GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING 42 Many GWS readers will have gath ered that I have had some kind of more or less serious health problem, and now that it seems to be well resolved, let me give a brief report. Early in the morning of Sept. 26 I underwent surgery to have removed from the inside of my left thigh a malignant tumor, which by that time had become quite large. The surgery was completely successful; since the defensive systems of the body had man aged to isolate or encapsulate the tumor, my very able surgeon, Dr. Bernie Siegal, was able to remove all of the tumor without having to remove any muscle tissue. By now I am virtu ally completely recovered from the operation. As I write this I am visit ing Nancy, Bob, Ishmael, and Vita Wallace (Ishmael is at this moment about five feet away, working with great energy, concentration and skill on one of Debussy's very difficult preludes for the piano), in the very hilly town of Ithaca, NY, and with them I have been taking long walks up and down these hills with no ill effects. I have even done a little mild jogging. I expect that within a week or two I will be able to resume the weightlifting which for many years has been one of my staple exer cises, and within a few months I should be back in top (for me, at least) physical shape. The experience has been for me at times difficult and worrisome (though never particularly painful) and in many ways very instructive, since I had not been in a hospital since I was a child. I plan to write more about it in the next issue of GWS. For the time being, I want to thank, as best I can, the many people who have helped me during this health crisis and my recovery. Let me begin with my surgeon, Dr. Bernie Siegal (Surgical Associates, 40 Temple St, New Haven CT) who is both a very skillful and conservative surgeon, a strong believer in not cutting out any more than necessary, and a most unusual doctor, a supporter of uncon ventional therapies, including medita tion and visualization, and of the essential principle that the patient must be the principal active agent in his own healing. Just meeting him for the first time gave me enormous confi dence that I was in good hands, and a measure of my trust in him may be that though (by choice) I had only a spinal anaesthetic, along with some kind of muscle relaxer, I slept through the whole operation. Among my friends I am somewhat famous for be ing able to sleep anywhere, but this may set some new kind of record. I also want to thank my friends and colleagues in the office, Pat, Donna, Steve, and Ross, who not only carried on very capably with very limited or no input from me, but also
helped me in countless other ways in the difficult weeks before I went into the hospital, and afterwards as well. Also my friend, neighbor, and editor Merloyd Lawrence. Also Kit Finn, who along with my office col leagues and Mary Van Doren, did the immense job of cleaning up my apart ment, a task I could never have done alone, even in the best of health . Kit also had me stay at her house for a few days during my recovery. And thanks to Mary and Tom Maher, whom I also visited for a very pleasant week. Thanks also to John and Stella Boston and to Sally and Bob Shallen berg in California, who helped me dur ing my visit to the Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana (of which I will write more) . Above all, thanks to Mary Van Doren, who went with me to the hos pital in New Haven, and who for three weeks after I left the hospital, when I could not possibly have taken care of myself, housed, fed, and very cap ably nursed me at her home in Quincy, with the help of her husband Mark and Mark's father Jim. I can never thank her, and all of them, enough for all this help, which contributed 50 much to my recovery, and which made me won der how people manage to recover from serious illness who, unlike me, are not surrounded by such devoted and capable friends. --- John Holt SUCC ESSFUL DROPOUT From "The Future of Childhood"
by Silver Donald Cameron in Home
maker's Magazine:
... Bud McDougald, the late chair man of Argus Corporation, was occa sionally asked whether he regretted leaving school and entering adult life at the age of 14. "Biggest mistake I ever made," McDougald said. "I should have left when I was 12." ... HOMESCHOOLER AT COLLEGE From the Texas Home Educators
Newsletter, 11/84:
... On August 17, the CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS GROUP OF SAN ANTONIO hosted a workshop for new home educa tors in our area ... Many people want to know if it is possible for our children to go to college . We thought the person who could best answer that question was a young lady from this area who graduated at age 15 from her home school and began attending the University of Texas at San Antonio at age 16. She scored so high on her col lege entrance exam that she was given college credit for the first semester of English without taking the course. Not only was her information about getting into college helpful to these families, but her enthusiasm was very contagious. Parents were excited to see a teenager so thrilled with the home school experience ... NOTES FROM DONNA . The Big Day: The wedding on Nov. 11 went just as we r.oped - a large, friendly, informal party. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and Frank lin and I have enjoyed looking at the photos and listening to the tape of the contra danCing. Thanks for all the notes of good wishes on your letters and book orders' As soon as I finish this issue of GWS, Frank and I will be spending a week on Nantucket
as a delayed honeymoon. Plug for YOUNG CHILDREN: NATURAL LEARNERS: Chris Mayou wrote in the HOMESCHOOLERS OF WISCONSIN newslet ter, "I wish I could have read this when my two older kids were babies' It really is full of insightful, interesting, and comforting letters from GWS readers ... I found this great thought in a section titled THE DIGNITY OF CHI LDREN: 'Of course chi ld ren get in your way, but where are you going?' - great thought when you're setting priorities' If you've got kids under six years of age, even if you think you've read it all, I guarantee you'll find this interest ing reading. It would be a good gift, too." Thank you, Chris, for this chance to remind readers about this GWS supplement. The booklet costs $2, or $1.50 each for orders of two or more. Large Conference: Oral Roberts Univers~ty hosted a "National Confer ence of Christian Home Educators" in September, and attorney John Eidsmoe tells us there were approximately 1200 paid registrants ($35 each or $50/couple) plus about 500 children. Tapes of the entire conference are available for $35 (address, 7777 S Lewis Av, Tulsa OK 74171). John's Coming Schedule: The only confirmed item at this time is the SPEAKING OUT tv Show in Toronto, Ontario, on Feb. 18, 1985. Of course, we are still continuing the Holt Asso ciates Open Houses on the second Thursday of each month, from 6-8 PM. Speaker's Bureau? Since John is interested in lightening his travel schedule so he has time for other things, he suggested that perhaps GWS could print a "Speaker's Bureau" on home education, as a way of encour aging others to fill this need. If you would like to speak to meetings, send us your name, address, phone, a brief description of yourself, and any other important information (dis tance you're willing to travel, fixed fee if any, special programs you can offer, etc.) --- Donna Richoux CA DISTRICT ADOPTS BUTTE PLAN Peggy Carkeet (CAl wrote:
... This summer Ross and I were preparing ourselves to face the Tuolumne county superintendent of schools to tell him that we planned to homeschool Brent (5), when the supt. announced his "Independent Study Program." He had sent the Depu ty Supt. to another county that had a successful program [DR: Butte County - see GWS #411, drew up a proposal and presented it to the county board. We, and two other families, attended the board meeting. Most members were in favor of the proposal. One man was
WHAT'S INSIDE - MA drops age 5 proposal: 2 -- TN law ruled vague: 2 --- Other legal news: 3 --- Organization news: 4 --- Donating to lib raries: 4 --- WAY IT SPOZED TO BE: 4 Spicer/daycare: 5 --- T-Shirt: 5 --- Work: 6 --- Teens: 6 --- Return to School: 7 --- Part time school: 7 --- Life at home: 7 --- Late readers: 8 --- Special needs: 9 --- Tutoring: 9 --- JH/Fee1ing Stupid: 10 --- Manning/Pros perous Illiterates: 10 --- J.P. Takes Tests: 11 --- Summary of Evaluation Procedures: 12 --- Court cases/testing, home visits: 12-14 --- JH/Cautious: 14 --- Easy reading books: 14 --- Writing: 14 --- Tom Sawyer: 15 --- Trave1/ Spanish, French: 15 --- Card game: 16 --- Zoo: 16 --- John Payne: 16 --- Fiddle Club: 17 -- Music: 17 --- Drawing: 18 --- Cheap Film: 18 --- Book Reviews: 18-20 --- 1985 Directory: 21-29 --- Resource Lists: 29-31
concerned that all he had faught far far 20 years would be in ruin if "ever yane" decided ta harne-teach. It was painted aut by .our supt . that the prapased "cantract" wauld weed aut many peaple wha didn't sincerely wish t a t ea ch their awn children. He paint ed aut what a cammitment it is. In a way, he was steering .off the, as John puts it, "hippapotamus" questians. Sa far .only five families are enralled . The pragram is strict and defin itelya campramise, i.e., we get ta teach .our awn children, but must fol low the c ounty .outline. HOWever, there is a lat .of flexibility invalved - educational T.V . may be used, fi e ld trips, ~ hame resour ces; plus we get the advantage .of be ing able to use the county materials, films, rec a rds, etc. The supervising teacher is very flexible and laaded with helpful suggestions - she is nat push y and o bviausly laves children; she either visits the hame .or yau may meet her a t her office. Home-teachers (parents ) may attend caunty teacher warkshaps, and a camputer-warkshap is planned with camputer access for the children. I can't begin to say what a won derful pr a gram this is. Brent and I are a n our 16th day and are tharaugh ly enj a ying it. ... The baard members and the caunty supt. and assaciates were extremely palite ta us; they kept thanking us far shawing up at the meeting. Rass and I felt so goad afterward. Samehaw, I feel mainly be cause .of the supt. 's diplomacy and pragressiveness, everyane was willing ta ca-aperate and campramise. Final permissian to home-teach rests with the individual schaol dis trict. Twa .of the districts have designed their awn pragrams rather than using the caunty's. Only one dis trict in the caunty has refused ta allaw Independent Study, as they feel each child has a "right to an edu cation"! ?? .. MANDATORY KINDERGARTEN DEFEATED
[DR: 1 A victary in .our own state .of Massachusetts: the sectians .of the Educatian Refarm bill that wauld have lawered the campulsary schaal age ta 5 were deleted, because .of the " very thaughtful letters fram parents wha abject," accarding ta the Chairman .of the Hause Educatian Cammittee. When we first learned about the prapasal ta lawer the campulsary age in the summer, I was nat taa sure we wauld ce able ta fight it successful ly, mastly because sa many other things were happening and we simply didn't have much time ta spare. Laak ing back, I am astanished at how rela tively little wark it ta ak an my part ta set wheels in mation. First, I sent a letter ta the few lacal suppart graups in Mass. and ta the several ather natianal hame schoaling arganizatians, asking them ta spread the word. Then with the help .of valunteer Mary Pelrine, I pulled fram .our files all the mailing lists .of Massachusetts addresses expired subscribers, baok customers, peaple wha had asked far infarmatian, etc. It came ta a little aver 1400 names. I wrate a letter which (1) .out lined the facts, (2) said that we at Halt Associates were a very small and busy office, and we cauld nat passi bly labby against this bill - any wri ting, phaning, .organizing, visits to legislatars, etc, would have ta come fram .others, and (3) included some encouraging clips fram GWS about the
successful defeats of such measures in Arizona and Cannecticut (#38 & #39). We're used ta daing bulk mail ings here, which made the whale project immeasurably easier than starting fram scratch. After the mailing ~as sent, I heard very little. Six peaple sent $10 and .one persan gave $100 ta help defray the casts of the mailing (about $300 - anyane 'else want ta help?). I learned fram a few ph .one calls and nates that some people like Karen Kimoall of the SOUTH SHORE HOME SCHOOLERS and Gail Gray and Martha Krawczyk of the PIONEER VALLEY SUPPORT GROUP were busy telling as many people as they could about the bill. I checked several times with the State House to find out the status of the legislation. It was Gail Gray who gat the letter from the Chairman of the House Education committee, dated Oct. 1, which reads in full: ... Thank you for contacting me about your concerns with the provi sions in House 5704 which would re quire children to attend school at age five. I have received a number of very thoughtful letters from parents who object to this element of the reform bill. Accordingly, I have reconsid ered my position and have decided to work with the House Committee on Ways and Means to delete the age five requirement. Nonetheless, I would like to explain why the Committee on Educa tion initially proposed this require ment. Quite simply, we wanted to assure that every child have the opportunity to experience the bene fits of a kindergarten program. We reviewed the wark of contemporary child development researchers and were very impressed by their conclu sions. In a nutshell, the researchers found that children who attend well planned programs before first grade are far more likely to adapt positive ly to the school environment and to succeed in school. Research documents that good early childhood education reduces later special education place ments and ultimately provides savings to taxpayers. I want to explain this to yau because our motive was not to prema turely separate children fram their parents, nor was it to establish a free babysitting service - as some of the letters I have received ~ave indicated. The Committee on Education wants to do what's good for children, but as your letter underscores, parents are ultimately in the best position to make this decision. Please be assured that I will work to remove these sections from the bill, and that I am grateful to you for empha sizing this point to me. Sincerely, James G. Collins [DR: 1 By calling the State House Nov . 5, I was able to establish that the age sections had indeed ceen taken out of the bill. I don't suppose we'll ever know how many letters were actually sent to state representatives, the gover nor, local papers, etc. My guess is that it was relatively few, less than a hundred. And if this is true, it is all the more exciting to think that a small number of mostly unorganized people can change the laws! I've talked about "The Power of Letter Writing" in GWS before (#33), but this has got to be the most direct
and personal experience I've had with it. Any of you who took part in this effort should feel proud. In fact, I'm sure what gave me to confidence to begin at all were the stories in GWS over the years from those of you in state after state who learned of proposed laws, usually anti-homeschooling laws (Arizona, Virginia, Wisconsin, Georgia ... ) and who organized, educa ted yourselves, and fought, usually managing not only to stop the harmful laws but even transform them into helpful ones. By doing so you have inspired me, and who knaws how many others. TENN. LAW RULED UNCONSTITUTIONAL
From the newsletter of the HOME
... On June 5, 1984, Judge Steve Bebb of the Criminal Court of McMinn County ruled Tennessee's Compulsory Attendance Statute unconstitutionally vague. Charles and Susan Moffat of Athens, TN had ceen criminally indict ed ... for teaching their daughter at home through a home correspondence course from Pensacola Christian School. Judge Bebb dismissed the charge against the Moffats and ruled that the existing statute is s o vague and ambiguous that parents cannot realistically determine what consti tutes a "private school" under the law ... On June 25, 1984, Judge Jerald Ewell, Circuit Court Judge in Coffee County, ruled that (1) Home instruc tion complies with the Tennessee Com pulsory Attendance Statute; and (2) the statute is unconstitutional. Dan and Laurie Sain of Bradyville, TN were being criminally prosecuted for teaching their five children in a one-room schoolhouse built by Mr. Sain and his three sons. They built their schoolhouse in an attempt to comply with the school superinten dent's standards ... Laurie Sain not only has her master's degree in educa tion but is a former public school teacher and is certified to teach in Tennessee. Judge Ewell dismissed the charge against the Sains. . .. Larry Crain, an attorney with the Rutherford Institute of Tennes see, a state chapter of the national legal organization which is a Chris tian counterpart to the American Civ il Liberties Union, represented Charles and Susan Moffat ... Attorney Ed Falkowski of Fayetteville, TN, represented the Sains. [DR: Both are in our "Friendly Lawyers" list, p. 29, this issue.J In both of these court cases the point of ambiguity and vagueness in the law was that it could not be determined from the law whether a home school constitutes a legal, bona fide private schaol. Therefore, it would follow that to clarify this ambiguity a "clear" definiti.on must be given ... Bef.ore this session of the legis lature ended, a committee comp.osed .of five senat.ors and five representa tives was appointed t.o study the mat ter .of private sch.o.ols, including home schools, and to report by Febru ary .of 1985, to the legislature with its rec.ommendati.ons ... At the Aug. 17 meeting .of the joint study c.ommittee, B.ob Sharp, att.orney for the Department .of Educa ti.on, said ... "The state att.orney gen eral also believes the law t.o be un c.onstitutionally vague and has de clined t.o defend it on appeal ...
Although there is no significant flight from schooling yet, if nothing is done to correct the situation an increasing number of parents may with draw their children from any formal school and say that they are pro viding a home school ... The depart ment fully endorses a change in the laws so that both parents and public school officials will know for a cer tainty what is required in the educa tion of children." ... OTHER COURT NEWS The 11/84 newsletter of the TEXAS COALITION FOR HOME EDUCATION reports on a number of prosecutions of homeschoolers in that state: Billy Sutherland of Longview; Alex and Hannelore Chan of Duncanville; Tom & Ilona Dyson of Duncanville; Linda Hudson, Steve & Brenda Higgins, Billie and Janice Tuttle, and Dennis and Brenda Evans, all of Houston; two cases in Lampasas, and one case in La Porte. There are two cases being appealed to the Cou rt of Appeals: the Kings (Amarillo) and the Wells (El Paso). Two cases in Angleton, Burwell and Trower, have been indefinitely postponed pending the Court of Appeals rulings. On the other hand, Don Miller (TX), who wrote in GWS #40 about charges being dropped against a home schooling friend in Houston, writes, "I heard from our friend in Houston that the judge (County Court) sent a letter to the school district saying he didn't want homeschooling families prosecuted." Other news in brief:
APfealing a loss in count~ Court: rthur & Gloria Keith,anama CTf'YFL. Case lost: Prentiss family, Ontario. The ONTARIO HOMESCHOOLERS ASSOCIATION is considering handling their appeal. Being prosecuted for truancy : Franci& Frey & David Dodge, Cherry field ME. LEGAL NEWS
For addresses, see the Directory and Resource Lists in this issue. ARKANSAS: The state has been de bating what to do about homeschoolers since the Burrows decision in the State Supreme Court in May (GWS #40). GWS reader Agnes Ross told us that she phoned the Governor's office, introducing herself as a home schooler who would like to see a reasonable compromise worked out in the law, and that the officials seemed relieved and even excited by her call. They arranged to talk with her further after the November elections. FLORIDA: Ann Mordes writes, "Pam Murphree trom Tallahassee called the office of Dr. Pat Lamb to ask about the legislation [GWS #41] and protest a few things like testing and so forth. She found Dr. Lamb to be ex tremely cooperative and enthusiastic. Dr. Lamb said that she didn't see any way around the testing because the state needed to prove that none of the home-tutored children were tru ant. She also suggested that we regis ter as lobbyists, in order to know when a committee meeting was coming up on the homeschooling subject ... " GEORGIA: All-day mandatory kin dergarten for 5-year-olds is one of the recommendations to be considered by the 1985 General Assembly, says the GEORGIANS FOR FREEDOM IN EDUCA-
TION newsletter. ILLINOIS: From Tom and Kay Flem ing in tiskilwa: "We are in our first year of homeschooling ... Our state representative, Peg Breslin, was help ful in sending materials from the State Board cf Ed., and Sally Pan crazio at the State Board was also very helpful. We appreciated the state coming out with the 'Statement of Assurance' and hope that it will be a solution inst'ead of a step toward more control ... We talked with our local school principal and super intendent before school started this fall and though they were sorry to lose two more students, the princi pal, particularly, was supportive and respectful of our decision ... We agreed not to use the school's resour ces, but have found plenty to do without' ... " INDIANA: Lynnae McConaha writes, "We became aware that there is some legislation coming up next year some time. Dr. Raymond Moore is scheduled to talk to the legislators on Jan. 14 ... I'll see if I can't find out the representative for this area and the legislation .. . " IOWA: Debbie Roney reported in the OKIDS newsletter: "On April 10th the nes-Hoines School Board made a recommendation to the Iowa School Board Legislative/Resolutions Commit tee that states ... 'the statute ... relating to private schools and home instruction should be clarified to empower the boards of directors ex pressly to pass on the instructional equivalency of individualized private instruction and to require such infor mation and testing necessary to ful fill that responsibility ... ' We feel the Iowa School Board will begin to lobby the legislature this fall to adopt this change in our statute ... " KENTUCKY: Ruth McCutchen writes, " . .. About the change in the law in Kentucky. The State Dept. of Ed. no longer approves private (thus, home ) schools through the application pro cess we'd been using. Now all one does is tell the local superintendent that one is starting a private school and give the names and addresses of its students ... We think the State Board may formulate some voluntary measures for approval or accredita tion ... Apparently, the law was changed in this past spring's legisla tive session. Nary a one of us was aware of the change until a month ago . .. " MARYLAND: The MARYLAND HOME EDU CATION ASSOCIATION reports a wide var iety of experiences with districts since the new state regulations went into effect (GWS #40), from coopera tion in some counties to disapproval and harassment in others. It also says the State Board of Education has proposed a bylaw to define a "school" as having 7 or more pupils who don't have the same parentage. MICHIGAN: State Representative Timothy Walberg responded to Pat Mont gomery's letter (GWS #41): "First of all I do not have any definite plans of submitting any home school legisla tion this year or next. My intention is however to have legislation ready to be introduced at the proper time or as a road block to legislation from 'the other side.' "Secondly, there has never been any attempt on my part to leave you, or any others who are vitally inter ested in homeschooling in this state, out of the legislative process ... The confidentiality of my drafting re quest has been kept only to assure that the Department of Education and others who would be antagonistic
toward our desires, be kept ignorant on any offensive plans on our part . "I have just received the bill draft back from the drafting ser vice ... and have found it to be total ly unacceptable ... It will be sent back immediately for changes ... "Though I strongly disagree with you that the vagueness of the present law has helped homeschoolers in Michi gan, be assured I am a supporter of the right for everyone to educate their children according to their dic tates ... " MISSOURI: Carol Brown "rites, "The interim committee met at the State Capitol in Jefferson City. Home schoolers gave testimony. It was very positive and members of the legisla tive committee seemed sensitive and receptive on the most part. They real ize they have a difficult task before them ... It looks like one option that might be feasible is for homeschool ers to take a standardized test and only minimum proficiency standards would be required. Parents stated that no standards should be set that . weren't expected from public school children . That seems safe enough ... " NEVADA: Miriam Mangione sent the instructions and forms prepared by two counties to comply with the state's recent homeschooling regula tions (GWS #40). Nye County had made up a self-explanatory three-page form; Clark County had put together a forbidding, highly repetitious 80 page booklet' Miriam says, "Many of us feel that Clark County goes far beyond the state's regulations. We are forming a legal association so we will be in a better position to de fend ourselves ... We will also have all curriculums which are approved copied and kept on file so all new members will have a strong format to follow ... " Miriam later told us that the Clark Co. Director of Pupil Per sonnel has been helping homeschoolers to prepare their proposals, even loan ing them use of his secretary and copying rr,achine' ONTARIO: On July 19th, Anna Myers and Dora Force of the ONTARIO HOMESCHOOLERS met with three offi cials of the Ministry of Education, and were told that parents do not have to follow the Ontario currICu lum. A written philosophy, a set of goals for their children, and some indication that the goals are being reached, will be acceptable to show satisfactory instruction. PENNSYLVANIA: Peter Bergson writes, "Douglas Boelhouwer of the State Dept. of Education called me to ask if he could refer to me any par ents in eastern PA who wanted to know more about homeschooling. I said, 'Sure.' I used the opportunity to get a sense of the state's view of home schooling ... The difficulty is that the state (Boelhouwer and the regula tions) uses the term "school" in the conventional way ... If a family tries to go the private school route (inclu ding nonpublic nonlicensed/parochial) without the actual intent to be open to children from other families, they are not 1n compliance with the law as he sees it. They are giving their
ISSN #0745-5305. Published bi-month1y by Holt
Associates, 729 Boylston St, Boston MA 02116.
$15/yr. Date of Issue, Dec. 1, 1984. Second
class postage paid at Boston MA.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GWS, 729
Boylston St, Boston MA 02116.
ADVERTISERS: Deadlines are the 15th of odd
numbered months. Discount for ads in issues.
Contact Patrick Farenga for rates.
children 'private instruction, ' and schoolers of Wisconsin newsletter, for this they must get permi ssion parents who crossed out the controver sial " ass urances" on the Dept. of Pub from their local superinte nd e nt. "The good news in all of this, lic Instruction's homeschooling form if it can be called that, is that it recei ve d a somewhat thre a tening thus becomes in the state ' s interest sounding letter from dept. official Roger Sunby. Steve Huhta of the WIS (i.e. Boelhouwer's) t o e ncourage the local superintendents to he lp fami CONS IN PARENTS ASSOCIATION talked li es work out satisfactory arra ng e with Sunby, who assured him that if ments. Boelhouwer has put together a parents had included a letter saying packet of information to educa te they could document - their program, superintendents about th e law and to there would be no need for the local share wit h them some exampl es of con administrator to review it in person. tracts ... (Unfortunately, h e won't The WPA would like t o know if any show this packet to anyone else . ) It homeschooling families do get a visit is not foolproof, of course ... but from local school authorities. - DR many superintendent s are being reason able . .. " SOUTH CAROLINA: Angela Cou ture ORGANIZATION NEWS of the new group HOMESCHOOLERS OF SOUTH CAROLINA sent an article from [ DR: ] Thanks to all the local her local paper, and writes, "Since groups who send us their newsletters this article, our family and the - it's an easy way to keep us i n Herzog family have done several radi o formed o f legal news, ac tivities, and TV interviews . We have been able etc. Homeschoolers are arranging to locate several dozen fami li es in dozens of meetings, field trips , and the area that are h ome schoolers ... other events every month , and we can only hope to reprint some high lig ht s Although both of our homesc hoo ling in GWS . To contact the group(s) in plans were approved by the Be rkeley Co . School Board, th ey ha ve si nc e your area, see the list of organ iza tions in the ba ck of this issue. We started trying to enforce conditi ons that we re not in the origi na l agree update th e list throughout the year a nd include it as part of our Home ment . After consulting with an attor Schooling Resource Li s t , $1. ney and a private sc hoo l organiza ALABAMA : Lee Gonet sent the tion, we decided t o become a school with several satellite campuses. The first newsletter of the ALABAMA CITI ZENS FOR HOME EDUCATION with th is school board decided to leave us note : "We already have 150 on our alone after that ... " WASHINGTON: From the Fami mailout list ... Dr. Murr y Norris, President of Va lley Christi an Univer Learninf Exchange News letter, 84: sity, and an avid homeschooler , is "The Bi 1 Drafting Committee and the WASHINGTON HOMESCHOOL ACT I ON COUNCIL coming to speak in Montgomery (free of charge!) on Nov. 20 and we are met on Sept. 8 to vo te on a home school bill to present t o the State thrilled ... " BRITISH COLUMBIA: Janet Cornes Legislature in the 1985 session in writes, "The homeschool i ng situation January . .. A conflict arose between is quite liberal here in Victoria, those who support the Craswell Amend with about 100 families in this area ment, and those who support the bill alone tea c hing their children at the committee has been wo rking on, authored by Kathleen McCurdy and for home ... " CALIFORNIA: Cindi Dennis writes, malized by a legislative codifier. "We r.ave a nice support group in the The basis of the conflict is the Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park area this issue of homeschoolers' accountabili yea r with approximatel y 20 families ty to the state . participating ... We have weekly park " .. . Representative Dick Barrett days, monthl y parent education meet ... explained how impo rt a nt it was ings, monthly field trips, and month that the people rally in sup por t of ly workshops taught by homes chooli ng o n e bill, otherwise th e Legislature parents, including ones on hiking, would not try to make i t law. He also science experiments, and linoleum po inted out that the more detailed block printing ... We're having the bill, the less cha nce o f passage since there would be t oo many op portu 'school' pictures taken, individual photos as well as group pictures. nities for opposition to it ... He emphasized ... it would be a very long Many families in the group are en time before the Leg islature would ser rolled in an Independent Study pro gram through a private Chri stian iously consider a bill such as the Craswe ll Amendment. school in the area ... " COLORADO: According to the Colo " . .. The Council decided not to rado Homeschoolin Network NewsIer= suppor t the Amendment ... Several amendmen ts t o [the McCurdy] bill were ter, a surpr s ng turnout 0 peo pre attended the home schooling sem proposed, with the major change cen inar given by Dr . Raymond Moore th is tered on leaving out the methods by fall. which parents could choose to be HAWAII: From Judith Wilson of accountable to the state. It was LEARNnm-AT HOME (see our "Correspon decided to let th e Superintendent of dence Schools or Books" list) : Public Ins truc ti on devise the means "Hawaii state law provides that a of account abili t y. child can be withdrawn from public "Discarding all the measures of school if 'a competent person is em accountabi lit y that were the heart of the bi ll left the bill relatively con ployed as a tutor,' and an annual cur riculum of study ffrr the child is pre tention-free. But our most supportive sented to the local principal, then legislators have rejected the bill in reviewed and accepted by the Dept. of that fo rm. They have no intention of Education. To be 'competent,' you le aving everything up to the SPI. And must have a 4-year degree from an of course a b il l without legislative accredited college ... Seventeen assor s ponso rship is no bill at all. ted homeschoolers age 5 to 17, plus "The WHAC concluded the meeting two toddlers, meet with us at the re by elec ting a seven-member Board of Directors. They are: Jon Wartes, Kath source center we have formed for a couple of days a week of group tutor leen McCurdy, Richard Wheeler, Mike ing. We have also matched other fami Olson, Carolyn Kunard, Bill Dyer, and lies with other tutors, some of whom Mary Gardner. Feel free to call any use our space on other days ... " of them regarding any questions ... " ILLINOIS: Arlene DeVitto writes, WISCONSIN: According to the Home
"We are part of a home school group we started over the summer. It started with three of us wanting to get to gether for suppor t and field trips and after only four meetings has grown to 21 families with over 60 ch ildren ... Gus Riebock ~as a newcom er at our last meet ing ... Besides homeschooling her own three children, she is homeschooling a child of a neighbor who works every day, as a teacher' ... The mom is a single moth er who has to work to support them ... " MONTANA: The FLATHEAD VALLEY HOMESCHOOLERS ASSOCIATION will be fea tured in the town library'S display case. They hope to include children's work, books on homeschooling, and pho tos of group activities in the exhib it. The group has also sponso r ed a raffle to support the toy and learn ing game checkout at the library, speakers on education, and outings a nd workshops. NEVADA: The VEGAS VALLEY HOME SCHOO~TED group arranges for par ents to loan and borrow books, maga zines, homeschooling newsletters, cata log s, etc. Members with materials to share list the items on 3x5 cards and £end to a central address. OREGON: Mary Stone writes, "I receivea-a-grand total of 4 responses to my ad in GWS #40 re starting an Oregon homeschooling newsletter ... I did hear about a group of 20 or so homeschooling families in the Rose burg area. Debbie Doughty sent me a list of their names, children's names and ages, addresses, etc. She also set up a sc hedule of get-togethers, about one or two a month. We have gone to two cf these. It seems there are two groups of homeschoolers I hadn't been aware of: (1) Fairly zeal-. ous Christian families who prefer Christian publications, and (2) reclu sive/undercover homeschoolers who pre fer anonymity and abstinence from ~ organization . If I understand DebbLe right, only three of the Roseburg fam ilies, counting us, receive GWS or even knew of it ... " From Pat Putnam of HOMESCHOOLERS OF LANE COUNTY: "On June 17, we held our first graduation, for four 8th graders. It was a great success. Each girl gave a short speech about home schooling, and our State Representa tive spoke . A local TV station asked if they could cover it, so we let them, and they did a beautiful job good PR for our movement. It is grow ing by leaps and bounds in western Oreg on ... " DONATING GWS TO LIBRARIES ... For the past two years, maybe three, we've given a GWS subscription to the Eugene Public Library's child ren's department. The librarians put it on the prominent "Parents' Shelf"; they say it's checked out often. CANDACE SYMAN-DEGLER (OR).
... The other member of my group subscription is the Middletown Free Library .. • Since Middletown Library could not find the money in its bud get to purchase GWS, I donate the ir subscription to them. - LORRAINE CLARK (PA). WE NEED MORE "SPOZED" In GWS #29 we said we would pay $2 for used copies of Jim Herndon's classic book THE WAY IT SPOZED TO BE and sell them for $3. Now we have used up all the copies we acquired that way, and in fact we still have
unfilled orders for six more! So we repeat our offer - we'll send a $2 credit (good for any Holt Associates or GWS purchase) for paperback or hardback copies in good condition (no missing pages or covers, and not writ ten in ) . You can assume this offer remains standing until we say other wi se. If you'd like to forego the $2 credit and consider the book a dona tion, that's great - just tell us so. Thanks. - DR A FAMILY·RUN DAYCARE CENTER From Gretchen Spicer (WI), who wrote "Good Times, Awful Times," #30:
... The children have been abso lutely indispensable in the running of our small daycare center. A usual day around here is five kids under 2, a couple of 3- and 4-year-olds, our own 6-year-old, and a couple of other 6- and 7-year-olds after school. It is a nice workable number. We concen trate on being helpers to the child ren and try to have a really relaxed program with enough structure to pro vide se curity, but lots of free time for exploration. Meals are the only " i nterruptions" in the day. We rarely move groups of children arbitrarily fr om one place to another. When we go outside , usually one adult simply announces that they are going outside and anyone who wants to can come. Someone assists the youngest children into their coats as they express an interest in going out. Generally the whole group ends up outside in 15-20 minutes. The only time we interfere with children is when they are get ting hurt, or when they appear sad or u nhappy. The same policy of non interference that worked so well for home schooling is working ~eautifully f or day care. We pay Jessica (9) $2.50 each day for helping us with the children. She changes diapers, washes faces, carries fussy toddlers, plays house wi th the 3- to 6-year-old crew, puts babies to sleep, ~eads stories,
swings swings, in general everything we do - usually just as well. The kids are crazy about her. Jacob (13) and Seth (11) cook breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack every day. They also do all the dish es, set the tables, clean the kitchen and prepare special meals for infants or children with allergies. Addit i on ally, they do all the shopping and some of the menu planning. All the meals have to meet ' the USDA recommend ations and the boys are adept at mak ing sure they include sources of Vita min A, C, iron, etc. The meals are always on time, attractive and del i cious. We pay each boy $2.50 / day for cooking. They plan it all themselves and manage their time very well. They go to the library every day between lunch and afternoon snack. Isaac (6 ) makes morning snack each day. He has to count how man y people need snack, prepare bottles for infants, get the right number o f graham crackers and ~aper cups, and carry the snack out. After snack he picks up the cups, carries the milk pitcher in, and wipes up the tables. He gets paid 50¢ a day and also d oes a very nice job. Vern (4 ) cleans the yard up ea c h day after the daycare children leave. He ~icks up all the balls and to ys and puts them in the storage box, parks all the trikes and riding t oy s and sweeps the patio. He o ften needs help, but makes a valiant attempt. He also gets paid 50¢ a day . The jobs provide the kids wi th a nice income, but more importantl y they realize that what they are d o ing is really necessary. They know h ow much we depend on them and seem t o like being part of the team. Boy, are they glad when the weekend comes. Home schooling is obviousl y a big plus for us in this situation. Surprisingly, all the "offi c ials" (daycare licensing people, social workers, psychiatrists, famil y ther apists) that we have come in contact with through the center and in re gards to our foster son, have been very supportive of and interest e d i n
Our GWS T-Shirt contest had sixty-six entries from readers of all ages. Each person in the office chose their favorites and we sent the four that received the most votes to the Zimmans, our T-shirt makers, and they de cided which of the four would reproduce best on their shirts. Since there were so many fine drawings from children and adults, we decided to offer a second $25 prize and have one adult winner and one child winner. The winners are Carol Krentzman (Adult Winner) of Massachusetts and Jody-Taj Finan Eshelman (age 6) of Virginia . Just because we divided the winners doesn't mean you must wear Carol's adult design if you buy an adult-size shirt. You can choose either design to go on your shirt, in your choice of the colors and materials listed here. Use the order form if you like, specify your choices, and send your check to GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING. Prices include postage. Remember, GWS gets to keep $1 for every T-Shirt sold. Thanks to all who participated for making our first T-Shirt contest a success! --- Pat Farenga
Item #1 Youth T-shirt Sizes: 2/4, 6/8, 10/12, 14/16 Colors: Light Blue, Red, Kelly Green. $4.75
Item #2
Adult T-Shirt Sizes: S, M, L, XL Colors: Light Blue, Red, Kelly Green. $5.25
Item #3 Ranes 100% Cotton Youth T-Shirt Sizes : 6/8, 10/12, 14/16 Colors: Light Blue, Yellow. $4.75
Item l1aiii!ST00% Heavyweight Cotton Adult T-Shirt Sizes : S, M, L, XL Colors: Light Blue, Yellow. $6.00 GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING '42
home schooli ng . In fact, we have t he elementar y sc hool principal's child ren in our daycare ce n ter. Besides th e very real physical help that the k i d s give us in running the c enter , th ere is a much rrore important a nd in t angible function that they s e r ve . Just by being there, the y pr ovi de t he wide age range t hat we feel is essen t ial t o children's devel opme nt. On any given day you c ould expe c t to see Jessica i n an ani mated ga me of d olls goi ng to doctor wi th a cou ple of 4-year-old girls. She is not acting as a caretaker but is a n ac t ive, in t erested participan t in th e game . I often make half h ea rt ed a tt empts to play house, doc t or , e t c ., but my interest is short li v ed &nd I am no t a very stimulating pla yma t e . Set h often stops down in the d ay c ar e rooms a nd builds some gre a t Lego ~paceship or sets up a neat game with the cars . Jacob has an ex t ensi ve fan club . Two little 4 year- ol d girls think that there is no great e r pl easu r e in life than to be inv it e d int o the kitchen to help Ja co b wi th cooking. The 6- and 7 yea r- old boys idolize him and he will i ng ly th rows them a few pitches, t a kes th em out to shoot a few bas k e t s , e t c . Jacob even babysits for one o f our families that has a 17 month -o ld child, a 4-year-old, and a 7- yea r- old . Al l of the kids are fascinated whe n we ha ve a tiny infant in t he cen t e r . I s a ac gets the tenderest look and will sit by the babies patiently f or h alf an hour trying to make them sm il e . Al th ough Isaac has been known t o mak e h imself very difficult, he ha s a l so s hown amazing empathy for some of th e youngest children . He is pa rt icu l a rl y moved by children who a r e sad o r missing their parents. Sev e ra l t imes he has spent most of a day tr yi n g to c heer up an unhappy child. Eve n Esau (3) has shown great kind ness to a you nger child in distress . J e s s i ca a t age 9 is perfectly capable of pr ovidin g care to even very young (3 - week-old) infants. But the neatest thin g of all for me is to see my near
or "Child / Sun"
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Tol al Enclosed
ly grown up 13-year- ol d boy holding a tiny baby. He is as tender, careful, and awed as his fa ther was on the day that he first held him. ... We aren't making a lot of money but it does pay all th e bills and we are able to live in a very large (2000 sq. ft.) home that we could not afford otherwise . Also it is wonderful to be able to purchase interesting toys, puzzles and books. We always have an adequate supply of nice art materials on hand and neat projects going on . Our s is a very child-centered life and we really enjoy it . There are he adaches, like parents that don't pay and endless paperwork, but by and large it seems to be the best thi ng we ha ve done to make a living so far . It is very sat isfying to feel that you are provid ing very good care to children whose parents for one reason or another can't care for them all the time. ... 1 was very glad to see sever al letters in GWS #39 about o rdinary children. Although I have been sing ing my kids' praises thr oughout this letter, and they do deserve the applause, my children are also very ordinary. They often fight, many times they are unreaso nable and demanding. Although they show much sympathy and concern for the daycare children, they often show little regard for each other's feelings. None of them is a genius. On the aver age they started to read at 8 to 9 years of age (with very little "teach ing"). They start many projects and leave the majority of them lying around the house until the y are de stroyed by younger children or simply disintegrate due to neglect. Only Jessica keeps her personal space neat without being asked to. Although they work wonderfully and competently for wages, they do little else without great complaint . But I am not in the least bit disappoin ted, and I don't consider "ordinary" bad or negative; in fact, I think it is wonderful. All I want for my children is for them to be ordinary, well-adjusted people, able to weather life's u ps and downs and make their way competently through the world . I for one am very content to be an ordina r y mother in an ordinary family ...
is really the only time he sits to write. He likes receiving letters in return. I've noticed, though, that when there's a real need for writing some thing he goes right at it, like when he made a sign at the trail leading to our outhouse next to the one I had made . Mine said, "OCCUPIED" on cne side and "UNOCCUPIED" on the other. His said, "Cedar · is at the outhouse" on one side and "Cedar is not at the outhouse" on the other. Today I was busy pouring grain into the trash cans out at the barn and I asked Ce ~a r to put ~asking tape on the lid of each can and wri te what was in it so that ocr housesitter would know ~l ha tis ~/ha t ,' [-l'n Eo he comes next ~eek to look af ter th i ngs while we go camping . I was in a h urr y to get our cow in with her calves and to go back to the house to the bread that was rising and ready to punch down . Cedar clearly saw that I needed his help to make things go quic kl y. So I spelled cet the names of each grain as he quickly wrote them on the tap~, never hesitatin~ or mentioning how he-aronOC-Ieer-li e it as he often does when I sUSfest he write. -----y~een a Slml ar pattern with his desire to read. He loved reading out the names of trucks as he dis covered each new one over a year ago, and if there are directions to some thing he really wants to know, he works at it with determination. But to sit and read j ust to practice, as with writing - no, he'd rather help make bread or fix a fence. To be involved in a real everyday activity as opposed to a contrived situation makes so much sense to me that I can unde r stand his attitudes ... Telling time has been so much fun and so spontaneous since Cedar bought a watch for himself when he turned 7. Since I don't wear a watch and we're often out worki~g away from the house I ask what time it is when I'd really like to know. Lots of times I need to know "How long till milking?" and he's always got a reply. A lot more interesting than those pages in workbooks with lots of pictures of clocks to fill in' ... And from Wisconsin :
REAL-LIFE LEARNING Lynn McCulloch (CA) wri tes:
... Cedar (7) loves helping me with almost any job I have to do here on the ranch . .. He's especially fond of anything that requires physical energy: unloading hay or feed sacks, hauling wood, digging in the gard en, working with our sheep ... He is not fond of sitting down t o wri te. He works slowly at it and diligently when it's a letter to someone - which
. . . One of our 9-year-old's jobs is to sort the canceled checks and read them off to me as I balance the checkbook. I hope that soon she will be able to handle the entire process without my help. We ere full time dairy farmers, so this means she is working with numbers in the thousands and ten thousands. She is also learn ing economics and getting an idea of how much money it takes to support a family and run a business. She often says things 1 ike, "What?' It takes that much money to buy seed co rn'" or "We spent that much money at the gro cery store?" ... HOME BUSINESS Carol Krentzman (MA ) writes:
... Last year my husband quit his job as a computer store manager to be come a full-time Shaklee products dis tributor. We now have our own home business' We made a small bedroom upstairs into an office, and we keep the stock on shelves in the basement. Jenny (7), Nellie (4), and Sam (2) help my husband receive shipments, unpack them, and stock the shelves. They pack orders together and take
inventory together. It is a very real life experience for us all and wonder ful change of lifestyle. David is no longer rushing to make a train in the mo~ning and gone all day. He is in and out ~ost of the day with meetings and 3PDointments. The children know where he is, what he's doing, and sometimes even accompan y him. ~ow that Sam is older and very happy to go off with his daddy and big sis ters, I am able to take on a more active role ' in the business, too. We also help David with his mailings (s tamping, folding and labeling). We had purchased a home compu ter, TRS-80 Model III, a few years ago, and when we decided to start a Shaklee business we got a printer to go with it. We now use it mostl y for word processing and keeping track of business records. Jenny and Nellie spend rr.any long hours playing Shaklee. They have lots of empty containers which they set up in displays. Lately Jenny's been say ing , "Excuse me, but I've got to go do my paperwork'" And off she'll go to work on her papers ... SINGLE PARENT: UPDATE From Lynne Norris (IN) - see "A Single Parent's Year," GWS #36:
... Without homeschooling I could never have accepted the job I now have, which is back at my old stand of teaching theater skills at a uni versity level. This kind of job de mands teaching during regular hours and rehearsing in the evenings. In other words, it's double shifting. As a single parent, I would never get to see my son if I had to pay caretakers for all that time, and it would wipe out the small profit I am making. This is the first above-the-poverty line job I've had since 1975 and I am not giving it up so Daniel can fit into conventional hours. At least this way we get to have dinner togeth er and catch moments in the office together. Daniel is barely noticed by any one at the office. He stays in my own little cubbyhole and does his work. When I was directing at another col lege this past month, he was free to roam that space. However, he ended up being a go-fer for my technician and a bookho1der when I needed one (this is for an Ionesco piece; no small feat for a lO-year-old), and my House Manager on performance nights. I know that many people don't think this is on-the-job training, but the theater is a proving ground for developing responsibility, punctuality, cour tesy, and survival under pressure. Daniel has also been producing some wonderful adventures on our cassette recorder, which may also be the result of theatrical exposure. He is also deep into coin collecting and has rejoined the bowling team he was on last year ... TEENS AT HOME More from Gretchen Spicer (WI):
... In response to "Teens At Home," GWS #41: I always assumed that the kids would choose to enter school at around 12 or 13 as many of our friends' kids did. However, Jacob at almost 14 has no interest in going to school. And what a shame it would be now that he is really becoming capa ble and mobile and able to use all the resources the community ha s to
offer. We live in a small t own and he is able to ride his bike all around the surrounding area. He thinks nothing of riding 10-12 miles to the next town to play tennis and riding back an hour later. He has really similar interests to the kids mentioned in #41. He baby sits a lot. The parents say he is great and really appreciate that he is available at any time. He has studied for the G. E.D . , and plans to take achievement tests at the public school next week (entirely his choice). He often pursues some sub ject he is interested in, going to the library at least once a day. Right now he is in Chicago ... His 7-year-old cousin adores him and Jacob had promised to come for his birthday, and so he did - arranging his own transportation, collecting money from everyone in the family to purchase a birthday present, etc ... From John Boston (CAl: ... It has been 5 years since we allowed Sean (15) the freedom to learn in our home and community . .. At times we have an adult friend and at others a pre-teen "Why-can't-I?-Every one-else-is" child. But that's par for this period in his growth. ... Sean has developed the abili ty to get along with anyone he choos es. He is active in our church's Youth Group. He sings at Sunday Mass in the Youth Choir and is well on his way to being confirmed and a full adult member of our church community. Sean's Youth Advisors have commented to me on more than one occasion how special and loving he acts. ... He has contemplated going back to school but has found other means of accomplishing the same want. For instance, when the high school would not let him take Auto Shop with out signing up as a full-time stu dent, he enrolled in a Regional Occu pational Program auto course, even though he was below age 16. He now attends a weekly class session, with hands-on training on our old truck and car, and spends three mornings a week at a local auto parts house. This "work station" at the parts house he arranged himself through his dealings with the manager. Last year, Sean wanted to find out how he would do if he went back to high school. Our Kaiser Group Health Insurance program ooffers a school testing service and the Kaiser school psychologist gave him the bat tery of tests, at Sean's re~uest . They even came to our home or part of the test. Sean found out that he could not do the memorization work schools require but the psychologist told him his level of abilities were at a college entrance level. if he wished to enter an institution he would have to study up on memorizing times tables, dates, and other test passing skills. Sean reads out loud from the Bible at our adult Renew Group, when called upon, and does better than some of the adults. Sean's math has been learned from metric conversions and working on his Honda motorcycle, and his checking account. His history lessons come from working on a WW II Jeep (that may not seem like history to us over 50, but to him it's ancient history). Sean isn't much into the fine arts. He can weld, so he designed and built a 3-wheel go-cart for the neigh bor's children. He fixes toys and bikes for all the kids around here. GRO~ING
He listens to his favorite rock music (which turns me off) and does enjoy the beauty of nature when we go camp ing, fishing, or cross-country skiing. He's passed the test for his learner's permit and can drive with a licensed criver . Sean helped up drive to San Luis Obispo this fall, a trip of over 800 miles, to see friends and visit the California missions. He drives his 82-year-old grandfather allover town and can't wait to get his own license . . . And from Star Fishel-Lingemann {CAl, age 15~: ... 1 have three pen pals, in Ken tucky, Montana and New Mexico, and we all found each other through GWS' It has been great fun having pen pals. Not only have I made three very special friends, but I have learned a lot too. I think some of the most important things I have learned are communicating tetter on paper, and understanding rryself better through writing and that anyone, of any type or lifestyle, can be a homeschooler' I guess for a while I thought that all homeschoolers were like ~y sib lings and my cousins and young aunts and uncles (all under sixteen and all homeschoolers who live very alterna tive lifestyles) . All of my pen pals are very different from each other and from me .. . For a long time I've been frus trated that I didn't have any contact with kids my age and the nearest home schooler my age (who is luckily my best friend of ten years') lives fifty miles away. So cut of despera tion, I almost went to high school this year. Now I'm really glad I didn't because it's never good to act out of desperation. But, though I had cecided r,ot to go to high school full time, I still felt the need for some social contact and more intellectual challenges. So now I am enrolled in an independent program through the local continua tion high school . I go one day a week and bring my work home . I am really enjoying it. I'm getting a chance to interact with kids my age and the principal of the school is a really neat guy. He has founded his sc hool on a lot of principles that support homeschooling. I have not been intel lectually challenged though' Most of the work I get is pretty much a bunch of boring busywork . At first I was kind of hesitant because I wasn ' t sure about going to a continuation high school but I have seen that for whatever reasons each of the kids are there (and I don't know most of the reasons), they are all just people underneath. It took rre a long time to get over the idea that if I went to school I would be betraying or fail ing homeschooling. That was because I identified with homeschooling and thought it was something that had to be done. It is only now that I have stopped worrying that I wasn't 10inR enough of the things "home schoo ers do, that I am actually able to see that home schooling is not dOih~ any thing, it is bei g , letting t 1ngs flow, something have had trouble with the past few years . My family has formed a "school" with a group of most of the home schoolers in our area . We meet once a week to work on a specific project. We have done pottery, basketmaking, cooking and gardening, and I have started riding the horses owned by the family whose house we meet at . . .
P.S . I showed the principal of t he continuation school a copy of GWS and he was greatly impressed. He's always saying how well educated I am . .. BACK TO HOMESCHOO LING From Margie McArthur {CAl:
... We are going tack to unschool ing after a year back in school which was a hassle for all of us and very stressful. Abigail had been really set on doing it, so we did. She learned a lot in school - not much of it academic - mostly stuff like how powerless and small she was, how miserable it was to go out to P.E. in 100+ degrees and smoggy weather (just because those were "the rules"), how to adjust to a bad-tempered teacher without passing out from fear each time they had a confrontation. She made no long-lasting or true friends as she had hoped she would. All in all, it was an "educational" experi ence but not in the way we had hoped it would be . .. PART-TIME SC HOOL From Paula Sapphire in New York:
... We home-schooled for 2~ years and then due to family problems we began a part-time (3 days) public school arrangement with the Ithaca schools. Joah (12) and Shona (8) do beau tifully and everyone is amazed at their self-discipline, sense of responsibility and exuberance for learning. I'm sure they teach a lot to others by their example. However, school still has many drawbacks, most ly social . . . I'd like to check into correspon dence programs since if J & S stay home this year I have to work and be away 2 or 3 days a week and want them to have an independent structure ... LIFE AT HOME From Kathleen Hatley in Oklahoma:
. . . This year a homeschooling neighbor joins us two days a week. His mother is multi-lingual, so we are all studying Spanish together. The small group format for learning a language has generated some interest ing activities, such as working with the Cuisenaire rods, in Spanish' We are also playing simple board games, such as ~emfry, in Spanish. Asi e rom the language studies, we do big art projects together, such as tie-dying and linoleum block print ing. The whole group of boys are studying Tae Kwon Do a total of five hours a week, and all are playing on local soccer teams together. ... Our two older boys are respon sible for the homestead rabbit warren this year. Steve (ll~) is working for money cleaning up the job sites of his dad's log home building business. Shaman (8) is diligently pursuing studies in solar energy, electronics, human anatomy and astronomy. Ram, our very active and playful 5-year-old, has surprised cs all by
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showing a real interest in academics this year! He is proving to be a good example of the child who learns to write before he learns to read every day he wants to dictate sen tences to me and re-copy them many times a day. I can imagine a teacher with 30 other kids having the time to indulge this! He also picked up a whole year's kindergarten math book and buzzed through it in a month surely helped by the previous year's worth of games and informal learning with the Cuisenaire rods, multi links, counting chips, and other in expensive math manipulatives .. . Amelia Acheson tWA) writes:
14-year-old clown from another town who mak es balloon animals - as a resul t , he is learning to unicycle, and they are learning to make balloon animals. Eleadari (10) is our all-around enthusiast ... Last fall she all of a sudden could read - before that she just sounded out a few words and then lost interest. Now she reads several books a week - myster~es and animal stories are her favorites. She learned cursive in three days. She's an excellent gymnast - some of the tricks she's learned scare me, like when she tries a back handspring on a 4" wide balance beam. She loves math, but s h e revolts when I try to push. A few days ago she wanted to work on math - I decided (that's a fatal mis take) that she was probably ready to work on ratios. So, for a starter, I gave her a few problems that could be easily worked in her head (If you are 5 feet tall and your shadow is 2~ feet long, how tall is a tree whose shadow is 30 feet long?) She immed iately grasped the concept and came up with the right answer, really proud of herself for discovering it. But when I tried to write down the steps in logical order, so that she could see clearly what she had done and do it on more difficult problems, she balked - "Mommy, you're pushing me. I'm going out to play." Later that evening, though, she asked me to go over it again, and this time she understood not only the ratios, but a lot of algebra that was needed to ex plain why the ratios work ...
... About our favorite topic our homeschooling experiences over the past two years. Prior to being homeschooled, our three children went to an alternative school in Yellow Springs, Ohio. In many ways, it was the ungraded, self-directed learning experience we had always wanted for them. But when we took them out, we discovered the advantages of home schooling that no school, no matter how good, has to offer. We got our children back. And the relief of the financial burden of three kids in pri vate school was an added plus - we didn't realize how much that hurt until i~was gone. I can't talk about homeschooling in general - it's a different story for each of the kids. So, here goes: Alazel (16) loves math - he ~ought a set of accounting books from a local And from Penny Fielder (VA): high school teacher and hurried through them. When he asked her for .. . As far as the learning pro more, she was amazed at how far ahead of her classes he was. He also got a cess goes, Zachary (4) has, for most college supplementary text in trigon purposes, taught himself. All I did ometry, and covered most of that be was to point the way, answer all his tween November and March. Then he set questions, and be patient - NEVER, that aside and did no math for sever NEVER PUSHY. al months. About two weeks ago, he Zachary reads (all the time, it found his dad's analytic geometry seems) and reads - he-taught himself. book. It took him about three days to It seemed to happen overnight. It was work through most of it, and demand a like EUREKA! I'VE DISCOVERED WORDS' calculus course. In l~ weeks, he has And he's reading quite difficult devoured about half of what college words, like "transpersonal," "solar professsors turn into a year's hard plexus," "actually," etc. He even work for freshmen. His dad has spells some of them out loud without promised to coach him through physics looking at them! And he loves numbers when he gets integration under his and calculators . He also likes learn belt ... ing the countries on the world globe. Talitha's main interest has been Then we'll find a National Geographic arts and crafts. This spring we with a story on a particular country whose name Zachary has learned to pro enrolled her in an oil painting class - had to do a lot of talking to con nounce. Some of his other activities vince the teacher to take a 12-year old, but she did fine. In fact, the include: helping and playing with his teacher boasts about how nice it is sister Gretchen ( 4 months), washing to work with kids now - Tia had plen dishes, mopping the floor, helping ty of interest and skills and atten Daddy with firewood and fixing the car, gardening, and identifying wild tion span because it was a subject that interests her. She picked up a flowers, birds, and squirrels, rela clowning book at the library last sum ting his dreams, and, well, as anyone mer. Her first decision was to dupli with a 4-year-old knows, the list is cate one of the costumes and gags s he endless! . .. saw there for a Halloween costume. It turned cut so delightful that she was invited to bring it to a day-care cen LATE READ ER TESTS HI GH ter to "show-off" and entertain the little kids. Over the year, that has Fr om Jean Nosbisch (IL): grown to a business, and now includes all three of our kids. They have been ... We have home schooled for six paid for their clowning - they have years now . I am a certified elemen their own business cards - they tary teacher and we used to register brought home a huge first place as a private school. For four years trophy from a parade - and, mostly, we heard nothing. Then we were visit they have a lot of fun at it. They ed by the regional superintendent two ride unicycles, juggle, do gymnas years ago. He was a little upset tics. Tia does magic tricks (one of because we didn't have books like a regular school . He said he wanted the her magic books says that magic is a kids tested and set a date. trade like r.o other - you have to I have always believed in late learn it yourself at home). They some learning and freedom in learning. I times work in partnership with a
had never pushed and had faith that the children would learn when they were ready. I knew testing my chil dren would be a disaster so I began searching for help. It seemed that people said different things - some said they couldn't test, others said they could, some said let them test. I ran into a civil rights worker who contacted my superintendent and arranged for a meeting where we would discuss the matter. The outcome of the meeting was that I had about three months to have my children tested on my own or he would take me to court. I was frantic. My ten-year-old son had just learned to read - I began "teaching" when we had our first encounter with the authorities. I was sincerely afraid he would be on kindergarten level if tested. I enrolled in CLONLARA and Pat Mont gomery took care of our problems by talking with our superintendent. It was a lifesaver in our case. The superintendent has never said another word since he talked with Pat Mont gomery. He didn't make us test, I chose to for my own curiosity. I got textbooks and the children are working in them. After a year of somewhat structured curriculum, they tested above their age levels on the CAT. I couldn't believe it (I think standards must be quite low). I am firmly convinced in waiting to teach - especially reading. In 1~ years' time ~son learned to read and was on-stn-grade level (spelling 9.5 leVel)' Besides-tnat, he loves to read. He will sometimes read all day long. I really hate to be structured. I am more lax now that they have been tes ted ... LEARNING TO READ AT9 A reader writes:
... Rose, 9, is learning to read. It is very exciting watching her dis cover this world of reading and wri ting at her own pace, with a little help when she needs it. This last sum mer I asked cur neighbor friend, who is 9, to teach Rose to read. I gave her one dollar for half an hour. She did this three times, taught Rose to read three books, and now Rose is off and rolling on her own. Since then she has been spending more time wri ting and has learned all her letters by heart with only one lesson from me (I do not pressure the children to learn things they do not want to, knowing that when they are ready they will pick it up rapidly, and it's true). Last week she asked a friend to teach her some new words and now she's been writing them by heart on many of her pictures ... Rose taught herself math with only two questions to me. Two ques tions and two answers, and now she adds, subtracts, multiplies, and counts by 3, 5, 10, etc. When she was seven she asked, "Mom, how many months till my birthday?" I said, five. She said, "How many months in a year?" I said 12 and then she thought a little and replied, "Then my birth day was 7 months ago'" And ever since she's been accumulating more and more math facts, through playing with and spending money, talking to friends, listening, and playing with a Speak & Math occasionally. ... The children spend most of their time singing, playing, prepar ing many of their own meals, doing beautiful art projects, pondering
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self-initiated questions about God, planning for peace, weaving, sewing, and just learning through doing. It is so amusing to come upon Rose and her younger sister discussing numbers or how to spell cat, so serious they are. Recently my 11-year-01d told my parents that he wanted to improve his spelling, learn handwriting, improve his math and hav~ more structure. When my mother told me this as proof that I was failing, at first I did feel like a failure until I realized that this is what self-direction is all about. He knew what he needed and was asking for it - fine, now we know what his program is. For him to know what he needed is to me a success story ... "SPECIAL" KID OUTGROWS PROBLEMS Patricia McConnell (NY) wrote:
... The letters from parents of late readers in GWS #41 interested me. I, too, am the parent of a late reader and have taught her at home for three years. ... If Amy had gone to school at age 5 she would have been put in a special class. Her language at that age was unintelligible. The principal asked her to name the colors in a pic ture she had drawn and she replied: boo, geen, yow-yow, and weh (red). Her physical development has been ham pered all her life by poor coordina tion : eyes crossed, walked at 16 months, clumsiness, etc. But with some speech coaching and a lot of patience on everyone's part she has outgrown all these problems. She is now learning to read, plays the vio lin, sews beautifully, loves to dance, speaks well (a few things to work on yet here). She is developing well in her own ~ood time . .. . When I f~rst approached the superintendent about homeschooling he was not in favor of it, told me it was not legal, etc. But following the good advice of the early issues of GWS, I was prepared with copies of NYS law, the Perchemlides decision, and my curriculum plan, and I assured him I had nothing against the school district ... We agreed to take the Iowa Tests once a year, mainly to reassure the school that learning was going on. The school provides books and use of the school library and I have been pleased with the -arrange ment ... So far the school authorities have not given me any trouble about Amy even though they are well aware of her "achievement level." At one point the principal of the school said permission to teach her at home might have to be re-evaluated Jf she didn't show any progress. But this was never pursued and now the princi pal acknowledges that Amy "has come a long way" and even defended what we were doing when we were challenged by the local reading specialist, who saw Amy's score on the Iowa Achievement Test last year and thought she be longed in a Special Ed class. ... Our oldest was home for 1st through 3rd grades. She did well on the Iowa tests, no trouble adjusting socially to school, and is praised by her teachers for her good study hab its (apparently rare in schools these days). Her good record has helped the school authorities have a positive attitude toward Amy's being taught at home even though she cannot match Rachael's level of achievement. ... 1 sometimes get the feeling
the school people here feel relieved that I teach Amy - therefore they don't have to. She really wouldn't fit into any program they have. Let's hear more about children at home with "learning problems." We can help reassure each other ... TUTORING A SLOW READER
Sometimes certified teachers ask how they can become involved with homeschoo1ing. Here's a splendid let ter from Paula King (CA) on the subject: ... Nancy, Ian's mom, answered an ad I had placed the summer after Ian's 4th grade year . She wanted me to tutor him in reading. She was desperate for him to read. After talk ing with her, I interviewed Ian. "What's your problem?" I asked, "that your mom wants me to tutor you?" "I can't read," he said. "Do you want to read?" "Yes," he said. "Do you want me to tutor you?" "Yes." "Fine. I will take you three days a week for an hour each session. You will pay your tutoring fee." "What? No, my mom will pay you." "No, I'm not tutoring your mom. You will pay me to learn how to read if you want to learn to read and you will trust that I know what I'm doing and you'll work at learning to read." (I had, by the way, discussed this plan with his parents and already had their approval.) At this pOint we had a long pause in the interview. Then Ian said, "I don't have much money." "How !T,uch a llowance do you get each week?" "Two dollars." "How much of that two dollars are you willing to spend to learn to read this summer?" After another long silence he said, "25¢ each session." "Fine. I'll accept a tutoring fee of 25¢ each session." Then we had another silence as Ian sat studying me. Finally he said, "Do I pay this money all at the first for the whole summer or do I pay you 25¢ each time I come?" "Your choice," I said. "OK. I'll pay you 25¢ every time I come because if I paid it all to you now and then I missed some ses sions I would have wasted my money." We smiled. I didn't know what Ian's real problem in school was, but in life I knew already he was going to make it. Early in his fourth grade year, Ian was startled to discover that most of the other students in his pub lic school class could read the his tory and science books, etc . He couldn't. Although he'd gone to a "special" class for 30 minutes to one hour a day for a year, he hadn't real ly connected that occurrence to an inability to read (as odd as it seems). The school's inefficiency may be the cause for his confusion be cause he'd also been sent on the first day of third grade to a first grade classroom for reading and they left him in there for math (ne-is an excellent math student). That went on for a good portion of the year. So, I expect he just marked the whole thing up to the school being all-powerful and capricious. He felt powerless and simply went where they told him. He saw no connection between school and learning. He spent most of his time daydreaming out of boredom.
When Ian started with me, I had a conference with his special reading teacher. She reported that Ian could read, but very slowly, one word at a time, and that he had no retention or comprehension of what he read. She felt he was just mentally slow and that his comprehension would always be poor. Her method of teaching him reading in third and fourth grade was strictly phonetic - one sound, one word at a time. Interestingly, she saw no connection between her method and Ian's specific reading problem. Ian was tense about reading. He was inconsistent. Sometimes he couldn't read the word "and." So, we settled into a summer in which Ian typed on my typewriter and I read to him. We talked a lot, just chatted, getting to like each other and gain ing trust even though those weren't the reasons we were talking. As it got closer to time to be gin fifth grade in public school, I could see Ian start to close down and I figured he was worried. An idea began to form - I am a certified teacher. Why couldn't I form a pri vate school and let Ian just keep coming to school here? My first child was under six months old but I figured we could easily work around that. We'd just include in what ever was going on. All the time I was looking at this possibility I didn't mention it to Ian. Finally, a week before school started I called every one together and ~resented the possi bility. "Maybe we'll fail, but could it be any worse than school?" I asked. Everyone was speechless, then laughing. Ian had been at his parents for weeks, "Why can't I just keep going to Paula's for school? Why do I have to go back?" So he just didn't go back and a one-year experiment turned into three years of hard work for Ian but in a relaxed atmosphere ... For the past three school years he has come to Kingwood School as my only actual stu dent (two others are registered and are home schooled by their mother). Ian spent two days a week at Kingwood and three days a week studying at home. Our goal, because it's what his parents wanted, was to get him back into public school on a par with or ahead of his class. With this in mind, I used the math and spelling books that were being used in his school. I supplemented them with Cui senaire rods and the Curriculum Pro ject math program, math puzzle books, books on logic; and in spelling I took the book, LET'S READ and created what I hoped was a logical spelling program that would assist Ian's read ing, too. For reading, I continued to read to him extensively from books like CHARLOTTE'S WEB, CHARLIE AND THE CHOC OLATE FACTORY, THE CHO COLATE TOUCH, etc. - whate v er I thought he'd be interested in but couldn't yet read himself. Eventually, we read to each other. First, a paragraph each, later a page each, still later a chapter each. He crossed into being a reader nearly without thinking a bout it. I also plowed through bookstores buying anything I thought he could read with out being insulted by it. My guiding thought was, "Ian is a bright, curi ous kid tempo rarily trapped by a thought that he can't read." I put all these books out and they were on every reading level, but hea v ily weighted to interesting and fairly easy. ( However, as Ian on c e pointed out, "big print does not necessarily mean easy words." He said teachers
generally share this misconception.) ... His self-image had been badly damaged by school. The only reason it survived at all I figure is because he was so oblivious to most of what was going on at school - he just spent a lot of time waiting for re cess and to go home. Also, he has loving and supportive parents who knew he was a perfectly normal compe tent kid in spite of what the school was saying. In working with his self-concept (which sounds like a formal program I sat down and planned but was really just intuitive and came out of liking him) I told him all the neat parts of him I saw: "You ask marvelous questions," "You have a lot of insight into people," "You're pretty perceptive," etc. I also told him he could read. "Can you read this word?"Iasked. "Yes." "Great, you obviously can read, Ian. We're not working on-a new SKITl. We're simply improving. We all improve our reading skill constantry usually by how frequently we read, using various books, magazines, news papers, and so on." Once he dropped the belief that said, "I can't read," we were over a major hurdle. One day he read a whole book in one sitting (a little book - so what?). Casually I pOinted out it was great to complete a whole book at one time. He ~as astounded and overjoyed. He took it home and read it to his mom and dad in one sitting, he read it to his little sister. Yea' Ian can read. In the three years Ian read books, magazines, and newspapers with total comprehension which often in cluded penetrating questions and com ments about the author's intention. We used many of the READER'S DIGEST educational books for reading skills, science, and social studies. They are fascinating and informative. Ian did work hard and long hours. I assigned his work. He seldom had a free day. In general I was go ing against my own educational philo sophy of "let the kids learn in their own time and in their own way and I'll be there as a resource person to be used by them when they want." Each year we thought he'd re-enter public school the next year and we were work ing on our goal of having him ready to do that. Ian knew all of this. In one sense, I think our three years were a failure. Ian never took full responsibility for his learning be cause I was the planner. Even though he was willing to be pushed, I still had to push him. That's not education (self-education). It was educational for me though. It's hard to quit "be ing a teacher" after "teaching" for a number of years. My own children (4~ and two who are 15 months) will be home schooled and I've learned now that it doesn't work for me if I push and try to "teach." - - Every year Ian went skiing with us for a few weeks. During that time we did very little formal work - most ly skied and read. These were our best times for both of us. Ian is starting back to public school as an eighth grader this school year. This summer he decided to build a go-cart. He studied an article on it for a few minutes, then minus the book, gathered some materi als together and built a perfectly useable cart out of scraps of materi al. He is able to intelligently dis cuss almost any subject from reincar nation to auto mechanics with a ques tioning mind. He is poised and self confident with all ages of people. He relates appropriately to my babies
and to all adults I've seen him with. He believes in himself. He's realis tic in his understanding of himself. He knows he skis better than he spells. He doesn't seem to waste time or energy bemoaning the fact. He knows he can change things in his life if he chooses. (He asked for a spelling book this summer saying, "I want to learn to spell.") He is lov ing and compassionat~ toward people (which can only come from a positive self-image, I think). By the way, his "P.E." program during the past three years has been karate (he complained the other kids talked and fooled around during les sons - their pattern from school, right?) and playing racquetball with his dad. I saw Ian this summer and said, "Ian, I'm afraid you'll lose yourself in school, forget who you are." "Don't worry, Paula, I know who I am," he replied. ... At the end of the third year with me, Ian took the same standard ized tests his classmates took. With the exception of spelling he tested far above grade level in all areas. He was interviewed by the school coun selor before school started in the fall. His mom, who sat in on the interview, said he fielded difficult questions with poise and self assurance. The counselor was im pressed and recommended that Ian take algebra, which is an advanced class for eighth grade. All of this has given Ian even more self-confidence ...
FEELING STUPID ... My 5-year-old daughter start ed kindergarten this past September. She loved it and is learning a lot at an amazing rate, I think' ... She has been telling me lately that she is "dumb" and "stupid" and "everyone else is smarter than she is." It both ers me terribly and all my explana tions and talks to her don't seem to do any good. - A NEW HAMPSHIRE READER.
... Just recently, one of my gui tar students told me that she is real ly getting a lot out of the lessons because I don't make her feel like a ~ummy' She went on to say that she as always been made to feel stupid in whatever she has attempted to do. I told her that she is not stupid, and that feeling that way can be an incredible hindrance in learning a musical instrument (or anything, for that matter). I also mentioned that our school system is quite good at making people feel stupid. She agreed. - DAVE VAN MANEN (CO). [JH:] A great many parents have sent us letters saying that very soon after their young children began school, they began coming home saying that they were "dumb" or "stupid." This is just as likely to be true of children who are doing very well in schoolwork as of those who are doing badly. These letters remind me that when I was teaching fifth grade in one of the most high-powered schools in the Boston-Cambridge area, a school that kids could not even get into unless they had IQs of 120 or more, almost all the children in my classes called themselves stupid. Their way of saying this made it clear they were dead serious - they really thought they were stupid. How did it happen, how could it happen
that in a school that thought of it self as being creative and encour aging creativity, these very bright children should have so quickly come to think of themselves as stupid? I think the answer is plain enough. When children are very lit tle, without putting it into words, they think of "learning" as exploring the world around them and trying to find out how it works and make some sense of it. They don't think of them selves as "stupid" because they are in fact very busy at exploring the world around them and are very good at it. They know they are good at it, because they keep finding out new things every day. It is only when adults begin to "teach" them, either in school or in the home, that children begin to think that "learning" means having information transferred from people who have it (grownups) to people who don't (children like themselves). Since it's perfectly clear to them that the grownups have a great deal more information than they do, they quite naturally begin to think of themselves as stupid. They think that being stupid and being ignorant, not having information, are the same things. They learn to say things like, "If you don't go to school, you'll be stupid" - though almost all the children who &£ to school also think of themselves as stupid,-oe= cause they are constantly confronting people who have more information than they do, or who say they do. Indeed, I think most adults equate having a lot of information with being intelligent, and therefore really do think of children as being stupider than adults, even if they are not conscious of this, or might not use that particular word. And so the children very quickly come to take this view of themselves. TVO HELPS SCHOOL OFFICIAL ... Our Assistant Superintendent, on his own, bought a copy of TEACH YOUR OWN, read it, afterward told my husband, "Now I see more clearly where you're coming from," and passed it along to the President of the School Board' - A CALIFORNIA READER. "PROSPEROUS ILLITERATES"
[DR:] Last year Allen Manning of Syracuse University sent us a copy of his dissertation called PROSPEROUS ILLITERATES. This fascinating work is well-written in ordinary, colloquial English, not "academese," and we think it would make a great book. Allen says he has had no luck in find ing a commercial publisher; however, the dissertation is available both in microfilm and in published form from UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS INTERNATIONAL, PO Box 1764, Ann Arbor MI 48106 (ask for Allen Manning #84-10-733). Allen found and interviewed 11 "prosperous illiterates," men who had successful businesses or high-paying jobs even though they could barely read or write. He had a number of questions in mind when he began: How do the prosperous illiterates in his sample explain their economic suc cess? How do they cope in everyday non-work situations? How did they overcome such obstacles as employment applications, handling the payrolls of their businesses, etc.? Do people in their work situations respond nega tively to their being illiterate? The results are highly interest-
ing and shed much light on the nature of real-life learning as opposed to what goes on in schools. For example, here is a conversatio n with one of the men, Bill, who describes a truly effective training program, offered by his employer: BILL: When the job opening came for m~t was August, 1979. The com pany geared up a new technology. Everything was new. What they threw at me was electronics, shut down, pneumatic switching, programming, and a totally new concept of building. Today, three years after, I am the head journeyman in the plant. I han dle all the pneumatic tools, I have one apprentice under me, I handle all the computers, all the programming, and much of the electronics ... Q: Your company's given you an education? BILL: Yeah. When I go to school in Cleveland, it's usually a one on one class. Usually, the training I'll get is about a three or four day class. I'll go right into the plant where they build our equipment. The people that build them, or one of their engineers, will explain all this to me. We'll go to lunch. Then live. I go out and I have my cocktail lunch ... for an hour and a half. I get a chance to do this once or twice a year ... We'll come back. We'll get another two to three hours in. But it's a one on one situation, so it's very ideal for me ... Q: Now tell me, what about writ ten instruction? BILL: Oh yeah. There's w~itten instruction, okay . The only written instruction is if you don't know what a module could do, you would just have to pick up the guide, look at the diagrams, and see what it's capa ble 0 f doing ... Q: But how are you able to get along-with the problem of not being able to read and write very well? BILL: Oh, because the thing there~ you just go back over it, and go with it after you get it. You take your time. You don't rush it. And you just keep on goin' with it until you actually get it. Q: But how is it they didn't find Qut that you have a problem with reading? Didn't you have any written exams or things like that? BILL: No' They're teaching you . They're-not going to give you an exam ination. They'll sit there and tell you this and that, give you prints and everything. They're not ... you're ,oin out to those schools to learn. hey re not going to test you ...
MORE QUOTES FROM DISSERTATION [DR:] Besides the interviews, Allen Manning includes in PROSPEROUS ILLITERATES a great deal of research on schools, tests, literacy programs, and learning in general. Here are some wonderful quotes: [po 27] ... Teaching a student to feel comfortable in the testing situa tion can help. Jensen (1969) spent half an hour a day for a few days in the test setting, playing with child ren from low-income backgrounds. He found that with this treatment, "A boost of IQ of 8 to 10 points was the rule; it rarely failed, but neither was the gain very much above this." [po 41] ... The Kerner Commission on Civil Disorders recommended in 1968 the elimination of unnecesary job requirements. It noted the "pre ju-
dicial effect' of, for example, cer tain aptitude tests and unnecessarily high academic qualifications ... A bla tant example of the kind of discrimin ation in question was reported by L. Ferman (The Negro and E~ual Employ ment 0tPortunities ~6 ): II n one of the local plants studied, fifteen Negro workers were employed on a production line in assembly work. Due to production pressures, these workers were hired without the usual Wunderlicht battery of tests. After a six- month period, the workers were given the tests. In spite of the fact that each one of the workers had received a satisfac tory supervisor rating on the job, not one of the fifteen received a passing test score ." [They lost their jobs. ] [ Po 108 ] ... We shouldn 't assume that people who can read and write do read and write . Rubin (1976) found - that even though the working-class people she studied could read, hardly any of them read with any regularity. Instead, they were TV-watchers. Nor does literacy per se create good citizens or coherent thinkers. One of the most literate societies in history was Nazi Germany (Pattison, 1983) ... Scribner and Cole (1978) studied the effects of literacy on the Vai people of northwest Liberia. About 20-25 % of the Vai men read and write Vai. The literate Vai were virtually indistinguishable from the illiterate Vai in their values. All were quite traditional. Vai literates scored the same as illiterates on sorting and reasoning tasks. The most common use of written Vai was to write letters to others in the Vai country ... [Po 178 ] ... "P. Rozin and his students took over a class of inner City children with severe reading problems. When he tried to teach them to read English they showed him con sistent failures, just as they showed their regular English teachers. One day Dr. Rozin brought in a set of Chinese characters, and told the children that each one stood for a spoken English word. Within hours, these children were reading entire paragraphs in 'Chinese.' Obviously the capacity for reading was present but something was damming it up ... I suspect that ... the children had learned through repeated failure that they could not read English." [From Helplessness by M. Seligman, 1975. J [P o l86 J ... Many children learn to read without memorization. Parents take them on their laps and read to them. Here is how the lap method works, according to Moffet and Wagner (Student-Centered Language Arts and Teaching, 1976): 1. A parent reads to a child as the child looks at the print and pictures. 2. The child matches off print with speech very grossly at first. Over time, the child narrows his/her focus, moving from distinguishing pages from one another, to para graphs, sentences, phrases, words, and eventually to phonemes. The child occasionally asks the parent to point out a word for something s/he is par ticularly interested in. 3. The more words the child learns and can "cue from," the more s/he is able to figure out new words. The child learns a new word by using the context of the sentence it appears in, and by noting, for exam ple, that wh appears in which, what,
and where, and by then figuring out the sound wh stands for ... [p o 192J ... Willie Mays, when he was asked how to hit a home run, answered, "Darned if I know." ...
J .P. TAKES TESTS Kathy Mingl (IL) sent us a 30+ page document she wrote for her regional superintendent, entitled "Report on the Educational Program Of Jason Peter Joseph Mingl." She also wrote us this letter: ... I've been coaching J.P. (6) on using "school" terms for the things we do, because he's been hav ing trouble with the little girl next door - she strongly disapproves of J.P. not having to go to school, and asks him things like "What did you do in school today?" in a very sarcastic tone of voice. I know that "Report" sounds like we're very scheduled and organized (actually that's the impression I was trying to convey - not that anything we said was a lie, or anything - it's just that I coUTOn't explain the real dynamic s of the whole business, o-r-- the real issues, for that matter, to people who-assume that learning comes from the outside in). I feel that I have to reassure every home schooler who reads it that we ' re really jer y informal and "serendipitous" (? , that we proceed by fits and starts and occasional tantrums (bo th of us), and we backslide a lot. Still, we do sound good in print, don't we? Sue Radosti (IN) was very help ful and encouraging, and Tony and I were really impressed with all the work she put into hunting ~p those references for us. She had talked about buying a wood burned plaque from me for a baby gift and I had no idea what to charge her, so I suggested that maybe she could do some research for me as a trade. Would you believe it, she thought she hadn't done enofigh? I told her I thought the exc ange was fine. We had J.P. tested at the Read ing Achievement Center in LaGrange, a couple of weeks ago - they did four hours of standard tests on two Satur days (2 hours each). They had worked with homeschoolers before, and I explained that I didn't really feel a need for it, but it seemed like a good idea to be able to say we'd had it done, and Tony was in favor of it. J.P. enjoyed it, for the most part he likes puzzles and games, and these were very friendly and cnpressured . I prepared him for it beforehand by go ing over a copy of a test that his godmother (a teacher) had sent for him, just seeing that he was familiar with the rules and knew how to "win." I went over the definition of the word "wrong" with him, and made sure he knew what it meant and that it was the answers that didn't match the questions that were "wrong," not him, if he marked any of those. I'm glaa-I did that, too, because it turned out that he did have a bit of emotional confusion-about the word already, just from its general use as a term for unethical or inappropriate be havior ... OUR TOWN, EXPLORERS, MOUNTAINEERING
PlUS 50 OH£R
Cooperative Games that Teach Sharing &. Helping
Illustrated Catalog,25C Family Pastirres (GS) ,RR 4, Perth, Ontario, Canada K7H3C6
The results of these tests weren 't anything new - J.P. is very verbal (I've noticed), and has the reasoning powers and vocabulary of an 8-year-old (more, I'd say, but I'm only his mother). He is "behind" in spelling (he's just learned to work words out phonetically - I imagine that would confuse things admirably), reading, and "visual memory" of abstract shapes, but good at inter preting meaningful pictures (why should he have any interest in remem bering something that doesn't ~ean anything? He's a practical kid). I had rromised to behave myself, but I almost forgot when they said he tends to reverse his letters because of something to do with his right hand, left eye, and brain - I told him we didn't go for all that "brain" stuff . You'd have thought I'd said we didn't believe in the law of gravity . The fact is, sometimes J.P. writes his letters backwards and sometimes he doesn 't - it depends on how inter ested r.e is in what he's doing . Anyway, they were very nice, and J.P. didn't seem to mind doing it. Now, he's decided he can read. I was wondering when he'd c'ome to that con clusion - he's been doing it for over a year. He ~as just the same with learning to walk. I don't know if that makes the testing worth $125, but after all, if we'd had to let the schools test him (they haven't asked, but we consider this a precaution), he might have decided he couldn't read, and then where would we be? One useful thing that was men tioned in going over those tests was that J.P. seemed to have a confusion about the significance of upper-case and lower-case letters, mixing them up pretty much at random. I hadn ' t spotted that. We took an hour or so to go over that area, picking out the places the capital letters came in a story, and figuring out ~ they were used, from the punctuation and the sense of the words. I think he's got that now, so that was OK, but I'm sure he would have noticed it eventu ally on his own ... SUMMARY OF EVALU ATI ON PROCEDURES [DR: 1 Several people have asked if we knew of any court rulings con cerning the way homeschoolers are evaluated, rather than simply whether homeschooling is permissible. We have just received two, both from New York State. In one, a 1982 case, the court ruled that standardized tests were not required, that other evaluation methods would be sufficient. In the other, from 1983, the judge decided that "infrequent, unobtrusive" visits to the home by school officials could reasonably be requested. We quote at length from the two rulings in the articles that follow. It is interesting to note that the two cecisions hold almost opposite ideas about the definition of "substantially equivalent" instruc tion. One, the 1982 case, says it is enough if the results of the educa tion are equivalent. The other says the methods are what count - "a sys tematic course of study . " Perhaps one of these two ideas will eventually win out as the authoritative defini tion. Meanwhile, homeschooling par ents should use whichever is to their advantage. If your children perform well above grade level even though you don't do much formal educational activity at home, stress the "re sults"; if the children are, say, reading below grade level, stress
your "methods," qualifications, text in 1980. #18, #40. books, resources, etc. It should also MD: 1984 regulations say superin be noted that the schools can't argue tendent is responsible for monitoring on behalf of the "results" definition progress. #40. very effectively, since this would NV: 1984 regulations say local call into question their own effec boardmust see evidence of "reason tiveness . -able educational progress" such as This reminds me of another impor test scores. Students in grades 1, 2, tant point . Some states have talked 4, 5, 7, and 8 Woust take same stan about setting a requirement that home dardized tests as public school stu schooled children score above the dents. #40. 40th percentile on standardized ME: 1984 regulations offer 5 tests . But what the "40th percentile" evaluation options, including test means is that the child has done as ing, review by teacher, or submitting well as or better than 40% of the a portfolio. #41. children the same age. So almost half the schoolchildren do worse than me 40th percentile every year, not be COURT CASE : TESTI NG cause they're stupid or poorly educa ted, but simply because that's the STATE OF NEW YORK way percentiles are defined. It's the FAMILY COURT, County of Chenango same as pointing out that 50% of all IN 1HE MATTER OF AMBER ANN HEALEY, A doctors in the country graduated in Child Alleged to be Neglected by the bottom half of their classes . DENNIS HEALEY AND ROBERTA HEALEY, Somebody had to be in the bottom half. Respondents Nothing particular happens to DOCKET NO . N-199-82 public school children who score below the 40th percentile . They cer FINDINGS OF FACT tain l y are not removed from the ... Amber Ann Healey was born May schools in which they are enrolled, 6, 1973, to Dennis Healey and Roberta nor are their teachers fired. Yet Healey. She completed Kindergarten closing down a home school would be and first grade in the Norwich City just as drastic a step. School. In April of 1979, she was The new year brought a flurry of classified by the Committee on Handi activity in state legislatures in capped as speech impaired and re 1983 and 1984, and this will probably ceived therapy for this handicap. In be true of 1985; we know of a number May of 1980, following reports from of states that are currently working the school psychologist and the Men on homeschool legislation . So ~e tal Health Clinic, she was further might do well to remind you what classified by the Committee as emo other states have decided recently tionally disturbed. As a result she about testing and evaluation. See the received resource room individualized back issues of GWS noted for more instruction for a portion of each deta i l s: school day. She made little progress AZ: 1982 law requires testing in school, however, scoring in the for homeschoolers. In 1983, 14 out of fourth percentile on a SRA composite 150 children in Maricopa Co . were scale in kindergarten, and the third denied r.omeschooling exemptions be percentile in the first grade. Her cause of "failing to show adequate first grade report card recommended progress" in their first year . #27, that she repeat the grade. On October 28, 36. 21, 1980, Roberta Healey withdrew MT: 1983 law, no evaluation re Amber from school and commenced her quirement . #33 . program of home instruction .. . The WV : 1983 private school law Healeys have furnished the school requires students in such programs to with copies of their home teaching take annual standardized test. If curriculum and attendance reports as test results for any single year fall required by the school. The school below the 40th percentile, the school has requested that Amber be adminis must initiate a remedial program. If tered SRA and PEP standardized tests scores are below the 40th percentile to assess the quality of home teach for two consecutive years, child may ing and the Healeys have refused. A not be permitted to remain at school . neglect petition was thereupon filed #34. and this hearing followed. The Peti MS: 1983 law, no testing require tioner has submitted expert testimony ment.~trong language denying state in support of its contention th,at any right to supervise homeschooling. such testing is the best method avail #36 . able to analyze the quality of VA: 1984 law requires either (1) Amber's instruction and ensure that score-above the 40th percentile on it is at least equivalent to that approved achievement tests or (2) "an available in the public schools. The evaluation or assessment which, in Healeys counter with testimony that the judgment of the division superin Amber performs poorly under the tendent, indicates that the child is stress of a test situation, and that achieving an adequate level of educa the proper gauge of the quality of tional growth and progress . " #38 . her instruction is through a review GA: 1984 law requires homeschool of the educational materials and sam ers to-take standardized test at ples of her work . .. least every three years, but scores "shall not be required to be submit CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ted to public educational authori The Petitioner faces a dilemma ties." #38 . imposed by the strictures of the Edu WI: 1984 law, no evaluation re cation Law. qui re men t . #39. "In each school district of the NE: 1984 private school law, no State, each minor from six to sixteen evaluation requirement. #39, 41. years of age shall attend upon full LA: 1984 law offers 4 options time instruction." (Educ. Law Sec. 3205) for year - end evaluation: (1) submit ting a "packet" of student's work, "A minor required to attend upon course outline, etc . ; (2) passing a instruction by the provisions of part competen cy-based test; (3) scoring at one of this article may attend at a public achool or elsewhere." or above grade level on standardized test; or (4) evaluation of program by " . . . Instruct i ons given to a minor elsewhere than at a public certified t eac her. Th is modifies a school shall be at least substantialmo r e liberal homeschooling law passed
to the instruction giv en to minors of like age and attain ments at the public schools of the city or district where the minor res i des." (Educ. Law Sec. 3204) Courses of study are outlined for the first eight years of school ing. (Educ. Law Sec. 3204 sub . 3) The superintendent of schools of a city school district is charged with the duty of administering these provisi ons. (Educ. Law Sec. 2508) The right of parents to remove their children from any form of for mal schooling is undeniable. (Franz, Falk, Lash.) ---- ---- However, the burden of policing home instruction remains with the superintendent and school board of the public school. Frequently the separation from school is less than harmonious and the rigid personal philosophy of the parents renders future supervision difficult. To enforce his supervisory role, the superintendent must resort to the awkward vehicle of a Family Court neglect proceeding or, even more bur densome, a criminal action. (See Peo ple vs. Turner 277 App. Div. 317)--The standards applicable to pub lic schools are far more stringent than those for the home study pro gram. The certification required for a public school teacher does not attend to the home school instructor, for example. (See People vs. Turner, Supra) The public school educational materials and curriculum need not be adopted by the home teacher provided the end result is a "substantially equivalent" education. So a child may be educated "else where," by unqualified personnel and using untested materials and methods; but the school superintendent must ensure that the end result is on par with that of the public schools . In enlisting the aid of the Fami ly Cou rt, an additional hurdle must be cleared. The uncooperative parent must be charged with neglect . The bur den in the first instance is upon the superintendent to establish some edu cational neglect in order to secure the remedial order needed to direct standardized testing. The Petitioner in this case, however, cannot clear this hurdle because the very basis of his claim is not an educational short coming but an alleged ignorance of the quality of the education afforded by the parents to Amber. While this Court can sympathize with,the plight of the Petitioner occasioned by the deficiencies inherent in the Educa tion Law, it is obligated by the pro visions of the Family Court Act to focus on the fundamental issue of whether or not the Petitioner has pro ven an educational neglect . (Family Court Act Sec. 1012 [f) i A) In this regard Petitioner relies upon the failure of the parents to submit Amber to standardized testing. Were this the exclusive gauge to determine equivalent instruction, the Petitioner might have some hope of prevailing. The proof indicates it is not. While it may be the best method, it is not the only method. Such test ing is of recent vintage . Amber her self could not perform on these tests even while trained in the public schools. Subjective review of the edu cational materials, lesson plans, attendance records and Amber's work product remains as an alternative. The Respondents have submitted their course materials, attendance records and samples of Amber's work and furth er have cooperated in most of the re quests made of them by Petitioner. ~eguivalent
The allegation s of e ducationa l neglect as set forth in the Petition have not been sustained by the proof adduced ... Accordingly, t h e Neglect Peti tion as filed by the Petitioner is dismissed, but by copy of this De cision Amber's case is referred to the Committee on t h e Handicappe d of the Norwich City School District for reevaluation with the direction to both the Petitioner and the Respon dents to comply fully wi t h the pro visions of the Education Law . . . T.S. Ingraham, Family Court Judge May 14, 1982 COURT CASE: HOME VISITS
121 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS, 2d SERIES. IN THE MATTER OF JOHN KILROY AND ANOTHER, CHILDREN ALLEGED TO BE NEGLECTED . JOHN FICKEISEN ET AL, RESPONDENTS . FAMILY COURT, CAUYUGA COUNTY, 1983. Peter E. Corning, Justice. This is a proceeding brought under article ten of the Family Court Act alleging that the respondents are educationally neglecting their two minor children. The respondents, moth er and ~tepfather of the two child ren, have chosen to educate their children at home rather than in the public sc hools . This matter has been before the court before, and the pre vious histor y will aid in understand ing the current factual situation . FACTS A previous petition for neglect dated February 1, 1980, was brought against the respondents by ~etition er. By orde r dated May 23, 1980, I directed that the home school be eval uated by members of the Committee on Evaluation of Nonpublic Schools, that copies of the materials and lesson plans used for instruction be fur nished ty respondents to the commit tee prior to the evaluation, and that all t extbooks and materials used in the home school be supplied to the committee. On June 4, 1980, pursuant to my order, the committee visited the Fickeisen residence in Moravia for the purpose of the evaluation . While critiquing the home school in several aspects, the committee's unanimous opinion at that time was "that the children are currently receiving equivalent instruction to th at available in the public schools." Despite this finding, the report of July 15, 1980 proceeded to caution that there was a definite question regarding Mrs . Fickeisen's ability to meet the needs of her children as the curriculum becomes more sophisticated and t hat any appro val given was for the current year only. The report further stated that if home teaching is contemplated for another year, the programs should be approved in advance and there should be a periodic review by the evalua tion committee. Based on this report, I issued my order of disposition of July 18, 1980 dismissing the neglect petition. The current problem has arisen as a result of the commit t ee attempt ing to carry out its periodic review . On November 5, 1982, the District Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Paul W. Haley, requested the opportunity to review the current educational pro gram of the home school; the respon dents complied and supplied the mater ials to Dr. Anthony T . Beaudry, Super intendent of the Moravia School Dis trict.
By letter dated January 17, 1983, Dr . Beaudry acknowledged receipt of the materials and request ed permission to do an on-site evalua tion to determine the equivalency of instruction . Respondents have refused to permit the on-site evaluation which, in petitioner's view, prevents the school authorities from being able to determine whether or not the children are receiving an equivalent education and therefore constitutes educational neglect. In answer to the instant summons dated February 25, 1983 and petition for neglect, respond ents ... alleged that the on-site evaluation was un necessary, burdensome and harassing, and asked for dismissal of the peti tion . .. Respondents additionally con tend that the proposed on-site evalua tion constitutes an unwarranted intru sion that adversely affects their co n stitutional rights relating to reli gion, privacy and child rearing ... DISCUSSION Subdivision 2 of section 3204 of the Education Law provides that if instruction is given elsewhere than in a public school, it must be given by a competent teacher and be at least substantially equivalent to that of the local public schools. The burden of proof is upon respondents to show that substantially equivalent instruction is being afforded. (See, e.g . , Thomas H., 78 Misc 2d 412. ) To sastisfy thi s-ourden, it is suffi cient to show a systematic course of study is being undertaken at home and that the parent is rendering quality instruction. (Wa lker vs. Foster, 69 Misc 2d 400, 403.) " [rj nstruc ti on giv en to a child at home by its parent, who is competent to teach, should sat isfy the requirements of the compul sory education law." (People vs Tur ner, 277 App Div 317, 319 320~ --- To properly evaluate the "equi valency" of the education being afforded the minors, the petitioner believes an on-si t e evaluation of the h ome school necessary. The school set ting is an obvious and critical fac tor affecting the nature and ~uality of education being afforded, and a factor that is established by common sense with no need of proof. More importantly, the law is clear that instruction must be afforded by a com petent teacher (Education Law Sec. 3204). In my opinion it is impossible to evaluate the competency of any teacher, whether in a public school or a home school, without actually observi ng that teacher in a classroom setting instructing pupils. This con c lusion is so elemental and tasic, that judicial knowledge can be taken of it and no proof is required. The April, 1980 Guidelines for Determining Equivalency of Instruc tion, issued by Robert R. Spillane, then Deputy Commissioner for Elemen tary, Secondary, and Contin uing Educa tion of the New York State Education Department, recommends that visita tion be employed in the case of new nonpublic schools and for those non public schools whose equivalency has been called into question. The visita tion contemplated rel ates to ~atters other than teacher observation, but is an indication of the importance attached by the State Education De partment to a physical visit to the premises. The request to conduct very in frequent on-site evaluations (the last one being on June 4, 1980) is most reasonable and unobtrusive. As the committee noted in its last visit ation, there was a definite question
as ~o Mrs. Fickeisen's ability to teach a more sophisticated curricu lum. It is the committee's duty to see that instruction is delivered by competent teachers, and its determina tion that an on-site visit and evalua tion is n e cessar y i s beyond question b y an y r e as onable person. If the fre quency of visitation were such c S to anno y or to discourage home instruc tion, that would present another case; but that is certainly not the factual situation presented herein. I cannot find that this infre quent, unobtrusive home visitation, at a time to be mutually agreed upon, violates any of the respondents' con stitutionally protected rights. Respondents have no absolute right to educate their children at home free from all State regulation or control; having chosen to utilize the statu tory exceptions to public education, they must observe the reasonable re quirements imposed cpon home school ing by those charged with responsibil ity for the children's proper home education. ... Rather than find educational neglect at this juncture and acting in the best interest of all con cerned, particularly the children, I will withhold such a determination for a period of thirty days from the date of this decision. If within that time period the parties have agreed upon a mutually satisfactory date for an on-site evaluation, I will contin ue to hold this proceeding in abey ance pending the report of the commit tee's actual on-site evaluation.,. WHY HOMESCHOOLERS ARE CAUTIOUS Newspaper reporters and other media people who begin doing stories on homeschooling are sometimes sur prised to find out how ~any parents are unwilling to have their names pub lished or even to talk about the mat ter at all. A generally favorable article on homeschooling in the San Diego Union, 8/19/84, gives a clue-as to why parents feel this way. Lynn Hartzler, Program Manager of Alternative and Independent Study for the California Department of Edu cation, is quoted as saying that when home schooled children return to school later, they find themselves way behind other students at their grade level. He is simply talking through his hat. He has absolutely no evidence to back up this kind cf remark, and indeed the overwhelming evidence is in exactly the opposite direction. As Dr. Raymond Moore has pointed out, the very large majority of parents who have actually been pro secuted by schools have had children who were testing well ahead of their age-mates on standardized tests. In general, the tone of the quotes from officials is threatening. Later in the article, Hartzler says that people can declare their home a private school "at least until their competency is tested by a local school district, which could chal lenge a family as to whether or not they are operating a bona fide pri vate school." Perfectly obviously, Hartzler is inviting such legal assaults on homeschoolers. He is try ing to provoke an incident. Later he says that such private schools "might have to prove in court that they are functioning at a cer tain level of competence that par allels that of the public school sys tem." To speak of the "competence" of the public school system is to make a bitter joke. He then goes on to say
that "most school boards have more important things to do than harass parents on this subject." But the clear implication is that if they didn't have more important things to do, or if they got these cleared out of the way, they would then begin to harass. I cannot see these remarks as anything but thinly veiled threats, implying that they are going to allow this foolishness to go on for the time being, but at any moment they just may decide to crack down on it. Here is John Cooper, assistant superintendent of the Escondido school district, saying, "The way our present laws are structured and the way our budget has been cut, we just don't have a program to go out and find kids whose parents are going about this illegally ... " Again, the clear implication that he would be harassing these parents if he could. Another school official says, "If there's a private school opera ting in a home with one child student, there may be a question about what's being taught and how competent the parents are at teach ing ... If we get a complaint, we look into it and determine if it fits our conception of what a private school should be. If it doesn't, we might turn the case over to the city attor ney's office." But nothing in the law gives the local school districts the right to make "conceptions" of what schools should be. The clear message in all of this is, "If you are not doing it exactly the way we are in our public schools, sooner or later we are going to come after you." No wonder many homeschool ers are still wary. - JH GOOD EASY READING BOOKS From Karen Schadel (NY):
... I'd been on the look-out for books "with a story" that were on a beginning reader level that Joshua (8) could read and enjoy. The first ones we found were at Chanukkah time last year and I gave them to Joshua as a gift. They have been read and read and read again. They are from a series of "Read-It Yourself" fairy tales published by Ladybird Books in England and are sold through the JUST FOR KIDS catalog (Winterbrook ~ay, Meredith NH 03253). The four we have are HANSEL AND CRETEL, BILLY GOATS GRUFF, THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER, and GOLDI LOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS. The Fall '84 catalog has five - all different from what we ordered a year ago PUSS IN BOOTS, RAPUNZEL, PETER AND THE WOLF, RED RIDING 1-:00D, and THREE LITTLE PIGS ($12.95 for the set). The text is in fairly large print with a limited amount of words per page. The illustrations are color ful and somewhat comical ... We all love them and Sadrah (3) and Seth (6) beg Joshua or anyone they can to read them all one after another. Since they are stories that Joshua already knew and because the text was really quite easy, he sailed through the books and felt proud at his ability to read a whole story ... Another set of books we've dis covered are the "Solve-It-Yourself Easy-Read" books published by Troll Associates. We ordered them through the TOYS TO GROW eN catalog (PO Box 17, Long Beach CA 90801; 800-421 5873). There is much more text to them, but the stories are all inter esting. Usually Joshua and I take turns reading. I do one page, then he
the next. Seth generally complains be cause Joshua reads slowly, and Joshua often groans when his page contains a lot to read, but ~e read along and the stories are interesting and of a mysterious-enough nature to still hold everyone's attention, even Sadrah' Some of the titles: MRS. WIGGLEWORTH'S SECRET, THE CASE OF THE MISSING CANARY, MYSTERY OF THE WITCH'S SHOES ... LETTERS ON WRITING From Janey Smith (MO ) :
... Sarah's (7~) latest "essay" (I couldn't get her to copy it again, but the original is so charming): CAT IS A FAVRRIT PET. THAY ARE VERY SMAT. THEY ARE VERY GOOD NACHARD AND THAT ARE VERY PLAYFL AND THey ARE fun. ARE CAT'S BAD? NO ONLEY SOME TIMES. WEN CAT'S ARE OUTSID CAT'S THAY ARE FERS HNTRS THAY KELL BRD'S and Scwerls' Do Cat's sleep a lot? YES' they do. Thay slep so much that sometimes thay are hrd to wake up. I love it' My last two wrote be fore reaarng - I haven't catalogued the evolution of their phonetic spell ing, but it does develop with no attention - just through observation and their reading. Sarah's loving reading parts of ROBINSON CRUSOE now. Notice she spelled "they" t-h-e-y once, and she's just noticed cpostro phes and sticks them in all the time (about as accurately as the general public of 1984). We have and love cats. Now her story on dogs : A DOG IS A POPLUR PET tHrooUT the wrld. Dogs are cold mans frand sometimes I like some kins of dogs. Do you Like some kins of dogs? Well I will sowe you a Dog. [picture] Do Dog's slep a lot? No thay do not' A madr a fakd sometime's dog's are HRAD to make go to slep' I will sowe some dog names on the oth page You will like thim Well I wod like to sowe you them so let's trn the page The stories are a rough hand writing - a little difficult to read. On the other side she copied dog and cat breed names, and it's the most beautiful handwriting - printing I've ever seen. We've never "prac ticed" handwriting ... - - From Colleen Redman-Copus: ... 1 was inspired to share the story of my son's "writings" after reading Terry Stafford's Jetter in GWS #41 describing her daughter's writing. I have always written, kept jour nals, and used a typewriter, so wri ting is not new to Josh. The first thing he "wrote" was at age 2~, when he was composing a poem/song impromp tu. I copied it down and it was later published in Nurturin& magazine. Later, as he told stories or had an insight, I wrote down what he had to say. Now at 5, he knows what a poem is. He knows what writing a story means, because writing has evolved to be part of our family life. After hearing poetry read to him, he likes to compose his own poems and he real ly seems to understand that poems should be rhythmic. It's fun to type them out and hang them up. We meet with a friend and her
homeschooler every other week to do matter. He thought "Gracias" was the projects together. One of the things word for cookie or candy, since we'd we have incorporated in our groups is tell him to say "Gracias" when people to write subjects down on a piece of gave him sweets . Then he'd say '~ore paper and have the kids draw for gracias." them. They pick from a hat something We ~anaged over 7,000 miles in a like "Tell us about your family," or Honda Civic station wagon, with four "What do you know about the seasons?" of us ... Of ten 100 miles would be conAs they talk, we ~rite. Later, when sidered a day's drive. On the way back, in the U.S. on long hauls, we'd we read them back with the title and their name, they beam with pride. stop in rest areas for breaks . Josh also likes to create Instead cf our pre-kid 5-minute recipes and I usually write them out. stops, we'd gather firewood and IT.ake Retentl y he dictated a play to popcorn and run and be active. That act out with his friends. I think helped. this came about after seeing a Robin We did very well, especially conHood play at the Renaissance Festival sidering we were packeg in there with here in Texas. Josh loved the advenall our camping gear. e lived on ture, the woodland setting, and the about $100 a week, including Every sword fighting. He was gtued to his thing: food, gas, camping fees, occa seat. As I watched the pay, it sional motels, and ~everal hundred struck ~e how what the actors were do- dollars worth of hand-crafted ~ tems . ing was exactly what Josh does out-So, you don't have to be rich to do side with his friends. PLAY' this' . ... Josh has been writing scribOur 6-year-old had a wonderful bles in a kind of shorthand that I time, meeting skin-divers and a group remember doing at his age. He reads of Buddhists from Idaho on their way it back with such expression and to Costa Rica, doing the marketing in importance. He loves to flavor it Spanish, dickering over carved ~ooden with his own big made-up words. Once toys. (He did great at bargaining be after he wrote this way, I said, cause his prices depended on how much "Want to read it to me ? " because he money he had, not the value cf the usually likes to. He said, "Yeah, you item. We ",' ou ld have been too embar can't read this kind of writing, rassed to start so low, since we knew right?" I laughed and he said confess- the work involved in making the item, i ngly, "Yeah, it's Japanese."... the cost of living, and that just the fact we were there and with a car meant we were--.rrICh" by comparISOn.) Another side benefit: he got pretty TOM SAWYER ON TAPE good at fixing toilets so they'd From Mary Stone (OR): flush. In the low-cost facilities we stayed in, there was often something ... Our stereo went out of commis wrong: a float didn't work, faucet sion a few weeks back. For 2~ weeks off, a chain broken ... He'd be we were without music whatsoever . appalled at the other American tour What we did have was our cheap-o tape ists who couldn' t figure out you had player and "The Adventures of Tom Saw to reach above to pull a chain to yer" on 2 cassettes, 4 sides, and we flush, or that you could pour in a listened to it, oh, I'd say at least bucket of water. 750 times' Luckily the tape is excel He did miss having long-term lent; the narrator does a very good friends with other children. He had job with the dialogues. In no time at lots of adult friends - also short all the boys were reciting whole long term, mainly. One place, he cried as episodes such as the whitewashing of his 13 Buddhist friends left a camp Aunt Polly's fence, spunk water wart ground after two weeks. But then a cures - eventually, most everything, bus load of a family from California and all done with the most unbelieva with four kids arrived for a week .. . ble accuracy and expression. They I feel that the travelling is a entertained themselves and us for good complement to our homeschooling . hours daily. He has lots of friends here at home, When we went to the library, but it is country living and he's each boy checked cut his own copy of mainly on o ur farm or at friends' TOM SAWYER and began with great enthu country places. We have no TV . So the siasm to read. The tape did not in children get to see other ways of clude the entire book, but · the chap living ... ters which ""ere included were more or less verbatim. Travis (10) finished within a few days, Tyler (8) is jump From Pamela Pacula (CA): ing around, but both have enjoyed the book immensely. I suspect they might ... We went to France for 7~ not have stuck with the book had they weeks this summer. For the first 3~ not become familiar with the flavor weeks, we stayed with a French family and style of conversation via the (close friends) who have two sons tape. We now have a favorite saying ages 21 and 13. We did everything from the book, "For to sit down was with the Cousineau family - daily to invite death and hasten its pur shopping at the market, preparing suit," and another, "All I know is it meals, picking cherries and raspber suits Tom Sawyer." ... ries, taking care of and playing with their two collies, sightseeing, visit ing and dining with their friends, taking many hikes and picnicking in LEARNING BY TRAVELING the beautiful French countryside. A reader writes: Of all Brian's interests, in sects remain high on the list, so ... On travelling with children. many outings were planned so that he Work is hard to come by here in the could go tug hunting. The most memor winter, and we don't like cold weath able were the evening excursions to a er anyway. So we head south. Last wooded area where we discovered that year we spent four months travelling European Stag Beetles took flight at to and in Mexico. Our 2-year-old was that time of day. (These beautiful just beginning to speak English, so beetles are 2-3" long'l Brian ' s English or Spanish made little differ screams of excitement when one flew ence as far as repeating new ...ords by and then the amusing attempts to after us, "rio" or "river," it didn't capture it made these evening outings
absolutely delightful. Janine Cousin eau was the bravest - she would hold her hand up, the huge f l ying beetle would fall to the ground, and then she'd put it in her skirt pocket' We all laughed when one pinched her right through the pocket' Brian now has about 30 new addit ions to his insect collection - magnificently colored moths, small beetles, butter flies, bees, and huge stag beetles. Brian also made a giant leap in his ability to converse in French. My husband joined us after our first 3~ weeks . .. He couldn' t believe it when he first had dinner at the Cousineaus and witnessed his 5-year-old son car rying on long conversations in French. The rest of our trip, we visited dozens of chateaux, cathedrals, muse ums, small villages and other histori cal and lovely sites. Brian has since become keenly interested in the stor ies of the Bible, the Middle Ages, knights and castles, gargoyles, Leon ardo ca Vinci, and architecture. We gave him a camera and let him take hi s own photographs during o ur trip. 95% of his photos are of buildings mostly interesting roof-lines and ornate carvings on the buildings, etc. . .. After returning from France, Brian's new awareness of other coun tries was renewed when he watched the Olymp ics on television. He became intrigued with the flags of different countries. He has bookmarked "Flags" in his WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA and refers to it constantly . We found a place to buy flags from allover the world for $2 each. He gets to choose and buy one or two each week to add to his collection. With each flag he chooses, we look up the country, find out ~here it is located on his globe, le arn what the colors and symbols on each flag represent, and learn a lit tle about the country and its peo ple . . . By the way, I talked to one home school family in France - the wife of a physician who was keeping her four children out o f school until around age 12. She knew of no other home schoolers. One difference I noticed in France, is that a home school fami ly could not begin to find the out side resources available to Ameri cans, such as Park & Recreation class es, zoos, museum-sponsored classes, a diverse selection of private lessons, community college classes, and com munity activities. Also, French schools are so structured and strict, it would be much harder for a home schooler to adapt to public school if s/he so chose at some point ... And from Star Fishel (CAl: . . . Last time I wrote to you [G WS #26], I was taking a Spanish class through our college outreach program. I was auditing it because they didn't allow anyone under 16 to take classes there. The first was more fun than the second year, partly because we were just learning the basics of Span ish and we didn't do much on the verbs ( they are boria9 to memorize' l but also because we ldn't have a textbook and it was a more ope n class. We talked a lot in Spanish and I learned a lot and had fun. But the college changed it. They said it was not academic enough and so the second year we had to buy an expensive text book and the teacher had to follow certain guidelines, give tests, etc ... After that class was over, I hardly ever looked in our Spanish books, or had anything to do with Spanish, unless I wanted to talk to
Mom in our "secret" language without the little kids understanding! It worked for a while until they learned a lot of the simple words. But this winter we went to Mexi co for a month and suddenly, there I was, having to actually use the Span ish language. It never really felt relevant to rre to practice and memor ize those verbs up here where I could never use them. But when we got there - oh, how I wished I had worked hard er to learn it' I knew enough to ask simple directions and have simple con versations but beyond that I was lost. I was amazed how much I learned by just being immersed in and sur rounded by it, though, and without even knowing I was learning anything - I just sort of soaked it in. We kept our Spanish dictionary handy and looked up all the signs and new words as we came across them and the people were all very friendly and patient and wi lling to help. I think that's the best way to learn a language - to go and live in a country ... I'd love to live in Mexico for a few months and learn to speak fluently ... MATH THROUGH CARD GAME From Kathy Mingl ( IL):
... J.P. (6) does quite well with numbers - he has a feeling for them, and we "practice" them a lot. What we do not do is pages and pages of work boo~xercises - we have our own methods. We invented a real good card game for "arithmetic lessons" - it's called "Bismark" (because J.P. likes jelly donuts). The rules vary, but basically each player gets a certain number of cards, which are laid out face up so that everyone can see them (so they can help each other, . and trade cards if each has something the other needs). The remaining cards are stacked face down in the middle, and a pile for discards is started beside it. The object of the game is to make combinations of numbers that add up to whatever sum is agreed on. The aces are "ones," and face cards are used for trading with the stack. If you can't make up the needed sum on your turn (mostly we play that you can put it down anytime you spot it), you can trade an unneeded card by put ting it face up in the discard pile and taking one from the stack, or you can take a OIScard - as many as you want, as l ong as you leave at least one - for trading on your next turn. Ties are very common, but if it gets too easy, you can play that black cards are "plus" and red cards are "take-away" ... This can get marvelous lY complicated, and it makes add1t10n and subtraction remarkably easy to take ... BEHIND SCENES AT ZOO More from Pamela Pacula (CA):
... While at the San Francisco Zoo, we visited the entomologist who has been very willing to share her knowledge of insects with Brian (5) in the past. Brian showed her his European Stag Beetle and she took us and another homeschooling family on a tour of the back room where they raise and take care of the insects. Last spring she had given Brian a Walking Stick for his collection and he had written her a thank-you' note on which he drew a "Walking Stick playing Viola." She pointed it out on
their bulletin board, tell ing Brian how much everyone loved his draw ing ... We saw dozens of Costa Rica Katydids, a huge banana spider, and learned how dangerous insects are handled and cared for. At one point , as the entomolo gist was cleaning the cricket cage, she mentioned that this particular batch was dying too quickly and that she had trouble keeping them alive for any length of time. I said that we had field crickets allover a nd that Brian has kept them as pets with no problems. So, she asked if he could collect and take care of a couple dozen crickets and bring them to the Insect Zoo next time we came. Brian couldn't have been given an assignment he liked better' ... [DR:] Homeschoolers in other cities may find that zoos offer much more than merely the opportunity to see animals in cages. For example, the new Children's Zoo at Franklin Park in Boston is sponsoring a 4-H Club in which city children are re sponsible for tak i ng care of the goats, rabbits, ponie s, etc. It is also running a series of slide shows by local wildlife experts on Sunday afternoons (adults $1, children 50¢). At one of these recently, I learned that the Massachusetts Audubon Soci ety is looking for volunteers of any age to help with a s~tewide salaman der count in 1985 and to monitor acid rain. Sounds like a wonderful chance for some of our reader s to become involved in real scientific research. INTERVIEW WITH JOHN PAYNE
Patrick Farenga, who has written in a number of issues about learning to play the sax, recorded the follow ing interview with his teacher, John Payne, who has achieved a respected position among professional musicians even though he didn't start the sax until he was-Zl. Here are some ex cerpts from that interview (comments in brackets are Pat's ): ... Besides being a salesman, my father played the banjo. Sometimes he played 20's and 30's music with some friends and there would be jam ses sions in our house. One day, I may have been about 9, I went up to my big brother's room, took out his uku lele and teaching manual, and taught myself some of the basics. My father taught me some more, and this led me to take guitar lessons. Those lasted about six months. In grammar school I joined the choir and I really had a blast. I loved the sound we made, especially these five-part harmony pieces our teacher taught us. She reall y gave us some good stuff to sing. I also learned to playa "tonette" (plastic recorder) in grade school, and when I was in fifth grade I joined the school band. They asked me to choose an instrument to learn and I chose the clarinet because it had the same shape and black body as my tonette. It was in eighth grade that I played an instrument in a band organized out side of school. We played "Jada Jada Jing Jing Jing" in a friend's bed room ..• During that whole time I never thought I'd become a musician. I just liked to play. I could go a month or two without practicing and not worry about it. It wasn't a big goal of mine. Throughout high school and dur ing my time as an undergraduate at
Harvard I played Dixieland on my clar ine t, but I never thought that I would devote myself to music. I was a philosophy major, and after a couple of years I dropped out ... I didn't know what I wanted to do .. . I got a job editing math textbooks when I was nineteen and I still didn't know what I wanted to do with my music. ... When I was 19 or 20, my dad took me to see the Thelonius Monk Quarte t at Lennies On The Turnpike. It was a slow night and we got seats right up near the piano . The band came out and Monk played an intro and I was intrigued. I could hear that he was doing something different than all the other piano players I had heard. Then the rest of the band came in and I was blown away. Charlie Rouse was playing tenor sax, as he did for years with Monk. I never knew that you could express so much on an instrument as these guys were doing' Monk's songs were so different from any thing I had ever heard before and I was excited about them. Excited that you could do these way-out things and say meaningful things with them. The next day I went out and bought my first Monk album. I then became a jazz record nut, hanging the album covers up on the walls of my apartment, playing my favorites for visitors, "You just have to listen to this. You're not going to believe it'" Until then I can say I really didn't have any models or idols to emulate in music except my father ... [John purchased a tenor sax when he was 21. That summer he took some courses at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, one of the nation's top jazz schools.] Here I was, barely knowing how to play the sax, and I was studying sax at Berklee' At this' stage I was still too uncertain to verbalize what I was beginning to feel stronger and stronger, that I wanted to be a professional musician. Joe Viola, a sax instructor at Berk lee who gives private lessons, was a great help to me at the time. He never gave me any personal guidance or special attention, but he had faith in me and apparently in his other students. He never made me feel that I was incapable of learning the sax. A little later I was jamming around town when a friend, a bass player, told me he was backing this guy, Van Morrison, and they were play ing at the Stone Phoenix, an old cof feehouse ... I had never heard of Van at the time ... I went there with my flute one night and listened to him for a bit. It was a duo, just Van playing acoustic guitar and singing backed by the double bass. I thought he had a real nasal, kind of whiney voice, and wondered if I should leave. But my friend must have talked Van into letting me sit in because he said it was OK in the second set . On stage I listened to the way the first song went for a few bars, then came in with a few things. Then it hap pened. Even though he wasn't looking at me, I could hear Van altering his playing and singing to match or answer the lines I was playing on my flute. It was the first time I had played with someone of that caliber, Van has great rhythmic sense, and I started to enjoy myself. Then he sang "Brown Eyed Girl" which I recognized from the juke boxes around town, and I realized who I was playing with: a real pro' When the set was over he asked me if I wanted to come back and sit in with them the next night. I did, and when we were through that night
he asked me to join his band and come to New York where they were recording an album. I left Houghton-Mifflin again, packed my bags, and went to New York. [During the recording of the album, the producer thought they should use only seasoned pros to back Van.) I was real cocky in those days. I was so persistent about wanting to play on the album that I was annoying the producer. Finally, the other flute player was tired and wanted t o leave but Van wanted to record one more. I told the producer that I was ready and he gave in . We did the song so well it became the title song for the album, "Astral Weeks ." " [A few years of working at Hough ton-Mifflin, dropping in and out of Harvard, and jamming around town fol lowed. In 1971, John was asked to join Bonnie Raitt's group. Through the contacts he made in her band, he also recorded and toured with David Bromberg. He left these groups for the same reason he left Morrison's:) After six or so months playing with these groups I felt I went as far musically as I could go with them. wanted to play more than just the eight or so bars alloted to me in their arrangements. [In 1973, John founded the John Payne Band. This led to two albums and a lot of touring. The albums are a lively mixture of jazz and rock, with original songs by John and other band members . After four years of try ing to make the band take off, John decided to call it quits:) We just couldn't turn the national corner . The road was getting to me. As a side man you don't mind all the time on your hands as you sit around the motels, eat out all the time, and then play your gig that night. But as a leader there are so many things to be looked after besides just playing ... [It was a combination of things that made him get into full-time teaching others to play the sax:) I felt a duty towards it, I felt I could do it. I don't think I'm natur arry-a good teacher at all, I think that to any extent that I'm a good teacher is because I worked at it. It also intrigued me that I wasn't good at it. I wasn't organized, I was slow ly getting more organized, figuring this out, figuring that out. I just was real sure that you could teach improvisation. I didn't see why every one thought that was so d~fficult ... I figured that if I slugged at it long enough I'd figure out how to do it.
Number two, once I started my family in 1979 I knew I needed to make more money . I also knew I didn't want to be an absentee father, and go on the road any more. So economics also brought me around to teaching ... Sometimes I actually do think, "What am I teaching for?" I get so tired, so burned out . I'm juggling so many balls running the Center ... But when I'm in that mood what gets me through is the feeling of duty. I have a unique background to be able to do what I'm doing and there's no one else doing it. So if I stop doing it it'll never get done . . . [Continued in next issue . ) A FIDDLE CLUB From Ross Campbell on our staff:
... Last month I went to my first meeting of the Boston Scottish Fiddle Club. What I noticed right away was
that at age 23 I was by several years the young est person there, and that I was among a very few who h ad played a musical instrument as a child . Many of the people were dancers and had be come interested in learning to play from seeing and hearing thei r friends play at dances . There was a wide range of ability among us, but the leader did nothing to separate us into beginning, intermediate, and advanced groups. People just played together in small groups around the room, the more experienced offering help when asked and offering examples merely by their playing. When we played later as one big group, we would play once or twice through a piece slowly so that the less experi enced players would not feel left out, and then up to speed . A person was free to playas many or as few notes as s/he felt up to, but even while not playing everyone could see and hear how one should play - an in formal Suzuki approach with example and repetition. But it was not a les son as such, for the experienced ~lay ers were not there for the sake of beginners but because they like to play Scottish tunes. Similarly, the beginning players were not there to • learn to play, but actually to play, right then and at their own level. It was a musical get-together, a social event which incidentally involved a lot of learning. This is not to say that workshops or lessons are in any way bad, but rather that there is no need to consider as separate activ ities learning to play and playing. Indeed, if they thought they could play with the group only after they had learned the tunes and Scottis h styling, few people would come ... FAMILIES MAKI NG MUSIC From Madalene Murphy (PA):
... John asked for comments in GWS #39 about families making music together. Last summer we tought four soprano recorders from GWS and Tom decided to buy an alto for variety . We picked up THE RECORDER GUIDE by Kulbach and Ni tka (a book ~e highly recommend and one that we were pleased to find other home schoolers around Pittsburgh using). It includes a lot of duets for alto and soprano. We also bought THE ABC OF RECORDER PLAYING, a book the children have dipped into and enjoyed because even practicing the ve ry first note is pre sented in terms of a song so that Clare (5) and Christian (8) could say that they were playing "The Seasons" instead of just the note " C." Emily quickly became tored with the slow pace and flipped through the book until she found "Ode to Joy." She has now begun to fool around with it again, learning some pi eces she can play with us and then trying to pick out her own melodies . One night she stumbled onto the tune to "Aunt Rhody" and was amazed she could have done this herself . The progress that Tom and I and the children as well - have made has been slow, but we are enjoying it thoroughly. Tom, who plays some guitar, had never played with anyone else before and I, who endured eight years of piano lessons, had r.ever played because I wanted to or even what I wanted to, had never just fooled around putting sounds together and getting to know an instrument . I started teaching Emily piano when she was seven, but I was doing too much "teaching" and she was not
interested in making any long-term commitment so neither of us found it a pleasant experience and I dropped it . Then when she was nine she sud denly dragged out her piano books again and started practicing all the pieces she had learned before and wanted me to help her learn more. She has been moving completely at her own pace, something I was never able to do, and she has maintained her inter est on her own. She is using the very traditional John Thompson series because she wanted to and didn't want to switch to Suzuki or Mrs. Stewart at this pOint. Her practicing is totally unscheduled and it is amazing to me when she sits down and works for two hours trying to get a piece down and then plays it for three or four days whenever she passes the piano. Of course this is preceded and followed by days of not touching the piano at all, but this is some thing she does on her own and she comes to me when she needs help. She is talking about taking lessons now so we shall see what develops . Christian began taking Suzuki violin when he was six and was very excited about it until the teacher began making it more and more of a chore and became increasingly nega tive . She seemed to think Christian had talent and should therefore be able to pick up a piece immediately, and when he didn't, she became very impatient . The result is that now Christian just started taking Suzuki guitar - a program that a teacher here in Pittsburgh has put together himself since there is no official Suzuki program for the guitar. This teacher seems very positive in his approach and very relaxed about the classes . Christian will be playing many of the same basic Suzuki tunes as well as a few other pieces, and will have a tape to listen to. So far he loves it and I am watching care fully . From our previous experience I even feel that the fact this guitar teacher has no official Suzuki train ing may be an advantage. Clare also began a new musical adventure this summer. After she begged us for over a year to take vio lin less ons, we finally gave in. We discovered a neighbor (Hooray' No driving) who teaches violin, NOT the Suzuki approach, although she uses a few of the same tunes. She encouraged Clare to fool around with the instru ment - something Christian was not allowed to do when he took the violin - and she is very understanding of the five-year-old fidgets and peri odic lack of attention . Practicing is not Clare's favorite thing, but she is required to do something every day
through the use of
Records, Cassettes, Books, Music, Accessories, and the Suzuki method. Standard student repertoire on records and cassettes 1·800·221'9254 (614) 594-3547 Write for free catalog. it.. Ohio '\rhens Ohio .15701 ·,12(JO U.S.A .
with the violin, and so far her enthusiasm is undiminished. We have discovered something fun to do with our individual instruments as we are learning control over them: get together with another home school ing family (the Richmans) and play for, as well as with, each other ... From Candace Syman-Degler (OR): ... Isaac (11) has been in and out of Suzuki violin and piano since he was three. Vanessa (8) has also taken Suzuki violin and piano. Because piano lessons were such a rote part of my existence during nine years of my childhood, I've always let my own children quit at different points when they've indicated a strong lack of interest in prac ticing. (This goes along with my feel ing that all learning occurs in spurts with irregular "spaces" in between). Also, I'm influenced by the notion that, although regular lessons made rr.e a good enough pianist to get a first in the Illinois state contest when I was in high school, I didn't develop a passion for playing music. I think the roteness, the dutiful ness, overwhelmed any musicality I might have developed on my own. Isaac and Vanessa have initiated other musical experiences substi tuting for lessons. Isaac really enjoys singing in a university child ren's choir directed by a music professor. He certainly learned a lot about music through this experi ence. I remember when Isaac audi tioned at age eight, the director was amazed that Isaac could "read" music well enough to sing an unknown song even though he couldn't really read music in the traditional sense of lines and spaces. It just seemed con sistent with the way Isaac has learned everrthing, kind of backwards or intuitive y - not at all the way most schools go about it. Isaac also started picking out boogie piano tunes on his own and for a while took lessons from a profes sional boogie piano player who said that he and one other adult student she had had were the only really "into it" pupils she had ever seen. I felt this was in part due to his good Suzuki piano teacher who never pushed him into "reading" music even when he got into Book Two, and in part due to the fact that he was able to quit when the minuets and other Suzuki materials were just not his bag. This year, Isaac actually asked to take Suzuki violin from Vanessa's old teacher. He picked up quite a lot by messing with Vanessa's violin when she took lessons two years ago. It'll be interesting to see what happens. He also is learning the ukelele on his own. Vanessa got pretty far along in Suzuki violin at age six but got to the point where she absolutely hated to practice. Even games and brioes- ~idn't help too much. After twelve months of lessons, she stopped (our last baby, India, was born at that time, contributing to my lack of patience with violin practicing). At age seven, after a few Suzuki piano lessons and a lot of messing around on her own, Vanessa decided she could sing well enough to audition for a part in Annie. She learned the song off a ta~tood up in front of a million people (that's what it seemed l~ke to her faint-hearted mother), and eventually became one of the two youngest orphans in the show. She learned a lot by that experience
also from all the dancing she does to records from the library and the com munity center dancing lessons she takes from time to time. She says she wants to take violin now, too ... Lucien (5) is going to take vio lin, too, mainly because when you're third, you feel left out sometimes. This is going to cost an arm and a leg, but, as Mike says, our kids are our hobby. Who needs a new car? I want to emphasize that there are no musical geniuses here, only very ordinary kids whose- parents want them to know that music is a very important part of life. We're not always sure about our approach. From reading GWS, I can see that it would be nice if we all made music as a fam ily more often. We do rr.ake a point of attending musical performances as much as possible. There are many free rehearsals, recitals, etc. that don't strain the budget as the tickets to the "biggies" do ... And from Penny Barker (OH): ... Neither Britt nor Maggie nor Dan write their improvisations down, so I would not say they "compose," nor are they especially interested in music theory or music history. They do love the sounds of music and will often come in-terring me how they just heard a bird's song which sound ed exactly like the first three notes of a particular sonata they know. They seem to hear music in the creek, the wind in the chimney, the rain on the metal roof of the barn, the night sounds of the insects and frogs on the pond, and all sorts of sounds that fill their environment. Perhaps you would consider them music lovers rather than musicians ... They are, however, serious about their music and gave up going to any group les sons or workshops because so many of the children just fooled around and were not serious or involved with their music at all. They now share their music with each other, Richard and me, their music instructors, and one or two friends. ... Our children are such an important part of our work here that many times their music must take a secondary position (though never a day passes without some time spent with their beloved music) ... Each of the children have from 10 to 12 lessons each year. The rest of the time they are on their own and learn from each other . .. DRAWING TOGETHER From Suzanne Alejandre (Spain):
... On our outing yesterday to a park called El Laberinto (the Laby rinth) I stuck two sketch pads, some loose paper and the pencils in a carry bag. After playing in the laby rinth, we went to a corner that had a fountain. Rich and I were comfortable sitting and talking while Niko and Lee were climbing around and playing. I thought to get out the sketch pads. Just as Rich and I started sketching, Niko and Lee raced back claiming their pads, so the four of us were drawing' (Rich and I used the loose paper). It was great - we drew for over an hour. Later we went to an out door cafe for a beer (often that's a problem because Niko and Lee drink their refreshment so fast that they're too bored to wait for us; often I bring books along). They wanted their pads again. They were
happy sketching away. Niko even sketched two of the people sitting at the next table. Lee was content drawing from his imagination ... KIDS USE CHEAP FILM From British Columbia:
... Here's a little trick I learned from a friend whose children are 3 and 5. She bought several rolls of outdated film very cheaply at a camera store and used them to show her kids how to load and take pic tures with her camera. She could re lax and enjoy the process because there was no possibility of "ruining good film." And most of the pictures (developed in-3 friend's darkroom) turned out just fine ... NEW BOOKS AVAILABLE HERE
THE TENTH GOOD THING ABOUT BARNEY-OY Judith Viorst ($2.95 + post). This is a book about a little boy whose cat has died. His parents and friends help him mourn. They hold a funeral, and the boy's mother sug gests he tell ten good things about the cat, but he can only think of nine. Later, with his father's help, he thinks of a tenth good thing something that kindly and realistical ly helps the boy (and any child who reads the book) to see death as a part of the cycle of life. This is very important for children - talk of death is usually avoided or made too mysterious. This book can help child ren cope with the death of a pet or other loved one. It's also a good gen. eral introduction to death. Anna (3) likes to hear it read over and over. --- Mary Van Doren BEARS, PIRATES AND SILVER LACE, by Anne Fisher ($2.95 + post). Th~s book, written for younger readers, is a charming collection of stories, legends, and folk tales about life in California during the early days of the Spanish settlers. There were real bears, then, and real pirates, and a thriving Indian culture, and the com ing together of all of these with the culture of the Spanish missionaries made for unusual and interesting times. Children are the main charac ters, not to say the heroes, of many of these stories. A fascinating look at a part of our history which does not often appear in history books and about which I myself knew nothing whatever. STICKEEN by John Muir ($3.95 + post). This true story, by the great pioneer American naturalist, is about a small, no-account dog whom Muir found and befriended, who became his devoted companion and friend, whose courage and unquenchable will to live became evident when they were trapped in a fierce blizzard on the top of a large and dangerous glacier. The cli max, in which man and dog must cross a great crevasse on a knife-edge ridge, curved down like a suspension bridge, will have your heart pound ing. An exciting and inspiring story. THE LEOPARD by Giuseppe de Lam pedusa ($5.95 + post). This book, one of my special favorites for the 25 or so years I have known ~t, is a great modern example of what is often called a Comedy of Manners, a study in the form of a novel of a certain society at a certain time. The soci ety studied here is the decaying soci-
ety of Sicilian nobility a little over a century ago, when Garibald i and his revolutionaries united the separate states of Italy into a nation . The Leopard, the central char acter, is a Sicilian nobleman, and we see, through his very perceptive eyes and mind, h is narrow world which is coming to the end of an era, as he well understands. The author was himself Sicilian and a nobleman (fo r Italy still pre serves these titles), and wrote the book in the 1950s l argely for his own amusement - he made no attempt to get it published and it was only discov ered among his papers after his death. To whom might I compare him? A little bit to Dickens, but even more to Jane Austen; like her novels, THE LEOPARD looks at socie t y by looking very closely at a very small part of it, which is a very good way and per haps the best. In any case, he is a wonderful writer and this is a very funny book, and a revealing look at a society quite different from a n y we have ever known or are likely to see again . By the way, the great Italian film-maker Visconti, ten or twenty years ago, made a film of THE LEO PARD, which I saw last year when it was circulating around the coun tr y in its original uncut form. I have ' never seen a better film, or a better per formance than Burt Lancaster's in the title role . See it if you can - but if you can, read this lovely book first . THE BACHELOR OF ARTS, by V.S. Naraya n ($3.95 + post). Another de lightful book, and the second in a long series, abou t life in Malgudi, a small town i n the south of I nd ia, dur ing the 1930's. Our hero, Chandra, is in some ways very like the 10-year old Swami of SWAMI AND FRIENDS (see our catalog and GWS #37), only ten or so years o lder and much better organ ized. Like Swami, when he has to study for an exam, he begins by mak ing an elaborate plan, but unlike Swami, he actually carries out the plan. When we first see him, he is a student at the local university, struggling to run the debating soci ety and at the same time t o do enough of hi s classwork to graduate. Much to our surprise and relief, h e does so. Before long, while trying to make a success of h is first job, he catc he s the briefest of glimpses of an un known girl at the edge of the river and falls madly in love with her. Hi s efforts to meet her and to get h is parents t o arra nge a marriage with her make the heart of this touching and funny book, written, like SWAMI, with the greatest gentleness and affection. Another fascinating look at a society i n so me wa ys like and in ot her ways very unlike our own . AMERICAN TONGUE AND CHEEK, by Jim Quinn ($4.95 + post). This very amusing, irreverent, but well researched book is about grammar, and also grammarians, the people who make (or try to make ) the "rules" which supposedly determine how the rest of us are supposed to write and speak. In recent years we have been afflict ed with a number of these self-styled experts in language, busily telling us how horrible, ignorant, barbaric, etc., it is to make this or that "grammatical mistake." Quinn does us all (and the English language) a great service by letting a lot of the hot air out of these people, and show ing that many of the "mistakes" they love to condemn have in fact been
us ed by the greatest wr iters in th e language, often for centuri es . He also shows that these igno rant " ex perts" did not even bother to check their ideas about right and wrong in the most obvious and easily available place, the Oxford English Dictionary, which shows, for every word it li sts, when and in whose writing it has appeared in the language. For Example, Qui nn quotes Edwin Newman as deploring the use of "Y ou know" in conversation and saying tha t it originated with poor blacks. But as Quinn points out, that use of the phrase has appeared in writings since 1350, including those of Chaucer, Addison, and "the excruciatingly polite conversations of Jane Austen's characters . " Quinn defends "hopeful ly, " "between you and I, " dangling participles, double negatives, "f inal ize," and dozens of other words and usages. In fact, he says, "If you are a native-born speaker of English you never make a mistake in grammar, because you don't know how : gr ammar is what you' say ." In a funny and eye - opening chap ter, he quotes grammaria n s of the past attacking words that t oday are perfectly acceptable (a nd some of whic h had been long established at the time of the attack), words such as I'banter,"
and "influential." Edgar Allan Poe disapproved of "ignore," Benjamin Franklin objected to " opposed." And so on. The mo r al of the story, and Quinn ' s most important r eason for writing th e book, is that English (like all languages) constantl y grows and c hanges, and that the people who create that growth and c ha nge, and thus determine what is and is not "good" English, are not the writers of grammar books, but the people who use the l anguage most viv idl y, force fully, and therefore unforgettably. I recently read (perhaps here ) that Shakespeare invented over 1500 new words and phr ases - all of which would have been declared illegal by the grammarians of his time, if there had teen such people, which fortunate ly for him and us there were no t. So, if you want to write we ll, read good writers, not gr ammar books. An impor tant les son from an interesting a nd amusing book. SURVIVAL MATHEMATICS by Edward Williams ($ 7.95 + post). I h ave never seen a math book anything like th is one, and I don't know ""hy someone didn't write it a long time ago. Children trying to learn arithmetic are told all th e time ~hat they have to le arn it so that th ey will be able to do thi s o r that thing in real life, but the y never see, at Least in school, anything of these adult tasks that they supposedly wi ll one day be doing. In this book the y will see man y of the real-life things they will have to use arithmetic for in the adult world - photo reproductions of the actual forms they will have to deal with, such as restaurant checks, time cards, and bank deposit slips. There are also real pages from cata logs, real advertisements, real tax tables for figuring withholding, and so on. Along with these are examples of the arithmetic people have to do to fill these out, and explanations of how to do this arithmetic. Thus, the usually abstract and meaningless study of arithmetic is at least to some extent connected with the adult world which is so i nteresting to most children. And the explanations of how to do the arithmetic are clear enough
so th at the book "'ill surely be use ful to many adults. CITIES AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS by Jane Jacobs ($14 .9 5 + post). This is one of the half-dozen best books on economics I have ever read, and about its particular chosen subject, which is economic growth, it is the best. Like Jane Jacobs ' s other books, THE ECONOMY OF CITIES and THE DEATH AND LIFE OF GREAT AMERICAN CITIES, it is lively, observant, witty, and above all realistic, a book to open the eyes and stir up the mind . If I were teaching an economics course, it and THE ECONOMY OF CITIES would be the first books I would have my stu dents read. As things stand, it will probably be a rare economics course in which it is even mentioned at all, precisely because it is so concrete and specific, so full of real-life examples. Most books on economics show us graphs, curves, tables, equa tions; Jane Jacobs shows us what, after all, economics is all about, which is people inventing, making, and buying and sel l ing things . I must make clear that the book is not about the very important but different question of whether we should have economic growth . Jane Jacobs fervently believes that we should, and in a world where billions live in the most wretched poverty, it is hard not to agree. Nor does it · dis cuss what kinds of economic growth are good and what kinds are not. It is a book about what makes economies lively, inventive, and productive; and since most people in every coun try in the world want their economies to be that way, and since most domes tic and international political argu ment is about how to make them that way, this is clearly a subject well worth writing about . A year or so from now we might rightly consider politically illiterate any holder of, or candidate for, political office wh o has not read and understood it . On a subject which is of such universal interest and about which so many thousands of people are continu a ll y talking and writing, it would seem almost impossible for anyone to invent a truly and wholly original idea, but Jacobs has done just this. What s he says is that it is not nati ons but cities - at least, cities of a certain kind - and the regions that surround them, that create most economic activity, invention, and growth, and that what we should be trying to understand and, as far as we can, create, a r e those conditions which are likely to produce and rr.ain tain such cities . What she then points out is that most national governments, whether capitalist, socialist, communist, or whatever, are doing the exac t opposite, and that as a result most of the world's cities, however fast th ey may be grow ing in size, are bec oming unhealthy and unproductive. From this comes many of the economic problems that are plaguing eve ry country i n the world. What has all thi s to do wit h h omesc hooling ? Directly, and even indirectly, nothing at all . But I think many GWS readers will enjoy and even love this book (and Jacobs' earlier books) for the reasons that I do , that they help me see things I never saw before, and make sense ou t of what before had see med a rr.ystery. On the whole, I don't know wh at t o do with this new knowledge and under standing , except maybe to urge ot her pe ople, as I am now, to read these books. But I feel much stronger and
20 happier for having gained it. One other thing . I hope and believe that this book (and THE ECON OMY OF CITIES) may help many people to shake off the romantic and wholly mistaken notion that cities are nothing but sinister mistakes living as parasites off the virtuous and healthy countryside, and if the cit ies would just somehow disappear everyone would live happily ever after. As Jane Jacobs clearly shows, this is not so. As she also shows, most of our cities are not healthy, and growing less so all the time . But the remedy is not to think about how to do away with them altogether, which is in any case impossible, but to think about how to restore them to health, and on this vital subject no one has more interesting things to say than she. IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE, by Waterman & Peters ($8 . 95 + post). This is a book about the management of business corporations, a book which like THEORY Z, also in our cata log, may be directly useful many par ticular homeschooling families and to homeschoolers in general. As a result of the recent great interest in Japanese methods of cor porate management, so different and often (as we have learned to our dis may) so much more successful than our own, many people have begun to ask themselves whether some American cor porations may not have invented what might be called an American version of Theory Z, ways of running a large corporation which are on the one hand unorthodox and on the other hand un questionably successful . This book is the result of the efforts of two men (and the organization they work with) to find an answer to that question. Their answer is that yes, there is an American style of corporate manage ment which has much in common with what we have come to think of as Japanese methods, and that yes, it has been and is outstandingly success ful, in corporations as well known as IBM, Hewlett Packard, Proctor and Gamble, and others. Put very simply, it is this, that if you treat people as human beings rather than as re placeable cogs in a big machine, you get better results. What the book does for home schoolers is to give them a powerful answer to the schools' so-familiar argument that if children are not sub jected, for all the years of their growing up, to the harsh pressure of most schools, they will be unready for the "real world" in which they are going to have to live and work as adults, a world which in the myth ology of schools is for the most part heartless, ruthless, and cruel. The book shows clearly that these ideas about the Real World are wrong, and with them, virtually all of the schools' ideas about how to deal with their own students. Thus to take one example, almost all schools assume that the way to get the best work from students is to raise standards so high that only a small minority of students can feel that they have done really well. Teachers and schools that do other wise are contemptuously accused of the terrible crime of "grade infla tion." But the successful corpora tions studied in this book know bet ter. They know that to be judged a failure, by others and oneself, does not spur people on to do better work, but demoralizes them and makes them work less well. Success breeds more success; failure breeds more failure.
As a result, when they have to set standards of job performan ce, they try to set them at a level such that the great majority of their people can feel they have done good work . In short, the book is a rich mine of arguments against most of the conventional practices of schools, and by contrast in favor of the ways in which many homeschooling parents deal with their own children. It also shows us what some of us might not have suspected, that great corpora tions do not have to be heartless, that even in business nice guys are as likely to finish first as last, and that running a large corporation can be not only a highly creative activity but one which at least to some degree serves the higher inter ests of humanity. Along with all of this, it is a very clearly written and fascinating book, which deserves to be the best-seller it has been. THE COMPLETE HOME EDUCATOR, by Mario Pagnoni; Foreword by John Holt ($10 . 95 + post) . This clear, helpful, encouraging, and often very funny book is in fact two books . One is a book about computers - how they work, how parents and children can use them at home, and how Mario Pagnoni and his two boys are using them in their home. It is by far the clearest expla nation of this difficult and rather forbidding subject that I have seen. Indeed, it is one of the best explana tions I have ever seen of any scien tific subject. Mario is a superb explainer - if the schools only had more people who were as good as he is at making things clear, and what is even more important, cared as much as he does about making things clear, they would be in much better shape. And most computer companies would be smart to pay him to write their instructional materials, which up till now have been for the most part almost ludicrously hard to understand. The other and main part of the book is about homeschooling . More specifically, it is about how and why Mario took his two boys out of school and, taking a year's leave pf absence from his own job, taught them at home . It is one of the very best of the growing list of books that have been written about this increasingly important subject. Among th~ books it is in one sense unique, for Mario is himself and has been for some years a regular public school classroom teach er . In principle, he believes in pub lic school, believes, as indeed I do, that, good or bad, they will be with us for a long time and that most children will be going to them. But out of his own first-hand experience he has come to believe, like many other public school teachers and administrators before him - the ranks of homeschoolers are full of these that the schools cannot possibly give his children as good an education as he can give them - or rather, help them to get for themselves . His list of reasons for doing this is as good a condensed argument for homeschool ing as one can find anywhere, and his list of ways in which parents can decide whether or not they are well suited to do this is every bit as helpful. In his preface Mario Pagnoni speaks of "employing home school tech niques on a part-time basis." This option, which many schools press on parents when they first talk about homeschooling - "Why don't you keep sending them to school, and teach them any extra stuff you want at home after school?" - may seem at first to
offer the best of both worlds. But in fact it almost never works. A great many of the people who are now home schooling full-time did in fact begin by.trying to do it part-time, and soon gave it up, because the schools ate up so much of their children's time that the family had nothing left. Indeed, as we see in Chapter 2, the Pagnonis themselves went to full-time homeschooling for just this reason, to get some time for the fami ly's own interests and pursuits. I should make clear that Mario Pagnoni is not writing here another indictment of schools. Quite the con trary; he goes out of his way to be fair and charitable to them, says quite rightly that teachers are try ing to do the best they can and are hampered by many things not under their control. The conclusion is in escapable nonetheless - the schools are to an astonishing degree unintel ligent and mean-spirited places, and there are no signs that they are go ing to get better. Thus he tells about one of his boys, who while still very young was being repeatedly bullied and beaten up in the schoolyard, and about his own futile efforts to get the school to do anything about it. The incident is as typical as it is deplorable. The schools hardly even try any more to maintain, in the little kingdoms they control, the kind of minimal standards of public order and safety which we take for granted even in our most troubled cities. Thus if someone should punch me in the face in the streets of Boston, something that by the way has never happened to me in my life, everyone would admit that this was a crime, and society would do its best to catch and punish the criminal. But if some bigger kid beats up a smaller kid in the recess yard, the schools are more and more likely to say that this is a neces sary and healthy social experience. Much of the book, as I have said, is about computers and how par ents and children might use them, if they choose. I want to emphasize very strongly that they can in fact choose not to use them. To be sure, as the saying goes, computers are not going to go away. But neither are automo biles, television, airplanes, or ball point pens. All of these are tools, useful for people who have a use for them, otherwise not. People can de cide for themselves which if any of these tools are worth the bother of having. If you should ever find that you have real need to learn about com puters, you can always do so by read ing one of Mario Pagnoni's books, for I suspect, and certainly hope, that this most helpful, encouraging, and entertaining book will be the first of a long line. BOOK ORDER INFORMATION
Postage charge: For 1, 2, or 3 items except records: 75¢; 4 or more, 25¢ per item. Postage for records: 75¢ for 1, add 25¢ for each additionar:--Overseas surface mail: 1, 2, or 3 items, $1; 4 or more, 50¢ per ltem. Mass. residents, add 5% sales tax. Make check (US bank) or money order for books, reprints, records, tapes, instruments, and art materials payable to HOLT ASSOCIATES, INC. Payment for subscriptions, ads, T-shirts, the YOUNG CHILDREN supplement, or back issues of GWS should be made out separate ly to GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING (Rates p. 32). For a copy of our latest catalog , send us a self-addressed stamped envelope. GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING #42
1985 DIRECTORY Here is the first comp l et e listing since
GWS #36. Our Directory ;s not a list of all
subscribers. but only of those who have asked to be listed, so that GWS readers, or other in terested people. may get in touch with them. If you would lik.e to be included, please send
us the ; nformat i on. Please let us know if you would rather have your phone number and town liste d instead of a mailing address .
--If a name ;n a GWS st ory is foll owed by an abbreviation in parentheses, that person is
in the Directory . We are happy to forward ma il to those whose address is not in the Directory (mark the outside of the envelope with name! descriptio~e and page number). When you send an address ch an ge for a subscription. please remind us if you are in the Directory so we can change it here, too. To keep the Directory curre nt, we have added one year to the ages of all childre n 1i sted. Th ismay mean some ch i 1dren s ages are not correct right now, but they wi 11 be cor rect some ti me in 1985. I
AL - Steve & Lisa ANTHONY I Ho lly 7 , Sar ah 5, >amuel 3, Lindsey 1) Phone 281-7294, Montgomery - - - Claude & Di an ARNOLD (Tom 17, Willi s 16, Seth 13, Mignon 11 , Carolyn 7, Alo dia 4) Rt 1 Box 297, Fairhope 36532 --- Ellen CIMINO & Juds on WILLIAMS (Natasha 7, Nathaniel 5, Suzanna 2) PO Box I, Camp Hill 36850 -- Phil & Lee GONET IJessi 4, Patrick 1) ALABAMA CITIZENS FOR HOME EDUCATION, Rt 3 Box 3600, Mont90mery 36 11 0 --- Nancy & Perry GOODSON I Wendy 5, Derek 2) Rt 1 Box 165-A, Rock ford 35136 --- Anne & Charles JERNIGAN 17 chi l dren) Rt 2 Box 84, Andalusia 36420 AK- Alvin & Kathy AMASON (Le na 9) 80x 562, Koaiak 99615 --- R0ger & Me9an BENEDICT I Damon 1) 2403 LaHonda Or, Anchorage 99503 Robert & Giselle BERGERON (Matthew 9, Mark ]) 6941 E 7th Av, Anchorage 99504 --- Jeff & Randi CURREY (Ge ne vieve 7, Hannah 4) 3411 Glenn Don Cr 12, Anchor age 99504 - -- Di ck & Paulie DUNN (Joce an 7) Red Mtn, Homer 99603 -- - Dorothy KILLBEAR IBreianna /77) PO Box 616, Barrow 99723 --- Gail & Grady KNIGHT, 8643 E 10th Av, Anchorage 99504 --- Martha & Jim KOHLER (Nancy 16, Jason 13, Alice 12 ) 8B86 Cedar Ct, Juneau 99801 --- Sue KRAFT, ALASKA HOME SCHOOLERS ASSN, PO Box 15000 1724 , Was i 1 la 99687 --- Melinda & Richard LEE (Elijah 11, Annabelle 8, Tob ias 4) 1670 Everg r een, Juneau 99801 --- Stan LONG, Box 2Bl0, Kenai 99611 -- Bonnie MELIELO (Misty Rose 5, Mandy 3) Kitoi Bay, Kodiak 99615 --- Ron & Connie MOORE IBen 5 , Kate / 84) 1013 Hemlock St , Kodiak 99615 -- Mar9aret & Bi 11 ROBERTS (Jenny 11, Jesse ]) Box 1731, Kodiak 99615 --- Mary SCHWENZFEIER, Red Mtn. Via, Homer 99603 --- Steve & Barbara SMITH, 754A NMSH, U of A, F ai rbank s 99701 - - Frank SODE NKAMP & Carol LAMBERT (B en jami n B) PO Box 2B15, Kodiak 99615 AZ - Mi c hael & Peggy AHERN, 602-966 8836, lempe --- Gillian AMUNDSEN, 5511 E Weth ersfield Rd, Scottsdale 85254 --- APPLIED LEARNING OF PHOENIX, 501 W San Juan Av , Phoe nix --- Louis & Zeke BLANCHE (Louis 5, Vivi enne 3) 5460 W Nebra ska , Tucso n 85706 --- Joe & Louanne BROWN, 602 W 8th St , Mesa B52Dl -- Tom & Minda BUHR (Nathan 9, Ben 7, Elizabeth 4, Joseph 2) Phone 602-5B6-44B6, St David --
The CARSTENS (Na t han 6) 7507 E Garfield,
Scott sda l e B5257 --- CHRISTIAN FAMILY EDUC SER
VICES, PO Box 47159, Phoenix B506B --- Char
leen CRAMER , 2113 N Gentry, Mesa 85203 --
Eldon EVANS, 4718 E LaSalle , Phoenix 85040 --
Rae & Gary EVANS (Pau l 10, Nikki 8) 12006 N
49th Or, Glendale 85304 --- Shirley GARDNER,
Kino Or , Me sa 85203 - -- Mary & Robert HAMPTON (Jeffrey 9, Christopher 6) 4237 N 85 t h Or , Phoenix 85037 --- Kip & Ju l ie HOLMES IRyan B, Colin 5) 3419 E Gold Oust, Phoenix 85028 -- Kathlee n & Wayne JOHNSON (Da r cy]) Chi I ds Power Plant, Camp Verde 86322 --- Stephen & Jackie JOHNSON (Toby 7, Levi/84) 5213 Mauna Loa Ln, Glendale B5306 --- Helen KEPLER (So lo mon 15, Persephone 11, Mi che lle 5) PO Box 14, Kingma n 86402 --- Kay LaROUX IStephen 8) 305 N 11th Av, Ho lbrook B6025 --- Barbara LAWSON, 602-276-0079, Pho eni x --- Hal LENKE, 4233 N 42nd Pl, Phoenix 85018 --- Lucy LILLY, Su nset Rt Box 9X, Wilcox 85643 --- Lorena MacELROY & Darye 1 ER I CKSON (Tiernan17]) 3543 E Be 11 evue, Tucson 85716 --- Freda & Lorn MAIN ICeles te B, Simone 6) 1306 E Granada, Phoenix 85006 -- Raven & Ori na MANN (Misha 8, Paho 6, Moriah 3) Box 1339, Snowflake 85934 - -- Mike & Mart i MIKL iDarris 15) 1483 Black Ca nyon St age , Phoe nix 85029 -- - Sherri PITMAN, PARENTS ASSOC. OF CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, 6166 W Highland, Phoenix 85033 --- Jack & Liz PROHASKA ( Aaron 9 , Nei 11 5) 6250 W Sunset Rd, Tucson 85743 --- QUEST ACADEMY, 515 S 48th St, Suite 106, Tempe 85282 --- 8ea & Gary RECTOR ( Aurelia 7, Elliot 5) PO Box 362, Cave Creek 85331 --- Sheri RICHARD SO N, 1030 N Dresden, Mesa 85203 -- - Li nda & Allan RIEKEN IF orest 178, Echo/80, Ariel / 84 ) 2539 E Portland St, Phoenix 85008 --- RISING STAR ENRICHMENT SCHOOL, PO Box 2245, Sedona B6336 --- Michael & Charlotte ROBERT S-ETHR IDGE (Michael Jr 16, Tequina 9) PO Box 3191, Apache Jct 8527B --- Mary & Len ROTHFELD IBecky171) 5040 N Via Condesa, Tucson 85718 --- Dennis & Janet SARKEH (Donovan 16, Jeremiah 8, Nathan iel 5) 62B S 2nd St, Will i ams 86046 --- Robin & Juanita SIZEMORE (Scott 14, Kristin III 12405 E Arbor Vista Bl, Tucson B5715 --- C.A. SMITH, 530 Simon, Kingman 86401 --- Kathy STORER (Michael 15, Serena 10) 2326 W Pinchot,
Phoen i x 85015 - - - SUNSET HILL SCHOOL, 6250 W Sun set Rd, Tucson 85704 --- Mary & Bernie TUCKER (Tamara 11, Cheyenne 4) Phone 602 - 85 1- 2238 --- Joh n & Kim WARD 220 N Guthrie, Mesa 85203 --- Dennis & Jan WOLTER (Jennife r 9, Jeffrey 7, Ian 3) PO Box 585, Tonopah 85354 --- Regina & Walter WUNSCH IGabrielle 10, Michael 8) 11213 N Miller Rd, Scottsdale 85260 AR - Shiro l yn ALLEN, Rt N Bo:: 25-C , Yellville 7'l687 --- Lewis & Carol CALES (Jim 22, Christine 18) Rt 1 Box 101, West Fork 72774 --- Shirley DYE IAlan 17) Box 322, Keiser 72351 --- Rebecca FULMER , Rt 4 Box 70, Arkadelphia 71923 - -- Ann GREEN, CHRISTIAN HOME EO ASSN, PO Box 226 , Mabelvale 72103 --- Kelly & Beeky HOWARD (Samuel 11, Emi l y 9, Anna 7) 1708 S Boston Pl, Russellville 72801 --- Dou9 & Jeanne McDOUGALL (Plum Blossom 7) Star Rt, Kin9ston 72742 --- Jim & Cheri MITCHELL (Geoff 11, Sara 9) Rt 4 Box 155, Mountain Home 72653 --- Joe & Terry PRIDE (Zachary 5) Rt 6 cox 233 , Huntsville 72740 --- Kay & Fra nk ROSS (Kenai 9, Jonah 6, Micah 3) Rt 2 Box 39-B, Norfork 72658 --- Margaret VIERS, PO Box 4 , Deer 72628 - - - Mary WESTON, PO Box 396, Ward 72176 --- Pamela & Ned WHITLOCK (Meg 7 , Ben 4) Star Rt I Box 140, Osage 72638 --- Tighe & Kurt YOVANOFF IBrenna 5, Madalyn 3) Rt A Box 112-0, Yel l vi lle 72687 South CA (Zips to 94000) Ray & Ellie ANDRE\I";bOIlITllow Or, San Diego 92114 --Ginny ATHERTON (David 15) 4420 Boston Av, La Crescenta 91214 -- - Bruce 2. Karen BAKER (Aron 8, Ben 6) PO Box 626, Forest Falls 92339 - -Arnold & Carolan BLACK (Jer ry 23, Jeannette 21, JaLeen 12) 2051 Friendly Or , Vista 92083 --- Pat & Jeanne BLACKWELL , PO Box 442, Cedar Glen 92321 --- Joh n BOSTON & Stella O'CARROLL (Sea n B. 16) SCHOOL OF HOME LEARNING, PO Box 92, Escondido 92025 --- Sylvia BRIDGE, 520 W 11th Av , Escondido 92025 --- Lynda BROCKOB (Adam 6) 1442 Essex St, San Diego 92103 --Cathy & Duane CAMP (Jesse 10, Katie 7) 9174 Rosedale Or, Spring Valley 92077 --- CHALLENGE SCHOOL. 1501 E Chapman Av 1163, Fullerton 92631 --- The CHOUINARDS, Phone 805 - 643-2624 (Nov -May ) Ventura --- CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS ASSOC, PO Box 2182, Westminster 92683 --- Shar on CHUNG (Kevin 17 , Tanya IS, Alicia 13) CALIF LEARNING ACADEMY, 20121 N New Britain Ln, Huntington Bch 92624 --- Connie & Russ COLT EN (Christopher 13, Shawn 10 , Devin 6, Donika 2 ) 10247 Carreta Dr, Santee 92071 --- Victoria & Wil CORBETT (Capri 6, Tyler / 82) 219 Palo Verde Av, Palm Springs 92262 --- Kevin CRAIG, VINE & FIG TREE, PO Box 1577, Whittier 90609 --- Pe nelope CRITCHLOW-GOLDMAN, PO Box 878, Northfork 93643 --- Vicki CURRAN, 4449 Colfax Av, N Hollywood 91602 --- Katherine DAVIS, Box OH, Lomita 90717 --- Lesley & Rubin DAY (Mary 6) 2895 College Bl vd, Oceanside 92054 --- Toni DE LA GARZA, 21265 Pine Ridge, Apple Valley 92387 --- Phil & Cind; DENNIS {Phillip 11. Merrick ]) 1655 Campbell Av, Thousand Oaks 91360 --Larry & Daphne DENNY IRachael 14, Silas 12, Aurora 6, Melita 4) St ar Rt Box 2680 , Bradley 93426 --- John DENTINGER, 1527 3/ 4 N Bronson Av, Ho ll ywood 90023 --- Jim DILLON & Missy GREEAR , 4292 Rubidoux Av, Riverside 92506 --Rog er & June DOMINGO, SPREE DECOR SCHOOL, 8388 Vickers St, Suite 219 , San Diego 92111 --Ri ta DOMINGUEZ , 6389 Cooper, Fontana 92335 --The DRESSERS, SANTA BARBARA SCHOOL OF THOUGHT , 454 Toro Canyon Rd, Santa Barbara 93108 --Jane & Jeff DUNHAM (Michael 12, Allan 11, Joshua 7 , Matthew 4, Tara 2) 3300 Bear Creek Dr, Newbury Park 91320 --- Cathy EARLE (Mindy / 82, Li nd sey / 84) 1602 Naco PI, Hacienda Ht s 91745 --- Valorie ELLIOTT ISuzanne 14, Aimee 11) 31 Sycamore Dr, Ment one 92359 --- Mark & Barbara ENGLE (Eric 7, Jason 6) 1464 Modoc, Sal inas 93906 --- Li nda ESTRADA (Marin 7) 1167 S Peach #103, Fresno 93727 --- Ed & Li nda ESTRIN (Michael 16, Jessica 8, Sam 5) 2910 Hutchison St, Vista 92083 --- Mark & Connie FERRER (Willie l 76, Mi randa / 82) 6590 Camino (arreta, Carpinteria 93013 --- Suzanne GETCHEL ( Amy 12 ) 23 Willow Grove, Irvine 92714 --- Shel & Rebecca GOODMAN (Leslie 7, Caroline 5 , Stephen 3) 14212 Enadia Way, Van Nuys 91405 --- Gayle GUZMAN (Li l y176) 4446 Li nde n Av 13, Lo ng Bch 90807- 211 5 -- - Rosie HACKETT IShawn 14, Terry 12) Box 1446, Crestli ne 92325 --- Herbert HAMME R, 7001 Ahern St, Apt A, Los Angeles 90045 --- Sylvia HARE , ABILITIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, Gen Del, Pioneertow n 92268 --- Harry & Helena HAROUTUNIAN (M i chael 19, Naomi 14, Ian 12) 320 W Garfie l d Av, Glendale 91204 --- Dave & Marie HARTWELL (Stephen 5) 5465 Norwich St. San Die90 92117 --- Gabrielle HARWOOD, 32001 Coast Hwy. S La guna 92677 --- Andrew & Ly ndon HAZI IRosanne/77, Melody/81) PO Box 1580 , Santa Maria 93454 --- Marty & Debbie HEALY (Andy 4 ) 11 09 N Broadway, Sa nta Ana 92701 --Pedro & Eva HERNANDEZ IJacob / 77, Erin178, Mary 180) 7311 De Cel is PI, Van Nuys 91406 --- Dema & Keith HINSON (D arcy 12, Ery n 9, Ashley 9 ) 2301 W Lori Ln. Santa Ana 92706 --- Karen HOLGUIN , PO Bo x 1389, I dyllwild 92349 --- HOMENET, 25161 Jesmond Dene Rd, Escondido 92026 --- Bob & Martha HOMUTH (Brandon 10 , Casey]) HCl-1E SCHOOL, 3553 Rosewood Av, Los Angeles 90066 - - - Je anette & M.D. HORGAN (Joh n 20, Jim 16, Ju lie IS, Jill 13) 631 Billow Or, San Diego 92114 --- Steve & Sa ndy HOUSLEY IShawn 14, Chris 13) 21556 Av 200, Lindsay 93247 --Sue & Steve JACOBY, 942 Menlo , Clovis 93612 --- Karen & Jack JOHNSTON (Fawn 11, Melanie 5, Joshua 3) 3201 Tepusquet Rd , Santa Mar ia 93454 --- Nancy JOSEF OSKY (Ken 21, Da n 20, John 18, Chri s 15, Fred III 3581 Mt Ac1are Av, San Diego 92111 ~~- Mha Atma Kaur KHALSA (Sat Sarbat 11. Siri Atma 7. Gurukamal 2 ) 1536 S Crest Or, Los Angeles 90035 --- Ray & Victoria
KIB LER (Jo nathan / 77, Jo anna / 83) 14525 S Blai ne Av, Bellflower 90706 --- Suzie & Walt KIRKWOOD (Nathan 13, Shawna 9) 8995 Johnson Dr, La Mesa 92041 --- Jodi KLE MM (Aa r on 14, Kevin 12, Brent 8) 2114 N Hathaway, Sa nta Ana 92701 --Carol & David KRAJCAR (T imothy /82) 1881 Arroyo Or, Riverside 92506 - -- Ken & Robe rt a KUSLER (Randy174, Renee175) PO Box 116, Nipomo 93444 -- - Susa n & Richard LAURENTE (Drew179, Blaire l 82) 7580 Chester Or, Salinas 93907 -- - DeWitt & Linda LEISSELL, 5423 Annie Laurie Ln, Bonita 92002 --- The LESTERS (Nathen 14 , Ely 12, Damian 7, Gabe 5) Phone 619-366-9684, Joshua Tree --- Cathy & John LEVESQUE (Sheryl 18, Sharon 13) CALIFORN IA NETWORK NEWS, KEYS TO LEARNING, 2650 W Troja n PI, Anahei m 92B04 --- Jon & Connie LINDVALL IBethany179, Timothy / 83) 531 N Ba1mayne Way, Porterv ill e 93257 --- John & Sharo n LINDY IZachary 6) 14501 Tupper St 152, Panorama City 91402 --- Anne & Stan LONG (Dev in174 , Ky1a178) 2427 Oakmont Av, Santa Ana 92706 --- Robert & Chris LYNDS (Taryn 7, Shaw 4) W 12th St , Paso Robles 93446 Frank & Regina MALLAT (A nn a 10, Josefina 6) 9504 Mecca Rd, Morongo Valley 92256 --Marie MANNATT ISoren 6, James 4) 3483 Woodstock Rd, Santa Ynez 93460 --- Carol MATTA X & J im PETERSON (Alanna / 81, Diana / 84) 144 6th St, Manha tt an Bch 90266 --- David & Margie McARTHUR (Abi9ail 11, Nicholas 7, Amanda 4) 3466 Hillside, Norco 91760 --- The McCULLOCHS, 9318 El Cajon St , Ventura 93004 -- - Preston & Ramona MELTZER, 1118 Beechdale Dr, Palmdale 93550 --- Mark & Loretta MIKOLYSKY (Matt 12, Mary 10, Scott 7, Katie 4 ) 4377 Bakman Av, N Hollywood 91602 --- Bonnie MINKIN, Box 653, Desert Hot Sprin9s 92240 --- Debbie MITTEN (Jonathan 8, Jed 6) 1735 W Drescher St, San Diego 92111 - -- Al & Ann MURDY (Chad IS, Corrina 13, Ian 8 , Asia 5) 62819 Sunny Sands, Joshua Tree 92252 --- Dwight & Theresa NEEDELS (Thea 3) 2008-C Circ l e View Dr, Irvine 92715 --- Eric & Rami NELSON (Misha 14, Narayan 7, Jesse 1) 138 N "c" St, Tustin 92680 --- Telia NUNN (Zalane 14, Chuan 12, Promise 10 ) 1225 S Bkoyle Av, Escondido 92027 --- OAK MEADOW SCHOOL, PO Box G, Ojai 93023 --- David & Nancy ODOM (Christopher 10, Russell]) 6500 Alfred Harrel Hwy, Bakersfield 93308 --- Geoff & Cyn thia 0' KEEFFE (Ian 5) 1629 Garden /2, Santa Barbara 93101 --- OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL, PO Box 5181. Mission Hills 91345 --- Steve & Sally PAIGE. 8888 Taro Creek Rd, Atascadero 93422 --- Lynn & Joe PAJONK (Joey 8, Danny 6, Adam 3) 2030 N San Ant onio , Palm Springs 92262 --- Ceci l y & Leland PARSONS (Ashley 12, Ben 8, Sarah 6) 12721 Clai r Or , Poway 92064 --- Bob & Mary Ann PAUL (David 6, Kristina 3) 4516 Cather Av, San Diego 92122 --- Tim & Portia PEARSON IKyla 13 , Keri 11, Rachel 10) PO Box 907 , Morongo Valley 92256 --- Bi 11 & Sally PECK IDavid 9, Sarah 7, Jonathan 5, Amy 3 ) ph. 619-271-7363 San Diego (Mira Mesa) --- Pat PIETSCH (Renee 4) 4353 Albury Av, Lakewood 90713 --- Michael & Marihelen PITTS - CAMPBELL (Jona t han]) 1211 E Hoffer St, Banning 92220 - -- Kath l een & Tom PLISKA (Paul 6) 507 St Louis Av, Long Bch 90814 --- The REYNOLDS (Carmen 8 , Danielle Jo 4) PO Box 475. Crestline 92325 --- Susan & Greg RHODES (Erin 10, Michele 12) 1631l Helix St, Spring Valley 92077 --- Meridith & Jim RIEMAN (Elizabeth 10, Ann 8, John 6) 1827 29th St , San Di ego 921021147 --- Jan RISLEY (Trish 12, Tammy 10, Ryan 8, Alex 5) 2810 Dog wood Av, Morrow Bay 93442 --- Anita ROWSON (dtr Stacey Bedard) 515 Del Norte Rd , Ojai 93023 -- - SAN DIEGO HOMESCHOOLERS, 3581 Mt Ac1are Av, San Diego 92111 --SAN FERNANDO VALLEY HOMESCHOOLERS, 13610 Vanowen St, Van Nuys 91405 --- Stephanie & Dennis SCHECK (Diana 13, Stephen 11) 18166 Bunny Dr, Jamu l 92035 --- Steve & Mary Clare SCHLESINGER (Rebecca 11) 25161 Jesmond De ne Dr, Escondido 92026 --- Richard & Donna SCOTT {Emily 7, Eric 5 , Virginia 2) 73134 Sun Valley Dr, Twentynine Palms 92277 --- Fred & Pat SEBALO ([ric 1]) SIERRA SCHOOL, June Lake 93529 --- Sally SHAL LENBURG (Kara 16, Kirsten 13) 4001 Scott Dr , Oceanside 92056 --- Kevin & Ka t hy SHAW (Creedence /78 , Levi179, Megan /82) Phone 805 - 2737388, Palmdale --- Toni SHY, 5100 Woodman Av 123, Sherman Oaks 91423 --- Sa ndra & Joe SMITH (Carlos 9) Pho ne 714 - 789 - 3898 , Ramona --Ale t ha & Ken SOLTER INicky / 77, Sarah / 81) 104 St Ives PI, Goleta 93117 --- Janet & Miles STANDISH (Timi 8) 3232 Sautelle Blv 13, Los Angeles 90046 --- Mary STEWART, 2203 Del Mar, Norco 91760 --- Tom & Mary STRACK (Jenni fer 24, Rebecca 21, Andrea 18, Christina 16, Benjamin 12 ) 17802 Theodo ra Or, Tusti n 92680 --Sus an STRICKER, 8400 Gulana #6, Playa De l Rey 90291 --- Ted & Linda SUTTON IAlex 4) 5000 Gancho Av. Atascadero 93422 --- SYCAMORE TREE , 1548-0 Adams Av, Co sta Mesa 92626 --- Steve & Mari lyn SWIFT !Taggart 6) 20959 Herrmingway St, Canoga Park 91304 --- Tom & Dian ne THOMPSON (Jaso n/69, Erin173, Jeffrey 178 , Alex/8ll 2520 S Hall, Visalia 93277 --- Philip & Evella TROUTT, L.A. CO UNTY CH RISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS, 11536 College Or, Norwalk 90650 --- Pam & Bill VANDERVEER (Re nee 13, Apri 1 III 13715 Eldridge, Sy lmar 91342 -- VENTURE SCHOOL, PO Box 169, Cu 1ve r City 9023 0 - - - Do n & Cathy VULI CH (Kendra 11, Austin 9, Dana 6 ) 15051 Ararat, Sy lmar 91342 --- Walter & Linda WA LSH (Russell 8) 12099 Oak Glen Rd , Yucaipa 92399 --Charles & Eva WEBB, PO Box 542, Ojai 93023 --Ken & Catryna WH ITE ( Nicole 7. Er i ca 5 , Joe 4) 426 Andrew Av. Leucadia 920 24 -- - Lawrence & Bonnie WILLIAMS (Robin 21, Jill 20 , Naomi 19, J ay 14, Chri sto pher 9 ) PO Box G, Ojai 93023 --- Jack. & Nan cy WILSON (Je nnifer 7l 919 E High Av. Redlands 92372 --- Dave & Hanni WOOLSEY I Nancy 11) BUCKINGHAM SCHOOL, 6453 Shirley
Av 1 1, Reseda 91335 1934U - - - rau" WR I GHT (Pauli II, Joe 12 ) OPENING MIND SCHOOL, 7346 Elk Trail, Yucca Valley 92284 --- Martha & Bob WYNNE (David 13) 2408 Capetown Av, Alhambra 91803 -- - Gary & Sharon ZACHARIAS (Jared 8, Jordan 2) 1968 N Nutmeg, Escondido 92026 -- Wendy ZACUTO IJennifer 7, Kristofer 5) 7111 Shoshone Av, Van Nuys 91406 North CA IZips 94000 & up ) - Bob & Con nie ALITlR'l'rRTE 10rion 9 ) 7697 Isabel Av, Cotati 94928 --- Michael & Lynn AMARA (Turiya 6) 515 E 19th St, Oakland 94606 --- AMER I CAN HERITAGE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, PO Box 370, Elk Grove 95624 --- Tamie ANDERSON, 14131 Wycliff Way, Ma9alia 95954 -- - Thomas ARMSTRONG, LATEBLOOMERS EDUCATIONAL CONSU LTING SERVICES, PO Box 2647, Berkeley 94702 --- Rebecca AULT ( Mason 10, Meghan 7) 201 Champlain St, C10verdale 95425 --- Jacqueline BAIRD ( J ames J r 13) PO Box 420816 , Sacramento 95842 --- Laureen BARCLAY , 14338 Carnegie Rd, Magalia 95954 -- Jim & Bridget BARKER (Jinny 9, Brenden 5) 11946 Bidawee Wy, Felton 95018 --- Antonio, Deborah & Crystal BARRAGAN, 427 37th St, Oak land 94609 --- Esther BARUCH & David BUTLER (Michael / 8ll 2138 36th Av, San Fran c is c o 94116 --- Tim & Karen BATES (J oseph 7) 332 2 Chi les Valley Rd, St Helena 94574 --- Mar90 BAUER, Rt 1 Box 325, Espart o 95627 --- Frank & Jeannette BAUMGARDNER (Joel 16, Will 13 ) 2571 Blucher Valley Rd, Sebastopol 95472 --- BAY AREA UNSCHOOLERS, Phone 408-266-1494 or 408-243-7870, San Jose --- Christina BELL - GUMAER (Chaya 10) 950 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94710 --- Steven BELLING , 316 King St, Santa Cruz 95060 --- Ed & Paula BERM I NGHAM (Nadine 7, Paul 3, Anne 1) DAYSPRING ACAD, PO Box 1183, Clearlake 95422 --- Larry & Lucy BIGGS (Adah 9 , Jubal 7, Shan non 3) 81 Newport Way, Suisun 94585 --- Dan & Payce BLOMQUIST (Kimberly 14, Scott 12, Mich elle 8, Steven 4) Phone 408-243-7870, San Jose --- Ann BODINE ( Jonathan174, Karina !75, David / 79 ) 12840 Stevens Ct, San Martin 95046 --Jill & Greg BOONE (C ristie 7, PaulS ) 762 Gailen Ct, Palo Alto 94303 --- Kelley BRANDEAU (J acque 6 ) 1005 Lakedale Way, Sunnyvale 94089 --- Gale BRAXTON, PO Box 202, Lewiston 96052 --- Patt & Steve BRISTOW (Megen / 80, Alane / 82) Phone 408-267-4161, San Jose --- John & Marlene BUMGARNER (Dona Ana 12, John 9 ) PO Box 1326, Morgan Hill 95037 --- CALIF. HOME EDUCA TION CLEARINGHOUSE, 8241 E Hidden Lakes Dr, Rosev; lle 95678 --- Judy CAL OS SO (Richard 18, Michael 17) PO Box 737, Homewood 95718 --Peggy & Ross CARKEET (Brent 6, Tristan / 83) PO Box 634, Twain Harte 95383 --- Kathy CARR (Amy 10, Adam 7) 12100 Scenic Or, Nevada City 95959 --- Lynne CARTER & Randy KNOWLES IAnthony177, Jennyl79, Jorma / 84 ) 11238-B Red Dog Rd, Nevada City 95959 --- Shirley CHAPMAN IHoward 19) 900 Southampton Rd 1 140, Benicia 94510 --- Lee & Marlene CHAPPLE IDarren 14, Teddy 11) 530 Eur eka Av, Lad; 95240 --- Jaquelin CHASE ( Dylan 14) Box 214, Forest Knolls 94933 --- Terri & Jim CHRISTL (Tonya 5) 144 Molitas Rd, Danville 94526 -- - Ms. Sydney CLEMENS (Alex 17, Jenny 15) 73 Arbor St, San Francisco 94131 --- Gilbert & Mary COONLEY I Jirrmy IS, Kathy 12) 152332nd Av, San Francisco 94122 --- Steve & Susan DEESE I Sunbow 13, Willow 10, Colt 8, Una 3) PO Box 936, Mt Shasta 96067 --- Beth & Ron DeROOS IChristopher 17) ASSOCIATION FOR PRIVATE EDUCATlON, 8467 Deervale Rd, Dublin 94568 --- Mary Jane DiPIERO, 4151 Abel Av, Palo Alto 94306 --- Mari lyn OlTMAN SON (13,lll 318B Northview Or, Sacramento 95833 --- Roger & Diane DONDERO IAmedeo II, Adrianna 9 , Gina 6) PO Box 12, Horse Creek 96045 --- Janice EFAW-VOIGT I Kaiya 5) 1271 Grove Cir, Benicia 94510 --- Larry & Val ELLIOTT ( Joseph 12, Reuben 10. Thomas 4) 829 Scaup Ln, Suisun City 94585 --- Kathy EPLING (Garth / 77) ORANGE CAT, 442 Church St , Garberville 95440 --- Al & Mary Jane FACCHINO (Janelle 4) 6390 Via Amigos, San Jose 95120 --- Fir Free, Kerista Village, 935 Stanyan St, San Francisco 94117 --- Peg FITZMAURICE (Me1in da 16 ) 5 Ward St, Larkspur 94939 --- Jeanne & David FLATTERY ( Davida 8) 1508 Hopkins, Berkeley --- Mark & Frances FUTTERMAN (Barry 9) 2341 California, Berkeley 94703 --- Glenn GILBERT, 808 F St, Davis 95616 --- Joanie & Mark GILLISPIE IZoe 7 , Jesse 5, Kellen 3, Sh an e 1) 18100 Cooper Rd, Nevada City 95959 --- Pam & Craig GINGOLD ( Jeremiah 9, Serena 7) PO Box 60 , Midpines 95345 - -- Heidi GIO, 1030 Benton St, Santa Rosa 95404 --- Susan GORAY & Bob ICKIS IJohn Jesse 6) PO Box 276, Douglas City 96024 --- Carol & Terry GWIN (Ely 8, Vrinda 6) Rt 2 Box 523 , Brentwood 94513 --Meeo & Marla HALL (Raivan 9, ShU9Y B, Matani 6) Box 83, Tr in ity Ctr 96091 --- Elizabeth & Michael HAMILL (Harrison 5, Finnegan 3) 2214 Grant St, Berkeley 94703 --- Miriam HAYNES, 3764 La Donna Av, Palo Alto 94306 --- Mary & Jerry HENSHAW (Sarah 4 , Mark 7) 20310 Seagull Way, Saratoga 95070 --- HOME CENTERED LEARN lNG, PO Box 2025, San Anselmo 94960 --- John & Wen dy HUBENTHAL (Max 5) Box 1706, Weaverville 96093 --- Mike & Kathy JOHNSTON IScott 14, Daniel 11) 7001 Larkspur Av, Citrus H9ts 95610 --- Donna JORDAN & Patrick POULSON (Eva 10) 916-265-6739, Nevada City --- Kevin & Cheryl JUST ( Trevor 5, Brett 3) 2930 Lexford Av, San Jose 95124 --- Dean & Darla KARAGIANES (Deena 10 , Daniel 8 , Adam 6) PO Box 163532, Sacramen to 95818 --- Morris & Anh KELLEY-SWENSON IRichard 8) 1727 Ross Circle 13, Sa n Jose 95124 -- David & Debbie KHALJANI (Mariam 4) 3960 17th Av, Sacramento 95820 --- Diane KILLOU (17,10) 520 Alvarado Av 1204, Davis 95616 --- Jack & Pau 1a KING (L indy 180, Robyn / 83, Joshua / 83 ) 156 Belcrest Or. Los Gatos 95030 -:-- James & Nikki KING (Lehni a 14, Briana 5, Belia / 82) PO Box 30, Burnt Ranch 95527 --- Sydney & David
11 KISSINGER (Kirstenl PO Box 370, Happy Camp 96039 --- Sue & Alex KOSLOFF (Heather B, Oylan 5) Rt 1 Box 350, Oroville 95965 --- Judith KOVACS & Ed SDWD (Aaron 15, Hannah 111 17099 China Flats Rd, Nevada City 95959 --- Jonathan KRAMER, 2382 S Fitch Mtn Rd. Healdsburg 95448 --- Rochelle LANDEROS, RELIGIOUS SCHOOL OF NATURAL HYGIENE, 6344 Pacheco Pass Hwy, Hollister
95013 --- Cherilyn & Larry LARSEN (Leah 31 & Chris LANING. 526 Oeste Or, Davis 95616 --Robert & Cappy LARSON (Greta 11, ElTJIla 10, Mary 7) 1009 De Haro St. San Francisco 94107 --Judith & Joe LA VIGNA (Danielle 51 1357
las City 96014 --- James & Connie WARTHAN (Tony a 14, Tinna 11 I STARGATE ACADEMY, 1395 Dentwood Or, San Jose 95118 --- David & Vivian WERNER (Teresa 11 I 6817 8th Av, Rio Linda 95673 --- Jeff & Julia WHITT (Jeremy BI 103 Crescent *5. San Francisco 94110 --- Jane & Brian WILLIAMS (Katie/80, Ann/831 B141 E Hid den lakes Or, Roseville 95678 --- Carl & Andrea WILSON (Laura 7, Devin 4, Linnaea 1 I PO Box 626, Boonville 95415 --- Tom & Deborah
WILSON (Lisa 6, Matthew 5, Roseanne 31 1101 Mulberry Ter, San Rafael 94903 .-- Phil & Jan ZUMBRO, 1006 Waterbrook Ct, Santa Rosa 95401
Funston Av, San Francisco 94116 --- George CO - Ron & Paula ALFONSO (Sarah 7, HanLEVENSON & Vicki LUNDGREN (Jacob 11, Rhys 101 nah 411117 Claremont, Pueblo 81004 --- Mich 123 Woods St. Santa Cruz 95062 --- Kurt & Laur- ael & Peggy AHERN, 2332 E Alcove Dr. Grand ie LINGEMANN (Star 16, Den 8, Jesse 4. Irisa! Junction 81503 --- Ann & K.l. BERRY (Jason 15,
83) 80x 419, Junction CHy 96048 --- Carolyn LUCKIE (Lisa 9, Merrow 51 NEW LEARNING IDEAS, 124 Salada, Pacifica 94044 Merry-Lynn MALBROUGH (son Zay 101 5111 Tehama Av, Richmond 94804 --- Dan & Claudia MAPES (Zohara 611400 Duncan Springs Rd, Hopland 95449 --- MARIN COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER, Caml no A1to & Syc amere, Mi 11 Valley 94941 --- Tece & Bi 11 MARKEL (Benjamin!77, Adrienne! 79, Nathaniel ! B3) 2741 Adriatic Way. Sacramento 95816 --- Richard MARLEY (Jaeger 17, Orion 15) Box 645, Forks of Salmon 96031 --- Dennis & Janet McAULEY (EliZabeth 91 165 Poplar Av, Millbrae 94030 --- Denise McBRIDE (Billy 8, Stephen 6, Rachel 4, Audra 11 1146 Vollan Way, Sacramento 95822 - - - Sherry & Mauri ce McCARTHY (Kyra 91 714 Moon Ct, Lafayette 94549 --- Lynn McCULLOCH & Bill CLOW (Tule 8, Cedar 81 Star Rt, Ferndale 95536 --- Kevin McGOVERN & Patty HOLMES (Shanti 9, Justin 6, Kevin 41 3193 Folsom St, San Francisco 94110 --- Bill & Gretchen McPHERSON (Amandal74, Jesse175, Harmony/79, Peter/841 PO Box 381, Kenwood 95451 --- MENDOCINO COUNTY HDMESCHODLERS, PO Box 616, Boonvl11e 95415 --- Jan MEYER, 1375 De Solo Dr, Paciflca 94044 --- June & Mike MILICH (Kate 11 PO Box 134, Oakdale 95361 --- Jack & Lana MITCHELL (Sari Ann 9, Jonathan 81 INTEGRITY SCHOOL, 841B Jasper Ct, Stockton 95210 --Mari lyn & Dean MOOREHOUSE (Sun 11, Enoch 10, Faith 81 PO Box 1910, Burney 96013 --- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION TUTORIAL SERVICES, PO Box 160, Forestville 95436 --- Adrienne NEWMAN (Damodara 14, Govinda 9, Nimai 7. Syama 5, Jayananda 41 938 Karen Dr, Chico 95916--- Mike & Moira NOBLES, PO Box 305, Esparto 95617 --Lori Ann & John O'HARE (Eamonn B) Box 425, Graton 95444 --- Chandrika OTTENS (Brittany 7, Jaya 31 1360 Pacific Av n03, San Francisco 94115 --- Norman & Pamela PACULA (Marc 16, Eric 15, Brian 6) 34 Katrina In, San Anselmo 94960 --- Elias & Nona PEREZ (Carlos 6, Emanuel 5, Eliot 11 4561 Lake Co. Hwy, Calistoga 94515 --- Russ & Connie PFEIL (Gretchen/77, Shawn / 80) 3345 Santa Paula Dr, Concord 94518 --- Rod & Susan POOL (Brian 6, Kelly 4, Steven 11 115 Buckeye St, Woodland 95695 --- Su RANNELLS & Mel HENDERSON (Kate 91 PO Box 1086, Colfax 95713 --- Dyanna REIMCHE (April 81 PO Box 990, Bethel Is 94511 --- Rita RIPPETOE (Robin 8, Gaelan 6, Rose 4) 5361 Elsinore Way, Fair Oaks 95628 ---Rudy & Bonnie RODRIGUEZ (Holly 11, Nicole 10, Shannon 7, Loren 313060 Cazadero Hwy, Cazadero 95421 --- Cyd ROPP. 200 Ford Rd _151, San Jose 9513B --- Mary ROSCOE & Romolo RAFFO (Sara 7, Nicolo 4) 538 Barron Av, Palo Alto 94306 --- Richard ROTH, 703 Salem St, Chico 95916 --- Allan & Mar9ie ROUGE (Heather 5, Brook 4, Hollie 11855 E Tabor Av, Fairfield 94533 --- Larry & Helen RUSSICK (Patrick 5) 1039 Inverness Dr, San Carlos 94070 --- Carrie SACHS (Tobe Sachs-O'Neal 81 1033 Haste ~316, Berkeley 94704 --- David & Ginny SCHWINGEL (Laurel/77, Katie/80, Roger/831 415-791-1193, Newark --- Madeleine SCOTT & Michael SORENSON (Nyima/78, Leif/81, Anna/841 1911 McGee, Berke 1ey 94703 - -- SEQUD IA COMMUNITY SCHOOL, 3031 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento 95818 --- Nan SHAW (Michaela 10, Rocklin 7, cynthia 41 1379 Swamp Angel Ct, Cool 95614 --Mickey & Karen SHULTZ (Siddhartha 15. Shanti 13, Clare II, Emrys 8, Rohanna 51 PO Box 754, Felton 95018 --- Fred & Susan SHUPP (Rebecca 6, Heather 11 5356 Gold Or, Santa Rose 95405 --- Diane SKYE (girls: lunaura 13, Sunaura 12. Prairie 5; boy Aurion 7J 519 Park Way, Santa Cruz 95061 --- Steve & Mar90 SMITH (Sara 9, Kadie 61 1755 Sherwood Way, Meadow Vista 95711 --- SOUTH EAST BAY HOME EDUCATORS, 15398 6eatty St, San Leandro 94579 --- Don & Kathy STANNARD-FRIEL ISean/77, Jessie/811 155 Connecticut St, San Francisco 94107 --- Julie STILLER & Bernard MARTIN (Pascal 11 43 Heath St Milpitas 95035 --- The SULLIVANS (Michael 8,'Meredith 61 PO Box 1059, Aptos 95003 --Kathy SUMMERFELT (Amy 10, Adam 7J Box 711A, Allegheny Star Rt, Nevada City 95959 --- Stephen & Camille TAYLOR (Joshual71, Matthew/76, Katherine/78, Anna/Bl, Claire/841 15-A Solano Park, Davis 95616 --- Tom & Stella TAYLOR (Ian 11, Sonya 81 Rt 1 Box 41F, Winters 95694 --Shirley & Jay TELLINGTON (Andrew 6) 1429 Keeney Way, Sacramento 95825 --- Dona TEMPLEMAN & Jeremy PILKINGTON (Thane 9, Corin 51 PO Box 101, Twain 95984 --- Pat & Joe TENNANT (Ginger 18, Doug 17) 9742 Mormon Creek R~, Sonora 95370 --- Karen & David THYSEN (L ,sa 13 Erik 7J 160 Vista Verde Way, Portola Valle~ 94015 --- Mark TOMES, 796 E 5th St 11, Chico 95916 --- J.E. VACCARO, 4601 Hawkeye, Turlock 95380 --- Pamela VANDERVEER (Renee 11, April 10) 4118 Guadelupe Creek Rd, Mariposa 95338 --- Theodore E. WADE, GAZELLE PUBLlCATlONS, 5580 Stanley Dr, Auburn 95603 --- Mary & Clark WALDRIP (6,7,91 1964 Keller Av, San Lorenzo 94580 --- Randall & Jerilyn WALTERS (Harmony 10, Sadie 6, Seth 41 PO Box 56, Doug-
Jessica 10, Colin 7) 6690 E Colorado Dr, Denver 80114 --- Frank BONASSD (Jessica 11) Box 526, Saguache 81149 --- Barbara & Peter DADOURIAN (Thomasl791 8801 E Briarwood Blvd, Englewood B0112 --- Bonnie DOVER {Bonnie Jean 10, Amber 7, Melody 411418 Atlanta, Pueblo 81003 --- Nancy & Fred DUMKE (Claire 5, Nora 1 I COLORADO HOME SCHOOLI NG NETWORK, 1901 S Oneida. Denver 80222 --- Addie EAVENSON (Sher eau 13. Webb 7) Rt 1 Box 7BE, Paonia 81428 -- Bill & Lori ERNST (Devonei9h 612111 E 8th St ~65, Pueblo 81001 --- Maureen & Charlie FOX WILLMAN IJustin 31 PO 1343 Glenwood Springs 81602 --- Nancy FRANKLIN (Luke 61 Rt 1, Hotchkiss 81419 --- Judy GELNER (Kendall 151 7490 W Apache, Seda li a 80135 - - - Char 1es & Mari lee GILLMAN (Lucas 81 Rt 1, Hotchkiss 81419 --Terry & Colleen GROSS IJessica 81 1003 W 11th, Pueblo 81D03 --- Andrea & Dick HEYMAN (Joel 41 PO Box 148B, Windsor 80550 --- Bill & Brenda HIGH (Sonjal79, Jacob/81, Tara/B31 1310 S Harlan St, lakewood 80226 --- Jeff & Barbara KEELER (Jason 8, Jeffrey 6, Kyle 41 431 N Ioal nut, Colorado Spgs 80905 --- Ben & Heidi KIM BELL (Sari 9, Benjamin 7, Dana 51 3501 Lancaster, Ft Collins B0515 --- Corinne KJORSTAD & Jack HOLDER (Joseph 61 13491900 Rd, HotchkisS 81419 --- The LARSENS (Kris 10, Hilary 7J 1617 Centaur Circle, Lafayette 80016 --- David LARUE & Suzanne WOLFRAM (Justin 61 B175 Kin9 St, Westminster 80030 --- Thomas & Paula LAWLEY (Sunshine 131 PO Box 778, Paonia Bl418 --- Carol & Jim LOATS (Jeffrey 91 98 Rd 4115, Granby 80446 --- linda MERENESS & Stephen LANDIS (Basi I, Star, Jonasl 1451 1900 Rd, Hotchkiss 81419 --- Chuck & Suzanne MORTENSEN (Stewart 15, Reagan 10. Garrett 5, Ashley 5, Andrew 41 11600 Coyote Valley Rd, Mesa Antero, Nathrop Bl136 --- Pam & Tom O'BRIEN, PO Box 9138, Aspen 81611 --- Linda & Chuck PARRY (Faith 8, Grace 5) Rt 2, Hotchkiss 81419 -- PINEWOOD SCHOOL, Rt 1 Box 409, Pine 80470 -- Ed PINO, 189 Antelope Tr, Parker 80134 -- Patricia & DOU91as ROBERTS (Lura/781 11101 Pleasant Park Rd, Conifer 80433 --- Kathleen & Ken SABlAN, PO Box 117, Greeley B0631 --- Rick & Marianne SCHROEDER, 107 N Hollywood St, Ft Collins 80511 --- Mrs M. M. SIDDIQUI, 3720 Royal Dr, Ft Collins 80516 --- Bill & Lehana SMYTH (Roshan/77, Roman/80, Hannah/81 I 1888 S lincoln. Englewood 80110 --- Darlene & John STORY (Kahlil 8, Naomi 51 1478 U 50 Rd, Cedar edge B1413 --- Kay & Lynn STRICKLAN (Raina 6, Connor 4) 16955 Goshawk Rd W. Colorado Spgs 8090B --- Mark, Michael & Jennifer VANIAN, 1016 Minter Av, Glenwood Spgs 81601 --- Dave & Helene VAN MANEN (Sierra 6, Sequoia 31 PO Box 43, Beulah 81013 --- Gre90ry & Mikelyn WARD (Megan 7, Kerry 5, Niall 31 13400 Rd 31, Platteville 80651 --- Stephen & Betsie WElL (Heschel 9, Helder 7, Jordan 4, Simone 2) COlO RADO SPRINGS HOME SCHDOLERS, 1609 South Blvd, Colo. Springs B0904 --- Greg & Ginger WEITZEL (Skylar 7J 6013 Urban Ct, Arvada 80004 -- Sandy WHITNEY, BON SCHOOL, Box 38, Bon BI014 --- Pat & Forest WIGNER (Aubrey 8, Anson 61 1410 S Gaylord, Denver 80110 - - - Bill & Deni se WILCOX (Erika 11, Kristin 101 Box 517, Freder ick B0530 --- Rebecca WOOD (Rose II, Asa 7, Elizabeth 51 1175 Norwood, Boulder 80301 --Fred D. & Karen ZIEGLER (Grant 15, Angel 11) 195 13th St, Burlington 80807 CT - Peter & lorraine ACKERMAN, RFD Box 144, taTls Village 06031 --- Shona BELLEW (dtr 15, sons 11,5) 8 Ridge Tree In, Stamford 06903 --- BETHANY HOMESTEAD CHRISTIAN RESOURCE CTR, RFD 1 Box 210, Thompson 06177 --- Anlta BIBEAU, 339 Prospect St, E. Hartford 0610B -- Steve & Rebecca CORWIN (Brook 41 Box 184 Nor folk C6D58 --- Peter & Carolyn DAUPERN (Jennie 11, Eric 71 45 Clear Lake Manor Rd E. N Bran ford 06471 --- Bi 11 & Teren de COSSY (Cate 9, Louisa 41 3B Munger Rd, Gui lford 06437 --Jane DIXON (son 131 133 Clark Av, Branford 06405 --- M/M Michael DOODY (Michael 5, Melissa 31 Forest Rd, Northford 06472 --- Ted & Hilda EDMOND (Tammy 11, Charla 81 RFD 1 Valley Rd, Dayville 06141 --- Helmut & Sandy EISELE (David 10, Seth 51 Wolf Den Rd, Rt 1 Box lBO-D, Pomfret 06159 --- Donna IRELAND (Elli ott 14, Colin 91 PO Box 535, Bolton 06040 --Rebecca KOlADIS (Rachel 6, Joshua 5, Sarah 2) 79 Douglas St, Hartford 06114 --- April & Michael LeGAULT (Tracy 11, Wendy 8, Cassandra 5, Carly 31 15 Armstrong Rd, Enfield 06081 -- David.& Gisela LI~H:rGARN (Gabriel 11) ~8 Valley Vlew Dr. Farmtngton 06032 --- Jeamne LUPINEK (Mary 9, Jeremy 7J 479 Cherry Hill Rd, Middlefield 06455 --- Bob & Judie MACLEAN (Cameron 7J 313 Southmain St, Deep River 06417 --Mary & Gary MORGAN (Tricia 15, Lizza 111 538 lake Williams Rd, lebanon 06249 --- Tom & Mada lene MURPHY (Emily 13, Christian 9, Clare 61 212 Twin Lakes Rd. N Branford 06471 --- David & Borgny PARKER, Bulls Bridge Rd, S Kent 06785 --- Roberta & John PERKINS, PO Box 337, Moodus 06469 --- Laura PRITCHARD (Daniel 71 CONNECTI-
CUT HOME SCHOOLERS, 81 Woodland St, Meriden 06450 --- Dick & Kathy REILLY (Sean 9, Maura 6, Bridget 41 157 Webster Ct, Newin9ton 06111 --- Karen RICCITELLI (Lorraine 12. Larry 9. Stephen 8, Kathy 7, Jeffrey 51 Lake Rd, N Branford 06471 --- Gre9 & Bruny SCALZI (Byron 10, Christopher 51 11B Myano Ln, Stamfor~ 06901 --- Joe SHAPIRO & Ilene TRAIGER (Anne 6, Clara & Sally 31 115 Stonecrest Rd, Ridgefield 06877 --- Jim & Ann SIMONS (Jaredl751 34 Evelyn Dr, Mi ddlebury 06761 - - - Spencer & Eileen TROMBL Y, 29 N Washington Av, Niantic 06537 --- Don & Joanne TURECEK (Douglas 9, Geoffrey 51 16 Clear Lake Manor Rd, N Branford 06571 --- Ned, Luz & Cassidy VARE, 618 Winthrop, New Haven 06511 --- Ben & Mary WATTERS (Zachary 4, Emily 1 I 43 May St, Hartford 06105 DE - Lyn & Harry ANDERSON (Peter 7) 19 UplandLt, Newark 19713 --- Barry & Carol GUERKE (Kelly ", Kevin 10, Casey 6) 379 Fiddlers Green, Dover 19901 --- Alfred & Cally HANKINS (Luke 15, Morgan 10, Linsey 7) PO Box 347 (Belltownl, Lewes 19958 --- Elizabeth HICKLI NG (Rebecca 10, Laura 9, Laban 7J 1317 Dberlin, Wilmington 19803 --- William E. MORRIS, 1114 Brandywine Dr, Wilmin9ton 19810 --- RonaId & Elaine RAMBO (Stacey 7J 468 Pulaski Hwy, New Castle 19710 --- Loretta & Leo RDBB (Lisa Gulrich 17) 337 Old Paper Mill Rd, Newark 19711 --- Mrs. Patrick STONER, 1113 Arundel Dr, Wilmington 19808 --- Dawn Elise WILLOUGHBY & Drew KNOX, Jr (Brie 41 705 W17th St, Wilmington 19B01 DC - Robert ALEXANDER, Dir., LIVING STAGE,oth & Maine Ave SW, Wash 10001 --- The DICKEYS, 3671 Camden St SE, Wash 10001 --HOME SCHOOL LEGAL DEFENSE ASSOCIATION, PO Box 1091, Washington DC 10013 --- NATIONAL HOME STUDY COUNCIL, 1601 IBth St NW, Wash 10009 --Ellen PEREZ (Nikki 111 4707 Conn. Ave NW 1109, Wash 10008 --- Sheridan PETTIE. 391B WSt, Wash 10007 --- John & Karen PORTER (Mischa 81 1310 Floral St NW, Washin9ton 10011 --- Bill RUFFIN, PO Box 1153, Washington 10013 --- Pamela TUCKER (Darian 91 1719 Park Rd NW, Wash 10010 --- Ginger WELCH (Rian 9, Corrie 7, Mara 4, Traven 11 1614 Rosedale St NE, Wash 10002 FL - Alison ACKERMAN. Cal usa Island PO Box 135';' Bokeelia 33911 --- Bonnie ADAMS, SARASOTA PRIVATE SCHOOL SYS!EM, Suite 159, 4411 Bee Ridge Rd, Sarasota 3:1583 --- Vi ADKINS & J; m BUSH (Carr; e 9, Tim 6·) 3349 Foxh; 11 Dr, Clearwater 33519 --- Betty ANDERSON (Tammy 13, Scott 11, Todd 8, Eric 61 Po Box 415, Alva 33910 --- Maria & Gustavo BAEZ (Ivan 5, Omar 31 11730 W Golf Dr, Miai!N 33167 --- Victor & Ruth BALESTRA (Victor 13, Patricia II, Maria Teresa 7, Rafael 31917 p'a radiso Av, Coral Gables 33146 . --- Mary BALTHROP & Van LEWIS (Amara 10, Ald. 112056 Laurel St, Tallahassee 31303 --- Paul & Jere BARKALOW (Zea 5, Kai 11 DOWLING PR1VAfE SCHOOL, 3696 Tallulah Rd, Lantana 33461 '--- Cathy BERGMAN, HOME EDUCATORS NEWSLET,ER, PO Box 1487, Ft Lauderdale 33303 - -- Bri an & Sandy BJORGEN (Karen Gleason 11) 3010 NE 18th' Dr, Gainesville 31601 --- Lillian BLUMENF~LD,· 3400 Central Av, Fort Myers 33901 --- Pat CANARD (Jason 9, Mirisa 7J 4306 NW 11st, Gainesville 31601 --- Mary CHRISTENSEN (Mike B,- Joey 6, Danny 4, Marisa 11 1400 Ivy Av, Ft Myers 33907 --- Cathy & David COOK (Andrew 8, Elaina 51503 NW 37th Av, Gainesville 31609 --- Carey & Melody COOPER (Aaron 41 4511 W Dazzo St, Tampa 33614 --- Judy CORNELL, 1415 NE 54th St, Ft· Lauderdale 33334 --- Carl & Diane CORNWELL (Andrea 19, Mona 13, Jon 111 3111 Coachman Av, Tampa 33611 --- Jody CDTRELL, Rt 15 Box 611-J, N Ft Myers 33903 --Holly COX (Steven 8, John 5, Becky 41 8635 Exeter St, Ft Myers 33907 --- Melanie DARST, 1511 Hasosaw Nene, Tallahassee 31301 --- Bob & Bev DIMAIO (Martha 10, Peter B, Jeffrey 61 10856 Gab 1e St, Boca Raton 33433 - - - Fred & Sharon DOLE (Christopher 16. Jeffrey 15, Jennifer 151 906 WFairbanks Av, Winter Park 31789 --- Adnan & Alice EL YAMAN (Yousef 7, Bahijeh 5, Waleed 31 1 E Wall St, Frostproof 33843 -- Fay FARLEY & John KUHN (Heather 5) 1707 King St, Jacksonville 32204 --- Sandra GLEN (Henry 1" John-Henry 9, Henrietta 6, Sara 4) 7251 Bass Hwy, St Cloud 31769 --- GRASSROOTS FREE SCHOOL, 555 Ocala Rd, Tallahassee 32304 -- Linda HAMAN, PO Box 9131, Riviera Bch 33404 - -- Fred & Jean HAMBURG (Ethan/Bl I Rt 1 Box 611, Bushnell 33513 --- Jon & Cricket HARRIS (Jay 41 1190 Jackpine St, W p.lm Beach 33411 --- Molly & Rob HARRIS (Geoffrey 18, Miranda 15, Morgen 111 111 4th St, Jupiter 33458 -- Ted & Pat HOLLAND (Mark 8, Rebecca 91 1865 Ardsley Way, Sanibel Is 33957 --- Karen & Kern JACKSON (8ronwyn 9, Gweneth 61 1000 McClendon Dr, Tallahassee 31301 --- Judy & Ray KENNY (Kath 1een & Sarah 7J 19018 SE Bryant Dr, Jupi ter 33458 --- Nancy KIGER (Katherine 151 B31 Lowell Blvd C-17, Orlando 31803 --- LAKE MILDRED PRIVATE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, PO Box 1700, Hawthorne 31640 --- LAKESHORE ACADEMY, PO Box 63-4607, Margate 33063 --- Hanne & Bi 11 LEVY (Mark 81 Box 383 Jensen Beach 33457 --- LIBER TARIAN ACADEMY, PO Box 337, Mlami 33197 -- Jack & Diana HAMMEL£ (Amanda 7, Jonathan 4) 1372 SE 5 St, Deerfie 1d Beach 33441 - - - Nancy MARSH (Bonnie 16, Sara 11) 1212 Crestwood, Lake Worth 33460 --- Tina MARTIN, 1715 Adams St, Hollywood 33010 --- Terry & McGill McFAD DEN (Eliza 8, Jacob 61 910 NE 5 St, Pompano Beach 33060 --- Ken & Ginny MILLETT (Kristine 81 1160 Univ. Blvd N 195-0, Jacksonville 31111 --- Jan MINER-CHURCH, Rt 1 Box 474, Westville 31464 --- Chuck & Linda MOORE (Jennifer 16, Chris 15, Wendy 11, Emily 101 631 Pettry Ct, Pensacola 32508 --- Patricia Ann HORDES (Dani el 11, Gabriel 71 FLORIDA ASSOCIATION FOR SCHOOLING AT HOME, Rt 3 Box 115, Marianna
31446 --- Mike & Pam MURPHREE (Jesse 14. Zach 81911 Groveland Hills Dr, Tallahassee 31301 --- Kathleen MURPHY, ESTERO COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL. PO Box 271, Estero 33928 --- Lois & Rich NEATE (Joshua 51 1103 W Willow Run Dr, Port Orange 31019 --- Dennis & Pe99y OBEDZINSKI (Audra 6, Shane 11 706 N Regent Cir, Bran don 33511 --- John & Lori ODHNER (Lukas 4, Chara 11 363 N SUlTJllit Av, Lake Helen 31744 -- Patricia OLIPHANT, 101 SW 4th Av, Boynton Bch 33435 - -- Rev. B. E. & Beth PALMER (E lien 7, Annie 5) St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, 1216 Placid Dr, Lake Placid 33851 --James & Jeanie PARKER (Stewart 51 6517-C SW 116 PI, Miami 33173 --- PENSACOLA CHRISTIAN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, Box 18000, Pensacola 31513 --- Susan & David PRICE (Matt 13, Faith 111 1315 14th PI, Vero Beach 31960 --- Bob & Sally REES (Eddie 14, Mandy 11, Deborah 41 117 lakeview Dr, New Port Richey 33553 --- Eileen & Fred RESSLER (Lila 15, Django 14, Wild Sun 11, Oma 81 Box 1181, Hawthorne 31640 --- Helen & Martin RUBIN (Daniel 7, Alexander 41 Phone 46/-0031, Ft Lauderdal e - -- Mi ke & Meryl RUNION (Skylar 41 1189 Orchid St, Sarasota 33579 --- Carol SARISKY (Cathy II, Laura & Jessica 7J 4710 NW 39th, Gainesville 31601 Charles & Lucy SMITH (Zephin/77, Ezra/BD, Yana /B11 710 Scotland St, Dunedin 33518 --- Steph en & Joan SMITH (Dan'o 9, Jed 6, Sarah 41 1315 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors 33305 --- Billy & Fran SPARKS (Stephen 111 PO Box 1115, Alta monte Spgs 31701 --- Erin SULLIVAN & Terry BRENNAN (Sean 131 Box 31, Elfers 33531 --Rickie & A.J. TAYLOR (Sam 91 PO Box 557341, Miami 33155 --- Larry WALKER, FLORIDA PARENT EDUCATORS ASSN, 9145 Woodrun Ed, Pensacola 31514 --- WILFORD WOODRUFF ACADEMY, PO Box 15116, Orlando 3185B-5116 --- Chuck & Gail WISE (Ryan176, Adrienne/811 606 NW 98th St, Gainesville 31607 GA - Patty BLANKENSHIP (Mark 19, Patrick 161 AHrl!ICAN CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Box 205, Roswell 30075 --- Phyllis BOSTAR, THE CREATIVE MIND, 4953 Womack Av, Acworth 30101 --- Billie Jean BRYANT, 209 Cobb St, Palmetto 30168 -- Paul & Ileana BULOW (Leah 8, Alex 6, Ian 11 204 Presley St, Toccoa 30577 --- Linda CARRASQUILLO & Patrick BOYD, phone 404-414lB09, Marietta --- Cheryl COMPTON (son 111 PO Box 1200, Douglasvi lle 30134 --- Claudia CONN, 2986 Acworth Due West Rd, Kennesaw 30144 Evelyn FITZSIMMONS (Aaron 13, Andrew 111 Rt 1 Box 474, Burnt Mill Rd, Flintstone 30715 -- Bob & Joan FLINN (Joshua 6, Nathan 41 Rt 7, 1604-0 Wood Ct, Valdosta 31601 --- Jeff & Lynn GARRINGER (David178, Kristen/811 LITTLE RIVER LEARNING CENTER, 137 Holly Creek 'ay, Woodstock 30188 --- Lois & Wes HARRELL, 368 WWind Dr, Lilburn 30147 --- Rich & Vicki HIGGINS. (R.T.173, Joey1751 Phone 977-7095, Marietta --- Brigid HORBINSKI, 1191 0 Natchez Trace, Marietta 30060 --- HORIZONS SCHOOL, 119 Ponce de Leon Av, Atlanta 30308 --- George & Marlene HOWELL (Will i am 11, Candy 9. Jared 7. Jessie Mae 6, Sherri 31 1315 E 41nd St, Savannah 31404 --- Leslie & Mike JAMES (Michael/7B, Michelle/80, Matthew/ 81I Runnymede Ln, Macon 31110 --- Philip & Kim McLEMORE, 635 Rivermont Rd, Athens 30606 --- Steve & Ann NICHOLS, NATL COUNCIL OF PARENT EDUCATORS OF GEORGIA, PO Box 763, Roswell 30077 --- Dan & Greer PELLETIER (Claire/77, Dani/79, Laura/81I 981 Chisholm Tr, Macon 31110 --- Charles & Judy PRUITT (Rusty/65, Robin/6B, Darren/69, DOU917DI 1518A Eason Ct, Norcross 30093 --- The SCHIFFERS (Debbie 16, Vicki 13, Wendy 17, Jeremy 11, Corey 101 phone 404-957-9070, Hampton --Connie & John SHAW (Lisa 11, Aaron 10, Cara 8, Justin 6, Quintin 41 GEORGIANS FOR FREEDOM IN EDUCATION, 4818 Joy Ln, Lilburn 30147 --Larry & Carol SHORT (Jason 51 PO Box B14, Hartwe 11 30643 - - - Ali ce & Jerry TEAL (Jay 11, Andy 8) 106 Briarwood Dr, Carrollton 30117 -- Jerry VANCE, 1583B Holcomb Bridge Rd, Norcross 30091 HI - Alana & Luke AITKEN, PO Box 1733, KealakeKua 96750 --- Kim & Tim BRIGHAM (Jobie 9, Jenica 7, Jory 6) 4388 Kanaele Rd, Kapaa 96746 --- Sam & Sharee DARLING (Heidi 8, Noe 11 e 6 I PO Box 493, Kilauea, Kauai 96754 -- Carole & George FANNING (Damien 13, Will 8. Clem 6. Teresa 5) 91-1012 Kalupa St, Ewa Bch 96706 --- William & Barbara HUSSEY (Lucas 6,
Gaven 4. Alissa 2) PO Box 591, Hanalei, Kauai
96714 --- Sash a KARIEL (Asa 7J 145 Poloke PI,
Honolulu 96811 --- Roger & Janet LANE (Bodhi
8, Tashina 11 PO Box 639, Kilauea, Kauai 96754
--- LEARNING AT HOME, PO Box 17D-G, Honaunau
96716 --- Michael & Fern MERLE-JONES (Quinn
12. Jesse 6) PO Box 603, Kilauea. Kauai 96754
--- Leroy & Rene MESARIS (Haloa 11, Latisha
10, Mikaleo 61 PO Box 734, Captain Cook 96704
--- Beverly MILLER (Deirdre 91 1612 Kapiolani
Blvd 11, Honolulu 96B16 --- Susan Bird SINGH
(Neera 111 1419 Kehaulani Dr, Kailua 96734 --
Kim & Kenny SMITH (Laiea 9, Noelle 7, Lara 51
RRI Box 393, Holualoa 96715 --- Bob & Linda
WALLING (Tani 11, Shanti B, Kai 51 Box 514,
Makawao 96768 --- Terence WELCH, SR 6079,
Dcean View 96704 --- Milton & Kathy YAMADA,
45-681 Kuahulu Pl. Kaneohe 96744
10 - Donovan & Linda BRAMWELL (Erika176,
Chri stlan178. Brian!SO, Jordan!S2) Rt 1 Box
49, Roberts 83444 --- Muzzie & JoAnn BRAUN
(Cody 8, Wi lly 7, Gary 5, Micky 31 PO Box 474,
Clayton 83217 --- Greg & Loretta DECKER (Court
ney 10, Shanti, Joshual PO Box 158, Priest
River 83856 --- Jim & Judy DRESEN (David 10,
Mark 19, Beth 15, Jeremy 11, Hilary 9, Rachel
51 Rexburg 83440 --- Brent & Linda EAMES (Bren
da 16, Wendell 15, Elizabeth 13, David 10,
Nathan 9, O.J. 7, Rachel 41 Rexburg B3440 --
Steven & Linda FIElDING {Terri Lyn 25. Lorin
23 24, Gary 22, Keith 20, Kenneth 17, Daryl 13, Eric 9 , Matthew 7, Laurie Ann 7, Jason 5) 1907 Burrell Av, Lewiston B3501 --- Lynn T. FIFELD, UNITED LIBERTARIAN FELLOWSHIP, Box 356, Elk City 83525 --- Ji. & Elizabeth GOOD (Rebecca/ 71, Emily /72 , Daniel /7 4, Stephen /ll , Peter/78) Phone 208-939-7272, Eagle --- IDAHO FAMILY EDUCATION ASSOC, 1821 Gallup St , Idaho Falls 83401 --- John & Debbie JONES (Cori 13, Naomi 12, Jodi 10) Rt 4 Box 327, Rigby 83 44 2 --- Lon & Linda JO NES (Marti 22, Debbie 21, Patti lB, Hi nck 1ey 17, Rachel 16 , Je ff 15, Nathan 14, Vixie 13, Mi chael 11, Michell e 11, Peter 9, Elizabeth 8, Mark 6) Box 25 1, St. Antho ny 83445 --- Betty Jean MASON, Salem --- Larry OLSEN, FAMILY EDUCATION ASSN OF IDAHO, PO Box 171, Buhl 83316 --- James SALISBURY, JOHN HOLT LEARNING CE NTER, PO Box 2261, Twin Falls B3303 --- Dave & Vera SMITH (Abbe 21, Randy 17, Matt 16) 1715 Sherman Av, Coeur d'Alene 83814 --JoAnn & Ray SMITH (Jess i ca 16, Peter 13, Mat thew 10) Box 305, Salmon B3467 --- David & Bar bara STOUTNER (Soren 6, Cami lla 5, Thora 3) 716 N 7th St 12, Coeur d'A lene B3B14 --- TEXTBOOKS FOR PARENTS, Bo x G209, Kendrick 83537 IL - AMERI CAN SCHOOL, 850 E 58th, Chic a go 60617 --- John & Elaine ANDRES, NETW ORK FOR EDUCATIONAL TRAVEL, 2120 WCashman Ct, Peoria 61604 --- Denise BERR Y (Shawna /78, Devon/BlI 2101 34th St, Rock Island 61201 --- Michael & Lydia BIGHAM (Paul 14, Michael 5) Rt 2 Box 290, Modoc 62261 --- Mr & Mrs Wm BIVENS (Tia Lyn 8)295 Alleghany, Park Forest 60466 --Bruce & Sharon BOYD (Brandu i n 6, Aurora 3) 119-5th Av, Moline 61265 --- Mariros. 81um BUMP , 1025 PI, Evanston 60201 --- The CAMPBELLS, 5111 78th Av, Lot 11, Milan 61264 --- Tom & Katie CATINO, 1201 Ardyce Ln, Mt
Dundee 60118 --- Richard PORPURA, Penny WILL (Tristen 8) 202 Ash, Park Forest 60466 -- Barb PORRO, 1216 E Mayfair Rd, Arlington Hts 60004 --- Pat RENNAU, 2263 Northridge Ct, Was hington 61571 --- Joanne REUTTER, 108 Vona chen Ct, E Peoria 61611 --- Frank RICHARDS, 422 S Lombard, Oak Pa r k 60302 --- Gus RIEBOCK (Corbet t /76, Jos hua /7 g, Quinn/811 PO Box 106, 120 Oak, Frankfort 60423 --- Becky RODDY, 810 Reba PI, Evansto n 60202 --- Mary RODGERS, 202 S Wood St, Wa shi ngton 615 71 --- David & Debor ah SAALFELD (Ka ren 9, Dani e 1 5, Katy 3) 8 Lee Ct, De Ka lb 60115 --- Du ane & Shi rley SANDQUIST (Delbe rt 17 , Jeremy 13, Jas on 12) 826 Chelsea, New Lenox 60451 --- Rob SCHAC HTER, 2321 N Kimball, Chi cago 60647 --- Dale & Rhon da SCHAND ELME IER (A lesha 9, Ethan 6) W.H.O .L. E., RR 2 Box 228, Forreston 61030 -- Karen SCHERTZ, RR I, Metamora 61548 --- Vi rg i n ia SCHE WE, HOOKDALE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY, Rt 1 Box 25, Smi thboro 62284 - -- Dal e & Emi ly SCHILLER (V aler ie/72, Natalie/74, Adam/74, Ursula /75, Derek/Bl) 3706 Tamarind, Ha zel Crest 60429 --- Rosalie SCHULTZ, 3755 N Kedzie Av, Chic ago 60618 --- Ed & Linda SMITH, 367 N Gou ld, Gu rnee 60031 --- Dorothy & David WERN ER (Steve 23 , Erik 18, Josh 14, Ethan 10, Tim 2) 1400 N Mason, Chicago 60651 --- Dawn WHITEHEAD (Mi ch ael 10, Andy 6) 45 Tefft , Elgin 60103 --Patricia ZOLLER (A llen 17 , Mylaura 14, Kimber ly 13, Wayne 9) 166 WOOdlawn Or, Frankfort 60423 IN - Te rry & Pam AHEARN (Tim 14, Dan 11, Bridger8, 8rendan 5, Myles 3) TRINIT Y ACADEMY INC, 2610 Jewett St, Highland 46322 --- John & Emily ANDREWS-CARR ICO (Mo ll y/78, Jessie/80, Luke/83) 5355 Sycks Ct, Bloom i ngton 47401 - -Joe 8ERGONZI (Naima 5, Lonica 2) 1607
Prospect 60056 --- Susan CHANEY . 204 Gillman.
Nancy St. Bloomington 47401 --- Kent & Rebecca
Washington 61571 --- CHRI STI AN LI8ERTY ACADEMY, 203 E McDonald, Prosp.ct Hts 60070 -- & Cheri CLARK (Jasmi n. 5, Dylan 3) Rt 2 Box llA, Lebanon 62254 --- Karen CLAY8URG (Alva/78, Evan /811 5505 Tipple Rd, Rockford 61102 --- Gayl. COMPTON, 909 Ros., PO Box 104, S Pekin 61564 --- Lynn & Becky CURRIE , 2808 Black Av, Spr i ngfi.ld 62702 --- Tom & Lynne DAVIS (E rin 12, Eddi. 8, Leslie 4 ) 1410 Barn hart Ct. Zion 60099 .-- Ron & Karen OEMMIN (Rama 12, Amma 9) 138-01 Rt 2, Cobd.n 62920 --- Frank & Arlene DeVITTO (Lisa 12, Joey B, Jason 3) 18139 S 66 Ct, Tinley Pk 60411 --Joh n & Merc.des DEWEY (Ale xandra 6, Tyler 3) 215 Paris Av, Rockford 61107 --- Dean & Mary 01 CARLO (ToddllO, Cory/75, Adam/82) 1862 Cedar Rd, Homewood 60430 --- Ed DOBMEYER, LEARNING EXCHANGE, Box 920, Evanston 60204 --Daniel & D'Ann ooHERTY, 227 S Warrington, Des Plaines 60016 --- Sara EWING, 705 Wesley, Evan ston 60202 --- Larraine FALK (J. D. 11, Alisa/ 83) 7638 Keeler Av, Skokie 60076 --- Mary FRIEDL (s ons B, 5) 1313 Cleveland , Evanston 60201 --- Desiree FRISCHMANN-FULl (Colleen 7) 12 Plover Ct, Woodridge 60515 --- Lauri GARCIA, 1340 N Main St, Wheaton 60187 --Betty GARMAN, 612 S Main, Eureka 61530 --Adrienne GELLER, 8827 Central Park Av, Evans ton 60203 --- Beth HAGENS, J im LAUKES, PEMBROKE CO-OP, Box 445, Hopkins Park 60944 --Patti & Philip HAHN (Andy/76, Jeremiahll7, Katherine/83) 3426 W 166 St, Markham 60426 --Don & Denise HODGES (Lucas 10, Maia 6 ) 1818 W Oakleaf Or, McHenry 60050 --- Cindy & Doug HOLLE (Alexis 9, Stewart 4) RR 1 Rochester 62563 --- HOME ORIENTED UNSCHOOLING EXPERIENCE (HOUSE), PO Box 578291, Chicago 60657-8291 --Stan & Susan HOWARD (Christine 17, Kathryn 14, Sara 11, Aaron 9 ) 1807 Sherman Blvd, Crystal Lake 60014 --- John & Amy HULL, 420 74th St '106, Downers Grove 60516 - -- Marlene HUNT, RR 2, Canton 61520 --- Sa"hdy HUTCHISON, 1311 W Hicks Hollow Rd, Edelstein 61526 --- ILLI NO IS CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS , PO Bo x 25, Grayslake 60030 --- INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE, PO Box 99, Park Ridge 60068 --- Phil & Karen JACKMAN, 1152 Chestnut St, Deerfield 60015 --- James & Alice JORDAN (Mahaya 10, Imantia 7, Onna 5) 570 N Kansas, Edwardsvill. 62025 --- Mark & Joy KAISER (Eric/79, Devin/82) 702 E 2nd South St, Carlinvill. 62626 --- Ji~ & Bonnie KARARO ( JenniferIl8) 1409 Sh.ffield Or, Elgin 60120 -- - Ruth KAUFMAN, B07 S Baer '124, Peoria 61604 --- Micha.I & Jean KULCZYK, 137 S Elm wood. Waukegan 60085 --- Cindy & Chester KURQ (RacheI17B, Rt I, Ozark 62972 -- B.v LEAGUE, 304 Elgin Ct, Washington 61571 --Larry & Kathy LORIMOR (Lisa 7, H.ath.r 5, Hei di 5) RR 2, Met_ra 61548 --- Suzanne LYNCH (Mary 25, Jim 24, Liz 23, Annie 18, David 10) 7619 W Argyle, Chicago 60656 --- LoAnne MARTENS, 1411 Washington, ' Evanston 60202 --Deborah MARTIN, 22 W 23 1 71st St, Naperville 60540 --- Sue & Mark McGARTLAND (Dawn 11, Nathan 10) 221 Polk St, Pontiac 61764 --- JIIIM Thom· as McKEE (Bobbi 7, Judy 10, Morrie 11, William 15, Patrick 17, Angela 18) 4 N Nicholson, Joli.t 60435 --- Rosalie MEGLI, Rt 2, Anna 62906 --- The MEGLIS (Alan 20, Lora 17, Joel 15) Rt I, Anna 62906 --- Tony & Kathy MINGL (J.P. 7) 207 Bartlett Rd, Stre_ood 60103 --Kathy MOCKLER, 9717 Grosse Pt Rd, Skokie 60076 --- Jean NOS8ISCH-SMITH (1 2,9,71 RR 1 Box lBO, Grafton 62037 --- Susan OL08ERG, 1229 Shemor Rd, Northbrook 60062 --- Diane OTTEN, 5011 N Graceland, Peoria 61614 --- Jerry & Margar.t PARTLOW (Jeff 10, Mark 8, Matt 6, Jonathan 3) 2709 Clifton Dr, Springfi.ld 62704 - - - Juli. PEMOLLER (Kyle 9, Bret 5, Ryan 2) 890 Mohawk Dr, Elg1n 60120 --- Julie PFERDEHIRT & Brenda HAVENS, 1028 Av, Evanston 60202 --- The POLS (Peter 30, 29, Jessica 4) 1035 Bellwood A. II, 8ellwood 60104 --- Pat POLlZZI, 14700 Kaz...r Rd, Wldsworth 60083 -- - Cinny POPPEN, VAlLEY CO-OP SCHOOL, RR 2 80x 518,
8ICKELL (H annah , David, Noah, Sarah) PRDSPERITY SPRINGS SCHOOL , Rt 1 Box 221 , Anderson 46011 --- Mar k & Gretchen 8LACKWELL (C ai t 1i n/ ll, Emmy /81 , Hannah/83) RR I, Seymou r 47274 --- ·M.linda 8UTLER, WARSAW AREA NEWSLETTER , Box 98, 8utler 46538 --- Brent & Renee CAUDILL (Gessell 4, Kate 2) PO Box lB7, Yorktown 47396 --- Deryl & Linda CHAPMAN-DALE (Macey 3) Box 392 Rt I , Spencer 4746 0 --- Tom & Sue CHRISTENSE N (Jennifer 13. Justin 12. Elizabeth 4) 1304 Leeper Av, South Bend 46617 - -- Arlyne CREAMER (Tad 17, Ty 20) 3025 98th St, Highland 46322 --- David & Ellen DOMBEK (Kris tin 13, Kir k 10) RRI Box 229 , Pierceton 46562 --- Rett & Lou Ellen DONNELLY (Christl 18, Roarke 15, Ryan g) Noah 's, ,nc, 59320 Co. Rd. 3 South, Elkhart 46517 --- Scott & Penny GILLIE (Meegan /ll, J ames /80 , Graham/83) LEARN NETW ORK , 601 Robin Or , Ellettsville 47429 --- Lee & Sharon GRIF FITH (K ara /ll , Ben /79 ) 306 S Rangeline Rd , And erson 46012 - -- Ca r ol & Abraham HADDAD (D avi d 18) 1407 Franklin St, Michigan City 46360 --Sherry & Dick HAM STRA (J amie B, Joey 5) 5724 Diana Or. Indianapo lis 46278 --- Cam & Savilla HUFFMAN (Katrina/78, Ben /7 9, Patrisha/80, Tr.v va/82) 715 W Spring St, Brownstown 47220 --Paul HYATT, RR 2 Box 94, Zionsville 46011 --INDIANA ASSOC. OF HOME EDUCATORS, 4914 Derby Ln, Indianapolis 46226 -- - Terry & Alice INMAN (Rachel 9, Christopher 71 phone 812-332-5046, Bloomington --- Faye JENKINS (A lan /7 1, Stua rt / 78) 4069 Westover Or, India napolis 46268 --Dennis & Janae KANE (Adam/75, Mark / ll, Ryan / BO) DELAWARE/MADISON CO. ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS, Phone 31 7-378-7933, RR I, Daleville 47334 --Brian & Je an KEITH (Co lin /72, Ian/76, Arlyn / 81, Logan/B4) UNION ACADEMY, 3473 E. Bethel Ln, Bloomin9ton 47401 -- - Rick & Carol KOEPLIN (Mary 7, Sall y 5) Rt 3, Elizabeth 47117 --Elizabeth & Duffy LA CAVA (Andrew 15, Courte n ay 14 , Sarah 6, Daniel 5, Geoffrey 4) 4115 N Illinois St, Indianapolis 46208 --- Bill & Jean LAFFERTY (Ron 17, Aaron 10, Travis 9, Jon athan 6) RR 1 Box 214-0, Pittsboro 46167 --Brenda & Ward LEWIS, HOME SCHOOL HERALD, 113B Byron St, Huntingdon 46750 --- Matthew & Kathy LIND (Kevin 6, Laura 4) 407 N 1st, Goshen 465 26 --- David & Deborah MAHEN (Melissa 12, Erika 9, Christopher 71 RIDGEVIEW CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTRE, 113 W Conwell St, Aurora 47001 --- Richard & Barbara MAZANEC (Pati 19, Susi 15 , Angi 13) INDIANA HOME SCHOOLERS ASSOCIATION, 707 E Main, N Judson 46366 --- Gordon & Lynn MENNENGA (K ate/78, Andrew/83) 703 High ridge Av. Greencastle 46135 -.- Penny & Peter son NE SBIT (Pet.rson 13 ) 46 Oak Meadow , Evans ville 41111 --- Lynne NORRIS (DaniellO) 213 Union St, New Albany 47150 --- Linda & Lew OWENS (Forrest 7, Joy 4) CENTRAL INDIANA HOME ED ASSOC , 7262 Lakeside Or, Indianapolis 46278 --- David & Luella PORT ER (Mer.dith 4, Clint 2) 4902 N Hill si de Av, Indianapolis 46205 --Bob POST (Safron 10) 320 S Pendleton Av, Pen dleton 46064 -- - Van & Sue RAooSTI, 5308 N Michigan Rd. Indianapolis 46208 _.. Janice SASSER, HOME MADE NEWS, 4321 Mirada Or, Ft Wayne 46816 --- Sheryl & Steph.n SCHUFF (Emi li.179, Reuben / 811 8156 Lieber Rd, Indianapo lis 46260 --- Jam.s & DarIen. SARTORE (VaI.rie 11, David 8) RR 1 Box 183, Patoka 47666 --SOUTHERN INDIANA SUPPORT GROUP, RR 1 Box 183, Patoka 47666 -- - Kate & J im SMITH (U lli 12, Molly 10) Rt 2 Box 221, Shelbyville 46176 -- Pat & Judy SWEE NEY (Kati e /78, Amy/ 82) Phone 812-234-9343, T.rre Haut. --- Dick & Jean VANDERBURG (Susan/73 , Michael175) CENTER SCHOOL, 4116 Or an Ct, Muncie 47302 --- Bi 11 & Victoria WALKER (Caitlin 3) 1453 Fairfield Av, Indiana polis 46205 - -- Tom & Lynn WE ISS (Kurt 5, Cory 2) Rt B Box 167, Browning Rd, Evansville 41111 --- Mich ael & L.slie WESTRUM (Madelin. / BO, J ....s / B1I RR 6 Box 325, Warsaw 46580 --Patrick & Patricia WILDHACK-NOLAN (Clar. 8) 829 N, BlOOOI ington 47401 ~ - Debbie BRENNAN, 1561 Parkway, Du
buque 52001 --- Ja nine & Doug CALSBEEK, Rt I , Packwood 52580 --- John & Carol CRAFT (Nathan / 78, LaRita/80) Rt 1 80x 179-A, Newton 50208 --- Ann EDGERTON (Lisa 17, Per 7) RR 2, Decorah 52101 -_. Roger & Anne EPLEY (Claire/68, Steven /69, Bri an/78) RR 1 Box 79, Shell Rock 50670 --- Terry & Kelli FAIDLEY (Chad 14, Monty 13, Nikki 9, Kerri 7, Jessica 3) 608 6th All S, Humboldt 50548 ._- Bruce & Nancy FREOERICK (Zack la , Zeb 8) North side Trail er Ct, Alta 51002 --- Shannon HAGGERSON (Jessica 12, Ryan 7, Anne 6) RR I, Anamosa 52205 --- Chris & Mary LANGILLE (J esse 10, Sky 10, Maia 8, Prairie 8. Elon 6, Tonweya 4) Rt 2 White Lodge Farm, Malvern 51551 --- Co lette MAYFIELD (Gai 1 /77 , Joy/79) 2639 E Lombard, Davenport 52803 --- Terry MILLER & Pa t HELLAND (Anna 10) 145 Highland Or, Coun cil Bluffs 51501 --- Hope & Roger PORTER (Calvin 13, Rachel 12 , Sarah 9, Faith 7) Rt 4 Box 135. Harlan 51537 --- Bob & Jamie ROSENFELS (J aia 14. Jaffa 11, Jeremiah 9, Sage 71 RN 1, Maqu oket a 52060 - - - Howard & Patti ROWE (Matthew 11, Jason 9, Jenny Lou 7, Amy 5, Ca l vin 11 319 W6th St, Mu scatine 52761 -- - The SESSIONS (Erik 14 , Sarah 10, Ben 71 Rt 2, Decorah 52101 --- Steve & Tricia SVEJDA (Sar ah /78, Tr oy/BO) PO Box 331, Carlisle 50047 --- Harvey & Mary TERPSTRA (Shelly 15, Anna 10, David 5 ) 223 E 6th, Ames 50010 --- Barb & Wayne TETZLAFF (Josh 10) OKIOS, 202 SE 8th St , Ankeny 50021 --- Mackie & Robert TIREUA ( Astra 13, Atom 12, Noah 9) RR 1 Box 44 , Dexter 50070 --- Robert WEGMAN & Deborah RITT (Jo nquil 9, Dewey 7, 80bby 5, Mayrose 4, Joseph 2) 648 Jefferson St, Dubuque 52001 --Jeff & Phyllis WEIH (Nathan 4) RR I, Toledo 52342 --- Kakie WISSEL, 3000 J St SW, Apt 1201, Cedar Rapids 52404 --- Victoria & Mart i n ZELL ( Rachel 8, Hannah 5) 105 NE 64th St, Runnells 50237 KS - Ny 1a & Thomas BRODDLE (Terra 9, Timothy 8:-Evin 5) RR 2 Box llB, Mayetta 66509 -- - Tim CLANTON & Lelain LORENZEN (Sofie 6) Rt 2 Box 49, Galva 67443 --- Ca thy & Mi chael CO LLINS (Liam 15 , John 11) 414 Laramie, Manhattan 6650 2 --- Joy COLLINS (Christopher B. Dan ielle 9) Box 554, Galva 67443 --- Lanette FARMER , 1181 Fillmore, Topeka 66604 --- Dan & Mary Lou GLYNN {Rebecca 12, Anna 10, Quillan 71 Box 94, High land 66035 --- Patsy HARPER (Alicia 111 512 Myrtle , Newt on 67114 --KANSANS FOR ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION, Phone 913686 - 2310 - -- Je anne & Ken KASTEN (Ke nneth 5, Rosemary 3) 1630 Arkan sas , Wichita 67203 --Jan & Charlotte Mc CANN, 525 N 3rd St, Burling t on 66839 --- Leonard McWILLIAMS (Adam 7, Ruth 5) 210 Pinecone Or, lawrence 66044 --- Barbara & Rick ROBERTS (Nathan 11, Rebecca 4) RR 1 Box 85-R, Milford 66514 --- Fred & Kris ROSE (Ala n 9 , Char 1i e 5) 8625 Marty , Ov. r 1and Park 66212 --- Pauline ROSE (Heather Higgins 12) Rt 2 Box 27A, Galva 67443 --- Jerry & Harcia SCHOOLEY (S hawn 10, Chatel 6) RR 5, Clay Cent.r 67432 --- J.D. & Ruth STEWART (Clai re 71 17B Pi ne c one Or, Lawrence 66044 - - - Oar 1ene & George VERME ULEN (Aaron 71 3201 Berry Rd, Kansas Ci t y 66106 --- Steven & Mary WALKER (Chie l 7) 302 S Lincoln, Mankato 66956 --- Paula & Keith WH IT E ( Zephyrus 10, Anemone 7 , Xanthus 3) Rt 4 Box 70. Pre.~t 6;1'-4 --- Elaine & Mark WILLIAMSON (Katie /8 1. 8etony /83) RFD 1 Bo x 130, Lyons 67554 --- Cindy & Mike WOOD (Seth 9, Chri s 6) Rt 2 Box 66, Mapleton 66754 --- Larry & Dale YEAGER (Rebecca/77, David/80) 2318 Char l otte, Wi chita 67220 KY - & Trish AKERS IDevin 20, Cas sity 8)9004 Preston Hwy, Louisville 40219 --Barbara & Joel CL ARK (Auror a 71 Coop. r sville 42611 -- - Norris & Donna CL ARK (Allyson 12) 711 S Ingram St, Henderson 42420 --- Elai n. DIGGES & T. ELLIOTT, Rt 1 Box 63, Pleasurevi lle 40057 --- Patricia & Victor FOOTE (Gr eta 14, Dagmar 11, Jason B, Tristan 5) ST. BRENDAN ACADEMY, Toad Hall, Gulnare 41530 --- Ga ry & Diann FOSTER (P atri ck/71, Patrica173, Philip/ 77 , Penn i /Bl , Psamantha /82) Rt 4 Bo x 341, Campbellsville 42718 --- Tom & Carol FREN CHCO RBETT (David 17, Sebastian 13) RRI Greenbriar Farm. Happy Top Mtn, McKee 40477 & Melinda GALBREATH (Elly 7, Cecily 4) 137 Rosemont Ga rden. lexington 40503 --- David & Michelle GOOLSBEE (S hannon /77 , Alec ia /82) PO Box 63. Red li ck Rd, Berea 40403 -- - Ri chard & Charlotte GREEN (Jordan 10, Alice 6) Sawdridge Creek, Rt 3, Owenton 4035 9 --- Helen GRIGGS (Ryan 5) 225 Cornel ison Rd. Richmond 40475 --John & Gale HARTMAN (R achel 13, Rebecca 10, Laura 71 134 Shady Ln, Lexington 40503 --- Barbara JOHNSON (Amy 5) Mt Vernon 40456 --- Mary KELLY (Briana 17) PO Box 91, Peewee Valley 40056 --- Carol & Tim LAMM (Ben/ll) Slate Lick Rd, Berea 40403 --- Ruth McCUTCHEN (0 15, R 13, All) Rt 3 Bo x 11 , Columbia 4272B --K. lly & Teri MEHLER (Jason/74, Lisarose/78) 109 Cherry Rd, Berea 40403 --- Joe & Vicki MILLER (Mami 12, Joseph 9, John 6, Jess. 4 ) Rt 14 Box 275, Bowling Green 42101 --- Mark & Cathy MORGAN (Andrew 7, Adam 4) KENTUCKY HOME SCHooLERS, Rt 1 Box 96-C, Dover 41034 - -- Bill & Libbie MORL EY (Betsy/ll, Robbie /BO) 3522 Greentr•• Rd, Lexington 40502 --- Mark & JoAnne NOLAND (Greg176, Stuart/79, Cas.y/81, Adam/ B3) 1228 Garvin PI , Louisville 40203 -- Earl & Darlene OGATA (Hoang 20, Kimberly 17, DaniellO, Natalie 7, Kristin 3, Emily 1) 664 Kingston Rd, L.xi ngton 40505 - - - Peter & Marsha ROBERTSON (Joshua 7, Kat. 4 ) 141 2 S Brool< St, Louisville 40208 --- ROO & ST AFF PUBLlSHERS, Crockett 41413 --- Charl.s & Terry SCHULZ, 5211 Maple Grov. Or, Somerset 42501 -- - David & Regina SIZEMORE (Meg 13, Donour 5) Rt 2 Box 762, Van 41857 --- Barb & Taylor SOPER (Traci 13, Carrie 11, Carter 9, Mattl'lew 8, Jason 6) SOPER SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES,
Rt 11 Walnut Creek Rd, Elizabethtown 42701 Margaret TRI BE & Dan GOLDBERG (Noah179 , Wil liam /83) Rt 1 Box 46, Co lumbia 42728 --- Kevin & Patti VAN BUSKIRK (Luke 6, Hannah 2) Rt 3 Box 324. Mt Vernon 40456 .. - Tom & Claire VETTER (Eddi e 9, Isaac 6, Mat thew 3) Rt 4 Box 493, Maysville 41056 --- Larry & Diana VOGT (Sunshine 9 , Rainbow 6 , Sky 3) 119 Westwood Dr, Lexington 40503 --- La rry & Margaret WHEElER (Graham 8, Danie l 2) 920 Au rora Av , Lexington 40502 --- Pat & Greg WILLIAMS (Cam 5, Evan 2) Rt I, Gravel Switch 40328 LA - Ray & Hazel ANDERSON (Andreas 16, Rebecca6) 1420 Prentiss Av, New Orleans 70114 -- - Vicki BARRON & Joe BURDICK (Joy 2) 122 S Hennessy, New Orleans 70119 --- Peggy and J.D. OEMEREST , 25 19 Short St , New Orleans 70125 --Cathi EDWARD, CITIZENS FOR HOME EDUCATION, 3404 Van Buren, Baker 70714 --- Bob & Joy FERRElL {Ryan 11 , Meisha 8 , Travis 7, Jason 5, Devin 2. Justin 2) EAGLE ACADEMY, 3844 Winter park Or, Shreveport 71119 - - - Dot GELP I, 916 Richard St, Gretna 70053 --- Sammy & Judy MARANTD (Rico 15, Gabe 10, Jared 8, Dominik 6 , Adrian) IMPARRE INSTITUTE, 1525 Stephens St, Shreveport 71101 --- Millard & Mary Ann McINNIS (Tristan 71 Rt 3 Box B5!, Benton 71006 --- Bonnie & Joseph MILLER (Cara 17, Tony 15) 530 Fontilieu Or, New Iberia 70560 --- Keith & Andre MILLER Rt 1 Box B2F, Carencro 70520 --Mr & Mrs Richard MOFFETT (Mel inda, Monica) Rt 2 Box 428, Denham Spgs 70726 --- Ray & Carla OLIVER (Joshua 11, Autumn 8, Caleb 6) Rt 2 Box 72, Ragley 70657 --- Meryl & Darwin PERRY (Christy 71 1211 N Texas St , DeRidder 70634 --- Joh n & Diana SE NEN TZ (Brett 8, Renell 6, Amanda 5) 344 Sugarpine Or, Gretna 70053 -- Sandra SUYOAM (Re nee 15, Ro nal d 12, Christ opher 4) 1816 7th St, Lake Charles 70601 --Christopher & Marion YAUN (Shoren 8, Ari 4) Rt 2 Box 898, Albany 70711 ME - Marilyn BACON (Chris 12, John 10 , Maya 8n . Sullivan 04664 --- Carol & Stephen BECKETT (Emlyn 13, Brave 11) Box 7 Peace Rd, Cambridge 04923 --- Bhasha, Oivyo {Tanya 7, Satya 5) c/ o Leonard Necom, 11 Hi lls Beach Rd, Biddeford 04005 --- Robert & Susan BLOUNT (Jennifer 11, Loralei 9. Melissa 6, Crysten 4) Rt 3 Box 2360, Waterville 04901 --- John BOOMER, RFO 1 Simpso n Rd, Saco 04072 --- Phyllis BUCHA NAN & Norris PERLMAN (Solai II, Toji 8) Rt 1 Box 650, W Paris 04289 --- Dave & Li z BUELL (Gibra n 14, Sharma-Naomi 11 , Obadiah 10) Box 2 N Sullivan 04664 --- Greg & Katie BULLOCK (N athaniel 8 , Ian 6, Whitney 3) 390 Shaker Rd , Gray 04039 --- Debbie CHRISTO (Zachary 10) Exeter 04435 --- Kim & David COMPARETTO (Zoe 13, Aziza 11, Zeke 6, Zephyr / 811 RFD 1 Box 526, Freeman Twsp, Strong 049B3 --- Bill COPER THWA ITE, YURT FOUNDATION, Buck s Harbor 0461 B --- Blll & Andrea CUTLER (Jenny 11, Corne 8) 8 Towle St, Auburn 04210 --- Norris & Marina DAVIS (Audrey 7, Andrew 1) RFD 1 Box 680, Har mony 04942 --- Susan & James DAVIS (Jimmy 71 RFD 2, C1i nt on 04927 - - - Mabe 1 DENN ISON , Box 538, Templ e 04984 --- Peter DEVINE & Barbara KOERTGE (Ni Is 5) Box 113, Mt Ver non 04352 -- Betty DEXTER , RFD 1 Box 80E (Durham), Auburn 04210 --- Maggie & Ron EDMONDSON (Joseph 6, Anna 5 , Eml 1y 3) 41 Oak St . Mec hamc Falls 04256 --- Shepard & Linette Bliss ERHART (S.ra ph in a 11) Shore Rd, Fra nklln 046 34 --- Dame l & Mar io n FOSS (Amy 4, Eben 3) Box 67, Deer Isle 04627 --- Frances FREY & Davld DODGE (Aaron, Joshua, Jeremy, Gabriel) SALMON LODGE SCHOOL, PO Box 155, Cherryfield 04622 -- Sheldon & Jeremy GANBERG (Gabriel 71 223 Highland Cliff Rd, Westbrook 04092 - 1710 --- Elleen & Wally GARROWAY (Kate 71 RR 1 Box 789, N Wind ham 04062 --- John GOLDFINE , RD 2 Box 151, Belfast 04915 - -- Gail HARMON (Steve 15, Natalie 12) 190 Main St. Bridgton 04009 --- Annie & Patrick HAYNES (Christopher 8, Stephanie 5) RFD 1 Box 13A. Detroit 04929 --- Haria H Holt, Withywind le, 115 High St , Bath 04530 --- Frank HUBENY, RFD 3 Box 650 , Dexte r 04930 - -- Jean & Barry KAHN (Heather B, Jocelyn 6) 35 Co llege St, Portland 041 03 --- Bi 11 & Cheryl KE MP (Ara mie 6) Old Town 04468 --- linda & Tom LINKE (Heath er 8) PO Box 33, S Waterboro 04087 -- Tim & Ellen KETCHAM (Susa n 10, James 8, Donald 8) MAINE HOME EDUCATION, RD 1 Box 1167, Farm i ngton 04938 -- - Ms Dea n lYONS. Phi ppsburg 04562 --- Anne MARTINA (Gabrie lle 8) Box 15, Harborside 04642 - .. Catherine & William MERRY (Terra 8. Aurora 6, Marl 4) RD 1 Box 85, Har mony 04942 --- Kathleen MIKULKA (16 ,14 ) RD 2, Coopers Mills 04341 --- Tom & Sally MORRISON (Evan 6) Box 212 RR3 (Rt 32) Waldoboro 04572 --- Dick & Beedy PARKER (N ell y 12) 68 Washing ton St, Camden 04843 --- Georgeanne POE (An na lee 20, Rosie 6) Box 303, St George 04857 --Susan RITCH, 151 S Ma i n St, Pittsfield 04967 --- Paula ST ARKEY (Amy 8 , David 71 666 S Main St, Old Town 04 468 - -- Earl & Li nda STEVENS (Jam ie /80) 25 Belm.ade Rd, Portland 04101 -- Maria TOMS & David FULTON, Box 213, Oquossoc 04964 --- Caro l & Bill WH ITE (E r ina 9, Kirsten 8) RD'l Box 211-0, Charleston 044 22 --- Don & Linda WISMER (Sarah 5) Box 253, Winthrop 04364 MD - CALVERT SCHOOL, 105 Tuscany Rd, Baltimorel1210 --- Marcia CARLSON , PRINCE GEOR GES SUPPORT GROUP, phone 345-6487 --- Philip & VerI CHANDLER (Caiti l in 7, Siobhan 4) 5 Dean St, Annapolis 21401 --- CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOLS OF WESTERN MAR YLAND, PO Box 564, Cumb.r1and 21501 --- Paul.tte DICKERSON & Mark ZI MMERMAN (Merle 3) 9511 Gwyndale Or , Silver Spring 20910 --- Daniel & Kik uko DUFFY (Akio 9) 10 York Ct, Baltimore 21218 --- Sherry DIRKS, Contact for FREDERICK CO . CONTACT, phone 3714888 --- Billy & Linda DUNSTAN (8) 14024 Cuba Rd. Cockeysville 21030 --- Mary FELBER , 206 Sudbrook Ln, Baltimore 21208 --- Carol FITZ
24 GERALD & Wade WRIGHT (Jesse 5, Dillon 3) 2111 Eastern Av, 8altimore 21231 --- Jeanne GAETANO, PO 80x 603, Seabrook 20706 --- Gary GOODENOUGH (15,12) 21201 Heathcote Rd, Freeland 21053 -- - Li nda GOODMAN, 12825 Ji n91e Ln, Silver Spring 20906 --- Danny & Sandra GROVEMAN (Alycia 9, Israel 8, Johannah 7, Judah 6, Daniel 4, Abraham 2) 9812 Rosensteel Av, Silver Spring 20910 --- HOME STUDY INSTITUTE, 6940 Carroll Av, Takoma Park 20912 --- Fred & Linda KESTER (Jo Ann 9) 1130 Oakland Rd, Freeland 21053 --- Donno KIRK (9irls 16, 17) Box 195 Rt 231, Prince Frederick 2D67B --- Ron & Faye KORCAK (Jason 8) 4102 Tennyson Rd, Hyattsville 20782 --- James & Theresa MAYOR (Jennifer 6) MONTGOMERY CO. SUPPORT GROUP, 26824 Howard Chapel Dr, Damascus 20750 --- Dennis & Judy McCAHILL (Colleen 19, Michael 16, Sean 14, Kevin 14) Riva & Centre Rds, Riva 21140 --- Fred & Elaine McNEIL (Ted 9, Bridget 6) 101 Tl1ghman Av, Centrev111e 21617 - -- Doug & Sharron MOODY (Nathanl76, Bethany179, Anna179, Jona than/ 84) phone 301-759-9258, Cumberland --James & Uana MORGAN (Peter 6, El1zabeth 4) ALLEGANY HOME LEARNING OUTREACH, 350 Welsh Hl11. Frostburg 21532 --- Frances & Ray MOYER (Pamela 7, David 5) 8283 Portsmouth Dr, Severn 21144 --- B.D. & Jud1th PARKER (Matthew 16, Jennifer 14, Joshua 12, Chandra 9, Rebecca 8, Molly 5) IB609 York Rd, Parkton 21120 --- John & Susan PETERSON (Willhm 11, Winifred 10, Carl 8, Eml1y 6, Lars 4. Meg 2, John I) 3902 Old York Rd, 8altimore 21218 --- Donald & Phyllis PHILLIPS, 1618 Rickenbacker Rd IF, Baltimore 21221 --- Melvin & Debbie SILCOX (Devin 7) 106 Broadway Av, Glen Burnie 21061 --Jeanne & Manfred SMITH (Jamie 8, Jesse 4) MARYLAND HOME EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, 9085 Flomepool Way, Columbia 21045 --- Chris STADLER, 809 Gorsuch Av, Baltimore 2121B --- ' Joel SNYDER & Esther GEIGER (Emerie 2) 730 Boundary Av, Silver Spring 20910 --- Rita & Ken STEELE (Paul 8, Carmen 6, Cody 6, Skye 4) clo J Soto, 7011 Dolphin Rd, Lanham, Seabrook 20706 --Jack STOCKDALE, PARENTS FOR HOME EDUCATION, 9610 Armistead Rd, Silver Spring 20903 --Bobby & Kim STULTZ (Joshua 6) 2414 Harriet Av, Baltimore 21230 --- Law & Peg WATKINS (Nathaniel 11, Sophia 6) 23615 WHarris Rd, Dickenson 20842 --- Sue WHETZEL, FAMILY CENTERED LEARNING ASSOC OF ANNE ARUNDEL CO, phone 850-4259 --_ Sara & Ken WOODALL (Jennie 16, Annie 6, Zachary / 84) 105 Willow St, St Michaels 21663 MA - Richard & Merril ADELMAN (Ben 10, Hannaho) 3 Killam Hill Rd, Boxford 01921 --Dan & Jean ALGER (Christopher 7, Hillary 5, Nicholas 4) 22 Jordan Rd, Franklin 02038 --June ALGERS (Shawn 15) PO Box 1601. Springfield 01101 --- Debbie & Gary ALLARD (E l izabeth 5, Melissa 3) S Shirkshire Rd, Conway 01341 --- Derry & Kerry ANDERSON (Ivy 7, Leland 5) 77 Bank St, Attleboro 02703 -- - Grace ANDREACCHI & Edward HADAS (Sarah 8, Daniel 6, Ju 1 ian 4) 81 N Hancock St, Lexi ngton 02173 - - Michael & Wendy BARUCH (Shane 11) 78 Bolton St, Cambridge 02140 --- Paul & Jan BEANE (Zachary 9, Amity 8) 32 Purchade St, Middleboro 02346 --- Joan BEASLEY (David 19, William 18, Walt 15) PO Box 116, S Deerfield 01373 --Chuck & Cheryl BELLOWS (Jaredl78, Joshua/80, Sarah/82) East Oxbow Rd, Shelburne Falls 01370 --- Ed & Michele BENNETT (Naomi 7) 106 Ridge Rd, Upton 01568 --- Emily BERG, 22 Rockwell St, Dorchester 02124 --- Dan & Andrea BLACHLY (Sarah 7, Abigail 5, Ben 2) River Rd, Mattapoisett 02739 --- Paul & Lisa BOKEN (Zachary 9) Rt 2, 5 Longview Dr, Orleans 02653 --- Sally BOUTI ETTE & Leo BALDWIN (Carey 5, Emi ly 3) Coombs Hi 11 Rd, Colrain 01340 --- Jonathan BRANDSTATER, 12 Curtis Av, Somerville 02144 --- The BRENNANS, 66 Mt Vernon St, Melrose 02176 --- Dorothy & Michael BRIDGES (Joshua 11, Cambria 15) 17! Bishop Allen Dr, Cambridge 02139 --- Mark & Judy BRIGHTMAN (Jessical74, Amanda178, Abigail / 82) LUNENBERG SUPPORT GROUP, 524 Northfield Rd, Lunenbur9 01462 --Scott BRISTOL & Delyte FROST (Daylin 6, Mirar 3) Old Crieket Hill Rd, Conway 01341 --- Christie BROOKS & Robin VERNER (Arin 7, Brenden 4) Reeds Bridge Rd, Conway 01341 --- Terry BURCH & Susan OTT (Jesse 10, Rebecca 5) 183 Sycamore St, Watertown 02172 --- Charles & Betty BURGER (Susan 2) 550 Mass Av. Lexin9ton 02173 --linda & Richard BURKE (Matthew 8, Patricia)) 55 Garden St, Milton 02186 --- Kate CABOT & Robert SCHNEIDER (Michael)) 47A 2nd St, Framingham 01701 --- Robin CAISSIE, 164 Spruce St, Leominster 01453 --- linda CANEPARI (Kyle 4) 41 Clement St. She 1burne Falls 01370 - - Mrs Walter CANFIELD, 13 Fernwood Av, Bradford 01830 --- CAPE COD HOMESCHOOllNG COOPERATIVE, 36 Shorecrest Dr, E Falmouth 02536 --- Tony & Diane CASTRO (Christinel75, Joanna/78 . Michelle / 80, Alex/ 82) 11 Rust St, S Hamilton 01982 --- Jim CHARBONNET, 23 Hubbard St, Lenox 01240 --- Andrea & Ross CHARTOFF (Isaac 10, Jessica 8, Jacob)) 92 Rocky Meadow St, Middleboro 02346 --- Wayne & Barbara CHUDYK (Carl/75, Karen/80, Keith/83) 45 Whitfield Rd, Somerville 02144 --- Diane COFFEY (MatthewI78) 41 Hastings St, W Roxbury 02132 --- Don & Lois COLTON (Larissa/77. Joseph178, Benjamin/80. Daniell 83) 176 Groton Rd, Westford 01886 --- Tom CONK-
DRAPER, 12 Horton St, Newburyport 01950 --01982 --- Anne PERKINS, RFD 'I, Orange 01364 Walter, Kitty & Benjamin DREW, 155 Clyde St, --- PIONEER VALLEY SUPPORT GROUP, 71 Gulf Rd, Chestnut Hill 02167 --- Mike & Chris DUNNING 8elchertown 01007 --- Lana REEVES (Lacey 10, (Jennifer 10, Jul1e 8. Andrew 7. Matthew 7) 28 Maya-bella 7) 22 Maple Av, Somerville 02145 Stubb St, Frank 11 n 02038 --- Judy EARLE (Eri ck - - - Dawn REGER, 9 Mar 1borough St, Boston 02116 179) 8 Tobey Ln, Andover 01810 --- EDUCATORS --- Jane & Chris REID (Toby & Alex/)), Hannahl PUBLISHING SERVICE, 75 Moulton St, Cambridge BO. Obadhh/82) 114 Warwick St, Lowell 01851 02238 --- Cheri ELLISON (Jul1an 10, Trovor 9) --- Charl1e REYNOLDS, 4 Shepard St. Cambridge Rol11ng Pines, 23-4 Hilltop Ln, S Easton 02375 02138 --- Wanda REZAC (Ronald 10, Jean 8, Cath--- Christhn & Gaella ELWELL (Anni 6) South erine 5) 379 Concord Rd, Marlboro 01752 --River Farm, Conway 01341 --- Mary & Michael ·Dhne & Bob RICH (Shireen 8) 11 Baxter St, ERNST (Christopher /)) , Eruch / B2) c/o Barrett. Melrose 02176 --- Richard & Barbara RODRIGUEZ Box 127 Cotuit 02635 --- Ll1a FARRAR, PO Box (Jennifer 11, Richard Jr 9, El1zabeth 7, Eml1y 454, Sturbridge 01566 --- Mike & Nancy FIERO 3) 108 Van Norden Rd, Reading 01867 --- Pam & (Mika la l76, Nathan178, Marik/82) 87 Snell Av, John ROSSETTI, 246 May St '2, Worcester 01602 Brockton 02402 --- Kathryn & John Michael FINN --- Jack & Margaret SADOWAY (SolonI79) CLEAR(Danettel7B, Bridget179, Socorro / 81) 10 EverWATER NATURAL FOODS, Lenox 01240 --- Irene SANett Av, Somerville 02145 --- Clio & Eric FISH- TACKAS, 86 Plymouth St, Cambridge 02141 --ER (S arah l72 , Theadora178, Sophh / 82) Old Ayer Dean & Robin SCHNEIDER (Jul1e/84) Eaglebrook Rd. Groton 01450 --- Ginger FITZSIMMONS (Jenni- School, Deerfield 01342-0701 --- James & Marh fer 6, Alexander 4) 148 Schoo 1 St, Watertown SEKKES (Gi na/81) 4 Brook St, Medfield 02052 02172 --- Fred & Valerie FOLEY (Michelle/67, --- Carde SMITH (7 chl1, 5-21) 30 Franklin Brenda/68, Ch arliel70) 614 Beech St, Rockland St, Revere 02151 --- Judye & Jim SMITH (Adam 02370 --- Karen & Richard FRANKLIN (Adami)), 8) 34 Edgewood Rd, Shrewsbury 01545 --- RachJessica/BD, Christopher/83) 1 Prospect St, ,ael SOLEM & Fisher PEARSON (Brhno 8, John-El1 Needham 02192 5) 15 Custer St, Jamaica Plain 02130 --- Donno Elaine GALE, 9 Glen Rd, Wl1mington 01887 Hope SOLOMON (Jarrod 10, Lonny-Seth 6) 27 --- Linda GARDNER (Margaret 9) 398 Arlin9ton Rosa's Ln, Scituate 02066 --- Gayle SPURR, 139 St, Acton 01720 --- Adele GARLICK, 11 Beltran Broadway, Wakefield 01880 ._- Frank TURANO, St, Malden 02148 --- Gail GARUTI-FRAZER (Bhn- AMERICANS FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, PO Box ca171, Tanyal72) 21 Berkely St, Brockton 02401 1414, II Concord 01742 --- Mary & Mark VAN --- Jim & Jeanne GAOUETTE (Georgel72, Ahrenl DOREN (Anna/81, Helen/83) 46 Nelson St, Quincy 74, Evel76) 79 Prospect St, Newburyport 01950 02169 --- Valerie VAUGHAN (Gabe 7) PO Box 7, --- Tom & Ann GILBERT (Clint 6) PO Box 236, Buckland 01338 --- March WELD & Don WHEELER HM1ilton 01936 --- Kate GILDAY & Don BABINEAU (Otis 4) RR 1 Box 3D8-A, Shelburne Falls 01370 (Julie 14, Suzi 12, Ananda 5) RFD Box 261, Mon- --- Jim & Cindy WIDMER (Benjaminl77, Katinal tague 01351 --- Jeanne & Terry GLAGOWSKI (Noah 80) 19 School St. Williamstown 01267 --- Lori 10, Koty 5) 6 Stillwater Dr, Chelmsford 01824 WYMAN & Louis BATTALEN (Ely 6, Adeline 3) Ives --- Bob & Gal1 GRAY (Sethl77, Leah / 80) 71 Gulf Rd, Conway 01341 --- Bill & Sue YEADON (Alyssa Rd. Belchertown 01007 ---Jeff & Mary GRAY 6, Evan 4) Sabins Rd, Conway 01341 (Christopher 7, Joshua 5) 15 Reynolds Av, MI - Gerry ABELA & Sandra STOCK (Deva l Natick 01760 --- Suzanne & Dr. Richard GRAY 80, Maya/84) 3911 Three Ml1e Dr, Detroit 48224 (Nicky 14, Katie 11) 80x 51, Halifax 02338 --- --- Ben & Jan ACKERSON (Me9an 6, Jericho 3) Kathy HALICKI (Adrhn nel78, Laurenl79) 15 Davi- 808 N Cherry, Three Oaks 49128 --- Sue ANANICH son St, Hyde Park 02136 --- Steve & Pat HANSON (Jinmy 9) 2614 Pierce, Flint 48503 --- BASIC (Brhn 5) 1030 Pleasant St, Canton 02021 --CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, PO Box 0, Nottawa 49075 Nancy HARDY (Chandra 10) 4 Jay St, Cambridge --- Douglas & Jill BASTIAN (Heather 9) 913 02139 --- Charle s & Stanis HARTFORD (Regina 6, Heights Rd, Lake Orion 48035 --- Penny & Paul James 3) 152 North St, Norfolk 02056 --- HOME BATTJES (Andrea 18, Jason 14, Paul 9) A3976 EDUCATION LEAGUE OF PARENTS (HELP), Box 175, Beeline Rd, Holland 49423 --- Ernest & Frances Norfolk 02056 --- Bill & Loretta HEUER (Tad BAUER (Andrea/75, Wade177, Russell/84) 150 7) 164 Norfolk St, Holliston 01746 --- Rick & Chippewa, Ponthc 48053 --- Alan & Nancy Carol HUGHES (Evan 7, Peter 4) 551 Sudbury Rd, BEDELL (Ku rt 12, Kyle 4) 39 Campbell, Holland Stow 01775 --- Karen & Michael IDOINE (Justin 49423 --- Les & Jackie BEECHER (Leah 14, Jess& Gillhn 17) Star Rt Box 44, Wendell 01379 ica 12) 144 S Highland, Mt Clemens 48043 ----- The INGERSOLLS (Tom 18, Russel 16) RD 1 Vicki & Roger BIGELOW (Nicolel79, Angelica/82) Barnum St, Sheffield 01257 --- Jean & Steve 13640 Talbot, Oak Park 48237 --- Wayne & Vicki JOHNSON (A lden 4, Ryan 3) RFD 1 Box 438, North- BOULTON (Matt, Chris) 14 Cherry St, Holland field 01360 --- Lynn & Hal KAPPLOW (H eather 49423 --- Chris & Julie BROCKMAN (Kira 16, 13. Grace 10) 30 Jamaicaway, Jamaica Plain Addenne 15 , Alex 9) PO Box 407, Dryden 48428 02130 --- David & Shawn KENDRICK (Celh 16, --- Field & Sandy CARDEN (Jesse 11, Sara 8) Rt Anno 12. Eva 9) 40 Brook St, Rehoboth 02769 2 Box 71, Suttons Bay 49682 --- Gary & Beverly --- Karen KIMBALL (Becky/6B, Benjy/73) SOUTH CHEADLE (Cassady 12, Renn 8) Rt 1 Box 223-0, SHeRE HOME SCHOOLERS, 163 Hi ngham St, Rock land Suttons Bay 49682 -- - Karen CHI LKEWI TZ, THE 02370 --- Jim & Sue KINNEL (Ruth 8, Aubrey 4) LITTLE SCHOOL HOUSE, 9971 E Grand River, 8righPhone 617-761-7922 Seekonk --- John & Martha ton 48116 --- Thomas & Judith CLARK (Kelly 17, KRAWCZYK (Bricel76 , Todd178, Reeve179, Joell Jennifer 15, Stacy 13) 10154 lasco Rd, Fowler83) 74 Long Hill Rd, Leverett 01054 --- Carol ville 48836 --- Jeff & Jan CLEMENS (Shayne 10, & David KRENTZMAN (Jennyl78, Nellie/81, Saml Justin 7, Lacy 4) 520 E Roosevelt, Bitely 83) 8 Intervale Rd, Wellesley 02181 --- Diane 49309 --- Mark & Linda CLIFTON (Joshua 7, Rach& Michael LANDIS (Noel 7) 110! Conway St, el 5, Joel 3) 1180 133rd St, Rt 2, Wayland Greenfield 01301 --- Don & Robbie LAPRADE 49348 --- Preston & Teresa COLE (Tristonl76, (Bethany 11, Autumn 8, Jacob 5) 931 Westland Tyler178, Trevon/80, Tianne/83) RR 1 Box 255, St, New Bedford 02745 --- Rosemary & Donald Mancelona 49659 --- Doyle & Dorothy COMBS LARKING (Lorelei 2) 2301 Washington St, Newton (Amanda 8, Heidi II) 11777 N Drive S, Burling02162 --- Jeanne LIRETTE (Marh 15, Heidi 13) ton 49029 --- Carolyn CONDELL, HOME BASED Athol Rd, Templeton 01468 --- Wi lliam & Muriel NEWS, 2310 Bernard, LanSing 48910 --- Pat & LITTLE (Eli zabeth170, Wi 11 i am Jr 174) 98 Cherry Di ck COOKMAN (Rob 14, Jane 12) Rt 2 Box 439, St, Framingham 01701 --- Nancy & Michael LOPIN Suttons Bay 49682 --- Stephen & Laurie DAVIS (Naomi 10, Jonah 7, Aaron 3) 26 Lombard St, (Kyle 14, Grant 12, Nathan 11, Will 5) 7857 W Newton 02158 --- The LOWTHERS, Box 566, Truro Lakeview Rd, Traverse City 49684 --- Kim DELAU02666 --- Susan LOZORAITIS (K ahlil 9) 16 Con- TER, 150 N Avery, Pontiac 48054 --- Anita & 9ress St, Worcester 01609 --- Tom & Paige Jerry DEVINE (Errin 10, Tully 8) Cold Mountain LUSSIER (Kim 19, Adam 17, Rory IS, Angela 7, Farm, Co. Rd. 550 Box 194, Marquette 49855 --Bethany 3, Gabriel I) 26 Davis Rd, Stow 01775 Larry & Jane DICKIE (Jennifer 16, Sara 10) Thomas & Mary MAHER (Scott 14, Amanda 9) 6108 Old Allegan Rd, Rt 2 , Hamilton 49419 --30 Park St, Wakefield 01880 --- Elaine MAHONEY The DODGES (Sabra/71) 2749 Eden Rd, Leslie (Kendra 16, Kimberlee 15) 51 Carrie Lee's Way, 49251 --- Joan DONALDSON & John VAN VOORHEES, Centerville 02632 --- Barbara & Peter MAITLAND Pleasant Hill Farm, Rt 4 , Fennville 49408 --(Brett 13, Heather 9, Holly 5, Mark 3) 23 Dennis & Patricia DONOVAN (Leaf 9) 2920 CousCedarcrest Av, Salem 01970 --- Paul & Lynn ino, Erie 48133 --- Janet & Jerry EGGEN (Ericl MALAGUTI (Sean 9, Ross 3) 6 Washburn Av, Ki ngs- 79, Laura/83) 831 Pearson, Ferndale 48220 --ton 02364 --- Ed & Gale MASON (Jenny 14, Dave Susan EKSTROM (Aaron/78) 1209 Marigold, E Lans& Ben 9) 19 Enfield Rd, Pelham 01002 --- Robing 48823 --- Frank FORTKAMP, EDUCATION VOUCHert & M.L. McGUIGAN (Gabri el /80, Abigail/82) ER INSTITUTE, 26211 Central Park Blvd 1324, RR 1 Box 207, Montague 01351 --- James & Sally Southfield 48076 --- Beverly GARRETT, 25154 McKINLEY (Brooks 16, Katy 13) Box 1147, N Fal- Graham, Redford 48239 --- Mandy & Roger GIBSON mouth 02556 --- Litty MEDAlIA & Alan LEE (Ameu- (Pat IS, Jeff 13, Beanie 11) 329 Stimson, Cadrenee 7, Jonah 5) 5 Warren Sq, Jamai ca PIa in i llac 49601 --- Kathy & Bob GU ILFORD (Jaynal 02130 --- Carole MILLER (Adam/73) 119 Main St 80) 1431 Washington, Birmingham 48009 --- Gary '2, Saugus 01906 --- Ed & Pam MITCHELL (Jenni- & Arlean HAIGHT (Becky 17, Matt 13) 527 E fer 12, Katherine 4) 16 Farrar Rd, lincoln Wilson Rd, Scottville 49454 --- Steve & Debbie 01773 --- Shirin MORRIS & Steve SCHLANG (Samu- HART (Andrew 10, Dustin 8, Stephanie 7) RR 3 el 4) Coombs Hill Rd, Colrain 01340 --- David Box 2860, McMillan 49853 --- Bill & Penny & Susan MUNRO (Khanti/81 , Noah/83) 1041 Feder- HERD, 2956 Glory Rd, Frankfort 49635 --- Marti al St, Belchertown 01007 --- Marilyn MUNSEY HOLMES (Dale/67) 3815 Janes Rd, Saginaw 48601 (Michael 1)) 175 Derby St, WNewton 02165 ---- - HOME BASED EDUCATION PROGRAM, Clonlara Patti & Don MURPHY (Shawnl76, Jeremiah/80, Sar- School, 1289 Jewett, Ann Arbor 48104 --- Jan ah/82 , Johannah/83) 81 True Rd, Salisbury HOYMAN, 5691 Old Allegan Rd, Fennville 49408 01950 --- Jean & Don MURRAY (Te9an 12, Jannah --- Jim & Cathe HUGHES (Peter 9, David 7. Rory & Tara 10) 87 Fayerweather St, Cambridge 02138 6) 2529 Proctor St, Flint 48504 --- Milt & --- Mary Ann & Paul O'CONNOR (Danielle 20, Joan JOHNSON (Tim 14, Amy 12, Becky 9, BenjaPaul Jr 18, Melissa 14, lisa 13, Lee 11, Hyun min 6, Peter 2) 72100 Lassier Rd. Romeo 48065
KOEHLER (Seth/BO, Br.e/82) 218 S Gainsborough, Royal Oak 48067 --- Karen LARSON & Scott PAYSON (Seth/81) 38 Ridge Rd, Pleasant Ridge 4B069 --- Jerry & Dhne LAWSON (Mark 10, David 8) 7272 Renwood, Romeo 48065 - - - Ruth LONGCORE (Amy 14, Sarah 13, Brhn 9, John 8, Toby 6) 100 Ivanhoe NE, Grand Rapids 49506 --- Bro. T.L. Michael, Capuchin C_unity, 121 E Boston Blvd, Detroit 48202 --- Jim & Robin MacKENZIE (Joshua & Jacob 16, Caleb 14, Naomi 5) 55 Amy School Rd, Pierson 49339 --- MICHIGAN ASSOC OF HOME EDUCATORS. PO Box 139, Oshtemo 490)) -- Alan & Tally MIDDLETON (Amy 22, Al1ch 20, Melissa 16, Brigette 13) Box 47, Northport 49670 --- Bonnie MIESEL, 1057 34th St SW, Wyoming 49509 --- Pat & Jim MONTGOMERY (Chai 20) 1416 Granger, Ann Arbor 4BI04 --- Dinah MORRISON (Mike B) 49 Boyd, Battle Creek 49017 --- Sandra MOSIER, 7391 S 36th St, Scotts 49088 --- Barb MULLIN (Nicole 6) 2070 Alpha, Uni on Lake 48085 - - - Davi d & Sharon NELSON (Adami))) 4703 Charest, Ponthc 48054 --- Dave & Jenny NORTON (Michael 8, Matthew 5, John 2) 6498 WBristol Rd, Swartz Creek 48473 --Dustin & Kim ORDWAY, 330 E Kingsley, Ann Arbor 4BI04 --- Amy & Russel PACKARD (Noah 6) 3765 160th Av, Holland 49423 --- James & Judy PACKARD, AuSable State Forest, PO Box 78, Frederic 49733 --- John & Muriel PALKO (Simon 9) 203 N Harrison, Ludington 49431 --- Patti PITCHER & Steven HALL (Becca 4) 1815 Brenner, Saginaw 48602 --- Robert & Rosalind QUIGLEY (Leesha 7, Colleen 5) 17856 Annott, Detroit 4B205 --- Ed & Janet ROELLE (Mattl76, Jasonl )), Ethan/80) 7220 Greenvalley, Grand Blanc 48439 --- Carmen & Dave SAWCHUK (Mikel79, Jinmy/81) 316 E Farnum, Royal Oak 48067 --Mike & Carol SCHUSTER (Tommy 7, Teresa 4, Andy 2) 429 Army Rd, Leonard 48038 --- Nancy SCHWARTZ & Robert EADY (Nuri 6. Daniel 5, Ian 3) Rt 1 Box 9, Ewen 49925 --- Jim & Terry STEINMETZ (Kerry 8, Tonya 6, Travis 4) 307 Air port Dr, Negaunee 49866 --- Sharon & Blaine STEVENSON (Zack 14, David 10) 318 S Washington, Mt Pleasant 4885B --- Chris & Jug TARR (Jesse 3) PO Box 287, Lake Orion 48035 --Robin TINHOLT & David NIEBOER (Rachel 6) 1501 Lakewood Blvd, Holland 49423 --- Leslie TOMP KINS (Annl77, Caylel80) 8282 Island Rd, Elsie 48831 --- Bonnie & Sandy TOPPER (Saral79, Michael/81) 13320 Winchester, Oak Park 48237 -- Don & Sally TWOMEY (Rory 7, Eml1y 5) Gagetown 48735 --- Jenny URQUHART (Samanthal79, Breeanna/B3) 21108 W Thirteen Ml1e, Royal Oak 48072 --- Jerry & Terri WALKER (Debbiel76, Mike178, Susan/81) 1666 Ball Av NE, Grand Rapids 49505-5618 --- Mary WIL LS , 12160 Whiteh111, Detroit 48224 --- Michael & Carolyn WILLIAMS (Dustin 6) 10458 Cedar Run Rd, Tra-. verse City 49684 --- Cheryl WUSTMAN, 2141 Lee St, Wyoming 49509 ~ - Gary & Sally ANDERSON (Korinl79, Tomika/81) 4238 Lynn Av S, Edina 55416 --Sandy ANDERSON (Andy 14) 4317 Regent St, Duluth 55804 --- Mrs. Wl1fred 8ECHTOLD (Jodi) 10827 Rosedale Av N, Rt 1 Box 233, Loretto 55357 --- Greg & Kanti BLAZ (Solomon 10) 2220 30th Av So, Minneapol1s 55406 --- John & Shelley DAMERON (Julia 5) 2100 Dupont Av N, Minneapolis 55411 --- Lowell & Audrey DITTBERNER (Fo rest 5, Selena 2) Rt 1 Box 43, Parkers Prairie 56361 --- Mary & Jim EMMER, 5570 Covington Rd, Excelsior 55331 --- Sandra ERICKSON, 680 Woodlawn Av, St Paul 55116 --- Clare & Barry FARRELL (Christopherl77, Peter / 82) 6402 Hokah Dr, Lino Lakes 55014 -- - Paul & Marie GAGNE (Angelal79, Adam/81) 38B8 Midway Rd, Duluth 55810 - - - Di ck & Nadi ne GALLI EN, The Wi nona Farm, E Burns Valley Rd, Winona 55987 --- Jann GARRITTY, 2517 16th Av NE, Columbia Heights 55421 --- Bob & Carol GATTS (Laila 10, Jacob 8) Swamp Peeper Farm, Cushing 56443 --- Jane & David GIBB ( David 10, Elizabeth 4) 519 5th St S, Moorhead 56560 --- Jacquelyn GREENSWEIG, HOME COVENANT SCHOOL, 6640 Horseshoe Curve, Chanhassen 55317 --- Phil GROVE, FAMILIES NURTURING LIFELONG LEARNERS, 2736 11th Av S, Min neapolis 55407 --- Denny & Barbara HALEY, 4046 23rd Av S, Minneapolis 55407 --- John & Janlth HATCH (Megan 14, Dylan 12, Morgan 8, Russel 6, Evan 4) Rt 2 Box 199, Granada 56039 --- Bob HAYDEN, 205 WRedwood St, Marshall 56258 -- Sharon & Glen HILLESTAD (Holly 16, Matt 14, Hans 9) 9669 E 123rd St, Hastings 55033 -- Mike & Denise HOGAN (Melissa 9 , Brian 7, Robbie 4) 2825 Lee Av N, Golden Valley 55422 -- Rosemary & Lyle HULSING, RR I, Houston 55943 --- Kathryn JEFFRIES (Anne 8) 7417 York, Edina 55435 - -- Wayne JENN INGS, 449 Desnoyer, St Paul 55104 --- Jackie JOHNSON (Lara 11, Carl 6) Star Rt Box 220A, Finland 55603 --- Tom & Jan KEAVENY (Sam 7, Sarah 5) Box 165, Bird Island 55319 --- Merlin & Shirley KIRSCHENMAN (Stefan 14, Beata 10, Christian 6) 1810 S 7th St, Moorhead 56560 --- Redg & Barb LAMBRECHT (Joshua 7) RR I, Bruce Township, Long Prairie 56347 --- Beatrice lIU, 202 27th Av, Becker 55308 --- Ken & Ellen LOEGERING (Eric IS, Amy 13, Dean 10, Matt 7, Peter 6) 688-11th Av NW, New Brighton 55112 --- MIDWEST LIBERTARIAN LIBRARY ASSN, 2708 E Lake St 1204, Minneapolis 55406 --- MINNESOTA ASSOC. OF CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATORS, Box 14326, Minneapolis 55414 ---
LIN, PO Box 137, Provincetown 02657 --- Sandy
& Katie 10. Brian 9, Kevin 8, Rebecca & Jenni-
& David COURTNEY (Sky 9 , Ana 6, Myles 4) 265 Water St, Clinton 01510 --- Coyote (Mira),
fer 5) PO Box 204, Forestdale 02644 --- Kath- thew 4) 102 W 13th St, Holland 49423 --- Mike leen OSBORN (Christi ne Farrell 16) 591 Hingham & Rose KELLEY, 9471 Bassett, livonia 48150 ---
Hea 1; ng Grace Sanctuary. She 1 burne Fall s 01370
St. Rock 1and 02370 - -- James & Chri sti ne
Gary KENNEDY & Jan; ne WILTSE (Devon 6) 120 N
Hi nneapa 1; s 55407 - - - Joe MaR IARITY & Diane
- __ Jack & Robin DAVIS (Nathaniel/76, Elizabeth179, Susannah / 82) 57 Lois St, S Hamilton 01982 --- Margaret DE RIVERA. 5 Bishop Av. Worcester 01603 --- Paula & Charlie DONAHOE (Kerri IS, Stacey 11) 55 Trenton St, Melrose 02176 --_ Bob & Katherine DOOLITTLE (Kate 11, Simon 8) 91 Pleasant St, Reading 01867 --- Carol
OSTROW, 87 Sunmer St, Watertown 02172 --- John Claire O'TOOLE (J ackie 16, Cheryl 11, Terry 10, Tinmy 7, Patricia 4) 188 Blue Hill Pkwy, Milton 02187 --- Mario & Carmela PAGNONI (James 13, Joseph 10) 76 Emsley Ter, Methuen 01844 --- Joseph & Dcnna PANKO (Christopher/ 74, Daniel/81) 79 Postgate Rd, S Hamilton
Oak, Traverse City 49684 --- Ken & Catherine KING (Billy 7, Kenny 4) 11811 Beech Rd, Brooklyn 49230 --- Robin KLAY, 26 E 12th St, Holland 49423 --- Jo & John KLEIS, Emersonian Hall, Hope College, Holland 49423 --- Richard & Kay Delle KOCH (Birgitta 20, Hans 15) 275 Ridgeway, St Joseph 49085 --- Ellen & Paul
KLINEFELTER, LEARNING CONNECTIONS, Box 56, Taylor Falls 55084 --- Jay & Mary NEWCOMB (Autumn 10, Rain B) 607 Leicester, Duluth 55803 --- Paul & Elin OLSEN (Serenity 6, Timo thy 4) Rt 1 - 84A, Clearbrook 56634 --- Robert SIGSBEE, 1914 Portland Av S, Minneapolis 55404 --- Jean & Bob SMITH (Sarah/73, Kati./7S, Dan
--- Martha & Christopher KAISER (Justin 7. Mat- MINNESOTA HOME SCHOOL NETWORK, 9669 E 123rd.
Hastings 55033 --- Patricia MONSON & Stuart ROSEN (Madeleine 9, Sam 7) 3500 21st Ave So.,
iel/n, Joseph/SOl Rt 1 Box 36. Clarks Grove 56()16 --- Valerie & Mark SWEDLUND (Matthew 6) 4980 Shady Is Cir, Mound 55364 --- John & Kathy SZVMANSKI (John Jay/78, Mark/81) RR 2 80x 109-0, AI den 56009 --- Gai I TULLY, 2034 Ist St S, Minneapolis 55404 --- Bonnie & Jerry
--- Gladys MARING (boys 11,12) Rt 1, Callaway 68825 --- Garry & Marilyn MILLER (Charity ll,
--- Kathy JOHNSON, 27 Maxwell Rd, Eatontown 07724 --- Ronn KOEPPEL & Wendy HALLGREN (Jonah
Hannah 9, Sarah 5) 6924 N 65th Av, Omaha 68152 --- Warren RUSHTON, NEBRASKA CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOL ASSOC IAT I ON, 80x 1245, Co I umbus 6860 I --- U. OF NEB. INDEPENDENT STUDY HIGH SCHOOL,
5) Box 176, Skillman 08558 --- Barbara LAFFERTY (Sons 21,20,15,9; dtr ll) 107 Surrey Rd, Vo orhees 08043 - - - Barbara LATTO , NEW 0 I REC TIONS SCHOOL, 135 Cha nge Bridge Rd, Mon tville 07045 --- Art & Annie LIBERMAN (Sophie 14,
WILKINS (Cass 11. Susan 8) 1151 Karyl PI, Rose- Continuing Education Ctr Rm 269. Lincoln 68583 ville 55113 --- Sam & Mary WELSCH, Rt 2 Box 77, Chadron
Arielle la, Sylvie 5) 342 Prospect Av, Prince-
di11a St, Ithaca 14850 --- Peter & Bonnie OAN NENBURG (Allisonl7l, Stephaniel73) Box 96, Knox 12107 --- Norma & Art DAVIS (Eric 6, Kirk 3) PO Box 435, Windham 12496 --- Cynthia & Tim othy DeMULDER (Cheyene 6) 14 Church St, Unadi l la 13B49 --- She r ry DONNENWIRTH, Aux. 2 , Plea
sant View Dr , Marlboro 12542 --- Donald DUDLEY, 97 Brendan Av, Kenmore 14217 --- Rich
MS - Doug & Connie BALL. Rt 2 Box 218 D. Pass Cnristian 39571 --- Cherr;e BROWN, Rt 2
69337 --- Dale & Judy WENZ, 231 Greenwood, Seward 68434 --- Dick & Rose YONEKURA (Jo sh
ton 08540 --- Sandy MADKI FF, PINEVIEW DAY ard & Anna Marie FAHEY (Isaac 13, Noel 12, KatSCHOOL, 207 Coar; Av. Minotola 0834 1 --- Steph - eri 11. Guadalupe 9. Rene 8 , Jean 6, Elizabeth
Box 274, Lot 8, N Biloxi 39532 --- Barbara & Tony ELLISON, Box 875, Rosedale 38769 --James & Brenda JINKINS (Alisnn/74, Olivia/7)) 2B50 N Pleasant Hill Rd, Nesbit 38651 --- Lavane & Joy LAMBERT, 131 Fitzhugh, Leland 38756 --- Sandra & Steve LIVERMAN (Leaf 5) PO Box 157, Wesson 39191 --- Bobby & Martha PENNEBAKER (Leigh 6, Seth 3) PO Box 160, Star 39167 --- Don & Becky POTTS (Maple/8I, Linden/B3) 190 Bluebird Ln, Brandon 39042 --- Mary SCHICK
ll, Abi B, Tessa 4) 7741 E Avon, Lincoln 6B505 --- James & Beth ZUEHLKE (James-Eric 9, Matthew 6) NEBRASKA HOME-SCHOOLING EXCHANGE, Box 96, Rockville 68B71 NV - Maggy ANTHONY, 700 E Peckham Ln /258,'eno 89502 --- Ed & Cher BATEMAN (sons
en MAHONY, 183 Brookside Or , Medford OB055 --Pat MASTRI, 103 llth Av H2, Belmar 07719 --Ruth & Terry MATILSKY (S arabeth I79, Jacob/82) 5 Briarwood Or, Somerset 08873 --- Arthur & Susan McBRIDE (Richard 4) 332 Centre St, Trento n 08611 --- Gary & Bernice McCALLI STER (Christo -
4, Antoine 3) HOME EDUCATION WORKSHOPS , RD 2, Oxford 13B30 --- Ed & Pam FALK (Ray 10) Greig 13345 --- Kerry & Albert FARAONE (Charliel7g , Cody/83) 207 Drake Av #5J, New Rochelle IDB05 --- Miriam & Eldon FORO (Mich ele /69) Rt 2 Box 144-B, Hoosick Falls 12090 --- Da le & Jeris
10,8) Star Rt, Glenbrook 89413 --- Leonard
pher 15. Oemien 9) 123 Mt Tabor Way , Ocean
Grove 07756 --- Carla Jean & Edward McDERMOTT (Edward III 13, Charles ll, James 9) 16 Oeborah Or, Piscataway OB854 --- Robyn & Stephen
FRENCH (Rebecca 7, Sha na 3) Rt 1 Box 202 - B, Crown Point 12928 --- Anita & David FRYZEL
John & Barb BARRON (Simon 16, Anmon 13) Rt I Box 103C, Mt Grove 65711 --- Rod ~ Carol BROWN
GODICK, 4440 Tamarus St /105, Las Vegas B9109 --- Peggy HAMLEN, VEGAS VALLEY HOME SCHOOLS UNITED, 6244 Fargo Av, Las Vegas B9107 --- Tom & Miriam MANGIONE (Shanda 14, Rusty 5, Toni 3) 4561 Sacks Or, Las Vegas 89122 --- Ivor & Kath ryn McKEOWN (Karen B, Kimberly 5, Stephen 2) PO Box 1656, Battle Mtn 89820 --- Von & Maria SORENSEN (Joey 16, Tony 14, Jared 10) Clover Valley, Wells 89835 --- Marvin & Evelyn TATE (Amy 15) PO Box 2B42, Zephyr Cove 89449 NH - Salah & Carolyn AL-EGAILY (Sadik 16)
(Joshua 8, Anna 5) Rt 1 Box 20. Newburg 65550
101 Musquash Rd, Hudson 03051 --- Daria AMARAL
town 07825 --- Sherman MURY. Apt 40K, Village
Erik 17, David 16, Lynette 13. Paul 12. Steven
--- Ilene & James BURGENER (Candia 9, Celestial 6, Harmony 5) Rt 2 Box 756, Newburg 65550 --- Lewis & linda CAMPFIELD (Christopher/8l, Amy & Sarah/84) 3634 Hartford St, St Louis 63116 --- Bill & Dorothy CARLSON (EIrena)) 300 Elm Grove Ln, Hazelwood 63042 --- Mark &
& Alden TANSEY (Michael/82) 11 Pleasant SE, Milford 03055 --- Rosemary & David ARMINGTON, Box 72. Kearsarge 03847 --- Pat & Bill BROWN (Michaell70, Matthewl73) 10 Conley's Rd, Atkin son 03811 --- Dennis & Gail CARDON (Jeanette 11, David 9, Laura 6, Stephanie 4) 18 Charlotte Av, Nashua 03060 --- Peter & Lou CASS (Aaron RO 1, Barrington 03825 --- Steve & Ruth CHERRY (Sasha 8, Jered 4) NEW HAMPSHIRE HOME SCHOOLS NEWSLETTER, 26 Lyndon St, Concord 03301 --- Paul & Kathie DUPONT (Je nnifer 9, Lisa 8, Kevin 3) RFD 7 Box 112, Gilford 03246 --- William FARKAS, 31 Franklin St, Keene 03431 --- Ken & Pearlene GAVLlK (Sh erry 16, Michael 12, John & Jeff 10) Chesterfield Rd, RFD I, Winchester 03470 --- Arthur HARVEY & Elizabeth GRAVALOS (Emily 8, Ma x 5) Weare 03281 --- Rick & Lori HAYES (Jesse 4 ) 101 Mackey Rd, Troy 03465 --- Doug & Meg JOHNSON , HOME EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTER (Corinne 13, Melissa 12, Brad 9, Brendan 4 ) PO Box 124 , Mont Vernon 03057 --- Cheryl KLEIN (Kelly 16, Jason 14) Box 552, Derry 03038 --- Albert & Janina LAMB (Juno 14, Rosy 12, Jasmi ne 9, Roland)) Brown Hill Rd, Tamworth 03886 --Abbey LAWRENCE, PO Box 97, Ctr Tuftonboro 03816 --- Viney LOVELAND & Bob COOK (Brenan 16, Misha 15) Red Ear Farm, Box 233, Gilsum 03448 --- Grace & Joe MATTY (Jaso n 12 ) 5 Grant St, Derry 03038 --- Thom McALLI STER & Debi FAD DEN, Box 186. Northwood 03261 --- Woody & Jo
Green, Budd Lake 07B28 --- Jenny & Dick NEPON (Emily 7, Ari 4) RD 2, Box 236, Califon 07B30 --- Barbara & Marc PARRILLI (Sara 3) 298 Highwood Av, Glen Rock C7452 ._- Nancy PLENT, NEW JERSEY UNSCHOOLERS NETWORK, 2 Smith St , Farmingdale 07727 --- Marvin & Gwen dolyn RESNICK
9, Anna 8, Philip 4) PSC Box 10536, APO NY 09012 --- Mary Jo & Chris HAWKINS (Vanessa 12,
(Paul 16. Tania 15, Mol1ianne 8) 7 Westbrook Av, Some rville 08876 --- Marian & Tersh RON-
Kar1een 15, Martin 13, Luke 6) Lord Rd , RD 2. Ca ndor 13743 --- Skip & Eleanor HERMAN (Joseph
(Matthew!76) PO Box 508, Hattiesburg 39401 ---
Bob & Keitha WHITAKER (Heatherl72, Andy175, Pippin/76) PO Box 624, Greenville 38701 --Lisa & Don ZOOK, 407 Bee St, Natchez 39120 MO - Robert & Judith BAKER (Daniel 12, Matthew10) 1216 Center St, Sarcoxie 64862 ---
Sally CHENEY {Marty 16, Jarnli 14, Anika 12, Tasha 10. Elsa 7, Cody 5) Rt 1 Box 112. Hous-
ton 654B3 --- Maureen CONWAY (Jennifer 15, Wayne 14, Serenity B, Elishaba 6, Nada 3) PO Box 298, Redford 63665-0298 --- Carolyn Maria
& Kevin COPE, PO Box 27024, Kansas City 64110 --- Susan & Bill CORCORAN (Sean 11, Sarah 9, Amy 5) Star Rt 70-G, Mountain View 65548 --Charles & Rita CROCKER (Jeremy 10) Rt I Box 9260, Holden 64040 --- Tim & Mary CUNNINGHAM (Caleb/76, Colby/76) 76 Head Lane, Hannibal 63401 --- Kay DENNIS (Nathan 10) Rt 3 Box 393, Ava 65608 --- Jim & Charlene DRURY (Krishna 13, Sasha 10, Jay 5) 3819 Juniper PI, Columbia 65201 --- Robert FANSLOW & Diana KISSELBURGH ( Abbey 6, Beryl 3) 200 Oak Hill Cluster, Independence 64050 --- Cynthia FELS, HOLISTIC EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY, RR I Box 45, Defiance 63341 --- Debbie HARPER & Chris CHEAVENS (Sean 15, Dehn 13, Caleb 6) Rt 2 Box 413, Ashland 65010 --- Clarence & Dana HILBURN (Mlonda 9) Rt 2 Box 214B, Oak Grove 64075 --Judy & Ron HIRSCH (Shanti & Joshua 15, Jai 10) Rt 2 Box 302, Longrun 65761 --- Albert & Cynthia HOBART (Robert 16) Rt 7 Box 134. Licking 65542 --- Jim & Jeanine HOUSE (Peter 14. Jason
)) 4814 liberty, Kansas City 64112 --- Gary & Teresa KEEPP£R (Jessica!78, Zachary!79, Sundance/83) Rt 1 Box 94, Clever 65631 --- Jean
KERN (Josh), 627 W Harrison, Springfield 65806 --- Steve & linda KESSELRING (Allen 7. David 5, Warren 3) 3614 Paul David, St Louis 63129 --- Steve & Jocelyn KOPEL (10,9) 720 Daniel Boone Or, Florissant 63031 --- Stephen KOVAC,
MIDOUHAS (Stephen 8, Emily 5, Reed 3) 1271,1
Kimber l y Av, Brant Bch 08008 --- Charlotte MIKULKA, PO Box 156, Branchville 07B26 --- 8arbara MILLER, 30 Lindstrom Or, Somerville OBB76 - -- Ann MORRIS, OURSELVES TO EDUCATE GUIOEBOOKS. School of the Arts Publications, PO Box
114, Stillwater 07875 --- Howard & Irene MOTT (Misty/77, Wickliffel79) RD 2 Box lll, Blairs-
ALDS (Reidl75, Roy/83) 62 Ridgedale Av, Cedar Knolls 07927 --- Art & Sue SCHMID (Christina/ 74) 53 Decotah Trail. Medford Lake s 08055 ---
Kathey & Stephen SHOSHIN (Mo 6, Alan 14) 52 Crest Cir, Matawan 07747 --- SOUTH JERSEY HOME SCHOOLING SUPPORT GROUP, 609-935-6253 --Lucille & Peter SULLIVAN (Mark /75, Brian177, Anne/82) 109 Center St, New Milford 07646 _.Judy TRENHOLME (Ci ndy 15) 279 Valley Way, Montclair 07042 --- Gerry & Jacque WALSH (Robbin 7, Joh n/84) Box 213A RD I, Phillipsburg OB865 NM - Peter BACON, ll09 Georgia SE , Albuquerque B7108 --- Linda & Toby BENETTI (Arlo )) PO Box 207,"Montezuma 8773 1 --- Donna & John BOLAND (Aa ron 9, Sara)) Rural Rt Station, Ilfe ld B7538 --- Amy BUNTING (Sarah 15) #2 Fr asco Rd, EI Dorado , Santa Fe 87501 --Susan & Edward CAMPAU (Jeremy 9, Molly 5) 1502 Pinon, Alamogordo 88310 --- Manon CHARBONNEAU, Box 2606, Santa Fe 87501 --- Crystal CHARLY
3914 HlJl1phrey. St Louis 63116 --- Gail
(Keith 10. Brian 8. Erica 5) 9 Mizoras Or.
KUEHNLE, Star Rt Box 70-0, Mountain View 65548 --- Bill & Janet MONTGOMERY (Caleb 9, Hannah 7, Joanna 4, Mary 2) Rt 2 Box 233, Cassville 65625 --- David & Sandra MOUNTJOY (Tabitha 10, Amary 7, Kalista 5) Rt I Box 43AI, Peculiar 64078 --- Julie & Tom O'DAY (Meghann 6, Katie 4) c/o Fred McAllister, PO Box 16B, Kahoka 63445 --- Frank & Carol RATLIFF (Joshua 10, Jedidiah 8) Rt I Box 381, Rolla 65401 --- Saralee & Bill RHOADS, FAMILIES FOR HOME EDUCATION, PO Box 523, Sibley 64088 --- Anna SANKOVICH (Stephen 15, Noah 6) Rt 2 Box 414, Rolla 65401 --- Calvin & Judith SCHMIDT {Shara-Lei 9, Shannon 7, Sarah 4) Rt 1 Box 212, Oak Grove 64075 --- Ken & Jeanne SLOANE (Oara 13, Asa 11, Hannah 9, Jack 5) Moniteau Farm, JamestOwn 65046 --- Gaylen & Terrie SMITH (Kish 9) Rt 1 Box 27, Couch 65690 --- Janey & Terry SMITH (Seth 15, Lindsey 13, Sarah 8) 6 Center Rd, Kirksville 63501 --- Jim & Marsha WILSON (Christopher 7, Corey 4) 402 Meier Or, Jefferson City 65101 --- Charles & Cheryl YOW (Charles II 5, Ashley 3, Sarah 2) 730 Monroe, St Charles 63301 MT - Michael ATHERTON & Kathy LEWIS (Corey 8)!!ox ll2, Trego 59934 --- Judy & Dennis CHAItlERS (Kevin 10, Kristi )) SYLVANITE SCHOOL, RD I, Troy 59935 --- Mel & Jean COLGROVE (Tim 19, Ben 7, Micah 6) Grant Star Rt, Dillon 59725 --- Katherine GLENN, FLATHEAD VALLEY HOMESCHOOLING ASSOC, Phone 837-4357, Kalispell --- Jim & JoAnn HOPPE (Matthew 8) PO Box 523. Helena 59624 --- Debbie & Ken KERSTEN (Jamie B, Autumn 7, Holly 5, Rachel 3) MONTANA HOMESCHOOLERS ASSOC, Box 144, Manhattan 59741 --- John & Laurie O'CONNOR (Josh 8, Casey)) 1505 Mansfield Ln, Dillon 59725 --- Andrew & Marianne SCOTT (Ruth 7, Roger 3) Box 90, Dixon 59831 --- Beorn & Nancy SEARLES (Vajra B) Rt 1 Box Ill, Eureka 59917 --- Alyce STREICH (Erica
Nashua 03062 --- Jeanne ROPER (Michael 10, Ste Do nna Ma cF ARLANE (B rian 10, Danny g, Molly 6)
Eleanore 5) Rt 7 Box l24AA. Santa Fe 87501 --532 Ponderosa NW, Albuquerque 87107 --- John &
Peggy SANDOZ (Kate 15, Noli 14, Jesse 12, Mol ly B) RFD Tamworth 038B6 --- John & Patricia SAVAGE (James 11, Katherine B) 130 Second Crown Pt, Rochester 03867 --- Jennifer SEIP, 70-A Winter St, Portsmouth 03801 --- Stephen
Peggy O'Ma ra McMAHON (La lly 10, Finnie g, 8ram 6, Nora 3) Sta r Rt Box 373, Placitas 87043 --MOTHERI NG MAGAZINE, PO Box 8410, Santa Fe B7504 --- Ed NAGEL, NATIONAL PSSN FOR THE LEGAL SUPPORT OF ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS (NALSAS), Pcrnela SMITH (V anessa 15, Lahra 11, Jeremiah PO Box 2823. Santa Fe 87501 --- Marion & Cyng, Ariel 7, Lysha 4 ) Rt 153, E Wakefield 03830 thia Jones NEAL ( Meghan 6) 825 Shirley NE, --- Jim & Michele SWISHER (B i l l 19, J ascha B) Albuquerque 87123 --- NEW MEXICO HOME EDUCAOak Hill Rd, Brookline 03033 --- Ron & Do nna TORS, PO Box 133B3, Albuquerque B7192 --- Ron TANNARIELLO (Tammy 17, Laurie 15, Erica 13, & Nancy O'CO NNOR (J ulia 6, Tara 5) 208 Polaco, Sarah 8, Luke 6, Joshua 4127 Beacon Or, Merri San ta Fe 87501 --- John & Ja n RICHARDS (Garmack 03054 --- Kendall TI MPER (Rosy 12. Ko 10, rett 6 ) phone 505-434-3045, La Luz --- SANTA
Junction OB550 --- Cheryl EVERHARD (Kathryn II) 255 Park Av, Old Bridge 08B57 --- John & Donna FATUROS (Josephl79, Joshua/82, Benjamin / 84) 435 Lincoln Av, Manville 08835 --- Meryl & Ron FEINSOD (Rachael/77, Luke/8l, Corey/81) NEW JERSEY FAMILY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, RD I Box 7, Califon 07B30 --- Jose & Martha FERRER (Den'
(William/n, Corinna178 , Margaretl80) 32 Church St, Oneonta 13B2D --- Dietmar & Virgin ia JAECK (Gunnar 6, Alana/83) RD Box 74, Hartwick 13348 --- Peggy JONAS & Charles APPLIN (Jeremiah!78, Jill / B2) Big Fresh Pond Rd, Southampton 11968 --- Bob & Penny KING (Joshua 13, Amber 6, Noah 4) Box 243A, E Jefferson Rd, Jefferson 12093 --- Bob & Pat KLING (Curt 19, Kevin I)) RD 4 Washout Rd, Scotia 12302 --Debbie & Randy KNIFFIN (Serena 9, Emily 5) 12 Court St, Geneseo 14454 --- Sha r on & Butch KNORR (Joshua 6, Rachel 4) 716 Vienna St Rd , Newark 14513 --- Edith & Bill KRAUSE (Caroline 10, Michael 5) 112 Meigs St , Rochester 14607 --. Louis & Diane LaBARGE (David 6) Rt I Box
Michael 10) 28 Suter Ter, Rochester 14620
Reb MacKENZIE & Jim CONTOIS (Jaime/76 , Mathias!781 RD 2 Box 6A. Schaghticoke 12154
_.- Robert & Diane MANDIA (Jonathan 4) RD 2 Box 374, Bedell Av , Clintondale, Highland 1252B --- Kathleen & John MARKS (Isis)) 1746 lincoln Ter, Peekskill 10566 --- Christine MAY (David 10 , Rebekah 7) 1120 Norbay, Franklin Square 11010 --- Dee & Patricia McCONNELL
(Rachael 12, Amy 9) RD 2 Box 136, Mannsville 13661 --- Nancy McGRATH & Steven EDELHERTZ (Shayne 8) RD I PO Box 103-P, Ellenville 1242B - -- Vicky McINTEE (James 10) 336 E 90th St , 'lA , NYC 10028 -_. Chalmers E. MEANS, Dir. Reading Programs . State University College,
Oneonta 13820 --- Tom 6, Peggy 41 573 South Harvey & Nancy MILLER 210th St, 3H, Bayside
& Betsy MELONIC (Charlie St, E Aurora 14052 --(Shane 8 , Elyse 5) 75-05 11364 --- Mary MILLER &
Yorman ZAMIR, 86 - 07 Eliot Av, Rego Park 11374
--- Phil & Kathy NUTZ (Joshua 7, Caleb 5) 1195 E 94th St. Brooklyn 11236 --- Bim & Doris NEWMAN (Joy I)) 2 Fillmore Av, Coram, Long ( Mickey 12, Sir Lancelot 11, Robert 10) Box Is lan d 11727 --- Tierney & Brad O'BRIEN-DOVAN 91, Rodeo B8056 --- John & Donna SPRUILL (Joan- (Heather/80, Molly/84) 25 Dover Park, Roches na 16, Molly 14, Ramona)) Rt I Box 7-C, Estan- ter 14610 --- Sage O'SHION (Mike I)) 1535 Dud cia B7016 --- John & Susanna SUTTON (Timothea ley Av, Utica 13501 --- OUR SELVES TO EDUCATE, 12, Paulie 10, Harry 8) 204 Princeton SE, Albu- School of the Arts, 212 W 137th, New York querque B7106 --- Linda VELARDE (Cisco 5) Rt I 10030 --- PATURA SCHOOL, 60 Gatehouse Rd, New Box 8A, Glorietta 87535 Paltz 12561 --- John PAULL, 77 Buckingham Rd, NY - Diane & Paul ABELL (Josh ua 10, Ariel Brooklyn 11226 --- Don & Lois PORTER (Cindy )) 26oCroly St, Syracuse 13224 --- The ACKER- 15, John 13, Judy 12) Box 401, New Lebanon MAN S, NY C - See CT --- David BAKER, 15 Broad12125 .-- Sue & Ch arles PREGGER (Becky 12, way, Rensselaer 12144 --- Lou & Nan BARRANTI Rachel 8, Charlie 5) 19 Larnard St, Potsdam ( Annekel78, Kjrstn/81) 4915 Broadway, NY C 13676 --- Tom & Cindy RASELY (8ecky 6) Park 10034 --- Meribeth & Brad BERG (Jada 6 ) RD I wood Village Lot '38, IB71 Hansha w Rd, Ithaca Box 619, Westtown 1099B --- Marlee & Charles 14B50 --- Larry & Ch arlene REED (Mike 10, JessBERGMAN (C huck 16, Shari 15, Jeremy B, Daniel ica 4) 32 Student Ln, Brockport 14420 -- 6, Jennifer 4) 6 Station Rd, 1,1 Danby 14896 --- Floyd & Luci REESER (Elizabeth 12, Kristine Suresh & Aranyan; BHATE (Manga1a 11) 1154 11, Catherine 8) RD 3 Box 203. New Berlin Mohawk Rd, Niskayuna 12309 --- Bernard & Mar134ll --- Seth ROCKMULLER & Katharine HOUK tha BOARDLEY (Michael 10 , Mark e) 57 Wildwood (Tahra Needell 15 , Benjamin R. 6, Emily H. 3) Av, Mt Vernon 10550 --- Susan BOBOWSKI (Becky/ IB Washington Av, Chatham 12037 --- Joe ROSEN FE COMMUNITY SCHOOL, PO Box 2241, Santa Fe
77, Jessie/8]) 350 Candor Hill Rd. Candor
STIEL (Ruth 15, Marian 12) 81 Ashland St #3,
Rochester 14620 --- Kerry & Dan SAGER (Josh )) RD 2, N Hillsdale 12529 --- Louise & Mark SCARLETT, Butler Rd, Rossie 13646 --- Edward &
Kat e SHARP & Ernie POLSTEIN (dtr 2 ) 495 West End '9C, New York 10024 _.. Kathleen & John SMEE IRyan / 81) 5501 Trustevere, Clay 13041 -- Lori SMITH, PO Box 73IB, Albany 12224 -- Steve & Rhonda SOLOMON (Neill 4, Jonathan 6, Rainbow 8) PO Box 13, Bloomingdale 12913 --Rick SPROUT, 204 Grant Av, Endicott 13760 --Toby & Evan STOVER (Rio 6) RD I Box 428, High Falls 12440 --- Priscilla TABER, 264 Spring
6. Christopher 5) 926 W Woolman, Butte 59701
nis 14, Rebeca 9, Aimee 7, Amanda 5) S3 South
--- Linn & Val SZENTER (Marysia 6) 127 5th St E, Kalispell 59901 --- Dave & Pam WILLIAMSON ( Cobey 13, Jeb 11, Dagan 8, Calen 6) Rt I, NE - Beth ARENDS, 967 1st Av, Bayard 69334-=-- Ronaele & Russell BERRY (Katherine/ 71, Anne/73, Margaret175, Emily178, Russell / B1) Rt I, Johnstown 69214 --- Harold & Sandy DAVIS (David 12, Debra 9, Daniel 6) Rt 1 Box 90, Brownville 6B321 --- Roger & Judy DUERR, 7741 E Avon, Lincoln 68505 --- Albert & Roxanne JANE, 14341 Castlewood, Waverly 68662 ---
Or, E Brunswick OB816 --- Bill & Jane FLEMER (El1111a/84) 270 Mapleton Rd, Kingston 0852B -- Fred & Wendy FORBES ( Ben 13, Beth ll, Richard 4) 494 Mary St, Mt Holly 08060 --- Stephen & Nancy GERARD (Bob 25, Lillian 15, Stevie 10) 177 W Mill Rd, Long Valley 07853 --- Bonnie GORDON, 103 Main St, Millburn 07041 --- Sus an & Douglass HOLMES, 161 Middlesex Av, Piscataway OB854 --- Edward & Kathy HORVATH (Sarah 5, Meaghan 4) 47 Kendal Av, Maplewood 07040 -- lain & Penny HUNTER ( Brian 6) 07 Lawrence Apts, Princeton U., Princeton 08544 --- Rebec-
13743 --- Bill & Rachel BOERST (Robin 15, Julie 12) 286 State St, Jamestown 14701 -_. William & Melissa BOSTROM (Matthew 10, Andrew 4 ) PO Box 717, Tupper Lake 12986 --- Larry & Claudia BROSNAN (Anne/n, Gaea/79) 16 Beech St, Pt Lookout 11569 --- Karen & ~ike BUSCH (Rich ie 9, Morningstar 5) PO Box 96 , Walworth 14568 --- Zeke CAMERON & Louis BLANCHE (Louis 5, Vivienne 3, Came ron /B4) I Circle Or, Irvington 10533 --- Sue & Michael CARROLL (Nat han B, Willow 6) RD I, Avoca 14809 --- Nancy & Patrick CIHO N (C hristopher /7 I, Emily176, Matt hew/ 7B, Elizabeth/82) 11 E Elizabeth St , Skaneateles 13152 --- Bobbie & Eric COHEN (L auren 10, Alec)) Rt 2 Grand St, Sag Harbor 11963 --Deb & Colin COOTS (Heather, Jesse) Cobb Rd,
Margo KNAPP, Box 665,602 2nd A'll. Bayard 69334
ca ISRAEL, 136 Green A'll, RD 2. Bellemead 08502
Pavilion 14525 --- Jonathan DAITCH, 409 Casca-
Moyie Springs (ID) 83845
7 , Ross 4) 194-IOL 64 Circle , Fresh Meadows 11365 --- Tom HINKLE & Sue SCOTT (Jesse 9, Luke 7, Jill 3) Rt 1 Box 156-B1, Cadyville 1291B --- Harold & Pat INGRAHAM, CALUMET SCHOOL, Smyrna 13464 --- John & Nancy ITALIA
133, Richville 13681 --- Rose LANDOWNE, 11 Riv-
ille 7) PO Box 256, Hillsboro B8042 --- Ellen & Ron HALE (Jesse!78. Luke/8l) 219 Miramonte, Av, Greenland 03B40 --- Dennis & Barbara PARSH San ta Fe 87501 --- Kathy KEARNEY & Zack CROCKLEY (Sean II, Jason 10, Nathan 8) PO Box 457, ETT (Lluvi a!77 , Liorah!79) PO Box 205, Las Centre Harbor 03226 --- Chris & Elaine RAPP Vegas 87701 --- Ward & Judy KERR (Eowyn 14 ,
ELLIS (9,8,6,4,3) 14 Yorktowne Ct, Princeton
Seaman Av, Baldwin 11510 -_. Michael & Melinda HEFFERNAN (Matt 9) 211 E 10th St 112, New York 10003 --- Verna & Bill HELMKE-SCHARF (Jud 18,
erside Or, Apt 4NW , New York 10023 --- Dennis & Karen LEE (Jeremiah 8, ZaChariah 4) RR 1 Box 107, W Chazy 12992 --- Sherrie & Norm LEE (Henry 21, Russell 19) HOMESTEADER'S NEWS, Naples 14512 --- Chris & Judy LUNDGREN (Robin 12,
OLMSTEAD (Aaron 9, Marlais 14) 1119 Portsmouth
--- Janet THORESEN, Rt 4, Grafton 03240 -- Jennifer WRIGHT & Stan McCUMBER (Va nessa 15, Andrew/83) Star Rt 2, Charlestown 03603 NJ - Robert & Shelley ASHCROFT (Adam 9, Cara T. Roshelle 5, RJ 2) 13 Gloucester Ct, Mt Holly 08060 --- Lucille BENDER, PO Box 210, Deal 07723 --- Janet BENNETT, 205 Essex Av, Boonton 07005 --- Mrs N. BROOK (Nietcha 13) Meadow Gate Farm, Cross Rd, Colte Neck 07722 --- Pam & Dan DELANEY (Daniel 20, David IB, Peter 16) 2646 River Rd, Manasquan 08736 --S..ndy DELOPOULOS, 204 3rd Av, Belmar 07719 --Ron & Renee DETOFSKY (Erin 7, Jonah 3) 45 N Edgewood Av, Sicklerville 08081 --- Karen & Gerald ELDER (Krista 10, Robin 6, Dawn 4) MERCER COUNTY HOME EDUCATION PROJECT, 102 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell 08525 --- Frank & Regina
Elizabeth 10, Katherine 6, Patricia 3) 5691,1
(d trs Wetamo 12. Kehneeta 6) Rt 3 Box 466, Las
MYLES, 341 Locke Rd, Rye 03B70 --- Dan & Jan
Asa 7. Oeodonne 3) Dustin Rd, Contoocook 03229
dee & Eddie GOMEZ (Jessica 7, Serah 6, Adam 3) 884 Wilson Blvd, Ce ntral Islip 11722 --- Susan GOSS , 2 Winkle Point Or, Northpoint 11768 -- Brian & Sharon GRAFF (Heidi 9) PO Box 72, Dolgeville 13329 --- Danny & Deb HAMILTON (Kas andra 7, Shannon 5) 33 Raynor St, Freeport 11520 - -- Peter & Marilyn HANSEN (Mike 19,
Lunas 87031 --- Anna Maria DEARDORFF, General
Delivery. Ce rrill os 87010 --- Steve & Kay GOODMILLER (Kyla, Bode, Wren, Chelone) TAMARACK SEll (K im 11, Kelly 8, Lindsay 5) 3833 Madrid TENNIS CAMP, Franconia 03580 --- Allen & Peggy NE, Albuquerque 87111 - -- Rich & Paula GRAHAM MYERS (Eben 7, Justus/83) 13 Sachem Village. W (Carter 7. Garrett 3) 2221 Ridgecrest, FarmingLebanon 03784 --- Jack, Gail, Bud. Mike & Tim ton 87401 --- Butch & Jeanette HACKNEY (Cam-
phen 6, Kristen 3) Wilson Rd. Wilton 03086 --
(Dena 16 , Mi chael 13) 16 Elm St , Canisteo 14823 --- Linnette & Jeff GANAPOSKI (Alia 8, Kagan 6) 7 Downs Av, Binghamton 13905 --- Sin-
Karen SCHADEL (Joshua!76. Sethl78. Sadrah / 81l
Side Hill Springs, RD 4 Becker Rd, Skaneateles 13152 --- Mary SCHAFFER, 410 Wabash, Kenmore 14217 --- Jean SCHOFIELD & Steve BOCK (Aaron 7, Anna 4) RD Box 48, Prattsville 12468 --
26 St, Monroe 10950 --- Ron TAYLOR, BRONX EDUCAT!ONAl SERVICES, 3422 Bailey Pl, Bronx 10463 --- Mike & Jolynn THOMAS, 310 Van Duzer, Stat en Island 10304 --- Jon & Oebby THOMPSON (Morgan 9, Susan 61 2419 Carson Rd, Cortland 13045 --- linda TSA80UKAS, 188 Bay 22 St, Brooklyn 11214 --- 80b & Nancy WAllACE (Ishmael 13, Vita 101 119 Irving Pl, Ithaca 14850 --- Michael & Patti WELCH (Bethany 7, Oaniel 41 41 Chestnut Dr, Rochester 14624 --- Tsano YU, 170 Henry St *2C, NYC 10002 NC - Claudia BARBER & Garry BUETTNER (Oaniel/74, David/78, Adam/SO, Elisabeth/B21 412 Briarcliff Ln, Cary 27511 --- Marilyn & Spencer BOHREN (Django 7, Andre 5, Corinna 21 NEW BLUES, PO Box lB328, Asheville 28814 --- David BRAATZ, PO Box 114, Mt Mourne 28123 --- Suzette CLOUTIER (Kirsten 111 Rt 2 _Box lB9-C, Hendersonvi lle 2B739 --- Ron & Terry DELONEY (John 41 67 Rollingwood Or, Newport 2B570 --Kim GOlOEN (Ben/79, Katie / 81, Joe / 821 NORTH CAROLINIANS FOR HOME EDUCATION, 691 Sportsman Or, Concord 28025 --- Heather Ann, PO Box 60, Etowah 28729 --- Jim & Patricia HUEGERICH (Amanda 9, Anneka & Jordan 61 110 Taylor St, Chapel Hill 27514 --- Wanda & Tye HUNTER (Su-
- -- Richard & Patti lAWRENCE (Rachael ;1, Sar ah B, Rebekah 6, leah 31 33 E New Haven, Bloom vi ll e 44B18 --- Erwin & lynne lEFFEl (Matthew 11, Jessica 8, Nathaniel 31 6171 Sidley Rd, Thompson 44086 --- Clark & Pam lEWIN (son 1oy 10r/82, dtr Kaylan/831 1584 Hillwood Dr, Ket tering 45439 --- Elizabeth LOGSDON (Adam 121 318 E Henry St, Wooster 44691 --- Jim & Katie NAllY (Nancy 10, Mary Jean 8, Patty 4139170 Skinner Run, Pomeroy 45769 --- OCEAN (OHIO COALI TI ON FOR EOUCAT! ONAl Al TERNATI VES NOW I PO Box 094, Thompson 440B6 --- Keith & Joan PITZER (Seth B, Zachary 5, Jacob 31 3489 larrick Rd, Leesburg 45135 --- Nancy RAYMER, Rt 4 Box 134, Jackson 45640 --- Jan & Mike RUDOEll (Erin/B21 3085 Waynesville-Jamestown Rd, Xenia 45385 --- Jim SHAW & louann REBBIN-SHAW (Jene S. 41 603B Indian Bluff, Oayton 45424 --- Oav id SOWD, PO Box 9431, Canton 44711 --- Carl & Judy Ann STEVENSON (Matthew 17, luke 14, Hannah 12, Esther 91 3883 Wheat Ridge Rd, W Union 45693 --- Sharon & ~ichael TACHENKO, 10000 Oaly Rd, Cincinnati 45231 --- Chad & Amy WHITE (Joshua 9, Gabriel 6, Matthew 41 12B45 Wood land Dr, Sunbury 43074 --- Dick & Shari WISEMAN (Christie 17, Matthew 141310 Blue Bonnet
sannah 8) 27 Cedar Terrace Rd. Chape 1 Hi 11
Or. Fi nd lay 45840 - - - Ron & Jenne 11 WOODARD,
27514 --- Beth lACKEY (Kent 15, Brad 141 PO 338 Storer Ave, Akron 44302 Box 1074, Burnsville 28714 --- Ron & linda OK - Mark & linda ASHTON (Kathryn/74, Hil lARSEN (Adam 8, Nicholas 61 9 Red Oak Rd, Ashe- larym, Courtney/811 907 Cheryl Cir, lawton ville 28803 --- Frances & P.J. lENIHAN (Mich73505 --- Oale & Kathy BARE (David 12, Jenni ae' 7) 1115 Lockland Av. Winston-Salem 27103
--- Carolyn lUCENTO, MOUNTAIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL, Rt 3 Box 130, Clyde 28721 --- Ed & Vicki MEYER (Jeremiah/71. Elisha/76, Fair1i ghtl78. Dan; e 1/80. C1ai re/82) 107 Fayette St, Winston-Salem 27107 --- William & Reid MIllER (Ross 7, Winston 41 PO Drawer 1630, Robbinsville 28771 --- Bob & linda MORGAN (Daniel 11, Jonathan 101 1720 Flynnwood Dr, Charlotte 28205 --- Chuck & Pam MOSHER, Rt 8 Box 47, Chapel Hill 27514 --- Bob & Susan NOFFSINGER, Rt 4 Box FV-72, Apex 27502 --- James & Susan OATES (Noah/81, Sarah/831 l11B W Nash St, Wilson 27893 --- George & Julia PETRIDES (Christy 10, Sarah 7) 4015 ""Iarie Or, Winston
Salem 27107 --- Phil & Linda RIAL (Jennifer, Jessica) 11201 Sundown In. Piney; lle 28134 --lynda & Bill SAWYER (Fran 51 3606 Arvin Dr, Charlotte 2B213 --- Chip & Alise STROUP (Kristin & Jennifer 9) PO Box 1322, Lincolnton
28092 --- Douglas TUNNEll (Susan 16, Karen 11, Stephen gl Rt 1 Box llBB, Swan Quarter 27B85 NO - Paula AllMARAS (Zara 12, Dylan 71 1145 "Bth St, Fargo 58102 --- Sue HIMEL (Stephanie/72, Bryan/761 1723 Willow Or, Grand Forks 58201 --- Camille KULKA, 14 E 10th St, W Fargo 58078 --- Craig & Cheryl STOVER, N.D . HOME SCHOOL ASSOC, 721 N 14th St, Fargo 58102 OH - Richard & Penny BARKER (Britt 16, Maggi.ll, Dan 10, Ben 8, Jonah 61 THE COUNTRY SCHOOL, Rt 3, Millersburg 44654 --- Oave & Sue BARTOW (Matt 7, Micah 41 RR 1, College Corner 45003 --- Denise BASSETT (Gea D'Marea 71 clo Reghetti, 527 Center St E, Warren 44481 --Terry & Wendy BENDER-MIllER (Hope 6, Teva 31 221 S Kirk, Wlafayette 43845 --- Dianna BISSELL. PO Box 17, Windsor 44099 --- Wayne & Toni BOLTON (Alicia 17, Clifford 15, Danny 101 3983 Enon-Xenia Rd, Enon 45323 --- Donna BRYANT (Aaron 111 961 Winding Hollow In, Upper Sandusky 43351 --- Richard & Elizabeth BURNS (Jesse 13, Jacob 12, Margaret 10, Mary 7, Kath-
ryn 5, Joseph 41 Rt 5, 1072 TR 1193, Ashland 44805 --- Rod & Pat CHARLTON (Jeremiah 10, Adrianne BI 1986 Rt 63, lebanon 45036 --CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOlERS OF OHIO, PO Box 302, Cuyahoga Falls 44221 --- Brenda COWEll, 1814 Giant St, Toledo 43613 --- linda & Mike (OX (l i ann & Sean 7, Heather 101 254B Elmwocd St, Cuyahoga Falls 44221 --- Kurt & Beth CUSH (Stephani e 51 11 0 Rear Shame 1 St, Uhri chsvi 11 e 44683 --- Barbara DELANEY & Don BOGOSIAN (Brendan 11, Gavin 7, Aidan 51 4730 Hardwick Or, Cincinnati 45238 --- Paul & Emily DURR (Sofia
12, Matthew 31 32 Edgar Av, Oayton 45410 --Bonnie EDWARDS & Steve TROUT (Larissa 5, Isaac
31 PO Box 24, Shade 45776 --- Penny & John
(Jahnavi 71 Rt 3 Box M75, Sherwood 97140 --Barbara & lee HAGA, 7995 Slab Creek Rd, Neskowin 97149 --- Becky & Jay HAGGERTY (Rachael 10, Rima 71 1026 SE Nehalem, Portland 97202 --Janet & Gary HALE (Forest 41 22628 Hoy 36, Cheshire 97419 --- Marilyn & David HAll (MichaellBO, Teresa/B21 15125 Evans Valley Rd NE, Silverton 97381 --- Gregg HARRIS, CHRISTIAN LIFE WORKSHOPS, 180 SE Kane Av, Gresham 97030 --- loren & Melissa HEUERTZ (Tionne 18, Michelle 15, Nikol1 13, Joshua 101 19908 E Evans Creek Rd, Central Point 97502 --- HOMESCHOOlERS OF lANE COUNTY, Phone 688-0794, Eugene - -Suzette HUGHES (Cody 31 36730 Hwy 101 S, Cloverdal e 97112 - -- Marcus & Jan HUNT (Jason 41 7935 Fanno Creek Or *2, Tigard 97223 --- Bob & Claudi a JONES (Alexander /75, Gwendo lynlBO I GOOO SHEPHERO CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Rt 3 Box 132, Sherwood 97140 --- Jayne JOYCE (laura/72, Alex /751 THE lEARNING CONNECTION, 2332 Harbeck Rd, Grants Pass 97527 --- Kaline KLAAS & Wake McGIll (Selene 4, Christine 161 44200 Hwy 101 S, C1overdal e 97112 - - - John & Glenna KOSTER (Megan 71 Rt 2 eox 138, Wi 11 ami na 97396 - - Ann & Ri3ck lAHRSON (Alice 7, Erin 415360 SW 192, Aloha 97007 --- Sam & Oiane LIEBERMAN (Noah 10, Eli 71 13250 Hwy 66, Ash land 97520
ann COULTER (April g, Rosalie 7, lydia 51 216 4th St, E Greenville 18041 --- COUNTRY GARDENS SCHOOL, PO Box 722, Quakertown lB951 --- Sheila CULVER, 317 E South St, Corry 16407 --- Durvasa & Suchitra OAVENPORT (Setha 41 Phone 215-566-4906, Rose Valley --- T.B. & Judy DEAN (Michael/77, Kate/781 1415 Pebblewood In, Williamsport 17701 --- Tom & Karin DESCHERE (Kristopher 7, Arwen 31 140 W Highland Av, Philadel phia 19118 --- Debbi DONOVAN & Gene GRIISSER (Joshua 51 RD 1 Box B70, Alburtis lBOll --Cheryl OOWNING & Bi lly HAll (Flora 5, Emry 31 RO 4 Box 4158, Stroudsburg 18360 - - - Oal e & Ellen DUNCAN (laura/74, Ann/79 1 RO 2 Box 413, Hal i fax 17032 - - - Nancy EDMONOSON (Scott 9, Nathan 51 1414 Otter St, Franklin 16323 --Gudmundur & Sandra EINARSSON (Sark i s 51 RD 1 Box 106, Zionsville 18092 --- Dave & Glenda ERSKINE (Oavina 17, Pamela 15, Shawna 10, Dav id 81 912 SPark Av, Glenshaw 15116 --- Oenes & Robert FINNEGAN (Daniel 31 470 Turkey Ridge Rd, Apollo 15613 --- Debbie FORMICA (Matthew 7, Ti mothy 41 6602 Chestnut St, Upper Darby 19082 - - - Ed & Brenda FOX (Storm 61 RO 3, Wood Rd, Franklin 16323 --- Kathryn & lans FRYDEN BORG (laurel 11, Erik 81 RD 3 Box 304, Stew art stown 17363 - - - Loi s GAYMAN, 400 W Keller
--- Ken & Lezlie LONG (Robert 7, Rebecca 5,
St, Mechanicsburg 17055 --- David & Diane
Richard 4, Rochelle/83I PO Box 38, N Powder 97867 --- Ooug & Mary lou MASSEY (Douglas 16, Tara 13, Kimya 8, Kirstin 61 622 Hidden Valley fer 10, Lynette 6, Alison 3) 122 5 Whitaker, Rd, Grants Pass 97526 --- Kathy & Chris MOHR Pryor 74361 --- Jack & Susan BOUCHER (Damon 6, (Alicia 17, Aaron 81 Star Rt Box 36, Tenmile Danica 5, Darcy 31 1501 S Johnson, Enid 73701 97481 --- Virginia MORGAN, 11495 Slab Creek --- Frank BRASWEll, NW OKLAHOMA REGION, 2008 Rd, Neskowi n 97149 - - - l i zz ie & Steve MURDOCK Meadowbrook, Pone 11 Ci ty 74604 - -- Denn; 5 & Mar- (Leo 15, lily 41 Box 11, Cloverdale 97112 --ie BROOKS (Kimberly 151 12Bl Hurst Or, Enid linda NITKOWSKI (Camise 81 31272 Gowdyville 73701 --- Mardana CERCHIE, 709 Erie, Tulsa Rd, Cottage Grove 97424 --- Jerri & John OTTO. 74112 --- Joyce & Art DICKERMAN-STEWART (Jo 1864 NW 37th, Lincoln City 97367 --- Holly PORelle 6, Aaron 21 Rt 3 Box 19, Madill 73446 -- HR, PO Box 592, John Oay 97845 --- Suzi & TruJennifer & Hugh GEMMELL (Trahern/801 3244 S man PRICE (Ami 10, Rowan 111 7225 Talmadge Rd, lakewood, Unit 4-C, Tulsa 74135 --- Bob & Kay Independence 97351 --- Pat & Garth PUTNAM (DavGOSHEN, OKLAHOMA HOME SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, PO id 17 , Shannon 15, Beth 12, Sean 101 38040 Box 14B, Jenks 74037 --- Selma HARWEll, 14B N Pengra Rd, Fall Creek 97438 --- QUEST INTERNAColumbia Pl, Tulsa 74110 --- Tony & Sandy TIONAl, PO Box 1047, Grants Pass 97526 --KAFKA (Yvonne 8, Zaneta 6, Aaron 3) 310 SOak, Anna QUINN-SMITH (Kristin 141 2306 NE AinsSapulpa 74066 --- Ann KRAMER, 1410 S Quincy, worth, Portland 97211 --- Mary ROYER, NATIONAL Tulsa 74120 --- Gerry 8. Jeann;e MAYO (David 8, PARENTS lEAGUE, PO Box 3987, Portland 9720B Sara 6, Rebecca 41 Rt 2 Box 134-A, Purcell --- Jan RUEDIGER (Dylan 10, Jessica 8, luke 61 73080 --- Sandi MYERS (Scott 15, Julie 12, 1090 S 8th St NO, Coos Bay 97420 --- Patty Shelley 10, John Michael 6) Rt 1 Box 42, Drum RUETER & Jim STOBER (Shard 15, Baird 12, lucy mond 73735 --- Patty MORWOOD, OKLAHOMA CITY 61 PO Box 363, Hebo 97122 --- Ruth, Paula, HOME SCHOOlERS, 14212 Piedmont Rd, Piedmont Scott & Shirley (Teal & Keddy 61 11330 Takilma 73078 --- louise NORDBY, 1817 S Quaker, Tulsa Rd, Cave Junct ion 97523 - - - Terry & Teri 74120 --- John & Toni O'lEARY (Rose/791 PO Box SANDERSON, Star Rt, Wasco 97065 --- Margaret & 397, ~da 74820 --- Stacy & Cheryl RICHAROSON Peter SANSONE (Gabriel 111 PO Box 3B, Beaver (Jeff g, Briana 61 1376 N 76th E Av, Tulsa Creek 97004 --- Larry & Karen SHRADER (Krista 74115 --- Ralph & June SANDERS (Mark 20, Mich- 14, Kory 12, Scott gl 13A N Reuben Rd, Glenele 18, Oonna 151 PO Box 343, Warner 74469 --- dale 97442 --- Gayla & Richard SLATTON (Cord leon & Oiane SEIFRIEO (Heidi 12, Bridgitte 9, 31 7506 SE 18th A" Port land 97202 - - - Caya SMITH (Jasmine 5, Dylan 31 1000 lower Wolf Cr Rud 51 Star Rt Box 165, Vi an 74962 --- Sandra Rd, Wolf Creek 97497 --- Marcia & Carlo SPANI SIBLEY, 2744 E Independence, Tulsa 74110 --Joyce & Earl SPURGIN (Catherine / Bli 5537 N (Shannon 6, Renee 41 4640 SW 1B2nd, Aloha Barnes, Oklahoma City 73112 --- Aranya STEIN97007 --- Lloyd STARK & Oonna MIllER (Annie MEYER, 1424 S Gary Pl, Tulsa 74104 --- James & 15, Tonya 101 phone 503-6B6-2226, Eugene --Carol STIRLING (Jim 21, John 17, Charity 111 Steve & Diane STEARNS-SMITH (Corrie/76, Verity Rt 1 Box 87, Rose 74364 --- Oenise TERRIL, 102 /79, Owen/83 I 3060 Blackthorn, Medford 97504 E 7th, Sandsprings 74063 --- Charlene & Mich--- Marten & Mary STONE (Travis 11, Tyler 91 ael WINGER-BEARSKIN (Anis 9, Amelia 61 Phone 13285 Hwy 42, Wi nston 97496 --- Oarryl & Susan 918-451-23B2, Broken Arrow --- Cary WOOD, 3412 STORRAR (l i zzy 13, Jenny 11, Mi ke 81 22985 Oak Grove, Midwest City 73110 Yucca Ct, Bend 97701 --- Michael & Candace OR - Dave & Nancy AllEN (Craig 11, leslie SYMAN-OEGlER (Isaac 12, Vanessa g, lucien 61 9, Man 5) 516 Stewart Rd, Grants Pass 97526 Box 132, Chesh i re 97419 - - - Aj a & Abhaya --- Marty BIGGER (Rachelle 14, Mark 81 16390 THOMAS (Vrndavana 11, Gopal 5, Vedisa 31 4629 Airlie Rd, Monmouth 97361 --- Sonia & Jack SE 64th, Portland 97206 --- Sharon TROMPETER & BILTZ (Joseph 101 HOMESCHOOlERS OF KLAMATH Charles ANDERSON (Eli 8, Erin 31 Rt 1 Box CO., 3934 Rio Vista Way, Klamath Falls 97603 1345, Bandon 97411 --- VAllEY SCHOOL (Kirston --- Arnold & Carolan BLACK (Jerry 23, Jeanette Johnson 9, Melissa Vovou 9, Yuri Voght 10, Car21, Jaleen 121 4415 Cedar Flat, Williams 97544 ina Abernathy 11, Wendy Short Holt 12. Lea Joy(summer! -- - John & Toni BLUM-CATES (leah 51 er 12, Vasu Bernard 141 PO Box 902, Hood River 190 NE Patterson, Roseburg 97470 --- Brenn & 97031 --- Julie VAN'T HUl (Jean/77, Mary/78, Zandra BOYER, Box 455, Uni on 97883 - - - Don & Jacob/801 McKay Creek Box 2, Pi lot Rock 97868 An BRYANT (Rebecca 14, James 131 2235 Rad --- Susan WALTON, 2433 N.W. Quimby St, Portcliffe, Klamath Falls 97601 --- Peggy BUCHANAN land 97210 --- Jeff & Phyllis WEIH (Nathan 5, (Melissa 9, Rohannon 6) 908 Fox St, Ashland Andrea 11 4024 SE 101 Av, Portland 97266 --97520 --- Paul & Debbie CAVANAUGH (Jessica 9, Pat & Sue WELCH, CHRISTIAN HOME SCHOOLS, 8731 Justin 5) Box 184, Beaver 97108 --- Fred & NE Everett St, Portland 97220 --- David & Mary CAREY, 5738 SE West fork St, Portland Janis WEYENETH (David Jr 51 4737 NE 27th Av,
ELLIS (Marnle 8) Wi11owood Farm, 174 Horgan Rd. Jefferson 44047 --- David & Nan ERBAUGH
97206 --- Sam & Sherryl CHAMPIE (Jennifer la, Kristopher 5) John Day Stage, Box 118. Baker
(Zachary 8, Noah 31 237 E Weller St, Box 368, Ansonia 45303 --- Oouglas & Linda FLOOD (Bethany/78, Jonelle/80, Susanna/831 7395 Portage
97814 --- Angela & Rick COHEN (Aaron 17, Tanya 15, Thorr 13, Raven 9, Mose 61 950 Garfield, Coos Bay 97420 --- CORVALLIS OPEN SCHOOL, 960
Portland 97211 --- Larry & Laura WHITE (Rachel
GRAJEK, RD 4 Box 35A, Cochranton 16314 -- Manna Chen GEIST, 737 Blvd Dr, Schwenksville 19473 --- Tom & Kenly GOONAN (Rachel 16, Elizabeth 14, Ruth 131 PO Box 723, lebanon 17042 --- Joann HAMER (17 ,14 , 12,81 128 Old Ridge Rd, Coraopolis 15108 --- Jeannie HAY & Bob WIDENER (Ian BIRO 2 Box 2396, Stroudsburg 18360 - - Russell HAYES (Michael/78, Jeremy/801 504 Field House In, Swarthmore 190Bl --- Tom & Veron;ca HILL (Sonya 11, Adrian 9) PO Box 143.
James City 16734 --- Allen & Su;an HIllMAN (Allen 111/67, Erika/70, Andrew/76, Suzannel 77, AnthonylBO, Alycia/831 337 Lincoln Av, Wil liamsport 17701 --- linda HOlZBAUR & Ken RITTER (Grace/81, Nathaniel/841 6755 Glenloch St, Phi ladelphia 19135 --- INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE HIGH SCHOOL, Scranton lB515 --Joe & Susan JAFFER (Suzanne 12, Gillian 9, Jo ey 61 RO 2 Box 206, Waymart 18472 --- David & Kim JEFFERY (Nathan/75, Adam/ 77 , BlythelBO, Jordan /821 229 Olin Av, Girard 16417 --- Deb bie lynn & Ken JONES (Noah 9, Anna 41 Box 1377 RD 1, Stroudsburg 18360 --- John & Anne KARCH ER (John 16, Jim 151 2436 N line St, Colmar 18915 --- Kate & Ed KERMAN (Ada 12, Hanna 9, Jesse 6) 11 07 Keystone, Chester 19013 - - - Thom-
as & ~artha KRULICK (Jeffrey/76, Hester l Bll 2737 Valley V,ew Or, Bath lS014 --- Karl & Renate KRU","ENOEHL (Joshua 12. Arwen 7) Cric
klewood, RD 1, Mertztown 19539 --- Reese & Mary lEE (Justin/79, Brian / 831 RO 2 Box 334-~ Munson 16860 - - - Kei th & Robi n lE 1DHECKER (Josh B, Adam 41 RO 4 eox 233A, Montoursville 17754 --- Jonathan & Mary Ann LEUPOLD (Thane 13, Bron 81 Sun Power Farm, RD 3 Box 168B, lehighton 18235 --- Adam lEVINE, 315 S 46th St, Phil. 19143 --- Steven & Joyce L1BAl (Angela g, Autumn 61 RD 1 Box B7, Little Meadows 18830 Hilary & Scot McCLEllAN (laura / B2, Nathan 1841 RO 4 eox 364, Coopersburg 18036 --- John & Emi ly McOERMOTT (Kat i e 161 2428 Nott i ngham Rd, Bethlehem 18107 --- Bob & Eileen McOOUGAll
(Meghan 14, Beth 51 4 Sylvan Av, Rutledge 19070 - - - John & Dianna McHUGH (Judy 13, JJ 12, Joshua 10, Sarah 71 459 Nantucket Dr, Pleasant Hills 15236 --- Tom & Shari MELBOURNE (John 16, Sarah 14, Andrew 81 7315 Miller Av, Upper Oarby 190B2 --- Walt & Mary MICHAlUK (Aaron 8. Jesse 3) Box 45, Keystone Jr Col lege, La Plume 18440 --- Karen MORAN.
P.E.N.C.l.l., 117 Broad St, Malvern 19355 -- Tom & ~adalene MURPHY (Emily 12, Christian 9, Clare 61 395 Sunset Rd, Pittsburgh 15237 -- Alexei & Cory PANSHIN (Adam 61 RR 2 Box 261, Perkasie 18944 --- Sharad & Mary PATEL (Kerani 5, Kyle 21 175 ROSCOOl1lOn Pl, McMurray 15317 --- Bob & Jean PETERS (Joseph g, Ashley 7, Meredith 51 RO 2 Box 301-A, New Ringgold 17960 --- Andy & lynette PETERSON (Drew 81 25 Rose Hill. Smethport 16749 --- Paul & Carol PETER
St, Solon 44139 --- David & Lorelei GIBBS
SW Jefferson Av, Corvallis 97333 --- Hark &
9, Eli 71 1005 W 12th St lA, Medford 97501 --- 'SON (Rogerll3, Scott/781 Snyder Rd Box 3020, Oennis & lynne WOLTERS (Bryan 61 32700 SE lee- Mt Joy 17552 --- Ron & Oebbie PooK (Deirdre wood In #39, Boring 97009 --- Mary YOST, 10150 10, Daniel 8, James 51 463 E lancaster Av, S lab Creek Rd, Neskowi n 97149 Down i ngton 19335 - - - Nan & Oave PORTERF IElD PA - Oave & Ruth ARTHURS (Ann 51 501 (Link 12, Chik 111 Box 556, Harmony 16037 ---
(Cathryn 12, Seth 915720 Willnean In, Milford 45150 --- Hank & Ede GURRY (Marty 9, Robbie 7,
Elaine COUSINS (Jeffrey 15, Chosan 7, Sasha 21
HowaraAv, Altoona 16601-4882 --- Chris & Jan
Howard & Susan RICHMAN (Jesse 7. Jacob 4.
2023 SE 38th Av, Portland 97214 --- Rob & rar
Jenny 4, Kit 2) 7937 Manor Dr, W Chester 45069
en COX (Hissie 17, Robert 15, Kristina 9) PO
BARLOW (Matthew 7, Oustin 51 RD 2 Box 391, Muncy 17756 --- Ronald & Diana BASEMAN (Olivia 6, Delia 21 1002 Arborwood Dr, Gibsonia 15044
Molly/83I WESTERN PA. HOMESCHOOlERS, RD 2, Kittaning 16201 --- Jane & ~ax RICHMOND (Jeffrey 14, Sarah 10, Thomas 9, Rachel 8, Megan & Mere
--- Mr & Mrs L.D. BAUN, RD 3 Box 345. Hannony
dith 6, Judith 4) 608 Woodcrest Av. ArDmore
--- Christine & Paul HIlSTON (Erik 8, Brent 5, Beth 31 3420 Williams Ct, Avon 44011 --- Richard & Kathryn HOLLAND (3 ch, oldest 101 6092 SR 323, Mt Sterling 43143 --- J HOllEY & E KRUSE (Piper 51 Rt 3 Box 466, Glouster 45732 --- Valerie & Bob HOLWAY (lisa 13, Ryan 11, aura 21 950 William Penn Or, Galloway 43119 -- Gail & Michael HOOD (Anna 121 RD 5,8884 Jell Rd, Cambridge 43725 --- larry & Terri
Box 556, Reedsport 97467 --- Valerie CRUMP, 11125 Old Woods Rd, Cloverdale 97112 --- Hans & Clarice OANKERS (Marieka 61 PO Box 318, Boardman 97B18 --- Michael & Candace OEGlER (Isaac 11, Vanessa 8, lucien 61 26409 Valley View Dr, Cheshire 97419 --- Will & Oebbie
16037 --- Cindi & Chuck BIGELOW (Shawn 15, Jamin 12, Josh 12, Liza 6, Aeb 41 201 Jackson Av, Warren 16365 -- - Or Hope BLISS, U of PA Grad School of Ed, 4330 larchwood Av, Philadelphia DIllON IIslande 41 11005 Meda loop, Cloverdale 19104 --- Dwight & Kathleen BOWEN (Timothy/7B, 97112 --- John & Debbie DOUGHTY (Rachel/75, SarahlBOI RD 2 Box 76, Denver 17517 --- John & MelealBli 4053 Hanna St, Roseburg 97470 -- Cheryl BRENNER (Mark/72, Dale/74, Jana/75, Kelrl OWARD (Tor; 11, Joshua 5) 6824 Merwin Av, Cin- Harold DUNN, Box 684, O'Brien 97534 --- Ron & ly/77, Apri 1/79, Jay/811 RD 2 Box 141, Sparcinnati 45227 --- Janet HOWEll, 1081 Kingsway, Kelly ELLENBURG, 3368 Foots Creek Rd, Gold tansburg 16434 --- Ann CAMERON-SCHICK (laAnnal Alliance 44601 --- Kay HUBERT, RD 2 Rock Rd, Hill 97525 --- Norm & Jody ELY (Tessa/821 731 POCONO HOMESCHOOlERS ASSOCIATION, Phone Shelby 44875 --- Sandra HUSS, 516 S Main St, Alpha Farm, 92819 Deadwood Creek Rd, Deadwood 717-421-5022, Stroudsburg --- Cindy CAPORASO, Bowling Green 43402 --- Oiane & Carl JAHNES 97430 --- Glen & Sharleen ENGELKING (Melissa 1230 N ~ew St, Bethlehem 18018 --- Carolyn & (Megan/78, BenlBl, Jeff/B31 3970 Pert Hill Rd, 16, Jennifer 141 Star Rt, Union 97B83 --- Mark Tony CIVITARESE (Sunshine 51 553 N 10th St, Hopewell 43746 --- Joe & Karin JERNBERG-BRIGGS & Linda Short ENGLAND (Wendy 11, Mariva 51 Reading 19601 --- Joseph F & lorraine CLARK (Jorianne/79, Joel/7g, Mariah/B31 11563 Back 5730 Dee Hwy, Parkdale 97041 --- Esther EYRE, (linda 25, Carolyn 22, lorraine 121 345 S. Old Massillon Rd, Orrville 44667 --- Jud JEROME, 52195 E Terra Fern Dr, Sandy 97055 --- Molly Middletown Rd, Media 19063 --- larry & Cindi 917 Xenia Av, Yellow Springs 45387 --- Bill & FARQUHARSON (Meadow 7, luke 51 PO Box 552, COCCIO (Melanie 61 224 W 5th Av, Conshohocken Mary JORDAN (Christopher 8, Claire 61 633 Ori- Dallas 97338 --- Paul & Susan FINLAY, 786 Cul 19428 --- The COHENS (Marion 42, Jeff 45, Marient. Cincinnati 45232 --- Jill JORDAN (Amber ver Hwy. Madras 97741 --- Karen FISHER, 38785 elle 16, Arin 12, Bret 61 2014 locust St, Phil31 4129 Woodedge Dr, Bellbrook 45305 --- lynn Hwy 101 S, Cloverdale 97112 --- Harvey & Prem adelphia 19103 --- Linda COLLINS (Matthew 81 Starr KERNS (laura/81, Molly/82I 3716 W 139 FREEMAN (Aram 11, Shayna 61 PO Box 42495, Port- 262 Park In, King of Prussia 19406 --- Steve & St, Cleve land 44111 - -- George & Ruth KIRCHHAU- land 97242 - - - Karen GElBARO, 37335 Brooten Kathy CONRAD (Jesse 13, Ajna 111 RD 4215, SEN (Jasmin 7, Bryce 41 6414 Rt 86, Concord Rd, Cloverdale 97112 --- Richard & Marquetta Fleetwood 19522 --- Fullis & Bob CONROY (MereTwp 44077 --- John & Becky KUZMIK (Rachel 11, GEMINIANI (Alicia 13, Oamon 111 Rt 1 Box 245, dith/SO, Fiona/831 RD 5 Box 252-K, Smoky CorErin 7, James 51 3608 Reimer Rd, Norton 44203 Scappoose 97056 --- lewis & Janet GOLDSTEIN ners, Williamsport 17701 --- Cranford & Beth-
19003 --- James & Rosie RIODERHOFF (Kevin 16, Amy 14, Molly 10, Michael 81 1 E Main St, Schuy 1kill Haven 17972 - - - Car 1 & lu Ann RUMBAlSKI (Carl 6, Katina 5, Yuri 21 Box 18, Mackeyville 17750 --- Oale & lynn SCHMIDT (Der ek 11, Samuel 7, Rachel 5, Abby 31 122 Prince ton Av, Pittsburg 15229 --- Jerry SCHMOYER (Timothy 4, Daniel 3, David 21 252 WState St, Doylestown 18901 --- Marlene SCIOlE (libby 13, Mara 111 Phone 215-343-6935, Jamison --- John & Christine SELLERS (Randy 16, Heidi 12, Greg ory gl 1035 Perry St, Reading 19604 --- Cecilia SEVERIN, 3243 Parkview Av, Pittsburgh 15213 --- Susan SHIlCOCK & Peter BERGSON (Aman da/76, Emily/78, Julia/81, Nicholas/841 314 Bryn Mawr Av, Bryn Mawr 19010 --- Janet SHOEMAKER, Arbutus Woods, RD 10 Box 451, York 17404 --- Debi & Adam SHUMAN (Dawn 8, Miles 61 5519 Pulaski Av, Philadelphia 19144 --- Lynda SKADDAN, 1140 Old Ford Rd, Huntingdon Valley 19006 --- Jonathan & Beth SPATZ (Amy 10, Ian 71 Fairlie Hill Farm, Cedar Run Rd, RD 3, Allison Park 15101 --- Joe & Judy STOLTZFUS (Jeff 17, Jonathan 15, Jolita 12, J 81 Rt 1 Box 196, loysville 17047 --- Beth STONE & Sue
27 MacADAM. CIRCLE SCHOOL. 206 Market St. lewis berry 17339 --- Cliff & lois SUNFLOWER (Beorn 7. Phoebe 5. Burleigh 41 2371 W Best Rd. Bath 1B014 --- UPATTINAS SCHOOL. RD 1 Box 37B. Glen moore 19343 --- len & Carol USEFARA (Michael 12, Mark 8) 284 Temperance Hi 11. Plymouth IB651 --- Linda & Chris VERWAY (Erin 8. Robin 6. leah 21 Box 191 RD 1. Tannersville 18372 --- lieselotte & James VISSER. 365 Plum Ind. Ct. Pittsburgh 15239 --- Marty & Barbie WALLIN ( Felicia 8. Katrina 5) 9 Biddle St. Warren 16365 --- Josette & Mark WARFEL (Jacob 61 PO Box 742. E Stroudsburg 18301 --- Paul & linda WEIKEL (Terra 14. Jeremy 111 Box 719 - B RD 3. Halifax 17032 --- WEST BRANCH SCHOOL ASSOCIA TION. 755 Moore Av. Williamsport 17701 --- Bob & Janet WILLIAMS (Jenny 14. Matthew 13. Amy 11. Jacob 8. Katie 61 PENNSYLVANIA UNSCHOOlERS NETWORK. RO 2 Box 181. York Springs 17372 -- John & Carol WILSON (luke 7. Rachel 31 1409 Pa. Av. Pittsburgh 15233 --- 80b & 80bbie WIT KOWSKI (Kevin 11. 8eth Ann 91 328 E Northamp ton St. Wi lkes-Barre 18702 --- Dave & Gwen WITMER (David 13. Charlotte 11. Jon 9. Caro line 61 Rt 2. Denver 17517 RI - Marie FRIEDEL. NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR GirTED & CREATIVE CHILDREN. 395 Di amond Hill Rd. Warwick 02886 --- The McFARlANES (Rob ert 17 . Jennifer 14. Sean 131 12 Homeland St. Johnston 02919 --- Cathy PAYNE (Tristan 81 810ck Island 02807 --- Colleen POWEll (Rich ard 111 825 Pontiac Av 13204. Cranston 02910 -- RHODE ISLANDERS FOR CONSTITUTIONAL EDUCATION. Phone 401-274-8897. Providence --- Tony & 8ea HRCEIRA (Chuckie 14. Matthew 111 5 Hodsell St, Cranston 02910 --- Peter & Brigitta VAN DAAM (Julia 15. Jessica 12. Percival 8. Paul / 821 46 E George St. Providence 02906 SC - Gary & Angela COUTURE. ARROWHEAD ACADERY'. 107 Arrowhead. Su""",rvi lle 29483 -- Sidney & Lisa HERZOG. WOODLAND f.EIGHTS. 121 Dogwood Hill Or , Goose Creek 29445 --- Coll een & David lASOFF. ZARAHEMlA ACADEMY. 138 Jean Wells. Goose Creek 19445 --- Tom & Tina MANLEY (Kip 16. Cathy 13. Tirrrny 8. laura 51 836 Myr tle Dr. Rock Hill 29730 --- laurel MELSON. 103 Delmar Or, Simpsonville 29681 --- Rick & Nancy RIGDON (Katie 7. Ricky 6. Rebecca 41 120 Cor inne Dr. Greenville 29607 --- Michael & Karen SMITH (Alissa 5. Rhianna 21 Rt 4 80x 227. Cen tral 29630 --- Michael & Shannah SZCZEPANIK. HOME SCHOOlERS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 401 Elm Vil lage, Sunmerville 29483 --- Charles & Delores WHITE ( Rachel 10. Wi 1 9. Benji 8. Nathan 7. Robin 6, Wesley 5, Brian 3, Travis/82) Rt 2 80x 416. Pelzer 29669 SO - JoAnn 8AUMBERGER (Aryca 8. lyge 51 Nemo 1ff 80x 1033. Deadwood 57732 --- 8etty BRECK (Krissy 111 Groton 57445 --- Mary DALY (Jo n Pat 7. Chri stopher 6. Ruth 41 Rt 2 Box 45. Garretson 57030 --- Shirley FREDERICK. 5007 Pierre. Rapid Ci ty 57701 --- Mary NADY (Anna 11. Molly 91 PO Box N. Garretson 57030 --- Phyllis & larry SCHRAG (Matthew 10. Benjam in 81 RR 2 Box 15. Marion 57043 TN - ASSIST. PO Box 1321. Knoxville 37901 --- lewis & Rosalynn BANNING (lewis 141 Rt 3 Box 389. Dunlap 37327 --- William & Judith BEAll (lucius/78. Forest /811 Rt 1. Dowelltown 37059 --- George & Pat BUCK (T 10. C 81 Rt 2 Box 203. Elizabethton 37643 --- Shannon & Bill BUSH (Wi 11 51 Rt 10 Box 66B . Cookevi 11 e 38501 --- June & Allan CONLEY (Craig 19. Frank 151 3316 Country Way. Antioch 37013 --- Nancy COOMES. 1114 N Tenn. Blvd. Murfreesboro 37130 --- Phyllis & Jay DOTTS. Rt 4 Box 244. Waynes boro 38485 --- DRY CREEK COMMUNITY SCHOOL. Rt 1. Dowelltown 37059 --- Todd & lynn EASTIN (Hanna 7. Maren 61 Rt 1. Shady Valley 376BB --- Wayne & l igia HERBERT (Oran 14. Linda 101 Rt 2 Box 43. Prospect 38477 --- Peggy HOllA DAY. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS COMMUNITY SCHOOL. Box 168B Rt 2. Clifton 38425 --- Jim & Barbara HOLT (Seth 81 207 Reed Av. Greenevi lle 37743 --- HOME EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. 3677 Richbriar Ct. Nashvi lle 37211 --- Brenda JINKINS. 6290 Elm. Arlington 3B002 --- Jim & Barb JOYNER (Cosette 111 Sunshine Ridge Rt 1. Liberty 37095 --- Natal ie LeVASSEUR & John BARTMESS ( El i zabeth/791 6004 G1enmary Rd. Knoxvi 11 e 37919 --- Darrell LUCK. Dunmire Hollow, Rt 3
12212. Woodlands 77380 --- The BOWDENS. Rt 3 Box 270-G. Cleveland 77327 --- Jim & Rose Ann
E Millcreek Dr. Moab 84532 --- Steve & Elaine CAIN. 1314 W 200 S. Vernal 84078 --- larry &
21. Eddie 181 311 Chamberlin Av. Hampton 23663 --- Eldon & Sue KARR (Will 10. Anna 61 Rt 1
BURKEL (Susan 18, John 13. David g) Rt 1 Box
Doro thy CARTER. Box 683, Green River 84525
Box 127A, Bent Mtn 24059 --- Victoria & Leon
31-B. Crandall 75114·--- Tina BURNETT (Cory 51 Rt 4 Box 476. Marble Falls 78654 --- Jim & Jeanie CARDEN (Joshua 10. Jason 71 CHRISTIAN CHARACTER ACADEMY. Rt 2 Box 45 -D. Aledo 76008
Robert CRAWLEY. 382 E 520 N. American Fork 84003 --- FAMILY EDUCATION ASSN. 575 S 5th West. Brigham City 84302 --- Clint & Gayle GROTEGUT. 1770 E (1 d Mill Rd. Cedar Ci t y 84720
KNIGHT (Charlotte 10, Jennifer 8. Rebecca 81 5497 Carolina Rd. Suffolk 23434 --- Marcia & Kevin KOlB (Jenny 8. RachelS. Aaron / 831 MOTHER & CH I lD. Rt 6 Eox 249E. Roanoke 24014 - --
--- Margaret CINQUE, 439 E Main St, Yorktown 78164 --- Brian & Melinda CRAIG (J ason /81. All ison /83) 2003 Karen, Longview 75603 ~-- Neil, Taunta & Hunter DAN QUE • PO Box 940. Ri 0 Hondo 78583 --- Jess & Chris DELGADO (Gabri ella 18, Josiah 13. Jeremiah 7) 601 N Frances St, Terrell 75160 --- Charles & linda DUNCAN (Pam
Susie KERR. 288 E (e nter. Spanish Fork 84660 --- Dick & Joyce KINMDNT (Andrea/66. Ritchie/ 68. Robbie/70. Tina/72. Kari/74. Milli/77. Becky/80. Krystal /831 AMERICAN HOME ACADEMY, (Jesse 11. Devin 7. Richard 51 Casa Oscar 2770 S 1000 W. Perry 84302 --- Gary. Josephine Romero. 311 Wentz. San Benito 78586 --- Margar & John -Paul KNOWLES. 125 S 900 E. Salt lake
8, Dominic 61 Gen Del. Williamsville 24487 --Carolyn & Donald MALIN (Julia 8. levi 61 Rt 2 Box 152-H. Wytheville 24382 --- Celie & Mich ael McGURK (C/76, F/791 6420 15th St. Alexan dria 22307 --- NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATION. Rt 3 Box 543. Rustburg
et & ~ichael EZZELL. 105 W Woodlawn, San Anton City 84102 --- Dav id & Pat LAWRENCE, 51121« io 78212 --- Jane FENN, 4618 Avenue SL Galves 1770 S, Provo 84601 --- Jim & Jerri LEWIS, 1266 Driggs Av, Salt Lake City 84106 --- Norma ton 77550 --- James & Penny GALLAGHER (Jamey 111 16419 Shady Elms Dr. Hous ton 77059 - -lUCE . 180 W 600 S. logan 84321 -- - Harvey & Edward & Deborah GATES lTer ra 8. Jacy 51 Rt 2 Karen lUTHER (Jared/73. Joshua/76. Zachary/80. Box 195, Coleman 76834 --- Barbara & Ed GONZA- Rebecca/81) 700 Sun set Circ le, Hyrum 84319 --LEZ (Tala 11, Mica 8, Renata 5) 5103 Sirretta, MT VERNON ACADEMY, 184 Vine St, Murray 84107 San Antonio 78233 --- Darlene GRAHAM {Grant --- Bob & Evelyn OWENS, 232 N 500 W, Logan 18, Graham 15, Crystal 12, Ginger 7l Rt 10 E.ox 84321 --- Jeannine PARVATI & Frederick BAKER
24588 _J_ Edwina & James O'TOOLE, Box 256, King George 22485 --- Lance & Linda OZIER (Owen 6, Drew/ 83) 2519 Buckelew Dr, Falls Churc h 22046 - - - Ted & Brenda PARRY (Cay 15.
Noelani 13. Rebekah 121 10210 fumphrey Ct. Fairfax 22032 --- Dale & Linda PEEBLES (Katie 8, Byron 5, Elizabeth 2) 2218 Dartmouth Dr, Alexandria 22307 --- Denise & Scott RAUCH, 1384 Lafayette Or #E, Lee Hall 23603 --- Con
1349. Tyler 75707 --- Eric GREENING (Bahar
(Ocea na 10. Cheyenne 10. Gannon 51 THE ALCHEMI- nie R08ERTS-RAlSTON 17.31 102 Westover. New
Moayyad 11, Ben Moayyad 10) 1414 N Virgin ia
CAL BAKERY, PO Box 398, Monroe 84754 --- Karl
& Betty PEARSON (lisa/78 . Erik/80. Andrea / 82I St. El Paso 79902 --- Karen HATCHETT (E than 1314327 Vandelia. Dallas 75219 --- Hardy & 111 S 1000 E 26. Provo 84601 --- David & E11111a Diana HENDERSON-lEWIS (levi 12. lemuel 10. Ser lou PENROD. 2185 W 1025 N. Ogden 84404 --- Dan
port News 23601 --- Don & Trish ROWLAND (Jesse
51 1010 ,5th St NW. Roanoke 24017 --- Kathy RUSSEll ( 7.5 1 1142 Hope St. Hampton 23605 --Connie & leonidas SCHWARTZ (Benjamin 11. Aedin
enity 8) 205 Northgate Dr, San Antonio 78218 --- Bill & Mary Jean HERMANN (Sarah 9. Emily
& E.onnie PERKINS, 12063 S 1350 W, Riverton B4065 --- Steve & Pam ROBINSON (Jared 16. Cam
7. Annie 51103 River Ridge Rd. Sealy 77474
den 14. Kale 11. Russel 51 Box 16 Star Rt. New
--- James & Nancy HUHTA (8rooke 9, Blaise 6) 4422 Creek bend Or, Houston 77035 --- Sylvester
Castle 84756 --- David & Barbara STOUTNER (Sor Janestown Rd, Williamsburg 23185 --- SETON en 7, Camilla 5) c/o Lydia Sorenson, 307 W 1st HOME ~TUDY PROGRAM, PO Box 1938 , Manassas S. Manti 84642 --- Don & laurie TAFT. 11666 S 22110 --- P.M. SHOOK-SOBOTKA (son 71 17463 War
& Delores JACKSON (Mary-Dionne 13. Kelly 71 15222 Dunstable In. Channelview 77530 --- Den nis & Elly JAMES (Rena 10. Brian 61 Rt 1 Box
675 E. Draper 84020 --- UTAH fOME EDUCATION ASSOC. PO Box 633B. Salt Lake City 84106 ---
la, Baron 8, Nathaniel 6) Golden Horseshoe
Inn. Stanardsville 22973 --- Mark & Katherine SEMISCH (Christopher179. Margaret/821 336
wick Blvd. Newport News 23603 --- Pat & Kyle SHUMATE (Ryan 8, Ashleigh 5. Kelsey / 831 1689 ~E,
189-B2, Wimberley 78676 --- Michael JONES ,
Dennis & Janice WELKER (Joseph / 79, Stephen / 81,
Indian Rock Rd
MATHEMATICS BY MAll. 6147 Desco Dr. Dallas
Naomi/821 932 E 1060 S. Provo 84601
SLEZAK & Denise ZITO (Mark 6. Suzanne 3. Joel
75225 --- Alan & Grace JUSTISS (Su zanne 3) RR 4 Box 2120, Quinlan 75474 --- David & Carol
VT - Jan & Frank ASCH (Devin!791 RR 1 Box 847,'" Middletown Spgs 05757 --- Cheyenne
2) Rt 1 Box 185, Free Union 22940 --- Marian & Roy SPITZER (Vir9inia 7, LaurelS, Brenna 4, .
KENT (Robert 9. Susannah 7. Zachary 5. David 31 929 E 50th. Austin 78751 --- Janet & Bill KINGSEPP (Steve 11. Tanya 61 Gen Del. Hawkins 75765 --- laura & John KNOll. 134 Valero. San Antonio 78212 --- Dennis & Susan lAFFIN (Greg 7. Bri an 51 3118 Trafa 1as Ct . Gar land 75042
AUTUMN. Box 49. Ripton 05766 --- Denise BEATTIE. Middletown Spgs 05757 --- Kathy & Sas BLAIR (Becky 91 RFD 1 Box 351. Waterville 05492 --- Jim & Natalie CASCO (Sam 9. Megan 7. Caleb 51 Middletown Spgs 05757 --- larry & Dar 1ene DAV I S (Chri st i ne 9. Jeremy 71 RFD 1. E
Glenn 21 9526 Rockport Rd. Vienna 22180 --Beth & Eldon STOFFEL (Adam 10. Aubrey 51 5000 Fran PI H2. Alexandria 22312 --- Paul STRONG & Patty MOLONY (Danny 8. Katie 7. David 61 2238 Sewell I n. Roanoke 24015 --- Sharon & Roger VI NES (Maury /79. Mason / 83 I 3320 Waver ly
Roanoke 24014 --- David
--- Jerry & Gale LaFLEUR (Joe 8, Beverly 6)
Fairfield 05448 --- Kathie & Herbert DeWEES
Dr, Fredericksbur9 22401 --- Nancy & Richard
4324 Effie In. Bellaire 77401 --- Becky lUERA (Jessica 10. Renee 81 Rt 2 Box 303A. New Boston 75570 --- Walter & Mary MARSCHNER (Jem my Pangborn 20. Saul 16. Joe 141107 Paisano Dr. Victoria 77904 --- Joan MARTIN-FLECK (Jes sica 8 • Todd 51 PO Box 566. Co 11 eyv ill e 76034 --- Joan & Phil MAXCY (Jana 6. lena 41 219 E Woodin Blvd. Dallas 75216 --- Meg & Wayne MESEBERG (Amy 9. Sarah 81 Rt 1 Box 35B. Pearland
(Ha nnah 14. Esa 101 RD 1 Box 200. Vershire 05079 --- Ruth & David GAIllARD (Jack 10. luke 61 RFD Box 123. E Hardwick 05836 --- Pat GUNELICK (Bellemy/77. Sierra/81. Elan/831 RFD 1 Severence Rd. Colchester 05446 --- Art HARRIS. Red Mounta in Rd. Ar 1i ngt on 05250 - - - Martha HEITKAMP ( Middletown Spgs 05757 --- Cynthia & Richard lARSON (Christopher 8, Daniel 7. luke 51 RFD. Wells 05774 --- Cather
VOllETTE (lauren 10. Marisha 6. Jenna 41 PO Box 1174. Mathews 23109 --- Elizabeth WHITE (Dawn 5) MONTESSORI CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. 485 S lynnhaven. Va. Bch 23452 --- linda & Ed WILHELM (Bob 10, David 7. Mark 51 Rt 1 Box 127 -C4. Bent Mtn 24059 - - - l ynda & Steve WILLINGHAM (A 11. S 9. R 61 Rt 2 80x 20F. Berryville 22611 --- Sherry WIlLIS-ORENIC & Chuck ORENIC (Marshall 7. KaiWi llow 31 Free
77581 --- METER SCHOOLS. PO Box 427, Rosharon
ine LOWTHER , RD 1, Worcester 05682 --- Hilary
born Farm, Luray 22835
77583 --- Don & Sandy MIllER (Nicki 17. Tracey 14. Atina 111 FAMILY lEARNING CENTER. 2201
Jean & carbara LYTTON IKryst al 15. Abigail 51 Rt 1 Box 49. Vergennes 05491 --- Keith & Pat
WA - Amelia ACHESON (Alazel 17. Talitha 13. Eleadari 111 164 Bayview St. Sequim 98382
Millpark, Woodlands 77380 --- Jess & Linda Jess 7l 1001 Kathleen Or, Pleasanton 78064 --Jim & Nancy MONTAGUE (Amy171 . Eric /72. Aaron/
MATTISON (Brian 12, Heather Joy 10) Cornwall RD 2. Middlebury 05753 --- Barbara & Kenneth NYE (Je remy 9, Cameran 6) RFD 4 Box 141-B, Enosburg 05450 --- Raymond & Eileen PERKINS
74. Annette/76. Philip178. Heidi/80. leslie / 84) ZARAHEMlA lEARNING CENTER. 110 Carter St.
(Sadie 5. Sean 31 350 Spear St #38. S Burling ton 05401 --- Peter PIERCE. Box 223. Manches
MIllS (Tammy 17. MichaelIS. Amy 12. David 10.
--- Richard & Sarah BARRICK {Tammy 11, Steven
81 20806 94th St E. Sumner 98390 --- Gene CADE, PO Box 1435, Olympia 98507 --- Mark &
lorna CARLSON (Thea 31 19227 12th St NE. Seattle 98155 --- Walt & Marcia CARSON (Rachel 20. Doug 15. Jesse 11. Marnie 61 Rt 3 Box 2010
Borger 79007 --- David & Patricia Fair MOUTON
ter 05254 --- David & Gina RITSCHER nO,g,6)
#46, Ellensburg 98926 --- Jean & Michael CHRIS-
(Shaun 6. Bridget 41 Rt 6 Box 40. Tyler 75704 --- Jim & Regina PONGRASS (Miles/78 . Quentin/ 791 Phone 713-492-2945. Katy --- William RANDAll. AMERICAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS. PO Box 1776. Colleyville 76034 --- Chuck & Judy ROSEN (Nathan B. levi 31 2931 Ocean Way. league City 77573 --- Marilyn & larry SALINAS (Elean ore 5. Alex 41 119 Av G. #101. Marble Falls 78654 --Don SCHLICHTE. phone 806-797-4627. lubbock --Terry & Jennifer SCOGGIN (Teryn 9. Thann 41 Box 503. Clarendon 79226 --- Rolf & Carol lani
Middletown 'pgs 05757 --- Scott & Clara SCHOPP E (Abigai l /81 . Elizabeth/831 PO Box 202. Gilman 05904 --- Ellen SECORD & Dan McKEEN (Rachel & Amanda 61 Middletown Spgs 05757 --Glen & lani SEIFERT (Emily 5. Nicholas 21 RFD 1 Box 150. Jeffersonville 05464 --- SHAKER MOUNTA IN SCHOOL. 188 S Winooski Av. Burlington 05401 --- David & Elizabeth SWIFT (Gabriel/78. Abigail/821 Box 161. Pittsford 05763 -- - Dirk & Emi ly THOMAS (] .101 RFD 1 Keifer Rd. Cut tingsville 05738 --- Patty & Cleo WHEELER. RFD
TEN ( Silas 6. I saak 41 Rt 2 Rey Creek Rd. Usk 99180 --- CHR ISTIAN LIFE ACADEMY. PO Box 5858 . lynnwood 98046 --- Binda COLEBROOK (Dorje 111 6906 Goodwin Rd. Everson 98247 --- Steve & Karen CUlP (Alissa 6. Amber 412815 SE 18th Pl. Renton 98055 --- lee & Margaret DAVIS (Jus tin/72. Ethan/75 1 Rt 1 Box 139. Warden 98857 --- Alain & J udy DeCHANTEl (Jacinthe/76. Jon qui lle/78) 1134 49th St. Port Townsend 98368 --- Barbara & Mark DRAKE (Andrew/77. John / 821 123 Dorn A~ 12. Everett 98204 --- Sarah & Ryan
SEELBACH (Jennifer 5, Christoffer/83) 9234 Bis 1 Furnace Brook Rd, Pittsford 05763
cayne Blvd, Dallas 75218 --- Xa n SEELY {Tonya VA - Yvonne BAGWELL, PO Box 508, East 12. Zackari~h 11. Melanie 9. Joseph 71 Box 82A ville""73347 ___ Jim & Rosita BAKER (Jay 19. Rt 2. Big Spring 79720 --- Paula & 80b SINGlE- len 18. Wayne 15. Kesha 81 Rt 4 Eox 227A. MechTON (Stephanie 4) 1131 Haines, Dallas 75208 anicsville 23111 ___ Susan BAUZ (dtr 8) 12X --- Richard STARK. PO Box 66. N Zulch 77872 Flowers Terrace. Newport News 23602 --- Anne & --- Alfred & Joyce STANUSH (Li ta 20. Noni 18. Kevin BEARSE (Andrew 7. Brian 5. Timothy 31 Andy 15) 1518 N Main, Pleasanton 78064 --1345 East Or SW, Roanoke --- Pierre & Linda
~-- John & Gwendolyn WEST (Jason 14, Nathan 13, Charissa 6) 2272 Kimbrough Woods Pl t Ger mantown 38138 --- Mr & Mrs Wm WILBANKS (Brett
Gruene Rd, New Braunfels 781?0 --- Larry &
19. David 17. Debbie 151 Rt 3 Box 228. Linden 37096 TX - Jeani ne AITKEN. ASHLEY 'S HOME TUTOR KITS.I'O Box 102. Point 75472 --- Kathryn ALEX ANDER & Roger BOXWELL (Jennifer 6. Julia /821 14015 5rookgreen Dr. Dallas 75240 --- Pat ALLI SON (Robin 51 Rt 1 Box 215A. Marquez 77865 -- AMERICAN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. PO Box 1162. lewis ville 75067 --- Harold BAER. THE PROF. BAER SCHOOL. 245 Gruene Rd. New Braunfe 1s 78130 - -
74. Christopher/76. Johanna/78. Tatiana/831
LeVINE (Kathryn 13, Laura 17) 725 Center St, Herndon 22070 - - - Emanue 1 & Kath 1een lOMBARD (Manley 4, Mary Rose 3) Rosewood Farm, Steeles Tavern 24476 --- Carol & Ansel LUXFORD {Jessie
IS. Ken 91 Box 3243. lubbock 79412 --- Charles
Jerry & Nancy STEVENS (Sh anta 131 B008 Colony Loop Dr. Austin 78724 --- SUMMIT CHRISTIAN ACADEMY. 137B9 Noel Rd. Suite 100. Dallas MIllER (Jacob 10. Aaron 71 PO Box 205. Co 11 ier 75240 --- Betty & Paul SWASLIO (laura 6. Chris vi lle 38017 --- Cynthia MOORE. Rt 3 Box 265A. tie 41 Rt 1 Box 546. Paris 75460 --- TEXAS FAM Waynesboro 3B485 --- Gordon & Mary MOUGHON llY SCHOOLS CO-OP. PO Box 466. Elgin 78621 --(Joel 4. luke 21 615 Oneega Av. Er~in 37650 TEXAS HOME EDUCATION COALITION. 1112 Mill --- Nan & Jim NAHMOD (David/75. Daniel/76. springs, Richardson 75080 --- Deborah & Andre Joel/781 4513 Strawberry Plains Pk. Knoxvi lle VOSKRESSENSKY (Katherine 21 1540 Mark St. 37914 --- Carolyn R0Hl!IG (Selah 6. Valley 41 Irving 75061 --- Shirley WASHBURN (Andrew 121 PO Box 401. Charlesto" 37310 --- Tom & Char 6250 lyons Rd. Garland ,15043 --- David & Bar lene SEElHORST (Danien31 Rt 3 Box 144. Harro bara WESTHEIMER. 6014 ~olfboro Dr. Houston gate 37752 --- Charles & Linda SORREll (Mich 77041 --- The WIlKERSONS. 687 FM 2187. Sealy elle 8, Krishelle 6) Rt 3 Box 37, Johnson City 77474 --- Roy & Debra WILKINSON (Kelle/71. Sol 37601 --- lois & Hubert VAN TOl (Joshua 11. omon/73. Jamal/75. lua/81. Zarrln-TaJ/831 245 Naomi 9. ladd 61 4024 Elliston. Memphis 38111
405 Tidecrest, San Antonio 78239 --- Mary Jane & Ken BERNTSEN (Jay 121 12000 Sa..,i 11 Rd
Christine LEHNHOFF (Jesse 9. Jared 7) 4436 Ver
mont Av. Alexandria 22304 --- Donald & Sara
Ga ry & Janean HALL, 6848 Crest St, W Valley City 84120 - - - Ken & lauri e HUFFMAN. 641 E Ma 1ibu Dr, Salt Lake City 84107 --- Tony & Cathy JENSEN, Box 543, Layton 84041 --- Steve &
& Peggy EDWARDS (Christopher 511722 Ashford Hollow. Houston 77077 --- Diane & Jack ELDER
Bo x 265A, Waynesboro 38485 --- larry & Kathy
Richard & Barbara BATES (Katie 8, Jennifer 8, Andrew 5) 1509 Riverview Dr, Arlington 76012 --- Kim & Ginger BECKSTEAD (Jason/72. Talitha/
--- Michael & Patricia GURLEY {Brendan 14,
Cindy 101 PO Box 1072. Monticello 84535 ---
DRUM ( Ouskln 6, Bochay 4) Waldron Is 98297 --Glen & Lorena ELLENBERGER (Lisa170, Sunshine/
731 16024 SE 116 St. Renton 98056 --- Jim & le Ann ELLIS (April 14. Bobby 111 Rt 2 Box 100A3. Moses Lake 98837 --- Jim & Nola EVANS (Jodie
12. Cody 6 1 5725 N Elgin. Spokane 99208 --FAMILY lEARNING ASSOCIATION. E 7015 Uhllg. Spo kane 99207 --- Walt & Karen FOGLE (Brendon 10,
BlONDEl (Dimitri 11. Emile 71 602 Orange St. Sarah 9. Zack 61 18120 145th PI NE. Woodin Char lottesville 22901 --- Mark & Ruth Ann ville 98072 --- Randy FRANCISCO. 18831 Merid BORCHELT (Matthew S. Christal 7. Simon 312310 ian N.• Seattle 98133 --- Harley GIBSON. Box S Columbus St. Arlington 22206 --- Wade & lee 336. Ilwaco 98624 --- luna & Rick GIllESPIEBOWMAN (Ben/79. Brian/811 5936 Meadowburn Dr, WALKER (Rain 10. Gaiya 51 Star Rt Box 19. Dro Richmond 23224 --- Ann & Tom BROWN (Todd 10. ville 98844 --- Diane & Robert GILMAN (Ian 13. Meris 71 Rt 1. Box 135A. Ca lla o 22435 -- Celeste 31134-0 Sidmars Rd. Sequim 98382 --Ann-Marie & David BUNDICK (Nathan 7, Seth 6)
Phyllis & Erwin GRAUDSZUS (Eric 6, Ivan 5)
Modest Town 23412 --- Russ & Regina CAllAHAN (Genea 6. Ryan 412501 S Hayes St. Arlington 22202 --- Susan COBURN. 10827 Warwick Rd. New port News 23601 --- Ann DeFRANCIS (Amber 8. Stephen 6. Erin 5. Kirsten 3. Kimberly 11 5004 Regina In. Virginia Bch 23455 --- Penny & Tom FIELDER (Zachary 5. Gretchen 11 Rt 2 Box 202-
29500 Green River Gorge Rd. Enumclaw 98022 --Paul & Gail GREENHALGH (Stacie 11. Jason 10. Jennifer 81 Rt 2 Box 331. Port Townsend 9B368 --- Debby HALPERIN. 4536 48th Av NE, Seattle 98105 --- Paula & Steve HARPER-CHRISTENSEN (Paul 7. Amanda 51 21325 NE 154 St. Woodin ville 98072 --- Bob & Susan HAVERFIELD (Ben/
C, Evington 24550 --- Larry & Ella FENZEL
77, Jake/81l 492 Little River Rd, Pt Angeles
Sally WILSON. Rt 2 Box 16. l lndale 75771 ---.
(Dawn 10. Sarah 7. lee 5. Elizabeth 31 1719
98362 --- Mark & Helen HEGENER (John 11. Jim
Richard & Kathy WILSON (Sh ad 8, Sasha 6, San
Grandin Rd, Roanoke 24015 --- Gregory & Anne
9, Jody 5, Christopher 3) PO Box 218, Tonasket
4. Shane/B3) Rt 4 Eox 250. Terrell 75160 --Jean WITTEMAN. CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATION GROUP OF SAN ANTONIO. 12170 New Sulphur Sprlngs Rd. Adkins 78101 --- Richard & Linda WORZER (Mat thew 10. Meagan 8. Whltney 611722 lelcester St. Garland 75042 UT - Andrew ALLISON. 8412 McDowell Ct. W Jordant!4084 --- Rene BELCHER. 4207 S 500 E. Salt lake City 84107 --- Neal & Marcia BOSSHARDT. Box 10B7. Redmond B4652 -:- Rlchard & Marianne BRERETON (Ma1an/73. Chrlstl na /75. Brooke179. Brianna /821 MOUNTAIN HOME SCHOOL. 1217 N SOD E. IA-2. logan84321 --- Donna & lynn BROCK (lynn Jr/68. Rlchard/71. Jared/73. Daniel/751 205 1st Av. Helper 84526 --- Steve & linda BUTLER (Jessica 3. RaChel-Dawn 21441
FOX (S ara/76. Tony178. Elizabeth/821 3803 Shelley In. Annandale 22003 --- James & Penny GAl lAGHER (Jamey 111 12670 landview Dr Manassas 22110 --- Dan & Theo GIESY (Danile i9. Darrin 17. Susie 15. Anita 121 4411 Colonial Av. Nor folk 23508 --- Peter & Anne GOODMAN (Ben 131 Rt 1 Box 267. Free Union 22940 --- Terry & Sue HAHM (Courtney/74 Katie/79 Emily/BOI 104 Gladys Dr. Willia~sburg 23185 --- Dorothy HARRINGTON (M 19. l 16. C 141 14006 Mapledale Av. Woodbridge 22193 --- Mr & Mrs Hollis HAWKINS 3048 ~cManaway Rd. Midlothian 23113 --- Stev~ & Debbie HOKE (Andy 8. Michael 7. Kaitlin 4. Matthew /84I Rt 2 Box 195 lexington 24450 --HOME EDUCATORS ASSOC. OF·VIRGINIA. PO Box 15266. Richmond 23227 --- The JONESES (T.J.
98855 --- Denise HEIDEL (Forrest 5. Steen 2) PO Box 551. Ocean Park 98640 --- Dave & Carol HEVEl ( David Jr 71 931 West Park. Pasco 99301 --- Nancy HIlDAHL & Mark DUSSElL (Scott/821 22507 SE 304th Pl. Kent 98042 --- Melody HOLCOMB-HOCKIN. E 20120 lincoln Rd. Otis Orchards 99027 --- Bob & Nancy HOlMS (Pet.... 5. Tyler 21 9515 Crystal lake Dr. WoodinvilT 98072 --- Margot JAHNS. 6024 181st PI SW. lynn wood 98036 --- Beverly & David JURGENS. 11827 E Gibson Rd. Everett 98204 --- Randall & Anna lee KEEFE (Christopher 5. Gregory 31 1935 Miller Av. Prosser 99350 --- Carol & Steve KLEIN (Adam 316708 5th Av NW. Seattle 98117 --- Ken & Carol lEITHEAD (Sam 151 Rt 2 Box 428 131, Colville 99114 --- Sara LIGHT lIan 51
28 5115 S Brandon, Seattle 98118 --- Brhn & Gala LINDVALL (Eric 4) 18004 1st NW, Seattle 98177 --- Kathy LOGAN, 17916-87 Av SE, Snohomish 9B290 --- Robert & Susan LORD (Anna 8, Naomi & Marie/B2) 874 Halloran, Samish Is 98232 --The MACKS (Nani 5, Uli 5) Rt I Box 203-0, Long Beach 98631 --- Gal1 MAKEE, 33314 22nd Ln S *F3, Federal Way 98003 --- Rose MARSCHALL, 635 NW 195th St, Seattle 9BI77 --- Betty & Alan MARSH (Nathan g, Leah 7) 2507 Helmick Rd, Sedro Woolley 9B284 --- Oan & Mary McCARTHY (Richard 19, Daniel 14, Patrick 3) PO Box 7042, Renton 98057 --- Kathleen & Bob McCUROY (Jim 18, Joseph 10, Jesse 6) Phone 509-467 2552, Spokane --- Judy & Dennis McNEELY {Tim 17, Jenny 14) Star Rt Box 125, Olga 98279 --Jana & B111 MICHEL (Noah 8, Naomi 4) Rt I Box 61-0, Port Townsend 98368 --- Paul MOLNAR .& Kathy STEVENSON (Sarin!7B) 1131 Havillah Rt, Tonasket 98855 --- Dr Raymond MOORE, HEWITT RESEARCH CENTER, PO Box g, Washougal 98671 --Rose & Kevin MURPHY (Andrew 8, Madrona 5) Odlin Park, Lopez Island 98261 --- NATURAL LEARNING NETWORK, P~one 326-0267, Spokane --Mary NEISER (Evan 4) 20403 NE 198th, Woodin ville WA 98072 --- NEW WORLD SCHOOL, 2701 Landes, Port Townsend 98368 --- OKANOGAN ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Phone 486-2449, Tonasket --- Shelley PADILLA {Joe 17, Che 12, Rose 9, Harmony 7, Cedar 5) Rt 2 80x 377, Colv111e 99114 --- Bob & Mary PFEIFFER, 7621 171st Av Ct Eo Sumner 98390 --- Jessie Loo & Jim PINNEY, Orcas 98280 --- Dale & Katherine REED, 12027 10th Ave S., Seattle 98168 --Dick & Joan ROBERSON (Otto 17, Alan 11, Muriel 10) Tiger Star Rt 80x 10, Colvl1le 99114 --Ann & George ROHR8ACHER (81ake 9, Davey 7, Laura 5) Rt I 80x 225, Centerville 98613 --Ann SAAR!, Box 104, l1waco 98624 --- Dave & Marl1yn SA80LD (Ananda 13, 8en 8) Rf I, Win throp 98862 --- J. Duncan SAUNDERS, PO Box 576, Renton 98057 - - - John & Chri s SCHEUFFELE (Jessica 7, Jennifer 6, Jeremiah 4, Jane 3) 802 S 1st Av, Yakima 98902 --- Eleanor SIEGL, LITTLE SCHOOL, 2706 10th St E, Seattle 98102 ___ SNOHOMISH COUNTY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, 1215 Olympic Av, Edmond 98020 --- Frank & Joy SPAUN (Jacob 4) 3010 22nd Av NW, Gig Harbor 98335 - __ Nancy STARK & Allen HOUSE {CalliAnne 10, 8enjamin 7, Max 3) 1320 6th St, Anacortes 98221 --- Debra & Eric STEWART, FAMILY CENTER LEARNING ALTERNATIVES, 26611 SR 530 NE, Arling ton 98223 --- Deb & Fred STIEGLITZ-SHELL (Mae 8, Sara 5, Emily 3) Rt 3 Box 639, Colville 99114 --- Carol Ann STOCKTON, 2307 N 63, Seat
New luburn 54757 --- Claudh & Tony BROWNE (Me9an 7, Nathan 5) N39 W54B5 Wl1shire Or, Cedarbur9 53012 --- Jim & Naomi COLVIN (Alysha 176, Sean/80, Zachary / B2) Menomonie 54751 --Peter D'AGOSTINO & L1nda HUGOAHL (Devon 4) 226 E Dean, Madison 53716 --- DEER PARK ASHRAM: J",es BARRY; L1nda MONTY (Eden 6, Kendra 3); Sue & Scott NEWMAN (Jessica 9, Damis 4); Rich & Carol WOOLSON (Kyon 7, Seth 5, Ash 3) Rt I Box 143A, Gleason 54435 --- Richard & MaryTherese DORFMAN, Rt 3 Box 92, Salem 53168 --Bill & Barb DUNCAN, N398 Wolf Rd, Monroe 53566 --- Jim & Janice ERDMAN {Martin 8, William 6, Ryland 4) RR 4 Box 29B, Tomah 54660 --- FAITH ACADEMY, Box 198, S Range 54874 --- Bob & Cheli FERGUSON {Blake 11, Erika 9, Shana 6, Ruth 4) 1408 N 10th Av, West Bend 53095 --Ellan FRITCHE & Robert STRAWN (Jesse 9, Ida 6) PO Box 125, Washburn 54891 --- David & Rachel GRAPENTINE ( Oavin / 82) Rt I Box 45D-A, Maple 54854 --- Don & Denise HODGES {Lucasl75, Maia / 79, Hadley / 83) PO Box 183, Genoa City 53128 --- Tom & Beverly HOFMAN { Valena 8, Jacob 6, Aprl1 4) Box 167, Rt I, Kiel 53042 --- Keith & Elaine JACKS (Shalimar 9, Lalasa 6, Arius 3) Rt 2, Ashland 54806 --- Larry & Susan KASEMAN (8eth172, Peter175, Gretchen178, Megan/81) 1340 N Dousman Rd, Oconomowoc 53066 --- John & Meri KUEHN (Oyami179, Chimalis / 83) 113 Washin9ton Av, Iron Ridge 53035 --- Randy & Vicki LARSON (Isaac 7, Ananda 4 ) Star Rt, Sarona 54870 --- Valerie & Phl1 LEUTHE (Michaell78, Caitlin / 81) PO Box 116, Burnett 53922 --Donna MAHR {Matt 13, Laura 17, Natalie 18, Nathan 18) 561 N Main St, Oregon 53575 --Chris MAYOU & Larry BLACK {Erin 8, Jenny 6, Gre90ry/84) HOMESCHOOLERS OF WISCONSIN, W8229 Tower St, Onalaska 54650 --- Alison & David MCKEE (Christopher178, Georgina / 82) Country side Apts, 3001 W E'eltline Hwy *6, Madison 53713 --- Herm & Ellen NIB8ELINK (Nathan 6, Kar I 14) Rt 5 Box 46, Medford 54451 - - - Joe I OTTENSTEIN, 3875 N. 80th St, Milwaukee 53222 --- Megan & Mark PERRINE (Mika 7, Teal 4) RR I 80x 73A, Mason 54856 --- Jim REDFIELD, WISCONSIN PARENT ASSOCIATION, PO 80x 2502, Madison 53701 --- Diann SIMMONS & Scott DAVIS (Leah/ 78, Ry/81) Rt I 80x 137, Mason 54856 --- Tahca SKA & Linda EASTMAN ( Sunkmanitotula 14, Witko 11, Kimimila 8, Wagmunke Nunpa 6, Hokato 4) SACRED TREE SCHOOL, Rt 1 Box 429, Poplar 54864 --- Paul & Lois SOUKUP (Paula172, Marlene173, Lad175, Cory176, Jana178, Aden & Ely179) Rt 1 80x 117, Lyndon Station, 53944 --- Gretchen & Tom SPICER {Jacob 13, Seth 11, Jessica 10,
Grant Rd, Sook. VOS INO --- Frank & Helen CAVE 5) RR I, Enterprise KOK IZO --- Stephen (Ruth II, Mar9aret 9, Charla 6) 49 Cedar Or RR MARSHALL & Theo DAWSON {Jessica 8, Chensa 5, 5, Paul Lake, Kamloops V2C 6C2 --- John & Jan Shannon 2) Gen Del, Locust Hill LOH IJO --et CORNES (Jesse 6) 205-1015 Kin9S Rd , Victor Barney & Pat McCAFFREY (Bla1se 19, AIlInDn 17, ia V8T lW8 --- Janet CURR I E & Tim ROBERTS (Mer Daniel & Gabriel 15) Wl1no - - - Mary Sun Rose an 7, Elise 4) *36-1120 Summit Av, Victoria
McDADE (Crow 14, Ahnee 12) Kl1laloe KOJ 2AO V8T 2P7 --- Ellen & Reg DIXON (Valerie 7) Shaw --- Burt & Anna MYERS (Drew 11, Beth 9) RR 1, Rd RR 2, Mission V2V 4H9 --- Terry FAUBERT
Brooklin ZOB ICO --- ONTARIO HOME SCHOOLERS (Jody 7) Gen Del, Lund VON 2GO --- Wa & Caro-
NEWSLETTER, PO Box 6688 Station A, Toronto M5W Iyn FONTAINE (Omi 12, Dharma 9, Talu10 6) Gen IX5 --- Don & Sharron OWENS (Miranda 8, Me11s Del, *5 Price Rd, Errington VOR lVO --- Lori & sa 4) Box 800 RR I, Stroud LOL 2MO --- Wade & Mike GREEN (Matthew 2) PO Box 338, Ft St James Teresa PITMAN (Matthew177, L1sa178, Oaniel / 81) VOJ IPO --- Monica & Bob GRILL (Sam 4) PO Box 1580 Lancaster Or, Unit 43, Oakv111. L6H 2Z5 1471, Ft St James, VOJ lPO --- Alex & Juanita --- Adrian & Louise POPE {Sean 15, Sasha 12, HADDAD (Nicole 7, lacy 5) RR 7, Duncan V9L 4W4 Marsha 7) Harwood North, Pickering --- Sue ~ --- Sandra HANSON (Eddie Kelly 9) 208-1225
Norris POUND {Jeremy & Melissa 9, Rebecca 7, Nelson, Vancouver V6E IJ5 --- John & Delores
Rachel 3, Adam 1) 18 Rusthall Way, Brampton KOENE {Hl1degarde 19, Marika 16, Jennifer 15, L6V 3R6 --- Rolf & Wendy PRIESNITZ (Heidi 13, Myles 12) 12995 68th Av, Surrey --- Eric &
Melanie 12) CANADIAN ALLIANCE OF HOME SCHOOLJoan LAVINGER (Jamey 14) Box 2198, Parksville ERS, 195 Markvl1le Rd, Unionville L3R 4VB --VDR 2S0 --- Etta & Matt MARTINELLI {Steven IS, Marga RAUOSEPP {Hanna 12, Raja 9, Laine 7, Bruce 13) Kains Island L1ghtstation, Winter
Jako 5) 20 Paperbirch Dr, Don Mills M3C 2E7 Harbcur VON ,LO --- Murray & Alice McEACHERN
--- Adele REINHARTZ & Barry WALFISH (Mirhm (Ernie IS, Isaac 12, Zoe 8) 17223 2nd Av,
Simma/8l, Mordecai / 84) 6 Yarmouth Gardens, Tor White Rock V4B 5A8 --- NEW OPTIONS SCHOOL,
onto M6G IW4 --- Helen & David SENTESY (Oeven 2160 Ferndale Rd, Victoria V8N 2Z1 --- Edith & 10, Mark 7, Rowan 4) RR 6, Perth K7H 3C8 --Victor NEWMAN (Marion 13, Carey 10) 1971 Kalta SIDNEY LEOSON SCHOOl, 33 Overland Dr, Don sin Rd, RR I, Sooke, VOS lNO --- Gail & Ed
M111s M3C 2C3 --- Naomi SIEGEL (Sage 6) 10 PEEKEKOOT (Sam 5) *13-3120 Trethewey, Clear Yonge 81vd, Toronto M5M 3G5 --- 8arbara & brook V2T 4H2 --- Lynn PRITCHETT & Craig Bruce SMALL (Carolyn 10) RR I, Goodwood LOC BENSON (Fayra 11, Tristen 8) 13-3120 Trethe lAO --- Carole SMITH & Stephen BYRNE {Katie 6, wey, Clearbrook V2T 4H2 --- Louise & Barry Daniel 4) 18 Cockburn St, Perth K7H 2A9 --SALT (Jesse 5) PO 80x 1725, Ft St James VOJ Mary SYRETT, 248 Airdrie Rd, Toronto M4G INI IPO --- Juliet SAVAGE {Sean 12, Erik 10, Jason --- Ann & Gerry VAN REGAN {Heidi 10, Kaeli 8, B) General Delivery, Nelson VIL 5P3 --- Beth & Jakob 5, Ziara 3) 130 Marlborough Av, Ottawa Art SHAW {Robin 13, Amy 9, Eml1y 8, Mary 6, KIN 8G2 --- B.G.P. WHITMAN, Box 775, Hagers Eva, Kathy 24, Doug 23, Rea 6) 80x 245, Gib ville NOA IHO sons VON IVO --- 80b & Susan SMITH {Jessamyn / P.E.!. - Carol & Roger HOGE {Erin 11, 76, Roxanne178) Gen Del, Argenta VOG IBO --Oorian--g;-JOnathan 3) RR I, Cardigan COA IRO Terry & Jack STAFFORD (Amie 13, Anika 7) Box --- Pam & Reji MARTIN { D 18, S 16, Seamus 9, 438, Fort Langley VOX IJO --- Lynne & Nava Sage 6, Micah 5) Box 1026, Montague COA IRO THUNDERSTORM (Leaf 14, Raven 5) Tel egraph - -- Heather STEWART & Gary WATERMAN {Ben 6, Creek VOJ 2WO --- Garry & Lei la WARD (Amber Abram 4) RR I, Montague COA IRO 10, Genny 6) RR 1, N Fork Rd, Lumby VOE 2GO QUE - Abdul & Ayesha ABDUL-WADUD {Yasin --- Margo & George WILSON (Kama 9, Laura 5) 6, Junayd 4) 1265 Ouimet *11 , Montreal H4L 3P8 Box 536, Salmo VOG lZO --- WONDERTREE SCHOOL, --- Paul & Carole COULOMBE {Raissa 8, Paul 6, Station E, Box 35243, Vancouver V6M 4G4 Rebecca 3) PO 80x 513, St Andre Avellin JOV MAN - MANIT08A ASSOC FOR SCHOOLING AT lWO --- Helen FOX {Nondini 19, Maria 15, HOME, Victor St, Winnipeg R3E IY6 --Cybelle 10) 137 Rang Ruisseau, St Clet JOP ISO David & ~eg McCONKEY, RR I, Brandon R7A 5Y1 --- Joanne GUIMOND, RR I, 8ishopton JOB lGO --- Irene & 8rian TODD {Cathi 8, Keith 6, Glen --- QUEBEC HOMESCHOOLING ADVISORY, 4650 Aca da ,) RR I, Dufresne ROA OJO dia, Lachine H8T IN5 --- Danny & Teresa N8 - Shirly BEAR & Peter CLAIRE, Big TITTLEY (Nathan 9, Naomi 7, Caleb 2) 3435 Cove, ]<exton EOA 2LO --- Bruce & Bonnie BITDecarie Blvd, Montreal H4A 3J4 TlNG (Seth 13, 810ssom 10, Eli 7, Emily 3) RR SASK - Gloria & Herman 80ERMA {Clarin/ tle 98103 --- Suzanne, Fred (Lissa 10, Trevor Isaac 6, Esau 4) Hwy 82 East, Mauston 53948 1, 8ass River EOA lCO --- Jean & Germaine GAl- 69, Erinn8, laurel/8ll 1710 Prince of Wales 5) PO Box 181, Curlew 99118 --- John TAPERT, --- Karyn (14) & Michelle (13) SUS, 2816 I< LANT, RR I, Kouchibouguac EOA 2AO --- Ron & Av, Saskatoon S7K 3E5 --- Bob & louise CARLPO Box 316, Duvall 98019 --- Chuck & Cece Lawn Av, Racine 53405 --- John & Eleanor Barb KRENCIKI, RR I, Bass River EOA ICO --SON, 502 Wilson Cres, Saskatoon S7J 2MI --THOMAS (Nathan 6) Rt 1 Box 89T, Eastsound THOMASON (Adele / 81) Rt I Box 91-8, Mason 54856 Ron & Vonnie MANN, RR I, Harcourt EOA lTD --Evangeline GOORON {Fidelia 22, Ericka 14, PauJ 98245 --- Judith THOMPSON (James IS, Jody 9) --- Tom & Ruth VOIGHT ( Amanda 6) RR2 Bo~ 208, Laurence MARIE & Ian CURRY (Nathalie 15, Oon 12, Huey 11) PO Box 1591, Moose Jaw S6H 7K7 agh 10, Siobhan 5, Yannick / 81) 909 Cleveland 202 Ontario St, Hoquiam 98550 --- Julie & Bob Rio 53960 --- Gene & Betty WALTON (Nick 9, --- Erwin & Zelma KLINGER (Tamara 17) 80x 155, TITUS (Greg 12, Eric 10) Rt I 80x 386, East Kate 5) 812 W Cramer, Ft Atkinson 53538 --Av, Moncton EIB IY9 --- John McDONALD & Anne Sedley SOG 4KO --- Melanie STEELE, 524 12th St sound 98245 --- Oureen VANCE, Box 6C, Mozama Toots & Steve WEIER {Forest 10 , Horizon Blue Marie DUPUIS, RR I, Harcourt EOA lTO E, *2B, Saskatoon S7N ('H2 98833 --- Judy VESELJTS (Amon II, Jared 3) E 7, Winter 4) Rt 1 Box 349, Coleman 54112 --NS - Gary ARNETT, Carleton, Yarmouth AUSTRALIA - ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION RE
Amber WESTERMAN & Billy KUEHNE (Kame/80) 1841 Co., 8"0111LO --- Erika DuBOIS, Hawley Farm, 3505 Grace, Spokane 99207 --- Jon & Wendy SOURC~54 Park St, Hawthorn, Victoria
Box 82, Mabou BOE IXO --- Stan & Christine WARTES (Jeffrey 7) TEACHING PARENTS ASSOCIAJenifer St, Madison 53704 --- Janet WRIGHT & 3122 --- Anne AUSTIN (Paul/80, David/81) 2
TION, 16109 NE 169 PI, Woodinville 98072 --E.G. NADEAU {Luke & Isaac N., 12 & 10, Brady MOELLER (Luke 14, Naomi 9, GabrielS, Jacob/ Bullen Av. Mitcham 3132. Victoria --- JoAnne & Sage & Tim WATERS, 258 E 3rd St, Everson 98247 Nelle W. )) 424 S Orchard St, Madison 53715 82) RR 4, Digby BOV lAO --- Rocke ROBERTSON & Greg BEIRNE (Gregory 5, Rebecca 3) 18 Arnold --- Alisa & Mark WEISS {Jacob!76, Peter!78, WY - Richard & Virginia BARR (Deborah 5) Alma MARKS (Laurel 11, Cai 9) RR '3, North Av, Kellyville 2153, NSW - -- Lyn CARGILL (Skye Sarah / 81) 11604 NE 8th St, Vancouver 98664 --- PO 80xl87, Dubois 82513 --- Kathy 8URANO & Grant, Antigonish Co. / 81) 148 Henson Rd , Salisbury, Brisbane 4107 Cyndy & Mark WEISS {Allison 9, David 8, Jamar Conrad ZEITLER (Tricia 13, Holly 4, Sarah 2) ONT - Peter & Lou BENNETT (Kevin 12, --- Clare COLE, 22 Rix St, Glen Iris 3146, Vic ah 6, Christine 5, Jennifer 3) 16650 NE 89th, 817 E 4th, Gillette 82716 --- Malinda & Yvon Noel 9-;-!mma 6) 81 Hall Av, Renfrew K7V 2S2 toria --- Peter & Sue CREALEY (Maria 9, Sean Redmond 98052 --- Sharon WELSH (Carlitos 5) CHOUINARD (Fletcher 9, Claire 5) Ph 307-733 --- Earnst & Cynthia 8RUNS {Michael 13, Peter 7) 68 Oriel Rd, Clayfield, Queensland 4011 -- Oysterville 98641 --- Susan WOLFE (Andy 8, 7459, Jackson (May-Nov) --- Jack MURPHY, IS) RR 1, Brooklin LOB lCO --- 8rian & Esther Bentley 6) N 2614 Madelia, Spokane 99207 --WYOMING HOME EDUCATORS NETWORK, 158 W Harney, CALDWELL (Ian178, Mary/83) 769 Byng Ct, Milton Christine GAZJAGO (Ami 9, Pablo 5) 6 Bell St, Maroubra, NSW 2035 --- Lauri s JEPHCOTT, 101 Chuck & Jacki WOOD {Cindy!72, John!75, 8ecky/ Laramie 82070 --- Susan SWAN (Fraser 5, Erin L9T 3M2 --- Laurel CHRISTENSEN, RR I, Dundass 77, Tommy!79) E 1008 32nd Av, Spokane 99203 3) PO Box 392, Douglas 82633 --- WYOMING !;OME L9H 5El --- Freda Lynn DAVIES (Kevin 14) South Pleasant Rd. Hawthorn, Victoria 3121 --- Rob & Chris PUFFETT (Bethany 3, Colin I) 105 Essex --- Bob & Valorie ZIMMERMAN, 22607 SE 322nd SCHOOLERS, Box 1386, Lyman WY 82937 Gillies PO, POT 2VO --- Karen DIXON (Caroline St, Epping 2121, Sydney --- Bruce & Jul iana St, Kent 98031 5) MBS Box 232, 3148 Kingston Rd, Scarborough RICKARD (Joanna 7, Nathan 6, Adam 4, awayne 7) WV - ALTERNATIVES IN EDUCATION, Rt 3 Box CANADA MIM lP4 --- Ron FARMER & Cathy GENER (Susanna 48 Riggall St, 8roadmeadows, Victoria 3047 -- 305, Viloe 25235 --- Robert & Audrey 8ANKS --ALTA - ALBERTA HOME SCHOOLING INFO SER9, Jude 7, Noah 5) 80x 1105, Almonte KOA IHO Gwen & Jim UNDERHILL (Ruth 6, Elizabeth 4, (Brendan 6, Alyssa 4) Rt 3 Box H,7A, Bruceton VICE, ~aysboro Crescent SW, Calgary T2V 3GI --- Joel FIELDS, 407 Rosemary Rd, Toronto M5P Joshua 2) 28 Apollo Av, 8aulkham Hills 2153, Mills 26525 --- Marianne & David CEDARLEAF {Ez --- Devon BLEAN & Don FICKO (Elizabeth 8, Char- 3E6 --- Alan FOX, RR I, Dacre KOJ INO --- Bar NSW ra 11, Ivy June 8) 80x 243, Hillsboro 24946 lotte 7) 514 - 7th St NE, Calgary T2E 4C6 --bara GAUTHIER (Brett 9, Simon 6, Lewis 4) RR GERMANY - Thomas & 8eth BOOTH (Cheryl 11) --- Karen DANIHEL-AMSLER (Shanna 8) Box 222A, Gayle & Randy DAVIS (Guy 9) 80x 279, Wildwood 2, Oalkeith KOB lEO --- Lloyd & Mary GOOSSEN Johanni"te'r'S'£r. 22. 5100 Aachen --- Karen Hillsboro 24946 --- Ann & Jerry DAVIS {Luke 8, --- David & Sophia ELTON, 100 Laval Blvd, Leth- SCOTT (Benjamin 9, Jenny 5) RR I, Campbell GRAHNER-OEBUS (14,8) Altneudorfer Str. 3a, Joel 5) Box 2080, Hi llsboro 24946 --- Jan & bridge TIK 4E5 --- Suzan & Arthur HOROVlTCH croft LOA lBO --- Don GREENHOW, 39 Lincoln 0-6901 Schoen au --- Jean LEONARD, Rhein Main Howard EVERGREEN, HOME SCHOOL EDUCATION ASSOCIA- (Vivian IS, Debbie 11) 80x 55, Barnwell TOK Green, Markham L3P lR6 --- Marilyn & Jim School, Box 4494, APO NY 09057 (Frankfort) -- TlON, Rt 1 80x 352, Alderson 24910 --- Richard 080 --- Lynn MIDDLETON, 1415-43 Av, Edmonton HOLLANDS {Vanessa 15, Rebecca 13, Sharon 11, James & Esther ROSEN (Joshua!75, Adrian/77, T6J OF2 --- Marion & Dave PERRY ( boys 7,4) FLEMING (Ricky 13, Scott 11, Lisa 8) Box 549 Nicole 7, Danielle 5, Leah 3) 1911 Malden Owens Av, Fairmont 26554 --- L.M. GRAFTON, PO 11504-86 St, Edmonton T5B 3J5 --- Marlene & Cres, Pickering LlV 3G3 --- Pat & Richard KERR Nicholas/82) A Btry 1141 FA, 1st PLT, APO NY 09281 (Guggi ngen) 80x 102, Alderson 24910 --- Maggie HENNESSY & Wille WILLIAMS (Danny 16, Rolly 14) Thorhild {Carolyn 16, Sunny 11, Gordon 9, Roseann 7, JAPAN - Janine BEICHMAN & lakeo YAMAMOTO 8ill RAGETTE (Oak175, Hickory/77) 144 Trace TOA 3JO Allison 4) RR 3, Oalkeith KOB lEO --- Paul & (Aya rJ(6]jie Y., 11 & 6) Hongo 5-5-8, 102, Diana lEE (Christopher 8, Matthew 6) 80x 286, Fork, Culloden 25510 --- Diane & Bill LEED BC - Mike & 8arbara BAIRD {Toglia 14, 8unkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 --- Barbara & Mark DRAKE (Elam!78, Emma / 80, Woody/81) Rt I Box 114-A, MakeeTT1, R.B. 9) Box 204, Tofino VOR 2Z0 --- Pontypool LOA IKO --- Margaret LeFEVRE {Math (Andrew 8, John 3) 37-17 Hatabu Honmachi, Apt Friar's Hill 24939 --- Lynne McINTOSH-KIMMEL Anne BROWN (lim 17, Andra 13) *20-3120 Trethe ieu 12, Jocelyn 9) Box 1197, New Liskeard POJ A-I03, Shimonoseki-shi T 751 --- Chris & Kohei (Ian M. IS) Jupiter Hollow, Rt I Box 280, wey, Clearbrook V2T 4H2 --- Michael BURNS {21, lPO --- Les & Nancy LINDQUIST {Kit176, Mark / Weston 26452 --- Richard & Ronnie MILLER (Rach- 20,17,15) 80x 128, Whistler VON IBO --- Susan 77, Daniel/80) 4206 Taffey Cr, Mississauga L5L HOHDE (Dtrs Misa / 68, Chiyo!71, Hegumi175; son Shinzo!74) 17-4 Asahigaoka-cho. Ashiya 659 el 11, Seth 9) Rt 3 Box 312, Chloe 25235 --& Stephan CARTER ( Joel 4, Ashley 1) RR3, 6718 2A7 --- Eric & Elaine MARSHALL {Alene 8, Ryan Martha & John MISHOE (8rian!73, Matt!74, Jean U.S. Postal Service STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, nie!76, 8enjamin!78. Nicholas/SO) Phone 304 MANAGEMENT, AND CI RCULATI ON 525-9741. Hunti ngton --- John & Jennifer (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) NEWCOMB (El isabeth!78, 80bby/81, Billy/84) 128 ACTUAL NO. COPIES OF AVERAGE NO. COPIES (I) Title of Publication: GROWING WITHOUT EXTENT AND NATURE Janet St. lewisburg 24901 --- Kathnell & Gerry SINGLE ISSUE PUBL. EACH ISSUE DURING SCHOOLING. (IA) Publication No: 07455305. OF CIRCULATION O'SHEA (Kim 17, Layne 15) Rt 4 Box 52A, Clin NEAREST TO FILE GATE (2) Date of filing: 10/ 2/84. (3) Frequency of PRECEDING 12 !'ONTHS tonville 24928 --- Wally & Deirdre PURDY (Jed 5,000 Issue: Bi-monthly. (3A) No. of issues pub. A. Total No. Copies 5,580 9, Hannah 7) Box 7A, Chloe 25235 --- Jane & lished annually: 6. (3B) Annual subscription B. Paid Circulation Max RICHMOND (Jeffrey 14, Sarah 10, Thomas 9, price: $15. (4) Complete mailing address of 1. Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Rachel 8, Megan & Meredith 6, Judith 4) 80x -0 -0known ,.ffice of publication: Holt Associates. Street Vendors & Counter Sales 102. Pemberton 25905 --- Jacques & Grace TRU 4,659 729 Boylston St, 80ston MA 02116. (5) Complete 5,123 DEL (Stella 19) Otto Rt, Box 117L, Spencer 2. Mail subscription 4,659 5,123 mailing address of the headquarters or general C. Total paid circulation 25276 --- Danny VAN LEEUWEN, Rt 1 Box 280, Wes business offices of the publishers: Same as O. Free distribution by mail. carrier ton 26452 --- Jacque & Fred WILLIAMSON (Nathan Item 4. (6) Full names and complete mailing or other means, samples, compli 8 Ryan 6) Rt 4 Box 20, Webster Spgs 26288 35 address of publisher. editor. and managing edi 210 WI - Ella Ruth ADES, Rt I, River Falls mentary, and other free copies 4,694 5,333 tor: Publisher, John Holt, 729 Boylston St, 54022~-- Marie 8AKER & Dave JAMIESON (Sarah E. Total distribution Boston MA 02116. Editor, Donna Richoux, 729 F. Copies not distributed 6) Rt I Box 187A, Prentice 54556 --- Larry & Boylston St. Boston MA 02116. Managing Editor, 1. Office use, left over, unaccounted, Irene 8ARKER (Lobelia 9, Emil 8) Rt I Box 46, 306 247 Patrick Farenga. 729 Boylston St, Boston MA spoi led after printi ng Highland 53543 --- Rick & Gai 1 BEDORE (8jorn/ -0 -002116. ()) Owner: John Holt, 729 Boylston St, )), Erik!78) 4002 CTY M, Middleton 53562 -- 2. Return from news agents 5,000 5,580 Boston MA 02116. (8) Known bondholders. mort G. Total Don BLAKENEY & Janet KASSEL (Gabriel/)), Chris topher!79, Samue 1/84) Rt 4, Janes vi 11 e 53545 gagees, and other security holders owning or --- Judith BONESS, RR 2 Box 1106, Wild Rose he 1di ng n, or more of total amount of bonds, ,1. I certify that the statements ude by me above are correct and cOiftplete . mortgages or other securities: None. 54984 --- Sue BROOKS (lim!78) Rt 2 80x 230, . Patrick l. Farenga, Managing Ed1tor.
29 NEW ZEALAND - Tricia CH EEL {Simon Pert
Helen Holland, Inh olm s Farm, Plumpton Green. Sussex BN7 3DE, England Travell,n, Families: Spe ncer & Marilyn Bohren (OJango/ 7. Andre179. Cori nna / 821 PO Box 18328, Ashevi lIe NC 2881 4; 704-252-8230 --- Wendy forbes, 494 Mary St, Mt Holly NJ 08060 --- Arlene Haight (Becky 15, Matt 12) 527 E Wilson Rd, Scottville MI 49454 -- Maxi ne, Ken & ~ei 1 Hartmann, 7132 Whipp l e Av. San Diego CA 92122 --- Kare n Ho lguin , PO Box 2010, Sparks NV 89431 --- Becky Howard, 1708 S Boston PI , Russe llvi lIe AR 72801 --- D.R. & Georgette Schulte (Georg e 8. Thomas 21 c/o 1301 A Rio Rancho Dr, Rio Rancho NM 87124 Beth & Art Shaw, Box 245, Gibso ns BC , VON IVO --- Sally Shumaker-Pruitt. 172 E Lincoln, Cheboygan MI 49721 Other Asked-For Categories: Custody Disputes; Black Romeschoolers.
707-768-3175 --- Miriam HAYNES , 3764 La Donna 99003 --- De nis WILCHAR, Cascade Jr High Av, Pal o Alt o 94306; elem . _- Paula KING, 156 School, 13900 NE IBth St, Vancouver 98664; 1/186 Stapleford Crescent, Browns Bay. Auck Belcrest Or, Los Gatos 95030; 408-356-9554 256 -6052 land 10 --- Kathleen DIXON (Rupert 3) 44 New Roger LANGTON, 1221 Susan Way, Sunnyvale WI - Jeanne BOURQUI N, Rt 2 Box 764, ington Rd, Henderson, Auckland 8 --- Ra~yn Cable "5<T821 --- Susan BROOKS, Rt 2 60x 237, 94087; 7-12 --- David LEO-NYQUIST, 1920 A GAl NSfORO & Gra..,e LlNDUP (K ara 12) 34 Nevada New Auburn 54757; 1-6 --- David GRAPENTINE. Rt Blake St. Berkeley 94704; K-12 --- Frances Dr. New Plymouth --- Malcolm & Jackie HAYNES NICHOLSON, 129 Austin Ct, San Jose 95110; K-1 2 I Box 450A, Maple 54854; 1-6 --- Linda
(Martin 19. Roy 16. Russell 15) 7 Mahupuku St . --- Kurt ROSSBACH, 2720 N Shingle Rd , Shingle HUGDAHL , 226 E Dean , Madi son 53716 - - - Joh n &
Greytown, Wairarapa --- John & Yvonne PAkENHAM Spgs 95682; 916-677-4555; K- 12 Eleanor THOMASON, Rt I Box 91-B, Mason 54856;
(lisa 9, Francis 8, Daniel 6. Margot 5) 190 CO - Joa nne BOLICK, 205 Washington St, science & elem Richmond Rd, Grey Lynn , Auckland - -- PRUNES, Denverli0203; 303-744-8149; reading --- Sandra OTHER - Irene TODD , RR 1, Dufresne. Man. 120 Eskdale Rd, Auckland 10 --- Peter & Ji 11 Canada"l!OA""OJO; K-12 --- Jean WILSON, 13 Lang GUNTHER, 2923 Sun set Or, Go I den 8040 I; 7-12, WHITMORE (Thomas l75, Ben /77) 58 Jell icoe Rd, liMitfi)use Close, Ham Corrrnon, Richmond, Surrey languages --- Mikel yn WARD, 13400 Rd 32, Auckland 6 Pl atteville B065 1; K-12. reading TWIO 7SJ, England PUERTO RI CO - Rosal i gi a AL VAREZ (Antares CT - Dan BICKEL, 48 eellevue St, Willi 6) Box 882. Luqu illo 00673 --- Ma x & Conny manticcT 06226; English --- Joa n CARLSON , CHOW (Jing Me; 5) Calle Barranquitas 52, Apt 256-B Cosey Bch Av, E Haven 06512; 467-9222 1-8, Santurce 00907 --- Gonzalo & Pat ricia DE -- - Geoffrey SMITH, 365 Bellevue Rd , New Haven FRIENDLY LAWYERS FERNOS (Rodrigo 18, Beatriz 16. Fausto 13. 065 11 ; 203-787-5659; Eng., math 7-12, admin AK - Tom 01graZla. Box 1724, Bethel 99559 Tal i a 8) PUERTO RI CO HOME SCHOOLl NG ASSOC, 503 GA - Mary LO WE , 100 Beaverlake Dr #4, 'IT - lonme Groot, 414 Hughes Or , Red Barbe St, Santurce 00912 --- Howie & Cindy Ellija:Y305 40; K-8, Spec . Ed, Admin. stone Arsenal 35808; 205 - 837 - 9290 IL - Ja net DAVIS , 2705 N University Av, AR - C. P. Christian, PO Box 405, 2227 W ~~~~:~~GO~~g~ 1 7, Aaron 4) 1406 Vila Mayo *3A, FRIENDLY SCHOOL DISTRICTS Decatur62526; English --- Bonnie VERHULST, Mai n, Tacksonvi lie 72076; 501 -982-4596 --- Jay OTHER LOCATIONS - Pamela FARO & Manuel We are printing a list of school dis 3321 S 4th St, Sp r ingfield 62703; K-9 Dickey Jr, PO Box 6038, Pine Bluff 71611; BARRERO (Marco 5, Colin 2) Cas111a 366. R10bam tricts that are willingly and happlly coopera IA - Margaret SMITH, 506 E 25th St S, 501-534-6302 ba Ecuador --- EDUCATION OTHERWISE. 25 COO11'IO n ting ",ith home sChoolers. and who are willing Newton~0208; elementary CA - Claude Brown, PO Box 163. Vacaville Ln. Hetnlngford Abbots . Cambs PE18 9AN ~ngiand to be listed in GWS as doing so. ME - Marion FOSS. Box 67, Deer Isle 95696;/07-447 -3 211 --- Carl Fielstra, 21821 -.- Lisandro SAGASTUME A.• Apartado 44, egu One reason for such a list: we want to 04627 ::-::- Jill HOFMEISTER, 7 Lake Av *5, Far Constancia, Mission Viejo 92692; 714-837-9803 cigalpa D.C., Honduras -- - Hope & Einar encourage and reassure school officials who mington 04938; Eng 7-12 --- Kathi KEARNEY. 49 --- Duncan Frissel1, 1719 San Jose Av. San KNUTSSON (Tryggvr-nriarsso n 11, Katla Einars may be hesitant about approving t,ome school Gamage Av, Auburn 04210; ME & VT K-12 --- John Francisco 94112; 415-441-0102 --- Claude dottir 8) AEsufell 4 - Apt 2F . 109 Reykjavik. ing, and let them know that there are other Smith. 926 J St. Suite 1006, Sacramento 95814; POULIN. Box 92, Sorrento 04677 Iceland --- Bride COUGHLAN (Sh ane 8) 34 Bridge districts enjoying good relationships with MD - Frances MOYER, 8283 Portsmouth Or, 916-446-2552 --- J Michael Smith, 11704 Wil "'S"t,""liraTlow, Co. Cork. Ireland --- Keith HAIGHT their home schooling families. Also. families Sever n2"1l 44 --- Karen SHAVIN, 1708 Holl ins shire Blvd, Suite 226. Los Angeles 90025; & Maureen Kim SING. Hermltag e, Cast1epark. who are will1ng to move to escape a difficult St, Baltimore 21223 --- Manfred SMITH, 9085 213-473-8873 Kinsale. Cork. Ireland --- Yosef & Ta l i HADAR situa ti on with school offic ia ls would hav e at Flamepoo1 Way. Columbia 21045; Soc. Stu dies. CO - Donald Banner, 727 Thatcher , Pueblo (son Nadav. 8) 'R'T'6'6U£Z !' izra . Israel --- Tom & least some ideas about where to go. 5-12 81003;>03 -544-5081 --- Clint Bolick, 661 S W e \I.'ill on ly li st these schoo l dist ri cts Valerie HILLIGAN (E rin 19. Mor~atrick MA - Da nie1le FENNEMA, RFO 4 Box 56, Sherman St, Denver 80209 --- David Goranson. 14 , Valerie 13) NL SO Box 8. FPO NY 09521 under th e fo ll owing conditi ons: So uth Great Rd, Li ncoln 01773 --- Adele 2201 Kip l ing, Suite G2, Denver 80215; 303-232 (Napl es. l.!!.!1.) --- Vincenzo & Gabriella PASCA1) The family has to be not just satis GARLICK, 11 Beltran St, Malden 02148 --- John 0766 RELLI (Mizar-5") C.P. 41, 0608 1 Assisi ~ fied but pleased with the cooperation the JUDGE , A. I. 0., 7 Wi Idwood St, Dracut 01826; CT - Fra nk Cochran , 250 Church St, PO 617-452 -2 205 --- Dr. Denise KUHN, EDUCATIONAL --. Dan FITZGERALD (Sara 10. Jus t ine lZT-VSC schoo l s are gl vlng to their home schooling Box 18'll!, New Haven 06508-189B; 203-787-5821 Box 4571. APO SF CA 96366 (Korea) --- Peter & efforts. 2) The schools themselves have to be POTENTIAL SERVICES, 235 Woodland Rd, Mi lton DC - Mark '-merman & George Grange 1 I . Sue READ (Alyson/69. Andrea77T,lessa!71) Gran- pleased with the relationship with the fami ly. 02186 --- Gr eta LAWRENCE, Box 336 , Washington 1925 K,t NW, Suite 300, Washington 20006; fossbakken 10. 1324 Lysaker . NrWay linda 3) The family has to be happy wHh the idea of 01223; K-B & counse I or - - - Henry MARCOUX, 40 202-861-0770 Concord St, Maynard 01754; 617-897-7774 --FL - Russell Peavyhouse, P.O.Box 24268, LINFORS (Sean 7, Kevin 3) c/o lrestone Inter asking the schools whether they want to be Tampa 11623; 813-879-3620 --- Paul Shimek J r, america, PO Box 511. Panama 1, Republica de i ncluded in this list. If they feel that list Mario PAGNONI, 76 Emsley Ter, Met huen 01844 MI - Jan ACKERSON, 808 N Cherry St, 311 N Spring St , Pensacola 32501; 904-434-2302 Panama --- Suza nn e & Richard ALEJANDRE (Niko ing the schools. or asking the schools if they Three Oiiks 49128; K-8 & Spec Ed --- Jill GA - J. Britten Miller, Jr, Georgia Co ~ 6) Av. Diagonal, 305. Barcelona 13, want to be l isted , may endanger their good alitionof Alternative Schools . PO Box 20, ~ - -- Dan & Gloria HARRISON (Elizabeth 11. present relationship. then they shouldn't ask. BASTIAN. 913 Heights Rd. Lake Orion 48035; Fr. , Eng., reading .-- Ron HARRISON, EOUCATION- Rydal 30171 ; 404-479-9763 --- Dan Pelletier, 4) The school s themse lves have to be happy Ari'fOrli a 7. Anna & Sophi a 1) 80x 53. NAVSTA, AL TUTORING NORTHWEST, 22050 Meridian, Novi 905 Southern Trust Bldg, Macon 31210; 912-743 FPO NY 09540 (Rota. ~) - - - Prof. Ake about being included in the list. If they are 48050; 348- 8230 --- Elizabeth MITCHELL, 57460 7465; 912-477 - 3522 uneasy about it, or fear that it may get them BYSTROM, Dept. of EdU"Ci'ffon. University of 10 - Lyle Eliasen, 202 Idaho St, Ameri linkoping, S-58183 linkoping Sweden - -- Lesley in trouble with someone, we'd rather not sub Ten Mile Rd , S Lyon 41878; K-8 & Spec Ed --Dinah MORRISON, 49 Boyd, Battle Creek 49017; can Fans 83211; 208-226-5138 & Roger DOWNIE (Kathleen 8, EWaiiIll") clo Cept jeet them to that risk. IL - Helen Baker, 440 Addison Av, Elm 7-12 English --- Judy PACKARD, AuSable State of Zoology. Univ of We st Indies, St Augustine So - if your district is coope rat ing Fores t, PO Box 78, Frederic 49 733; K-8 & Spec hurst 1i1l126; 312-833-5655 --- Thomas Brandon Trinidad with your home schooling, and you would like Ed --- Patti PITCHER, IBIS Brenner, Sagi naw Jr, 820 Ontario, Box 2069, Oak Park 60303; --them to be on this list, ask them, and let us 312-848 -7735 --- Shelly Waxman, 30 W Washing 48602 know if they say to go ahead . MN - Phil GROVE, 2736 11th Av S, Minne ton St , Suite 1115, Chicago 60602; 312-236 By the way , we would also like t o list RESOURCES apo1is~5407; cer t. for hearing impaired --3489 schoo l districts that would like to help home We repr i nting names of those who Va lerie SWE DLUND, 4980 Shady Island Cir, Mound IN - Mark Bell, 220 Merchants Bank Bldg , schooling families. but haveriO{ been able to have experience with the following subjects. 11 S Meridian St, Indianapolis 46 204; 317-634 do so because no fami 1ies have yet asked t hem. 55364; K-6 0220 NE - Rose YONEKURA , 7741 E Avon Ln , and who are willing to correspo nd with others IA - Craig Hastings, 315 6th St, Ames wh o are interested. As with all of our Re CA - Butte Cou nty Schools, 1859 Bird St. Li nco ln68505; 402 -464-8551 NV - Pat & Ja ne BRUNKER, Home Schooling 50010;,15-232-2501 --- Earl Hill, PO Box 298, source lists. we appreciat e additions and Orovi lie CA 95965; 916-534-4678; Mar i Iyn corrections. Kanawha 50447; 515-762-8215 Consul tants, Las Vegas ; phone 878-6670 --DeVore , Home Study Director. KS - Mary Ellen Rose; Alder , Nelson & Lodi Unified School Distric t , 835 W Lock Leonard GODICK, 4440 Tamarus St 1105 , Las Vegas 89109 McKenna;- 9300 W 1l0th St , Ste. 690, Overland 1 ford St, Lodi CA ~5240; 209-369-7411; Ron Alders~~0~~i24~1~a~_~v:;~~;e~. F~!d F~~~e~5~ NH - Ramona PATTERSON, 33 Patrician Park 66210; 913-383-2720 or 281-5544 --Alsop, Asst. Supt. of Elem. Ed. 10, 3) 494 Mary St, Mt Holly NJ 08060 -- Shores:-Meredith 03253 --- Jennifer SEIP, 70A Austin Vincent. 1108 First Natl Bank Towers. San Ju an Ridge Union School District, Wi nter St, Portsmouth 03801; Spec Ed Topeka 66603; 913-233-4122 Andrea Heyman. PO Box 1488 , Winds or CO 80550~ Oak Tree School, 18847 Oak Tree Rd, Nevada NJ - Barbara HIGGS, Pennington Profes KY - Theodore H. Amshoff. Jr, Amshoff &
303-686-2069 --- Paula King, 156 Belerest Dr, City 95959; Donna So ldano, Administrat or. Los Gatos CA 95030; 408 -356-9554 --- EI i zabeth sio nal""'ttr, 65 S Main St, Pennington 08534; Amshofr, 1445 Starks Bldg, 455 4th Av, Louis MA - Barnstable Public Schools , 230 La Cava, 4115 t'! Illinois St. Indianapolis IN ville 40202; 502-582-3500
Sou th 'St, Hya nn is 02601; Ja ne Shecke 11 s , Cur elem & admin --- Sa ndy MAOKIFF, 207 Coari Av , 46208 --- Walter & Mary Mars chner, 107 Paisano riculum Direc t or. LA - Claire Benedict, Rt I Box 160,
Minotola 08341; K-12 Eng. --- Marian RONALDS, Or, Victoria TX 77904 -- - Suz anne Mortensen. Lettsworth 70753; 504-492-2612
Rockland Pub li c Schools. Rockland 0237D~ 62 Ridgedale AV , Cedar Knolls 07927; 201-538 12600 Coyote Valley Rd, Me sa Antero, Nathr op 5016 --- Diane TASSEY. 34 Pine St. Vernon ME - Samuel W. lanham , Jr; Mitchell & Supt. John W. Rogers. CO 81236 --- Lois Port er, Box 401. New Lebanon 07462 ; 827-4502 --- Ann WASSERMAN, 223 West Stear ns. I Merchants Plaza, PO Box 702, Bangor Scituate School Dis tr ict, 606 Cushi ng NY 12125 (13, 11, 10) -- - Dan Shultis, Pelon 04401-0702; 207-947-3741 End Av , We st End 07740; 201-222-3510; Spec Ed Hwy , Scituate MA 02066 ; 617-545-5369; Vida NY - Ci ndy BARNETT, 136 Fellows Av, Syra MO - lawrence Bohlen, 405 Dorchester Av. ci 110 Primary. Box 91. Rodeo NM 88056 Gavin, Dir. of Special Services. Cambriage 21613; 228-9444 --- Ray Fidler, 900 Deafness: John & Shell ey Cameron (Julia South ern Berk sh i re Reg i ona 1 Schoo 1 Di s cuse 112"10; elem & spec ed --- Lyman BARRY, 4) 2 1~ Av N, Mi nneapolis MN 55411 -- 9297 Shaw Town Li ne Rd, Nunda 14517; science Blaustein Bldg. Baltimore 21201 ; 301-752-3650 trict, Sheff ie ld 01257; Direc t or of Guidance, Deborah Doerfel. 540 Temperance Ln, Ivy land PA Paul Shafiroff. -- - Joyce HOUCK , RR 1 Box 148A, Brant Lake --- Steve Fielder, 121 N 3rd St. Oakland 18974; teacher -- - Phi I Grove, 2736 11th Av S, 128 15; e1em. --- Virginia JAECK , RO Box 74, 21550; 334 - 8874 --- Sandy Hamilton , Rogers & NY - Ithaca School District , Ithaca Minneapolis MN 55407 --- Kelly McMahan, 8207 Har twi ck 13348; 607-293-6176 --- Martin Hamilton , 2806 63rd PI , Cheverly 20785; 301 14850;--;). Douglas Ha rt, Dir . of Pupil 772-2347 --- Paul Kunberger, 3905 Bexley PI, Thetford Ln, Houston TX 77070; 713-469-2208;· MILLER, Aikens Rd, RO I, Watkins Glen 14891; Perso nne l. cert. teach er for hearing imp aired -- - Kim Marlow Hgts 20746; 301-899-6933 --- Dale Reid, PA - Southwest 8utler County School Dis math. sci .• accounting Carrolltowne Prof Ctr, 6400 Ridge Rd, Elder Schive. 45 Mass. Av . Arlington MA 0217 4 NC - linda MORGAN. 1720 Flynnwood Or, trict.'D 1, Harmony PA 16037; Ron Snyder. Down's Syndrome: Elaine Bechtold, 10827 Cha rlotte 28205 burg 21784; 795 - 5656 Supt. Rosedale AV N. Rt I Box 233, Loretto MN 55357; OH - Susan OAHODA , 5922 Belmont ~5 , Cin MA - Eugene Burkart, 566 Main St. 612-498-7553 --- Maggie Beckham, 105 Joh n Av , ci natIT 45224 --- Paul HILSTON , 3420 Williams Walthaiil02154; 617-899-5337 --- Charles Ct. Avon 44011; 7-12 science DiMare, PO Box 832, Amherst 01004 --- John Pascagoula MS 39567 --- J anet Bennett {Kathryn OR - Ann LAHRSON, 5360 SW 192, Aloha Sandelli, 112 Siaden St, Dracut 01826; 617 21l 205 Essex Av, Boonton NJ 07005 - -- Gary & CERTIFIED TEACHERS Dhnn Foster, Rt 4 Box 341, Campbellsville KY 97007;""1(-8 --- Mary MAYFIELD , 28915 Liberty 957-5528 Here is a comp lete l is t of certified 42718 --- Carol french-Corbett, RR I Happy Top teach ers who have told us they are willing to MI - Vernon Alger, PO Box 922, North Rd, Sweet Home 97386; 503-367-2474; 5-12--Rd, McKee KY 4044 7 --- Leonard ~ and , 300 Marcia SPANI, 464 0 SW 182, Aloha OR 97007; ville ~167; 313-751-3400 --- Mark Culbertson, he I p home-schoo I ers: Meatte Av, Portageville MO 63873 (g randdaugh 14743 Peck Or, Warren 48093; 313-293-7450 --503-642-4094; K-8 ter Paige) --- Marilyn Hollands, 1911 Malden PA - Or . Hope C. BLISS, U. of Pa, Grad David Kallman, 357 Hollister Bldg, 106 W South CA (Zi~S to 94000 ): Ruth ARTHURS, Cres, Pi cke ri ng Ont II V 3G3 - -- Glenn & Marsha 2320 Chestnut Av, ong SCh 90806; 213-595 -4181 Schoolof Ed., 4330 Larchwood Av , Philadelphia Allegan , Lansing 48933; 517-484-0693 --Salisbury, 7923-126th St E, Puyallup WA 98371 Dustin Ordway, 330 E Kingsley, Ann Arbor 48104 K-8 --- Ginny ATHERTON, 4420 Boston Av, La Cre 19104 --- Ruth BUTLER, 148 Chickasaw, Pitts burgh 15237; K-8 --- Barbara McMILLAN , #1 Sun --- Norm Perry, 1401 St Joseph Rd, Berrien scenta 91214; 213 -249-1285; music --- Lynne packwo!,IA c52~Ba~r3~9~~~~_~: ~~b::~, S;~i ~ shi ne Rd, Herminie 15637; elem & spec ed --Springs 49103; 616-471-2848 --- Mi chael BEHEIM, 311 EI Monte Rd, EI Cajon 92020; 619 ford, 2203 N Chelton Rd, Colorado Spgs CO Thoma s, 444 Church St, Su i te 30 I, Flint 48502; 442-6579 --- Joh n BOSTON, PO Box 92, Escondido Sa ndy & Oebor ah DOERfEL, 540 Temperance Ln, Ivyl and 18974 --- Noelle SICKELS, 36 Franklin 313-232-4184 80909; 303-596-6792 --- Phi I Grove, 2736 11th 92025; 619-749-1522 --- Herbert HAMMER, 7001 Av S, Minneapolis HN 55407 --- John J. Karch Alvern St lA, Los Angeles 90045 ; 213 -649-2975; Av, Rosemont 19010; K-8, NJ & PA - - - Beth MN - Clyde Anderson, 2250 IDS Center, er, 2436 North Line St, Colmar PA 18915 -- STONE, 988 Siddonsburg Rd, Lewisberry 17339 Minneapolis 55402; 612-338-0661 --- Roger K-8 --- Jo n LI NDVALL, 531 N Balmayne Way , Por John Kosanke. 500 WCentralia, Elkhorn WI Schurke, 316 E Main St, Anoka 55303; 612-421 RI - Gerald HARKINS, 60 Spruce St, War terv i lIe 93257 --- Jul i e LOYO, 6300 Stephens 53121 --- Ted ~ Martha Laux, 1853 East Shore wi ck 028"86 ; 401-73B-0227 5413 Ranch Rd, LaVerne 91750 --- Phyllis MOTTOLA, Dr, Ithaca NY 14850 --- Mari o Pagnoni, 76 TN - Shannon BUSH, 267 E 7th St. Cooke MO - Robert Baker, On the Square, Sar 728 Chiquita Rd, Santa Barbara 93103; 805-965 Emsley Ter, Methuen 01844 --- Sheryl Schuff, 4838; elem & ~ontessori --- Telia NUNN, 1225 S ville1B'50l; K-8 --- Darrell l UCK , Dunmire Hol coxie ~862 --- Chris Iliff,S Crown Ct r , 2480 low. Rt 3 Box 265 -A, Waynesboro 38485 - - Persh i ng Rd, Kansas City 64108 -- - Arno 1d 8156 Lieber Rd, Indianapolis IN 46260; 317 Boyle Av, Escondido 92027 --- Richard STONE, 259-4778 --- Robert Wynne, 2408 Capetown Av, 153 N Yosemite, Fresno 9370 1 --- Paula WRIGHT, Linda SORRELL, Rt 3 Box 37, Johnson City 37601 Phillips , 1221 Locust St, St Louis 63103; Alhllnbra CA ~1 803 TX - Kelly McMAHAN, 8207 Thetford Ln, 314-231-4901 7346 Elk Tr, Yucc a Valley 92284; 619-365-8734 Single Parents: Kim Delauter, 150 N MT - Doug Kelley , Box 4966 , Helena Houston: 77070; 713-469-2208; K-8 ~ Hearing --- Wendy ZACUTO, 7111 Shoshone Av, Van Nuys Avery, pontiac filiI 48054 Jo an Jurkofsky, 37 91406; 213-705 -031 2 59604 ;043-3738 Impaired --- Jeff WAHRMUNO, Rt I Box 290AA, State St , Glassboro NJ 08028 --- Jane Mara , Lexington 78947 NE - Larry Stunkel, PO Box 62, Wahoo 2392 K:~~~~C:v~Z~~~ ~~~~09~12S):_~Ot~n~~~S' ClaSlch, Ventry. Kerry, Ireland ... Cathy UT - Brother James PETRAIT, 514-24th St, 68066;002 -443-46 76 Ogden 'Bl401; h.s. science --- Jenn i e TEA , 54 3 NH - Robert Larsen, Sulloway Ho ll is & Payne, Block Island RI 02807 --- Naom i Siegl ALLEN-MENTE, 7697 Isabe l Av, Cotati 9492B; (Sage 4) 10 Yonge Blvd, Toronto, Ont o M5M 3G5 Nichols *2, Moab 84532 --- Gerald KING, Utah Soden, ~ Capitol St , Concord 03301 707-795-0142 ; K-12 --- Suzanne BYRNS & Jill State U, Triad 7L, Logan 84321 NJ - Mark Fox, 2101 Park Av, S Plain --- Carol Ann Stockton, 2307 N 63, Seattle WA MOCIUN, IDEA & CO, PO Box 298, N San Juan WA - Barbara COOK, 574 S Jacob Miller field 1)7080; 201-755-6200 --- Larry Grossman, 98103 95960 --- Ellen CAREY, 12597 Maple Glen Rd, 7 S Main St, PO Box 143, Marlboro 07746 Travel: NETl/ORK fOR EDlJCATI()f(AL TRAVEL, Rd, Port Townsend 98368; special ed --- Debby Glen Ellen 95442; elem --- Terri CHRISTL, 144 MarthaLiU"i";" 1853 East Shore Or, I thaca NY HALPERIN, 4536 48th Av NE, Seattle 98105 --NY - David Mandel, 360 W 36th St, New Molitas Rd, Oanville 94526; K-7 & Spec Ed Lynn NOROHAGEN, Rt 2 Box 178-0, Chattaroy York lliOI8 --- David Pullen , 48 Wrain St, 14850 --- EDUCATION OTHERWISE Visit Exchange, Sharon GREENE, PO Box 52, Car I otta 95528; _n
30 Fi llmore 14735; 716-567-2229 --- Stephen Rath jen. 300 Wheeler Rd. Hauppauge 11788; 516-582 4080 --- Seth RockmIJ11er, 18 washington Av .
Chatham 12037; 518-392-4277 NC - Hugh Cox Jr, 123 W 3rd St. Green ville "27834; 919-757-3977 --- Richard ~arper. 2212 Holloway St. Durham 27703; 919-598-1414 --- Lee Holley. PO Box 156. Buies Creek 27506 --- Steve Lacy. PO Box 900, Havelock 28532; 919-447-0617 OH - Janice Beers, 800 Arlington Rd, BrookvTIle 45309; 513-B33-5665 --- H J ames Dear. 4428 Secor Rd. Suite H. Toledo 43623; 419-475-7293 --- David Haffey. PO Box 610. Xenia 453B5; 513-372-8055 --- Robert Lynch. 711 Statler Office Tower, E 12th & Euclid Avo Cleveland 44115 ; 216-771-2545 --- Richard Moore. 6929 W 130 St. Ste. 600, Cleveland
~:~~O~t~~~~;f~:~~ 43;9~~m~14~:;n64~1~_~ Milt Schulman, 748 Standard Bldg. Cleveland 44113-17B3; 216-621-0580 OK - John Eidsmoe, ORU Law School, 7777 S Lewis,- Tulsa 74171 OR - Loren (Nick) Heuertz. 19908 E Evans Cr Rd.--...hite City 97503; 503-826-9046 --Prof. Brendan Stocklin-Enright, Willamette
see FL ,2304; 904- 224-9929 Georgians for Freedom in Education. 4818 Joy Bru ce Quarrington, Dept of Psychology, York U., 4700 Keele St, Downsview Ontario M3J lake Mil dred Pri vate Chr i st i an Schoo 1, PO Box Lane, L11 burn GA 30241 1P3 1/00, Hawthorne-rr-r.2~--Nat'l Counci 1 of Parent Educators of Georgia, Nancy Recki nger , 8679 Valley Flores Dr, Mordes Acad~l!'i' Rt 3 Box 215 Marianna Fl PO Box 163, Roswell GA 30071 Canoga Park CA 91304 32446 ; 904-49"2: 2568 (Fla. f~i1ies) ~ii~lbu~1uIDt~331:ssociation of Idaho, PO Box Jack Robertson, Prof. Emeritus. New York ~;l:~d~ ~Lo~2~_~£~~65~g9~~~6j~126. HOUSE, PO Box 578291. Chicago IL 60657-8291; Uni v. PO Box 55. Gr ei g NY 13345 Horizons Schoo l. 229 Ponce de Lecn Av. Atlanta "JT2"=1J29-6723 or 948-0665 Prof. Al bert Schatz, 6097 Sherman St, Philadelphia PA 19119
GA J0308; 404-'89 7-1798 Illinois Christian Home Educators. PO Box 25, Paul Daniel Shea. M.A .• Ed.O .• 1450
~~~I/I6ta~jo3ning Center, PO 80x 2261, Twin ~~~i~~a~~ ~\~~0~~8, Forreston Il 61030; 815 Beacon St., Suite 801, Brookline MA 02146; 617-277-4214 Walkersville Christian School, 7732 McKaig Rd, '918"=1225 rreaer~l1~~ Central Indiana Home Educators. 7262 lakeside Abbington Academy, PO Box 396, '!'armouthport MA ~anapohs IN 46278 U'E15 (Cape cod on ly) De 1aware / Mad i son Co . Alternat i ve Schoo 1s, RR CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS OR BOOKS 4 Abilities Research Associates. General Oeliv Mirada Dr. Fort Wayne IN ery, Ploneertown CA 92268 Home Covenant Schoo 1. 6640 Horseshoe Curve, 46816 C1Wi1iiiSsenWmlT; 612-474 - 5659 Home School Herald ( Huntin~ton Co.) . 1138 ~~kaB;~~k Ttji 665~ I ~nm:m_9~0~merica. Box 1. ~~~~~n~tAs~~~~~~f~~no~N H:e 5~ducators, 4914 American Christia n Academy. PO Box 1776, C01 gHM~ j14~}6~:~o:li' (~~! 1B~:m~~ie~)wburg MO leyv,lle Ix 16034 ~!I Day Schoo.!. 207 Coari Av. Minotola NJ ~HO~~d~~~~~~~~~, I~0~6~2~~i~~/~:4~~~~~~ America n Home Academy Materials. 2770 5 1000
~=t~aw.-1~~cA;~~~ ~~4;Cj~~~~~;:4~~~9
W, Perry Of 84302 American School. 850 E 58th. Chi c ago IL 60637
Ashley's Home Tutor Kit s , PO Box 102. Po i nt TX
Univ .. College of law, Salem 97301 Phil Studenberg, 439 Pine St, Klamath Falls 92601 PA - Timothy Durant. 36 N 2nd St, Clear-
15472; 214-44/-3176 Basic Christian Education, PO Box 0, Nottawa MI 49015; 616-467-1017
19348; 215-444-0285 --- Jim Tobak. 201A Drown Hall. LeHigh Univ .• Bethlehem 18015; 215-861
Calvert School. 105 Tuscany Rd. Baltimore MD 21210
~~~ 1~o~~3~;o:~4si~5~67~~x -;92 ~h~~~~e~r~~~are ~e~~:n}2~~mfh~~~~o~hnsa~211~e203~92B:6453 RFD
~~w:e~;!~t~;S~~r~. Ri ~. Gallery
~:~hi~~e3;451eT*ig~ 5~~h~~1 ~rCh
Av. Jensen
School. PO Box 2241. Santa Calumet School, RD 1 80x 95, Smyrna NY 13464;
School of the Arts. 212
Irlj7Ui;~1 0030
ffi6'i~ ~1~t5_~~4~atehouse
Rd, New Paltz NY Mountain Monte ssori School, Rt 3 Box 130, Clyde NC 28121; 704-621-20 20 ~}gSj; K~gj_:42~40~4 4640 SW 182. Al oha OR
~~~~: ~ ~ ~~e~hi3~oo 1, 960 SW Jefferson Av,
203 E McDonald.
~ 1:8758im~ ~;; nJ~~~ ~~~~~~e~ ~:~\ s u~~~m'
Learning Connection 2332 Harbeck Rd Grants Christian Life Acad emy . PO Bo x 5858, Lynnwood Pa ss 97521 ; 503-4/6: 5686 (OR only. SASE) WA 98046 Country Gardens, PO 80x 722. Quakertown PA Christian Light Publications. PO 80x 1126. Har' 18951; 215-538-05 29 rlsonburg VA 22801-1126 Pittsburgh Urban Christian Coalition School, Educa t ors Publishing Service, 75 Moulton St, Plttsburgh PA; 412-322 -6324 Cambrl dge MA 02238 ~¥arning Center, PO Box 8031 , Woodlands Glenn Distributors, 7251 Bass Hwy, St Cloud Fl 32769 Meter Schools. PO Box 427, Rosharon TX 77583 Hewitt-Moore Child Development Ctr PO Box 9 Pr of . Baer School, 245 Gruene Rd, New Braun washouga I wA 98671; 206-835-8/0r' , tel s Ix 18130 ; 512-629-3372 (TX only) ~ri ~8u~b9~2stitute, 6940 Car ro ll Av. Takoma SUrmlit Chri stian Academy, 13789 Noel Rd, Suite TIJ,lJallas I X 15240 Internationa l Corresponde nce High School, Mount Vernon Academy, 184 Vine St, Murray UT Scra nt on PA 18515 84101 Inter nat ional Institute, PO Box 99, Park Ridge Shaker Mountain School, 188 S Winooski Av, BurI[ 60068 Ilngton Vf 05401 ; 802-862-5970
~3ttM Center iearOlngaAlternat;ves. 26611 SR
~m6in9 At Home. PO Box 270-G. Honaunau HI .TrTTii9 on 223; 206-435-5015 New World School, 2701 Landes, Port Townsend ~~~~YH~f I ~ig09hi5hoOl . PO Box 5181. ~8368 Pensacola Chrlstun Correspondence School. Bo x Snohomish Cout~Christian School. 1215 Olym 18000. Pensacola F[ 32523 ~mon 98020; 71 1- 1193 Quest ~2ad60~' 515 S 48th St . Suite 106 . Tempe Faith Academy. 80x 198. S. Range WI 54874; ~; -966-6040 115-398-6461 Quest Inter national. PO Box 1047. Grants Pass New Opt ion s School, 2160 Ferndale Rd, Victoria ll1<m26 BC. Canada V8N 2zl ; 604-477-0173 Rod & Staff Publishers. Crockett KY 41413; Wondertree School, Sta E Box 35243, Vancouver 606-522-4348---BC Canada V6M 4G4; 879 - 6026 Schoolmasters . 1505 Wellington Dr. Bedford VA ~~11~: ~~~~oCa~~~~o ~jc 3~c~~e~~~~~4~~53~~n 24523; 103-586-0955 ~:~ov/m I5 tudY Progr am. PO Box 1938. Manas-
414-251-4210 --- Patrick Monaghan, 1100 W Wells St. Milwaukee 53233; 414-289-1070 --
~:~~ ~:~~~~e7l~~i~2:~~6~t W, PO Box 384, AshBox~85~- p~~~~~f~ ~~~~~~ljo~_~~;~~~3~ason,
~~nt~n~~~;aE~\i~dR~e2~9~\~~~~\n~~' ~~~ n~~Yl~~~e~io~~: c:~~~ ~669~y Coun
TN - William Bush, Rural legal Services of TN.Arcade Bldg. Courthouse Sq. Cookeville 38501; 615-528-7436 --- Philip Carden. 200 Church St. Nashville 37201; 615-254-6747 -- larry Crain, 12th Floor, First Amer Center, Nashvi lle 37238; 615-244-5772 --- Ed Falkowski, 111 S Main Av, PO Box lB. Fayette ville 37334 --- William Jeter. 1334100 N Main Blvd. Memphis 38103; 901-527-4673 --- Kidwell King, PO Box 472, Greenvil le 37743; 615-639 ~~~~e-370~g~ ~~~~~~~:3~~~ S Second St, Clarks-
TX - Charles Chestnutt. 4909 AShbrook Rd. Oanas 75227; 214-381-1192 --- Mike Edwards. 3400 Bissonnet St, Suite 290; Houston 77005; 713-666-1161 --- Dave Hai91er. Box
;~66~3~;;~~ pi;;a:g~~n T:~~~~io ~a~~~~~~7~~~58 2
--- Mervin Waage, 1807 Westminster Or, Denton 76205; 817-556- 1777 VA - Steven Graber. PO 80x 155. Williamsbur9 231"87; 804-253-0026 --- Charles LeGette Jr. 110 E Robert Toombs Av, Washington 30673; 404-678 - 3286 --- Peter W.O. Wri9ht. 2702
Parham Rd #210. Richmond 23229; 804-270-0250
WI - Mark Alber9. 105 W Wisconsin Av.
TomahaWl( 54487; 715-453-5368 --- Randall
Garczynski, 617 E Walworth, Delavan 53115;
Textbooks for Parents, Box G209, Kendrick 10
~i ~ !~~/f;~~sH~;t k~~~E~~~:~~ n9d~0;i~t~~g· PROFESSORS & OTHER ALLIES
St . 80ston MA 02116; $5 .95 + 75¢ post .
The following people are willing to help home schooling families in developing curricu HELPFUL PRIVATE SCHOOLS la, evaluating progress, or in other ways: Private schools enrolling or helping t.ome larry Arnoldsen, Box 10 McKay Bldg, Brig sChoolers. Alphabetically by state. Send SASE. ham Young U., Provo UT 84602 -Van
DY~~' R~~v~~e:~aC~~P~~U6; R~l~_;~~_~~~~'
501 WSan Juan
06058 Dr. Stephen Corwin. Box 184, Norfolk CT
~!d~~; ~~ment SC hool, PO Box 2245,
57006 Gay Eastman, 1020 First St, Brookings SO
~Zn85}0~~~~43~h~~50 WSu nset Rd, Tucson
of Education, U. ;iO:iEik ~~~~!a~A ~~H4~~~68~~7~j6PO 80x Steven M. Hall, M.O., 1000 Houghton, Sag Baldwin Park Chr i stian School, Baldwin Park inaw ~I 48602 l:l\;lIT8"=TIf-ll~-----
Mas~~: ~~~!~s~a~li~~oo~ean
Middle~~!1~~n~~~~~i.P~~~~~!~~i~~~w5~~ ~4043; 4l5-96~;~i~\ichard King. Ed. Dept.. Univ. of Victoria. Box 1700, Victoria BC. V8W 2'12 Or. Hal lenke. 4233 N. 42nd Pl .• Phoenix AZ 85018; 602-955-9449 Dr. John McDermott, Assoc. Prof .. Dept. of Ed .• Moravian College, Bethlehem PA 18018 Dr. Nadine McHugh, Educational Fellow ship of Christian Schools, Oral Roberts U., 7777 S lewis. Tulsa OK 74171 Dr. Chalmers E. Means, Dir. Reading Pro
~~a~:~; l~:w!~
& Resource Network (LEARN). 601
l«.iOTn or. El1ettsvl11e IN 47429
~~t~~:rINI41W:~ ~I~~m-~' RR 1 Box 183. Warsaw Area Newsletter. Box 98. 8utler IN 46538 ~o~iDsj~t202 ~{~wAn~:~~hI:C5002ftrong Kaii"Sans for Alternative Education, Phone 913-
08b-nTll iKS)
~ynil0~a Home Schoolers. Rt 1 Box 96-C, Dover
~~~~~eLA ;rn~~50~~115:~4/2 3404 Van Buren. Northwest louisiana Cha~ter, C.H.E., 4453 hnley Cr, Shreveport L 11105; 221-0439 Maine Home Education. RO 1 Box 1167. Farming ton ME 04938 n~li~aF~0~ttrur~eM[;n~1~3~~.\:9~B~6'0350 Welsh ~n:~i:iOe(~d~}ort Groups, phone 343-1131 or
Christian Hon:e Schools of Western MO, PO Box 564, cumberland MO 21502; 301-/59-9258 ~eii~yo.c.enp~eorneed8g0~42~9g(~a~)c . of Anne Arun Freder,ck Co. Support Grou~. ph. 371-4888 (Md.) Mary l and Rome Educabon 'ASSociation, 9085 Flamepool way. Columbu MD 21045; 130-0073 Montgomery Co. sutgort Group, ph. 253-5467 (MO) Parents For Rome ucatlon, 9610 Armistead Rd. SlIver spg P.D 209~425
Prince Georges sup~ort Grou~. ph. 345-6487 (MO)
rapeTod Romeschool n roorrative, 36 Shore crest Dr, E Falmouth AA 02 36 • Heme Education Lea8ue of Parents (HELP), Box 175, Norfolk POA 02 56 Lunenburg supgort Group. 524 Northfield Rd. Lunenburg MA j 462 lf Rd • -6379 ~~I~h:~t~!~ lMJi 61gg7:\~3~2~3' _77414G 7Uor 549 South Shore Home Schoolers, 163 Hingham St, Rockland MA 02310; 818-8093
/of Home Educators.
PO Box 139,
~it~ 11~\~UM;~~;~~0 ~ ~e~rt~5~oirners,
2736 Learning Connections, Box 56. Taylor Falls MN 55084 If you write to these groups, please send a Minnesota Assoc. of Christian Home Educators,
self-addressed, st amped envelope. Use Interna Box 14326, Mlnneapolls MN 554 14
tional Postal Coupons outside of U.S. Minnesota Horr,e School Network, 9669 E 123rd,
Rash ng s MN 55033; 43/-3049
STATE OR LOCAL GROUPS (Alphabetically by state) Families for Home Education. PO Box 523. "SiliTeYl'lO 64088 Alabama Cit i zens for Home Educat i on. Rt 3 Box Ozark Homeschoolers Newsletter, Rt 1 Box 20.
360-0. Montgomery""""AL1bTI1l~-1221 Newburg MO 65550
Alaska Home-schoolers Association, PO Box k!i~:~:11 VM~ ~e~314j57h~~ 1H:~_~036ci ation,
15000 #124 , wa sl iia AK 99681 Montana Homeschoo1ers Assoc., Box 144, Manhat
Arizona Familie s for Home Education. 639 E ~sa-AT1J'5203 ; 964 -/435 tan Mt 59/41
Parents Assoc. of Christian Schools, 6166 W Nebraska Christian Horr,e School Assoc .• Box
Hlghland, phoenlx ~--1245, columbus NE 68601
Nebraska Home Schooling Exchange, Box 96, Rock
~:b!i~!i~ ~Ri2 ~g3cat i on Assoc., PO Box 226, vmeNrb8871 Nevada Parents for 8etter Education, North ~:~4A~~a4~8~2~3~}8/0' San Jose CAt 408-266 8'83-4916. South 363-1849 (NV) Vegas Valley Home Schools United. 6244 Fargo [:~!:'D~~0;~~11~:acing~678~'9~~~~9i_~!~~en Av, Las Vegas NV 89101; 102-458-6427 I~~j:~ ~i~wA~~h:~;sCAK~~~O~~ ~r:~~~~~60~~50 ~ t~d~~m~t~i C~n~~~ ijft03~O INews 1etter, 26 Christian Home Educators Assoc .• PO Box 2182, Mercer County Home Education Project, 505 1<eStiii1riSterrr~-scem c Or, W Irenton NJ 08628
i:~~fL~~iHu~t~~~i~~ Q~hdCP?~2~~~~17~4~~;6~~~31 ~~AC94~60ed learning, PO Box 2025, San Anse l ~~c~1~i~~ ~~m6)~35~h~gLW~jM~ion. RO 1 Box 2~!1i~~ ;aS~~~oT~h?~Ji ~a~h:~~:~m~v:AN1:~~-~~~~ ~~~~~til~: ~~~_~6~~ond Oene Rd. Escondido CA ~:;m~~~d:\eUNjC~/ni~s2~i:;38~24~3 Smi th St. ~mJr l.A. County Chr i stian Home Educators. 11536 ~09:~3~~625~ (Njj Schoo 1i ng Support Group, Christi an Chapel Sc hool s, Walnut CA; 714-598--Culver ~ity Baptist Temple, Culver City CA;
;13t_;zLo_nng ~Calvary Chapel, Paramount CA~ 'B'=5T6o Oak Meadow Sc hool. PO Bo x G. Ojai CA 93023;
College Dr, Norwalk CA 90650 Mendocino Count* Homeschoolers. PO 80x 626. Boonvllie cA 9515 San Dieso Homebased learners, 9 174 Rosedale ur=:-Or40'6SPrlng Valley cA~445-3536 or 265
New Mexico Home Educators. PO Box 13383, Albu
querque NM 8/192
~hath;~hNyli2037xChange, 18 Washington Av,
n~~~eB~~nk~~~! 1~y S~~~~l ~ ~g~~~2~~6~jater. RD North Carolinians for Home Education, 691 Dr, concord NC 28025 grams 'M~~~;:l U3~ Mu~~~;~g:~s~~~o~;~f~: ~:8~~ ?EYn~Ag9;~8t S6~9~~65~~j~4 E1 k 1 rai 1, Yucca Val- ~::/St~aV~~ ~~;!e~AH9i405~021j~;86~~~~~ Van Sportsman North Dakota Home School Assoc .• 721 N 14th w,-rargo-mr 581 02 ~:~~~~c~:~:~~ ~~~ l~~~ of Education, Saskatoon. j1brim Christian Schoo l, Maywood CA; 213-585- ~t~t~a~a[!a~d~0~~~19~t415:3~~:~~1~eatty Christian Home Schoo1ers of Ohio, PO Box 302, Cuyahoga Fa II s oR 44221; 4 j 9-289-8013 2Ah9262~learning, PO Box 92, Escondido 5~~~d:;oO~~:r Sc~086~2~ Network, 1902 S. Univ, ~~;t~~U~ N~~~i5 School of Ed, Boston Ohio Coalition of Educational Alternatives Now. PO Box 094, thompson OH 44086 0 tus, T~;~h:~b~~~c:~:~~' s~~:~~~eP~~~'l j;eri S:c~~~:ni~CAn~~~ I~' 3031 Frank 1; n Blvd, ~1~d:a~~ 1~~;~~gsP~~s SCS ~~~~~~~th NOrthwest Ok lahoma Regi on, 2008 foI,eadowbrook, Hughes Pl, Syracuse NY 132 10 §reS Decor School, Suite 219. 8388 Vickers Connecticut HOOle Schoolers, 82 Woodlan d St, Ponca Clty OK 14604 Andy Peterson, licensed Psycholog ist, 25 , a'ii"'1fle9~2111; 619-268-3828 Menden ci O~~ OKC Home Schoolers. 14212 Piedmont Rd. Pied mont OK 13018; 405-373-1098 Rose H~~!~r~m~~~~~rio~~~6~~~OOl superinten ~}626~r71~2_~~~'8-D Adams Av, Costa Mesa CA ~H;:i~:r~:~~~ ' F?32~4~~0~64~4B~ _=' Rt 3 Box Oklahoma Home-School Assoc .• PO 80x 148. Jenks dent, 189 Antelope Tr, Parker CO 80134 Pinewood School . Rt 2 Box 409, Pine CO 80470; Fla. Parent Educator s Association , 9245 Wood OK 14031 run Rd. pensacola FL .: 25f4 ~ 904 -477-9642 Charles Pregger (History - SUNY) 19 lar 838-4418 Christian Home Schools. 8731 NE Everett, Port nard St. Potsdam NY 13676 Grassroots Free School. 555 Ocala Rd. Tallahas- Creative Mind. 4953 Womack Av. Acworth GA 30101 j and OR 97220 'S05"-o4o~5l0"--
~an ~iegO
Home schoo 1ers, 3581 Mt Aclare Av, lego CA 92111
31 Christian Life Workshops, 180 SE Kane Av,
Gresham OR 97030
Homeschoolers of Klamath Co., 3934 Rio Vista
Way, Klamath Falls OR 976UJ; 884-4275
Homeschoolers of Lane County, 1315 Jay St,
Eugene OR 9740Z;-688-0794
PENCIL (East Pa.), 117 Broad St, Malvern PA
Education Otherwise, 25 Common Ln, Hemingford Abbots, Cambs. PE 18 9AN, England Manitoba Assoc. for Schooling at Home, 776 Victor St, Wlnnlpeg R3E IY6 Newsletter about Alternatives, 1/ 186 Staple ford Cres, Browns Bay, Auckland 10, New Zealand Ontario Home Schoolers Newsletter, PO Box m-s;----6688, Sta. A, Toronto Onto MSW IX5 Pennsylvania Unschoolers Network, RD 2 Box Prunes, 120 Eskdale Rd, Auckland 10, New 181, York Sprlngs pA 1737~528-4049 TeaTaild Pocono Homeschoolers Association, 717-421-5022 Puerto Rico Home SChoolin Association, 503 y (Stroudsburg pAl ~t, Santurce PR 009 2 Western Pa. Homeschoolers, RD 2, Kittanning PA Quebec Homeschoolin~ Advisory, 4650 Acadia, 16201; 412-783-6512 racnTne Que. H8T IN Rhode Islanders for Constitutional Education, World-Wide Educational Service, Strode House, 401-274-8897 (RI) 44750 Osnaburgh St, Lonaron-NWT 3NN, England Home Schoolers of South Carolina, 401 Elm Vil lage, Summervllie SC 29483; 803-871-9309 ASSIST, PO Box 1321, Knoxville TN 37901 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS l1'OiiieTducation Association of Tenn. (HEAT), 3677 Rlchbrlar Ct, Nashvllie TN j72 11 These educational. child-raising, or Christian Home Ed. Group of San Antonio, 12170 self-reliance organizations are good sources New Sulphur-5P9s Rd, Adklns rx-7~ of help and allies. Again, a self-addressed Texas Family Schools Co-op, PO Box 466, Elgin stamped envelope is appreciated. TT78621 Texas Home Education Coa lition, 1112 Mill Education Voucher Institute, 26211 Central sprTng~chardson TX 75080 ; 231-983B Park Blvd, SUlte 324, Southfield MI 48076 Utah Home Education Association, PO Box 6338, EVAN-G, 977 Keeler Av, Berkeley CA 94708 (on ~raxe-Clty OT 84106; 801-261-3521 corporal punishment) How.e Educators Assoc. of Vir inia, PO Box Homesteaders NeWS, Naples NY 14512 15266, R1Chmona~27; 80 -266-6652 La Leche League-Tnternational, 9616 Minne Family Learning Association, E 7015 Uhlig, Spo apolls Av, Franklln Park IL 60131 ~ 99207; 509-467-2552 Latebloomers Consultin~ Service, PO Box 2647, Natura 1 Learni ng Network, Spokane WA; 326-0267 Berke Iey cA 94702 (on L. D. " ) ~ Alternat~cation Association, Mothering Magazine, PO Box 8410, Santa Fe NM 486-2 49, Tonasket wA 87504 Teachin~ Parents Assoc., 16109 NE 169th Pl, National Assoc for the Le~al Support of Alter Woodlnvll~~483-6642 natlve ScnooT5'(NALsAs), 0 Box 2823, Santa Fe Alternatives in Education, Rt 3 Box 305, Chloe 87501 WV 25235 National Coalition for Alternative Community Homeschool Education Association, Rt 1 Box Schools, 1289 Jewett st, Ann Arbor MI 48104 352, Alderson WV 24910 (Dlrectory of schools $5) Homeschoolers of Wisconsin, W8229 Tower St, National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Onalaska WI 54050; 608-783-7779 Chlldren, 395 Dlamond Hli I Rd, Warwlck RI 02886 Wisconsin Parents' Assoc., PO Box 2502, Madi Network for Educational Travel, 1853 East son WI 53701; 715-5~0 Shore Dr, Ithaca NY 1485~ Wyoming Home Educators Network (WHEN) 15B W Nurturing Magazine, 22-1121 Sandhurst Cir, Harney, Laramle WY 8207~ Scarborough, Onto Canada M1V lV4 ~~93;ng3HOme Schoolers, Box 1386, Lyman WY ;04dj8~ Post, PO Box 752, Concord NC 28025; ; UT-"7B7-6728 - ' -193U (buy/sell used homesch. materials)
These lists may be reproduced in full or in part only if the source is credited as "GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING, 729 Boylston St, Boston MA 02116."
ing ... most enjoyable." Also excel. Eng. read ing prog available. From International Linguis tics, 401 W89th St, Kansas City MO 64114 AT LAST! Something really new for homeschoolers Complete curriculum. Learning activities for afterschoolers, t oo. More information $1 to LEARNING AT HOME, Box 270-G, Honaunau, HI 96726 Man,40,nature-loving atheist,intense&articulate thinker,goodwithhands,fit nonsmoker stil ldreams of somewhat similar woman of child -bearing age to share in planning / homeschooling large rural
~~~~=~~~~~=~=-~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~=~~~~~~~~= Free Educational Resources - Descriptions and addresses of free films, books, information, and posters geared toward ages 5-13. Send $3.50 to: Michele Wagman Sokoloff, 502 Woodside Avenue, Narberth, PA 19072.
BEAUTIFUL T-SHIRTS - HOMESCHOOLING, NUTRITION, FAMILY &PEACE DESIGNS. Send Stamp for catalog: FINGERPRINTS-GS 1848 Clay,PortTownsend WA 98368 WHY DO BA8IES CRY? Send large self-add. stamped envelope for FREE new i nformation to: Shining Star Press, P.O. Box 206- 10, Goleta, CA 93 116 Looking for other homeschoolers to move to this rural area . Near large University town. Taylor PO Box 281 Archer FL 32618. Prefer 4-6 yr. olds Are your children learning to THINK? Give them games and activities that challenge! THINKING IS FUN! 1920 Winterberry, Fort Collins,CO 80526 FROG MOUNTAIN SOFTWARE offers quality educa tional software to GWS readers at substantial discounts from normal retail prices--all major programs available (for home & business too).We have a recommended list for nonviolent creative software for all ages.Write for free catalog or send your specif ic requests for particular pro grams to 1442A Walnut,Suite 227 BerkeleyCA94709 ABILITIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATES A non-profit public Foundation, providing aca demic study programs for Home Learners, pre school through high school, legal protection, resources,books,curriculum assistance,and coun seling. The Individual Learner's Curriculum (ILCS)is designed to help the child be "his own teacher." The ILCS is non-parochial, yet is developmental in the "doing" actions of the subject guides. For information about ARA, KEYS TO LEARNING, or ANAHEIM FOUNDATION SCHOOL iJnd sample copy of CALIFORNIA NETWORK NEWS send SASE and $ ARA,2650TrojanPl,Anaheim,Ca92804
Christian Family Educational Services, PO Box 47159, Phoenlx Az 85068 Family Centered Learni~~Magazine, 26611 SR "5"3lJ"N'r, Ar 11 ng toi'lWA9m 3 ~29w~nS1Without SChoolin~, Holt Associates, WANT ADS oy ston St, Boston A 02116 Hewitt Research Ctr (Dr. Raymond Moore) PO Box Rates for ads: $5 per line (up to 47 spaces). ~ougal WA 98671; 206-B35-2736 Please tell these folks you saw the ad in GWS. Home Education Magazine, PO Box 21B, Tonasket WA 98855; 509-486-2449 FOR.LANG.TAPES THE LEARNABLES - Span. Ger. Fr. WHEN YOU WRITE US Home Education Resource Ctr, PO Box 124, Mont Please - (1) Put separate items of busi
Eng. & Russian taught by audlo-picture system. Vernon NR 03057; 603-673-7666 (SASE required) ness on separate sheets of paper. (2) Put your
From GoWS #3 1 "... promotes the fastest learn Home Education Workshops, Homesteading School, r - - - RD 2, Oxford NY 13830 Home School HeadjUarters, PO Box 366, Fremont NE 68025; 402-72 -9642 : RENEWALS Home Schoo l ~Defense Association, PO Box On the reverse side of this page is a form you can use t o renew 2091, Washlngtonl)r2UO"T3; 202-737-0030 I your subscription. Please help us by ren ewing early. Learnin~ Edge, 2310 Bernard, Lansing MI 48910 How can you tell when your subscription expires? Look at this Natlona Association of Home Educators, PO Box sample label: 2487, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33303; 30S-S2S-6014 National Institute for Christian Home Educa tlon, Rt 3 Box 543, Rustburg VA 24588 12345 NatTonal Parents Lijafie, PO Box 3987, Portland JIM & MARY JONES OR 97208; 503-62827 01 42 National Assoc. for Legal Support of Alterna 16 MAIN ST tlve Scho~x 2823, Santa Fe NM 87S01 Natlonal Coalition of Alternative Community PLAINVILLE NY 01111 Schoo Is, 1289 Jewett St, Ann Arbor MI 48104 fender Tutor, 2770 S 1000 W, Perry UT 84302 OUTSIDE OF U. S.
The number that is underlined in the sample tells the I number of the final issue for the subscription. The Jones' Alberta Home Schooling Information Service, 45 sub expires with Issue #4Z, the next issue. But if we were Haysboro-crescent SW, Calgary T2V 3GI I to receive their renewal before we sent our final account Alternative Education Resource Group, 54 Park I changes to the mailing house (early December), they would St, Hawthorn 3122, Australla qualify for the free bonus issue. Canadian Alliance of Home Schoolers, 195 Mark Renewal rates are the same as for new subscriptions: I $15 for 6 issues, $27 for 12 issues, $36 for 18 issues. If vllle Rd, Onlonvl1~~ L3R 4V8 that number in the third line of your l abel is 41, 42, 43, Education Advisory, 2267 Kings Av, WVancouver B.c. canada V7V 2Cl I etc, please renew ~ - rates will never get any cheaper . GROWING WITHOUT SCHOOLING #42
32 name and address at the top of each letter. (3) If you ask questions, enclose a se1f addressed ~tamped envelope. (4) Tell us if it's OK to publish your letter, and whether to use your name with the story. CHILDREN WANTING PEN PALS Pen Pals Wanted: (Children should send name, age, address, and 1-3 words on inter ests) - SOTO, 674 Frontenac Av, Los Angeles CA 90065: Vanessa (11) swimming, writing, read ing; Cancion (9) swimming, reading, stickers; tvan (3) swimming, Matchbox, Legos --- Har rison HAMILL (4) 2214 Grant St, Berkeley CA 94703; books, music, travelling --- Megan HUSS (10) 2399 Coventry Rd, Columbus OH 43221; music, spelling, stickers --- Lana STENERSEN (14) 11823 NE 212th Av, Brush Prairie WA 98606 - -- Ginny 8ARKER (8) 11946 Bidawee Way, Felton CA 95018; nature, swimming, books --- Elise CURRIE-ROBERTS (3) "36-1120 Summit Av, Victor ia BC Canada V8T 2P7; sandbox, swimmi ng, paint ing --- Sean CORCORAN (10) PO Box 10, Mountain View MO 65548; fishing, bicycles, music -- JEWETT, 318 E 29th St, Bremerton WA 98310: Seth (13) bowling, soccer, reading; Andrea (10) horses, stickers, shells --- Molly SMITH (10) Rt 2 Box 221, Shelbyville IN 46176; cats, history, reading --- SHETLAND, 1309 Meadow brook Dr, Syracuse NY 13224: Jeremy (6) bike, math, reading; Caleb (5) art, cat s, rhymes -- Maureen STEPHAN (8) 148 E ~itche 11 , Ci ncinnati OH 45217; cats, gymnastics, art --- GINGOLD, PO Box 60, Midpines CA 95345: Jeremiah (8) mys teries, codes, science; Serena (6) cou ntry liv ing, Cabbage-Patch --- WARE, Rt 4 Box 243-A, Waynesboro TN 38485: Summer (8) horses, dolls, reading; Gabriel (10) horses, building - - GILL, Rt 1 So. Box 2379, Cascade MT 59421: Stephen (14) drawing, sports, hunting; William (13) sports, models, hunting --- Sharo n AMOS (10) General Delivery, New Hope KY 40052; swim ming, stickers, reading --- Lisa PAKENHAM (9) South Head Rd, He1ensvi11e, R. D. 1, New Zea land; tennis, stamps, ballet --- Eric-TRURNER ~242-73 61 Av, Douglaston NY 11362; music, dinosaurs, animals --- Kelly GUERKE (10) 379 Fiddlers Green, Dover DE 19901; reading, cook ing, mail --- DUNCAN, N 398 Wolf Rd, Monroe WI 53566; Heidi (9) horses, piano, swimming; Ben (6) biking, farming, swimming --- SMITH, PO Box 7, Charlotte VT 05445: Jenni11e (7) read ing, writing, dancing; Eli (5) tools, build ing, art; Ash1eigh (3) chickens, singing, mail --- Jeannie MISHOE (8) 29 Rosemont Ct, Hunting ton WV 25705; acrobatics, animals, plants -- MONTAGUE, 110 Carter St, Borger TX 79007 : Amy (13) sewing, cooking, pencils; Eric (12) Scouts, woodcarving, rocks; Aaron (10) wood working, leatherwork, stamps; Annette (8) cook ing, music, stickers; Philip (6) reading, Legos, Play-Doh; Heidi (4) Play-Doh, readi ng, dolls --- THOMAS, 2854 Virginia Av, Redding CA
96003-0605 : Jeremy (6) bicycle, building, fish ing; Julian (3) bugs, trucks, painting --- Zoe GILLISPIE (6) 18100 Cooper Rd, Nevada City CA 95959; horses, hiking, babies --- McCONNELL, RD 2 Box 136, Mannsville NY 13661: Rachae1 (11) swimming, reading, horses ; Amy (8) vio
lin, codes, animals
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