Growing Without Schooling 108

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Issue 108

I Inside: 1996 Directory of Families and Organizations




Our ldeas

Atout Ourselves P. 14


!'& _d

Cl-rristian Llnschoolers Speak Out

Farnilies Volur-r tee ring

A Conversation with Frank Smith Pre.judice from Doctors

Outdoor Programs for Homeschoolers


â‚Źortentt News & Reports p.



"Homeschool" First Appeared

o VJttte

Christian lJnschoolers Speak Out p. 5-7 Families Volunteer Together p. 8-9

At homeless shelters, with bird researchers

& Concernsp.


\A/hen Parents Disagree, Prejudice from Doctors,

ADD Child, Mother Under


FOCUS: Changing Our Ideas about Ourselves p. 14-17

A reluctant reader, nvo shy teenagers, a frustrated writer, and other young people tell how they changed their ideas about themselves and their abilities A Conversation with Frank Smith p. 18-20 "School is based on a false theory of learning," the author of Insult to Intelligence


Watching Children Learn p. 2l-24 Clouds and Volcanoes, Bilingual Child, Teaching Herself,Joining the Circus, Work on Dairy Farm, Ideas for Studying Psychology Homeschoolers in College - Understanding the "School Mentality" p. 25-26 Resources & Recommendations p. 26 1996 Directory

of Families and Organizations p. 2846


Issur #108 Dr:c. '95,{aN. '96

FouNnro rN 1977 BvJoHN Hor-r

Eotron - Sus,qNNaH Sntrrtn r PL'n-rsru.n - Prrntcr F,lruiNcl r CoNrnrntrrrr'-r; E,on<x - DoNN,q, RIr;rroux o Bo<)xlitEpun & Enrronr,rr. Assrsr,LNl - Mlnl M,rHrn . OFFlcrn 1vr+'fu,r(;r:n - D.,ry F,cnexcl . SuBscRrprt<;rv M,ur.rctn - Rlrut KEt.t.r'r Snrpprxr; M.r-r-r<;tn - Puu- o C.rrerot; Omt:.n Pnor;rssoR - Srl:r,c Cosu . Cr.l:m, Boox Rl:vrlw Coonorr.uon - MeunsEx C,rrnr'. Covpr"run Aourxrsrttrron - Grsr;rn FrrzsrunoNs o Onn<;ri Assrsre,lrs -JINNrrr,n FrrzsnluoNs-G,rrrcrn,.lr:r Lur, Sur Ml.r,rn. MeruoN WreslEn r CusroornN - Arorx C.lnry

Hor.r Assocralrs Br>,tno op Drnrt;rons: Day F.unuc.l,



(Conrourn PnrslonNr),

MmvM,Lurn, M.+No; Panru, SusrrNN.*r Ssrrprr Aovrson^s ro rnr Bonnl: Tou Masnn, MenyVeN Donrx, N.rxcyWar.rNrr GWS II-t.usrnqrroh-s

Colrr. psoro





N,cNcyAr.LEE As A cr-ctuw. Sl:.r Fo<;us, p. 14.

()rowing Without Schooling # I 08, Vol. I 8, No. 5. ISSN #0,175-5305. Published br' llolt Associales, 2269 Mass. Ave., Carnbridge MA 021-10. Phonc 61736+3100, firx 617-864-9235, enrail HolIG\ 'S@aol.conr. $25,/yr. Date ofissrre: Decenrber I, 1995. Second-class posragc paid ar Rosron, MA and at additional mailirrg ofli, cr. POSTMA^STER: Senrl address changes tr G\4S, 2269 Mass. Ale. (lailrbridge, )tr{ 02140 .{DIIERTISERS: Space resenation deadlines are the lsr ofodd{ilmbere(l monrhs. (top} dendlines arc the | sth. Write fbr rates.


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Access to School Sports, When the Worc


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;i::j1",:'.-,{#Jjf:i}, tr" not very mathematically inclined" or "Reading isn't the way I like to learn things." mv first instinct is to

take the statement seriously and to try to respond to it respectfully. I often feel this especially when I'm talking to young people who have just left school and are new to the idea of being in charge of their own learning. At those times, it seems particularly important to encourage young people to listen to themselves and to act on what they hear. So, I say to myself, let the unmathematical student leave math aside fbr a while. Let the one who prefers to learn in other ways than reading learn in those other ways. But there's something that interf'eres with this assurance. It's actually a good kind of interference, because it reminds me that people are even more interesting and complex than that. Here's what gets in the way: what about all those times we thought we weren't good at something, or weren't the sort of person to do something, and then changed our minds because we discoveredwe could do it? I suspect all of us have something like this; I'm thinking, for example , of the many parentswho have written to us saying that they never thought they were any good at math when they were younger, but now they've discovered real pleasure in it. Or they never believed they were musical, or athletic, or good spellers. It turns out that people are flexible, that if someone or some situation gave us the message that we weren't good at something, another person or another kind of experience can give us the opposite message and help us come to a different conclusion.

That's what the young people in this issue's Focus describe. A girl who never saw herself as much of a reader, because she felt slow and awkward doing it, can become someone who voluntarily spends days reading in the Iibrary. A boy whose repeated attempts to write poerry leave him frustrated can find that a friend's example helps him see himself as a poet, too. A quiet, shy teenager finds that traveling gives her a new view of herself and her ability to speak up in new situations. It turns out that it is right to listen to young people and encourage them to value self-knowledge, but it's equally true that we all can grow and change and feel capable where we once felt inadequate. \Arhat we may have thought was immutably true about ourselves turns out only to have been true at one time, or in one situation. That can be one of the most exciting and heartening things about watching children grow, and it's also an important

thinking about educational reform. If it's not irrevocably true that a given student is a poor reader, or shy, or unathletic, then it's important to think about what situations, experiences, activities, and attitudes make the difference. - Susannah Sheffer message for anyone


Wrnour Scuoor.ruc #108 o Dnc.'95/Jerv. '96



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What we need are excerpts from printed material which include the word(s) in context accompanied by thorough documentation of the source.

Access to School Sports In CWS #105, Nicky Hardenbergh wrote about efforts to allow Massachusetts homeschoolers access to high school sports. Here's some news about similar efforts-in-progress in other states (addresses ofstate groups can be fbund in our Directory of Organizations, p. 42 of this issue): Maine: Elizabeth Farsaci wrote in the fall 1995 issue of the Maine Home Education Association newsletter that homeschoolers are discussing a bill about access to school activities which they hope to present to the legislature this December. Elizabeth writes that last April, Rep.Julie Winn had submitted a bill which would "require that public schools permit participation in school activities and classes by students who are having home instruction." Prior to the submission of this bill, though, the Education Committee of the legislature had appointed a Homeschool Study Committee, made up of school officials and homeschoolers, to look at the question ofschool access. Since this work was already underway, the Study Committee requested that the Legislature table Rep. Winn's bill. They did so, and the homeschoolers then drafted a new version of the bill. which is the one now under discus-


sion. Pennsylvarria: The Pennsylvan ia Homeschoolers newsletter asked its readers if they wanted a chanee in the law to mandate that school districts

allow homeschoolers to participare in school sports. The August 1995 issue of the newsletter reported on the responses so far, and they seem to favor avoiding legislative action on this issue and instead continuing to work with individual districts. The newsletter lists 18 districts that are known to allow homeschoolers' participation in school sports, and homeschooling parent Debra Bell wrote a list of suggestions for working with your local district about access to activities. Debra writes that she has a l9-page packet Gnor.rrNc


that she is willing to make available to other groups working on this issue: Debra Bell, Home School Resource Center, 6 Royal Rd, Palmyra PA 17078. West Virginia: A year ago, the West Virginia Home Educators' Association newsletter reported that several families were working to challenge the rule that homeschoolers cannot play on school teams if those teams are

under the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission. We spoke with Kathy Heflin of the \4V

Home Educators' Association to find out what had happened since last year, and she told us about a recent case in which a homeschooled boy was ruled ineligible to play on a school soccer team. Homeschoolers wrote letters in support of this family and attended the hearing before the Secondary School Activities Commission in June, but so far the ruling still stands. Meanwhile, Kathy reports that some homeschoolers have had success forming a homeschoolers' sports group at the local YMCA, in lieu of participating on school teams. Also, some families have successfully negotiated the right to have homeschoolers participate in other school activities, such as band. Kathy explained that the statute is written to prevent homeschoolers from participatinu in extra-curricular activities, but since band is actually a class, not an extra-curricular, homeschoolers have been allowed to participare.


[SS:] I thought this would be a straightforward matter as I picked up a copy of the first issue of GWS, published in the summer of 7977. Only as I began to read it with this goal in mind did I remember that the first issue of GWS actually came before regular use of the term "homeschooling." Readers might be interested in what I wrote to the folks at MerriamWebster. From my reply: ... As I mentioned to you on the telephone, my efforts to answer your question reminded me that at first people didn't use any one term but simply said things like "teaching our children at home" or "keeping them

out of school."John Holt used several such phrases in the early issues of GWS. He also used the word "unschooling," as you can see in the page from issue #2 that I've enclosed. It's

interesting to note that although homeschoolers now use the word "unschooling" to refer to a certain kind of homeschooling that has come to be associated withJohn

Holt (i.e.,

homeschooling without using


packaged curriculum, without duplicating school in the home), at the beginning Holt simply used it as a synonym for what we now call


In GWS #9, whose publication date I can guess was December 1978 (GWS didn't date its early issues, but the date I've given is correct, give or take a month), you can see the

When Did the Word H ome s chool First Appear?

hyphenated form of "homeschool" make its first appearance. In the following issue, #10, you can see that

[SS:] We received a letter from Deanna Chiasson of Merriam-Webster, Inc., which said in part:

although Holt still used "unschooling" regularly, readers were beginning to use other terms as well, and one referred to "home-based education" (which some people still use today). By issue #12, which I'd date atJune 1979,

I am writing to you in an effort to determine the earliest recorded use of the word homeschool and its derivatives ( homes, homes choolin g). First known written uses of words are included in our Collzgiate Dictionary, which is currently introducing the word homeschool to its pages. ...

ScHoor-rNc #108 o Drc.'95/JeN. '96

you can see that the magazine was using "unschooling" and "homeschooling" pretty much interchangeably, and gradually the term "homeschooling" became the more common one. As I mentioned on the

* phone, in GWS it went through the usual progression from two words to the hyphenated form to one word. Homeschoolers still debate whether to write it as one word or two, but one is becoming increasingly common, and that's the form we prefer here (for several reasons).

TV-Free America wants Homeschoolerst Stories [SS:] In GWS #104, we printed a

notice about National TV-Turnoff Week, which a group called TV-Free America organized last April. Lydia Kan of that organization wrote to us saylng that last year's week was a great success and that they estimate between three and four million people will take part this spring. Lydia wrote to us specifically to say that the group's newsletter, The W-Free American, is looking for writing about how television relates to the homeschooling communiry. You don't have to be living without TV entirely for them to be interested in your experi-

Nnws & Rlponts.!'

ences; they say that they want to hear

from people who feel strongly about "removing, reducing, or changing the amount of television they allow into their homes." The group's literature often describes a list of activities families can do instead of watch TV, and it sounds much like the active, rich lives many homeschoolers lead. For example: "go for a walk, play the piano, build a birdhouse, keep a diary, play outside, talk to a friend, start a family photo album, plant a garden, daydream, visit the library, write a letter, invent something ...". I know there are quite a few homeschoolers who live with no TV or who watch very little, but, even beyond this, any issue of GWS shows that whether or not you actually watch TV, you don't lead TV-dominated lives, and no doubt many of the activities on the list I just quoted seem perfectly ordinary to you. That's why I think the newsletter would benefit from homeschoolers' contributions. Their address is 132218 St NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036; tel 202-887-0436, fax 202887-0438, email

Do you have a ??oducl or serviae lhat every-home edudatpr ehould know about'? An international homeschool marketing directory listing hundreds of up-to-date home education contacts in the U.S., Canada, and Australia. The 1996 Edition includes the following valuable marketing opportunities:

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homeschool supply stores/mail order catalogs home education newsletters/magazines with ad rates national & statewide associations & local support groups

conventions/curriculum fairs & fees product reviewers & resource columns card deck/online opportunities bagging & convention services/rates direct mail listVbulk mail-outs resource directories/curriculum manuals homeschool marketing networks

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Utah Residents add $4.30 sales tax

Office News In October, Pat Farenga spoke at the "Diversity in Education" conference in Canada. He did workshops on "Learning Without a Curriculum" and 'John Holt's Life and Philosophy," and he reports that interest in homeschooling and alternative education in Canada is strong. The event sold out, and as many as 600 people had to be turned


will be doing the "Learning Without a Curriculum" workshop in Broward County, Florida onJanuary 27th. Materials from our bookstore will be available. Contact Mary Marlowe, 407-588-8039, for information. Pat

We've sent some letters to people who are respected in the education world and are also q..rnpathetic toJohn Holt's work, asking if they would be interested in writing about the reissuing of four ofJohn Holt's books this fall. If you know someone (or if you yourself are such a person) who could write a piece reflecting on the importance of these books when they were first published and then discussing their continued relevance, and who has a good chance of publishing such a piece in a newspaper orjournal, let us know. Sue Miller wants readers to know that we could still use a few volunteers for the final phase of the enteringback-issues-in to-the-computer project. Volunteers receive a one-year subscription (or extension of their existing subscription) and our deep gratitude. Our fall 1995 catalog asks readers to remember that these are hard times for independent booksellers and small magazines and that if you value our ideas and our work, it helps if you also support us by subscribing to GWS and buying books from our catalog. One reader wrote, "Although I like to save moneyjust like everyone does, I want to support what you stand for. I have in the past ordered books listed in your catalog through Barnes and Noble or gotten them out of the library. Now I will go through you when ordering books to let you know I care." A couple of others wrote something similar, and we extend our thanks; as with so many actions that seem small, your decision to support us does make a difference. l

Gnowrnc Wrrsour Scsoor-rNc #108

r Drc.'95{aN. '96

Christian Unschoolqs Speak Out In GWS #106, Pat Farenga

began to explore

the question "Can a Christian Be an Unschooler?" in respuwe to saggestioru that the hto were incompatible. Nou readers respud zaith their thoughts.

alone?'we answer:

From Marina Tidwell (CA):

Can a Christian be an unschooler? I consider myself to be both, though I admit I feel uncomfortable with both terms. I hate the negative spin put on "unschooler": wild kids, weak or nonexistent parenting, no real learning. I also find the term not very useful in describing whar we do. Child-led or interestled learning, on the other

hand, are terms that are almost selfexplanatory. The negative connotations of "Christian homeschooler" are just as bad: narrow-minded politics or worldview, spankings as discipline, rigid school-at-home are just a few of the false assumptions made when I

mention that I both homeschool and am a Christian. It's a sorry state of affairs that often leaves me feeling on the defensive. Pat points out that "the way we homeschool" can really encompass separate issues of religious, educational, and parenting philosophies. I think that this is very helpful to keep in mind as we try to dialogue respectfully with people with whom we disagree. But, naturally, in daily living there is no such division of issues. Christ is an inextricable part of our family and unschooling is rooted in that Christianity. We believe that God has a plan for our children that is as much a part of them as the color of their eyes. We also believe that finding that plan means allowing our children the freedom to explore any and all aspects of His creation that inerest them, in the way that is right for them as individuals. So to the question "do you teach your children or leave them GnowrNc WrrHour ScHoor-lNc #108

Yes. We teach them andwe leave them alone. we have structure and freedom, discipline and mercy; the Bible andTY, science experiments and daydreaming, and playtime whenever we want. Life doesn't really have to be that either/

or, does it? From Keuin Rhodes (OH):

We are Christians, but we didn't choose home education for any of the stereotypical "Christian" reasons. We

don't worry about prayer in the schools, we don't feel the need to make sure creationist science is given equal time, and we don't view the U.N. as an active threat to our family life. We homeschool simply because we think it's the best choice for us as a

family. Homeschooling shapes our task of parenting in a significant and welcome way. It both defines and reflects the choices we've made about who we are as a family. We want our lives to be seamless: not a little religion here, a little secularism there, but an integrated whole. That's a goal, you realize - one that's constantly eluding us, but one we value highly enough to

keep pursuing. We began this adventure because our oldest daughter, then 5, was not doing well in the Montessori school we had so carefully selected for its gentle learning environment. We investigated over a dozen different schooling options, all of which would have stigmatized her as a "special student." It was largely out of despair over the dismal prospect that we finally chose homeschooling. It was a difficult choice. My wife fanet had to eat her words that she

. Dec.'95{eN.


would "never homeschool." I had to overcome a perception - akin to the unfortunate public image Pat Farenga describes in GWS #106 - that the only people who homeschooled had guns and cigarettes stashed in the basement for trading in the post-crash economy. Much to our surprise, we quickly discovered that scores ofreally normal, really nice people homeschool, for reasons that are as diverse as their individual personalities. We discovered a previously hidden community populated with deeply caring, thoughtful people who were engaged with their children in a process we instinctively knew was right and good but never knew was possible. This was true even though our first homeschooling contacts were

almost entirely through our church and even though many of them were doing it in large part for stereotypical Christian reasons. We weren't, but this presented no embarrassment to either side. We all muddled along together. Somewhere early in the process we stumbled across the writings ofJohn Holt, and the lights went on. As Christians, we see no tension between our sense of moral and spiritual responsibility as parents and our unschooling approach. None at all to the point where, for me, the most shocking and disconcerting thing about Pat Farenga's question "Can a Christian Be an Unschooler?" is that anybodywould even ask! For us, the answer is an incredulous "Of course!" As we understand it, unschooling never means that you should just leave your children alone so that their innate good nature will assert itself and build a better world. What it principally does require is that we become practiced in what I'll call applied observation: the ability to watch our children carefully enough to understand how they make sense of their world, then introduce them to resources that give expression to that sense.

In our experience, the deliberate practice of applied observation requires a higherlevel of involvement in our children's lives. It simply takes time, and lots of faith, too, especially when this adventure in parenting doesn't seem to be working. In those times. it's much harder to watch

* patiently and wait for understanding than it is to impose hasty solutions that make us feel good in the short term but ultimately have nothing to do with our children's growth. Not that we don't do that very thing, and far too often. It often strikes me that tactics like using worksheets and standardized tests ('just to see how they're doing"), and otherwise trying to create school-like environments, are almost entirely done for the parents' benefit. There are too many times when we panic, worrying that somehow we're warping our children for life. Then we grope for artificial assurance, trying to make sure our children actually do something today that loohs like school. I think we act that way because we lack faith in the process, especially in those critical times of gestation when

nothing visible and measurable seems to be happening. But for Christians, this is no different from those times when our religious faith is challenged. In either case, it takes faith to wait out our momentary anxiety. Otherwise, we become like Saul panicking over Samuel's late arrival, offering unacceptable sacrifices that cost us the

kingdom. To cite a modern proverb, life is a journey, not a destination, and it takes a lot of grace and forgiveness to muddle through. That's true whether the subject is homeschooling or religious faith. Christians, of all people, should be comfortable with the lension betlveen what theologian George Eldon Ladd described as "the already and the not yet": the kingdom already come vs. the kingdom yet to come, our sojourn in this world vs. our citizenship in the world to come, and the many other paradoxes of Christian realiry. The process of unschooling is equally filled with tensions between what occurs in the process as we currently experience it and our expectations of a good outcome. Fortunately, as is true in conflicts of faith, if the process of unschooling baffles us at times, there are "great clouds of witness" to whom we can turn for encouragement. Thankfully, many of their "testimonies" are found in the pages of GWSI

Sadly, issues of exclusivism and sectarianism became real to us lately 6

CunrsrnN UNscuoolrns


when the leadership of our church homeschool group initiated a "statement of faith" requirement. Apparently they felt the group's growth was out of hand and opted to limit membership to church members plus one "sponsored" friend per member. The friend has to sign the statement of faith (church members have already done so implicitly, through the church membership process). Using state-

s Christian+ u)e see no tension betuem our

mnral md spirinal resputwibility as parmts and our wts dtookng approach. sense of

ments of faith to decide who's in and who's out unfortunately has historical precedence ever since the Protestant revolution, and perhaps the leadership reached for this familiar tool without consideration of the perspective Pat Farenga outlines so well. No doubt we will all continue to dispute these issues with great energy, but I fervently hope that in the midst of all the sound and fury we will remember that, after all, we aren't perfect, and we don't need to get it right all the time. I hope with equal fervency that at some point we'll lay down our swords, beat them into plowshares, and get on with the high calling of being parents. Frorn Cindy Gaddis (KY):

Mary Hood writes, "You can't treat the family as if it was a total democracy if you believe in the Christian family structure. You can't let discipline go down the drain in the name of respecting children...". Christian family structure according to whom? How about those of us Christians that believe differently? I don't believe that I have been entrusted with my children to

rule over them but to help nurture, guide, and develop their spirits to be all they can. My family all follow the same rules, we all respect one another, and we all can talk about the feelings that we have. We are not perfect, but my children are self-directed and have more self-control in many ways than the other children I know. We are consistently complimented over the

good behavior of our children in public and at home, and we have five children with the oldest being only 8. Because of the stereorype of what "Christian" is, many of us do not even call ourselves Christian because we may be lumped with that stereot)?e. Some people strongly imply that all Christians are certain rypes of people who hold certain viewpoints and if they do not then they are not a true Christian. This is absolutely false, but I think it will take a long time to dissipate that stereotype and allow the word "Christian" to include all the diverse faiths and personalities within those faiths. From Kathy Ewing (OH):

I guess I would be called a "liberal Catholic" and am not what one normally thinks of as a "Christian homeschooler." That is, I am not fundamentalist or born again and don't usually cite my religion as a reason that I homeschool.

However, I can't really distinguish the reasons I'm homeschooling from the rest of me; surely my being Christian has something to do with my dislike oI the authoritarianism, competitiveness, and peer pressure characteristic of most schools. Of course, other very good Christians can disagree with me on these points. I mean only that I can't separate my Christianity from the rest of who I am. Also, my religion wouldn't preclude me from unschooling or any other

homeschooling approach. From now on, I'm going to try to resist calling others "Christian homeschoolers" as though that term describes a narrow category different from me. Like many others of diverse theological and political persuasions, I'm a Christian homeschooler, too.

Gnourrvc Wrrnour Sc;uoouNc; #108 o Dnt;.'95/J,rx. '96

.|. CnnlsrraN UNst;H<tolens FromJeannie McLeod of Ohio:

Of course we all seek the company of those who we feel share our values, but the danger comes when we hear a message that intuitively sounds consistent with our values and then reject it because it comes from a tradition we don't share or redress it in our own terms so that we can only then embrace it. How often have I seen in books and catalogs the warning, "This is a good resource. It is not Christian, but you might find some useful things in it." I would argue that many things that are worthwhile are just as "Christian" as those overtly described as Christian. Christianity and its many expressions may not be confined only to that which is specifically called Christian. Christianity, to my mind, celebrates goodness and tolerance. Sadly, toler-ance is not necessarily the

hallmark of many overtly Christian publications. Our faith has been turned on its head. As Pat remarks, faith is ultimately personal and private. I feel that we do not need to know each other's faith in order to have a deep and meaningful relationship with each other and to learn things that we then apply to our faith, whatever it may be. I have recently moved to an area where the Christian homeschool movement is very strong, and I have felt isolated and bewildered. In looking for contacts, I was told by one individual that because I was evidently not a bornagain Christian, perhaps I was looking for something secular. I took my children swimming at the local \MCA in group lessons and in the locker room, even before asking his name, a boy asked my 9 year old, "Are you a Christian?" Are those without "faith" written on their exterior (or without faith at all) incapable of representing strong, healthy values, or profound insights into the learning process that many a Christian mother or father would find admirable and, more important, consistent with their faith? \Arhat we choose to share with our children should not, I believe, be evaluated according to its stated spiritual credentials but for its intrinsic worth. Goodness, compassion, and tolerance are among the many values we desire in our family for our chil-


dren, and while we celebrate our faith in the Catholic tradition, we believe there are many other faiths and traditions that can teach these values as well or better. Many Christian mystics and scholars have drawn much of their inspiration and guidance from other traditions. Moreover, we f'eel that there is no universal claim to the correct path among Christians. To counsel our children that they can feel OK il- the message or messenger is Christian would not necessarily guarantee to them or to us that such individuals or publications represent the values we hold to be imporrant. I realize that in writing these thoughts I am likely offending as I have been offended. But, offense is a reaction of choice. We can also choose to continue to seek bridges. I can only hope that on an individual basis we can apply our faith to openness. Maybe then we will experience the gains

for the homeschooling movement that I feel such openness would bring. From


Fahq (NM):

I consider myself an unschooler and an aspiring Christian. I have no trouble blending these supposedly opposite ways of life. Our family's unschooling philosophy is one of trying to achieve wholeness - synthesis, if you will. Instead of separating everything out into work, school, religion, home, we are rrying to weave all these elements into a whole cloth, so that our family can experience learning, work, and spirituality throughout the day and throughout life. We read and consider many viewpoints and we don't worry about what category the writer fits into. What we look for, whether in a writer or a

friend, is honesty, truthfulness, and sincerity. We appreciate and try to apply the writings ofJohn Holt,

Charlotte Mason, and every person who speaks out on behalfofsane ways of living and loving in this troubled world. I feel sorry for Christians who will only allow their children to use materials labeled "Christian." They will miss out on all the inspired work by people such as.fohn Holt who did not overly embrace a formal religion but who practiced and taught universal (including Christian) virtues such as

GnourNc WrrHour Scuoolu.rc #108 o Der;.'95/JeN. '96

compassion and honesty.

Reuarding the notion that unschoolers are undisciplined: my ex-

perience is that of all the homeschooling "methods," unschooling takes the greatest amount of inner discipline. People should not confuse "fieedom" with "license." Unschooling, which means freedom from institutional in-

carceration and freedom from packaged curriculum, grading, and so on, requires constant awareness and attention, creativity, problem solving, flexibiliry, patience, involvement, giving. sensitivity, and a host of other virtues which I also think of as Christian. We are not doormat parents, nor are our children unattended "like weeds growing in a sidewalk" (Char-

lotte Mason). Our interpretation of "unschooling" is everyone working, living, and learning together, respecting each individual as a unique soul and an intesral part of the whole community. Our "unschooling" is very disciplined. We have (quoting Mary Hood) "clearly defined goals and a firm Christian value system." Our children watch about four hours ofTV a week and they don't call us by our first names. Our children do choose what they would like to study and everyone

in the family supports and helps one another, whether it be with "school" work or with the house and business. I hope we will put aside the desire to label, categorize, and dismiss other people, which imposes limitations on them, on ourselves, and on our children. I hope that everyone who has the courage to leave the limitations of the school system will allow themselves to be free, to be indepen-

dent thinkers and open to the truth, wherever they may find it. I

Families Volunteering

to sleep, lots of books to read, and each other. But I thought my children


everyone was as fortunate as we. A few

Helping with After-School Care Kathy Ewing (OH) writes: \Arhen we began homeschooling eight years ago, I intended to incorporate some sort o[volunteer activily into our days. I contacted Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity and eventually did some work for them myself, but for various reasons the kids

neverjoined me . I still f'eel that Habitat would work well for older homeschoolers. It teaches useful skills and provides great social and work experience. In addition to on-site construction work, Habitat needs clerical help as well. [SS: Habitat for Humanity builds houses for lowincome families. See Rebecca Merrion's essay in Real Liuesfor one homeschooler's experience with the



Maybe someday I will get my kids to Habitat, but in the meantime, we have found something else. Last year we joined St. Cecilia's, a city parish, whose former elementary school has been converted into transitional housing for homeless families. The New Life Community houses fourteen families for four months at a time. The parents take classes in job and living skills and attend support groups if they have been substance abusers. Their

program is arduous. Volunteers of all kinds are needed to supplement the seven-person staff. We began helping with afterschool care last winter. The very young children from New Life are in daycare until 5:00, but the school kids need aftercare until their mothers are finished with classes. My daughter

Margaret (9) and I would pick up Doug (13) at school (which he decided to try lastyear) and drive down to New Life once a week. There we would play with the kids, help with homework, do crafts and provide a 8

could benefit fiom learning that not weeks before Thanksgiving three years

snack, with at least one and usually several other volunteers. This was fun, but sometimes we had to become disciplinarians because the kids were very wound up and tired after school and would begin fights over the computer or other games. Sometimes I found myself arbitrating a dispute between a New Life child and my son

Dougl Keeping kids under control was not my strong suit when I was a teacher, and I don't relish that role. In summer, New Lif'e kids stay in camp until dinnertime. We changed to an evening shift once a week and now watch about three to eight little kids, usually six and under. We all find this more fun. We fall in love with the babies and little kids and are sorry when they finish the program and move out. They love to roughhouse with Doug and are also very affectionate and cuddly. In addition, I coordinate one Sunday evening a month for my church to cover chilcare while some of the New Life moms attend a

recovery support group. Sometimes I'm tired and would love an excuse not to drive down to New Life on a Thursday evening and cope with a gang of energetic toddlers. My kids, on the other hand, want to

add to our hours. They talk about the kids during the week and tell their Dad the funny things they say and do. They see the children as normal, healthy, and funny, which they are. I

don't think they'll ever stereotype homelessness or homeless people.

Cooking for Homeless Shelter Jody Thomas twote in the Mayffune I995 issue of the California Homeschooler nezusletter:

Although we have struggled financially in order to have me stay at home with our children, we always have the essentials: food, a warm place Gnolvr^*r;

ago, my grandmother, mother, two daughters (then 3 and 5) and I made dinner fbr one of our local homeless shelters. The Transition House (as it is called) takes in families who are struggling to get off the streets and into their own apartments. Conse-

quently, the population of the shelter tends to be mothers with young children and single women, as well as a few men. We made a nice meal and instead of dropping off dinner, my husband, children, and I stayed to dine with the Transition House guests (as they are called). It was hard

for me

to see what a difficult life these people were leading. My daughters were shy and reluctant to leave my side during the meal. It was an experience that butted up against my comfort zone in a huge way. But there was some

satisfaction in it, too. A year later I received a call asking if I would like to prepare dinner again. This time I asked some of our homeschooling friends if they would like to do this. Five families took me up on the offer. We planned the menu and prepared the meal in a church kitchen. Of the eleven children, probably five of them really helped with the actual food prep while the others played together. After transporting dinner to the shelter, lve all stayed for the meal. We purposefully sat at different tables so that we could talk with the guests who were there that night. We heard varying stories about how they came to be there and what plans they had for getting out. Some were frustrated and exhausted and others were optimistic and hopeful. They were just people, of course, like us. I knew that was true, but getting it up close and personal always makes an indelible impact. We recently cooked dinner for Transition House for the third time. There were again five homeschooling families, although not the same flve. This year we prepared the meal in the big kitchen at the shelter itself. We were there for more than five hours and had a chance to meet and interact with many of the guests. The kids were

Wrrnour ScuoolrNc; #108

o DEc.'95{.tN. '96

a huge help this year, too. They washed lettuce, peeled potatoes, mixed meatloaf, sliced and buttered bread, made lemonade, set the tables, served dinner, and still had time to play with the children at the shelter. There were lots of opportunities

for learning, and I don't mean just for the children. How much meat do you need if you are making meatloaf for 60? Do potato skins have vitamins in them? If we have twelve loaves of bread, how many slices do we need per loaf so that everyone can have two pieces? Is it hard not to have any choice about what to eat for dinner? or lunch? or breakfast? Why do the babies have to sleep in a crib? Where do the kids go after school before their parents get back from job hunting or working? Will we ever have to live in a place like that? Mv children have more appreciation for our lifesryle and our family choices which have enabled us to be together so much. They are no longer afraid of the man we see at the library since we met him at Transition House. They are more willing to donate their clothes and toys to Transition House because now they know what happens to those things. And they know they

Homeschoolers prepare a

Tha,nhsgiuing meal at the local homekss shelter.

(l-r: Marina Moses, Christyn Edmundson, Nanq Edmundson, Ethan Moses)

them, and set them free. I really appreciateC the wornan's attitude. She didn't talk down to Nicole or hesitate to allow her to have a full share in the

can make a diflerence in someone else's life.

They still don't know how many pounds of meat it will take to sene 60 people, but there is always next year.

Helping Bird Researcher From Kristin Hart of New York:

What consumes Nicole (10) most of all is nature. She loves and appreciates animals, flowers, trees, bugs, etc. She has decided to form a nature club. Her plans include identi$'ing things that are unknown to her right now. She is starting a collection of things in nature and is writing letters for different causes, such as preventing cruelty to animals. I helped her in this area by finding a woman last fall who

handling of the bircls. It was the highlight of the year for usl We were doing real scientific work and making another memory together. i

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Wrrsour ScHoousc; #108 . DEc.'95/Jar,. '96

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@ When Parents Disagree Kathy Richardson (IiY) writes:

After five years of official homeschooling, my doubts and guilt are at a minimum. Sam (11) will go two or three months doing almost nothing other than watching videos and just when I'm about to lose my cool, she shuts off the VCR - her own idea - and starts doing something else. Her current big interest is learning to play the guitar. She bartered with a friend of ours. She does some cleaning for him and he teaches her guitar. She's also found several other adults on our street who are interested in her guitar playing and who give her more information and ideas. She practices when she wants, sometimes all day and sometimes not at all. Other things she has pursued in the same manner are sign language, tarot cards, writing poetry. Sam is an excellent reader who refuses to read to herself unless it is a book of serious interest; then she reads for hours at a time. I still read to her. After we moved to an apartment on the main street of this town, Sam befriended the manaser of a local toy store and was there to help out almost daily. No formal decision or arrangements were made; her work just naturally evolved. When the manager left for new employment this summer, I suggested that Sam ask her for a rel-erence letter. She wrote, in part. "Sam began helping me ... at the age of 9. I was not only amazed by her maturity but impressed by the way she helped the customers. ... Vicariously, Sam developed a sales pitch forjust about any item in the store ... would alter it to suit each customer ... always willing to learn new things with detail ... had a good eye for displays ... thorough with taking inventories and careful to watch out for shoplifting, Sam was wonderful to have working with me." Sam's father and I are legally 10

Aâ‚Źoncent separated and live about twenty miles apart. We agreed that I would make decisions about her schooling. While he was receptive to homeschooling in

the earlier years, he puts more and more pressure on her to try school. He feels she needs to get into the "real world" and to "get a life." I often wonder if he remembers his three extra years in public schooling with that much fondness that he wants her in there, too. Here, she is surrounded by supportive friends and family who accept her as she is and feel she is pretty smart and sociable; on weekends and at other times when she is at her dad's, she gets direct comments, or overhears comments, about how is she going to make friends (she has friends of all ages both here and there) and how is she going to learn anything, which implies that she doesn't know anything at all, but I realize they're referring to things such as multiplication tables and the capitals ofeach state. If any readers could give me input

on how to handle this, I'd appreciate it. One thing I'm going to do from now on is to send her father copies of all my correspondence to and from the school district. I remember once last year I sent him a list of what Sam had been doing and he was really impressed and backed off from bugging her about public schooling for a while, an)"!vay. I also gave him a copy of the ref'erence letter from the

interested in grades; I wanted to learn and I wanted evaluations of my work. They cooperated and I had a great three semesters getting my associates degree. Then I worked on my bachelor's degree for one semester through Empire State College. They have no classes but offer mentors for each subject and let you design your own program and courses. I loved it. I still need 36 credit hours but have decided not to go back. There are too many things I want to learn and I'm tired of being tied down to a curriculum, even if I designed it myself with my mentor. Also, I've found a job I love, in a caf6 where I voluntarily helped a friend for two years. I'm working two day shifts and three afternoon/evening shifts. Sam stays up late and sleeps half the day, generally, so she doesn't even miss me during the day shifts, and she's at her dad's for at least two and sometimes all three of the evenings that I'm working. She also comes to the cafe any time she wants and often helps out with washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, watching the owner's 3 year old. I've given Sam the option of attending school whenever she chooses to, but so far she's not interested except once in a while when her dad puts pressure on her. Ifshe ever does go, I'll be there helping, questioning, supporting, and ready to pull her out if I see it is becoming harmful.

Doctors Prejudiced Against Homeschooling Jenntfer Rozens (MI) writes:

My son Ben, age 15, is starting his as a very huppy homeschooler. This summer, while away at camp. Ben started showing symptoms of manic depressive illness and had to be hospitalized in a local psychiatric hospital for over a month. This was a very trying time for us, as you can imagine. Fear, worry, heartache all came into play as we watched Ben go from bad to worse at

third year

store manager.

Homeschooling has aff'ected my own attitude toward learning. I worked as a secretary fcrr the same company for l7 years, then decided to stay home after Sam was born (I also have a son, now 23, who attended public school). When Sam was 8, her father and I split up and I went back to college full time at the age of 47. Having homeschooled Sam, I had a whole new attitude about learning. No longer intimidated by college instrlrctors, I went to each of them at the semester's start and said I wasn't

this hospital. Thankfully, Ben is now home and on his road to recovery. The most disturbing element of his hospitalization was the attention given to the fact that we homeschool.

Gnou''rNc WrrHour Scsoor.rNc #108

. Drc.'95/lex.


Once again, the blasted question of socialization reared its ugly head. How do we convince closed-minded people that socialization in a school setting is often anything but positive? Don't they read the newspapers? Obviously not, as we were questioned and questioned about our decision to homeschool. We were also advised that it would be beneficial for Ben to return to school. Nowhere in any medicaljournal does it state or prove that socialization cures or even helps the inherited disease of manic depression. But because we homeschool, every aspect of our lives was put under the microscope as only the mental health community can do. To make this doubly irritating, the doctors, social workers, and staff were aware that I suff'ered from the same disease in my teens. No matter that I have been symptom-free and medication-free for over 23 years. Little emphasis or time was spent on the genetic aspect of the disease, but much time was wasted trying to tell us that Ben just needed to socialize more. One student psychiarrist even questioned whether Ben should go back to "that environment" (i.e., our home) because of my history of the disease and stated that I would not recognize a manic depressive episode in Ben! How frightening that people as ignorant as this are allowed to work in our medical community. Also. another very scary instance of prejudice was evidenced by the "Education Officer" of this hospital. She stated to me that Ben's math skills were very poor. IvVhen I questioned this, as Ben is in second-year Algebra using the Saxon texts and doing consistent Alevel work, she said in a very haughty tone (as in, "I don't believe you; you horneschool") that she had given him an assessment test and "he wasn't even able to do divi-

sion." \{rhen I questioned the timing of this assessment test. I learned that she gave it shortly after his admission, at a time when he had ripped his glasses to shreds (he can't see at all

without them) and wasjumping on tables in the height of the manic phase of this disease. Luckily, I know her educational assessment is not worth the paper it is printed on. As you can see, this bugaboo of homeschooling continues to present Gnou,rxc;

Wrrsour ScHoor.rNc #108

problems when we least expect it. I thought I was taking Ben to a place where he could get help. To a cerrain extent, he did. He received medication and is now healing. He also, however, learned once again that in this country, society as a whole respects no choice except conformity. If we had not been homeschoolers, I'm sure his stay at the hospital would have been shorter and that we would have had less aggravation. This harassment by the hospital has only served to strengthen our resolve to homeschool and to promote homeschooling wherever and whenever we can. We know it is the healthiest thing we do. We added the category "Helpful a few years (rgo to our


regular lkls of helpful teachers, lauryers, professors, and school districts, because of stories likeJennifn's. This list was last printed in GWS #103 and uill be printed again in GWS #109, as will our List of peopk uith experience in uarious rtreas utho nre uilling to conespond with others. We askedJenntfn if she wanted to be added to this list of resource lteople, and she enthusi-

astically agreed, safng:

We now have a great psychologist is very into our homeschooling. Needless to say, she's not part of the system where he was first treated. He is doing well now - back at

for Ben who

the Older Homeschoolers' Groun. taking piano. composing music. and readins.

Homeschooling Helps ADD Child In GWS #107 ue said that reada's might be interested in the Menow Report (a teleaision show) that planned to look critically at the ounprescription of the drug Ritalin for children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder GWS reader Ann Thompsonof Michigan urites: As a mother of an ADD child. I am appalled by the Merrow report. Until you have lived with an ADD child and seen how they are treated in ptrblic schools, I don't think you are qualified to tell parents how to treat their ADD children. Yes, Ritalin is overprescribed. However, if anyone is doing the

o Der;.'95{;rN. 'g6

pushing, it is the schools. The educators quoted on the show said, "Some parents just can't admit their kids are slow, or not bright, or just plain

spoiled." For five years, my husband and I were accused by the schools of mentally and physically abusing our son, of feeding him too much sugar or

not providing nutritious meals, of letting him stay up late, of working and neglecting him. Since we did not see at home the behaviors they described existing at school, we were at a loss to see what was wrong. Our life was hell. Almost every day, some teacher was on the phone. I would end almost every week screaming at the principal. Finally, one of my son's teachers, who has an ADD son, suggested we have him tested. The school refused to test him or to provide for testing, so, after many false starts, we found someone to test him. I would have given anything to have known about ADD and to have

other parents to talk to and to get advice from. I can tell you that the doctors and the school really gave us only one choice: drugs. At first, Ritalin worked well with our son. But the dosage had to be constantly increased to gain the behaviors the public school wanted. Finally he was up to 20 mgs three or four times a day. Luckily it didn't aflect his sleeping, but he was the skinniest kid. Now I homeschool him. This is

our second year. We use an unschooling approach with some structure in math. He only takes Ritalin when he wants ro (he usually asks for it in the morning to "settle himself down").1have learned to control his environment and also to help him control himself in his environment. Now he takes Band at the local middle school, and next year we hope to increase that to English and Science. By ninth grade he will probably be back in school full time, which is something he is working towards since he wants to play sports and to take part in drama and band. Success for us hinged on homeschooling since the public school just couldn't help him. As long as educators refuse to admit that all kids are different, learn differently, and need more than the cookie cutter approach, there is no chance for the 11


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type of help ADD kids need. I firmly believe all ADD kids could go without Ritalin if society (public schools and other institutions) could accept their differences. Until this happens, parents don't have any other alternatives available to them. We have to do

whatever helps our children function and be accepted. You have no idea how hard ADD is on the child's selfesteem. My child wrote often in his journal about how worthless he and his life were (by the way, no one at school thought it important enough to show us this journal).

For homeschoolers with ADD children or an interest in the subject, I suggest the Homeschool ADDvisor, a newsletter published by a parent of an ADD child. The address is PO Box 118, Lincoln University PA 19352. Weslq Thompson, Ann's son, wrote in

16 ilational Awards

Spring 1995 issue of the Homeschool ADDaisor: the

With homeschooling, it is less


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noisy and I am able to concentrate and get my work done. There are fewer distractions. I have more help with my work because there are less kids (I'm the only one my mom teaches). I also ge t more breaks from the schoolwork and I don't have to sit in one place or work at a desk. I can get up and walk around. I can work on

the floor and hang upside down, that is what I want to do. ...


blamed for my problems. How do other people cope with the relentless stress of full-time, nonstop parenting? I work part time while my husband is home, and I know that helps some. We take regular time off for an evening alone together. I still feel that each day is a struggle, and more and more I find myself threatening my 6 year old with sending him to school, because I don't want my life to be this much of a struggle. I want to do homeschooling. I believe in the ideas ofJohn Holt and others about why it is the best option, and often I wonder if I am just constitutionally incapable of it. Maybe other homeschooling parents are calmer, stronger, more centered than I am, and less angry, irritable, and shorttempered with their kids. Is being at home full time with an unhappy mother continuously engaged in power struggles really better than all the rotten stuff that goes on at school? Has anyone dealt with these issues successfullv, and if so, how?

Not Doing Anything? Linda Wyatt (NY)


I loved "Does Unschooling Mean Leaving Kids Alone?" in GWS #106 because this is something I used to struggle with a lot. People would comment on how much effort it takes to homeschool or how much work it takes to make up all those lesson

Mother Under Stress A readn


I am at home with 3- and 6-yearold boys. The only reason I ever consider school as an option is that I am so afraid of hurting my children. We live in a remote rural area, pretty isolated except for a few kids who are either not interested in playing with my boys or vice-versa. I try to follow the PET (Parent Effectiveness Training) method


non-coercive parenting and often find myself frustrated with either myself, for resorting to threats with my kids, or with them, for behaving in ways that are so insensitive to others' needs. \Atren I talk to friends or therapists, homeschooling and,/or PET are always

plans. I would tell them that no, not really, we don't do lesson plans; in fact, we don't really do any schooling at all. I'd get blank stares. or worse. in response. And just imagine their faces when they ask what my kids have been

learning lately and I

say I don't knowl I don'l know, exactly, because it

doesn't really matter; they're always busy learning something, and that is

enough. What I am using lately, as an answer, has worked for me. I tell thenl that we don't do anything special for

just live our our daily Iives daily lives. However, a lot of from what may be different It's hard for me to to. people are used learning purposes;


realize that so many homes don't have books, don't have discussions of interesting topics - in short, in many

GnonrNc Wrrrrour ScHoor.lNc #108

' Drc.'95{er.


.l homes, the parents don't value learrring, so it isn't part of everyday lives. Well, it still is in one sense, but learning that your parents don't care what you do is far different from learning that your parents won't in,terfere in what you do. And parents who don't help when asked teach a far different lesson about life and learning. Same goes for parents who do not put a priority on their own learning. I think that people who panic about homeschoolers "not doing anything" are picturing a reality that is so foreign to those of us who are actively learning that we forget it exists. Our "nothing" and their "nothing" are very different things. I think they picture the "watching soap operas and eating bon-bons" sort of

nothing. Yes, I leave my kids alone, in that I don't impose a schedule or certain topics on them. But they are extremely rarely actually alone. I'm there, doing what I'm doing, and they're doing whatever they're doing, and sometimes it's the same thing and sometimes not. If they have questions, I can respond (not always with the answers, though). Ifnot, I can keep an eye on

things and make sure they're saf'e, if need be. And if I'm in another part of the house, I still have ears. It feels to me like the respect that any people who live together should have for each other. We all live our interconnected lives, and share the parts we see frt. Susannah's comments about Amanda Bergson-Shilcock's flyer made me think about the reports I have to write for the school district. One of the subjects is writing. What exactly do they mean by that? Do they mean the physical act of putting pen to paper and making marks? Do they mean paraphrasing the thoughts of others, or answering questions? Or do they mean creating your own ideas and thoughts and putting them into words? All of these things are writing. Schools often seem to focus on the first two, but it is the third one that I want my kids to learn. Whether or not you think Amanda wrote her flyer depends on what you think writing is. I think Amanda did it on her own - with help, which is how most people do things. They come up with an idea, and use whatever resources they have GnoulNc


Scnoor.rNr; #108

CHallnxcEs & CoNcnnNs .i.

(and find necessary) in order to do what they want to do. If some of those resources are other people, that doesn't change who is doing the project.

Relationships Change as Kids Get Older Penny Barher (OH) writes:

I loved reading in GWS #107 about Kristin Hart's working at her seemingly changing relationship with her daughter. Kristin says, "I think that as they get older, we are less affectionate with our children." I remember that as each of mine grew from babyhood to childhood to young adulthood, my affections remained as strong as ever but my manner of showing that affection did change. For instance, instead of holding one of them on my lap to talk about a problem, we'd take a walk outside together. The spaciousness and privacy of the outdoors promoted candor. Another change was that whereas when the kids were little, one way I showed my affection was by never feeling interrupted when they came to me; I just made a habit of this. I also would wander in and out of places where they were; there really wasn't a distinct line of privacy between us when they were young. As they grew older, however, and more individual, our affection for each other showed itself by our respectfully giving one another space. And a time came indeed when we hugged less often, and lap-sitting became infrequent. I saw our relationship changing; I saw that each of them would eventually seek affection outside the family. I mused that if things had remained the same as when they were younger what about courtship the need for biological diversiry, for life beyond the

setting out two cups of cocoa just when I sensed one of them wanted to sit and talk. I avoided making a big production of these times but carried them out rather casually, off-handedly, thus eliminating any call for gratitude. Though sitting on my lap always lasted 'til well past age 7, as each child grew older we spent less time in direct physical contact, and to all of us it seemed OK. I consider this a part of the individuation process; something good and authentic. I think my

lifetime of observing animals and their offspring influenced my feelings about this process. I always noticed how the female animals all seemed to be nearly constantly with their young from birth through the nursing time. Following this, the young were left alone with their siblings and with other young of their own species for longer periods of time. Finally, near constant separation

of mothers and offspring became the pattern. These observations seemed to sink into my bones and to become a part of my outlook, which I suppose is the reason I felt so comfortable with it. My children, while growing up, had observed the same processes so perhaps that accounts for their feelings of acceptance, too. Now that they're grown, or nearly so, it seems that thry initiate the physical affection. \4ihen they're home they will give me spontaneous hugs or take my hand when we're out walking. They seem to feel comfortable initiating things I took the lead in when they were little. I find this an interesting and comfbrtable reversal and probably preparation for their own parenting.l

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I found myself connecting in ways other than through words of affection or touch. The children (young adults now) were delighted when they'd find a hot water bottle tucked up in their beds on a freezing cold night, or perhaps I'd have a warm bath waiting after a day one of them had spent in the woods. Sometimes it was simply

. Drc.'95{eN. '96



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9ot-t f',,:

Changtng Our ldeas about Ourselues flave you ever said things like, "I'm just not good at _" or ool'm not the kind of person who _"? For this issue's Focus, we asked young people to tell us about how they may have felt theyweren't good at something and then changed their ideas about themselves and began to feel capable of learning or doing whatever it was. We asked how they used to feel, how they feel now. and what made the difference.

Seeing Herself as a Reader I;rom Anna Coman-Hid1 of Massochusetts: \Arhen I was younue r, I hated readins. I was in school then, and I had a spelling problem, but they taught reading through spelling in school, so I always felt really stupid. Even after I learned to read, I didn't like to do it because it always brought up bacl f'eelings. Reading in liont of the class was especiallv ernbarrassing because I was so slorv at it. In fact, my father was the one who helped me to learn to read, by introducing me to comic books, which I loved because I loved the picttrres. I learned to read through those comic books and fbr a long time that was all I would read. Throughout those years my parents n'ere always on me to read rn<>re, and rvhen I would read a book I would sometimes enjoy it, but it wasn't something I chose to do

on my own. \4hen I started homeschooling dr.rring my tenth grade year, my mom and dad wantecl me to read an hour a day. Because I was out of sch<tol and was so glad to be fl-ee, I wanted things to be different and I wantecl to be more open to new things, so I did start to read. People were also giving me more interesting books than I had had in school, because they kner,v I was trying to read au hour a day. I usually managed to do it abotrt every other d:r1,, or sometimes.just about nv<l tirnes a week. I was very slow at it, but then, I guess because I rvas-just doing it for me zrncl no one else was making it horrible for me, I began to get interested in the books themselves, in the stories, instead of thinking so much abor"rt myself and horv I r,r''as doing. I began to read books like Sidd,hafiha by Herman Hesse, books that really made me think, that fecl me intellecttrall,v, and they made me want to read rnt>re. Thev made me understand what reading is good for, why people want to


do it. This year, my second year o1'homeschoolins, I'm doing so much more reading, ar-rd it's so much more natural, that I don't have to make a special point of reading an hour a clay. I usually spend one whole day a week reading at the library, and I go a c<-nrple of olher times a week to get books. When I go to the library, I'll.just pick up zr book that looks interesting, and I've learned that it's OK to enjoy reading only parts of books. I don't have the overwhelming sense that I have to read the whole book every time and then n'rite a report on it af terwards. Learning this new \!'av of reading, learning that it's OK to browse, has rnade a big clifference to me. It's firnny that now the books I choose are often the long, thick ones. I used to choose the thinnest one I could find; that's how I would choose a book when I had to do a book report. Now I'rn reading Anna Karcnina, which I would have thought would be such a hard book, but it's not. It f'eels like a soap opera, and it reminds me of Shakespeare (I actually feel comfortable with Shakespeare's work because I know it throrrgh acting; I recently playedJuliet in Rom,eo a,nd.luliet). It also makes a big diflerence to me that I don't have to finish a br>ok by a certain time. Now I can talk about a book with mv mother a cl.rapter at a time, and I get more out of the book that way; I can really relate it to my life. In school, it's tme that they did ask questions about the book as you were reading it, but the questions were usually to make sure you'd done the homework the night before, questions like, "\4'hat color was the hat in the third chapter?",.just to check and see if you'd read it. Of cortrse, sorne teachers were better than this, blrt n<tt many were. Reading has also made me more interested in writing. When I'w'atch a movie, I think about my olvn acting, which is something I do a lot of, but now, reading a book and hearing the voices in it makes me think about how to make my own writing better. I really want to improve my vocabulary, too, because I've noticed thzrt a lot of rny friends have increclible vocabularies. They'll say a wclrd zlnd I'll say, "Worv, rvhat cloes that mean?" So now, when I'm reading in the library, u'henever I corne to a word that I don't know, I jot it dorvn in my notebook, and then at the end of the day I nrn up to the clictionary and look the words up irnd try to think about them. I know that I used to feel that I clidn't like to learn through reading, btrt I think that even if you label 1'ourself that lvav, ()ther people should never label \'oll as not a reader, because that might change, as it did fbr me .

Gnor,usc WrrsoL'r S<;Hoor.tNC #10i1


Drit:.'95,/T't^-. '96

Travel Helps Her Overcome Shyness FromAruten Main


Up until this year, I felt very shy and timid. I felt so insignificant! I really thought that I couldn't do fun and interesting things until I was an adult. I only had two friends because I was too nervous to just go and talk to someone or to try anything new. I definitely didn't think I could go to Ireland, with which I was and still am infatuated. My grandparents are retired and travel all over the


place, so I told them one time that if they ever went to Ireland, I would pay my airfare if they would take me along. I never thought that it would actually happen, but that's all it took. This past May, we flew to Ireland, the ticket costing me most of my money, but I certainly didn't care. We visited southern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England for more than two months. We stayed in bed and breakfasts, saw castles and museums galore, and I received the biggest history lesson of my life. I became comfortable with large crowds and learned to retain my individuality in those situations. I learned three important things from this trip: how to talk to strangers without going blank and freezing up, to speak up for myself and get exactly what I want (and be polite about it, too) and that anything is possible if you try for it. At other times in my life I have felt withdrawn, and traveling and meeting new people always brought me out of it. This experience has done the most for my self-image. With my newfound confidence, I am relearning the violin and planning a Halloween masquerade party for homeschooling teens in my area. I wrote this for GWS, something I never thought I could do, and I am learning to contradance. Now I am more outgoing and know I truly can achieve what I want in life. I hope to be a professional writer and to travel to Sweden, Norway, Africa, and throughout the U.S..

A Friend Inspires Him to Write Poetry From Peter Koualke (OH):

I've always been an artistic sort. If there was art to be created from a situation or an object, you'd find me busily engaged in its production. I would create my own board games, make my own action figures (using invisible thread, tape, scissors, pen, and a few mills of paper), refrigeratormagnet art, all the classical mediums and then some art that still isn't widely recognized to this day. Able ro communicate through my art, I had no burning desire to read or write. If I needed to label an audio tape I had made, for instance, I would draw a picture of my impression of the song or a key element therein. I didn't really learn to read and write until I met a girl at a homeschoolng conference and dared to keep in touch with her. Let me tell you that there is no quicker way to learn the rudiments and intricacies of writing than when you want to talk with a girl and she is not local. If a letter is Gnownvc WrrHour ScHoor-rNc #108 o Dec.'9b/Jar. '96

Aru.ten with her grandmothrr,

Kittl Milum, in Engl,a.nd

your only recourse, I don't care where you are on the grammar hierarchy; letters will be written. Notjust any letters, either. You want to impress the person, so a sloppy selection of commas won't make the cut. There was never more than a passing doubt in my mind that I could learn, though. I didn't know that learning to read when I was 10 could be construed as worrisome. Discovering, when I was 13, that you had to indent paragraphs, and thereby suddenly realizing that I had not previously given a thought to the concept of a paragraph, didn't embarrass me for more than a few minutes. I never thought I couldn't learn, so why should I fear English or any other subject, for that matter? Well, there was one I did fear. No matter how hard I tried, I could not write even a marginal poem. Heck, what I would have done to compose just a sloppy, ill-conceived poetic work! Oddly, I could not write anything that even resembled poetry. I would toil off and on, taking months between attempts. Many people commented that my prose often flowed almost to the degree of poetry, yet I was unable to build a work with that end in mind. I began avoiding this form of writing, although I was drawn to all the rest. I didn't like poetry; I didn't understand the poetry I heard or occasionally read; most important, I couldn't compose poetry. A world where I cannot take part rarely captivates my interest; therefore, poetry and my future looked to be bleak companions. Coming back to my long-distance friend from the homeschooling conference: our relationship continued to flourish. In spite of logic, this girl - now my truest of friends - persisted in inadvertently educating me in the art of writing. She had begun publishing a magazine, to which I was a faithful contributor. In its pages I learned how to write frctional and biographical stories and became acquainted with a fellow artist of all rrades, Renee. Her principal skill dwelt in the art of poetry. A fabulous artist and offbeat writer, Ren wrote poetry as an outlet for emotion. Her work was simple and understandable, yet poetic and nearly profound. This awakening to poetry - to the craft and beauty - inspired me to try my hand at writing verse once again. Ren's poetry wasn't high and 15

l. Focus.l mighry. Her sq'le, while eloquent, was something I was sure I could master. Following Ren's lead, I made no attempt at rhyme, rebuked the propriety in grammar I had amassed, and thoroughly debunked all my notions of what a poem was suppoed to entail.

My first few poems were so far from the gates of poetic work that my mother - an English teacher before my birth and thus far the greatest supporter in my flight from English-ignorant to devoted lover of text - sadly reported that they seemed to be prose, at least in her opinion. I was undeterred. I remember those initial few hours after I had written my first poem, when I simply sat on the floor and reread the "masterpiece," amazed at my mother's audacious claim that it was prose. With my computer, I created a slip-cover, q'ped my poem, and put it in a binder. I called this my "poetry journal." It was a gutsy move to spend an entire day creating a place to put this poetry I was supposedly going to write. Heck, I hadn't even written two poems

yetl Nevertheless, the first.journal is filled and I am now working on a second, some two hundred-plus poems and a year and a half later. Now my poems are enjoyed by most who read them, Ren and I have had a small-press book of our poetry published, and I am the editor of a syndicated poetry service that is distributed to over 150 small-press magazines across the world. My mother also agrees that I write poetry, finally. She has said it's better than anything she could ever do, something I never irnagined she'd say. When I think of that comment, I am at last a poet. Peter's and


collection of poetry is called Diaries:

Aesthetic Emotions of Twin Polar and is aaailable for $4 from Peter Kowalke, 5998 Taflor Rd' Painesailk OH 41077-9157. Ako aaailable ($ I .50 for sample copy) is Peter's maga,zine

out of me. Well, I went anylvay. So many questions went through my head: do I have what it takes to be a clown? Can I overcome my fear of clowns? How can I learn to be a clown? Last but not least, what if I stink? \t\rhen I got there, boy was I surprised. I saw people just like you and me. Nobody was in clown make-up. What I found out is that clowns are just normal people. It helped me a lot to see them before they put on their make-up. That weekend 175 people, including me, from about 20 different states learned how to be clowns. It was neat to learn that if you put on your make-up right, it will last all day, even if you go swimming. When I got to the town square, there were about 140 of us clowns and about ten kids per clown. I have jet black hair which is not all that common in Ohio, so I don't use a clown wig. (I was adopted from Mexico at the age of 3 1/2). One of my favorite stories from that day has to be when a little kid ran up to me and tugged on my hair. Since my hair didn't come off, she then turned to her mother and said, "Look, Mommy, a real clown!" When you put on a clown face, you are creating a whole new personality. You see the world in a different way. You see how with just a smile you can brighten a person's day. You have a new name. You can act wacky and people love you for it. Some people become more outgoing when they put on their clown make-up. I, on the other hand, become very shy, and usually I'm very outgoing. Due to my interest in clowning, my mom got interested in it also. We now sometimes clown together (she is a very outgoing clown). The moral of this story is: if you are afraid of failing at something, at least try to do it, because the world is not full of "Bozos" out to get you. Trust me.


and schooled teenagcrs, calledNation, zuhich he describes as "a pktce to build friendships and maintain old acquaintances in a sincere and altntistic enuiron'nent of louing and dynamic indiuiduals. " homeschooled

Who, me? A Clown? Iirom l{unt1 Alke (OH):

When my Mom first asked me about being a clown, I thought, "Yeah, right, Mom, you just hold your breath!" I have never liked clowns. In fact, I was afraid of them. On the other hand, making people laugh has always been fun for me, and seeing other people sad has always made me sad.

My parents and I have a family photography business in our home. A few years ago, they started to take pictures of an event called ClownTown. My Mom told me it was a weekend of workshops all about clowning. At the end of the weekend, the clowns would go to the town square for a parade or would entertain at a ntlrsing home. llikesl A whole weekend with a bunch of clowns! All that went through my head was, "I don't think so." That would be like trying to overcome your fear of snakes by going into a whole room full of them. I thought that some Bozo the Clown would come up to me and scare the tar


Changing Dance Classes From Candra Kennefu (KY):

I used to take a dance class and I thought I was the worst dancer there. All we did was work on recital pieces, and when recital came all we did was wear itchy costumes and dance Las Vegas show girl dances. The teacher had an award called Dancer of the Month. When you get Dancer of the Month, you get your picture put up and you get a trophy. I wanted to get it so bad, but I never got it. The way to get it was to work hard at dancing and to not chew gum during class and other such stuff. I thought I had it made, but I didn't. One day the teacher said to my mom, "I'd like to give Candra Dancer of the Month, but she just doesn't work hard enough at her Tap." Tapl I didn't like Tap that much and I only took it because it was recommended. Then in the spring of 1994 I took a workshop with a new teacher. I loved it. In the summer I did a dance camp with the same teacher. All the girls at the dance camp were older than me - I mean lots older. The youngest was 14, and I'm 11. I hardly knew any of the steps, but they didn't laugh and were all very nice and helpful. In those five days I felt like I'd learned more than I had in the three years in Gnown rc

Wtruour Sr;uoolrNc; #108 . Drc.'95/laN. '96

{. the other class. When fall came, I decided to take regular with this teacher, and I still danced with the older kids and learned more every dav. This fall, I have started to take classes with kids more my age, and they too are sreat friends. It's loads of fun. I love dancins at this studio and I plan on dancing there for a Iong time. classes

Canrlrn'.s mother, Leslie fuIrColgin, culds:

V\4ren Canclra switched to the new program, the teacher decided to put her with the advanced class, which surprised me. One of the rnothers of a girl in that class recently asked me if Candra hadn't been frustrated being in that class last year. I was amused, because quite the opposite hacl been true. It remindecl me ofJohn Holt's description of playing the cello in a chamber sroup where he was often far below the skill level of the other musicians, yet he loved the experience. The same was true for Candra; dance rvent from being her least favorite lesson to beinq her favorite activity. She was so proud to be dancing with the "big girls" and she just plunued in and tried everything. I don't think all children rvould react this way, though. There is a boy a year older than Candra who takes violin from the same teacher she does, and this year the teacher wanted him to play in a university string orchestra even thollgh it rvould be a little beyond his present abilities. He absolutely hates it because he can't do it perfectly. He is suff'ering through it to please his teacher and

mother, I


''' iA/, Daring to Give a Speech. L ' ' ^ rue' Learning to Feel Smart s\o-^il 9)-j' F-rom a reader wlto asked to be anontmous:

I was homeschooled for my whole lif'e, and fbr three years I was in the music pr-osram at the high school alsc,r. When I rvas in that program, people who didn't know me very well constantlv kept saying horv quiet I rvas. Other students told me that the music teacher was opposed to homeschoolins, ar-rd I could feel by the way she acted toward me that she was prejudiced against me because I was a horneschooler. Every year the marching band has try-outs f<rr new drum majors and color guard captains. It's required that everybody tries out. You have to write a paper on why you think you would be good fbr the position, and you har,e ro have an intervierv with the teacher and give a speech in fiont of the class. I was scared out of my mind to give the speech in fiont of the class. This wasn't the sort of thing I had er,er done or ever thought I would feel comfortable doing. I decided that I might as well write the paper, though, and I talked to the teacher and asked her if I even had a chance of getting the position or if I was.jusr wasting my tirne. She basically told me that I didn't have a chance because I $'as homeschooled and because I rvas so quiet (she blamed my

Groluxr; WrrHour Scrclor-rsc #108

. Drc.'g5{.rr.


Fo<;us .i.

quietness on mlr being homeschooled). I told her I wasn't even goins to try, in that case, although I did hand in rny paper lor her to read. Then the marchins band began to plan the annual winter banquet. Thejob of thanking the parents who had helped out during the vear always fell to one of the seniors. This year there were only three of us, so one of the color guard captains asked me if I would make that speech. I was really scarecl, but this time, part of me rvanted to do it. I f'elt I needed to prove to the band director that I was capable, and I also wanted to prove it to myself. I asked my mom if I should do it. She knew I had never done anything like it before, bur she told me she believed I could do it but also that if I changed rny mind abotrt it later, it would be OK. The other girls told me they knew I was shy and if I felt it would be roo hard for me to rnake the speech, one of them would do it for me. I was really leaning toward doing it at this point, and I practiced what I was eoing to sav with mv mom and dad. \r4lhen the night of the banquet arrived, there were at least 100 people there and I was very nelvous. I really can't rernember mtrch about what happened during my speech. Everything sort of rvent blank in my mind. But after I had finished, many of my friends and my parents said I had done very well. It bothered me that my teacher, the band director, never came over to me to acknowledge that I had done something she knew was very difficult for me. Still, I learned that I could eive a speech in fiont of people even though it was difficult, and, althoush it took me a while to realize it, I learned that I don't need someone else's

approval. lVhat really matters is that lcan feel good about myself'for taking a chance and trying something I never thotrght I could do. Now that I am in college, I have to get r,rp in front of the class all the time, and I really don't mind it that much. College has given me another chance to do things I never thought I could do. Throushout my homeschooling, I alwavs did excellent work at home, but I was gettinu really bad grades (C's and D's) in the music classes that I was taking at the high school. At the time, it didn't borher me, but I alwavs heard from the other kids that I rvas stupid because I was homeschooled (they never knew what I was gettine for grades, it wasn't that, but they made the comment an1nvay). Most of the time they were just joking, but it got to be extreme, and after a rvhile, it really started to get to me. I began believing that I really was stupid. I remember I used to get extremely depressed over it. It seemed like during that time I was always crying because I thought I rvas dumb. My family and my close friends used to reassure me that I wasn't stupid, but it never made me feel better. I was really scared v;hen it was time for me to go to college. I was scared that I rvas never going to make it and that my grades were going to be terrible. I'm now in my second year of'college and I've been a dean's list student since the llrst semester. I feel prclud of myself now when I see the wonderful grades I'm getting. Now I see that I'm doing somethins else I never thoueht I cor,rld do. I


A Conutrsati(m with Frank Smith [SS:] We were very interested to see that Frank Smith, author of RcadingMthout Nonserce and Insult n Intelligmce, wrote an article called o'Let's Declare Education a Disaster and Get on with Our Lives," which appeared in the April 1995 issue of the Phi Delta kM* (an education journal). The article says so many things that GWS,John Holt, and homeschooling families have been saying for years. We were intrigued to discover that Frank Smith had written such a piece for an audience of people within the school system and that it was, as he later told us, verywell received. Rather than simply excerpting from the article, I've decided to fiy something a bit different. I had a conversation with Frank Smith based on questions and thoughts that I saw as arising from his essay, and what follows here is an edited version of that conversation. I've excerpted from his original article in several places so that readers can trnderstand what we're referring to. The article opens:

Our conaersation

begtns :

It's a nice coincidence that you use the metaphor of a boat, becauseJohn Holt used it as well. in a lctter he zurote in 1973. He urote that rather than just trying to patch up the hol"es in the existing boat, he felt he had to dnote at least some of his energ) to

thinking about "what the design of a much might be." He said we had it might not be merely a matter offixing the schooling boat,

less lzaky boat

to consider that

because maybe "the wholc design is

I have a serious suggestion to make. We should stop worrying about the problems of education, declare it a disaster, and let teachers and students get on with their lives. The trouble with the endless concern over "problems" in education is that many well-meaning but often

ttrong." Do you

misguided and sometimes meddlesome people believe that solutions must exist. They waste their own and other people's time and energ.y tryitg to find and implement these solutions. Typically, they try harder to do more of something that is already being done (although what is being done is probably one of the problems). However, if education is a disaster, then it is not a collection of problems to be "solved," and trying to "improve" what we are already doing will only make the situation worse. You don't find solutions to disasters you try to extricate yourself and other people from them. The way to survive a disaster is to do something different. \Alhen the Titanic hit the iceberg, the people aboard had a problem: the vessel was leaking. They could have tried to solve this problem by making the ship watertight again and continuing the voyage. But when the Titanicbegan irrevocably to sink, they had a disaster. They had to try to get everyone away in lifeboats something they could have done better had they turned their backs on the problems sooner and concentrated on saving themselves and one another.


it that uay

as uell?

I don't see it as being designed wrong, because I don't see education as designed at all. I think it's just patched together, without any unifing idea behind it, and of course most attempts at school reform are just patched together as well. Well, maybe the word "design" implies intent, and you're saying that you don't see it as having someone's intent behind it, but how about if I say it like this, that schooling is based on a certain set of premises about learning that may just be

fundarnenta@ wrong? Yes, I very much agree that school

is based on a false theory of learning, a theory of control, and this is not in

fact how people learn. When I talk about how I believe children really do learn - based on interest - the typical response that I get is that yes, this is right, it's common sense, but it isn't the way the school system works. People feel that the system is greater than they are, which in a way is true. There is still a feeling that the only way out, the only way to change things, is through the system. I don't think that's necessarily true, and

GnowrNc WrrHour ScsoolrNc #108 o Dec.'95/TeN. '96

that's clearly where I and the homeschooling movement are in agreement. You say in the article that teachers should try to saue themselaes and the students from the educational system. 'fhis interests me aery much, because it seems to imply that teachns uill sometimes haue to speak up and make changes that thq belieae are necessary.

The question

is, what should

teachers do? Well, I always say, first they should chanse the world. Of course, people then ask, how can they possibly do that? I answer, a little bit at a time. And how do vou do that? Well, you do what you can, in your own part of the rvorld, and vou can only do it with support - fiom other teachers, from parents, from students, from the principal if you can ger it. Teachers have to demonstrate that there are lifeboats, that they can save themselves and the students from the system. And if you feel you can'r make any changes, the one thing you can do is be honest with your students. At least you can talk about what you think is

really going on, what is getting in the way ofwhat you want to do, and so on. In my experience, the teachers who are doing especially well at changing education are in fact changing the educational and social climate of the schools bv taking students out and by bringing other people in. It's intnesting to think about ho'meschoolers


into this,



homeschoolers feel themselaes to be on the lifeboats already, in a, sense, and so


different kinds of questions arise. F-or example, in GWS a.feu yars ago, a reader raised the question about what were homeschoolns' obligations to st:hools, to the Fno|l" still on the ship. \4hen yu talh about taking kids out of school and bringzng others in, I thinh about homeschoolers' expnience with helping hids


apprenticeships, for example.

It should be possible for homeschoolers to offer something in this area, but one needs to have some foundation for collaboration, and I imagine that homeschoolers and schools could have conflict over some of the things schools do. Still, since what really promotes learning is interest and experience, it would seem to me that people fiom outside the school system could do so much to interest children in various activities and to provide experiences that school doesn't usually provide. If more people would come into schools, or help children spend time outside of them, and if these people would demonstrate what they do and display their own passion for it, I think that would be a way of offering what school cannot possibly offer under the usual circumstances.

make things easier for a teacher by saying, "You're right, children do learn at individual rates, so I'll get off your back as much as possible about trying to have them all learn at the same time." The administrator can either help and protect the teacher, or be the conduit through which pressure is applied on the teacher. We printed a piece in GWS b1 a teachn who talked about encouraging othn teachers to fight against testing, for example, if

thq belined it was actually hind,ning kid.s' leaming rathn than helping it. When I meet with groups of teachers, I often ask, "How many of you are against testing?" and all the hands go up. I say, 'Just look at you: wall-to-wall

opposition to testingl" Then I point ollt that everywhere I go, I meet teachers exactly like them. Teachers are

You say, "All [children] ma1 not learn at the same time, at the same rate, or eaen uith the sante enthusictsm. But such

almost universally opposed to testing, so they ought to be able to do some-

thing about it.

indiuidual uariation is ina,titable, and ue must recognize and acceNtt it." This is something homeschookrs talh about a lot, but


wonder: zuhat woukl it mean


schook to recognize and accept this?

This comes back to the idea of' changing things a little at a time. A first step is simply teachers recognizing that children learn in individual ways which they actually know anlwa),, but I'm talking about giving them support for the idea that this is natural and normal, that it's certainly not their fault. But then, any change that involves acting on this recognition is going to be political. Teachers would have to point this our to rhe principal, to the school board, and they'd need the support of others, which again is where homeschoolers cor.rld be helpful. In fact, everybody knozus that children learn at individual rates, but they suppress it, thev say, "Well, that may be true, but this is how school works." Yet

potentially, an administrator could

IMy don't thq? Because they don't all raise their voices at the same time. They don't organize over this issue. Teachers tend to shut their doors and do what they can in their own classrooms, and

they're often surprised to learn that other teachers feel the same way about issues like this. Also, teachers are taught not to respect their own judgment, not to make their own deci sions. They're taught to be the people who carry out the prosrams - people who implement policy rarher than people who create it. Quite definitely, teacher education is a disempowering

process, but the only way this is going to be changed is by reachers themselves taking action.

I don't think argument changes anybody's mind, but one idea is to try to work with teachers in adjacent classrooms who may not agree with what you're doing. Invite those

School is based on a false theory of learning, a theory of control, and this is not in fact how people learn. When I talk about how I believe children really do learn based on interest - the typical response that I get is that yes, this is right, it's common sense, but it isn't the way the school system works. Gnonrsc Wrrsour ScuooLr^-r; #108 r Drc:.'g5{rx. '96

* teachers in and try to help them see

what you're doins." You make another analog in the

article. You say:

it will be argued that learnins is the entire purpose of education, but that doesn't mean that it should demand all our 211e61ion 6p even most of it. Learning is an oulcome, not a process, and if we focus only on the outcome, then we can easily get the preconditions all wrong. Let me start with an analogv. We are concerned that children shor.rld grou' physically... and that their body temperature should stay close to a healthy '1 know

98.6 degrees. These are desirable outcomes, but in raising children we don't continually focus on the achievement of those states of affairs. We

don't stretch or shrink children to ensure they are the right size, nor do we constantly warm or refiigerate them ... We are more concerned with clothing and nourishing them properly. Our concern should always be with those conditions in which growth is a natural and inevitable outcome. Learning is simply an outcome, even a




by-product. It is a consequence of experience ... that is meaningful, that we can participate in and relate to ourselves. ... We should concentrate our attention on the kinds of experiences that students have in schools, not on what they learn. Learning comes with cloing sensible and interesting things..." I think this zuill resonate with many of our readers, and I uonder if you can say something more about uhat those con,ditions are, in which learning or grouth is n. naturaL, ineuitable outcorne.

The conditions exist when learners are surrounded with interesting

people and interesting opportunties. I don't think you can speci$' what exactly will constitute an interesting experience. I would say it's more a matter of what you take for sranted - for example, taking for granted that children are going to learn in any situation in which they're interested, and therefore not worrying too much about whether or not they're learning. The adult world, to children, is full of intriguing secrets. Their typical response is not to disregard what grown-ups d<>

but to find out about it. If it looks at all worthwhile, they'll try to emulate it, and often go farther with it than we do.

It's easier to be specific about what the opposite of a nourishing environment would be: a place where everybody is reqtrired lo focus on jrrst one thing, where no distraction is permitted, no individualiry is permitted, no flexibility of timetable is permitted, and where students feel the pressure of having to dernonstrate what they've learned right away. In terms of what kind of teaching is helpful, it depends on rvhat yort think teaching is. These days people tend to think that teaching means conveying inforrnation, whereas

I think of

lacilitating: s('tting an exbrinsine somebody in, showing ample, a possibility. What teachers do, in teaching as

school and out, is demonstrate what is done, why it's done, and horv they feel about doing it. If we're interested in things, if we can demonstrate good reasons for doing those things, that, as lar as I'm concerned, is a nourishing environment.

GrourNt; WrrHotrt St;nooLtxc #108



Dtrc.'95/Ter. '96

meet and talk with the actor who portrayed him. When he leamecl of .feremy's sreat interest, he directed us to some books fbr further research and to a relevant museum in a nearby state, so-fererny's search for Porvell


not ended.

Raising a Bilingual Child Dauid,


t -feremy has reacl every one, clfien

Clouds and Volcanoes I-rom Karen Raskin-Yottng (A7):

Sornetimes a strong and lastins interest can pop trp seeminelv out of nrlrvhere. This happened toJeremv wl-ren he rvas 6 and we rvere ()n a backpacking trip. For several davs, we campecl beside a lake high in the



mountains. Everl afterno()n my htrsband Bill wotrld look trp into the sky and comment on the clouds and the possibiliq, of rain. Afier two days of this,.|ererny was totally hooked on clouds. He studied thern and askecl Bill a myriad of questions. When we got home, I searched out clotrd books in the library and in new and r-rsed bookstores. We read some and were especially pleased rvhen we fbund one that clearly acldressed r.vhatJeremv reallv wantecl to know: what each diflerent type of cloud formation nleant and what it was callecl. We made charts of clouds so we could keep them for reference. This perhaps six-month study was prornpted by of'fhand remarks but it absorbed Jeremy in it satisfying rvay. Recently, this kind of interest has croppecl up again. We have rnoved to a place where there are volcanoes, and whenJeremy (norv ll) hearcl this, he was concerned. He wanted to knorv if they were dormant and again began peppering Bill with questions, this time almost fierce ones. We found a museum with a relevant ueological display andJeremy has spent absorbing hours in it, trying to understand every detail. Our local newspaper has published a recent series of articles on volcanoes by a resident geologist, and Gnolvnlr; \Allruorrr ScHoor.rx(; #108

stmggling with ancl making sense of rnaterial that's difficult fbr rne to understand. Along the way, he has also become interested in reading the newspaper. As a result of the information he's gathered, rather than being afraid of volcanoes he's nolv enanlored'rvith them and loves viewins thern {iorn every angle. On our earlier trip here, before we moved, we viewed the IMAX movie onJohn Wesley Powell and his expl<> ration of the Coloraclo River. Jeremy's interest was totally captured. He searched the library fbr books on Powell. When one book covered only his explorations,.Jererny searched until he found a book on Polvell's life, cspecially his childhood. Thoush this book was written in a somewhat confusing way,.feren.ry stuck with it fbr weeks, often stopping me wherever I was to relate interesting infbrmation

he'd discovered. Because ofJererny's interest, we

made a day trip to the Grand Canyon.

.feremy realized we were actually hiking on mountains and seeing views that Powell had seen. The crowning moment was a one-man show that we'd rnade the trip especially to see. .]eremy hacl the feeling that he was seeing Powell himself in person. As the perfbrmance progressed, we listened very carefully to be sure of the accuracy of the information, andJeremv was very pleased to discover that it mostly matched his research. We discussed occasions when the playwright took liberties with the trurh and portrayecl Powell in ways that were not true to his character. Afterward, we got a chance to

. Drc.'95{rx. '96

(irlson (MI) urites:

I was born and raised in the U.S.. I studied linguistics in collese and then lived and taught inJapan for a number of years. Currently I teach colleselevel.fapanese and English courses in Michigan. My wife, Keiko, isJapanese. She majored in English and edr.rcation at aJapanese college, did her gradr.rate work in linguistics in the U.S., and trained as an interpreter. She now teaches at aJapanese elementary Saturday school and also works as a translat()r and interpreter. For both of us, bilingualism has been a very enriching experience. We have one daughter, Ernily, who is 6 and a dual-national. For Emily's first t\,vo years, we lir,ed in the U.S.. We then lived inJapan fbr nvo years. Nou' \ve plan to sta),in the U.S. as Emilv grows up, though we hope to be able to make periodic trips toJapan. Since Ernily rvas born, we have consistently followed the "one-parent one-language approach" (Keiko uses onlv Japanese and I use only English) in talking with Ernily. Between ourselves, however, my wife and I use both languages. Our area has a large Japanese comrnunity so Emily can regularly use botlr laneuages in a varieties of settings and contexts. One of the big advantages of

homeschooling has been that Emily has avoided the imbalance that rvould occur if she rvere schooled in only one langtrage. Formal schoolins has drastically altered the pattern of bilingualism among the otherJapanese-English bilingual children we know. Enslish becomes the language of daily str.rdy, with an increasingly

complex vocabulary and structure, usually at the expense of.fapanese,

which is relegated to the role of home language. Japanese stagnates or becomes increasingly weak. In an 27

* effort to keep the child'sJapanese functional, parents resort to private tutors or SaturdayJapanese school. Yet despite such efforts, there are factors beyond the parents' control which pull the child in the opposite direction. Most damaging seems to be the negative attitude toward bilingualism found in the greater community. particularly in the schools. For instance, many teachers hold stigmatized views of children who come from non-English-speaking cultures, and the historically negative and even hostile attitude of professional educators in the U.S. toward bilingualism has been well-documented. One common concern among educators has been that bilingualism is a burden on children and that learn-

ing both languages from birth somehow retards language development.

Another strange notion many educators hold is that simultaneous bilingualism can produce impaired intelli gence and emotional problems. Research doesn't bear out these notions. however. and recent research has even suggested that bilingualism may have positive effects on cognition and personaliry. Yet for a child attendins school, it takes only one encounter with a teacher who holds negative opinions about bilingualism to crush the child's desire to use both languages. Peer pressure can be just as damaging. One of our daughter's bilingual playmates recently asked her mother to stop speaking to her inJapanese as it embarrassed her in front of her classmates.

Homeschooling, on the other hand. provides us with a very positive environment for our daughter to acquire rwo languages simultaneously. With both parents actively involved in Emily's education, there are many opportunities for us all to experience and discuss things together - often the very same things - using both languages. People often say that it would be an impossible ideal to have a completely balanced mastery of all aspects of two languages since it would be difficult to experience each and every life situation thoroughly in both languages. I believe we actually come very close to this ideal manv times


WercHruc CHrr-tnrx Lsenx


each day. At 6, Emily is a very balanced speaker of two native languages and see no reason why she should not remain bilingual as she conlinues to learn. rrsing both languages. in a variety ofcontexts each day.


How She Teaches Herself From MaryJo Larson (MI):

During this past year, if I ever lost sight of the "trust" guidelight, Elizabeth (6) reminded me in a hr.rrry. A few times I have tried to make some-

thing "educational. " Elizabeth will either stop me, saying, "Mom, Mom, I

don't want to know about that right now," or she will soon start doing something else that interests her more. Meanwhile, she has taught herself to read proficiently, to handle a certain amount of math and computation, and to use a calendar. Civing her her own calendar was one of the best things we did this year, in fact. At the beginning of the year, she wrote in every single day anything we knew would be happening - when I am working, when her dad is working, what days she can watch TV, when we go on vacation, etc. She now knows all the days and months in order, when the holidays are, when the seasons change, and the phases of the moon. We didn't do a thing except give her the calendar. She is already working on her 1996 calendar. When I tell people that we are homeschooling, they always say something about how much work it must be. In a similar vein, during the summer they ask whether we are "lightening up on her" now that it is sllmmer. I try to tell them that there is nothing to lishten up on. I can't stop her from reading or working with her calendar or any of her other activities. She always does what she needs to do. If we had to work out her curriculum and make her learn, it would never work for us. We would be burned out in no time, and she woulcl not cooperate. I have found that my work consists mainly of paying attention to what she is doing so that I can gauge what resources might be of interest and use to her at that time. This reqttires some GRor,lrNc

familiarity with what resources are available, which is where I spend most



homeschooling time. I enjoy the

research immensely, though, so it is not a burden. I'rn having at least as

much fun as Elizabeth


Joining the Circus Jenny Boas (FL) utrites:

I'm 14 and have been homeschooled for about six years. Ever since I was 10, my main hobby has been circus skills, things like juggling, unicycling, etc. Over the past few years I have become quite a good juggler. When I was 10, my father taught me to juggle, and now I am better at it than he is. I have gotten to the point where I can keep five balls in the air at the same time. This summer I had the opportunity to go from where I live in Florida to Rhode Island to be part of a real circus. My family has a friend who lives in Rhode Island, and he asked me if I would like to come and stay with him and his famil;' and be a juggler in the circus that he was producing. In April I boarded an airplane for Rhode Island. I had flown by myself before but had never been awav from home for more than a month. There were people at the circus from all over the world. Everyone was very nice and it was really interesting to hear all the different languages that the people were speaking. There were two people whom I especially liked, from Canada. One of them spoke French and English and the other spoke French, English, and German. I thought that was really neat and it inspired me to start studying other languages when I got back home. There were about nine pefformers in the circus - trapeze artists, acrobats, stilt walkers, clowns. There was even one other person who could juggle five balls. He and I would have contests to see who could go the longest without dropping a ball. It was great to have all that competition and my juggling skills improved immensely. I was the youngest person there,

but no one treated me any differently because of my age. We were all there to have fun. The circus was a great Wrruour ScHooltNc; #108


Dn<;.'95lTer. '96

.!. WercnlNc CsrronnN LnenN


experience for me to be on my own doing something that I really like. It kept me so busy that I didn't even get homesick, although I did look forward to being on the phone with my family and telling them all the exciting things I was doing. In fact, I had such a good time that I ended up staying for an extra two weeks until the circus ended. I think that when I was away from home without my parents it gave me a chance to become a more mature, selfreliant person. I am so glad that I am able to pursue things that I am interested in and that my parents allow me to take advantage of opportunities like this, even when they take me away from home. I think homeschooling is a great preparation for grown-up life because it lets me be and learn in the real world and it gives me chances to pursue things that I don't think I would have the time for if I were in regular school.

Working on a Duity Farm From Kirsten Rowe of Nan York: Less than vyear ago, I had never seen a dairy cow up close. While it may seem comical to those who are in-

volved with the dairy industry, in my benighted state I didn't even realize that male cows are nonexistent. While my early misconceptions are embarrassing to me, I can look back and realize how far I've come in this last year. I started to homeschool two years ago, when I was 16. I found out about homeschooling through the book Rzal Liaes: 11 Teenagers tt\ho Don't Go to School. My parents were a little apprehensive about the idea, but for the most part they thought it would be a good experience for me. I had always wanted to try homeschooling, but I hadn't thought that I could do it because both my parents work. We had never thought that I might be able

to teach myself. When I started homeschooling, the summer before I would have been in eleventh grade, I thought it would be neat to try spending three weeks on the dairy farm that family friends owned in Earlville, New York. I had lived in Ithaca my whole life, and I Gnowrruc


only saw these friends when they came to visit us; I had never seen their farm. I found farm life to be completely different from the suburban life I grew up in. When I got to the farm, the farmers told me about how they get up at 4:30 in the morning, and when I asked them about days off, they looked at me strangely, saying that they didn't get days off. Nonetheless, I became enamored with life on the farm. The births of the calves were breathtaking to me. I loved feeding the calves and bedding down the heifers in the barn. Seeing the

milking operation was also intriguing. During my visit I became even closer with our friends, and they invited me to live on their dairy farm as part of my homeschooling experience. This farm is a 480-acre registered Holstein farm. We milk 80 cows and

grow our own replacement heifers. My main jobs are feeding at the heifer barn and cleaning the horse barn. I relish the time I spend with my G month-old registered Holstein calf,

"Hop AJong Cassidy." Though it's been an incredible year and a half, the plan does have its disadvantages, including the separation from my best friends in Ithaca. I try to get back every other week so that I can see my friends and go to parties. All of my friends from school think it's so cool that I just moved to a dairy farm on sudden impulse like that. One thing that was hard for me when I moved to the farm is that "organized clutter" of any sort is not allowed. I like to spread out papers and work on

them and come back later. I

quickly had to change my ways.

It was also different for me to be

around people all the time. Two families live on the farm and their extended family lives in the same town, so the main farm house

Wrnour ScnoouNc #108 . Dnc.'95/JeN. '96

is always bursting with people. I grew

up as a latchkey kid with both parents working, and I always spent a lot of time by myself. Now, I sort of like being surrounded by people. When I wanted to be able to share my growing excitement and knowledge about the dairy industry, I ran for the'95-'96 position of Chenango County Dairy Princess. Since winning this position, I've made many presentations at schools, camps, day care centers, senior nutrition sites, retirement homes, and area clubs. One big project involved producing a documentary on osteoporosis. I've learned a lot about this debilitating disease through the research I've done. It has even made me rethink some of my own dietary choices, and I wanted to be able to share what I've learned with other kids. As a teenager myself, I know that teenagers aren't always open to suggestion, so I decided that instead of standing in front of a class and spouting out facts, I could better reach kids through a documentary that could put a face on the disease. I found a video production company nearby that was willing to film and edit the documentary at cost to them. My parents and I made up the remainder of the cost. I filmed interviews with people and spent a lot of time working on the editing. Then I decided that before the title page, I wanted the image of hands breaking a bone. I went to the pathology lab at

.l Cornell University and was able to obtain the femur of a dog who had actually had osteoporosis. So, being a dairy princess has taken me to all sorts of places.

In conjunction with my dairy princess activities, I will be going to Honduras in November. The group is called Heifer Project International. We will be giving area families a cow and asking that they pass on their cow's first born heifer to a neighbor. Because the villagers are new to farming, we will be building a milk dumping station and teaching the people how to care for and grow food for their animals. In the area where I will be going, 757o of the children are severely malnourished. The milk they will be able to get from the cows will drastically help to

I'm going with

improve their nutrition. In addition to my dairy activities, I'm a big sister to a 9-year-old girl born with severe alcohol and drug syndrome. I'm also a soccer coach fbr a travel team of 8-10 year olds. One thing that was hard about deciding to homeschool was missing ollt on school sports. I loved playing soccer, but have been able to get much of that satisfaction from coaching.

Ideas for Studying Psychology [SS:] About four je(ffs ago, Tabitha Mountjoy (MO), then l5 or 15, urote to me safng that she was interested in studying psychologl but had been disappointed with the (ourses she had tahen at the local community college. She had some questions about options Jbr full-time college enrollment, and she also uanted ideas about hozu she could studl psycholog zuithout going to college. After talhing about collegefor a bit,



... I want to backtrack, though, and talk about some things that you can do right now, because here is where I feel able to be most encouraging. You are already very good at reading on your own, and there's no reason you can't keep doing that. If you found someone, or a couple of people, who could make some suggestions about what to read, and perhaps be available so that you could ask 24

Wer<;Hrxc; Crrrlozu.:'x Leezut


questions or discuss what you had read (which I know can be important), that might go a long way. One possibility - and this will have other benefits too - is to get to know a psychol<lgy prof'essor, either at a local university or elsewhere. In GWS #82, Amber Clifford (also in Missouri) writes abotrt how she found an archaeologv professor who was willing to help and advise her. If you hnd someone like this. the relationslrip rnay give yorr what you need right now, and yoll rnay find that you don't need to take collrses per se. Try writing to professors and explaining what you're looking for (if you're not sure about how to do this, let me know and I'll go into it in more detail). Once you are interested in a specific person and a specific person has taken an interest in yor.l, opportunities may begin to open up. Such a person may help y()u get the right to take or audit a particular course, and may be able to give yoll a good idea of the various options yorr have (college or not, etc.), and help you weigh the pros and cons, decide what you are willing to put up with and what you aren't, and so on. The next part of my thought about what you mirht do right now has to do with getting or.rt there and doing some work with actual people, which is of course a big part of working in psychology. Here's where I need to ask you questions, though: I need to know even more specifically what interests you abotrt ps,vcholclgv, what you imagine yourself dolng Well, if you aren't sure about the answer to this, that's OK too, but my point is that it's an important question, and one that voll can get to work answering fbr yourself er.en witl-rout going to any kind of school. I asked a psychologist friend of mine about this, and she said that she thought it rnight strike people as a bit peculiar to have a teenager

working with troubled teenagers, so that that might be the hardest (although who knows; there might be situations in which this would make sense and work well). But she said she could imagine lots of volunteer opportunities in, fbr example, mental hospitals, homes for disturbed children, halfivay houses - this just gives you some idea. If you can tell me anything more specific about what

interests you, I in turn can get more specific about the possibilities. But, again, even if you don't have your interests narrowed down, it seems very likely that doins some kind of work in this area would be stimulating and would be a good way to get some idea of what you especially like and want to clo. Also, as yoLr begin to get out there, working, you will meet other people who are doing similar work, and you car-r find out fi-om them how much schooling they needed to do what they're doing. You may fincl that there are ways over ()r under or around

various requirements, or, on the other hand, you may gradually develop such a clear sense of what you want to do that you decide you are willing to d<l whatever is necessary to be able to do it, including going to school. So I want you to feel that there are lots of possibilities for you right now, lots oIways to explore yorrr interest and figure out how you want to proceed in the next few years. Another homeschooler I know has a friend who was thinking of working at the Option Institute, which was founded by Barry Kaufman (who wrote the book SonRlsa, about his autistic son). I think they do some interesting work, so you misht look into that. And Elsa Haas, who used to work here and is now in Spain, spent some time in England

working with Rachel Pinney, wh<, wrote the book Boblry, which is about an interesting and Llnusual way of working with autistic children. Elsa simply wrote to Rachel Pinney, told her she had loved the bo<lk and was fascinated by the work, and asked if she could come help out in exchange fcrr room and board. Rachel invited her to come ahead, and Elsa went to England. So if you can find people who are doing work that fascinates you, this sort of opportunitl' may arise for you as well, one in which no one will worry about school credentials. Tobitha ended up uorhing nt a mental health crisis hotline, an,d she descrihed that work in her chapter of the booh Real Lives. I hope that if others are intercsted in psychologl or similarf.elds and are stuck about what to do be-sides tahe courses, thq may f.nd some ideas, or ua)s of thinking, in this list of possibilities. tl

Grourxc WrrHour Scnoolrx<; #108


Dar;.'95/.frN. '96


in CoIIege

Undustanding the "School Merttakty" Jamie Smith, a horne.sclnoln'nozu itt college, zorote in tlrc neusletter of the

MaryIand Home Educaliut As.sociution



used to laugh at my fcrrrnerh'

homeschooled fiiend when she \\'ould complain that sl're onlv sot 9ll out of' 100 rln a test, but nolv I fincl rnyself doins the exact sartre thine. I'erhaps part of the problem is caused by horneschooline. Although the social environment has becotne nruch rnore fiiendly toward homeschooling, rnany horneschool graduates feel they har,e rnore to prove than those rvho "dicl their time" at school. Oould it be u,e think rve have to be better, sfltarter. irnd more bc-autiful than evetyone to be accepted


Now that I've experienced two whole semesters of'collese, I'rn beuinning t() get rlore corlfortable rvith the school set-up. I'r,e discor.. ered that homeschooling has more than prepared rne fbr higher edrrcaas it has filr manv others. Ho'wever, I'r'e zrlso cliscrx'erecl hon,


easv it is to slip into the "school mentalitv." I sornetirnes frrrget that tl're

reason I'm :rt college is to learn, not t() earn tl-re best possible gracles. I






reiul Arrrerica?

No one shoulcl feel he or she has

to outperf()rm the maiority, whether that majority is students, employees, or s()me other group. All people have areas in rvl-rich thev excel ancl areas in which thev strllggle; pressure to be the best in every part of lif'e orrly restrlts in stress, f'eelings of inaclequacy, and clepression. In addition, pressllre fr()m rvithin or from others can cause a lack of desirc to do thinss that might not

be successfirlly accomplishecl. However, what exactly constitutes success? Is it an A in Biolow, or is it becorning interested in science and adding new infbrmation to the data base in one's rnind? Is it lancling a prize job or enjoying an entryJevel position? Snccess is relatir-e, and what is irnportant is 1,ozu r clefinition of it, n()t some-

one else's. What I've learned from rny experiences at my colnmunity college is not tr> let the "school nrentalitl"' take over mv perceptioll of'learning ()r an_v other life purstrits. As long as I can remember the real soal in lif'e - to learn firr the joy'of it, and to live for the love of it - I knorv I'll be happ,v.

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. Duc.'95/f..rx. '96



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* minor deities who must be appeased.

We sentJamie's essa) to homeschoolcrs who are now

Dawn Shuman,



afew other



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That kind of attitude is detrimental to real joy in learning. It is detrimental even when


is somewhat accurate.

There arebad teachers in the world. or

I agree wholeheartedly with Jamie's idea of the "real goal in life to learn for the joy of it, and to live for the love of it." I am now a sophomore in college, and I have found that if I keep to that idea, I amhappy for the most part. I think I've had less conflict about living that way thanJamie has, because St.John's is a rather unschoolish version of a college in many ways. Grades are given here, but not on everyday papers and homework, just at the end of the semester. Also, they aren't reported to students unless we ask to see them. Instead, at the end of each semester each student has an evaluation where the teachers

(we call them tutors) tell you how you have done in class. Last year, my tutors were extravagantly complimentary. At the end of the session they asked me about my homeschooled education and conveyed their compliments to my

parents on how I'd turned out! Naturally enough, this made me very huppy. However, it was also kind of scary, because I don't really see myself as the perfect student. What about the other students? I learned from most of the people in my classes, notjust from the tutors. I do agree withJamie about the need homeschoolers feel to be good, better, and if possible, best. I do feel a certain amount of glee when I read in newsletters and magazines about nifty things homeschooling kids have done. But I'm pretty sure that my success in my classes has been due more to how I learn, as a former homeschooler, than to any sense of one upmanship on my part. I have some really different attitudes from those of manv (but not all) of my classmates. I was never taught to learn in order to please a teacher. St. John's makes a big deal of how the tutors are students, too, who just happen to have 20 years' more experience with what you're studying than you do. It is deeply ingrained in me that a teacher is someone who can help zeefigure out rzl questions. I think a lot of people who grew up in schools think of teachers almost as

at least seriously misguided ones, and there are systems which overwhelm-

ingly encourage dependence on grades. St. John's has Friday night lectures by resident and visiting academics. A few weeks ago an alumnus visited and spoke about how he felt we could make our classes better. Basically, he proposed that we apply

performance standards (with a scoring system) to each person's participation in class. I was very relieved to discover that almost no one in the audience thought this was a good idea. The speaker said at one point that he knew he sounded as if he was applying K-I2 standards to college students, but that he really believed it would improxe the quality of learning in our classes. After the lecture, there is a question-and-answer period.

I told him

that I thought the kind of K-l2 standards he was talking about would be unhelpful even to K-12 students because people learn best when their processes of evaluation are almost

entirely internalized, or self-regulated. He didn't really respond to me - he wasn't really responding to anyone's questions - but a lot of people in the room seemed to be in agreement with me. So, likeJamie, I believe it's very important not to let the "school mentality" take over my life here. I have also learned how fundamental a part of my life my educational philosophy is. I suspect that a lot of

homeschooled kids may have educational philosophies which are just as strong as mine, although they may differ in content.Jamie wrote, "Success is relative, and what is important is your definition of it, not someone else's." That is very true. It reminded me of something I wrote for the speech I made for my homeschoolers' graduation ceremony. I said, '"!Ve are different, and we always will be

different [from schooled kids]. But different doesn't mean better or worse." What different means is different, and being different has meant that I have had a fresh perspective to offer people here at college. I

GnowrNc Wrrnour ScsooI-tNc #108


Dnc.'95/J,tN. '96



Outdoor Programs that Welcome Homeschoolers

Hulbert Outdoor Center In GWS #75, Wand,a Rtzac wrote about the Hulbert Outdoor Center in Vermont. Now Sarabeth Matilsky (NJ)


For the past five years, my brothers and sister and I hare been going to Hulbert Outdoor Center, along with several people from our homeschooling group. It is a really neat place. From September toJune they offer five-day programs for school sroups. Twice a year, in September and March, thev offer the program for about fifty homeschoolers aged 9-15. People come from all over the New England area, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, etc. One family comes all the way from Texas, and one boy travels by train from Canada. Interested parents can come as chaperones, to help during the daytime and in the cabins at night. It's a sood option if someone is traveling a long way and the parent doesn't want to make two



round trips. Throughout the week, there are team-building activities, cultimating in the high-ropes course for the older kids. One day is spenr on mounrain hikes on nearby trails, ancl there are also different field trips: apple-picking, canoeing, sugaring, etc. Most important, vou set to know some really nice people. Two weeks ago I went for my sixth time, and I was a leader-in-training, along with two other older kids. We helped out with the younger children and did whatever needed doing. There was a real sense of responsibilitv and I enjoyed ir rery much. Last year Hulbert started a Leadership Program for people aged 13-16. This group stayed in a youth hostel or lean-to (depending on rhe season) for several nights. I went in March, and it was great. We went snow-shoeing and cross-country skiing. The group was


small, which enabled us to get to know each other really well. A1so, the trip

planning - picking a destination, planning a route, packing food, etc. is really up to the participants, and


everyone gets a chance to lead the group fbr part of rhe rime. Over the years I have made many close friends at Hulbert. As we have gotten older, we have been able to visit each other. Last March, my brother and I traveled with two friends from our town up to Vermont before camp started, and we stayed with Hulbert friends. During the spring those friends came down here, and next month we are planning to get together again. Through peclple we have met at camp, we have met other friends. (Sometimes the networkins that goes

on with homeschooling is really amazing!) An;.rr,ray, the next homeschool week is going to be March 11-15, 1996. For more information. contact Rich Cruikshank-McCurdy, Hulbert Outdoor Center, RD 1 Box 91A, Fairlee \,rT 05045-9718, phone 802-333-3405.

Teen Challenge Courses Jill

Boone (CA) urites:

Cristie (17) and Paul (15) parricipated in the Rightful Passage Teen Challenge Courses for two years. The first year, thev did the Youth Challenge course, which included working on the ropes course and other group activities. The second vear, Paul did that course again and he and Cristie also went on a teen rafting

trip for

amazing opportunities. They have run prosrams at each of the Homeschool Association of California conferences and have homeschooled their daughter for thirteen years.

The courses include trust-building activities, guided interaction with peers, and cooperative games. All of them have been incredibly meaningful for my kids. I feel that they came away from these times with an inner strength and self-knowledge that can only come from facing and overcom-

ins obstacles - either internal ones such as fear, reluctance, shyness, etc., or exterior ones such as battling waves or getting your whole group over a

wall. The bonding among the group members as they work, play, eat, and talk tosether is similar to what I experienced in camp as a youngster but it's a healthier version. I really can't explain how much these courses have meant to my kids, but suffice it to say that when I told them I wanted to be able to send their younger brother Curtis this year, now that he is old enough, and that therefore Cristie and Paul would need to pay for their own courses, both elected to pay for and go to all three. In 1996, April has been put aside for courses for homeschoolers - a youth challenge course, a teen canoe trip, and a Leadership Training course. In the past, teens have come from all over California and Oregon, but anyone n'ho can fly into Sacra-

mento can come - it would be fun to have kids from other states there, too. For information, call the Weistars at 916-265-5490.



week. These courses are organized and run by Tom and Debra Weistar, who are the outdoor education directors

The " Opportunities /Actiaities " section of our Learning Materials List giues informa-

for Pathfinder Learning Center. The

Leaming Materials List is part of our Homeschooling List Pocket. auailabk for $l plus #1.50 s/h.

teens love them. They are so respectful of teens that they are able to create

Wrrsour Scnoor-rNc #108 r Drc.'95{ex. '96

tion abo'ut other such opportunities for teenage homeschoolers and

families. The


1996 Directory of Families Here is our complete 1996 Directory of Families. Entries or changes that arived after our deadline ( lO/ 3ll95) will be pnnted in GwS #tog. Our Directory is nol a list of all subscribers. but only of those wlao ask to be listed. so that other CWS readers. or other interested people. may get in touch with them. If you would like to be included. please send the entry fomr or a 3x5 cild (one lamily per ctrd). Please take care to include all the information last name, full address. and so on. Tell us il you would rather have your phone number md tom listed instead of your mailing address (we don't have space to list both). If a Directory listing is followed by a (H). the family is willing to host GwS travelers who make advmce mangements in Miting. Il'a name in a GwS story is followed by a state abbreviation in parentheses (e.g. 'Jane Goldstein (MA)

Mites...") that person is in the Directory. If the name is followed by the entire state name (e.g. "Jane Goldstein of Massachusetts writes...-) then that person is not in the Directory. We are happy to lbrudd mail to those whose addresses are nol in the Directory. If you

want us to forudd the letter without reading it, mark the outside of tie envelope with witer's name/ description and the issue number. ll you want us to read the letter ild then lbMard it. please enclose another stamped envelope. When you send us an address chmge for a subscription, please remind us if you are in the Directory. so we can change it here. too. Please remember that we cant control how the Directory is used: if you receive unwanted mail as a result of being listed. just toss it out or recycle it.

AL Perry & Nmcy cooDSoN (Wendy/8o, Derek/83. Dylil/86, Daren/89) Rt I Box 44o. Rockford 35136 ... Shari HENRY & Tim JoNES {TJl 85. Rebekah/89) Il0 Femwood Cir. Madison 35758 (H) ... John & Cyndy LEWIS (Jmice/77, Daid'/79, Daniel/81. Mark/89) 1561 Said Rd. Semmes 36575 "' Beth & Joe o'DoNNELL (Saah,/85, Joshua/8g) East lake UMC Academy. 1603 Great Pine Rd, Bimingham 35235... Stuart & Penny POPWELL (Luke/8I. Laura/ A3) 2249 Wire Rd, Aubum 36830 ... Buddy & Sherry SCHENCKER (Laura/88) Rt 5 tsox 600, Talladega 35160 ... Ric & Cynthia SMITH (Hannai/85. Emma/ 88) 3302 S Perry St. Montgomery 36105 AK - A.dr"- & Deborah tsYDLoN tMatthew/ 89. Christopher/91. Cheyenne/93) General Delivery. Big lfhe 99652 (I{) ... Mark & Cynthia CEBUHAR (Katie/a5. Zachary /A6, Andrew/87. Jonathan/89. Destiny/g1) 9324 Kavik. Anchorage 99515... Shana CRoNDAHL & Craig WILSON (Katherine/93) 527 Nelson St, Juneau 99801 (II) ... Melany & Pete CUEVA

lchristopher/82. Katie/83) 2lO4 Belair Dr. Anchorage 99517 (Hl



82, Ed/85, Monty/88) PO Box 362. Nome 99762 0362 (H) ... Karl & Nmcie ELLIS (Anika/84) PO Box277, Kasilof 99610 ... Debbie CRAVEL & Peter DWYER {Tristan/83, Gaelen/8s, Mollie/89) 7941 S Tongass

Hwy. Ketchikan 99901 (H) ... Kay IIACKNEY & Fred DeCICCO (Lucas/87) PO Box l0314. Fairbanks 99710 (I4 ... Janlee & Ken IRVING (Ceoffrey/81. Bonnie/86. Bnta/871 2650 Home Run. Fairbeks 99709 (H) "' Pauf & Pat I,UGIN (Matt/8l, Katel/84) 1934 Tall Timbers Dr. Fairbmks 99709 ... Valerie & Jeff MANFULL (Ashleigh/a6, Frzier/gs) 7421 Tangle Ct. Anchorage 99504 (H) ... Nona & Conrad MULLER (Anna/a3, Zoe/86, lreae/g2) 4 I I w l2 St, Juneau 99801 ... Gregory & Gayle TIPI"ADY (Allie/7s, Connor/ 81, Graham/82) PO Box 3369. Palmer 99645 ... Steve & Christine WARREN (Ginger/8o, Mariah/83, Misty/ 86, Ailon/88) PO Box EDB, Ketchikan 9995O-OO4O (H) ... Paul & Cayle YOUNG (Nathan,/8o, Tamtr/83, Hilary/86) Box 8OO5, Port Alexander 99836 (lI) "' Richdd & carol ZDANoVEC (Kimberly,/a2. Marni/8s) 1453 Birchwood Dr. Fairbad<s 99709

AZ cathy ALGER & Ed cuMMrNS {Eli/86. Ihelin/8g) Orand Canyon Natl Pk, Tuweep Rager Stn, 28

... 4r." & Jim DORRE (Matthew/ 78. Andrew/all 345 S Virginia St #lO. Prescott 86303 (H) ... .1"11o & Deborah GERHART lAmanda/77. Sarah/79, Olivia,/81. Laura/88. Emily/90. Valerie/92) 2420 S I'lacita Hohokam. Tucson 85746... Betty & Fredonia 86022 (H)

David GYONGYOS (Megan/83. Katelyn/86) 3138 N 83rd St. Scottsdale 85251 ... Will & Thea HOI-FMAN {Brian/78) 1430 Camino Amapola. Sierra Vista 85635 ... Steve & Jackie JOHNSON (foby/7A. Levi/84) 33233 N 224 Av. Wittmann 85361 ... John & Cyndie KIMBAI-L (Sarah/84. Jennifer/86. Joshua/91) 3l l3 w l-s Gatos Dr. Phoenix 45027 ... John & Suzi I,ORSON (Samantha/81. JD/86) 6915 E Ouail Run Rd. Paradise Valley 82523 ... Don & Sue LOSCHEIDER (Nolan/8s. Colin/88. Courtney/go) 842 Saddlehom Rd. Seclona 86351 ... Kelly & Amber MARCUM (Lucas/81. Christina/82. Jessie,/88) HC 63 Box 7179. Snowfiake 85937... Steve & Linda MARRIA (Darryl/ss. Carolyn/ 90. Emily/g4) 5I l6 Malachite, Tucson 85741 ... Kim & Mike MARTIN (l,ily/85. Tess/87. Theo/9O. Clay/92) 526 W 14 St, 'fempe 85281 ... Gary & Gwenn MCCALEB (Eryn/77. KrisLa/77. Jessica/8g) Box 295. Nutrioso 85932 {I4 ... Linde MOHIT & Nandor FETSEN (Ari:rne/86. Zephyrl88) 1802 Sagewood Pl. Sierra Vista 85635 ... Gwynne oKoREN (Adrian/g1) PO Box 453. Wenden 85357 ... John PEACEtriIT\KER q'ittany/75j 5029 W Hamront Dr, Glendale 85302 ... Karen RASKIN-YOUNG & Bill YOUNG (Jeremy,/84) 4403 E Rustic Knolls Ln, Flagstaff 86004 ... Uintah SILABAZZ & Dillon DOWNEY (Sante/7s, Sonnet,/77. ff,xy/88) PO Box 668. SpringeNille 85938 (It) or. pev & Cdolyn SLIAPIRA (lsaac/86. Ci]mel/87. Charlotte/ 9l) 15229 N 25th Dr #1. Phoenl{ 85023 ... David SKINNER {Ethan/8s) PO l3ox 777. 54 Wood Canyon. Bisbee 85603 (Il) ... Roy & Susan TANIGUCHI (Sally/ 83) 10414 W Mulberry Dr, Avondale 85323

AR - Chuck & Penne Davidson ARD (Brandon/ 81, Nike/a6, Vince/88, Mark/go, FaM/93) ARD Family Cooperaiive. 33 Thompson Dr. Clarksville 72A30-4217 ... Pat & Iary BERGMAN {Thomas,/87. Ellen/91) PO Box 215, Yellville 17687 ... Kevin & Priscilla TENNAL (Lianna/80, Iaura/82. Catherine/86. David,/9O) 5l l9 C Street. Little Rock 72205 lrll ... Jack & Mary VOLLERSTEN (laura/8o, John/84) PO Box 37, Parthenon (H)

CA, North (zips 94OOO &


Connie ADAMS (Joy/74, M^gqie/77. Ryan/8O, Shaun/

80) 747 Broadway St, Fairfield 94533 (H)... Joe & Aileen AIDNIK (Shana/a8) 988 Collier Dr. Sm kmdro 94572_3820 (H) ... Jane & Sam BECI(TEI_ {Edward/ 81. Melanie/85) SANTA CLq.RA VALLEY HOMESCHOOLERS, 795 Sheraton Dr. Sunnyvale g4OA7 ... Ellen & Michael BICHELER (Melissa/8I. Lindsay/86. Dylan/92) 70 Raymond Hts, Petaluma 9,1952 (IO ... Ruthann BIEL & J Willianr CI,AyPOOL (Patrick/8g) 7139 Steelman Cir, Sacramento 95828 (H) ... Michael & Tammy BILLECI (Joseph/86) 1885 Ednamary Way Apt B. Mt View 94040 ... Stewart & Alida BIRNAM (lan/91, Rachel/94) 2312 Humboldt Av. El Cemito 94530 ... Tom & Nicole BLEES (Melina/a4. Shanti/86) PO Box 189. Comptche 95427 (II1... Beth & Bill BOEHLKE (Md/81) 17322 Grace Ct. Crass Valley 95949 ... Sunny & David tsOOHER {Michelle/79) 912 Valencia Av, Davis 95616 (m ... Jill & Greg BOONE

(Cristie/78, Paul/8o. Curtisi/83) PENINSUI"A 4795 LaEe. Sm Jose 95130 (IO "' Mitch & Donna BRADLEY (Aruen,/87. Mirabel/8g) HOMESCHOOLERS.

2732 Katrina Way. Mountain View 94O4O ... Heather BRICKLIN (Jeanita,/89. Christopher,/92) 162 Wilson St. Sm Francisco 941 f2 (H) ... John & Betty BRINGHURST (Sarah,/80. Benjamin/82, Samuel/84, Hannai,/87, Jesse/9o) 736 Boroood Rd. Woodland 95695 (H) ... Marc & Jenny BRINITZER (Cameron/87. Rachel/91) 9a24 Oak Place West. Folsom 95630 (H) "' Jane & Doug BROCKBANK (Mil/87) 607 Flicker Av, Davis 95616 (H) ..r 5h.O1 CALISH & Patrick COY {Ian,r 92) 40 Kent Pl #2. Menlo Park 94025... Richard & Tera CANANT (Ben,/82, Carly/85. wiu/g1) 2OO Far View Rd, Boulder Creek 95006 ... Gary & Melissa CI-ARK (Amy/85. Nicholas/88, Thomas/gl) Po Box


1073. El Dorado 95623 (H) ... Bry & Mike CONLEY (Sean/87. Devin/9O. Alden/g4) Tri City Homeschoolers. 39195 Irvi St. Newark 94560 (Il) ... Erin COOMBS-FRIEDMAN & Craig FRIEDMAN (Annie/ 89. Mu/91) 4276 Samson Way. San Jose 95124... Suzanne & LaMence CORY (Saran/78. David/79) PO Box 6275. Rheem Valley 94570 ... Iara & Joe DALTON (Elaina/83, Robert,/88) l5 Rutland St, San Francisco 94I34 ... Mike & Angie DEPEW (Taylor/a3. Mason/84. Klark/87) PO Box 2591. lake Isabella 93240 (m ... Annemarie & Robert DONJACOUR (Eva/a9) 32 Highlmd Av. San Francisco 941lO (H) ... Catherine & Michael DORMAN (Claire/8g, Eric/g1, tf,ahlg3) 36551 Mulberry St. Ne.wark 94560 ... l€slie DOYLE & Gary FERRANTE (Roxana/8s, Tasha/go. Kelly/gl) 182 Buter Av. Sacramento 95815 (H) ... Michael DUNNE & Wendy I-ABOV-DUNNE (Gabriel,/8l Raphael/8s. Daniel/8g) 18 Wood l,ane, Fairfax 94930 (H) ... Annelle DURHAM (Artec/85, Kyla/88) PO Box 637. Upper Lake 95485 (H) ... Jane DWINELL & Sky YARDLEY (Dana/g7. Sayer,/9o) 2806 Bidwell St #4, Davis 95616... Christina & Bradley DYER (Brennen,/ 89. Marshall/921 1375 Brill Rd. Paradise 95969 ... Barbara DYSKANT & Barry MILLER (Ralmi/ao, Ereki/ 86. Nadine/g1) 1288 W 7l St #278. Tracy 95396... Rick & Carol EDSON (Shauna/83, Rosalie,/86) wildflower Homeschoolers. 1557 Vancouver Way. Livemore 94550 (H) ... Lucy & Frank FIANIGAN (Danieli/82, Benedict/84) 1473 Nomran Dr. Sunnlruale 94OA7 ... David & Margaret FRANK (JoMariei/66. AnnMarie/68. DJ,/83. Jack/8a) PO Box 1O2. Walnut Creek 94597 (II) ... 5hu.or & David FREEMAN (l)ler,/ 83. Brett/86. Jessee/8g) Ilox 157. 'I'ruckee 95734 (H) ... Mary GAY lAnita/77) PO Box 998. tslue Lake 95525 ... Pm & Craig GINCOLD (Jeremiah/76. Serena/78) YOSEMITE AREA HOMESCHOOLERS. PO Box 74. Midpines 95345 ... George & Susm GOEPEI. (IRia/44. Gemma/go) lO88O Wunderlich l)r. Cupertino 95014 ... Deborah OOLDEEN & Erik OUTFELDT (Simon/86, Martin/8g) 2l3O Birch St. Palo A1lo 94306 ... Doreen & Marc GOUNARD (Maya/87, Tristan/g3) 3oo Napa St. Slip 25. Sausalito 94965 ... Kim & Court GRAFF (Joshua/8 I , Zachanah/84, Hannah,/87, Sarah/a9) 292 I Freedom Blvd. Watsonville 95076 ... Franzi & Wemer HAAG (Kirstin & Tania/8g) 4751 Blanco Dr, San Jose 95129 [It) ... Scott & Joni LIAMMOND Uacob/83. Jesse/86. Kalea/89. Briana/g1, Abigail/94) 5465 Dows Prairie Rd. McKinle!ryille 95521 ... Melissa FIATHEWAY & Kevin MCDONNELL (Sean/83, CoUin/8s. Glynnis/87, Wells/9s) 3l I Howard St. Petaluma 94952 (II) ... David HENDERSON & Alison WOOD (Sophia/87, Benjamin/go) 2668 Pernie Tr. Redding 96001 (H) ... Jenine & Joe HOISING'|ON (tsrmdon,/86. Nicolas/88) PO Box 66, Portola 96122 ... Phillip & Michelle HOLCOMII (Hilary/83. Scott/86) 485 ltma Vista Dr. Redding 96002 ... Anita & Jason HOLLISTER (Sean/ a5. Terry,/9O) 28OO Julio Av. San Jose 95124 ... Kim HUSELID & Matthew GI-ASS (Jesse/83. Zacharyl88) 567 I Cabot Dr. Oakland 9461 r (H) ... Bobby & Laura INGRAM (Amanda/83. Katherine/8s. Noah/88) 8O1 San Cdlos Av. Albmy 947O6 ... Mikc & Linda Conrad JANSEN (Kristina/82. Derek/a3. Monika/86, Dominic/ Bg) 25031 Hwy 44, Millville 96062 (H) ... Grete & George JOHNSON tApnl/77, Dale,/ao, Kylc/83) 16765 Skyline Blvd. [4s Gatos 95030 ... L]Tn & Jeanette JOHNSON (Paul/82. Jacob / 84, Kevin/86, Natalie/88, Heather/g1) 3341 Nut Plains Dr. Sacramento 95n27 ... Sheila JOHNSON & Keith STEMPFLEY [Amanda/87. Sophie/89) 5O2 Font Ulvd, San Francisco 94132... Diane & Chdles JOLISSAINT (David/78. Mark/81) 795 tselfair Cl. Sunnywale 94Oa7 ... CaDm & Michael JONES {Katie/ag. Maggie/g2) I696 Vallambrosa Av. Chico 95926 ... Lillian JONES & Edward BASSET (Ethan/82) 12420 Fioni Ln. Sebastopol 95472 ... Kevin & Cheryl JUST [Trevor/8o. Brett/83) 2854 l<nng Dr. San Jose 95125 ... Dime KALLAS & Bruce KOLLER (lan/89) 213 RiveNood Cir. Martinez 94553 ... Fred & Iaurie KEESAW Uesse/84. Nicona,/86) 26800 Hwy 9, Boulder Creek 95006 (H) ....1r6t & Ken KONDO (Sanayo/8], Asae/85) 744 Piemo Av. Sunn!ryale 94086 ... Ann KOSITSKY-HAIMAN & Peter HAIMAN tAilon/82. Joshua/84) lO90 MiUer Ave, Berkeley 94708 (H) ... Julie & Iarry KROGER (Travis/83, Marta Rose/87) 13l Hunters Clen Ct. Vacaville 95687 (H) ... Mary & Jeff

t-{NCToT (Peter/87. Daniel/8g. Nina/g2) 1502 Ydberry Dr, Petaluma 94954 ... Ldi & Ted LANGLOIS (Marisa,/78) 961 Valencia St, San Francisco 94llO2320 ... Lanis I€BARON & Hmk ALRICH (Myl]e/77, Shaidri/8o, Maressa/82, Tessany/84. Kylm/8g) PO Box 869. creenville 95947 (H) ... Bob & Dorothy LETAND


S<:nooLrxr; #108


1996 Dlnecronv

(Jeremy/87. Rachel/91) l80l Nantucket PI. Fairfield 94533 ... Annie & Mark LEMIEUX (Tyson/86. Jessie/ 87. lan/921 8737 whitehouse Rd. Elk Orove 95758 ... Tom & Annette LESHER (Rebekah/81. Sara}/a3. Caleb/86) 2993 Springer Dr. McKinle,ryille 95521 "' Mary Ann & Joe LIPSIC (Scott/83) 1388 Warner Av. Sunnlvale 94087 ... George & Juliana LOCKWOOD (Cameron/t15, Calen/g1) 3oo Beresford Ave, Redwood City 94061 ... Mary LOIBL & Frmk LOMELI (Cadelba/ 82,YNa/83) 1422 Nutmeg Ln. Davis 95616... Char & Michael LOVE (Solon/7g) PO Box 2035. Guemeville 95446 (II)... Linda MAHER (Danielle/79. Caleb/A3. Sarah/86, Hmnah/89) 3761 Roeding Rd. Ceres 95307 ... Andrea MARTINEZ & Al REAGAN {Terry/83, Donny/ 84) 32O Marie Av. Manteca 95336 ... Harry & Michaele MAURER lJoel/76. Deidre/83) 2O8 Goodrich St. Hal,vard 94544 ... laura MAXEY (Marissa/82. Tamara/ 84) 486 South N St. Livemore 94550-4356 ... Carolvn & David McCARTER-RIBAKOFF (Hava/86. Simha/88, Yonatm,/90. Rahamim/92) 1432 Sebastian Way. Sacramento 95864 ... John & Ann MCCHESNEYYOUNG (Daniel,/82. Amber/8s. Mary/88) 2l20 8th St. Berkeley 94710 (E; ... 14i1" & Janet MCDOLE Gâ‚Źe/ 80. Mark/a2) 844 Coachmil Pl. Clajrton 94517 ... Mike & Patti MICHEL-EWETH (Nikki/74, Skyler/83. Hailey/88) 16 Meridian Ct. Sacramento 95833 (H) ... Sharon & Rich MOLDOVAN {Kristina/87. Travis/89) 243 Bright Std Rd. Valley Springs 95252 ... Eric MONRAD & Therese SHERE (Eve/a3, Emma/go) 7566 Eastside Rd, Healdsburg 95448 ...Tom & Pat MORGAN (Kristin/74, Seth,/77. Tim/81. Josh/83) lOg Grenadine Way. Hercules 91547-2041 ... David & Patricia MUNRO (Miranda/84. Deborah/a6) 957 Roxanne St. Livemore 94550 (H) ... Debbie & Robert NANSEN (lanl8o. Tyler/83) 725 Rose Ln. lrs Altos 94024... L.B. NEISON & G.1,. CAVIGLIA (Adrianne/76. Ailon-Jmes/79) PO Box 1954. Morgan Hill 950381954 ... Mary NEWKIRK & MNin TROTTER (Amber/ 84, Evan/87. Eliza/gll 24OO Meadow Dr, Redwood Valley 95470 (H) ... Mike & Moira NOBLES (Samantha,/78. Christopher,/80) ESPARTO HOMESCHOOLERS. PO Box 3O5, Esparto 95627.'. Amy OWENS & Wai Irung KWOK (Mina,/86, Tucker/ 89) 52O Rockaway Beach Av. Pacilica 94044 (H) ... Diane PAGSI & Bill SEEKINS (Jade/78, laurel,/8o. Charlie/84) PO Box 223. Philo 95466 (I4 ... Gina & Brian PAISLEY (Eliot/83. Emily,/86. oliver/g1) 603 Oman Spgs Cir. Sonoma 95476 ... Dede & Matthew PAPA (Nikolai/84, Alexandra/go) 566 Maylield Dr, Santa Rosa 95403 ... Dennis PEACHEY & Barb{a NEU (Celia/8s, Neil/87) 16073 Gramercy Dr. San lrandro 9457a... Frmcesca & Jeff PERA (Aidan/87. Elida/g1) 755 Capp St. San Francisco 94 I lO ... Pam & Mark PETERS (Becky/86. Jonah/88, Hannah/9l) 245 bs Bonos Av. Walnut Creek 94598 (I4 ... May & Todd PHOENX (Sarah/8s. Antonio/g3) 3O3O Broadway. Redwood City 94062 ... Helene ROCK & Barry LIEtsERMAN (Mia/87) lO48 Border Rd, Its Altos 94024-4726 ... Janet & Peter RUDHoLM (Shoshanna/ 82, Coral/8g) 1954 Butterfly Valley Rd. Ouincy 95971 ... Doma SACHS {Annie,/8o) 37750 Russell tslvd, Davis 95616 ... [a]me & Rosanna SANDA (Melanie/8z, Tani/ 88. Emily/87) 667 Eisenhower Dr, San Jose 95128 ... Smjay & Mdgaret SANTFIANAN {Shobie/9O. Meghana/ 92, Emily/g4) I I 16 Danberry Ct. Antioch 94509 (IO ... Lynne SARTY & Jon LIAFSTROM (Tyla/82. Teal/go) 450 Redmond Rd. Eureka 95501 (IO ... Carolyn & Jim SCHIMANDLE (lris/87. Marguerite/89) 46O Kalana Av. Morgm Hill 95037 ... Petra SCHULTE & Chuck HINSCH (Cdina/86, Katherine,/89) PO Box 463, Mendocino 95460 (H) ... David & Ginny SCHWNCEL (Iaurel/77. Katie/8o. Roger/83) 1428 tast Acre Dr. Felton 95018 (H) ... Laura SCOTT (Lila/8o. Nick/82) PO Box 53. Pt Reyes Station 94956... Michael (mom)

& Steve SCOTT (Samanfta/82. Susannah/84)

Cillotta Av. Berkeley 94707 (H)


... pt.6 & Bonnie

SELLSTROM (Kevin/76. Cary / 79') SPICE (Sacramento Valle.y area) PO Box 282. Wilton 95693 ... Roy & Judy SHIMP {Alyeska/87. Taureanna/8g) 2164 E Bellevue

... larry SIMON & Dime (Irslie/91) 1876 Sm lrrenzo Av. Berkeley 94707 ... Rik & Anne SKINNER (Stacie/82, Rd. Merced 95340 (H) SCHOENFELD

laura,/83. Jmes,/85. Julianne/87, Allison/88. Jeffrey/ 90, Matthew/g2) 712 Poplar Ln, Woodland 95695 ... Patrick & Linda SMITHSON (Patrick,/84. Dale George/

87. Clayton/go) 6293 Melita Rd. Santa Rosa 95409 ... Abe & Shoshma SOCHER (Naomi,/86, Anna/88. Coby/ 9f) lO55 Monroe #C, Albany 9,1706 2262 ... Kathleen & Rmdy SPRENGER (Jaclyn/89. Michael/g1) 680 Alberta Av, Unit E, Sunn)ryale 940a7 ... Pam & Phil

Gnomxc Wrrnour




STEARNS (Anna/7o. Jospeh/79) 7762 Via Colina. San Jose 95139 ... Suean & Jim STEPHENSON (Narda,/65. Ursula/69. Michael/82) MICLIAEL OLAF MONTESSORI CATALOGUE. PO Box I 162. Arcata 95521 ... Jim & t uisa SWANN (Brandon/81) I)ox 2078. Portola 96122 oil ...'fane TACHYON & Jon SHEMITZ {Sam/88. Arthur/g4) 139 Heath St. Smta Cruz 95060 ... I'aul &

Margaret TURANO (tsrian/8s. Michael/87. Emma/94) a57 L St. Davis 95616 ... Rebecca VAN LITH. 14636 Grove St. Healdsburs 95448 ... Oak & Aurelia WEtsB (Zacbaw/871 2505 sth St #172. Davis 95616 ... Lloyd & Edwina WEBER (Sadie/87) PO Box 3089, Amold 95223 ... Roberl & Naonri WILLIAMS (Stom/88) 216B Llzel. Santa Rosa 95401 ... Bill & Valerie WINTERBERC (Sarah/8o. Heather/U2. Billy/86) 555 Laswell Ave. San Jose 95128 ... Neil & Vicki ZIEMBA (Corey/85. lrene/89) PO Box 197, Bodega 94922 (H)

CA, South (zips &





Rhoda ABAYAN {Michael/81. Matthew,/82) 56 S Garden St #6. Ventura 9300f ... Nathmiel & Jane

ADAM (lvka/8O, Lily/aD 19a72 Salt Water Cir. HuntinAton Beach 92648 ... Ilarbara & Alan ALWARD (Nickl/t13. Suzmne/86) 7600 Marchant Av. Atascadero 93422 ... Brian & Deborah BAKILE (Jacob/83. Rachel/ 85) PO Box 291786. Phelan 92329 (H.1... David & Patricia BARULICH (Daniel/88. Naclia/93) l04l Rutland Av, Los Angeles 90042 ... Ileverly & Steve tsEAN (Daniel/8g) 39 Calera Canyon Rd. Salinas 93908 (H) ... Jea IIELLTNCER & Christopher PINCKNEY (Nathaniel,/86. Caitlin/8g) 4672 Sierra'l'ree Ln. In'ine 527 15-2245 ... John BOSTON & Stella O CARROLL (Sean,/69) 9942 Cyn Corrntry Ln. Escondido 92026 (Hl ... Steve & Sara BRECHT fvirginia/at, Ceorge/85. Edward & Jonathan/8s) 20555 Dumont St. Woodland Hills 91364 ... BriAid & Nomran BRETT (Daniel/86. Miranda/8g) 1434 Stilford St, Santa Monica 90404 ... l-ynn BROWN (Chris/8s) 4507 3oth St #87. San Diego 921 16 (H) ... William & Michelle UUSH (Jeremiah/86) 2374 Stonyvale Rd. Tujunga 91042 ... Shelley & Regan CANDETARIO (Aidan/g2. Avery/94) 2591I Via Del Sur, Mission Viejo 92691 (H) ... Deanna CHEUNG & Rasoul SIIARIFI {Marina/8s) Al,l,lANCE OF CONTINUUM SCHOOI-S. 31 l8 lroquois. lrng Beach (H) ... Arny & Chamba COOKE lRene/77. Nora/92) 502 S wiUis, Visalia 93277 (H) ... 4.1ti- & Shirley CRAMER lKenny/77) 4224 Lyadak Dr. Cldemont 9171 t ... Stmley & Yvonne CRANE (Kevin/82. Meghann/8s. Kollin/88) 123 l-rimer St, Salinas 93901 (H) r.. 63rjl & Kamela CRUM (Jordan/g1, Lauryn/93) 4209 Gamsey Ln, Bakersfield 93309 (H) ... Sunnv DAUN & Philip SHOFNER (Brim/8s. Jordan/8g) 12034 Marshall St, Culver City 90230 ... Ann & Michael DeLOLLIS (Erik/ 88. Kathryn/gl) 5330 E Madison, Fresno 93727 ... Claude & Claudia DIAMOND (Rebecca,/86) 539 Telegraph Canyon Rd Ste 145. Chula Vista 9191O... Cuol DoOSE [Brian/87) 34OO Gibralter Rd. Santa Bubara 931O5 (H) ... Cathy EARLE & Jim MUSCATO (Mlndy/82. Lindsey/84. whitney/g1) l29lO Boston Av. Chino 91710 (H) ... Rene & Bear ECKENROTH (Sage/ 86. Galen/88) 17617 Rancho de Oro Dr. Ramona 92065 (m ... Nancy & Alm EDMUNDSON (Christyn,/ 84. Alisha/86. Bradley/a9) 974 Cocopah. Santa Btrbara 93110 (II) "' Janice & Irv EICH (Heidi/83. Gretchen/ 85, Hans/8g. Ingrid/g2) PO Box lO2O. Running Springs 92382 ... Dar & Teri ENDSLEY (An<lrew/73. Kira/7s) 4546 Willow Crest Dr, Toluca Lake 91602 (H) ... Katiri & David ENGLE (Anselm & Joshua/82. Wayland,/86. Wolfram/g2) 3008 Temperance Av, Clovis 93612 (If) ... BiU & Ihren ENOCH (Christopher/84.

Stephanie/87, Rebecca,/9o) 5613 Resoth Av. Bakersfield 93306-3735 (IO ... Steve & l,inda EVANS \lanen /79, Saah,/S2, Andy/84. Nathaniel/go) 2467 lry Ln. lns Angeles 90041 (H) & S. FARRAR (Tara/81. Zeven/83) 454 Papaya St. Vista 92083 ... Scott & Jan FLEETFIAM (Craig/4.l. Christina/87. Alexander/g1) 9128 Coker Rd. Salinas 93907... Dennis & PegS/ FOLTZ (Dennis/76. Tlna/7g, I,isa/8ll l3OOl tseanford St. Arleta 91331 ... Jara FOREMAN SELF & Clint SELF (Cody/82) 2257 Av O 4 W. Palmdale 93551-3366 (H) ... Nu."t FRIEDI-AND & Alan MOSES (Mtrina,/84. Ethan,/87) 1521 Robbins St, Smta Barbara 93l0l ... Tiza & Skip GARRETT (Jackson/88. Jasmine/go. Jordan/92) 552 S San Clemente St, Ventura 93001 ...'lracie GIB & John BURGE (David/ 90) A la Carte Int l School, 25383 Markhm Ln, Salinas 93908 ... Preston & Patty GIBSON (Iauren/8s, Nick/85. Molly/88) 13171 Spur Branch Cir. Corona

1996 Drnlxrronv

91719... Mdian



OCAWA [Grace/

87. Evm/9O) 40453 Cherokee Oaks Dr, Three Rivers 93271-9743 ... Allen & lf,slie GORIN {Arielle/86. Anna/88) 44O Calle Yucca. Thousand Oaks I I 360 "' Theresa & Eric GRAIIAM (Alexandra,/88. Ryan/9O. Adam/g4) 78451 Dorby Rd. Bemuda Dunes 92201 "' ENin & Phyllis CRAUDSZUS (Eric/7g, Ivan/8o) PO tsox 244, Aguanga 92536 ... Debbie & Howard GREEN (Bailey/88. Hillary/8g) 51 Monticello, lNine 92720 ". Rick & LeAm FTARPER (tkisun/84, Shelly/86, Shama,/93) 464 Alan Rd. Santa Barbara 93109 .'. Alan & hri riARRIS (Jumita/84, Charles/87. chillotte & Samuel/89) PO Box 849, Fillmore 93016 (It) ..' p"L.1 HERRERA & Maria IIANGEL (Camille/82) 43Ol Abbington Ct. Westlake Village 91361 ... Craig & Ctrol HIGA (Marshall/al. Jimmy,/84. Kerin/89) t354 Hull Ln. Altadena 9l0ol ... walter & Kathleen HILL [Rebecca/88. lauise Rose/go, James/92) 7586 N Bond Av. Fresno 93720 ... Brenda & Jaap HILLENIUS (Sytske/go. Michelle,/92) 4121 Jasmine Av. Culver City 90232... Luana & Gary HOLZER [WiUiam/83. Josef/a7) 6571 Colon Cir. Huntington Beach92647... Paul & Patricia HYDE (Emily/78. Dara,/81) 2661 lf,e St, Simi Vauey 93065 ... Timothy & Sheni JACKSoN (Shelley/ 86, Stacey,/88. Stephanie/go) t4l Shapley Way. San Clemente 92672 ... Becky & Kevin JONESTRASK (lrril87. Cassie/g3) 2633 Wyandotte Av, San Diego 92117 (H\ ... Susie V. KAUFMAN (Jarrett knnon/82) 18850 Vista del Canon. Santa Clarita 91321-2296 ... Janning & Scott KENNEDY [Tyler/8s. Caitlin/87) 17918 Pesmte Rd. Salinas 93907 (Il) ... Michael & Alice KENNEDY [Sabrine/8o, Peter/83. Josephine & Sara/86) 805-256-9358 (Rosamond) "' Steve & Tilly KETTEzuNG (Claire,/84, Hmna/86. Emily/8g) 614 Minnesota St. Fallbrook 92028 (H) ... John & G KI RKI-AND (Tabitha/85, Nexa / 87. Cody/g3) 4436 Wavertree, San Luis Obispo 93461 ..r Qarl & Cynthia tADD (Kuen/87) 714-75A-9924 (Anaheim) ." John & RoxAnne f-{WSON (Francisco / 73, lena / 7 6, l|fele / 7 I, Shaina/82. Cricket/88) PO Box 2930. Running Springs 92382 (H)... Dale & Agnes LEISTICO (James/73. Iaurene/77, Susil/7g) 313 Somerset Pl. lrmpoc 93436 (H) ... Beth & Richard LESTER {Erin/88. Katherine/92) 22703 Kathryn Av. Tondce 90505 ... Steve & Darlene LESTER (Nathen/71. Ely/73. Damian/ 78. cabe/8o. Ben/86) Po Box 2o3, Joshua Tree 92252 ... william & Dahlia LEWIS (Selena/8o, Victoria & Vanessa/8s) School of Home lf,aming Support Group, t9O4 Flora Vista St. Needles 92363 ... Al & Christine LOZANO (Diana/82. Mucus/85, Alexia/87) 75O E Bennett Ave. Clendora 91740 (H) ... Pat & Pete LUBOFF (Paiadin/78. Pepper/81) 930 Brett St. tnglewood 90302 ... Robert & Chris LYNDS I'laryn/78. Shaw/8O) 96 W f2th St. Paso Robles 9344$ -r 616..n & Jason MARTIN (Drake/92) l85O Wind River Rd. El Cajon 92O I I .- Amy & Bob McCALL (Brendan/go. Gavin/g1) 19425 aTth St. Califomia City 93505 ... Kim McDoNAl,D (Steven/8s. Nicole/87) 4903 Nautilus #3. Oxnard 93035 (H) ... Ed & Robin MEARES (Benjamin/ 88, Julianna/g2) 10767 Mountair Av, Tujunga 91O42 ... Art & Rebekah Mll-ANO {David/80) 3lO 372-2442 (Redondo Beach) roo Dma & Paul MORGAN (Katie/83. Daniel/8s) 85OO Belford Av. Lrs Angeles 9OO45 ... Shirley MUELLER & Mark GALBRAITH [Angelika/aa) 439 Center St, Izguna tseach 92651 (H) ... Luisa MUNOZ (Michael/76, Serena/78. Arlen/8o) 619 4915867 {San Diego) (H)... Jim & Eileen NANCE (Jordan/81, Rob,/84. Kira/88) 772 Sm Martin Pl. Thousand Oaks 91360 ... Terry & Debra NEWIIY {Melissa/88. Wesley/go) 2127 235th Pl. Torance 90501 ... Coddy NUCKOTS & Mary SHANNON (Mdl 85. Sam/a8) ll3O5 Blue Sage Dr, Kagel Ceyon 91342 (IO ... Debbie oLSEN & Phil MARTINEZ (Cecella/86, Andreas/8g) 231 Hillandale Ct. Riverside 92507 (H) ... Dimitri & Ruth PAPADATOS (Antonia/82) 8451 Topmga Canyon Blvd. West Hills 91304 ... Mark & Beverly PARKER IBryce /77, Naomi/8o. Chtrlotte/a6) 471 Palm Av. Seaside 93955 ... Bill & SaUy PECK lDavid,/77. Sarah/ 78. Jonathan/80. Amy,/83, liura/85. Daniel/88) 619-673-8556 (Poway) 92O64 ... Bill & Sea PmERSON (KeUie/7g. Colin/a1) PO Box 5085. Two Harbors 90704 (H) ...11.r. & Andrew PS|ERSON (Rachel & Arime,/85) 1640 Robin Cir. Aroyo Crande 93420 ... Kristine POE & Pablo FRASCONI (Luisa/go) 768 Mission Oaks l-n, Santa Barbara 93105 ... Camy RANDOLPH-CILBERI & Jack GILBEK| (Eban,/82. Kellin/85) 4223 lrmp Ave. Studio City 91604-2922 .ro Cathy & Kerry RATHSAM (Malt/7s. Chris,/a4. Michael/ an 5265 Ave de Despacio, Yorba Linda 926a7 ... Thomas REAPER & Erika THOST (Tristan/86. Clancy/


87, Tobias/g2) 3866 Center Ave, Smta Barbara 93l lO ... Paula & Jeff REMMEL (Tenie/82, Christopher/87, Sdmaria/go) 4a72 Royal Greens Pl, Sm Diego 92117 ... Neil zuIODES & Julie MCKEEFIAN (Nicholas,/78, Alexmder/8O) 1328 Clock Av, Redlands 92374 (lt ... Diana & Eliseo RUIZ (Jessiah/82. Kevyn/g2) 10367 Campbell Av, zuverside 92505 ... Peter & Anne SAI-AZAR-DUNBAR [Ben/87, Alq/91) SAN DIEGO HOME EDUCATORS, 1052 Lincoln Av. Sm Diego 92103 (H) ... Mike & Milcia SARKA (DaleJeremy/87) 22O4O Gault #34, Ciloga Park 91303 ... Susm SELVIG & Richard GREENBI,ATT (Ra4'/8O. Chillotte/83) 1935-3lst St, Sm Diego 92102... Ray & Kathryn SESSIONS (Patricia/79. Ethm,/82. Richard/8s) rO4l Dracena Ct. Redlands 92374 ... Dean SHEARS & Bilbila SAWZAK-SHEARS {Dem/86. Bethmy/89) 131I Henshaw Rd, Oceanside 92056 ... Cindy & Steve

SKALE (Kenneth/88, Robin/go) 1036 Oliver St, Sm Pedro 90732 ... Cecil & Cmdy SNYDER (Julim/82, Johmy,/86) 20556 Entradero Ave, Tormce 9O5O3 ... Robert & Elizabetl SOUZA (Jason/7s, Jtred/8o, Jasmin/82, Jillim/84) 2923 Mtchael Dr, Newbury Park 91320 (H) ... The TID\&ELLS (Teddy/88, Tommy/g1) 9O4l 1/2 l{rueger St, Culver City 90232 (H) ... Michael & Lisa THOMAS (Nicole/86, Benjamin/go. Samantha,/92) 4088 Greenwood St, Newbury Park 91320 ... Steve & Lym THOMPSON (Michael/84, Daniel/88) 10710 Esther Ave, t s Angeles 90064 ... Ipla & Luis TIRRE (lana,/a2, Sheiley/8s, Livia/88J 2O7 E El Portal. San Clemente 92672 ... Eric & Cher TOWNSEND (Sem/8O. Melissa/85) PO Box 1085, Idyllwild 92349 ... Ken & Marsha TUDOR (Colin/82, Ctrissa/861 6266 Mayberry Ln. A.lta t ma 91737 ... Linda & lrving VILLATORO (ltiel/go. Isua/g2) 818996-1532 (Van Nuys) ... Ron & Angela WALKER [Wesley/87, Yolanda/91) 34940 Bouquet C]n., Saugus 91350 ... Ire & Edlyn WEST (Eugene/84) 1325 S Bromley Av, W Covina 91790 ... Katrina & Ken WHITE (Nicole,/78, Enca/7g, Joe/81, Chris/84) 22416 Little Klondike Rd, Ramona 92065 ... Elizabeth & Terry WOODFIELD (Sarah/84, Katherine/88) 14852 Laurel Grove Cir, lwine 92714... Tom & Milge YEAOER (Phil/83, Cecily/87) 1172 Fetlock Way, Riverside 92506 (H)

CO - ni-

& Jim ADAMS (rhlin/8g, lauren/g4)


Holly & Bill BENDER PO Box 8009, Durango 81301 (lancelot/9o, Donovan/94) 4OO Whispering Pines Rd.

Boulder 80302 (H) ... ps1.r & Valerie BERC (Irifl8s, Noah/88) 1495 Riverside Ave, Boulder 80304 ... Jim & Debbie BODMER (Rachel/87, Jacob/8g, Nicholas/g l) 1033 E lrngs Peak Av, langmont 8O5Ol ... Nacy & Mark BOHNE (Kathleen/85, leigh/87) 5779 E Geddes Cir. Englewood 8Of 12 ... Kip & Nelliâ‚Ź BOYD (Jennifer/ 79, Brmdie/83) 13 Perins Vista Dr, Durango 8l3ol ... Deborah & Richad BRUNO (Andrea/87. Richud/9l) Like-Minded Homeschool Support Grp, 98Ol Moryison Rd. Iakewood 80227 ... Tenell & Cafi COHEN (Jelfrey/75, Tam{a/77) 1499 S Lima St, Aurora 80012-4133 ... Nancy COLEMAN & Greg WHITEFIAIR (Ben/85, Jake/87, Nikki/8g) 6006 E lpng Pt, Englewood aot 12 ... Shdon & Richard DEKESTHLER (Jurlia/88) 1220 Snowbank Ct, I4ngmont 80501 (m ... Bryan & Tracie DEMING (Ammda/8s, Christopher/ 87) Unschoolers Fmily Support Grp, 5315 tandgan St, Colorado Spgs 80919 (I4 ... John & Pat EVEREST (Erin/83, Matthew/84, Richild/86, Michael/8g) 2914 Richard Dr, Durilgo 8l3ol (H) ....h6t GTLLIGAN & David KLINE (Zachary / AO, Caitlin/83. Stephmie/85) lo2o oakdale Pl. Boulder 8O3O4-O748 ... Bill CRr{II]UV1 & Susm LANIER-GRAIIAM (Patrick/84) 556 Brclay st. craig 81625 (IO... Ceorge & Diana GRING (John/ 80, Craig/82) 315 Timberline Dr, Durmgo 813O1 ... Jonathan & Bilbda HARSCH (Jonathan/83, Arne,/85. Timothy/8g) 312 Sun King Dr. Clenwood Springs 8f6ol ... Ken & taurie HUFFMAN {Alex/a2) PO Box 186, Divide 80814 (H) ... Kristin JASPERSE & Chules SJOI-ANDER (Sean/88) 2816 W Kiowa St, Colorado Springs 80904 ... Holly KEIFER (Emtly/82) 2888 Bluff St #492, Boulder 8O3O1 (H) ... Ron & Brenda KIESTER (Seth/84, Shey/go) 131 County Rd tl, cunnison 81230 (II) ... Jeny & Ann I-ANGIN-HOOPER (Stephmie/81, Joe/83) 5865 Wilson Rd, Colorado Spgs 8O919 -. Iarry & Jeanette I-ARSON [A4una/84. Rani/86) 545 K St, Pemose 81240 (Il) ... George & Kathy LORENTZ (Evan/7', Ammda/8o. ryler/A4. Erin/86, Hilnah /9O, Ethailg2l 3I Pin Oak Dr, Littleton 8OI27 ... Oeorge & Denise NEWMAN (David/ 87, Elyse/go) 12447 W 16 PI, lakewood 80215 ... Kiyo & Pegg/ NISHIKAWA (Kden/84. Stacey/88. Rachel/


93) 2420 N I St, Grmd Junction 81501 (H) ... David & Cheryl NOK|HRUP (Nathan/75, Grabam/76, CTey/ 78. Cmella/81, Jonathan/86. Ihral88) 511 S 3 St, lamar 81O52 ... Susm & Daniel OVIATT (IEvi/76, Jessica/78. Jackson/8l. Rosanna/83) 619 Acadia Dr. Grand Junction 81503 (II) ... Shelley & Richild PARTRIDGE (Rya/86) Magnolia St Rt, Nederland 80466 (I{) ". Joy & Henry SCHULTZ (Aaron/86,

Jamie/88) 2715 E Maplewood Av. Littleton 8Ol2l2823 lm... Timothy & Krista STEWART (Rick/8l. Ruth/84, Thomas/87) 4492 S Sheman St, Englewood 80llO... Herb & Lisa STREHL (Mary/g2, Michelle/93) PO Box 839, Wellington 80549 ... Denise & Ralph SUTHERI-AND (Rodger,/88, Jennifer/g]) ll5O Monroe Dr #D, Boulder 80303 ... Nancy THERIAULT & Juon MORGAN (Hannah,/88. Sophie/gl) 406 Garlield St, Ft Collins 80524 (H) ... Amy & Michael WAGNER (Alexmder/85. Samuel/87. Maria/9o, Michael/g2) 7235 Robb Dr, Aryada 8OOO5 (Hl ... Bridget WAISH & Criswell DAVIS (Cole/85, Telgan/go) 2517 Sunrise Ct, I-uisville 8OO27 ... Kurt & Tighe YOVANOFF (Brenna/ 79. Maddy/8r) NOR|HERN CO HOME SCHOOL ASSOC, 4633 Skyline Dr, Fort Collins 80526

CT -

Scott & Cilol-Anne ALLEN (Patricia/87, Fabys Rd, Fabym 06255... Bemadette BAHNER [Theresa/83, Christopher/84) 48 Rimmon Rd, RR 9. Woodbridge 06525 ... Stephen & Mary Llrne BOIS\EKI (Sarah/87, Anna/8g) 34 white Oak Av. Plainville 06062 (H) ... Alison & Iarry BRION (Laura/8 l. Julia/ 84. Meredith/go) 203-355- 4724 {Shemm) ... John & Wendy CORMIER [Nicole,/76, Jason/78,'I),lerl88) 662 Highland St. wethersfield O6lOg ... Peter & Carol DELANEY fMichael & Francis/


George/g2) 459

81, Ruth/8s, David/88, Mary/g1) 125 Clinton Dr.


... 6.tottt & Dominick DeMASI (laura/7g. Sara/8l. Anna/84, Emily/a8) 4 Pond Crest

Windsor 06074 (H)

Rd, Danbury 06811 (H) ... Bill & Elizabeth ELDzuDGE [Bryon/8l, Saah/86) 47 Wentworth Dr. South Windsor 06074 ... Kimberly ENDAHL & Mark TSOCANOS (NinaAlexandra/84, Nikolas/86. Sebastiil/8g) I 1 Charles St, Ddien 06820 ... Peg FEUREY & Jim KITTLE (lm/ a5. Byron/89) 87 Ihollwood Ln. New Canaan 06840 ... Lydia & John FLYNN (Michael/84, Caitlin/87) 9 Corinne Dr. Tolland 06084 ... Vicki & Mark FRENCH (Sarah/78, Danica/88. Marlee/89) 229 Bundy Hill Rd, Lisbon 06351 ... Kim & Richud GILLII-AND lRichild/ 91, Tori/g3) 27 High St, Deep River 06417 ... Michael & Caroline CORDON (Kenny/87) 3 River Av, No 2E}, Greenwich 06830 ... Milk & Anne HODCE [Emily/88. James/9o, Peter/93) 171 Stamford Av, Stamford 06902 (H) "' Kevin JONES & Karen GUMPEL fviola/ 84, Charlotte/85, Caleb/87, Baby/go) l20 Bradley Rd, Madison 06443 ... Beth & Tom KINO (Alexildra/85, Emily/88) 37 Wellington St. New Britain 06053 ... Michele I-AIVTY (Acacia/88) l2O Old Hatchery Rd, Kensington 06037 (Il) ... Peter & Ruthmdie LAWLER (Colby/84) 780 Chestnut Hill Rd. clastonbury 06033 411,4 (II}... Paul & Laura MASTROPOLO (Lial83, Anna,/AO) 224 Brewster Rd. Bristol 06010 ... Joseph & Donna MCDONOUGH (Matthew/84) 154 Haverford St. Hamden 06517 ... Diane & David MEIZLER (Dmielle/81. Stephen/84) 26 Shorelands Dr, Madison 06443 ... Walter & Erin MOODY (Smuel,/8g, Erica/g1, ln/94) 32 East Shore Rd. Ellington 06029 ... Willim & Kathryn MULLEN (Nevada/92) 7l Hilldale Dr, Southbury 06488... Theresa & Dwight NEEDEIS (Thea/82, Corie/85) 40 Monroe St, Meriden 06450 (H)... Earl & EUen PAPPAI-ARDO (D.J./83. Evel8g) 70 Linden St. New Britain 06051 2412 (H) ... 5t".. * Joseph PIESCIK (Andrea/84, Jeremiah/88) 20 Wells Dr, Fmington 06032 ... Cheryl & Frank POMERANTZ (Sarah/81. Jacob,/86) 39 Stons Heights Rd. Stoms 06268 ... Stephen & Lisa SARFATY (Joseph/84) 283 Talmadge Rd, Cheshtre 06410 ... Alan & Joyce SCFIAEFFER (Ben/88, Smah/9o) 32 Herick Rd, Brooklyn 06234 (I4 ... Linda & Dick SCHROTH (Alison/81, Jonathan/82, Brim/84) 48 Irng Hill Rd, Cobalt 06414 (H) ... po*". & Betsy SLIAFER (Ben/88, Chalie/go) PO Box 522, Old Mystic 06372 ... Luz SHOSIE & Ned VARE (Jonathm,/79) 22 Wildrose Av, Guilford 06437 (II) ... Frank & Beth SPENCER (Frank/9o, William/g2. Kathryn/g3) 22 Village View Ln, Fmington 06085 ... Monika & David STEIN (Noah/a6, Sonja,/a9) 53 Pond Meadow Rd, Ivoryton o6442 (II}... GIem & Amy STEVENS (Corey/8g. Mouy/g2) 30 Duane Rd, Hamden 06514 (I4 ... Herick & Susm STICKNEY (John/79) 63 Spindrift Ln, Guilford 06437 ... Ilene TRAIGER & Joseph SFIAPIRO (Anne/7g. SaUy/82, Clua/82. Nathm/ag) 73

Blackman Rd. Ridgelield O6a77 ... Shanon VALE & Dennis CORRIGAN (Sem/86, Bridget/8g) 84 Delawile Rd, Easton 066r2-2106... Cheryl YESBERGER. 214 Child Rd. Woodstock 06281-15r3

DE - timothy & Bonnie BOOI(WALTER (Erich/ 88) 218 Rushes Dr, Beil l97ol (H) ... Richtrd & Kathleen BRADY (Sarah/87, Lucas/89, lngan/g2) 4313 Verona Dr, Wilmington 19808 (I{) ... Jody & Justin rIYATT (Anders/83) 2OO8 Eden Rd, Wilmington l98to ... Russell & Anna KNAPP Uason/84, Jennifer/87. Alex/gz) lO7 Fam Av, Wilminglon 19810 ... Jeannie & Al MORRIS (Lindsay/82. Mike/86) Ll3 Beachfield Dr. Rehoboth Beach 19971 o. $s251g & Stephen WYSHAM (S{ahl8I) lO9 Cmbridge Dr, Wilmington r9803 (rr) DC - Hayt.y & Eric LINDEMAN (lan/87, Ga!4n,/go) 4614 38th St NW, Washington 20016 04 FL -.lanet & William BAKER (Noah,/8o, Dirke/ 83) 813-789-0203 (Oldsmar).I Kevin & Karen BEACH (Evanil8o, Megan,/83. Erin/86) 3403 67th St ct E. Bradenton 34208 ... William & Judith BEALL (Lucius,/ 78. Forest/81) 73O t4ngboat Ct. Longboat lky 3422a ... Ralph & Sherry BOAS [Amber/7g, Jenny/8l, Timmyi/83. Toby/92) 19546 Bamboo Bend, Groveland 34736... Karen & Ralph BOVE (Christopher/al, Benjamin/87, Sam/89. Katie,/g3) 243 Plumosa Rd. DeBary 32713... Ctrey & Melody COOPER (Ailon/8o, Crystat/83. Jeremy/88) 310 W Osceola Ln, Cocoa Beach 32931 (IO ... Shtron & lruis DEPPE [Amber/82. Mandy/8s. Regan/88) 2l2O Plainfield Av, Orange Pilk 32073 (m ... Robert & Shirley ECKES [Wil/9O, Cole/ 94) IOG Channel Dr, take Mary 32746... Karen & Richdd FRANKLIN (Adm/77, Jessica/8o, Christopher/83, Andrew,/Sg) 3939 Winfield Rd, Boynton Beach 33436 ... Mike & Arny cRlcGS (Mike/77. Jake/ 83) 355 S Highland Av, Green Cove Springs 32043 ... Jil & Dave FTANCOCK (Anna/go, Steve,/94) 1260 Alma St, takelmd 33803 ... Steve & Cheryl IIATFIELD (John/85, Drew/86, Clay,/88, Ross/go) 920 SE lTth St. Deerfield Beach 33441 ... Jamal & Diana HUSSEIN (Saah/So, Mahmoud/84. Nadia & Hannah/go) 2O2O Turpentine Rd, Mims 32754 ... Kathleen & Chip IACONA (Gwen/8O, Anna/81, John/a7) 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay 32907 (I4 ... Karen & Wes KINNEY (Keeley/79. Beau/82) 21293 Burkhart Dr, Port charlotte 33952 (II) ... Shelly & Fonest KINZLI lNathanael/9 1, Micaella,/86) 2,166 Whitehall Cir. Winter Park 32792 ... Rachel & Robert I-AYMAN (Trevor,/8g, Myles/93) 43O Old Spmish Trl, lfftana 33462... Ralph & Virginia kBRUN (Aaron,/75, Johnpaul/81, Jacob/86, Ruth/go. Benjamin/g4) Rt 2 Box 785. Crescent City 321 l2 ... Sheri & Don LINSENBACH (Devin/7g) 4536 Sw 14 Av. Cape Coral 33914 ... Walne & Reenie MaCHARRIS (Michael/8I, Molly/83, KeUy/85, Mark/8g) 36814 Chestnut Ln, Zephyrhills 33541 ... Thomas & Roblm MAESEKENTHIN (Matthew,/87, Michael,/g1) 2608 Vaughn Av, Deltona 32725 ... Mtuy & Steve MARLOWE (Rachel/87. Hannah,/go) 407-588-8039 (take Worth) ... Keny & Jim MCCALL (James,/8s, Amy/47. Matthew/ 89, Junemarie/g2) 9870 Martinique Dr, Cutler Ridge

33189 (H) ... David & Kellye MCMULLEN tAbaba/g', Talis,/g3, Cole/gs) lO2O James St, Key West 33O4O ... Gwen & John MEEHAN [Patrick,/76) l52O Briercliff Dr, Orlmdo 32806 ... Susie & Ken MICHAEL {Dm/85, Steve/87) 6014 Nw 52 Ten, Gainesville 32606 (11) rer Smdra MIKEL & David STITES (Mu/86, 7ne/91) Rt 4 Box 35. Hawthome 32640 ... Gina & Richdd MILLER (Enn/A7, Rym/88) 1139 Colony Ams Ct, lakelmd 33813 ... Lyn MILUM & John MCGRATH (Aruen,/8O, John Michael,/88. Justin/g3) Homeschool Network. 548 N lake Pleasmt Rd, Apopka 32712-3904 ... Pachel MOORE {Andrew/8g) 32 Ba}tree Cir, Lfftana 33462 ... Eric & Bilbda REINHARDT (Anna/86, Sarah/9O) 8512 Sunset Willow Ct. Orlmdo 32835 ... Martin & Helen RUBIN Daniet/77, Alexander/81) 921 SW l8 Ci. Ft Lauderdale 33315 ... James & Tda SENNETT [Gina/82) PO B'ox 24708, W Palm Beach 334 I 6 ... Abdul-Salaaml Fatimah SHABAZZ (Ajna / a4j 7O4 Helen Av, Panama City 32401 ... Pam & Steve SITNICK (Iam/78, Dylan/81) l5O Paddock Ln, W Palm Beach 33413 (IO ... Lynn & Tom SOUTHWORIH {Lindsay/84, Nicholas/86) 3623 Mamaroneck ct, Green Cove Spgs 32043 ... Kathy & Tony SUERGIU (Elizabeth/82, Juliette/85) l51O Nw l7 St, Homestead 33030 ... Sandra & James THOMAS (Rachel/83,

GnowrNc WrrHour ScHoor.lxc #108 o 1996 Drnncrorv

Vanessa/9o) 1449 lanier Rd, Iakelmd 33809 O{) ... chet & Terry THOMPSON (Drew/86, Wade/88, Cory/ 90) 116 E Julia St. Perry 32347 ... Beth TREPECK (Hayden/86, Cameron/89) 1361 SW 15 St, Boca Raton 33486 ... Jaye & Michael WILLIAMS (Alex/89) l8l0 Bayshore Ct, Englewood 34223


& cary ALBRIGHT lltg4/82, Audrey/84) 1837 Tree Top Ct, Martetta 30062 ... Bob & Chris BISHOP (Currte/79, Bethmy/81) Free to Leim at Home. 4439 lake Forest Dr. Oakwood 30566 ... Joseph & Deborah BRODNICKI (Robert/7g) 9740 Manor Ln. Gaines!'llle 30506 ... Bruce & Btrbara BROWN (Anna,/7g. Joshua/81. Zachary/45) 815 Veeler Rd, taFayette 30728 (II}... Claudia CONN & Jim DURDEN (Aaon/8o, Megm/86, Elma/93) 2986 Acworth Due w Rd, Kennesaw 30144 (IO roo !66esa ft lan COWE (Natasha,/85, Tristil/8g) Rt 3 Box 3171, Dawsonville 30534 ... Mike & Ellen FOSTER (Derek,/ 83, Ryil/86, Jiled/88. Jason/8g) 3112 lake Pt Cir, Acworth 3OlO2 ... Susm HODGES & Tim DENI{Y (Riva/85. Ethm/8g) 4130 Old If,xington Rd. Athens 30605 (Io ... Jerry dd Jme Prest HOLCOMB (Dustin/ 76, Grayson/8o) PO Box 2161, Columbus 319O2... Roy & Mary HOOD (Sam/78, Ginny/8o, Dan/83, Laura/86) PO Box 2524, Cartersville 3Ol2O (H) ... Mark & Dime JOHNSON {Lindsey/82. Milk/84, Alex/86 Mathew/88, wesleigh/g1, Hannah/g4) 1541 Brookshire Rd, Acworth 3OlO2 (IO... Jon & Esther LILLEMOE (Sarah/7', Ethm/84, Rachel/88) 3143 Semmes St, East Point 30344 (H) ... Derek & Kristen MADDOX (Ian/83, Emily/86) 98 Red Fox Run, Wmer Robins 31088 (H) ... Catherine & Bill M.KEE Uessica/87. Michael/g2, Arur /941 605 Cmack Ct. St. Marys 31558 ... Robert & Cathy MORRTS (Megn/77, Rob/79, N\dy/84J 2l I Eillwood Dr. Dublin 3lo2i ... Angela & Chdes OTT (Christina,/82, Caren/8s) 322 Steele Wood Dr. Richmond Hill 31324 (Il) ... Spilks & Linda RAMEY (Apd/75, Mtk/79) 7180 Cme Iraf Dr.

Fairbum 3O213... Steve & MaJy/a2. Jake/84, Jed/87) 30518... Dick & Pam ROE Emily/88) 3224 Kensington

l€slie RETCHKO [Jesse/8I, l45O Hessie Ln, Sugar Hill

(Richard/82, Kate,/86, Rd, Avondale Estates 3OOO2 (IO ... Greg & Vivien SCOTT lMichael/77, David/8o) 3258 Long Indim Creek Ct. Alphiletta 3O2O2

... John & Diane

SINCI-AIR (Daniel/8s, Nathan,/

89) 978 windmill Ln, Evms 3O8O9 (H) ... Julie & Michael SgUIRES (Elizabeth/88) 6410 Wright Rd, Atlmta 30328 (IO ... Spiros & Dale VOSTITSANOS (Sara/78) 706-754-5719 (Clarkes!'ille) ... Olenn & Ronder YOUNG fwilliam/81. Alec/83. Iml88) l42O Shenta Oak Dr. Norcross 3OO93

III - Heather & Anson BERNAL (Noah/8g, Tasha/go, Fotrest/g4) 87-22I Ohi,o}]'i Pl, Waimoe 96792... Linda INOUYE & Brad l-AU lKaW/A4, Emily/

87) Friends I€ming at Home. PO Box 3476, Mililmi 96789 ... Juet KRUSE [Iaurel/83) 535 Nowela Pl. Kailua 96734 ... Rita & James LEONARD (Benjamin/79, Alexander/86) PO Box 832, Hilo 96720 ... Mike & Roblm LUEDERS (Jacob/8s. Benjmin/87. Abram/8g) 1803 A Fox Blvd, Honolulu 96818 ... Mdgaret & Higgins MADDIGAN {CaiUin/88. McKenzie/g1) lahaina Market Place. lahaina. Maui 96761 ... Gail & Jordm NAGASAKO (Thumper/83) Maui Home Educators, 777 Kolani St, Wailuku 96793 ... Tina SIERRA & Dwight D'ARMAS (Ku'ulei/87) 2558 Ainaola Dr. Hilo 96720 (E) ... Nicole TERGEOGLOU & David SHEEFIAN (Ariel/82, Dylu/85. Dimitri/87) PO Box 35,

laupahoehoe 96764 (H)

ID - n.t"y

& Art AYERS (Sadie/as. Emma/89,

Hmnah/g1) 1515 Everett, Caldwell 83605 (II) ... Donovil & Linda BRAMWELL (Enka/76. Christian/78. Brian,/8o. Jordan,/82, Isaac & Alex/86, Jessica/88) 322 N 3220 E, l€wisville 83431 ... Claudia & larry BROSNAN lAnne/77, Oaea/7g) 6179 N Pierce Pk Ln, Boise 83703-2964 ... Linda GARDNER MASTERS & Noman MASTERS (Gamaliel/79) 3027 Hwy 95. Council 83612 (H) .- Patty & Tom GORMAN (Jill/82. Holly/8s) 4412 E Split Rock Rd, Hayden Lake 83835 OI) ... Mike HUBBELL & Liz CANNON-HUBBELL (Chris/78, lan/81, Kerry/87) Rt 4 Box 617, Bonners Ferry 83805 (H) .- Kelly KOTEWA-VELDEY & Greg VELDEY (Gemma/86, Nolm/go) 6913 Ashland Dr, Boise 83709 (H) ... John & Kerry KUHN {Kevin/86, Molly/9o, Madilyn/g2) 4l20 Wisteria Way, Boise 83704 ... Rosalind LI!'INGSTON (Tyler/82, Colin/aa, Gayle/ 90) 2615 N 4th St #455. Coeur D'Alene 83814 ...



Gerald & Afton ONDRICEK [Crystal/7g) 85o E. Countryside, Idaho Falls 83404 (lI) ... Pam PRUI'IT & Fred YAPUNCICH (Kate/83. John/88) 175 Tautphaus Dr, Idaho Falls 83404 (H) ... Weezil & Kilen SAMTER (Gretchen/78. Mogley & Naomi,/8l, Roselie/82) HCR ol Box 325, Naples 83847 (H) ... p"r1 * t.,,t THOMAS (Chava/9O. Ariel/g4) 9835 W Sunflower Ln, Boise 83704 (II) ... Ktrla WADE (Alies/87) 6708 Pomona Rd, Boise 83704 OO

IL - 2"t

& Suzanne ACKERSON (Aaron/8



Smuel/92) 215 Washington St, Park Forest 60466 ... Gary & Beverly ADAMS (Jayl7g, Joe/87, Silah/8g) 610

Lila Ct. New Baden 62265 ... Steve & Marti ADETSMAN (AAron/74. Ethn/77, Paul/8o) 5904 W Race Av, Chicago 60644 (I4 ... The ALOIA family. Rt 2 Box 31, Ellsworth 61737 ... Kevin & Suki BALDWIN Uemne/ 88. Strah,/gl) 1452 Andover Dr. Aurora 60504 (II) ... Dan & Toni BARRY (Snow/87, Renee/88, Jensen/89. David/8g. Jasmine,/go. Theodore/g2. Grace/g3) lOg S Washington, Rochelle 61068 ... Dan & Milcia BENNETT (Audrey/81, Teddy/go) 814 E Benton. Naperville 60540 (H) ... Ken & Julie BERGENER (Charlene,/86. cJlg1) 9804 Applegate Dr, Roscoe 61073 ... Tom & Wmda BERRY (guinn/82, Caitlin/8s) 2949 Willov Rd, Homewood 60430 ... Dime & Andy Bt-{cK (Mi;hael/88. Margilet/go) 251tt w Jarvis #2, Chicago 60645 (II) ... Bruce & Sharon BOYD

(Brilduin/78, Aurora/81, Mriah/84, Jdon,/88) l32l 4th St, Moline 61265 (IIl ... Mary BRONSTEIN & Eduildo CANTORAL (l&alal. bv/92) 29 w533-C Country Ridge Dr, Wmenville 60555 (ll) ..e Brett & Iaura BRUNER lzach/go) 712 taSalle St, Ottawa 61350... Greg & Linda BRUNE"I (Kimberly/83. Alissa/ 87. Patricia/g1) 1351 Lilac Ln. Ctrol Strem 60188 ... Keith & Elizabeth CAMERON {Cheryl/8o, Paul/84)

2038 Cty Rd 125 E, Mahomet 61853 (fil ... Lindsay & Mark CATLIN {Peter/84, Andrew/8g) 1513 18th Av Ct, Silvis 61282 ... Beth COUGHLIN & David WANG lElise/ 84, Aaron/8g, Hannah/91) 701 E Prospect Av, Lake Bluff 60044 (IO ... Ouinn & Cathy CRAWFORD (Madeleine/86, Patrick/88, William/go) 2365 High Pt Dr. Lindenhurst 60046 ... Dean & Mary DiCARLO (Adam/82) 14321 Riegel Rd. Homewood 60430 ... Patty DOHERTY & Don NOYCE (Kyle/83. Bremna,/8s. Elliot/go) 23423 N Hampton Rd, Chillicothe 61523 FII ... Tricia & Keith DREVETS (Paul,/88, Megm,/gl, Peteri/g3) 1415 Judson Av, Evmston 6020l ... Harvey & Ellie DUNLIAM (Zach/8'3. Calvin,/86. Hmnah/88. Tessai/go) 409 HiU Av. Clen Ellyn 60137 (H) o.. Rhonda ERICSON (lauren/87) 919 Westch€ster Dr, Rockford 6l lO7 ... Heather & Ron FISHER (Chris./8s. Tim/86) 218 Richards, Geneva 60134 ... Jeff & June FLEMING (Justin/78, Jason/8o) 6 Lach Dr. Olney 62450 ... Jmet & Bruce FLETCHER (Catherine/82. Becky/84, Megan,/88) I 159 S Taylor, oak Park 60304 (H) ... Lori & Joaquin GARCIA (Esther/78, Jesse/82) ONOI3 Nepil Av. Wheaton 60187 ... Jan GERENSTEIN & Nick VASILOPOULOS (Eli/79) 916 Grorr St. DeKalb 60l15 ... Vickii & Phil CERVAIS [Nicholas/85) 2322 N Newlmd. Chicago 60635 (n) ... John & Susan GIBSON (Elizabeth/9o. Rhiannon/g4) 536 Creekwood Ct, Apt C. Westmont 60559 ... Michael GOCEK & Deborah CUNEFARE (Ted/78. Melissa/84, Patrick & Saah/92) 5O7 Brierhill Dr, Round Iake Park 6O073-3O4f ... llana & Ezra GOLDMAN (Yaron/7', Cideon,/84, Abigail,/ 87, Rebbeca/9l) l72O Shagbtrk Ct, Naperville 60565 ... Patricia & Philip HAHN (Andy/76. Jeremiah/77. Katherine/83) 3426 W 166 St. Mtrkham 60426 (I4 ... Vicki HARDER & Mtrk THORNE (EyN/A7, Criflin/g3) 74O Maple Ln, Hoffman Estates 60194 ... Barb & larry JOHNSTON (Jessica/84, Mark/87) 14528 Canvas Back Ct, lrckport 60441 ... Bruce & Debbie IGPTAN (tsrim/ 78. Kevin,/81, Amy/84, J^cob/A7) 312 Bell Dr. Cary 60013 ... Foreli & Mark KRANARIK {Delnni/go. Jeanlu/92) 2132 lfal River Rd. Mt Moris 61054 (I4

... Ka'olyn KUEHNER & Iarry GRAY (Softa/g4) 10859 S lrngwood Dr, Chicago 60643-3312 (H) ... t€onard & Joyce KUHL (Nathm/8I. John/84) 635 Superior Ave. Calumet City 60409 (H) ... Kate & Jim KVASNICKA (Emily/88, Joseph,/91. Jacob/g4) l5lO Elmwood Av, DeKalb 601 15 ... Paul & Mary LEGLER (Shmnon/S5. Kan/87, Don/89) 3416 E 2l79th Rd.

Ottawa 61350 ... Jile I\4ASTERSON & John TREDON (Rachel/85) 5lO7 S Blackstone #1006. Chicago 60615 ... Michael & Patti MILI,S (ElUah/88. Erica/8g) 8205 Wonderview Dr, Wonder lake 60097 ... Jane & Saul MORSON {Emily/8g) 215 Adler Ln. Libert}ville 60048 ... Karen MUNDT (Sonja,/77) 2A2A N Kostner. Chicago

ScHoor-rNc #108 o 1996 Dlnrcronv

60641 ... Andryea & Bill NATKIN IMTa/87 , clda/go) 31ll W JaNis. Chicago 60645-1113 ... Pete & Teri PACINI (Peter/88. Devin/g2. Corey/9s) 108 Austin Av, Carpentersville 6Of 10- f 506 ... Ramachandran PUTHWAL & Terry SUAIN [Sarala/83, Kman/8s) lO5 S Ellsworth St. Apt l, Naperuille 60540 (II) ...

Dilny & Audre RATHBURN (lfon/78, Andrew/8l.

Chtrlotte/85) 277 kssenden Pl, Elgin 60120-7705 ... Tim & Sue RERICHA (Lorvn/g3) RR I Box 89. New Berlin 62670 ... Andrea & Dave RUSIN [Victoria/82, Nicholas/84) 604 N 6th, Dekalb 60115 (H)... po5.r, SCHORDJE & laura HALL-SCHORDJE (Noel/8s) 3144 N Neenah, Chicago 60634 ... Rosalie SCHULTZ. 3755 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago 60618 ... Elizabeth & Douglas SEARLES (Mackeroie/88, McCleary/92) 2O3 S Main st, Mt canoll 61053 (H) ... Marty & Deb STOERCER

fvincent/8o, Benjmin/8l) lol9 N 8oO East Rd. Bement 61813 ... John & Pat TETZLAFF (John/8o, Dany/84. tcahl88) 1424 lac}l lrmond Dr, Crystal Lake 60014 ... Rick & Dide TOLER (Dmiel/86. Sua/ 88) 1616 Allen Ln, St Chrles 60174 ... William TOKIORIELLO & Daw MURfAUGH (Mu & tani/86)

2O4Ol Hildd Hills Rd. Hilard 60033 ... Linda & Eric TURNROTH (Jonathm/8O, MoUy/86) 3OOO Middle Dr. Rock Falls 61071 ... Richtrd & lf,ona URBANEK (Jason/78, Jonathm/8O. Roxmne/84, Stephanie/88, Gaylene & YaJene/92) 991 guarry Rd, Kirklmd 60146 (H) ... Matin & Shirley WEISENBURGER (Martin/8s) 3807 w 60 St, Chicago 60629 ... Betty WILFONG [Sarah/82. Erica/g7, Adrienne,/89) 6155 N Moody, Chicago 60646 ... Matthew & Marilln WOJDAK (Jena/7g, Brim/8o, Ben/ 82, Jesse/84) Rt I Box 89. Brighton 62012 (II)

IN ._ r..ry & Pam AHEARN (lim/71, Dan/73, Bnd,get/77. Brendan/79. Myles/81) 7048 Forest Ave. Hammond 46324 ... Carollre ANDERSOHN & Kevin HOK|ON (Any/83. Ben/88) 51412 Lilac Rd. South Bend 46628 ... Anselma & Matthew ASHLEY (John/89, Hannah/93) 22839 Arbor Pointe Dr, S Bend 46628 8l Barbara & Craig BENSON (Da!'idl86, Alexmder & Andrew/8g) 9577 E State Rd 45, Unionville 47468 (H) ... Tom & Milie BEVER (Mark/78, David/81) 10903 Pleasiltview Dr, Cmel 46033 (Hl ... Susan & Ted tsLODGETT (Megm/8o) Oakwood Fam Community, 38ol S co Rd 575 E. Selma 47383 (II) ... Richud & Sharon CARGIN (Luke/82, kvil86. Timothy/88) 256th Av NE. lf,Mtrs 5io3l (Il) ... Suanne CARTER & Paul BURKETT {lml71, Shaun,/78. Patrick/86, Molly/88) 622 S 22 St, Tene Haute 47803 ... Crystal CARTMELL & Michael CASSADY [Skyter/74, Jerod, /82, lake/84, Ross/86. Galen/88. Mason/g l) 6785 lampkins Ridge Rd, Bloomington 47401 ... Linda CIIAPMAN & Deryl DALE (Macy/a2. Anna/8s) Box 435 Rt 1. Spencer 47460 ... Donald & Ctrolln DUGGAN (Erica/86. Boise/88, Seamus,/92) 4l1l Forest Creen Dr, Newburgh 47630 ... Wayne & Ada JOHNSON (lrnnie/8o. Julie/81. Crystal/82, Kayla/83) HC 7l Box 255. Windy 42655 ... John KLYCE & Penny MARSH (ted/82, John/84. Jeft/aa) 7O7O N Caldwell Rd. lrbanon 46052 ... Richild & Sildra MERRION (Rob,i 74. Rebecca/77.'lifrany/82) 223 S 3OO E Rd, Danville 46122 (m... Susan & Jim MgfHEI{y (Smantha,/75. Nathm/8o, Drew/83) 23367 Greenleaf Blvd. Elkhart 46514 (H) ooo !al6a & Daniel O'BRYAN (Eoin/8g) 3291 N Chidti Dr. laPorte 46350 ... Gerald & Mudee PAGAC (Brook/77, Tack/79) RRI Box 215A, Pittsboro 46167 ... Van & Penny PIERCY {Patrick/g3) 6660 N Utt Dr. Bloomington 47408... Kim & Andrew PYFER (Jon/82, Drew/84. Clay/88. DJI9O) 30605 Edgewater Dr. Elkhart 46516 (Il) ... Mark & Alesha REEITES {Colt/85, Lindy /87 , Cody/89, baby /92) RR 3 Box 277, Veedersburg 479a7 ... John & Regina REITER (David,/ 82, Adam/86, Simon,/ag) 1618 Southeast Blvd, Evansvile 47714 ('I1... Sheryl & Stephen SCHUFF (Emilie/7g. Reuben/81) 8156 Lieber Rd. lndiuapolis 46260 ... Sharon SCHWEIZER (Daw/81. Dimnei/83) PO Box 26796. Indianapolis 16226-0796... Jim & Kare SMITH (Uldchl/72, Molly/74. Mag€lie/83) 6014 N Momistom Rd, Shelb]ry'ille 46176 (IO ... Donna STORM. 7633 Shilo Rd. Unionville 47468 ... Jim & Phyllis TUBESING (Kelly & Robin,/8o) 932 Beechwood Ln. lndianapolis 46227 ... Llmn WEDDLE & Steve CORDELL {Cara & Eliot/83, Dm/85. Kali,/93) R5 Box 368. Nashville 4744a Aa Neil & Susm WEINTROB (Elizabeth/81, Teddy/83) 4604 N Tillotson Av. Muncie 47304... Tom & Lynn WEISS (Kurt/7g. Cory/83. Kelly/85) l43OO Broming Rd, Evansville 4771I ... Steve & Pamela WHEELER (Scott/83) 60l Middle St. Newburgh 47630 (H) ... Jill WHELAN & Chuck


MULLEN (Andrew/85, Patrick/gI) 1714 E 5l St, Indianapolis 46205 (H) ... Sandy & David WHITE [Benny/83, Jmna/8s) 1512 sth St, LaPorte 46350 (I4

IA -

(Duiel / 7 4,

claudia BARBER & carry BUETINER Davi'd / 7 6, Adam/8O. Elisabeth/82)



Rider St, Iowa City 52246 {m... Teri BENSKY & Emie FREDRICKSON (Caleb/8g) Rt 2 Box 143. Afton 50830 ... William & Roberta BERRY (Thomas/89) 9609 Hammontree Dr. Urbildale 50322 ... Janine & Doug CALSBEEK (John/88. Ann/92) PO Box 185. Ordge City 5lo4l (H) ... Shdon & Rich CARGIN [Luke/82, lf,vil86, Timothy/88. Sarah/go) 25 6 Av NE. t€Mars 51031 (H) ... Molly COXE & Craig CANINE [will/88. Frmny/9O) 796 Coolidge St. Norualk 5o2ll (H) ... Drew & Lanaine FN-K(JD/74, Emilta/8l, Alisa/83, ?uny/aq l2l5 Glenview Cir N. Fairlield 52556 ... Randy & Karen GRABOWSKI (Jennifer/84) 922 W loth St. Cedil Falls 50613... David & Mary KEI{YON (Dan/ 80. Beth/82, Michael/87, Rachel,/88, Matthew,/93) 2094 22OIh St, Independence 50644 ... Dam & David KIMBLE (Casey/82, Salem/aq 1026 65th St, Windsor Hts 5o3ll (I4 ... David & Karen I-AVENDER (Brendan,/85, Siobhm/87) PO tsox 98, west Brmch 52358 ... Becky LEACH & Bill TURNER (Elnora/87. Grace/91) 23Ol S Henry St. Siou City 5rl06 ror Steven MOORE & Paula I-AWSON-MOORE (Benjamin/ 82) Rt 5 Box 238, Iowa City 52240 ... Sylvia & Ben OTSON (Sky/82, Grant/8s) RRI Box 114. Pocahontas 50574 (I4 ... Carey & Sharon PHILLIPS (Alex/83, Stephen/85, Christian/87) RR 5 Box 68A. Sioux City 5llO8 (H) ... Sue & Vm RADOSTI (Adriana,/86. Kay Lealgo) rO04 South St Mary. Siou City 51 106 oor Susan & Jeff ZACF{ARAKIS-JUTZ (Frances/84. Reuben/ a6, George/88. David/g2) 5025 l2oth St NE. Solon



KS - ci"Ay & David BRUBAKER (Rym/76, Josh,/78, Derek/8O) 6501 Odessa. wic}fita 67226 ... Scott & Judy EDWARDS (Steven/8o. Katie/48) Rt I Box 155. Bison 67520 ... Beth Ame MANSUR & Richard HECKLER (Rose/83, Tajl86) 12l7 Prospect Av, Lawenc€ 66044 (H) ... Susan MAYO & Massd lSl-AM (Chloe/go) 200 W 93 St N. Valley Center 67147 ... Phil & Julte NoRzuS (David/83, Abtgail/84. Hannah/ 37) 733 N 6th St. Sterling 67579 (m... Susan & Don PEACH (Elliott & Clak/89) Rt I Box 28A. Rush Center 67575 ... Tom PETERS & Bilbara MICHENER (Arthur/84. Josephine/87) RR I Box 496. Perry 66073 0t ... Jain & Ed SMITH (Mackeuie/84, Chelsea/86) I3OO S Esplilade, Iravenworth 66048 (IO ... Leonard & Stacey STEWART (Heather/go, Cameron/g2) PO Box 63, 215 Main St. Dwight 66849 ... Meryl & CIiffVOGH (Kendall/8s) lOlO Colorado St, Manhattan 66502 (If) ... Diana & Kelly WERTS (MoUy/89) 59Ol Delm{, Fairuay 66202 ... Elaine & Mike WILLIAMSON [Katie,/ 81. Betony/83, WtUow/86. Jonathm & Pippin/8g) Rt r Box 130, Lyons 67554 (I4 & Mark BATTEY (Sm/85. Astrid/ 87, ZAne/92) 7732 Holl]ryood Dr. Florence 41o42 "' Michael FOGLER & Suzmne MCINTOSH {Benjamin/88) 722 Bish,op Dr. kxington 4O5O5 (fO ... Janet & Dick

KY - na"n.t

FUTRELL (Brooki/80) Madison County Homeschool Assoc. 239 Reeves Rd. Richmond 40475 ... weston & cindy GADDIS (E'nc/A7. Abigale/8g, Eli/g1. Adam/g2. Alexander/g4) 928 Tumberry Dr. Rlchmond 40475 (I4 ... Sylvia & John GoRDINIER (Jacek/87. Stephen/ 92) 3122 Running Deer, Iruisville 40241 (H) ror psve & trora GRO\rES (Timon/7s, Austin/ao) l55a Oxford Dr, Munay 42071 ... Michael & Patricia HERSEY (Gabe/82, Nora/84, Spilk/86, Rosie/go. Forest/g2) PO Box 435. Ghent 41045 (lt) ... 6.t" * U",n KLEPPINGER

(Benjmin/86. Jonathan/88)

IOO Bridge


John & Meg MCCLOREY (Christopher/83. Meriwether/86) Kentucky lndependent L€amers Network, PO Box 275, Somerset 42502 ... Irslie MCCOLGIN & George KENNEDY {Candra/s4, Calen/87) RR I Box 146. Cunningham 42035 (IiI}... Jane Rr\NSDELL & Tom GREEN (Margtret/go. Joseph/g4) 912 Elm St, tsowling Green 42lol-2224... Marguet TRIBE & Dan GOLDBERG (Noah/7g. William/83) 77O Rocky Hill Rd, Columbia 4272a ... Chuck & Lydia WHITFORD (Ravi/83) 1924 Wrocklage Av. lpuisville 4O2O5 ... Pat & Greg WILLIAMS (Cam/79, Evan/82) Rt I Box 3O2, Gravel Switch 40328

Av. Berea 40403


eou &

kigh BoLrNc (Tim/81, Susm/84,

Andrew/871 4613 General Eweil, Bussier City 71 t l2 ... Mrie BREAUX (Gerard/82) I2O4 Front St, Morgan City 70380 ... ClaJrton & Angela DECOTEAU (Deil/81. tf,la/85, Meagm/8g) 45198 Fontenot Rd. St Amant 70774 ('l1... Mike & Janet FERGUSON (Ben/83, Iratrick/86) 2152 Valentine Ct. New Orlees 7Ol 14 (H) .- .1oLr & Shannon LANDRY [Rachel/82, Justin/ 86, Sara}/g1) 40798 Hayes Rd. SlideU 70461 ... Sheila MURPHEY & Nicholas TRENTICOSTA (Cecilia,/83. Miles/a8) 2006 Cadiz. New Orleans 7Ol l5 (It) ooo 661 OLIVER. (Autumn/76. Adam/7g) 5729 Westem Dr. Lake Chilles 70605 ... Kim PICKETT & Rory DePAOLIS (Joshua/88. Caleb/gl) 18195 Holly Ridge Dr. Hammond 70403 (I{) ... Iateefah lmani Ahmad POLK (Shahidah/82. Kaleemah/84) PO tsox 71576. New Orleans 70172-1576 ... Tracey & Thomas SHERRY (Jenna,/85. Jacob/88) 6055 General Meyer Ave, New Orlems 7ol3l (I4 ... Lynn & Bill VINCENT (Dylm & Julia/84) 18690 Magnolia Estates. Prairieville 70769-3204 (H) ... Dennis & Alyce W]SE (James/8s. Danielle/9O) 59126 Hry 433. Slidell 70460 (H)

ME -

Susan ATwOoD & Thomas WFIAT-EN

(Brian/83, Michael/85. Joseph,/88) RR I Box l89A Rt 5. Hollis O4O42 ... Jim BERGTN & Judy GARVEY (Matthew/77. Daniel/8O) RRI Box 3215. Surry 04684 114 ... 36nn;"fi,qcK (Marl/86. clenn/:lttfil

Deering Av. Pofilild 04 l03 (H) ... ParilF BLACKMER (Jessie/82. Ned/84, Thomas/86) PO Box.28, Greenville 04441 (H)... Jan & Cam BOPP (Rirter/&z) PO Box 312. FaminAron 04938 ....laner17nrr,leilll-dl Slephen RYAN (Joshua/9O. Micah/92) RFD I Box 317A, Houlton 04730... Nancy DEWEY & Michael WOOD (Megm/84, Felicity/87) PO Box 2?q, Deer Isle 04627 ... Ktren DOHERry & Mark PUOLdgl [Emily/ 89. Noah/931 HCR 33 Box 4o8. Mmset 04656 ... Thomas & Mary ECKSTEIN (Michael/83, Marie/86. Peter,/88) RR 2 Box 54, Sebago take O4O75... Margaret & Ronald EDMONDSON (Joe/78, Anna/7g, Erilry/aD 4l Oak St, Mechaic Falls 04256 (II) ... Ruth EVEI-AND & John O'BRIEN (Joel,/88. David/g1) RR 1 Box 1965, Bu Htrbor 04609 (IO ... Anne & Bill FrIZGERALD (John/74. Kyle/82) RFD 2 Box 2504, Ellsworth 04605 (fD ... Martha & Walt GRADY (Ryan/ 83, Jessica/86) 14 Foreside Rd. Topsham 04086 (H) ... Elizabeth GRAVALOS & Arthur HAR\EY (Emily/76, Md/8O) Canton (H) ... 14.O 4tt. LIALE & Dick HANELIUS (Jessica/84) PO Box 6, Bass Harbor 04653 (H) ... 6h;" & Betsy HALL-WEAVER (Tarlm/86. Curtis/ 87. Molly/8g) PO Box 1084, Rangeley O497O... Ellen HIRSHBERC & Cuy PETTY (Mac/83. Dean/a6) 54 Crockett Neck Rd, Kittery Pt 03905 (H) ... William & HOYT (Jomna,/8l. Zachary/ad 44 Raymond Hill Rd, Raymond O4O7t ... Ken & Constance JONES (Andrew/84. Alan/85) I27 lrland St, Portlmd O41O3 ... Tim & EUen KE"rCHAM (Susan/7s, Donald/77, James/77, Colin/8g) RFD 4 Box 55oO, Fmington 04938 (II) ... Denis LEDOUX & Martha BLOWEN {Zoel



Mu/82) RR I Box 452. Lisbon Falls 04252



Janie MATRTSCIANO & Joe EDWARDS (Jamie/8s, Maddy/87) Rt I Box 483, Readlield 04355 ... Roberta

& Robert MOSENFELDER (Robert/7g, william/82)



Sune & Patricia NOREEN (Rosa/81, Lisa/86) Jonesport Shipyard - Main St, PO Box 214, Jonesport 04649 (II) ... IruAnn & Royce PERKINS (Reuben/8o. Jonathm/82) Rt I Box 22 c, Penobscot 04476 Im ... Aimee & Dennis PERRIN (Jamie/8o, Cmille/8s, Jonas/go) 19 Stimson St. Kittery O39O4 (m ... Tina & David PLUMMER (Birch/ a2. Athena/go, Cassandra/92) PO Box 1614. Rockland O4a4l ... Bob & Annie POOLE (Tobias/86. Estelle/88. Vita/g3) RR I Box 106. Brooksr4lle 04617 ... tsdbda & Rick PROSE {Sophia/88, Celeste,/g1) PO Box l2O, Hilton Rd, Denmrk o4O22 (H1 ... Debuse ROHDIN & Scott SMITHNER (Chaya/8O, Sheleia/81, Lucas/83, Colleen/84, Jolana/88) RD 1 Box 4390 wilson Rd. w Pittsfield 04967... Rob & Andrea ROSENBERG Noah/ 79, laura/82. Annie/86, Tomy/8g) 1859 Congress St, Portlmd O41o2 (IO ... Anne & Jeff SAWYER (Ben/ 86. Erin/88) Bass Hdbor 04653-0097 ... Debra SCHRADER & David HILTZ (Abigail/gs) PO Box 57A. Isle Au Haut 04645 (H) ..r Eul & Linda STE\rENS [Jamie/8o) 25 Belmeade Rd, Portland o41ol ... Will & Mary TAYTOR (Benjamin/86. Caleb/88) Po Box l5l. Sedgwick 04676 ... Kathy & Doug VANGORDER (Jake,/ 87, Thomas/8g. Bethany/92) Box 189 A Richtom Rd, w Tremont 04690 (H) ... Lucy & Chris WAGNER (Erik/8s. Elaina/87) I 13 Fowler Rd, Cape Elizabeth O4lO7 ... Pat WLLETTE & Tim JONES (Alexander/87, Nicholas/go) HC 70 Rt 219 Box 145. N Tumer 04266 Pleasant St. Holton O473O


MD - Uichael AIIRAI]AMS & Susm WHITE (Miranda/85. Rosa/88) 19920 White Ground Rd, Iloyds 20841 (II) ... Glenn & Ramona ANGUS (Snah/7g. Morgan/go) 992 Watetriew Dr. Crowsville 21032 oc. Michael & TElda BELL (Adam/8o, Jessica/83, Connor/ 89, Cabriel/g2) 8515 6oth Pl, Berwyn Hts 2O74O ... Vicki & Doug BIVENS [Douglas/a5, Dmen/87) 11551

... lris BLUMENTHAL, I 132 Beechwood Dr. Hagerstow 21740... Monique & Deiel BRADBURY (lara/g2) l3lOO Deer Paih Ln, Gemiltom 20874 ... Jeanne DEIGNAN-KOSMIDES & George KOSMIDES {Ariana/84, Justiniil/87) l9 Sunday Ct. Reisterstom 2 I 136 (m ... Mily & Tom DXON (Andrew/g0, Anna/g2, Maggie/g4) 17705 CilIboume Ln. Demood 20855 ... lris DWYER (Janice/ 79. Daid/a2J ll32 Beechwood Dr. HagerstoM 21742 ... Pam Glaser & Marc ERNSTOFF (Kobi/86, Martha/ 88) 6557 Walnlrt Grove, Columbia 21044 (m ... Donna & John FARRELL (Daiel/76. Michael/85) 6608 Deer Park Rd. Reisterstown 21 136 ... Diane & Cdl FoLTZ (John/8o. Arna/82, David/88) 75 Orchard Dr. Gaithersburg 2O87A ... lait GARBISCH & Kerry FLS|CHER-GARBISCH (Amaran /87. Jirina,/8g) PO Box 66. Trappe 21673 ... Esther CEIGER & Joel SNYDER Buckskin Ct, Lusby 20657

(Emerie/83) 84Ol Baron St, Takoma Park 20912 ... Nancy & Bill GREER (Glen,/88. I€ne,/92) l6a8 Belhaven Woods Ct, Pasadena 21122-3727 (H) ... Susan & Ed HOCHSTEDT (Kirsten/81. Edl83. Erik/ 87) 56 Cherrywood Ct. Hunt Valley 21030 ... Jim & Jenny HOERST (Kendra/87, Ben/89. baby/g2) 11415 waf p^ole Ct. Bowie 2O72O (IO ... Renee HOHREIN (MGnie/87. Evan/9O) 303 Royale Dr. Ballimore 21226... Cathy & Thomas HUDSON (Carl/84. Bradley,/ 86) 6018 Old lawyers Hill Rd, Elkridge 21227 (Hl ... Lawence) Cretchen KAHN (Meghan/a2. Emily/85) 4933 Green Valley Rd. Monrovia 21770 ... Lou & Madtta KISSEL lEzra/81, Ianr/a4) 351 Linton Run Rd, Port Deposit 21904 (m ... Michael & Cathy KUHN (Brad/73, Erich/841 5916 Glenoak Av. Baltimore


ccc Tmah KUSHNER & Greg DAVIDSON (Arik/ 88. @vrietle/91) 306 Hmnes St. Silver Spring 2O9OI ... Jim & JaSil TATHAN [Corinna/67. Catherine/7o. Kenneth/78'? Allyssa/8o) ANTIE*IAM FAMILY

EDUCATION, 418 Robinwood Dr. Hagerstom 21740 (H) ... 1h".."u LUI (Jeesin/77, Michael/8o, Victoria/ 851 fO8Og Beech Creek Dr. Columbia 21044... Anand & Susm MODAK [Mark/as, Johanna,/8g) 8129 Halhnark Pl, Gaithersburg 20879 ... Don & Jean NoRTHAM (chris/76. Enc/77. Jeffrey/83) 11505 Comwall Rd. Friendship 20758 (II) ... Al & Martine PALMTTER (Dem/88. Olivia/g1) 14220 Dennington Pl, Rockville 20853 ... Jean & Dean PFETFER (Justin/77, Holly/7a, Fam/79, tance/Sl. Drew/87) 322 labumum Rd, Edgewood 2lO4O ... Debbie & Charlle RIDER (Alex/87, Thomas,/88. Kerime/go) 5O2 W Green St, Middletom 21769 (m... Smdi & Craig ROBERTS lEnn / 76, Sham/78, Brian/81. Kevin/8s, Tdal83) 925 Huffmaster Rd, Knosille 2175a (W ... Betty & Bruce ROTH Chava/83J 2541 Bames Ln. Edlersburg 21784 (II1... John & Linda SALB (Philip/g7, Nicolas/ 9O, Zanderl93) 19012 Jamieson Dr, Gematom 2OA74... Erin & Amy SCHRAM (Shtravah/86, Fiona/ 87) PO Box 3213. taurel 2O7Og (Il1... Fred & Thelma SCOTT [Phoebe/76, Sdah/7a) lOO58 Waterford Dr. Ellicott City 21043 (H) ... Dm & Eydie SEARLES (Corey/86. Amie/go) 13344 Bottom Rd. Mt Airy 21771 ... William SEXTANT & Celia GREENBERG (Miriam,/86. Suah/91) 5488 Endicott Ln. Columbia 21044 ... Mmfred & Jeenie SMITH (Jamie/77, Jesse/8l, Ducy/a7) MD HOME EDUCATION ASSOC. 9085 Flamepool Way. Columbia 21045 ... Sara SMITH (Briila/83) 5515 Yorkshae Dr, Camp Spgs 20744 ... Jerome & Deborah SOLINAS (Elizabeth/83. Kathryn/ 86, Kristin/88) 3105 Cudinal Dr. Westminster 21 157 ... Caroline & Ben STEEN (Avery/92. Claire/g4) 34lO Brethren Church Rd, Myersville 21773 ... Bill & Susu STREAKER [VJl83, Joseph/8g) l33oo Frederick Rd, w Friendship 21794... Madeline TODD. 2924 Southwater Point Dr, Annapolis 21401 ... James & Judith Kaplan WARNER (Susmnah/85) 2O5l I Bent Willow Rd, Rohrersville 21,779 (11, ... Law & Pegg/ WATKINS {Nathaniel/74. Sophia/7g) 23615 w H'mis Rd, Dickerson 2OA42 ... Ron & taura WESTON Ovalter/84. Avery/87) 1913 Hidden Meadow Ln. Annapolis 2l4OI (H| ... Jim & cathy WILLIFORD (Jim/ 81. Cori/83) 10229 Nolan Dr. Rockville 20850 (H) "' Sara WOODALL (Annie/7g, Zach/aq PO Box 72. St. Michaels 21663 ... vivien & Burger ZAPF lviien/77, Melmie/84) 858 Coachway. Annapolis 21401

Wruour ScuoolrNc #108 .

1996 Dru,cronv

+ q1





1-v:3-, !, \i' MA r eri" ALBEKT- & Rose WHITE {Gus,/9t) -: i ;\i 14 Hmcock St. Newtm 02166 (II) ... Barbda & ' Jonatfrm.qffvoflo (suarr/gl) Po Box 1770. Manomet JUesse/8?:EE7 i 02345 ... Denise & Mitchell BARACK ror - " lsqsnqs $ ' 92], 394 Housatoniq;St, lrnox O1240 , --J Nina BARBIERI lo{%o"6.-.-ren"a/aS. Mia/gll 22O ,/ Ridqe Rd.Yglboto"gh 01752... Phoebe BARNES & Donald PEDICINI (Jameela/82, Rafael/8s) 5r4 Franklin st' cambridge 02139 (H) "' Susm & Peter^

BARNES-Bftdm'i-D-; a / 7 7 . J utia a@-Ja-Br r ss' { Halryard Mill Rd, Concord 01742 ... Christine & Frederick BEALL (Christopher/a9, Cyle/921 40 George



141 Ayer Rd, Haward 01451 (H) ... Susay'RrLa\,(Emilyl'15:ffibrth/78, christo- Sf-7. -& Ron osrE4Ro cUIDEI-'ft (Em#/77, David/AO) 136 Meadowbrook /J pher/8I, Vritil8St PO Box 246, Hmud Ol45l ... )btEj : Rd. Sprinqfield 0l 128 ... Lisa (IWIAZDA & Matlhe.w Faith Jones OZAN (Aydin/84) 9 Ticehurst Ln. DONAHUE (Matthew/8g, Gregory/go) 11 Eastview St. Marblehead 01945 ... Lance & Linda OZIER (Owen/7g. 'fF665l-?r Hastings St. ElBsrhury 02132 (II) ... (II) ... .1'6, & Richad HALEY (Kevini/ -l4rgllot852 89, Cda/91) 29 Fiske St, Jewksbury 01876... Nicky Manoj PADKI & Maneisha KHER (Gautam/g4) 142 FIARDENBERCH & Cmick COLE (Fonester/8o, Sage/ Princeton Blvd. t well 01851 (H) ... Mtrtin 83) PO Box 15l4,-Manchester 01944 ... Vickie & Jim PEARLMAN & JE;;-EFE lk\na/an 45 Kilgore Ave. ... Jonathm & Nancy PERRY (Rachel/ HEFFNER (Shannon/8g, Lyndsey/9l) 5 Nellis Ten. .Medford 02155 , Hanscom AFB 01731 ... Susan Sloane HEIDT (Audrey/ 8l) I 19 Prospect St. Mdlboro 01752 ... BiU & tkthy 'TriT6Ei. Hill Av. Dqbury o2s32 (E)... Bill & PowERS (M;ggie/85,-D-afi-n787) 39 Mlricks st. laretta HEUER (tad,/77, Jed/42) 164 Norfolk St. Berklev 02779... Mdgaret PRIMAC (Gus/91) I I 01746 (H) ... Karen HIGGINS & Ron St, apr l. Waltham 02154... Ellen & Clenn ^- -Hmmond (Molly -Holliston brreLL (rerm/dD, rauve/87) 6 Higgins Rd. :( PROTTAS & RECh-d784, Daid/87) 9 overhill -#,^ Rd. Nalick O1760 (Hl ... Steve & Marljne PROUTY Glvorlhington 01098 ... Megan HILL & Narhan FERN ;(tlaniffi.-Srah-Mattea,/85. Jahmai/86. Kidane/87, ai OilliaiT8E laura/88) 62 S Spencer Rd, Spgtssr GREENWOOD & Jerry STILES (Marshall/84) PO Box 92. ) o1s85 (rq ... David & Rachel



Rd. E Bridpewater 02335 ... Clauderte & Jonathan BEIT-AHARON [Nathm/83. Noah,/87. Miri:m/gl) 705 Westford St, Ipwell OI85l ... Julia BERKLEY & Jeff CRAMER (I<uIa/9O, Zne/93) 192 Iaurel St. Melrose 02176 l0r Glenn & Donna BlcOrJY (Tyler/go) lO Camen Cir. Medfield O2O52 ... Linda & Matthew ruuv/o,, ruurt/ &. ._3_"ic!stp vruow tA, BTAISDELL (Justin & Nathan/88) 8 McKav's Dr, (H) "' wendy & Dave s: Robert ovERHoLTZER (Gretchen/83, Nathaniel/8s) Rockport 01966 ... Michael & Lisa BRESqIA (Ashley/ . 3,?i9i.|1::_ 9!$^ozooz HIRSCHMAN {Russell/88. cmell/gl) 8 Kings Rd. .tz,f eo" 2o7.2a4 High st. qHil:on 02341 (rO "' RoytV 88. Atec/g2j 25 orchard Hi1 Dr. Rutlmd ots+c... ozo0z "' turika HoDSoN (Russell/85) Box 82.Q- -wandlfEzAc lRon/74. JeM/76. calherine/8o. Peldfl susm & cene BURKART touria/EElS].iet/es) o -9h41 '(rD ... wJEE"ry 02575 (H) ... clnthia HUARD & hrry 82. D;6d/85t 37e concord Rd, .;-Th;;;; & Hemlock rer, wattham or1s4 ? Ygllbrc or752 TIAMBERLIN (David/88, Sarabeth/gI) 17 Milton St, Patricia ROBERGE Uesse/81, cabriel/86. Asia/gI, / peter CnLvp51t-lfi6fii/85, John/86, IGte/88) t8 baby/92) l3l I Vemon St, Bridqewa.ter 02324 ... PegS, Mountain Rd, IJrinceton ol54l (IJ) ... Elaine & John ,9ilpgl@o2l74 (H) -. Kathy & Bria HUCKINS (Andrew/84, Oalen/86) 67 Cedu Hill Rd. Northboro & David ROBERTS (Emma/76) Jewell Hill Rd.-Ashby, SAMpBELL t6tfi6iaTiet 6o Berkshire St. cambEidge 01532 "' Judith HUMBER| (Matthew/851frift7E8) 01431 "' Rebecca & Jeffrey ROBERTSON (Renate/8), o214t... Susm cApr.AN a ui"tr".i xLprrr;-"Cape Ann Homeschoolers, 6 Emily Ln, Magnolie Ol93O Michael/8s, Lucy/89) 185 Main St. Medway O2O53 ... (Melmie/88, Jessie/gl) 9 Oak Rd, Canton O2O2l 87 ... P.A.T. & Bridg HUNT (Selina/8l, Mdtin/85) PO Box Jack & Maggie SADOWAY (Solon/79:SoTy-/92) 57-B Maureen & Michael Ceney (ruain/E'Bl6irothv/gol "3 o2r2s... Karen HUI{TRESS & Greg H.""1:.^:1".-s,,T+124o{rr)ror-6a61 sAI{At-A.& Fayette pk, cambridg. ozrsg tH)'..'Jr"d;;i;"; :f.chuleqtom (Kate/86, Amanda/gol 63 Indim Hill. PE*|ERFON Dan DICK (traVF9. Jonah/92) 19 Montfem Av. SARpENTER (Tod67a4) la8 First parish Rd. Scituate glgblgn 02135 ... Kimberly & Jonathd SARKIN grlisle 01741 ... Lrrcia & Thomas JENKINS (Taylor/ 02066 ... Tim & Chris CHAMILLARD ttmotnl-/E7a '6d:6F782, Alexis/84. zachary/88. cameron/gt) 16 icrrtis/sa, Robin,i 91) 2 walnut Ln. Hamilton ole82 ... Nichoras/8g) I 12 Mt wmer. Had; ;i;;'iil;;. Hawthome st, ]{q!e:qg!d or88o ... Kim KAUFMAN & suri & cmdy sASTzu {Malini/76. Rry/62f1o Babara & wayme cHUDyK (d6tfo. Keith/8i. Kevin/ Bruce McCARTER (Noah/gO) l5l4 Beacon st #48. Bicentennial Dr."ltyin{tJon 02173 ... Sophia SAYIGH & 8Z1 po Box I I r, Tufts Brmch. Medford o215g ... Lvn Rick SI-ADKEY (Fred/89, Nadia/92) 24 Avon Pl. & will ctaRKE [chetsea/84, Rfrh661787) 28 hngew 9rookline 02146 "' Ro KILLORY-ANDERSEN & larry ANDERSEN [Trevor/83, Sinead/88. Tristan/9O) 32 Arlinston 02174 ... zack Zack & Holly Hollv sLlALrz. SLIALTZ (christor^4L,, {Christoglfqt"l_o2r74 gggg o2ss6 ... -Terry & Karhy ', ^^'..; I]\D:RSIN ,(lrev:v83' ^"-'l:10/"t: _t ",""/"?9,1^:1 pher/79' Jonathm/81. Bethany/gl) 312 Antietam St. (Sarah/82, Samanrha/86) 74 old Srage Rd, chetmsford 11.,,"h.t,_Sl:g:l-!:l olago "' Milgaret KNIGHT & ... Stdney MORRIS Elliot/86) Star Rt #124, Ft Devens 01433 Randall & Julie SHAW {Melmie/ {Lilyl82. OtA24_4636... Maggie COLE (Dougie/88) 96acom 5t, EdganoM 02539 (Il) ... Carol & David KRENTZMAN ETrTI-8-?sh St. Hopkinton Ot748 ... Chris & Nmcy Miuis o2o54 ... cyn;ie & Jim coNNoLLy (Jesse/82, (Alena/83.-J6Ea=s/87, Neuie/8I, sam/83, sophie/8a) 97 slNAcol-A Mary/sg. LBcy/g2l 59 Klra/86, Hmnah/8g) 2b cedar st, Hingham o2o43... @778' Woodland st'rylgk 01760-5437 "' Valerie Elmwood St. Millburv 01527 (H) "'Qaphnel Linda C6UKINEv & Scott STyLoS[i6ft78l. Joey,/ ... (Jayl85) (Thalia/87. LAGORIO 14 Oxford Pdk, Revere 02151 SLOCOMBE & Nlm COOKE lGsriel/9o) 85, Melissai/88) pO Box 628, -Worthington O1o98 ... Jacqie & tarry LAMB (Alexmder/8o) 52 central St. 29o wine Rd, Ew-BI3]!lEe ol53l ... laura & Procter Robert & Mary pat cREvATAs (samret/gs, Ethan/go,



Justine,/e')7 Mlr',, u"'ll'=o]."u 1.".5 & Anne CROMACK (Johena/88, Abigail/g1)


Dean "' II

ffiJr:'fl11*.i#lJ.tri3Tl",Hli:ffi." orttl 2613 Paul & Rebecca

'lY'-€-E+ I-nffi-eelst"-nah/85, Brendm/88) 16r Naples Rd. 02146 (H) "' Dam & Mike LEASE -Brookline lSpeiiE?/ETCourtney/851 3 Tadmuck Rd. 85, Fenon/88) 4 prospect H1l Rd, Rovalston 01368 (H) roo yy.ry & Scott ;ORAN lratelfri/6GJnarew7aSl thelm:fi!d_0]824 (H) Al & Geri LECH (Melissa/82, Ammda/8s, 5 Red Oak Acres. Merrimac 01860 ... 14 Atwood St, Wakefield otaao ... Alysa & Cary Anne & Bob LERMAN (Adam/8s, cordon/87, silah/ DUDLEy RaCh"r/a6-jrtenniter/9o, Heather/g2) 13 88) 41 Myrtle St. pelmont O2t78 (H) ... Bary & Mara Ashdale Rd, N Billerica Ota62 ... Ellen EPSTEIN (tzyl LEVIN (Alq/77. Elena/8l) 2 Beverly cir.lollistm ez) zz webb+Si;G;i;gtono2t7s... Dadd & Heathei 01746 (It) "' Heather LITTLE-ANDRADE (Jesse & EUSDEN tTyler/8'X-His-6;/84, 6 Cedil St. Hingham Raquel/8u 2AZa Elm St,_Dighton 02715 ... Beth & b2o+B...enn^ & Frm FADDEN (Sarah/895;;;;;/ sadler LovE tKelly/Ff. Ka-jfi^-7841 lo Maflin Ln. o14r,o... Lmn & bi. n.,t"lnii"i'],r"l, ",,,,.,o. tlallgo1775 "' Bee}fice & C'us MADEIROS {BettyMtt. nniev {Jenna/89)"n.p6Goilsr. upron oi5o8Ann/79) southeastem Mass Homeschool Assoc, Po b;;;::.-";;;'"'"r'".a "auixerveb-fftD.r1.r7eg, OZZtg (Hr... Michael David/83) 3 pdk Av,-IgilbqXglr P"I 1136.I4lryr O2723-O4o3... Tom & Mary MAHER (Scott/7o, Mandy/7s) 30 Ptrk St. wakefield la U*"y FIERO (MikAa/76, Nathan/78, MN|K/A2, olaao "' Francesa MARENOO & Alison SMITH It{*i"/gs) 87 snell Ave,-Brockton 02402 ... cinger [Lucienne/84, Ida & ttttmya/87, Molly/88, Beatricia/ lr.r.rz^srv1ols (.r"."ife;76:Ex ifer/7g, Alex/8l) 2zg 279 w W Wiomins Wyom lal , " 89) 94 Fairfield Sl. worcesttr 01602... AITy & lAv. Melrose o2t26... Eiteen & Mark FOKfUNATO christopher mrnoili-Fict-or/7g, Tom/87, chns/ zt Jan Marie Dr, plvmouth 1il"#ru,"*;ti/eal 88) 24 Maple St' Millbury 01527 "' Malinda MAYER jozseo... David & Smdra F6URNIER (Bethany/7g, (Nicholas/bs. Amfiamb l8 Ivest Dr, E Falmouth l*,rri"s, .1"".,rr^^lirl ,nold Bay Rd, Belcherto* 02536 (H) ... Michelle McAlpin & DaviinvfoRm lotooz-szos (H) ... ceorge a uiniqulT6ilffiEn (Sam,/8O, Robin/83) 85 chestnut St. Ebsbqrh-OZzOg lf"..Jlt, *iirl8r, Aimee/84) riFD 2 Box lol, ...Akiba & Maryam MERMEY {Jemita/8O. RaDhael/87l lel*n.ra nt919 ... peter & Beth FURTH (Salim/82, g 8 Glenn Dr' Iv!3Ears!..191754 enay dtnmning -' ll1?ziahl8s, Evmgetine/88, Bamabas/gz) 3r Bates Rd, (Christopher MIGNER Taylor/89, Julia/g3) 1 18 , /87 Milton 02186 (fD ... O.U & Jim GAI,ANOS (Meghan/ ol7l9 "' Jom MTKAI^SoN l645i"i.rfaat 387 Putnam Hill Rd. sutton or59o ... 9_obleigt-t-Rd' Poxb:gg! {Dmiel/8I. Henry/83) Po Box 2386. Amhersl oloo4 lJeil 6ARDNER pkue/8s) 173 Bur'liFgtofr-Rd. (H)..."atty & Milk r,rt;;;; ta."raffi"-* & lchtrlronolsoz...Adele&DavidGARLrCK(shayna/8s, F6!tui7ss, Igyla/g3)96coolidgecircle,Northboro Alemdra/85) 14ThresherRd,AndoverolSro(H)... phmips Dr,

L€slie & paul DoBBS 1lggr (Adm/86) 63 Dracut st, Dorcheste,r o2tz4 (Hl oco Norah DooLEy & Robert F-ArRcHtLD (sira/a3, ciutia,/






(Dewa,/88) 16 Br&fr-sf.raialtham o2I54 ... sandra & christopher sotax toereF6SSnalie/85. Michael/ 87) 65 Kendall Rd, Jeffersm 01522 (H) .- p3y1it g Peter SPTNNEY {nUrifi76r. Ouentin/92) 73 Burnside St. Irwell 01851 ..r Earl & Phytlis SPIVACK (Rebecca/ 92; i6-Efrerson St. Wakefield 01880 ... Edward & christine suTxR (seriiiTFo) 2olB Indian Meadow Dr. TgUrlaD.O278O... Patrick & Shilon TERRY (Elizabeth/ 87, Ian/89) 23 Mountain s,. 9!q" 02067 (I{l ... George & Susm TESHU (Noah/87, Conna/gO) 6l Jackson St. Cambridge O2t4O... Bill & Shirley TooMEy (Ned6'il-o""td Fam. 73 Cross Sr.

Methuen o1844 ... Juis & Kenl vAN HEUKELoM Noah/92) 74 wallace st,&'1g9l 02148 ... Michael & Pamela VANN (Elizabeth/88. Christopher/ 93) 33 Stafford St. PO Box 1274. Chnlton City ol5o8 ... John & Mary WALLACE l'lony/78. Monict84) 54 Iacy St, N Andover 01845 ... Howard & Mrion WEBSTEF-O;treJ-/9O) 5 Clevelmd Sl. Arlingron 02174 0 ... Juclith & Peter WEILER (carTfr:lle/dZl-66-Tayror na.j)pl,,1q -




Phoebe wELlS'6zTadek

6a1 leoin/87,, -

19 Florence st, cambridse 02tgg ... Linda WEF{THEIM (Jenna/83) 158 Melrose Av. Needharn o2rg2... Elisa & Bill wOoD (elpda/as) Ta-@m Rd. Marstons Mills 02648 (H)


MI - tho-as & Marybeth ANDERSON tAndrew/88. Julia/gI) 3rs 4th st. Jackson 49201 ... Stt & Irene ANDZEI-EWSKI {simoni/83' Alaina/88) 2948oakviewDr'Dryden4842a9790 -


ii srr-erl__-4r&i;F. 3f,iJ5;T$:,fil,,fl{!1'#i$":::3:y*t1*'jtJ'"' lorssz -. crin& sue .AULTN (ciirry/88,.rffi7g1 s6+ ll9 Wentworth Av. lN Sturbridge Rd. chillton olbo7... Raquel GERMAN, ... sicrney MITcHELL (Matthew/88. Roy/ 3ffni;T::Y1"]"lT?.T;:jlX[* .)-z-l 7 Driscor av. naynaFrzs+ ... Jerr & Bet crDDrNcs U:lplLgtesz ,nX]]"rrr. Ann MTLLER rr-nmza+r "' Martin MILLER (Martin,/g2)

f{ Jls*ur'-r"t./i{Fil, atni./az, patrick,/8b. Milgaret/go) r-/ lat cross Rd.-Rochester o2z7o (E) ... Dave & Sue ^.[ Jenna /82) 127 Kingswear Cir, S 0 7f Crur-rar'rO 1JGffi 'fi & Ross cooDMAN (Anna ,rr'lu"qru';:::'r;".

\. :'/ \'N'


Grace/8g, zachary/st)4o Sealund Rd, N:orth




& Kevin MoLl'oY tDavid/8o) 286 Hiu Rd, .Groto' Ol45O :" Claire & Bill MOODY (Derek & KaIie/74, Nex/zs) 815 Johnson sr, N Andover 01845 (H) ... lkren & Richtrd MURPHYTrfiTfi1e s/a2, Bobbv/a4l or532 Don



wade/zz, Russell/84.Abby/87) l5ochippewa. pontiac 48341 ... Mtrk BEISSEL & Elten RENWICK (Brim/81,

Kevin'/84' cwl'nne/87) 17675 Heim



Rd chelsea

#"ffiH rui:rur:r::;i7JJ'o.orrnD (ro...

!z.i?@o 9:9::l:tllo:I*lo:t" MURFTAY lregm/72''rara & Jnnah/74) 87 Box 96, Ir BGgLo1885 .- y*Edg_o_ClSUNla Br-ANcnARD & Jon puMpLrN (Nathm/82. I s.t]^$l'iae' o213a "' Judith & rom (nmqryrs:.Emae*n-19_ifs--u"bL* .z.,l.tosgpn teR.RDl-t f! ,'nri'|ffi:l.oonaSueGRANT(Apn|/a|)24MUScotLydia/z8lT:J7E-dNFitryilliamRd.Roya]9l!9n528ElizabethSt'ElanSing48823(II)...Roger& l-1{:T^*_tnt:

, \





Kathteen & Richard cone



\ tr{ lGnowrnc Wruour L






Scuoor-rNc #108



01368... paur r


xatnrJeluo;rd"il;;t;ff' gl

868s ramdack Dr. Brighton 48116



ff4".t:?X"i".'itftJf#i'uTi*1'?i;5liTll;, 33


7 ,t )lf +4',

Sumpter Rd, Belleville BROWN


Algonac 48OOl (H)

48lll ...

Smdra & Scott

& Betsy/g4) llog Market, Tim & Fran BURKE (Anie/77.



Caril8o, Kathryn /82, Flip/q3) BeMie Home Educators, PO Box 2O8, Benzonia 49616 (H) ... David & Keiko CARTSON (Emily/89) I40O Pilk Rd, Jackson 49203... Debra & Martin COHN (Rosalie/84, Olivia/86. Fonest,/ 88, Montana/g1, Willow/93) 6036 7 Mile Rd, South Lyon 48178 ... Gary & Betsy DEAK (lauren/86. wiuim/go) 7800 Jennings Rd, whitmore Lahe 48189 (H) ... Patrick & Diile DENGATE (Eliaberh/87. Andrew/89) 436 w Maplehurst, Femdale 48220 (m n. Kathy & John DoNAHUE (Enc/42. Katie/83) LEARNING TREE RESOURCE CENTER. PO Box 69. ... Jo DOZEMAN (Adelle/al, Havalah,/84) 26aw 12 St. Holland 49423 (H) oor .lgan & Doma DUOAY (Simone/74, Jubllee/78. Pascalle/81.

Atlantic Mine 49905

Jean-Pieme/86) French Kid Stuff, 2llt4 Huntington Blvd, Harper Woods 48225 ... Scott & Susil EVANS (Loke / 77. Jesse/7g,

Mdgtreti/82, Kathryn/86)


Hibner Rd. Hartlmd 48353 (H) ... David & Rebecca FI-AGEL (Benjamin/78, Sarah/8o) 1461 E David Hwy, Ionia 48846 ... Gail GRA\,'I\,ISTRETER (Tdal81, Jonathan,/82, Justin,/87. Jordan/90) 8650 Knox, Clilkston 4A34a... Vicki HALL {Joseph/7g) 13549 U.S. 12, Union 49130... Dairl & Justine FTAYS (Angela/ 88, Cmeron/gl, Rym/93) 830 Risch Rd. Webberville 48892 (II) ... Jo HINSDALE & hren SWENSON (Robin/7g. Jenny/a2) ll2O willims St, Adrian 49221 ... Jenny HOHMANN & Randal JONES (Isabella,/87, Balthuarlgo. baby/93) 12083 Weiman Dr, Hell 48169 (I4 ... Sarah HURLEY & George LORD lzachary/44. Austin,/86. l.Meg/Ag 3241 Bradlelwille Rd, vassar 48768 (Il) ... Cdl & Nmcy JOHNSON Uessica/76, Jeremiah/76) 5901 County Line. Buckley 49620 (H) "' Lisa & Ken KANDER (Beth/81. Jacob/83, Adm,/86. Claire/8g) 2122 Houser. Holly 48442 (H) "' 1-t1. * Juliet KAUFFMAN {Caitlin,/83) 132 Grand NE. Crmd Rapids 49503 ... Catherine KING (Billy/77, Kenny/81. Edwin/85) 11811 Beech Rd. Brooklyn 49230 (It) "' Frmcina & Walter KNALL (Shannon / 85 , Geoffrey / 87 , Brian/gl) 15380 Evergreen Rd, Detroit 48223 (Hl to' J Gary KNOWLES, Prog in Educ Studies, Sch of Educ. U of Mich. Ann Arbor 48109-1259 ... Paul & Ellen KOEHLER (Seth/8o. Bree/82, Samuel/87) 218 S Gainsborough. Royal Oak 48067 ... Penny & Jim KOZMINSKI (Jimmy/9o. Mag€lie/g3) 6650 Tanglewood SE, Crmd Rapids 49546... Bill & Marian KRIPPES IBilly/75. Suah/78, Robert/7g, Jmes,/82) 712 Tucker Ln, Howell 48843 (H) -. Ray & Mdj KRUMM (Oren,/ 80) SUNT.JYRIDGE ALTERNATTVE LEARNING CTR, HCO I Box 134, Pelkie 49958 (II) ... Mike & Ruth TAPEYRE Uacques,/8o. lruis/83. Coco/8s, Milie/8g) 7O8 Gardenia Av, Royal Oak 48067 ... Mary Jo I-ARSON & Jim BIZER (Elizabeth/89, Jordm/g3) 7433 Frmklin St, Bloomfield 48301 (H) ... Thomas & Dime LINN (Emily / 77, Sdah,/8 l, Andrew/83, Robert/86) 9l2o Dwight Dr, Detroit 48214 (H) ... Maurita LYDA

[Mauricia & Maurikia/8o. Andrew/83. April/87) l73ll Bradford. Detroit 48205 ... Kari & Paul MARCOTTE (Zachary/gll 415 E A St. Iron Mountain 49801 (H) "' Jeannie MCLEOD & tgnacio VILI"A (Mateo/8s, Camila/ 88. Pablo/gr) 12291 Fagan Rd, HoUy 4a442 {m "' John & Bonnie MIESEL (Jemifer/75, Jessica/78, Andrea/8o. Daniel/8g) llll Cricklewood SW,

Wyoming 49509 ... Christine & Michael MOAIE (Hilary/88. Roger/go) 16445 Rossini. Detroit 48205 "' Iarry & knne MUSARRA (Aren,/84. Sungie/87. Timothy/go) 3364 Tibbets Dr, Traverse City 49684 (H) ... Rosa & Harvey MUSKET (Joshua/8s) 1514 J Spartm Village. E lansing 48823 ... Diana NEWMAN (Athena/88. Teddy/go. Harold/g3) 1025 N Fletcher Rd. Chelsea 481 18 ... Marlowe & Suss PAUL (Angela,/ 79, Jesse,/8l) 2330 Angle Rd, Rogers City 49779 (H) ... Bllrthe PELHAM & Steve BUSH [Kellin/88. Catyma/ 90, Khymba/g3) 125 E Lincoln, Negaunee 49866 ... Dirk & Bdbara PgfER (Gregory/8s, Jordm/8g. Dmiel/92) 5532 Irkeview Blvd, Goodrich 48438 "' Ken & Laura PROBST (Meg@/87. Amy/89) 67623 Oak Ridge Rd. Lawton 49065 ... Neil & Ellen PUETZ (Mtchael/84, Jeffrey/88, Katie/go) 2565 30 St. Allegan 49Ol0-9255 (Il) ... Chns & Toby RHUE (Joshua/8s. Alex/87, Aric/93) Rt I Box 133A. Brimley 49715 "' Chester & Diane ROLKA lLuke/82, Emily/84' Simon/ 87. Cameron/9O) 1414 N Scott Rd, St Johns 4aA79 "' lvar & Jennifer RozENs (Ben/8o) 33411 Jefferson Av. St Clair Shores 4AO82... Katja & Roy SZARAFINSKI (Hms/84. Iml86, Liese/8g) 685I N Weston Rd. Allen 49227 LIiIl... Karen TAKACS & Patrick BURKET'| (Paul/a3. Et'n/aS) 4O4 Emmons. wyandotte 48192 "'


Natalie & Jose VALLE {Elena/86. Manuel/8g, Tomas/ 94) 317 N Mulberry St, Marshall 49068 ... Wayne & Monica WIITANEN lAny / 7 6, Catherine/83, Corey/86) 293 Hiscock St, Ann Arbor 48103 (H) ... James & Kristin WILLIAMS IJilo/7O. lfe/73, Aymna/76. Tulani/ 78, Janes/82, Cabral/a7l 5621 S take Shore Dr, Idlewild 49642 ... Suzi & Paul ZIVISSLER (Tom/85. Emma/86) 3.19 Blue Star Hwy, So. Haven 49090

MN -


(Amelia/8, Alena/gll PO Box 2l 196. Minneapolis 5542I ... Ann & Peter BODINE-BOI\mIARD (John/74. Karina/7,, David/79], PO Box 39653, Edina 554390653... Cathy BOEBEL-DENISON & Keith DENISON [Bret/87, Adria/gl) l45O Silgent Av, St Paul 55105 (H) ... Eric & Susan BUNDLE (Kira/8o. Brw/g2'j l62a Ashbury Pl, Eagm 55122 ... Joni & lawence CALI AFIAN Conor/8 I. Maggie/a4. Daniel/86. Rosie/8g) 10986 N 218 Ct, Scandia 55073 (I4 ... Cindy CALI-{NAN & Jay ORDOYNE (Calley/8r. Shaman/8s. Luke/88. Johnny/93) 3a28 Garlield Av S, Minneapolis 55409-lll7 (Il)... Lowell & Audrey DI'I-|BERNER (Forest/7g, Selena/82) Rt I Box 43, Parkers Prairie 56361 (H) ... Kathy & Bob DOLEZAL (Katrina/7s, Maryrose / 7 7, Theresa/8o) HOME BASED EDUCATORS ACCREDITINO ASSOC, Rt I Box 381. Cambridge 55OO8 ... Linda & David ERICKSON-DAVIS (Morgm/ 82. Cordelia/84) Rt 2 Box 1ll. take Pilk 56554 (tO ... Peter FLECK & Mary WEBER (Hallie/79) 2lO8 24 Av S. Minneapolis 55406 (H) ... Chris & Susie FRENCH (Sara/8o. Brian/8s, David/S9) RR I Box 65. Tracy 56175 ... Todd & DeAnna GANZ [aceyl84, Tyler/85) 18322 Greenbrook Dr NE. wyoming 55092 (H) t.e Kate & Bill COODSON (Nicole/7g. Ianl8o, Brent/83) 6034 James Av S, Mimeapolis 55419 (II) ... Ann & Bob GREGORY'BJORKLUND Willie/86) 2O5 Railway St S, Dundas 55O19-4014 (E) ... Phil & Brenda GROVE (Colin/8g. Molly/g3) 3712 37 Av S. Minneapolis 55406 (trl ... Ruth HAMLIN & David HUSTED (Mtrgot/88. Irene/8g) 2220 28 Av S, Minneapolis 55406 ... Penelope & Eric HILLEMANN (Phoebe/89. }Iamet/g2) 3oO E 6th St. Northfield 55057 ... Todd & Karen INDEHAR (Shannon/88, David/g1) PO Box 253, Ely 55731 (H) ... Gary & Julie JEDYNAK (Alexmder,/84, Joseph/88, Maija/gO) 10556 1o4th Av N. Maple Grove 55369 ... walne JENNINGS, 449 Desnoyer, St Paul 55104 ... Llnn DeBuhr & Mark JOHNSON (Brianna/84. Casey/87. Meghm/90, Alexmder,/92) 9O5 Albion Av, Faimont 56031 (10 ... Alex & Brenda KRAMER (lm/ 84, Elizabeth/85) 54 E Kent Rd. Duluth 55812 ... Dave & Beth KROI-AK (Brim/83, John/85) RR 2 Box 57. Dodge Center 55927 tm... Patti & Creg LUKE (Kiah/ 87. Dakota/go, Cedar,/g2) 710 west Av, Detroit Lakes 56501 (H) ... Barbara & Arthur MADSEN (Krist/8s. Dmiel/86. EUie/g2) PO Box274. Winton 55796 (II) roo Marti MARKUS & Tony PURVEY (Jess/g0. Irelg2) 609 Oueen Av S, Minneapolis 55405 (II) ... Pat & Sue MCGOUGH (Zachaq/Aa, Katie/go, Date/q2) 2444 N St Albms, Roseville 55113 ... Tammy METCALF-FILZEN & David FILZEN (zachaty/aa. Taylor/9l, Rikki/g2, lKyle/9q 2a7O Cmby Ct. Northlield 55057 (H) ..' g1n & Susm REES (David/7g. Dana/83, Aleta/8s) 5652 N Pike take Rd, Duluth 5581 I ... Kathy & Craig RUNDE (Matthew/ao) 4945 37th Ave S, Minneapolis 55417 "' Mary & Ed RYAN (Jen,/77, Edl74, Anne/8o, John/82. Nick/84, Gwen/85, Mary Grace,/8g) 6730 Galpin Blvd. Excelsior 55331 ... Tda TIESO-BATTIS [Riley/91) 1786 Rome Av. St Paul 55116-2424 (II) oo. 1e;t VELIKONJA & Gerald SKERBITZ (Dylan/9o, Arlo/92) 1366 Palace Av. St Paul 55105-2554 (Hl ... Criff & Robbie WIGLEY (Collin/76. Tyson/78, Graham/81, Gillian/86) tol6 S Linden St. Northlield 55057 (II) "' Mark & Martha WICMORE (Spencer/88, Katellr,/go. Morgm/g2) 18913 Boston St NW, Elk River 55330 "' Linda WNSOR & Andrew PROKOP (huis/84, Evan/87) 1927 James Av. St Paul 55105 (II)

MS casey & Jenny CHURCH (Tom/88. Conor/9o) 605 Esplanade Av. Bay St l-uis 39520-2915 ... laura ELKINS & John ROBBINS (Allbriton/84, Adele/88) 612 S 8th St, Oxford 38655 ... Michael FOSTER (Elena/8s) 84 Saragossa Rd. Natchez 39120 (H) ... Bobby & Martha PENNEBAKER (l€rgh/78. Seth,/82. Erin/87) PO Box 160, Star 39167 (H) "' po. & Becky POTTS (Maple/8I. Linden/83, Cedar/97) 4083 Robin Dr. Jackson 392OO (I4 ... Jim & Kathy RASKETT fvictoria,/87, Michael/gl) I 11 Mccuire Dr. IanE Beach 39560

MO - Xr..r & Frank ALPEKf (Betsy/87, Alm/ 89) 12189 Oakwilde Ct. Maryland Heights 63043 ... Brian & Cherylee DUNCAN {Tyler/83, Cally/85) 5555

Westem. Brookline 65619 ... Julia FOSTER & Robert MUEHL (ZRke/47) l5O2 Wilson Av, Columbia 65201 (H) ... Robert & Dorothy GIANSIRACUSA (Herschel,/ al, Noah/84) 54O Ridge Av, Webster Groves 63119 ... Kim, Olline. & Charles GREGSON (Jennifer/76) 1507 Brock, St tpuis 63139 ... Joel & Kden HERMAN (Peri,/ a5, Dylan,/9O) 1618 Wheeler St, Moberly 65270 ... Jme HOMEYER & Robert JENSEN (Milgtret,/88. Anne/go) 7l05 Amherst, University City 6313O Ir Karen & Harold KARABELL (Gabriel/88. Alexander/gl) 4147 WesI Pine, St Lruls 63108 ... Jocellm & Steve KOPEL (Kim/74, Bvrl/7s. Sara/81. Katie/84, Paul/88, Brym/9O. David,/92, Jonathan/94) 5450 Bradbury Dr, St lauis 63129... Michael & Catherine LANE (Diana/ 83, Jessica,/87) Rt I Box 37. Hartville 656$/ -r 5gs6 LOCK (Cori/7g, Casi/81. Gabe/a2. Maggie,/as, Mady/ 88) Rt I Box 88A, DeMtt 64639 (II) ... Charles & Lindsay MILLER Uaymi/82) Rt 2 Box 680. Richlmd 65556 ... Victoria MORAN (Rachael/83) 3944 Bell St, Kansas City 64111 (IO ... Tom & Julie O'DAY (Meghann/7g, Katherine,/8 l. Bridget/84, Ttmothy/87, Conor/89, Ianl9l, Ama,/93) l4OO w Broadway, west Plains 65775 (H) o...1i* & Kathy O'DONNELL (Magaret/86) 47 Clemont Ln. St t uis 63124 ... Ale & Samantha PARKER [Valerie/84) l2ll N Elizabeth Av, St t uis 63135... Elle & Scott PEARISTONE (Eval 88, Noah/9o) 60l Wickford Way, Mmchester 63021 ... Bill & Jan PIERCE {Sonnet/76. Naomi/8o, Eval82) Rt I Box 69. Eldridge 65463 (It) r.. 6e.".6 & Barbara RITTER (Aaron/ 77. April/8o. J er emy / 82, Rachel,/85, Iaura/9O) 7157 Sugar Spring Co, St l-uis 63f29... James & Iaurie SCHTAPPER (Sunny/85. Bud./87, Gvy/ 88) Riversun, Rt 4 Box 157, Boonville 65233 ... Clmthia & William SCOTT fvmessa/8o) 635 E 45 St. Kmsas Ctty 641tO ... John & Madelln SHEAFFER (Shmdra/ 90, Geneva,/g2) 7lO Osage Tr. Independence 64056 ...

Mike & June STANCLIFF (Rachel & Nathm/9O)


Shady, St Joseph 64505 (I4 .- Terry SURINSKY & Michael DUNCAN (Noah/8g, Rosa/g2) 650 Ashmont Dr. St lpuis 63132 ... Ronny & Carol TAG [Daid./77, Amy/8O, Rachel/87) Rt 2 Box 63, Springfield 65802

MT -

uicnaet & Diane BUCHAN (Bobby/83,

Iavra/84, Katie/9o) 70 Vinson Mill Rd. PO Box 1378. Trout Creek 59874 ... Brym & Elaine GREEN {Andrew/78, Dmiel,/8o. Stuart/82, Katherine/86) 692 Echo lake Rd. Bigfork 59911 (Io... Candace & Henry KREWER [Btl1/77. Cathleen /47) 605 Calhoun Ln, BiUings 59101 (H) ... John & Madelln laFA\rE (Helena/8g. Peter/g1, Andrew/g3) 1lO8 W Calena. Butte 59701 ... Lori NEWIIL{N & Win PETERSON (MTa/A7, Duncm,/go) 5808 N Klements, Florence 59833 (Hl ... Katie PERRY & Rich WALKER (Alex/go.

Ian/931 15OO Rainbow Rd, Bozemm 59715 ... Andrew & Robin PUDEWA (Heather/78. Genevieve/8l, Morielle/87, Fiona/9O) 8l05 Balsam Dr, Bozemm 59715 ... Chules & Emtly RINGER Ntlillow/74,znb/ 79, Tahmina/82) Box 75. Joliet 59041 ... Kathleen SINNOTT (Joey/8O) PO Box lII2, Big Timber 59oltI I 12 ... Harold & Sharon YoUNG (Alexander,/79, Arthur/8l. Emma/83, Dorothy/85, Teddy/89) HC 77 Box 75. Dixon 59831

l[E - Ar." & Troy EASTERDAY (Madison,/89, Collin/92) 14808 Edna St, Omaha 68138... Rich &

Debi EDELMAIER (Silah/7g. Im/82) Rt I Box 18. Garlmd 68360 ... Mtrilyn IIAMPION & Dick MCMILLIN Wtlliam/7g. Mtrissa/81, Andrew/8s, Jeremy/89, Matthew,/g3) Omaha koject for Education and Nurturing, 9218 l€avenworth St, Omaha 681 i4 ... Duane & Kathy I-ANGE (Jacob/77, Joey & Steven/79,

Mil/80, Maria/83)


SCHOOIS. Rt 3 Box 73, Ord 68862 ... Terry & Jmey SMITH (Sda}l/76) 8OO Skyline Dr, Lincoln 68506 "' Mary & Sam WEI^SCH (Dmiel/82, Ember/8s. Peter/ 90) Rt 2 Box 25A, Hartington 68739 (II) ... Marianne & Ken WHEATCROFI-PARDUE (Emma/86) 3098 R St #2. Lincoln 68503 ... Dick & Rose YONEKURA (Josh,/ 74. Abi/77. Tessa/So, Darcy/83) LEARN, 7741 E Avon,

Lincoln 685O5

l\[V - ch.r & Ed BATEMAN (Jeb/25, Daniet/ 77, Kelsle/85) PO Box 323. Glenbrook 89413 ... Jmet HOPE (Jtred/81, Siena,/go) 2ooo Bonita Av, las vegas 89104 [H)

GnomNc; Wrrnour ScuoouNr; #108 o 1996 Dnncronv

NH .. r.a & Karhy BROOKS (tna/83. tan/84. Melissa/8s) 32 Lane Rd, Derry O3O38 [H) ... p.-"t" ENGLISH (Brooke/85, Spencer/8g) 30 Essex St, Concord O33Ol (II) ... Iiura & Stefan FOLEY-SHARFF (Atron/84. William/88) RR 3 Box 90. Comish 03745 ... Karen & Martin FURUHJELM (Elinor,/83. Elizabell]'/ 871 38 Musket Dr, Nashua 03062 (II) ... Kim & Steve FYLER (Stephen/88, Katrina/g1) 60 Old Danville Rd. Freemont O3O44 ... Sonia GERMAN (Sonya Miriam/78. Bill/8o) 163 Kinsman Ridge Rd, Easton O358O ... Lilly & Rick GI.ATZ {Caolyn/8s, Matthew/89) RFD I Box 736. Bristol 03222 ... Julie & Brian FIAFFERKAMP (Scott/46, Seth/8g) 5l Iamson Dr, Merimack O3O54 Lany & Chris FIAMILTON (Katy/84. Steven/g3) ...


Mason Rd. Brookline 03033-2204 ... Doris & Paul HOHENSEE (Michael/8O. Erin/8 l. Kira,/83, Douglas/ 86. Gregory/88, DiMna/g2J 15 Swan Ter. Nashua 03060 ... Cyndi & Irn JARM Uonathan,/84, Jake/88) 8 Houph St. kbanon 03766 ... Loraine & Harold JONES (Sara/85, Huold/87) Box 77|C, Bristol 03222 ... Michelle & Tim KINSELI-A (Ryan/8l. Aidan/83. Nikki/ 89) 57 Irng Hill Rd. Ralmond O3O77 ... Teresa & Hugh TANDIS (Brynne/83. Walker/8s. Ezra & Owen/ 88) RR 2 Box 1448, Peterborough 03458 ... Elizabeth LONGFELLOW & Gary ANDERSON [Haley,/80. Taury/ 81, Winter/83) 16 Gulf Rd. Deerfield O3O37 ... Elaine & Thomas LOVEDAY (Almna/79. tandon/83. Anson/86) 629 Bedford Rd. New Boston O3O70 ... Smdy & Paul MAIDA (Matthew/86. Michael/88) PO Box 15, Plaistow 03865 ... Denise MORGAN & James COLEMAN (Jonathan/82, Marc,/84) 483 Mammoth Rd. Manchester 03104-5463 ... Ann & Andrew PODLIPNY (Lida/8o, Lncia/ 82. Magda/83, Micaela/86) 159 Dearbom Rd, Aubum O3O32 (I{) ... Diane & Richard ROGERS (Justin/8o, lM/83. lf,on/87. guentin,/g1) PO Box 197, Rt 12'A, Plainffeld 03781 (Hl ..r Kendall TEMPER (Ko Dustin/74) 512 Dustin Rd. Contoocook 03229 (H) tr Jqm5snd & Kathie THORNDIKE (Jen/ 76, Lisa/78. Kevin/82, Eric,/8s. Shane/86. Nick/g2) 36 Blueberry Hill, Meredith 03246 ... Trilli & Oil TIM (Dmon/8o, Amberlee/83, Jee/85. Bevil/891 3lO E Ricker Rd, Chichester 03234... Margaret & Harison TRUMBULL lMatthew/77, Julie,/791 RR I tsox g7C. Enffeld 03748 ... John & Michelle WEBSTER {Alexmdra/93. Josiah/gs) l9B Dunster Av. PO Box 327, Greenville O3O48 ... Keith & Kathy WHITESTONE (Brandon/84. Blaine/88) 603-471 0243 [Bedford) ... Jennifer WRIGHT & Stm McCUMBER [Vanessa/69. David/8s. Willis/85) HC 6O. Box 50. guaker City. Charlestom 03603 (IO ... Cindy YOUNG (Cona/a3, Jamaica/88) 175 South Rd. KensinAton 03827 (H)

NJ - Ch.i"ti.e AUSTIN (t(amau/87) 1l Marrin OTlll (H) ... Poldi BINDER & Misha

Pl. Iruington

BASAI-AEV (Anna/a8, Robin Sue,/92) 321 Harper Pl. Highlmd Pdk O89O4 ... Ann BINGHAM & Joe

TANZINI {Laura,r79. Domenique/82. SyMa,/85. Chdlie/ 87) 49 Maida Ten, Red Bank O77Ol ... Carole & Steve BTANE {Megil/go. Rebecca/92) I Duncan St, Waldwick 07463 [II) ... Paula BORENSTEIN & David BURD (Lilyl87. Russell/9O) 134 Lincoln Av, Elizabeth O72Oa ... Robin BROWNFIELD (Michael/8o. Rachel,/83. Mariel/8g. Alexander/g3, Mdina/g3) 824 Eldridge Av. Collingswood O8lO7 (H) ... Linda BRYK & Tom BIAS (Victoria/89) 6 Hickory Tree Ln. Sparta O7a71 ... LuEllen BURTON & Ed SZCZEPANSKI (Joceyln/86. Lucie,/8g) 20 Main St. Randolph 07869 ... Alicia BUTCHER & William EHRFIARDT (Jeremy/86, Timothy/88. Rebecca/91) 6 Bainbridge Ct. Hamilton Square 08690 ... Lynne COLLETT & Tri NGL 'EN (Erin/86. Emily/8g) 16l Washington Dr. Watchung 07060 (H)... David & Linda COOPER (Paul/68, Enol/ 75. laurel/79) 65 Tensaw Dr, BroMS Mills 08015 (H) ... Phil & Clare COOPER (lace/86, Iona/88, Tessa/go) lO2 Clay St. Miutom O885O ... Philip & Eileen COILE (Bridget/87, Sean/89. Maura/g3) 824 Stokes Av, Collingswood 08108 (I4 ... Ken & Marilyn DAHL (Sam/80, Joel/a3) l03 Nursery Rd, Titusville 08560 ... Pat DeLUCA (Christopher/86. I:ura/91) 239 Walnut Av. Bogata 07603- l605 ... John & Nmcy DODCE (Jonathan/83. Strah/85. Hopi/ 87. Oliver/8g) 233 Carter Rd, Princeton O854O ... Arthur & Mtrlane EDELMAN (Jessica/84. Healher/88) Llewelllm Puk. West Orange O7O52-49O9 ... Debra EMERSON & Kirk PETERSON Ir^y]re/44, Harry/88) 3Ol Midland Av. Metuchen O884O ... Karen GARCIA (Al/77. Francesca/ 79) RD #3 228 Maple Ave. Berlin O8OO9 ... Alan & Emily CINDER (lsaiah/86, Ena/9O) 49 Ketner St.


WrrHour ScHoolrNc #108


Bloomffeld 07003 (H) ... Ivy CREENSTEIN & Christopher DOOLITfLE (Colin/85) 178 Hardenburgh Av. Demarest 07627 ... Maureen & Patrick HAGAN (Timothy/84, Kathleen/86) 213 W 4th Av. Roselle O72O3


... Llr


& Richad EVERI fwilliam/

AJice/82'J 33O State Rd. Princeton O854O (H)


FIANBICKI (Binka/8o) PO Box 432. Three Bridges 08887 ... Allison HEARN & Hume FELDMAN [Timmia/8g, Zoey/93) 9l Hanley Av, Princeton Oa54O ... Jeice & Douglas HIPLE (Alexddra/92) 91 Caims Pl. Belle Mead O85O2 ... Iaura & Mdc JOHNSON (Deiel/8s. Michael/86) 76 Manning St. Red Bank O77Ol ... Suzmne JOHNSTONE & Alan FREY (Katherine/87. knalgo) 1416 Central Av. Highldd Pilk O89O4 ... Susm & Mario KAWCZTNSKI

Rich{d & Victoria

(lauren/85, Chtrlie/87. cabriel/g3) 31 Cranford Ten, Cranford O7O16... Valerie KAY & Ralmond HONEYWELL (Calvin/88, Timothy/g1. Bennett/g4) l4

Brook Pl. Broomfield O70O3 ... Renee & Steve KOHN (Rebecca/88, Hmnah/go) 36-24 Hale St, Fairlam O74lO (m ... Linda & Jon KRAUSHAR (Matthew/8s. Elvabelh/87) 42 Woodland Rd. Maplewood O7O4O ... Linda & Stephen KRAVITZ (Rachel/8s) 1072 Woodrull St. Iselin O883O ... Steven & Joy KUCHINSKY {Michelle/89. Reuben,/92) l16 N sth Av. Highlmd Park O89O4... Llmn & Dennis I-APEKI (David/91) 5 Hillside Rd, Rockaway 07866 85 Ken & Liz LIPMANSTERN (Sam/86. Jonah,/8g) 341 C Crowells Rd, Highlmd Park O89O4 [II) -r 11u*.t & Joella MALICK

[Kiah/86, Zun/a8) 2207 Rmshom Dr. Allenwood ... James & Michelle MAITNEY (larla/8o) 432 Donaldson St, Highland Park O89O4 ... Ruth & Terry MATII^SKY (Sarabeth / 79. J acob / 82, Iaura/86. Matthewi/8g, Loren Isaac/92) lO9 S 4th Av. Highland Ptrk 08904 ... Hunter & lhthy MCKEE (Jack/a8) 21 Borden St. Monmouth Beach O775O O{) ... Karen O872O (E)

MENDE-FRIDKIS & t2rry FRIDKIS (Kate/86. Jacob,/ 89) UNSCHOOLING FAM. SUPPOKI GROUP OF CENTR. NJ, RD 1 Box 713. Jobston O8O4l (H) ... Howtrd & lrene MOTT lMisly/77, Wickliffe/79) lO Lambert Rd. Blairstom O7a25 ... Fred & Francine NEISON (Jmet/82. Ammda/85. ligM/Aq ru Midlmd Blvd. Maplewoood O7O4O (H) ... Carolln OGLESBY (lauren/80. Doug/ 82. Robbie/87, Annie/88) 8 Parker Rd, Chester 07930 ... Jeff & Miriam OKIIZGROB [Willim/86. David/go) 30 lavina Ct, New Providence... Annette & Philip PE"lRlS (Julian,/8g, Sophia/g1) 226 W Linden Av. Linden 07036 ... Nmcy & Malcolm PLENT (Ericl72) UNSCHOOLERS NETWORK. 2 Smith St. Famingdale 07727 ... JM & Jim gUODOMINE (Justin/88, Johnathan/9o) 164 Petersburg Rd. Hackettstom O7A4O... Robert & Margaret REITH (Evelyn/81, Andrew/a2) 40 N 17th St. Prospect Ptrk O75O8 ... Dime & Malcolm ROBERTSON (Bryce/7g, Morgan/83) I I Bates Rd. Jackson 08527 ... Judy RUDERIW{I\ & Robert DUBNER (Miranda/88) 13 Westervelt Pl. Westwood 07675 ... Rose SIAS (Cene,/7g. Chrisuna/82, ShaM/ 87. Denise/89) The Tutor (S. JerseJ Homeschoolers), 1239 Whitaker Av, Millville 08332 ... Carol & Michael STEIN (Jenni,i86, lauta/87) 74O S 6th Ave. Absecon O82O1 ... Chrisune THOMPSON & Chales BARRANCO (Christopherii 83, Emily/86) 6 Wiscasset Av, Ewing 08618 ... Ray TURICK & Theresa MARESCA (Laura/83) Box 129, Stillwater O7A75 ... Cilol WADE & Bill HAK (Autumn/8o. Hmony/84. Claire/g7) 8 landing Trail. Denviue 07834 (H) ... Stephen WALDOW & Kathleen DONNELLY (Meghan & Patrick,/8s. Stephen,/87. Daniel/go) 14 Country Hollow Cir. Sickletrille O8O8l

I\lM - edward & Julie ALLEYNE (Thema/83. Tsering/85. Amilanth/8g) PO Box 129. Pinon 88344 Ol29 (II) ... Lloyd & Betsy BARTEIS (Jesse,/85. Liam,/ 87, Silas/gl) SANTA FE LEARNINC COOPERATWE.

MULLIGAN (Jesse/go. Joshua/92) Martin Ct NW, A.lbuquerque 87121

l5l2 Cmino Sm ... Anne Rr{Y

(Heather/82. Monica/86) 307 Pino Rd, Smta Fe 875O1 ... Mac & De SANCHEZ [Maggie/8s, Morgan/8g) PO Box 1882. Tijeras 87059 (H) r.. 11ut.t * Oo. SCHULTZ (George/88. Joey/go. Tessa/g4) 1847 Forest Cir. Santa Fe 87505 ... Greg SENN & Barbara Klapperich SENN (Jennifer/85. Jacob/88) PO Box 961, Portales 88130 ... Du & Hariet SHULTIS (Micaela/ 73. Sir tancelot,/74. Robert/75) PELONCILLO PRIMARY, PO Box 91. Rodeo 88056 (H) ...1L"o0o.. & Anthony SOBIN (Nicholas/86, Alexmdra/go) 22 Alcalde Rd. Smta Fe 87505 ... Iruise & Al WILLIAMS (Evm/83) 721 Aztec Av, lrs Alamos 47544 l'Il oco Karen & Gary WLLIS (John/8o) 3396 Soltridge. Las Cruces 88OO I

lfY - Darlene & Doug ABA.JIAN-HULICK (Malcolm/86) PO Box 48. Gilbertsville 13776 (Hl ... Maria & Adam ABESHOUSE (Emily/go, Sdah/g3) 128 Mmor Ln. Pelham lO8O3-2417 ... Kathie & Rick ARNOLD (Caralea/84, Ktrk/47) 3175 St. Rt. 13. Truxton 13158 ... Daniel BADGLEY & Cilol MINERVABADGLEY Uasno/85, Rachel/86, Benjamin/g1) HCR Box 265. Owls Head 12969 (H) ... Kathy & Ed BAKER (Todd/84) I Walnut Rd. Rocky PI 1177a... Mary BALFOUR & Andri GONCAROV (Alexmdra/86. Violet/ 89, Andris/g2) 5331 Heverly Rd. Trummsburg 14886 (H) ... Joe & Mary Jo BAYER (Patrick/88) Home

Education Exchage of the Southem Tier, 13

Woodland Av. Binghamton 13903 ... Arne & Paul BONAPARTE-KROGH (Mary/83. KaUe/85. Phoebe/9O) 413 Mitchell St. Ithaca 14850 ... Nmcy BRESLOW & Ted OOTTFRIED (Sydelle/89) 318 E ll St. New York IOOO3 ... Daniel BRIONES & Sonia IDEI^SOHN (Alm/ 92) 3807 Ravine St. Shrub Oak 10588 ... Pamela BROWN Alan LEFKOWITZ (Shdla/83, Chad/8g) 600 E

Frmklin St. Horseheads 14845 ... Terence BURKE & June MCINTOSH (86. 89, 89. 92) lO9 Grenfell Rd, Dewitt 13214 ... Graham & Judy CAMERON (Ctristie/ 81. Scott/84, Elisa/87, Patli/g2) 257 S Suaker Ln. Hyde Park 12538 ... Roy & laurie CHAMBERLAIN lzachary/83, Ashley/85) 6247 cra|'am Rd, Elba 14058


Priscilla COLLETTO (Marlo/88) 42ll Rt 13. Truxton "' Catherine CORAY & Joseph DALY (Harper/88) 164 E 7 St. New York 16669 ..r'ir'ad & Alice COTTAR (Jeroen/84, Smne/8s. Michiel/87. Kasper/88, Jolijn/go) 7 Davis Av. PO Box 623. Hammondport 14840 ... Jim & Tracey CO\IELL (Jimmy/84. Jack/A7, Glen/91) 24 Cramer Rd, Poughkeepsie 12603 ... Kathy & Ray CRIMMINS (Heather/84, Emily/a7) 1O7 Brook St. West Salville 11796... Philip & KathrJm DEITSCH (Emily/85) PO Box 106. Dansville 14437 0106... MacBeth & Don DERI.IAM (Elizabeth/9o, Trip/g2, Annika/g3) PO Box 5. Floral Park I IOO2-OOO5 (IO ... Bilbila DEWEY, 275 Hungry Hollow Rd. Chestnut Ridge iO977 ... Bdbara & Brim EASTON (Kyle/84. Kiefer/91) 4 Mclntosh Ln. Clifton Pdk 12065 ... JoAnne & Wmen EDSALL {Marc/8g) I Denwood Ter, Bath l48lo ... Jo}n & Ann ENDAHI- (Jesse/86, Oliver/88) 59 Vm Brunt. Selden I 1784 (H) ... Trisn & Tim ENGELHARD {Tyler/84, Kelsie/87) PO Box 609, Candor 13743 (H) ... Heather EVANS & Matt BAUMGARDNER (Zoelgo) 70 E lst St #1. New York 10003 ... Chris & Debbie FIGLIOI-A (Piltr/go. Jordm/g3) 35 Oriole Way. Dix Hills I 1746 ... David & BryTda FILKINS [Vanessa/8O. Melissa/83. Allison,/8s) FAMILIES FOR HOME EDUCATION. 5458 Oxbow Rd, Cuenovia 13035 (Il) ... Michael & Cindy FREEBERN (Sham/77, Ryan/8o. Kelly Jem/83, Patrick,/go) RD I Box 2324. Hudson 13158 (II)

24tt3 ('amino Capitan, Sanla Fe 87505... Ellen

Falls 12839 (I4 ... Jon & Susm FREYER (Emtly/87, Hattie/8g) 28O Ridge Rd, Ridge 11961 ... Angela GAGO & Dominique VIEL Uulien/go. Anais,/94) 2l Ellington Way, New Hempstead 10977 14Ol ... Daniel & Remi

BECKER (Jesse/28. Luke/81) PO Elox 5851. Santa Fe 475O2 ... Vincent & Jilna BOOKS {Tasha/8O. Chelsea/ 84, Cenevi/88) Rt 2 Box 3O9-B. Santa Fe 87505 ... Orese & Brian FAHEY (Caitlin,/82, Ravenna/84. Elyse/ A7) 1620 Comell Dr SE. Albuquerque 87106 (H) ... Donna GOAD & Paul JOHNSON (Marshall/89, Dustin/ 9l) 560 Hovenweep Lop, Jemez Spgs 87025 ... Stephen & Cilol INGRAHAM (Sarah/86, Emily/88) Box 162. Rehoboth a7322 ('l1... Betsy & David I,ANG (Daniel/85. Julie,/88) PO Box 1231. Grants 87O2O ... Linda & Robert LUPOWITZ (Alianna/77. Sion Ben/8O. Mil,/44) PO Box 2075. Corales 87048 ... Carol & Grahm MARK lzachary/79, Jesse/82. Jacob/86) 2076 47th, loa Alamos 87544 (H) ... 6L^.1"" & Shalisha

GALLAGHER [Tavish,/88, Conor/go) 223 Water St. BrookllT I l2ol (H) ... Susan & Eugene GARDNER (Saah/87. Emily/gf ) Progressive Home Education Assoc. 37 lamplighter Ln, Saratoga Spgs fZgOO ... Cilol CRASER & Jeff HALPERN (Maly/85. Delia/go) 318 Reidel Rd, Amsterdm l2OlO (II) ... Dana & cdy GUMANOW (Ethan/8g. Nora/g1) 583 A 6th St, Brookllm I 1215 (H) ... Teresa & David FIALPERT {Sam,/a4. Claire/85. Abe/88. Jake/9O. Maddie/g3) 120 Moss Hill Rd. Horseheads 14845 ... Joan LIARRISS & Jim MURPFry Kevin/84, Sarah/86, Molly/go) l43O Ridge Rd. Horseheads 14a45 ... Lou & Sue HEAVENRICH (Coulter/86, Toby/gol ll5 Hubbild Hill Rd. Candor 13743 (I{)... Rae-Ann & Mu HEINRICH

1996 Drnncrrxy

(Craig/6a. Melisa/7\, Kiersten/84) 164 ArAyle Rd. Brooklln I 1218 (IIl ... tois & David HELLER WALI,ACE (Joshua,/go. Matthew/92. Emily/g4) Tri' State Homeschoolers. 2517 Rt 32, Glen Spey 12737 (H) ... girn", t. & Andy HOFER {Michael/78. Dustin/ 92) 77 Old Albmy Post Rd. PO Box 90. Ossining 10562 oro $and1a & Robert HOFFMAN (Shena,/88. Brooks,/90) 245 E 72 St Apt 2A, New York l0o2l "' Linda HOLZBAUR & Ken RITTER (Grace/81. Nat/84, Anna/ 86, Elemor/8g) 249 Coddington Rd. Ithaca 14850 ... Nancy & Philip HOUGH (Evelen/86) 808 west End Av #706. New York lOO25 ... Katharine HOUK & Seth ROCKMULLER (Tahra/69, Benjamin/79. Emiry / a2) 29 Kinderhook St, Chatham 12037 (H) ... Peter & Barbara IRVINE (Erica/79. Philip/81. Nicholas,/86. Jomna/88)

522 Nottingham Rd. Syracuse 13210 ..' Suzme JUNG SEAVER {Jes/79) 5130 Rt 227. Burdett 14818 ... Janine KAM & Rajinder l-PJ' lzann/go. Zubin/93, Nawos/g5) 32-39 35 St lst Fl, Astoria I I l06 "' James KEITH & Sheri EBERLY [Ian/83. Dylan/g2) l79O County Rd 5. Addison 14801 ... Lanny & Virginia KENDRICK-BOWSER (Evee/83) 649 Nash Rd, Elbridge 13060 00 ... I{im KIMBLE & Tom MCENTEE (Bryce/ 82. Minty/84, Noeue/g1) 94 Plains Rd. New Paltz 12561 (II) ... Jeff & Cilolyn KISLOSKI (Elizabeth/9O. Emily/92. Matthew/g3) 29O tackas'ona Av, Owego 13827 ... Jonathan KLINE & Flora MARRANCA tlrah/ 83. Aphra/85. Mattea/8g) 5066 Mott Evms Rd. Trumansburg 14886 ... Kimberly KLINE & Kevin MCGOWAN (Jayl86, Peri/gl) 468 W Dryden Rd Freeville 13068 ... Karen & Charles KREMER (Colin/ 87. Kaitlyn/go) RR I Box 21, Cherry Vauey 13320 (H) ... Chris & Gina KROL (Emily/88. Adam/g1. Jeremy/ 93) 2604 Robins St. Endwell 13760 "' Ed & Margdet KUCZYNSKI Uustin/82. Alena,/88) 545 lst Av #9U' New York 10016 (H) ... John & Donna KURTZ (Kirsten/8o. Jted / a2, Gunther/84, Abram/87, Cicely/ 91) RD I Box 61. Andover 14806 (f0 "' Cynthia & Jerry KUZNIEWSKI (Michael/86, Micheue/88' Chnstine/go) l5O-42 16 Rd. Flushing I 1357 "' Veronique LaLIBEK|E llaa/79, Lainey/81) 6 Hoags Comers Rd, E Nassau 12062 (Hl "' Malha & Barry I-ASH (Rachel/8o, Hannah/81) RD l, Alfred Station 14803 (I4 ... Ginny & Art LEE (Connor/9O, Spencer/ 9l) 967 River View Rd. Rexford 12148 (H) "' Betty & Frank LEPORE (Mike/8o. Anne/82. Paul/84. Mary/86. Christopher/8g) 69 Centre Dr, Manhasset 11030 "' Mdsha & Gary LICHOROWIC (Nils/83. Luc/87) 135 Clinton St. Whitesboro 13492 ... Edna & Simon LITTEN (Anna/7o, D8/72, Reuben/76, Emily/81) PO Box 48. Altamont l2OOg (H) ... Tom & AnnMarie LOUGHLIN (Jenna/8O. Brian/83. Enc/87) l05 W 4th St, Dunkirk 14048 (IO ... Christina & John LUND (Deiel/84. Benjamin/86) 13 Willow St. Salviue 11782 ... Helene Martin LYNN (Seth/7g. Ashley/83) 87 clinton Rd. Bedford Hills 1o5o7 (Il) "' claudia cain & Bill MAI,ONEY (Geneva/86, Jackson/881 2O5A W Maple Av, Monsey 10952 ... Amy & David MANTELL (Sarah/ 83. Eli/87) Rochester Area Homeschoolers Assoc, 275 Yamouth Rd. Rochester 146lO "' Richard & Susan MASON (Gregory/82, Nicole/83, Natalie,/8s, Ftank/ 87 Bonnie/go) PO Box 74. Troupsburg 14885 (H) "' Alison MCMAFIAN & Steve BLUESTONE {Ruth/9O) 1470 Malden Ln, Yorktom Hts 10598 (H) "'cathy MCNULTY & Stefan CZAPSKY lAbigatl/77, Clytie/7g' Violet Rose/87, Maeve/9o) 278 Vandervort Hill. RD I unadiua 13849 (m... Robert & Debra MENIA (Jemifer/73, Stephen/75. Jon-MTk/77) PO Box 454. Rt 26, Whitney Point 13862 (IO "' Allison & Bob MESNARD (Natalie/as. tf,'nora/87'l RD 2 Box 244. Grippen Hill Rd, Vestal 13850 "' Roger & Heather MILLEN (Tanner/87, Logil/8g) lO49 Babcock Hollow Rd, Cortland 13045 ... Marguerite MILLER & Steven HOTOVY (Mtrk/84, Izah/a7, Paul/ag. Joel/g3) 33 Keith Ln, Dryden 13053 ooo Brooke MILLINCTON & Norbert KREMER [Hopper/92) 3559 Consaul Rd, Schenectady 12309 ... Cmdace MINGINS & Chris STOSCHECK {Autumn/79. trol83. claire/8s) 67 Albee Hill Rd. Van Etten 14889... Jo MOBERLY (Roy/83. Russell/87) THE CENTER BOOKSTORE. 149 S Main St, Naples 14512... Carol & Thomas MORLEY (Thomas/79) 1595 lrying St. Baldwin 11510 "' Ann MONGOVEN & Brad KARKKAINEN (Emma/g2, Sophie/gs) 404 W I 16 St apt 2l' New York lOO27 "' Theresa MORRIS & Gerald WEINER (Mona,/81' Isaac/ 83) NYC HOME EDUCATORS ALLIANCE, 34I E 5th St' New York looo3 ... L.L. Ann MOTTA & Jane GoHOREL (Monique/83) PO Box 128. E Marion 11939 (H) "'

& John


Peter WATSON (Holly/88' Fonest/

90) 5325 Barber Rd' Avon 14414 (H)





& Theresa LOCHNER (Molly/91, Kteran/g4) 548 Beach t32nd St. Belle Harbor I 1694 (I{) ... Marie & Patrick NIES (Andrew/8o. Amanda/84. z^chary / 87J Hamilton Manor, Bldg 136C, Apt 4C. Poly Pl. Brookllm I l2O9


Astrid NII-SSEN & Michael STOLZER (Eric/8O, Alix/ 84) PO Box 32. Hobart 13788 ... Mary O KEEFFE & Ross MILLER {Alison,/86, Catherine/go) 2255 Algonquin Rd. Niskayuna 12309 ... James & Reva O'LEARY (Katie/86. Jimmy/88, Bobby/go) 30 Royal Av, Buffalo 14207... Joe & Lisa O'REILLY (Rebecca/81. Brianna/84. Christopher/86. Jonathan/88) RR I Box 93O. Irish Cape Rd. Napanoch 12458 (II) "' Dime & James PEDROSA (Kristoffer/84, Bethany/86, John Michael,/go, Thomas Christiil/gs) 8l larter. Newburgh 12550 ... Victoria & Jeff PERRY (Vera/9O, Alison/gl) RR I Box 15. Buskirk l202a..' Walme & Diane PERRY (Daniel/84, will/88, Abigail/go, Owen/ 92) 6o'07 W Scoti Rd. Homer 13077 "' Glenn & Beryl POLIN (Andrew,/8s, Oinny/88) l9O Hollywood Ave. Crestwood lO7O7 ... Diana PRYNTZ & Brian NADWORNY {Avi/87, Rafi/9o. Kaniel/g3) 216

Rhineclifl Dr. Rochester 14618 tII) ... Caol & Michael REIFF (Simon/8O, Zoe/a4) 552 La Guardia Pl, New York lool2 ... Kathy RIC|IARDSoN (Smantha/84) 79 E Market St, Coming 14830 (H) ". Hank & Jane ROBERTS (Mary/8s. Jacob/8l) 328 Vm Kirk Rd, Newlield 14867 (H) ... N^t"t ROTHMAN & Steve OSTRow (Peregrine/88) RD #4 Box 91, Bells Pond Rd, Hudson 12534 ... Cindy SALWEN & Scott COBURN (Benjmin,/88. Malka/go) 23 Beachfem Rd. Center Moriches I 1934 (H) ... Judith & Peter SCHAAF (Andrew/86. Chloe/9O) 697 west End Ave' New York 10025 ... Donald & Clrthia SCHNEDEKER Uayme/81, Dana/g4. Marya/86) 4og Mitchell St, Ithaca 14850 "' Pe€p5/ & Stuart SCHOENER (Mary/87, Ruthie/go. Sophie/gl, Sadie/92) 87 S Coolidge Av. Amitlville ll70l ... Stuart SEAI-FON & Celia GELERfNER (Rebecca/83, Rachel/86, Adam/g1) 34 Sidney Pl' Brooklyn l l2Ol ... Gait & Art SICHEL (Corimna/85. Anarynth/8g) 416 Huschke Rd. Hurlelville 12747 "' Jeanne & Eric SMITH (Daniel/88) 119 Muray St, Binghamton 13905 ... Elisabeth & Brim SNARR (Bertrand/85, Beau/88) 9 14-94r-71aO (Briarcliff Manor) (H) ... Gregory SPUHLER & Martha PEREZ (Elena/86, Genevieve/g4) I Autumn Dr, E Northport ll73l (H) ... Joe & Sheila STONE (Rym/84. Emily/ ag) Albany Area Homeschoolers, 46 Pershing Dr, Scotia 12302 (It) ... 11t6u TAGLIAFERRO & Frederic THORNER (Eric/a1) 248-44 Thebes Ave, Little Neck 1i362... Ktren TENNEY & Micheal DOMANSKI (Elizabeth/a5) RD 2 Box 664. Cobleskill 12043 (II) "' George & Lisa TREICHLER (Dorothy/8o, Elizabeth/83 william/8s, Charles/88) 8033 Van Amburg Rd, Hammondsport 14840 ... Regina TRICAMO & Blaine PALMER (Devlin,/88. Julian/90. Francesca/95) 390 Stratford Rd, Brooklyn ll2l8 (H) ... wayne & Peggy WEB[3 (trnal83) 212 Williams Ln, Kingston 12401 "' Bridgett WESTON (Brima/8g) l78O Eastbum Av' Bronx 10457 ... Wendy & Jefferson WESTWOOD (Adrieme/8o. Phoebe/85) 53 Maple Ave. Fredonia 14063 ... Bruce & Pat WHIPPI-E (Brlan/82, Kimberly/ 93) 9l Harden Rd. tagrangeville 12540-6323 "' tury WILI"AWER OIIERMAYER & Joe OBERMAYER (Anna/ 86, Margaret/88, Gabriel/g2) 434 Trim St. Kirkwood 13795 ... Tammy WILLIAMS (Perry/82, Ashley/85) 2615 Cmden-Taberg Rd. Camden 13316 "' Cliff & Deborah WINKLER (Derek/89, Robin/92) 99 Meadow Ct, Glenwood 14069 ... Douglas & Linda WYATT {Simon/87. Timothy/go, Sarah/g3) 20 w Miller Rd Ithaca t4850 ... Lisa & Yitzhak YAKOBI (Rafael/89. ldaya/gz) 90 Knights Bridge Rd. lK, Great Neck I lo2l ... Ddlene ZAKAI-A (Nathm/77) 211 Kossuth St apt 2, Rome 13440-4003 ... Karen & Frank ZIMBA (Dar.idl88. Heather/go. Megan/g4) 96 Fair St'

Cooperstom 13326

NC -

LO Alexander

COX (Kitty/86) 4801 Abercroft Pl, Fuquay-vilina 27526... Joy & David CROSBY (laurel/86) 618 2 St NE, Hickory 28601 ... Sharon & Mike CROTHERS (Christina/87. Bill,/89. Andrew/g1) 29288 Stoneybrook Av, castonia 28054 (H) ... Scott & Cindy DANIEL (Christim,/92, Jared/95) 2l2O Shadwell Ct, Gastonia 28056 ... Martha & John DEI-AFIELD (Matthew/go. Thomas/g2) 336 John Horton Rd, Apex 27502 'to Susan DUNATHAN & Matt I,AWRENCE (MM/84. ClNe/ 85) 3OO Brom Cir. Rolesville 27571 ... Chuck & Doma EARNEY (Bffielt/77. Oliver,/82) 2O8 Cannon Rd. Wilmington 2a4O5 ... Stephan & Roblm ECKERMAN (Mattie Rose/86, Ezrvlgol Rt I Box 290 D. wanensville 28693 (II) ... Francis EDGEKfON & Deborah JONES (Caitlin/80. Tachxy / a4, Darcy/88) 3232lne Rd. Clayton 27520... Jane FLEMER (Emma/ 84. Nell/87) 58O Old Hwy 64. Warne 28909 "' Linda & Randy GERCEL (Diana/a6, Elizabeth/g2) 30 Martindale Rd, Asheville 2aAO4 ... Rachel & Blair HILL (7ach/a4) 4035 tattimore Dr. Hillsboro 27278 ... Ed & Janice HONEYCUTI [Elizabeth/88. Savannah/g4) 5O5 E Oak Islmd Dr. lrng Beach 2a465 ... Maie HOPPER & Robert WAGNER (Ouinn/go) 1533 Andover Av, Greensboro 27405 (lll ... Sarah HOWE & Rildy BEST (Madeline/84, David/85. Alicia/88. Nan/92], 2934 Ridge Rd. Durham 27705-5528 (H) "' Tom & Barbara HowE (Brevet/7g, Kira/83. Devon,/86) 5094 Lucy Averette Rd. oford 27565 (Iil ... Joan & David HUMPHREYS {Justin/84, Samuel/87) 466 Windsor Rd' Asheville 28804 (H) ... Edie & Rock HUNT [Enn/77, Ashley/81, Ikitlyn/a4, Ethan/88) 542 E Farriss Av, High Point 27262 ... Ron & Deanie HYDLER Uenny/ 79. Justin/83, Summer/Ss) 320 whitehead Av, Spencer 28159 (II) ... Antoine & Lury IGNIZIO (Graham/80. Drew/83, Claire,/84. Reed/91. Joel/92, Anne Rachel/gs) 40 Iaurel Ridge Dr. Horse Shoe 28742 ... Michael & Tammy JONES (Aaron/84, Jaimie/86) 4068 Pinecrest Dr, Hickory 28601 (Il) "' Diile KATZ & Philip BIZZARRI (Elia/84) 74 Nick's Bend West. Pittsboro 27312 (Ltl... Kathleen & George KING (Joseph/a3, kslei/86. Michael/8g) ll06 E Second St, Ayden 28513 (II) ... Susan !,ASWELL (Sean/ 74, Sarah/77, Any/80) 2O2 Ctol St, Cmboro 27510 ... Bob & Karen MCALISTER (Jenny/8l. Will/aq 2222 Monza Dr, Albemarle 28OO1 (H) ... Libby & Jim MIJANOVICH (Bums/8g. Spencer/9O) 2975 Jackson Grove Rd, Columbus 28722 ... Tracey MOE (Jon Tajl 86, Collin/go) 2713 Kittrell Dr, Raleigh 27608 (Il) o.o Linda & Mike NASH Uenny/78, Shannon/82. Katie,/ ASI 1277 Northside Rd. Creedmoor 27522 "' Bob & Susan NOFFSINGER (Dmiel/74, KeeIy /76, Sara/79. Benjamin/84) Rt I Box 741-D. Manteo 27954 (gl "' Pegg/ NUGENT (Julia/87. Rebecca,/S9) 1226 winslow Av. Asheboro 27203 (Hl ... May Ann & Stephen PAGANO (Benjamin/87. Noah/8g, Liliana/g3) 5330 Three waters Ln. Graham 27253 ... Tracey & John POWELL (James & Caitlin/87, Allison/gI. Nicole/g4) 89O5 Castleberry Rd. Apex 27502 (Hl "' Dan & Sua PRATT (Charlie/82, Oliver/86) 3OO9 Cottage Pl, creensboro 27455 (Hl ... Susm & Bob RATNER [Joshua,/76, Shana,/79, Micah/81. Dena/83, Rebeccah/ a6. Noah/gl) 315 Sondley Dr E, Asheville 28805 "' Trish SE\TERIN & Doug WOODWARD (Autumn/83, Forest/86, Rivers/8g) 68 Irkey Creek. Franklin 28734 (II) ... p.rrt & Judy SMITH (Dana/8o) PO Box 434, Belhaven 27810 0434 ... TC & Nimette SoLI (Krista/ 8l) Rt I Box 32O. Stokes 27aa4 |'ll "' Lnry & Donna STEINBERG l'tori/87, Joshua,/89) 317 Aubumdale St. Winston-Salem 27104... Beth & Randy STEVENSON (MacKenzie / 82, Emma/84. Hmnah/88) l4lo Greenwood Circle. Cary 2751I (ltl.'. Lori & will WAGONER (Braelyn/a4, Logan/86, Amron/88) PO Box 443, Oriental 28571 (Ill... John & Carol WELCH

(Silah/88, Joshua,/9o) 2a6O2


Caotyn & RodneY ADAMS {Elizabeth/89) Dr #513, Asheville 28801 (H) "'

Stephen & Catl BEAULIEU (Kyle/85' Casey/87, Travis/ ag 7129 Beaver Tr, Apex 27502 "' Jocelyn tsUTLER & Feryl MASTERS (Duncan/79, Luca/82, Miciah/86. Lilani/go) Rt I Box 219, Chocowinity 27817 (Hl "' Ann CONLON-SMITH & Shepherd SMITH (Nicholas/ 81, Peter/84. Oliver/88) 5517 Mapleridge Rd' Raleigh 27609... Jeanie coOK (Elena/75. Mia/aO. Emiry/a4) PO Box 16622, Chapel Hill 27516 "' Stephen & Rebecca CORWIN (Brook/81. Hean/8s. Forest/ag) 8OO FaiMew Rd #245. Asheville 28803 "' Greg & Laura

1O9 Elizabeth Av SE' Hickory

(lll ... Malin & Chrles

WELLMAN (lrah/7g'

Colle/81. Pollen/83, Elan,/84) Rt 5 Box 339. t€noir 28645 (H) ... Stephmy & Ken WESTON (Eliiah/74' Emily/85. Oliver/88) 919-479-3170 (Hillsboroughl (H) ... Gary & laura WLKINS {Richard/ao, Juerte/82, Daniel/86) 218 Satara Dr, Wilmington 28412 "' Jane BroM & Matt MLLIG lPerry/a4, Jesse/g1) 2521 White Oak Creek Rd, Bumsville 28714 (l{l "' Ann & Eric YALES (Keller/93, Ailon/g4) Rt 2 Box 2945. Columbus 2a722 ... Kate ZURICH & Jeff STILISON (Michael/84, Luke/87) 375 Old tricester Rd, Asheville 28804 (H)

ND - pttlt & Janet CERI-A (Timothy/8r, Andy/ 84. Paul/87, Rebecca/9O) 7l 1 25 Av South, Grand

Gnrxtrxc Wrrnour Scnoot-Ixc; #108


1996 DtnE'crox.v

Forks 5a2Ol (H)

Jeno/88, Edward/89) 2292 Chesterfield Ln. Batavia

OH -.ron. & Judith ALLEE (Nancy/8o) 15055 Brushy Fork SE, Heath 43056 OII ... Gayle & Harry AMICK (Joshua/81, Jesse/86) 5544 Columbia Dr, Bedford Hts 44146 ... Richard & Penny tsARKER (Britt/68, Maggie/73, DM/74. Ben/76, Jonan/78) TFIE COUNTRY SCHOOL. 5221 Tomship Rd 123. Millersburg 44651 ... Ivm & Marlene BEGGS {Joyl74, Brad,/8l. Peter/83) 236 lgth NW. Canton 44709-3A49 (IO ... John & Diane BENCSON Shaun/ 83, Joel/88) 4386 Knob Hill Dr. Bellbrook 45305 (H) ... Mu & Jme BLAIR (John/88) 4O2 wilson Park Dr, MimisburA 45342 ... Hmison & Suanne BOLYARD (Aaron/83. Simon/85) 941 Orchard Dr. Rossford 43460 ... Julie & Richard BRASHEAR {James/go. Stephmie/g1) 518 Kathron Av. Cuyahoga Falls 44221 ... Michael & Marsha BRODY (Joseph/91. Lucas/g2, Kaitlin,/g4) 213 N 2 St. Watetrille 43566 ... Daniel & Felicta CAIN lBryan/a7, Sarah/8g, Steven/g2) 4323 Skycrest Dr NW. Cmton 44714 lH) ... Laurie & Jim CI-ARK (Tiffmy/85, Kenny/86. Danny/87. Charlotte/ 94) 5668 Tw? Rd 1O5. Mt Gilead 43338 (H) ..r lqri COLLNER & Roy LOWENSTEIN (Dylan/8s, Jacob/go, Mira/g3) 748 Sheridm Av, Columbus 43209 ... Pe{Sr & Stephen DALY-MASTERNAK (Nathm/84. Ben,/87) 3455 Drummond Rd, Toledo 43606 (I{) -r l}4ft64 DEWEY (Chris/86. Robin/g0) 899OO Mill Hill Rd, Bowerston 44695 (m ... Michael & Karen DICK [Raymond/83, Willim/86. David/8g) 6602 W Smith Rd, Medina 44256... Pam EASTERDAY {Katherine/85, Clay/9o. Anna/92) l02OO Pleasant Valley Rd, Mt Vemon 43O5O ... Todd EGGER & Debbie TREUS (Keir/88, Teryn/9o) 589 Hamblin Ln, Cincinnati 45255 ... Angela & Todd EMMER fvincent/g2) 1570 B'le Pl, Columbus 43227 ... David & Phebe ENGEL (Mag€tie/83, Clara,/86, Grace/8g) 4627 Haddington, Toledo 43623 ... David & Nan ERBAUGH (Tachary/77. Noah,/821 47 S Main St. w Alexandria 4538f- 1243 ... Mario & Lisa ERMI-zuBIS (Edwardi/7g, Milio/86. Jeno/88) 2292 Chesterfield Ln, Batavia 45103 (H) ... Katharine EWING (Douglas/82, Margaret/86) 3966 Elmwood Rd. Clevelmd Hts 44121 ... Jim & Ann FINGAR (Dima/78, Eliabeth/82) 57 Central Av, Athens 45701 ... Wendy FRAKER [Eric/82. Nick/8s) 930 Brinton, 'Ioledo 43612-2412 (gl ... Sanr HESS & Roger ROUSE (Alvema,/83, Woodsen,/87J I498O S R 55O, Athens 4570I (II) ... Sil HESS & Roger ROUSE (Alvema/83, Woodser/87) 14980 S.R. 55O S.R. 550, Athens 45702 (Hl ... Seil HILL & Desiree POWERS (Anya/85, Henry/8g) 633 Robinwood Dr, Yellow Springs 45387 (lI) ... Cassie & Chris HOLDERMAN (Andrew/89, Zara/gt, Dylan/93) 9oo5 Hidden Springs Rd. Hopewell 43746 ('Il... Bob & Linda HOLLOWAY (Aarot/82, Clint,/86. Austin/g2) 3219 Dresden St. Columbus 43224-3544 (Il) ... Bob & Valerie HOLWAY (Elisa,/71. Ryan/73. Iaura/82. Eric/84. Katie/g1) 2695 Little Darby Rd. Itndon 43140 (H) ... Ellen & Will HUNT (Andrew/84, Susilnah,/87) 56 E Orange, Chagrin Falls 44022 (m... laura & David KENNEDY (Mariah/go, Caleb/g3) 4220 St Martins Pl, Cincinnati 45211 (Il}... Mark & Linda KIRBY (Lily Rose/8') 151 E 238, Euclid 44123 ... Geoff & Almuth KOBY (Sdah/ 84, Peter/88, Elizabeth/gI) 845 Moris Rd, Kent 44240 III)... Paula & Scott KOWALKE (Perer/7g, Adam/32) 5998 Taylor Rd, Painesville 44077 ... Jerry & Debbie I-AMMERS (Brmdon/76. Keith,/78. Monica/ 83) 9O9 Shewood Dr, Perrysburg 43551 (H) ... Bradley & Karen LEPPER (Benjamin/88, Peter,/g2) 114 Jefferson Rd, Newark 43055 ... Peg IfROY & Fred POCKRANDT [Andrew/8a, Matthew/go. Suah,/92) 1O72O Escondido Dr. Cincinnati 45249 ... Tammy LEUBA (Jewel/87, Micah/g1) l860 Hilt Rd, Yellow Springs 45387 (II) -. I-eRoy & Rachel LLOYD (Francinei/73, Natalie/78) 14t37 Cmpbell HiU Rd. Bowling Green 43402 ... Paula & Jeff LONG (Katie/82. Oliver/84, Suincy/86. Aislinn/89) 313 Tappan St. Columbus 43201 (H) ... Steve & Sydney MATHIS (Lauren/8I, Adam,/84, Evan/8s) 10426 lrchcrest Dr. Cincinnati 45231 (Il) ... Jan MIKINA & Tony LEONARD (Nate/86. laura/go) 3816 Baker Rd, Cincinnati 45229 ... Chris & Mary MURPrT (Ryan/84, Kyb/46, Kate/g2) I 144 Koons Rd. N Canton 44720 ... Carol & Dan NARIGON (Brandon/84. Sophie/g1) 2913 Stauffer Dr. Beavercreek 15434 ... Dee PIETSZYK (Maya/86, Kendra/88) Heights Homeschoolers, 2065 Halsey, S Euclid 44118 [H) -r 6.11. & Jmet RHoDES (Darcy/86. Hilary/88, GiUian,/go) 27 Ravine Ridge Dr S, Powell 43065 (H) ... Mario & Lisa RIBIS (Mario/86,


Kelly ROTROFF (Sm/81, Sarah/85, Shelley,/ 87, Summer/89, Stephen/g4) 9520 Co Rd lo 2. Delta 43515.r. Bill RUFFIN. PO Box 36347. Cincinnati 45236 ... Daniel & Elizabeth RYAN (Ruben/as. Raphael/ag) 458 West Hines Hill Rd. Hudson 44236 (H) ... q1r6t * Rob SCARtsOROUGH (Olivia/go, Mathias/g2) I181 Poorman Rd. Bellville 44813 (H) ... Heidi SCHNITZER (Gretal,/86) National Home Education Assoc, 5900 Som Center Rcl Suite 156. Willoughby 44094... Jim SttAW & lnuiln REBBIN SHAW (Jene/81, Maryla/87) 4412 Osbom. Medway 45341 ... Bilb & cil SHERMAN Uennifer/83, Colleen/ 85, Daniel/88, Anna/8g, Mary 91, Peter/g4) 3996 Tennyson Ln. N Olmsted 44O7O... Kim THOMPSON & Tim STANFOK|H (tsenjamin/87. EAn/glJ 4247 Gordon St. Cincinnati 45223 ('ll... Debbie TREIJS & Todd EGGER (Keir/88. Teryn/go) 589 Hamblin l-n, Cincinnati 45255 (H) ... May & Mark VAN DOREN (Helen/a3. Greta/86. Alice/ag. Veronica,/93) PO Box 121. New Marshffeld 45766... Cheryl WALI-ACE & Billy LARKIN [Wallace/86. Lim/9O) 42OO Azalea Av. Cincinnau 45227 (m ... Dick & Debbie WESTHEIMER (Cabriel,/a0. Nathan,/83. Hilnah/86. Eval9 l) 1395 Iake Allyn. Batavia 45103 (H) ... Michael & l€sley WESTRUM {Madeline,/8o. Jmes/81, Rebekah,r83, Rachel/85) Rt 4 Box 482A, Portsmouth 45662 ... Mark & Deborah WLLTAMS (MaLL/a7. Lis,/g0. Hannah/gs) 56 N Bertchen St. Port clinton 43452 45103

OK - I-1-. & Nancy

CHOWNING (David/85.

Mary/a7J 71 I Century Dr. Moore 73160 ... Chuck & Paulet CARRETT lzach/86. Joshuai/8g) 2732 E 68th St. Tulsa 74136... Kathleen GERETY & James HOWARD (Maura/89) 6461 Clear Creek lrop. Bartlesville 74OOG ... Llrne KELLER & Stephen KENTON Inah/a2, kslie/83. lf,ssa/86) Home Educators Resource Organization, .175 College, Noman 73069 (H) ... Tom & Shama LINCK (Justin/86, Anna/ 90, Madison/g2, Jennie/g4) 12862 Magnolia Dr. Piedmont 73078 (m ... Robert & Carol MECIONIS [Sarah/84, Ammda/87. Ricky/9o) 50I E Helenas St, Broken Anow 74012 ... Alan & kslie MOYER (Matthew/87. Sarah/88, Elizabeth/g3) 44Ol guail Run Av, Skiatook 74O7O (Il1... Joe & Valerie O'BRIEN (Joey/86, Kevin/8g) 7920 S 7a East Av, Tulsa 74133 (H) ... Kathie & Al SHULTZ lPeter/79, Martin/82, Katina/84) RR 2 Box 224, Ponca City 74604... Joyce & Earl SPURGTN (Catherine/81) 94Ol S Lakes Estates, Tishomingo 73460

OR .._ C".. & Diana BASKIN lLis /72, Cinarlie/ 78, Marla,/86. Anna/8g, lxa/921 20229 NW Green Mtn Rd. Bmks 97lOO ... Pattiebuff & Richard BEAR (Micah/8o, Bjom/83. Emily/86) 36690 Wheeler Rd, Pleasant Hill 97455 (II) ... Don & Nancy BOATWRIGHT (Kevin/8o, Bryn/42) 1855 SW whiteside Dr, Con'allis 97333 ... Karen & Russell BRANDON (Kayla/7s, Abra/ 81. Ocia,/83. Tmner/8g. Tine/ga) 4O2 Allium St, Ia Grande 97850... Beth & Paul CRAWFORD (Josanna/77, Eben,l83) 39175 NW Hidden Acres Ln, Comelius 971 13 (II) ... Joel DAVID & Kristin S1'KES-DAVID (Aaron/8s, Toby/89) HC 72 Box 245A. Princeton 9772\ {tl) ... Michael & Sue DUGCAN Uessica,/87, Andrew/9O) 2838 River Rd S, #c, Salem 97302 ... Patricia DUNHAM & Gary WALKER {Ari/92) PO Box 3597, Eugene 97403-0597 ... Beth & Steve ERFUK|H lKira/76. Shane/7g. Charlotte & Emily/8g) l89O Tigertail Rd, Eugene 97405 (IO ... Kate GRECORY & lf,e LEDERER (Autumn/84. Micah/88) 631 W l6 St, McMinnville 97124 ... Randy & Nancy HAWK (Casey/ 88, Quincy/9l. Emilee/g3) 15056 S Loder Rd, Oregon City 97045 ... John & Anne HILL (Christine/82. Chillte/87. Kden/84) 215O5 S Cloud View Dr. Oregon City 97045 ... Jill HUBBARD & Bill GRIFFITHS {Evm/ 80. Morgan/86) WILLAMETTE HOMESCHOOLERS. 245 W 27th Ave, Eugene 97405 (H) ... Ann & Alan HUSTER (Angela/85, Abby/88. Monica/g2) 1734 Cibson Way NW. Albmy 57321 (H)... Christy INGRAI{AM & Parviz MOGHADDAS (Carlin/8s) 9216 N lf,onard St. Portland 97203 ... Jme JOYCE. THE LEARNING CONNECTION, PO Box logl #196. Orants Pass 97526 ... Gerrie & Michael KING (Calei/77, Jess/ 79. Ian/90, Sage/g3) 3958 Green Valley Rd, Oakland 97462 ... Jeff & Taunya I,ADY (Brianna/go, Kendra,/93) 528 Delta St. Klamath FaUs 97601 (H) ... Rick & Ann I-{HRSON (Alice/78, Erin/8l) 9025 SW soth, Portland

GnonrNc WnHour ScHooLr^-c #108 o 1996 Drrucrcxy

97219 ... David & Killyne I,ANDRUM (Melyssa/78. Laryssa/81) l3O4 3 St. Baker City 97a14... Ronald & Chloe I-ARVIK (Jason/78) l2O2 Willow. ta Crade 97850 (II) ... David & Kathy LAWRENCE Uenny/8l) 6343 SW Hiawatha Ct lake O. tzl<e Oswego 97035 "' Grace & Skip LLEWELLYN, 22o Cross Pl. Eugene 97402 ... June & John LOVELL (Tom/g1. Adam/941 4lOO Sylvester Dr, Hood River 97031 (H) ... 14^tt1tt LOWE & Craig COWAN (Abra/82. Sol/90, Celia/g3) 1295 Marshall Dr SE, Salem 97302 (H) ... Julie MARCHINI & Eric RESENER (Forest/8g) 79313 Repsleger Rd. Cottage Crove 97424 ... Brym & Denise MORLAND (Elijah/gl, Noah/g3) 7219 Upper Applegate Rd. Jacksonville 97530 (H) ... Conrad & Regina MUELLER (Ar\anda/ 77. Georg/80. Hans/82. t(rstin/84. Mntred / 87, Solveig/88. Wendelin/91) I l2O lSth St NE. Salem 97301 (H) ... Florence & George MUSSER (Arny/86, Andy/88) 315 E sth St, Newberg 97132 ... Judy NAGEY (Thad/8o) I 3O Willamette #267. Eugene 97401 ... Amy OBI,AK & Gary David SIECEL (Eva/92) Ahava Iraming Cooperative, 25a49 Cherry Creek Rd. Monroe 97456 (I4 ... Leslie OTTO & Bruce HILL (Jesse/88. Sage/go. Sequoyan/g2, baby/g4) 68183 Northrup Cr Rd. Clatskmie 97016 (fO ... Kerie & Craig PALERMO (Casey/86, Taylor/go) 2775 Greenbriar St. Reedsport 97467 (H)... Sdah PATTEE & Stuart HENIGSON (Harley/88. Emma/go) 476 Buckhorn Rd. Ashlmd 97520 (H) ... Cathy & Sam PENNINGTON (Jackie,/87. Tatum/88. Slome/9O. Sam/ 921 I t 115 Williams Hy. Grants Pass 97527 (m ... Bruce & Wendy REININGER (Erica/8o. Laral86. Luke,/ 89) 19592 Alsea Huy. Alsea 97324... Rich & Cathy ROBERTS (Sean,/86. Arik/88. Collin/90. Dylan/92) 18016 Rainbow Rock Rd, Brookings 974i5 ($ ... Shannon & Susan SALMON (Jessica/8l. Ashly,/82. Joshua,/8g. Dea/92) PO Box 24, McKenzie Bridge 97413 ... Vince & Angela SCFIWINDT (Mikaila/87. Cotby/8g, Kendra/9l) 325 Nw l0 St, Coryallis 97330 (H) ... Mandy & Jonathil SMITH (Emily/88) 2333 Sw Indian Mary Ct. Troutdale 97060 ... Irhma & Bill SMYTH [Roshan/77, Roman,/8o. Hannah/81, Kaylm/ 85) 59O Azalea Dr, Grants Pass 97526 ... Laurie TRIECER & Larry COXE (Amalia,/86, Dion/go) 2710 Polk St, Eugene 97405... Linda ZIEDRICH & Robert WATERHOUSE (Benjamin/84, Rebecca/88. Samuel/ 9l) 7175 SE Wallace Rd. Dayton 97114 (H)

PA -;i- & Iaurie ADAMS (Tom/77, Ti-a/7g. Blair/8ol I l2 Llmwood Dr #3. Edinboro 16'412 ... Christina & Joe BARRY (Kate/as. Michael,/87) 1O5 Marie Dr, Pittsburgh 15237 ... Ronald & Diaa BASEMAN (Olivia/ 78, D elia / 82. Cabriel/86. Raphael / 88, Larissa/g1) PENNSYLVANIA HOME EDUCATION NEWS. RD 3 Box 256 B. Tarentum 15084 ... Peter BERGSON & Susm SHILCOCK (Ammda/76. Emily/7a, Julia/81. Nicholas/84) 314 Brlm MaM Ave, Bryn Maw l9OlO... Jonatha & Dime BERMON (Matthew/84. Sydney/87, Ctrolyn/8g. Tyler/go, Ross/g2) North St Box 193, Pomeroy 19367 ... Jonathan & Dime BERMON (Matthew/84. Sydney/87. Carollm/89, Tyler/ 90. Ross/g2) North Street Box 193. Pomeroy 19367 ... Anita BOWER & David ROSS (Ross/8g) 2I Oreentree Ln. Malvern 19355 ... Thomas & Pmela BRONSON {Samuel/86, Eliza/gol lO4 Glencoe Rd, Upper Darby 19082 ... Molly BUCHANAN & David ATKINS (Celana/ 77) RD Box 2O, Woodwad 16a82 ... Steve & Patty BUI-ACK (Jonathm/85. Alene/86, Chelsea/88, Brianna/ 90) 92O S 48 St. Philadelphia 19143... Bilbara CALABRESE (Crystal/go. Angela/g1) RR 2 Box 88OO. Milford 18337 (I{) .- Smdy. Steve. & Duncan CLARK (Jessie/83. Mary/8s) PO Box 213, 2097 Newark Rd. New lrndon 19360 (m... Fullis & Bob CONROY (Meredith/80, Fiona/83. Silas/85) 1724 Smoky Comers Rd. Williamsport 177OI (m ... Ann & Chris DAVIS (Calida/83. Jordm/86) RD I Box 1727. Stewartstom 17363 (H) ... Ruth & James DUMAS (Rosalie/go) PO Box 3476, Gettysburg 17325-0476 ... Ann & Bob EARLY (Nicholas/8o) 7O1 Feme Dr, KittanninA l620l ... Rosalia FIGUEROA (Gabriel/8g, Rubl/g2) 9I5 Summit Chase Dr. ReadinA 1961 I ... Carol FITZGERALD & Wade WRIGHT (Jesse,/7g, Dillon/ 81, Adrian/87) RR I Box 124A, Stillwater 17A7a... Clarence & Charlotte FREED (Bart/78. NaLali/7g1 2402 Brunner Rd. Emmaus 13049 (I4 ooo fqlmdla FRENCH (Alxie/8s, Zane/9O) Box 39A RD # l. Palm 18O7O ... Donna & Karl GLESSNER (Carie/86. Jacob/ 89) RD 2 Box 336D. Friedens 15541 ... Pauline HARDING & Peter EVERETT (Matt/8g. Mike/g3) 4835 Greenwood St. Brookhaven 19015 (H) ... Dm &

Cloria HARRISON (Elvabelh/74, Antonia/78. Anna & Sophta/84) RD ll Box 544, Greensburg 15501 (H)... Jim HASSETT & Linda KELLY-HASSETT (Erin/88) I I 19 Tallelrand Rd, W Chester 193a2-74\6 ... Rich & Mary HIMMER (Rebecca,/81. David/8s) lO35 Hereford Dr, Blue Bell 19422... Randy & Kathy HOLLEGER

(Mary/8s. Dimne,/87. Paul/9o) 3l06 Swede Rd. Nonistom 19403 (H) ... Kathy & Rmdy IRELAND (Kelsey/g2. Megan/g4) 845 wlmnewood. Camp Hill lTOl I ... Dan & Michelle JOHNSON (Lydia/8g, Jeremy,/go, Benjamin/g3) 52o collegeville Rd,

Collegeville 19426 (I4 ... Steve & Melissa JOHNSTON (Travis/83, Chauncey/86) 2822 Wimer Rd, Sharpsville 16150... Lisa KAUFMAN & t uTAMLER (Cory/46. Sta/87, Jennica/g1) 4645 Cook Av. Pittsburgh 15236 OII ... Gina KELLOGG & Chip HOLLISTER (Dmiel/8l. Lucas/83. Lilyl87) ENDLESS MOUNTAINS HOMESCHOOLERS, RD 3 Box 80, Columbia Cross Rds 16914 (I{) ... Ed & Cheryl I-ACHOWSKI (Benjamin/92) 33 Kutz Rd. Fleetwood 19522... Rachel LEHR & Kim MUESER (Jake/82, Anna,/86, Benjamin/go) 106 Union Av, Bala Cynwyd l9OO4 (H) ..' Gerald & Ellen LITWACK lceoffrey/7g, Kar.e/ad 517 S Roberts Rd, BrJm Maw lgof O ... John & Macia LOUGHNER {Kyle/ 83) RD 2 Box 1335, Mansfield 16933... May LOUNSBURY & Sal D'ANGIO (Htllary/a7, ClaIre/g2) Creative Education Network. Std Route, Mechanicsville Rd. Cflersville 18913 ... Jennifer & Steven MCCARTIT [Kaitlin,/83, Anna/86) ENDLESS MOUNTAINS HOMESCHOoLERS. RD 6 Box l9B. wellsboro l69of ... Cilol MCILVAINE & Jim WYCKOFF (Teal/8o, Claes/82, Rebecca,/85) Box 199. Shawee on Delaware 18356 (tO ... Cdoline MERRILL Uonathan/ 87, Ryan/8g, Paul/91) 90O Montgomery Av #3O5, Bryn Maw l90lO ... Linda & John MICKNA (Alexis/8O. Karen/841 108 Stony Way, Noristom 19403 (II) ... Dime MIGLIACCI (Michael/81, Justen/83) 920 Wood St, Bristol f9OO7 ... Diane & Dean MO)C.IESS (Merelei/ A4, Enc/A7l RR 6 Box 6349. E Stroudsburg l83ol9174 ... Donna & Rick MULLER (Billy lf,el8o, Sarah/ 8i, Joshua,/84, John Caleb/87) 25 Harvest Dr, Barto 19504 ... Tom & Madalene MURPLIY (Emlly/72, Christtan/76, Clare/79) RD 6 Box 24, Wellsboro 16901 (m ... Timothy & Jmet NORMILE [Beth/7l, Mag€li/ 75) RD #5 Box 646, Caraopolis 15108 ... Scot PATERSON & Jill BUCHANAN (Jeremiah/8O, Shona,/ 82, Willa/85) SR Box 14, Woodward 16882 (H) "' .jq PENDER & Marty NABHOIZ (Jmes/7g. Chris/a0, April/84, Joel86) RD 3 Box 860, Felton 17322 (H) ... Btll & Loretta PIE"fRANGELO (lara/7g, William,/82) 56 Paul Circle. Glen Mills 19342 ... John & laura POLO (Fabrizio/8I, Angelo/83, Flavia/85) PO Box 3O0, Edinboro 16412 ... Susil & Howard RICHMAN (Jesse/ 7 7, J acob / aO, Molly,/83. Hannah / 87 ) PENNSI'I-VANIA HOMESCHOoLERS, RD 2 Box 117, Kittanning 16201 ... William ROGERS & Ellen STAATS (Nlghtflower/74, Christine/78. Justin/81) 1625 Jug Rd, Dover 17315 ." Carl & LuAnn RUMBAI-SKI (Cul/78, Kalina/8o, Yuri,/ 82) Box 18, Mackelville 17750 (H) ... Michael & Lora SAIBER (Brel/85, 1€al89) Po Box 515, Suonburg 16056 (I4 ... Cindy & Steve SAMPLES (Neal/85. Ben/ 87, Jacob/88) 9l Laughlin St. Ambridge I5OO3 ... Patti SCHAEDER & Rick BARKER (Dmiel/8s. Molly/87. Cailin/gf) 92O kwis Ln, Rosemont l9OlO-12O8 (Il) ... Deborah & Tim SCHOON (Adm/83. Enc/a5. CNI/ 9l) 86 Spencer Av, lffcaster 17603 (I{) ." Debra SHUMAN [Daw/77, Miles/78, Zachary/g2) 6445 Greene St. Philadelphia lgfl9 ... Tom & Patti STARNER (Nina/go) lL Appletree Ct, Philadelphia l9fO6 ... lance & Eileen STEIN (Jeremy/84. Joshua/ 86, Amy/go) Circle of Children Alt. t€aming Co-op. 3 Keesey Ct, Stewartstom 17363 (H) ... Paul & Sibyl THOMAS (David/87, Liam/g1) l3O Jones St, Bala Cynwyd 19OO4 182I ... Deborah & Merill UMBREIT (Anna/8O, Gwen/83) 331 Briar Ln. Chambersburg I72ol ... Fred & Yelena VAN DoREN [Yulia/82. Sophia/87, Natalia,/8g. Daniel/g 1, Strah /93, Iiah / 94) 365 W North St, Cillisle 17013 (H) ... Nmcy WALI,ACE (lshmael/7\, ViIa/75) 2424 Panama St, Philadelphia 19103 ... Milk & Josette WARFEL Uacob/ 78, Iaura/83) RD I Box 395. Henryville 18332 ... Michael & Tory WEIDLE (Jenny/79) RD 1 Box 564.. Bainbridge 17502 ... Susm & David WEIDNER-NOVAK lDna/An L427 Juniper St, Noristow 19401 "' I{tm WI^SON & Dave FRY (Rosalie/go, Jaimie/g3) 4a4o Beck Rd. Emmaus 18049 (II) ... Clifford WRIGHTSUNFLOWER & lris BIAMON-SUNFLOWER (Beom/78. Phoebe/7g, Borleigh/s1, Noah/84) 2371 W Best Rd, Bath 18014 (H) ... Noma & lrren YOUNG (Jacky/8s) 1755 Fets Rd. Pennsburg 18073


trlI -

Geraldine & Jack BARRY (Jack/8O.

James/82, Mike/85, Brendm/87) 41 Cedil Cir. Kingston 02881


Litsong LU & U-Ser JENG (Wen/

93) IO5O Broad Rock Rd. Wakeffeld 02879 (H)... Gioia MCDERMOTT & David FRANK (Dmlel,/82. Sam/ 86) 331 ElmArove Av, Providence 02906 ... Paul & laura MORSE Uennifer/86. Bethmy/a8. Melissa/90, Benjamin/g1) Oikos t€aming Ctr PO Box 545, N Scituate 02857 ... May PIERCE & Bob PERSSON (Jordan/a9) 3683 Tower Hill Rd, wakefield 02879 ... Beth & Mac RICHARDSON lzachary/89, Andre/gl)

Carolina Back Rd. Chtrlestom O2813 ... Jeffrey & Evellr WELLER (Krista/74, Scotl/77. Amber/81) 135 5OO

Ten Rod Rd. Exeter 02822

SC - oi*r. & Robert

BRoUGHToN (Bobby/

... Lewis & Karen DOSHER (Sarah/87. Andrew/9I. Rebekah/g4) I 122 Hwy 8E, Pelzer 29669 ... Carol & Bill FLS|CHER (Ashiey/84, Amy/86. Sean/89) Il25 Frmces St. N Augusta 29841 (Ifl ... Lynn & Bob CRIESEMER (Robby/88, Melantei/go. Hilary/921 1697 Dotterer's Run, Charleston 29414 (m ... Robert & L)mn GzuESEMER (Robby/88, Melanie,/9o, Hilary /92, Christina,/93) Home Organization of Prent Educators. 1697 Dotterer's Run. Charleston 29414 ... Kim & Kathryn HAUER [Christine/87. Patrick,/g1) 312 Northwood Dr, Aiken 29a03 ... Carolln & Cam A7J 2420 Golf Course Rd, Lancaster 29720

HENDERSON [Wendy/79, Nancy/a4) lO7 Eckert St,

Walterboro 29488 (H) ... walme & Becky HENRITZE (Rachel/8s) 168 Hamony Hills Ct. Georgetom 29440 (H) ... 14.ti1" TAMM & Jack SEITZ (tf,ksi/7g, Abigail/ 83) 777 Hillview St. Spartmburg 29302 (fl| ... Lua & Scott WELIS (Madeleine/85, Patrick/8s) I Live Oak Dr. Isle of Palms 29451

SD - .-rry SCHI-AGEL (Jacob/86, John/go) 316 S Arch 51. Aberdeen 57401 (H) ... David & Adrienne WHITEHEAD (Kristal/79, Patrick/81, Danlel/86) c/o Morse. 316 Center St. Vemillion 57069

TN Bob & Trish ADKINSoN (Elissa/88, Brennan/g1) 6634 tanier Rd, MaryviUe 37801 ... Robert & Janet BELSER Gori/87) 471), Richmar Ct. Nashville 37211 ... Matthew & Susan CAVITCH (Peter/ 81, Jenny/83, Adam/84, Mary/86) lll50 Glen Bimham Rd. Eads 38028 ... Susd & Matthew CA\,'ITCH (Peter/8 l. Jenny,/83. Adam/84. Maryl86) 1l150 Glen Bimham Rd, Eads 38028 ... Ralmond & Pamila DANIEL (Zachary / 83, Gabriel/8s. Damian/88)

2914 Carters Creek Station Rd. Columbia 38401 ... Todd & Llm EASTIN (Hanna/78. Maren/7g) Rt I Box 76. Johnson Hollow Ln, Shady Valley 37688 (I4 ... Anne FATHERA Uohn/83. Nicki/86, Nathan/8g) 3214 Haris St, Murfreesboro 3713O ... Henry & Patti CERSON (Nita/86, Robin,/8g) PO Box 1369. Gatlinburg 3773a ... Judy HARDIN-BATTS (Kimrey/83) Rt I I Box 92. Greeneville 37743 ... Frank & Carolln F{ATCHER (Chns/77. Kimberly/8o) 1o4a Oak Pinnacle Rd. Joelton 37O8O... Lorie & Paul HOFFMAN (Lucas/81, Ituitlyn/84, Mffi/go) 1855 Coon Hunt Rd, Bilter 38544 ... Custavo & Michelle HUEKIA {Monica/8s. Cecilia / 87, Gustavo/8g, Teddy/g3) I I I Tanglewood Dr. Dickson 37055 ... Betty & Greg KRAMER (Craham/ 86, Charlotte,/9o) PO Box 7O95, Kingsport 37664 ... Joel & Mtrgie LESCH [Aaron/7g. Seth/a2, Caleb/8s) 888 Shadden Rd, Gray 37615 ... Mary & Richard MACHANOFF lKatie /



Zachary / 82. Emily/84) 4oa

Valley Dr. Oliver Springs 37840 ... Margaret & Thomas MEYER (taura/87, Andrew/g2) 8668 Wine t€af Cv, GemantoM 38139 (Il) ... Debbie & Mike NEI,SON (Kayleigh/88. Nicholas/9O) 2665 Hickory Valley Rd. Maynardville 37AO7 ... David OLwE & Jacki WILI-ARD (James/84) 3135 Lakeland Dr. Nashville 37214'3312 (H)... Kim & Vance PAGE (Kindel/8s, Kori/88) lo2l5 Amold Ln, Mascot 37806 ... Mtrgie PICKENS, 1312 Farington Dr. Knowille 37923 ... Richtrd & Spain SECRIST (Gar,/87, Keme/gl) 55O7 Crestwood Rd NE. Knowille 37918 ... Sda & Curtis SHARPE [Trenna/8g. Jacob/92) 3O4 Laurel Av. S Pittsburg 37380 "' Ka'en SMITH (Alissa/7g. Rhianna/83. Dierdre/87) 4O2O Prescott Dr, Johnson City 37601 ... Christina SPENCE (Micah/82. Carilee/86) PO Box 1054, Millington 38083-1054 ... James & Milgaret STEPHENS (Marshall/86, Tommy/8g) PO Box 838. Sewmee 37375... Bill & Linda VANCE (Jesse/8s) 3419 Given


Av. Memphis 3A122... Dennis & Anne WAHLERT (Rachel/86. Blake/g1) 4317 Mccloud Rd. Knowille 37938 ... Bob WALI-ACE & Lin KEMPER-WALLACE (Jeremy/8o) 214 Park Ln. Oliver Springs 37840 (H) ... Donald & Julianne WILEY (Benjamin/89) 5Og E Unaka Av. Johnson City 37601 (m ... Jane & Tom WILSON [ELhan/77, Hannah/8o) 1648 Joe Hinton Rd. lhoeille 3793f ... Marcia WINTERS & David WASSERMAN (laurel/79) 1704 E sth Av, Knoryille 37917

TX ._ Ttro-"" & Lisa ARLEDCE NviT/7a,lan/ 86) 13603 Greenway Dr, Sugar lffid 77478 ... Robert & Holli CORTELYOU (Alexmder/88, Eric/gl) 2403 kxford Ln. Houston 77080 ... Bill & Shtron CRANE (Elise/83. Siena/8g) 1455 lakeside Est. Dr #lool. Houston 77042 ... Bill & Kay CROWLEY (ltisten/86, Kelly/8g) Houston Altemative Education Allimce, 1281 I Ily Forest Dr, Clpress 77429 ... Mary & Don DAVIDSON {Brockett/79, Craham/82, Angele/go) 512' 453-OlO5 (Austin; ... Don & Becky DAVIS {Tony/84, Erica/85, Teddy/9o, Timothy/gs) lOO5 Delta Dr. Corpus Christi 7A412 (m ... John & Tammy DOUGHERTY (Chelsea/82. Addison/85, Caroline/92) 1503 N Regina Ct. lruing 75062... Dan & Linda FI,AKE (Sheuy/84) 2405 Fieldstone Dr. Killeen 76542... Bob & Kate FULLILOVE (Gabe/8O, Jesse/83, Gracellm/87. Sam/90) l61O Wilshire Blvd, Austin 78722... Tracy & Candy GIES (Tony/88. Anneliese/91) 3O4 tackell Apt S, San Antonio 74226 ... Tim & Jenny GRIFFIN [Lindsey/86) Rt 3 Box 425-E}2, guinlan 75474 ... Rose Ann & Jose GUTIERREZ (Richard/7g, David/82. Mak/85) 7658 Barton. El Paso 79915 (H) 87 Randy & Cathy HAEDCE (Kylin/82. Miranda,/84, Christina/85) 822 Anowhead Dr, Carlmd 75043 ... Randy & Wendy HARATYK {Josh/78) 60l I Siena Arbor Ct, Austin 78759 ('lI... Danny & Brenda IIARDES'IY (Doug/85) 7805 Doncaster. Austin 78745 ... Kden & David HENDLEY (Hans/81. lanor^/84) Rt 4 Box 131, Rusk 75785 (II) ... Pmela HENSLEY (Ross/8l. Katie/83) 8306 Terace Wind Ln. Houston 77O4O ... Sue & Ken HJELM (Tom/8O. Kevin/85) 4705 Weyhill Dr. Arlington 76013 ... Bettie HOUSE (James/74, Sally/ 78) 513 W Celeste. Oarland 75041 ... Russell & Judy JENNINGS [Michael/83, Sarah/84) 88lt Ridge Mountain. Sm Antonio 7a25O-411O... Patti & David KRUSE (Joey/8s, Jessie/88) I1635 Temptation St. Sm Antonio 78216 (lll ... Jemne & Marty LOMAN (Emmaline/89. Saah Pearl/92) I 110 lndian Autumn Trace, Houston 77062 (Hl ... Bill & Jana MARONEY (Lynnlee/8g. Matthew/g3) 324 Nocona Dr. Nocona 76255 ... Diane & Jim MCKINNIS (Dylm/8l) rol I Naked Indim Trail. Canyon lake 78132 ... Susm McKNIGHT (^lreva/77, Shauna/81) PO Box 232. Iredell 76649 ... Stacey MERKT & John BI-ATZ (Daniel/87. Toby/9o) lOO2 Schley #1, Sm Antonio 7A21O (m... Mike & Lisa ME"ICALF (Judith/78, Jessica/8o) 3205 landershire Ln, Plano 75025 ... Maggie MEYER (Eric/ 76, Ama/81, Serena/8s) 4415 Congress Av. Austin 7a745 I9O3... Chad & Marty MOGNETT (Simone/82, Dominique/8s, Mrielle/88. Javan/89) Rt 2 Box 145, Hockley 77447 ... Sharon & Martin NEISON (Sarah/ 78. Virginia/8o) 4159 wedgmont Cir S. Ft worth 76133 ... Therese PALMER & John DUCA (Evm/go) 1616 N Hills Dr, Rockwall 75Oa7 (m ... Irvonne & Jeff PARKER (Kate/g2. Stra/g3) 95O5 Royal Ln #l I I l, Dallas 75243 (Il) ... Richard & Shmna PRTER (Kassandra/86. Nicolas/87) 1616 Egan, Denton 76201 (I4 ... Regina & Jim PONGRASS (Miles,/78. Ouentin/ 79) 2lr3l Ptrk Tree Ln, Kaly 77450 (tt) ....1."t * tO RODRIGUEZ {Timothy/78, Benjamin/8l, Lydial85) 3oO3 Tilglewood Dr, commerce 75424 (Hl ... Steve & Beverly RUSSO (Gunnar/77, PMIon/8l, Brody/85, Griphed/8g. Chmdler/g2) Rt 4 Box 212. Foreston 76041 ... David SCHWENDNER & Brook RANDAL (Alex/86) 5lO Park Blvd, Austin 78751 ... Barbara ScoTT [cana/a2. Sarah/84) 325 overland Dr. McKinney 75069... Jack & Mary SEACROVE (Joe/73, /{ny / 7 5. Michelle/78. J effrey / 82. Allison/85, Tommy/ Ag 2024 Pier Ln, El Paso 79936 ... Korby & wendy SEARS (Kelton/go) 9605 walnut St #12205. Dalas 75243 ... Valerie & Steve SIMS (Rachel/8s, Greer/87) 5903 Mid Pines Dr. Houston 77069 ... C{ol & Doug STEWART (Emily/7g. Rita/82) Rt 3 Box 931. Wimberley 78676 (II) ... Ross STIRLING & Patricia KELLY [Benjmin/86) PO Box t lO8. Crystal Beach 77650 (IJ}... Ceorge & Kate SUNDAY (Michael/8ll 24O19 Cnflin House Ln, KaLy 77493 ... Gayle & Mark TANENBAUM {Yonit,/86, Metav,/go, Natania & Sigalia/ 93) 7843 Cddle Ln, Houston 77071 2l 13 "' Lee &


St:Hoot-lts<; #108


1996 Dtnrcronv

Linda VALIOUETTE (Stephen/7g) 2Ol7 Ring Teal Ln, Flower Mound 75O2a ... Tam VOYNICK & Paul SALE"IAN (Emma/84. Ben/Azl 6502 Bradley Dr. Austin

78723... Wulf ZENDIK (FaM/76,

Ra/8O, Colt/82. Teca/83) ZENDIK FARM SCHOOL, Star Rt 16C-3, Bastrop 78602

DIMICK Uanae/76) 2740 S 1450 W, Monroe A4754 ... Stephen & Holly GODARD (Andrea/84. Robert/87) 9075 Peach Blossom Dr, Smdy 84094 (IO ... Fred & Connie IiADDEN (Saah/84. Clifford/86) 985 SW Hoytsville Rd, Coalville A4Ol7 ... Kathy & Don HARLAND lKan/77. Cade/7g, Brooke/8o, Dm/83) Rt I Box 1374, Roosevelt 84066 ... Mary Ann & Jim HUBBELL |Gord,on/74, Katie & Spencer/76, Enk/79) 3136 South 2OOO West. kga 84321 ... Bill & Brenda JONES (Davld/77, Ben/ 79, Joseph/8o, Dntel/ 82, Elizabeth/84, Rebekah/86, Samuel/87. Rachel/89, Michael & Matthew/gI, Silah/g3) 3946 Rosemary St. W Valley City 84120 ... Jane & Bill MOORE (Abby/8o. John/82) 3490 W Wrangler Way, Pak City 84060 ... Karl & Betty PEARSON (Usa/7a, Erik/8O. Andrea/82, Glenn/84, Dmiel/86, Michael/9o, Joshua/93) 380 S 3OO E, Payson 84651-2516... Dm & Lynn RIDER (1f,nal83, Andy/8s, Ruth/88, Adam/go) 1635 w 2OO S, Kamas 84036 (Il) ... Tricia & George SAGEN (Amberley,/89. A.lexis/g l, George/g3, Holton,/gs) I OO2 E Grove Dr, Pleasmt crove a4O62 ... Steve & Penny THOMAS Uulie/7 1,'l'mmy / 73, Ann / 7 4. Sxa]\ / 76, Cffien/77. Shonna,/7g, Cole/83. Brynne/85) 634 W 80 N, Orem 44057 ... Ken WRIGHT & Ljmne MYHRE (Rachel/9o) 4086 S 3OO East #F, Salt lake City 84107

VT - Chuck & June ALECK (Lisa/8l, Michelle/ I Box 846, Putney 05346 (II) ... Teny & Will BARRY (Meagm/85) RFD I Box 81. Brookfield 05036 (IO ... Dale & Anne BINGHAM {Andrew/8s, Linley/88. Krista/go, Caitlin/g2) RR I Box 1635, Franklin 05457 ... Donna & Steve BROOKS (I€iflgo) RR 3 Box 302, Putney 05346 (I4 ... Teri & Kevin CAMPBELL (Adam/ 82, Kara/g3, Scott & Brendan/86, Ryan/88) RR I Box 3141, Bennington O52Ol (II) ... Janice & Mark ELLIOTT tlelgh/g7. Smantha/89) HCR 6l Box 38. Wardsboro 05355 ... Bob & Kathleen ENGSTROM 85) RR

I*if /a4,

Per/911 RD #3 Box 13 Iake Rd, St Albils Deborah FRANKS & David LEIN (cabriel,/84. Amelia/94] PO Box 39O, Hartlmd O5O48 ... Eliabeth & t€nny OIBSON (Nathmiel/84, Thaddeus/89) RD Box 25568, Pawlet 05761 (II) ... Joanna CORMAN (Rowen/


44, Asa/47) RRI Box I147. Ludlow 05149



HACKETT (Jackson/86, Phineas/89, Keenan/g l. baby/ 94) RR I Box2l2E, Chelsea O5O38 ... Stephen & Roberta HISLOP (rimothy/79) PO Box 308. Rmdolph 05060 ... Clnthia HUARD & larry HAMBERLIN (David/ 88. Sarabeth/9l) PO Box 68 Rt lOO. Rochester 05767 (H) -. wally & Chris JENKINS (Peter/86) PO Box 3,


70 East St, Huntington 05462 (m ... Tom I{r{VET & Emily GOULD (Alexa/86) RR I Box 162 K, craniteville 05654-9607 (It) -. Kelly & Barry KING (El?abeth/88. Sdah/go. Benjamin/g3) RR 3 Box 431, Jericho 05465 (H) ... p.66t" & Randy KNIFFIN (Serena/76, Emily/ 80. Richie/83, Michelle/88) VT Homeschoolers Assoc,

179 Spruce Knob, MiddletoM Springs 05757 (H) ... Bethily KNOWLES Dany MARA\rELL (Ralmond/8o, Wremth/82, Bethmy/87, Tessera/9o) RFD 3 Box

05346... Rosemartr & Dick LEWANDOSTRUTHERS (Bridget/87, Reilly/9O) RR 4 Box 14OO. Putney 05346 (H) ... Wendy MARTIN & Peter MORSE (Heather/S3) PO Box 69, Calais 05648 (I4 .- Mary 988, Putney

METCALF (Oliver/87, Electra/go) RD 3 Box 3843, Iake Rd. Vergennes 05491 (Hl ... Joseph & Marylou MILLER (Chelsea/83. Julianne/ss, cavin/go) RR l, West Dmville 05873 (H) ooo Rslsqqa MOREAN & Cdl PLUMER (Hannah/88, Davis/g1) RR I Box 512, Putney 05346 ... Don & Jean MURRAY (legan/72. ^fra & Jannah/74l RR I Box I lA, Rochester 05767 (fil ... Erik & Babda NIETSEN (Cora/7g, Christina/84, lngnd/97) PO Box 265, E Randolph O5O4l (H) ... Kenneth & Barbila NYE (Jeremy/7', Cameran/78) RFD 4 Box 1810, Enosburg Falls O545O (H) ... Russell & Mary PERSONS (Dmiel/81, Aaron/83. Smuel/86) RD #3 Box 4370 Ctr Rd. Middlesex 05602 (Il) ... Dime & IMin POST (Nathm/82, Brian,/84) Rt 2 Box 447A, Bethel 05032 (II) ... Matt & Scout PROF| (Silas/86. Uriell/88, Eben/88) RR t Box 7O7, E Dorset 05253 (II) ... Robert & l4uise SANDBERG William/

GnowrNc Wrruour St;uoolnvc #108


... Barbila SEMPF & Thomas PATRY (Nelya,/77. WillyJane/78, Ivan/8o. Jacob/8g. Abraham/g1) RD I Box 2340, Fairfu 05454 ... Edward Duville 05873 (H)

& Sylvia SMITH (Lindsey/84. Nathmiel/86) RFD #l Box 1033. Marshffeld 05658 ... Deb & Fred

IJT - St"u. & Linda BI--TTLER (Jessica/8l, Rachel/83, Matthew/87, Irena/8g. Elissa/g1) 1035 East 55O South. Pleasmt Crove 84062 ... Jmeen


81) , Corinth O5O39 (m ... Cheryl & Scott SALITER (Kyle/8s. ryler/a7. Kiera/go) RR I Box lol-8, West

STIECLITZ-SHELL (Mae / 7 7, Sara/ 79. Emtly / 82. Ev a / 84) RR 2 Box 289-C. Polly Hubbard Rd. St Albans 05478 (II) ... Julie TA]\4LER & Jonathan SCHOTTLAND (Tajl8g, Jess/g1) RR 2 Box 1332, Putney 05346 ... Cindy & Todd TASKA (Hannah/87. Benjamin/8g) 1O3A Valley Rd. RD l. Lowell 05847 ... Zelia VAN DEN BERG & Gary RODES [Dorianne/80. Alexanderi/84) PO Box 42, Craftsbury Common 05827 ... Cindy WADE & Todd PYKOSZ (Annaquista/86. Zebhdiyah/g1) PO Box I27, N Clarendon 05759 (H) ... Candelin WAIIL & George TFIABAULT (Drew/86. Jmie/8g) 36 Baird St. Burlington 05401 ... DaM & Bill WANCURA (Billy/83, Jennifer/84, Melissa/87, Timmy,/8g) PO Box 8O4, Wilder O5Oa8

VA - Corey A\,ELI-AR & Virginia NATHAN (lanl 89, lzabelle/9O, Eleanor,/gl, laurel/92| Rt 3 Box I l9 F, Floyd 24O91 ... cuy & Susan BABINEAU (lauren/go, Matthew/g3) 1 142 Mill Puk Dr Extd. Charlottesville 22901 ... Collette & Michael BARRY-REC Oyillie/83, Crystal/86) PO Box 1224, Irxington 24450 ... t uis BECKER & Jennie WEST (Jacob/82, Ailon/88) 112 Owens Dr, Femm 24088 ... Lia & IrreMo BELLO (Kyce/81. Forest,/g1) 20212 Broad Run Dr. Sterling 20165 ... David & Sherry BOYD (Carie/8o) creenfield Mtn Fl:m, Rt 2 Box 262, Nton 22920 .Ii1 ... Heidi & John BRENNAN (Charles/a4, Marime/86. Cara/89) 36O4 N Upland St. Arlington 22207 ... Paul & Debra CARUSO (Thomas/8O, Daniel/81, Bria/83. Nicholas/ 87) Rt I Box 202, Keysville 23947 ... Scott & Sharon CASTONGUAY [Amalia,/a7. Shaina/g1) 2257 Arlington Terr, Alexmdria 22303-1505 ... Jom & Tom CICHON (Kali/8s, Maya/87) Blue Ridge Area Network for Congenial Homeschoolers, Rt 3 Box 602. Nton 22920 ... Nick & Kathv CRETTIER {Erin/85, Alex/87) Rt 3

Box 419. Front Royal 22630 (H) ... Kevin CROWE & Linda GETry (Kai/83. Bram/86) Rt 3 Box 324. Amherst 24521 ... Dennis & Retha DANVERS (Katia/ 81, Marina,/8s) Richmond Ed'l Altematives for Children at Home, 3403 Hawthome Av. Richmond 23222 ... Ron & Terry DELONEY (John/8o, Jason/83) 353 guarters. gumtico 22134 ... Oeorge & Linda DOBY

(Allyson/82, Elizabeth/85. Mdk/89, Ceorge,/g1) Rt I Box 56. Spout Spring 24593 (Il) ... Albert & Kerry FARAONE (Chillie/7g, Cody / a3, Kaiteei/86. Jesse/89) RR 2 Box 68, Purcellville 22132 ... Asy GERHARDT & Chris HOWLETT (Gilesi/86. Walker,/go, Noah/g3. Evan/ 94) Rt I Box 17, Lovettsville 22OaO 1m... Dan & Theo OIESY (Dmile/65. D{nn / 67, Susan/69. Anita / 7 2. Ellen/88) 4411 Colonial Ave, Norfolk 23508 (H) ... Joyce HARTLEY & Paul CUIDER (Phoebe/8a, Ma/9O) 3Ol9 Putney Rd. Richmond 23228 (H)... Elizabeth & John HOLLIS {Cdoline/82, Lydia/84. John/8g) 333

Burns Ln. Williamsburg 23185 ... Jmes JONES & Karen NUZZO (Goss,/83, CMet/aA Rt 5 Box 256. Bedford 24523 (II) roo Jorge & Debra KEZMAN {Sarah/ 82. Alexandra,/92) 13930 Big Yankee Ln, Centreville 22O2O ... Marta & Tim KRAUSE (Maura/88, Awil/g1) LEARN, 2520 Rocky Brmch Rd, Vienna 22181 ... Monica & Steve KRAUSE (Julim/87, Natasha/89) 16995 Rocky Glen Rd, Peris 92570 ... Don & Mary I,AVOIE (John/86. Muk/88) 12260 Exbury St. Hemdon 22O7O ... David & Virginia LOCKETT (Samantha/82) The lpckett Fl'm, R1 5 Box 136. Staunton 24401 ... Kelly MACKLIN & John del RE (If,ylmd/8s, John Daniel/88) RR I Box 35. Boyce 22620... Mtrk & Tammy MALTBY (Joeyl83. Julian/ 85, Joshua/9o) 827 W Beverley St. Staunton 24401 ... Robin MARILL-MORGAN & David MORGAN (Kole/89. Sean/g1, Connor/g3) 3437 Chdleson St, Annandale 22003-1609 (I4... Greg MCCARY & Wendy LOWE (Jordan,/g2) PO Box 5O8, Nellysford 22958 (II)... John & Suzme MEHFOUD (Ceorgmna/82, Patrick/ 85, Collins/8g) 565 Hanover Rd. Sedston 23150 (H) ... Annette MILLS & David ECKEKI (Mtrta/82) lO9 W Westmoreland Rd, Falls Church 22046 (Il)... Kit MINDEN & Pilker AUBURN (Taylor/8g) 923 Marye St. Fredericksburg 224O1-562a ... Donna NIMEY & Wade CORNELIUS {Greg/8g, Katherine/go. Severin/g4) 5803 Mt Vemon Dr. Alexmdria 22303 ... Lynne & Bruce NOEL (Douglasi/78. Dana/82, Marc/86) Rt 2 Box 429. Staunton 24401 ... Willie & l€slee Padin (Haley/

1996 Drnrcronv

90. Dilika/g4) 22 wilson Av NW. kesburg 22075 ... Laura PALOSKI (Aaron/87) 1113 Welch Rd SW, Roanoke 24015 ... Joy & Bill PAYNE [Nick/81, Luke/ 86. Daniel/88) 1402 Bellevue Av. Richmond 23227 ... Ellen PEARCE (Miles,/7a, Jmes,/84) PO Box 147, Nellys Ford 22954... Elaine & Eric PE*TERSEN (Chris/ 87, Lucen/g3) 6106 Bachlick Rd, Springtield 22150 (I4 ... Adrienne & Scott gUIGLEY (Jonathon/84, Ericl 86, Logan/88) 418 Cottonwood Dr, Newport News 23602 (lll... Barbara & Howard ROBINSON (Alan/79) Rt I Box 696. Floyd 24ogl ... Jeanne & Dave ROSS (Becca/8O, Sra/84) I 1723 North Shore Dr. Reston 22O9O... Beverly SENG & John WHEELER (JohnMichael/89) 5O5 8th St NE, Chillottesville 22902 (m ... Judith SLIAPIRO & Moulton AVERY (Julia/a8, Jerzy/ 91) 4307 S 35 St. Arlington 22206 ... Kyle SHUMATE (Ryan/76, Ashleigh/8o. Kelsey/83) 11896 County Line Rd NE, Copper Hill 24079 (Il) ... Jon & Brenda THOMPSON (Brian/85, Jesse/88) PO Box 1223. Cloucester 23061 O{ ... Robert & Peg!ry Sue TRUETT (Joshua/81, Isaac,/83, Hannai/86. Peter/89) 37 l8 EJurke Rd. Rlchmond 23223 (ltl ... Bob & Karen WARREN (Nathan/al. Katelyn/86. Emily/8g) Rt I Box 1830. Reedville 22539 ... Mary & Jack WIISON (Emily/86, Luke/88, Dmiel/8g) 317 Monte Vista Av,

Charlottesville 22903 (H)

TVA - t,t.o-t & Hawey ALDOK| [Yonatan/86, trnnon/g0, Oliver/93) HC 1 Box 277, Eastsound 98245 (Il) ..o Cath AIJVIL {Tyl80. Jahmai/8s) PO Box 1847. Deer Ptrk 99006 ... Patti BLYSTONE fseth/8o.

Sean/83. Dylan/87'J PO Box 484, Ridgefleld 98642 ... Mike & Chns CONROY (Justin/84, Gabriel/88. Nicholas/g2) 260 N Dubois Rd. Ariel 98603 (II) ... Shileah & Michael COREY (Nicholas/84, Caleb/87, Gabriel/9o, lsaiah/93) 4302 224th Pl SW, Mountlake Terace 98043 ... Paula & Randy COUNTRYMAN (Mu/ 88) S 2323 Lincoln. Spokane 99203 (I{) ... cil & Cathay CROSBY (Puson/88. Willow/g1) 714 N l8th Pl, Mt Vemon 98273 (II) ... David & Nancy DEA\IER lDiana/82, James,/85, John/88, Asher/90, Liam/95) 518 Erving Jacobs Rd. Port Angeles 98362 (H) ... Stra DENMAN & Duel NASH (Bryan/77. Milie Elise/82) 2306 Summitview Av, Yakima 9a9O2 ... creg & Nilcy DUKE Uack/8o, Saa,/81. Betd\/An2247 OldDay Creek Rd, Sedro Woolley 94244 ... David & t€igh FEISTHAMMEL (Matthew/8s, Jordm/86) 1260 laForest Dr SE, North Bend 98045 ... Rosemary FIRSTENBERG (Juli,/69, Noelle/



Chad / 72, Kyle / 7 3,

Cherise/7s, Skyla & Tony,/76. Stan,/78. Katie/82, Jordm/84, Matthew/86, Sarah & Sheena/87, Michael,/ 88) PO Box 25266, Seattle 98125 ... Marty & Rebecca FLORES (l^ahl88. Cillie/g1) a6Ol NE 59th Cir. Vmcouver 98662 ... Emilie FOGLE & Don O\,ERMILLER (lsaac/88. Cilter/g3) 1413 Easthills Ten. E Wenatchee 98802 (II) ... Diile & Ceorge GEANULEAS (Jenny/81. Muk/83) 438 W Shore Rd. Guemes Is 94221 ... Bev GEARY & Mark MUMMY (David/83, Linda/87) 655 Jasmine Pl NW. Issaquah 94027 ... Peter & Irene CLICK (Jared/87. Roxanne/ 90) l22l NW Norcross Way, Seattle 98177 (I4 ... Gene & Smdi HALL (Kyle,/al. Cassie,/82) 19227 2441h Av SE. Maple Valley 98038 ... Alison HEDLUND & Douglas WARREN (Colin,/a7. Benjamin/8g. Toby / 92) 625 55th St. Port Towsend 98368 (H) ... Mark & Helen HEGENER (John/74, Jim/76, Jody/8Q, Christopher/81. Michael/8s) HOME EDUCATION PRESS, PO Box 1083. Tonasket 98855 (H) ... Ann & Tadd HESS Uacob/gl, Mayailg3) l73O N Zytstra Rd. Oak Harbor 9A227 ... Lisa & Ted HILE (Danica/86. Marty/88) 8216 27lst Av E. Buckley 98321 ... John & Pat HOLMES (Chris/83. Steve/83. Nathm/86. Emily/ a7) l7\9 School St, Walla Walla 99362 (IO ... Mary HOLSCHER & Paul FINLEY (Sonia/87) 771 I lgth Av NE. Seattle 98i15 (II) ... Eric & Toni JOHNSON (Tanya/83, Melanie,/86) Rt I Box 355, Valley 99181 (II) ... Cttr-istopher & Lydia KINATA (Jonah/84. Cedd/ 89) RAINBOW WAY PI-AYGROUP, 5oo4 2oth Av NW. Seattle 98107 ... Randy & L)mne KNOWLES (Anthony/ 77. Jenny/79. Joma,/84. Arly/86. Elspeth/88. Galen/ 90. Conor/g3, Brennm/95) Pend Oreille Unschoolers. 2322 McCloud Creek Rd. Newport 99156 (I4 ... Johi Oren & Joyce I,ACKEY Uason/sz. June/7g, Orion/go) 12l Alder Dr. Sedro Woolley 98284... Colleen I-A.WSON & Steve MITCHELL (Ben/87. Sam/92) 5436 49th Av SW. Seattle 98136 ... Lori & Jack LORANGER (Amber/84, BreAna,/88) MPO l7-R lkogstad Rd, Washougal 9867 l-9623 ... Julie & Daljd LOYD (Charlie/ 84. Peter,/86) Ceneral Delivery, Waldron Islmd 98297 (IO ... Rick & Rose MARSCHALL (Paul/78. Jon/81.


Barry & Claire/84) 72 w Ouail Ln. Sequim 98382 ... Susm MCMINN-SEEFELDT & Steve SEEFELDT (Robin/8s, Holly/a7, Heather/89) SE 4O5 Hill, Pullman 99163 ... Einer & Natalie MORTENSEN (Ariel/7s. Kellen/87, Trista/go) 560 E Houston Rd, Coupeville 98239... Sheila NAST, ISSAQUAH LEARNING CTR. 25123 SE 146 St. Issaquah 94027 "' Peter & Megan NORDLUND (Prlilo/77, Theresa/86, Danielle/8g) 916 Blue Heron Rd, Bow 98232 ... Joy & Martin O\TERSTRES| twylie/83) 15518 NW 23 Ct. Vancouver 98685 (IO ... Laura PzuTCLIARD (Dmiel/ 771 25607 98 PI SE, apt KI02, Kent 98031 (II) ". John & Pmela RANDALL (Sara/81, Rachel/83, Im/87) 30 Eiler Ln, zillah 98953 (I4 ... Milcy & Mtrk RAY {Alex/82, Colin/83, Thomas/88) 7037 22nd Ave NW, Seattle 98117 (H) -. Kath & Dm RAYMOND (Seth/75. Vallie/79, Lydia/86) 811 U St, Port Tomsend 98368 ... Susan RESSLER (Stephmie/88. Hope/8g) l3 C St, Hopkinton O174a... Ronald zuCHARDSON. 4003 50th Av Sw, Seattle 981 16 ... Mak & Tmy ROLOFF (Melissa/81, Josiah,/83. Caleb/85. Lydial86) HC lO Box 337. Ritryille 99169 ... Paula RUSSELL & John DICK (Joshua/88, I€ah/g1) 25OlO SE 3lst Pl. lssaquah 98027 oI.lay & Bedelia SAMSON (Damas/8s. Lillim,/ 88) 2600 Central Rd, Everson 98247 ... Julie & Keith SCANDORA (Rhiannon/82, Rikki/84. Tyl87) 819 NE 84, Seatile 98I15 ... Anne & Jerry SEAI^S (Brian/86) 5il4 87 Av Ct E, Sumner 98390 (I0 ... Bndget & Patrick THOMPSON (Thomas/82, Bryony/8s, Guy/88, Moryenna/gI) l2t4o lo4th Av NE, Kirkiand 98033 (H) ... .iq. & wendy wARtES (Jefil78. Julie/81' Mike/8s) 16109 NE 169 Pl, Woodinville 98072 "' l€slie & Dusty WILLIAMS Uesse/8o, Rachel/84) 1889 H Si Rd. Blaine 98230 ... Patti & Patrick WNTERS (canett/87) 3520 NW 166 St, Ridgefield 98642

T[rV'- liuty

& chris BARKAN (charlotte/86.

Phoebe/9O) Blue Ridge Acres Box 71, Harpers Ferry 25425 ttt Pete & l€enie HOBBIE (Eli/88. Dakota/g2) 15 Grassy Licii Rd, Kirby 26729 (m "' willim & Mdiane HUGHES [Gregory/77, Clte/79) HCR 26161 Box 157. New Martinsville 26155 (H) ... Nmcy & David IMHOFF lLtsa/72, Angela/76) 5436 I€a Hill Dr,

Huntington 25705... Kim & Mike JACKS [Michael/83, Jonathan/86, Kevin/gf ) 655 North St, MorgmtoM 26505 ... Bill & Diane LEED (Elam/78. Emma/8O, Woody/8l, Ehjah/86) Box 1 14A. Friils Hill 24939 "' John & Martha MISHOE (Christopher/7O, Bnan/73' Malthew / 7 4, Jeannie/ 76, Benjmin/78, Nicholas/8o. Tony/88) 29 Rosemont Ct, Huntington 25705 (Hl "' Btrbila & John PLUNKET (OAon/76, Jack/78) Rt 3 Box 816. Harpers Ferry 25425 (Hl "' Lise SADE &


BIGGS (Benjamin,/89,


PO Box 251'

Shepherdstow 25443 ... Mary Ellen SULLIVAN & Donald FISHEL (Jake/8r, Doug/82, Mu/85) Rt 2 Box 113, Mannington 265A2 Fn -o f|41$214 WALKER & Steven ROOF (Ben/84, TegN/gO, Jordm/g4) Mtrion Cty Home Education Organization RR 6 Box 336' Faimont 26554 (II) ... Susm & Steve WELI-ONS

tMatthew/7g. Jonathu,/82, Mak/85) l7O2 Smtth Rd' Charleston 25314

lf,/I - S**. ASKEY & David FOSS (Ben/a7) 544 Elmside Blvd. Madison 53704 ... Milie BAKER & Dave JAMIESoN [Suah/79, Becky/84) RR I Box 65' Dodgeville 53533 (H) ... Elizabeth BARR (Jorda/88) 3O9 S 1 lth Ave. Wausau 54401 fll) "' Gordon & Ma{orie BERG (Joel/8o, Rachel/82) 5l I E Cecil St' Neenah 54956 3818 ... Janet & Ken BERGGREN (Charlie/87, Julia/9O) RR I Box 118, Washington Islmd 54246 ... Bryce BI-ACK & Kathleen PLUNKETTBI-ACK (trrin/7g, Christopheri/82, Geoffrey/aA Rt 2 Box 2O5, Arkmsaw 54721 (ttl ... Mary & M:N BI'EDOW (Jason,/84) N2723 Cty Hwy W, weyerhauser 54895 (H) ... Kil'l & Melanie BURGI [Kyler/85' ciara,/ an E1267AA Mm Mound Rd, Baraboo 53913 (II) "'

Peg$r & John BURNS (Johmy/8o. Meg$r/82, Patrick/ 86, Maryl90) ... E white Oak Way. Mequon 53092 '.'

84) 3145 N 54 St, Mtlwaukee 53216 (H) o.. p... * Steve EMONS [Juline/83, Clayton/85, Caelin,/87) RR t Box 328-2, Wautoma 54942 (fr1 ... Jim & Jm ERDMAN (Martin/76, Will/78, Rylmd/81) 13l7 Meadow Hill Dr. Menomonie 54751 (H) ... Peter & Sdah GILBEK| (Emily/8s. Susmnah/92) l9O8 N Clilk St, Appleton 54911 (H)..' David & Rachel GRAPENTINE (Devin/82,

Eric/84, Will/87, Jacob/gl) Rt I Box 4494. Maple 54854 ... Jemne & Steven GRISE*|TI (Sarah/8g) 2625 N TOth St, Wauwatosa 53213 ... PhyUis HASBROUCK & David SIMMONS (Nicholas,/86, Nathan/go) 3113 View Rd, Madison $7Ir (Hl ... Ann & John HIPPENSTEEL 0uvillim/84.

Margrethe/87, Isaak/go) 2499 Iakeshore Rd, Grafton 53024 (Il'l ... laura & David HONAN (Skye/83, Nicholas/86, Benjmin,/88, Eliza/g0) 312 S Cottage St, Whitewater 53190 ... Iarry & Susm I(ASEMAN (Beth/ 72. PeIer/75, Megil/8l, Gretchea/78) 2545

Koshkonong Rd, Stoughton 53589 (H) ... Craig & Helen KITZMAN Uacob/81, Eval84, Hannah/88) 455 tindon Rd, Deerfield 53531 ... Amie & Richard KRUPNOW (lsaac/83, Sasha/87, Paven/91) N363 4th Av, Coloma 54930 (H) ... John & Susan I-AMPI lRuth/ 78) 304 Rounsville St Apt B, waupun 53963 (H) ... David & Ellen LTBEKIO (Jonathan/84, Jesse/87, Anne,/ 92) Rt I Box 194, Menomonie 54751 (II) "' Camy MATTHAY & Paul FIASTIL (Ben/87, 7r5 N Mtrion Av, Jmesville 53545 (I4 ... Alison & David MCKEE (Christiil / 7 8. Georg\a/ 82) 5745 Bittersweet Pl, Madison 53705 (H) ... Tiara MUHR (Crystal/83. Justin/88, Mu/93) PO Box 994, Genoa City 53128 ... Pam OI^SON & Bob WAISH (f€tie/85, Hilnah/87) Rt 1 Box 83, Stockholm 54769 (IIJ ... Richild & Nmcy PEIDETSTUN (Nice/82, April/87) 614 Rtdge St, Baraboo 53913 (H) ... Megm & Milk PERRINE [Mika/ 78, Teal/8l. Curi/84, Nori/8g) Rt I Box 734. Mason 54856 (H) ... Rebecca & Terry SCHMITZ (Michael/8z, Christopher/86, Matthew,/8g) 1523 S Oakwood Rd, oshkosh 54904 ... Martha & Larry SHEA (Elemor/88, Ruth/89, Caroline/g2) 42O Augusta St, Janesville 53545 ... Clak & Saajme SIIYDER (Eliabeth/83. Beclry/85) 14711 Rangeline Rd, Nekoosa 54457 (H) "' Paul & Lois SOUKUP lPaula/72, Marlene/73,lad/75, Cory/76, Jana/78, Aden & Ely,/79) Nl8lO Hwy HH, Llmdon Station 53944 ... Tom & Cretchen SPICER (Jacob /70,Seth/73. Jessica/74, Isaac/78, Esau/81' Moriah/87) Rt I Box 15, Avoca 53506 (IO "' Brim & Eliabeth SPTELMAN (Gabrielle/8 l. Ben/ 84, Tach / aS) 1265 lris Av, Brookfield 53045 ... Cilol & Martin STITT (Jason/85) 1768 SMine Dr, Stoughton 53589 ... Fran & Dick SWIFI (Henry/85) 3039 S 27 St, la Crosse 54601 ... Roy & Shelly UNDERHILL (Elyse/86, wyatt/gl) 14535 Club Dr, Elm Grove 53122 "' Patti & Kevin VAN BUSKIRK (79, 82. 85) RR I Box 127. westby 54667 (I4 ... Daryl & Valerie vAN OOR| Uessica/76, N1.rytin/7g, Nicholas/85) W1269r Hwy AS, Brandon 53919 (H) ... Gene & Betty WAITON (Nick/ 76, Kar€/aol 812 W Cramer, Fort Atkinson 53538 "' Jeanne WEI^SCH & Robert RAINEK (Tegm/8g, Teah/ 84) 1920 S Springdale Rd, New Berlin 53146 (H) ..' Glenny WHITCOMB & Jerry FRANZEN (Julim/88, Miles/g1) N4469 Hwy 55. Chllton 53014 (rD "' Phil & Jmice ZINDEL (Sarah/87) 7591 Gilmore lake Rd, tike Tomahawk 54539 (II)


- ctrri" & Richad


(Andrew,/8o. Peter/83) UNSCHOOLERS oF WYOMING. 429 IJwy 23O #2O, tarmie 82O7O (I4 "' Genie BOWERS & Paul STONE (Dmiel/8s, Susmna/8g) Po B,ox 6072. Sheridm 82801 ... Christine & Art DENTON (Skyler/87) PO Box 2420. Jackson Hole 83OOl ... Breece & Sherryl FERGUSON (Alan/84, Elizabeth/86. Kelley/88, Denise/9l) l5O7 So Flat Rd. Worlmd 824O1 ... Fandy & Cindy HOWDYSHELL fJoey/ 83, Keiry/8s. Bronwlm, 87. Moriah/8g) 23 Dmce Hall Rd, Lmder 82520 ([t... L€s & Mary PICKRELL {Andrea/8O. Valerie,/83. Michael/86, Christopher/89, Ashley/g2) 28 Knode Rd, Sheridan 82801 (H)

Jill & Meritt BUSSIERE (Elena/83. Abrm/8s, Lilah/

881 N5942 Meadow Rd, Kewaunee 54216 (I{) "' Bruce CASNER & C. l€e DUCKERT (Dd/85. Ben/88) 229

Berkeley St, Neenah 54956 (IO "' Nick & Nmcy CISAR (Katjusa/8l) 1936 Commonwealth, Madison 53705 (H) ... Robert & Julie CREGO (Jomna/8O) 5923 Century Av, Middleton 53562 "' Shdon & Frank DeSTEFANO [Nlcholas/84. Danielle/86) 1007 W 6th St, Milshfield 54449 (II) "' Ken & Shaon DUNFoRD (Ashtey/87, Chris/8g) a3l2 252 Av. Salem 53168 (II) ... Susan ELIAS & Tom McCONNELL (April/8f, Mark/




Alta -

Dorothy & Geoffrey BIsHoP tortn/87) 32nd Ave Nw. Calgary T2M 2P7 (H) ... Sylvia & Otto BUTTNER-SCHNIRER (Mora/7 5. Patrick/7g, Katya/a3. Stephen/84. Tony/86) 47 Broad View Cres, St Albert T8N OB1 (H) -o p1ir"6",1t & Ray CARI^SON I


(Jennifer/82, Tommy/87) 545-7 St west, High River


Jaye HEAI{IHENWooD (lagm/86, Caspim/g1) Box 35, Barons mL OGO (Il) oro l-ynn



JENSEN (Tammy-Lynn / 7 5, Ross/ 76, Patti-Ann/78, Jakcie-Sue,/8O, Cathy-lru/82, Remmington/84) 212 DeeNiew Ct SE, Cilgary TZJ Al9 ... Jmet & Pay KEIP (Jaime/8s) Box 5027, Peace River T8S IR7 (II) .I Sheila MaCLEAN & Ken SMITH (Jemy & Daw/82, H€atheri/86) Box 716, Smolry tane TOA 3Co (I{l ... Ken & Grace MARCINKOSKI (Gordon/8l, Paige/83. Cathy/86) Box 1057, Caruose T4V 4E7 ... Armmd & Cherie PITRE (Amnda/a7, Jadelgt) Box 24051, kthbridge TIH 6Hl (10 ... Sylvie RAY & Robert WRIGHT {Gabriel/86, Orion/8g) 6O6F Michener Pdk, Edmonton T6H 5At ... Bob & Ihthy ROLLHEISER (Kris/78, Lisa/8o, Bret/84) lOlll-1O5 Ave, Peace River T8S 1K8 ... Kathy & Bob ROLLHEISER (Kris/78, Lisa,/8o, Bret/84) 10111 1O5 Av, Peace River T8S iK8 ... Robert & Evome SMULDERS (Amy/8f , Jessie/83) Cenerl Delivery, Black Diamond TOL OHO (I{) ... Calvin & Rita VISSER (Matthias/79, Hannah/8o. Hilary/8s, Reuben/85, Jmelle,/88, Micah-John/91, Benjamin/93) RR 4, Rimbey TOL 2JO

BC -

ruamte ANDREWS & Mlke BULLoCK

(Martin/87, Mu/89) Box 5O5, Oueen Charlotte City

Vm 7SO (H) ... Lr.". & Elspeth BANERD (Mika/87, Walker,/89) #812-1483 tamey's Mtll Rd, Vmcouver V6H 3Y7 ... Claudia BEAi'EN & Philip TOLEIKIS (tauren/84, Anntse/88) Greater Vmcouver Home L€mers Network, Box 39OO9 Pt Grey RPO, Vancouver V6R 4pI ... Courtenay & Adrim CATO [Taja/8g, Oceaa/93) RR 7 Hillbank, Duncm VgL 4W4 "'Myra CHURCHMAN & Thomas COLLIER (Kyla/77, Morge/ 83. Alexmder/8s) 34r Hartley St. guesnel V2J 1W5 ... Jerry & Jmet ETZKORN (Jake/a2, Justine/84) c/o Cmmah Lightstation, 2l Huron St, Victoria V8V 4V9 (H) ... Stephen & Carolyn FAWCETT (Maurice/83, Delrae/86) Box 1198, Kaslo VOG IMO (IO ... Juilita & Alex HADDAD (Nicole/78, Tacy/8O) RR 7, Duncm vgL 4W4 ... Nicole HAMAN & Robin DASS (Sasha/8l, Mischa/8s) 19677 2lst Av, Iangley v3A 4P4 (I4 ... Jm HUNT (Jason/81) 132 Bullock Creek Rd, Salt Spring lslad V8K 213 (H) ... Stephanie JUDY & Jerry WALKER (Tessa/82) Box 40. Slocm Pilk VoG 2EO ... Sildy KEANE & Michael MISKIN (Neal/85, Nicholas/ 89) 1163 wellington Dr, N vmcouver V7K rI3 (H) "' Bubaa KENNELLY & Ray CAMPBELL (Sebastian/88, Alexmder/9l) 5949 Jupiter Pl, RR #6, Sooke VOS lNo (H) ... Jm & Ron KIRKBY (ltren/8o, Jess€/83, Brady/ 86, Melody/89) RRl. Pender Island VoN 2MO ... Bnt & Aile€n IaJEUNESSE (Zacharyl83, Desiree/86) Site G C-35 RR 2. Nmaimo VgR 5K2 ... Tia LESCHKE & Rod I.IYBERG (lss/an 2023 Maple Av RR 3, Sooke VOS lNO ... Terry & Alice MAIOFF (Andrew/8I, Steven/83, Jon'Iyler/8s. Kevin,/87) 31O8 Sth Av, Castlegar VtN ZTB ... Lyn.n & David MIDDLE"ION (Andrew/ 7 l. J onathan / 7 4, Benjmin/78, Katle/8 f ) 2095 Flynn Pl. North Vancouver V7P 3H8 (I4 "' Jos MILLER & Cill WHITNEY (Md/85, Emma/88) 253 Boyne St, New Westmlnster V3M 5J8 ... Sheila & Peter REDHEAD (Emily/87. Thomas,/go) cape Scott Lightstation, 2l Huron St.. victoria V8V 4Vg (II) "' Mischa & Diana SANDBERG (Sonja/83, Sabrina/86) 240 N Howd Ave, Bumaby VsB lJ7 (H) "' Szjo STONE & John GILBERI (Saewild,/81, Sascha/83, oban,/86, Thea/8g) 159 Highwood Pl, Saltspring Islmd V8K 1R9 ... Jack & Denise STURIVIWIND (Noam/82) 37 Beach Dr, Vlctoria V8S 2L3 ... Lynne THUNDERSTORM (tf,afl7r, Raven/8o, Fox/87) Box 58, Telegraph Creek vOJ 2w0 (H) -. Alice WHITEHEAD (Lucie/82, Hrcl/a4l 2O2-93O Convent Pl, Victoria V8V 2Y8 ... Lael WHITEHEAD & Richad IREDALE {lauren/8s, Mdlise/88. Julia/91) 4453 w 6th, Vmcouver V6R lV2 (II) ... John & Marie ZETTL rc}J{rry/g2, Brayden/8s. Grady/871 2883 Ktllmey Dr' Prince George V2K 3J5 (IIl

MAN - KAthi CALLEN & DAVid DOERKSEN (Jedediah/84, EliJah Luke/87, Znphram/9ll Box 825. Dauphin R7N 3J5... May Beth & Gary DAUGFIT (Nathmtel,/84, Micah / 87, Anna/go, Devorah/9s) 831545 26 St. Bmndon R7B 2C8 ... Brenda & Donald DUNN (l€l:me/8', l<ayla/aT Box 1022, Russell ROJ lwo (Hl ... Cary & Sandy HoLT (Joshua,/8o, Tasha/81, Benjmin/83, Sunshine/86)




Winnipeg R3C rN8 ... Ron & Lillian MEISTERS (Tristm/8l, Persis/8s) Box 4348, The Pas RgA lR2

l[B -

Marguet McLEoD (Melmie/82) 15r

Ryan Ct, Fredericton E3A 2Y9

GnowrNc Wrrnour Scuoor-rNc #108 o 1996 Drnncronv

NS - e"u & Abbie

HALPERN (Michael/74, Angel^/77, Pal}ra/79, Ben/8a, Jmes/go) 1548 Vemon. Halifd B3H 3M7 ... Mily MaCEACHERN & Ted DAWSON (Moses/88, Benjamin/go, Anna,/g2) RR 2. Scotsbum BOK lRO (II) ... Siil & Hugh MCLEAN

(Willow/84, Rowan/87) Black Avon, RR#2, Heatherton BOH 1RO (ID -. Cail REBBECK & Brock ELLIOTT (Cassin/79. Bdrie & Rory/83, lfig}l/87J PO Box 1138. Antigonish B2G 2l-6 (I4

Ont - Deb BAKER (Jamie/83, Taylor,/88) RR r. 23 Dairy Ln, Huntsville POA 1KO... Andrew BI-AKE. l7 Mohawk Av. Port Credit LsG 3R5 ... Doreen D'EATH lJoel/78. Rowm/81) 274 Arlington Av, Toronto M6C 227 llll ... Peter & Jomne FARIS (Paul/78, Jacqueline/8 I, Stephen/83, Angela,/86, Victoria/88. David/go, John/94) RR 5, St Thomas NSP 3Sg ... Ltmn & Ron CALLOWAY (laura,/go, Kathrjn/g2, baby/gs) 349 Peter St North. Orilla L3V 5A5 ... Bilbua CAUTHIER [Brett/7\, Simon,/7g, Lewis/8l) Box 627, Van Kleek Hill KoB rRO... Cam GRAY & Olga ZTJYDERHOFF (Orion/83. Flinder/85. Marlen/8g) RR #4 Brooke Vauey Rd, Perth K7H 3C6 ... Kelly CREEN & Bruce WRIGLEY [Brim/88. John/go) 37 Keeble Cr. Aju LIT 3R7 (II) ... Tim HARRIS (Zee/a3, Zacharyl 84) RR I, Bruce Mines POR lCO (H) ....1*. HOLMES & Iawence MULLER (Sarah/7s, Sophia/78) 35 Brlttany Cres. Union!'llle L3R OR2 ... Jasper & Jane HOOGENDAM (Philip/78, Hmnah & Jordm,/81. Solita/ 89) RR #6. Cobourg KgA 4J9 (Il) .- Aleta KARSTAD & Federick SCHUELER (Jennie/86) Bishops Mtlls, RR 2 Oxford Station, KOG lm (IO ... Paul & Cindy KERKHOF (Brmdy/80. Tara/ 84, aml87, Ntchole,/89) 2135 River Rd, London N6A 4C3 ... Robin & Debby MOORE (Rym/81, Emily/83. Deny/86. Orie/8g) RR 3 Hilley, Ontarto NOE lEO (I4 ... Ktren & Glenn MORRISON {Rory/75, Jenna/7g, Joey/83) 48 Bethune Ct, Kanata K2K lB9 (IO ... Melmie NOVISS & Mike MCCAFFREY (Aidm/93, Willa/gs) 193 Rossmore Blvd, Burlington L7N lPg ... Jacqueline PEETERS (Ynn/a7, Luc,/89, Sean/9l) 66 Sellers Av, Toronto M6E 3al6 ... Kathrlr PRIMROSE (Andrew/87, Dmen/8g. Nicole/ 83) 37 Howarth Av, Scrborough ... Marie PzuNS & Edwad FIAGEDORN (Jesse/8l. tuden/86) RR #2, 45

Pilliament St, Colbome KoK lS0 (H) ... Anne 0UICK & Jim ROSS (Polly/81, Jemy/83. Christy/86) RR 3, Maberly KOH 2BO (Il) ... Robert & Monica REID (Elizabeth/ a2, Patrick/84, Ianl87) Villa Villekula Homeschool Resource Grp, l25O Gladstone Av. Windsor N8X 3H3 ..r Paul & Riada ROCH (Colin/77, Ntcholas/7g, Christopher/82) 22 Meadowbank Dr,

(II) -. MaryllTn & Phil SAUNDERS {Joey/8O, Angela/83, Brian,/85, Timmy/88, Jeremy/ 9l) RR 2, Otterville NGJ IRO (I4 ... Charles & Lily SMALL (JefS'l81. Benjy/83, Shama/86) 79 Jerome Ptrk Dr, Dundas LgH 6R8 (I{) ... Joyce & Jerry Nepean K2G ONg



boy/87, girllgo) r94 chtrles st.

... John & Michelle TIDBALL (Andrew/8s) Box 264. Mt Albert LOG IMO ... Joan WARREN & Irs CARI^SON (Ned/88) 15 Troy St, Kitchener N2H 1L7 ... Lisa WEINTRAUB (Yonah/a6, bv/gll 25 MagiU St, Hamilton I,8R 2Y4

Thomhill LAI 3C7



AUStfalia - Jim & Anna ADAMS lTot>y/77, Danny/8o, Jessica/84) 3t Baird St, Ryde 2l 12 ..o Ann AUSPIN (Paul/8o. David/8I) 2 Bullm Av. Mitchm, Victoria 3132 (Il) ... Jmine BANKS & Richard WATSON (Alexilder/84, Nicholas/8s, Josephine/86. Muimilim/87) Dhmmanda, Ross Rd, The Chmnon, 2480 New South Wales (H) ... Greg & Jo-Anne BEIRNE (Cregory/8O, Rebecca,/82. Stephen/84, MaryBeth/89) PO Box 42O. Kelllville 2153, NSW 0l) -. Param BERG {Arvind/7g) 57 Ktngsley St, BlEon Bay, NSW 248r (II) .- Ikthy & Graeme BOLES (Steven/85, Jessica/87. David/921 Druces Rd, MS 142, Yeppoon 4703, Queensland (II) ...Joanne & Jaap BRUGMANS (Kylie/83, Stephen/86. Nicole/8g) Sphiu Rock. Kyogle Rd, Via Uki. NSW 2484 (Vl ... Milk & Peri COLEMAN (Bevan/8o, Faith/8l) 28 Chmock St, largs North, SA 5Of6 (II) ... Chris COLES. 26 Croomalibee St, Benalla, Victorla ... Cheryl COOPER, 36 Ulverstone

St, Lyons, ACT 2606 ... Drew & Vanessa CORzuCAN (Amy/89) Canbena Home Education Network 23 Bildolph St, Bonl,thon, ACT 2905 ... Sue & David DOWEY (Robert/82) Denwood Pk, Kennedy Crove, Appin 2560 ... Angela & Tony EDWARD (Jade/84, Jenna/86, Jessica & Anthony/9O) 2 Har.,tlah Av, Wahroonga, NSW 2076 ... Jennifer KIRVAN (Kira/84) 30 Green St. Califomia Gully, Bendigo 3556 Victoria (H) ... Ralph IATTIMORE & Alison I2{TTIMOREHORRIDCE (Fi!nian/8s, Tor/871 lO Schomburgk St. Yanalumla, Canbera, ACT 2600 (fD ... Eve & John LUICK Uack/84) 40 Irtt St. Katoomba, NSW 2780 ... John MacKAY & Teua CI,ARK (Rachel/84, Elemore/ 86) 25 Kaiwaa St, Dundas, NSW 2rr7 (rD.- Ralph & Janet MACKEY (Amy/84, Emily/86) 5 Glossop St, New lambton, NSw 2305... Barry & Dam NEWELL (Ben/ 77, Tim/a0) Mt Stromlo Obseryatory, PB Weston Creek PO ACT 261 I ... Robert OSMAK, BzuSBANE HOMESCHOOLING CROUP. lrt 2. Caboolture River Rd, Upper Caboolture 45lO ... Margilet & Mark PURCELL (L€ah/8 l. Lucy / a4, Maddy / A7, Jonathan/89) SUNSHINE COAST HOMESCHOOLING GRP, #4O

Broms Rd, Belli Pak via Edmundi 4562

Que€nsland ... Denise TRAYNOR, 20 Alston St. Chisholm 2905 Steve & Robyn WICMORE (Katherine/87, Tachxy/ 89) 12 Irxton Pl, Forestville, NSW 2087






(Stephane/85, Alizeel88) I Allee Condorcet Apt 37, 772OO Torcy ... Sophie & Huub HAESEN (Aleroder,/ 91, Esther/93, Friederike/g4) 7. rue de la Montagne, F-6848O Vieu-Ferette (Hl .. Cltre & Michel MANGION (Matthieu/86, Geoffrey/87, Clothilde/89) Allee de la Mahe, Ol 48O Villeneuve [II)

Germany -

Rick &

sheri cooK (Nikki/86,

Heather/88) Hg USEUCOM, Unit 30400, Box 1I88. APO AE Ogl28 (Stuttgart) ... Robert & Rebecca GRUNDBORG [Erik/8l, Anna/83) USA EDE, CE"IAEXA, Unit 25727, APO AE 09242... Mary MCI\4AI{USTOHAK (Niall/gl, Oisin/g2) HalleNeiher St 7, 90475 Numberg (II) ... Valerie & Richud MOON (Brim/7o, Andy & Cindy/8o, Rosie,/82) Det 4, Co A, 527th M.l. Bn, Unit 29058, APO AE O9O81 (I0 ... MdS' & Dietmar WALTER (Carie/81, lngo,/84, Steven/86) Finkenweg 14, 731 I Hochdorf ... Michael & Ka'en ZIMMERMAN tl<aty/87, Darin/go) 66 MI BDE, CMR 456 Box 2213. APO AE Ogr57

Ireland - Kim cuRRAN, (MaJella/89) Flat 2, 38 Windsor Pilk.. Belfast BTg 6FS Oil ... Jane & Frark DONEGAN (Sem/80, Brendm/83, Conor/84, Aidm/8g, Claire/g4) Drung, Ouigley's Pt. Co. Donegal (H) ... John & Cindy DRING (Megan/76, Simon/7g, Ethm/83, Gwen/85) The Fm, Moycullen, Co.Galway (It ... Roger & Milie MANKTEI-oW (Matthew/8o, Rutri/83, NtaU/87) 29 MonelNick Rd, Randalstom, Co. Antrim BT4l 3HW (I4 ... Mily & John SHEEHAN (Patrick/8g, Ciarm,/g4) 14 clendd, Mona Valley, Tralee, Co Kerry



England - kslie BARSoN (rruis/s3. Lilyl 89) I Croxley Rd. Iondon WG SHH (Il) ... John & Jane DE lA HAYE (Samuel/86) 8 Allmdale Av. Rue du Craslin, St Peter, Jersey, JE3 7BW Chmnel Islmds, CB ... Tricia & David FEWER/SIMS (Madeleine/86, Gabriel,/ag) Westwood Flat. Fonthill Rd, Bath. Avon BAI 5RQ rrr p66..1 & Jill GILLINGS (Jon/79, Liam/83, Zoel

Japan - Heather & Jmes HACKETT (Mani/ 44, Noa/g1) Nakayagiri 3O8-1, Matsudo. Chiba 27i ... Sandy MATTHEWS & Chrts GILMAN (Caitlin/82, Corinne/83) 7-l-49 Midorimachi #2O1, Kita ku, KOBE 65r-r2 ... Timothy & Junko RUSSELL (Ryo/86, Shin/ 90) USA Meddac - Box 65, APO AP ... Amy & Seiji UEHARA (Ryoma/go, Mlna/93) 2- l2-3O2 Yagi-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tolryo 96343 (I4 ... Michele & Yasuluki YAMANO (Nicole,/g0, Kerry /92, Cody/g3) Yashimmishi-machi l38O-9, Takamatsu-shi, KaAawaken 761-0l



78, Micah/8o) Box 242, Comwall COA IHO


(Dmtel/86, Zachary/87, Noah/89, Sym/92) 5578 Waverly St. Montreal H2T 2Yl GD ... Leslie

& Bill

PRATT (Adrienne/83, Jesse/86, Brennm/8g) 6328 rue de la Riviere, Val Morin JOT 2RO (H) ... Ben & Helene WALKER (Jean-Luc/89, Marie-Helene/92) PO Box 1018. Mistassini GOW 2C0


Other Locations

85) Bailaglonney, Ronagwe , Arbory, Isle of Mm, Brttlsh Isles ... Uri & Sophie HENIG (Otniel/g2) Wolfson College, Odord OX2 GUD .n Taggart & Ipnaine KING (Rhtma/go, Megm/g3) 7 Stour Ct, Braintree, Essex, CM7 6XG ... David & Helen MICHAEL (Hmah/a6. Silah/87) 147 Constantine Rd, Hampstead, bndon NW3 2LR (I{) ... Dalid & Anna SHERMAN (Ihtel86. Molly/9O, Peter/gs) 46 lamence Grove, Henleze, Bristol BSg 4nJ (m ... Bob TAYLOR & Sarah LAWRENCE (Lulie/89, Liberty/g l) Tahng Children Seriously, 23 whitley Rd, Itndon Nl7 6R.I (I4 -. Rod & Kim WARK (Samuel,/84. Matthew/87, Mirtam/92) 48 langford Ln, Burley in Wharfedale, fS29 7EJ (II)


PEI - p* & Reji MARTIN (semus/7s. (I{) 9Ue - Susma

YUkOn - Jann & Tim BAIN (Kyrstin/8g. Kerynne,/93) PO Box 91. Old Crow, Yukon YOB INO ... t€slie KNIGHT & Afan JONES (Bryn/8g. Rhiannon/9l) 28 Hilbottle Rd. Whitehorse, Yukon YIA 5T2 (H)


Use this form to send us a new entry or a substantial address change to be run in the next available issue of GWS.

Adults (first and last names): Organization (only if address is same as family): Children (names/birthyears)



(Rob/76. Jon/ - Bob & Mdion BRYCE 80, April/8s, Daiel/86. Arny & Kristen/87) 130 Priel Cres. Saskatoon S7M 4K7 ... Randa & Dave BURDENIUK (Trelle/9o) 3Ol Oakview Dr, Regina S4R 787 ... David & Mards COBB (Philip/7g, Faron/81, Rege/83. Jesse/86, Emily/91. Dickon/g4) Box 144, W Roxton soA 4so (H) ... Brim & Llnn PE*IERS, 163l Vickies Av. Saskatoon S7N 2P2 ... Otto SCHNIRER & Sylvia BUT-INER-SCHNIRER (Maire/7s. Patnck/ 7 9. Stephen/84, Katya/83, Antonio/86) 47 Broadview Crescent. St Albert T8N OBI


WrHour Scuoor-rNc #108


Fulladdress (Street, City, State, Zip):

Are you willing to host traveling GWS readers who make advance arrangements in writing? Yes _ No _ Are you in the 1996 Directory (in this issue)? Yes

1996 Dtnrcrony



_ 4t

The Netherlands -

DUe{qtrct 9 rgqqi" q4q rq

Hayat de sruRLER

(Aaron/go, Naomi/gs) Hugo Verriesthos

2f ll,


Amsterdam (H) ... Sabina & Eduild deSTURBER (Aaron,/8o) Hujo Veriesthof 2t II 1064 LIW. Amsterdam ... David GRANT & Bdbila STUEHLING (Amara/8s, Dana/8g) Spoorstraat 57. 1815 BH Alkmaar (Il) ... Liz & Pieter GROEIWELD (Lua/87) Netherlands Homeschoolers, Raadhuislaan 31, 2 13 I BG Hoofddorp (Il) ... Christopher MAHONEY & Cdollr COHEN (Brm/85, Tua(Penny)/87) USDAAPHIS-IS, American Embassy Hague, PSC 7I Box lOO0. APO AE O9715 ... Donna RICHOUX & Frmk ROSS (Noma/a7) Boukelstrat 14, 213l WT Hoofddorp

New Zealand - camella ANSELMI & Christopher TURNER (Evm/89, Frano/g2) Kaitaringa Rd. RD l, Te Kuiti, North Islmd (II) ... Debbie & WaMick BENNETT (Daniel/85. Tristam/87, Benjamin/ 94) 68 Brmdon St. Featherston. Wairarapa 5952 ... Jan BROWNLIE lEltzaberh / a2, Russell,/84, Gareth/86) 225 Killamey Rd, Hamilton (IO ... Peter & Jill WHITMORE (lom/75, Ben/77, Anna/88) 3 Thompson Rd, Pmmure, Auckland 6 (fi)

ElSeWhefe - Elisabeth ATMER, Karlavagen I I l. S-1 15 26 Stockholm Swedcn ... Harold & Gemma BAER (Harold/9o, Amlila/92) Biltauyil. Bantad, Boac, Marinduque Phllippines 49OO (m ... Cmdace & charles COE (Christopher/84. Amber/86) PO Box 789. Manila PhiHppltres lO99 ... Elese COIT & Gary SCHULLER (Magali/88) 3o Rue des Mimosas, 1O3O Brussels Belgtm (H) ... Patrick & Johanna CURRAN (Emmet/78, Malac|'y / 79, Michael,/83) c/o Irish Aid. Box 7791. Kampala Uguda (H) ... Perry & Gretchen DENNISTON (laurel/76, Sky/8O, Autumn/ 84) PSC 45O Box 628, APO AP 96206-0628 (S. Korea) ... Thomas & Ktren DROZD (Laylal86, Kaolln,/88, Sage & Auria/go) Drozd/Bdm Int'I. Unit 61323 Box R, APo AE 09803-1323 (Saudi Arabia) ... Allce FL{LOWSKI (Melinda/gl) Villanyi UT 8. Budapest I r 14 HEgary (H) ... Elisabeth CIANSIRACUSA & John FORRESTER {Eve/91) Via Bondeno 42, OO127 Rome Italy 83lof ... Vella & Dennis GREGOIRE (Simone/7g, Cmille/al) Ma Smt'Anna, 45, 2OO2O Arese (Milan) Italy "' p1". ttAAS, APRENDER SIN ESCUETA fSpmish GWS), Apartado 28198, Madrid 28080 SPain ..r David & Fiona FIANCOCK (Iaura/83, Orahm/86) PO Box 366219. Sm Jum Puerto Rico 00936 ... Marie & Michel HEITZMANN [Sasha/g1, Ariane/93) Au Village #12, 1277 Borex Swltrerlud (II) ... candis LITSEY & Ted YOUNG (Evn/a2. Sarah/85) 1171 Tower 12, Hong Kong Pakview, 88 Taitam Reservoir Rd Hotrg Korg (I4 ... Debbie & Sean MARQUEZ lctaeme/gQ' 7ila/92. Rhiannon/g4) Windy Ridge, York Rd, Nary Gdns. Ch. Ch., Bubados 84$zl -r 11a1qt MAXWELL (Jason/82, Andy/86) l5 Chaussee de tauvain, lO3O Brussels Belgltm (H) ... Joaquim & Flory MONTEIRO lMyola/76, MFon/8s) PO Box 7682, Dubai United Anb Emlmtes (H)... poSit MOORE & Richard BRYANT (Alex/8o, Tegan /88, Nicky/go, Galahad/g2) CDR R.A. Bryant, SC, USN, PSC l2O3 Box lo4l. APO AE 09803-1041 (Saudt Arabla) ... Elizabeth NOBLE & tro SORGER (Custen/88) PO Box 304681. St Thomas Virgtn Islud3 OO8O3 (II) ... Bippm NORBERG & Peter SZIL [Irmi/8r, Tolmi/a6) Apdo 45. O358O L'Atias Del Pl, Alicante Spafn (H) ... Llmda & Nigel NoRTON (lsaiah/8s. Ruya,/88, Maryam/95) PO Box 607, Colonia, Yap, Federated States of Mcronesia, WCI 96943 ... Khalid & Terie RASHEED (Abdullah/ 83) PO Box 25239. Riyadh, 11466 (Saudl Arabia) (H) ... Aleta & Doug SHEPLER (Kirsten/77, Os,/80. Halce/ 85) POBA tntl #368-A. PO Box 02-5255, Mimi FL 33102 fvenezuela) ... Sarly SHERMAN (Theo/84) PO Box 6 Retreat. St Mary, Jamaica. w IDdi$ (m ... Reed & Chris SIMS (Emily/87. Paul,/89) 23 Golden Shower Ln, Dededo Guam 96912 (m ... william & Maie STIGLIANI (Marisa/82. Claire,/83, Emilie/8s. Caterina/87, Anthony/go) Ottenst€instrasse 123, Sudstadt A2344 Austrla (H) ... 14"rio & Beaulah TACUIWALO (MNk/74, Freddie/78, Mike/84) 2l Everlasting Rd. Pilar Village Las Pinas l75O MM Phitlppires ... Miranda Mady WELTER & Maurice TRAPP [Nikolas,/83, Selina/87. Markandeya/g1) House 5, L-8541. Kapweiler Luemboug (II)

Correspondence Schools

or Curriculum Suppliers

A Beha Corespondence School/Home Video School/Book Pub's, Pensacola FL 32523 9160; Alpha Om€gr PubUcatlols. PO Box 3153, Tempe AZ 85281: 602 43A2717 A.lta Vistr College Press Home School Currlc. PO Box 222, Medina WA 98039: 206-453 Americu Home Academy Materials, 2770 S IOOO W, Perry UT 84302 Americu School, 85O E 58th, Chicago IL 60637 (high school)



Chrktlm Schools. PO Box 27115. Indianapolis lN 46227: 317'aa17132 Brighm Youg U-Dept of Independert Study. 206 Hama Continuing Ed Bldg. Provo UT 84602 Associated

Calvert School. lO5 Tuscany Rd. Baltimore MD 21210 Chrlstiu Llberty Academy. 5O2 W Euclid Ave, Arlington Hts IL 60004 Chrlstim Light Publtcations, PO Box I 126. Harisonburg VA 22AOlIl26i 703-434-076A Cla$tc Currlculu. Dept G, PO Box 656. Milford MI 4aO42:313-481-7OOa or l-aoo-348-66a8 EducatoE Publishing Servlce, 75 Moulton St. Cambridge MA o223a GlenD DletrlbutoE, 7251 Bass Hwy. St Cloud MN 32769 Hewltt Research Foudatlon, PO Box 9, washougal WA 98671: 206-835-8708 Home Study Altenative School, PO Box 10356. Newport Beach CA 92658 Home study Directory, Nat'l Home Study Council, 1601 18th St Nw. wash DC 2O0O9. Home Study Instltute, 6940 canoll Ave. Takoma Park MD 2ogl2:2O2-723-O8OO InteEatloral hstltute, PO Box 99, Pilk Ridge IL 60068 Kolbe Academy, 1600 F St, Napa CA 94559 Irgua Beach Ed'l Books, 245 Grandview, laguna Beach cA 92651; 714-494-4225 Lsurel Spring School. PO Box 1440, Ojai 93024 The Irantng Experielce Compuy, PO Box 1457. Bryson City NC 28713: l-8OO-367-8532 Livlng tleritage Asademy. PO Box 1438. kwisville Tx 75067 Mcouffey Academy, 2213 Spur Trail, Grapevine TX 76051: 8t7-481 7008 The Moore Foudation. Box L Cmas wA 98607 Natlonal Book Co. 333 SW Prk Ave, Portlmd OR 97205-3784: 503-224-6345 Oat Meados School, PO Box 712, Blacksburq VA 24063: 703-552-3263 Ou tady of Victory School. 4436 E Alpine Dr, Post Falls ID 83854; 2Oa-773-7265 Phoerix Speclal Progrms. 3132 W Clarendon. Phoenix AZ A5Ol7 {high school) Rod & staff Publighers. Crockett I(Y 4l4l3i 606-522-4344 Seton Scbool Home Study. One Kidd Ln, Front Royal VA 22630-3332:703-636-9990 SMM Educatioral Servlces. Box 1079, Sunland CA 9lo4o 8f8-352-231O Textbooks for Puerts. Box 2O9. Kendrick ID 83537:208-276-4721 U of Nebraska Indepcrdelt Study ltigh School. continuing Ed Ctr Rm 269, Lincoln NE 68583 Weaver CuElculrn, 2752 Scarborough, zuverside CA 92503 (Pre K-6th, 7- 12th supplements) For high school, college md grad courses. see PS|ERSON'S INDEPENDENT STUDY CATALOG, available from Holt Associates, 2269 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA 02140 for $16.95 + $4 postage.

Helpful Private Schools Private schools enrolling or helping homeschoolers in various ways (curicula. legal help, support). Irop Cbrlstiu ctt, 2626 Abbott Rd. Anchorage AK 99507 Abbitrgton Academy. Box 3303. Gibbs Av. Warehm MA 02571: 5Oa-291-1229 (Cape Cod only) Alpha Christiu School, Rt l, Perry KS 66073: 913-597-5822 Amerlcm Herttsge Chrlstiu Acadcmy. 9027 Calvine Rd, Sacramento CA 95829: 916-642 2342 Arivaca Commulty School, PO Box 2.1, Arivaca AZ 85601 Baldwir Put Cbrlstim School. 13940 E Merced. Baldwin Pdk cA 91706; 9f6-337-8828 Brmford-Grove School. PO Box 347172. Arleta CA 91334: 818-89o-o35o Bay Shore School. Po tsox 13038. tong Beach CA 9o8O3; 310-434-3940 Buthgton College Ctr for Honeschooltng, 95 North Av. Burlington \T 05478: 800-862-9616


Calr Paravel Satclllte Schools. 913-232 9721 (KS) Caltnet School, RD I Box 95, Smlma NY 13464 Cascade Cuyon School, 459-3464 {San Anselmo, CA)

Chrlstiu Chapel Schools. l92o S Brea Cyn Cut-off Rd. Walnut cA

91789: 714-598-9733

ChriBtim Famlly tducational Servlces, PO Box 47159, Phoenix AZ 85068 Clonlaa llome Based Educatlo! Progru. 1289 Jewett St. Ann Arbor Ml 48104: 313-769 4515 Cooperatlve

Lemtng Ctt, 454 Papaya St. Vista

CA 92Oa3: 619-726-302O

Daysptirg Chrtstiu Academy, PO Box 60956, Palo Alto CA 94306 Dlscovery Chrlstim School, 5547 Alabama Dr. Concord CA 94521: 415-672-5670 G.A-T.E. School. 1725 N Date #43, Mesa AZ 852oli 969 482I Grasaroots Frce School. 2458 Crassroots Way. Tallahassee FL 32301; 904-656-3629

Home-Centered Ipaning, PO Box 2920. Big Bear City CA 92314; 9Og 585-7188 Independerce Private School. c/o Principal: M. Black. 45 Albert St North, OriUa, ONT t3V 5K3. Cmada The Lcming Commulty, 9085 Flamepool way, Columbia MD 21045: 4IO-73O-OO73 The l€anhg Cortuulty, Inc. Po Box 5177, Hemdon vA 22O7o Llttle Plney School, Rt 1 Box 20. Newburg MO 65550 Llttle Red Home Scbool. 9669 E 123rd, Hastings MN 55033: 437 3049 Magic Meadow School, PO Box 29. N San Juan CA 95960 Meter Schook. PO Box 427. Roshdon TX 77543 Mout Venon Academy, 184 Vine St, Munay UT 84107 Mt camcl Academy, RD I Box 1737, wateryille VT 05492 Mucle chrlstiu School, 23O S 65th, Kansas City MO 66111: 913-784 3ola Newbridge school. 3l3l Ollmpic Blvd, Santa Monica CA 9O4o4: 3f0'315-3O56 North Ipng Beach Calv.ry Chapel, 132 E Artesia Blvd. t-ng Beach CA 90805: 213-428-5166 Ptlgrtm chrktlu School. 3759 E 57th St. Malvood CA 9o27ot 213-545-3167 Pllgrim School. 531 N tsalna. Porteruille CA93257:2O9-782O4O2 Plnewood School. 112 Road D. Pine CO ao47o; 3o3-a38-44l8 Pittsburgh Urban Chrlstlan coal. School, 412-322 A324 (PA) Puget Soud CoEmunlty School, l7l5 112 Av NE. Bellerue WA 9aOO4:206-455-7617 Rocky Moutrtaln Hlgh Academy, PO Box 418. Flora Vista NM 87415

Gnowrxc WrHour ScHooLrr-c #108


1996 Dlnncronv

Smta Fe Commuity School. PO Box 2241. Sata Fe NM 87501: 505-471-6924 Seedltng. c/o Reiter, 69 Smderson Crescent, Richmond Hill. ON I,4C 5L5. Canada Sidrey Ldson School. 33 Overland Dr. Don Mills. ON. Canada M3C 2C3; 416447 5355 Snohomish Couty Chdstiu School. I2l5 Olympic Ave. Edmonds wA 98O2O: 206-77 1 - t793 Stonemoor Hills School. 3 Stonemoor Dr. Pueblo CO alo0s; 303-561-3510 Smmit Christim Academy. 13789 Noel Rd. Suite 1O0. Dallas Tx 75240 Sycuore Trce. 2179 Meyer Pl. Costa Mesa CA 92627: 714 650-4466 TEACH. 4350 Lakeland Ave. N Robbinsdale MN 55422 Upattinas School, 429 Greenridge Rd, Glenmoore PA 19343: 215-458-5138

Homeschooling Ot{anizations Some of these groups are statewide (look for the state name in t}le group's title as an indication) md ae likely to have infomation about state laws or regulations. and may have conferences and packets of inlbmation lbr new homeschoolers. Other groups are local support groups that ue likely to have meetings and acti\ities. Both state md local groups may have newsletters. Try getting in touch with a state group even if it s far away from where you live: many state groups can refer you to families. or smaller support groups. in your immediate area.

State or Local Groups

(alphabetically by




Ulschoolers Fuily support Grp. 5315 landgan St. Colorado Spgs 8Og l9 qI: connectlcut Home Educators AsEoc, PO Uox 25O, Cobalt 06414: 203-781 8569 Unachool€rs' Support, 22 wildrose Av. Cuilford 06437 203-458-7402 DE: Td State HomeschooleF Aasoc. PO Box 7193, Newark 19714-7193 E!: Florida Assoc for schools at Home. lOoO Devil s Dip. Tallahassee 32308: 9O4-87a'2793 Florida Puent-EducatoE Aasoc. 2OO5l guesada Ave, Port Charlotte 33952 Homeschoot Nctwork, 548 N lake Pleasant Rd. Apopka 3271,2-3904: 407-8860333 Puklud Home EducatoE. 2l I I oakhurst Av. Winter PTk 32792: 4O7 679 6890: 657 7560 Redluds Christiu Home EducatoE.9870 Martinioue Dr. Cutler Ridse 33189 305 233 2021 Tallabassee llomeschool Grp. Kathy 'fripp. 904-575 Togl Q|: Atluta Altenative Educatlon Network, c/o Paymer, 1158 Mcconnell Dr. Decatur 3OO33 Cobb Couty Homeachoolers. Sl3 Wyntuck Dr. Kennesaw 30144 Free to L8n at Home. 4439 Iake Forest Dr. Oakwood 30566: 404-536-8077. Georgim8 for Freedom ln Educ,209 Cobb St. Palmetto 30268:770-463-1563 North Slde Atlutr Homeschoolers. c/o Jane Kelly, 4l4l wieuca, Atlanta 30342 REACH. c/o Vicki Scott. 617 Colony Ct, Woodstock 30188 E: Christiu HomeschooleE of EI, 910824 Oama St. Ewa Beach 96706; 649-6398.

0973: 9O7-333-4840

Anchorage Home Spu Educators, 7421'fngle CT. Anchorage 99504-3527 Sitka Home Educatlon Assoc. PO Box 1826. Sitka 99835: 907-747-1483. 42: Bethuy Home EducatoE. 2720 S Flint Cir. Mesa 85202 Eaet Valley Educatore (Phoeni-x/Matro area) 602 983 5660 Home School Supplies, ll25 E Ouick Draw Pl. Tucson 85749 Psents Assoc of Chdstiu Home School3. 6166 W Highland. Phoenix 85033 Phoenix l€amilg Altematives Network, aa35 N 47th Pl. Phoenix a5O28:602483-338 l SPICE. 10414 W Mulberry Dr. Avondale 85323; 4R: Arkuaas Chrlstlu Home Ed. Assoc, PO Box 5Ol. Little Rock 72203 q!: Bakersfleld Open Support crp. 805-836-3454 Callfomia Coalitio! - PALS. PO Box 92. Escondido 92O25: 6lS 749 1522 Califomla Homeachool Networh, PO Box 2l I I . Morgan Hill 95037-21 I I Center for Educ'l Gulducc. PO Box 4,15. N San Juan 9596O: 916-292 3623 Central Coast Homeschool Network, c/o Chris Whiting, 12 Marian Way, Pismo Beach 93449: aO5-473-3212 Childrer md Commulty Network. c/o Lynne Knowles. 14556 Little Greenhom Rd. Grass Valley 95945 Chrlstlm Fmily Schools, PO Box 23068. San Jose 95153-3068 Christiu Home Educatos of CA. PO Box 28644. Santa Ana 92799-8644:714' 537 -5t 2r Commutrlty Education Geette. PO Box 445. N Sm Juan 95960

Esparto Homeschoolera, PO Box 305. Esparto 95627:916-787-3613 Home School Aasoc of CA (fomerly Nortbern CA Ilomeschool Assoc),


Box 2442. Atascadero 93423-2442. 7O7 765-5375 HomeschoollDg Cooperative of Sacruento. PO box 217. Rio Linda 95673 Ips Argeles Homeschoolera, 12810 Rubens Av. l-A 90O66; 3lO-821 9076 Moutaln Vlew Pk Homeschooler. 6603 Mammoth Av. Vm Nuys 91405 4813 North Suta Clara Valley HomcachooleE, 795 Sheraton Dr, Sunnlvale 94087 Penlnsula HomeschooleF. 4795 lage Dr, San Jose 95130: 4Oa-379-6835 Rlverside Area Home Lemes, c/o Gibson, 13171 SDur Branch Cir. Corona

I r 7 I 9: 909-245-0902 San Dlego HoDe Educators, JoAnn,6l9-56o-8a66 School of IIoDe I€mlng Support Group, 1904 Flora Vista St. Needles 92363: 6r9-326-2rO7

SoloEa Couty llomeachoolera, 8600 Templemm Rd, Forestl,jlle 95436 South Bay F.R.E.E. Scholars, 538 Coe Av, San Jose 95125; 408-294 0630

South St CeDtre. Box 261. Boulder Creek 95000 (resource ctr for South Valley Homeschoolera Aaan, Box 961. San Manin 95046

Trl-City IlomeschoolerE, 39195 Levi St. Newark 94560

W. Su Fenedo Valey Playgrp. c/o Brecht, 20555 Dumont St, Woodland Hills 91364: 818 888-2480 Whlttler HomeschooleE, c/o Susm Jordan, PO Box 4643. Whituer 90607 Wildflower HomcschooleE, 1557 Vancouver Wav. Livermore 94550; 5lO 455o465 Yosemlte Area HomeschooleE, PO Box 74, Midpines 95345 eQ: Boulder Couty Home EducatoF, I l5O Monroe Dr #D, Boulder 8O3O3: 546 027a or 581-9605 CO llome Schooling Network. 7490 W Apache. Sedalia 80135; 303-688-4136 CO Springs Homeschoolers, 2906 Marilyn Rd. CO Spgs 8O9O9: 719-598-8444 Fall Rlver llomeschool, PO Box 3322, Idaho Springs 80452 Ilome Educators for Excellence of Duango. c/o Cring, 315 Timberline Dr. Durmgo 81301 Independent Network of Creatlve Homescboolers. c/o Woodhouse. 724 Victor St, Aurora 8OOll: 303-340-3185: 303-751-6421


1996 Dtnucrony

I€mlug at

Home. PO Box 3476. Mililani 96789

Hawaii Island llome Educators.968-8076 or 965-9002 Hawaii Homeschool Aisn. 66960 Kuewa Dr. Waialua 96791 Maul HoEe EducatoE. 777 Kolani St. Wailuku 967931 AOa-242-a225 The Tropical Homeschooler (newsletter), c/o Pinsky.220 Waipalani Rd, Haiku. Maui 96708: aoa-572-9249

IA: IA Fmilies for chrlstiu Educ, RR 3 Box 143. Missouri valley 51555 Iowa Home Educatos A8soc. PO Box 213. Des Moines 5O3Ol !!: Famlly Unschoollng Network. 1a09 N 7 St. Boise a37o2i 208-3452703 Ilome Educatos of ID. 36t8 Pine Hill Dr. Coeur d'Alene 83814: 20A-667-2774 Idaho ltome Educators. PO Box 4022. Boise 83711-40221 2O8-4a2-7336 IL: Eyuston Home Educators, Nancy Guenther, 7Oa-675-3632 IIOUSE, c/o Mary Friedl. l33l Cleveland, Evanston 602O2 (statewide) nnnois Christlm Home Educators, PO Box 261, Zion 60099 UI: KeDtuckiua Home EducatoE {KY & IN area). see KY. below LEARN,7633 Shilo Rd, Unionville 47468 (Bloomington area) Wabash Valley Homeschool Assoc. c/o Palmer. 2515 E Suinn Av. Tere Haute 47805: 812 466 9467 tsq Certral KS HomeschooleE. c/o Susan Peach, Rt I Box 28A, Rush Center 67575 Christiu Home EducatoF Confederatlor of KS, PO Box 3564, Shamee Mission 66203 Hesston/Canto! IIoDe Educators Assos. 316-367-a2os Lamence Area Unafflllatcd Grp of Homeachoolers. c/o Michener. RR I Box 496. Perry 66073 Manhattar Parent Edusators, 913-539-3641 Teacbirg Puents Assoc, PO Box 3968, Wichita 67201 316-945-0810 E{: Kentucklma Home EducatoF, 6906 Timber Ridge Ct, Prospect

40059; 5O2-228-69O6 (KY & IN areaj I(Y llome Educatlon Assoc. PO Box 81. Winchester 4O392-OO8I KY Indep. L€meE Network, PO Box 275. Somerset 42502:606-678-2527 Madlson Couty Homeachool Aseoc.239 Reeves Rd. Richmond 40475 14: Home Educatos Network, 59126 Thompson Rd. Slidell 70460 1l\ Cltizens for Home Education. 3404 Van Buren. Baker 7O714i 504-775-5472 SW Acadius llomcschooleN. 5O7 S. Arenas. Ralme 7O578: 318-334-2812 Wild Azalea U!6choolere, 6055 General Meyer Av, New Orleans 70l3l 504-3925617 ME: Mahe Homeschool Aaaoclation. PO Box 9715-199. Portland O41O4. Petrhsula Arca Homeschoolltrg Aasoc. PO Box 235, Deer lsle 04627 Sebago late HomeachooleB Support Grp. RR 2 Box 54, Sebago Lake O4O75: 207 642 4368 SoutherD ME Home Education Support Network, 76 Beech Ridge Rd. Scarborough





!4D: MD Home Educatlon Aasoc. 9085 Flamepool Way. Columbia 21045:


SPICE. cilo PO Box 282. Wilton 95693

Gnowrwc Wrruour St;uoclLrxr; #108

22OO Vassar

Collins 80525: 303-221-9749


4L: Alabua Home EducatoE. PO Box 16091. Mobile 36116 Alabma Home Educatos - Ttrscaloosa Area. Rt 3 Box 633. Cottondale 35453 Eat hke Ulilc Academy, 1603 Great Pine Rd. Bimingham 35235 (cover school) Ilomeechool Advocates. 5962 Chalet Dr North. Mobile 36608: 205-344-3239 4S: Alaska HoEcschooles Assoc, PO Box 230973. Anchorage 99523-


Northem Colorado Ilome Scbool Assoc. c/o Tremback.

4 I


MD-PenDsylvania Home Educators, see under Pennsylvania Montgomery Ilomescbool Resource Grr,. 14220 Dennington Pl. Rockville 20853: 3O1 871 6431 North Couty Home EducatoE, 303 Royale Dr. Baltimore 21226 Puelts for Home EducatloD. l3O2O Blairmore St. Beltsville 2O7O5: 3Ol-5725427 MA: Apple Cortry HoEeschooling Assoc. PO Box 246, Haruard Ol45l; 504-456-85



Berkshlre Homeschoolers Ctp,217 Old State Rd. Berkshire O1,224t 413-443r770 Cape Ara Homeschooles. 6 Emily Ln. Magnolia 01930 FrukliD Co Famllies for HoEe Ed.413-625-6566 Greater BostoD HoDe Educators, 617-246-2059 fWal<efield) HomeschooleF of Mass. Educatlon Club (Boston area). contact Phoebe Wells, 617 -476-7273

Ilomeschooling Together (Arlington/Belmont area), Ann krman 617 489 3275 IpweU uea Group. Debbie Finch. 508-458 3896 Mass. Ilome

Leming Asaoc. contact

Maggie Cole. 5Oa 376 1923


North Shorc Support Crp, 508-468-4663 or 508-658-8970 southcastcn MA Homeschool Assoc, PO Box 4336, Fall River O2723-O4O3, 504-672-0244

Watcflcld rea Group, Lucia Jenkins 617-246-2059

Hcrltagc Home Edusators, 2122 Hotser Rd, Holly 48442 Info. Network for Chrl6tla llomes. 4150 Ambrose NE, Grand Rapids 49505 Lmlng Ttee Reaouce Ctr, PO Box 69. Atlmtic Mine 49905 906-482-6393 Smyrtdge Altematlve LcamtDg Ctr, HCO I Box 134, Pelkie 49958 !4: Fsmtlles Nurturtng LlfeloDg ltamcF, 2452 Southcrest Av. Maplewood 55119

Fugo-Moorchead llomeschool Assoc, l9o9-8th St S, Moorehead 56560 Ilomc-Bascd Educatora Accredlthg Aa8oc, Rt I Box 381. Cmbridge 55008 MN Ifomcschool Alllucc, PO Box 23072: Richlield 55423: 612-49I-2424 MN llome School Nctwork, 9669 E l23rd, Hastings 55033; 612-437-3O49 S. Metro Famlllce for Home Educatlon. l7O2O Hamilton Dr, lakeville 55044 !4S: Home EducatoE of Cetrtrsl lflsslstlppl, c/o McDonald, lO9 w Willow Ct, Ridgelild 39157: 60l-366-9218 !4q: Faslllcs for Home Educetlotr, 4400 Woods Rd, Sibley 64088 trmses Clty Homeach@lcB & UnschoolcE, 4l 12 Genesee, Kansas City 641 I I 8 r6-93 l -7089 Ozuk LORE Soclety. c/o Eisenmmn, HC 73 Box 160, Drury 65638: 417-6793391 (Ozak uea grp) Sprtagfeld Arca IlomeschoolcB, Rt i Box 193, Fair Grove 65648 St. Iput8 Homcschoollng Network, c/o Steinbart, 2612 Tome Oak Dr, St lpuis 63 r29 !(I: Thc Grapevlne (Montma Homeschool News), 1702 Hwy 83 North, Seeley lake 59868; 406-754-2481 HoEcschooleE of MoDtma. PO Box 654, Helena 59624-0654 Moltua llomcachooleF A8aoc. PO Box 95. UIM MT 59485-0095 NE: LEARN, 7741 E Avon Ln. Lincoln 685O5i 402-488-7741 Ncbraskr Indcp. Homeschoolcrs Nctworl, SOIo Lillibridge St, Lincoln 68506 ODaha ProJcct for Ed. ud Nunudng, 7930 Raven Oaks Dr, Omaha 68152 Prairic Chrlsttm llome Schools, Rt 3 Box 73, Ord 68862 !ry: IIoEG Schools Unltcd/Vegs Valley. PO Box 26811, Ias Vegas 89 126: 702-870-9566 Puert Actlvlst8 Commlttcd to Educatlon, PO Box 13587, Ias Vegas 89112: 702-457 -1509 !lI!: lttH Alllucc fot Ilome Educatio!, 16 Winter Circle. Manchester 03 r03 NH Home School Coalltlon. PO Box 2224, Concord o33O2 NII llome Schoola Ncwlctter, PO Box 97, Center Tuftonboro 03816 Orchud School llomcschooling Support Grp, Ihthleen Burch. HC 63 Box 52, Alstead 03602: 603-835-6086 Suptprt Alt. Frmlly Educatlon. PO Box 15, Plaistow 03865: 6O3-382-3839 g{: Famlllcs Ifmlng Togethcr, 1l Bates Rd, Jackson 08527: 908-699I 546 HomeschooleE of South JcBcy, Rt 2 Bumt House Rd, Vincentom O8O88 Jcreey Shorc Chrlstlu HoEcschooleF Asaoc,65 Middlesex Rd, Matawan 077 47 -3030 NJ Famly Sch@ls A8aos, RD 3 Box 2O8, Washington 07882 North .teEey Home Schoolers Aaaoc, 44 Oak St, Hillsdale O7642i 20l-666' 6025 Roots ud wings, RD 4 Box 126E, Boontonlvp O70O5

Susaer Couty Homc Educatlon Organlzation, 475-6174 The Tutor, 1239 whitaker Av. Millville oa332: 609-425-4770 Unschooles Nctworl. 2 Smith St, FaminEdale o7727i 908-938-2473 Istatewide)


Support Grp

of Central NJ. RD I Box 713, Jobston



!!!4: Glodcta Famlly EducatoE, Star Rt I Box 4O4, Glorieta 87535 Ilomeachoollng PACT. c/o Senn, Box 961, Portales 88130 Ncw Mcrico Fmlly EducatoE, Po Box 92276, Albuquerque 87199 2276 NM Cbrtsttm Home Educatlon,7417 Santa Fe Tratl Nw. Albuquerque 87120 Suta Fe Iranhg Coopentive. 2463 Camino Capitan. Santa Fe, 87505 $: Albuy Arca HomeecbooleE, 46 Pershing Dr, Scotta 12302; 518-346r3 Famlllcs for llomc Educatloa. 3219 Coulter Rd, Czenovia 13035 Filgcrlakes UnachoolcE Nctworh, 249 Coddington Rd, Ithaca 14850: 60734

277-6300 Home Educatlon Erchugc of the southen Tier, 13 woodlmd Av, Binghamton 139O3i 607-722-4269 Homcschoolcra Nctwork of thc ldd-Hudson valley, RD 2 Box 2llP' Ski Run Rd, Bloomingburg I{Y 12721: 914-733-lOO2 Ltrg Islald llomcschoolcF Aa3oc, 4 Seville Pl, MassaPequa Puk 1 1762: 516795-5554 l{Y City Home EducatoF Allluce, c/o Theresa Moris. 341 E 5th St' New York 10OO3: 212-505-9884

ltrf Statc Home Educrtion New,

PO Box 59, E Chatiam 12O60; 518-392-690o (legal news) OASIS (Oneonta area Sharing in Schooling), PO Box 48, Gilbertsville 13776 Rochcater Area Homcachoolera A8soc, 275 Yamouth Rd, Rochester 14610; 7 r6-27 r-0445 Tri-Couty llomcachoolers, 13o Blanchard Rd, Stoneypoint 10980: 914-429-


Ue: rmiUes statewide)


Togethcr. Rt


Box 219, Chocowinity 27817 {also

Homc Education Aseoclatlon, 3O0 Brom Cir, Rolesville 2757I: 919-554'1563 North Cuolbiu3 for Home Educatlon, 419 N Bovlm Av, Raleigh 27603-1211:



llD ltomc School

Aseoc, PO Box 486,

Mmdm 58554;


qg: Ar8oc of Ohio Homcsch@lcE, 748 Sheridm Av, Columbus christlu HoEe Educatos of Ohio. PO Box 1224. KenI 44240 Chrlstlm Paenta Assoc, 310 Bluebonnet Dr, Findlay 45840 (local

!g: Bay Clty Homcschoolidg Support Grp, 517-684-6130 Bculc Homc EducatoG, PO Box 208, Beuonia 49616


9r9-834-NCHE 43209


crowing Together, c,/o Nmcy McKibben 1676 Trendril Ct, Columbus 43229 Ilelghts Homeechoolcrs, 2065 Halsey, S Euclid 44118 Ilomc Educ. La{lue of Puenta, PO Box 98. Perrysburg 43551: 419-474-9729 Home School Nctwort of Greatcr cincinDatl. 642 Romohr Acres. Cincinnati 45244: 732-6355

oH Home EducatoB Network, PO Box 23054, Chagrin Falls 543-5644 Prcnt8 Enrlchln8l 48lO

Alt. Chlldhood Educ., 9520 Co Rd

44O23-OO54i 216-

1O-2, Delta 43515; 337-

qE: ComeEtonc (Tulsa area), PO Box 459, Sperry 74073: 918-425-4162 OK CcDtraI Homc EducatoE Coasoclatlou. PO Box 270601, OKC 73137 Otr Chrfstlm Home EducatoE Aasoc, PO Box 471032, Tulsa 74147-1032 qB: AvaloE I€srhg Centcr, PO Box 70778, Eugene 974OI

Couty Homeschoolers Connection, 4053 Hanna St. Roseburg 97470 IlomeschoolcE of Iarc Cty. 38O4O Pengra Rd. Fall Creek 9743a: 503-937-2271 Honeschool Polltlcal Actlon commlttee and Homeschool chautruqua, 5360 Sw 192 Av, A.loha 97007: 503-649-111O The Irmtng Connectlon, PO Box 1O9t #196, Crants Pass 97526; 503-476Douglas


Mid-Vallcy Sccular Homeschoolers (Salem area), 503-362-1203 OR llomc Educatlor Netsork. 4470 SW HaU Blvd #286. Beaverton

97OO5: 5O3-

321-5166 Prents EducatloD Aaaoc, PO Box 1482, Beaverton 97075: 503-645-3709 Portlud Arca Trl-Couty HoEGachoolers, PO Box 82415, Porlland 97282i 503-357-5306 wflluettc HomeschooleE, 245 W 27th Av, Eugene 97405 E4: Chcster Couty HomcachooleE.226 Liandoverry, Exton 19341 DlvcElty - Unltcd In Homcachoollng, 920 Wood St, Bristol 19007; 215-7883437

Etrdlcas Mountairs llomeschooleB (N Central PA), c/o Kellog€|, RD 3 Box 80, columbia Cross Rds 16914i 717-549-8179 Msryland-Pennaylvmla Home Educators, PO Box 67, Shrewsbury 17361: 717993-3603 Penrsylvarla Home EducatloD Network, 2a5 Allegheny St, Meadville 16335: 412-265-2734 Pennsylvanla HomeschooleE, RD 2 Box ll7, Kittanning 1620l: 412'7a3-6512 Pcople Always Lamirg Somethlng (PAI,S), 4645 Cook Av, Pittsburgh 15236;


8!: Pucnt EducatoE of RI. PO Box 782, Glendale 02826 RI Gutld of Homc Teacbcrs (Home Spun News), Box 11, Hope O283li

4O1 821-

546 Rhode Ieluders for CoDstitutlonal Education, I Solar St, Provldence 02903: 401-861-9645 gQ: Carollna Supcrschoolers, 777 Hlllwew St, Spartmburg 29302 HoEc OrgulzatloB of Pucnt EducatoE, c/o Griesemer. 1697 Dotterer's Run, Charleston 29414: 763-7833 Homeschool Aasoc of SC, 1673 Memorial Park Rd Suite 179, Iancastet 29720 SC Aaeociatlo! of IndcpendcDt Home Schools, Po Box 2104, Imo 29063 SC llomc EducatoE Assoc, PO Box 612. Irxington 2aO7lO6l2l:,803-951-8960 SD: South Dakota Home School Assoc, PO Box 882, Siou Falls 57101 IN: HoEe Educatlon Aasoc of TN, 3677 Richbriil Ct, Nashville 3721I Homeachoollng FamlUcs, 214 Park Ln, oliver Springs 37840 (also statewide) IE: Austh Area IloneschooleE. 5lO P{k Blvd, Austin 78751 Famlly Home Educatora of Dallas, 214-A40-4342 Homc-Orlented Hvate Educatlon for Tcrae, PO Box 43887, Austin 78745OOl8:5r2-280-4673 Iloustor Altcmatiye Educatlon Alliuce, l28l I tvy Forest Dr, Cpress 77429 Metroplcx Mlddle of the Road (Home) Educatorc, l7O2 S Hwy 121, Suite 607-1 10. lf,wisville 75067: 214 724-t'o26 North TexG Seu-SchooleF, c/o Jordan, 15o Forest Ln, Double oak,/t€wisville 75067i 817-430-4435 Texaa Homcschool Coalitlor. A06-797-4927 !!: FCIA Utah Spice Group, 1510 w 5OO N, Provo 84601; aol-377-4724 Salt Lakc Home Educator8, 80l-269-1997 Utah Home EducatloD Associatlotr, PO Box 5O565. Provo 84605 0565: 801535-1533 or 342-4027 IE: Chrtstlu Home Educatora of vT, ao2-476-992r vT llomeachooleE Aseoc, 179 Spruce Ituob, Middletom Spgs 05757; aO2-2352457 wlndhm Couty HomeschooleE, RR 2 Box 1332, Putney 05346 yA: Bluc Rldge Area Networt for Congeuial Homeschoolets. 3131 Hamm Rd. Barboursville 22923: 703-832-2018. Commulty of Indepcndeut lr8neE, PO Box 16029, A.lexandria 223O2i 7O3' 998-9626 Homc EducatoB Aa6oc of vA, PO Box 1810, Front Royal 22630-1810; 703-6359322 Home EducatoF Network, 3320 Waverly Dr. Fredericksburg 22401 Home llstructio! Support GrouP. 217 Willow Terr, Sterling 22170 Lifcapan EducatloDal & Rcaoucc Nctwork (LEARN),2520 Rocky Branch Rd, Vienna 22181: 7O3-Zal-9O49 Rlchmond Educational Altcmatives for Chlldrcn &t llome, 3ol9 Putney Rd' Richmond 23228 E4: Clut co. Home EducatoE, 28823 NW Main St, Ridgefield 98642: 206-887-3042 Fmllles L8nlng Together. Box lO Tiger Sttr Rt, Colville 99114 1

GnowNc Wrrsour #108


1996 Dlnncronv

Famlly AcadeEy, 146 SW 153rd #29O, Seattle 98166 Famtly Lsrtng Org. PO Box 7247. Spokffie 992O7i 509-467-2552

HoEe I€anhg Rcaouce Certrc, Box 61, guathiaski BC VoP INO Ilome School Lgal Defcnse Aaaoc of Cusda, PO Box 42OO9. Millboume


HomeschooleE' Support Assoc, PO Box 413, Maple Valley 98038; 206-4329805 Palouse Ilome IJmIng Altenatlves. SE 4O5 Hill, PuUme 99163 Ralnbow Way Playgroup, 5OO4 2oth Av Nw, Seattle 9AlO7:206-742-3071 Scattle Homeachool Grp, 11706 36th Av NE, Seattle 98125i 206-323-1422 Teachlng Pderts Assoc. 16427 28th Dr SE. Bothell 98012; 206-483-6642 ItrA Homeachool Org. l8l3o Midvale Av N. Seattle 98f33; 206-546-9483: 206294-4942 Wbatcom Homcschool Assoc,595 Trout take Rd. Bellinghm 98226 !qy: Chrlsttu Homc EducatoE of WV, PO Box 266. Glenville 2635I; 3o4462-8296 Marlon Cty Homc Educatlon Orgadatlon. RR 6 Box 336, Faimont 26554 wv llome EducatoE Araoc, PO Box 3707, Chilleston 25337-3707:304-733' 4735 W!: Famllics ln School8 at Home. 4639 Conestoga Tr, Cottage Crove

Ilomcbased k8ntug Society of AB, 8754 connors Rd, Edmonton AB T6C 486; 988-4652 Homeschoolcrs Aaaoc of Northcm Nbcrte. 6311 14 Av. Edmonton T6L 1Yl Madtoba Aaaoc for Schoollag at Home. 89 Edka Cres, Wnnipeg R2G 3H8 Montreal Homcachoolers' Support Grp, 5241 Jacques Grenler, Montreal PO H3W 2G8

NB Asaoc of Chrlstlu llomeschoolcE. RR I Site ll Box I, HillsborouAh NB EOA IXO: 506-734-2863 Novr Scotla Support Grp, c/o Iaura Uhlmm RR l, Pleasantville NS BOR lGO Ontario IlomcachooleE. Box 19. Gilford. Ont. LOL lRo: 705-456-3186 Orllla llomcschoolcra' Support Grp, 45 Albert St North. Ortlla Ont I3v 5K3 gucbec Homcschoollng Advlsory, CP 1278, IOO2 Rosemarie. Val David Jm 2NO Rldeau Valley Homc F.ducstoE Asaoc, c/o Dubuc, ll44 Byron Av. ottawa I(2E}



s8lt Sprirg UDschoolcE Network. 132 Bullock creek Rd. Salt Spring

IIOME (Madison Chapter), 5745 Bittersweet Pl. Madison 53705: 608'238-3302 Un8choolbg Frmllles. 1908 N. Cltrk St, Appletqn 54911; 414-735-9832 Wlsconsln Pucnts A3soc. PO Box 2502. Madison 53701 g!: UtrEchoolcs of wyomlng. 429 HW 23O, #2O, Laramie 82070

V8K 2I3

National or General Homeschool Groups:

3H3: 519-254-3593

Chrlstim LUe workshops, l8O SE Kae Ave, Greshm OR 97O3O Thc Drirting Goud (homeschoolers of color). PO Box 2557. Redmond wA Famlly Ccntcred

lranfrg Altcmatlves.

206-444-3252 Holt Aasoclatcs/Growtng

saslrtchewu HoEe-Bsed EducatoE.



Vlctorla Homc t ming Network, 106-290 Regina, victoria, BC V8z 656

vtlla ViUckula Homcachool Reaouce Grp. f25O Yuto! Ilomc Educatora' soclety, 8 Nommdy


Massachusetts Ave,

Cambridge MA O2l4O

HoEe Educatlor Pscss. PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA 98855: 509-486-1351 Homc EducatoE Computcr Uees Group. 26824 r'owTd, Chapel Dr, Damascus MD 2OA72 1247t 30r-253-5467 Ilomc School Irgal Dcfcnsc Aasoc, PO Box I59. Paeonid Sprlngs VA 22129:


4510 Austalia




Olalla WA 98359: 206-857-4257

Rd. Whitehorse

Acceleratcd ChrlEtlu Educatlon, PO Box lO. Strathpine. Qld., Australia;07 2O5 7503 Alt, Fducatlon Rcaouce Grp. 7 Bartlett St. Moorabbin 3189, Victoria, Australla Aprcnder Sln Escucla. Apartado 28198. Madrid 28O8O, Spain Brlsbue Homcachoolhg Group, t-t 2, Caboolture River Rd, Upper Caboolture


.IewlEh llome Educatos Resouce, Pam Emstoff, 6557 walnut Grove, Columbia MD 2IO44: 4iO-964-OO88 Nat'l Aasoc of Cathollc llome EducatoE, PO Box 420225, SN Diego CA 92142 Nat'l Aasoc of Momo[ Ilome Educaton, 2770 s looo west. Perry UT 84302 Nat'l Certer for llomc Education, PO Box 2OO, Paeonian Spgs VA 22129',7O3338-7600 Nat'l challengcd llomcachooler5 Aeeoc (NATIfHAN),5383 Alpine Rd SE,

Gladstone Av, Windsor N8X


703 338-5600 Homc School Reacuchcr, see Nat'l Home Education Reseach lnstitute Homeachool Support Network/Home Educator's Famlly Tlmca, PO Box 1056, Gray ME O4O39: 2O7-657-2aOO Homcscboolers for Pcacc, PO Box 74, Midpines CA 95345 HomeachoolcB Travcl Nctwork. NFIA. PO Box 29O. Hartland Ml 4a353-O29O: 5t3-772-954O Homeachooling Unltarlu Urlversallsts aDd Humulsts. 3135 Lakeland Dr, Nashville TN 37214-3312i 615-889-4938 Ialamlc Homcachool Asaoc of North Amcrlca. 1312 Plmouth Ct. RaleiAh NC 276tO .tcwish Home Educators NcteorL, PO Box 3OO, Benton Citv WA 99320: 5O9-

Nat'l Nudicappcd HomeschooleE Aasoc.814 Shavertom Rd, Boothwyn

Idvlwld Dr. N, suite


Saskatoon SK S7L OY7

HCR 63 Box 713, Naselle WA 98638:

wlthout Schoollng, 2269


Edmonton AE] T6K 4C4: 403-986-1566

Home Educatlo! Netrork, 23 Bardolph St. Bonython, ACT 2905,

Educatio! Othcrwlse. 36 Kiffoss St, l€amington Spa, Warks. UK CV32


{0926) 886828 IlomeschoolcB Austrdla Pty Ltd, PO Box 420, KeU!ry'ille 2153. NSw Australla LE Erfuts D'Abord. 18 Grde Rue. Valence 26000, Frmce Nctherlud8 Homcschooles, Raadhuislail 31, 2131 Hoofddoorp, The Netherlands NSW Cctrtral Coaat llomcschool Grp, RMB 6346, MacDonalds Rd, Lisdow NSW 2250. Australia


zealud Homc Schooling A3soc, 5 Thdet Av, Mt Albert, Aucklmd,



Pmama Support Grp. PSC Box 1578, APO

Mimi, Florida 34OO1 (Ft Amador,

Pucrto Rlco Homcachoollng Assoc, 5O3 Bdbe St, Smturce

OO912 Puerto Rico

Sushlne Cost Homeschoollng Grp. #40 Broms Rd. Belli Ptrk via Edmundi, 4562 Queenslmd, Australia

World-Wldc Educstlonal Scryicc. Strode House.44l5o Osnaburah St, Iondon

NWI 3NN England

Yma valley llomeschooleF, 9 Salisbury St, wilburton,


Other Organlzatlons:



Nst'l Home Educatlon Reacuch l[stitutc, Westem Baptist

College. 5OOO Deer Park Dr SE, Salem OR 97301 9392: 503'375-7019 Nat'l Ilomcschool Asaoclatlon, PO Box 157290, Cincinnati OH 45215-7290:


orgiliauons ile good souces of

Alliuce for Pucntal lDvolvemclt in Educatlo!. l2060-OO59:


PO Box 59. E Chatham NY


Altcnatlvc Ed. Rcsouce Otg. 417 Rosllm Rd, Roslln Hghts fIY I 1577;

Nat'l Hom$chool Servlce, PO Box 167, Rodeo NM 88056; 505-557-2250 Nat'l InEtitute for Cbrletlm Home Educatlon. Rt 3 Box 543, RustburA VA 24544

Slmor of Cyrcne Assoc (Africm-American Homeschoolers of Christian Faith),

These educational. child-raising, or self-relimce help md allies. Agatn, a SASE is appreciated.


Box 26357. Rochester NY 14626 Thc Teachtlg Homc. PO Box 20219, Portland OR 97220-0219


621-2195 EVAt\l-G, 977 Keeler Ave, Berkeley CA 94708 (against corporal punishment) Ia I€che I€ague latcmatlonal. 9616 Minneapolis Av. Franklin Pilk IL 6013l Llcdloff Co[tlnum Netsork, PO Box 1634, Sausalito CA 94966.(people interested in the Continuum Concept). Nat'l Assoc for the Irgal Support of AIt. sch@16, PO Box 2823, Seta Fe NM

87501; 5O5 471-6924

Homeschool Groups Outside


Natloral Centcr for Fair ud Opcn TcEtirg (FalrTcEt), 342 Broadway,


Cambridge MA 02139: 617-864-48iO

Nat'l Coalltlon Of Alt. Comulty Schools, PO Box 15036, Santa Fe


87506: 505-474-4312

Canada: AB HoEe Educatlou Assoc, c/o Aine Stasiewich. Box 3451. trduc AB TgE 6M2 Cdgsry Homc EdB Encouagement & Resouce Soclety. RR 6. Calgary AB

These lists may be reproduced in full or in part only if tie source is credited as 'GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING, 2269 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA 02 r40.'

't2M 4L5

Cuadlu Alliucc of llomeacholeE. RR I, St George, Ontario NOE lNO Cuadlu Home EducetoE Assoc of BC, 4684 Darin Ct, Keloma BC Vlw 2B3; 604-764-7462

Commulty Connectlona, BJ Smith, l0l Point Dr NW, Calgary AB T3B 5C8 Cowlcbm valley llomelemcE SuptDrt Grp. RR 7, Duncm BC VgL 4W4 cowlchu valley ChriEtiu HoEeleamcra Support Grp. 1O5O Marchmont Duncm BC VgL 2M7 Education Advl8ory, 2267 Kjngs Ave, w vancouver BC v7V 2Cl Grcater vucouver Homc Leamera Support Grp, 604-228-1939; 604-29867lO Homc Education New. Box 39OO9 Pt Grev RPO. Vancouver BC V6R 4P1

GnowrNc Wrrnour ScHoor-ruc #108 o 1996 Drnncror.v


If you are using this Directory and it is after February 1996, remember that addresses (especially of state and local groups) change often. Look in later issues of GWS (#f 09 on) for additions and changes to the Directory, or, for an updated list of groups, order our Homeschooling

List Packet. +5

U.S. Postal Service STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, and CIRCUI-ATION [required by 39 U.S. C. 3685). (lA) Title of publication: Growing Witholrt Schooling. (lB) Publicaiion No: 04755305. (2) Date of filing: I l/1/95. (3) Frequency ofissue: bimonthly. (3A) Number ol issues published mnually: 6. (3B) Annual subscription price: $25. (4) Complete mailing address of knom office ol publication: Holt Associates, 2269 Mass. Ave. Canrbridge MA 02i4o. (5) complete mailing address of the headquarters of general business officers of the publisher: Same. (6J Full nmes and complete mailing address of publisher. editor. and mmaging editor: Publisher: Pat Farenga, 2269 Mass. Ave, Cambridge MA 02140. Editor: Susannah Sheffer, 2269 Mass. Ave. Cambridge MA 02140. Mmaging Editor: N/A. (7) Omer (if omed by a corporation, its name dd address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders oming I percenl or more of total amount of stock: Holt Associates, 2269 Mass. Ave, Cambridge MA 02l4O. Patrick Filenga. 2269 Mass Ave, cambridge MA 02l4O. Susannah Sheffer, 2269 Mass. Ave., Cambridge MA 0214O. Tom and Mary Maher, 30 Ptrk St. Wakefield MA o1880. Donna Richoux, 56 Crimshaw St. Malden MA 02148. Nmcy Wallace. 2424 Panama St, Philadelphia PA 191o3. Mark and Mary Van Doren. PO tsox l2l. New Mtrshfield OH 45766. (8) Knom bondholders. mortgagees, md other security holders oming I percent or more of total amount of bonds. mortgages, or other securities: None. EXTENT AND NATURE oF CIRCUI-{TION: (A) Total No. Copies (net press run): Average no. copies each issue during preceding 12 months: 6000. Actual No copies of single issue pulished nearest to filing date: 6000. (B) Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers. street vendors and counter sales: O. 2. Mail Subscription (paid and/or requested): Average: 5220. Actual: 5307. C. Total Paid md/or Requested Circulation: Average: 5220. Actual: 5307 [D) Free dislribution by mail. carier. or other means. samples. complimentary. md other free copies: 0. (E) Total Distribution: Average:5220. Actual: 53O7. (F) Copies not distributed: l. Office use, left over, unaccounted. spoiled after printing: Average: 78O. Actual: 693. 2. Retum from news agents: o. (G) Total: Average: 6000. Actual: 6000. I certiry that the statements made by me above are conect and complete. - Patrick Farenga

Pen-Pals Children wanting pen-pals should write to those listed. Please try to write to someone on the list before listing yourself, and remember to put your address on your letter. To be listed here, send name, Lauren age, address, and 1-3 words on interests. DAVIS (10) 1 1 I Elm St, Stoughton MA 02072; acting, reading, animals.- RONEY, 890 Cheyenne, Lowell lN 46356: Adam (10) sports, models, reading; Olivia (8) reading, piano, animals; Rachel (7) animals, dolls, ROWE, 20 Kirby St, Mobile AL 36607: books Logan (9) computer, baseball, Legos; Leah (8) reading, gymnastics, writing; Lauren (6) drawing, singing, gymnastics.- Katie O'NEILL (12) 10633 Swallowtail Ct, S Lyon Ml 48178; reading, sports, Rebecca HILL (7) Box 483, Kingsburg CA cooking Taylor LENTON 93631; crafts, swimming, reading (8) 2108 W Av N-8, Palmdale CA; reading, dancing, Heidi SAMPLE (10) 14017 E 37 Pl, singing ARMADING, Bellevue WA 98006; ballet, soccer 3540 100 St, Pierson lA 51048: Aaron (15) computer programming, reading; Elliot (13) reading, music, Tamara fantasy; Ariel (10) reading, writing, crafts MAXEY (10) 486 S W St, Livermore CA 94550-4356; animal rights, drawing, horses -'JACKSON, PO Box 135, New Richmond lN 47967: Caleb (12) biking, swimming, cars; Rachel (10) swimming, baseball, Katie SAGONA (6) 300 Parker Av, writing Hackensack NJ 07601; skating, dancing, reading Greta HEILMAN (13) RR 1 Box 213A, Brant Lake NY lona COOPER 1 2815; Star Trek, animals, Beatles (7) 102 Clay St, Milltown NJ 08850; camping, art, reading












Subscriptions & Renewals Subscriptions start with the next issue published. Our current rates are $25 for 6 issues, $45 for 1 2 issues, $60 for 18 issues. GWS is published every other month. A single issue costs $6. Rates for Canadian subscribers: $28lyr. Outside of North America: $40/yr airmail, $28/yr surface mail (allow 2-3 months). Subscribers in U.S. territones pay U.S. rates. Foreign payments must be either money orders in US funds or checks drawn on US banks. We can't afford to accept personal checks from Canadian accounts, even if they have "US funds" written on them. We suggest that foreign subscribers use Mastercard or Visa if possible. Address Changes: lf you're moving, let us know your new address as soon as possible. Please enclose a recent label (or copy of one). lssues missed because of a change of address (that we weren't notified about) may be replaced for $3 each. The post office destroys your missed issues and charges us a notification fee, so we can't aftord to replace them without charge. Renewals: At the bonom of the next page is a form you can use to renew your subscription. Please help us by renewing early. How can you tell when your subscription exgires? Look at this sample label:

A12345 123456 02/01196 JIM AND MARY SMITH 16 MAIN ST 01.I 11 PLAINVILLE

LEARNING DISABILITIES EXPERT planning 1996 caseload. Interviewing worldwide. Acceptees guaranteed success. Professor Harold Baer, Bantad, Boac, Marinduque 4900, Philippines. Save 20olo on your own educational software purchases while earning $25lhour helping others learn about computers. Become an Educational Software consultant. We'll train you. Please call 916-488-6589 for details.

"l Found lt! Educational Resources for the Rest of Us." New Newsletter includes sample activities/ lessons and information on how to get your children started on computers. $1O/year. Please call 916-4886589 to subscribe. GUIDE TO UNCONVENTIONAL COLLEGES. Free information: Victor Campbell, 811 23rd Si, Dept. G, Sacramento, CA 9581 6. Free mentoring (by mail) in classical music appreciation, arts training avenues, budget travel, writing - plus topics you specify. Write Ronald Richardson, 4003 50th Ave SW, Seattle wA 981 16.

"99 Ways to Get More Interesting Mail." $5.00. Or write for free brochure. Syringa Place, PO Box 8554, Sookane. WA 99203. USBORNE BOOKS: CONSULTANTS NEEDED! HOME PARTIES, BOOK FAIRS, FUNDRAISERS. FREE BHOCHURE! 800-705-71 37. Secular, quarterly homeschooling newsletter. Send SASE plus $1 to Right At Home, PO Box 164, Huntington, VT 05462.


The number that is underlined in the example tells the date of the final issue for the subscription. The Smiths' sub expires with our 2/1196 issue (#109, the next issue). But if we were to receive their renewal before the end of the previous month (1/31 ), they would qualify for the free bonus issue. Reward tor bringing in new subscribers: lf you convince someone to become a new subscriber to take out a subscription at $25 a year - you will receive a $5 credit which you can apply to any John Holt's Book and Music Store order or to your own subscription renewal. Have your friend fill out our subscription form and enclose the $25 payment, and have them include a copy ol YOUR mailing label (or copy the info). We will process your friend's subscription and send you the $5 credit. This offer does not apply to gift subscriptions or renewals.

TRY lT BEFORE YOU BUY lT. Now you can try MORTENSEN MATH before you buy it. SPECIAL DEMO VIDEO and sample set of manipulatives (bars) are available for home examination. See for yourself just how simple MATH can be. $10 refundable deposit reouired. Visa/MC. Toll free 1-800-338-9939. FREE CATALOG. FAMILY BUSINESS Derfect tor homeschoolers. Sell Usborne Books and earn money while earning free books for your family. Flexible hours, commission, bonuses. Contact Robin Kimbrough, 406 Elmwood St, Vicksburg, MS 391 80, 601 -638-0500. GROW YOUR FAMILY NATURALLY with our extraordinary organic home-basd income opportunity that can change your health and financial future. 24 hr. recorded message: 1 -800-296-3867. Excellent junior and senior high school textbooks. All subjects. 25 lor $20. 617-235-4246.

Declassified Ads Rates: 7o@/word, $1/word boldface. Please tell these folks you saw the ad in GWS. FREE Science Magazine loaded with experiments.

TOPS ldeas, 1 0970 S Mulino Rd, Canby OR 9701 3. Home Education Magazine now has a forum on America Online! Keyword HEM. Published since 1984, HEM offers feature articles, ten regular columnists, news and information, and much more in every 68 page issue! Current issue $4.50, One year $20 (6 issues). Free 24 page books and publications catalog. Home Education Press, PO Box 1083, Tonasket, WA 98855-1 083. 509-486-1 351. E-mail HomeEdMao @ Good Stutf: Learning Tool6 lor All Ages is a 1994 Parents Choice Award Winner! This 386 page educational resources book, completely updated August 1994, is an outstanding value for homeschoolers. By HEM Resources Editor Rebecca Rupp. $16.75 postpaid from Home Education Press, PO Box 1 083, Tonasket, WA 98855-1 083. 509-4861351 . E-mail Free 24 page books catalog.

1996 KIDS CALENDAR. 366 fun, educational activities. Perfect for ages 3-8! Send $3 to C. Kisloski, 290 Lackawanna Ave, Owego, NY 13827. WRITING INSTRUCTION in a book series created by a professional teacher and published author. Systematic program designed for individual study and practice. Adaptable to different ages and abilities. Free consultation. SASE for brochure. Workshop Publications, 814 Couch Ave, Wallowa, OR 97885. Questions? Call 541 -886-4795.

COLLEGE MONEY GUARANTEED! College Funding Services specializes in helping American and International students secure funds for U.S. colleges through scholarships, grants, and financial aid. No GPA requirement. No income requirement. No age requirement. Must have a junior high school education. Send a stamped, seltaddressed envelope to CFS, PO Box 5760, Playa del Rey, CA 90296, USA. (For international students, no stamped envelope required.) HOW TO SELL TO THE GROWING HOMESCHOOL MARKET - 1996 internalional directory with 400+ contacts. call 1 -800-273-0372 tot lree brochure.

CnollrNc WrrHour Scuoolrxc; #108 o Dnc. '95/J,tN. '96

fiooh Material World


by Peter Menzel #4400 g30 + gb



The Atlas of the Human Body

#3262 920 + 94.50 s/h

This is a remarkable study of the current econontic Thi.s i.s the kind of booh ue kke because it can be used in so geography of our planet fiom the point of view of that manl tlilferent uuys an,d $ all members rf the famil1. l4hen ue most readily understandable unit, the family. We at Holt sent it to kuo Jitmilies for their eunluation, Lucia Jenkins, Associates were drawn to it because it is fascinatin{I t() see home.sch.ooling mother o.f seaeral hid.s, urote: the basic details of real life fbr ordinary people around rhe world. This is the kind of information yoll would normally "This is an exceptional resource bookl It is similar to a expect to get only by traveling far and wide, ancl then you Gray's Anntomy, but in full color. The illustrations are would have to be h.rcky enough to be invited into the extremely detailecl. In addition, there is a short, concise homes of people who are extraordinarily open, and you description of the identified part's funcrion in the body. would have to learn over twenty languages. Pre-readers would enjoy just looking ar rhe picrures and Menzel's crews visited thirty countries in most corners asking questions. My only criticisms are that there is of the earth to do an in-depth study of a financially average incorrect information about mastitis in the lactating breast, (fbr that country) family. They photographecl the family there are no uncircumcised males in the book, and there is members and their possessions and inten'iewed them not enough cultural diversity in the pictures." extensively about what they owned, how it worked, and what they considered important. Each section opens with And Anne Brosnan, an 19-year-okl homeschoole4 wrote: an amazing image: the members of the household in fiont of their home with all of their belonuings arrayed around "This book has a qreat sryle and format. They took the them. This is fbllowed by more photos of various signifiidea of a color chart itnatomy book for younger kids and cant aspects of their lives, text explaining rnany details, and aclded serious descriptions of the workings of the human statistics about the particular society that relate to the body to make it useful and interesting to adults and older family presented. There are also several pages that show kids as rvell." pictures of one thing from each household, such as a rypical Holt Associates/GWS is not supparted by grants, foundatiors, or any other meal being presented or, much outyide sources. Your subscriptioru and book purchases are uhat help us ro the delight of children who utntinue our zaorh. have looked at the book with me, the toilet of each home. Subscribe now and get our FREE This book provides a 1996 DrnncroRy oF HoMESCHooLTNc Feurr,rps. unique and compelling way to Growing Without Schooling (61 7) 86+3100 study geography. These families have given us a great privilege E fcst Sencl me a one year subscription (6 in allowing us into their lives, issues) to GnowrNc Wrrnour Sr:Hoor.rNc; and my FREE and they challenge us, by Directory of homeschoolins families for *$25.00. opening their doors, to evaluate the "material world" in which L-l My payment is enclosed. Place this card in envelope with: we each dwell. The text is Check or monev order to GWS. written on a level appropriate Visa or MasterCard #: for older children and adult Expiration (late: readers, but even quite young children could enjoy the photos N;;. and hearing and discussing rhe information about the families. This book is truly for, as well as Cir) 7.iyt about, the whole family. +Pleust tukl $-l.00.for Canotlitut untl.foreign surftu'e ntail orders, $15 _for.forei.q,n uir nail. Maureen Carey (


U.S. Jilnds only. drav n on U.S. bunk).

GWS, 2269 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA 02140 Gnourx<;

Wnnour ScHoolrxc #108 . Dtc. '95/Jes. '96



We underrate our brains and our intelligence. Formal education has become such a complicated, self-conscious and overregulated activity that learning is widely regarded as something difficult that the brain would rather not do. Teachers are often inclined to think that learning is an occasional event, requiring special incentives and rewards, not something that anyone would normally engage in given a choice. Such a belief is probably well-founded if the teachers are referring to their efforts to keep children moving through the instructional sequences that are prescribed as learning activities in school. But ... learning is the brain's primary function, its constant



Frank Smith rn Insult See

to Intelligence

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