The SuperKampung project explores the social-economic side of communities in Jakarta, a city largely composed by urban villages known as ‘kampungs’, focusing on architectural and urbanistic interventions. It speculates on the super specialization of such communities, as a strategy to become competitive economically with the rest of the city and to sustain their existence, at the same time that it maximizes it’s intrinsic characteristics.
Kampungs are not slums. The name, that in indonesian means ‘village’ represent communities that are rich with intrinsic qualities, among others: mixed programs, dynamic density, rich spatial experiences, mixture of diverse income classes, community and capacity of changes. The project aims to maximize the potentials of kampungs.
Neighbor to one of Jakarta’s Central Business Districts and to the local-global Tanah Abang textile market, the Kampung Kebon Kagang has a very diverse population from white-collars that