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Pat Brown
Newest novel, LATIN BOYZ, released from Amberquill Press. Author of 13 gay mysteries, including 5 novels in the L.A. series featuring LAPD homicide detective David Eric Laine, 2 novels in the Geography series featuring Detective Alexander Spider and 2 m/m romances. Originally published by MLR Press, Bristlecone Pine Press now publishes them. Four novels from Amber Quill, the latest LATIN BOYZ is now out. I have been a fiction writer for nearly 40 years. My first book L.A.Heat was published in 2006. I love to travel and would like to do more. L.A. MISCHIEF furthers the adventures of Chris and David in their stormy first months together. Book 3 is L.A. BONEYARD and book 4 is L.A BYTES. Just released BERMUDA HEAT. GEOGRAPHY OF MURDER and FOREST OF CORPSES is now out. From AmberQuill comes MEMORY OF DARKNESS, LYNX WOODS, THE BEAR My first historical novella, PLACING OUT. My first published SF FALL INTO THE NIGHT is now out from AmberQuill.