500Cal Brand Guide

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Brand Guide

1.0 RESEARCH Research Narrative Differentiation & Need Competitive Review Target Demographic Strategy Theme & Style Voice & Tone Look & Feel SWOT Analysis Media Mix

1 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 21

2.0 CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT Mood Board Inspiration Color Palette Typography Logo Development Website Development Recipe Book Development Poster Development

25 27 29 31 33 37 41 45

3.0 SOLUTIONS Analytics Predictions & Future Ideas References

49 53 55

1.0 RE S EA RC H


In today’s fast paced life it is challanging to eat right and maintain that life balance. These days not only exercising and eating healthy is just for athelets. There is an increased emphasis towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Consumers are spending high dollars to stay fit. This is a great opportunity for 500Cal to provided a great healthy meal while educating to maintain that lifestyle.

500Cal is a national brand and a leader in the industry when it comes to healthy fastcasual food industry. The current changing trend is focused on eating healthy, nutritious food. 500Cal is perfectly positioned to meet this demand by providing our guests with an extraordinary healthy experience unlike any other fast food chain in the market. 500Cal helps focus on a balanced lifestyle. 2


500Cal puts the core thoughts on the guest experience as the main focus point. This is all about culinary innovation, which is blended with elite customer experiences. Fun and delicious with a thought of imagination and hard work which makes 500Cal a unique experience. This is a new type of business that focuses on the entire experience from the moment the guest enters the door to the time they leave. 500Cal takes culinary as a one big science experiment. Eric Bnatuc, director of culinary research operations, is in charge of most of the thought process that happens to make 500Cal a culinary success. As he can say as a startup business the most important aspect of any restaurant is about the overall engagement. 3


Kids are Overweight http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm

500Cal takes that novelty and puts an entire twist to its business by capturing the customer’s interaction into its restaurant. From having a fresh outdoor garden where customers can pick their favorite vegetables to be used in their dishes to creating a fresh learning experiencing about healthy food education. It takes culinary to an art. One major problem 500Cal is trying to solve is dealing with obesity in the US. Obesity continues to be a widespread issue. More than 1/3 of the children in the US are obese. And it’s a higher factor for Hispanic, Caucasian and African-American men. Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) has stated that about 25% of children between the age groups of 2 – 5 are overweight.

70% Cardiovascular Disease http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/obesity/facts.htm


R E SEA RC H (Ogden et al., 2014) For ages between 12 – 19 about 40% are overweight. (Ogden et al., 2014) http://frac.org/ initiatives/hunger-and-obesity/obesity-in-the-us/ There are many risk factors that come with obesity including type two diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer. Obesity relates to about 4,000 deaths in the US yearly. One solution to this evolving dilemma is consumer’s needs to be educated and influenced about nutrition information and healthy food choices. It is important to understand what the customers are looking for when making a decision on what to eat. Some of these factors are taste, quality, convenience and price. It been researched that when people make a decision on what to eat, they are confused by conflicting often misleading information regarding nutritional facts such as fat, carbohydrates, protein and calories. One of the goals for 500Cal is to remove all the misleading jargons so customers can make a clear decision on what they eat.


The role of 500Cal the food industry is important to help fight this major problem. Some of the focus is to promote new products that meet new nutritional needs, change existing dishes to be healthier and provide a more controlled portion sizes. This is something 500Cal is focusing on. The goal is to meet the customer’s expectations for taste, quality and price while educating them about making healthy eating choices. http://ajcn. nutrition.org/content/82/1/259S.full 500Cal has regenerated the greasy, unhealthy foods into something that tastes great and is also nutritious. The focus on providing a large variety of options to our customers which gives them flexibility to satisfy different dietary needs and lifestyles. Building on the brand the research and development team will continue to offer new and exciting products. The work of the team involves developing new products and improving current ones through various forms of research, taking into consideration changes in consumer demand, seasonal meal options and always developing new technology.


N A RRATI VE In 1980, the first 500Cal restaurant was founded by Robert and Susan Rockster in Chicago, Illinois. Robert’s idea was to start a restaurant that focused on healthy eating. Around this time people were into staying fit, however there were no restaurants that focused on providing a healthy diet. Robert’s idea caught on and he opened a small family owned restaurant in his neighborhood. This was the beginning in the food restaurant industry. Their basic philosophy was simple: “Give customers the freshest, highest quality, healthy food guests can buy and provide them with a Robert and Susan in 1980 friendly service. As customers started to get familiar with the restaurant and as the news spread Robert and Susan started hiring on staff and growing their business. Over time they increased in sales and started self promoting this healthy diet to their grandkids schools. Soon schools in their neighborhood started ordering lunch for the students from Robert. Schools started teaching students about eating healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Quality, freshness, and service is very important to Robert and Susan. Soon their grandkids started to learn more about the family business. Rich and Amanda graduated with degrees in Business and took over the 500Cal business. First restaurant in Chicago, IL 7

Almost seven years after Robert and Susan handed over the family business to Rich and Amanda. They both had a dream to make this a national franchise. They wanted to share the importance of eating healthy. Rich became Chairman of the Board in 2000 and began to grow their business to 20 locations nationwide. With future expansion plans in Florida, Texas, and California Rich wanted to spread the same values his grandfather started 10 years ago. Rich and Amanda Owners of 500Cal

The atmosphere of enthusiasm for serving customers the freshest quality food can be seen all the way from many store locations. As Rich began to grow his staff, customers became very impressed with the goals began to flock in by the hundreds weekly. All associates are treated like family and some associates have been working for the company for over 15 years. Rich has recently reached out to our group to help develop a brand that will be highly recognised and cherished as some of the larger brands currently in the market. His goal is to build a nationwide franchise that will continue to spread the message of healthy eating just like his grandfather did 35 years ago.

First restaurant in Florida 8

D I FFERENTIAT ION & N EED Di f f eren tiatio n Service: Customer service is a challenge towards fast-food franchise. Differentiating through effective customer service offer personalized or customized service in all the franchises. Each location is going to be different. We mold our management to best utilize best practices and adhere to the top customer service as possible.

Education: The major differentiating factor is placed on helping customers learn about nutrition and eat healthy. The stores offer multiple ways to learn about how to eat healthy. Customers can visit the website to get nutrition details about all our products. Each franchise has various courses offered throughout the year to help the customers educate on staying healthy. 9

Unique Products: 500Cal offers unique products that distinguish the products from those offered by competitors in the minds of target customers. The strong business ethics and relationships with the customers is critical to building in a highly competitive fast food franchise marketplace. Effciency: Efficiency is crucial to the differentiation strategies used. All the franchises are located just off the highway exits or in well-traveled business districts. The company also focuses on fast ordering time. Service time is recorded per each transaction. We hire motivated workers and pay them fairly to keep them excited to express the brand to our customers. Taste: One way 500Cal differentiates from the competition is focused on wonderful taste quality. Marketing and advertising is backed by our great products that are sold in the stores. It is important to notice that the taste quality exceeds the quality of less expensive competitors.

N e ed An epidemic of growing unhealthy fast food franchises has been blamed for the obesity problem in the US. US and Canada are the top two countries with the most amounts of fast food franchises. A large quantity of these franchises do not offer any benefits to a healthy lifestyle. As 500Cal is changing the focus towards living a healthy lifestyle, organic and natural foods have hit the mainstream populations with increasing demand. More often than before consumers see organic foods and drinks being served in the fast food industry. Processed food is becoming a thing of the past. Its tricky to find healthy options at popular fast food franchises such as KFC, McDonalds and even Wendys. Fast food is typically high in trans fat, saturated fat,

sodium and calories. This trends to eating low nutrients and lacking the daily intake of fruits and vegetables. Customers are looking for options such as vegan or a gluten-free diet. This hot trend has a huge price tag. Restaurants and supermarkets are taking advantage of this fab by increasing the price on healthy produce. 500Cal aims to make its food affordable for all consumers and its menu features options from new collard green wraps to spicy lemongrass soup for only $5.99. During the next 10-20 years management expects more healthy franchises to come in and be leaders in this sector of healthy eating. 500Cal is going to be a leader in this industry by breaking consumers expectations and developing more stores worldwide.


CO MPETITIVE REVIEW Chicago is where most of the ambitious chefs from across the country arise. A new wave of fine dining has embarked and restaurants like Ruxbin and a few others are taking the opportunity to serve the next generation of food lovers. What makes restaurants like Tru, Ruxbin and Senza so different from others is the guest experience. It is not like a typical restaurant experience customers have experienced. These are called the next generation culinary explorations come into focus. What makes 500Cal different than Ruxbin , Senza TRU, Panera Bread, Au Bon Pain and Corner Bakery is all about the experience. At 500Cal a theme based dining experience is offered at an affordable price. 500Cal is trying to achieve the 5 Star rating by providing an exclusive dining experience no one has experienced. What makes this dining experience memorable is all about creating a personalized exposure by establishing an unique atmosphere. Just like a typical fast food dine in chain customers can order their food via the drive through or dining in, but at 500Cal its not just about the dining experience, its also about the educational experience customers get. When customers enter the location there is a main counter and a small kiosk where customers can order the food. A section of the room is separated out where customers can make a special reservation to sit next to a few chefs that will make the dishes in front of them while educating them. 11

The menu has all dishes and drinks paired together are less than 500 calories. Every few months the menu changes to a different theme, such as Chineese, Indian, and Mexican to name a few. There’s much competition in the culinary industry to create such a guest engagement. 500Cal takes this vision by serving highend dishes such as molecular gastronomy which is revolved around food science. Modern style of cooking takes advantage of many technical innovations such as scientific disciplines. Dishes that are focused on Farm-to-Table values local ingredients that are harvested yards away which is based on fresh produce, dairy and meats sourced from local farmers. All of the dishes are created from scratch with fresh and organic ingredients. Unlike its main competition, what makes 500Cal different is an art itself. Selecting from the gleaming list of ingredients to compose a symphonic masterpiece that evokes the richest palates in the culinary industry is like Leonardo da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa. Each ingredient is carefully analyzed and artistically used to create an explosion of flavors but at the same time keeping it healthy. However the main focus of the business is in the fast food industry, but they are also taking the opportunity to educate their guests about nutrition and healthy eating.



The target demographic for 500Cal is between the age groups of 5 – 75 years old. It also focuses on individual needs for example, people who are health conscious, on special diets or just active individuals. This serves for both Generation X and Y individuals like people who tend to prefer a quick-service or a casual dining experience. On an average, Millennials tend to visit fast food franchise restaurants more then any other generation. They are searching for creativity and innovation. This generation is more ethnically diverse so they are interested in different products and experiences. At 500Cal we focus on the community mindedness by communicating with our customers via social media, interactive websites, and getting involved with local groups and organizations. Mom’s market segment in this industry is growing fast. They are looking for optimal balance of health, convenience and


5 Years

75 Years

value. Things such as speed of service, ease of ordering, and educational experience provide a memorable experience for all age groups.





The main target customer for 500Cal includes parents with young children, business customers and teenagers. The most important focus is towards children and parents of young children. We believe if we can start educating our children to eat right from a young age, they will continue to eat healthy. Parents visit 500Cal because of its vast choices in nutritional foods unlike any other fast food franchise. We have focused heavier emphasis on kids between the age groups of 12 - 14. This age group is a more valnerable time for kids to learn about eating healthy since they are seeing more media and making decisions on their own.



The strategy of 500Cal as a fast food industry is to provide healthy food while educating its guests towards an active lifestyle. To achieve this strategy the company focuses on creating a healthy menu, by working with leading nutritionists in the industry to create this. Every staff member is put through a short course about the company’s policy and values. Its not just about putting food in the mouth, but learning about what the customers eat to make a complete lifestyle change is the goal. 500Cal provides on-side nutritional information via computer kiosks so before the guests even order they know each options


nutritional information. Calories are displayed on menus, artificial trans fats are outlawed and soda fountains are replaced with healthy low sugar drinks. At 500Cal where ingredients are sourced play an important role. They work with local farmers to ensure their operations creates as little impact to the environment as possible. The company sources 100% of their meats from pasture-raised cows and pork that has been naturally raised. Apart from the menu, a part of their strategy is focused towards education. Posters and signs about healthy lifestyle changes are placed in the walls.


Th em e

S ty l e

500Cal is a leader in the booming healthy fast food industry. Unlike many fast food franchises in the market, in the current day customers are looking for nutritious, delicious foods and drinks. 500Cal can meet this demand by providing more choices of healthy combinations that satisfy the palate. Our meals are made fresh to order and never use any processed ingredients. The produce comes from certified farmers that grow the freshest produce without the use of any herbicides or pesticides. The second main focus is towards educating the customers to maintain that healthy lifestyle.

The style focuses on organic, simplistic design. The design elements uses visuals that appear in nature such as colors, textures and white space. In the brand materials focuses on rich colors which also balance the rich and vibrant colors of our meals. The design styles are a blend of Swiss and Contemporary. The use of sans-sarif typography and large graphical elements is defined as an authentic pursue for simplicity. Each element of form serves an unique function to the design. Artists such as Max Bill, Armin Hofmann and Ernst Keller are known to start this modern style movement.



Voic e

To ne

500Cal focuses on 2 main elements, healthy and education. The focus is on a friendly, fresh look and feel that would be associated with the brand. 500Cal speaks with a consistent voice across all its publications, from websites to e-newsletters to advertising. This voice is the embodiment of the franchise unique personality and identity. The voice is clear and straightforward, without jargon or wordiness. The most concise method of stating something is often the most powerful.

The tone of the voice is light and loyal in a welcoming manner suited to our customers. The tone may vary as communication changes to different audiences via different media. Social media content might call for a particularly informal tone, for example, while internal communications might allow for longer, more complex sentences. The tone should be passive tense when used in marketing and advertising materials. Avoid any clichĂŠ and vagueness and use first and second-person language.



L ook


The look is defined by the color, proportion, typography and motion. Using clean layouts, clever lines and bold colors help convey a particular visual aesthetic. The dynamic look has a clean flow so readers can easily identify key details of the brand. The information is constantly changing so the design utilizes a balance between aesthetics and function.

There are many elements that help capture that feeling into this brand. Color, contrast, symmetry are just a few ways 500Cal has captured our readers mood. Trust, love and values are just a few emotions the brand captures. The brand delivers a sense of self achievement to our customers by connecting them with resources they can use to build a healthy lifestyle. More generally, the brand values share a positive view which conveys an aspirational model, something they like to believe or achieve.

The photography is rich and vibrant. The photos are telling a story of the brand using non verbal communications. It captures the emotions of fresh and healthy eating.


S.W.O.T AN ALYSIS S tre n g t h s Location: The prime location will be focusing on the heart of downtown Chicago on State Street. Franchises will be located within walking distance to all major retail routes leading to and from downtown Chicago. State Street is famous for its major retailers to community activities throughout the year. Uniqueness: 500Cal stands out as a unique restaurant for our high quality of food that’s served in a distinctive atmosphere. The major focus is about the customer experience by focusing on providing healthy meal choices year around. The other main focus is towards education. 500Cal provides various educational courses that help the customers maintain that healthy lifestyle.

Strong Management: The franchise has assembled a strong team of core business partners that embraces different disciplines with expertise in all areas of the culinary business. Sustainability: Farm-to-Table and sustainability is the buzz word in 500Cal. Local means fresher food and better taste. The sustainability initiatives include a large garden on the roof top where fresh

Wea k ness Lack of Capital: Most of all startup funds will need to come from local investors and loans. Lack of Reputation: As a startup the franchise will need to build on the brand, develop our client base and grow our internal infrastructure.


Op p o r tu ni ti es Area Growth and Diversity: Chicago is a growing diverse community by 7% annually. Working Community: Chicago and its surrounding neighborhoods is a growing population in both numbers and community efforts.

T hrea ts Competition: There are approximately 6,000 restaurants in Chicago and about 75 within a 15 mile range from the location. Their are similar restaurants that sell similar venue as Cal500 however we stand out by specializing in Molecular Gastronomy. Underprepared and Over Qualified Expectations: Initial hype from the restaurant management can lead into poor decisions made by unidentified problems. Over or under expectations of resources needed for the first few months of operation.



Posters: The posters are a great marketing tool to advertise 500Cal products. Each poster is represented with powerful photography along with store information. The posters are placed inside the fast-food franchise to advertise new products or courses. Customers can scan posters that have a QR Code to get that interaction to videos and other information.


Information Exchange

Onine Recipe

Website Recipe Book



Information Exchange






Layout Draft




Layout Draft


The Recipe Book will have various recipes with scratch and sniff. feel and nutrition information. The readers will The Website will be a portal have an opportunity to for marketing as well as network with others. educational purposes. It will incorporate an app that will have various features.

Network Marketing Research

QR Code

Information Exchange




The info cards will be a serious of flash cards for nutrition information. It will serve a purpose to educate and fun.

Research Smell Research

Interact Nutrition


QR Code



QR Code

Wifi Information Exchange




The Posters will have QR codes that will lead to interaction, games and videos for educational The Recipe Book will have purposes. various recipes with scratch and sniff. feel and nutrition information. The readers will have an opportunity to network with others.

The Uniforms will provide biometrics so it will adapt to the temperature to keep the employees comfertable. It

Research will also have wifi so when Research

woren it can transmit information about the products.

The info cards will be a serious of flash cards for nutrition information. It will serve a purpose to educate and Posters fun. The will have QR codes that will lead to interaction, games and videos for educational purposes.





Biometrics QR Code

Research The Uniforms will provide


Wifi Educate

The Posters will have QR codes that will lead to interaction, games and videos for educational purposes.

Research Interact


Biometrics Educate


The Website will be a portal for marketing as well as educational purposes. It will incorporate an app that will have various features.



Marketing Onine Videos

The Recipe Book will have various recipes with scratch and sniff. feel and nutrition information. The readers will have an opportunity to network with others.


Information Exchange

Onine Recipe QR Code



Onine Videos

Videos Information Exchange

The Website will be a portal for marketing as well as educational purposes. It will incorporate an app that will have various features.


QR Code

Educate Network



Onine Recipe


Layout Draft

Onine Videos



Posters Info Cards UniformsRecipePosters Book Info Cards Website Recipe Book Posters

Recipe Book: The recipe book is sold at the stores. This makes a great table book that offers good talking points about various different recipes customers can make. It also showcases some great food photography along with chef interviews. Some of the features include scratch-n-sniff and feel technology.


Info Cards Uniforms

Website: The website is a great marketing and educational portal for the customers. They can visit the site at www.500cal.com to learn about the products and services offered. The website has information broken down into multiple categories. Customers can view information about the nutrition, locations, various classes offered and about the meals that are sold.

Media Mix 500Cal Media Mix 500Cal Media Mix


biometrics so it will adapt to the temperature to keep the employees comfertable. It will also have wifi so when The it info will be a woren cancards transmit serious ofabout flash cards information the for nutrition information. It will products. serve a purpose to educate and fun.

21 forms


Research The Uniforms will provide biometrics so it will adapt to the temperature to keep the employees comfertable. It will also have wifi so when

Media Mix Website


Information Exchange

Onine Recipe

Recipe Book





The Recipe Book will have various recipes with scratch and sniff. feel and nutrition information. The readers will have an opportunity to network with others.


Information Exchange


The Website will be a portal for marketing as well as educational purposes. It will incorporate an app that will have various features.




The Posters will have QR codes that will lead to interaction, games and videos for educational purposes.


QR Code




The info cards will be a serious of flash cards for nutrition information. It will serve a purpose to educate and fun.







QR Code


Info Cards

Onine Videos



Layout Draft


The Uniforms will provide biometrics so it will adapt to the temperature to keep the employees comfertable. It will also have wifi so when woren it can transmit information about the products.

Rollout Phase: Branding plays an important role and can consist of multiple elements. The team has divided the branding execution into multiple phases. Rolling out in multiple phases will allow individual attention to detail in each category asset. We have broken down the project into multiple phases. Phase 1: February 2015 - March 2015 • Website • Recipe Book • Posters Phase 2: April 2015 - May 2015 • InfoCards • Uniforms The official launch date is set to August 2015 before the first store to open. This will give our creative team a chance to review all assets and do proper tests on target audiences. The assets will be tested in a few selected store locations in a small-scale accountable environment. Once the convergence stage has been completed the team will proceed and roll out the assets in a full scale environment.




The creative process has involved including multiple phases of each process. Each asset has been carefully created to fit well within the 500Cal brand process.




S t a t i c Mood B o ard

D y n am i c M o o d Bo ard

Colors R: 79 G: 89 B: 32

R: 143 G: 234 B: 111

R: 117 G: 182 B: 75

R: 247 G: 96 B: 0

R: 252 G: 173 B: 80

R: 252 G: 125 B: 70

500 CAL

Header Futura SubHead Bodoni Body Copy Helvetica Neue Georgia




Mood Board

Proxima Nova Baskerville

R: 247 G: 251 B: 0

R: 247 G: 252 B: 205

R: 247 G: 224 B: 0

R: 131 G: 25 B: 32

R: 255 G: 54 B: 51

R: 218 G: 25 B: 32

R: 5 G: 63 B: 174

R: 5 G: 213 B: 236

R: 5 G: 141 B: 181

Youtube URL Link: http://tinyurl.com/kljbqab

Fresh Mo o d Bo ard

Keywords Crisp Natural Original Raw




H e al t hy Mo o d B o ard

Keywords Active Lively Robust Strong



E duc at i o n M o o d Bo ard

Keywords Study Teaching Learning Science





Inspiration for 500Cal came from Swiss design which played a large influence on the style and theme of the overall look. The design principles focused on form that followed function. Most of Swiss style is focused towards minimal elements of typography and content layout rather than on textures and illustrations. This style of design influences the modern look that was carried on from 1950s. Using this style the design merged elements of The New Typography focusing on a new era. Heavy emphasis was placed on clean symmetry, plain letterforms and photography.


Many elements of design focuses on typography as a design element. This style was famously used by Swiss designers to capture attention to posters and printed books. Elements adhere to grid lines and geometric shapes. A sense of uniformity is created by this style. By focusing on advance design theories, this style format implements the least amount of design the create the best design elements. It is focusing on the balance of white space and how it plays an important role towards the overall design. All these key factors were implemented towards all 500Cal transmedia components.



Corporate Colors Only colors from 500Cal color palette may be used for all 500Cal communication materials, including print, websites and e-communications. Color used be used to convey the perticular tone and intent for each application.

P r i ma r y C o l o r s


RGB: 117, 182, 75

RGB: 252, 125, 70

RGB: 247, 224, 0

RGB: 218, 25, 32

The secondary colors broaden the palette of approved colors. These colors may be used to provide variety and visual interest without leaving the recognized palette. Secondary colors should be used in less than 30 percent of the whole palette for one piece.

S eco nd a r y Co l o r s

RGB: 5, 141, 181

RGB: 235, 200, 154

RGB: 118, 144, 187

RGB: 118, 110, 108 30


Corporate Typefaces As with the logo, consistent use of the corporate typefaces Futura, Bodoni, Helvetica Nue, Georgia, Proxima Nova, and Baskerville reinforces 500Cal’s brand identity. This is a cross-platform format that provides richer linguistic support through videly expanded character sets and advanced layout features.


Futura typeface should be used as a header. Futura’s gemeotric simplicy is in perfect harmony with the pervailing design aesthetic of 500Cal brand.


Bodoni typeface should be used in all SubHeads. This is a modern typeface with extreme contrast and small x-height which fits well with the brand.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ~!@#$%^&*()_+

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ~!@#$%^&*()_+ 31

Helvetica Nue

Helvetica Nue can be used in body copy. This is a clean typeface with ease of readability. Large format media is a common use.


Georgia can be used in body copy. This serif font will appear elegant and legible in printed materials.

Proxima Nova

Proxima Nova can be used in body copy. It straddles the gap between typefaces like Futura and can be used along with other corporate fonts.


Baskerville can be used in body copy. This typeface shows the originality and personality of 500Cal.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ~!@#$%^&*()_+

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ~!@#$%^&*()_+

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ~!@#$%^&*()_+

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ~!@#$%^&*()_+


LOGO DEVELOP MENT Lo go Type & Ma r k

Logo Sketches The logo sketch process was important because it helpded the evolution of the logo. It started with a concept which was defined over time to turn into a strong identity.


Final Logo The final logo in digital form shows a green burger incorporating values of fresh, and healthy. They type face for the font is Futura. Some of the attributes of this logo are versatile, timeless, simple, consistent and unique. This logo has many potential applications. The simplicity, focuses on the longevity of the brand. The design does not reference a specific time period by using simple fonts and colors.




LOGO DEV E LOP MENT Lo go Typ e & Ma r k








RGB: 118, 182, 79


RGB: 35, 31, 32


RGB: 35, 31, 32 500 CAL

RGB: 129, 130, 133

Inappropriate use of logo type:















CAL 500














CAL 500










The size requirements above allow for accurate reproduction of the intricate shield symbol detail. Exceptions to the maximum size include banners, CAL 500 CAL displays, and posters, large prints or external usage.


500 CAL

500 2.5” CAL

500 CAL







Logo Dimensions

Control Area


The minimum control area around the logo must be .5 around the symbol. No elements of type or graphic must be incorporated within 500 CAL CAL the safe zone.









The website focuses on the recent trends of the Bauhaus movement. It features a modern look and feel, while having interactive content is always crucial for the website, being able to tell a story through visual content is a big plus. This has been done by educating the customers to eat healthy and providing information regarding the products. The site offers multiple ways for the customers to interact with the staff and learn more about various products. One way to tell a story about 500Cal’s brand is through rich and vibrant photography. Photography is one of the most potent tools in the designer’s toolbox. Photography on the site helps set a particular mood by creating a well balanced site using large images, text and balance of white space. The site balances the aesthetics with functionality. The focus is on the most important job of any interface design is clarity, this creates a site that is effective. Our site inspires confidence which will lead to a larger visit time. The site helps clarify, illuminate, enable and help manage the customers expectations of the services. This helps the customers stay connected and inspired about 500Cal.






FRESH EAT S Reset Your Body’s Natural Balance and Discover What It Means to Be Truly Healthy




The recipe book design features a modern look. It focuses on various topics that can be used as a table book. It is a piece used to entertain guests and from which it can act to inspire a conversation. The pages consist mainly of recipes, photography, interviews and other various topics. This book is sold at all 500Cal franchises for $30 or can be purchased online. This book offers a way to tell a story about 500Cal through visual elements such as photography. Management has carefully hand selected topics they like to feature in each section that will help tell a story about the brand. The book is vibrantly illustrated to show how to master many techniques used to create stunning healthy menu at home. The book is destined to change the way consumers think about food and the way ingredients are used. The book contains step by step recipes along with detailed photography and interviews. Various sections have QR codes that bring in that interactive element to enhance the experience. Each page is waterproof and tear proof, making this collectable a durable companion at any home or office.




















Joe Elliot’s versatility is evident in the multiple talents he brings to the field as a chef, restaurateur, cookbook author and media personality. Joe is a great chef. Joe discovered his culinary identity at the age of 17, working as a cook at the famed theatre district haunt Joe Allen’s. The job had been arranged by his father, who was a partner in the restaurant. After a short time, Joe Allen himself became so impressed by Joe’s talents that he paid the young cook’s tuition to the French Culinary Institute. Following his graduation in 1984, Joe worked with restaurateur/owner Jonathan Waxman at Buds and Jams, where he first discovered the sweet heat of Southwestern ingredients. It was at these burgeoning restaurants that he met other icons of the era whom he credits with spawning an entire generation of chefs.



Watch a Live Interview


























3 tablespoons honey

1. In a shallow glass dish, stir together the honey, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, ginger, garlic and olive oil. Season fish fillets with salt and pepper, and place them into the dish. If the fillets have skin on

3 tablespoons soy sauce 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root

them, place them skin side down. Cover, and refrigerate for 20 minutes to marinate.

1 clove garlic, crushed or to taste

2. Remove fish from the dish, and reserve mar-

2 teaspoons olive oil

Stone Toba is an internationally known chef, TV host, entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author. Born in Melbourne, Australia, Stone first found his passion for food while watching his grandmother make her legendary fudge and his mother roast her perfect pork crackling. After finishing culinary school, he took a job at the Savoy Hotel in Melbourne before heading to London, where he honed his skills under legendary three-star Michelin genius Marco Pierre White. While living in London, Stone appeared in several U.K. cooking shows before catching the eye of television producers in Australia. Stone has appeared on numerous daytime and prime-time television shows. Stone most recently opened his first restaurant, Maude, in Beverly Hills in February 2014.


Watch a Live Interview



This Ginger Glazed Mahi Mahi is bursting with flavor and combines both sweet and sour taste sensations. This dish is one of my customer’s favorite. This recipe is a snap and so delicious. you’ll love it!.

inade. Fry fish for 4 to 6 minutes on each side, turning only once, until fish flakes easily with a fork. Remove fillets to a serving platter and keep warm.





























3 cups green leaf lettuce, rinsed and torn

1. Divide the lettuce between two bowls. Halve and core the pear, then cut each half in slices. Divide the pear slices and pomegranate seeds among the two

1 Bartlett or Anjou pear 1/3 cup pomegranate seeds

bowls and mix gently.

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

2. Combine the vegetable oil, pomegranate juice, lemon juice, mustard, honey, and pepper in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce

2 tablespoons pomegranate juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon prepared Dijon-style mustard

This salad is filled with great nutrients and loaded with fiber which is great for your immune system. The rich pears pour in a strong flavor and balance the greens well.

heat and simmer, stirring frequently, until the dressing thickens slightly, about 2 minutes. Pour the warm dressing over the salads and serve.

1/2 tablespoon honey ground black pepper to taste 7





Posters are a key component in communicating information. 500Cal poster designs focuses on few key elements. First the designs reflect a direct message to the customers. They are designed to grab the attention of the readers. These posters utilize a balance of white space with strong imagery and typography to create a specific mood and tone. Each poster is designed to allow the readers eyes to follow one piece of information to another, leading to the lower regions. The posters also have a balance between content and images used. Using a balance in typography along with large images creates a visual hierarchy. Using large detailed eye catching photography is a good graphical element to capture attention. The posters also include an element of interactivity. Some posters have a QR code where customers can scan to get more information regarding the information detailed.

The Greek salad is filled with great nutrients and loaded with fiber which is great for your immune system. The rich olives pour in a strong flavor and balance the greens well.

H S E R F T A E 432 Schaumburg Road Schaumbug, IL 60103


Ph (847) 444-5382


Visit Our Other Locations: Austin, Texas | Madison, Wisconsin Arlington, Virginia | Boulder, Colorado



The Greek salad is filled with great nutrients and loaded with fiber which is great for your immune system. The rich olives pour in a strong flavor and balance the greens well.

EAT FRESH OPEN DAILY 11AM - 9PM Visit Our Other Locations: Austin, Texas | Madison, Wisconsin Arlington, Virginia | Boulder, Colorado

432 Schaumburg Road Schaumbug, IL 60103 Ph (847) 444-5382







Detailed analysis took place towards the final decision making. The reason for the analysis is to uncover and answer specific questions related to the design.

These questions are varied and cover a diverse range of key points. The questions were strategically planned and structured to receive the most accurate data.



L ogo A set of 9 questions were asked to a group of individuals regarding questions about the logo. The survey creates an unbiased approach to the final decision making. Sensible decisions were based on analyzed results.

A total of 14 individuals took the survey. The reason for this survey was to gather data to help assist in the final decision making for the logo. By analyzing the results topics of importance were addressed. Three key factors were selected to determine the final state of the logo.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-8LNMKYM7/


Balance: One of the questions focused on the balance of the logo. 71.43% of surveyors said the current logo had attributes that focused on balance. It was important to have a logo that had the perfect balance because our minds naturally perceive a balanced design as being appealing and pleasing.

71.43% Balance

Brand Personality: The second important factor in choosing the logo design was it fits the brand personality. 50% of surveyors said this logo was the first choice in this category. The design aesthetics of the logo fits the brand style. and theme.

50% Brand Personality

Attention Grabber: The final decision key factor was 28.57% surveyors said the logo was a great attention getter. It is important for a logo to stand out from its competition. Thus this logo focuses on a simple image shape of a burger with the words 500 Cal next to it. Having a logo that grabs customers attention is important specially in the food industry.


Attention Grabber 50


We bs it e A set of 9 questions were asked to a group of individuals regarding the website. The reason for the survey was to analyse the aesthetics and functionality of the design. This provides a snapshot of the attitudes and behaviors such as thoughts, opinions and comments.

From the results of the survey it created a baseline to measure and establish an estimate benchmark. By analyzing the results topics of importance were addressed. Three key factors were selected to determine the final state of the design.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QC9XT6R


Engagement: One of the key factors in determining the website design was regarding user engagement. 90% of the surveyors said the design and content kept them engaged. Website engagement is an important factor because it is important to keep the viewers returning back or on the site as long as possible.

90% Engagement

Call to Action: 90% of surveyors said the website was a great call to action. It was an important decision factor to have a site that keeps the users coming back for information. Having a successful call to action on the site required the right balance of content which keeps the viewers informed about key decisions.

User Experience: 50% of the surveyors liked the adaptability of the website. The importance of the design lead to be able to view the site without any restrictions on multiple platforms. Viewers these days have multiple devices they can interact with such as tables, phones and even smart watches. It is important the site responds well with multiple devices.

90% Call to Action

50% User Experience 52


The current market is saturated with fast food choices. Americans love fast food this is the reason why the industry has spread across the globe, and emerging markets are the fastest growing areas in the industry. 500Cal is taking this challenge by adopting new practices and offering new products. As the brand continues to grow, building on the user experience will be important. Some of the future innovations the development team will implement will focus on building a custom menu per the individual’s need. Giving more options and control to the


customers will provide a better unique, personalised experience. Kiosks will be implemented in stores so customers can place their customised orders via the kiosks or at the ordering station. Mobile devices is the latest technology trend for basically doing anything. The development team at 500Cal is focusing on a direct channel with the customers by incorporating a delivery service which can be ordered via the smartphone. This will give the freedom to the customers to order at their own time and process transactions while on the go.

The team is also focusing on the technology within the franchise. It is important for the employees to utilize technology to better perform duties. Cooks will have access to tools that will help them monitor the progress of meals, lighting systems, safe temperatures and various other important culinary standards. Advance inventory tracking systems will assist workers by automatically placing an order to replenish food supplies. The team is currently looking into advancements in cooking technology. Currently in the initial development stages, the team has invented systems that allow

food to hold its nutritional content when cooked. This development is planned to be implemented in all the stores by 2020. As 500Cal continues to expand the business, the core values will always be focused on the customers. As the team pursues to bring in new aspects towards eating healthy, 500Cal will be the leader in the industry that will promote education towards healthy eating for centuries to come.


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