Growing Without Schooling 30

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Since GWS #29 we n t to press, I have spoken at large and enthusiastic meetings of home schoolers in Tempe AZ, Denver CO, Norfolk VA, and Colum­ bia MD. Thanks very muc h , respective­ ly, to Brian Evans, Nancy Dumke, Theo Giesy, a nd Manfred Smith , and their many energetic and efficient friends and helpers . The Maryland meeting was perhaps the largest meeting of home schoolers I have yet attended, 300 or more peo­ ple and their children . It might have been bigger yet, but for a small mis­ calculation . Since even a week before the meeting so many people had said they were coming that it looked as if the hall would be filled to capacity, the organizers were turning away applicants during the last week. As always happens, some of those who said they were coming didn't make it, so there was room for more . Moral of the story - don't turn people away . You can always make room, and i t some­ how adds extra excitement to a meet­ ing if t he room is a bit crowded . My trip to Italy was very short, so short th at I can hardly believe I was rea ll y t here, but a l so very inter­ esting. I found to my surprise that once I was there, my Italian, which I didn ' t speak very wel l on my last visit twenty-six years ago, came back to me in a most surprising way. As I was eating dinner with my hosts the first night there, I suddenly found myself re membering t h e words for all kinds of things connected with food and eating, including the word for spoon (cucchiaio), wh ich a week earli­ er in Boston I couldn't have remem ­ bered to save me . When people asked questions in Italian during my meet­ ings, if they didn't speak too fast I could understand most of what they were saying . A fasci na t ing exper­ ience, to feel all kinds of things rising up out of memory that you didn't even know were there. On this short t rip I heard or saw many i n teresting and per haps use ­ ful things: 1) My host, t he Director of the confere nce, Co nn ie Mi l ler,. told me that the Italian laws on education allow for home schooling . I've asked her to send me as soon as she can a copy (with translation) of this parti­ cular pa r t of the l aw. 2) A Dutch frie nd I met there, Dick Wi l lems, told me t h at under Dutch law (as in Denmark) groups of parents can start their own schools and then after five years, during which they must get a provisional per­ mit each year, can get a permanent charter and government financial sup­ port . He added that under this provis­ ion more than 500 hundred small schools have been started (in Denmark the number is only about 40) . Whether many or any of these are free schools in our sense of the word, he did not

3) A new monthly magazine has just appeared in Italy, called Bimbo­ sapiens ("bimbo" is one of the many charming Italian words for babies and small children). In the way it feels and talks about children, it is very close in spirit to GWS, Motherin~, and other such North American pu lica­ tions. We may be able to find some allies there. Their address is Viale Bligny 29, Milano. - John Holt

April 30, 1983: Sixth Massachu­ setts Area La Leche Conference, Walsh Middle School, Framingham MA 01938. Contact Roberta Jalbert, 617-356-7345. May 3: International Reading Association, Anaheim CA. Contact Carole Vinograd-Bausell, 807 Beaver­ bank Circle, Towson MD 21204. Aug 1-2: Child Development Sympo­ sium, Association for Research & Enlightenment, Virginia Beach VA 23451. Contact Robert Witt, 804­ 428-3588. OPEN HOUSE Now that we have enough room in our office to move around and to entertain friends, we are going to make use of it by having every month an office open house. These will be from (roughly) 6 to 8 PM, the second Thursday of each month, starting Jan. 13, 1983 . (During the summer, we may make plans to meet outdoors, in the Public Garden or at the edge of the river, and use the office in case of bad weather.) Everyone, of all ages, from all states or countries, is welcome ­ home schoolers, former home school­ ers, would-be home schoolers, or anyone who is interested in learning more about it and meeting some of the parents and children doing it. If you want, you can bring a picnic supper to eat here. We will supply juice or cider. If anyone wants to bring some cookies or similar goodies to share, they would be welcome . A nice time to meet other home schooling families, get some ques­ tions answered, browse around among our books, hear some of our cas­ settes, or whatever. We are willing to show our film on the Ny Lille Skole if there's interest. No need to tell us you are coming, just drop in. We ' re looking forward to seeing you . - JH NOTES FROM DONNA

With this issue we reach a small milestone; #30 marks the completion of five full years of publishing GWS . As I look around our spacious new office, it feels good to see how we ' ve grown, and especially to see the fat bundles of mail coming in ­ mostly Christmas book orders. Quite a few of those orders are from the 2700 "Prospective Customers" you sent us; I'll try to remember to let you know how that project turns out. Merritt Clifton (Box 129, Rich­ ford VT 05476) writes, "We have now published my investigative report "LEARNING DISABILITIES: What the Pub­ licity Doesn't Tell" in book form, at $3 . 00. I was losing $1.50 per copy selling photocopies, and your announcement several years ago [GWS #18] is still bringing an order a week . " By the time you get this,

Rachael Solem will have finished the index to GWS #1-30. We'll sell it here for $2.50 . A special end-of- t he-year thank­ you to the many volunteers who have helped us this year. We are grateful to the following Boston-area friends who have helped us in the office or in their homes: Mary Maher, Wanda Rezac, Scott Layson, Connie Bern­ hardt, Reba Korban, Dawn Reger, Audrey Hodges, Mary Silva, Barbara Rosen, Susanna Darling, Mary Steele, Marilyn and Mary Pelrine, Kamal Ahmad, Rachael Solem, Linda Estrada, Terry Burch, Mario Pagnoni, Grace Andreacchi, Ed and Pam Mitchell, Maggie LeBlanc. Many of these peo­ ple's children were also a real help which we appreciate as well. Out-of-state volunteers who helped in their homes include: Lenora Alexander, Shelley Dameron, Bonnie Spear, Marie Hartwell, Sandy Hansley, Nancy Plent, Gary Floam, June and Allan Conley, Kate Gilday, Susan Rhodes, Cathy Earle, Nanda Hills, Cheryl Richardson, Debbie Khaljani, Liz Buell, Brian Evans, Linda Rieken, Jill Bastian, Keith Hallquist. If I've left anyone out, please forgive me. There were a number of families, such as the Coxes of Michi­ gan and the Johnsons of New Jersey, who lent a hand in the office when they were visiting Boston . To all of them, thanks again! - Donna Richoux HELPING VETS AT 12 Frank Conley (LA) writes: . . . 1 wanted to tell you about how I followed your advice in finding work (GWS # 6 ) . I am presently taking a veterin­ ary medicine course at LSU (This course is being given for "Gifted and Talented" junior high and high school students - I had no trouble register­ ing as a home-schooler.) I became interested in learning more about it and decided to ask a local veterinar­ ian if I could help out at his clinic in return for the experience of watch­ ing them work. It has been very worthwhile. The three vets who work there have been very kind and helpful to me. They explain everything they do and not only allow me to watch but actually let me perform certain duties. They say I'm "indispensable . " So far some of the most interest­ ing things I've done are: watch an autopsy on a cat, learn to draw blood from animals and prepare slides, take temperatures and fecals, watch sur­ gery performed, and go along on emer­ gency calls. I go to the clinic nearly every day now, for several hours a day. I plan to take an animal science course next. I recommend this way of learning to everyone. At first I was afraid no one would want my help, since I'm only 12, but the people I talked to were happy to have free help . . .


From Allen Fannin, Westdale NY 13483 : . .. 1 am one of the very few peo­ ple of my acquaintance of the pre­ WWII generation to escape with little or no schooling. I was out of school completely during the latter part of grade school and never went to high school for a full five-day week dur­


ing all of four years. At the end of h igh school, I decided that schooling and I were mutually unsuited to one another. I have always believed that school is not a good place for people to learn in and have argued this point for the past thirty years . Not until I came across a copy of GWS did I realize that there were other peo­ ple who feel the same way . ... When I encounter a worried mother who asks what will become of her kids if they don't have a diplo­ ma, I tell her that in thirty years of working for myself, no one has ever asked how I learned what I know. They only ask how much it will cost for a piece of that knowledge. ... My wife and I have been in the small scale textile production business for eighteen years and nothing we presently do would have to be learned in school . This has been true for everything I have ever done for a living ...

LOCAL NEWS ARIZONA: Sherri Pitman (GWS #28) writes, "I have finally finished my book on the new home school law in Arizona [$7; 6166 W Highland Phoenix AZ 85033] ... We have formed a group of home schoolers called THE PARENTS' ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS ... " CONNECTICUT: Attorney Frank Cochran writes, "The State Department of Education, which has little or no statutory authority but has often shown good common sense, has pub­ lished a new set of 'suggested proce­ dures' . . . They suggest compromises on the testing issue and make clear that parents need only cover mandatory sub­ jects and need not provide identical or 's ocial' programs ... " Frank also sent us a copy of a letter he wrote to the Commissioner of Education about those guidelines, which in some respects resemble the "Mass. Memo." In his letter he pointed out that, un­ like Massachusetts law, Connecticut statutes cannot be read to require pri0ci approval before a child is ed u­ cate elsewhere than at a public school. FLORIDA: Ann Mordes of FLASH tells us that truancy charges against Linda and Richard Rousay of Panama City have been dropped. The Rousays had registered their home as a pri ­ vate school with the state, and were meeting all the requirements for pri­ vate schools. An article in their local paper, written while charges were pending, said, "A news team from the ABC show 20/20 is considering interviewing the family ... Mrs . Rousay added that the Florida chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has selected her as a test case in support of home schooling in Florida. 'At first they said they didn't take educational issues, but then said they would take my case to represent a 11 others in the state ... '" On the ot her hand, th e FLASH newsletter reports, "The Steiners of Sarasota were a Scientologist family seeking to teach their own children on religious grounds. They were not registered as a private school. A truant oficer took them to court and the judge ruled against them . Their court-appointed defender tried to stand on Constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of religion; how­ ever, the judge stated that their rights were not being violated. They were threatened with jail and having their children taken away from them . .. After much anguish they put their children back into school ... "

INDIANA: From Carol Bridges (RR 3 Box 507, Nashville IN 47448): "You may be interested to know that it is a part of our religion (the Church of the Earth Nation is non-profit tax­ exempt) to teach our children at home. Our church was created, in part, to provide protection for those who believe strongly enough in their right to educate their own children that it is indeed their 'religion. '" MICHIGAN: From the newsletter of the NATIONAL COALITION OF ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS: "Nick Dennany, father of five children, chose to edu­ cate his children at home without the state required certificated teacher. Last March the Kalamazoo Schools filed suit against Nick in criminal court. Nick compiled a 300+ page brief containing more than 20 differ­ ent issues on home schooling. He spent five months researching it at the library, put it into brief form, typed it on legal size paper and pre­ sented it to the judge in advance of the appointed date. (Nick himself has a ninth grade education . He did all of the legal work by himself.) "The judge praised the brief as one of the most thorough and precise he'd seen in a long time . After read­ ing it, the judge told Nick that there would be no further proceed­ ings; he had the schools drop their suit and bade Nick to continue educa­ ting hi s children just as he'd been doing - no certificated teacher n eeded ... " MINNESOTA: Sharon Hillestad writes, "The MINNESOTA NETWORK OF ' HOME SCHOOLERS is meeting monthly . Carmelle Pommepey (phone 612-379­ 4068) has taken over the leadership of the organization ... She had almost no trouble getting permission from the Minneapolis school system to teach h~r young son ... People have come as far as 200 miles to meet like-thinking people ... Carmelle and I are going to hit the radio talk­ shows . Next summer we hope to have a symposium ... " NEW JERSEY: Ann Bodine writes, " The Commiss~oner of Education ' s let­ ter [GWS #26] has really made things easy for us in New Jersey. A new h ome -schooling family recently wrote their principal of their intentions and a few days later he called and read them the letter' Said he under­ stood the situation and wanted them to understand all their rights. What a change' ... " OHIO: Linda Cox and Beth Burns have started up the OCEAN newsletter again ($3/yr; PO Box 302, Cuyahoga Falls OH 44221). Beth says, "In July, Rich and I held a picnic for home­ schoolers (present and future) at our farm. We gathered together 18 adults and 37 children by inviting everyone listed in the GWS directory that lived within 60 miles ... " PUERTO RICO: From Patricia de Fernos: "There is now a family in Dor­ ado, a town near us, home-schooling their three children, and another two families in San Juan home-schooling besides ourselves ... We have all been so busy, we haven't had another P.R. HOME SCHOOLERS ASSOCIATION get­ together, though there have been requests it be held ... " TEXAS: Harold Baer of HALVI SCHOOLS writes, "In July and August this year we received a dozen more home-schooling enrollments ... Parents appear to be enthusiastic about our flexible arrangement ... We're still maintaining our $25/year tuition ... " WASHINGTON: Debra Stewart of the STILLAGUAMISH LEARNING EXCHANGE says, "Our Urban group is growing so fast

we can't keep up with it. We now have three urban centers, 55 families with 73 children among them ... We now have 11 centers state-wide and three more pending . We are approaching 150 students ... " WISCONSIN: John Ellis of FAITH ACADEMY writes, "We now have 66 fami­ lies in Wisconsin who have joined Faith Academy, Inc . , and are now oper ­ ating subsidiary schools, or as we call them, one-family private schools . Also, we have a mailing list of over 300 persons in Wisconsin who support th e home school movement ... " ADS IN GWS Beginning with GWS #31, we are going to start carrying advertising in GWS. We probably should have done it sooner, but I feared that the money we could get from advertising would not be worth the work needed to get it, and in any case I hoped we might be able to do without it. Well, we can't do without it - we badly need another source of income . And the experience of Mothering shows that, even for small publications like ours, advertising can earn a sig­ nificant amount of money. With some luck and much hard work, advertising may soon help put GWS on a much sound­ er financial footing, and even in time enable us to put out a larger and better magaZine. Note that both Homesteaders News and Co-Evolution Quarterly have begun carrying ads, and for the same reason that we feel we must. We will carry two types of adver­ tising: classified ads, which we will set up in the same typeface we use for the Directory, and display ads, in which the advertisers send us photo-ready copy. Our rates for classified ads ­ or perhaps "unclassified," since at first we will not try to arrange them under group headings - will be $5 per line (47 spaces per line). People can save space and money by using abbrevi­ ations, or perhaps joining words. Thus we might write our own City address as BostonMA02116 . Readers will have to decide how much abbrevia­ ting and word-joining they can use and still keep their meaning clear . We will run your ads exactly as you send them to us. (Payment must be in advance. Deadline for submitting ads for GWS #31 is Jan. 15; for GWS #32, March 15.) If you would like to run a dis­ play ad, please ask us for our rate card. GWS as you see it has been reduced in size from the pages on which we lay it out . On those origin­ al pages each of our columns is four inches wide, which means that a dis­ play ad designed to use half the width of an 8~" page (as in Mothering and many standard magazines) will just fit one of our regular columns . Readers can use ads (display or classified) to advertise home busi­ nesses, to sell anything they want to sell (making GWS a kind of permanent garage sale), to look for things that they want to buy, or for places to live or visit, or people to live with or visit them, or transportation for long journeys, or other people with special knowledge or skills, or pen pals, or people interested in swap­ ping skills or houses or (temporar­ ily) children - in other words, the kind of ads you see in many small magazines . Like all advertisers, we reserve the right to decline to run an ad if for any reason it does not seem appro-



priate. The re is on e hitch t o a ll th is . I f we carry a ds we can no longer use the "Special Fourth Class" mailing rates which we use on our larger group subscription s, so we are going to apply for a Second Class mail permit . In order to qualify, we will have to change our group rates some­ what (s ee chart on last page ). As of Jan . 1, 1983, all new group subs and r enewals must pay these rates. We'r e sorry for this increase; we h ope that the extra money we get from a dver­ tising will enable us to keep GWS prices at the present level for some t i me to come. Readers can, if they wish, help us in this ad campaign . Some may be able t o persuade business firms ( their own or other people's ) to ad­ vertise in GWS as a way of contribu­ t i ng to us , as it would be a tax­ deductible business expense . Some pe ople may be willing to help us soli­ cit regular commercial ads. This wi ll involve letter-writing, which people can do i n their own h omes a nd on th ei r own schedules. Just as Mother­ ~ gets a great de a l of advert1sing rrom fi rms owhich mak e many k i nds of baby materials, so we may in time get much advertising from publishers of books and o th e r e ducational mat eri­ als. But, as I say, this will requir e more letter writing than we a re like­ l y t o be able to do in o r from the office, and it will be a great help if some re a ders would do some of th i s for us . - JH HANDICAPPED PARENT

A reader writes: .. . Although you ha ve man y hom e ­ schooling people writ i ng in, I've not s ee n many handicapped or chronically ill pare nts menti oned . We have the problems and concerns o ther peopl e have and more. I have Multiple Sc lerosis. For tho se who don't know what that mea ns, it's a deg e nerative neuro-muscular disease for which there is no cure . I can still walk but it is very hard and takes much effort. I can't run or skate or danceo and I get very tir ed, fall down, trip or stagger of ten. Yet my husband and I are home-schooling our children. Our oldest is first grade age and our youngest is pr e­ school a ge. I want people in my pos­ ition to know it is possible, s ome­ t imes easier, to home school than t o send your children to school. You h ave them around to help you when n ecessary and you don ' t have t o rush around on a strict time schedule or g e t to a PTA or board me e ting. Last year I took the kids to mu­ seums, zoos , t o parks, shopping, the beach, library and many other plac e s, of t e n. Sometimes I got tired, but so d o yo ung children. When eve r I was t oo tir e d the kids were about r eady t o pack it in too . I want peopl e to know it's not alw ays the a mount of ene rg y you can put into h ome-school­ ing, but more how much you like bei ng with your kids and like learning wi th them and responding to their ques­ ti ons. We also don't give kids enough credit. Even when my youngest was two h e understood that when I was tired I was to be left alone for a while. He seemed to know that when I got up from my rest I'd spend time with him and be in a much better mood. He would pla y , u s ually happil y, by him­ sel f or with his br oth er for a while. ... This lett e r is anonymous be ­ cause we fe ar that the schoo l may use


my illness as proof that I am unable t o home sc hool my chil dren (my hus­ band works long hours away from hOme). Please don 't eve n print wha t state th is is from . . .


. .. To adopt our fifth child, we a pplied thr ough the Indiana Welfare Department wondering what problems we might encounter as home schoolers. We didn't mention the fact that we were until they brought Sarah for a tr ial visit. The soci al worker asked if the older c h idren were taking a day off from school. Her f ace c onstri cted when I mentioned that my children s tud ied at h ome. She asked a few typi­ cal questi ons and then moved off the s ubje ct . Several days later we asked when we wou ld see Sarah again; the social worker replied, "Tomo rr ow ." Calling the n ex t day, however, we were sudden­ ly informed th at our home study was not compl e t e, a nd we would not be a bl e to see t h e c hil d. Two weeks later a new social worker arrived a t our house and grilled us th oroughl y on home school­ i ng. At the end of th e interview, we were sure she would not place the child wit h us and probably would cause troubl e about ou r sc h ooling. We we r e wrong' Afte r a si l ent week, the social worker called and said Sarah was ou rs. Later the social worker admitted tha t they almost did not place the child with us because our child r en did not at t end a formal sc hool . We are obviously pleased th at the state we l fa r e office accepte d u s as home sc hoolers . [See a l so "Adoption Re­ sources," GWS #2 6 ] ... COLLEGE CREDIT From Kathi Kearney i n Vermont:

.. . Finall~, you ca n list me as a ce rt ified teac er willing to help peo­ ple wishing t o teach their c hildr en a t h ome. I finished my teaching certi­ ficate (K-12, ar t ) last spring ... Johnson State College has been very good - very self-direc t ed l earning ­ and s upp or ti ve of my efforts to do more work with h ome schoolers . Last year as part of my field study pro­ ject in Maine, they a phroved some of my work with a home sc oo l1ng family f or c r e dit ... "DOING NOTHI NG"

Anna Myer s writes from Ontario: . .. Everything's going so smooth­ l y' We're still getting calls regular­ ly from people who need reassurance to take the next step, but I make s ur e they do everything themselves now, so it doesn ' t seem so easy. We'v e found that people fig ht a much better ba ttl e with the authorities if they a r e n ot ospoon-fed ... They s hould beally want to h ome-sc hool enough to e prepared if there's a hassle . ... Sacha Pope's mom took her out of school a year a nd a half ago and had her " ac h ievement tested " so that she would know the level to which the sc hools had brought her . She test ed at 4 . 0 in English and math - exactly wh ere she was supposed to be, as she was just finishing grade 3 . She pla yed all year only doing

what she wanted to do. The family saw a big change in her personality . She started to have a direction in her life. In the spring she decided to tryout for the Ca nadi a n Na tion al Ballet School . They audi t ioned 800 children and chose 100 for further auditioning in the summer school . She was chosen to attend summer school and while there was tested academical­ ly . She scored in the grade 6 level in Math and English' She did two grades in one year by "d 01ng nothing '" Anyway, 30 children we r e selected to a tt end the boarding school in September and she was one of them! We 're all wishing h e r luck and fun in her chosen career. There's not much new with our kids. I've even stopped watching to see if they ' re "choosing " educational activities . .. They just seem to be growing older and taller and smart­ er! ... The other day I was niggling at Drew to clean up his mess when he said, "Mom, don ' t talk at me now, I have a picture in my mind and I'm looking for a piece of paper quickly so I can get it down." Well' a pic­ ture in a mind is so much more import­ ant than a mess' . . . GOOD TIMES, AWFUL TIMES

From Gretchen Spicer (MI): ... All the kids are growing and progressing marvelously. The current 1-yr-old, Esau, is sitting on the table, "helping" me write. I was very amused by the verse out of the song on the Lesters' UNIVERSAL MUSICAL FA~lILY tape [GWS #28] - "He's a lot of trouble because he's littl e and new, but he'll be a brother in a year or two." That's certainly the stage we 're at. Isaac (4) and his pals can 't see any use for Esau unless they need something to close up in a box. They have absolutely no patience with Esau messing up their games and he just wants to be part of every­ thing . Unfortunately, he does have a habit of sitting right in-rfie middle of the town it took the boys two hours to build. The day I tried to sew with him sitting on top of my sew­ ing machine, I did have sympathy with their impatience . Just now I had to fetch Esau down from a shelf about 5' high that he was tottering on. It ' s such a busy age with so much to learn. Th is is the age where freedom matters so much, but it becomes almost a full time job for one adult, to allow them to explore to their hearts' content and yet remain free from harm . Not to mention keeping t hem clean, warm and fed . You really have to learn to do things five minutes at a time. The older kids are able t o care for themselves, whi ch is delightful. They are eager to learn anything and lots of fun to talk to. Jacob (11) spends most of his time traveling. After spending the summer in Michigan with a friend (I just dragged Esau out of the oatmeal), he's off to Grandma ' s in Iowa for a whil e . Seth (9) and Jessica (7) and friends just came in; they spend all day going from house to house. Sometimes it seems like we play musical beds every night. It's a little disconcerting to the adults, but the kids love it. Isaac and friends want to make cookies but I don't, so they are try­ ing to persuade the older kids to help. In general, the kids can cook anything they want as long as they don ' t waste food and do clean up. Isaac likes to cook when no one's in


the house . One day he made "jello" with 3/4 of a jar of molasses, ~ a box of gelatin and about 2 cups of sugar . It sat in the refrigerator for about two weeks because no one could eat it and we didn't have the heart to throw it away . I think the two things you nee d mos t in living with children are tact and a sense of humor . Heaven knows there are many days when I forget that I have either. Which brings me to another p Oint . As I look back on this letter I just wrote, it sounds so cheerful and encouraging, like I'm r ea lly on top of thing s ... We have plenty of AWFUL days a round here. Sometimes we are-all yelling a t each other, at least half of us (us ually me ) are in tears, the house is filthy:-all we have for lunch is cold rice and toma­ toes, the phone rings 30 times, every­ thing gets spilled, the car breaks down, the fire goes out and I go lie in bed and swear that I would sell my soul for a house in town with running water, central heat, a maid, a shelf full of Campbell's soup and white bread and a freezer full of TV din­ ners, the three ol der kids heading off to school in clean clothes (was hed by the maid) just before I drop th e little ones off at the best da y care center in town and he a d over t o the health club for a swim and sauna before my music and dancing les­ sons. There are eve n days when I think the kids would be better in pub­ lic school, when Tom and I spend the whole day arguing. Overall, I am really glad we keep th e kids at home and are poor and live on a farm and drive old cars; in the final analysis, the good outweighs the bad. I'm just afraid that if all of us, espe cially those of us that are older and have weath­ ered a few more years of life's stormy times, don't be really honest and talk about some of those really awful times and how we survived them, it might be pretty disillusioning to the young folks just starting out, when they hit some rough spots . Being around yo ur kids 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is just not always easy, no matter how much you care about them . Ha ving chosen to care for our kids in a certain way , and often living in rural isolated areas, many of US have found that the only person we feel able to entrust the children to, is the other parent . It's diffi­ cult for a young family when there is no way for both parents to have reli ef from child-care at the same time . I don't have any good answers . I'm just leary of painting rosy pic­ tures when I know that's not how it always is ... CARING FOR 2-YEAR-OLD A Texas parent writes:

. .. Jason (10) spends a lot of his time doing things that would not be considered scholastic in the usual sense; playing with his Star Wars men, reading the Great Brain series by Fitzgerald over and over again, writing to other homeschoolers and playing with a little two-year-old that I care for during the day. By th e way, having taken in Chris has helped our situation in a couple of ways . Besides just being a joy to have around, he takes the edge off Jason's loneliness during t h e da y. That was a major concern in con­ sidering home schooling for us . Being the only child in our family, Jason has sometimes felt he was missing

something terrific . On the whole, he's adjusted just fine to hi s lone­ liness, but when I see them together, even with the big difference in their ages, I see th at Chris is filling a deep hol e in Jason. Chr is 's mother gives me $50 a week to take care of him, and that, plus mak ing cheese­ cakes to sell to restaurants, has enabled me to stay home with Jason . So ma n y obstacles th at had stood in the way of hom e schooling have neatly taken care of themselves ... SWAPPING SERVICES A New Jersey reader wrote:

... A wond erful thing has hap­ pened . Miriam Halliday [ "Turned in to Welfare," GWS #24) and her two child ­ ren, Ian (8) and Inge (5), h ave moved to New Jersey ... Miriam got a job at the George Street Co-op, where I am an active member. We were introduced by another co-op member, who knew we would be interested in meeting. Since then things have blossomed into a number of co-o p members ex­ changing services . Miriam needs to work (so she can get off welfare, which has been one big h assle for her ), so Ian and Inge come to my home four da ys a week. In exchange Miriam is going to give my son music lessons. We don't live close to each other so th ere was a problem of how to get them t o and from my home . The probl e m was solved by Betsy (I baby­ sit her 2-year-old Ella four days a week). Betsy lives around t he corner from Miriam, so it works great . She picks up and brings home Ian and Inge . In exc hange, Miriam stays with Ella two night s a week, wh ile Betsy teaches. Miriam also feeds them supper, which Betsy cooks . Another co-op member a nd home­ schooler picks Ian and Inge up in ex­ change for something, I'm not sure what. We would do this without an ex­ change if necessary, as Inge and Ian are nice playmates for our children. I just r eceived a call from a mother who is very concerned about her six-year-old daughter .. . who hates school and begs not to go .. . I suggested she send her here once a week as a break from school (an idea I got from a letter i n GWS); she liked that idea and is coming for a visit t o discu ss it furt her . We are also going to talk about exchanging services, as s he is not in a very good financial situation right now ... Tomorrow we go to Sesame Park with friends from New Jersey Schools Association. We try to go on as many trips as possible. So far this year we went to the Museum of Natural His­ tory twice. My son especially loves the dinosaur section and knows more about dinosaur s than I do. We also went to the Planetarium, the New York Aquarium, and Catskill Game Farm, where th ey hav e a huge petting zoo with hundreds of llamas, sheep, goats, d ee r and pig s to pet and feed. They eve n had bottles of warm milk that yo u could feed to the baby ani­ mals . They also had a baby elephant that kept on knocking off everybody ' s hats. We really don't do much school work around here. At the most we work two hour s, three times a week, mostly on math, writing and spelling . We use our Speak and Spell often . It helps a lot in spelling words that can't be sounded out. In math I usually make up prob­ lems, but I also use workbooks when I'm too busy. My son isn't thrilled

about workbooks but does them, mostly to please me. lnge a nd Ian love to do them and beg for more. Reading is no problem. We have hundreds of books and they read many every day . Pl us there are all the books I read to them. My son learned to read with the Dr. Seuss books. They were his favorite for years. Right now he likes to read the "Little Miss and Mr ." books. I recent­ ly purchased a lot of Ladybird cooks from England. They are excellent . My son especially likes the Robin Hood series. Another thing he likes is his Little Thinker Tapes . He spends hours listening to them ... I asked my son if there was any­ thing he would like to add to this letter. He said to tell you the reason he likes to homeschool is be­ cause when you go to school you have to sit at a desk most of the day and listen to some teacher go "Blah, blah, blah" all day. Ian says to tell you he thinks school is very boring ... MORE FROM THE MOUNTAINS From Laurie Fishel-Lingemann ( "In The Mountains," GWS #26):

... The girls (Star, 13; Deva, almost 6) have been going visiting a woman who lives 20 miles from here. This woman invited two other girls of similar ages to share four days with her; she expects them to cook and care for themselves and help her with her gardening and other projects. She is a talented artist with fabric and croc het and plans to share her skills with them. Star brought her wool, etc., and was very excited ... Star is working as a vo l unteer at the library one day a week. She loves books, so you can imagine that s he is in ecs t asy doing this ... Star was very involved with horses (more in imagery than reality, althoug h she had her own pony for several years) and thought s h e would become more involved when we moved. But as she has grown she finds craft work, reading and gardening much more appealing to her than working with animals . She had a hard time l etti ng go of her "images," even felt guilty that she didn't want to own a horse (as though she were betraying her­ self ' ) . After much tearfulness, s he gave away her six geese and their goslings when she realized the inef­ ficient set-up s he had and that she was not really that interested or attentive to th em . She has been much relieved and happy now that they are gone and has put much energy into her garden, which is thriving. Deva is alert and cheerful most of the time. She doesn't seem to be focused on anyone interest, but enjoys doing things with me or Papa. She especially likes herb walks and gathering plants and having stories read to her. She spends a lot of time alone playing with dolls, looking at books, watching the n ew kittens, etc. I am also realizing how in the past, because I was and am a home­ schooler, I wanted my kids to be " super kids" to prove what a "good" job I was doing, to prove that home schooling works, to insure that authorities would leave us alone, to prove to my parents and critical fr i ends that it was OK, etc . In the last few years, something has been released in me, and my own inner authority is strong enough so that these pressures do not feel real or threatening. Our inner and outer development as human beings, healthy,



kind, open, exploring, vibrant, caring, calm, happy - this is what is important. Frankly, I think that any­ body who is happy, relaxed and calm can learn anything they want to in very little time and anyth~ng they feel they have to. ---- We bought a typewriter at ;. used store for $10 and a typing textbook for 25¢ at a yard sale. Star types about 20 minutes every day (more or less) and is progressing right along ... Jesse, 19 months, is talki ng, shouting, running - a lot . He is a real terror and drives poor Deva crazy, messing up her projects and pestering her. He is frustrated in his baby body, always trying to use heavy adult tools or picking up enor­ mous items. One of his first words and still the most frequent is "guck" (stuck), as he is always trying to do something he is not physically capa­ ble of handling. He is not too in­ terested in toys and only plays with them for short periods of time . He tries to take them apart (much to Deva's misery, as he decapitates and dismembers her Barbie dolls) or throw them. If I am cutting soft fruit, I can give him some and a knife and safely turn my back. He much prefers real things to toys, even if he can't manipulate them at all . He'd rather look at or climb on our caterpillar tractor than play with his toy tractor. He can abstract amazingly well and loves pictures in books. On a trip we just took to Death Valley, I got to observe families interacting with each other (in camp­ grounds, museums, etc.), and most of the time it was very depressing . I was appalled at the consistent lack of respect most adults had toward their own children. I observed one very well-meaning and intelligent couple so consistently manipulate their 4-year-01d that she was always on the verge of tears or anger. I finally confronted them via an abstract conversation on child rear­ ing - and' - they agreed with every­ thing I said. These were we11­ educated, professional people, but they were totally unconscious of their manipulations . . . I wanted to add some thoughts on gardening. When Star was young (and I was a newcomer to gardening myself), I was fairly insistent that she "help" in the garden work. As she wasn't always very interested, this often led to conflict . In fact, as I look back, I am amazed that in spite of some of those terrible energies, Star enjoys gardening so much now. Several years ago I read an interest­ ing item in Organic Gardening, the gist of which was to enjoy your gar­ dening and create in it spaces of de­ light for your children - strawberry patches, flower gardens, bean tipis and so on. Let them wander freely in the garden and enjoy the tastes, smells and good vibes. This is the "work" they need to do to develop a positive feeling about the garden. If they are allowed to drink in this atmosphere, they will want to create this same space in the future. That piece of advice sure opened up a space for me, and I hope it's helpful for someone else ... Deva has been taking a ba llet class. I originally saw it as a social interaction for her, but now I see this is the smallest part of it. She has a real flair for dancing, and she is very pleased with her accom­ plishment on her own outside of the family. She is also learning to inter­ act directly with a strange adult and


to share affection with her (she has always been vjry shy). Both gir s plan to enter the County Fair with flowers and vegeta­ bles they have grown and arts and crafts they have been working on. They have been picking out the proper entries from the Fair book, filling out the forms and tags. This is a chance for them to experience competi­ tion in a mild sort of way ... IN THE MAIL

... Since we've seriously decided to unschoo1, our attitude toward the kids (ages 2 and 1) has changed . We haven't had a real babysitter in weeks - seems the more time we spend with the kids teaching, exploring ­ the less we feel the need to get away from them' In fact, on our last half­ dozen "Hot Date Nights" we've taken the kids along, and purposely chose outings they'd enjoy. I never thought this wou1d·happen to me' -- Leslie Westrum (IN). · .. As my attitude has changed to one of being here for my children, for my family, so has the quality of our life together. We do more togeth­ er, are not so rushed, enjoy each other more . There's no more important skill to learn than that of living harmoniously with others, which comes from being comfortable and at peace with yourself. We're all working on that . . . ... My six-year-o ld started first grade here - his request . He is very happy with his choice. I am taking refuge in the fact that he, the learn­ er, has sought out what he needs. I was hoping he'd be an unschooler, but perhaps he'll choose that later ... DEVELOPING NEW ATIITUDES

From an Ohio parent: · . . We received the first 27 issues of GWS. After reading them through, I feel like I've entered an ongoing conversation and would like to add my "2¢ worth." . .. One thing is for sure - even if we decide to stay with the public schools, GWS has been worth every penny . We are developing new attitudes that ought to make life easier for our children, no matter how we finally decide to handle the situation. · .. 1 have been timidly bringing up the subject of home school to vari­ ous people recently . The response has been astonishing' Not one person has indicated in any way that they con­ sider the idea crazy, weird, or stupid' One woman said wistfully, "If you decide to do thiS, will you take my children, too?" ... I've been thinking about your statement that most adults dislike and distrust children. Could this be in part at least because we are see­ ing traits that we were taught to dis­ like and distrust in ourselves as children? For example, children are constantly being told not to be so loud, noisy, etc. How can they possi­ bly grow up without the idea that they are less attractive or loved when they are noisy? . . I've noticed that the traits that bother me most in my own children are the ones that I considered to be my own worst faults as a child. We want our own children to be perfect in every

way and it makes us angry at them when they aren't, especially when they have the same imperfections that we've hated in ourselves for years. ... My oldest daughter's approach to a new concept sometimes reminds me of the family dog faced with a kitten in the middle of the living room floor. She circles the idea sus­ piciously, says, "I can't do that," or "I can't get it." At home, I can say, "Let's put it away till later (or tomorrow)." Two days later, some­ thing has clicked in her mind; it has become easy . (The dog is now asleep curled up next to the kitten.) Unfor­ tunately, at school she isn't given that rest period for things to click into place . ... Over the last few week3 I've been learning to loosen up and let the children do more and more for themselves and without my super­ vision. If it's something I just can't stand to watch because of messi­ ness, I turn my back or go into the other room . It's been a quiet joy for me to see how creative they can be when turned loose on their own ... WEAVING CLASS AT 5

Robin Leidhecker (PA) writes: ... Our local community college offers Adult Education classes. I signed up for weaving and asked if my son could attend also. They said, cer­ tainly, as long as he could pay atten­ tion. It never occurred to me to men­ tion that he was 5 . We shocked a few people, but he stayed and had a good time. There were times he was bored and didn't want to listen - but he said later he stayed to be polite (don't we all?). Once the teacher and other students got over their hangups about age and so forth, things went smoothly. Not being able to write, Josh took no notes. I was amazed at how much he has retained. Also he asked a lot of basic questions that the others wouldn't ask because they were "dumb." A good learning exper­ ience for all . .. WORKING AT CO-OP

From Lynn Kapplow (MA): ... About kids working in a food co-op [GWS #27, page 11 1 . Ours have been doing it from the age of three . At that age they did little, but what­ ever they did was appreciated by the staff and workers. Today at 7~ and 10 years, they are skilled workers. They cut, weigh, price, package and stock cheese. They price and stock various other foods. The other week they bagged and priced chicken . The older girl checks in people at the recep­ tion desk . She looks up their member­ ship cards, sees if they've fulfilled their work hours, okays their checks and answers the phone. They help un­ load the delivery truck (heavy stuff) . They've learned a tremendous number of skills and they're treated as any adult would be . . . EXPERTS ON FARMING

From "Warning: Do Not Read First" by Kenneth H. Calvert in Learning, Nov. '81: .. . "These students can't talk, much less read," lamented the third grade teacher from a remote rural school in the South. "They're almost


nonverbal. " The teacher was at her wit's end to come up with an instruc­ tional idea to motivate her students - 90 percent of whom were from low­ income families, had never traveled outside their county, had never seen a shopping center, and would not have known what an escalator was. In fact, they seemed to know so little about so many things, their teacher was at a complete loss to know how to begin to inspire them to learn. As a visiting consultant, it was up to me to find the answer for this teacher and for the others like her who had gathered for an in-service meeting . .. I began with the assumption that all students can talk about something they have experienced firsthand ... Most of the students in the third grade were from families en­ gaged in tobacco farming; in fact, many of them were part of the work force . . . I began the demonstration by saying to the students, "I am new to this area. Pretend that I have bought a farm and want to learn how to grow tobacco." I really did know no t hing about tobacco farming. "Tell me what I would have to do first, then next, and so on." Those "nonverbal" students suddenly became so verbal that I had to interrupt to establish some order in their telling. Vocabulary was no problem. In fact, as they debated the steps to take and the details involved, they used some highly specialized vocabulary . You can imagine their delight when I had to ask them for a definition of priming. When they eventually agreed upon the steps necessary to grow tobacco, we reviewed the sequence and I out­ lined it on the chalkboard. Then I posed a second question, "What should I remember not to do if I want to be a good tobacco farmer?" Again, their precise knowledge was evident, and their ability to articulate it phenom­ enal, as they came to an agreement on a priority list for me .. . . . . The teachers .. . had been ob­ serving from the back of the room with "we-can't-believe-what-we're­ hearing" expressions on their faces ...

CANNOT BAR CHILDREN The Oakland Tribune, 2/12/82: . .. The California Supreme Court decision that landlords cannot legal­ ly refuse rental units to adults with children answers a question that should never have been asked . ... The court held that children, like minorities, have a right under the Unruh Civil Rights Act to be treated as individuals. Thus, they must not be barred from living in rentals just because landlords see them as members of a troublesome class. The prohibition against discrim­ ination based on grounds of color, race, religion, ancestry or national origin also extends to age, the court said. To allow discrimination on the basis of age could encourage other forms of discrimination . . . A threat to the decision also exists in the possibility of it being overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. That threat could be removed and the court's decision reinforced if the state Senate passes a measure spon­ sored by Democratic Assemblyman Leo T. McCarthy of San Francisco. Exempting senior citizen hous­ ing, mobile-home parks restricted by

regulations to adults only, and stu­ dent housing, Assembly Bill 256 pro­ hibits discrimination against child­ ren in the rental of all single fam­ ily houses and dwelling complexes with two or more units. The bill provides an approach adopted by other states including Ari­ zona, Delaware, Illinois, and Massa­ chusetts . Nothing in the law would prevent landlords from evicting or penalizing families that allow children to damage apartments and impose on neigh­ bors ...

POTENTIAL ALLY IN CALIF. It is too soon to say whether any of the newly elected state Govern­ ors will prove to be sympathetic or friendly to home schooling. But there is some reason to believe that in one very important state, California, we may have a potential ally. The new Governor, George Deukmejian, when he was state Attorney General, institu­ ted a lawsuit a year or two ago against the Los Angeles County School District, naming among the Defendants the Superintendent of the County Schools, the members of the Board, and the State Superintendent of Pub­ lic Instruction, and charging them with having failed to provide even a physically safe environment for their students in the Los Angeles County Schools. How the suit was resolved, and whether it did anything to make the Los Angeles schools safer, I don ' t know . But it certainly suggests that Mr. Deukmejian does not stand in any great awe of school officials, particularly in Los Angeles County, where these same officials seem right now to be trying to make things as hard as they can for home schoolers. It might therefore not be a bad idea at all for home schoolers in California, and particularly in Los Angeles County, to write Governor­ elect Deukmejian, congratulating him on his election, taking note of and sharing his past concern for the safety of children in cchools (where there is a good deal of moral as well as physical danger), telling him a little about home schooling both in their own home and in the state in general, and saying that there seems to be a growing campaign in some counties, particularly Los Angeles County, to stamp out home schooling, and asking him whether he might con­ sider taking some steps to bring these anti-home schooling campaigns to a halt. [See also page 17.J A similar letter writing cam­ paign, adjusted to fit local con­ ditions, might be helpful in other states where new Governors have been elected, or even in states where the incumbent Governor remains in office, especially if in those states home schoolers are having any trouble with state authorities. Needless to say, if any of you, in California or any other state, get any replies from your Governor's office, we would like very much to hear about them. - JH .

SCHOOL SUPT. CONFERENCE [DR: 1 As we mentioned in GWS #28, the Massachusetts school commit­ tees and school superintendents invited John to take part in a work­ shop on home-schooling at their annual conference November 4, but he had a fee-paying speaking engagement that morning in New York, so I went

in his place. There were two others on the panel, a Mass. Department of Education official and Dr. Frizzle, the superintendent of the Amherst schools (the defendant in the Perchem­ lides case'). The meeting was brief (slightly over one hour) and somewhat disorganized, so in some ways very little was accomplished . But I did come away feeling I had learned a lot about the point of view of the school people . Early in the meeting I asked how many of those present were from school districts with home-schoolers . About two-thirds raised their hands' I was pleasantly surprised and asked them what districts they were from. Another small shock - they named many districts that we here at GWS had never heard had home-schoolers (which suggests that their home-schoolers do not know about us, either). So, instead of the meeting being general information about home-schooling, it turned into an opportunity for those who have already dealt with home­ schoolers to air their problems and worr ies. For example, one school commit ­ tee member whose district had approved a home-schooler was con­ cerned about what would happen twelve years down the road. If the school officials approved the education each year, wasn't the child entitled to a diploma? Some people at the meeting said no, but others said that gradua­ tion requirements are set by each dis­ trict, so if a district wanted to grant a diploma, they could. This par­ ticular man thought the family should protect itself by getting something in writing on this question, since administrators and school board mem­ bers come and go. Someone else wanted to know if he should allow home-schooled kids to take part in school programs. Again, some people at the meeting were imme­ diately negative, implying that he couldn't or shouldn't. But another man spoke up, saying his school dis­ trict was glad to let home-schoolers participate, and others nodded in agreement. One man asked whether the super­ intendent or school committee should make the decision to approve home­ schoolers (Mass. law leaves it open). Dr . Frizzle felt that the superinten­ dent and school district staff, being professional educators, were more qualified to judge individual educa­ tional programs than were school com­ mittee members. Questions about testing were raised - what should they do if a fam­ ily refused to have their children tested, what if the child did not show any progress on the tests, etc. (I answered that by reading the judge's footnote in the Perchemlides case, " ... It makes sense to remember that we do not remove our children from public school when they fail tests.") A couple of general observations about the tone of the meeting. One, I was struck by how much energy these people were putting into the whole issue . They felt that the education of each child in their town was their serious responsibility, and they seemed afraid that home-schooled children were going to be poorly edu­ cated unless watched very closely . It seemed almost ludicrous for them to focus so much attention on so few - I am certain some of them knew more details about home-schooled children than they knew about most of the kids enrolled in their own schools! Second, they were really looking


for guidance . They kept asking, "What should we do about .. . How do we handle . .. What do we do about ... " They were not always happy to hear that no one knew the solution to their problem, or that it was up to them to work something out. Several times it was suggested that the State should formulate more guidelines, pro­ cedures, etc. Some of these people had spent a lot of time negotiating various home-schooling arrangements, especially over the issues of testing and monitoring, and I think they were picturing future floods of home­ schoolers demanding even more time, s o they wanted a standard poli c y t o remove this responsibilit y from the i r shoulders. On the other hand, Dr. Frizzle and several others spoke up f or the advantages of local control - they did not want the State looking over their shoulders and in t erfe r ing on this or o ther educat i onal matte r s, any more than necessary . It's c l ear to me that the experi ­ ences of the first home-schooling f?m ­ ilies in each town will affect h ow much control the officials exercise and what kind of policies they estab­ lish for future home-schoolers. All the more r~ason for home-schoolers, in their initial proposals, to set up their home-schooling the way they want it t o be.

LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL [JH: 1 Until now, home schoolers have not pursued a very active policy in the state legislatures, and with good reason; if the education laws as they s t a nd, h owever unsatisfacto r y, make home schooling possible, why tinker with them? Above all since, as Egon Tausc h points out elsewhere in this issue, the education organiza­ tions have vast l y mo r e spending a nd lobbying power than we do. Why thrust ourse lves into suc h unequal contests? Instead, we have contented ourselves wit h trying, on the who l e fairly suc ­ cessfully, to prevent the legisla­ tures from pas si ng laws that would make h ome schooling difficult or im­ possible. For a number of reasons I think it may now be time for us, at least in some s t ates, t o t ake a more active position. Though the vagueness of the educa ti on laws has made it possible for h ome schoolers in all states to find ways to teach th eir own child­ ren, our posi t ion is still a bit pre­ carious . We face a lwa ys the poss ibil­ ity that a sin g le court deciSion, or even, as in some sta t es, t he ruling of an Attorney General, will so inter­ pret the law as to cut the legal ground ou t f r om under our feet. Of course , vague educa ti on laws that ma ke home schooling possi bl e are bet­ ter than clear ones that make it im­ possible. But best of all would be laws tha t state specifica l ly and unam­ biguously that parents may, without undue restrictions or interference, teach their own chi ldren . Un t il fair­ ly r ece ntl y I would have said t hat there was so little chance of getti ng such laws passed that it was ha rdl y worthwhile making th e effort . Now I am not so sure. For one thing, we have the exam­ ple of th e Louisiana and Arizona leg­ isla tures, whi c h withi n the past year or two hav e passed th e most explicit ­ ly pro-home schooling l aws that we have anywhere i n the country . The Ari­ zona ex perience is particularly sig­ nificant and hopeful . In Louisiana some of th e l eg islat ors , in voting in favo r of home schooling, may to some GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING #30

degree have been influenced by their opposition to city-wide busing plans, but as far as I know, in Arizona this was not an issue. The Arizona law, aga i n at least as far as I know, was not i ntroduced primarily because of a large amount of organized home school­ ing activit y around the state. There had in fact not been a great deal of such activity - though of course there is much more n ow . When the bill was introduced, the Arizona home schoolers who wrote us about it said that they did not think it had much chance t o pass. It was str ongl y opposed by all the major newspapers in the state, and by all the teach~ ers' and other educational organiza­ ti ons and lobbies. Yet it became law. If it can happen there, why not in o ther states? Perhaps we have been a littl e mor e timid than ~e actually need or ought to be. All these thoughts came to a boil in my mind wh en, not l ong ago, I received a ca l l from some home sc h ool­ ers in a mid-Western state (wh ich I won't name just yet), in whic h there has not been up till now much home schooling activity. The caller said that a prominent legislator had ex­ pressed g r eat interest in introduci ng a pro-home sc hooling bill, and what is eve n more surprising and encour­ aging, t hat the Governor had said that he approved of the idea of such a bill and would sign it . What should they do next? What kind of bi ll should they try to get? So I began to t h ink about, and soon to try to draft, the kind of bill we mig ht like to have if we coul d have everything we wanted. By t he time I finished t he draft, I was convinced, and have been ever since, that such a model of legislation might be very useful to us in a number of ways . Of course, we can 't expect any legislature to pass it i n exact l y this form . But one of the things that lobbyists do for legisla­ tors is draft bills, on the principle that you are more likely to get what you want in the final bill if you begin with the bill you want . It is better to give the legislators a com­ plete l y drafted bill to work from t han a blank s heet of paper. There may be other advantages, as well . We ' ve said often, and wi ll say again, that it is a very good idea for as many home schooling fam ­ i l ies as pOSSible, wit h their child ­ ren, to meet their own state represen­ tatives . If suc h meetings are friend­ ly, they are likely to e nd wit h th e legislator saying, "What would you like me to do?" Asking them to try to prevent anti-horne-schooling laws from being passed is a fairly weak answer , not l east of all because that ki nd of law is not l ikely to bear that kind of label. A much st r onger answer would be to say, "Here is the kind of law we would someday l ike to see in this sta t e . Anything that you can do that ~ think might help get such a law introduced and passed would be a great help to us ." How much or what the legislators may want to do about this will be up to them to decide. But at least we will have a specific proposal to talk about. Since most people think that talking about real laws is more prac­ tical and interesting than just talk­ ing about ideas, having such a l aw to talk about may help us get more of all kinds of publicity . Finally, it wil l give us something about whi c h we can talk to school people themselves . We can say to them, "Th is law wi ll help r at her than hurt the schools; how can we work with you to get it in­

tr oduced and passed." Such a specific proposal is much more likely to lead to useful conversations than vague wonderings or arguings about whether or not home schooling is a good thing. Here, then, is the proposed draft of model home schooling legisla­ tion , along with some brief explana­ tory comm ents, that I sent to our friends in the Mid-west. We are eager to hear what you think of the draft, what use you make of it, what re­ sponses you get to it. PRELIMI NARY DRAFT OF PROPOSED HOME SCHOOLING LEGISLATION I. It shall be the intent and purpose of the education la ws a nd reg­ ulations of this state to give full encouragement and support to those parents and families who wis h fo r whateve r reasons to teach their child­ ren, in th eir h omes, and in such o ther places, a nd by such ot h er means, as s ha ll seem to them useful a nd appropriate, a nd nothing in the school attendance or other laws and regulations of this state shall be construed so as ( 1) to deny, or severely or unduly restrict, the right of such pare n ts and families so to teach their c h i ldren, or (2) to give th e state and its agencies, or any school distric t or dis tr icts with­ in the state, the right to impose on these home-educated or otherwise pri­ vately instructed children a uniform curriculum or method or methods of in­ struction or evaluation. 11. Nor s hal l these laws and regulations be construed so as t o deny to schoo l s the right (1) to ca rr y such home educated students on t heir pupil rolls, designating them as taki ng part in programs of Special Education or Independent Study or such other title as may seem appropri­ a t e, and (2) to receive for them s uch state, federal, or other per-pupil financial and other assistance as the schools may receive for all those pupils whose instruction is generally or mainly carried on within the actual buildings of the school . III. Nor s hall such laws and

regulations be construed so as to

deny to such home-educated children

the right to use, during school hours

and subject only to reasonable re­

st r ic ti ons, the school buildings a nd

their personnel, faCilities, re­

sources, classes, and activities, at

suc h times and in such ways as they

may choose (i . e., by using a library

or s hop or l aboratory, enrolling in a

particu l ar class, singing in a chor­

us, playing in an orchestra or band,

taking part in sports, etc . ), or, if

tney request, to r eceive from the

sc hoo l s whatever textbooks and other

curricular materia l s the schoo l s or­

dinarily supp l y to their s tud e nt s .

IV. The sta t e and/or the school districts and sc hools shall have th e right to require those parents or fam ­ ilies wishing to educate their child­ ren at home to submit for examination and approval, either t o the school districts or schools or to a desig­ n ated person o r agency within th e sta te governme nt , a writte n education­ al plan, stating in general and whereve r possible specific terms what subjects or materia l s they intend to teac h or prese nt t o t heir children , how they intend to teach t hem or assist the chi ldren t o learn them, and how they intend t o observe a nd evaluate th is learning. V. In monitoring and evalua ting this learning the pa r ents a nd schools may use, but s hal l not be compe lled

8 to use or restricted to using, such standardized achievement tests and other commercially published tests as are generally used in schools. But other possible and permissible means of evaluation shall include such things as a daily, weekly, or other regular description of the child's work and activities, including where possible actual samples of such work, or essays written by the children in response to questions or on subjects of their own choosing, or work done in and for other correspondence schools. VI . If the state, or local school districts or schools, do not approve a home education plan submit­ t ed to them, they shall state in as specific terms as possible their reasons for disapproving of this plan, and in addition, all those changes in the plan which, if made, would make it acceptable . In all such disputes over the merits of an educa­ tional plan, the state and local school districts or schools shall ac­ cord to the parents or families in­ volved full rights of due process; i.e . , the parents or families shall be entitled to a hearing to he ar ob­ jections to their plan and to defend its merits, shall be entitled to re­ presentation by counselor other per­ sons of their own choosing, shall have the right to examine and ques­ tion witnesses testifying against th em, to present expert witnesses on their own behalf, and so on . VII. In all cases where, after such hearings, the local school dis­ tricts or schools have refused to ap­ prove the parents' or families' educa­ tional plan, and before any action may be taken in the courts against these parents or families, they shall have the right to appeal the decision of the local school districts or schools to an appropriate and desig­ nated agency of the state. VIII. In all such cases of dis­ agreement or dispute, the burden of proof shall be on the state or local school districts or schools to show that the educational plan submitted by the parents or family is inade­ quate, and to show further that, for any requirements of time, place, teaching personnel, curriculum, method, evaluation, etc . that they may wish to impose on the parents or family there is a compelling need for such requirements, i . e . that there is beyond reasonable doubt a strong prob­ ability that in the absence of such requirements the c hildr en so taught will receive an education significant­ ly inferior to that received by the majority of children regularly attend­ ing the public schools. IX. In all such cases of dis­ agreement or dispute, the state or local school districts or schools shall not use charges of child abuse or neglect, or the threat of such charges, to compel the parents or fam­ ily to accept its requirements. [JH:) This proposed legislation, if passed, will (1) Clarify beyond possibility of doubt the legal status of home educa t ion (2) Satisfy several of the schools' chief objections to it (3) Enact in legislation several principles already established in many rulings of federal and state courts (4) Protect the Constitutional rights of home schooling parents and families (5) Establish in law a pattern of mutually beneficial cooper­ ation between schools and hom e educa­ ting families that already exists in some school districts and that we may

hope will soon exist in all (6) Relieve the courts of the burden of much ne edless litigation . Section I states so clearly the intent of the legislature with respect to home schooling that no sc h ools, administrative agencies, or courts will have any need or reason to guess about them. Section I, 2) only states what the U. S. Supreme Court stated almost sixty years ago in Pierce v . Societ of Sisters and in Farrington v . To ushige. Section II is an essential part of this legislation, since under it schools need no longer fear that every increase in home schooling can only mean a corresponding decrease in their budgets and a threat to their jobs . Section III establishes in law the sound and just principle that people whose taxes support the schools should be entitled to use them as much or as little as they please . Nothing in law, logic, or equity supports the idea that child­ ren must be in school full time or not at all . This section also meets schools' worries about home educated children's "social life . " Children who can go to school when they wish will be able to get as much of its social life as they want and need. Section IV protects both child­ ren and the state from the possibil­ ity that indifferent or incompetent parents might, under the guise of home schooing, neglect, exploit, or ot herwise injure their children . Such parents could not satisfy the require­ ments of this section and most of them would almost certainly not even try. Since many educators now serious­ ly doubt the validity of standardized tests, Section V allows for other methods of evaluation, some already in use . Section VI only says what has been said on numerous occasions by the courts . Section VII sets forth a proce­ dure now used in several states, which reduces the possibility that overburdened courts will have to deal with questions often better dealt wi th at an administrative level . Section VIII underscores the principle of the Assumption Of Inno­ cence that lies at the heart of our legal system and that has often been upheld by the courts. Section IX, again, only says what has already been said by several state courts. It would be very encouraging and helpful, to put it mildly, if in some states we could get laws passed that one way or another embodied all nine sections of this draft. But it would be almost as good if we could get into law anyone or combination of the first three sections . And anyone of the other sections, even if it alone was added to existing law, would greatly improve our position. So we can think of ourselves as try­ ing to get passed, not just this law as a whole, but any part of it, par­ ticularly sections I - III. This gives us something to fall back on. If a legislator says, "You've got too much in here," we can always say, " OK, try to get us the first three, or if that seems too much, just the first two." It will probably be very helpful if we say to the public that since this proposed legislation meets the most serious objections of most educa­ tors to home schooling, and since there is nothing in it for schools to fear, there is no reason why educa­


tors of all kinds should not support it, and that we are eager to get as many as possible to do so . Such a bill can and should begin a period of very fruitful cooperation between schools and home schoolers, from which all stand to gain.

UNCERTIFIED IN TOP SCHOOLS [JH): To Richard Moore, an attorney who is defending a number of home and/or private schooling fami ­ lies in Nebraska, I made a suggestion that might be useful to other fami­ lies whose right to teach their own children is being challenged on the grounds that they do not h old teach­ er's certificates: . . . For a listing of some of the country's top ranked independent ele­ mentary and secondary schools, you could write the National Association of Independent Sc h ools, 18 Tremont St., Boston. Some names of famous and outstanding schools are Phillips Exe­ ter Academy, Exeter, NH; Philips Aca­ demy, Andover MA; Deerfield Academy, Deerfield MA; Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville NJ; St. Paul's School, Concord NH; Groton School, Groton MA: Hotchkiss School, Lakeville CT; Choate School, Wallingford CT; Hill School, Pottstown PA; Milton Academy, Milton MA. You could of course add many other names to this list, but these will probably be enough to establish the point, that the "best" schools in the country, the schools to which the richest and most power­ ful people send their children (if they can get in), the schools which consistently send the highest propor­ tion of their students to the top­ ranked colleges, do not hire teachers with education degrees - with the possible and very rare exceptions of people who hold additional degrees in what I would call "real" subjects - English, mathematics, physics, Ger­ man, etc. And the same would of course be true for our leading pri­ vate and state universities .. .

LEGAL STRATEGIES [JH:) To the letter to Mr . Moore I added these legal suggestions, which we have mentioned before in GWS in one form or another, but which are worth mentioning again : ... Where a possible infringement of a Constitutionally protected right is concerned, it is not enough for the state to claim, as of course it will, that it has reasons for doing what it does, or for demanding - in this case, of parents - what it de­ mands. It must show that those reasons are gOO~ and indeed necessary reasons, that t ere is in fact what many courts have called a "compelling need" for them . And it must show that the ends it wishes to serve through its regulations, in this case protect­ ing the quality of children ' s edu­ cation, are not only constitutionally permissible ends, but that they can­ not be served in some other way which infringes less on the parents' rights . ... There is, I believe, a very strong case to be made, in taking these matters to the Federal courts, for trying to get the narrowest possible ruling that will serve your clients ' interests, rather than seek­ ing for a very broad one. For even if you g e t R favorable ruling from a lower Federal court, if it is too broad the state educational author-



ities will sure l y appeal it to the Supreme Court, and in these matters I am very uneasy about that court . In conflicts between the power of the state and the rights of individual citizens they tend to come down on the side of the state - they are strongly and consistently anti-liber­ tarian. Also a clear majority of the Court is for various reasons strongly committed to the existence of public schools, and are very unlikely to make any ruling which they feel (as the schools are sure to claim) may seriously threaten the existence of public schools as such . What I would hope for would be to win in a lower Federal court, but on narrow enough grounds so that the Supreme Court would not feel the case was important enough to consider. Thus, while the Supreme Court will surely not deny to the states the' right to exercise some control over private schools, it may be willing to rule, or let stand the ruling of a lower court, that wherever such con­ trol infringes on parental rights the state must show a compelling need for doing so. To take a more specific example, the Supreme Court would almost surely reaffirm Pierce in say­ ing that the states had-rne-right to assure themselves in one way or another of the quality of teachers. But they might say, first, that requiring teachers to be certified did not in fact meet this need, and that even if it did, the same need could be met in other ways that infringed less on parents' rights ... ON RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS

From John Eidsmoe, one of our "Friendly Lawyers" (GWS #27): ... On page 14 of GWS #28, the question was raised as to whether one can form a religious private school if he does not belong to an estab­ lished religion . The real question is not whether one can establish a reli­ gious private school, but whether one may use the First Amendment religious liberty Constitutional defense if one is charged with violating the state compulsory attendance laws. I know of no case directly on point, but one wich might be helpful is State of Ohio ex rel. Na~le vs. Olin, 415 N.E. 2d 279, deci ed by the Supreme Court of Ohio on December 30, 1980 . Olin called himself a "born again" Christian, but he did not be­ long to any organized religious denom­ ination . He wanted to send his daugh­ ~er to an Amish school, but the state refused to allow this, claiming that only the Amish were exempt from com­ pulsory attendance laws under the Yoder decision. The lower court con­ victed him and refused to recognize a free exercise of religion defense, arguing that his beliefs could not be considered "religious" because he was not affiliated with a denomination. But the Supreme Court of Ohio dis­ agreed, saying: The fact that his beliefs are not in total conformity with those of the Amish or any other organ­ ized religion does not make them any less religious, or his sincer­ ity in them any less real. Olin's beliefs are rooted in the Bible and his interpretation of it; not in secular consideration. It was not contended that Olin's profess­ ion or belief was a sham or sub­ terfuge adopted in order to avoid the obligation of sending Jenni-


fer to a state - charted school. De ­ spite the delicacy of the question whether particular beliefs are "religious," the only finding justified on this record is that Olin's beliefs grow out of deep religious conviction, are truly held, and are entitled to the protection of the First and Four­ teenth Amendments . It is, of course, necessary to clearly demonstrate a religious basis for one's objection to public educa­ tion by citing religious authorities, such as the Bible . .. LEGAL MANUALS Ann Bodine (NJ) writes:

.. . 1 have found a very good resource for those with legal prob­ lems . It's one of the Citizens Legal Manual series published by HALT, 'An Organization of Americans for Legal Reform,' (Suite 319, 201 Mass . Av NE, Washington DC 20002). The title is USING A LAW LIBRARY and it gives detailed and easy-to - follow instruc­ tions for doing legal research ... [DR:] We sent for HALT's litera­ ture, and found that the group is pro­ moting such interesting and needed legal reforms as "plain language legislation" and mediation as an alternative to courtrooms. Members ($lS/year) receive a newsletter and five manuals, which besides the one Anne mentions include "Shopping for a Lawyer," "Real Estate," "Small Claims Court," and "Probate." HALT is also developing a "legal assistance refer­ ral network . " Looks like a good opportunity for GWS readers not only to educate themselves in order to get approval for home-schooling, but also to learn about many other legal issues and pos­ sibly become involved in improving the entire system. SUCCESS IN N.H . Pearlene Gavlik (NH) writes:

... We moved to Winchester on May 15th and hid out for the remainder of the school year. On July 2nd, I mailed out a 60-page typewritten home-studyapplication ... Three weeks later, the assistant superintendent called me. He was very impressed with my report . He said I was the first ever to apply in Win­ chester, so he wasn't too sure of the regulations. He said the board would have to make the decision . The meet­ ing wouldn't be until September 16th. He asked if that would cause me any problems. I hesitated at this pOint . .. He caught the pause, and said that of course he would not insist I send my children to school in the meantime. So, I said there would be no problem . The board meeting came, and we attended it. The assistant superinten­ dent introduced our case to the board in private executive session . He explained the basic guidelines for approving home-study programs and that we had submitted a very detailed application to him. He said that any possible question they could think to ask was already answered in my report. They still wanted to know what our "manifest educational hardship" was. I gave them a brief summary of some of the more important points,

e.g . , Sherry's learning disability and the boys being able to progress at a faster rate at home at their own pace according to their interests. The board also wanted to know how the children's "social" life was going to be satisfied . I told them that they played with friends after school, met people at their Mineralogy Club and went on field trips with other home schoolers in the area. Seeing that their attitude seemed to be responsive, I asked what their opinion would be in offering my children selected subjects, such as welding, that interest them. They were very open to this idea, saying they were looking for the best possi­ ble education for my children . The meeting ended with the superinten­ dent asking the board to read my report before making their decision, highly recommending they approve it. About six days later, the super­ intendent called me, informing me the board had approved it and that an annual evaluation would be necessary along with my portfolio. Then he asked me if that would be all right; I did expect it, didn't I? I told him that would be fine and thanked him. Three cheers for Winchester'! I can't believe the humble, cooperative attitude the people have here . .. If anyone is looking for a receptive place to move to get away from bureau­ crats, I would highly' recommend Win­ chester, Keene, and Gilsum. There are a lot of home schoolers here and the people are so warm and friendly . The Keene superintendent even supported home-study openly on the radio ... LISTING RESOURCE PEOPLE From the successful home­ schooling proposal of Kate Gilday of Montague, Mass., which drew heavily on the Kendricks' letter [GWS #12 ] :

... To encourage true learning we will provide a calm, positive atmos­ phere, learning materials appropriate to Suzanne's needs, and access to friends, teachers and community re­ sources .. . We have ... been fortunate to have the following people offer their time and assistance in adding to Suzanne's home-schooling exper­ ience: 1 . Lawrence and Helen Wheeler both have Native American ancestry and have lived on Chestnut Hill most of their lives. Their information and perceptions of the past fifty years are valuable and important in Suzanne's understanding of the his­ tory of our town, state, and country. The richness and knowledge these folks have to share are very special resources. 2. Marna Bunce will be our resource person for reading and lan­ guage skills. 3. Kathy Burbank, R.N., is a practicing nurse for the University Health Care Facility at the Univer­ sity of Massachusetts. She will share her knowledge of Health and Nutrition and well-being during the year. 4. Anne Williamson, former direc­ tor of the Greenfield Library and cur­ ator of the Special Collections of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost and others at the Jones Library of Am­ herst, will be sharing her assistance and knowledge in poetry and language arts as well as guiding us to the realization of the fullness of the library as a resource center. 5 . Nancy Darmstader of the Hitch­ cock Center in Amherst will be our Natural Science resource person for


the year . Her knowledge plus that of my own in this field, which I ha ve gained through the past two years of researching and leading workshops in Science and Nature for early child­ hood educators in western Mass . , will be shared through the seasons . 6. John Hayman will guide us through any math problems we may meet. There are many other folks with skills and resources who have offered to be available to Suzanne if and when she needs them, among them a film-maker, food cooperative manager, computer technician, potter, and farmer .. .

BUSY IN ITHACA From Nancy Wallace (NY): ... The kids now go to school on Fridays. They hate to be teased about this, but-Y-Can't help making cracks as they bound cheerfully into their classroom without even saying good-bye. Actually, what they are doing is spending two hours a week in a delightful art room, run by a friend of ours, Carolyn Fellman . The room is just cluttered with art mater­ ials and busy children - everybody is happy except the janitor, who is going crazy with clay on the walls, paper scraps allover the floor, etc. The kids are so happy in Carolyn's room that she has to physically push them back into their regular class­ rooms when it is time. Vita and Ishmael have been making all kinds of things - pots on the potter's wheel, masks, paintings, sculptures, and so on. Yet despite all their pleasure, I don't think I would send them to school for more than two hours a week ... Carolyn's room is like an oasis - a haven from the " real world" of school - and so far, neither Vita nor Ishmael have needed "havens" in their lives - the whole world that they experience has been a thing of wonder . .. The kids are also taking a Ger­ man class with a German lady who was a language teacher in junior h igh, and who now teaches outside of school in order to experiment wit h ways of exciting children ' s interest in for­ eign language. This class that she is teaching has about 6 kids in it, rang­ ing in age from 7 to 12, and they play German games, recite poetry, have tea parties, and generally have a great time - all in German. I'm really surprised at how much Vita and Ishmael are learning - after only two classes, they can say all sorts of things in German, and they are always asking, "How many more days until Ger­ man?" Ishmael, meanwhile, is studying music composition with a recent compo­ sition graduate from Cornell . Ishmael adores him, although I have grave reservations because he gives Ishmael so much homework that he has hardly any time to compose. In any case they are analyzing music from Gregorian chants to Debussy to Ravi Shankar, and Ishmael is getting a full scale graduate course in melody and har­ mony . Mostly, I have no idea what they are doing, with their sequences, modulations and chordal structures, but Ishmael seems extremely happy during lessons . He also takes music theory lessons from a woman up the street and she is teaching him " so l fege," among ot h er things . . . She has organized a girls' chorus which Vita has joined, and that seems to be a lot of fun, too . Vita has joined a "beginning

reading " orchestra which meets o n Sat­ urdays and is full of kids about her age or older who are just beginning to read music. They all sound quite good, considering, and Vita just loves sitting behind a music stand. ~does she feel important' She h as been working awfully hard on the violin, and it really shows . . . The other day, Vita measured the width of on e piano k ey , and then she measured the length of the entire key­ board, saying to herself, " If one key is of an inch and the entire key­ board is inches, how many keys are there altogether?" Just how wide the keys are, or how long the keyboard is, I don't know, and even whether Vita solved the problem, I don't know, because I tuned her out (ter­ rible me') - I reall y wasn't interest­ ed . A couple of years ago I would have felt guilty at missing an oppor­ tunity for a good math lesson, but more and more I ' ve come to see that if Vita's interested in something, she'll pursue it; she doesn ' t need me . And if I'm interested in some­ thing, she'll either share my inter­ est or not . (Actually, she often shares my interests, or Bob's, just because she enjoys doing things with us, as does Ishmael.) But back to math - yesterday at lunch we had a cottage cheese carton on the table and she read, "Serving size ... ~ cup; servings per container . .. 4 . " Then after a moment, she exclaimed, "There are two cups of cottage cheese in this carton' " I guess my point is that for a long time I thought that math was dif­ ferent from language in that while words were everywhere, numbers were only in certain rare places. Ob­ viously that isn't true, since Vita can manage to find numbers to puzzle over almost anywhere . .. At Ishmael ' s piano lessons with his new teacher, the two of them practically jump around in excitement - she, hopping up and down to show Ishmael all her favorite pieces and Ishmael edging her aside so that he can try and play them. Right now they are working on a Mozart Sonata, some Chopin Preludes, some Schubert dances, a Grieg piece and some Bartok pieces from the Mikrokosmos Album No. 4 . What a new world of music. Which reminds me. Many GWS parents seem to be teaching their kids piano and I think they ' d be glad to know about t he Mikrokosmos series, especially since it is "graded" Bartok wrote the books specifically as instructional material for child­ ren (and adults) and the first book seems like an ideal beginner's book I don't know why more teachers don't use it ...

LEARNING IN THE GARDEN From a column by Peg Boyles in the New Hampshire Times, 8/30/82: .. . Molly (6) practically grew up in the garden. She paid her first vis­ it there when only a couple of hours old, and spent countless hours there h er first summer, tucked snugly into a front baby carrier while I weeded, hoed and harvested . Every year si nc e, h er knowledge of the world at large deepens through her connection to this small productive space . And there is no doubt in her mind that h er own contributions are important to the entire household's well-being - every day of the year we eat food that she has helped to plant, tend, harvest, preserve and prepare.

For example, she knows the name of nearly every food plant that wil l grow in New Hampshire, and most of the local wild plants, too. She can identify almost all of them at any stage of their development or by blos­ som, l eaf or seed alone. She can har­ vest any fruit or vegetable crop we grow at its perfect peak of ripeness, yet carefully, to avoid injury to the rest of the plant. She knows about how far apart va r ious kinds of plants must stand from each in beds or rows in order to yield well (for these and other ordinary tasks, she has learned to use a tape measure and also to judge distances by eye). She can recognize about 15 dif­ ferent insects, both friends and foes, and knows most of their life cycles . The sight of an unknown spe ­ cies brings h er running for the field guide "s o we can look it up." She knows that soil is made from weathered rock and the remains of o nc e-livi ng matter, and that plants draw up minerals and water to help convert sunlight in their green leaves to make food. She already has learned more about human nutrition than most adults . ("No, mom, I don't need any yogurt for supper . I had scrambled eggs for protein and ate cooked broccoli and a lot of black­ berries for calcium - remember you said the cabbage family and black­ berries contain a lot of calcium? " ) Molly's questions about foods that don't grow around here - ban­ anas, oranges, rice - have led quite naturally to explorations of atlas­ es and globes (and one hilarious con­ versation about the solar system, which sent me running around the kitchen using a variety of reasonably round fruits to explain planetary motion, night and day, and the pro­ greSSion of the seasons) . We've re­ cently begun raiding public libraries for more information on other cul­ tures to explain how the same fea­ tures of climate and geography that cause various foods to grow in a region also influence the people's dress, arc hit ecture and customs ...

AT HOME IN OH IO .. . Judy Ann Stevenson (OH) wrote: . .. My main problem at first was managing my housework, canning, freezing, sewing, bread baking, time for me, and 1~ hours of school . After the first two weeks of a pre-ulcer stomach, I delegated more work to each child that rotates daily. They each a lr eady h ad daily c h ores and rooms to keep reasonable . I bought a spray bottle of cleaner . I poured two-thirds out and diluted the rest with water ... They don't mind clean­ ing the bath, kitchen, splattered walls, floors and messes. I don ' t mind if they do eit h er' Also vacuum­ ing, dusting and some ironing are done by them. On the days I clean (whenever I get to it), they have the day off. Our school starts at 10 a .m. Most of the time the kids have com­ pleted half their work before that, but I am unavailable. I do my own c hor es . For 1~ hours I am in constant use for their educational needs . Then Matthew usually fixes lunch, but the ot h ers are beginning to do that, too. Sometimes after lunch we have discus­ sions about science, health, electron­ ics or motors. On t h e latter the boys talk, I listen. They are the teach­ ers, and I try to grasp their unknown-to -me vocabulary of such



topics . Each evening I am their TV. Carl says I am better than TV, because his imagination creates the scenes I have read. Yes, I read 2 to 3 hours almost nightly . Don't tell the kids about the education they are receiving without their knowledge' I love to read aloud and must say that is one talent I have that school didn't destroy ... Three other families have received permission in this county to teach their children at home, all for religious reasons ... Two more that I know of will apply next year. I was first and the others saw it in the papers .. . ... AND B.C. From Terry Faubert (B.C.):

... One of the neatest things I've found about home "teaching" is how much I've learned about the world and how i~nctions. Jody's curios­ ity and probing have awakened ques ­ tions in me that have long remained unanswered. Just how exactly does a zipper work? And what is a comet?! And why dort't spiders stick to their own webs~ree months ago I couldn't answer any of those, but now I can, and so much more . ~ knowledge seems to be increasing so · that it's really a joke to say that I'm teach­ ing him at home. We're learnIng togerner - as much outside our home as in it. Once a week we try to go swim­ ming, or biking, or skating. Jody has a two hour introduction to music class once a week in which he gets to use the recorder and ukelele. I "teach" kindergym one morning a week, and Jody spends one or two mornings per week doing gym, art, or drama at an alternative school here (Sundance) which is very supportive of home "teaching." All of that more than fills up our time. It's so nice to have the flexibility to drop everything and go kite-flying when the weather is right and to be able to take advantage of the many resources available. The Art Gallery has fantastic "hands-on" kids days, the nature center has micro­ scopes available for use, the museum here is excellent and free, and of course, what would we do without the library? Sundance School has been helpful too - Jody enjoys the activities he does there, they've provided us with some good books, we've met inter­ esting people, plus, of course, they provide us with a legal cover (I'm not sure how necessary that is, but feel a bit vulnerable since the government supplements my income). Sundance is your basic ungraded, non-competitive free school. The children are in "family groupings" of twenty kids, aged five to twelve, and choose which of five "offerings" they want to go to each hour. But somehow the social life is beft destructive . That surprises and a les me. I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps the mere fact of having 100 children together in one place is unnatural and causes negative behaviour. What­ ever the reason, Jody has had more children do "mean things" to him there than in the many and varied contacts he's had previously with children of all ages. While I don't think one morning a week will have too much impact, I would like to convince Jody to spend that time elsewhere. Right now he's really into it; after Christmas, or rather during


the holidays, I intend to raise it again . Jody has already wiped out any fears I had that he might not learn things on his own. Several weeks ago he asked me to show him how to print small letters (he could read them but had only formed capitals) . I was in the middle of something, so I printed the alphabet on his blackboard and went back to it . A good half-hour later, Jody called me to see what he had done. I was astounded - he had copied the whole thing, every letter perfectly done! Then , for about a week and a half, he seemed to have some sort of inner need to write out the alphabet five or so times a day. He would sometimes sit and copy it three times, using a different color for each alphabet, add his name and a kiss and a hug, fold it all up, put it in an envelope, put on his mail­ man's hat and deliver it to me . I mar­ velled at how different his approach was to that of someone forced to prac­ tice their printing. Science is something else Jody loves. Playing with magnets, using a magnifying glass, doing experiments, are some of his favorite activities . This past summer we were privileged to have a tiger swallowtail butterfly emerge from a found chrysallis, to watch a tent caterpillar spin a cocoon and emerge a moth, and to have at one time, two newts, a treefrog, a toad, and a frog stay at our house . All were carefully cared for a few weeks and released in a sanctuary. Every month we focus on a country - finding it on the globe, cooking some of its food, visiting a restaurant, getting out a couple of books on it from the library, and doing anything else that seems rele­ vant. What an enjoyable way to learn' There are about a half-dozen home schooling families that I'm aware of in Victoria . I'm trying to pull together a meeting for mid­ November - a support group would sure be nice, for kids as well as parents . I'll let you know what happens ... READING VS. DOING Kyle Shumate (VA) wrote:

... Unfortunately, my husband and I don't see eye to eye on the home­ schooling issue. We began talking one evening about the upcoming school year . My husband started going on and on about how our daughter (5~) just "isn't doing anything. She should be reading," and so on . For the hun­ dredth time, I tried to explain my views on what "learning" is, but to no avail . Her accomplishments at her tender age should be listed as: she says a most beautiful bleSSing at every meal, she's open and honest, she's loving and sensitive, she shows such love and patience with her "terrific two's" sister. They share a relationship that's almost unbeliev­ able . At least it is to my schooling friends . I tried to explain that her achievements should not be how well she can read or memorize, following everyone else, raising her hand; "book learning," so to speak. The dis­ cussion became hot and heavy, and I decided it was time to change the sub­ ject. "Let's talk about our dream house that we want to build," I said. I suggested that we go to the library and begin learning all about building a house, solar heating, organiC gar­ dening, etc., etc. "Oh, Kyle'" he

said in exasperation. "We just can't get much from reading books . You have to ge t out there and do it!" I smiled as I saw the light bulb click over his head I • • • ON QUESTIONS

Christine Hilston (OH) sent this quote from editor Robert Rodale in Organic Gardening, 10/82: ... When you are in school, you are asked the questions, and are ex­ pected to be able to find the answers. Presumably, when you are suf­ ficiently filled up with correct answers, you are educated, and then released . I now believe, though, that real learning occurs when you become able to ask important questions. Then you are on the doorstep of Wisdom, be­ cause by asking important questions you project your mind into the explor­ ation of new territory . In my exper­ ience, very few people have learned how important is the asking of good questions, and even fewer have made a habit of asking them. Even in my own case,I had to wait until I'd almost totally forgotten the experience of schooling to be able to switch my mind into the asking as well as the answering mode . .. FROM REVISED "FAIL"

Some more quotes from the revised HOW CHILDREN FAIL (See GWS #27; ava~lable here for $5 . 35 + postage) : ... It is just as true of intelli­ gence as it has always been true of school subjects that teaching - "I know something you should know and I'm going to try to make you learn it" - is above all else what krevents learning. We don't have to rna e human beings smart. They are born-sffiart. All we have to do is stop doing the things that make them stupid. . . . 1 now realize that when we keep trying to find out what our stu­ dents understand we are more likely than not to destroy whatever under­ standing they may have. Not until people get very secure in their know­ ledge and very skillful in talking about it - which rules out almost all young children - is there much point in asking them to talk about what they know, and how they know they know it. The closest we can come to finding out what children really know - and it's not very close - is to watch what they do when they are free to do what interests them most. ... If the schools could only learn to recognize, to value, and to foster courage in children, a great many of their most serious problems, not just of learning but also of discipline, would be well on the road toward a solution ... NATURAL PRAISE

To a mother who was concerned about her daughter's addiction to schoolwork and praise, Donna wrote: . .. If she likes to work out of workbooks, let her, and answer her questions if she has them, but leave it at that. As long as she's enjoying herself, great. If she really likes stars, stickers, etc, and she asks you for them, well, they don't cost very much, and they are kind of cute,


so let her buy them with her own money, and stick the~ on herself . I think she'll get tired of them before long. . .. When she first tried to ~~lk or talk, you didn't worry about how much praise or encouragement to give her . You were excited about it, and that is natural praise, and she could see the results, which are more effective than anybody's praise. So my advice on the praise ques­ tion is, just be honest . If you like something, say so . If you don't like it, wel l, maybe say so, or wait for a good time to make a suggestion about it, or forget the whole thing and let time take its course . . . TALKING TO YOURSELF

From "Go Ahead and Talk to Your­ self," an article in the N.J. Un­ schoolers Network newsletter, ISsue


.. . Under the pressure of trying to add a column of figures or find a phone number quickly, lots of people start talking to themselves . Fam~ly Wbekl y magazine recently ran a p~ece a out a psychology professor who videotaped 38 pre-schoolers while they were putting a jigsaw puzzle together. The professor found that the children who talked to themselves did the puzzle faster than the others . She believes that their mutter­ ings as they work helped them to re­ inforce thoughts that they already had, but that weren 't fully formed. She also added that this useful tool for thinking through a problem is trained out of children at school age; they're told not to talk while they work ... A MOTHER EXPLORES

Kate Kerman (MI) wrote in Mother­ ing Magazine, Spring, ' 82 : ... 1 work on my own projects in and out of school times. Over the pase two years I have felt a surge in my own creative forces and have happily explored things I never dared try before - drawing, poetry, song­ writing, Tai Chi - and some I've want ­ ed to try for years - playing the hammer dulcimer, typesetting and printing, and developing photographs. Often the kids join me as I learn new skills, but whether they participate directly or not, the important point is that I create space a nd time to keep my mind and body alive and learn­ ing so they can see learning as a lifelong engagement . In turn, as I live with my children I have at the same time been humbled and freed by their joyful curiosity and intense emotions as they reach out to estab­ lish themselves as increasingly com­ petent human beings . ..

950 Third Av, New York NY 10022 . Groups of 8-10 . 3 week van trips, var­ ious parts of U.S. Camping, hiking, nature study, folklore . One trip is for 11-14 year olds . RITES OF PASSAGE, 857 DeLong Av, Novato CA 94947; 415-892-5371. 1-2 weeks in wilderness . Some trips in­ clude several days in solitude. Separ­ ate programs for adult and youth . Draws on Native American traditions. We're sure there must be other such programs - please t ell us about any others you know of . We would par­ ticularly like to hear about any first-hand experiences you may have had with such programs . And by the way, readers on the East Coast should also find out about the APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN CLUB, 5 Joy St, Boston MA 02108 . Its bulletin offers hundreds of events, many free or low-cost, including local after­ noon hikes, bike trips, skiing, canoe­ ing, and mountain climbing. I've gone on several of their hikes, and I think that even families with very young children would enjoy some of the outings . - DR. IN THE PARK

Deb Martin (IL) wrote in the

7/82 House Door:

... Until this summer, I never realized what terrific places parks are ... My boys have had the opportu­ nity to p lay with children of all ages and children who speak other lan­ guages. The y have petted and played with other people's dogs, seen birds and squirrels and other wildlife . They have watched other people play volleyball, baseball and other games and learned the rules. They have watched older children do gymnastics on the parallel bars and other equip­ ment . They have seen people wh o use funny machines to find money in the grass . Once a week our park has per­ formances of a musical group . In frequent returns to the park our boys have gotten to know and see some of the same children over again, and they have made some good friends. As a parent you may be won­ dering, how do yo~ find the time to be there with your kids? I bring the writing and the reading I need to do, and I enjoy getting it done outside whil e they are playing. During the last week of school many of the schools brought their kids to the park for an end-of-year school picnic . On one of those days, a class of deaf children descended on the merry-go-round my two boys were on . Asher and Bryn saw for the first time that sign language is actually used, not just as something to be dem­ onstrated (as on Sesame Street). Asher now really uses the sign for "Stop." That day my children were able to see how very different groups of children behave. The deaf children were quiet, bpth in sound and move­ ment ...


We have learned about several outdoor education programs that some GWS readers might want to take part in. Each of these, though differ­ ent in structure, emphasizes learning from experience, as well as learning self-reliance and group co-operation. GREEN MOUNTAIN WILDERNESS SCHOOL, RR 1 Box 137, Starksboro VT 95487. Courses: Weekends, 4, 7, and 20 days. Backpacking, wilderness skills. Mixed ages. AUDUBON EXPEDITION INSTITUTE,


From an article by Barbara Miller in the N. J . Unschoolers Network, issue #13: LEARNING ON A LONG CAR TRIP: ... Before the trip, I obtain the pe.­ tinent maps. Travel clubs such as AAA offer them free to members, and I get lots so we can feel free to write on them . The kids often act as navigators for me . Last year I asked

them to select the route to Colo­ rado . They were entirely in charge of the maps on the trip. They got us there . Our only mishap was a crazy road which dwindled to nothing in the wilds of West Virginia in a bliz­ zard. Although it was plenty scary, we ' ll treasure that experience for a long time . While we 're driving, the job of map marking rotates among the kids. We all watch the magiC marker make progress across the state as the miles go by. And then at a meal stop, comes the astounding exper­ ience of inking in our tracks on the national map . A trip takes on a new perspective when compared to our vast country . · .. We often study the map to see who can most accurately predict our arrival time at various points. Using a watc h with a second hand, kids can perform some experiments in­ volving the relationship between time, speed, and distance. For in­ stance, with the driver maintaining 55 mph, they can see how long it takes to cover the distance from one mile marker to the next . A good game we play uses a national map and allows one child to be quizmaster. Our quizmaster selects each contestant and poses a question, such as "What state is south of Georgia?" or "Name the states that border Nevada ." We also enjoy the old "St ates and their Capitals" game or taking turns naming the states to see if we can get all fifty. We have a running map game we've played for over a year. We keep a small U. S. map in the car and color in each state as we spot the license plate. So far we've gotten all but seven states ... The kids keep expense records for me and this is important when you have to travel cheaply. On our recent trip to Florida, the boys cal­ culated we spent $104.60 to travel the 1087 miles . . . They kept track of our gas mileage, and found that using the air conditioning lowered our mile­ age by about . 25 mpg . · .. The kids love learning songs like "Dixie" when we're in the South, and "Mississippi Mud" as we cross that river, etc ... Re~ently my seven ­ year-old told me an involved dream plot which lasted non-stop from Wash­ ington, D.C., to the Jersey border . We had a wonderful time and of course we would never have had the time to indulge in that experience at home. One of the nice things about being sealed together for hours in a car is that you have lots of time to communi­ cate with each other . . . PROBLEM SOLVING

From an article "How to Teach Problem Solving " by Marilyn Burns, (the author of THE I HATE MATHE­ MATICS' book) in Arithmetic Teacher, 2/82: . .. Making proficiency at doing arithmetic with paper and pencil the major concern of elementary mathe­ matics is absurd. As the priority, it makes no sense in terms of our responsibility of preparing children for adult life. · . . When do you use arithmetic in your daily life, outside of classroom responsibilities that stem from teach­ ing computation? When teachers attend­ ing workshops are asked to answer this question, their responses usual­ ly include the following situations: when I balance my checkbook; when I



am in the supermarket keeping note of how much I am spending; when I need to know how much wallpaper, or carpet, or floor covering I need; when I am figuring the tip to give in a restaurant; when I want to know what mileage I'm getting with my car; and when deciding how long I need to bake a roast or turkey. When asked to list all the different methods for doing arithmetic, these same respon­ dents give answers that usually fall in these categories: with a calcula­ tor, with paper and pencil, mentally, using some manipulative. Finally, when these teachers review their first responses and note the method they usually use to do the arithmetic in each of the instances, the answers again show a consistency. Using a cal­ culator or doing arithmetic mentally are the two most consistently used methods; paper and pencil are not usually resorted to. Why then should children be spending the major por­ tion of their mathematical time in school practicing what will be of little use to them as adults? · .. What are the problem-solving skills that we need to be teaching? A look at problems as they appear in real life helps in considering that question. In real-life problems, you are rarely given all the information you need in one tidy package; you usu­ ally have to collect the data, and often from a variety of sources. Only rarely is there only one possible method or only one plausible solution that emerges from real-life problems; usually you choose one from several viable possibilities . You don't always know for sure if the solution you choose is the "right" or "best" one; it may be only later that you can evaluate your choice. Sometimes you never find out for sure; life has no answer book. · .. The brain is an active organ, seeking to glean understanding from the information it receives, often from complicated and chaotic infor­ mation. The brain is not a sponge­ like, passive organ. Nor does it learn in predetermined sequences as stimulus-response psychology sug­ gests. As explained by Leslie Hart in his book HOW THE BRAIN WORKS, what the brain does is extract meaning out of confusion by looking for and recog­ nizing patterns in the confusion. This process does not have to be taught; this is what the brain does, naturally and aggressively. · .. Putting this all together seems to prescribe a particular kind of classroom setting: one where child­ ren are working together, encouraged to share their ideas with each other and with you, and dealing with con­ crete materials from which conceptual understandings can be created .. . [JH: In many school systems there are few if any such classrooms - which is another compelling reason for teach­ ing children at home.] ON MATH

Quote from homeschooling mother Carol Everett in the Anchorage Daily News, 10/4/82: " ... One of the most exciting parts of teaching the kids is being able to capture the moment when Toby or Katy (who's 5) catch on. We can stop everything else and just build on that," says Carol . "Katy learned odd and even num­ bers that way. We had gone over add and even in the workbook and she had parroted answers back to me. But she


really learned at lunch when she was making peanut butter and cracker sand­ wiches . "She paired up all the crackers and there was one left. I asked her to count up the crackers by twos, and the ninth one which was left over, she said, was the odd one. She was excited and ran through numbers up to 100 telling me which was odd and which was even," Carol recalls. "The excitement was there. When it clicks we build on it. You can't always program those times ... " Margaret Viola (CA) wrote: ... My seven-year-old last week was adding some two-column addition. I had never seen him do this before, and all his answers were right, so I asked him how he was doing it. He ex­ plained, for example, to add 27 + 25, just count by tens from 27, to 37, to 47, then add 5 to 47 to get 52 . I have no idea where he learned to count by tens. Today, however, he was adding some larger numbers and having difficulty . I mentioned casually that I could show him another way, if he wanted. He agreed, and I showed him two-column addition, explaining tens and ones with the use of some Mon­ tessori equipment I've had stored in the closet (just in case anyone ever asks for my help!) He finished up per­ fectly, saying, "Thanks . It's much easier now that you showed me another way." ...

[JH: When I have to add two 2-digit numbers, I always add the tens first.] Cathy Earle (CA) wrote: · .. A family I know just got an Apple computer . The parents bought a math drill program - one that pre­ sents math problems and waits for the student to put in the answer. The younger boy, age 7, was using the com­ puter ... The program presented this problem: 6 + 2 = Cory put hiSTInger on the "6" key, then counted right 2, then pressed that key (which, of course, was the "8" key). Cory used this meth­ od to solve each addition problem, and the same method, counting left, to solve subtraction problems . At first Cory's dad said, "Hey, that's cheating." But then he said, "Oh, well, Cory's got to be pretty smart to have realized his method would work." Yes, Cory is smart. He also understands what addition and subtraction really mean' . . . From another California reader: · .. When Zane (6) counted to 500 last summer, we went t o the bank and got 500 new, shiny pennies as a reward. That has been one of the best investments in toys ever. There are so many things you can do with imagin­ ation and 500 pennies ... Great for math, of course, and drawing pic­ tures. And so much fun to walk on and listen to, shuffle, etc .. . STARTING TO READ

Kathy Mingl (IL) wrote: · .. J.P. has just learned lately (day before yesterday, actually) that he can read. He's not sure just what to do with it, yet, but he's in­ trigued with the idea that he can

sound out and decode those baffling squiggles that are allover the place, that grownups somehow come up with stories and other interesting stuff from . He only recently became able to write, too - I don't say he learned, exactly. He's been scrib­ bling and making uncertain letter­ shapes up till now, sometimes back­ wards, sometimes right, sometimes remarkably Hebraic-looking, but sud­ denly one day I told him to write some labels for his toy-shelf boxes, and spelled out the words for him, (as I have been all along), and he printed them right out, perfectly. There you are ... And from Denise Hodges (IL): . . . As far as I know, Lucas has not read anything since we took him out of school in April. He looks at books. I don't know if he reaas-them. I once asked him to read to me, but he declined . A few days ago, he dis­ covered with great excitement that he could record things on his tape recorder (not just play tapes). He sat down and read aloud a comic about Smokey the Bear - about grade level 3 - with no trouble at all' I was beam­ ing all day and congratulating myself for my successful struggle against pushing him to read more ... BACKWARD LETTERS

From Jeanne Gaetano


.. . Shortly after my first child was born, I was given a used port-a­ crib which had previously belonged to my niece (now 5~). I placed my child in it for the first time and was star­ tled to notice that the "crib toys" (plastic letters suspended on a metal wire between the bars on one side of the crib) read A-B-C. Which could only mean that on the inside - where my son was - they read: backwards C, backwards B, backwards A! I snapped the wire and removed the letters and thought no more about it, except to note to my husband that baby furni­ ture is designed for parents, not babies. That was more than two years ago. The other night, I was visiting a friend and her new baby. The baby was in a similar port-a-crib and it, too, had the backwards alphabet on the child's side' When I questioned my friend about it, she said that she hadn't noticed that before; the crib was a hand-me-down from her six-year­ old cousin. How many "dyslexics" do you think will be starting first grade this fall? How many of them spent their first year looking at a back­ wards alphabet? .. BUYING SECOND-HAND

From Jane Williams (CA): ... Katie is just 22 months, but I have been preparing myself and our home to be her learning center for more than a year now .. . ... This past summer I have spent a great deal of time at flea markets, second-hand shops and garage sales. In a few short weeks I have amassed a great deal of material which will be available to Katie if and when she needs or wants it. For me, the biggest treasures are books. Often I find books for 25¢ for hardback and 10¢ for paper. Some


this and still get reasonably accur­ of the books I have found: The Har­ ate sound. vard Classics, The Library of Enter­ Also advertised in that sale tainment (between them they contain were a number of the small computers, just about every major classical writer one might want). These 27 at very low prices; an Olivetti Lexi­ kon 83 Electric Typewriter for $200, books coming from both volumes cost the lowest price I have ever seen for me $2.70 . I have also found some of a typewriter using a ball element, the Litle House books; Newberry and which has the great advantage that Caldecott award winners; The Child­ little children can't get the keys ren's Dictionary; books on science experiments to do in the home; Nation­ tangled up if they hit more than one al Geographic magazines (sometimes--­ key at a time; and an electronic type­ writer with a 16-space automatic cor­ tor tree); Cricket magazine (10¢ rection for $360, again much the low­ each); How and Why books; and the est price I have seen. list goes on. If Katie is interested, Two other companies advertising the material is there, if not, there much of this same equipment, as well is no great monetary loss ... as cameras, at very low prices are In addition, I have found hats STEREO WAREHOUSE and GRAND CENTRAL for make-believe play (Indian head­ CAMERAS . As I said, the Thursday New dresses, firefighter hats, cowboy ·York Times, if you can get it, is--­ hats, etc.). Games are available for a quarter or fifty cents each. I have well worth looking at if you are in the market for such equipment . - JH found magnifying glasses, tissue slides of blood and plants for the microscope, magnets, and toys. I have found paints (acrylics and water FREEBEES colors ) , pastels, easels, canvasses, From Michele Sokoloff: crayons, craft supplies, etc . From Creative Playthings I found . . . 1 work for an educational mag­ for 10¢ an entire leather kit on con­ azine. One of my tasks is to locate structing gears . For 50¢ I picked up an electronic circuit board . "valuable" freebees for teachers and parents . .. The response to these In all this shopping and brows­ materials have been terrific with ing Katie accompanies me . And togeth­ er we have a marvelous time . . . many people finding them quite useful . . . . Some examples include: using the newspaper for learning, free books offered by publishers, a solar BARGAINS IN ELECTRONICS data bank, free documentary films on American lifestyles and other topics, One of the best places to shop for a number of different kinds of materials on the preservation of the sea, free slide shows, and many more. equipment, including cameras, small computers, and portable stereo tape I would like to share descrip­ recorders, is the entertainment sec­ tions and addresses of these ever­ growing free resources wit h home tion of the Thursday editions of the schoolers . Please send $3.50 to cover New York Times. Here a number of the largest discount stores in New York xeroxing and postage to me at: 502 City advertise their sales, and their Woodside Av., Narberth PA 19072; (215 -664-2117 ) . .. prices are lower than I have been able to find anywhere els~. They are a particularly good place to shop for small radios and MUSEUM CATALOGS tape recorders of the kind that the From Anne MacLeod in Nova Scotia: Sony Walkman made famous . Of these, the best I have seen and heard are the ones made by Aiwa, which in .. . Museum shops put out gorgeous catalogues and they are a treasure design and quality of sound seem to me well ahead of the competition. trove of learning resources. There are generally quite a few items that Their latest model is the HS-J02, which combines an AM/FM radio with a appeal to children in the line of books, games, puzzles, kits, and more stereo cassette player and recorder. that are well made, aesthetically The quality of the sound, both on FM and when playing cassettes, is remark­ pleasing, and custom-made to instill ably good, and the small stereo micro­ wonder and help bring about learning . The areas and subjects covered have a phone, which can be attached to th~ very wide scope, and the prices are tape recorder itself or detached and nearly always reasonable. The follow­ clipped to a pocket, collar, etc . is ing places will send you a catalogue: also good, excellent for speech and METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, 255 not bad even for music. It is by far Gracie Station, New York NY 10028 the cheapest and most compact com­ ($1); THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC plete music system one could find . PRESERVATION, Preservation Shops, Its list price is something over Dept. D, 1600 H Street NW, Washington $200, but the ad for CAMERA WORLD AND SOUND (104 W. 32 St. NYC 10016 - Mail DC 20006 (50¢); THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, Box 1220, Radio City Station, Order Dept. at G.P.O. Box 2223, NYC 10016) offered it for $140, plus ship­ New York NY 10019 ($1); THE SMITHSON­ IAN INSTITUTION, PO Box 2456 , Washing­ ping cost (around $5). At that price ton DC 20013 ($1); THE NEW YORK BOTAN­ it is a real bargain. Any comparable ICAL GARDENS, Bronx NY 10458 (Free) . .. music system, large or small, that was significantly better would cost at least twice as much. And it has the advantage of being portable - it HIS OWN MAGAZINE can run for quite a number of hours From Craig Conley (2248 Cherry­ on only two AA batteries. As I have perhaps said before, for people learn­ dale, Baton Rouge LA 70808), a 15­ year-old home schooler now at Louisi­ ing a musical instrument it is very ana State University: helpful to tape much of their own playing, so that they can hear what .. . 1 first got interested in they are really doing and not just writing newspapers five years ago what they think or hope they are when I was present at the collapse of doing (the difference is sometimes a an historic old hotel in Joplin, little discouraging, as I have found Missouri. I wrote an article about many times). This Aiwa machine is by the history of the hotel and how it far the cheapest way I know to do

collapsed, trapping four men under the rubble. I added other articles about what my family was doing, and what was going on in town . Soon I had a whole newspaper. At first the paper was written by hand and sent to my grandparents. Then I made a really good issue, typed it, and sent copies to rela­ tives and friends. So many people sub­ scribed that Craig's Times became a monthly newsletter. Now my paper is read by 40 fami­ lies, in fifteen different states. It is called Craig's Quarterly and each issue ranges fr om twelve t o thir­ ty pages . It contains book reviews, news articles, art work and stories . Subscribers send in articles they have written. Each issue covers a wide area of interest, ranging from computers, dance, music, film and theatre, to pets and travel . I think writing a paper is an excellent way to keep in touch with people. Since our family has moved a lot, this is important to us . Reporting on activities also is good training for life. It makes me more observant and analytical. I try to look at people I know and new people I meet as possible subjects for an interview and sometimes this leads me to ask questions I might never ask otherwise. The most fascin­ ating people are really in your own backyard. Now that Craig's Quarterly has a much broader readership, I try to write articles that will be of inter­ est to everyone. Each issue contains many contributions from all types of people, on all sorts of subjects. For instance, a ten-year-old reader in Joplin, Mo., sends in articles about baseball, and a subscriber in Eugene, OR, who enjoys gourmet cooking, con­ tributes a "Good Food" page . I'm interested in all aspects of theater, of film making, writing, art, dance and music. The common denominator seems to be communica­ tion. Craig 's Quarterly is my party­ line to as many people as I can find who want to communicate their inter­ ests, too. If you would like to contribute anything, John, or if any of your readers would, please let me know. As time goes on, the writing of Craig's Quarterly becomes more important to me and I think I will continue pub­ lishing it for quite a while ... THE BERGMANS AT HOM E From an article written by Craig, published in the Baton Rouge State Times, 9/7/82:

... Cathy Bergman, president of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME EDU­ CATORS and editor of the Home Edu­ cator Newsletter, was taught at home for three years, along with eight other children in her family . She entered college at the age of 14 and was teaching college classes when she was 19 . "Thirteen years ago, when my mother decided to take us out of pub­ lic school, we thought she was nuts. We are conditioned to believe that the only place you will learn any­ thing is in a school situation. We children agreed with my mother that we would go ahead and try school at home. We hoped that she would change her mind in a few months so that we could go back to school and not be illiterate. We didn't really like going to school, but we liked to



learn. So we e mbarked on our home schooling experiment . "The neighbors and school board also thought my mother was crazy," Bergman cont inued, " because at the time no one else that we knew of was into home educating . "In the middle of the school year we went on a three - week trip to Mount Rushmore, and we couldn 't have done th at if we had been in school. We found there were many advantages in sta ying at home and being with your family . "Many teen-agers think they wou ldn't want to spend time with their sisters and brothers. They don't get to know their siblings . They might find out that they share interests. "When I started home schooling," she said, "I was 11 and my brot her wa s 8 . We really didn't know anything about eac h other and fought all the time. It took us a while to get to know eac h o ther and for me to find out that he was a really neat person . Now my brother is one of my best friends." Bergman went on to say, "So many times when you're i n high school you' re requited to take classes th a t wi ll not do anything for you. In a home school situation you can follow your own ambitions and get so far ahead at what you want to do because you have the time." ... Bergman said that as a teen­ ager her goal in life was to be a ballerina. "I had to practice six hours a day in order to be a baller­ i na, wh ich I couldn't do if I was in school. In a home school I could put all my energies into dance . That doesn't mean I didn't do any thing else . You are inspired when you have so much free time to learn a nd grow . Your interest will lead t o another interest . My ballet led to reading about ballet, and that reading gave me histor y . Reading that histroy led me to study great figures in art . " She noted that all he r brother wanted to do was build gazebos. In o rder to do that he had to learn math to measure, fractions and angles in order to bevel a board, and construc­ tion so that once he had it built, it wouldn ' t fall into the river ... FROM ENGLISH UNSCHOOLERS

A letter from Julie Duff in Gloucestershire, England, in H.O.U.S . E. Door: .. . We recently had the wonderful opport unity of havi ng Deb a nd Tim Martin (IL) stay with us for a short while here in Gloucestershire ... It was really exciting for us, as quite besides the pleasure of getting to know Deb and Tim, it also gave us the marvelous opportuni ty of finding out about home -schoolers in the States . ... 1 am quite sure that Debbie and Tim will forgive me if I tell you that our meeting also provided a basis for a lot of good -natu r ed laughter over cultural differences. No t only did we discover that Ameri­ cans real~y do eat peanut butter and jelly san wi cnes - but Debbie and Tim actually brought a larg e tub wit h them in their suitcase' My two child­ ren thoroughly enjoyed them, by the way' On the other hand, Debbie was much amused by my fridge . I think it 's quite big' However, I was assured that it was unbelievably tiny' Debbie really wondered how I coped' This led to a discussion on sizes of food packages. Malcolm and


I find it impossible to imagine buy­ ing a gallon container of milk - we buy one or two pints! Then there were the church bells - but that's anot her story . So you see it was all "home education" - in the truest sense, "people education." To be more serious for a moment - it is, I believe, very valuable for all countries with "alternative educa­ tion" to link up in some way as, obviously, world-wide organizations carry a lot of weight and impact, including great moral support. Ex­ changes of views in newsletters is one way - and if any of you would like to write for our EDUCATION OTHER­ WISE magazine, send it to me here in England ( Hasfield Cour t, Hasfield, Gloucestershire) . I know our members will be delighted to write for H. O. U.S.E and, of course, lots of us take GWS. Now about home education here in Britain ... Each county has a Local Education Authority ... Each L .E . A. ensures that every child in its area is " educated . " ... Although current court cases seem to prove that "no timetable," "no curriculum" and free learning are al l acceptable, if your kids cannot read and write you come up against a lot of trouble . So "free" learning is OK as long as the children show an inclination to read and write! Don't forget our children start school at four and a half to five years and are taught to read at once - so here the area of battle for home - schoolers who wish to let kids go at the ir own pace begins' Fortunately, lack of funds pre­ vents L.E.A. 's in some cases from doing too much about us - but some are ~lokdy and give our members a lot of f ac ... We have abo ut 750 member fami li es in EDUCATION QTHERWISE .. . COLLEGE BOARD EXAMS

From an article by Jean Shaffer in the May, 1982 Cruising World: ... Many colleges require an SAT score for entrance . A correspondence school graduate will not have taken this test in the course of his studi es . We found, h owever, that information about where and when these tests are to be given, as well as application forms, can be obtained at any high school . One needs only to mail in the form and fee to receive an en tran ce ticket, then be present a t the appointed time and place to take the test ... The tests are given several times a year at selected locations, usually in larger cities ... BILINGUAL FAMILY Jane Merril Filstrup, a free­ lance writer, and her husband have been attempting to teach their child­ ren to be bilingual in French and English. Jane sent us an article she wro te about the family in Wellesley Magazine, Summer ' 81, and tells us, " My children are now four, and, at that level, functionally biling­ ual ... " From her article:

... Chris's and my desire to rear our children to be bilingual stemmed from admiration for the language flex­ ibility of students at the Tehran In­ ternational School where we had taught in 1969-71. Half of the stu­ dents even negotiated a dual curri ­ culum in Persian and English, with, appa rentl y, little strain and lots of

personal and family satisfaction ... With the twins at the babbling stage, it seemed too soon. Then in conjunction with an article I was re­ searching for Parents Mafazine I visited several bil~ngua fam~lies. I learned that maintaining the "reces­ sive" language required an artful blend of relaxation and self-disci­ pline on the part of the adult speaker, but was greatly rewarding. The most exotic situation was a Japan­ ese mother and Yiddish-speaking Jewish-American father. They interest­ ed me particularly because their tri­ lingual ism was deliberately construct ­ ed, as ours would be . The father, although he had spoken Yiddish since childhood, had no connections wi th other Yiddish speakers. Mr . Schwartzman put me on the spot: If I was seriously attrac t­ ed to bringing up our children in plural languages, what was I waiting for? I bemoaned my inadequate vocabu ­ lary, barren in the area of the con ­ crete and household words wh ere small children operate. He shoved aside my doubt: "I keep a dictionary by my bed . You can do the same . " From then on I did . How silly at first, speaking a "foreign language" to toddlers, but in a few months the children were answering me in French , and the reverse would have seemed odd . In a few months more, Emma and Burton were mastering some new words I took from the dictionary faster than I was, and were reinforcing my vocabulary from time to time. At three, they greatly favor English, ye t their understanding of French equals their passive English . Their speech is a porphyry pf English mass encrusted with French words and phrases . When given the definite article for an object, they respond wit h its French name . We are proud of our children's bilingual skills, which they are achieving naturally to date. Yet we know it is an extra demand we place on them, and will modify our experiment if they show signs of stress. ... Mme . Genevieve Moesle, recent ­ ly from Normandy, conducts a cooking lesson in my kitchen every Sunday noon. While the others are making "o eufs en niege," or "poulet

c hasseur, " I bring her my dozen or so translation problems of the week . ... Despairing last year of the immigration problem and cost of bring­ ing over an au pair from France, I placed a classified in both France­ Amerique and a Montreal daily f or a francophonic mother's helper for any duration. Chantal, the vivacious Quebecoise who joined us, gives us an average of two hours a day of Frenc h babysitting. Possessing both a sense of adven­ ture and a fondness for children, she is like a sister to Emma and Burton, while, outside the home, she profits from the chance to see the world and improve her English. Chantal, as much as possible, emphasizes standard French wit h us, though, of course, her accent has French-Canadian over­ tones. Since it will be much easie r for our family to spend time later in Quebec than in France, we are very pleased to have Emma and Burton ex­ posed to a French-Canadian . If a Professor Higgins detects this souvenir in their speech at some future date, so much the better. They like dictionaries no ma~_~r how small the pictures and are more apt to pore over them for many min­ utes than any other type of book. THE CAT IN THE HAT DICTIONARY IN FRENCH (Random House, 1964), Rene Guillot's


IMAGES ET MOTS (Larousse, 1970) and MON LAROUSSE EN IMAGES ( Larousse, 1956) are all excellently bound and printed and "grow with" a child. Flip­ ping to any page of anyone of the three a child will find an object, action, or event represented that is apropos of his or her life at the moment. ... French children start on "bandes dessinees" ( comics) at a younger age than do Americans . Emma and Burton have memorized their favor­ ite among the lower -grade books, Walt Disney's Oncle Donald et ses neveux ( Deux Coqs d'Or ), whence Burton became Oncle Donald for Hallowe'en ... We have a number of Babar adven­ tures. Babar is so popular in the American nursery that the Babar books are the one segment of Emma's and Bur­ ton's French cultural experience that is continually and specifically rein­ forced in their surroundings. We stop to wave hello to the stuffed Babar in the shop window and receive Babar­ motif greeting cards from grandma . ... Certain select titles for pre-schoolers, mostly dictionaries and Babars, are imported and kept in stock in the United States by inter­ national book dealers like Rizzoli's at 712 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and the Continental Book Company at 11-03 46th Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101. But to acquire other French books is a bother, an expense, and a time-consuming process ... Fortunately, there are exciting developments in picture-books closer at hand, in French Canada . Serving as a guide are Notable Canadian Child­ ren's Books 1976 and its 1978 ~~e­ ment, prepared and distributed-oy-tne National Library of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1AON4. One can also join the Communication-Jeunesse, 445 Rue St . Francois-Xavier, Montreal 028, Quebec H2Y2Tl and receive Lurela, their journal on Quebec's ChTTdren's literature ... From a French book­ seller in Toronto, Editions Cham­ plain, 107 Church St., Toronto M5C2G5, we blanket-order anything new and good for preschoolers. For familiar songs we like the Folkways ' Chantons en francais in two volumes, and Sin~ Children Sing, Songs of France rom Caedmon ... Our happiest musical discovery is the six- volume, wildly fanciful Chante les mots (RCA, A. Colin Bour------­ relied . . . AN OREGON FAMILY From Lezlie Long (OR):

.. . In the on-going saga of the Knife [GWS #2 5, 28J, may I inject my two cents' worth? Ken and I have always expec ted our children to be civilized human beings and this includes not interrupting conversa­ tions. At the dinner table or at restaurants, from the age of about two years, the kids are expected to cut up their own food and pour their own drink from the water pitcher . I've been pregnant or nursing for the last six yea rs (by the time you read this I'll have four kids ) , and I simply am not Wonder Woman' The kids do things for themselves or they don't get done. .. . You have discussed artists ' supplies in detail, which is good, and the use of s harp knives, which are much safer than dull or semi­ dull . May I point out (and possibly throw out') that time-honored piece of equipment, the "Children's Scis­ sors"? ... A good sharp pair of four­

inch Fiskar·s (these have rounded tips ) are much safer and tidier and less frustrating than those dull, difficult-to-open-and-shut "Child­ ren's Scissors." My three- and five­ year-olds have never had their hands get in the way of their scissors when using the Fiskars as they were continually doing when using "Child­ ren's Scissors." I gave some simple instructions on how to use the full length of the scissors when cutting to keep them from getting dull, how to walk with scissors, hand them to others and keep them out of the baby's reach, and now I do not have to hover over the kids when they cut. The only bad experience I've had was when Robert ( 5) cut 3-year-old Rebecca's hair to pixie length. Since he doesn't want to lose his scissors forever he has agreed to leave Rebecca's hair alone . ... Living with Robert has been such a fascinating experience ... Do you know what the insides of a nine­ volt battery look like? I do. Robert showed me . He has showed me the innards of a lot of things that I didn't even know had innards. Robert went with me when he was two to help deliver a baby ( an emergency). He can give you a detailed description of the event now even though he was four and a half the first time we even talked about it. Robert's dad does electrical work, plumbing, carpentry, welding, wood working, masonry, auto mechan­ ics, refrigeration, gunsmithing, and more . He has six big tool boxes stuffed with tools. Robert can tell you the tools and what they are used for even th oug h his dad has never sat down and talked about them . Robert is the go-getter in the family. When he was two he took off to the store to get some eggs because I mentioned we we re out. That was when I started taking him allover town so if he left at least he could find his way home ( that only helped my nerves a little bit, a two- yea r­ old is still a two-year-old). Robert has been jumping off things since before he could walk . Last summer he was going to jump off the 13-foot-high chicken coop . I asked him to please don't because it was nothing but rocks below and I didn 't want him hurt. He found some­ thing taller to jump off. He also likes to bailout of swings (shudder) and run the fastest and the strongest. He's ex tremely proud of the scar he has from the stitches used to mend his arm where he fell off and s ub­ sequently got run over by the three­ wheel motorcycle. The poor emergency room nurse had to tell him what every piece of equipment was and ho w it was used and what the charts meant and how to run the radio, etc. And he looks forward to his next trip' I get blow-by-blow accounts of wha t happened at church and what the lesson was about and who slugged who, etc. Sometimes I feel like locking myself in the bathroom for some peace and quiet except there is no door, so that ave nue of escape is gone . Math is Robert's great love, but if you ask him any questions he plays dumb. It's like numbers are hi s own very private thing and you may keep out please' We scrounged some brand new textbooks (K-4th grade, in math, spelling, reading, Englis h, social studies, science) from th e trash a t school - Robert climbed in the dump­ sters for me. He then sat down to read a wordless kindergarten math book to Richard (2) and Rebecca. Some of the concepts he was telling them

were second grade level and yet I never would have known he kne w them if I hadn't eaves-dropped on the con­ versation . .. LlTILE KIDS & HOUSEWORK

By Susan Richman in the Western

PA Homeschoolers newsletter (Fa ll

'82 ) : ... Our 2-year-old Jacob is gener­ ally in on everything, often quite literally on top o f me or my 5- yea r­ old Jesse. Sometimes this can be quite frustrating, but usually we do find ways to manage, with his enthus­ iastic presence . We're-aIso certa i nly known for taking advantage of Jacob's naps for special projects, quiet activities, things we're sure we don't want messed up. Mosery-I'm amazed at how much Jacob is absorbing about what we ' re doing. He's fully in­ volved in Jesse's current aluminum can recycling project, often being the first to point out a can t ossed somewhere, saying, "May be that can be 'luminum, maybe that can nor-De rusty . " He knows about acrylic paints ( and that he now owns all our tem­ pera') and-Seed mosaics, spouts names of dinosaurs appropriately, loves the characters in DR. DOOLITTLE (our current bedtime book), helped out with a recent papier-mache pinata, always is in on breadmaking, etc, etc. I think these young siblings gain enormously from being able to participate wi th the older ones, dif­ ficult as their passi onate presence (and Jacob is VERY passi onate') can sometimes be. Jesse has also become adept at sometimes solving Jacob­ dilemmas himself ... seeing solutions I wouldn't have thought of . Perhaps that's a real life skill th at is more important than most of the paper-and­ pencil tasks tha t schools set for children. I don't think having tod­ dlers about is an insurmountable prob­ lem, but it does require fu ll measures of our creativit y . .. As for housekeeping (my years' and yea rs' nemesis . .. ) , I think it's most important to involve the child­ ren in upkeep. Participating wit h them in daily jobs seems to me more positive and effective than nagging, ye lling, or assigning jobs . Pr obably most home schoolers do NOT ha ve neat, showplace homes, though. Our hom es are our work areas, our space to use and live in. I've always thought the most fascinating homes wer~ th ose with great evidence of full living going on - half-completed projects in process, musical instruments about, art materials set out (translation: play-dough in the rug ), books every­ where, ne w block build i ngs gracing living room rugs, etc, etc . The more boring homes, to me (and I don't think it's just that I'm jealous ... ), are those of some acquaintances who wo rk full-time a nd send their kids out to baby-sitters - who literally never LIVE in their own homes. I think it's important perhaps to keep this perspective, remember where our values are, and aren't . We've chosen to have our children about with us most of the time, and it's not fair to then turn and act as if we wished our homes looked like no child's foot ever crossed our thresholds . Also I do think children can be help ed to see the need for places for things, the need for cleanup, so that more or different projects can then oe-5tart ed, or so priz ed collections of butterflies or postage stamps don't get wantonly ground into the



flooring . Kids can be helped to organ­ symbo lic ally and literally is we l­ ize their things meaningfully so that comed back into the tribe. I repeat, they're accessible (and no toy box not a wo rd of criticism about him or does that, even if stashing every­ his irresponsible, anti-social deed thing in sight into one of the things is allowed. The person in the center, does clear the floor a bit) ... we can only suppose, experiences a Jesse now times me with a sand variety of feelings about his mis ­ egg timer for my new whirlwind bath­ deed, having been flooded with the charitable warmth of his acquaint ­ r oom cleanup that I !!Y to do every other day. It's fun fOr him, he's ances, friends and loved ones . Per­ learning about timing devices, I zoom haps this overw helming positive bom­ about with his encouragement and bardment not only strengthens his pos­ cheers . He's even beginn ing to notice itive self - image, but also helps him when the bathroom isn't neat . .. -----choose to live up to the expectations of his tribe . . . We sometimes play spur-of-the ­ moment games to clean up a particular­ ly messy room . I might wri te down all the needed jobs on slips of paper, REVERSING TURNER shuffle them in a basket, t hen Jesse and I get to pick slips to see whic h As GWS readers know, California jobs we 'l l do. Often Jesse can read is one of the states in which people these simple directions if I use have found it easy to teach their words he knows and keep the format children at home by registering their the same each time (e . g . "Put away own homes as private schools. On my latest trip there I was t old that a the books," "Put away the dino­ saurs" ). So I suppose I could say recent state survey showed there were over 600 private schools with six stu­ these are actually "re ading lessons" ( thoug h we don't, we're just trying dents or less. It's a safe bet that to see the floo r again ) . Or sometimes many or mos t of these are home school s. we see if we can neaten a room by the time a favorite record is over (ou r But recently home schoolers have reported that school districts in Los "music appreciation " lesson slips in . .. ) . Sometimes we even sweep while Ange l es and San Diego counties have liste ning to the "Sorcerer's Appren ­ been threatening to prosecute, and in tice" and laugh over the to ys that at least one case actually prosecu­ ting, these home schooling families, our broom tries to gobble up - Jesse must race frantically to put them claiming that under California la w away first. "I Spy" becomes a cleanup their schools do no t qualify as pri­ game - "I spy something red, metal, vate sc h ools, and in support of this with 4 wheels'and a hitch," and Jesse claim citing the 1953 case of ieo~63 v . Turner (121 C. A. 2d Supp 86 ; or Jacob scurry to vroom a tractor back to its garage . I can sometimes P .2d 685), about which we wrote in manage this while simultaneously wash­ GWS 29 . In this case the Superior ing dishes . Speaking of dishes, Court of Los Angeles said that the Jacob's current favorite helping Turner family could not teach their method there is to sit directly on children at home because they did not the drainboard, feet in the sink~ qualify as a private school and be­ gleefully pouring and-rinsing and cause , not having teaching certifi­ soaping - keeps the floor a lot cates, they could not qualify as pri­ drier, and even seems a touch safer vate tutors. than him standing on a progressively We hav e no idea why, given the more slippery high-chair next to me . exis tenc e of Turner, the California I'm sure all families have found State Departmenr-or Education and many other ways to involve child ren many school districts in the state in housework fairly happily - please have in the past five or ten years share your thoughts with all of us' .. . allowed so many parents to register their homes as private schools . And we have no idea whether these recent at tacks on home schooling in Los AFRICAN "DISCIPLINE" Angeles and San Diego counties will From CONTACT: THE FIRST FOUR be ignored, or followed, by school MINUTES by Leonard Zunin, M. D. (Nash districts in other parts of the Publishing, Los Angeles, 1972): state; in short, whether we are see­ ing the beginnings of a state - wide ... When a person (among the campaign against h ome schooling . , Babemba tribes of southern Africa) Whether o r not this is the case, we acts irresponsibly or unjustly, he is are going to have to find a way to placed in the center of the vi'lage, ove rcome Turner. One way to do this alone and unfettered. All work would be to get the legislature to ceases, and every man, woman and pass some law or resolution explicit­ child in the village gathers in a ly favoring home schooling (see arti­ large circle around the accused indi­ cle on this subject elsewhere in this vidual . Then eac h person in the issue) . Another way is to prepare and tribe, regardless of age, begins to take to the courts a case which can talk out loud to the accused, one at reverse Turner . I think there is a a time, about all the good things the very gooa-cnance that this latter can person in the cen ter of the circle be done. has done in his life time. Eve r y inci­ We s hould note to begin with dent, every exper ience that can be that in Turner the court did not recalled with any detail and accurac y think of-rtSeTf as attempting to is recount e d. All his positive attri­ write new law or overturn old . Their ruling was what is often called butes, good deeds, kindnesses and " strict constructionist, II. that is, an strengths are recited carefully and at length. No one is permitted to fab­ attempt to guess the legislature's intention, in this case, what they ricate, exaggerate or be facetious about his accomplishments or the posi­ had in mind about home schooling when they wrote the school attendance tive affect of his personality . laws. The anti-Turner argument I put The tribal ceremony often lasts forward here isoasea on the claim, several days a nd does not cease until first, that they guessed badly, and everyone is drained of every positive second, that they oug ht not to have comment h e can muster about the per­ guessed at all . son in question. At the end, the tri­ In saying that they should not bal circle is broken, a joyous cele­ bration takes place, and the person have guessed at all I draw on or


appeal to a fundamental principle of Anglo - American law, one older and deeper than the Constitution and on which the Constitution itself rests, namely, that the law allows what it does not clearly t orbid. In a tree system o t law and government we do not have to ask the government for permission to do everything we want to do . If the law does not say we can't, then we can. The California statutes, like those of most states, do not explicitly allow home school ­ ing, but they do not explicitly for ­ bid it either. These statutes we re designed to make sure that children were educated, not to prevent their parents from educating them. If, therefore, parents can find a way of educating their children at home which is not specifically forbidden by the statutes, they have a legal right to do so. It is not the proper business of the courts to deny such a right, and I think a strong case can be made that in doing so the Turner cour t made a serious error . -----This argument becomes all the stronger when we consider the fact that for the past ten yea rs people in all parts of California have been teaching their own children by regis ­ tering their homes as private schools. This has not been some kind of well kept secret. On the contrary , these families have been widely publi­ cized in all the media, and beyond that have received the full coopera ­ tion of the St~te Department of Educa ­ tion itself . For at least the past three or four years it must have been well known to the legislat ors of Cali ­ fornia that home schooling under the private school provisions of the law was widely practiced in the state . Yet they said nothing. We can only assume that they were willing to allow it to happen . To the argument that they have not specifically said that home schooling was legal, our prope r answer is that they did not have to say so . All they had to do was not say it was illegal . Their silence gave consent . The correct position for the Turner court to have taken was that ~b y the court in the Giesy case in Virginia [GWS #11] . Private sc hools being virtually unregulated in that state, the Giesy family was teaching their children at home by registering their home as a private school . The local school district took them to court, saying that their home was not really a school at all, but only a way of avoiding the compul­ sory school attendance laws. The court ruled in the Giesys' favor, say­ ing that since the legislature had not said anything about what was or was not a private school, it was not the proper business of the court to take it upon itself to do so . But the Turner court chose instead to try to guess what the California legislature had had in mind about home schooling when it wrote the school laws, and its guess was that the legislature meant to say that families coul d not teach their children at home unless they had teacher's certificates. How did the court come to such a con­ clusion? The California statutes say that children between the ages of six and sixteen shall attend public schools , with three exceptions: 1) "Children who are being instructed in a private full-time day school by persons capa­ ble of teaching ... " 2) "Children who are mentally gifted . .. " (an excep­ tion that does not concern us here) 3) " Children not attending a private, full-time day school and who are be­


are watching to be sure nothing goes ing instructed in study and recita­ wrong, we don't have to watch . The tion .. . by a private tutor or other other argument was the one we spoke person ... [who) shall hold a valid of in our short article on this case State credential for the grade in GWS 29, namely, that to satisfy taught .. . " The Turner family claimed itself that many individual parents tha t their children fell under the first exception. The court ruled, on were doing a good job of teaching their own children would put a diffi­ the contrary, that they fell under the third exception, and that t he fam ­ cult and unreasonable burden on the state. To these arguments there are ily could not teach their own child­ several answers. One is that although ren because they did not have the private schools in general have a required State certificates . In so better track record than public ruling the court argued that the leg­ schools, their mechanisms of control islature must have meant that parents do not guarantee either competent wanting to teach their own childre n teaching nor effective learning; came under the third category, be ­ cause why else would they have plenty of bad teachers teach in pri­ vate schools, and plenty of children brought it up, who else could they fail to learn there. As Judge Greaney possibly have had in mind? pOinted out in Perchemlides, when The answer is that the legisla­ children fail in public schools the ture could very well have had in mind state does not pull them out; the all those persons who earned money same is true of California private and in many cases made their living schools . The state, in short, accepts by teaching the children of other a certain amount of risk and failure families, privately, and usuarry-in in schools private or public . Why the families' own homes . This was should it hold home schoolers to a what the word "tutor" was generally higher standard? understood to mean when the statutes Beyond this, we can make two were written . It had that meaning dur­ other points. Home schooling is no ing all the years (1930-45) in which longer the unknown quantity that it I was growing up; when my friends got may have appeared to the Turner court jobs as tutors, as many did, it meant in the early 1950's . By n~as a that they earned money by privately track record, and a good one. The teaching the children of other peo­ state has little reason, if any at ple . Since this was an established all, to fear that children who learn business, a way in which many people at home are likely to grow up uneduca­ earned their living, it is reasonable that the legislature should have want­ ted; the odds are that they will be better educated than most of the ed to bring it under some kind of children who have come up through the regulation, to protect the public state schools. Nor is it true any from the possibility of being victim­ more that people who want to teach ized by incompetent teachers. So the their own children are going to be Turner court's argument that in nam­ flying blind and alone, having to rng-exception #3 the legislature invent or discover every educational could only have had would-be home wheel for themselves. As every issue schooling families in mind is clearly of GWS and many other home schooling not necessarily true, and since the publications clearly shows, there is entire ruling rests on this argument, a very large and growing network of a strong case can be made that the resources and support growing up with­ ruling is in error. in the home schooling movement. In saying as it did that if peo­ Indeed, any family teaching their own ple wanted to teach their own child­ children, if they run into problems, ren they had to have valid State cer­ can call on far wider sources of tificates for all the ages of all the advice, support, and help than are children, the court was clearly available to al l but a few teachers imposing a requirement which was in in schools, public or private . The the highest degree onerous and un­ quality control mechanisms of the reasonable . I do not know how many home schooling movement, if we want different certificates a person or to look at them that way, are at family in California would have to least as effective as anything exist­ have to teach a child from age six up ing in the schools . So there is no to age sixteen, or how long it would reason for a zealous court, like the take to acquire these certificates. Turner court, to protect the state For most parents to get such certifi­ from what the legislature itself has cates would require not only that never considered, and certainly does they pay the costs of attending some not now consider, a danger. teacher's college for as much time as These are the arguments from would be required, but also that they which can be constructed a case which give up much or all of the money that I believe will be able to overcome they might otherwise be earning. This Turner. But I don't think we need to would add up to a sum of money that or ought to wait to put them forward the vast majority of people could not until we are actually brought into possibly afford. And this requirement court. Let's use them, if we can, to is all the more unreasonable and un­ stay out of court, by showing them to fair since neither the legislature any school authorities with whom we nor the Turner court itself said or may be having trouble. - JH implied in any way that only persons holding state certificates were com­ petent to teach. In their defense the Turner fam­ FROM TEXAS LAWYER ily said that it was unreasonable for Egon Tausch [GWS #27), one of the state to say that people not hold­ our most active friendly lawyers, ing state certificates could teach in writes from Texas: private schools but could not teach their own children. To this very ... The compulsory attendance law sensible claim the court presented in Texas states merely that a child two arguments. The first was that between certain ages must go to since people teaching in a private public school a certain number of school would have other people - par­ days per year unless he or she is "in ents of students, administrators, attendance at a private or parochial other teachers, trustees, etc. - con­ school" with a course in good citizen­ cerning themselves with their compe­ ship. There is absolutely no defini­ tence, the state could safely leave tion of "private school." There is no it up to them; in short, since others

requirement that such schools be "licensed" or "accredited" in any way. There is no requirement that the teachers 'of a private school be "cer­ tified" in any way . In fact, there are no regulations at all for private schools in Texas, unless they are also day-care centers or similar busi­ ness facilities open to the public, in which case other, unrelated, laws apply . There are no Texas cases that by any stretch of the imagination apply to what is or is not a private school, or what one should be like .. . Of course, the public-school establishment disapproves of home schools, and is always seeking to pro­ secute. Such cases have never gone high enough in the Texas court struc­ ture to set a precedent. Often the home-schooling defendants win in Jus­ tice Court (J . P . 's). Sometimes the parents lose in Justice Court, then give in and send their children to public school. Sometimes they pay a fine, continue their home school, and the school district forgets about them . Occasionally the Defendants lose in Justice Court, appeal to County Court, and the case is dis­ missed there by the district attor­ ney . The most recent case, other than ours, was in Dallas, where a J.P. declared the law unconstitution­ al due to vagueness and acquitted the family. In the case of our first family, two years ago, the Defendants lost. The family appealed, and we got the charges dismissed by the D.A. on the county level. That family continues to teach its children at home without interference . Our second family was prosecuted six months ago, but the prosecutor was unable to provide any evidence at all as to whether the child was or was not in any school - home, accredi­ ted, parochial, or otherwise. There­ fore, we did not have to put up a de­ fense and we won without one. The fam­ ily will probably be prosecuted again in the fall. If so, we'll appeal any possible adverse decision to County Court . Strategies in school cases dif­ fer . In J.P . cases, we have decided, first, to force the prosecutor to prove a prima facie case, by saying nothing ourselves, at first. If he can't show where the child is, he can't prove the child is not in school somewhere. He must bear the burden of proof in a criminal case . He cannot force us to give him evi­ dence for his case (unless the judge permits violation of the 5th Amend­ ment) . If the prosecutor can show, with­ out our cooperation, that the child is in a home school, he must also pro­ vide evidence that a home school is not a "private school" . . . Then we must rebut by showing that our home school is a school, and a good one. We have-oecided not to put on expert witnesses, or constitutional argu­ ments, on the J.P. court level. We let the prosecutor bring out his entire case, rebut briefly, if necessary, and, if we lose, appeal to a court of record, County Court, where, according to Texas law, we have a complete new trial and any­ thing that went on before is inadmissible. If we win at County Court, we will be well on our way to establishing precedent in our favor. That is why we are welcoming an appeal to County Court. Please note that in all our steps above, we are seeking to estab­ lish that we are in compliance with the law. We believe that challenging



the law constitutionally (vagueness or First Amendment) is the hardest way to go, however valid; it will also, if successful, result in a new law which might forbid home school­ ing . The education establishment is wo rking on such a bill now . Nevertheless, when we go into County Court we shall include motions raising the constitutional issues (vagueness and 1st Amendment) as a last resort. Others in the movement have sug­ gested that we forget these cases and work on legislative reform. As an attorney, it is my duty to defend my clients wh enever they are prosecuted, whatever else I might work on. Also, if we lose a serious case, it will in­ fluence the legislature deeply and negatively . I think that a massive campaign to educate the legislature would be necessary on our part, and we don't have time; the public - school l obbies are way ahead of us. Besides, we are in compliance with the law as written. Texas has one of the safest laws. If we try to change it and fail, every judge will interpret that as proof that the law was intended to forbid home schooling ...

SCHOOLS WEREN'T " EQUALIZERS" [ JH: ) Home schoolers may find themselves accused now and then of weakening or d es troying the public schools which are supposedly the only hope for the children of the poor. Since this accusation may cost us some public support, and even more important, since it may carry some weight if a specific home schooling case ever goes to the upper Federal courts, it is worth our while to refute it whenever we can . For this purpose readers may find interesting these words written by Colin Greer in his book THE SOLUTION AS PART OF THE PROBLEM, published in th e ea rly '70's by Harper and Row: .. . For at least a century now, socio-economic class, as signified by employment rates and levels, has de­ termined scholastic achievement, as measured by dropout and failure rates . .. The American school system, so the legend goes, took the back­ ward, ragged, ill-prepared immigrants who crowded into the cities, educated and Americanized them, and pushed them into the bomogeneous productive middle class that is America ' s strength and pride . It is a lovely le­ gend, but it is a l egend ... A brief look at the actual per­ formance of the public schools about 100 years ago shows that more child­ ren failed in urban public schools than succeeded, both in absolute and in relative numbers . Among the school systems which had lar ge numbers of im­ migrant and poor pupils - Boston, Chi­ cago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pitts­ burgh, New York, and Minneapolis ­ failure rates were so high that in no one of those systems did the so­ called normal group exceed 60 per­ cent, while in seve r al instances it fell even lower, to 49 percent in Pittsburgh and to 35 percent in Min­ neapolis. The upward mobility of the white lower classes was never as rapid nor as sure as it has become traditional to believe. The 1920 census, for exam­ ple, showed that even the favored Eng­ lish and Welsh migrants found half their number tied to th e terrifyingly vulnerable unskilled labor occupa­ tions, and school dropout rates for all groups, including blacks, were in


direct proportion to rates of adult employment ... A large proportion of immigrants never made it into middle­ class society. Millions more are just now eking their way out of the lower working class. The great majority of the Italians and Irish are only just beginning to attend college; once there they sustain failure rates which are at least equal to the rates they and ot her minority groups, in­ cluding blacks, sustained in the pub­ lic school system ... The legend that our schools have been effective agents of social change persists and supports the illu­ sion that they can now, in like man­ ner, address the problems we so fer ­ vently wish would go away. The truth is the public schools have never done what they are now expected to do . ..

WHY THEY DID IT [JH) : The 10/18/82 issue of the New Hampshire Times car ri ed a long ana-very sympathetic and well­ informed story about home schooling . The article quotes at length one home schooling parent, Sally Wellborn, and what she says is so well said and so much to the point that I want to quote some of it here: ... School seemed to us to be essentially a factor y gear ed to pro­ gramming children into average con­ tributing members of an industri al­ ized bureaucracy. I did not want my children ' s enthusiasm for learning increasingly complex manual and intellectual skills, their delight in discovering the interrelatedness of all things, the ir down-to-earth sense of social r esponsibility, their ingenuity and self-reliance, to be muddled by the school's unavoidable compartmentalization of such matter, classroom disciplin e and busywork. I did not want my children t o be forced to accept, until they were old enough to confront, certain exploitative attitudes that cause grown-up people to fight wars and destroy th e e nviron­ ment . [A third-grade text us ed in lo­ cal schools says) "We are quickly using up coal, oil, and ot h er miner­ als ... The land may become truly a desert of waste . But in the ocean there are enough minerals to supply our needs . " I wanted to spare my children the confusion the y would ex­ perience when encountering teaching materials so appallingly antithetical to the va lues cherished b¥ O\'~ family. [With home educationJ the learn­ ing that takes place is very amor­ phous, organic , Children learn by con­ nection; everything is correlated to everything else , We would often start off with books from the public library - during the winter the boys read hundreds of books, not many in the summer - but it is impossible to predict or to program where a book o r an experience would take them . The boys would often pursue something they were interested in at a break­ neck pace, but when I would try to organize or program their learning, they were apt to resist and walk off , . . [ After the boys decided to go back to school, to see more of their friends:) We have a lways found the boys' public school teachers to be genuinely concern ed for our child­ ren ' s intellectual growth, .. and we have enjoyed a reasonable and mutual­ ly respectful dialogue with school administrators. But these pl easa nt relationships make a frail bridge

indeed across the chasm which separ­ ates my understanding of what con­ stitutes useful, permanent learning from the system of education used in public schools . ,. [ JH ) : In the same article, an­ other home schooling parent, Barb Parshley, talks about some of the rea­ sons she took up home schooling: ., ,Last year, I had two children in school. It was rush, rush, rush. Rush the children up, into their clothes and through breakfast; hurry them into bed at night so they could get up in time for school . Recesses at school were so short and hectic, I felt it was important for the child­ ren to have time for extended, imagin­ ative play with their friends on week­ ends, As a result, we had no family time, no quality time. The only time I was with my children, we were all rushing around , They saw their father intermittently, since he works a rotating shift and many weekends , The boys we re cranky and over ­ tired; they were anxious; they suffered from frequent leg and stomach cramps and headaches, And their social behavior was deteriora­ ting badly, I saw my children becom­ ing more and more neg ative and aggres­ sive towards each other and their friends. I felt so helpless, since I couldn't be around to see what was precipitating this behavior , When th ey were in sc hool, the children also simply had no time for exploring in depth the subjects that had once reall y excited them, They were simply too wo rn out , And Sean was becoming so spoon-fed that he had lost his motivation to learn on his own . If it is important to learn to read, write, and compute, and if we want c hildr en to sustain a love of learning throughout life, why not let them learn what interests them? . .

SUMMARY OF REASONS From th e H. O. U.S . E, newsletter in Illinois, 1/82: .' ,Why Would A Parent Make The Decision To Home School? ., .1} We can give our children a more challenging curriculum . 2) We can give them one-to-one time an d thus have l ess wasted school time , 3) Children can be more free to follow their individual interests . 4) We can provide a more con­ tr o lled spiritual, mental and physi­ cal environment, 5) We can protect our children from the meanness and competitiveness of th e schools. 6) We can allow our children more daytime access to the community at large, 7) We can develop more indepen ­ dent learning attitudes on the part of the children, 8) We can go on field trips where they would not h ave provisions to accomodate an entire regular school classroom of kids. 9) We can maintain the contin­ uity of family relationships, allow ­ ing more time to be together ...

NEW TAPES HERE TAPIOLA CHILDREN'S CHOIR ($8 for 90 min, cassette) . this is an on­ loc a tion r ecordi ng I made of a recent concert of one of the most remarkable


musical organizations of the world, the Tapiola Children's Choir, from the city of Tapiola, in Finland. They are a group of about 40 young people, eight to ten of them boys, t he rest girls, average age about 14 (the boys are mostly younger), who sing and also play instruments (mostly strings), and very well, as you will hear. The chorus was started as the ordinary school choir of the Tapio l a Secondary School, in 1963, by Erkki Pohjola, who was a music teacher there and has been their teacher and conductor ever since. In a few years they had won international choral com­ petitions and had become world famous, as they have deservedly re­ mained . By the way, the notes on t he back of one of the choir's records say that Mr . Pohjola, though in other respects an accomplished string player and musician, is self - taught as a choir master and has neve r sung in a choir. I already knew t heir work through two of their recordi ngs, and when I heard they were going to be in this area, I jumped at the chance to hear them. As I went to their con­ cert, in the back of my mind wAs t he thought, "They can't possibly be quite as good as they have seemed t o be." After all, records can be and are put together out of many "takes," so that the mistakes and rough spo t s of live performances can be ironed out. And microphones and other gadgets can make people sound some ­ what better than they really are. So I was ready to hear something just a little short of perfection . Perfection, however, was what I heard. It only took them two or three notes to convince me and all of us that they were every bit as wonderful as we had hoped. The perfection of their intonation, the purity of their tone, the clarity of their diction, and their rhythmic flexibility, preci­ sion of ensemble, and control of dy ­ namics and of tonal color, were hard­ ly to be believed . One song, a modern Swedish work about a magic curse to make your enemy mute, is one of the most difficult choral pieces I have ever heard. And though these young musicians were coming to the end of what had been a long and hard cross ­ country tour, they showed almost no signs of the fatigue they might have been expected to feel . When at the end of their concert they sang "Fin­ landia" and "Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child," there was not a dry eye in the house. They have made four commercial recordings that I know of. One is on DG (Deutsch Grammophon 2530812), a very large international company, and so may be fairly readily available . Of the others, two are on a small Swedish label called BIS, and one on the Finnish label Finlandia. I plan to add one or more of these records to our list - we will announce titles and prices in a later issue . But though some of the songs they sang at this concert will be on some of those records, none will have the American songs they learned especially for this trip, or will give quite the same sense of a live concert. At one point in the tape you will hear a touching little mini­ drama. In the seat right in front of me a little girl of about 5 was sit­ ting with her mother. She began to get very fidgety and restless, and when her mother showed by signs that she was to be quiet and still, the child began to look defiant and angry, and seemed to be working her­ self up to some test of strength.

Finally her rightly exasperated mother gave the child's hand a hard squeeze . Perhaps she squeezed harder than she meant to, for the little girl gave a gasp of surprise and pain, and began to cry - but very softly. As the choir sings one song, itself sad, you can hear all this going on in front of you. We will soon add to our list more of the music of this astonishing group. Meanwhile, here is a chance to get to know them. JOHN HOLT'S SPEECH IN ITALY (Vols. 1, 2. $6 per each 60 min. tape). This is a tape of a talk that I gave at a center for Tibetan Buddhism in Pomaia, Italy (not far from Pisa). What is unusual about this tape, as about the meeting it­ self, was that since many of those attending were Italian and spoke little or no English, my talk had to be translated. Instead of using simul­ taneous translation, which aside from being very expensive makes it impos­ sible for people to hear anything but the translator, they used sequential translation, which meant that I would say a sentence or part of a sentence, the translator would translate, I would say another sentence, the tran­ slator would translate again, and so on. This stop-and-go talking was a very odd experience, all the more so since I was listening to the transla­ tor to see how much of her excellent but very rapid Italian I could pick up. So if you want to get the feel of what was a very interesting meet­ ing, or simply want a chance to hear some Italian spoken very clearly but at rapid conversational speed, you may enjoy these tapes. By the way, I began my talk by saying a few words about all the trouble I had getting to the meeting place, which to my sur­ prise and pleasure they all found absolutely hilarious, and so got us off to a nice friendly start .

NEW BOOKS AVAILABLE HERE THE BEAR THAT WASN ' T, by Frank Tashlin ($1 . 80 + post). Many children of around six or seven, and perhaps younger (or older), will enjoy read­ ing this little book or having it read to them, for just the reasons Gareth Matthews speaks of in his book PHILOSOPHY AND THE YOUNG CHILD (also on our list), namely, that in its very light-hearted way, it raises the kind of deep and difficult philosoph­ ical questions that young children are often very interested in. In this case these are questions about appear­ ances, identity, and reality - how do we know (or do we know) we are what we think we are, and how could we prove it if we had to? The plot is simple; a bear goes to sleep for the winter, and when he wakes he finds that a huge factory complex has been built all around him. Nobody he meets believes he could possibly be a real bear, and eventually the poor bear has his own doubts. I suddenly remember that as a child I was fascinated with the whole idea of amnesia, a total loss of mem­ ory. Indeed I remember, at the age of about ten, being completely absorbed by an adult detective story called TWO O'CLOCK COURAGE, by Gelett Bur­ gess (who wrote the poem about the Purple Cow), which was about a man who after being knocked out by a blow on the head finds himself lying be­ side the body of a murder victim,

with his memory completely gone, so that in order to clear himself of the crime he has to discover who he was and what happened to him. I loved the story, which I read when my parents, whose book it was and who didn't know I was reading it, were out of the house . I suspect that with quite a few children parents will spend a lot more time talking about THE BEAR THAT WASN'T than just in reading it . - JH THE RIVER AT GREENE KNOWE, by L.M. Boston ($2 . 65 + post). This is actually the third book in the Green Knowe series; I should have added it after TREASURE and before STRANGER . In this book our friend Tolly and his grea t -grandmother are away for the summer, and the house has be'en rented to two middle-aged English ladies . One of them invites her niece, Ida, and two refugee children, Oskar from Poland and Ping from an unnamed country in Asia, to spend the summer with t hem . The three children are given a canoe and the run of the river and pretty much turned loose . The book is about their explorations and adventures . Like so many English books for children, this one is full of the writer's love of the country­ side and the many things and crea­ tures in it. The book is about the three children, who though very different become close friends, and about their adventures and discover­ ies on the river, which include meet­ ing a real giant. Another fine story in this lovely series. - JH AN ENEMY AT GREEN KNOWE, by L.M. Boston ($1.65 + post). In this, the last of the Green Knowe books - and I hate to think of there not being any more - an enemy, powerful, danger­ ous, and ruthless, comes to Green Knowe, looking for an old piece of magic that she believes has been hidden in the house for centuries. How she tries to steal this dark treasure, and how Tolly, his friend Ping - for they are now together in one story - and Mrs. Oldknow try to fend her off with some good magic of their own, makes up the story of this very scary book. Clearly L.M. Boston, like me, was a great fan of M.R. James, whose ghost stories are on our list. In fact, many of her ideas and magical devices are so clearly taken from James's stories that I can spot the story they came from . No matter; James's ghosts are not any the less grim or frightening for having been seen before, and to whatever she may have borrowed from the Old Master, L . M. Boston has added plenty of terri­ fying inventions of her own, that James himself would have approved of. No more than James himself is this a book to read alone in an empty house on a dark night' An exciting end to a wonderful group of stories that have given me much pleasure and that I look forward to reading many times again. - JH THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH, by Norton Juster ($2.65 + post). For many years my friend Tony Kallet, who edits the magazine Outlook from which we quote from time to time, has been telling me that I ought to read this book. Well, I finally did, and he was right . Like ALICE IN WONDERLAND, it is a delightful fantasy, and like ALICE (and very few other children's books), it explores quite deeply in its lighthearted way the subtle rela­ tions between objects, words, and mean­ ings. A bored little boy, not interest-


21 ed in much of anything, finds himself in a magical world where he visits (among other places) the cities of Dictionopolis and Digitopolis, and meets such creatures as Tock the Watch Dog, the Spelling Bee, and the Awful Dynne . Like THE BEAR THAT WASN'T, it is a book full of philo­ sophy. Lewis Carroll, who loved play­ ing with words, would have enjoyed it, and so will children of around nine or ten, which is time that most of them begin to discover the pleasures of irony and wit. The many amusing pen and ink drawings by Jules Feiffer are just right . - JH THE GREY KING, by Susan Cooper ($2.65 + post). This is the fourth book in the "Dark is Rising" series (OVER SEA, UNDER STONE was the first) about the struggle of a group of children and a few adult friends against a great Evil threatening to overwhelm England. In THE GREY KING, we find the boy Will Stanton, whom we met in THE DARK IS RISING and GREEN­ WITCH, visiting in Wales after a long illness . There he tries to uncover the meaning of a secret and very important message he has been told to remember. In the bare mountains of Wales he meets men and women who are on the side of the light, and one man who has made himself a servant of the Dark. At the end, and with the help of his spell, Will meets and over­ comes even the dreadful magic of the Grey King himself . Another exciting story in this splendid series. - JH SELF-PORTRAIT: TRINA SCHART HYMAN ($7 . 95 + post). This delightful ~ by a leading illustrator of children's books, is a brief story of her own life, with her own illustra­ tions (in color) - one of a series of autobiographies of artists . I enjoyed it very much. Ms. Hyman had an inter­ esting life and tells about it well, and the many colorful pictures are full of life and humor, much more personal and real than most photo­ graphs, which in comparison seem stiff and posed. Most of all, I like the book because it answers so well a question that most children - for whom the book is intended - would often like to ask the adults they know, but usu­ ally don't quite dare: "How did you come to do what you are doing?" In this case, "How did you get to be a painter and an illustrator of books?" Nothing is more interesting to child­ ren than such real - life stories of adults, and this one is just right ­ not too long, with interesting detail but not too much, and as I say, brought vividly to life by the illus­ trations. I suspect that this series is a bit of a gamble for the publishers, since I don't think anything like this has been done before. If our readers like this first offering, we'll add others in the series to our 1 ist. - JH THE MAN WHO PLANTED HOPE AND GREW HApPINESS, by Jean Giono ($1 . 80 + post). This tiny book, which for some time I have wanted to add to our list, is one of the most hopeful and encouraging true stories I have ever heard, and I am very greatful to the Friends of Nature for keeping it alive . It is about a poor and un­ schooled shepherd, Elezard Bouffier, who when past fifty, finding himself in a desolate, drought-stricken region of France, had decided that the land was dying for want of trees,


and that, "having no very pressing business of his own," he would plant them himself. When Giono first met him, in 1913, Bouffier had been plant­ ing oak trees for three years, making a small hole in the ground with a short iron bar he carried, and put­ ting into each hole an acorn. In that time he had planted 100,000 acorns, of which 20,000 had sprouted and of which he expected about 10,000 to survive .

When Giono next saw him, six years later, the trees were taller than the men, "a sort of greyish mist that covered the mountain tops like a carpet." The forest that this one man had planted was by now about seven miles long and as much as two miles wide. Already water was flowing in brooks that had been dry for as long as people could remember. Bouffier was 87 years old when Giono last saw him, in 1945 . Giono writes, "It has taken only the eight years since then for the whole countryside to glow with health and prosperity . On the site of the ruins I had seen in 1913 now stand neat farms . . . The old streams, fed by the rains and snows that the forest con­ serves, are flowing again .. . The villages have been rebuilt .. . Count­ ing the former population . . . more than 10,000 people owe their happi­ ness to Elezard Bouffier." I hope that before too long a great many people may read this little book . It shows that individual human beings are not helpless and powerless, even now. - JH NOMADIC FURNITURE by James Hennessey and Victor Papanek ($5 . 35 + post). A fascinating collection of chairs, tables, beds, storage units, lights, etc, that you can buy for very little money, or even better, make for yourself for almost no money at all . Best of all, if you have to move, you can take this furniture apart into pieces that store in very little space, and take them with you (hence the title). An ideal book for people with very little money, or who would rather make their own things than buy them, or who (like me) are ' interested in beautiful and practical design . - JH BEST LOVED SONGS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, Denise Agay ($13 . 95 + post) . ~at collection has words and music to almost 200 classic songs, spanning the time from colonial days up to this century, and including ballads, folk songs, spirituals, show tunes, songs from the frontier, the Civil War, the Gay Nineties, and more . It is the perfect collection for families that want to gather around the piano and sing. It would be impossible to list all the titles, but here are a few: Froggie Went A-Courtin', Barbara Allen, The Girl I Left Behind Me, Home Sweet Home, Amazing Grace, Turkey in the Straw, Buffalo Gals, Little Brown Jug, The Erie Canal, My Old Kentucky Home, Dixie, Grand­ father's Clock, Swing Low Sweet Char­ iot, Red River Valley, Clementine, Maple Leaf Rag, A Bird in a Gilded Cage, My Wild Irish Rose, Give My Regards to Broadway, Tea for Two, Stardust, and We Shall Overcome. Of course, a~y collection is bound to leave out some of your favorites, and to include many others you've never heard of. But on the whole, this book is satisfyingly balanced and complete . Many of these songs are part of our social and political heritage . Our ancestors sang them as they

worked, travelled, and played . Litera­ ture is full of references to these songs; all my life, I've read count­ less song titles in books, songs I didn't know well enough to sing all the way through, or even to whistle the first line. Unless we learn these songs today in our homes, we are not apt to learn them anywhere, for popu­ lar music keeps churning out new "hits," and the old songs are over­ looked . We chose this particular collec­ tion over some others for several reasons, besides the selection of titles . For one, it has sturdy spiral binding, so it will lie flat without having to be held or weighed down. The printing is large and readable. Almost every song is on one page or on two facing pages, so you don't have to flip back and forth for dif­ ferent verses . The piano arrangement is simple and straightforward, and the chords are written in above the melody for those who play guitar or who want to improvise their own arrangements, in the style of HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO DESPITE YEARS OF LESSONS . There are several pages of text before each section, giving the back­ ground of the era . And at the end of the book are notes on the history of each song. Two or three of the songs use the word "darky"; as the introduc­ tion of the book apologizes, "It was felt that the omission of these songs would misrepresent the continuity of American musical history and make this song panorama deficient . " I sug­ gest that you substitute another word or omit it altogether; the song will make just as much sense. A good collection like this is as essential a reference book as a dictionary or atlas, something no home should be without . What fun for a beginning piano student to learn a "real" song that others can join in with, instead of a made-up exercise. Children who grew up learning the songs in this book would acquire a musical literacy that would serve them well no matter whether their tastes lead them to specialize in classical music, jazz, theater, folk music, or any other kind. Above all, this book is a source of endless hours of family entertainment. - DR BOOK ORDER INFO

Postage charge: For 1, 2, or 3 books or tapes, 75¢; 4 or more, 25¢ per item ($1 for 4, $1 . 25 for 5, etc). Massachusetts residents, please add 5% sales tax. Special offer: any three Holt Associates cassette tapes for $15. Does not include UNI­ VERSAL MUSICAL FAMILY. Make check (US bank) or money order for books, tapes, and reprints payable to HOLT ASSOCIATES, INC. Payment for subscriptions or back issues of GWS should be made out separate­ ly to GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING. CASTLE by David MCCaulay is now avail­ able in paperback for $5.15. We have also been able to reduce the price on GNYS AT WRK to $15.75. Price increases include: THE SECRET GAR­ DEN, $2.65; A BABY SISTER FOR FRANCES, $2.65; ECONOMY OF CITIES, $3.65; THE SECOND TREE FROM THE CORNER, $2.65; ROBERT FROST'S POEMS, $3.55; INNOCENCE OF FATHER BROWN, $3.15; THE LIVES OF CHILDREN, $3 . 55; A ZOO IN MY LUGGAGE, $3.15; OH, BOY! BABIES, $6.30. New books here: THE FIRST HOME SCHOOL CATALOG, $9.50; WALLY'S STORIES, $11.90; A SAND COUNTY ALMANAC, $2.50; HIGH WIND IN JAMAICA, $2.25; ALL NEW DINOSAURS, $2 . 65. We will still pay $2 for copies of THE WAY IT SPOZED TO BE in good condition.

DE LA GARZA, 21265 Plne Ridge, Apple Valley 86322 -- - Kay LaROUX (Steph en 6) 305 N 11th Av , Ho l brook 86025 -- - Barb ara LAWSON, 602 ­ 92387 - -- Ph1l & Cindi DENNIS (Phllllp g, Mer ­ 276-1116 , Phoenix --- Ha l LENKE , 4233 N 42nd rick 5) 15314l Larch Av, Lawndale 90260 --John DENTINGER , 1527 3/4 N Bronson Av, Holly­ Her e is the first complete listing since Pl, Phoenlx 85018 - -- Lucy LILLY , Sunse t Rt 80x 9X , W1lcox B5643 --Lor ena Mac ELROY & wood 9D023 - - - Rita DOMINGUEZ, 6389 Cooper, GWS H24. Our Oi rect ory i s not a li st of all Fontana 92335 -- - The DRESSERS, SANTA BARBARA sub scribers , but only of thos e who have asked Darye l ERICKSON (T1 er nanl77l 3543 E Be ll e vu e, Tucson 8571 6 --Lorn & Freda MAIN (C e leste 6 , SCHOOL OF THOUGHT, 454 Taro Canyon Rd, Santa to be 1 i sted, so that GWS r eaders, or ot her i n­ Simone 4) 7124 W Georgia , Gl e ndal e 85303 -- Barbara 93108 -- - Cathy EARLE, 1602 Naco t erested people, may get in touch with them . Rav en & Orlna MANN (Misha 6, Paho 4, Mori ah 1) Place, Hacienda Hts 91745 --- Mark & Barbara If you would lik e to be included, pl . ase send 80x 1339, Snowflake 85934 -- - Mike & Marti ENGLE (Eric 5, Jason 4) 1464 Modoc, Salinas us the information . MIKL (Darris 13) 1483 Black Canyon Stage , Phoe 93906 --Ed & Linda ESTRIN (Michael 14, Jessi ­ Please l et us know 1f you would rather ca 6 , Sam 3) 1557 C Grand Av, San Marcos 92069 have your phone number and town listed instead nix 85029 - -- Jack & Llz PROHASKA (Aaron 7 , Nel11 3) 6250 W Sun set Rd, Tucson 85743 ---Fred & Wendy FORBES (Ben 11, Beth 9, Rich­ of a ma1ling address. 8ea & Gary RECTOR (Aurelia 5, Elliot 3) 2539 Ward 1) 1255 Sumner Av, El Cajon 92115 - -If a name in a GWS story is followed by Klowa Av, Mesa 85202 --Linda & Allan RI EKEN Su za nne GETCHEL (Amy 10) 23 Wi 11 ow Grove, an abbreviation in parentheses, that per son is (Forest 5) 2539 E Portland St , Phoenix 85008 Irvine 92714 --- Gl enn GILBERT, 2188 Vista in the Oirectory. -Dennl s & Janet SARKETT (Donovan 14, JeremiEntrada, liewport Bch 92660 - -- Pam & Craig Note that we are list; n9 names and ages ah 6, Nathanlel 3) MEADOW OAK MOUNTAIN HOME GINGOLD (J eremiah 7, Serena 4) 13610 Vanowen or bi rth - years of ch 11 dren in many f amlli es . SCHOOL, PO Box 852, Tuba Clty 86045 -Robin St, Van Nuys 91405 --- Rosle HACKETT (Shawn Let us know if you want us to add yours to the & Juanita SIZEMORE (Scott 12, Krlstin g) 12405 12, Terry 10) 80x 1446, Cres t llne 92325 --list. To keep the Directory current, we have E Arbor Vist a 81, Tucson 85715 -Kathy David & Marilyn HALL (Michael 2) Box 222, added one year to the ages of all ch1ldren listed. This may mean some children's ages are STORER (Mlchael 13, Serena 8) 2326 W Pinchot , Orange 92666 --- Herbert HAMMER , 7001 Alvern Phoenix 85015 SUNSET HILL SCHOOL, 6250 W St, Apt A, Los Angeles 90045 - - - Harry & Hel not correct right now, but they will be COf ­ Sunset Rd, Tucson 85704 - -- Regina & Walter ena HAROUTUNIAN (Michael 17, Naomi 12, Ian 10) rect some time in 1983. WUNSCH (Gabrielle 8, Michael 6) 1430 W Jerome 320.W Garfield Av, Glendale 91204 -- : Dave & Av, Me sa B5202 Ma.,e HARTWELL (Stephen 3) 5465 Norw,ch St, AL - Anne & Charles JERNIGAN (7 chi ld ­ AR - Shlrolyn ALLEN , Rt N Box 25-C, Yell- San Dlego 92117 - - - Gab.,elle HARWOOD, 32001 ren) Rt2 80x 84, Andalusia 36420 Coast Hwy, S Laguna 92677 - - - Pedro & Eva ville TZ687 --- Lewis & Carol CALES (Jim 20, AK - Alvin & Kathy AMASON (Lena 7) 80x Christine 16) Rt 1 Box 101, West Fork 72774 HERNANDEZ (Jacob / 77, Erln178, M~ry /80) 7311 De 562, KOOiak 99615 --- Robert & Giselle 8ERGER­ --- Shirley DYE (Alan 15) Box 322 , Keiser Cel,s Pl, Van Nuys 91406 --- Kelth & Dema ON (Matthew 7, Mark 5) 6941 E 7th Av, Anchor­ 72351 --Kelly & Becky HOWARD (Samuel 9, HINSON (Darcy 10, Eryn 7, Ashley 7) 11792 age 99504 --- Jeff & Randi CURREY (Genevieve Emily 7, Anna 5) 1708 S Boston Pl, Russell ­ Robert Ln, Garden Grove 92640.--- HOMENET, 5, Hannah 2) 3411 Glenn Oon Cr #2, Anchorage ville 72801 --Doug & Jeanne McDOUGALL (Plum 25161 Jesrnond Dene Rd, Escond,do 92026 --- Bob 99504 --- Claudia HANSEN (Joshua 5, Justin 5, Blossom 5) Star Rt, Kingston 72742 --- Jim & & Martha HOMUTH (Brandon B, Casey 5) HOME Sarah 4, Jessica 3, Jonathan 1) PO 80x 2894, Cheri MITCHELL (Geoff 9, Sara 7) Rt 4 Box 155, SCHOOL, 3553 Rosewood Av, Los Angeles 90066 Anchorage 99510 - - - Gai 1 & Grady KNIGHT, 8643 Mountain Home 72653 --- Joe & Terry PRIDE --- Jeanette & M.D. HORGAN (John 18, J,m 14, E 10th Av, Anchorage 99504 --- Martha & Jim (Zachary 3) Rt 6 Box 233, Huntsville 72740 --Julie 13, Jill 11) 631 Billow Dr, San Diego KOHLER (Nancy 14, Jason 1" Alice 10) 8886 Buddy & Agnes ROSS (Robby 4 , Sarah 1) 11 Hunt­ 92114 --- Steve & Sandy HOUSLEY, (Shawn 12, Cedar Ct, Juneau 99801 --- Melinda & Richard er's Cove, Pine Bl uff 71603 --Margaret ChrlS 11) 21556 Av 100, L,ndsay 93247 - -LEE (Elijah 9, Annabelle 6, Tobias 2) 1670 VIERS, PO Box 4, Deer 72628 --- Mary WESTON, Nancy JOSEFOSKY (Ken 19, Dan lB, John 16, Evergreen, Juneau 99801 --- Stan LONG, Box PO Box 346 Ward 72176 Chris 13, Fred 9) 3581 Mt. Aclare Av, San 2810, Kenai 99611 --- Ron & Connie MOORE (8en South CA (Zips to 94000) - Bruce & Karen Diego 92111 --- Suzie & Walt KIRKWOOD (Nathan 3) 80x 2027 , Kodiak 99615 --- Margaret & Bill BAKER ~ Ben 4) PO Box 626, Forest Falls 11, Shawna 7) B995 Johnson Dr~ La Mesa 92041 ROBERTS (Jenny 9, Jesse 5) 80x 1731, Kodiak 92339 -- - Arnold & Carolan BLACK (Je"ry 21, --- Jod, KLEMM (Aaron 12, Kev,n 10, Brent 6) 99615 --- Mary C. SCHWENZFEIER, Red Mtn. Via, Jeannette 19, JaLeen 10) 2051 Friendly Dr, 2114 N Hathaway, Santa Ana 92701 --- The Homer 99603 --- Frank SOOENKAMP & Carol LAM­ Vista 92083 --- Pat & Jeanne BLACKWELL, PO Box LESTERS (Nathan 12, Ely 10, Dam"n 5, Gabe 2) BERT (Benjamin 6) PO 80x 2815, Kodiak 99615 442, Cedar Glen 92321 --- John BOSTON & Stella Box 203, Joshua Tree 92252 --- Cathy & John AZ - Michael & Peggy AHERN, 602-966­ O'CARROLL (Sean Boston 14) PO 80x 92, Escondi­ LEVESQUE (Sheryl 16, Sharon 11) ANAHEI~ FOUNDA8836, iempe --- Gillian AMUNDSEN, 5511 E Weth­ TION SCHOOL, KEYS TO LEARNING, 2650 W . roJan ersfield Rd, Scottsdale 85254 --- ARIZONA HOME do 92025 -- - Sylvia BRIDGE, 520 W 11th Av, Escondido 92025 --- Cathy & Duane CAMP (Jesse Pl, Anahe,m 92804 --- John & Sharon LINDY. EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, 1890 E Don Carlos #1, B, Katie 5) 9174 Rosedale Dr, Spring Valley (Zachary 4) 14501 Tupper St #52, Panorama C,ty Tempe 85281 --- Louis & Zeke BLANCHE (Louis 3, 92077 --- The CHOUINARDS, Phone 805-643-2624 91402 --- Frank & Reg,na MALLAT (Ahna 8, Jose­ Vivienne 1) 5460 W Nebraska, Tucson 85706 - - ­ (Nov-May) Ventura --Connie & Russ COLTEN fina 4) 9504 Mecca Rd, Morongo Valley 92256 The CARSTENS (Nathan 4) 7507 E Garfield, --- Marle MANNATT (Soren 4, James 2) 3484 Scottsdale 85257 --- Rae & Gary EVANS (Paul 8, (Christopher 11, Shawn 8, Devin 4) 10247 Car­ reta Dr, Santee 92071 --Victoria & Wil CORWoodstock Rd, Santa Ynez 93460 --- Donna & Ken Nikki 6) 12006 N 49th Dr, Glendale 85304 --­ BETT (Capri 4) 219 Palo Verde Av, Palm Springs McCULLOCH (Kenny 7, Kyle 4) 35BD Cerrltos Av, Mary & Robert HAMPTON (Jeffrey 7, Chri stopher 92262 -Penelope CRITCHLOW-GOLDMAN, PO Box Long Beach 90807 --- Mark & Loretta MIKOLYSKI 4) 4237 N 85th Dr, Phoenix 85037 --- Kip & 87B, Northfork 93643 --- Katherine DAVIS, Box (Matt 10, Mary 8, Scott 5, Kat,e 2) 4377 Julie HOLMES (Ryan 6, Colin 3) 3419 E Gold DH, Lomita 90717 -Lesley & Rubin DAY (Mary Bakman Av, N Hollywood 91602 --: Bon",e Dust, Phoenix 85028 --- Kathleen & Wayne JOHN­ 4) 2895 College Blvd, Oceanside 92054 --- Toni MINKIN, Box 653, Desert Hot Sprlngs 92240 -- ­ SON (Darcy 5) Chi lds Power Plant, Camp Verde

Debbie MITTEN (Jonathan 6, Jed 4) 1735 W Drescher St, San Diego 92111 - -- Al & Ann MURDY (Chad 13, Corrina 11, Ian 6, Asla 3) 62819 Sunny Sands, Joshua Tree 92252 - - - Eric & Raml NELSON (Misha 11, Navayan 4) 335 S Grand St, Orange 92666 --- OAK MEADOW SCHOOL, PO Box 1051, Djai 93023 --- Davld & Nancy DOOM (Christopher 8, RussellS) 6500 Alfr ed Harr el Hwy, Bakersfield 93308 --- Geoff & Cynthia O'KEEFFE (Ian 3) 1629 Gard en #2 , Santa Barbar a 93101 - -- Steve & Sally PAIGE, 8888 Toro Cree k Rd, Atascadero 93422 -- - Ceclly & Leland PARSONS (Ashley 10 , Ben 6, Sarah 4) 12721 Clair Dr, Poway 92064 - - - Tim & Portia PEARSON (Kyla 11, Keri 10, Rachel 8) PO Box 907 , Mor ­ ongo Valley 92256 --- Michael & Marihelen PITTS-CAMP8ELL (Jonathan 5 ) 1211 E Hoffer St, Banning 92220 --- The REYNOLDS (Carmen 6, Dani ­ elle Jo 2) PO Box 475, Crestl ine 92325 - - Susan & Greg RHODES (Erin 8, Michele 10) 16311 Hellx St, Sprlng Valley 92077 --- Merldith & Jlm RIEMAN (Elizabeth 8, Ann 6, John 4) 301 Cedar St, Newport Beach 92663 - -- Jan RISLEY (Trish 10, Tammy 8, Ryan 6, Alex 3) 2810 Dog ­ wood Av, Morro Bay 93442 --- Michael & Char­ lot t e ROBERTS-ETHERIDGE (Michael Jr 14, Tequi ­ na 7) 693 Signal Dr, Pomona 91767 --- Anita ROWSON (dtr Stacey Bedard) 515 Del Norte Rd, Ojai 93023 - -- Stephanie & Dennls SCHECK (Dlana 11, Stephen 9) lBl66 Bunny Dr, Jamul 92035 - -- Steve & Mary Clare SCHLESINGER (Rebecca 9) 25161 Jesmond Dene Dr, Escondldo 92026 -- - Fred & Pat SEBALD (Eric 15) SIERRA SCHOOL, June Lake 93529 --- Toni SHY, 5100 Woodman Av #23, Sherman Oaks 91423 --- Sandra & Joe SMITH (Carlos 7) Phone 714-789-3898, Ramona --- Janet & Miles STANDISH (Timi 6) 3232 Sautelle Blv #3, Los Angeles 90046 --Tom & Mary STRACK (Jennifer 22, Rebecca 19, Andrea 16, Christina 14, Benjamin 10) 17802 Theodora Dr Tustin 92680 --- Susan STRICKER 8400 Gulan; #6, Playa Del Rey 90291 --- Stev~ & Marilyn SWIFT (Taggart 4) 20959 Hemmingway St, Canoga Park 91304 --- Tom & Dianne THDMPSON ( Jason / 69, Erin173, Jeffrey178, Alex / 81) 2520 SHall, Visalia 93277 -- - Pam & Bill VANDERVEER (Renee 11, April 9) 13715 Eldridge , Sylmar 91342 --- VENTURE SCHOOL, PO 80x 169, Culver City 90230 --- Don & Cathy VULICH (Kendra 9, Austin 7, Dana 4) 15051 Ararat, Sylmar 91342 --- Walter & Linda WALSH (Russell 6) 12099 Oak Glen Rd, Yucaipa 92399 --_ Charles & Eva WEBB, PO Box 542, Ojai 93023 __ _ Dana WHITE, 5080 Walnut Park Dr, Santa 8arbara 93111 - - - Ken & Catryna WHITE (Nicole 5, Erica 3, Joe 2) 426 Andrew Av, Leucadia 92024 ___ Lawrence & 80nnie WILLIAMS (Robin 19, Jill lB, Naomi 17, Jay 12, Christopher 7) PO Box 1051, Ojai 93023 --- Jack & Nancy WILSON (Jennifer 5) 919 E High Av, Redlands 92373 --- Jake &

Hanni WOOLSEY (Nancy 9) BUCKINGHAM SCHOOL, 19340 Rd 248, Strathmore 93267 --- Gary & Sharon ZACHARIAS (Jared 7) 1968 N Nutmeg, Escondido 92026 North CA (Zips 94000 & up) - Bob & Con­ nie ALUIRffilTE (Orion 7) 7697 Isabel Av, Cotati 94928 --- Joti & Nuro AMARA, 515 E 19th St, Oakla"d 94606 --- AMERICAN HERITAGE CHRIS­ TIAN ACADEMY, PO Box 161963, Sacramento 95816 --- Thomas ARMSTRONG, LATEBLODMERS EDUCATIONAL CONSUL TING SERVICES , PO Box 2647, Berkeley 94702 - - - Rebecca AUL T (Mason 8, Megh an 5) 201 Champlain St, Cloverdale 95425 --- Jim & Brid ­ get BARKER (Jinny 7, Brenden 3) 11946 Bidawee Wy, Felton 95018 --- Antonio, Deborah & Crys­ tal BARRAGAN, 474 W MacArthur Blvd, Oakland 94609 --- Tim & Karen BATES (Joseph 5) 3322 Chi les Val ley Rd, St Helena 94574 --- Frank & Jeannette BAUMGARDNER (Joel 14, Wi 11 11) 2571 Blucher Valley Rd, Sebastopol 95472 --- Chris­ tina BELL - GUMAER (Chaya 8) 950 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94710 -- - Steven BELLING, 316 King St, Santa Cruz 95060 --- Dan & Payce BLOMQUIST (Kimberly 12, Scott 10, Michelle 6, Steven 2) 1390 Vernal Dr, San Jose 95130 --- Gale 8RAX­ TON, PO Box 202, Lewiston 96052 --- John & Marlene BUMGARNER (Dona Ana 10, John Rowland 7) PO Box 1326, Morgan Hi 11 95037 - -- Judy CALOSSO (Richard 16, Michael 15) PO Box 737, Homewood 95718 --- Peggy & Ross CARKEET (Brent 4) PO 80x 634, Twain Harte 95383 --- Kathy CARR (Amy 8, Adam 5) 12100 Scenic Dr, Nevada City 95959 --- Lynne CARTER (Anthony 5, Jenny 3) Star Rt Box 115. New York House Rd. Browns· vi lle 95919 --- Shirley CHAPMAN (Howard 17) 900 Southampton Rd #140, 8enicia 94510 --- Lee & Mar 1ene CHAPPLE (Darren 12, Teddy 9) 530 Eur­ eka Av, Lodi 95240 --- Jaquel in CHASE (Dylan 12) Box 525, 1nverness 94937 - - - Terri & Ji m CHRISTL (Tanya 3) 144 Molitas Rd, Danvi lle 94526 --- Ms. Sydney CLEMENS (Alex 15, Jenny 13) 73 Arbor St, San Francisco 94131 --- Gil­ bert & Mary COONLEY (Jimmy 13, Kathy 10) 1523­ 32nd Av, San Francisco 94122 --- Mary Jane DiPIERO, 4151 Abe l Av. Pal o Alto 94306 -- - Mar­

i lyn OlTMAN SON (11 ,9)' 3188 Northview Dr, Sac­

ramento 95833 -- - Roger & Diane DONDERO

(Amedeo 9, Adrianna 7, Gina 4) PO Box 12,

Horse Creek 96045 --- Janice EFAW-VOIGT (Kaiya

3) 1271 Grove Cir, Benicia 94510 --- Larry & Val ELLIOTT (Joseph 10, Reuben B, Thomas 2) 829 Scaup Ln, Sui sun City 94585 - - - Fir Free , Kerista Village, 935 Stanyan St., San Francis­ co 94117 - -- Peg FITZMAURICE (Mel inda 14) 5 Ward St, Larkspur 94939 - - - Jeanne & David FLATTERY (Davida 6) 1508 Hopkins, Berkeley --­ Mark & Frances FUTTERMAN (Barry 7) 2341 Cali­ fornia, Berke l ey 94703 -- - Carol & Terry GWIN (Ely 6, Vrinda 4) Rt 2 Box 523, Brentwood 94513 --- Meco & Marla HALL (Raivan 7, Shugy

ERNST (Devoneigh 4) 2222 E 8th St #65, Pueblo 81001 --- Terry & Colleen GROSS (Jessica 6) 1003 W 12th, Pueblo 81003 --- Bill & Brenda HIGH (Sonjal79, Jacob / 811 1310 S Harlan St, Lakewood 80226 --- Jeff & Barbara KEELER (Jason 6, Jeffrey 4, Kyle 2) 432 N Walnut, Colorado Spgs B0905 --- Ben & Heidi KIMBELL (Sari 7, Benjamin 5, Dana 3) 3501 Lancaster, Ft Collins B0525 -- - Corinne KJORSTAD, Rt 2, Redlands Mesa, Hotchkiss 81419 --- The LARSENS (Kr is 8, Hilary 5) 1627 Centaur Circle, Lafay­ ette 80026 --- Carol & Jim LOATS (Jeffrey 7) 98 Rd 4115, Granby B0446 -- - Ned, Luz, Cass­ idy, Bl8 Blake, Glenwood Springs 81601 --- Pam & Tom O'BRIEN, PO Box 9138, Aspen 816 11 --­ Patricia & Douglas ROBERTS (LuraI7B) 21102 Pleasant Park Rd, Conifer 80433 --- Kathlee n SABlAN, 2007 Greeley Mall, Greeley 80631 --­ Rick & Marianne SCHROEDER, 107 N Hollywood St, Ft Collins B0521 --- Fred & Susan SHUPP (Rebec­ ca 4) PO Box 418, Boulder B0306 --- Mrs M. M. SIDDIQUI, 3720 Royal Dr, Ft Collins B0526 --­ Kay & Lynn STRICKLAN (Raina 4, Connor 2) 16955 Goshawk Rd W, Colorado Spgs 80908 -- - Mark, Michael & Jennifer VANIAN, 1016 Minter Avo Glenwood Spgs 81601 - -- Dave & Helene VAN MANEN (Sierra 4, Sequoia 11 PO Box 43, Beu l ah 81023 --- Gregory & Mikelyn WARD (Megan 5, Kerry 3, Niall 1) 13400 Rd 32, Platteville 80651 --- Stephen & Betsie WElL (7,5) COLORADO SPRINGS HOME SCHOOLERS, 2609 South Blvd, Co l o. Springs 80904 --- Greg & Ginger WEITZEL (Sky­ lar 5) 6013 Urban Ct, Arvada 80004 --- Sandy WHITNEY, BON SCHOOL, Box 38, 80n 81024 --- Pat & Forest WIGNER (Aubrey 6, Anson 4) 1420 S Gaylord, Denver 80210 --- Bill & Denise WILCOX (Erika 10, Kristin 8) Box 517, Frederick 80530 --- Fred D. & Karen ZIEGLER (Grant 13, Angel 9) 195 13th St, Burlin9ton B0807 CT - Shona BELLEW (girl 13, boys 9 & 3) B Ridgerree Ln, Stamford 06903 --- BETHANY HOMESTEAD CHRISTIAN RESOURCE CTR, RFD 1 Box 220, Thompson 06277 --- Anita 81BEAU, 339 Prospect St. E. Hartford 06108 --- Steve & Rebecca CORWIN (Brook 2) Box 184 Norfolk 06058 --- Peter & Carolyn DAUPERN (Jennie 9, Eric 5) 45 Clear Lake Manor Rd E, N Branford 06471 --­ Jane DIXON (son 111, 233 Clark Av, Branford 06405 --- David & Gisela LICHTGARN (Gabrie l 9) 48 Valley View Or, Farmington 06032 -- - Ann i E: & Art LIBERMAN (Sophie 12, Arielle 8, Sylvie 3) 47 Pierrepont Dr, Ridgefield 06877 --- Jean­ ine LUPINEK (Mary 7, Jeremy 5) 479 Cherry Hi 11 Rd, Middlefield 06455 --- Tom & Mada l ene MURPHY (Emily 11, Christian 7, Clare 4) 212 Twin Lakes Rd, N Branford 06471 --- Roberta & John PERKINS, PO Box 337, Moodus 06469 --­ Laura PRITCHARD (Danie l S) 82 Woodla nd St, Meriden 06450 - -- Spencer & Eileen TROMBLY, 29 N Washington Avo Niantic 06537 --- Don &


6, Matani 4) Box 83, Trinity Ctr 96091 --­ Miriam HAYNES, 3764 La Donna Av, Palo Al to ?4306 --- John & Wendy HUBENTHAL (Max 3 ) Box 1706, Weavervil le 96093 - -- Jackie JOHNSON (Toby 5) 60 First Av, Atwater 95301 --- Mike & Kathy JOHNSTON (Scott 12, Daniel 9) 1358 Oakland Rd #96, San Jose 95112 --- Donna JORDAN & Patrick POULSON (Eva 8) 916-265-3855, Nevada City --- Dean & Darla KARAGIANES (Deena 8, Daniel 6, Adam 3) 3969 55th St, Sacramento 95820 --- David & Debbie KHA LJANI (Mariam 2) 3960 17th Av, Sacramento 95B20 --- Ray & Victoria KIBLER (Jo nathan 6) PO Box 257, Redway 95560 - -- Diane KILLOU (15, 8) 520 Alva­ rado Av #204, Davis 95616 --- Jack & Paula KING (Lindy 3) 26100 Moody Rd, Los Altos Hills 94022 -- - James & Nikki KING (Lehnia 12, Briana 3) PO Box 30, Burnt Ranch 95527 --­ Sydney & David KISSINGER (dtr Kirsten) PO Box 370, Happy Camp 96039 --- Sue & Alex KOSLOFF (Heather 6, Dylan 3) Rt 1 Box 350, Oroville 95965 --- Judith KOVACS & Ed SOWD (Aaron 13, Hannah 10) 17790 Jackass Flats Rd, Nevada City 95959 --- Jonathan KRAMER, 2382 S Fitch Mtn Rd, Healdsburg 9544B --- Robert & Cappy LARSON (Greta 10, Emma B, Mary 5) 1009 De Haro St, San Francisco 94107 --- Judith & Joe LA VIGNA (Daniel1e 3) 2357 Funston Av, San Francisco 94116 --- George LEVENSON & Vicki LUNDGREN (Jacob 10, Rhys 8) 123 Woods St, Santa Cruz 95062 Dan & Claudia MAPES (Zohara 4) 1060 Randolph St, San Francisco 94132 - - - MARIN COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER, Camino Alto & Syca­ more, Mi 11 Val ley 94941 -- - Tece & Bi 11 MARKEL (Ben 6, Adrienne 3) 2741 Adriatic Way, Sacra­ mento 95826 --- Merry-Lynn MALBROUGH (son Zay 8) 5121 Tehama Av, Richmond 94804 --- Dennis & Janet McAULEY (El izabeth 7) 265 Poplar Av, Millbrae 94030 --- Sherry & Maurice McCARTHY (Kyra 7) 714 Moon Ct, Lafayette 94549 --- Lynn McCULLOCH & Bi 11 CLOW (Tu l e 6, Cedar 6) Star Rt, Ferndale 95536 --- Jan MEYER, 1375 De Solo Dr, Pacifica 94044 --- Jack & Lana MITCHELL (Sari Ann 7, Jonathan 6) INTEGRITY SCHOOL, B41B Jasper Ct, Stockton 95210 --- Mari lyn & Dean MOOREHOUSE (Sun 9, Enoch 8, Faith 6) PO Box 1910, Burney 96013 --- NATIONAL ASSOCIA­ TION TUTORIAL SERVICES, PO Box 160, Forest­ vi 11 e 95436 - -- Mi ke & Moi r a NOBLES, PO Box 305, Esparto 95627 --- Lori Ann & John O'HARE (Eamonn 6) 7140 Healdsburg Av, Sebastopol 95826 --- Chandrika OTTENS (Brittany 5, Jaya 1) 2360 Pacific Av #303, San Francisco 94115 --- Norman & Pame l a PACULA (Marc 14, Eric 13, Brian 4) 34 Katrina Ln , San Anse l mo 94960 --­ Dyanna REIMCHE (April 6) PO Box 990, Bethel Is 94511 --- Rita RIPPETOE (Robin 6, Gae l an 4, Rose 2) 636 22 nd, Richmond 94801 --- Frances RODRIGUEZ (Jenny 8) 121 Ladera Dr, Santa Cruz

95060 - -- Rudy & Bonnie RODRIGUEZ (Holly 10, Nicole 8, Shannon 5, Loren 1) 3060 Cazadero Hwy, Cazadero 95421 -- - Cyd ~OPP, 200 Ford Rd #251, San Jose 95138 --- Mary ROSCOE & Romola RAFFO (Sara 5, Nicolo 2) 538 Barron Av, Palo Alto 94306 --- Richard ROTH. PO Box 10529, S Lake Taroe 95731 --- Larry & Helen RUSSICK (Patrick 3) 1039 Inverness Dr. San Carlos 94070 --- Carrie SACHS (Tobe Sachs - O'Neal 6) 2033 Haste #316, Berkeley 94704 --- David & Ginny SCHWINGEL (Laurell / 77, Katie / 80) 415­ 792-2193, Newark --- Nan SHAW (Michaela 8, Rocklin 5, Cynthia 2) 2379 Swamp Angel Ct, Cool 95614 --- Mickey & Karen SHULTZ (Siddhar­ tha 13, Shanti 11, Clare 9, Emrys 6. Rohanna 3) PO Box 754, Felton 9501B --- Diane SKYE (girls: Lunaura 11, Sun aura 10, Prairie 3; boy Aurion 5) 519 Park Way, Santa Cruz 95062 -- ­ Kathy & Jack SMEE (Ryan 11 526 Ashbury #4, San Francisco 94117 --- Steve & Margo SMITH (Sara 7, Kadie 4) 2755 Sherwood Way, Meadow Vista 95722 --- The SULLIVANS (Michael 6, Meredith 4) PO Box 1059, Aptos 95003 --- Kathy SUMMER­ FELT (Amy 8, Adam 5) Box 721A, Allegheny Star Rt, Nevada City 95959 --- Tom & Stella TAYLOR (Ian 9, Sonya 6) Rt 1 80x 42F, Winters 95694 --- Shirley & Jay TELLINGTON (Andrew 4) 1429 Keeney Way, Sacramento 95825 --- Dona TEMPLE ­ MAN & Jeremy PILKINGTON (Thane 7, Carin 3) PO 80x 102, Twain 959B4 --- Pat & Joe TENNANT (Ginger 16, Doug 15) 9742 Mormon Creek Rd, Sonora 95370 --- Karen & David THYSEN (Lisa 11, Erik 5) 160 Vista Verde W,y, Portola Val ­ ley 94025 --- Mark TOMES, 796 E 5th St #2, Chico 95926 --- J.E. VACCARO, 4601 Hawkeye, Turlock 95380 --- Theodore E. WADE (Melvin lB) GAZELLE PUBLICATIONS, 20601 W Paoli Ln, Colfax 95713 --- Randall & Jeri lyn WALTERS (Harmony 8, Sadie 4, Seth 2) PO Box 56, Douglas City 96024 --- James & Connie WARTHAN (Tanya 12, Tinna 9) STARGATE ACADEMY, 1395 Dentwood Dr, San Jose 9511B --- David & Vivian WERNER (Tere­ sa 9) 6B27 8th Av, Rio Linda 95673 - -- Jeff & Julia WHITT (Jeremy 6) 103 Crescent IS, San Francisco 94110 --- Jane & Brian WILLIAMS (Katie 3) 8241 E Hidden Lakes Dr, Roseville 95678 --- Carl & Andrea WILSON (Laura 5) B13 Clara Dr, Palo Alto 94303 --- Phi 1 & Jan ZUMBRO, 1006 Waterbrook Ct, Santa Rosa 95401 CO - Ron & Paula ALFONSO (Sarah 5, Han ­ nah 2)1217 Claremont, Pueblo fl1004 --- Ann & K. L. BERRY (Jason 13, Jessica 8, Colin 5) 6690 E Colorado Dr, Denver 80224 --- Frank BONASSO (Jessica 10) Box 526, Saguache 81149 - - - Bar­ bara & Peter DADOURIAN (ThomasI79) 8802 E Briarwood Blvd, Englewood 80112 --- Bonnie DOVER (Bonnie Jean 8, Amber 5, Melody 2) 242B Atla nta , Pueblo B1003 - -- Nancy & Fred DUMKE (Clai r e 3) COLORADO HOME SCHOOLING NETWORK, 1902 S Oneida, Denver 80222 --- Bill & Lor i


Terry & McGill McFADDEN (Eliza 6, Jacob 4) 910 NE 5 St , Pompano Beach 33060 --- Ken & Ginny MILLETT (Kristine 6) 2260 Univ . Blvd N .95 - 0, Jacksonville 32211 --- Jan MINER-CHURCH, Rt 1 ford 06106 DE - Lyn & Ha r ry ANDERSON (Peter 5) 29 Box 474, Westville 32464 --- Chuck & Linda MOORE (Jennifer 14, Chris 13 , Wendy 10, Emily Up l andct, Newark 19723 --- Alfred & Cally HANKINS (Luke 13, Morgan 8, Linsey 5) 132 Wash ­ 8) 631 Pettry Ct, Pensacola 32508 - -- Patricia i ngton Av . Lewes 19958 - - - Elizabeth HI CKLl NG Ann ~. ORDES (DaniellO, Gabriel 5) FLORIDA ASSD(Rebecca 8, Laura 7, Laban 5) 13 17 Oberlin, CIATION FOR SCHOOLING AT HOME, Rt 3 Box 215, Wilmington 19803 --- William E. MORRIS, 2124 Marianna 32446 -- - Mike & Pam MURPHREE (Jesse 12, Zach 6) ISIS Dacron Dr, Tallahassee 32301 Brandywine Dr , Wilmington 19810 - - - Ronald & Elaine RAMBO (Stacey 5) 468 Pulaski Hwy, New -- - Kathleen MURPHY, ESTERO COUNTRY DAY Castle 19720 --- Loretta & Leo R088 (Lisa Gul­ SCHOOL , PO Box 271, Estero 33928 --- Lois & rich 15) 337 Old Paper Mi 11 Rd, Newark 19711 Rich NEATE (Joshua 3) 1103 W Willow Run Dr, - - - Mrs . Patrick STONER, 1223 Arundel Dr, Wil ­ Port Orange 32019 --- Patricia OLIPHANT, 101 mington 19808 -- - Dawn El ise WILLOUGHBY & Drew SW 4th Av, 80ynton Beach 33435 --- James & KNOX, Jr (Brie 2) 705 W 27th St , Wi Imington Jeanie PARKER (Stewart 3) 6517-C SW 116 PI, 19802 Miami 33173 --- Barbara & John PLUNKET (Orion DC - Robert ALEXANDER, Dir . , LIVING 7 , Jack 5) 2012 N Huntington Av, Sarasota STAGE,bth & Maine Ave SW, Wash 20002 -- - The 33582 -- - Susan & David PRICE (Matt 11, Faith DICKEYS, 3671 Camden St SE, Wash 20002 - - ­ 10) FLASH , 1315 14th PI, Vera Beach 32960 - -Ellen PEREZ (Nikki 10) 4707 Conn . Ave NW #109, Eileen & Fred RESSLER (Lila 13, Django 12, Wash 20008 - -- Sheridan PETTIE , 3918 W St, Wild Sun 10 , Oma 6) Box 1282, Hawthorne 32640 Wash 20007 - - - Pamela TUCKER (Darian )),1729 -- - ~.ike & Meryl RUNION (Skylar 2) 2189 Orchid Park Rd NW , Wash 200 10 St, Sarasota 33579 -- - Carol SARISKY (Cathy 9, FL - Al ison ACKERMAN, Cal usa Island PO Laura & Jessica 5) 4720 NW 39th, G.,nesville Box Bokeelia 33922 --- Vi ADKINS & Jim 32601 --- Charles & Lucy SMITH (Zephi 6, Ezra BUSH (Carrie 7, Tim 4) 3349 Foxhill Dr, Clear ­ 3) 710 Scotland St, Dunedin 33528 -- - Stephen water 33519 - -- Victor & Ruth BALESTRA (Victor & Joan SMITH (Dan'o 7, Jed 4, Sarah 2) 2325 Pablo 11. Patricia 9, Maria Teresa 5, Rafael Wilton Dr , Wilton Manors 33305 --- Rickie & 1) 917 Paradiso Av, Coral Gables 33146 --­ A.J . TAYLOR (Sam 7) PO 80x 557342, Miami 33155 Mary BALTHROP (Amara 8) 2056 Laurel St, Talla ­ - - - Mike & Jolynn THOMAS, 100 Oakwood Dr, W hassee 32303 --- Paul & Jere BARKALOW (Zea 3) Melbourne 32gDl GA - Patty BLANKENSHIP (Mark 17, Patrick 3696 Tallulah Rd, Lantana 33462 -- - Lill ian R. BLUMENFELD , 3400 Cen t ral Av, Fort Myers 33901 14) AMri<ICAN CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Box 205, Ros-- - Pat CANARD (Jason 7 , Miri sa 5) 4306 NW well 30075 --- Cheryl COMPTON (son 10) PO Box 21st , Gainesville 32601 -- - Cathy & David COOK 1200, Douglasville 30134 --- Karen & Richard (Andrew 6, Elaina 3) 718 Poinciana St . Clewis ­ FRANKLIN (Adam 6, Jessica 3) 5032 Springtree ton 33440 --- Carey & Me l ody COOPER (Aaron 2) Ct , Lithonia 30058 --- Brigid HORBINSKI, 1192 4511 W Da zz o St, Tampa 33614 --- Judy CORNELL, o Natchez Trace, Marietta 30060 --- HORIZONS SCHOOL, 229 Ponce de Leon Av, Atlanta 30308 1415 NE 54th St, Ft Lauderdale 33334 --- Carl & Diane CORNWELL (Andrea 17, Mona II, Jon 9) -- - The SCHIFFERS (Debbie 24, Vicki 21, Wendy 3112 Coachman Av, Tampa 33611 --- Bob & Bev IS, Jeremy 9, Corey 8) 404-475-4961 --- Connie DIMAIO (Martha 8, Peter 6, Jeffrey 4) 10856 & John SHAW (Lisa 9 , Aaron B, Cara 6, Justin Gable St, Boca Ra t on 33433 --- GRASSROOTS FREE 4, Quintin 2) A DIFFERENT DRUMMER, 4Bl8 Joy SCHOOL, 555 Ocala Rd, Tallahassee 32304 --­ Ln, Lilburn 30247 --- Alice & Jerry TEAL (Jay Linda HAMAN , PO Box 9131 , Riviera Bch 33404 9, Andy 6) 106 Briarwood Dr, Carrollton 30117 - -- Jon & Cricket HARRIS (Jay 2) 1290 Jackpine --- Jerry VANCE, 15B3B Holcomb Bridge Rd, NorSt, W Palm Beach 33411 - -- Molly & Rob HARRIS cross 3D092 (Geoffrey 16, Miranda 13, Morgen 10) 212 4th HI - Alana & Luke AITKEN, PO Box 1733 , St, Jupiter 33458 - -- Antoine & Lury IGNIZIO KealakeKua 96750 - -- Kim & Tim BRIGHAM (Jobie (Graham 2) 8314 Drycreek Dr, Tampa 33615 - -­ 7, Jenica 5, Jory 4) 5617 Ohelo Rd, Kapaa, Judy & Ray KENNY (Kathleen & Sarah 5) 19028 SE Kauai 96746 - - - Lewis & Janet GOLDSTEIN (JahBryant Dr, Jupiter 33458 --- Ron & linda navi 5) 441 Iliwahi Loop, Kailua 96734 --LARSEN (Adam 6, Nicholas 4) 4893 S Kirk Rd, Leroy & Rene MESARIS (Haloa 9, Latisha 8, NikaLake Worth 33461 --- Jack & Diana MAMMELE leo 4) PO Box 734 , Capta i n Cook 96704 --(Amanda 5 , Jonathan 2) 1372 SE 5 St, Deerfield Sasha KARIEL (Asa 5) 145 Poloke PI, Honolulu Beach 33441 - -- Nancy MARSH (Bonnie 14, ' Sara 96822 - - - Beverly MILLER (Deirdre 7) 2612 Kapi9) 1212 Crestwood, Lake Worth 33460 -- - Tina olani Blvd -2, Honolulu 96826 --- Susan Bird MARTIN, 2715 Adams St , Hollywood 33020 --SINGH (Neera 10) 1429 Kehaulani Dr, Kai lua Joanne TURECEK (Douglas 7 , Geoffrey 3) 16

Cl ear Lake Manor Rd, N Branfor d 06571 --- Ben , Mary & Zachary WATTERS, 371 Capital Av, Hart­


96734 --- Kim & Kenny SMITH (Laiea 7, Noelle 5, Lara 3) RRI 80x 393, Holualoa 96725 --- Bob & Linda WALLING (Tani 9, Shanti 6, Kai 3) Box 524, Makawao 96768 --- Terence WELCH, SR 6079, Ocean View 96704 10 - Greg & Loretta DECKER (Courtney 8, Shanti-;-Joshua) PO 80x 158, Priest River 83856 --- Jim & Judy DRESEN (David 18, Mark 17, 8eth 13, Jeremy 9, Hi lary 7, Rachel 3) Rexburg 83440 - - - Brent & Linda EAMES (Brenda 14, Wendell 13, Elizabeth ll, David 8, Nathan 7, O. J . 5, Rachel 2) Rexburg 83440 --- Lynn T. FIFELD, UNITED LIBERTARIAN FELLOWSHIP, Box 356, Elk City 83525 --- John & Debbie JONES (Cori 11, Naomi 10, Jodi 8) Rt 4 Box 327, Rigby 83442 --- Lon & Linda JONES (Marti 20, Debbie 19 , Patti 16, Hinckley IS, Rachel 14, Jeff 13, Nathan 12, Vixie II, Michael 9, Michelle 9, Peter 7, El izabeth 6, Mark 4) 80x 251, St. Anthony 83445 --- 8etty Jean MASON, Salem --Dave & Vera SMITH (Abbe 19 , Randy IS , Matt 14) 2103 James Crowe Dr, Coeur D'Alene 83814 -- JoAnn & Ray SMITH (Jessica 14, Peter ll, Matthew 8) 80x 305, Salmon 83467 - - - David & Barbara STDUTNER (Soren 4, Cami lla 3, Thora 1) Rt 3 Box 9l, Hayden Lake 83835 IL - John & Elaine ANDRES, NETWORK FOR EDUCAl1UNAL TRAVEL, 2120 W Cashman Ct, Peoria 61604 --- Denise BERRY (Shawna178, Devon/B]) 2101 34th St , Rock Island 61201 --- Michael & Lydia BIGHAM (Paul 12, Michael 3) Rt 2 Box 290, Modoc 62261 --- Mr & Mrs Wm BIVENS (Tia Lyn 6) 295 Alleghany, Park Forest 60466 --Marirose Blum BUMP, 1025 Garnett PI, Evanston 60201 - - - The CAMPBELLS, 5111 7Bth Av, Lot 11, Milan 61264 --- Steve & Cheri CLARK (Jasmine 3, Dylan 1) Rt 2 Box 77A, Lebanon 62254 --Lynn & Becky CURRIE, 2808 Black Av, Spring field 62702 --- Ron & Karen DEM~IN (Rama 10, Amma)) 13B-Dl Rt 2, Cobden 62920 - -- Ed DOBMEYER, LEARNING EXCHANGE , Box 920, Evanston 60204 --- Mary FRIEDL (sons 6, )) 1313 Cleve land, Evanston 60201 --- Desiree FRISCHMANNFULL (Colleen 5) 12 Plover Ct, ,Ioodridge 60515 - - - Adrienne GELLER, 8827 Central Park Av, Evanston 60203 --- Beth HAGENS, Jim LAUKES, PEMBROKE CO-OP, Box 445, Hopkins Park 60944 - - - Don & Denise HODGES (Lucas 8, 1·laia 4 ) IBl8 W Oakleaf Dr, McHenry 60050 --- Cindy & Doug HOLLE (Alexis 7, Stewart 2) RR 1 Rochester 62563 - -- Stan & Susan HOWARD (Christine IS,

SCHOOLING EXPERIENCE, 22 W 231 71st St , Napervi lie 60540 --- Sue & Mark McGARTLAND (Dawn 9, Nathan 8) 221 Polk St, Pontiac 61764 - - - Rosa ­ lie MEGLI, Rt 2, Anna 62906 --- The MEGLIS (Alan 18, Lora 15, Joel 13: Rt I, Anna 62906 --- Tony & Kathy MINGL (J.P. 5) 207 8artlett Rd, Streamwood 60103 --- Jean NOS8ISCH-SMITH (10,7,5) RR I, Eldred 62027 -- - Susan OLDBERG, IB29 Milton Av, Northbrook 60062 --- Jerry & Mar9aret PARTLOW (Jeff B, Mark 6 , Matt 4 , Jonathan 1) 2709 Clifton Dr, Springfield 62704 --Mary PATEL, 325 Rosewood Ct, Frankfort 60423 --- Julia PEMOLLER (Kyle 7, Bret 3) 890 Mohawk Dr, Elgin 60120 -- - The POLS (Peter 28, Ther ­ ese 27, Jessica 2) 1035 8ellwood Av #1, 8ell ­ wood 60104 --- Pat POLIZZI, 14700 Kazmer Rd, Wadsworth 60083 --- Cinny POPPEN, VALLEY CO - OP SCHOOL, RR 2 Box 518, Dundee 60118 --- Richard PORPURA, Penny WILL (Tristen 6) 202 Ash, Park Forest 60466 --- 8arb PORRO, 1216 E Mayfair Rd, Arlington Hts 60004 --- Frank RICHARDS, 422 S Lombard, Oak Park 60302 --- David & Deb orah SAALFELD (Karen 7 , Daniel 3, Katy 1) 8 Lee Ct, De Kalb 60115 --- Rob SCHACHTER, 2321 N Kimball, Chicago 60647 --- Dorothy & David WERNER (Steve 21, Erik 16 , Josh 12, Ethan 8), SUNFLOWER SCHOOL, 1400 N Mason, Chicago 60651 - -- Dawn WHITEHEAD (Michael 8, Andy 4) 45 Tefft, Elgin 60103 IN - Terry & Pam AHEARN (Tim 12, Dan 9 , Bridget6, Brendan 3, Myles]) TRINITY ACADEMY INC, 2610 Jewett St, Highland 46322 - -- Clau­ dia BARBER & Garry 8UETTNER (Daniel 8, David 6, Adam 2) 714 S Green St, Crawfordsville 47933 - -- Arlyne CREAMER (Tad 15, Ty IB) 3025 98th St, Highland 46322 --- David & Ellen DDM­ BEK (Kristin 11, Kirk 8) RRI Box 229 , Pierce ­ ton 46562 --- Rett & Lou Ellen DONNELLY (Christl 16, Roarke 13, Ryan)) Noah's, Inc , 59320 Co. Rd . 3 South, Elkhart 46517 - - ­ Scott, Penny & Meegan GILLIE, 601 Robin Dr, Ellettsville 47429 -- - Carol & Abraham HADDAD (David 16) 1407 Franklin St, Michigan City 46360 --- Sherry & Dick HAMSTRA (Jamie 6, Joey 3) 5724 Diana Dr, Indianapolis 46278 - -- Paul W. HYATT, RR 2 Box 94 , Zionsville 46077 -- Brian & Jean KEITH (Colin172, lan176, Arlyn/ 81) UNION ACADEMY, 3473 E. Bethel Ln, Bloomington 47401 --- Elizabeth & Duffy LA CAVA (An­ drew 13, Courtenay 12, Sarah 4, Daniel 3, Geoffrey 2) 4115 N Illinois St, Indianapolis 46208

Kathryn 12, Sara 9, Aaron 7l 1807 Sherman

--- Bill & Jean LAFFERTY (Ron 15, Aaron 8,

Blvd, Crystal Lake 60014 --- John & Amy HULL, 420 74th St -106, Downers Grove 60516 --Karen JACKMAN, 1152 Chestnut St, Deerfield 60015 - -- James & Alice JORDAN (Mahaya 8, Imantia 5, Onna 3) 570 N Kansas, Edwardsville 62025 --- Suzanne LYNCH (Mary 23, Jim 22, Liz 21, Annie 16, David 8 ) 7619 W. Ar9yle, Chicago 60656 --- Deborah MARTIN, HOME ORIENTED UN-

Travis 7, Jonathan 4) RR 1 Box 214-0 , Pittsboro 46167 --- David & Deborah MAHEN (Melissa 10, Erika 7, Chnstopher 5) RIDGEVIEW CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTRE, 113 W Conwell St, Aurora 47001 -- - Richard & Barbara MAZANEC (Pati 17, Susi 13, Angi II) INDIANA HOME SCHODLERS ASSO­ CIATION, 707 E Main, N Judson 46366 --- Penny & Peterson NESBIT (Peterson 11) 46 Oak Meadow,

Evansville 47711 --- Lynne NORRIS (Daniel 8)

cone Or, Lawrence 66044 - - - Darlene & George

John & Diana SENENTZ ( Brett 6, Renell 4, Aman-

Cubd Rd, Cockeysville 21030 --- Mary FELBER,

213 Union St, New Albany 47150 --- Bob POST (Safron 8) 320 S Pendleton Av, Pendleton 46064 - __ Kate & Jim SMITH (Ulli 10, flolly 8) Rt 2 Box 221, She l byville 46176 --- Dick & Jean VANDERBURG (Susan173, Michael175) CENTER SCHOOL, 4116 Oran Ct, Muncie 47302 --- Tom & Lynn WEISS (Kurt 4) Rt B Box 167, Browning Rd,

VERMEULEN (Aaron Charles 5) 3201 Berry Rd, Kansas City 66106 -- - Steven & Mary WALKER (Chiel 5) 302 S Lincoln, Mankato 66956 --- Paula & Keith WHITE (Zephyrus 8, Anemone 5, Xanthus 1) Box 2B, Miltonvale 67466 - - - Cindy & Mike WOOD (Seth 7, Chris 4) Rt 2 Box 66, I~apleton 66754 KY - Kevin & Trish AKERS (Devin IB, Cas-

da )) 344 Sugarpine Dr, Gretna 70053 --- Christopher & Marion YAUN (Shoren 6, Ari 2) Rt 2 Box 898 , Albany 70711 ME - Marilyn BACON (Chris 10, John 8, I~aya 61N. Sullivan 04664 --- Bhasha, Divyo (Tanya 5, Satya 3) c/ o Leonard Necom, 11 Hills Beach Rd, Biddeford 04005 --- Robert & Susan

206 Slfdbrook Ln, Baltimore 21208 --- Carol FITZGERALD & Wade WRIGHT (Jesse 3, Dillon ]) 2111 Eastern Av, Baltimore 21231 - - - Jeanne GAETANO, PO Box 603, Seabrook 20706 --- Gary GOODENOUGH (13,10) 21201 Heathcote Rd, Free­ land 21053 --- Jud JEROME, Downhill Far. , Hancock 21750 --- Fred & Linda KESTER (Jo Ann ))

Evansville 47711 --- Patrick & Patricia WIlD-

sity 619004 Preston Hwy, Louisville 40219 ---

BLOUNT (Jennifer 9, Loralei 7, Melissa 4, Crys- 1130 Oakland Rd, Freeland 21053 --- Donna M.

HACK-NOLAN (Clare 6) 829 N Fess, Bloomington 47401 IA - Debbie BRENNAN, 1561 Parkway, Dubuque "5"2"001 --- Ja nine & Doug CALSBEEK, Rt I, Packwood 52580 --- Ann C. EDGERTON (Lisa 15, Per 5) RR 2, Decorah 52101 --- Terry & Kelli FAIDLEY (Chad 12 , Monty II, Nikki 7 , Kerri 5, Jessica 11 608 6th Av S, Humboldt 50548 --Bruce & Nancy FREDERICK (Zack B, Zeb 6) NorthSlde Tr.,ler Ct, Alta 51002 --- Shannon HAGGER-

Barbara & Joel CLARK (Aurora 5) Coopersville 42611 --- Norris & Donna CLARK (Allyson 10) 711 S Ingram St, Henderson 42420 -- - Patricia & Victor FOOTE (Greta 12, Dagmar 9, Jason 6, Tristan 3) ST . BRENDAN ACADEMY, Toad ~all, Gulnare 41530 --- Tom & Carol FRENCH-CORBETT (David IS, Sebastian 11) RRI Greenbriar Farm, Happy Top Mtn, McKee 40477 --- Dan GOLDBERG & Margaret TRIBE (Noah 5) Rt 3 Box 9B, Columb13 42728 - - - Rlchard & Charlotte GREEN (Jordan 8,

ten 2) Rt 3 Box 2360, Waterville 04901 --John H. BOOMER, RFD 1 Simpson Rd, Saco 04072 --- Dave & Liz BUELL (Gibran 12, Sharma-Naomi 9, Obadiah B) Box 2, N Sullivan 04664 - -- Phyllis BUCHANAN & Norris PERLMAN (Solai 9, Toji 6) Rt 1 Box 650, W Paris 042U9 --- Debbie CHRISTO (Zachary 8) Exeter 04435 --- Kim & David COMPARETTD (Zoe 11, Aziza g, Zeke Renaldo 4) RFD -I Box 526, Freeman Twsp, Stron9 049B3 --- Bill COPERTHWAITE, YURT FOUNDATION,

SON (Jessica 10, Ryan 5, Anne 4) RR 1, Anamosa

Alice 4) Sawdridge Creek, Rt 3, Owenton 40359

Bucks Harbor 04618 --- Bill

52205 --- KOINONIA SCHOOL & EDUCATIONAL SER--- Helen GRIGGS (Ryan 3) 109 Purcell Dr, RichVICES, PO Box 2551, Cedar Rapids 52406 - -mond 40475 -- - Mary G. KELLY (Briana 15) PO Chris & Mary LANGILLE (Jesse B, Sky 8, Maia 6, Box 91, Peewee Valley 40056 --- Ruth McCUTCHEN Prairie 6, Elon 4, Tonweya 2) Rt 2 White Lodge (013, R 11, A 9) Rt 3 Box 11, Columbia 42728 Farm , Malvern 51551 -- - Colette MAYFIELD --- Kelly & Teri MEHLER (Jason 9, Lisa-rose 5) (Gail/n, Joy179) 2639 E Lombard , Davenport :'2 Lorraine Ct, Berea 40403 -- - Joe & Vicki 52803 --- Terry HILLER & Pat HELLAND (Anna 8) MILLER (Mami 10, Joseph 7 , John 4, Jesse 2) Rt RR 1 Box 197, Persia 51563 --- Bob & Jamie

14 Box 275, Bowling tlreen 42101 --- Mark &



KIRK (girls 14,15) Box 195 Rt 231, Prince Fred­ erick 20678 --- James & Theresa MAYOR (Jennifer 4) 26824 Howard Chapel Dr, Damascus 20750 --- Dennis & Judy 11cCAHILL (Colleen 17, Michael 14, Sean 12, Kevin 12) Staff CINCUSNAVEUR, Box 8, FPO NYC 09510 --- Fred & Elaine McNEIL (Ted 7, Bridget 4) 101 Ti 19hman Av, Centreville 21617 --- Frances & Ray MOYER (Pamela 5, David 3) 8283 Portsmouth Dr, Severn 21144 --- B.D. & Judith PARKER (Matthew 14, Jennifer 12, Joshua 10, Chandra 7, Rebecca 6, Molly 3)

(Jenny 9, Corrie Ann 6) B Towle St, Auburn 04210 - -- Susan & J ames DAVIS (Jimmy 5) RFD 2, Clinton 04927 --- flabel DENNISON, Box 538, Temple 04984 --- Peter DEVINE & Barbara KOERTGE (Nils 3) Box 113, Mt Vernon 04352 --Betty DEXTER, RFD 1 Box 80E (Durham), Auburn 04210 --- Maggie & Ron EDMONDSON (Joseph 4,

18609 York Rd, Parkton 21120 --- Donald & Phyllis PHILLIPS, 161B Rickenbacker Rd ,F, Baltimore 21221 --- Melvin & Debbie SILCOX (Cevin 5) 106 Broadway Av, Glen Burnie 21061 --Jeanne & Manfred SMITH (Jamie 6, Jesse 2) MARY­ LAND HOI~E EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, 9085 Flame­ pool Way, Columbla 21045 --- Chris STADLER,

Anna 3, Emily 1) 41 Oak St, Mechanic Falls

809 Gorsuch Av, Baltimore 21218 --- Bobby &

ROSENFELS (Jaia 12, Jaffa 9, Jeremiah 7, Sage 5) R.l, Maquoketa 52060 - -- Howard & Patti

Cathy I~ORGAN (Andrew 5, Adam 2) Rt 2 Box 387, fit Olivet 41064 --- Mark & JoAnne NOLAND (Greg

04256 --- Shepard & Linette BI15S ERHART (Sera- Kim STULTZ (Joshua 4) 2414 Harriet Av, Balti­ phina 9) Shore Rd, Franklin 04634 --- Eileen & more 21230

ROWE (Matthew 9, Jason 7, Jenny Lou 5, Amy 3)

7, Stuart 4, Casey 2) 1228 Garvin PI, Louis -

Wally GARROWAY (Kate 5) RR 1 Box 789, N 'vlind-

~ - Barn ADLER,

cl o Gibian, 91 Moraine

319 W 6th St, Muscatine 52761 --- Mary RUSville 40203 --- Peter & Marsha ROBERTSON (Josh- ham 04062 --- John GOLDFINE, RD 2 Box 151, Bel- St, Jamaica Plain 02130 --- June ALGERS, 413SELL, CHRYSALIS SCHOOL, 3140 Carroll Dr SE, ua 5, Kate 2) 1412 S Brook St, Louisville fast 04915 --- Mary Jo & Chris HAWKINS (Vanes- 734-4274, Springfield --- Grace ANDREACCHI & Cedar Rapids 52403 - - - Robert & Linda SESSIONS 40208 --- David & Regina SIZEMORE (Meg II, sa 10, Elizabeth 8, Katherine 4) 189 Maple St, Edward HADAS (Sarah 6, Danlel 4, Julian 2) 81 (Erik 2 , Sarah 8, Ben 5) Rt 2, Decorah 52101

Donour 3) Rt 2 Box 762, Van 41857 --- Kevin &

- -- Mackie & Robert TIRELLA (Astra 11, Atom

Patti VAN BUSKIRK (Luke 4) Rosslyn 40369 ---

10, Noah 7l RR 1 Box 44 , Dexter 50070 --- Robert WEGMAN & Deborah RITT (Jonquil 7, Dewey 5,

Tom & Claire VETTER (Eddie 7, Isaac 4, Matthew

Bangor 04401 --- Annie & Patrick HAYNES {Chris- N Hancock St. Lexington 02173 --- Paul & Jan

topher 6, Stephanie 3) RFD 1 Box 13A, Detroit

BEANE (Zachary 7, Amity 6) 32 Purchade St, Mid­

04929 --- Maria H. HOLT, Withywindle, 115 High

d1eboro 02346 --- Ed & Michele BENNETT (Naomi

1) Rt 4 Box 493 , Maysville 41056 Bobby 3, Mayrose 2) 400 Valeria St, Dubuque LA - June & Allen CONLEY (Craig 17, 52001 --- Jeff & Phyllis WEIH (Nathan 2) RR I, Frank TI) 2248 Cherrydale Av, Baton Rouge Toledo 52342 --- Kakie WISSEL , 3000 J St SW, 70808 --- Peggy & J.D . DEMAREST, 2519 Short St, New Orleans 70125 - -- Fred & Sharon DOLE Apt 1201, Cedar Rapids 52404 KS - Nyla & Thomas BRODDLE (Terra 7, Tim- (Chri stopher 14, Jeffrey 13, Jennifer 13) 108 othy 6-;-Evin 3) RR 2 Box liB, Mayetta 66509 University PI, Eunice 70535 --- Cathi EDWARD, - -_ Tim CLANTON & Lelain LORENZEN (Sofie Grace CITIZENS FOR HOME EDUCATION, 3404 Van Buren, Baker 70714 --- Bob & Joy FERRELL (Ryan 9, Mei4) Rt 2 Box 49, Galva 67443 -- - Cathy & Mich ael COLLINS (Liam 13, John 9) 414 Laramie , Man- sha 6 , Travis 5, Jason 3) 3844 Winterpark, hattan 66502 --- Joy COLLINS (Christopher 6, Shreveport 71119 --- Dot GELPI, 916 Richard Danielle )) Box 554, Galva 67443 --- Lanette St, Gretna 70053 --- Sammy & Judy MARANTO FARMER, 1181 Fillmore, Topeka 66604 --- Patsy (Rico 13, Gabe 8, Jared 6, Dominik 4, Adrian) HARPER (Alic i a 9) 512 Myrtle, Newton 67114 --- IHPARRE INSTITUTE, 1525 Stephens St, Shreve Leonard McWILLIAMS (Adam 5, Ruth 3) 210 Pineport 71101 -- - Walter & Mary MARSCHNER (Jemmy

St, Bath 04530 --- Frank HUBENY, RFD 3 Box 650, Dexter 04930 --- Jean & Barry KAHN (Heather 6, Jocelyn 4) 35 College St, Portland 04103 --- Bill & Cheryl KEMP (Aramie 4) Old Town 04468 --- Tim & Ellen KETCHAM (Susan 8, J ames 6, Donald 6) RD 1 Box 4~6, Bucksport 04416 --- Ms. Dean LYONS, Phippsburg 04562 --Anne MARTINA (Gabrielle 6) Box 15, Harborside 04642 --- Kathleen MIKULKA (14,12) RD 2, Coopers Mills 04341 --- Tom & Sally MORRISON (Evan 4) Old Town 04468 --- Dick & Beedy PARKER (Nelly 10, Danby 19, Jennifer 21) 68 Washington St, Camden 04843 --- Susan RITCH, 151 S Main St, Pittsfield 04967 --- Maria TOMS & David FULTON, Box 213, Oquossoc 04964 --- Carol &

5) 106 Ridge Rd, Upton 01568 --- Emily BERG, 22 Rockwell St, Dorchester 02124 --- Dan & An­ drea BLACKLY (Sarah 5, Abigail 3) River Rd, Mattapoisett 02739 --- Paul & Lisa BOKEN (Zachary 7) Rt 2, 5 Longview Dr, Orleans 02653 --The BRENNANS, 66 Mt Vernon St, Melrose 02176 --- Terry BURCH & Susan OTT (Jesse B, Rebecca 3) 183 Sycamore St, Watertown 02172 --- Margar­ et & Richard BURKE (Matthew 6, Patricia 5) 55 Garden St, Milton 021B6 --- Kate CABOT & Robert SCHNEIDER (MichaelS) 47A 2nd St, Framingham 01701 --- Mrs Walter CANFIELD, 13 Fernwood Av, Bradford 0lB30 --- Jim CHARBONNET, 23 Hubbard St, Lenox 01240 --- Wayne & Barbara CHUDYK (Carl175, Karen/80) 45 Whit­

cone Dr , Lawrence 66044 --- Barbara & Rick ROB- Pangborn 18) 628 Oaklawn Av, Lafayette 70506 ERTS (Nathan 9, Rebecca 2) RR 1 Box 85-R, Mil- - - - Millard & Mary Ann McWNIS (Tristan 5) Rt ford 66514 -- - Fred & Kris ROSE (Alan 7, Char- 3 Box B5!. Benton 71006 --- Bonnie & Joseph

Bill WHITE (Erina 7, Kirsten 6) ROF1, Box 211-0, Charleston 04422 --- Don & Linda WISMER

lie 3) 8625 Marty, Overland Park 66212 --Pauline ROSE (Heather Higgins 10) Rt 2 Box 27A, Galva 67443 --- Jerry & Marcia SCHOOLEY (Shawn 8, Chatel 4) RR 5, Clay Center 67432 - -- J.D. & Ruth STEWART (Claire 5) 178 PineGROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING -30

(Sarah 3) MAINE HOME EDUCATION, Box 253, WinI~ILLER (Cara IS, Tony 13) 530 Fontilieu Dr, throp 04364 New Iberia 70560 --- Keith & Andre MILLER, Rt MD - Philip & VerI CHANDLER (Caitilin 5, I Box 82F, Carencro 70520 -- - Ralph & June SAN- Siobhan2) 5 Dean St, Annapolis 21401 --- DanDERS (Mark 18 , Michelle 16, Donna 11) 1348 iel & Kikuko DUFFY (Akio 7) 10 York Ct, BaltiSherwood Forest Blvd, Baton Rouge 70815 - -more 21218 --- Billy & Linda DUNSTAN (6) 14024

field Rd, Somerville 02144 - -- COLTON HOME

SCHOOL (Larissa 6, Joseph 5, Benjamin 3) 176 Groton Rd, Westford 01886 --- Tom CONKLIN, PO Box 137, Provincetown 02657 - - - Sandy & David COURTNEY (Sky 7, Ana 4, Myles 2) 265 Water St, Clinton 01510 --- Carol DRAPER, 12 Horton St, Newburyport 01950 --- Margaret DE RIVERA,S Bishop Av, Worcester 01603 --- Paula & Charlle

DONAHOE (Kerri 13, Stacey 9) 55 Trenton St, Melrose 02176 --- Bob & Katherine DOOLITTLE (Kate 9, Simon 6) 91 Pleasant St, Reading 01867 --- Cheri ELLISON (Julian 8, Trevor 7) Rolling Pines, 23-4 Hilltop In, S Easton 02375 ___ lila FARRAR, PO Box 454, Sturbridge 01566 ___ Fred & Valerie FOLEY (Michelle/67, Brenda/ 68, Charlie(70) 614 Beech St, Rockland 02370 ___ linda GARDNER (Mar9aret 7) 398 Arlington St, Acton 01720 --- Steve & Pat HANSON (Brian 3) 1030 Pleasant St, Canton 02021 --- Nancy HARDY (Chandra 8) 4 Jay St, Cambridge 02139 ___ Bi 11 & loretta HEUER (Tad 5) 164 Norfolk St, Holliston 01746 -- - Rick & Carol HUGHES (Evan 5, Peter 2) PO 80x 692, Groton 01450 --Karen & Michael IDOINE (Justin & Gillian 15) Star Rt Box 44, Wendell 01379 --- The INGERSOllS (Tom 16, Russel 14) RO 1 Barnum St, Sheffield 01257 --- lynn & Hal KAPPlOW (Heather 11, Grace 8) 30 Jamaicaway, Jamaica Plain 02130 --- David & Shawn KENDRICK (Celia 14, Anna 10, Eva 7) 40 Brook St, Rehoboth 02769 ___ Karen KIM8All (Becky/68, Benjy/73) 163 Hingham St, Rockland 02370 --- Diane & Michael lANDIS (Noel 5) North Village HG7, Amherst 01002 --- Nancy & Michael lOPIN (Naomi 8, Jonah 5, Aaron 1) 26 lombard St, Newton 02158 ___ The lOWTHERS, Box 566, Truro 02666 --Susan lOZORAITIS (Kahlil 7) 16 Congress St, Worcester 01609 --- Thomas & Mary MAHER (Scott 12, Amanda 7) 30 Park St, Wakefield 01880 --Elaine MAHONEY (Kendra 14, Kimberlee 13) 51 Carrie lee's Way, Centerville 02632 --- 8arbara & Peter MAITLAND (Brett 11, Heather 7, Holly 3, Mark 1) 23 Cedarcrest Av, Salem 01970 --_ Ed & Gale MASON (Jenny 12, Oave & Ben 7) 19 Enfield Rd Pelham 01002 --- Ed & Pam MITCHEll (Jennifer'lO, Katherine 2) 51 High St, Sharon 02067 --- Litty MEDALIA & Alan lEE (Amourence 5, Jonah 3) 5 Warren Sq, Jamaica Plain 02130 --- Paul & lynn MAlAGUTI (Sean 7, Ross 1) 6 Washburn Av, Kingston 02364 --- Marilyn MUNSEY (Michael 15) 175 Derby St, W Newton 02165 --- Jean & Oon MURRAY (Tegan 10, Jannah & Tara 8) 87 Fayerweather St, Cambridge 02 138 ___ Jane O'BRIEN 8 Fox St H2 Dorchester 02122 --- Mary A~n & Paul O'CONNOR (Danielle 18, Paul Jr 16, Melissa 12, Lisa 11, lee 9, Hyun & Katie 8, Brian 7, Kevin 6, Rebecca & Jennifer 3) PO 80x 204, Forestdale 02644 --Kathleen OS80RN (Christine Farrell 14) 591 Hingham St, Rockland 02370 --- James & Christine OSTROW 87 Summer St Watertown 02172 --John & Clai;e O'TOOLE (Ja~kie 14 Cheryl 9 Terry 8, Til1l11Y 5, Patricia 2) 188 Blue Hili Pkwy, Milton 02187 --- Mario & C>rmela PAGNONI (James 11, Joseph 8) 76 Emsley Ter, Methuen 01844 --- Anne PERKINS, RFD HI, Orange 01364 ___ lana RtEVES (lacey 8, Maya-bella 5) 22 Maple Av, Somerville 02145 --- Dawn REGER, 9

Mar 1borough St , Bos ton 02116 - -- Char 1i e REYNOlOS, 4 Shepard St, Cambridge 02138 --Wanda REZAC (Ronald 8, Jean 6, Catherine 3) 379 Concord Rd, Marlboro 01752 --- Richard & Barbara RODRIGUEZ (Jennifer 9, Richard Jr 7, Emily 2) 20 Emerson St, Wakefield 01880 --Irene SANTACKAS, 86 Plymouth St, Cambridge 02141 --- Judye & Jim SMITH (Adam 6), 34 Edgewood Rd, Shrewsbury 01545 - -- Rachael SOLEM & Fisher PEARSON (Briana 6, John-Eli 3) 15 Custer St, Jamaica Plain 02130 --- Donna Hope SOLOMON (Jarrod 8, lonny-Seth 4) 27 Rosa's In, Scituate 02066 --- Gayle SPURR, 139 8roadway, Wakefield 01880 --- Mary & Mark VAN DOREN (Anna/81) 1144 Commonwealth Av H40, 80ston 02134 --- Frank TURANO, AMERICANS FOR CONSTITUTIONAl RIGHTS, PO Box 1414, W Concord 01742 --- Valerie VAUGHAN, 72 Triangle St, Amherst 01002 MI - Douglas & Jill BASTIAN (Heather 7) 913 Helghts Rd, lake Orion 48035 --- Penny & Paul BATTJES (Andrea 16, Jason 12, Paul 7) A3976 Beelin. Rd , Holland 49423 --- Alan & Nancy BEDEll (Kurt 10, Kyle 2) 39 Campbell, Holland 49423 --- les & Jackie BEECHER (leah 12, Jessica 10) 144 S Highland, Mt Clemens 48043 --- Wayne & Vicki BOULTON (Matt, Chris) 14 Cherry St, Holland 49423 --- Chris & Julie BROCKMAN (Kira 14, Adrienne 13, Alex 7) PO Box 407, Oryden 48428 --- Field & Sandy CARDEN (Jesse 9, Sara 6) Rt 2 80x 71, Suttons 8ay 49682 --- Gary & Beverly CHEADLE (Cassady 10 , Renn 6) Rt 1 Box 223-0, Suttons Bay 49682 --Thomas & Judith CLARK (Kelly 15, Jennifer 13, Stacy 11) 10154 lasco Rd, Fowlerville 48836 --- Jeff & Jan CLEMENS (Shayne 8, Just,n 5, lacy 2) 520 E Roosevelt, 8,tely 49309 --- Pat & Dick COOKMAN (Rob 12, Jane 10) Rt 2 Box 439, Suttons Bay 49682 --- Stephen & taur,e DAVIS (Kyle.12, Grant 10, Nathan 9, W,ll 3) 7857 W lakev,ew Rd, Trav~rse Clty 49684 --- An,ta & Jerry OEVINE (Ernn 8, Tully 6) Cold Mount"n Farm, Co. Rd. 550 Box 194! Marquette 49855 --larry & Jane OICKIE (Jenn,fer 14, Sara 8) 6108 Old Allegan Rd, Rt 2, Ham,lton 49419 --- Joan DONALDSON & John VAN VOORHEES, Pleasant H,ll Farm! Rt 4, Fennville 49408 --- Dennis & Patnc,. DONOVAN (leaf 7) 2920 Cous,no, Erie. 48133 --- Su~an EKSTROM (Aaronf78) 1209 Man901d , E lans,ng 48823 --- Frank FORTKAMF, EDUCATION VOUCHER INSTITUTE, 26211 Central Park Blvd H324 , Southfield 48076 -:- Mandy & Roger GIBSON (Pat 13, Jeff 11, Bean,e 9) 329 St,mson, Cadi llac 49601 --- Arlean HAIGHT, 527 E Wilson Rd, Scottville 49454 --- Steve & Debbie HART (Andrew 8, Dust,n 6, Stephan,e 5) RR 3 Box 2860, McM,llan 49853 --- HOME BASED EDUCATION PROGRAM, Clonlara School, 1289 Jewett, Ann Arbor 48104 --- Jan HOYMAN, 5691 Old Allegan Rd, Fennv,lle 49408 --- J,m & Cathe HUGHES

(Peter 7, Davi d 5, Rory 4) 2529 Proctor St, Flint 48504 --- Martha & Christopher KAISER (Justin 5, Matthew 2) 102 W 13th St, Holland 49423 --- Gary KENNEDY & Janin e WILTSE (Devon 4) 120 N Oak, Traverse City 49684 --- Kate & Ed KERMAN (Ada 10, Hannah 7, Jesse 4) 558 S Oickinson, Rt 2, Hesperia 49421 --- Ken & Catherine KING (Billy 5, Kenny 2) 11811 Beech Rd, 8rooklyn 49230 --- Robin KlAY, 26 E 12th St, Holland 49423 --- Jo & John KLEIS, Emersonian Hall, Hope College, Holland 49423 --- Richard & Kay Delle KOCH :Birgitta 18, Hans 13) 275 Ridgeway, St Joseph 49085 - -- Jerry & Diane lAWSON (Mark 8, David 6) 7272 Renwood, Romeo 48065 --- Ruth lONGCORE (Amy 12, Sarah 11, 8rian 7, John 6, Toby 4) 100 Ivanhoe NE, Grand Rapids 49506 --- Bro. T.l. Michael, Capuchin Community, 121 E Boston Blvd, Detroit 48202 --- Jim & Robin MacKENZIE (Joshua & Jacob 14, Caleb 12, Naomi 3) 55 Amy School Rd, Pierson 49339 --- Alan & Tally MIDDLETON (Amy 20, Alicia 18, Melissa 14, Brigette 11) Box 47, Northport 49670 --- Bonnie MIESEl, 1057 34th St SW, Wyoming 49509 --- Pat & Jim MONTGOMERY (Chai 18) 1416 Granger, Ann Arbor 48104 --- Raymond & Dorothy MOORE, HEWITT RESEARCH CENTER, 553 Tudor Rd, Berrien Spgs 49103 --- Sandra MOSIER, 7391 S 36th St, Scotts 49088 --- Dustin & Kim ORDWAY, 330 E Kingsley, Ann Arbor 48104 --- Amy & Russel PACKARD (Noah 4) 3765 160th Av, Holland 49423 --- James & Judy PACKARO, AuSable State Forest, PO Box 78, Frederic 49733 --- John & Muriel PALKO (Simon 7) 203 N Harris on, ludington 49431 --- Robert & Rosalind QUIGlEY (leesha 5, Colleen 3) 17856 Annott, Detroit 48205 --- Tom & Gretchen SPICER (Jacob 11 , Seth 9, Jessica 8, Isaac I) 643 Madison Av SE, Grand Rapids 49503 --- Robin TlNHOlT & Oavid NIEBOER (Rachel 4) 1501 lakewood 81vd, Holland 49423 --- leslie TOMPKINS (Annf77, Cayle / 80) 8282 Island Rd, Elsie 48831 --- Don & Sally TWOMEY (Rory 5, Emily 3) Gagetown 48735 -- - Michael & Carolyn WILLIAMS (Dustin 4) 10458 Cedar Run Rd, Traverse City 49684 --Cheryl WUSTMAN, 2141 lee St, I/yoming 49509 MN - Sandy ANDERSON (Andy 12) 4317 Regent St. Duluth 55804 --- Brian BJORGEN & Sandy GLEASON (Karen Gleason 9) 4220 Snellin9 Av So, Minneapolis 55406 --- Gre9 & Kanti BlAZ (Solomon 8) 2220 30th Av So. Minneapolis 55406 --- John & Shelley OAMERON (Julia 3) 2100 Du­ pont Av N, Minneapolis 55411 --- lowell & Audrey DITT8ERNER (Forest 4) Rt 1 Box 43, Parkers Prairie 56361 --- Mary & Jim EMMER, 5570 Covington Rd, Excelsior 55331 --- Sandra ERICKSON, 680 Woodlawn Av, St Paul j5116 --- Dick & Nadine GALLIEN, The Winona Farn, E 8urns Val ley Rd, Winona 55987 --- Jann GARRITTY, 2517 16th Av NE, Columbia Heights 55421 --- Bob & Carol GATTS (laila 8, Jacob 6) Swamp Peeper

Farm, Cushing 56443 --- Jane & David GIBB (David 8, Elizabeth 2) 519 5th St S, Moorhead 56560 --- Oenny & Barbara HALEY, 4046 23rd Av S, Minneapolis 55407 --- John & Janith HATCH (Megan 12, Dylan la, Morgan 6, Russel 4, Evan 2) Rt 2 Box 199, Granada 56039 --- Bob HAYDEN, 205 W Redwood St, Marshall 56258 --- Sharon & Glen HIllESTAD, MINNESOTA HOME SCHOOL NETWORK, 9669 E 123rd St, Hastings 55033 --- Mike & Oen­ ise HOGAN (Melissa 7, 8rian 5, Robbie 2) 2825 lee Av N, Golden Valley 55422 --- Rosemary & lyle HUlSING, RR I, Houston 55943 --- Kathryn JEFFRIES (Anne 6) 7417 York, Edina 55435 --­ Wayne JENNINGS, 449 Desnoyer, St Paul 55104 --- Jackie JOHNSON (lara 9, Carl 4) Star Rt Box 220A, Finland 55603 --- Tom & Jan KEAVENY (Sam 5, Sarah 3) Alleluia Acres, RR 2 Box 240AA, Albany 56307 --- Barb lAMBRECHT (Joshua 5) Rt I, long Prairie 56347 --- Beatrice LlU, 202 27th Av, Becker 55308 --- Ken & Ellen lOE­ GERING (Eric 13, Amy 11, Dean 8, Matt 5, Peter 4) 688- 11th Av NW, New 8righton 55112 --- Ali­ son & Oavid McKEE, 418 E 26th St, Minneapolis 55404 --- MIDWEST LIBERTARIAN LIBRARY ASSN, 2708 E lake St H204, Mi nneapo 1i s 55406 - -­ Patricia MONSON & Stuart ROSEN (Madeleine 7 , Sam 5) 3500 21st Ave So., Minneapolis 55407 --- Jay & Mary NEWCOM8 (Autumn 8, Rain 6) 607 leicester, Duluth 55803 --- Paul & Elin OLSEN (Serenity 4, Timothy 2) Rt 1 - 84A, Clearbrook 56634 --- Mary lou PETERSEN, HOME COVENANT SCHOOL, 6640 Horseshoe Curve, Chanhassen 55317 --- Robert SIGSBEE, 1914 Portland Av So., Min­ neapolis 55404 --- Jean & Bob SMITH (Sarah173, Katief75, Oaniel177, Joseph / 80) 1203 Spartan, Albert lea 56007Rita & Ken STEELE (Paul 6, Car­ men 4, Cody 4, Skye 2) 1713 Country View Dr, Burns vi 11 e 55337 - - - Val eri e & Mark SWEDLUND (Matthew 4) 49BO Shady Is Cir, Mound 55364 --­ Bonnie & Jerry WILKINS (Cass 9, Susan 6) 1151 Karyl PI, Roseville 55113 MS - Doug & Connie BAll, Rt 2 Box 218 0, Pass Cnristian 39571 --- Cherrie 8ROWN, Rt 2 Box 274, lot 8, N Biloxi 39532 --- Barbara & Tony ELLISON, Box 875, Rosedale 38769 --­ James & 8renda JINKINS (Alison174, Olivia/77) 2850 N Pleasant Hi 11 Rd, Nesbit 3B651 --- la­ vone & Joy lAMBERT, 131 Fitzhugh, leland 38756 --- Dennis & Sandi MYERS (Scott 13, Julie 10, Shelley 8, John Michael 4) 222 Coolidge, Bil­ oxi 39531 --- Mary SCHICK, 760 lakeland Dr 6-B, Jackson 39216 - -- Li sa & Don ZOOK, 407 Bee St, Natchez 39120 MO - Robert & Judith 8AKER (DaniellO, MatthewB) 1216 Center St, Sarcoxie 64B62 --­ John & Barb 8ARRON (Simon 14, Al1I11on 11) RR 1 Box 103C, Mt Grove 65711 --- The BERGMANS, H()ojE EDUCATORS NEWSLETTER, Rt 3 Box 324-B, Gal­ latin 64640 --- Rod & Carol BROWN (Joshua 6, Anna 3) Rt 1 Box 20, Newburg 65550 - -- 11 ene &

James BURGENER (Candia 7, Celestial 4, Harmony 3) Rt 2 80x 756, Newburg 65550 - - - Mark & Sally CHENEY (Marty 14, Jarnli 12, Anika 10, Tasha 8, Elsa 5, Cody 3) Rt 1 Box 112, Houston 65483 --- Maureen CONWAY (Jennifer 13, Wayne 12, Sereni ty 6, El i shaba 4, Nada l) PO Box 298, Redford 63665-0298 --- Carolyn Maria & Kevin COPE, PO 80x 27024, Kansas City 64110 --- Susan & 8ill CORCORAN (Sean 9, Sarah 7, Amy 3) Star Rt 70-G, Mountain View 65548 --­ Charles & Rita CROCKER (Jeremy 8) Rt 1 Box 9260, Holden 64040 --- Tim & Mary CUNNINGHAM (sons 7,7) Head lane, Hannibal 63401 --- Kay DENNIS (Nathan 8) Rt 3 Box 393, Ava 65608 - - ­ Ji m & Char 1ene DRURY (Kri shna 11, Sasha 8, Jay 3) 3819 Juniper PI, Columbia 65201 -- - Oebbie HARPER & Chri s CHEAVENS (Sean 13, Dehn 11, Caleb 4) Rt 2 Box 413, Ashland 65010 --- Clar­ ence & Dana HI l8URN (M 1onda 7) Rt 2 80x 214B, Oak Grove 64075 --- Judy & Ron HIRSCH (Shanti & Joshua 13, Jai 8) Rt 2 80x 302, longrun 65761 --- Albert & Cynthia HOBART (Robert 14) Rt 7 Box 134, Licking 65542 --- Jim & Jeanine HOUSE (Peter 12, Jason 5) 4814 liberty, Kansas City 64112 --- Jean KERN (Josh), 627 W. Harri­ son, Springfield 65806 --- Steve & Linda KES­ SELRING (Allen 5, Oavid 3, Warren l) 3614 Paul Oavid, St louis 63129 --- Nancy KIGER, Ed.D (Katherine 13) 1208 E Filmore , Kirksville 63501 --- Diana KISSElBURGH (Abbey 4) 1305 Westminster Rd, Blue Spgs 64015 --- Steve & Jocelyn KOPEL (8,7) 720 Oaniel 800ne Dr, Flor­ i ssant 63031 --- Stephen KOVAC, 3914 Humphrey, St loui s 63116 --- Gai 1 KUEHNLE, Star Rt Box 70-0, Mounta; n View 65548 .-- David & Sandra MOUNTJOY (Tabitha 8, Amary 5, Kalista 3) Rt 1 Box 43Al, Peculiar 64078 --- Julie & Tom O'DAY (Meghann 4, Katie 2) c/ o Fred McAllister, PO Box 168, Kahoka 63445 --- Frank & Carol RAT­ LIFF (Joshua 8, Jedidiah 6) Rt 1 80x 381, Rol­ la 65401 --- Saralee & Bi 11 RHOADS, KANSAS/MO HOME EDUCATORS, Rt 1 Box 75, Sibley 64088 --­ Anna SANKOVICH (Stephen 13, Noah 4) Rt 2 Box 414, Rolla 65401 --- Calvin & Judith SCHMIDT (Shara-lei 7, Shannon 5, Sarah 2) Rt 1 80x 212, Oak Grove 64075 --- Ken & Jeanne SLOANE (Oara 11, Asa 9, Hannah 7, Jack 3) Moni teau

NE - Beth ARENDS, 967 1st Av, Bayard 69334"'7-- Harold & Sandy DAVIS (David 10, Debra 7, DAniel 4) Rt 1 Box 90, Brownville 68321 --- Roger & Judy DUERR, NEBRASKA HOME SCHOOL ASSOC IATION, 4142 Adams, Li nco 1n 68504 --- A1bert & Roxanne JANE, 14341 Castlewood, Waverly 68662 --- Margo KNAPP, Box 665, 602 2nd Av, Bayard 69334 --- Gladys MARING (boys 9,10) Rt I, Callaway 68825 --- Sam & Mary WELSCH, Rt 2 Box 77, Chadron 69337 --- Dal e & Judy WENTZ, 231 Greenwood, Seward 68434 --- James & Beth ZUEHLKE (James-Eric 7, Matthew 4) NEBRASKA H()ojE-SCHOOLING EXCHANGE, Box 96, Rockville 68B71 NV - Ma99y ANTHONY, 700 E Peckham In #258,ll'eno 89502 --- Ed & Cher BATEMAN (boys 8,6) Star Rt, Glenbrook 89413 - -- Ross CAMPBEll, DEEP SPRINGS SCHOOL, Dyer 89010 --- leonard GODICK, 4440 Tamarus St #105, las Vegas 89109 --- Karen HOLGUIN, PO 80x 2010, Sparks 89431 --- Tom & Miriam MANGIONE (Girls 12, 3, 2) 4561 Sacks Dr, las Vegas 89122 --- Von & Mari. SORENSEN (Joey 14, Tony 12, Jared 8) Clover Valley, Wells B9835 NH - Salah & Carolyn Al-EGAllY (Sadik 14) 101 Musquash Rd, Hudson 03051 --- Rosemary & Oavid ARMINGTON, Box 72, Kearsarge 03847 - - Peter & lou CASS (Aaron 5) RD 1, Barri ngton 03825 --- Steve & Ruth CHERRY (Sasha 6, Jered 2) RFD 1 80x 152A, Danbury 03230 --- Paul & Kathie DUPONT (Jennifer 7, Lisa 5) RFD 2 Box 255, laconia 03246 --- Kendall OUSTIN (Rosy 10, Ko B, Asa 5, Deodonne l) Dustin Rd, Contoocook 03229 --- Ken & Pearlene GAVLIK (Sherry 14, Michael 10, John & Jeff 8) Chesterfield Rd, RFD I, Winchester 03470 --- Arthur HARVEY & El i zabeth GRAVElOS (Emi ly 6, Max 3) Weare 032Bl --- Cheryl KLEIN (Kelly 14, Jason 12) Box 552, Derry 03038 --- Albert & Janina lAMB (Juno 12, Rosy 10, Jasmi ne 7, Ro land 5) Brown Hill Rd, Tamworth 03886 --- Abbey lAWRENCE, PO 80x 97, Ctr Tuftonboro 03B16 --- Viney lOVElAND & Bob COOK (Brenan 14, Misha 13) Red Ear Farm, Box 233, Gilsum 03448 --- Grace & Joe MATTY (Jason 10) 5 Grant St, Derry 03038 --Thorn McALLISTER & Debi FADDEN, Box 186, Northwood 03261 --- Jack, Gail, Bud, Mike & Tim MYLES, 341 locke Rd, Rye 03870 --- Dennis & Barbara PARSHlEY (Sean 9, Jason 8, Nathan 6) PO Box 457, Centre Harbor 03226 --- Chris & Elaine RAPP (Keith 8, Brian 6, Erica 3) 9 Mizoras Dr, Nashua 03062 --- Peggy SANDOZ (Kate 13, Noli 12, Jesse 10, Molly 6) RFD Tamworth 03886 --- John & Patricia SAVAGE (James 9, Katherine 6) 130 Second Crown Pt, Rochester 03867 --- Jennifer SElP, 21 New Rd, North Hampton 03862 --- Stephen & Pamela SMITH (Vanessa 13, lahra 9, Jeremiah 7, Ariel 5, lysha 2) Rt 153, E Wakefield 03830 --- Jim & Miche l e SWISHER (Bill 17, Jascha 6) Oak Hill Rd, Brookline

03033 --- Janet THORESEN, Rt 4, Grafton 03240 --- Jennifer WRIGHT & Stan McCUM8ER (Vanessa 13) Star Rt 2, Charlestown 03603 NJ - lucille BENDER, PO Box 210, Deal 07723"'7-- Janet M. BENNETT, 205 Essex Ave, Boonton 07005 --- Ann BODINE (Jonathan174, Karina175, David179) HOLT SCHOOL, 83 Knollwood Dr, New Providence 07974 - -- Mrs N. BROOK (Nietcha 11) Meadow Gate Farm, Cross Rd, Colte Neck 07722 - -- Pam & Dan DELANEY (Daniel 18, David 16, Peter 14) 2646 River Rd, Manasquan 08736 --- Sandy DElOPOUlOS, 204 3rd Av, 8elmar 07719 --- Janice EFAW-VOIGT (Kaiya 4, Elijah l) Rt 2 Burnt House Rd, Indian Mills 08008 --Karen ELDER (Krista 8, Robin 4, Dawn 2) 505 Scenic Dr, Scudders Falls 08628 --- Cheryl EVERHARD (Kathryn 9) 255 Park Av, Old Bridge 08857 --- Meryl & Ron FEINSOD (Rachael177, luke / 81, Corey / Bl) NEW JERSEY FAMILY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, RD 1 Box 7, Califon 07830 --Jose & Martha FERRER (Dennis 12, Rebeca 7, Aimee 5, Amanda 3) 53 South Or, E Brunswick 08816 --- Stephen & Nancy GERARD (Bob 23, lil1ian 13, Stevie 8) 177 W Mill Rd, long Valley 07853 --- Bonnie GORDON, 103 ~ain St, Millburn 07041 --- Edward & Kathy HORV~TH (Sarah 3, Meaghan 2) 47 Kendal Av, Maplewood 07040 --Doug & Meg JOHNSON (Cori nne 11, Me 1i ssa 10, Brad 7, Brendan 2) HOME EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER, 337 Oowns St, R,dgewood 07450 --- Kathy JOHNSON, 27 Maxwell Rd, Eatontown 07724 -- Barbara lAFFERTY (Boys 19,18,13,7; g1rl 9) 107 Surrey Rd, Voorhees 08043 --- Barbara lATTO, NEW DIRECTIONS SCHOOL, 135 Change Bndge Rd, Montville 07045 --- Sandy MADKIFF, 207 Coari Av, Minotola 08341 --- Stephen MAHONY, lB3 Brookside Or, Medford 08055 - -- Pat MASTRI, 103 11th Av #2, Belmar 07719 --- Arthur & Su san McBRIDE (Richard 2) 332 Centre St, Trenton 08611 - -- Gary & Bern ice McCAlLI STER (Chri stopher 13, Demien 7l 123 Mt Tabor Way, Ocean Grove 07756 --- Carla Jean & Edward McDERMOTT (Edward III 11, Charles 9, James 7) 16 Deborah Dr, Piscataway 08854 --- Charlette M. MIKULKA, 1409 Scenic Or, Scudders Falls 0862B --- Barbara MIllER, 30 lindstrom Dr, Somerville 08876 --- Ann MORRIS, OURSELVES TO EDUCATE GUIDEBOOKS, School of the Arts Publications, PO Box 114, Stillwater 07875 --- Sherman MURY, Apt 40K, Village Green, Budd lake 07828 --- Jenny & Oick NEPON (Emily 5) RD 2, 80x 236, Califon 07830 --- Barbara & Marc PARRilLI (Sara 1) 298 Highwood Av, Glen Rock 07452 --- Nancy PlENT, NEW JERSEY UNSCHOOlERS NETWORK, 2 Smith St, Farmingdale 07727 --- Marvin & Gwendolyn RESNICK (Paul 14, Ta nia 13, Mollianne 6) 7 Westbrook Av, Somerville 08876 --- Kathey & Stephen SHOSHIN (Mo 4, Alan 12) 52 Crest Cir, Matawan 07747 --- lucille & Peter SULLIVAN (Mark175, Brian177, Anne/82) 109 Center St,

New Milford 07646 --- Judy TRENHOlME (Cindy 13) 44 Dodd St, Montclair 07042 NM - Peter O. BACON, 1109 Georgia SE, Albuquerque 87108 --- linda & Toby BENETTI (Arlo 5) PO Box 207, MonteZUma 87731 --- Donna I John BOLAND (Aaron 7, Sara 5) Rural Rt Sta­ tion, Ilfeld 87538 --- Amy V. 8UNTING (Sarah 13) '2 Frasco Rd, El Dorado, Santa Fe e75el --- Manon CHARBONNEAU, 80x 2606, Santa Fe B7501 --- Anna Mari a DEARDORFF, General Deli very, Cerri llos 87010 --- Steve & Kay GOODSEll (Kim 9, Kelly 6, Lindsay 3) 3833 Madrid NE, Al­ buquerque 87111 --- Butch & Jeanette HACKNEY (Camille 5) PO Box 256, Hillsboro 88042 --Kathy KEARNEY & Zack CROCKETT (Lluvia177, li­ orah(79) PO Box 205, las Vegas 87701 --- Ward & Judy KERR (Eowyn 13, Eleanore 3) 825 El Caminito, Santa Fe B7501 --- Donna MacFARLANE (Bri­ an 8, Danny 7, Molly 4) 532 Ponderosa NW, Albuquerque 87107 --- Ed NAGEL, NATIONAL ASSOCIA­ TlON FOR THE lEGAL SUPPORT OF ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS (NAlSAS), PO Box 2B23, Santa Fe 87501 --- John & Peggy O'Mara McMAHON (lally B, Finnie 7, Bram 4) Star Rt Box 373, Placitas 87043 --- Marion & Cynthia Jones NEAL (Meghan 4) 825 Shirley NE, Albuquerque B7123 --- Ron & Nancy O'CONNOR (Julla 4 Tara 3) 208 Polaco Santa Fe 87501 - -- John' & Jan RI CHARDS (Gar;ett 4) phone 505-434-3045, la luz --- SANTA FE COMMU­ NITY SCHOOL, PO Box 2241, Santa Fe 87501 --Dan SHULTIS, PElONCELlO PRIMARY (Mickey 10, Sir lancelot 9, Robert 8) Box 91, Rodeo B8056 --- John & Donna SPRUIll (Joanna 14, Molly 12, Ramona 5) Rt 1 Box 7-C Estancia 87016 --- lin­ da VElAROE (Cisco 3) Rt 1 Box BA Glorietta 87535 ' NY - Oi ane & Paul ABEll (Joshua B, Arie 1 5) 26oCroly St, Syracuse 13224 --- Peter & lorraine ACKERMAN, 46 E. 83 St, H4-A, NYC 10028 - - - Davi d BAKER, 15 Broadway, Rensse laer 12144 --- lou & Nan BARRANTI, 108 Woodhull Av, Riverhead 11901 --- Meribeth & Brad BERG (Jada 4), Brady Rd, Warwick 10990 --- Susan BOBOWSKI (Becky/77, Jessie/81) 350 Candor Hill Rd, Can­ dor 13743 --- Bill & Rachel BOERST (Robin 13, Julie 10) 286 State St, Jamestown 14701 --­ William & Melissa BOSTROM (Matthew 8, Andrew 2) PO Box 717, Tupper lake 12986 --- Sue & Michael CARROll (Nathan 6, Willow 4) RD I, Avoca 14809 --- Bobbie & Eric COHEN (lauren 8, Alec 5) Rt 2 Grand St, Sag Harbor 11963 __ _ Maureen CONWAY (Jennifer 14, Nada 2) RFD I, Hagadorn Hill Rd, Candor 13743 --- Deb & Colin COOTS (Heather, Jesse) Cobb Rd, Pavilion 14525 --- Jonathan DAITCH, 409 Cascadilla St, Ithaca 14850 --- Norma & Art DAVIS (Eric 4, Kirk 1) PO Box 435, Windham 12496 --- Cynthia & Timothy DeMUlOER (Cheyene 4),14 Church St, Unadilla 13849 --- Steven & Nancy EDElHERTZ (Shayne 7) PO Box 2, loch Sheldrake 12459 --- Richard

Farm. Jamestown 65046 --- Gaylon & Terrie

SMITH (Kish 7) r.t 1 Box 27, Couch 65690 --­ Janey & Terry SMITH (Seth 13, Lindsey 11, Sarah 6) 6 Center Rd, Kirksville 63501 MT - Michael ATHERTON & Kathy lEWIS (Corey6) 80x 112, Trego 59934 --- Mel & Jean COLGROVE (Tim 17, Ben 5, Micah 4) Grant Star Rt, Dillon 59725 --- John & laurie O'CONNOR (Josh 6, Casey 5) 1505 Mansfield In, Oillon 59725 --- Beorn & Nancy SEARLES (Vajra 6) Rt Box Ill, Eureka 59917 --- Dave & Pam WILLIAM­ SON (Cobey II, Jeb 9, Da9an 6, Cal en 4) Rt I, Moyie Spri ngs (ID) 83845



& Anna Marie FAHEY (Isaac 11, Noel 10, Kateri 9, Guadalupe 7, Rene 6, Jean 4, Elizabeth 2) CHRISTIAN HOMESTEAOING SCHOOL, RD 2, Oxford 13830 --- Ed & Pam FALK (Ray 8) Greig 13345 --- Carole & George FANNING (Damien 11, Wi 11 6, Clem 4, 3) Rt 81 Box 112, Oak Hill 12460 --- A1 & Kerry FARAONE (Charlie 4) 207 Drake Av !5J, New Rochelle 10805 --- Anita & David FRYZEL (Dena 14, Michael 11) 16 Elm St, Canisteo 14823 --- James & Penny GALLAGHER (Jamey 9) 305 Warren St, Vestal 13850 --- Lin­ nette & Jeff GANAPDSKI (Alia 6, Kagan 4) 1401 Pine St, End:<ott 13760 --- Susan GOSS, 2 Winkle Point Dr, Northpoint 11768 --- Danny & Deb HAMILTON (Kasandra 5, Shannon 3) 33 Raynor St, Freeport 11520 --- Peter & Mari 1yn HANSEN (Mike 17, Erik 15, David 14, Lynette 11, Paul 10, Steven 7, Anna 6, Philip 2) PSC Box 10536, APD NY 09012 --- Michael & Melinda HEFFERNAN (Matt 211 E 10th St ~ 12, New York 10003 - -Verna & Bill HELMKE-SCHARF (Jud 16, Karleen 13, Martin 11, Luke 4) Lord Rd, RD 2, Candor 13743 --- Tom HINKLE & Sue SCOTT (Jesse 7, Luke 5, Jill I) Rt I Box 156-BI, Cadyville 12918 --- Harold & Pat INGRAHAM, CALUMET SCHOOL, Smyrna 13464 --- Dietmar & Vir9inia JAECK (Gunnar 4) RD Box 74, Hartwick 13348 --Bob & Penny KING (Joshua 11, Amber 4, Noah 2) Box 243A, E Jefferson Rd, Jefferson 12093 --Bob & Pat KLING (Curt 17, Kevin 15) RD 4 Washout Rd, Scotia 12302 --- Debbie & Randy KNIFFIN (Serena 7, Emily 3) 12 Court St, Geneseo 14454 --- Sharon & Butch KNORR (Joshua 4, Rachel 2) 716 Vienna St Rd, Newark 14513 --- Edith & Bill KRAUSE (Caroline 8, Michael 3) 112 Meigs St, Rochester 14607 --- Louis & Diane LaBARGE (David 4) Rt 1 Box 133, Rich­ vi lle 13681 --- Dennis & Karen LEE (Jeremiah 6, Zachariah 2) RR 1 Box 107, W Chazy 12992 --- Sherrie & Norm LEE (Henry 19, Russell In HOMESTEADER'S NEWS, Naples 14512 --- Chris & Judy LUNDGREN (Robin 10, Michael 8) 28 Suter Ter, Rochester 14620 --- Rebecca Butler MacKENZIE, RD 2 Box 8, Schaghticoke 12154 Christine MAY (Oavid 8, Rebekah 5) 1120 Norbay, Franklin Square 11010 --- Vicky McINTEE (James 8) 336 E 90th St, IIA, NYC 10028 --- Chalmers E. MEANS, Dir . Reading Pro­ grams, State University College. Oneonta 13820 --- Tom & Betsy MELONIC (Charlie 4, Peggy 2) 573 South St, E Aurora 14052 --- Harvey & Nan­ cy MILLER (Shane 6, Elyse 3) 75-05 210th St, 3H, Bayside 11364 --- 8im & Dori s NEWMAN (Joy 15) 2 Fillmore Av, Coram, Long Island 11727 --- Sage O'SHION (Mike 15) 1535 Dudley Av, Uti­ ca 13501 --- OUR SELVES TO EDUCATE, School of the Arts, 212 W 137th, New York 10030 --- John H PAULL, 77 Buckingham Rd, Brooklyn 11226 - - Don & Lois PORTER (Cindy 13, John 11, Judy 10) Box 401, New lebanon 12125 --- Sue & Charles


Cheshire 97419 --- Loren & Melissa HEUERTZ (Tionne 16, Michelle 13, Niko1i 11, Joshua 8) 19908 E Evans Creek Rd, Central Point 97502 --- Suzette HUGHES (Cody 1) 36730 Hwy 101 S, Cloverdale 97112 --- Bob & Claudia JONES (Alex­ ander/75, Gwendolyn / 80) GOOD SHEPHERD CHRIS­ TIAN SCHOOL, Rt 3 Box 132, Sherwood 97140 --­ Jayne JOYCE (Laura II, Alex 8) 3530 Gal ice Rd, Merlin 97532 --- Kaline KLAAS & Wake McGILL (Selene 2, Christine 14) 44/00 Hwy 101 S, Cloverdale 97112 --- John & Glenna KOSTER (Megan 5) Rt 2 80x 138, Willamina 97396 --Ann & Ri3ck LAHRSON (Alice 5) 5360 SW 192, Aloha 97005 --- Sam & Diane LIEBERMAN (Noah 8, Eli 5) 13250 Hwy 66, Ashland 97520 --- Ken & Lezlie LONG (Robert 5, Rebecca 3, Richard 2) PO Box 38. N Powder 97867 - -- Doug & Mary Lou

MASSEY (Douglas 14, Tara 11, Kimya 6, Kirstin 4) 622 Hidden Valley Rd, Grants Pass 97526 --­ Kathy & Chris MOHR (Alicia IS, Aaron 6) Star Rt Box 36, Tenmi Ie 97481 --- Virginia MORGAN, 11495 Slab Creek Rd, Neskowin 97149 --- Lizzie & Steve MURDOCK (Leo 13, Lily 2) Box 11, Cloverdale 97112 --- Linda NITKOWSKI (Camise 6) 31272 Gowdyville Rd, Cottage Grove 97424 --- Jerri & John OTTO, 1864 NW 37th, Lincoln City 97367 --- Holly PORTER, PO Box 592, John Day 97845 --- Suzi & Truman PRICE (Ami 8, Rowan 9) 7225 Talmadge Rd, Independence 97351 --- Pat & Garth PUTNAM (Oavid IS, Shannon 13, Beth 10, Sean 8) 38040 Pengra Rd, Fall Creek 97438 --- Anna QUINN-SMITH (Kristin 12) 5327 NE 35th Av, Portland 97211 --- Mary ROYER, NATIONAL PARENTS LEAGUE, PO Box 3987, Portland 97208 --- Jan RUEDIGER (Dylan 8, Jessica 6, Luke 4) 1090 S 8th St #0, Coos Bay 97420 --­ Patty RUETER & Jim STOBER (Shard 13, Baird 10, Lucy 4) PO Box 363, Hebo 97122 --- Ruth, Paula, Scott & Shirley (Teal & Keddy 4) 11330 Takilma Rd, Cave Junction 97523 - - - Terry & Teri SANDERSON, Star Rt, Wasco 97065 --- Larry & Karen SHRAOER (Krista 12, Kory 10, Scott 7) 13A N Reuben Rd, Glendale 97442 --- Marcia & Carlo SPANI (Shannon 4, Renee 2) 4640 SW 182nd, Aloha 97007 --- Lloyd STARK & Donna MILLER (Annie 13, Tonya 8) phone 503-686-2226, EUgene --- Darryl & Susan STORRAR (Lizzy 11, Jenny 9, Mike 6) 22985 Yucca Ct, Bend 97701 --- Michael & Candace SYMAN-DEGLER (Isaac 10, Vanessa 7, Lucien 4) Box 132, Cheshire 97419 --- VALLEY SCHOOL (Kirston Johnson 7, Melissa

VOl/au 7, Yur; Voght 8, Carina Abernathy 9, Wendy Short Holt 10, Lea Joyer 10, Vasu Ber­ nard 12) 5730 Dee Hwy, Parkdale 97041 --Julie VAN'T HUL (Jean/77, Mary178, Jacob / 80) McKay Creek Box 2. Pi lot Rock 97868 --- Susan WALTON, 2433 N.W. Quimby St, Portland 97210 --- Pat & Sue WELCH, CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOLS, 8731 NE Everett St, Portland 97220 --- David Janis WEYENETH (David Jr 3) 4737 NE 27th Av, GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING !30

PREGGER (Becky 10, Rachel 6, Charlie 3) 19 Lar­ nard St, Potsdam 13676 - - - Lawrence & Charlene REED (Michael 8, Jessica 2) 174 Golden Rod Ln, Rochester 14623 --- Floyd & Luci REESER (E1iza­ beth 10, Kristine 9, Catherine 6) RD 3 Box 203, New Berlin 13411 --- Kerry & Dan SAGER (Josh 5) RD 2, N Hillsdale 12529 --- Louise & Mark SCARLETT, Butler Rd, Rossie 13646 --- Ed­ ward & Karen SCHADEL (Joshua/76, Seth/78, Sad­ rah/81) 659 Allen St, Syracuse 13210 --- Jean SCHOFIELO & Steve BOCK (Aaron 5, Anna 2) RD Box 48, Prattsville 12468 --- Lori B. SMITH, 185 Lancaster St, Albany 12210 --- Steve & Rhonda SOLOMON (Neill 2, Jonathan 4, Rainbow 6) PO Box 13, Bloomingdale 12913 --- Toby & Evan STOVER (Rio 4) RD 1 Box 428, High Falls 12440 --- Priscilla TABER, 264 Spring St, Mon­ roe 10950 --- Ron TAYLOR, BRONX EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, 3422 Bailey P1, Bronx 10463 --- Jon & Debby THOMPSON (Mor9an 7, Susan 4) 2419 Car­ son Rd, Cortland 13045 --- Linda TSABOUKAS, 188 Bay 22 St, Brooklyn 11214 --- Bob & Nancy WALLACE (Ishmael 11, Vita 8) 119 Irving PI, Ithaca 14850 --- Tsana Yu, 170 Henry St !2C, NYC 10002 NC - Steve & Carol BOWMAN (Sarah 4) 104 Kingsgate Rd, Asheville 28805 --- David BRAATZ, PO Box 114, Mt Mourne 28123 - - - Steve & Debbie HOKE (Andy 6, MichaelS, Kaitlin 2) Rt 1 Box 373, Morganton 28655 --- Jim & Patricia HUEGERICH (Amanda 7. Anneka & Jordan 4) 110 Taylor St, Chapel Hill 27514 --- Wanda & Tye HUNTER (Susannah 6) 27 Cedar Terrace Rd, Chapel Hill 27514 --- Beth LACKEY (Kent 13, Brad 12) PO Box 1074, Burnsville 28714 --Frances & P.J. LENIHAN (MichaelS) 1115 Lock­ land Av, Winston-Salem 27103 --- Sandra & Steve LIVERMAN (Leaf 3) 101 Bells Ct, Havelock 28532 --- Bob & Linda MORGAN (Oaniel 9, Jona­ than 8) 1720 Flynnwood Dr, Charlotte 28205 --Chuck & Pam MOSHER, Rt 8 Box 47, Chapel Hill 27514 --- Bob & Susan NOFFSINGER, Rt 4 Box FV-72, Apex 27502 --- George & Julia PETRIDES (Christy 8, Sarah 5) 4015 Marie Dr, Winston Salem 27107 --- Phil & Linda RIAL (Jennifer, Jessica) 11201 Sundown Ln, Piney; lle 28134 --Lynda & Bi 11 SAWYER (Fran 3) 3606 Arvin Dr, Charlotte 28213 --- Chip & Alise STROUP (Kris­ tin & Jennifer 7) PO Box 1322, Lincolnton 28092 --- Douglas TUNNELL (Susan 14, Karen 9, Stephen Rt I Box 118B, Swan Quarter 27885 NO - Paula ALL MARAS (Zara 10, Dylan 5) 1145 1C8th St, Fargo 58102 --- Cami lle KULKA, 14 E 10th St, W Fargo 58078 OH - Dave & Sue BARTOW (Matt 5, Micah 2) RR 1,college Corner 45003 --- Denise BASSETT (Gea D'Marea 5) c / o Reghetti, 527 Center St E, Warren 44481 --- Terry & Wendy BENDER-MILLER (Hope 4) 221 S Kirk, W Lafayette 43845 --Donna BRYANT (Aaron 9) 961 Winding Hollow ln,

Upper Sandusky 43351 --- Richard & Elizabeth BURNS (Jesse 11, Jacob 10, Margaret 8, Mary 5, Kathryn 3, Joseph 2) Rt 5, 1072 TR 1193, Ash­ land 44805 --- Rod & Pat CHARLTON (Jeremiah 8, Adrianne 6) 1986 Rt 63, Lebanon 45036 --­ Brenda COWELL, 1814 Giant St, Toledo 43613 --­ Linda & Mike COX (L iann & Sean 5, Heather 8) 2548 Elmwood St, Cuyahoga Falls 44221 --- Kurt & Beth CUSH (Stephanie 3) 110 Rear Shamel St, Uhrichsville 44683 --- Paul & Emily DURR (Sofia 10, Matthew I) 32 Edgar Av, Oayton 45410 --- Bonnie EDWARDS & Steve TROUT (Laris­ sa 3, Isaac 1) PO Box 24, Shade 45776 --- Pen­ ny & John ELLIS (Marnie 6) Wi llowood Farm, 174 Morgan Rd, Jefferson 44047 --- David & lorelei GIBBS (Cathryn 10, Seth 5720 Wi 11 nean Ln, Milford 45150 --- Christine & Paul HILSTON (Erik 6, Brent 3) 3420 Williams Ct, Avon 44011 --- Richard & Kathryn HOLLAND (3 ch, oldest 8) 6092 SR 323, Mt Sterling 43143 --- J HOLLEY & E KRUSE (Piper 3) Rt 3 Box 466, Glouster 45732 --- Valerie & Bob HOLWAY, 950 William Penn Dr, Galloway 43119 --- Gai 1 & Michael HOOD (Anna 10) RD 5, 8884 Bell Rd, Cambridge 43725 --­ Janet HOWELL, 1081 Kingsway, Alliance 44601 --- Mrs . Robert (Kay) HUBERT, RD 2 - Rock Rd , Shelby 44875 --- Sandra HUSS, 516 S. Main St, 80wling Green 43402 --- Joe & Karin JERNBERG­ BRIGGS (Jorianne 4, Joel 3) 11563 Back Massil­ Ion Rd, Orrvi 11 e 44667 - - - Bill & Mary JORDAN (Christopher 6, Claire 4) 633 Orient, Cincin­ nati 45232 --- John & Becky KUZMIK (Rachel 9, Erin 5, James 3) 3608 Reimer Rd, Norton 44203 --- Richard & Patti LAWRENCE (Rachael 9, Sarah 6, Rebekah 4, Leah 1) 33 E New Haven, Bloom­ ville 44818 --- Elizabeth LOGSDON (Adam 10) 318 E Henry St, Wooster 44691 --- Jim & Katie NALLY (Nancy 8, Mary Jean 6, Patty 2) 39170 Skinner Run, Pomeroy 45769 --- OCEAN (OHIO COALITION FOR EDUCATIONAL ALTE~NATIVES NOW) PO Box 302, Cuyahoga Falls 44221 --- Nancy RAY­ MER, Rt 4 Box 134, Jackson 45640 --- John & Linda SICKLES (Joshua 6, Ben 5, Danny 3, Andrew 2) 739 E 4th St, Chilicothe 45601 --­ David SOWD, PO Box 9431, Canton 44711 --- Carl & Judy Ann STEVENSON (Matthew IS, Luke 12, Hannah 10, Es ther 7) 3883 Wheat Ridge Rd, W Union 45693 --- Sharon & Michael TACHENKO. 10000 Daly Rd, Cincinnati 45231 --- Chad & Amy WHITE (Joshua 7, Gabriel 4, Matthew 2) 12845 Woodland Or, Sunbury 43074 --- Ron & Jennell WOODARD, 338 Storer Ave, Akron 44302 OK - Mark & Linda ASHTON (Kathrynl74, Hillary/78, Courtney / 81) 907 Cheryl Cir, Lawton 73505 --- Dale & Kathy B~RE (David 10, Jennifer 8, Lynette 4, Alison 1) 122 5 Whit­ aker, Pryor 74361 --- Dennis & r~arie BROOKS (Kimberly 13) 1281 Hurst Dr, Enid 73701 --­ Mardana CERCHIE, 709 Erie, Tulsa 74112 --­ Selma HARWELL, 148 N Columbia PI, Tulsa 74110

--- Ann KRAMER, 1410 S Quincy, Tulsa 74120 --­ Gerry & Jeannie MAYO (David G, Sara 4 , Rebecca 2) Rt 2 Box 134-A, Purcell 73080 - - - Louise NORDBY, 1817 S Quaker, Tulsa 74120 --- Stacy & Cheryl RICHARDSON (Jeff 7, Briana 4) 1376 N 76th E Av, Tulsa 74115 --- Leon & Diane SEIFRIED (Heidi 10, Bridgitte 7, Rud 3) Star Rt Box 165, Vian 74962 --- Sandra SIBLEY, 2744 E Independence, Tu l sa 74110 --- Aranya STEIN­ MEYER, 1424 S Gary PI, Tulsa 74104 - -- James & Carol STIRLING (Jim 19, John IS, Charity 9) Rt 1 Box 87, Rose 74364 --- Denise TERRIL, 102 E 7th, Sandsprings 74063 --- Cary WOOD, 3412 Oak Grove, Midwest City 73110 OR - Dave & Nancy ALLEN (Craig 9, Leslie 7, MarK 3) 516 Stewart Rd, Grants Pass 97526 - - - Marty BIGGER (Rache 11 e 12, Mark 6) 16390 Airlie Rd, Monmouth 97361 --- Arnold & Carolan BLACK (Jerry 21, Jeanette 19, JaLeen 10) 4415 Cedar Flat. Williams 97544 (sunvned --- Brenn • Zandra BOYER, Box 455, Union 97883 --- Don & An BRYANT (Rebecca 12, James 11) 2235 Rad­ cliffe, Klamath Falls 97601 --- Paul & Debbie CAVANAUGH (Jessica 7, Justin 3) Box 184, Beaver 97108 --- Fred & Mary CAREY, 5738 SE Westfork St, Portland 97206 --- Sam & Sherryl CHAMPIE (Jennifer 8, Kristopher 3) John Day Stage, Box 118, Baker 97814 --- Angela & Rick COHEN (Aaron IS, Tanya 13, Thorr 11, Raven 7, Mose 4) 950 Garfield, Coos Bay 97420 --­ CORVALLIS OPEN SCHOOL, 960 SW Jefferson Av, Corvallis 97333 -- - Rob & Karen COX (Missie IS, Robert 13, Kristina 7) PO Box 556, Reeds­ port 97467 --- Valerie CRUMP, 11125 Old Woods Rd, Cloverdale 97112 --- Hans & Clarice DANKERS (Marieka 4) PO Box 318, Boardman 97818 --- Steve & Cathy DEESE (Sunbow 9, Cloudrobe 6) 6826 N. Pittsburg, Portland 97203 --­ Michael & Candace DEGLER (Isaac 9, Vanessa G, Lucien 4) 26409 Valley View Dr, Cheshire 97419 --- Will & Debbie DILLON (Islande 2) 11005 Meda Loop, Cloverdale 97112 --- Harold DUNN, Box 684, O'Brien 97534 - -- Ron & Kelly ELLEN­ BURG, 3368 Foots Creek Rd, Gold Hi 11 97525 --­ Glen & Sharleen ENGELKING (Melissa 14, Jenni ­ fer 12) Star Rt, Union 97883 --- Mark & Linda Short ENGLAND (Wendy 9, Mariva 3) 5730 Dee Hwy, Parkdale 97041 --- Esther EYRE, 52195 E Terra Fern Dr, Sandy 97055 --- Molly FARQU­ HARSON (Meadow 5) 436 N High St, Monmouth 97361 --- Karen FISHER, 38785 Hwy 101 S, Clo­ verdale 97112 --- Harvey & Prem FREEMAN (Aram 9, Shayna 4) PO Box 42495, Portland 97242 --­ Karen GELBARO, 37335 Brooten Rd, Cloverdale 97112 --- Richard & Marquetta GEMINIANI (Ali­ cia 11, Oamon 9) Rt 1 Box 245, Scappoose 97056 --- Barbara & Lee HAGA, 7995 Slab Creek Rd, Neskowin 97149 --- Becky & Jay HAGGERTY (Rach­ ael 8, Rima 5) 1026 SE Nehalem, Portland 97202 --- Janet & Gary HALE (Forest 2) 22628 Hwy 36,

Portland 97211 --- Larry & Laura WHITE (Rachel 7, El i 5) 1005 W 12th St #A, Medford 97501 --Dennis & Lynne WOLTERS (Bryan 4) 32700 SE Leewood Ln .39, Boring 97009 --- Mary YOST, 10150 Slab Creek Rd, Neskowin 97149 PA - Chris & Jan BARLOW (Matthew 5, Ous­ ti n 31RD #1, Muncy 17756 - -- Ann CAMERON (LaAnna 10) 1743 Pokono, Stroudsburg 18360 --Cindy CAPORASO, 1230 N New St, Bethlehem 18018 --- Joseph F & Lorraine CLARK (linda 23, Caro­ lyn 20, Lorraine 10) 345 S. Old Middletown Rd, Media 19063 --- Larry & Cindi COCCIO (Melanie 4) 224 W 5th Av, Conshohocken 19428 --- The COHENS (Marion 40, Jeff 43, Marie11e 14, Arin 10, Bret 4) 2014 Locust St, Philadelphia 19103 --- Linda COLLINS (Matthew 6) 262 Park Ln, King of Prussia 19406 --- Steve & Kathy CONRAD (Jesse Sky 11, Ajna 9) RD 4215, Fleetwood 19522 --- Kenly CORBIN-GOONAN (Rachel 14, Eliz­ abeth 12, Penny-Ruth 11) Box 522 Rd 6, Lebanon 17042 --- Cranford & Bethann COULTER (April 7, Rosalie 5, Lydia 3) 216 4th St, E Greenville 18041 - - - Sheil a CUL VER, 317 E South St, Corry 16407 --- Tom & Karin OESCHERE (Kristopher 5, Arwen 1) 140 W Highland Av, Phi ladelphia 19118 --- Gudmundur & Sandra EINARSSON (Sarkis Elias 3) RD 1 Box 106, Zionsville 18092 --- Dave & Glenda ERSKINE (Davina IS, Pamela 13, Shawna 8, David 6) 912 SPark Av, Glenshaw 15116 --Ed & Brenda FOX (Storm 4) RO 3, Wood Rd, Frank1in 16323 --- Kathryn & Lans FRYDENBORG (Laur­ el 9, Erik 6) RD 3 Box 304, Stewartstown 17363 --- Oavid & Diane GRAJEK, RD 4 Box 35A, Coch­ ranton 16314 --- Manna Chen GEIST, 737 Blvd Dr, Schwenksville 19473 --- GUARDIAN ANGELS ACADEMY, 1 High St, Malvern 19355 --- Joann HAMER (15,12,10,6) 128 Old Ridge Rd, Coraopo­ lis 15108 --- Tom & Veronica HILL (Sonya 9, Adrian 7) PO Box 143, James City 16734 --Susan HILLMAN (Richie 15, Erika 12, Andrew 6, Suzanne 5, Anthony 2) 337 Lincoln Av, Williams­ port 17701 --- John & Anne KARCHER (John 14, Jim 13) 2436 N Line St, Colmar 18915 - - - Karl & Renate KRUMMENOEHL (Joshua 10, Arwen Even­ star 5) Crick1ewood. RD 1, Mertztown 19539 --Bill & Oiane LEED (E1am 3, Emma 2, Woody 1) RD 2 Box 64A, Holtwood 17532 --- Keith & Robin LEIDHECKER (Josh 6, Adam 2) RD 4 Box 233A, Mon­ toursville 17754 --- Jonathan & Mary Ann LEUPOLO (Thane 11, Bron 6) Sun Power Farm, RD 3 Box 168B, Lehighton 18235 --- Adam LEVINE, 315 S 46th St, Philadelphia 19143 --- Steven & Joyce L1BAL (Angela 7, Autumn 4) RD 1 Box 87, Little Meadows 18830 --- John & Emi ly McDERMOTT (Katie 14) 2428 Nottingham Rd, Bethlehem 18107 --- Bob & Eileen McOOUGALL (Meghan 12, Beth 3) 4 Sylvan Av, Rutledge 19070 --- John & Dianna McHUGH (Judy 11, JJ 10, Joshua 8, Sarah 5) 459 Nantucket Dr, Pleasant Hills 15236 --Ton & Shari MELBOURNE (John 14, Sarah 12, An­

drew 6) 7315 Miller Av, Upper Darby 19082 --Walt & Mary MICHALUK (Aaron 6, Jesse 1) Box 45, Keystone Jr College, La Plume 18440 --Alexei & Cory PANSHIN (Adam 4) RR 2 Box 261, Perkasie 18944 --- Bob & Jean PETERS (Joseph 7, Ashley 5, Meredith 3) RD 2 Box 3DI-A, New Ri nggo 1d 17960 --- Andy & Lynette PETERSON (Drew 6) 25 Rose Hill, Smethport 16749 --- Ron & Debbie POOK (Oeirdre 8, Daniel 6, James 3) 463 E Lancaster Av, Downington 19335 --- Nan & Dave PORTERFIELD (Link 10, Chik 9) Box 556, Harmony 16037 --- Howard & Susan RICHMAN (Jes­ se 5, Jacob 2) WESTERN PA. HDMESCHOOLERS, RD 2. Kittaning 16201 --- James & Rosie RIODERHOFF (Kevin 14, Amy 12, Molly 8, Michael 6) 1 E Main St, Schuylki 11 Haven 17972 --- Dean & Robin SCHNEIDER. Valley View Apts, Lexington .10, Pottstown 19464 --- Debi & Adam SHUMAN (Dawn 6, Miles 4) 5519 Pulaski Av, Philadel­ phia 19144 --- John & Christine SELLERS (Randy 14, Heidi 10, Gregory 7) RD 2 Box 190, Honey Brook 19344 --- Cecilia SEVERIN, 3243 Parkview Av, Pit tsburgh 15213 - - - Janet SHOEMAKER, Arbu­ tus Woods, RD 10 Box 451, York 17404 --- Lynda SKADDAN, 1140 Old Ford Rd, Huntingdon Valley 19006 --- Jonathan & Beth SP "~TZ (Amy 8, Ian 5) Fairlie Hill Farm, Cedar Run Rd. RO 3, Allison Park 15101 --- Joe & Judy STOLTZFUS (Jeff IS, Jonathan 13, Jolita 10, Jamie 6) Rt 1 Box 196, Loysville 17047 --- Cliff & Lois SUNFLOWER (Beorn 5, Phoebe 3, Burleigh 2) 2371 W Best Rd, Bath 18014 --- UPATTINAS SCHOOL, RD 1 Box 378, Glenmoore 19343 --- Len & Carol USEFARA (Michael 10, Mark 6) 284 Temperance Hill, Ply­ mouth 18651 --- Lieselotte & James VISSER, 1030 King Av, Pittsburgh 15206 --- Marty & Bar­ bie WALLIN (Fel icia 6, Katrina 3) 9 Biddle St, Warren 16365 --- Paul & Linda WEIKEL (Terra 12, Jeremy 9) Box 719-B RD 3, Halifax 17032 --- Bob & Janet WILLIAMS (Jenny 12, Matthew 11, Amy 9, Jacob 6, Katie 4) PENNSYLVANIA UNSCHODLERS NETWORK, RD 2 Box 181, York Springs 17372 --- Bob & Bobbie WITKOWSKI (Kevin 9, Beth Ann 7) 328 E Northampton St, Wilkes-Barre 18702 --- Dave & Gwen WITMER (David Neil 11, Charlotte 9, Jon 7, Caroline 1) Rt 2, Oenver 17517 RI - Marie FRIEDEL, NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR GffiED & CREATIVE CHILDREil, 395 Diamond Hi 11 Rd, Warwick 02886 --- The McFARLANES (Rob­ ert IS, Jennifer 12, Sean 11) 12 Homeland St, Johnston 02919 --- Colleen POWELL (Richard 9) 825 Pontiac Av 13204, Cranston 02910 --- Peter & Brigitta VAN DAAM (Julia 13, Jessica 10, Per­ cival 6) 46 E George St, Providence 02906 SC - Tom & Ann GILBERT (Clint 5) Rt I, MountVTlle 29370 --- Tom & Tina MANLEY (Kip 14, Cathy 11, Timmy 6, Laura 3) 836 Myrtle Dr, Rock Hill 29730 --- Laurel MELSON, 103 Delmar Dr, Simpsonville 29681 --- Ric~( & Nancy RIGDON

(Katie 5, Ricky 4, Rebecca 2) 120 Corinne Dr, Greenvi lle 29607 - -- Charles & Delores WHITE (Rachel 8, Wi 1 7, Benji 6, Nathan 5, Robin 4, Wesley 3, Brian 1) Rt 2 Box 416, Pelzer 29669 SO - JoAnn BAUMBERGER (Aryca 6, Lyge 3) Nemo l!f Box 1033, Deadwood 57732 --- Betty BRECK (Krissy 9), Groton 57445 --- Shirley FREDERICK, 5007 Pierre, Rapid City 57701 --­ Mary NADY (Anna 9, Molly 7) PO Box N, Garret­ son 57030 - - - Phyllis & Larry SCHRAG (Matthew 8, Benjamin 6) RR 2 Box IS, Marion 57043 TN - Lewis & Rosa1ynn BANNING (Lewis 12) Rt 3 !!Ox 389, Dunlap 37327 - - - George & Pat BUCK IT 8, C 6) Rt 2 Box 203, Elizabethton 37643 --- Shannon & Bill BUSH (Will 3) 267 7th St, Cookevi lle 38501 --- Nancy COOMES, 1114 N Tenn. Blvd, Murfreesboro 37130 --­ Phyllis & Jay OOTTS, Rt 4 Box 244, Waynes­ boro 38485 --- ORY CREEK COMMUNITY SCHOOL, Rt I, Dowelltown 37059 --- Todd & Lynn EASTIN (Hanna 5, Maren 4) Rt I, Shady Valley 37688 --- Evelyn FITZSIMMONS (Aaron II, Andrew 10) 4444 Paula Ln, Chattanooga 37415 --- Wayne & Ligia HERBERT (Oran 12, L"inda 8) Rt 2 Box 43, Prospect 38477 --- Peggy HOLLAOAY, CIRCLE OF FRIENDS COMMUNITY SCHOOL, Box 168B Rt 2, Clif­ ton 38425 --- Jim & Barbara HOLT (Seth 6) 207 Reed /Jv, Greenevi lle 37743 --- Jim & Barb JOYNER (Cosette 9) Sunshine Ridge Rt I, Liber­ ty 37095 --- Darrell LUCK, Dunmire Hollow, Rt 3 Box 265A, Waynesboro 38485 --- Larry & Kathy MILLER (Jacob 8, Aaron 5) PO Box 205, Collier­ ville 38017 --- Cynthia MOORE, Rt 3 Box 265A, Waynesboro 38485 --- Carolyn ROHRIG (Selah 4, Valley 2) PO Box 401, Charleston 37310 --­ Charles & Linda SORRELL (Michelle 6, Krishelle 4) Rt 3 Box 37, Johnson City 37601 --- Bi lly & Fran SPARKS (Stephen 9) 1595 S Prescott, Memphis 38111 --- Lois & Hubert VAN TOL (Joshua 9, Naomi 7, Ladd 4) 4024 Elliston, Mem­ phis 38111 - -- John & Gwendo l yn WEST (Jason 12, Nathan 11, Charissa 4) 2272 Kimbrough Woods Pl, Germantown 38138 --- John & Jul ia WIKSWO (M 11, S 9) 1025 Manly Ln, Brentwood 37027 --- Mr & Mrs Wm WILBANKS (Brett 17, David IS, Oebbie 13) Rt 3 Box 22B, Linden 37096 TX - Kathryn ALEXANDER & Roger 80XWELL (JennTI"er 4) INSPIRED TEACHING STUOIOS, PO Box 185, Paris 75460 --- Harold BAER, HALVI SCHOOL, 8 Hortenc i a, Brownsvi 11 e 78521 - -­ Mary Jane & Ken BERNTSEN (Jay 10) 12000 Saw­ mi 11 Rd !2212, Woodlands 77380 --- The BOWDENS, 6721 Langdon, Houston 77074 --- Jim & Rose Ann BURKEL (Susan 16, John 11, David 7) Rt 1 Box 31-B, Crandall 75114 --- Jim & Jeanie CARDEN (Joshua 8, Jason 5) 4701 Alamo, Wichita Falls 76302 --- Margaret CINQUE, 439 E Main St, Yorktown 78164 --- Jess & Chris DELGADO (Gabriella 16, Josiah 11, Jeremiah 5) 601 N Frances St, Terrell 75160 --- Charles & Linda



DUNCAN (Pam 13, Ken 7) Box 3243, Lubbock 79412 --- Charles & Pe99Y EDWARDS (Christopher 31 1722 Ashford Hollow, Houston 77077 --- Diane & Jack ELDER (Jesse 9, Devin 5, Richard 21 235 Kayton, San Antonio 78210 --- Margaret & Michael EZZELL, 105 W Woodlawn, San Antonio 782 '12 --- Jane FENN, 4618 Avenue S!, Galveston 77550 - __ James & Penny GALLAGHER (Jamey gl 16419 Shady Elms Dr, Houston 77059 --- Edward & Deborah GATES (Terra 6, Jacy 31 Rt 2 Box 195, Coleman 76834 --- Barbara & Ed GONZALEZ (Tala 9, Mica 6, Renata 31 5103 Sirretta, San Antonio 78233 --- Darlene GRAHAM (Grant 16, Graham 13, Crystal 10, Ginger 51 Rt 10 Box 1349, Tyler 75707 --- Karen HATCHETT (Ethan 111 4327 Vandelia, Dallas 75219 --- Hardy & Diana HENDERSON-LEWIS (Levi 10, Lemuel 8, Serenity 61 205 Northgate Dr, San Antonio 78218 --- Sylvester & Delores JACKSON (Mary-Dionne 11, Kelly 51 15222 Dunstable Ln, Channelview 77530 --Dennis & Elly JAMES (Rena 8, Brian 41 Rt 1 80x 189-B2, Wimberley 78676 --- Michael JONES, MATHEMATICS BY MAIL, 3712-A Tulsa Way, Ft Worth 76107 --- David & Carol KENT (Robert 7, Susannah 5, Zachary 3, David 11 115 W Koenig Ln #208, Austin 78751 --- Janet & Bill KINGSEPP (Steve 9, Tanya 41 Gen Del, Hawkins 75765 --- Laura & John KNOLL, 134 Valero, San Antonio 78212 --- Dennis & Susan LAFFIN (Greg 5, Brian 31 3118 Trafalas Ct, Garland 75042 --Jerry & Gale LaFLEUR (Joe 6, Beverly 41 4324 Effie Ln, Bellaire 77401 --- LIVING STONES CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, 1407 Victory Ln, Alvin 77511 --- Becky LUERA (Jessica 8, Renee 61 Rt 2 Box 303A, New Boston 75570 --- Joan & Phil MAXCY (Jana 4, Lena 21 219 E Woodin Blvd, Dallas 75216 --- Meg & Wayne MESEBERG (Amy 7, Sarah 61 Rt 1 Box 358, Pearland 77581 --- Jess & Linda MILLS (Tanvny 15, Michael 13, Amy 10, David 8, Jess 51 1001 Kathleen Dr, Pleasanton 78064 --- David & Patricia Fair MOUTON (Shaun 4, Bridget 21 Rt 6 Box 40, Tyler 75704 --Reg1na PONGRASS, 21131 Park Tree, Katy 77450 - - - Chuck & Judy ROSEN (Nathan 6, LeV1 11 2931 Ocean Way, League City 77573 --- Terry & Jennifer SCOGGIN (Teryn 7, Thann 31 Box 503, Clarendon 79226 --- Rolf & Carol Lani SEELBACH (Jen-

nHer 3) 9234 Biscayne Blvd, Dallas 75218 --Richard STARK, PO Box 66, N Zulch 77872 --Alfred & Joyce STANUSH (L ita 18, Noni 16, Andy 131 1518 N Main, Pleasanton 78064 --- Jerry & Nancy STEVENS (Shanta 111 8008 Colony Loop Dr, Austin 78724 --- SUMMIT CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, 13789 Noel Rd, Suite 123, Dallas 75240 --Betty & Paul SWASLIO (Laura 4, Christie 21 Rt 1 Box 546, Paris 75460 --- TEXAS FAMILY SCHOOLS CO-OP, PO Box 466, Elgin 78621 --David WESTHEIMER (6915 Zapata, Houston 77083 --- Roy & Debra WILKINSON (Solomon 9, Jamal 8, Lua 11 Siesta Park #41, San Marcos 78666 ---

ty & Alan MARSH (Nathan 7, Leah 512507 Hel­ mick Rd, Sedro Woolley 98284 --- Dan & Mary Mc­ CARTHY (Richard 17, Daniel 12, Patrick 11 PO Box 7042. Renton 98057 --- Judy & Dennis Mc­ NEELY (Tim 15, Jenny 121 Star Rt 80x 125, Olga 98279 --- Jana & Bi 11 MICHEL (Noah 6, Naomi 21 Rt 1 Box 61-D, Port Townsend 98368 -- - Rose & Kevin MURPHY (Andrew 6, Madrona 31 Odlin Park, Lopez Island 98261 --- Shelley PADILLA (Joe 15, Che 10, Rose 7, Harmony 5, Cedar 31 Rt 2 Box 377, Colville 99114 --- Bob & Mary PFEIF­ FER, 7621 171st Av Ct E, Sumner 98390 --- Jes­ sie Loa & Jim PINNEY, Orcas 98280 --- Rob & Polly RAGATZ (Margaret 41 NE 450 Howard St, Pullman 99163 --- Dale & Katherine REED, 12027 10th Ave 5., Seattle 98168 --- Ann & George ROHRBACHER (Blake 7, Davey 5, Laura 31 Rt 1 Box 225, Centerville 98613 --- Ann SAARI, Box 104, Ilwaco 98624 --- Dave & Mari lyn SABOLD (Ananda 11, Ben 61 Rt I, Winthrop 98862 --- J. Duncan SAUNDERS, PO Box 576, Renton 98057 --­ John & Chri s SCHEUFFElE (Jessica 5, Jennifer

4. Jeremiah 2. Jane 1) 802 51st Av. Yakima 98902 --- Eleanor SIEGL, LITTLE SCHOOL, 2706 10th St E, Seattle 9B102 --- SNOHOMISH COUNTY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, 1215 Olympic Av, Edmond 98020 --- Frank & Joy SPAUN (Jacob 21 3010 22nd Av NW, Gi g Harbor 98335 - - - Nancy STARK & Allen HOUSE (CalliAnne 8, Benjamin 5, Max 11 1320 6th St, Anacortes 98221 --- Debra STEW­ ART, UNSCHDOLERS PROJECT, 26611 SR 530 NE, Ar1ington 98223 --- Deb & Fred STIEGLITZ-SHELL (Mae 6, Sara 3, Emi ly 11 Rt 3 Box 639, Calvi lle 99114 --- Linn SZENTER (Marysia 41 802 1st, Cheney 99004 --- John TAPERT, PO Box 316, Duvall 98019 --- Chuck & Cece THOMAS (Nathan 41 Rt 1 Box 89T, Eastsound 98245 --- Jul ie & Bob TITUS (Greg 10, Eric 81 Rt 1 Box 386, East­ sound 98245 --- Dureen VANCE. Box 6C, Mazama 98833 --- Julie VAN'T HUL (Jean/77, Mary/78, Jake 801 802 1st St, Cheney 99004 --- Judy VESELITS (Amon 91 E 3505 Grace, Spokane 99207 - - - Jon & Wendy WARTES (Jeffrey 51 16109 NE 169 PI, Woodinville 98072 --- Sage & Tim WATERS, 258 E 3rd St, Everson 98247 --- Alisa & Mark WEISS (Jacob/76, Peter178, Sarah/811 11604 NE 8th St, Vancouver 98664 --- Susan WOLFE (Andy 6, Bentley 41 N 2614 Madelia, Spo­ kane 99207 --- Bob & Valorie ZIMMERMAN, 22607 SE 322nd St, Kent 98031 WV - ALTERNATIVES IN EDUCATION, Rt 3 Box 305, t1iloe 25235 --- Robert & Audrey BANKS

Larry & Sally WILSON, Rt 2 Box 16, Lindale 75771 UT - Andrew ALLISON, 8412 McDowell Ct, W Jordan84084 --- Rene BELCHER, 4207 S 500 E, Salt Lake City 84107 --- Neal & Marcia BOSS­ HARDT, Box 1087, Redmond 84652 --- Richard & Marianne BRERETON (Malan 9, Christina 7, Brooke 3, Briana 11 1217 N 800 E, #A-2, Logan 84321 --- Donna & Lynn BROCK (Lynn Jr/68, Richard/71, Jared/73, Daniel/751 205 1st Av, Helper 84526 --- Peggy & Shep BUCHANAN (Mel is­ sa 8, Rohanna 41 141 N 1000 E, Orem 84057 --­ Steve & Elaine CAIN, 1314 W 200 S, Vernal 84078 --- Larry & Dorothy CARTER, Box 683, Green River 84525 --- Robert CRAWLEY, 3B2 E 520 N, American Fork 84003 -- - FAMILY EDUCA­ TION ASSN, 575 55th West, Brigham City 84302 --- Clint & Gayle GROTEGUT, 1770 E Old Mill Rd, Cedar City 84720 --- Michael & Patricia GURLEY (Brendan 13, Cindy 91 PO Box 1072, Monticello 84535 --- Gary & Janean HALL, 6848 Crest St, W Valley City 84120 --- Ken & Laurie HUFFMAN, 641 E Malibu Dr, Salt Lake City 84107 --- Tony & Cathy JENSEN, Box 543, Layton 84041 --- Steve & Susie KERR, 288 E Center, Spanish Fork 84660 --- Dick & Joyce KINMONT (Andreal 66, Ritchie/68, Robbie/70, Tina/72, Kari/74, Milli/77, BeckylBOI AMERICAN HOME ACADEMY , Rt 2 Box 106-C, 8ri9ham City 84302 - - - David LARUE & Suzanne WOLFRAM (Justin 41 823 S 6th St, Salt Lake City B4102 --- David & Pat LAWRENCE, 512 W 1770 5, Provo B4601 --- Jim & Jerri LEWIS, 1266 Drig9s Av, Salt Lake City 84106 --- Norma LUCE, 180 W 600 South, Logan 84321 --- MT VERNON ACADEMY, 184 Vine St, Murray 84107 --- Bob & Evelyn OWENS, 232 N 500 W, Logan 84321 --- Jeannine PARVATI & Frederick BAKER (Oceana 8, Cheyenne 8, Gannon 31 THE ALCHEMICAL BAKERY, PO Box 398, Monroe 84754 --- David & EnYI1alou PENROD, 2185 W 1025 N, Ogden 84404 --- Dan & Bonnie PERKINS, 12063 S 1350 W, Riverton 84065 --- Steve & Pam ROBINSON (Jared 14, Camden 12, Kale g, Russel 31 Box 16 Star Rt, New Cas tIe 84756 - - - James SALISBURY, THE JOHN HOLT LEARNING CENTER, 8446 5 Harri son St, Midvale 84047 - -- David & Bar­ bara STOUTNER (Soren 5, Cami lla 31 cIa Lydia Sorenson, 307 W 1st So. Manti 84642 --- Don & Laurie TAFT, 11666 S 675 E, Draper 84020 --UTAH HOME EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, PO Box 6338, Salt Lake City 84106 VT - Jan & Frank ASCH (Devi n/791 RR 1 Box 842, Rlddletown Spgs 05757 --- Cheyenne AUTUMN, Box 49, Ripton 05766 --- Denise BEATTIE, Middletown Spgs 05757 --- Kathy & Sas BLAIR (Becky 7) RFD 1 Box 251, Waterville 05492 --- Jim & Natalie CASCO (Sam 7, Megan 5, Caleb 31 Middletown Spgs 05757 --- Kathie & Herbert DeWEES (Hannah 12, Esa 81 RD 1 Box 200, Vershire 05079 --- Ruth & David GAILLARD

(Jack 8, Luke 41 RFD Box 123 , East Hardwick 05836 --- Adele GARLICK, 206 King St, Burlington 05401 --- Art HARRIS, Red ~ountain Rd, Arlington 05250 - - - Martha HEITKAMP (24,22,12, 121 Midd l etown Spgs 05757 --- Cynthia & Richard LARSON (Christopher 6, Daniel 5, Luke 31 RFD, Wells 05774 -- - Catherine LOWTHER, RD I , Worcester 05682 --- Hi lary Jean & Barbara LYTTON (Krystal 13, Abigail 31 Rt 1 Box 49, Vergennes 05491 --- Keith & Pat MATTISON (Brian 10, Heather Joy 81 Cornwall RD 2, Mid dlebury 05753 - -- Barbara & Kenneth NYE (Jeremy 7, Cameran 41 RFD 4 Box 141-B, Enosburg 05450 --- Peter J_ PIERCE, Box 223 , Manchester 05254 --- David & Gina RITSCHER (8,7,41 Middletown Spgs 05757 - - - Ellen SECORD & Dan McKEEN (Rachel & Amanda , 51 Middletown Spgs 05757 - - Mrs. Stanle~ (Carrie) SMITH, Mai n St, Derby 05829 --- D1rk & Em11y THOMAS (5,81 RFD 1 Keifer Rd, Cuttingsville 05738 -- - Patty & Cleo WHEELER, RFD 1 Furnace Brook Rd, Pittsford 05763 VA - Yvonne BAGWELL, PO Box 508 , East vill'-73347 --- Jim & Rosita BAKER (Jay 17, Len 16, Wayne 13, Kesha 61 Rt 4 Box 227A, Mechanicsville 23111 --- Susan BAUZ (girl 61 12X Flowers Terrace, Newport News 23602 --- Pierre & Linda BLONDEL (Dimitri 9, Emile 51 602 Orange St, Charlottesv111e 229Dl --- Mark & Ruth Ann BORCHELT (Matthew 7, Christal 5, Siman 11 2310 S Columbus St, Arl1n9ton 22206 --Ann & Tom BROWN (Todd 8, Meri s 51 Rt I, Box 135A, Callao 22435 --- Ann-Harie & David BUNDICK (Nathan 5, Seth 41 Modest Town 23412 --Russ & Regina CALLAHAN (Genea 4, Ryan 21 2501 S Hayes St~ Arlington 22202 --- Susan COBURN, 10827 Warw1ck Rd, Newport News 2360 1 --- Dan & Thea GIESY (Danile 17, Darrin 15, Susie 13, Anita 101 4411 Colonial Av, Norfolk 23508 --Peter & Betty GOODMAN (Ben 111 PO Box 3074, University Station, Charlottesvi lle 22903 --Dorothy HARRINGTON (M 17, L 14, C 121 14006 Mapledale Ave, Woodbridge 22193 --- Mr & Mrs Hollis HAWKINS, 3048 McManawav Rd, Midlothian 23113 --- The JONESES (T . J. 19, Eddie 161 311 Chamberl in Av, Hampton 23663 --- Nancy JONESVOLLETTE (girls 7, 3) 3602 Campbell Rd #155, Newport News 23602 --- Eldon & Sue KARR (Wi 11 8, Anna 41 Rt 1 Box 127A , Bent Mtn 24059 --Marcia & Kevin KOLB (Jenny 6, Rache l 31 Rt 6 Box 249E, Roanoke 24014 - -- Christine LEHNHOFF (Jesse 7, Jared 51 4436 Vermont Av, Alexandria 22304 --- Emanuel & Kathleen LOMBARD (Ma nley 2, Mary Rose 11 Rosewood Farm, Steeles Tavern 24476 --- Carol & Ansel LUXFORD (Jessie 6, Dominic 41 Gen Del, Williamsville 24487 --Carolyn & Donald MALIN (Julia 6, Levi 41 Rt 2 Box 152-H, Wytheville 24382 --- Edwina & James O'TOOLE, Box 256, King George 22485 --- Lance & Linda OZIER (Owen 41 2519 Buckelew Dr, Falls

Church 22046 -- - Ted & Brenda PARRY (Cay 13 , Noelani 11, Rebekah 101 10210 Pumphrey Ct, Fairfax 22032 -- - Dale & Linda PEEBLES (Katie Lyn 6, Byron Dale 312218 Dartmouth Dr, Alexandria 22307 -- - Connie ROBERTS (son 51 103 Westover, Newport News 23601 -- - Barb ar a & How­ ard ROBINSON (Alan 51 Rt 1 Box 230-A, Floyd 24091 - -- Cathy RUSSELL (9irl 51 509 Bri9htwood Rd, Hampton 23661 --- Connie & Leonidas SCHWARTZ (Benjamin 9, Aedin B, Baron 6, Nathan iel 41 Golden Horseshoe Inn, Stanardsville 22973 --- P.M. SHOOK-SOBOTKA (son 51 17463 Wa r ­ wick Blvd, Newport News 23603 --- Pat & Kyle SHUMATE (Ryan 6 , Ashleigh 31 16B9 Indian Rock Rd SE, Roanoke 24014 --- Beth & Eldon STOFFEL (Adam 8, Aubrey 31 5000 Fran PI NT2, Al exan­ dria 22312 --- Paul STRONG & Patty MOLONY (Dan ­ ny 6, Katie 5, David 31 115 Sheri lyn Ln, Vin­ ton 24179 --- Nancy & Richard VOLLETTE (Lauren 8, Marisha 4, Jenna 21 14319-0 Deloice Cres cent, Newport News 23602 --- Linda & Ed WILHELM (Bob 8 , David 5, Mark 31 550 Mountain Av, Roanoke 24016 - - - Lynda & Steve WI LLINGHAM (A 9, S 7, R 41 Rt 2 Box 2DF, Berryvi ll e 22611 WA - Richard & Sarah BARRICK (Tammy 9, Steven61 20806 94th St E, Sumner 9B390 --Gene CADE, PO Box 1435, Olympia 98507 - -- Mark & Lorna CARLSON (Thea 11 19227 12th St NE, Seatt l e 98155 -- - Walt & Marcia CARSON (Rache l 18, Doug 13, Jesse 9, Marnie 41 Rt 3 Box 2010 #46, Ellensburg 98926 --- Jean & Hichae l CHRISTEN (Silas 4, Isaak 21 Rt 2 Rey Creek Rd Usk 99180 --- Binda COLEBROOK (Dorje 91 6906' Good ­ win Rd, Everson 98247 --- Steve & Kare n CULP (Alissa 4, Amber 21 28 15 SE lBth PI Renton 98055 --- Lee & Margaret DAVIS (Justin 11 , Ethan 8) Rt 1 Box 139, Warden 9B857 --- Alai n & Judy DeCHANTEL (Jacinthe/76, Jonquille/781 1134 49th St, Port Townsend 98368 --- Sarah & Ryan DRUM (Duskin 4, Bochay 21 Wa l dron Is 98297 --- Jim & LeAnn ELLIS .(Apri 1 12, Bobby 91 Rt 2 Box 100A3, Moses Lake 98837 --- Randy FRANCISCO, 18831 Meridian N. , Seattle 98133 --- Harley GIBSON, Box 336, Ilwaco 98624 - - Luna & Rick GILLESPIE-WALKER (Rain 8, Gaiya 31 Star Rt Box 19, Drovi lle 98844 --- Diane & Rob­ ert GILMAN (Ian 11 , Celeste 11 134-0 Sidmars Rd, Sequim 98382 --- Paul & Gail GREENHALGH (Stacie 9 , Jason 8, Jennifer 61 Rt 2 Box 33 1, Port Townsend 98368 --- Debby HALPERIN, 1645 10th Av E 1203, Seattle 98102 --- Dave & Carol HEVEL (Da.vid Jr, 51 931 West Park, Pasco 99301 --- Melody HOLCOMB-HOCKIN, S 2608 Monr oe, Spo ­ kane 99203 -- - Beverly & David JURGENS, 11827 E Gibson Rd, Everett 98204 --- Ken & Carol LEITHEAD (Sam 131 Rt 2 Box 428131, Co l vi ll e 9911 4 --- Sara LIGHT (Ian 31 5115 S Brandon, Seattle 98118 - -- Robert & Susan LORD (An na 61 874 Halloran, Samish Is 98232 --- Gai l MAKEE, 33314 22nd Ln S #F3, Federal Way 98003 --- Bet­

--- Lynne McINTOSH-KIMMEL (Ian McIntosh 131 Jupiter Hollow, Rt 1 Box 280, Weston 26452 --Ed & Vicki MEYER (Jeremiah Gullion 4/71, Elisha 3/76, Fairlight 3178, Daniel 8/80, Claire Elizabeth 6/821 Rt 7 Box 87, Alderson 24910 --- Richard & Ronnie MILLER ( Rachel 9, Seth 71 Rt 3 Box 312, Chloe 25235 - -- Kathnell & Gerry O'SHEA (Kim 15, Layne 131 Rt 4 Box 52A, Clintonvi lle 24928 --- Wally & Deirdre PURDY (Jed 7, Hannah 51 Box 7A, Chloe 25235 --- Jane & Max RICHMOND (Jeffrey 12, Sarah 8, Thomas 7, Rachel 6, Megan & Meredith 4, Judith 21 Box 102, Pemberton 25905 - - - Jacques & Grace TRUDEL (Stella 171 Otto Rt, Box 117L, Spencer 25276 --- Danny VAN LEEUWEN, Rt 1 Box 280, Weston 26452 --- Jacque & Fred WILLIAMSON (Nathan 6, Ryan 41 Rt 4 Box 20, Webster Spgs 26288 WI - Ella Ruth ADES, Rt I, River Falls 54022-=--- Harie BAKER & Dave JAMIESON (Sarah 41 Rt 1 Box 187A, Prentice 54556 --- Larry & Irene BARKER (Lobelia 7, Emil 6) Rt 1 Box 46, Highland 53543 --- Rick & Gai 1 BEDORE (Bjornl 77, Erik/781 4002 CTY M, Middleton 53562 --Claudia & Tony BROWNE (Megan 5, Nathan 31 N39 W54B5 Wi lshire Dr, Cedarburg 53012 --- Judith A. CARLSON (Gary & Vicky Reimer, 17 & 131 RR 2 Box 1791, Wild Rose 54984 --- Peter D'AGOSTIND & Linda HUGDAHL (Devon 21 226 E Dean, Madison 53716 --- DEER PARK ASHRAM : James BARRY; Linda MONTY (Eden 4, Kendra 11; Sue & Scott NEWMAN (Jessica 7, Damis 21; Rich & Carol WOOLSON (Kyon 5, Seth 3, Ash 11 Rt 1 80x 143A, Gleason 54435 - - - Richard & Mary-Therese DORFMAN, Rt 3 Box 92, Salem 53168 --- Jim & Janice ERDMAN (Martin 6, William 4, Ryland 21 RR 4 Box 298, Tomah 54660 --- Bob & Cheli FERGUSON (Blake 9,

CANADA --ALTA - Devon BLEAN & Don FICKO (Elizabeth 6-;cJiarlotte 51514 - 7th St NE, Calgary T2E 4C6 --- Gayle & Randy DAVIS (Guy 71 Box 279, Wildwood - -- David & Sophia ELTON, 100 Laval Blvd, Lethbridge TlK 4E5 --- Suzan & Ar­ thur HOROVITCH (Viv i an 13, Debbie 91 Box 55, Barnwell TOK OBO --- Lynn MIDDLETON, 1415-43 Av, Edmonton T6J DF2 - - - Marion & Dave PERRY (boys 5,21 11504-86 St , Edmonton T5B 3J5 --Marlene & Wi lle WILLIAMS (Danny 14, Rolly 121 Thorhild TOA 3JO BC - Mi ke & Barbara BA I RD (Tog 1 i a 12, Makeen, R.B. 7) Box 204, Tofino VOR 2Z0 --Michael BURNS (19 , 18,15 , 131 Box 128, Whistler VON lBO --- Janet CORRIE & Tim RODERTS (Meran 5, Elise 21 #36-1120 SUnYl1it Av, Victoria V8T 2P7 --- Frank & Helen CAVE (Ruth 9, Margaret 7, Charla 41 49 Cedar Dr RR 5, Paul Lake, Kamloops V2C 6C2 --- Mark & Elaine COUSINS (Jeff 13, Chosan 51 RR 3, Site J, Nanaimo V9R 5K3 --- Ellen & Reg DIXON (Valerie 5) Shaw Rd RR 2, Mission V2V 4H9 - -- Terry FAUBERT (Jody 51 3033 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria VBT 3J2 --- Wa & Carolyn FONTAINE (Omi 10 , Dharma Joe 7, Talula Claire 4) Good Rd, Rouse Bay, Lasqueti Island VOR 2JO --- Alex & Juanita HADDAD (Nicole 5, Lacy 31 RR 2, Duncan V9L lN9 --John & Delores KOENE (Hildegarde 17, Marika 14, Jennifer 13, Myles 101 12995 68th Av, Surrey --- Eric & Joan LAVIN,ER (Jamey 121 Box 2198, Parksville VDR 2S0 --- Murray & Alice McEACHERN (Ern i e 13, Isaac 10, Zoe 61 17223 2nd Av, White Rock V4B 5A8 - -- Edith & Victor NEWMAN (Marion 11, Carey 81 1971 Ka l tasin Rd, RR I, Sooke, VOS lNO --- Juliet SAVAGE (Sean

--- Earnst & Cynthia BRUNS (Michael 11, Peter 13) RR I, Brooklin LOB lCO --- Laurel CHRISTEN­ SEN, CANADIAN ALLIANCE OF HOMESCHDOLERS, RR I , Dundas L9H 5El -- - Freda Lynn DAVIES (Kevi n 121, South Gi llies PO, POT 2VO - -- Karen DI XON

Erika 7. Shana 4, Ruth 2) 1408 N 10th Av. West

Bend 53095 --- Ellan FRITCHE & Robert STRAWN (Jesse 7, Ida 41 PO Box 125, Washburn 54891 --- Keith & Elaine JACKS (Shalimar 7, Lalasa 4, Arius 11 Rt 2, Ashland 54806 --- Randy & Vicki LARSON (Isaac 5, Ananda 21 Star Rt, Sarona 54870 --- Chris MAYOU & Larry BLACK (Erin 6, Jenny 41 PRAIRIE CONTINUUM SCHOOL, W8229 Tower St, Onalaska 54650 --- Herm & Ellen NIBBELINK (Nathan 4, Karl 121 Rt 5 Box 46, Medford 54451 --- Joel OTTENSTEIN, 3875 N. BOth St, Milwaukee 53222 --- Karyn (121 & Michelle (111 SUS, 2816 W Lawn Av, Racine 53405 --Scott & Cindy THOMSON (Jennifer 11, Justin 81 Rt 1 Box 48, Plum City 54761 --- Tom & Ruth VOIGHT (Amanda 41 RR2 Box 208, Rio 53960 --Janet WRIGHT & E.G. NADEAU (Luke & Isaac Nad(Brendan 4, Alyssa 2) Rt 3 Box 167A, Bruceton eau, 10 & 8, Brady Nelle Wright 51 424 S. OrMills 26525 --- Marianne & David CEDARLEAF (Ez­ ra 9, Ivy June 61 Box 243, Hi llsboro 24946 --­ chard St, Madison 53715 WY - Mal inda & Yvon CHOUINARD (Fletcher Karen DANIHEL-AMSLER (Shanna 61 Box 222A, Hi llsboro 24946 --- Ann & Jerry DAVIS (Luke 6, 7, Clarre 31 Ph 307-733-7459, Jackson (May--Jim & JoAnn HOPPE (Matthew 51 PO Box Novl Joel 31 Box 2080, Hi llsboro 24946 --- Jan & Howard EVERGREEN, Rt 1 Box 352, Alderson 24910 4203, Gi llette 82716 --- Susan SWAN (Fraser 4, Erin 21 PO Box 392, Douglas 82633 --- L.M. GRAFTON, PO Box 102, Alderson 24910

10, Erik 8, Jason 6) General Delivery, Nelson V1L 5P3 --- Beth & Art SHAW (Robin 11, Amy 7, Emily 6, Mary 4, Eva, Kathy 22, Doug 21, Rea 41 Box 245, Gibsons VON lVO --- Terry & Jack STAFFORD (Amie 11, Anika 51 Box 438, Fort Langley VOX lJO --- Lynne & Nava THUNDERSTORM (Tundra Leaf 12, Quimma Raven 31 Telegraph Creek VOJ 2WO --- Garry & Leila WARD (Amber 8, Genny 41 RR I, N Fork Rd, Lumby VOE 2GO MAN - The ANDRIESHYNS, RR I, Anoia ROE DAD ---=---I[ichard & Mary-Catherine FIGUREL (Mark 81 THE MANITOBA ASSOCIATION FOR SCHOOLING AT HOME (MASHI 824 Barry Av , Winnipe9 R2C lMl --David & Meg McCONKEY, RR I, Brandon R7A 5Y1 NB - Laurence MARIE & Ian CURRY (Nathalie 13-;-Oonagh 8, Siobhan 31 909 Cleveland Av, Moncton E1B lY9 NS - Gary ARNETT, Carleton, Yarmouth Co. , BUll lLO --- Stan & Christine MOELLER (Luke 12, Naomi 7, Gabriel 31 RR 2, Di9by BOV lAO --- Rocke ROBERTSON & Alma MARKS (Laurel 9, Cai 71 RR 13, North Grant, ~ntigonish Co. DNT - Peter & Lou BENNETT (Kevin 10, Noel I,tnYl1a 4) 81 Hall Av, Renfrew K7V 2S2

(Caroline 3) Unit 22 . 1121 Sandh urst Circ l e, Scarborough MIV lV4 --- EARLY LEARNING CENTER, 33 Overland Dr, Don Mills M3C 2C3 -- - Ron FARMER & Cathy GENER (Susanna 7, Jude 5, Noah 31 Box 1105, Almonte KOA lHO --- Joel FI ELDS, 407 Rosemary Rd, Toronto M5P 3E6 --- Al an FOX, RR 1, Dacre KOJ lND --- Do n GREENHDW, 39 Linco l n Green, Markham UP lR6 --- Pa t & Ric h­ ard KERR (Carolyn 14, Sunny 9, Gordon 7, Rose­ ann 5, Alison 21 RR 3, Dalkeith KOB lEO --­ Mrs. Margaret LeFEVRE (Mathieu 10, Joce l y n 7) Box 1197, New Liskeard PDJ lPO --- Eric & Elaine MARSHALL (Alene 6, Ryan 31 RR I, Enter ­ prise KOK lZD - - - Barney & Pat McCAFFREY (Blaise 17, AnII10n 15, Danie l & Gabrie l 131

Wilno --- Mary Sun Rose McDADE (Crow 12, Ahnee 101 Ki llaloe KOJ 2AO --- Burt & Anna MYERS (Drew 9, Beth 71 RR I, Brooklin ZOB lCO --­

Adrian & louise POPE (Sean 13. Sasha 10, Marsha 5) Harwood North. Pickering --- Sue & Norris POUND (Jeremy & Melissa 7, Rebecca 5,

Rachel 11 43 Doncaster Dr, Bramalea L6T lS8 --- Rolf & Wendy PRIESNITZ (Heidi 11, Me l anie 101 PO Box 640, Jarvis NOA lJO --- He l en & Davi d SENTESY (Deven 8, Mark 5, Rowan 21 RR 6, Perth K7H 3C8 - - - Naomi SIEGEL (Sage 4) 10 Yonge Bl vd, Toronto M5M 3G5 --- Mary SYRETT, 248 Airdrie Rd , Toronto M4G lNI --- B G P WHITMAN, Box 775, Hagersville NOA lHO P.LI. - Pam & Re9 MARTIN (D 16, S 15, Seamus-r,-5age 4, Micah 31 RR I, Montague COA 1RO QUE - Abdul & Ayesha ABDUL-WADUD (Yasin 4, Junaya 21 1265 Ouimet 811, Montreal H4L 3P8 --- Paul & Carole COULOMBE (Raissa 6, Paul 4, Rebecca 11 PO Box 513, St Andre Avellin JOV lWD --- Helen FOX (Nondini 17, Maria 13, Cybelle 81 137 Rang Ruisseau, St Clet JOP ISO --- Peter & Ji 11 WHITMORE (Thomas 7, Ben 51 116 Sedgefield Av, Pointe Claire H9R lN5 SASK - Evangeline GODRON (Fidelia 20, ErickalT, Paul 10 , Huey 91 PO Box 1591, Moose Jaw S6H 7K7 --- Melanie STEELE, 524 12th St E, !2B, Saskatoon S7N OH2 OTHER LOCATIONS lewlS & leel a GOLDSTEIN, PO Box B, Pago Pa90 American Samoa 96799 --- Lauris JEPHCOTT, ALTERNAtIVE EOOCAIION RESOURCE GROUP, 101

Pleasant Rd, Hawthorn, Victoria 3121, Austral ia - -- Peter & Sue CREALEY (Mari a 7, """"'1

OB""'"Oriel Rd, Clayfield, Queensland 4011 Austra­

lia --- Christine GAZJAGO (Ami 7, Pablo~ BeTI St, Maroubra, NSW 2035, Australia --­ John & Carol i ne PORTER (Mi schabT1'l!B"ox 497, GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING #30

27 Koror, Pal au, Caro li ne Is l ands 96940 --­ Suzanne & Ri chard ALE JANDRE (Niko 6, Lee 4) Ernst-Mehlichstr. 9, 4600 Dortmund 1, Germany - -- Thomas &Beth BOOTH (Cheryl 9) Johannlter­ str. 22, 5100 Aachen, Germany --- Karen GRAHNER-DEBUS (12,6) Altneudorfer Str. 3a, D-690l Schoenau Germany - - - Jean LEONARD, Rhein Main Schoo~4494, APO NY 09057 (Frankfort, Germa ny) - -- Li sandro SAGASTUME A., Apartado~egucigalpa D.C., Honduras --- Hope & Einar KNUTSSON (Tryggvi Elnarsson 9, Katla Einarsdottir 6), AEsufell 4 - Apt 2F, 109 Reykjavik, Iceland --- Keith HAIGHT & Maureen Kim SIN~i t age, Castlepark, Kinsale, Cork, Ireland - -- Yosef & Tali HADAR (son Nadav, 6) lIT61ilifZ Mizra, Israel - - - Tom & Valerie HILLIGAN (Erin 17, Mor~Patrick 12, Valerie 11) NLSO Box 8, FPO NY 09521 (Naples, Italy) -- - Janine BEICHMAN & Takeo YAMAMOTO ~& Abbie Yamamoto, 9 & 4) Hongo 5-5-8, 102, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan --­ Tricia CHEEL Simon Pert 11, Cato 8~86 Stapleford Crescent, Browns Bay, Auckland 10, New Zea l and --- Mal colm & Jackie HAYNES (Martln 17, Roy 14, Russell 13) 7 Mahupuku St, Greytown , Wairarapa New Zea l and - -- Linda LINFORS (Sean 6, KeV l n 2) clo Firestone Inter­ america, PO Box 511, Pa nama 1, Rep ubli ca de Panama -- - Rosaligia ALVAREZ (Antares 4) Box ~uquillo, Puerto Rico 00673 -- - Gonzalo & Patricia DE FERNOS (Rodrlgo 16, Beatriz 14, Fausto 11, Ta l ia 6) 503 Barbe St, Santurce, Puerto Rico 009 12 -- - How ie & Cindy FEINBERG (Saul 5, Aaron 2) 1406 Vila Mayo #3A, Condado Puerto Rico 00907 --- John & Karen PORTER (Mlscha 6) OlCC Med, APO NY 09285 (Madrid, §Rain) --- Russ & Connie PFEIL (Gretchen 5, awn 2) c/o Chevron-Sudan, PO Box 7137, Khartoum, Sudan --- Ake Bystrom, Milgatan 1, 582 66 Linkoplng, Sweden --- Lesley & Roger DOWNIE (Kathleen 6~ 8) c/o Dept of Zoo ­ logy, Uni v of West Indies, St Augustine Trinidad PEOPLE/PLACES

· .. 1 have just finished reading TEACH YOUR OWN. I was most interested in the ques­ tion regarding live-in teachers (students) as tutors ... How happy I would be for he l p from a student teacher. I am seriously considering home schoo l ing for my 5-year-old and getting cold feet because I have many other responsi­ bilities, including a 3-year-old and a 20­ month ol d, plus a disab l ed husband ... JANET BETTENCOURT, 12 Savery Av, Plymouth MA 02360. ... Single mom with 5-year-old son and cat hoping for a place in the country in Cana­ da. If yo u have one to share, rent, or sell, please let me know . TERRY FAUBERT, 3033 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria BC V8T 3J2.

Please write with suggestions or for more info ... ROSS CAMPBELL, age 21, Deep Springs College, Dyer NV 89010. ... 1 have a 4-year-old and a l ~ -year­ old. I may be able to be of help to someone in my area who would like to home-school but needs to be away or work part-time, as I am looking for another child near the age of my 4-year-old to care for part-time. We live on a half-acre in an older country neighborhood ... PEGGY KLUTHE, PO Box 245, Ellendale TN 38029. RESOURCES

Home Businesses: LIGHT FORCE SPIRULINA PLANKTON, Lowell &Audrey Dittberner, Rt 1 Box 43, Parkers Prairie MN 56361 --- EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS, Paula Perry, 9705 Shaw, Hayden Lake ID 83835; 208-772-4308 --- HANKINS FAMILY WEAVERS, RAG RUGS, 132 Washington Av, Lewes DE 19958 --- HEIRLOOM QUILTS, Lucy Lilly, Sunset Rt Box 9X, Willcox AZ 85643 --- CENTER FOR FAMILY GROWTH, PO Box 398, Monroe UT 84754 --­ PURE PLANET PRODUCTS, 1025 N 48th St, Phoenix AZ 85008 Home Computers: Doug Calsbeek, Rt 1, Packwood IA 52580; 319-695-3615 Down's Syndrome: Maggie Beckham, 105 John Av, Pascagoula MS 39567 --- Janet Bennett (Kathleen 20) 205 Essex Av, Boonton 07005 PROFESSORS & ALLIES

The following people are willing to help home schooling families in developing curricu­ la, evaluating progress, or in other ways: Larry Arnoldsen, Box 10 McKay Bldg, Brig­ ham You ng U., Provo UT 84602 Dr. David N. Campbell, Rt 2 Box 1313, Van Dyke Rd, Odessa FL 33556; 813-920-4253 Dr. Stephen Corwin, Box 184, Norfolk CT 06058 Gay Eastman, Child & Family Studies, U. of Tenn., Knoxville TN 37916 Dr. Mario Fantini, Dean of Education, U. of Mass . , Amherst MA 01003 Prof. Richard King, Ed. Dept., Univ. of Victoria, Box 1700, Victoria BC, V8W 2Y2 Dr. Hal j.enke, 4233 N. 42nd Pl., Phoeni x AZ 85018; 602-955-9449 Dr. John McDermott, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Ed., Moravian College, Bethlehem PA 18018 Dr. Chalmers E. Means, Dir. Reading Pro­ grams, State Univ. College, Oneonta NY 13820 Michael J. Murphy, Assoc. Prof., U. of Saskatchewan, College of Education, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7N OWO Dr. Paul Nash, School of Ed, Boston Univ, Boston MA 02215 Andy Peterson, Licensed Psychologist, 25 Rose Hill, Smethport PA 16749 Charles Pregger (History - SUNY) 19 Larnard St, Potsdam NY 13676 Nancy Reckinger, 8679 Valley Flores Or, Canoga Park CA 91304 Jack Robertson, Prof. Emeritus, New York Univ, PO Box 55, Greig NY 13345 Prof. Albert Schatz, 6097 Sherman St, Philade l phia PA 19119 Paul Daniel Shea, M.A., Ed.D., 1450 Beacon St., Suite 801, Brookline MA 02146; 617-277-4214

95 11 0; K-12 --- Kurt ROSSBACH, 2720 N Shingle Rd, Shingle Spgs 95682; 916-677-4555; K-12 CO - Sandra GUNTHER, 2923 Sunset Dr, Golden-g040l; 7-12, languages --- Mike lyn WARD, 13400 Rd 32, Platteville 80651; K-12, reading CT - Geoffrey SMITH, 365 Bellevue Rd, New Haven 06511; 203 -787-5659; Eng., math 7-12, admin IA - Margaret SMITH, 506 E 25th St 5, Newton-'0208; elementary ME - John POULIN, Box 92, Sorrento 04677 HIT - Frances MOYER, 8283 Portsmouth Dr, Severn-Z1144 --- Karen SHAVIN, 1708 Hollins St, Baltimore 21223 -- - Manfred SMITH, 9085 Flamepool Way, Columbia 21045; Soc. Studies, 5-12 MA - Danielle FENNEMA, RFD 4 Box 56, South ~eat Rd, Lincoln 01773 --- Henry MAR­ COUX, 40 Concord St, Maynard 01754; 617­ 897-7774 MI - Ji 11 BASTIAN, 913 Heights Rd, Lake Orion 4ff035 --- Judy PACKARD, AuSable State Forest, PO Box 78, Frederic 49733; K-8 & Spe­ cial Ed --- Bro. James PETRAIT, 17320 Rosemont Rd, Detroit 48219; h. s. science MN - Valerie SWEDLUND, 4980 Shady Island Cir, Mound 55364; K-6 NV - Leonard GODICK, 4440 Tamarus St #105, Ids Vegas 89109 NH - Ramona PATTERSON, 33 Patrician Shores~eredith 03253 NJ - Barbara HIGGS, Pennington Profes­ sional-rtr, 65 5 Main St, Pennington 08534; elem & admin --- Diane TASSEY, 34 Pine St, Ver­ non 07462; 827-4502 NC - Linda MORGAN, 1720 Flynnwood Dr, Charlotte 28205 OH - Mary Anne HIGGINS, Individualized Instruction and Guidance Agency, 3281 Mapleway Ln, Columbus 43204; 486 -5082 PA - Noel le SICKELS, 36 Frank l i n Av, Rosemont 19010; K-8, NJ & PA. TN - Darrell LUCK, Dunmire Hollow, Rt 3 Box 26~A, Waynesboro 38485 --- Linda SORRELL, Rt 3 Box 37, Johnson City 37601 TX - Jeff WAHRMUND, Rt 1 Box 290AA, Lex ­ i ngton18947 UT - Jennie TEA, 543 Nichols #2, Moab 84532 77- Gerald KING, Utah State U, Triad 7L, L09an 84321 VT - Kathi KEARNEY, Box 407, Johnson State !Ollege, Johnson 05656 WA - Barbara COOK, Rt 3 Box 4A, Port Townsena 98368 --- Debby HALPERIN, 1645 10th Av #203, Seattle 98102 WI - Susan BROOKS, Rt 2 Box 237, New Au­ burn 54757; 1-6 --- Linda HUGDAHL, 226 E Dean, Madi son 53716 ENGLAND - Jean WILSON, 13 Langham House Close,~mmon, Richmond, Surrey TW10 7SJ

CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS & BOOKS Abilities Research Associates, PO Box 7, Joshua Tree CA 92252; 714-366-2740 American Christian Academy, PO Box 1162, Lewis­ vllle Tx 75067 American Home Academy Materials, RFD 2 Box · . . We are interested in l iving coopera­ 106C, Brlgham Clty OT 84302 tively with home-schoolers, preferably in New American School, 850 E 58th, Chicago IL 60637 England. Our son is almost 5. We are non­ Bethany Homestead Christian Resource Ctr, RFD smokers, enjoy vegetab l e gardening, nutritious I Box 220, Thompson CT 06271; 203-928-0453 foods . . . DIANE & MICHAEL LANDIS, North Village Calvert School, 105 Tuscany Rd, Baltimore MD G-7, Amherst MA 01002. 21210 Christian Liberty Academy, 203 E McDonald, ... Wholistic, self-employed family with Prospect Helghts IL 60010 3-year-o l d son has located 60 acres in Vermont TEACHERS WILLING TO HELP Educators Publishing Service, 75 Moulton St, which we wo uld like t o share with another Cambrldge MA 02238 home-schoo l ing fami ly. Lush meadows, 2 CA - Hope ADAMS, 2392 Kenwood Av, San Home Study Institute, 6940 Carroll Av, Takoma streams, pond site, fantastic views, privacy. Jose 9~28 --- Connie ALLEN-MENTE, 7697 Isabel Park MD 20912 1 mile from other home- schooling families ... Av, Cotati 94928; 707-795-0142; K-12 --- Ellen International Correspondence High School, JAN & FRANK ASCH, Middletown Spgs VT 05757; CAREY, 12597 Maple Glen Rd, Glen Ellen 95442; Scranton PA 18515 802-235-2103 . elem --- Terri CHRISTL, 144 Molitas Rd, Danvil­ International Institute, PO Box 99, Park Ridge le 94526; K-7 & Spec Ed --- Sandy DOERFEL, IL 60068 · .. 1 would like to live and work with a 766-B E. Mission Av, Escondido 92025; math Our Lady of Victory School, PO Box 5181, home-schooling family and work at or help 7-12 --- Herbert HAMMER, 7001 Alvern St #A, Mlsslon Rliis CA 91345 estab l ish a neig hborhood learning and r esource Los Angeles 90045; 213-649- 2975; K-8 - - - Mir­ Pensacola Christian Correspondence School, Box center for home- schoo lers and others of all iam HAYNES, 3764 La Donna Av, Palo Alto 94306; 18000, Pensaco la FL 32523 ages. I am very flex i ble and willing to meet elem --- Roger W. LANGTON, 1221 Susan Way, Quest Academy, 515 5 48th St, Suite 106, Tempe people's particular needs ... I have been a pre­ Sunnyvale 94087; 7-12 --- David LEO-NYQUIST, AZ 85282; 602-966 -6040 school teacher, a cook, a Suzuki violin teach­ 1920 A Blake St, Berkeley 94704; K-12 Rod & Staff Publishers, Crockett KY 41413; er, a maintenance man, and a ranch hand. Frances NICHOLSON, 129 Austin Ct, San Jose 606-522-4348

... We have three chi l dren and are look­ ing for a community l i vi ng situation with un ­ schoolers or Summerhill types. We are ready to move or offer you our home as a nucleus. STEVE SOLOMON, PO Box 13, Bloomingdale NY 12913.



present relationship, the n they shouldn't ask. Fourth class mail, and we don't want yo u to 4) The schoo ls th emselves have to be happy miss an issue. abo ut being included in the list. If they are Group subscriptions: all copies are ontlnulng uneasy about it, or fear that it may get them mailed to one address. Here are the current 68583 in trouble with someone, we'd rather not sub­ Directory of home study schools: Nat'l Home group rates (lX means you get one copy of each issue, 2X means you get 2 copies of each Study Council, 160 1 18th St NW, Wash. DC 20009. ject them to that risk. So - if yo ur district is cooperating issue, 3X means 3 copies, etc.): with your home schooling, and you would like 1 year 2 yrs. 3 yrs . them to be on this l ist, ask them, and let us HELPFUL SCHOOLS 12 iss. 18 iss. 6 iss. know if they say to go ahead. lX $15 Private schools enrolling or helping By the way, we would also like to list $24 $30 school districts that would like to help home 2X home study students (send SASE): $20 $34 $45 schoo ling families, but have-not been able to $25 $45 do so because no families have yet asked them. 3X $67 .50 American Heritaee Christian Academy, PO 80x 370, Elk Grove A 95624; 916-685-7876 4X $30 $60 $90 CA - San Juan Ridge Union School Dis­ Applied Learning of Phoenix, 501 WSan Juan trict,-crak Tree School, 18847 Oak Tree Rd, 5X $37.50 $75 $112.50 Av, Phoenlx AZ; 602-274-6654 Nevada City 95959; Donna Soldano, Administra­ Calumet School, RD 1 80x 95, Smyrna NY 13464; 6X $45 $90 $135 tor. 607-627-6670 MA - Barnstable Public Schools, 230 7X, 8X , etc: $7.50 per person per year . Corvallis Open School, 960 SW Jefferson Av, South~, Hyannis 02601; Jane Sheckells, Cur­ Corva I i1 s OR 97333 Please note this is a change in the way Faith Academy, Rt 3 Box 84, Shell Lake WI 54871 riculum Director. Rockland Public Schools, Rockland 02370; group subs are figured. For groups larger than Grassroots Free School, 555 Ocala Rd, Talla ­ 4X, instead of adding a certain amount per per­ Supt. John W. Rogers. hassee Fl 32304; 904-224-9929 son to a base figure, simply multiply $7.50 Southern Berkshire Regional School Dis­ Halvi Schoo l , 8 Hortencia, Brownsville TX times the number of people in the group, and trict, Sheffield 01257; Director of Guidance, 78521; 512-546-1449 then mUltiply that by 1,2, or 3 years . Holt School, Box 866, New Providence NJ 07974; Paul Shafiroff . NY - Ithaca Schoo l District, Ithaca 201 -464 -0149 (NJ only) Please send in the names and addresses Home Based Education Program, Clonlara School, 14850;~. Douglas Hart, Dir. of Pupil of members of your group sub, so that we can keep in touch with them. Thanks. Personnel. 1289 Jewett St, Ann Arbor MI 48104 Home Covenant School, 6640 Horseshoe Curve, Chanhassen MN 55317; 612-474-5659 Edi tor s - John Holt & Donna Richoux Horizons School, 229 Ponce de Leon Av, Atlanta RENEWALS Managing Editor - Peg Durkee GA 30308; 404-897-1 798 It's the end of the year, and that means Editorial Assistant - Patrick Farenga John Holt Learning Center, 84 46 S Harrison St, Subscriptions & Books - Tim Chapman that many of your subscr ipti ons are expiring Mldvale OT 84047; 80 1-561-7035 Lake Mildred Private Christian School, PO Box soon . Please help us out by renewing your sub­ Office Assistant - Mary Van Doren scription ear ly. Of course, you qualify for 1700, Hawthorne Fl 32640 the free bonus issue if we get your renewal Livin Stones Christian School, 1407 Victory before we send #31 to the mailing house (mid­ In, A Vl n Tx 7751 I February) . Mordes Academy, Rt 3 Box 215, Marianna FL How do you know when your subscription 32446; 904-482-2568 (Fla . families) expires? Look at this samp le label . Mt. Vernon Academy, 184 Vine St, Murray UT 84 107 12345 New Options School, 2160 Ferndale Rd, Victoria JIM & MARY JONES Copyright 1977 Holt Associates, Inc. BC, Canada V8N 2ZI; 604-477-0173 26 01 31 Oak Meadow School, PO Box 1051, Ojai CA 93023 16 MAIN ST Our Se lve s to Educate, School of the Arts, 212 PLAINVILLE NY 01 111 W 137th, New York Ny 10030 Santa Fe Community School, PO Box 2241, Santa The number that is underlined in the Fe NM 87501 sample tells the number of the final issue for Sequoia Community School, 3031 Franklin Blvd, the subscription. The Jones' sub explres with Sacramento cA 95818 Shaker Mountain School, 188 S Winooski Av, Bur­ Issue #3 1, the next issue. Renewal rates are the same as for new 11ngton VI 05401; 802-862-5970 Snohomi sh County Christian School, 1215 Olym­ subscriptions : $15 for 6 issues, $24 for 12 issues, $30 for 18 issues. If that number in P1C Av, Edmond WA 98020; 771-1793 St ill atuamish Learning EXChanje, 26611 SR 530 the third line of your label is 30,31,32, etc, please renew now - rates will never get NE, Ar lngton WA 98223; 206-4 5-5015 :z Summit Christian Academy, 13789 Noel Rd, Suite any cheaper. '" 123, Dal las 1x 75240 Sunset Hill School, 6250 WSunset Rd, Tucson AZ 85704; 602-743-7733 SUBSCRIPTIONS Upattinas School, RD 1 Box 378, Glenmoore PA Our current policy starts all subscrip­ 19343; 215-458-5138 tions with the next issue published. Rates are: $15 for 6 issues, $24 for 12 issues, $30 for 18 issues. GWS is published every other FRIENDLY SCHOOL DISTRICTS month. A single issue costs $2.50. For all subs or orders of GWS (not We are printing a list of school dis­ tricts that are willingly and happily coopera­ books), ple ase send check or money oraers pay­ ting with home schoolers, and who are willing able to GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING. Foreign payments must be either money to be listed in GWS as doing so. orders-,n-us-fund s or checks drawn on US One reason for such a li st: we want to banks. We can't afford to accept personal encourage and reassure school officials who checks on Canadian accounts, even if they have may be hesitant about approving home school­ "US funds" written on them. Outside of North ing, and let them know that there are other America, add $6 per year for airmail (other­ districts enjoying good relationships with their home schooling families. Al so, families wise, allow 2-3 months for surface mail). We strongly urge yo u to get the back who are willing to move to escape a difficult situation with school officials would have at issues of GWS, es pecially if yo u plan ~ake -c c your children out of school. Many of the arti­ least some ideas about where to go. . <to We will only list these school distr i cts cles are as useful and important as when they "'., 0 3 .V> c::l C were printed, and we do not plan to repeat the under the following conditions: M- ... I o ):>007' 1) The family has to be not just satis ­ information in them. Any combination of back -V'l '" 0 0 -i;::o issues, mailed at one time to one address, fied but pleased with the cooperation the ".". 3: ",-I cost 50¢ per issue, plus $4 .00. For examp le, schools are-gTVTng to their home schooling Q.I Ul rT'l rrl efforts. 2) The schools themselves have to be GWS #1-29 would cost $18 .50. (29 x 50¢ is on '" Cl pleased with the relationship with the family. $14.50. $14.50 + $4 is $18.50.) These rates Cl 3) The family has to be happy with the idea of are for subscribers only; non- subs cribers pay $2 .50 per lssue. asking the schools whether they want to be If you're moving, please let us know included in this list. If they feel that list­ ing the schools, or asking the schools if they your new address as soon as possible. The post office usually does not forward Third and want to be listed, may endanger their good









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