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Volume 1, Issue 1 February 2011 A Creative Commons Publication
There is no away!
“We Shall Survive Without a Doubt” by Emory Douglas © Revolutionary Artist and Minister of Culture for the Black Panthers Party from 1967 until party disbanded in the 1980s.
A Reminder of Continuity
THIS! ISSUE! Continuity, Wonder, Society, Backyard Music, and Why the Universe wants Us ALL to Write this Paper!!!
__________! W.T.F. = Win the Future By Jonathan Deschamps For most of my life I’ve had this aching feeling deep inside of me. A complicated guilt for the world. A sense of responsibility for actions I had nothing to do with. In elementary school we learned about Western Civilizations march across the globe. Raping and pillaging indigenous cultures. Always assuming our own superiority. For what? Was this for the sake of “progress” or was this simply a mindless byproduct of individual profiteering? Or something else? Western civilization seems to be built upon its own bold ignorance. We don’t understand ourselves, the natural environment that sustains us, or our own effect on the next generation’s futures. Our mainstream culture seems more interested in “a business as usual” approach than one of solving real world problems. The modern world is undeniably corrupted by finance. Professional sports have become more about the competition than the game, the entertainment industry cares more about image than product quality, while the oil industry (undeniably evil) gains more power through each and every transaction made round the world.
amounts of money, which ultimately drives the economy artificially upward. Our economy of debt. It doesn’t seem to matter how it’s done. The President’s job description is to make the economy grow indefinitely (yeah indefinitely!). No matter who gets left behind or what gets lost in the shuffle. So why do we all perpetuate this chaos? Identifying the root of the problem may in itself be a distraction from the solution. In the last 100 years we’ve lost our fathers to industrial work, in the 70s women’s liberation helped take mothers away from their children and into the work place, all to leave the world illegitimate and without a healthy parental influence.
I was punched in the nose last night. The shit hurts like a motherfucker. I feel like it's a priceless vase with an ass-load of sentimental value because it was in my family for 23 years and it was such a nice nose==------------------ I started reading above where I wrote and fuckin' a right shit hurts, and this shit is just a reminder.
A Reminder of Continuity
It serves as a reminder, the pain, it serves as a reminder of continuity. Your state and mine share a solid and transparent boundary that is protected purely by intention. To purposefully remove oneself from the fray of chaotic interaction alone is not even enough to repel the undesired progression of momentus eventus by way of change(delta) in spatial dimension proximity as much as to disturb the balance held before. The flux is in relation to the field in which these forces interface, and the results calculable by means of discovery but mostly in terms of damages sustained. SO.. What I mean to say, is.. There is a separation between your nose and the world that seems majestically sacred at a time like this. The duration between cycles to and from the terra bio are quite significant. The pattern will weigh heavily in favor of a circumference free of contact. Something that reminds you so much of why, or what, you look for in enjoying yourself so much to desire it, akin to a need. And that wanting will have you; for when a time, sacred modern world and learn from them. like this comes along. You'd To build anew and to promote change. know best if you knew to My American dream does not include anticipate the healing that is a sacrifice of anyone or anything’s the reason for ailment. true worth (a concept impossible through monetary value alone). This is still the United States. We still posses rights even if most don’t exercise them. These complicated problems all have creative solutions. We can no longer sit back and ask the world what the world can do for us. Without healthy minds, bodies, communities, and natural environments there can be no healthy lifestyles for our youth, for ourselves, or for the elderly who all posses more wisdoms than we know.
For is it not in the fastest transitions that the most direct connection with one’s rebirth can be achieved? The squish and squash of 65 mph bugs being reincarnated into a sort of protein rich fertilizer is proof positive of this. Let no thing live in a world bare of examples given straight from the folds of its cortex. Examples relayed by only able carriers, for the roadside protein's path now seems not to be in passing on it's life forces to continue it's kind.
This publication was created for the purpose of promoting a more healthy, honest, and inspiring culture. A Cont. on PAGE 2 Should we trust a school system, built “seed” for hope in a field of chaos. A ,,,,,,,, by a government, which has failed to voice for all things devalued by our prove its allegiance to anything other self-destructive culture of profit. than the U.S. dollar? Should we breed dmsdsd global competition, insecurity, and Love - Peace - Hope - Consilience general human unhealthiness all because a small proportion of adults suffer from a mental illness of “Animals, like humans, make in life the mistakes that will ultimately arrested development? What sort of lead to their death, either physically or on a spiritual and emotional system rewards these atrocities?
As a citizen of the United States you must understand that your time, blood, trust, and tax dollars all made this world possible. The government Our politicians act like bickering with the help of for-profit industry children—trying as hard as they can has manufactured your lifestyle and NOT to solve real problems but rather mine. However, I’m no longer to make every aspect of our lives ever allowing myself to suffer from the more complicated and confusing. The legacies of the uninformed past. real benefit clearly being that unhealthy people spend unhealthy We all must accept the truths of the
level... People and animals that stay on the same paths in life will eventually wear themselves into ruts—a complacency to life born of the false security, comfort, and monotony of that path. Soon
the ruts become so deep that they can no longer see over the sides. They see neither danger nor beauty, only the path so often traveled, for fear of loosing their security and entering the land of the unknown” Grandpa, from The Vision by Tom Brown JR.