the sin is committed. According to Hasan al-Basri, the least amount of time a believer who even recited once “There is no God but Allah” with sincerity, and who will eventually be saved from it, is 1 000 years – a day in the hereafter being 50 000 years of our worldly time. By that time, he will resemble a piece of ragged coal. The descriptions of hellfire are meant to soften a person. If it does not produce this effect, you have a heart of stone. Melt it with the tears of repentance and the coolness of charity before it’s too late.wwww.pimedia.co.uk


Dealing with the

MEDIA This is a key training course on a step by step on how to deal with the media for community groups, faith organisations and individuals. The course talks about how to deal with pre media and post media news stories, what to write in a press statement and how to avoid awkward situations. The course also takes you through how print and broadcast media works and how they source news. The course is delivered by an experienced Broadcast Journalist


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