Bible Study
Becoming Like Bonhoeffer German pastor and theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer struggled to reconcile his private and public selves.
ietrich Bonhoeffer spoke out against Hitler, wrote books that even today are considered classics, was a caring pastor, and ultimately was put to death for saving Jews and attempting to stop Nazi terror. Yet Bonhoeffer was not fooled by his press clippings. “Who am I?” he asked himself. “This or the other? Am I one person today, and tomorrow another? Am I both at once? A hypocrite before others, and before myself a contemptibly woebegone weakling? Or is something within me still like a beaten army, fleeing in disorder from victory already achieved?” Few, if any, of us could match his résumé, yet he struggled with understanding himself—seeing the wide disparity between his public and private personae. We have the same struggles and need Scripture to help us deal with these deep questions.
S c r i pture: 1 S amuel 16: 1–13; Prover bs 2 0: 5– 6 ; 2 1: 2; Lu k e 2 2: 31 – 34 ; R oma ns 7: 14–25; R evelat io n 2: 12 – 17 B ase d on: The ar ticles “Dietrich Bonhoeffer ” (Christianhistor; and “ Who Am I,” by John Or tberg (L e a d e r s h i p J o u r n a l ).
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