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Fatherhood Pastor David Ministries Revised June 2020 God has given mankind numerous human relationships which are similar to spiritual relationships in order to help people understand those invisible spiritual relationships. The most important of all is our relationship with God, the Father. God has decided to portray Himself as a father because He is the highest authority and also the one who has the greatest love, the same way that earthly fathers should be to their own children. However, the human relationship of “fatherhood” in the US has been so much changed, weakened, corrupted and twisted that it is very difficult to properly understand a relationship with God, the Father. The idea of a father being the highest authority in a family is completely absent from the modern society in America. In modern times, the US law itself has given the mother supreme authority over the children in a family, in the event of a marital separation. The US government has forcibly stolen the pants from the fathers and given them to the mothers. Most of the mothers, on the other hand, are usually more preoccupied with the advancement of their careers and/or making a lot of money than about doing any real fathering or mothering. As a result, most children in the US have grown up with an insufficient or warped understanding of “fatherhood”, and “motherhood”. The removal of true “fatherhood” started from the influence of Lenin and Marx who had a philosophy that was very “humanistic”, “atheistic”, “anti-Christian” and “socialistic”. The denial of all religions is their most important priority. Faithful Christianity teaches: Eph 5:23,24 “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.” Also Tit 2:4,5 “That they may teach the young women to be..…. keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” The suppression of male authority over women is primarily an anti-religious blasphemous movement against God. The people propagating this movement are satanic. They claim to be promoting “equality” in the home, but in truth, they are promoting female dominance, better known as satanic “witchcraft”. In Satanism the woman is the leader (witch). Everyone who follows witchcraft will not be saved; they will burn in hell for eternity. Those people who follow Lenin and Marx used to call themselves “communists” as a corrupted counterfeit imitation of the New Testament “commune”. Acts 2:44,45 “And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their 1

possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.” The purpose of the false modern “commune” (communism) is a deceptive attack against Christianity, just like the suppression of all male leadership is an attack against Christianity. But more specifically, against the future prophesied “commune” during the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit, similar to the “commune” during the small outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2) (See article listed below on: The New World Order was Prophesied in the Bible) The first time this “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” happened was on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), which was like a little Thanksgiving Day. It was a celebration of the small harvest of the “first fruits” of the year at the beginning of the summer. (50 days after the Passover, Easter) (Exo. 34:22; Lev. 23:15) One of the things that happen as a result of this small “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” was that there came into existence history's first good “commune” where all the new Christians willingly shared their possessions so that nobody went hungry. Acts 4:32 “And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.” Obviously, when the big Thanksgiving Day comes in autumn, with the “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” on all flesh, (just before the second coming of Jesus Christ) there will be the best “commune” in the history of the world which will include the best sharing of possessions that the world has ever seen. The modern communist movement is a satanic counterfeit attack against this “out-pouring of the Holy Spirit” with its accompanying commune, thus the name “communism”. They know it's coming. It was prophesied in the Word of God, so they've been fighting against it for many years now. Remember, communism is primarily a social and anti-religious movement, not a political movement. (They are mostly interested in dragging as many souls to eternal hell fire as they can.) However, don't forget that the communists will also experience the “outpouring of the Holy Spirit”...... and since the modern communists reject all religions, they will not have the contamination from corrupt Christian habits and other corrupt religious habits. Most modern churches are being run by satanic “wolves in sheep's clothing”, who are very active at corrupting Christianity. This would imply that the communists could possibly serve God better than all those people who have been contaminated with the bad habits of modern Christian corruption, that is, provided they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Within the last century, all the countries that have adopted a “communist” or “socialist” type of government have always been very bad. The Soviet Union always had patrols around their borders to keep their own citizens from escaping. North Korea even has electrified fences to kill anyone who attempts to escape. In the US, the patrol at the border is intended to keep people from entering, not escaping. An influx of illegal immigrants causes many US citizens to lose their jobs. In the Soviet Union millions of their own people who would not submit were tortured and murdered. Back in those days it was very difficult for their citizens to leave (escape from) the Soviet 2

Union. Over the years they have killed many more innocent people, by the millions, than the Nazis did in the Nazi death camps during WW2. (See documentary called: The Soviet Story) When they were first getting started in Russia, they propagated themselves to the masses of poor people as the “good guys” against the horrible tyranny of the Russian royalty. They had public marches with banners that said things like: “Brotherhood and Freedom”, “Justice, Equality and Bread”. Those marches usually ended by the Czar's police shooting down the people or the Czar's cavalry trampling the people, crushing them under their hooves, thereby motivating the revolution. The new communists were using the widespread poverty and the Czar's mistreatment that existed in those days as a tool to get the masses of gullible poor people to assist them rise up and take control of the government. But when they took control of the government after the Russian revolution they were worse tyrants than the previous Russian royalty. The poor people were poorer after the revolution than before. People starved to death by the millions. In 1932 Stalin even sent an army to the Ukraine to forcefully remove all of the food and even take all the seed for the next years planting, and shoot anyone leaving or bringing food in. The enormous supply of confiscated food was sold outside of Russia to make Stalin and his fellow communist politicians rich. After the hunger took its effect, as they were removing the millions of dead bodies and dumping them into mass graves, occasionally there were a few who were still barely alive, but they were thrown in anyway and buried alive. Hitler was a small mass murderer compared to Stalin. After all this, why was the United States allies with Stalin during WW2? The truth is that the US has had undercover communist politicians for a long time now, who are satanic wolves in sheep's clothing that love to deceive, conquer and kill. (Like Bush's 9-11, see documentaries: “Loose Change” and “Fahrenheit 9-11”) Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat. According to Cliff Kincaid in Accuracy in the Media, Obama endorsed openly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders in 2006. Obama was later endorsed by the Communist Party USA in his run for President of the United States. President Obama has openly suggested Marxist ideologies and has surrounded himself with numerous outspoken Marxists. Trump, on the other hand, supposedly had some communist interference computer hacking that supported him during his election. Clinton was leading all the polls..... and then suddenly Trump won unexpectedly. He has a long history of being good friends with Soviets/ Russians, kind of like how the Bush family was long standing friends with the Bin Ladin family. Trump does support “redistribution of wealth”, which has a clear communist origin. (Funny thing, people like Trump are wealthy, but people like him aren't interested in “redistribution” of their wealth, only in “redistribution” of somebody else's wealth.) There has never been a US president so friendly and involved with the communists than Trump. (See 2018 documentary about Trump: 3

“Active Measures”) This communist movement has been world-wide. Now, they have their people infiltrating every country influencing native communist citizens in those countries to seek positions of social leadership in every area of society. (They normally don't tell anyone that they are communists. Their people who actively influence others are normally native citizens, not foreigners.) They are the most powerful social movement in the world today. It used to be more political, but now they are concentrating more on social, anti-religious changes. Make no mistake, the removal of true “fatherhood”, in the US, was propagated by satanic communistic philosophy by means of American communist politicians (who do not publicly call themselves communists). Their primary purpose is an attack against faithful Christianity. Communist philosophy is the number one social, political, media and educational influence in the world today, especially in America. Since the supposed downfall of “communism” (the downfall of the iron curtain and the Soviet Union) many people mistakenly think that this horrible “communism” is dead. However, it has only been declining in a dominant political sense, not a social sense. The communists have learned that they can make much more progress by infiltrating socially and obtaining positions of leadership for social influence rather than keeping their own people prisoners and maintaining a bad political reputation. When they were horrible tyrants, in the Soviet Union, they were showing their true character without any false mask like “wolves in sheep's clothing”. Now that they're concentrating on infiltrating socially, they need very professional “sheep's clothing”........ They are pretending to be the “good guys”. (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) But their true character has not improved. They are still satanic wolves that love to deceive, brainwash and conquer or kill innocent gullible people. As primarily anti-Christian social spies, they want to drag as many souls to hell as they can. Their main purpose is anti-religious, not political. Because of the influence of Lenin and Marx, almost every modern university in the US has a “communistic” philosophy, but they don't call themselves “communists”. Likewise, almost every modern American politician has a “communistic” philosophy, but they don't call themselves “communists”. And, almost all the leaders of the media, TV and movies have a “communistic” philosophy, but they don't call themselves “communists”. Do “wolves in sheep's clothing” openly call themselves a “wolves”? If they did, then why would they bother wearing the sheep's clothing? (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) The phrase “see article” means to “see article”. It’s amazing how people have questions and those questions have been answered in the designated article, and I tell them to “see article”, yet they don’t see the article which would answer their questions. Notice – it is possible that those politicians, media and university leaders are not really “communists” themselves, but they have been trained (brainwashed) by an abundance of satanic communist philosophy (propaganda) to adopt communist habits. 4

Example: the elimination or minimization of “fatherhood”. They have influenced American law so that the legal power of fathers and husbands is at a minimum. “Communism” must be thought of as “anti-religion” or “anti-God”. “Fatherhood” is an illustrative representation of God, the father. Even the name itself, “communism”, is a lie. They teach that they will one day make the whole world one great big “commune”. Everyone will all live together and share all their possessions like one big happy family in peace, love and harmony. They say that the government, the military and the police will eventually not be necessary, because the human race will have evolved into the highest form of living: a commune, where everyone is equal and they share all the wealth equally. Make no mistake, no communist government or their social influence has ever produced a good commune. Having a “government” is itself a denial and exposure of their own deceptive philosophy. The few “communes” that have been somewhat successful through history were more like a “democracy”. It must also be kept in mind that pure “democracy” is impractical on a large scale. In a large government where hundreds of daily decisions must be made, it would be impossible to have a national citizen's vote every day on every detail. Not forgetting that managing a government also bears many similarities to managing a large business, and most of the common people are very incompetent business managers. Thus, here is the need for a more practical government in the form of a republic, with the spirit of “democracy” by the election of representatives who are capable managers. True pure “democracy” is an unrealistic myth that can never be reality. The only “democracies” that could possibly exist are little tiny ones in small communities. Once they become larger, they must be converted into a republic. However, both democracies and republics on a large scale are usually false anyway. The real leadership is usually run behind the scenes by a secret group of people. Even though the “communists” or “socialists” claim to have many of the attributes of “democracy”, there are five main differences between “democracy” and “communism”. (Besides their reputation for tyranny, brainwashing, torture and murder.) (Remember, the current movement is more social and anti-Christian than political.) First, “communism” is always atheistic. Their first priority is to remove all religions, religious practices and religious teachings (like “fatherhood”, a father is a symbolic representation of God, the father), because they are led by Satan. (Once they get the fathers out of the way, then they can brainwash the children any way they want.) They want to drag as many souls to hell as they can. Democracies and republics permit freedom of religion. Second, “communism” removes the automatic authority of men over women because that authority is taught in faithful Christianity. They claim to promote “equality”, but in family life it is very clear that they promote female dominance, which is satanic witchcraft. Before the modern infiltration of communism within “democracy”, in the US, each 5

man was the head and representative of his family and the only one in each family to vote. Voting for women was not started until 1920 in the US, which was the result of the influence of satanic “communist” propaganda and “communist” politicians, who did not openly call themselves “communists”. The very essence of voting is that of decision making. Women are supposed to obey the decisions of the men and not be telling the men what to do. Previously, husbands were the leaders and representatives of their families just as Senators are representatives of their states. It is no more an injustice for husbands to make decisions for their wives and children than it is for a senator to make decisions for the citizens of his state. The purpose of these legal changes is not to prevent men from abusing women, nor to promote “equality”. The purpose is to eventually destroy marriage completely, in which they have been very successful up until now...... and, which has been a disadvantage to women by ruining any romance they otherwise could have had with their husbands. But even highly educated women can't figure out that modern “feminism” ruins romance and family. Feminism turns women into men. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors.) (See article listed below on: The Consequences of “Women's Liberation”) Third, “communism” requires (by force) that everyone share all possessions and living space, whereas in true “democracy” sharing possessions and living space is voluntary. The phrase “by force” indicates the absolute necessity of a governmental power in order to enforce communism. In the Soviet Union, after the Russian revolution, people with large houses were forced to share them with other poorer families, without receiving rent. (And most of their household possessions got stolen in the process.) Also, notice that the communist political leaders do not subject themselves to the same regulations as the people they are governing ,...... or rather, as the gullible people they deceived and conquered. All of the communist political leaders have always lived in luxury and kept the best possessions and living space for themselves. All their talk of “equality”, “brotherhood” and “redistribution of wealth” is a big fat lie intended to conquer and dominate the unsuspecting gullible masses. Fourth, “communism” must destroy the family unit. They cannot allow a motherfather-children family unit, because this also was established by God and is taught in correct Christianity. Most importantly, once they get the fathers out of the way and gain control of the children, then they can raise them (brainwash them) any way they want. As everyone is required, by force, to share their possessions and living space, likewise women and men and children must all be shared equally. Marital commitment (husbands and wives) and parental authority over their own children cannot be permitted. The destruction of marriage, up until now, has been a slow yet very successful process. Their final goal is to destroy marriage and family completely. They want people to live more like animals….. to live like dogs that roam the streets. The removal of the authority of the husband and father was the first and most 6

important step toward the destruction of marriage and family. Permitting the women to vote was a denial that husbands were the leaders and representatives of their families. Voting, by its very nature, is masculine decision making which is not supposed to done by women. Almost all modern women are not nearly as happy as women were before “women's liberation”. Somehow, people have a hard time understanding that converting women into men is not where happiness is found. Almost all modern women are deceived (brainwashed) into thinking that these changes are to their advantage. However, the “women's liberation” movement has already been equally as much a disadvantage to women as an “employee's liberation” movement would be a disadvantage to employee's and businesses. An “employee's liberation” movement would cause the biggest economic disaster in the history of the world. Despite the modern higher education of women, they cannot figure out that modern “feminism” is a disadvantage to women. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors.) Happiness does not come from converting women into men. God has the true recipe for happiness, and God says that women are the happiest and healthiest when they are under the leadership, discipline and protection of good and loving men. The removal of the husbands' authority over their wives and the removal of parental authority over their children are part of the same package. You cannot have the one without the other. Women cannot be “liberated” from the authority of their husbands without losing any normal control of their own children in the process. These changes are no more to the advantage of women than they are to the advantage of children. This is kind of like the story of the little hamster who was desperately struggling trying to get out of her cage by opening the door. But she didn't realize that just outside her door was a big dog staring intently at her and licking his chops, just waiting for her to get that door open. The poor little thing didn't know that she was much safer and happier inside the cage than outside. This example is even more applicable to “children's liberation” than it is to “women's liberation”. To some degree parental authority has already been removed. The US government spends enormous quantities of money on a gigantic agency that spends all of its time butting-in to family matters at the least little report of a neighbor or an acquaintance. That agency claims to be protecting children from abuse, but in reality by suppressing parental authority over their own children by inhibiting the normal application of discipline, they have corrupted the family environment so that chaos, craziness and/ or violence increases. When correct discipline is suppressed, children get out of control and chaos/ tension escalates. Parents feel more and more under pressure until they're like a volcano ready to explode, and as a result, cases of child abuse increase. Check the statistics, since that agency started “protecting” people, cases of all kinds of abuse have gone up. Many parents live in constant fear that the government may, who knows when, 7

remove their children from their home...... and if they ever want to get their children back they are forced to attend certain lunatic “counseling” sessions. At first glance, those lunatic government “counselors” seem to be people who have never had children before and just don't seem to understand what it's like to manage children. But, in reality, when you realize that they're not interested in fixing any problems, they're interested in ruining everything, then the lunatic “counseling” starts to make sense...... and the parents won't get their children back unless they cooperate with that lunacy. As a result of these changes, family life, in the US, is much worse than it was before this movement started. If parents would only apply correct normal discipline with loving self-control and moderation at the beginning of their children's misbehavior, then excessive tension, anger, screaming and violence would not happen. Pro 23:13,14 “Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.” Pro 22:15 “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.” Most parents are afraid to discipline their own children. When it happens that this type of discipline seems to not work properly, it is because this discipline must be understood as only one side of a two-sided coin. On the other side must be an example by a quality role-model. Any disciplinarian who is rebellious against their own correct authority figure cannot expect anything but rebellion in the child they are attempting to discipline. The most common case of this phenomenon is when a mother is rebellious against the authority of her husband. This is clear evidence that nature itself dictates that God has ordain the father as the correct authority in a family. When a wife rebels in this manner, she should not expect to get anything but rebellion from her own children. It is a curse from God; she has rebelled against the authority which God has placed over her, so God has given her a child that rebels in the same manner against her. It’s not by chance that America is number one in divorces and also number one in rebellious children. Fifth, “communism” falsely claims to be fighting for the freedom of poor and oppressed people. The communists call it: “revolution” or “class struggle”. Years ago in Russia, the communists were helping the poor oppressed people to fight for their freedom from the tyranny of the rich Russian royalty. Supposedly, the communists were the “good guys”. Communism was something new at that time, and most of those poor people did not understand what it was. But really, the communists were using the widespread intensive poverty that existed in those days as a tool to fool the gullible masses of poor people into assisting them rise up and take control of the government. At the beginning, communism put a strong emphasis on economic equality, claiming that rich people had an obligation to share their wealth with the poor people. Anybody who would believe that is a real schmuck! Later on, especially during the 1990's, the economy all over the world had changed. That intensive poverty was not nearly as common, so it was necessary for the communists to change their battle tactics. The talk about “redistribution of wealth” has now become obsolete. This is why the Soviet Union was deliberately dissolved. 8

They are now much more a social movement than a political one. It must be noted here that by taking control of the government they had lost view of their main purpose, which was not primarily political. (The way they took control of the government in the US, as undercover political spies, was much more suited to their purpose and the achievement of their goals.) Their main purpose has always been to corrupt religions, change gender roles and destroy families and marriages...... and that is done better by infiltration secretly as socialistic spies, like wolves in sheep's clothing. (See article listed below on: Wolves In Sheep's Clothing) Immediately after the Russian revolution, as soon as the “communists” took control of the government, they were worse tyrants than the previous Russian royalty. But, that type of tyranny doesn't exist in the US...... or does it? Isn't the enforcement of charging enormous and unjustifiable quantities of “child support” or “alimony” tyranny against men? Meanwhile, most men in America go to work and at least one of their bosses is a woman who earns more money than they do. Those laws demanding that men pay the cost of supporting the family were started back in the days when women could rarely get good-paying jobs. Now that women make much better pay, it is an extreme injustice to over-charge men for paying and at the same time denying them any say in the matter. It has turned into tyranny against men. The poor men who are low income couldn't pay both the enormous “child support” and also their own basic necessities even if they wanted to. They are forced to either become street people (this is probably the number one reason for the high quantity of male street people in most cities in the US)...... or, in order to survive, they have to change their jobs (thereby losing any good income they had previously, forced to take any low paying job available), abandon their children, move to a secret address and use mass transit. (They are denied renewal of their driver's license or identification in government offices where the manager and clerk many times are women, who many times earn more money than the poor men denied their identification. In mass transit the police never ask for identification.) In some cases they can hire a lawyer, at high cost, to lower the outrageous “child support”. (But, how could someone who can’t afford “child support” afford a lawyer?) Or, in order to survive, those men might also consider moving to one of the oodles of English speaking countries around the world. But, they should get their passport before their “child support” or “alimony” debt surpasses the limit of money owed in order to get one. Canada is the closest to the US. However, they should do some Internet research about the laws in the country they want to go to, to make sure they don't fall into the same problem they have now, all over again. They also must check the requirements for getting permanent residence in the country they want to go to, in order to work there. They should also avoid keeping money in a bank. The government can easily steal that. They're the real criminals, you know. In addition to this disgrace to men at the hands of women, those men are also labeled as “criminals” or “dead-beats” or “abandoners of their own children”. (Notice – it is the women who are the most ungentlemanly, discourteous tyrants, not men. It was 9

the false propaganda that men are always tyrant ogres when they are the leaders which started the “women's liberation” movement, at the beginning.) Sometimes, in those government offices they even put pictures of men on a bulletin board and are literally labeled as “criminals” for owing “child support” in a government office where the manager or clerk is a woman who, many times, earns more money than the poor men who are denied the renewal of their identification. And to top it all off, if any man refuses to go along with this crazy malicious system, those government people who have kidnapped the man's children and then try to steal outrageous amounts of money to pay for those kidnapped children, poison the minds of his children by getting the mothers to tell them that their father “abandoned” them. (The children don't know that if the father comes to visit, he will be put in prison.) Rest assured this is the number one cause of the destruction of American marriages, fatherhood and families. (This thing motivates women to fight against their husbands) This legalized crime must be protested in the legislature. This isn't just tyranny, it's the disgrace of manhood and “fatherhood” at the hands of their own wives, legalized and falsely painted as something “good” (in the name of protecting children from starvation) by the government (brainwashing). Why do communists claim to be freeing people from tyranny when in reality, all they really want to do is fight against God's standards, ruin marriages, fatherhood and families....... and conquer unsuspecting gullible people any possible way they can? They are doing everything they can to keep fatherhood destroyed. Fatherhood was destroyed a long time ago, in the US. In the US, due to the influence of satanic communist propaganda and the secretly communist American politicians, the law states that, in the event of a marital separation, the children automatically go to the mother. But, the father may “visit” his children. In a society that claims to treat people with “equality” this law is clearly not equal. They don't care about “equality”; they want to destroy marriage, fatherhood and families. Isn't the US supposed to be a free country? Are people not permitted to protest against unjust laws? Even the men who don't believe in male supremacy over their wives should at least demand equality, but the only men who actually protest this injustice are individual fathers who have to battle it out in court for custody of their own children. This legalized crime needs to be fought in the legislature; it should not be necessary to go through the ugly ordeal of battling it out for each individual case. The only time the men are given a break is when the mother is also a bread winner. However, in most of those cases the mother was more of a “father” to the children than the husband was. That is, they act more like men than the men do; they know they have the law on their side. In a family where the mother was the main bread winner she always ends up dominating her husband, as though she was her husband's mother. Men who practice real “fatherhood” don't exist anymore, in the US..... Men no longer “wear the pants” in the family. The US government, which acts like communists, 10

has stolen the men's pants, by force, and given them to the women. The truth of the matter is that this whole thing is an absolute disgrace to manhood and “fatherhood”..... And to protest it would be an open confession that the disgrace really does exist, which would intensify its shamefulness even more. As a result, most men choose to ignore it, or to go along with it and sugar-coat it by calling it something noble,.... which it is not. To protest this thing would be like putting on a show saying “hey everybody, come see the big disgrace to manhood, come see the show”, thereby disgracing men even more, like rubbing dung into the men's faces. The satanic communist men in the government who are responsible for doing this thing to other men should be castrated and/or executed publicly. In a marital separation, true “equality” would be for the children to spend an equal amount of time with each parent, and each parent would be responsible to pay for the children while the children are with them. Why are there so many people who talk about “equality” and yet they don't care about the injustice of charging men with paying enormous quantities of “child support” or “alimony”? ...... And at the same time they deny men from having any say at all over their own children. This thing of charging outlandish sums of money and then denying men of any say is just like the “taxation without representation” which started the revolutionary war against England. The authority of the fathers has been removed. The US government has stolen the pants from the men, by force, and given them to the women....... and at the same time demand that the men fulfill their “responsibility” by paying for the mess that they have no control over; the mess that the government caused. In each state (and in each country) the laws concerning “child support”, and in some cases “alimony”, vary from place to place. Surprisingly, when they started “alimony”, over a century ago, the government considered a divorce to be, what is referred to in modern times, as a “legal separation”.... and that the couple were still married. A divorce was nothing more than a declaration of separation, thus obligating the husband to continue to support his wife. At that time it was very difficult for a woman to get a job that paid reasonable wages. The main purpose of the Biblical divorce was intended to punish a rebellious wife hoping to get her to repent and return to her one and only true husband. The governmental forcing of men to support a rebellious contentious wife was extremely unjustifiable and wrong. A rebellious contentious wife needs punishment, not reward. In modern times, it is no more difficult for a woman to get a good paying job than a man, thus “alimony” is now even more of an extreme injustice than it was before..... and should be completely outlawed. Some states, in the US, have already outlawed “alimony”. In some cases this “alimony” motivates some men to avoid registering their marriage at all. By never being officially “married” they will never have to go through the injustice of paying “alimony” to a wife who deserves punishment, not reward for bad behavior. Those unjust laws are actually promoting fornication.


Since “child support” is usually at least double the quantity of what is really necessary to support a child, its purpose really functions as both “child support” and “alimony” at the same time. Separated mothers can usually live without working from the child support with just one child. Accompanied with other government support such as food stamps and rent assistance, etc, they don't need to work. With more than one child, the separated mothers can live quite well, take care of the children and never have to work, by sponging off working taxpayers and husbands. In some cases, government paid “child support” turns into government supported prostitution. (When the mother is not married to the father of the children and the whereabouts of the father is unknown. The taxpayers end up supporting the whole family generously. Sometimes the father even lives with them, but the mother tells the government that his whereabouts are unknown. Those “families” end up living quite well, sponging off the taxpayers, and they never have to work.) The few small groups that have been making slow progress against the legalized crime of charging fathers with enormous child-support are usually just dealing with cases of individual fathers battling it out in court about getting custody of their own children, for which they are still forced to go through an ugly ordeal of battling it out in court for each individual case. Whereas, they should not be as concerned about battling it out in court for each individual case as they should be about trying to change this unjust crime (law) for all cases in the legislature. The governmental resistance to remove this crime from US law is due to the fact that the majority of them are satanic communists and they are intent on destroying families in the US. They know perfectly well what they are doing and why they are doing it. They know that this crime (law) is very effective at destroying families, fatherhood and marriages. “Child support” and “alimony” are not only theft of outlandish sums of money, they are the theft of the authority of “fatherhood”, “husband-hood” and “manhood”. This is just like the “taxation without representation” in the colonies that started the revolutionary war against England. Why are men charged with the responsibility of paying enormous quantities of money and yet they are denied any say or authority in the matter? The people who did this are not interested in equality! They are not interested in preventing poor innocent children from starving to death. They are not interested in stopping tyranny against women or anyone else. This is tyranny against men. This is the same type of lie they told the poor people in Russia when they were fighting the oppression of the Russian royalty during the Russian revolution. They were really just interested in getting the poor people to help them take control of the government, after which, they were worse tyrants than the previous Russian royalty. They are primarily interested in fighting against God's standards and fighting against the salvation of people's souls. The satanic religion has women for leaders (witches) because the faithful Christian religion has men for leaders. (See article listed below on: Salvation) Christian churches that have women for leaders over men are really churches of Satan masquerading as Christians. They love to corrupt Christianity. 1Tim. 2:11,12 “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a 12

woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” 1Cor. 14:34,35 “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” Why is female leadership over men a “shame” (disgrace) for men? Because God himself established that those leadership positions are, by their very nature, MASCULINE! Modern “feminism” trains women to act like men. (See article listed below on: The Consequences of “Women's Liberation”) Women in politics should be thought of in the same category and the same nature as same gender romances (or marriages). Gender role reversal causes physical desire confusion in many people. In the Bible, God rained fire down from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah for this sin. Gen. 19 The punishment for this sin is supposed to be death. Lev. 20:13 “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”If someone says that God is wrong, they are speaking BLASPHEMY!!! God is the one who makes the rules! Especially what happens to people after they die. (See article listed below on: The Consequences of “Women's Liberation”) Back in the 60's, most of the people who were against the “women's liberation” movement also thought that it would cause a considerable increase in “sodomy”, along with many other abnormalities. According to Louis Crompton, Ph.D. on early American history, referring to this abomination....... “in 1776, in the original 13 colonies was universally subject to the death penalty”. However, later on, the penalty for this crime was reduced to long-term imprisonment. As time went by, little by little, the US government decreased the punishment for this crime to less and less time in prison. Eventually, they completely repealed all the laws against it. The subject of “same gender” marriages is not necessarily about the legalization of that type of marriage. It is about the natural human reaction to the practice of giving women dominant positions over men, like female bosses over men at work or female politicians. (….from the position of president all the way down to the drivers license clerk who gives men permission to drive.) Gender role reversal alters most people's physical desires. Most people exposed to this abnormality don't know if they're more attracted to the opposite gender, their own gender, both or neither. The whole idea of female politicians and bosses over men goes hand in hand with raising many people's attraction to their own gender, thus increasing the quantity of same gender romances, who eventually start living together as a result. Female politicians and bosses over men are equally abnormal and responsible for same gender romantic relationships >>> cause and effect. A good example in the Bible of one of those woman religious and political leaders was Queen Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, who had spread the worship of the false god Baal in Israel. The end of that accursed woman would be a very fitting end of all those women pastors in churches corrupting Christianity. (And female bosses over 13

men and politicians, too.) The man Jehu had her thrown down out of an upper window of a building, then he had his chariot horses trample her under their hooves, crushing her bones like what happened to the villain during the Roman chariot race in the film Ben-Hur. (2Kings 9:30-37) Then the dogs came and ate her. She never had a funeral or a burial. 2Kings 9:36, 37 “…...And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant (prophet) Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel: 37 And the carcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field.” So that, if anyone in those days saw some dog droppings laying on the ground they might say, “there lies Jezebel”, as though they were looking at her grave, laughing and mocking her. Responsibility and authority go together. Responsibility without authority is corruption which causes mental illness. Try to imagine an absurd and unbelievable situation of a manager in a business that has absolutely no authority whatsoever to give orders to any of the employees. Uncontrolled employees produce chaos and usually do very little or no work at all. Would a powerless manager then be responsible for that chaos or lack of work? Certainly not! Applying the responsibility of that chaos to a powerless manager is extremely crazy...... and gets people in such circumstances to go crazy. In real life, men have been denied the authority that goes with the responsibility that they have been charged with. Men are expected to be “responsible”, yet they are denied the authority which is supposed to go hand in hand with that “responsibility”. When most men see the lunacy of this crazy situation, they run away from it. Then, they are labeled “irresponsible” or “dead-beats” by other people. (especially women) Responsibility and authority go together. Responsibility without authority is crazy..... and ought to be avoided. Any normal person ought to run away from it. Mental illness doesn't just happen, something makes it happen. A common real life example of this is how many men run away from fatherly “responsibility”. Then they are accused of being the “bad guy”. But, as long as those fools (mostly women) want to deny men the correct “authority” that is supposed to go along with the package, the real “bad guys” are the ones denying the men that correct authority. Responsibility without authority is crazy..... and ought to be avoided. Mental illness doesn't just happen, something makes it happen. Some people say that those men are just, by nature, irresponsible and childish, and ought to be forced to pay for their inappropriate conduct. But, quite to the contrary, try to imagine a manager at work being forced into this same type of lunatic situation. Try to imagine a manager being denied the normal authority necessary to run a business, and then charged with responsibility for the conduct of the out-ofcontrol employees who cause trouble and/or don't do their work. Isn't it a normal response in such an abnormal situation for the manager to walk out and refuse to cooperate with such lunacy? It is this lunacy which is the culprit in producing this response. Running away from such lunacy is correct, proper and the recommendable 14

reaction in order to maintain one's own sanity. The fact that they charge the manager with the responsibility for the problems is an open confession that indeed they really do know that the authority which goes along with the package is owed to the manager, despite the fact that they deny it. Modern psychology is completely incapable of resolving this mental illness because they deny its true cause is due to modern feminism, which denies men of their normal authority. Any man who attempts taking his proper and normal authority is labeled a tyrannical woman abuser, whereas a woman who takes on that same authority over men is never called a tyrannical man abuser, even though she is. She could never be accused of it, because the mere mentioning of it would be adding on to the disgrace that most men are trying to deny really exists. Most men refuse to even talk about this discrimination against manhood. They usually sugar-coat it, and call it something else, and pretend it doesn't really exist. The truth is that there are many wives who refuse to follow their husbands' leadership, yet at the same time blame the husband as though he is responsible for every problem. Any man who makes an honest attempt to be a good “leader”, and actually starts giving orders is labeled a tyrant. This type of removal of authority and incorrect application of responsibility is one of the leading causes of mental illness in the US today. As long as fathers have no authority over their wives and children it is ludicrous, irrational and immoral to charge them with the responsibility for family problems and needs. It is equally inappropriate to charge them to pay money for the mess that they have no control over....... a mess that the US government caused. This is especially bad in a society that gives women good opportunity at high paying jobs and puts women as bosses over men at work. (Notice – business employers in the US that openly advertise to be “equal opportunity” employers normally have more women managers and professionals than men. The phrase “equal opportunity” in reality means: “up with women and down with men, up with women and down with men”.) This removal of the authority of husbands is all caused by anti-Christian satanic people working in the government who have given all the authority concerning the children in families to the mothers. This is also one of the main causes of separations in marriages. These laws, which are very biased in favor of women and against men, motivate the wives to fight against their husbands. Then, the people in the government who started this malicious craziness insist on forcibly charging the fathers with the responsibility of paying outlandish sums of money for the mess that the government created, a mess the man has no control over..... and at the same time deny those fathers from having any say in the matter. (This is the same as “taxation without representation”, which started the American Revolution against England.) How is it that all those people deny that men have such authority and at the same time demand and charge the men with the responsibility that goes along with that authority? The mere fact that they demand such responsibility from men is an open confession that they really do know that men are supposed to have the authority that goes hand in hand with such responsibility, yet they deny it. The people who started it 15

claim to be promoting “equality”, but it is very obvious that this is not “equality”!!! Any of those people who claim to be promoting “equality” is a liar. This is a deliberate anti-Christian attack by satanic people in the government to sabotage the correct teachings of God. It produces crazy disorder, mental illness, conflict and contention in homes. They don't charge men enormous quantities of “child support” or “alimony” because they want to be sure that the children are always provided for and don't go hungry. They do it because they want to get wives to fight against their husbands and thereby ruin marriages, families and fatherhood. This legalized crime must be protested in the legislature. Those satanic people working in the government know exactly what they are doing. They want to destroy marriages, fatherhood and families. They want to destroy the authority of “fatherhood” and “husband-hood” (men) because God is the one who established that the husband is the head of his wife and family. Eph. 5:23 “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church....” Amazingly, even highly educated women cannot figure out that these same laws that seem to be to their advantage have not only ruined their relationship with their husbands, destroyed romance, but also have ruined their relationships with their children. (This comment is not intended to insult women. It is intended to take note that women need loving husbands to guide them and protect them from dangerous errors.) The worst offense of all is not the “kidnapping” of a man's children or the “theft” of enormous and unjustifiable quantities of money to pay for those children. The worst crime of all is the slander of the man's character by labeling him a criminal “dead-beat” or “abandoner of his own children” if he does not cooperate with their malicious crazy system. If he does cooperate, then he ends up being extremely disrespected by his separated wife and children. He becomes a “doormat” and “loose change”...... and a “dead-beat” even if he does cooperate with their deliberately spiteful malicious system against men. The wife and children disrespect him more if he cooperates than if he doesn't. If he cooperates, he becomes a weakling “doormat” who “goes along with” the injustice done against him. And if he leaves the situation, then those government “kidnappers” and “thieves” poison the minds of his children by telling them that their father “abandoned” them. (They don't tell the children that if their father attempts to visit them, he will end up in prison.) Whatever the case, the children always end up with poisoned minds against their own fathers as a result of this deliberately malicious spiteful destruction of “fatherhood”. In addition, there is a slander against all men in general saying that if they were always the leaders over women and children they would automatically be tyrants. (Amazingly, women are never accused of such tyranny, even though they are tyrants. Stating such reality would only add to the disgrace against men. The disgrace which most men are trying to pretend doesn't exist. They can't even talk about it.) The truth is the reverse, the tyrants are those satanic people in the government who removed the 16

authority of the men and forced husbands into a disgracefully abusive tyrannical situation at the hands of their own wives. It is the women who are the tyrants. Most men treat women in a very gentlemanly manner...... and most of those women don't deserve such good treatment. Generally speaking, husbands have never ever throughout history been as abusive or tyrannical to their wives as compared to how they are being treated now by their wives. Why is the government so intent on butting-in to where they don't belong? Why is the government so intent on destroying marriages, fatherhood and families? (Answer: because they are satanic communists who want to destroy Christianity, fatherhood, marriage and families.) This legalized crime must be protested in the legislature. Most of those rebellious wives always talk as though the husband is automatically at fault for every problem that exists in their homes, even after they are separated and the husband no longer lives with them. They say he is at fault because he is not there to fix the problems, or that the problems exist simply because of his absence. When he is there, they deny him the authority to manage the problems in the manner necessary to fix them. If he attempts to fix the problems by taking the leadership, as good as possible, he is accused of being a tyrant. How is someone responsible for a situation that he has no control over? Is a manager who has no authority to give orders to employees responsible for the problems that uncontrolled nonproductive employee's cause? Certainly not! This is craziness! This causes mental illness! This is very simple to understand, yet modern psychology can't figure it out. (Because modern psychology refuses to recognize that “feminism” is the main cause of the problems….. And half of the psychologists are feminist women.) (See article listed below on: Feminist Women are not Happy) This is the same type of prejudice as racial prejudice. Those women go around thinking the men are responsible for every problem under the sun. They focus on the faults so much that they can’t even see their own faults. There was a man one time that had a father who worked for Ford, so the son thought that Ford was the greatest car on the market. He was so obsessed with it that he couldn’t manage a conversation without somehow getting on the subject of how Ford was better than any other car. Every positive characteristic of any Ford car he had memorized, while the negative stuff he wouldn’t even notice. Like how the Pintos made in the 70’s would rust out so bad that by 8 years they had to be junked. That’s why the Pinto had to be discontinued. There was another man who worked for Ford who would always notice the bad habits of the workers in the factory, so much so that when he wanted to buy a van he refused to buy a Ford. He even had a discount because he worked for Ford; nonetheless, he refused to buy one. Why would he think that the other car companies don’t have the same bad workmanship going on in their factories? Notice that the women who have this same type of warped perception of men usually have the support of modern psychology!


By slandering the man in front of his own children they are poisoning his children's minds against him. Any child who grows up in such a crazy situation will always have an uttermost disrespect for their biological fathers. This is like the “loose change” principle of Bush's 9-11 which completely demolishes “fatherhood”. Just as the twin towers fell down under Bush's cooperation and/or supervision, so did true “fatherhood” fall down many years ago when this system of corrupting “fatherhood” and the family was started. (Watch documentaries about Bush's 9-11: “Loose Change” and “Fahrenheit 9-11”.) Any man who goes along with such a twisted malicious system against men has no right to call himself a “father”. The best he could justifiably call himself is a “visitor” or a “big buddy” to his biological children. It is wrong and inappropriate for him to use the word “father”. (See article listed below on: Consequences of Using Incorrect Terminology) There is a big difference between a man who is merely a biological father and “visitor” to his children, as compared to a man who actually practices true “fatherhood”. The very nature of “fatherhood” must be respected as a figure of “authority” and “love”. A “visitor” has no authority! A “visitor” cannot practice true “fatherhood”! A “big buddy” cannot practice true “fatherhood”! Fatherhood has been stolen by the US government. The more money and time those “visitors” or “big buddies” pay to support their separated biological children, the more they will be treated like “doormats”, “loose change”, disrespected by their own separated children and be the object of verbal contempt by their contentious separated wives. The churches should lift their voices in protest against such anti-Christian, satanic and unjust laws, but they don't. The US is supposed to be a free country.... and yet, how many people are there who protest against this injustice? The churches should at least prohibit their own church members from doing such things. Church members (rebellious wives) who use those unjust, contentious and anti-Christian laws against their own husbands should be excommunicated (thrown out) from the church. This law is not only anti-Christian and satanic in nature; it is crazy, irrational and unequal. It is one of the leading causes of the super high divorce rate and mental illness in the US today. This willful malicious destruction of true “fatherhood” is the number one cause of the epidemic of mental illness, drug addiction, and alcoholism due to bad family conditions. (The alcohol works as a pain reliever..... (In this case emotional pain.) Alcohol stops the pain 100%. Whether it be physical pain or emotional pain, the alcohol stops it 100%. The bad family conditions cannot be fixed as long as the government is forcing the problems on the people. When a man sees that the problem cannot be fixed, the best response is to use a pain reliever. Only stupid people treat him as a bad guy because of it. Those stupid people are always the ones siding with the troublemakers. In spirit they are accomplices in the act with the troublemakers. Pro 31:6,7 “Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. 7 Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.”) And what about the purposeless suicides among young people from those crazy 18

homes? This legalized crime must be protested in the legislature. Notice that there is a big difference between suicides with a purpose as compared to suicides without a purpose. Before the loss of true “fatherhood”, purposeless suicides were very, very rare. Among the very few cases that did happen, before the total loss of “fatherhood”, most of those cases could be directly connected to some sort of bad fathering. All through history there have always been at least a few cases of bad fathers, but there has never been such a complete absence of true “fatherhood” as what exists now in the US today. Without a good father, children grow up with insufficient love, purpose (guidance and direction) in their lives. The children end up with emotional instability and lack of purpose in life. It is interesting how “purpose” (guidance and direction), “love”, “authority” and “fatherhood” are all tied together. Without true “fatherhood”, the “authority” in the home is minimized and/or perverted. Incorrect “authority” (rebellious wives who act like fathers and who act like mothers dominating their own husbands) produces serious consequences on the “purpose” or “meaning of life” for the children. Even without being taught, children can sense in their conscience that there is something wrong with a mother who dominates a father. Lack of “purpose” (guidance and direction) is the primary cause of purposeless suicides, alcoholism and drug addiction. True “fatherhood” must include a combination of “authority” and “love”. Erroneous “authority”, such is a mother who takes on the role of a father, produces gender role confusion in children which is one of the leading reasons why the children, later in life, can't seem to decide if they prefer the opposite gender, their own gender, both or neither. It is against nature itself for a woman to act like a man. It is abnormal. Even without being taught, children can sense in their conscience that it is rebellious for a mother to dominate a father. (But, the children don't understand that the government and modern perverted propaganda is forcing it all.) It is rebellion which teaches their children to be rebellious..... And then, those rebellious mothers can't figure out why their own children are rebellious..... Either that or they blame it all on their separated husbands and teach their daughters that every problem is always the man's fault. They do this because they are completely incapable of putting themselves in their husband’s shoes. They can’t figure out that if they were in the same lunatic situation as their husband is in, they would not do any better job than he’s done. The reason they can’t understand this is because, more than anything else, they are the one’s bitching at him and making his life completely unbearable. So, he leaves and then the wife can’t figure out that it was her offensive nagging that offended him out the door. This is not only mental illness, but it is blasphemy against God!!! Any child brought up with this type of twisted poison in their mind would have great difficulty thinking that their father was nothing more than a big loser. They cannot perceive the lunatic conditions that their father was forced into. Nor can they understand that if they were in their father’s shoes, they probably wouldn’t have done as well as he did. This rebelliousness is seen in America more than just about any other country. It 19

seems that America has the brattiest children in the world. America also has the most contentious women in the world. God has justly recompensed the rebelliousness of the women by giving them rebellious/bratty children. This is evidence that God has designed human nature so that the husband is the correct authority in a marriage. When people rebel against God’s word, the Bible, they have to pay the consequences. Some supposed “experts” talk about the problems of the “millennial” children. They recognize that now, at the turn of the millennium, there is an unusual problem that did not exist before, but they are unable to figure out what is causing it. They talk about the mental and emotional instability of the young generation, yet they don’t want to face up to the real cause of it all. Broken homes cause instability in children. Mothers who act like fathers ruin families. When men accept this abnormal condition and stay with their domineering wives, their families end up more corrupt than if they were to abandon this lunacy. Real lunacy ought to be abandoned. Otherwise, the consequence is mental illness and an unstable new generation that usually end up causing trouble for other people. We are not in the first generation of this craziness. Some men say things like: “women….. you can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them.” But, in reality, this is an abnormal condition that comes from rebelling against God’s ordained order of nature. It comes from turning women into men >>> modern feminism. It comes from making women bosses of men. It comes from giving women authority over men that they are not supposed to have. This change started just before all these abnormal “millennial” problems started. Absolutely! Cause and effect!!! (See article listed below on: The Role Of Women Throughout History) (Also on: The Consequences of “Women's Liberation”) (Also on: Domestic Discipline) Most men cannot face the reality of this problem, which is being forced by the government and modern propaganda, because it is an absolute disgrace to manhood itself. Most men cannot accept that what is going on, is really what is going on. So, they try to rationalize their cooperation with this malicious system by insisting that they are doing the “responsible” or “noble” thing by obeying the law and paying their child support or alimony. Responsibility and authority go together. Being “responsible” is by no means the act of paying for something that a man has no rights, say, control or authority over. (This is the same corruption as “taxation without representation”, which started the American Revolution against England.) Try to imagine the following illustration of a man who is being forced to make triple monthly payments on a car that was taken away from him. [Child support itself is normally at least double what it should really cost, plus the cost of the original living space before the separation, in hopes that some day they will return. He must pay for his children to live in two different places at the same time, in addition to paying for all the other expenses.] And then they tell him that he may “borrow” the car occasionally, only in compliance with the wife's schedule. [He may visit his children, only at the convenience of the wife.] But, when he does “borrow” the car, he notices that they are ruining it with deliberate and/or negligent mistreatment, and there is nothing he can do 20

to stop it, because he has no say in the matter. [They poison the minds of the children against their father by telling them that he is responsible for every problem....... or for “abandoning” his own children if he decides to get out of this accursed malicious attack against men.] The car will probably be completely unusable before the payments are finished. [Any child who grows up in such a crazy situation will always have an uttermost disrespect for their weakling “go along with it” biological fathers.] Yet, if the man was to steal his own car back [take back his own children, which he is being charged for], he would be accused of stealing his own children as though he was a kidnapper. How crazy can you get? Any person who has a car that was taken away from him is not “responsible” to pay for that car. The person who stole the car is the one who is “responsible” to make the monthly payments. Any man who leaves such a lunatic situation is not “abandoning” anything or anyone. The “kidnappers” and “thieves” are the culprits. How is it that some people can even graduate from a university and yet they can't tell the difference between “kidnapping” (accompanied with extortion) and “abandonment”? Some people might say that the purpose of the forced “child support” is that some men are just plain irresponsible and abandon their responsibility not only for their own children, but are irresponsible for everything else, too. However, that is not a rightful accusation. This is about the same situation as a man who signs a contract to make monthly payments on a car, and then discovers shortly after making the contract that,...... surprise, surprise,...... he doesn't have any say over using his own car. He can't use his own car when he needs it. Why is the authority of the men denied and at the same time the responsibility, that should go hand in hand with that authority, is forced upon them? Why are men denied the authority that should be correctly entitled to them……. and yet charged double or triple for the mess which they didn’t cause, or have any say over? When men come face to face with this lunacy of being expected to fulfill this “responsibility”, yet at the same time denied the authority that ought to go along with the package, most of them don't know what to do about it. Many of them run away from it just like any sane man ought to run away from such lunacy. Mental illness doesn't just happen. Something makes it happen. Forcing a man into this kind of lunatic situation will drive him crazy. It is correct that any normal person ought to avoid this type of uncontrollable lunacy. It may be true that, in some cases, a young man is indeed immature, (especially the young men who are the second or third generation, and product of this craziness) and not ready to handle the responsibilities of being a father. But that can be helped with good counseling and training. However, good counseling can not help if this craziness continues and is not accompanied with the restoration of proper authority to the man. There can be no responsibility without authority. Why does the man have no say at the same time that he is responsible to pay triple? (taxation without representation) Why does the government have to butt-in where they don't belong? Answer: they intend to ruin families, ruin fatherhood and 21

ruin marriages. Following such a system is not “being responsible”! It is not equality! It is not nobility! This is not what it means to be a “gentleman”………. This is crazy!!! This is wrong!!! This is immoral!!! This is tyrannical!!! This is kidnapping, extortion and willful spiteful maliciousness! This is the satanic communist anti-Christian overthrow of God's authority and the authority that God gave men (fatherhood) over their own wives and children! This is the deliberate destruction of marriage, fatherhood and family done by evil people in the government with the worst of intentions. They know what they are doing. Yet those people say that if men were the leaders over their wives and children, the men would always be horrible tyrants. The truth is, that this is a lie used to destroy male authority and those people who started this dishonest propaganda are themselves the tyrants against the men! Most men love and protect their wives and children, they are not tyrants. In most cases, it is the women who are the tyrants. But, the men can't accuse them of a thing like that because most men can't even admit that the problem really exists. It’s too disgraceful to even talk about. Nowadays, the young men who have grown up into “adulthood” under these conditions don't even know what true “manhood” or “fatherhood” really is. True “manhood” and “fatherhood” are dead in America! The government has stolen the pants from the men by force and given them to the women. Men need to be retrained on how to be real men. The first thing they need to do is to stand up and protest the legislature against all those malicious laws against men. This system is the suppression of masculinity and the training of women to act like men, which is commonly called “feminism”; the removal of “femininity”. America is not the “Land of the Free”. America is the land of the weakling doormat “go along with it” men…. and the land of the macho women. Wake up men! Motivate yourselves to act like men, not like weakling “go along with it” doormats! Protest these criminal laws in the legislature!! Sad to say, most people won't change anything until their own Titanic hits an iceberg. Then, it must go down,..... and no one can stop it. The time to stop it is now. But, sad to say, most people won't lift a finger in protest until their own ship goes down. Then, it’s too late. Then, they have to get on the lifeboats. Removing the authority of men over their own children and then forcing them to pay enormous quantities of “child support” is neither “nobility” nor “responsibility”, it is blasphemy against God and a disgrace to manhood and fatherhood! Back in the days when the US law made black people sit in the back of the public buses, eat in separate inferior restaurants and go to separate inferior schools, there were a few black people who had the “nobility” to protest. Now that was true “nobility”! Some of those “noble” black protesters went to prison for protesting, but eventually those unjust laws got changed. If all the black people had protested, all at the same time, the prisons could not possibly have held them all. If nobody had protested, then those unjust laws would never have been changed. The few people who did protest were considered “heroes” later on. (See 2014 film about ML King called: Selma. Also 1988 film: Mississippi 22

Burning. The MLK “I have a dream” speech can be found on www.youtube.com) However, in the case of mistreatment against men there is an added problem, in comparison to the discrimination against the blacks. The very nature of this discrimination against men is extremely disgraceful against manhood. To even admit that it exists would be like shamefully rubbing dung in the men's faces. Most men cannot handle this kind of disgrace, because even to admit its existence would intensify its shamefulness. So, instead of facing the problem and fighting against it, most men decide to sugar-coat it by calling it something that it is not,...... and pretend that the problem doesn't really exist. Some men escape from this craziness into alcoholism, which is mush less crazy compared to this lunacy. At times, some men even handle it by convincing themselves that they enjoy female dominance. But, a man going along with female dominance is, in reality, more disgraceful than facing the problem and fighting against it. Or, sometimes when a woman acts badly, they might say something like, “she's feisty,…. I like that”, when in reality they don't like it, but they don't know what to do about it, so they convince themselves that they like it. They think it’s better to face the fact that certain problems are irresolvable, and learn to live with them, than being bitter about it and live in misery. So, men must learn that facing this problem and fighting against it will make them real men. Women will admire them and be extremely attracted to them as being truly manly. Mark these words!!! Any man who stands up against this discrimination against men will get an enormous female following!!! Women love a man who will stand up and be a real man! Women get more turned on by a man with strong character than by a man with a big strong football player physique who wimps-out. Women! If you see a man who is afraid to act like a man, try to motivate him with kindness at first not to be cowardly, keeping in mind that he has been brainwashed from childhood not to act like a real man. But,...... if he still refuses, try kicking him in the butt, like when you see someone walking along wearing a sign stuck on his back with an arrow pointing down to his butt that says: “kick me”. Women!..... the men need some help. If kicking him doesn't work, try something else. Be creative. Don't give up. Pester and pester and pester, until the bombardment breaks him down. Rub his face in it, so he can not pretend it isn't there. The heroes need to be honored, but the cowards need to be disgraced. Men must not be permitted to continue going on and on and on pretending that this discrimination doesn't exist. Women! You've got to motivate the men in just the right way to stop being cowards, and face the reality of this discrimination against men. The men must be forced to face this disgrace, and overcome it. Women! If they don't, …. rub it in their faces. See if you can think of anything that would work. The real disgrace must be on the men who refuse to protest, and who go along with this discrimination against man-hood. The men who protest should be treated as manly heroes. (This turns women on. The men who protest should expect a large female following; women will be in love with their manliness.) 23

Above all, the absence of true “fatherhood” produces a warped and lukewarm perception of God, the Father, and of true Christianity. Without a correct understanding of the next life after death and a responsible obedience to God, the Father's expectations, there really is no purpose to life. Yesterday has already past. Soon today will be gone. Nobody is guaranteed of tomorrow, in this life. Eventually, everything in this life will no longer exist and be meaningless. James 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” 1Peter 1:24 “For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away”. The only things that are of real value are things that last forever, things that are in accordance to God's will. Mat 6:19-21 “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” True purpose, both in this life and in the next life, which is eternal, comes from God, the Father. Without Him there is no real meaning to life. Everything and everyone in this life will soon be gone. This life is only a temporary test for God to determine what He will do with each person in the next life, which is eternal.(see article listed below on: Salvation) “Time” is passing. “Time” will not stop. No matter how hard you try, you cannot stop the clock, the real clock of “time”. “Eternity” is a gift from God. In “eternity” the clock won't matter. God is offering you “eternity”,...... will you accept it? (See article listed below on: Salvation)

Recommended free Bible software: www.e-sword.net or www.theword.net Also free Bible audio recordings at: www.audiotreasure.com e-mails: PastorDavidMinistries@protonmail.com PastorDavidMinistries@tutanota.com To donate, see document called “Donations” at: https://goo.gl/992nQY 24

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